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In the Natter of the Condeemation by
the Tillage of idina of Ow Lain Lands •OTICZ Or PSND"a Or
and Inter -,ata Therein in fear»pin County CUMMM IATIOy PRO-
for Street Purposes OWINGS
•• h e w+ r a a• a t e+ w a +•
Tot The Register of Deeds of Hennspia County t
The Registrar of Titles of Hanneplo County'
Notice is hen by riven th::t on the /4w& day o e< , 1955,
L to Villa _ e of Edina, Minnesota, f sled 3 Petition in the office of the
Clerk o. the OieLrict Court of Hennepin County for the condemnaticn
.n .er MLin so La Statutes, Chapter 117, of certain land for the
iayin.� uL and �ddenirw a street for public rjad ;.,r; vies. The ;:,i,-
a -. cL-.J L� such cunaencwtion proceedin,•s art sit —Lo in L1U C•o;urLy of
Ha..r� pin, St .-ate of Minnesota, described as follower
'mac 765 WE353
ves ranftiest tract of land for right of way M 71tt w
IM 214%Wi 16 foot of the North Oseasalf of for But
%FG0 MrW of the s.ath Ossn-heltse ri i
�s et a 1/: W If4Y at boa sea map �t
oollta'4 t 0.18 aura, ROM or low, In addition to the exiistiAs public riSbt `
of Wye
Also the followint tract for slope esasent purposes onlys
?be Ybterly h5 feet of the Basterly'93 feet of the North
One-half of the Sast Three- fourths of the South One -halt
of the Northeast Quarter (8 314 S 1/2 N8 1/4)t
containing 0.68 acre, wore or less.
Parcel 2s
The following trd t of land for right of way easements
The Easterly 45 feet and the i4ortterly 40 feet of the
Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4 JE 1/4)
of Section 31, lbwnship 28, Range 24;
containing 0.56 -acre, more or less, in pr$ition to existing p«bli.c right of
wa; .
Also the following tracts for slot•e eusem_-rt purposes only;
The viesterly 45 feet of the Easterly 90 feet of raid North-
east ;u3:-ter of tibe i4orLheast ru..rter (1:1 1/h NE 1/14)
r'ie Jesteply 65 feet of the :;.stes•ly 17: feet of the Northerly
rhree-fourthe of °aid Northeast ',varter of the Northeast
<uarter (I& 1 /L. Nr 1/4)
Vie Southerly u0 feet o: the Aortherly 60 feet o: said Nortn-
east Quarter of the Northeast f,.jarter (,M 1/4 as 1 /4)
The Southerly 60 feet of t'.e Northerly 1GJ feet of the L•asterly
One- fct.rth of :-ai:. Nrrt;-.east _ "ua:*ter of the Northeast Quarter
OL 1/4 14E 1/0 .
containing 4.47 acres, :pore or loss,
Farc61 3s
r:ie following tract of land fcr right of w..y easements
The Westerly 1' feet of Lots 11 to 20, inclusive, of
Block 3, Harriet Park, Hennepin County, Minnesota
accordi-k to the plat thereof on file in the office
of the Register of Deeds.
Together with the folloving tracts for slope easement purposes onlys
Be Easterly 10 feet of the vl aterly 52 feet at Lela 11 to .
94 inclusive, flock 3, Mmmlet Forks Woaepi& CeaaRy
jammeta, aaooedta2 to the put tbereof on fife is go
effiae at the ""later of Comm.
>laroel i
Thu follouing tract of land for permanent right of way purposeso
The Westerly 45 feet and the Northerly 10 feet of the Northwest
Quarter of the Northwest ruarter (N` l/h NW 1/4) of Sections 32,
Township 28, Range 241
containing 1.53 acres, more or less, in addition to existiM public right of way•
A130 the follo:+ing tracts for slope easement purooees only$
The Lasterly 55 feet of the .. esterly 1C0 feet of the Southerly
1/1 of said Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter
(W; 1A M 1/4);
The Easterly 145 feet of the Vbsterly 190 feet of the Northerly.
1/? o: the So .therly 1/2 of said Northwest Quarter of Oe North —
m est Quarter (iTI 1A Y 1/4 };
e ;;asterly 100 feet of the {westerly 145 feet o: the Northerly
1/^ of said Northwest Quarter of the ;Jorthc.est tuarter
(i:4:' 1/4 N 1/1.);
The Soutnerly 75 feet of the Nort'erly 115 feet o." the .est 1/2
of said Northwest Quarter of the Jorthwest uarter (N.' 1/4 i.:, 1/4);
containinl- 3.35 acres, mo.•e or less.
The interest of the Village of sdina as to that portion of the slope easerrcnt
descriocd atbo-.e s^ the Easterly 1 20 feet of the ':asterly 1'6 feet .f the
Northerly 1/2 of said iJorti:waet ;iiai-ter o= t:e 'br truest quarter (i1J 1/4
s::nll cermin:te on D^:ember 1, 1955.
Parcel 1
The follo• :n^ tract land or slyre easement •'..rnoses onl;; :
The No_ tire• sterly ``) :eet of Lot 6,, Blcck 4, Sul' ; ill:.nL. K"3
n `.;.TIJ:!, Hennepin �oanty, .nn,"so -, accord.n� to l!ie Mat
or. i ile.
Parcel 11:
Tl:a :ollovinr trc.ct of land "or Aope ea:em±nt purposes only:
T},.3 J:crthe_oturl,• 2n feet cf Lit 5, BlocK h, SJUI'H:;n:..:
Li,ii' ,_-D.I 'T_,A, Hennepin County, Mii,nusota, according to
the plat on Me.
r 725 w355
rr feummist treat at LM for give essemat Ravesee aeslpt
beet at rot 4, am* soona►t »3i'
tDOIlYV1, Meonepin oesnty, Miowstai aoeord " to the
put an .tine
hroe sr
' 1'he fellowI t tract of Lad for slop easesesot purposes onlyi
The Saetarly 5 feet of Lot 3, Block lc, WV19DAU .r= ADDIiTOilp
Hamoepin ;*=ty, Minnesota, according to the plat on- file.
! Parcel 151
The following tract of land for slope easement purposes onlyt
The Easterly 30 feet of Lot 5, 310ak 3, SOUTHDALE IRS'T
"ITION, Hennepin County, Hinssssota, according to the plat
on file.
Parcel 16s.
The following tract of land for slope easement purposes onlys
The Easterly 20 feet of Lot 7, Block 3, SOUTIMLE. r I'.ST
amITI%I,, Hennepin County, Minnesota
Parcel 17s
The following tract of lane: for slope easement ournoscs only:
The Easterly 20 feet of Lot 6, 3lock 3, SLUniD..'... , 1-6r
Ai,i)[,'IOW, rennepin County, P'.innesota, accordini to the
plat on file.
Parcel 181
The following tract of Land for slope easement purposes only:
The --asterly 20 feet o, Lot 5, 3lock 3, S(l'TH!..si.:i : 1 iST
a"DITION, lennepin t�nunty, innesota, accordir.,:, to the plat
on file.
Parcel 20s
The followinp tract of late for sloe easement ;.uroses only:
The Northeasterl y 2' feet of Lot 3, Block 3, SUM DAL- IRS1
Hennepin County, Minnesota, accordin^ to t:,e rlat on rile.
!� foUevtag.traat of UM for sUpe easattsno P0rP0 onus
?M �r;.tswa�! ar] f '_? teat• of Lot is frUck 3* 8tgl'lM +6 MW
♦OG11?I851, Nar+aapta :,•sir.t�, !r6�euott_ .
P+rssel ?32
The foUo ing tracts of land for right of MY eaeeseessts
The i- brtmly 50 fe-t- of Lots 7 to 11 int'lusi•x, of ?Lark 21 •
Fracecla An `z' Hsn!n :Fin County, &nnescri.a, acoordirg to
the plat ton
That p::•t of LA 7• i;_m:t "e, PeaaedrlE Acres Hsrnapin C(Alnty,
Mina, de?,:ri'x' as Yo1l.owat
Beginning a#. th a 's-,n,hvest corner of said Lot 7, thence .Last,
along tho :;ou_h l.fno cf Qaid L =t 7 a distance of 50 I-eat;
thence h.' ~.h nsraliol with tCo Wast lisle of said Lot 7 a dis-
tance of F7.81 Papt Lochs pc,iat of boStnntrig of a curve to
the left havi:.b a r,•Lus at 563,92 feet; thence Ttcr :herb along
the arc of rain rt m-j a diSLAnci of xY 26 i'eet, more or less,
to a ; `G -Iry +h liT.d 01 sai.r. ►•o t 7, uto :.ch point is
-nr of sa-_rl I•ca i, ad
4eit ro):. 7, tn_e,-3 VM5+
Lit ?
: +rr; z::e +att •1..k of -Said Lot ; to
concain:n,^ C.;`. :cr .. *� •,- '_a .
J,lre ii. fc +_'.r� . tr :•;'�; of 'wn1 for eassrrr_t pc--poses �nlys
of ca? 5:1fee-, of Lot 10, Block 2,
Feccc iai•, a:: C a G3f..lt!_:_n CoanLya `sir —
T,-e _;aStot -l-r I•: i• : -t rf t�,m We.;rerq G; fact of Lot 11, Block 2,
F ^_ace:.a :. AGE: i{f 71 + : %rl :. Cutst;+, .•`r�.
Parcel 2Ls
the %, i `. c c of l:,rd _or rincr, of way erSemPnts
Th•. c p:-, t c' 1, _ , a•.h !; :'E -3+ of I at 6. Block 2, Peacedals
f:cros t .. sa
_r_% d:3C!'ited a3 fallowss
"� arswr Ti�S Mc357
� �
SSat*U" ofMOALitd. .
Iasi t +, a
t•• o��
►" =4 Mid
Let am"
Mit 1 , ti�at rr We . de avid Let
to ttte Nt a U441 VtWeacs - ' b aLo►ts aw 1 mt
7 ,. Use 4C am Lot 6 to tltr po3at at WSM04gif
aidatal" 0600 &A. care or lees.
lt+s tbL. Owing tracts of la. -1d for rUbt or wy easeneubs
That part of t" North W-08 feet of Lot 6, Block ?t
Peacedale acres Hemapin County, him., deve :ibed as follows
Weinnir., at the Scuthwast corner of said Borth 40.08 feet of
said Lo': 6, thence FfPt al:,,g a 11.na parallel With the both
line of bald I-vt 6 a distan ^1 of x,2.41 fact ca a psi- ..t L•s s
curve havLag a r•rdi•i; of 5ci „92 fontj tt.u:zcs Kxthwcster.1
along th. are arty -urv. to the Taft 10.S : :as+. mare cr
lass, is a Point a ''
n the Jnr.l line of said Lot 6, «Mich p4 int
is 34.2; ilft T'13t of the u�%rth%mat wrner of said Lot 6 as
wsasured ilcr,' the ICurzh line of said Lot 61 thence hest :,long
the Nort'i Mks of sail Lot 6 to the Northwest corner theruufj
thence Sr-4th alb tt2 Mast line of said .Lot 6 to the point of
beginnia; j
containing 0,04 acre, sore or less.
That Part of Lot 5, Olock 2, Peacelal-, Acres Hennepin County, iiinn.
described as rolio4e3;
Bet ine :in„ at tFe soot . ?st corn) :r o: staid Lot 5, t;.ence i.. ^st
aloe- t!-.e 3octh ii.1,1 a said Lot 5 A r•:.:,nca o: 3 --2i feat to
a P -li-'t _n a ct.we : au ; us of r'� . y¢ 2'3� t; titenca ,North -
!1Edtrr j alon;, ti^ arC c: snit! curve to the left 10': 6:. r, -et,
mot c r 7 t s 1 ac t or. the '.es t li n! of br, ie Lot 5, hatch
Poi-It. is 15 -5;, feet ',nth o: the ;JceWxr L ccrner of said Lot 5
ae t`1ce.3 , -era al', :en tF•> s >f llna o'.' S: L. Lot
5; !terre South along
the 'esL 1?ne c; saga Lit 5 to vita pci :e + :•af Ld��inni'Q;
containing 0.1., acre, more or 1o:::.
Pearce 961
Tip* folloi -ing tre, -ts of land . or r-.jht of t.av easements
�Tne Zasterly feet. cf LoL 12, Block 2, peacec'ale kcres
T`ie ya :;t� ::e: t of L,)t 13, clock 2, Aeaced-ile ;.area
P.enru•ni.a 0ou 'It'r, i•i- acc.� w rdi to tae plat thereof on
ti_a in the ofiice ot'.the it?gister of Uce
containing 0.26 ac: �, mora or let -s..
±� `s+�e jM o4ss
Sk "WOM r 1S 3., Tiig y 7s 060
to 11rils u OkIldro amp
a9 tare amINUAr 6160 of 94 1h
1R�le !, �M��� Otesl�►► tttaa.
ow faumbe tract of Land far right of my easements
The 9astary 56 x661, of set 14, 91ooN 2, Peacsda:s Aare#
ibmalpia Cftn*..g, aeeordissg to the put thereof'
at file In the office ac US Resister of Dradeg
containing 0.13 &ores sloes or leas,
VW following tract of land for right of way aacownts
The Easterly 50 rest of the South 1/2 of Lot 15, Mock 2,
Pe:fteals A4114e Hennepin County, M- Wksots, acoordt.ig
to tha plat thereof on ii.1e in the olfice of the Aspister
of D-jedssi
containing 0,07 acre, more or loss,
Parcel. 291
The following tracts of land for right of way easements
The r.acstsrly 50 fe.ot of the North 1/2 of Lot 15, Block 2,
Poscedaie Acres Henaupin Co.nty, Aimo-.,ot.a, according to
the plat Hereof on file in the office of the Regiater
of Deeds.
Th1.t part of :sot 16, Block 2, Peacedale Acres Honnerin County,
uinn., detcri`wd as :ollouss
Bepinning at the Northeast corner of said Lot 16; thence South
along the cost line o. said Lot 16 to the Southeast corner of
said L:i. 16; thence West alorp the 3yith line of :aid Let 16
a distance of 50.0 feed ti-enco Ncxth niong a line parallel
with the .:set line a, se.id Lot 16 a distance of 97,31 feet to
the ,point of tegiw iag o a cu -va ha•iin a ridius of 4511.92
feet; thence Northi.esLeriy sloe. the c -e of said carve to tha
left a diatan ^R of .7.79 Yeat, no.•e or leas, to a point on the
Borth line of said Lot it,, %hich point is 50.32 feat `.a ^t of
the Northeast cormr of said Lot 16 as meesi.red along the North
line of said fat 16; thew-;s rant alteig the North line o. said
Lot 16 to the point o. oeginninef
containing 0.20 acre, more or less.
Also the following tract cf land for slope easement ;cur, ores onl;,rs
A strip of :and 35 feet in width directly ad1jacent to and .ssterly
of the 'est lire oi' the above described tract of right of way in
Lot 16, Block 2, Peacedale acres Aer.nepin Coantr, , Ninn.
. 725 ,mv=
- a.rswAft ":et at laid for .,aft s ,
no .a 144 38A aleck to lbss,dde
we 0
as the XoSlhesst 0amr at iald %t 348
alan the Dist 31M of said Lef 16 go the AL__A eaeh
ther eot, 'thence West a1a8 the SQUW Um aft said Lel
di stance of 69, h5 fee-, to a Padat In a sinew ham a° Maus
of 453.92 test; thewcs xorthwsetsrlp slaft the are at a"
antes to the left a distanse at U?. 17 feet, wort or aiNS,
to a�ppm�tt OR the !forth lino at &dd Lek 1/, hd•.ioh pond is
.Cih feet West of the aortbe"t corner of said Lot is is'
"450 *d alaaht the Borth line thereat; thence fast alsag the
Nortb line of said " 18 to the point of beainniosj
coatainiat 0.25 acre, More' or leas.
4 XI 31
The follaling tracts of lard for right of way easements`
That part of Lot 19, Mock 20 Psacedale Acres Hennepin County,
ttinn., described as follows:
BeCiauing at A point on the South line of said Lot 19, which
Point is 7.31 feet Nest of the Southeast corner of said Lot 19
as measured aiong the South line of said lot 19, and which point
is on a curve having a radius of 563.92 feet; thence ;lest alone
the South line of said Lot 19 a distance of llb- 73 feet to a
poi!,t which is on a curve having a radius of 463.92 feet; thence
Nonriwesterly along the arc of said curve to the left a distance
Of 156.38 feet, more or less, to a point on the North line of
said Lot 19, which point is 226.22 feet -4est of the Northeast
corner of said Lot 19 as measured along the North line of said
Lot 19; thence East along the North line of said Lot 19,a dis-
tacce of 10.69 feet to a point $2.53 feet .feat of the Northeast
corTier of said Lot 19 as meas•red along said North line, and
wh ch point is on a curve having a radius of 563.92 feet] thence
Southeasterly along the arc of said curve to the right a distance
of 138.1$ feet, more or less, to the point of beginning;
Together with that part of said Lot 19 described as follows:
Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Lot 19; thence South
along the East line of said Lot 19 to the Southeast corner thereof;
thence tlest along the South line of said Lot 19 a distance of
7.31 feet to a point on a curve having a radius of 563.92 feet;
thence Northwesterly on the arc of said curve to the left a di -_
tance of 138.15 feet, ^fore or less, to a point on the forth line
of said Lot 19, which point is 62.53 feet .pest of the Uorthnnet
corner of said Lot 19 as measured along the Worth lin- #'ereof;
thencw East along the North v+ »e .� -, +.+ t..� i; e.. «o r .; •,r .,f
both tracts eon+.iw4.yo n. #.f, �„
CIO w3-8tl
so fatla" tract of. Ul d for do& at saw aaswm*$
shat part at Lt 90, 214* 2, lii800dal0 Aw" HomVin OrmAy,
d0ser1bad as sonws,
8e91=11ng at the aourhtiest of aid Ls% 201 the11oe por'rh
&10116 the Bast 11110 of said Lot"-20 a dtstsnas of 46.50 Meet to
A pout ca a ourp ha" a radius of 563692 faatf theme South -
aseterly "=6 the aro of said cum to the right 64,31 tied
more or leas to a point are the South Lim of said Lot 2o, which
Point is U-13 feet Fast of the Soathwat corner of said Lot 20
u measured along the South Lim of said lot 20; thwrce .!c F.
alasg the South lino of said Lot 20 to the point of begin m4l
containing 0.02 acre, more or long.
The following tracts of land for right of uaY easements
That part of Lot 1, Ahnert's Addition, rlennepin Co•„nt.�,
?:isaiesota according to the plat on file described as follows
Beginning at the southeast corner of said Lot 1; thence North -
weaterly along,the Fast line of said Iut 1 to the Northeast
corner thereof; hence -Test along the 'forth 1+_ne of said Lot 1
A distance of idst feet to a point in a curve Lavine a radius
of 463.92 feet; thence Southeasterly along the arc of said curve
to the right 117.07 feet,more or lose, to a point on the South
line of said Lot 1; thence East along the South li.12 of said
Lot 1 to t1te point of beginning;
containing 0.01 acre, more or less.
The following tract of land for slope easement purposes only:
A strip of land 30 feet in width directly adjacent to and Jesterly
of the above described tract of right of way.
Parcel 36
That part of the following described tract for riCht of way easement:
The Easterly 133 feet of the Westerly 658.5 feet of the ilortherly
268 feet of the Northwest Cuarter of the l'ortteast Quarter
(111 1/h NE 1/4) of Section 30, Township 28, Pangs Al
which lies between two lines drain parallel with and distant 50 feet on each
sif'.e of the following described lines
Beginning at a point on the ;forth line of the northeast Quarter
(1:E 1/6) of said Section 30 distant 50.79 feet Fast of '.he North-
west corns- thereof; thence run Northwesterly at an angle of 260
36' with said North line (uhen measured from West to North) for
a distance of 50 !!et to the point of beginning of the line to be
described; thence run Southeasterly along the last above nescric.ed
course for a distance of 200 feet and there terminating;
containing 0.13 acre, more or less, in adUtion to existing public right of way.
The folloMift treat of land for ridet of wsy easewentr 1
Mr Soveherlr 32 feet of the East 12.o aaree of Lot 3 oY
Cassin /s Outlotsr Hennepin County, Minnesota.
containing 0.19 acre, more or less.
Also the following tracts for slope. easement purposes only:
A strip of lard 5 feet in width adjacent to and Northerly
of the above described strip, and a second strip 10 feet
In width adjacent to and Northerly of the Easterly L30 feet
of said 5 foot strip.
containing 0.04 acre, rmv or long.
An of the eLep asaamsm" harelahetera memtisasd in this !olio* of
lltodsmsy of Osmdemastlem pe'eeeedings to tessdaste eepsm the em*letlen of the
Paodisig Srading sedraet er net layer than DseesDer 10 Imp except the slope
easement previded for is Rrwl erssibsersd b.' •
bated at >odietas 1lLreaeeetar Ibis 'dq► q��>,955.
-e//, :
Filed -for record on the 6 day of Jul A.P..196b at 9146 ofelccr A.N.
Filed -for record on the 6 day of Jul A.P..196b at 9146 ofelccr A.N.