HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-04-22 HRA Regular Meeting MinutesMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY APRIL 22, 2021 7:30 A.M. 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Hovland called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m. and noted the meeting was being held virtually to comply with the Governor's Stay at Home Order due to the COVID-19 pandemic then explained the processes created for public comment. 11. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Commissioners Anderson, Jackson, Pierce, Staunton, and Chair Hovland. Absent: None. III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE IV. MEETING AGENDA APPROVED — AS PRESENTED Motion by Commissioner Jackson, seconded by Commissioner Pierce, approving the meeting agenda as presented. Roll call: Ayes: Commissioners Jackson, Pierce, Staunton, and Chair Hovland Motion carried. V. COMMUNITY COMMENT No one appeared. VI. CONSENT AGENDA ADOPTED — AS PRESENTED Member Staunton made a motion, seconded by Member Pierce, approving the consent agenda as presented: VI.A. Approve minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 8, 2021 VI.B. Approve request for purchase; engineering services for pedestrian bridge; Kimley-Horn for $100,000 VI.C. Approve request for purchase; estimating services for pedestrian bridge; RJM for $23,558 Rollcall: Ayes: Commissioners Jackson, Pierce, Staunton, and Chair Hovland Motion carried. VII. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS VII.A. AFFORDABLE HOUSING FINANCING TOOLS — RECEIVED Nick Anhut, Ehlers and Associates, presented various financing tools available to the HRA to support affordable housing development. He spoke about the need for public funding to create affordable housing projects and address the financial gap for developers then outlined in detail TIF/abatement financing options that included pay-as-you-go notes, bonds/interfund loans, TIF pooling, HRA levy, revolving loan funds, local housing trust fund, housing improvement areas, public project bonding, funding partners and tax-exempt bonds. The Commission asked if housing improvements areas could be used for rental property projects and pooled monies use examples outside of revolving loans. Mr. Anhut responded that tool could possibly be used for units rented in a common -interest community but not a standalone multi -family project. He said revolving loan programs included many restrictions and an HRA-levy would provide Page 1 M)nutem/HrU822,2028 much more flexibility then noted other projects such as oLraet capa. accessibility or infrastructure that would serve an affordable housing development could be done as well, The Commission asked about the use oJbonds for publicly offered securities to the private sector to fund affordable housing projects with o market rate would help cover the cost Mc Anhutsa|d he would return with further research as vvh||e there were private funds that do that work our ability to obtain that financing could be limited. Vill. HRA COMMISSIONERS' COMMENTS—Kaoakmd IX. EXECUTIVE -Recekmd �� UPDATE ON REDEVELOPMENT PLANNING FOR S 146 EDEN AVENUE —Recevod Economic Development Manager Meuandorf provided an update on the status of the 5148 Eden Avenue project and recommended next steps. Discussion was held on the need for an additional worksession prior to expiration of the memorandum of understanding (MOU) with a new concept that included ownership hmusing, public green space, commercial buUd|ng, and upedestrian bridge across the railroad tracks. Henoted the M[)Uallowed both parties toexplore concepts and there was no obligation to commit tothe proposed uses. Mr. Neuendorfna\d most comments focused on what the project was lacking and not delivering and that the developer understood the direction and was willing to start over to explore more programming ideas, He said it was essential for the group to hold a separate meeting u better review of wants and needs to provide the best direction tothe development team. The Commission held discussion on the most important points and the need for the public to understand the history of the site constraints, such as inclusion of a park and ride no longer on option and the need to identify a desired outcome, whether it be policy, funds, or a combination. Discussion was held about the need to keep the spirit of the original frannework alive created nine years ago in spite of site constraints as well as the difficulties of having o part public/part private development. Staff was directed to identify u mutual dote to meet, possibly in permun, that vvuu|d input the developer and the public. X. ADJOURNMENT Motion made by Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Jackson, to adjourn the meeting at8;52 a.nn. Roll call: Ayes: Commissioners Jackson, Pierce, Staunton, and Chair Hovland Motion carried. Respectfully submitted,