HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-11-10 Parks & Rec Comm PacketAgenda
Parks and Recreation Commission
City Of Edina, Minnesota
This meeting will be held electronically using Webex software. The meeting will be streamed
live on the City's YouTube channel, YouTube.com/EdinaTV or you can listen to the meeting
via telephone by calling 1-415-655-0001, access code 133 352 1452.
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
7:00 PM
I.Call To Order
II.Roll Call: Nelson, Strother, Willette, Mork, Nahlovsky, McAwley,
Sorem, Dahlien, Doscotch, Good, Miller, Ites
III.Approval Of Meeting Agenda: Nelson, Strother, Willette, Mork,
Nahlovsky, McAwley, Sorem, Dahlien, Doscotch, Good, Miller, Ites
IV.Approval Of Meeting Minutes: Nelson, Strother, Willette, Mork,
Nahlovsky, McAwley, Sorem, Dahlien, Doscotch, Good, Miller, Ites
A.Minutes: Parks & Recreation Commission Oct. 13, 2020
A.Special Project Request: Bocce Ball Courts at Kojetin Park
B.Special Project Request: Skate Park at Pamela Park
C.2020 Commission Work Plan update
VI.Chair And Member Comments
VII.Sta3 Comments
A.Informational Items
B.City Council Updates Oct. 20 and Nov. 4, 2020
VIII.Calendar Of Events
A.Upcoming Meetings and Events
The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public
process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampli8cation, an
interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861
72 hours in advance of the meeting.
Date: November 10, 2020 Agenda Item #: IV.A.
To:Parks and Recreation Commission Item Type:
From:Perry Vetter, Parks & Recreation Director
Item Activity:
Subject:Minutes: Parks & Recreation Commission Oct. 13,
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
Approve minutes from the Oct. 13, 2020 P arks & Recreation Commission meeting.
Minutes: Parks & Recreation Commission Oct. 13, 2020
Draft Minutes☒
Approved Minutes☐
Approved D
City Of Edina, Minnesota
Edina Parks & Recreation Commission
Oct. 13, 2020
7 p.m.
I. Call to Order
Chair Ites called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m.
II. Roll Call
Answering roll call were Commissioners Miller, Strother, Mork, Nahlovsky, McAwley,
Sorem, Dahlien, Doscotch, Good, Ites
Absent: Commissioners Nelson and Willette
Staff present: Staff Liaison Perry Vetter, Assistant Director Parks & Natural Resources Tom
Swenson, Assistant Director Recreation & Facilities Tracy Petersen, and Administrative
Coordinator Janet Canton
III. Approval of Meeting Agenda
Motion made by Miller to approve the meeting agenda. Motion seconded by
McAwley. Roll call vote. Motion carried.
IV. Approval of Meeting Minutes
Motion made by McAwley to approve the Sept. 8, 2020 minutes. Motion seconded by
Miller. Roll call vote. Motion carried.
V. Special Recognitions and Presentations
A. Introduction of New Student Commission Members
Staff Liaison Vetter introduced new student commissioners Nick Mork and Jack Sorem.
Both student commissioners took a few minutes to introduce themselves to the
VI. Reports/Recommendations
A. Edina Garden Council Update on the Tranquility Garden Project at Arneson
Acres Park
Staff Liaison Vetter introduced Karen Platt, Liz Genovese, and Betty Workinger from the
Edina Garden Council. Ms. Platt and Ms. Genovese gave a PowerPoint presentation to
the commission on the Tranquility Garden project at Arneson Acres.
Commissioners asked questions.
B. 2020 Work Plan Report
Draft Minutes☒
Approved Minutes☐
Approved D
The following updates were given on the 2020 Work Plan initiatives.
Initiative #1 - Review and comment on the Flood Risk Reduction Strategy and
Climate Action Plan
Staff Liaison Vetter informed the commission the city has filled the Environmental
Resources Coordinator position and he knows the climate action plan is high on their list
to get done. He is also hoping Jessica Wilson, Water Resources Coordinator, will be able
to give the commission a presentation on how the flood reduction task force is going,
specifically around some of the major projects they are studying within the city. The
commissioners working on this initiative are in the waiting mode and once it is available
staff will present it to them.
Initiative #2 - Co-chair a cross-commission committee (HRRC & PARC) in partnership
with communities of color to identify barriers for participation in programming by
creating a plan to reach communities of color through different modes, structure of
feedback, and how data will be used. (R&E 20.B) Committee will be comprised of not
more than 2-3 members from each commission and one member from each commission
will serve as co-chair.
Staff Liaison Vetter informed the commission this will be on the 2021 Work Plan and has been
changed, staff from Parks & Recreation and the Race and Equity Coordinator will develop the
framework for a strategy to help identify barriers by members of the community of color.
Once it is completed, they will bring that to the subgroup for review and comment.
Initiative #4 - Develop criteria that incorporates sustainability and equity for
prioritizing capital improvements for park infrastructure needs, including playground
equipment, warming houses and core amenities for expansion and replacement. Parks
and Recreation Commission will create the criteria and both Energy and Environment
commission and Human Rights & Relations commission will appoint up to two members
for feedback on final criteria before it goes to council.
Staff Liaison Vetter informed the commission that the commissioners working on this have
met and talked about a draft strategy. The draft has gone to the EEC and the HRRC for
feedback and they have provided their feedback. Staff Liaison Vetter noted he will work with
Commissioner Nelson to see if that groups needs to come back together before it is
presented to the Parks & Recreation Commission.
Initiative #3 - Develop an approach to build community by proactively connecting with
neighborhood groups, community athletic groups and underserved members of the
Staff Liaison Vetter informed the commission he is not aware of any updates on this initiative.
Initiative #5 – Assist staff with the pursuit of funding opportunities for Braemar Park
Master Plan.
Initiative #6 - Assist staff with the pursuit of funding opportunities for Fred Richards
Park Master Plan.
Draft Minutes☒
Approved Minutes☐
Approved D
Staff Liaison Vetter informed the commission there are a few additional grant opportunities
out there that they have looked at and a lot of those do require matching funds. It is
something to keep in mind as they move forward in how they could leverage dollars.
Initiative #7 - Study and report on the strategic goal of 15% of Edina land
dedicated to parks and green spaces.
Staff Liaison Vetter informed the commission the group has been meeting and is putting
together some data around the 15% and what that means as far as leading to benchmarking
which is an initiative on the 2021 Work Plan.
C. 2021 Work Plan Feedback
Chair Ites gave the commission an overview of his presentation and the 2021 Work Plan
initiatives that he presented to the City Council at the work session on Oct. 7. He indicated
the Mayor did ask if the commission has or will be having any discussion about a potential
referendum to which he replied to him it has been brought up.
Chair Ites indicated at last month’s meeting commissioners asked to be on certain initiatives
for the 2021 Work Plan; however, he did not include his preferences. He noted he would like
to work on Initiatives #2, #3 and #4. He asked the commissioners if they would like to be
added to any of the initiatives for the 2021 Work Plan. He pointed out there can be a
maximum of four voting commissioners on each initiative and student commissioners would be
allowed in addition.
Commissioners Good and Dahlien and student commissioners Mork and Sorem asked to be
on Initiative #5.
Commissioner Miller asked to be added to Initiative #1.
D. 2021-2025 Capital Improvement Plan Update
Staff Liaison Vetter gave the commission a PowerPoint presentation and gave a quick update
on the stance of the Capital Improvement Plan. Staff Liaison Vetter thanked Assistant Director
Petersen because she has been the staff representative on the CIP process and knows the
details. He reminded the commission that the CIP is a policy document for guiding projects,
and it will be introduced to the City Council in late October and the City Council will act on it
in December.
Commissioners asked questions, made suggestions, and stated concerns.
Commissioner Good thanked the staff for all their hard work in putting this plan together.
VII. Chair and Member Comments
Commissioner McAwley informed the commission she drove by Arden Park today and the
grass is growing in and the place looks great. She continues to hear nothing but accolades
Draft Minutes☒
Approved Minutes☐
Approved D
from people about how great the park is now. She congratulated the Parks & Recreation
Department on a successful project.
Commissioner Good noted he was pleased to see the renaming of Garden Park in
recognition of the Yancey Family. He thanked the Parks & Recreation Commission and
others in the city that helped get that accomplished.
Commissioner Good informed the commission his wife, he and others are big pickleball
players and are happy to see how well utilized the pickleball courts have been. However, he
thinks they could still use a little more revision of what they call their pickleball overflow
issues. He noted one would be to put some racquet holders up and try to monitor and
oversee the flow people that might be waiting. The current holders are on the tennis court
screen and that is a little bit confusing, they should be put on the pickleball court screen. He
commented they should also maybe think where the people are congregating. A few times
he has seen people congregating on the hillside waiting for a court to open and not over in
the corner where the bench is. Some people drive up, park and sit and never see the fact
they are trying to monitor the level of play for people who are waiting. He also thinks they
can be more directive with some signage on expectations because he has seen the tendency
for players to still kind of hold the court until they are done playing. He noted as pickleball
continues to grow they are going to need to do a better job of trying to support the
community to make that change and police itself.
Commissioner Good informed the commission another thing he heard in the community is
to act on having mountain bike paths. It is in the Braemar Master plan, but they have not
been able to start that yet. He added there was some good recognition of the Edina High
School Mountain Bike team and the success they are having and so that flows over to the
rest of the community.
Commissioner Good informed the commission another thing he has heard from the
community is that people would like to play more platform tennis; at the moment it’s really
only at private country clubs and so he has heard there is a need to have a couple of public
platform tennis courts in Edina.
Chair Ites informed the commission he has played golf 60 times at Braemar Golf Course
this year. He indicated when the golf dome closed on March 15, they were losing $10,000 a
day for 50 days which was not very attractive at that point. However, he heard from the
general manager at Braemar Golf Course that the expectation is 70,000 rounds of golf will
be played at Braemar Golf Course and over a million dollars with the driving range. He
thanked the Parks & Recreation staff because it has become a much more successful
summer in total than they ever thought in early April. Commissioner McAwley also gave
kudos to the staff; they did a tremendous job all summer long.
Chair Ites informed the commission he recently talked to the golf pro, Jay Meyerhoff, and it
is his goal in the next year for the youth golf program to have 2,000 participants. Chair Ites
thinks this will be probably the largest in the United States in terms of youth golf.
VIII. Staff Comments
Staff Liaison Vetter gave the following updates:
Draft Minutes☒
Approved Minutes☐
Approved D
The semi-annual buckthorn dump will take place on Oct. 17, 18, 24, and 25 at Braemar
Golf Dome.
Staff is working with the Environmental Health on organics recycling.
The Pumpkin Smash and Bash will occur on Nov. 4 at Countryside Park.
There are some new Art Center workshops going on.
There will be a Senior Drive-thru Resource Fair on Nov. 5 at the Braemar Golf Course
parking lot.
Staff is getting ready for winter and the hiring process has begun for warming house
attendants as well as staff for the backyard rink.
IX. Calendar of Events
A. Upcoming 2020 Meeting and Events
Staff Liaison Vetter informed the commission they do not yet know the status or style of
meetings going forward; they are taking direction from the Administration Department and
will know that on a month to month basis.
X. Adjournment
Motion made by McAwley to adjourn the Oct. 13, 2020 meeting at 8:56 p.m. Motion
seconded by Good. Roll call vote. Motion carried.
Date: November 10, 2020 Agenda Item #: V.A.
To:Parks and Recreation Commission Item Type:
Report and Recommendation
From:Nicole Gorman, Recreation Supervisor and Luther
Overholt, City Forester Item Activity:
Subject:Special Project Request: Bocce Ball Courts at Kojetin
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
No action requested. Provide feedback and discussion on the special project request.
A resident has submitted a special project proposal for a bocce ball court to be considered at Robert J. Kojetin
Park located at 4201 W. 44th Street. The resident has been invited to the November meeting to introduce their
request in concept.
Staff Report: Special Project Request - Bocce Ball at Kojetin Park
Nov. 10, 2020
Parks & Recreation Commission
Nicole Gorman, Recreation Supervisor and Luther Overholt, City Forester
Special Project Request: Bocce Ball Courts at Kojetin Park
Information / Background:
A resident has submitted a special project proposal for a bocce ball court to be considered at Robert J.
Kojetin Park located at 4201 W. 44th Street. The resident has been invited to the November meeting to
introduce their request in concept.
The sport of bocce ball is played on a long and narrow court surface that should consist of a material
providing minimal bounce, such as decomposed granite, sand, or crushed oyster shell, none of which require
any water. The standard size of a bocce ball court is 90 feet by 13 feet. The object of bocce ball is to roll
your bocce balls closer to the pallino (jack) ball than your opponent. The game (frame) is complete after
the balls have been thrown and points awarded. Balls are tossed or rolled underhand. Currently, there are
no permanent bocce ball courts within the Edina park system. Kojetin Park is 2.69 acres and currently
includes a playground and picnic area.
Staff Analysis:
When reviewing this proposal, staff identified potential factors that are impacted.
Funding for an added project not identified in the capital improvement plan could be challenging.
Currently the Parks & Recreation Department has 85 projects that are not funded, totaling over $46 million.
With the addition of a park amenity there is also a long-term cost to maintenance as well as a future
replacement cost. City staff has not explored cost estimates on this project but anticipate it could be up to
$15,000. Staff has also not researched the viability of any grant funding sources outside of the $5,000 the
resident has offered to donate towards the project. The city would also need to explore the option of
possible funding through the city’s operating budget.
The proposal provided indicates Robert J. Kojetin Park as the requested location for a bocce ball court. This
park has enough open space that is not programmed to include the requested amenity. A potential impact of
adding a bocce ball court to this proposed park could be additional traffic through the neighborhood.
In addition, there would be no plans to light the courts so use would be restricted to daylight restrictions in
the spring and fall. The proposed courts would be weather dependent amenity with anticipated use in the
spring, summer and fall. At this time, the concept would not trigger any additional regulatory approvals such
as grading, planning and stormwater management.
In summary, the Parks & Recreation Department has many amenity offerings in its park system. Variety and
a diversification of those amenities should continue to be a long-term strategic goal. The popularity of bocce
ball is increasing. Many surrounding park systems in the metro area have or are adding these courts.
There is also reality that there are many unfunded projects primarily for existing amenities. While we
understand there is a benefit to adding a bocce ball court at Kojetin Park, there are a few things to
consider. New facilities and park amenities require ongoing maintenance and additional staff time. The
proposed courts would require minimal maintenance of moving and replacement of aggregate as needed. If
this request were to move forward the next step would be to develop a community engagement process.
The community engagement process would likely include park users and the adjacent neighborhood.
Staff Recommendation:
The goal of adopting a special project request process was to allow residents to bring forth ideas about
amenities to expand offerings in the park system. These requests are meant to be informal and used as a
beginning point of dialogue, saving the resident, staff, and the commission from having to develop a detailed
analysis for the project at the introductory stage.
Staff is requesting feedback from the commission on this concept proposal from the resident to gauge
interest. Taking into account commission feedback, staff would outline a more detailed process for the
amenity request to possibly include steps such as petition of the council, engagement of the
neighborhood/community, preparation of a detailed costing analysis and provide conceptual layout and
construction requirements and recommendations.
Date: November 10, 2020 Agenda Item #: V.B.
To:Parks and Recreation Commission Item Type:
Report and Recommendation
From:Amanda Clarke, Recreation Supervisor and Tiffany
Bushland, Recreation Supervisor Item Activity:
Subject:Special Project Request: Skate Park at Pamela Park Discussion
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
Staff Repor: Special Project Request - Skate Park at Pamela Park
November 10, 2020
Parks & Recreation Commission
Amanda Clarke, Recreation Supervisor and Tiffany Bushland, Recreation Supervisor
Special Project Request: Skate Park at Pamela Park
Information / Background:
A resident has submitted a special project proposal for a skatepark to be considered within the Edina park
system. The resident has been invited to the November meeting to introduce their request in concept.
A skatepark includes a variety of features including ramps, bowls, rails and/or pyramids that is used by an
individual on a skateboard, bike, scooter or inline skates. The League of Minnesota Cities categorizes
skateparks into a two-tier system: Tier 1 and Tier 2. Tier 1 skateparks have features that are 48 inches or
less in height, and pyramids and bowls under six feet. Tier 2 skateparks have features over 48 inches and
pyramids and bowls larger than six feet. Tier 2 systems require an additional insurance premium and the
skatepark must be supervised by an on-site staff member. Currently there is one skate park located within
Edina, at the Southdale YMCA. The skatepark is a Tier 2 skatepark and operated by the YMCA. Edina,
Richfield and Bloomington contributed to the skatepark and it is open to residents of the three communities
for a discounted fee. The park opened in 2003 and is maintained and staffed by the YMCA. The park has
been closed during the operating season of 2020 due to COVID-19 restrictions.
Staff Analysis:
When reviewing this proposal, staff identified several factors that are impacted.
Funding. Funding for an added project not identified in the current capital improvement plan could be
challenging. Currently the Parks & Recreation Department has 85 projects that are not funded, totaling over
$46 million. With the addition of a park amenity there is also a long-term cost to maintenance as well as a
future replacement cost. City staff has not explored cost estimates on this project but anticipate it would be
over the $100,000 threshold for publicly bid projects. Staff has also not researched the viability of any grant
or private funding sources that might exist to defray or replace city costs. The lack of available funding is not
a reflection on the merits of the proposed activity
Location. The proposal provided indicates Pamela Park as the requested location for a skate park. Pamela
Park is a heavily used park and might not have the capacity for a skatepark addition. The placement of a
skatepark should be in a community sized park that is easily accessible and visual. Edina has previously
committed financially to having a skatepark in the community. The YMCA/Tri-City Skatepark is located in
the City and The City of Edina contributed $80,000 to the construction along with the lease of the property.
If a secondary skatepark was added to the community, it would better serve the community to place it
geographically in another area of the city. Having two similar amenities on the easterly edge of Edina
reinforces access barriers for those wishing to use the amenity that reside on the western or central
portion of the community.
One alternative to a skatepark, that surrounding communities have recently built are pump tracks. A pump
track is a circuit of rollers, banked turns and features designed to be ridden completely by riders
"pumping"—generating momentum by up and down body movements, instead of pedaling or pushing. It was
originally designed for the mountain bike and BMX user, and now, due to concrete constructions, is also
used by skateboarders, in-line skaters, and scooters and is accessible to wheelchairs. Pump tracks cater to a
wide variety of rider skill levels and are more inclusive than skateparks. These parks bring many users
together, however this also brings conflicting use that is not evident in a dedicated skatepark.
There are many benefits to having a Tier 1 skatepark in Edina. A skatepark amenity would provide a free
activity for an age demographic that typically does not have a lot of free options. It would give participants a
safe gathering place while providing a sense of community and physical activity. A designated skatepark area
also removes unwanted use in business areas within the city. Typical users of skateparks are teens that are
often difficult to provide programming and amenities for. They are typically too old for traditional
playgrounds and often prefer social group independence rather than traditional programming.
In summary, the Parks & Recreation Department has many amenity offerings in its park system. Variety and
a diversification of those amenities should continue to be a long-term strategic goal. There is also reality that
there are many unfunded projects primarily for existing amenities. While we understand there is a benefit to
a Tier 1 skatepark in the community, there are many things to consider. New facilities and park amenities
require ongoing maintenance and additional staff time. According to The Edina Parks & Recreation
Community Needs Assessment in 2016 there would be approximately 1,344 out of 20,672 households that
would have an interest in a skateboard park. A skatepark was the lowest household impact of 28 park
amenities studied. The highest was walking trails with 17,613 households. If this request were to move
forward the next step would be to develop a community engagement process. The community engagement
process would likely include park users, neighborhood associations, and a youth/teen focus group.
Staff Recommendation/Next steps
The goal of adopting a special project request process was to allow residents to bring forth ideas about
amenities to expand offerings in the park system. These requests are meant to be informal and used as a
beginning point of dialogue, saving the resident, staff and the commission from having to develop a detailed
analysis for the project at the introductory stage.
Staff is requesting feedback from the commission on this concept proposal from the resident to gauge
interest. Taking into account commission feedback, staff would outline a more detailed process for the
amenity request to possibly include steps such as petition of the council, engagement of the
neighborhood/community, preparation of a detailed costing analysis and provide conceptual layout and
construction requirements and recommendations.
Date: November 10, 2020 Agenda Item #: V.C.
To:Parks and Recreation Commission Item Type:
From:Perry Vetter, Parks and Recreation Director
Item Activity:
Subject:2020 Commission Work Plan update Discussion
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
2020 PARC Work Plan
Parks & Recreation
2020 Approved Commission Work Plan Template
Initiative 1 Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge
New Dec-20 2 (review and comment)
Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support
Initiative 2 Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge
Continue Dec-20 3 (review and recommend)
Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support
Staff Liaison
Review and Comment
Progress Report: The Climate Action Plan is still in progress and will be provided upon draft. The Flood Reduction Strategy was reviewed in concept by the City Council.
The Morningside Flood Infrastructure Project will be discussed with the City Council at the September 1, 2020 Work Session. Initiative commissioners are encouraged to
review the presentation materials (staff will forward) for that discussion. The City's Water Resource Engineer will present to the commission an update.
Review and comment on the Flood Risk Reduction Strategy and Climate
Action Plan.McAwley (lead), Lelas,
Nelson, Doscotch
Review and Recommend
Co-chair a cross-commission committee (HRRC & PARC) in partnership with
communities of color to identify barriers for participation in programming by
creating a plan to reach communities of color through different modes, structure of
feedback, and how data will be used. (R&E 20.B.) Committee will be comprised of
no more than 2-3 members from each commission and one member from each
commission will serve as co-chair.
Strother (lead),
Progress Report: This initiative is continuing to the 2021 Work Plan, which will include city staff creating a plan to reach communities of color and will be reviewed by both
HRRC and PARC for their implementation.
Initiative 3 Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge
New Dec-20 4 (review and decide)
Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support
Staff Liaison
Initiative 4 Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge
New May, 2020 3 (review and recommend)
Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support
Staff Liaison
NA 25-35
Initiative 5 Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge
New September, 2020 4 (review and decide)
Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support
Funds not available Staff Liaison
2017 Est. $2,200,000
Review and Decide
Review and Recommend
Develop criteria that incorporates sustainability and equity for prioritizing capital
improvements for park infrastructure needs, including playground equipment,
warming houses and core amenities for expansion and replacement. Parks and
Recreation Commission will create the criteria and both Energy & Environment
commission and Human Rights & Relations commission will appoint up to 2
members for feedback on final criteria before it goes to Council.
Nelson (lead), Ites,
Doscotch, Strother,
Lelas, Osborne
Develop an approach to build community by proactively connecting with
neighborhood groups, community athletic groups and underserved
members of the community.
Nelson (lead), Ites,
Osborne, McAwley
Progress Report:
Progress Report: City Council submitted a resolution of support to the MN Legislature for a Local Option Sales Tax. Due to the limited session that topic was not fully
considered in 2020 before adjournment. Staff has researched other grant opportunities for certain portions of the master plan, however those programs require matching
funds from the City.
Progress Report: Initial meeting held on Feb. 27, 2020. Draft Prioritization sent to HRRC and EEC. Comments from EEC and HRRC received. Staff is currently modeling
submissions based off of draft critieria.
Review and Decide
Assist staff with the pursuit of funding opportunities for Braemar Park
Master Plan Ites and Miller (leads),
Willette, Good
Initiative 6 Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge
New September, 2020 4 (review and decide)
Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support
Funds not available Staff Liaison
2017 Est. $13,700,000
Initiative 7 Initiative Type Completion Date Council Charge
New Dec-20 1 (study and report)
Lead Commissioners Budget Staff Support
Staff Liaison, Other
NA 20-25
Parking Lot
Review and Decide
Assist staff with the pursuit of funding opportunities for Fred Richards
Park master plan.Dahlien and Willette
(leads), Ites
Progress Report: Initial analysis of acreage percentages indicates Edina meets the 15% strategic goal. Additional research is being undertaken to determine any system gaps
with this analysis.
Study and Report
Study and report on the strategic goal of 15% of Edina land dedicated to
parks and green spaces. Good (lead), Dahlien,
Progress Report: City Council submitted a resolution of support to the MN Legislature for a Local Option Sales Tax. Due to the limited session that topic was not fully
considered in 2020 before adjournment. Staff has researched other grant opportunities for certain portions of the master plan, however those programs require matching
funds from the City.
Date: November 10, 2020 Agenda Item #: VII.A.
To:Parks and Recreation Commission Item Type:
From:Perry Vetter, Parks and Recreation Director
Item Activity:
Subject:Informational Items Information
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
None, informational only.
Attached are informational items of note.
Informational Items - November, 2020
Nov. 10, 2020
Park and Recreation Commission
Perry Vetter, Parks & Recreation Director
Informational Items
Information / Background:
Melody Lake Park
As part of the 2021 street reconstruction projects, an area identified for construction includes the roadways
around Melody Lake Park. An area on the western edge has been identified to be converted to naturalized
buffer plantings. Staff will provide a more detailed update at the Nov. 10, 2020 meeting.
Halloboo Drive-Thru Event
Our First Annual HalloBoo Drive-Thru Event held on October 28 was a huge success. We had 20
community partners sign up to host a booth and 120 cars registered for a total of 260 kids. We received
many compliments and notes of thanks for hosting a fun, safe, and creative way to trick or treat this year. A
huge thank you to all our community partners for making this event possible.
Youth Athletic Associations
Outdoor fall athletic association activities are wrapping up for the season. This fall over 2,500 athletes
participated in sports through the local youth athletic associations. The number of participants for the fall
• Football- 572
• Soccer 1,453
• Lacrosse 63
• Baseball 399
• Softball 110
Braemar Golf Course/Dome
The golf courses and the outdoor driving range officially closed for the season on Monday, November 2. A
total of 45,873 rounds were played on the Championship 18 and 25,188 rounds were played on the
Academy 9 totaling 74,061 rounds. In addition, 72,500 range buckets were hit at the driving range in 2020.
The recent snowstorm resulted in our course and grounds staff losing crucial days of course winterization
and maintenance. The staff will now focus on maintenance activities like deep-tine aeration of the greens,
blowing out the irrigation system and two snow mold applications. These end of season activities are
essential to ensure that we have a great looking course for our patrons in the spring.
The Golf Dome is now open seven days a week, 7 a.m.-9 p.m. As a reminder, the Golf Dome is open under
its COVID-19 Operating Policy. Please visit https://www.edinamn.gov/1752/COVID-19-Operating-Policy for
more details.
Centennial Lakes Winter Skating Season
Staff is in the process of planning for the upcoming skating season. With COVID-19 capacity restrictions for
the Hughes Pavilion, staff is evaluating how to safely manage skaters and skate rental. With reduced winter
indoor activity options, we anticipate a high-volume of use at the park.
Recreation Winter Special Events
Recreation staff will be offering three (3) new winter special events in the upcoming months. The events
include a Family Movie Night at the Dome on November 24, a Hunt for Yeti Scavenger Hunt beginning on
December 7 and Winter Wonderland at Centennial Lakes Park on December 13. All events will be pre-
registration and follow COVID-19 guidelines.
Senior Center/Hennepin County Library Improvements
Hennepin County is close to completing the roof and mechanical replacements at the Senior Center/Library.
City staff will also be completing some smaller painting, flooring and lighting improvements for the senior
center level for the remainder of the year. The senior center remains closed to the public. Staff has been
staying connected with our seniors through The Times newsletter, virtual programs, phone calls and some
upcoming drive-thru events.
Braemar Arena Live Streaming
Braemar Arena has received numerous requests from customers and visitors to live stream events. These
requests have increased during the COVID-19 pandemic as there are limitations to attending in person
events. An agreement was approved with Itasca Marketing-MN Hockey TV to allow for technology that will
provide live streaming of any event held in any of the four rinks at the arena. The agreement does not
include Edina High School as they have their own agreement with Itasca Marketing-MN Hockey TV.
Edinborough Park SE Plaza Improvements
The improvements at the southeast plaza entrance at Edinborough Park are mostly completed. The
purpose of the improvements was to address drainage improvements that impacted the facility entrance and
led to the deterioration of the building materials. There are several items that will need to be completed in
the spring. The entrance was opened for use on November 3.
Scouting Projects
Staff has met with two separate residents working towards their Eagle Scout badges. Both projects concepts
are to improve the wayfinding and signage at Bredesen Park and Rosland Park. Rosland Park would include
updates to the wayfinding for the frisbee golf course. As the projects progress staff will continue to work
with the candidates and provide informational updates to the commission.
Weber Park Tennis Court Resurfacing
The condition of the playing surface at Weber Park tennis courts had deteriorated due to the age of this
surface. The court surface is currently being completely removed and replaced. The removal and first lift of
asphalt are complete. The final lift of asphalt is scheduled to be installed this fall, weather permitting. The
color topcoat will be installed in the spring.
Date: November 10, 2020 Agenda Item #: VII.B.
To:Parks and Recreation Commission Item Type:
From:Perry Vetter, Parks & Recreation Director
Item Activity:
Subject:City Council Updates Oct. 20 and Nov. 4, 2020 Information
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
City Council Updates Oct. 20 and Nov. 4, 2020
City Council Updates
By Scott Neal
Oct. 20, 2020
Approved the Hennepin County Healthy Tree Canopy Grant Agreement.
Nov. 4, 2020
The City Council reviewed and commented on the draft 2021 Commission Work Plans.
Date: November 10, 2020 Agenda Item #: VIII.A.
To:Parks and Recreation Commission Item Type:
From:Perry Vetter, Parks and Recreation Director
Item Activity:
Subject:Upcoming Meetings and Events Information
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
Upcoming Meetings and Events - November
Nov. 10, 2020
Park and Recreation Commission
Perry Vetter, Parks & Recreation Director
Upcoming 2020 Meetings and Events
Date Meeting Time Location
Tues. April 14 Regular Meeting 7:00 pm Canceled
Thurs. April 30 Commission Member Annual Reception 6:00 pm Canceled
Tues. May 12 Regular Meeting 7:00 pm Canceled
Thurs. May 21 Chair and Liaison Annual Morning Meeting 7:00 am Postponed
Tues. June 9 Regular Meeting 7:00 pm Canceled
Tues. June 16 Commission Work Session w/ City Council 5:30 pm Virtual Meeting
Tues. July 14 Regular Meeting 7:00 pm Virtual Meeting
Mon. Aug. 10 Regular Meeting (Monday) 7:00 pm Virtual Meeting
Tues. Sept. 8 Regular Meeting 7:00 pm Virtual Meeting
Tues. Oct. 6 2020 Work Plan Review w/ Council (Chair only) 5:30 pm Virtual Meeting
Tues. Oct. 13 Regular Meeting 7:00 pm Virtual Meeting
Tues. Nov. 10 Regular Meeting 7:00 pm Virtual Meeting
Tues. Dec. 8 Regular Meeting 7:00 pm TBD
The meeting schedule for 2021 will most likely be established in December by City Council action.