HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-02-17 City Council Work Session Meeting PacketAgenda City Council Work Session City of Edina, Minnesota VIRTUAL MEETING Call 800-374-0221, enter Conference ID 9865283 to listen to meeting Wednesday, February 17, 2021 5:30 PM I.Call To Order II.Roll Call III.City's Use of Task Forces IV.City Council Retreat Topics V.Adjournment The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampli$cation, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Date: February 17, 2021 Agenda Item #: III. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Reports / Recommendation From:MJ Lamon, Community Engagement Coordinator Item Activity: Subject:City's Use of Task Forces Discussion CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None. Discussion only. INTRODUCTION: Staff update and council discussion regarding the City's use of Task Forces. ATTACHMENTS: Description Advisory Groups Overview City Manager Task Force Charge: Flood Risk Reduction Strategy City Council Task Force Charge: Housing Strategy Task Force Presentation Established 2016; Updated 2020.04.24 Advisory Groups Advisory Groups Advisory Groups Advisory Groups OverviewOverviewOverviewOverview.... There are a variety of reasons why advisory groups are utilized: • Local governments often use a variety of resident advisory groups to complete the mission of the City. • The City of Edina has established the following definitions to detail how each group is established, comprised, different and/or similar. • The term “Public Meeting” refers to a meeting that is required to be open to the public by the state Open Meeting Law. Only public meetings require meeting notice and a record of meeting minutes. Advisory groups or the City Council may at times invite or allow members of the public to attend meetings even if they are not a legal “public meeting.” For example, a Task Force could choose to hold an open house or allow the public to observe. City of Edina has four types of advisory groups 1. Boards and commissions 2. Committees (Sub-committees) 3. Working Groups 4. Task Forces The following chart shows who establishes what type of resident advisory groups and who that group is directed by. This section is to assist staff liaisons with the definitions and roles of each group. Purpose. Purpose. Purpose. Purpose. Boards and commissions are established in Edina City Code. They are advisory and work at the discretion of City Council. Boards and commissions may create committees and working groups to assist them with their work plan, however, committees and working groups work at the direction of the whole board or commission. The role of a committee or working group is to study issues in greater depth, to report findings back to the Board or Commission or to assist with community initiatives or events. Task Forces are created when a topic arises requiring a separate team. They too are asked to study the issues in greater depth and report back to the City Manager or Council. City Council Boards & Commissions Committees Commission Members Only Working Groups Commission Members Public Members City Council or City Manager Task Forces City of Edina Advisory Groups Established 2016; Updated 2020.04.24 Membership & Guidelines.Membership & Guidelines.Membership & Guidelines.Membership & Guidelines. BOARDS & COMMISSIONSBOARDS & COMMISSIONSBOARDS & COMMISSIONSBOARDS & COMMISSIONS MembershipMembershipMembershipMembership • Members are selected by City Council. • Membership consists of regular and student members. • All appointments have term limits • Subject to Open Meeting Law • The City Manager appoints a staff liaison who provides administrative support to the board/commission as a body GuidelinesGuidelinesGuidelinesGuidelines • Boards and commissions are established to advise the City Council • Establishment and missions are outlined in City code • Boards and commissions are on-going • Meetings of boards and commissions are public meetings • Commissions can establish committees and working groups COMMITTEESCOMMITTEESCOMMITTEESCOMMITTEES MembershipMembershipMembershipMembership • The commission selects at least two, but less than a quorum of members • All members must be members of the commission • The commission selects a temporary Committee Chair • The committee elects their own chair and notifies the Commission • Not subject to Open Meeting Law GuidelinesGuidelinesGuidelinesGuidelines • Committees are established with the approval of the commission to assist with a work plan initiative • The commission has final recommendations on all matters which the committee has been given guidance • Staff does not provide support to committees • Meetings of Committees are not public meetings WORKING GROUPSWORKING GROUPSWORKING GROUPSWORKING GROUPS MembershipMembershipMembershipMembership • A Working Group is comprised of one or more members of the Board/Commission, but less than a quorum of members and includes members of the public • Commission selects the Working Group Chair. • The working group chair will recommend to the commission other working group members who are outside of the Board/Commission. The board/commission appoints additional working group members. • The Chair may also nominate a co-chair who is not a board/commission member. • Not subject to Open Meeting Law GuidelinesGuidelinesGuidelinesGuidelines • Established with the approval of the commission • Created when work requires more support • Set timeline • Notice is given to the public of the formation of the working group providing a minimum of 14 days for the public to express interest before members are selected • Commission has final recommendations on all matters of the working group • Staff liaison does not support working group • Meetings of working groups are not legally required to be public Established 2016; Updated 2020.04.24 TASK FORCESTASK FORCESTASK FORCESTASK FORCES MembershipMembershipMembershipMembership • Members are selected by City Council or City Manager • Members may be residents and non-residents; including City staff and board/commission members but may not include City Council members or other elected officials • Every Task Force has a staff liaison(s) appointed by the City Manager • The Task Force chair and vice chair are appointed by the City Council or City Manager. Officers can be any Task Force member, including city staff or staff liaison GuidelinesGuidelinesGuidelinesGuidelines • Must use “Task Force” as part of the group title • Task Forces have a limited life span and scope. They are formed to study a specific topic or activity, and typically last one year or less • The primary deliverable is a report to the City Council or City Manager that includes findings and recommendations. The City Manager will determine who will write the report (e.g., staff, consultant, or task force chair.) • Meetings of Task Forces are not considered public meetings unless designated as such by the City Council • Task Force membership size is typically 5-7 individuals • Not subject to Open Meeting Law EDINA ADVISORY TASK FORCE I FLOOD RISK REDUCTION STRATEGY I CITY OF EDINA Page 1 CITY MANAGER TASK FORCE PROJECT: FLOOD RISK REDUCTION STRATEGY PURPOSE Support the City’s development of a strategy to address flood risk and resiliency. OBJECTIVE Provide recommendations to inform a Flood Risk Reduction Strategy to be considered for adoption by the City Council and incorporation as a major amendment to the City’s Comprehensive Water Resources Management Plan. METHODOLOGY - Learn about technical challenges and opportunities from the Expert Panel (EP) - Review policies and practices of other communities - Review past City studies/initiatives - Promote conversations with stakeholders to evaluate community values - Apply gained knowledge on technical feasibility and community values to weigh tradeoffs - Participate in defining the flood risk service target for the stormwater utility TIMELINE June 2019 through December 2019 KEY DATES June 2019 City Manager appoints Task Force members September 4, 2019 Task Force presents recommendations to City Council (work session) December 17, 2019 City Council considers adoption of the final Flood Risk Reduction Strategy COMMITMENT - Appointed members will be asked to fulfill their work until Council adopts the final Flood Risk Reduction Strategy in December 2019 - Appointed members should expect to meet at least monthly with additional off-line work - Appointed members should consider project timeline prior to appointments MEETINGS - The Task Force will establish their schedule including meeting times and dates as needed to complete the work - The Task Force will be invited to attend meetings with the Expert Panel - Conclusion of work must fall into the indicated timeline - Meetings are open to the public LEVEL OF AUTHORITY EDINA ADVISORY TASK FORCE I FLOOD RISK REDUCTION STRATEGY I CITY OF EDINA Page 2 CITY MANAGER The City Manager has the authority to: - Establish and appoint Task Force members - Appoint/remove members as he sees fit - Designate the Staff Liaison and any additional staff support needed - Authorize financial resources - Enter into a service contract with a subject matter expert/consultant TASK FORCE The Task Force has the authority to: - Conduct public engagement and collect input using the City’s public engagement protocols - Provide input on the strategy - Make a recommendation on the final Flood Risk Reduction Strategy which will be presented to Council for consideration TASK FORCE LEADERSHIP The City Manager will designate a member of the Task Force to serve as the Chair and another member as the Vice Chair. The role of the Chair will be to: - Prepare the meeting agenda - Lead meetings and facilitate discussions - Maintain meeting decorum - Encourage participation of all members The Vice Chair will support the Chair as needed and perform the Chair duties if the Chair is unavailable. STAFF LIAISON The City Manager will designate the staff liaison to the Task Force. The role of the Liaison will be to: - Support the Task Force Chair in preparing agendas and meeting materials - Provide technical expertise and access to City resources - Relay information from City Manager to Task Force and vice versa - Submit packet materials for City Council review The Task Force does not direct the work of the liaison. RESOURCES AVAILABLE The Task Force will have access to City resources available for advisory groups i.e. marketing/communications, meeting supplies, etc. Also, see City Manager’s level of authority. OUTCOMES A Flood Risk Reduction Strategy that: - Incorporates local challenges, opportunities, knowledge, and community values EDINA ADVISORY TASK FORCE I FLOOD RISK REDUCTION STRATEGY I CITY OF EDINA Page 3 - Incorporates voices from throughout the City of Edina. The Morningside neighborhood has been identified in the Comprehensive Water Resources Management Plan as a focal geography for case study; however, outcomes from the strategy development ought to be able to scale city-wide. - Identifies action steps for building community capacity to address flood risk and resiliency in Edina. MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION The City of Edina’s Volunteer Edina program will manage the recruitment, application and onboarding process. CONSIDERATIONS & COMPOSITION The City Manager will appoint up to seven members with a variety of perspectives and experiences on flood risk and resiliency from throughout the City. EDINA ADVISORY TASK FORCE I HOUSING STRATEGY I CITY OF EDINA Page 1 CITY COUNCIL TASK FORCE CHARGE PROJECT: EDINA HOUSING STRATEGY PURPOSE Support the City’s development of a comprehensive housing strategy. OBJECTIVE - Gather information, perspectives and provide analysis that assists in the development of a comprehensive housing strategy for the community. - To review the current state of housing options in Edina. - To recommend an optimal composition of housing options to the City Council to ensure the long term fiscal and social health and viability of the community. - To propose a strategy to the City Council that seeks to achieve that optimal composition. STRATEGIES Stage 1: - Obtain public input on experiences with housing in Edina - Study other communities and best practices - Review past City studies/initiatives, including the 2006 Housing Succession Plan Stage 2: - Develop a recommendation for City Council using information from stage 1 The Housing Strategy Task Force will advance its proposed deliverables to the Planning Commission for a Review and Comments action prior to advancing the same deliverables to the City Council. TIMELINE - May 2019 through December 2019 KEY DATES May 7, 2019 Council authorizes the establishment of City Council Task Force June 4, 2019 City Council appoints Task Force members STAGE 1: GATHER INFORMATION/EXPLORATORY Aug. 7, 2019 Task Force presents initial findings report for Council to affirm (work session) STAGE 2: HOUSING STRATEGIES/RECOMMENDATION Dec. 3, 2019 Task Force presents final strategy to Council Dec. 17, 2019 Council adopts final strategy COMMITMENT EDINA ADVISORY TASK FORCE I HOUSING STRATEGY I CITY OF EDINA Page 2 - Appointed members will be asked to fulfill their work until Council adopts the final strategy in December 2019 - Appointed members should expect to meet at least monthly with additional off-line work - Appointed members should consider project timeline prior to appointments MEETINGS - The Task Force will establish their schedule including meeting times and dates as needed to complete the work - Conclusion of work must fall into the indicated timeline - Meetings are public LEVEL OF AUTHORITY CITY COUNCIL The establishment and appointments of a City Council Task Force are conducted by the Council. The Council has the authority to appoint/remove members. CITY MANAGER The City Manager has the authority to: - Designate the Staff Liaison and any additional staff support needed - Authorize financial resources - Enter into a service contract with a subject matter expert/consultant - Make recommendations to Council on adjustments to this Task Force charge TASK FORCE The Task Force has the authority to: - Conduct public engagement and collect input using the City’s public engagement protocols - Make adjustments/refinements to the strategy based on input and research - Recommend the final strategy which will be presented to Council for consideration TASK FORCE LEADERSHIP City Council will designate a member of the Task Force to serve as the Chair and another member as the Vice Chair. The role of the chair will include: - Prepare agenda - Lead meetings and facilitate discussions - Maintain meeting decorum - Encourage participation of all members The Vice Chair will support the Chair as needed and perform the chair duties if the Chair is unavailable. STAFF LIAISON City Manager will designate the staff liaison to the Task Force. Liaison role includes: - Support Task Force chair in preparing agendas and meeting materials - Provide technical expertise and access to City resources EDINA ADVISORY TASK FORCE I HOUSING STRATEGY I CITY OF EDINA Page 3 - Relay information from City Council to Task Force and vice versa - Submit packet materials for City Council review The Task Force does not direct the work of the liaison. RESOURCES AVAILABLE - The Task Force will have access to City resources available for advisory groups i.e. marketing/communications, meeting supplies, etc - Also, see City Manager’s level of authority OUTCOMES - Comprehensive housing strategy with the following priorities: o Types of housing o Sizes o Affordability o Location MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION The City of Edina’s Volunteer Edina program will manage the recruitment, application and onboarding process. CONSIDERATIONS & COMPOSITION City Council will appoint up to seven members with a variety of perspectives and experiences on housing in the community. City Council Work Session Task Forces February17, 2021 Agenda •Edina Advisory Groups Overview •Engagement Techniques & Best Practices •Current Use of Task Forces & Past Task Forces •Considerations & Questions EdinaMN.gov 2 Supporting Council EdinaMN.gov 3 Council StaffAdvisory Groups Decide Strategy Advise Council Community Perspective Manage operations, Implement Policy, Advise Council Technical Analysis Council •Make policy-level decisions •Hire & supervise City Manager •Approve-Budget and related work plan-Ordinances and policy decisions -Development proposals-Variances and rezoning requests •Appoint advisory boards and commissions Staff •Provide best efforts and technical advice to Council •Manage operations and staff •Propose budget and policies •Carry out Council decisions •Deliver services •Equitable enforce codes and policies Advisory Boards, Commission & Task Forces •Provide community perspective on values and needs •Propose work plan items •Advise the council through work plan charges •Hold hearings as directed by Council •Assist as directed in work plan with engagement efforts Edina Advisory Groups EdinaMN.gov 4 City Council Boards & Commissions Committees Working Groups City Council OR City Manager Task Force EdinaMN.gov 5 •To solicit information from diverse perspectives •To solicit input over time on complex topics •To help an organization that is “stuck” •To have a regular form of conduit for communication to the community •When you need an expertise in a specific area Use of advisory groups EdinaMN.gov 6 Advisory Groups Membership EdinaMN.gov 7 Boards & Commissions (Residents) Committees (Commission Members Only) Working Groups (Commission Members + Public Members) Task Force (as defined) Subcommittees? Past Task Forces: •Liquor Operations •Flood Risk Reduction Strategy •Braemar Master Plan •Housing Strategy Task Force •Streets Funding •Complete Count Committee •Partners in Energy •Human Services •Race & Equity* Boards & Commissions: •Planning •Heritage Preservation •Community Health •Energy & Environment •Human Rights & Relations •Parks & Recreation •Transportation •Arts & Culture •Board of Appeal & Equalization •Construction Board of Appeal Advisory Groups EdinaMN.gov 8 Advisory Groups EdinaMN.gov 9 Commission Committee Working Group Task Force Tenure Ongoing Temporary Temporary Temporary Scope Work Plan Work Plan Item Work Plan Item Task Force Charge Members Residents Commission members only Commission + public members As defined OML Required Not required Not required Not required Staff Yes No Not typically Yes Reports To Council Commission Commission Council or Manager Task Force Charge •Template •-Purpose (objective and strategies) •-Timeline •-Level of authority •-Resources available •-Outcomes •-Membership EdinaMN.gov 10 EdinaMN.gov 11 Task Force Roles Council or City Manager •Approve charge •Establish work scope Chair •Lead meetings •Develop agenda Members •Fulfill charge •Represent the group as a whole Staff Liaison •Technical expertise •Connect to city resources •Communicate between TF & City Council •Hire & manage consultants as needed Success •Appoint an experienced chair •Clearly defined scope & outcome •Clearly defined roles staff, members, consultant •Clearly defined out •Education and Training of TF members •Selection of TF members EdinaMN.gov 12 •Scope too broad or not followed •Time commitment and resources required from members (limits diversity) •Role confusion of chair, liaison, task force members, consultants & council. •Task Force role in developing additional engagement •Time to onboard and education •Management of budget and consultants (staff function) Challenges EdinaMN.gov 13 •Creating ownership •Defining the problem •Identifying community values •Understanding different perspectives •Analyzing alternatives •Significant time and resources are available (members and City) •When there is no other advisory group in place Task Forces -useful when EdinaMN.gov 14 •Unclear missions or direction •Large scope issues •Decisions that need to be made quickly •Legal or politically charged topics •Organizations with limited resources or staff time Task Forces –Not as useful when EdinaMN.gov 15 1. Could the work be done by Council, staff, or another existing advisory group? 2. Will the Task Force reveal a different outcome? -What perspectives or expertise are needed 3. Do we have the time and resources? -How much education/onboarding will need to be provided -Can this work be completed in a realistic timeline Some Considerations EdinaMN.gov 16 Task Forces •In our use of Task Forces, where have we been successful/less successful? •How do we more effectively use of Boards, Commissions, Committees, Working Groups, & Task Forces? •How should we use Task Forces in the future? Council Discussion EdinaMN.gov 17 Date: February 17, 2021 Agenda Item #: IV. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Reports / Recommendation From:Lisa A. Schaefer, Assistant City Manager Item Activity: Subject:City Council Retreat Topics Discussion CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None. Discussion only. INTRODUCTION: The council retreat is scheduled to be held on March 4, 5-9 p.m. and March 13, from 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. One session of the retreat will be reserved to begin development of the 2022-2023 Budget Work Plan. Staff will seek feedback and direction for additional retreat topics.