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O. L. KIPP M. J. HOFFMANN ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONER OF HIGHWAYS AND CHIEF ENGINEER STATE OF MINNESOTA H. cHAR DISTRICT ENGINEER DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NINE BOX 71 HOPKINS. MINNESOTA December 1, 1943 Department of Highways 1246 University Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota ATT: Mr. H. E. Chard District Engineer Dear Sir: C. L. MOTL MAINTENANCE ENGINEER GLENN H. MARTZ DISTRICT MAINTENANCE ENGINEER Re: S.P. 2702 (5- 52 -21) Henn. Co. eg. 16 - ugus a on In response to your letter dated November 15, 1943, an inspection has been made of the the under T. H. 5 at the August H. Nelson farm. Isar. Nelson had excavated to the the on the North side of the Highway and he found 4 inches of water standing over the tile. We made a like excavation at the South end of the Highway and found the same condition. We then made an exam- ination of the outlet,which is an open ditch approximately 500 feet South of the Trunk Highway, and found that this ditch had been filled up and no longer provided an outlet for the water at the Trunk Highway. It is our opinion that there is nothing wrong with the tile under the Trunk Highway and that if Mr. Nelson would have the open ditch cleaned that his tile would function satisfactorily. Mr. Nelson was not at home when the inspection was made, but his wife was informed of our findings in this matter. GHM:FMB Yours very truly, DEPARTMENT OF HIGWAYS Glenn H. Martz District Maintenance Engineer a�? w i AS N k oc ti ti 9 M E M 0 Octob er 27, 1943 Mr. G. G. Gladmn Engineer of Plans and ,Surveys Offic e Res S,P• 2702 (5_�2 -21) Hennepin County eg. 1 - i$ugust H. Ne so There is referred to you a letter from August H. Nelson, owner of lands on our Negotiation 16, Trunk Highway No. 5 -52, Hennepin County, together with the file concerning our purchase of an easement frcm him on March 19, 1926. I presume Mr. Nelson refers to our letter of April 19, 1926, written by Mr. W. P. Chapman, then Assistant Construction Engineer. No reply has been made to Mr. Nelson's letter as yet. SRG:HK Attch, Yours v truly, S. Rex Green, Engineer of Lands & Right of Way o Y X _ Y I J -V EIVE? OCT `:. 11943 DIV. D *i Minneapolis, Minn. Oct 20 -43 State Highway Dept. University Ave. St Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: Re State Highway as it effects the SEA of SWJ of Section 5- 116 -21 Hennepin Co. On April 16 -1926 T wrote you in full about the new road and Harm it could do to my Drainage; and on April 19 -1926 you replied offering protection against any Harm to my Drainage. Kindly .refer to the above two letters in your files. What I then feared might happen, has now come- about, as my drain does not flow, and my drained land was not useable as Truck Garden ground this season of 1943. I am now asking you to correct this condition, and do so if possible thi's Fall, so that we can again use this drained area for Truck Garden in 1944. Thanking you kindly, I am Yours Z trull,�r ,wy , =� iG.� August H. nelson, Richfield Sta. RFD 4 Minneapolis, Minn. C J* COM TO EJR R R',� . ........................ �j VHB ........................... Glenn H. Marts Dist* utkinto -4ngrs Ujw�, flit-'hw4y Hopkinso Dwar Sirs Hot S,P, 42'7u," (5-5,L:-21) Hamepin Courty "I L i i tv, lul T ..ettvr from Mr. Nelziou oaijing our attmtlon to zt the live ua""Ier tt.je jjjjr !6-21 on in tho ;Sji.�,c of the S"C' of So TI*Pin Pry M * a 00 The right a. way,, z.one 205 acrosq was r N I n in lr�26 for the sun -,f On April 16p 191C.6 ur* Nt-Isorn vrote tho D*g ,itrtzoat calling our atd("-Mtlov. to Lbc title, "-'4U0t0j to crx s.,t your &ttention Vint I have 4 arao dz~4a tilo w-wder tho old road =d which wi-',� Lvo be uue-*r thO nev road near our vey Stiix. 544 or 545 = thia ]"And. The tills now C000 Und-�--T the Old" ro��d. on r,,ard C,,.-inind ane. is r-r-,fid wJ31.1. - over on m� mon'dow of th& wej&t 0, the f11', vjj4� cause tho tUo to Ank out of line J. I'x err~ crush ,,ne4 -test tics protectee. DY qiliac or otherwise. its t, fkni-.ar point -,ind should bo :,I-otrre,-etad before tho lilt ie M�4do at this xr. Oiv6qm ri wrDto our Frojoet 4it,�irtfter that he Sho-11'J"ti ;',rotect th^ tiles Ur. Ntlw,= now writas that the the is not functi0OUIC. Will you .60 inve4livAe thip Situation ttinti ahka tho p.r-I..p4r corroation to retAir e-aused I)y the highwify. If tt.,a ro ro pil are of ouch natiare as to rwl'kALT-e �ho *A-,u&br&,ncv of fun(la, prop&rs the t-.ropar A.F.E. From tha 41eht reccrdsp and the Al otter of vro that tho� Cuaptzan. I as convinced . , - to our responkAbLityp widar tho road* -44) Vurs vary truly, DiX14,TPi�NT '01' IIV?AtV-'AYS Ii. k.. Chard, Uotriat tnginoer. fO . �_ T:,�. - � f_ /f -� ,, y c __ ��_ . _ � .`.. A 7 { � � fn� �. l ,� t �.ls r .-- �., '_ -- — i - k No. 151 T. H. 52 -21 Neg. 16 6 ennep jn County s Inbrnture, .Made and entered into this -_ --- - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- -day of -�=` Ole 0. 0 en ------ - - - - -- - --------------- - - - - -1 9 _:, between------------------- - - - - -- ---........................................ part--y ------- of the first part, and -------------- ugu.st._ Ii. _Ne1anrL ansl- Kizlrjj,e_ Nel e ,_- s_ysi -e- ---------------------------------------- f part---I—Os s of the seeonc part, WITYESSETH: Thatsaid part.________. of the first part, in consideration of ------- - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- - -- — ---- - - - - -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- do -__ - -- hereby forever diseharse and release th___e.__- certain tract ---- of land lying' and beinj in the County of------- - --- - -- Henngp- in_- _ - - - - -- , State of ---------- Minnesota ------------- described as follows, to-wit: All that part of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section 8, townshi 116 North, range 21 West, which lies southerly and southeasterly of a line drawn parallel and distant 40 feet northerly and nortInvesterly from, the center line of Trunk Highway No. said center line being described as follows: beginning at a point on the west bounds, of the said southeast quarter of the southtiv quarter, distant 14.5 feet north of the southwest canner thereof; thence run in an ea S4 direction at an angle of 8 °271 with said west boundary for a distance of A49 feet; then deflect to the left on a 40 001 curve, with a radius of 1432.7 feet, for a distance of 540 feet and there terminating; together with a strip of land 5 feet in width lying im ediately adjacent to and on th northwesterly side of the above described strip, beginning at the west boundary of the sai southeast quarter of the southwest quarter and extending in a northeasterly direction for distance of L25 feet; also together with a strip of land 10 feet in width lying irnedit:+ely adjacent to and on the northwesterly side of the first, described strip beg inning at a distance of j50 fee northeasterly from the terrninrition cf the last described strip and extending in a northeas erly direction for a distance of 375 feet; ' excepting therefrom all that part of the above described tract which lies ivithin the right of way of existing highway now I,ocated in said subdivision; containing 1.35 E;cres, more or less. from all claims and liens of and under that certain martgage, dated the__- - - -_ -- st---- -- ---- ---- - -- --- - -- day of---- _ -_ - -. Dee_em_ber_.- _______- ___1919 - -, executedby- - - - - -- August H. nelson and Minnie Nelson - - ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------ i s_w�fe -- - - - - - -- - -- -- - - - --------------------------------------------------------- asmort _fa _for---- .to---- - - - - -- -Ale_ O. -Dy -en ----------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- ------ -- --- ----- -- --- --- - - -- -- as mortia- fee.-___, filed for record in the office of the Register of Deeds in'tind for said county on the .--------- - - - - -- ?nth ---------------------- day of - - -- Dece_ =.?-er ------------------- 19- _19-.at ------------ - - - - -- o'clock and ------------------ and recorded in book --------------- 1Qq__ - - - -_" of .Mortfaies, pale ---- - - - -19 2-------------------------------------------------------•----------------------- --------------- Re.,r eardedi -in- Book - 10353- mf_-Martgagse as -------------------------------------------------------- To 9US nub to ljolb Unto said part .- ___- _____of the second part the above described land and premises free and clear of all claim and lien under and by reason of said mortfa_'e. fit 'tt"an 01yerrof Said part_________ of the first ha --------- hereunto set ------------------ hand.__ -- and seal____ the day and year first above written. In Pr ence of 2; st *fate oaf .)�" � ------ - - - - -• 1 Ount O - ---------- - - - - -- Ea. b f- - - ----------- -- - - -- 9.1.52_, befo to me known to be the person.�'_describe that _.executed the same as On this. - - - --- - - - - - - -- ---------- - - - - -- - ----- - - - - -- -day of nor, personally a eared.__ _ ----- - - - - - -- -- --------- - - -- -� . -� -- - - -- and who executed he foregoing instrument and aek wedged M --free act and deed. n - ------------------- ------------------- - - - - -- - - -- 72fo ------ - - - - -- - -Notary Public. --=-------------------------- -- ;- --- -=-- CMWtyv -- - GEORGE R. HEALY ----------------- �9tzzy -,P4 b23e; $ennepin County Min11: My Commission expires ._____________ ______________________.19------ MY Commission Expires Feb. 26th 1931 I 1 1 1 1 I 1 I I 1 1 I I I DI 1 I 1 1 ' I 1 I I ,,.qst I �. � I i • I I I I c i M;i a i Oi,i (1] I I 1VV b Z Z I ro o C W Oq ^7 z 2 ►fin !� AO N i 'li `z I I � zs, it � � li YJ II► I V ' 1 "� ~ Q Const. ZZ-Z1 Rev, State of Minnesota. Dopartmont of- Hi;;kr rays TRUNK HIGHWAY C2onst�ruct 'Year 26 Month Div. 5 Co. L 2!J, T.H. I 52 Project _ 21 See, _ District A.F.E. 22 Negotiation Na 16 Payment No. Make check payable to August H* Nelson and - YiAnlo Helsor Of Route No. 21 - Linden Zill,s Station, Minneapolis:, .. . Pay Thru - _ Check mailed FOR: RT!HT CAF T."Ay, DiiDILLptES c On a strip, tract or parcel of land located in the Southeast quarter of southwest quarter Section 116 N. Range 21. W. l ennepin Coun tY Amount of Contract 1 00- Amount of Funds ix _ _____ ___ ___________ O Additions or deductions__, .......... .............. � _ Balance Available_.- --- ------- - -- --- ................ I-00, Amount approved this payment ...... - _ - „_ - -- 100 Balance Unpaid,............... ..._ _ I hereby certify this report to be true, corre' e is re fired for the Construction of S.P. _ X2'•21 T Division Engineer CkIci 4 d Ent rd ? Nk W KA '�'j-�--- O. L. KIPP Plat'd..--- - - - -- ---- - - - - -- Recommend approval: Cod ............... Construction Engineer Filed _---- - - - - -- -- .., g #134 April 19, 1926 Payment is hereby approved:.._ - 7 Commissioner of Highwa s Bo ©k 1.098 of deeds page 303 etes � � � � Forwarded by, R En G )P6 0 -11 i gr '%.. _ PaicWy —1 3 49?6Voucher No:_41farrant No.. Description checked by , Consideration satisfactory 7F� Form No. 265 Rev, 10M 8 -25 PREPARED BY - CHECKED BY - °" HIGHWAY EASEMENT T. H. 52 , Proj.21 , Sec. Neg. 16 County of dip Owner t It, nelson ------ tart 1I. Etelaaoa3 auk miriie solson, his Wife- - -- - -- - --- ---- -- - - - --- grantor g, of Route 110.2, Linden Hills 5ta.,ktimespolls — — , Minnesota for and in consideration of fto and aaojlt 0 - .. . - „ - .. .. - ,. Dollars ($ 1.00 ) receipt of which is hereby acknowledged hereby convey___ and warrant___ to the State of Minnesota, grantee, for highway purposes, free and clear of all incumbrances, the following described real estate in the county of Twanapin in the State of Minnesota: All that part of "m gfttheast Quarter of the SouthWaat quarter of reastion 8, TcMMp VA North hafts 21 West, whieab lies southerly a.rd vaauthoasterly or a ]line drav n pta.ralloj to and dis• taaa 40 feert northerly and northwesterly fraaa the Center line of Trunk 2ighway go. 52; aaaid eanbea line being described as follows; 4 ` iftinniayt at ac point on the INSWt boausd027 of the 4014 Southeast quarter of the Southwest go * rt0r, distant 74.5 foot north of the eoutbirest corr,* r tboroof; thonoo rut In an easterly diroe- tift at an MR00 of 88*271 With 4'614 West bury for a distance of 796.9 feet; thane deflect to the left on a 400011 curve, with a radixaa of 1k32.7 foot, for a distance of 54o filet and Basra teruitaatint; Together with e. strip of land 5 toot in width lying imediately adjacent to and on the north• westerly side of the above described tatrip beginning at the west baundarry of the said Southeast Quarter of the SoutbPoet xurartor and extending in a northeasterly direction for a distance of toot; Also together with a strip of lash 10 feet in width, lying Imed.iactely adJacent to Ord an the westerly side of the first described strip beginning at a distance of 550 feet northeasterly !mass the termination of the last described strip and =tending in a northeasterly direction for a distance of 375 fast; Ameptiag therefrom all that part of the above described traot which lies within the right of way of ea lsting highway now locitea in said subdivision, Containing 1.35 acres, more or lass. And the said grantor.___, for themselves, their heirs, executors and assigns, do________ hereby release the State of Minnesota, its successors and assigns, from all claims for any and all damages resulting to the lands through and across which the parcel of land hereby conveyed is located by reason of the location, grading, construction, maintenance, and use of a public highway over and upon and the removal of materials from the premises hereby conveyed and from the uses in- cident thereto, and the State of Minnesota shall have the right to use and remove all earth and other materials lying within the parcel of land hereby conveyed and the right to construct and maintain, upon the lands adjoining the parcel hereby con- veyed, such portable snow fences during such months as weather conditions make necessary. Dated this 19 day of Alarch In presence of: Witnn Geo. R. Healy Witness ------------- �`.- ll4. Paulson STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF Hennepin , 1926 oust H, Nelson -- 19innie_ Ne ],son--- --- - - - - -- On this------19 ----------- of -------- 4?=h------------------------ 1926__, before me personally appeared ------------ _- ___ ------ --- ___ aurst H. Ifelson and Uimde Solson, his write, to me known to be the person_ -__ described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that__ to __ executed the same as --- their __free act and deed. Geo. R. Healy Notary- Public, Hennepin Co. Comm. exp. Feb. 26, 1931 I hereby certify that the within easement will convey to the State of Minnesota for highway purposes a good title to the land therein described, free and clear of all incumbrances. I further approve said easement as to form and execution. t gril -$ – – - ------- ---- - -r''� - Assistant Attorney General +t N N � tli LO W W I z ct Oy N W W H_ ° V° IQ LUG i p Z10 F :9P:1 t >b o i I a O cu v v 01 9 W Z Id w vi 141 .."Mm6mmm gemp April 23# 1526- RA 52m•21-160 Hennepin Countys -(Augm,s-; Hd Nelson) jAr. 0. !1,, Johnson,, Secretary, Hennepin County Good Roads Assns, 3122.plyzrtouth Building# Minnempolis, Minnesota, Dear Sir: In reply to your letter of April 20th,,'' relative to the above referenced riolit, of way negotiation wit,, you submitted copy of letter from Mro Au _gust 11. Nelson addressed to Mr, Babcock, please be advised that I find t1lat yr,.Chap-,r-qn has answereAi Mr, Nelsons n letter and he a(Tvised. vir. Nelacn- that lie has instructed t1r..e resident engineer to protect the the so thoit it .will function properly after the C()nstructica work Is completed- yours very trulys DITARTT�'T'.KT :)F ?TlGff''AYS' Hight of Fnfr ineer 4 m JOSEPH CHAPMAN, PRESIDENT SEWALL D. ANDREWS. VICE PRESIDENT ARCHIE D. WALKER, TREASURER PRES.. L. S. DONALDSON CO. TREAS. MINNEAPOLIS DRUG CO. S.ECY.RED. RIVER LUMBER CO. HENNEPIN COUNTY GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION AN ASSOCIATION WHICH HAS FOR ITS OBJECT THE IMPROVEMENT OF STATE. COUNTY AND CITY ROADS, THUS AIDING IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF BEAUTIFUL MINNESOTA AS A GREAT RECREATIONAL STATE. DIRECTORS SEWALL D. ANDREWS TREAS. MINNEAPOLIS DRUG CO. RUSSELL M. BENNETT MINERAL LANDS EARLE BROWN SHERIFF. HENNEPIN. COUNTY JOSEPH CHAPMAN PRES. L. S. DONALDSON CO. CEO. L. CROCKER MGR. HO-gEL NICULLET W.A.CULLEN B E C'Y. & TREAS. CARR - CULLEN CO. G. NELSON DAYTON VICE PRES. THE DAYTON CO. WALTER A. EGGLESTON VICE PRES. DAVID C: BELL INVESTMENT CO. J. T. ELWELL REALTOR CHAS. R. FOWLER ATTOR N EV ROSS A. GAMBLE PRES. GAMBLE- ROBINSON CO. FRANK S. COLD PRES. AUTO. CLUB OF MINNEAPOLIS G. ROY HILL SEC 'Y. AUTO. CLUB OF MINNEAPOLIS E. C. KI SCHEL P ES.- TREAS. N.W.GLASSCO. HON.GEO. E. LEACH MAYOR OF MINNEAPOLIS A. A. MC RAE VICE PRES. N. W. NATL. BK. J. E. M£YFIRS FORMER MAYOR OF MINNEAPOLIS WARD S. MORSE VICE PRES.& MGR.THE LEAMINGTON D. A. ODELL PRES. &TREAS. D. A. ODELL MOTOR CAR CO. H. E PENCE PRES PENCE AUTOMOBILE CO. C. L. PILLSBURY TREAS. THE MUNSINGWEAR CORP. J. S. POMEROY VICE PRES. FIRST NAT-L. BANK A. A. D. RAHN VICE-PRES. SHEVLIN, CARPENTER & CLARKE CO. C. L. STACY SECY. E. P. STACY & SONS D. D. TENNEY PRE S. THE TENNEY CO. S. S. THO RPM PRES. THORPE BROS. ARCHIE D. WALKER SEC'Y. RED RIVER LUMBER CO. H. R. WEESNER PRES. WABASH SCREEN DOOR CO. CHAS. R. WILLIAMS PRES. THE WILLIAMS HARDWARE CO. B. H. WOODWORTH PRES. WOODWORTH ELEVATOR CO. A. E: ZONNE VICE PRES. & TREAS. CONKLIN- ZONNE- LOOMIS CO. MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. April 20, 1926 ORVILLE E. JOHNSON SECRETARY & M ANAGER 817 PLYMOUTH BUILDING PHONE MAIN 3958 State Highway Department, 1246 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Attin: Herman Neerland My dear Herman: -1 Inclosed please find letter from August H. Nelson, which we discussed today. Evidently Mr. Nelson is perfectly willing to give the easement, but wants his drain tile protected. Will you acknowledge the letter? Yours very truly,. HENNEPIN COUNTY `GEy\�� t By Secretary & a Incl. OEd:EH - RECEIVED OR 211926 OFFICE OF HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT ASST N iae ngnwaY Dept., { Aft t ` t t I# #gY�t- of «arsT of ` Saito Road � 52' " as locat��►d 0 . a�:eaa}t line o FS (if of sec g -i16i �rh.ah.•la 2`bat� a14ag Cilia' Iixae' .took. Off ar411 +t3ilb acre :,"?+ x r►r,° and the aie 'road" as ua.ardaC; Om' ..'. acres `3ri Gall. danatied this sddit,ianal land? W4, : because I bel ve i it , uildiaig this" 4rad,.I YwaaaL .0 cafe; ? �reYatr�e °drat ° Lil+a Wider stihe. `old." `goad _ ', V a dor the i t load `neap tha-'Ourye statloroi or a;� 1ald.` eatt2 put$. =o Qattds:1 .1r .,> meta f meadow i the dloa n , Under th -, " { now goes .undea the old road n >haI l ha► M; rotd will lap. v�rer an" meadow .mod tine irteight 11 *411 cause: this � tide to sink out of line or •crsash and protected b Oil , Otherwise r t .e. a banger pgatt and should be pr6teatedl� bofore mod$ pit`" this #021 tt . Mr- dow iv-a�aak. .up , nta f#at gardsai � o m I spent 04 this °etaii�at e g pro j+aQti was R� "at bnt r in x #e de4troy*d her the now road f111, '9a e d soofi `" be' worthless again, that ia why tta ? "`to phis matter ire ample.t'ime' acs that it cannot be very truly, R/ W S. ,j. W62 -21 Hennepin April 19, 1926. fir. August H. Nelson, v% Phoenix Land & Invest. Co. 1017 Lumber Exchange, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Dear Sir:. We wish to acknowledge receipt of your letter of April 16th calling attention to your private drain the which crosses Trunk Highway x'62 in the southeast I of the Southwest of Section 8, Township 116sRang# 21. We have instructed our Resident Engineer to protect this tile so that it will function.properly after the construction work is completed. We wish to thank you for bringing this matter to,our attention. Yours very truly, ' DEPARTMENT OF HIGHIV}AYS V"Pi.:M . Assistant Construction Engineer. i, S.P.#62..21 Hennepin County Mr. E. Mt Paulson, Resident Eninener, - Box 3037, Richfield Station, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Dear Sir:- Enclosed herewith is a copy of a letter a� Mr* August H, Nelson'hs- relative to drain the unde Trunk Hig1 way #52 which may need awe protection. Will you kindly watch the situation and see to it that the tiles line is not damaged by our construction work? Yours very truly, DEPART NT CP HIGINAY i a bi'C:P Assistant Construction Engineer. Encl. - III NORTIIWMATERN FARM LANDS MORTGAGE LOANS k INVFSTNTENTA LOUrs C. IKONI:i r TXCIIANOFS OP PROPFRTIFS CITY RQAT. ESTATE AND I1I6VDANCE I.UN111HR Exc ETANGF. BUXI.DINCz �IINNEAPOTAK MINNhS011A April 16th 1926 Charles M. Babcock, State Highway Dept. St Pul, Minn. Dear Sir: Re Right-of way of State Road #52 as located on and along the south line of SE2 of SN1 of Sec 8- 116,21 which land I own. The old road along this line took off about one acre of my 40 acre farm, and the new road #52 as now located takes off about 2.35 acres in all. I donated this additional land for this road because I believe in it. But, in building this road, I want to call your attention that I have a large drain tile under the old road and which will also be under the new road near suvey station 544 or 545 of this new road on this land. I spent $1200. 4 years sego in putting two car loads of tile in my 12 acres of meadow and -the drain under th &,a old road. /I The the now under the old road is in hard groun the new road will lap over on my meadow and the weight of the fill will cause this tile to sink'way out of line or crush and must be protected by piling, cribbing or otherwise. This is a danger point and must be protected from harm before any fill is made at this point. My meadow is now well drained and I have it worked up into find gavden ground and the money I ppent on this drainage project was well worth while, but if the drain was destroyed by the new road fill, this land of mine would soon be worthless again. That is why I call your attention to this matter in ample time, so that it cannot be overlooked. Yours very truly, %17 [RECEIVED RPR 1719 �6 LOFFICE OF HI.GH pErARTMENT RAVU 52.,21 --16, Hennepin County, (August H. Nelson) . Attorney General's Department# St. maul, Minns Attn. Hr. larson. Gentlemen Transmitted herewith please- find executed highway easement, pa.rt�al release of mortgage and attorneryIs opinion as to title in conneetion :0ith the above referenced negotiation, for your ejxemi Lion and approval* • The consideration is 0#00# The release of mort[;aFe will be recorded by this office. Thd judgment referred to is a case of mistaken identity. Yours very 'truly.3 PJSI A:,Tll .?) " 'IJOH' AYS Right of spay Engineer. i Encl k RtV 82 - '21 -16 Hennepin County (Aug~ust Ha Velson) November gds 1925a itr* .mast H, Velsoni Rwft Lindou Hills Staor Minneapolis, ^. inn,, . Dear Sir% You axe h6reby notified that the option vAiiah you meted to Jospeh ObapmA on Dooember pith, 1924 for right of vay of Trunk HjeAw y No* 52 in the S#E of the 8 *W,# % of geo* 8- 116«21, has been assigwd by him to the State, Of Mimiesota and the sane is hereby exercised* Fonr,_s zwrl. requirements for making convg7ance arc nrAv in the process of preparation ml vAll be mailed to yon In tl'ie very near fie turea i11.en you receive the forms Vend list of re- quirements it is kindly regiiested that 'ou conml;� at once so that sottlement c:a,n be effigated prc qtly. Yours very truly, TiN/fi b Right of Vay Hngincera V" or UVft A. DE'PARn&fd'C bl' lata SAYS Referenee RA S.P. 52_21• Sec. Neg, 16 County oi' Hennepin 4xner Mr.Au tst H. Nelson Route #2. Linden Hills Sta., Minneapolis, Minn._ Dear Sir: This Department is preparing to construct Trunk Highway No. 52 in Hennepin County on the above referenced project and has made an appraisal of the dampo In the amount of $ 1.00 which is sustained by the following described property # -to w1$ j1 h Southeast Quarter of Southwest Quarter of Section 8, Township 116 North, Range 21 West on account of the location and construction of the proposed highway over srA aoras!;,__ said property. An examination of the title to this property has been made. In order" to ooh a vey the required right of way to.the State of Minnesota, in accordance with tb4 re- ` quirements oft a tiltarney General, the following checked items must be oMTU4d -1�'1 r { , on or before X+A, 1926 ,after which voucher in the amount of the. ot�s►T eration will b maed to you with the least practicable delay, 1, The attached easement should be properly executed by all of the'partisiv, / named thereon and acknowledgment made before two witnesses and notary Oubft : for each signature, and submitted to this office at once.. The duplloatb 1� easement may be retained by you. 2 Submit county treasurer's tax receipts for the.year. 1921. last half, 3. c tial remise of 1 mortgag ttached form In so. fats u# the a f tluit i �,6 ,✓�s+d same recorded and:auh► Writ to this office as soo as possible. ` Submit written statement from the diacin y interest whatsoever in e title tot property. 50 or represen tine of the ,oust be appointe by probes court and certified copy of sa' ,Appointment nt.to this office. 6. Conve o tha . interest of the can be a .3n asoords�° be with $ec ens 7365 -6 G.S. 1913. The original of the a ch itiem (which as been execute by the Commissioner of Highway and the . iginalL the taehed agreements s uld be presented, together the order, to the Ju e of Probate.Court, who 'll then sign the order The agreeatent orde e then filed withtClerk of bate Court, from om certified copies sh Id be secured and submitted to this ffice. 7. I ou are dissatis d with this apprais are unab o comply with the above checke squire tcs on or before said date, a ne raisal will be made by three men o£ your unty appointed by the Judge of th istric urt, in accordance with the statu s -of State and in this case it s kindly reques• hat you ems• acute the a ached tempos ermit to constru and forward same to this office at once* Attached herewith please find the necessary forms.and stamped envelope.for your convenience. Kindly note the above reference on all correspondence in conneet. Ion with this negotiation. Yours very truly, DEP RTMiENT OF HIGHWAYS � HN:H F R.We 25 -10 Right of Way Engineer, �� 3 1 ;0 V ro aD Q �I- -' cCO r� 'J tl l\ v^ 16,szf6FS-�� STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT .OF EIGHWAYS Reference R/W Sec. Neg. County of /xrc Owner 7�r. St, Paul, Minn.-._ �g This Department 3s preparing to construct Trunk Highway No. Stein County' n the above referenced project and has made an appraisal of the damages in the amount of $ /, -' . which is sustained by the following described property, to wit: 70�z��`�a 2"-9" - 'r _.;1 / on account of the location and construction of the proposed highway;.over and across said property. An examination of.the title to this property has been made`. In order to oon- vey the required right of way to the State of Minnesota, in accordance with the re- quirements of the Attorney General, the following checked items must be complied frith on or before /y�� ,After which voucher in the amount of the consid- eration will bed�t�o you with the least practicable delay. 1. The attached easement should be properly executed by all .of the parties / named thereon and acknowledgment made before two witnesses and notary public. for each signature, and submitted to this office at once, The duplicate (/ easement may be retained b - ;"you. 2 Submit county treasu,".6,fl s tax receipts for the year `7/- - 3. Secure partial release of mortgage on attached Porn ., In so far as the description of the right of way is concerned, have same recorded and sub- nit to this office as soon as possible. Submit written statem t fro the discla' ing any interest whatsoever " the title the property. 50 or repr entative of the must be /sent appoi ed by pro e court and certified copy o said appointee to this of 6. Conv no of the interest of the can made in accordanco-` with Sec ions 73 -67, G.S. 1913. The original of the tta ed petitions (which as been exe ted by the Commissioner of Hig ys) and a original off'_. the tached agreemen should be presented, togeth with the or r, to the Ju e of Probate Court, o will then sign the or r. The'agreem,en nd order e then Filed with Clerk Probate Court, fro whom certified copies, ould e secured and submitted to t "s offfice. 7. JP .. If you .re di atisfied with this app isal are unable t comply with the above checked rements on or befo e s d date, a appr sal will be made by three men of yo my appointed by e Judge of the D' 'ct Court, in accordance with the stat es of t tate and th's case it is lndly re' sted that you ez ecute the a ached tempos perm to construct forward sane to this office at once* Attached herewith please find the necessary forms and stamped envelope for your convenience. Kindly note the above reference on all eorrespondenoe in csormeet- ion Vrith this negotiation. Yours very truly., DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS HIV: HHF R.W. 25 -10 Right of Way Engineer. i «.. 24 -1. VIIRMCTA HIGHNAY D$PU'TIM Certifiaato of 'Title T �Z Pica j . .. / IJegcstiatifln County �litl• Cagtian: � � IO(W-11 S.'e— 0- .9 In say opinim the title to the before described is good in: Oemer & S pouse . Address n rr rf Occupant & Spouse i -Except for r7 Form No. 428 10M 3 -25 T. H. J-7- , Proj. f , Sec. , Neg. A County of Owner No. 16 0- p ATTORNEY'S CERTIFICATE OF REQUIREMENTS NECESSARY TO PERFECT TITLE I hereby certify to the State of Minnesota that the fee title to the tract of land lying within the boundary lines of trunk highway No__________________________ as the same passes over and across SE' of SW4 of section ------ $----------- township _____ 1-1.6 --- north, range_2l----- ___west, ------------ He?nne1??? ____County, Minnesota, as said boundary lines appear on certified copy of the map thereof furnished me by the Minnesota Highway Department, is at this date good in the following named persons: ' Nature Address Name of spouse Name of interest If single, so state August H. Nelson W. Deed R. #2 Linden Hills Sta, Minnie Minnie Nelson W. Deed Mpls. August H. Subject only to the following: (Here enumerate encumbrances and liens of every nature, giving names and addresses of parties, date of instrument, time and place of record, and other pertinent information; also enumerate other defects, if any, in the title.) Mtge - August H. Nelson.. Minnie., wife; to tale 0. Oyen., dated 12 -1 -19 filed 12- 26 -19, in 1051 Mtgs. 192 Amount 65000.00 Due in Inst. 6% Re— recorded in 1053 Mtgs. 43 (Over) 1. • ',,, _ . .. 1 ..� - - '� I further certify that said tract is occupied or used only by the following named persons: Name Nature of intetm Address E i p e Owner as above. I further certify that there are no judgments docketed in the office of the clerk of the district court of said county against any person who has owned any interest in said tract during the ten years last past, except: Merchants Collection Agency Dist. Ct. 4th Jud. Dist. Vs Jgmt - 7 -30 -21 7 -30 -21 Minnie Nelson Amt $10046-41 Case #191471 Atty Frank F. White Affidavit of identification recites Minnie Nelson is wife of ... 0. A. Nelson, whose business is that of carpenter; address 3437 Aldrich Ave. So., Mpls. I further certify that all taxes and assessments against said tracts are paid, except: 1/2 1924 Taxes M I further certify that a properly executed Highway Easement signed by the following named owners; August H. Nelson and Minnie, his wife. Ole 0. Oyen mortgagee, will give to the State of Minnesota good and sufficient title for #ugh 7ay purposes of the. hereinbef_o_ re,1deseri ed' .tract of land after the foloowing', requirements; have been complied with. i��s�CJ Datedat-------------- - - - - -- --=-- - - - - -� Minnesota, -------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - = -- - - - -�- - — ------------ &Aftorney at Law. V r W L V a ^t No ....... If w Owner. ?Ys For. and in consideration of One Dollar to the and rsigned in nay p,Lid, the ceip� whereof is here >y ed, the undersigned.,. �/rt 2d_Q�e_ -��- __ __ 4 . .d.......agree..____.to sell and convey to Joseph Chapman, hie heirs and assigns, for'highway purposes, at his option,'at any time within one year{.; - from this date, free and clear of all incumbrances, all that parcel and 'tract of f` a nand lying within the right of way boundary line across the Southsast one quarter :'Of the Southwest one quarter of Section 8 Township 116 North Range 21 'West, in { IN t, State of UinnesaUg upon the following terms and oonditione, to -mitt the paymont of ` thesum ofa.� / .� ............� _.,... ..w� ............ ................ ..........,...... _. - .....D__oliars p upon j the execution and delivery of the deed hereinafter mentioned. - r The undersigned further agree.._.., when requested by the said Joseph Chapmsnw his M` heirs and assigns, to furnish for examination an abstract of title, showing good and merchantable title to said lands in the undersigned, and upon the exercise of said option within the time hereinbefore specified, the undersigned agree—to execute and deliver to the said Joseph Chapman, his heirs and assigns, a good and suftioient deed of general warranty# conveying for highway purposes the land hersinbslore do- scribed, and releasing the said Joseph Chapman, his heirs and assigns, from all claims for any and all damages resulting to the lands through and across'Whioh lthe..pareol of land hereby agreed to be conveyed is located, by reason of the location, grading* con- struction, maintenance and use of a public highway over and upon, and the removal of materials from the premises hereby agreed to be conveyed.,, and from the uses *01LOPt thereto, and vesting in the said J- os®plvChapman, his heirs and. assi'gns,..the., ri ,to construct and maintain, upon the lands adjoining the parcel hersby' .agrfM. 4i a" b#- -son- veyed, such snow fences as it may from time to time deem necessary, the right to use and remove ail earth and other materials lying Within the parcel of land hsreb agreed to be conveyed; and the undersigned further agree.- - -that during the life of the op- tion,,the said „Jo #eph Chapman, his heirs and assigns, shall have the right to enter and construct said highway upon the premises hereby agreed to be conveyed. � � IN SIB R8S 51 ....have hereunto subscribed -- `�?`�a /aame.�:,.,this .day In presence oft STATE OtI UniWOOTA r Address so coin' 0r_,!._.. : M On this.µ ...day: of .19 before me personally: ors to me knovxi to be the er n!J .described in and who d ,the ;foreEaiag *mew ed#, and acknowledged that.z'?.�..executed the same --.-.f roe act and deeds. r O. E. JOHNSON hTn NbIle, Hennepin Connty, Minn. bly Commission .Uxp1ms Octubtr 18,1' ASSIGN M T OF OPTION ;Joseph. - Chapmanl°° !or and in consideration of the sum of One_,fpollar et e `considerations to me in hand paid, the-'receipt-of -Which -i -hereby aek nddged, do hereby grant, bargain, assign, sell and convey all my right, .title. sod *U 3.ntsre$t i��1►� .�o oa2Y's': rn� caption: -to -��sa � =,,bi, w ,> ;#',�A: „ a W "T i.ttif:....t+u STATIOF''1 UMMA liOUM 101' � x _ r _ _ oi; • =erg .,'jai to- orre <to .:be the sereo�a >3��riedd.cduibeed ;c±e t tx lcet'a - n(Vao%mowledxvd'thst he erequted the►^�tme .ens ,bis- #-re, ;pact MA 440A, ' r t3 ..;M %' ; E 3 '' 1nblc, une}itn "Fount; Mir. ' . t�.. a t, e" s t , - s •.y. a j n ... s ? =LAI 4io+�at ,w s it .NA.X r.:� ..�� cif' 1. ;`% �. Y t • -'.� .,`e: £ k`;i �.,',t � s. .; F:1 .3 �,.. l ,,, - d x. , , t} oml Val x„ r ♦ t.: h-t ,.. �t '1 %„' y:ii _ .. "•�1... - z1 �'''� y• ,:.» �1Ci're1 F}7� i1��, y oG }= i;f ?.t ^,. # X0'•`4 3t� $S�?�- %�,lu'"7,� : >r'?.�_ t: t;� tC -7,_ i "' ` °.'<F ♦ ,� r cry y'l ... ,eF, A'i j? kF