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DORSEY, WINDHORST, HANNAFORD, WHITNEY & HALLADAY JOHN W. WINOHORST MICHAEL A. OLSON HENRY HALLADAY LARRY W. JOHNSON JULE HANNAFORD THOMAS S. HAY ARTHUR B. WHITNEY G. LARRY GRIFFITH RUSSELL W. LINDOUIST CRAIG A. BECK DAVID R. BRINK DAVID L. MCCUSKEY HO RACE HITCH THOMAS O. MOE VIRGIL H HILL JAMES H.0 HAGAN ROBERT V. TARBOX JOHN M MASON ROBERT J. JOHNSON MICHAEL W. WRIGHT MAYNARD B. HASSELOUIST LARRY L. VICKREY PETER DORSEY LOREN R. KNOTT GEORGE P. FLANNERY PHILLIP H. MARTIN CURTIS L. ROY REESE C JOHNSON ARTHUR E. WEISBERG CHARLES J. HAUENSTEIN DUANE E. JOSEPH CHARLES A. GEER JAMES B. VESSEY JOHN C. ZWAKMAN WILLIAM A. WHITLOCK JOHN R WICKS EDWARD J. SCHWARTZBAUER EUGENE L. JOHNSON THOMAS M. BROWN JOHN W. WINDHORST, JR C ORNELIUS D. MAHONEY. JR. MICHAEL PRICHARD WILLIAM C. BABCOCK JOHN P VITKO THOMAS S. ERICKSON WILLIAM R. SOTH MICHAEL E. BRESS RICHARD G. SWANSON RAYMOND A. REISTER FAITH L OHMAN JOHN J. TAYLOR DAVID A RANHEIM WILLIAM J. HEMPEL ROBERT J. SILVERMAN JOHN S HIBBS THOMAS R. MANTHEY ROBERT 0 FLOTTEN WILLIAM R. HIBBS JOHN D. LEVINE PHILIP F. BOELTER ROBERT J. STRUYK WILLIAM B. PAYNE 2300 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING MINNEAPOLIS,MINNESOTA S5402 (612) 340-2600 CABLE: DOROW TELEX: 29 -0605 TELECOPIER: (612) 340 -2868 1468 W -FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 (612) 227 -8017 Mr. Robert Dunn City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Dear Mr. Dunn: 115 THIRD STREET SOUTHWEST ROCHESTER, MINNESOTA 55901 (507) 288 -3156 November 18, 1977 ROBERT A HEIBERG NICK R. HAY JOHN D. KIRBY IRVING WEISER ROBERT A. SCHWARTZBAUER STEPHEN E. GOTTSCHALK DAVID N. FRONEK THOMAS W. ELKINS THOMAS W. TINKHAM KENNETH L. CUTLER JON F. TUTTLE GARY M. JOHNSON EMERY W. BARTLE THOMAS W. FINN WILLIAM A. JOHNSTONE JAY L. BENNETT STEVEN K. CHAMPLIN ROBERT G BAYER MICHAEL J. RADMER SUZANNE B. VAN DYK MICHAEL TRUCANO STUART R. HEMPHILL JAMES A. FLADER J DAVID JACKSON DAVID L. BOEHNEN W. CHARLES LANTZ MICHEL A. LAFOND DOUGLAS E. RAY DON D. CARLSON STEVEN F. WOLGAMOT PAUL J. SCHEERER J. MARQUIS EASTWOOD DAN F. NICOL EDWARD J. PLUIMER FRANK H. VOIGT KENNETH W. ERICKSON WILLIAM H. HIPPEE, JR. OWEN C. MARX ROBERT A. BURNS JAMES E. BOWLUS ROGER J. MAGNUSON GEORGE LCHAPMAN J. ROBERT HIBBS THOMAS D. VANDER MOLEN JAY F COOK MARK A. JARBOE STANLEY M. REIN BRUCE D. BOLANDER CHARLES L. POTUZNIK VERLANE L. ENDORF DENNIS P. BURATTI OF COUNSEL GEORGEANN BECKER DONALD WEST ROBERT L. HOBBINS WALDO F. MARQUART BARRY D GLAZER GEORGE E. ANDERSON PETER S. HENDRIXSON JOHN F FINN Tom Erickson asked me to send you a copy of Document No. 4274679, an Easement for Storm Sewer given by Greger Investment Associates. Here it is. Very tr y'yours, Marlene Johannsen (Assistant to Thomas S. Erickson) MJ:ph Enclosure DORSEY, WINDHORST, HANNAFORD, WHITNEY $ HALLADAY JOHN W. WINDHORST MICHAEL A. OLSON HENRY AY HALLAD LARRY W. JOHNSON JULE HANNAFORD THOMAS S. HAY ARTHUR S. WHITNEY G. LARRY GRIFFITH RUSSELL W. LINDQUIST CRAIG A. BECK DAVID R. BRINK DAVID L. McCUSKEY HORACE HITCH THOMAS 0. MOE VIRGIL H. HILL JAMES H. O HAGAN ROBERT V. TARBOX JOHN M. MASON ROBERT J. JOHNSON MICHAEL W. WRIGHT MAYNARD B. HASSELOUIST LARRY L VICKREY PETER DORSEY LOREN R. KNOTT GEORGE P. FLANNERY PHILLIP H. MARTIN CURTIS L. ROY REESE C JOHNSON ARTHUR WEISBERG CHARLES J. HAUENSTEIN . DUANE E. JOSEPH CHARLES A. GEER JAMES S. VESSEY JOHN C ZWAKMAN WILLIAM A. WHITLOCK JOHN RWICKS EDWARD J. SCHWARTZBAUER EUGENE L. JOHNSON THOMAS M. BROWN JOHN W, WINDHORST, JR. CORNELIUS 0. MAHONEY, JR. MICHAEL PRICHARD WILLIAM C. BABCOCK JOHN P. VITKO THOMAS S. ERICKSON WILLIAM R. SOTH MICHAEL E. BRESS RICHARD G. SWANSON RAYMOND A. BUSTER FAITH L.OHMAN JOHN J. TAYLOR DAVID A RANHEIM WILLIAM J. HEMPEL ROBERT J. SILVERMAN JOHN S. HIBBS THOMAS R. MANTHEY ROBERT O. FLOTTEN WILLIAM R. HIBBS JOHN D. LEVINE PHILIP F. BOELTER ROBERT J. STRUYK WILLIAM B. PAYNE 2300 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING MINNEAPOLIS,MINNESOTA 55402 (612) 340 -2600 CABLE: DOROW TELEX: 29 -0605 TELECOPIER: (612) 340 -2868 1468 W —FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING 5T. PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 (612) 227 -8017 115 THIRD STREET SOUTHWEST ROCHESTER, MINNESOTA 55901 (507) 286 -3156 November 7, 1977 Ms.; Florence B. Hallberg Edina City Clerk ' ` 4801 West 50th Street Ldina, Minnesota 55424 Dear Florence: ROBERT A HEIBERG NICK R. MAY JOHN D. KIRBY IRVING WEISER ROBERT A. SCHWARTZBAUER STEPHEN E. GOTTSCHALK DAVID N. FRONEK THOMAS W. ELKINS THOMAS W. TINKHAM KENNETH L. CUTLER JON F. TUTTLE GARY M. JOHNSON EMERY W. BARTLE THOMAS W. FINN WILLIAM A. JOHNSTONE JAY L SENNETT STEVEN K.CHAMPLIN ROBERT G. BAYER MCHAEL J. RADMER SUZANNE B. VAN DYK MICHAEL TRUCANO STUART R. HEMPHILL JAMES A. FLADER J DAVID JACKSON DAVID L. BOEHNEN W. CHARLES LANTZ MICHEL A. LAFOND DOUGLAS E RAY DON D. CARLSON STEVEN F. WOLGAMOT PAUL J. SCHEERER J.MAROUIS EASTWOOD DAN F. NICOL EDWARD J. PLUIMER FRANK H. 'JOIST KENNETH W. ERICKSON WILLIAM H. HIPPEE, JR. OWEN C. MARX ROBERT A. BURNS JAMES E. BOWLUS ROGER J.MAGNUSON GEORGE LCHAPMAN J. ROBERT HIBBS THOMAS D. VANDER MOLEN JAY F. COOK MARK A JARBOE STANLEY M. REIN BRUCE D. BOLANDER CHARLES L POTUZNIK VERLANE LENDORF DENNIS P. BURATTI OF COUNSEL GEORGEANN BECKER DONALD WEST ROBERT L. HOBBINS WALDO F. MAROUART BARRY D. GLAZER GEORGELANDERSON PETER S. HENDRIXSON JOHN F. FINN r Re; Lot 25 and that part of Lot 26 lying South of the North 25 feet thereof, "Morningsi.de." I send to you, for the City's file, a latter from Terry 14. Cosgrove, attorney for the petitioner in an action to register title to the above property, con - cerning the City's easement for storm sewer purposes. TSE /aic Enclosure cc: Mr. Robert C. Dunn Very truly yours, Thomas S. Erickson v - i IM WIT11 sa Mlzor. 'Imi said parts« of the first part have bereasto get their ban" am! seals the day and year first above c written. as rese•ses oil mama XXIM218M AaaOCIAIW by � %1 � o a Y► as general pertaw by � a gesaral psirt�wr i I i as tbi• 15th day of Fibfuary - A.D. 1177 - i I a me a Not•ty Paula within 4ad tsf Hid csanty paasoaaliy i app••sM ��iA. Gr���A. Gr rr and i NAUMI[- Nones -_ patto"s of Gre•i lmpostasR isa•siata•. • MlssMat• pattMabip is behalf of tM NetaaaMi�. to alt bwaam to UO pae••a• d••srllad In a" r• as••rtM tbo beeg•imp • aM •a!•owleft" gat owl, asawted tM asr r eb•is saw sae ass dead. a•t•e4411 Deal► wuLava u.cuaAUUx TEKhY VOTANY PUBLIC a SJ�t EP 'MENNN C.Ud7Y , �� YT lba.usflrn CaP+a iuM 25.la1 42746'79 h77MAR 31 V 3: 05 42'74679 COPY FEES Fir •�a, i %• 14 h e a V q _ a 42'746'79 r' BASEMEDIT FOR STORM SEMEN THIS INSTRDt ENT, Made this ` _day of vg 19-11, by and between GreaQ�rnowa�ment ieYociates, a aeneral Minnescta -- I Nelson M. Nones, a general Partner C parties of the first part. I and the City of Edina, a municipal cotporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, partyjof the second parts MITNESSETH, that the said p ties of the first part, in consideration of one and No /100 Doll Is ($1.00), to them in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is a hereby acknowledged, do Grant, Bargai , Sell, Convey, and Warrant to said party'of the second part an ement in perpetuity for storm sewer purposes, including the right to enter for the purpose of constructing, maintaining, alteri", repairing and reconstructing a storm sewer system in, under, and over the following described i property situate in the County of Hennepin and State of Mingesota. I i to -wits The South 20 feet of Lot 25i Morningside =! IER ENTERED "`e AR 31 1971 DI IS ►ON M.HN. It is the intention and agreement of the Parties hereto that the Farty of the second part shall in the construction, or maintenance of said storm sewer replace any shrubs or sod removed by any excavation in connection with such construction or msinten- anoe work, in as nearly as possible the same condition as before such excavation. This mats, t is exempt from State Deed Tax. This IMkY'uasnt fts aMaQ'I1i, C::7 or Utas ittm. x o "" 4274679 A 1 I " ; , - 0 , �-* : - r - , J, 1 i'li, j i : , 1. �; Gi Pit- 26 cent 0 RECEIVED JOHNSON, SANDS, LIZEE, FRICKER & SPRENGER NOV 7 1977 THOMAS E. SANDS PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COUNSEL GORDON A. JOHNSON LAWYERS ANDREW N. JOHNSON MAURICE C. LIZEE DONALD E. NELSON GEORGE L. FRICKER 700 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING PAUL C. SPRENGER MINNEAPOLIS 55402 TERENCEJ. McCLOSKEY _ (612) 332 -8778 ERIC L. S ROBERT L. BRH UTES L. TELEX 29 -0127 TERRY M. COSGROVE JEFFREY K. VEST November 4, 1977 Mr. Tom Erickson Dorsey, Windhorst, Hannaford, Whitney & Halladay 2300 First National Bank Building Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 Re: Application to Register Title to Certain Land of the State of Minnesota Hennepin County District Court File No. 18170 Lot 25 and that part of Lot 26 lying South of the North 25 feet thereof, " Morningside 11. Dear Mr. Erickson: This correspondence memorializes our telephone conference of November 2, 1977, wherein I, as attorney for petitioner, and you, as attorney for the City of Edina, in reference to paragraph 4 of the Report of the Examiner in the above captioned matter, agreed that the land is subject to an easement in favor of the City of Edina and, therefore, the subject clause of the Decree should cont To an easement for storm sewer purposes in favor of the City of Edina over the South 25 feet of Lot 25, as contained in instrument filed as Hennepin County Recorded Doc. No. 4274679. dc: Clerk of District Court ri Very truly yours, Terry Cosgrove THIS INSTRUMENT* Made this ) 4- day of �e uG�J , 19--L-1 by and between areaer Invent nt Assogiates. a general ,Ki,1, n0no,ta,.,_ „n, x,,; ,mensm, a, saneral part , parties of the first part, and the City of Edina, a municipal corporation organized under the lawn of the State of Minnesota, party of the second parts wITNSSSBTHt that the said parties of the first part, in consideration of One and No /140 Dollars ($1.04), to them in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do Grant, ,Bargain, Sell, Convey, and warrant to said party of the second part an Easement in perpetuity for storm sewer purposes, including the right to enter for the purpose of constructing, maintaining, altering, repairing and reconstructing a storm sewer system in, under, and over the following described property situate in the County of Hennepin and State of Minnesota, to -wit I The South 20 feet of Lot 25, Morningside It is the intention and agreement of the Parties hereto that the party of the second part shall in the construction, or maintenance of said storm sewer replace any shrubs or sod removed by any excavation in connection with such construction or oainten- once work, in as nearly as possible the sane: condition as before such excavation. W&A dtafted by. IN WITNESS WHEREOF* The said parties of the first part have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year figst above In Presence of: =E=R INVESTMENT ARSOCIATES by • general partnerd by • general partner STATE OF MINNESOTA ss COUNTY OF NINEPIN on this _ day of 0 A.D. before me. a Notsx4�*ublic withi3V9hffsffr said County, p*rignally appeared and Dennis A. Greaer . partners of ar*g*r Investment ASSMSUIduraPfffftenota. general partnership in behalf of the partnership, to are known to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that they executed the same as their free act and deed. (Notarial seal) TERRY M. C�OSGRT�OVEUJ WR? V" NOTARY PUBLIC - NVNN� SOTA P HENNEPiN C NTY e r My C,- r 4274679 C C003.25Z� 0 I T. 19 77 MAR 31 F, 3: OS 4Z74679 p E c t cwv rrr 0 y F Li a a e l 42`46'79 EASEMENT FOR STORM SEWER THIS INSTRUMENT, Made this day of T"rUa rte, lg =, by and between Greger Investment Associates, a general Minnesota partnership consisting of Dennis A. Gre er a general partner and Nelson M, Nones, a general partner , parties of the first part, and the City of Edina, a municipal corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, party of the second part; WITNESSETH, that the said parties of the first part, in consideration of One and No /100 Dollars ($1.00), to them in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do Grant, Bargain, Sell, Convey, and Warrant to said party of the second part an Easement in perpetuity for storm sewer purposes, including the right to enter for the purpose of constructing, maintaining, altering, repairing and reconstructing a storm sewer system in, under, and over the following described property situate in the County of Hennepin and State of Minnesota, to -wit: The South 20 feet of Lot 25, Morningside • '> UANSFER ENTERED 197 n It is the intention and agreement of the Parties hereto that the party of the second part shall in the construction, or maintenance of said storm sewer replace any shrubs or sod removed by any excavation in connection with such construction or mainten- ance work, in as nearly as possible the same condition as before such excavation. This instrument is exempt from State Deed Tax. T }. s di�aTted t µ y IN WITNESS WHZRBOF, The said parties of the'first part x have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above K written. In presence of$ STATE Or MIMiMUOTA ss Cm mm or HVMPIM as ZMR IUMTNXNT A6iB©CIATU by - L a general partner by�� a general partner Can this 15tr.....h ..., day of . February.......,.. � .��• A604 1'.7.77.x..+ before wa, a rotary Public within and for said County, personally appeared Denais A. Gre er and Nelson M. Nones partners of QM*r Inv4stmat Associates, a Minsesota general partnership in behalf of the partnership, to awe known to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing instrument# and eaknowwledged that they executed the sows as their free act and deed. RR301A�i (notarial Seal) H NEE #'l i I v Y V r Y 0 V 'Y V )<