HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-05-04 City Council Meeting PacketAgenda City Council Meeting City of Edina, Minnesota VIRTUAL MEETING Tuesday, May 4, 2021 7:00 PM Watch the meeting on cable TV or at EdinaMN.gov/LiveMeetings or Facebook.com/EdinaMN. To participate in Community Comment: Call 800-374-0221. Enter Conference ID 4656425. Give the operator your name, street address and telephone number. Press *1 on your telephone keypad when you would like to get in the queue to speak. A City sta8 member will introduce you when it is your turn. I.Call To Order II.Roll Call III.Pledge of Allegiance IV.Approval Of Meeting Agenda V.Community Comment During "Community Comment," the Mayor will invite residents to share issues or concerns that are not scheduled for a future public hearing. Items that are on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Mayor may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Individuals should not expect the Mayor or Council to respond to their comments tonight. The City Manager will respond to questions raised during Community Comments at the next meeting. A.City Manager's Response to Community Comments VI.Adoption Of Consent Agenda All agenda items listed on the Consent Agenda will be approved by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless requested to be removed by a Council Member. If removed the item will be considered immediately following the adoption of the Consent Agenda. (Favorable rollcall vote of majority of Council Members present to approve, unless otherwise noted in consent item.) A.Approve Minutes: Work Session and Regular, Apr. 20, 2021 B.Approve Payment of Claims C.Resolution No. 2021-38: Providing for the Sale of $14,505,000 General Obligation Bonds Series 2021A D.Request for Purchase: Construction Materials Testing for Melody Lake Roadway Reconstruction E.Request for Purchase: Creek Knoll A&B Roadway Reconstruction F.Request for Purchase: Electric Vehicle Chargers G.Request for Purchase: Rental Dehumidi?cation Unit for Braemar Arena South Rink H.Transportation Commission Work Plan Modi?cation I.Approve TraBc Safety Report of March 30, 2021 J.Approve New On-Sale Wine and 3.2 On-Sale Beer Liquor License for El Camino Taco Deli, LLC dba El Camino Taco Deli K.Rescind Commission Bylaws L.Appoint Mary Brindle to Represent the City on the Noise Oversight Committee M.Approve Revised 2021 Calendar of Meeting Dates N.Resolution No. 2021-39: Accepting Donations VII.Special Recognitions And Presentations A.Proclamation: National Police Week B.Proclamation: National Public Works Week VIII.Reports/Recommendations: (Favorable vote of majority of Council Members present to approve except where noted) A.Approve Bias Event Response Plan IX.Commission Correspondence (Minutes and Advisory Communication) A.Advisory Communication: Police Accountability Legislation B.Minutes: Energy & Environment Commission, Mar. 11, 2021 C.Minutes: Transportation Commission, Mar. 18, 2021 D.Minutes: Human Rights & Relations Commission Mar. 23, 2021 E.Minutes: Arts & Culture Commission Mar. 25, 2021 X.Aviation Noise Update XI.Mayor And Council Comments XII.Manager's Comments XIII.Calendar of City Council Meetings and Events XIV.Adjournment The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampli?cation, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Date: May 4, 2021 Agenda Item #: V.A. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Other From:Sharon Allison, City Clerk Item Activity: Subject:City Manager's Response to Community Comments Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None. INTRODUCTION: City Manager Neal will respond to questions asked at the previous council meeting. Date: May 4, 2021 Agenda Item #: VI.A. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Minutes From:Sharon Allison, City Clerk Item Activity: Subject:Approve Minutes: Work Session and Regular, Apr. 20, 2021 Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Minutes as presented. INTRODUCTION: ATTACHMENTS: Description Minutes: Draft Work Session, Apr. 20 Minutes: Draft Regular Apr. 20 MINUTES OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION CLOSED VIRTUAL MEETING TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 2021 5:30 P.M. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Hovland called the meeting to order at 5:40 p.m. ROLL CALL Answering roll call were Members Anderson, Jackson, Pierce, Staunton, and Mayor Hovland. Staff in attendance: Scott Neal, City Manager; Lisa Schaefer, Assistant City Manager; David Nelson, Police Chief; Lt. Brian Tholen; Heidi Lee, Race and Equity Coordinator; Jeff Siems, Interim Fire Chief; Jennifer Bennerotte, Communications Director; Ryan Browning, IT Director; Brian Olson, Public Works Director; Dan Reisig, Senior Communications Coordinator; Risi Karim, City Management Fellow; Jennifer Garske, Executive Assistant; Sharon Allison, City Clerk. MOTION TO CLOSE SESSION as permitted by MS 13D.05, Subd. 3(d) to discuss security procedures related to the Chauvin trial. Member Pierce made a motion, seconded by Member Anderson, to close the meeting as permitted by MS 13D.05, Subd. 3(d) to discuss security procedures related to the Chauvin trial. Rollcall: Ayes: Anderson, Jackson, Pierce, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. DISCUSS SECURITY PROCEDURES RELATED TO THE CHAUVIN TRIAL The City Council discussed security procedures related to the Chauvin trial. MOTION TO MOVE BACK INTO OPEN SESSION Member Staunton made a motion, seconded by Member Anderson to move back into open session. Rollcall: Ayes: Anderson, Jackson, Pierce Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hovland adjourned the meeting at 6:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ____________________________________________ Sharon Allison, City Clerk Minutes approved by the Edina City Council, May 4, 2021. ___________________________________________ James B. Hovland, Mayor Page 1 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL VIRTUAL MEETING APRIL 20, 2021 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Hovland called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. and stated the meeting was being held remotely in compliance with Governor Walz’ Stay at Home Order then shared the procedure for public hearing and community comment. II. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Members Jackson, Pierce, Staunton, Hovland. Absent: Anderson. III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE IV. MEETING AGENDA APPROVED AS PRESENTED Member Staunton made a motion, seconded by Member Pierce, to approve the meeting agenda as presented. Rollcall: Ayes: Jackson, Pierce, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. V. COMMUNITY COMMENT No one appeared. V.A. CITY MANAGER’S RESPONSE TO COMMUNITY COMMENTS Manager Neal said there were no Community Comments at the last meeting. VI. CONSENT AGENDA ADOPTED AS PRESENTED Member Jackson made a motion, seconded by Member Pierce, approving the consent agenda as presented. VI.A. Approve minutes of the Joint Special Meeting of March 24, 2021, and Work Session and Regular Meetings of April 6, 2021 VI.B. Approve payment claims Check Register Claims Pre-List dated Check Register Claims Pre-List Dated April 9, 2021, Totaling $885,103.62, and Check Register Claims Pre-List Dated April 16, 2021, Totaling $693,395.23 VI.C. Adopt Resolution No. 2021-35; Amending 2020 Budgeted Liquor Transfers VI.D. Approve Agreement for the Dissolution of the Edina Firefighters Relief Association VI.E. Request for Purchase; awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Engineering Services for Lift Station No. 3 Replacement Bolton and Menk in the amount of $56,950 VI.F. Request for Purchase; awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Braemar Arena Dehumidification System Replacement, Northern Air Corporation for $292,600 VI.G. Adopt Ordinance No. 2021-02; Amending Chapter 2 of the City Code Boards, Committee, and Commissions VI.H. Request for Purchase; awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, 2021 Commodities, Unit Pricing of Bituminous Material, Concrete, Water Treatment Chemicals, Cover and Castings, Retaining Wall Repair and Concrete Removal and Replacement as Presented Minutes/Edina City Council/April 20, 2021 Page 2 VI.I. Request for Purchase; awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Fiber Optic Installation to Water Treatment Plant No. 3, Castrejon for $65,300 and LOGIS for $24,592 VI.J. Adopt Resolution No. 2021-36; Accepting Donations Rollcall: Ayes: Jackson, Pierce, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. VII. SPECIAL RECOGNITIONS AND PRESENTATIONS VII.A. BUILDING SAFETY MONTH – PROCLAIMED Mayor Hovland read in full a proclamation to declare the Month of May 2021 as Building Safety Month in the City of Edina. Chief Building Official Fisher thanked the Council for their support. Mr. Neal complimented the entire building department staff for their complex and heavy workload. Member Jackson made a motion, seconded by Member Pierce, to approve a proclamation recognizing Building Safety Month. Rollcall: Ayes: Jackson, Pierce, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. VII.B. ARBOR DAY – PROCLAIMED Mayor Hovland read in full a proclamation declaring April 30, 2021, as Arbor Day in the City of Edina. City Forester Overholt invited the public to the Arbor Day celebration at Fred Richards Park for a tree planting event then shared an update on tree replacements in Arden Park. Member Jackson made a motion, seconded by Member Staunton, to approve a proclamation recognizing Arbor Day. Rollcall: Ayes: Jackson, Pierce, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. VII.C. RACIAL RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS UPDATE – RECEIVED Race and Equity Coordinator Lee shared an update about the Just Deeds Project that denounced racially restrictive covenants in Edina. She spoke about the history of these covenants that began in 1910 and the bill in 2019 that allowed homeowners to disavow racially restrictive covenants. She shared work on identifying these covenants that included 2,800 residential properties in Edina and 120 City-owned parcels and staff work to be intentional in the process and conducting education on how the covenants impacted zoning and ordinances in the City. The Council asked when Edina would be officially placed in the program and indicated it was pleased to know that residents reached out to start this work. Ms. Lee responded these restrictions were not enforceable but were intended to bridge the impact on zoning and ordinances in the City and create tangible data. She said the Just Deeds Project website had noted Edina would be a member soon and staff would return in May to formally request participation. The Council confirmed the renouncement would not change the deed’s history and record that it even existed, as it was important this history remain. VIII. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS VIII.A. TRAVEL DEMAND MANAGEMENT POLICY – APPROVED Transportation Planner Scipioni explained that as part of their 2019 work plans, the Transportation and Planning Commissions formed a cross-commission committee to develop a Travel Demand Management (TDM) policy or ordinance for the City of Edina. He outlined the steps involved to bring this item forward Minutes/Edina City Council/April 20, 2021 Page 3 and said the goal was to reduce the number of vehicles on congested roadways during peak travel times as well as minimize environmental impacts through reduced carbon emissions and support of resilient, multi- modal transportation networks. He shared TDM example strategies that included walkways, flex schedules, and telecommuting resources that would require development applicants to include TDM as part of their traffic impact studies to reduce reliance on motor vehicles. Mr. Scipioni outlined the tiers, plan requirements, and process of implication prior to issuance of any certificates of occupancy. The Council asked for outcome examples and ways to ensure the work occurred as if there was not a good way to measure the program could result in only extra expenses. The Council inquired about the need for additional staffing and suggested a standard of review and best practices in order to ensure project sustainability. The Council shared some concerns regarding extensive requirements in proposed Tier II. Mr. Scipioni spoke about the reduction of traffic impacts of redevelopments or new developments, noting the number of additional vehicles was lower and using a variety of transit options and strategies appropriate for a proposed development. Member Staunton made a motion, seconded by Member Pierce, to approve the travel demand policy. Rollcall: Ayes: Jackson, Pierce, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. VIII.B. RESOLUTION NO. 2021-34, MELODY LAKE A&B, GRANDVIEW A, BIRCHCREST C NEIGHBORHOOD ROADWAY RECONSTRUCTION, IMPROVEMENT NO. BA-457 – ADOPTED Director of Engineering Millner stated the project proposed was to reconstruct Bernard Place, Code Avenue, Dale Avenue, Eastview Drive, Grove Street, Hansen Road, Josephine Avenue, Melody Lane, Melody Lake Drive, Tingdale Avenue, Windsor Avenue, West 56th Street, West 57th Street, West 58th Street and West 59th Street. He said the overall project cost was estimated at $16,361,168 and funding would be a combination of special assessments, City Utility and Pedestrian and Cyclists Safety (PACS) funds. He outlined this action would recall the final decision on assessments that had been delayed for up to six months from the original public hearing so staff could bring back more information on the entire project. He said no additional comments were received for the public hearing and recommended approval of the project as staff felt the project was necessary, cost-effective, and feasible from an engineering standpoint. He referred to the project cost concerns that were raised as part of the public hearing then spoke about the revised assessment policy revision that resulted in a reduction of project costs from $24,200 to $17,200 per REU, with the total project consisting of 297.54 REUs. Member Jackson introduced and moved adoption of Resolution No. 2021-34, Melody Lake A&B, Grandview A, Birchcrest C Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction, Improvement No. BA-457. Member Pierce seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Jackson, Pierce, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. VIII.C. REQUEST FOR PURCHASE: MELODY LAKE A&B, GRANDVIEW A, BIRCHCREST C NEIGHBORHOOD ROADWAY RECONSTRUCTION, VALLEY PAVING, INC. FOR $10,536,643. – APPROVED Mr. Millner said the two-year project would be done in one year and if approved, the contractor would begin tomorrow. He said actual award of the construction contract included the sidewalk then answered questions regarding sidewalk location raised by the neighborhood. He said because of the new street recently constructed in this area and not wanting to damage the street, the decision was made to create three-foot concrete aprons that would allow for a three-foot boulevard and a five-foot sidewalk. Minutes/Edina City Council/April 20, 2021 Page 4 Member Jackson moved, seconded by Member Pierce, to approve request for purchase for the Melody Lake A&B, Grandview A, Birchcrest C Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction, Valley Paving, Inc. for $10,536,643. Rollcall: Ayes: Jackson, Pierce Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. VIII.D. REQUEST FOR PURCHASE: CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION ASSISTANCE, SHORT ELLIOT HENDRICKSON FOR $117,895 – APPROVED Mr. Millner said with recent staff turnovers and the size of the street reconstruction projects in 2021, staff needs assistance to monitor the construction. This contract would ensure less experienced staff increased their understanding of street reconstruction inspection and that the projects were constructed to Edina standards. The construction inspector assigned to these projects recently worked on the Vernon Avenue and Interlachen Boulevard Intersection & York Avenue Sanitary Sewer Projects from Short Elliot Hendrickson for $117,895. Member Staunton moved, seconded by Member Jackson, to approve request for purchase for construction observation assistance from Short Elliot Hendrickson, $117,895. Rollcall: Ayes: Jackson, Pierce, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. VIII.E. REQUEST FOR PURCHASE: ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR MORNINGSIDE FLOOD INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECT, BARR ENGINEERING, $1,204,000 – APPROVED Engineering Services Manager Bintner outlined the proposed project for the Morningside flood infrastructure project. He shared the context of the project and proposed schedule and said there were two major areas of work to share the flood risk reduction strategy that included renewal of infrastructure and operations to reduce risk and to make flood information available to the public to give residents tools for flood resilience to help reduce risk. He outlined the public engagement strategy and how it aligned with the Council’s engagement strategy, then thanked the residents for their important input. Mr. Bintner outlined the proposed plan that balanced flood risks and had no increase in risk to any individual property. He said the designs created would be impactful in the future and enhance natural areas, then noted other design considerations included limited impact at Weber Park and aligned with the strategic alignment of infrastructure strategy. Mr. Bintner outlined the three strategies in detail as well as next steps that included affirmation of the proposed strategy and design consistent with the bigger option that would include significant tree removal in Weber Woods and Lynn/Kipling inundation area and further lowering of Weber Pond elevation. The Council asked questions regarding funding sources that included storm water utility, PACS fund, and park construction fund and fit within the rate study and the potential for bonding bills in the future for this type of work. The Council asked if the public engagement strategy was effective through story sharing. Mr. Bintner said staff discovered residents were not comfortable sharing concerns about their homes on a public site but the map tool generated more data and was a good tool. Member Pierce moved, seconded by Member Staunton, to approve strategy, design goals, considerations and opportunities detailed in the staff report, approve budget modification to CIP Project No. 19-341 to include estimated design professional services costs in 2021 of $1.4M, construction professional services in 2022 of $0.6M, capital expenses of $9.5M in 2022, and $0.5M in 2023, approve Request for Purchase for Engineering Services for Morningside Flood Infrastructure Project with Barr Engineering for $1,204,000, and approve Public Participation Plan to inform the public and project about park landscape aesthetics choices. Rollcall: Ayes: Jackson, Pierce, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. Minutes/Edina City Council/April 20, 2021 Page 5 VIII.F. SKETCH PLAN FOR 4630 FRANCE AVENUE – REVIEWED Community Development Director Teague shared a sketch plan review for 4630 France Avenue that included tear down of a single family home zoned R-1 with development accesses off France Avenue to construct two villa style homes. He said there would be need for a variance to the north setback similar to the existing and a rezoning similar to the properties to the north. Jeff Ziebarth, applicant, described the project that would increase the property value with the two smaller homes with marketability, noting there was not much of this housing stock available. He said the project would increase density and provide a different housing style. The Council asked questions regarding market value of the proposed properties and confirmed both would be for sale properties with shared driveway accesses. The Council indicated it liked the density near proposed new bus stops and felt the concept was a creative reuse of the property but noted the site was very narrow and would require landscape to separate the homes. The Council asked about proximity to the western unit to the backs of the homes on Meadow Road then spoke about lot area deviation concerns. Mr. Ziebarth said the homes would be offered for $1 million each with the land worth $400,000. The setback for the property to the north was seven feet and the proposed buildings were 14-17 feet apart with a rear setback of 25 feet that included substantial grade change. VIII.G. SKETCH PLAN FOR 5146 EDEN AVENUE (FORMER PUBLIC WORKS SITE) – REVIEWED Manager Neuendorf outlined the proposed sketch plan for 5146 Eden Avenue, the City’s former Public Works site. Franseuh and United Properties had proposed a scaled back version of nine previous concepts over the years under a memorandum of understanding (MOU) that explored an ownership housing project as well as a commercial building that included a public plaza and outdoor space with a separate pedestrian bridge that spanned across the railroad tracks for access. Brian Larson, Pope Architects, shared the project site was in the center of the Grandview area and would include a roundabout at Arcadia and Eden Avenue. He said the project offered opportunities for pedestrian connections and included a medical office building, public plaza, senior coop project, and pedestrian connection. Alex Hall, Pope Architects, shared more about the proposed coop project that fit in well with the needs of a growing senior community. He said the five-story coop would include 90 homes, all at least two- bedroom/two baths with full kitchens as no services would be offered. The parking would be underground with the main entrance off Arcadia and 76% of housing demand going forward would be age-restricted housing. This project would address that need and provide life-cycle ownership. He shared one concern raised was traffic but noted senior coop projects were the least impactful based on studies of 3.7 trips per day that avoided peak rush hour traffic and include 10% affordable units. David Anderson, Franseuh, outlined the medical office building that was three stories, 40,000 square feet, and included modifications to Arcadia Avenue. He said the building would tie into the health and wellness theme and have proximity to nearby homes with other uses such as grocery and dining and would provide an economic engine to the area. He concluded the bridge would be a resource to provide additional parking on the other side and put this site back into use with connectivity. The Council agreed this would be a good use of the site for lifestyle cycle and the mass was acceptable but the public space was deserving of more design and expansion that included programmed uses such as a band shell, outdoor yoga, and others so it would be used as more than just a large lawn. The Council inquired if the coop could be multi-generational instead and referred to the need for a destination companion to the retail on the other side and more connections, possibly hospitality or retail. The Council asked about affordability, the promotion of more pedestrian traffic, a better park feel that maintained the vitality of these communities, and the need to upgrade the current senior center area that included some level of services. Minutes/Edina City Council/April 20, 2021 Page 6 Mr. Anderson shared that community centered uses such as a café could be included but their goal was to have more of a center for health and wellness, noting more retail adds to parking. The Council indicated it did not want to see more convenience retail but entertainment/restaurant components instead. The Council suggested connecting with the Lady of Grace Church about their redevelopment plan that included bikeways for students and suggested moving the office building closer to the corner. The Council said it was important to have connections to the pharmacy through a better bridge and with district parking in the future, the potential for a woonerf for foot traffic to the pharmacy should be explored. The Council noted there was a lot of energy to the west of the site and the Grandview space would be used by people who live there but would prefer more of a connection to retail to the north. The Council shared some disappointment about how the public land felt more like a private development and the need to balance interests of money and use. The Council discussed the possibility of not including the public space at all. Mr. Hall outlined reasons for the open space that could include programmed activities, fountains, or a sculpture garden, and that architectural details would be expanded upon as design moved forward. He said moving some spaces would actually result in isolating the park more and become difficult for ADA elements due to the grading as well as loss of square footage, which could decrease the project’s feasibility. The Council suggested the building wings could be different sizes to help accommodate spacing. The Council discussed the woonerf that could include a ramp and steps for access to Walgreen’s. Discussion was also held on improved streetscape on Arcadia, improved pedestrian experience, infrastructure improvements and redevelopment of Eden Avenue, and to have this site ready for future redevelopment to address the need to create reasons to go to this area that could include outdoor movies. The Council spoke about the need for a hospitality dimension and to reconsider the area as a need to be public as well as who would own the space and be responsible for the activities. IX. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS – Received IX.A. COMMISSION CORRESPONDENCE (MINUTES AND ADVISORY COMMUNICATION) 1. MINUTES: COMMUNITY HEALTH COMMISSION, NOVEMBER 9 AND DECEMBER 14, 2020, AND JANUARY 11, 2021 2. MINUTES: ARTS AND CULTURE COMMISSION, FEBRUARY 25, 2021 3. MINUTES: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION, MARCH 9, 2021 X. AVIATION NOISE UPDATE – Received XI. MAYOR AND COUNCIL COMMENTS – Received XII. MANAGER’S COMMENTS – Received XII.A. PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT PLAN FOR AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN FUNDS – Received XII.B. PROJECT INTRODUCTION: BRISTOL AND MAVELLE PARK/LYNMAR BASIN STORMWATER IMPROVEMENTS - Received XIII. CALENDAR OF CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS AND EVENTS – Received XIV. ADJOURNMENT Member Jackson made a motion, seconded by Member Pierce, to adjourn the meeting at 10:41 p.m. Rollcall: Ayes: Jackson, Pierce, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. Minutes/Edina City Council/April 20, 2021 Page 7 Respectfully submitted, Sharon Allison, City Clerk Minutes approved by Edina City Council, May 4, 2021. James B. Hovland, Mayor Video Copy of the April 20, 2021, meeting available. Date: May 4, 2021 Agenda Item #: VI.B. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Claims From:Don Uram, Finance Director Item Activity: Subject:Approve Payment of Claims Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve claims for payment: Check Register Claims Pre-List Dated 04.23.21 TOTAL $409,821.52 Check Register Claims Pre-List Dated 04.30.21 TOTAL $1,824,073.42 INTRODUCTION: Claims information for approval is attached. ATTACHMENTS: Description Check Register Claims Pre-List Dated 04.23.21 TOTAL $409,821.52 Check Register Claims Pre-List Dated 04.30.21 TOTAL $1,824,073.42 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/22/2021 13:37User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 27 JOURNAL ENTRIES TO BE CREATED FUND SUB FUND DUE TO DUE FR 1000 General 189,010.082600 Housing & Redvlpmt Authority 10,546.254000 Capital Projects 35,105.794400 PIR Capital Projects 5,403.755200 Braemar Golf Course 21,381.705200 Braemar Golf Course 323.285400 Edinborough Park 3,004.615500 Braemar Arena 6,420.985600 Braemar Field 125.895700 Centennial Lakes 473.685800 Liquor 70,248.385900 Utility Fund 9,304.865900 Utility Fund 740.425900 Utility Fund 700.756100 Equipment Operations 3,800.056200 Information Technology 4,017.786300 Facilities Management 2,596.937100 PS Training Facility 751.747200 MN Task Force 1 45,864.609999 Pooled Cash Fund 409,821.52 TOTAL 409,821.52 409,821.52 ** END OF REPORT - Generated by Lonnia Jefferson ** City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/22/2021 13:37User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 1 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 458431 04/23/2021 PRTD 135922 ACUSHNET COMPANY 910560011 03/23/2021 20210423 245.32 ACUSHNET COMPANY 910559534 03/23/2021 20210423 536.10 ACUSHNET COMPANY 910573609 03/24/2021 20210423 152.63 ACUSHNET COMPANY 910573593 03/24/2021 20210423 212.27 ACUSHNET COMPANY 910623815 03/30/2021 20210423 239.44 ACUSHNET COMPANY 910645370 03/31/2021 20210423 135.73 ACUSHNET COMPANY 910645704 03/31/2021 20210423 491.33 ACUSHNET COMPANY 910656296 04/01/2021 20210423 122.66 ACUSHNET COMPANY 910656816 04/02/2021 20210423 122.66 CHECK 458431 TOTAL: 2,258.14 458432 04/23/2021 PRTD 143557 ADIDAS AMERICA INC 6152797528-001 03/25/2021 20210423 681.06 ADIDAS AMERICA INC 6152842174 03/01/2021 20210423 3,060.77 CHECK 458432 TOTAL: 3,741.83 458433 04/23/2021 PRTD 141960 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1H9Q-9QVM-QVPG 03/23/2021 20210423 14.78 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1WJD-FHH1-6WRF 03/24/2021 20210423 299.88 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1NND-3WKW-D734 03/24/2021 20210423 50.72 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1W3G-36XH-4J3J 03/26/2021 20210423 52.61 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 11YN-QXDV-W3V4 03/27/2021 20210423 30.49 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1FM9-XQNG-WV3D 04/12/2021 20210423 -6.99 CHECK 458433 TOTAL: 441.49 458434 04/23/2021 PRTD 100575 AMERICAN CYLINDER LLC 186006 03/26/2021 20210423 269.01 AMERICAN CYLINDER LLC 186005 03/26/2021 20210423 985.46 AMERICAN CYLINDER LLC 186004 03/26/2021 20210423 463.09 AMERICAN CYLINDER LLC 186003 03/26/2021 20210423 531.30 AMERICAN CYLINDER LLC 186001 03/26/2021 20210423 28.50 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/22/2021 13:37User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 2 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 458434 TOTAL: 2,277.36 458435 04/23/2021 PRTD 100575 AMERICAN CYLINDER LLC 186002 03/26/2021 20210423 344.30 CHECK 458435 TOTAL: 344.30 458436 04/23/2021 PRTD 101874 ANCOM TECHNICAL CENTER 100954 03/24/2021 20210423 9.25 CHECK 458436 TOTAL: 9.25 458437 04/23/2021 PRTD 106304 ASPEN MILLS INC 271575 03/26/2021 20210423 119.90 ASPEN MILLS INC 271582 03/26/2021 20210423 500.00 ASPEN MILLS INC 271578 03/26/2021 20210423 38.50 ASPEN MILLS INC 271577 03/26/2021 20210423 422.95 ASPEN MILLS INC 271579 03/26/2021 20210423 387.40 ASPEN MILLS INC 271576 03/26/2021 20210423 93.95 ASPEN MILLS INC 271517 03/25/2021 20210423 350.15 ASPEN MILLS INC 270748 03/13/2021 20210423 152.14 CHECK 458437 TOTAL: 2,064.99 458438 04/23/2021 PRTD 101718 AUTO PLUS - FORMERLY PARTS PLUS 380046030 03/23/2021 20210423 14.22 CHECK 458438 TOTAL: 14.22 458439 04/23/2021 PRTD 100646 BECKER ARENA PRODUCTS INC 600684 03/24/2021 20210423 203.06 CHECK 458439 TOTAL: 203.06 458440 04/23/2021 PRTD 100648 BERTELSON BROTHERS INC WO-1118109-1 03/17/2021 20210423 35.87 CHECK 458440 TOTAL: 35.87 458441 04/23/2021 PRTD 142153 BLACK STACK BREWING INC 12099 04/02/2021 20210423 280.00 BLACK STACK BREWING INC 12100 04/02/2021 20210423 371.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/22/2021 13:37User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 3 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET BLACK STACK BREWING INC 12098 04/02/2021 20210423 280.00 CHECK 458441 TOTAL: 931.00 458442 04/23/2021 PRTD 119351 BOURGET IMPORTS 176667 04/06/2021 20210423 1,072.50 BOURGET IMPORTS 176671 04/06/2021 20210423 614.75 BOURGET IMPORTS 176668 04/06/2021 20210423 357.25 CHECK 458442 TOTAL: 2,044.50 458443 04/23/2021 PRTD 124291 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 339015550 04/07/2021 20210423 1,884.76 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 339015549 04/07/2021 20210423 3,823.56 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 339015551 04/07/2021 20210423 77.15 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 339015552 04/07/2021 20210423 1,477.35 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 339015573 04/07/2021 20210423 793.65 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 339015574 04/07/2021 20210423 2,312.95 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 339015575 04/07/2021 20210423 1,271.75 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 338837353 04/07/2021 20210423 1.34 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 339015578 04/07/2021 20210423 455.80 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 339015579 04/07/2021 20210423 644.24 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 339015580 04/07/2021 20210423 140.55 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 359784974 04/14/2021 20210423 -130.58 CHECK 458443 TOTAL: 12,752.52 458444 04/23/2021 PRTD 124529 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 338995028 04/06/2021 20210423 2,859.75 CHECK 458444 TOTAL: 2,859.75 458445 04/23/2021 PRTD 100667 CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY HOLDINGS II, 14550078-00 03/03/2021 20210423 120.75 CHECK 458445 TOTAL: 120.75 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/22/2021 13:37User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 4 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 458446 04/23/2021 PRTD 119455 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2532647 04/06/2021 20210423 108.74 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2532646 04/06/2021 20210423 117.00 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2532643 04/06/2021 20210423 58.50 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2532644 04/06/2021 20210423 14.00 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2532645 04/06/2021 20210423 1,614.80 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2532648 04/06/2021 20210423 3,886.30 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2532650 04/06/2021 20210423 234.00 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2532651 04/06/2021 20210423 35.99 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2532652 04/06/2021 20210423 2,862.65 CHECK 458446 TOTAL: 8,931.98 458447 04/23/2021 PRTD 144675 CARLOS CREEK WINERY INC 20999 04/06/2021 20210423 72.00 CHECK 458447 TOTAL: 72.00 458448 04/23/2021 PRTD 151771 CHRONOGOLF INC CGBRAEMAR-0003 03/25/2021 20210423 663.00 CHECK 458448 TOTAL: 663.00 458449 04/23/2021 PRTD 142028 CINTAS CORPORATION 4079740307 03/26/2021 20210423 63.28 CHECK 458449 TOTAL: 63.28 458450 04/23/2021 PRTD 100684 CITY OF BLOOMINGTON 18927 04/15/2021 20210423 88,250.00 CHECK 458450 TOTAL: 88,250.00 458451 04/23/2021 PRTD 141531 CITY OF HASTINGS MN-TF1 03232021 03/23/2021 20210423 6,045.20 CHECK 458451 TOTAL: 6,045.20 458452 04/23/2021 PRTD 139927 CITY OF ROCHESTER MN MN-TF1 03232021 03/23/2021 20210423 696.74 CHECK 458452 TOTAL: 696.74 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/22/2021 13:37User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 5 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 458453 04/23/2021 PRTD 139927 CITY OF ROCHESTER MN MN-TF1 03232021-1 03/23/2021 20210423 51.36 CHECK 458453 TOTAL: 51.36 458454 04/23/2021 PRTD 139927 CITY OF ROCHESTER MN MN-TF1 03232021-2 03/23/2021 20210423 1,100.00 CHECK 458454 TOTAL: 1,100.00 458455 04/23/2021 PRTD 139927 CITY OF ROCHESTER MN MN-TF1 03232021-3 03/23/2021 20210423 221.00 CHECK 458455 TOTAL: 221.00 458456 04/23/2021 PRTD 139927 CITY OF ROCHESTER MN MN-TF1 03232021-4 03/23/2021 20210423 4,833.02 CHECK 458456 TOTAL: 4,833.02 458457 04/23/2021 PRTD 139927 CITY OF ROCHESTER MN MN-TF1 03232021-5 03/23/2021 20210423 155.00 CHECK 458457 TOTAL: 155.00 458458 04/23/2021 PRTD 146472 CITY WIDE MAINTENANCE OF MN I00081740 03/24/2021 20210423 3,627.00 CITY WIDE MAINTENANCE OF MN I00081738 03/24/2021 20210423 756.00 CITY WIDE MAINTENANCE OF MN I00081739 03/24/2021 20210423 756.00 CITY WIDE MAINTENANCE OF MN I00081796 03/24/2021 20210423 495.00 CHECK 458458 TOTAL: 5,634.00 458459 04/23/2021 PRTD 120433 COMCAST HOLDINGS CORPORATION 0161120-3/21 03/26/2021 20210423 17.85 CHECK 458459 TOTAL: 17.85 458460 04/23/2021 PRTD 121267 CREATIVE RESOURCES 77917 03/24/2021 20210423 2,338.67 CHECK 458460 TOTAL: 2,338.67 458461 04/23/2021 PRTD 130169 CUSTOM BUSINESS FORMS INC 324029 03/24/2021 20210423 987.00 CHECK 458461 TOTAL: 987.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/22/2021 13:37User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 6 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 458462 04/23/2021 PRTD 100718 DELEGARD TOOL COMPANY 10196/1 03/23/2021 20210423 74.94 DELEGARD TOOL COMPANY 10058/1 03/23/2021 20210423 168.89 DELEGARD TOOL COMPANY 10886/1 03/24/2021 20210423 59.85 CHECK 458462 TOTAL: 303.68 458463 04/23/2021 PRTD 118805 DISCOUNT STEEL INC 5158432 03/24/2021 20210423 70.59 DISCOUNT STEEL INC 5158433 03/24/2021 20210423 229.02 CHECK 458463 TOTAL: 299.61 458464 04/23/2021 PRTD 150827 DRASTIC MEASURES BREWING, LLC 1205 04/02/2021 20210423 441.00 CHECK 458464 TOTAL: 441.00 458465 04/23/2021 PRTD 132810 ECM PUBLISHERS INC 825344 03/18/2021 20210423 179.55 CHECK 458465 TOTAL: 179.55 458466 04/23/2021 PRTD 128180 DAJ ENTERPRISES LLC 6157 03/26/2021 20210423 2,260.80 CHECK 458466 TOTAL: 2,260.80 458467 04/23/2021 PRTD 103594 EDINALARM INC 62570 03/23/2021 20210423 284.41 EDINALARM INC 62568 03/23/2021 20210423 250.00 CHECK 458467 TOTAL: 534.41 458468 04/23/2021 PRTD 160062 ELM CREEK BREWING COMPANY 00166 04/02/2021 20210423 208.00 CHECK 458468 TOTAL: 208.00 458469 04/23/2021 PRTD 100146 ELLIOTT AUTO SUPPLY CO, INC 1-Z24962 03/23/2021 20210423 261.04 ELLIOTT AUTO SUPPLY CO, INC 69-411789 03/26/2021 20210423 57.92 ELLIOTT AUTO SUPPLY CO, INC 61-411857 03/26/2021 20210423 42.68 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/22/2021 13:37User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 7 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 458469 TOTAL: 361.64 458470 04/23/2021 PRTD 147181 FALLING BREWERY - BERGMAN LEDGE L E-3067 04/02/2021 20210423 180.00 CHECK 458470 TOTAL: 180.00 458471 04/23/2021 PRTD 101089 FIRST AID SERVICE INC 54099490 03/26/2021 20210423 193.55 FIRST AID SERVICE INC 54099491 03/26/2021 20210423 6.80 FIRST AID SERVICE INC 54099492 03/26/2021 20210423 54.55 CHECK 458471 TOTAL: 254.90 458472 04/23/2021 PRTD 102456 GALLS PARENT HOLDINGS LLC BC1320609 03/23/2021 20210423 292.49 GALLS PARENT HOLDINGS LLC BC1321573 03/24/2021 20210423 193.86 GALLS PARENT HOLDINGS LLC BC1323128 03/25/2021 20210423 100.80 CHECK 458472 TOTAL: 587.15 458473 04/23/2021 PRTD 100768 GARTNER REFRIGERATION INC W12640 03/25/2021 20210423 1,168.00 CHECK 458473 TOTAL: 1,168.00 458474 04/23/2021 PRTD 105508 GEMPLER'S INC INV0004464517 03/23/2021 20210423 17.35 CHECK 458474 TOTAL: 17.35 458475 04/23/2021 PRTD 144412 WINEBOW MN00092450 04/07/2021 20210423 1,571.00 WINEBOW MN00092458 04/07/2021 20210423 496.75 WINEBOW MN00092433 04/06/2021 20210423 333.75 CHECK 458475 TOTAL: 2,401.50 458476 04/23/2021 PRTD 129205 HARRIS ST PAUL INC 71688-01 03/23/2021 20210423 28,215.00 CHECK 458476 TOTAL: 28,215.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/22/2021 13:37User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 8 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 458477 04/23/2021 PRTD 100797 HAWKINS INC 4904832 03/24/2021 20210423 3,429.59 CHECK 458477 TOTAL: 3,429.59 458478 04/23/2021 PRTD 104375 HOHENSTEINS INC 400131 04/06/2021 20210423 2,754.00 HOHENSTEINS INC 400056 04/06/2021 20210423 72.00 HOHENSTEINS INC 400129 04/06/2021 20210423 345.00 HOHENSTEINS INC 400133 04/06/2021 20210423 2,095.50 HOHENSTEINS INC 400059 04/06/2021 20210423 46.00 CHECK 458478 TOTAL: 5,312.50 458479 04/23/2021 PRTD 129508 IMPACT MAILING OF MINNESOTA INC 152195 03/25/2021 20210423 3,325.04 CHECK 458479 TOTAL: 3,325.04 458480 04/23/2021 PRTD 131544 INDEED BREWING COMPANY MN LLC 99322 04/07/2021 20210423 474.20 INDEED BREWING COMPANY MN LLC 99321 04/07/2021 20210423 543.10 INDEED BREWING COMPANY MN LLC 99320 04/06/2021 20210423 351.60 CHECK 458480 TOTAL: 1,368.90 458481 04/23/2021 PRTD 100814 INDELCO PLASTICS CORPORATION INV245877 03/23/2021 20210423 19.94 INDELCO PLASTICS CORPORATION INV246148 03/24/2021 20210423 18.00 CHECK 458481 TOTAL: 37.94 458482 04/23/2021 PRTD 146407 INGCO INTERNATIONAL 2021-600183 03/23/2021 20210423 100.00 CHECK 458482 TOTAL: 100.00 458483 04/23/2021 PRTD 160069 INVERIS TRAINING SOLUTIONS INV-0091553 03/23/2021 20210423 78.61 CHECK 458483 TOTAL: 78.61 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/22/2021 13:37User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 9 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 458484 04/23/2021 PRTD 150898 INVICTUS BREWING INC 2748 04/07/2021 20210423 70.00 CHECK 458484 TOTAL: 70.00 458485 04/23/2021 PRTD 101455 IUOE LOCAL 49 TRAINING CENTER TRAINING 03/22/2021 20210423 3,000.00 CHECK 458485 TOTAL: 3,000.00 458486 04/23/2021 PRTD 100828 JERRY'S ENTERPRISES INC Facilities 03/21 03/25/2021 20210423 44.43 JERRY'S ENTERPRISES INC Electrical 03/21 03/25/2021 20210423 151.23 JERRY'S ENTERPRISES INC STREETS-3/21 03/25/2021 20210423 261.04 JERRY'S ENTERPRISES INC UTILITIES-3/21 03/25/2021 20210423 218.25 JERRY'S ENTERPRISES INC EQUIP OP-3/21 03/25/2021 20210423 26.96 JERRY'S ENTERPRISES INC POLICE-3/21 03/25/2021 20210423 37.37 JERRY'S ENTERPRISES INC 007037 03/12/2021 20210423 29.46 JERRY'S ENTERPRISES INC PARK MAINT-3/21 03/25/2021 20210423 204.25 CHECK 458486 TOTAL: 972.99 458487 04/23/2021 PRTD 132592 JF AHERN CO 431541 03/26/2021 20210423 260.00 CHECK 458487 TOTAL: 260.00 458488 04/23/2021 PRTD 160041 JINX TEA, LLC 1172 04/07/2021 20210423 64.40 JINX TEA, LLC 1174 04/07/2021 20210423 64.40 CHECK 458488 TOTAL: 128.80 458489 04/23/2021 PRTD 100741 JJ TAYLOR DISTRIBUTING CO OF MINN 3168970 04/07/2021 20210423 3,293.00 JJ TAYLOR DISTRIBUTING CO OF MINN 3168972 04/07/2021 20210423 109.50 JJ TAYLOR DISTRIBUTING CO OF MINN 3168968 04/07/2021 20210423 682.35 JJ TAYLOR DISTRIBUTING CO OF MINN 3168969 04/07/2021 20210423 144.60 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/22/2021 13:37User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 10 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 458489 TOTAL: 4,229.45 458490 04/23/2021 PRTD 150045 JOHNNIE-0 INC 0586707 03/20/2021 20210423 1,971.80 JOHNNIE-0 INC 0586708 03/21/2021 20210423 142.40 CHECK 458490 TOTAL: 2,114.20 458491 04/23/2021 PRTD 100835 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 3466410 04/02/2021 20210423 4,210.25 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 3465705 03/29/2021 20210423 438.50 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 3461396 03/29/2021 20210423 946.50 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 3456368 03/29/2021 20210423 254.00 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 3458274 02/09/2021 20210423 184.50 CHECK 458491 TOTAL: 6,033.75 458492 04/23/2021 PRTD 100835 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6183540 04/02/2021 20210423 271.19 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6183541 04/02/2021 20210423 271.19 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6182699 04/01/2021 20210423 2,052.18 CHECK 458492 TOTAL: 2,594.56 458493 04/23/2021 PRTD 144395 KENNEDY & GRAVEN, CHARTERED 160012 03/23/2021 20210423 1,025.00 CHECK 458493 TOTAL: 1,025.00 458494 04/23/2021 PRTD 100944 KIWI KAI IMPORTS INC 123000 04/07/2021 20210423 1,680.75 KIWI KAI IMPORTS INC 122957 04/07/2021 20210423 89.25 KIWI KAI IMPORTS INC 122996 04/07/2021 20210423 2,396.50 KIWI KAI IMPORTS INC 123001 04/06/2021 20210423 402.00 KIWI KAI IMPORTS INC 122954 04/06/2021 20210423 89.25 CHECK 458494 TOTAL: 4,657.75 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/22/2021 13:37User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 11 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 458495 04/23/2021 PRTD 151024 LA DONA SBC 4631 04/07/2021 20210423 114.00 LA DONA SBC 4632 04/07/2021 20210423 74.00 CHECK 458495 TOTAL: 188.00 458496 04/23/2021 PRTD 100852 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC 9308326833 03/26/2021 20210423 1,356.34 CHECK 458496 TOTAL: 1,356.34 458497 04/23/2021 PRTD 140852 LEGENDARY HOLDINGS INC 195474 03/18/2021 20210423 392.84 LEGENDARY HOLDINGS INC 195671 03/26/2021 20210423 1,188.13 CHECK 458497 TOTAL: 1,580.97 458498 04/23/2021 PRTD 100839 KAMAN INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGIES C901146 03/23/2021 20210423 61.93 CHECK 458498 TOTAL: 61.93 458499 04/23/2021 PRTD 146427 LUCID BREWING LLC 10056 04/05/2021 20210423 196.00 LUCID BREWING LLC 10130 04/07/2021 20210423 100.00 LUCID BREWING LLC 10131 04/07/2021 20210423 188.00 CHECK 458499 TOTAL: 484.00 458500 04/23/2021 PRTD 141916 LUPULIN BREWING COMPANY 36266 04/07/2021 20210423 517.40 LUPULIN BREWING COMPANY 36265 04/07/2021 20210423 110.70 LUPULIN BREWING COMPANY 36267 04/06/2021 20210423 110.70 CHECK 458500 TOTAL: 738.80 458501 04/23/2021 PRTD 131685 MAILFINANCE INC N8778424 03/16/2021 20210423 979.23 CHECK 458501 TOTAL: 979.23 458502 04/23/2021 PRTD 122878 MARTTI, DOROTHEA J 258 03/24/2021 20210423 330.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/22/2021 13:37User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 12 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 458502 TOTAL: 330.00 458503 04/23/2021 PRTD 141215 MAVERICK WINE LLC INV564943 04/06/2021 20210423 225.54 MAVERICK WINE LLC INV564951 04/07/2021 20210423 133.50 MAVERICK WINE LLC INV564959 04/07/2021 20210423 253.50 CHECK 458503 TOTAL: 612.54 458504 04/23/2021 PRTD 130477 MCDONALD DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 574828 04/02/2021 20210423 -4.00 MCDONALD DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 575509 04/07/2021 20210423 1,169.00 MCDONALD DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 575507 04/07/2021 20210423 52.00 MCDONALD DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 575510 04/07/2021 20210423 748.00 MCDONALD DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 575508 04/07/2021 20210423 536.00 CHECK 458504 TOTAL: 2,501.00 458505 04/23/2021 PRTD 101483 MENARDS INC 36164 03/23/2021 20210423 108.35 MENARDS INC 36165 03/23/2021 20210423 80.49 MENARDS INC 36338 03/26/2021 20210423 19.92 MENARDS INC 36358 03/26/2021 20210423 29.99 CHECK 458505 TOTAL: 238.75 458506 04/23/2021 PRTD 100885 METRO SALES INC INV1783311 03/23/2021 20210423 3,038.55 CHECK 458506 TOTAL: 3,038.55 458507 04/23/2021 PRTD 102729 METROPOLITAN FORD LLC 523164 03/23/2021 20210423 108.24 CHECK 458507 TOTAL: 108.24 458508 04/23/2021 PRTD 136248 MINNESOTA EQUIPMENT INC P41577 03/23/2021 20210423 189.12 CHECK 458508 TOTAL: 189.12 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/22/2021 13:37User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 13 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 458509 04/23/2021 PRTD 140955 MODIST BREWING LLC E-20759 04/06/2021 20210423 450.00 MODIST BREWING LLC E-20760 04/06/2021 20210423 162.00 MODIST BREWING LLC E-20761 04/06/2021 20210423 243.00 CHECK 458509 TOTAL: 855.00 458510 04/23/2021 PRTD 160073 MOR GOLF AND UTILITY, INC 23551 03/23/2021 20210423 191.91 CHECK 458510 TOTAL: 191.91 458511 04/23/2021 PRTD 100906 MTI DISTRIBUTING INC 1293596-00 03/25/2021 20210423 67.25 MTI DISTRIBUTING INC 1293763-00 03/26/2021 20210423 726.40 CHECK 458511 TOTAL: 793.65 458512 04/23/2021 PRTD 101390 MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY SERVICES INC SO1459430 03/23/2021 20210423 32,114.28 CHECK 458512 TOTAL: 32,114.28 458513 04/23/2021 PRTD 121133 NATUS CORPORATION INC 011557-1 12/21/2020 20210423 56,098.00 CHECK 458513 TOTAL: 56,098.00 458514 04/23/2021 PRTD 100076 NEW FRANCE WINE CO 172288 04/07/2021 20210423 1,556.00 NEW FRANCE WINE CO 172286 04/07/2021 20210423 754.00 NEW FRANCE WINE CO 172289 04/07/2021 20210423 388.00 CHECK 458514 TOTAL: 2,698.00 458515 04/23/2021 PRTD 151528 NO WAIT INSIDE LLC 1501 03/26/2021 20210423 51.80 CHECK 458515 TOTAL: 51.80 458516 04/23/2021 PRTD 115616 NORTH IMAGE APPAREL INC NIA14666D 03/23/2021 20210423 51.00 CHECK 458516 TOTAL: 51.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/22/2021 13:37User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 14 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 458517 04/23/2021 PRTD 100936 OLSEN CHAIN & CABLE CO INC 668112 03/26/2021 20210423 39.67 CHECK 458517 TOTAL: 39.67 458518 04/23/2021 PRTD 141965 OMNI BREWING COMPANY LLC E-9466 04/07/2021 20210423 93.00 CHECK 458518 TOTAL: 93.00 458519 04/23/2021 PRTD 999995 BURNS & MCDONNELL ENGINEERING COM ED186606-REFUND 04/15/2021 20210423 4,695.96 CHECK 458519 TOTAL: 4,695.96 458520 04/23/2021 PRTD 999995 CRAFT HOMES ED162653-REFUND 04/20/2021 20210423 10,000.00 CHECK 458520 TOTAL: 10,000.00 458521 04/23/2021 PRTD 999995 CRAFT HOMES LLC ED173460-REFUND 04/16/2021 20210423 9,885.00 CHECK 458521 TOTAL: 9,885.00 458522 04/23/2021 PRTD 999995 DANA HOAGLAND PLUMBING INC ED187513-REFUND 04/15/2021 20210423 256.92 CHECK 458522 TOTAL: 256.92 458523 04/23/2021 PRTD 999995 HEIMAN CONSTRUCTION ED187572-REFUND 04/19/2021 20210423 25.68 CHECK 458523 TOTAL: 25.68 458524 04/23/2021 PRTD 999995 KAUFMAN SHEET METAL ROOF ED181156-REFUND 04/16/2021 20210423 431.44 CHECK 458524 TOTAL: 431.44 458525 04/23/2021 PRTD 999995 SOUTHDALE OFFICE PARTNERS 8124 04/13/2021 20210423 10,546.25 CHECK 458525 TOTAL: 10,546.25 458526 04/23/2021 PRTD 999995 THE MCBRIDE COMPANY, INC ED182427-REFUND 04/16/2021 20210423 781.60 CHECK 458526 TOTAL: 781.60 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/22/2021 13:37User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 15 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 458527 04/23/2021 PRTD 999994 HANNA MADKOUR 8090 04/13/2021 20210423 20.00 CHECK 458527 TOTAL: 20.00 458528 04/23/2021 PRTD 999994 KELLI ABAR 8466 04/16/2021 20210423 125.00 CHECK 458528 TOTAL: 125.00 458529 04/23/2021 PRTD 999994 LISA THOMPSON 8464 04/16/2021 20210423 270.00 CHECK 458529 TOTAL: 270.00 458530 04/23/2021 PRTD 999994 MIKE LONGMAN 8225 04/06/2021 20210423 170.41 CHECK 458530 TOTAL: 170.41 458531 04/23/2021 PRTD 999994 QUENTIN REIMER 8224 04/06/2021 20210423 170.41 CHECK 458531 TOTAL: 170.41 458532 04/23/2021 PRTD 999994 TED GIANNOBILE 8487 04/17/2021 20210423 170.41 CHECK 458532 TOTAL: 170.41 458533 04/23/2021 PRTD 999994 TIM SMITH 8453 04/16/2021 20210423 186.54 CHECK 458533 TOTAL: 186.54 458534 04/23/2021 PRTD 999994 UNIDINE CORPORATION 8223 04/07/2021 20210423 875.00 CHECK 458534 TOTAL: 875.00 458535 04/23/2021 PRTD 999996 ADITI STEINBRUCHEL 8604 04/20/2021 20210423 5.00 CHECK 458535 TOTAL: 5.00 458536 04/23/2021 PRTD 999996 ALYSON VAN DYK 8614 04/20/2021 20210423 55.00 CHECK 458536 TOTAL: 55.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/22/2021 13:37User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 16 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 458537 04/23/2021 PRTD 999996 EMILY CLARK 8414 04/15/2021 20210423 55.00 CHECK 458537 TOTAL: 55.00 458538 04/23/2021 PRTD 999996 JOANNA ROTH 8611 04/20/2021 20210423 54.00 CHECK 458538 TOTAL: 54.00 458539 04/23/2021 PRTD 999996 KELLY HINZE 8440 04/16/2021 20210423 249.00 CHECK 458539 TOTAL: 249.00 458540 04/23/2021 PRTD 999996 SHELBY REITZ 8606 04/20/2021 20210423 134.00 CHECK 458540 TOTAL: 134.00 458541 04/23/2021 PRTD 145078 PACIFIC RIM VENTURES INC 1217926-00 03/26/2021 20210423 1,109.46 CHECK 458541 TOTAL: 1,109.46 458542 04/23/2021 PRTD 100119 PING INC 15570068 03/03/2021 20210423 448.50 PING INC 15570064 03/03/2021 20210423 53.09 CHECK 458542 TOTAL: 501.59 458543 04/23/2021 PRTD 125979 PRECISE MRM LLC 200-1030192 03/25/2021 20210423 341.01 CHECK 458543 TOTAL: 341.01 458544 04/23/2021 PRTD 105887 PROFESSIONAL AQUARIUM MAINTENANCE March & April 03/01/2021 20210423 314.00 CHECK 458544 TOTAL: 314.00 458545 04/23/2021 PRTD 143618 PRYES BREWING COMPANY LLC W-21356 04/07/2021 20210423 355.00 PRYES BREWING COMPANY LLC W-21354 04/06/2021 20210423 213.00 PRYES BREWING COMPANY LLC W-21353 04/07/2021 20210423 398.00 CHECK 458545 TOTAL: 966.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/22/2021 13:37User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 17 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 458546 04/23/2021 PRTD 142588 QUALITY RESOURCE GROUP INC 2016784 03/10/2021 20210423 158.00 CHECK 458546 TOTAL: 158.00 458547 04/23/2021 PRTD 100972 R & R SPECIALTIES INC 0072528-IN 03/26/2021 20210423 723.85 CHECK 458547 TOTAL: 723.85 458548 04/23/2021 PRTD 133091 RANGE SERVANT AMERICA INC 105616 03/26/2021 20210423 599.51 CHECK 458548 TOTAL: 599.51 458549 04/23/2021 PRTD 133627 REPUBLIC SERVICES #894 0894-005383717 03/25/2021 20210423 2,572.05 CHECK 458549 TOTAL: 2,572.05 458550 04/23/2021 PRTD 100977 RICHFIELD PLUMBING COMPANY 81822 03/24/2021 20210423 819.98 CHECK 458550 TOTAL: 819.98 458551 04/23/2021 PRTD 101659 ORKIN 208314805 03/23/2021 20210423 32.10 CHECK 458551 TOTAL: 32.10 458552 04/23/2021 PRTD 132210 RUSCIANO GROUP 66312 03/26/2021 20210423 755.00 CHECK 458552 TOTAL: 755.00 458553 04/23/2021 PRTD 100988 SAFETY KLEEN SYSTEMS INC R002767368 03/27/2021 20210423 124.21 CHECK 458553 TOTAL: 124.21 458554 04/23/2021 PRTD 106322 SCHENCK, DAVID 158682 03/26/2021 20210423 458.90 SCHENCK, DAVID 158669 03/26/2021 20210423 1,258.88 CHECK 458554 TOTAL: 1,717.78 458555 04/23/2021 PRTD 160074 TRICOR DIRECT INC 9346303065 03/25/2021 20210423 1,994.70 TRICOR DIRECT INC 9346247459 03/19/2021 20210423 19.36 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/22/2021 13:37User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 18 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 458555 TOTAL: 2,014.06 458556 04/23/2021 PRTD 100995 SHORT-ELLIOT-HENDRICKSON INCORPOR 403565 04/14/2021 20210423 2,803.00 CHECK 458556 TOTAL: 2,803.00 458557 04/23/2021 PRTD 104928 SMITH CONSTRUCTION SERVICES INC 19277 03/23/2021 20210423 21.06 CHECK 458557 TOTAL: 21.06 458558 04/23/2021 PRTD 146960 STACKED DECK BREWING 002266 04/06/2021 20210423 168.00 CHECK 458558 TOTAL: 168.00 458559 04/23/2021 PRTD 139006 BCA TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT SECT 17738 04/12/2021 20210423 75.00 CHECK 458559 TOTAL: 75.00 458560 04/23/2021 PRTD 133068 STEEL TOE BREWING LLC 39379 04/07/2021 20210423 384.00 STEEL TOE BREWING LLC 39380 04/07/2021 20210423 234.00 STEEL TOE BREWING LLC 39381 04/07/2021 20210423 246.00 CHECK 458560 TOTAL: 864.00 458561 04/23/2021 PRTD 143698 STORM COMBATIVES TRAINING AND CON 1146 04/13/2021 20210423 799.00 CHECK 458561 TOTAL: 799.00 458562 04/23/2021 PRTD 101015 STREICHERS INC I1492330 03/23/2021 20210423 300.00 CHECK 458562 TOTAL: 300.00 458563 04/23/2021 PRTD 146870 TERRY'S HARDWARE 304958/1 02/11/2021 20210423 648.00 CHECK 458563 TOTAL: 648.00 458564 04/23/2021 PRTD 134673 TOTAL MECHANICAL SYSTEMS INC 21357 03/25/2021 20210423 2,161.00 CHECK 458564 TOTAL: 2,161.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/22/2021 13:37User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 19 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 458565 04/23/2021 PRTD 112118 US BANK 12611866 03/25/2021 20210423 3,175.12 CHECK 458565 TOTAL: 3,175.12 458566 04/23/2021 PRTD 114236 USA BLUE BOOK 533052 03/16/2021 20210423 652.17 CHECK 458566 TOTAL: 652.17 458567 04/23/2021 PRTD 160066 UTILITYLOGIC 12632 03/26/2021 20210423 233.08 CHECK 458567 TOTAL: 233.08 458568 04/23/2021 PRTD 143544 VAN DYKE, ALICE K #48 03/29/2021 20210423 351.25 CHECK 458568 TOTAL: 351.25 458569 04/23/2021 PRTD 101058 VAN PAPER COMPANY 567459-00 03/26/2021 20210423 1,150.24 VAN PAPER COMPANY 569493-00 03/26/2021 20210423 766.04 CHECK 458569 TOTAL: 1,916.28 458570 04/23/2021 PRTD 115380 VARITECH INDUSTRIES INC 060-1021143 03/23/2021 20210423 19.01 CHECK 458570 TOTAL: 19.01 458571 04/23/2021 PRTD 144209 VENN BREWING COMPANY LLC 2448 04/07/2021 20210423 171.00 CHECK 458571 TOTAL: 171.00 458572 04/23/2021 PRTD 101064 VESSCO INC 82862 03/23/2021 20210423 457.03 CHECK 458572 TOTAL: 457.03 458573 04/23/2021 PRTD 101066 VIKING ELECTRIC SUPPLY S004539553.001 03/24/2021 20210423 122.00 CHECK 458573 TOTAL: 122.00 458574 04/23/2021 PRTD 120784 WALSH GRAPHICS INC 16007 03/23/2021 20210423 55.26 WALSH GRAPHICS INC 15986 03/24/2021 20210423 414.24 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/22/2021 13:37User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 20 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET WALSH GRAPHICS INC 16013 03/26/2021 20210423 185.00 CHECK 458574 TOTAL: 654.50 458575 04/23/2021 PRTD 101033 WINE COMPANY 168672 04/07/2021 20210423 1,737.55 WINE COMPANY 168670 04/07/2021 20210423 1,159.65 WINE COMPANY 168671 04/07/2021 20210423 1,128.35 CHECK 458575 TOTAL: 4,025.55 458576 04/23/2021 PRTD 124503 WINSUPPLY EDEN PRAIRIE MN CO 208134 01 03/26/2021 20210423 50.65 CHECK 458576 TOTAL: 50.65 458577 04/23/2021 PRTD 118395 WITMER PUBLIC SAFETY GROUP INC E2057213 03/25/2021 20210423 159.17 CHECK 458577 TOTAL: 159.17 458578 04/23/2021 PRTD 142162 WOODEN HILL BREWING COMPANY LLC 2657 03/26/2021 20210423 221.40 WOODEN HILL BREWING COMPANY LLC 2655 03/26/2021 20210423 185.10 WOODEN HILL BREWING COMPANY LLC 2667 04/02/2021 20210423 155.70 CHECK 458578 TOTAL: 562.20 458579 04/23/2021 PRTD 105740 WSB & ASSOCIATES R-017423-000-3 03/24/2021 20210423 4,703.00 CHECK 458579 TOTAL: 4,703.00 458580 04/23/2021 PRTD 101103 WW GRAINGER 9845422980 03/23/2021 20210423 8.96 WW GRAINGER 9846794999 03/24/2021 20210423 432.56 WW GRAINGER 9848817384 03/25/2021 20210423 673.13 CHECK 458580 TOTAL: 1,114.65 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/22/2021 13:37User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 21 NUMBER OF CHECKS 150 *** CASH ACCOUNT TOTAL *** 409,821.52 COUNT AMOUNT TOTAL PRINTED CHECKS 150 409,821.52 *** GRAND TOTAL *** 409,821.52 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/29/2021 14:06User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 51 JOURNAL ENTRIES TO BE CREATED FUND SUB FUND DUE TO DUE FR 1000 General 203,198.832100 Police Special Revenue 1,896.672100 Police Special Revenue 16,102.802100 Police Special Revenue 614.502600 Housing & Redvlpmt Authority 338.002600 Housing & Redvlpmt Authority 11,114.084000 Capital Projects 84,581.584200 Equipment Replacement 46,546.805200 Braemar Golf Course 27,681.145200 Braemar Golf Course 93.285400 Edinborough Park 6,271.835500 Braemar Arena 12,869.845600 Braemar Field 1,690.085700 Centennial Lakes 35,522.775800 Liquor 194,845.575900 Utility Fund 81,212.505900 Utility Fund 503,977.665900 Utility Fund 14,463.395900 Utility Fund 68,909.136000 Risk Management 19,207.006100 Equipment Operations 16,710.056200 Information Technology 22,687.876300 Facilities Management 17,367.337100 PS Training Facility 5,530.667200 MN Task Force 1 2,463.419000 Payroll 428,176.659999 Pooled Cash Fund 1,824,073.42 TOTAL 1,824,073.42 1,824,073.42 ** END OF REPORT - Generated by Lonnia Jefferson ** City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/29/2021 14:06User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 1 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 458581 04/30/2021 PRTD 120831 1ST SCRIBE INC 254078 04/01/2021 20210430 425.00 CHECK 458581 TOTAL: 425.00 458582 04/30/2021 PRTD 101304 ABM EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY 0167034-IN 03/31/2021 20210430 464.84 CHECK 458582 TOTAL: 464.84 458583 04/30/2021 PRTD 135922 ACUSHNET COMPANY 910439436 03/09/2021 20210430 73.62 ACUSHNET COMPANY 910645910 03/31/2021 20210430 766.42 ACUSHNET COMPANY 910646878 04/01/2021 20210430 119.72 ACUSHNET COMPANY 910667301 04/05/2021 20210430 122.66 ACUSHNET COMPANY 910690238 04/06/2021 20210430 122.66 ACUSHNET COMPANY 910714241 04/08/2021 20210430 122.66 CHECK 458583 TOTAL: 1,327.74 458584 04/30/2021 PRTD 143557 ADIDAS AMERICA INC 6153100581 03/30/2021 20210430 2,609.24 ADIDAS AMERICA INC 6153058404 03/26/2021 20210430 104.59 ADIDAS AMERICA INC 6152858666 03/02/2021 20210430 284.59 CHECK 458584 TOTAL: 2,998.42 458585 04/30/2021 PRTD 101166 AHEAD INC INV0474562 03/31/2021 20210430 599.89 CHECK 458585 TOTAL: 599.89 458586 04/30/2021 PRTD 141768 ALTEC INDUSTRIES INC 11615917 04/01/2021 20210430 18.44 CHECK 458586 TOTAL: 18.44 458587 04/30/2021 PRTD 141960 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1NCL-DDCG-9G4N 03/29/2021 20210430 73.00 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1LDV-WN3P-NWF3 03/30/2021 20210430 23.57 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1LDV-WN3P-PJX7 03/30/2021 20210430 39.96 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1NCL-DDCG-NWWN 03/30/2021 20210430 95.14 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/29/2021 14:06User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 2 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1LDV-WN3P-QLX1 03/30/2021 20210430 24.49 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1NF3-J364-XVVY 03/30/2021 20210430 15.98 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1DNK-N1C9-93WP 03/30/2021 20210430 84.50 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1DH7-1CFJ-N4J3 03/30/2021 20210430 40.75 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1F9H-W3JR-LHV4 03/31/2021 20210430 187.36 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1J6R-CN97-JWDJ 03/31/2021 20210430 249.95 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1MX9-LW9Y-7TV6 04/01/2021 20210430 23.94 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1MHD-1HKD-N4CP 04/01/2021 20210430 127.40 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1NY6-JX7D-MLJ7 04/01/2021 20210430 33.88 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1F3C-VPH9-RPGY 04/01/2021 20210430 -15.19 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1MHD-1HKD-XMRL 04/01/2021 20210430 6.33 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1X4Y-4MTG-J96V 04/01/2021 20210430 62.90 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 13GV-NJD7-6FL7 04/02/2021 20210430 197.43 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 13GV-NJD7-KL46 04/02/2021 20210430 12.87 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1FW7-Q4PY-61D1 04/03/2021 20210430 15.19 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 11RF-GN79-7DC4 04/03/2021 20210430 85.80 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1RQV-RRKF-RP14 04/03/2021 20210430 273.92 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 139K-499P-33JL 04/04/2021 20210430 31.48 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 1FYX-9Y71-KF1Q 04/04/2021 20210430 39.95 CHECK 458587 TOTAL: 1,730.60 458588 04/30/2021 PRTD 114799 APPLIED ECOLOGICAL SERVICES INC 006299 03/30/2021 20210430 620.00 APPLIED ECOLOGICAL SERVICES INC 006405 03/31/2021 20210430 1,555.24 CHECK 458588 TOTAL: 2,175.24 458589 04/30/2021 PRTD 135988 APPRIZE TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS INC 20012042021 04/01/2021 20210430 1,125.40 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/29/2021 14:06User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 3 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 458589 TOTAL: 1,125.40 458590 04/30/2021 PRTD 114475 ARMOR SECURITY INC 236703 03/31/2021 20210430 140.00 CHECK 458590 TOTAL: 140.00 458591 04/30/2021 PRTD 106304 ASPEN MILLS INC 271998 04/02/2021 20210430 179.85 ASPEN MILLS INC 272002 04/02/2021 20210430 130.10 ASPEN MILLS INC 272001 04/02/2021 20210430 93.95 ASPEN MILLS INC 272000 04/02/2021 20210430 147.70 ASPEN MILLS INC 271999 04/02/2021 20210430 31.90 ASPEN MILLS INC 271940 04/01/2021 20210430 356.84 CHECK 458591 TOTAL: 940.34 458592 04/30/2021 PRTD 102774 ASPEN WASTE SYSTEMS OF MINNESOTA S1406543-040121 04/01/2021 20210430 2,227.74 ASPEN WASTE SYSTEMS OF MINNESOTA S1405453-040121 04/01/2021 20210430 1,919.01 ASPEN WASTE SYSTEMS OF MINNESOTA S1422086-040121 04/01/2021 20210430 3,645.61 CHECK 458592 TOTAL: 7,792.36 458593 04/30/2021 PRTD 101718 AUTO PLUS - FORMERLY PARTS PLUS 380046885 03/29/2021 20210430 5.62 AUTO PLUS - FORMERLY PARTS PLUS 380046934 03/30/2021 20210430 24.16 AUTO PLUS - FORMERLY PARTS PLUS 380047109 03/30/2021 20210430 7.89 AUTO PLUS - FORMERLY PARTS PLUS 380047368 03/31/2021 20210430 7.02 AUTO PLUS - FORMERLY PARTS PLUS 380047119 03/31/2021 20210430 15.78 AUTO PLUS - FORMERLY PARTS PLUS 380047399 03/31/2021 20210430 17.62 AUTO PLUS - FORMERLY PARTS PLUS 380047394 04/01/2021 20210430 77.24 AUTO PLUS - FORMERLY PARTS PLUS 380047698 04/01/2021 20210430 10.88 CHECK 458593 TOTAL: 166.21 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/29/2021 14:06User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 4 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 458594 04/30/2021 PRTD 129624 BARNA GUZY & STEFFEN LTD 229393 03/31/2021 20210430 832.00 CHECK 458594 TOTAL: 832.00 458595 04/30/2021 PRTD 101512 BDG INC 26009 04/01/2021 20210430 297.15 CHECK 458595 TOTAL: 297.15 458596 04/30/2021 PRTD 100646 BECKER ARENA PRODUCTS INC 600401 02/18/2021 20210430 156.50 CHECK 458596 TOTAL: 156.50 458597 04/30/2021 PRTD 101355 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0088657900 04/01/2021 20210430 6,121.65 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0088755500 04/08/2021 20210430 5,981.70 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0088791300 04/08/2021 20210430 185.55 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0088747100 04/08/2021 20210430 731.95 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0088755600 04/08/2021 20210430 2,188.80 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0088747000 04/08/2021 20210430 89.55 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0088755300 04/08/2021 20210430 4,311.78 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0088755400 04/08/2021 20210430 303.10 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0103016900 04/09/2021 20210430 198.05 BELLBOY CORPORATION 0103016700 04/09/2021 20210430 75.74 CHECK 458597 TOTAL: 20,187.87 458598 04/30/2021 PRTD 117379 BENIEK PROPERTY SERVICES INC 155960 04/01/2021 20210430 705.71 CHECK 458598 TOTAL: 705.71 458599 04/30/2021 PRTD 141961 MIDAMERICAN ENERGY SERVICES LLC 11084189 03/29/2021 20210430 3,929.77 CHECK 458599 TOTAL: 3,929.77 458600 04/30/2021 PRTD 100648 BERTELSON BROTHERS INC WO-1119656-1 03/29/2021 20210430 6.45 BERTELSON BROTHERS INC WO-1120420-1 04/01/2021 20210430 83.01 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/29/2021 14:06User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 5 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 458600 TOTAL: 89.46 458601 04/30/2021 PRTD 128914 BJKK DEVELOPMENT 31026 03/31/2021 20210430 47.24 BJKK DEVELOPMENT 31028 03/31/2021 20210430 48.59 CHECK 458601 TOTAL: 95.83 458602 04/30/2021 PRTD 142153 BLACK STACK BREWING INC 12187 04/08/2021 20210430 326.00 BLACK STACK BREWING INC 12189 04/08/2021 20210430 326.00 BLACK STACK BREWING INC 12188 04/08/2021 20210430 326.00 CHECK 458602 TOTAL: 978.00 458603 04/30/2021 PRTD 125268 BLUE COMPACTOR SERVICES LLC 4-5127 04/04/2021 20210430 386.00 CHECK 458603 TOTAL: 386.00 458604 04/30/2021 PRTD 132444 BOLTON & MENK INC 0266775 03/31/2021 20210430 5,144.00 BOLTON & MENK INC 0266768 03/31/2021 20210430 3,646.50 CHECK 458604 TOTAL: 8,790.50 458605 04/30/2021 PRTD 101010 BORDER STATES INDUSTRIES INC 921793991 03/29/2021 20210430 3,409.28 BORDER STATES INDUSTRIES INC 921793992 03/29/2021 20210430 120.33 BORDER STATES INDUSTRIES INC 921328963 01/06/2021 20210430 45.79 BORDER STATES INDUSTRIES INC 921409123 01/20/2021 20210430 124.48 BORDER STATES INDUSTRIES INC 921515103 02/08/2021 20210430 379.62 BORDER STATES INDUSTRIES INC 921395641 01/19/2021 20210430 378.07 CHECK 458605 TOTAL: 4,457.57 458606 04/30/2021 PRTD 105367 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC 84006101 03/30/2021 20210430 1,032.78 CHECK 458606 TOTAL: 1,032.78 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/29/2021 14:06User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 6 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 458607 04/30/2021 PRTD 119351 BOURGET IMPORTS 176820 04/13/2021 20210430 301.25 BOURGET IMPORTS 176821 04/13/2021 20210430 1,321.25 BOURGET IMPORTS 176822 04/14/2021 20210430 812.25 CHECK 458607 TOTAL: 2,434.75 458608 04/30/2021 PRTD 124291 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 339100658 04/14/2021 20210430 3,284.75 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 339100654 04/14/2021 20210430 125.86 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 339100655 04/14/2021 20210430 2,366.88 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 339100652 04/14/2021 20210430 864.20 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 339100657 04/14/2021 20210430 453.80 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 339100653 04/14/2021 20210430 954.25 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 339100656 04/14/2021 20210430 2,169.24 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 339100683 04/14/2021 20210430 790.95 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 339100682 04/14/2021 20210430 486.90 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 339100680 04/14/2021 20210430 77.15 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 339100681 04/14/2021 20210430 140.55 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 339100684 04/14/2021 20210430 1,238.99 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 339100675 04/14/2021 20210430 4,141.95 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 339100678 04/14/2021 20210430 238.40 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 339100677 04/14/2021 20210430 3,165.45 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 339100676 04/14/2021 20210430 851.50 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE 339100679 04/14/2021 20210430 3,337.90 CHECK 458608 TOTAL: 24,688.72 458609 04/30/2021 PRTD 124529 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 338905041 03/31/2021 20210430 5,888.80 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 338995011 04/06/2021 20210430 6,379.40 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 338995027 04/06/2021 20210430 5,700.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/29/2021 14:06User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 7 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 339079722 04/13/2021 20210430 1,626.60 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 339079707 04/13/2021 20210430 138.50 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 339079708 04/13/2021 20210430 5,988.15 CHECK 458609 TOTAL: 25,721.45 458610 04/30/2021 PRTD 124529 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER 339079721 04/13/2021 20210430 3,520.90 CHECK 458610 TOTAL: 3,520.90 458611 04/30/2021 PRTD 145809 BRIAN LIEB 127 03/15/2021 20210430 600.00 CHECK 458611 TOTAL: 600.00 458612 04/30/2021 PRTD 100667 CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY HOLDINGS II, 14589433-00 04/02/2021 20210430 4,044.00 CHECK 458612 TOTAL: 4,044.00 458613 04/30/2021 PRTD 142533 CADD ENGR SUPPLY INC INV125934 03/31/2021 20210430 106.85 CADD ENGR SUPPLY INC INV125935 03/31/2021 20210430 316.20 CHECK 458613 TOTAL: 423.05 458614 04/30/2021 PRTD 102149 CALLAWAY GOLF 932832818 03/25/2021 20210430 -2,214.00 CALLAWAY GOLF 932870191 03/28/2021 20210430 1,363.99 CALLAWAY GOLF 932861592 03/27/2021 20210430 199.80 CALLAWAY GOLF 932857660 03/26/2021 20210430 222.30 CALLAWAY GOLF 932855411 03/26/2021 20210430 168.60 CALLAWAY GOLF 932883265 03/29/2021 20210430 1,149.13 CALLAWAY GOLF 932876520 03/29/2021 20210430 222.30 CALLAWAY GOLF 932892142 03/30/2021 20210430 401.30 CALLAWAY GOLF 932897274 03/31/2021 20210430 1,130.40 CALLAWAY GOLF 932897273 03/31/2021 20210430 104.05 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/29/2021 14:06User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 8 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CALLAWAY GOLF 932897272 03/31/2021 20210430 225.48 CALLAWAY GOLF 932901905 03/31/2021 20210430 225.48 CALLAWAY GOLF 932901702 03/31/2021 20210430 -222.30 CALLAWAY GOLF 932913791 04/01/2021 20210430 1,216.61 CALLAWAY GOLF 932907105 04/01/2021 20210430 422.32 CALLAWAY GOLF 932907107 04/01/2021 20210430 675.90 CALLAWAY GOLF 932916285 04/02/2021 20210430 627.73 CALLAWAY GOLF 932916279 04/02/2021 20210430 1,720.80 CHECK 458614 TOTAL: 7,639.89 458615 04/30/2021 PRTD 120935 CAMPBELL KNUTSON PA 2851G 03/21 03/31/2021 20210430 20,990.87 CHECK 458615 TOTAL: 20,990.87 458616 04/30/2021 PRTD 119455 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2535198 04/13/2021 20210430 117.00 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2535199 04/13/2021 20210430 49.99 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2535197 04/13/2021 20210430 2,912.85 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES LP 2537359 04/23/2021 20210430 -36.00 CHECK 458616 TOTAL: 3,043.84 458617 04/30/2021 PRTD 141470 CENTRALSQUARE TECHNOLOGIES LLC 312281 03/30/2021 20210430 5,064.89 CHECK 458617 TOTAL: 5,064.89 458618 04/30/2021 PRTD 142028 CINTAS CORPORATION 4079850811 03/29/2021 20210430 9.86 CINTAS CORPORATION 4079850856 03/29/2021 20210430 28.62 CINTAS CORPORATION 4079850886 03/29/2021 20210430 30.25 CINTAS CORPORATION 4079850900 03/29/2021 20210430 39.01 CINTAS CORPORATION 4079850893 03/29/2021 20210430 36.88 CINTAS CORPORATION 4079850415 03/29/2021 20210430 3.69 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/29/2021 14:06User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 9 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CINTAS CORPORATION 4080391679 04/02/2021 20210430 63.28 CHECK 458618 TOTAL: 211.59 458619 04/30/2021 PRTD 122317 CITY OF EDINA - COMMUNICATIONS COM-2413 04/12/2021 20210430 100.00 CHECK 458619 TOTAL: 100.00 458620 04/30/2021 PRTD 146472 CITY WIDE MAINTENANCE OF MN I00081513 04/01/2021 20210430 1,395.00 CITY WIDE MAINTENANCE OF MN I00081146 04/01/2021 20210430 3,372.25 CITY WIDE MAINTENANCE OF MN I00081147 04/01/2021 20210430 3,840.00 CITY WIDE MAINTENANCE OF MN 42009000007 04/01/2021 20210430 525.00 CITY WIDE MAINTENANCE OF MN 62009000027 04/14/2021 20210430 -1,045.00 CITY WIDE MAINTENANCE OF MN I00078877. 02/01/2021 20210430 3,372.25 CHECK 458620 TOTAL: 11,459.50 458621 04/30/2021 PRTD 102165 ROGER CLEVELAND GOLF CO. INC 6294124 SO 03/10/2021 20210430 842.40 CHECK 458621 TOTAL: 842.40 458622 04/30/2021 PRTD 126726 COBRA PUMA GOLF G2439697 04/01/2021 20210430 1,800.42 COBRA PUMA GOLF G2446118 04/02/2021 20210430 573.17 CHECK 458622 TOTAL: 2,373.59 458623 04/30/2021 PRTD 145952 COMPUTER INTEGRATION TECHNOLOGIES 307214 03/31/2021 20210430 470.25 CHECK 458623 TOTAL: 470.25 458624 04/30/2021 PRTD 144092 CONCENTRA 103338458 03/17/2021 20210430 124.00 CHECK 458624 TOTAL: 124.00 458625 04/30/2021 PRTD 142772 CREATIVE ARCADE 1064 04/01/2021 20210430 950.00 CHECK 458625 TOTAL: 950.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/29/2021 14:06User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 10 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 458626 04/30/2021 PRTD 100699 CULLIGAN SOFTWATER SERVICE COMPAN 7479 03/31/2021 20210430 25.00 CULLIGAN SOFTWATER SERVICE COMPAN 114X79643108 03/31/2021 20210430 32.53 CULLIGAN SOFTWATER SERVICE COMPAN 114X79757502 03/31/2021 20210430 56.80 CHECK 458626 TOTAL: 114.33 458627 04/30/2021 PRTD 100699 CULLIGAN - METRO 8323 03/31/2021 20210430 25.00 CHECK 458627 TOTAL: 25.00 458628 04/30/2021 PRTD 141837 DAIOHS USA INC 543124 03/31/2021 20210430 326.79 CHECK 458628 TOTAL: 326.79 458629 04/30/2021 PRTD 100130 DAKOTA COUNTY 7177 03/30/2021 20210430 2,463.41 CHECK 458629 TOTAL: 2,463.41 458630 04/30/2021 PRTD 104020 DALCO ENTERPRISES INC 3759814 03/29/2021 20210430 1,801.36 DALCO ENTERPRISES INC 3760375 03/29/2021 20210430 221.10 DALCO ENTERPRISES INC 3762669 04/04/2021 20210430 98.40 CHECK 458630 TOTAL: 2,120.86 458631 04/30/2021 PRTD 151126 DANIEL Q MCDOWELL JR AND JENNIFER MARCH 2021 04/03/2021 20210430 315.00 CHECK 458631 TOTAL: 315.00 458632 04/30/2021 PRTD 118190 DAVIS EQUIPMENT CORPORATION EI13512 03/29/2021 20210430 161.09 CHECK 458632 TOTAL: 161.09 458633 04/30/2021 PRTD 102195 DAY INVESTMENTS LLC P38187258 03/30/2021 20210430 36.95 DAY INVESTMENTS LLC P37206685 03/02/2021 20210430 115.90 CHECK 458633 TOTAL: 152.85 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/29/2021 14:06User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 11 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 458634 04/30/2021 PRTD 118189 DEM-CON COMPANIES LLC 7188 03/31/2021 20210430 85.44 CHECK 458634 TOTAL: 85.44 458635 04/30/2021 PRTD 160065 DRONESENSE, INC INV-3045 03/29/2021 20210430 16,102.80 CHECK 458635 TOTAL: 16,102.80 458636 04/30/2021 PRTD 145811 EASTLAKE CRAFT BREWERY LLC 1264 04/08/2021 20210430 156.00 EASTLAKE CRAFT BREWERY LLC 1267 04/13/2021 20210430 133.20 CHECK 458636 TOTAL: 289.20 458637 04/30/2021 PRTD 132810 ECM PUBLISHERS INC 827917 04/01/2021 20210430 184.45 ECM PUBLISHERS INC 827918 04/01/2021 20210430 202.30 CHECK 458637 TOTAL: 386.75 458638 04/30/2021 PRTD 160062 ELM CREEK BREWING COMPANY 00181 04/09/2021 20210430 140.00 CHECK 458638 TOTAL: 140.00 458639 04/30/2021 PRTD 148012 EVEREST EMERGENCY VEHICLES INC P05445 03/12/2021 20210430 1,279.20 CHECK 458639 TOTAL: 1,279.20 458640 04/30/2021 PRTD 100146 ELLIOTT AUTO SUPPLY CO, INC 69-412285 03/31/2021 20210430 102.12 ELLIOTT AUTO SUPPLY CO, INC 69-412424 04/01/2021 20210430 118.76 ELLIOTT AUTO SUPPLY CO, INC 1-6842435 04/01/2021 20210430 16.64 ELLIOTT AUTO SUPPLY CO, INC 69-414035 04/19/2021 20210430 -199.80 CHECK 458640 TOTAL: 37.72 458641 04/30/2021 PRTD 147181 FALLING BREWERY - BERGMAN LEDGE L E-3129 04/08/2021 20210430 150.00 FALLING BREWERY - BERGMAN LEDGE L E-3131 04/08/2021 20210430 330.00 FALLING BREWERY - BERGMAN LEDGE L E-3130 04/08/2021 20210430 330.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/29/2021 14:06User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 12 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET FALLING BREWERY - BERGMAN LEDGE L E-3171 04/14/2021 20210430 180.00 CHECK 458641 TOTAL: 990.00 458642 04/30/2021 PRTD 106035 FASTENAL COMPANY MNTC2165036 04/02/2021 20210430 19.85 CHECK 458642 TOTAL: 19.85 458643 04/30/2021 PRTD 103600 FERGUSON US HOLDINGS INC SC22393 03/31/2021 20210430 97.17 FERGUSON US HOLDINGS INC 0470101 04/01/2021 20210430 8,804.52 FERGUSON US HOLDINGS INC 0469667 04/03/2021 20210430 914.42 FERGUSON US HOLDINGS INC 0469214 02/10/2021 20210430 2,938.94 FERGUSON US HOLDINGS INC 0468486 02/09/2021 20210430 3,538.92 CHECK 458643 TOTAL: 16,293.97 458644 04/30/2021 PRTD 160061 FILTER BREWING COMPANY LLC 1378 04/01/2021 20210430 184.00 CHECK 458644 TOTAL: 184.00 458645 04/30/2021 PRTD 116492 FINANCE AND COMMERCE INC 745009915 03/29/2021 20210430 205.02 CHECK 458645 TOTAL: 205.02 458646 04/30/2021 PRTD 160036 FIRST HOSPITAL LABORATORIES, INC. FL00427408 03/04/2021 20210430 563.80 CHECK 458646 TOTAL: 563.80 458647 04/30/2021 PRTD 102456 GALLS PARENT HOLDINGS LLC BC1326351 03/31/2021 20210430 20.99 GALLS PARENT HOLDINGS LLC BC1328045 04/01/2021 20210430 216.73 GALLS PARENT HOLDINGS LLC BC1328851 04/02/2021 20210430 674.50 CHECK 458647 TOTAL: 912.22 458648 04/30/2021 PRTD 101931 HANESBRANDS INC 41813019 03/29/2021 20210430 714.57 CHECK 458648 TOTAL: 714.57 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/29/2021 14:06User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 13 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 458649 04/30/2021 PRTD 101351 GILBERT MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS LL 203227 04/01/2021 20210430 333.50 CHECK 458649 TOTAL: 333.50 458650 04/30/2021 PRTD 125289 GLOCK PROFESSIONAL INC TRP/100149980 04/12/2021 20210430 250.00 CHECK 458650 TOTAL: 250.00 458651 04/30/2021 PRTD 100780 GOPHERS STATE ONE CALL 1030360 03/31/2021 20210430 696.60 CHECK 458651 TOTAL: 696.60 458652 04/30/2021 PRTD 144412 WINEBOW MN00092807 04/13/2021 20210430 381.50 WINEBOW MN00092806 04/13/2021 20210430 115.75 CHECK 458652 TOTAL: 497.25 458653 04/30/2021 PRTD 100783 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO INC 9320787426 03/31/2021 20210430 21.14 CHECK 458653 TOTAL: 21.14 458654 04/30/2021 PRTD 160087 GRIMES DESIGN LLC 2107 03/29/2021 20210430 2,655.00 CHECK 458654 TOTAL: 2,655.00 458655 04/30/2021 PRTD 122093 GROUP HEALTHPLAN INC 104257825 04/09/2021 20210430 428,176.65 CHECK 458655 TOTAL: 428,176.65 458656 04/30/2021 PRTD 103085 HENNEPIN COUNTY ACCOUNTING SERVIC 1000164449 04/01/2021 20210430 145.00 HENNEPIN COUNTY ACCOUNTING SERVIC 1000163824 03/31/2021 20210430 1,276.20 HENNEPIN COUNTY ACCOUNTING SERVIC 1000164479 04/01/2021 20210430 174.00 HENNEPIN COUNTY ACCOUNTING SERVIC 1000163760 04/01/2021 20210430 7,500.00 HENNEPIN COUNTY ACCOUNTING SERVIC 1000156359 12/01/2020 20210430 174.00 CHECK 458656 TOTAL: 9,269.20 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/29/2021 14:06User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 14 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 458657 04/30/2021 PRTD 115599 HENNEPIN COUNTY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE 18-003540 02/05/2019 20210430 163.00 CHECK 458657 TOTAL: 163.00 458658 04/30/2021 PRTD 143585 HENNEPIN COUNTY MEDICAL CENTER 68802 03/31/2021 20210430 3,136.14 CHECK 458658 TOTAL: 3,136.14 458659 04/30/2021 PRTD 104375 HOHENSTEINS INC 401745 04/13/2021 20210430 1,592.00 HOHENSTEINS INC 401751 04/13/2021 20210430 1,850.40 HOHENSTEINS INC 401756 04/13/2021 20210430 120.00 HOHENSTEINS INC 401755 04/13/2021 20210430 1,272.00 CHECK 458659 TOTAL: 4,834.40 458660 04/30/2021 PRTD 100417 HORIZON CHEMICAL CO 210325066-ER 03/29/2021 20210430 314.03 CHECK 458660 TOTAL: 314.03 458661 04/30/2021 PRTD 129508 IMPACT MAILING OF MINNESOTA INC 151453 02/03/2021 20210430 1,843.71 CHECK 458661 TOTAL: 1,843.71 458662 04/30/2021 PRTD 131544 INDEED BREWING COMPANY MN LLC 99510 04/13/2021 20210430 782.05 INDEED BREWING COMPANY MN LLC 99511 04/14/2021 20210430 306.40 INDEED BREWING COMPANY MN LLC 99509 04/13/2021 20210430 133.10 CHECK 458662 TOTAL: 1,221.55 458663 04/30/2021 PRTD 100814 INDELCO PLASTICS CORPORATION INV247146 03/29/2021 20210430 640.00 INDELCO PLASTICS CORPORATION INV247980 03/31/2021 20210430 2,268.89 CHECK 458663 TOTAL: 2,908.89 458664 04/30/2021 PRTD 122079 EDINA COMMUNITY EDUCATION SERVICE 2021-1105 04/01/2021 20210430 506.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/29/2021 14:06User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 15 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 458664 TOTAL: 506.00 458665 04/30/2021 PRTD 146407 INGCO INTERNATIONAL 2021-600204 04/01/2021 20210430 500.00 INGCO INTERNATIONAL 2021-600198 03/31/2021 20210430 1,000.00 CHECK 458665 TOTAL: 1,500.00 458666 04/30/2021 PRTD 150898 INVICTUS BREWING INC 2767 04/13/2021 20210430 117.00 INVICTUS BREWING INC 2766 04/13/2021 20210430 140.00 INVICTUS BREWING INC 2768 04/13/2021 20210430 62.00 CHECK 458666 TOTAL: 319.00 458667 04/30/2021 PRTD 116776 JASPERSEN ENTERPRISES INC 86039 03/01/2021 20210430 100.00 CHECK 458667 TOTAL: 100.00 458668 04/30/2021 PRTD 116776 JASPERSEN ENTERPRISES INC 86033 03/18/2021 20210430 109.00 CHECK 458668 TOTAL: 109.00 458669 04/30/2021 PRTD 116776 JASPERSEN ENTERPRISES INC 86551 03/22/2021 20210430 185.00 CHECK 458669 TOTAL: 185.00 458670 04/30/2021 PRTD 116776 JASPERSEN ENTERPRISES INC 84988 01/03/2020 20210430 185.00 CHECK 458670 TOTAL: 185.00 458671 04/30/2021 PRTD 108618 JEFFERSON FIRE & SAFETY INC IN127961 03/29/2021 20210430 8,138.85 CHECK 458671 TOTAL: 8,138.85 458672 04/30/2021 PRTD 102146 JESSEN PRESS INC 686622 03/31/2021 20210430 3,008.00 CHECK 458672 TOTAL: 3,008.00 458673 04/30/2021 PRTD 160041 JINX TEA, LLC 1189 04/14/2021 20210430 64.40 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/29/2021 14:06User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 16 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 458673 TOTAL: 64.40 458674 04/30/2021 PRTD 100741 JJ TAYLOR DISTRIBUTING CO OF MINN 3168928 03/31/2021 20210430 6,720.45 JJ TAYLOR DISTRIBUTING CO OF MINN 3168971 04/07/2021 20210430 5,632.20 JJ TAYLOR DISTRIBUTING CO OF MINN 3179210 04/14/2021 20210430 51.10 JJ TAYLOR DISTRIBUTING CO OF MINN 3179209 04/14/2021 20210430 4,139.65 JJ TAYLOR DISTRIBUTING CO OF MINN 3179204 04/14/2021 20210430 3,058.95 JJ TAYLOR DISTRIBUTING CO OF MINN 3179203 04/14/2021 20210430 186.80 JJ TAYLOR DISTRIBUTING CO OF MINN 3179205 04/14/2021 20210430 2,132.21 JJ TAYLOR DISTRIBUTING CO OF MINN 3179208 04/14/2021 20210430 109.50 CHECK 458674 TOTAL: 22,030.86 458675 04/30/2021 PRTD 100835 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 3467467 04/08/2021 20210430 1,329.00 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 3467466 04/08/2021 20210430 106.80 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 3467465 04/08/2021 20210430 778.85 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 3467468 04/08/2021 20210430 803.80 CHECK 458675 TOTAL: 3,018.45 458676 04/30/2021 PRTD 100835 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6186117 04/08/2021 20210430 163.57 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6186119 04/08/2021 20210430 693.95 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6186116 04/08/2021 20210430 2,714.28 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6186115 04/08/2021 20210430 947.85 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6186118 04/08/2021 20210430 261.95 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6186125 04/08/2021 20210430 346.38 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6186124 04/08/2021 20210430 45.19 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6186123 04/08/2021 20210430 1,844.84 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6186122 04/08/2021 20210430 1,262.60 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6186114 04/08/2021 20210430 387.57 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/29/2021 14:06User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 17 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6186111 04/08/2021 20210430 653.33 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6186113 04/08/2021 20210430 35.90 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 6186112 04/08/2021 20210430 680.14 CHECK 458676 TOTAL: 10,037.55 458677 04/30/2021 PRTD 100835 WINE MERCHANTS 7324739 04/08/2021 20210430 96.76 WINE MERCHANTS 7324741 04/08/2021 20210430 2,933.47 WINE MERCHANTS 7324740 04/08/2021 20210430 1,294.28 WINE MERCHANTS 7324743 04/08/2021 20210430 4,657.41 WINE MERCHANTS 7324742 04/08/2021 20210430 48.38 WINE MERCHANTS 7324738 04/08/2021 20210430 4,621.31 WINE MERCHANTS 7324737 04/08/2021 20210430 24.19 WINE MERCHANTS 7325222 04/13/2021 20210430 649.52 CHECK 458677 TOTAL: 14,325.32 458678 04/30/2021 PRTD 100835 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 1777016 04/08/2021 20210430 73.19 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 1777019 04/08/2021 20210430 593.00 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 1777020 04/08/2021 20210430 3,059.13 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 1777017 04/08/2021 20210430 1,246.02 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 1777022 04/08/2021 20210430 3,639.47 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 1777008 04/08/2021 20210430 1,324.41 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 1777009 04/08/2021 20210430 1,217.16 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 1777018 04/08/2021 20210430 1,905.05 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 1777011 04/08/2021 20210430 448.03 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 1777010 04/08/2021 20210430 116.69 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 1777021 04/08/2021 20210430 1,547.85 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 1777023 04/08/2021 20210430 133.19 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/29/2021 14:06User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 18 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 1777032 04/08/2021 20210430 997.29 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 1777030 04/08/2021 20210430 445.94 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 1777029 04/08/2021 20210430 1,031.90 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 1777028 04/08/2021 20210430 413.17 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 1777027 04/08/2021 20210430 895.28 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 1777031 04/08/2021 20210430 1,804.26 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 1777012 04/08/2021 20210430 504.47 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 1777013 04/08/2021 20210430 1,379.90 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 1777014 04/08/2021 20210430 307.80 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 1777015 04/08/2021 20210430 92.95 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 1777007 04/08/2021 20210430 690.74 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 1777006 04/08/2021 20210430 354.27 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 1777005 04/08/2021 20210430 124.57 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 1777004 04/08/2021 20210430 918.48 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 1777003 04/08/2021 20210430 296.50 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 1777002 04/08/2021 20210430 393.47 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 1777001 04/08/2021 20210430 613.01 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 142186 04/14/2021 20210430 -88.00 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 142188 04/14/2021 20210430 -28.32 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO 142189 04/14/2021 20210430 -5.56 CHECK 458678 TOTAL: 26,445.31 458679 04/30/2021 PRTD 142504 JOHNSON CONTROLS FIRE PROTECTION 87637713 03/29/2021 20210430 804.00 JOHNSON CONTROLS FIRE PROTECTION 22213625 04/01/2021 20210430 598.91 CHECK 458679 TOTAL: 1,402.91 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/29/2021 14:06User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 19 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 458680 04/30/2021 PRTD 103409 KELBRO COMPANY 2612304 04/12/2021 20210430 796.16 CHECK 458680 TOTAL: 796.16 458681 04/30/2021 PRTD 124002 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES INC 18255200 01/31/2021 20210430 11,114.08 CHECK 458681 TOTAL: 11,114.08 458682 04/30/2021 PRTD 126444 KIRK STENSRUD ENTERPRISES INC 2315-40842 04/02/2021 20210430 990.00 CHECK 458682 TOTAL: 990.00 458683 04/30/2021 PRTD 100944 KIWI KAI IMPORTS INC 123841 04/14/2021 20210430 847.50 KIWI KAI IMPORTS INC 23829 04/14/2021 20210430 2,645.50 KIWI KAI IMPORTS INC 123831 04/13/2021 20210430 736.00 KIWI KAI IMPORTS INC 123820 04/13/2021 20210430 568.75 KIWI KAI IMPORTS INC 123832 04/13/2021 20210430 841.75 KIWI KAI IMPORTS INC 123842 04/14/2021 20210430 418.00 KIWI KAI IMPORTS INC 123830 04/14/2021 20210430 89.25 KIWI KAI IMPORTS INC 123837 04/14/2021 20210430 2,525.25 KIWI KAI IMPORTS INC 123817 04/14/2021 20210430 1,300.00 CHECK 458683 TOTAL: 9,972.00 458684 04/30/2021 PRTD 151024 LA DONA SBC 4649 04/14/2021 20210430 36.00 LA DONA SBC 4650 04/14/2021 20210430 36.00 CHECK 458684 TOTAL: 72.00 458685 04/30/2021 PRTD 116876 LANGUAGE LINE SERVICES 10214071 03/31/2021 20210430 1.24 CHECK 458685 TOTAL: 1.24 458686 04/30/2021 PRTD 100852 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC 9308338324 03/31/2021 20210430 260.55 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC 9308341847 04/01/2021 20210430 898.64 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/29/2021 14:06User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 20 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 458686 TOTAL: 1,159.19 458687 04/30/2021 PRTD 101552 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 8398 04/01/2021 20210430 4,793.17 CHECK 458687 TOTAL: 4,793.17 458688 04/30/2021 PRTD 101552 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 8399 04/01/2021 20210430 14,413.83 CHECK 458688 TOTAL: 14,413.83 458689 04/30/2021 PRTD 135867 LIBATION PROJECT 34813 04/14/2021 20210430 217.50 CHECK 458689 TOTAL: 217.50 458690 04/30/2021 PRTD 144426 LIFE LINE BILLING SYSTEMS LLC 56284 03/31/2021 20210430 8,731.45 LIFE LINE BILLING SYSTEMS LLC 56285 03/31/2021 20210430 835.08 CHECK 458690 TOTAL: 9,566.53 458691 04/30/2021 PRTD 117026 LIFE-ASSIST INC 1088604 04/02/2021 20210430 141.60 CHECK 458691 TOTAL: 141.60 458692 04/30/2021 PRTD 160063 LINKS MARKETING & PROMOTIONS 3311 03/30/2021 20210430 4,916.24 CHECK 458692 TOTAL: 4,916.24 458693 04/30/2021 PRTD 100858 LOGIS 50164 04/01/2021 20210430 39,096.50 LOGIS 50225 03/31/2021 20210430 5,750.00 LOGIS 50260 03/31/2021 20210430 89,719.49 CHECK 458693 TOTAL: 134,565.99 458694 04/30/2021 PRTD 146427 LUCID BREWING LLC 10204 04/14/2021 20210430 150.00 CHECK 458694 TOTAL: 150.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/29/2021 14:06User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 21 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 458695 04/30/2021 PRTD 141916 LUPULIN BREWING COMPANY 36417 04/14/2021 20210430 240.70 CHECK 458695 TOTAL: 240.70 458696 04/30/2021 PRTD 134063 MANSFIELD OIL COMPANY 22282861 03/30/2021 20210430 8,172.67 MANSFIELD OIL COMPANY 22283430 03/30/2021 20210430 1,060.43 CHECK 458696 TOTAL: 9,233.10 458697 04/30/2021 PRTD 100869 MARTIN-MCALLISTER CONSULTING PSYC 13814 03/31/2021 20210430 1,650.00 CHECK 458697 TOTAL: 1,650.00 458698 04/30/2021 PRTD 141215 MAVERICK WINE LLC INV568107 04/13/2021 20210430 137.49 MAVERICK WINE LLC INV568111 04/13/2021 20210430 560.43 MAVERICK WINE LLC INV568130 04/14/2021 20210430 225.54 MAVERICK WINE LLC INV568123 04/14/2021 20210430 330.99 CHECK 458698 TOTAL: 1,254.45 458699 04/30/2021 PRTD 130477 MCDONALD DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 576337 04/14/2021 20210430 842.00 MCDONALD DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 576336 04/14/2021 20210430 180.00 MCDONALD DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 576348 04/14/2021 20210430 354.00 MCDONALD DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 576245 04/14/2021 20210430 84.00 MCDONALD DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 576334 04/14/2021 20210430 42.00 MCDONALD DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 576335 04/14/2021 20210430 197.00 CHECK 458699 TOTAL: 1,699.00 458700 04/30/2021 PRTD 101483 MENARDS INC 36531 03/29/2021 20210430 63.44 MENARDS INC 36546 03/30/2021 20210430 136.77 MENARDS INC 36543 03/30/2021 20210430 54.90 MENARDS INC 36540 03/30/2021 20210430 17.01 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/29/2021 14:06User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 22 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET MENARDS INC 36693 04/01/2021 20210430 8.77 MENARDS INC 36694 04/01/2021 20210430 31.37 MENARDS INC 36680 04/01/2021 20210430 44.39 MENARDS INC 36678 04/01/2021 20210430 20.88 MENARDS INC 36703 04/01/2021 20210430 114.07 MENARDS INC 36734 04/02/2021 20210430 39.94 MENARDS INC 36612 03/31/2021 20210430 79.94 MENARDS INC 36616 03/31/2021 20210430 394.80 CHECK 458700 TOTAL: 1,006.28 458701 04/30/2021 PRTD 100883 MESSERLI & KRAMER 389855 03/25/2021 20210430 6,500.00 CHECK 458701 TOTAL: 6,500.00 458702 04/30/2021 PRTD 100886 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL 0001122179 03/30/2021 20210430 272.85 CHECK 458702 TOTAL: 272.85 458703 04/30/2021 PRTD 100886 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL 0001122237 04/08/2021 20210430 493,781.47 CHECK 458703 TOTAL: 493,781.47 458704 04/30/2021 PRTD 102729 METROPOLITAN FORD LLC 391509 04/01/2021 20210430 700.00 CHECK 458704 TOTAL: 700.00 458705 04/30/2021 PRTD 127639 MIDWAY FORD COMPANY 129270 04/21/2021 20210430 46,546.80 CHECK 458705 TOTAL: 46,546.80 458706 04/30/2021 PRTD 102174 MINNEAPOLIS OXYGEN COMPANY 20185234 03/31/2021 20210430 1,191.29 MINNEAPOLIS OXYGEN COMPANY 00074773 03/31/2021 20210430 2.52 CHECK 458706 TOTAL: 1,193.81 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/29/2021 14:06User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 23 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 458707 04/30/2021 PRTD 144364 MINNESOTA DRIVERS & VEHICLE SERVI 8104 04/13/2021 20210430 57.00 MINNESOTA DRIVERS & VEHICLE SERVI 8605 04/20/2021 20210430 102.25 CHECK 458707 TOTAL: 159.25 458708 04/30/2021 PRTD 136248 MINNESOTA EQUIPMENT INC P42010 03/29/2021 20210430 404.01 CHECK 458708 TOTAL: 404.01 458709 04/30/2021 PRTD 101459 MINNESOTA RECREATION AND PARK ASS 10097 03/31/2021 20210430 125.00 CHECK 458709 TOTAL: 125.00 458710 04/30/2021 PRTD 120604 MINT CONDITION DETAILING INC 64910 03/17/2021 20210430 300.00 CHECK 458710 TOTAL: 300.00 458711 04/30/2021 PRTD 140955 MODIST BREWING LLC E-20948 04/13/2021 20210430 317.25 MODIST BREWING LLC E-20950 04/13/2021 20210430 384.75 MODIST BREWING LLC E-20949 04/14/2021 20210430 256.50 CHECK 458711 TOTAL: 958.50 458712 04/30/2021 PRTD 143339 MR CUTTING EDGE 3158 03/31/2021 20210430 75.00 MR CUTTING EDGE 3164 03/31/2021 20210430 50.00 CHECK 458712 TOTAL: 125.00 458713 04/30/2021 PRTD 100906 MTI DISTRIBUTING INC 1294145-00 03/31/2021 20210430 168.65 CHECK 458713 TOTAL: 168.65 458714 04/30/2021 PRTD 100906 MTI DISTRIBUTING INC 1293915-00 03/29/2021 20210430 213.16 MTI DISTRIBUTING INC 1293918-00 03/29/2021 20210430 138.48 MTI DISTRIBUTING INC 1294214-00 03/30/2021 20210430 197.00 MTI DISTRIBUTING INC 1294352-00 03/31/2021 20210430 23.15 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/29/2021 14:06User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 24 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET MTI DISTRIBUTING INC 1294200-00 03/31/2021 20210430 47.00 MTI DISTRIBUTING INC 1294668-00 04/02/2021 20210430 116.58 CHECK 458714 TOTAL: 735.37 458715 04/30/2021 PRTD 132591 MUSKA ELECTIRC COMPANY 34210 03/31/2021 20210430 2,500.00 CHECK 458715 TOTAL: 2,500.00 458716 04/30/2021 PRTD 100920 GENUINE PARTS COMPANY 3599-117370 04/02/2021 20210430 191.15 GENUINE PARTS COMPANY 3599-117178 04/01/2021 20210430 19.23 CHECK 458716 TOTAL: 210.38 458717 04/30/2021 PRTD 103267 NATIONAL GOLF FOUNDATION INC 2021 Memebership 03/31/2021 20210430 250.00 CHECK 458717 TOTAL: 250.00 458718 04/30/2021 PRTD 121133 NATUS CORPORATION INC 112393-1 03/31/2021 20210430 4,003.00 CHECK 458718 TOTAL: 4,003.00 458719 04/30/2021 PRTD 100076 NEW FRANCE WINE CO 172507 04/14/2021 20210430 876.00 NEW FRANCE WINE CO 172508 04/14/2021 20210430 184.00 NEW FRANCE WINE CO 172509 04/14/2021 20210430 554.00 CHECK 458719 TOTAL: 1,614.00 458720 04/30/2021 PRTD 142880 NORDIC SOLAR HOLDCO LLC INV-NSH001935 03/31/2021 20210430 5,600.20 CHECK 458720 TOTAL: 5,600.20 458721 04/30/2021 PRTD 101620 NORTH SECOND STREET STEEL SUPPLY 483391 03/31/2021 20210430 172.30 NORTH SECOND STREET STEEL SUPPLY 483392 03/31/2021 20210430 538.34 CHECK 458721 TOTAL: 710.64 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/29/2021 14:06User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 25 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 458722 04/30/2021 PRTD 160048 NELSON/NYGAARD CONSULTING ASSOCIA 79373 03/30/2021 20210430 1,387.50 CHECK 458722 TOTAL: 1,387.50 458723 04/30/2021 PRTD 103578 OFFICE DEPOT 163376213001 04/01/2021 20210430 107.71 CHECK 458723 TOTAL: 107.71 458724 04/30/2021 PRTD 100936 OLSEN CHAIN & CABLE CO INC 667822 03/31/2021 20210430 681.42 OLSEN CHAIN & CABLE CO INC 668569 04/02/2021 20210430 45.01 CHECK 458724 TOTAL: 726.43 458725 04/30/2021 PRTD 141965 OMNI BREWING COMPANY LLC E-9550 04/14/2021 20210430 117.00 CHECK 458725 TOTAL: 117.00 458726 04/30/2021 PRTD 999995 A BETTER WAY TO BUILD LLC ED187885 Refund 04/26/2021 20210430 400.00 CHECK 458726 TOTAL: 400.00 458727 04/30/2021 PRTD 999995 CRAFTS HOMES ED167659-REFUND 04/20/2021 20210430 10,000.00 CHECK 458727 TOTAL: 10,000.00 458728 04/30/2021 PRTD 999995 EXPERT LEVEL REMODELING ED187574-REFUND 04/23/2021 20210430 2,000.00 CHECK 458728 TOTAL: 2,000.00 458729 04/30/2021 PRTD 999994 ALICIA STUBE 8956 04/22/2021 20210430 600.00 CHECK 458729 TOTAL: 600.00 458730 04/30/2021 PRTD 999994 FRONA ITES 8776 04/21/2021 20210430 161.30 CHECK 458730 TOTAL: 161.30 458731 04/30/2021 PRTD 999994 JOHN MORTON 8618 04/20/2021 20210430 132.78 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/29/2021 14:06User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 26 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 458731 TOTAL: 132.78 458732 04/30/2021 PRTD 999994 TIM NORD 8620 04/20/2021 20210430 132.78 CHECK 458732 TOTAL: 132.78 458733 04/30/2021 PRTD 999996 Clifford, Emma 02/12/2021 20210430 40.36 CHECK 458733 TOTAL: 40.36 458734 04/30/2021 PRTD 999996 JAMES CALLANAN 8601 04/20/2021 20210430 170.41 CHECK 458734 TOTAL: 170.41 458735 04/30/2021 PRTD 999996 LUKE DERHEIM 8619 04/20/2021 20210430 96.78 CHECK 458735 TOTAL: 96.78 458736 04/30/2021 PRTD 999996 ROB PRESTHUS 8600 04/20/2021 20210430 96.78 CHECK 458736 TOTAL: 96.78 458737 04/30/2021 PRTD 999996 THEA KEAMY 8599 04/20/2021 20210430 134.41 CHECK 458737 TOTAL: 134.41 458738 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 ALAM FAMILY REVOCABLE TRUST, 00126473-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 18.32 CHECK 458738 TOTAL: 18.32 458739 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 ALEXANDER,AL 00080893-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 246.90 CHECK 458739 TOTAL: 246.90 458740 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 BENTDAHL,SHIRLEY 00114820-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 72.47 CHECK 458740 TOTAL: 72.47 458741 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 BJORKLUND,SUSAN 00121102-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 725.31 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/29/2021 14:06User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 27 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 458741 TOTAL: 725.31 458742 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 BONNIE L ARNESON TRUSTEE OF TRUST 00113549-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 225.00 CHECK 458742 TOTAL: 225.00 458743 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 BOONSTRA,BURTON 00084680-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 82.70 CHECK 458743 TOTAL: 82.70 458744 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 BRUSSELL,CAROLE 00091885-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 27.86 CHECK 458744 TOTAL: 27.86 458745 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 CADY,AL 00080897-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 1,793.25 CHECK 458745 TOTAL: 1,793.25 458746 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 CHERNE,TOM 00101736-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 317.96 CHECK 458746 TOTAL: 317.96 458747 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 CHU,MATTHEW 00111541-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 215.00 CHECK 458747 TOTAL: 215.00 458748 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 COTE WOLF,CATHERINE 00124743-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 180.00 CHECK 458748 TOTAL: 180.00 458749 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 COUTURE,OLIVIER 00108636-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 183.37 CHECK 458749 TOTAL: 183.37 458750 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 DEHBASHI,EHSAN 00109878-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 90.23 CHECK 458750 TOTAL: 90.23 458751 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 DEVINE,STEVEN 00124830-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 23.86 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/29/2021 14:06User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 28 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 458751 TOTAL: 23.86 458752 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 DUBOIS,PETER 00119249-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 215.61 CHECK 458752 TOTAL: 215.61 458753 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 DUNN,DANIEL 00101284-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 265.00 CHECK 458753 TOTAL: 265.00 458754 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 EL-GHAZZAWY,KARIM 00121106-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 37.70 CHECK 458754 TOTAL: 37.70 458755 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 EMMERICH,KAROL 00079632-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 8.37 CHECK 458755 TOTAL: 8.37 458756 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 ENGEL,MARK 00122612-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 254.65 CHECK 458756 TOTAL: 254.65 458757 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 ENSRUD,BRUCE 00104131-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 297.13 CHECK 458757 TOTAL: 297.13 458758 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 FRANZEN,DAVID 00084413-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 260.00 CHECK 458758 TOTAL: 260.00 458759 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 GENDREAU, JR,DUANE 00113505-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 35.18 CHECK 458759 TOTAL: 35.18 458760 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 GUIMONT,ROBERT 00092124-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 200.00 CHECK 458760 TOTAL: 200.00 458761 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 HALL,RAYMOND 00084436-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 48.18 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/29/2021 14:06User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 29 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 458761 TOTAL: 48.18 458762 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 HAWTHORNE PLACE EDINA LLC 00127371-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 599.59 CHECK 458762 TOTAL: 599.59 458763 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 HEFFES,BRETT 00119270-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 65.75 CHECK 458763 TOTAL: 65.75 458764 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 HIMABINDU,KALYANAN 00125013-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 124.60 CHECK 458764 TOTAL: 124.60 458765 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 HOLLAND,DAN 00114811-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 23.22 CHECK 458765 TOTAL: 23.22 458766 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 IRBY,BENJAMIN 00120816-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 127.20 CHECK 458766 TOTAL: 127.20 458767 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 JANIGA,EDWARD 00101054-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 30.56 CHECK 458767 TOTAL: 30.56 458768 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 JOHNSON,MELISSA 00077989-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 200.55 CHECK 458768 TOTAL: 200.55 458769 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 KANTER,DANIEL 00123375-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 88.77 CHECK 458769 TOTAL: 88.77 458770 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 KRUEGER,THOMAS 00080639-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 220.00 CHECK 458770 TOTAL: 220.00 458771 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 LAQUERE,MICHAEL 00122898-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 229.91 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/29/2021 14:06User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 30 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 458771 TOTAL: 229.91 458772 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 LITTLE,HEATHER 00092711-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 30.10 CHECK 458772 TOTAL: 30.10 458773 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 LUGO,ALFONSO 00099233-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 101.87 CHECK 458773 TOTAL: 101.87 458774 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 MACFARLANE,BRUCE 00124861-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 322.31 CHECK 458774 TOTAL: 322.31 458775 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 MARCOS,ANTOINE 00125398-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 250.00 CHECK 458775 TOTAL: 250.00 458776 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 MARULASIDDAIAH,SHANTHALA 00118762-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 36.15 CHECK 458776 TOTAL: 36.15 458777 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 MATSON,TEENA 00118759-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 187.65 CHECK 458777 TOTAL: 187.65 458778 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 MCCARTY,JULIE 00126128-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 11.04 CHECK 458778 TOTAL: 11.04 458779 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 MCDONOUGH,JOHANNA 00121760-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 34.50 CHECK 458779 TOTAL: 34.50 458780 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 MCELLIGOTT,CHRISTOPHER 00091031-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 50.10 CHECK 458780 TOTAL: 50.10 458781 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 MCNAMARA,EMILY 00114135-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 350.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/29/2021 14:06User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 31 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 458781 TOTAL: 350.00 458782 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 MENNING,BRIANNA 00124588-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 92.25 CHECK 458782 TOTAL: 92.25 458783 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 MITCHELL,PAULETTE 00079866-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 22.33 CHECK 458783 TOTAL: 22.33 458784 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 MONDRAGON,THOMAS 00121261-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 300.00 CHECK 458784 TOTAL: 300.00 458785 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 MURNAN,SHAWN 00119648-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 88.28 CHECK 458785 TOTAL: 88.28 458786 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 NELSON,JEFF 00108310-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 54.09 CHECK 458786 TOTAL: 54.09 458787 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 NOLTE,GERALD 00083277-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 14.20 CHECK 458787 TOTAL: 14.20 458788 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 NOONAN PROPERTIES LLC IV 00120439-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 47.91 CHECK 458788 TOTAL: 47.91 458789 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 OLSON INTEGRITY REAL ESTATE SERVI 00126263-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 20.64 CHECK 458789 TOTAL: 20.64 458790 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 OLSON,JEFFREY 00121676-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 260.00 CHECK 458790 TOTAL: 260.00 458791 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 OVICK,JACK 00078284-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 169.31 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/29/2021 14:06User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 32 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 458791 TOTAL: 169.31 458792 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 PATEL,HITESH 00124172-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 42.16 CHECK 458792 TOTAL: 42.16 458793 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 PIERCE,PETER 00078418-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 160.00 CHECK 458793 TOTAL: 160.00 458794 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 POLET,ROELAND 00116762-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 354.36 CHECK 458794 TOTAL: 354.36 458795 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 PRO LAND GROUP LLC 00125785-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 13.83 CHECK 458795 TOTAL: 13.83 458796 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 RISSE,JOY 00079063-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 37.20 CHECK 458796 TOTAL: 37.20 458797 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 RL INVESTMENTS, LLC, 00125895-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 200.00 CHECK 458797 TOTAL: 200.00 458798 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 SHARP,HARVEY 00078592-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 472.21 CHECK 458798 TOTAL: 472.21 458799 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 SMITH,JANET 00076525-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 25.74 CHECK 458799 TOTAL: 25.74 458800 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 STAFFORD,DREW 00119527-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 98.52 CHECK 458800 TOTAL: 98.52 458801 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 STARK,NICHOLAS 00120073-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 65.38 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/29/2021 14:06User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 33 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 458801 TOTAL: 65.38 458802 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 SWEET,ALAN 00089108-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 162.18 CHECK 458802 TOTAL: 162.18 458803 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 THERKELSEN,KARA 00115131-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 99.61 CHECK 458803 TOTAL: 99.61 458804 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 THOMAS,GEOFFREY 00118144-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 32.85 CHECK 458804 TOTAL: 32.85 458805 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 THOMSON,ERIC 00104396-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 68.38 CHECK 458805 TOTAL: 68.38 458806 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 THRESHOLD HOLDINGS LLC 00126841-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 36.52 CHECK 458806 TOTAL: 36.52 458807 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 UDSETH,NICOLE 00123226-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 11.23 CHECK 458807 TOTAL: 11.23 458808 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 VALDIVIA,THOMAS 00110989-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 362.02 CHECK 458808 TOTAL: 362.02 458809 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 VANDER BROEK,JODY ELLEN 00123527-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 200.00 CHECK 458809 TOTAL: 200.00 458810 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 VOSBEEK,PETER 00111412-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 125.66 CHECK 458810 TOTAL: 125.66 458811 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 WENDT,MARLENE 00087872-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 168.69 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/29/2021 14:06User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 34 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 458811 TOTAL: 168.69 458812 04/30/2021 PRTD 999997 WYATT,ANDREW 00076766-4/14/21 04/14/2021 20210430 68.85 CHECK 458812 TOTAL: 68.85 458813 04/30/2021 PRTD 104950 PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES LLC 1221-4414 03/31/2021 20210430 1,800.00 CHECK 458813 TOTAL: 1,800.00 458814 04/30/2021 PRTD 100945 PEPSI-COLA COMPANY 66968105 04/09/2021 20210430 242.90 CHECK 458814 TOTAL: 242.90 458815 04/30/2021 PRTD 149249 PEQUOD DISTRIBUTING W-97213 04/08/2021 20210430 929.00 CHECK 458815 TOTAL: 929.00 458816 04/30/2021 PRTD 137833 PEREGRINE AWARDS AND PROMOTIONAL 5969 02/17/2021 20210430 30.00 CHECK 458816 TOTAL: 30.00 458817 04/30/2021 PRTD 100958 PLUNKETT'S PEST CONTROL 7007186 04/01/2021 20210430 108.00 CHECK 458817 TOTAL: 108.00 458818 04/30/2021 PRTD 125979 PRECISE MRM LLC 200-1030343 03/31/2021 20210430 1,100.00 CHECK 458818 TOTAL: 1,100.00 458819 04/30/2021 PRTD 129706 PREMIUM WATERS INC 318076199 03/31/2021 20210430 13.00 CHECK 458819 TOTAL: 13.00 458820 04/30/2021 PRTD 108875 PRESCRIPTION LANDSCAPE 55797 04/01/2021 20210430 1,172.75 PRESCRIPTION LANDSCAPE 55826 04/01/2021 20210430 739.15 CHECK 458820 TOTAL: 1,911.90 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/29/2021 14:06User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 35 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 458821 04/30/2021 PRTD 105690 PRO-TEC DESIGN INC 100496 03/31/2021 20210430 1,287.76 CHECK 458821 TOTAL: 1,287.76 458822 04/30/2021 PRTD 143618 PRYES BREWING COMPANY LLC W-21409 04/08/2021 20210430 229.00 PRYES BREWING COMPANY LLC W-21626 04/14/2021 20210430 229.00 CHECK 458822 TOTAL: 458.00 458823 04/30/2021 PRTD 138267 QUALITY LOCKSMITH INC QLS19811 04/01/2021 20210430 199.11 CHECK 458823 TOTAL: 199.11 458824 04/30/2021 PRTD 100972 R & R SPECIALTIES INC 0072608-IN 03/30/2021 20210430 701.93 CHECK 458824 TOTAL: 701.93 458825 04/30/2021 PRTD 139325 RAFTELIS FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS, I 18630 04/01/2021 20210430 24,089.00 CHECK 458825 TOTAL: 24,089.00 458826 04/30/2021 PRTD 133091 RANGE SERVANT AMERICA INC 105689 03/31/2021 20210430 126.40 CHECK 458826 TOTAL: 126.40 458827 04/30/2021 PRTD 104642 RCM SPECIALTIES INC 7828 03/10/2021 20210430 1,983.99 RCM SPECIALTIES INC 7855 04/02/2021 20210430 1,608.03 CHECK 458827 TOTAL: 3,592.02 458828 04/30/2021 PRTD 138298 RED BULL DISTRIBUTION COMPANY INC K-98718756 04/08/2021 20210430 474.00 CHECK 458828 TOTAL: 474.00 458829 04/30/2021 PRTD 125936 REINDERS INC 3077164-01 03/26/2021 20210430 1,539.77 CHECK 458829 TOTAL: 1,539.77 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/29/2021 14:06User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 36 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 458830 04/30/2021 PRTD 133627 REPUBLIC SERVICES #894 0894-005387611 03/31/2021 20210430 68,126.03 CHECK 458830 TOTAL: 68,126.03 458831 04/30/2021 PRTD 100977 RICHFIELD PLUMBING COMPANY 81883 04/02/2021 20210430 1,139.00 CHECK 458831 TOTAL: 1,139.00 458832 04/30/2021 PRTD 101000 RJM PRINTING INC 113655 02/24/2021 20210430 290.45 CHECK 458832 TOTAL: 290.45 458833 04/30/2021 PRTD 160056 ROMCO, INC 10405300 03/29/2021 20210430 2,500.00 CHECK 458833 TOTAL: 2,500.00 458834 04/30/2021 PRTD 102614 ROTARY INTERNATIONAL EDINA ROTARY 7297 04/02/2021 20210430 265.00 ROTARY INTERNATIONAL EDINA ROTARY 7321 04/02/2021 20210430 305.00 CHECK 458834 TOTAL: 570.00 458835 04/30/2021 PRTD 132210 RUSCIANO GROUP 66336 03/31/2021 20210430 2,244.83 RUSCIANO GROUP 66349 04/02/2021 20210430 755.00 CHECK 458835 TOTAL: 2,999.83 458836 04/30/2021 PRTD 144553 SALTCO LLC 60369 03/31/2021 20210430 343.49 CHECK 458836 TOTAL: 343.49 458837 04/30/2021 PRTD 106322 SCHENCK, DAVID 158676 03/30/2021 20210430 611.16 SCHENCK, DAVID 158688 03/31/2021 20210430 1,446.78 CHECK 458837 TOTAL: 2,057.94 458838 04/30/2021 PRTD 104151 SCHINDLER ELEVATOR CORP 8105592762 04/01/2021 20210430 908.55 CHECK 458838 TOTAL: 908.55 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/29/2021 14:06User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 37 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 458839 04/30/2021 PRTD 100991 SCHWAB VOLLHABER LUBRATT SERVICE INV155820 12/31/2020 20210430 1,821.14 CHECK 458839 TOTAL: 1,821.14 458840 04/30/2021 PRTD 143208 SECURIAN ASSET MANAGEMENT 171855 03/31/2021 20210430 8,653.89 CHECK 458840 TOTAL: 8,653.89 458841 04/30/2021 PRTD 129604 GJKG INC 10346660 04/01/2021 20210430 300.00 CHECK 458841 TOTAL: 300.00 458842 04/30/2021 PRTD 111824 SIDEKICK INC 7635 03/30/2021 20210430 564.89 CHECK 458842 TOTAL: 564.89 458843 04/30/2021 PRTD 137482 SITEONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY LLC 106345457-001 02/14/2021 20210430 -102.75 SITEONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY LLC 107499562-001 04/01/2021 20210430 264.05 CHECK 458843 TOTAL: 161.30 458844 04/30/2021 PRTD 122368 SOUTH METRO PUBLIC SAFETY 9945 04/01/2021 20210430 17,776.00 CHECK 458844 TOTAL: 17,776.00 458845 04/30/2021 PRTD 104408 SPEEDWAY LLC 057501042100 04/01/2021 20210430 20.00 CHECK 458845 TOTAL: 20.00 458846 04/30/2021 PRTD 101004 SPS COMPANIES INC S4448314.001 04/01/2021 20210430 35.69 CHECK 458846 TOTAL: 35.69 458847 04/30/2021 PRTD 146960 STACKED DECK BREWING 002267 04/08/2021 20210430 522.00 STACKED DECK BREWING 002345 04/14/2021 20210430 194.00 STACKED DECK BREWING 002344 04/14/2021 20210430 192.00 CHECK 458847 TOTAL: 908.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/29/2021 14:06User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 38 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 458848 04/30/2021 PRTD 101628 STATE OF MINNESOTA 18-003540 02/05/2019 20210430 81.50 CHECK 458848 TOTAL: 81.50 458849 04/30/2021 PRTD 139006 STATE OF MINNESOTA 00000650305 04/02/2021 20210430 9,022.25 STATE OF MINNESOTA 00000650314 04/02/2021 20210430 9,022.25 CHECK 458849 TOTAL: 18,044.50 458850 04/30/2021 PRTD 139006 BUREAU OF CRIMINAL APPREHENSION 00000649475 03/31/2021 20210430 1,920.00 CHECK 458850 TOTAL: 1,920.00 458851 04/30/2021 PRTD 133068 STEEL TOE BREWING LLC 39463 04/14/2021 20210430 132.00 STEEL TOE BREWING LLC 39462 04/14/2021 20210430 405.00 CHECK 458851 TOTAL: 537.00 458852 04/30/2021 PRTD 124029 STERICYCLE 8181720258 03/31/2021 20210430 697.45 CHECK 458852 TOTAL: 697.45 458853 04/30/2021 PRTD 101017 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET 133170 03/29/2021 20210430 46.16 CHECK 458853 TOTAL: 46.16 458854 04/30/2021 PRTD 141066 SW LAWN AND SNOW LLC 2216 04/01/2021 20210430 1,440.00 CHECK 458854 TOTAL: 1,440.00 458855 04/30/2021 PRTD 142316 T-MOBILE USA INC 8578 03/27/2021 20210430 35.00 CHECK 458855 TOTAL: 35.00 458856 04/30/2021 PRTD 104932 TAYLOR MADE 34882097 03/30/2021 20210430 54.65 CHECK 458856 TOTAL: 54.65 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/29/2021 14:06User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 39 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 458857 04/30/2021 PRTD 160031 ZACHARY J. GIONET 0000140 02/05/2021 20210430 575.00 CHECK 458857 TOTAL: 575.00 458858 04/30/2021 PRTD 102798 THOMSON REUTERS - WEST 844112733 04/01/2021 20210430 715.00 THOMSON REUTERS - WEST 843788319 03/03/2021 20210430 715.00 CHECK 458858 TOTAL: 1,430.00 458859 04/30/2021 PRTD 101826 THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR CORP 3005847020 04/01/2021 20210430 611.19 CHECK 458859 TOTAL: 611.19 458860 04/30/2021 PRTD 123129 TIMESAVER OFF SITE SECRETARIAL IN M26330 03/31/2021 20210430 784.00 CHECK 458860 TOTAL: 784.00 458861 04/30/2021 PRTD 103277 TITAN MACHINERY INC 15310258 GP 03/30/2021 20210430 205.00 CHECK 458861 TOTAL: 205.00 458862 04/30/2021 PRTD 101038 TOLL COMPANY 40134860 03/31/2021 20210430 34.04 CHECK 458862 TOTAL: 34.04 458863 04/30/2021 PRTD 122302 TOUCHPOINT LOGIC LLC 5067 04/01/2021 20210430 155.00 CHECK 458863 TOTAL: 155.00 458864 04/30/2021 PRTD 136342 TRAVISMATHEW LLC 90190681 03/16/2021 20210430 1,652.51 TRAVISMATHEW LLC 90196347 03/26/2021 20210430 140.92 CHECK 458864 TOTAL: 1,793.43 458865 04/30/2021 PRTD 102150 TWIN CITY SEED CO 48938 03/30/2021 20210430 195.00 CHECK 458865 TOTAL: 195.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/29/2021 14:06User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 40 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 458866 04/30/2021 PRTD 146436 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 045-334130 03/26/2021 20210430 4,130.00 CHECK 458866 TOTAL: 4,130.00 458867 04/30/2021 PRTD 103973 ULINE INC 132044410 04/01/2021 20210430 295.39 CHECK 458867 TOTAL: 295.39 458868 04/30/2021 PRTD 134220 US DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 3003766880 04/01/2021 20210430 3,047.65 CHECK 458868 TOTAL: 3,047.65 458869 04/30/2021 PRTD 114236 USA BLUE BOOK 533073 03/16/2021 20210430 79.90 USA BLUE BOOK 556078 03/29/2021 20210430 148.99 CHECK 458869 TOTAL: 228.89 458870 04/30/2021 PRTD 100050 USPS 9050 04/26/2021 20210430 5,235.70 CHECK 458870 TOTAL: 5,235.70 458871 04/30/2021 PRTD 101058 VAN PAPER COMPANY 569699-00 03/29/2021 20210430 514.08 VAN PAPER COMPANY 569878-00 03/30/2021 20210430 608.83 VAN PAPER COMPANY 569882-00 03/30/2021 20210430 56.02 VAN PAPER COMPANY 569883-00 03/30/2021 20210430 769.69 VAN PAPER COMPANY 569881-00 03/30/2021 20210430 476.78 VAN PAPER COMPANY 569885-00 03/30/2021 20210430 108.47 VAN PAPER COMPANY 569880-00 03/30/2021 20210430 203.19 VAN PAPER COMPANY 569699-01 04/02/2021 20210430 97.92 CHECK 458871 TOTAL: 2,834.98 458872 04/30/2021 PRTD 144209 VENN BREWING COMPANY LLC 2449 04/08/2021 20210430 351.00 VENN BREWING COMPANY LLC 2450 04/08/2021 20210430 355.50 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/29/2021 14:06User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 41 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 458872 TOTAL: 706.50 458873 04/30/2021 PRTD 101066 VIKING ELECTRIC SUPPLY S004555024.001 03/29/2021 20210430 33.76 CHECK 458873 TOTAL: 33.76 458874 04/30/2021 PRTD 144654 VINEYARD VINES LLC 1190186 03/31/2021 20210430 90.64 VINEYARD VINES LLC 1190355 03/31/2021 20210430 86.64 CHECK 458874 TOTAL: 177.28 458875 04/30/2021 PRTD 119454 VINOCOPIA INC 0276737-IN 04/08/2021 20210430 151.25 VINOCOPIA INC 0276736-IN 04/08/2021 20210430 151.25 VINOCOPIA INC 0276738-IN 04/08/2021 20210430 132.00 CHECK 458875 TOTAL: 434.50 458876 04/30/2021 PRTD 143468 VONDENKAMP, MARK 000602 04/13/2021 20210430 234.00 VONDENKAMP, MARK 000603 04/14/2021 20210430 162.00 CHECK 458876 TOTAL: 396.00 458877 04/30/2021 PRTD 151681 WALKER LAWN CARE INC 8627 04/01/2021 20210430 13,520.00 WALKER LAWN CARE INC 8630 04/02/2021 20210430 19,863.00 CHECK 458877 TOTAL: 33,383.00 458878 04/30/2021 PRTD 100183 WASHINGTON COUNTY 187433 03/30/2021 20210430 1,596.67 CHECK 458878 TOTAL: 1,596.67 458879 04/30/2021 PRTD 123616 WATER CONSERVATION SERVICES INC 11269 03/31/2021 20210430 314.36 CHECK 458879 TOTAL: 314.36 458880 04/30/2021 PRTD 127990 WESTWOOD HILLS NATURE CENTER 1549 03/30/2021 20210430 165.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/29/2021 14:06User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 42 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET CHECK 458880 TOTAL: 165.00 458881 04/30/2021 PRTD 101033 WINE COMPANY 169279 04/14/2021 20210430 1,507.45 WINE COMPANY 169280 04/14/2021 20210430 853.15 WINE COMPANY 169281 04/14/2021 20210430 1,310.95 WINE COMPANY 169292 04/14/2021 20210430 856.40 CHECK 458881 TOTAL: 4,527.95 458882 04/30/2021 PRTD 124503 WINSUPPLY EDEN PRAIRIE MN CO 208267-01 03/31/2021 20210430 39.91 WINSUPPLY EDEN PRAIRIE MN CO 208394-01 04/01/2021 20210430 30.17 CHECK 458882 TOTAL: 70.08 458883 04/30/2021 PRTD 148067 WITLINGO INC INV-COE-042021 04/01/2021 20210430 250.00 CHECK 458883 TOTAL: 250.00 458884 04/30/2021 PRTD 142162 WOODEN HILL BREWING COMPANY LLC 2666 04/02/2021 20210430 176.40 WOODEN HILL BREWING COMPANY LLC 2668 04/02/2021 20210430 403.80 WOODEN HILL BREWING COMPANY LLC 2680 04/09/2021 20210430 287.10 WOODEN HILL BREWING COMPANY LLC 2678 04/09/2021 20210430 119.40 WOODEN HILL BREWING COMPANY LLC 2679 04/09/2021 20210430 310.50 CHECK 458884 TOTAL: 1,297.20 458885 04/30/2021 PRTD 127774 WORLDWIDE CELLARS INC R21-51225 04/13/2021 20210430 277.54 CHECK 458885 TOTAL: 277.54 458886 04/30/2021 PRTD 103410 WW GOETSCH ASSOCIATES INC 105910 03/22/2021 20210430 9,000.00 WW GOETSCH ASSOCIATES INC 105908 03/22/2021 20210430 6,014.00 CHECK 458886 TOTAL: 15,014.00 City of Edina, MN A/P CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL Report generated: 04/29/2021 14:06User: LJeffersonProgram ID: apcshdsb Page 43 CASH ACCOUNT: 9999 1012 Control BS - CashAP CHECK NO CHK DATE TYPE VENDOR NAME INVOICE INV DATE PO CHECK RUN NET 458887 04/30/2021 PRTD 101103 WW GRAINGER 9853797133 03/31/2021 20210430 4.12 WW GRAINGER 9855975554 04/01/2021 20210430 53.02 CHECK 458887 TOTAL: 57.14 458888 04/30/2021 PRTD 101091 ZIEGLER INC IN000004327 02/24/2021 20210430 606.78 CHECK 458888 TOTAL: 606.78 458889 04/30/2021 PRTD 136192 ZOLL MEDICAL CORPORATION 3262903 04/02/2021 20210430 548.70 CHECK 458889 TOTAL: 548.70 NUMBER OF CHECKS 309 *** CASH ACCOUNT TOTAL *** 1,824,073.42 COUNT AMOUNT TOTAL PRINTED CHECKS 309 1,824,073.42 *** GRAND TOTAL *** 1,824,073.42 Date: May 4, 2021 Agenda Item #: VI.C. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Don Uram, Finance Director Item Activity: Subject:Resolution No. 2021-38: Providing for the Sale of $14,505,000 General Obligation Bonds Series 2021A Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Resolution No. 2021-38 providing for the sale of $14,505,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2021A. INTRODUCTION: Projects scheduled for 2021 include: 1. Melody Lake A&B, Grandview A, Birchcrest C and Creek Knoll A&B – reconstruction of local bituminous and concrete streets, replacement of existing concrete curb and gutter, installation of new concrete curb and gutter, construction of new concrete sidewalk and localized rehabilitation of the sanitary sewer, watermain and storm sewer systems. 2. Grandview 2 TIF Area Improvements - reconstruction of local bituminous and concrete streets, localized rehabilitation of the sanitary sewer system and improvements to the Grandview Parking Ramp including the construction of a pedestrian bridge connection to Acadia Avenue. Proposed uses of funds are: 1. $6.16M for 2021 local street improvements and paid from special assessments over 15 yrs. 2. $8.345M for local street and parking ramp improvements including the pedestrian bridge paid for using Grandview 2 TIF collections over 20 years. Following Council approval, staff and Ehlers will prepare documents for the debt issue, conduct bond rating agency presentations, and accept and open bids. T he results of the bond sale will be presented to the City Council at the June 1, 2021 meeting. ATTACHMENTS: Description Resolution No. 2021-38: Providing for the Sale of $14,505,000 General Obligation Bond Series 2021A Bond Presale Report Resolution No. 2021-38 Providing for the Sale of $14,505,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2021A WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota has heretofore determined that it is necessary and expedient to issue the City’s estimated $14,505,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2021A (the “Bonds”) to provide financing for a portion of the costs associated with various 2021 street and utility improvement projects and public improvements supporting the Grandview 2 Redevelopment Tax Increment Financing District; and WHEREAS, the City has retained Ehlers & Associates, Inc. in Roseville, Minnesota (“Ehlers”) as its independent municipal advisor for the Bonds in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.60, Subdivision 2(9); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: 1. Authorization. The City Council hereby authorizes Ehlers to assist the City for the sale of the Bonds. 2. Meeting; Proposal Opening. The City Council shall meet at 7:00 p.m. on June 1, 2021, for the purpose of considering proposals for and awarding the sale of the Bonds. 3. Official Statement. In connection with said sale, the officers or employees of the City are hereby authorized to participate, in cooperation with Ehlers, in the preparation of an official statement for the Bonds and to execute and deliver it on behalf of the City upon its completion. Passed and adopted this 4th day of May 2021. ATTEST: __________________________ _______________________________ Sharon Allison, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of May 4, 2021 and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this ______ day of __________, 20___. _______________________________ City Clerk • • • • • • • • • • • City of Edina, Minnesota $14,505,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2021A Issue Summary Assumes Current Market AAA Rates plus 30bps Total Issue Sources And Uses Dated 06/24/2021 | Delivered 06/24/2021 PIR TIF Issue Summary Sources Of Funds Par Amount of Bonds $6,160,000.00 $8,345,000.00 $14,505,000.00 2021 Grandview 2 TIF Fund Revenues -400,000.00 400,000.00 Total Sources $6,160,000.00 $8,745,000.00 $14,905,000.00 Uses Of Funds Underwriter's Discount Allowance (0.90%)55,440.00 75,105.00 130,545.00 Estimated Costs of Issuance 52,235.78 70,764.22 123,000.00 Deposit to Capitalized Interest Fund (CIF)151,694.90 -151,694.90 Deposit to Project Construction Fund 5,896,939.84 8,600,726.83 14,497,666.67 Rounding Amount 3,689.48 (1,596.05)2,093.43 Total Uses $6,160,000.00 $8,745,000.00 $14,905,000.00 Series 2021A GO Bonds - P | Issue Summary | 4/30/2021 | 8:46 AM City of Edina, Minnesota $14,505,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2021A Issue Summary Assumes Current Market AAA Rates plus 30bps Debt Service Schedule Date Principal Coupon Interest Total P+I Fiscal Total 06/24/2021 ----- 02/01/2022 --145,233.28 145,233.28 145,233.28 08/01/2022 --120,470.00 120,470.00 - 02/01/2023 345,000.00 0.550%120,470.00 465,470.00 585,940.00 08/01/2023 --119,521.25 119,521.25 - 02/01/2024 725,000.00 0.650%119,521.25 844,521.25 964,042.50 08/01/2024 --117,165.00 117,165.00 - 02/01/2025 730,000.00 0.750%117,165.00 847,165.00 964,330.00 08/01/2025 --114,427.50 114,427.50 - 02/01/2026 740,000.00 0.950%114,427.50 854,427.50 968,855.00 08/01/2026 --110,912.50 110,912.50 - 02/01/2027 745,000.00 1.050%110,912.50 855,912.50 966,825.00 08/01/2027 --107,001.25 107,001.25 - 02/01/2028 750,000.00 1.200%107,001.25 857,001.25 964,002.50 08/01/2028 --102,501.25 102,501.25 - 02/01/2029 760,000.00 1.350%102,501.25 862,501.25 965,002.50 08/01/2029 --97,371.25 97,371.25 - 02/01/2030 770,000.00 1.400%97,371.25 867,371.25 964,742.50 08/01/2030 --91,981.25 91,981.25 - 02/01/2031 780,000.00 1.550%91,981.25 871,981.25 963,962.50 08/01/2031 --85,936.25 85,936.25 - 02/01/2032 790,000.00 1.700%85,936.25 875,936.25 961,872.50 08/01/2032 --79,221.25 79,221.25 - 02/01/2033 810,000.00 1.800%79,221.25 889,221.25 968,442.50 08/01/2033 --71,931.25 71,931.25 - 02/01/2034 820,000.00 1.900%71,931.25 891,931.25 963,862.50 08/01/2034 --64,141.25 64,141.25 - 02/01/2035 835,000.00 2.000%64,141.25 899,141.25 963,282.50 08/01/2035 --55,791.25 55,791.25 - 02/01/2036 855,000.00 2.050%55,791.25 910,791.25 966,582.50 08/01/2036 --47,027.50 47,027.50 - 02/01/2037 870,000.00 2.100%47,027.50 917,027.50 964,055.00 08/01/2037 --37,892.50 37,892.50 - 02/01/2038 890,000.00 2.150%37,892.50 927,892.50 965,785.00 08/01/2038 --28,325.00 28,325.00 - 02/01/2039 435,000.00 2.300%28,325.00 463,325.00 491,650.00 08/01/2039 --23,322.50 23,322.50 - 02/01/2040 445,000.00 2.400%23,322.50 468,322.50 491,645.00 08/01/2040 --17,982.50 17,982.50 - 02/01/2041 460,000.00 2.500%17,982.50 477,982.50 495,965.00 08/01/2041 --12,232.50 12,232.50 - 02/01/2042 470,000.00 2.550%12,232.50 482,232.50 494,465.00 08/01/2042 --6,240.00 6,240.00 - 02/01/2043 480,000.00 2.600%6,240.00 486,240.00 492,480.00 Total $14,505,000.00 -$3,168,023.28 $17,673,023.28 - Yield Statistics Bond Year Dollars $162,803.29 Average Life 11.224 Years Average Coupon 1.9459209% Net Interest Cost (NIC)2.0261066% True Interest Cost (TIC)2.0152042% Bond Yield for Arbitrage Purposes 1.9239634% All Inclusive Cost (AIC)2.1007841% IRS Form 8038 Net Interest Cost 1.9459209% Weighted Average Maturity 11.224 Years Series 2021A GO Bonds - P | Issue Summary | 4/30/2021 | 8:46 AM City of Edina, Minnesota $6,160,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2021A PIR Portion Assumes Current Market AAA Rates plus 30bps Debt Service Schedule Date Principal Coupon Interest Total P+I CIF Net New D/S 105% of Total 02/01/2022 --57,049.90 57,049.90 (57,049.90)---- 02/01/2023 --94,645.00 94,645.00 (94,645.00)---- 02/01/2024 375,000.00 0.650%94,645.00 469,645.00 -469,645.00 493,127.25 509,634.94 (16,507.69) 02/01/2025 380,000.00 0.750%92,207.50 472,207.50 -472,207.50 495,817.88 509,634.93 (13,817.06) 02/01/2026 385,000.00 0.950%89,357.50 474,357.50 -474,357.50 498,075.38 509,634.93 (11,559.56) 02/01/2027 385,000.00 1.050%85,700.00 470,700.00 -470,700.00 494,235.00 509,634.94 (15,399.94) 02/01/2028 390,000.00 1.200%81,657.50 471,657.50 -471,657.50 495,240.38 509,634.94 (14,394.57) 02/01/2029 395,000.00 1.350%76,977.50 471,977.50 -471,977.50 495,576.38 509,634.94 (14,058.57) 02/01/2030 400,000.00 1.400%71,645.00 471,645.00 -471,645.00 495,227.25 509,634.93 (14,407.68) 02/01/2031 405,000.00 1.550%66,045.00 471,045.00 -471,045.00 494,597.25 509,634.94 (15,037.69) 02/01/2032 410,000.00 1.700%59,767.50 469,767.50 -469,767.50 493,255.88 509,634.93 (16,379.06) 02/01/2033 420,000.00 1.800%52,797.50 472,797.50 -472,797.50 496,437.38 509,634.94 (13,197.57) 02/01/2034 425,000.00 1.900%45,237.50 470,237.50 -470,237.50 493,749.38 509,634.94 (15,885.57) 02/01/2035 435,000.00 2.000%37,162.50 472,162.50 -472,162.50 495,770.63 509,634.94 (13,864.32) 02/01/2036 445,000.00 2.050%28,462.50 473,462.50 -473,462.50 497,135.63 509,634.93 (12,499.31) 02/01/2037 450,000.00 2.100%19,340.00 469,340.00 -469,340.00 492,807.00 509,634.94 (16,827.94) 02/01/2038 460,000.00 2.150%9,890.00 469,890.00 -469,890.00 493,384.50 509,634.95 (16,250.45) Total $6,160,000.00 -$1,062,587.40 $7,222,587.40 (151,694.90)$7,070,892.50 $7,424,437.13 $7,644,524.06 (220,086.93) Significant Dates Dated 6/24/2021 First Coupon Date 2/01/2022 Yield Statistics Bond Year Dollars $60,833.11 Average Life 9.876 Years Average Coupon 1.7467254% Net Interest Cost (NIC)1.8378600% True Interest Cost (TIC)1.8348141% Bond Yield for Arbitrage Purposes 1.9239634% All Inclusive Cost (AIC)1.9294442% Series 2021A GO Bonds - P | PIR | 4/30/2021 | 8:46 AM Estimated Assessment Revenue Levy Coverage Calculation City of Edina, Minnesota $8,345,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2021A TIF Portion Assumes Current Market AAA Rates Plus 30bps Debt Service Schedule Date Principal Coupon Interest Total P+I 105% of Total 02/01/2022 --88,183.38 88,183.38 92,592.55 92,592.55 - 02/01/2023 345,000.00 0.550%146,295.00 491,295.00 515,859.75 521,000.00 (5,140.25) 02/01/2024 350,000.00 0.650%144,397.50 494,397.50 519,117.38 521,000.00 (1,882.63) 02/01/2025 350,000.00 0.750%142,122.50 492,122.50 516,728.63 521,000.00 (4,271.38) 02/01/2026 355,000.00 0.950%139,497.50 494,497.50 519,222.38 521,000.00 (1,777.63) 02/01/2027 360,000.00 1.050%136,125.00 496,125.00 520,931.25 521,000.00 (68.75) 02/01/2028 360,000.00 1.200%132,345.00 492,345.00 516,962.25 521,000.00 (4,037.75) 02/01/2029 365,000.00 1.350%128,025.00 493,025.00 517,676.25 521,000.00 (3,323.75) 02/01/2030 370,000.00 1.400%123,097.50 493,097.50 517,752.38 521,000.00 (3,247.63) 02/01/2031 375,000.00 1.550%117,917.50 492,917.50 517,563.38 521,000.00 (3,436.63) 02/01/2032 380,000.00 1.700%112,105.00 492,105.00 516,710.25 521,000.00 (4,289.75) 02/01/2033 390,000.00 1.800%105,645.00 495,645.00 520,427.25 521,000.00 (572.75) 02/01/2034 395,000.00 1.900%98,625.00 493,625.00 518,306.25 521,000.00 (2,693.75) 02/01/2035 400,000.00 2.000%91,120.00 491,120.00 515,676.00 521,000.00 (5,324.00) 02/01/2036 410,000.00 2.050%83,120.00 493,120.00 517,776.00 521,000.00 (3,224.00) 02/01/2037 420,000.00 2.100%74,715.00 494,715.00 519,450.75 521,000.00 (1,549.25) 02/01/2038 430,000.00 2.150%65,895.00 495,895.00 520,689.75 521,000.00 (310.25) 02/01/2039 435,000.00 2.300%56,650.00 491,650.00 516,232.50 521,000.00 (4,767.50) 02/01/2040 445,000.00 2.400%46,645.00 491,645.00 516,227.25 521,000.00 (4,772.75) 02/01/2041 460,000.00 2.500%35,965.00 495,965.00 520,763.25 521,000.00 (236.75) 02/01/2042 470,000.00 2.550%24,465.00 494,465.00 519,188.25 521,000.00 (1,811.75) 02/01/2043 480,000.00 2.600%12,480.00 492,480.00 517,104.00 521,000.00 (3,896.00) Total $8,345,000.00 -$2,105,435.88 $10,450,435.88 $10,972,957.67 $11,033,592.55 (60,634.88) Significant Dates Dated 6/24/2021 First Coupon Date 2/01/2022 Yield Statistics Bond Year Dollars $101,970.18 Average Life 12.219 Years Average Coupon 2.0647564% Net Interest Cost (NIC)2.1384103% True Interest Cost (TIC)2.1259406% Bond Yield for Arbitrage Purposes 1.9239634% All Inclusive Cost (AIC)2.2061316% Series 2021A GO Bonds - P | TIF | 4/30/2021 | 8:46 AM Levy Coverage Calculation Grandview 2 TIF Revenue Contribution Date: May 4, 2021 Agenda Item #: VI.D. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Request For Purchase From:Aaron T. Ditzler, PE, Assistant City Engineer Item Activity: Subject:Request for Purchase: Construction Materials Testing for Melody Lake Roadway Reconstruction Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Request for Purchase for Construction Materials Testing for Melody Lake Roadway Reconstruction with Braun Intertec for $49,999. INTRODUCTION: The construction contract for the project was awarded by the City Council on April 20, 2021. Braun Intertec will perform sampling, field and laboratory testing for concrete, bituminous and aggregate materials to meet City standards. See attached detailed Request for Purchase. ATTACHMENTS: Description Request for Purchase: Construction Materials Testing for Melody Lake Roadway Reconstruction Contract Request for Purchase Requisition Number 1 CITY OF EDINA 4801 W 50th St., Edina, MN 55424 www.EdinaMN.gov | 952-927-8861 12100095 Department:Engineering Buyer:Aaron Ditzler Date: 04/26/2021 Requisition Description:Construction Materials Testing ENG 21-2 Melody Lake Vendor:BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION Cost:$49,999.00 REPLACEMENT or NEW:- PURCHASE SOURCE:SERVIC K - SERVICE CONTRACT DESCRIPTION: Material testing services associated with ENG 21-1 The project involves reconstruction of local asphalt streets, replacement of existing concrete curb and gutter, installation of new concrete curb and gutter, construction of new concrete sidewalk and localized rehabilitation of the sanitary sewer, watermain and storm sewer systems in the neighborhood. The project area includes Abbott Place, Beard Avenue, Beard Court, Drew Avenue, Ewing Circle, Fuller Street, West 54th Street and West 55th Street. BUDGET IMPACT: Funding is from a combination of funds. The improvements are listed in the 2021-2026 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) under CIP numbers 17-024, 17-026, 19-319 and 19-320.The improvements will be funded by special assessments, respective utility funds and the Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety (PACS) fund. Cost Comparison Table (includes indirect costs for finance, engineering, administration, and contingency) • CIP Project Cost Estimate $3,916,298 •Preliminary Engineering Report Project Cost Estimate $3,886,231• Low Bid Project Cost Estimate $3,569,584 Environmental Impact - item specific: N/A Service Contract 2 COMMUNITY IMPACT: This project will provide premier, long term core service facilities and provide access and mobility for all transportation modes while enhancing safety and convenience. It is necessary to improve the infrastructure and comply with the City’s Living Streets Policy as well as Vision Edina’s mission statement to “provide effective and valued public services and maintain a sound public infrastructure”. AA/EOE Braun Intertec Corporation 11001 Hampshire Avenue S Minneapolis, MN 55438 Phone: 952.995.2000 Fax: 952.995.2020 Web: braunintertec.com April 26, 2021 Proposal QTB137414 Aaron Ditzler, PE City of Edina 7450 Metro Boulevard Edina, MN 55439 Re: Proposal for Construction Materials Testing Services Melody Lake A & B, Grandview A, Birchcrest C Neighborhood Reconstruction ENG 21-2, BA-457, STS-457, WM-587, SS-522, S-162 Edina, Minnesota Dear Mr. Ditzler: Braun Intertec Corporation is pleased to submit this proposal to provide construction materials testing services for the Melody Lake A & B, Grandview A and Birchcrest C Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction Project in Edina, Minnesota. We have completed the geotechnical evaluation for this project, so we have a unique understanding of the site and construction challenges. We can aid the construction team by applying this experience and transferring our knowledge developed during the design phase which will provide professional continuity to the construction. Our work on the project to date gives us familiarity with the project team and design development which allows us to understand some of the considerations used when developing the project’s design Since our inception in 1957, we have grown into one of the largest employee owned engineering firms in the nation. With more than 1,000 employee owners, retaining our firm gives you access to a diverse range of services and professionals you can consult with if the unforeseen occurs. The size of our company also allows us to respond quickly when schedule constraints occur. Our Understanding of Project This project will include reconstructing the streets within the Melody Lake A & B, Grandview A, Birchcrest C neighborhoods. The construction will include pavement subgrade preparation, full depth reclamation, aggregate base placement, new concrete curb and gutter, sidewalk, and driveways along with a new bituminous pavement. Improvements to the sanitary, storm, and water main utilities will also be part of this project, as well as construction of a modular block wall and RSS wall. Available Project Information This proposal was prepared using the following documents and information. ▪ Project plans and specifications prepared by the City of Edina, dated March 10, 2021. City of Edina Proposal QTB137414 April 26, 2021 Page 2 ▪ Discussions with Aaron Ditzler with the City of Edina regarding testing rates for aggregate base gradations and modular block wall compaction testing, along with testing requirements for bituminous driveway mix. Scope of Services Services are performed under the direction of a licensed professional engineer. Observation and testing services will be performed on an on-call, as-needed basis as requested and scheduled by you or your on- site project representative. After reviewing available information to determine compliance with project plans and/or specifications and other design or construction documents, our scope of services for the project will be limited to the tasks defined below. Soil Related Services ▪ Observe and evaluate the soils exposed in the bottoms of excavations to determine if the soils are similar to those encountered with the geotechnical evaluation and suitable for support of fill, foundations or pavements. Our engineer can provide consultation for conditions that appear to differ from the geotechnical evaluation. ▪ Measure the in-place dry density, moisture content and relative compaction of modular block wall foundation soils and fill placed for the RSS wall for compliance with the project documents. This task includes performing laboratory Proctor tests to provide maximum dry densities from which the relative compaction of fill can be determined, as well as the use of a nuclear density gauge to measure in-place dry densities and moisture contents. ▪ Sample and test granular borrow, select granular borrow modified 10 percent, coarse filter aggregate, 3 inches minus stabilizing aggregate, full depth reclamation and aggregate base materials for compliance with the project documents. This task includes laboratory gradation testing of aggregate base material. ▪ Perform MnDOT dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP) tests on aggregate base material used as modular block wall leveling pad. Concrete Related Services ▪ Sample and test fresh concrete associated with pavement and/or curb-and-gutter for compliance with the project documents, and cast test cylinders for laboratory compressive strength testing. We assume that we will be able to appropriately dispose of excess concrete (and associated wash water) on site at no additional cost to us. ▪ Measure and report the compressive strength of the concrete test cylinders for compliance with the project documents. A set of three cylinders will be tested at 28 days for each set cast. If field cure cylinders are requested, each additional cylinder will be charged at the unit price listed in our cost estimate. City of Edina Proposal QTB137414 April 26, 2021 Page 3 Bituminous Related Services ▪ Sample and test bituminous pavement materials for compliance with the project documents. This task includes asphalt content and extracted aggregate gradation tests of the bituminous. Consulting, Project Communication and Reporting Services ▪ Project management, including scheduling of our field personnel. ▪ Review observation and test reports, and communicating with you and the parties you may designate such as the project contractor(s), and other project team members, as needed. ▪ Transmit test results to the project team on a weekly basis. Basis of Scope of Work The costs associated with the proposed scope of services were estimated using the following assumptions. If the construction schedule is modified or the contractor completes the various phases of the project at different frequencies or durations than shown in this proposal, we may need to adjust the overall cost accordingly. The scope of work and number of trips required to perform these services are as shown in the attached table. Notable assumptions in developing our estimate include: ▪ We assume it will take eight trips to complete the nuclear density gauge testing on this project. ▪ We assume compaction testing on aggregate base material used as modular block wall leveling pad will be performed using the Dynamic Cone Penetration (DCP) method; a minimum of three tests will be conducted each trip with one trip assumed. ▪ We assume two topsoil tests will be required to complete the project. ▪ We assume sixty-six sets of concrete tests will be required to complete the project. ▪ We assume the rebar observations before concrete placements will be completed by the project representative’s construction oversight manager. ▪ We assume your full time on-site construction observer will observe the test rolling for this project. ▪ We assume sixteen sets of bituminous tests will be required to complete the project. Based on MnDOT’s 2360 specification “ordinary compaction” we assume the contractor will provide the rolling pattern for the compaction requirements for the project. ▪ We assume the project engineer of record will review and approve contractor’s quality control submittals and test results. City of Edina Proposal QTB137414 April 26, 2021 Page 4 ▪ You, or others you may designate, will provide us with current and approved plans and specifications for the project. Modification to these plans must also be sent to us so we can review their incorporation into the work. ▪ We will require a minimum of 24 hours’ notice for scheduling inspections for a specific time. Shorter than 24 hours’ notice may impact our ability to perform the requested services, and the associated impacts will be the responsibility of others. ▪ We understand the embankment, backfill and aggregate base compaction specification for this project will follow the city’s and MnDOT’s “quality compaction” requirement. We have provided unit rates for nuclear density testing including proctor testing and DCP testing if requested by the city to perform these tests. Cost for this have not been included in the cost estimate. If the work is completed at different rates than described above, this proposal should be revised. If the pace of construction is different than described above, this proposal should be revised. Cost and Invoicing We will furnish the services described herein for an estimated fee of $49,999. Our estimated costs are based on industry averages for construction production. Depending on the contractor’s performance, our costs may be significantly reduced or slightly higher than estimated. A tabulation showing our estimated hourly and/or unit rates associated with our proposed scope of services is also attached. The actual cost of our services will be based on the actual units or hours expended to meet the requirements of the project documents. This cost estimate was developed with the understanding that the scope of services defined herein will be required and requested during our normal work hours of 6:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Services that we are asked to provide to meet the project requirements or the contractor’s construction schedule outside our normal business hours will be invoiced using an overtime rate factor. The factor for services provided outside our normal work hours or on Saturday will be 1.25 times the listed hourly rate for the service provided. The factor for services provided on Sunday or legal holidays will be 1.5 times the listed hourly rate for the service provided. We have not included premiums for overtime in our cost estimate; however, we recommend that allowances and contingencies be made for overtime charges based on conversations with the contractor. You will be billed only for services provided on a time and materials basis. Because our services are directly controlled by the schedule and performance of others, the actual cost may vary from our estimate. It is difficult to project all of the services and the quantity of services that may be required for any project. If services are required that are not discussed above, we will provide them at the rates shown in the attached table or, if not shown, at our current Schedule of Charges. We will invoice you on a monthly basis. City of Edina Proposal QTB137414 April 26, 2021 Page 5 General Remarks We will be happy to meet with you to discuss our proposed scope of services further and clarify the various scope components. We appreciate the opportunity to present this proposal to you. After reviewing this proposal, please sign and return one copy to our office as notification of acceptance and authorization to proceed. If anything in this proposal is not consistent with your requirements, please let us know immediately. Braun Intertec will not release any written reports until we have received a signed agreement. Also, ordering services from Braun Intertec constitutes acceptance of the terms of this proposal including the attached General Conditions. The proposed fee is based on the scope of services described and the assumption that our services will be authorized within 30 days and that others will not delay us beyond our proposed schedule. City of Edina Proposal QTB137414 April 26, 2021 Page 6 We include the Braun Intertec General Conditions, which provide additional terms and are a part of our agreement. To have questions answered or schedule a time to meet and discuss our approach to this project further, please contact Colin Keane at 612.704.2674 (ckeane@braunintertec.com) or Andrew Valerius at 952.995.2242 (avalerius@braunintertec.com). Sincerely, BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION Colin M. Keane Staff Engineer Andrew M. Valerius Account Leader, Senior Project Manager Charles M. Cadenhead, Jr., PE Vice President, Principal Engineer Attachments: Cost Estimate Table General Conditions – CMT (1/1/18) The proposal is accepted. We will reimburse you in accordance with this agreement, and you are authorized to proceed: Authorizer’s Firm Authorizer’s Signature Authorizer’s Name (please print or type) Authorizer’s Title Date Client:Service Description:Work Site Address: West 56th Street, West 57th Street, West 58th Street, West 59th Street, Bernard Place, Code Avenue, Dale Avenue, Eastview Drive, Grove Street, Hansen Road, Josephine Avenue, Melody Lane, Melody Lake Drive, Tingdale Avenue, and Windsor Avenue Edina, M City of Edina Aaron Ditzler 7450 Metro Blvd Edina, MN 55439 (926) 826-0300 Construction Materials Testing BA-457, S-162,SS-522, STS-457, WM-587 Description Quantity Units Unit Price Extension Phase 1 Construction Materials Testing Activity 1.1 Soil Testing $12,338.00 207 Compaction Testing - Nuclear 20.00 Hour 82.00 $1,640.00 Work Activity Detail Qty Units Hrs/Unit Extension RSS Wall Backfill 7.00 Trips 2.50 17.50 PMBW Subgrade 1.00 Trips 2.50 2.50 1308 Nuclear moisture-density meter charge, per hour 20.00 Each 24.00 $480.00 1861 CMT Trip Charge 31.00 Each 23.00 $713.00 217 Compaction Testing - Sandcone & DCP's 3.00 Hour 82.00 $246.00 Work Activity Detail Qty Units Hrs/Unit Extension CL-5 Leveling Pad - PMBW 1.00 Trips 3.00 3.00 1530AG Asphalt Content of Aggregate Base, per sample 3.00 Each 150.00 $450.00 209 Sample pick-up 27.00 Hour 82.00 $2,214.00 Work Activity Detail Qty Units Hrs/Unit Extension CL-5 Aggregate Base 10.00 Trips 1.50 15.00 Granular Borrow - Utility Backfill 1.00 Trips 1.50 1.50 3" Minus Stabilizing Aggregate 1.00 Trips 1.50 1.50 Topsoil 2.00 Trips 1.50 3.00 Full Depth Reclamation 4.00 Trips 1.50 6.00 1318 Moisture Density Relationship (Proctor)2.00 Each 185.00 $370.00 126 Project Engineer 10.00 Hour 160.00 $1,600.00 1162 Sieve Analysis with 200 wash, per sample 19.00 Each 136.00 $2,584.00 Work Activity Detail Qty Units Hrs/Unit Extension CL- 5 Aggregate Base 10.00 Each 1.00 10.00 Granular Borrow - Utility Backfill 1.00 Each 1.00 1.00 3" Minus Stabilizing Aggregate 1.00 Each 1.00 1.00 Select Granular Dorrow Mod 10% - RSS Wall 1.00 Each 1.00 1.00 CL-5 Leveling Pad - PMBW 1.00 Each 1.00 1.00 Coarse Filter Aggregate 1.00 Each 1.00 1.00 Full Depth Reclamation 4.00 Each 1.00 4.00 206 Excavation Observations 4.00 Hour 94.00 $376.00 Work Activity Detail Qty Units Hrs/Unit Extension Excavation Observations 2.00 Trips 2.00 4.00 128 Senior Engineer 5.00 Hour 185.00 $925.00 1228 Topsoil Testing with nutrients, per sample 2.00 Each 370.00 $740.00 Activity 1.2 Concrete Testing $24,651.00 261 Concrete Testing 165.00 Hour 82.00 $13,530.00 Work Activity Detail Qty Units Hrs/Unit Extension Curb and Gutter 35.00 Trips 2.50 87.50 Flatwork - Sidewalks and Driveways 30.00 Trips 2.50 75.00 Page 1 of 204/23/2021 01:32 PM Project Proposal QTB137414 Melody Lake A&B/Grandview A/Birchcrest C Recon - ENG 21-2 Proposal Total:$49,999.00 Steps 1.00 Trips 2.50 2.50 1861 CMT Trip Charge 99.00 Each 23.00 $2,277.00 1364 Compressive strength of concrete cylinders, per specimen 198.00 Each 31.00 $6,138.00 Work Activity Detail Qty Units Hrs/Unit Extension Curb and Gutter 35.00 Each 3.00 105.00 Flatwork - Sidewalks and Driveways 30.00 Each 3.00 90.00 Steps 1.00 Each 3.00 3.00 278 Concrete Cylinder Pick up 33.00 Hour 82.00 $2,706.00 Work Activity Detail Qty Units Hrs/Unit Extension Concrete Cylinder Pick Up 33.00 Trips 1.00 33.00 Activity 1.3 Pavement Testing $6,400.00 1530 Asphalt Content, per sample 16.00 Each 150.00 $2,400.00 209 Sample pick-up 24.00 Hour 82.00 $1,968.00 Work Activity Detail Qty Units Hrs/Unit Extension SPWEA340B 6.00 Trips 1.50 9.00 SPNWB330B 9.00 Trips 1.50 13.50 SPWEA240B 1.00 Trips 1.50 1.50 1532 Extracted Aggregate Gradation, per sample 16.00 Each 104.00 $1,664.00 1861 CMT Trip Charge 16.00 Each 23.00 $368.00 Activity 1.4 Project Management $6,610.00 226 Project Manager 29.00 Hour 160.00 $4,640.00 228 Senior Project Manager 4.00 Hour 185.00 $740.00 238 Project Assistant 15.00 Hour 82.00 $1,230.00 Phase 1 Total:$49,999.00 Page 2 of 204/23/2021 01:32 PM Project Proposal QTB137414 Melody Lake A&B/Grandview A/Birchcrest C Recon - ENG 21-2 General Conditions Construction Material Testing and Special Inspections GC-CMT Page 1 of 2 Section 1: Agreement 1.1 Our agreement with you consists of these General Conditions and the accompanying written proposal or authorization (“Agreement”). This Agreement is the entire agreement between you and us. It supersedes prior agreements. It may be modified only in a writing signed by us, making specific reference to the provision modified. 1.2 The words “you,” “we,” “us,” and “our” include officers, employees, and subcontractors. 1.3 In the event you use a purchase order or other documentation to authorize our scope of work (“Services”), any conflicting or additional terms are not part of this Agreement. Directing us to start work prior to execution of this Agreement constitutes your acceptance. If, however, mutually acceptable terms cannot be established, we have the right to terminate this Agreement without liability to you or others, and you will compensate us for fees earned and expenses incurred up to the time of termination. Section 2: Our Responsibilities 2.1 We will provide Services specifically described in this Agreement. You agree that we are not responsible for services that are not expressly included in this Agreement. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, our findings, opinions, and recommendations will be provided to you in writing. You agree not to rely on oral findings, opinions, or recommendations without our written approval. 2.2 In performing our professional services, we will use that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised under similar circumstances by reputable members of our profession practicing in the same locality. If you direct us to deviate from our recommended procedures, you agree to hold us harmless from claims, damages, and expenses arising out of your direction. If during the one year period following completion of Services it is determined that the above standards have not been met and you have promptly notified us in writing of such failure, we will perform, at our cost, such corrective services as may be necessary, within the original scope in this Agreement, to remedy such deficiency. Remedies set forth in this section constitute your sole and exclusive recourse with respect to the performance or quality of Services. 2.3 We will reference our field observations and sampling to available reference points, but we will not survey, set, or check the accuracy of those points unless we accept that duty in writing. Locations of field observations or sampling described in our report or shown on our sketches are based on information provided by others or estimates made by our personnel. You agree that such dimensions, depths, or elevations are approximations unless specifically stated otherwise in the report. You accept the inherent risk that samples or observations may not be representative of things not sampled or seen and further that site conditions may vary over distance or change over time. 2.4 Our duties do not include supervising or directing your representatives or contractors or commenting on, overseeing, or providing the means and methods of their services unless expressly set forth in this Agreement. We will not be responsible for the failure of your contractors, and the providing of Services will not relieve others of their responsibilities to you or to others. 2.5 We will provide a health and safety program for our employees, but we will not be responsible for contractor, owner, project, or site health or safety. 2.6 You will provide, at no cost to us, appropriate site safety measures as to work areas to be observed or inspected by us. Our employees are authorized by you to refuse to work under conditions that may be unsafe. 2.7 Unless a fixed fee is indicated, our price is an estimate of our project costs and expenses based on information available to us and our experience and knowledge. Such estimates are an exercise of our professional judgment and are not guaranteed or warranted. Actual costs may vary. You should allow a contingency in addition to estimated costs. Section 3: Your Responsibilities 3.1 You will provide us with prior environmental, geotechnical and other reports, specifications, plans, and information to which you have access about the site. You agree to provide us with all plans, changes in plans, and new information as to site conditions until we have completed Services. 3.2 You will provide access to the site. In the performance of Services some site damage is normal even when due care is exercised. We will use reasonable care to minimize damage to the site. We have not included the cost of restoration of damage in the estimated charges. 3.3 If we notify you that radiographic or gamma ray equipment or other nuclear testing or measuring device will be used, you will be responsible for the cooperation of your employees and your contractors in observing all radiation safety standards. 3.4 You will notify us of any knowledge or suspicion of the presence of hazardous or dangerous materials present on any work site. If we observe or suspect the presence of contaminants not anticipated in this Agreement, we may terminate Services without liability to you or to others, and you will compensate us for fees earned and expenses incurred up to the time of termination. 3.5 The time our field personnel spend on the job site depends upon the scheduling of the work we are observing or testing. You agree that any changes in scheduling may result in additional costs and agree to pay for those services at the rates listed in our cost estimate. 3.6 You agree to include us as an indemnified party in your contracts, if any, for work by others on the project, protecting us to the same degree as you are protected. You agree to list us as an Additional Insured under your liability insurance policies and to require subrogation be waived against us and that we will be added as an Additional Insured on all policies of insurance, including any policies required of your contractors or subcontractors, covering any construction or development activities to be performed on the project site. Section 4: Reports and Records 4.1 Unless you request otherwise, we will provide our report(s) in an electronic format. 4.2 Our reports, notes, calculations, and other documents and our computer software and data are instruments of our service to you, and they remain our property. We hereby grant you a license to use the reports and related information we provide only for the related project and for the purposes disclosed to us. You may not transfer our reports to others or use them for a purpose for which they were not prepared without our written approval. You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless from claims, damages, losses, and expenses, including attorney fees, arising out of such a transfer or use. 4.3 If you do not pay for Services in full as agreed, we may retain work not yet delivered to you and you agree to return to us all of our work that is in your possession or under your control. 4.4 Electronic data, reports, photographs, samples, and other materials provided by you or others may be discarded or returned to you, at our discretion, unless within 15 days of the report date you give us written direction to store or transfer the materials at your expense. Section 5: Compensation 5.1 You will pay for Services as stated in this Agreement. If such payment references our Schedule of Charges, the invoicing will be based upon the most current schedule. An estimated amount is not a firm figure. You agree to pay all sales taxes and other taxes based on your payment of our compensation. Our performance is subject to credit approval and payment of any specified retainer. 5.2 You will notify us of billing disputes within 15 days. You will pay undisputed portions of invoices upon receipt. You agree to pay interest on unpaid balances beginning 30 days after invoice dates at the rate of 1.5% per month, or at the maximum rate allowed by law. 5.3 If you direct us to invoice a third party, we may do so, but you agree to be responsible for our compensation unless the third party is GC-CMT Revised 1/1/2018 Page 2 of 2 creditworthy (in our sole opinion) and provides written acceptance of all terms of this Agreement. 5.4 Your obligation to pay for Services under this Agreement is not contingent on your ability to obtain financing, governmental or regulatory agency approval, permits, final adjudication of any lawsuit, your successful completion of any project, receipt of payment from a third party, or any other event. No retainage will be withheld. 5.5 If you do not pay us in accordance with this Agreement, you agree to reimburse all costs and expenses for collection of the moneys invoiced, including but not limited to attorney fees and staff time. 5.6 You agree to compensate us in accordance with our Schedule of Charges if we are asked or required to respond to legal process arising out of a proceeding related to the project and as to which we are not a party. 5.7 If we are delayed by factors beyond our control, or if project conditions or the scope or amount of work changes, or if changed labor conditions result in increased costs, decreased efficiency, or delays, or if the standards or methods change, we will give you timely notice, the schedule will be extended for each day of delay, and we will be compensated for costs and expenses incurred in accordance with our Schedule of Charges. 5.8 If you fail to pay us in accordance with this Agreement, we may consider the default a total breach of this Agreement and, at our option, terminate our duties without liability to you or to others, and you will compensate us for fees earned and expenses incurred up to the time of termination. 5.9 In consideration of our providing insurance to cover claims made by you, you hereby waive any right to offset fees otherwise due us. Section 6: Disputes, Damage, and Risk Allocation 6.1 Each of us will exercise good faith efforts to resolve disputes without litigation. Such efforts will include, but not be limited to, a meeting(s) attended by each party’s representative(s) empowered to resolve the dispute. Before either of us commences an action against the other, disputes (except collections) will be submitted to mediation. 6.2 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, neither party hereto shall be responsible or held liable to the other for punitive, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages, or liability for loss of use, loss of business opportunity, loss of profit or revenue, loss of product or output, or business interruption. 6.3 You and we agree that any action in relation to an alleged breach of our standard of care or this Agreement shall be commenced within one year of the date of the breach or of the date of substantial completion of Services, whichever is earlier, without regard to the date the breach is discovered. Any action not brought within that one year time period shall be barred, without regard to any other limitations period set forth by law or statute. We will not be liable unless you have notified us within 30 days of the date of such breach and unless you have given us an opportunity to investigate and to recommend ways of mitigating damages. You agree not to make a claim against us unless you have provided us at least 30 days prior to the institution of any legal proceeding against us with a written certificate executed by an appropriately licensed professional specifying and certifying each and every act or omission that you contend constitutes a violation of the standard of care governing our professional services. Should you fail to meet the conditions above, you agree to fully release us from any liability for such allegation. 6.4 For you to obtain the benefit of a fee which includes a reasonable allowance for risks, you agree that our aggregate liability for all claims will not exceed the fee paid for Services or $50,000, whichever is greater. If you are unwilling to accept this allocation of risk, we will increase our aggregate liability to $100,000 provided that, within 10 days of the date of this Agreement, you provide payment in an amount that will increase our fees by 10%, but not less than $500, to compensate us for the greater risk undertaken. This increased fee is not the purchase of insurance. 6.5 You agree to indemnify us from all liability to others in excess of the risk allocation stated herein and to insure this obligation. In addition, all indemnities and limitations of liability set forth in this Agreement apply however the same may arise, whether in contract, tort, statute, equity or other theory of law, including, but not limited to, the breach of any legal duty or the fault, negligence, or strict liability of either party. 6.6 This Agreement shall be governed, construed, and enforced in accordance with the laws of the state in which our servicing office is located, without regard to its conflict of laws rules. The laws of the state of our servicing office will govern all disputes, and all claims shall be heard in the state or federal courts for that state. Each of us waives trial by jury. 6.7 No officer or employee acting within the scope of employment shall have individual liability for his or her acts or omissions, and you agree not to make a claim against individual officers or employees. Section 7: General Indemnification 7.1 We will indemnify and hold you harmless from and against demands, damages, and expenses of others to the comparative extent they are caused by our negligent acts or omissions or those negligent acts or omissions of persons for whom we are legally responsible. You will indemnify and hold us harmless from and against demands, damages, and expenses of others to the comparative extent they are caused by your negligent acts or omissions or those negligent acts or omissions of persons for whom you are legally responsible. 7.2 To the extent it may be necessary to indemnify either of us under Section 7.1, you and we expressly waive, in favor of the other only, any immunity or exemption from liability that exists under any worker compensation law. Section 8: Miscellaneous Provisions 8.1 We will provide a certificate of insurance to you upon request. Any claim as an Additional Insured shall be limited to losses caused by our negligence. 8.2 You and we, for ourselves and our insurers, waive all claims and rights of subrogation for losses arising out of causes of loss covered by our respective insurance policies. 8.3 Neither of us will assign or transfer any interest, any claim, any cause of action, or any right against the other. Neither of us will assign or otherwise transfer or encumber any proceeds or expected proceeds or compensation from the project or project claims to any third person, whether directly or as collateral or otherwise. 8.4 This Agreement may be terminated early only in writing. You will compensate us for fees earned for performance completed and expenses incurred up to the time of termination. 8.5 If any provision of this Agreement is held invalid or unenforceable, then such provision will be modified to reflect the parties' intention. All remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. 8.6 No waiver of any right or privilege of either party will occur upon such party's failure to insist on performance of any term, condition, or instruction, or failure to exercise any right or privilege or its waiver of any breach. Date: May 4, 2021 Agenda Item #: VI.E. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Request For Purchase From:Aaron T. Ditzler, PE, Assistant City Engineer Item Activity: Subject:Request for Purchase: Creek Knoll A&B Roadway Reconstruction Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Request for Purchase for Creek Knoll A&B Roadway Reconstruction with McNamara Contracting for $2,904,014.07. INTRODUCTION: See attached request for purchase form. ATTACHMENTS: Description Request for Purchase: Creek Knoll A&B Roadway Reconstruction Contract No. ENG 21-1 Request for Purchase Requisition Number 1 CITY OF EDINA 4801 W 50th St., Edina, MN 55424 www.EdinaMN.gov | 952-927-8861 12100096 Department:Engineering Buyer:Aaron Ditzler Date: 04/26/2021 Requisition Description:ENG 21-1 Creek Knoll A&B Street Reconstruction Vendor:MCNAMARA CONTRACTING INC Cost:$2,904,014.07 REPLACEMENT or NEW:REPLACEM - REPLACEMENT PURCHASE SOURCE:QUOTE/BD - QUOTE/BID DESCRIPTION: Contract ENG 21-1 Creek Knoll A & B The project involves reconstruction of local asphalt streets, replacement of existing concrete curb and gutter, installation of new concrete curb and gutter, construction of new concrete sidewalk and localized rehabilitation of the sanitary sewer, watermain and storm sewer systems in the neighborhood. The project area includes Abbott Place, Beard Avenue, Beard Court, Drew Avenue, Ewing Circle, Fuller Street, West 54th Street and West 55th Street. BUDGET IMPACT: The improvements are listed in the 2021-2026 The improvements are listed in the 2021-2026 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) under CIP numbers 17-024, 17-026, 19-319 and 19-320.The improvements will be funded by special assessments, respective utility funds and the Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety (PACS) fund. Cost Comparison Table (includes indirect costs for finance, engineering, administration, and contingency) • CIP Project Cost Estimate $3,916,298 • Preliminary Engineering Report Project Cost Estimate $3,886,231• Low Bid Project Cost Estimate $3,569,584 The preliminary assessment per REU approved at the December 2020 public hearing was $15,300. The estimated assessment per REU will the low bid is $12,200. 2 COMMUNITY IMPACT: This project will provide premier, long term core service facilities and provide access and mobility for all transportation modes while enhancing safety and convenience. It is necessary to improve the infrastructure and comply with the City’s Living Streets Policy as well as Vision Edina’s mission statement to “provide effectiveand valued public services and maintain a sound public infrastructure”. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: This project involves rehabilitation of the sanitary sewer, upgrades to the storm sewer, localized rehabilitation and full reconstruction of watermain systems, construction of new concrete curb and gutter and sidewalk and complete reconstruction of bituminous pavement surfaces. Alternative construction methods utilized within the City include reclamation of existing bituminous surfaces to reuse aggregate base material, implementation of utility pipe rehabilitation through trenchless technologies thus reducing greenhouse gases associated with open cut installations. This project includes an alternative storm sewer pipe material (High-Density Poly Propylene (HDPP) vs.reinforced concrete). It addresses sustainability by lowering our carbon footprint from manufacturing processes, transportation and installation of the product, while also being more cost effective. This project will reduce impervious surfaces. 1 1/2015 CONTRACT NO. ENG 21-1 THIS AGREEMENT made this 4th day of May, 2021, by and between the CITY OF EDINA, a Minnesota municipal corporation (“City”) and McNamara Contracting Inc, 16700 Chippendale Avenue, Rosemount, MN 55068 (“Contractor”). City and Contractor, in consideration of the mutual covenants set forth herein, agree as follows: 1. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. The following documents shall be referred to as the “Contract Documents,” all of which shall be taken together as a whole as the contract between the parties as if they were set verbatim and in full herein: A. This Agreement. B. Instructions to Bidders. C. City of Edina General Contract Conditions. D. Addenda number 2. E. Specifications prepared by Aaron T. Ditzler, P.E., dated April 8, 2021. F. Plan sheets numbered 1 to 48. G. Performance Bond. H. Payment Bond. I. Responsible Contractor Verification of Compliance J. Contractor’s Bid dated April 22, 2021. The Contract Documents are to be read and interpreted as a whole. The intent of the Contract Documents is to include all items necessary for the proper execution and completion of the Work and to require Contractor to provide the highest quality and greatest quantity consistent with the Contract Documents. If there are inconsistencies within or among part of the Contract Documents or between the Contract Documents and applicable standards, codes or ordinances, the Contractor shall provide the better quality or greater quantity of Work or comply with the more stringent requirements. 1.1 Before ordering any materials or doing any Work, the Contractor shall verify measurements at the Project site and shall be responsible for the correctness of such measurements. No extra charges or compensation will be allowed on account of differences between actual dimensions and the dimensions indicated on the Drawings. Any difference that may be found shall be submitted to the City for resolution before proceeding with the Work. 1.2 If a minor change in the Work is necessary due to actual field conditions, the Contractor shall submit detailed drawings of such departure to the City for approval before making the change. The City shall not be required to make any adjustment to either the Contract Sum or Contract Time because of any failure by the Contractor to comply with the requirements of this paragraph. Actual or alleged conflicts or inconsistencies between the Plans and Specifications or other Contract Documents shall be brought to the City’s attention in writing, prior to performing the affected Work. The City’s directions shall be followed by the Contractor. 2. OBLIGATIONS OF THE CONTRACTOR. The Contractor shall provide the goods, services, and perform the work in accordance with the Contract Documents. 3. OBLIGATIONS OF THE CITY. The City agrees to pay and the Contractor agrees to receive and accept payment in accordance with the Contractor’s bid $2,904,014.07. 2 1/2015 4. PAYMENT PROCEDURES. A. Contractor shall submit Applications for Payment. Applications for Payment will be processed by City as provided in the General Conditions. B. Progress Payments; Retainage. City shall make 95% progress payments on account of the Contract Price on the basis of Contractor’s Applications for Payment during performance of the Work. C. Payments to Subcontractor. (1) Prompt Payment to Subcontractors. Pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 471.25, Subd. 4a, the Contractor must pay any subcontractor within ten (10) days of the Contractor’s receipt of payment from the City for undisputed services provided by the subcontractor. The Contractor must pay interest of 1½ percent per month or any part of a month to the subcontractor on any undisputed amount not paid on time to the subcontractor. The minimum monthly interest penalty payment for an unpaid balance of $100.00 or more is $10.00. For an unpaid balance of less than $100.00, the Contractor shall pay the actual penalty due to the subcontractor. (2) Form IC-134 required from general contractor. Minn. Stat. § 290.92 requires that the City of Edina obtain a Withholding Affidavit for Contractors, Form IC-134, before making final payments to Contractors. This form needs to be submitted by the Contractor to the Minnesota Department of Revenue for approval. The form is used to receive certification from the state that the vendor has complied with the requirement to withhold and remit state withholding taxes for employee salaries paid. D. Final Payment. Upon final completion of the Work, City shall pay the remainder of the Contract Price as recommended by City. 5. COMPLETION DATE. The Work must be completed and ready for final payment by October 1, 2021. 6. CONTRACTOR’S REPRESENTATIONS. A. Contractor has examined and carefully studied the Contract Documents and other related data identified in the Contract Documents. B. Contractor has visited the Site and become familiar with and is satisfied as to the general, local, and Site conditions that may affect cost, progress, and performance of the Work. C. Contractor is familiar with and is satisfied as to all federal, state, and local Laws and Regulations that may affect cost, progress, and performance of the Work. D. Contractor has carefully studied all: (1) reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at or contiguous to the Site and all drawings of physical conditions in or relating to existing surface or subsurface structures at or contiguous to the Site (except Underground Facilities) which have been identified in the General Conditions; and (2) reports and drawings of a Hazardous Environmental Condition, if any, at the Site. E. Contractor has obtained and carefully studied (or assumes responsibility for doing so) all additional or supplementary examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies, and data concerning conditions (surface, subsurface, and underground facilities) at or contiguous to the Site which may affect cost, progress, or performance of the Work or which relate to any aspect of the means, methods, techniques, 3 1/2015 sequences, and procedures of construction to be employed by Contractor, including any specific means, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures of construction expressly required by the Bidding Documents, and safety precautions and programs incident thereto. F. Contractor does not consider that any further examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies, or data are necessary for the performance of the Work at the Contract Price, within the Contract Times, and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. G. Contractor is aware of the general nature of work to be performed by City and others at the Site that relates to the Work as indicated in the Contract Documents. H. Contractor has correlated the information known to Contractor, information and observations obtained from visits to the Site, reports and drawings identified in the Contract Documents, and all additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies, and data with the Contract Documents. I. Contractor has given City written notice of all conflicts, errors, ambiguities, or discrepancies that Contractor has discovered in the Contract Documents, and the written resolution thereof by City is acceptable to Contractor. J. The Contract Documents are generally sufficient to indicate and convey understanding of all terms and conditions for performance and furnishing of the Work. K. Subcontracts: (1) Unless otherwise specified in the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall, upon receipt of the executed Contract Documents, submit in writing to the City the names of the subcontractors proposed for the work. Subcontractors may not be changed except at the request or with the consent of the City. (2) The Contractor is responsible to the City for the acts and omissions of the Contractor's subcontractors, and of their direct and indirect employees, to the same extent as the Contractor is responsible for the acts and omissions of the Contractor's employees. (3) The Contract Documents shall not be construed as creating any contractual relation between the City and any subcontractor. (4) The Contractor shall bind every subcontractor by the terms of the Contract Documents. 7. WARRANTY. The Contractor guarantees that all new equipment warranties as specified within the bid shall be in full force and transferred to the City upon payment by the City. The Contractor shall be held responsible for any and all defects in workmanship, materials, and equipment which may develop in any part of the contracted service, and upon proper notification by the City shall immediately replace, without cost to the City, any such faulty part or parts and damage done by reason of the same in accordance with the bid specifications. 8. INDEMNITY. The Contractor agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless from any claim made by third parties as a result of the services performed by it. In addition, the Contractor shall reimburse the City for any cost of reasonable attorney’s fees it may incur as a result of any such claims. 9. MISCELLANEOUS. A. Terms used in this Agreement have the meanings stated in the General Conditions. B. City and Contractor each binds itself, its partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives to the other party hereto, its partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives in respect to all covenants, agreements, and obligations contained in the Contract Documents. C. Any provision or part of the Contract Documents held to be void or unenforceable under any Law or Regulation shall be deemed stricken, and all remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and binding upon City and Contractor, who agree that the Contract Documents shall be reformed to replace such 4 1/2015 stricken provision or part thereof with a valid and enforceable provision that comes as close as possible to expressing the intention of the stricken provisions. D. Data Practices/Records. (1) All data created, collected, received, maintained or disseminated for any purpose in the course of this Contract is governed by the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minn. Stat. Ch. 13, any other applicable state statute, or any state rules adopted to implement the act, as well as federal regulations on data privacy. (2) All books, records, documents and accounting procedures and practices to the Contractor and its subcontractors, if any, relative to this Contract are subject to examination by the City. E. Copyright/Patent. Contractor shall defend actions or claims charging infringement of any copyright or patent by reason of the use or adoption of any designs, drawings or specifications supplied by it, and it shall hold harmless the City from loss or damage resulting there from. If the equipment provided by the Contractor pursuant to this Agreement contains software, including that which the manufacturer may have embedded into the hardware as an integral part of the equipment, the Contractor shall pay all software licensing fees. The Contractor shall also pay for all software updating fees for a period of one year following cutover. The Contractor shall have no obligation to pay for such fees thereafter. Nothing in the software license or licensing agreement shall obligate the City to pay any additional fees as a condition for continuing to use the software. F. Assignment. Neither party may assign, sublet, or transfer any interest or obligation in this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other party, and then only upon such terms and conditions as both parties may agree to and set forth in writing. G. Waiver. In the particular event that either party shall at any time or times waive any breach of this Agreement by the other, such waiver shall not constitute a waiver of any other or any succeeding breach of this Agreement by either party, whether of the same or any other covenant, condition or obligation. H. Governing Law/Venue. The laws of the State of Minnesota govern the interpretation of this Agreement. In the event of litigation, the exclusive venue shall be in the District Court of the State of Minnesota for Hennepin County. I. Severability. If any provision, term or condition of this Agreement is found to be or becomes unenforceable or invalid, it shall not affect the remaining provisions, terms and conditions of this Agreement, unless such invalid or unenforceable provision, term or condition renders this Agreement impossible to perform. Such remaining terms and conditions of the Agreement shall continue in full force and effect and shall continue to operate as the parties’ entire agreement. J. Entire Agreement. This Agreement represents the entire agreement of the parties and is a final, complete and all inclusive statement of the terms thereof, and supersedes and terminates any prior agreement(s), understandings or written or verbal representations made between the parties with respect thereto. K. Permits and Licenses; Rights-of-Way and Easements. The Contractor shall procure all permits and licenses, pay all charges and fees therefore, and give all notices necessary and incidental to the construction and completion of the Project. The City will obtain all necessary rights-of-way and easements. The Contractor shall not be entitled to any additional compensation for any construction delay resulting from the City’s not timely obtaining rights-of-way or easements. L. If the work is delayed or the sequencing of work is altered because of the action or inaction of the City, the Contractor shall be allowed a time extension to complete the work but shall not be entitled to any other compensation. 5 1/2015 M. Responsible Contractor. This contract may be terminated by the City at any time upon discovery by the City that the prime contractor or subcontractor has submitted a false statement under oath verifying compliance with any of the minimum criteria set forth in Minn Stat. § 16C.285, subd. 3. CITY OF EDINA CONTRACTOR BY: ____________________________ BY: ____________________________ Its Mayor Its AND ___________________________ AND ___________________________ Its City Manager Its Date: May 4, 2021 Agenda Item #: VI.F. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Request For Purchase From:Grace Hancock, Sustainability Coordinator Item Activity: Subject:Request for Purchase: Electric Vehicle Chargers Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Request for Purchase for three Electric Vehicle Chargers with Carbon Day for $28,475.25. INTRODUCTION: The electric vehicle (EV) charger purchases complement City efforts to implement its Green Fleet policy and reduce emissions from City transportation fleet 30% by 2025. In 2021, Edina Liquor stores will begin conducting order deliveries using plug-in hybrid vehicles. One EV charger that supports City fleet charging as well as vehicle charging by the public will be installed at both the Southdale Liquor store location, as well as one at the Grandview Liquor store location. The third EV charging station will be installed in the Edina Public Works garage to support existing electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles. All charging stations will allow fleet vehicles to charge through the Chargepoint network, so that vehicle use and efficiency can be tracked and metrics analyzed to determine progress on goals. ATTACHMENTS: Description Request for Purchase: Electric Vehicle Chargers Request for Purchase Requisition Number 1 CITY OF EDINA 4801 W 50th St., Edina, MN 55424 www.EdinaMN.gov | 952-927-8861 12100087 Department:Engineering Buyer:Grace Hancock Date: 04/15/2021 Requisition Description:Electric Vehicle Chargers Vendor:CARBON DAY AUTOMOTIVE Cost:$28,475.25 REPLACEMENT or NEW:NEW - NEW PURCHASE SOURCE:QUOTE/BD - QUOTE/BID DESCRIPTION: The EV charger purchases complement City efforts to implement its Green Fleet policy and reduce emissions from City transportation fleet 30% by 2025. In 2021, Edina Liquor stores will begin conducting order deliveries using plug-in hybrid vehicles. One EV charger that supports City fleet charging as well as vehicle charging by the public will be installed at both the Southdale Liquor store location, as well as one at the Grandview Liquor store location. The third EV charging station will be installed in the Edina Public Works garage to support existing electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles. All charging stations will allow fleet vehicles to charge through the Chargepoint network, so that vehicle use and efficiency can be tracked and metrics analyzed to determine progress on goals. BUDGET IMPACT: The Conservation and Sustainability Fund is dedicated to advancing sustainability practices in Edina, including helping the city meet its greenhouse gas emission reduction goals. Increasing EV charging infrastructure is included in Sustainability staff workplans and in CAS Fund budget planning. Environmental Impact - item specific: 2 COMMUNITY IMPACT: Greater public access to EV charging infrastructure has a two-fold benefit. First, community members who already own an EV can enjoy a larger distribution of charging options, identifiable through their smartphone apps. Second, the charging stations can increase public awareness about EV travel as a viable alternative to internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles. ​ ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: The EV charger purchases complement City efforts to implement its Green Fleet policy and reduce emissions from City transportation fleet 30% by 2025. Vehicle - Make/Model/Year requested vehicle: Vehicle - Make/Model/Year current vehicle (if replacement): Vehicle - Does purchase meet Green Fleet Recommendations? - Vehicle - If does not meet Green Fleet Recommendations, justification: - MPG: Carbon Emissions: Date: May 4, 2021 Agenda Item #: VI.G. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Request For Purchase From:Noah Silver, Electrical/HVAC Supervisor Item Activity: Subject:Request for Purchase: Rental Dehumidification Unit for Braemar Arena South Rink Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Request for Purchase for a Rental Dehumidification Unit for Braemar Arena South Rink with United Rentals for $31,900. INTRODUCTION: The existing dehumidification unit for the south rink has failed and is currently being replaced. Braemar Arena is a regionally significant ice complex serving a variety of users. The south arena can't be lost for any extended amount of time. The rental dehumidification unit was secured through United Rentals under an emergency in order to avoid a shut-down of the rink. Considering the dehumidification replacement project timeline, the estimated rental period of the unit is seven months. ATTACHMENTS: Description Request for Purchase: Rental Dehumidification Unit for Braemar Arena South Rink Rental and Service Agreement Request for Purchase Requisition Number Environmental Impact - item specific: 1 CITY OF EDINA 4801 W 50th St., Edina, MN 55424 www.EdinaMN.gov | 952-927-8861 12100090 Department:Engineering Buyer:Noah Silver Date: 04/16/2021 Requisition Description:Rental Dehumidification Unit for Arena South Rink Vendor:UNITED RENTALS (NORTH AMERICA) INC Cost:$31,900.00 REPLACEMENT or NEW:- PURCHASE SOURCE:QUOTE/BD - QUOTE/BID DESCRIPTION: Rental Dehumidification Unit The existing dehumidification unit for the south rink has failed and is currently being replaced. Braemar Arena is a regionally significant ice complex serving a variety of users. The south arena can't be lost for any extended amount of time. The rental dehumidification unit was secured through United Rentals under an emergency in order to avoid a shut-down of the rink. BUDGET IMPACT: CIP No. ENG21064 Considering the dehumidification replacement project timeline, the estimated rental period of the unit is seven months. Vehicle - Make/Model/Year requested vehicle: Vehicle - Make/Model/Year current vehicle (if replacement): Vehicle - Does purchase meet Green Fleet Recommendations? - Vehicle - If does not meet Green Fleet Recommendations, justification: - MPG: Carbon Emissions: This is not an invoice Please do not pay from this document RENTAL AND SERVICE AGREEMENT Page: 1 RENTAL ITEMS: _____ ___________ _______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _______________ Qty Equipment Description Minimum Day Week 4 Week Estimated Amt. 1 10521648 DEHUMIDIFIER DESICCANT 5000 CFM E/G 1,000.00 1,400.00 4,200.00 29,400.00 Make: CONCEPTS Model: CDH-RL2-138 Serial: ID646-01 Meter out: 1.00 1 250/2967 HEATER HOSE 1" X 50' NATURAL GAS 10.00 20.00 60.00 420.00 4 244/5425 DEHUMIDIFIER DUCTING 20" X 25' RETURN 10.00 20.00 60.00 1,680.00 Rental Subtotal: 31,500.00 SALES/MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS: _______ ______________________________________________________________ _____________ _________________ _______________ Qty Item Price Unit of Measure Extended Amt. 1 DELIVERY CHARGE 200.000 EACH 200.00 1 PICKUP CHARGE 200.000 EACH 200.00 Sales/Misc Subtotal: 400.00 Agreement Subtotal: 31,900.00 Estimated Total: 31,900.00 COMMENTS/NOTES: CONTACT: NOAH SILVER CELL#: 952-826-0350 BRAEMAR ARENA 7501 IKOLA WAY EDINA MN 55439-2566 Office: 952-826-0411 Cell: 651-983-8334 CITY OF EDINA 4801 W 50TH ST ATTN ACCOUNTS PAYABLE EDINA MN 55424-1330 BRANCH 23A 9450 IDEAL AVE S COTTAGE GROVE MN 55016-3845 651-829-3972 # 192208620 Job Site Job Site Job Site Job Site Job Site Job Site Job Site Job Site Job Site Job Site Job Site Job Site Job Site Job Site Job Site Job Site Customer # : Agreement Date : Rental Out : Scheduled In : UR Job Loc : UR Job # : Customer Job ID: P.O. # : Ordered By : Reserved By : Salesperson : 213389 03/30/21 03/30/21 01:07 PM 09/30/21 12:00 PM 7501 IKOLA WAY, EDIN 14 E2117NS NOAH SILVER MICHAEL OLSON MICHAEL OLSON OPTIONAL RENTAL PROTECTION PLAN: ___________________________________ THE RENTAL PROTECTION PLAN IS NOT INSURANCE. The Rental Protection Plan is only available to direct commercial customers. Upon accepting the optional Rental Protection Plan, Customer agrees to pay a charge equal to _______ of the rental charges on the Equipment Customer wants covered by the Rental Protection Plan. In return, United agrees to waive certain claims for accidental damages to or theft of such covered Equipment occurring during normal and careful use. Customer remains liable for all other damages as set forth in the Rental and Service Terms. NOTICE FOR RENTAL OF A MOTOR VEHICLE: ______________________________________ THIS CONTRACT OFFERS, FOR AN ADDITIONAL CHARGE. A DAMAGE WAIVER (or "Rental Protection Plan") TO LIMIT CUSTOMER'S FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGE TO, OR THEFT OF, THE MOTOR VEHICLE. BEFORE DECIDING WHETHER TO PURCHASE THE DAMAGE WAIVER, CUSTOMER MAY WISH TO DETERMINE WHETHER CUSTOMER'S OWN INSURANCE GIVES CUSTOMER COVERAGE. THE PURCHASE OF THIS DAMAGE WAIVER IS NOT MANDATORY, AND MAY BE WAIVED OR DECLINED BY CUSTOMER. A CLEANING CHARGE: ___________________WILL APPLY TO EQUIPMENT RETURNED WITH EXCESSIVE DIRT, CONCRETE, AND/OR PAINT. CUSTOMER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL DAMAGE. THERE WILL BE AN ADDITIONAL CHARGE FOR MISSING KEYS. REFUELING SERVICE CHARGE: ___________________________ Customer is required to return the Equipment with a full tank of fuel. If Customer returns the Equipment with less than a full tank of fuel, Customer agrees to pay a Refueling Service Charge at the per gallon rate applicable at the time Customer returns the Equipment. (The current rate is available from the Store Location; but, the final rate may differ based on market conditions at the time of return). For additional information, see the Rental and Service Terms. ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICE CHARGE: ________________________________Due to the hazardous nature of some waste and other products, to comply with federal and state environmental regulations, and to promote a clean environment, United charges an Environmental Service Charge for certain rentals. The Environmental Service Charge is not a government-mandated charge, is not designated for any particular use, and is used at United's discretion. The Environmental Service Charge is 2.00% of the rental charge and will not exceed $99. Customer acknowledges the items indicated above are subject to the Environmental Service Charge and Customer agrees to pay that Charge. DELIVERY: _________ If Customer chooses to have United deliver and pick up the Equipment, Customer agrees to pay a Delivery and Pickup Service Charge. READ BEFORE SIGNING: By signing below, Customer: (i) agrees that Customer has received, read and agreed to the Rental and Service Terms and the optional Rental Protection Plan ("RPP") Terms (if the RPP is applicable), both of which are posted online at https://www.unitedrentals.com/legal/rental-service-terms-US and https://www.unitedrentals.com/legal/rpp-US, respectively, and are incorporated by reference into this Agreement; (ii) authorizes United Rentals to charge the payment method provided per the above-referenced terms; and (iii) acknowledges that the Equipment is in the condition as stated on the condition report(s). By agreeing to the Terms, you agree (1) to indemnify United for losses relating to his transaction; (2) that United's liabilities are limited, and (3) that United makes no warranties as the equipment's merchantability, quality or fitness for a particular purpose; as well as other Terms affecting your rights. CUSTOMER SIGNATURE DATE CUSTOMER NAME PRINTED UNITED RENTALS REPRESENTATIVE/DELIVERED BY DATE X NOTICE: By accepting delivery of the Equipment listed above or making payment(s) to United for the Equipment listed above, Customer agrees to be bound by the Rental and Service Terms at the referenced URLs, even if the Rental and Service Agreement has not been fully executed. COPIES OF THE RENTAL AND SERVICE TERMS AND, IF APPLICABLE, THE RPP ARE AVAILABLE IN PAPER FORM UPON REQUEST. 15% Date: May 4, 2021 Agenda Item #: VI.H. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Andrew Scipioni, Transportation Planner Item Activity: Subject:Transportation Commission Work Plan Modification Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve mid-year modification to the Transportation Commission's 2021 work plan. INTRODUCTION: The Transportation Commission is requesting to add a new initiative to their approved work plan. Staff believes that the Commission has the capacity to complete this initiative in the 2021 calendar year and that the initiative aligns with the City's strategic transportation and equity goals. See attached staff report and supporting documents. ATTACHMENTS: Description Staff Report: Transportation Commission Work Plan Modification Transportation Commission Proposed Initiative #7 Transportation Commission Approved 2021 Work Plan May 4, 2021 Mayor and City Council Andrew Scipioni, Transportation Planner Transportation Commission Work Plan Modification Information / Background: The Transportation Commission’s approved 2021 work plan includes six initiatives. Initiative #2 relates to the Street Funding Task Force, whose membership included an appointed representative from the Commission. Since the Task Force presented their final recommendations to City Council in March 2021, this initiative is completed and the Commission is proposing to add a seventh initiative to their work plan; “Review the Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan and recommend changes to the proposed pedestrian and bicycle networks to improve connectivity to future Metro Transit LRT and BRT services.” Specifically, the Commission is interested in improving connectivity to three high-frequency services that will operate within or near Edina - the Metro Green Line light rail transit extension (also known as Southwest LRT), the Orange Line bus rapid transit (BRT) service and the E Line BRT service. This initiative supports several transportation goals in the 2018 Comprehensive Plan, including supporting high-performance transit service and connections, reducing dependence on single-occupancy vehicles, and improving mobility through a multi-modal transportation network. It also aligns with a guiding principle of the PBMP to provide connectivity for everyday uses and needs. Through the PBMP mentions Southwest LRT, it does not mention the other two BRT services. The PBMP was developed in 2017 through an extensive public engagement process and approved by City Council in 2018. Staff believes that the Commission has the capacity to complete this initiative in the 2021 calendar year, and that the initiative aligns with the City’s strategic transportation and equity goals. Attachments Transportation Commission Approved 2021 Work Plan Transportation Commission Proposed Initiative #7 Commission: Transportation Commission Proposed Modification to 2021 Annual Work Plan Initiative #7 Initiative Type ☒☒☒☒ Project ☐☐☐☐ Ongoing / Annual ☐☐☐☐ Event Council Charge ☐☐☐☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐☐☐☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☒☒☒☒ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐☐☐☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Metro Transit Connectivity Review the Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan and recommend changes to the proposed pedestrian and bicycle networks to improve connectivity to future Metro Transit LRT and BRT services. Deliverable Report for City Council Leads Chris Brown Target Completion Date Q4 Budget Required: Funds not needed. Staff Support Required: 1-2 hours per month from Staff Liaison. Liaison Comments: Metro Transit services to be included in this review include Southwest LRT, the Orange Line BRT and the E Line BRT. Approved by Council December 1, 2020 [Do not modify fields except progress reports] Commission: Transportation Commission 2021 Annual Work Plan Initiative #1 Initiative Type ☒☒☒☒ Project ☐☐☐☐ Ongoing / Annual ☐☐☐☐ Event Council Charge ☐☐☐☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐☐☐☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☒☒☒☒ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐☐☐☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Organized Trash Collection Investigate the impacts of organized trash collection while considering the travel demand management objectives, environmental goals and reducing wear-and-tear on City streets. Deliverable Report for City Council Leads Jill Plumb-Smith Target Completion Date Q4 Budget Required: Funds not needed. Staff Support Required: 1-2 hours per month from Staff Liaison; periodic support from Recycling Coordinator and/or Organics Recycling Coordinator. Initiative #2 Initiative Type ☒☒☒☒ Project ☐☐☐☐ Ongoing / Annual ☐☐☐☐ Event Council Charge ☐☐☐☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐☐☐☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐☐☐☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☒☒☒☒ 4 (Review & Decide) Street Funding Task Force Continue representation on 2020 Street Funding Task Force until task force is complete. Deliverable One Commissioner will actively participate in the Task Force and provide regular updates to the rest of the Commission. Leads Matt Scherer Target Completion Date Q2 Budget Required: Funds not needed. Staff Support Required: No staff support will be necessary beyond what has been previously committed to this initiative. Initiative #3 Initiative Type ☐☐☐☐ Project ☒☒☒☒ Ongoing / Annual ☐☐☐☐ Event Council Charge ☐☐☐☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☒☒☒☒ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐☐☐☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐☐☐☐ 4 (Review & Decide) CloverRide Review and comment on the CloverRide circulator bus service contract operations and marketing throughout the year as it is brought to them from the CloverRide advisory committee. Deliverable Commission comments will be included in regular meeting minutes and staff reports to City Council. Leads Mindy Ahler Target Completion Date Q4 Budget Required: Funds are allocated in the Engineering Department’s operating budget to cover the service contract and related marketing. These funds are administered by staff. Staff Support Required: 1-3 hours per month by Staff Liaison; periodic support from Communications for marketing and promotional materials. Approved by Council December 1, 2020 [Do not modify fields except progress reports] Initiative #4 Initiative Type ☐☐☐☐ Project ☒☒☒☒ Ongoing / Annual ☐☐☐☐ Event Council Charge ☐☐☐☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☒☒☒☒ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐☐☐☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐☐☐☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Traffic Safety Reports Review and comment on monthly Traffic Safety Reports. Deliverable Commission recommendations will be included in staff reports to City Council. Leads Kirk Johnson (Chair) Target Completion Date Q4 Budget Required: Funds not needed. Staff Support Required: 1-2 hours per month by Staff Liaison. Initiative #5 Initiative Type ☐☐☐☐ Project ☒☒☒☒ Ongoing / Annual ☐☐☐☐ Event Council Charge ☐☐☐☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☒☒☒☒ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐☐☐☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐☐☐☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Capital Improvement Projects Review and comment on roadway reconstruction projects and projects funded by the Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety (PACS) Fund. Commission will also review and comment on staff’s application of the equity criteria. Deliverable Commission comments will be included in staff reports to City Council. Leads Jill Plumb-Smith (Vice Chair) Target Completion Date Q4 Budget Required: Funds not needed. Staff Support Required: 1-5 hours per month by Staff Liaison. Initiative #6 Initiative Type ☐☐☐☐ Project ☒☒☒☒ Ongoing / Annual ☐☐☐☐ Event Council Charge ☐☐☐☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☒☒☒☒ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐☐☐☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐☐☐☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Travel Impact Studies & Travel Demand Management Review and comment on traffic impact studies and Travel Demand Management plans associated with the proposed developments. Deliverable Commission comments will be included in staff reports to City Council. Leads Bocar Kane, Lori Richman, Bruce McCarthy, Kirk Johnson Target Completion Date Q4 Budget Required: Funds not needed. Staff Support Required: 1-2 hours per month by Staff Liaison. Parking Lot: (These items have been considered by the BC, but not proposed as part of this year’s work plan. If the BC decides they would like to work on them in the current year, it would need to be approved by Council.) Neighborhood electric vehicles, boulevard trees Date: May 4, 2021 Agenda Item #: VI.I. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Nick Bauler, Traffic Safety Coordinator Item Activity: Subject:Approve Traffic Safety Report of March 30, 2021 Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the Traffic Safety Report of March 30, 2021. INTRODUCTION: The Transportation Commission reviewed the report at their April 15 regular meeting; comments are included in the attached staff report. ATTACHMENTS: Description Traffic Safety Report of March 30, 2021 May 4, 2021 Mayor and City Council Nick Bauler, Traffic Safety Coordinator Traffic Safety Report of March 30, 2021 Information / Background: The Traffic Safety Committee (TSC) review of traffic safety matters occurred on March 30. The Traffic Safety Coordinator, Streets Public Service Worker, Transportation Planner, Police Sergeant, Public Works Director and Assistant City Planner were in attendance for these meetings. The City Engineer was not able to attend but was informed of the decisions and had no objections to the recommendations. On each of the items, persons involved have been contacted and the staff recommendation has been discussed with them. They were informed that if they disagree with the recommendation or have additional facts to present, they can submit correspondence to the Transportation Commission and/or to City Council prior to the May 4 regular meeting. Section A: Items on which the Traffic Safety Committee recommends action A1. Request for accessible on-street parking at 3935 W 49th St • Duplex units (3935 and 3937) are rented by the property owner. • Current tenant of 3935 has special mobility needs. • Parking tends to fill up on south side of W 49th St. • A 5’ sidewalk is adjacent to property. • No accidents have been reported along this stretch of W 49th St in the last 10 years. • W 49th St ADT is 920 vehicles per day. Staff recommends signing an accessible parking space in front of the property to address the resident’s mobility needs. 3935 W 49th St STAFF REPORT Page 2 A2. Request to restrict parking between driveways of 6616 and 6624 Xerxes Ave • Parking restrictions were removed between W 66th St and W 67th St in September 2018 after construction of the Aria (3200 Southdale Cir). • Residents at 6616, 6620 and 6624 Xerxes have concerns with the new on-street parking between their driveways; driveway sight lines and garbage collection have been impacted. • Staff asked the three properties about restricting parking between their two driveways and all three were supportive. • The proposed restriction would remove two on-street parking spaces. Staff recommends installing one parking restriction sign between the two driveways with a “Between Driveways” placard. A3. Request to formally allow curbside pickup along W 50th St in front of the Edina Movie Theater • Retail business manager has requested signs to allow temporary (10 minutes) parking in the bus bay on the south side of W 50th St west of France Ave. • The bus bay is 137’ long, including tapers. • Metro Transit local Routes 46C and 46E use the bus bays and operate at 30 minutes intervals during peak hours. • 2020 ADT on W 50th St was 10,100 vehicles per day. • Three crashes have been reported on W 50th St since January 2016; i. One involving a pedestrian and a distracted driver (westbound). ii. One vehicle hit a pole (eastbound). iii. One rear-end crash (eastbound). • All three bus bays along W 50th St between Halifax and France Aves have been functioning as de-facto temporary parking for local businesses during the pandemic without formal signage. • Staff has discussed the request with Metro Transit to confirm the request would not adversely impact their operations. Staff recommends designating one short-term parking space near the entrance of the southern bus bay to leave enough space for Metro Transit operations. Section D: Other traffic safety items handled D1. A request was made for all-way stop control at W 58th St and France Ave in the absence of a permanent traffic signal. Hennepin County has approved the final plans for traffic signal installation and the work is anticipated to begin the week of April 5. Hennepin County will not permit temporary all-way stop control in the meantime. W 50th St bus bay Xerxes Ave South of W 66th St STAFF REPORT Page 3 D2. A resident was concerned about sight lines for southbound traffic on Brookview Ave approaching W 62nd St. After review, staff determined there is adequate sight distance. The resident was informed to contact the EPD non-emergency dispatch regarding any overhanging trees affecting sight lines. D3. An on-street accessible parking sign was reported missing along Morningside Rd; staff replaced the sign. D4. A request was made to update signal timing on York Ave to improve traffic flow along the corridor. The request was forwarded to Hennepin County for consideration. The Transportation Commission requested that staff follow-up with the County on any action taken. D5. A resident near W 74th St and Xerxes Ave requested to restrict parking on the east side of Xerxes Ave to improve driveway sight lines. The resident was referred to the appropriate staff with the City of Richfield. D6. A resident was concerned with the left turn signal not operating properly for northbound traffic on Valley View Rd at W 66th St. Staff inspected and resolved the issue. D7. The RRFB crossing at Valley View Rd and W 68th St was reported to be malfunctioning. Staff inspected and resolved the issue. D8. A resident reported concerns with vehicle speeds and poor sight lines at McCauley Tr and West Tr. After review, staff determined there is adequate sight distance. EPD was forwarded the request for speed enforcement. D9. Concerns were submitted regarding long vehicle queues for pick-up and drop-off at Highland and Creek Valley Elementary Schools. Operations at these schools were reviewed as part of the City’s recent Safe Routes to School engineering study grant and recommendations were made to the City and the school district. EPD was forwarded the request to monitor traffic flow. No additional action is recommended. D10. A request was made for a crosswalk on the west side of Cahill Rd at Dewey Hill Rd. Stop-controlled intersections require 60 pedestrian crosses in the peak hour and only 26 were observed at this location. A crosswalk is not warranted at this location. D11. A request was made to change a Yield sign to a Stop sign for southbound drivers on Cahill Rd turning left onto eastbound Dewey Hill Rd. Two crashes have been reported at this intersection in the last 10 years and staff determined the intersection had adequate sight distance. A stop sign is not warranted at this location. D12. A concern was raised about speeding vehicles and stop sign compliance at Upper Ter and West Shore Dr. EPD was forwarded the concern to consider additional enforcement. D13. An all-way stop was requested at Ayrshire Blvd and Glengarry Pkwy. Traffic volumes and crash rates do not meet warrants for an all-way stop; the current two-way stop control is appropriate. D14. Wildlife crossing signs were requested along Hilary Ln between Braemar Blvd and Gleason Rd. No accidents have been reported on this roadway in the last 10 years. It is not standard practice for the City to use these signs as studies show they do not significantly affect driver behavior. The Transportation Commission recommended referring the concern to EPD to consider additional enforcement. D15. A repeat request was made for a crosswalk over Blake Rd at Scriver Rd. City Council approved a crosswalk in February 2021, which will be installed with the proposed 2022 street reconstruction project. STAFF REPORT Page 4 D16. A driver who was in a collision at W 66th St and Valley View requested traffic video of the crash. The requester was informed that the intersection cameras are for signal timing and do not record video. Date: May 4, 2021 Agenda Item #: VI.J. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Sharon Allison, City Clerk Item Activity: Subject:Approve New On-Sale Wine and 3.2 On-Sale Beer Liquor License for El Camino Taco Deli, LLC dba El Camino Taco Deli Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve new On-Sale Wine and 3.2 On-Sale Beer Liquor License for El Camino Taco Deli, LLC. dba El Camino Taco Deli for period beginning May 4, 2021 through March 31, 2022. INTRODUCTION: El Camino Taco Deli, LLC applied for on-sale wine and 3.2 on-sale beer liquor licenses for El Camino Taco Deli located at 7565 France Avenue South. The Administration and Planning Departments reviewed the application and find that they comply with code requirements. The Health Department is satisfied with the applicant’s plan for storage and service. A background investigation was completed by the Police Department and Lt. Conboy’s findings are attached. Staff recommends approval of the liquor licenses. ATTACHMENTS: Description Police Dept. Background Investigation Report Date: May 4, 2021 Agenda Item #: VI.K. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:MJ Lamon, Community Engagement Coordinator Item Activity: Subject:Rescind Commission Bylaws Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the rescindment of commission bylaws. INTRODUCTION: On April 20, the City Council approved removal of Commission Bylaw content from Chapter 2, Article III. Boards, Committees and Commissions section of City Code . The final action requested from Council is to formally rescind Commission bylaws. Necessary bylaw content was moved to City Code and the Boards and Commissions P olicies & P rocedures. ATTACHMENTS: Description Staff Memo from Jan. 5, 2021 City Council Work Session City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Administration Department Advisory Boards & Commissions Date: January 5, 2021 To: Mayor & City Council From: MJ Lamon, Community Engagement Coordinator Subject: Boards and Commissions: Governing Documents Governing Documents Advisory Boards and Commissions currently have several governing documents: including City Code, Bylaws, and other policies and procedures. These documents contain duplicate information and / or conflict with one another. This makes it difficult to communicate, navigate and update procedures. Current Documents City Code City code contains the collection of ordinances that have the full force and effect of law. Edina’s city code establishes Edina’s 10 Advisory Boards and Commissions and requirements. By-laws By-laws are not legally required and are similar in purpose to policies and procedures. The City’s by-laws currently define the commission structure. Board and Commission bylaws were revamped in 2013 to ensure there was consistency across all boards and commissions individual bylaws. By- laws encompass some board and commission procedures and cite several sections of City Code. Policies and Procedures The City has numerous policies and procedures that apply to boards and commissions. In 2016, handbooks were created for commission members and staff to navigate board and commission roles, requirements, and procedures more easily. Staff updates these documents at least annually. Recommendation Staff is reviewing City Code, By-laws, and policies for updates needed. Staff will recommend changes to avoid duplication and make these documents easier to use. Staff will recommend that Council: 1. Rescind Bylaws and as appropriate revise City Code & Policies to include necessary content from bylaws 2. Direct staff to continue to update and maintain policies and procedures, and bring to Council for discussion as needed Staff will bring the proposed City Code and by-law changes to a future council meeting for approval. Date: May 4, 2021 Agenda Item #: VI.L. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Other From:Scott H. Neal, City Manager Item Activity: Subject:Appoint Mary Brindle to Represent the City on the Noise Oversight Committee Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Appoint Mary Brindle to represent the City of Edina on the Metropolitan Airports Commission’s Noise Oversight Committee (NOC). INTRODUCTION: The Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC) has established a Noise Oversight Committee (NOC) to address issues related to aviation noise. Several communities, such as Minneapolis, Richfield, Bloomington, and Eagan, have defined seats on the committee. Another group of cities, including Apple Valley, Burnsville, Inver Grove Heights, St. Paul, St. Louis Park and Edina, share a seat referred to as the “At-Large." The person who currently represents Edina on the NOC is Mary Brindle. The MAC has asked the At-Large cities to appoint or reappoint a representative to a new term on the NOC. The new terms are two year, starting June 26, 2021 and ending June 25, 2023. I reached out to Mary Brindle to see if she is interested in continuing to serve Edina on the NOC. She would like to continue her service on the NOC, if the Council is willing to appoint her again. I recommend the City Council appoint Mary Brindle to represent the City of Edina on the NOC for the term starting June 26, 2021 and ending June 25, 2023. Date: May 4, 2021 Agenda Item #: VI.M. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Other From:Sharon Allison, City Clerk Item Activity: Subject:Approve Revised 2021 Calendar of Meeting Dates Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the revised 2021 Calendar of Meeting Dates. INTRODUCTION: Recall that on Dec. 1, 2020, Council approved the 2021 Calendar of Meeting Dates. A meeting date error was recently discovered with a City Council meeting date in June -- Tuesday, June 1, was scheduled as the City Council meeting date. This was changed to Wednesday, June 2, because of the holiday on May 31, Memorial Day, to accommodate council member's schedule. ATTACHMENTS: Description Revised 2021 Calendar of Meeting Dates 2021 CITY OF EDINA COUNCIL AND BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS MEETINGS, HOLIDAYS, DAYS OF RELIGOUS OBSERVANCE AND ELECTION DATE Holidays City Council Nite to Unite Pln Comm Trns Comm Pk & Rec Comm City Council Retreat Indicates a religious holiday's observance Election Day HRA HP Comm Comm Health Human R/R Comm E& E Comm Arts & Culture Comm JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 28 29 30 31 31 S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 4 5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 25 26 27 28 29 30 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 27 28 29 30 30 31 S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 31 26 27 28 29 30 S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30 26 27 28 29 30 31 31 OCTOBER NOVEMBER APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER DECEMBER Adopted City Council 12/1/20 Revised by City Council 5/4/21 Adopted HRA 12/10/20 Date: May 4, 2021 Agenda Item #: VI.N. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Sharon Allison, City Clerk Item Activity: Subject:Resolution No. 2021-39: Accepting Donations Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Resolution No. 2021-39 accepting donations. INTRODUCTION: To comply with State Statute, all donations to the City must be accepted by resolution and approved by two- thirds majority of the Council. See attached resolution with list of donations. ATTACHMENTS: Description Resolution No. 2021-39: Accepting Donations RESOLUTION NO. 2021-39 ACCEPTING DONATIONS ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF EDINA WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute 465.03 allows cities to accept grants and donations of real or personal property for the benefit of its citizens; WHEREAS, said donations must be accepted via a resolution of the Council adopted by a two thirds majority of its members. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Edina City Council accepts with sincere appreciation the following listed grants and donations on behalf of its citizens. Parks & Recreation • James Rodin $3,550 Memorial Bench and Tree at Bredesen Park • William Davis $ 700 Tree at Rosland Park • Melissa Mendez $3,200 Bench at Bredesen Park Dated: May 4, 2021 Attest: Sharon Allison, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of May 4, 2021, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this _______ day of ___________________, 2021. City Clerk Date: May 4, 2021 Agenda Item #: VII.A. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:David Nelson, Chief of Police Item Activity: Subject:Proclamation: National Police Week Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Adopt proclamation declaring the week of May 9 - 15, 2021 as National Police Week. INTRODUCTION: In 1962, P resident John F. Kennedy signed a proclamation which designated May 15 as Peace Officers Memorial Day and the week in which that date falls as Police Week. Currently, tens of thousands of officers from around the world converge on Washington DC to participate in a number of planned events which honor those that have paid the ultimate sacrifice. Let this be a time to thank those who dedicate their lives to serving the public. It is a week that should be set aside so everyone can be made aware of the hard work and dedication of the officers of the Edina Police Department. ATTACHMENTS: Description Natioinal Police Week Proclamation PROCLAMATION NATIONAL POLICE WEEK 2021 WHEREAS, the week of May 9–15, 2021, is National Police Week in the United States; and WHEREAS, there are approximately 800,000 law enforcement officers serving in communities across the United States, including the dedicated members of the Edina Police Department; and WHEREAS, nearly 60,000 assaults against law enforcement officers are reported each year, resulting in approximately 18,000 injuries; and WHEREAS, since the first recorded death in 1786, over 22,000 law enforcement officers in the United States have made the ultimate sacrifice and been killed in the line of duty; and WHEREAS, the names of these dedicated public servants are engraved on the walls of the National Law Enforcement Memorial in Washington, D.C.; and WHEREAS, 360 new names of fallen heroes are being added to the National law Enforcement Memorial in May 2021. The memorial currently honors a total of 22,524 fallen officers on the Wall; and WHEREAS, the service and sacrifice of all officers killed in the line of duty will be honored during the National Law Enforcement Officer Memorial Fund’s Annual Candlelight Vigil, on the May 13, 2021; and WHEREAS, the Candlelight Vigil is part of National Police Week, which will take place this year with a virtual Candlelight Vigil on May 13; and WHEREAS, May 15 is designated as Peace Officers Memorial Day, in honor of all the fallen officers and their families and U.S. Flags were flown at half-staff; and NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Edina, MN, hereby proclaims May 9–15, 2021, as NATIONAL POLICE WEEK In the City of Edina, MN and call upon the people of Edina to observe this week in honor of the men and women whose diligence and professionalism keep the residents and city of Edina safe. Dated this 4th day of May, 2021. James B. Hovland, Mayor Date: May 4, 2021 Agenda Item #: VII.B. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Brian E. Olson, Public Works Director Item Activity: Subject:Proclamation: National Public Works Week Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Adopt proclamation declaring the week of May 16-22, 2021, as National Public Works Week. INTRODUCTION: APWA is proud to announce "Stronger Together" as the theme for the 2021 National P ublic Works Week. T his year's exciting poster challenges our members and their citizens to think about the role public works plays in creating a great place to live. By working together, the impact citizens and public works professionals can have on their communities is magnified and results in the ability to accomplish goals once thought unattainable. ATTACHMENTS: Description Proclamation: 2021 National Public Works Week PROCLAMATION NATIONAL PUBLIC WORKS WEEK May 16-22, 2021 WHEREAS, public works services provided in our community are an integral part of our citizens’ everyday lives; and WHEREAS, the support of an understanding and informed citizenry is vital to the efficient operation of public works systems and programs such as water, sewers, and streets; and WHEREAS, the health, safety and comfort of this community greatly depends on these facilities and services; and WHEREAS, the quality and effectiveness of these facilities, as well as their planning, design, and construction, is vitally dependent upon the efforts and skill of public works officials; and WHEREAS, the efficiency of the qualified and dedicated personnel who staff public works departments is materially influenced by the people’s attitude and understanding of the importance of the work they perform, NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Edina, do hereby proclaim the week of May 16-22, 2021 as “National Public Works Week” in the City of Edina, and I call upon all citizens and civic organizations to acquaint themselves with the issues involved in providing our public works and to recognize the contributions which public works officials make every day to our health, safety, comfort, and quality of life. Dated this 4th day of May, 2021 James B. Hovland, Mayor Date: May 4, 2021 Agenda Item #: VIII.A. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Heidi Lee, Race and Equity Coordinator Item Activity: Subject:Approve Bias Event Response Plan Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve updated Bias Event Response Plan based on feedback received City Council and update from Human Rights and Relations Commissions. INTRODUCTION: The Bias Offense Response Plan was presented to City Council for approval on March 16, 2021. City Council provided feedback on the plan and requested the Human Rights and Relations Commission consider changes and make revisions. The changes were accepted by the Human Rights and Relations Commission and plan name has been changed to Bias Event Response P lan. ATTACHMENTS: Description Staff Report: Approve Bias Event Response Plan Bias Event Response Plan May 4, 2021 Mayor and City Council Heidi Lee, Race & Equity Coordinator, and Staff Liaison to Human Rights & Relations Commission Approve Bias Event Response Plan Information / Background: The City Council approved the charged for the "Bias offense plan review, create definitions to differentiate between bias incidents and bias offenses within the state statute’s definition, tracking and notification process for bias incidents.” in the Human Rights & Relations Commission (HRRC) 2020 Work Plan. The HRRC reviewed the previously approved plan from October 17, 2017 and partnered with the Police Chief to update the document. The plan was presented to City Council on March 16, 2021 with the following changes: - Bias, bias offense, bias crime and bias incident differentiated within the state statute’s definitions. In the approved plan in 2017, the definition of bias offense referenced Minnesota Statute 611A.79, Subd. 1, a copy of the statute was attached part of the plan. - Reporting of complaints regard bias offenses can be made directly to the Police Department; however, complaints can be made through different modes such as online on the City’s website and other departments. - HRRC Notification will include designated HRRC members who are on the subcommittee to support the bias offense response plan. - The Race and Equity Coordinator will track reported offenses and provide an annual report to the Commission. During the March 16 meeting, City Council provided feedback on the definition of “bias offense” in the plan that it should be updated to reflect Minnesota State Statute Section 611A.79, Subd. 1 definition of bias offense and “bias event” should be defined as either a bias offense or bias incident. The HRRC has accepted the recommendations from City Council and revised the plan. The revisions were presented to the entire HRRC for approval on April 27, 2021. STAFF REPORT Page 2 Recommendation: Staff recommends City Council approve the Bias Event Response Plan as recommended by the HRRC. The HRRC and Police Chief have worked together to update and revise the response plan as it was originally indicated and received feedback from Council throughout the process. By adding definitions of bias, bias event, bias offense, and bias incident more clarity is provided on how the HRRC can provide support in the process and response. City of Edina Bias City of Edina Bias City of Edina Bias City of Edina Bias EventEventEventEvent Response PlanResponse PlanResponse PlanResponse Plan INTRODUCTION:INTRODUCTION:INTRODUCTION:INTRODUCTION: The Edina Human Rights and Relations Commission (HRRC) drafted the Bias Offense Response Plan (the Plan), proposed the Plan to the Edina City Council (City Council), and the City Council adopted the Plan on May 5th, 1997. The City Council directed the HRRC to review the Plan at least once per year and provide recommended amendments as needed. In 2021, HRRC proposed to include the definitions of bias, bias event, bias offense and bias incident, which align with definition of state statute. With the addition of bias event, the Plan will be referred to as the Bias Events Response Plan. DEFINITIONS:DEFINITIONS:DEFINITIONS:DEFINITIONS: • Bias:Bias:Bias:Bias: A performed negative opinion or attitude toward a group of persons based on their race, religion, national origin, sex, gender, gender expression, age, disability, or sexual orientation. • Bias Event: Bias Event: Bias Event: Bias Event: Either a bias offense or a bias incident. • Bias Offense:Bias Offense:Bias Offense:Bias Offense: As defined in Minnesota State Statute Section 611A.79, Subd.1 (Appendix A), conduct that would constitute a crime and was committed because of the victim’s or another’s actual or perceived race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, disability as defined in Minnesota Statutes section 363A.03, age, or national origin. • Bias Incident:Bias Incident:Bias Incident:Bias Incident: A bias incident is any actions committed against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by the offender’s bias but does not rise to the level of a crime. PURPOSES:PURPOSES:PURPOSES:PURPOSES: • To establish a procedure for appropriate and timely local responses to bias events thus showing strong community support for people targeted and showing zero community tolerance within the boundaries of the City of Edina. • To raise awareness in the community about the city’s response to bias events. • To establish a Community Resources Network (Appendix B) to be activated as needed. PARTNERSHIP:PARTNERSHIP:PARTNERSHIP:PARTNERSHIP: The HRRC will partner with individuals and organizations in the community to provide timely and meaningful support to those who have experienced a bias event. Local community partners are identified in Appendix B, Community Resources Network. RESPONSE PLAN:RESPONSE PLAN:RESPONSE PLAN:RESPONSE PLAN: 1. Complaints regarding bias events may be made directly to the Edina Police Department (the Police Department) but also may be made on-line on the City’s website or made to other City departments, including the parks department and the Race & Equity Coordinator. 2. Subject to the limitations in the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minn. Stat. Chapter 13, the Police Department will notify the Edina City Manager (City Manager) and the Race and Equity Coordinator, who will notify the HRRC Chair of a substantiated event which may constitute a bias event. The Police Department will investigate the substantiated event to determine if a crime was committed. 3. If a complaint is made to the City other than through the Police Department, the complaint shall first be forwarded to the City Manager and Police Chief, who shall forward it to the Police Department to be investigated. 4. Upon completion of the investigation of a bias event, the Police Department will notify the City Manager and Race and Equity Coordinator of the findings and classify the bias event as either a bias offense or bias incident. 5. If a complaint is determined to be a bias offense, the Police Department will coordinate appropriate criminal charges with the prosecuting authority. The Police Department is responsible for reporting the bias crime to the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension. 6. The City Manager, Chief of Police, Race & Equity Coordinator, HRRC Chair and a yearly designated committee from the HRRC will meet to determine the appropriate level of community response. Community response options include contacting appropriate members of the Community Resources Network to inform them of a bias event, requesting their support and development of a response plan, meeting with the victim or representatives of targeted groups to determine appropriate restorative measures by the City, and such other responses deemed appropriate under the circumstances. 7. The Race & Equity Coordinator will record and track when and where the bias events occurred and will provide an annual report to the Commission. APPENDIX A: APPENDIX A: APPENDIX A: APPENDIX A: 2020: Minnesota Statutes: https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/cite/611a.79 611A.79 CIVIL DAMAGES FOR BIAS OFFENSES.611A.79 CIVIL DAMAGES FOR BIAS OFFENSES.611A.79 CIVIL DAMAGES FOR BIAS OFFENSES.611A.79 CIVIL DAMAGES FOR BIAS OFFENSES. §Subdivision 1. Definition.Definition.Definition.Definition. For purposes of this section, "bias offense" means conduct that would constitute a crime and was committed because of the victim's or another's actual or perceived race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, disability as defined in section 363A.03, age, or national origin. Subd. 2. Cause of action; damages and fees injuncCause of action; damages and fees injuncCause of action; damages and fees injuncCause of action; damages and fees injunction.tion.tion.tion. A person who is damaged by a bias offense has a civil cause of action against the person who committed the offense. The plaintiff is entitled to recover the greater of: (1) $500; or (2) actual general and special damages, including damages for emotional distress. A plaintiff also may obtain punitive damages as provided in sections 549.191 and 549.20 or an injunction or other appropriate relief. Subd. 3. Relation to criminal proceeding; burden of proof.Relation to criminal proceeding; burden of proof.Relation to criminal proceeding; burden of proof.Relation to criminal proceeding; burden of proof. A person may bring an action under this section regardless of the existence or outcome of criminal proceedings involving the bias offense that is the basis for the action. The burden of proof in an action under this section is preponderance of the evidence. Subd. 4. Parental liability.Parental liability.Parental liability.Parental liability. Section 540.18 applies to actions under this section, except that: (1) the parent or guardian is liable for all types of damages awarded under this section in an amount not exceeding $5,000; and (2) the parent or guardian is not liable if the parent or guardian made reasonable efforts to exercise control over the minor's behavior. Subd. 5. Trial; limitation period. Trial; limitation period. Trial; limitation period. Trial; limitation period. (a) The right to trial by jury is preserved in an action brought under this section. (b) An action under this section must be commenced not later than six years after the cause of action arises. Subd. 6. Other rights preserved.Other rights preserved.Other rights preserved.Other rights preserved. The remedies under this section do not affect any rights or remedies of the plaintiff under other law. APPENDIX B:APPENDIX B:APPENDIX B:APPENDIX B: Community Resources NetworkCommunity Resources NetworkCommunity Resources NetworkCommunity Resources Network ORGANIZATIONORGANIZATIONORGANIZATIONORGANIZATION CONTACTCONTACTCONTACTCONTACT TELEPHONETELEPHONETELEPHONETELEPHONE Edina Human Rights & Relations Commission Staff Liaison 952-826-1622 Edina Police Department Chief of Police 952-826-1610 City of Edina City Manager 952-927-8861 Edina City Council Mayor 952-927-8861 Edina Public School District #273 Superintendent 952-848-4000 Richfield Public School District Superintendent 612-798-6000 Hopkins Public School District Superintendent 952-988-4000 Edina Chamber of Commerce Executive Director 952-806-9060 Hennepin County County Attorney 612-348-5550 Professional Mediation Organizations Call the Human Rights and Relations Staff Liaison for resource list 952-926-1622 Minnesota Department of Human Rights Commissioner 651-539-1100 Plan Updated History: 1994, 1997Plan Updated History: 1994, 1997Plan Updated History: 1994, 1997Plan Updated History: 1994, 1997, 2003. 2008, 2011, 2014,, 2003. 2008, 2011, 2014,, 2003. 2008, 2011, 2014,, 2003. 2008, 2011, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2022015, 2016, 2017, 2022015, 2016, 2017, 2022015, 2016, 2017, 2021,1,1,1, Date: May 4, 2021 Agenda Item #: IX.A. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Advisory Communication From:Heidi Lee, Race & Equity Coordinator Item Activity: Subject:Advisory Communication: Police Accountability Legislation Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None; information only. INTRODUCTION: The Human Rights & Relations Commission is submitting this Advisory Communication to request the City Council engage on the topic of Police Reform with the Legislature prior to the May 17, 2021 adjournment of the Minnesota State Legislature. No action is expected from City Council at this time, since this Advisory Communication is outside of their work plan. ATTACHMENTS: Description Police Accountability Legislation Date: May 4, 2021 To: Mayor and City Council From: Human Rights & Relations Commission Subject: Police Accountability Legislation Action Requested: Engage with the Minnesota state legislature regarding police reform Information: In light of the current state of policing and the verdict in the Derek Chauvin trial the Human Rights and Relations Commission is requesting that the City Council engage with our legislature on the topic of Police Reform. Due to the fast approaching adjournment of the Minnesota State Legislature on May 17,2021 the commission urges the Council to take swift action on this matter. Date: May 4, 2021 Agenda Item #: IX.B. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Minutes From:Liz Moore, Engineering Coordinator Item Activity: Subject:Minutes: Energy & Environment Commission, Mar. 11, 2021 Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Receive the Energy & Environment Commission Minutes of March 11, 2021. INTRODUCTION: See attached minutes. ATTACHMENTS: Description March 11, 2021 Meeting Minutes Agenda Energy and Environment Commission City Of Edina, Minnesota VIRTUAL MEETING Members of the public can observe the meeting by watching the live stream on YouTube at youtube.com/edinatv or by listening in by calling toll free 1-415-655-0001 with Access code: 133 646 3411. Thursday, March 11, 2021 7:00 PM I.Call To Order Chari Martinez called the meeting to order. II.Roll Call Answering roll call were Chair Martinez, Commissioners Horan, Haugen, Hovanec, Lukens, Ratan, Tessman, Student Commissioners Mans and Ana Martinez. Absent: Commissioner Lanzas Late: Commisioner Dakane (arrived at 7:20pm) III.Approval Of Meeting Agenda Motion by Michelle Horan to Approve Meeting Agenda. Seconded by Tom Tessman. Motion Carried. IV.Approval Of Meeting Minutes A.Minutes: Energy and Environment Commission January 14, 2021 Motion by Michelle Horan to Approve January 14 Meeting Minutes. Seconded by Hilda Martinez Salgado. Motion Carried. B.Minutes: Energy and Environment Commission February 11, 2021 Motion by Michelle Horan to Approve February 11 Meeting Minutes. Seconded by Hilda Martinez Salgado. Motion Carried. V.Special Recognitions And Presentations A.Climate Action Plan Introduction: paleBLUEdot Tod Redmond from paleBLUEdot presented the Climate Action Plan and answered questions from the commission. VI.Reports/Recommendations A.Workplan Initiative #5: Green Business Recognition Program Ana Martinez and Michelle Horan presented an update to the Green Business Recognition Program. Motion by Ukasha Dakane to Approve continuation of Green Business Recognition Program. Seconded by Hilda Martinez Salgado. Motion Carried. B.Chair and Vice Chair elections Hilda Martinez nominated herself as Chair and Michelle Horan as Vice Chair. Motion by Hilda Martinez Salgado to Approve Hilda Martinez as Chair and Michelle Horan as Vice Chair. Seconded by Tom Tessman. Motion Carried. C.2021 Workplan #2 - To Go packaging ordinance: held meetings with stakeholders. VII.Chair And Member Comments VIII.Staff Comments A.Staff Comment: Green Buildings Policy & CAS Fund Chair Martinez moved Green Building Policy to April EEC Meeting. Staff Liaison Hancock presented the CAS Fund. IX.Adjournment Motion by Michelle Horan to Adjourn. Seconded by Tom Tessman. Motion Carried. T he City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Date: May 4, 2021 Agenda Item #: IX.C. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Minutes From:Andrew Scipioni, Transportation Planner Item Activity: Subject:Minutes: Transportation Commission, Mar. 18, 2021 Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None; information only. INTRODUCTION: Receive the minutes of the Transportation Commission from March 18, 2021 (see attached). ATTACHMENTS: Description Minutes: Transportation Commission, Mar. 18, 2021 Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: April 15, 2021 Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Transportation Commission WebEx March 18, 2021 I. Call To Order Chair Johnson called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. II. Roll Call Answering roll call were Commissioners Ahler, Brown, Johnson, Kane, Lewis, Plumb-Smith, Richman, Atri, Clark, Khariwala. Absent: Commissioner Lafferty Staff present: Transportation Planner Andrew Scipioni III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda Motion was made by Commissioner Richman and seconded by Commissioner Plumb-Smith to approve the agenda. All voted aye. Motion carried. IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes Motion was made by Commissioner Richman and seconded by Commissioner Ahler to approve the February 18, 2021 meeting minutes. All voted aye. Motion carried. V. Special Recognitions and Presentations A. Welcome New Commissioners Liaison Scipioni introduced new Commissioners Chris Brown and Andy Lewis. VI. Reports/Recommendations A. Street Funding Task Force Final Report Liaison Scipioni presented the final report and recommendations of the Street Funding Task Force and reviewed the anticipated next steps. B. Metro Transit Projects Update Liaison Scipioni provided updates on current and proposed Metro Transit projects, including the Orange Line connecting bus study, Southwest LRT and the E Line BRT. C. Commission Resource Portal Concept Chair Johnson and Liaison Scipioni presented a Commission Resource Portal concept site using the Better Together Edina platform for review and comment. Comments from Commissioners included: • Three goals of this site include easy information retrieval, faster on-boarding and developing a strong sense of team. Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: April 15, 2021 • It would be helpful for the Commission to be able to reference previously discussed documents. • Commissioners suggested adding folders for Parking Lot initiatives/ideas and an archive folder for completed initiatives. • Commissioners asked staff to inquire whether Commissioner contact information could be posted to the site. • It seems like this site could be helpful for on-boarding new Commissioners. • Commissioners asked if documents and web site links can be mixed in the folders. • The Boards and Commission Handbook could also be posted to this site. • The News Feed tool could be used to supplement or replace some email updates to Commissioners. • Commissioners asked staff to inquire whether the site can send notifications to users when new materials are posted or uploaded. • Staff noted that Commissioners will need to create an account through Better Together Edina to gain access to the site. D. 2021 Work Plan Updates • #1 Organized Trash Collection – Kick-off meeting was held March 4. Students had good questions and preliminary research; project team discussed deliverables, research methodology and potential case studies. Students are developing a survey to share with residents. • #2 Street Funding Task Force – Completed. • #3 CloverRide – Advisory committee met March 10. Ridership is picking up and approaching pre-pandemic levels. Drivers are accommodating diverted stops, and recent surveying by DARTS shows riders are satisfied with the service and feel safe riding the bus. The City should consider providing bus passes for riders to share with friends. • #4 Traffic Safety Reports – No update. • #5 Capital Improvement Projects – No update. • #6 Traffic Impact Studies & TDM – Staff presented draft TDM policy to Planning Commission March 10 and will bring to City Council for approval April 20. Staff is awaiting the traffic study for a proposed project at 4917 Eden Ave. Commissioner Atri left at 7:34 pm VII. Chair and Member Comments Commissioner Ahler noted that MnDOT has adopted recommendations for sustainable transportation that includes increased investment in electric vehicle charging infrastructure. Ahler noted that there may be funding available to the City to increase electric vehicle infrastructure. Commissioner Brown shared a link to an upcoming webinar on the future of Complete Streets post- COVID. Commissioner Lewis will share content related to the Metropolitan Council Transportation Advisory Board’s recent discussion on equity in transportation. Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: April 15, 2021 Commissioner Plumb-Smith welcomed the new Commissioners and expressed support for the resource portal. Commissioner Richman asked if Hennepin County had approved the new traffic signals at W 58th Street and France Avenue. Richman complimented the Chair Johnson and Vice Chair Plumb-Smith on their first meeting. Commissioner Clark welcomed the new Commissioners. Commissioner Khariwala welcomed the new Commissioners and expressed support for the resource portal. Chair Johnson would like to have individual conversations with each Commissioner to talk about their experiences and thoughts. VIII. Staff Comments • The City is awaiting approval from Hennepin County to install the new traffic signals at West 58th Street and France Avenue. Once begun, the work is expected to take 3-6 weeks to complete. • MnDOT is applying for federal funding through the INFRA grant program for portions of the I-494 project including MnPASS lanes, access reconfiguration and most of the I-494/I-35W interchange reconstruction. Edina provided a letter of support for their application. • Once the Governor’s peacetime emergency order expires or is lifted, the City will not have the discretion to conduct virtual meetings or allow virtual attendance. • The next meeting is Thursday, April 15 at 6 p.m. IX. Adjournment Motion was made by Commissioner Kane and seconded by Commissioner Plumb-Smith to adjourn the March 18, 2021 meeting at 7:43 p.m. All voted aye. Motion Carried. Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: April 15, 2021 TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION ATTENDANCE J F M A M J J A S O N D # of Mtgs Attendance % Meetings/Work Sessions 1 1 1 3 NAME Ahler, Mindy 1 1 1 3 100% Brown, Chris 1 1 100% Johnson, Kirk 1 1 1 3 100% Kane, Bocar 1 1 1 3 100% Lafferty, Peter 1 1 2 67% Lewis, Andy 1 1 100% McCarthy, Bruce 1 1 1 3 100% Plumb-Smith, Jill 1 1 1 3 100% Richman, Lori 1 1 1 3 100% Atri, Nihar (s) 1 1 1 3 100% Clark, Anna (s) 1 1 2 67% Khariwala, Anand (s) 1 1 1 3 100% Scherer, Matthew RESIGNED 0 N/A Date: May 4, 2021 Agenda Item #: IX.D. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Minutes From:Risi Karim, City Management Fellow Item Activity: Subject:Minutes: Human Rights & Relations Commission Mar. 23, 2021 Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Receive the minutes from the March 23,2021 Human Rights & Relations Committee meeting INTRODUCTION: See attached minutes. ATTACHMENTS: Description HRRC Approved Minutes 3.23.21 Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 4/27/2021 Minutes City of Edina, Minnesota Human Rights & Relations Commission Virtual Meeting, WebEx, March 23, 2021, 7 p.m. I. Call To Order Chair Epstein shared information for virtual meeting guidelines for Commissioners and those watching or listening in to the meeting. Chair Epstein called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. II. Roll Call Answering Roll Call: Chair Epstein, Commissioners Edwards, Felton, Guadarrama, Ismail, Ross, Segall, Student Commissioners Lichtenberger and Mirza. Staff Present: Heidi Lee, Race & Equity Coordinator; Jennifer Garske, Executive Assistant Absent: Commissioner Stringer Moore and Student Commissioner Borene Late: Commissioners Bennett (technology, joined via phone) III. Approval of Meeting Agenda Motion by Commissioner Felton to approve the March 23, 2021 meeting agenda, seconded by Commissioner Edwards. Roll call vote. Motion carried. IV. Approval of Meeting Minutes Commissioners indicated the following changes to the draft minutes: • Change “Student Commissioner” to “Student Commissioners” on pg. 1 of meeting minutes, under Roll Call and Absent. • Change “Minnie Gabler” to “Manny Gabler” under 2021 Human Rights & Relations Commission Work Plan, Days of Remembrance section on pg. 2 of the minutes. • Change “hat” to “that” in the next point under the Days of Remembrance section, also on pg. 2 of the minutes. Motion by Commissioner Felton to approve the Feb. 23, 2021 meeting minutes with corrections, seconded by Commissioner Ross. Roll call vote. Motion carried. Commissioner Bennett joined the meeting via phone. V. Special Recognitions and Presentations A. Introduction of New HRRC Commissioners • Commissioners introduced themselves to new Commissioners Bennett, Guadarrama and Segall. Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 4/27/2021 o New Commissioners Guadarrama and Segall shared information about themselves with the Commission. VI. Reports/Recommendations A. Human Rights & Relations Commission 2020 Work Plan • The Commission discussed the Work Plan with the following updates: o Initiative #4 – Arts & Décor Rubric o Use of rubric has not been completed because of the pandemic o Initiative #6 – Bias Offense Review o Council Member Jackson had wording suggestions when this went before Council this month o Updates will be made and it will be resubmitted for Council approval at next meeting B. 2021 Human Rights & Relations Commission Work Plan • The Commission discussed the 2021 workplan as well as assigned Commissioners to initiatives. o Initiative #1 – Days of Remembrance - The speaker is available again - It will be a seminar-type presentation and the group is working on a date for the event - There can be up to four members on each of the initiatives - Can let Chair Epstein know if a Commissioner would like a spot on this initiative o Initiative #2 – Tom Oye Award - No update - Shared background on the award for the new Commissioners - Room for two more Commissioners on this initiative o Initiative #3 – Sharing Values Sharing Community Event - No update yet, waiting for new leadership of Commission to be in place to make plans - This initiative dovetails with Initiative #4 - Shared information about this initiative and Initiative #4 for new Commissioners, including last fall’s event about justice, race and policing in the community - Looking for more Commissioners to join this initiative o Initiative #4 – Race, Justice, and Policing Community Awareness Plan & Implementation - Mentioned in information shared for Initiative #3 o Initiative #5 – Bias Offense Review - Information shared with new Commissioners about this initiative - Commissioner Guadarrama indicated an interest in joining this initiative o Initiative #6 – Review and comment on a plan developed by P&R and R&E staff - Staff Liaison Lee shared information about this initiative, emphasizing this is a review and comment directive from Council - Chair Epstein asked Commissioners again to volunteer for one or more of the initiatives, as almost all need more members C. Speaker Presentation Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 4/27/2021 • The Commission discussed what speakers they might want to hear from in 2021, who may fall under one of their initiatives - Police Chief will be at four HRRC meetings this year - Leaves a few dates where we could add speakers to the calendar - Commissioners encouraged to send in speaker ideas to Chair Epstein or Staff Liaison Lee VII. Chair and Member Comments • Commissioner Felton took over for former Commissioner Nelson as HRRC representative at the Edina Community Council o Updated on impact on Hennepin County services in downtown Minneapolis due to the Derek Chauvin trial o Service Centers are still all closed, some libraries are now open o Tax services for low-income individuals is available through Hennepin County • Commissioner Edwards shared that she is heartbroken over the shooting in Atlanta o Would love help with some of these initiatives, especially Tom Oye Award • Commissioner Ross welcomed new Commissioners • Commissioner Segall shared that League of Women Voters (LWV) is holding a virtual screening of a documentary on voter suppression on March 25, the link can be found at https://lwvedina.org/ o April 27 there will be a community discussion of the book “Caste,” in coordination with the Edina Community Foundation. Link on LWV website. o Event June 14-16 with a speaker on ageism through the Minnesota Elder Justice Center. It is held in conjunction with World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. • Commissioner Guadarrama is part of an organization that is holding an event April 2 on policing and trauma. Will send link to Staff Liaison Lee. • Commissioner Ismail is interested in Initiative #4, would like to be part of it. o Local nonprofit Somali American Women Action Center hosting an event the beginning of May to build awareness in the community about eliminating plastic bags. Women in group are making tote bags to sell for the nonprofit, and educate about not using plastic bags. Creating a website for the challenge with a link to purchase the tote bags. • Commissioner Felton welcomed the three new Commissioners as members. o LWV put on a program last month about restrictive covenants on deeds in Edina. May be able to partner on promoting their events. • Student Commissioner Lichtenberger shared about going to state with her Mock Trial team. o Gave an update on the group she founded at Benilde-St. Margaret’s, now called Red Knights for Social Justice and what they are working on. o Student Commissioner has some ideas for speakers future meetings. • Student Commissioner Mirza working with the Arts & Culture Commission to get virtual art gallery up and running. • Chair Epstein Jewish Community Relations Council shared that the Holocaust commemoration event is set for April 8. Go to their website to find out more. o Deb Haaland, Interior Secretary in the Biden administration, became the first Native American cabinet member. Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 4/27/2021 o Shared about the rise in hate crimes against Asian Americans, and how we need to all address it. o Edina Magazine had Commissioner Ismail in this month’s issue. Check out the story on her nonprofit organization. o Edina Magazine the previous month had an article on Yancey Park. • Commissioner Bennett shared some speaker options and topics with the Commission, such as the 2020 Census results. LWV will sponsor a presentation May 13 featuring Susan Brower, State Demographer. LWV will have more presentations later in the year. o Hennepin County library working with local author on book groups, and encouraging people to form book groups. o Professor of social work at Augsburg College who does research and teaching on health disparities. o Calling out vs. calling in would be a great topic for the Commission and community to hear about. o Commissioner thanked the Commission for their work in the community, and excited to work with everyone. o LWV is sponsoring presentation by Dr. Duchess Harris, Professor of American Studies at Macalester College, on “How Black Women are Changing Politics and Influencing Elections” on April 8. Go to LWV website for link to event. VIII. Staff Comments • Hennepin Libraries have moved forward with erasing fines, and not using fines in the future • Edina Magazine will be doing a story on the Seeds of Change artwork at 50th & France in the May edition. The project co-founders won the Tom Oye Award in 2020. The magazine would like to speak to members of 2020 Tom Oye Award subcommittee. IX. Adjournment Motion by Commissioner Ross to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Commissioner Felton. Roll call vote. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:07 p.m. Date: May 4, 2021 Agenda Item #: IX.E. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Minutes From:Susan M Tarnowski, General Manager-Edina Arts Center Item Activity: Subject:Minutes: Arts & Culture Commission Mar. 25, 2021 Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Receive the minutes of the Arts & Culture Commission from March 25, 2021. INTRODUCTION: See attached minutes. ATTACHMENTS: Description Minutes: Arts & Culture Commission March 25, 2021 Draft Minutes ☐ Approved Minutes ☒ Approved Date: April 22, 2021 Minutes City of Edina, Minnesota Edina Arts & Culture Commission VIRTUAL MEETING March 25, 2021 4:30 p.m. I. Call to Order Chair Sorensen called the meeting to order at 4:34 p.m. II. Roll Call Answering roll call were Commissioners Chandler, DiLorenzo, Fram, Johnson, Martin, Piela, Sorensen, Shen, Westlund; Commissioner Konkimalla joined the meeting. Absent were Commissioners Rubin and Suckow. Staff present: Parks and Recreation Director Perry Vetter, Assistant Recreation and Facilities Director Tracy Petersen, Art Center Manager, Susan Tarnowski. III. Approval of Meeting Agenda Motion made by Chandler to approve the meeting agenda. Motion seconded by Martin. Roll call vote. Motion carried. IV. Approval of Meeting Minutes Motion made by Martin to approve the corrected Feb. 25, 2021 minutes. Motion seconded by DiLorenzo. Roll call vote. Motion carried. V. Special Recognitions and Presentations New Arts & Culture Commissioners Alyssa Fram, Susan Johnson, and Laura Westlund were welcomed; Commission members shared backgrounds and interests. VI. Reports/Recommendations A. 2021 Work Plan Discussion • Initiative #1. An overview and was given on the Public Art Project “From Struggling to Healing” as a collaborative effort with the Edina H.S. Mosaic organization by project lead Student Commissioner Konkimalla. An update by project lead Commissioner DiLorenzo included the number of submissions, the use of the diversity and equity rubric, and marketing for community awareness and submissions to the gallery, including social media, radio, newspapers, and art organization outreach • Initiative #2. Evaluation of the Public Art Project in Initiative #1 is led by Vice-Chair Rubin; Commissioner Fram was added as a co-lead • Initiative #3. The Study and Report initiative on incentives or procedures to include art & décor elements in public and commercial projects is lead by Chair Sorensen and Vice-Chair Rubin; Commissioner Johnson was added as a co-lead • Initiative #4. Providing community perspective to planning for a new art space is led by Draft Minutes ☐ Approved Minutes ☒ Approved Date: April 22, 2021 Commissioners Chandler and Suckow; Commissioner Westlund was added as a co-lead Commissioner Chandler gave an overview of ACC involvement in this effort. Director Vetter provided a summary of a presentation that was made to City Council for discussion during its recent retreat including art center facility challenges, programming and enrollments, and current art offerings. Council discussed: the essential place of the arts in maintaining quality of life for the community; the importance of diversity and inclusion in the arts; the challenges of the current art facility; various models that might be used to provide services to the community in the future. Direction provided by Council included: strong youth art programming, including STEAM offerings; adult programming; and a pottery center. A short-term direction would be a de-centralized art programming in existing city structures. Director Vetter discussed using a consultant to set scope and role as a way to start planning. VI. Chair and Member Comments Chair Sorensen and Director Vetter met with stakeholders at 50th & France to discuss a Friday night concert series being planned for June – September 2021 and an invitation to have student and non-student performers from the Virtual Gallery as warm-up acts before contracted performers. Commissioners agreed that it was an exciting opportunity to enhance the message in ACC Initiative #1. There are 10 concerts planned. Chair Sorensen asked for additional comments on the Workplan Initiatives; suggested Student Commissioners Piela and Shen assist with outreach to schools as part of Mosaic. This was confirmed. Outreach has also started to Morningside Theater and a spoken word group. VII. Staff Comments A. Upcoming meetings and events. • Director Vetter reminded Commissioners of upcoming dates: Chair/Vice Chair training on April 7, 2021; quarterly progress updates – offered to have staff draft the report; the change of ACC meeting dates to Nov. 18 and Dec. 16, 2021 due to holiday conflicts; joint meeting with Council on May 18, 2021. • Director Vetter also indicated that charge for the Commission will be reviewed at the April meeting: discussion will focus on the role of the Commission as advisory to City Council; materials will be sent to Commissioners prior to the April meeting • Chair Sorensen asked about budget updates and Director Vetter proposed two formal budget updates a year: before Work Plan development and before beginning any initiatives • Director Vetter thanked Commissioners for forwarding job postings • Manager Tarnowski reported on the start of a new video recorded format for the Authors Studio, available on YouTube and scheduled on Edina TV; reported on Spring/Summer art offerings and enrollments • Chair Sorensen again welcomed new Commissioners, thanked outgoing Commissioner Martin for her service and wished her well in her new endeavor Draft Minutes ☐ Approved Minutes ☒ Approved Date: April 22, 2021 VIII. Adjournment Motion made by Westlund to adjourn the March 25, 2021 meeting at 5:47 p.m. Motion seconded by Fram. Roll call vote. Motion carried. Date: May 4, 2021 Agenda Item #: XIII. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Other From:Sharon Allison, City Clerk Item Activity: Subject:Calendar of City Council Meetings and Events Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None; information only. INTRODUCTION: Date Time Meeting/Event Location Tues, May 4 5:30 p.m.Commissions: Human Rights & Relations / Community Health Virtual 7:00 p.m.City Council Regular Meeting Tues, May 11 SCHOOL DISTRICT SPECIAL ELECTION Thurs, May 14 7:30 a.m.Housing and Redevelopment Authority Virtual Tues, May 18 5:30 p.m.Commissions: Parks & Recreation / Arts & Culture Virtual 7:00 p.m.City Council Regular Meeting Thurs, May 27 7:30 a.m.Housing and Redevelopment Authority Virtual Mon, May 31 MEMORIAL DAY – CITY HALL CLOSED Tues, Jun. 1 5:30 p.m.Quality of Life Survey / Street Reconstruction Virtual 7:00 p.m.City Council Regular Meeting Thurs, Jun. 10 7:30 a.m.Housing and Redevelopment Authority Virtual Tues, Jun. 15 5:30 p.m.Climate Action P lan / Environment & Energy Commission Virtual 7:00 p.m.City Council Regular Meeting Thurs, Jun. 24 7:30 a.m.Housing and Redevelopment Authority Virtual