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Z1 6e, v� (' 1— 33 ?A qg 492876 Uorfrrifimtr Off" %Pvt1it State of Minnesota Owner.(s.) IMPORTANT In dealing with the land described in this certificate, the names of the parties and descrip- tion of property should be ex- actly the same as written herein. SWA*'. 1 el ( e FJ n RLS 1050 jw ATTENTION DELAY and EXPENSE will be caused by the loss of this certificate. MEMORIAL (Continued) DOCUMENT NUMBER KIND OF INSTRUMENT DATE OF INSTRUMENT DATE OF REGISTRATION AMOUNT RUNNING IN FAVOR OF SIGNATURE OF REGISTRAR I Month jDayl Year M.S� hmyj Year Hour HC 1031 CERTIFICATE OF TITLE Transfer from No. 381174 A. D. 1950 volume 495 STATE of MINNESOTA, COUNTY of HENNEPIN. This is to certify that No. 492876 DISTRICT COURT No.(s) 9720 Originally registered the 8th day of February Page 151320 REGISTRATION State of Minnesota, State Capitol, City of St. Paul, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota is now the owner(s) of an estate, to wit: in fee simple of and in the following described land situated in the County of Hennepin and State of Minnesota, to wit: That part of Tracts 1 and 2 described below: Tract 1: Tract E, except that part thereof lying Southwesterly of a line drawn from a point on the West line of said Tract E distant 165 feet North of the Southwest corner of said Tract, as measured along said West line to a point on the South line of said Tract E distant 200 feet East of the Southwest corner of said tract, as measured along said South line Tract 2: That part of Tract F lying Northwesterly of a line drawn from a point on the West line of said Tract F, 10.40 feet North of the Southwest corner thereof to a point on'the Northeast line of said Tract F, distant 3.86 feet Northwesterly of the most Southerly corner of Tract U which lies northerly of Line _A described below: Line A: Beginning at a point on the east line. .. Hof TrWat A,.,dist nt 4Q feed north the 'southeast corner thereof; thence run northeasterly to a point distant 120 feet west and 32 Feet oizt3 of ..he Wrti.,,a t corner of said Tract E; thence run easterly parallel with the north line of said Tract E for 30 feet,:. $hence deflect to the le. t at::;an ;angle of 90 degrees, 00 minutes 00 seconds for 12 feet; thence run easterly and southeasterly parallel with .the nts the g ho heasterly lines of said Tracts E and F to an intersection with the southeasterly line of Tract 2 here inbi� f©ke.;des�rili,.ect 1; l r+ terminating all in Registered Land Survey No. 1050, Files of Registrar s,''Cotirity of Hennepin. Subject to snow fence easements over that portion of the premises described in instruments on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hennepin County, Minnesota, found in Book 358 of Miscellaneous Records, Page 16, and in Book 366 of Miscellaneous Records, page 121. following rights or encumbrances subsisting, as provided in the twenty- fourth section of "An act concerning the registration of land and the title thereto" of the General laws of the State of Minnesota for the year 1905, and the amendments thereof, namely: 1. Liens, claims or rights arising under the laws or the constitution of the United States, which the statutes of this state cannot require to appear of record. 2. Any tax or special assessment for which a sale of the land has not been had at the date of the certificate of title. 3. Any lease for a period not exceeding three years, when there is actual occupation of the premises under the lease. 4. All public highways embraced in the description of the lands included in the certificates shall be deemed to be excluded. 5. Such right of appeal or right to appear and contest the application as is allowed by law. b. The rights of any person in possession under deed or contract for deed from the owner of the certificate of title. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the seal of my office this Twenty -first day of June 1973 Wayne A. Johnson Registrar of Titles, In and for the County of nep' nd St to of Minnesota. MEMORIAL By DEPUTY . rue rEOTIeIrATF nr TITIF MFRETO ATTACHED. OFESTATE5, EASEMtNIJ UK a.nf+RVr-a v-. 191r DATE OF REGISTRATION ��+. -.. ..��— • -•___ AMOUNT F_ ... ..._ _______ _ __ RUNNING IN FAVOR OF State of Minnesota For highway purposes SIGNATURE OF REGISTRAR DOCUMENT NUMBER KIND OF INSTRUMENT DATE OF INSTRUMENT Month Day Year Month Day Year Hour Notice of Discharge of above Notice W ne A. Johnson 107 Pendens arc: nVFR