HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979W; l # x u; • TIM zc �7 �y Yr fir. , rte+ f u z> N E C:� CG+ V' v tv � O• VM !D I STATE OF,CALIFORNIA) )ss COUNTY 0 SAY,,WATEO) . .'� P day of March, A.D. 1977) before me, a Notary Public within and: i r, said County, personally appeared Roberta G. Ewald to me known s to be'.the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and ackroaledgpd «that she executed the same as her free act and deed. t�in11E1114 nREE8!`. 3" EEE7EEEi'!ldEldlE!!liElEllnlnl� DOROTHY PA. KEE 11ING :r N,QjTARLY PJSCIC CALIft RNIA a Notary Pu lic, SAn Mateo County PrInB123 ti^,i:ice in SAN n1AiE0 County ;± C My Comr nission Expires Mar. 18,1980 Mir commiss ion expires 19 � C, �dndnnuownntdti11211"UnU STATE OF CCIIFORNIA) )ss COUNTY OF MARIN ) On this %j ;�W day of March, A.D. 1977, before me, a Notary Public within and for said County, personally appeared ANNE PHILLIPS to me known to be the person described in the who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that she executed the same as her free act r OFFICIAL SEAL - JACK A. WHITCOMB / z�Q XOIARN 14BUC — CALIFORNIA ry yt s � c'R :rCIvAL OFFICE M otary Public, Mar MARIN COUNTY M N 4 9 deed. ty mm! Fs Comms on Expires ov. 187 r My commission expires 19 ZF- STATE OF CALIFORNIA) )ss COUN7IY OF ORANGE ) On this 16th day of March, A.D. 1977, before me, a Notary Public within and for said County, personally appeared BETTY DAHLIN to me known j to be the person described in the who executed the foregoing instrument, and t i acknowledged that she executed the same as her free act and deed. O OFFICIAL SEAL p 3 t. r RUTH R. MATHER 4 ffi a, NOTARY PUBLIC - CALIFORNIA Note Public, 0 ange Cotk11.; PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN ORANGE COUNTY i���N COMMISSION EXPIRES �....1....y..,1.....:' commission expiresMa, ;19 77 No. 1514- 8atisfacti a of Real Rstate Mortgage. By Individual. Otatr of ............??nesota 42`r66`'6 as. County of......... H nnepin ............. ............................... w Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis ... Roberta ..G.l....41yald,... Ajmp- ...P.hillips.,.... Betty..D ahl .in.,...and... Dorothy ... G.,.... Railer ............. ............................... .................................. ............................... ion Wtreby 49Pr �fiJ, day of.. ... 5PPte.....Qr ................ . . . ................................ . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . That a certain Indenture of Mortgage bearing date the...... 29th ................. ............. A. D. 19...7.5...., made and executed by ..... Thomas... E5...H4?sek...and ............... Carol I. Hose , Husband and Wife as Mortgagors to Dorothy G. Palmer, as Administratri C.T.A. of the Estate of Oscar Grant, deceased, (Hennepin County. Probate #12265), as Mortgagee, which mortgage was duly recorded in the office of the Regist r of Deeds of Hennepin County, Minnesota, on October 1, 1975, in Book 75 of HC , Page 4167381, and which mortgage was duly assigned by the Decree of Distribution issued by the Hennepin County Probate Court in said Probate Court�File #122615, in the matter of said Estate of Oscar Grant, deceased, to the undersi ed, Roberta G. Ewald, Anne Phillips, Betty Dahlin, and Dorothy G. Palmer, whi h Decree of Distribution was duly recorded in t office of the Register of Deed$ in and for the County of .... Hennepin„ .......... ............................... and State of ........ s. ota ..... ............................... in Book .... 76 ... of ...HCR..x4QIfaddudw, on pade ..... 4.200996.. ...... .. onthe ........... 9th ............................day of.... April ............................. I................... .4. D. 19..7..6....., at ....................... . o'clock ........................ minutes ..................Mr., is with the ................... note ........................................... .. described in and secured by said Mortgage fully paid and s tiefied. And the Register of Deeds of said County is hereby authorized and directed to discharge the sa upon the record thereof, according to the statute in such case provided. #n grotimnny hrrrof, the undersigned ........... ............................................................... ha.Y..e...... hereunto set .... their ........ hands.. and seal. s. this ......................`. ...............day of ...... March ...... ........ ..... /. ...... ..... ....... , .4. D. 19.7.7...... Signed, Sealed a Delivered in Presence of .... . ... ..... ......... ..... ... .............. . (SEAL) ..................-tr.......... (SEAL) ........................................................................... ............................... f. 41 . \ . .. ' . �--........... (SEAL) ...................................... ............................... s. (SEAL) 40tafr of ...Mime . ota ..... ............................... ss. County of......Henne in............ 1 , .............................. C,) Gv, day March , ,4. D. 19..7. �....... before me, a On this �...j....................... ..... .......... ................... ........ .......... y o f .................................. ............................... f fVU1/f i . �U/'; ................Within and for said County, personally appeared .................. ............................... .......................... G.... G........ Dorothy... Pa.... er .................................................................................................................................................................... ............................... .............. ..... ................ . ........................................................................................................................................................ I............................. to me known to be t person...... described in and who executed the, foregoing% instrument, and acknowledged ... that She .... execut the same as..... .her........ free c d deed -L ... ,k ... . ...... � zZk...�'� � ........................ SEP 0 VN� 29 Anyv Q�N �0�• .... ......................................................................................... ............................... Mycommission expires .......................................... ............................... 19............ t4'' MINNESOTA GAS COMPANY DIST, —' O ACCT. Al / -2 0 O DUE DATE C.P. NAME R 0-"l & f`� O.S GAS ADD. J P O O Z 4W W V-44 JF'� f +% f � �+ BUDGET Cj0_ MDSE A 6 ry d SERV. FROM SERV. TO MDSE. DN.PAY. TL. PD. �� �ry� 6 Ri MARKS - !!✓✓%1t v, r��J ` ^.iii`` P '1 3 / / + � ? / �; PD f- �61Tr ea' c -r BY 64'%N� DATE' FORM 160 R2(72 s ; 1�tiE 1FI� #n Off'tCer DB�nE� T► s �Cooa $0SgEItT c� COM Kbewe _% CaFax39 �► 2 b 4542 $003.00 a M;nrrapolis.;:tittrtti►tral 5,5402. Edina Minne of l K 50- $412.00 60mo a. Tide Financing Statement covers the [ollow► t F .1 ng ypee or items of property: r� I- LG 105 -H -3 INTERNATIONAL FURNACE XI AT ty Iscoxde , NOW. Co. ... 4. 6. Assignee(s) of Secured Party and ; Address (es) : Proceeds - [] Products of the Collateral are also covered. a 1 8. Describe Real Estate ONLY if Item 7 is applicable. See Instruction SEE ATTACHED Copy rywr f o 7. ; ❑ The described crops are growing or to be Ima" � { C qty t,�� on: C, C• fc XTbe described good, are or are to be amxed to: • ' If checked complete Itome $and 9 " 9: -Name(s) of Record 0 ner(s): ABSTRACT 10. This a Cement is ed ut the h r'e si (`arnl I Hf)SPIr gn ure because: Minnesota .fS OyPANY $ ISi` nature(&) of Debtor(eb D B • �. rnes Sianature(e) otsecured Panycia) t (1) Filing Oliver (1)l)y - alphabetical Form t,, STANDARD FORM Approved by Form UCC -I Seeretary of Byte of Minnesota Fee: See Instruction 5 on Back. Thomas 5600 Dewey: { Edina Minnesota YY '' That Part o Southeast �4 of Norther t 4 - SECTION 8 TOWNSHIP 116 RANGE 21 ommenc3.ng at Southeast corner of Southwest 4;of Northeast 1,4-SECTION 8 Thence west along the south line of said southwest 4 696 feet, thence north at,right angles of said south line 418'feet thence west 209 feet thence south 418 feet to the south line of southwest 4 thence east 209 feet to place of beginning ABSTRACT m � 2003 —Warranty Dead. 427 Walters. Booth & Son, Minneapolis Individual to Caroaration. c>677 Form No. 3 Minnesota Uniform Conveyancing Blanks (Rev. 1974) Tbiz Nbenture, Made Chia .................. 5u! .................... ...... day of .............................. April ............ ...... between ...... Thomas E. Hosek and Carol I. Hosek. husband and wife? ­­ .................................................................................................. ............................ I .................. .............................................................. of the County of_ ......... .................... Rip�qiRf�pin ..... and State of ................................. M.in.nes.o.t.a ................... ........... " ... ­**­ ... ' .... *­ ....... Cit. ... ..... .. .. .. .. .. .. parties. of the first part, and .............. ........ ...... ................ . . ......... of Edina * .... ......... ­ .... * ** ..... ... * ............ ** . . ........ ........... * ......... .... ­** ........ municipal. .... .......... ...................................... ............................................ .......................... ...................................................................................... : ... I a/corporati.on under the laws of the State of .............................. Minnesota ...... ..................... party of the second part, ................... Witneosetb, That the said parties.., of the first part, in consideration of the.suin ',of Fiftyr7Eight .... Thougand ... ($58, QQ.0.9.00):7 ... :7 ... 7 --- — --- :7 ... :7 ... . ... DOLL.IRS, to ............... tbem+ ....... ......... ....... .... in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do............ hereby Grant, Bargain, Sell, and Convey unto the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, Forever, all the tract...... or parcel of land lying and being in the County of ... ...... ............ ... Hpppppin ..... .:. ............................and State of Minnesota, described as follows, to-wit: The North 401.5 feet of the South,418 feet of the West 209 feet of the East 905 feet of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 8, Township 116. Range '7 40 1 2 7, 6 0 A i�5S-s '/IV/. 400 TO Nabit Snb to 001b tbt Same, Together with all the hereditament8 and appurtenances 0167-eunto belonging, Or in anywise appertaining, to the said party of the se and part, its successors and astilgns, Forever. .4nd the said......... T49TaB ..... E ....... ft,6.s,e.k ... and .... C.a.r.o.1 .... I ....... H o.s e ..................................................................... . .. . .. .. .. .. ... ......... .. ..... . ... ............... I ....... - ..................................................................................................................................... ..... I ...... I ..................... I., ................................. I ......... pai-t ies of the first part, for .......... .................. the.ir ........... .... . ..... ... .-heirs, executors and administrators, do . ......... covenant with, the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, that ..... .................they,,......,. ,... well seized ized in, fee of the lands and premises aforesaid, and ha ve. good right to sell and convey the same in manner and forin, aforesaid, and that the same are free, from all incumbrances, except easements of record, if any. STALE DEED TAX DUE HEREON ✓nd the above bargained and granted lands and premises, in the quiet and peaceable possession, of the said party of t7,c second part, its successors and assigns, against all persons ('azvf ully claiming or to claim the uYhole or any part thereof, subject to incumbrances, if any, hereinbefore mentioned, the said parties.,.. of the first part will Warrant and Defend. 3n VISOMOn? Obtrt0f, The said partigs... the first part ha. hhe? reu to set their . ....... ..................... hands. the day and year first above written. . ......................................... ....................... h�om�a�WkKfH.6;s�ek ... .......... ........... .I...... f........... 9999.. ......... ........................... Carol I. Hosek .............................. I ...... I ...... I ............................. ................... I .................... Otate of Ainnegota, 83. Count of Hennepin The foredoino instrrj�uleiat I,.as aetin.ouledsed before nte this .......6t1?.. clay of... .. _. _ April . ...._.._.......... IJ...7 7 ...., TAX STATEMENTS FOR REAL PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN SMALL BE SENT TO: Name of Mtg, Co. (NAME 01 PERSON gCKNO LEDGED) p ....................... OF PERSON TAKING qC KNOWLEDGMENT Mailing Address ...................................................... ............................... Cicy State Zip Code ^~ Loan Plumber aA9Y�lA W CN+`VS �:uri'�iYif W r ...,. _ Name rIOTARY PLI'LiC - M NNESOTR to HcNNEPiN COUNTY Wy ,�inmissio 1 E4pires Mar 5, i98o $ of Grantee Mailing Address c. i n- o City State Vp Code THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: Robert M. Spector 614 Midwest Plaza Building Minneapolis, MN 55402 `AQI M q3�1 byf Thomas .-Thomas ......_ .......... E. Hosek and C rol I....IIosek..ju ................._............. . ...................... n (NATURE (NAME 01 PERSON gCKNO LEDGED) p ....................... OF PERSON TAKING qC KNOWLEDGMENT .........`� l.I. _ ................. ...................................................... ............................... (TITLE OR RANK) ............... . aA9Y�lA W CN+`VS �:uri'�iYif W r ...,. rIOTARY PLI'LiC - M NNESOTR to HcNNEPiN COUNTY Wy ,�inmissio 1 E4pires Mar 5, i98o $ STATE DEED TAX DUE $ c Z7,( 1 9 vs 00 c s Z' Z = z � ; d v. Z L r 12 4 as q M 'rte Q �w DO ^J V I uG OCI ti •y i ) W - n CL. C) x cs l�f uu� ca ec c_ 9 vs 00 c s Z' Z = z � ; d v. Z L r 12 4 as q M DO ^J V ti •y i ) W - n CL. 2028 —Quit Claim Deed. Form No. 28 Indiyidual to Corporation, {GG A A�� Walter S. Booth & Son, Minneapolis Minnesota Uniform Conveyancinq Blanks TWOJnbenture, Made this .......... ....6th........................ day of .................. April. ........................ lS ... 7........ between ...... homas....E ...... Hosek,, anct....0 axQl. ..1.....�IQ.set.,...husl�ax�d.. axed... WILP., ..................._......... ............................... u/ flee County of ......................... .. Hennepin. ......... .................:.... and. S" tateof.. .......... ...... ........ ......... Minnesota ... :............................. parL;LQ,.S ....... of i,he ftr,5t part, arcur ........................... ...... ............................... City .....of...Edina............... ........................ ............................... ..'n* ..... .................................................................................................................................................................. ............................... m nI1 '11 a curporalIon alider the lbws uj' the b'tate oj' ............................ Minnesota ......................... party of the sccorul part, WitneOZetb, That the said prcrt .... ieS ....... ..........of the f'ir'st 11(cr•t,41e, cvrrxidcndiou u/' the su•nt, of One.. Dol. lac... and---- q.thQx..gos�d... and... Valuable... consideration— .....- ....- ....- ....... .......-... ... ...- ... .- ... .- ...- 4)O.hL.QR,S, to ...................... them ...................................... irz hctrzcl Acrid Ly t.Tr.c said parth of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby u(.kaozvlcd�sed, do ... es ......... hereby Grant, L'argabl, Qidtela.inz, and Convey unto the said party of the second 7)a7't, its successors and assigns, Forever, all the tract......... or parcel.........of land lying and being in the, Count! of ........................... Hennepin.__„ ................- -..... ....and State of Jlin,ru'sotrt., described as follows, to -mit: That part of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 8, Township 116 North, Range 21, West of the 5th Principal Meridian, described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 8, Township 116, Range 21; thence West along the South line of said Southwest 1/4, 696 feet; thence \� North at right angles to said South line, 418 feet; thence West 209 feet; thence South 418 feet to the South line of said Southwest 1/4; thence East 209 feet to the place of beginning of parcel herein described, EXCEPT the South 1 rod thereof; all accord- ing to the Government Survey thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota. STATE DEED TAX DUE HEREON �• v r to J04be anb to JOotb the *acne, Together with all the her•edttatnents and appurteaaaces there- unto belonging or in anywise appertaining, to the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, Forever' �hz Teztlmonp Nbered, The said hart es........of the first part haY.e ..................hereunto set..... their ....... hand-- s .... the clay and year, first above ztwittert. Mate of iffitintlezota, 133. County of ...... Hennepin ..............................� The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ....6th day of .............. April..................., 19...77........, by Thomas E. Hosek and Carol I. Hose ,- (Nam of Person Acknowle g ) .......................................... ............................... N d ed :......., Z............ `............. ...... OR j, (Notary Publicy (Signature of Person Taking Acknowledgement) NotarySeal or Stamp: ............................................................................... ............................... (Title or Rank) TAX STATEMENTS FOR REAL PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN SHALL BE SENT TO: THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: -Robert M. Spector — .614 Midwest Plaza Building 801 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis, MN 55402 Lu LU c 0 0 0 CL I 0 L) 4 c; z E O LL 2 0 03 c—A Ul\, 0.1 rf),_ n CD; cr uj fx !:? Lu Ll— z -- C..� && uj Q, = N STATE DEED TAX DUE $ 2. 2Q GO Af Name of-MM Co. r- Ct Mailing Ad0row clty Stall Zip Code Loan —NUMOor Name of ►antee F d Mailing Address N %,/' /' )I n City -L,— State Zip Codej THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: -Robert M. Spector — .614 Midwest Plaza Building 801 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis, MN 55402 Lu LU c 0 0 0 CL I 0 L) 4 c; z E O LL 2 0 03 c—A Ul\, 0.1 rf),_ n CD; cr uj fx !:? Lu Ll— z -- C..� && uj Q, = N STATE DEED TAX DUE $ 2. 2Q M !c 00 C, w gz RPz I 3 t lzyll 0 GO Af r- Ct 01 M !c 00 C, w gz RPz I 3 t lzyll 0 ti N VJ .* vz ac F ..t 3816— Affidavit of Survivorship —Joint Tenancy or Remainderman and Certified Copy of Death. /• Department of Taxation, Form IG -10, (Jan. 1964) Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis `es � tate of inne .5ota, AFFIDAVIT OF SURVIVQR5 H�lled 3 -23 -77 79JOINT TENANCY County- of— HennPnin - -- 9 � Estate of Hanna J__Grant_ also te_ �know ac Tjannah grant _ , deceased. Dorothy G. Palmer o aau ar-er. o Minnesota, being duty sivorn•, 071. oath, says that she is thV OM.7ivtitg ,loin errant- , of the decedent named herein. That Hanna J. Grant died oil the 28th _ --day of (Decedent) Januan� 19 69 at the ado o f 79 _ Jeans at_ R1 oomi llgton , State. of— Minnesota —`_ with residence (lt.-B_ , County (Ad ress) o H f_ ,__nnepin_— — State of. Mi esg That a duly eertiffed copy of the record of her death as COntained herein or attached hereto is made a part hereof. That said decedent at and prior to death was the 07C11er of an interest as joint tena7?..t--X'5t;b0tXXW, in the hereinafter described property in which. the folloiviTto named person(s) is— jUttk— surVivi72,6 joint tenant or 7 Relationship Name ,qee to Decedent .Residence Oscar Grant 86 Spouse 7208 Cahill Road Edina �, N 1 I/ r,\ That the respective interests of decedent and sztrvivor(s) as joint, tenants —life, grant xxxmx'_,4x ��— were created by an instruntent of conveyance dated October 2 *and filed for record October IS , 195-6 -1 and recorded in the offl6d the Repi.5ter of Deeds of Hennepin Coatnty, Jlliaa2esota, iit I3oot,� 2107 of Deeds pase 278 ,# in the followins described property, to -Wit: That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 8, Township 116, Range 21, described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 8; thence West along the South line of said Southwest Quarter 696 feet; thence North at right angles to the South line 418 feet; thence West 209 feet; thence South 418 feet to the South line of said Southwest Quarter; thence East 209 feet to "the place of beginning except the South one Rod thereof, and by an instrument of conveyance dated February 21, 1948, and filed for record by an instrument of conveyance dated February 24, 1948, and recorded at the office of the Register of Deeds of Hennepin County, Minnesota, in Book 1614 of Deeds, page 630, such property is described as follows: Lot 16, Block 4, Second Division of Remington Park That no part of the above property was the homestead of decedent unless so specified in the description. That affant has disclosed to the Contm- issiDR,Cr of Taxation, a.lb transfers of property front, the decedent to any beneficiary of which, affiant has kr107vled_sc or inforntatiWt, Which, transfers may be subject to Xiranesota i3theritance tax. That affiant makes this afficlarit and files said certilied copy of record of death as evidence of the death of said joint tenant --j =�,-aitd the terMienatioit of said joint tenancy and all such, estate, title interest and lien. as was or is limited upon the life of .said decedent. Dorothy G. Palmer Subs& bed and szvorrt to before me this J' ota. -ry Public, /Y ' -4 f r _— County , Xinat. My c07nMtSSt076 expires _ ��i7 - -,1979 t�. *Statement between asterisks applies if property 1s an interest to land. THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY VESELY, OTTO, MILLER & KEEFE NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. SUITE 203 loll 1st ST. S. NOPKINS, MINNESOTA 55343 i 3 7 'n t v d 'J G d ca 0 C 3 a G 0 K Iv i. 111II(aQ p)IOj p1.I1s1a a Io jddjj li,l a7,� I r ci r 0 .0 ID a iI p O �r7� ►H, 0.4 H O a O 5•wYcna�� o ►'+ - z K H G y 3 7 H A s� =�p5� a.fDry� °ate eD z z 0 O ►+i ey p O 'M i .7 —:jam � �S n x y y :s °Y5m d X a ^?�`n z d a s :rx:r. n i1 Cd _'� x = = —__o H x 0y a� 9 n 10 -00^ nc�b -e, '_ 7 X10111,xvi, 301I3� OISSIIQI�OJ pall] aq jsnuj uanlaa xul aausllaayuv pus '.Sus 11 'llim • uollllad aql do saidoa 'luaasap jo saaaaap dq C) vnoa alegoad ui pasola saisjsa uj 'pall; aq lsnut jUnOa313 laulj Pus ,faoluanui 'Su13 jl 'lllm ' alegoad aoj uollllad ag1 jo saldoa s1vulpaaaoad alegoad aas as ill )I palsanbaa sl aanisn+ xel Aug uagm uanlaa xal a3ugipagui uu ul poso(asip aq lsncu luapaaap moil saajsueal 11V •E •}}uauxlaedaQ agl jo Sall; agl ul ulumaa 111m Sdoa aql 1luipaclaaa aoj pauanlaa pus pasiopua aq III^+ ivul8lao ag,L - 'Ined •1S'8ulpling 10195 slosauujl aalt_p leluualuaD 'uoiswa xe,L Im Pus eauuIpaqul •uollexsS jo luawlaedoa aql of jvnBPljjs agl jo .Sdoa e gll•++ aaglaFol palilutgns us usuiaapulumaa ao ;usual 1uvOl' 3ulnlnans agl Sq palnaaxa aq pings aluaijilaaa gjsap pagaslls glln% jin13Pljje slgS •Z •xsj jo uollelndwo3 aoj uanlaa xul aauslNagul us ul umogs eq ipm s011aadoad Bans 1ty •slinsPijj13 1e .1ana ao auo jo uoilauigcuoa Aug asn Auva 'aaualuanuoa siq js •aaSedxaj agl 'Siaadoad auo usgl aaout si aaagj aaagm (a) Q - }jilaa3 ant$ o uo jexs j i S 10 aauoissiu,uloZ) aqj jo Sjnp aqj Pus xul gins aoj uall s,alsls alp 'sjosauu!pi jo aluis aql of Slings;; x131 aausllaagul (q) 'xsj aausllaagul jo aanl13m pus glvap jo paoaaa u saainbaa jua813 as ;susaj aaat(m sarliinaas a aaodao3 aoj pasn aq osla Sum juauznalsul sigS '(TZ '009 'aaS •sajnjejS -u U10 paaajua aajsuvaS, SP10A% agl aanplullis Q(D O O. < aajs18al; aqj 1411m pall] ail snug gjsap jo paoaaa s 'givap je sajsulutaal pull ul 4s0aalul ue aaagm salsa lib ul a1j11 paoaaa ag) alalduloo o,L (a) 1 (papao3eg OR oy 4OIQ :.cluo uollanalsuI a03) SAOIZOf1lISS \I tI x 0 o y Q. U: rt �•c W �. t rt f o d ro C ro ? I _ o tr a y O l p 3 v b d ra y I M ro ^► r rn C m T I r 0 0 w —� 111II(aQ p)IOj p1.I1s1a a Io jddjj li,l a7,� r G r a0 G��Qa c r 0 .0 ID p . i• n �r7� ►H, 0.4 H O a O 5•wYcna�� o ►'+ - z let y 3 7 H A s� =�p5� a.fDry� °ate eD z z ._.. r; 3• ...- I iii i" M '3 o. 5 t4 m ►+i ey p O 'M i .7 —:jam � �S n x y y :s °Y5m d X a ^?�`n z d a s :rx:r. n _'� x = = —__o H x 0y a� 10 -00^ nc�b X10111,xvi, 301I3� OISSIIQI�OJ pall] aq jsnuj uanlaa xul aausllaayuv pus '.Sus 11 'llim • uollllad aql do saidoa 'luaasap jo saaaaap dq so s8ul aaaoad Aa13culuns 6 p q vnoa alegoad ui pasola saisjsa uj 'pall; aq lsnut jUnOa313 laulj Pus ,faoluanui 'Su13 jl 'lllm ' alegoad aoj uollllad ag1 jo saldoa s1vulpaaaoad alegoad aas as ill )I palsanbaa sl aanisn+ xel Aug uagm uanlaa xal a3ugipagui uu ul poso(asip aq lsncu luapaaap moil saajsueal 11V •E •}}uauxlaedaQ agl jo Sall; agl ul ulumaa 111m Sdoa aql 1luipaclaaa aoj pauanlaa pus pasiopua aq III^+ ivul8lao ag,L - 'Ined •1S'8ulpling 10195 slosauujl aalt_p leluualuaD 'uoiswa xe,L Im Pus eauuIpaqul •uollexsS jo luawlaedoa aql of jvnBPljjs agl jo .Sdoa e gll•++ aaglaFol palilutgns us usuiaapulumaa ao ;usual 1uvOl' 3ulnlnans agl Sq palnaaxa aq pings aluaijilaaa gjsap pagaslls glln% jin13Pljje slgS •Z •xsj jo uollelndwo3 aoj uanlaa xul aauslNagul us ul umogs eq ipm s011aadoad Bans 1ty •slinsPijj13 1e .1ana ao auo jo uoilauigcuoa Aug asn Auva 'aaualuanuoa siq js •aaSedxaj agl 'Siaadoad auo usgl aaout si aaagj aaagm (a) '80'OLZ :bT'T6Z :y 'pgnS '10'T6Z •saaS 'sajnjujS 'umpj 6q palsaaa aas •suall Bans of joadsaa ul salsa - }jilaa3 ant$ o uo jexs j i S 10 aauoissiu,uloZ) aqj jo Sjnp aqj Pus xul gins aoj uall s,alsls alp 'sjosauu!pi jo aluis aql of Slings;; x131 aausllaagul (q) 'xsj aausllaagul jo aanl13m pus glvap jo paoaaa u saainbaa jua813 as ;susaj aaat(m sarliinaas a aaodao3 aoj pasn aq osla Sum juauznalsul sigS '(TZ '009 'aaS •sajnjejS -u U10 paaajua aajsuvaS, SP10A% agl aanplullis lslaijjo sit( nano luaulnalsu at(j uodn agvaasul 11sgs Pue sNooq sig uo aajsusaj at(l alou 1113gs a011pns Bans pus ' • • aolipns .cjunoa aql of paluasaad aq uoijepawaa Ol aolad •li qs amus at(l ' ' ' digsaontnans jo 11nep1Iju us of pagaelle sl alsaijvlaaa gjsap Bans jo Adoa paljllaaa B MIMI., Pus 'spaaCl jo aajs18al; aqj 1411m pall] ail snug gjsap jo paoaaa s 'givap je sajsulutaal pull ul 4s0aalul ue aaagm salsa lib ul a1j11 paoaaa ag) alalduloo o,L (a) 1 (papao3eg OR oy 4OIQ :.cluo uollanalsuI a03) SAOIZOf1lISS \I 111II(aQ p)IOj p1.I1s1a a Io jddjj li,l - -6 r 10 r' OP s?rii `viosauutJ�' ' — �v i.1)roa pros l dill a.'z0 #1) Into pla)?f r "111 ?as i oirnza.r)rt a.IVr/ I 07111:[11.11 .I.Voll'I'Lly7,L All ao o 132114 0 si).coaa.r. ari; fo z10ljaas aond ` p.coaagj ijgva(j u7 slnaddn sn p.loaa.l •111'1)ap ati.i /o Qdoa ?aa.l,loa 7)111) ail ldrrzoa n sr a.logv 9111 70111 !il ??.caa 11ga.1dq 61) `pin801.10179 91nIS pun rhino, a1L1 .10f p11n 212 �.1)zo,? i•�i.1. ; <'ll7 arij JO 11.ia1j PUP'(] lapipnr- — - 10 /i?unoo ON1'lid d0 31V0 H3swn1N A11Nnj 3S - IVI'OS Sn)1V S 1V1i21VW 3:)VU No 80-10:) X3S N31-110W d0 3WVN N30IVW 3Sn ods d0 3WVNI H11i19 d0 37V1d� H1V30 d0 31V0 213H.LVA .40 3WVN HIU113 .40 31V0 30N301S3U -7Vn sn i HIV30 d0 30V-ld 03SV303O d0 3WVN •O)aa3q pa43,e4lu aq pus 93I19IMN MIA jo auajsl8alj aqj ao .1aj1sl8all 1vaoll Dill moaj paulejgo q Sum a)u311lljaa gleap aql 'pjo3aj gieap aql alli uo aneg loll saop lanoa jo )i.1al3 aqj aaat(.0 ssula 49.111 aqj jo saliva uI alm:)321 Hld3a do Ado a31d111137 SM11313 �f ° 7 z r - -6 r 10 r' OP s?rii `viosauutJ�' ' — �v i.1)roa pros l dill a.'z0 #1) Into pla)?f r "111 ?as i oirnza.r)rt a.IVr/ I 07111:[11.11 .I.Voll'I'Lly7,L All ao o 132114 0 si).coaa.r. ari; fo z10ljaas aond ` p.coaagj ijgva(j u7 slnaddn sn p.loaa.l •111'1)ap ati.i /o Qdoa ?aa.l,loa 7)111) ail ldrrzoa n sr a.logv 9111 70111 !il ??.caa 11ga.1dq 61) `pin801.10179 91nIS pun rhino, a1L1 .10f p11n 212 �.1)zo,? i•�i.1. ; <'ll7 arij JO 11.ia1j PUP'(] lapipnr- — - 10 /i?unoo ON1'lid d0 31V0 H3swn1N A11Nnj 3S - IVI'OS Sn)1V S 1V1i21VW 3:)VU No 80-10:) X3S N31-110W d0 3WVN N30IVW 3Sn ods d0 3WVNI H11i19 d0 37V1d� H1V30 d0 31V0 213H.LVA .40 3WVN HIU113 .40 31V0 30N301S3U -7Vn sn i HIV30 d0 30V-ld 03SV303O d0 3WVN •O)aa3q pa43,e4lu aq pus 93I19IMN MIA jo auajsl8alj aqj ao .1aj1sl8all 1vaoll Dill moaj paulejgo q Sum a)u311lljaa gleap aql 'pjo3aj gieap aql alli uo aneg loll saop lanoa jo )i.1al3 aqj aaat(.0 ssula 49.111 aqj jo saliva uI alm:)321 Hld3a do Ado a31d111137 SM11313 i. ' r rA OVAR OF HEALTH 4 r sees" of V)M SUVOks tmea ILa ww.. ?.} CERTIFICATE OF DEATH ,T�rt .;,t NYA1♦tA , ;,. �-x I EEtCtAtlO +NAM{ Mot -DOLS LAST R 3. DATt Ot DIATN MONTw DAT •a Aw <. -'1 ¢ : RA J. GRANT ' 'e,:.^? e 1- 1 . 2E. 1959 k MAOt U/O[ffONl"M .tWMR Oro OA swTT+pAw S.DAft Op EMTN A1owTo oA• rcAw R.RAC! ♦►tc1rT >• pUNri a� ' �E 12 A90 ' \vita Hernearin 1 bLOCAf10NOt DEATH / 1TT,v#L1.&4 . �. « f HOSPITAL OR OtNU INSTTUfOM -NAM! / +we♦s �♦T1eeT AM t - R1oor.Iinatan ; Yes I 4 *artin Lut'rpr Manor IN"N,ACt IRTATS. OR ►MC>♦N couwTRTI .CI tN Oi WNAT COUNTRT 12.MA EO - wl wEb, NWER MARMEO OIVORClO skun Il, SPOUSE -NAME - . Zen Duda;- 'i.gts• ien. LISA arried C'scar Gr ant,'` F X- 2-WASOMASID11VU WU t36 SOCIAL UCUt.TT MUMt!! I atVY u1vc A«No►wWw RIN U AR w N r. MSOMMIS ro 1 553 uAIOCCUMTION 1✓c.tvc N «wttwcw -ou; 10. S4111101M6t - STATE 15b. COUNTT x TVLEA- R T wN NI ga,..rM�«.«•_+ ' I - - ,T` S p '•ai r ..gata rt !Y� �} ` :7e ,in �. ` -- Yes sirs E Y - at.tATMq +NAME `l t Ow .011[, [ 17 • ►WITNKACt COUNT"" AOD11! S Of D!ClO /NT .'♦ wtev AND ...mg. T or s leranit.r ron . Ar.er. -. _t- a! iIs i l i . s Mi tin. Oc !♦ MDNH -MAIM NAM .. _. lb. MIM MC IfTA79 on root-ON .. CouNTwr1 IN004MAN - N ,.. Ar DO ss .. k Arr:a Lbro'i Era' Fet ^rren S Aden Ra?s�rta' �1ald.7K7 Kains Av., Calif. ?runa, W 7Q.{Atf E - DEATH W #S CAUSED tT '- IENTIR ONLT ONE CAUSE PU LINE W. (10 AND ICII tiDIA6NOSISDEMAZO c+tc • A►wwO.- .14 1N7cw•At - c« ONKr AND ',A. IMMEDIATE CAUSE „ . _ DcAiw N .. F DUE TO. OR AS A:.: ..'.,CONfEOUINC! Of -; :,I'L.G_ L..O'� +C.VYS OY" , ^ , -4(��.^!nf' -E - 1 C:DUt TO., 00 AS A'h + ,.CONSlOU[NG! M �YV \C{) O PAO • OTNIC SIONMN T CONDITIONS (.,►�� � 71K.AUT sKT1 /T Kf awt wlw wla.rnco vaas O11Nw1w0 C.uN « pAn. 1 7 T- � I � �• �'I^`� 4 72MACCIDWIT.SUM014 140MM011 Oft UNO T RMINIO [.OATS 0 /INJURr .0.1. DAT 19A0 nGuw Z2c.1%J%JRT AT WOOS t►ti.ry Tcs OR NO' E- e+11ct w. ZZ&VILAC1511#01JURY 22*.LOC^TI014 sTwttr ON MD NW Kw N STOIC t1TT,vN, t OR To*% +. 271. NOW 1%)URIOCCUMtO awtcw NATUwc or +wwwT 1N ►AA• + Ow tAAT /1. 1 +t+> DI ,. - in CEtTMIc"- M- 1""cIAN • ••• = " _ , ClRTNIC ATION - Ml01 AL lAMIN . 1 4w4Adtd. " dKr4i4� 1 Is W Ow ds M.is s{ Ms ssKwwrwsw sl N.s LMT wAI!« TI1. wKtwRatsw �w w1T wh«ww do** NN _w Aln✓R« t1i•t M %;.L 4 f 6A, •w. v1. ♦tAr ww« Ks vNM ►1 . {w baNi e•A w w wnr s►vs.• sMM N.N. T♦r Aww4►a S) ♦ML steM1R� tf v 5 M 1M RIKR M4 WM M1 tw MM /t11 t1eM10 "Ove Dw/ to 1wOv P twtvw.q�oddNd M ... ` %,�)> ... IAI NN41wq LM•d4dp dp MllNttratt tlwtd. ... -.'. f \�' .1i\ s 714. TN - ATUat - yy A 30. M! tAY�S O�COROMtR� SAtUR! - J3�MT AN -NAM[ ,- IT T►t Ow 1 T/ .' �. ". - 3L aD� CA M� Nt' O a Ow M1w +1 R CORONER 4 �tQ t S a P rtJ}-6>F7V. �j.D. 11 � } ILIN A .., ►w r♦IC 1AM. M[D1CA� aTA41Na4 011 COA ON[A A '\ ♦. MOMT tD v� �� y+ T Ar KAw 14 �turial t11tS• EMA . /tMOVAL . ClMttMT OR CREMATOtT -NAME Lakewood CptrPtol"j* 4c.LOCATION p Icur, vl�.A4ct sv .I t ♦+AT _,. .. �, - -1.' l. r ^i4s T ~ wf2i! is ±CTta 71I.DATlOi�IJItAL,CUMATION OR 7S&PUMU" HOME -NAME Chapel EtMOVK YOwT .��OAT1� -. ,.ela. ^.cAr- 'Yz.i�ts E-.,r.,a ...... ?SIi�NERA'NOM/I- AppRfif 1 55" f- ..v','v�"��Ei�'") ` �wif,�.x«,..�T _ .«.:.....,w .1.*J�jO (yj .1. .Chapel 1���. t N /[TOR- SNN♦AtVtt t s DAt MLIONLOCAL! G/STlAR i•w L RtOHttM+ ATU 1 10, 4 :L-jr.- 4TII�IA _ ... . -- i I ceF 10550 Form EARC -20 (Re:'. 5/75) CERTIFICATE OF REAL ESTATE VALUE To be completed prior to recording MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE of transfer by Register of Deeds. 1 . Name of Purchaser 3. Name of Seiler 2. Address of Purchaser 4801 West 50th Street Edina, NN 55424 4. Location of Property Transferred (Number & Street or R.R.) 5. ® City ❑ Township 6. County 5600 Dewey Hill Road of Edina Hennepin 7. Lega I Description (Fill in legal description below or attach 2 copies of legal description from instrument of conveyance.) LOT NO. - BLOCK NO. PLAT NAME OR: North 401.5 feet of the South 418 feet of the West 209 feet of the East 905 feet of the Southwest 1/4 of Northeast 1/4 of Section.8, Township 116, Range 21 8. Date on which purchase agreement was made. 9. Total purchase price (including mortgage and special assessments) i 10. Total amount of mortgage assumed. Month F-ebrUary Year 1977 $ 58,000.00 S 11. Total value of personal property included in purchase price (furniture, appliances not built in, machinery, crops, etc). $ 12. State Deed Stamp payments (computed on Item 9 less Items 10 and 11). $ 127.60 13. KIND OF PROPERTY: [I Land Only New Building [$Building Previously -Used 14. PRINCIPAL INTENDED USE: ❑ Agricultural [-]Commercial . ❑ Industrial ❑ Residential ❑ Seas. %Rec. Commercial ❑ Seas. /Rec. Resident ial ®Other (explain) ponding area 15. If agricultural, was property used to expand present farming unit? OYES C] NO The number,of acres purchased was 16. Was the property: purchased from a relative, a gift, an exchange, a forced or auction sale? ❑YES ONO 17. In your opinion, was the sale or transfer made at fair market value? ❑YES ❑ NO If "NO briefly explain why. No opinion, I (eve) declare under penalty of law, that this certificate (including supplemental legal description) has been examined by me (us) and to the best Of my (our► knowledge and belief it is true, correct and complete. Signature of Purchaser, Seller or Agent Date SIGN HERE �, ��,�. c�;�` -u�. ��,�_��- ��� -�-•� -. -- L'L� ?...� �.-� � ( T L cument No. Vol. Page Date Recorded Kind of Conveyance f Ratio (. Field Use Reject. Use Code CountyCode E] city E] Twp. Sch. Dist. FOR 19 19 19 OFFICIAL Land Land Land USE Total Acres Plat & Parcel No. - ONLY Bldg. Bldg. Bldg. Total Total Total 1.(1) 2.(2 -3) 3.(4-7) 4. (8 -11) 5.(14-17) 6.(18-21) 7.(22 8. (23 -30) 9.(31-38) 10.(43-46) CLOSING STATEMENT Hosek - City of Edina 5600 Dewey Hill Road April 6, 1977 Sale Price Down Payments by City Minnegasco Contracts r o) Grant Mortgage as,follows: Dorothy S. Palmer Anne Phillips Roberta G. Ewald Betty Dahlin 9/12 of 1977 taxes Cash to be paid to Robert M. Spector as attorney for Thomas E. Hosek and Carol I. Hosek $ 3,359.81 10,079.42 10,079.42 10,079.42 Expenses to be paid by Seller Deed Stamps Warranty Deed Quit -Claim Deed Recording fees Grant Satisfaction Affidavit of Survivorship Death Certificate $ $58,000.00 1,000.00 987.83 35,598.07 659.85 21,754.25 $58,000.00 $58,000.00 $127.60 2.20 129.80 3.00 3.00 3.00 9.00 Total $138.80 Quit um Deed. Form 1�. 28 -M. Miller -Davis Co., Minneapolis Individual to Carporarion Minnesota Uniform ConveyancinG Blanks (Revised 1976) Zbt!5 3nbenture, ,blade this ............ .. .........................day of .......... . Apr' l....... ....................I....idill 19.7.7....... d... an.d..H,eery.. ... ��.... wa1d,.,..her.... husb.and,..:,l aae .... P.hjjj.�.p.s....a � l...ros.idi e�Frankjl Phillips, her husband, Betty Dahlin and Clifford Dahlin, her husban Califoi and Dorothy S. Palmer and Leonard Palmer, her husband of the County of ............. Hennepin ............................. ...and State of. ................... Minnesota............ � ..., part..1es. of the first part, and...... C4: y...of Edina A ...Ed - .................. .......... . ........................... . ............................................. I.-. ............. . ..................................................................................... : .............. ::.............. ii ............ party of the second part, i a� orporai�oa�' under the laws of the State of ............................... i i w[ttieoelb, That the said part............ of the first part, in consideration of the sum of Q? e...D.Q.11ar ... and..o. then... gao. d ..a.nd..ualuab.le. ... c.onsi.de. rat. ioa..=...-....-....-....- ... . = ... .- ....- ....- ... .:.DOLL.RRS, to ..... them .............. .............................in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do- es.... hereby Grant, Bargain, Quitclaim, and Convey unto the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, Forever, all the tract...... or parcel...... of land lying and being in the County of ............ Hennepin .................... ............................and State of Minnesota, described as follows, to -wit: That part of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 8, Township 116 North, Range 21, West of the 5th Principal Meridian, described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 8, Township 116, Range 21; thence West along the South line of said Southwest 1/4, 696 feet; thence North at right angles to said South line, 418 feet; thence West 209 feet; thence South 418 feet to the South line of said Southwest 1/4; thence East 209 feet to the place of beginning of parcel herein described, EXCEPT..the South 1 rod thereof; all according to the Government Survey thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota. State deed tax due hereon $2,20 To 3�abe anb to JIMb the fame, To(%ether with all the. hcreditanzents and appurtenances there - unto belonging or in anywise appertaining, to the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns.. Forever. In ZcE;Umorty Wl bm0f, The said parties.. of the fi-st part have...... he unto t. ....their ................ hands.. the doy and year first above zcritten. � Robe to G­ EwaI-i Hen C. ald� ............................. Anne hill• :.. ..............ffW4.�5.?L ............ _.. Fran] ' hil ' p s �l :Z- ....CL:... K .................. � � �........... . ............................... Betty � ............ Clifford Da n 4Dr o thy Pa eY ref Leonard Palmer gate of iT noota, County of ...... Hennepin ................ ............................... 7'he fore, ;0i.71.I: iirsti•nnieitt, ivas a(•k710tv1ed6!ed before nae this.... j%:. day of ........ Aprll ................ ............................, X9...7.7.........., x AAAAAAAAACAa s..AaAA"X JOSEPH C. VESELY b> >. o.thy ... $&.Palmer...and. '�+ NOTARY PUBLIC hM1IN'r:ESOTA n e(NAnrE of Pe oN Ac $t f`l HE-.NNEPIN COUNTY My Commission Expires Jan. 29, 1578 X i"PYI'vylf'timx (SIGNATURE OF PERSON TAKING . ,...Husband . ............................... ...................... ........... .........................__.... THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY (TITLE OR RAN DORSEY, TnITNnNnRST�NAFnRR),�dH? THEY & HALLADAY ............ ................. ....... ...._....................... ............ .._........... .......... 2_a0O st N Fjrational Bank Building Minneapolis, MN 55402 (Address) STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ss. COUNTY OF I RIN __ ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this a23- d y of ^FiZ1 L__, 1977, by Anne Phillips and gr nitl _ Phillips, husband and wife. eela -6 s STATE OF _ .AjJFRN ) r OFFICIAL SEA SS . EARL C. CHRONISTER COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ° NOTARY PUBLIC - CALIFO NIA -- �tY.kr0 MARIN Cou.NTY F "Y �►"m., expir.s A1A.R 2S, ',c The foregoing instrument was acknowle M-�XPiMs 1977, by Betty Dahlin and Clifford Dahlin, husband and wife STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) y, . , OFFICIAL EAL o ., <':: RUTii P,, Zf , Ep COUNTY OF SAN-MATE9 ORANGE ) tx "•` N0TiinY Pv5LiC - AL T rX,.�:. i s �r *nJ� PaiPORAN oFfi ICE ,14 �` ORANGE C UIVTY 0 My COMMISSION EX ?,'RES `,4,,y 15, 1977 � The foregoing instrument was acknowledge�*b °e °?o°�°�&°tit��+�,yx geese 1977, by Roberta G. Ewald and Henry C. Ewald, husband and wife ' TAA SiAI'1 hIFNITS rrR REAL PROPFRTY _... - } DESCRIBED ii'c:?"aEIN SHALL BE SE.-,T TO: i �QQQQ{ Q{ QQ{ QQQ IQIQIQi {EiQ {Q {{ {(C { {Q {{!{:CCFCC! ClC.fS!{{IA OFFICIAL SF,A cf iitg. Co. I I. DOROTHY 1 �. I;EI�. LING ';: ; t _ d ''y NQ:ARf PLIE, C C .1- v7ivfA =; Pli; cipcl Face is S',': ':.ATE+ C •:Irty Nailing Address`" t City w__ State Zip 'Oda Lean Number City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina ,M.jnnesOta .._ City State Zip Cede fy n f W W i 15K z O, u 1 f '► � a U ax G car. iF�fi iL l.. Z C. �r » r o r r- Q U �^ VAKI m to My Commission Expires Mar. 8, 1980 1 •z I 47 . jig^ is � C U p I J a N I 47 . jig^ 11_4L a ! v r _ in Z'. DORSEY, WINDHORST, HANNAFORD, WHITNEY &.HALLADAY JOHN W WINDHORST ROBERT J STRUYK HENRY HALLADAY MICHAEL A OL50N JULE HANNAFORD LARRY W JOHNSON ARTHUR B.WHITHEY THOMAS S. MAY RUSSELL W. LINDOUIST G. LARRY GRIFFITH DAVID R. BRINK CRAIG A BECK HORACE E. MITCH DAVID L McCUSKEY VIRG!L 11 HILL THOMAS O. MOE RO3ERT V. TARBOX JAMES H. allAGAN ROBERT J. JOHNSON JOHN M. MASON MAY NARG B. HASSELOUIST MICHAEL W. WRIGNT PETER DORSEY LARRY L. VICKREY GEORGE P. FLANNERY LOREN R. KNOTT CU RT15 L ROY PHILLIP H. MARTIN ARTHUR E. WE,SBERG REESE C. JOHNSON DUANE E. JOSEPH CHARLES J. HAUENSTEIN JAMES B. VESSEY CHARLES A GEER WILLIAM A WHITLOCK JOHN C. ZWAKMAN EDWARD J. SCHWARTZBAUER JOHN R WICKS THOMAS M. BROWN EUGENE L JOHNSON CORNELIUS D. MAHONEY, JR. JOHN W WINDHORST,JR. WILLIAM C. BABCOCK MICHAEL PRICHARD THOMAS & ERICKSON WILLIAM R. SOTH MICHAEL E. BRESS RICHARD G. SWANSON RAYMOND A. REISTER FAITH L OHMAN JOHN J. TAYLOR DAVID A RANHEIM BERNARD G. HEINZEN ROBERT J. SILVERMAN WILLIAM J. HEMPEL THOMAS R. MANTHEY JOHN S HIBBS WILLIAM R. HIBBS ROBERT 0 FLOTTEN PHILIP F SOELTER JOHN D LEVINE WILLIAM B. PAYNE 2300 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA SS402 (612) 340 -2800 CABLE: DOROW TELEX: 290605 TELECOPIER:(612) 340 -2868 1468 W- FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 (612) 227 -8017 City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 115 THIRD STREET SOUTHWEST ROCHESTER, MINNESOTA 55901 (507) 288 -3156 ATTENTION: Robert C. Dunn Acting City Manager March 2, 1977 ROBERT A HEIBERG ROBERT L. HOBBINS JOHN D. KIRBY BARRY D, GLAZER ROBERT A SCHWARTZBAUER PETER S HENORIXSON DAVID N. FRONEK NICK R. HAY THOMAS W TINKHAM IRVING WEISER JON F. TUTTLE STEPHEN E GOTTSCKALK EMERY W. BARTLE THOMAS W ELKINS WILLIAM A JOHNSTONE KENNETH L CUTLER STEVEN KCHAMPLIN DAVID 14. OUINLAN MICHAEL J. RADMER JAMES R,PIELEMEIER MICHAEL TRUCANO GARY M. JOHNSON JOHN P. VITKO THOMAS W FINN DON D. CARLSON JAY L BENNETT PAUL J SCHEERER ROBERT G. BAYER DAN F. NICOL SUZANNE & VAN DYK KENNETH A. IVERSON STUART R. HE14PHILL JAMES A FLADER l.OAViD JACKSON DAVID L. SOEH MEN W. CHARLES LANTZ WILLIAM E. MARTIN DOUGLAS E RAY FRANK H. VOIGT STEVEN F. WOLGAMOT WILLIAM H. HIPPEE.JR. J.MAROVIS EASTWOOD ROBERT & BURNS EDWARD J. PLIKMER MICHEL A LAFOND KENNETH W. ERICKSON ROGER J. MAGNUSON OWES C. MARX J. ROBERT HIBBS JAMES E. BOWLUS. JAY E COOK STANLEY M. REIN OF COUNSEL CHARLES L. POTUZNIK DONALD WEST VERLANE L ENOORF WALDO P. MAROVART DENNIS P. BURATTI GEORGE LANDERSOM GEORGEANN DECKER ROBERT LVANFOSSEN RE: That part of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 8, Township 116 North, Range 21, West of the 5th Principal Meridian, described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 8, Township 116, Range 21; thence West along the South line of said Southwest 1/4, 696 feet; thence North at right angles to said South line, 418 feet; thence West 209 feet; thence South 418 feet to the South line of said Southwest 1/4; thence East 209 feet to the place of begin- ning of parcel herein described, EXCEPT the South 1 rod thereof; all according to the Government Survey thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota. Gentlemen: We have examined the title to the above described premises as shown by an Abstract of Title last certified to February 18, 1977 at 7:00 A.M. by Title Insurance Company of Minnesota. Based upon such examina- tion, we are of the opinion that as of February 18, 1977 at 7:00 A.M., fee title to said premises was vested in THOMAS E. HOSEK and CAROL I. HOSEK, husband and wife, as joint tenants, free and clear of all liens, charges and encumbrances, except as follows: 1. Dorothy G. Palmer, Roberta G. Ewald, Anne Phillips and Betty Dahlin hold a first Mortgage for $34,000 by virtue of an instru- ment dated September 29, 1975 running from the above named parties to Dorothy G. Palmer, Administratrix C.T.A. of the Estate of Oscar Grant, deceased, said Mortgage having been filed October 1, 1975 and recorded in Book 75 of Hennepin County Records, page 4167381. The mortgagee's interest in said Mortgage was assigned to the above named persons by the Decree of Distribution in the Estate of Oscar Grant in Hennepin County DORSEY, WINDHORST, HANNAFORD, WHITNEY & HALLADAY City of Edina March 2, 1977 Page Two Probate Case No. 122615, said Decree of Distribution being dated March 24, 1976 and a certified copy filed April 9, 1976 and recorded in Book 76 of Hennepin County Records, page 4200996. We require that a Satisfaction of said Mortgage by each of the owners be obtained and recorded by the sellers at or prior to closing. 2. The First Edina National Bank, a national banking associa- tion, holds a second Mortgage for $20,144.39 by virtue of an instrument dated April 30, 1976, filed June 11, 1976 and recorded in Book 76 of Hennepin County Records, page 4212417. We require that this Mortgage be satisfied of record by the sellers at or prior to closing. 3. A Financing Statement running from the above named owners to Minnesota Gas Company, 739 Marquette Avenue, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402, covering a 1- LG105 -H -3 International Furnace affixed to the captioned premises. We require that the sellers obtain and record at or prior to closing a Release of said Financing Statement insofar as it affects the captioned premises. 4. Real estate taxes due and payable in 1976 . and prior years have been paid in full. Taxes due and payable in 1977 amount to $879.80 and are unpaid. (Edina District-24, Plat 73608, Parcel 0205) The taxes are to be paid according to the terms of the Purchase Agreement. 5. No special assessment search was included in said Abstract. 6. Oscar Grant and Hanna J. Grant had held title to the above captioned premises by an instrument dated October 2, 1956, filed October 15, 1956 and recorded in Book 2107 of Deeds, page 278 (Document No. 3034382). From the Decree of Distribution in the Estate of Hanna J. Grant, recorded in Book 71 of Hennepin County Records, page 3881976, it appears that said Hanna J. Grant died on January 28, 1969, leaving Oscar Grant as the surviving joint tenant. However, no Death Certificate, Affidavit of Survivorship or Certificate of Payment of Inheritance Tax have ever been filed in connection with the termination of said joint tenancy. We require that these documents be obtained and recorded by seller at or prior to closing. 7. We require that a certified copy of the Letters of Admin- istration of Dorothy G. Palmer in the Estate of Oscar Grant, showing that she was acting as Administratrix as of the date of the Administrater's Deed dated September 29, 1975, which was filed October 1, 1975 and recorded in Book 75 of Hennepin County Records, page 4167380, be obtained and recorded by seller at or prior to closing. DORSEY. WINDHORST. HANNAFORD,WHITNEY a. HALLADAY City of Edina March 2, 1977 Page Three 8. The Deed by which the above named owners acquired title (recorded in Book 75 of Hennepin County Records, page 4167380) described the captioned premises as follows: "The North 401.5 feet of the South 418 feet of the West 209 feet of the East 905 feet of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 8, Township 116, Range 21." This same description was used in an exception in the description of'property conveyed by the Madsens to the City of the adjoining property, and in the Purchase Agreement. The first course in the captioned description is of a line drawn northerly at a 90° angle from the South line of the quarter section, while on the basis of the description in the Deed to the Hoseks just described, the East. and West lines of the captioned tract would be parallel to the East line of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4. Unless a survey shows that such lines are at right angles to the South line of the captioned tract, gap and overlap problems are created. In an attempt to solve such problem, we suggest that the description in the Warranty Deed to be executed by the Hoseks use the same description contained in this paragraph. At the same time, we require that a Quit Claim Deed be given by the Hoseks using the descrip- tion in the caption, and further, that a Quit Claim Deed be obtained from the four parties owning the Mortgage described in paragraph 1, using the same description in the Hosek Quit Claim Deed. This Deed would also be executed by their spouses. It is clear by the examination of the Decree in the Estate of Oscar Grant, described in paragraph 7 hereof, that these latter parties are the owners of any unconveyed property located in the gap area. This opinion is limited to the matters shown by said Abstract of Title. All matters not so'shown are excepted from this opinion and include (a) rights of any parties in possession, (b) possibility of liens for improvements in process or completed on the premises within the last ninety (90) days, (c) general zoning and building laws and restrictions, (d) special assessments, (e) matters which an accurate survey of the premises would disclose, and (f) security interests in crops or fixtures under Chapter 336, Minnesota Statutes, not appearing in the Abstract of Title. With respect to (a) above, we suggest that you satisfy your- self that no one is in possession of the premises other than the above named fee owners, or if anyone else is in possession, that he does not claim any title or interest in the premises. With respect to (b) above, we further suggest that you satisfy yourself by a visual inspection of the premises that there have been no improvements in process or completed on the premises within the last ninety (90) days, or if there have been such improvements, inquiry should be made to determine that said improve- ments have been paid for in full. f DORSEY, WINDHORST. HANNAFORD, WHITNEY 8a HALLADAY City of Edina March 2, 1977 Page Four Your attention is called to the fact that no examination has been made of the original records or proceedings referred to in said Abstract of Title, and this opinion is further subject to any and all matters which would be disclosed by such an examination. Very truly yours, DORSEY, WINDHORST, HANNAFORD, WHITNEY & HALLADAY By j�. Robert Hibbs RH:ph cc \. ` 'Jr . Greg Luce Robert M. Spector, Esq. r M N Z n Q M o 3 � � D Z o a O Cn T U A O_ Z Z M N O D V or TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF MINNESOTA TITLE INSURANCE BUILDING MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55401 Telephone 332 -5111 Area Code 612 � J�+✓ Order No 753+52 l9ly, i. FORM( as Abstract of Title COMPLETE TITLE SERVICE TITLE INSURANCE TO FA-CROW SERVICE A)SRACTS OF TITLE Part of Section 8, Township 116, SEARCHES FOR TAXES, mange 21. JUDGMENTS IN STATE AND FEDERAL COURTS, BANKRUPTCY PROCEEDINGS SPECIAL ASSESSMENT SEARCHES CHATTEL MORTGAGE ABSTRACTS This certifies the within statement form FEDERAL TAX LIEN SEARCHES IN Nos. 9 4 to 1o6 inclusive, FEDERAL COURT, THIRD DIVISION to be a correct Abstract of Title to land described in RECORDING SERVICE No. 61 therm as appears of record in the REGISTERED PROPERTY ABSTRACTS Real Estate Division of the office of the County Recorder in Hennepin County, Minnesota, since Aug . 26, 19 7 5 7 AM including Taxes according to the general tax books of said County. Dated Feb. 18, 19 77, 7a.m. P 396 Newlands Pt. hey Title In§uLpce CArnpanv of Minnesota 21 By L Assistant Secreta Re Robert Spector Deliver to i TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF MINNESOTA TITLE INSURANCE BUILDING MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55401 Telephone 332 -5111 Area Code 612 r CONVERSION TABLES Rods Feel Rods Fees Rods Feel Rods Feel Rods Feet Rods Feet Rods Feet Rods Fees Rods Fee# Reds - Feet 1 16.5 11 1 1.5 21 346.5 31 511,5 41 676.5 51 841.5 61 1006.5 71 1171.5 81 1336.5 91 1501.5 2 33.0 12 1 8.0 22 363.0 32 528.0 42 693.0 52 858.0 62 1023.0 72 1188.0 ' 82 1353.0 92 1518.0 3 49.5 13 2 4.5 23 379.5 33 544.5 43 709.5 53 874.5 63 1039.5 73 1204.5 83 1369.5 93 1534.5 4 66.0 14 2 1.0 24 396.0 34 561.0 44 726.0 54 891.0 64 1056.0 74 1221.0 84 1386.0 94 1551.0 5 82.5 15 2 7.5 25 412.5 35 577.5 45 742.5 55 907.5 65 1072.5 75 1237.5 85 1402.5 95 1567.5 6 99.0 16 2 4.0 26 429.0 36 594.0 46 759.0 56 924.0 66 1089.0 76 1254.0 86 1419.0 96 1584.0 7 115.5 17 2 0.5 27 445.5 37 610.5 47 775.5 57 940.5 67 1105.5 77 1270.5 87 1435.5 97 1600.5 8 132.0 18 2 7.0 28 462.0 38 627.0 48 792.0 58 957.0 68 1122.0 78 1287.0 88 1452.0 98 1617.0 9 148.5 19 3 3.5 29 478.5 39 643.5 49 808.5 59 973.5 69 1138.5 79 1303.5 89 1468.5 99 1633.5 10 165.0 20 3 0.0 30 495.0 40 660.0 50 825.0 60 990.0 70 1155.0 80 1320.0 90 1485.0 100 1650.0 Rods to feet from 1 to 100 Chains Faef Chains Feet Chains Feel Chains Feet Links Feet Links Fees Links Feet Links Feet Links Feet 1 66 11 726 21 1386 31 2046 1 .66 11 7.26 21 13.86 31 20.46 41 27.06 2 132 12 792 22 1452 32 2112 2 1.32 12 7.92 22 14.52 32 21.12 42 27.72 3 198 13 858 23 1518 33 2178 3 1.98 13 8.58 23 15.18 33 21.78 43 28.38 4 264 14 924 24 1584 34 2244 4 2.64 14 9.24 24 15.84 34 22.44 44 29.04 5 330 15 990 25 1650 35 2310 5 3.30 15 9.90 25 16.50 35 23.10 45 29.70 6 396 16 1056 26 1716 36 2376 6 3.96 16 10.56 26 17.16 36 23.76 46 30.36 7 462 17 1122 27 1782 37 2442 7 .4.62 17 11.22 27 17.82 37 24.42 47 31.02 8 528 18 1188 28 1848 38 2508 8 5.28 18 11.88 28 18.48 38 25.08 48 31.68 9 594 19 1254 29 1914 39 2574 9 5.94 19 12.54 29 19.14 39 25.74 49 32.34 10 660 20 1320 30 1980 40 2640 10 6.60 20 13.20 30 19.80 40 26.40 50 33.00 Chain to feet from 1 to 40 Links to feet from 1 to 50 3 A SECTION OF LAND -640 ACRES 1. OR. NORTH QUARTER - T BILE OF MEASUREMENTS POST 80 ROD! 0 e link equals 7.92 inches 2 I 0 e rod equals 16.5 ft. or 25 links :12 1. 0 e chain equals 66 ft., 100 links, or 4 rods °o 0 e mile equals 5,280 ft., 320 rods, or 80 chains 12 7 O e square rod contains 272.25 sq. ft. 18 1 0 e acre contains 43,560 sq. ft., 160 sq. rods., or 10 square chains 18 a A side of an acre equals 208.71 feet i 0 80 ACRES ° Q 24 19 25 30 Il N Homo's z a x U a Y. LINE SECTIONAL MAP OF A TOWNSHIP WITH F ADJOINING SECTIONS : 36 131 132 33 34 135 36 131 : 1 6 1 5 4 3 2 1 6 :12 7 8 1 12 7 13 18 1 13 18 24 19 2 Q 24 19 25 30 29 28 27 26 25 30: 36 31 32 33 34 35 36 31 l 6 5 4j.3 2 1 6 N.E. COR. 10 CHAINS .n Z vi a tj V o tea° LL LL 20 RDS ° O u N ° v o 10 AC. o .t N 1 10 CHAINS °�20 CHAINS N 40 ACRES 0 m 20 CHAINS 1320 FEET K LINE 160 ACRES 0 o 04 S.W. CdR. POST S.E. COR. r M N C 3 D 5, Z ID 0 ID m 0 O � D Z o -< ° O Z Z M N O D IL\ d I i i I R 1 a i MO. 5 FORM 1B9 p Order 170 711637 COMPLETE TITLE SERVICE TITLE INSURANCE ESCROW" ' SERVICE "- ABSTRACTS OF TITLE SEARCHES FOR TAXES, JUDGMENTS IN STATE AND FEDERAL COURTS, BANKRUPTCY _PROCEEDINGS SPECIAL ASSESSMENT SEARCHES CHATTEL MORTGAGE ABSTRACTS FEDERAL TAX LIEN SEARCHES IN FEDERAL COURT, THIRD DIVISION RECORDING SERVICE REGISTERED PROPERTY ABSTRACTS t; �y Abstract of Title `\ TO Township 116, Range 21. This certifies the within statement from Nos. 77 to 93 inclusive, to be a correct Abstract of Title to land described in No. 61 therein as appears of record in the Real Ertate Division of the office of the Register of Deeds in Hennepin County, Minnesota, since July 17, 19 7 0 , 7 a m . including Taxes according to the general tax books of said County. Dated Aug. 26, 19 7 5 , 7 a.m. Title Insurauce Co any of Minnesota By Assistant Secretary Re - Vesely, Otto Et---A-l' Deliverto Chadwick & Johnson 7900 Xerxes Avenue South Minn.eapolis,_Minnesota 55431 Attn: Jon J. Johnson TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF MINNESOTA TITLE INSURANCE BUILDING MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55401 Telephone 332 -51 1 1 Area Code 612 P -396 Newlands -Key Pt. 21 CONVERSION TABLES Rods Feet Rods Feet Rods Feet Rods Feet Rods Feet Rods Feet Rods Feet Rods Feet Rods Feet Rods. Feet 1 16.5 11 81.5 21 346.5 31 511.5 41 676.5 51 841.5 61 1006.5 71 1171.5 81 1336.5 91 1501.5 2 33.0 12 98.0 22 363.0 32 528.0 42 693.0 52 858.0 62 1023.0 72 1188.0 ' 82 1353.0 92 1518.0 3 49.5 13 14.5 23 379.5 33 544.5 43 709.5 53 874.5 63 1039.5 73 1204.5 83 1369.5 93 1534.5 4 66.0 14 31.0 24 396.0 34 561.0 44 726.0 54 891.0 64 1056.0 74 1221.0 84 1386.0 94 1551.0 5 82.5 15 47.5 25 412.5 35 577.5 45 742.5 55 907.5 65 1072.5 75 1237.5 85 1402.5 95 1567.5 6 99.0 16 64.0 26 429.0 36 594.0 46 759.0 56 924.0 66 1089.0 76 1254.0 86 1419.0 96 1584.0 7 115.5 17 80.5 27 445.5 37 610.5 47 775.5 57 940.5 67 1105.5 77 1270.5 87 1435.5 97 1600.5 8 132.0 18 97.0 28 462.0 38 627.0 48 792.0 58 957.0 68 1122.0 78 1287.0 88 1452.0 98 1617.0 9 148.5 19 13.5 29 478.5 39 643.5 49 808.5 59 973.5 69 1138.5 79 1303.5 89 1468.5 99 1633.5 10 165.0 20 30.0 30 495.0 40 660.0 50 825.0 60 990.0 70 1155.0 80 1320.0 90 1485.0 100 1650.0 Rods to feet from 1 to 100 Chains Feet Chains Feet Chains Feet Chains Feet Links Feet Links Feet Links Feet Links Feet Links Feet 1 66 11 726 21 1386 31 2046 1 .66 11 7.26 21 13.86 31 20.46 41 27.06 2 132 12 792 22 1452 32 2112 2 1.32 12 7.92 22 14.52 32 21.12 42 27.72 3 198 13 858 23 1518 33 2178 3 1.98 13 8.58 23 15.18 33 21.78 43 28.38 4 264 14 924 24 1584 34 2244 4 2.64 14 9.24 24 15.84 34 22.44 44 29.04 5 330 15 990 25 1650 35 2310 5 3.30 15 9.90 25 16.50 35 23.10 45 29.70 6 396 16 1056 26 1716 36 2376 6 3.96 16 10.56 26 17.16 36 23.76 46 30.36 7 462 17 1122 27 1782 37 2442 7 4.62 17 11.22 27 17.82 37 24.42 47 31.02 8 528 18 1188 28 1848 38 2508 8 5.28 18 11.88 28 18.48 38 25.08 48 31.68 9 594 19 1254 29 1914 39 2574 9 5.94 19 12.54 29 19.14 39 25.74 49 32.34 10 660 20 1320 30 1980 40 2640 10 6.60 20 13.20 30 19.80 40 26.40 50 33.00 Chain to feet from 1 to 40 Links to feet from 1 to 50 N 3 A SECTION OF LAND -640 ACRES W. COR. NORTH QUARTER ADJOINING SECTIONS .... N ......... :36 POST 80 RODS ..... 32 10 CHAINS w ..... 35 ABLE OF MEASUREMENTS 31: 1 6 5 3 lJy ne link equals 7.92 inches 1 6 :12 � at,j� ne rod equals 16.5 ft. or 25 links 1 w; 7 i w ,°o o ° h yt v ne chain equals 66 ft., 100 links, or 4 rods ° 13118 H o 24 20 RDS: ne mile equals 5,280 ft., 320 rods, or 80 chains 21 22 23 " 'i x o ne square rod contains 272.25 sq. ft. 29 28 27 uo a 10 AC. ne acre contains 43,560 sq. ft., 160 sq. rods., 10 or N 33 34 35 3 square chains Otr 10 CHAINS side of on acre equals 208.71 feet i 80 ACRES 0 0 �i? n20 CHAINS . 0 o i 40 ACRES o = V 0 m y CENT v R OF 20 CHAINS 1320 FEET LINE 5ECTON �/4 LINE SECTIONAL MAP OF A TOWNSHIP WITH ADJOINING SECTIONS .... ....: ......... :36 31 ..... 32 .... 33 .... 34 ..... 35 36 31: 1 6 5 1 4 3 2 1 6 :12 7 1 12 7 i :13 18 1 34 13118 24 19 20 21 22 23 225 30 29 28 27 26 36 31 32 33 34 35 3 Nunn S.W. C. SOUTH 160 ACRES �� O 0 ❑ iii COR. S.E. COR. NE Pt. I No. "-51; 01X- F.= U Order No- 39737 TITLE .INSURANCE SERVICE _ if a 1arac o on , TO Real Es tte L wiled in Minnesota F and, Northwest States Part of fiction $; Town.ghip. ESCROWS 116, Range 21 � ABSTRACTS OF TITLE _ and REGISTERED (TORRENS) PROPERTY { CERTIFICATES ON LANDS IN This certifies the within statement from j HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA Nos 61 to 69 =nclusive, INCLUDING SEARCHES FOR to be a correct Abstract of Title to land described TAXES, JUDGMENTS IN FEDERAL AND -, in No 61 therein as appears of record in STATE COURTS AND PROCEEDINGS the office of the Register of Deeds in Hennepin 4 � IN BANKRUPTCY County, Minnesota, since JU1Y 6. A5._. 1 :lam Z Jensen Printina Company, MinnenpoUs including Taxes according to the general tax books of said County. ` �a Dated August 9th,--19. -51, 7 a. m. . r" ! Tide ce Company of Miunesa t By ..», .. assistant Secretary f Deliver to a ( Title Dephrtment #163311 I 1 e tre Nourauce Comm •# of inntS ;0ra I � A• 123 South Fifth Street Minneapolis 2, Minnesota t NE Pt. I T 2 0 Z M W W W \/ V-j.0 i` Order No. 95001 ABSTRACT OF TITLE —TO— Part of Section 8- 116 -21 501 Second Avenue South.•_Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 Phone: 335 -6631 This certifies that the within statement from No. 70 to 76 inclusive, is a correct Abstract of Title to land described in No. 61 therein, as appears of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Hennepin County, Minnesota, from the 9th day of August 1951, 7 A M . i including taxes according to the general tax book�,1�01 said County. 4 Dated July 17th , 19 LO , 7a. m. A&A s&* 44d-sad 9 %we, 47 df,1,> By Authorized Signature For Vesely Otto & Miller 32 10th Ave. S., Hoplins r i Deliver to + L Complete Title Service O , M 0 in 0 Z Hennepin v and M Z C Dakota Counties N O C i • Title Insurance • Escrow Service Z Z • • Abstracts of Title 0 r • Registered Property Z Abstracts A 0 • All Types of Searches N • Recording Service / f ti ZN i` Order No. 95001 ABSTRACT OF TITLE —TO— Part of Section 8- 116 -21 501 Second Avenue South.•_Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 Phone: 335 -6631 This certifies that the within statement from No. 70 to 76 inclusive, is a correct Abstract of Title to land described in No. 61 therein, as appears of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Hennepin County, Minnesota, from the 9th day of August 1951, 7 A M . i including taxes according to the general tax book�,1�01 said County. 4 Dated July 17th , 19 LO , 7a. m. A&A s&* 44d-sad 9 %we, 47 df,1,> By Authorized Signature For Vesely Otto & Miller 32 10th Ave. S., Hoplins r i Deliver to + 4 'Ix'c ZW 11t n b-4 " bt 1:0 is soh to 40 rr -7 395676 No. 1-11-2749--7M —Form 51 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. To All Lou or Lands in, kennepin County, Minnesota INCLUDING SEARCHES FOR TAXES JUDGMENTS IN FEDERAL AND STATE COURTS AND PROCEEDINGS IN BANKRUPTCY FURNISHED ON SHORT NOTICE Tide Insurance in all its Branches TUB LVND FUM, INC., MINNRAPOIJ8 4, urdiff No .......................................... Zbotract w Tide t To Part of the Southwest 1/4 of ........................ ......... I ................... . ...... ..................... the Northeast ........................................... if of ... Section .... 8, Township 116, Rang!� ... ?I ..................... . .............. . .............. ........................ ........................................................................................... This certifies the within statement from N, 0. 1 to 69 . ...................... I., inclusive, to be a correct Abstract of Title to land described L in No ..... One ,therein as appears of record in the off ice of ;ie* Register of ,Deeds of Hennepin County, Minnesota, including Taxes according to the general tax books of said Draped: .... ...................... 19 7 a. m. Title Insurance Company of Minnesota By....... ...... Assistant Secretary Deliver to Donald S. Burris .......... I ......... I ............................. ...................... ........ ........................................ ...... .......................... QUItte 311ftrance CoMpanp of 10inntswta 125 South Fifth Street Minneapolis, Minnesota -I New Lands Pt Keys 21 &37 Form No. 42. LP 10 -49 59 Title Norance Cumpanp of Ainneoota j - -- 3b 1 1 f 1 I 1 12 1 1 13 1 24 I 1 25 1 I 36 L- -- 125 SOUTH FIFTH STREET MINNEAPOLIS 2, MINN. i 1 i 6 i 5 i 4 1 3 1 2 i 1 6 ABSTRACT OF TITLE 1. —TO— That part of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 8, Township 116 North, Range 21 Guest of the 5th Principal Meridian, described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 8, Township 116, Range 21; thence West along the South line of said Southwest 1/4 696 feet; thence North at right angles to said South line, 418 feet; thence West 209 feet; thence South 418 feet to the South line of said Southwest 1/4; thence East 209 feet to the place of beginning of parcel herein described. nos. aHn,,,a � gg acztaa A rod is 16% feet. 20RUUa fVRO" A chain is 66 feet or 4 rods. A mile is 320 rods, 80 chs., or 5,280 ft. A. square rod is 2728 square feet An acre contains 43,560 square feet 80 ACRES An acre contains 160 square rods. An acre is about 208>V4 feet square. 40 chains, 160 rods or 2,640 feet. 40 acwca —32 31 ; i 33 ; 34 11 35 11- 36 31 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 7 I 18 17 16 15 14 13 18 SE A 1 16O NCR[I 19 20 2114 22 23 24 19 30 29, 28 27 26 25 30 I 31 32 i 33 34 35 36 31 N I i 1 i 6 i 5 i 4 1 3 1 2 i 1 6 ABSTRACT OF TITLE 1. —TO— That part of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 8, Township 116 North, Range 21 Guest of the 5th Principal Meridian, described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 8, Township 116, Range 21; thence West along the South line of said Southwest 1/4 696 feet; thence North at right angles to said South line, 418 feet; thence West 209 feet; thence South 418 feet to the South line of said Southwest 1/4; thence East 209 feet to the place of beginning of parcel herein described. r 2' The following certificates appear appended to the plat shown below, which -plat was filed for record in the office of the Register of Deeds, Hennepin,County, Minnesota, on April 30, 1932 at 8 :30 o'clock A.M., as Document No. 1684386, and was recorded in Book of Govt. Survey Plats,- -page 2. "The above Map of Township No. 116 of the 5th Principal Meridian, Minnesot a to the field notes of the survey thereof . which have been examined and.approved Surveyor General's Office, Dubuque, May 16th 1855 North, Range No. 21 West is strictly conformable on file in this Office, Warner Lewis Burr. deal ." "I hereby certify that the above map is a correct copy of the original Government Map of Township No, 116 North, Range No, 21 West of the 5th Principal Meridian on file in this Office. (The Great Seal of the Mike Holm, Seely of State. State of Minnesota) St.Paul,Minn.Sept.3d 1931." .�'r N'.° z1 W Sth .Men "I n i r Ii A- • y N I&M "l74sirisa7 c A 3 United States to Theo. French John B. Sanborn Cyrus Hill Edson Hill 4 United States to Theodore French John B. Sanborn Cyrus Hill and Edson Hill 5 In the Matter of Estate of Theodore French, Doc. No. 754373 Entry #1005 Dated October 22, 155 Land Office Records, page 24 South 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4, Section 8, Township 116, flange 21, containing $0 acres. Patent Dated April 2, 1857 Filed Dec. 29, 1857 Book K of Deeds, page 140 South 1/2 of Northeast 1/4, Section 8, Township 116, Range 21. the Probate Court, Ramsey County, Minnesota Deceased Certified Copy of Will Dated - - - -- Proof of Will, April 2, 1860 Admitted to Probate, April 6, 1$60 Filed May 10, 1915, 10 :45 a.m. Book 155 of Misc., page 515 Will: Bequeaths unto w and appoints Charles C. as Executors. Proof of Will: Recites 1860 in said County and call upon those present ife, Harriet C. Lund, Lyman S. that said will was recited or witness that t French, all personal property Stevens and John B. Sanborn, was made on Saturday, Feb. 25, unwritten and said French did zat was his will. 6 In the Matter of the Probate Court, Estate of Ramsey County, Minnesota Theodore French, Deceased Certified Copy of Transfer of Petition Doc. No. 346363 and Order Admitting Will to Probate Petition, dated Mar. 12, 1$60 Order Admitting Will to Probate, dated April 6,. 1860 Filed June 10, 1902, 12:30 p.m. Book 91 of Misc., page 349 Petition: Recites that deceased died February 25, 1960, having previously recited his last will and testament. That said will was a nuncupative or unwritten will and bequeathed to wife, Harriet C. French, all personal property and appointed Chas. C. Lund, Lyman.D. Stevens and John B. Sanborn as Executors. Petitioner shows that heirs of said deceased and next of kin are Theodore French Sr., Lydia French, his mother, Achsa P. Stevens wife of Lyman D. Stevens, Catherine French and Lydia French, sisters. That Harriet C. French is the widow of said deceased. 7 Theodore French Lydia French, wife Achsah P. Webster -- Kate French -- Lydia French - Lyman D. Stevens and Achsah P. Stevens, wife John Hunt Emily B. Smith -- S. G. Brown -- Edwin D. Sanborn -- Harriette C. French -- to John B. Sanborn and Cha C. Lund ti Quit Claim Deed Dated June 16, 1860 Filed Oct. 5, 1871, 10 a.m. Book 32 of Deeds, page 145 Consideration $1.00 Northeast 1/4 of Southwest 1/4 and Lot 1, Section 20, East 1/2 of Southeast 1/4, Section 1$, and West 1/2 of Northwest 1/4, Section 20, West 1/2 of Southeast 1/4, Section 18, South 1/2 of Northeast 1/4, Section 8, East 1/2 of Northeast 1/4, Section 17, Lot 5, Section 19, all in Township 116, Range 21,_ West 1/2 of -les Southwest 1/4, Section 11, Township 117, Range 22. etc. .inLenLlon Lo re.iease ail i.nLeresL in Lne Real Estate of the late firm of Sanborn & French & Sanborn French & Lund. Recites that first parties are heirs and creditors of Theodore French and entitled to receive the benefit of all estate of Theodore French in said property real and personal of said firms of Sanborn & French & Sanborn French & Lund. Second parties agree to sell said real estate and apply proceeds to necessary expenses of care of said estate and debts of firm, the surplus to be divided equally between said John B. Sanborn and said heirs and creditors and the balance of assets of said firm as herein stipulated. 8 John B. Sanborn Affidavit to Dated May 18, 1896 Whom It Concerns Filed May 21, 1896, 3;15 p.m. Doc. No. 250076 Book 71 of Misc., page 87 That he is one of the parties in Book 32 of Deeds, page 145, etc. and that Theodore French died intestate February 25, 1860, and that he left surviving him, his father, Theodore French, his mother, Lydia French and three sisters named Catherine French, Lydia French and Achsah P. French Stevens, also Harriet C. French, who was his widow, that said deceased left no surviving children and no other brothers or sisters, except those named and that Theodore French and Lydia French named as two of the parties of first part in said deed were the father and mother of said deceased, that the Catherine French, Lydia French and Achsah P. Stevens, named in said instrument were the three sisters of said deceased, and that the Lyman B. Stevens named as one of first parties therein was the husband of Achsah P. Stevens and that the Harriet C. French one of first parties in said deed was the widow of Theodore French, deceased, and that the other parties joined therein as creditors of Theodore French and of the firm of Sanborn & French & Sanborn French & Lund. 9 Edson Hill and Power of Attorney Olive J. Hill, his wife Dated Apr. 15, 1$61 to Filed Aug. 30, 1$61, 9 a.m. Cyrus Hill Book 1 of Bonds, page 468 To sell and convey land. J :Ft 10 Nancy L. Hill Power of Attorney to Dated Apr. 15, 1861 Cyrus Hill Filed Aug. 30, 1861, 9 a.m. Book 1 of Bonds, page 466 To sell and convey land. 11 Cyrus Hill and Nancy L. Hill, Quit Claim Deed his wife, By her Attorney in Dated May 21, 1861 fact, Cyrus Hill Filed June 25, 1872, 10 a.m. Edson Hill and Olive J. Hill, Book 34 of Deeds, page 194 his wife, By Cyrus Hill, Consideration $2,000.00 Their Attorney in fact The South 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of to Section 8, Township 116, Range 21, etc. John B. Sanborn Charles C. Lund 12 Cyrus Hill Quit Claim Deed Nancy L. Hill, his wife Dated May $, 1872 Edson J. Hill Filed June 25, 1872, 10 a.m. Olive J. Hill, his wife Book 34 of Deeds, page 193 to Consideration $1.00 John B. Sanborn The South 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of Charles C. Lund Section 8, Township 116, Range 21, etc. 13 John B. Sanborn Warranty Deed Charles C. Lund and Dated June 24, 1861 Lydia T. Lund, his wife Filed Jan. 9, 1863, 3 p.m. to Book U of Deeds, page 372 William Murphy Consideration $240.00 The South 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section $, Township 116, Range 21, 14 William Murphy Mortgage to Dated June 24, 1861 John B. Sanborn Filed June 27, 1861, 2 p.m. Charles C. Lund Book Q of Mtgs., page 243 To secure payment of $219.00. 15 Sanborn and Lund, Satisfaction of Mortgage recorded in Per Lund Book Q of Mtgs., pa e 243 (See #14) to Dated February 3, 1564 William Murphy On Margin of record. 16 William Murphy and wife Mortgage to Dated Nova 28, 1873 Bridget Dorcey Filed Nov. 2$, 1$73, 12 M. Book 24 of Mtgs., page 474 To secure payment of $100.00. 14 17 Bridget Dorcey Satisfaction of Mortgage recorded in to Book 24 of Mtgs., pa e 474 (See #16) Wm. Murphy Dated December 26, 1874 On margin of record. 18 William Murphy Mortgage Mary Ann Murphy, his wife Dated Feb. 9, 1876 to Filed Feb. 9, 1876, 2 Michael Shenehan Book 37 of Mtgs., page 413 To secure payment of $40P.00. 19 Michael Shenehan Satisfaction of Mortgagerecorded in to Book 37 of Mtgs., page 413 (See #18) William Murphy and wife Dated Mar. 15, 1879 Filed Mar. 17, 1879, 9 a'm. Book S3 of Mtgs., page 1 *4 I 20 William Murphy Mortgage Mary Murphy, wife Dated Mar. 15, 1879 to Filed Mar. 17, 1879, 9 al.m. Marshall I. Reed Book 56 of Mtgs., page 7� To secure payment of $700.00. 21 Marshall I. Reed Satisfaction of Mortgagel, recorded in to Book 56 of Mtgs., page 713 (See #20) William Murphy D6.ted Feb. 25, 1887 Filed Aug. 2, 1887, 1 :3!0 p.m. Book 180 of Mtgs., page ',5 $9 22 William Murphy Warranty Deed Mary Anne Murphy, wife Dated June 9, 1887 1887, 12.,30 to Filed June 11, p.m. Mary J. Murphy Book 228 of Deeds, pagel230 Consideration $5,000.00 South 1/2 of Northeast 1/4 of Section 8, Township 116,', Range 21. 23 Mary J. Murphy, single Quit Claim Deed to Dated June 9, 1887 Mary Ann Murphy Filed June 11, 1887, 12;,30 p.m. Book 219 of Deeds, pagei402 Consideration $5,000.00. South 1/2 of Northeast l/4 of Section 8, Township 116,, Range 21. 24 Mary Ann Murphy, widow to Michael T. Murphy 25 Michael T. Murphy Hannah Murphy, wife to J. D. Cragin Doc. No. 26903 26 J. D. Cragin to Michael T. Murphy Doc. No. 245219 27 In the Matter of the Incorporation of the Village of Edina 28 Michael T. Murphy Hannah Murphy, his wife to Samuel Walker 29 Samuel Walker to Richard H. Broat 30 Samuel Walker by Richard H. Broat, Attorney in fact to Michael T. Murphy 31 Michael T. Murphy Hannah Murphy, wife to Benjamin L. Shaw Warranty Deed Dated Aug. 2, 1$$7 Filed Aug. 2, 1$$7, 1 :30, Book 236 of Deeds, page Consideration $2,000.00 West 1/2 of South 1/2 of Section 8, Township 116, p.m. 137 Northeast 1/4, Range 21. Mortgage Date Oct. 15, 1$$7 Filed Oct. 15, 1$$7, 12 :30 p.m. Book 221 of Mtgs., pa e 20 8 To secure payment of 500.00. Satisfaction of Mortgage recorded in Book 221 of Mtgs., page 208 (See #25) Dated Oct. 24, 1892 Filed Jan. 27, 1896, 12 :30 p.m. Book 439 of Mtgs., page 41 Petition Dated Oct. 27, 18$$ Filed Dec. 17, 1$$$, 11 :30 a.m. Book 40 of Mis c. , page 106 Includes land in No. 19 etc. Mort age Date Apr. 27, 1$$9 Filed Apr. 27, 1$$9, 3 P.m. To secure payment of $200.00 Book 269 of Mtgs., page 595 Power of Attorney Dated Dec. $, 1$$4 Filed July 9, 1885 Book D of Powers, page 476 Satisfaction of Mortgage recorded in Book 269 of Mtgs., page 595 (See #28) Dated April 2, 1890 Filed Apr. 3, 1890, 9 a.m. Book 296 of Mtgs., page 436 Mortgage Dated April 2, 1890 Filed A ril 3 1890, 9 a.m. Book 30 of Mtgs., pa e 135 To secure payment of 500.00. Y 32 Benjamin L. Shaw Power of Attorney to Dated Jan. 22, 18$3 Austin F. Kelley Filed Jan. 27, 1$$3, 4 p.m. Book C of Powers, page 432'- To satisfy mortgages, etc. 33 Benjamin L. Shaw, by Austin F. Satisfaction of Mortgage recorded in Kelley, his Attorney in fact Book 307 of Mtgs., page 13.5 (See #31) to Dated Apr. 15, 1893 Michael T. Murphy and wife Filed Jan. 27, 1896, 12 :30 p.m. Doc. No. 24521$ Book 439 of Mtgs., page 40' 34 Michael T. Murphy Mortgage Hannah Murphy, wife Dated Apr. 15, 1893 to Filed Apr. 18, 1$93, 9 a.m. Margaret M. Burnham, as Book 367 of Mtgs., pa e 595 Guardian of Otis Atwater To secure payment of 1,000.00 - Doc. No. 195329 Three years - 7? semi - annually. Southwest 1/4 of Northeast 1/4 of Section $, Township 116, Range 21. 35 Michael T. Murphy Warranty Deed Hannah Murphy, wife Dated Oct. 23, 1895 to Filed Nov. 6, 1895, 2:15 p.m. A. F. Kelley and Book 357 of Deeds, page 392 L. E. Kelley Consideration $2,000.00 Doc. No. 241506 The Southwest 1/4 of Northeast 1/4 of Section $, Township 116, Range 21. 36 Michael T. Murphy and wife, Foreclosure of Mortgage recorded in By Sheriff Book 367 of Mtgs., page 595 (See #34) to Notice of Sale, March 25, 1897 Margaret M. Burnham, Printerts Affidavit, May 8, 1897 Guardian for Otis Atwater Affidavit of Service, May 10, 1897 Doc. No. 263549 Sherifffs Affidavit and Certificate, May 10, 1897 Filed May 10, 1897, 10 :30 a.m. Book 476 of Deeds, page 529 Southwest 1/4 of Northeast 1/4 of Section 8 Township 116, Range 21, sold for J1, 203.01."' 37 In the Matter of the Probate Court, Hennepin County Estate of Certified Copy of Decree of Distribution Otis E. Atwater Dated Apr. 21, 1902 Doc. No. 346364 Filed June 10, 1902, 12 :30 p.m. Book 548 of Deeds, page 93 Debts paid. Deceased died testate Nova 17, 1$97• i Amanda S. Atwater sole Devisee named in Will, herself died prior to death of Deceased and that sole heirs at law and next of kin are Margaret M. Burnham, an Aunt, and Theodore Burnham, an Uncle. Southwest 1/4 of Northeast 1/4, Section 8, Township 116, Range 21. Assigned to said Margaret N. Burnham and Theodore Burnham, to each an undivided 1/2. OIL Y Theodore Burnham Charlotte J. Burnham, his wife to Margaret M. Burnham Doc. No. 346365 39 Margaret M. Burnham, unmarried to James Anderson Doc. No. 347054 40 James Anderson to Margaret M. Burnham Doc. No. 347051 41 Margaret M. Burnham to James Anderson Doc. No. 371015 42 Howard S. Abbott, Master in Chancery, and C. E. Warner Receiver of Minneapolis, St. Paul, Rochester and Dubuque Electric Traction Company to Minneapolis, Northfield and Southern Railway Doc. No. 1189433 43 James Anderson and Marie Anderson, his wife to Joseph E. Cardinal Doc. No. 1050585 Quit Claim Deed Dated May 10, 1902 Filed June 10, 19020 12:30 p.m. Book 534 of Deeds, page 378 Consideration $1.00 Southwest 1/4 of Northeast 1/4 of Section $, Township 116, Range 21. Warranty Deed Dated June 3, 1902 Filed June 20, 1902, 1 :30 P.M. Book 559 of Deeds, page 80 Consideration $1,000.00 Southwest 1/4, Northeast 1/4 of Section 8, Township 116, Range 21. Mortgage Dated June 20, 1902 Filed June 20, 1902, 1 p.m. Book 546-of Mtgs. , pa e 4 To secure payment of 650.00. Satisfaction of Mortgage recorded in Book 546 of Mtgs., page 4 (See #40) Dated Aug. 1, 1903 Filed Aug. 10, 1903, 3:15 p.m. Book 547 of Mtgs., page 204 Receiver's Deed Dated Aug. 69 1918 Filed Dec. 24, 1923, Book 1036 of Deeds, page 275 Amount $450,000.00 100 foot right of way through the South- west 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 8, Township 1160 Range 21, etc. Right of Way Grant or Easement Dated Sept. 26, 1921 Filed Oct. 19, 1921, 10 :10 a.m. Book 915 of Deeds, page 489 Consideration $1.00, etc. Right of way over the South 1 rod of Southwest 1/4 of Northeast 1/4 of Section 8, Township 116, Range 21. 44 James Anderson Warranty Deed Marie Anderson, wife Dated Dec. 10, 1930 to Filed Dec. 31, 1930, 2 p.m. Robert J. Anderson Book 1274 of Deeds, page 605 Doc. No. 1626$84 Consideration $1.00, etc. Southwest 1/4 of Northeast 1/4 of Section 8, Township 116, Range 21, containing 40 acres, more or less. Except the South 1 rod thereof which is used for a driveway. 45 Robert J. Anderson Warranty Deed Loretta Anderson, wife Dated Dec. 10, 1930 to Filed Dec. 31, 19302 2 p.m. James Anderson Book 1286 of Deeds, page 377 Marie Anderson, wife Consideration $1.00, etc. as joint tenants Southwest 1/4 of Northeast 1/4 of Section Doc. No. 1626$$7 $, Township 116, Range 21, containing 40 acres more or less. Except the South 1 rod thereof which is used for a driveway. 46 In the Matter of the State of Minnesota, Death of Department of Health, James Anderson Certified Copy Certificate of Death Doc. No. 26$8307 Filed with Registrar, August 15, 1933 Filed April 13, 1951, 11 :20 a.m. Book of Misc., page Residence: Linden Halls Sta. R 2 Shows that he died August 10, 1933• Color: White; Age: 73 years, 10 months -- days; Occupation: Farmer; Spouse: Marie. Certified to as correct copy March 15, 1951 by Muriel E. C. Eastman, Deputy State Registrar (under Health Department Seal). 47 Peter C. Anderson Affidavit Dated April Filed April Book to 12, 1951 Whom It 13, 1951s 11 :20 a.m. Doc. No. of Misc., page Peter C. Anderson residing at 4629 France Avenue South being first duly sworn on oath says: That he is a son of James Anderson and Marie Anderson, the persons named as grantees in that certain instrument dated Dedember 10, 1930 and filed for record December 31, 1930 as Document No. 1626887 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hennepin County, Minnesota. That said James Anderson died on August 10, 1933, a certified copy of Certificate of Death is attached hereto. That he knows of his own knowledge that the James Anderson named in the aforesaid Deed and the James Anderson named in the Certificate of Death were one and the same person. Affiant further states that James Anderson and Marie Anderson the grantees in the above named instrument were never a party to any bank- ruptcy. That any bankruptcies against parties with the same or similar names are not against the above named. Concerns 26$$307 48 Marie Anderson, widow to Hanna Julia Grant Doc. No. 1819279 Revenue Stamp $5.00. Acknowledged Nov. 12, Parker, Notary Public Commission expires May 49 Hanna Julia Grant Oscar Grant, husband to Marie Anderson Doc. No. 1819281 Warranty Deed Dated Nov. 12, 1935 Filed Nov. 25, 1935, 9:30 a.m. Book 1398 of Deeds, page 302 Consideration $5,000.00 Southwest 1/4 of Northeast 1/4 of Section $, Township 116, Range 21, except road. Regularly witnessed (two witnesses). 1935 by Marie Anderson, widow, before Guy C. (Notarial Seal), Hennepin County, Minnesota. 14, 1940. Mortgage Dated Nov. 12, 1935 Filed Nov. 25, 1935, 9:30 a.m. Book 1761 of Mtgs., page 235 To secure payment of $1,000.00. 50 Mrs. Marie Anderson Satisfaction of Mortgage recorded in to Book 1761 of Mtgs., page 235 (See #49) Hanna Julia Grant and husband Dated July 22, 193$ Doc. No. 1938983 Filed July 22, 1938, 3 p.m. Book 1971 of Mtgs., page 293 Regularly witnessed (two witnesses). Acknowledged July 22, 1938 by Marie Anderson, before Fred W. Westphal, Notary Public (Notarial Seal), Hennepin County, Minnesota. Commission expires Dec. 12, 1940. 51 Auditor of Hennepin Certificate of Tax Sale County, Minnesota (Seal) Dated Apr. 14, 1937 to Filed July 27, 1937, 8 a.m. State of Minnesota Book 1464 of Deeds, page 477 Doc. No. 1891574 Certifies that at the sale of lands pursuant to the real estate tax judgment entered in the District Court in said County on the 22 day of April 1929 in proceedings to enforce the payment of taxes delinquent on real estate for the year 1927 for said County, which sale was held at the office of the County Auditor in said County on the13 day of May, 1929 the following described parcel of land, situated in said County and State, to-wit: Subdivision Village of Edina. South 1 rod of Southwest 1/4 of Northeast 1/4 of Section 8, Township 116, Range 21, was duly bid in for the State, and that said parcel of land still remains unredeemed. Further certifies that the time for redemption of said parcel of land has expired after notice given as provided by law, and that absolute title to said parcel of land has vested in the State of Minnesota. 52 Oscar Grant and Hanna Julia Mortgage Grant as his wife and in her Dated June 15, 1938 own right Filed June 24, 193$, 11 :20 a.m. to Book 1871 of Mtgs., page 451 Land Bank Commissioner, acting To secure payment of $2,700.00. pursuant to Part 3 of the Act of Congress known as the Emer- gency Farm Mortgage Act of 1933 whose post office address is St. Paul, Minnesota Doc. No. 1934253 { V INL 53 Federal Farm Mortgage Power of Attorney Corporation, Dated June 23, 193+ A, S. Goss, Land Bank Filed JulY.9, 1934, 12:20 p.m. Commissioner Book 8 of Powers, page 606 to That we, the +'ederal Farm Mortgage Vhc; I'edexal Land Bank of Corporation, a corporation duly Saint Paul, a corporation established by the Federal Farm or&:nized and operating Mortgage Corporation Act (Public - pursuant to the provisions No. 88 73d Congress) approved of the Federal Farm Loan January 31 , 1934 with principal Act, as amended, with office and place of business in the principal office and place City of Washington., District of of business in the City of Columbia, and A. S. Goss, Land Saint Paul, State of Bank Commissioner, acting pursuant Minnesota. to the powers and authority vested Doc. No. 1759182 in the Farm Loan Commissioner by Part 3, Section 32, of the Emergency Barr Mortgage Act of 1933 (Public No. 10 - 73d Congress) approved Play 12, 1933 (Part VIII, Section 80 of the Farm Credit Act of 1.933, approved June 16, 1933, provides: "After the date of the enactment of this Act, the office of Farm Loan Commissioner shall be known as the office of the Land Bank Commissioner and the Farm Loan Commissioner shall be known as the Land Bank Comiuissioner�,)and acting pursuant to the powers vested in me by the Federal Farina Mortgage Corporation Act, above mentioned, do hereby make, constitute, designate and appoint said 2nd party our true and lawful agent and attorney in fact for us and in our names places and steads as our respective interests may appear, generally to do and perform any and all lawful acts or things necessary and incident to the collection and /or recovery o_,' all monies and /or property of whatsoever nature, due or to become due, or to which we are or may be entitled; to execute, acknowledge, and deliver assi_gmaents of or releases from real, chattel, crop or other mortgages, or other assignments, deeds of trusI,, contracts, mineral or ot." er leases, subordination agreements, full or partial releases, deeds and /or other instruments, papers, documents or agreements for the conveyance, assignment, transfer, release or discharge of property, or any right, title or interest therein; to institute, prosecute, defend, compromise, settle or make other disposition of all actions or proceedings in law, equity or otherwise, to execute and deliver discharges, releases, satisfactions or other instruments, papers or documents necessary or incident to the satisfaction, release or dis- charge of judgments; and to do and perform each and every act and thing requisite, necessary and proper to be done in the premises, as fully and effectually, in all respects, as the could do if personally present, with the understanding that the enumeration of particular powers shall in no way limit the general powers herein granted; and we do hereby ratify and confirm all acts heretofore done by our said agent and attorney in fact with reference to the power and authority herein granted, as fully and to the same extent 'as if performed subsequent to the date hereof. The powers conferred by this instrument shall remain in full force and effect until revoked by operation of law or otherwise. Any such revocation, except a revocation by operation of law, shall not be j effective as to any deed, mortgage, release or other instrument, paper, j document, or writing properly filed or recorded in any recording or filing office, and affecting or relating to the conveyance, transfer, assignment, release or discharge of any riCiAt, title or interest in property unless and until such revocation shall also be properly filed or recorded in such recording or filing office. 54 The Land Bank Commissioner, acting Release of Mortgage recorded in pursuant to Part 3 of an Act of Book 1871 of Mtgs., page 451 Congress known as the Emergency (See #52) Farm Mortgage Act of 1933 and Acts Dated Dec. 8, 1944 amendatory thereof and.Federal. Filed Dec. 14, 1944, 10 :20 a.m. Farm Mortgage Corporation By The Book 2203 of Mtgs., page 264 Federal Land Bank of Saint Paul, Signs: Land Bank Commissioner and their attorney -in -fact Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation to by The Federal Land Bank of Saint Oscar Grant and wife Paul their attorney -in -fact by Geo. Doc. No. 2266714 Young, assistant- treasurer and Attested and Countersigned by E. E. Thwing, assistant - secretary (The Federal Land Bank Corporation Seal) Regularly witnessed (two witnesses). Acknowledged Dec. $, 1944 by Geo. Young and E. E. Thwing, respectively assistant- treasurer and assistant - secretary of the Federal Land Bank of Saint Paul, in behalf of the Land Bank Commissioner and Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation as their attorney in fact by authority of its Board of Directors and said officers before Helen E. Schmitt, Notary Public (Notarial Seal), Ramsey County, Minn. Commission expires Dec. 25, 1947. 55 Oscar Grant and Hanna J. Grant Mortgage (also known as Hanna Julia Grant) Dated Mar. 9, 1951 husband and wife Filed Mar. 12, 1951, 3 :10 p.m. to Book of Mtgs., page First Edina State Bank To secure payment of $6,000.00 a Minnesota Corporation Last payment Mar. 9, 1952 - - -- Doc. No. 2682545 Lot 2, Section 9, Township 116, Section 21 except the East 23.36 acres thereof together with an easement for right of way over the South 1 rod of the East 23.36 acres of Lot 2, Section 9, Township 116, Range 21 and Southwest 1/4 of Northeast 1/4 of Section S. Township 116, Range 21 and situated in Hennepin County, Minnesota., Assignment of Rents and Power of sale clauses. Regularly witnessed (two witnesses). Acknowledged Mar. 9, 1951 by Oscar Grant and Hanna J. Grant (also known as Hanna Julia Grant) husband and wife, before E. W. Oredson, Notary Public (Notarial Seal), Hennepin County, Minnesota. Commission expires July 16, 1955• ) V A' 56 No Old Age Assistance.Lien Certificates filed in the office of the Register of Deeds, Hennepin County, Minnesota, against the parties hereafter named, between the dates set opposite their respective names: Hanna Julia Grant or Dec.-31., 1939 July 6, 1951, 7 a.m. Hanna J. Grant Mrs. Oscar Grant Dec. 31, 1939 July 6, 1951, 7 a.m. (Note: sWhere any name appears hereon with a middle initial, no search is made as to any names having middle initials different from that shown hereon.) 57 Taxes on South 1 rod of Southwest 1/4 of Northeast 1/4 of Section $, Township 116, Range 21: Taxes for 1927 sold to State, May 13, 1929. Taxes for 1928 to 1935 inclusive, attached. Redemption Notice No. S 6612. Sheriff's Return dated March 14, 1936• Taxes cancelled as per Chapter 278, Laws 1935• Taxes for 1936 and 1937 cancelled as per Chapter 27$, Laws 1935• Taxes for 1938 to 1950 inclusive, exempt. 58 Taxes for 1949 and prior years paid. (Except as shown above.) Taxes for 1950, amount $172.82, not paid and penalty on North 79 rods of Southwest 1/4 of Northeast 1/4 except road; Exempt on South 1 rod of Southwest 1/4 of Northeast 1/4. Taxes assessed in the name of Grant, et al, Edina. 59 Certifications by Title Insurance Company of Minnesota, cover records in Register of Deeds' office of Federal Internal Revenue Lien notices and Minnesota income and inheritance tax lien notices. 60 For Judgment and Bankruptcy Search see Certificate attached. Form No. 42. LP 10 -50 5M Title 3rt5urance Cotnpanp of Ainnego ta 36 I I I f I I I f2 I I I f3 I i- - -- I 24 i I 25 I I 36 L___ 125 SOUTH FIFTH STREET MINNEAPOLIS 2, MINN. 1 I I 1 1 6 1 5 14 i 3 , 2 11 i 6 ABSTRA&I'TIC��F TITLE —TO- 61 That part of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 8, Township 116 North, Range 21, West of the 5th Principal Meridian, described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 8, Township 116, Range 21; thence West along the South line of said Southwest 1/4, 696 feet; thence North at right angles to said South line, 418 feet; thence West 209 feet; thence South 418 feet to the South line of said South- west 1/4; thence East 209 feet to the place of beginning of parcel herein described, EXCEPT the South 1 rod thereof. (Since: July 6, 1951, 7 a.m.) MOf MOMv A rod is 163/2 feet. A chain is 66 feet or 4 rods. A mile is 320 rods, 80 chs., or 5,280 ft. A square rod is 272 square feet. An acre contains 43,560 square feet. �NeR`s An acre contains 160 square rods. An acre is about 208Y4 feet square. 40 chains, 160 rods or 2,640 feet. 40 ACRLJ 31 ; 32 i 33 j 34 35 36 31 i ej IMD 6 5 4 3 2 1 I 6 I 8 9 to 11 12 7 i I 18 n 16 15 14 13 18 1 S£ 1 160 pCA[1 19 20 21 22 23 24 19 1. .30 29 28 27 26 25 30 _ I 1 31 32 33 34 35 36 31 1 I 1 1 I I 1 1 6 1 5 14 i 3 , 2 11 i 6 ABSTRA&I'TIC��F TITLE —TO- 61 That part of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 8, Township 116 North, Range 21, West of the 5th Principal Meridian, described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 8, Township 116, Range 21; thence West along the South line of said Southwest 1/4, 696 feet; thence North at right angles to said South line, 418 feet; thence West 209 feet; thence South 418 feet to the South line of said South- west 1/4; thence East 209 feet to the place of beginning of parcel herein described, EXCEPT the South 1 rod thereof. (Since: July 6, 1951, 7 a.m.) i Ill.. First Edina State Bank Satisfaction of Mortgage, recorded in (Minnesota Corporation) Book 2553 of Mtgs., page 504 (See #55) 62 to Dated Aug. 1, 1951 Oscar Grant and wife Filed Aug. 8, 1951, 9 :30 a.m. Doc. No. 2707491 Book 2593 of .Mtgs., page 15-_z- Regularly witnessed (two witnesses) First Edina State Bank,'signed and acknowledged Aug. 1, 1951 by E. W. Oredson and T. C. Jackson, respectively Vice President' Cashier' and Asstt- CLsher.. ,(Corporate Seal) by authority of its Board o� Directors and said officers before Kenneth E. Broin, Notary Public, Notarial Seal, Hennepin County, Minnesota. Commission expires, March 27, 1957. Oscar Grant and Hanna J. Warranty Deed Grant, husband and wife. Dated Aug. 10 1951 63 to Filed Au . 8, 1951, 9:30 a.m. Francis B. Phillips and Book (8115 of Deeds, page318 Anne L. Phillips, Husband Consideration $1.00 etc. and Wife, as joint tenants. That part of the S.W. 1/4 of the N.E. Doc. No. 2707489 1/4 of Section a, Township 116, Range 21, described as follows: Beginning at the S.E. Corner of the S.W. 1/4 of the N.E. 1/4 of Section $, Township 116, Range 21; thence West along the South line of said S.W. 1/4, 696 feet; thence North, at right angles to said So. line, 418 feet; thence West 209 feet; thence South 418 feet to the So. line of said S.W. 1/4; thence East 209 feet to the place of beginning of parcel herein described, except the South one rod thereof. Subject to restrictions of record, if any. Revenue Stamps $10.45. Regularly witnessed (two witnesses) Acknowledged Aug. 1, 1951 by Oscar Grant and Hanna J. Grant, husband and wife, before Donald S. Burris, Notary Public, Notarial Seal, Hennepin County, Minnesota. Commission expires, July 24, 1956. 1µ Francis B. Phillips and Anne ortgage L. Phillips, husband and wife. Dated Aug. 1, 1951 64 to Filed Aug. 8, 1951, 9 :30 a.m. First Edina State Bank Books S ,g3 of Mtgs., page I (Minnesota Corporation) To secure payment of $8,50t. 0, last Doc. No. 2707490 payment August 1, 1971, 4% monthly, Pre - Payment Privilege. That part of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 8, Township 116, Range 21, described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 8, Township 116, Range 21; thence West along the South line of said Southwest 1/4, 696 feet; thence North at right angles to said South line, 418 feet; thence West 209 feet; thence South 418 feet to the South line of said Southwest 1/4; thence East 209 feet to the place of beginning of parcel herein describ- ed, except the South 1 rod thereof. Assignment of Rgnts and Power of Sale Clauses. Regularly witnessed (two witnesses) Acknowledged Aug. 1, 1951 by Francis B. Phillips and Anne L. Phillips, husband and wife, before Thomas C. Jackson, Notary Public, Notarial Seal, Hennepin County, Minnesota. Commission expires, Jan. 20, 1953. 7 STATE OF MINNESOTA Certificate of Old Age Assistance 65 Vs. # 26653 Annie Phillips Dated Aug. 26, 1946 2429 34 Ave. So., Mpls., Minnesota Filed Aug. 28 1946, 11 :30 a.m. Doc. No. 2391861 File 'Liens, Page 427 of No 214 The Welfare Board of Hennepin County, Minnesota, has granted recipient old age assistance effective August 1, 1946 in the amount of $ per month. This certificate constitutes a lien in favor of the State of Minnesota and notice to all persons of such lien against the real property of the recipient, whether now owned or subsequently acquired, for the amount of assistance hereafter paid to the recipient, but without interest, which lien may be released only in the manner provided by Minnesota Laws, 1939, Chapter 315. The amount of this lien shall be the amount of old age assistance granted and'paid from this date forward as shown by the records of the county agency. 66 No Old Age Assistance Lien Certificates filed in the office of the Register of Deeds, Hennepin County, Minnesota, against the parties hereafter named between the dates set opposite their respective names: Except as shown at entry #65. Hanna Julia Grant or) Hanna J. Grant ) July 5, 1951 Aug. 9, 1951, 7 a.m. Mrs. Oscar Grant July 5, 1951 Aug. 9, 19510 7 a.m. Francis B. Phillips Dec. 31, 1939 Aug. 9, 1951, 7 a.m. Mrs. Francis B. Phillips Dec. 31, 1939 Aug. 9, 1951, 7 a.m. Anne L. Phillips Dec. 31, 1939 Aug. 9, 1951, 7 a.m. (Note: Where any name appears hereon with a middle initial, no search is made as to any names having middle initials different from that shown hereon). 67 Taxes for 1950, lst 1/2 paid; 2nd 1/2 paid per receipt #00129, on North 79 rods of Southwest 1/4 of Northeast 1/4. Assessed in Grant, et al; Edina. 68 Certifications by Title Insurance Company of Minnesota cover records in Register of Deeds' office of Federal Internal Revenue Lien notices, and Minnesota income and inheritnace tax lien notices. 69 For Judgment and Bankruptcy Search see Certificate attached. { 70. Francis B. Phillips and Warranty Deed Anne L. Phillips, his wife Dated October 2, 1956 To Filed October 15, 1956 Oscar Grant and Book 2107 of Deeds, page 278 Hanna J. Grant, as Consideration $1.00 etc. joint tenants That part of the SW4 of the NE4 3034382 of Section 8- 116 -21, described as follows: Beginning at the SE corner of the SW4 of the NE4 of Section 8- 116 --21, thence West along the South line of said SW4, 696 feet, thence North at right angles to said South line, 418 feet, thence West 209 feet, thence South 418 feet to the South line of said SW4, thence East 209 feet to the place of beginning of parcel herein described except the South 1 rod thereof. Subject to restrictions of record if any. Free from all incumbrances except as above set forth, and except first mortgage to the First Edina National Bank. 71. In the Matter of the Estate Probate Court Of Hennepin County, Minnesota Hanna Grant Case. No. 116258 Commenced August 7, 1969 -M An Ordinance Prescribing Adopted June 8, 1959 Procedure for the Approval Filed April 61 1962, 2:30 PM of Plats Requiring payment Book 914 of Mise., page 211 of a fee and Imposing other The Village Council of the Village requirements, including the of Edina, Minnesota, ordains: making of necessary improve- Section 1. Filing; Plats; Fee. ments in Lands previously _ All plats presented for the not platted approval of the Village Council Ordinance No. 263 shall be filed with the Village 33.0754 Manager and shall be accompanied by payment of a plat filing fee which shall be charged by the Village for services to be rendered by employees of the village in processing the proposed plat. The amount of such fee shall be $25.00, plus 41.00 for each lot in the plat, but not to exceed a maximum fee of $100.00. Failure of the Council to approve the plat shall not entitle the person who paid the fee to the return of all or any part thereof; provided, however, that the payment of such fee shall be required only as to plats filed after the date this ordinance becomes effective. Section 2. Street and Lot Grades; Park Dedication. Every plat of previously unsubdivided land, or replat of platted land which requires the dedication of a new street or a change in an existing street, shall not only comply with all applicable provisions of state law and the Zoning Ordinance (No. 261) of.the Village, but shall also show thereon the grade of all streets and the mean grade of the front and rear lines of each lot. In every plat of land not previously subdivided and to be developed for residential purposes, a portion of such land of sufficient size and character shall be set aside and dedicated to the public for public use as parks and playgrounds. Section 3. Re2.ort on Plat. The Village Manager and the Planning Commission shall examine each plat and report thereon in writing to the Council as to the following matters: (a) the accuracy of all measurements and grades shown thereon, and (b) the suitability of the plat from the standpoint of commuAity planning. In the case of the plats mentioned in Section 2, report shall also be made as to the following matters: (c) the adequacy of streets and conformity thereof with existing and planned streets and highways in surrounding areas, (d) the suitability of street grades in relation to the grades of lots and existing or future extensions of the Village's water and storm and sanitary sewer systems, (e) where dedication of such land is required, the sufficiency of land dedicated for park and playground use, and the recommendation of the Park Board regarding such dedication of land, (f) the estimated cost (including engineering and inspection expenses) of grading, gravelling and permanently surfacing streets, installing street signs, and constructing any storm sewers which may be necessary, and (g) the estimated cost (including engineering and inspection expenses), of constructing sanitary sewers and water mains adequate to serve all lots in the plat, provided that connection of such sewers and watermains to the Village sewer and water systems is feasible. However, the owner of the land included in the plat, or his agent, in lieu of having the foregoing costs estimated by the Village, may employ at his expense, a registered professional engineer to prepare (Continued) (Entry No. 72. Continued) preliminary plans and estimates of cost of the necessary improve- ments and submit a written, itemized report thereof to the Village Manager. Advance notice of the employment of such engineer ,shall be given to the Village Manager upon filing of the plat. Section 4. Action by Council. Upon completion of the report specified in Section 3 above, the plat and report shall be trans- mitted to the Council for approval. The Council may (a) grant preliminary approval of plats mentioned in Section 2, or (b) grant final approval of other plats, or (c) refer the plat for further report to the appropriate Village officers or departments, or (d) reject the plat. Section 5. Plats Given Preliminary Approval, When preliminary approval has been given to a plat, the person who filed such plat shall cause all street, water and sewer improvements required by the report thereon to be completed, at his own expense and under the supervision of the Village Engineer, or in lieu of making such improvements, he shall sign a subdivision financing agreement and file a bond to assure performance thereof. Such agreement, to be made between the person filing the plat and the Village, shall obligate the person filing the plat to repay to the Village all costs thereof, through payment of special assessments or otherwise, at least one -third in each of three years, the last payment to be made not later than December 31 of the third year from the year in which special assessments for such improvements are levied; provided, however, that the Village shall not be obligated to enter into such agreement if the developer does not file a bond as hereinafter described or if the Village Council determines that the Village must borrow money to pay its costs of construction under such agreement and such borrowing will jeopardize the Village's credit rating. Such agreement shall also provide that if special assessments have been levied for the making of such improvements against any lot in the plat and remain unpaid upon the transfer of title to such lot, they shall be paid or prepaid in full to the Village Treasurer and the County Treasurer of Hennepin County. The bond herein required shall be given by the developer with a corporation approved by the Council as surety thereon, in�the full amount of all costs of making the improvements specified in the sub- division financing agreement not paid in cash by the developer before or at the time of entering into such agreement, and shall be given for the securing to the Village the payment of all such costs within the period specified in such agreement. Section b. Final Approval of Plat. When a plat has been given pre- liminary approval by the Council and the required improvements have been completed, subdivision financing agreement executed, or bond furnished as herein required, the Village Manager shall submit a finsupplementary report thereon with the plat to the Council for/approv'a'l. Section 7. Street Maintenance. Until a street in a plat has been completed in accordance with the plans and specifications approved by the Village, and the Village engineer has certified as to such comple- tion, the owner shall keep such street, if used for public travel, in a safe condition for such use, at his own expense. The Village shall not be chargeable with the cost of or the responsibility for the maintenance of such street until the completion of such street has been so certified. Section B. Application. Except as herein otherwise provided, this ordinance shall apply £o all plats heretofore filed but not yet given preliminary approval by the Village Council, and to all plats'hereafter filed. (Continued) 73. j (Entry No. 72. Continued) Section 9. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and publication as provided by law. Village Council, Village C. C. Resolution of Edina, Minnesota Adopted January 27, 1958 To Filed April 6, 1962, 2 :30 PM The Public Book 914 of Misc. , page 215 3340756 Resolved by the Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, . that the policy of the Village with reference to the approval of plats of new subdivisions within the Village limits is hereby declared to be as follows: 1. No plat filed as a preliminary plat with the Planning Commission after September 1, 1957, and no plat submitted to the Council for final approval after April 10, 1958, shall be approved unless and until the person, firm or corporation submitting such plat shall have fully complied with the requirements set forth in subdivision (a) or (b) below. (a) All lateral water mains, all lateral sanitary sewers, and any storm sewer and drainage facilities and structures within the platted area which are necessary to provide adequate water and sewer service and adequate drainage for such area must have been construct- ed and installed without expense to the Village, and there shall be filed with the final plat adequate proof that all costs of such construction and installation have been paid in full. (b) In lieu of the above, there may be filed with the plat a bond in the amount and with surety and conditions to be approved by the Council, securing to the Village the actual construction and in- stallation of said improvements without cost to the Village and with- in a period designated by the Council and expressed in the bond, and the payment of all costs thereof. 2. The requirements of paragraph 1 as to lateral water or sewer mains may be waived by the Council in the case of plats or subdivisions in locations to which the municipal water or sewer system is not to be extended within a reasonable time, provided that the requirements thereof relating to storm sewer and drainage facilities shall have been fully complied with, and the platted lots are of the size required to permit individual water and sewage disposal facilities to be construct- ed to established standards. 3. Any or all of the requirements of paragraph 1 may be waived by unanimous vote of the members of the Council at a meeting duly held, in the case of a replat of a previously approved subdivision which does not provide for a new public street and does not increase the original number of platted lots. 4. No plat will be approved after the date of this resolution except upon the conditions above set forth, unless the same was filed with the Planning Commission as a preliminary plat on or before September 1, 1957, and is submitted to the Council for final approval on or prior to April 10, 1958, and, at the discretion of the Council is accompanied by a written agreement executed by the person, firm or corporation submitting the plat, effective upon acceptance by the Council to pay to the Village a sum fixed by the Council, estimated to be sufficient to pay the cost of all improvements of the types described in paragraph 1 which the Village determines to construct and install within the subdivision; such payment to be made in cash or in installments extending over a period not exceeding three years from (Continued) r (Entry No. 73. Continued) � a the time of such construction and installation. The Village will reserve the right to levy special assessments in an amount equal to the cost of said improvements, upon the properties especially benefited thereby, but payments received under any such agreement will be credited by the Village against the special assessments levied therefor. The provisions of this paragraph shall in no event be construed as applying to any plats approved by the Council prior to the date of this resolution. 74., Village Council Certified Copy Ordinance No. 263A Village of Edina Dated January 10, 1966 To Filed January 19, 1966 The Public Book 1029 of Misc., Page 479 3588147 An Ordinance Constituting the Council as the Platting Authority of the Village, Prescribing the Procedure for the Approval of Plats of Subdivisions, Regulating Plats and Subdivisions, and Providing for Relief in Cases of Hardship. The Village Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, Ordains: Section 1. Platting Authority to Approve Plats. The Village Council shall serve as the Platting Authority of the Village in accordance with Minnesota Laws of 1.965, Chapter 670, Section 8 (Minn. St., Sec. 462.358). No plat, replat or subdivision of land in the Village shall be filed or accepted for filing by the Hennepin County Register of Deeds unless it is accompanied by a certified copy of a resolution adopted by the favorable vote of.a majority of the members of the Village Council approving such plat, replat or subdivision. Section 2. Filing Plats; Fee. All plats presented for the approval of the Village Council shall be filed with the Planning Department and shall be accompanied by payment of a plat filing fee which shall be charged by the Village for services to be rendered by employees of the Village in processing the proposed plat. The amount of such fee shall be $25, plus $1 for each lot in the plat, but not to exceed a maximum fee of $100. Rejection of the plat by the Council shall not entitle the person who paid the fee to the return of all or any part thereof. Section 3. Plats to Comply with Law and Zoning Ordinance. (a) Every plat, replat or subdivision of land shall comply with all applicable provisions of state law and the Zoning Ordinance (No. 261) of the Village. (b) Every plat of previously unsubdiviced land, or replat of platted land which requires the dedication of a new street or a change in an existing street, shall also show thereon the grade of all streets and the mean grade of the front and rear lines of each lot. Section 4. Dedication of Land for Parks. In every plat of pre- viously unsubdivided land to be developed for residential use, a reasonable portion of such land shall be set aside and dedicated to the public for public use as parks and playgrounds, but in lieu thereof the subdivider may at his option contribute to the Village an amount of cash equal to the value of the land otherwise required to be dedicated for parks and playgrounds. Any money so paid to the Village shall be placed in a special fund and used only for the acquisition of land for parks and playgrounds. Section 5. Report on Plat. The Planning Commission with the assistance of the Planning Department shall examine each plat and report and make a recommendation thereon in writing to the Council as to the following matters: (a) the accuracy of all measurements and grades shown thereon, and (Continued) if,. (Entry No. 74.continued) (b) the suitability of the plat from the standpoint of community planning. In the case of the plats mentioned in Section 3 (b), report shall also be made as to the following matters: 1' (c) the adequacy of streets and conformity thereof with existing and planned streets and highways in surrounding areas, (d) the suitability of street grades in relation to the grades of lots and existing or future extensions of the Village's water and storm and sanitary sewer systems, (e) where dedication of land is required, the sufficiency of land dedicated for park and playground use, and the recommendation of the Park Board regarding such dedication of land, (f) the estimated cost (including engineering and inspection expenses, of grading, gravelling and permanently surfacing streets, installing street signs, and constructing any storm sewers which may be necessary, and (g) the estimated cost (including engineering and inspection expenses) of constructing sanitary sewers and water mains adequate to serve all lots in the plat, provided that connection of such sewers and water mains to the Village sewer and water systems is feasible. However, the owner of the land included in the plat, or his agent, in lieu of having the foregoing costs estimated by the Village, may employ at his expense, a registered professional engineer to prepare preliminary plans and estimates of cost of the necessary improvements and submit a written, itemized report thereof to the Planning Denar.tment. Aawa.nce notice of the employment of such engineer shall be given to the Planning Department upon filing of the plat. Section 6. Public Hearing. At its next regular meeting after receipt of the report and recommendation of the Planning Commission on any plat, replat or subdivision hereunder, the Village Council shall set a date for hearing thereon, which shall be not later than 60 days after the meeting. A notice of the date, time, place and purpose of the hearing shall be published once in the official newspaper at least ten days before the date of hearing. After hearing the oral or written views of all interested persons, the Council as the Platting Authority shall make its decision at the same meeting or at a specified future meeting thereof. It may by resolution (a) grant preliminary approval of plats mentioned in Section 3 (b), with or without modification, (b) grant final approval of other plats, with or without modification, (e) refer the plat to the appropriate Village officers or departments for further investigation and report to the Council. at a specified future meeting thereof, or (d) reject the plat. Section 7. Plats Given Preliminary Approval. When preliminary approval has been given to a plat, the person who filed such plat shall cause all street, water and sewer improvements required by the resolution granting such approval to be completed, at his own expense and under (continued) 4 (Entry No. 74. continued) 1- the supervision of the Village Engineer, or in lieu of making such improvements, he shall sign a subdivision financing agreement and file a bond to assure performance thereof. Such agreement, to be made between the person filing the plat and the Village, shall obligate the person filing the plat to repay to the Village all costs, thereof, through, payment of special assessments or otherwise, at least one -third in each of three years, the last payment to be made not later than December 31 of the third year from the year in which special assessments for such improvements are levied; provided, however, that the Village shall not be obligated to enter into such agreement if the developer does not file a bond as hereinafter described or if the Village Council determines that the Village must borrow money to pay its costs of construction under such agreement and such borrowing will jeopardize the Village's credit rating. Such agreement shall also provide that if special assessments have been levied for the making of such improvements against any lot in the plat located in the Single Family Dwelling District and remain unpaid upon the transfer of title to such lot, they shall be paid or prepaid in full to the Village Treasurer and the County Treasurer of Hennepin County. The bond herein required shall be given by the developer with a corporation approved by the Council as surety thereon, in the full amount of all costs of making the improvements specified in the subdivision financing agreement not paid in cash by the developer before or at the time of entering into such agreement, and shall be given for the securing to the Village the payment of all such costs within the period specified in such agreement. Section B. Final Approval of Plat. when a plat has been giver_ preliminary approval by the Council and the required improvements have been completed, or subdivision financing agreement executed and bond furnished as herein required, the Village *Manager_ shall submit a sup - plamentary report thereon with the plat to the Council for final approval, which shall be given by resolution. Section 9. Filing Resolution. A certified copy of every resolution adopted under this ordinance granting final approval of any plat shall be filed with the Register of Deeds of Hennepin County. Whenever the plat so approved is of land within the municipality contiguous to another municipality, the resolution shall also be filed with the Clerk of such contigous municipality. Section 10. Street Maintenance. Until a street in a plat has been completed in accordance with the plans and specifications approved by the Village, and the Village Engineer has certified as to such completion, the owner shall keep such street, if used for public travel, in a safe condition for such use, at his own expense. The Village shall not be chargeable with the cost of or the responsibility for the maintenance of such street until the completion of such street has been so certified. Section 11. This ordinance may be referred to as the Platting Ordinance of the Village Section 12. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its adoption and publication in accordance with law, including all portions ;(continued) If (Entry No. 74-continued) 1-. of this ordinance referring to Minnesota Laws of 1965, Chapter 670, notwithstanding that said chapter will not go into effect until January 1, 1966. e; Section 13. Upon being made effective, a certified copy of this ordinance shall be filed with the Register of Deeds of Hennepin County. First Reading: December 20, 1965. Second Reading: Waived. Adopted: December 20, 1965. (Signed) Arthur C. Bredesen, Jr., Mayor Attest: (Signed) Florence. B. Hallberg, Village Clerk. Published in the Edina- Morningside Courier December 23, 1965. Es DI 75. The Village Council of the C. C. ORDINANCE NO. 263A -1 Village of Edina, Minnesota AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE PLATTING To ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE BY REQUIRING The Public UNDERGROUND INSTALLATION OF ELECTRIC - 3688232 AND TELEPHONE LINES First Reading: October 16, 1967 Second Reading,:- November.6, 1967 Published in the Edina Courier November 9, 1967 Filed November 27, 1967 Book 1087 of Misc., Page 621 ORDAINS: Section 1. Sections 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 of Ordi- nance No. 263A (Platting Ordinance) of the Village are hereby renumbered Section 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13, respectively. Section 2. Ordinance No. 263A is hereby amended by adding thereto a new section 5 reading as follows: "Section 5. Under =ground Installation of Electric and Telephone Wires. All new electric distribution lines exc u ing main lines feeders and high voltage transmission lines), telephone service lines, and services constructed within the confines of and providing service to customers in newly platted areas shall be installed underground unless the Coun -- cil shall find, after study and recommendation by the Planning Commis- sion, that (a) the placing of utilities under ground would not be compatible with the development planned; (b) the additional cost of burying such utilities would create an undue financial hardship; or (c) unusual topographical, soil or other physical conditions make underground installation of such lines unreasonable or impractical. The platter shall submit to the Planning Commission a written instru- ment from each of the utilities showing that the necessary arrange - ments have been made with the utility for the installation of said facilities." Section 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage and publication. Section 4. Upon being made effective, a certified copy of this ordi- nance shall be filed with the Register of Deeds of Hennepin County. 7L. For Judgment, Bankruptcy and Tax Search See Certificates Attached. Certifications by North Star Abstract & Title Guaranty, Inc., cover records in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Hennepin County, State of Minnesota as to Notices of Federal Tax Liens, Notices of State Income Tax Liens, and Notices of State Inheritance Tax Liens. ti The North Star Abstract and Title Guaranty, Inc. does hereby certify that it has examined the index to assessments entered in the special assessment books of the Special Assessment Department of the County Auditor's Office, Hennepin County, Minnesota, as the some relates to the following described property: District or Village. Plat Z `5w1 e;CE Parcel as O's— and from such records there appear no unpaid assessment for local improvements or outstanding certificates of assessment sale against the said property, except as stated below, to wit: To compute remaining balance due: multiply annual principal times years remaining, plus interest, if any. Examination of records for pending assessments and special assessments not entered in the special assessment books of the County Auditor made only upon special request. Further: That the TAXES against the above described property as shown by the .records of Auditor and Treasurer of said County for the year 191.are` and for 194—and prior years orella� NAME ASSESSED IN KZ21�2 Witness the signature of an authorized officer of the said company this day of 19 at 7 O'clock A.M. BY NS -AB104 REV 8-69 ftwdA T&4 4&Aad se An Authorized Signature NAME OF IMPROVEMENT ------------------------------------------------------- -- mmm- M�� --------- -- - ------------ TOTAL PRINCIPAL. --- ANNUAI PRINCIPAL- I --- �. N'1 '. Mz EWA To compute remaining balance due: multiply annual principal times years remaining, plus interest, if any. Examination of records for pending assessments and special assessments not entered in the special assessment books of the County Auditor made only upon special request. Further: That the TAXES against the above described property as shown by the .records of Auditor and Treasurer of said County for the year 191.are` and for 194—and prior years orella� NAME ASSESSED IN KZ21�2 Witness the signature of an authorized officer of the said company this day of 19 at 7 O'clock A.M. BY NS -AB104 REV 8-69 ftwdA T&4 4&Aad se An Authorized Signature PHOTO ONLY 11111 .._ The Village Council of the Certified Copy Ordinance No. 801 -1 Village of Edina, Minnesota Dated-- - (Seal) Filed Dec. 18, 1970 77. to Book 70 of Hennepin County Whom it Concerns Records, page 3862+21 (No. 263A -1+ in ordinance arrangement before 1970 codification) An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 801 (263A) to require dedication of land for barks and oven space and land or easements for protection of natural water bodies. (For further particulars see record) Village Council, Village Certified Copy Ordinance No. 801 -2 of Edina, Minnesota Dated-- - (Corporate Seal) Filed Dec. 18, 1970 78. to Book 70 of Hennepin County Whom it Concerns 'Records, page 3862+22 (No. 263A -5 in ordinance arrangement before 1970 codification) An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 801 (263A) of the Village by providing for letter or credit to secure subdivision financing agreement and for recording of agreement. (For further particulars see record) Village Council of the Certified Copy Ordinance No. 801 -A3 Village of Edina, Dated-- - Minnesota (Seal) Filed April 12, 1971 79• to Book 71 of Hennepin County Whom it Concerns Records, rage 3878409 An Ordinance Amending Ordinance Ito. 801 of the Village by providing for Subdivision Financing Agreement and Letter of Credit to Secure Subdivision Financing Agreement and for recording of Agreement and for Final Plat Approval Procedure. (For further particulars see record) Village Council of Certified Copy Ordinance No. 801 -A4 Edina, Minnesota (Seal) Dated-- - 80. to Filed April 12, 1971 Whom it Concerns Book 71 of Hennepin County Records, page 3878410 An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 801 of the Village to Require Land or Easements for Protection of Natural Water Bodies. (For further particulars see record) Village Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota (Seal) 81. to Whom it Concerns Certified Copy Ordinance No. 801 -A5 Dated-- - Filed April 12, 1971 Hook 71 of Hennepin County Records,.page 3878b11 An Ordinance Amending; Ordinance No. 801 of the Village by Providing for Variances. (For further particulars see record) i Village Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota (Seal) 82. to Whom it Concerns platting with residential contribution of cash for Approval Procedure. (For further particulars PHOTO ONLY.` 1111 Certified Copy Ordinance No. 801 -A6 Dated--- Filed September 22, 1971 nook 71 of Hennepin County Pecords, page 3907687 An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 801 of the Village to require rezoning, to require dedication of land or Parks and Playgrounds and for Final Plat see record) City Council of the City of Edina 83. to Whom it Concerns City Council of Edina (Seal) 84, to Whom it Concerns r. Certified Copy Ordinance No.801 -A7 (Seal) Dated - Filed May 16, 1974 Book 74 Hennepin County Records Page 4082542 An ordinance amending ordinance No. 801 of the city providing for rejection of preliminary plats if not finally approved within one year (For further particulars see record) City Council of the City of Edina (Seal) to Whom it Concerns Certified Copy Ordinance No.801 -A9 Dated - Filed May 16, 1974 Book 74 Hennepin County Records Page 4082543 An ordinance amending ordinance No. 801 of the city to require land or easements for protection of natural water bodies. (For further particulars see record) Certified Copy Ordinance No. 801 -A8 Dated - Filed May 16, 1974 Book 74 Hennepin County Records Page 4082544 An ordinance amending ordinance No. 801 of the city to require dedication of land or contribution of cash for public purposes (For further particulars see record) First Edina National Bank Satisfaction of Mortgage (Minnesota Corporation) recorded in Book 2583 of Mtgs., (Corporate Seal) page 149 (See No. 64) 86. to Dated Aug. 29, 1970 Francis B. Phillips and wife Filed Aug. 21, 1970 Book 70 of Hennepin County Records, page 3842576 Change of name from First Edina State Bank to First Edina National Bank registered under Document Number 431642. Joseph C. Vesely Affidavit 87, to Dated Dec. 14, 1972 Whom it Concerns Filed Dec. 21, 1972 Book 72 of Hennepin County Records, page 3990724 Joseph C. Vesely, being first duly sworn upon oath, deposes and says that he is an attorney at law residing in the City of Hopkins, Hennepin County, Minnesota, and having been engaged in his said profession at Hopkins, Minnesota, continuously since 1928. That since sometime in 1929 he was well acquainted with and knew a James Anderson and his wife, Marie Anderson, who were the grantees as joint tenants in a certain deed dated December 10, 1930, and filed for record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hennepin County, Minnesota, on December 31, 1930, in Book 1286 of Deeds, page 377• That the said James Anderson died on October 10, 1933, and a certified copy of the Certificate of Death was filed April 13, 1951 in Book 621 of Miscellaneous page 246, Document No. 2688307, and that his said wife, Marie Anderson, survived him. Further Affiant saith not. In the Matter of the Probate Court, Hennepin County 88. Estate of Minnesota, Case #116258 Hanna J. Grant, also known Certified Copy Decree of as Hannah Grant, Deceased. Distribution Dated Sept. 8, 1970 Filed May 4 -, 1971 Book 71 of Hennepin County Records, page 3881976 Debts Paid. Died testate Jan. 28, 1969 Personal Property: $0.00 Real Estate: Homestead. The East 331.95 feet of the South 524.9 feet of the North 554.9 feet of the SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 of Section 8, Township 116, Range 21, except road. Real Estate Assigned: To Oscar Grant, husband, the whole thereof, in fee. (Shown for Reference.) 11V / In the Matter of the Probate Court, Hennepin County 89. Estate of Minnesota Case No. 122615 Oscar Grant, Decedent Certified Copy Will Dated October 4, 1966 Admitted to Probate May 22,1972. Filed Dec. 21, 1972 Book 72 of Hennepin County Records, page 3990725 I hereby nominate and appoint my wife, Hanna J. Grant as Executrix of this my last Will and Testament, with full power to said Executrix to sell, convey, lease, mortgage or exchange, transfer or assign any real or personal property of which I may die seized or possessed, or which may come into her possession as such Executrix, upon such terms as to my Executrix may seem advantageous to my estate, and I direct her to do each and every act and thing necessary and proper to fully carry out the provisions of this my Last Will and Testament. In the event my said wife shall be deceased or unable to act as such Executrix, I hereby nominate and appoint a person or institution selected by affirmative action of a majority of my daughters who are then surviving as Executor in her place and stead with all the powers given and granted to my said wife as Executrix. (For further particulars see record.) In the Matter of the 90. Estate of Oscar Grant, Decedent Who Died March 27, 1972. Probate Court, Hennepin County, Minnesota Case No. 122615 Certified Copy Letters of Administration C. T. A. Dated May 23, 1972 Filed Sept. 28, 1973 Book 73 of Hennepin County Records, page 4045081 To Dorothy G. Palmer, administratrix cum testamento annexo. Certificate attached shows above letters in full force and effect, Sept. 26, 1973. 91. Taxes for 1974 and Prior Years Paid. Taxes for 1975, Amount, $1,791.00, First 1/2 Paid, Second 112 Not Paid. Assessed in Grant as Non - Homestead; Plat 73608, Parcel 0205, (Edina #24.) 92. Certifications by Title Insurance Company of Minnesota cover records in Register of Deeds' Office as to Federal Internal Revenue Lien Notices, Minnesota Income and Inheritance Tax Lien Notices. Also probate or incompetency proceedings in the indexes to Estates of Deceased persons and Wards in the office of the Clerk of Probate Court. 93. For Judgment and Bankruptcy Search see Certificate attached. ti City Council City of Edina (Seal) 94. to Whom it Concerns City Council City of Edina (Seal) 95- to Whom it Concerns _} Certified Copy Ordinance No. 801 -A13 Dated - -- Filed January 4, 1977 Book 77 of Hennepin County Records, page 4257989 An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 801 to Change Fees Charged for Filing and Processing Plats and Subdivisions (For further particulars see record.) Certified Copy Ordinance No. 801 -A15 Dated - - -- Filed January 4, 1977 Book 77 of Hennepin County Records, page 4257990 An Ordinance Amending the Platting Ordinance (No. 801) to Require the Placing of Signs on Land Proposed to be Platted, Replatted, or Subdivided, and Prescribing a Penalty. (For further particulars see record.) City Council Certified Copy Ordinance City of Edina (Seal) No. 811 -A79 96. to Dated - - -- Whom it Concerns Filed January 4, 1977 Book 77 of Hennepin County Records, page 4257991 An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance (No. 811) By Adding to the Historic Preservation District The City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, Ordains: Section 1. Section 11 of Ordinance No. 811 of the City of Edina is hereby amended by adding the following thereto: "Sec. 9. Boundaries of Heritage Preservation District. The boundaries of the Heritage Preservation District shall include the following described property: The Northeasterly 95 feet of the Southwesterly 145 feet of Lot 15, 'Melvin Grimes Sub- division of Lots 8, 9 and 10, Grimes Homestead', according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Hennepin County, Minnesota;" and other lands which are hereafter added to this paragraph by amendments to this ordinance. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and publica- ti.on. First Reading: August 2, 1976. Second Reading: October 18, 1976 Published in the Edina Sun on November 3, 1976. 97 M City Council City of Edina (Seal) to Whom it Concerns City Council City of Edina (Seal) to Whom it Concerns Dorothy G. Palmer as Administrator C.T.A. of the Estate of Oscar Grant, deceased to Thomas E. Hosek and Carol I. Hosek, husband, and wife, joint tenants Certified Copy Ordinance No. 801 -Al2 Dated - -- Filed January. 4 , 1977 Book 77 of Hennepin County Records, page 4257992 An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 801 to Require Dedication of Land or Contribution of Cash for Public Purposes. (For further particulars see record.) Certified Copy Ordinance No. 801 -A14 Dated - - -- Filed January 4, 1977 Book 77 of Hennepin County Records, page 4257993 An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 801 by Requiring Payment of Connection Charges When R -2 Lots are Subdivided and Existing Townhouses Platted or Subdivided. (For further particulars see record.) Administratorls C.T.A. Deed Dated Sept. 29, 1975 Filed Oct. 1, 1975 Book 75 of Hennepin County Records page 4167380 Consideration: $1.00 etc. The Nortli 401.5 feet of the South 418 feet of the West 209 feet of the East 905 feet of the South- west Quarter of the Northeast Qi }arter of Section 8, Township 116, Range 21, Hennepin County, P,"innesota . State Deed Tax Stamps $83.60 Signature recites Dorothy G. Palmer as Administratrix C.T.A. of the Estate of Oscar Grant, Deceased 100. r Thomas E. Hosek and Mortgage Carol I. Hosek,_ husband Dated Sept. 29, 1975 and wife Filed Oct. 1,1975 to Book. 75 of Hennepin County Records Dorothy G. Palmer, Administratrix page 4167381 C.T.A. of the Estate of Oscar To Secure: $3+,000.00 Grant, deceased, Hennepin County (For further terms and conditions Probate File No. 122615 see record) That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 8, Township 116, Range 21, described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 8, Township 116, Range 21,'thence West along the South line of said Southwest Quarter 696 feet; thence North at right angles to said South line, 418 feet; thence West 209 feet; thence South 418 feet to the South line of said Southwest Quarter; thence East 209 feet to the place of beginning of parcel.herein described, except -the South 1 rod thereof. In the Matter of the Estate . 101. of Oscar Grant, Deceased Probate Court, Hennepin County, Minnesota Case No. 122615 Certified Copy Decree of Distribution Dated March 24, 1976 Filed April 9.. 1976 Book 76 of Hennepin County Records, page 4.200996 (.See Exhibit A hereto attached) 174— /Gdp Ncane . �..r. . C 1•c Decree of Distribotioo 420099S �. State of Minnesota, j IN PROBATE COURT � ` 5.. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN File .t'u... 122615-'- .... ........ ......... ... . ...... ! . ' In the hfatter of the Esufe of Oscar Grant Decree of Distribution ! .. .... ... ........ ... ... ... ... . ... Dr-ceascd. 24th The oborc entitled matter rao.c on. to be heard on the ...... .... .... . ................................. .. -..... - .dollof .................. _ .. - -. 1976" sport the pr4itiu11 . of the J•rtn•rs,r,tofirr of staid cstote for f ' the distrib+ttion of the residue of —id estate to the persons thereuntu cutiticd. - . sac 1 ,.f.+fr a+ ' The rep#- s,i a ice of pp,orcd _ -d the wrxt.ten ... conscnt. to_the..a4owance -..of —° the Final Account and issuance of Decree of Distri-butign signed by DOROTHY G. PALMER, t4 Rg ROBERTA G. EWALD, AWNE PHILLIPS and BETTY DAHLIN, is on file herein. I :F ir .fwd the court herring considend the eridowc pr.Nlurcd at said l+rorin_s the ar.6uments of counsel, 4+ and the flan and records in ,•aid raatler, finds tl+e follo+ring )'acts: E FIRST —Thal notice .,f said has bern dulrryt¢,ylm n � yfi�my�jt {{ jiyf j(jp (� r xfatt2taxp)hnkiac;C�urauc waived as provided by law. SECOXD —That the said e -late hus born in all re,prrt..- fully otbuini..drrrd, and the capenses of the i administratiurt thereof and of the lo,t siebr+c•s and burial of said decedcol, and oll claims allowed q nyainst said estate bare &en fully paid__- ..... --------°--------... .... °• °- °-...................... ............... ............................. a ........... and that staid rrprescrdafire has Bled_.. - her ..... _ ......... _. ...._. ..... ... .. .... ....... ... .._..- . -._.. - -------- - ---- -- f+nal acror+ut herein+ +(•hirh has 1. cn settled and allured by the Court. and the allowance of the Final Account, ei'n re uested, together with the entry of Decree by all distributees in writing t as provided sgtatute. p THIRD —'that said decedent died .-..- ..testate on the .... Z. 7th ............._----.._..-._._.-._.._-- .- ..__.---•--_.._....... -..__ dery o <.. -•. Mar:Ch- .__ -__ 19.747-- leaving a last Will and Testament which was duly admitted' to Probate and to record in and by this Court on the 22nd day of May, 1972, whereby he gave, devised and bequeathed his entire estate, real,.personal and mixed, to his wife, Hanna J. Grant. In the event that his wife did not survive him, i he then gave, devised and bequeathed unto said DOROTHY G. PALMER, one of his daughters his interest in and to a Contract for Deed dated December 9, 1961, wherein said decedent is the vendor and Thomas C. Lunacek and Margaret P. Lunacek, his wife as ' joint tenants, are vendees of Lot 16, Block 4,-Second Division of Remington Park, _ Hennepin County, Minnesota_ 5i.= That all the rest and residue of the property in saib estate is devised and be- , t queathed to his said 'four daughters, DOROTHY G. PALMER, ROBERTA G. EWALD, ANNE PHILLIPS -' and BETTY DAHLIN,in equal shares. That Hanna J. Grant, wife of said decedent predeceased ,`•b4,•..�` ":, ;• said decedent. That Dorothy G. Palmer, Roberts G. Edwald, Anne Phillips and Betty Dahlia, • ._ daugV,rs f s id decedent survi ed.sai,� de edentt,, That gor to purpose df ecua�izing tie dcistribution as provided by -said Will, the four above named legatees have filed a Petition and Consent -to ttis Court and thereby agreed that the real estate mortgage hereinafter described which constitutes a part of the assets of said estate and is duly recorded'in the office of the•Regisiez CC of Deeds of Hennepin County,'*.innesota, on October 1, 1975, Book 75 HCR, Page 4167381 Q be by decree assigned and vested in the following named persons as follows: Dorothy G. Palmer an undivided ten percent (19 %) thereof ry' Roberta G. Ewald an undivided thirty percent (302) thereof \ Anne Phillips an undivided thirty percent (302) thereof Betty Dahlin an undivided thirty percent (302) thereof If, A. 7 S' 1. . . - ft' (Exhibit A) 4. - - A �I 2 1 J — :_i t :r A , i .' lr ;j (fl Q- Q i' • 1 i r K: fc$ df�+sa5 tnsC *trac Jmtixn3rc, mxmraxar;K7aM"rttl�ixr]a cA4iimi(31,x3:s(cc@FAfkmkFii riu�nafi xzo aask Xis e XkA it- ......................... .....................__........ _ .... ............................ ................................... ..BjtX:xFfX�XiF WT�F1L:a na*. i; w' sr/t- rC. hcr7;; mza: t^ wrlitir. �: trnXfixrnxsirlacrrnr,^•, �:z vf, rdrxtrxsoxmxirlxrfxm�mliti� ;lnfktrA(iu k;D AS CONCLUSIONS OF LAW, The Court finds that the provisions of said Will a valid and operative in the State of Minnesota; To Dorothy G. Palmer, the Vendor's interest in the Contract for Deed hereinabove described; absolutely. To Dorothy G. Palmer, an undivided ten percent (103); Roberta G: Ewald, an undivided thirty percent (303); Anne Phillips, an undivided thirty percent (303); and Betty Dahlia, an undivided thirty percent (3016) of that certain mortgage wherein Thomas E. Hosek and Carol I. Hosek, husband and wife, are the Mortgagors more fully hereinabove described; absolutely. To Dorothy G. Palmer, Roberta G. Ewald, Anne Phillips and Betty Dahlin, all the rest and residue of said estate in equal shares. absolutely. And that the Decree of this Court should be made and entered herein, assigning and distributing the same to them accordingly. Now, Therefore, On, motion of ......... J.0 seph.. C ....Ves.ely..as..- attorne-y. ... for-the - ..representat: va -.•..- .... .... ...... ......... .. .. ............... ­1 1 ............ I—_ _1 __ I., ......... ­ --...------...-..,...----...-..-.-... ..- ......- .- ..- ......-_.. -... -..... ..._. w—uxaxexkxSixx of said e..late, and by virtue of the power and atathority rested in this Court. by late, IT IS IIERERY ORDERED, ,IDJUDRED .1.%•D DECREED, and the said Court does hereby ORDER, .4DJUDGE .1XD DECREE, that all and sin£ular the above described personal property be, and the same hereby is oasilsned to and vested in the above naned persons, in the follouiras proportions and estates, to-uzl: Real estate mortgage dated September 29, 1975, wherein Thomas E. Hosek and Carol I. Hosek, husband and wife, are the mortgagors and Dorothy G. Palmer as Administratrix C.T.A. of the estate of Oscar Grant, deceased, Hennepin County Probate File No, 122615 is the Mortgagee, said mortgage being in the original principal sum of $34,000.00 and encumbering the following described premises situated in Hennepin County, Minnesota, viz.-. That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 8, Town- ship 116 North, Range 21 West of the 5th Principal Meridian, described as fol- lows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of the Southwest Quarter of the North- east Quarter of Section 8, Township 116, Range 21; thence West along.the South line of said Southwest Quarter 696 feet; thence North at right angles to said South line, 418 feet; thence West 209 feet; thence South 418 feet to the South line of said Southwest Quarter; thence East 209 feet to the place of beginning of parcel herein described, except the South one (1) rod thereof, which mortgage is duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds, Hennepin County, Minnesota, on October 1, 1975, in Book 75 HCR, Page 4167381, to each of Roberta G. Ewald_, Anne Phillips and Betty Dahlin an undivided thirty percent (30%) thereof, and to Dorothy'G. Palmer the remaining ten percent (108) thereof, absolutely Vendor's interest in that certain Contract for Deed dated December 9, 1961, wherein Oscar Grant, deceased, and Hanna J. Grant, his wife, are named as the Vendors and Thomas C. Lunacek and Margaret P. Lunacek, his wife, are named as the Vendees of the following described premises situated in Hennepin County, Minnesota, viz: Lot 16, Block 4, Second Division of Remington Park, according to the plat • thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Hennepin County, Minnesota, to Dorothy G. Palmer, the whole thereof.. absolutely. f t i' { 3 _ t --- f�_Y `i a ;l. l 4 i FOU/iTJI —That the residue of the estate of said decrrlent for distribution f0 i td o the 4 ing property, to-wit: f follore .• (.a) Personal property o the zaly<e a $_.__105,349.52 {j r f j the 101lowine Items, •-- __- .fotnprising i 1_ Contract for Deed dated December 9, 1961, wherein Oscar Grant, deceased, Margaret P. Lunacek, his wife as joint tenants, are the vendees of the following de- and Hanna J. Grant, his wife, are named as the Vendors and Thomas C. Lunacek aid scribed premises situated in Hennepin County, Minnesota, viz: ! Lot 16, Block 4, Second Division of Remington Park, according to the ! plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of r Deeds in and for Hennepin County, Minnesota. That the balance due on said Contract for Deed is $8,318.25. { 2. Real Estate mortgage dated September 29, 1975, wherein Tno ^as E_ F?OSek + and Carol I. Hosek, husband .and wife are the mortgagors'and Dorothy G. Paler as Ac:rini- stratrix C.T.A. of the. estate of Oscar Grant, deceased, Hennepin County Probate File l No. 122615, is the mortgagee, said mortgage $34,000.00 and encumbe ring the following describedin premises1situatediinithe County of 1: Hennepin, State of Minnesota, viz; That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 8, Township 116 North, Ran ---- ge 21 Telest of the 5th Principal Meridian; described- ?.- as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 8, Township 116,' Range 21; tyerce west r° along the South line of said Southwest Quarter 696 feet; thence !:orth at L right angles to said South line, 418 feet; thence West 209 feet; thence South 418 feet to the South line of said Southwest Quarter, thence East` 1 209 feet to the beginning Place thereof, re innin of parcel herein described, except the South one (1) rod thereof, ., which mortgage is duly recorded in the office'of the Register of Deeds, Hen, County, tt Minnesota, on October 1, 1415, in Book 75 RCR,' Page No. 4167381. That the present balance t due 3. said Contract Deed is $33,896.70, y 3. Cash { • r -` (B) (teal property deseriltd as folloycs: The homestead of decedent .ituate'in the C014wt3y of ii -' -' " _" - - - • - - -- , Stott of Jlinnf . ta, described as j�yllou +s, to-uit.7 , NONE; i.Ak_ co a Y t .. cc ' h (C) Other land lyring and being in the County of-- •••--- .Henng t r State of .Minnesota, desfribed as follwrs, fo-uif: p, , fr Lot 16, Block 4, Second Division Of Remington Park, according to the Plat on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in it1 and for Hennepin County, Minnesota, subject to Executory Contract for Deed set forth and described in Paragraph A above. CASH to Dorothy G. Palmer, Roberta G. Ewald, Anne Phillips and in equal shares; absolutely. Betty Dahlin,- -Ind that the title to the above deseribeJ real estate .................... in the llb"I-C I'll WC4. persons i,t the fullozrinjV proloortiv�! "d is b?"by to aced ve s I ed ................. .......... .. ....................... I ............ - ............ h,,., . .......... ........................... ............ . ........ . ... I'Ot 16, Block 4, Second Division of Plat thereof on Remington Park, according to the file and of record in the Office Of the Re Deeds in and for Hennepin county, Minnesota, gister of to Dorothy G. Palmer, in fee, subject to a contract for deed dated December 9, lb6l wherein Oscar Grant, deceased,.and Hanna J. Grant his wife, are named as - the Vendors and Thomas C. Lunacek and Margaret P. Lunacek, his wife, as joint tenant vend . ees. s are the 'J tU irl CA To Have and to Hold the same, tn6lhrr with all th'r. b0r,)"� " "plairtmone" therellpito hcbv ' "o '" ("Y"-;"' t, the ,,i,l 11"We WIM"I and withol't pojl,di�,' Aheir., , hourrer. to ................... ........... thereof by s,ji,l ,r any of the„t, herelolore Inelf14. or U,Jy part Dafcdal -11innesola, tllis._ .24th .......... (1,1!1 . ...... .............. .................. I9 ..Z6 7.6 Filed, March 24th 1976 i f . .. .......... - ... . . ... . .............................. Clerk- of Probate Coz4ri Judge of 1,rolate. 4, ENTERED. r. Fh atiCE DwIsION CoutiTY!'Mititz 4 HE34tALFIN f xL z -Z3 cb 0 Li C z 4J: r 'Ir I 0 L 0 123 U o -tt Z: Oi z 0 4, Thomas E. Hosek and Carol I. Hosek, Husband and Wine 102. to First Edina National Bank, A National Banking Association 103. Name of Debtor: Thomas E. Hosek Carol T. Hosek Address of Debtor: 5600 Dewey Hill Rd Edina, Minnesota Name of Secured Party: Minnesota Gas Company Address of Secured Party: 739 Marquette Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 Names of Record Owners: Thomas E. Hosek Carol I. Hosek Doc. No. 4254542 north at right angles of said south line feet, thence south 418 feet to the south east 209 feet to place of beginning. Mortgage Dated April 30, 1976 Filed June 11, 1976 Book 76 of Hennepin County Records, page 4212417 To Secure: $20,144.39 (For further terms and conditions see record) The North 401.5 feet of the South 418 feet of the West 209 feet of the East 905 feet of the South - west Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 8, Township 116, Range 21, Hennepin County, Minnesota. Financing Statement Dated - Filed Dec. 21, 1976 File No. 7155 This Financing Statement covers the following types or items of property: 1 -LG 105 -H -3 International Furnace, Proceeds The described goods are or are to be affixed to Thai.-. Part of Southeast 1/4 of Northeast 1/4, Section 8, Township 116, Range 21 Commencing at Southeast corner of Southwest 1/4 of Northeast 1/4, Section 8., Thence west along the south line of said southwest 1/4 696 feet, thence 418 feet, thence west 209 line of southwest 1/4 thence 104. Taxes for 1976 and prior years, paid. Taxes for 1977 amount $879.80, not paid, (Base tax amount $879.80). Assessed in the name of Hosek, homestead; Plat 73608, Parcel 0205, (Edina #24). 105_ Certifications by Title Insurance Company of Minnesota cover records in Register of Deeds' Office as to Federal Internal Revenue Lien Notices, Minnesota Income and Inheritance Tax Lien'Notices. Also probate or incompetency proceedings in the indexes to Estates of Deceased persons and Wards in the office of the Clerk of Probate Court. 106. For Judgment and Bankruptcy Search see Certificate attached. 753452 Verified by CERTIFICATE ON JUDGMENT LIEN, FEDERAL TAX LIEN AND BANKRUPTCY DOCKETS THE COMPANY HEREBY CERTIFIES that it has made a search of the Judgment Lien and Bankruptcy Dockets in the following named Courts: District Court, Fourth Judicial District, Hennepin County, Minnesota, United States District Court, District of Minnesota, Fourth Division, and finds no bankruptcy proceedings and no unsatisfied judgments and no undischarged notices of Internal Revenue Tax Liens appearing therein against the names hereon between the dates set opposite the respective names, except as shown hereon. THE COMPANY FURTHER CERTIFIES that it has made a search of the Federal Tax Lien Docket in the United States District Court, District of Minnesota, Third Division, and finds no undischarged notices of Internal Revenue Tax Liens against the names hereon, between the dates set opposite the respective names, except as shown hereon. ( Note: Where any name appears hereon with a middle initial, no search is made as to any names having middle initials different from that shown hereon.) NAMES I ' DATES Dorothy G. Palmer, as ) Administratrix of the Estate ) of Oscar Grant, deceased ) Aug. 25, 1975 Thomas E. Hosek I Feb. 17, 1967 Mrs. Thomas E. Hosek I Feb. 17, 1967 Carol I. Hosek I Feb, 17, 1967 Oct. 2, 1975 Feb. 18, 1977, 7AM Feb. 18, 1977, 7AM Feb. 18, 1977, 7AM Dated at Minneapolis, this 1 8th day of February 19--L7 TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF MINNESOTA � a Form No 8 By Z,____� -(�Y F �,�` -� 6 L.'4).. Secretary y� No.— 711637 Verified by CERTIFICATE ON JUDGMENT LIEN, FEDERAL TAX LIEN AND BANKRUPTCY DOCKETS THE COMPANY HEREBY CERTIFIES that it has made a search of the Judgment Lien and Bankruptcy Dockets in the following named Courts: District Court, Fourth Judicial District, Hennepin County, Minnesota, United States District Court, District of Minnesota, Fourth Division, and finds no bankruptcy proceedings and no unsatisfied judgments and no undischarged notices of Internal Revenue Tax Liens appearing therein against the names hereon between the dates set opposite the respective names, except as shown hereon. THE COMPANY FURTHER CERTIFIES that it has made a search of the Federal Tax Lien Docket in the United States District Court, District of Minnesota, Third Division, and finds no undischarged notices of Internal Revenue Tax Liens against the names hereon, between the dates set opposite the respective names, except as shown hereon. (Note: Where any name appears hereon with a middle initial, no search is made as to any names having middle initials different from that shown hereon.) NAMES Oscar Grant July 16, 1970 Dorothy G. Palmer as Administratrix of the Estate ) of Oscar Grant, deceased ) July 16, 1970 DATES March 28, 1972 Aug. 26, 1975.7AM Dated at Minneapolis, this 26th day of August —19 75 TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF MINNESOTA Form No 8 $ � C.�.,� t„� -• -"'' Asst. Secretary General The North Star Abstract and Title Guaranty, Inc. does hereby certify that there are no unsatisfied judgments docketed in the District Court, Fourth Judicial District for Hennepin County nor in the United States District Court, District of Minnesota. Fourth Division against the persons or corporations named below between the dates shown, to wit: From: To: Oscar Grant Jul. 16, 1960 Jul. 17, 1970 7AM Hanna J. Grant or ) Jul. 16, 1960 Jul. 17, 1970 7AM Hanna Julia Grant ) Mrs. Oscar Grant Jul. 16, 1960 Jul. 17, 1970 7AM That there are no unsatisfied notices of Federal Internal Revenue Tax liens appearing of record in the office of the Clerk of the United States District Court, District of Minnesota, Fourth Division nor in the office of the Clerk of the United States District Court, District of Minnesota, Third Division against the persons or corporations named above within the above dates. That no proceedings inbankruptcy have been instituted in the United States District Court, District of Minnesota, Fourth Division, against the persons or corporations named above within the above dates. NOTE: No search made as to the parties the middle initial of whose name is other than as stated hereon. Women not searched by undisclosed name or initials of husband. Issued by said company This 17th Day of July -1970 at 7 O'clock A.M. / &dA Sf24 44d4a t 9 c1i,% lqkr aajs , JInc. BY An Authorized Signature NS -AB110 -A It T. D.. 463311 Verified O V d 6 y CERTIFICATE ON JUDGMENT LIEN AND BANKRUPTCY DOCKETS THIS CERTIFIES that we have searched and examined the Judgment Lien and Bankruptcy Dockets in the fol. lowing named Courts: District Court, Fourth Judicial District, Hennepin County, Minnesota. United States Circuit Court, District of Minnesota, Fourth Division. United States District Court, District of Minnesota, Fourth Division. We find no bankruptcy proceedings and no unsatisfied judgments or notices of Internal Revenue Tax Liens appearing therein against the names hereon, between the dates set opposite the respective names, except as shown hereon. (Note: Where any name appears hereon with a middle initial, no search is made as to any names having middle initials different from that shown hereon.) NAMES DATES Hanna Julia Grant or Hanna J. Grant ) July 5, 1951 Mrs. Oscar Grant July 50 1951 Francis B. Phillips Oct. 160 1930 Mrs, Francis B. Phillips Oct. 16, 1930 Anne L. Phillips Oct. 16, 1930 K Aug. 9, 1951,7AM Aug. 92 195117AM Aug. 9, 1951,7AM Aug. 9, 195117AM 9. 1951.7AM 4 i 1 h Dated at Minneapolis, this 9th day of AUgU B t 19_53-- TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF MINNESOTA Fee S 5.00 Form No. 8, L.P. 7- 50 -30M By �' 1 Asst. Secretary No :50 5 67 6 Verified by CERTIFICATE ON JUDGMENT LIEN AND BANKRUPTCY DOCKETS THIS CERTIFIES that we have searched and examined the Judgment Lien and Bankruptcy Dockets in the fol. lowing named Courts: District Court, Fourth Judicial District, Hennepin County, Minnesota. United States Circuit Court, District of Minnesota, Fourth Division. United States District Court, District of Minnesota, Fourth Division. We find no bankruptcy proceedings and no unsatisfied judgments or notices of Internal Revenue Tax Liens appearing therein against the names hereon, between the dates set opposite the respective names, except as shown hereon. (Note: Where any name appears hereon with a middle initial, no search is made as to any names having middle initials different from that shown hereon.) NAMES DATES i Robert J. Anderson Oct. 16, 1930 Jan. 2, 1931 James J. Anderson Oct. 16, 1930 Aug. 11, 1933 Mrs. James Anderson Oct. 16, 1930 Nov. 26, 1935 Marie Anderson Oct. 16, 1930 Nov. 26, 1935 Hanna Julia Grant or ) Hanna J. Grant ) Oct. 16, 1930 July 6, 1951,7AM T-'irs. Oscar Grant Oct. 16, 1930 July 6, 1951,7AM Except as follows: District Court, Fourth Judicial District `--- -- P. J. Sheehan Judgment $255.98 vs mated May 24, 1;935 14arie Anderson, et al Doclreted May 27, 1935 4246 - Dight Ave. So. Case No. 361082 M. A. Selvig, Atty. Municipal Court Transcript (Partially Satisfied in the sum of $60.54, Sept 14, 1940.) r NQ search made versus the name M. Anderson with middle initial. No search made versus the name J. Anderson with middle 111nitlal. Dated at Minneapolis, this 6th day of July 19. 21 TITLE INSUR NCE COMPANY OF MINNESOTA Fee $ 6.00 ; Form No. 0, L.P. 7- 50 -30M By Asst. Secretary AA