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2021 Quality of Life Survey
June 2021
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
Prepared by Polco/National Research Center
Executive Summary .....................................................................................................................................................1
Survey Background .....................................................................................................................................................5
Quality of Life and Community ...................................................................................................................................7
Quality of Life ..........................................................................................................................................................7
Sense of Community ...............................................................................................................................................9
Community Characteristics .................................................................................................................................. 13
Safety in Edina ...................................................................................................................................................... 18
Ease of Travel ....................................................................................................................................................... 19
Issues Facing Edina ............................................................................................................................................... 21
City Services ............................................................................................................................................................. 26
Quality of City Services ......................................................................................................................................... 26
Drinking Water ..................................................................................................................................................... 29
Garbage Collection ............................................................................................................................................... 30
Parks and Recreation ............................................................................................................................................ 31
Government Performance ....................................................................................................................................... 34
Value of Taxes Paid .............................................................................................................................................. 34
Trust in City Government ..................................................................................................................................... 36
Contact with City Departments ............................................................................................................................ 41
Public Information and Communication .................................................................................................................. 43
Information Sources ............................................................................................................................................. 43
City Website ......................................................................................................................................................... 45
Planning and Priorities ............................................................................................................................................. 47
Municipal Liquor Stores ....................................................................................................................................... 47
Redevelopment in Edina ...................................................................................................................................... 49
Sustainability and Climate Change ....................................................................................................................... 53
Appendix A: Responses to Survey Questions ........................................................................................................... 55
Appendix B: Verbatim Responses to Survey Questions ........................................................................................... 89
Appendix C: Survey Results by Respondent Characteristics................................................................................... 126
Appendix D: Benchmark Comparisons ................................................................................................................... 171
Appendix E: Survey Methodology .......................................................................................................................... 185
Appendix F: Survey Materials................................................................................................................................. 190
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
Prepared by Polco/National Research Center
Figure 1: Overall Quality of Life by Year .............................................................................................................................................. 7
Figure 2: Likelihood of Remaining in Community and Recommending Community by Year ........................................................... 8
Figure 3: Sense of Community by Year ................................................................................................................................................ 9
Figure 4: Edina as a Welcoming Community by Year ....................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 5: Importance of Edina Creating a Diverse and Inclusive City by Year ................................................................................. 10
Figure 6: Job the City Does at Creating an Inclusive and Diverse Community by Year ................................................................... 11
Figure 7: Feelings of Discrimination, 2021 ........................................................................................................................................ 12
Figure 8: Overall Community Characteristics by Year ...................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 9: Individual Community Characteristics by Year .................................................................................................................. 14
Figure 10: Reasons for Living in Edina by Year .................................................................................................................................. 16
Figure 11: Most Liked Attribute of Living in Edina, 2021 ................................................................................................................. 17
Figure 12: Overall Feeling of Safety by Year ...................................................................................................................................... 18
Figure 13: Feelings of Safety by Year ................................................................................................................................................. 18
Figure 14: Overall Ease of Travel by Year .......................................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 15: Ease of Walking and Biking in Edina by Year ................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 16: Travel-related Characteristics by Year ............................................................................................................................. 20
Figure 17: Most Serious Issues Facing Edina, 2021 .......................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 18: Future Economic Outlook by Year ................................................................................................................................... 23
Figure 19: Traffic Problems by Year ................................................................................................................................................... 23
Figure 20: Crime-related Problems in Community by Year .............................................................................................................. 24
Figure 21: Concerns about Household Issues by Year ...................................................................................................................... 25
Figure 22: Overall Quality of City Services by Year ........................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 23: Quality of City Services by Year ........................................................................................................................................ 28
Figure 24: Quality of Drinking Water by Year ................................................................................................................................... 29
Figure 25: Aspects of Drinking Water by Year .................................................................................................................................. 29
Figure 26: Quality of Garbage Collection by Year ............................................................................................................................. 30
Figure 27: Support for Change in Garbage Collection System by Year ............................................................................................ 30
Figure 28: Use of Parks and Recreation Facilities by Year ................................................................................................................ 31
Figure 29: Quality of Parks and Recreation Facilities by Year .......................................................................................................... 32
Figure 30: Options for Edina Art Center, 2021 ................................................................................................................................. 33
Figure 31: Value of City Services by Year........................................................................................................................................... 34
Figure 32: Property Tax Level by Year ............................................................................................................................................... 34
Figure 33: Support for Property Tax Increase by Year ...................................................................................................................... 35
Figure 34: City Headed in Right Direction or on Wrong Track by Year ............................................................................................ 36
Figure 35: City Headed in Right Direction or on Wrong Track, 2021 ............................................................................................... 37
Figure 36: Reasons for Wrong Track, 2021 ....................................................................................................................................... 37
Figure 37: Opportunity for Residents to be Involved in How Edina is Run by Year ........................................................................ 38
Figure 38: Opportunity for Residents to be Involved in How Edina is Run, 2021 ........................................................................... 39
Figure 39: Reasons for Feeling Residents Don't Have a Say in How Edina is Run, 2021................................................................. 39
Figure 40: Aspects of Public Trust by Year ........................................................................................................................................ 40
Figure 41: Impression of Employee(s) by Year .................................................................................................................................. 42
Figure 42: Effectiveness of the Newsletter, Edition: Edina by Year ................................................................................................. 44
Figure 43: Accessed City Website by Year ......................................................................................................................................... 45
Figure 44: Quality of City Website by Year ........................................................................................................................................ 45
Figure 45: Aspects of City Website by Year ....................................................................................................................................... 46
Figure 46: Level of Support for Municipal Owned Liquor Stores by Year ........................................................................................ 47
Figure 47: Frequency of Edina Liquor Purchases, 2021 ................................................................................................................... 48
Figure 48: Reasons for Not Purchasing from Edina Liquor, 2021 .................................................................................................... 48
Figure 49: Quality of Redevelopment in Edina by Year .................................................................................................................... 49
Figure 50: How Well the City Manages Redevelopment Tensions by Year ..................................................................................... 50
Figure 51: Definition of Affordable Housing, 2021 ........................................................................................................................... 50
Figure 52: Availability of Housing for Various Income Groups, 2021 .............................................................................................. 51
Figure 53: Housing Choice Priorities, 2021 ....................................................................................................................................... 52
Figure 54: Quality of Sustainability Services Provided by the City by Year ...................................................................................... 53
Figure 55: Importance of Sustainability Services Provided by the City by Year .............................................................................. 54
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
Prepared by Polco/National Research Center Page 1
Executive Summary
Survey Background and Methods
The 2021 Edina Quality of Life Survey provided residents the opportunity to rate the quality of life in the City of
Edina, as well as the quality of service delivery, impressions of City employees, and overall workings of local
government. Residents also shared their priorities for community planning and resource allocation.
Surveys were mailed to 2,000 randomly selected resident households in March and April 2021. A total of 518
surveys were completed (213 of which were submitted online), yielding a response rate of 29%. The margin of
error is plus or minus 4% around any given percentage point reported for all respondents (518).
Survey results were weighted so that respondent housing tenure (rent or own), housing unit type (attached or
detached), gender, age, race/ethnicity, and geographic location of the respondent’s residence were represented in
proportions reflective of the entire city.
Because Edina has administered quality of life surveys before, comparisons could be made between 2021
responses and those from prior survey years. Edina also elected to have its results compared to those of other
jurisdictions around the nation and in Minnesota, comparisons made possible through a national benchmark
database created and maintained by Polco/National Research Center. This database contains resident
perspectives gathered in resident surveys from more than 500 communities across the United States.
Key Findings
Residents continue to praise Edina as a highly desirable place to live.
• Almost all Edina residents (96%) rated their overall quality of life as excellent or good, which was a
higher rating than seen in other communities across the nation and similar to ratings given elsewhere in
Minnesota. This rating has remained stable since Edina first surveyed in 2011.
• More than 9 in 10 residents indicated they were very or somewhat likely to remain in Edina for the next
five years, and 86% would recommend living in Edina to someone who asks; these evaluations were
similar to ratings given in previous years. Edina residents were more likely to recommend living in Edina
to someone who asks and equally as likely to remain in the city for the next five years compared to the
national benchmark, and both of these ratings were similar to the Minnesota benchmarks.
• When evaluating the quality of several broad characteristics of community livability, health and wellness
opportunities, Edina’s overall economic health, overall opportunities for education and enrichment, and
the quality of the overall natural environment topped the list, with about 9 in 10 providing excellent or
good marks to each. These ratings tended to be higher than or similar to the national and Minnesota
averages. When compared to other Minnesota communities, Edina was ranked #1 for the overall
established “built environment” of Edina and overall opportunities for education and enrichment.
• Thinking about their reasons for choosing to live in Edina, location/convenience (75%), a safe community
(58%), good schools (50%), an attractive community (49%), good neighborhoods (48%), and amenities
(47%) were the most commonly chosen reasons for living in the city. When given the opportunity to write
in their own words what they liked most about living in Edina, 43% wrote comments related to the
convenience, accessibility and walkability of the city.
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Prepared by Polco/National Research Center Page 2
Survey respondents increasingly value diversity and inclusion in Edina.
• As in 2019, a set of questions on the 2021 survey gauged resident opinion about how welcoming the
community was toward different groups of people and how important inclusivity and diversity is in
Edina. About 7 in 10 residents believed that it was essential or very important that the local government
focus on creating a diverse and inclusive city for the people of Edina, which represented an increase from
2019 to 2021.
• At least 6 in 10 respondents felt the Edina community was very welcoming or welcoming for people of all
religions, while about half thought Edina was welcoming for people of all races and people of all
ethnicities. Only about 3 in 10 residents felt that Edina was welcoming toward people who have a lower
income, which was a decrease from 2019 ratings.
• Roughly 7 in 10 residents or more said the City does an excellent or good job providing a safe and secure
environment for residents of all backgrounds and making all residents feel welcome and that they belong.
More than half felt the City does an excellent or good job at valuing residents from diverse backgrounds
and helping new residents feel connected and integrated. However, only about 4 in 10 residents awarded
excellent or good scores to the job the City does attracting people from diverse backgrounds. Compared
to 2019, ratings in 2021 were lower for all of these aspects except for making all residents feel welcome,
which was similar over time. These assessments were similar to or lower than the national and Minnesota
benchmark comparisons.
Predictably, some ratings have changed since 2019 due to closures associated with the COVID-
19 pandemic.
• The lockdowns, closing of City amenities, and reduced road activity associated with 2020-2021
coronavirus pandemic have had likely impacts on several of Edina’s ratings.
• Respondents evaluated how concerned they were about a number of potential issues their household
could have experienced in the 12 months prior to the survey. Overall, the majority of respondents were
not concerned with four of the five household issues (e.g., being able to age in place or having access to
health care). However, 6 in 10 residents were concerned about feeling socially isolated or disconnected
from others, which was a notable 33% increase from 2019 to 2021.
• When looking at ratings for car-related travel, ratings for ease of travel by car (88% excellent or good),
ease of public parking (77%), and traffic flow on major streets (70%) all improved in 2021. Compared to
the benchmarks, Edina residents’ ratings of traffic flow on major streets, ease of public parking, and ease
of travel by car were higher than the national averages and similar to the Minnesota averages.
• Survey respondents reviewed a list of 13 Parks and Recreation Department amenities and indicated how
frequently they used each. Compared to 2019, usage in 2021 increased for neighborhood parks (88% used
at least once in the last 12 months) and the Braemar Golf Course (34%), and decreased for Edinborough
Park (33%), Braemar Arena 23%), Edina Art Center (15%), Edina Aquatic Center (10%), and Edina Senior
Center (9%).
• When evaluating their use of various information sources about Edina government and its activities, use
of many of these sources in 2021 differed compared to 2019. Residents in 2021 were more likely to use
Edition: Edina monthly newsletter, direct mail updates, the City’s website, and online videos than in 2019.
Residents were less likely to report using City Council Members and Edina TV to get information.
Growth-related issues continue to be concerns in Edina.
• About 6 in 10 residents gave excellent or good reviews to the overall quality of residential and
commercial redevelopment in Edina. While these ratings were similar compared to 2019, evaluations of
the quality of residential redevelopment continued its downward trend from 2015. When asked how
well, if at all, they felt the City does managing tensions in the community related to residential
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
Prepared by Polco/National Research Center Page 3
redevelopment in Edina, about half of residents felt the City manages tensions very or somewhat well,
which was similar compared to ratings given in 2019.
• Ratings for the availability of affordable quality housing (30% excellent or good) and variety of housing
options (49%) were similar to the national averages, but lower when compared to other communities in
• Residents shared what they felt was the most serious issue facing Edina. Of the respondents who wrote in
a response, 17% wrote in comments related to housing concerns such as overdevelopment or teardowns,
14% made a comment about the need for more affordable housing, 11% mentioned issues related to
traffic and infrastructure, and 10% commented about growth and overcrowding.
• A new survey question in 2021 helped identify gaps in the type and amount of housing provided for
various income groups. Overall, a majority of respondents felt that there was somewhat too little or far
too little housing for lower-income singles and families (67% and 70%, respectively); a slightly smaller
proportion of residents felt that there was too little housing available for middle-income families and
singles (48% and 51%, respectively).
• Survey respondents also were asked for the first time in 2021 how important it was for the City to
encourage various housing choices. About two-thirds of respondents said that it was essential or very
important for the City to encourage preservation of small starter homes (homes with fewer rooms or
other amenities that are affordable for first-time buyers). One-third of residents prioritized medium-
density development (like townhouses), and about one-quarter said that the City should encourage the
building of more accessory dwelling units (apartments or small homes built above garages, in backyards,
• About two-thirds of respondents felt things in the City were headed in the right direction, a rating that
was similar to 2019 but lower than previous survey years. The one-third of respondents who indicated
that things were on the wrong track could write in a reason for giving the rating they did. Of the
respondents who wrote in a response, 43% wrote comments related to poor development, overbuilding
and density of the city (about 14% of all respondents). About 12% wrote in comments related to
affordable housing, cost of living, and teardowns.
Residents continue to rate the quality of services in Edina highly and feel they receive value for
the taxes they pay.
• About 9 in 10 survey participants gave positive scores to the overall quality of City services, which has
remained stable since this question was first asked in 2015. Edina’s rating for overall quality of services
was similar when compared to other communities in Minnesota and higher than the national
• Survey respondents had the opportunity to evaluate a number of individual services provided by the
City. Overall, 30 of the 34 services were rated as excellent or good by at least 60% of survey respondents.
Public safety services (e.g., fire, ambulance and police), parks (e.g., city parks and park maintenance), and
snow removal received the highest praise by respondents, with at least 9 in 10 giving excellent or good
evaluations to each of these services.
• When compared to 2019, most service ratings were similar in 2021. However, ratings decreases since 2019
were observed for crime prevention, recreation programs or classes, yard waste pickup, and City-
sponsored special events.
• When thinking about the value of services for the taxes they pay to Edina, about 7 in 10 survey
respondents felt they get excellent or good value for the taxes paid. This rating was similar to the 2019
rating, but a decrease from 2017. When compared to the benchmarks, the rating for value of services for
taxes paid was higher than other communities across the nation and similar to the Minnesota comparison
group. Residents also indicated if they felt property taxes in Edina were high, about average or low.
About 47% felt they were very or somewhat high, which was a decrease from previous years.
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Some residents would like more opportunities to feel that their voices are heard.
• About 6 in 10 survey participants felt that they could have a say about the way things are run in the
community other than by voting, which was similar to previous years. The 38% of residents who felt that
they could not have a say in the community could write in a response as to why; of those, 31% wrote
general comments related to the public voice not being heard or listened to (about 12% of all respondents)
and 18% said decisions are predetermined (about 7% of all respondents).
• Residents were asked if they thought things in Edina were generally headed in the right direction or if
things are off track. The 32% of residents who indicated that things are on the wrong track could write in
a reason for giving the rating they did. Of those who wrote in a response, about 16% (5% of all
respondents) wrote in comments related to the City government (high taxes, not listening to residents,
• When rating aspects of government performance, roughly 6 in 10 gave excellent or good reviews to the
City government treating all residents fairly, generally acting in the best interest of the community,
overall confidence in Edina government, and the job the City does welcoming resident involvement.
These ratings were similar to the national and Minnesota benchmark comparisons. However, ratings
declined from 2019 to 2021 for the job the City does at welcoming resident involvement.
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Prepared by Polco/National Research Center Page 5
Survey Background
The City of Edina contracted with Polco/National Research Center to conduct a community-wide quality of life
survey. The primary goal of the survey was to assess the attitudes and opinions of residents by:
• evaluating City programs and services,
• determining general perceptions of the quality of life in the city,
• identifying issues facing the city and
• benchmarking results over time.
The Edina Quality of Life Survey serves as a consumer report card for Edina by providing residents with the
opportunity to rate the quality of life in the city, as well as the community’s amenities, service delivery and
satisfaction with local government. Residents also provide feedback on what is working well and what is not, and
communicate priorities for community planning and resource allocation.
Focusing on the quality of service delivery helps council, staff and the public to set priorities for budget decisions
and lays the groundwork for tracking community opinions about the core responsibilities of Edina City
government, helping to assure maximum service quality over time.
This is the sixth iteration of the Edina Quality of Life Survey since the baseline study conducted in 2011. All
surveys since 2015 were conducted by mail; the 2013 and 2011 surveys were conducted by phone.
Survey Administration
Each selected household was contacted three times over the course of about three weeks. First, a postcard was
mailed to 2,000 Edina households, selected at random, notifying residents that they had been chosen to
participate in the survey. A survey packet followed in the mail about one week after the postcard and a second
survey packet was sent about one week after the first packet. The postcard and both letters contained a URL
where respondents could go online to complete the survey, if preferred. There were 518 respondents to the
mailed questionnaire (213 of which were completed online), yielding a response rate of 29%.
Survey results were weighted so that respondent gender, age, housing unit type (attached or detached), housing
tenure (rent or own) and geographic location of the respondent’s residence were represented in the proportions
reflective of the entire city. More information about the survey methodology can be found in Appendix E: Survey
How the Results are Reported
For the most part, the full set of frequencies or the “percent positive” are presented in the body and narrative of
the report. The percent positive is the combination of the top two most positive response options (i.e., excellent
and good, very safe and somewhat safe, strongly support and somewhat support, etc.).
On many of the questions in the survey, respondents could give an answer of “don’t know.” The proportion of
respondents giving this reply is shown in the full set of responses included in Appendix A: Responses to Survey
Questions and is noted in the body of this report if it is 30% or greater. However, these responses have been
removed from the analyses presented in the body of the report, unless otherwise indicated. In other words, the
majority of the tables and graphs in the body of the report display the results from respondents who had an
opinion about a specific item.
For some questions, respondents were permitted to select multiple options. When the total exceeds 100% in a
table for a multiple response question, it is because some respondents are counted in more than one category.
When a table for a question that only permitted a single response does not total to exactly 100%, it is due to the
customary practice rounding values to the nearest whole number.
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Prepared by Polco/National Research Center Page 6
Precision of Estimates
It is customary to describe the precision of estimates made from surveys by a “level of confidence” and
accompanying “confidence interval” (or margin of error). The 95 percent confidence level for this survey is
generally no greater than plus or minus 5% around any given percent reported for all respondents (518). Where
estimates are given for subgroups, they are less precise. Generally the 95% confidence interval ranges from plus
or minus five percentage points for samples of about 400 to plus or minus 10 percentage points for samples as
small as 100. For smaller sample sizes (i.e., 50), the margin of error rises to 14%.
Comparison of Results over Time and by Respondent Subgroups
Because this survey was the sixth iteration of the survey, the 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, and 2019 results are presented
when comparisons to 2021 were available. Where differences in ratings from 2019 to 2021 are seven percentage
points or greater, they can be considered significantly higher or lower.
When reviewing comparisons to data prior to 2015, differences that surfaced may or may not be meaningful, as
wording changes between survey versions and the switch in methodology from a telephone to a mail survey may
account, at least in part, for any shift in ratings. Polco/NRC adjusted the findings from 2013 and prior in order to
maximize the comparability of results over time. This way the reported trendline data are less likely to be
influenced by the decline that is attributable to the change in data collection mode from telephone to mail.
Changes between the mailed and phone surveys can be regarded as significant if the difference in ratings
between the survey years is greater than 10 percentage points. For more information on comparing results over
time, see Appendix E: Survey Methodology.
Selected survey results were compared by geographic location of each respondent’s home, respondent length of
residency, age, gender, housing unit tenure (rent or own) and respondent race/ethnicity. These crosstabulations
are summarized and presented in tabular form in Appendix C: Survey Results by Respondent Characteristics. Where
differences between subgroups are statistically significant, they are noted in the tables.
Comparing Survey Results to Other Communities
NRC’s database of comparative resident opinion is comprised of resident perspectives gathered in resident
surveys from over 600 communities whose residents evaluated their services. Conducted with typically no fewer
than 400 residents in each community, opinions are intended to represent over 30 million Americans.
Communities to which Edina is compared can be found in Appendix D: Benchmark Comparisons. National
benchmark comparisons and comparisons to communities in Minnesota have been provided when similar
questions on the Edina survey are included in NRC’s database and there are at least five communities in which
the question was asked, though most questions are compared to more than five other communities.
Where comparisons for quality ratings were available, Edina’s results were generally noted as being “higher”
than, “lower” than or “similar” to the benchmark, meaning that the average rating given by city residents is
statistically similar to or different (greater or lesser) than the benchmark. More extreme differences are noted as
“much higher” or “much lower.” Comparisons for a number of items on the survey were not available in the
benchmark database and have been excluded from the benchmark tables that appear throughout the body of the
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
Prepared by Polco/National Research Center Page 7
Quality of Life and Community
The City of Edina 2021 Quality of Life Survey measured resident perceptions about various aspects of the quality
of life in the city, how likely residents would be to recommend living in the community to others, and the
likelihood of remaining in Edina for the next five years. Residents were also asked about Edina’s sense of
community, feelings of safety and ease of travel in the city.
Quality of Life
Nearly all Edina residents felt the overall quality of life in Edina was excellent or good (96%); only 4% felt it was
fair and no respondents felt that the quality of life was poor (for full frequencies of responses to all survey
questions see Appendix A: Responses to Survey Questions). These exceptionally high marks have remained stable
since this question was first asked in 2011.
Resident opinions in Edina were compared to those of residents in other communities across the nation and in
Minnesota. Edina’s rating for overall quality of life was higher when compared to the national average and
similar compared to other communities in Minnesota (see Appendix D: Benchmark Comparisons for detailed
information on the benchmark comparisons).
Figure 1: Overall Quality of Life by Year
How would you rate the quality of life in Edina?
percent excellent or good
* In 2011 and 2013, the survey was administered by telephone. Starting in 2015, the survey was administered via mail.
Please see Appendix E: Survey Methodology for more information on how to interpret changes over time.
2011*2013*2015 2017 2019 2021
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
Prepared by Polco/National Research Center Page 8
In addition to rating the overall quality of life, residents’ feelings about their community can be measured in their
loyalty to the community. Ninety-five percent of respondents would recommend living in Edina to someone who
asked, while 86% planned to remain in Edina for the next five years. These high ratings have remained stable
over time.
Edina residents were more likely to recommend living in Edina to someone who asks and equally as likely to
remain in the city for the next five years compared to the national benchmark. When compared to other
Minnesota communities, Edina residents gave similar reviews to their likelihood to remain and recommend
living in Edina.
Figure 2: Likelihood of Remaining in Community and Recommending Community by Year
Please indicate how likely or unlikely you are to do each of the following:
Remain in Edina for the next five years
Recommend living in Edina to someone who asks
percent very or somewhat likely
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
Prepared by Polco/National Research Center Page 9
Sense of Community
The sense of community in Edina is strong, with about 7 in 10 respondents giving excellent or good marks; about
one-quarter felt that the sense of community was fair and only 5% said it was poor. Ratings of the sense of
community have remained stable since 2015.
Edina residents’ gave similar ratings to their sense of community than did residents in other communities across
the nation and in Minnesota.
Figure 3: Sense of Community by Year
Please rate the sense of community as it relates to Edina.
Percent excellent or good
* Differences in ratings between the 2011/2013 administrations and ratings from 2015 and onward may be due in part to the
switch in methodology from a telephone to a mail survey. Changes in ratings between the 2011/2013 surveys and those from
2015 and onward are regarded as meaningful if the difference in is greater than 10 percentage points. Please see Appendix E:
Survey Methodology for more information on how to interpret changes over time.
2011*2013*2015 2017 2019 2021
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
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Inclusivity and Diversity
As in 2019, a set of questions on the 2021 survey gauged resident opinion about how welcoming the community
was toward different groups of people and how important inclusivity and diversity is in Edina.
At least 6 in 10 respondents felt the Edina community was very welcoming or welcoming for people of all
religions, while about half thought Edina was welcoming for people of all races and people of all ethnicities. Only
about 3 in 10 residents felt that Edina was welcoming toward people who have a lower income, which was a
decrease from ratings seen in 2019.
Figure 4: Edina as a Welcoming Community by Year
Please rate how welcoming Edina is as a community:
The first three items in this question were new on the 2021 survey.
Seven in 10 residents believed that it was at least somewhat important that the local government focus on creating
a diverse and inclusive city for the people of Edina; about 40% rated this initiative as essential, and about one-
quarter rated it as very important or somewhat important. About 8% of respondents felt it was not at all
important for the City government to focus on creating a diverse and inclusive city (see Appendix A: Responses to
Survey Questions for full frequencies). The proportion of residents rating the importance of Edina becoming a
diverse and inclusive city increased from 2019 to 2021.
Figure 5: Importance of Edina Creating a Diverse and Inclusive City by Year
How important for the people of Edina is it that local government focuses on
creating a diverse and inclusive city?
Percent essential or very important
For people who have a lower income
For people of all ethnicities
For people of all races
For people of all religions
percent very welcoming or welcoming
2019 2021
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
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Survey participants were also asked how well the City does at a creating an inclusive and diverse community.
Roughly 7 in 10 residents or more said the City does an excellent or good job providing a safe and secure
environment for residents of all backgrounds and making all residents feel welcome and that they belong. More
than half felt the City does an excellent or good job at valuing residents from diverse backgrounds and helping
new residents feel connected and integrated. Only about 4 in 10 residents awarded excellent or good scores to the
job the City does attracting people from diverse backgrounds. Compared to 2019, ratings in 2021 were lower for
all of these aspects except for making all residents feel welcome, which was similar over time.
Three of the five ratings could be compared to the benchmarks. Edina residents gave ratings that were similar to
the national and Minnesota averages for making all residents feel welcome and valuing/respecting residents
from diverse backgrounds. Assessments of attracting people from diverse backgrounds were lower than both
comparison groups.
Figure 6: Job the City Does at Creating an Inclusive and Diverse Community by Year
Please rate the job you feel the City does at each of the following:
Percent excellent or good
Note: 31% of respondents selected “don’t know” when rating the job the City does at attracting people from diverse
backgrounds (see Appendix A: Responses to Survey Questions for a full set of responses, including “don’t know”).
Attracting people from diverse backgrounds
Helping new residents feel connected and
Valuing/respecting residents from diverse
Making all residents feel welcome
Providing a safe and secure environment for
residents of all backgrounds
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
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A new question on the 2021 survey asked respondents to indicate whether they or someone in their household
had experienced discrimination based on a number of characteristics in the past 12 months. Residents were most
likely to report having experienced discrimination based on their political affiliation, with 15% experiencing this
some or most of the time. About 1 in 10 reported discrimination based on race at least some of the time, and 5%
felt discriminated against due to their age, gender, or disability. Less than 5% felt discriminated against due to
their national origin, religion, or sexual orientation or gender identity.
Figure 7: Feelings of Discrimination, 2021
To what extent, if at all, have you or someone in your household experienced discrimination based on each of the following
in the Edina community in the past 12 months?
Sexual orientation or gender identity
National origin (birth country)
Political affiliation
percent some or most of the time
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
Prepared by Polco/National Research Center Page 13
Community Characteristics
The quality of several broad characteristics of community livability were evaluated on the survey. As in prior
years, at least 8 in 10 residents gave excellent or good scores to most of the seven characteristics of Edina. Health
and wellness opportunities, Edina’s overall economic health, overall opportunities for education and enrichment,
and the quality of the overall natural environment in Edina topped the list, with about 9 in 10 providing excellent
or good marks to each. About 8 in 10 survey respondents awarded favorable reviews to the overall established
“built environment” and to Edina’s overall image or reputation. About three-quarters were pleased with the
neighborliness of the city’s residents. Evaluations given in 2021 were similar to past survey years except for the
overall image or reputation of Edina, which declined since 2019.
Overall, Edina residents gave ratings to the overall community characteristics that were higher than or similar to
the national and Minnesota averages. When compared to other Minnesota communities, Edina was ranked #1 for
the overall established “built environment” of Edina and overall opportunities for education and enrichment.
Figure 8: Overall Community Characteristics by Year
Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a community:
Neighborliness of residents in Edina
Overall image or reputation of Edina
Overall established “built environment” of Edina
(including overall design, buildings, parks and
transportation systems)
Quality of overall natural environment in Edina
Overall opportunities for education and
Overall economic health of Edina
Health and wellness opportunities in Edina
percent excellent or good
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
Prepared by Polco/National Research Center Page 14
In addition to rating overall community characteristics, residents were given a more extensive list of individual
community characteristics and asked to rate the quality of each. The cleanliness of Edina (94% excellent or good),
shopping opportunities (94%), air quality (93%), and the overall quality of business and service establishments
(91%) were awarded the most positive ratings. Survey respondents gave less favorable reviews to the variety of
housing options (49%), the cost of living (46%) and the availability of affordable quality housing (30%).
When compared to 2019, assessments of all but three individual community characteristics were rated similarly in
2021; ratings for adult educational opportunities, opportunities to attend cultural/arts/music activities, and
opportunities to participate in community matters all declined since 2019. It is important to note that the COVID-
19 pandemic and closures associated with it may have at least partially impacted these ratings in 2021.
When compared to other communities across the nation and in Minnesota, survey respondents in Edina tended to
give ratings that were higher or similar, with the exception of ratings of the availability of affordable quality
housing and the variety of housing options which was lower when compared to other communities in Minnesota
(similar to the national average). Additionally, Edina scored much higher than the benchmarks for shopping
opportunities (#5 out of 311 in the nation, #1 out of 24 in Minnesota).
Figure 9: Individual Community Characteristics by Year
Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a
Percent excellent or good 2021 2019 2017 2015 2013 2011
Cleanliness of Edina 94% 95% 91% 95% NA NA
Shopping opportunities 94% 93% 91% 90% NA NA
Air quality 93% 89% 88% 92% NA NA
Overall quality of business and service establishments in Edina 91% 92% 90% 86% NA NA
Recreational opportunities 86% 87% 82% 76% NA NA
Public places where people want to spend time 85% 86% 82% 84% NA NA
K-12 education 85% 90% 96% 94% NA NA
Fitness opportunities (including exercise classes and paths or trails, etc.) 82% 84% 75% 71% NA NA
Adult educational opportunities 82% 89% 89% 85% NA NA
Opportunities to volunteer 76% 81% 79% 70% NA NA
Employment opportunities 73% 70% 69% 63% NA NA
Opportunities to attend cultural/arts/music activities 68% 77% 80% 74% NA NA
Overall quality of commercial redevelopment in Edina 67% 63% 72% 71% 63% 58%
Opportunities to participate in community matters 65% 76% 75% 62% NA NA
Variety of housing options 49% 51% 55% 59% NA NA
Cost of living in Edina 46% 51% 47% 46% NA NA
Availability of quality affordable housing 30% 32% 37% 36% NA NA
Note: At least 30% of respondents said “don’t know” when rating the quality of employment opportunities and opportunities
to volunteer. The responses presented in the body of the report are for those who had an opinion. The full set of responses,
including “don’t know” can be found in Appendix A: Responses to Survey Questions.
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
Prepared by Polco/National Research Center Page 15
Survey participants were provided a list of eleven potential reasons for choosing to live in Edina (see Figure 10 on
the following page). They could select more than one response and could also write in an “other” response note
included in the list. Location/convenience (75%), a safe community (58%), good schools (50%), an attractive
community (49%), good neighborhoods (48%), and amenities (47%) were the most frequently selected reasons for
choosing to live in Edina. About one-quarter indicated that their job is in Edina or nearby, or that their family
lives in Edina or they were born and raised there. Fifteen percent said that the variety/type of housing was the
reason they chose to live in Edina while 12% noted public transportation as a reason for living in the city. Eight
percent of respondents wrote in an “other” response and 7% listed affordable housing as a reason for living there.
For options that had been included in this question in previous years, the proportions of respondents selecting
the various reasons for living in Edina in 2021 were similar to 2019 except for the respondent’s job being in Edina
or nearby or affordable housing; residents were less likely in 2021 to select either of these as reasons for living in
the city.
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
Prepared by Polco/National Research Center Page 16
Figure 10: Reasons for Living in Edina by Year
Why did you choose to live in Edina?
Total may exceed 100% as respondents could select more than one answer. Respondents had the opportunity to write-in a
response for “other;” responses to “other” can be found in Appendix B: Verbatim Responses to Survey Questions.
Affordable housing
Access to public transportation
Variety/type of housing
Family lives here/born or raised here
Job is here (or nearby)
Amenities (e.g., parks, library, etc.)
Good neighborhoods
Attractive community
Good schools
Safe community
percent of respondents
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
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Survey respondents were given the opportunity to write in their own words what they liked most about living in
Edina. The written responses were reviewed and grouped into categories by theme. Of the 432 respondents who
chose to write in a response, 43% wrote comments related to the convenience, accessibility and walkability of
Edina. About 1 in 10 mentioned Edina’s parks and trails, recreation centers or open spaces, and a similar
proportion commented on the safety of the community or the schools as the thing they liked most about living in
Edina. Fewer than 10% wrote in comments about the remaining categories. Due to the varied responses, not all
written comments could be grouped into a theme or category so an “other” category was created; 4% of the
written comments fell into “other.”
Figure 11: Most Liked Attribute of Living in Edina, 2021
What one thing do you like most, if anything, about living in Edina?
Respondents were given an opportunity to write in a response; 432 chose to write in a response. The responses were reviewed
and grouped into the above categories. Please see Appendix B: Verbatim Responses to Survey Questions for the verbatim
Raised here or close to family, job, etc.
Beauty/cleanliness of community
City services/infrastructure/local government
Positive comments about quality of life and community
Sense of community (friendly, neighbors, peaceful, etc.)
Parks and trails/lakes/recreation centers/open spaces
Convenient location/accessibility/walkability
percent of respondents
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
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Safety in Edina
Most Edina residents said that the overall feeling of safety in Edina was excellent or good (93%), a rating that was
similar to previous years. Perceptions of the overall feeling of safety in Edina exceeded the national average and
was on par with other communities in Minnesota.
Figure 12: Overall Feeling of Safety by Year
Please rate the overall feeling of safety in Edina.
Percent excellent or good
Residents also rated how safe they felt in three different areas of the community. Almost all residents (94%) said
they felt very or somewhat safe in their neighborhood and 89% felt safe in the 50th & France area (downtown
area). About three-quarters felt safe in the Southdale area. These assessments were on par with those given in
previous years.
Assessments of feelings of safety in neighborhoods and in the downtown area (50th & France) could be compared
to communities across the nation and in Minnesota; both ratings were similar to the national and Minnesota
Figure 13: Feelings of Safety by Year
Please rate how safe or unsafe you feel:
2015 2017 2019 2021
In the greater Southdale area
In the 50th & France area (downtown area)
In your neighborhood
percent very or somewhat safe
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
Prepared by Polco/National Research Center Page 19
Ease of Travel
About 9 in 10 respondents felt that the overall ease of travel in Edina was excellent or good. This evaluation has
remained stable since 2015.
Edina’s rating for overall ease of travel was similar when compared to communities across the country and higher
when compared to other communities in Minnesota. When compared to other Minnesota communities, Edina
was ranked #1 for the ease of getting to the places you usually have to visit.
Figure 14: Overall Ease of Travel by Year
Please rate the overall ease of getting to the places you usually have to visit.
Percent excellent or good
In addition to assessing the overall ease of travel, residents provided feedback on the ease of travel by walking
and by bicycle in Edina. About three-quarters of survey respondents gave positive scores to the ease of walking in
Edina, while about two-thirds gave excellent or good ratings to the ease of travel by bicycle. While ratings for the
ease of travel by bicycle in Edina were stable between 2019 and 2021, residents noted improvements to the ease of
walking over this two-year period.
Compared to the national and Minnesota averages, Edina residents gave ratings that were similar for both ease of
walking and biking.
Figure 15: Ease of Walking and Biking in Edina by Year
Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a whole:
* Differences in ratings between the 2015 administration and newer compared to those prior to 2015 may be due in part to
the switch in methodology from a telephone to a mail survey. Changes in ratings between the 2011/2013 surveys and those
from 2015 and onward are regarded as meaningful if the difference in is greater than 10 percentage points. Please see
Appendix E: Survey Methodology for more information on how to interpret changes over time.
2015 2017 2019 2021
Ease of travel by bicycle in Edina
Ease of walking in Edina
percent excellent or good
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
Prepared by Polco/National Research Center Page 20
Survey respondents evaluated an additional five travel-related aspects of the community. The ease of travel by
car and availability of paths and walking trails were positively rated by about 8 in 10 respondents (88% excellent
or good and 79%, respectively). About three-quarters of residents gave high marks to the ease of public parking
and 7 in 10 felt traffic flow on major streets was excellent or good.
Compared to 2019, ratings for ease of travel by car, ease of public parking, and traffic flow on major streets all
improved in 2021. However, it is important to note that reduced road activity as a result of the COVID-19
pandemic has had a likely impact on these ratings.
When compared to other communities across the nation, Edina residents’ ratings of traffic flow on major streets,
ease of public parking, and ease of travel by car were higher than the average, while availability of paths and
walking trails was similar. Travel-related characteristics tended to be similar when compared to other Minnesota
Figure 16: Travel-related Characteristics by Year
Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a whole:
* Differences in ratings between the 2015 administration and newer compared to those prior to 2015 may be due in part to
the switch in methodology from a telephone to a mail survey.
Traffic flow on major streets
Ease of public parking
Availability of paths and walking trails
Ease of travel by car in Edina
percent excellent or good
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
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Issues Facing Edina
Several questions on the survey gauged resident perceptions about potential issues, problems or concerns in the
Edina community.
Most Serious Issue
In addition to considering what they like most about living in Edina, residents shared what they felt was the most
serious issue facing Edina. Respondents’ written responses were reviewed and grouped into categories by theme.
Of the 432 respondents who wrote in a response, 35% wrote in comments related to housing concerns while 11%
wrote comments related to traffic and transportation infrastructure. Growth/overcrowding and
schools/education were each a concern for about 9% of those who responded to the question. About 8% or less
wrote comments about the remaining categories. Due to the varied responses, not all written comments could be
grouped into a theme or category so an “other” category was created; 10% of the written comments fell into
Figure 17: Most Serious Issues Facing Edina, 2021
What would you say is the most serious issue facing Edina at this time?
Respondents were given an opportunity to write in a response; 432 chose to write in a response. The responses were reviewed
and grouped into the above categories. Please see Appendix B: Verbatim Responses to Survey Questions for the verbatim
Don't know/nothing
Water quality/environmental issues
Too much focus on affordable housing
Economic development
City government (fiscal responsibility, taxes, planning,
Lack of diversity and sense of community
Traffic and infrastructure (road maintenance, snow
removal, sidewalks, etc.)
More affordable housing needed
Overdevelopment/wrong type of development,
percent of respondents
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When thinking about the impact they thought the economy would have on their family income in the coming six
months, about 4 in 10 respondents thought the impact would be very or somewhat positive. This rating of future
economic outlook represented an increase since 2019. When compared to the national benchmark, Edina residents
had a similar outlook about the impact the economy would have on their family income in the next six months.
Residents were more optimistic compared to other communities in Minnesota.
Figure 18: Future Economic Outlook by Year
What impact, if any, do you think the economy will have on your family income in the next 6 months? Do you think the
impact will be:
percent very or somewhat positive
Traffic Concerns
Survey respondents assessed a number of potential problems in Edina including traffic speeding and stop sign
violations in neighborhoods. About one-third of residents felt that traffic speeding in their neighborhood was at
least a moderate problem and about one-quarter said that stop sign violations in their neighborhood were at least
a moderate problem. Residents were less likely in 2021 than in 2019 to rate either of these as a moderate, major, or
extreme problem in the city.
Figure 19: Traffic Problems by Year
Please rate how much of a problem, if at all, you feel each of the following is in Edina.
percent moderate, major or extreme problem
In 2013 and 2011, the scale was not at all serious, not too serious, somewhat serious and very serious. For comparison
purposes, the 2017 and 2015 ratings for moderate, major or extreme problem were compared to 2013 and 2011 ratings for
somewhat or very serious.
* In 2011 and 2013, the survey was administered by telephone. Starting in 2015, the survey was administered via mail.
Please see Appendix E: Survey Methodology for more information on how to interpret changes over time.
2015 2017 2019 2021
2011*2013*2015 2017 2019 2021
Traffic speeding in your neighborhood Stop sign violations in your neighborhood
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
Prepared by Polco/National Research Center Page 24
Other Concerns
Edina residents also rated four additional potential problems related to crime. About one-quarter of residents felt
vandalism and property crimes were a moderate, major or extreme problem, while slightly fewer felt that youth
crimes (17%) and drugs (16%) were problematic. About 8% felt that violent crime was of concern. When
compared to 2019, ratings in 2021 were similar; however, vandalism and property crimes were believed to be
more of a problem in 2021 than in 2019.
Figure 20: Crime-related Problems in Community by Year
Please rate how much of a problem, if at all, you feel each of the following is in Edina.
percent moderate, major or extreme problem
Violent crime
Youth crimes
Vandalism and property crimes
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
Prepared by Polco/National Research Center Page 25
For the second time in 2021, respondents evaluated how concerned they were about a number of potential issues
their household could have experienced in the 12 months prior to the survey. Overall, the majority of respondents
were not concerned with four of the five household issues. Residents were least concerned about running out of
food before having money to buy more (only 7% said this was a concern). About one-third of respondents had at
least minor concerns about being able to age in place. Notably, 6 in 10 residents were concerned about feeling
socially isolated or disconnected from others, which was a 33% increase since 2019 and almost certainly caused by
the lockdowns and closures associated with the COVID-19 pandemic.
Figure 21: Concerns about Household Issues by Year
To what extent, if at all, have you been concerned about each of the following issues
in your household in the last 12 months?
Running out of food before you had money to
buy more
Having enough money to pay your rent or
Having access to health care
Being able to age in place (e.g., remain in your
home as you get older)
Feeling socially isolated or disconnected from
percent minor, moderate or major concern
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
Prepared by Polco/National Research Center Page 26
City Services
Edina residents evaluated a number of services provided by the City, as well as the overall quality of City
services, aspects of drinking water and parks and recreation amenities.
Quality of City Services
Survey participants gave positive scores to the overall quality of City services, with about 9 in 10 providing
excellent or good ratings; this has remained stable since this question was first asked in 2015.
When compared to other communities across the nation and in Minnesota, Edina residents gave ratings that were
on par with the averages.
Figure 22: Overall Quality of City Services by Year
Please rate the overall quality of services provided by the City of Edina.
percent excellent or good
2015 2017 2019 2021
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
Prepared by Polco/National Research Center Page 27
Survey respondents had the opportunity to evaluate a number of individual services provided by the City (see
Figure 23 on the following page). Overall, 30 of the 34 services were rated as excellent or good by at least 60% of
survey respondents.
Public safety services (e.g., fire, ambulance and police), parks (e.g., city parks and park maintenance), and snow
removal received the highest praise by respondents, with at least 9 in 10 giving excellent or good evaluations to
each of these services. Services felt to be of lower quality included fiber/home internet connection (59% excellent
or good), land use, planning and zoning (57%), street repair (57%) and cable television (Comcast/Xfinity, 56%).
When compared to 2019, most service ratings were similar in 2021. However, ratings decreases since 2019 were
observed for crime prevention, recreation programs or classes, yard waste pickup, and City-sponsored special
Most City services could be compared to ratings from other communities across the nation and in Minnesota.
Overall, Edina residents’ ratings of City services tended to be higher than or similar to the benchmark
comparisons. However, ambulance/EMS services, snow removal, economic development, and public health
services were higher than both benchmarks. Additionally, Edina ranked #1 out of 284 for snow removal
compared to the national benchmark, and #1 when compared to other Minnesota communities for ratings of
police services, fire services, ambulance or emergency medical services, street lighting, snow removal, and traffic
signal timing.
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
Prepared by Polco/National Research Center Page 28
Figure 23: Quality of City Services by Year
Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Edina:
Percent excellent or good 2021 2019 2017 2015 2013* 2011*
Fire services 99% 98% 99% 98% 100% 99%
Ambulance or emergency medical services 99% 98% 99% 98% 99% 100%
Police services 94% 92% 89% 90% 98% 98%
City parks 93% 94% 91% 93% NA NA
Park maintenance 91% 92% 90% 90% 99% 99%
Fire prevention and education 90% 96% 91% 85% NA NA
Snow removal 90% 87% 92% 87% 83% 83%
Sewer services 89% 89% 88% 83% 86% 86%
Condition of trails and sidewalks 88% 91% 84% 83% 84% 82%
Crime prevention 86% 94% 86% 87% NA NA
Public health services 86% 88% 86% 84% NA NA
Animal control 85% 82% 84% 77% NA NA
Recreation programs or classes 84% 93% 87% 85% 87% 88%
Recycling 83% 84% 86% 88% 84% 85%
Street cleaning 81% 81% 80% 72% NA NA
Street lighting 80% 77% 70% 69% 80% 84%
Public information services/communication from the City 80% 82% 78% 82% NA NA
Storm drainage 79% 81% 80% 78% NA NA
Organics recycling 79% NA NA NA NA NA
Utility billing 79% 83% 79% 77% NA NA
Emergency preparedness (services that prepare the community for natural
disasters or other emergency situations)
78% 81% 80% 72% NA NA
Economic development 78% 74% 79% 76% NA NA
Sidewalk maintenance 78% 79% 75% 69% NA NA
Yard waste pickup 77% 84% 83% 85% NA NA
Traffic enforcement 77% 81% 77% 75% NA NA
Edina open space 75% 70% 68% 70% NA NA
Traffic signal timing 73% 69% 70% 58% NA NA
Code enforcement (weeds, abandoned buildings, etc.) 73% 72% 67% 63% NA NA
City-sponsored special events (Night to Unite, Winter Ice Festival, Days of
Remembrance, etc.)
69% 78% 77% 77% NA NA
Bus or transit services 64% 62% 54% 57% NA NA
Fiber/home internet connection 59% NA NA NA NA NA
Land use, planning and zoning 57% 53% 60% 57% NA NA
Street repair 57% 60% 54% 49% 47% 38%
Cable television (Comcast/Xfinity) 56% 55% 60% 49% NA NA
Note: between 30% and 45% of respondents selected “don’t know” when rating the quality of a number of city services
including fire prevention and education, bus or transit services, organics recycling, and public health services, among others
(see Appendix A: Responses to Survey Questions for a complete set of responses including “don’t know”).
Prior to 2017, “public information services/communication from the City” was “public information services.”
* Differences in ratings between the 2011/2013 administrations and ratings from 2015 and onward may be due in part to the
switch in methodology from a telephone to a mail survey. Changes in ratings between the 2011/2013 surveys and those from
2015 and onward are regarded as meaningful if the difference in is greater than 10 percentage points. Please see Appendix E:
Survey Methodology for more information on how to interpret changes over time.
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
Prepared by Polco/National Research Center Page 29
Drinking Water
About 7 in 10 residents gave excellent or good reviews to the overall quality of drinking water; this rating has
remained stable since 2015 and was similar to both the national and Minnesota averages.
Figure 24: Quality of Drinking Water by Year
percent excellent or good
* Differences in ratings between the 2011/2013 administrations and ratings from 2015 and onward may be due in part to the
switch in methodology from a telephone to a mail survey. Changes in ratings between the 2011/2013 surveys and those from
2015 and onward are regarded as meaningful if the difference in is greater than 10 percentage points. Please see Appendix E:
Survey Methodology for more information on how to interpret changes over time.
Survey respondents also evaluated different aspects of drinking water. The reliability, safety, and appearance of
drinking water in Edina were rated as excellent or good by 85% of respondents. About three-quarters of residents
provided a positive evaluation to the water’s odor and two-thirds said the taste was good or better. Only about
one-third gave favorable reviews to the water’s hardness. Assessments given in 2021 were similar to those in 2019
except for odor and taste, both of which improved since the previous survey iteration.
Figure 25: Aspects of Drinking Water by Year
Please rate the following aspects of drinking water in Edina:
Percent excellent or good 2021 2019 2017 2015
Reliability 85% 83% 87% 84%
Safety 85% 83% 83% 84%
Appearance 85% 84% 85% 77%
Odor 76% 67% 72% 66%
Taste 67% 59% 63% 58%
Hardness 33% 35% 36% 33%
2011*2013*2015 2017 2019 2021
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
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Garbage Collection
Close to 9 in 10 respondents gave excellent or good ratings to the quality of garbage collection in Edina; this
rating was similar to those given in previous years and also was on par with both the national and Minnesota
Figure 26: Quality of Garbage Collection by Year
percent excellent or good
In addition to rating the overall quality of garbage collection, residents also rated their level of support for the
City changing from the current multiple hauler garbage collection system to a single hauler (chosen by the City)
system. As in previous years, residents were evenly divided in 2021, with about half indicating that they
somewhat or strongly supported a single hauler and the other half in opposition. Similar proportions indicated
strong support for or opposition to this measure (26% and 27%, respectively, see Appendix A: Responses to Survey
Figure 27: Support for Change in Garbage Collection System by Year
Most communities have one of two systems for garbage collection. To what extent do you support the City changing from
the current system in which residents may choose from several different haulers to a system where the City chooses one
hauler for the whole community?
percent strongly or somewhat support
* In 2011 and 2013, the survey was administered by telephone. Starting in 2015, the survey was administered via mail.
Please see Appendix E: Survey Methodology for more information on how to interpret changes over time.
2015 2017 2019 2021
2011*2015 2017 2019 2021
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
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Parks and Recreation
Survey respondents reviewed a list of 13 Parks and Recreation Department amenities and indicated how
frequently they used each. More than 8 in 10 residents said they had neighborhood parks and trails at least once
in the 12 months prior to the survey. About three-quarters reported visiting Centennial Lakes Park at least once in
the last 12 months. About 4 in 10 survey respondents had used large community athletic fields at least once.
About 34% or fewer of respondents reported having used each of the remaining amenities at least once in the 12
months prior to the survey.
Compared to 2019, usage in 2021 increased for neighborhood parks and the Braemar Golf Course, and decreased
for Edinborough Park, Braemar Arena, Edina Art Center, Edina Aquatic Center, and Edina Senior Center. It is
important to note that closures associated with the COVID-19 pandemic have had a likely impact on these rates of
Figure 28: Use of Parks and Recreation Facilities by Year
In the last 12 months, about how many times, if ever, have you or other
household members used any of the following Edina Parks and
Recreation Department amenities?
Percent at least once
2021 2019 2017 2015 2013* 2011*
Neighborhood parks 88% 71% 89% 80% 83% 73%
Trails 85% 81% 80% 71% 79% 69%
Centennial Lakes Park 78% 81% 75% 76% 64% 69%
Large community athletic fields 44% 40% 49% 40% 48% 45%
Braemar Golf Course 34% 20% 32% 34% 42% 36%
Edinborough Park 33% 48% 48% 50% 47% 48%
Braemar Arena (ice arena) 23% 40% 24% 25% 32% 30%
Braemar Golf Dome 19% 25% 20% 21% NA NA
Braemar Field (sports dome) 17% 18% 24% 15% NA NA
Dog parks/off-leash areas 17% 21% NA NA NA NA
Edina Art Center 15% 25% 28% 24% 45% 33%
Edina Aquatic Center 10% 34% 28% 24% 38% 39%
Edina Senior Center 9% 29% 20% 18% 33% 35%
Prior to 2015, “Edina Aquatic Center” and “Edina Senior Center” were “The Aquatic Center” and “The Senior Center.”
* Differences in ratings between the 2011/2013 administrations and ratings from 2015 and onward may be due in part to the
switch in methodology from a telephone to a mail survey. Changes in ratings between the 2011/2013 surveys and those from
2015 and onward are regarded as meaningful if the difference in is greater than 10 percentage points. Please see Appendix E:
Survey Methodology for more information on how to interpret changes over time.
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
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After indicating their use of park and recreation amenities, residents rated the quality of each amenity regardless
of use. Overall, of those who had an opinion, 12 of the 13 parks and recreation amenities were highly rated by
about 9 in 10 respondents or more. Nearly all residents felt that Braemar Field, Braemar Golf Dome, and
Centennial Lakes Park were excellent or good. Dog parks and off-leash areas received the lowest quality ratings
Quality ratings for all amenities remained stable from 2019 to 2021 except for dog parks/off-leash areas, which
declined in 2021.
Figure 29: Quality of Parks and Recreation Facilities by Year
Please rate the quality of each of the following Edina Parks and
Recreation Department amenities, regardless of your household's use.
Percent excellent or good
2021 2019 2017 2015 2013* 2011*
Braemar Field (sports dome) 99% 97% 93% 88% NA NA
Braemar Golf Dome 96% 94% 92% 88% NA NA
Centennial Lakes Park 96% 99% 95% 95% 100% 99%
Edina Senior Center 94% 89% 89% 89% 88% 81%
Braemar Golf Course 93% 94% 85% 77% 88% 85%
Neighborhood parks 93% 93% 88% 89% 85% 85%
Large community athletic fields 92% 95% 92% 92% 98% 98%
Edina Art Center 91% 88% 86% 79% 86% 88%
Edina Aquatic Center 91% 95% 88% 91% 95% 97%
Braemar Arena (ice arena) 91% 96% 90% 89% 78% 84%
Trails 90% 96% 81% 77% 84% 85%
Edinborough Park 89% 88% 91% 87% 81% 86%
Dog parks/off-leash areas 71% 78% NA NA NA NA
Note: between 34% and 81% of respondents selected “don’t know” when evaluating the quality of most parks and recreation
amenities (see Appendix A: Responses to Survey Questions for a full set of responses including “don’t know”).
Prior to 2015, “Edina Aquatic Center” and “Edina Senior Center” were “The Aquatic Center” and “The Senior Center.”
* Differences in ratings between the 2011/2013 administrations and ratings from 2015 and onward may be due in part to the
switch in methodology from a telephone to a mail survey. Changes in ratings between the 2011/2013 surveys and those from
2015 and onward are regarded as meaningful if the difference in is greater than 10 percentage points. Please see Appendix E:
Survey Methodology for more information on how to interpret changes over time.
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
Prepared by Polco/National Research Center Page 33
A new question on the 2021 survey asked residents to state their preference regarding several different possible
options for renovating or upgrading the Edina Art Center. About one-third of residents thought that the City
should find an alternative location for the Art Center, and slightly fewer (29%) thought the City should renovate
the current Edina Art Center building and continue operations at the current location. One-quarter of survey
respondents thought the City should cease operating a standalone Art Center and provide art programming in
other locations around the city. Respondents were least likely to voice support for the City building a new
standalone facility for the Edina Art Center.
Figure 30: Options for Edina Art Center, 2021
The Edina Art Center, located at 4701 W. 64th Street, has been closed since March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The
Art Center facility was originally a private residence and is currently in need of several major repairs and upgrades. The City is
considering several options regarding the future of the Edina Art Center. Please select the one option below that comes
closest to your opinion:
The City should build a new standalone facility for the
Edina Art Center.
The City should cease operating a standalone Art Center
and provide art programs and classes in other locations
around the city.
The City should renovate the Edina Art Center building
despite the cost and continue to operate at the current
The City should find an alternative location for the Edina
Art Center (e.g., lease or buy an existing space
elsewhere in Edina).
percent of respondents
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
Prepared by Polco/National Research Center Page 34
Government Performance
The Quality of Life survey measured aspects of the City government or government performance as well as
contact with and evaluations of City staff.
Value of Taxes Paid
When thinking about the value of services for the taxes they pay to Edina, about 7 in 10 survey respondents felt
they get excellent or good value for the taxes paid. This rating was similar to the 2019 rating, but a decrease from
2017. When compared to the benchmarks, the rating for value of services for taxes paid was higher than other
communities across the nation and similar to the Minnesota comparison group.
Figure 31: Value of City Services by Year
percent excellent or good
In 2013 and 2011 this question was worded "When you consider the property taxes you pay and the quality of city services
you receive, would you rate the general value of city services as excellent, good, only fair, or poor?"
* In 2011 and 2013, the survey was administered by telephone. Starting in 2015, the survey was administered via mail.
Please see Appendix E: Survey Methodology for more information on how to interpret changes over time.
Residents also indicated if they felt property taxes in Edina were high, about average or low. About 47% felt they
were very or somewhat high, which was a decrease from 2015, 2017, and 2019.
Figure 32: Property Tax Level by Year
Considering your property taxes in comparison to neighboring cities, property taxes in Edina are…
percent very or somewhat high
Responses not shown include "about average," "somewhat low" and "very low." See Appendix A: Responses to Survey
Questions for all responses.
In 2017 and 2015, the question was worded 'Thinking about your property taxes in comparison with neighboring cities, do
you consider property taxes in Edina to be…?'. In 2013 and 2011 this question was worded "When you consider the
property taxes you pay and the quality of city services you receive, would you rate the general value of city services as
excellent, good, only fair, or poor?"
* When comparing to ratings prior to 2015, differences may be in part due to the switch in methodology from a telephone to a
mail survey (see Appendix E: Survey Methodology for more information on how to interpret changes over time).
2011*2013*2015 2017 2019 2021
2011*2013*2015 2017 2019 2021
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
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Survey respondents shared their level of support or opposition for a property tax increase to maintain City
services at their current level. Forty-five percent of residents strongly or somewhat supported a tax increase to
maintain service levels. This rating was similar compared to 2015 and later survey years.
Figure 33: Support for Property Tax Increase by Year
To what extent would you support or oppose an increase in your property taxes
to maintain City services at their current level?
percent strongly or somewhat support
In 2013 and 2011, this question was asked on a scale of favor or oppose. For comparison purposes, the strongly and somewhat
support ratings from surveys starting in 2015 and newer were compared to 2013 and 2011 “favor” ratings while somewhat
and strongly oppose were compared to oppose.
* Differences in ratings between the 2011/2013 administrations and ratings from 2015 and onward may be due in part to the
switch in methodology from a telephone to a mail survey. Changes in ratings between the 2011/2013 surveys and those from
2015 and onward are regarded as meaningful if the difference in is greater than 10 percentage points. Please see Appendix E:
Survey Methodology for more information on how to interpret changes over time.
2011*2013*2015 2017 2019 2021
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
Prepared by Polco/National Research Center Page 36
Trust in City Government
Residents were asked if they thought things in Edina were generally headed in the right direction or if things are
off track. About two-thirds of respondents felt things in the City were headed in the right direction; this rating
was similar to 2019.
Figure 34: City Headed in Right Direction or on Wrong Track by Year
All in all, do you think things in Edina are generally headed in the right direction,
or do you feel things are on the wrong track?
percent right direction
* Differences in ratings between the 2011/2013 administrations and ratings from 2015 and onward may be due in part to the
switch in methodology from a telephone to a mail survey. Changes in ratings between the 2011/2013 surveys and those from
2015 and onward are regarded as meaningful if the difference in is greater than 10 percentage points. Please see Appendix E:
Survey Methodology for more information on how to interpret changes over time.
2011*2013*2015 2017 2019 2021
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
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The 32% of residents who indicated that things are on the wrong track could write in a reason for giving the
rating they did. Of the 147 respondents who wrote in a response, 43% wrote comments related to poor
development, overbuilding and density of the city (which is 14% of all respondents: 32% x 43%). About 16%
wrote in comments related to the City government, and about 1 in 10 commented about affordable
housing/teardowns or schools and education. Ten percent said they felt the City was on the wrong track due to
the City government operations. Due to the varied responses, an “other” category was created (see Appendix B:
Verbatim Responses to Survey Questions for a set of all written responses).
Figure 35: City Headed in Right Direction or on
Wrong Track, 2021
All in all, do you think things in Edina are generally headed
in the right direction, or do you feel things are on the
wrong track?
Figure 36: Reasons for Wrong Track, 2021
All in all, do you think things in Edina are generally headed
in the right direction, or do you feel things are on the
wrong track?
If wrong track, Why?
percent of respondents who selected “wrong track”
If a respondent selected “wrong track,” they were given
an opportunity to write in a response for why they feel the
City is on the wrong track; 147 chose to write in a
response. The responses were reviewed and grouped into
the above categories. Please see Appendix B: Verbatim
Responses to Survey Questions for the verbatim
Affordable housing/cost of
City government (high taxes, not
listening to residents, etc.)
Poor development/overbuilding/
density of city
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
Prepared by Polco/National Research Center Page 38
About 6 in 10 survey participants felt that they could have a say about the way things are run in the community
other than by voting. This assessment was similar to those given in previous survey years (2015 and onward).
Figure 37: Opportunity for Residents to be Involved in How Edina is Run by Year
Other than voting, do you think that if you wanted to, you could have a say
about the way things are run in this community?
percent yes
Note: About 30% of respondents said “don’t know” when answering this question (see Appendix A: Responses to Survey
Questions for the full set of responses).
* Differences in ratings between the 2011/2013 administrations and ratings from 2015 and onward may be due in part to the
switch in methodology from a telephone to a mail survey. Changes in ratings between the 2011/2013 surveys and those from
2015 and onward are regarded as meaningful if the difference in is greater than 10 percentage points. Please see Appendix E:
Survey Methodology for more information on how to interpret changes over time.
2011*2013*2015 2017 2019 2021
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
Prepared by Polco/National Research Center Page 39
The 38% of residents who felt that they could not have a say in the community could write in a response as to
why. Of the 121 respondents who opted to write in a response, 31% wrote general comments related to the public
voice not being heard or listened to (which is 12% of all respondents: 38% x 31%). Two in 10 made a comment
related to communication issues or that decisions are predetermined. Slightly fewer (12%) wrote in comments
related biases toward commercial and wealthy or special interest groups. Due to the varied responses, an “other”
category was created (see Appendix B: Verbatim Responses to Survey Questions.)
Figure 38: Opportunity for Residents to be Involved
in How Edina is Run, 2021
Other than voting, do you think that if you wanted to, you
could have a say about the way things are run in this
Figure 39: Reasons for Feeling Residents Don't Have
a Say in How Edina is Run, 2021
Other than voting, do you think that if you wanted to, you
could have a say about the way things are run in this
community? If no, Why?
percent of respondents who said “no,”
they could not have a say
If a respondent said “no” to being able to have a say in
how things are run in the community, they were given an
opportunity to write in a reason why; 121 chose to write
in a response. The responses were reviewed and grouped
into the above categories. Please see Appendix B:
Verbatim Responses to Survey Questions for the verbatim
Decisions are biased toward or
influenced by commercial,
wealthy, or special interests
Decisions are predetermined
Communication issues (slow
response time, unhelpfulness,
don't know how to provide input,
Public voice not heard/listened to
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
Prepared by Polco/National Research Center Page 40
When rating four additional aspects of government performance, roughly 6 in 10 gave excellent or good reviews
to each, including the City government treating all residents fairly, generally acting in the best interest of the
community, overall confidence in Edina government, and the job the City does welcoming resident involvement.
Generally, ratings remained stable since 2019 with the exception of the job the City does welcoming resident
involvement, which declined in 2021.
When compared to other communities across the nation and those in Minnesota, Edina residents’ ratings of
aspects of public trust in the local government were similar to those of its peers.
Figure 40: Aspects of Public Trust by Year
Please rate each of the following categories of Edina government performance:
Percent excellent or good
The job Edina government does at welcoming
resident involvement
Overall confidence in Edina government
Generally acting in the best interest of the
Treating all residents fairly
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
Prepared by Polco/National Research Center Page 41
Contact with City Departments
In the 12 months prior to the survey, 60% of survey respondents reported having had contact with a City
department. Of those who had contact, about one-third had contact with Edina Liquor or Elections and 2 in 10
had contacted Parks and Recreation or the Police. About 1 in 10 residents or less had contact with the remaining
Overall, when similar departments were included in the list in previous years, rates of contact tended to remain
similar; however, contact rates decreased from 2019 to 2021 for Police, General Information, Public Works, and
Street Maintenance.
Table 1: Contact with City Departments by Year
Which of the following departments have you had contact with in the
past 12 months by email, phone or in person? (Please select all that
2021 2019 2017 2015 2013* 2011*
I have not contacted the City 40% 40% 41% 43% 60% 68%
Edina Liquor 34% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Elections 31% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Parks & Recreation 19% 21% 25% 17% 13% 13%
Police 18% 25% 23% 21% 14% 9%
Building Inspections 11% 13% 12% 10% 10% 15%
Utility Billing 10% 12% 9% 7% 8% 0%
Utilities 8% 10% 8% 7% 0% 0%
Administration 8% 9% 5% 3% 6% 5%
Fire 7% 5% 5% 5% 1% 1%
General information 6% 22% 20% 15% 12% 7%
Public Works 6% 14% 10% 12% 21% 27%
Street Maintenance 5% 12% 7% 8% 0% 0%
Assessing 5% 5% 7% 5% 1% 6%
Engineering 5% 6% 6% 5% 1% 2%
Planning/Economic Development 4% 7% 6% 5% 10% 8%
Health 4% 5% 4% 2% 2% 2%
Communications 3% 5% 2% 2% 1% 0%
Other 2% 2% 3% 6% 0% 3%
Human Resources 1% 2% 1% 1% 0% 0%
Total may exceed 100% as respondents could select more than one answer. Prior to 2021, “General information” was
“Reception/general information”. Respondents had the opportunity to write-in a response for “other;” these verbatim
responses can be found in Appendix B: Verbatim Responses to Survey Questions.
* Differences in ratings between the 2011/2013 administrations and ratings from 2015 and onward may be due in part to the
switch in methodology from a telephone to a mail survey. Changes in ratings between the 2011/2013 surveys and those from
2015 and onward are regarded as meaningful if the difference in is greater than 10 percentage points. Please see Appendix E:
Survey Methodology for more information on how to interpret changes over time.
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
Prepared by Polco/National Research Center Page 42
The 60% of survey respondents who reported having contacted a City department or office rated the overall
customer service they received as well as their impression of the courtesy, knowledge, responsiveness and follow-
up of the City employee(s). About 9 in 10 residents gave excellent or good reviews to the employee’s courtesy,
knowledge, and to the overall customer service received. About 8 in 10 gave favorable reviews to the employee’s
responsiveness and the follow-up provided by the City employee. Employee evaluations in 2021 were similar to
2019 and most have remained relatively stable since 2015.
Figure 41: Impression of Employee(s) by Year
Please rate your impression of City employees:
Asked only of those who reported having contact with a City department in the last 12 months.
* In 2011 and 2013, the survey was administered by telephone. Starting in 2015, the survey was administered via mail.
Please see Appendix E: Survey Methodology for more information on how to interpret changes over time.
Follow-up (got back to you or took action if
Overall customer service
percent excellent or good
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
Prepared by Polco/National Research Center Page 43
Public Information and Communication
Respondents to the 2021 survey provided information about the sources they use to get information about the
Edina government and its activities. Residents also evaluated various aspects of the City’s website.
Information Sources
When evaluating their use of various information sources about Edina government and its activities, as in 2019,
the largest proportion of respondents said that word of mouth from friends, family or neighbors (87%) was a
minor or major source of information. A similar proportion of residents (85%) reports using Edition: Edina
monthly newsletter to get information about the City government, which was a significant increase in usage from
2019 (56% major or minor source). Many respondents also reported using direct mail updates (77%), Parks &
Recreation Activities Directory (75%), and the City’s website (74%). About one-third of respondents reported
using the City’s engagement website, BetterTogetherEdina.org, as a major or minor source for information about
the City. Respondents were less likely to use City Council Members, the City’s email subscription service, Edina
TV, and online videos to get information about the City and its activities.
As may be expected, due to COVID-19, use of many of these sources in 2021 differed compared to 2019. Residents
in 2021 were more likely to use Edition: Edina monthly newsletter, direct mail updates, the City’s website, and
online videos than in 2019. Residents were less likely to report using City Council Members and Edina TV to get
Table 2: Information Sources by Year
Please rate the extent to which you use each of the following as sources of
information about Edina government and its activities, if at all.
Percent major or minor source
2021 2019 2017 2015 2013* 2011*
Word of mouth from friends, family or neighbors 87% 85% 89% 90% 77% 75%
Edition: Edina monthly newsletter 85% 56% 48% 57% NA NA
Direct mail updates 77% 66% 62% 69% 54% 57%
Parks & Recreation Activities Directory 75% 75% 71% 68% 52% 41%
City’s website, EdinaMN.gov 74% 67% 61% 63% 51% 44%
NextDoor 58% 57% 49% 35% NA NA
Star-Tribune newspaper 58% 63% 63% 68% 71% 59%
Edina Sun-Current newspaper 57% 63% 64% 69% 92% 82%
Social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter) 48% 47% 40% 32% 14% 5%
City employees 39% 42% 31% 32% 41% 27%
City’s engagement website, BetterTogetherEdina.org 34% NA NA NA NA NA
City Council Members 24% 38% 26% 19% NA NA
City's e-mail subscription service (City Extra) 23% 29% 21% 20% 25% 16%
Online videos 20% 12% 11% 9% 7% 6%
Edina TV (Comcast channels 813 and 16) 16% 25% 21% 20% 35% 34%
Prior to 2019, "Edition: Edina monthly newsletter" was "Edition: Edina monthly insert in Edina Sun-Current newspaper”
and "City's e-mail subscription service (City Extra)" was "City Extra e-mail subscription service." Prior to 2017, “Edina
TV” was “Edina Channels 16 or 813.”
* Differences in ratings between the 2011/2013 administrations and ratings from 2015 and onward may be due in part to the
switch in methodology from a telephone to a mail survey. Changes in ratings between the 2011/2013 surveys and those from
2015 and onward are regarded as meaningful if the difference in is greater than 10 percentage points. Please see Appendix E:
Survey Methodology for more information on how to interpret changes over time.
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
Prepared by Polco/National Research Center Page 44
In 2021, the effectiveness of Edition: Edina increased from 57% very or somewhat effective to 70%. This is likely
reflected in the usage rates of Edition: Edina as a source of information about the City.
Figure 42: Effectiveness of the Newsletter, Edition: Edina by Year
How effective, if at all, is Edition: Edina for keeping informed of City activities?
percent very or somewhat effective
2019 2021
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
Prepared by Polco/National Research Center Page 45
City Website
When asked if they had accessed the City’s website in the 12 months prior to the survey, half of survey
respondents indicated they had done so. Use of the City’s website has remained stable since 2015.
Figure 43: Accessed City Website by Year
Have you accessed the City of Edina website (www.EdinaMN.gov) in the last 12 months?
percent yes
* Differences in ratings between the 2011/2013 administrations and ratings from 2015 and onward may be due in part to the
switch in methodology from a telephone to a mail survey. Changes in ratings between the 2011/2013 surveys and those from
2015 and onward are regarded as meaningful if the difference in is greater than 10 percentage points. Please see Appendix E:
Survey Methodology for more information on how to interpret changes over time.
Of those who reported accessing the City’s website, three-quarters of residents felt that the overall quality of the
website was excellent or good. This rating is on par with those given in 2019 and higher than in 2017.
Figure 44: Quality of City Website by Year
percent excellent or good
Responses to this question are only from those who reported that they had accessed the City website.
* Differences in ratings between the 2011/2013 administrations and ratings from 2015 and onward may be due in part to the
switch in methodology from a telephone to a mail survey. Changes in ratings between the 2011/2013 surveys and those from
2015 and onward are regarded as meaningful if the difference in is greater than 10 percentage points. Please see Appendix E:
Survey Methodology for more information on how to interpret changes over time.
2011*2013*2015 2017 2019 2021
2011*2013*2015 2017 2019 2021
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
Prepared by Polco/National Research Center Page 46
Those who had accessed the website in the last 12 months also rated the quality of three aspects of the site. About
8 in 10 gave positive reviews to the appearance of the website and the online information and services offered.
These ratings were similar to those given in 2019. About two-thirds gave excellent or good ratings to the ease of
navigation and their ability to find information, which was an increase from 2019.
Figure 45: Aspects of City Website by Year
Please rate the following aspects of the Edina website:
percent excellent or good
Responses to this question are only from those who reported that they had accessed the City website.
Ease of navigation/ability to find information
Online information and services offered
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
Prepared by Polco/National Research Center Page 47
Planning and Priorities
The 2021 survey included several questions that measured resident opinion on a number of issues facing the City,
including City-run liquor stores, redevelopment and sustainability.
Municipal Liquor Stores
Residents rated their level of support for the City to continue to operate its municipal liquor stores. About 8 in 10
strongly or somewhat supported this initiative. Since 2015, the level of support has remained steady.
Figure 46: Level of Support for Municipal Owned Liquor Stores by Year
The City of Edina owns and operates three municipal liquor stores. Profits from Edina Liquor are used to offset operating
costs and for capital expenses at recreational facilities. To what extent do you support the City continuing to operate its
municipal liquor stores?
percent strongly or somewhat support
Prior to 2017, the question wording was 'The City of Edina owns and operates three municipal liquor stores. Profits from the
liquor operations are used for capital and public improvements and to offset operating costs of some recreation facilities. To
what extent do you support the City continuing to operate its municipal liquor stores?' In 2013 and 2011, this question was
asked on a scale of favor or oppose. For comparison purposes, the 2015 and 2017 ratings for strongly support and somewhat
support were compared to 2013 and 2011 ratings for favor.
* Differences in ratings between the 2011/2013 administrations and ratings from 2015 and onward may be due in part to the
switch in methodology from a telephone to a mail survey. Changes in ratings between the 2011/2013 surveys and those from
2015 and onward are regarded as meaningful if the difference in is greater than 10 percentage points. Please see Appendix E:
Survey Methodology for more information on how to interpret changes over time.
2011*2013*2015 2017 2019 2021
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
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A new question was added to the 2021 survey asking respondents how often in the 12 months prior to the survey
they or another household member purchased from Edina Liquor. About 15% had purchased from Edina Liquor
at least twice a month in the last year, 17% had bought alcohol once a month, and 13% had purchased about every
other month. About one-quarter of residents reported making a purchase from Edina Liquor once or just a couple
of times in the last 12 months, and a similar proportion had not made a purchase.
The 27% who reported not having purchased from Edina Liquor in the last 12 months were asked to write in their
own words the reasons why. These comments were reviewed and grouped into categories and are presented in
Error! Reference source not found. below. About 57% of those who had not been to Edina Liquor in the last year r
eported it was because they do not drink alcohol or rarely drink. About 1 in 10 respondents reported not
purchasing from Edina Liquor because other stores have better selection or are more convenient, and that Edina
Liquor is more expensive than other stores. Five percent cited the pandemic and closures as reasons for not
having made a purchase and 12% wrote in some “other” reason. The verbatim responses can be found in
Appendix B: Verbatim Responses to Survey Questions.
Figure 47: Frequency of Edina Liquor Purchases,
In the past 12 months, about how often, if at all, did you
and other household members purchase from Edina
Figure 48: Reasons for Not Purchasing from Edina
Liquor, 2021
In the past 12 months, about how often, if at all, did you
and other household members purchase from Edina
Liquor? - If not at all, why not?
percent of respondents who selected “not at all”
If a respondent selected “not at all,” they were given an
opportunity to write in a response for why they did not
purchase from Edina Liquor; 134 chose to write in a
response. The responses were reviewed and grouped into
the above categories. Please see Appendix B: Verbatim
Responses to Survey Questions for the verbatim
Once a
Twice a
Once a
Once or
just a
couple of
Not at all
More expensive than other
Other stores have better
selection or are more
Don't drink alcohol/drink
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
Prepared by Polco/National Research Center Page 49
Redevelopment in Edina
About 6 in 10 residents gave excellent or good reviews to the overall quality of residential and commercial
redevelopment in Edina. While these ratings were similar compared to 2019, evaluations of the quality of
residential redevelopment continued its downward trend from 2015.
Figure 49: Quality of Redevelopment in Edina by Year
Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a whole:
In 2013 and 2011, survey respondents were only asked to rate the quality of redevelopment in Edina while 2017 and 2015
survey respondents were asked to consider residential and commercial redevelopment separately.
* Differences in ratings between the 2011/2013 administrations and ratings from 2015 and onward may be due in part to the
switch in methodology from a telephone to a mail survey. Changes in ratings between the 2011/2013 surveys and those from
2015 and onward are regarded as meaningful if the difference in is greater than 10 percentage points. Please see Appendix E:
Survey Methodology for more information on how to interpret changes over time.
Overall quality of commercial redevelopment in
Overall quality of residential redevelopment in
percent excellent or good
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
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When asked how well, if at all, they felt the City does managing tensions in the community related to residential
redevelopment in Edina, about half of residents felt the City manages tensions very or somewhat well. This was
similar compared to ratings given in 2019.
Figure 50: How Well the City Manages Redevelopment Tensions by Year
How well, if at all, do you feel the City is managing tensions in the community
related to residential redevelopment in Edina?
Percent very or somewhat well
Note: About 31% of respondents selected “don’t know” when evaluating this question (see Appendix A: Responses to Survey
Questions for a full set of responses including “don’t know”).
In 2021, survey respondents were asked which one of two statements came closest to their own definition of the
term “affordable housing.” About three-quarters of respondents felt that affordable housing is defined as housing
that is available at different price points for people with varying income levels. One-quarter said that affordable
housing is low-cost housing that is subsidized by the government.
Figure 51: Definition of Affordable Housing, 2021
When you think about the term “affordable housing,” which one of the following statements comes closest to your own
2015 2017 2019 2021
Affordable housing is
low-cost housing
that is subsidized by
the government.
Affordable housing is
housing that is
available at different
price points for
people with varying
income levels.
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
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Another new question was added to the survey in 2021 to help identify gaps in the type and amount of housing
provided for various income groups. Overall, a majority of respondents felt that there was somewhat too little or
far too little housing for lower-income singles and families (67% and 70%, respectively); about 2 in 10 felt there
was the right amount of housing available for lower-income groups. A slightly smaller proportion of residents
felt that there was too little housing available for middle-income families and singles (48% and 51%, respectively);
another 4 in 10 felt there was the right amount of housing available for these two income groups. A majority of
respondents felt that there was either too much or the right amount of housing available for high-income families
(98%) and singles (97%).
Figure 52: Availability of Housing for Various Income Groups, 2021
Thinking about the types of housing in Edina, how would you rate the availability of housing for each of the following income
Note: About 30% of respondents selected “don’t know” when rating the availability of housing for lower-income singles (see
Appendix A: Responses to Survey Questions for a full set of responses including “don’t know”).
High-income singles
High-income families
Middle-income singles
Middle-income families
Lower-income families
Lower-income singles
percent of respondents
Far too much Somewhat too much Right amount Somewhat too little Far too little
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
Prepared by Polco/National Research Center Page 52
Survey respondents also were asked for the first time in 2021 how important it was for the City to encourage
various housing choices. About two-thirds of respondents said that it was essential or very important for the City
to encourage preservation of small starter homes (homes with fewer rooms or other amenities that are affordable
for first-time buyers). One-third of residents prioritized medium-density development (like townhouses), and
about one-quarter said that the City should encourage the building of more accessory dwelling units (apartments
or small homes built above garages, in backyards, etc.) About 2 in 10 felt that the City should focus on higher-
density development (like apartments).
Figure 53: Housing Choice Priorities, 2021
There are different ways that a community can try to ensure there are a wider variety of housing choices. How important, if
at all, do you think it is that the City encourage each of the following?
Higher-density development (like apartments)
Building of more accessory dwelling units (apartments
or small homes built above garages, in backyards, etc.)
Medium-density development (like townhouses)
Preservation of small starter homes (homes with fewer
rooms or other amenities that are affordable for first-
time buyers)
percent essential or very important
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
Prepared by Polco/National Research Center Page 53
Sustainability and Climate Change
As in 2019, in 2021, respondents shared their perspectives on climate change in Edina. Survey respondents
assessed the quality of 10 sustainability services or initiatives provided by the City. Most received excellent or
good reviews from at least half of respondents. Of those who had an opinion, composting collection services,
fostering natural habitats in public spaces, and energy conservation and efficiency programs received the highest
marks, with about 7 in 10 saying these services were excellent or good. About two-thirds gave positive reviews to
the City’s water conservation programs. Residents gave relatively lower quality ratings to the City investing in
programs and creating policies to address climate change, investing in renewable energy and testing technologies
to get to net zero emissions, and adapting to climate change.
When compared to ratings given in 2019, most were similar. However, a significantly higher proportion of
respondents gave favorable ratings to composting collection services in 2021 compared to 2019 and fewer felt
positively about the city adapting to climate change.
Figure 54: Quality of Sustainability Services Provided by the City by Year
Rate the quality of each of the following services provided by the City of Edina.
Note: Between 33% and 55% of respondents selected “don’t know” when rating the quality of most of the sustainability
services provided by Edina (see Appendix A: Responses to Survey Questions for a complete list of all responses including
“don’t know”).
Adapting to climate change
Investing in renewable energy and testing
technologies to get to net zero emissions
Investing in programs and creating policies to
address climate change
Transportation emission reduction (e.g., bike
lanes and public EV charging)
Encouraging natural habitat on residential and
commercial land
Increasing renewable energy programs
Water conservation programs
Energy conservation and efficiency programs
Fostering natural habitats in public spaces
Composting collection services
percent excellent or good
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
Prepared by Polco/National Research Center Page 54
Residents also rated the importance of the same 10 sustainability services. Overall, most services were rated as
essential or very important by at least 6 in 10 respondents. The most important services were increasing
renewable energy programs (75% essential or very important), energy conservation and efficiency programs
(75%), and fostering natural habitats in public spaces (74%). Encouraging natural habitat on residential and
commercial land (66%) and composting collection services (62%) were of relatively lower importance.
Most ratings could be compared to those given in 2019 and while many remained stable, three services saw an
increase in importance: increasing renewable energy programs, adapting to climate change, and transportation
emission reduction (e.g., bike lanes and public EV charging).
Figure 55: Importance of Sustainability Services Provided by the City by Year
Rate how important, if at all, each service is to the Edina community.
Composting collection services
Encouraging natural habitat on residential and
commercial land
Investing in programs and creating policies to
address climate change
Transportation emission reduction (e.g., bike
lanes and public EV charging)
Investing in renewable energy and testing
technologies to get to net zero emissions
Adapting to climate change
Water conservation programs
Fostering natural habitats in public spaces
Energy conservation and efficiency programs
Increasing renewable energy programs
percent essential or very important
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
Prepared by Polco/National Research Center Page 55
Appendix A: Responses to Survey Questions
The full set of responses to each survey question are displayed in the tables in this appendix. Many survey questions included a “don’t know” response
option. Most of the analyses in the body of the report were for respondents who had an opinion as eliminating “don’t know” responses allows for easier
comparison between evaluative responses. For questions that included a don’t know response, two sets of tables are provided in this appendix; the first
with the “don’t know” responses excluded, to show the proportion of respondents with an opinion giving a response; and the second with the “don’t
know” responses included, to allow examination of the magnitude of unfamiliarity with certain items.
Table 3: Question 1 - Excluding Don't Know Responses
How would you rate the quality of life in Edina? Percent Number
Excellent 48% N=240
Good 47% N=235
Fair 4% N=21
Poor 0% N=0
Total 100% N=496
Table 4: Question 1 - Including Don't Know Responses
How would you rate the quality of life in Edina? Percent Number
Excellent 48% N=240
Good 47% N=235
Fair 4% N=21
Poor 0% N=0
Don't know 0% N=1
Total 100% N=497
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Table 5: Question 2 - Excluding Don't Know Responses
Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a
community: Excellent Good Fair Poor Total
Overall feeling of safety in Edina 53% N=272 40% N=204 7% N=35 1% N=4 100% N=514
Overall ease of getting to the places you usually have to visit 49% N=250 43% N=220 7% N=34 2% N=11 100% N=515
Quality of overall natural environment in Edina 41% N=210 47% N=237 11% N=55 1% N=4 100% N=505
Overall established “built environment” of Edina (including overall design, buildings,
parks and transportation systems) 32% N=164 51% N=256 13% N=67 3% N=18 100% N=505
Health and wellness opportunities in Edina 48% N=227 44% N=212 8% N=36 1% N=3 100% N=477
Overall opportunities for education and enrichment 49% N=230 41% N=194 7% N=32 3% N=15 100% N=469
Overall economic health of Edina 48% N=233 43% N=210 8% N=38 2% N=8 100% N=489
Sense of community 23% N=116 47% N=233 25% N=125 5% N=24 100% N=499
Overall image or reputation of Edina 43% N=222 38% N=194 15% N=78 3% N=18 100% N=512
Neighborliness of residents in Edina 30% N=152 42% N=214 23% N=117 4% N=22 100% N=505
Table 6: Question 2 - Including Don't Know Responses
Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina
as a community: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't
know Total
Overall feeling of safety in Edina 53% N=272 40% N=204 7% N=35 1% N=4 0% N=0 100% N=514
Overall ease of getting to the places you usually have to visit 49% N=250 43% N=220 7% N=34 2% N=11 0% N=0 100% N=515
Quality of overall natural environment in Edina 41% N=210 47% N=237 11% N=55 1% N=4 1% N=3 100% N=509
Overall established “built environment” of Edina (including overall
design, buildings, parks and transportation systems) 32% N=164 50% N=256 13% N=67 3% N=18 2% N=8 100% N=513
Health and wellness opportunities in Edina 45% N=227 42% N=212 7% N=36 1% N=3 6% N=32 100% N=509
Overall opportunities for education and enrichment 45% N=230 38% N=194 6% N=32 3% N=15 8% N=42 100% N=511
Overall economic health of Edina 46% N=233 41% N=210 7% N=38 1% N=8 4% N=22 100% N=511
Sense of community 23% N=116 46% N=233 25% N=125 5% N=24 2% N=11 100% N=510
Overall image or reputation of Edina 43% N=222 38% N=194 15% N=78 3% N=18 0% N=0 100% N=512
Neighborliness of residents in Edina 30% N=152 42% N=214 23% N=117 4% N=22 1% N=5 100% N=510
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
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Table 7: Question 3 - Excluding Don't Know Responses
Please indicate how likely or unlikely you are to do each of the following: Very likely Somewhat likely Somewhat unlikely Very unlikely Total
Recommend living in Edina to someone who asks 60% N=306 35% N=177 3% N=13 2% N=12 100% N=507
Remain in Edina for the next five years 64% N=320 22% N=112 9% N=43 6% N=29 100% N=503
Table 8: Question 3 - Including Don't Know Responses
Please indicate how likely or unlikely you are to do each of the
following: Very likely Somewhat
know Total
Recommend living in Edina to someone who asks 60% N=306 35% N=177 3% N=13 2% N=12 1% N=4 100% N=512
Remain in Edina for the next five years 62% N=320 22% N=112 8% N=43 6% N=29 3% N=13 100% N=516
Table 9: Question 4
Why did you choose to live in Edina? Percent Number
Location/convenience 75% N=388
Safe community 58% N=298
Good schools 50% N=257
Attractive community 49% N=255
Good neighborhoods 48% N=249
Amenities (e.g., parks, library, etc.) 47% N=245
Job is here (or nearby) 28% N=146
Family lives here/born or raised here 25% N=130
Variety/type of housing 15% N=77
Access to public transportation 12% N=60
Affordable housing 7% N=36
Other 8% N=39
Total may exceed 100% as respondents could select more than one answer. Respondents were given an opportunity to write-in an other response. Please see Appendix
B: Verbatim Responses to Survey Questions for the verbatim responses.
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
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Table 10: Question 7 - Excluding Don't Know Responses
Please rate how safe or unsafe you feel: Very safe Somewhat safe Neither safe nor unsafe Somewhat unsafe Very unsafe Total
In your neighborhood 73% N=369 22% N=109 3% N=15 3% N=14 0% N=0 100% N=507
In the 50th & France area (downtown area) 57% N=276 32% N=157 7% N=33 3% N=15 1% N=5 100% N=486
In the greater Southdale area 33% N=164 44% N=217 11% N=55 11% N=56 1% N=5 100% N=498
Table 11: Question 7 - Including Don't Know Responses
Please rate how safe or unsafe you feel: Very safe Somewhat
Neither safe nor
know Total
In your neighborhood 73% N=369 22% N=109 3% N=15 3% N=14 0% N=0 0% N=0 100% N=507
In the 50th & France area (downtown
area) 54% N=276 31% N=157 7% N=33 3% N=15 1% N=5 4% N=21 100% N=508
In the greater Southdale area 32% N=164 43% N=217 11% N=55 11% N=56 1% N=5 2% N=10 100% N=508
Table 12: Question 8 - Excluding Don't Know Responses
Please rate how welcoming Edina is as a community: Very welcoming Welcoming Somewhat welcoming Not welcoming Total
For people of all races 21% N=93 34% N=153 36% N=162 10% N=45 100% N=453
For people of all religions 22% N=94 41% N=172 30% N=127 7% N=31 100% N=424
For people of all ethnicities 20% N=88 33% N=147 37% N=160 10% N=43 100% N=439
For people who have a lower income 10% N=43 19% N=82 33% N=145 38% N=165 100% N=436
Table 13: Question 8 - Including Don't Know Responses
Please rate how welcoming Edina is as a community: Very welcoming Welcoming Somewhat welcoming Not welcoming Don't know Total
For people of all races 18% N=93 30% N=153 32% N=162 9% N=45 11% N=57 100% N=510
For people of all religions 19% N=94 34% N=172 25% N=127 6% N=31 16% N=82 100% N=506
For people of all ethnicities 18% N=88 29% N=147 32% N=160 9% N=43 13% N=65 100% N=503
For people who have a lower income 9% N=43 16% N=82 29% N=145 33% N=165 14% N=70 100% N=505
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Table 14: Question 9 - Excluding Don't Know Responses
Please rate how much of a problem, if at all, you feel each
of the following is in Edina.
Not a
problem Total
Traffic speeding in your neighborhood 28% N=141 38% N=190 20% N=102 7% N=35 7% N=36 100% N=504
Stop sign violations in your neighborhood 47% N=227 30% N=146 12% N=59 6% N=28 5% N=25 100% N=485
Violent crime 69% N=326 23% N=109 7% N=31 0% N=1 1% N=4 100% N=472
Drugs 57% N=233 28% N=114 11% N=46 2% N=10 2% N=9 100% N=413
Youth crimes 47% N=195 37% N=154 15% N=62 1% N=4 1% N=5 100% N=419
Vandalism and property crimes 35% N=161 39% N=180 21% N=96 4% N=19 2% N=8 100% N=463
Hate crimes and bias/discrimination offenses 56% N=204 28% N=104 13% N=49 2% N=7 0% N=2 100% N=367
Table 15: Question 9 - Including Don't Know Responses
Please rate how much of a problem, if at all,
you feel each of the following is in Edina.
Not a
problem Don't know Total
Traffic speeding in your neighborhood 28% N=141 37% N=190 20% N=102 7% N=35 7% N=36 1% N=7 100% N=511
Stop sign violations in your neighborhood 44% N=227 28% N=146 11% N=59 5% N=28 5% N=25 6% N=32 100% N=517
Violent crime 63% N=326 21% N=109 6% N=31 0% N=1 1% N=4 8% N=42 100% N=515
Drugs 45% N=233 22% N=114 9% N=46 2% N=10 2% N=9 20% N=101 100% N=513
Youth crimes 38% N=195 30% N=154 12% N=62 1% N=4 1% N=5 19% N=97 100% N=515
Vandalism and property crimes 31% N=161 35% N=180 19% N=96 4% N=19 2% N=8 10% N=50 100% N=513
Hate crimes and bias/discrimination offenses 40% N=204 20% N=104 10% N=49 1% N=7 0% N=2 29% N=149 100% N=515
Table 16: Question 10 - Excluding Don't Know Responses
Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a whole: Excellent Good Fair Poor Total
Traffic flow on major streets 13% N=67 56% N=286 24% N=122 6% N=31 100% N=506
Ease of public parking 22% N=108 55% N=274 19% N=94 5% N=23 100% N=499
Ease of travel by car in Edina 39% N=198 48% N=243 11% N=53 2% N=8 100% N=502
Ease of travel by bicycle in Edina 16% N=63 47% N=185 27% N=105 9% N=37 100% N=390
Ease of walking in Edina 26% N=129 47% N=237 20% N=99 7% N=38 100% N=503
Availability of paths and walking trails 33% N=163 46% N=225 16% N=77 6% N=29 100% N=493
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Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a whole: Excellent Good Fair Poor Total
Air quality 39% N=194 53% N=262 7% N=35 0% N=2 100% N=492
Cleanliness of Edina 45% N=229 48% N=244 6% N=31 0% N=1 100% N=505
Public places where people want to spend time 39% N=191 47% N=230 14% N=67 1% N=5 100% N=493
Variety of housing options 13% N=62 36% N=164 33% N=152 18% N=82 100% N=460
Availability of quality affordable housing 9% N=35 21% N=86 30% N=123 40% N=160 100% N=404
Fitness opportunities (including exercise classes and paths or trails, etc.) 36% N=177 46% N=224 15% N=74 3% N=13 100% N=488
Recreational opportunities 36% N=169 51% N=241 12% N=58 2% N=7 100% N=476
K-12 education 54% N=224 32% N=131 10% N=41 5% N=21 100% N=417
Adult educational opportunities 27% N=107 55% N=215 15% N=59 3% N=11 100% N=392
Opportunities to attend cultural/arts/music activities 21% N=94 47% N=209 27% N=121 4% N=19 100% N=443
Employment opportunities 20% N=60 53% N=158 21% N=64 5% N=15 100% N=297
Shopping opportunities 57% N=285 37% N=184 6% N=32 0% N=0 100% N=502
Cost of living in Edina 7% N=35 39% N=194 40% N=198 14% N=69 100% N=496
Overall quality of business and service establishments in Edina 33% N=162 58% N=284 9% N=45 0% N=1 100% N=492
Overall quality of commercial redevelopment in Edina 20% N=88 47% N=201 25% N=107 8% N=35 100% N=432
Overall quality of residential redevelopment in Edina 15% N=66 46% N=199 24% N=106 15% N=64 100% N=436
Opportunities to participate in social events and activities 19% N=83 50% N=217 24% N=105 7% N=29 100% N=435
Opportunities to volunteer 24% N=85 52% N=185 18% N=64 6% N=21 100% N=355
Opportunities to participate in community matters 19% N=70 46% N=174 24% N=89 11% N=42 100% N=375
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
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Table 17: Question 10 - Including Don't Know Responses
Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to
Edina as a whole: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total
Traffic flow on major streets 13% N=67 56% N=286 24% N=122 6% N=31 0% N=1 100% N=507
Ease of public parking 21% N=108 54% N=274 19% N=94 4% N=23 2% N=8 100% N=507
Ease of travel by car in Edina 39% N=198 48% N=243 10% N=53 2% N=8 1% N=4 100% N=506
Ease of travel by bicycle in Edina 12% N=63 36% N=185 21% N=105 7% N=37 23% N=119 100% N=509
Ease of walking in Edina 25% N=129 47% N=237 19% N=99 7% N=38 1% N=7 100% N=510
Availability of paths and walking trails 32% N=163 44% N=225 15% N=77 6% N=29 3% N=14 100% N=507
Air quality 38% N=194 51% N=262 7% N=35 0% N=2 3% N=17 100% N=510
Cleanliness of Edina 45% N=229 48% N=244 6% N=31 0% N=1 0% N=1 100% N=506
Public places where people want to spend time 37% N=191 45% N=230 13% N=67 1% N=5 3% N=17 100% N=510
Variety of housing options 12% N=62 32% N=164 30% N=152 16% N=82 9% N=47 100% N=507
Availability of quality affordable housing 7% N=35 17% N=86 24% N=123 32% N=160 20% N=101 100% N=505
Fitness opportunities (including exercise classes and paths or
trails, etc.) 35% N=177 44% N=224 15% N=74 2% N=13 4% N=21 100% N=509
Recreational opportunities 33% N=169 47% N=241 11% N=58 1% N=7 6% N=32 100% N=508
K-12 education 44% N=224 26% N=131 8% N=41 4% N=21 18% N=91 100% N=508
Adult educational opportunities 21% N=107 42% N=215 12% N=59 2% N=11 23% N=118 100% N=509
Opportunities to attend cultural/arts/music activities 19% N=94 41% N=209 24% N=121 4% N=19 12% N=63 100% N=506
Employment opportunities 12% N=60 32% N=158 13% N=64 3% N=15 40% N=202 100% N=499
Shopping opportunities 57% N=285 37% N=184 6% N=32 0% N=0 0% N=2 100% N=503
Cost of living in Edina 7% N=35 39% N=194 40% N=198 14% N=69 1% N=5 100% N=501
Overall quality of business and service establishments in Edina 32% N=162 56% N=284 9% N=45 0% N=1 3% N=14 100% N=506
Overall quality of commercial redevelopment in Edina 17% N=88 40% N=201 21% N=107 7% N=35 15% N=76 100% N=507
Overall quality of residential redevelopment in Edina 13% N=66 40% N=199 21% N=106 13% N=64 13% N=67 100% N=503
Opportunities to participate in social events and activities 16% N=83 43% N=217 21% N=105 6% N=29 14% N=73 100% N=508
Opportunities to volunteer 17% N=85 37% N=185 13% N=64 4% N=21 30% N=151 100% N=506
Opportunities to participate in community matters 14% N=70 35% N=174 18% N=89 8% N=42 25% N=126 100% N=501
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
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Table 18: Question 11 - Excluding Don't Know Responses
Please rate the following aspects of drinking water in Edina: Excellent Good Fair Poor Total
Appearance 38% N=185 47% N=229 11% N=55 4% N=20 100% N=490
Taste 28% N=140 38% N=188 18% N=90 15% N=72 100% N=490
Odor 34% N=165 41% N=198 18% N=87 6% N=30 100% N=480
Hardness 13% N=63 20% N=95 26% N=123 41% N=192 100% N=472
Reliability 47% N=230 38% N=184 9% N=46 5% N=26 100% N=486
Safety 47% N=202 38% N=164 10% N=43 5% N=23 100% N=433
Table 19: Question 11 - Including Don't Know Responses
Please rate the following aspects of drinking water in Edina: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total
Appearance 36% N=185 45% N=229 11% N=55 4% N=20 4% N=18 100% N=508
Taste 27% N=140 37% N=188 18% N=90 14% N=72 4% N=19 100% N=509
Odor 33% N=165 39% N=198 17% N=87 6% N=30 5% N=25 100% N=505
Hardness 12% N=63 19% N=95 24% N=123 38% N=192 7% N=37 100% N=509
Reliability 45% N=230 36% N=184 9% N=46 5% N=26 5% N=24 100% N=510
Safety 40% N=202 32% N=164 8% N=43 5% N=23 15% N=76 100% N=509
Table 20: Question 12 (Use)
First, tell us about how many times in the last 12 months, if ever,
you or other household members used any of the following
Edina Parks & Recreation Department amenities.
Never Once or
twice 3 to 12 times 13 to 26
More than 26
times Total
Trails 15% N=70 13% N=58 20% N=91 18% N=82 35% N=159 100% N=460
Dog parks/off-leash areas 83% N=408 7% N=36 3% N=16 3% N=14 3% N=14 100% N=488
Neighborhood parks 12% N=58 11% N=53 22% N=107 17% N=83 38% N=187 100% N=487
Large community athletic fields 56% N=273 14% N=66 15% N=73 6% N=31 9% N=46 100% N=489
Edinborough Park 67% N=330 19% N=95 7% N=33 5% N=23 2% N=11 100% N=492
Centennial Lakes Park 22% N=110 25% N=123 27% N=135 12% N=58 14% N=71 100% N=497
Edina Aquatic Center 90% N=441 4% N=22 2% N=10 2% N=8 2% N=10 100% N=491
Edina Senior Center 91% N=453 5% N=23 3% N=13 1% N=3 1% N=4 100% N=496
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
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First, tell us about how many times in the last 12 months, if ever,
you or other household members used any of the following
Edina Parks & Recreation Department amenities.
Never Once or
twice 3 to 12 times 13 to 26
More than 26
times Total
Braemar Arena (ice arena) 77% N=380 8% N=42 5% N=26 4% N=20 6% N=29 100% N=496
Edina Art Center 85% N=422 11% N=55 2% N=12 1% N=4 1% N=3 100% N=496
Braemar Golf Course 66% N=329 13% N=64 11% N=55 5% N=22 5% N=24 100% N=495
Braemar Golf Dome 81% N=401 8% N=38 6% N=32 3% N=12 2% N=11 100% N=494
Braemar Field (sports dome) 83% N=409 5% N=23 6% N=32 3% N=16 3% N=15 100% N=495
Table 21: Question 12 (Quality) - Excluding Don't Know Responses
Then please rate the quality of each, regardless of your household's use of the
amenities. Excellent Good Fair Poor Total
Trails 47% N=187 43% N=170 9% N=34 1% N=5 100% N=397
Dog parks/off-leash areas 19% N=21 52% N=56 21% N=23 8% N=9 100% N=108
Neighborhood parks 47% N=191 45% N=182 7% N=26 1% N=4 100% N=403
Large community athletic fields 46% N=117 45% N=115 7% N=18 1% N=3 100% N=253
Edinborough Park 34% N=77 56% N=128 9% N=21 2% N=4 100% N=230
Centennial Lakes Park 67% N=246 29% N=106 3% N=13 0% N=1 100% N=366
Edina Aquatic Center 44% N=66 47% N=69 6% N=9 3% N=5 100% N=148
Edina Senior Center 40% N=29 54% N=39 6% N=4 1% N=1 100% N=73
Braemar Arena (ice arena) 42% N=68 48% N=78 7% N=12 2% N=3 100% N=161
Edina Art Center 31% N=42 61% N=84 8% N=11 0% N=1 100% N=138
Braemar Golf Course 48% N=97 45% N=92 7% N=15 0% N=0 100% N=203
Braemar Golf Dome 48% N=67 49% N=69 4% N=5 0% N=0 100% N=141
Braemar Field (sports dome) 50% N=66 49% N=66 1% N=1 0% N=0 100% N=133
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Table 22: Question 12 (Quality) - Including Don't Know Responses
Then please rate the quality of each, regardless of your household's use
of the amenities. Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total
Trails 44% N=187 41% N=170 8% N=34 1% N=5 6% N=23 100% N=420
Dog parks/off-leash areas 5% N=21 14% N=56 6% N=23 2% N=9 72% N=281 100% N=389
Neighborhood parks 45% N=191 43% N=182 6% N=26 1% N=4 4% N=19 100% N=422
Large community athletic fields 31% N=117 30% N=115 5% N=18 1% N=3 34% N=130 100% N=383
Edinborough Park 20% N=77 33% N=128 6% N=21 1% N=4 40% N=153 100% N=383
Centennial Lakes Park 59% N=246 25% N=106 3% N=13 0% N=1 13% N=54 100% N=420
Edina Aquatic Center 17% N=66 18% N=69 2% N=9 1% N=5 61% N=234 100% N=382
Edina Senior Center 8% N=29 10% N=39 1% N=4 0% N=1 81% N=314 100% N=387
Braemar Arena (ice arena) 18% N=68 20% N=78 3% N=12 1% N=3 59% N=227 100% N=388
Edina Art Center 11% N=42 22% N=84 3% N=11 0% N=1 64% N=245 100% N=383
Braemar Golf Course 24% N=97 23% N=92 4% N=15 0% N=0 49% N=198 100% N=402
Braemar Golf Dome 17% N=67 18% N=69 1% N=5 0% N=0 64% N=246 100% N=387
Braemar Field (sports dome) 17% N=66 17% N=66 0% N=1 0% N=0 66% N=256 100% N=388
Table 23: Question 13
The Edina Art Center, located at 4701 W. 64th Street, has been closed since March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Art Center facility
was originally a private residence and is currently in need of several major repairs and upgrades. The City is considering several options regarding
the future of the Edina Art Center. Please select the one option below that comes closest to your opinion:
Percent Number
The City should renovate the Edina Art Center building despite the cost and continue to operate at the current location. 29% N=130
The City should find an alternative location for the Edina Art Center (e.g., lease or buy an existing space elsewhere in Edina). 34% N=153
The City should build a new standalone facility for the Edina Art Center. 13% N=59
The City should cease operating a standalone Art Center and provide art programs and classes in other locations around the city. 24% N=106
Total 100% N=448
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Table 24: Question 14 - Excluding Don't Know Responses
Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Edina: Excellent Good Fair Poor Total
Police services 55% N=241 39% N=173 5% N=23 1% N=3 100% N=440
Fire services 67% N=263 33% N=129 1% N=2 0% N=0 100% N=394
Ambulance or emergency medical services 66% N=244 33% N=122 1% N=3 0% N=1 100% N=370
Crime prevention 39% N=156 47% N=187 12% N=47 2% N=10 100% N=401
Fire prevention and education 43% N=133 47% N=147 9% N=27 1% N=4 100% N=310
Traffic enforcement 30% N=134 47% N=208 15% N=68 8% N=34 100% N=443
Street repair 16% N=78 41% N=201 32% N=156 12% N=57 100% N=491
Street cleaning 35% N=172 46% N=231 16% N=80 3% N=14 100% N=497
Street lighting 31% N=151 49% N=243 17% N=84 3% N=16 100% N=494
Snow removal 56% N=282 34% N=167 8% N=41 2% N=9 100% N=498
Sidewalk maintenance 31% N=137 47% N=210 18% N=78 5% N=21 100% N=446
Traffic signal timing 19% N=89 54% N=259 22% N=104 5% N=26 100% N=478
Bus or transit services 21% N=58 43% N=116 25% N=69 10% N=28 100% N=271
Garbage collection 40% N=179 47% N=211 10% N=45 4% N=16 100% N=450
Recycling 39% N=177 44% N=197 13% N=58 5% N=21 100% N=452
Organics recycling 46% N=157 33% N=111 13% N=43 9% N=30 100% N=339
Yard waste pickup 36% N=115 41% N=131 16% N=52 6% N=21 100% N=319
Storm drainage 23% N=96 56% N=232 19% N=77 2% N=8 100% N=412
Drinking water 31% N=148 39% N=188 20% N=94 10% N=48 100% N=478
Sewer services 35% N=145 54% N=223 11% N=45 0% N=0 100% N=413
Utility billing 30% N=129 49% N=208 19% N=84 2% N=8 100% N=429
City parks 53% N=257 39% N=189 6% N=31 1% N=4 100% N=480
Park maintenance 48% N=223 43% N=202 8% N=37 1% N=6 100% N=468
Condition of trails and sidewalks 43% N=198 45% N=206 10% N=45 2% N=11 100% N=461
Recreation programs or classes 34% N=117 49% N=167 14% N=49 2% N=7 100% N=340
Land use, planning and zoning 17% N=66 41% N=158 28% N=108 15% N=57 100% N=389
Code enforcement (weeds, abandoned buildings, etc.) 22% N=71 50% N=161 19% N=61 8% N=27 100% N=320
Animal control 29% N=82 55% N=155 12% N=35 3% N=8 100% N=280
Economic development 25% N=91 53% N=189 18% N=63 5% N=16 100% N=359
Public health services 32% N=100 54% N=167 13% N=41 1% N=4 100% N=312
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Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Edina: Excellent Good Fair Poor Total
Public information services/communication from the City 27% N=121 52% N=229 16% N=71 4% N=19 100% N=439
Cable television (Comcast/Xfinity) 18% N=76 38% N=157 26% N=107 18% N=76 100% N=416
Fiber/home internet connection 20% N=81 39% N=157 24% N=95 17% N=68 100% N=400
Emergency preparedness (services that prepare the community for natural disasters
or other emergency situations) 29% N=91 49% N=155 17% N=52 5% N=16 100% N=313
Edina open space 24% N=94 52% N=203 20% N=77 5% N=19 100% N=394
City-sponsored special events (Night to Unite, Winter Ice Festival, Days of
Remembrance, etc.) 18% N=51 51% N=144 25% N=70 7% N=19 100% N=283
Overall quality of services provided by the City of Edina 28% N=132 59% N=280 12% N=56 2% N=8 100% N=476
Table 25: Question 14 - Including Don't Know Responses
Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Edina: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total
Police services 48% N=241 34% N=173 5% N=23 1% N=3 12% N=60 100% N=500
Fire services 53% N=263 26% N=129 0% N=2 0% N=0 21% N=104 100% N=498
Ambulance or emergency medical services 49% N=244 24% N=122 1% N=3 0% N=1 26% N=130 100% N=501
Crime prevention 32% N=156 38% N=187 10% N=47 2% N=10 19% N=95 100% N=496
Fire prevention and education 27% N=133 30% N=147 5% N=27 1% N=4 37% N=182 100% N=493
Traffic enforcement 27% N=134 42% N=208 14% N=68 7% N=34 10% N=51 100% N=494
Street repair 16% N=78 40% N=201 31% N=156 11% N=57 1% N=5 100% N=497
Street cleaning 34% N=172 46% N=231 16% N=80 3% N=14 1% N=6 100% N=503
Street lighting 30% N=151 48% N=243 17% N=84 3% N=16 1% N=7 100% N=501
Snow removal 56% N=282 34% N=167 8% N=41 2% N=9 0% N=1 100% N=500
Sidewalk maintenance 27% N=137 42% N=210 16% N=78 4% N=21 10% N=52 100% N=497
Traffic signal timing 18% N=89 52% N=259 21% N=104 5% N=26 3% N=17 100% N=495
Bus or transit services 12% N=58 24% N=116 14% N=69 6% N=28 45% N=224 100% N=495
Garbage collection 36% N=179 42% N=211 9% N=45 3% N=16 10% N=50 100% N=500
Recycling 35% N=177 39% N=197 12% N=58 4% N=21 10% N=48 100% N=500
Organics recycling 32% N=157 22% N=111 9% N=43 6% N=30 32% N=156 100% N=496
Yard waste pickup 23% N=115 27% N=131 10% N=52 4% N=21 35% N=174 100% N=493
Storm drainage 19% N=96 47% N=232 15% N=77 2% N=8 17% N=84 100% N=496
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Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Edina: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total
Drinking water 30% N=148 38% N=188 19% N=94 10% N=48 3% N=16 100% N=494
Sewer services 29% N=145 45% N=223 9% N=45 0% N=0 17% N=85 100% N=498
Utility billing 26% N=129 42% N=208 17% N=84 2% N=8 13% N=64 100% N=493
City parks 52% N=257 38% N=189 6% N=31 1% N=4 3% N=17 100% N=498
Park maintenance 45% N=223 41% N=202 7% N=37 1% N=6 5% N=27 100% N=495
Condition of trails and sidewalks 40% N=198 42% N=206 9% N=45 2% N=11 6% N=31 100% N=492
Recreation programs or classes 24% N=117 34% N=167 10% N=49 1% N=7 30% N=149 100% N=489
Land use, planning and zoning 13% N=66 32% N=158 22% N=108 12% N=57 21% N=105 100% N=494
Code enforcement (weeds, abandoned buildings, etc.) 15% N=71 33% N=161 12% N=61 5% N=27 35% N=171 100% N=491
Animal control 17% N=82 32% N=155 7% N=35 2% N=8 43% N=211 100% N=491
Economic development 19% N=91 39% N=189 13% N=63 3% N=16 26% N=126 100% N=486
Public health services 21% N=100 35% N=167 8% N=41 1% N=4 36% N=172 100% N=484
Public information services/communication from the City 25% N=121 47% N=229 15% N=71 4% N=19 9% N=44 100% N=483
Cable television (Comcast/Xfinity) 16% N=76 32% N=157 22% N=107 16% N=76 15% N=72 100% N=488
Fiber/home internet connection 17% N=81 32% N=157 19% N=95 14% N=68 18% N=89 100% N=490
Emergency preparedness (services that prepare the community for
natural disasters or other emergency situations) 19% N=91 31% N=155 11% N=52 3% N=16 36% N=178 100% N=492
Edina open space 19% N=94 42% N=203 16% N=77 4% N=19 19% N=91 100% N=484
City-sponsored special events (Night to Unite, Winter Ice Festival,
Days of Remembrance, etc.) 10% N=51 30% N=144 14% N=70 4% N=19 42% N=203 100% N=487
Overall quality of services provided by the City of Edina 27% N=132 57% N=280 11% N=56 2% N=8 3% N=16 100% N=492
Table 26: Question 15 - Excluding Don't Know Responses
Please rate the following categories of Edina government performance: Excellent Good Fair Poor Total
The value of services for the taxes paid to Edina 23% N=109 49% N=229 21% N=100 7% N=32 100% N=470
The job Edina government does at welcoming resident involvement 15% N=58 43% N=167 29% N=112 14% N=53 100% N=390
Overall confidence in Edina government 19% N=88 44% N=211 29% N=135 8% N=40 100% N=474
Generally acting in the best interest of the community 22% N=102 44% N=206 25% N=117 10% N=46 100% N=471
Treating all residents fairly 20% N=84 48% N=197 19% N=77 13% N=53 100% N=411
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Table 27: Question 15 - Including Don't Know Responses
Please rate the following categories of Edina government
performance: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total
The value of services for the taxes paid to Edina 22% N=109 46% N=229 20% N=100 6% N=32 6% N=31 100% N=501
The job Edina government does at welcoming resident involvement 12% N=58 34% N=167 23% N=112 11% N=53 21% N=104 100% N=494
Overall confidence in Edina government 18% N=88 42% N=211 27% N=135 8% N=40 5% N=23 100% N=497
Generally acting in the best interest of the community 20% N=102 41% N=206 23% N=117 9% N=46 6% N=29 100% N=501
Treating all residents fairly 17% N=84 39% N=197 15% N=77 11% N=53 18% N=89 100% N=499
Table 28: Question 16
Which of the following departments or divisions have you had contact with in the past 12 months by email, phone or in person? Percent Number
I have not contacted the City 40% N=188
Edina Liquor 34% N=160
Elections 31% N=149
Parks & Recreation 19% N=89
Police 18% N=86
Building Inspections 11% N=51
Utility Billing 10% N=49
Utilities 8% N=39
Administration 8% N=37
Fire 7% N=32
Reception/general information 6% N=30
Public Works 6% N=26
Street Maintenance 5% N=25
Assessing 5% N=24
Engineering 5% N=24
Planning/Economic Development 4% N=19
Health 4% N=18
Communications 3% N=12
Human Resources 1% N=4
Other 2% N=10
Total may exceed 100% as respondents could select more than one answer. Respondents were given an opportunity to write-in an other response. Please see Appendix
B: Verbatim Responses to Survey Questions for the verbatim responses.
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Table 29: Question 17 - Excluding Don't Know Responses
Please rate your impression of City employees: Excellent Good Fair Poor Total
Knowledge 42% N=123 47% N=137 10% N=30 1% N=2 100% N=291
Courtesy 49% N=146 41% N=121 9% N=27 0% N=1 100% N=296
Responsiveness 44% N=129 39% N=115 14% N=42 3% N=8 100% N=294
Follow-up (got back to you or took action if needed) 42% N=113 39% N=103 13% N=35 6% N=15 100% N=266
Overall customer service 45% N=132 41% N=121 13% N=38 1% N=4 100% N=295
Table 30: Question 17 - Including Don't Know Responses
Please rate your impression of City employees: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total
Knowledge 37% N=123 41% N=137 9% N=30 0% N=2 12% N=38 100% N=329
Courtesy 44% N=146 37% N=121 8% N=27 0% N=1 10% N=34 100% N=330
Responsiveness 39% N=129 35% N=115 13% N=42 2% N=8 11% N=36 100% N=330
Follow-up (got back to you or took action if needed) 34% N=113 31% N=103 11% N=35 5% N=15 19% N=61 100% N=327
Overall customer service 40% N=132 37% N=121 11% N=38 1% N=4 11% N=35 100% N=330
Table 31: Question 18 - Excluding Don't Know Responses
Considering your property taxes in comparison to neighboring cities, do you feel property taxes in Edina are… Percent Number
Very high 14% N=62
Somewhat high 33% N=142
About average 42% N=180
Somewhat low 6% N=28
Very low 5% N=21
Total 100% N=433
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Table 32: Question 18 - Including Don't Know Responses
Considering your property taxes in comparison to neighboring cities, do you feel property taxes in Edina are… Percent Number
Very high 12% N=62
Somewhat high 28% N=142
About average 36% N=180
Somewhat low 6% N=28
Very low 4% N=21
Don't know 14% N=72
Total 100% N=505
Table 33: Question 19 - Excluding Don't Know Responses
To what extent would you support or oppose an increase in your property taxes to maintain City services at their current level? Percent Number
Strongly support 6% N=26
Somewhat support 39% N=164
Somewhat oppose 31% N=130
Strongly oppose 24% N=103
Total 100% N=423
Table 34: Question 19 - Including Don't Know Responses
To what extent would you support or oppose an increase in your property taxes to maintain City services at their current level? Percent Number
Strongly support 5% N=26
Somewhat support 33% N=164
Somewhat oppose 26% N=130
Strongly oppose 21% N=103
Don't know 15% N=76
Total 100% N=499
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Table 35: Question 20 - Excluding Don't Know Responses
All in all, do you think things in Edina are generally headed in the right direction, or do you feel things are on the wrong track? Percent Number
Right direction 68% N=271
Wrong track 32% N=131
Total 100% N=402
Table 36: Question 20 - Including Don't Know Responses
All in all, do you think things in Edina are generally headed in the right direction, or do you feel things are on the wrong track? Percent Number
Right direction 55% N=271
Wrong track 26% N=131
Don't know 19% N=91
Total 100% N=493
Table 37: Question 21 - Excluding Don't Know Responses
Other than voting, do you think that if you wanted to, you could have a say about the way things are run in this community? Percent Number
Yes 62% N=216
No 38% N=134
Total 100% N=349
Table 38: Question 21 - Including Don't Know Responses
Other than voting, do you think that if you wanted to, you could have a say about the way things are run in this community? Percent Number
Yes 43% N=216
No 27% N=134
Don't know 30% N=148
Total 100% N=497
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Table 39: Question 22 - Excluding Don't Know Responses
How important is it that local government focuses on creating a diverse, equitable and inclusive city? Percent Number
Essential 40% N=199
Very important 29% N=144
Somewhat important 22% N=110
Not at all important 8% N=40
Total 100% N=492
Table 40: Question 22 - Including Don't Know Responses
How important is it that local government focuses on creating a diverse, equitable and inclusive city? Percent Number
Essential 39% N=199
Very important 29% N=144
Somewhat important 22% N=110
Not at all important 8% N=40
Don't know 2% N=11
Total 100% N=504
Table 41: Question 23 - Excluding Don't Know Responses
Please rate the job you feel the City government does at each of the following: Excellent Good Fair Poor Total
Making all residents feel welcome 21% N=83 46% N=183 23% N=94 10% N=40 100% N=401
Helping new residents feel connected and integrated 15% N=54 40% N=143 31% N=111 15% N=54 100% N=362
Attracting people from diverse backgrounds 14% N=49 29% N=99 29% N=102 28% N=95 100% N=345
Valuing/respecting residents from diverse backgrounds 19% N=67 39% N=141 27% N=99 15% N=55 100% N=363
Providing a safe and secure environment for residents of all backgrounds 27% N=108 45% N=179 23% N=94 5% N=19 100% N=399
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Table 42: Question 23 - Including Don't Know Responses
Please rate the job you feel the City government does at each of
the following: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total
Making all residents feel welcome 17% N=83 37% N=183 19% N=94 8% N=40 20% N=101 100% N=502
Helping new residents feel connected and integrated 11% N=54 28% N=143 22% N=111 11% N=54 28% N=142 100% N=504
Attracting people from diverse backgrounds 10% N=49 20% N=99 20% N=102 19% N=95 31% N=152 100% N=497
Valuing/respecting residents from diverse backgrounds 13% N=67 28% N=141 20% N=99 11% N=55 28% N=138 100% N=501
Providing a safe and secure environment for residents of all
backgrounds 22% N=108 36% N=179 19% N=94 4% N=19 20% N=100 100% N=499
Table 43: Question 24
To what extent, if at all, have you or someone in your household experienced
discrimination based on each of the following in the Edina community in the past
12 months?
Never Rarely Some of the
Most of the
time Total
Age 85% N=410 10% N=49 4% N=19 1% N=7 100% N=485
Gender 84% N=407 11% N=56 5% N=24 0% N=1 100% N=488
Race(s) 86% N=420 7% N=33 7% N=33 1% N=4 100% N=490
National origin (birth country) 89% N=436 6% N=31 4% N=17 1% N=5 100% N=489
Religion 89% N=438 8% N=39 3% N=14 0% N=2 100% N=493
Political affiliation 69% N=337 16% N=79 12% N=57 4% N=18 100% N=490
Disability 91% N=448 4% N=18 4% N=20 1% N=4 100% N=490
Sexual orientation or gender identity 94% N=458 3% N=15 2% N=11 0% N=2 100% N=485
Table 44: Question 25 - Excluding Don't Know Responses
How well, if at all, do you feel the City is managing tensions in the community related to residential redevelopment in Edina? Percent Number
Very well 11% N=39
Somewhat well 44% N=152
Somewhat poorly 25% N=87
Very poorly 20% N=70
Total 100% N=348
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Table 45: Question 25 - Including Don't Know Responses
How well, if at all, do you feel the City is managing tensions in the community related to residential redevelopment in Edina? Percent Number
Very well 8% N=39
Somewhat well 30% N=152
Somewhat poorly 17% N=87
Very poorly 14% N=70
Don't know 31% N=159
Total 100% N=507
Table 46: Question 26
When you think about the term "affordable housing," which one of the following statements comes closest to your own definition? Percent Number
Affordable housing is low-cost housing that is subsidized by the government. 24% N=120
Affordable housing is housing that is available at different price points for people with varying income levels. 76% N=372
Total 100% N=492
Table 47: Question 27 - Excluding Don't Know Responses
Thinking about the types of housing in Edina, how would you
rate the availability of housing for each of the following
income groups?
Far too much Somewhat too
much Right amount Somewhat too
little Far too little Total
Lower-income singles 5% N=16 7% N=24 22% N=76 23% N=80 44% N=153 100% N=349
Lower-income families 4% N=16 6% N=24 20% N=76 27% N=104 43% N=167 100% N=387
Middle-income singles 1% N=5 7% N=27 42% N=169 40% N=162 11% N=43 100% N=405
Middle-income families 1% N=6 4% N=18 46% N=194 37% N=156 11% N=47 100% N=422
High-income singles 19% N=78 25% N=103 53% N=217 2% N=10 0% N=2 100% N=410
High-income families 28% N=118 25% N=107 45% N=192 1% N=3 1% N=3 100% N=423
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Table 48: Question 27 - Including Don't Know Responses
Thinking about the types of housing in Edina,
how would you rate the availability of
housing for each of the following income
Far too much Somewhat too
much Right amount Somewhat too
little Far too little Don't know Total
Lower-income singles 3% N=16 5% N=24 15% N=76 16% N=80 31% N=153 30% N=147 100% N=497
Lower-income families 3% N=16 5% N=24 15% N=76 21% N=104 33% N=167 22% N=111 100% N=498
Middle-income singles 1% N=5 5% N=27 34% N=169 33% N=162 9% N=43 19% N=92 100% N=497
Middle-income families 1% N=6 4% N=18 39% N=194 31% N=156 10% N=47 15% N=75 100% N=497
High-income singles 16% N=78 21% N=103 43% N=217 2% N=10 0% N=2 18% N=90 100% N=500
High-income families 24% N=118 22% N=107 39% N=192 1% N=3 1% N=3 15% N=73 100% N=496
Table 49: Question 28 - Excluding Don't Know Responses
There are different ways that a community can try to ensure there are a
wider variety of housing choices. How important, if at all, do you think it is
that the City encourage each of the following?
Essential Very
Not at all
important Total
Preservation of small starter homes (homes with fewer rooms or other
amenities that are affordable for first-time buyers) 35% N=168 31% N=150 22% N=106 13% N=61 100% N=484
Building of more accessory dwelling units (apartments or small homes built
above garages, in backyards, etc.) 9% N=40 16% N=72 30% N=132 44% N=194 100% N=438
Medium-density development (like townhouses) 7% N=31 28% N=131 48% N=228 17% N=81 100% N=471
Higher-density development (like apartments) 7% N=34 13% N=60 38% N=179 42% N=194 100% N=468
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Table 50: Question 28 - Including Don't Know Responses
There are different ways that a community can try to ensure
there are a wider variety of housing choices. How important, if
at all, do you think it is that the City encourage each of the
Essential Very
Not at all
important Don't know Total
Preservation of small starter homes (homes with fewer rooms
or other amenities that are affordable for first-time buyers) 34% N=168 30% N=150 21% N=106 12% N=61 3% N=16 100% N=500
Building of more accessory dwelling units (apartments or small
homes built above garages, in backyards, etc.) 8% N=40 15% N=72 27% N=132 39% N=194 11% N=56 100% N=493
Medium-density development (like townhouses) 6% N=31 26% N=131 46% N=228 16% N=81 5% N=24 100% N=495
Higher-density development (like apartments) 7% N=34 12% N=60 36% N=179 39% N=194 5% N=27 100% N=495
Table 51: Question 29 - Excluding Don't Know Responses
The City of Edina owns and operates three municipal liquor stores. Profits from Edina Liquor are used to offset operating costs and for capital
expenses at recreational facilities. To what extent do you support the City continuing to operate its municipal liquor stores? Percent Number
Strongly support 59% N=270
Somewhat support 29% N=132
Somewhat oppose 5% N=23
Strongly oppose 7% N=31
Total 100% N=455
Table 52: Question 29 - Including Don't Know Responses
The City of Edina owns and operates three municipal liquor stores. Profits from Edina Liquor are used to offset operating costs and for capital
expenses at recreational facilities. To what extent do you support the City continuing to operate its municipal liquor stores? Percent Number
Strongly support 53% N=270
Somewhat support 26% N=132
Somewhat oppose 5% N=23
Strongly oppose 6% N=31
Don't know 10% N=49
Total 100% N=504
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Table 53: Question 30
In the past 12 months, about how often, if at all, did you and other household members purchase from Edina Liquor? Percent Number
Once a week 5% N=23
Twice a month 11% N=56
Once a month 17% N=84
Every other month 13% N=65
Once or just a couple of times 28% N=139
Not at all 27% N=134
Total 100% N=501
Table 54: Question 31 - Excluding Don't Know Responses
Most communities have one of two systems for garbage collection. To what extent do you support the City changing from the current system in
which residents may choose from several different haulers to a system where the City chooses one hauler for the whole community? Percent Number
Strongly support 26% N=99
Somewhat support 27% N=105
Somewhat oppose 20% N=75
Strongly oppose 27% N=105
Total 100% N=384
Table 55: Question 31 - Including Don't Know Responses
Most communities have one of two systems for garbage collection. To what extent do you support the City changing from the current system in
which residents may choose from several different haulers to a system where the City chooses one hauler for the whole community? Percent Number
Strongly support 20% N=99
Somewhat support 21% N=105
Somewhat oppose 15% N=75
Strongly oppose 21% N=105
Don't know 23% N=118
Total 100% N=501
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Table 56: Question 32 (Quality) - Excluding Don't Know Responses
First, rate the quality of each of the following services provided by the City of Edina. Excellent Good Fair Poor Total
Energy conservation and efficiency programs 17% N=74 54% N=242 25% N=113 4% N=18 100% N=448
Fostering natural habitats in public spaces 20% N=130 52% N=336 23% N=149 5% N=33 100% N=648
Encouraging natural habitat on residential and commercial land 16% N=93 43% N=247 30% N=169 10% N=59 100% N=569
Increasing renewable energy programs 16% N=75 44% N=201 31% N=144 8% N=38 100% N=458
Adapting to climate change 16% N=67 36% N=154 36% N=151 12% N=51 100% N=423
Composting collection services 28% N=149 39% N=206 17% N=91 15% N=79 100% N=526
Water conservation programs 18% N=82 47% N=210 27% N=122 8% N=36 100% N=449
Transportation emission reduction (e.g., bike lanes and public EV charging) 14% N=88 41% N=250 33% N=200 12% N=72 100% N=609
Investing in programs and creating policies to address climate change 15% N=35 34% N=81 30% N=72 21% N=49 100% N=237
Investing in renewable energy and testing technologies to get to net zero emissions 15% N=33 33% N=71 31% N=66 21% N=46 100% N=216
Table 57: Question 32 (Quality) - Including Don't Know Responses
First, rate the quality of each of the following services provided by
the City of Edina. Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total
Energy conservation and efficiency programs 9% N=74 28% N=242 13% N=113 2% N=18 48% N=416 100% N=864
Fostering natural habitats in public spaces 15% N=130 39% N=336 17% N=149 4% N=33 26% N=225 100% N=873
Encouraging natural habitat on residential and commercial land 11% N=93 29% N=247 20% N=169 7% N=59 34% N=298 100% N=866
Increasing renewable energy programs 9% N=75 23% N=201 17% N=144 4% N=38 47% N=408 100% N=866
Adapting to climate change 8% N=67 18% N=154 17% N=151 6% N=51 51% N=441 100% N=864
Composting collection services 17% N=149 24% N=206 10% N=91 9% N=79 39% N=339 100% N=865
Water conservation programs 10% N=82 24% N=210 14% N=122 4% N=36 48% N=412 100% N=861
Transportation emission reduction (e.g., bike lanes and public EV
charging) 10% N=88 29% N=250 23% N=200 8% N=72 30% N=257 100% N=867
Investing in programs and creating policies to address climate
change 7% N=35 17% N=81 15% N=72 10% N=49 51% N=246 100% N=483
Investing in renewable energy and testing technologies to get to
net zero emissions 7% N=33 15% N=71 14% N=66 9% N=46 55% N=265 100% N=481
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Table 58: Question 32 (Importance) - Excluding Don't Know Responses
Then rate how important, if at all, each service is to the Edina
community. Essential Very
Not at all
important Total
Energy conservation and efficiency programs 36% N=149 39% N=164 21% N=89 4% N=15 100% N=418
Fostering natural habitats in public spaces 36% N=155 39% N=166 23% N=101 2% N=10 100% N=431
Encouraging natural habitat on residential and commercial land 30% N=124 37% N=154 29% N=120 5% N=20 100% N=418
Increasing renewable energy programs 40% N=169 35% N=146 19% N=79 6% N=24 100% N=418
Adapting to climate change 46% N=195 26% N=112 18% N=77 9% N=39 100% N=424
Composting collection services 30% N=127 32% N=135 27% N=116 11% N=45 100% N=423
Water conservation programs 36% N=152 38% N=160 24% N=101 3% N=12 100% N=424
Transportation emission reduction (e.g., bike lanes and public EV
charging) 34% N=150 36% N=159 20% N=86 10% N=42 100% N=437
Investing in programs and creating policies to address climate change 40% N=169 29% N=123 20% N=87 11% N=48 100% N=426
Investing in renewable energy and testing technologies to get to net
zero emissions 38% N=162 34% N=143 18% N=76 10% N=41 100% N=422
Table 59: Question 27 (Importance) - Including Don't Know Responses
Then rate how important, if at all, each service is to the
Edina community. Essential Very
Not at all
know Total
Energy conservation and efficiency programs 33% N=149 37% N=164 20% N=89 3% N=15 7% N=32 100% N=450
Fostering natural habitats in public spaces 34% N=155 36% N=166 22% N=101 2% N=10 6% N=30 100% N=461
Encouraging natural habitat on residential and commercial
land 27% N=124 33% N=154 26% N=120 4% N=20 9% N=41 100% N=459
Increasing renewable energy programs 37% N=169 32% N=146 17% N=79 5% N=24 8% N=36 100% N=454
Adapting to climate change 43% N=195 25% N=112 17% N=77 9% N=39 7% N=34 100% N=457
Composting collection services 28% N=127 29% N=135 25% N=116 10% N=45 8% N=36 100% N=459
Water conservation programs 34% N=152 36% N=160 22% N=101 3% N=12 6% N=26 100% N=450
Transportation emission reduction (e.g., bike lanes and
public EV charging) 33% N=150 35% N=159 19% N=86 9% N=42 5% N=24 100% N=460
Investing in programs and creating policies to address
climate change 37% N=169 27% N=123 19% N=87 10% N=48 7% N=31 100% N=457
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Then rate how important, if at all, each service is to the
Edina community. Essential Very
Not at all
know Total
Investing in renewable energy and testing technologies to
get to net zero emissions 36% N=162 31% N=143 17% N=76 9% N=41 7% N=33 100% N=455
Table 60: Question 33 - Excluding Don't Know Responses
Please rate the extent to which you use each of the following as sources of information about Edina
government and its activities, if at all. Not a source Minor source Major source Total
Parks & Recreation Activities Directory 25% N=116 43% N=196 32% N=144 100% N=456
Edina Sun-Current newspaper 43% N=192 30% N=136 27% N=122 100% N=450
Edition: Edina monthly newsletter 15% N=69 41% N=193 44% N=205 100% N=466
Star-Tribune newspaper 42% N=200 29% N=139 29% N=139 100% N=477
City’s website, EdinaMN.gov 26% N=120 50% N=227 24% N=111 100% N=458
City’s engagement website, BetterTogetherEdina.org 66% N=270 26% N=108 8% N=32 100% N=410
Edina TV (Comcast channels 813 and 16) 84% N=372 13% N=57 4% N=16 100% N=445
City employees 61% N=275 32% N=147 7% N=32 100% N=454
City Council Members 76% N=344 20% N=90 4% N=17 100% N=451
Direct mail updates 23% N=109 47% N=220 29% N=136 100% N=465
Social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter) 52% N=239 32% N=150 16% N=74 100% N=463
NextDoor 42% N=188 35% N=160 23% N=103 100% N=451
Online videos 80% N=344 17% N=74 3% N=12 100% N=431
City’s e-mail subscription service (City Extra) 77% N=323 14% N=57 10% N=41 100% N=421
Word of mouth from friends, family or neighbors 13% N=61 47% N=223 40% N=188 100% N=472
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Table 61: Question 33 - Including Don't Know Responses
Please rate the extent to which you use each of the following as sources of
information about Edina government and its activities, if at all. Not a source Minor source Major source Don't know Total
Parks & Recreation Activities Directory 24% N=116 40% N=196 29% N=144 6% N=31 100% N=487
Edina Sun-Current newspaper 40% N=192 28% N=136 25% N=122 7% N=33 100% N=483
Edition: Edina monthly newsletter 14% N=69 40% N=193 42% N=205 4% N=21 100% N=487
Star-Tribune newspaper 41% N=200 28% N=139 28% N=139 3% N=15 100% N=492
City’s website, EdinaMN.gov 25% N=120 47% N=227 23% N=111 6% N=27 100% N=485
City’s engagement website, BetterTogetherEdina.org 56% N=270 22% N=108 7% N=32 15% N=75 100% N=485
Edina TV (Comcast channels 813 and 16) 76% N=372 12% N=57 3% N=16 9% N=45 100% N=490
City employees 56% N=275 30% N=147 7% N=32 7% N=33 100% N=487
City Council Members 71% N=344 18% N=90 4% N=17 7% N=36 100% N=487
Direct mail updates 22% N=109 45% N=220 28% N=136 5% N=24 100% N=490
Social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter) 49% N=239 31% N=150 15% N=74 5% N=27 100% N=490
NextDoor 38% N=188 33% N=160 21% N=103 8% N=37 100% N=488
Online videos 71% N=344 15% N=74 3% N=12 11% N=51 100% N=481
City’s e-mail subscription service (City Extra) 67% N=323 12% N=57 8% N=41 13% N=62 100% N=484
Word of mouth from friends, family or neighbors 13% N=61 46% N=223 38% N=188 3% N=17 100% N=488
Table 62: Question 34 - Excluding Don't Know Responses
How effective, if at all, do you think the newsletter Edition: Edina is for
keeping informed of City activities?
ineffective Total
How effective, if at all, do you think the newsletter Edition: Edina is for
keeping informed of City activities? 28% N=176 54% N=344 10% N=63 9% N=55 100% N=638
Table 63: Question 34 - Including Don't Know Responses
How effective, if at all, do you think the newsletter Edition:
Edina is for keeping informed of City activities?
ineffective Don't know Total
How effective, if at all, do you think the newsletter Edition:
Edina is for keeping informed of City activities? 20% N=176 38% N=344 7% N=63 6% N=55 29% N=258 100% N=896
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Table 64: Question 35
Have you accessed the City of Edina website (EdinaMN.gov) in the last 12 months? Percent Number
No 48% N=242
Yes 52% N=258
Total 100% N=500
Table 65: Question 36 - Excluding Don't Know Responses
Please rate the following aspects of the Edina website, EdinaMN.gov: Excellent Good Fair Poor Total
Appearance 25% N=60 60% N=147 14% N=35 1% N=3 100% N=246
Online information and services offered 24% N=58 60% N=147 16% N=39 1% N=1 100% N=245
Ease of navigation/ability to find information 22% N=55 42% N=104 30% N=74 6% N=16 100% N=249
Overall quality of the City of Edina website 25% N=63 53% N=131 21% N=52 1% N=3 100% N=250
Table 66: Question 36 - Including Don't Know Responses
Please rate the following aspects of the Edina website, EdinaMN.gov: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total
Appearance 24% N=60 58% N=147 14% N=35 1% N=3 3% N=8 100% N=254
Online information and services offered 23% N=58 58% N=147 15% N=39 0% N=1 4% N=10 100% N=256
Ease of navigation/ability to find information 21% N=55 40% N=104 29% N=74 6% N=16 3% N=9 100% N=258
Overall quality of the City of Edina website 25% N=63 51% N=131 20% N=52 1% N=3 3% N=7 100% N=257
Table 67: Question 37 - Excluding Don't Know Responses
To what extent, if at all, have you been concerned about each of the following
issues in your household in the last 12 months?
Not a
concern Total
Feeling socially isolated or disconnected from others 41% N=202 30% N=146 14% N=69 16% N=77 100% N=494
Having access to health care 78% N=390 12% N=58 5% N=24 5% N=24 100% N=497
Being able to age in place (e.g., remain in your home as you get older) 64% N=315 18% N=87 11% N=55 7% N=35 100% N=491
Running out of food before you had money to buy more 93% N=458 5% N=23 2% N=7 1% N=5 100% N=493
Having enough money to pay your rent or mortgage 83% N=411 11% N=56 3% N=13 3% N=16 100% N=496
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Table 68: Question 37 - Including Don't Know Responses
To what extent, if at all, have you been concerned about each of
the following issues in your household in the last 12 months?
Not a
know Total
Feeling socially isolated or disconnected from others 41% N=202 29% N=146 14% N=69 16% N=77 1% N=3 100% N=497
Having access to health care 78% N=390 12% N=58 5% N=24 5% N=24 1% N=3 100% N=500
Being able to age in place (e.g., remain in your home as you get
older) 63% N=315 17% N=87 11% N=55 7% N=35 1% N=7 100% N=499
Running out of food before you had money to buy more 92% N=458 5% N=23 2% N=7 1% N=5 1% N=4 100% N=497
Having enough money to pay your rent or mortgage 82% N=411 11% N=56 3% N=13 3% N=16 1% N=3 100% N=498
Table 69: Question D1
What impact, if any, do you think the economy will have on your family income in the next 6 months? Do you think the impact will be: Percent Number
Very positive 8% N=40
Somewhat positive 30% N=152
Neutral 47% N=236
Somewhat negative 12% N=60
Very negative 3% N=16
Total 100% N=504
Table 70: Question D2
Do you work inside the boundaries of Edina? Percent Number
Yes, outside the home 14% N=72
No 35% N=178
Yes, from home 50% N=255
Total 100% N=504
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Table 71: Question D3
How many years have you lived in Edina? Percent Number
Less than 2 years 15% N=78
2-5 years 18% N=91
6-10 years 15% N=76
11-20 years 16% N=81
More than 20 years 36% N=187
Total 100% N=513
Table 72: Question D4
Which best describes the building you live in? Percent Number
One family house detached from any other houses 57% N=292
Building with two or more homes (duplex, townhome, apartment or condominium) 41% N=211
Other 2% N=9
Total 100% N=512
Table 73: Question D5
Is this house or apartment... Percent Number
Rented 24% N=124
Owned 76% N=385
Total 100% N=509
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Table 74: Question D6
About how much is your monthly housing cost for the place you live (including rent, mortgage payment, property tax, property insurance and
homeowners'' association [HOA] fees)? Percent Number
Less than $600 per month 5% N=24
$600 - $999 per month 9% N=45
$1,000 - $1,499 per month 16% N=77
$1,500 - $2,499 per month 32% N=155
$2,500 or more per month 39% N=190
Total 100% N=491
Table 75: Question D7
How much do you anticipate your household’s total income before taxes will be for the current year? (Please include money from all sources for
all persons living in your household.) Percent Number
Less than $25,000 4% N=21
$25,000 to $49,999 12% N=56
$50,000 to $99,999 23% N=114
$100,000 to $149,999 15% N=74
$150,000 or more 45% N=220
Total 100% N=485
Table 76: Question D8
Do any children 17 or under live in your household? Percent Number
No 68% N=347
Yes 32% N=163
Total 100% N=510
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Table 77: Question D9
Are you or any other members of your household aged 65 or older? Percent Number
No 63% N=325
Yes 37% N=187
Total 100% N=512
Table 78: Question D10
Do you speak a language(s) other than English at home? Percent Number
No, English only 88% N=441
Yes 12% N=60
Total 100% N=501
Table 79: Question D10a - Yes, Which Language?
d10 Percent Number
Other 42% N=24
Spanish 36% N=20
Chinese 13% N=8
Korean 5% N=3
Somali 5% N=3
Persian/Farsi 2% N=1
Vietnamese 1% N=1
Hmong 0% N=0
Russian 0% N=0
Percents may add to more than 100% as respondents could choose more than one language. Respondents were given an opportunity to write-in an "other" response.
Please see Appendix B: Verbatim Responses to Survey Questions for the verbatim responses.
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Table 80: Question D11
Is English your first language? Percent Number
No 10% N=37
Yes 90% N=329
Total 100% N=366
Table 81: Question D12
Are you Spanish, Hispanic or Latino? Percent Number
No, not Spanish, Hispanic or Latino 98% N=489
Yes, I consider myself to be Spanish, Hispanic or Latino 2% N=12
Total 100% N=501
Table 82: Question D13
What is your race? (Mark one or more races to indicate what race you consider yourself to be.) Percent Number
American Indian or Alaskan Native 0% N=1
Pacific Islander and Native Hawaiian 0% N=1
Asian and Asian Indian 6% N=32
Black or African American 2% N=9
White 90% N=457
Other 2% N=11
Total 100% N=505
Total may exceed 100% as respondents could select more than one answer.
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Table 83: Question D14
What other races, if any, are represented in your home? (Check all that apply). Percent Number
American Indian or Alaskan Native 1% N=2
Pacific Islander and Native Hawaiian 1% N=4
Asian and Asian Indian 10% N=31
Black or African American 7% N=21
White 81% N=257
Other 4% N=13
Total 100% N=315
Total may exceed 100% as respondents could select more than one answer.
Table 84: Question D15
In which category is your age? Percent Number
18-24 years 2% N=12
25-34 years 15% N=78
35-44 years 15% N=78
45-54 years 21% N=105
55-64 years 12% N=61
65-74 years 18% N=92
75 years or older 16% N=83
Total 100% N=509
Table 85: Question D16
What is your gender/gender identity? Percent Number
Female 53% N=271
Male 46% N=234
Prefer to identify another way 1% N=3
Total 100% N=508
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Appendix B: Verbatim Responses to Survey Questions
Following are verbatim responses to open-ended questions on the survey. Because these responses were written by
survey participants, they are presented here in verbatim form, including any typographical, grammar or other
mistakes. Within each question the responses are in alphabetical order.
Question 4 (other): Why did you choose to live in Edina?
• Accessible Housing (single level homes)
• Balance between "urban" and "suburban" feel.
• Byreleings
• Care center.
• Centenial lkg park.
• Closeness to many good retail stores and easy access to going either in to downtown Minneapolis or out
to more rural spaces
• Compatible people.
• Ease of access to doctors and specialists nearby; walkability score
• Edina friends encouraged me to move here.
• Exclusive community economically.
• Family homesteaded in 1800's, sense of belonging.
• Family.
• Felt like we could be in an "urban" environment with all the perks of good schools/safety of "suburbs".
• Financial demonstrating ability to re-invent itself.
• Found a roommate here.
• French Immersion Program
• Good purchase price 2009.
• I bought a house here in 2008 as an investment. The development of the area and the potential resale
profit was my main priority.
• I came to Edina to avoid higher crime areas
• I have lived in Edina in my home for 42 years - since 1979. I plan to stay here until I need to move into
retirement housing.
• I was brought here for my husbands job. We would not live here unless we had to. Overpriced homes,
high taxes (you don't get what you pay for), Public schools on the decline in comparison to neighboring
communities, entitled unfriendly people
• Inherited my parents' condo, so moved back to MN.
• Libraries and good government.
• library and Roseland Park
• Love Centennial Lakes and wanted to live near by
• Moved to Edina in 1972 with parents. When move back when Edinborough condominiums were built for
affordable housing.
• My wife's aunt lived here and needed assistance, so at her insistence, we moved here.
• Near where I grew up - just not in Edina
• NOTE: this questionnaire lacks questions on transportaiton options within Edina. If you don't have a car
or don't drive it is very difficult to get around in Edina, take classes, attend concerts, special activities.
Why is public transportaion not a concern for this city especially as the population in Edina ages.
• Numerous condominiums, i cannot afford to buy a house.
• Proximity to downtown Minneapolis
• Proximity/access to airport, work, and other day-to-day activities
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• Real estate value preservation
• Recommended by a coworker as a good location
• Reputation, but that seems to be declining.
• Resale value
• Resale Value of Home
• Retired to Condo.
• Retirement
• Shopping.
• Small community. Less crowded. Safe.
• Specifically, for the French Immersion commitment from K-through-12.
• Suburban yet near major cities like minneapolis.
• These checked item were why we moved here to years ago but not now.
Question 5: What one thing do you like most, if anything, about living in Edina?
Convenient location/accessibility/walkability
• [?] and convenience.
• Access to downtown and medical facilities
• Access to good healthcare.
• Access to Minneapolis and Wayzata
• access to services
• Access to shopping, medical offices, recreation.
• Access to shopping, restaurants, and parks.
• Accessibility to grocery stores, lakes, restaurants, doctors.
• Accessibility to work and airport.
• Accessible to all.
• Amenities.
• Amenities.
• Are Dr. & clinics are near.
• Being able to do most of my shopping & errands "on foot" (without a car).
• Being close to friends and places i go regularly.
• Can appraise medical retail, financial institutions etc. as well as mayor
• Central location and Schools
• Central location to most everything.
• Central location to my work, shopping, church, health care and just about everything else. Very safe also
• central location, good home values
• Close proximity to Airport, Downtown and other main attractions
• Close proximity to airport, work, downtown, shopping
• Close to many activities and things my family needs
• Close to Minneapolis
• Close to Minneapolis
• Close to Minneapolis but not in Minneapolis ... close the the airport but not in the flight path
• Close to Mpls. & St. paul.
• close to other cities
• Close to restaurants, shopping & walking distance.
• Close to where i use to live (Richfield).
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• Close to work & shopping.
• Closeness of stores.
• Commute times.
• Convenience
• Convenience
• Convenience
• Convenience
• Convenience
• Convenience
• convenience of getting hwy to every direction
• Convenience of Location
• Convenience of services, retail & parks.
• Convenience to activities for our children our church
• Convenience to amenities in Edina and nearby locales.
• Convenience to medical care, shopping/ restaurants- freeways.
• Convenience to shops, stores, grocery.
• Convenience.
• Convenience.
• Convenience.
• Convenience.
• Convenient to everything we do - shopping, leisure, and family.
• Convenient central location; large homes and lots with access to parks
• Convenient location
• Convenient location with good access to a wide variety of amenities.
• Convenient location.
• convenient to both downtown & airport, as well as lakes and NE Mpls
• Convenient to everything I need.
• Convenient to everything.
• Convenient to get to places
• Convenient to get to work, other places
• Convenient to most everthing.
• Convenient.
• Convenient.
• Convience for shopping, doctors, and access to pathways.
• Convience.
• Convience.
• Convinence of my medical facilities.
• Convinience
• Convivence to everything.
• Diversity of shopping and medical.
• Ease of access to shopping, healthcare, highways, metro area
• Ease to get around Edina - although that is changing with all the developments
• Easy access Airport other areas.
• Easy to access other parts of city.
• Easy to get to stores.
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• Every thing i want or need is nearby and its safe.
• Everything is close.
• Excellent shopping nearby (food, household, major stores), low traffic, clean town.
• Familiar, convenient.
• For the most part, Edina is convenient (attractive and safe, also).
• Good shopping and cafe's.
• Great location
• Handy to all parts of Metro area
• Has everything you need in area.
• How close it is to the city, but yet has nice family neighborhoods with decent yards.
• I can walk into downtown Edina and Linden Hills. Easy to get places. Love Bredesen and the Boardwalk.
Love the woods near my house yet close to the city.
• I like the accessibility to conveniences, including dining, entertainment and shopping.
• I like the restaurants, shopping, movie theatres, the Edina 4, the Edina Art Fair, ease of getting around,
the amount of trees and green space
• I live near border of Richfield, close to stores.
• In particular, where we live: the ability to walk to most of what we need.
• It's close to a lot of places.
• Location
• Location
• location
• Location
• location
• Location
• Location
• Location
• Location - ease of getting around.
• location - near friends - they don't live in Edina
• Location (proximity to downtown and lakes)
• Location , near to airport, near to downtown, near many malls a shop.
• Location and business opportunities. Love the walking paths.
• Location and close proximity to many amenities
• Location- close to downtown mpls, but has small town/ community feel. Easy access to highways, target,
grocery, etc.
• Location convenience.
• Location- good friends- church.
• Location is great
• Location to everything and family. I have Lived in edina nearly 50 years
• Location with good shopping, schools, churches, parks.
• Location within the Twin Cities and closeness to airport & shopping malls.
• Location, Location, Location -so accessible
• Location, location, location.
• Location, parks, safety.
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• Location.
• Location.
• Location.
• Location.
• Location.
• Location.
• Location.
• Location.
• Location.
• Location.
• Location.
• Location...convenient to many metro locations
• Location/ convenience.
• Location/ convenience/ excellent police- fire- safe!
• Location/ convenience/ walking to grocery stores/ shopping.
• Locations is great to downtown and the airport
• my convenient location
• Nearness to Minneapolis
• Our location, on a beautiful park and near to Minneapolis.
• Proximity of stores I like.
• Proximity of the suburb to areas i travel to see.
• Proximity to amenities
• Proximity to amenities and major highways
• proximity to city and to grocery, health care, bike trails, parks
• Proximity to everything, services.
• Proximity to friends and amenities
• Proximity to locations, walkability.
• Proximity to Minneapolis & other suburbs.
• Proximity to minneapolis/ progressive neighborhood.
• Proximity to minneapolis/ St. paul and airports.
• Proximity to Mpls and schools
• Proximity to other Cities in the Metro and easy access to highway system
• Proximity to other metro areas.
• Proximity to Twin city metro, great church community.
• Proximity to work
• Proximity to.
• Retail.
• Stores and restaurants and park/trail access
• Stores, airport, commonly easy access.
• The cleanness of airport & mall of america.
• The convenience of having shopping and food nearby
• The ease of getting to places nearby.
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• The location is great and the morning neighborhood is terrific.
• The location is great and the school system has been great.
• Things are convenient.
• Very well maintained & easy access to major highways/ airport/ city (and great schools).
• Walkability.
• Walkable neighborhoods.
• Walking centenial park safety convenient shopping.
• Walking distance to stores, restaurants and parks.
• We love how close it is to everything and our neighbors
• Wide variety of shops/restaurants/parks in easy walking/biking distance
Parks and trails/lakes/recreation centers/open spaces
• My view of minnehahau creek.
• It's parks.
• Available parks, good walking paths, good stores, the people.
• Beautiful centennial lakes w. natural environment being so close to me.
• Centennial lakes.
• Lake cornilia.
• Bike trails.
• Walking paths and parks.
• Centurial lakes, galleria & southdale, grocery stores, d parks.
• The access to walking trails/ paths.
• New walking/ bike paths.
• Access to lake harriet.
• Parks, especially cenntenial lakes.
• Walking paths.
• Living environment, park, garden, library etc.
• Parks, winter plowing.
• Nature areas.
• Great parks! love the accessible parks!
• Parks.
• Parks, safety, convinence.
• Parks & proximity to many places.
• Centennial lakes.
• Parks.
• Suburban parks - urban parks.
• Bredesen Park
• Lots of walking, biking paths and natural surroundings
• parks
• parks all around.
• Parks and Health facilities
• Walk in Centenial Lakes Park and shopping at Galleria - going out to dinner
• Excellent parks and natural spaces, excellent municipal services, good community of like-minded families
• parks, bike trails
• Nice enviroment
• Bredesen park
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• Parks
• The ample parks and trails.
• The walkability of my area around Centennial Lakes
• Access to beautiful parks, trails, and retail.
• I love all of the parks and the fact that Edina is a very well taken care of city
• Beautiful parks
• Proximity to the lakes
• nearby parks
• Natural areas and parks
• parks, schools. Lower taxes than other suburbs. Well governed.
• Feeling safe walking my dog at any time of day.
• Fire, police, upkeep, pride of community.
• I feel really safe in my community.
• I feel they really are concerned about the environment and safety, It also is convenient to get around to
• I feel very safe in Edina.
• I love the safety and cleanliness of Edina
• It is a safe, affluent, upscale community.
• Peaceful & safe neighborhood.
• People care about their property, feel safe, schools.
• Prior to last year, we felt quite safe in the very convenient 50th and France location where we live.
• safe and upscale neighborhood of friendly people
• safe community
• Safe community, good schools, good growth potential of housing, great place to raise a family.
• Safe community.
• Safe neighborhood with lesser crime rate
• Safe neighborhoods.
• Safe place to live.
• Safe, good quality neighborhoods.
• Safe, quiet neighborhood.
• Safety
• safety
• Safety
• Safety
• Safety
• Safety
• safety
• Safety and home investment opportunities, cleanliness, parks, trees, established neighborhoods
• Safety- cleanliness- schools.
• Safety community.
• Safety, location.
• Safety, maintenance of city.
• Safety.
• Safety.
• Safety.
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• Safety.
• Safety.
• Safty.
• Sense of safety & access to galleria funds & byerling, 50th & France.
• The safety and feeling of security. As an almost 80 year old resident, I feel safe going almost anywhere
in our community.
• Used to be a super safe community with great schools.
• education (schools)
• Education, proximity to city & services.
• Excellent public school system
• Excellent teachers/schools
• Former reputation of schools.
• Good investment in housing & schools
• Good Schools
• Good schools
• Good schools, our neighborhood is great.
• Good schools.
• Great schools- small town feeling with big city opportunity.
• High Quality schools
• I like the schools and the sport associations offered to our children
• My kids' schools.
• Pride in schools.
• Quality of public schools
• Quality Schools
• School system.
• School system.
• School system.
• School.
• Schools
• Schools
• Schools
• Schools
• Schools
• Schools
• Schools & Acsess to parks
• Schools (In 80's and early 90's).
• Schools and enrichment opportunities.
• Schools, (safety, parks) other.
• Schools.
• Schools.
• The schools and the parks
• The schools are strong.
• The schools, location and parks.
• The schools.
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Sense of community (friendly, neighbors, peaceful, etc.)
• Community.
• Engagement of community.
• Felling like i am part of a smaller "community" that [?]/ cares about me. Set terrific response from city has
police dept, fire dept., etc.
• Good community for family.
• Good neighbors and sense of community
• Great neighbors!
• It's very peaceful here. Quiet like a small town. No big skyscrapers/ blgs...
• Long time neighbors
• my neighborhood community
• Neighbors
• Neighbors are great!
• Neighbors, neighborhood.
• Neighbors.
• Our neighborhood and the people/community.
• Overall still a strong sense of community and shared, increasingly inclusive, social cohesion
• Peace & quiet.
• People are friendly. Not overly inquisitive.
• Sense of community
• Sense of community - meet friends & family are here.
• Sense of community- schools & programs for children/ teens.
• Sense of community.
• Sense of community.
• Shared experiences and friendliness of people
• The people that live here. They are all very friendly, keep their homes in good shape and respect the
• This neighborhood stands out as welcoming.
• Wonderful neighbors
Positive comments about quality of life and community
• Abundant opportunity.
• Community commitment to excellence
• Community demonstrates successful people in life, professional or personal
• Edina has a countryside feel with big city opportunities.
• Edina is a successful city.
• Edina is an established community and does not need to try to be anything other than it has always been
wonderful place to live and raise your family.
• Edina is nicely grown so be careful about squeezing the density further
• Everything is perfect except the water isn't very good
• Family values among residents.
• General sense that people take pride in their homes and want to maintain the community.
• Good people, good services, good community
• High quality of life
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• I love everything about this community, but i really love my church here!
• It is an established community. like living among professionals, as well as individual from diverse
background and professional.
• It's pretty quiet here (and I live on 169!)
• One of the better communities in metro area to have a home, raise your kids.
• Overall quality of life.
• Stable community.
• The "small town" feel.
• The atmosphere--hills, parks, shops, lots of availability. Also VERY close to Minneapolis without being in
• The best place to live in mpls area.
City services/infrastructure/local government
• City has well maintained infrastructure for the most part.
• City Services
• City services are generally very good.
• City services.
• Competence of municipal government.
• Everything in Edina "works well" - snow removal, street cleaning, polising.
• Expansive network of bike lanes and sidewalks
• Good job snow plowing in timely manner.
• infrastructure
• It has the feeling of a small town with good governments & good schools.
• It is an exceptionally well-run community on many levels.
• Library.
• Sidewalks. Ability for kids to safely bike/walk to parks, shops, schools
• Southdale Library.
• The city generally seems to have its affairs in order. Snow removal, safety, services, cleanliness, etc. all
seem well managed.
• The snow plows run early and often.
• Well new government with progressive building plans.
• Well run city
• Well run city
• Established neighborhoods with mature trees.
• Good neighborhood, with a close second being convenience to shops/services
• good neighborhoods
• Good neighborhoods.
• housing.
• I like that there are not many tract home developments.
• Maintenance of home & infrastructure.
• My house and yard
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• Neighborhood.
• Neighborhood.
• Neighborhood's.
• Our neighborhood
• Quality of neighborhood and convenient access to all the basic necessities of everyday life.
• The charming neighborhoods.
• The neighborhoods (still left as single family housing) are attractive and well managed.
• the old neighborhood that we moved in about 48 years ago without the big mansions
• Variety of housing, people, shopping etc.
Beauty/cleanliness of community
• A beautiful city.
• Atmosphere of a prosperous city
• Beautiful neighborhoods that are close to the city
• City of Edina keeps streets and neighbors looking good.
• Clean city.
• I like the beautiful neighborhoods & location.
• Orderliness, cleanliness
• Pretty.
• Well kept.
Raised here or close to family, job, etc.
• Being close to my family.
• Family close by.
• Friends and Family here
• Grew up here. Came back ,this feels like home
• Near where son/ family live.
• As an older addict, my life's needs are safely met.
• Comfortable
• Continuing development
• Ease of trend.
• Good Earth Restaurant!
• Has historically been nell run, efficient & recently that has deteriorated.
• I am familiar with Edina.
• I feel like the reasons that we chose Edina have all declined since moving to Edina 15 years ago; the
friendships that we've established have gotten stronger.
• Lower property taxes than other suburbs.
• Opportunities for families.
• Property Values
• Quiet Suburbs area now being a high rise mess.
• Single family homes. Less high rise apartments. But now things are different.
• Solid property values.
• stable property values.
• Things are familiar after living here for 40+ years.
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• We used to love it but its changed, schools crappy, mayor to many buildings, met council has made Edina
a prop crappy place to live.
Don’t know/nothing
Question 6: What would you say is the most serious issue facing Edina at this time?
Housing concerns (teardowns, overdevelopment, affordability, etc.)
• 1) The city is quickly losing appeal as the only inner ring suburb with single family homes based on the
rapid growth of multi unit/high rise/low income housing developments.2) The focus of our public
schools has nothing to do with academic standards which are slipping - there is a force of political beliefs
and views within the curriculum and forced upon the students.
• 1. Too much high density development. 2. Too much tearing down of affordable housing. 3.Reduced
feeling of Edina as a family wanted community.
• a mix of housing options
• Affordable housing is limited for many people while many high rent apartment buildings are being
• All the huge housing going up everywhere in Edina, is causing traffic congestion, over crowdedness.
Edina is loosing its charm!!!
• Asking developers to do too much for the city , Letting developers buy out of the affordable housing
• Changing dynamics from single family homes to multiple.
• Closing of Edina 4 & tear down housing.
• Concerned about the possibility of increasing the population through the continued development of high
density housing. I think increased, high density housing is "too much" for our "Village of Edina".
• Density of housing in downtown edina & southdale area.
• destroying our neighborhood with over sized big houses
• Enough with the hi-rise condos- how about TH.
• Houses being built in neighborhood are way to large for lots.
• Housing / home prices, and the trend of replacing older construction with tacky, unoriginal
replacements that drive up home costs without adding character, trees, bee habitats, and the like.
• Housing being turndown to build monster houses.
• Housing -not enough homes being built; and so many luxury condos being built.
• I am concerned with the number of new apartment buildings recently built or under construction. The
densification will add to the level of congestion. Also, I am very disappointed by a lack of vision for the
former Fred Richards Golf Course site. The redevelopment of the Pentagon Park area seems like a
squandered opportunity that could have been generational.
• I think in the area we live there are too many rentals/high rise places going up. The traffic on France and
York/Xerxes is already over burdened. There is too little one level living for people who would like to
remain in Edina but do not want stairs and etc any more
• Increase in high density housing
• Keeping housing affordable. Very disturbed by developers buying up houses , tearing them down and
then putting up very large houses in their place. It's hurts our ability to attract young, diverse families
and is very bad for the environment.
• Loss of affordable housing to teardowns, mc mansions.
• More high rise Apt. bldg.
• new house construction
• Ostentacious "McMansions".
• Over bldg, (high rises, multiple units)/ traffic in so dale area.
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• Over building - Condos/ apartments.
• over building (residential)
• Over building of large homes
• Over building tall apt buildings, tear downs of mid priced homes.
• Over developing SD area too many apt.
• Over development - too many apartments.
• Overbuilding (big houses on small lots).
• Overbuilding of Apts & large homes meicrest traffic.
• Overbuilding of condos- apts.
• Overbuilding rental housing, especially in Southdale area
• Overbuilt and too dense in areas that should have been reserved for quiet neighborhoods.
• Preventing overdevelopment of high density buildings. Specifically the density of multi-family
(apartments) housing (as in - do not allow too much high density apartments outside of the Southdale
corridor/area) and quality of commercial/industrial ( as in maintain high quality and good design) while
still allowing for walking paths and parks/nature areas (as in more nature areas built in to developments
- centennials lakes and fred Richards are good examples of positive work done)
• Single resident teardown, rebuilds that one too expensive.
• Teardowns, unaffordable housing.
• the amount of tear downs within the Morningside neighborhood and the character that is being taken
away with the designs and scale of the new builds. This is also creating equity issues as you need to have
money to get into the neighborhood now.
• The tearing down of moderate homes & building mc mansions.
• Too many affordable houses being torn down and replaced with giant expensive homes
• Too many apartment buildings.
• Too many apartments, too much traffic.
• Too many condo/ apartment units going up-we are not minneapolis.
• Too many condos/ apartment buildings are changing the neighborhoods not good!
• Too many high rise buildings.
• Too many high rise multiple dwellings.
• Too many large apartment/condos and senior citizen living facilities are being built.
• Too many large rental buildings taking away the charm! little parking.
• Too many luxury apartment bldgs being built.
• Too many mega houses out of scale with neighbors and ruining integrity of neighborhoods
• Too many tear down homes and rebuilding homes
• too many tear downs and rebuilds of mansions or very expensive housing
• Too many tear downs, not enough affordable housing.
• Too many teardown homes not enough smaller homes for those who want to downsize.
• Too much apartment & high rise construction.
• Too much apartment development
• Too much development and tear downs.
• Too much development in france ave/ southdale & traffic impacts.
• Too much development of high rises, big apartment buildings that will add to traffic and take away from
suburban feel.
• too much expansion of high rises, too much tear down with emphasis on high cost homes, for instance
Morningside area where there were once affordable homes for middle income range, and now nothing
but million plus homes going up.
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• Too much focus on building high rise apartments.
• Too much multi housing development. Too much apartments, condos town houses.
• Too much multiple housing in areas where not a fit- 50+france is now bleak.
• Too much new home building on a large scale
• Too much poor quality development to France, for example.
• Too much tear down- rebuilding- affordable living.
• Too much teardowns.
• Too much tearing down of small homes to build mini mansions.
• We are rapidly running out of affordable housing. All starter homes seem to be getting torn down and
replaced with million-dollar houses. Where are families from the middle or lower SES going to be living?
• We don't want to build too many apartment.
More affordable housing needed
• A need for more affordable housing.
• Affordable housing
• affordable housing
• affordable housing
• Affordable housing (for poor as well as middle class), lack of diversity, too many teardowns, poor
building codes.
• Affordable housing adjusting for price including apts. for severe, adjusting for low-income.
• Affordable housing is a big problem.
• Affordable housing- maintaining a broader economic base.
• Affordable housing- too little.
• affordable housing VALUE FOR MONEY, especially given decline in school's reputation (if not the
schools themselves)
• Affordable housing, diversity of residents, congestion in southdale area.
• Affordable housing, diversity.
• Affordable housing.
• Affordable housing.
• Affordable housing.
• Affordable housing.
• Availability of truly affordable living units here for low to medium income people.
• Cost of housing is rising.
• Cost of housing is too high.
• Cost of housing.
• Developing more affordable living.
• Diversity of housing. Middle income residents are being pushed out - due to higher property valuations
(taxes) and infrastructure costs/assessments. Primarily to support the building of million dollar homes?
Once I sell my 1950s rambler - solely for the lot , there will be nothing affordable for me within the city of
• Don't see any serious issues, maybe affordable housing.
• Dwindling affordable housing & mixed income housing/ neighborhoods.
• For me, as a teacher, affordable housing.
• having affordable housing and starter homes available to a variety of people
• High cost of residential housing costs aren't sustainable.
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• Housing affordability. I am concerned that many homes that are affordable to middle or lower class
families are being purchased torn down or completely modified and then sold to a much higher price
point. I am concerned that over time this will eliminate much needed diversity in our schools and
• Housing costs are increasing so much that it's keeping families out.
• Housing costs- most people can't afford to live here anymore.
• Housing is expensive
• Housing is too expensive for teachers, police, etc.
• Housing prices too high.
• lack of affordable housing
• Lack of affordable housing!!
• Lack of affordable housing, lack of diversity of people who can afford to live in this community
• Lack of affordable housing.
• Lack of housing(independent) for seniors.
• Little affordable housing.
• Love this city but housing market is too expensive
• Need for affordable housing.
• Need more affordable housing & green space/parks.
• not affordable housing for working single parents that have a disabled child
• Not enough affordable houses.
• Not enough affordable housing or appartments.
• Over pricing of housing.
• Real estate values rising to levels that will not allow younger families to afford the community
• Rent is expensive.
• Rising housing costs.
• Some of the areas are struggling. Southdale is hurting. Some of the discussions about making affordable
housing options worry me.
• The balance between being a strong community with solid property values and more affordable housing.
• The high price of many of the homes, townhouses and condos (and property) creates an economic
challenge, thwarting diversity.
• too little Affordable housing.
• Too little affordable housing.
Traffic and infrastructure (road maintenance, snow removal, sidewalks, etc.)
• Closing of major freeways due to road construction, very few alt. routes.
• Condition of roads, too much traffic.
• Cut through traffic (too much) - especially during rush hour.
• Declining road conditions due to age.
• equity in infrastructure investment
• Feeling dense & overbuilt/ traffic.
• Heavy traffic-signal are too long. Too many too many new tall construction bldgs
• Increased traffic on main roads.
• Increased traffic.
• Infrastructure.
• Insufficient parking for shopping, not one high-end quality restaurant (well maybe 1 but always have to
go to the city)
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• Lack of accessible/short public transit
• Lack of bike trails.
• lack of easy transportation to activities in Edina, to shopping malls, stores. Where a bus is available it
takes 2 buses to get from my home to Southdale and areas around Southdale. I cannot take classes offered
through Edina activities due to lack of transportation. Please note that not everyone in Edina idrives or
has a car. I do walk but classes at Southview or Community Center is a 2+ mile walk.
• Lack of sidewalks in neighborhoods and lack of separated/safe bike lanes
• Many neignborhoods have a non-square road network layout , and is not convenient to access or go
• Need better & safer bike trails & narrow paths along roads are a huge safety issue.
• No-to-limited sidewalks
• Over congestion especially in southdale area.
• People speeding and not being careful enough through neighborhoods.
• Road construction w/long detours was hard/ a bummer this past year.
• Roads. I have been living here for 24 years now, I don't think Edina is concerned about roads as
compared to other neighboring cities like Bloomington and Eden Prairie. Ex. 72nd St from France
Avenue., Cornelia Drive in front of Cornelia School. I think they require good paving now.
• sidewalks around both sides of the streets near elementary schools
• Some roads need maintenance, especially inside some neighborhoods.
• Specific: bicycle transportation is still very dangerous, especially crossing France Avenue near Southdale.
Large scale: if we lose our social (inclusive) cohesion, we will decline as a city.
• speed of traffic on residential streets, speed laws not enforced
• Streets are not well lit, too many old roads, potholes, old buildings.
• too little bike lanes
• Too little biking infrastructure, not enough street have bike lanes, not enough stores have bike racks
• Too little repair of deteriorating streets.
• Too little walkability.
• Too much and increasing traffic on France Avenue and down side risks of increasing density
• Too much development without properly addressing traffic and parking.
• Too much fast driving on our residential streets!
• Too much focus on walkability- narrowing lanes, limiting parking.
• traffic
• Traffic
• Traffic
• Traffic 50kh / Flaye ave.
• Traffic on France, especially with all new construction
• Traffic was already bad, and with the addition of additional housing on the 66th street side, traffic is a
very big problem now. The lights are not timed well, and it takes me too long to get to either 494 or 62
from my house - about 20 minutes either way.
• Traffic.
• Traffic/ France axe.
• Unsafe for walkers (lack of sidewalks). Public transportation; attractiveness to non - whites.
• Walkability
• Be careful to not overbuild.
• Becoming over crowded.
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• Becoming too urbanized instead of remaining a suberb.
• Building too many high rise building, turning into a downtown rather than a community
• Building too many high rises.
• construction and road construction.....always so much going on. I also wish you had drinkable water as I
lived in Richfield and it was fantastic! Why can't we have good water in Edina of all places?!??
• Growing density.
• Increase of population density
• Intentionally planning development as we continue to transition to a more "urban" community
• Irresponsible development (i.e., very frequent efforts to modify the established zoning requirements on
density and building coverage/height, all while diverting city resources to subsidize private developers
who successfully lobby for such changes and failing to sufficiently address the resulting externalities,
such as proper infrastructure development and environmental impacts of such changes.
• Making sure we stay on top of growth. It doesn't get out of hand.
• Over building around southdale.
• Over building leading to traffic congestion.
• Over building.
• over crowding. traffic getting bad to much politics
• Over development.
• Over expansion - preoccupation with density.
• Overbuilding. Too many new projects
• Overbuilt & high rises, poor leadership in city education had dropped significantly - standards have been
"dumbed down".
• Overcrowding, too much population density
• Overcrowding. Too many high rise apartment buildings. Streets are becoming congested. Traffic is more
difficult. Too many welfare people that make life here very different. This is unfair. We worked Very
Hard to be able to buy a home in Edina, while some new comers get a welfare ticket to a beautiful suburb
and the best schools, Not fair.
• Overdevelopment of France Ave areas with little consideration to how that impacts neighborhood
communities and traffic congestion
• Population density near Southdale in a concern.
• Runing out of space.
• To much construction and building.
• Too many buildings
• Too many high rises which continue to be built up the same area.
• Too many high rises.
• Too many new constructions/ tall buildings.
• Too many new developments.
• Too many office spaces and ground parking are in the process of turning into sky scrappers of rented
apartments hurts the appeal of the neighborhood. Results in less aesthetics, over crowds already full
recreational facilities/parks, reduces green cover, more traffic and noise.
• too much building is changing the "neighborhood feeling" of Edina
• Too much building with no regards to infrastructure/traffic/schools etc
• Too much building!
• Too much development and too many high rises. Our small suburb is quickly becoming too dense and
hard to get places quickly.
• Too much development without adequate needs.
• Too much development, can't stand the high rise building going up.
• Too much development, not enough open place.
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• Too much high rise growth- local of parking as result. Too much traffic/ crowding.
• Too much population density and too much gentrification.
• too much redevelopment - both commercial and residential
• Uncontrolled high density housing development. Way too many high density high rise complexes going
up. Just totally out of control. Hello woke, goodbye community.
• 1. A dummy down attitude of the school board to creating sameness and stifling personal excellence, our
schools were in the top ten in the country and now our schools are in the top 11 or 12 in Minnesota.2. The
city's desire to build too high and in too many places, The Westin was supposed to be the exception and
instead it was the catalyst for one zoning change after another. So now there is an attitude to creep into
the single family areas, disrupt them, and save the country by turning our single family housing
neighborhoods into multi family housing neighborhoods
• 1-10: students not in school classrooms.
• Decline in public schools, cheap looking apartments being built.
• diversifying schools/equal opportunities and housing
• Drugs in the school.
• Dumbing down of the school systems
• Edina public schools are no longer top tier. Not enough emphasis on academics.
• Edina schools, similar to schools almost anywhere, are overemphasizing social concerns and revising
curriculums to be "politically correct". A school's chief role should be provide a factual education and
teach kids how to find an answer or solve a problem when the answer or solution is not readily available.
Leave teaching values to parents. I feel there is a "disconnect" between the amount of money spent per
student and the true value of the education not just in Edina but over most of the country.
• Education has gotten too political and less concentrated on students' education needs. The school
administration (superintendent to teachers) are educating according to political trends/ issues. Education
• Education, get back to the basics.
• Extreme leftism being taught in schools. It is being taught as the "truth"
• Insane social engineering, declining quality of school system.
• Keeping schools strong.
• Keeping the schools excellent
• Liberal school board. Schools going downhill.
• Liberal school system.
• Maintaining the relevance and superior rating of the Edina Public Schools is key to the success of Edina.
While the City is a separate unit of government, they should look for ways to partner with the School
District for the benefit of all residents.
• Overwhelming "Progressive" political climate. Lack of Civics education and too much "progressive
ideology" indoctrination in the public schools.
• Public schools- feel quality reputation going wrong direction & too many tear down new mini mansions.
• Public schools is starting to falter
• Quality of education is slipping
• Racism and sexual assaults that are occurring in the public schools.
• Rating of public schools decreasing.
• School ciriculam.
• School class sizes large, too many students don't live in area.
• School quality declining.
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• School rating declined a lot.
• School reputation is getting weak.
• Schools - get back to basics. Roads - fix them!!!!
• Schools are below par.
• Schools aren't what we thought.
• schools going downhill
• Schools indoctrinating kids to liberal agenda on a "woke" or cancel culture
• Schools ranking went downward
• Schools- reputation.
• State of education - schools need to go back to teaching subjects not opinions.
• The continued attempt to destroy the Edina Public School system by the Center for the American
• Too concerned with political "rightness" instead of actual Edina citizen concerns. Our schools have a
terrible rep for politics school.
Lack of diversity and sense of community
• 1) Being inclusive with an emphasis on diversity of thought as opposed to the pressures of the current
more popular mindset group think cancel culture. While not all things are perfect, not all things are dire.
2) Studies show single parent homes pave an easy path to dependancy poverty. This is especially
impacting across Black America where 65% to 70% of Black children are born into poverty. Let not
leadership brush this under the rug by not being an agenda item.
• Difficult to connect with neighbors and feel a sense of belongingness if you come from other places or
don't have connections
• Diversity
• Diversity (not enough).
• Diversity.
• Intolerance, Edina is becoming increasingly one dimensional politically
• Lack of diversity
• Lack of diversity
• Lack of Diversity - people, community, food/restaurants, housing, city staff, police staff
• Lack of diversity (note: I do not think building affordable housing is the only or even primary way to
address this).
• Lack of diversity, it is mainly a "white" community.
• Lack of diversity.
• Lack of diversity.
• Lack of organized community activities. Recital, Dances party gatherings etc.
• Moral issues surrounding racial diversity with understanding discussion without violent protests.
• need for more diversity
• Need to increase diversity, both racial and economic.
• Not enough diversity.
• Not enough socioeconomic diversity. Not enough black families.
• Promoting the feeling that all people are welcome
• Pushing negative racial agendas and narratives. The message often only creates more divide. The focus
shouldn't be on how we are different, but how we are alike and a message of love and kindness.
• Racial disparity
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• Racial Equity in the community
• Redlining history.
• too little diversity
• too little diversity
• Too little diversity
• too little diversity in population
• Too little diversity.
• Too little diversity.
• We need a greater diversity of race, gender, religions, and ethnicities in our demographics
• Aggressive and/ or inattentive drivers who ignore traffic laws.
• Crime in the community?
• Crime seems to be increasing.
• Doesn't seem as safe as it used to be. Sending grand kids to private schools.
• Feel like crime is getting close or already here....burglaries, etc.
• First ring suburb with a retail space/mall, brings in "trouble" from the inner city
• Having enough police and increasing their pay.
• I am concerned about safety going forward.
• I don't feel safe shopping at Southdale anymore but only shop at Galleria and 50th and France because of
the roaming large gangs of young people, Actually I don't
• I guess much like everyone else crime strict can't be fully controlled.
• Increase in crime
• Increase in crime @ Southdale (vandalism)
• Increase in crime.
• Increased crime coming over from Minneapolis.
• Increasing lack of safety; City finances
• Infiltration of policy from neighboring cities, like Minneapolis, and the increase in crime on the East side
leading to a feeling of less safety
• Insecurity (car theft).
• Keeping Edina safe from crime that is increasing in neighboring Minneapoliis. We were quite alarmed to
see threatening graffiti on a building at 50th and France and the bridge on 54th Street at Arden Park, last
year. I must say that we are much more "on alert".
• Keeping the city safe with very low crime.
• Nighttime crime
• Petty. To more serious crime coming into Edina.
• Police presents and usefulness
• Rising crime
• rising crime rate
• Rising crime rate in the twin cities is a threat.
• rising crime. And feeling that I can't do anything about it.
• Safety - since the riots, every city faces the same problem.
• Safety & roads.
• Safety.
• Safety.
• Several breakins recently.
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• Too little money spent on safety- e.g security cameras badly needed a Bredesen Park!
• Too much crime - for instance it feels like the carjackings that have been occurring in Minneapolis are also
pretty prevalent in Edina.
City government (fiscal responsibility, taxes, planning, etc.)
• An overreaching city government.
• City council - too liberal.
• City council members should be elected to serve in particular geographic areas, rather than serving at
large. It would make fir a better connection to constituents.
• City planning/city government disregarding residents objection to projects.
• Encroachment & indoctrination of political ideologies embraced by residents of the City of Minneapolis,
and its government/community leaders.
• Lack of a cohesive plan for the future. City seems to be off in several different directions. Also, RE Tax
mill rate and water bills seem to go up every year. Slow down on the spending!
• Property tax increasing every year.
• Proposed tax increase & addition of low income housing.
• Socialist liquor stores.
• Taxes are high.
• Taxes too high.
• The city council and mayor are not listening to what the majority of the residents; and unless there is a
groundswell of support for something from the majority of the community don't push it through
changing [?]/ speed limit based city to recommend who an uncle. This is wrong [?] are.
• The liberal push to make community economically diverse city government does not represent property
owners & tax payers.
• The mayor and city council listen less and less the wishes and desires of the majority of the residents, but
instead to the loudest voices; and to the unelected staff. This is not right. The mayor and city council
may believe they are smarter or know better than the residents, but they are elected to serve. Also,
residents have been very upset and vocal about this issue, and yet nothing has changed. This is wrong.
• Too much liberal politics in city council & schools.
Economic development
• Decline in businesses at 50th and France, the Galleria, and Southdale Center
• Decreasing overall economic health.
• Economic creep.
• Economic inequality
• Economic planning, affordability for young families.
• Income inequality
• Lack of commerce at 50th and France - would love more
• lack of shops and retail stores, restaurants etc in comparison to size of population
• Maintaining locally owned retail.
• Not enough organic / local grocery stores
Too much focus on affordable housing
• Over building of apartments and drive to subsidize housing
• Over development, too much low - income housing being pushed by council.
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• There is too much focus on creating affordable housing (Edina has a lot + some of the most diverse
housing of any suburb), climate change, social justice, etc. Cities should worry about infrastructure, safety
& community amenities. Everything else is beyond their scope IMO.
• Tired of hearing about building affordable housing . My housing cost going up and no one is there to
subsidize my living. Edina Families sending kids to other schools. They are not happy with the direction
of teachers. Bike lanes since we have 6 months of winter.
• Too many multifamily housing options built/being built near Southdale Center.
• Too much building of high rise condos & apts. Too much emphasis on affordable housing.
• Too much low income housing.
• We are being overbuilt with low income/affordable income housing
• You are building too many apartment for low incomes tearing down good homes for big mansions
Water quality/environmental issues
• Adapting to climate change
• Not sure but my complaint is your city water is horrible.
• Not take care the water over flow and help them flow away from the pond.
• The water in Edina is horrible & would be a reason for my family to move.
• Too little alternative energy sources. Too many empty (dated) office buildings (7200/7250)
• Use of chemicals an lawns.
• Water is not as good as other places I've lived. I don't drink the water.
• 1.Proximity to mpls. 2. Unresponsive public officials. 3. Decline of educ quality.
• Blatant disregard for existing homes from Refined Builder...directed drainage at my 1951 home! City
Engineers signed off on plan. This is terrible! I understand that new homes bring in more revenue, but the
City bylaws should be followed and enforced by City Engineers. I was very disappointed in the lack of
respect regarding my property and the water will create long lasting damage to my foundation. I had
many conversations with City Engineers and wrote to City Council regarding this matter. Even the offer
of the grant to have my lot checked by an outside Engineer was denied. I feel ignored and discounted
even though I have been a tax payer in Edina for over 30 years. I have voiced this to many people outside
of Edina. New builds look nice and the market demands larger, more modern homes. However, where
does the responsibility lie in regard to drainage and not damaging existing homes? My foundation was
cracked during the excavation of the home next door. The house behind me was built closer to mine and
cut down all my trees bordering my back lot. My backyard is becoming a sink hole because they also
directed drainage at my house .
• Complacency of too many residents.
• Continuing to stay progressive and growing smartly for the future, not for the past - the City Council is
on top of this but I wish more community members understood that the past is not coming back.
• Coronavirus.
• diluting the prosperity of the city and residents = too much. Also, starting to have a homeless issue on the
Edina Promenade. Very disturbing considering the level of our property taxes
• Divided change.
• Edinans do not take constructive criticism- think their city is perfect communication is poor assumption
by city officials that everyone is wealthy not very much racial diversity.
• For us - noise - quality of life suffers when loud beeping trash haulers empty trash between 3x4 AM. Also
blower operate after 7 pm.
• higher living expenses than other sites
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• I would say the overarching issue is the aggressive shift in Edina's identity. Housing density, traffic
congestion, safety and security, economic policy and above else, Edina Public School's curriculum shift
away from academic excellence.
• Lack of public parks for kids to play
• Maintaining property value as many apartments and the make up of the population changes
• making a difference in our community versus just appearing to do so.
• Most residents believe they are better than others. Definitely deserves the name cake eaters.
• overbuilding, overspending, overtaxing and the teachers union...all are out of control and are destroying
our communities, Edina included
• People assuming that you must be rich if you live here.
• People leaving their dog poop on sidewalks and streets
• population is getting too old.
• Probably it's reputation as a "rich" "cake eater" city.
• Reputation?
• Social and economic entitlement keeps the feeling of insularity.
• Some of the walls need replace, some of the lights street need to be added in Freds Park.
• The politics of the left and their intolerance toward others with a country view.
• The proximity of Minneapolis is my biggest concern.
• The trees on Vernon were left in a very ugly state and the city would do nothing about it.
• Too little health and wellness opportunities
• Too many initiative by the city crowding out personal civic investment.
• Too much entitlement - it's the one aspect that we find overwhelmingly challenging to navigate
• Too much entitlement by the uber rich and privileged
• Too much smoking pot, it stinks!
• Too political- pushing political agendas- Jesus Christ being removed from all aspects of living in Edina.
• Trying to be everything to everyone; no clear leadership and direction from our leaders - Mayor & City
Council; City focusing on social issues more than traditional safety/infrastructure issues
• Trying to be too much to all.
• Wokeism.
Don’t know/nothing
• ?
• ??
• Don't know.
• Fair.
• I don't know.
• N/ A- No feedback.
• NA.
• None
• Not sure.
• Not sure.
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Question 16 (other): Which of the following departments have you had contact with in the past
12 months by email, phone or in person?
• Forestry.
• Forrestry (maybe part of parks & rec?)
• Natural Resources - Arborist
Question 20: If you feel things are on the wrong track, why?
Poor development/overbuilding/density of city
• 1.Too much high density development. 2.More attention to business startup retention. 3. Too much
priority to high and single family construction (tear down).
• A huge apartment building went up in our neighborhood where there is already tons of morning and
evening traffic with no consideration as to how the huge increase In peopleWill affect that. No changes to
the immediate roads and intersections. The school it will feed is already over crowded. We keep growing
just to grow without thinking about how it will further stress inadequate infrastructure.
• Again, too much emphasis on high density housing. If I wanted that I'd live in Minneapolis or
• Allowing too much building both commercial and residential that is too large for the area-commercial
buildings too high and too many "McMansions"
• Apt building, especially high rises take me questioning why the planning comm. is doing this payback?
• Area has become too population dense. Bad traffic, long waits at registry.
• Big push for high rise buildings, apparent desire to multi family housing in single family neighborhoods,
students bailing out of the public schools for private schools
• Building to quickly. Traffic is terrible. Poor planning. Jerryson jornon parking is too small support on the
condo, apartments built.
• Building too many apartment/ condo in places where there is no parking- close to neighborhoods.
• City Council has enabled WAY too much growth. Traffic and density have seriously diminished quality
of life for residents.
• City council hell bent on building apartment/ affordable housing- increasing density.
• Density of housing.
• Except for the many new buildings.
• Hearing about expensive housing on the rise - too many dev. at 66 & France xerxes.
• I am concerned about residential development decisions.
• I would like to see less large apartment complexes.
• Im very concerned about the potential long range plan for higher density housing and especially a
possible massive project such as "The Lid" over Hwy 100 @ 50th St. I believe this would be a significant
negative change to Edina.
• Losing its "small town" identity- becoming like Mpls.
• My main reason for this answer is that I feel we are overbuilding the city with low/moderate income
• Not neccessarily wrong track but concerned about updward growth.
• Not sure about all the development, high rises.
• On one issue - Edina's lack of regulations about tearing down older homes and allowing much larger
homes on small lots.
• Over - development, apartments that don't fit in terms of design, build.
• Over building of high rises and too much emphasis on providing affordable housing.
• Over development at high rise housing ie apartments.
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• Over development i.e. high rise building, lack of sunlight and green space, money and taxes more
important than people!
• Question to how they are approaching development regarding land use, high rises, tear downs, and
other projects that may cause increase in taxes and additional burdens on all city services.
• Same as responses to #7:1) The city is quickly losing appeal as the only inner ring suburb with single
family homes based on the rapid growth of multi unit/high rise/low income housing developments.2)
The focus of our public schools has nothing to do with academic standards which are slipping - there is a
force of political beliefs and views within the curriculum and forced upon the students.
• The high density housing killed the quaint vibe of 50th & France.
• The huge explosion in high rise apartment buildings. Several parking lots have been converted to
apartment buildings. More people, more traffic problems, bring crime to a peaceful city.
• The push for more affordable housing is unnecessary, and a bad idea for the reputation of the city
...there's plenty of affordable housing (I happen to be living in one, and there's always units available).
More high-density apartment and townhome communities will reduce property value of nearby
residences, increase crime, and choke the City's transportation infrastructure. If I wanted all those things,
I'd still be living in Minneapolis.
• think the lid is not a good idea. to much development---too many apartments being built----high density.
dont want to feel like downtown.
• To many apartments, poor school leadership.
• Too many "high end" rental houses.
• Too many apartment buildings are being built. More individual owner condos should be encouraged.
• Too many apartment buildings going up around Edina, which is causing lots of congestion.
• Too many apartments are being built/ crime rate is high!
• Too many cheap rental bldgs, concentration of low income housing in Southdale area only.
• Too many high rise buildings
• Too many housing changes - too many apts, destroying average neighborhoods with all the mega new
builds. Getting congested in a way that wasn't here before.
• Too many luxury apartment buildings.
• Too many luxury apartment high rise buildings.
• Too many multiple dwellings & too many stores.
• Too many rental properties.
• Too many tall building & too many rental properties.
• Too much approval of highrise apts & mega houses.
• Too much development and too many tear downs
• Too much development and trying to be a big city that doesn't care about it's residents when Edina has
built itself on being an excellent city that uses tax dollars efficiently, neighbors know one another and the
schools are excellent. The schools are no longer excellent, the city keeps approving additional
development to get more tax dollars, and the roads are in terrible shape. Makes one wonder what those
high price tax dollars are going towards.
• Too much development is taking away why I moved here 31 years ago -- open spaces, mature trees, easy
traffic & commutes.
• Too much development of apartment, high rise buildings.
• Too much emphasis on high density and affordable housing
• Too much emphasis on high density.
• Too much emphasis put on building sidewalks and big apartment buildings encouraging teardowns
rather on the current residents
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• Too much focus on creating high density environments and not enough on increasing natural outdoor
environments like more trees and separate bike/walking paths along roads. France Avenue should be
more of a parkway from Southdale to 50th & France similar to 66th St in Richfield but with more trees
and parking on the side of the road.
• Too much focus on development of large apartment bldgs in neighborhoods.
• Too much focus on things that should not be high priority: creating affordable housing, climate, diversity.
The city should focus more on the basics: street repairs, upgrading parks & park equipment, maintaining
other infrastructure. Edina is far behind neighboring w & sw suburbs in these areas.
• Too much large multifamily housing is changing city's image.
• Too much over development and there's been a lot of focus on "prospective" residents as opposed to
focusing on the needs of current ones. I also have some concern about the direction of the schools. They
don't appear to be as top rated as they used to be and what is the reason behind that? One of the main
reasons we moved here was for the schools. Our kids aren't school age yet, but we have concerns about
the direction of public schools.
• Too much redevelopment with apartments; Reckless use and promotion of TIF; Continued increase in
property taxes; Lack of management of population increase; other initiatives that are not in the best
interest long term for current residents
• Too much rental housing being built, especially in Southdale area
• Too much TIF and affordable housing that is pushing the infrastructure and school tax burden on the
• Too much unregulated development which has deleterious effects on current residents.
• We moved here 13 years ago to raise a family. We lived a "normal" home - actually on the larger side for
our neighborhood on a fairly calm street. Over the years, the traffic and demolitions and rebuilds of
mega homes has increased at an unbearable rate. It is actually unpleasant to be home. It feels as if
families like ours are being pushed out of the neighborhood. We aren't even low income-earning over
$200,000 a year. I can't even begin to imagine how any type of middle class family could live here.
City government (high taxes, not listening to residents, etc.)
• As I stated above, the mayor and city council do not seem interested in what the residents think when
there is a different opinion held by city staff, the mayor and/or city council. Instead, the city pushes
ahead and does what a louder minority and/or the staff, mayor and city council want to do rather than
what the majority of the citizens want to do. Also, making residents set up an account with "Better
Together" in order to more easily comment or raise concerns seems very much geared toward leaving
some voices out of the conversation. If the majority of residents do NOT want and are NOT PUSHING
FOR lower speed limits, The Lid (to name a few), it should not be the business of the city to push those
items forward and onto everyone.
• City council - poor decision makers.
• City government does not efficiently, openly communicate with the residents.
• City seems to ignore budgets, wasteful spending.
• Consistently raising taxes, failing schools.
• Mayor seems to only be concerned rich attracting wealthy baby boomers.
• Overbuilding, overspending and overtaxing. Tone deaf mayor and city council who are more interested
in their building new multistory towers than the quality of life. Traffic around Southdale is
unmanageable and getting worse but city keeps building out of some ridiculous notion of fair housing
and equity which results in vacant square footage, both residential and commercial. It is out of control
and has to be stopped. Edina is not Minneapolis. Stop trying to make it so.
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• Overuse of TIF; budget deficits; overdevelopment of Galleria/Southdale area with high-rise luxury
• Taxes too high and too many apartment buildings.
• Taxes too high.
• The city council and mayor need to follow what the majority of the residents want!!
• The city council is trying to hard to be woke like mpls.
• The city government is getting involved in too many things besides providing basic services (police, fire,
streets, water, sewer, parks).
• The Mayor and City Council (inclusive of the related committees) blatantly disregard the concerns of the
Edina citizens, using the vail of "affordable housing" to push forward an agenda of unplanned for high
density development that fails to plan for or address the resulting infrastructure and enviormental needs,
to act in accordance with the desires and subsidize the pocket books of private developers, increase city
debt, defer maintenance of existing city infrastructure, and fail to plan for the costs of future
infrastructure that will be required.
• Too much government cultural change pushed on residents low income subsidies, housing free stuff
school reputation declining.
• Too much government- we are not the nanny city.
• Unresponsive elected officials.
• We have a far left city council basically ruining the city and trying to urbanize it. Density in the time of
Covid? Really?
Affordable housing/cost of living/teardowns
• Affordable housing.
• Allowing teardowns to continue.
• As stated before I am concerned that soon there will not be any opportunity for middle or lower income
family to live in Edina.
• Building lg building's & homes no one can afford to live in!
• constant tear downs in east Edina make the area a constant construction zone
• Diversity of housing. Little left for middle-income residents (once you tear down our homes).
• Don't like the level of teardowns.
• I don't like what they are doing to change the neighborhoods eg low income housing tear downs.
• I hope more subsidized housing - not luxury bldgs. Stop bldg by southdale it already feels like a mini
down town mpls.. It is losing its unique quality of being Edina - it is a suburb not a city.
• Middle class housing is being tore down at an alarming rate. Million dollar houses in their place.
• Single family housing turnover is outrageous. We need more midlevel & entry level housing- not condos
& high rises.
• Tearing Down homes- building large ones.
• Too many high rise building - too many teardowns of affordable houses.
• Too many teardowns of ramblers for very large we need more affordable, diverse community homes.
• Too many very expensive homes disparity of income ranges.
• Too much building of high income residences.
• Too much development of apartment buildings, tear downs of existing affordable housing, mcmasions.
• Unsustainable bubble in high priced new home construction. Unsellable for what was paid to get into it.
Not justified by income or school perceived quality.
• Edina schools are getting worse.
• Education does not get enough attention, which is the most factor that Edina could be better than others.
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• Education has gotten far too political and labor focus. These factions diminish and take a lot away from
students academic learning. shame to!
• Public schools are an issue.... used to be highly rated now they are not and getting worse
• Public schools decreased rating.
• Quality of public education.
• Schools are too politically motivated & not focused on education. Too much focus on low income housing
& not the safety, size, capacity, etc of our communities.
• Schools- declining in reputation.
• Too much liberal politics in city council & schools.
• As stated - too focused on division. We need better support of our police department. Public statements
to support them and their work. All the messages is about is racial "divide". I am so tired of all the divide
- talk about how we are alike, how we work together, how love is shown in the community. Positivity
breeds positivity. Gvmt is getting too much control and voice - we have heard enough about covid and
how to social distance, and we have heard far enough on vaccinations. People know, let them think
critically and make decisions for themselves. I'm getting really tired of the same agenda and narrative. It
would be great to see a change in leadership. Why is no one interested in running for Mayor? Change can
be good.
• Crime is an issue,. and police won't give out information on calls in my neighborhood. And not enough
time for public comment on projects...esp new multi-housing redevelopments.
• Dont consider poor people.
• Edina is headed in the wrong direction on many issues such as equity as well as general maintenance.
The public schools do little to address equity, and many public facilities are falling out of repair. Also,
sidewalks and bike lanes need to be patched.
• Edina moving to liberal/ politically correct
• Expanding initiatives that may not have support of the entire community but agenda of a few.
• I don't think our city is attractive. The trails are amazing, but the rest of Edina really could use more
green space and overall road beautification.
• I feel that Edina is trying to be all things to all people rather than remaining grounded in what made
Edina flourish as a community of academic excellence, safety, fellowship. I believe all communities need
adapt to changing times and trends, but it feels that Edina's leadership is driving a revolutionary
approach to progression rather than an evolutionary approach. Additionally, the Edina Public Schools
focus on equality and inclusion over academic excellence is severely concerning. We are strong advocates
for DE&I in our home, at work and in our community; the purpose of schools is first and foremost
education of academics, not for a specific social agenda.
• I live in the NW part of Edina and feel like we are not part of the city. Our kids go to Hopkins Schools
and for what we pay in taxes I see little or no benefit of living in this city. The city park in this part of
Edina is second rate compared to the ones in the other more prestigious parts of the city. The snow
plowing is second rate compared to the rest of the city. I feel like we may be better served to be part of
Hopkins vs. Edina. You talk about be inclusive, but what I'm seeing this is not the case.
• I'd like the city to invest more in adding sidewalks to neighborhoods.
• Investing in the wrong things, and EPS on the decline
• Minorities feel not accepted as equals.
• Need more sidewalk.
• Need safe bike trails to access 50th & France, more bike trail focus.
• Not enough green spaces and community events.
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• Not right direction because worried about welcoming/ biased views & behavior from a portion of
residents & profiling for traffic stops.
• Overwhelming level of "Progressive" political ideology driving policy decisions. "Woke Culture" infecting
all levels of education and policy decisions.
• Qualified (more right than wrong).
• Racism within the police
• Saying generally right direction is not an unequivocal endorsement
• Some areas are seem to be worsening (crime); others are inconsistent improvement (e.g. different
solutions for 58th Street and 60th Street redev between France & Wooddale). I'm less impressed with the
schools than the reputation that caused me to move here.
• Strong business orientation: slight resident orientation.
• The City is catering more to underserved, less educated, low income residents as a focus of future
growth. Let other surrounding communities attract those types of residents.
• Too focused on political agendas not Biblical principles.
• Too liberal.
• Too much emphasis on so called "social justice" issues.
• Traffic speeding - congestion 50th France & France ave.
Question 21: If you don’t think you could have a say about the way things are run in this
community, why?
Public voice not heard/listened to
• A three year experience of our neighborhood fighting the city staff to stop them from turning our street
into an expressway to the Galleria and the Southdale mall. Experiencing about 48 dirty tricks by the city,
the final one was narrowing part of our street after having given their word to the city council and the
residents that they would keep the agreement. We discovered two days before the curb was laid that we
were losing two feet of our four foot boulevard. The construction engineer said to me in the middle of the
road on the Saturday before laying the concrete that he and the city's engineer thought it would look
better wider. Shame on you all!
• Ability to respond to growth concerns almost seems to be retroactive.
• Because I have tried with the sidewalk that is being put in front of our house and with the new proposal
to remove special assessments after we paid a 16k assessment (and are still paying). Now we'll be paying
that one and all of the neighborhoods that no longer have to pay them (essentially paying twice!)
• City council & mayor do not listen.
• City leaders ignore even overwhelming resident feedback - exp. - density, development.
• Don't feel stand alone residential concerns are taken seriously
• Edina city leaders don't listen.
• Edina's city leadership has become highly progressive. I consider myself to be a moderate who doesn't
identify with either Republicans or Democrats. In the conversations I have had, I don't feel Edina's
leadership exemplifies any alignment with moderate residents.
• Elected officials and some employees of the city are not open to different opinions.
• Elected officials won't listen.
• Especially with regard to redevelopment, the city staff and council do not really listen to residents.
• From met council on down, conservatives don't feel listened to depends what "focus" unmet
• Gone too far down wrong path city does not represent edina or MN tax payers. Too focused on socialism.
• have participated in planning sessions and believe that the council and commissions do not follow
through on the agreed upon 10 year plan and often approve variances that go against the plans (building
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• I don't feel like my vision for the city would be considered. I don't really feel like I belong to this
community. My main reason for living here is the quality of services, safety and the value of the home.
• I have participated in "open forums" and in all honesty some (not all) of the city officials seem to like to
hear themselves talk instead of listening. Often responses to honest questions treat residents like idiots.
For example, when asked why the city choose to lower the street limits to 25 and not match all of our
neighboring cities at 20 mph, the city official said police enforcement would be too difficult. Is the city
official implying that our police are more stupid than Minneapolis or St. Louis Park? I should hope not!
As a resident I would appreciate an answer that is based in reality not just deflection.
• I have tried without success.
• I haven't tried but I don't know if an unknown person will be able to have much impact.
• I represent the middle ground in policy and that is not the direction the City is heading.
• I tried hard and failed to influence sidewalks decisions.
• I would not be heard
• I'm just one person.
• I've not heard of it happening before. If I asked for a camera on the corner of 57th and Beard for all the
people who run the stop sign, I doubt one would be installed because of the cost.
• I've tried to point out minor concerns roads, buckthorn trees etc. get no where.
• My experience as a lawyer in private practice indicates that citizen participation generally requires lots of
citizen time with very little effect. MN courts apply a very low standard of review to municipal decisions
so MN cities feel free to ignore their citizens and instead do whatever the city pleases. In other words, all
too frequently citizen participation is a waste of the citizens' time.
• My parents said no one listened to opposition to Westin hotel construction
• My views , although moderate to conservative, would currently be labeled negatively.
• No one can fight city hall.
• Not taken into account by mayor & council.
• Nothing personal about Edina - typically cities don't take individual ideas - if they do "listen" nothing
much ever done
• Our street signed a petition to not reconstruct our road and I found out that our neighborhood had
absolutely no say in the matter
• our voices arent heard
• Public opinion doesn't matter.
• Say, perhaps; but probably not needed.
• See above. (In general, our experience has been that the city council and mayor do not listen to or want to
even hear contrary opinions)
• The city council doesn't listen to the residents & says that from years of involvement.
• The direction the city is going into will not change. Will not listen.
• things are essentially on a freight train that cannot be stopped or altered. Group think and other views
not welcome/not wanted/ignored.
• Too many people above me
• Unless an individual says something/ proposes something that is popular with the city council, mayor,
and city staff, if either falls on deaf ears or is rejected - and many times there useful council member to
concerns is terse.
• We get the quarterly newsletters and the magazine where we here about things. Feel like we are kinda
on the outskirts of Edina and are not paid attention to other than this survey
• Who you know matter and if the city council wants to hear your topic to give it the necessary time seems
to be hit or miss
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Communication issues (slow response time, unhelpfulness, don't know how to provide
input, etc.)
• Because i have tried and nothing changed.
• Elderly & not knowledgeable enough.
• Essentially everything city government does on a day-to-day basis is invisible to me. No one has ever
asked a question before this survey.
• Haven't felt that the process is open or inviting.
• I and others in the neighborhood have contacted city council about concerns about development in our
neighborhood, but the last time i wrote no one even acknowledged it.
• I do not feel represented by the city council. I don't feel that people like me have the ability to be elected.
I'm not aware of other opportunities to make a difference.
• I feel that there is no real good outlet to hear resident issues.
• I have tried to communicate my concerns to the City Manager & never got a call back. The City Council
makes decisions that directly impact a resident without informing the resident such as putting a sidewalk
on the resident's property that the resident has to keep clear during the winter, making a resident pay for
organic recycling even when they have none, trying to get Dan Patch Passenger Rail when there is a gag
order on that topic.
• I wouldn't know how. I asked the Fire Department in person to stop turning on their sirens, not when
they come out of the station, but right next to the building I live in. I scares the heebie-jeebies out of
elderly people in my building. The response: it's their policy.
• I wouldn't know where to start. There is very little communication from the city to know where anything
• I wouldn't know who to contact.
• Not sure how to if I needed/wanted to.
• Public comment limited, meetings at inconvenient times/ short notice.
• Public comment periods are not well advertised/communicated; Edina does so many things well. The
fact that this is not done well leads me to believe not soliciting public opinion is by design. And even if
there was opposition, it seems to me that business interest would be ranked above public interest, if they
were at odds.
• See comments above. Also, the means of submitting feedback that enters the public record became more
diffcult when the public comment submission form on the city's website was removed.
• Want bike speed limit in my area. Don't know how to do.
• When i complained to the police department about rude police officer, they were not helpful.
• Where would i comment & how would it count?
Decisions are predetermined
• Because Edina does what it wants
• Because the city council is top down- they "knew best".
• City council (mayor especially) seem to have agenda/paternalistic- decisions made to adequate citizen
• City council abides by their agenda only.
• Elected officials have their personal agenda and really don't listen to residence.
• Govt. is going to do what they want regardless.
• I have attended city council meetings and they tend to do want they want.
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• Insufficient advance information as issues and proposals emerge to know when and how to speak up,
and often decisions are already predetermined to a large degree.
• Mayor and city council have an agenda and they don't care one bit about the taxpaying citizens as long as
that agenda is furthered
• My impression is that decisions are made before public opinion is requested they already do!
• Seems like city politicians and staff has their own agenda,, and average citizen doesn't matter much.
• the mayor and his cronies have an agenda and don't want to hear any concerns of citizens if they disagree
with the agenda. it's not a welcoming place.
• There was a whole citizen advisory group put together by the city to assess the apartment at Cahill and
70th and how best to redevelop that area. What a waste of time. They just disregarded the advisory
groups recommendations/concerns/desires and did what they wanted anyway. It seems to be a pattern
throughout the city.
• They don't listen and they do whatever they want anyway.
• Too much density, lack of transparency. City council & mayor run the show, They push things through
for what they want.
• watch city council meeting - feels like lip service
Decisions are biased toward or influenced by commercial, wealthy, or special interests
• Don't live in country club.
• establishment works for developers rather than citizens
• I know many residents who share my opinion, but Edina continues to focus on social politics over
citizens voices.
• Squeaky wheel gets the grease. Organizers, Activists etc rule. What does this even mean?
• The mayor and city council are more concerned about how they are perceived by persons outside the city
(the news media, their peers in other municipalities, etc.) than about what citizens think. They seem to
look down on citizens and have an arrogant, "we know best" attitude.
• Too polarizing. Present administration particularly schools, is far too biased rather than truly listening
and evaluating issues unbiasly.
• Vocal minority tends to win out. I don't have the time to lobby the government.
• Young resident's opinions often get suppressed and the opinions of those who are 60+ years old tend to
take priority
• "Age"wise.
• Absence of party designation in elections- is a big issue.
• Allowing too many high rise and/ apt buildings - takes away small city feel.
• Braemar treated golf league poorly this year.
• Council is small liberal click.
• Elections aren't policed properly, election signs etc problamatic.
• gut feeling
• Have been to city council meetings.
• I have not had the experience myself
• I prefer not to get involved
• Implicit segregation.
• In the current political climate, if ones views or opinions are the in the slightest conservative, one is
viewed as racist and an evil individual.
• It depends on policies and zoning for lower income housing. It depends on who is on the city council and
on committees. An individual of lesser means has less demographic - similar - peers or influence.
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• Just moved back from N/C.
• Lack of diversity within local city government.
• Out numbered by the cancel culture
• Please promote community spirit among various races.
• Some people have been in their office way too long!
• Some streets are full of patholes, other neighborhoods beautiful streets.
• The Edina place has a wild turkey problem sometimes they also go over on the side of centteral lakes.
• The need of local government to virtue signal "equity" as a policy driver. Inclusion? Yes. Equality?
Absolutely! "Equality" means giving everybody access to the same resources. "Equity" on the other
hand means distributing resources based on the needs of the recipient.
• Time commitment.
• Too much apartment buildings now.
• Too much attention to affordable housing issues.
Question 30: If you did not purchase from Edina Liquor in the past 12 months, why not?
Don't drink alcohol/drink rarely
• (We rarely buy alcohol).
• Abstain.
• Do not drink
• Do not drink
• Do not drink
• Do not drink any liquor
• Do not drink.
• Do not drinks liqour.
• Do not use liquor.
• Don't drink
• don't drink
• Don't drink
• Don't drink alcohol
• Don't drink alcohol.
• Don't drink alcohol.
• Don't drink alcohol.
• Don't drink much.
• Don't drink!
• Don't drink.
• Don't drink.
• Don't drink.
• Don't drink.
• Don't drink.
• Don't drink.
• Don't drink.
• Don't drink.
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• Don't drink.
• Don't drink.
• Don't drink.
• Don't drink.
• Don't drink; have enough liquor
• Don't have the need or desire
• Don't imbibe.
• don't us alcohol
• don't use
• Don't use alcohol
• don't use alcohol
• Have never enjoyed the taste of alcohol.
• I do not drink
• I do not drink alcohol
• I do not drink alcohol other than an occasional drink when eating at a restaurant with family (glass of
wine) type of thing.
• I do not drink alcohol.
• I don't buy alcohol
• I don't drink
• I don't drink alcohol at home.
• I don't drink alcohol.
• I don't drink at all.
• I don't drink liquor.
• I don't drink liquor.
• I don't drink!
• I don't drink, nor entertain my last wine purchase was for chicken dish (2019).
• I don't drink.
• I haven't been drinking.
• Liquid poison.
• Neither I nor my spouse drinks alcohol.
• No entertaining in the last year and no purchasing just for myself
• No need for alcohol
• Non drinker.
• Not a drinker.
• Not able to use alcohol.
• Not buy
• Recovering alcoholic.
• Religious reasons.
• We are teetotalers
• we do not drink liquor
• We don't drink alcohol.
• We don't drink liquor!
• We don't drink.
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• We don't drink.
• We don't use alcohol.
Other stores have better selection or are more convenient
• Don't buy much liquor, and when we do, we go to Trader Joes
• I buy elsewhere.
• Not at our shopping area.
• Not convenient
• Other liquor stores are closer.
• Poor selection.
• Poor selections.
• Prefer Total Wine and Trader Joe's
• Shop @ my france.
• The one time I tried to support it, it was closed, so went to Total Wine.
• Too many other alternatives.
• Total wine & delivery dunning covid.
• Total wine is better.
• Trader Joe's has cheaper and more diverse wines (which are the only alcohol we buy)
• Trader Joe's is just as close.
• Use other stores closer.
• We go to Total Wine instead, which is closer to us and more accessible.
• We have other favorites stores we purchase from
More expensive than other stores
• Better prices to total wine.
• Better pricing elsewhere.
• Cheaper alteretives.
• Cub had a sale.
• I go to cub in Bloomington it's cheaper.
• Prices are high.
• Prices are higher than total wine.
• Selection and price.
• Too expensive.
• Too expensive.
• Too expensive.
• Too expensive.
• Total wine is much cheaper.
• Closed during COVID-19 force us to go elsewhere. Should not have closed. Lost a lot of revenue
• coronavirus pandemic ad staying home, it used to be about twice a month
• COVID isolation in 2020.
• During covid- 19 pandemic- i have not entertained.
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• Pandemic
• Stuck at home, I don't drink alone.
• Chemical department.
• Didn't know about this - will now!
• Fewtimes.
• I didn't know it off set costs.
• I didn't know that this is how they operated. I thought that they were private businesses.
• I only shop at non-socialist stores.
• Morally opposed.
• No need.
• Not a proper and appropriate function of government to compete with retail businesses
• There are many private liquor stores. If the city makes great enough margins on operating public liquor
stores, then good. If the city would make more selling licenses and simply regulating private industry,
then why waist our money? I am not concerned about liquor as a vice. It is no longer 1920.
• Will not support government encroachment into private business. Government is not and should not be a
liquor store owner.
Question d11: (If respondent speaks a language(s) other than English at home) – Which
• Arabic
• Arabic and French
• Arabic.
• Bengali
• Cantonese.
• Croatian
• Filipino
• french
• French, arabic
• French.
• French.
• French.
• German
• German.
• Greek.
• Hebrew
• Hebrew.
• HIndi
• Hindi, Punjabi
• Hindi.
• Hindi.
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• Japanese
• Japanese
• Japanese.
• Kutchi and Spanish
• Norwegian.
• Punjabi, Hindi, Urdu and others
• Punjabi.
• Tagalog.
• Tamil
• Tamil
• Tamil
• Thai
• Tibetan.
• Urdu.
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Appendix C: Survey Results by Respondent Characteristics
Understanding the Tables
For most of the questions in the tables that follow, one number appears for each question. Responses have been summarized to show only the proportion
of respondents giving a certain answer; for example, the percent of respondents who rated the quality of life as excellent or good.
The subgroup comparison tables contain the crosstabulations of survey questions by precinct as well as various demographic characteristics. Chi-square
or ANOVA tests of significance were applied to these breakdowns of survey questions. A “p-value” of 0.05 or less indicates that there is less than a 5%
probability that differences observed between groups are due to chance; or in other words, a greater than 95% probability that the differences observed
in the selected categories of the sample represent “real” differences among those populations. As subgroups vary in size and each group (and each
comparison to another group) has a unique margin of error, statistical testing is used to determine whether differences between subgroups are
statistically significant. Statistical testing was not performed on multiple response questions.
Each column in the following tables is labeled with a letter for each subgroup being compared. The “Overall” column, which shows the ratings for all
respondents, also has a column designation of “(A)”, but no statistical tests were done for the overall rating.
For each pair of subgroup ratings within a row (a single question item) that has a statistically significant difference, an upper case letter denoting
significance is shown in the cell with the larger column proportion. The letter denotes the subgroup with the smaller column proportion from which it is
statistically different. Subgroups that have no upper case letter denotation in their column and that are also not referred to in any other column were not
statistically different.
For example, in Table 86 on page 128, respondents who lived in the Southeast (C) and Southwest (D) Quadrants of the city gave statistically significantly
higher ratings to the overall quality of life in Edina than did respondents who lived in the Northwest Quadrant (B). This is denoted by the “B” listed
under the rating for those who lived in the Southeast and Southwest Quadrants. In another example in Table 90 on page 130, those living in the
Southwest Quadrant (D) tended to give statistically lower ratings to how welcoming Edina is to people who have a lower income compared to those
living in all other Quadrants.
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Survey Results by Quadrant
• Overall, residents living in the Northwest and Southwest Quadrants tended to give higher ratings to aspects of quality of life compared to those
in the Northeast Quadrant.
• Those in living in the Southwest Quadrant were less likely to feel that the community was welcoming for people with lower incomes and those
whose first language is not English compared to those living in other areas. Southwest residents were more likely to give high marks to the City
attracting and valuing residents from diverse backgrounds compared to those living in the Northeast Quadrant.
• Residents in the Northwest Quadrant tended to give higher ratings to the ease of walking, availability of paths and walking trails, and
employment opportunities compared to those living in the Northeast and Southwest Quadrants.
• Respondents from the Northeast Quadrant were more likely to give lower ratings to aspects of drinking water in Edina compared to those in
other Quadrants. They also were more likely to feel that traffic speeding and stop sign violations in their neighborhoods were more of a problem
compared to those living in other areas of the city.
• Differences in ratings of city services varied by the area of the community. Those living in the Southwest Quadrant tended to give less positive
reviews to fire and EMS services as well as bus or transit services, but gave higher ratings to street lighting, sidewalk maintenance, and drinking
water compared to those in other areas.
• Those living in the Northwest and Southeast Quadrants tended to give higher ratings to the City government performance and to the overall
direction the City is taking compared to those living in the Northeast Quadrant. These residents also gave higher ratings to their impressions of
City employees compared to those living in the Northeast Quadrant.
• Residents living in the Northeast and Southeast Quadrants were more likely to feel that their property taxes were very or somewhat high
compared to those from the Northwest and Southwest. These residents also were less likely to feel that they could have a say about the way
things are run in the community.
• Survey respondents living in the Southeast and Southwest Quadrants were more likely to agree with the City taking action on issues related to
climate change and environmental stewardship compared to those living in the Northeast Quadrants. Residents in the Northeast Quadrant were
less likely to give favorable ratings to the City fostering natural habitats in public spaces and encouraging natural habitat on residential and
commercial land, and placed lower importance of various environmental services and initiatives compared to those in living in the other
• Residents living in the Northwest and Southeast Quadrants were more likely to be concerned about social isolation compared to those in the
Northeast, while those in the Northeast and Southeast were more concerned about having access to health care than were those living in other
areas of the community. Northeast residents also were more optimistic about the impact of the economy on their family income in the next 6
months compared to those in the Northwest Quadrant.
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Table 86: Quality of Life by Quadrant
Percent excellent or good
Geographic Area Overall
Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant
(A) (A) (B) (C) (D)
How would you rate the quality of life in Edina? 98% 96% 100%
Table 87: General Community Characteristics by Quadrant
Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a
community: (Percent excellent or good)
Geographic Area Overall
(A) (A) (B) (C) (D)
Overall feeling of safety in Edina 97% 95% 93% 100%
Overall ease of getting to the places you usually have to visit 84% 88% 87% 85% 86%
Quality of overall natural environment in Edina 84% 95%
91% 95%
Overall established “built environment” of Edina (including overall design,
buildings, parks and transportation systems)
79% 77% 80% 85% 80%
Health and wellness opportunities in Edina 87% 96%
94% 93%
Overall opportunities for education and enrichment 88% 97%
94% 99%
Overall economic health of Edina 91% 95% 92% 100%
Sense of community 75% 77% 74% 70% 74%
Overall image or reputation of Edina 84% 89% 91% 94% 89%
Neighborliness of residents in Edina 74% 74% 81% 72% 76%
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Table 88: Likelihood of Recommending or Remaining in Edina by Quadrant
Please indicate how likely or unlikely you are to do each of the following:
(Percent very or somewhat likely)
Geographic Area Overall
(A) (A) (B) (C) (D)
Recommend living in Edina to someone who asks 87% 94% 96%
Remain in Edina for the next five years 92% 88% 89% 91% 90%
Table 89: Feelings of Safety by Quadrant
Please rate how safe or unsafe you feel: (Percent very or somewhat
Geographic Area Overall
(A) (A) (B) (C) (D)
In your neighborhood 95% 98% 98% 99% 97%
In the 50th & France area (downtown area) 92% 91% 97% 97% 94%
In the Southdale area 75% 73% 89%
79% 80%
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Table 90: Sense of Community Welcoming by Quadrant
Please rate how welcoming Edina is as a community: (Percent very
welcoming or welcoming)
Geographic Area Overall
(A) (A) (B) (C) (D)
For people who are Asian, Asian Indian or Pacific Islander 76% 79%
74% 59% 74%
For people who are Black or African American 52% 48% 53% 35% 49%
For people who are Hispanic 56% 53% 52% 36% 51%
For people who are American Indian or Alaskan Native 64% 54% 53% 43% 55%
For people who are White 96% 93% 90% 90% 92%
For people whose first language is not English 53%
51% 62%
31% 52%
For people who are not U.S. citizens 48% 49% 59%
38% 50%
For people who have a lower income 40%
20% 38%
For people who are of Christian faith 95% 90% 89% 91% 91%
For people who are of Jewish faith 79% 83% 82% 85% 82%
For people who are of Muslim faith 47% 44% 47% 44% 45%
For people who are of Buddhist faith 55% 61% 52% 52% 55%
For people who are of Hindu faith 55% 57% 55% 50% 55%
For people who are agnostic or atheist 70% 70% 69% 68% 69%
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Table 91: Community Characteristics by Quadrant
Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a
whole: (Percent excellent or good)
Geographic Area Overall
(A) (A) (B) (C) (D)
Traffic flow on major streets 44% 53% 56% 61%
Ease of public parking 53% 53% 66%
Ease of travel by car in Edina 67% 77% 75% 86%
Ease of travel by public transportation in Edina 37% 43% 65%
25% 46%
Ease of travel by bicycle in Edina 64% 67% 67% 60% 65%
Ease of walking in Edina 62% 75%
52% 65%
Availability of paths and walking trails 73% 88%
80% 73% 79%
Air quality 85% 93% 87% 93% 89%
Cleanliness of Edina 95% 96% 93% 95% 95%
Public places where people want to spend time 84% 88% 85% 88% 86%
Variety of housing options 53% 52% 51% 44% 51%
Availability of affordable quality housing 34% 36% 33% 23% 32%
Fitness opportunities (including exercise classes and paths or trails, etc.) 76% 88%
81% 84%
Recreational opportunities 85% 92% 85% 84% 87%
K-12 education 83% 97%
88% 94%
Adult educational opportunities 92%
81% 92%
Opportunities to attend cultural/arts/music activities 72% 80% 72% 87%
Employment opportunities 63% 83%
70% 63% 70%
Shopping opportunities 88% 94% 93% 98%
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Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a
whole: (Percent excellent or good)
Geographic Area Overall
(A) (A) (B) (C) (D)
Cost of living in Edina 50% 61%
46% 44% 51%
Overall quality of business and service establishments in Edina 89% 92% 93% 96% 92%
Overall quality of commercial redevelopment in Edina 55% 65% 68% 64% 63%
Overall quality of residential redevelopment in Edina 56% 62% 68% 61% 62%
Opportunities to participate in social events and activities 80% 82% 75% 73% 78%
Opportunities to volunteer 82%
69% 85%
Opportunities to participate in community matters 76% 81% 71% 79% 76%
Table 92: Aspects of Drinking Water by Quadrant
Please rate the following aspects of drinking water in Edina: (Percent
excellent or good)
Geographic Area Overall
(A) (A) (B) (C) (D)
Appearance 78% 80% 89%
Taste 46% 63%
59% 70%
Odor 58% 72%
71% 65% 67%
Hardness 23% 32% 47%
36% 35%
Reliability 76% 85% 83% 92%
Safety 76% 85% 84% 86% 83%
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Table 93: Problems in Edina by Quadrant
Please rate how much of a problem, if at all, you feel each of the following is in
Edina. (Percent moderate, major or extreme problem)
Geographic Area Overall
(A) (A) (B) (C) (D)
Traffic speeding in your neighborhood 57%
33% 26% 41%
Stop sign violations in your neighborhood 46%
20% 20% 30%
Violent crime 5% 4% 6% 0% 4%
Drugs 10% 18%
4% 13%
Youth crimes 13% 10% 15%
2% 11%
Vandalism and property crimes 22% 21% 19% 11% 19%
Identity theft 13% 21%
0% 15%
Domestic abuse 3% 7% 11% 2% 6%
Table 94: Use of Parks and Recreation Amenities by Quadrant
Tell us about how many times in the last 12 months, if ever, you or other household
members used any of the following Edina Parks & Recreation Department amenities.
(Percent at least once)
Geographic Area Overall
(A) (A) (B) (C) (D)
Trails 85%
83% 74% 84% 81%
Dog parks/off-leash areas 31%
9% 25%
Neighborhood parks 75%
62% 74% 71%
Large community athletic fields 51%
26% 51%
Edinborough Park 49% 48% 50% 46% 48%
Centennial Lakes Park 77% 83% 83% 79% 81%
Edina Aquatic Center 47%
32% 24% 39%
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Tell us about how many times in the last 12 months, if ever, you or other household
members used any of the following Edina Parks & Recreation Department amenities.
(Percent at least once)
Geographic Area Overall
(A) (A) (B) (C) (D)
Edina Senior Center 27% 29% 26% 35% 29%
Braemar Arena (ice arena) 52%
36% 34% 43% 40%
Edina Art Center 26% 19% 19% 42%
Braemar Golf Course 23% 21% 14% 25% 20%
Braemar Golf Dome 32%
11% 42%
Braemar Field (sports dome) 25%
17% 10% 22%
Table 95: Quality of Parks and Recreation Amenities by Quadrant
Please rate the quality of each, regardless of your household’s use of the
amenities. (Percent excellent or good)
Geographic Area Overall
(A) (A) (B) (C) (D)
Trails 93% 97% 96% 99% 96%
Dog parks/off-leash areas 79% 76% 75% 85% 78%
Neighborhood parks 91% 89% 96% 99%
Large community athletic fields 96% 96% 89% 100%
Edinborough Park 93%
80% 87% 95%
Centennial Lakes Park 100% 99% 99% 100% 99%
Edina Aquatic Center 93% 92% 97% 97% 95%
Edina Senior Center 87% 87% 91% 91% 89%
Braemar Arena (ice arena) 92% 95% 99% 100% 96%
Edina Art Center 81% 93% 84% 94% 88%
Braemar Golf Course 98% 88% 92% 100% 94%
Braemar Golf Dome 93% 92% 98% 94% 94%
Braemar Field (sports dome) 100% 97% 91% 100% 97%
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Table 96: Quality of Services by Quadrant
Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Edina: (Percent
excellent or good)
Geographic Area Overall
(A) (A) (B) (C) (D)
Police services 91% 96% 90% 91% 92%
Fire services 99%
94% 98%
Ambulance or emergency medical services 100%
93% 98%
Crime prevention 91% 93% 98% 95% 94%
Fire prevention and education 94% 95% 96% 100% 96%
Traffic enforcement 79% 85% 81% 77% 81%
Street repair 59% 58% 62% 60% 60%
Street cleaning 84% 79% 78% 84% 81%
Street lighting 64% 74% 82%
Snow removal 90% 88% 81% 93%
Sidewalk maintenance 76% 79% 75% 91%
Traffic signal timing 74%
68% 60% 80%
Bus or transit services 56% 67%
44% 62%
Garbage collection 87% 90% 90% 91% 89%
Recycling 76% 86% 87%
83% 84%
Yard waste pickup 88% 84% 81% 86% 84%
Storm drainage 72% 86%
81% 87%
Drinking water 63% 67% 68% 83%
Sewer services 80% 91%
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Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Edina: (Percent
excellent or good)
Geographic Area Overall
(A) (A) (B) (C) (D)
Utility billing 81% 85% 82% 88% 83%
City parks 95% 92% 94% 100%
Park maintenance 89% 92% 92% 97%
Condition of trails and sidewalks 84% 95%
92% 93% 91%
Recreation programs or classes 89% 93% 94% 97% 93%
Recreation centers or facilities 84% 93% 88% 92% 89%
Land use, planning and zoning 39% 52% 60%
Code enforcement (weeds, abandoned buildings, etc.) 70% 65% 79% 73% 72%
Animal control 78% 77% 92%
83% 82%
Economic development 67% 74% 80% 75% 74%
Public health services 86% 89% 87% 90% 88%
Public information services/communication from the City 81% 87% 77% 84% 82%
Cable television (Comcast/Xfinity) 39% 61%
56% 55%
Emergency preparedness (services that prepare the community for natural
disasters or other emergency situations)
84% 80% 84% 75% 81%
Edina open space 60% 68% 73% 80%
City-sponsored special events (Night to Unite, Winter Ice Festival, New Year's
Eve Party, etc.)
74% 76% 85% 74% 78%
Overall quality of services provided by the City of Edina 87% 91% 87% 94% 89%
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Table 97: Government Performance by Quadrant
Please rate the following categories of Edina government performance:
(Percent excellent or good)
Geographic Area Overall
(A) (A) (B) (C) (D)
The value of services for the taxes paid to Edina 70% 85%
77% 80% 78%
The job Edina government does at welcoming resident involvement 52% 73%
59% 65%
Overall confidence in Edina government 51% 72%
60% 64%
Generally acting in the best interest of the community 49% 68%
62% 62%
Treating all residents fairly 55% 72%
59% 65%
Table 98: Impression of City Employees by Quadrant
Please rate your impression of City employees: (Percent excellent or
Geographic Area Overall
(A) (A) (B) (C) (D)
Knowledge 90% 91% 92% 100% 92%
Courtesy 86% 94% 93% 100%
Responsiveness 78% 91%
Follow-up (got back to you or took action if needed) 71% 89%
Overall customer service 79% 91%
91% 88%
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Table 99: Opinion of Property Taxes by Quadrant
Percent very or somewhat high
Geographic Area Overall
(A) (A) (B) (C) (D)
Considering your property taxes in comparison to neighboring cities,
property taxes in Edina are…
45% 64%
56% 57%
Table 100: Level of Support for Increasing Property Taxes by Quadrant
Percent strongly or somewhat support
Geographic Area Overall
(A) (A) (B) (C) (D)
To what extent would you support or oppose an increase in your property taxes
to maintain City services at their current level?
33% 54%
43% 47% 44%
Table 101: Direction of Edina by Quadrant
Percent right direction
Geographic Area Overall
(A) (A) (B) (C) (D)
All in all, do you think things in Edina are generally headed in the right direction,
or do you feel things are on the wrong track?
52% 72%
68% 66%
Table 102: Perception of Own Influence by Quadrant
Percent yes
Geographic Area Overall
(A) (A) (B) (C) (D)
Other than voting, do you think that if you wanted to, you could have a say
about the way things are run in this community?
55% 75%
70% 75%
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Table 103: Importance of Diversity and Inclusivity by Quadrant
Percent essential or very important
Geographic Area Overall
(A) (A) (B) (C) (D)
How important for the people of Edina is it that local government focuses on
creating a diverse and inclusive city?
47% 53% 62%
Table 104: Ratings of Inclusivity of City by Quadrant
Please rate the job you feel the City does at each of the following:
(Percent excellent or good)
Geographic Area Overall
(A) (A) (B) (C) (D)
Making all residents feel welcome and that they belong 62% 78%
75% 76% 73%
Helping new residents feel connected and integrated 57% 67% 60% 73% 63%
Attracting people from diverse backgrounds 43% 44% 57% 64%
Valuing residents from diverse backgrounds 54% 65% 61% 80%
Providing a safe and secure environment for residents of all backgrounds 72% 83% 77% 83% 79%
Table 105: Managing Community Tensions by Quadrant
Percent very or somewhat well
Geographic Area Overall
(A) (A) (B) (C) (D)
How well, if at all, do you feel the City is managing tensions in the community
related to residential redevelopment in Edina?
33% 62%
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Table 106: Support for Continued Operation of Municipal Liquor Store by Quadrant
Percent strongly or somewhat support
Geographic Area Overall
(A) (A) (B) (C) (D)
The City of Edina owns and operates three municipal liquor stores. Profits from Edina Liquor
are used to offset operating costs and for capital expenses at recreational facilities. To what
extent do you support the City continuing to operate its municipal liquor stores?
87% 91% 86% 90% 88%
Table 107: Support for Single-Hauler Garbage Collection by Quadrant
Percent strongly or somewhat support
Geographic Area Overall
(A) (A) (B) (C) (D)
Most communities have one of two systems for garbage collection. To what extent do you
support the City changing from the current system in which residents may choose from
several different haulers to a system where the City chooses one hauler for the whole
49% 53% 43% 57% 50%
Table 108: Attitudes Toward Environmental Sustainability by Quadrant
How strongly do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?
(Percent strongly or somewhat agree)
Geographic Area Overall
(A) (A) (B) (C) (D)
Our City should invest in programs and create policies to address climate
65% 72% 81%
Our City should enact ordinances and regulations intended to increase energy
efficiency and climate resiliency
68% 79%
Our City should enact ordinances and programs requiring higher green
building and development standards
67% 76% 84%
Our City should invest in renewable energy and test technologies to get to net
zero emissions
65% 73% 84%
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Table 109: Quality of Environmental Services by Quadrant
Rate the quality of each of the following services provided by the City of
Edina. (Percent excellent or good)
Geographic Area Overall
(A) (A) (B) (C) (D)
Energy conservation and efficiency programs 67% 85%
68% 77% 74%
Fostering natural habitats in public spaces 55% 80%
Encouraging natural habitat on residential and commercial land 54% 67% 57% 75%
Increasing renewable energy programs 61% 66% 58% 76% 64%
Adapting to climate change 49% 56% 59% 70% 59%
Composting collection services 46% 55% 45% 66% 52%
Water conservation programs 60% 71% 56% 71% 64%
Transportation emission reduction (i.e. bike lanes and public EV charging) 48% 59% 57% 61% 57%
Table 110: Importance of Environmental Services by Quadrant
Rate how important, if at all, each service is to the Edina community.
(Percent essential or very important)
Geographic Area Overall
(A) (A) (B) (C) (D)
Energy conservation and efficiency programs 59% 70% 73%
Fostering natural habitats in public spaces 63% 66% 79%
Encouraging natural habitat on residential and commercial land 46% 62%
Increasing renewable energy programs 54% 65% 72%
Adapting to climate change 48% 65%
Composting collection services 62% 68% 69% 75% 68%
Water conservation programs 63% 81%
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Rate how important, if at all, each service is to the Edina community.
(Percent essential or very important)
Geographic Area Overall
(A) (A) (B) (C) (D)
Transportation emission reduction (i.e. bike lanes and public EV charging) 47% 61% 59% 73%
Table 111: City Information Sources by Quadrant
Please rate the extent to which you use each of the following as sources of
information about Edina government and its activities, if at all. (Percent minor or
major source)
Geographic Area Overall
(A) (A) (B) (C) (D)
About Town City magazine 81% 77% 70% 97%
Parks & Recreation Activities Directory 68% 77% 78% 75% 75%
Edina Sun-Current newspaper 71%
60% 57% 65% 63%
Edition: Edina monthly newsletter 54% 53% 58% 61% 56%
Star-Tribune newspaper 69% 64% 62% 57% 63%
City's website (www.EdinaMN.gov) 72%
57% 62% 86%
Edina TV 16% 21% 39%
17% 25%
City employees 51%
40% 35% 47% 42%
City Council Members 50%
32% 33% 43% 38%
Direct mail updates 71% 59% 61% 80%
Social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter) 45% 56%
42% 42% 47%
NextDoor 67%
40% 63%
Online web stream videos on YouTube or Granicus 15% 10% 14% 6% 12%
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
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Please rate the extent to which you use each of the following as sources of
information about Edina government and its activities, if at all. (Percent minor or
major source)
Geographic Area Overall
(A) (A) (B) (C) (D)
City's e-mail subscription service (City Extra) 39%
14% 37%
Word of mouth from friends, family or neighbors 92%
85% 80% 87% 85%
Table 112: Effectiveness of City Communication Tools by Quadrant
How effective, if at all, are each of the following communication tools for keeping
informed of City activities? (Percent very or somewhat effective)
Geographic Area Overall
(A) (A) (B) (C) (D)
The magazine About Town 70% 90%
The newsletter Edition: Edina 70% 80% 84% 95%
Table 113: City Website Access by Quadrant
Percent yes
Geographic Area Overall
(A) (A) (B) (C) (D)
Have you accessed the City of Edina website (www.EdinaMN.gov) in the
last 12 months?
44% 43% 58%
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Table 114: Aspects of City Website by Quadrant
Please rate the following aspects of the Edina website: (Percent
excellent or good)
Geographic Area Overall
(A) (A) (B) (C) (D)
Appearance 87% 82% 81% 92% 85%
Online information and services offered 81% 84% 78% 83% 81%
Ease of navigation/ability to find information 62% 58% 44% 61% 56%
Overall quality of the City of Edina website 72% 73% 75% 84% 75%
Table 115: Concern About Household Issues by Quadrant
To what extent, if at all, have you been concerned about each of the following issues
in your household in the last 12 months? (Percent minor, moderate or major
Geographic Area Overall
(A) (A) (B) (C) (D)
Feeling socially isolated or disconnected from others 16% 29%
30% 26%
Having access to health care 18%
7% 18%
15% 14%
Being able to age in place (e.g., remain in your home as you get older) 41% 36% 28% 39% 35%
Running out of food before you had money to buy more 9% 13% 10% 7% 10%
Having enough money to pay your rent or mortgage 21% 25% 27% 15% 23%
Table 116: Economic Impact on Family Income by Quadrant
Percent very or somewhat positive
Geographic Area Overall
(A) (A) (B) (C) (D)
What impact, if any, do you think the economy will have on your family income
in the next 6 months? Do you think the impact will be:
22% 30% 22% 27%
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Prepared by Polco/National Research Center Page 145
Survey Results by Demographic Characteristics
Length of Residency
• Residents who had lived in Edina for 5 years or less gave higher ratings to overall feelings of safety and the ease of getting to the places they
usually have to visit compared to those who had lived in the community for more than 20 years. These residents were less likely to remain in
Edina for the next five years compared to those who had lived in the community for a longer period of time.
• Longer term residents (6 years or more) tended to feel that stop sign violations in their neighborhoods, drugs, and vandalism or property crimes
were more of a problem compared to those who had lived in the community for a shorter period of time (5 years or less).
• Those who lived in the city for 5 years or less gave more positive reviews to land use, planning and zoning, code enforcement, animal control,
economic development, and open space compared to residents who had lived in the city for 6 years or more. Shorter term residents also were
more likely to feel the city was generally headed in the right direction.
• Residents who had lived in the city for 6 to 20 years were less likely to feel there was too little housing for lower-income singles and families
compared to those who had lived in the community for 5 years or less.
• Shorter term residents (5 years or less) were more likely to feel it was essential or very important that the city take actions to create a wider
variety of housing choices in the community compared to those who had lived in the city for 6 years or more.
• Newer residents were more likely to rate the various actions or services related to environmental efficiency and conservation as important
compared to those who were longer-term residents (lived in Edina 6 years or more).
Respondent Gender
• Females were more likely than males to give positive marks to many aspects of the community including the ease of travel by bike, availability
of paths and walking trails, the overall quality of business and service establishments in Edina, and public places where people want to spend
• Females were more likely to feel that it was important for the local government to focus on creating a diverse, equitable and inclusive city
compared to males, whereas males were more likely to give high marks to the city making all residents feel welcome, and attracting and valuing
people from diverse backgrounds.
Respondent Age
• Older residents (55+) were more likely than those who were middle age (35-54) to give high scores to the overall natural environment in Edina,
education and enrichment opportunities, the overall image and reputation of Edina, and the overall quality of life.
• The youngest residents (18-34) tended to feel safer in different areas in Edina compared to those who were older (55+). These residents also
were more likely to believe Edina was welcoming to all people compared to their older counterparts.
• Older residents (55+) were more likely to feel that the potential problems in Edina were a concern compared to the youngest residents (18-34),
such as drugs, traffic concerns in neighborhoods, and crime.
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• Middle age residents (35-54) were more likely to have used many Edina Parks & Recreation amenities in the 12 months prior to the survey
compared to the youngest residents (18-34) and the oldest residents (55+).
• Younger residents were more likely to feel the city was generally headed in the right direction compared to those who were 35 years or older.
• Middle age residents (35-54) were less likely to feel it was important for the city encourage medium- and higher-density development
(townhouses and apartments) compared to younger residents.
Homeowners vs Renters
• Compared to renters, homeowners were more likely to give excellent or good ratings to many characteristics of the community including adult
educational opportunities, the cost of living, and opportunities to participate in community matters.
• Homeowners were more likely to have used Edina Parks & Recreation amenities in the 12 months prior to the survey compared to renters.
• Homeowners were less likely to feel the city was headed in the right direction compared to renters.
• Renters were more likely to feel there was too little housing for lower- and middle-income singles compared to homeowners. Renters also
tended to feel it was essential or very important that the city take actions to create a wider variety of housing choices in the community
compared to homeowners.
• Residents who were white alone and not Hispanic gave higher ratings to getting to the places they have to visit, health and wellness
opportunities, and the overall economic health of Edina compared to those who were Hispanic or another race. Respondents who were white
only also were more likely to remain in Edina for the next five years.
• White respondents were more likely to give favorable reviews to many characteristics of the community compared to those who were Hispanic
or another race including recreational opportunities, adult educational opportunities, employment opportunities, and opportunities to
• There were no differences by race or ethnicity for how welcoming the community was for different people, for ratings of inclusivity in the
community, and the importance of the city focusing on creating a diverse, equitable and inclusive city. However, Hispanic residents and those
who did not identify as white alone were more likely to have experienced discrimination in the last 12 months based on race, national origin,
and religion.
• For many City services, including ratings of police services, street lighting, public health services, and public information services, residents who
identified as Hispanic or a race that was not white tended to give lower ratings compared to white residents.
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Table 117: Quality of Life by Respondent Characteristics
Percent "excellent" or
Length of residency Gender Age
tenure Race/ethnicity Overall
Less than
5 years
6 to 20
More than
20 years Female Male
54 55+ Rent Own
White alone,
not Hispanic
and/or other
(A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B)
How would you rate the
quality of life in Edina?
92% 98%
97% 94% 97% 93% 97%
93% 97%
96% 93% 96%
Table 118: General Community Characteristics by Respondent Characteristics
Please rate each of the following
characteristics as they relate to Edina
as a community: (Percent "excellent"
or "good")
Length of residency Gender Age
tenure Race/ethnicity Overall
than 5
6 to 20
than 20
years Female Male
54 55+ Rent Own
alone, not
other race
(A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B)
Overall feeling of safety in Edina 96%
94% 89% 94% 92% 97% 93% 91% 93% 92% 93% 90% 93%
Overall ease of getting to the places
you usually have to visit
90% 89% 90% 93% 91% 91% 92% 92% 91% 93%
82% 91%
Quality of overall natural environment
in Edina
89% 85% 92%
89% 88% 85% 86% 92%
91% 88% 89% 86% 88%
Overall established “built
environment” of Edina (including
overall design, buildings, parks and
transportation systems)
77% 84% 84% 83% 87% 83% 82% 89% 82% 84% 77% 83%
Health and wellness opportunities in
95% 90% 92% 94% 90% 90% 90% 94% 93% 92% 94%
78% 92%
Overall opportunities for education
and enrichment
94% 87% 90% 91% 89% 90% 86% 93%
90% 90% 91% 82% 90%
Overall economic health of Edina 93% 89% 91% 89% 92% 89% 89% 93% 89% 91% 92%
80% 91%
Sense of community 72% 65% 73% 72% 67% 77% 66% 70% 65% 71% 71% 62% 70%
Overall image or reputation of Edina 84% 77% 83% 82% 81% 82% 75% 86%
79% 82% 81% 84% 81%
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
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Please rate each of the following
characteristics as they relate to Edina
as a community: (Percent "excellent"
or "good")
Length of residency Gender Age
tenure Race/ethnicity Overall
than 5
6 to 20
than 20
years Female Male
54 55+ Rent Own
alone, not
other race
(A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B)
Neighborliness of residents in Edina 74% 66% 77%
74% 71% 70% 72% 74% 65% 75%
72% 73% 73%
Table 119: Likelihood of Recommending or Remaining in Edina by Respondent Characteristics
Please indicate how likely or unlikely
you are to do each of the following:
(Percent "very likely" or "somewhat
Length of residency Gender Age
tenure Race/ethnicity Overall
than 5
6 to 20
than 20
years Female Male
54 55+ Rent Own
alone, not
other race
(A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B)
Recommend living in Edina to
someone who asks
96% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 96% 91% 95%
Remain in Edina for the next five
77% 89%
79% 71% 87%
67% 92%
76% 86%
Table 120: Feelings of Safety by Respondent Characteristics
Please rate how safe or unsafe
you feel: (Percent "very safe" or
"somewhat safe")
Length of residency Gender Age
tenure Race/ethnicity Overall
than 5
6 to 20
than 20
years Female Male
54 55+ Rent Own
White alone,
not Hispanic
and/or other
(A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B)
In your neighborhood 96% 95% 93% 96% 93% 100%
94% 92% 91% 95% 94% 94% 94%
In the 50th & France area
(downtown area)
90% 84% 90% 88% 96%
88% 87% 94% 88% 89% 89% 89%
In the greater Southdale area 86%
75% 69% 76% 79% 86%
77% 73% 84%
74% 76% 85% 77%
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Table 121: Sense of Community Welcoming by Respondent Characteristics
Please rate how welcoming Edina
is as a community: (Percent "very
welcoming" or "welcoming")
Length of residency Gender Age
tenure Race/ethnicity Overall
than 5
6 to 20
than 20
years Female Male
54 55+ Rent Own
White alone,
not Hispanic
and/or other
(A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B)
For people of all races 56% 46% 58%
52% 56% 65%
46% 57%
58% 52% 54% 54% 54%
For people of all religions 66% 57% 64% 58% 69%
56% 65% 59% 63% 63% 64% 63%
For people of all ethnicities 58% 48% 55% 52% 55% 62%
46% 56% 57% 52% 54% 51% 54%
For people who have a lower
19% 32%
27% 30% 22% 29% 31% 24% 30% 29% 24% 29%
Table 122: Problems in Edina by Respondent Characteristics
Please rate how much of a problem, if at
all, you feel each of the following is in
Edina. (Percent "moderate problem",
"major problem" or "extreme problem")
Length of residency Gender Age
tenure Race/ethnicity Overall
than 5
6 to
than 20
years Female Male
54 55+ Rent Own
alone, not
other race
(A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B)
Traffic speeding in your neighborhood 29% 35% 38% 38%
30% 10% 46%
24% 37%
35% 31% 34%
Stop sign violations in your neighborhood 13% 25%
24% 22% 3% 26%
16% 25%
22% 22% 23%
Violent crime 4% 6% 12%
8% 7% 2% 6% 11%
11% 7% 8% 7% 8%
Drugs 6% 16%
13% 16% 1% 11%
16% 15% 15% 16% 16%
Youth crimes 12% 17% 20% 18% 15% 1% 15%
22% 14% 16% 14% 17%
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Please rate how much of a problem, if at
all, you feel each of the following is in
Edina. (Percent "moderate problem",
"major problem" or "extreme problem")
Length of residency Gender Age
tenure Race/ethnicity Overall
than 5
6 to
than 20
years Female Male
54 55+ Rent Own
alone, not
other race
(A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B)
Vandalism and property crimes 17% 28%
22% 10% 21% 37%
29% 26% 28%
15% 26%
Hate crimes and bias/discrimination
12% 19% 16% 21%
11% 10% 16% 18% 12% 17% 14% 28%
Table 123: Community Characteristics by Respondent Characteristics
Please rate each of the following
characteristics as they relate to Edina
as a whole: (Percent "excellent" or
Length of residency Gender Age
tenure Race/ethnicity Overall
than 5
6 to
than 20
years Female Male
54 55+ Rent Own
alone, not
other race
(A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B)
Traffic flow on major streets 73% 68% 69% 69% 71% 69% 72% 68% 68% 70% 69% 75% 70%
Ease of public parking 84%
72% 74% 76% 78% 77% 78% 76% 79% 76% 76% 82% 77%
Ease of travel by car in Edina 94%
86% 86% 87% 89% 90% 87% 88% 93% 87% 88% 91% 88%
Ease of travel by bicycle in Edina 62% 63% 66% 70%
56% 64% 64% 62% 66% 63% 63% 68% 64%
Ease of walking in Edina 72% 68% 78%
75% 69% 78%
65% 76%
77% 72% 75%
60% 73%
Availability of paths and walking trails 78% 76% 83% 83%
73% 85%
72% 82%
84% 78% 80% 71% 79%
Air quality 93% 91% 94% 92% 94% 86% 95%
90% 94% 94%
81% 93%
Cleanliness of Edina 92% 95% 96% 94% 95% 88% 96%
93% 94% 95%
85% 94%
Public places where people want to
spend time
85% 82% 90%
82% 89% 80% 89%
82% 87% 86% 81% 85%
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
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Please rate each of the following
characteristics as they relate to Edina
as a whole: (Percent "excellent" or
Length of residency Gender Age
tenure Race/ethnicity Overall
than 5
6 to
than 20
years Female Male
54 55+ Rent Own
alone, not
other race
(A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B)
Variety of housing options 45% 52% 51% 45% 51% 70%
42% 45% 48% 49% 49% 45% 49%
Availability of quality affordable
27% 33% 30% 29% 30% 33% 28% 29% 28% 30% 28% 31% 30%
Fitness opportunities (including
exercise classes and paths or trails,
81% 79% 86% 87%
78% 91%
75% 84%
83% 82% 84%
69% 82%
Recreational opportunities 87% 83% 88% 86% 86% 95%
80% 88%
83% 87% 88%
74% 86%
K-12 education 92%
83% 82% 90%
80% 81% 85% 88% 82% 86% 85% 88% 85%
Adult educational opportunities 79% 83% 83% 83% 81% 76% 81% 84% 70% 85%
67% 82%
Opportunities to attend
cultural/arts/music activities
67% 67% 71% 74%
61% 71% 64% 71% 66% 69% 68% 64% 68%
Employment opportunities 67% 74% 79% 72% 74% 75% 68% 78% 69% 74% 77%
48% 73%
Shopping opportunities 98%
90% 93% 94% 93% 94% 95% 92% 93% 94% 94% 91% 94%
Cost of living in Edina 42% 39% 57%
48% 44% 35% 41% 54%
37% 49%
47% 36% 46%
Overall quality of business and service
establishments in Edina
93% 87% 91% 93%
88% 94% 91% 89% 90% 91% 92% 86% 91%
Overall quality of commercial
redevelopment in Edina
61% 62% 72%
62% 74% 70% 62% 70% 66% 67% 73% 67%
Overall quality of residential
redevelopment in Edina
54% 53% 61% 61% 79%
62% 55% 59% 61% 60% 68% 61%
Opportunities to participate in social
events and activities
71% 65% 71% 73%
64% 75% 67% 69% 56% 73%
70% 61% 69%
Opportunities to volunteer 71% 77% 79% 76% 76% 76% 76% 77% 61% 80%
59% 76%
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
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Please rate each of the following
characteristics as they relate to Edina
as a whole: (Percent "excellent" or
Length of residency Gender Age
tenure Race/ethnicity Overall
than 5
6 to
than 20
years Female Male
54 55+ Rent Own
alone, not
other race
(A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B)
Opportunities to participate in
community matters
56% 68%
68% 62% 54% 68% 66% 52% 68%
66% 56% 65%
Table 124: Aspects of Drinking Water by Respondent Characteristics
Please rate the following aspects
of drinking water in Edina:
(Percent "excellent" or "good")
Length of residency Gender Age
tenure Race/ethnicity Overall
than 5
6 to 20
than 20
years Female Male
54 55+ Rent Own
White alone,
not Hispanic
and/or other
(A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B)
Appearance 90% 82% 83% 82% 88%
90% 80% 86% 89% 83% 85% 79% 85%
Taste 66% 62% 72% 62% 72%
61% 67% 74% 65% 68% 59% 67%
Odor 80%
68% 79%
70% 83%
76% 72% 82% 74% 77%
63% 76%
Hardness 42%
24% 34% 33% 34% 61%
22% 31% 50%
28% 34% 28% 33%
Reliability 93%
78% 84% 82% 89%
89% 82% 86% 85% 85% 86% 77% 85%
Safety 89%
74% 88%
80% 90%
87% 80% 87% 84% 85% 86%
73% 85%
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Table 125: Use of Parks and Recreation Amenities by Respondent Characteristics
Tell us about how many times in the last
12 months, if ever, you or other
household members used any of the
following Edina Parks & Recreation
Department amenities. (Percent at least
Length of residency Gender Age
tenure Race/ethnicity Overall
than 5
6 to
than 20
years Female Male
54 55+ Rent Own
alone, not
other race
(A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B)
Trails 95%
84% 77% 82% 88% 100%
73% 81% 86% 85% 87% 85%
Dog parks/off-leash areas 19% 18% 13% 14% 17% 14% 20%
13% 7% 19%
16% 19% 17%
Neighborhood parks 93%
82% 85% 92%
80% 83% 90%
88% 89% 88%
Large community athletic fields 45% 54%
35% 42% 47% 43%
24% 20% 52%
45% 40% 44%
Edinborough Park 31% 38% 31% 32% 35% 22% 38%
32% 29% 34% 33% 28% 33%
Centennial Lakes Park 81% 77% 76% 81% 75% 88%
72% 83% 76% 79% 72% 78%
Edina Aquatic Center 10% 14% 8% 10% 10% 6% 16%
6% 6% 12% 10% 13% 10%
Edina Senior Center 2% 7% 16%
10% 6% 0% 2% 16%
7% 9% 9% 4% 9%
Braemar Arena (ice arena) 18% 28%
24% 23% 24% 23% 36%
13% 15% 26%
24% 18% 23%
Edina Art Center 20%
15% 10% 13% 17% 16% 18% 11% 19% 14% 15% 9% 15%
Braemar Golf Course 28% 38% 35% 33% 35% 32% 46%
23% 21% 37%
18% 34%
Braemar Golf Dome 19% 20% 17% 18% 19% 15% 27%
13% 9% 22%
19% 17% 19%
Braemar Field (sports dome) 13% 21% 18% 20% 14% 10% 30%
10% 6% 21%
17% 18% 17%
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
Prepared by Polco/National Research Center Page 154
Table 126: Quality of Parks and Recreation Amenities by Respondent Characteristics
Please rate the quality of each,
regardless of your household’s use
of the amenities. (Percent
"excellent" or "good")
Length of residency Gender Age
tenure Race/ethnicity Overall
than 5
6 to
than 20
years Female Male
54 55+ Rent Own
alone, not
other race
(A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B)
Trails 89% 86% 95%
92% 87% 93% 86% 93%
93% 89% 90% 85% 90%
Dog parks/off-leash areas 70% 61% 80% 81%
60% 72% 62% 76% 89% 67% 72% 62% 71%
Neighborhood parks 94%
87% 96%
93% 92% 91% 90% 96% 96% 91% 93% 89% 93%
Large community athletic fields 89% 90% 97% 98%
86% 68% 98%
75% 94%
93% 83% 92%
Edinborough Park 88% 81% 98%
84% 60% 91%
81% 91%
89% 93% 89%
Centennial Lakes Park 93% 97% 100%
97% 96% 88% 98%
95% 97%
90% 96%
Edina Aquatic Center 90% 90% 92% 88% 95% 43% 94%
81% 92% 92%
75% 91%
Edina Senior Center 89% 92% 95% 95% 91% 100% 100% 91% 88% 94% 94% 76% 94%
Braemar Arena (ice arena) 97% 87% 92% 93% 89% 100% 85% 96%
100% 89% 90% 94% 91%
Edina Art Center 94% 93% 88% 92% 91% 89% 94% 89% 94% 91% 93% 79% 91%
Braemar Golf Course 90% 98%
89% 98%
87% 93% 92% 92% 90% 93% 92% 94% 93%
Braemar Golf Dome 100% 93% 96% 98% 94% 100% 95% 97% 100% 96% 97% 94% 96%
Braemar Field (sports dome) 98% 98% 100% 100% 98% 100% 99% 98% 100% 99% 100%
91% 99%
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
Prepared by Polco/National Research Center Page 155
Table 127: Quality of Services by Respondent Characteristics
Please rate the quality of each of the
following services in Edina: (Percent
"excellent" or "good")
Length of residency Gender Age
tenure Race/ethnicity Overall
than 5
6 to
than 20
years Female Male
54 55+ Rent Own
alone, not
other race
(A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B)
Police services 93% 92% 96% 93% 95% 89% 95% 95% 92% 95% 95%
84% 94%
Fire services 99% 99% 100% 99% 100% 100% 100% 99% 100% 99% 100% 99% 99%
Ambulance or emergency medical
99% 98% 100% 99% 99% 100% 98% 99% 99% 99% 99%
94% 99%
Crime prevention 89% 82% 87% 87% 85% 82% 86% 87% 80% 88% 87% 76% 86%
Fire prevention and education 95%
86% 90% 93%
87% 93% 88% 91% 82% 92%
76% 90%
Traffic enforcement 82%
71% 79% 79% 75% 83% 73% 78% 83% 75% 77% 77% 77%
Street repair 60% 53% 57% 58% 56% 47% 56% 61%
54% 57% 58% 48% 57%
Street cleaning 83% 81% 80% 79% 84% 81% 83% 80% 78% 82% 83%
69% 81%
Street lighting 80% 76% 83% 77% 83% 87%
72% 83%
83% 79% 82%
64% 80%
Snow removal 89% 91% 90% 88% 91% 89% 90% 90% 85% 91%
73% 90%
Sidewalk maintenance 71% 83%
80% 80% 76% 69% 80%
79% 65% 82%
79% 73% 78%
Traffic signal timing 73% 70% 75% 75% 71% 69% 74% 73% 59% 77%
74% 63% 73%
Bus or transit services 57% 65% 70% 68% 61% 51% 70%
63% 66% 67% 51% 64%
Garbage collection 87% 83% 89% 89% 83% 94%
80% 90%
87% 86% 87% 84% 87%
Recycling 82% 78% 87%
81% 85% 75% 79% 88%
82% 83% 83% 77% 83%
Organics recycling 78% 79% 79% 81% 75% 69% 79% 80% 62% 81%
79% 71% 79%
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
Prepared by Polco/National Research Center Page 156
Please rate the quality of each of the
following services in Edina: (Percent
"excellent" or "good")
Length of residency Gender Age
tenure Race/ethnicity Overall
than 5
6 to
than 20
years Female Male
54 55+ Rent Own
alone, not
other race
(A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B)
Yard waste pickup 72% 74% 83%
78% 77% 63% 74% 83%
64% 79%
77% 73% 77%
Storm drainage 82% 73% 82% 81% 78% 80% 77% 82% 79% 80% 80% 75% 79%
Drinking water 68% 67% 75% 67% 75% 81%
63% 72% 74% 69% 71% 62% 70%
Sewer services 91% 84% 92%
87% 92% 94%
84% 91%
79% 92%
75% 89%
Utility billing 81% 75% 79% 79% 79% 84% 74% 80% 60% 83%
63% 79%
City parks 94% 90% 94% 94% 91% 93% 91% 94% 92% 93% 94%
86% 93%
Park maintenance 93% 88% 91% 91% 91% 90% 90% 92% 92% 91% 92% 84% 91%
Condition of trails and sidewalks 90% 83% 90% 89% 87% 87% 88% 88% 81% 90%
75% 88%
Recreation programs or classes 83% 79% 89% 86% 82% 79% 83% 87% 76% 86%
68% 84%
Land use, planning and zoning 72%
49% 50% 59% 57% 75%
58% 50% 60% 56% 58% 56% 57%
Code enforcement (weeds, abandoned
buildings, etc.)
69% 67% 71% 73% 89%
67% 71% 76% 72% 74% 63% 73%
Animal control 86% 83% 86% 86% 83% 90% 85% 84% 92% 83% 87% 79% 85%
Economic development 87%
73% 74% 81% 75% 98%
74% 75% 79% 77% 79% 75% 78%
Public health services 82% 86% 89% 89% 82% 82% 85% 88% 85% 86% 88%
66% 86%
Public information
services/communication from the City
82% 77% 80% 84%
75% 76% 81% 80% 75% 81% 81%
67% 80%
Cable television (Comcast/Xfinity) 58% 51% 59% 59% 53% 56% 49% 62%
46% 59%
57% 52% 56%
Fiber/home internet connection 59% 59% 61% 59% 59% 57% 50% 68%
59% 60% 59% 65% 59%
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
Prepared by Polco/National Research Center Page 157
Please rate the quality of each of the
following services in Edina: (Percent
"excellent" or "good")
Length of residency Gender Age
tenure Race/ethnicity Overall
than 5
6 to
than 20
years Female Male
54 55+ Rent Own
alone, not
other race
(A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B)
Emergency preparedness (services that
prepare the community for natural
disasters or other emergency
80% 74% 81% 76% 82% 71% 81% 79% 74% 80% 81%
61% 78%
Edina open space 84%
70% 72% 74% 77% 89%
72% 73% 79% 75% 77% 68% 75%
City-sponsored special events (Night to
Unite, Winter Ice Festival, Days of
Remembrance, etc.)
70% 65% 71% 77%
57% 71% 67% 69% 71% 68% 69% 64% 69%
Overall quality of services provided by
the City of Edina
88% 84% 88% 85% 88% 83% 86% 89% 75% 90%
76% 87%
Table 128: Government Performance by Respondent Characteristics
Please rate the following categories
of Edina government performance:
(Percent "excellent" or "good")
Length of residency Gender Age
tenure Race/ethnicity Overall
than 5
6 to 20
than 20
years Female Male
54 55+ Rent Own
White alone,
not Hispanic
and/or other
(A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B)
The value of services for the taxes
paid to Edina
75% 66% 74% 71% 74% 66% 70% 76% 68% 73% 74%
60% 72%
The job Edina government does at
welcoming resident involvement
63% 51% 59% 55% 63% 58% 56% 60% 61% 57% 60% 46% 58%
Overall confidence in Edina
57% 59% 64% 63% 59% 61% 67% 65% 62% 65% 54% 63%
Generally acting in the best interest
of the community
59% 60% 68% 63% 64% 66% 67% 70% 64% 66% 63% 65%
Treating all residents fairly 73% 63% 69% 66% 72% 74% 65% 70% 71% 67% 68% 71% 68%
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
Prepared by Polco/National Research Center Page 158
Table 129: Impression of City Employees by Respondent Characteristics
Please rate your impression of
City employees: (Percent
"excellent" or "good")
Length of residency Gender Age
tenure Race/ethnicity Overall
than 5
6 to 20
than 20
years Female Male
54 55+ Rent Own
White alone,
not Hispanic
and/or other
(A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B)
Knowledge 93% 88% 87% 88% 91% 81% 89% 92%
84% 90% 91%
77% 89%
Courtesy 92% 90% 90% 87% 95%
81% 93%
82% 92%
91% 83% 91%
Responsiveness 83% 84% 82% 83% 83% 73% 80% 88%
80% 83% 84% 70% 83%
Follow-up (got back to you or
took action if needed)
85% 79% 80% 80% 82% 73% 84% 81% 82% 81% 82% 70% 81%
Overall customer service 91% 84% 85% 83% 89% 75% 84% 90%
86% 86% 88%
73% 86%
Table 130: Opinion of Property Taxes by Respondent Characteristics
Considering your property taxes in
comparison to neighboring cities,
do you feel property taxes in Edina
Percent "very high" or "somewhat
Length of residency Gender Age
tenure Race/ethnicity Overall
than 5
6 to 20
than 20
years Female Male
54 55+ Rent Own
alone, not
and/or other
(A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B)
Considering your property taxes in
comparison to neighboring cities, do
you feel property taxes in Edina
45% 56%
43% 48% 45% 55% 50% 43% 45% 48% 46% 62%
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
Prepared by Polco/National Research Center Page 159
Table 131: Level of Support for Increasing Property Taxes by Respondent Characteristics
To what extent would you support or
oppose an increase in your property
taxes to maintain City services at
their current level?
Percent "strongly support" or
"somewhat support"
Length of residency Gender Age
tenure Race/ethnicity Overall
than 5
6 to 20
than 20
years Female Male
54 55+ Rent Own
alone, not
other race
(A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B)
To what extent would you support or
oppose an increase in your property
taxes to maintain City services at their
current level?
48% 44% 44% 48% 42% 32% 45% 49%
40% 46% 46% 36% 45%
Table 132: Direction of Edina by Respondent Characteristics
All in all, do you think things in Edina
are generally headed in the right
direction, or do you feel things are
on the wrong track?
Percent "right direction"
Length of residency Gender Age
tenure Race/ethnicity Overall
than 5
6 to 20
than 20
years Female Male
54 55+ Rent Own
alone, not
other race
(A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B)
All in all, do you think things in Edina
are generally headed in the right
direction, or do you feel things are
on the wrong track?
58% 55% 66% 71% 86%
63% 65% 80%
64% 68% 73% 68%
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
Prepared by Polco/National Research Center Page 160
Table 133: Perception of Own Influence by Respondent Characteristics
Other than voting, do you think that if
you wanted to, you could have a say
about the way things are run in this
Percent "yes"
Length of residency Gender Age
tenure Race/ethnicity Overall
than 5
6 to 20
than 20
years Female Male
54 55+ Rent Own
alone, not
other race
(A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B)
Other than voting, do you think that if
you wanted to, you could have a say
about the way things are run in this
55% 59% 66% 58% 63% 58% 66% 62% 62% 61% 70% 62%
Table 134: Importance of Diversity and Inclusivity by Respondent Characteristics
Percent "essential" or "very
Length of residency Gender Age
tenure Race/ethnicity Overall
than 5
6 to 20
than 20
years Female Male
54 55+ Rent Own
White alone,
not Hispanic
and/or other
(A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B)
How important is it that local
government focuses on creating a
diverse, equitable and inclusive
67% 59% 75%
65% 76% 71% 68% 78%
68% 70% 78% 70%
Table 135: Ratings of Inclusivity of City by Respondent Characteristics
Please rate the job you feel the City
does at each of the following:
(Percent "excellent" or "good")
Length of residency Gender Age
tenure Race/ethnicity Overall
than 5
6 to 20
than 20
years Female Male
54 55+ Rent Own
alone, not
other race
(A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B)
Making all residents feel welcome 65% 66% 68% 62% 71%
65% 68% 65% 58% 69%
67% 63% 67%
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
Prepared by Polco/National Research Center Page 161
Please rate the job you feel the City
does at each of the following:
(Percent "excellent" or "good")
Length of residency Gender Age
tenure Race/ethnicity Overall
than 5
6 to 20
than 20
years Female Male
54 55+ Rent Own
alone, not
other race
(A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B)
Helping new residents feel
connected and integrated
50% 53% 63%
54% 55% 46% 56% 58% 46% 57% 54% 50% 55%
Attracting people from diverse
31% 46%
36% 49%
39% 37% 49%
41% 43% 42% 43% 43%
Valuing/respecting residents from
diverse backgrounds
49% 60% 63%
50% 64%
46% 60%
48% 60%
58% 50% 57%
Providing a safe and secure
environment for residents of all
68% 73% 74% 69% 75% 67% 73% 73% 64% 74% 72% 65% 72%
Table 136: Experiences of Discrimination by City by Respondent Characteristics
To what extent, if at all, have you or
someone in your household experienced
discrimination based on each of the
following in the Edina community in the
past 12 months?
Percent some or most of the time
Length of residency Gender Age
tenure Race/ethnicity Overall
than 5
6 to
than 20
years Female Male
54 55+ Rent Own
alone, not
other race
(A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B)
Age 4% 6% 6% 8%
2% 5% 1% 8%
4% 6% 5% 6% 5%
Gender 5% 9%
2% 9%
1% 6% 8%
3% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5%
Race(s) 9% 10% 5% 9% 6% 5% 12%
5% 13%
6% 4% 34%
National origin (birth country) 3% 8%
3% 4% 4% 5% 6% 2% 5% 4% 3% 19%
Religion 4% 3% 3% 3% 3% 0% 6%
2% 6% 2% 2% 11%
Political affiliation 13% 17% 16% 17% 13% 11% 18% 15% 17% 14% 15% 16% 15%
Disability 6% 4% 5% 7% 3% 3% 5% 6% 10%
3% 5% 5% 5%
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
Prepared by Polco/National Research Center Page 162
To what extent, if at all, have you or
someone in your household experienced
discrimination based on each of the
following in the Edina community in the
past 12 months?
Percent some or most of the time
Length of residency Gender Age
tenure Race/ethnicity Overall
than 5
6 to
than 20
years Female Male
54 55+ Rent Own
alone, not
other race
(A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B)
Sexual orientation or gender identity 0% 6%
2% 4% 2% 0% 5%
2% 5% 2% 2% 3% 3%
Table 137: Managing Community Tensions by Respondent Characteristics
How well, if at all, do you feel the City
is managing tensions in the
community related to residential
redevelopment in Edina?
Percent "very well" or "somewhat
Length of residency Gender Age
tenure Race/ethnicity Overall
than 5
6 to
than 20
years Female Male
54 55+ Rent Own
alone, not
other race
(A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B)
How well, if at all, do you feel the City
is managing tensions in the community
related to residential redevelopment
in Edina?
47% 47% 52% 58% 63% 50% 56% 54% 54% 53% 67% 55%
Table 138: Too Little Housing Choice
Thinking about the types of housing in
Edina, how would you rate the
availability of housing for each of the
following income groups?
Percent far or somewhat too little
Length of residency Gender Age
tenure Race/ethnicity Overall
than 5
6 to 20
than 20
years Female Male
54 55+ Rent Own
alone, not
other race
(A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B)
Lower-income singles 74%
59% 67% 72% 64% 79%
60% 68% 80%
63% 68% 60% 67%
Lower-income families 78%
63% 69% 75%
66% 80% 67% 69% 78% 68% 72% 66% 70%
Middle-income singles 55% 49% 49% 54% 49% 56% 51% 50% 61%
48% 52% 45% 51%
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
Prepared by Polco/National Research Center Page 163
Thinking about the types of housing in
Edina, how would you rate the
availability of housing for each of the
following income groups?
Percent far or somewhat too little
Length of residency Gender Age
tenure Race/ethnicity Overall
than 5
6 to 20
than 20
years Female Male
54 55+ Rent Own
alone, not
other race
(A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B)
Middle-income families 50% 50% 46% 57%
40% 44% 56%
45% 45% 50% 49% 49% 48%
High-income singles 2% 6%
1% 2% 4% 0% 4% 3% 2% 3% 2% 9%
High-income families 1% 4%
0% 1% 2% 0% 3% 1% 1% 2% 1% 7%
Table 139: Too Much Housing Choice
Thinking about the types of housing in
Edina, how would you rate the
availability of housing for each of the
following income groups?
Percent far or somewhat too much
Length of residency Gender Age
tenure Race/ethnicity Overall
than 5
6 to 20
than 20
years Female Male
54 55+ Rent Own
alone, not
other race
(A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B)
Lower-income singles 8% 16% 11% 11% 12% 13% 11% 11% 8% 13% 11% 17% 11%
Lower-income families 8% 15% 9% 9% 12% 8% 11% 11% 8% 11% 10% 19% 10%
Middle-income singles 9% 9% 5% 9% 7% 7% 7% 9% 9% 7% 7% 15% 8%
Middle-income families 7% 6% 5% 7% 4% 5% 5% 7% 9% 5% 5% 12% 6%
High-income singles 48% 48% 38% 52%
37% 40% 46% 46% 56%
41% 44% 52% 44%
High-income families 62%
50% 48% 59%
48% 53% 56% 52% 68%
49% 54% 49% 53%
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
Prepared by Polco/National Research Center Page 164
Table 140: Priorities for Ensuring Housing Choice
There are different ways that a community
can try to ensure there are a wider variety
of housing choices. How important, if at
all, do you think it is that the City
encourage each of the following?
Percent essential or very important
Length of residency Gender Age
tenure Race/ethnicity Overall
than 5
6 to
than 20
years Female Male
54 55+ Rent Own
alone, not
other race
(A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B)
Preservation of small starter homes
(homes with fewer rooms or other
amenities that are affordable for first-time
58% 67% 77%
54% 63% 65% 69% 73%
63% 65% 72% 66%
Building of more accessory dwelling units
(apartments or small homes built above
garages, in backyards, etc.)
20% 22% 28% 23% 32% 24% 25% 34%
23% 26% 26% 26%
Medium-density development (like
21% 28% 39%
30% 45%
25% 38%
29% 33% 43% 34%
Higher-density development (like
11% 15% 20% 21% 29%
15% 21% 36%
14% 18% 38%
Table 141: Support for Continued Operation of Municipal Liquor Store by Respondent Characteristics
Percent "strongly support" or "somewhat
Length of residency Gender Age
tenure Race/ethnicity Overall
than 5
6 to
years Female Male
54 55+ Rent Own
alone, not
other race
(A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B)
The City of Edina owns and operates three
municipal liquor stores. Profits from Edina
Liquor are used to offset operating costs and
for capital expenses at recreational facilities.
To what extent do you support the City
continuing to operate its municipal liquor
92% 86% 87% 90% 87% 94%
90% 85% 87% 88% 88% 87% 88%
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
Prepared by Polco/National Research Center Page 165
Table 142: Support for Single-Hauler Garbage Collection by Respondent Characteristics
The City of Edina owns and operates three
municipal liquor stores. Profits from Edina
Liquor are used to offset operating costs and
for capital expenses at recreational facilities.
To what extent do you support the City
continuing to operate its municipal liquor
Percent "strongly support" or "somewhat
Length of residency Gender Age
tenure Race/ethnicity Overall
than 5
6 to
years Female Male
54 55+ Rent Own
alone, not
other race
(A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B)
Most communities have one of two systems
for garbage collection. To what extent do you
support the City changing from the current
system in which residents may choose from
several different haulers to a system where
the City chooses one hauler for the whole
41% 59%
47% 58% 62%
45% 61% 52% 53% 56% 53%
Table 143: Quality of Environmental Services by Respondent Characteristics
Rate the quality of each of the
following services provided by the
City of Edina. (Percent "excellent" or
Length of residency Gender Age
tenure Race/ethnicity Overall
than 5
6 to 20
than 20
years Female Male
54 55+ Rent Own
alone, not
other race
(A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B)
Energy conservation and efficiency
66% 68% 72% 71% 66% 59% 65% 75%
57% 72%
69% 63% 69%
Fostering natural habitats in public
68% 74% 70% 74% 68% 71% 70% 70% 67% 72% 71% 66% 71%
Encouraging natural habitat on
residential and commercial land
55% 55% 63% 61% 55% 61% 57% 57% 59% 57% 58% 49% 57%
Increasing renewable energy
53% 63% 57% 57% 59% 46% 62% 59% 46% 60% 58% 54% 58%
Adapting to climate change 39% 50% 55%
52% 43% 29% 53%
30% 54%
47% 50% 48%
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
Prepared by Polco/National Research Center Page 166
Rate the quality of each of the
following services provided by the
City of Edina. (Percent "excellent" or
Length of residency Gender Age
tenure Race/ethnicity Overall
than 5
6 to 20
than 20
years Female Male
54 55+ Rent Own
alone, not
other race
(A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B)
Composting collection services 72% 84% 77% 83%
73% 69% 85%
74% 56% 82%
79% 72% 78%
Water conservation programs 64% 62% 72% 64% 68% 45% 71%
62% 67% 66% 66% 66%
Transportation emission reduction
(e.g., bike lanes and public EV
44% 61%
48% 50% 58% 53% 45% 57% 55% 47% 54%
Investing in programs and creating
policies to address climate change
42% 51% 56% 56% 44% 35% 51% 56%
33% 54%
49% 48% 49%
Investing in renewable energy and
testing technologies to get to net
zero emissions
41% 49% 55% 58%
41% 35% 49% 54% 36% 53%
49% 38% 48%
Table 144: Importance of Environmental Services by Respondent Characteristics
Rate how important, if at all, each
service is to the Edina community.
(Percent "essential" or "very
Length of residency Gender Age
tenure Race/ethnicity Overall
than 5
6 to 20
than 20
years Female Male
54 55+ Rent Own
alone, not
other race
(A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B)
Energy conservation and efficiency
70% 69% 80%
70% 73% 75% 77% 72% 76% 75% 82% 75%
Fostering natural habitats in public
67% 72% 76% 73% 75% 76% 74% 79% 73% 75% 73% 74%
Encouraging natural habitat on
residential and commercial land
57% 64% 70% 63% 72% 67% 65% 74% 64% 66% 73% 66%
Increasing renewable energy
74% 66% 79% 72% 86%
74% 72% 82% 73% 75% 76% 75%
Adapting to climate change 82%
72% 64% 80%
65% 74% 73% 73% 73% 73% 73% 70% 73%
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
Prepared by Polco/National Research Center Page 167
Rate how important, if at all, each
service is to the Edina community.
(Percent "essential" or "very
Length of residency Gender Age
tenure Race/ethnicity Overall
than 5
6 to 20
than 20
years Female Male
54 55+ Rent Own
alone, not
other race
(A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B)
Composting collection services 73%
59% 54% 71%
53% 60% 64% 62% 56% 63% 63% 56% 62%
Water conservation programs 78% 68% 76% 83%
64% 78% 71% 74% 66% 76% 73% 77% 73%
Transportation emission reduction
(e.g., bike lanes and public EV
56% 75% 67% 82%
64% 78% 68% 73% 65% 71%
Investing in programs and creating
policies to address climate change
65% 60% 74%
63% 72% 69% 68% 69% 68% 70% 63% 68%
Investing in renewable energy and
testing technologies to get to net
zero emissions
62% 77% 69% 82% 71% 70% 77% 71% 73% 70% 72%
Table 145: City Information Sources by Respondent Characteristics
Please rate the extent to which you use each
of the following as sources of information
about Edina government and its activities, if
at all. (Percent "minor source" or "major
Length of residency Gender Age
tenure Race/ethnicity Overall
than 5
6 to
years Female Male
54 55+ Rent Own
alone, not
other race
(A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B)
Parks & Recreation Activities Directory 68% 80%
76% 83%
65% 71% 81%
71% 79% 73% 75% 72% 75%
Edina Sun-Current newspaper 45% 52% 72%
56% 58% 42% 56%
62% 56% 57% 56% 57%
Edition: Edina monthly newsletter 89% 84% 84% 82% 89%
85% 83% 95%
82% 86% 76% 85%
Star-Tribune newspaper 52% 58% 64%
59% 58% 53% 54% 64%
60% 58% 59% 55% 58%
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
Prepared by Polco/National Research Center Page 168
Please rate the extent to which you use each
of the following as sources of information
about Edina government and its activities, if
at all. (Percent "minor source" or "major
Length of residency Gender Age
tenure Race/ethnicity Overall
than 5
6 to
years Female Male
54 55+ Rent Own
alone, not
other race
(A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B)
City’s website, EdinaMN.gov 81%
73% 69% 73% 76% 77%
64% 82%
72% 74% 81% 74%
City’s engagement website,
29% 38% 35% 35% 33% 16% 42%
33% 34% 34% 36% 34%
Edina TV (Comcast channels 813 and 16) 11% 11% 26%
11% 9% 9% 26%
17% 16% 14% 34%
City employees 28% 43%
36% 43% 28% 38% 45%
29% 42%
40% 36% 39%
City Council Members 13% 27%
23% 23% 7% 25%
15% 26%
23% 33% 24%
Direct mail updates 77% 78% 75% 75% 79% 77% 77% 76% 73% 78% 76% 80% 77%
Social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter) 60%
46% 40% 53%
44% 66%
35% 53% 47% 49% 53% 48%
NextDoor 55% 63% 57% 62% 55% 46% 69%
53% 33% 66%
58% 65% 58%
Online videos 19% 23% 19% 21% 18% 28%
20% 16% 21% 20% 19% 33%
City's e-mail subscription service (City Extra) 15% 29%
22% 24% 12% 29%
22% 21% 24% 22% 33% 23%
Word of mouth from friends, family or
83% 92%
87% 90% 84% 76% 93%
74% 91%
78% 87%
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
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Table 146: Effectiveness of newsletter Edition: Edina by Respondent Characteristics
How effective, if at all, do you think the
newsletter Edition: Edina is for keeping
informed of City activities? (Percent
"very effective" or "somewhat
Length of residency Gender Age
tenure Race/ethnicity Overall
than 5
6 to
than 20
years Female Male
54 55+ Rent Own
alone, not
other race
(A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B)
How effective, if at all, do you think the
newsletter Edition: Edina is for keeping
informed of City activities?
72% 84%
77% 83% 77% 85% 84% 81% 82% 89% 82%
Table 147: City Website Access by Respondent Characteristics
Have you accessed the City of
Edina website (EdinaMN.gov) in
the last 12 months?
Percent "yes"
Length of residency Gender Age
tenure Race/ethnicity Overall
than 5
6 to 20
than 20
years Female Male
54 55+ Rent Own
White alone,
not Hispanic
and/or other
(A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B)
Have you accessed the City of
Edina website (EdinaMN.gov) in
the last 12 months?
51% 55% 49% 50% 53% 55%
40% 34% 57%
52% 55% 52%
Table 148: Aspects of City Website by Respondent Characteristics
Please rate the following aspects of
the Edina website: (Percent
"excellent" or "good")
Length of residency Gender Age
tenure Race/ethnicity Overall
than 5
6 to 20
than 20
years Female Male
54 55+ Rent Own
White alone,
not Hispanic
and/or other
(A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B)
Appearance 86% 80% 87% 82% 87% 80% 86% 85% 89% 84% 86% 72% 85%
Online information and services
89% 79% 84% 79% 89%
85% 83% 84% 91% 82% 83% 84% 84%
Ease of navigation/ability to find
57% 61% 67% 61% 68% 62% 65% 74% 62% 63% 71% 64%
Overall quality of the City of Edina
84% 73% 77% 75% 82% 69% 81% 77% 81% 77% 78% 70% 78%
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
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Table 149: Concern About Household Issues by Respondent Characteristics
To what extent, if at all, have you been
concerned about each of the following
issues in your household in the last 12
months? (Percent "minor concern",
"moderate concern" or "major concern")
Length of residency Gender Age
tenure Race/ethnicity Overall
than 5
6 to
than 20
years Female Male
54 55+ Rent Own
alone, not
other race
(A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B)
Feeling socially isolated or disconnected
from others
47% 59% 60% 76%
48% 64% 58% 60% 61% 59%
Having access to health care 24% 22% 19% 17% 27%
19% 21% 23% 31%
18% 19% 43%
Being able to age in place (e.g., remain in
your home as you get older)
30% 37% 41%
33% 40% 21% 26% 50%
32% 34% 50%
Running out of food before you had
money to buy more
11% 6% 5% 8% 6% 6% 7% 8% 16%
5% 5% 23%
Having enough money to pay your rent or
16% 11% 17% 17% 23% 16% 16% 38%
10% 15% 36%
Table 150: Economic Impact on Family Income by Respondent Characteristics
Percent "very positive" or "somewhat
Length of residency Gender Age
tenure Race/ethnicity Overall
than 5
6 to
than 20
years Female Male
54 55+ Rent Own
alone, not
other race
(A) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (A) (B) (A) (B)
What impact, if any, do you think the
economy will have on your family
income in the next 6 months? Do you
think the impact will be:
40% 36% 39% 33% 44%
40% 31% 35% 39% 39% 38% 38%
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
Prepared by Polco/National Research Center Page 171
Appendix D: Benchmark Comparisons
Understanding the Benchmark Comparisons
Communities use the comparative information provided by benchmarks to help interpret their own resident
survey results, to create or revise community plans, to evaluate the success of policy or budget decisions and to
measure local government or organizational performance. Taking the pulse of the community has little meaning
without knowing what pulse rate is too high and what is too low. When surveys of service satisfaction turn up
“good” resident evaluations, it is necessary to know how others rate their services to understand if “good” is
good enough or if most other communities are “excellent.” Furthermore, in the absence of national or peer
community comparisons, a community is left with comparing its police protection rating to its street maintenance
rating. That comparison is unfair as street maintenance always gets lower ratings than libraries. More
illuminating is how residents’ ratings of sheriff services compare to opinions about sheriff services in other
communities and to resident ratings over time.
A police department that provides the fastest and most efficient service – one that closes most of its cases, solves
most of its crimes, and keeps the crime rate low – still has a problem to fix if the residents in the county rate police
services lower than ratings given by residents in other counties with objectively “worse” departments.
Benchmark data can help that police department – or any City department – to understand how well residents
think it is doing.
While benchmarks help set the basis for evaluation, resident opinion should be used in conjunction with other
sources of data about budget, population demographics, personnel and politics to help administrators know how
to respond to comparative results.
Comparison Data
NRC has designed a method for quantitatively integrating the results of surveys that we have conducted with
those that others have conducted. These integration methods have been described thoroughly in Public
Administration Review, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, and in NRC’s first book on conducting and
using resident surveys, Citizen Surveys: How to Do Them, How to Use Them, What They Mean, published by the
International City/County Management Association (ICMA). Scholars who specialize in the analysis of resident
surveys regularly have relied on NRC’s work. The method described in those publications is refined regularly
and statistically tested on a growing number of resident surveys in NRC’s proprietary databases.
Communities in NRC’s benchmark database are distributed geographically across the country and range from
small to large in population size. Comparisons may be made to all jurisdictions in the database or to subsets of
jurisdictions (within a given region or population category or that meet select criteria outlined by the
Despite the differences in jurisdiction characteristics, all are in the business of providing local government
services to residents. Though individual jurisdiction circumstances, resources, and practices vary, the objective in
every community is to provide services that are so timely, tailored, and effective that residents conclude the
services are of the highest quality. High ratings in any jurisdiction, like SAT scores in any teen household, bring
pride and a sense of accomplishment.
NRC’s database of comparative resident opinion is comprised of resident perspectives gathered in resident
surveys from more than 500 jurisdictions whose residents evaluated local government services and gave their
opinion about the quality of community life. The comparison evaluations are from the most recent survey
completed in each jurisdiction; most communities conduct surveys every year or in alternating years. NRC adds
the latest results quickly upon survey completion, keeping the benchmark data fresh and relevant. Edina’s survey
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
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results were compared to all other communities in NRC’s benchmark database as well as to a subset of all
Minnesota communities in the database.
Interpreting the Results
Average ratings were compared when questions similar to those asked in Edina’s survey were included in NRC’s
database, and there were at least five peer jurisdictions in which the question was asked. Where comparisons
were available, three numbers are provided in the tables starting on the next page. The first column is Edina’s
“percent positive.” The percent positive is the combination of the top two most positive response options (i.e.,
“excellent” and “good,” “very safe” and “somewhat safe,” “very likely” and “somewhat likely,” etc.). The second
column is the rank assigned to Edina’s rating among jurisdictions where a similar question was asked. The third
column is the number of jurisdictions that asked a similar question. The fourth column shows the comparison of
Edina’s average rating to the benchmark.
Where comparisons for quality ratings were available, Edina’s results were noted as being “higher” than, “lower”
than or “similar” to the benchmark. In instances where ratings are considerably higher or lower than the
benchmark, these ratings have been further demarcated by the attribute of “much,” (for example, “much lower”
or “much higher”). These labels come from a statistical comparison of Edina’s rating to the benchmark where a
rating is considered “similar” if it is within 10 points of the average; “higher” or “lower” if the difference between
Edina’s rating and the benchmark is greater than 10 points; and “much higher” or “much lower” if the difference
between Edina’s rating and the benchmark is more than 20 points.
Comparisons for a number of items on the survey were not available in the benchmark database (e.g., some of the
city services or aspects of government performance). These items are excluded from the benchmark tables.
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
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National Benchmark Comparisons
Table 151: Question 1
positive Rank Number of communities in
Comparison to
How would you rate the quality of
life in Edina? 96% 32 449 Higher
Table 152: Question 2
positive Rank
Number of
communities in
Comparison to
Overall feeling of safety in Edina 93% 49 371 Higher
Overall ease of getting to the places you usually have
to visit 91% 11 242 Similar
Quality of overall natural environment in Edina 88% 63 297 Similar
Overall established “built environment” of Edina
(including overall design, buildings, parks and
transportation syst
83% 8 286 Higher
Health and wellness opportunities in Edina 92% 9 288 Higher
Overall opportunities for education and enrichment 90% 16 288 Higher
Overall economic health of Edina 91% 7 291 Much higher
Sense of community 70% 94 321 Similar
Overall image or reputation of Edina 81% 70 362 Higher
Neighborliness of residents in Edina 73% 29 281 Similar
Table 153: Question 3
positive Rank Number of communities in
Comparison to
Recommend living in Edina to
someone who asks 95% 38 304 Higher
Remain in Edina for the next five years 86% 124 298 Similar
Table 154: Question 7
positive Rank Number of communities in
Comparison to
In your neighborhood 94% 173 363 Similar
In the 50th & France area
(downtown area) 89% 195 338 Similar
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
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Table 155: Question 10
positive Rank Number of communities in
Comparison to
Traffic flow on major streets 70% 55 348 Higher
Ease of public parking 77% 43 260 Higher
Ease of travel by car in Edina 88% 13 325 Higher
Ease of travel by bicycle in Edina 64% 106 325 Similar
Ease of walking in Edina 73% 123 326 Similar
Availability of paths and walking trails 79% 100 326 Similar
Air quality 93% 45 271 Similar
Cleanliness of Edina 94% 32 321 Higher
Public places where people want to spend
time 85% 16 280 Higher
Variety of housing options 49% 164 298 Similar
Availability of quality affordable housing 30% 227 322 Similar
Fitness opportunities (including exercise
classes and paths or trails, etc.) 82% 54 276 Similar
Recreational opportunities 86% 41 310 Higher
K-12 education 85% 43 287 Higher
Adult educational opportunities 82% 17 268 Higher
Opportunities to attend cultural/arts/music
activities 68% 97 310 Similar
Employment opportunities 73% 12 325 Higher
Shopping opportunities 94% 5 311 Much higher
Cost of living in Edina 46% 133 288 Similar
Overall quality of business and service
establishments in Edina 91% 11 293 Higher
Opportunities to participate in social events
and activities 69% 96 288 Similar
Opportunities to volunteer 76% 93 288 Similar
Opportunities to participate in community
matters 65% 145 294 Similar
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
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Table 156: Question 14
positive Rank
Number of
communities in
Comparison to
Police services 94% 11 438 Higher
Fire services 99% 7 379 Higher
Ambulance or emergency medical services 99% 9 340 Higher
Crime prevention 86% 48 368 Higher
Fire prevention and education 90% 26 301 Similar
Traffic enforcement 77% 32 373 Higher
Street repair 57% 96 368 Similar
Street cleaning 81% 14 326 Higher
Street lighting 80% 11 346 Higher
Snow removal 90% 1 284 Much higher
Sidewalk maintenance 78% 8 323 Higher
Traffic signal timing 73% 10 286 Higher
Bus or transit services 64% 52 257 Higher
Garbage collection 87% 114 353 Similar
Recycling 83% 86 358 Similar
Yard waste pickup 77% 118 287 Similar
Storm drainage 79% 59 345 Similar
Drinking water 70% 159 319 Similar
Sewer services 89% 33 321 Similar
Utility billing 79% 36 257 Similar
City parks 93% 24 328 Higher
Recreation programs or classes 84% 42 332 Higher
Land use, planning and zoning 57% 65 315 Similar
Code enforcement (weeds, abandoned buildings, etc.) 73% 18 381 Higher
Animal control 85% 19 338 Higher
Economic development 78% 16 300 Higher
Public health services 86% 21 251 Higher
Public information services/communication from the
City 80% 45 301 Similar
Fiber/home internet connection 59% 21 72 Similar
Emergency preparedness (services that prepare the
community for natural disasters or other emergency
78% 32 298 Similar
Edina open space 75% 53 265 Similar
City-sponsored special events (Night to Unite, Winter
Ice Festival, Days of Remembrance, etc.) 69% 147 304 Similar
Overall quality of services provided by the City of Edina 87% 68 412 Similar
Edina, MN 2021 Quality of Life Survey Report June 2021
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Table 157: Question 15
positive Rank Number of communities in
Comparison to
The value of services for the taxes paid to
Edina 72% 20 399 Higher
The job Edina government does at
welcoming resident involvement 58% 127 338 Similar
Overall confidence in Edina government 63% 61 292 Similar
Generally acting in the best interest of the
community 65% 65 294 Similar
Treating all residents fairly 68% 85 292 Similar
Table 158: Question 23
positive Rank Number of communities in
Comparison to
Making all residents feel welcome 67% 48 77 Similar
Attracting people from diverse
backgrounds 43% 67 76 Lower
Valuing/respecting residents from diverse
backgrounds 57% 55 75 Similar
Table 159: Question D1
positive Rank
Number of
communities in
Comparison to
What impact, if any, do you think the economy will
have on your family income in the next 6 months? Do
you think the impact will be:
39% 42 279 Similar
National Benchmark Comparison Communities
The communities included in the national benchmark comparisons are listed below along with their population
according to the 2017 American Community Survey.
Adams County, CO ................................................................... 487,850
Airway Heights city, WA .............................................................. 8,017
Albany city, OR ........................................................................... 52,007
Albemarle County, VA ............................................................. 105,105
Albert Lea city, MN .................................................................... 17,716
Alexandria city, VA ................................................................... 154,710
Allegan County, MI .................................................................. 114,145
American Canyon city, CA ......................................................... 20,341
Ankeny city, IA ........................................................................... 56,237
Ann Arbor city, MI.................................................................... 119,303
Apache Junction city, AZ............................................................ 38,452
Arapahoe County, CO .............................................................. 626,612
Arlington city, TX ...................................................................... 388,225
Arvada city, CO ......................................................................... 115,320
Asheville city, NC........................................................................ 89,318
Ashland city, OR ......................................................................... 20,733
Ashland town, MA ..................................................................... 17,478
Ashland town, VA ........................................................................ 7,554
Aspen city, CO .............................................................................. 7,097
Athens-Clarke County, GA,...................................................... 122,292
Auburn city, AL .......................................................................... 61,462
Aurora city, CO......................................................................... 357,323
Austin city, TX .......................................................................... 916,906
Avon town, CO ............................................................................. 6,503
Avon town, IN ............................................................................ 16,479
Avondale city, AZ ....................................................................... 81,590
Azusa city, CA ............................................................................. 49,029
Bainbridge Island city, WA ........................................................ 23,689
Baltimore city, MD ................................................................... 619,796
Baltimore County, MD............................................................. 828,637
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Basehor city, KS ............................................................................ 5,401
Batavia city, IL ............................................................................ 26,499
Battle Creek city, MI .................................................................. 51,505
Bay Village city, OH .................................................................... 15,426
Baytown city, TX ........................................................................ 76,205
Beaumont city, CA ..................................................................... 43,641
Bellingham city, WA ................................................................... 85,388
Bend city, OR .............................................................................. 87,167
Bethlehem township, PA ........................................................... 23,800
Bettendorf city, IA ...................................................................... 35,293
Billings city, MT ........................................................................ 109,082
Bloomington city, IN .................................................................. 83,636
Bloomington city, MN................................................................ 85,417
Boise City city, ID ..................................................................... 220,859
Bonner Springs city, KS ................................................................ 7,644
Boulder city, CO ....................................................................... 106,271
Bowling Green city, KY ............................................................... 64,302
Bozeman city, MT ...................................................................... 43,132
Brookline CDP, MA .................................................................... 59,246
Brooklyn Center city, MN .......................................................... 30,885
Brooklyn city, OH ....................................................................... 10,891
Broomfield city, CO .................................................................... 64,283
Brownsburg town, IN ................................................................. 24,625
Buffalo Grove village, IL ............................................................. 41,551
Burlingame city, CA.................................................................... 30,401
Cabarrus County, NC ............................................................... 196,716
Cambridge city, MA ................................................................. 110,893
Canandaigua city, NY ................................................................. 10,402
Cannon Beach city, OR ................................................................ 1,517
Cañon City city, CO .................................................................... 16,298
Cape Coral city, FL ................................................................... 173,679
Carlsbad city, CA ...................................................................... 113,147
Cartersville city, GA.................................................................... 20,235
Cary town, NC .......................................................................... 159,715
Castle Rock town, CO ................................................................ 57,274
Cedar Hill city, TX ....................................................................... 48,149
Cedar Park city, TX ..................................................................... 70,010
Cedar Rapids city, IA ................................................................ 130,330
Celina city, TX ............................................................................... 7,910
Centennial city, CO .................................................................. 108,448
Chandler city, TX .......................................................................... 2,896
Chanhassen city, MN ................................................................. 25,108
Chapel Hill town, NC .................................................................. 59,234
Chardon city, OH .......................................................................... 5,166
Charles County, MD ................................................................. 156,021
Charlotte County, FL ................................................................ 173,236
Charlottesville city, VA ............................................................... 46,487
Chattanooga city, TN ............................................................... 176,291
Chautauqua town, NY .................................................................. 4,362
Chesterfield County, VA .......................................................... 335,594
Clayton city, MO ........................................................................ 16,214
Clearwater city, FL ................................................................... 112,794
Clinton city, SC ............................................................................. 8,538
Clive city, IA ................................................................................ 17,134
Clovis city, CA ........................................................................... 104,411
College Park city, MD ................................................................. 32,186
College Station city, TX ............................................................ 107,445
Colleyville city, TX ...................................................................... 25,557
Collinsville city, IL ....................................................................... 24,767
Columbia city, MO ................................................................... 118,620
Commerce City city, CO ............................................................. 52,905
Conshohocken borough, PA ........................................................ 7,985
Coolidge city, AZ ........................................................................ 12,221
Coon Rapids city, MN ................................................................ 62,342
Coral Springs city, FL ................................................................ 130,110
Coronado city, CA ...................................................................... 24,053
Corvallis city, OR ........................................................................ 56,224
Cottonwood Heights city, UT .................................................... 34,214
Coventry Lake CDP, CT ................................................................ 2,932
Coventry town, CT ..................................................................... 12,458
Cupertino city, CA ...................................................................... 60,687
Dacono city, CO ........................................................................... 4,929
Dakota County, MN ................................................................. 414,655
Dallas city, OR ............................................................................ 15,413
Dallas city, TX ........................................................................ 1,300,122
Danvers town, MA ..................................................................... 27,527
Danville city, KY .......................................................................... 16,657
Darien city, IL ............................................................................. 22,206
Davidson town, NC .................................................................... 12,325
Dayton city, OH ........................................................................ 140,939
Dayton town, WY ............................................................................ 815
Dearborn city, MI....................................................................... 95,295
Decatur city, GA ......................................................................... 22,022
DeLand city, FL ........................................................................... 30,315
Delaware city, OH ...................................................................... 38,193
Denison city, TX ......................................................................... 23,342
Denton city, TX ........................................................................ 131,097
Denver city, CO ........................................................................ 678,467
Des Moines city, IA .................................................................. 214,778
Des Peres city, MO ...................................................................... 8,536
Destin city, FL ............................................................................. 13,421
Dothan city, AL........................................................................... 67,784
Dover city, NH ............................................................................ 30,901
Dublin city, CA............................................................................ 57,022
Dublin city, OH ........................................................................... 44,442
Duluth city, MN ......................................................................... 86,066
Durham city, NC....................................................................... 257,232
Durham County, NC ................................................................ 300,865
Dyer town, IN ............................................................................. 16,077
Eagan city, MN ........................................................................... 66,102
Eagle Mountain city, UT ............................................................ 27,773
Eau Claire city, WI ...................................................................... 67,945
Eden Prairie city, MN ................................................................. 63,660
Eden town, VT.............................................................................. 1,254
Edgewater city, CO ...................................................................... 5,299
Edina city, MN............................................................................ 50,603
Edmond city, OK ........................................................................ 89,769
Edmonds city, WA ..................................................................... 41,309
El Cerrito city, CA ....................................................................... 24,982
El Paso de Robles (Paso Robles) city, CA .................................. 31,409
Elbert County, CO ...................................................................... 24,553
Elgin city, IL .............................................................................. 112,628
Elk Grove city, CA..................................................................... 166,228
Elmhurst city, IL ......................................................................... 46,139
Englewood city, CO ................................................................... 33,155
Erie town, CO ............................................................................. 22,019
Escambia County, FL................................................................ 309,924
Estes Park town, CO .................................................................... 6,248
Euclid city, OH ............................................................................ 47,698
Farmers Branch city, TX ............................................................ 33,808
Farmersville city, TX..................................................................... 3,440
Farmington Hills city, MI ........................................................... 81,235
Fate city, TX ................................................................................ 10,339
Fayetteville city, GA ................................................................... 17,069
Fayetteville city, NC ................................................................. 210,324
Ferguson township, PA ............................................................. 18,837
Fernandina Beach city, FL ......................................................... 11,957
Flagstaff city, AZ......................................................................... 69,903
Flower Mound town, TX ............................................................ 71,575
Forest Grove city, OR ................................................................ 23,554
Fort Collins city, CO ................................................................. 159,150
Franklin city, TN ......................................................................... 72,990
Frederick town, CO .................................................................... 11,397
Fremont city, CA ...................................................................... 230,964
Frisco town, CO ........................................................................... 2,977
Fruita city, CO ............................................................................ 13,039
Gahanna city, OH ....................................................................... 34,691
Gaithersburg city, MD ............................................................... 67,417
Galveston city, TX ...................................................................... 49,706
Gardner city, KS ......................................................................... 21,059
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Germantown city, TN ................................................................ 39,230
Gilbert town, AZ ....................................................................... 232,176
Gillette city, WY ......................................................................... 31,783
Glen Ellyn village, IL ................................................................... 27,983
Glendora city, CA ....................................................................... 51,891
Glenview village, IL .................................................................... 47,066
Golden city, CO .......................................................................... 20,365
Golden Valley city, MN .............................................................. 21,208
Goodyear city, AZ....................................................................... 74,953
Grafton village, WI ..................................................................... 11,576
Grand Rapids city, MI .............................................................. 195,355
Grand Traverse County, MI ....................................................... 91,222
Greeley city, CO ....................................................................... 100,760
Greenville city, NC ..................................................................... 90,347
Greer city, SC.............................................................................. 28,587
Gulf Breeze city, FL ...................................................................... 6,251
Gunnison County, CO ................................................................ 16,215
Haltom City city, TX.................................................................... 44,059
Hamilton city, OH....................................................................... 62,216
Hamilton town, MA ..................................................................... 7,991
Hampton city, VA ..................................................................... 136,255
Hanover County, VA ................................................................ 103,218
Harrisburg city, SD ....................................................................... 5,429
Hastings city, MN ....................................................................... 22,620
Henderson city, NV .................................................................. 284,817
High Point city, NC ................................................................... 109,849
Highland Park city, IL ................................................................. 29,796
Highlands Ranch CDP, CO ........................................................ 105,264
Homer Glen village, IL................................................................ 24,403
Honolulu County, HI ................................................................ 990,060
Hopkinton town, MA ................................................................. 16,720
Hoquiam city, WA ........................................................................ 8,416
Horry County, SC ...................................................................... 310,186
Hudson town, CO ......................................................................... 1,709
Huntley village, IL ....................................................................... 26,265
Huntsville city, TX ....................................................................... 40,727
Hutchinson city, MN .................................................................. 13,836
Hutto city, TX ............................................................................. 22,644
Hyattsville city, MD .................................................................... 18,225
Independence city, IA .................................................................. 6,013
Independence city, MO ........................................................... 117,369
Indio city, CA .............................................................................. 86,867
Iowa City city, IA......................................................................... 73,415
Issaquah city, WA....................................................................... 35,629
Jackson city, MO ........................................................................ 14,690
Jackson County, MI .................................................................. 158,989
Jefferson Parish, LA.................................................................. 437,038
Jerome city, ID ........................................................................... 11,306
Johnson City city, TN.................................................................. 65,598
Johnston city, IA ......................................................................... 20,172
Jupiter town, FL ......................................................................... 62,373
Kalamazoo city, MI..................................................................... 75,833
Kansas City city, KS................................................................... 151,042
Kansas City city, MO ................................................................ 476,974
Kent city, WA............................................................................ 126,561
Kerrville city, TX ......................................................................... 22,931
Key West city, FL ........................................................................ 25,316
King City city, CA ........................................................................ 13,721
Kingman city, AZ ........................................................................ 28,855
Kirkland city, WA ........................................................................ 86,772
Kirkwood city, MO ..................................................................... 27,659
La Mesa city, CA ......................................................................... 59,479
La Plata town, MD ....................................................................... 9,160
La Vista city, NE .......................................................................... 17,062
Lake Forest city, IL ..................................................................... 18,931
Lake Havasu City city, AZ ........................................................... 53,463
Lake in the Hills village, IL .......................................................... 28,908
Lake Zurich village, IL ................................................................. 19,983
Lakeville city, MN ....................................................................... 61,056
Lakewood city, CO ................................................................... 151,411
Lakewood city, WA .................................................................... 59,102
Lancaster County, SC ................................................................. 86,544
Laramie city, WY ........................................................................ 32,104
Larimer County, CO ................................................................. 330,976
Las Cruces city, NM ................................................................. 101,014
Las Vegas city, NM ..................................................................... 13,445
Las Vegas city, NV .................................................................... 621,662
Lawrence city, KS ....................................................................... 93,954
Lawrenceville city, GA ............................................................... 29,287
Lehi city, UT ............................................................................... 58,351
Lenexa city, KS ........................................................................... 52,030
Lewisville city, TX ..................................................................... 103,638
Libertyville village, IL ................................................................. 20,504
Lincolnwood village, IL .............................................................. 12,637
Lindsborg city, KS ......................................................................... 3,313
Little Chute village, WI .............................................................. 11,006
Little Elm city, TX ....................................................................... 39,471
Littleton city, CO ........................................................................ 45,848
Livermore city, CA ..................................................................... 88,232
Lombard village, IL ..................................................................... 43,776
Lone Tree city, CO ..................................................................... 13,430
Long Grove village, IL .................................................................. 7,980
Longmont city, CO ..................................................................... 91,730
Lonsdale city, MN ........................................................................ 3,850
Los Alamos County, NM ............................................................ 18,031
Los Altos Hills town, CA ............................................................... 8,490
Loudoun County, VA................................................................ 374,558
Louisville city, CO ....................................................................... 20,319
Lower Merion township, PA ..................................................... 58,500
Lynchburg city, VA ..................................................................... 79,237
Lynnwood city, WA .................................................................... 37,242
Manassas city, VA ...................................................................... 41,379
Manhattan Beach city, CA ......................................................... 35,698
Manhattan city, KS .................................................................... 55,427
Mankato city, MN ...................................................................... 41,241
Maple Grove city, MN ............................................................... 68,362
Maplewood city, MN ................................................................. 40,127
Maricopa County, AZ ............................................................ 4,155,501
Marin County, CA .................................................................... 260,814
Marion city, IA ........................................................................... 38,014
Mariposa County, CA ................................................................. 17,658
Marshalltown city, IA................................................................. 27,440
Marshfield city, WI .................................................................... 18,326
Martinez city, CA ....................................................................... 37,902
Marysville city, WA .................................................................... 66,178
Maui County, HI ....................................................................... 164,094
McKinney city, TX .................................................................... 164,760
McMinnville city, OR ................................................................. 33,211
Mecklenburg County, NC ..................................................... 1,034,290
Menlo Park city, CA ................................................................... 33,661
Menomonee Falls village, WI .................................................... 36,411
Mercer Island city, WA .............................................................. 24,768
Meridian charter township, MI ................................................. 41,903
Merriam city, KS ........................................................................ 11,259
Mesa city, AZ............................................................................ 479,317
Mesquite city, TX ..................................................................... 144,118
Miami city, FL ........................................................................... 443,007
Middleton city, WI ..................................................................... 18,951
Middletown town, RI ................................................................. 16,100
Milford city, DE .......................................................................... 10,645
Milton city, GA ........................................................................... 37,556
Minneapolis city, MN .............................................................. 411,452
Minnetrista city, MN ................................................................... 7,187
Missoula County, MT............................................................... 114,231
Missouri City city, TX ................................................................. 72,688
Moline city, IL ............................................................................ 42,644
Monroe city, MI ......................................................................... 20,128
Montgomery city, MN ................................................................. 2,921
Montgomery County, MD .................................................... 1,039,198
Monticello city, UT ...................................................................... 2,599
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Montrose city, CO ...................................................................... 18,918
Moorpark city, CA ...................................................................... 36,060
Moraga town, CA ....................................................................... 17,231
Morristown city, TN ................................................................... 29,446
Morrisville town, NC .................................................................. 23,873
Morro Bay city, CA ..................................................................... 10,568
Moscow city, ID.......................................................................... 24,833
Mountlake Terrace city, WA ..................................................... 20,922
Murphy city, TX .......................................................................... 20,361
Naperville city, IL...................................................................... 146,431
Napoleon city, OH ........................................................................ 8,646
Needham CDP, MA .................................................................... 30,429
Nevada City city, CA ..................................................................... 3,112
Nevada County, CA .................................................................... 98,838
New Braunfels city, TX ............................................................... 70,317
New Brighton city, MN .............................................................. 22,440
New Concord village, OH ............................................................. 2,561
New Hope city, MN.................................................................... 20,909
Newport city, RI ......................................................................... 24,745
Newport News city, VA ............................................................ 180,775
Newton city, IA........................................................................... 15,085
Niles village, IL ............................................................................ 29,823
Noblesville city, IN ..................................................................... 59,807
Norcross city, GA ....................................................................... 16,474
Norfolk city, NE .......................................................................... 24,352
North Mankato city, MN ........................................................... 13,583
North Port city, FL ...................................................................... 62,542
North Yarmouth town, ME .......................................................... 3,714
Northglenn city, CO ................................................................... 38,473
Novato city, CA .......................................................................... 55,378
Novi city, MI ............................................................................... 58,835
O'Fallon city, IL ........................................................................... 29,095
Oak Park village, IL ..................................................................... 52,229
Oakdale city, MN ....................................................................... 27,972
Oklahoma City city, OK ............................................................ 629,191
Olmsted County, MN ............................................................... 151,685
Orland Park village, IL ................................................................ 59,161
Orleans Parish, LA .................................................................... 388,182
Oshkosh city, WI ........................................................................ 66,649
Oswego village, IL ...................................................................... 33,759
Overland Park city, KS .............................................................. 186,147
Paducah city, KY ......................................................................... 24,879
Palm Beach Gardens city, FL ..................................................... 53,119
Palm Coast city, FL ..................................................................... 82,356
Palo Alto city, CA ........................................................................ 67,082
Palos Verdes Estates city, CA .................................................... 13,591
Panama City Beach city, FL ........................................................ 12,461
Papillion city, NE ........................................................................ 19,478
Paradise Valley town, AZ ........................................................... 13,961
Park City city, UT .......................................................................... 8,167
Parker town, CO ......................................................................... 51,125
Pasco city, WA ............................................................................ 70,607
Pasco County, FL ...................................................................... 498,136
Payette city, ID ............................................................................. 7,366
Pearland city, TX ...................................................................... 113,693
Peoria city, IL ............................................................................ 115,424
Pflugerville city, TX ..................................................................... 58,013
Philadelphia city, PA ............................................................. 1,569,657
Pinehurst village, NC .................................................................. 15,580
Piqua city, OH ............................................................................. 20,793
Pitkin County, CO ....................................................................... 17,747
Plano city, TX ............................................................................ 281,566
Platte City city, MO ...................................................................... 4,867
Pleasant Hill city, IA ..................................................................... 9,608
Pleasanton city, CA .................................................................... 79,341
Plymouth city, MN ..................................................................... 76,258
Port Orange city, FL ................................................................... 60,315
Port St. Lucie city, FL ................................................................ 178,778
Portage city, MI .......................................................................... 48,072
Portland city, OR ...................................................................... 630,331
Powell city, OH ........................................................................... 12,658
Powhatan County, VA ............................................................... 28,364
Prairie Village city, KS ................................................................ 21,932
Pueblo city, CO ........................................................................ 109,122
Purcellville town, VA.................................................................... 9,217
Puyallup city, WA ....................................................................... 39,637
Queen Creek town, AZ .............................................................. 33,298
Raleigh city, NC ........................................................................ 449,477
Ramsey city, MN ........................................................................ 25,853
Raymore city, MO ...................................................................... 20,358
Redmond city, OR ...................................................................... 28,492
Redmond city, WA ..................................................................... 60,712
Redwood City city, CA ............................................................... 84,368
Reno city, NV ........................................................................... 239,732
Richfield city, MN ...................................................................... 35,993
Richland city, WA ....................................................................... 53,991
Richmond city, CA.................................................................... 108,853
Richmond Heights city, MO ........................................................ 8,466
Rio Rancho city, NM .................................................................. 93,317
River Falls city, WI...................................................................... 15,256
Riverside city, CA ..................................................................... 321,570
Roanoke city, VA ........................................................................ 99,572
Roanoke County, VA .................................................................. 93,419
Rochester city, NY.................................................................... 209,463
Rock Hill city, SC ......................................................................... 70,764
Rockville city, MD ...................................................................... 66,420
Roeland Park city, KS ................................................................... 6,810
Rohnert Park city, CA................................................................. 42,305
Rolla city, MO............................................................................. 20,013
Rosemount city, MN .................................................................. 23,474
Rosenberg city, TX ..................................................................... 35,867
Roseville city, CA ...................................................................... 130,705
Roseville city, MN ...................................................................... 35,624
Round Rock city, TX ................................................................. 116,369
Royal Palm Beach village, FL ..................................................... 37,665
Sacramento city, CA ................................................................ 489,650
Sahuarita town, AZ .................................................................... 28,257
Sammamish city, WA ................................................................. 62,877
San Carlos city, CA ..................................................................... 29,954
San Diego city, CA ................................................................. 1,390,966
San Francisco city, CA .............................................................. 864,263
San Jose city, CA ................................................................... 1,023,031
San Marcos city, TX ................................................................... 59,935
Sangamon County, IL ............................................................... 198,134
Santa Fe city, NM....................................................................... 82,980
Santa Fe County, NM .............................................................. 147,514
Savage city, MN ......................................................................... 30,011
Schaumburg village, IL ............................................................... 74,427
Schertz city, TX........................................................................... 38,199
Scott County, MN .................................................................... 141,463
Scottsdale city, AZ ................................................................... 239,283
Sedona city, AZ .......................................................................... 10,246
Sevierville city, TN ..................................................................... 16,387
Shakopee city, MN .................................................................... 40,024
Shawnee city, KS ........................................................................ 64,840
Shawnee city, OK ....................................................................... 30,974
Shoreline city, WA ..................................................................... 55,431
Shoreview city, MN ................................................................... 26,432
Shorewood village, IL ................................................................ 16,809
Sierra Vista city, AZ .................................................................... 43,585
Silverton city, OR ......................................................................... 9,757
Sioux Falls city, SD ................................................................... 170,401
Skokie village, IL ......................................................................... 64,773
Snoqualmie city, WA ................................................................. 12,944
Snowmass Village town, CO ........................................................ 2,827
Somerset town, MA................................................................... 18,257
South Bend city, IN .................................................................. 101,928
South Jordan city, UT ................................................................ 65,523
South Portland city, ME ............................................................ 25,431
Southlake city, TX ...................................................................... 30,090
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Spearfish city, SD ....................................................................... 11,300
Springville city, UT ..................................................................... 32,319
St. Augustine city, FL .................................................................. 13,952
St. Charles city, IL ....................................................................... 32,730
St. Cloud city, MN ...................................................................... 67,093
St. Croix County, WI ................................................................... 87,142
St. Joseph city, MO .................................................................... 76,819
St. Louis County, MN ............................................................... 200,294
St. Lucie County, FL .................................................................. 298,763
State College borough, PA......................................................... 42,224
Steamboat Springs city, CO ....................................................... 12,520
Sugar Land city, TX ..................................................................... 86,886
Suisun City city, CA .................................................................... 29,280
Summit County, UT .................................................................... 39,731
Sunnyvale city, CA .................................................................... 151,565
Surprise city, AZ ....................................................................... 129,534
Suwanee city, GA ....................................................................... 18,655
Tacoma city, WA ...................................................................... 207,280
Takoma Park city, MD ................................................................ 17,643
Tempe city, AZ ......................................................................... 178,339
Temple city, TX ........................................................................... 71,795
Texarkana city, TX ...................................................................... 37,222
The Woodlands CDP, TX .......................................................... 109,608
Thousand Oaks city, CA ........................................................... 128,909
Tigard city, OR ............................................................................ 51,355
Tinley Park village, IL .................................................................. 57,107
Tracy city, CA .............................................................................. 87,613
Trinidad CCD, CO ....................................................................... 10,819
Tualatin city, OR ......................................................................... 27,135
Tulsa city, OK ............................................................................ 401,352
Tustin city, CA ............................................................................ 80,007
Twin Falls city, ID ....................................................................... 47,340
Unalaska city, AK .......................................................................... 4,809
University Heights city, OH........................................................ 13,201
University Park city, TX .............................................................. 24,692
Urbandale city, IA ...................................................................... 42,222
Vail town, CO ............................................................................... 5,425
Vernon Hills village, IL ................................................................ 26,084
Victoria city, MN .......................................................................... 8,679
Vienna town, VA ........................................................................ 16,474
Virginia Beach city, VA ............................................................. 450,057
Walnut Creek city, CA ................................................................ 68,516
Warrensburg city, MO ............................................................... 19,890
Washington County, MN ......................................................... 250,979
Washoe County, NV ................................................................ 445,551
Waunakee village, WI ................................................................ 13,284
Wauwatosa city, WI................................................................... 47,687
Wentzville city, MO ................................................................... 35,768
West Bend city, WI .................................................................... 31,656
West Carrollton city, OH ........................................................... 12,963
West Chester township, OH...................................................... 62,804
West Des Moines city, IA .......................................................... 62,999
Western Springs village, IL ........................................................ 13,187
Westerville city, OH ................................................................... 38,604
Westlake town, TX ....................................................................... 1,006
Westminster city, CO .............................................................. 111,895
Westminster city, MD ............................................................... 18,557
Wheat Ridge city, CO................................................................. 31,162
White House city, TN ................................................................. 11,107
Wichita city, KS ........................................................................ 389,054
Williamsburg city, VA ................................................................ 14,817
Willowbrook village, IL ................................................................ 8,598
Wilmington city, NC................................................................. 115,261
Wilsonville city, OR .................................................................... 22,789
Windsor town, CO ..................................................................... 23,386
Windsor town, CT ...................................................................... 29,037
Winter Garden city, FL .............................................................. 40,799
Woodbury city, MN ................................................................... 67,648
Woodinville city, WA ................................................................. 11,675
Wyandotte County, KS ............................................................ 163,227
Wyoming city, MI ...................................................................... 75,124
Yakima city, WA ......................................................................... 93,182
York County, VA ......................................................................... 67,196
Yorktown town, IN..................................................................... 11,200
Yorkville city, IL .......................................................................... 18,691
Yountville city, CA ........................................................................ 2,978
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Minnesota Benchmark Comparisons
Table 160: Question 1
positive Rank Number of communities in
Comparison to
How would you rate the quality of
life in Edina? 96% 4 35 Similar
Table 161: Question 2
positive Rank
Number of
communities in
Comparison to
Overall feeling of safety in Edina 93% 6 29 Similar
Overall ease of getting to the places you usually have
to visit 91% 1 18 Higher
Quality of overall natural environment in Edina 88% 9 24 Similar
Overall established “built environment” of Edina
(including overall design, buildings, parks and
transportation syst
83% 1 22 Similar
Health and wellness opportunities in Edina 92% 3 23 Higher
Overall opportunities for education and enrichment 90% 1 23 Higher
Overall economic health of Edina 91% 2 23 Higher
Sense of community 70% 5 26 Similar
Overall image or reputation of Edina 81% 7 28 Similar
Neighborliness of residents in Edina 73% 4 20 Similar
Table 162: Question 3
positive Rank Number of communities in
Comparison to
Recommend living in Edina to
someone who asks 95% 7 23 Similar
Remain in Edina for the next five years 86% 13 23 Similar
Table 163: Question 7
positive Rank Number of communities in
Comparison to
In your neighborhood 94% 17 23 Similar
In the 50th & France area
(downtown area) 89% 20 24 Similar
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Table 164: Question 10
positive Rank Number of communities in
Comparison to
Traffic flow on major streets 70% 15 23 Similar
Ease of public parking 77% 10 18 Similar
Ease of travel by car in Edina 88% 4 25 Similar
Ease of travel by bicycle in Edina 64% 19 23 Similar
Ease of walking in Edina 73% 18 24 Similar
Availability of paths and walking trails 79% 20 24 Similar
Air quality 93% 6 20 Similar
Cleanliness of Edina 94% 6 24 Similar
Public places where people want to spend
time 85% 1 22 Higher
Variety of housing options 49% 23 25 Lower
Availability of quality affordable housing 30% 28 29 Lower
Fitness opportunities (including exercise
classes and paths or trails, etc.) 82% 9 23 Similar
Recreational opportunities 86% 8 27 Similar
K-12 education 85% 6 23 Similar
Adult educational opportunities 82% 2 21 Higher
Opportunities to attend cultural/arts/music
activities 68% 5 22 Similar
Employment opportunities 73% 4 28 Higher
Shopping opportunities 94% 1 24 Much higher
Cost of living in Edina 46% 16 22 Similar
Overall quality of business and service
establishments in Edina 91% 4 24 Higher
Opportunities to participate in social events
and activities 69% 5 21 Similar
Opportunities to volunteer 76% 5 22 Similar
Opportunities to participate in community
matters 65% 11 21 Similar
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Table 165: Question 14
positive Rank
Number of
communities in
Comparison to
Police services 94% 1 35 Similar
Fire services 99% 1 29 Similar
Ambulance or emergency medical services 99% 1 22 Higher
Crime prevention 86% 7 24 Similar
Fire prevention and education 90% 2 24 Similar
Traffic enforcement 77% 7 23 Similar
Street repair 57% 15 29 Similar
Street cleaning 81% 3 24 Similar
Street lighting 80% 1 26 Similar
Snow removal 90% 1 35 Higher
Sidewalk maintenance 78% 2 24 Similar
Traffic signal timing 73% 1 23 Similar
Bus or transit services 64% 6 21 Similar
Garbage collection 87% 4 20 Similar
Recycling 83% 13 28 Similar
Yard waste pickup 77% 5 17 Similar
Storm drainage 79% 12 28 Similar
Drinking water 70% 15 28 Similar
Sewer services 89% 5 26 Similar
Utility billing 79% 7 21 Similar
City parks 93% 5 27 Similar
Recreation programs or classes 84% 5 24 Similar
Land use, planning and zoning 57% 14 27 Similar
Code enforcement (weeds, abandoned buildings, etc.) 73% 6 27 Similar
Animal control 85% 3 29 Similar
Economic development 78% 5 25 Higher
Public health services 86% 2 20 Higher
Public information services/communication from the
City 80% 5 22 Similar
Fiber/home internet connection 59% 4 9 Similar
Emergency preparedness (services that prepare the
community for natural disasters or other emergency
78% 4 26 Similar
Edina open space 75% 5 22 Similar
City-sponsored special events (Night to Unite, Winter
Ice Festival, Days of Remembrance, etc.) 69% 10 20 Similar
Overall quality of services provided by the City of Edina 87% 8 35 Similar
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Table 166: Question 15
positive Rank Number of communities in
Comparison to
The value of services for the taxes paid to
Edina 72% 3 34 Similar
The job Edina government does at
welcoming resident involvement 58% 14 24 Similar
Overall confidence in Edina government 63% 7 23 Similar
Generally acting in the best interest of the
community 65% 10 24 Similar
Treating all residents fairly 68% 11 22 Similar
Table 167: Question 23
positive Rank Number of communities in
Comparison to
Making all residents feel welcome 67% 6 9 Similar
Attracting people from diverse
backgrounds 43% 8 9 Lower
Valuing/respecting residents from diverse
backgrounds 57% 7 9 Similar
Table 168: Question D1
positive Rank
Number of
communities in
Comparison to
What impact, if any, do you think the economy will
have on your family income in the next 6 months? Do
you think the impact will be:
39% 4 21 Higher
Minnesota Benchmark Comparison Communities
The communities included in the Minnesota comparisons are listed below along with their population according to
the 2017 American Community Survey.
Albert Lea city, MN .................................................................... 17,716
Bloomington city, MN ................................................................ 85,417
Brooklyn Center city, MN .......................................................... 30,885
Chanhassen city, MN ................................................................. 25,108
Coon Rapids city, MN ................................................................. 62,342
Dakota County, MN................................................................. 414,655
Duluth city, MN .......................................................................... 86,066
Eagan city, MN ........................................................................... 66,102
Eden Prairie city, MN ................................................................. 63,660
Edina city, MN ............................................................................ 50,603
Golden Valley city, MN .............................................................. 21,208
Hastings city, MN ....................................................................... 22,620
Hutchinson city, MN .................................................................. 13,836
Lakeville city, MN ....................................................................... 61,056
Lonsdale city, MN ......................................................................... 3,850
Mankato city, MN ...................................................................... 41,241
Maple Grove city, MN ................................................................ 68,362
Maplewood city, MN ................................................................. 40,127
Minneapolis city, MN .............................................................. 411,452
Minnetrista city, MN .................................................................... 7,187
Montgomery city, MN ................................................................. 2,921
New Brighton city, MN .............................................................. 22,440
New Hope city, MN ................................................................... 20,909
North Mankato city, MN ........................................................... 13,583
Oakdale city, MN ....................................................................... 27,972
Olmsted County, MN ............................................................... 151,685
Plymouth city, MN ..................................................................... 76,258
Ramsey city, MN ........................................................................ 25,853
Richfield city, MN ...................................................................... 35,993
Rosemount city, MN .................................................................. 23,474
Roseville city, MN ...................................................................... 35,624
Savage city, MN ......................................................................... 30,011
Scott County, MN .................................................................... 141,463
Shakopee city, MN .................................................................... 40,024
Shoreview city, MN ................................................................... 26,432
St. Cloud city, MN ...................................................................... 67,093
St. Louis County, MN ............................................................... 200,294
Victoria city, MN .......................................................................... 8,679
Washington County, MN ......................................................... 250,979
Woodbury city, MN ................................................................... 67,648
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Appendix E: Survey Methodology
Developing the Questionnaire
The City of Edina 2021 Quality of Life Survey was first administered in 2011. General resident surveys, such as
this one, ask recipients their perspectives about the quality of life in the city, use of city amenities, opinions on
policy issues facing the city and assessments of city service delivery. The 2021 survey instrument was developed
by starting with the version from the previous implementation in 2019. A list of topics was generated for new
questions; topics and questions were modified to find those that were the best fit for the 2021 questionnaire.
Through an iterative process between City staff and Polco/National Research Center staff, a final six-page
questionnaire was created. The City of Edina funded this research. Please contact Jennifer Bennerotte of the City
of Edina at JBennerotte@EdinaMN.gov if you have any questions about the survey.
Selecting Survey Recipients
“Sampling” refers to the method by which households were chosen to receive the survey. All households within
the City of Edina were eligible to participate in the survey. A list of all households within the zip codes serving
Edina was purchased from Go-Dog Direct based on updated listings from the United States Postal Service. Since
some of the zip codes that serve the City of Edina households may also serve addresses that lie outside of the
community, the exact geographic location of each housing unit was compared to community boundaries using
the most current municipal boundary file (updated on a quarterly basis) and addresses located outside of the City
of Edina boundaries were removed from consideration. Each address identified as being within City boundaries
was further identified as being within the northeast, northwest, southeast or southwest quadrant of the city.
To choose the 2,000 survey recipients, a systematic sampling method was applied to the list of households
previously screened for geographic location. Systematic sampling is a procedure whereby a complete list of all
possible households is culled, selecting every Nth one, giving each eligible household a known probability of
selection, until the appropriate number of households is selected. Multi-family housing units were selected at a
higher rate as residents of this type of housing typically respond at lower rates to surveys than do those in single-
family housing units. Additionally, to ensure the City heard from a representative proportion of residents of
color, NRC purchased a list of households presumed to have persons of color over 18 years of age and randomly
selected 500 of the 2,000 total households to receive the survey.
An individual within each household was selected using the birthday method. The birthday method selects a
person within the household by asking the “person whose birthday has most recently passed” to complete the
questionnaire. The underlying assumption in this method is that day of birth has no relationship to the way
people respond to surveys. This instruction was contained in the cover letter accompanying the questionnaire.
Survey Administration and Response Rate
Each selected household was contacted three times starting on March 26, 2021. First, a prenotification
announcement was sent, informing the household members that they had been selected to participate in the City
of Edina Quality of Life Survey. Approximately one week after mailing the prenotification, each household was
mailed a survey containing a cover letter signed by the City Manager requesting participation. The packet also
contained a postage-paid return envelope in which the survey recipients could return the completed
questionnaire directly to NRC. A reminder letter and survey, scheduled to arrive one week after the first survey,
was the final contact. The second cover letter asked those who had not completed the survey to do so and those
who had already done so to refrain from turning in another survey. The prenotification postcard and each wave
of the cover letter accompanying the survey included a web link for residents to visit if they preferred to take the
survey online. The survey was available in English.
The mailings were sent in March and April of 2021. Completed surveys were collected over the following six
weeks. About 11% of the 2,000 surveys mailed were returned because the housing unit was vacant or the postal
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service was unable to deliver the survey as addressed. Of the 1,780 households presumed to have received a
survey, 518 completed the survey (213 of which were completed online), providing a response rate of 29%.
Response rates by geographic quadrant ranged from a low of 18% in the southeast quadrant to a high of 34% in
the northwest and southwest quadrants of the city. The response rates were calculated using AAPOR’s response
rate #21 for mailed surveys of unnamed persons.
Table 169: Response Rate by Quadrant
Quadrant Number
Undeliverable Number Received Number Returned Response Rate
Northeast 329 21 308 109 31%
Northwest 518 35 483 161 34%
Southeast 859 145 714 144 18%
Southwest 294 19 275 102 34%
Overall 2,000 220 1,780 518 29%
Confidence Intervals and Margin of Error
The 95% confidence interval (or “margin of error”) quantifies the “sampling error” or precision of the estimates
made from the survey results. A 95% confidence interval can be calculated for any sample size, and indicates that
in 95 of 100 surveys conducted like this one, for a particular item, a result would be found that is within 5% of the
result that would be found if everyone in the population of interest was surveyed. The practical difficulties of
conducting any resident survey may introduce other sources of error in addition to sampling error. Despite best
efforts to boost participation and ensure potential inclusion of all households, some selected households will
decline participation in the survey (referred to as non-response error) and some eligible households may be
unintentionally excluded from the listed sources for the sample (referred to as coverage error).
While the margin of error for the survey is generally no greater than plus or minus 5% around any given percent
reported for all respondents, results for subgroups will have wider confidence intervals. Where estimates are
given for subgroups, they are less precise. For each subgroup from the survey, the margin of error rises to as
much as plus or minus 10% for a sample size of 100 completed surveys.
Survey Processing (Data Entry)
Mailed surveys were returned via postage-paid business reply envelopes. Once received, staff assigned a unique
identification number to each questionnaire. Additionally, each survey was reviewed and “cleaned” as necessary.
For example, a question may have asked a respondent to pick two items out of a list of five, but the respondent
checked three; staff would choose randomly two of the three selected items to be coded in the dataset.
Once all surveys were assigned a unique identification number, they were entered into an electronic dataset. This
dataset is subject to a data entry protocol of “key and verify,” in which survey data were entered twice into an
electronic dataset and then compared. Discrepancies were evaluated against the original survey form and
corrected. Range checks as well as other forms of quality control were also performed.
Polco, an online public engagement tool designed primarily for local governments, was used to collect online
survey data. The Polco platform includes many features of online survey tools, but also includes elements tailored
to the civic environment. For example, like NRC’s mailed surveys, surveys on Polco are presented with the city
name, logo (or other image) and a description, so residents understand who is asking for input and why.
Optionally, Polco can also verify respondents with local public data to ensure respondents are residents or voters.
More generally, an advantage of online programming and data gathering is that it allows for more rigid control of
the data format, making extensive data cleaning unnecessary.
1See AAPOR’s Standard Definitions here: http://www.aapor.org/Standards-Ethics/Standard-Definitions-(1).aspx for more information
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A series of quality control checks were also performed in order to ensure the integrity of the web data. Steps may
include and not be limited to reviewing the data for clusters of repeat IP addresses and time stamps (indicating
duplicate responses) and removing empty submissions (questionnaires submitted with no questions answered).
Weighting the Data
The primary objective of weighting survey data is to make the survey respondents reflective of the larger
population of the community. This is done by: 1) reviewing the respondent demographics and comparing them to
the population norms from the most recent Census or other sources and 2) comparing the responses to different
questions for demographic subgroups. The demographic characteristics that are least similar to the Census and
yield the most different results are the best candidates for data weighting. Several different weighting “schemes”
are tested to ensure the best fit for the data. The variables used for weighting were respondent housing tenure
(rent or own), housing unit type (attached or detached), gender, age, race/ethnicity, and geographic location of
the respondent’s residence. No adjustments were made for design effects. The results of the weighting scheme are
presented in the table on the following page.
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Table 170: 2021 City of Edina Weighting Table
Characteristic Population Norm1 Unweighted Data Weighted Data
Rent home 25% 15% 24%
Own home 75% 85% 76%
Detached unit 58% 64% 59%
Attached unit 42% 36% 41%
Race and Ethnicity
White 90% 84% 90%
Not white 10% 16% 10%
Not Hispanic 98% 97% 98%
Hispanic 2% 3% 2%
Sex and Age
Female 54% 59% 54%
Male 46% 41% 46%
18-34 years of age 18% 7% 18%
35-54 years of age 37% 27% 36%
55+ years of age 45% 66% 46%
Females 18-34 9% 4% 8%
Females 35-54 19% 16% 19%
Females 55+ 26% 40% 26%
Males 18-34 9% 3% 9%
Males 35-54 18% 12% 17%
Males 55+ 19% 26% 20%
Geographic Quadrant*
Northeast 22% 21% 21%
Northwest 30% 31% 30%
Southeast 34% 28% 34%
Southwest 15% 20% 15%
1Source: 5-year estimates from the 2017 American Community Survey
*Source: Sample list purchased from Go-Dog Direct
Analyzing The Data
The electronic dataset was analyzed by NRC staff using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). For
the most part, frequency distribution ratings are presented in the body of the report. A complete set of
frequencies for each survey question is presented in Appendix A: Responses to Survey Questions.
Also included are results by respondent characteristics (Appendix C: Survey Results by Respondent Characteristics).
Chi-square or ANOVA tests of significance were applied to these breakdowns of selected survey questions. A “p-
value” of 0.05 or less indicates that there is less than a 5% probability that differences observed between groups
are due to chance; or in other words, a greater than 95% probability that the differences observed in the selected
categories of the sample represent “real” differences among those populations. Where differences between
subgroups are statistically significant, they have been marked in the appendices.
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Comparing to Prior Survey Results
For reporting comparability, the “don’t know” responses from past years data were removed in order to match
the reporting of the 2015 and later survey data which shows the percentages without “don’t know” to focus on
the results from those who had an opinion about a particular service or activity.
Edina’s survey data were collected by phone in 2013 and prior. In 2015, the City switched data collection from
phone to mail. Research is clear that a change in the method of survey data collection, by itself, will result in a
change in results if the shift is from telephone administration to self-administration or vice versa. The change
occurs even without change in resident perspectives and is attributed to the different environment that a survey
respondent confronts when providing answers to a person on the telephone compared to offering private
anonymous opinions. Questions by phone elicit more positive, optimistic, socially-desirable responses than do
the same questions asked on a written self-administered questionnaire. The self-administered questionnaire
brings out more candid responses.
As a consequence of the switch in methodology, a general decline in ratings was both expected and observed; an
average of about 12 percentage points (after the removal of “don’t know” responses). Thus, NRC adjusted down
the findings from 2013 and prior by this average difference for the most extreme differences in order to maximize
the comparability of results over time. This way the reported trendline data are not influenced by the decline that
is attributable to the change in data collection mode from phone to mail.
While the adjusted findings for data prior to 2015 reasonably control for the expected change from phone to mail
data collection, the comparability of data over time does have some limitations. Not only is there sampling error
in each survey administration, but also, the methods change occurred after a two-year gap in survey
administrations and some question wording was inconsistent among survey years.
Because of the overall shift in the methodology and related survey changes, NRC recommends that any change in
ratings or reported behaviors be viewed with caution and that Edina consider differences of more than 10
percentage points from previous years to be large enough to signal a genuine change in opinion from 2013 and
2011. Differences that do not reach this threshold should not be considered changes worthy of further
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Appendix F: Survey Materials
The following pages contain copies of the survey materials sent to randomly selected households within the City
of Edina.
Dear Edina Resident,
It won’t take much of your time to make a big difference! Your household
has been randomly selected to participate in a survey about your community. You can go online and complete the survey at:
Please do not share your survey link. This survey is for randomly selected households only. You can also wait a few days for the survey to
arrive in the mail. The City will conduct a separate survey that is open to
all residents just a few weeks from now.
If you have any questions about the survey, please call 952-826-0359.
Thank you for helping create a better community!
Scott H. Neal
City Manager
Dear Edina Resident,
It won’t take much of your time to make a big difference! Your household
has been randomly selected to participate in a survey about your community. You can go online and complete the survey at:
Please do not share your survey link. This survey is for randomly selected households only. You can also wait a few days for the survey to
arrive in the mail. The City will conduct a separate survey that is open to
all residents just a few weeks from now.
If you have any questions about the survey, please call 952-826-0359.
Thank you for helping create a better community!
Scott H. Neal
City Manager
Dear Edina Resident,
It won’t take much of your time to make a big difference! Your household
has been randomly selected to participate in a survey about your
community. You can go online and complete the survey at:
Please do not share your survey link. This survey is for randomly selected households only. You can also wait a few days for the survey to
arrive in the mail. The City will conduct a separate survey that is open to
all residents just a few weeks from now.
If you have any questions about the survey, please call 952-826-0359.
Thank you for helping create a better community!
Scott H. Neal
City Manager
Dear Edina Resident,
It won’t take much of your time to make a big difference! Your household
has been randomly selected to participate in a survey about your
community. You can go online and complete the survey at:
Please do not share your survey link. This survey is for randomly selected households only. You can also wait a few days for the survey to
arrive in the mail. The City will conduct a separate survey that is open to
all residents just a few weeks from now.
If you have any questions about the survey, please call 952-826-0359.
Thank you for helping create a better community!
Scott H. Neal
City Manager
First Class Mail US Postage PAID Boulder, CO Permit NO. 94
First Class Mail US Postage PAID Boulder, CO Permit NO. 94
Presorted First Class Mail US Postage PAID Boulder, CO Permit NO. 94
Presorted First Class Mail US Postage PAID Boulder, CO Permit NO. 94
First Class Mail
US Postage
Boulder, CO
Permit NO.94
April 2021
Dear Edina Resident:
Please help us shape the future of Edina! You have been randomly selected to participate in the 2021 Quality of Life
Please take a few minutes to fill out the enclosed survey. Your participation in this survey is very important – especially
since your household is one of only a small number of households being surveyed. Your feedback will help Edina make
decisions that affect our community.
A few things to remember:
• Your responses are completely anonymous.
• In order to hear from a diverse group of residents, the adult 18 years or older in your household who most
recently had a birthday should complete this survey.
• You may return the survey by mail in the enclosed postage-paid envelope, or you can complete the
survey online at:
Please do not share your survey link. This survey is for randomly selected households only. The City will conduct a
separate survey that is open to all residents just a few weeks from now.
If you have any questions about the survey, please call the Communications Department at 952-826-0359.
Thank you for your time and participation!
Scott H. Neal
City Manager
April 2021
Dear Edina Resident:
Here’s a second chance if you haven’t already responded to the 2021 Quality of Life Survey! (If you completed it and
sent it back, we thank you for your time and ask you to recycle this survey. Please do not respond twice.)
Please help us shape the future of Edina! You have been randomly selected to participate in the 2021 Quality of Life
Please take a few minutes to fill out the enclosed survey. Your participation in this survey is very important – especially
since your household is one of only a small number of households being surveyed. Your feedback will help Edina make
decisions that affect our community.
A few things to remember:
• Your responses are completely anonymous.
• In order to hear from a diverse group of residents, the adult 18 years or older in your household who most
recently had a birthday should complete this survey.
• You may return the survey by mail in the enclosed postage-paid envelope, or you can complete the
survey online at:
Please do not share your survey link. This survey is for randomly selected households only. The City will conduct a
separate survey that is open to all residents just a few weeks from now.
If you have any questions about the survey, please call the Communications & Technology Services Department at
Thank you for your time and participation!
Scott H. Neal
City Manager
The City of Edina 2021 Quality of Life Survey
Please complete this questionnaire if you are the adult (age 18 or older) in the household who most recently had a birthday. The adult’s
year of birth does not matter. Your responses are anonymous and will be reported in group form only.
1. How would you rate the quality of life in Edina?
Excellent Good Fair Poor Don’t know
2. Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a community:
Excellent Good Fair Poor Don’t know
Overall feeling of safety in Edina ........................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Overall ease of getting to the places you usually have to visit ............................... 1 2 3 4 5
Quality of overall natural environment in Edina ................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Overall established “built environment” of Edina (including overall design,
buildings, parks and transportation systems) ..................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Health and wellness opportunities in Edina .......................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Overall opportunities for education and enrichment ............................................ 1 2 3 4 5
Overall economic health of Edina ......................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Sense of community ............................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Overall image or reputation of Edina .................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Neighborliness of residents in Edina ..................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
3. Please indicate how likely or unlikely you are to do each of the following:
Very Somewhat Somewhat Very Don’t
likely likely unlikely unlikely know
Recommend living in Edina to someone who asks .................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Remain in Edina for the next five years ...................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
4. Why did you choose to live in Edina? (Please check all that apply.)
Family lives here/born or raised here Affordable housing Access to public transportation
Job is here (or nearby) Variety/type of housing Good neighborhoods
Good schools Safe community Amenities (e.g., parks, library, etc.)
Location/convenience Attractive community Other: ___________________________
5. What one thing do you like most, if anything, about living in Edina?
6. What would you say is the most serious issue facing Edina at this time? Please be specific (e.g., note if the issue/problem is "too
much" or "too little").
7. Please rate how safe or unsafe you feel:
Very Somewhat Neither safe Somewhat Very Don’t
safe safe nor unsafe unsafe unsafe know
In your neighborhood .............................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 6
In the 50th & France area (downtown area) .............................. 1 2 3 4 5 6
In the greater Southdale area ................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 6
8. Please rate how welcoming Edina is as a community:
Very Somewhat Not Don't
welcoming Welcoming welcoming welcoming know
For people of all races .......................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
For people of all religions ..................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
For people of all ethnicities .................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5
For people who have a lower income .................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5
9. Please rate how much of a problem, if at all, you feel each of the following is in Edina.
Not a Minor Moderate Major Extreme Don’t
problem problem problem problem problem know
Traffic speeding in your neighborhood ............................................. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Stop sign violations in your neighborhood ........................................ 1 2 3 4 5 6
Violent crime ...................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 6
Drugs ................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 6
Youth crimes ....................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 6
Vandalism and property crimes ......................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 6
Hate crimes and bias/discrimination offenses ................................... 1 2 3 4 5 6
The City of Edina 2021 Quality of Life Survey
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10. Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a whole:
Excellent Good Fair Poor Don’t know
Traffic flow on major streets ................................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5
Ease of public parking ......................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Ease of travel by car in Edina .............................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5
Ease of travel by bicycle in Edina ........................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5
Ease of walking in Edina ...................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Availability of paths and walking trails ................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5
Air quality ............................................................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5
Cleanliness of Edina ............................................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5
Public places where people want to spend time ................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5
Variety of housing options ................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Availability of quality affordable housing ............................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5
Fitness opportunities (including exercise classes and paths or trails, etc.) ......................... 1 2 3 4 5
Recreational opportunities .................................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5
K-12 education ..................................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Adult educational opportunities .......................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Opportunities to attend cultural/arts/music activities ......................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Employment opportunities.................................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5
Shopping opportunities ....................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Cost of living in Edina ......................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Overall quality of business and service establishments in Edina ....................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Overall quality of commercial redevelopment in Edina .................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Overall quality of residential redevelopment in Edina ....................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Opportunities to participate in social events and activities ................................................. 1 2 3 4 5
Opportunities to volunteer .................................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5
Opportunities to participate in community matters ........................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
11. Please rate the following aspects of drinking water in Edina:
Excellent Good Fair Poor Don’t know
Appearance ............................................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5
Taste ........................................................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5
Odor ........................................................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5
Hardness ................................................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5
Reliability ................................................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5
Safety ....................................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
12. First, tell us about how many times in the last 12 months, if ever, you or other household members used any of the following Edina
Parks & Recreation Department amenities. Then please rate the quality of each, regardless of your household’s use of the amenities.
Once or 3 to 12 13 to 26 More than Don’t
Never twice times times 26 times Excellent Good Fair Poor know
Trails .................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Dog parks/off-leash areas .................. 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Neighborhood parks .......................... 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Large community athletic fields ........ 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Edinborough Park ............................. 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Centennial Lakes Park....................... 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Edina Aquatic Center ........................ 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Edina Senior Center .......................... 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Braemar Arena (ice arena) ................ 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Edina Art Center................................ 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Braemar Golf Course ........................ 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Braemar Golf Dome ......................... 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Braemar Field (sports dome) ............ 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
13. The Edina Art Center, located at 4701 W. 64th Street, has been closed since March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Art
Center facility was originally a private residence and is currently in need of several major repairs and upgrades. The City is considering
several options regarding the future of the Edina Art Center. Please select the one option below that comes closest to your opinion:
The City should renovate the Edina Art Center building despite the cost and continue to operate at the current location.
The City should find an alternative location for the Edina Art Center (e.g., lease or buy an existing space elsewhere in Edina).
The City should build a new standalone facility for the Edina Art Center.
The City should cease operating a standalone Art Center and provide art programs and classes in other locations around the city.
The City of Edina 2021 Quality of Life Survey
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14. Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Edina:
Excellent Good Fair Poor Don’t know
Police services ......................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Fire services ............................................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5
Ambulance or emergency medical services ........................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Crime prevention .................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Fire prevention and education ............................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Traffic enforcement ................................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5
Street repair ............................................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5
Street cleaning ......................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Street lighting ........................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Snow removal .......................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Sidewalk maintenance ............................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5
Traffic signal timing ................................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5
Bus or transit services ............................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5
Garbage collection .................................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5
Recycling ................................................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5
Organics recycling ................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Yard waste pickup ................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Storm drainage ........................................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5
Drinking water ........................................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5
Sewer services ......................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Utility billing ............................................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5
City parks ................................................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5
Park maintenance ................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Condition of trails and sidewalks ........................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Recreation programs or classes .............................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5
Land use, planning and zoning .............................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5
Code enforcement (weeds, abandoned buildings, etc.)......................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Animal control ........................................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5
Economic development .......................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Public health services .............................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5
Public information services/communication from the City .................................. 1 2 3 4 5
Cable television (Comcast/Xfinity) ......................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Fiber/home internet connection ............................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5
Emergency preparedness (services that prepare the community for
natural disasters or other emergency situations) ................................................ 1 2 3 4 5
Edina open space .................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
City-sponsored special events (Night to Unite, Winter Ice Festival,
Days of Remembrance, etc.) .............................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5
Overall quality of services provided by the City of Edina ..................................... 1 2 3 4 5
15. Please rate the following categories of Edina government performance:
Excellent Good Fair Poor Don’t know
The value of services for the taxes paid to Edina .................................................. 1 2 3 4 5
The job Edina government does at welcoming resident involvement .................. 1 2 3 4 5
Overall confidence in Edina government .............................................................. 1 2 3 4 5
Generally acting in the best interest of the community ......................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Treating all residents fairly ..................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
16. Which of the following departments or divisions have you had contact with in the past 12 months by email, phone or in person?
(Please select all that apply.)
I have not contacted the City → go to question 18 Engineering Public Works
Administration Fire Reception/general information
Assessing Health Street Maintenance
Building Inspections Human Resources Utilities
Communications Parks & Recreation Utility Billing
Edina Liquor Planning/Economic Development Other: _______________________
Elections Police
17. Please rate your impression of City employees.
Excellent Good Fair Poor Don’t know
Knowledge............................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Courtesy .................................................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5
Responsiveness ....................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Follow-up (got back to you or took action if needed) ........................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Overall customer service ........................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5
The City of Edina 2021 Quality of Life Survey
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18. Considering your property taxes in comparison to neighboring cities, do you feel property taxes in Edina are…
Very high Somewhat high About average Somewhat low Very low Don’t know
19. To what extent would you support or oppose an increase in your property taxes to maintain City services at their current level?
Strongly support Somewhat support Somewhat oppose Strongly oppose Don’t know
20. All in all, do you think things in Edina are generally headed in the right direction, or do you feel things are on the wrong track?
Right direction
Wrong track Why? _______________________________________________________________________________
Don’t know
21. Other than voting, do you think that if you wanted to, you could have a say about the way things are run in this community?
No Why? ______________________________________________________________________________________
Don’t know
22. How important is it that local government focuses on creating a diverse, equitable and inclusive city?
Essential Very important Somewhat important Not at all important Don’t know
23. Please rate the job you feel the City government does at each of the following:
Excellent Good Fair Poor Don’t know
Making all residents feel welcome.......................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Helping new residents feel connected and integrated ........................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Attracting people from diverse backgrounds ......................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Valuing/respecting residents from diverse backgrounds ....................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Providing a safe and secure environment for residents of all backgrounds.......... 1 2 3 4 5
24. To what extent, if at all, have you or someone in your household experienced discrimination based on each of the following in the Edina
community in the past 12 months?
Never Rarely Some of the time Most of the time
Age............................................................................................................ 1 2 3 4
Gender ..................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4
Race(s) ...................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4
National origin (birth country) ................................................................ 1 2 3 4
Religion .................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4
Political affiliation .................................................................................... 1 2 3 4
Disability ................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4
Sexual orientation or gender identity ...................................................... 1 2 3 4
25. How well, if at all, do you feel the City is managing tensions in the community related to residential redevelopment in Edina?
Very well Somewhat well Somewhat poorly Very poorly Don’t know
26. When you think about the term “affordable housing,” which one of the following statements comes closest to your own definition?
Affordable housing is low-cost housing that is subsidized by the government.
Affordable housing is housing that is available at different price points for people with varying income levels.
27. Thinking about the types of housing in Edina, how would you rate the availability of housing for each of the following income groups?
Far too Somewhat Right Somewhat Far too Don’t
much too much amount too little little know
Lower-income singles .............................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Lower-income families ............................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 6
Middle-income singles ............................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Middle-income families ........................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 6
High-income singles ................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 6
High-income families ............................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 6
The City of Edina 2021 Quality of Life Survey
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28. There are different ways that a community can try to ensure there are a wider variety of housing choices. How important, if at all, do
you think it is that the City encourage each of the following?
Very Somewhat Not at all Don’t
Essential important important important know
Preservation of small starter homes (homes with fewer rooms or
other amenities that are affordable for first-time buyers) ....................... 1 2 3 4 5
Building of more accessory dwelling units (apartments or small
homes built above garages, in backyards, etc.) ........................................ 1 2 3 4 5
Medium-density development (like townhouses) ....................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Higher-density development (like apartments) ........................................... 1 2 3 4 5
29. The City of Edina owns and operates three municipal liquor stores. Profits from Edina Liquor are used to offset operating costs and
for capital expenses at recreational facilities. To what extent do you support the City continuing to operate its municipal liquor stores?
Strongly support Somewhat support Somewhat oppose Strongly oppose Don’t know
30. In the past 12 months, about how often, if at all, did you and other household members purchase from Edina Liquor?
Once a week Once a month Once or just a couple of times
Twice a month Every other month Not at all → Why not?___________________________________
31. Most communities have one of two systems for garbage collection. To what extent do you support the City changing from the current
system in which residents may choose from several different haulers to a system where the City chooses one hauler for the whole
Strongly support Somewhat support Somewhat oppose Strongly oppose Don’t know
32. First, rate the quality of each of the following services provided by the City of Edina. Then rate how important, if at all, each service is
to the Edina community.
Don’t Very Somewhat Not at all Don’t
Excellent Good Fair Poor know Essential important important important know
Energy conservation and efficiency programs ....... 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Fostering natural habitats in public spaces ........... 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Encouraging natural habitat on residential
and commercial land....................................... 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Increasing renewable energy programs ................ 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Adapting to climate change .................................. 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Composting collection services ............................ 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Water conservation programs ............................. 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Transportation emission reduction (e.g., bike
lanes and public EV charging) ....................... 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Investing in programs and creating policies to
address climate change ................................... 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Investing in renewable energy and testing
technologies to get to net zero emissions ....... 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
33. Please rate the extent to which you use each of the following as sources of information about Edina government and its activities, if at all.
Not a source Minor source Major source Don’t know
Parks & Recreation Activities Directory .............................................................1 2 3 4
Edina Sun-Current newspaper ............................................................................1 2 3 4
Edition: Edina monthly newsletter ......................................................................1 2 3 4
Star-Tribune newspaper ......................................................................................1 2 3 4
City’s website, EdinaMN.gov ...............................................................................1 2 3 4
City’s engagement website, BetterTogetherEdina.org ........................................1 2 3 4
Edina TV (Comcast channels 813 and 16) .........................................................1 2 3 4
City employees .....................................................................................................1 2 3 4
City Council Members ........................................................................................1 2 3 4
Direct mail updates ..............................................................................................1 2 3 4
Social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter) ................................................................1 2 3 4
NextDoor .............................................................................................................1 2 3 4
Online videos .......................................................................................................1 2 3 4
City’s e-mail subscription service (City Extra) .....................................................1 2 3 4
Word of mouth from friends, family or neighbors ............................................1 2 3 4
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34. How effective, if at all, do you think the newsletter Edition: Edina is for keeping informed of City activities?
Very effective Somewhat effective Somewhat ineffective Very ineffective Don’t know
35. Have you accessed the City of Edina website (EdinaMN.gov) in the last 12 months?
No → go to question 37 Yes → go to question 36
36. Please rate the following aspects of the Edina website, EdinaMN.gov:
Excellent Good Fair Poor Don’t know
Appearance ...................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Online information and services offered ........................................................ 1 2 3 4 5
Ease of navigation/ability to find information ................................................ 1 2 3 4 5
Overall quality of the City of Edina website ................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
37. To what extent, if at all, have you been concerned about each of the following issues in your household in the last 12 months?
Not a Minor Moderate Major Don't
concern concern concern concern know
Feeling socially isolated or disconnected from others ........................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Having access to health care ................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Being able to age in place (e.g., remain in your home as you get older) .............. 1 2 3 4 5
Running out of food before you had money to buy more .................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Having enough money to pay your rent or mortgage ............................................ 1 2 3 4 5
Our last questions are about you and your household. Again, all of your responses to this survey are completely anonymous and will be
reported in group form only.
D1. What impact, if any, do you think the economy will have on your family income in the next 6 months? Do you think the impact will be:
Very positive Somewhat positive Neutral Somewhat negative Very negative
D2. Do you work inside the boundaries of Edina?
Yes, outside the home Yes, from home No
D3. How many years have you lived in Edina?
Less than 2 years 11-20 years
2-5 years More than 20 years
6-10 years
D4. Which best describes the building you live in?
One-family house detached from any other houses
Building with two or more homes (duplex, townhome,
apartment or condominium)
D5. Is this house or apartment...
Rented Owned
D6. About how much is your monthly housing cost for the place
you live (including rent, mortgage payment, property tax,
property insurance and homeowners’ association [HOA] fees)?
Less than $600 per month $1,500 - $2,499 per month
$600 - $999 per month $2,500 or more per month
$1,000 - $1,499 per month
D7. How much do you anticipate your household’s total income
before taxes will be for the current year? (Please include
money from all sources for all persons living in your
Less than $25,000 $100,000 to $149,999
$25,000 to $49,999 $150,000 or more
$50,000 to $99,999
D8. Do any children 17 or under live in your household?
No Yes
D9. Are you or any other members of your household aged 65 or
No Yes
D10. Do you speak a language(s) other than English at home?
No, English only → go to question D12
Yes → which language?
Persian/Farsi Spanish Chinese Korean
Vietnamese Russian Other: ____________
Hmong Somali
D11. Is English your first language?
Please respond to both questions D12 and D13:
D12. Are you Spanish, Hispanic or Latino?
No, not Spanish, Hispanic or Latino
Yes, I consider myself to be Spanish, Hispanic or Latino
D13. What is your race? (Mark one or more races to indicate what
race you consider yourself to be.)
American Indian or Alaskan Native
Pacific Islander and Native Hawaiian
Asian and Asian Indian
Black or African American
D14. What other races, if any, are represented in your home?
(Check all that apply).
American Indian or Alaskan Native
Pacific Islander and Native Hawaiian
Asian and Asian Indian
Black or African American
D15. In which category is your age?
18-24 years 45-54 years 65-74 years
25-34 years 55-64 years 75 years or older
35-44 years
D16. What is your gender/gender identity?
Prefer to identify another way
Thank you for completing this survey. Please return the
completed survey in the postage-paid envelope to: National
Research Center, Inc., PO Box 549, Belle Mead, NJ 08502