HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-06-23 Planning Commission Regular Work Session PacketAgenda Plan n ing Com m ission Work Se ssion City of Edina, Minnesota VIRTUAL MEETING Wednesday, June 23, 2021 5:30 PM I.Call To Order II.Roll Call III.70th and Cahill Industrial Park Area Small Area Pla n IV.Planning Commission Guidelines V.Adjournment The City of Edina wants all res idents to be c om fortabl e bei ng part of the publi c proc ess . If you need as s is tanc e i n the way of heari ng am pli &c ation, an interpreter, large-print doc um ents or s om ethi ng els e, pleas e c al l 952-927-8861 72 ho urs in advance of the m eeting. Date: June 23, 2021 Agenda Item #: I I I . To:P lanning C o mmis s io n Work S es s io n Item Type: O ther F rom:C ary Teague, C o mmunity Development Directo r Item Activity: Subject:70th and C ahill Ind ustrial P ark Area S mall Area P lan Disc ussion, Info rmatio n C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED : N o action requested I N TR O D U C TI O N : R eview and discuss the proposed "Work Group G reen P rint" that would be used to help recruit members of the Work G roup, and the very rough draft R F P. AT TAC HME N T S : Description Work Group Green Print Draft RFP Board and Commission Working Group Greenprint BOARD/COMMISSION: Planning Commission WORKING GROUP NAME: Small Area Plan Working Group: 70th and Cahill Industrial Park Area WORKING GROUP OBJECTIVE: Complete a Small Area Plan to be adopted in to the City’s Comprehensive Plan WORKING GROUP CO-CHAIRS: Project Title A working group may have more than one project. Small Area Plan Description Describe the project. How does the project relate to the Board/Commission work plan? The intent is to work with City staff and its consultant to engage neighborhood residents, businesses, and other stakeholders in the Study Area for the purposes of developing and drafting a Small Area Plan to be adopted into the City’s Comprehensive Plan. Additionally, the Work Group will participate in working meetings and will present the recommended Small Area Plan to the Planning Commission. This area was identified in the current Comprehensive Plan as an area to be further studied and expanded from the 70th and Cahill Small Area Plan. Purpose Describe the purpose or objective of the project. e.g. develop a process, review the work The purpose is to complete a Small Area Plan for the 70th and Cahill Industrial Park Area to be adopted into the City’s current Comprehensive Plan Update. Work Group members are asked to take a leadership role and to serve as “champions” for the Small Area Plan. Duration of the Group Typically six months to two years. The plan will be developed over the course of 12-15 months, beginning in late summer of 2021. Deliverables Tangible or intangible object produced as a result of the project intended to be delivered to the indicated audience. The deliverable will be a Small Area Plan for the 70th and Cahill Industrial Park Area to be incorporated into the City’s current Comprehensive Plan. Community Benefit How does this project benefit the Edina community? The Small Area Plan will provide a detailed framework to guide development within the 70th and Cahill Industrial Park Area. Key Dates Is there an event or a timeframe to complete certain steps? The planning process for the working group will take place over approximately 12-15 months. It is anticipated that the Small Area Plan Work Group would meet monthly ____ and will help facilitate ___ Small Area Plan workshops with the community at-large. There will be possible additional check- ins with the group as the small area plan is completed. Board and Commission Working Group Greenprint Promotion & Implementation What is the plan to share the project findings/completion or how will the completed project be implemented? The Small Area Plan will be presented to the Planning Commission for review and recommendation to the City Council for approval. The findings and competition of the 70th and Cahill Industrial Area Small Area Plan will be adopted into the City’s current Comprehensive Plan. Evaluation How will the group evaluate the findings or end result of the project? The Work Group will work with the consultant team to collaboratively produce findings to populate a Small Area Plan. Record of Work Group meetings and action items will be made available to the public. Membership & Time Commitment Working group size cap recommendation is 7 members. Estimate how much time a working group member needs to commit to. Approximately 12-15 months City of Edina, Minnesota Cahill Area District Plan Request for Proposal for Consulting Services Overview The area is roughly ** acres in size; land uses include manufacturing, processing, warehousing, office uses, athletic facilities, tap room, schools, and religious institutions. The site is bounded by West 70th Street to the north, Cahill Road to the west Highway 100 to the east and the municipal boundary to the City of Bloomington directly south of the project area. The area is bounded by multi-family to the west and north with some single and double dwelling units north of 70th Street. The buildings in this area are generally older and have experienced limited remodeling or renovation with some remodeling of existing structures over the last 10-15 years for new tenant spaces. Cahill Area District District Area Plan Process A successful district area plan is the result of an extended effort by several parties. In Edina, key contributors to the process include the City Council, Planning Commission, Area Planning Team, staff, and the consulting organization. Consultants can expect to work extensively with the District Area Planning Team which will include representatives from both the Planning Commission and neighborhood stakeholders, as well as staff liaisons. A summary of the respective roles of each party is outlined in the diagram below. Staff Consultant Scope of Work Consultants will be responsible for the following activities during the small area planning process: • Developing a current area profile that includes demographics, physical conditions, land use/zoning and other pertinent information; also projecting population, demographic, economic and environmental trends for the future, • Working with the District Area Planning Team to develop a community engagement plan, City Council Planning Commission District Area Planning Team Call for action and provide direction on project scope Final plan approval Champion community engagement process Develop project team charter and recruit participants Submit draft plan for review and approval Ensure draft plan is consistent with Comprehensive Plan goals and objectives Staff Serve as technical resource Manage consultants Coordinate meetings Coordinate marketing Ensure regulatory compliance Consultant Serve as technical resource Facilitate community meetings Synthesize data Draft plan document • Leading or assisting with the implementation of the community engagement plan, • Identifying issues or conflicts and potential options for consideration by the Area Planning Team, • Drafting the district area plan document, and • Providing feedback on the draft Cahill Area District Plan Guidebook The Community Engagement Plan should generate the following small area plan components: Values, Trends and Assessments A SWOT-type analysis should be done to determine strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. In addition, strongly-held community values should be identified. Visioning and Issue Identification Descriptive end-states or visions of what the community wants for the future. Fundamental conflicts or key challenges should also be identified and discussed. Strategy Formulation Major programs, initiatives or actions should be identified to address key issues, including land use, and to move the community towards its shared vision. The strategy should assign accountability and a timeframe for action steps. The small area plan document should follow the same general outline as Edina’s Comprehensive Plan. Content would include (as applicable): • Introduction • Vision, Goals and Objectives • Neighborhood Profile • Land Use and Community Design • Housing • Heritage Preservation • Transportation • Water Resource Management • Parks • Energy and Environment • Community Services and Facilities • Implementation Plan Within each chapter, the following information should be summarized: • General background information, including current conditions • Trends and challenges • Specific goals and tactics to reach the goal. While the goal is to follow a common format to promote alignment with the comprehensive plan, there is flexibility to add information or topics based on specific community concerns, needs or interests. Timeline The City is anticipating a 12-15 month timeframe? for the project. However, the project may extend to if public review of the draft plan cannot be completed prior. Response Guidelines and Deadline Interested consultants should forward the following information (no more than 6 pages) for consideration: 1) Brief description of proposed approach to the project, 2) Description of innovative community engagement techniques successfully used in the past, 3) A summary of any information or support you anticipate needing from staff beyond what has been described in the proceeding diagram, 4) A summary of what you believe differentiates you from other peers in the field, 5) Examples of past similar projects, including links to final work products, 6) Brief biographies of any staff who would directly engage with City staff or residents, and 7) Anticipated cost and timeline of the project. Responses and/or questions related to the RFP should be directed to at: 952.826.046 or @edinamn.gov. Responses are due by 4:30pm on. _____City staff will screen and select three consultants to be interviewed by the Planning Team based on the perceived match between the information provided and the City’s project needs. Interviews with the Planning Team are anticipated to take place during the month of August. Oct 2021 Sept 2021 Oct. 2021-June 2022 July 2022 Sept. 2022 Oct. 2022 Aug 2021 Date: June 23, 2021 Agenda Item #: I V. To:P lanning C o mmis s io n Work S es s io n Item Type: O ther F rom:C ary Teague, C o mmunity Development Directo r Item Activity: Subject:P lanning C o mmis s io n G uid elines Disc ussion, Info rmatio n C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED : N o action requested I N TR O D U C TI O N : D iscuss the attached draft P lanning Commission G uidelines. G uidelines were drafted by M J L amon, based on the feedback raised from P lanning C ommissioners. M J will attend the work session for the discussion. AT TAC HME N T S : Description Draft Planning Commis s ion Guidelines PlPlPlPlanning Commission Guidelinesanning Commission Guidelinesanning Commission Guidelinesanning Commission Guidelines DEFINITIONS Public Hearing: Open gathering when individuals are permitted to offer comments, but the Commission is not obliged to act or respond to them. Appellant: A person who applies or appeals for a reversal of the decision of the Commission. Ex parte Communication: Contacts, whether oral, written, or electronic, direct or indirect, during which a Commissioner receives information about or discusses the merits of any matter that may or will be subject to their vote. GENERAL 1.1 Purpose These guidelines are meant to provide overall guidance and direction to the City of Edina’s advisory Planning Commission (Commission). These guidelines outline expectations for members and operations of meetings to support the Commission in conducting business including public hearings. 1.2 Scope This document applies to all voting and non-voting members of the Commission. 1.3 Guiding Documents In addition to this document, the Commission is guided by City Code and the City’s Boards & Commissions Policies and Procedures. In the event of a conflict between the Planning Commission Guidelines and City Code or Boards & Commissions Policies and Procedures, City Code and the Policies and Procedures will prevail. All documents are made available to members at the beginning of their service and accessible at any point during their service to the City. ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES 2.1 Chairperson The Chairperson is a voting member of the Planning Commission and may make and second motions. In addition, the Chairperson: - Assists the Staff Liaison with the agenda, when requested - Signs documents of the Commission - Reinforces the allotted time limit for speakers, including presenters and those participating in Community Comment or public hearings - Guides the Commission on agreed upon meeting procedures including the processes outlined in this document - Facilitates discussion of the Planning Commission, making sure all voices are heard 2.2 Vice-Chairperson PlPlPlPlanning Commission Guidelinesanning Commission Guidelinesanning Commission Guidelinesanning Commission Guidelines The Vice-Chairperson performs all the duties of the Chairperson when the Chairperson is absent or unable to perform. AGENDA MANAGEMENT 3.1 Preparation The agenda is prepared by the Staff Liaison. Once the Commission meeting has started, the agenda is owned by the entire Commission. 3.2 Presenters & Speaking Time Limits The Staff Liaison will communicate time limits for presentations to applicants, formal appellants, and external attendees. Times are determined based on agenda length, project type and size. The Commission is asked to respect the time limits communicated to support meeting efficiency. In most cases, applicants and appellants are given 20 minutes to make their presentation to the Commission. (For sketch plans, developers are typically allowed 15 minutes.) Members of the public participating in Community Comment or testifying in a public hearing are allowed three minutes each to speak. 3.3 Agenda Modification During a Meeting During “Approval of Meeting Agenda,” items can be added to the meeting agenda. The modified agenda requires a majority vote of voting members in attendance. If a new item of business proposed to be added to the agenda requires staff review (such as rezoning, ordinance amendments, preliminary subdivision plans, and subdivision review procedures and guidelines), involves quasi-judicial procedures (such as a request for a hardship variance from Subdivision or Zoning Ordinance standards), or involves substantive matters of potential public interest (such as the Comprehensive Plan or other major policies), it should be scheduled for a future meeting (see 3.4 Future Agenda Item Submission). The Planning Commission may not discuss the substance of a matter or take any final action on the item except at a meeting where the item is included on the distributed agenda. 3.4 Future Agenda Item Submission Any Planning Commission member may request an item be considered on a future agenda. It is at the discretion of the Staff Liaison and Chairperson to determine agenda items. If the item is not included on an agenda, Commissioners should follow 3.3 Agenda Modification During a Meeting to amend the agenda. Items requiring staff review should be scheduled for a future meeting. PlPlPlPlanning Commission Guidelinesanning Commission Guidelinesanning Commission Guidelinesanning Commission Guidelines MEETING PROCEDURES There are typical processes for public hearings and sketch plan reviews conducted by the Commission. The process can vary, based on the applicant’s/developer’s desire to make a formal presentation and public participation. 4.1 Public Hearings 1 Staff presents report and makes recommendation 2 Commissioners may ask questions regarding the staff presentation 3 The applicant may make a presentation of no more than 20 minutes 4 Commissioners may ask questions of the applicant 5 Planning Commission holds public hearing 6 Members of the public provide comments 7 City Staff respond to the public’s questions after all individuals have had a chance to speak 8 Planning Commission has discussion and takes action on the staff recommendation 4.2 Sketch Plan Proceedings 1 Staff presents the project concept 2 The developer may make a presentation of no more than 15 minutes 3 Planning Commission has discussion, asks questions and provides non-binding feedback to the developer; no formal action is taken 4.3 Meeting Efficiency To ensure there is adequate time during a meeting to conduct regular business and to promote meeting efficiency: - The Chairperson may discourage duplicative comments and place time limits on the amount of time Commissioners speak. - Commissioners should address the proposal and issues that are relevant to the request. - Commission members should remain on topic. Off topic items should be discussed with appropriate City staff. By majority vote the Planning Commission will decide what remaining agenda items the commission will take up after 11:00 p.m. CODE OF CONDUCT 5.1 Principles PlPlPlPlanning Commission Guidelinesanning Commission Guidelinesanning Commission Guidelinesanning Commission Guidelines The Edina City Council has an established Code of Conduct to provide Edina residents and businesses a fair, ethical, and accountable local government. These same goals are recognized by Commission. The overarching principles for working the community are: • Never grant any special consideration, treatment, or advantage • Respect sensitivity of personal information • Honor our rules regarding public testimony and clearly communicate the rules • Make ourselves available to all parties on an equal basis and not advocate for a certain point of view • Be cautious about how we participate in meetings or events and not prejudge the issue before the Council has had a chance to deliberate 5.2 Ex Parte Communications Communicating with residents, developers, applicants, etc are intended to allow Commissioners to become better informed about matters before the Planning Commission and to better educate individuals about the Planning Commission process. If a Commissioner engages in ex parte communications with a resident, developer, applicant, etc, the following expectations are below: • The Commissioner will notify the Staff Liaison and Chair of the communication before the public meeting in which the matter is discussed; • If possible, the Commissioner will notify the Staff Liaison and Chair before engaging in communication; • The Commissioner will make clear that their communication is made as an individual and not as a representative of the Planning Commission; • The Commissioner will notify the person engaged in communication that information shared is public; • The Commissioner will refrain from sharing any of their personal opinions about the matter or from giving any guidance; • When the matter comes before the Planning Commission, the Commissioner will provide all relevant details of the communication at the beginning of the discussion or the matter. 5.3 Social Media Commissioners should refrain from posting on social media about upcoming agenda items. After action has been taken by the Commission, Commissioners may post on social media, but must take care to make sure to identify their opinion as their own, and not representing Commission. GUIDELINE AMENDMENTS The Staff Liaison should be consulted prior to considering amendments to this document. Amendments require staff review and the approval of a majority of the voting Planning Commission members. 6.1 Recording Updates As this document is updated, City staff will keep a record of dates approved by the Commission. PlPlPlPlanning Commission Guidelinesanning Commission Guidelinesanning Commission Guidelinesanning Commission Guidelines 6.2 Approval Dates This document was approved by the Planning Commission XXXX, 2021.