HomeMy WebLinkAbout2153m c T ,' EDINA 4801 WEST 50TH STREET, EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 612-927-8861 N'T", S 01-17,11 TO'N' WIHE-R_-D'z'S , the fcllowing �Iescribed -property i s at present a si.,igi-c tract 01a.: la -nd - "ct 33, A,..:ditar's Subdivision Na. 172, according to the nian Jr plar thcraof on fi-le and of reccrd in the off ice of the Cf_�uiit:y Rece-rder .;ilthim a;id !:,)r 1.1cnae-i Cou.ty, Nt n-sot a 4 3i ad the ownor hC-.s, -h.a subdivis-_on c,f tract ir_rc -a�`T-w C.,s c r lbc-. d �., S f 01".1,ows s­�:irate parcels Ote': ! i_.e Souzh 119.9 -'ect of 1A-z 33, t!uditur s Subdivision No. 172; aid &'Ll t�-- part or: iot 33, Subdivisioi Tiu, 172. ex4-ept tbE: A. ha Sz uth i19.9 ±cet uhereoi; and an c e tE th.�-� Su'-div-ision and -LL ha_� be-�?a .!,�te=jzed tftat Z�:-)J-- Reoulations o'tr* wiII - oate_ :in unnecassary har-1- as se.,parate t.ract-s 1�f larild. do not iat.arfere T,•-_'tn t-Le Pt l -; sion and, -c, J �-t �z Re as coritiiilaed Li t-he City _f-oses, of the Subdi-v­ 'e, 11 — d1 :3 Ord_-Laance 171oa. 8.^'1 D ILQ 0­1.1 . f THLYEFORE, It- = haraby resolved by thr-: Cii-_v -Uounc- t:'- Cit- Ekliraa tht'-, convve,",'n--ce olwnership 14- sai arcels ac separate tracts of ! wi is crpproved anii L4je and, pro-jisi.,)ns o--F' Ord-in- _'�T -;ad t�r, a'j.�)W - (14,;jSjon ance .-a. 80 1 ar,,d Ord inaw_e No Et re A t')e-rea: as separat.c r.ract--- of' 1­n(l, '.-ut ar ri-)t w.ai-ved for an-v other purpose or as to any other 'rcvision t-her&of", and .,ut)jra-t, how- e%-'er' to tlic. provision that no flirther subdi%�fsilcn te made oi. c-ri-I !�,::.rcels '7 a C- 1n '0�- 'atice T pl. - v the pe Iment CrUln=ces 01 t' - C U11 's _., 1'.'. Ed-itLa or wizh the prior ap7,rcval of this Council ;ao, aw; be pravidci: for by t!--cl`re ordinances. ADOPTED ':_his 11th da-y of Septzzibler, 19-178. ST,A1'17 OF L.L iV - , I ES 01 V,_ 11�n' SS GID)UNTY CIT PZN'. T C:!1Y OF EDENA E C 1, toe undersiarw2d dul-., a-,?Pointed and acting City Czer,k for the City of 1,44-n,a, d,.-) hereby certify '-',:at, the attached aad resolution -was duly ado v te -t. t! v the 'Fd f. a,' C, i k" C01.1P.0 L 1 :,'- 1: '_t 3 11 lar 11e tir�.g i-,) f 57 ii.o t ezlt)er as rz--zordcd i'­L t I- e. nu. t c! s o£' Said Re)­]L 5-17t_KESS my haad and se-al t said C-_Ay tb.-IL6 ')Lh day of Cit -lf7 4 445'786 4 rinll�13-79 7 C 431 4 OFF icE oF OWN y nf Co. HEN SIEP IN ram I CER I 1 110 FILEV 4,N'D rl coROF n " �l 1979 MAR 13 PM 4: 07 44 ..S DOCUM;NT Rl Uy I R 11 _ ;t, Fpuly 215-3 TRANSFER ENTERED MAR 131979 RMNCE 4ND(E:P,tj4 C2 4-INN.