HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-03-02 City Council Work Session Meeting PacketAgenda City Council Work Session City of Edina, Minnesota VIRTUAL MEETING Call 800-374-0221, enter Conference ID 3068593 to listen to meeting Tuesday, March 2, 2021 5:30 PM I.Call To Order II.Roll Call III.Utility Rate Study IV.Adjournment The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampli"cation, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Date: March 2, 2021 Agenda Item #: III. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Reports / Recommendation From:Don Uram, Finance Director Item Activity: Subject:Utility Rate Study Discussion CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Discussion only. INTRODUCTION: On August 18, 2020 the City Council approved a service contract with Ehlers to provide an update to the 2018 Utility Rate Study. T he contract was based on a three-step approach designed to accomplish the following: Step 1: Implement inflationary increases to utility rates for 2021 Step 2: Evaluate water and sewer rate structures in 2021 for changes in 2022 Step 3: Evaluate storm water Residential Equivalency Factors (REF’s) for commercial and residential property Step 1 was completed on October 10, 2020 with a presentation at a Council work session and an ordinance revision completed in December. The attached presentation outlines the results of Steps 2 and 3. ATTACHMENTS: Description Utility Rate Study Presentation City of Edina Utility Rate Study 2/25/2021 2 Purpose of a Utility Rate Study •Review the current financial status of all utility funds Analyze adequacy of revenues Establish rate structure that meets policy goals Balance cash and bonding to pay for capital projects •Parameters Assure funds pay for capital, operations and annual debt service Provide sufficient cash reserves Target: 40% of operating costs + next year’s debt service + annual depreciation 2/25/2021 3 Utilities are Capital Intensive Operating 31% Debt25% Capital 44% Water Expenditures 2021 Operating21% Debt8% Capital23% MCES48% Sewer Expenditures 2021 Operating 14% Debt 26% Capital60% Storm Water Expenditures 2021 Utilities’ Capital Improvement Plan 2/25/2021 4 Major Projects Year Amount Street Improvement Program (water, sewer, storm)Annually $7,580,000 Water Treatment Plant 2026-2027 $18,000,000 Sanitary Trunk Capacity Expansion 2022 and 2026 $2,500,000 Lift Station Improvements 2021-2022 $3,750,000 Morningside Flood Protection Projects 2022-2023 $4,000,000 Total 2021-2030 capital costs (today’s cost) = $156.4 million •Volumetric Charges for Water and Sewer Rate per 1,000 gallons For water, rate increases for higher consumption (“tiers”) •Meter Charges Fixed fee per quarter based on meter size Currently only water has meter charges •Sewer Minimum Charges Customers pay for a minimum amount of use even if actual is less Rate Structure Components-Water and Sewer 2/25/2021 5 2/25/2021 6 Three-Step Approach to Current Rate Study •Step 1: Review capital needs to adjust utility rates/fees to address revenue needs for 2021 Completed Fall of 2020 •Step 2: Evaluate water and sewer rate structures in 2021 for changes in 2022 •Step 3: Evaluate storm water Residential Equivalency Factors (REF’s) for commercial and residential property 2/25/2021 7 Summary of Rate Study Results Projected Annual Usage Rate Increases Utility 2018 Study 2020 Study 2021 Study* Water 5.00%5.00%3.00% Sewer 5.00%5.00%6.00% Storm Water 8.00%8.00%8.00% * For water and sewer, 2022 percentage increase varies due to new rate structure. These proposed water and sewer percentage increases begin in 2023. 2/25/2021 8 Summary of Rate Study Results – Development Fees 2021 Water Connection $2,780 Sewer Connection $1,700 Total $4,480 Future increases 6.5% per year consistent with prior studies. City offers discounts if there is no plumbing for laundry or disposals in multi-family units. •Promote water conservation •Meet statutory requirements for multifamily projects •Examine sewer minimum bill and winter quarter averaging •Increase equity between customer classes •Ease of administration Step 2 Objectives: New Rate Structures for Water and Sewer 2/25/2021 9 Water Conservation –Current Tier Breaks 2/25/2021 10 722 1972 2592 2115 1397 957 632 435 316 242 221 158 116 97 79 67 41 52 47 26 38 15 13 15 12 15 92 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To Residential Single Family Water Accounts Fall Quarter, 2019 Data TIER 1 0-26,000 TIER 2 26,001-49,000 TIER 3Over 49,000 Number of AccountsQuarterly Water Consumption (in 1,000 gallons) Water Conservation –Proposed Tier Breaks 2/25/2021 11 722 1972 2592 2115 1397 957 632 435 316 242 221 158 116 97 79 67 41 52 47 26 38 15 13 15 12 15 92 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To Residential Single Family Water Accounts Fall Quarter, 2019 DataTIER 1 0-12,000 TIER 2 12,001-24,000 TIER 3 Over 24,000 Number of AccountsQuarterly Water Consumption (in 1,000 gallons) Proposed Residential Water Rates 2/25/2021 12 Water Fund 2021 2022 Residential Tier One $ 2.58 $ 2.30 Tier Two $ 3.43 $ 3.50 Tier Three $ 5.36 $ 5.79 2% increases to residential meter fees proposed for 2022 Quarterly Bill Low Volume Customer (10,000 gal) Medium Customer (24,000 gal) High Volume Customer (95,000 gal) 2021 Water Bill $49.34 $94.03 $424.64 Proposed 2022 Water Bill $47.01 $103.22 $514.22 $ Difference ($2.33)$9.19 $89.58 % Difference (4.7%)9.8%21.1% Single Family Residential Water Bill Impacts 2/25/2021 13 •Morningside Neighborhood uses water purchased from Minneapolis •Evaluated Morningside rates to ensure they cover all allocable costs Road reconstruction, pipe lining projects, billing and admin •Proposed rates for 2022: Morningside pays Edina meter charge Rate = $1.11 per 1,000 gallons plus Minneapolis cost of water $0.36 increase over current “surcharge” Morningside Water Rates 2/25/2021 14 •Current tiered rate structure •Proposed rate for 2022: $3.45 per 1,000 gallons •Increases equity Multifamily customer class pays for their share of water used Multifamily Water Rates 2/25/2021 15 Water Conservation -Commercial Water Rates 2/25/2021 16 154 70 25 24 23 14 11 10 10 11 5 5 3 3 4 5 1 6 2 3 1 2 1 2 0 2 1 0 22 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To Commercial Water Usage Fall 2019New Tier Breaks Proposed 2022 Commercial Water Rates 2/25/2021 17 Commercial Customers Proposed Tier Breaks 2021 2022 0-50,000 Tier One $ 2.58 $ 2.30 50,001 -200,000 Tier Two $ 3.43 $ 2.88 Over 200,000 Tier Three $ 3.59 •Reduce tier breaks to match single-family residential Proposed 2022 Irrigation Rates 2/25/2021 18 Irrigation Water Rates 2021 2022 Tier One –up to 12,000 gallons $3.43 $3.50 Tier Two -over 12,000 gallons $5.36 $5.79 2/25/2021 19 Water Fund Projected Cash Balances Target cash = 40% of operating costs + next year’s debt service + annual depreciation 0 2,000,000 4,000,000 6,000,000 8,000,000 10,000,000 12,000,000 14,000,000 16,000,000 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 Target Cash Ending Cash Bond Proceeds •Winter Quarter Averaging Residential sewer is billed on water use in winter quarter Customers do not pay sewer fees on outdoor water use •Conclusion after Review: Most common and equitable system used in cold weather climates Keep winter quarter averaging Sewer Rates –Structural Issues 2/25/2021 20 •Sewer Minimum Currently, all residential accounts are billed a minimum of 12,000 units or $72.00 per quarter per residential unit Does not promote water conservation •Conclusion after Review: Maintain a sewer minimum charge for revenue stability Reduce minimum to 8,000 gallons or $52.00 per quarter Institute a meter charge for 1 ½” and larger meters Sewer Rates –Structural Issues 2/25/2021 21 Proposed 2022 Sewer Rates 2/25/2021 22 Volumetric Rate per 1,000 gallons 2021 2022 Residential & Commercial $6.00 $6.50 Industrial Customers (Very High Volume)N/A $6.17 Meter Size 2022 Meter Charge 1 ½”$27.00 2”$35.00 3”$400.00 4”$500.00 5”$600.00 Quarterly Bill Low Volume Customer (8,000 gal) Medium Customer (12,000 gal) High Volume Customer (40,000 gal) 2021 Sewer Bill $72.00 $72.00 $240.00 Proposed 2022 Sewer Bill $52.00 $78.00 $260.00 $ Difference ($20.00)$6.00 $20.00 % Difference (28%)8%8% Single Family Residential Sewer Bill Impacts 2/25/2021 23 2/25/2021 24 Sewer Fund Projected Cash Balances Target cash = 40% of operating costs + next year’s debt service + annual depreciation 0 2,000,000 4,000,000 6,000,000 8,000,000 10,000,000 12,000,000 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 Target Cash Ending Cash •Basis is Residential Equivalency Factor (REF) Establish a standard volume of runoff from a typical single-family residential unit to apply to various land uses •Current ordinance charges quarterly Step 3 –Storm Water Rates 2/25/2021 25 REF x Acreage x Storm Water Rate 2/25/2021 26 Storm Water Utility •Maintaining annual 8% rate increases allows: Completion of all scheduled projects in CIP An extra $2M per year for flooding mitigation (2022-2030) Covering all operations and maintenance Maintaining adequate cash balances •May need to revisit rates if additional flood mitigation is required Storm Water REF Factors 2/25/2021 27 Property Classification Residential Equivalency Factor (REF) Golf Course/Cemetary 0.75 1-2 Unit Residential 1 Med-High Residential 8 Churches 8 Schools 3 Hospital 12 Comm/Industrial 13.5 No changes in rate structure recommended. 8% annual increase in storm water rate in 2022 and beyond. 2/25/2021 28 Storm Water Fund Projected Cash Balances Target cash = 40% of operating costs + next year’s debt service + annual depreciation 0 1,000,000 2,000,000 3,000,000 4,000,000 5,000,000 6,000,000 7,000,000 8,000,000 9,000,000 10,000,000 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 Target Cash Ending Cash 2/25/2021 29 Impact Analysis •Examples of Combined Utility Bills for various users •Compares 2021 to proposed 2022 2/25/2021 30 Sample Quarterly Residential Utility Bill Low Volume Customer* * 10,000 gallons of water and 8,000 gallons sewer and a 3/4“ meter Actual Proposed 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Quarterly Residential Bill Water $ 49.34 $ 47.01 $ 48.42 $ 49.87 $ 51.37 $ 52.91 Sewer $ 72.00 $ 52.00 $ 55.12 $ 58.43 $ 61.93 $ 65.65 Storm $ 40.60 $ 43.85 $ 47.36 $ 51.14 $ 55.24 $ 59.65 Total $ 161.94 $ 142.86 $ 150.90 $ 159.45 $ 168.54 $ 178.21 Percent Increase -11.8%5.6%5.7%5.7%5.7% Amount Increase-per quarter ($19.08)$8.04 $8.55 $9.09 $9.68 2/25/2021 31 Sample Quarterly Residential Utility Bill Medium Volume Customer* * 24,000 gallons of water and 12,000 gallons sewer and a 1” meter Actual Proposed 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Quarterly Residential Bill Water $ 94.03 $ 103.22 $ 106.32 $ 109.51 $ 112.79 $ 116.17 Sewer $ 72.00 $ 78.00 $ 82.68 $ 87.64 $ 92.90 $ 98.47 Storm $ 40.60 $ 43.85 $ 47.36 $ 51.14 $ 55.24 $ 59.65 Total $ 206.63 $ 225.07 $ 236.35 $ 248.29 $ 260.93 $ 274.30 Percent Increase 8.9%5.0%5.1%5.1%5.1% Amount Increase-per quarter $18.44 $11.28 $11.94 $12.64 $13.38 2/25/2021 32 Sample Quarterly Residential Utility Bill Very High Volume Customer* *95,000 gallons of water and 40,000 gallons sewer and a 1” meter Actual Proposed 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Quarterly Residential Bill Water $ 424.64 $ 514.22 $ 529.65 $ 545.54 $ 561.91 $ 578.76 Sewer $ 240.00 $ 260.00 $ 275.60 $ 292.14 $ 309.66 $ 328.24 Storm $ 40.60 $ 43.85 $ 47.36 $ 51.14 $ 55.24 $ 59.65 Total $ 705.24 $ 818.07 $ 852.61 $ 888.82 $ 926.81 $ 966.66 Percent Increase 16.0%4.2%4.2%4.3%4.3% Amount Increase-per quarter $112.83 $34.53 $36.21 $37.99 $39.86 2/25/2021 33 Sample Quarterly Utility Bill –Multifamily* * 83 Condo Units: 526,000 gallons of water and sewer and a 3" meter Actual Proposed 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Quarterly Multifamily Bill Water $ 1,608.90 $ 2,086.59 $ 2,149.19 $ 2,213.66 $ 2,280.07 $ 2,348.48 Irrigation Meter -687,000 gallons $ 3,565.65 $ 3,949.44 $ 4,067.92 $ 4,189.96 $ 4,315.66 $ 4,445.13 Sewer $ 5,119.99 $ 3,819.00 $ 4,048.14 $ 4,291.03 $ 4,548.49 $ 4,821.40 Storm $ 4,362.06 $ 4,711.24 $ 5,088.14 $ 5,495.19 $ 5,934.81 $ 6,409.59 Total $ 14,656.60 $ 14,566.27 $ 15,353.39 $ 16,189.84 $ 17,079.03 $ 18,024.59 Percent Increase -0.6%5.4%5.4%5.5%5.5% Amount Increase-per quarter ($90.33)$787.12 $836.45 $889.19 $945.57 2/25/2021 34 Sample Quarterly Utility Bill Small Commercial Property* Actual Proposed 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Quarterly Small Commercial Bill Water $ 49.34 $ 47.01 $ 48.42 $ 49.87 $ 51.37 $ 52.91 Sewer $ 72.00 $ 65.00 $ 68.90 $ 73.03 $ 77.42 $ 82.06 Storm $ 71.25 $ 76.96 $ 83.12 $ 89.77 $ 96.95 $ 104.70 Total $ 192.59 $ 188.97 $ 200.44 $ 212.67 $ 225.73 $ 239.67 Percent Increase -1.9%6.1%6.1%6.1%6.2% Amount Increase-per quarter ($3.62)$11.47 $12.24 $13.06 $13.94 * Small shop at 50th & France: 10,000 gallons water and sewer and ¾” meter 2/25/2021 35 Sample Quarterly Utility Bill Large Commercial Property* Actual Proposed 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Quarterly Small Commercial Bill Large Commercial: 502,000 gallons water and sewer and 1" meter Water $ 1,731.87 $ 1,665.18 $ 1,715.14 $ 1,766.59 $ 1,819.59 $ 1,874.17 Sewer $ 3,012.00 $ 3,263.00 $ 3,458.78 $ 3,666.31 $ 3,886.29 $ 4,119.46 Storm $ 767.34 $ 828.77 $ 895.07 $ 966.68 $ 1,044.01 $ 1,127.53 Total $ 5,511.21 $ 5,756.95 $ 6,068.99 $ 6,399.57 $ 6,749.88 $ 7,121.17 Percent Increase 4.5%5.4%5.4%5.5%5.5% Amount Increase-per quarter $245.74 $312.04 $330.59 $350.31 $371.29 * Industry using 502,000 gallons water and sewer and 1” meter •Restructure water rates to Promote water conservation Conform to new billing software •Restructure sewer rates to Improve customer satisfaction Conform to new billing software Increase equity between customer classes •No changes proposed for storm water rate structure Summary of Rate Study Results 2/25/2021 36 •Proposed rate structures enhance equity between customer classes Summary of Rate Study Results 2/25/2021 37 Customer Class % of Total Water Used % of Total Revenue Generated Residential 54.9%53.4% Multifamily 14.9%14.1% Commercial 20.4%17.3% Irrigation 9.8%15.2% 2/25/2021 38 Summary of Rate Study Results Projected Annual Usage Rate Increases Utility 2018 Study 2020 Study 2021 Study Water 5.00%5.00%3.00%* Sewer 5.00%5.00%6.00%* Storm Water 8.00%8.00%8.00% * For water and sewer, 2022 percentage increase varies due to new rate structure. These proposed water and sewer percentage increases begin in 2023. 2/25/2021 39 Next Steps •Discussion of proposed rate structures •Adopt 2022 rates