HomeMy WebLinkAbout1704I f nesot TIE ge'cti( lying, IlAas' cribe N6rtl therei to ih o f I , ddfle( where Notth County, na;' Is pE .,p'hpne c6mp al ]BE tees? ME; '- STATE ­ ,ABON -)t&11�6e'hei aired ;',to ; am ,he :applicant irdc'616bk, , � s an o the aid " a �f - the dm'rkl !ounty, _w#Iiin 0th day of .Apr. dtRA- )-0 TZT A%TAIII ITT( ii--' " In (Ilti" sank .BIdg-'- f dale Natl Bk:L 7 B 4 Washbu Park 4 -23 -73 25 yrs $26,5 Matti Stanley ,D & w to F& Svs Bk:L 25 B 5 Morris Park 4 Ad 4 -19 -73 5 yrs $6,2 Eggerichs Robert L & w F &M. Svs Bk: L 2 B 2 Cherok, 2nd Ad 4 -26 -73 25 yrs $29,5 Larsen Robert S & w to 1st NE Bk:L 1 Whitehills 3rd Ad 4 -25- 30 yrs $24,0 Specken David J & w to T Fed S &L Assn:L 23 B 13 Len( Ad 4 -27 -73 30 yrs $25,9 Finn Avery M & w to F &M S, Bk: L 2 B 2 Gibbs 1st Ad to We 1V1pls 4 -26 -73 30 yrs $33,31 Herfurth Fredrick C & w F &M Svs Bk:L 3 Sec 36- 118 -23 26 -73 30 yrs $65,01 Shepard Harry L & w et al T C Fed S &L Assn:L 6 B i'hwings Ad 4 -25 -73 12 yrs $11,5 Thomson James R & w Evans Products Co:L 3 B 3 Ber quist & Wicklunds Park 4 -5 -73 in $22,8; Total 60 Real Estate Mortgages ......... $1,366,659 Assignments ABSTRACT — Marquette Mtge Corp to Ur. versity Natl Bk:B 73 P 4007588 Nickels & Smith Co to Arthur Radintz :B 73 P 4006199 Northland Mtge Co to NW FE S &L Assn of Williston:B 73. 4010876 Knutson Mtge & Financial Coi to Govt Nall Mtge Assn:B 73 4011433 Midwest Brokers Inc to Walt! D Hall & w:B 73 P 402745 Satisfactions ABSTRACT — Est of Emanuel F Carlson I Robert 0 Olson & w:B 3274 P Gallery Equity Fund to Pai Dalbec & w: B 72 P 3963547 Lutheran Brotherhood to Osc, B Soderling & w:B 2717 P 342 T C Fed S &L Assn to Owen Tarbert & w:B 3260 P 67 etc T C Fed S &L Assn to Romen Neeser & w:B 3260 P 180 etc T C Fed S &L Assn to Mary R Camp & w:B 2778 P 99 etc T C red S &L Assn to Ecklur A Swedlund Constr Corp : B 72 '3988304 1st Fed S &L Assn to Edward Savela & w: B 3253 P 239 etc NW Natl Life Ins Co to Paul Noot & w:B 2439 P 158 1st Mhaha Natl Bk to Vernon Devine & w : B 3442 P 325 etc Bowery Svs Bk to Donald Bloedow & w:B 3057 P 337 Travelers Ins Co to David T Litman & w:B 3062 P 596 etc Travelers Ins Co to Glenn Ross & w:B 2839 P 407 etc T C Fed S &L, Assn to Donald i �a.... ._......_ ........ . ...... ...._.. _.... w�: # _. s tim aa"JAW a}ee tat _............. ....__.._.._ ............. ...- pgplMt au�dsr tks Isawe a e11r dtsi� q% ......... + psrty of the S&VR i pars. `�► i�fM►eftset . nos ou said ra* MW of 00 PW4 to su m N W (one_.I1,a11�c....tS1.s101... and. .,athas.- �4od_.aada,.�l�rablo.. � �����;K by MW em"y As SAW POP* Of (;rest, WW i/� tee.,...,• -.ate / -- ... � -30, Craeek @deal *"ghta, of the RegiatVr of 1arWss to the duly recorded plat county, munesota. It is understood rend ae &TGQd by 4") betvven the party of the first part and the party of the second part, sud party of the second part by its acceptance of this Conireyence do^_s hereby ngr, -e, as follOwst imoro emente of 1. 3. That no impr�ovea rkts of any kind shall be constructed on, ar►d no v any kind, inclul"47. but not. limited to, bridges, shall be constructed under or aver, all or any part of the a6vve described property, and no excavating, f #lung, grading or raisin of fire level of all or any part of the above described property shall be made or dose without, in each instance, first receiving the prior written and recorded 00-ce:'lent from party of the first part, its successors or assists; Panty vY the first part he.rcl'y reserves unto itself, its successors and assigns a perrerual flowage esserel't and the right and privilege toagr83chsflowage may r over one above x:.y or all of the above described property, be affected isy tte constreretion of dams, r ,.ikes,nditches, diversion structures other structures an ti. above. Oescribed cr o0itx prop__ y, ordii.ary and ertrzkordinary, at all reasoll.4 a.f tl�e year; and also the right and p ;9.rjlckr. to trespass on the above cescribeci property for the construction, e inr.,nauce and aitwratian of dRmt, dit:ec, itccca, di.vertsiou work and oehr.r its successors structure~; provided, however, that the party of the first part, and assigns, by exercise of its rights hereby reserved, shall not do anything increase the Jiscbarge fjv�-�ge of water rr over the above de scrlbdA p ro erty abovethat whichwouldhave occurred under conditions eatlsting' prior to the somstructfoa of dams, dikes, ditches, diversion wort: amt other towage mRs �howevver. above e decreased by constructiontof such di.scija. _ e and flowage 'ra'Y, d3zw,', dikes, ditches, diversion Vork End other structures. Forty of the "con4 part. for itseit, its successors and assigns, does hereby remise, release, acquit end forever discharge the party of the first part, and its successors rend assigns, and any and all of its and their officers and employees of and from any saerE all ¢}ael�os' dars+ands causes of any action floodir'g of all or nature part whatsoever v3,ieh may arise o� seer ¢ � by to the terms hereof; .of the above described property pu 4. Party of the firaat part bereby reserves unto itself, its successors ands assignee and this comayaace is bexeb7 made subject to, an aeassaaeat, for benefit Of th* general rt*lie, over all of the above described property, general pas& and recreatioulsl uses, including, but not limited to, hiking and bicyrlinbr. S. If there shall be a 'riolatiaa or an attempt to violate by party of the second part, its success•_._. and 8851Wft, of any of these C&venaets, restrictions or reservations it shall be 3avfal for the party of the first part, its successors or assigns, ts► prosermt.e at77 ps d""3 of 1AW and equity against tie ion or or persons violating as ateemptiM tap violate asey sueb covenant, restriction of reservation, and eldscr " prieT�t his or them from so doing or recover dames" re other ones for snap s3ulatfon. The restrictions, eoveWWts OW ra�srvetlees herein contained be for Eire benefit of the terminated oa duly receedled resol ttion and assigns aped may be armed, modified or tersiaatald by T of the Village of Edina m*.ag Auc% amendment, modification or tonaiastfnn; 6, The provistom hereof obadtl Ise 6ee=06 covenants rttemiug u#th the land above descriY.ard ami sh3i1 Mtcud ter x8W hind the partims hereto and their respectiVe above aucac�se� g and assigns and alt press and future owners of the yropartp etasr.rihed. - i See attached rider for legal description of the property conveyed and covenants, restrictions and reservations to which the property is lade subject. f This instrument was prepared by Thomas S. Erickson, 2400 First National Bank Building, Minneapolis, Minnesota. This instrument is exempt from State Deed Tax. =o WPM atta t0 OOV) !fit &e, Tolethtr wah all the hreditaments and appurtenances thaw Kab bslm" or in anpsoiss aPParda XiA.A, to the said party of the seeand part, Us sueteaars and a4r:`+t1, Jr.. -. ;eF . •� 3n ffie�ctin�onp �Ictcoi. 1Tia sai3 first party has caused thcsa ' . 4, prm is to be &=Oded� k% name by rte ..../,i,�F.v ................_ ,tp k% seat to �spriisssY alai its........._...._. ...._ .:........................ and is corpora be hereunto aired the day and year first above written. ;. In Presence of i l _uur.a..o ......., ............................. Ica.............. . ............. Doc. x0 . .... ............................... QUIT CLAIM DE cmemum to c"" W- ............ . ..... ..... .. ............ ........... . ......... . .......... . -.................. . ...... ..... .. ............ . O&C o f Reamer of I "moot J%= HLAHmEpift . COUXVOf— ...... . ............ . ........... . . . ........ .r kwoy 0-tify 0-1 as wumm D"d r o iS this 0911 roord 0* to 4t 00 aw tan& ................ No cMhqwM 0%0 and transfer entered DEPT. OF FINANCE HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINN. r"w pad ..d T,--mlOP Ombmi .............. ................._..._...._...y B DIRECTOR BY DEPUTY A` app To* "o-ow Is 5540 Tw ce"Iric.0" .0 mists w Some ire a ter #a 09"64 12M ico 0.i 0-ft $5 i lq rmp f E! '4c i� -d tam ".,4 1: .A a Iti ;;TitIC "!' I:url:1' r' + +::111 `lF``:.1'1'lttN itt, '112151i 39313 GERALD NCIT52� RT C t ' ERK OF 01..iir.11,1Y tit\1C ttF LXKFaUf1 I � !l° "a DISTRICT MURT C(AINTY OF 111,NNITIN �TZ NR � �� FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN rill: rWrreR of coNDra1NAT1oN FILED BY 1111: V11.14%GE OF EDINA OF CERTAIN "NDS XP D INTF.RESTC FINAL CERTIFICATE T11F:R£IN IN HENNEPIN COUNTY FOR SANITARY SEWER AND PUBLIC STREET PURPOSES. By authority of Minnesota Statutes 1945, Sectiin 117.20, Dorsey, Marquart, Windhorst, Nest & Halladay, attorneys for the Village of Edina, hereby certify that the lands herein described have been taken by the Village of Edina in eminent domain proceedings for sanitary sewer and public street purposes in conformity with requirements of Chapter 117 of said Statutes as amended; that the Commissioners were duly appointed t by the Court to ascertain and report the amount of damages sustained by the several owners on account of such taking; that said Commissioners qualified, and made and filed their report of such damages; that the time for appeal from the awards in Paid report has expired; that no appeals were taken from the awards; that all damages as determined by award have been paid by the Village of Edina; that the proceedings for the taking of < r said lands are now cpA+plete; and that said Village of Edina now owns a perpetual easement in and to s.iid lands for sanitary sewer and public road purposes. Said attorneys for the Village of Edina further certify that said lands are situate in Hennepin County, Minnesota, and are legally described as follows,'to -wit: EASUIENTS FOR SANITARY SEWER PURPOSES: PARCEL THREE: That part of Lot Foue (4), Block Nine (9), 1.a Buena Vista: according to the recorded plat, lying fifteen feet (15 ft.) on each side of the following described centerline: Beginning at the centerlines of Woodbine Avenue and Brook Drive as platted in LaBuena VIRta; theme &tsterly along the centerline of said Brook Drive to a point of curve to the left having a .adius of One Hundred Fourteen and S /.rty -six Hundredths (114.66) feet and delta angle of Thirty -elght Degrees, Eight Minute•:; (18° 08'), said polnt of curve tr -hip r tile.. actual polnt of beginning of the renter]Int, to be., described, thence Northerly :It a defle"lloo nnglc of 0nc Hundred Two Degrees NJneteen Minutcs (102° 19') lcit, a distance of Two fhnidred Seventy -scve.n (277) feet, together with a temporary construction easement for all necessary ingress and egress and the placing of all neces- sary tools and equipment thirty feet (30 ft.) on each side of the above - described centerline, said temporary construc- tion easement to automatically cease and terminate upon the termination of the sower project or not later than eighteen (18) months from the 10th day of December 1957. PARCEL FOUR: All that portion of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SW 1/4 of NW 1/4), Section Five (5), Township One Hundred Sixteen (116), Range Twenty -one (21), that lies within the following described tract of land: A strip of land sixty (60) feet in width, the centerline of which is described as follows: Commencing at a point on the centerline of Valley View Road, said point being r ninety (90) feet south of and at right angles to the north . line of the South Half (S 1/2) of said Section Five (5), thence West parallel to and ninety (90) feet South of said North line of the South Half (S 1/2) a distance of One Hundred Seventy -four and two- hundredths (174.02) feet; thence Southwesterly at a deflection angle of twenty -three degrees (23 °) left, a distance of one hundred sixty -five (165) feet: thence Southwesterly (Sally) at a deflection angle of ten degrees (10 °) left, a distance of two hundred r forty (240) feet; thence Southwesterly (SWly) at a deflec- tion angle of twenty -three degrees (23 °) left, a distance of two hundred sixty (260) feet; thence Westerly at a deflec- tion angle of fifty -six degrees twenty minutes thirty seconds (56° 20' 30 ") right, a distance of Five Hundred Nine and sixty -five hundredths (509.65) feet; thence Northwesterly at a deflection angle of fifty degrees thirty minutes mss" (50' 30') right, a distance of two hundred thirty -eight and four - tenths (238.4) feet; thence Northwesterly at a deflection angle of five degrees fourteen minutes (5° 14') left, a distance of two hundred fifteen and twenty -five hundredths (215.25) feet; thence Northwesterly at a deflec- tion angle of twenty -six degrees thirty minutes (26° 30') right, a distance of four hundred eleven and eighty -five hundredths (411.85) feet; thence Northwesterly at a deflec- tion angle of thirty -two degrees ten minutes (320 101) left, a distance of four hundred forty -three and eighty -five hundredths (443.85) feet; thence Northwesterly at a deflec- tion angle of two degrees fifteen minutes (2° 15') left, a distance of three hundred forty-two and seventy -five hundredths (342.75) feet; thence Northwesterly at a deflec- tion angle of eighteen degrees thirty einutes (18° 30') left. a distance of two hundred fifty -eight and fifteen hundredths (258.15) feet; thence N,)rthaesterly at a deflection angle of thirty -one degrees eighteen it nytes thirty seconds (316 18' 30 ") right, atUstance`of two hundreet.Eorty -six and fifty -five hundredths {216:55) feet; th :nse Westerly at a deflection . angle.of fifty -five degrees.sixteen` minutes (55° 16') left, a distance of three hundrej forty -three and five- tenths (343.5) 44wt; t4enee.Northwester2y`at a'deflection angle of eighty- one degrees fifty mdnutes'(810 501) right, a distance of i z one hundred -4eventy -ttix and fifteen hundrrdthn (176 -15) fv(st., theme Mirthoa.+loriy stl a deflocLlnn angle of nineteon dcitrpua thirty -nix minuta:: (19" 36') rii;ht, a dirtince of two hundred six and nine- tc -nOts (206.9). feet; thence Northwesterly ai s deflection angle or forty degrees forty- meve.W minuteet left, a distance of six hundred thirty and seventy -Five hundredths (6311.75) feet; thence Northwesterly.gt.a deflection angle of nine degrees ten minutes (9° 10'.) left"a dl'stsnce.of three hundred thirty -nine And fifty-five hundredths (339.55)` feet; thence Northwesterly at a deflection angle of thirty- eio.._ degrees fifty minutes thirty seconds (32° 50' 30 ") Left, a distance of two hundred three and eighty- hundredths (203.80 feet; thence Northwesterly at a deflection angle of thirty - "tro degrees one minute thirty seconds (32° 01 30 ") ":right;[ a distance of two hundred eight and three- tenths (08.3),feet; thence Northwesterly at a deflection angle of twenty - four degrees seventeen minutes (24° IV) right, a distance,_of two ! hundred eighty -seven and fifteen - hundredths (28`15) feet; thence Northwesterly at a deflection angle of twenty =nine degrees thirteen minutes thirty seconds -(29° - 13'O ") "tlef[�vx a distance of four hundred fifty -six and two' tenths (456.2)',: feet, more or less, to the intersectionof the e'enterline of Gleason Road and the North line of Section $ix `(6) Town ship One Hundred Sixteen (116) North, Range Twenty -c+9e .(21).:„ H West. t. �n EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC ROAD PURPOSES: a 3x PARCEL FIVE: t V i�. That portion of the Northeast - Quarter (NE 1/4) of Section Five' (5). lowaship One Hundred Sixteen (116), Range Twenty -one (2 <) which lies East of the West line extended North of Ridgeview t ive and which lies South of the North line extended lies[ of lest 66th Street. x. State Deed Transfer Tax due hereon: None Dated at Minneapolis; Minnesota, this day of •, 1972. DORSEY, MARQUART, WINDHORST, WEST S HALLAD,AYx ", k By _ Thomas S. Erickson' Attorneys for the Village of udina r 2460 First National Bank Building Minneapolis" Minnesota 55402 Telephoner 333 -2151 The above final certificate-is hereby approved this daY' of C a 1972. STATE OF 6NNNESpTk rCOUNTY OF HENNEPIN ; W,tw h to ° v Lbrt°d wDY a tha pr 0 I � �- 1 a ' Iof Judge Of sald Di:arict Cogfi GE.. D R 5CY. CierR ,'•a;trictCourt Deputy � a r- (�p L Jm 6 31 3 00.00jo P�k� 5-t A F 0- 4T) :N.FF N s L c; J r, SF „; r1r,t on the d JUL' A.D. JM at dU',2 0 d-d in book 7 of Vi n,-):•p,,i County Records 39, 56:3 L3 3 D,--P,ITY REGISTER OF DEEDS 3024530 THIS INSTRUMENT, Made this 13thday of December , 192,, by and between Independent School District #271 :hecorporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota, party of first part, and the Village of Edina, a municipal corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, party of the second part; WITNESSETH, That the said .party of the first part, in consideration of One and No /100 Dollars ($1.00), to it in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does Grant, Bargain, Sell, Convey, and jwarrar,t to said party of the second part an Easement in perpetu- ity for ,public road purposes in. under, and over the following described property situate in the County of Hennepin and State of Minnesota, to. -Witt r a perwal at 1Mbd lying in the soutiswet 36/4 of the Northwest 1/4 a" of the •orti eat 1/4 of the senth- Nt 1/4 of oerrQtlase S• lOWAShip lli, ta1p 21 asearibed as aw1lo ws I casemeseeaing at t3ue southeast oornar of the amtfiwat 1/4 of the ■ortbwast 1/4 of said section $I tMmar rl y along the start line at said southwest 1/4 of tho liarthwrnt 1/4 a "starsos of eis+ty teat too $) w theme* Newly at riot angles a distaDW of ani hwadr" feet (100 1 w theace southesrly at riolk angles a di,etaeae ad oar haadsed feat (1001)# tUeeae NlWbWly at riot *092" a distanoo of *sweet haafted feet (logo) to the seat line of the Northwest 1/4 of the Nwthwest 1/4 at SWA seatioa $I thaws sir slow eald Be" ILI" to point of begiaIRUW. i by MATE No T" tai mtwtojq $ 0 r IN TESTIMONY M E?ECr, The said first party has caused these presents to be executed in its corporate name by its Chairman 2xzAXWidx and its Clerk and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed `he day and year first above written. In Presence of: G . Its 4• f STATE OF MIMEKT.1) - " c COUNTY OF FLFNNEPIN ) ss. f`ie�i;'ry',�,. y Clerk On this 13th day of December J 19 71 , before me, a Notary Public, within and .cr said Cotri_ , personally app-eared john Hoyt___�� and $' , to me personally known, fro, being Face Ly me d:-ly sworn, i say at ey are respectively the i rMgA 'i rd the r C1@ k o£ the corporation named in tt e foregoing in =.trurent ZT a the sea a ixed to said irstrument is '.­e corporAe seal of said cor- poration, and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said cor- poration by authority of its;x School Board and sr.i.d r}1ai rye - and Clerk ap.k1")wl' -dTed said instrument to b_ tte free, act n,vi ee o —said `corp`oration. al) ,, , i ' 1!2r.n¢p14 COJntj, Minfl. 14, Lwn i L1arc9 14. 1812. t V, QFFY'E OF RE' STER OF D-ECS STATE OF MiNNF.SOTA COUWrY OF NENNLF,N hereby Ccr'.ity that the w thin instrument was filed for re;Ord in this office err the 28 day "of DEC A.D. 1971 at 3 -" O'clockcM., and was duty r�!;.orded in tack 7 f' of Hennepin County Records page 3 24530 ' f `�, REGISTER�A f DEEM DORSEY, MARQUART, WINDHORST, WEST & HALLADAY DONALD WEST MICHAEL E. BRESS 2400 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING EUGENE L JOHNSON WILLIAM E. BRWEN WALDO F MAROUAR7 RAYMOND A. REISTER JOHN W. WINDHORST, JR. WILLIAM P. LUTHER JOHN W WINDHORST JOHN J. TAYLOR MICHAEL PRICHARD DOUGLAS 0. McFARLAND HENRY HALLADAY BERNARD G. HEINZEN MINNEAPOLIS, M 1 N N E S O TA 55402 WILLIAM R. SOTH DAVID L. BOEHNEN JULE M. HANNAFORD WILLIAM J. HEMPEL THOMAS R- MANTHEY CRAIG L WILLIAMS ARTHUR B. WHITNEY JOHN 5. HIBBS RICHARD G. SWANSON VINCENT S. WALKOWIAK RUSSELL W. LINDOUIST ROBERT 0. FLOTTEN (6121 340— 2600 FAITH L. OHMAN ALAN D. GILLILAND DAVID R. BRINK JOHN D. LEVINE CABLE: DOROW DAVID A. RANHEIM LAWRENCE R. OLIVER HORACE HITCH ROBERT J. STRUYK ROBERT J. SILVERMAN FRANK H. VOIGT VIRGIL H. HILL MICHAEL A. OLSON TELEX: 29 -0606 JAMES M. KLEBBA WILLIAM E. MARTIN ROBERT V. TARBOX LARRY W. JOHNSON TELECOPIER:(612) 340 -2866 WILLIAM R -HIBBS WILLIAM H. HIPPEE, JR. DOOREST SPENCER THOMAS S. HAY JOHN D. KIRBY STEPHEN G. SHANK ROBERT J. JOHNSON G. LARRY GRIFFITH PHILIP F. BOELTER ROBERT A. BURNS M. S. HASSELOUIST CRAIG ABECK 1468 W ^FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING WILL B_PAYNE TON? A. SEITZ PETER DORSEY DAVID L. McCUSKEY ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 JAN STUURMANS MICHEL A LAFOND GEORGE P. FLANNERY THOMAS 0. MOE (612) 227 — 8017 R. A. SCHWARTZBAUER BRADFORD L. FERGUSON CURTIS L. ROY JAMES H. 0HAGAN DAVID N. FRONEK ROGER J. MAGNUSON ARTHUR E. WEISBERG JOHN M. MASON THOMAS W. TINKHAM J. ROBERT HIBBS DUANE E. JOSEPH MICHAEL W. WRIGHT JONATHAN VILLAGE CENTER JON F TUTTLE FREDERICK E. LANGE LARRY L. VICKREY CHASKA, MINNESOTA 55318 ROBERT A. HEIBERG JAMES B.VESSEY LOREN R. KNOTT (612) 448 -4012 EMERY W. BARTLE WILLIAM A WHITLOCK PHILLIP H. MARTIN MICHAEL J. RADMER E.J. SCHWARTZBAUER REESE C. JOHNSON CURTIS L. STINE OF COUNSEL THOMAS M. BROWN CHARLES HAUENSTEIN MICHAEL TRUCANO DAVID E. BRONSON CORNELIUS D. MAHONEY CHARLES A. GEER 115 THIRD STREET SOUTHWEST WILLIAM J. KEPPEL LEAVITT R BARKER THOMAS S. ERICKSON JOHN C. ZWAKMAN ROCHESTER, MINNESOTA 55901 JAMES A. FLADER GEORGE E. ANDERSON WILLIAM C. BABCOCK JOHN R. WICKS (507) 288 -3156 WILLIAM A. JOHNSTONE ROBERT LVANFOSSEN 340 -2659 MY PHONE NUMBER IS October 1, 1973 Mr. Robert Dunn Village of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Re: Nine Mile Village Dear Bob: I enclose a certified copy of Easement and Agreement dated October 5, 1971, filed as Document No. 1020516 on January 14, 1972 in the office of the Registrar of Titles and as Doc. No. 3927284 on January 14, 1972 in the office of the Register of Deeds. Very truly yours, Tho as S. Erickson TSE /c Enclosure DORSEY, MARQUART, WINDHORST, WEST a HALLADAY DONALD WEST MICHAEL E. BRESS 2400 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING JOHN W. WINDHORST, JR. WILLIAM P. LUTHER WALDO F. MAROUART RAYMOND A.REISTER MICHAEL PRICHARD DOUGLAS D.MCFARLAND JOHN W. WINDHORST HENRY HALLADAY JOHN J. TAYLOR BERNARD G.HEINZEN MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 WILLIAM R. SOTH DAVID L. BOEHNEN JULE M. HANNAFORD WILLIAM J. HEMPEL THOMAS R. MANTHEY RICHARD G. SWANSON CRAIG L WIWAMS VINCENT S- WALKOWIAK ARTHUR B. WHITNEY JOHN S. HIBBS (612) 333 -2151 FAITH LOHMAN ALAN D.GILLIE RUSSELL W. LINDQUIST ROBERT O. FLOTTEN DAVID JAMES W LIR. DAVID R. BRINK JOHN D. LEVINE CABLE: DOROW ROBERT _SILVEM OLIVER MORACE HITCH ROBERT J- STRUYK JAMS M- KLLVERMAN BBA JAMES MR. FRANK FRANK VIRGIL H.HILL MICHAEL A.OLSON TELEX: 2H -0606 HI WILLIAM R. HIB BS -VOIGH WILLIAM E. MARTIN E. MARTIN ROBERT V. TARBOX LARRY W. JOHNSON JOHN D.KIRBY WILLIAM H. HIPPEE,JR. DEFOREST SPENCER THOMAS S. HAY 1468 W—FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING PHILIP FBOELTER STEPHEN G. SHANK ROBERT J. JOHNSON G- LARRY GRIFFITH ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 65101 WILLIAM B. PAYNE ROBERT A- BURNS M. B. HASSELOUIST CRAIG A. BECK (612) 227 -8017 JAN STUURMANS TONI A. BEITZ PETER DORSEY DAVID L.McCUSKEY R.A.SCHWARTZBAUER MICHEL A. LAFOND GEORGE P. FLANNERY THOMAS 0. MOE __ DAVID N. FRONEK BRADFORD L.FERGUSON CURTIS L. ROY JAMES H- OHAGAN .JONATHAN VILLAGE CENTER THOMAS W. TINKHAM ROGER J. MAGNUSON ARTHUR E. WEISBERG MICHAEL W. WRIGHT CHASKA, MINNESOTA $5318 JON F. TUTTLE DUANE E. JOSEPH LARRY L. VICKREY (612) 448-4012 ROBERT A. HEIBERG FREDERICK E. LANGE LOREN R. KNOTT EMERY W. BARTLE JAMES B. VESSEY PHILLIP H. MARTIN MICHAEL J. RADMER WILLIAM A.WHITLOCK REESE C. JOHNSON 116 THIRD STREET SOUTHWEST CURTIS LSTINE E.J. SCHWARTZBAUER CHARLES J. HAUENSTEIN ROCHESTER, MINNESOTA 55901 MICHAEL TRUCANO OF COUNSEL THOMAS M. BROWN CHARLES A. GEER (507) 288-3156 WILLIAM J.KEPPEL DAVID E. BRONSON CORNELIUS D. MAHONEY JOHN C.ZWAKMAN JAMES A. FLADER LEAVITT R. BARKER THOMAS S. ERICKSON JOHN R -WICKS WILLIAM A. JOHNSTONE GEORGE E. ANDERSON WILLIAM C. BABCOCK EUGENE LJOHNSON May 22, 1973 WILLIAM E. BRWEN ROBERT L. VAN FOSSEN Mrs, Florence Hallberg Village of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Re: Land Title Summons in Application fpr Registration of Land by Independent School District No. 273 Dear Florence: We have reviewed the Examiner's Report issued in connection with the above matter and find that the'Village of Edina has been named as a defendant because of the following easements in favor of the Village of Edina: 1. Easements for sanitary sewer purposes as shown by Final Certificate Recorded as Document No. 3956313.. 2. Restrictions, covenants, reservations and easements recorded as Document No. 3913241. 3. Easement for public road purposes recorded as Docu- ment No. 3924530. 4. Drainage and utility easements as shown on the plat of Creek View Heights which plat has now been vacated. Does the Village have any interest in these easements? Copies of the ease- ments are included. After you have reviewed the above documents, please let me know and, if necessary, we will prepare and file an answer on behalf of the Village. Very truly yours, Thomas S. Erickson TSE /mj /kl Enclosures DORSEY, MARQUART, WINDHORST, WEST 8, HALLADAY DONALD WEST MICHAEL E_ BRESS Q, 4 0 0 FIRST NATI O N A L M A N K O U I L D I N G JOHN W. WINDHORST, JR. WILLIAM P. LUTHER WALDO F MAROUART JOHN W. WINDHORST HENRY HALLADAY RAYMOND A.REISTER JOHN J. TAYLOR BERNARD G_HEINZEN M I N N E A PO L I S, M I N N E S O TA 5 6 4 0 2 MICHAEL PRICHARD WILLIAM R.SOTH DOUGLAS D.MCFARLAND DAVID LBOEHNEN JULE M.HANNAPORD WILLIAM J.HEMPEL THOMAS R.MANTHEY RICHARD G.SWANSON CRAIG LWILLIAMS VINCENT S.WALKOWIAK ARTHUR B.WHITNEY JOHN S. HIBBS (612) 333 -2161 FAITH L. OH ALAN D.GILLILANO RUSSELL RUSSELL W. LINDQUIST ROBERT O_FLOTTEN DAVID A RAN JAMES W. LICKE DAVID R. BRINK JOHN D. LEVINE CABLE: DOROW ROBERT J.SILVERMAN LAWRENCE R. OLIVER HORACE HITCH ROBERT J_STRUYK JAMES M. KLERBA FRANK H.VOIGHT VIRGIL H. HILL MICHAEL A. OLSON TELEX: 29 -0606 WILLIAM R. HIBBS WILLIAM E. MARTIN ROBERT V. TARBOX LARRY W. JOHNSON JOHN D.KIRSY WILLIAM H. HIPPEE, JR. DEFOREST SPENCER THOMAS S. HAY 1466 W -FIRST NATIONAL. BANK BUILDING PHILIP F. BOELTER STEPHEN G. SHANK ROBERT J. JOHNSON G. LARRY GRIFFITH ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 6510) WILLIAM B. PAYNE ROBERT A. BURNS M. B_ HASSELOUIST CRAIG A.BECK (612) 227 -0017 JAN STUURMANS TONI A. BEITZ PETER DORSEY DAVID LMCCUSKEY R.A.SCHWARTZBAUER MICHEL A. LAFOND GEORGE P. FLANNERY THOMAS 0_MOE DAVID N.FRONEK BRADFORD LFERGUSON CURTIS L. ROY JAMES H.O'HAGAN JONATHAN VILLAGE CENTER THOMAS W.TINKHAM ROGER J. MAGNUSON ARTHUR E WEISBERG MICHAEL W. WRIGHT CHASKA, M INNESOTA 65318 JON RTUTTLE DUANE E.OSEPH J LARRY LVICKREY (612) 446 -4012 ROBERT A HEIBERG FREDERICK E.LANGE LOREN R.KNOTT EMERY W. BARTLE JAMES B. VESSEV PHILLIP H_ MARTIN MICHAEL J. RADMER WILLIAM A.WHITLOCK REESE C. JOHNSON 115 THIRD STREET SOUTHWEST CURTIS L. STINE E- J.SCHWARTZBAUER CHARLES J. HAUENSTEIN ROCHESTER, MINNESOTA 56901 MICHAELTRUCANO OF COUNSEL THOMAS M. BROWN CHARLES A. GEER (607) 288 -3156 WILLIAM J. EPPEL DAVID EBRONSON CORNELIUS D. MAHONEY JOHN C.ZWAKMAN JAMES A_FLKADER LEAVITT R. BARKER THOMAS S. ERICKSON WILLIAM GBABCOCK JOHN R.WICKS EUGENE L.JOHNSON WILLIAM &JOHNSTONE WILLIAM E. BOWWN GEORGE E.ANDERSON ROBERT LVAN FOSSEN May 22, 1973 Mr. N. Walter Graff Best, Flanagan, Lewis, Simonet and Bellows ` 1200 First National Bank Bldg. Minneapolis, Minnesota 48025 Re: Land Title Summons in Application for Registration ofFLa id by Independent School District No. 273. Dear Mr. Graff: Pursuant to your conversation with Marlene Johannsen, I understand you have granted the Village of Edina an extension to June 15, 1973, within which to answer in the above - entitled matter. Very truly yours, Thomas S. Erickson TSE:mj:sp CC: Mrs. Florence Hallberg May 25r 1973 ilo ix