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Agenda Heritage Preservation Commission City Of Edina, Minnesota Community Room Tuesday, February 11, 2020 7:00 PM I.Call To Order II.Roll Call III.Approval Of Meeting Agenda IV.Approval Of Meeting Minutes A.January 14, 2020 HPC Minutes V.Community Comment During "Community Comment," the Board/Commission will invite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board/Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Board/Commission might refer the matter to sta% for consideration at a future meeting. VI.Reports/Recommendations A.2020 Work Plan B.H-20-2 4600 Browndale Avenue COA C.Chair and Vice Chair Elections VII.Chair And Member Comments VIII.Sta0 Comments A.Updated 2020 HPC Schedule IX.Adjournment The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampli4cation, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Date: February 11, 2020 Agenda Item #: IV.A. To:Heritage Preservation Commission Item Type: Minutes From:Emily Bodeker, Assistant City Planner Item Activity: Subject:January 14, 2020 HPC Minutes Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the January 14, 2020 HPC minutes. INTRODUCTION: ATTACHMENTS: Description 1-14-20 Minutes Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Heritage Preservation Commission Edina City Hall Tuesday, January 14, 2020 I. Call To Order Chair Birdman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. II. Roll Call Answering roll call were members Lonnquist, Schilling, Widmoyer, Nymo, Blake, Chair Birdman and student member Maheshwari. Emily Bodeker, staff liaison, and Robert Vogel, Preservation Consultant, were also in attendance. III. Approval of Meeting Agenda Motion made by Lonnquist seconded by Blake to approve the meeting agenda as submitted. All voted aye. The motion carried. IV. Approval of Meeting Minutes Motion made by Nymo seconded by Blake to approve the meeting minutes from December 10, 2019. All voted aye. The motion carried. V. Community Comment: None VI. Reports/Recommendations A. COA: 4508 Bruce Avenue Staff Liaison Bodeker explained that the certificate of appropriateness request for 4508 Bruce Avenue was for the demolition of the existing attached garage and the new attached garage being proposed. The proposed addition was off of the rear of the existing home. The applicant was in attendance and answered Commission questions and clarifications. Motion made by Nymo seconded by Schilling to approve the Certificate of Appropriateness for 4508 Bruce Avenue. B. Sketch Plan-4600 Browndale Ave Chuck Levin presented the sketch plan project at 4600 Browndale Ave. The plan had a side loading garage, an addition off of the rear of the existing home, two second story balconies off of Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: the front facing façade, a small addition off of the front façade, and a change in the driveway placement on the site. The Commission provided non-binding comments to the designer. Generally, the Commission had concerns about the decks on the second story on the front facing façade and the car park area in the front yard. They felt that it was modern and intrusive. C. COA Policy/Processes Liaison Bodeker shared updated COA applications with the Commission and informed them that the notification area for COAs has been changed to 200 feet and that she will update the website with the applications and information and post an example of the notice on the website for people to view. The Commission complimented staff on the execution of updating the COA applications and process. D. Country Club Resurvey Staff shared the list of COAs by street and year with the Commission based on conversations that took place at the December meeting. The Commission asked if the list could be made into an excel spreadsheet. E. Heritage Award Liaison Bodeker explained that the HPC wanted to start discussing the Heritage Award earlier in the year. She also asked the Commission to assign one member to this work plan item. She explained that the process should be similar to how the HRRC awards the Tom Oye award. This commissioner would help with the application, press releases, presenting the award to Council, etc. Jane Lonnquist volunteered to be the lead Commissioner for the Heritage Award. Commissioner Blake left at 8:40 pm. VII. Chair and Member Comments: None VIII. Staff Comments A. 2020 HPC Work Plan Staff Liaison Bodeker informed the HPC that the Council approved work plan is attached to their packets. IX. Adjournment The meeting ended at 8:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Emily BodekerEmily BodekerEmily BodekerEmily Bodeker Date: February 11, 2020 Agenda Item #: VI.A. To:Heritage Preservation Commission Item Type: Other From:Emily Bodeker, Assistant City Planner Item Activity: Subject:2020 Work Plan Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: INTRODUCTION: Initiative #4: Heritage Award-Jane Initiative #5: Preservation Month Walking Tour-Annie & Jane ATTACHMENTS: Description 2020 Work Plan Heritage Award Ideas Powerpoint Heritage Preservation 2020 DRAFT Commission Work Plan Template Initiative #1 Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge Ongoing Ongoing 3 (review and recommend) Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Funds available Staff Liaison Preservation Consultant-Robert Vogel Initiative #2 Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge Ongoing Ongoing 3 (review and recommend) Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Funds available Staff Liaison Preservation Consultant-Robert Vogel Initiative #3 Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge Ongoing Ongoing 4 (review and decide) Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Funds available Staff Liaison Preservation Consultant-Robert Vogel Initiative #4 Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge Ongoing May-20 4 (review and decide) Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Progress Report: Review and Recommend Evaluate and recommend potential properties to be added to the Heritage Preservation eligible landmark list. All Commission Award the 2020 Edina Heritage Award during National Preservation Month in May. Use different media outlets to help increase awareness during the Progress Report: Review and Recommend Invite owners of determined eligible properties to designate their properties as Edina Heritage Landmarks and recommend to Planning Commission and City Council. All Commission Review and Decide Progress Report: Review and decide on Certificates of Appropriateness (COA) applications for changes to heritage landmark designated properties. All Commission Review and Decide Funds available , CTS - 5 hrs Initiative #5 Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge Event May-20 4 (review and decide) Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Funds available Liaison - 5 hrs, CTS Initiative #6 Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge New Dec-20 2 (review and comment) Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Funds available Staff Liaison Preservation Consultant-Robert Vogel Initiative #7 Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge Continue Dec-20 2 (review and comment) Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Funds available Staff Liaison Preservation Consultant-Robert Vogel Initiative #8 Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge Dec-20 Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Staff Liaison NA Preservation Consultant-Robert Vogel nomination period to increase interest. All Commission Review and Comment Progress Report: Review and Decide Coordinate a public walking tour around the Edina Country Club golf course area to view historic properties and pieces of the Edina Mill. All Commission, Lead: Annie Schilling Progress Report: Progress Report: Review and Comment Continue the 2019 resurvey of the Country Club District and review the plan of treatment. All Commission Review and comment on staff's adminstrative process improvement for Certificates of Apprpriateness. All Commission Progress Report: Review and Decide Apply for CLG grant to test the archeological model. All Commission Initiative #9 Initiative Type Completion Date Continue Ongoing 2 (review and comment) Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support NA Progress Report: Progress Report: Review and Comment Appoint up to two members members to provide feedback on HRRC's initiative (#4) to create an assessment rubric / recommendation process for City facility artwork and décor before final recommendation goes to City Heritage Preservation Award Nomination update for 2-11-20 meeting Process: ✔Review and revise press release ✔Review and revise nomination form: Current: Nominations are now being accepted for the 2020 Heritage Award. The Heritage Award is given to a local business, person or neighborhood for their commitment to preserving, rehabilitating or restoring a historical place in Edina. The Edina Heritage Award is given to an individual, family, company or organization that has contributed to the historic fabric of the community and made an outstanding contribution to the preservation, rehabilitation, restoration and use of Edina’s heritage resource. The heritage resource must be located in the City of Edina. Proposed:Nominations are now being accepted for the 2020 Heritage Preservation Award. This award is given to a person, business, or neighborhood for a commitment to preserving, rehabilitating or restoring a historical place in Edina. The Heritage Preservation Commission selects a recipient each year who has strengthened the historic fabric of the community through protection, improvement, or use of a place within Edina that represents a piece of the community’s heritage. ⌧Expand nomination publicity and input -ideas? Idea: Bredesen Park Enhancement Effort:Bredesen Park was recently complimented with the addition of the Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail. That project was spearheaded by the Three Rivers Parks District and it completed a route that reaches from Minnetonka to Minneapolis via dedicated trail. History:This park was the first big project of long-time Park Director Bob Kojetin, who shared that the site was originally intended to become a 150-acre lake. But public understanding of the ecological value of wetlands was growing and in (year?) Bredesen was made a natural park instead, preserving the woods and wetlands as they stood. In addition to serving as Edina Park Director, Bob served for 17 years on the citizen’s advisory council of the Nine Mile Watershed Board. Bob shared that the decision to build a cycling trail in addition to a pedestrian trail was prompted by the tragic death of a woman hike by a bike while walking the single trail that formerly circled Lake Harriet. Overview:Bredesen Park is located off Vernon Avenue and Olinger Boulevard. Bredesen, a 206-acre park, features over two miles of walking, jogging and biking paths that surround Nine Mile Creek. The bike path is 2.1 miles in length and the walking path is two miles. The park also includes bathrooms and drinking fountains. Nature trails weave through the center of the park, offering views of the creek and wildlife. Other Ideas: From last meeting: -Golden Years From last year: -4610 Browndale renovation and addition 1932 English Tudor Revival, original site of the farmhouse of Henry F. Brown, the Minneapolis lumberman who purchased Edina Mill and established a large farm, famous for its Scotch-bred short-horned cattle. In 1922 Samuel Thorpe purchased the Browndale Farm, as well as the Craik Farm and a portion of the Baird Homestead to develop the Country Club District. Browndale Avenue is named after this farm and follows an early farm road that had many large trees planted along its sides. Date: February 11, 2020 Agenda Item #: VI.B. To:Heritage Preservation Commission Item Type: Report and Recommendation From:Emily Bodeker, Assistant City Planner Item Activity: Subject:H-20-2 4600 Browndale Avenue COA Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the Certificate of Appropriateness for 4600 Browndale Avenue subject to the findings and conditions listed in the staff report. INTRODUCTION: See staff report attached. ATTACHMENTS: Description Staff Report Memo-Preservation Consultant Vogel Applicant Submittal Aerial Map February 11, 2020 Heritage Preservation Commission Emily Bodeker, Assistant City Planner Certificate of Appropriateness: 4600 Browndale Avenue- Changes to the front façade and a change in driveway location and curb cut Information / Background: The subject property, 4600 Browndale Avenue is on the west side of Browndale Avenue, east of the Mill pond. The home is a two-story Tudor Revival style home that was built in 1929. The Certificate of Appropriateness request entails changes to the front façade (Browndale Avenue) and changing the location of the existing garage from the rear of the property to the south side of the existing house, ultimately changing the location of the driveway and curb cut. The proposed project also includes an addition off the rear of the existing house that is not visible from the street facing façade. The proposed addition off the front façade will be consistent with the current building materials of stucco, stone, wood and wooden shingles. The proposed rear addition will also use stucco, stone and painted wood but in different proportions than the front facing façade. The applicant’s intent is to use stone around the foundation and maximize the use of glass. Primary Issues: The project entails converting the existing garage to living space and replace it with a new attached side load garage located on the south side of the house within existing living space (not an addition). The proposed project also includes alterations to the street facing façade including the addition of a new front porch, a second-floor balcony, addition, demolition of the smaller brick secondary chimney, window replacement and moving windows. These proposed changes are what requires a certificate of appropriateness. The project also includes an addition off the rear of the existing home. The proposed addition is not visible from the street. If this addition was proposed without the proposed changes outlined above, a certificate of appropriateness would not be required. STAFF REPORT Page 2 Preservation Consultant Robert Vogel’s Comments: “I have reviewed the plans and other information provided in relation to the COA application for alteration of the principal street facing façade of the house located at 4600 Browndale Avenue in the Country Club District. The subject property is a 2-story residence built in 1929. For planning purposes, the house is classified as an example of the Tudor Revival style. It is not individually eligible for heritage landmark designation but contributes to the historic significance and integrity of the Country Club District and is therefore considered a heritage preservation resource. The owners propose to demolish the existing attached garage and replace it with a new attached garage, described as a “side-yard facing triple garage inserted into the existing structure (and not an addition).” The proposed project also includes alterations to the principal (street-facing) façade, including the addition of a new front porch, a second-floor balcony, demolition of the smaller brick chimney (“secondary chimney”), and window replacement. In my opinion, the proposed attached garage relocation would comply with the standards for rehabilitation of historic properties. The work will be located on a secondary elevation and does not require demolition or alteration of significance historic character defining features. Relocation of the driveway, removal of the existing driveway, and the associated landscaping should not have an adverse effect on the historic preservation resource. The proposed alterations to the front entry area and the addition of the porch and balcony appropriate to the property. No distinctive architectural features important to the historic integrity of the façade will be destroyed. Based on the plans presented with the COA application, the front porch and balcony work appears have been designed to minimize the destruction of historic fabric and the essential form and integrity of the façade will not be compromised. The standards for rehabilitation do not discourage contemporary designs for alterations and additions if the new work does not destroy significant historic material and is designed to be compatible with the historic property in size, scale, and material. The proposed window renovation work raises some important preservation concerns. Replacement of existing windows with modern, energy efficient windows is consistent with preservation guidelines so long as the new windows match the design of the old. Introducing new window openings into the street-facing elevations would be viewed as appropriate if the work was required for efficiency. However, altering the size of so many of the window openings on the house’s principal façade is not consistent with rehabilitation standards. Pattern of fenestration (the arrangement of windows and doors) is a character-defining aspect of the historic Tudor Revival style. Removal of the old window shutters and the “secondary” brick chimney constitute minor alterations in my opinion and should not impair the architectural integrity of the house. I was pleased to read that the owners plan to retain and preserve the faux half-timbering, which is a distinguishing characteristic of Tudor style homes in the district. If replacement is necessary, the new material should visually match the material being replaced in the amount of wall area covered as well as composition, color, and texture.” STAFF REPORT Page 3 Overall, I think the owners and their architect have done a good job responding to the issues framed by the HPC during the site plan review process. The proposed undertaking will transform the property by adding several new architectural features, substantially increasing its mass, and entirely altering is secondary elevations (especially on the creek side), but the essential character of the 1929 façade will be preserved and the property will continue to contribute to the historic character of the district as a whole. Staff Recommendation & Findings: Staff concurs with Consultant Vogel’s evaluation of the proposed plans for 4600 Browndale Avenue, also recommending approval of the Certificate of Appropriateness request. Findings supporting the recommendation include: • The plans showing the new garage location comply with the standards for rehabilitation of historic properties. • The essential character of the 1929 façade will be preserved and the property will continue to contribute to the historic character of the district as a whole. • The information provided supporting the subject Certificate of Appropriateness meets the requirements of the Country Club District Plan of Treatment. Conditions for approval: • Any changes to the proposed plans would require review from the Heritage Preservation Commission. • The additions and balcony off the front façade of the home should be designed so that if they were to be removed, they would not damage the essential form and integrity of the street facing façade. • The applicant is required to work with the Engineering Department on additional approvals and permits for the new curb cut. MEMORANDUM TO: Emily Bodeker FROM: Robert Vogel DATE: February 4, 2020 SUBJECT: COA for 4600 Browndale Avenue I have reviewed the plans and other information provided in relation to the COA application for alteration of the principal street facing façade of the house located at 4600 Browndale Avenue in the Country Club District. The subject property is a 2-story residence built in 1929. For planning purposes, the house is classified as an example of the Tudor Revival style. It is not individually eligible for heritage landmark designation but contributes to the historic significance and integrity of the Country Club District and is therefore considered a heritage preservation resource. The owners propose to demolish the existing attached garage and replace it with a new attached garage, described as a “side-yard facing triple garage inserted into the existing structure (and not an addition).” The proposed project also includes alterations to the principal (street-facing) façade, including the addition of a new front porch, a second-floor balcony, demolition of the smaller brick chimney (“secondary chimney”), and window replacement. In my opinion, the proposed attached garage relocation would comply with the standards for rehabilitation of historic properties. The work will be located on a secondary elevation and does not require demolition or alteration of significance historic character defining features. Relocation of the driveway, removal of the existing driveway, and the associated landscaping should not have an adverse effect on the historic preservation resource. The proposed alterations to the front entry area and the addition of the porch and balcony appropriate to the property. No distinctive architectural features important to the historic integrity of the façade will be destroyed. Based on the plans presented with the COA application, the front porch and balcony work appears have been designed to minimize the destruction of historic fabric and the essential form and integrity of the façade will not be compromised. The standards for rehabilitation do not discourage contemporary designs for alterations and additions if the new work does not destroy significant historic material and is designed to be compatible with the historic property in size, scale, and material. The proposed window renovation work raises some important preservation concerns. Replacement of existing windows with modern, energy efficient windows is consistent with preservation guidelines so long as the new windows match the design of the old. Introducing new window openings into the street-facing elevations would be viewed as appropriate if the work was required for efficiency. However, altering the size of so many of the window openings on the house’s principal façade is not consistent with rehabilitation standards. Pattern of fenestration (the arrangement of windows and doors) is a character-defining aspect of the historic Tudor Revival style. Removal of the old window shutters and the “secondary” brick chimney constitute minor alterations in my opinion and should not impair the architectural integrity of the house. I was pleased to read that the owners plan to retain and preserve the faux half-timbering, which is a distinguishing characteristic of Tudor style homes in the district. If replacement is necessary, the new material should visually match the material being replaced in the amount of wall area covered as well as composition, color, and texture. Overall, I think the owners and their architect have done a good job responding to the issues framed by the HPC during the site plan review process. The proposed undertaking will transform the property by adding several new architectural features, substantially increasing its mass, and entirely altering is secondary elevations (especially on the creek side), but the essential character of the 1929 façade will be preserved and the property will continue to contribute to the historic character of the district as a whole. I recommend approval of the COA with the following stipulations: 1. That the new front porch and second-floor balcony should be designed in such a manner that if the new features were to be removed in the future, the essential form and integrity of the façade would be unimpaired. (This is one of the Secretary of the Interior’s standards for rehabilitation, which is, by ordinance, the required basis for HPC decisions with regard to COAs.) 2. The plan for renovation of the house’s street-facing elevations should be revised to avoid substantial alteration of the façade’s historic pattern of fenestration on the house’s street- facing elevations, eliminate alteration in the size of the window openings, and keep the introduction of new window openings to a minimum. Charles 2300 Minneapolis T: 612.729.5333 Levin Milwaukee Minnesota F: 612.729.8351 Architects Avenue 55404-3150 E: chuck@clevin.com Narrative in support of an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness 1581 Wyrobek Page 1 of 3 1/24/20 Scope of Exterior Work Project: Wyrobek Residence Project No. 1581 Date: January 24, 2020 Subject: 4600 Browndale Application for Certificate of Appropriateness GENERAL Nico and Kris Wyrobek recently purchased 4600 Browndale and intend to rehabilitate the property to accommodate their family of eight (with another on the way). The project has previously appeared before the Heritage Preservation Board for ‘sketch review.’ Feedback received has been incorporated into the project resulting in a design that the Owners and their Architect believe to be consistent with Edina’s Historic Country Club District Plan of Treatment. Following is a listing of major components of the project: RELOCATED GARAGE AND RELATED CHANGES TO THE CURB CUT AND DRIVEWAY As now presented, the project will include a new curb cut from Browndale and a new driveway along the south side of the property as allowed by Edina regulations. The driveway will serve a side-yard facing triple garage inserted into the existing structure (not an addition). • Please note that curb cut conversations are underway with Kim and Ben Bercaw, the south neighbors, at 4602 Browndale and Zuley Marquez and Chad Milner of the Edina Engineering Department and. Zuly responded on 1/21/20: “No issues with the updated proposal” • Among the several reasons for moving the garage are: (1) the existing driveway is entered directly from the Bridge/Browndale intersection which is a safety hazard; (2) the existing driveway pinches to less than 7.5 feet wide as it passes the house and is on a slope on the creek side – again, a safety and maneuvering problem, and (3) the Owners prefer that the garage be more accessible to the 1st floor. • The existing driveway on the north side of the property will be removed. NEW FRONT PORCH WITH 2ND FLOOR BALCONY • A proposed change to the street façade is a new roofed front porch with a 2nd floor balcony. As can be seen in the existing photos, the current size and appearance of the front steps, landing and door are curiously modest. The Owners look forward to their family being involved in the Country Club neighborhood street life and very much want a front porch gathering space. It’s surprising that a house of this size did not have a developed entry as do so many of the other Country Club houses of this general size and style. Anyone receiving this document is obliged to immediately inform Charles Levin Architects of any errors or misunderstandings represented. 1581 Wyrobek Scope of Exterior Work Page 2 of 3 1/24/20 • The new Porch occupies substantially the same width as the existing roof and half- timbered wall over the front door. The fascia of the new roof construction will match the existing roof over the entry door. The columns will be timer in the same size as the existing 2nd floor ½ timbering. The railing will be a simple wrought iron design. The balcony will be hidden by the roof profile. MUD ROOM ADDITION WITH 2ND FLOOR BALCONY • A ninety square foot addition is proposed for the southeast corner to provide additional Mud Room space as well as a 2nd floor balcony. The balcony railing will match the new front Porch balcony railing. The two new exterior walls will be set back several inches to articulate the addition as a new object and to provide an edge to capture the new stone veneer base. WINDOW SIZES • It is proposed that several windows be relocated and/or changed in size. Please refer to the elevations for more information. These changes are for increased daylight and/or improved elevation composition. CHIMNEYS • The main chimney will be rehabilitated; the secondary chimney will be removed since it will not be needed. LANDSCAPING • Existing landscaping will be reworked. Vines will be removed to repair the stucco and plant materials too close to the house will be removed for foundation repair excavation. final landscape plan will be developed by our landscape architect. BOULEVARD AND SIDEWALK GRADE • A significant challenge is the relation of the street to the front yard. Pedestrian access from street parking is cumbersome since the boulevard slopes steeply up from the curb to the sidewalk and there are no steps. Since the new curb cut will require lowering a portion of the boulevard and sidewalk grade, the Owners and the Engineering Department are considering the possibility of lowering the entire boulevard and sidewalk to curb level and relocating the grade change to the house side (west) of the sidewalk. Final decisions about this aspect of the project are dependent on possible utility conflicts and the cost of the work. MISCELLANEOUS • Windows o Existing shutters will be removed and may not be replaced. If they are not reused, they will be saved and stored in the house. o Sills will be rehabilitated: Most are brick (house); some are stone (Porch). o All remaining existing windows will be replaced with more energy efficient thermo- pane windows. • Not yet determined if frame will be completely replaced or rehabilitated – depends on wood frame condition and stucco inset analysis. • Half-timbering: The second floor half-timbering above the entry will be retained. Due to uncertainty about the extent of demo necessary for window replacement, it is uncertain if the half-timbering will be replaced or rehabilitated. o The half-timbering design will be modified to accommodate new doors out to the Porch roof deck. Anyone receiving this document is obliged to immediately inform Charles Levin Architects of any errors or misunderstandings represented. 1581 Wyrobek Scope of Exterior Work Page 3 of 3 1/24/20 • Rainware (gutters and downspouts) currently exist and will continue to be necessary. • The existing living room is sunken with 3 steps. Intent is to raise the floor to be flush which will necessitate raising the two windows flanking the main chimney by 17”. This will have minimal effect on the appearance of the street façade. • Brick and Stone features: The existing building has a smattering of non-functional brick and stone highlights that will be rehabilitated. Some new feature stone will be added in the area of the entry door. ITEMS WITH LITTLE OR NO VISIBILITY FROM THE STREET • Stair dormer: A dormer will be added to the creek side of the roof over a new stairwell and elevator shaft; this will be below the roof ridge, thus will not be visible from the street. • Rear Addition: An addition is planned for the creek side (west). The addition is hardly visible from the street. • 3rd floor south dormer: the width of the Bathroom dormer will be increased. There is no change in appearance from the street since the street facing dimensions do not change. • Window Well: A Basement window and window well will be added to the street facing façade to bring daylight to an otherwise darkened portion of the house. Located to the north of the main chimney, the window will match the window above it. The well will terminate at grade and only the top few inches of the window will be visible on the street façade of the house. • Street facing main gable Basement window to be removed and infilled. OTHER RELATED TOPICS • Discussion is underway with the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District regarding impervious surfaces and site drainage. MATERIALS • Materials used on the street-facing facade will match existing (stucco, stone and wood). Roof will continue to be wood shingles. New woodwork will be painted. Driveway and on- site walkway material is not yet decided. • Addition materials will also use stucco, stone and painted wood, but in different proportions than the original house. Intent is to clad the foundation in stone and to maximize the use of glass. END OF DOCUMENT © 2020 Charles Levin Architects Charles Levin Architects 2300 Milwaukee Avenue Minneapolis Minnesota 55404-3150 P: 612.729.5333 F: 612.729.8351 E: chuck@clevin.com ARCHITECT'S PROJECT #1581 FLOOR PLAN I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Charles A. Levin Registration No. 14672 Date: xx/xx/xxxx WYROBEK FAMILY RESIDENCE DESIGN STUDY FOR 4600 BROWNDALE EDINA, MN DESI G N S T U D Y NOT F O R CON S T R U C TI O N 2:30 PM Fri, Jan 24, 2020 APPLICATION FOR C OF A 1/24/20 A0.1 COVER SHEET SHEET INDEX A0.1 COVER SHEET A0.2.1 PROPERTY SURVEY A0.2.2 PROPERTY SURVEY, SUPPLEMENTAL WITH FRONT SETBACK STUDY (ZONING COMPLIANCE DRAWING) A0.3 LOT COVERAGE CALCULATIONS (ZONING COMPLIANCE DRAWING) A0.4 WALL AREA DEMO CALCULATIONS (ZONING COMPLIANCE DRAWING) A0.5 BASEMENT STORY STUDY (ZONING COMPLIANCE DRAWING) A1.1 SITE PLAN A1.2 CURB CUT (CIVIL) A1.3 CURB CUT (ARCHITECTURAL) A2.0 BASEMENT FLOOR PLAN A3.0 1ST FLOOR PLAN A4.0 2ND FLOOR PLAN A5.0 3RD FLOOR PLAN (ATTIC) A5.1 3rd FLOOR HALF-STORY STUDY (ZONING COMPLIANCE DRAWING) A6.0 CROSS SECTIONS A7.0 STREET ELEVATION (EAST) A7.1 PHOTOS (EAST) RENDERINGS (SEPARATE PDF) A8.1 EAST ELEVATION (RENDERING OF NEW) A8.2 NORTH ELEVATION (RENDERING OF NEW) A8.3 WEST ELEVATION (RENDERING OF NEW) A8.4 SOUTH ELEVATION (RENDERING OF NEW) A8.5 CURB CUT AND SIDEWALK A8.6 BIRD’SEYE VIEWS EXISTING DRAWINGS (SEPARATE PDF) EX.B EXISTING PLAN - BASEMENT EX.1 EXISTING PLAN - 1ST FLOOR EX.2 EXISTING PLAN - 2ND FLOOR EX.3 EXISTING PLAN - 3RD FLOOR (ATTIC) EX.R EXISTING PLAN - ROOF EX.E EXISTING EAST ELEVATION EX.N EXISTING NORTH ELEVATION EX.W EXISTING WEST ELEVATION EX.S EXISTING SOUTH ELEVATION © 2020 Charles Levin Architects Charles Levin Architects 2300 Milwaukee Avenue Minneapolis Minnesota 55404-3150 P: 612.729.5333 F: 612.729.8351 E: chuck@clevin.com ARCHITECT'S PROJECT #1581 FLOOR PLAN I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Charles A. Levin Registration No. 14672 Date: xx/xx/xxxx WYROBEK FAMILY RESIDENCE DESIGN STUDY FOR 4600 BROWNDALE EDINA, MN DESI G N S T U D Y NOT F O R CON S T R U C TI O N 12:06 PM Fri, Jan 24, 2020 APPLICATION FOR C OF A 1/24/20 A0.2.1 PROPERTY SURVEY © 2020 Charles Levin Architects Charles Levin Architects 2300 Milwaukee Avenue Minneapolis Minnesota 55404-3150 P: 612.729.5333 F: 612.729.8351 E: chuck@clevin.com ARCHITECT'S PROJECT #1581 FLOOR PLAN I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Charles A. Levin Registration No. 14672 Date: xx/xx/xxxx WYROBEK FAMILY RESIDENCE DESIGN STUDY FOR 4600 BROWNDALE EDINA, MN DESI G N S T U D Y NOT F O R CON S T R U C TI O N 9:46 AM Fri, Jan 24, 2020 APPLICATION FOR C OF A 1/24/20 32.8' 30.2' 35.00' 42.40' 35.1' LOTS 5 & 6 4604 BROWNDALE LOT 4 4602 BROWNDALE LOT 3 4600 BROWNDALE LOT 7 4610 BROWNDALE AVERAGE SETBACK DIMENSION (OF SUBJECT PROPERTY AND 3 PROPERTIES TO SOUTH (INTERSECTION TO INTERSECTION). INFORMATION USED TO SUPPORT THIS DRAWING COMES FROM SURVEY DRAWINGS OF EACH INDIVIDUAL PROPERTY AS LISTED BELOW. THIS DIAGRAM IS DRAWN TO SCALE AND THE DIMENSIONS SHOWN COME DIRECTLY FROM THE SURVEYOR'S DRAWINGS. LOTS 5 & 6, 4604 BROWNDALE AVE.: THE GREGORY GROUP, INC. (D.B.A. LOT SURVEYS COMPANY). O5/19/19 LOTS 4, 4602 BROWNDALE AVE.: THE GREGORY GROUP, INC. (D.B.A. LOT SURVEYS COMPANY). O6/27/17 LOT 3, 4600 BROWNDALE AVE.: W. BROWN LAND SURVEYING, INC., 04/17/17 THE AVERAGE SETBACK DIMENSION WAS CALCULATED ACCORDING TO THE ZONING CODE, CITY OF EDINA, SECTION 36-439 (1), SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS. 7.5' EXISTING SIDE SETBACK TO HOUSE BROWNDALE AVENUEMINEHAHA CREEK BRIDGE STREET EDGEBROOK PLACE LOT 7, 4610 BROWNDALE AVE.: EGAN, FIELD & NOWAK, INC. O1/28/16, REVISED 05/31/16 28.90 ' N 0 15'30'60' A0.2.2 PROPERTY SURVEY - SUPPLEMENTAL © 2020 Charles Levin Architects Charles Levin Architects 2300 Milwaukee Avenue Minneapolis Minnesota 55404-3150 P: 612.729.5333 F: 612.729.8351 E: chuck@clevin.com ARCHITECT'S PROJECT #1581 FLOOR PLAN I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Charles A. Levin Registration No. 14672 Date: xx/xx/xxxx WYROBEK FAMILY RESIDENCE DESIGN STUDY FOR 4600 BROWNDALE EDINA, MN DESI G N S T U D Y NOT F O R CON S T R U C TI O N 9:47 AM Fri, Jan 24, 2020 APPLICATION FOR C OF A 1/24/20 MAIN LEVEL DECK AREA = 323 S.F. HOUSE FOOTPRINT AREA = 3,447 S.F. (INCLUDES ALL AREAS WITNIN BOLD LINE PERIMETER)NEW STEPS AND LANDINGS: 83 S.F.ADDITION (NEW) 80± SF DRIVEWAY PROPOSED ADDITION SHOWN THUS 26'-0"9'-2"7'-6"11'-11"DRIVEWAYS AND SIDEWALKS NOT INCLUDED IN LOT COVERAGE CALCULATIONS PER EDINA ZONING 36-438 ITEM (1)e.1. NEW STEPS AND LANDINGS: 171 S.F. LOT COVER- AGE PLAN (FOR ZONING COMPLIANCE) Total Site Area: 20,750 s.f. Maximum allowable coverage: 25% Total allowable coverage: 5,188 s.f. Main House area: 3,467 s.f. Unenclosed Decks, Patios and Porches, Steps and Stoops: 793 s.f. Subtotal Coverage: 4,260 s.f Allowance for an unenclosed deck or patio: -150 s.f. (1 thus) Net Total Coverage: 4,110 s.f. = 20% lot coverage LOT COVERAGE CALCULATIONORIGINAL HOUSE1960s ADDITION TO BE DEMOLISHEDA0.3N11' - 6 "7'-4"14'-3"33'-6"14'-0"47'-9"4'-2"5'-1"19'-5"6'-0" FACE OF 1960s ADDITION AT GRADE 6'-1 3/4" 7'-0"7'-6 1/2"23'-5 3/4"12'-0"33'-6"OVERHANGS NOT INCLUDED IN LOT COVERAGE CALCU- LATIONS PER EDINA ZONING 36-438 ITEM (1) e.5. 7.5' 10.00'SETBACK LINEPROPERTY LINEALTERNATE SETBACK LINE0 2'4'8' 24'-8" ± 8'-3 3/4" ±4'-0"6'-0" ±10'-4 1/4" ± NEW CONC AND STONE PORCH WITH STEPS: 216 S.F. +/-8'-3 1/4" ±6'-11"10'-3"9'-10"10'-0"4'- 1 1 " 5'- 1 0 "3'-10"3'-8"3'-0"2'-0" EXTENT OF NEW ADDITION GARAGE NOTE! THESE "ELEVATION" DRAWINGS SHOW ALL EXTERIOR WALLS VIEWED STRAIGHT ON — NO VIEWS ARE SHOWN AT AN ANGLE. HENCE, EACH WALL IS SHOWN AS A SEPARATE ELEMENT OF THE WHOLE, UNFOLDED FROM ITS ADJACENT WALLS. EVERY EXPOSED, EXTERIOR WALL IS DEPICTED IN THIS SERIES OF DRAWINGS. THIS 1960s ADDITION TO BE DEMOLISHED SHOWING EXTEN OF REMOVAL OF EXISTING STRUCTURE BIRD'S EYE VIEW Area of East Elev. of 60s addition beyond to be removed: 64 s.f. Area to remain: 225 s.f. This area of existing West Elevation to remain: 184 S.F.This area of original West Elevation to be preserved within new addition: 841 s.f.20'-5"Existing Roof Existing Roof This area of original West Elevation to be preserved within new addition: 292 s.f. Area of existing West Elevation to remain: 272 S.F. Existing Roof 18'-10"Existing roof over 60s addition (to be removed)8'-3"Deck (to be removed) 60s ADDITION 10'-6"16-INCH CANTILEVER OF 1ST FLR. AREA Area of Family and Garage West Elevation to be removed: 774 s.f. This area of existing South Elevation at 2nd flr.to remain: 248 s.f. Existing Roof Existing Roof Existing Roof (to be removed)SHED ROOF ENTRY STOOP EXISTING CHIMNEY (To remain) This area of South Elev. of 60s addition to be removed: 106 s.f. This area of existing 1st Flr. East Elev. to be covered by new addition: 127 s.f. This area of existing East Elevation to remain: 656 s.f. This area of existing North East Elevation to remain: 182 s.f. Existing step to be removed NORTH PORCH This area of existing South Elevation to be altered for new garage: 173 s.f. (Dashed line shows location of new garage door opening) This area of exist. South Elev. at 2nd & 3rd flr. to remain: 72 s.f. Deck (to be removed) Steps to be removed NORTH ELEVATION WEST ELEVATION EAST ELEVATION TOTAL AREA OF EXISTING WEST ELEVATION: 2,363 S.F. TOTAL AREA OF EXISTING SOUTH ELEVATION: 681 S.F. This area of existing East Elevation to remain: 1,068 s.f. TOTAL AREA OF EXISTING EAST ELEVATION: 2,170 S.F. TOTAL AREA OF EXISTING NORTH ELEVATION: 441 S.F.THIS WALL OFFSET 39 INCHES AT THIS LINEArea to be removed: 216 s.f. FAMILY Deck (to be removed) SUMMARY OF EXTERIOR WALLS AFFECTED BY PROPOSED REMODELING Total area of existing building exterior: 5,655 s.f. Area of building exterior to remain: 2,980 s.f. (53%) Area of building exterior to remain but altered: 173 s.f. (3%) Area of building exterior to remain but concealed by new addition: 1,342 s.f. (24%) Area of building exterior to be removed: 1,160 s.f. (20%) This area of 1st flr. South Elev. concealed by new addition: 82 s.f. This area of existing 2nd Flr. East Elevation to remain: 73 s.f. Existing roof of 60s addition (to be removed) This drawing, diagraming the exterior wall surfaces of the building, is guided by the "Edina Historic Country Club District Plan of Treatment," section "Certificate of Appropriateness — Definitions, paragraph "Demolition." A0.4 SOUTH ELEVATION SEE EAST ELEVATION FOR WALL ADJACENT SEE SOUTH ELEVATION FOR WALL ADJACENT Area of existing building exterior to REMAIN plus area of existing building exterior to remain but concealed with new addition = 4,322 s.f. (76%) © 2020 Charles Levin Architects Charles Levin Architects 2300 Milwaukee Avenue Minneapolis Minnesota 55404-3150 P: 612.729.5333 F: 612.729.8351 E: chuck@clevin.com ARCHITECT'S PROJECT #1581 FLOOR PLAN I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Charles A. Levin Registration No. 14672 Date: xx/xx/xxxx WYROBEK FAMILY RESIDENCE DESIGN STUDY FOR 4600 BROWNDALE EDINA, MN N DESI G N S T U D Y NOT F O R CON S T R U C TI O N 6:40 AM Fri, Jan 24, 2020 APPLICATION FOR C OF A 1/24/20 WALL AREA DEMO (FOR ZONING COMPLIANCE) © 2020 Charles Levin Architects Charles Levin Architects 2300 Milwaukee Avenue Minneapolis Minnesota 55404-3150 P: 612.729.5333 F: 612.729.8351 E: chuck@clevin.com ARCHITECT'S PROJECT #1581 FLOOR PLAN I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Charles A. Levin Registration No. 14672 Date: 10/25/2019 WYROBEK FAMILY RESIDENCE DESIGN STUDY FOR 4600 BROWNDALE EDINA, MN DESI G N S T U D Y NOT F O R CON S T R U C TI O N A0.5 BASEMENT STORY STUDY (FOR ZONING COMPLIANCE) 9:48 AM 1/24/20 Per Edina Zoning Code Definitions: Basement means a floor level of a building which is located partly or completely underground. Story means that portion of a building included between the surface of any floor and the surface of the floor next above, or if there is not a floor above, the space between the floor and the ceiling above. A basement with more than 50 percent of its exterior wall area located entirely below the proposed ground elevation adjoining the basement shall not be counted as a story. VIEW FROM NORTHEAST VIEW FROM NORTHWEST VIEW FROM SOUTHWEST Conclusion for 4600 Browndale: The basement will be 58% buried, so it will comply. The white is the portion above grade, the pink is the below grade of the existing building and the peach is the below grade of the new. [Note: The software that was used to create the drawing also calculates the area]. It is Architect’s understanding from Zoning Staff (Bodeker) that, per the City Attorney, the Garage area shown as ‘wire-frame’ is not to be included in the calculation and that instead, the full height of the garage common wall with the house is included. APPLICATION FOR C OF A 1/24/20 © 2020 Charles Levin Architects Charles Levin Architects 2300 Milwaukee Avenue Minneapolis Minnesota 55404-3150 P: 612.729.5333 F: 612.729.8351 E: chuck@clevin.com ARCHITECT'S PROJECT #1581 FLOOR PLAN I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Charles A. Levin Registration No. 14672 Date: xx/xx/xxxx WYROBEK FAMILY RESIDENCE DESIGN STUDY FOR 4600 BROWNDALE EDINA, MN DESI G N S T U D Y NOT F O R CON S T R U C TI O N 9:32 AM Fri, Jan 24, 2020 APPLICATION FOR C OF A 1/24/20 DRIVEWAY DEMOLITION NOT TO SCALE 2 A1.0 24"ASH 18"MAPLE 18"ASH 28"MAPLE 12"DECID. 10"PINE 18"PINE 18”ELM 14" DECID. 10"PINE 10"PINE 12"PINE 10"PINE 10"PINE 14"PINE 899 899 898897896895899898897896895NEW DRIVEWAY10'-6"CENTER OF TRUNK NEW CURB CUT PER MUNICIPAL REQUIREMENTS A1.1 SITE PLAN 0 4'8'16' EXISTING SURMOUNTABLE CURB, RAISED DOME PLATES AND CONCRETE WALK TO REMAIN. REMOVE ENTIRE EXISTING CONCRETE DRIVEWAY UP TO EXISTING BASEMENT GARAGE DOORS ON BACK OF HOUSE REMOVE EXISTING LAMP POST. REMOVE EXISTING PINE TREE. REMOVE EXISTING LAMP POST REMOVE EXISTING DRIVEWAY R E M O V E E X I S T I N G WA L KW A YEDGE OF EXISTIN G D RIVE WAY 10'-0" SETBACK REMOVE EXISTING PINE TREE. REMOVE LANDSCAPING IN AREA OF NEW DRIVEWAY NEW WALKWAY AND STEPS COORDINATE CONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALK AND STEPS WITHIN RIGHT-OF-WAY WITH CITY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT DECISIONS REGARDING DESIGN OF BOULEVARD SLOPES ARE PENDING 4602 BROW N D A L E COORDINATE CHANGES TO SIDEWALK AND GRADE WITHIN RIGHT-OF-WAY WITH CITY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. SEE CIVIL DRAWINGS. 35'-1" +/- FRO N T Y A R D S E T B A C K . S E E S U R V E Y . PERIMETER OF EXISTING HOUSE NEW ADDITION OUTLINE OF NEW GARAGE SPACE REMOVE EXISTING TREES. OVERHANG OVERHANG 25'-0"12'-1 0 " NEW 4'x6' WINDOW WELL AND EGRESS WINDOW PROPOSED NEW ELECTRICAL TRANSFORMER LOCATION ELEC GAS 898897896895 © 2020 Charles Levin Architects Charles Levin Architects 2300 Milwaukee Avenue Minneapolis Minnesota 55404-3150 P: 612.729.5333 F: 612.729.8351 E: chuck@clevin.com ARCHITECT'S PROJECT #1581 FLOOR PLAN I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Charles A. Levin Registration No. 14672 Date: xx/xx/xxxx WYROBEK FAMILY RESIDENCE DESIGN STUDY FOR 4600 BROWNDALE EDINA, MN DESI G N S T U D Y NOT F O R CON S T R U C TI O N 2:19 PM Fri, Jan 24, 2020 APPLICATION FOR C OF A 1/24/20 0 4'8'16' A1.2 PROPOSED CURB CUT DESIGN N © 2020 Charles Levin Architects Charles Levin Architects 2300 Milwaukee Avenue Minneapolis Minnesota 55404-3150 P: 612.729.5333 F: 612.729.8351 E: chuck@clevin.com ARCHITECT'S PROJECT #1581 FLOOR PLAN I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Charles A. Levin Registration No. 14672 Date: xx/xx/xxxx WYROBEK FAMILY RESIDENCE DESIGN STUDY FOR 4600 BROWNDALE EDINA, MN DESI G N S T U D Y NOT F O R CON S T R U C TI O N 6:49 AM Fri, Jan 24, 2020 APPLICATION FOR C OF A 1/24/20 29' +/- (SLOPES 2%)23' +/- (SLOPES 7.6%)6' sidewalk 8' (SLOPE 5% +/-) EXISTING GRADE AT CENTERLINE OF PROPOSED DRIVEWAY RELOCATED SIDEWALK (EL.: 894.8' +/-) SECTION VIEW AT NEW DRIVEWAY CURB-CUT (DIAGRAMATIC — NOT TO SCALE) EL.: 899.0' A1.3 CURB CUT DIAGRAMS NEIGHBOR'S STEPS TO SIDEWALK NEW SIDEWALK SLOPE STARTS AT NEIGHBOR'S STEPS PROPERTY LINE AT CURBNEW CURB CUT AND DRIVEWAY PROPERTY LINE AT CURBELEVATION VIEW SHOWING NEW DRIVEWAY CURB-CUT AND SIDEWALK ALTERATION (DIAGRAMATIC — NOT TO SCALE) STREET AT CURB EL.: 894.3' UPPER SECTION OF NEW DRIVEWAY (SLOPE 2%) NEW SIDEWALK SLOPES 2% DOWN TO PROP LINE NEW SIDEWALK SLOPES 5% DOWN FROM PROPERTY LINE TO NEW CURB CUT NEW SIDEWALK FROM NEW CURB CUT TO CORNER SLOPES 2-3% (FOLLOWING STREET CURB) EXISTING STREET CURB EXISTING STREET CURB APROXIMATE LOCATION OF HOUSE BEYOND SLOPE GRADE (LAWN) TO WEST EDGE OF SIDEWALK (SHOWN BY DASHED LINE) HIGH POINT OF GRADE BEYOND EXIST. SLOPE AT NEIGHBOR'S LAWN NEIGHBOR'S STEPS AT BOULEVARD EXIST. SLOPE AT NEIGHBOR'S LAWN NEW STEPS AND SIDEWALK HIGH POINT OF GRADE BEYOND EL.: 899.0'PROPERTY LINENEW GRADE CUT (LAWN) CONTINUOUS ALONG SIDEWALK FULL WIDTH OF PROPERTY CURVED SECTION OF NEW DRIVEWAY (SLOPE: 7.6%) NEW STEPS AND SIDEWALK BEYOND NEW GRADE CUT (LAWN, SHOWN SHADED) AT NEW DRIVEWAY (TYPICAL EACH SIDE) 7' (SLOPES 7.6%) 0 4'8'16' 10'-6"25'-0" ±28'-0" ± Warming House Off season sports gear storage room Bench Stick Bin Removable rubber flooring Full Ht 30" Fridge Micro Sink Storage Room Shelves Treadmill 114 14"80 34"48"41"42 12"Treadmill TVLinen Equipment Shelves TV 142"42"47 12" © 2020 Charles Levin Architects Charles Levin Architects 2300 Milwaukee Avenue Minneapolis Minnesota 55404-3150 P: 612.729.5333 F: 612.729.8351 E: chuck@clevin.com ARCHITECT'S PROJECT #1581 FLOOR PLAN I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Charles A. Levin Registration No. 14672 Date: 10/25/2019 WYROBEK FAMILY RESIDENCE DESIGN STUDY FOR 4600 BROWNDALE EDINA, MN DESI G N S T U D Y NOT F O R CON S T R U C TI O N 7:58 AM Fri, Jan 24, 2020 N 0 2 841 STORAGE - LOW HEADROOM RETAINING WALL AS NECESSARY A2.0 BASEMENT FLOOR PLAN UN E X C A V A T E D 19.5' P E R S U R V E Y 10' S E T B A C K 2' F. O . RET W A L L 5.8' P E R S U R V E Y REMOVE EXISTING CHIMNEY MECHANICAL ROOM STORAGE ROOM EXCERCISE AREA 7.5' EXISTING (PER SURVEY) 10' SETBACK ALLOWABLE SETBACK ENCROACHMENT PER EDINA ZONING CODE 36-1270.PROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINENEIGHBOR'S RESIDENCEFOUNDATION FOR NEW ENTRY PORCH AND STAIR RECONSTRUCT STAIR SO LANDING IS FLUSH WITH NEW MUDROOM. SEE 1ST FLOOR PLAN. ST O R A G E RO O M FOUNDATION FOR NEW ADDITION VERIFY EXISTING BURIED WALL VISIBLE FROM INSIDE GARAGE STORAGEFAMILY ROOM 21-6 x 24-8 HOME GYM 15-10 x 24-8 (11'-0"± CLG HGHT) NOTE: FLOOR LEVEL NO LOWER THAN EL. 890 DN 3R DN 3R ABANDON EXG FIREPLACE HOBBY ROOM 13-4 x 11-2 NEW CODE COMPLIANT EGRESS CASEMENT WINDOW AND TERRACED WINDOW WELL CONCRETE SLAB LINE OF 1ST FLOOR DECK ABOVE STAIR UP FROM YARD TO DRIVEWAY DRIVEWAY BACKING AREA RETAINING WALL FOUNDATION FOR NEW EXTERIOR STAIR ABOVESTORAGE - LOW HEADROOM REMOVE AND INFILL EXISTING WINDOW REMOVE AND INFILL EXISTING WINDOW 24'-8" ±6'-3 1/4" ±8'-3 3/4" ±4'-0"6'-0"10'-4 1/4" ± SAFETY GLASS AC CONDENSER APPLICATION FOR C OF A 1/24/20 2'-0" ±1 A6 2 A6 STORAGE - LOW HEADROOM EXG ELEC METER EXG WATER METER EXG GAS METER 1 A6 2 A6 GENERAL NOTES 1. WINDOW/DOOR OPENINGS IN EXISTING BUILDING ARE EXISTING UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 2. IN GENERAL, WINDOW ASSEMBLIES TO BE NEW. 24'-8" ±NEIGHBOR'S RESIDENCE19.5' P E R S U R V E Y 10' S E T B A C K 2' F A C E O F R E T WAL L . T O P A T C U R B STO P H E I G H T . 5.8' E X I S T I N G PER S U R V E Y UP DN UP PASS THROUGH REBUILD STAIRS AS NECESSARY TO COORDINATE WITH MUDROOM FLOOR LEVEL UP 16R DECK Fireplace Ovens Fridge DW DWSink Sink Wine Fridge Pantry Buffet Shoe Cubbies Shelves Bench Hooks Upper Shelves Counter Drawers Upper Cab Hanging 60"44"Micro Drawer Ice TV Bev. Dwrs Fridge T/R Shelves ApplGarage 130"78 14" Shelves Shelves 51 34"62 12"66" © 2020 Charles Levin Architects Charles Levin Architects 2300 Milwaukee Avenue Minneapolis Minnesota 55404-3150 P: 612.729.5333 F: 612.729.8351 E: chuck@clevin.com ARCHITECT'S PROJECT #1581 FLOOR PLAN I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Charles A. Levin Registration No. 14672 Date: 10/25/2019 WYROBEK FAMILY RESIDENCE DESIGN STUDY FOR 4600 BROWNDALE EDINA, MN DESI G N S T U D Y NOT F O R CON S T R U C TI O N 8:11 AM Fri, Jan 24, 2020 N 0 2 841 A3.0 1st FLOOR PLAN208 3/4"7.50' 10'SETBACK LINEPROPERTY LINEALTERNATE SETBACK LINEWAL K W A Y BIKE RACK 20' - 2 " P R O P L I N E TO B U I L D I N G F A C E 25' - 1 0 " P R O P L I N E TO B U I L D I N G F A C E DRIVE W A Y A L L O W A B L E PER E D I N A Z O N I N G 36-1 2 5 6 ( 2 ) . RETAI N I N G W A L L ALLO W A B L E P E R E D I N A ZONI N G 3 6 - 1 2 5 6 ( 1 3 ) . LINE OF OVERHANG ABOVE LINE OF OVERHANG ABOVE 6'-3 1/4" ±8'-3 3/4" ± NEW ENTRY PORCH AND STAIR NEW EGRESS WINDOW AND WINDOW WELL WITH LADDER BELOW DN 2R (EXG) OFFICE 9-11 x 15-3 PLAYROOM 21-8 x 15-3 BBQ DN1RDN6RDN10R RAISE EXISTING WINDOWS 19"± RELATIVE TO RAISED FLOOR. CHANGE TRIPLE TO A DOUBLE DN 5R (NEW) ELIMINATE EXG FIREPLACE RAISE FLOOR TO BE FLUSH WITH ENTRY; ELIMINATE STEPS INFILL EXISTING WALL OPENING 6'-7" NEW WALL OPENING37"56 34"PORCH 12-6 x 13-2 MUD ROOM 13-1 x 7-0 FRONT ENTRY x-x x x-x POWDER 5-6 x 7-8 DOUBLE THE WIDTH OF EXISTING WINDOW OPENING SET BACK NEW WALLS 4" FROM EXISTING MUD ROOM ADDITION 10-8 x 6-8 REMOVE EXISTING WINDOW AND CUT OPENING TO FLOOR NEW AREA DRAIN CONNECTED TO EXISTING CATCH BASIN 2'-0"1'-0"6'-0" ±10'-4 1/4" ± 6'-11"19'-5"6'-11"13'-5 3/4"10'-3" ±5'-1 1/2" ±4'-2"7'-6"DN 16R FAMILY 15-0 x 19-0 DINING 17-2 x 12-0 DINING 21-6 x 14-8 ENLARGE WINDOW NEW THROUGH WALL MAIL SLOT WALKW A Y GARDEN SNO W S T O R A G E 8'-3 1/4"2'-0"4'-0"APPLICATION FOR C OF A 1/24/20 1 A6 2 A6 GENERAL NOTES 1. WINDOW/DOOR OPENINGS IN EXISTING BUILDING ARE EXISTING UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 2. IN GENERAL, WINDOW ASSEMBLIES TO BE NEW. GENERAL NOTES 1. WINDOW/DOOR OPENINGS IN EXISTING BUILDING ARE EXISTING UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 2. IN GENERAL, WINDOW ASSEMBLIES TO BE NEW. 7.5' EXISTING SETBACK (1ST FLOOR) MBR 1 18-8 x 11-10 BR3 BR4 BR5 BA 1 BA 2 BA4 Tub Mirror Shelves Dressing Rm Bottles Closet Linen LinenLinen Shelves EXG DOOR OPENING Closet Closet Stack Washers Stack Dryers Drip Dry Sink LaundryBaskets UC Fridge Linen Steam Shower Bench 48"BA 5 Linen Existing WindowLaundry BA 5 Storage Closet Shelves Shelves MC 148 12"65 12"42" 163 1 4" Bookshelves BA3 130 "168 14"147 34"173 34"133 12"142 34"166 14"105 34"© 2020 Charles Levin Architects Charles Levin Architects 2300 Milwaukee Avenue Minneapolis Minnesota 55404-3150 P: 612.729.5333 F: 612.729.8351 E: chuck@clevin.com ARCHITECT'S PROJECT #1581 FLOOR PLAN I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Charles A. Levin Registration No. 14672 Date: 10/25/2019 WYROBEK FAMILY RESIDENCE DESIGN STUDY FOR 4600 BROWNDALE EDINA, MN DESI G N S T U D Y NOT F O R CON S T R U C TI O N 8:11 AM Fri, Jan 24, 2020 N 0 2 841 BALCONY OVER NEW ENTRY PORCH SHARED DECK 4/5 NE W D E C K 3 A4.0 2nd FLOOR PLANU 14R48 1 2" NEW DOORS IN PLACE OF EXISTING WINDOWSOPEN TO ABOVE24'-8" ±6'-3 1/4" ±LENGTHEN OPENING TO INCREASE HEADROOM BELOW; REBUILD GUARDRAILPERIMETER OF DECK BELOW OPEN DECK (COVERED) LINE OF ROOF OVERHANG ABOVE 36" HIGH WOOD GUARDRAIL36" H I G H W O O D G U A R D R A I L DEMO 1960'S ADDITION BELOW (SHOWN DASHED).NEW DOOR IN PLACE OF EXISTING WINDOW NEW DOOR IN PLACE OF EXISTING WINDOW NE W W I N D O W S LINE OF ROOF OVERHANG ABOVE LINE OF RAISED CEILING ABOVELINES OF RETAINING WALL BELOWPROPERTY LINESTAIR TO YARD BELOW PACKING COUNTER LOUVERS TO CONTROL VIEW FROM NEIGHBOR. SETBACK CONTROL POINT. 10.00' REQUIRED SETBACK PROPERTY LINESETBACK CONTROL POINT. WALL MOUNTED TV BR 2 18-0 x 13-8 7'-3 14" ±2'-0"EQUAL EQUALEQUALEQ U A L APPLICATION FOR C OF A 1/24/20 2 A6 GENERAL NOTES 1. WINDOW/DOOR OPENINGS IN EXISTING BUILDING ARE EXISTING UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 2. IN GENERAL, WINDOW ASSEMBLIES TO BE NEW. Storage Cabinet UC Fridge Micro TR DW 64 1 4" 45 3 4" 114 1 2"50"TV 38 1 2" 45 1 4" 4 1 2"84"Open railing © 2019 Charles Levin Architects Charles Levin Architects 2300 Milwaukee Avenue Minneapolis Minnesota 55404-3150 P: 612.729.5333 F: 612.729.8351 E: chuck@clevin.com ARCHITECT'S PROJECT #1581 FLOOR PLAN I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Charles A. Levin Registration No. 14672 Date: xx/xx/xxxx WYROBEK FAMILY RESIDENCE DESIGN STUDY FOR 4600 BROWNDALE EDINA, MN N DESI G N S T U D Y NOT F O R CON S T R U C TI O N 8:12 AM Fri, Jan 24, 2020 0 2 841 A5.0 3rd FLOOR PLAN3'-10 1/2"5'-2 3/4"5'-2 3/4"WIDTH OF FULL HEIGHT WALK- ING SPACE3'-5" KNEEWALL 5'-10" KNEEWALL FOR COAT HOOKSOPEN TO BELOWD14RINCREASE WINDOW SIZE TO MATCH EXISTING SMALL WINDOW ON FIRST FLOOR OF THIS ELEVATION. SEE ELEVATION DRAWING NEW PAIR OF DOORS IN PLACE OF EXISTING WINDOWS. RAISE HEADER TO ALLOW STEP UP ONTO NEW ROOF DECK. GLASS GUARD RAIL DECK PERIMETER BELOW DECK BELOW DECK BELOW RAISED CEILING WITH CLERESTORY WINDOWS OVER MASTER BEDROOM MEMBRANE ROOF MEMBRANE ROOF TONED AREA SHOWS APPROXIMATE AREA OF DORMER OVER STAIRWAY36" D R 36" DRINSULATE AND ELECTRIFY EXISTING ATTIC FOR STORAGE USE MECHANICAL AND STORAGE ROOM GUEST BA 3'-0"3'-0"5'-6 12"WIDEN DORMER BY 24"±12'-10" GUEST DECK 12-0 x 12-0 GUEST BR 13-6 x 11-6 STAIR HALL GUEST LR 13-4 x 15-0 WE T B A R DECK BELOW AC CONDENSER APPLICATION FOR C OF A 1/24/20 GENERAL NOTES 1. WINDOW/DOOR OPENINGS IN EXISTING BUILDING ARE EXISTING UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 2. IN GENERAL, WINDOW ASSEMBLIES TO BE NEW. 2 A6 NET SQUARE FOOTAGE 1,531 ALLOWABE SF UNDER 60% RULE: 919 NSF TALLER THAN 5' (EXG): 881 NSF TALLER THAN 5' (NEW): 37 PERCENT TALLER THAN 5': 59.9% 13'-10 1/2"5'-0"21'-10 1/2" 21' - 1 0 1 / 2 " 13' - 1 0 1 / 2 "15'-3 1/4"7'-3"13'-10 1/2"21'-10 1/2"7'-3 1/2" 15'-3 1/2"5'-0"© 2020 Charles Levin Architects Charles Levin Architects 2300 Milwaukee Avenue Minneapolis Minnesota 55404-3150 P: 612.729.5333 F: 612.729.8351 E: chuck@clevin.com ARCHITECT'S PROJECT #1581 FLOOR PLAN I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Charles A. Levin Registration No. 14672 Date: xx/xx/xxxx WYROBEK FAMILY RESIDENCE DESIGN STUDY FOR 4600 BROWNDALE EDINA, MN N DESI G N S T U D Y NOT F O R CON S T R U C TI O N 8:13 AM Fri, Jan 24, 2020 0 2 841 A5.1 3rd FLOOR PLAN SF (FOR ZONING COMPLIANCE) 2 A5.1 1 A5.1 PER THE DEFINITIONS IN THE EDINA ZONING CODE, HALF STORY MEANS THE UPPERMOST FLOOR OF A BUILDING IN WHICH: (1) THE INTERSECTION OF THE EXTERIOR WALL AND THE ROOF IS NOT MORE THAN THREE FEET ABOVE THE FLOOR ELEVATION; AND (2) NOT MORE THAN 60 PERCENT OF THE FLOOR'S AREA EXCEEDS FIVE FEET IN HEIGHT, AS MEASURED FROM THE FLOOR TO THE RAFTERS. FLOORS NOT MEETING THIS DEFINITION SHALL BE DEEMED A STORY. NEW DORMER OVER STAIR SECTION SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" 1 A5.1 SECTION SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" 1 A5.1 APPLICATION FOR C OF A 1/24/20 © 2020 Charles Levin Architects Charles Levin Architects 2300 Milwaukee Avenue Minneapolis Minnesota 55404-3150 P: 612.729.5333 F: 612.729.8351 E: chuck@clevin.com ARCHITECT'S PROJECT #1581 FLOOR PLAN I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Charles A. Levin Registration No. 14672 Date: xx/xx/xxxx WYROBEK FAMILY RESIDENCE DESIGN STUDY FOR 4600 BROWNDALE EDINA, MN DESI G N S T U D Y NOT F O R CON S T R U C TI O N 12:09 PM Fri, Jan 24, 2020 APPLICATION FOR C OF A 1/24/20 1'-1 58"10'-1"1'-0 58"7'-6 34"1'-7"7'-11 34"8"7'-8 34"7'-11 34"8"10"12'-3"8"6'-1 12"8'-6 34"10"9'-3 58"11'-3 78"5 14"7'-2 18"1'-0"EXISTING FLOOR TO BE RAISED LOCATION OF NEW FLOOR (THIS ROOM ONLY)7'-6 12"27'-2"1'-0 78"10'-1"1'-1 58"7'-11"8 34"6'-10 34"EXISTING FOOTING SIZE AND DEPTH UNKNOWN. BUILDING CROSS SECTIONS A6.06'-8" HEADROOM3'-0" GUARD34"5'-0" KNEEWALL6'-10" CEILING HEIGHTHANDRAIL 3'-5" KNEEWALLDIAGRAM OF PROPOSED STAIR AND SHED DORMER METAL RAILING WOOD POSTS AND BEAM NEW DOORS OF SAME WIDTH AND IN SAME LOCATION AS EXISTING WINDOWS NEW PORCH FLOOR (WATERPRROF MEMBRANE, SLOPE TO DRAIN) EXISTING ROOF—REMOVE EXCEPT FOR SECTION ADJACENT TO CHIMNEY EXISTING BEAM (ASSUMED) NEW CONC. AND STONE VENEER PORCH CONSTRUCTION3'-0" MIN.EXISTING DOORS FORYER SECTION (VIEWING NORTH) EXISTING LIVING ROOMNEW ADDITION REMOVE EXISTING STAIR BEYOND EXISTING FLOOR TO BE RAISED NEW EGRESS WINDOW, WITH STEPPED AND LANDSCAPED WELL. SECTION (VIEWING NORTH) SECTION (VIEWING WEST) NEW GARAGE EXISTING LIVING ROOM EXISTING PORCHNEW STAIRWAY TO EXISTING PORCH6'-8" HEADROOMNEW SHED DORMER NEW WINDOW WITH RAISED HEAD SIMILAR TO EXG SOUTH WINDOWS. 1'-0"CONC. & MASONRY RETAINING WALL WITH CURB-STOP CAP. EXISTING WOOD FLOOR (TO BE REMOVED) NEW STRUCTURAL CONC. FLOOR SLOPED TO DRAIN. NEW STEEL BEAMS 8'-0"PROPERTY LINEDISTANCE VARIES, SEE PROPERTY SURVEY. DRIVEWAY SLOPED TO DRAIN 0 2'4'8' NOTE EAVE FLAIR DETAIL TYPICAL OF ENTIRE HOUSE. A7.0 0 2'4'8' STREET FACADE (EAST) Proposed Street Facade Existing Fireplace stone detail © 2020 Charles Levin Architects Charles Levin Architects 2300 Milwaukee Avenue Minneapolis Minnesota 55404-3150 P: 612.729.5333 F: 612.729.8351 E: chuck@clevin.com ARCHITECT'S PROJECT #1581 FLOOR PLAN I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Charles A. Levin Registration No. 14672 Date: xx/xx/xxxx WYROBEK FAMILY RESIDENCE DESIGN STUDY FOR 4600 BROWNDALE EDINA, MN DESI G N S T U D Y NOT F O R CON S T R U C TI O N 2:31 PM Fri, Jan 24, 2020 APPLICATION FOR C OF A 1/24/20 MAIN FIN. FLR. L.R. FIN. FLR. GARAGE FLOOR 2nd FIN. FLR. PORCH FIN. FLR. BSMNT FIN. FLR. REMOVE EXISTING CHIMNEY REMOVE EXISTING SLOPED ROOF Elevation Drawing of Existing Street Facade NEW CODE COMPLIANT EGRESS WINDOW AND WINDOW WELL WITH EGRESS LADDER RAISE WINDOW OPENINGS 19"± RELATIVE TO RAISED FLOOR BEYOND 3rd FIN. FLR. REMOVE EXISTING SHUTTERS REMOVE EXISTING STAIRWAY AND HANDRAIL AS NECESSARY FOR NEW PORCH. NEW STUCCO ON CMU PORCH FOUNDATION NEW CONCRETE STEPS AND PORCH SLAB NEW WINDOW TO MATCH 1/2 OF DOUBLE WINDOW BELOW. 4600 Elevation Drawing of Proposed Street Facade WOOD SHINGLES EHABILITATE EXISTING CHIMNEY TOP. EHABILITATE EXISTING STONE SHOULDER. 5 MAIN FIN. FLR. L.R. FIN. FLR. 2nd FIN. FLR. PORCH FIN. FLR. 3rd FIN. FLR. 1 2 3 1. REMOVE EXISTING STAIRWAY AND HANDRAIL AS NECESSARY FOR NEW PORCH. 2. REMOVE EXISTING STORM DOOR. 3. REMOVE EXISTING WINDOW; MODIFY AND/OR RELOCATE OPENING AS SHOWN. 4. REMOVE EXISTING WINDOW AND INFILL OPENING. 5. NEW WINDOW/S AND/OR DOORS IN MODIFIED AND/OR RELOCATED OPENING. 6. NEW COMBINATION DOOR. 7. REMOVE EXISTING WALL LIGHT. 8. REMOVE SURFACE MOUNTED MAILBOX 9. NEW THROUGH WALL MAILBOX 10. NEW ADDRESS NUMBER PLAQUE 11. REMOVE EXISTING SHUTTERS 3 4 3 5 5 5 5 6 33 7 33 33 5 8 10 9 11 1111 11 11 Hennepin Flight date: January 4, 2019 https://oblique.sanborn.com/Hennepin/?ll=44.915904,-93.344288&zoom=19 Ariel photo showing existing driveway position at Browndale/Bridge intersection Street Facade showing main gable fenestarationStreet Facade showing main gable fenestaration Street Facade soon after construction A7.1 STREET FACADE (EAST) © 2020 Charles Levin Architects Charles Levin Architects 2300 Milwaukee Avenue Minneapolis Minnesota 55404-3150 P: 612.729.5333 F: 612.729.8351 E: chuck@clevin.com ARCHITECT'S PROJECT #1581 FLOOR PLAN I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Charles A. Levin Registration No. 14672 Date: xx/xx/xxxx WYROBEK FAMILY RESIDENCE DESIGN STUDY FOR 4600 BROWNDALE EDINA, MN DESI G N S T U D Y NOT F O R CON S T R U C TI O N 12:10 PM Fri, Jan 24, 2020 APPLICATION FOR C OF A 1/24/20 APPLICATION FOR C OF A 1/24/20 SITE DIAGRAM SHOWING VIEW ANGLEBROWNDALE ~ 151' 7 1/4", ~ -63' 1/4", ~ 31' 6 1/4" GENERAL NOTES: 1. SEE SHEET A7.0 FOR STREET ELEVATION NOTES. STREET ELEVATIONS (EAST) A8.1 1 EAST ELEVATION (PARALLEL TO MAIN GABLE) 2 NORTHEAST ELEVATION (PARALLEL TO ENTRY PORCH 2 1 APPLICATION FOR C OF A 1/24/20 SITE DIAGRAM SHOWING VIEW ANGLEBROWNDALE NORTH ELEVATION A8.2 1 NORTH VIEW 1 2 2 NORTHWEST ELEVATION APPLICATION FOR C OF A 1/24/20 SITE DIAGRAM SHOWING VIEW ANGLEBROWNDALE WEST ELEVATION A8.3 WEST ELEVATION APPLICATION FOR C OF A 1/24/20 SITE DIAGRAM SHOWING VIEW ANGLEBROWNDALE SOUTH ELEVATION A8.4 DORMER IS SHOWN WIDENED AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE (ABOUT 18”). NEW ONE-STORY ADDITION WITH BALCONY ABOVE. WORK INCLUDES NEW METAL GUARDRAIL AND DOOR IN PLACE OF EXISTING WINDOW. SOUTH ELEVATION RETAINING WALL NOT TO EXCEED 4 FEET HIGH AT PROPERTY LINE APPLICATION FOR C OF A 1/24/20 SITE DIAGRAM SHOWING VIEW ANGLEBROWNDALE CURB CUT & PROPERTY LINE TREATMENT A8.54 CURB CUT AND WALKWAYS3 DRIVEWAY AND CURB-STOP TURNING AREA 2 SIDEWALK LOOKING NORTH1 SIDEWALK LOOKING SOUTH APPLICATION FOR C OF A 1/24/20 SITE DIAGRAM SHOWING VIEW ANGLEBROWNDALE BIRD’S EYE VIEWS A8.6 2 BIRD’S EYE VIEW FROM SOUTHWEST 1 BIRD’S EYE VIEW FROM NORTHWEST 3 BIRD’S EYE VIEW FROM SOUTHEAST 1 2 3 © 2020 Charles Levin Architects Charles Levin Architects 2300 Milwaukee Avenue Minneapolis Minnesota 55404-3150 P: 612.729.5333 F: 612.729.8351 E: chuck@clevin.com ARCHITECT'S PROJECT #1581 ISSUED: FLOOR PLAN I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Charles A. Levin Registration No. 14672 Date: 10/25/2019 WYROBEK FAMILY RESIDENCE DESIGN STUDY FOR 4600 BROWNDALE EDINA, MN DESI G N S T U D Y NOT F O R CON S T R U C TI O N 6:41 PM Tue, Jan 21, 2020 N0 2'4'8' CONC. SLAB OVER?? CONC BM.14 12"WF 6x6 FIRE BOX ABOVE E.P. C.S.2x10 @16" O.C.2x10 @ 16" O.C.2x12 @ 16" O.C.9'-4" B.O. JOIST 7'-7" B.O. JOIST 7'-0" B.O. CONC. SLAB UPWD. STUD FURRING W10 BM 3 1/2" STL. POST 2x 1 2 @ 1 6 " O . C . (A S S U M E D ) 2x 1 2 @ 1 6 " O . C . (A S S U M E D )2x12 @ 16" O.C.(ASSUMED)WD BM BASEMENT PLAN — EXISTING SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" FA C E O F W A L L A B O V E CHIMNEY CLEAN-OUT Existing B BASEMENT EXISTING © 2020 Charles Levin Architects Charles Levin Architects 2300 Milwaukee Avenue Minneapolis Minnesota 55404-3150 P: 612.729.5333 F: 612.729.8351 E: chuck@clevin.com ARCHITECT'S PROJECT #1581 ISSUED: FLOOR PLAN I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Charles A. Levin Registration No. 14672 Date: 10/25/2019 WYROBEK FAMILY RESIDENCE DESIGN STUDY FOR 4600 BROWNDALE EDINA, MN DESI G N S T U D Y NOT F O R CON S T R U C TI O N 6:42 PM Tue, Jan 21, 2020 N0 2'4'8' MAIN LEVEL PLAN — EXISTING SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"UPDNC.S. DN DN OU T L I N E O F R O O F A B O V E UPCO N C E A L E D B M . A B O V E 10'-1" 11'-4" 8'-6" 8'-6" 8'-6" 8'-6" 8'-6" 8'-8"2x12 @ 16" O.C.2x10 @ 16" O.C.(ASSUMED)2x 1 0 @ 1 6 " O . C . 2x 1 0 @ 1 6 " O . C . (A S S U M E D ) (A S S U M E D ) SOFFITS FOR PLUMBING RUNS TO 2ND AND 3RD FLOORS 2x 1 0 @ 1 6 " O . C . (A S S U M E D )2x10 @ 16" O.C.(ASSUMED)(ASSUMED)2x12 @ 16" O.C.(ASSUMED)1ST FLOOR EXISTING Existing 1 © 2020 Charles Levin Architects Charles Levin Architects 2300 Milwaukee Avenue Minneapolis Minnesota 55404-3150 P: 612.729.5333 F: 612.729.8351 E: chuck@clevin.com ARCHITECT'S PROJECT #1581 ISSUED: FLOOR PLAN I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Charles A. Levin Registration No. 14672 Date: 10/25/2019 WYROBEK FAMILY RESIDENCE DESIGN STUDY FOR 4600 BROWNDALE EDINA, MN DESI G N S T U D Y NOT F O R CON S T R U C TI O N 6:42 PM Tue, Jan 21, 2020 N0 2'4'8' SECOND LEVEL PLAN — EXISTING SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"DNDNUPROOF BELOWR O O F B E L O W 2nd FLOOR EXISTING Existing 2 © 2020 Charles Levin Architects Charles Levin Architects 2300 Milwaukee Avenue Minneapolis Minnesota 55404-3150 P: 612.729.5333 F: 612.729.8351 E: chuck@clevin.com ARCHITECT'S PROJECT #1581 ISSUED: FLOOR PLAN I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Charles A. Levin Registration No. 14672 Date: 10/25/2019 WYROBEK FAMILY RESIDENCE DESIGN STUDY FOR 4600 BROWNDALE EDINA, MN DESI G N S T U D Y NOT F O R CON S T R U C TI O N 6:43 PM Tue, Jan 21, 2020 N0 2'4'8' Existing 3 THIRD LEVEL PLAN — EXISTING SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"DNFACE OF WALL BELOW ROOF BELOWROOF BELOWATTIC EXISTING © 2020 Charles Levin Architects Charles Levin Architects 2300 Milwaukee Avenue Minneapolis Minnesota 55404-3150 P: 612.729.5333 F: 612.729.8351 E: chuck@clevin.com ARCHITECT'S PROJECT #1581 ISSUED: FLOOR PLAN I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Charles A. Levin Registration No. 14672 Date: 10/25/2019 WYROBEK FAMILY RESIDENCE DESIGN STUDY FOR 4600 BROWNDALE EDINA, MN DESI G N S T U D Y NOT F O R CON S T R U C TI O N 6:41 PM Tue, Jan 21, 2020 N0 2'4'8' ROOF PLAN — EXISTING SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" Roof Plan EXISTING Existing R © 2020 Charles Levin Architects Charles Levin Architects 2300 Milwaukee Avenue Minneapolis Minnesota 55404-3150 P: 612.729.5333 F: 612.729.8351 E: chuck@clevin.com ARCHITECT'S PROJECT #1581 ISSUED: FLOOR PLAN I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Charles A. Levin Registration No. 14672 Date: 10/25/2019 WYROBEK FAMILY RESIDENCE DESIGN STUDY FOR 4600 BROWNDALE EDINA, MN DESI G N S T U D Y NOT F O R CON S T R U C TI O N 6:45 PM Tue, Jan 21, 2020 N0 2'4'8' MAIN FIN. FLR. L.R. FIN. FLR. 2nd FIN. FLR. 3rd FIN. FLR. PORCH FIN. FLR. BSMNT FIN. FLR. MAIN FIN. FLR. L.R. FIN. FLR. 2nd FIN. FLR. 3rd FIN. FLR. PORCH FIN. FLR. BSMNT FIN. FLR. EXISTING EAST ELEVATION EXISTING EAST ELEVATION (PARTIAL) Existing E EAST EXISTING © 2020 Charles Levin Architects Charles Levin Architects 2300 Milwaukee Avenue Minneapolis Minnesota 55404-3150 P: 612.729.5333 F: 612.729.8351 E: chuck@clevin.com ARCHITECT'S PROJECT #1581 ISSUED: FLOOR PLAN I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Charles A. Levin Registration No. 14672 Date: 10/25/2019 WYROBEK FAMILY RESIDENCE DESIGN STUDY FOR 4600 BROWNDALE EDINA, MN DESI G N S T U D Y NOT F O R CON S T R U C TI O N 6:48 PM Tue, Jan 21, 2020 N0 2'4'8' MAIN FIN. FLR. L.R. FIN. FLR. 2nd FIN. FLR. 3rd FIN. FLR. PORCH FIN. FLR. BSMNT FIN. FLR. EXISTING NORTH ELEVATION Existing N EAST NORTH © 2020 Charles Levin Architects Charles Levin Architects 2300 Milwaukee Avenue Minneapolis Minnesota 55404-3150 P: 612.729.5333 F: 612.729.8351 E: chuck@clevin.com ARCHITECT'S PROJECT #1581 ISSUED: FLOOR PLAN I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Charles A. Levin Registration No. 14672 Date: 10/25/2019 WYROBEK FAMILY RESIDENCE DESIGN STUDY FOR 4600 BROWNDALE EDINA, MN DESI G N S T U D Y NOT F O R CON S T R U C TI O N 6:47 PM Tue, Jan 21, 2020 N0 2'4'8' MAIN FIN. FLR. L.R. FIN. FLR. 2nd FIN. FLR. 3rd FIN. FLR. PORCH FIN. FLR. BSMNT FIN. FLR. EXISTING WEST ELEVATION Existing W WEST EXISTING © 2020 Charles Levin Architects Charles Levin Architects 2300 Milwaukee Avenue Minneapolis Minnesota 55404-3150 P: 612.729.5333 F: 612.729.8351 E: chuck@clevin.com ARCHITECT'S PROJECT #1581 ISSUED: FLOOR PLAN I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Charles A. Levin Registration No. 14672 Date: 10/25/2019 WYROBEK FAMILY RESIDENCE DESIGN STUDY FOR 4600 BROWNDALE EDINA, MN DESI G N S T U D Y NOT F O R CON S T R U C TI O N 6:47 PM Tue, Jan 21, 2020 N0 2'4'8' EXISTING SOUTH ELEVATION Existing S SOUTH EXISTING Edina, Hennepin, MetroGIS | © WSB & Associates 2013, © WSB & Associates2013 4600 Browndale Ave February 6, 2020 Map Powered by DataLink from WSB & Associates 1 in = 100 ft / Date: February 11, 2020 Agenda Item #: VI.C. To:Heritage Preservation Commission Item Type: Other From:Emily Bodeker, Assistant City Planner Item Activity: Subject:Chair and Vice Chair Elections Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Elect chair and vice chair with terms starting March 2020. INTRODUCTION: Date: February 11, 2020 Agenda Item #: VIII.A. To:Heritage Preservation Commission Item Type: Other From:Emily Bodeker, Assistant City Planner Item Activity: Subject:Updated 2020 HPC Schedule Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None. INTRODUCTION: See the attached updated 2020 HPC Schedule. ATTACHMENTS: Description 2020 HPC Meeting Schedule and Application Deadlines 2020 Heritage Preservation Commission Meeting Schedule & Application Deadlines The regular meeting of the HPC is on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:00p.m. Month Meeting Date Application Deadline January 14th Dec. 27th , 2019 February 11th January 24th March 10th February 21st April 14th March 27th May* 12th n/a June 9th May 22nd July 14th June 26th August 17th July 31st September 8th August 21st October 13th September 25th November 10th October 23rd December 8th November 20th January January 12th , 2021 Wednesday, Dec. 23rd * May HPC Meeting will be a walking tour to celebrate Preservation Month *UPDATED 1/27/2020