HomeMy WebLinkAbout1676' Will age of cE d i n a 4801 WEST FIFTIETH STREET - EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 927 -8861 • * tbA following daasacrlU" propevty is at present a single tract of That part of oarthmst 1/4 ofl,tba Nortlwest 1/4 of &wtion 7* TownshAP 116" Rango 21,0, deaev'614e ;tsar follow$ Beginning at 4 point in the W t Una of **14 Section 7, distant atr40,85 feet South of than Northvelat corner thareof; thento South along said —aft lane to as point theroin disc nt. 368--78 feet' North of tho utlwa?st etvmar of said Novt1weat 114 of thelfovtMftst 1/ tho= East parallel llel, Frith tile South Brea of the Northwest~ 1/4 of than mortWast 1/4, a distan of *05 feat ;)(en tSouth- easterly 161.42 fast aions curved line (amamm to the vth.* cast, havins a radius of 1) feet, deU4 9491a of 950 351 1911 boil %l ent to a Ituo Parallel wtth the Wast line of *aid line talent tea last d�:;sa 4bod cu as a d:a otan" of 154.4 faetg�t Iwaca wortaga"torly along 4 t ugenz al, t ,eft* haviog a radlua of iT5 fa*t, ;;o as.a i.nta ra". ta,4�a wW11 a 11ne parallel with anA 40 feet Westerly of Une "S" (hereinafter interva tfma with a life- den atOrly trxA point 4 bosint ine, and at a right aa8la tv trice Oast 160 ar: of #Aid SaotLonj thence Westerly 41ong said vight augle litto to poi at of 4og4aaniA4. Beginning at the Southwest aor a v of r'u� Nort »writ« 1/4 of said Seel ,on 7; thowm North SW" 47' 4astY 41w* the South lint thereof* a distance oaf 4A7.5 Reset; t%ve North a, distance of 1468.2 feet i-Xt nce . h 800 West a distakxa' e of Vislil toot to t:ho actual point of �wgiuniqg of the line to be dwwrlbed�thanca North 139 300 Wit, a diste o 549.4 toot; t rthatly along d tangential arum to the left.. said auvve hang a radius of 1432.39 toot, a distanee of 398.72 feett thence Izoatinuing Northerly along a Compound ems, said curve having 6 rx"ua of 375 ,641 feati a distaue4 of 434 *3 feet and there terminating. Subject tie X044 a� t ever than west 33 feet thereof; and , the Owner has a a•ted than oubdivision at said tr4at Law separata po remIs (haira; n "- Ued "Ift r'akals" ) deveribed as follows; That part of the Mort 1st 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 7, Township 1:16# VAU84 21, deseribed as follows: Beginning at A port in the West line of acid Nort1wmat 1/4 of the North #t 1/4, distant 440.43 fact South of the argot ooa5ner Baez"}" t b*a" South*rly along said at* ly line, a distance of 2U.5 feet; thOrlde at a right asn416 AA$tOrly to an intarS*Ction With AL lane parallel llel +nth and 40 f et 4atrterly of Line a,VN (hertta- alter dastrihedd); theme Northerly ai id parallel line to That part of tho Worthwat 1/4 of tbo IW tbftot 1/4 of Section 7j Toombip 116s, Unso 11, Atweribod as falls Beginning at point to the blast lino of said g rtbwest 114 of tho Dort t ei, a distance of 663.35 feet South of the Porthwast corner tbo o#; theme Southerly along the Vesterly line of said Vorthwesta 1/4 of t' bit 1/4 to a point thoroin distant 368.78 feet rth tt th "St eorner t roof; Chance for ly p M11s1 with tho South iii cal *Aid Uoxt st 1/4 of th4 Mmth t 1/4 a► distance of' 33.05 ant thanca Soutar- st rly 167.42 test along. a aurw4d I (eowmva to the North - sts wing a V44-L S of 200 flat 441to augla of -V W lb" W09 taa ant ta a lace parallel with the blast I %* of said rthvest 1/4 of the Mort nt $1/4) thearze Qwterly aloug a line tangent to the Uot dear ibad. curve, a dipta a of 134.+ toot; th anccl WorthQasravly along a taxi ti, 1 ,soma to tb& left, homing a =41.us of 175 feet to oa t to tiou Vith a li parallel with and 40 feet Masterly og 'Lane "W* (hereinafter arlbed); theme No-'t rly a said parallal 'Line to an inter- lion with a line dvwa &wtarly from the point of bo$ tiwi an4 at a right angle to the wart line at cstd Nortbweat 1/4 of the rt "t 1!4:1 the W torlyr alb "id right angle to point cif beginainS, Ut 1%"s gin lag at the Soutb st comet of the NortWost 1/4 of said Section 71: thoute North 47* Aeat axon t South line tbaraa , a 41stance of 4 ? .5 toot, thenaa North*. a dis of 1"0.2 tl theme Worth, 400 Wont, a distance of 271.57 bet to the actual point of twgiming of the lina to be daae»i d thence North 139 M* t, a list o.aat thence Northerly aloes a +tial tr to On left, h&vU$ a radlue of 1432.39 flat, a distence of 98.1 Wit; tie contiming, 1 ttbatly along .a oaquxa4 cum, Said carve bAvian a ra4lux of 3756.01 toot, a d ,* tam of 43403 foat and thove fi rasoati g. &*j t to toned t over tbo Mwt 33 bet tboraoil And CI WORMs it has b"m data that "WItamw with the Subdivision and Zoning ROSU44tiona of the Village of Adina will create an Unaso"Sary bar4ship and **14, raroals " separate tracts of land do not interfere with the purposes of the Subdivision and Zoning RWIatione to Oontaimd in the v31 cat WUIA' OrdIrm-We *Do,. all And soli awl TMISVOUK, it LO haraby Te6OIYG4 by th6 V111494 CQWWil of UW Villne of "ing that the Couvoyame Said ownership of said pareals " separate tracts of land Is bereby pre al and the re"iromuts and provisions of Oruwmoo so. ell 4U4 Ordilfts"O No. 801 Are beroby waived to All said di ,aicn ATZd Com,"Yance thereof As separsta tracts Of land but are not vaive4 for any otber peg or so to any et provision thereof# an4 sub- ject, however, to the provision t .no further subdivision be made of said Paztels, tinleas made in complianoe, wtth the pertinent, ordinances of the tail** lage. of Edlna:��r 4th trio- prior approvaI of this Counoll as way be provided for *by C-o-a 0=. D thia 28"th 41"I'Iv of re"PrItary, 1972. STATE OF )aMWS(r,-A or H.1" TUL WE Or 'F' MIL 'IN SIE MU11 UWE- Cr. n-!K 1. the wadara�gitad duly appo'rited and 4ating Village Clerk 4-ir the V111age- of XdIn4' do horQby cqrtif ,y tIAt T bAvcl soured t1w, attach d and fpxtgolm vesolutiall iuld tut tha --aze to a true and correct o3py of th• ra5oliitioa duly sdqpte-d 1y the 2dina Village Cottncil at its Rogular Meeting of February 260 19720 And as rarorded in the 1iiiiutaa- of said Regular Ifeetinf;. VITNESS r,-,y 'hemd and saal of s4 id Villop his 2nd day of Xar'-Ich, 1972.