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MEMORANDUM DATE: January 26, 2010 TO: Hennepin County Taxpayer Services Department CenterPoint Energy USPS: West Edina Carrier Annex (55424, 55436, 55439) Edina Office (5 5410) Normandale Office (55435) Xcel Energy LOGIS GIS Department City of Edina: Water/Utility Department Assessing Department Police Department Health Department VPlanning Department Public Works Department Engineering Department Fire Department Voter Registration FROM: Steve A. Kirchman, Chief Building Official A.(:Ax, SUBJECT: Address Assignment Please be advised of the following address assignment: City of Edina Legal Description: LOT 1 THE PINES ALSO THAT PART OF W 15 FT OF LOT 1 BLK 1 HALIFAX AVE ADDN LYING N OF WLY EXTENSION OF S LINE OF LOT 1 THE PINES PID Number: 19- 028 -24 -44 -0059 Old address: New address: 3905 601h St W Multiple addresses: None Reason for change: Owner request Additional information: None Please adjust your records accordingly. 1:\Building\ Addresses \AddressAssignment\3905 60thStW.doc City Hall 952- 927 -8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX 952 - 826 -0390 EDINA, MINNESOTA, 55424 -1394 www.cityofedina.com TTY 952 - 826 -0379 392d 3937 U28 3813 H Link to the county Y6tebsite b momtry an Microsoft ftm PID: 1902824440059 s932 3921 S93T County Address: S 3`) O5 W`rvl S -f- w 6WS [3 City Address:* 00 F=rG Ama 5 3°!dS` (0 © Zip: 55410 Q School Dist: 0273 OWN ST w ® Owner Change: 3/13/1995 E3 Parent PID: 1902824440037 6809 Lo*_: 000 ® Block: 000 .. 13 Addition #: 76530 3917 3913 3909 11 Display PID: 19- 028 -24-44 -0059 13 Subdivision: The Pines 6013 13 Metes/Bounds: LOT 1 THE PINES ALSO THAT PART OF W 15 FT OF LOT I BLK 1 6016 HALIFAX AVE ADDN LYING N OF WLY EXTENSION OF S LINE OF LOT 1 THE PINES 6009 * The 'City Address' is maintained by the city assessing 6017 deparbnent. The'County Address' is derived from the selected A Parcel aw feature. 6024 y 6013 ®�.■ i7 Owner I: Terry Ingram Trustee 602! © Zoning: R-1 6017 6100 6104 6108 6112 Aaes *: 0 6m MEMORANDUM City of Edina DATE: February 1. 2010 TO: Hennepin County Taxpayer Services Department CenterPoint Energy USPS: West Edina Carrier Annex (55424, 55436, 55439) Edina Office (5 54 10) Normandale Office (55435) Xcel Energy LOG IS G artment City of Ed' a: ater /Utility Department Assessing Department Po e Department Health Department d1 OPla tin Department Public Works Department E i eri Department Fire Department o r Regist ion FROM: ev A. ircl an, ief ng fficial . SUBJECT: A es , 'Sig len Please be advised of the Z owing dre as- men . Legal Description: t LO "f 1 I'HE NE. O " lAT T OF 15 FT OF LOT 1 BLK I HALIFAX VE DN IN . N . F V�,}r' E TENSION OF S LINE OF LOT 1 THE PINE, PID Number: 19- 028 -24 -44 -0059 Old address: 6Wn r....,,,ee n ye c New address: 3905 60th St W Multiple addresses: None Reason for change: Ovvner request Additional inionnation: 7,ip cede changes f r Q Ln..5�4 W tg 55424 Please adjust your records accordingly. I:A[duildint! Add ;c;,;;;�AAddress.Assitnm�n' -.A 90` 6i?tI�SiW2.�lue City Hall 952 - 927 -8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX 952 - 826 -0390 EDINA, MINNESOTA, 55424 -1394 www.cityofedina.com TTY 952 - 826 -0379 1j� oV CA o MEMORANDUM City Of Edina DATE: February 1, 2010 TO: Hennepin County Taxpayer Services Department CenterPoint Energy USPS: West Edina Carrier Annes_ (55424, 55436, 55439) Edina Office (554 10) Normandale Office (55435) Xcei Energy LOG IS G I S Department City of Edina: Water /Utility Department Assessing Department Police Department Health Department Planning Department Public Works Department Engineering Department Fire Department Voter Registration FROM: Steve A. Kirchman, Chief Building Official, SUBJECT: Address Assignment Please be advised of the following address assignment: Legal Description: Lot 13, Block 4, Boran's Edina Manor PID Number Old address New address M u Itiple addresses: I9- 028 -24 -44 -0009 5932 Fran e -Ave -S 3904 60'h St W None Reason for change: Owner request Additional intbrmation: None Pic<ase adjust your records accordingly. 1:�13,ia din \ uldretiscs\ ;dar,5s,A�si;nnunt \3904 00thSt.W.doc City Hall 952 - 927 -8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX 952 - 826 -0390 EDINA, MINNESOTA, 55424 -1394 www.cityofedina.com TTY 952 -826 -0379 IMMERM Aw p e tares le4tnd kaAtrg I lmw�k Map Prnit v. i LR ,�iu �aY�lli.,•�Wh "E'J'�'A.� 14 RM 5920 H Link to the County Website 5928 Pictometry on PiicroSoft Bing 59,13 3806 PID 1 Y2524 i4r,C�09 5933 caTH ST Z!g: 51414 Schoo" Ds`: 0273 0 rner Change: 9, 10,'1.87 S 37 5828 6000 Parent PID: m 3813 L+ ': 013 Bock: 004 _ - Y.ddi*_ion =. 74130 � D Wla-,' PID: 19-02'-, -24 44 -001-1 5941 6004 12 S,iD .,pion: Bo.o s E -!,a flal.o^ b- 6005 Ul I'l? =es� Bou ^-dS- ' The "City Address" i = by the cite assessing department. The *County Address' is derived from the selected 6008 parcel nrapfeature, 607N .M 60000',' ^rar is G!enn tI 6000 6012 3813 3808 r' j Zoning: R-1 -: 6013 Acres 0 6016 Area [Sgft]': 9439 6016 Geometric Acres`; 0.2166777349 Vila Geometric Area rSgFtj': 9438.48213205258 24 6017 6020 u� -mod. v nfls cm, *;c,. -cam t u ays a ww