HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-02-24 Planning Commission Regular Meeting PacketAgenda Planning Com m ission City Of Edina, Minnesota VIRTUAL MEETING Wednesday, February 24, 2021 7:00 PM Watch the m eeting on cable TV or at EdinaMN.gov/LiveMeetings or Facebook.com/EdinaMN. To participate in Public H earings: Call 800-374-0221. Enter Conference ID 1443039. Give the operator your name, street address and telephone number. Press *1 on your telephone keypad when you would like to get in the queue to speak. A City sta9 member will introduce you when it is your turn. I.Call To Order II.Roll Call III.Approval Of Meeting Agenda IV.Approval Of Meeting Minutes A.Minutes: Planning Commission February 10, 2021 V.Public Hearings A.Conditional Use Permit with v ariance Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, 500 Blake Road South B.B-21-04, Variance request for 5301 60th Street VI.Reports/Recommendations A.Sketch Plan Review - 4404 Valley View Road VII.Chair And Member Comments VIII.Sta 4 Comments IX.Adjournment The City of Edina wants all res idents to be c om fortabl e bei ng part of the publi c proc ess . If you need as s is tanc e i n the way of heari ng am pli 8c ation, an interpreter, large-print doc um ents or s om ethi ng els e, pleas e c al l 952-927-8861 72 ho urs in advance of the m eeting. Date: F ebruary 24, 2021 Agenda Item #: I V.A. To:P lanning C o mmis s io n Item Type: Minutes F rom:Liz O ls on, Adminis trative S uppo rt S p ecialist Item Activity: Subject:Minutes : P lanning C ommission F eb ruary 10, 2021 Action C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED : Approve the minutes from the F ebruary 10, 2021 P lanning C ommission. I N TR O D U C TI O N : AT TAC HME N T S : Description Minutes Planning Commis s ion February 10, 2021 Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: ___, 2020  Page 1 of 2       Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Planning Commission Electronic WebEx February 10, 2021 I. Call To Order Chair Nemerov called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. II. Roll Call Answering the roll call were: Commissioners Miranda, Berube, Strauss, Cullen, Bennett, Agnew, and Chair Nemerov. Staff Present: Cary Teague, Community Development Director, Kris Aaker, Assistant Planner, Emily Bodeker, Assistant Planner, MJ Lamon, Community Engagement Coordinator and Liz Olson, Administrative Support Specialist. Absent from the roll call: Commissioner Olsen. III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda Commissioner Miranda moved to approve the February 10, 2021, agenda. Commissioner Strauss seconded the motion. Motion carried. IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes A. Minutes: Planning Commission, January 27, 2021 Chair Nemerov stated there were a lot of comments made during the sketch plan item and he thought that the minutes captured a handful of them. He wondered how this should be handled and should people view the video for the full comments. Mr. Teague explained for full comments to rely on the video, if there is something specific missed the Commission could add to the list. Chair Nemerov stated he did not have anything to add but maybe indicate in the minutes for people to review the video for the full comments. Mr. Teague stated that could be added to the minutes, especially for sketch plans. Commissioner Strauss moved to approve the January 27, 2021, meeting minutes with additional language about clarification that the full information would be obtained by watching the video. Commissioner Agnew seconded the motion. Motion carried as amended. V. Special Recognitions and Presentations A. Updated Information on Better Together Edina & Public Hearings Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: ___, 2020  Page 2 of 2     Community Engagement Coordinator Lamon made a presentation to the Commission on changes that have taken place in Edina regarding Public Hearings and Better Together Edina. Ms. Lamon responded to questions from commission members. VI. Public Hearings A. Continue Public Hearing to February 24, 2021. Conditional Use Permit Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, 500 Blake Road South Assistant Planner Aaker explained the Planning Commission is asked to continue the public hearing to February 24, 2021 for the Conditional Use Permit for Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church at 500 Blake Road South. Motion Commissioner Miranda moved that the Planning Commission continue the public hearing for a Conditional Use Permit for Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church to the February 24, 2021 Planning Commission meeting. Commissioner Berube seconded the motion. Motion carried. VII. Reports/Recommendations None. VIII. Correspondence and Petitions None. IX. Chair and Member Comments Chair Nemerov updated the Commission on an upcoming annual meeting. He noted bylaws will be reviewed. He indicated there will also be training with the City Council on March 24, 2021. X. Staff Comments None. XI. Adjournment Commissioner Miranda moved to adjourn the February 10, 2021, Meeting of the Edina Planning Commission at 7:24 PM. Commissioner Strauss seconded the motion. Motion carried. Date: F eb ruary 24, 2021 Agenda Item #: V.A. To:P lanning C ommis s ion Item Type: R eport and R ec ommend ation From:Kris Aaker, Assis tant P lanner Item Activity: S ubject:C ond itio nal Use P ermit with varianc e S hepherd o f the Hills Lutheran C hurc h, 500 Blake R oad S o uth Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED : Approve the Conditional U se P ermit with variance as submitted I N TR O D U C TI O N : T he C hurch is proposing renovation of the existing parking lot areas on-site. T he improvements are to be phased with the entire parking lot design submitted for review including a future drop-off canopy. AT TAC HME NT S : Description Staff Memos Better Together Public Hearing Comment Report Applicant Narrative and Plans Civil, Grading, and Drainage Plans February 24, 2021 Planning Commission Kris Aaker, Assistant City Planner PUBLIC HEARING: Conditional Use Permit with a 5.41- foot setback variance for parking resurface improvements and entrance canopy for Shepherd of the Hills Church at 500 Blake Road South. Information / Background: Shepherd of the Hills Church, the applicant, has submitted a phased plan for improvements to the existing parking lot and drive aisles on the property located at 500 Blake Road South. No decrease in parking space is proposed with the resurfacing plan providing one additional parking stall. A future south façade drop-off canopy is also proposed. To accommodate the application, the following is requested: A Conditional Use Permit for the existing religious institution. Religious Institutions are a conditional use within the R-1, Single Dwelling Unit District. Parking facilities and other uses which are accessory to conditional uses, are permitted by section 36- 435(3) of the zoning ordinance. A 5.41-foot setback variance on the south side of the middle lot to allow slightly less than a 3- foot expansion along the south edge of the lot to accommodate code compliant standardized parking stalls and drive aisles. SUPPORTING INFORMATION The property has been occupied by Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church since 1957 and will continue to operate as a church use into the future. The church is proposing to renovate the existing nonconforming parking lot structure as it currently exists. There will be some formalization of parking space size, drive aisle widths, and geometries that will slightly modify the location of existing spaces and curbing. Shepherd of the Hills indicated they are not proposing to add any parking, but also do not want to reduce any parking spaces. The plan will result in an increase in one parking stall. Maintaining the existing lot and parking spaces reduces the potential STAFF REPORT Page 2 for on street parking in the residential neighborhood and helps to accommodate larger events including funerals and weddings. The parking areas are showing cracks in asphalt and deterioration in sidewalks, curbing, and in the stormwater grading. The CUP with variance will allow the church to renovate the aging parking lot and bring the parking stalls and drive aisles up to city code standards. The construction will be a phased based on funding with the middle/central parking lot, which is the one directly south of the building, to be renovated first. The church has submitted the entire parking lot build-out design for CUP review. The church has indicated they do not have funding to renovate the entire parking lot at one time. The plan is coordinated in phases to implement quickly once funding can be obtained in the future. The design of a future south façade drop-off canopy is also being submitted and shown in plan. The church is not expecting to build this structure during the initial phase of the project. The church would like to install footings for the structure during the initial phase which would eliminate the need to remove, patch and repair the new construction to install the footings. The renovated parking lot will include these items: 1. New pavement and parking space striping. 2. New concrete curbing for the parking and drive areas. 3. A pedestrian friendly path to the building entrance. 4. New concrete sidewalks. 5. Upgraded site lighting. 6. A rain garden that infiltrates a portion of the storm water. 7. Better control of the rainwater in the southeast and northwest parking areas. 8. A connection between the southeast parking lot and the main parking area. 9. Elimination of the Maloney access to the northwest parking area. 10. A future entrance canopy. The renovated parking lot is expected to operate in a similar fashion as it does now. One exception is having a connection between the smaller lot in the southeast end of the property and the main parking lot. This connection will make more parking available to people that might have gone through the main lot without finding a spot, without having to go out onto Blake Road. Another exception is to eliminate the parking access drive from Maloney at the northwest parking lot and installing the access so that it comes from the main driveway through the property. Circulation within the site will be improved with one fewer drive aisle connection to a street. The City prefers fewer driveway connections to streets if possible. The applicant is asking to extend the boundary of the main parking lot, which is south of the building, between 2 and 3 feet to the south. This would be between the northeast corner of the property at 6404 Mendelssohn Lane and the trash enclosure at the west end of the Church property. The parking lot curb line and the property line are not parallel which results in a setback dimension that varies. The current setback between the existing curb and the property line varies between 10"-0" on the east end to about 7'-6" on the west end. The new setbacks would be about 7'-8" on the east end and about 4'-5" on the west end. STAFF REPORT Page 3 By increasing the setback, the church has stated it will relieve the site of the practical difficulties of nonconforming aisles and parking lot stall size - all drive aisles for the 60-degree parking can be 18'- 0" wide and the Parking spaces can all be 18'-0" x 9'-0" which meets the zoning ordinance. Without the setback change the parking spaces and drive aisles would each be smaller and nonconforming. Surrounding Land Uses Northerly: Single Family Residences; zoned R-1, Low Density Residential and Guided Low Density Residential. Easterly: Single Family Residences; zoned R-1, Low Density Residential and Guided Low Density Residential. Southerly: Single Family Residences; zoned R-1, Low Density Residential and Guided Low Density Residential. Westerly: Single Family Residences; zoned R-1, Low Density Residential and Guided Low Density Residential. Existing Site Features The subject property, 500 Blake Road South, is in the south west corner of Blake Road and Maloney Ave. and is the current site of the Shepherd of the Hills Church with existing parking lot. The church also currently owns a residential dwelling unit property adjacent to the west at 6424 Mendelssohn Road, (west of the church) . Planning Guide Plan designation: PSP, Public/Semi-Public Zoning: R-1, Single Dwelling Unit District Site Circulation, Traffic & Parking No additional parking spaces are required with the proposed project, Parking requirements for churches and other religious institutions are based on the maximum seating capacity of the largest places of assembly. The sanctuary space will remain with the same number of exiting seats. No change is proposed for interior spaces of the building, no changes in program planning and no increase in capacity is proposed for the building. STAFF REPORT Page 4 Building/Building Material The building materials on the proposed canopy addition will match the existing building. No other building materials will be changed as part of the project. Engineering The Engineering Department has reviewed the subject property for street and utility concerns, grading, stormwater, erosion, sediment control and for general adherence to the relevant ordinance sections. The Engineering memo is attached. Compliance Table City Standard Proposed Canopy South Side – Parking Middle lot/ South Side– Parking South West and East lots 50 - feet 10 feet/7.5 - feet existing nonconforming 10 feet interior/20 feet to ROW 80+- feet 4.59- feet* (2.9 -feet closer) (matching existing nonconforming) PRIMARY ISSUES/STAFF RECOMMENDATION Conditional Use Permit Primary Issues • Are the plans proposed reasonable to minimize impacts for the conditionally permitted Use? Yes, the proposal is an existing parking resurface and will not impact surrounding properties. The proposed project is the resurfacing and slight reconfiguration of existing parking areas on the subject property. The traffic generated from this project will remain the same, have minimal impact on the surrounding intersections and does not currently change the level of service. Per the requirements of a conditional use permit it can be determined that the project: 1. Does not have an undue adverse impact on governmental facilities, utilities, services or existing or proposed improvements. 2. Will generate traffic within the capacity of the streets serving the property; 3. Does not have an undue adverse impact on the public health, safety or welfare; STAFF REPORT Page 5 4. Will not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of other property in the vicinity; 5. Conforms to the applicable restrictions and special conditions of the district in which it is located; and 6. Is consistent with the comprehensive plan. Staff believes that the above criteria are met. Churches are a Conditional Use in the R-1 zoning district in the City. The Church use on the property currently exists and is not expanding on site. The site would not have an adverse impact on governmental facilities, utilities, or services. The existing roads will continue to support the site with reduced curb cut access to Maloney Ave. The parking lot resurfacing of existing conditions will not change existing impact on adjacent property. • Is the proposed variances justified? Minnesota Statues and Section 36-98 of the Edina Zoning Ordinance require that the following conditions must be satisfied affirmatively. The proposed variance will: 1) Relieve practical difficulties that prevent a reasonable use from complying with ordinance requirements. Reasonable use does not mean that the applicant must show the land cannot be put to any reasonable use without the variance. Rather, the applicant must show that there are practical difficulties in complying with the code and that the proposed use is reasonable. Shepherd of the Hills church and associated parking currently have non-conforming setbacks on site with previous setbacks obtained and approved in years past. The proposed setback variance will allow for the parking to be more code compliant, increase interior circulation with one less driveway connection to a street, (Maloney). The southeast and west lots will be designed to tie into the existing parking areas more appropriately improving interior circulation. The practical difficulty is the existing nonconforming location of the church and parking lots. The proposal makes minimal changes with new interior circulation changes providing convenient and safe access within the church property. 2) There are circumstances that are unique to the property, not common to every similarly zoned property, and that are not self-created? The existing parking layout and building allow for the proposed improvements to be possible in just a few locations. The proposed layout was determined by the existing nonconforming conditions. Due to the location of the existing building and parking areas, there are limited opportunities for parking area changes to occur. The proposed lot re-arrangement is within STAFF REPORT Page 6 the confines of existing setbacks except for the middle lot which is currently less than 3 feet closer than existing to the lot line. 3) Will the variances alter the essential character of the neighborhood? The proposed variances will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood. The building will remain with the new canopy matching the existing building materials. Parking areas will have improved interior circulation and provide one less connection to a street. Staff Recommendation Recommend that the Planning Commission approve the Conditional Use Permit with a 5.41- foot setback variance for parking resurface improvements and entrance canopy at Shepherd of the Hills Church at 500 Blake Road South. Approval is subject to the following findings: The proposal meets the conditional use permit criteria in Section 36-305 of the City Code and Minnesota Statues and Section 36-98 of the Edina Zoning Ordinance for variance approval. Approval is subject to the following Conditions: Subject to staff approval, the site must be developed and maintained in substantial conformance with the following plans, unless modified by the conditions below: Plans date stamped January 8, 2021 and February 10, 2021. • Canopy materials presented at the Planning Commission and City Council meeting. • Screening is to be installed between the main lot and west residential property as per section 36-1457of the City Code. The property owner is responsible for replacement of 6-foot-tall solid wall fencing along the middle and south east lots if removed or needs replacement and all required landscaping that dies. • The Final Lighting Plan at permit application must meet all minimum requirements per Section 36- 1260 of the City Code. • Compliance with the conditions and comments listed in the Engineer’s memo. Deadline for a city decision: May 7, 2021 DATE: 2/4/2021 TO: Cary Teague – Planning Director FROM: Zuleyka Marquez, PE – Graduate Engineer RE: 500 Blake Rd S – Conditional Use Permit Review The Engineering Department has reviewed the subject property for street and utility concerns, grading, stormwater, erosion and sediment control and for general adherence to the relevant ordinance sections. This review was performed at the request of the Planning Department; a more detailed review will be performed at the time of building permit application. Plans reviewed included Site Survey, Summary of Work The applicant proposes resurface and modify existing parking areas. Easements No comments. Grading and Drainage The existing site drains to the north and south. Most of the existing parking lots drain south via stormwater pipe into Mirror Lake to the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District. The north and northwest parking lot drain north via surface flow to the Minnehaha Watershed District. With the proposed changes to the northwest parking lot, that drainage pattern will be shifted south. Stormwater Mitigation A Grading and Drainage Plan and Drainage/Hydraulic Engineering Design Report were reviewed. The applicant proposes to install a filtration basin with 430 CF of capacity. Applicant to submit final as-built showing site grades and filtration basin. Rate and volume are reduced to the north and south subwatersheds. Floodplain Development No comment. Erosion and Sediment Control An erosion and sediment control plan was not submitted for review. A plan may be required at permit review depending on the amount of soil disturbance proposed. Street and Driveway Entrance The applicant proposes to close the curb cut on Maloney Ave. Standard plate 500 applies to the new curb and gutter. The applicant also proposes modifications and replacement of two other existing driveway entrances on Blake Rd S. This work will require driveway entrance permits and inspections. Standard plate 410 applies to commercial driveway aprons. Note, at least 50’ are required from between the driveway and the nearest return of the intersection of two streets. Applicant to redesign and demonstrate compliance. Maloney Ave was reconstructed in 2011. Refer to standard plates 540 and 543 apply for any road damage. Additionally, reconstruction of Blake Rd S is planned for 2022. Note, bicycle facilities are planned along Blake Rd S and Maloney Ave and a primary sidewalk along Blake Rd S. In anticipation of the 2022 Blake Road reconstruction, city staff anticipates some need for temporary easements. City staff would suggest moving the shrub lines of the SE parking lot, west. This would limit potential impacts with the city’s project. Public Utilities No comment. Miscellaneous The site is located within subwatersheds HO_9 and ML_20, which drain to Minnehaha Creek and Nine Mile Creek, respectively. Nine Mile Creek Watershed permit and/or Minnehaha Creek Watershed permits may be required. Applicant to verify with watershed districts. A well is located onsite at 6424 Mendelssohn Lane, Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church property. State law requires that a well that is not in use must be sealed unless the property owner has a maintenance permit for the well (Minnesota Statutes, section 103I.301). Applicant to coordinate with the Minnesota Department of Health and provide the City with a well sealing record. Survey Responses 30 January 2019 - 18 February 2021 Public Hearing Comments Better Together Edina Project: Public Hearing: Conditional Use Permit at 500 Blake Road South, Shepherd of the Hills VISITORS 7 CONTRIBUTORS 1 RESPONSES 1 0 Registered 0 Unverified 1 Anonymous 0 Registered 0 Unverified 1 Anonymous Respondent No:1 Login:Anonymous Email:n/a Responded At:Feb 02, 2021 07:37:30 am Last Seen:Feb 02, 2021 07:37:30 am IP Address:n/a Q1.First and Last Name Anne Kaminsen Q2.Address 404 Arthur Street, Edina, MN 55343 Q3.Comment From the description, this sounds like a worthwhile project and I'm sure it will make the church look even better. I love the addition of a pedestrian path and a rain garden. It's not clear to me what impact this would have in terms of potential road closures (maybe none since it is a parking lot), but if there is impact it would of course be great to minimize it where possible/communicate it to neighbors ahead of time. Thank you! Application for an Amendment to the Conditional Use Permit Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church 500 Blake Road South The property has been occupied by Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church since 1957 and operates as a typical church. Church operations are intended to continue into the future. The church desires to improve the aesthetic appeal of the building and grounds to create a better invitation and welcome to members, guests, and the neighborhood. Over the last several years the church has been able to fund a variety of improvements both inside and outside the building. The parking lot, though functional, needs aesthetic improvement. The aging of the parking structure is showing with cracks in asphalt, sidewalks, curbing, and in the stormwater grating. Approval of the CUP would allow the church to renovate the aging parking lot and beautify the property. The church is proposing to renovate the existing parking lot structure as it currently exists. There is some formalization of parking space size, drive aisle widths, and geometries which are being proposed which slightly modifies the location of existing spaces and curbing. Shepherd of the Hills is not proposing to add any parking, but also does not want to lose any parking spaces. Parking spaces are most valuable by reducing street parking, which is appreciated by the neighbors, but also during larger events such as funerals and weddings. The renovated parking lot is expected to operate in a similar fashion as it does now. One exception is having a better connection between the smaller lot in the southeast end of the property and the main parking lot. This connection would make more parking available to people that might have gone through the main lot without finding a spot, without going out onto Blake Road. Another exception is to eliminate the parking access drive from Maloney at the northwest parking lot and installing the access so that it comes from the main driveway through the property. The church does not believe they have the funding to renovate the entire parking lot currently. They are proposing to renovate the largest and most central parking lot which is the one directly south of the building. They have submitted the entire parking lot design to the review process in hopes of gaining the CUP for the entire project. That way, the parking lot design is coordinated and once funding can be obtained, move swiftly ahead with construction in the future. The design of a future drop-off canopy is also being submitted. The church is not expecting to build this structure during the initial phase of the project. The church would like to install footings for the structure during the initial phase which would eliminate the need to remove, patch and repair the new construction to install the footings. The renovated parking lot will include these items: 1. New pavement and parking space striping. 2. New concrete curbing for the parking and drive areas. 3. A pedestrian friendly path to the building entrance. 4. New concrete sidewalks. 5. Upgraded site lighting. 6. A rain garden that infiltrates a portion of the storm water. 7. Better control of the rainwater in the southeast and northwest parking areas. 8. A connection between the southeast parking lot and the main parking area. 9. Elimination of the Maloney access to the northwest parking area. 10. A future entrance canopy. Thank you for your consideration! Ed ina, Hennep in, MetroG IS, Edin a, Henn epin , MetroGIS | © WSB & Associates2013, © WSB & Associa tes 2013 500 Blake Road January 26, 2021 1 in = 94 f t / 607 sq ft1'-3.6" 18'-9.4"18'32'-8"68'-3" 18 '9'9'18'9'18'(10) EQUAL SPACES = 90'-0"18 '9'7'-6"8'9'18'18'-0"117'18'9' 36'8'18'5'18'6'-6" 40'-2"18' -0 " 8'-10"12'-5"16'-11"62'-6"13'-8"8'-11"8' 18'4'-5"7'-8"18'-3" 24'18'10'197'-5"12'18'26'-6"18'27' 54' 4'-6"18' 4'-6"17'-11"11'-11"20'5'18'28'-4"207'-10"197'-5"10'20'20'20'20'20'10' 20'10'83'-2"11'-1"83'-2"EXISTINGRETAININGWALLRAISEDCROSSWALKPHASE 1WITHIN LINESPROPERTY LINE31199923333331133PROPERTY LINE EXISTINGSIGNPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTYLINE911PROPERTY LINE3355551313933111155343211111231119CANOPY ABOVE -SHOWN WITHDASHED LINES17141616161618181PHASE 1 WITHINLINESPHASE 1 WITHINLINESTAPERED CURBTAPERED CURBTAPEREDCURB1919202020EDGE OF EXISTINGBITUMINOUS CURBEXTENT OF BUMPEROVERHANG ALLOWEDEDGE OF EXISTINGTREELINETAPERED CURBCROSSWALK20PARKING SETBACKPARKING SETBACKPARKING SETBACKTRENCH DRAINALONG CURBPROPERTYLINEPROPERTY LINEPARKINGSETBACK666666623244432121232221EXISTINGCONCRETESURFACEBITUMINOUS PARKING AREA & DRIVEWAYEXISTING TRASHENCLOSUREEXISTINGRAMBLERWALK-OUTEXISTINGBITUMINOUSDRIVEWAYEXISTING CONCRETE SURFACEBITUMINOUS DRIVEWAY EXISTING BITUMINOUS PARKING AREA & DRIVEWAYMALONEY AVENUEBITUMINOUSPARKING AREAMENDELSSOHN LANEBLAKE ROAD EXISTINGSHLCBUILDINGPED.PED.PED.PED.PED.1920191013899BITUMINOUS PARKING AREA & DRIVEWAYBITUMINOUSPARKING AREADROPOFFEXISTINGSINGLEFAMILY HOMEEXISTINGSINGLEFAMILY HOMEEXISTINGSINGLEFAMILY HOMECHURCHPROPERTYTYP. SPACE = 9' x 18'60° PARKING ANGLER 3'R 3'R 3'R 4'R 4'R 3'R 3'R 3'R 5'(19) EQUAL SPACES =(19) EQUAL SPACES =R 5'60°90°TYP. SPACE = 9' x 18'90° PARKING ANGLETYP. SPACE = 9' x 18'60° PARKING ANGLE60°18 TOTAL SPACESR 10'R 22'15 TOTAL SPACES60°R 3'60°23 TOTAL SPACES90°TYP. SPACE = 9' x 18'90° PARKING ANGLE(8) EQUAL SPACES =7(20) EQUAL SPACES =(13) EQUAL SPACES =TOTAL PHASE 1PARKING SPACES = 63ACC.AISLEACC.AISLEFILTRATION BASINR 3'ACC.AISLER 6'-8"FUTURE EXPANDEDEXISTINGR 3'R 10'R 9'R 3'300 SEATS IN THE SANCTUARY/3 = 100PARKING SPACES REQUIRED85 PARKING SPACES SOUTH LOT + 15SPACES NORTH LOT + 18 SPACES WESTLOTS = 118 SPACESR 26'(4) EQUAL SPACES = (6) EQUAL SPACES =R 5'R 15'R 5'R 15'R 3'UPUPR 10'20 SHRUBS @ 4'-0" O.C.15 SHRUBS @ 4'-0" O.C.16 SHRUBS @ 4'-0" O.C.31 SHRUBS @ 4'-0" O.C.16 SHRUBS @ 4'-0" O.C.19 SHRUBS @ 4'-0" O.C. 10 SHRUBS @ 4'-0" O.C.R 5'R 5'310 FOURTH AVENUE SOUTHSUITE 1000MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55415TEL: 612.333.2279FAX: 612.339.2336CONSULTANTCERTIFICATIONI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTSUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSEDPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATEOF MINNESOTA.DATE:PRINTED NAME:REG. NO. 51331COMMISSION NO.:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:DATE:BID ISSUE DATE:REVISION DATES:PROJECT TITLEOWNERSHEET TITLESHEETSHEET NO.OF500 BLAKE ROAD SOUTHEDINA, MN 55343NATHAN M. LICHTYNLNL10/26/2020PLOT DATE:SHEPHERD OF THE HILLS18-11NOVEMBER 20, 2020XLUTHERAN CHURCHPARKING LOT RENOVATIONSHEPHERD OF THE HILLSLUTHERAN CHURCHNOVEMBER 20, 2020500 BLAKE ROAD SOUTHEDINA, MN 55343PRELIMINARY DRAWINGNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONSITE SURVEY 310 FOURTH AVENUE SOUTH SUITE 1000 MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55415 TEL: 612.333.2279 FAX: 612.339.2336 CONSULTANT CERTIFICATION I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY REGISTERED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. DATE: PRINTED NAME: REG. NO. 16909 COMMISSION NO.: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: DATE: BID ISSUE DATE: REVISION DATES: PROJECT TITLE OWNER SHEET TITLE SHEET SHEET NO. OF 500 BLAKE ROAD SOUTH EDINA, MN 55343 KEVIN C. BUSCH KCB/AM/JF KCB 12/23/2020PLOT DATE: SHEPHERD OF THE HILLS 18-11 DEC. 23, 2020 X LUTHERAN CHURCH PARKING LOT RENOVATION SHEPHERD OF THE HILLS LUTHERAN CHURCH MONTH XX, 2020 500 BLAKE ROAD SOUTH EDINA, MN 55343 PRELIMINARY DRAWING NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SITE PLAN KEYNOTES 1. BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT - MILL & OVERLAY, REFER TO DETAIL 2/C2.0 2. BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT - NEW, REFER TO DETAIL 3/C2.0 3. CONCRETE CURB. B618 DESIGN REFER TO DETAIL 1/C2.0 4. CONCRETE CURB - SURMOUNTABLE DESIGN - REFER TO DETAIL 1/C2.0 5. CONCRETE PAVING, REFER TO DETAIL 4/C2.0 6. NEW LIGHT FIXTURE, REFER TO DETAIL 2/C2.0 7. RELOCATED EXISTING SHED. 8. TREE. 9. EXISTING LIGHTPOLE TO REMAIN -- PROTECT FROM DAMAGE. 10. EXISTING TREE TO REMAIN -- PROTECT FROM DAMAGE. 11. EXISTING CONCRETE STEPS AND LANDING TO REMAIN -- PROTECT FROM DAMAGE. 12. EXISTING STONE RETAINING WALL TO REMAIN -- LINE UP WITH NEW CONCRETE CURB (SEE PLAN). 13. STRUCTURAL COLUMNS -- SEE CANOPY PLAN. 14. CANOPY (ABOVE) -- SEE PLAN. 15. VESTIBULE -- SEE PLAN. 16. SIGN. 17. TRASH ENCLOSURE TO REMAIN. 18. 4" PAINT LINE. 19. LINE OF EXISTING PARKING LOT EDGE. 20. EXISTING CONCRETE SIDEWALK. 21. 3ft CURB CUT 22. DRAINAGE CHANNEL EROSION PROTECTION, REFER TO DETAIL 7/C2.0 23. PAVEMENT REMOVAL AND TURF ESTABLISHMENT AREA -- SEE PLAN. BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME QUANTITY CONTAINER SIZE PICEA PUNGENS GLOBOSA BLUE SPRUCE DWARF GLOBE SHRUB #5 CONTAINER127 TOTAL SYMBOL 1'-3 5/8"18'-9 1/2"18'-0"32'-8 1/4"68'-2 5/8"18'-0"9'-0 " 9'-0"18'-0"9'-0" 18 ' -0 " (10) EQUAL SPACES = 90'-0"18'-0"9'-0 " 7'-6" 8'-0" 9'-0"18'-0 " 18'-0"117'-0"18'-0"9'-0"36'-0"8'-0"18'-0 "5'-0"18'-0"6'-6"40'-2"18'-0"8'-10"12'-5"16'-10 3/4"62'-6" 13'-8"8'-10 5/8"8'-0"18'-0"4'-5 1/8"7'-8 1/4"18'-3 3/8"24'-0"18'-0"10'-0" 197'-5 1/2"12'-0" 18'-0"26'-6"18'-0"27'-0"54'-0"4'-6"18'-0"4'-6"17'-11"11'-10 3/4"20'-0" 5'-0 " 18'- 0 " 28'-4" 207'-10 1/8" 197'-5 1/2" 10'-0" 20'-0"20'-0"20'-0"20'-0"20'-0"10'-0"20'-0"10'-0"83'-1 5/8"11'-1"83'-1 5/8" 607 sq ft EXISTING RETAINING WALL RAISED CROSSWALK PHASE 1 WITHIN LINES PROPERTY LINE 3 11 99 9 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 11 3 3 PROPERTY LINE EXISTING SIGN PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE 9 11 PROPERTY LINE 3 3 55 55 1313 9 3 3 1111 55 3 43 2 1111 12 3 11 1 9 CANOPY ABOVE - SHOWN WITH DASHED LINES 17 14 16 161616 18 18 1 PHASE 1 WITHIN LINES PHASE 1 WITHIN LINES TAPERED CURB TAPERED CURB TAPERED CURB 19 19 20 2020 EDGE OF EXISTING BITUMINOUS CURB EXTENT OF BUMPER OVERHANG ALLOWED EDGE OF EXISTING TREELINE TAPERED CURB CROSSWALK 20 PARKING SETBACK PARKING SETBACK PARKING SETBACK TRENCH DRAIN ALONG CURB PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PARKING SETBACK 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 23 2 44 4 3 21 21 23 22 21 EXISTING CONCRETE SURFACE BITUMINOUS PARKING AREA & DRIVEWAY EXISTING TRASH ENCLOSURE EXISTING RAMBLER WALK-OUT EXISTING BITUMINOUS DRIVEWAY EXISTING CONCRETE SURFACE BITUMINOUS DRIVEWAYEXISTING BITUMINOUS PARKING AREA & DRIVEWAY MALONEY AVENUE BITUMINOUS PARKING AREA MENDELSSOHN LANE BLAKE ROADEXISTING SHLC BUILDING PED. PED. PED. PED. PED. 19 20 19 1013 8 9 9 BITUMINOUS PARKING AREA & DRIVEWAY BITUMINOUS PARKING AREA DROPOFF EXISTING SINGLE FAMILY HOME EXISTING SINGLE FAMILY HOME EXISTING SINGLE FAMILY HOME EXISTING SINGLE FAMILY HOME CHURCH PROPERTY TYP. SPACE = 9' x 18' 60° PARKING ANGLE R 3' R 3' R 3' R 4' R 4' R 3' R 3' R 3' R 5' (19) EQUAL SPACES = (19) EQUAL SPACES = R 5' 60° 90° TYP. SPACE = 9' x 18' 90° PARKING ANGLE TYP. SPACE = 9' x 18' 60° PARKING ANGLE 60° 18 TOTAL SPACES R 10' R 22' 15 TOTAL SPACES 60° R 3' 60° 23 TOTAL SPACES 90° TYP. SPACE = 9' x 18' 90° PARKING ANGLE (8) EQUAL SPACES = 7 (20) EQUAL SPACES =(13) EQUAL SPACES =TOTAL PHASE 1 PARKING SPACES = 63 ACC. AISLE ACC. AISLE FILTRATION BASIN R 3' ACC. AISLE R 6'-8" FUTURE EXPANDED EXISTING R 3' R 10' R 9'R 3' 300 SEATS IN THE SANCTUARY/3 = 100 PARKING SPACES REQUIRED 85 PARKING SPACES SOUTH LOT + 15 SPACES NORTH LOT + 18 SPACES WEST LOTS = 118 SPACES R 26'(4) EQUAL SPACES =(6) EQUAL SPACES =R 5' R 15'R 5' R 15' R 3' UP UP R 10' 20 SHRUBS @ 4'-0" O.C.15 SHRUBS @ 4'-0" O.C.1 6 SHRUBS @ 4 '- 0 " O.C.31 SHRUBS @ 4'-0" O.C.16 SHRUBS @ 4'-0" O.C.19 SHRUBS @ 4'-0" O.C.10 SHRUBS @ 4'-0" O.C.R 5' R 5' N A1.0 SITE PLAN 1" = 20'-0" 1 A1.0 SITE PLAN LANDSCAPE SCHEDULE NO SCALE 2 A1.0 607 sq ft19201910138997300 SEATS IN THE SANCTUARY/3 = 100PARKING SPACES REQUIRED85 PARKING SPACES SOUTH LOT + 15SPACES NORTH LOT + 18 SPACES WESTLOTS = 118 SPACESP1MH: 17P1MH: 17P4MH: 12P4MH: 12P3MH: 8P3MH: 8C1MH: 8C1MH: 8C1MH: 8C1MH: 8C1MH: 8W2MH: 14W2MH: 14W1MH: 8W1MH: 8W1MH: 8P2MH: 12F1MH: 12F1MH: 12P6MH: 17P5MH: 12P5MH: 12P5MH: 17P3MH: 12P3MH: ScheduleSymbolQtyLabelArrangementLLFDescriptionLum. Watts5C1SINGLE0.910VANLED28NFFR28.08752F1SINGLE0.910X34-55L_12055.32P1BACK-BACK0.910ALED4T150N1541P2SINGLE0.910ALED2T78N79.54P3SINGLE0.910ALED26N29.82P4SINGLE0.910ALED4T78N76.23P5SINGLE0.910ALED4T50N54.13W1SINGLE0.910ENTRA1214.42W2SINGLE0.910W34-35L-83033.61P6SINGLE0.910ALED4T150N154SHEPHERD HILLS DRAWN BY: J.PYTLESKI DATE: 01/04/2021 SCALE: 1/16"=1'-0"E100JOE HANLEY COLLINS LIGHTING PLAN REVISIONS #DATE DESCRIPTION 310 FOURTH AVENUE SOUTH SUITE 1000 MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55415 TEL: 612.333.2279 FAX: 612.339.2336 CONSULTANT CERTIFICATION I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY REGISTERED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. DATE: PRINTED NAME: REG. NO. 16909 COMMISSION NO.: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: DATE: BID ISSUE DATE: REVISION DATES: PROJECT TITLE OWNER SHEET TITLE SHEET SHEET NO. OF 500 BLAKE ROAD SOUTH EDINA, MN 55343 KEVIN C. BUSCH KCB/AM/JF KCB 12/8/2020PLOT DATE: SHEPHERD OF THE HILLS 18-11 MONTH XX, 2020 X LUTHERAN CHURCH PARKING LOT RENOVATION SHEPHERD OF THE HILLS LUTHERAN CHURCH MONTH XX, 2020 500 BLAKE ROAD SOUTH EDINA, MN 55343 PRELIMINARY DRAWING NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION2'-0" 27'-8" 2'-0" 1'-0" EXISTING BUILDING EXISTING ROOFTOP 8"x8" TUBE STEEL COLUMN 2'x2' BRICK PIER STANDING SEAM METAL FASCIA EDGE FLASH 8"x8" TUBE STEEL COLUMN EXISTING CANOPY EDGE APPROX. LINE OF GRADE ELEV. = 49' - 9 3/4" ELEV. = 41' - 0" 2'-0"2'-0" 2'-0" 1'-0" 16'-0" 12'-0" APPROX. LINE OF GRADE AT TOP OF CURB EXISTING BUILDING EXISTING ROOFTOP 8"x8" TUBE STEEL COLUMN 2'x2' BRICK PIER STANDING SEAM METAL FASCIA EDGE FLASH EXISTING BUILDING ELEV. = 49' - 9 3/4" ELEV. = 41' - 0" 2'-0" 27'-8" 2'-0" 1'-0" ELEV. = 49' - 9 3/4" ELEV. = 41' - 0" EXISTING ROOFTOP 8"x8" TUBE STEEL COLUMN 2'x2' BRICK PIER STANDING SEAM METAL FASCIA EDGE FLASH 8"x8" TUBE STEEL COLUMN EXISTING CANOPY EDGE APPROX. LINE OF GRADE VESTIBULE WINDOW SOUTH ELEVATION CANOPY 1/4" = 1'-0" 1 A2.0 WEST ELEVATION CANOPY 1/4" = 1'-0" 3 A2.0 EAST ELEVATION CANOPY 1/4" = 1'-0" 2 A2.0 A2.0 ELEVATIONS NOTES: 1) DIRECTION OF TRANSVERSE GUTTER SLOPE TOMATCH DIRECTION OF ADJACENT PAVEMENT SLOPE2)CONSTRUCT CURB AND GUTTER IN ACCORDANCE WITHMNDOT SPEC. 2531.EXISTINGAGGREGATE BASEMATERIALVARIES5-11 IN.EXISTING BIT.PAVEMENT3 12 - 5 INCH.MILL BIT.PAVEMENT3 - 4 INCH.TACK COATPER MNDOTSPEC. 23572 INCH. TYP. NON-WEARING COURSEVARIES, 1-2 INCH WEARING COURSEBIT. PAVEMENTMNDOT SPEC. 2360TYPE SPWEB240B6 IN. MNDOT SPEC. 3138CLASS 5 AGG. BASECOMPACT PER MNDOTSPEC. 2105.3.F.3PENETRATION INDEXMETHODTACK COATPER MNDOTSPEC. 23572 INCH. TYP. NON-WEARING COURSE2 INCH TYP. WEARING COURSEBIT. PAVEMENTMNDOT SPEC. 2360TYPE SPWEB240BSCARIFY & RECOMPACTEDUPPER 8 INCHES OF SUBGRADETO 100% STD. PROCTOR DRY DENSITY4 IN. MNDOT SPEC. 3138CLASS 5 AGG. BASECOMPACT PER MNDOTSPEC. 2105.3.F.3PENETRATION INDEXMETHOD6 INCH TYP.CONCRETE PAVEMENTMNDOT SPEC. 2461.2.FTYPE 35F2SCARIFY & RECOMPACTEDUPPER 8 INCHES OF SUBGRADETO 100% STD. PROCTOR DRY DENSITY12 IN. EXPANSION JOINTW/ FULL DEPTH JOINTFILLER, 60 IN. O/CCIVIL DETAILSCONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER - TYP.1LIGHTPOLE FOUNDATION - DESIGN E, TYP.5MILL & OVERLAY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT TYP.2NEW BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SECTION TYP.3CONCRETE SIDEWALK & PATIO SECTION TYP.4INLET PROTECTIONCHANNEL EROSION PROTECTION76310 FOURTH AVENUE SOUTHSUITE 1000MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55415TEL: 612.333.2279FAX: 612.339.2336CONSULTANTCERTIFICATIONI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTSUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSEDPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATEOF MINNESOTA.DATE:PRINTED NAME:REG. NO. 51331COMMISSION NO.:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:DATE:BID ISSUE DATE:REVISION DATES:PROJECT TITLEOWNERSHEET TITLESHEETSHEET NO.OF500 BLAKE ROAD SOUTHEDINA, MN 55343NATHAN M. LICHTYNLNL10/26/2020PLOT DATE:SHEPHERD OF THE HILLS18-11NOVEMBER 20, 2020XLUTHERAN CHURCHPARKING LOT RENOVATIONSHEPHERD OF THE HILLSLUTHERAN CHURCHNOVEMBER 20, 2020500 BLAKE ROAD SOUTHEDINA, MN 55343PRELIMINARY DRAWINGNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONC2.0C2.0C2.0C2.0C2.0C2.0C2.0C2.0 9"7' 6"8"18'-0"13'-8"8' 10 58"20' 0"EXISTINGRETAININGWALLPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINETAPEREDCURBTAPERED CURBEXISTINGBITUMINOUSDRIVEWAYEXISTING CONCRETE SURFACEPED.R 4'R 4'TYP. SPACE = 9' x 18'60R 6'-8"82' 0"61' 0"17' 2"8"17'11"1'19R 3'R 3'R 3'R 9'21' 0"310 FOURTH AVENUE SOUTHSUITE 1000MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55415TEL: 612.333.2279FAX: 612.339.2336CONSULTANTCERTIFICATIONI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTSUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSEDPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATEOF MINNESOTA.DATE:PRINTED NAME:REG. NO. 51331COMMISSION NO.:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:DATE:BID ISSUE DATE:REVISION DATES:PROJECT TITLEOWNERSHEET TITLESHEETSHEET NO.OF500 BLAKE ROAD SOUTHEDINA, MN 55343NATHAN M. LICHTYNLNL10/26/2020PLOT DATE:SHEPHERD OF THE HILLS18-11NOVEMBER 20, 2020XLUTHERAN CHURCHPARKING LOT RENOVATIONSHEPHERD OF THE HILLSLUTHERAN CHURCHNOVEMBER 20, 2020500 BLAKE ROAD SOUTHEDINA, MN 55343PRELIMINARY DRAWINGNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONGRADING & DRAINAGEPLAN - SE& NWPARKING LOTGRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN - NW LOT1Grading Notes:1.The Contractor shall visit the site, review all constructiondocuments and field verify the Existing Conditions prorto bidding. No additional compensation will be given forwork that could have been identified by a site visit orconstruction document review.2.Initial Site Surveying was performed byDemars-Gabrial Associates (612-751-6785).3.It is the Contractors responsibility to determine and verifyall Existing Utility locations. A Private Utility Locate shallbe performed prior to Construction. Contact Property Ownerif Utilities are damaged during Construction.4.No reconstructed slopes are to exceed 3H:1V.5.All grading operations shall be conducted in a mannerto minimize to potential for Site Erosion.6.Topsoil shall be stripped and salvaged from disturbed areas.At least 6 inches of Topsoil shall be placed in graded area.Seed and Fertilizer shall be distributed within Topsoil.7.A MnDOT Spec. 3885.2 Category 30 Erosion ControlBlanket shall be placed in all disturbed areas. Installationshall be per the Manufacturers RecommendationsGRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN SE LOT DRIVEWAY RETURN2C1.0C1.0C1.0 310 FOURTH AVENUE SOUTHSUITE 1000MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55415TEL: 612.333.2279FAX: 612.339.2336CONSULTANTCERTIFICATIONI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTSUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSEDPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATEOF MINNESOTA.DATE:PRINTED NAME:REG. NO. 51331COMMISSION NO.:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:DATE:BID ISSUE DATE:REVISION DATES:PROJECT TITLEOWNERSHEET TITLESHEETSHEET NO.OF500 BLAKE ROAD SOUTHEDINA, MN 55343NATHAN M. LICHTYNLNL10/26/2020PLOT DATE:SHEPHERD OF THE HILLS18-11NOVEMBER 20, 2020XLUTHERAN CHURCHPARKING LOT RENOVATIONSHEPHERD OF THE HILLSLUTHERAN CHURCHNOVEMBER 20, 2020500 BLAKE ROAD SOUTHEDINA, MN 55343PRELIMINARY DRAWINGNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONFILTRATION BASINDETAILSFILTRATION BASIN - PLAN VIEW1SPLASHBLOCK ASSEMBLY - TYP.2DETAIL - DRAINAGE PIPE CLEANOU - TYP.SECTION - FILTRATION BASIN43C2.0C2.0C2.0C2.0C2.0 GALE-TEC ENGINEERING, INC. 801 TWELVE OAKS CENTER DRIVE, SUITE 832 WAYZATA, MN 55391 TELEPHONE (952) 473-7193 FAX (952) 473-1492 www.gale-tec.com November 13, 2020 Mr. Peter Barrott Sheppard of the Hills Lutheran Church Facilities Manager Via email Re: Drainage/Hydraulic Engineering Design Report for Site Work at Sheppard of the Hills Lutheran Church at 500 Blake Rd in Edina, MN Dear Mr. Barrott: We are pleased to provide you with this hydraulic engineering report for the above referenced project. Enclosed please find our report, which includes a description of our understanding of the project, a description of the proposed construction and phasing, as well as proposed stormwater management system s to be implements. This report can be submitted as part of the Nine Mile Creek Watershed Permit application. If you have any questions concerning our report, please do not hesitate to contact us. Respectfully, GALE-TEC ENGINEERING, INC. Nathan M. Lichty, P.E. Senior Project Engineer I hereby certify that this report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a Registered Professional Engineer under Minnesota Statute, Sections 326.02 to 326.15. _________________________________ Nathan M. Lichty Date: 11/13/2020 Reg. No. 51331 Sheppard of the Hills Lutheran Church Site Work at 500 Blake Rd in Edina, MN ____________________________________________________________________ Gale-Tec Engineering, Inc., November, 2020 2 1.0 INTRODUCTION Parking Lot improvements to the Sheppard of the Hills Lutheran Church, located at 500 Blake Rd in Edina, have been proposed. Improvements will consist of a mill and overlay of the majority of the current parking lots as well as curb replacement. Installation of some additional parking lots/spaces, and some minor parking lot realignments have also been proposed. The goal of the project is to improve parking lot functionality, address pavement deterioration issues and to add some additional parking stalls along the western and northwestern parking lots on the property. This report was developed to address the project requirements associated with Nine Mile Creek Watershed District Rules for Site Redevelopment (Section 4.2.3), specifically Rules Section 4.3, Stormwater Management Standards. Subsequent sections will discuss: 1) the Existing Conditions and Proposed Site Improvements 2) Stormwater Treatment Requirements 3) Hydraulic Analysis of Existing and Proposed Parking Lot Facilities considering Design Storm Events 3) Design and Implementation of a Stormwater Treatment Filtration Basin for the project 2.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS & PROPOSED SITE IMPROVMENTS Impervious surfaces on the Sheppard of the Hills Property consist of the church structure as well as a series of four (4) separate parking lots and two (2) concrete slab patios located adjacent to the main church entrances. Diagrams depicting the existing site layout and the proposed site improvements are included in the Appendix. Soil/Site Conditions A Geotechnical Engineering Report, dated October 23, 2010, a prepared by Gale-Tec Engineering, Inc. indicates that the site subgrade soils generally consist of a medium stiff to stiff sandy clay to silty clay soils. The report identifies the subgrade soils as Minnesota Pollution Control Associated Class D, with respect so soil infiltration. The report also provides recommendations for the proposed pavement section. The report indicates that an adequate aggregate base section is present to support the parking lot, assuming at least four (4) inches of bituminous pavement. The existing parking lot contains at least 4 inches of bituminous pavement at all soil boring locations. The report recommends a 4 inch mill and overlay of the existing bituminous parking lot pavement, thus not exposing the underling soils within the existing parking lot locations during construction. Sheppard of the Hills Lutheran Church Site Work at 500 Blake Rd in Edina, MN ____________________________________________________________________ Gale-Tec Engineering, Inc., November, 2020 3 Church Structure The church structure contains an impervious roof that is approximately 17,250 square feet. Structure drainage consists of multiple downspouts that discharge stormwater onto two of the four parking lots, the main north and main south lots. Concrete patios and walk ways located on the south side of the church structure contain 1,800 SF of concrete pavement, which will be removed and replaced as part of site improvements No changes existing structure have been proposed as part of this project. Main South Parking Lot The Main South Lot located adjacent to the church and contains a total impervious square footage of 30,460 SF. This parking lot contains two (2) catch basins, one on the north side of the parking lot near the church main entrance and one located on the southern portion of the parking lot. These structures are connected via a 12 inch diameter RCP pipe and convey stormwater off the site by the same size pipe. Improvements to this parking lot include installation of a stormwater filtration basin, or rain garden, to replace an existing catch basin as well as concrete curb replacement and bituminous pavement replacement. This parking lot will be reconstructed using a mill and overlay within the same footprint and thus minimizing any additional impervious surface in this area. A filtration basin is proposed to be constructed at the location of an existing catch basin. The existing catch basin will be used as the overflow structure for the proposed filtration basin. The filtration basin will be 1.5ft in depth and contain a total storage volume of 430ft3. The base of the filtration basin will contain a 1ft thick layer of Filter Topsoil Borrow over an approximately 1¼ft thick layer of medium filter aggregate. A series of 4 inch drainage pipe will be placed at the base of the gravel filter layer. The 4 inch drainage pipe will discharge into the existing catch basin, which will convey the treated stormwater off of the site. Filtration Basin design details are discussed in Section 5. A typical filtration basin cross section is depicted in Figure No. 1. Figure No. 1: Filtration Basin Cross Section North Parking Lot The other main parking lot is located on the north side of the church structure. This lot is connected to the south lot via a driveway that extends along the west side of the church structure. The north lot and driveway also exit onto Maloney Ave. The driveway is sloped Sheppard of the Hills Lutheran Church Site Work at 500 Blake Rd in Edina, MN ____________________________________________________________________ Gale-Tec Engineering, Inc., November, 2020 4 to drain stormwater into the main south parking lot, while the north parking lot drains to the north east onto Maloney Ave. The connecting driveway and north parking lot contain approximately 9,000 SF of impervious surface. The north parking lot will be mill and overlayed within the same footprint, resulting in minimal additional impervious surface. The driveway will be reconstructed with the same square footage but a small additional parking lot, approximately 1725 SF, will be added to the west off of the driveway. This new parking lot will drain stormwater into the Main South parking lot. The location of the new west parking lot is shown on the attached Plans. South East Parking Lot A secondary parking lot is located to the south and east of the Main South parking lot. This lot, referred to as the Southeast Lot is not current connected to the Main South lot and has a separate driveway approach off of Blake Rd. This parking lot contains 7,500 SF of impervious surface and currently drains stormwater to the south to Mendelssohnn Lane via overland flow. Improvements to this parking lot will include a mill and overlay of the bituminous pavement as well as a new driveway connection to the Main South parking lot and construction of a grass lined drainage channel to Mendelssohn Lane. The additional impervious surface due to the driveway return will be approximately 450 SF. As a replacement to the current overland flow, stormwater will be channeled and drained from the Southeast Lot via a vegetated drainage swale. Installation of this swale will reduce flowrates and treat the stormwater run off. See the attached Plans for swale details. Northwest Parking Lot Another secondary parking lot, referred to as the Northwest parking lot is located adjacent to the north parking lot and driveway. The existing lot contains 3,800 SF of impervious surface and drains to the north to Maloney Ave via a driveway. Site improvements include a mill and overlay of the existing parking lot, increasing the lot size and connecting it to the north parking lot and driveway. The parking lot will increase in size by approximately 2,000 SF and will now drain to driveway and Main South Parking Lot. Site Grading Outside of Parking Lot Areas With the exception of the church building, whose stormwater run-off is conveyed to the existing Main South and North parking lots, the pervious areas of the property generally away from the existing and proposed parking lots towards the surrounding residential streets, or to their own catchbasin, such as the vegetated area to the northwest of the existing church structure. There will be minimal site grading outside of the existing parking lot area. Additionally, minimal grade changes are anticipated within the existing parking lots. Sheppard of the Hills Lutheran Church Site Work at 500 Blake Rd in Edina, MN ____________________________________________________________________ Gale-Tec Engineering, Inc., November, 2020 5 Summary & Proposed Construction Phasing The site, considering the proposed site improvements, contains approximately 75,500 SF of impervious surfaces, which increases the total amount of impervious surface by approximately 4,180 SF. This increase is due to enlarging the Northwest Parking Lot (2,000 SF), constructing a new, small West parking Lot (1,725 SF) and a new driveway return between the Southeast Lot and the Main South Lot (450 SF). Due to financial limitations, the property owner is proposing to perform the parking lot improvements in two phases. Phase 1 would include a mill and overlay and curb installation along the Main South Parking Lot, curb and replacement of the southern concrete patios/walkways to meet current ADA standards, and installation of a new driveway return to connect the Main South Parking Lot to the Southeast Parking Lot. The proposed filtration basin would be installed as part of Phase 1. Phase 2 of the project will include a mill and overlay of the smaller surrounding parking lots (North, Southeast and Western Driveway) as well as installation of the new Western parking Lot and increasing the size of the Northwest Parking Lot. Phase 1 and Phase 2 reconstruction details are shown on the attached Project Plans. 3.0 STORMWATER TREATMENT REQUIREMENTS Watershed District Standards state that if less than 50% of the impervious pavement will be disturbed as part of the project, then stormwater treatment shall only be required to the “disturbed, replaced and net additional impervious surface on the project site.” Additionally, the Standards state “disturbed areas as those where underlying soils are exposed in the course of redevelopment.” Watershed District Staff, in an email dated April 3, 2020, indicated that a mill and overlay of existing bituminous pavement would not likely qualify as disturbed areas, as native soils will not be exposed as part of parking lot reconstruction. Relative to this project, our interpretation of the Watershed District Standards and subsequent discussion with Watershed District Staff indicates that the regulated impervious surface requiring stormwater treatment are areas where new bituminous pavement sections will be installed, this will require disturbance/exposure of the underlying soils. Per these requirements, we estimate a total regulated impervious surface of 4,180 SF, which is much less then 50% of the total impervious surface on the site (75,500 SF). Watershed District Standards require that stormwater retention be provided for 1.1 inches of run off from the regulated impervious surface. Based on these requirements, we estimate a required retention volume of 380 ft3 (4,180 SF x (1.1 inch/12inches per ft)). Watershed District Standards also require site improvements to limit peak runoff flows to that from existing conditions for all locations where stormwater leaves the site and to Sheppard of the Hills Lutheran Church Site Work at 500 Blake Rd in Edina, MN ____________________________________________________________________ Gale-Tec Engineering, Inc., November, 2020 6 provide for at least 60% removal of total phosphorous and 90% removal of total suspended solids from site runoff of the regulated stormwater run off. To accommodate these requirements, a stormwater filtration basin, consisting of an initial stormwater storage pond and underlain by filtration topsoil and granular filter layers will be required. Drainage pipes, placed at the base of the underling granular filter, will be required to collect the filtered storm water and convey it to the existing storm sewer system. An overflow structure will also be required to reduce the potential for parking lot flooding. The design details of this system and its proposed location are discussed in Section 5. 4.0 HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS OF EXISTING AND PROPOSED SITE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Watershed District Standards require that stormwater modeling be performed to demonstrate that the proposed redevelopment limits or reduces stormwater run-off flow rates from those of the existing site for all locations where stormwater leaves the site. Flowrates are determined for the 2, 10 and 100 year storm event assuming a nested 24hr rainfall distribution. This hydraulic analysis was performed using the computer program SWMM, version 5.1, a stormwater run-off modeling program developed by the U.S. EPA. The rainfall depths used for the analysis were determined from NOAA Atlas 14 model for the 2 year, 10 year and 100 year storm events. The MSE-3 model for nested 24hr rainfall distribution was used for this analysis. This analytical model was developed by the Minnesota NRCS and is commonly used for storm sewer system design for MnDOT and MPCA projects. The rainfall depths used for the analysis are shown in Table No. 1, while the MSE -3 precipitation distribution graph is shown in Figure No. 1. Table No. 1: Rainfall Depth for Significant Precipitation Events based on Atlas-14 Data for Edina/Hopkins, MN Storm Event 2 Year Event 10 Year Event 100 Year Event Rainfall Depth (in) 2.8 inches 4.1 inches 7.4 inches Sheppard of the Hills Lutheran Church Site Work at 500 Blake Rd in Edina, MN ____________________________________________________________________ Gale-Tec Engineering, Inc., November, 2020 7 Figure No. 1: 24hr Precipitation Distribution Graph for MSE-3 The site stormwater model was developed for each individual parking lot and the existing storm sewer catch basins were modeled as collection nodes, where inlet and flowrates were measured. Parking lots areas that drain out to the surrounding residential streets were modeled as outfall points, where flowrates and overall volumes are measured. Figure No. 2 illustrates the drainage areas based on existing site conditions, while Figure No. 3 illustrates the drainage areas based on the proposed parking lot reconstruction. Sheppard of the Hills Lutheran Church Site Work at 500 Blake Rd in Edina, MN ____________________________________________________________________ Gale-Tec Engineering, Inc., November, 2020 8 Figure No. 2: Drainage Areas based on Existing Site Conditions Sheppard of the Hills Lutheran Church Site Work at 500 Blake Rd in Edina, MN ____________________________________________________________________ Gale-Tec Engineering, Inc., November, 2020 9 Figure No. 3: Drainage Areas based on Proposed Site Improvement The results of the analysis for the existing conditions are shown in Table No. 2, while the results of the analysis for the proposed parking lot improvements are shown in Table No. 3. Figure No. 4 shows the depth of water in the proposed rain garden for the design storm events with respect to time. Sheppard of the Hills Lutheran Church Site Work at 500 Blake Rd in Edina, MN ____________________________________________________________________ Gale-Tec Engineering, Inc., November, 2020 10 Table No. 2: Drainage Summary of Existing Conditions 2 Year Storm Event (2.7 in) 10-Year Storm Event (4.3 in) 100-Year Storm Event (7.4 in) Drainage Area Impervious Area (ac) Max. Flowrate, Q (cfs) Total Runoff Vol. (MG) Max. Flowrate, Q (cfs) Total Runoff Vol. (MG) Max. Flowrate, Q (cfs) Total Runoff Vol. (MG) Main South Lot Section A 1.1 1.5 0.08 2.4 0.13 4.1 0.22 Main South Lot Section B 0.3 0.4 0.02 0.7 0.03 1.1 0.06 Northwest/North Lot 0.28 0.4 0.02 0.6 0.03 1.0 0.056 Southeast Lot 0.17 0.2 0.01 0.4 0.02 0.7 0.035 Table No. 3: Drainage Summary of Proposed Improvements 2 Year Storm Event (2.7 in) 10-Year Storm Event (4.3 in) 100-Year Storm Event (7.4 in) Drainage Area Impervious Area (ac) Max. Flowrate, Q (cfs) Total Runoff Vol. (MG) Max. Flowrate, Q (cfs) Total Runoff Vol. (MG) Max. Flowrate, Q (cfs) Total Runoff Vol. (MG) Main South Lot Section A 1.1 1.3 0.06 1.3 0.11 1.3 0.14 Main South Lot Section B/Northwest & West 0.42 0.6 0.03 0.9 0.04 1.6 0.08 North Lot 0.20 0.3 0.01 0.4 0.02 0.75 0.04 Southeast Lot 0.17 0.2 0.01 0.4 0.02 0.65 0.03 The results of the analysis indicate that with the inclusion of the filtration basin constructed within the Main South Parking Lot, Section A, reduces the maximum flow rate and total run off volume exiting the lot. The proposed construction will also transfer flowrates from the northwest lot to the South main lot, Section B. This explains the reduction of flow for the north parking lot while showing a slight increase for the southern section of the main south lot (Main South Lot Section B). When Main South Lot Section A and B are combined, a minimal flowrate increase and slight decrease in total stormwater volume (0.01 MG) are observed. The flow rate out of the southeast lot remains constant. The reduction in flow rate and volume for each parking lot are shown in Table No. 4. Sheppard of the Hills Lutheran Church Site Work at 500 Blake Rd in Edina, MN ____________________________________________________________________ Gale-Tec Engineering, Inc., November, 2020 11 Table No. 4: Summary of Flowrate and Volume Reduction for each Parking Lot 2 Year Storm Event (2.7 in) 10-Year Storm Event (4.3 in) 100-Year Storm Event (7.4 in) Drainage Area Max. Flowrate Reduction (cfs) Total Runoff Vol. Reduction (MG) Max. Flowrate Reduction (cfs) Total Runoff Vol. Reduction (MG) Max. Flowrate Reduction (cfs) Total Runoff Vol. Reduction (MG) Main South Lot Section A -0.2 -0.02 -1.1 -0.02 -2.8 -0.08 Main South Lot Section B/Northwest & West +0.2* +0.01* +0.2* +0.01 +0.5 +0.02 North Lot -0.1 -0.01 -0.2 -0.01 -0.25 -0.015 Southeast Lot 0 0 0 0 0 0 *Rate increases are due to added impervious pavement flowing to Main South Lot Section B. When combined with Main South Lot Section A, a minimal flow reduction and total run-off reduction of 0.01 MG are observed. The reduction in flow rate and volume reduction observed during the analysis indicate that thet proposed site improvements meet the Watershed District Standards requirement of not net increase in flowrate and stormwater volume. This is primarily due to the filtration basin and its temporary storage during the design rainfall events. A design of the Stormwater Filtration Basin is given in the subsequent section. 5.0 STORMWATER FILTRATION BASIN & BIOSWALE DESIGN 5.1 Filtration Basin In order to meet District Watershed Standards with respect to stormwater management, a filtration basin will be required to be installed on the site. A filtration basin, as opposed to an infiltration basin is required due to the site impervious cohesive soils. Sizing As discussed in Section No. 1, an approximately 430ft3 filtration basin storage volume is required. The MPCA stormwater manual recommends filtration basin be at least 1½ft in depth, the depth between the pond base and the overflow structure and contain an approximately ½ ft freeboard between the overflow structure elevation and the parking lot grade. Assuming these depths, 3H:1V pond sideslopes and an approximately trapezoidal shape, a pond base area of at least 600ft2 is required. Location The filtration basin is proposed to be placed in the Main South Parking lot at the location of the existing catchbasin near the church’s main entrance. The existing precast catch basin and casting will remain in place and will serve as the filtration basin overflow structure. The drainage pipes placed at the base of the filtration basin will connect to the existing Sheppard of the Hills Lutheran Church Site Work at 500 Blake Rd in Edina, MN ____________________________________________________________________ Gale-Tec Engineering, Inc., November, 2020 12 precast catchbasin, approximately 1ft above the catchbasin outlet pipe flowline. The location of the filtration basin in shown on the attached Project Plans. Components – Pond Inlets/Pretreatment District Watershed Standards and the MPCA stormwater manual require stormwater pretreatment prior to stormwater entrance into a filtration basin. The purpose of pretreatment is to remove debris and large particles from the inflowing stormwater. For this filtration basin, a series of 4 inch precast concrete blocks will be constructed as steps, extending from a curb cut at the parking lot grade to the pond base. At the pond base, a vertically oriented block will be placed around the perimeter of the splash block assembly to serve as a forebay and sedimentation basin. The precast concrete block will consist of dry cast Modular Block Wall Retaining wall cap blocks that are specially cast to be resistant to long term degradation from salt. MnDOT maintains an approved product list of retaining wall block manufacturer’s and block types. The retaining wall block caps are approximately 18 inches wide, 12 inch long and 4 inches in height. Two (2) inlets into the filtration basin will be included, one on the north side of the basin and one of the south side of the basin. The hyrdraulic analysis indicates that a peak flowrate of approximately 1.3 ft3/sec occurs during the 10 year design storm event. The inlets will be approximately 3ft wide and assuming a 4 inch water depth, two inches below the top of the curb, the stormwater velocity was estimated to be approximately 1.3 ft/sec. The primary purpose of the splashblock assembly is to reduce the stormwater velocity as it enters the filtration basin. This will reduce erosion potential along the filtration basin sideslopes as well as reduce the stormwater velocity as it enters the stilling basin. Splashblock and stilling basin detail are shown on the attached Project Plans. Component – Pond Filtration Material At the base of the basin, an approximately 3 inch thick layer of Type 6 shredded mulch (MnDOT Spec. 3882.2.F), and a 1ft thick specialty topsoil layer (MnDOT Spec. 3788.2 Filtration Topsoil Borrow) are placed over an approximately 1¼ft thick gravel drainage layer (MnDOT Spec. 3149, Medium Filter Aggregate). According to the MPCA stormwater manual, a 1.5ft thick sand filter inclusion results in approximately 85% total suspended solids (TSS) removal and approximately 50% total phosphorus (TP) removal. The inclusion of an organic filter layer, consisting of a compost/sand mix (MnDOT Filtration Topsoil Borrow) increases the TSS and TP removal to the 60% (TP) and 90% (TSS) removal threshold required by the District Stormwater Standards. According to the District Standards, water stored in the filtration basin shall be drained through the basin over a period of 48 hours. The Filtration Topsoil Borrow is specified to contain an infiltration rate of 4 inches/hour. The underlying Medium Filter Aggregate is estimated to contain an infiltration rate of 14.7 inches/hour. To estimate the basin drawdown time, a falling head permeability analysis was performed to model the water drawdown within the filtration basin, specifically the 1ft thick Filtration Topsoil Borrow, Sheppard of the Hills Lutheran Church Site Work at 500 Blake Rd in Edina, MN ____________________________________________________________________ Gale-Tec Engineering, Inc., November, 2020 13 due to its lower permeability. The filtration basin was initially assumed to be at 100% capacity, with a water depth of 1.5ft. The results of the analysis indicate that approximately 17 hours will be required for 1.5ft of water to drain through the 1ft thick layer of Filtration Topsoil Borrow. This value is less than the 48 hr required time frame. Component – Underdrains A series of 4 inch diameter thermoplastic, perforated drainage pipe (MnDOT Spec. 3245.2 Type 1) will be installed at the base of the granular filter layer within the filtration basin. The drainage pipe will be installed at a 6ft spacing within the filtration basin and will be collected by a header pipe, which will drain into the existing catch basin within the filtration basin. Figure No. 5 depicts the location of the drain tile and filtration basin inlets. Further details are included on the attached Project Plans. . APPENDIX 1. Project Site Plan & Drainage Structure Plans 2. Sample Output Report from SWMM Analysis CNY LED Series Performance Package Color Temperature 2 Voltage Finish CNY LED P0 3,500 lumens1 P1 4,500 lumens P2 6,600 lumens P3 11,100 lumens P4 14,000 lumens 40K 4000K 50K 5000K MVOLT 3 120-277V DDB Dark bronze WH 4 White One Lithonia Way • Conyers, Georgia 30012 • Phone: 800.279.8041 • www.lithonia.com © 2017-2020 Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc. All rights reserved CNY LED Rev. 02/19/20 CNY LED LED Canopy/Ceiling Luminaire Ordering Information EXAMPLE: CNY LED P1 50K MVOLT DDB NOTES 1. The combination of P0 50K WH is not available. 2. Correlated color temperature (CCT) shown is nominal per ANSI C78, 377-2008. 3. MVOLT driver operates on any line voltage from 120-277V (50/60 Hz). 4. Available with P0 or P1 only. Catalog Number Notes Type Hit the Tab key or mouse over the page to see all interactive elements. Introduction The CNY LED canopy luminaires are energy efficient and budget friendly, perfect for replacing up to 400W metal halide luminaires while saving up to 80% energy costs. Quick mount mechanism significantly reduces the installation time. An LED array and translucent lens create uniform and visually comfortable illumination. CNY LED luminaires are DLC Premium listed and deliver quick payback! CNY LED P0/P1/P2 CNY LED P3/P4 Width:10"14" Height:4.5"6" Depth:10"14" Weight: 6.5lbs 13lbs Specifications FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS INTENDED USE CNY LED luminaires are ideal, energy-efficient replacements for up to 400W MH canopy or ceiling luminaires. The CNY LED provides years of maintenance-free illumination for schools, malls, offices, parking areas, covered walkways and loading docks. CONSTRUCTION Cast-aluminum, corrosion-resistant housing with polyester powder paint for lasting durability. Castings are sealed with a one-piece gasket. Rated for outdoor installations, -40ºC minimum ambient. Frosted lens is designed for uniform light distribution. ELECTRICAL Includes an MVOLT (120-277V) driver. LEDs maintain 70% of light output at 50,000 or more hours of service life (L70/50,000 hours). INSTALLATION Mounts to a recessed junction box or surface mount with three conduit entry points. Can be pendant mounted with ¾ NPT pendant stem provided by others. Quick mount mechanism significantly reduces installation time - no need to open the luminaire for installation. LISTINGS UL Listed to U.S. and Canadian safety standards for wet locations. Tested in accordance with IESNA LM-79 and LM-80 standards. DesignLights Consortium® (DLC) Premium qualified product. Not all versions of this product may be DLC Premium qualified or DLC qualified. Please check the DLC Qualified Products List at www.designlights.org/QPL to confirm which versions are qualified. Can be used to comply with California Title 24 Part 6 High Efficacy LED light Source Requirements. WARRANTY Five-year limited warranty. Complete warranty terms located at: www.acuitybrands.com/support/customer-support/terms-and-conditions Note: Actual performance may differ as a result of end-user environment and application. All values are design or typical values, measured under laboratory conditions at 25 °C. Specifications subject to change without notice. Accessories Ordered and shipped separately. CNYBCP 14 Inch x 14 Inch Beauty Cover Plate One Lithonia Way • Conyers, Georgia 30012 • Phone: 800.279.8041 • www.lithonia.com © 2017-2020 Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc. All rights reserved CNY LED Rev. 02/19/20 Performance Data Full photometric data report available within 2 weeks from request. Contact Acuity Tech Support.Photometric Diagrams LEGEND 0.1 fc 0.2 fc 0.5 fc 1.0 fc CNY LED - Mounting height = 10 Line Art Performance Package Lumens Input Power Lumens Per Watt CNY LED P0 3,500 27W 130 CNY LED P1 4,500 35W 127 CNY LED P2 6,600 52W 128 CNY LED P3 11,000 86W 128 CNY LED P4 13,900 109W 128 4/18/2018 Template Print http://www.visual-3d.com/tools/template/Print.aspx?SessionID=5885381 1/1 Visual - Template Tool These lighting calculation results are for general informational purposes only and are provided without warranty as to accuracy, completeness, reliability or otherwise. Results are based on user provided data and data provided from publicly available sources; actual field conditions may affect calculated output. Visitwww.Visual-3D.com . Design Information Project Description Wednesday, April 18, 2018 Name Company Phone Email [ A ] - CNY LED P1 Manufacturer Acuity Brands Configuration Single Lamp Lumens 4476 Orientation Single Lamp Quantity 1 Mounting Height 10 Light Loss Factor 1 Arm Length 1 Input Power 35.4 Tilt 0 Max Illuminance 15 Area > 0.5fc 1250 4/18/2018 Template Print http://www.visual-3d.com/tools/template/Print.aspx?SessionID=5885381 1/1 Visual - Template Tool These lighting calculation results are for general informational purposes only and are provided without warranty as to accuracy, completeness, reliability or otherwise. Results are based on user provided data and data provided from publicly available sources; actual field conditions may affect calculated output. Visitwww.Visual-3D.com . Design Information Project Description Wednesday, April 18, 2018 Name Company Phone Email [ B ] - CNY LED P2 Manufacturer Acuity Brands Configuration Single Lamp Lumens 6601 Orientation Single Lamp Quantity 1 Mounting Height 10 Light Loss Factor 1 Arm Length 1 Input Power 51.9 Tilt 0 Max Illuminance 21 Area > 0.5fc 1638 4/18/2018 Template Print http://www.visual-3d.com/tools/template/Print.aspx?SessionID=5885381 1/1 Visual - Template Tool These lighting calculation results are for general informational purposes only and are provided without warranty as to accuracy, completeness, reliability or otherwise. Results are based on user provided data and data provided from publicly available sources; actual field conditions may affect calculated output. Visitwww.Visual-3D.com . Design Information Project Description Wednesday, April 18, 2018 Name Company Phone Email [ C ] - CNY LED P3 Manufacturer Acuity Brands Configuration Single Lamp Lumens 10755 Orientation Single Lamp Quantity 1 Mounting Height 10 Light Loss Factor 1 Arm Length 1 Input Power 86.6 Tilt 0 Max Illuminance 34 Area > 0.5fc 2125 4/18/2018 Template Print http://www.visual-3d.com/tools/template/Print.aspx?SessionID=5885381 1/1 Visual - Template Tool These lighting calculation results are for general informational purposes only and are provided without warranty as to accuracy, completeness, reliability or otherwise. Results are based on user provided data and data provided from publicly available sources; actual field conditions may affect calculated output. Visitwww.Visual-3D.com . Design Information Project Description Wednesday, April 18, 2018 Name Company Phone Email [ D ] - CNY LED P4 Manufacturer Acuity Brands Configuration Single Lamp Lumens 13900 Orientation Single Lamp Quantity 1 Mounting Height 10 Light Loss Factor 1 Arm Length 1 Input Power 109.1 Tilt 0 Max Illuminance 44 Area > 0.5fc 2463 10 " 4 11 16 " 14" 6 1 4 " 31 2" 234" 4 34 " 3 14 " Visual - Template Tool These lighting calculation results are for general informational purposes only and are provided without warranty as to accuracy, completeness, reliability or otherwise. Results are based on user provided data and data provided from publicly available sources; actual field conditions may affect calculated output. Visit www.Visual-3D.com . Design Information Project Description Monday, September 10, 2018 Name Company Phone Email [ A ] - CNY LED P0 50K Mvolt Manufacturer Lithonia Lighting Configuration Single Lamp Lumens 3473 Orientation Single Lamp Quantity 1 Mounting Height 10 Light Loss Factor 1 Arm Length 1 Input Power 26.4 Tilt 0 Max Illuminance 11 Area > 0.5fc 1038 Page 1 of 1Template Print 9/10/2018http://www.visual-3d.com/tools/template/Print.aspx?SessionID=1261344 CNY LED P0 CNY LED P1 CNY LED P4CNY LED P3CNY LED P2 Catalog Number Notes Type CONTRACTOR SELECT QTE LED Page 1 of 2 QTE LED Floodlights The QTE LED floodlight is ideal to replace up to 500W Halogen lamps, and comes with knuckle or yoke mount options. This is an extremely cost effective solution, great for illuminating yards, driveways, signage, patios, warehouses as well as for security applications. FEATURES: ¡Replaces up to 500W Quartz Halogen, saves 80% energy ¡Knuckle and yoke mount options available, good for ground mount as well! ¡Cost effective and energy efficient, payback within one year Catalog Number UPC Description Replaces Up To Lumens Input Watts CCT Voltage Finish Pallet Qty QTE LED P1 40K 120 THK DDBM6 191848090787 FLOODLIGHTS 150W HALOGEN 2,500 24W 4000K 120V DARK BRONZE 163 QTE LED P2 40K 120 THK DDBM6 191848093436 FLOODLIGHTS 300W HALOGEN 4,000 40W 4000K 120V DARK BRONZE 162 QTE LED P2 40K 120 YK DDBM6 191848093474 FLOODLIGHTS 300W HALOGEN 4,000 40W 4000K 120V DARK BRONZE 162 QTE LED P3 40K 120 THK DDBM6 191848092590 FLOODLIGHTS 250W METAL HALIDE / 500W HALOGEN 6,750 66W 4000K 120V DARK BRONZE 108 QTE LED P3 40K 120 YK DDBM6 191848092606 FLOODLIGHTS 250W METAL HALIDE / 500W HALOGEN 6,750 66W 4000K 120V DARK BRONZE 108 Contractor Select™ One Lithonia Way, Conyers, GA 30012 | 770-922-9000 | www.lithonia.com © 2018 Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc. All rights reserved. Rev. 12/20/19 Page 2 of 2 CONTRACTOR SELECT QTE LED INTENDED USE: QTE LED is suitable for replacing up to 500W Quartz Halogen or 250W Metal Halide. It is ideal for landscape, signage, and general purpose lighting in commercial and residential applications. CONSTRUCTION: Die-cast aluminum housing has integral heat sink fins to optimize thermal management. Rated for - 40°C to 40°C ambient temperature. Tempered glass lens is fully gasketed. Available with knuckle and yoke mount. ELECTRICAL: LEDs are directly coupled to the housing to maximize heat dissipation and lifespan (L70 / 50,000 hrs). 6 kV surge protection. INSTALLATION Mounts easily to junction box or under building cove. Suitable for ground mount applications. LISTINGS: UL Certified to US and Canadian safety standards. Wet location listed. DesignLights Consortium® (DLC) qualified product. Not all versions of this product may be DLC qualified.Please check the DLC Qualified Products List at www.designlights.org/QPL to confirm which versions are qualified. WARRANTY: 5-year limited warranty. Complete warranty terms located at: www.acuitybrands.com/CustomerResources/Terms_and_conditions.aspx Note: Actual performance may differ as a result of end-user environment and application. All values are design or typical values, measured under laboratory conditions at 25 °C. Specifications subject to change without notice. Specifications Dimensions All dimensions are inches (centimeters) unless otherwise indicated. QTE P1-P2 KNUCKLE QTE P1-P2 YOKE QTE P3 KNUCKLE QTE P3 YOKE 6 11/16”[16.9cm] 5”[12.7cm] 6 7/16” [16.34cm] 3 3/16” [8.13cm] 6 11/16”[16.9cm] 3 5/8” [9.2cm] 7 5/8”[19.35cm] 5”[12.7cm] 2 15/16”[7.4cm] 3 1/4”[8.3cm] 7 15/16”[20.18cm] 5 7/8”[14.88cm] 3 7/16”[18.77cm] 4”[10.16cm] 7 15/16”[20.18cm] 3 5/8”[9.2cm] 8 7/16”[21.51cm] 5 7/8”[14.88cm] 2 15/16”[7.4cm] 4”[10.16cm] Project Catalog #Type Prepared by Notes Date PS500001EN page 1 March 4, 2020 3:10 PM Quick Facts • Lumen packages range from 7,100 - 48,600 lumens (50W - 350W) • Replaces 70W up to 1,000W HID equivalents • Efficacies up to 148 lumens per watt • Energy and maintenance savings up to 85% versus HID solutions • Standard universal quick mount arm with universal drill pattern Interactive Menu • Ordering Information page 2 • Mounting Details page 3 • Optical Configurations page 3 • Product Specifications page 3 • Energy and Performance Data page 4 • Control Options page 5 Dimensional Details Prevail XL Prevail 17-7/8" [454mm]39-5/8" [1006mm] 3-11/16"[94mm] 13-15/16" [354mm]26-13/16" [681mm] 2-3/4"[70mm]6-15/16"[177mm] 7-1/8"[180mm] Prevail Prevail XL Area / Site Luminaire Lumark PRV / PRV-XL Prevail LED Typical Applications Outdoor • Parking Lots • Walkways • Roadways • Building Areas CLASS A Product Certifications Product Features LumenSafe Technology LumaWatt Pro WaveLinx PRV / PRV-XL PrevailLumark PS500001EN page 2 March 4, 2020 3:10 PM Product Family 1, 2 Light Engine 3 Driver Voltage Distribution Mounting (Included)Color PRV=Prevail C15=(1 LED) 7,100 Nominal LumensC25=(2 LEDs) 13,100 Nominal LumensC40=(2 LEDs) 17,100 Nominal LumensC60=(2 LEDs) 20,000 Nominal Lumens D= Dimming (0-10V)UNV= Universal (120-277V)347=347V480=480V 4 T2=Type IIT3=Type IIIT4=Type IVT5=Type V SA=Standard Versatile ArmMA=Mast Arm WM=Wall Mount Arm AP=GreyBZ=BronzeBK=BlackDP=Dark PlatinumGM=Graphite MetallicWH=WhitePRV-XL=Prevail XL C75=(4 LED) 26,100 Nominal Lumens C100=(4 LED) 31,000 Nominal Lumens C125=(4 LED) 36,000 Nominal Lumens C150=(6 LED) 41,100 Nominal Lumens C175=(6 LED) 48,600 Nominal Lumens Options (Add as Suffix)Accessories (Order Separately) 17 7030=70 CRI / 3000K CCT 5 7050=70 CRI / 5000K CCT 5 HSS=House Side Shield 6 L90=Optics Rotated 90° Left R90=Optics Rotated 90° Right 10K=10kV/10kA UL 1449 Fused Surge Protective Device HA=50°C High Ambient Temperature 7 PER=NEMA 3-PIN Twistlock Photocontrol Receptacle PER7=NEMA 7-PIN Twistlock Photocontrol Receptacle MSP/DIM-L12=Integrated Sensor for Dimming Operation, 8' − 12' Mounting Height 8, 9 MSP/DIM-L30=Integrated Sensor for Dimming Operation, 12' − 30' Mounting Height 8, 9 MSP-L12=Integrated Sensor ON/OFF Operation, 8' − 12' Mounting Height 8, 9 MSP-L30=Integrated Sensor ON/OFF Dimming Operation, 12' − 30' Mounting Height 8, 9 MS/DIM-L20=Motion Sensor for Dimming Operation, 9' − 20' Mounting Height 9, 10 MS/DIM-L40W=Motion Sensor for Dimming Operation, 21' − 40' Mounting Height 9, 10 MS-L20=Motion Sensor for ON/OFF Operation, 9' − 20' Mounting Height 9, 10 MS-L40W=Motion Sensor for ON/OFF Operation, 21' − 40' Mounting Height 9, 10 ZW=Wavelinx-enabled 4-PIN Twistlock Receptacle 9, 11, 12 ZW-SWPD4XX=Wavelinx Wireless Sensor, 7' − 15' Mounting Height 9, 11, 12, 13 ZW-SWPD5XX=Wavelinx Wireless Sensor, 15' − 40' Mounting Height 9, 11, 12, 13 LWR-LW=LumaWatt Pro Wireless Sensor, Wide Lens for 8' − 16' Mounting Height 9, 14 LWR-LN=LumaWatt Pro Wireless Sensor, Narrow Lens for 16' − 40' Mounting Height 9, 14 (See Table Below)=LumenSafe Integrated Network Security Camera 15, 16 PRVWM-XX=Wall Mount Kit 8 PRVMA-XX=Mast Arm Mounting Kit 8 PRVSA-XX=Standard Arm Mounting Kit 8 PRVXLSA-XX=Standard Arm Mounting Kit (for Prevail XL) 15 PRVXLWM-XX=Wall Mount Kit (for Prevail XL) 15 PRVXLMA-XL=Mast Arm Mounting Kit (for Prevail XL) 15 MA1010-XX=Single Tenon Adapter for 3-1/2" O.D. Tenon MA1011-XX=2@180° Tenon Adapter for 3-1/2" O.D. Tenon MA1017-XX=Single Tenon Adapter for 2-3/8" O.D. Tenon MA1018-XX=2@180° Tenon Adapter for 2-3/8" O.D. Tenon HS/VERD=House Side Shield 6, 18 VGS-F/B=Vertical Glare Shield, Front/Back 18 VGS-SIDE=Vertical Glare Shield, Side 18 OA/RA1013=Photocontrol Shorting Cap OA/RA1014=NEMA Photocontrol − 120V OA/RA1016=NEMA Photocontrol − Multi-Tap 105-285V OA/RA1201=NEMA Photocontrol − 347V OA/RA1027=NEMA Photocontrol − 480V ISHH-01=Integrated Sensor Programming Remote 19 FSIR-100=Wireless Configuration Tool for Occupancy Sensor 20 SWPD4-XX=WaveLinx Wireless Sensor, 7' − 15' Mounting Height 12, 13, 21 SWPD5-XX=WaveLinx Wireless Sensor, 15' − 40' Mounting Height 12, 13, 21 WOLC-7P-10A=WaveLinx Outdoor Control Module (7-PIN) 22 NOTES: 1. DesignLights Consortium® Qualified. Refer to www.designlights.org Qualified Products List under Family Models for details. 2. Customer is responsible for engineering analysis to confirm pole and fixture compatibility for applications. Refer to installation instructions and pole white paper WP513001EN for additional support information. 3. Standard 4000K CCT and 70CRI. 4. Only for use with 480V Wye systems. Per NEC, not for use with ungrounded systems, impedance grounded systems or corner grounded systems (commonly known as Three Phase Three Wire Delta, Three Phase High Leg Delta and Three Phase Corner Grounded Delta systems). 5. Use dedicated IES files on product website for non-standard CCTs. 6. Option will come factory-installed. House Side Shield not suitable with T5 distribution or C60 lumen package. 7. Not available with C60 lumen package. 8. Only available in PRV configurations C15, C25, C40 or C60. 9. Controls system is not available with photocontrol receptacle (PER or PER7) or other controls systems (MS, MSP, ZW or LWR). 10. Utilizes the Wattstopper sensor FSP-211. 11. Sensor passive infrared (PIR) may be overly sensitive when operating below -20°C (-4°F). 12. In order for the device to be field-configurable, requires WAC Gateway components WAC-PoE and WPOE-120 in appropriate quantities. Only compatible with WaveLinx system and software and requires system components to be installed for operation. See website for more Wavelinx application information. 13. Replace XX with sensor color (WH, BZ, or BK). 14. LumaWatt Pro wireless sensors are factory installed and require network components LWP-EM-1, LWP-GW-1, and LWP-PoE8 in appropriate quantities. See website for LumaWatt Pro application information. 15. Only available in PRV-XL configurations C75, C100, C125, C150, or C175. 16. Not available with 347V, 480V, or HA options. Consult LumenSafe system product pages for additional details and compatability information. 17. Replace XX with paint color. 18. Must order one per optic/LED when ordering as a field-installable accessory (1, 2, 4, or 6). 19. This tool enables adjustment to Integrated Sensor (MSP) parameters including high and low modes, sensitivity, time delay, cutoff and more. Consult your lighting representative at Eaton for more information. 20. This tool enables adjustment to Motion Sensor (MS) parameters including high and low modes, sensitivity, time delay, cutoff and more. Consult your lighting representative at Eaton for more information. 21. Requires Wavelinx-enabled 4-PIN twistlock receptacle (ZW) option. 22. Requires 7-PIN NEMA twistlock photocontrol receptacle (PER7) option. The WOLC-7 cannot be used in conjunction with other controls systems (MS, MSP, ZW or LWR). Product Family Camera Type Data Backhaul L=LumenSafe Technology D=Dome Camera C=Cellular, Customer Installed SIM Card A=Cellular, Factory Installed AT&T SIM Card V=Cellular, Factory Installed Verizon SIM Card S=Cellular, Factory Installed Sprint SIM Card E=Ethernet Networking Product Family 1 Light Engine Voltage Distribution Options (Add as Suffix) PRVS=Prevail C15=(1 LED) 7,100 Nominal Lumens C25=(2 LEDs) 13,100 Nominal Lumens C40=(2 LEDs) 17,100 Nominal Lumens C60=(2 LEDs) 20,000 Nominal Lumens UNV= Universal (120-277V)347=347V 2 T3=Type IIIT4=Type IV MSP/DIM-L30= Integrated Sensor for Dimming Operation, Maximum 30' Mounting Height 2 PRVS-XL=Prevail XL C75=(4 LED) 26,100 Nominal Lumens C100=(4 LED) 31,000 Nominal Lumens C125=(4 LED) 36,000 Nominal Lumens C150=(6 LED) 41,100 Nominal Lumens C175=(6 LED) 48,600 Nominal Lumens NOTES: 1. All stock configurations are standard 4000K/70CRI, bronze finish, and include the standard versatile mounting arm. 2. Only available in PRVS configurations C15, C25, C40 or C60. Ordering Information SAMPLE NUMBER: PRV-XL-C75-D-UNV-T4-SA-BZ LumenSafe Integrated Network Security Camera Technology Options (Add as Suffix) Stock Ordering Information PRV / PRV-XL PrevailLumark PS500001EN page 3 March 4, 2020 3:10 PM Pole Mount Arm (PRV) 4-15/16" [125mm] 3-3/4" [96mm] 6-15/16" [177mm] 4"[102mm] 4-7/8" [124mm] 1-1/4" [32mm] 9/16"[15mm]Dia. Hole 5-11/16"[144mm]3-1/8"[78mm] 7-1/8"[180mm]4"[102mm] 4-7/8"[124mm] 1-7/16" [34mm] 1/2"[14mm]Dia. Hole 6" [153mm] 3-1/4" [83mm] 2-1/2" [64mm] O.D. 7-13/32" [188mm] 4-1/8"[104mm] 3"[76mm]O.D. 3-5/16"[84mm]O.D. 8"[203mm]7"[178mm] 6"[152mm] 5"[127mm] 3"[76mm] 13/32"[11mm]Dia. Hole6" [152mm] 2-3/8" [60mm] 8"[203mm]7-1/8"[181mm] 7/16"[12mm]Dia. Hole 5-1/8"[130mm] Pole Mount Arm (PRV-XL)Versatile Mount System Wall Mount (PRV) Mounting Configurations and EPAs NOTE: For 2 PRV’s mounted at 90°, requires minimum 3” square or 4” round pole for fixture clearance. For 2 PRV-XL’s mounted at 90°, requires minimum 4” square or round pole for fixture clearance. Customer is responsible for engineering analysis to confirm pole and fixture compatibility for applications. Mast Arm Mount (PRV)Mast Arm Mount (PRV-XL) Wall Mount (PRV-XL) PRV-C15 (7,100 Nominal Lumens)PRV-C25/C40/C60 (13,100/17,100/20,000 Nominal Lumens) PRV-XL-C75/C100/C125 (26,100/31,000/36,300 Nominal Lumens)PRV-XL-C150/C175 (41,100/48,600 Nominal Lumens) Wall Mount Arm Mount SingleEPA 0.92 (PRV)EPA 1.12 (PRV-XL) Arm Mount 2 @ 180°EPA 1.35 (PRV)EPA 2.25 (PRV-XL) Arm Mount 2 @ 90°EPA 1.42 (PRV)EPA 2.13 (PRV-XL) Arm Mount 4 @ 90°EPA 1.63 (PRV)EPA 2.52 (PRV-XL) Arm Mount 3 @ 90°EPA 1.63 (PRV)EPA 2.52 (PRV-XL) Product Specifications Construction • Single-piece die-cast aluminum housing • Tethered die-cast aluminum door Optics • Dark Sky Approved (3000K CCT and warmer only) • Precision molded polycarbonate optics Electrical • -40°C minimum operating temperature • 40°C maximum operating temperature • >.9 power factor • <20% total harmonic distortion • Class 1 electronic drivers have expected life of 100,000 hours with <1% failure rate • 0-10V dimming driver is standard with leads external to the fixture Mounting • Versatile, patented, standard mount arm accommodates multiple drill patterns ranging from 1-1/2" to 4-7/8" • A knock-out on the standard mounting arm enables round pole mounting • Prevail: 3G vibration rated • Prevail XL Mast Arm: 3G vibration rated • Prevail XL Standard Arm: 1.5G vibration rated Finish • Five-stage super TGIC polyester powder coat paint, 2.5 mil nominal thickness Shipping Data • Prevail: 20 lbs. (9.09 kgs.) • Prevail XL: 45 lbs. (20.41 kgs.) Mounting Details Optical Configurations PRV / PRV-XL PrevailLumark PS500001EN page 4 March 4, 2020 3:10 PM Power and Lumens (PRV) Light Engine C15 C25 C40 C60 Power (Watts)52 96 131 153 Input Current @ 120V (A)0.43 0.80 1.09 1.32 Input Current @ 277V (A)0.19 0.35 0.48 0.57 Input Current @ 347V (A)0.17 0.30 0.41 0.48 Input Current @ 480V (A)0.12 0.22 0.30 0.35 Distribution Type II 4000K Lumens 7,123 13,205 17,172 20,083 BUG Rating B2-U0-G2 B2-U0-G2 B3-U0-G3 B3-U0-G3 3000K Lumens 6,994 12,965 16,860 19,718 Type III 4000K Lumens 7,111 13,183 17,144 20,050 BUG Rating B1-U0-G2 B2-U0-G3 B3-U0-G4 B3-U0-G4 3000K Lumens 6,982 12,944 16,832 19,686 Type IV 4000K Lumens 7,088 13,140 17,087 19,984 BUG Rating B1-U0-G3 B2-U0-G4 B2-U0-G4 B3-U0-G5 3000K Lumens 6,959 12,901 16,777 19,621 Type V 4000K Lumens 7,576 14,045 18,264 21,360 BUG Rating B3-U0-G3 B4-U0-G3 B4-U0-G4 B5-U0-G4 3000K Lumens 7,438 13,790 17,932 20,972 Power and Lumens (PRV-XL) Light Engine C75 C100 C125 C150 C175 Power (Watts)176 217 264 285 346 Input Current @ 120V (A)1.50 1.84 2.21 2.38 2.92 Input Current @ 277V (A)0.66 0.82 0.97 1.04 1.25 Input Current @ 347V (A)0.54 0.66 0.79 0.84 1.02 Input Current @ 480V (A)0.40 0.48 0.57 0.62 0.74 Distribution Type II 4000K Lumens 26,263 31,231 36,503 41,349 48,876 BUG Rating B3-U0-G3 B3-U0-G4 B4-U0-G4 B4-U0-G4 B4-U0-G5 3000K Lumens 25,786 30,664 35,840 40,598 47,989 Type III 4000K Lumens 26,120 31,061 36,304 41,124 48,610 BUG Rating B3-U0-G5 B3-U0-G5 B3-U0-G5 B4-U0-G5 B4-U0-G5 3000K Lumens 25,646 30,497 35,645 40,377 47,727 Type IV 4000K Lumens 26,098 31,035 36,274 41,089 48,569 BUG Rating B3-U0-G5 B3-U0-G5 B3-U0-G5 B3-U0-G5 B4-U0-G5 3000K Lumens 25,624 30,471 35,615 40,343 47,687 Type V 4000K Lumens 28,129 33,450 39,097 44,287 52,349 BUG Rating B5-U0-G5 B5-U0-G5 B5-U0-G5 B5-U0-G5 B5-U0-G5 3000K Lumens 27,618 32,843 38,387 43,483 51,398 Lumen Maintenance Configuration TM-21 Lumen Maintenance (50,000 Hours) Theoretical L70 (Hours) Up to PRV-C60 at 25ºC 91.30%194,000 Up to PRV-C60 at 40ºC 87.59%134,000 Up to PRV-XL-C175 at 25ºC 91.40%204,000 Up to PRV-XL-C175 at 40ºC 89.41%158,000 Lumen Multiplier Ambient Temperature Lumen Multiplier 10ºC 1.02 15ºC 1.01 25ºC 1.00 40ºC 0.99 Energy and Performance Data View PRV IES files View PRV-XL IES files Cooper Lighting Solutions 1121 Highway 74 South Peachtree City, GA 30269 P: 770-486-4800 www.cooperlighting.com © 2020 Cooper Lighting Solutions All Rights Reserved. Specifications and dimensions subject to change without notice. PRV / PRV-XL PrevailLumark PS500001EN page 5 March 4, 2020 3:10 PM Control Options 0-10V (D) The dimming option provides 0-10V dimming wire leads for use with a lighting control panel or other control method. Photocontrol (PER and PER7) Photocontrol receptacles provide a flexible solution to enable “dusk-to-dawn” lighting by sensing light levels. Advanced control systems compatible with NEMA 7-pin standards can be utilized with the PER7 receptacle. Dimming Occupancy Sensor (MSP and MS) These sensors are factory installed in the luminaire housing. When a sensor for dimming operation (/DIM) option is selected, the luminaire will dim down to approximately 50 percent power after five minutes of no activity detected. When activity is detected, the luminaire returns to full light output. When a sensor for ON/OFF operation is selected, the luminaire will turn off after five minutes of no activity. These occupancy sensors include an integral photocell that can be activated or inactivated with the programming remote / configuration tool for “dusk-to-dawn” control or “daylight harvesting”. Note: For MSP sensors, the factory preset is ON (Enabled), and for MS sensors, the factory preset is OFF (Disabled). The programming remote / tool is a wireless tool that can be utilized to change the dimming level, time delay, sensitivity and other parameters. A variety of sensor lenses are available to optimize the coverage pattern for mounting heights from 8’-40’. WaveLinx Wireless Control and Monitoring System Available in 7-PIN or 4-PIN configurations, the WaveLinx Outdoor control platform operates on a wireless mesh network based on IEEE 802.15.4 standards enabling wireless control of outdoor lighting. Use the WaveLinx Mobile application for set-up and configuration. At least one Wireless Area Controller (WAC) is required for full functionality and remote communication (including adjustment of any factory pre-sets). WaveLinx Outdoor Control Module (WOLC-7P-10A) A photocontrol that enables astronomic or time-based schedules to provide ON, OFF and dimming control of fixtures utilizing a 7-PIN receptacle. The out-of-box functionality is ON at dusk and OFF at dawn. WaveLinx Wireless Sensor (SWPD4 and SWPD5) These outdoor sensors offer passive infrared (PIR) occupancy and a photocell for closed loop daylight sensing. These sensors can be factory installed or field-installed via simple, tool-less integration into luminaires equipped with the Zhaga Book 18 compliant 4-PIN receptacle (ZW). These sensors are factory preset to dim down to approximately 50 percent power after 15 minutes of no activity detected. These occupancy sensors include an integral photocell for "dusk-to-dawn" control or daylight harvesting that is factory-enabled. A variety of sensor lenses are available to optimize the coverage pattern for mounting heights from 7'-40'. LumaWatt Pro Wireless Control and Monitoring System (LWR-LW and LWR-LN) The Eaton’s LumaWatt Pro powered by Enlighted is a connected lighting solution that combines LED luminaires with an integrated wireless sensor system. The sensor controls the lighting system in compliance with the latest energy codes and collects valuable data about building performance and use. Software applications turn the granular data into information through energy dashboards and specialized apps that make it simple and help optimize the use of other resources beyond lighting. Coverage Side Area (Feet) For mounting heights from 8' to 12' (-L12) 12 8 0 20 15 10 105 15 2050 30 22 15 157.5 22 307.5 030 20 0 Coverage Side Area (Feet) For mounting heights from 12' to 30' (-L30) Coverage Side Area (Feet) For mounting heights from 9' to 20' (-L20) 30 20 0 Coverage Side Area (Feet) For mounting heights from 21' to 40' (-L40W) 20 15 10 5 0 20 18 15 12 9 6 63 9 12 15 1830 20 50 30 0 30 50401020102040 Coverage Side Area (Feet) For mounting heights from 8' to 12' (-L12) 12 8 0 201510105152050 Coverage Side Area (Feet) For mounting heights from 16' to 40' (SWPD) FPO 0 10 20 30 4010203040 40 30 20 0 Coverage Side Area (Feet) For mounting heights from 8' to 16' (LWR-LW) 16 0 Coverage Side Area (Feet) For mounting heights from 16' to 40' (LWR-LN) 0 10 20 30 4010203040 40 30 20 0 24 18 8 0 8 18 24 LumenSafe (LD) The LumenSafe integrated network camera is a streamlined, outdoor-ready camera that provides high definition video surveillance. This IP camera solution is optimally designed to integrate into virtually any video management system or security software platform of choice. No additional wiring is needed beyond providing line power to the luminaire. LumenSafe features factory-installed power and networking gear in a variety of networking options allowing security integrators to design the optimal solution for active surveillance. XTOR CROSSTOUR LED APPLICATIONS: WALL / SURFACE POST / BOLLARD LOW LEVEL FLOODLIGHT INVERTED SITE LIGHTING Lumark SPECIFICATION FEATURES Construction Slim, low-profile LED design with rugged one-piece, die-cast aluminum hinged removable door and back box. Matching housing styles incorporate both a small and medium design. The small housing is available in 12W, 18W and 26W. The medium housing is available in the 38W model. Patented secure lock hinge feature allows for safe and easy tool-less electrical connections with the supplied push-in connectors. Back box includes three half-inch, NPT threaded conduit entry points. The universal back box supports both the small and medium forms and mounts to standard 3-1/2” to 4” round and octagonal, 4” square, single gang and masonry junction boxes. Key hole gasket allows for adaptation to junction box or wall. External fin design extracts heat from the fixture surface. One- piece silicone gasket seals door and back box. Minimum 5” wide pole for site lighting application. Not recommended for car wash applications. Optical Silicone sealed optical LED chamber incorporates a custom engineered mirrored anodized reflector providing high-efficiency illumination. Optical assembly includes impact-resistant tempered glass and meets IESNA requirements for full cutoff compliance. Available in seven lumen packages; 5000K, 4000K and 3000K CCT. Electrical LED driver is mounted to the die-cast housing for optimal heat sinking. LED thermal management system incorporates both conduction and natural convection to transfer heat rapidly away from the LED source. 12W, 18W, 26W and 38W series operate in -40°C to 40°C [-40°F to 104°F]. High ambient 50°C models available. Crosstour luminaires maintain greater than 89% of initial light output after 72,000 hours of operation. Three half-inch NPT threaded conduit entry points allow for thru-branch wiring. Back box is an authorized electrical wiring compartment. Integral LED electronic driver incorporates surge protection. 120- 277V 50/60Hz or 347V 60Hz models. Finish Crosstour is protected with a Super durable TGIC carbon bronze or summit white polyester powder coat paint. Super durable TGIC powder coat paint finishes withstand extreme climate conditions while providing optimal color and gloss retention of the installed life. Warranty Five-year warranty. The patented Lumark Crosstour™ LED Wall Pack Series of luminaries provides an architectural style with super bright, energy efficient LEDs. The low-profile, rugged die-cast aluminum construction, universal back box, stainless steel hardware along with a sealed and gasketed optical compartment make the Crosstour impervious to contaminants. The Crosstour wall luminaire is ideal for wall/surface, inverted mount for façade/canopy illumination, post/bollard, site lighting, floodlight and low level pathway illumination including stairs. Typical applications include building entrances, multi-use facilities, apartment buildings, institutions, schools, stairways and loading docks test. DESCRIPTION 12W, 18W, 26W 5-3/4" [146mm] 38W 6-5/8" [168mm] 12W, 18W, 26W 6-3/4" [171mm] 38W 8" [203mm] 12W, 18W, 26W 3-5/8" [92mm] 38W 4" [102mm] DIMENSIONS CERTIFICATION DATA Dark Sky Approved (Fixed mount, Full cutoff, and 3000K CCT only) UL/cUL Wet Location Listed LM79 / LM80 Compliant ROHS Compliant ADA Compliant NOM Compliant Models IP66 Ingressed Protection Rated Title 24 Compliant DesignLights Consortium® Qualified* TECHNICAL DATA 40°C Maximum Ambient Temperature External Supply Wiring 90°C Minimum EPA Effective Projected Area (Sq. Ft.): XTOR1B, XT0R2B, XT0R3B=0.34 XTOR4B=0.45 SHIPPING DATA: Approximate Net Weight: 3.7 – 5.25 lbs. [1.7 – 2.4 kgs.] 10" [254mm] 17-1/2" [445mm] 10" [254mm] 17-1/2" [445mm] ESCUTCHEON PLATES *www.designlights.org Catalog #Type Date Project Comments Prepared by TD514013EN March 12, 2020 9:33 AM Specifications and dimensions subject to change without notice. Cooper Lighting Solutions 1121 Highway 74 South Peachtree City, GA 30269 P: 770-486-4800 www.cooperlighting.com LUMEN MAINTENANCE POWER AND LUMENS BY FIXTURE MODEL CURRENT DRAW XTOR CROSSTOUR LED 10 0 010203040506070809010075 80 85 90 95 Hours (Thousands)Lumen Maintenance (Percent)50°C 40°C 25°C TD514013EN March 12, 2020 9:33 AM page 2 Voltage Model Series XTOR1B XTOR2B XTOR3B XTOR4B 120V 0.103A 0.15A 0.22A 0.34A 208V 0.060A 0.09A 0.13A 0.17A 240V 0.053A 0.08A 0.11A 0.17A 277V 0.048A 0.07A 0.10A 0.15A 347V 0.039A 0.06A 0.082A 0.12A Ambient Temperature TM-21 Lumen Maintenance (72,000 Hours) Theoretical L70 (Hours) XTOR1B Model 25°C > 90%255,000 40°C > 89%234,000 50°C > 88%215,000 XTOR2B Model 25°C > 89%240,000 40°C > 88%212,000 50°C > 87%196,000 XTOR3B Model 25°C > 89%240,000 40°C > 88%212,000 50°C > 87%196,000 XTOR4B Model 25°C > 89%222,000 40°C > 87%198,000 50°C > 87%184,000 LED Information XTOR1B XTOR1B-W XTOR1B-Y XTOR2B XTOR2B-W XTOR2B-Y XTOR3B XTOR3B-W XTOR3B-Y XTOR4B XTOR4B-W XTOR4B-Y Delivered Lumens (Wall Mount)1,418 1,396 1,327 2,135 2,103 1,997 2,751 2,710 2,575 4,269 4,205 3,995 Delivered Lumens (With Flood Accessory Kit) 1 1,005 990 940 1,495 1,472 1,399 2,099 2,068 1,965 3,168 3,121 2,965 B.U.G. Rating 2 B1-U0-G0 B1-U0-G0 B1-U0-G0 B1-U0-G0 B1-U0-G0 B1-U0-G0 B1-U0-G0 B1-U0-G0 B1-U0-G0 B2-U0-G0 B2-U0-G0 B2-U0-G0 CCT (Kelvin)5,000 4,000 3,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 CRI (Color Rendering Index)70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 Power Consumption (Watts) 12W 12W 12W 18W 18W 18W 26W 26W 26W 38W 38W 38W NOTES: 1 Includes shield and visor. 2 B.U.G. Rating does not apply to floodlighting. Specifications and dimensions subject to change without notice. Cooper Lighting Solutions 1121 Highway 74 South Peachtree City, GA 30269 P: 770-486-4800 www.cooperlighting.com XTOR CROSSTOUR LED STOCK ORDERING INFORMATION ORDERING INFORMATION TD514013EN March 12, 2020 9:33 AM page 3 Sample Number: XTOR2B-W-WT-PC1 Series 1 LED Kelvin Color Housing Color Options (Add as Suffix)Accessories (Order Separately) XTOR1B=Small Door, 12W XTOR2B=Small Door, 18W XTOR3B=Small Door, 26W XTOR4B=Medium Door, 38W [Blank]= Bright White (Standard), 5000K W=Neutral White, 4000K Y=Warm White, 3000K [Blank]= Carbon Bronze (Standard) WT=Summit White BK=Black BZ=Bronze AP=Grey GM=Graphite Metallic DP=Dark Platinum PC1=Photocontrol 120V 2 PC2=Photocontrol 208-277V 2, 3 347V=347V 4 HA=50ºC High Ambient 4 WG/XTOR=Wire Guard 5 XTORFLD-KNC=Knuckle Floodlight Kit 6 XTORFLD-TRN=Trunnion Floodlight Kit 6 XTORFLD-KNC-WT=Knuckle Floodlight Kit, Summit White 6 XTORFLD-TRN-WT=Trunnion Floodlight Kit, Summit White 6 EWP/XTOR = Escutcheon Wall Plate, Carbon Bronze EWP/XTOR-WT= Escutcheon Wall Plate, Summit White NOTES: 1. DesignLights Consortium® Qualified and classified for both DLC Standard and DLC Premium, refer to www.designlights.org for details. 2. Photocontrols are factory installed. 3. Order PC2 for 347V models. 4. Thru-branch wiring not available with HA option or with 347V. XTOR3B not available with HA and 347V or 120V combination. 5. Wire guard for wall/surface mount. Not for use with floodlight kit accessory. 6. Floodlight kit accessory supplied with knuckle (KNC) or trunnion (TRN) base, small and large top visors and small and large impact shields. 12W Series 18W Series 26W Series 38W Series XTOR1B=12W, 5000K, Carbon Bronze XTOR2B=18W, 5000K, Carbon Bronze XTOR3B=26W, 5000K, Carbon Bronze XTOR4B=38W, 5000K, Carbon Bronze XTOR1B-WT=12W, 5000K, Summit White XTOR2B-W=18W, 4000K, Carbon Bronze XTOR3B-W=26W, 4000K, Carbon Bronze XTOR4B-W=38W, 4000K, Carbon Bronze XTOR1B-PC1=12W, 5000K, 120V PC, Carbon Bronze XTOR2B-WT=18W, 5000K, Summit White XTOR3B-WT=26W, 5000K, Summit White XTOR4B-WT=38W, 5000K, Summit White XTOR1B-W=12W, 4000K, Carbon Bronze XTOR2B-PC1= 18W, 5000K, 120V PC, Carbon Bronze XTOR3B-PC1= 26W, 5000K, 120V PC, Carbon Bronze XTOR4B-PC1= 38W, 5000K, 120V PC, Carbon Bronze XTOR2B-W-PC1= 18W, 4000K, 120V PC, Carbon Bronze XTOR3B-W-PC1=26W, 4000K, 120V PC, Carbon Bronze XTOR4B-W-PC1= 38W, 4000K, 120V PC, Carbon Bronze XTOR2B-347V= 18W, 5000K, Carbon Bronze, 347V XTOR3B-347V=26W, 5000K, Carbon Bronze, 347V XTOR4B-347V=38W, 5000K, Carbon Bronze, 347V XTOR2B-WT-PC1=18W, 5000K, 120V PC, Summit White XTOR3B-PC2=26W, 5000K, 208-277V PC, Carbon Bronze Date: F eb ruary 24, 2021 Agenda Item #: V.B. To:P lanning C ommis s ion Item Type: R eport and R ec ommend ation From:Kris Aaker, Assis tant P lanner Item Activity: S ubject:B-21-04, Variance req uest for 5301 60th S treet Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED : Approve variance request as submitted. I N TR O D U C TI O N : A 2.1-foot west side yard setback variance at 5301 West 60 th S treet. for a second story addition. T he home constructed in 1956 does not comply with the current side yard setback requirement. T he foundation and main floor wall is set 2.1 feet into the west side yard setback (for an 7.9 foot setback versus 10 foot). Applicant is requesting a variance of 2.1 feet on west side yard setback to construct a 2nd story addition that aligns with the current nonconforming building foundation and main floor wall AT TAC HME NT S : Description Staff Report Better Together Public Hearing Comment Report Engineering Memo Site Location Survey Narrative and Plans The subject property, 5301 West 60th Street, is approximately 14,399 square feet in area and is located on the south side of West 60th Street, backing up to a pond. The existing structure is a one-story home built in 1956 with an attached two car garage. The current home does not meet the 50 foot setback required in today’s code from the back-yard pond or the minimum 10 foot side yard setback from the west and east side yard. The existing home is nonconforming and will be remodeled to include a second story addition while maintaining all existing nonconforming setbacks. The applicant is requesting a 2.1-foot west side yard setback variance from the minimum 10-foot requirement to maintain existing setback for a second story. There is no 2nd floor area above the garage on the east side, so no variance is required to the east lot line. The existing home is nearly at the minimum front yard setback with limited opportunity for front yard addition except for a porch. The second-floor, interior remodel and additions conform to all other aspects of the zoning ordinance. Surrounding Land Uses Northerly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. Easterly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. Southerly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned and guided low-density residential/pond. Westerly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. Existing Site Features 5301 West 60th is a one-story home built in 1956 with an attached two car garage. The current home does not meet the setbacks required in today’s code from the east, west lot lines and south setback from the pond. The existing setback to the west property line is 7.9 feet and 7.4 feet on the east garage side instead February 24, 2021 PLANNING COMMISSION Kris Aaker, Assistant City Planner B-21-04, A 2.1- foot west side yard setback variance for a 2nd story addition to an existing nonconforming home for property at 5301 West 60th Street. Information / Background: STAFF REPORT Page 2 of today’s required setback of 10 feet. The existing pond setback is 43 feet instead of the required 50 feet. The proposed new addition will maintain the existing non-conforming setback of the west wall all other main floor and basement areas will be within the allowable nonconforming alternate setback standard. Planning Guide Plan designation: Low-Density Residential Zoning: R-1, Single-Dwelling District Grading & Drainage The Environmental Engineer has reviewed the application and submitted comments as attached in their memorandum. The proposed work does not trigger a stormwater management plan. The proposed work reduces the amount of impervious surface per the survey. A final grade as-built survey and inspection will be required to verify compliance with the approved grading plan. Compliance Table City Standard Proposed North Side – East Side - South– West Side – 29.45 feet 10 feet 50 feet/pond 10 feet 29.6 feet 7.4 feet/existing nonconforming 43 feet/existing nonconforming 7.9 feet* Building Coverage Building Height 25% 2 ½ stories/ 35.38 feet 24% 2 stories/29.81 feet *Requires a variance PRIMARY ISSUES & STAFF RECOMENDATION Primary Issues • Are the proposed variances justified? Minnesota Statues and Section 36-98 of the Edina Zoning Ordinance require that the following conditions must be satisfied affirmatively. The proposed variance will: 1) Relieve practical difficulties that prevent a reasonable use from complying with ordinance requirements. STAFF REPORT Page 3 Reasonable use does not mean that the applicant must show the land cannot be put to any reasonable use without the variance. Rather, the applicant must show that there are practical difficulties in complying with the code and that the proposed use is reasonable. “Practical difficulties” may include functional and aesthetic concerns. The proposed use is permitted in the R-1 Single Dwelling Unit District and complies with zoning standards, with exception of the existing nonconforming side yard and pond setbacks. The practical difficulty is caused by the existing location of the home and the required setbacks. The proposed addition is reasonable due to the existing home’s non-conforming setbacks and limited expansion opportunity. The home will be refurbished and modified with existing setbacks. The original home was constructed without variances. 2) There are circumstances that are unique to the property, not common to every similarly zoned property, and that are not self-created? The existing house has non-conforming setbacks was built many years ago prior to the current ordinance requirements. There have been no variances grated for original construction of the home, so it conformed to at the time it was constructed in 1956. The proposed new home will continue the non-conformities as allowed in 1956 when the existing home was built. Circumstances have changed over time creating a nonconforming situation on the property that was not self-created by the applicant. The proposed additions will conform to all other zoning standards. 3) Will the variance alter the essential character of the neighborhood? Granting the variances will not alter the character of the neighborhood. The additions will match the existing home’s setbacks on the 1st floor. All other aspects of the additions and remodeling will conform to the ordinance requirements. Recommended Action: Approve the 2.1-foot west setback variance for an existing nonconforming home at 5301 West 60th Street. Approval of the variance request is subject to the findings listed in the staff report above and subject to the following conditions: • Subject to the survey stamped: January 21, 2021 • Plans date stamped: January 20, 2021 • Compliance with the conditions and comments listed in the Environmental Engineer’s memo. Deadline for a city decision: March 22, 2021 Survey Responses 30 January 2019 - 18 February 2021 Make Public Hearing Comments Better Together Edina Project: Public Hearing: 5301 60th St W Yard Setback Variance No Responses VISITORS 2 CONTRIBUTORS 0 RESPONSES 0 0 Registered 0 Unverified 0 Anonymous 0 Registered 0 Unverified 0 Anonymous DATE: 2/11/2021 TO: Cary Teague – Planning Director FROM: Zuleyka Marquez, PE – Graduate Engineer RE: 5301 60th St W - Variance Review The Engineering Department has reviewed the subject property for street and utility concerns, grading, stormwater, flooding, erosion and sediment control and for general adherence to the relevant ordinance sections. This review was performed at the request of the Planning Department; a more detailed review will be performed at the time of building permit application. Plans reviewed included existing and proposed site plans and demo and remodel drawings stamped January 20, 2021. Summary of Work The applicant proposes to add an upper-level floor and deck and expand the southwest portion of the structure. The request is for a variance to the front and side yard and ordinary high water level setbacks. Easements No comment. Grading and Drainage Site drains to 60th St W in the front yard and a ponding basin in the rear yard. Existing drainage patterns to be maintained. Stormwater Mitigation The proposed work does not trigger the Stormwater Policy Category 2 thresholds to require a stormwater management plan. The proposed work reduces the amount of impervious surface per the survey. A final grade as-built survey and inspection will be required to verify compliance with the approved grading plan. Floodplain Development A local 1%-annual-chance flood shape with an elevation of 905.1’ is located in the rear yard. The lowest opening elevation for new or modified existing openings is 907.1’. The ordinary high water level is set by the outlet elevation, in the absence of a Minnesota DNR-defined ordinary high water level elevation. The ponding outlet elevation is 900.7’. Thus, the City requires the lowest floor elevation be at no less than 902.7’. The Nine Mile Creek Watershed District lowest floor standard may apply and be more restrictive than the City’s. Applicant to review and confirm their design meets applicable standards. Final as-built survey will be required to verify the as-built lowest opening and floor meet the requirements. Fill is not proposed below the local 1%-annual-chance flood elevation of 905.1’. Verification that there was no fill in the local floodplain will be required at the end of the project. If this cannot be field verified, final as-built net cut/fill calculations may be required. Erosion and Sediment Control An erosion and sediment control plan was not submitted for review but will be required at permit application review. Plan and work must comply with City of Edina Building Policy SP-002. Street and Driveway Entrance No comment. Public Utilities Water and sanitary is served from 60th St W. A one-inch water service line from the curb stop to the dwelling is required per the City’s policy SP-024. Miscellaneous A Nine Mile Creek Watershed District permit may be required, applicant will need to verify with the district. Watermain was installed in 1955 and structure was built in 1956. Well unlikely onsite. Thus, coordination with Minnesota Department of Health will not be required. Ed ina, Hennep in, MetroG IS, Edin a, Henn epin , MetroGIS | © WSB & Associates2013, © WSB & Associa tes 2013 5301 West 60 th Street Febr uary 17, 202 1 1 in = 94 f t / 91282® L--BENCHMARK MANHOLE COVER ELEVATION=912.82 NGVD29 ORDINARY HIGH WATER (OHW) ALSO THE EDGE OF WATER 3 C HOUSE ADDITION AREAS EXISTING HOUSE AREA: 1986 SQ. FT. PROPOSED ADDITIONS 355.5 SQ. FT. TOTAL IMPERV1OUS=1986+355.5-150(PA110)= 2191.5 SQ. FT. TOTAL IMPERVIOUS PERCENTAGE IMPERVIOUS SURFACE ABOVE OHW: 2191.5/9116 = 0.24 x 100 = 24% ADDITION NOTES: FFE = FIRST FLOOR OF HOUSE ELEVATION TOB = TOP OF FOUNDATION BLOCK GAR FE = GARGE FLOOR ELEVATION BSMT FE = BASEMENT FLOOR ELEVATION NO WINDOW WELLS OBSERVED DURING SURVEY BASIS OF BEARINGS: Hennepin County7Coordin tes SITE ADDRESS: 5301 60th Street W, Edina, MN 55436 NOTES: 0 • X 995.23 ---995--- -OHW- 0 IN= DENOTES 12 INCH COMMON SPIKE SET WITH WASHER STAMPED RLS 16464 OR AS NOTED. DENOTES IRON MONUMENT FOUND SIZE, TYPE, & R.L.S. AS NOTED. DENOTES EXISTING DRAINAGE DIRECTION DENOTES EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION DENOTES EXISTING CONTOUR DENOTES GAS METER DENOTES ELECTRIC METER DENOTES WOOD FENCE DENOTES POWER POLE DENOTES OVERHEAD UTILITY WIRES DENOTES CHAIN LINK FENCE DENOTES PROPOSED SILT FENCE DENOTES CONCRETE SURFACE LAKE & LAND SURVEYING JOB NO. 2020.422 RP CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY X910.33 LAKE AND LAND SURVEYING, INC. 1200 Centre Pointe Curve, Suite 375 Mendota Heights, Minnesota 55120 Phone: 651-776-6211 csi /•. .3" 911 910.67 OHW WEST 60TH STR EET (so FT WIDE RIGHT-OF-WAY) 911.09 911.91 )%. 911.93 .X-4‹ . OHW • • 911.25 RLS 44125 91261 N89.48'21"E IRON PIPE 913 IRON PIPE RLS -• . , Made For: Mr. John Aune 5301 60th Street West Edina, MN 55436 CONCRETE CURB 913.09 >t)H W 79.66'::: r ••<. L ilr ,••• • I I ••• r•••• I 1--I I 1-t' „I I „ L_ I lig /A, in 912.54 X I II 912.51 X 93V3 ( g13 .g2 I -/ 1 ,,,' .--. I I r ,... -0 w X 911.81 1./ _c r...; ----912L. ./ 912.65 X -1:i II' ...,„...9\-5--- /I O .......--- 0 x•913.19 ' - ' • • .• a' co II o o ., -- .....-- 2 N ......'S csi ch - 03 ro X ,`, n ---- < II oi ''' r -,-,. r - ,••• -- -17 , eiz. , -WINDOW -. • .91.31-1 ,E, I- - -- ... I I 'll ' /1'5 i 0 / °-' 1 x 19.67: . co; WELL :.'. :-- ..' s' .- • • " ' 1 , .. , /1 /3. W /IE (3. i ...__. Fo I 11 to* .913.48.; X.,/ /.///,' . . . A, '-..' II . • , • - I • (A : -914 B X O D CO ,d In •? ;71 csJ /// / / / / / FRONT SETBACK (28.3+30.6)/2 = 29.45 co N -F" FFE = 914.52 TOB = 913.61 GAR FE = 912.82 WALKOUT BSMT FE = 906.00 NO WINDOW WELLS OBSERVED DURING SURVEY EXISTING HOUSE ADDRESS:5305 -- 907 -7C-906.79 NEW CONSTRUCTION: PROPOSED LOWEST FLOOR=902.7 PROPOSED LOWEST OPENING=907.1 906 --'-- X 905.84 x 1.1.1 N O N -(21 Op 905- • 5 FT UTILITY EASEMENT-- PER PLAT (TYPICAL) 1_ u-) 903.45 x • "*. ts 905.29 ti n i s,s5A 4; -n ELEVATION OF 905.1 ‘1, NO FILL BELOW THE 100 YEAR FLOOD- - RETAINING ,:gb 0 b,. no.4.40 905.35 "'6 0- ▪ 5 .903,31: CD o - c- r) cs- • Pr) 0_ 905 33 OC) CO X - X 904.48 (r) v-• CD cp ° • L 9 ,5 V) BLOCK 5 . . 903.3 • csi cn 90.i.27._x 0 903.45 E 903.41"4 CD LO 5: 'CP -7 (..) 0 c,4 0 cr 1,1 • ,,u1. -• t F2 44.4 / / /,/ / / / / / 26.44 / / / / / / / / / / / 20.8 43.7 --Area (Hatched)=51 sq. ft. 0 C.> `•-• 906.49 ___-- 90`-'6:85 X 906.79 X 906.34 6 ° 60"COCUONWOOD 905.89 906.55 _c O ti- 4 ,r\-7 906.48 0.5 FT CANTILEVERED-I EXISTING HOUSE ADDRESS:5301 FFE = 915.07 TOB = 914.16 GAR FE = 913.84 WALKOUT BSMT FE = 906.76 8 II -o ..orD roa) 0 CO -••••••• - For \F„. . ..• / / / / / / / / 71. •••••97,x/ FFE = 916.15 TOB = 915.25 GAR FE = 914.75 WALKOUT BSMT FE = 908.00 NO WINDOW WELLS OBSERVED DURING SURVEY EXISTING HOUSE ADDRESS:5313 PATIO / I-- I-- L._ E S T EXISTING PERIMETER=204.53 ft. PERIMETER ABOVE= 97.59 PERIMETER BELOW= 106.93 (TOB-BSMT)/2 = (FTC MID) + BSMT = MID GRADE (91416-906.76)/2 = (3.7) + 906.76 = 910.46 NET AREA PERCENTAGE BELOW MID GRADE: 106.93/204.53 = 0.52 x 100 = 52% PROPOSED ADDITION PERIMETER=219.31 ft. PERIMETER ABOVE= 97.59 PERIMETER BELOW= 121.72 (TOB-BSMT)/2 = (FTC MID) + BSMT = MID GRADE (914.16-906.76)/2 = (3.7) + 906.76 = 910.46 NET AREA PERCENTAGE BELOW MID GRADE: 121.72/219.31 = 0.56 x 100 = 56% • A I F I I I\ I I I L AS PER Ma ZULEYKA MARQUEZ, PE, CITY OF '--EDINA, THE ORDINARY HIGH WATER (OHW) ELEVATION IS 900.7 WHICH IS ALSO THE EDGE OF WATER AS SURVEYED ON DECEMBER 2, 2020 AND THE POND'S OUTLET ELEVATION. .4rWr i rareIrNII 90310 vfiji S X902.50 Aft ;4 110:011,901 . 81 • 3 '90 111.rai O O O N A r- r - 1 -I -1 1••••• ts I /2 I I I I I I I I I I \ I \L/L/I SCALE 1 inch = 20 ft. L-ORDINARY HIGH WATER (OHW) ALSO THE EDGE OF WATER L A E LI) -'s97C) II r9°9- -f„----908., 0, 8.1 x o 5.0 96' X 903.81 SPIKE ---- 903.01 9021111FOUND 902.33 4). 902.04 &OS0 " 901.98 902 - ;:irophyproxrd a • - 11124-011 raiiittliol I I I IP ' • 79.66 S89'48'21"W CITY OF EDINA Legal Description: (Tax Description) Lot 5, Block 2, BIRCHCREST SECOND ADDITION, Hennepin County, Minnesota. JAN 2 9 2021 EXISTING AREAS TOTAL LOT AREA: 14,339 SQ. FT. OR 0.33 ACRES NET AREA ABOVE OHW: 9116 SQ. FT. IMPERVIOUS SURFACE: 3251 SQ. FT. ANNING DEPARTMENT TOTAL LOT AREA PERCENTAGE IMPERVIOUS SURFACE: 3251/14,339 = 0.23 x 100 = 23% NET AREA ABOVE OHW PERCENTAGE IMPERVIOUS SURFACE: 3251/9116 = 0.36 x 100 = 36% PROPOSED AREAS TOTAL LOT AREA: 14,339 SQ. FT. OR 0.33 ACRES NET AREA ABOVE OHW: 9116 SQ. FT. PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS SURFACE: 3134 SQ. FT. TOTAL LOT AREA PERCENTAGE IMPERVIOUS SURFACE: 3134/14,339 = 0.22 x 100 = 22% NET AREA ABOVE OHW PERCENTAGE IMPERVIOUS SURFACE: 3134/9116 = 0.34 x 100 = 34% I Certify that this survey, plan or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision, and that I am a duly Registered Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Rev. January 20, 2021 Rev. January 8, 2021 Rev. December 29, 2020 Jonathan L. Fara ci December 4, 2020 Registered Land Surveyor & Registered Engineer Minnesota Registration No. 16464 5301 W 60th St - Variance Application Attachment PLANNING DEPARTMENT Legal Description: Jo 2 it 202k Lot 5, Block 2, Birchcrest Second Addition, Hennepin County, Minnesota Explanation of Request: CITY OF EDINA As a family of six living in a 2,200 square foot home with growing children, we are running out of living space. We love our property and the neighborhood and purchased our home (5 years ago) with the intent to raise our children and live here well into our retirement, thus we are looking to expand our living space. We desire to maintain as much as possible of the existing home while expanding to suit the needs of our family. The home constructed in 1956 does not comply with the current side yard setback requirement. The foundation and main floor wall is set 2.1 feet into the west side yard setback (for an 7.9 foot setback versus 10 foot). Applicant is requesting a variance of 2.1 feet on west side yard setback to construct a 2nd story addition that aligns with the current nonconforming building foundation and main floor wall (Section 36-438-section 2, side yard setback). MN Statutes and Edina Ordinances required conditions: Relieve practical difficulties and the use is reasonable: The proposed variance of 2.1 feet will relieve practical difficulties in complying with the zoning ordinance. Practical and unique limitations of our lot inhibit increasing the home's footprint by much as it is near the limits of setbacks on all sides. To effectively increase our living area we are required to build a second story. Constructing the second story wall in alignment with the existing foundation and main floor wall provides practicality of construction, provides structural integrity, and allows for cohesive aesthetics on the front of the home. We believe it is reasonable to request the ability to construct a wall vertically from the existing foundation to create a second story. Correct extraordinary circumstances applicable to this property but not applicable to other property in the vicinity: The side yard setback is applicable to many other homes in the vicinity that were constructed prior to the current setback requirement, but our lot is unique in the limitations for buildable area of the lot, to accomplish an expansion - 39% of our property is water, 28% beyond the water lies in the water body set back, 16% lies in the front yard setback leaving only 17% of the lot buildable. For homes in the vicinity, lots typically offer the opportunity to expand to the rear-yard to increase square footage, since they are not encumbered with a waterbody setback. Only one other home on the waterbody could be impacted (in the way ours is) in an expansion, our neighbor to the East. Since the option to expand to the rear does not exist for our property, in a way that meets our needs, the only way to remedy this lack of option is to maximize the footprint the existing house provides with the second story as proposed. The limited footprint of the home requires maximization of the second floor space in order to meet the needs of the expansion and be worth the effort of construction and cost of investment. Approving the requested variance would correct the extraordinary circumstance related to our property's ability to expand and the constraints of the side-yard setback code requirements. Be in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the zoning ordinance: The general purpose of the side yard setback requirement is to maintain spacing between homes. The proposed addition is in harmony with the general purposes of the ordinance as it maintains the existing space between the homes, it does not increase encroachment or create a setback condition that does not already exist. Not alter the essential Character of a neighborhood: The character of the neighborhood when originally developed was primarily a mix of turn of the century farmhouses and 1950's ramblers. The character of the neighborhood has since evolved with the redevelopment and tear down of many original homes to include suburban/midwestern 2 story homes with curb appeal and modern amenities. Our home addition has been intentionally designed to align with both the original character of the neighborhood and the modern 2 story style homes. The second story roof has been designed with a low slope hip roof reminiscent of the original rambler roof design. Small scale architectural peaks and facade bump outs have been incorporated to the design to break up the front facade and provide an updated aesthetic. The overall scale of the home with the second story is intended to be more in harmony with the original character of the neighborhood than many of the new construction homes with towering roof peaks and extreme slopes. The finished home will be in keeping with the level of curb appeal, detailing and quality of construction of homes in the neighborhood and will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood. PLANNING DEPAkTMLN I JAN 2, 0 2n\ CITY OF. EDINA 5301 W 60th St — Rendering of Proposed CITY OF EDINA FIC AT CERT Made For: Mr. John Aune 5301 60th Street West Edina, MN 55436 913.09 >4'...111W 913 911.09 I I c • r • I- -4 I < I I ./ I (c. O Ir • I II- \ . • I , •t 1:•••`g 0 F, 906 ------ x -- 906.84 x tri Lr) o CN1 0 x o') d 905 - • 0 I-- I-_ EST ORDINARY HIGH WATER (OHW) ALSO THE EDGE OF WATER .31CHC ADDITION NOTES: FFE = FIRST FLOOR OF HOUSE ELEVATION TOB = TOP OF FOUNDATION BLOCK GAR FE = GARGE FLOOR ELEVATION BSMT FE = BASEMENT FLOOR ELEVATION NO WINDOW WELLS OBSERVED DURING SURVEY HOUSE ADDITION AREAS EXISTING HOUSE AREA: 1986 SQ. FT. PROPOSED ADDITIONS 355.5 SQ. FT. TOTAL IMPERVI OUS=1986+ 355.5-150(PATI 0)= 2191.5 SQ. FT. TOTAL IMPERVIOUS PERCENTAGE IMPERVIOUS SURFACE ABOVE OHW: 2191.5/9116 = 0.24 x 100 = 24% EXISTING PERIMETER=204.53 ft. PERIMETER ABOVE= 97.59 PERIMETER BELOW= 106.93 (TOB-BSMT)/2 = (FTG MID) + BSMT = MID GRADE (914.16-906.76)/2 = (3.7) + 906.76 = 910.46 NET AREA PERCENTAGE BELOW MID GRADE: 106.93/204.53 = 0.52 x 100 = 52% PROPOSED ADDITION PERIMETER=219.31 ft. PERIMETER ABOVE= 97.59 PERIMETER BELOW= 121.72 (TOB-BSMT)/2 = (FTG MID) + BSMT = MID GRADE (914.16-906.76)/2 = (3.7) + 906.76 = 910.46 NET AREA PERCENTAGE BELOW MID GRADE: 121.72/219.31 = 0.56 x 100 = 56% 0 0 O A r r- I -1- I c • /_\11111 I I I I ..., I I I ts I I \ I N SCALE 1 inch = 20 ft. EXISTING AREAS TOTAL LOT AREA: 14,339 SQ. FT. OR 0.33 ACRES NET AREA ABOVE OHW: 9116 SQ. FT. IMPERVIOUS SURFACE: 3251 SQ. FT. TOTAL LOT AREA PERCENTAGE IMPERVIOUS SURFACE: 3251/14,339 = 0.23 x 100 = 23% NET AREA ABOVE OHW PERCENTAGE IMPERVIOUS SURFACE: 3251/9116 = 0.36 x 100 = 36% PROPOSED AREAS TOTAL LOT AREA: 14,339 SQ. FT. OR 0.33 ACRES NET AREA ABOVE OHW: 9116 SQ. FT. PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS SURFACE: 3134 SQ. FT. TOTAL LOT AREA PERCENTAGE IMPERVIOUS SURFACE: 3134/14,339 = 0.22 x 100 = 22% NET AREA ABOVE OHW PERCENTAGE IMPERVIOUS SURFACE: 3134/9116 = 0.34 x 100 = 34% I certify that this survey, plan or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision, and that I am a duly Registered Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. PLANNING DEPARTMENT DENOTES 12 INCH COMMON SPIKE SET WITH WASHER STAMPED RLS 16464 OR AS NOTED. DENOTES IRON MONUMENT FOUND SIZE, TYPE, & R.L.S. AS NOTED. DENOTES EXISTING DRAINAGE DIRECTION DENOTES EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION DENOTES EXISTING CONTOUR DENOTES GAS METER DENOTES ELECTRIC METER DENOTES WOOD FENCE DENOTES POWER POLE DENOTES OVERHEAD UTILITY WIRES DENOTES CHAIN LINK FENCE DENOTES CONCRETE SURFACE ..„, OF SURV y LAKE AND LAND SURVEYING, INC. 1200 Centre Pointe Curve, Suite 375 Mendota. Heights, Minnesota 55120 Phone: 651-776-6211 912.8210 WEST 60TH STREET (60 FT WIDE RIGHT-OF-WAY) 1--BENCHMARK MANHOLE COVER ELEVATION=912.82 NGVD29 CONCRETE CURB 911.91 .'•. r--4912.53 911.93 '::25•4;-:••••••-; • . • M910.33 910.67 _OHW OHW 911 N89'48'21 ''E 79.66 IRON PIPE „ • 911.25 RLS 44125 I I / X 911.81 /' 912.65 X O -I-; II 1 igg IRON PIPE ... • RLS 44125".•-• / •••: F, A I I I I In co 914 FRONT SETBACK (28.3+30.6)/2 = ----- • • . • • • 29.45 I Pi 6 CV it ° co • .... cc. r, o 0, ....../ 1.- 0) !AI X " " ..... < II 47 : . C3 /a ° x ,--WINDOW /,..; 1 I t x19.67- .: WELL 10_, i "" _ ---7/4. in 7..//7//// , • • '7 i it '913.48 ,•• 7Z64x i 11 IS01)079))i5, //.4, r"xc' 912.43 ( 9172 7 9 ,x ,..., 43.7 • • , • . r • . • , ••••• .913.31. r • -G L ./ 1- - t_ _ 1 '0>I XZ; : 7.4 q'5 q c ,.,; 2 / ///// FFE = 916.15 9 , TOB = 915.25 GAR FE = 914.75 / / / / / / / / / / V / / / 912.51 X • 20.8 --Area (Hatched)=51 sq. ft. 91k , 0 90,9 908, FFE = 914.52 TOB = 913.61 GAR FE = 912.82 WALKOUT BSMT FE = 906.00 NO WINDOW WELLS OBSERVED DURING SURVEY EXISTING HOUSE ADDRESS:5305 --ii EXISTING HOUSE 4:. _c ADDRESS:5301 0 -,-: FFE = 915.07 c)- x d- TOB = 914.16 GAR FE = 913.84 IV e- Er) WALKOUT BSMT FE = 906.76 , to Fri a i a II 44.4 1 / I/ / / / A /Cn / / / / / / / 26.44 -:N:::-.---i--/93-1:1-, ,-"-..---L' .... ..•,1/ # it or oma/ WALKOUT BSMT FE = 908.00 rn NO WINDOW WELLS OBSERVED DURING SURVEY of 9 /0/ EXISTING HOUSE '7? / ADDRESS:5313 // 2/ / o 8.1 907 ---- 5.0 „„)(10 7.4 11 PATIO 9.8 NEW CONSTRUCTION: LOWEST FLOOR=902.7 LOWEST OPENING=907.1 X k. •t) ...7 -Vt.---__ 906.48 .',..,,CD ..., 5 --...„ 906.49 0.5 FT CANTILEVERED-i ---t. .0 Is II --.-- x ...• to 0 Zi, I\ ---._ 906.34 g '., ';:-': 10 LP .=. -......._ OC 0 O II --___co X- -ma- - -No--I 0 905.29 L,4 90115-1 -IN 0,. 5 RETAINING cP cao _ 904.99 WALL ° k• 0 _90/ 2 X 906.79 -X 906.85 60"COTTONWOOD 905.89 2 I, in --9 0 . 0 905.35 °6 o Pi . n ZE, a_ 3 ___4.... 0 ****, 905.3 a) . 0 -... x 0, \, 0 z__ 908 Cn 0 < .., _, Ei '3D T, BLOCK 5 LC) X 904.48 0 _ ..• •. • 903.28. 96.27 5 FT UTILITY EASEMENT-- PER PLAT (TYPICAL) O 2 ___..--904-------. _1 1-- < 903.3 -i- 1 -------_--'7 ---......"- 902.60 X 903.81 5 .__-...---------- 903.45 x -- - , -- r, --- ___„_____. ‘.-•••-••:-..-- 903.01 A L'' , e ,„,,....,,,,,.....„.. afe.za:Airvi,,....72.55 :40 n 4- v...„--- --- 903111FOUND SPIKE 902.33 .7:0." .‘4 ..• lo.! '90.,_ , ..7•A kNfr .....d ok - - - Ali p, .11 . 1.--• 902.04 / 'Or .,.!.a.".. i AS PER MS. ZULEYKA MARQUEZ, PE, CITY OF ...4PS •• 901.81 m,;•44,2-1&41.4.1,141...! lia.' A. .--EDINA, THE ORDINARY HIGH WATER (01-IW) ELEVATION IS 900.7 WHICH IS ALSO THE EDGE ' lb 05,y,,,,,r10,4.1 "wftila:a..-4P" I 902- 901.98 ....., _,...4 ....._vg,,,01011.'- --.4.0"401-1-ifoy, '- ' .4.... OF WATER AS SURVEYED ON DECEMBER 2, 2020 AND THE POND'S OUTLET ELEVATION. 903.41 903.45 903' 902_50 _ _ U) ce'g k-ORDINARY HIGH WATER (OHW) ALSO THE EDGE OF WATER c • ts I r • I 11\1 I I I '1 L ./ LA 11) Cr; O S89'48'21"W 79.66 BASIS OF BEARINGS: Hennepin County Coordinates SITE ADDRESS: 5301 60th Street W, Edina, MN 55436 Legal Description: (Tax Description) Lot 5, Block 2, BIRCHCREST SECOND ADDITION, Hennepin County, Minnesota. NOTES: 0 • X 995.23 ---995--- El -OHW O - Rev. January 20, 2021 Rev. January 8, 2021 Rev. December 29, 2020 Jonathan L. Faraci December 4, 2020 Registered Land Surveyor & Registered Engineer Minnesota Registration No. 16464 JAN 2 0 2021 CITY OF EDINA LAKE & LAND SURVEYING JOB NO. 2020.422 RP ANDERSON DESIGN, INC BRIAN ANDERSON 612-203-1815 brian@andersondesigninc.com DRAFTING/DESIGN: CITY 0 A ANDERSON DESIGN INC 612-203-1815 Project: AUNE RESIDENCE 5301 W. 60th ST. EDINA, MN 55436 No. Description Date Project #: 20-118 Drawn by: Checked by: Date. 1/15/21 Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0'' Revisons: Sheet Title COVER SHEET EARTH BATT INSULATION M FINISHED WOOD STEEL ALUMINUM ij BID ALTERNATES: \IING DEPARTMENT JAN 2 0 7011 STANDARD ARCHITECTURAL ABBREVIATIONS a. AND DWG DRAWING J JOIST SAN SANITARY < ANGLE JF JOINT FILLER SC SOLID CORE AT E EAST JT JOINT SCHED SCHEDULE AB ANCHOR BOLT EA EACH SECT SECTION ACOUS ACOUSTICAL ACOUSTICAL TILE EF EACH FACE K KIP (1000 POUNDS) SF SQUARE FOOT ACT AD EJ ELEC EXPANSION JOINT ELECTRIC KD KO KNOCK DOWN KNOCK OUT SHT SHTG SHEET SHEATHING AREA DRAIN ADJ ADJUSTABLE ELEV ELEVATION SHWR SHOWER NE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER EMG EMERGENCY L LOUVER, LENGTH, ANGLE SIM SIMILAR AFF ABOVE FINISH FLOOR ENCL ENCLOSED LAM LAMINATE SPEC SPECIFICATION AFG ABOVE FINISH GRADE EQ EQUAL LAV LAVATORY SM SHEET METAL AGG AGGREGATE EQUIP EQUIPMENT LF LINEAL FOOT SQ SQUARE ALUM ALUMINUM EW EACH WAY LP LOW POINT SS STAINLESS STEEL ALT ALTERNATE EXH EXHAUST LTG LIGHTING STA STATION AP ACCESS PANEL EX EXISTING LVL LAMINATED VENEER LUMBER STD STANDARD APPROX APPROXIMATE EXP EXPOSED LW LONG WAY STL STEEL ARCH ARCHITECTURAL EXT EXTERIOR STOR STORAGE ASPH ASPHALT MAS MASONRY STRUC STRUCTURAL AVG AVERAGE FD FLOOR DRAIN MAT MATERIAL SUSP SUSPENDED - FDN FOUNDATION MAX MAXIMUM SYM SYMMETRICAL BOG BOTTOM OF CURB FE FIRE EXTINGUISHER MC MEDICINE CABINET - BD BOARD FEC FIRE EXTINGUISHER CABINET MECH MECHANICAL T TREAD BOF BOTTOM OF FOOTING F/F FACE TO FACE MEMB MEMBRANE T E B TOP AND BOTTOM BITUM BITUMINOUS FFE FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION MTL METAL TD TRENCH DRAIN BLDG BUILDING FFL FINISH FLOOR LINE MEZZ MEZZANINE TEL TELEPHONE BLK BLOCK . FH FIRE HYDRANT. MANUF MANUFACTURER TEMP TEMPORARY, TEMPERATURE, BLKG BLOCKING FHC FIRE HOSE CABINET MH MAN HOLE TEMPERED BM BEAM / BENCHMARK FHR FIRE HOSE RACK MIN MINIMUM TO TOP OF BOT BOTTOM FIN FINISH MSC MISCELLANEOUS T d G TONGUE AND GROOVE BRK BRICK FIXT FIXTURE MO MASONRY OPENING THK THICK BRG BEARING FLEX FLEXIBLE MULL MULLION THRU THROUGH BSMT BASEMENT FLG FLASHING TJ TOP OF JOIST BUR BUILT UP ROOF FLR FLOOR FLUORESCENT N NORTH TME TO MATCH EXISTING BW - BOTH WAYS FLUOR FOC NA NIC NOT APPLICABLE NOT IN CONTRACT TREATED TV PRESSURE TREATED TELEVISION FACE OF CONCRETE < OR CL CENTER LINE FOF FACE OF FINISH NO, * NUMBER TYP TYPICAL CAB CABINET FOM FACE OF MASONRY NOM NOMINAL - CEM CEMENT FOS FACE OF STUDS NTS NOT TO SCALE UL UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES CJ CONTROL JOINT FP FIREPLACE UNF UNFINISHED CL CLEAR FPRF FIREPROOF OA OVER ALL UNO UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE CLG CEILING FS FULL SIZE OC ON CENTER USGS UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL CLKG CAULKING FT FOOT OD OUTSIDE DIAMETER SURVEY CLR CLEARANCE FTG FOOTING OF OUTSIDE FACE - - CMU CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT FURR FURRING OH OVERHEAD VAR VARIES CO CLEAN OUT FUT FUTURE OPNG OPENING VCJ VENEER CONTROL JOINT COL COLUMN OPP OPPOSITE VCT VINYL COMPOSITION TILE COMB COMBINATION GA GAUGE VERT VERTICAL COMP COMPOSITION GALV GALVANIZED ,, PL PLATE VEST VESTIBULE CONC CONCRETE GL GLASS PFN PREFINISHED VIF VERIFY IN FIELD CONN CONNECTION GM GAS METER PLAM PLASTIC LAMINATE VTR VENT THROUGH ROOF CONST CONSTRUCTION GOVT GOVERNMENT PLAS PLASTER CONST JT CONSTRUCTION JOINT GR GRADE PLBO PLUMBING W/ WITH CONT CONTINUOUS GRAN GRANULAR PLF POUNDS PER LINEAL FOOT W WEST, WASHER CONTR CONTRACTOR GRBM GRADE BEAM PLYWD PLYWOOD WC WATER CLOSET COORD COORDINATE GRD GROUND PNL PANEL WD WOOD CORR CORRUGATED GYP GYPSUM PR PAIR WDW WNDOW CRS COURSE GYP BD GYPSUM BOARD PROP PROPOSED WH WALL HYDRANT CT CERAMIC TILE PSF POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT WL WIND LOAD CTR CENTER HB HOSE BIBB PSI POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH WM WATER METER - - HDR HEADER PT POINT W/O WITHOUT D DRYER HDW HARDWARE PTD PAINTED WP WATERPROOFING DBL DOUBLE HGT HEIGHT PTN PARTITION WT WEIGHT DEPT DEPARTMENT HM HOLLOW METAL PTW PRESSURE TREATED WOOD WWF WELDED WIRE FABRIC DET DETAIL HOR HORIZONTAL PVC POLYVINYL CHLORIDE IM/VM WELDED WIRE MESH DF DRINKING FOUNTAIN HP HIGH POINT DH DOUBLE HUNG HR HANDRAIL R RADIUS, RISER DIA DIAMETER HT HEIGHT RAD RADIUS DIAG DIAGONAL HTG HEATING RD ROOF DRAIN DIM DIMENSION HW HOT WATER REF REFRIGERATOR DISP DISPENSER HWD HARDWOOD REINF REINFORCED DL DEAD LOAD REQD REQUIRED DMPF DAMPPROOFING D NSIDE DIAMETER RES RESIDENCE DN DOWN F NSIDE FACE RES, RESIL RESILIENT DO DOOR OPENING N NCH RFG ROOFING DR DOOR NFO NFORMATION REV REVISION DS DOWNSPOUT NV NVERT RM ROOM DT DRAIN TILE NCL NCLUDE RO ROUGH OPENING DTL DETAIL NSUL NSULATION OW DISH WASHER NT NTERIOR S SOUTH SHEET INDEX A0.0 COVER SHEET A0.1 SITE PLANS D1.0 LOWER LEVELDEMO PLAN D1.1 MAIN LEVEL DEMO PLAN A1.0 LOWER LEVEL PLAN A1.1 MAIN LEVEL PLAN A1.2 UPPER LEVEL PLAN A1.3 ROOF PLAN A2.1 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A2.2 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A3.1 BUILDING SECTION A3.2 BUILDING SECTION A3.3 BUILDING SECTION A3.4 BUILDING SECTION A4.1 KITCHEN PLAN AND ELEVATIONS A4.2 BATHROOM PLAN AND ELEVATIONS A6.1 SCHEDULES E1.0 LOWER LEVEL ELECTRICAL PLAN E1.1 MAIN LEVEL ELECTRICAL PLAN E1.2 UPPER LEVEL ELECTRICAL PLAN PROJECT DIRECTORY OWNER: KIM 8 JOHN AUNE CONTRACTOR: COMPANY CONTACT PHONE EMAIL CONCRETE MATERIALS LEGEND DIMENSIONAL LUMBER SAND e GRAVEL "C-Tht GYPSUM PLYWOOD EN; LIMESTONE RIVER ROCK LEDGESTONE STACKED STONE BRICK RIGID INSULATION PROJECT AUNE RESIDENCE 5301 W. 60TH STREET EDINA, MN 55436 PRICING SET 1/15/2021 Sheet Number A0.0 No. Description Date WEST 60TH STREET WEST 60TH STREET CONCRETE CURB CONCRETE CURB O 111 CD LANDSCAPING .3' —w cc7) - 000 0 V/ 0 1/16" = 1'-0" S89 48 21 W 79.66' SITE PLAN - EXISTING 1/16" = 1'-0" SITE PLAN - PROPOSED S89 48 21 W PLANNING DEPARTMENT 79.66' JAN 20 2.o7.1 CITY OF EDINA ANDERSON DESIGN INC 612-203-1815 Project: AUNE RESIDENCE 5301 W. 60th ST. EDINA, MN 55436 Sheet Title SITE PLANS BIRCHCREST LAKE ORDINARY HIGH WATER ELEVATION, 900.7' BIRCHCREST LAKE ORDINARY HIGH WATER ELEVATION, 900.7' \\ 5313 %1\ W. 60TH \ST. \16\ 53u5, „1 W. 60TH ST. 7.9' —\114 -11"- --1-7 WINDOW COVERED P—ORCH I WELL I II 11- 5301 W. 60TH ST. 7 ,.. 72.7 SF OF UNENCLOSED FRONT PORCH ENCROACHES INTO FRONT YARD SETBACK. N89 48 21 E 79.66' CONCRETE DRIVEWAY - 7.4' o_ 0 1 7.9' LL 5301 W. 60TH ST. N89 48 21 E 79.66' WINDOW WELL j CONCRETE DRIVEWAY ai I —Lu 1 *N5313 ik \17)-- W. 60TH 10% Lu % 7.4' 305 W. 60TI--1-- ST 8.1' z EXISTING SHED TO BE REMOVED. —w --4 RI 8 PATIO (-) co LU CO 0 000 o z LANDSCAPING 77 Ito 0 PATIO _ U)O 0,1 0 I c, co CO NDSCAPING .4 Revisons: Project #: 20-118 Drawn by: Checked by: Date: 1/15/21 Scale: 1/16" =1,-0" Sheet Number A0.1 No. Description Date 1/15/21 Drawn by: Checked by: Date: Scale: 1/4" = <>9> L_ RELOCATE TO BATH 006. gg RELOCATE TO BEDROOM 003. Project: AUNE RESIDENCE 5301 W. 60th ST. EDINA, MN 55436 Sheet Title LOWER LEVEL DEMO PLAN PLANNING DEPARTMENT JAN 20 jott CITY OF EDINA LOWER LEVEL DEMO PLAN 1/4"=1-0' KEYNOTES - LOWER LEVEL DEMOLITION PLAN # NOTE 1 REMOVE EXISTING EXTERIOR WALL CONSTRUCTION IN ITS ENTIRETY AS REQUIRED FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO MASONRY, STONE, PLASTER OR DRYWALL, WOOD STUDS, SHEATHING, INSULATION, ELECTRICAL AND THE LIKE. 2 REMOVE EXISTING WINDOW IN ITS ENTIRETY AS REQUIRED FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WINDOW SASH AND FRAME, INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR TRIM, AND THE LIKE. 3 REMOVE EXISTING INTERIOR WALL IN ITS ENTIRETY AS REQUIRED FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO PLASTER OR DRYWALL, WOOD STUDS, BASEBOARD AND OTHER TRIM, ELECTRICAL AND THE LIKE. 4 REMOVE EXISTING DOOR IN ITS ENTIRETY AS REQUIRED FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE DOOR FRAME, CASINGS, THRESHOLD, HARDWARE, AND THE LIKE. SAVE DOORS AND HARDWARE FOR POSSIBLE REUSE. 5 REMOVE EXISTING CABINETRY IN ITS ENTIRETY AS REQUIRED FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE CABINETRY, COUNTERTOPS, BACKSPLASH, ASSOCIATED SOFFITS, AND THE LIKE. 6 REMOVE EXISTING CLOSET INTERIORS IN THEIR ENTIRETY AS REQUIRED FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO RODS, SHELVES, STANDARDS, CLIPS, HOOKS, HOOK STRIPS, CASEWORK, AND THE LIKE. 7 REMOVE EXISTING PLUMBING FIXTURE IN ITS ENTIRETY AS REQUIRED FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO FIXTURE, FITTINGS, ALL ASSOCIATED PIPING, AND THE LIKE. SAVE FIXTURE AND FITTINGS FOR POSSIBLE REUSE. KEYNOTES - LOWER LEVEL DEMOLITION PLAN # NOTE 8 REMOVE EXISTING STAIRS IN THEIR ENTIRETY AS REQUIRED FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO TREADS, RISERS, STRINGERS, HANDRAILS AND THE LIKE. 9 REMOVE EXISTING FINISH FLOOR IN ITS ENTIRETY AS REQUIRED FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION. 10 REMOVE EXISTING ELECTRICAL FIXTURES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ALL JUNCTION BOXES, CONDUIT. OUTLETS, SWITCHES, AND THE LIKE AS REQUIRED FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION. 11 REMOVE EXISTING SHED IN ITS ENTIRETY. 12 REMOVE EXISTING PATIO AS REQUIRED FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION. DEMOLITION NOTES PERCENT OF EXISTING EXTERIOR WALL DEMO: A. B. ALL DEMOLITION WORK IS TO BE COORDINATED WITH THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE WALL LENGTHS NOTED ARE A CUMULATIVE TOTAL OF ALL WALL AREAS RELATIVE TO THAT DIRECTION, INCLUDING THE GARAGE AND LIVING ROOM. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN SQUARE FEET. ADDITIONAL DEMOLITION AS LOWER LEVEL: REQUIRED FOR NEW SOUTH TOTAL WALL AREA: 326 CONSTRUCTION SHOWN ON THE • SOUTH TOTAL DEMO AREA: 194 CONSTRUCTION PLAN, EVEN IF MAIN LEVEL: NOT ILLUSTRATED IN THE DEMO NORTH TOTAL WALL AREA: 511 PLAN. NORTH TOTAL DEMO AREA: 92 C. IF TEMPORARY SHORING OR • WEST TOTAL WALL AREA: 303 BRACING IS REQUIRED IT MUST BE • WEST TOTAL DEMO AREA: 0 PROVIDED PRIOR TO REMOVING • SOUTH TOTAL WALL AREA: 511 ANYTHING STRUCTURAL TO • SOUTH TOTAL DEMO AREA: 192 MAINTAIN STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY • EAST TOTAL WALL AREA: 303 OF THE BUILDING. EAST TOTAL DEMO AREA: 0 D. ALL UTILITIES SERVING THE EXISTING RESIDENCE ARE TO BE TOTAL WALL AREA: 1,954 MAINTAINED IN WORKING ORDER TOTAL DEMO AREA: 478 DURING DEMOLITION. PERCENTAGE OF DEMO: 24.4% E. PRIOR TO DEMOLITION VERIFY THOSE ITEMS TO BE REMOVED AND RELOCATED, OR ITEMS TO BE TURNED OVER TO OWNER. Cr] D W CWS) L RELOCATE TO BEDROOM 004 WEST WALL <10> % — — RELOCATE 11 = = TO BATH OCR. 11111 RELOCATE TO BEDROOM OW. EAST WALL RELOCATE TO MECH 005. lc 09) ANDERSON DESIGN INC 612-203-1815 Project #: 20-118 Revisons: Sheet Number D1.0 - 5" EXIST WALL TO BE REMOVED O —1 DN 1 <>/ )\ rITTI 777, r=i 771-1 1771 171,- 17-^- L _ _ _ O ANDERSON DESIGN INC 612-203-1815 Project: AUNE RESIDENCE 5301 W. 60th ST. EDINA, MN 55436 No. Description Date Project #: 20-118 Drawn by: Checked by: Date: 1/15/21 Scale, As indicated Revisons: Sheet Title MAIN LEVEL DEMO PLAN Sheet Number D1.1 KEYNOTES - MAIN LEVEL DEMOLITION # NOTE 1 REMOVE EXISTING FRONT STOOP IN ITS ENTIRETY AS REQUIRED FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION. 2 REMOVE EXISTING EXTERIOR WALL CONSTRUCTION IN ITS ENTIRETY AS REQUIRED FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO MASONRY. STONE, PLASTER OR DRYWALL, WOOD STUDS, SHEATHING, INSULATION, ELECTRICAL AND THE LIKE. 3 REMOVE EXISTING WINDOW IN ITS ENTIRETY AS REQUIRED FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WINDOW SASH AND FRAME, INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR TRIM, AND THE LIKE. 4 REMOVE EXISTING INTERIOR WALL IN ITS ENTIRETY AS REQUIRED FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO PLASTER OR DRYWALL WOOD STUDS, BASEBOARD AND OTHER TRIM, ELECTRICAL, AND THE LIKE. 5 REMOVE EXISTING FINISH FLOOR CONSTRUCTION IN ITS ENTIRETY AS REQUIRED FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION. 6 REMOVE EXISTING EXTERIOR WALL FINISH IN ITS ENTIRETY AS REQUIRED FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO PLASTER OR DRYWALL TRIM, ELECTRICAL AND THE LIKE. 7 REMOVE EXISTING DOOR IN ITS ENTIRETY AS REQUIRED FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE DOOR FRAME, CASINGS, THRESHOLD, HARDWARE, AND THE LIKE. SAVE DOORS AND HARDWARE FOR POSSIBLE REUSE. 8 REMOVE EXISTING CABINETRY IN ITS ENTIRETY AS REQUIRED FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE CABINETRY, COUNTERTOPS, BACKSPLASH, ASSOCIATED SOFFITS, AND THE LIKE. KEYNOTES - MAIN LEVEL DEMOLITION # NOTE 9 REMOVE EXISTING CLOSET INTERIORS IN THEIR ENTIRETY AS REQUIRED FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO RODS, SHELVES, STANDARDS, CLIPS, HOOKS, HOOK STRIPS, CASEWORK, AND THE LIKE. 10 REMOVE EXISTING PLUMBING FIXTURE IN ITS ENTIRETY AS REQUIRED FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO FIXTURE, FITTINGS, ALL ASSOCIATED PIPING, AND THE LIKE. SAVE FIXTURE AND FITTINGS FOR POSSIBLE REUSE. 11 REMOVE EXISTING APPLIANCE IN ITS ENTIRETY AS REQUIRED FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO APPLIANCE, APPLIANCE ENCLOSURE, ALL ASSOCIATED ELECTRICAL PLUMBING, GAS, AND THE LIKE. CAP APPLIANCE FOR POSSIBLE REUSE. 12 REMOVE EXISTING ELECTRICAL FIXTURES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ALL JUNCTION BOXES, CONDUIT, OUTLETS, SWITCHES, AND THE LIKE AS REQUIRED FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION. 13 REMOVE EXISTING STAIRS IN THEIR ENTIRETY AS REQUIRED FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO TREADS, RISERS, STRINGERS, HANDRAILS AND THE LIKE. 14 REMOVE EXISTING ROOF IN ITS ENTIRETY AS REQUIRED FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE FINISHED ROOF, SHEATING, FRAMING, INSULATION, SOFFIT, FACIA AND THE LIKE. DEMOLITION NOTES A. ALL DEMOLITION WORK IS TO BE COORDINATED WITH THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR. B. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ADDITIONAL DEMOLITION AS REQUIRED FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION SHOWN ON THE CONSTRUCTION PLAN, EVEN IF NOT ILLUSTRATED IN THE DEMO PLAN. C. IF TEMPORARY SHORING OR BRACING IS REQUIRED IT MUST BE PROVIDED PRIOR TO REMOVING ANYTHING STRUCTURAL TO MAINTAIN STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY OF THE BUILDING. D. ALL UTILITIES SERVING THE EXISTING RESIDENCE ARE TO BE MAINTAINED IN WORKING ORDER DURING DEMOLITION. E. PRIOR TO DEMOLITION VERIFY THOSE ITEMS TO BE REMOVED AND RELOCATED, OR ITEMS TO BE TURNED OVER TO OWNER. PERCENT OF EXISTING EXTERIOR WALL DEMO: WALL LENGTHS NOTED ARE A CUMULATIVE TOTAL OF ALL WALL AREAS RELATIVE TO THAT DIRECTION, INCLUDING THE GARAGE AND LIVING ROOM. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN SQUARE FEET. LOWER LEVEL: SOUTH TOTAL WALL AREA: 326 • SOUTH TOTAL DEMO AREA: 194 MAIN LEVEL: NORTH TOTAL WALL AREA: 511 • NORTH TOTAL DEMO AREA: 92 • WEST TOTAL WALL AREA: 303 • WEST TOTAL DEMO AREA: 0 SOUTH TOTAL WALL AREA: 511 • SOUTH TOTAL DEMO AREA: 192 • EAST TOTAL WALL AREA: 303 EAST TOTAL DEMO AREA: 0 TOTAL WALL AREA: 1,954 TOTAL DEMO AREA: 478 PERCENTAGE OF DEMO: 24.4% 5' - 1" rTTTi171 EXIST WALL TO BE REMOVED <;4> <12> RELOCATE TO M. BATH 203. 1 •G RELOCATE TO RELOCATE TO BEDROOM 207. BEDROOM 207. <12> O i> ) 1 I I 4I 10) 1 I 100% 1 —Y I 1 7 1"-1 I I <> -0> — )1 \ er -'-- •••••P •...... — HI W //// I <a> I// II /N% II .., ,./ I\ _ 4 RELOCATE TO POWDER 103. O r _ REF. Fl O • ' 4 II 1 I _L z"IT = J L \•41/ OIL A ° JII II O O */\ <> T•T <12> — IH = = IH 11= =— == = = = I lo RELOCATE TO RELOCATE TO NEW LOCATION IN SAME WALL, SEE A1.1. H IL Ji 32 LANNINRDEPARTMENT • _ . 14 0Tiil JAN 2 0 2o11 EXTERIOR ELEVATION - NORTH r i) DEMOLITION = 01.1 -up -u MAIN LEVEL DEMO PLAN 171 11W —1-0 VI I Y I-I 0 Project: AUNE RESIDENCE 5301 W. 60th ST. EDINA, MN 55436 No. Description Date 1/15/21 Drawn by: Checked by: Date: Scale: 1/4" = Sheet Title LOWER LEVEL PLAN Revisons: Project #: 20-118 Sheet Number A1.0 r 0 o W HW 1 (001 ) i) MECH UNEXCAVAED EXTG 005 0 N. -I (028c)(.170 FURN 0 o$ 0 006a 6 EXISTING BEARING WALL HALL z EXISTING FLUSH BEAM. 8' -7" 0 0 TO REMAIN. 4' - 3 1/2" N- 002 • UP 16X15 FAMILY ROOM F 00 17) (003a) 0 0 0 UNEXCAVATED 0 EXTG oo 'cg z < 2 ce Wo o ENGINEERED FLUSH BEAM. \ \ 4 00 EXISTING FLUSH BEAM. 'O ct g 06,< z CO O SCOO ",°_1(2 MEI 0 BEARING WALL. x 0 BED OOM 0 - 1-o -1 0. o Li- 0 4 u.-10 o 2 6- 1(:)6(0 1`u) O F- • 1/417) 003 004a OUTSIDE STORAGE A3.4 EXTG \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ o \ BEDROOM L.1 0 5' - 4 1/2" 6' - 2 3/4" 6' - 7 3/4" 12'- tC 1/2" 10' - 1/2" - 5 3/4" - 25' -{1 3/4" I( 1 PLANNING DEPARTMEN1 JAN 2 0 20/1 CITY OF ED NA LOWER LEVEL CONSTRUCTION PLAN 1/4" = 1'-0" A3.1 A3.2 A3.3 \II A1.0 KEYNOTES - LOWER LEVEL CONSTRUCTION PLAN # NOTE I SEAL JOINT BETWEEN EXISTING AND NEW FOUNDATION WALLS. USE NON-SHRINK GROUT AS REQUIRED. DOWEL #3 X 1'-6" @ 16" O.C. AND GROUT 5" INTO EXISTING FOUNDATION. 2 8X20" POURED CONCRETE FOOTING WITH REBAR AS REQUIRED. 12" CMU FOUNDATION WALL TO FROST DEPTH WITH (1) HALF HIGH CS. 6" CMU. 3 EXISTING FOUNATION AND FOOTING TO REMAIN. 4 EXISTING CONCRETE SLAB TO REMAIN. 5 31/2" POURED CONCRETE SLAB OVER 2: RIGID INSULATION. 6 EXISTING POST TO REMAIN. VERIFY LOCATION IN FIELD. 7 EXISTING ELECTRICAL PANEL TO REMAIN. B CANTILEVER ABOVE. 9 EXISTING SHOWER TO REMAIN. 10 EXISTING TOILET TO REMAIN. 11 18" DIA. POURED CONCRETE FROST PIER WITH REINFORCING AS REQUIRED. BELL BOTTOM 12" TO 24" DIA. 12 (3) TREATED 2X12 BEAM. 4 A3.4 12' - 5" KEYNOTES - LOWER LEVEL CONSTRUCTION PLAN # NOTE 13 TREATED 2X8 LEDGER BOARD. FLASH AND CAULK 14 EXISTING WINDOW WELL TO REMAIN. 15 WOOD HANDRAIL. 16 (3) 2X12 STRINGER @ NEW STAIR. 17 CLOSET SHELVING BY OWNER. 9' - 4" (u)-7 (14 (13 CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. THIS PLAN AND ITS DETAILS HAVE BEEN DRAWN AS ACCURATELY AS POSSIBLE. THE OWNER AND/ OR CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW ALL PLANS AND VERIFY ALL INFORMATION PRIOR TO ONSET OF CONSTRUCTION. DUE TO POSSIBLE CONFLICTING CIRCUMSTANCES ON THE JOB SITE ANDERSON DESIGN, INC. TAKES NO RESPONSIBILITY ONCE BUILDING HAS STARTED. 2. DUE TO THE LACK OF CONTROL OF CONSTRUCTION TECHNIQUES USED, BUILDING MATERIALS AVAILABLE, OR THE CONDITION OF THE BUILDING SITE ITSELF, ANDERSON DESIGN, INC. TAKES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING OF THIS BUILDING. 3. AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE THE CONTRACTOR SHALL KEEP PREMISES FREE FROM WASTE MATERIALS AND RUBBISH CAUSED BY THE WORK. 4. INSTALL BLOCKING AS REQUIRED IN ALL PARTITIONS TO RECEIVE COUNTERS, SHELVING, ETC. 5. EGRESS WINDOWS: A. NET CLEAR OPENING 5.7 SQ. FT. B. MIN. NET CLEAR OPENING HEIGHT 24" C. MIN. NET CLEAR OPENING WIDTH 20" D. MAX SILL HEIGHT OF 44" 6. ALL OPENINGS TO EXTERIOR MUST BE CAULKED AND FLASHED. FLASHING IS REQUIRED WHERE ALL ROOF AND VERTICAL SURFACES MEET, OR WHERE SIDING MATERIAL CHANGES. 7. LEGIBLE SET OF MANUFACTURERS ENGINEERED TRUSS DETAILS TO BE POSTED ON JOB SITE BY PERMIT. 8. PROVIDE SOLID BEARING UNDER ALL BEAMS, HEADERS, AND GIRDERS TO THE FOUNDATION. 9. SMOKE DETECTORS MUST PROVIDED AT EACH LEVEL .4 EACH BEDROOM. 1 9' - 4" 3 A3.4 (0060 BATHROOM 006 ENGINEERED FLUSH BEAM. SYMBOLS I'/////A NEW WALL EXISTING WALL r's NEW DOOR A EXISTING DOOR \\ ANDERSON DESIGN INC 612-203-1815 KEYNOTES - MAIN LEVEL CONSTRUCTION # NOTE 1 EXISTING CONCRETE SLAB © GARAGE TO REMAIN. 2 EXISTING FLOOR FRAMING TO REMAIN. ADD 2X FLOOR JOIST OVER-FRAMING WITH FOOR SHEATHING TO MATCH EXISTING. NEW LIVING FLOOR TO PLANE OUT WITH EXISTING MAIN LEVEL FLOOR. 3 GAS AND VENT ROUGH IN FOR FUTURE GAS FIREPLACE. 4 INCREASE HEIGHT OF EXISTING EAST WALL OF LIVING ROOM 109 TO MATCH HEIGHT OF EXISITNG MAIN LEVEL WALL HEIGHT. 5 INCREASE HEIGHT OF EXISTING WEST WALL OF LIVING ROOM 109 TO TO BEARING HEIGHT FOR NEW PARALLEL CHORD ROOF TRUSS. 6 EXISTING 2X WALL CONSTRUCTION TO REMAIN. ADD 2X2 FRAMING TO BATHROOM SIDE TO ACCOMMODATE SOIL STAK, AS REQUIRED. 7 ADD 2X FURRING TO EXISTING WEST EXTERIOR WALL TO CREATE CONTINUOUS PLANE FOR GYPSUM BOARD. 8 WOOD HANDRAIL 9 WOOD GUARDRAIL 10 NOT USED. 11 42" VANITY. 11" CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. THIS PLAN AND ITS DETAILS HAVE BEEN DRAWN AS ACCURATELY AS POSSIBLE. THE OWNER AND/ OR CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW ALL PLANS AND VERIFY ALL INFORMATION PRIOR TO ONSET OF CONSTRUCTION. DUE TO POSSIBLE CONFLICTING CIRCUMSTANCES ON THE JOB SITE ANDERSON DESIGN, INC. TAKES NO RESPONSIBILITY ONCE BUILDING HAS STARTED. 2. DUE TO THE LACK OF CONTROL OF CONSTRUCTION TECHNIQUES USED, BUILDING MATERIALS AVAILABLE, OR THE CONDITION OF THE BUILDING SITE ITSELF, ANDERSON DESIGN, INC. TAKES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING OF THIS BUILDING. 3. AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE THE CONTRACTOR SHALL KEEP PREMISES FREE FROM WASTE MATERIALS AND RUBBISH CAUSED BY THE WORK. 4. INSTALL BLOCKING AS REQUIRED IN ALL PARTITIONS TO RECEIVE COUNTERS, SHELVING, ETC. 5. EGRESS WINDOWS: A. NET CLEAR OPENING 5.7 SQ. FT. B. MIN. NET CLEAR OPENING HEIGHT 24" C. MIN. NET CLEAR OPENING WIDTH 20" D. MAX. SILL HEIGHT OF 44" 6. ALL OPENINGS TO EXTERIOR MUST BE CAULKED AND FLASHED. FLASHING IS REQUIRED WHERE ALL ROOF AND VERTICAL SURFACES TAILS TO BE D GIRDERS CH BEDROOM. . . / . / 0 V' - - - 10" 8' - 6" 10' ...— „ ..... .... - - --...- ...... -.....- -..„..—. 7. LEGIBLE SET OF MANUFACTURERS ENGINEERED TRUSS DI POSTED ON JOB SITE BY PERMIT. 1 .16) oo 8. PROVIDE SOLID BEARING UNDER ALL BEAMS, HEADERS, M TO THE FOUNDATION. _ P (17 PORCH ii) 19) 3 9. SMOKE DETECTORS MUST PROVIDED AT EACH LEVEL 8. EA u i (iii) (15 — nu 100 iiii A3.4 63' - 8 1/4" +/- / 2V - 6 SA" +1- IIII ii II 19' - 51/2" +1- / / 3. - 8" 3' - 8' 3' - 11 1/4' 'I 5'-91/2" 4' - 2 1/4"m V - 7 1/2.' +/- 12' - 0 1/4.• +/- \ \ / / / / i ii 1' - 91M" ii 3. - 10' 5' - 9 1/2 (110) im .__. a\ 1 it \'\ 4P \ 444 (n . -0 (12) _ _ _ _ Cr .... .4. 4.-• .._., 1-- (iiii MUD ROOM 0 a) KR it ILI ;1. OFFICE Lu u) . cr u) a u, ....0 POWDEW , ;* 11 0 - 0 C[ \ (12A DN ' 4 uj 104 103 (101a) - GARAGE to -:-.. -Leo -) 111c z s._ _ _ _ ii, 2 ii) u, ENTRY 110 e - 6 1fir 6'-1" L.- el 101 12, _ 0 .7-7, 02) . a, .- \\ T \ , ,--, \ 1 HALL 1 ENGINEERED GABLE END STORAGE TRUSS A3.4 - --CHASE - (14) -A I 102 ,._ I 'I _ @ GARAGE. STORAGE TRUSSES TO PLANE =-* OUT WITH PARALLEL CHORD TRUSSES AT (104) V - 8" 3' - 3 wr +/-. 6. - 5 1/4" LIVING ROOM 109.9/12 SLOPE. .1 SITTING AREA w ow - 6 -3) PANTRY \ b _ I 108 S 5 2 4 1 10 ,.... j_ REF _----+I--- i Z.4 11, I- 1 ll- W \ i 17 \ Ii• 105) KIT HEN • b - 1 - kr I I I L / \ J I 7 P ui - 61 1 6 . to LI, UP 4:3 03 I I _Nv Ill 1/1 • CL 10 \ ' f•-• CO CL uj D 0 I o 01 1 RANGE 4' - 0" TOW III 0 0 111 to W Z I- - 5 x (109) 1 z 0 au 2 I 2 - 0" 1 - 8 1/2" 10' - 6" 1' - 51, I ' 1 0 .-. = to I to b I _J — — — \ ENGINEERED PARALLEL CHORD ROOF 0 ui . e e e e e L9 n TRUSS. 9/12 SLOPE. PARALLEL CHORD ROOF <-- STORAGE 0 11, I W -9 DI NG L11 _I oCUT EQ EQ TO PLANE OUT WITH GARAGE ....J TRUSSES. EAST SIDE OF PARALLEL CHORD SHORT DUE TO NARROW WIDTH. 2 Lij W ),, z I- 107 - (.9 M ilh V) A3.4 8 z 0 0 LIVING Wo VW m 109 0, I c., N--0 i -• • • " •- • • • • • - 7 - 9 1 2" 10' -10" T - 9 3/4" 5 -1"4' - 31/4"4' - 31/4" 5' - 7 1/2" / 26' - 5 1/4" 18' - 0" 1 / 44' - 5 1/4" 19' - 3..+/- r-. 1-1-ANNING DEPAWMENT 7/ 63' .- 8 ye +/- 1 /14 IAN 2 0 1-021 MAIN LEVEL CONSTRUCTION 1 PLAN Al.l 1/4" = 1'-0" KEYNOTES - MAIN LEVEL CONSTRUCTION # NOTE 12 CLOSET SHELVING BY OWNER 13 42" WIDE X 21" DEEP X 8.-0" TALL PANTRY CABINET. 14 48" WIDE X 24" DEEP BASE CABINET WITH COUNTER AND 42" HIGH UPPER CABINETS. 15 (3) 2X12 TREATED BEAM. 16 6X6 TREATED POSTS (g2 PORCH TO BEAM BELOW. WITH LOW MAINT. COLUMN WRAP AND TRIM. 17 ENGINEERED GABLE END ROOF TRUSSES. 14/12 SLOPE WITH 2/12 VAULT FOR BARREL CEILING a]) PORCH. 18 ENGINEERED MONO SLOPE ROOF TRUSSES. 4/12 SLOPE. 19 5/4 X 6" CEDAR DECKING. 20 EXISTING MAIL SLOT TO REMAIN. 21 ADD (1) LAYER 7/8" WALL SHEATHING TO EXISTING GARAGE WALL TO PLANE OUT WITH SOUTH PORTION OF WALL. VERIFY THICKNESS REQUIRED ON SITE. SYMBOLS NEW WALL EXISTING WALL D ----- NEW DOOR A EXISTING DOOR ' - " + - No. Description Date 1/15/21 Drawn by: Checked by: Date: Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0" Sheet Title MAIN LEVEL PLAN Project #: 20-118 Revisons: Sheet Number A 1 . 1 ANDERSON DESIGN INC 612-203-1815 Project: AUNE RESIDENCE 5301 W. 60th ST. EDINA, MN 55436 CITY OF EDINA KEYNOTES-UPPER LEVEL CONSTRUCTION # NOTE 1 2X6 PLUMBING WALL 2 DROP TOP CHORD OF FLOOR TRUSSES 4" el WALK IN SHOWER TO ACCOMMODATE LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE FLOOR ASSEMBLY. 3 5/4 X 6" CEDAR DECKING OVER 2X TREATED SLEEPERS, TAPPERED. 4 DROP TOP CHORD OF FLOOR TRUSSES AND SLOPE 1/4" PER FOOT FOR DRAINAGE AT DECK 208. 5 GUARDRAIL @ DECK 208. TAPER BLUSTER HEIGHTS AS THEY ASCEND ALONG ADJACENT ROOFS. 1X6 TRIM /a ROOF WHERE BALUSTERS ASCEND ALONG ROOF SURFACE. 6 CLOSET SHELVING BY OWNER 7 WOOD GUARDRAIL WITH HANDRAIL 8 WOOD HANDRAIL 9 32" X 60" BATHTUB WITH SHOWER. 10 36" VANITY WITH SINK AND SURFACE MOUNT MEDICINE CABINET. 11 36" VANITY. NO MEDICINE CABINET OR MIRROR. 12 FREESTANDING BATHTUB. 11 UPPER LEVEL CONSTRUCTION 1 PLAN 44' - 2 1/4" +/- 17 - 41/4" _ 6' - 51/2" W - 4 3/4" 11' -11 3/4" / 1' - 4" T -4" 3' - 4 3/4" - - =5' - 3 1/2 _ _ - - / P / -' - . __ == - 4. r- - 1' 9 1/2" 6' - 4 1/2" 2' - 0 1/4 5' - 0 1/4' 6' - 11 to - 1.— - — /., / / / / / F- -- 7 --- __, -14 -- 14 . _ 1 :.__ , _= =_e_r_ -qui ir - 16 ' \\ \ \ N \ `,.. \ \ N. \ \ N N \ NI K . I\ \ • 5' - 0" \ I I / Im N., / o 0 0 / '8 / / I / go) , 1_ (ii) .. 1,,, (2.7 1,, ) 0 a _ (2030 \ - - --- • . HALL . ._7_._ 0 e) 0 T 5' - 5 1/2" '1' - 0" DN 1 201 M. BATH ' * (202) o • 203 BENCH \ 0 BATH _ . \ 41 \ \ ‘X \ \ N. \ N. 202 Ico \ • + 0 in (203a) * 0 (19j V -10 3/4" 204 w I 207a iV 11' - 10 3/4" V - 6 1/2" 11" \ 5._ 5 lir (20 a) 1 0__ k a /ft f\. Dwiw.-_1 06. .-`° M. M. BEDROOM m-1-...1") • 0 J - - 8 3/4" (206) 1- - z e4 u) oulLuo-o 204 Lilo Vurcaiz T W.I. CLO. LINEN ww...o_w>_--u.com io B Luicaowztc \ L 0.0- 205 \• 6 zorzi610 ,-. -1 ..-_ \ N in u; ul if, . ;Ai \ i., , el ,;,,I (206a) \ in I '.. N \ N \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ‘ \ 7t77 \777 \II \777.S— (204a) _ 0 0 DECK 208 11 1/2" 18' 6' 0 3' T - 2" V- 01/2" 4' - 2 3/4" V - 0 3/4" 6' -11 1/2" ' 17 5 1/4" T -2" 6' - 6 3/4" - 01/4' .., 44' - 2 1/4" +/- N A1.2 1/4" = 1.-0" N 0 0 0 0 = SYMBOLS NEW WALL EXISTING WALL Ir--. NEW DOOR A EXISTING DOOR KEYNOTES - UPPER LEVEL CONSTRUCTION # NOTE 13 48" VANITY WITH SINK AND WALL MOUNTED MIRROR. 14 BATH 202 WINDOW TO BE CENTERED IN DECORATIVE GABLE. 15 ENGINEERED GABLE END GIRDER TRUSS. 9/12 SLOPE. 16 ENGINEERED GABLE END ROOF TRUSSES. 9/12 SLOPE. CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. THIS PLAN AND ITS DETAILS HAVE BEEN DRAWN AS ACCURATELY AS POSSIBLE. THE OWNER AND/ OR CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW ALL PLANS AND VERIFY ALL INFORMATION PRIOR TO ONSET OF CONSTRUCTION. DUE TO POSSIBLE CONFLICTING CIRCUMSTANCES ON THE JOB SITE ANDERSON DESIGN, INC. TAKES NO RESPONSIBILITY ONCE BUILDING HAS STARTED. 2. DUE TO THE LACK OF CONTROL OF CONSTRUCTION TECHNIQUES USED, BUILDING MATERIALS AVAILABLE, OR THE CONDITION OF THE BUILDING SITE ITSELF, ANDERSON DESIGN, INC. TAKES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING OF THIS BUILDING. 3. AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE THE CONTRACTOR SHALL KEEP PREMISES FREE FROM WASTE MATERIALS AND RUBBISH CAUSED BY THE WORK. 4. INSTALL BLOCKING AS REQUIRED IN ALL PARTITIONS TO RECEIVE COUNTERS, SHELVING, ETC. 5. EGRESS WINDOWS: A. NET CLEAR OPENING 5.7 SQ. FT. B. MIN. NET CLEAR OPENING HEIGHT 24" C. MIN. NET CLEAR OPENING WIDTH 20" D. MAX. SILL HEIGHT OF 44" 6. ALL OPENINGS TO EXTERIOR MUST BE CAULKED AND FLASHED. FLASHING IS REQUIRED WHERE ALL ROOF AND VERTICAL SURFACES MEET, OR WHERE SIDING MATERIAL CHANGES. 7. LEGIBLE SET OF MANUFACTURERS ENGINEERED TRUSS DETAILS TO BE POSTED ON JOB SITE BY PERMIT. 8. PROVIDE SOLID BEARING UNDER ALL BEAMS, HEADERS, AND GIRDERS TO THE FOUNDATION. 9. SMOKE DETECTORS MUST PROVIDED AT EACH LEVEL 8 EACH BEDROOM. ANDERSON DESIGN INC 612-203-1815 Project: AUNE RESIDENCE 5301 W. 60th ST. EDINA, MN 55436 Revisons: No. Description Date Project #: 20-118 Drawn by: Checked by: Date: 1/15/21 Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0" Sheet Title UPPER LEVEL PLAN _PLANNING DEPARTMEN _ JAN 2 0 7.0,‘ CITY OF EDINA Sheet Number A1.2 1 _ —14 - — _ — '-'"-. IMMV — lir _ _ _ IIP"'- _ =-_ _ . eseeme ,.z ----= __ .._m _ _ —.- ..... _ _ — liSe.- (----- — _ _ _ - PLANNING DEPARTMENT-- .._ JAN 2 0 /2,o1A CITY OF EDINA 1 ROOF PLAN VP A1.3 1/4" = l'-O" Sheet Title ROOF PLAN ANDERSON DESIGN INC 612-203-1815 Project: AUNE RESIDENCE 5301 W. 60th ST. EDINA, MN 55436 Revisons: No. Description Date Protect # 20-118 Drawn by: Checked by: Date: 1/15/21 Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0" Sheet Number A1.3 1/4" = 1.-0" KEY NOTES - EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS # NOTE 1 GRADE (VARIES). 2 1X10 TRIM BAND WITH CAP. FLASH AND CAULK. 3 4X4 CORNER BOARDS. 4 JAMES HARDIE OR EQUIVALENT PANEL SIDING. 5 1X4 BATTENS EQUALLY SPACED AT CANTILEVER. 6 JAMES HARDIE OR EQUIVALENT LAP SIDING. 6" EXPOSURE. 7 1X4 PICTURE FRAME WINDOW AND DOOR TRIM. 8 1X6 FRIEZE BOARD. 9 JAMES HARDIE OR EQUIVALENT SOFFIT (VENTED) AND FACIA. 10 ASPHALT SHINGLES. 11 1X2 BATTENS IN CANTILEVER GABLE TO BE 1/2 SPACING AS BELOW. 12 ROOF TO WALL FLASHING. 13 6X6 TREATED POSTS WITH JAMES HARDIE OR EQUIVALENT WRAP AND TRIM. 14 1X2 BATTENS @ 24" O.C. 15 DECORATIVE EYEBROW ROOF FRAMING AS EXTENSION OF PORCH GABLE ROOF. 16 BATH 202 WINDOW TO BE CENTERED IN DECORATIVE GABLE ROOF. 17 1X4 HORIZONTAL TRIM a) WINDOW SILL. 18 HAND-FRAMED SADDLE BETWEEN GARAGE AND HOUSE, WITH ROOF TO WALL FLASHING. 19 DECORATIVE EVEBROW HIP ROOF AT GARAGE FACADE GABLE. 20 1X4 BATTENS WITH 4 EQUAL SPACES AT GARAGE DOOR. 21 GUARDRAIL @ DECK 208. 1X6 TRIM ALONG ROOF SURFACE, TO RECEIVE BALUSTERS. ANDERSON DESIGN INC 612-203-1815 Project: AUNE RESIDENCE 5301 W. 60th ST. EDINA, MN 55436 Revisons: Description Date No. Project #: 20-118 Drawn by: Checked by: Date: 1/15/21 Scale: 1/4" = l'-O" Sheet Title EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS Sheet Number A2.1 Roof 17' - 7 7/8" \-IF 8'- 7 1/2" MAIN LEVEL ADDITION 12 12 5 5 Second Floor 9' - 6 3/4" \Jr T.O. MairLWAI 8' - 0" First Floor 0" o" 7' - 4 1/4" EXISTING HOUSE I PLANN. JAN la\ CITY OF EDINA LOWER LEVEL ADDITION 12 Roof 17' - 7 7/w' 12 (17) Second Floor 9' - 6 3/4" \Jr T.O. Main Wall 8' - 0" \-1, (20 0 O el " First Floo 0 i O N Rt, EXTERIOR ELEVATION - NORTH EXTERIOR ELEVATION - WEST 1/4" = 1'-0" N < N KEY NOTES - EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS # NOTE i GRADE (VARIES). 2 1X10 TRIM BAND WITH CAP. FLASH AND CAULK. 3 4X4 CORNER BOARDS. 4 JAMES HARDIE OR EQUIVALENT PANEL SIDING. 5 1X4 BATTENS EQUALLY SPACED AT CANTILEVER. 6 JAMES HARDIE OR EQUIVALENT LAP SIDING. 6" EXPOSURE. 7 1X4 PICTURE FRAME WINDOW AND DOOR TRIM. 8 1X6 FRIEZE BOARD. 9 JAMES HARDIE OR EQUIVALENT SOFFIT (VENTED) AND FACIA. 10 ASPHALT SHINGLES. 11 1X2 BATTENS IN CANTILEVER GABLE TO BE 1/2 SPACING AS BELOW. 12 ROOF TO WALL FLASHING. 13 6X6 TREATED POSTS WITH JAMES HARDIE OR EQUIVALENT WRAP AND TRIM. 14 1X2 BATTENS @ 24" O.C. 15 DECORATIVE EYEBROW ROOF FRAMING AS EXTENSION OF PORCH GABLE ROOF. 16 BATH 202 WINDOW TO BE CENTERED IN DECORATIVE GABLE ROOF. 17 1X4 HORIZONTAL TRIM 6 WINDOW SILL. 18 HAND-FRAMED SADDLE BETWEEN GARAGE AND HOUSE, WITH ROOF TO WALL FLASHING. 19 DECORATIVE EVEBROW HIP ROOF AT GARAGE FACADE GABLE. 20 1X4 BATTENS WITH 4 EQUAL SPACES AT GARAGE DOOR. 21 GUARDRAIL @ DECK 208. 1X6 TRIM ALONG ROOF SURFACE, TO RECEIVE BALUSTERS. ANDERSON DESIGN INC 612-203-1815 Project: AUNE RESIDENCE 5301 W. 60th ST. EDINA, MN 55436 Revisons: Description Date No. Project #: 20-118 Drawn by: Checked by: Date: . 1/15/21 Scale: 1/4" = 1.-0" Sheet Title EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS Sheet Number A 2 . 2 O 12 • Roof 17' - 7 7/8" 12 j 5 12 5 )i )) ) Ro( 17' - 7 7/8" Second Floor 9' - 6 3/4" T.O. Main Wall 8' - 0" Ay Basemen 8' - 5 1 JAN 2 0 201,\ CITY OF EDINA Basemer -8'- 5 1/2" Ar EXTERIOR ELEVATION - EAST 1/4" =1.-0" A2.2 Second Floor k 9' - 6 3/4" T.O. Main Wall n 8' - 0" (13) 080 19) ___ PLANNING DEPARTMENT (15 EXTERIOR ELEVATION - SOUTH 1/4" = 1'-0" 91282® L--BENCHMARK MANHOLE COVER ELEVATION=912.82 NGVD29 ORDINARY HIGH WATER (OHW) ALSO THE EDGE OF WATER 3 C HOUSE ADDITION AREAS EXISTING HOUSE AREA: 1986 SQ. FT. PROPOSED ADDITIONS 355.5 SQ. FT. TOTAL IMPERV1OUS=1986+355.5-150(PA110)= 2191.5 SQ. FT. TOTAL IMPERVIOUS PERCENTAGE IMPERVIOUS SURFACE ABOVE OHW: 2191.5/9116 = 0.24 x 100 = 24% ADDITION NOTES: FFE = FIRST FLOOR OF HOUSE ELEVATION TOB = TOP OF FOUNDATION BLOCK GAR FE = GARGE FLOOR ELEVATION BSMT FE = BASEMENT FLOOR ELEVATION NO WINDOW WELLS OBSERVED DURING SURVEY BASIS OF BEARINGS: Hennepin County7Coordin tes SITE ADDRESS: 5301 60th Street W, Edina, MN 55436 NOTES: 0 • X 995.23 ---995--- -OHW- 0 IN= DENOTES 12 INCH COMMON SPIKE SET WITH WASHER STAMPED RLS 16464 OR AS NOTED. DENOTES IRON MONUMENT FOUND SIZE, TYPE, & R.L.S. AS NOTED. DENOTES EXISTING DRAINAGE DIRECTION DENOTES EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION DENOTES EXISTING CONTOUR DENOTES GAS METER DENOTES ELECTRIC METER DENOTES WOOD FENCE DENOTES POWER POLE DENOTES OVERHEAD UTILITY WIRES DENOTES CHAIN LINK FENCE DENOTES PROPOSED SILT FENCE DENOTES CONCRETE SURFACE LAKE & LAND SURVEYING JOB NO. 2020.422 RP CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY X910.33 LAKE AND LAND SURVEYING, INC. 1200 Centre Pointe Curve, Suite 375 Mendota Heights, Minnesota 55120 Phone: 651-776-6211 csi /•. .3" 911 910.67 OHW WEST 60TH STR EET (so FT WIDE RIGHT-OF-WAY) 911.09 911.91 )%. 911.93 .X-4‹ . OHW • • 911.25 RLS 44125 91261 N89.48'21"E IRON PIPE 913 IRON PIPE RLS -• . , Made For: Mr. John Aune 5301 60th Street West Edina, MN 55436 CONCRETE CURB 913.09 >t)H W 79.66'::: r ••<. L ilr ,••• • I I ••• r•••• I 1--I I 1-t' „I I „ L_ I lig /A, in 912.54 X I II 912.51 X 93V3 ( g13 .g2 I -/ 1 ,,,' .--. I I r ,... -0 w X 911.81 1./ _c r...; ----912L. ./ 912.65 X -1:i II' ...,„...9\-5--- /I O .......--- 0 x•913.19 ' - ' • • .• a' co II o o ., -- .....-- 2 N ......'S csi ch - 03 ro X ,`, n ---- < II oi ''' r -,-,. r - ,••• -- -17 , eiz. , -WINDOW -. • .91.31-1 ,E, I- - -- ... I I 'll ' /1'5 i 0 / °-' 1 x 19.67: . co; WELL :.'. :-- ..' s' .- • • " ' 1 , .. , /1 /3. W /IE (3. i ...__. Fo I 11 to* .913.48.; X.,/ /.///,' . . . A, '-..' II . • , • - I • (A : -914 B X O D CO ,d In •? ;71 csJ /// / / / / / FRONT SETBACK (28.3+30.6)/2 = 29.45 co N -F" FFE = 914.52 TOB = 913.61 GAR FE = 912.82 WALKOUT BSMT FE = 906.00 NO WINDOW WELLS OBSERVED DURING SURVEY EXISTING HOUSE ADDRESS:5305 -- 907 -7C-906.79 NEW CONSTRUCTION: PROPOSED LOWEST FLOOR=902.7 PROPOSED LOWEST OPENING=907.1 906 --'-- X 905.84 x 1.1.1 N O N -(21 Op 905- • 5 FT UTILITY EASEMENT-- PER PLAT (TYPICAL) 1_ u-) 903.45 x • "*. ts 905.29 ti n i s,s5A 4; -n ELEVATION OF 905.1 ‘1, NO FILL BELOW THE 100 YEAR FLOOD- - RETAINING ,:gb 0 b,. no.4.40 905.35 "'6 0- ▪ 5 .903,31: CD o - c- r) cs- • Pr) 0_ 905 33 OC) CO X - X 904.48 (r) v-• CD cp ° • L 9 ,5 V) BLOCK 5 . . 903.3 • csi cn 90.i.27._x 0 903.45 E 903.41"4 CD LO 5: 'CP -7 (..) 0 c,4 0 cr 1,1 • ,,u1. -• t F2 44.4 / / /,/ / / / / / 26.44 / / / / / / / / / / / 20.8 43.7 --Area (Hatched)=51 sq. ft. 0 C.> `•-• 906.49 ___-- 90`-'6:85 X 906.79 X 906.34 6 ° 60"COCUONWOOD 905.89 906.55 _c O ti- 4 ,r\-7 906.48 0.5 FT CANTILEVERED-I EXISTING HOUSE ADDRESS:5301 FFE = 915.07 TOB = 914.16 GAR FE = 913.84 WALKOUT BSMT FE = 906.76 8 II -o ..orD roa) 0 CO -••••••• - For \F„. . ..• / / / / / / / / 71. •••••97,x/ FFE = 916.15 TOB = 915.25 GAR FE = 914.75 WALKOUT BSMT FE = 908.00 NO WINDOW WELLS OBSERVED DURING SURVEY EXISTING HOUSE ADDRESS:5313 PATIO / I-- I-- L._ E S T EXISTING PERIMETER=204.53 ft. PERIMETER ABOVE= 97.59 PERIMETER BELOW= 106.93 (TOB-BSMT)/2 = (FTC MID) + BSMT = MID GRADE (91416-906.76)/2 = (3.7) + 906.76 = 910.46 NET AREA PERCENTAGE BELOW MID GRADE: 106.93/204.53 = 0.52 x 100 = 52% PROPOSED ADDITION PERIMETER=219.31 ft. PERIMETER ABOVE= 97.59 PERIMETER BELOW= 121.72 (TOB-BSMT)/2 = (FTC MID) + BSMT = MID GRADE (914.16-906.76)/2 = (3.7) + 906.76 = 910.46 NET AREA PERCENTAGE BELOW MID GRADE: 121.72/219.31 = 0.56 x 100 = 56% • A I F I I I\ I I I L AS PER Ma ZULEYKA MARQUEZ, PE, CITY OF '--EDINA, THE ORDINARY HIGH WATER (OHW) ELEVATION IS 900.7 WHICH IS ALSO THE EDGE OF WATER AS SURVEYED ON DECEMBER 2, 2020 AND THE POND'S OUTLET ELEVATION. .4rWr i rareIrNII 90310 vfiji S X902.50 Aft ;4 110:011,901 . 81 • 3 '90 111.rai O O O N A r- r - 1 -I -1 1••••• ts I /2 I I I I I I I I I I \ I \L/L/I SCALE 1 inch = 20 ft. L-ORDINARY HIGH WATER (OHW) ALSO THE EDGE OF WATER L A E LI) -'s97C) II r9°9- -f„----908., 0, 8.1 x o 5.0 96' X 903.81 SPIKE ---- 903.01 9021111FOUND 902.33 4). 902.04 &OS0 " 901.98 902 - ;:irophyproxrd a • - 11124-011 raiiittliol I I I IP ' • 79.66 S89'48'21"W CITY OF EDINA Legal Description: (Tax Description) Lot 5, Block 2, BIRCHCREST SECOND ADDITION, Hennepin County, Minnesota. JAN 2 9 2021 EXISTING AREAS TOTAL LOT AREA: 14,339 SQ. FT. OR 0.33 ACRES NET AREA ABOVE OHW: 9116 SQ. FT. IMPERVIOUS SURFACE: 3251 SQ. FT. ANNING DEPARTMENT TOTAL LOT AREA PERCENTAGE IMPERVIOUS SURFACE: 3251/14,339 = 0.23 x 100 = 23% NET AREA ABOVE OHW PERCENTAGE IMPERVIOUS SURFACE: 3251/9116 = 0.36 x 100 = 36% PROPOSED AREAS TOTAL LOT AREA: 14,339 SQ. FT. OR 0.33 ACRES NET AREA ABOVE OHW: 9116 SQ. FT. PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS SURFACE: 3134 SQ. FT. TOTAL LOT AREA PERCENTAGE IMPERVIOUS SURFACE: 3134/14,339 = 0.22 x 100 = 22% NET AREA ABOVE OHW PERCENTAGE IMPERVIOUS SURFACE: 3134/9116 = 0.34 x 100 = 34% I Certify that this survey, plan or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision, and that I am a duly Registered Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Rev. January 20, 2021 Rev. January 8, 2021 Rev. December 29, 2020 Jonathan L. Fara ci December 4, 2020 Registered Land Surveyor & Registered Engineer Minnesota Registration No. 16464 Date: F ebruary 24, 2021 Agenda Item #: VI.A. To:P lanning C o mmis s io n Item Type: R eport and R ec o mmendation F rom:C ary Teague, C o mmunity Development Directo r Item Activity: Subject:S ketc h P lan R eview - 4404 Valley View R oad Dis cus s ion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED : N o Action R equested I N TR O D U C TI O N : T he P lanning C ommission is asked to consider a sketch plan request to redevelop 4404 Valley View R oad. T his site was part of the E dina F lats project, and was to have a two-story, four (4) unit condo built on it. T he applicant is proposing to build a three-story thirteen (13) unit condo on the site. All the units would be for affordable housing. O verall, E dina F lats was 1.27 acres in size and was to have 18 units built. With the proposal for nine (9) additional units, the project would contain twenty-seven (27) units total. T he site is guided in the C omprehensive P lan as N N , N eighborhood N od, which allows up to thirty (30) units per acre. T he overall density proposed would be 21 units per acre. AT TAC HME N T S : Description Staff Memo Site Location and Zoning Applicant Narrative and Plans Revis ed Site Plan with Setbacks Pages from the Valley View/Wooddale Small Area Plan Approved Edina Flats Project City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 City Hall • Phone 952-927-8861 Fax 952-826-0389 • www.CityofEdina.com Date: February 24, 2021 To: Planning Commission From: Cary Teague, Community Development Director Re: Sketch Plan Review – 4404 Valley View Road The Planning Commission is asked to consider a sketch plan request to redevelop 4404 Valley View Road. This site was part of the Edina Flats project, and was to have a two- story, four (4) unit condo built on it. The applicant is proposing to build a three-story thirteen (13) unit condo on the site. All the units would be for affordable housing. Overall, Edina Flats was 1.27 acres in size and was to have 18 units built. With the proposal for nine (9) additional unit, the project would contain twenty-seven (27) units total. The site is guided in the Comprehensive Plan as NN, Neighborhood Nod, which allows up to thirty (30) units per acre. The overall density proposed would be 21 units per acre. This request requires a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to increase the height limit from 2 stories and 30 feet tall to 3 stories and 35 feet tall; a conditional use permit for the use; and variances for setbacks, height, and floor area ratio. The tables on the following page demonstrates how the proposed new building(s) would comply with the existing PCD-1 Standards on the lot. Please note that several variances would be required under the existing zoning standards. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Compliance Table City Standard (PCD-1) Proposed Front – Kellogg Avenue Front – Valley View Road Side – North lot line Rear – West lot line 35 feet 35 feet 35 feet 25 feet 5 feet* 0 and 1.8 feet* 9 and 14.5 feet* 5 feet* Building Height 2-stories and 30 feet 3 stories & 35 feet** Floor Area Ratio (FAR) 1.0 1.14* Density 30 units per acre (27 units) 21 Parking 1 enclosed space per unit – 13 units. (City Council may require the provision of additional exposed spaces as a condition of approval in the CUP) 13 exposed spaces* *Requires Variance Issues/considerations: Proposed Density & Affordable Housing. The density was calculated as part of the Edina Flats overall development. (See attached approved plans for Edina Flats) The development density in the Edina Flats project was 14 units per acre (18 units on 1.27 acres). The proposed density is 21 units per acre (27 units on 1.27 acres). The increase in density is justifiable given that all 13 units proposed would meet the city’s affordable housing policy. Therefore, 48% of the units within the Edina Flats project would be for affordable housing. Owner occupied affordable housing is a goal in the City’s 2040 Comprehensive Plan. Owner occupied affordable housing has been difficult for the city to achieve. Proposed heights. The proposed height of 3 stories and 35 feet, exceeds the zoning code and comprehensive plan requirement of 2 stories and 30 feet. However, as the table above demonstrates, the proposed buildings would only be 5 feet taller than an allowed 2-story building. (See attached documents from the Valley View/Wooddale small area plan.) Gateway to Valley View Wooddale Node. As outlined in the Valley View/Wooddale small area plan, this site is seen as the gateway to this commercial node. The large right-of-way on the corner provides an opportunity to provide some kind of gateway public art. (See item c. on page 48 in the attached pages from the Valley View/Wooddale small area plan.) City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Traffic and parking. A traffic and parking study would be required. Setbacks. As demonstrated in the table above, the proposed setbacks are tight. Landscaping should be provided along the north and west lot lines to minimize impacts. There is a large amount of right-of-way along Kellogg (about 17 feet) and Valley View (15- 30 feet), which would give the appearance of a greater setback. Landscaping. As mentioned above landscaping would be important to minimize impacts to the north and east. Year-round landscaping should be included along these lot lines. Sustainability. The applicant will be required to address the City’s Sustainability Questionnaire as part of a formal application. The Metropolitan Council's Extreme Heat map shows this area of Edina can reach 99.57 degrees during extreme heat events, nearly 10 degrees hotter than surrounding areas. The University of Minnesota's Solar Suitability map rates this location as "good" for solar roof installations with a grade of 83 out of 100, and an estimated payback of solar installation of 8 years. Green roofs reduce the urban heat island effect, reducing amount of greenhouse gas emissions trapped in the atmosphere and energy needs to cool a building. Rooftop solar generates emission-free energy and can help insulate a building further reducing energy needs. Financing options such as PACE (Property Assessed Clean Energy) exist for multi-family affordable developments. Consider installing Electric Vehicle chargers, or wiring some parking stalls to be EV-ready (we typically ask for 50% but a lower number seems right for an affordable development) Ensure space is available in Trash area to accommodate waste receptacles for organics, recycling and landfill waste. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 February 10, 2021 City of Edina Planning Department Attn: Cary Teague, Planning Director Edina City Hall 4801 W. 59th Street Edina, MN 55424 Project: Multi-Family Affordable for Sale Development Location: 4404 Valley View Road, PID: 1902824430076 Subject: Sketch Plan Narrative This presentation for Sketch Plan Review describes and illustrates the redevelopment of a surface parking lot located at 4404 Valley View Road to a three-story affordable for-sale condominium building with surface parking lot and associated site improvements and amenities. Current Use and Reasons for Redevelopment: The lot size of the property is 11,691 square feet (0.27 acre). It is zoned PCD-1 Planned Commercial. The property is currently used as a surface parking lot. The current use is not achieving the highest and best potential for the property. Redeveloping this property to a multi-family for sale condominium is consistent with the surrounding neighborhood and the Wooddale Valley View Small Area Plan. Proposed Development: The proposed development is a three-story multi-family building consisting of 13 units with a total of approximately 12,800 square feet. This building meets the City Code density requirements of a maximum of 30 units per acre. The development will be for affordable for-sale units, which is consistent with the city’s goals of providing additional home ownership at more affordable price ranges. The residential units will range in size from 520 square feet for one-bedroom unit to 950 square feet for a two-bedroom unit. Parking for these residences will be at a surface parking lot accessed from Valley View Road, with a parking ratio of one stall per residential unit. No rezoning changes are required for this development. A revision to the Comprehensive Plan will be needed to address the story limit. The site plan will require the following amendments and variances: · Increase in building height from two stories to three stories based on the Comprehensive Plan Wooddale Valley View Small Area Plan. · Increase in floor area ratio (FAR) from 1.0 to 1.14. · Yard setbacks including Front Yard (Valley View) from 35’ to 1’-9”, Side Yard (Oaklawn Avenue) from 25’ to 5’ and Rear Yard (north) from 25’ to 14’-6”. City and Neighborhood Betterment: The proposed development will benefit the City of Edina and the surrounding neighborhood in the following ways: · It will replace a surface parking lot. · It will create a multi-family building that conforms with the context of the Valley View Neighborhood Node. · It will create much needed affordable for-sale residences. · The change in number of stories permitted is consistent with the adjoining parcels that are north of Valley View Road directly to the west of this property. Additionally, the increase in number of stories will permit additional affordable for-sale residential units. · The 13 residential units will not create traffic issues with the neighborhood. · The entrance to the development is from Valley View Road, which will enhance the vitality of that street while maintaining the more residential character of Oaklawn Avenue. · The building and proposed site improvements are pedestrian friendly by strengthening the corner location and providing smaller parking lots between main structures. · The proposed development will improve on the existing landscaped areas. The development has not to date had a neighborhood meeting but will be scheduling one prior to the hearing before the planning commission and city council. A report of the feedback from this neighborhood meeting will be made available to the commissioners and council members. We look forward to presenting this development in the Sketch Plan Review before the Edina Planning Commission and the Edina City Council. Sincerely yours, DJR Architecture, Inc. Scott England Principal W/D DWREF.Rentable Area Legend 1 BR 2 BR AMENITY BIKE CIRCULATION COMMON AREA MECH TRASH 950 SF 2 BR 950 SF 2 BR 520 SF 1 BR 245 SF MECH 13 PARKING STALLS PROPERTY LINE 315 SF AMENITY 265 SF TRASH OAKLAWN AVENUEVALLEY VIEW ROAD AVENUE EXTG HOUSE EXTG GARAGE EXTG BUILDING EXTG PARKING LOT 175 SF BIKE 18'-0"24'-0"18'-0"5'-0" 2'-6 3/8" 850 SF CIRCULATION MAIL STOOPSTOOPSTOOPEXTG TRANSFORMERS8'-6"8'-6"8'-6"8'-6"8'-6"8'-6"8'-0"8'-0"8'-0"8'-6"8'-6"8'-6"8'-6"8'-6"950 SF 2 BR 520 SF 1 BR 950 SF 2 BR 610 SF 1 BR 630 SF CIRCULATION 610 SF 1 BR 5"15'-8"15'-8"15'-8"15'-8"15'-8"5"5"15'-8"39'-0 1/4"5"5"39'-2"39'-2"5"79'-2"55'-6 1/4" 950 SF 2 BR 520 SF 1 BR 950 SF 2 BR 610 SF 1 BR 610 SF 1 BR 630 SF CIRCULATION 5"15'-8"39'-0 1/4"5"5"39'-2"39'-2"5"5"15'-8"15'-8"15'-8"15'-8"15'-8"5"55'-6 1/4"79'-2"Copyright 2020 DJR Architecture, Inc. PLANS AND MATRIX EDINA, MN 4404 VALLEY VIEW ROAD 20-057 02/05/21 1" = 30'-0" FLOOR PLAN -LEVEL 1 1" = 30'-0" 02 -Rentable Area 1" = 30'-0" 03-Rentable Area SITE AREA: PID Numbers: 1902824430076 SF 11,273 sf Acres .25 acre ZONING CLASSIFICATION: Current Zoning: PCD-1 (Planned Commercial Distrcit) Small Area Plan: Wooddale Valley View SAP PROJECT DATA: Allowable/Req: Proposed: Base FAR: 1.0 11,273 1.14 or 12,852 GSF TOTAL GSF 12,852 GSF Building Height: 3 stories or 36'-0" 3 stories Density: 30 units /acre x units/acre Units: 13 13 units Req. Parking Swc 36-1312 Residential: 13 stalls 13 stalls Bicycle Parking: 1 stall 20 stalls (5% of req'd parking) SETBACKS: PROPOSED: Front 35* 1'-9" bldg / 0 parking Side 25* 5'-0" Rear 25* 14'-6" *or Building Height if greater N Area Schedule (Rentable) Name Level Area 1 BR LEVEL 1 520 SF 2 BR LEVEL 1 1,904 SF LEVEL 1 2,424 SF 1 BR LEVEL 2 1,747 SF 2 BR LEVEL 2 1,904 SF LEVEL 2 3,652 SF 1 BR LEVEL 3 1,747 SF 2 BR LEVEL 3 1,904 SF LEVEL 3 3,652 SF Grand total: 13 9,728 SF 3,652 / 4,284= 85% EFFICENT Area Schedule (Gross) Name Level Area 1 BR LEVEL 1 520 SF 2 BR LEVEL 1 1,904 SF AMENITY LEVEL 1 317 SF BIKE LEVEL 1 178 SF CIRCULATION LEVEL 1 853 SF MECH LEVEL 1 245 SF TRASH LEVEL 1 266 SF LEVEL 1 4,284 SF 1 BR LEVEL 2 1,747 SF 2 BR LEVEL 2 1,904 SF CIRCULATION LEVEL 2 632 SF LEVEL 2 4,284 SF 1 BR LEVEL 3 1,747 SF 2 BR LEVEL 3 1,904 SF CIRCULATION LEVEL 3 632 SF LEVEL 3 4,284 SF Grand total 12,852 SF LEVEL 1 100' -0" LEVEL 2 110' -10 3/16" LEVEL 3 121' -8 3/8" ROOF TRUSS BEARING 130' -9 1/2" T/O PARAPET 135' -1" Copyright 2020 DJR Architecture, Inc. PRELIMINARY CONCEPT ELEVATION EDINA, MN 4404 VALLEY VIEW ROAD 20-057 02/05/21 1/8" = 1'-0"1 WEST PRELIMINARY CONCEPT ELEVATION Rentable Area Legend 1 BR 2 BR AMENITY BIKE CIRCULATION COMMON AREA MECH TRASH 950 SF 2 BR 950 SF 2 BR 520 SF 1 BR 245 SF MECH 13 PARKING STALLS PROPERTY LINE 315 SF AMENITY 265 SF TRASH OAKLAWN AVENUEVALLEY VIEW ROAD AVENUE EXTG HOUSE EXTG GARAGE EXTG BUILDING EXTG PARKING LOT 175 SF BIKE 5'-0 1/8"18'-0"24'-0"18'-0"5'-0" 2'-6 3/8" 850 SF CIRCULATION MAIL STOOPSTOOPSTOOPEXTG TRANSFORMERS8'-6"8'-6"8'-6"8'-6"8'-6"8'-6"8'-0"8'-0"8'-0"8'-6"8'-6"8'-6"8'-6"8'-6"9'-3 1/4"14'-6"1' -8".55'-6 1/4"5'- 0".SET BACK LINE 950 SF 2 BR 520 SF 1 BR 950 SF 2 BR 610 SF 1 BR 630 SF CIRCULATION 610 SF 1 BR 5"15'-8"15'-8"15'-8"15'-8"15'-8"5"5"15'-8"39'-0 1/4"5"5"39'-2"39'-2"5"79'-2"55'-6 1/4" 950 SF 2 BR 520 SF 1 BR 950 SF 2 BR 610 SF 1 BR 610 SF 1 BR 630 SF CIRCULATION 5"15'-8"39'-0 1/4"5"5"39'-2"39'-2"5"5"15'-8"15'-8"15'-8"15'-8"15'-8"5"55'-6 1/4"79'-2"Copyright 2020 DJR Architecture, Inc. PLANS AND MATRIX EDINA, MN 4404 VALLEY VIEW ROAD 20-057 02/17/21 1" = 30'-0" FLOOR PLAN -LEVEL 1 1" = 30'-0" 02 -Rentable Area 1" = 30'-0" 03-Rentable Area SITE AREA: PID Numbers: 1902824430076 SF 11,273 sf Acres .25 acre ZONING CLASSIFICATION: Current Zoning: PCD-1 (Planned Commercial Distrcit) Small Area Plan: Wooddale Valley View SAP PROJECT DATA: Allowable/Req: Proposed: Base FAR: 1.0 11,273 1.14 or 12,852 GSF TOTAL GSF 12,852 GSF Building Height: 3 stories or 36'-0" 3 stories Density: 30 units /acre x units/acre Units: 13 13 units Req. Parking Swc 36-1312 Residential: 13 stalls 13 stalls Bicycle Parking: 1 stall 20 stalls (5% of req'd parking) SETBACKS: PROPOSED: Front 35* 1'-9" bldg / 0 parking Side 25* 5'-0" Rear 25* 14'-6" *or Building Height if greater N Area Schedule (Rentable) Name Level Area 1 BR LEVEL 1 520 SF 2 BR LEVEL 1 1,904 SF LEVEL 1 2,424 SF 1 BR LEVEL 2 1,747 SF 2 BR LEVEL 2 1,904 SF LEVEL 2 3,652 SF 1 BR LEVEL 3 1,747 SF 2 BR LEVEL 3 1,904 SF LEVEL 3 3,652 SF Grand total: 13 9,728 SF 3,652 / 4,284= 85% EFFICENT Area Schedule (Gross) Name Level Area 1 BR LEVEL 1 520 SF 2 BR LEVEL 1 1,904 SF AMENITY LEVEL 1 317 SF BIKE LEVEL 1 178 SF CIRCULATION LEVEL 1 853 SF MECH LEVEL 1 245 SF TRASH LEVEL 1 266 SF LEVEL 1 4,284 SF 1 BR LEVEL 2 1,747 SF 2 BR LEVEL 2 1,904 SF CIRCULATION LEVEL 2 632 SF LEVEL 2 4,284 SF 1 BR LEVEL 3 1,747 SF 2 BR LEVEL 3 1,904 SF CIRCULATION LEVEL 3 632 SF LEVEL 3 4,284 SF Grand total 12,852 SF LEVEL 1 100' -0" LEVEL 2 110' -10 3/16" LEVEL 3 121' -8 3/8" ROOF TRUSS BEARING 130' -9 1/2" T/O PARAPET 135' -1" Copyright 2020 DJR Architecture, Inc. PRELIMINARY CONCEPT ELEVATION EDINA, MN 4404 VALLEY VIEW ROAD 20-057 02/05/21 1/8" = 1'-0"1 WEST PRELIMINARY CONCEPT ELEVATION