HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-09-09 City Council Work Session Meeting PacketAgenda City Council Work Session City of Edina, Minnesota Community Room, City Hall Call 800-374-0221, enter Conference ID 3480923 to listen to meeting Tuesday, August 17, 2021 5:30 PM I.Call To Order II.Roll Call III.2022-2023 City Manager Proposed Budget IV.Adjournment The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampli'cation, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Date: August 17, 2021 Agenda Item #: III. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: From:Scott H, Neal, City Manager Item Activity: Subject:2022-2023 City Manager Proposed Budget CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None. INTRODUCTION: Discuss the 2022-2023 City Manager Proposed Budget. ATTACHMENTS: Description Draft Budget Work Plan Staff Presentation V3.0 Draft 3.0 Aug 13, 2021 Page 1 of 8 2022-2023 DRAFT Budget Work Plan Pillar 1: Resilient City infrastructure, facilities, technology, & equipment meets community needs now and in the future. STRONG FOUNDATION OBJECTIVES: • Incorporate financial, societal and environmental costs into decision-making processes. • Incorporate lifecycle and maintenance costs and climate adaptation design practices to allow more informed decision making. • Maintain and replace City facilities, assets and equipment in a manner that avoids deferred maintenance, prevents emergency repair and replaces assets at the most cost-effective time. • Manage the City’s facilities, operations, equipment and capital investments in a manner that increases energy efficiency, reduces the City’s carbon footprint and GHG emissions and meets sustainability goals. Performance indicators and targets for success Measures The specifics strategies will will utilize or projects we will complete this budget-cyle. 2022-2023 Actions How we make decisions and define success for each Pillar. Pillar Objectives The broad outcomes that we need to acheive for a successful budget. Budget Pillars V3.0 Draft 3.0 Aug 13, 2021 Page 2 of 8 2022-2023 DRAFT Budget Work Plan • Design and build resilient infrastructure that reduces flooded structures, improves water quality (drinking and surface) and increases filtered drinking water production. 2022-2023 Actions Department Lead INFRASTRUCTURE (Streets, water, storm, sanitary sewer,) 1 As debt levies expire, increase the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Levy by equivalent amount to establish reliable funding for ongoing building maintenance, replacement, and capital improvements. Finance 2 Capture the Southdale TIF tax capacity for funding street reconstruction Finance 3 Implement decision regarding street assessment financing and transition for years 2022 - 2023 Engineering 4 Host local option sales tax referendum in 2022 general election. If approved, implement the results. Finance/Parks & Rec/City Clerk 5 Approve a clean water strategy for surface waters. (Q32022) Engineering 6 Develop funding strategy to implement a street lighting system and maintenance plan that balances sustainability, public safety, and quality of life goals, including increasing energy efficiency, ensuring safely lit community, and minimizing light pollution. (Q4 2022) Engineering 7 Implement Morningside Flood Infrastructure Project (Q4 2023) Engineering 8 Implement Recommendations from 2020-2021 Utility Rate Study Finance 9 Design and construct Replacement Lift Station #6 Engineering 10 Implement Grandview District Transportation and Utility Improvements Engineering 11 Develop funding plan and implement iron and manganese removal improvements to Water Treatment Plant 6. PW BUILDINGS & FACILITIES 12 Consider recommendations from Parks & Recreation Commission for using alternative funding methods for park improvements and determine next steps. Finance 13 Reassess City Hall Space needs for post-pandemic service delivery. Facilities 14 Implement Green Building Policy into evaluation, design and construction of City capital projects. Engineering 15 Develop roof replacement and rehabilitation plan for City facilities (Q4 2022) Parking ramp, lots, shared maintenance – maintenance agreements ADA Develop funding plan for maintenance of buildings (enterprise & general fund) Engineering 16 Acquire Station 2 construction site. Determine finance method/plans. Select a project architect. Approve construction plans to ensure the building satisfies the needs of City staff to provide 24 hour fire and EMS operations. Include office space for Community Health division within the Station 2 site. Fire/Facilities V3.0 Draft 3.0 Aug 13, 2021 Page 3 of 8 2022-2023 DRAFT Budget Work Plan 17 Determine finance method and plan for Fire Station 3 in the Northeast Quadrant of the City. Propose and acquire site after Station 2 site is determined, utilizing response models to provide efficient emergency response to all residents. Fire TECHNOLOGY & EQUIPMENT 18 Complete SCADA upgrade that monitors and ensures delivery of safe potable water and improve our ability to have a reliable storm and sanitary sewer system. (Currently under contract will be complete in Q2 2022) Public Works 19 Continue Implementation of City’s Green Fleet Policy. Engineering 20 Expand the City’s fiber optic network for faster and more secure connections IT 21 Expand use of GIS – Integrate additional City systems when appropriate. IT 22 Replace Public Safety Computer-aided Dispatch (CAD) and Record Management System (RMS) Go live Q1 2023. Police STRONG FOUNDATION MEASURES 22-23 Targets: • Reduce the City’s building energy GHG emissions by 5 percent annually through implementation of energy management plans, City Sustainability Buildings Policy, ongoing facility maintenance, capital improvements and operational behavior change. • Implement Green Fleet Policy to increase fuel efficiency of City vehicle and equipment fleet 30 percent year-over-year. Pillar 2: City services are delivered effectively and efficiently and best balance community needs. The City delivers a variety of services, including police and fire response, water and sewer, snow plowing and building inspections, that are essential for the safety and wellbeing of those who live, work or visit Edina. In addition, amenities and services including recreation facilities, parks and programs contribute to the overall quality of life within the community. To deliver reliable service, the City needs to recruit and retain a strong workforce that has the resources and technology needed to effectively and efficiently perform their work. RELIABLE SERVICE OBJECTIVES V3.0 Draft 3.0 Aug 13, 2021 Page 4 of 8 2022-2023 DRAFT Budget Work Plan • Provide high-quality services in an efficient manner that demonstrates respect for the public ensures appropriate response times. • Provide a safe and secure working environment for employees. • Promote an engaging and respectful work culture that values employee quality of life, physical and mental-wellbeing and work/life balance. • Provide competitive employee compensation and benefits to attract and retain a skilled and high- performing workforce. • Provide staffing, tools, equipment, resources, and training to meet expectations for service delivery • Utilize effective technology to easily maintain and locate data for the public, reduce risk and provide better data for informed decision-making by elected officials and staff. • Ensure that limited resources (money, equipment and time) are deployed in an equitable and sustainable manner. 2022-2023 Strategy/Action: Department Lead 1 Complete Implementation of ERP inluding,Utility Billing and additional Human Resource modules Finance 2 Determine long-term plan for future of Art Center Building & delivery of Art programs. Parks & Recreation 3 Determine election process for Local Option Sales Tax (LOST ) implementation. Parks & Recreation/ Administration 4 Expand GIS applications and continue to increase integration of disparate City data systems, (e.g., Financial, Human Resources and Geographic Information Systems) for better decision-making and easier access. Information Technology 5 Evaluate remote work and services delivery – long-term impact post-COVID ensure: • resources for employee mental health and work/life balance • Part-time / seasonal staffing model and compensation Human Resources 6 Increase resources for Mental Health calls for service – resources, training, coordination Human Resources/Police 7 Develop and implement plan to respond to challenges and public safety recruitment Fire, Police & Administration 8 Continue to increase diversity of workforce. All Departments 9 Implement new agreement with Edina Public Schools regarding election administration. Administration V3.0 Draft 3.0 Aug 13, 2021 Page 5 of 8 2022-2023 DRAFT Budget Work Plan RELIABLE SERVICEDS MEASURES 22-23 Targets: PILLAR 3: Plan for Connected & Sustainable Development Redevelopment and renewal of commercial and residential real estate is essential to the vibrancy of the community. Redevelopment will play an integral part of providing an inclusive, high quality of life that the Edina community expects. It is important to ensure plans and policies are relevant today and flexible for tomorrow. Incorporating sustainability principles and standards during redevelopment with the goal of reducing the community’s carbon footprint will be critical to human health and safety. Creating sustainable redevelopment requires forward thinking and preparing for the future. ONGOING OBJECTIVES • Determine, track and meet sustainability goals for metrics such as energy, transportation, water and waste. • Connect neighborhoods, businesses and open spaces. • Support the continued high quality of life offered to residents and those who work in Edina. • Promote affordable lifecycle housing. • Demonstrate resiliency to changing climate and future community needs. • Continue installation of sidewalks and shared-use paths (e.g., Twin Loops implementation). 2020-2021 Strategy/Action: Department Lead 1 Continue implementing strategies to create affordable housing units using the affordable housing trust fund and other applicable sources; explore acquiring another parcel for a multi-housing development; continue developing single family and multi-family preservation strategies; Community Development 2 Implement green building policy to incent sustainable building and operational practices for new development and redevelopment. (Connected with 1-2) Engineering V3.0 Draft 3.0 Aug 13, 2021 Page 6 of 8 2022-2023 DRAFT Budget Work Plan 3 Execute and implement redevelopment agreements for 5146 Eden Ave. Comm Dev 4 Implement Climate Action Plan and develop measures /outcomes for success Engineering 5 Explore a strategy to create district parking in the 44th and France Area per the 44th and France Small Area Plan, including parameters that balance current transportation needs and sustainability goals. (Q4 2021) Study will be done – if possible, implement. ??? Keep a place holder. Community Development/ Finance 6 Prepare a District Plan for the Cahill Industrial Park Community Development 7 Implement recommendations of the Housing Strategy Task Force final report Community Development 9 Determine spending plan for available TIF funds by 2022 Community Development/ Finance 10 Explore ways City had incent expansion of fiber optic to public. Community Development 11 Expand the HRA levy to generate funds that can be leveraged for land acquisition, bridge loans and renovations. Community Development/ Finance PILLAR 4: Foster Inclusive and Engaged Community It is important that the City helps to foster a community that is welcoming and inclusive to all who live, work and spend time in Edina. The City wants to ensure that it works for all of the community. Efforts to engage the community will utilize multiple platforms, be informative, transparent, responsive and involve volunteers and City Commissions. BETTER TOGETHER OBJECTIVES • Ensure City policies and practices do not have disparate impacts based on race, color, national origin, creed, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression, familial status or disability. • Conduct clear and meaningful community engagement where: o The decision to be made and decision-making process is clearly defined. o Individuals understand how and when they can participate. o The City communicates what feedback is used and why. V3.0 Draft 3.0 Aug 13, 2021 Page 7 of 8 2022-2023 DRAFT Budget Work Plan o Inclusive engagement methods provide a variety of ways for the public to participate in the decision-making process and ensure all voices are heard. o Residents are satisfied with the process, even if they disagree with the outcome. NEW 2020-2021 Strategy/Action: Department Lead 1 Continue implementation of the Racial Equity Implementation Plan and incorporate new goals/work plans into ongoing dept work plans. Administration 2 Create strategy, tools, and templates for better alignment and measurement of Council Values (Community Engagement, Sustainability, Community Health, and Race & Equity) into City decision-making and purchasing. • Finalize strategy, tools and templates (Q4 2022) • Implement strategy and train on tools and templates (Q3 2023) Administration 3 Strengthen leadership and support for City-wide racial equity work, including providing additional training, tools and resources to embed an equity framework to City processes, services and decisions. This strategy will build upon all employee and leadership training conducted in 2018- 2019. 2022- Focus on strengthen City Council race and equity development through quarterly resources and activities 2022 Implement race and equity training for part-time and seasonal staff that is embedded in on-boarding training. Administration 4 Post-pandemic community engagement evaluation • Public meetings • Virtual or remote participation • Online engagement Administration 5 Implement Board and Commission diversity strategy. (2022-2024) • Create a recruitment / outreach plan that is inclusive and inviting • Establish intentional interview & appointment process • Training & Retention Administration 6 Administer 2023 Quality of Live Survey Communications 7 Strengthen relationships and build ones with residents and underrepresented groups. • Establish inventory of current relationships between the City, residents, groups (2022) • Create plan to make relationships foundational and establish trust between the City and the community (2023) Administration 8 Overall performance dashboards/how to communicate data and results (eg QLS survey). Information Technology/ Administration V3.0 Draft 3.0 Aug 13, 2021 Page 8 of 8 2022-2023 DRAFT Budget Work Plan 9 Complaint process & bias (RE Work Plan) • Develop tracking process and policy (Q2 2022) • Training (Q4 2022) • Implementation and tracking (Q1 2023) Administration 10 Improve Public Safety (Police & Fire, Community Engagement & Demographics) (RE workplan) • Evaluate current community outreach programs in public safety departments. • Create new opportunities for community engagement through communication strategies and promotions. • Create assessment for community engagement opportunities Police, Fire & Administration 11 Ensure successful implementation of ARPA Funding Administration The CITY of EDINA 2022-23 Budget and Preliminary Levy August 17, 2021 The CITY of EDINAAgenda •Budget •Process and Timeline •2022-2023 Preliminary Budget and Levies •Tax Comparisons •Discussion www.EdinaMN.gov 2 The CITY of EDINA www.EdinaMN.gov 3 Edina Consolidated Budget $130M Governmental Funds $75M General Fund $48M Debt Service Fund $7M Construction Fund $11M Special Revenue Funds, including HRA $9M Enterprise Funds $49M Utility Fund $22M Liquor Fund $14M Park Enterprises $13M Internal Service Funds $6M Risk Management $1M Equip. Operations $2M IT $2M Facilities $1M The CITY of EDINAEstimated Market Value (B) 9.1 8.9 9.0 9.8 10.4 10.9 11.6 12.4 12.9 13.3 13.8 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 www.EdinaMN.gov 4 The CITY of EDINA Budget Timeline www.EdinaMN.gov 5 Date Topic Presenter(s) March City Council Retreat Staff June 1 Department Heads submit Budget Requests July 7 ELT Reviews 2022-2023 Budget Draft ELT Discussion July 21 2022-2023 Draft Budget Work Plan & Scenarios CC Work Session Aug. 17 2022-2023 City Manager proposed budget CC Work Session Sept. 9 CC consent to two-year HRA levy CC Meeting Sept. 10 Preliminary HRA Levy Adoption HRA Meeting Sept. 21 Preliminary CC Levy Adoption CC Meeting Oct. 19 2022-2023 Budget Discussion/Update CC Work Session Nov. 16 Open (Another 30 mins with CC?) CC Work Session Dec. 7 TNT Budget Presentation CC Work Session Dec. 7 TNT Budget Hearing (CC and HRA) CC/HRA Meeting Dec. 21 Last Day to Adopt Budget CC/HRA Meeting The CITY of EDINABiennial Budget Process 2021 (Odd Year) Second year of 2020- 2021 Budget Approve 2022-2023 budget, including CIP levy 2020 (Even Year) First year of 2020- 2021 Budget Review/approve of 2021-2026 CIP www.EdinaMN.gov 6 Vision Edina (Twenty-year) Budget Work Plan Operating Budget (Two-year) Department Work Plans (Annual) Employee Work Plans (Annual) Commission Work Plans (Annual) Comprehensive Plan (Ten-year) Capital Improvement Plan (Five-year) Strategic Policy Implementation Level Work Plan Budget Two-Year Budget Work Plan City-Wide Performance Measures Approval: City Council Accountable: City Manager Annual Department Work Plans City-Wide Performance Measures Approval: City Manager Accountable: Department Director Individual Work Plans Annual Performance Reviews Approval: Manager Accountable: Employee Annual Commission Work Plans Approval: City Council Accountable: Commission Budget Work Plan Other Work Plans 2022-2023 Budget & Work Plan GOALS OBJECTIVES STRATEGIES Broad Outcomes (Evergreen) Measurable Results (This Budget) Specific Actions (This Budget) Goals •Fire Stations 2 and 3 •Begin implementation of Street Financing •Implement Morningside flood infrastructure •Design & construct Lift Station #6 •Roof replacement plan for City facilities. •Expand GIS capabilities •Technology Security 2022-2023 Budget Work Plan www.EdinaMN.gov 10 •Evaluate post-pandemic remote work and service delivery. •Re-assess City Hall Space Needs Study for post- pandemic service delivery. •Increase resources for mental health calls for service. •Art Center – long-term plan for building & programs •Implement new elections agreement with EPS 2022-2023 Budget Work Plan www.EdinaMN.gov 11 •Implement Green Building Policy •Implement Climate Action Plan •Affordable Housing •Blake Road Construction •Consider PARC recommendation for alternate funding. 2022-2023 Budget Work Plan www.EdinaMN.gov 12 •Continue Racial Equity Implementation Plan •Assess post-pandemic community engagement strategies (evaluate what to keep, stop, expand) •Implement Board & Commission diversity strategy. •Administer 2023 Quality of Life Survey 2022-2023 Budget Work Plan www.EdinaMN.gov 13 The CITY of EDINAProposed 2022-23 Budget excluding Special Street Levy www.EdinaMN.gov 14 Proposed Proposed 2021 2022 2023 General Fund 33,986,471$ 36,258,036$ 38,497,298$ 6.14% 6.68% 6.18% Arts/Culture 20,000$ -$ -$ 0% -100% N/A Debt Service 3,651,400$ 3,657,000$ 3,653,000$ -20.56% 0.15% -0.11% Construction 4,130,000$ 4,240,000$ 4,350,000$ 45.94% 2.66% 2.59% HRA 230,400$ 237,300$ 244,400$ 20.00% 2.99% 2.99% Total Tax Levy 42,018,271$ 44,392,336$ 46,744,698$ % Increase 5.95% 5.65% 5.30% The CITY of EDINAProposed 2022-23 Budget www.EdinaMN.gov 15 *Special street levy is 2.26% of the increase July 21st Proposed July 21st Proposed 2021 2022 2022 2023 2023 General Fund $ 33,986,471 $ 37,130,486 $ 36,258,036 $ 39,038,281 $ 38,497,298 6.14% 9.25% 6.68% 5.14% 6.18% Arts/Culture $ 20,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - 0% -100% -100% N/A N/A Debt Service $ 3,651,400 $ 3,657,000 $ 3,657,000 $ 3,653,000 $ 3,653,000 -20.56% 0.15% 0.15% -0.11% -0.11% Construction $ 4,130,000 $ 4,240,000 $ 4,240,000 $ 4,350,000 $ 4,350,000 45.94% 2.66% 2.66% 2.59% 2.59% Special Street $ - $ 950,000 $ 950,000 $ 1,210,400 $ 1,210,400 0% N/A N/A 27.41% 27.41% HRA $ 230,400 $ 237,300 $ 237,300 $ 244,400 $ 244,400 20.00% 2.99% 2.99% 2.99% 2.99% Total Tax Levy $ 42,018,271 $ 46,214,786 $ 45,342,336 $ 48,496,081 $ 47,955,098 % Increase 5.95% 9.99% 7.91%* 4.94% 5.76% The CITY of EDINABudget Alignment •Health insurance contractual increases received vs prior estimates Budgeted 3% increase for 2022 and 10% for 2023 •Reallocation of facility staff time from general fund to enterprise funds •Increased budget forecast for building permit revenue •Budget stabilization fund utilized www.EdinaMN.gov 16 The CITY of EDINAPreliminary Tax Levy for 2022 www.EdinaMN.gov 17 Change Reason 2.75% Wage increases 0.66% Benefit increases 1.96% Service level changes, internal service fund charges, and all other changes 0.26% Equipment levy ($100,000) 0.02%HRA levy ($6,900) 5.65%Total 2022 levy without Special Street levy 2.26%Special Street levy ($950,000) 7.91%Total 2022 City + HRA levy increase The CITY of EDINAIncreased Capital Funding www.EdinaMN.gov 18 •Planned increase to Capital Improvement Plan Levy •5% annual increase to Equipment Levy 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Construction Fund Levies Capital Improvement Plan Levy 300,000 800,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 Equipment Levy 1,930,000 2,030,000 2,130,000 2,240,000 2,350,000 The CITY of EDINAGeneral Fund Wages and Benefits www.EdinaMN.gov 19 0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10% 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022Total Budgeted Wages and Benefits IncreaseMarket Adjustment Benefits Other Wages - New Positions & Other Job Changes The CITY of EDINABudgeted Market Adjustments www.EdinaMN.gov 20 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Market Adjustments 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 2.0% The CITY of EDINA2022 Estimated Levy Impacts •In 2021 the median home pays about $135 per month in property taxes to fund all City provided services. •Total EMV is increasing by about 3.7% for taxes payable in 2022. The median value single family home is now $571,800. •With a 7.91% property tax levy increase, the effect on the 2022 median valued home would be about a: •- 4.4% increase in City property taxes. •- $71 increase per year, or $5.90 per month. •- $141 payment per month in 2022 City property taxes. www.EdinaMN.gov 21 The CITY of EDINA •$6.8 million added back to tax base •Tax impact (incl SD II TIF) - $71 •Tax impact (w/o SD II TIF) – $152 www.EdinaMN.gov 22 Southdale 2 Tax Impact The CITY of EDINA2022 HRA Levy •State law allows an HRA to levy up to 0.0185% the previous year’s taxable market value of all property in the City. This limit would produce tax revenue of about $2.5M in Edina. •An HRA raises its own levy separate from the City. •HRA levies must be used only for purposes listed in the HRA Act. •A $237,300 HRA levy in Edina would be $9.00/year for a median single-family home ($571,800) www.EdinaMN.gov 23 The CITY of EDINAProperty Tax History www.EdinaMN.gov 24 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 City tax $1,082 $1,102 $1,140 $1,195 $1,266 $1,319 $1,393 $1,474 $1,566 $1,623 $1,694 Total tax $5,410 $5,449 $5,606 $5,835 $6,276 $6,367 $6,715 $6,982 $7,251 $7,247 Median Value $403,10 $396,30 $399,70 $438,80 $457,30 $466,50 $501,00 $530,65 $548,50 $551,30 $571,80 $1,082 $1,694 $5,410 $7,247 $- $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 $7,000 $8,000 "Median" Value Home The CITY of EDINANext Steps •Based on Council Input, continue to refine 2022-2023 Budget •City Manager proposed budget on Aug. 17 •Consent to HRA Tax Levy on Sept. 9 •Certify Preliminary Tax Levy on Sept. 21 •Budget Discussion/Update to Council at Work Session on Oct. 19 •Public Hearing for 2021 Budget on Dec. 7 •Final Date to Take Action on 2021 Budget is Dec. 21 www.EdinaMN.gov 25 The CITY of EDINAQuestions/Discussion www.EdinaMN.gov 26