HomeMy WebLinkAbout1927z Ow 0 Y a a Otarte of A=OOM 8a. Hennepin Countyof .........:............... pp....... ............................... Onthis ................ l�............... ............................day of.. ............. 19..`. , before me, a Notary._ Pub] i c within, and for said County, personally appeared .....................R.i,chard 0. Hanson — ..... K...................... ............................... .................................. ............................... ............................and .................� .................... to me personally known, who, beings each by me duly sworn .. ............................did say that they are respectively the.... C h a i r rna n President and the C.1 e r k • .......................... ..............................o f the corporation named in the ........ .......... foregoinff instrument, und- i�3aret- t�rZ�cca�a to- acrid -irc�brurnc�rb-es^ ,ovrpara e,se�- - sa�idr 'ps +�+s and that said instrument was sinned and sealed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board Commissioners .. ............................and said ............ .R,i char 0l...j gnson ........ _ ........... and Dee ... Wagne................................................ acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. This instrument drafted by Right ........ , Notary ublic .................... .............County Minn. . of Way Section, Department of Public Works, 320 Washington "- M commissiog tray E ....., 19............ Avenue South, Hopkins, Minnesota y �� """" """' W ° w A U F�1 C a �I ° � U A d 8 N h u u W w G b 0 a o � E •a Ian � v Q ice+ o d 4Q m d � � •'� o d ,� 0. ,.o N E-4 8 N h u u W w G b 0 a o E-4 E-4 H 8 N h u u W w G b 0 a Qait Claim Deed. C.omom lan W Corp"atlow Form No. 31 —M. Miller-Da .is Co, Minneapolis. Minn. q Minnesota Uniform Co veyancina Blank2 (1931). jgji�fribenture, Made this ............ .r5th... ...........................day of............Decembe .., 19..�b....., .................. between .,.,,the County of Hennepin,. „a body.pol.ttic and co r por ate,.. _.,.. ............ xxxOV4Xr&KM under the laws of the State _o f ........ M i n n e s o t a party o the first part, and the...ti.1.ty ... 0.f. ... EA.W.1p ....a. MMpi.ei.p..a.1...corpor.a:kLon ............................. ............ ............................... )po X%6U t under the laws of the State of ....... M!.nnesota ............... party of the second part, Witneaetb, That the said party of the first part, in consideration of the sum of Three „Hundred... and... no / 100--------- - - - - -- .'..(.$..0000 - - - -- '....- -- DOLL✓IRS, .. ..... ...... ... to it in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is he eby acknowledged, does hereby Grant, Bargain, Quitclaim, and Convey unto the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, Forever, all the tract ............ or, parcel......... of land lying and being in the C unty of ....................... Hennepin .............. ............................and State of'Minnesota, described as follows, to -witr That part of the west 824.94 feet of the Southwest Quarter of the So Section 31, Township 117, Range 21, Hennepin County, Minnesota, lyin line extending from a point on the west line of said Southwest Quart west Quarter distant 529.68 feet north from the southwest corner of to a point on the east line of the west 824.94 feet of said Southwes Southwest Quarter distant 528.12 feet north, measured along said eas south line of said Section 31; which Iles northeasterly of a line dr with and 40.00 feet northeasterly from the following described line: Commencing at the northwest corner of Section 6, Township 116, South 87 degrees, 24 minutes, 02 seconds East (assuming the wes Northwest Quarter of said Section 6 as bearing North 4 degrees, seconds West) a distance of 693.43 feet to the beginning of the described; thence North 46 degrees, 21 minutes, 27 seconds West 648.13 feet; thence northwesterly along a tangential curve to t a radius of 954.93 feet a distance of 200.00 feet and there ter thwest Quarter, south of a r of the South - aid Section 31 Quarter of the line, from the wn parallel ange 21; thence line of the 19 minutes, 05 line to be a distance of e right having inating. Subject to a permanent easement for drainage purposes over that part of said tract lying within 12.5 feet on each side of a line 17.0 feet in length d wn northeast- erly at right angles to the southwesterly line of said tract from a point thereon distant 93.95 feet northwesterly of the most southerly corner of sai tract. Except that the party of the first part shall retain the right of ac ess being the right of ingress to and egress from the southwesterly side of the tr ct conveyed herein to County State Aid Highways No. 62 and 18. STATE TAX DUE HERE -r.l. � 190 Jbabe anb to Jbolb the Marne, Together with all the hereditaments and appurtenances there- unto belonging or in anywise appertaining, to tha said party of the second part, its censors and assigns, Forever. 3n Teztimonp Ebered, The said first par has caused these preafn f � te t tt �aname b 1t-ore.e..t he C e ha i rma n omo mt. �or. of s one _ The County ..of Hen In .....:............................... ............................... In Presence of By.. at'rinan' of " °tl:ie "M566fy "'96a.......... Hie .................... . .................................................................... ............................... ......................................... ! : Dom`....... ...................................................................... ............................... C 1 erk of the Co my Board Hs...................... ............................... Public Works Phone 935 -3381 320 Washington Av. South, Hopkins, Minnesota 55343 H2NN @PIN COUNTY December 17, 1976 City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Enclosed is a deed from Hennepin County conveying the parcel of land on which you were the successful bidder. Your bid was opened on November 19, 1976, and accepted by the County Board on November 30, 1976. Included are copies of the Board's resolution accepting your bid and survey of the parcel. Sincerely, Leonard C. Franson Property Manager LCF:Im Encis. Minorities, Women and Other Protected Classes are Encouraged to apply for Employment at Hennepin County Ir RESOLUTION N0. 76 -11 -2.259 NOV 30 Commissioner Hanson, , Chairman offered the following resolution: WHEREAS, Recommendation was received notifying acceptance of for the Sale of Surplus Property by Hennepin County, Contract No. PARCEL NO. ITEM NO. BIDDER high bid awards 6461. AMOUNT 1 1 Robert R. McIntyre $ 2,510.00 lA 2 General Mills 25,000.00 3 3 City of -Edina 300.00 -4- 1-,-112-.00- 3 & 4 5 Jerome K. Rice 300.00 3A 6 Jack R. Clapp 6,222.00 15 7 Rauenhorst Corporation 100.00 15 -1A 8 L. G. Murray 10,551.00 21 9 Rauenhorst Corporation 100.00 21 -28 10 Rauenhorst Corporation 1,200.00 29 12 William J. Schlegel 5,333.33 34'' 13 Henry Meyer 101.00 39A -E 14 William J. Schlegel 17,333.33 46 15 Vernon F. Peterson 60.00 52 . 16. Kenneth L. Carlson 110.00 55 17 Thomas K. Davidson 15.00 57 18 Marvin H. Anderson Construction Co. 900.00 57A 19 Vernon F. Peterson 20.00 58 20 David P. Chapman 50.00 65 22 William C. Ryerse 37,000.00 75A 24 William Ipanis 400.00 A 26� Wallace E. Freeman 5,500.00 A10 -ll 27 Robert Naas 1,135.00 NOV 3 01976 PARCEL NO. ITEM NO. BIDDER AMOUNT CAGP -1 28 Lars P. Lodoen $ 11015.00 EPGP -1 29 B. R. Ancel 11,010.00 . -M -� —O0 ---- Michele-- Ka-tsmedas------- ___ -__ — _—__ -. ]- ,- 100.00 - M27 32 Donald K. Olson 15.00 TC 35 Doris M. Robinson 7,652.00 X34 36 Thomas J. Dooley 50.00 TOTAL . . . . . $146,194.66 BE IT RESOLVED, Thai the Chairman of the Board be authorized to sign the quit claim deed on behalf of the County. Commissioner Robb moved that Parcel No. 3 -101 be stricken from the list." Commissioner Ticen seconded the motion upon the condition that°the land be acquired by the Library. Approved unanimously. Commissioner Robb moved to strike all bids that _fall below the estimated value of the property. The motion failed for lack of a second. Commissioner Robb moved. that Parcel No. 57 -A be stricken from the list. The motion failed for lack of a second. Commissioner Ticen moved, seconded by Commissioner Robb, that ` Parcel No. M -1 be stricken from the list, contingent on the City of Greenwood making an equal bid and providing the land is used for public purposes. The uestion was on the adoption of the resolution and there 9 p ere were five YEAS i and no NAYS as follows: COUNTY OF HENNEPIN- BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS YEA NAY OTHER Thomas E. Ticen x C ' Thomas L: Olson X John E. Derus x E. F. Robb, Jr. X Richard 0. Hanson, Chairman x Resolution adopted. ATTEST:_ Deputy County Auditor ou +vL Y J Minneapolis, ; ��± 1s c,r, rr, MI J.) SURVEY FOR . 14 5.5) jt38 °28 47 "E.�,. .;>13' o+ NO AOND c:l r^ 9c9 \� \ \ \ \\ 7 s f2.= 0.251�CR�S� w CC ARE vj a9�♦ :f x 1 is �^ cV C tK / p ,� '�3 'f. ci 0 o Ot- 3 c a G co� ° JULY, 1976 SCALE- : I INCH= 50 F E ET O DENOTES HEj�N'. CO. CAST N •''ti a RIGHT -OF -WAY tv10NUI0Er1T DENOTES HE, N. CO. CAST MONUMENT ' O DENOTES JUDICIAL LA'Nrl', BEARINGS SHCA N ARE ASSU:- 824.94 • N W corof Sec. 6, T. 116, .21 • S\V.cor.of SOO- 31,7 N. . . 117,8.21 rn t Survey line ..... .43 � 593 - ° -- f S. fins of the S 1/4 of Sec. 31,"C117,R.21 x • ALVER R. F( EEMIAN rr11 ti.tT J Ci it�tt= Surveyor 703 Government. Center, Minneapolis, MN 55487 HeNNE PIN COUN i Y 'ghat part of the west 824.94 feet of the 'South%;rest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, Section 31, Township 117, Range 21, Hennepin County, Minnesota, lying south of a line extending from a point on the west line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter distant 529.68 feet north from the southwest corner of said Section 31 to a point on the east line of the west 824.94 feet of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter distant 528,12 feet north, measured along said east line,-from the south line of said Section 31; which lies northeasterly, of a line dra,,n parallel with and 40.00 feet norLneascerly from the follo"!- ing described line: Commencing at the northwest corner of Section 6, Township 116, Range 21; thence South 87 degrees, 24 minutes, 02 seconds East (assuming the west line of the Northviest Quarter or said Section 6 as bearing north 4 degrees, 19 minutes, 05 seconds tdest) a distance of 693,43 feet to the beginning of the line to be described; thence North 46 degrees, 21 minutes, 27 seconds lest a distance of 648.13 feet; thence northwesterly along a tangential curve to the right having a radius of 954.93 feet a distance of 200.00 feel- and there tenmi nati ng ALVER R. FREEMMI COU11TY SURVEYOR HENNEPIN COUNTY, 1351 ,t HeNNE PIN COUN i Y 'ghat part of the west 824.94 feet of the 'South%;rest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, Section 31, Township 117, Range 21, Hennepin County, Minnesota, lying south of a line extending from a point on the west line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter distant 529.68 feet north from the southwest corner of said Section 31 to a point on the east line of the west 824.94 feet of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter distant 528,12 feet north, measured along said east line,-from the south line of said Section 31; which lies northeasterly, of a line dra,,n parallel with and 40.00 feet norLneascerly from the follo"!- ing described line: Commencing at the northwest corner of Section 6, Township 116, Range 21; thence South 87 degrees, 24 minutes, 02 seconds East (assuming the west line of the Northviest Quarter or said Section 6 as bearing north 4 degrees, 19 minutes, 05 seconds tdest) a distance of 693,43 feet to the beginning of the line to be described; thence North 46 degrees, 21 minutes, 27 seconds lest a distance of 648.13 feet; thence northwesterly along a tangential curve to the right having a radius of 954.93 feet a distance of 200.00 feel- and there tenmi nati ng ALVER R. FREEMMI COU11TY SURVEYOR HENNEPIN COUNTY, 1351