HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-01-14 Parks & Rec Comm PacketAgenda Parks and Recreation Commission City Of Edina, Minnesota City Hall, Council Chambers Tuesday, January 14, 2020 7:00 PM I.Call To Order II.Roll Call III.Approval Of Meeting Agenda IV.Approval Of Meeting Minutes A.Minutes: Parks & Recreation Commission Dec. 10, 2019 V.Community Comment During "Community Comment," the Board/Commission will invite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board/Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Board/Commission might refer the matter to sta% for consideration at a future meeting. VI.Reports/Recommendations A.Special Project Guidelines B.Commissioner Park Assignments C.2020 Commission Work Plan VII.Chair And Member Comments A.2019 Work Plan Comments B.February 2020 Election of O1cers VIII.Sta2 Comments A.Informational Items B.City Council Updates Dec. 17, 2019 and Jan. 7, 2020 IX.Adjournment The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampli8cation, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Date: January 14, 2020 Agenda Item #: IV.A. To:Parks and Recreation Commission Item Type: Minutes From:Perry Vetter, Parks & Recreation Director Item Activity: Subject:Minutes: Parks & Recreation Commission Dec. 10, 2019 Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve minutes from the Dec. 10, 2019 Parks & Recreation Commission meeting. INTRODUCTION: ATTACHMENTS: Description Minutes: Parks & Recreation Commission Dec. 10, 2019 Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 12/10/2019 Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Edina Parks & Recreation Commission City Hall, Council Chambers Tues., Dec. 10, 2019 7 p.m. I. Call to Order Chair Good called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. II. Roll Call Answering roll call were Commissioners McAwley, Ites, Dahlien, Good, Nelson, Miller and Strother and Student Commissioners Lelas and Osborne Absent: Commissioner McCormick Late arrivals: Commissioner Willette arrived at 7:13 p.m. Staff present: Staff Liaison Perry Vetter, Assistant Director Parks & Natural Resources Tom Swenson and Administrative Coordinator Janet Canton III. Approval of Meeting Agenda Motion made by McAwley to approve the meeting agenda. Motion seconded by Nelson. Motion carried. IV. Approval of Meeting Minutes Motion made by Nelson to approve the Nov. 12, 2019 minutes. Motion seconded by McAwley. Motion carried. V. Community Comment None VI. Reports/Recommendations A. Introduction of Potential Lake Cornelia Water Quality Improvements Staff Liaison Vetter introduced the potential Lake Cornelia Water Quality Improvement Project and explained how it relates to the strategic plan as well as how its main goal is to protect and restore Edina’s water resources. Randy Anhorn, District Administrator for the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District explained how this plan is part of their watershed management plan. He also explained how they have been working on a feasibility water study on Lake Cornelia and Lake Edina. Janna Kieffer, Vice President and Senior Water Resources Engineer from Barr Engineering informed the commission Barr Engineering conducted the study on Lake Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 12/10/2019 Cornelia and Lake Edina. She noted they identified several management practices they could do in both Lake Cornelia and outside the watershed. She explained their goal for tonight’s meeting is to introduce to the commission these concepts during the early phases of it. Kurt Leuthold, Vice President and Senior Civil Engineer from Barr Engineering went over the different concepts they had looked at. Commissioners asked questions and gave positive feedback. Staff Liaison Vetter stated that the proposed project is just conceptual at this point. The next steps in the process would be for the watershed district to review further and if they are interested in pursuing the improvements, to update the City Council and determine a review process. B. Park Assignments Commissioner Strother indicated she did not submit her preferred parks and noted she would like to take Chowen Park and would be happy to take any of the other open parks. Commissioner Miller asked to have Cornelia School Park added to his park assignments. Student Commissioner Lelas asked to have Strachauer Park and York Park added to her park assignments. Student Commissioner Osborne asked to have Melody Lake Park and Normandale Park added to her park assignments. Commissioner Miller noted it would be great if the commissioners could get in touch with the people who have adopted parks and introduce themselves to make a connection. Chair Good indicated that staff will provide guidance on what would be helpful as they visit some of these parks to capture and send back. He also noted if you get contacted by somebody affiliated with one of these parks then this gives you a commissioner that you can include in any discussion. C. Commission Work Plan Update Chair Good informed the commission they need to wrap up their 2019 Work Plan and that the proposed 2020 Work Plan has now been officially approved by the City Council. Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 12/10/2019 Staff Liaison Vetter informed the commission they will be receiving a template so they can formulate their response and they can summarize the year’s Work Plan for the City Council on each of the initiatives as well as give feedback and note if there are any next steps or recommendations. Chair Good pointed out to the commission there are seven initiatives on the 2020 Parks & Recreation Commission Work Plan; one of the initiatives is a carry-over from the 2019 Work Plan. Staff Liaison Vetter gave a more detailed summary of each of the initiatives. Commissioners volunteered to be on the following 2020 Work Plan initiatives: Initiative #1 – Review and comment on the Flood Risk Reduction Strategy and Climate Action Plan. Commissioner McAwley and Student Commissioner Lelas Initiative #2 – Co-chair a cross-commission committee (HRRC & PARC) in partnership with communities of color to identify barriers for participation in programming by creating a plan to reach communities of color through different modes, structure of feedback, and how data will be used. (R&E 20.B.) Committee will be comprised of no more than 2-3 members from each commission and one member from each commission will serve as co-chair. Commissioner Strother and Student Commissioner Osborne. Initiative #3 – Develop an approach to build community by proactively connecting with neighborhood groups, community athletic groups and underserved members of the community. Commissioners Ites, Nelson and Student Commissioner Osborne Initiative #4 – Develop criteria that incorporates sustainability and equity for prioritizing capital improvements for park infrastructure needs, including playground equipment, warming houses and core amenities for expansion and replacement. Parks and Recreation Commission will create the criteria and both Energy & Environment commission and Human Rights & Relations commission will appoint up to 2 members for feedback on final criteria before it goes to council. Commissioners Nelson, Strother and Student Commissioners Lelas and Osborne Initiative #5 – Assist staff with the pursuit of funding opportunities for Braemar Park Master Plan. Commissioners Good, Ites, Miller and Willette Initiative #6 – Assist staff with the pursuit of funding opportunities for Fred Richards Park master plan. Commissioners Dahlien, Ites and Willette Initiative #7 – Study and report on the strategic goal of 15% of Edina land dedicated to parks and green spaces. Commissioners Dahlien, Good and Miller VII. Chair and Member Comments Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 12/10/2019  Commissioner McAwley asked if the city is going to be grooming cross country trails at Braemar Park this winter to which Staff Liaison Vetter replied they are not.  Commissioner Dahlien wanted to commend Braemar Arena General Manager Chad Eichens and his staff for how well they handled some unruly fans at the high school game. VIII. Staff Comments Staff Liaison Vetter gave the following updates:  The 2020 calendar of meetings for the city has been approved; due to the primary election on Aug. 11 the Parks & Recreation Commission meeting will be held on Monday, Aug. 10. Chair Good asked the commissioners to think about where they would like to hold their two off-site meetings in 2020. Commissioner Nelson suggested Arden Park.  The proposed Parks & Recreation fees will go to City Council for approval on Dec. 17. He noted they have not yet solved what a half-season pass at the Aquatic Center would look like; however, someone from the Finance Department has been working on it.  Work continues at Arden Park with flooding the rinks and finalizing the warming house. If all goes well they are looking at opening the rinks on Dec. 16.  Braemar Golf Dome has been receiving some good responses from the people who are using the new technology.  Braemar Arena has been busy; The Cake Eater Tournament was held over Thanksgiving weekend and approximately 12,000 people went through the arena over that Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  The dome has been doing well.  Centennial Lakes Park just finished their final reservation of the year and are moving towards outdoor skating and are hoping to open Dec. 16 as well.  Edinborough Park has its New Year’s Eve party on Monday, Dec. 30 from 5-7:30 p.m.; the best way to register is online.  City Council adopted the 2020 budget and the Comprehensive Guide Plan at their Dec. 3 meeting. Staff Liaison Vetter thanked the commissioners and Chair Good for all their hard work on the Comprehensive Plan. IX. Adjournment Motion made by Nelson to adjourn the Dec. 10, 2019 meeting at 8:41 p.m. Motion seconded by Dahlien. Motion carried. Date: January 14, 2020 Agenda Item #: VI.A. To:Parks and Recreation Commission Item Type: Report and Recommendation From:Perry Vetter, Parks & Recreation Director Item Activity: Subject:Special Project Guidelines Discussion CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Provide feedback on the proposed special project guidelines for community proposals. INTRODUCTION: At the Oct. 7, 2019 meeting, staff presented a draft of special project guidelines. This was in response to staff receiving an increase in requests from neighborhood and resident groups to update or improve certain park amenities and facilities. T he Commission generally agreed with the concept, however recommended that a simpler version be created for the community to review and the balance of evaluation was more appropriate for staff. Attached is a list of questions that have been separated out for the community to answer when requesting a special project. Those same questions (highlighted in green) would be reviewed and additional input would be provided by staff as appropriate. If the commission agrees, staff would brand community portion of the document for use when approached with these requests. Strategic Plan Parks Goal 4 - Revitalize existing parks by aligning park, open space, and trail infrastructure with current and anticipated community needs. ATTACHMENTS: Description Draft Special Project Guidelines Considerations for special projects or proposals – Community Member Portion I. Please give a brief overview of your proposal. a. What is the community or neighborhood demand for the project? b. What is the impact on the community for not supporting the project? c. What are the expected benefits derived from the project? d. Has a specific site been identified? e. What financial resources are available in the community to fund the project? How secure are these resources and can the needed funding be sustained? f. What alternatives have been considered? g. Is this project expected to continue or is it a one-time request? Is this project seasonal in nature or a year-round operation? Which seasons? Considerations for special projects or proposals – Staff Analysis (also provide comments on Community Portion) I. The extent of neighborhood and community interest and benefit derived from the project is justifiable. a. Does this project support an initiative on the annual work plan? b. Does it serve a previously identified community need? c. What is the community or neighborhood demand for the project? d. Is there equity in supporting the project? e. What is the impact on the community for not supporting the project? f. What are the expected benefits derived from the project? g. Would this project be utilized by non-residents and what is that impact? h. How and to what extent will the community be engaged? II. Proximity of requested project to existing park or other city-owned land is appropriate. a. Is land acquisition involved or will city-owned property be used? b. Has a specific site been identified? c. Does this project displace a current or future activity? d. What is the impact (traffic, noise, light, etc.) on surrounding properties? e. Is this project sole source or would other entities have similar interests? f. What selection process will be utilized? g. What liability issues are involved? Are there other requirements? h. Are there identified approvals needed from the city? Other entities? III. There is an ability for the city and the community to fund the project. a. Is funding available through the city’s Capital Improvement Program? b. Is funding available through the city’s general operating budget? c. What other financial resources are available in the community to fund the project? d. How secure are these resources and can the needed funding be sustained? e. What ongoing operating and maintenance costs are involved? f. Will this be revenue-generating project? Who will pay for the expenses? Who will keep the revenues? g. Will the facility be programmed? If so, at what cost and by whom? IV. Other issues a. What alternatives have been considered? b. How does the project align with the established goals of the Parks and Recreation Department? c. How accessible is the property to the general public? d. Is this a project expected to continue or is it a one-time request? e. Is this project seasonal in nature or a year-round operation? Which seasons? Date: January 14, 2020 Agenda Item #: VI.B. To:Parks and Recreation Commission Item Type: Report and Recommendation From:Perry Vetter, Parks & Recreation Director Item Activity: Subject:Commissioner Park Assignments Discussion CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Finalize Commissioner assignments for available park locations. INTRODUCTION: Staff had generated the following ideas of way commissioners could be involved in park assignments. Provide firsthand observations or liaison with users for PARC Workplan items related to the utilization of the park system Represent the PARC to adopt-a-park groups or additional volunteer groups when working in the parks Develop relationships with residents, neighborhood groups, athletic associations or others that use the park system Be involved in and possibly liaison to future committee assignments for the park during master planning projects Using the city’s 311 system or the non-emergency number report unsafe or hazardous conditions Next steps for the process are for commissioners to finalize any changes to their preferred park locations for assignment and staff will present a feedback tool for use. Currently, the attached location requests have been received. ATTACHMENTS: Description Commissioner Park Assignments Park Name Classification Adopted By Recognized Neighborhood Associations Commissioner Alden Park (6750 Belmore Lane)Neighborhood Park Kaiser and Blackman Families Nelson Arden Park (5230 Minnehaha Blvd.) Neighborhood Park Arden Park Neighborhood Assn.Arden Park Assn.Nelson Arneson Acres Park (4711 West 70th St.) Special Use Park Edina Garden Council Good Birchcrest Park (6016 Hansen Rd.) Mini Park The Root Family Dahlien Braemar Park (Southwest corner of Edina) Special Use Park NA Ites and Dahlien Bredesen Park (5901 Olinger Blvd.) Special Use Park Jake and Will Miller Browndale Park (4510 Browndale Ave.) Mini Park Browndale Park Assn.McCormick Chowen Park (5700 Chowen Ave. S.) Mini Park The Boldischar Family Chowen Park Assn.Strother Cornelia School Park (7142 Cornelia Dr.) Neighborhood Park Open Miller Countryside Park (6240 Tracy Ave. S.)Neighborhood Park Edina Democrats Nelson and Dahlien Creek Valley School Park (6301Gleason Rd.)Community Park Creek Valley Kids Club McAwley Fox Meadow Park (5251 Blake Rd.)Mini Park Open Good Garden Park (5520 Hansen Rd.) Community Park Musolf, Goldman and Saxton Families Willette Grandview Square Park (5280 Grandview Square) Mini Park Grandview Square Homeowners Assn.McAwley Heights Park (5520 West 66th St.) Mini Park Heights Park Neighbors Good Highlands Park (5200 Doncaster Way) Community Park Bruce Carlson Nelson and McAwley Kojetin Park (4201 West 44th St.) Mini Park Gateway Bank Strother Fred Richards/Lake Edina Park (4400 Parklawn Ave.) Community Park Platinum Dance Center Ites Lewis Park (7300 Cahill Rd.)Community Park Film Tec Corporation Ites and Miller McGuire Park (69th St. and McGuire Rd.) Mini Park The Spanhakes Miller Melody Lake Park (5601 Melody Lake Dr.) Mini Park Boy Scout Troop 68 Nelson, Lelas and Osborne Normandale Park (6501 Warren Ave .S.) Neighborhood Park Tradition Osborne Pamela Park (4303 W. 58th St.) Community Park Edina Girls Fastpitch Association Pamela Park Assn.Nelson, Willette, McCormick Rosland Park (4300 West 66th St.) Community Park The North Face - Galleria/Edina Lake Cornelia Assn.Dahlien Sherwood Park (5225 Sherwood Rd.)Mini Park Open St. John’s Park (5924 St. John's Ave.)Mini Park The Voreis Team at Keller Williams Realty Park Name Classification Adopted By Recognized Neighborhood Associations Commissioner Strachauer Park (6200 Beard Ave. S.) Neighborhood Park Strachauer Park Neighborhood Assn.Strachauer Park Assn.Good and Lelas Tingdale Park (5800 W. 59th St.) Mini Park Open Dahlien Todd Park (4429 Vandervork Ave. S.) Community Park Neighbors of Todd Park Nelson Tupa Park (4918 Eden Ave.) Special Use Park Oliver Hudson Kelley Grange Nelson Utley Park (4521 W. 50th St.)Neighborhood Park Edina Noon Rotary Club McCormick Van Valkenburg Park (4935 Lincoln Dr. S.) Special Use Park Scoopy Poo - Doggy Doo Pick-Up Willette Walnut Ridge Park (5801 Londonderry Rd.) Community Park Parkwood Knolls Association Good Weber Park (4115 Grimes Ave. S.) Neighborhood Park Avail Academy Morningside Assn.Nelson, McCormick Weber Woods (Name TBD ) (40th & France) Special Use Park NA Williams Park (50th St. and Browndale Ave.) Mini Park Open McCormick Wooddale Park (4500 W. 50th St.)Neighborhood Park Edina Noon Rotary Club McCormick York Park (5448 York Ave. S.) Mini Park Jim and Zibby Nunn and Family Chowen Park Assn.Lelas Yorktown Park (7335 York Ave. S.)Special Use Park Open As of Jan. 8, 2020 Date: January 14, 2020 Agenda Item #: VI.C. To:Parks and Recreation Commission Item Type: Report and Recommendation From:Perry Vetter, Parks & Recreation Director Item Activity: Subject:2020 Commission Work Plan Discussion CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Discuss prioritization and timeline of work plan initiatives. INTRODUCTION: The 2020 Parks and Recreation Commission Work plan was approved and members have assigned representatives to each initiative. In order to plan accordingly for the upcoming year timeline goals will need to be set in order to effectively compliment other milestones. ATTACHMENTS: Description 2020 Approved PARC Work Plan Parks & Recreation 2020 Approved Commission Work Plan Template Initiative 1 Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge New Dec-20 2 (review and comment) Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support NA Initiative 2 Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge Continue Dec-20 3 (review and recommend) Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Staff Liaison NA Review and Comment Progress Report: Review and comment on the Flood Risk Reduction Strategy and Climate Action Plan.McAwley, Lelas Review and Recommend Co-chair a cross-commission committee (HRRC & PARC) in partnership with communities of color to identify barriers for participation in programming by creating a plan to reach communities of color through different modes, structure of feedback, and how data will be used. (R&E 20.B.) Committee will be comprised of no more than 2-3 members from each commission and one member from each commission will serve as co-chair. Strother, Osborne Progress Report: Initiative 3 Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge New Dec-20 4 (review and decide) Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Staff Liaison NA Initiative 4 Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge New 3 (review and recommend) Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Staff Liaison NA 25-35 Initiative 5 Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge New Dec-20 4 (review and decide) Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Funds not available Staff Liaison 2017 Est. $2,200,000 Review and Decide Review and Recommend Develop criteria that incorporates sustainability and equity for prioritizing capital improvements for park infrastructure needs, including playground equipment, warming houses and core amenities for expansion and replacement. Parks and Recreation Commission will create the criteria and both Energy & Environment commission and Human Rights & Relations commission will appoint up to 2 members for feedback on final criteria before it goes to Council. Ites, Nelson, Strother, Lelas, Osborne Develop an approach to build community by proactively connecting with neighborhood groups, community athletic groups and underserved members of the community. Ites, Nelson, Osborne Progress Report: Progress Report: Progress Report: Review and Decide Asssit staff with the pursuit of funding opportunities for Braemar Park Master Plan Good, Ites, Miller, Willette Initiative 6 Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge New Dec-20 4 (review and decide) Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Funds not available Staff Liaison 2017 Est. $13,700,000 Initiative 7 Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge New Dec-20 1 (study and report) Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support Staff Liaison, Other NA 20-25 Parking Lot Review and Decide Assist staff with the pursuit of funding opportunities for Fred Richards Park master plan.Dahlien, Ites, Willette Progress Report: Study and Report Study and report on the strategic goal of 15% of Edina land dedicated to parks and green spaces. Dahlien, Good, Miller Progress Report: Date: January 14, 2020 Agenda Item #: VII.A. To:Parks and Recreation Commission Item Type: Other From:Perry Vetter, Parks & Recreation Director Item Activity: Subject:2019 Work Plan Comments Discussion CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Please review the attached template that will be utilized to summarize the 2019 initiative recommendations. This document will be compiled and sent to the City Council for review. Please coordinate with the assigned initiative groups with the information collected and staff will compile the results of each work group. INTRODUCTION: Attached is a template to compile the work plan imitative results from 2019. ATTACHMENTS: Description 2019 Work Plan Response Template Date: To: Mayor and City Council From: Parks & Recreation Commission Subject: 2019 Work Plan Initiatives Report Initiative #1 Background: • Chair/co-chair a cross-commission committee with the Human Rights and Relations Commission to review the naming of a public facility in the Grandview area after the BC and Ellen Yancey. (Review and Recommend) Recommendation: A cross-commission work group was formed to review the naming of a public facility in the Grandview area after the Yancey family. This work group included members of the Parks & Recreation Commission and the Human Rights and Relations Commission. Members met as part of the cross-commission. Members of the HRRC have developed two options for renaming and will forward those options to the PARC for review and deliberation. PARC will then as part of a regular agenda item discuss the options and any background provided by HRRC in order to make a recommendation to the City Council. Rationale for Recommendation: 2019 Parks & Recreation Commission Annual Work Plan Report Initiative #2 Background: • Serve on a cross-commission committee (see partners) in partnership with communities of color to identify barriers for participation in programming. (Review and Comment) Recommendation: A cross-commission work group was formed with the Parks & Recreation Commission and the Human Rights and Relations Commission. This cross-commission group met to discuss the initiative and have identified opportunities for identification of barriers. The HRRC is currently working on a framework for gather feedback on barriers, such as what to ask, how to ask, where to ask, etc. to further this goal. The Park & Recreation Commissioners will take that feedback and in 2020, will continue to discuss implementation. Rationale for Comments: Initiative continued to the 2020 Work Plan. 2019 Parks & Recreation Commission Annual Work Plan Report Initiative #3 Background: • Chair/co-chair a cross-commission committee with the Transportation Committee to develop a draft plan on Edina Grand Rounds, including wayfinding. (Review and Recommend) Recommendation: A cross-commission work group was formed to develop a draft plan on an Edina Grand Rounds, including wayfinding. This work group included members of the Parks & Recreation Commission and the Transportation Commission. After discussions and study, members invited Andrew Scipioni, Transportation Planner for the City of Edina and staff liaison to the Transportation Commission to present the Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan. At the Oct. 7, 2019 Parks & Recreation Commission meeting, commissioners heard a presentation on the Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan. This plan, adopted in 2018 by City Council, was a culmination of a public process and review of policy, plans and goals that created a vision to guide future development of non-motorized transportation infrastructure in Edina, including sidewalks, bike facilities and shared-use paths. Based upon the presentation and feedback from the commissioners, it was agreed upon by the commission that the adopted Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan meets the needs of this work plan initiative. Rationale for Recommendation: Parks and Recreation Commissioners had the following feedback about the Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan: • Ensure that there is strong communication between the Engineering and Parks & Recreation staff to ensure that projects are well coordinated and take advantage of smaller connections to the neighborhood parks and local destinations are incorporated. • That the full build out of the plan is dependent upon dedicated funding streams and the schedule for implementation is long. • Revisit the installation of wayfinding signage on sections that are already built. • The Parks & Recreation Commission remains interested in remaining an advisory resource to Transportation Staff and the Transportation committee if requested. • The plan is well designed in concept, but final details about implementation should be reviewed upon construction planning to ensure needs are being met. 2019 Parks & Recreation Commission Annual Work Plan Report Initiative #4 Background: • Complete a study and report for fields, courts and rinks capacity and utilization from the data provided by staff. (Study and Report) Report: Rationale for Report: 2019 Parks & Recreation Commission Annual Work Plan Report Initiative #5 Background: • Investigate possible alternative funding options to support future growth and development of Edina’s parks, programs and green spaces. (Study and Report) Report: Rationale for Report: 2019 Parks & Recreation Commission Annual Work Plan Report Initiative #6 Background: • Review and comment on the Race and Equity policy statement developed by City staff. (Review and Comment) Recommendation: City Staff did not develop a Race and Equity policy statement. As an alternate, commissioners have provided feedback on incorporating racial equity policy statements into existing policies that are in place for associations and facilities use. That feedback will be incorporated into revised policies that will be presented for review. Rationale for Comments: Commissioners provided feedback to incorporate statements on the facility usage, rental priority and association related policies to elevate and standardize the requirements and recommendations across all policies. Standardization will eliminate any ambiguity in the implementation of race and equity goals. 2019 Parks & Recreation Commission Annual Work Plan Report Initiative #7 Background: • Serve on a cross-commission committee to complete requirements for Edina to receive the AARP City Designation. (Review and Comment) -Complete Walk Audit Tool Kit provided by AARP -October Senior Expo & Designation Recommendation: The Community Health Commission recommended on behalf of the cross-commission work group that Edina does not seek membership in the AARP Age-Friendly Community Network at this time. This communication was sent from the CHC to the Edina City Council as part of the Dec. 17, 2019 regular meeting agenda. Rationale for Comments: Please see memo from Dec. 17, 2019 regular council meeting for further information. Date: January 14, 2020 Agenda Item #: VII.B. To:Parks and Recreation Commission Item Type: Correspondence From:Greg Good, Parks & Recreation Commission Chair Item Activity: Subject:February 2020 Election of Officers Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None, informational only. INTRODUCTION: Informational Item. In preparation for the February 11, 2020 meeting, Commissioners are asked to review the following information for the annual Chair and Vice Chair elections. Annual Elections Timeline. Each Board and Commission is required to annually elect a Chair and Vice Chair. As outlined in all Board and Commission bylaws, Boards and Commissions are asked to hold their annual elections in February. Election Process. A quorum must be present in order to hold elections (a quorum is half of the voting members plus one). At the regular scheduled meeting selected for annual elections, the current Board or Commission Chair opens the floor for nominations. Once all members have had the chance to nominate a member or themselves, the Board or Commission can take a vote or member can make a motion to nominate a chair and/or vice chair. In the case of a split vote, a Board or Commission could table their annual elections to the next scheduled meeting to allow more member input. Office Terms. Per City Code, each appointed Chair and Vice Chair shall serve a term of one year. No person shall serve more than three consecutive one-year terms as Chair of a Board or Commission. A Chair elected to fill a vacancy shall be eligible to serve three full terms in addition to the remainder of the vacated term. Date: January 14, 2020 Agenda Item #: VIII.A. To:Parks and Recreation Commission Item Type: Other From:Perry Vetter, Parks & Recreation Director Item Activity: Subject:Informational Items Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None, informational only. INTRODUCTION: Included are informational items of note for the commission. ATTACHMENTS: Description Informational Items Jan. 14, 2020 Park and Recreation Commission Perry Vetter, Parks & Recreation Director Informational Items Information / Background: Activities Directory and Summer Registration - The 2020 Spring/Summer Activity Directory is nearing publication. This directory contains a multitude of classes, lessons, events and workshops for all enterprise facilities and recreation programming offerings. Due to the holiday, registration begins at noon on Wednesday Feb. 19, 2020. Yorktown Community Gardens – The Yorktown Community Gardens will temporarily close for the 2020 growing season. A project to install a new sewer pipe this year will go right through the garden area. The environmental and project requirements create a tight window for this part of the project. Engineering and Parks & Recreation staff tried to avoid closing the Community Garden for the season, but the requirements pushed the project into the growing season. Prior garden renters have been notified of this closure. Braemar Golf Dome – The golf dome remained a popular location this December and during winter break reaching capacity. In order to familiarize more people to the TopTracer Range technology, staff has created a short video series on the various game modes and promotions. You can find the information via the EdinaTV channel on YouTube. The Braemar Golf Dome is open daily from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Braemar Arena – Braemar Arena successfully navigated a very busy holiday season hosting overlapping tournaments during this time; a high school girl’s and youth boys. Kudos to both groups for their organization and communication which helped both run smoothly. Attendance was excellent for both and over 63,000 people entered the arena during the month of December and over 16,000 utilized Braemar Field. Centennial Lakes Park – Due to the weather conditions and ice thickness, Centennial Lakes Park was closed for skating during a majority of the holiday and school break. Because of the lack of quality ice it was not safe to operate equipment and allow users on the lake. However, skating has resumed as of Jan. 8. STAFF REPORT Page 2 Edinborough Park - The annual Pre-New Year’s Eve Party took place on Monday, Dec. 30, at Edinborough Park. This popular celebration provided an exciting way for families to celebrate the New Year together yet still leave the adults free on New Year’s Eve. Day of event registration was impacted by the snowstorm that evening, however attendees left positive remarks about the event. Outdoor Ice Rinks – Outdoor rinks have been very popular this season. Weather conditions impacted the usability over winter break, but the dedicated park maintenance staff was able to work on getting skateable conditions. Weather caused closure of the rinks for only two days, while other communities were closed for much longer periods of time. So far over 13,000 skaters have used the rinks, with Pamela, Arden and Countryside Parks the most popular to date. Date: January 14, 2020 Agenda Item #: VIII.B. To:Parks and Recreation Commission Item Type: Other From:Perry Vetter, Parks & Recreation Director Item Activity: Subject:City Council Updates Dec. 17, 2019 and Jan. 7, 2020 Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: INTRODUCTION: ATTACHMENTS: Description City Council Updates Dec. 17, 2019 and Jan. 7, 2020 City Council Updates By Scott Neal Dec. 17, 2019  Approved proposed Parks & Recreation fees for 2020.  Received a presentation from Deric Deutschland, Senior Biologist at SEH Engineering, on the natural resource’s improvements at Braemar Golf Course that resulted from the project. Commissioners are encouraged to view the replay of the meeting presentation. Jan. 7, 2020  Approved a resolution authorizing execution of Hennepin County Healthy Tree Canopy Grant Agreement.  Approved 2020 board & commission reappointments.