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Form NO. 34 -M.
Miller-Dads G. HIRO P911a. Miss.
11�Q,� wwwaV(y�� ( � YUuPrre Uniform Cosrerwwkns lua"s 11931).
�J -T6 Air 294 3►3�a71K�5
Tbis; Jnbenture Made thus ...... ............. t�.i..... .............. day of .........../1. ........ ..... . ............
o e .sros. ........... ............................. _ ................... .....
between ri?........... _.. _ ........ ................ ...............................
;•:irne s otn ........ ....
a corporation under the laws of the Stats of ...............__......._.... :. ,party of the Jlrst part. and
^ un= ci. .a..., .... .... ............................... :......... ..........._................... ........................ ...............................
Ywoorporatian under the laaos of the State of ... ......... . I; iiineso...... .......... ....................................................................................... ... .
party of the meond part,
witatolletb. That the said party of the " pasik in oonsideration of the sum of
to it in Band paid by the said party of the asaond part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknotviedifed,
duos hereby Grant, Bargain, Quitclaim, and Convey unto the said party of the second part, its eueeessors
and asaijns, Forever, all the tract ..:. or rarosl ...... .. of land lyinj and bein j in the County of ......................
and State of Minnesota, described as follouv, te•uit:
i -?art of Lot 9, 3lock 1, Koizlridge 2nd Addition, according to
t.-,f2 recorded plat thereof on file and of record in t:.c Office of
t..� Aa6isi:er of Deeds in and for the County of Hennepin, otate
of ,.irx-csota, lying westerly of ti.e following described l:nc:
a';: a point on t:-.e 6outh line of said Lot 9,
,_'is ant 130.4 feet westerly from the Southeast corner
:::ereof; -cnence Northwesterly to a point on the most
' ;ortherly line of said Lot 9 distant 110.64 feet Westerly
prom ti:e Southeast corner of Lot 1, 31 ^ck 2, Kohlridge
Addition, according to t::e recorded plat thereof on
file and of record in the office of the Register of
Deeds in and for tine County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota.
e sit Se Saw, rogam•• am an 00,1mrsolopwaft d" 'W__ 11M on
N. Weand part no SWAIMM
mate &q&jAW vvjsex� AppWastalad.
somd. ne Sea spW PRAY h"
UI "rPOMb SaMS #0
g16 dWy a" V"r pra C&SM WrOkMb
. . . . tiro . ........ .......................... . ...................... . . ..........
In pressaw of . .
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................ ... .
OtAte Of Muntootat ML
county of........ . .........................................
I before me, a
On, taw...._...... ......_._._:.::?.... ...... . . . .. ........_...........day of . . . ........................... d ....... ......... ....... ........
Ilotary Public Wi4thl*,,WW f0jV5 said County, personally appeared
............ ?T ...... . .... . .... ........ ............. ............................... .................
........... ..................................... ......... ........ ............................... .................. ................
to Ms ppmmally'i-nown, who, beinj sach by me duty Morn. .... did say that they are rOSPOCUMly
................. ..........
the ................. 6 _44.L.-pradde" and the ......................... of the corporation named in the
forejoinj instrument, and that the mat affl.=d 90 said instrument is the Corporate Mal of said OOrpWWi'M.
'M Ai
and that said Instrument was siexed and staled in - bduaf Of said eorPOrati by authority of its Board
andsaid . .......... ....................................................................... .. - and
of ...................... Qirr.919A 71 - - - --------- ...... deed of said
&ekn~j'edj*jSWd inAmms" to be the free act and
....... .... . .......
.................. . ........ . ..... .. .... ..... ... ......
NotaryPU bliO ................... .............. ............. .. ...... . ..... . County, .Minn,.
M V c mmission expired, ... ... .... ...... ............
......... 0
Filed for r000rd on the 7 day Of Jmu'AID 1962 at 9M a'alook A.Me
40"Nob AIM—.
ja" AMOU
4" Chi of-
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Parov of 418glo" Part,
ajMVMudM undler A8.3MW df
@Buses". i9Yst &U• Side p iaaa of of Paw PW*' in emddm"m of am a-* Of
= Ad",
. . . ........ JW1
Am . .. . .... th . ...... ...... . . ....... A. 364" go, No=& Pavt, aw M-1po
herar a&%ftGWkd0&' as............ > fro". 3wiS61% emmy unto me saw Pas" Of
tjw Aumd pare. its ammmm we& A,,, pow, Gg a@ trail...... or pwva of Umd 44mil and b93.1
in as county of ....... ........ Alaw] . ..... . . ................ .. I ........ .. 113" State of Ninneseim, dMarea as f*Uews, t--U:
gnat part
. of Lot 9, Block 1, Kob3zlAv 2nd Addition, according to
the recorded 131r.t thereof on tile and of record in the office of the
Register of Deeds in and TOr the County Of Hennepin, State of Minnesota)
dying Westerly of the following described line:
Commencing at a point On the South line Of said Lot 90
distant 130.4 feet westerly from the southeast corner
t'aereof; thence NorthvesterlY to a point on the most
.:;ortherly line of said Lot 9 distant uo.,54 feet Westerly
from the Southeast corner of Lot 1, Block 2, Koilridge
Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof f*.r. file
-3rd of record in the office of the Register of Deeds
in !-nd for the County of Hennepin, State of !v.innesotn.
ge *Ube go to 00[b The &&me. 'Together with all the hereditaiments and appurtenana" there-
unto bzlonfinf OF in anywise appertuininf, to the said party of the sezand part, its successors and assigns.
31t j:eSttmonp Whereat, The said ?jalt icr' Of the first Part have= hereunto set -,10 ir
hands the day and year first ab-le vritteT.
rlsz1 c{EL ,
In presen'�Of
-;;;:4.or-z-. lie 11
ot �tttl�t$4tA, �,.
............ �fmc stet a.
* _...... _. Will
e e � Couwtl/.
.day o:
. ....1........._........ _..... ulithin .
On this _........ and wife, and Iiel$e id. iielson
p. Ilelstm and Old r!• Kels ;
Ludwig and' wife,
;3n.oria ;ielson, husband i�ru.n,c „t,
ibed in, and u;loo execl4ted the fore�oin
and aeknoulcdred tl'( t- 'itul t1,c
. .. dt:ser
to ,ue kno,.vn to be the per” S
(See 4o:e) _...
......... Set ate)
xf) tole (IS heir
;, f
ree act and deal View)
Count>1, •ql inn.
, Public ...........
MY comm.isaion exirire$ .�
See nose°
am for sae N1:e¢ tCe iya:ruxect is eEecuted by
an atsotnev is tact
The bLn ttsarkedgti(_ E �.: r.. C..v+ty. WtintL
Mots: riytnty f - ,j.� L. , ,, %7, )987.
beC„i :... -�:.•- ;.. _ ,
_ c
riled for
record on the Z day of Jura 1D 1962 at 9$80 oeolook ,0110