HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-07-14 Parks & Rec Comm PacketAgenda
Parks and Recreation Commission
City Of Edina, Minnesota
Members of the public can observe the meeting by watching the live stream on YouTube at
youtube.com/edinatv or by listening in by calling 833-360-0793 with Conference ID 3592399.
Tuesday, July 14, 2020
7:00 PM
I.Call To Order
II.Roll Call: Dahlien, Doscotch, Good, Miller, Nelson, Strother, Willette,
Lelas, Osborne, McAwley, Ites
III.Approval Of Meeting Agenda
IV.Approval Of Meeting Minutes
A.Minutes: Parks & Recreation Commission March 10, 2020
A.Recap of June 16, 2020 joint City Council and Parks and
Recreation Commission virtual meeting
B.2020 Work Plan Discussion
VI.Chair And Member Comments
VII.Sta3 Comments
A.Informational Items
B.City Council Updates March 17 - June 16, 2020
VIII.Calendar Of Events
A.Upcoming 2020 Meetings and Events
The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the
public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampli9cation, an
interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861
72 hours in advance of the meeting.
Date: July 14, 2020 Agenda Item #: IV.A.
To:Parks and Recreation Commission Item Type:
From:Perry Vetter, Parks & Recreation Director
Item Activity:
Subject:Minutes: Parks & Recreation Commission March 10,
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
Approve the minutes from the March 10, 2020 Parks & Recreation Commission meeting.
March 10, 2020 DRAFT Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes
Draft Minutes☒
Approved Minutes☐
Approved Date:
City Of Edina, Minnesota
Edina Parks & Recreation Commission
City Hall, Council Chambers
Tues., March 10, 2020
7 p.m.
I. Call to Order
Chair Ites called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.
Staff Liaison Vetter introduced Matt Doscotch the newly appointed member of the Parks &
Recreation Commission. Commissioner Doscotch introduced himself to the commission
and gave a brief history of himself.
II. Roll Call
Answering roll call were Commissioners Doscotch, Miller, McAwley, Ites, Nelson and
Student Commissioner Osborne
Absent: Commissioners Good, Dahlien, Strother and Student Commissioner Lelas
Commissioner Willette arrived at 7:13 p.m.
Staff present: Staff Liaison Perry Vetter and Administrative Coordinator Janet Canton
III. Approval of Meeting Agenda
Motion made by Nelson to approve the meeting agenda. Motion seconded by
McAwley. Motion carried.
IV. Approval of Meeting Minutes
Commissioner Miller noted in the Feb. 11, 2020 minutes under section VI. B. it states the
motion was both made and seconded by Commissioner McAwley. The actual motion was
made by Commissioner McAwley and seconded by Commissioner Nelson.
Motion made by Miller to approve the amended Feb. 11, 2020 minutes. Motion
seconded by Nelson. Motion carried.
V. Community Comment
Joni Bennett, 4003 Lynn Ave., indicated she is speaking on behalf of the City of Edina
Complete Count Committee. She explained this is a group of volunteers appointed by City
Manager Neal to help our community learn more about and participate fully in the 2020 U.S.
Census. She went over what has and has not changed regarding the census.
VI. Reports/Recommendations
A. Courtney Fields Improvement Study
Draft Minutes☒
Approved Minutes☐
Approved Date:
Staff Liaison Vetter gave a presentation on the Courtney Fields improvement study. He
noted the study focused on ballfield conflict, lighting, site amenities and field playability.
He asked the commission for feedback in order to formalize a capital project request.
Commissioner Nelson suggested reaching out to the Edina Football Association because
they use some of those fields in the fall and it may be another place to tap into for
additional funds. Also, if there is better lighting, they may be able to use it more. She
added the irrigation is also something that bothers their field of play as well.
Commissioner Miller asked if this is part of the Braemar Master Plan or separate. Staff
Liaison Vetter replied certain components were identified in the plan and certain others
were not. He noted drainage, irrigation, additional seating with sun protection and a
future playground with ADA access were all very consistent with the original master
plan. There was no safety netting in the original plan. Lighting at fields 2, 3, and 4 were
not in the master plan. However, lighting at field 1 was in the plan and that has already
been completed.
Commissioner McAwley asked if they are working with the Energy and Environment
Commission on sustainability with the new lighting going in. Staff Liaison Vetter replied
not yet but once they develop the plan further, they will be looking at what it would
offset and see if that would allow them any additional grant or alternative funding
resources because of saving energy.
Commissioner Ites asked if the estimated cost is included in the local sales tax number
that was given to the legislature. Staff Liaison Vetter replied portions of it were.
B. 2019 Parks & Recreation Commission Work Plan Update
Staff Liaison Vetter asked the commissioners who haven’t already to go in and update
their 2019 Work Plan initiatives in the document provided. He commented some
initiatives have a next step to bring the initiative to the City Council and others are just
to study and report.
C. 2020 Parks & Recreation Commission Work Plan Update
Chair Ites asked Commissioner Doscotch if he had any personal interest in any of the 2020
Work Plan initiatives. Commissioner Doscotch replied Initiatives #3, #4 and #5 were at the
top of his list of the initiatives he felt fit his skill set and added that he is more than happy to
help in any way the commission sees fit. After much discussion by the commission it was
decided Commissioner Doscotch will be added to Initiative #1, #3 and #4 and Commissioner
McAwley will switch from Initiative #4 to Initiative #3 due to quorum guidelines.
Draft Minutes☒
Approved Minutes☐
Approved Date:
Initiative #4 – Develop criteria that incorporates sustainability and equity for
prioritizing capital improvements for park infrastructure needs, including playground
equipment, warming houses and core amenities for expansion and replacement. Parks
and Recreation Commission will create the criteria and both Energy & Environment
commission and Human Rights & Relations commission will appoint up to 2 members
for feedback on final criteria before it goes to council.
Staff Liaison Vetter informed the commission they did host a meeting and looked at examples
from other communities as well as talked about their own internal process. They looked at the
current process of other communities and how they prioritize capital. It was also discussed
briefly should it be more of a priority or should it be a scoring/ranking system. Commissioners
felt they should head down the path of just a priority and not get into scoring projects.
Commissioner Nelson went over a list in terms of what they felt the topics should be
considered for prioritization to be further defined. They include:
1 Safety
2 ADA compliance
3 Protecting assets
4 User experience and community interest,
5 Existing assets versus new assets
6 Non-revenue facilities and amenities versus revenue facilities and amenities
7 Park by park approach versus the amenities by amenities approach
8 Neighborhoods wants versus park system wants
9 Enhancing the underutilized space for future growth
10 Leveraging partnership funds
11 Cost and expense levels
12 Race and equity goals
13 Sustainability improvements in saving offsets
Staff Liaison Vetter pointed out none of the topics listed have been ranked. The next steps will
be to further define what each of them means. They will look at available funds and will do a
priority listing and not scoring. He added this is something that will evolve over time.
No other initiative updates were given.
VII. Chair and Member Comments
• Commissioner Nelson informed the commission she wants to make sure they are being
proactive with the COVID-19 situation such as do they have enough hand sanitizers at
the parks, etc. Staff Liaison Vetter replied staff is planning a response for the COVID-19
and are gathering information from the CDC Department of Health as well as their own
internal environmental health. He noted they will be deploying some additional
strategies as they head into their busy season.
Draft Minutes☒
Approved Minutes☐
Approved Date:
• Chair Ites asked if any signage has been placed at Arden Park with regards to dogs. Staff
Liaison Vetter replied some temporary signs have been put in the area to remind people
of the rules and regulations. He noted they are also putting in a few of the temporary
signs along the Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail.
• Chair Ites informed the commission that Commissioner McAwley and he attended the
Ikola Dedication of the Statue at Braemar Arena and it was a good event.
VIII. Staff Comments
• The City Council passed a Resolution of Support to the state Legislature requesting the
authorization to have a referendum for a local option sales tax. On Feb. 20
Representative Heather Edelson sponsored House File 3594, which supports the City of
Edina’s request for that authorization. Council Member Anderson, City Manager Neal,
Recreation Supervisor Bushland, City Management Fellow Casella and he were in
attendance for the hearing. He noted several questions and comments were made;
however, it did pass that initial step of going through the local property tax and local tax
committee on the House side and was laid over for possible inclusion and a future bill.
A date has not yet been scheduled for a hearing in the Senate. He noted typically this is
a bonding year for the state legislature so they are not certain whether there will even
be a tax bill. A lot of procedural steps at the state legislature remain to be seen;
however, the first hearing went well which is a positive sign.
• The 2020 spring/summer registration opened on Wednesday, Feb. 19. There were
approximately 2,400 registrations in the first two hours online. It went well and he
complimented the staff and registrants for a great job done.
• There were 63,000 people who went through Braemar Arena in February and 5,700
who through on Super Sunday.
• There are several special events listed in the packet from March through May.
• The outdoor ice rinks closed on March 1. They did extend six of the 12 locations for
an additional week. There were approximately 31,000 skaters based on the attendance
stats so there was quite a bit more than the 2018-2019 season. Recreation Supervisor
Bushland will attend the April Parks & Recreation Commission meeting to give you a
more detailed report.
• They are currently hiring for summer positions; you can text jobs to 57838 where you
will be connected to employment information that the city offers.
• The packet also includes a quick rundown of the 2020 meeting and events that you
should be aware of.
IX. Adjournment
Draft Minutes☒
Approved Minutes☐
Approved Date:
Motion made by Nelson to adjourn the March 10, 2020 meeting at 7:42 p.m.
Motion seconded by McAwley. Motion carried.
Date: July 14, 2020 Agenda Item #: V.A.
To:Parks and Recreation Commission Item Type:
Report and Recommendation
From:Perry Vetter, Parks and Recreation Director
Item Activity:
Subject:Recap of June 16, 2020 joint City Council and Parks
and Recreation Commission virtual meeting
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
No action requested, informational only.
Staff will provide a recap of the June 16, 2020 joint City Council and Parks and Recreation Commission virtual
meeting. This will provide an opportunity to answer any follow up questions commissioners may have.
Date: July 14, 2020 Agenda Item #: V.B.
To:Parks and Recreation Commission Item Type:
Report and Recommendation
From:Perry Vetter, Parks and Recreation Director
Item Activity:
Subject:2020 Work Plan Discussion Discussion
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
Provide updates to the attached 2020 work plan with progress to date.
2020 PARC Work Plan
Parks & Recreation
2020 Approved Commission Work Plan Template
Initiative 1 Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge
New Dec-20 2 (review and comment)
Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support
Initiative 2 Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge
Continue Dec-20 3 (review and recommend)
Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support
Staff Liaison
Review and Comment
Progress Report: City Council is scheduled to meet with the Flood Risk Reduction Task Force at the March 4, 2020 Work Session to discuss their progress. Staff will
provide an updates to lead commissioners.
Review and comment on the Flood Risk Reduction Strategy and Climate
Action Plan.McAwley (lead), Lelas,
Nelson, Doscotch
Review and Recommend
Co-chair a cross-commission committee (HRRC & PARC) in partnership with
communities of color to identify barriers for participation in programming by
creating a plan to reach communities of color through different modes, structure of
feedback, and how data will be used. (R&E 20.B.) Committee will be comprised of
no more than 2-3 members from each commission and one member from each
commission will serve as co-chair.
Strother (lead),
Progress Report:
Initiative 3 Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge
New Dec-20 4 (review and decide)
Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support
Staff Liaison
Initiative 4 Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge
New May, 2020 3 (review and recommend)
Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support
Staff Liaison
NA 25-35
Initiative 5 Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge
New September, 2020 4 (review and decide)
Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support
Funds not available Staff Liaison
2017 Est. $2,200,000
Review and Decide
Review and Recommend
Develop criteria that incorporates sustainability and equity for prioritizing capital
improvements for park infrastructure needs, including playground equipment,
warming houses and core amenities for expansion and replacement. Parks and
Recreation Commission will create the criteria and both Energy & Environment
commission and Human Rights & Relations commission will appoint up to 2
members for feedback on final criteria before it goes to Council.
Nelson (lead), Ites,
Doscotch, Strother,
Lelas, Osborne
Develop an approach to build community by proactively connecting with
neighborhood groups, community athletic groups and underserved
members of the community.
Nelson (lead), Ites,
Osborne, McAwley
Progress Report:
Progress Report:
Progress Report: Initial meeting held on Feb. 27, 2020.
Review and Decide
Asssit staff with the pursuit of funding opportunities for Braemar Park
Master Plan Ites and Miller (leads),
Willette, Good
Initiative 6 Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge
New September, 2020 4 (review and decide)
Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support
Funds not available Staff Liaison
2017 Est. $13,700,000
Initiative 7 Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge
New Dec-20 1 (study and report)
Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support
Staff Liaison, Other
NA 20-25
Parking Lot
Review and Decide
Assist staff with the pursuit of funding opportunities for Fred Richards
Park master plan.Dahlien and Willette
(leads), Ites
Progress Report:
Study and Report
Study and report on the strategic goal of 15% of Edina land dedicated to
parks and green spaces. Good (lead), Dahlien,
Progress Report:
Date: July 14, 2020 Agenda Item #: VII.A.
To:Parks and Recreation Commission Item Type:
Report and Recommendation
From:Perry Vetter, Parks & Recreation Director
Item Activity:
Subject:Informational Items Information
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
July 14, 2020 Informational Items
July 14, 2020
Park and Recreation Commission
Perry Vetter, Parks & Recreation Director
Informational Items
Information / Background:
Arden Park Project Update
The Arden Park project is still underway. Remaining work relates to the landscape establishment, natural
resource plantings and remedy of punch list items for the contractors. The city’s projects of the playground
equipment and park building construction have been completed. City staff continues to work with the
Minnehaha Creek Watershed District on the remaining work.
Hennepin County Save the Summer Grants
Three Rivers Park District managed a grant program on behalf of Hennepin County for first-tier
communities in the county with an opportunity to submit “Save the Summer” grant proposals. The
proposals needed to center around getting kids outside and keeping them active. Recreation and enterprise
facility staff submitted four proposals, and all have been approved for funding. They include:
• Parks at Play: Staff will be providing “pop-up” park visits to 10 parks throughout the city that will
include the slip-n-slide, games, arts & crafts and activities.
• Water Safety Days: Staff will provide education sessions on how to stay safe in outdoor water
environments (lakes, pools, etc.) at Utley Park. Sessions will also include fun water games and a free
lifejacket for each registered participant.
• Pack N’ Play Family Tennis Kits: Staff will provide tennis kits consisting of two tennis racquets, tennis
balls and instructional materials so that youth/families interested in tennis can continue to learn on
their own and in a safe manner.
• Paddle N’ Play-Paddleboats at Centennial Lakes Park: Staff will have an opportunity to open up the
paddleboat operations at Centennial Lakes Park in a safe manner for the remainder of the summer
and early fall. Funding will allow us to purchase additional lifejackets, purchase disinfect equipment
that can allow us to sanitize lifejackets and boats and provide adequate staffing to safely operate this
Reimagined Summer Programs
As part of a package of reimagined summer programs for Pre-K, Youth and Adults, several program
offerings were provided in compliance with Federal, State and Local guidelines. Those programs started July
13 and included:
• Fitness in the Parks (versions just for kids and some for adults)
• KidCreate art classes including fun with slime, Paw Patrol and a tie-dye party
• Revolutionary Sports in baseball, softball and tennis
• Skyhawks Sports Camps for cheerleading, flag football, mini-hawks, multisport and soccer
• Soccer Shots
• Tennis Lessons
• RECtivity Boxes
Shelter Reservations
Outdoor shelter reservations for Rosland Park are being accepted, with a limit of 25 people as per state
guidance. Beginning August 1, all other shelters will accept rentals. All reservations will require participants
to follow the State of MN safe outdoor recreation guidelines.
Facility Operations
As noted during the June 16 joint meeting, all facility operations, with the exception of the Edina Art Center
and Edina Senior Center are open for either modified or full operations based upon State of MN guidance.
Since that joint session no substantial changes to State Guidance has been received and therefore budget
projections remain as presented. Upon receiving new guidance that impacts operations staff will rerun
financial projections for operations.
Youth and Adult Athletics
Adult Athletics resumed after being delayed with softball games starting on July 6. A limited number of
teams and a shortened schedule will play game at Van Valkenburgh Park
Youth Athletics resumed with scrimmage and game play on June 24 for outdoor sports and July 1 for indoor
sports. Each youth association is required to have on file COVID-19 management plan available upon
request. Many associations have them posted on their websites. All associations have modified their
program offerings and plans during the summer season. Several associations have postponed game play until
Infrastructure Funding
The Local Option Sales Tax Proposal introduced at the MN State Legislature by Rep. Edelson (HF3594) was
not acted upon during the 2020 regular session. It does not appear that any tax bills will be a part of future
special sessions this year.
Edina Senior Center/Hennepin County Library
Hennepin County Library will be undertaking major building renovations at the Grandview location starting
this August. The work will require the building to be unoccupied during construction and therefore the
Edina Senior Center will remain closed through construction. That work is expected to last until November.
Hennepin County is the responsible party for the construction oversight on this work to replace heating and
cooling systems, roofing and other improvements.
Date: July 14, 2020 Agenda Item #: VII.B.
To:Parks and Recreation Commission Item Type:
From:Perry Vetter, Parks & Recreation Director
Item Activity:
Subject:City Council Updates March 17 - June 16, 2020 Information
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
No action requested. Informational only.
Updates from prior City Council meetings related to Parks & Recreation actions.
City Council Updates
City Council Updates
By Scott Neal
March 17, 2020
• Awarded a $35,000 contract with Paintball, LLC to paint the outdoor pool at the
Aquatic Center in the fall of 2020.
April 7, 2020
• Adopted a proclamation recognizing April 24 as Arbor Day in Edina.
April 21, 2020
• Awarded a $506,000 contract to Pember Construction for the Edinborough Park
southeast plaza project.
• Approved Declaration of Restrictions and covenants for wetland replacement at
Braemar Golf Course.
May 5, 2020
• Adopted Proclamation: Parks to Kids Day in Edina.
May 19, 2020
• Approved a construction observation services agreement with Bolten & Menk for the
Edinborough Park plaza project.
June 2, 2020
• Nothing to report.
June 16, 2020
• Awarded a $48,850 contract to the Collaborative Design Group to prepare the
Edinborough Park Asset & Energy Management Plan. This project is managed and funded
through the City of Edina’s Facilities Division.
Date: July 14, 2020 Agenda Item #: VIII.A.
To:Parks and Recreation Commission Item Type:
From:Perry Vetter, Parks and Recreation Director
Item Activity:
Subject:Upcoming 2020 Meetings and Events Information
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
None, informational only.
Listing of upcoming 2020 Meetings and Events.
Upcoming 2020 Meetings and Events
July 14, 2020
Park and Recreation Commission
Perry Vetter, Parks & Recreation Director
Upcoming 2020 Meetings and Events
Date Meeting Time Location
Tues. April 14 Regular Meeting 7:00 pm Canceled
Thurs. April 30 Commission Member Annual Reception 6:00 pm Canceled
Tues. May 12 Regular Meeting 7:00 pm Canceled
Thurs. May 21 Chair and Liaison Annual Morning Meeting 7:00 am Postponed
Tues. June 9 Regular Meeting 7:00 pm Canceled
Tues. June 16 Commission Work Session w/ City Council 5:30 pm Virtual Meeting
Tues. July 14 Regular Meeting 7:00 pm Virtual Meeting
Mon. Aug. 10 Regular Meeting (Monday) 7:00 pm Virtual Meeting
Tues. Sept. 8 Regular Meeting 7:00 pm TBD
Tues. Oct. 6 2020 Work Plan Review w/ Council (Chair only) 5:30 pm TBD
Tues. Oct. 13 Regular Meeting 7:00 pm TBD
Tues. Nov. 10 Regular Meeting 7:00 pm TBD
Tues. Dec. 8 Regular Meeting 7:00 pm TBD