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Know all men by these presents -That ;je, Frank J. 11fackey and Florence Mackey, his v.!ife9 by Duncan R.
11c Naught 7 .1-11heir attorney in fact, owners aaid proprietors of he follcwing des(,-ribed pro' erl-, i
CD U -nrT ill
Count', of Taen-aepin ei-ld State of 14innesota, U
to wit: The South hest o--.i-- quarter (S: 7: Il") �D' the South Nest
one quarter (S: T. 1/4) of Section Seven (7); also that part of t" South E quarter (S. E.
V_ the East one qu 1/4) of
the South hest one quarter (S. 70 1/4) of said Section Seven (7) lying Northerl' yl and Festerly from the can-
ter _P the nj_
%"UU1.JU ui:Lu; zuso all that part of the North One -,-half (N. 1/2) of the North ?Test one quarter
(IN. 77. 1/4) of Section Ei�-,hteen (15) lying Norther.1y of the right of ... ay o f t I he IM inne ap o I i s and S
CD Paul
Suburban Railway Company, all in Tawnship Twenty-eight (2 5) North,) Range T-wenty-f -our (2 4) 7.Te s t of the
Fourth (4th) Principal Meridian. Subject A easement for highway kno,,,tn as County Road- have caused the same to
be surveyed and platted as: BRONDALE PARK" as shown by the annexed plat. And we hereby donate and dedi-
cate to the public use forever all -the 'Streets, Avenues and place, thereon shown.
Witness our hands and sealS this is 2911 day of October A. D. 1909.
In presence of
...... al)14
* * �99 0 �1-00 0-0 .(seal)
BYA k so al
State Minnesota) Their attorney in fact.
County of Hennepin)
On this*2 5th day of October D. 1009 personailir a,2peared befoe me Duncan R. Mc Naught as attorney
in fact for Fran.1c J. Macke'T and Fi_'renoe Mackey,, his wife to me known to be the person described in and who
executed the foregoing instrument xnd he ac" nowledged that he executed the same as his free act and deed and
as the free, act and deed of his said principals.
1,1otary Public.)Hennepin CountUvlinnesota
M'y commission expires 9
State of Minnesota) SS.
6o.unty of Hennepin)
I hereby certify tl,-jat I have surveyed and platted the laird described on +.'.,.is i-,latu as: BRMNTTDAU PARKl
that this plat is a correct re.-resentation of said survey that all distances are correctly shown on the plat
in fee' and decimals root 4
U _t
of the monuments for guidance of future surveys have been correctly placed
in the ground as shown on the plat, that the outside boundary lines are correctly designated on the Jlat,
that the topography of the land is correctly shown on the plat and that there are no wet lands or public
highaays to be designated on said plat other than as shown thereon.