HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968V m "" " EDINA 4801 WEST 50TH STREET, EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 612-927-8861 IRESOLUTIC"A"! 1-.'STA,13L1Sh1NC PORT-"ON OF 01010-NIAL WAY the City of E--Iina- 'is the fee owner of the following described p remls e s : Ti:a(--t. A: T -,e Ea ;t lfc-et of tbe South 30 feet of the North 693 fees. of the. NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Sect Loa 5, 116, Range 71 , Hcnnepin County, Minnesota; akid Tract E: The .-louth 30 feet ol' the North 60 feet of -1.1hat part of 2,33 is NE 1,141. C) r 1 1 1- h o 'N "J + of Scr--�J.os! 5, Town;,:!Ihip 116, Ranh ,--, .11, Hennepin Count:y, Mi-rmesot,!.i, Y Ill 0- 3 1 t t k4 o t i- 5 'eez t:hareof; ,md Of 4 silcl Tract B is s.tb)iec1* t.c) an casement 1[or purposess . .-ngress a by 11c;. ' I -' 439 on file in the Off'-^c of the 'I L t L Gol-irty Rec.oijle.r :'y) E;7%vor of Tlie Colonial Clairch of Edj.na, a u r' Lci!� 2, Colonial rpo-a--ior - -mez U. oo -, gs &-e c-, ck Church of Edina Yirst- A,-Iditifmi; and c'A "IS. saic, `ract A aA fract: B a r e Cone :iguot-F to Colonial Way, as the Plat o* Co`cm-a "hurch of Edtina First Addition, and Prov-1-de ac.--ess cbereLo fron Tracy A-veiiue; and 1 -2 Co -a' -o r --'case its Easement ri, Olrmi -L C].Vjr!� of Elin, 11-s offered t e I CAVE r and acyos-- , ;.d Tt-a,ct 'U :-L1 tltt M-ty will dedicate. said Tract A and L. to the public -1---,-, �Cre.et purposes. N..',-)W, THEREFORE,, BE LT RESOLVE!) that the City of Edina does he'revy accept Lite, quit claim doed frOm ;IffiiF.1. Colonial Uiurch of Ed-.;.:a of the above described Trsct B 1:or pkiry.)o.--iz_`s of releasing the hasem--rit of i-igrcs.- and ec-rcss establ-ished bv No. 41.4/439 0a file in the office of the aermc-,)in, Ccunty Recorder; and BE T`' FUPTHER RLSOLVIE'k - ) Zh at the albov,- described Tract A and Tract B ate hereby dedic.:tLtd !.o the public purpGaes, saie premises to be known as "Coion 4 a f Way". ADOPITE'U" this 21st day of November. 1977. STATE OF MINNESOM COUNTY OF HENNEPTN S5 CITY OF EDINA CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK 1, the o.nderslgmed drily iii poli;ited and acting City Clerk for the C-Jty of Edina, do ho-reby certif,, :;i i -!, Zs'Fi' i L. i�.i'f d af1d foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City dt its regular meeting of November 21, 1977, and as recorded in rho_ Minute s of said Regular Meetinn-- , F . "No WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 30th day of November, 1977. TR AN S RER EN T E R E- D Fir, 14-1 9 "1'117 hL��NLPIN COUNTY, MINN. ey---V- &-1&4&&-A&QEPUTy City Clerk jo.wors ENTERIED HLNNEPIN COUNTY, MINN. BY DEPUTY 43383'74 OFFICE OF COUNTY RECORDER HENNEPIN COUNTY. MINNFSOiM CERTIFIED FILED ANo Ofi RECORDED ON 1977 DEC -2 PM 3: 23 AS DOCUMENT # CO.REC ER BY EPUTY Coat$ t k BAAS= • -. -�� vii ll.li tL 1��r'�t ';�: .� tj a COLONIAL CHURCH 'EL NORTN LNE N E h G -•f ... �' iii 9i r — _. .� _ - , 30 30 et 1 , ' i 5 "CP W J n 'O ^0 TTT rJ _POINT 693.00 ►T. WEST Of N.E. CORNER N.E.1 /4,••► N E. COR N.E IH NW. 1/4 .N.W IN SEC b 30 SEC. b ' (VENN. CO. MON.1 W A W f W W 1 . 1 C> P Y) LP I 3 9 \' —I 0 c � J J h W \ m hl D i p N m` 30 \ so or Q \ /2`090 i Z L 0 T j" 0� 1, -s 91 ,69, X S�6 I ♦i+�+� . 3.0 • 1NE CO. p0, M0`. •6DSt 30 NORTH N0RG 906 3J I 00G. 6 T8°492 13989 1 f p. a °35'41" A 3.41 0 0 m in U W N z _ W 2 W z J h J ,.r � r 30I p� I- 127.4G o CUF,N;a:. SOG057'3d'E " 33332.57 R WAI • ADDITION Ki!OW ALL !:^J Iiy T?'ME PAT,F.TS: - ha, The Colonial C',urch following describet property situated in the State of Yin That part of Goverment Ent 1, and of the Northeast Quart, County, tii -esota described as follows: f- (finning at the MILE VILLAGE, Ln on file Rnd of record in the office of tJ east line of said tIINE MILE VILI.AGE a distance of 1153.87 north line of Cold Government Lot 1 and along the north 17 feet west of the Northeast corner of said Northeast Quart( northeast Quarter of the lforthwe3t Quarter a distance or i of the Northwest Cuarter a diotvlce of 693.00 feet to the along said cant line of !lortheaot Quarter of the Northaesl along said northerly line of County Fighway No. 62 to the ^uarter of the tTorthwcst Quarter of Section 5, Township 1: Northeast Quarter of the 'Northwest Quarter. Has caused the name to be surveyed and platted as COEAIA, public for public use forever the Boulevard, Way and drail In wltneos whereof said Colonial Church Of Edina, a "tanci proper officers and its corporate seal to be hereunto aft: 64.. Douglas Jones, T•:oderator .STATE, fP MIm OTA COUNTY OF He ^TcPIN The foregoing instrunent was acknowle and Carne Moller, Assistant Secretary of The Colonial rhur PARALLEL WITH NORTH LINE N.E.1 /4, M.W. 1/4 SEC.5 33 33 M 'j' n Sa8b67'30 "E 332.98 + QI 589 °3342 E i I W 00 `i s n Z E XCEPTt0H u ry 23300 --.•J : � Z m `t 1. ps Agole 13° ro I h W 4279 83267.00 .• rq2 /T .1 , �` ��y6zt°A I hereby certify tt CHUP.CH OF EZINTA FIE distances are tort( been correctly plat correctly designate STATE OF t''ITINFSOTA COUt+"PY OP DAKOTA CITY OF EDr+A, Mn:? The plat of COLONI the City of EdIrLT., By /Y�-' CE DIVISIGN, t I hereby certity t on this plat. Date Vernon T. Hoppe, HEY'EEPIN COUNTY Sf1� I /4,Nw 1/4 SEC. b f^.•�1, � HLUTE .dQ NORTH LINE GOVT �• LOT 1, SEC b - `• 1 .,,• r. •, r''I,va`•I` V • �SI/4 CORNER SEC 32,TWP 117,rGE 21 • 767.48 588 °57'34 "E EI::'ir. ^, (H6NN. CO. MON. �4 OLINGER ce74e 1oc3300.: • `3G __ BOULEVARD s1°o¢ze w' ,�.P85734, �\ .+ 556,'0 $0.3542% h G -•f ... �' iii 9i r — _. .� _ - , 30 30 et 1 , ' i 5 "CP W J n 'O ^0 TTT rJ _POINT 693.00 ►T. WEST Of N.E. CORNER N.E.1 /4,••► N E. COR N.E IH NW. 1/4 .N.W IN SEC b 30 SEC. b ' (VENN. CO. MON.1 W A W f W W 1 . 1 C> P Y) LP I 3 9 \' —I 0 c � J J h W \ m hl D i p N m` 30 \ so or Q \ /2`090 i Z L 0 T j" 0� 1, -s 91 ,69, X S�6 I ♦i+�+� . 3.0 • 1NE CO. p0, M0`. •6DSt 30 NORTH N0RG 906 3J I 00G. 6 T8°492 13989 1 f p. a °35'41" A 3.41 0 0 m in U W N z _ W 2 W z J h J ,.r � r 30I p� I- 127.4G o CUF,N;a:. SOG057'3d'E " 33332.57 R WAI • ADDITION Ki!OW ALL !:^J Iiy T?'ME PAT,F.TS: - ha, The Colonial C',urch following describet property situated in the State of Yin That part of Goverment Ent 1, and of the Northeast Quart, County, tii -esota described as follows: f- (finning at the MILE VILLAGE, Ln on file Rnd of record in the office of tJ east line of said tIINE MILE VILI.AGE a distance of 1153.87 north line of Cold Government Lot 1 and along the north 17 feet west of the Northeast corner of said Northeast Quart( northeast Quarter of the lforthwe3t Quarter a distance or i of the Northwest Cuarter a diotvlce of 693.00 feet to the along said cant line of !lortheaot Quarter of the Northaesl along said northerly line of County Fighway No. 62 to the ^uarter of the tTorthwcst Quarter of Section 5, Township 1: Northeast Quarter of the 'Northwest Quarter. Has caused the name to be surveyed and platted as COEAIA, public for public use forever the Boulevard, Way and drail In wltneos whereof said Colonial Church Of Edina, a "tanci proper officers and its corporate seal to be hereunto aft: 64.. Douglas Jones, T•:oderator .STATE, fP MIm OTA COUNTY OF He ^TcPIN The foregoing instrunent was acknowle and Carne Moller, Assistant Secretary of The Colonial rhur PARALLEL WITH NORTH LINE N.E.1 /4, M.W. 1/4 SEC.5 33 33 M 'j' n Sa8b67'30 "E 332.98 + QI 589 °3342 E i I W 00 `i s n Z E XCEPTt0H u ry 23300 --.•J : � Z m `t 1. ps Agole 13° ro I h W 4279 83267.00 .• rq2 /T .1 , �` ��y6zt°A I hereby certify tt CHUP.CH OF EZINTA FIE distances are tort( been correctly plat correctly designate STATE OF t''ITINFSOTA COUt+"PY OP DAKOTA CITY OF EDr+A, Mn:? The plat of COLONI the City of EdIrLT., By /Y�-' CE DIVISIGN, t I hereby certity t on this plat. Date Vernon T. Hoppe, HEY'EEPIN COUNTY Sf1�