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2020-01-29 Planning Commission Regular Meeting Packet
Agenda Planning Com m ission City Of Edina, Minnesota City Hall Council Chambers, 4801 W. 50th Street Wednesday, January 29, 2020 7:00 PM I.Call To Order II.Roll Call III.Approval Of Meeting Agenda IV.Approval Of Meeting Minutes A.Minutes: Planning Commission January 8, 2020 V.Community Comment During "Community Comment," t he Board/Commission will invite resi dent s to share r elevant i ssues or concerns. Individuals must l i mi t t heir comments to three mi nutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same i ssue in t he int erest of time and topic. Gener al ly speaking, i tems that ar e elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Indi vi dual s should not expect the Chai r or Boar d/Commission Member s to respond to t heir comment s tonight. Instead, the Board/Commi ssion might refer the mat ter to st a% for consi derat i on at a future meeting. VI.Public Hearings A.PUBLIC HEARING: Preliminary Plat with Varia nces, 5928 Ashcroft Avenue B.PUBLIC HEARING: Variance Request B-20-2, 4630 Edgebrook Place C.PUBLIC HEARING: Variance Request B-20-1, 6000 Beard Ave. D.PUBLIC HEARING: Variance Request B-20-3, 7318 Claredon Driv e. E.PUBLIC HEARING: Site Pla n Modi:cation Review for 3121 W. 69th St. F.PUBLIC HEARING: Preliminary Plat for 7101 a nd 7151 Metro Boulevard VII.Reports/Recommendations VIII.Correspondence And Petitions IX.Chair And Member Comments X.Sta ? Comments XI.Adjournment The City of Edina wants all res idents to be c om fortabl e bei ng part of the publi c proc ess . If you need as s is tanc e i n the way of heari ng am pli :c ation, an interpreter, large-print doc um ents or s om ethi ng els e, pleas e c al l 952-927-8861 72 ho urs in advance of the m eeting. Date: January 29, 2020 Agenda Item #: I V.A. To:P lanning C o mmis s io n Item Type: Minutes F rom:Liz O ls on, Adminis trative S uppo rt S p ecialist Item Activity: Subject:Minutes : P lanning C ommission January 8, 2020 Action C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED : P lease approve the M inutes from the P lanning C ommission meeting on January 8, 2020. I N TR O D U C TI O N : AT TAC HME N T S : Description January 8, 2020 Planning Commis s ion Minutes Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: January 29, 2020 Page 1 of 3 Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Planning Commission Edina City Hall Council Chambers January 8, 2020 I. Call To Order Chair Olsen called the meeting to order at 7:01 PM. II. Roll Call Answering the roll call were: Commissioners Miranda, Thorsen, Strauss, Nemerov, Bennett, Lee, Douglas and Chair Olsen. Staff Present: Cary Teague, Community Development Director, Kaylin Eidsness, Senior Communications Coordinator, Liz Olson, Administrative Support Specialist. Absent from the roll call: Commissioners Berube, Velavuli, and Melton. III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda Commissioner Strauss moved to approve the January 8, 2020, agenda. Commissioner Thorsen seconded the motion as amended. The motion carried unanimously. IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes A. Minutes: Planning Commission, November 13, 2019 The Commission discussed possible changes to the minutes with submission of bulleted summary points. Commissioner Lee moved to approve the November 13, 2019, meeting minutes, subject to the addition of the list of bullet points provided by Commission Lee and placed in front of each Commissioner. Commissioner Douglas seconded the motion as amended. The motion carried unanimously. B. Minutes: Planning Commission, December 11, 2019 The Commission discussed possible changes to the minutes. Commissioner Strauss moved to approve the December 11, 2019, meeting minutes. Commissioner Lee seconded the motion as amended. The motion carried unanimously. Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: January 29, 2020 Page 2 of 3 V. Community Comment None. VI. Public Hearings A. Preliminary Plat with Variances – 5928 Ashcroft Avenue Director Teague requested the public hearing be continued to the Planning Commission on January 29, 2020. Motion Commissioner Thorsen moved to continue the Public Hearing to January 29, 2020. Commissioner Douglas seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. VII. Reports/Recommendations A. Sketch Plan Review – 7001 & 7025 France Avenue Director Teague presented the request of a sketch plan review for 7001 & 7025 France Avenue . Mr. Carl Runck, Ryan Companies, Josh Ecotrin, Ryan A&E, and Terry Bernard, Confluence, addressed the Commission. Commission summary points: Project is important to the Southdale area and captures the guidelines Likes Identification of buildings and building types and sizes Would like to see more enhanced water and landscaping features, incorporating large trees and green pavers Foster connections between elements that will not change Excited with the versatility and internal housing in the plan Create a park venue for visual place identification Connect with adjoining projects to create pedestrian experience concepts Transit alternatives recommended. Does not match what needs to be done for the future Restrict drive throughs VIII. Correspondence and Petitions None. IX. Chair and Member Comments Commissioner Bennett applauded Commissioner Miranda for being bold with the sketch plan. Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: January 29, 2020 Page 3 of 3 Planner Teague updated the Commission on upcoming proposed Ordinance review and changes. X. Staff Comments Planner Teague reported on City Council updates. XI. Adjournment Commissioner Miranda moved to adjourn the January 8, 2020, Meeting of the Edina Planning Commission at 9:09 PM. Commissioner Nemerov seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Date: January 29, 2020 Agenda Item #: VI.A. To:P lanning C o mmis s io n Item Type: R eport and R ec o mmendation F rom:C ary Teague, C o mmunity Development Directo r Item Activity: Subject:P UBLI C HE AR I NG : P reliminary P lat with Varianc es , 5928 Ashcroft Avenue Action C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED : R ecommend the C ity C ouncil approve the request. S taff has outlined options for the P lanning Commission to consider in the attached staff report. I N TR O D U C TI O N : N athan R aich on behalf of the property owner K evin F ischer is requesting a subdivision of 5928 Ashcroft Avenue. T he existing home on the lot would be torn down, and two new homes built on the new parcels. B oth lots would gain access off Ashcroft Avenue. T his lot was originally platted as two lots. T he applicants are proposing to restore the original plat. AT TAC HME N T S : Description Staff Report Engineering Memo Preliminary Plat & Grading & Drainage Plan Exis ting Conditions 500 Foot Median Calculations Site Location Maps Recent Similar Subdivis ions Street View January 29, 2020 Planning Commission Cary Teague, Community Development Director PUBLIC HEARING: Preliminary Plat with Variances for 5928 Ashcroft Avenue Information / Background: Nathan Raich on behalf of the property owner Kevin Fischer is requesting a subdivision of 5928 Ashcroft Avenue. The existing home on the lot would be torn down, and two new homes built on the new parcels. Both lots would gain access off Ashcroft Avenue. This lot was originally platted as two lots. The applicants are proposing to restore the original plat. (See applicant narrative and plans attached.) To accommodate the request the following is required: 1. A subdivision; 2. Lot width variances from 75 feet to 50 feet for both lots; and 3. Lot area variances from 9,000 square feet to 6,813 and 6,790 square feet; and Within this neighborhood, the median lot area is 8,841 square feet, median lot depth is 135 feet, and the median lot width is 66 feet. (See attached median calculations.) Surrounding Land Uses The lots on all sides of the subject properties are zoned and guided low-density residential. Existing Site Features The existing site contains a single-family home. STAFF REPORT Page 2 Planning Guide Plan designation: Single-dwelling residential Zoning: R-1, Single-dwelling district Lot Dimensions Area Lot Width Depth REQUIRED 9,000 s.f. 75 feet 135 feet Lot 1 6,813 s.f.* 50 feet* 135 feet Lot 7 6,790 s.f.* 50 feet* 135 feet * Variance Required Grading/Drainage and Utilities The city engineer has reviewed the proposed plans and found them acceptable, subject to conditions. (See the attached memo from the city engineer.) Note that a 10-foot utility easement must be established on the north lot line of Lot 1. No structure shall be located within the easement. Drainage would flow to the street in the front yard and to the rear toward rainwater garden/infiltration basins that would be constructed in the rear yard of each lot. (See attached grading and drainage plan.) There shall be no increase in peak rate or volume to neighboring properties. Any disturbance to the roadway caused by the construction of the new homes must be repaired. The detailed grading plans would be reviewed by the city engineer at the time of a building permit application. A construction management plan will be required for the construction of the new home. Specific hook-up locations would be reviewed at the time of a building permit for each lot. A Minnehaha Creek Watershed District permit would also be required. Tree Removal Per the City’s tree ordinance, trees may be removed within a 10-foot radius of building pads and a 5-foot radius of driveways. Any tree removed outside of those areas would need to be replaced. A more detailed review would occur at the time of building permit review for each lot. History of Subdivision Requests with Variances The City of Edina has considered several subdivision requests with variances in this general area. (See attached area map.) The following is the history in the past 15 years: History of Recent Subdivisions with Variances STAFF REPORT Page 3 1. In 2006, the property at 5901 France Avenue received variances to build four (4) 66-foot wide lots consistent with the area. (Median = 9,269 s.f. & 73 feet wide.) 2. In 2008, 6120 Brookview Avenue was proposed to be divided into two (2) 50-foot lots; however, the applicant withdrew the request before action was taken. (Median = 6,700 s.f. & 50 feet wide.) 3. In 2009, a 100-foot lot at 5920 Oaklawn was granted variances to divide into two (2) 50-foot lots. (Median = 6,699 s.f. & 50 feet wide.) 4. In 2011, the property at 5829 Brookview was granted variances to divide into two (2) 50-foot lots. (Median = 6,769 s.f. & 50 feet wide.) 5. In 2012, the property at 6109 Oaklawn was denied the request to subdivide the property into two (2) 50-foot lots. (Median = 6,701 s.f. & 50 feet wide.) 6. In 2012, 6120 Brookview was again proposed for subdivision. That request was denied. (Median = 6,700 s.f. & 50 feet wide.) 7. In 2012, 5945 Concord was denied the request to subdivide the property into two (2) 50-foot lots. (Median = 10,028 s.f. & 77 feet wide.) 8. In 2015, a 100-foot lot at 5825 Ashcroft Avenue was granted variances to divide into two (2) 50-foot lots. (Median = 6,790 s.f. & 50 feet wide.) 9 In 2015, 5945 Concord was approved for a request to subdivide the property into two (2) 50-foot lots. (Median = 10,028 s.f. & 77 feet wide.) 10. In 2016, 5845 Kellogg Avenue was denied a request to subdivide the property into two (2) 50-foot lots. (Median = 6,715 s.f. & 50 feet wide.) 11. In 2017, 6124 Ewing Avenue was approved for a request to subdivide into two (2) lots with lot width and area variances. (Median = 11,500 s.f. & 80 feet wide.) 12. In 2017, 5404 Park Place was approved for a request to subdivide into two (2) lots with lot width variances from 75 feet to 65 feet for each lot; and lot area variances from 9,000 square feet to 8,705 and 8,840 square feet. (Median = 8,107 s.f. & width was 60 feet wide.) 13. In 2019, 5841 Oaklawn was approved for a request to subdivide into two (2) lots with lot width variances from 75 feet to 50 feet for one lot; and lot area variances from 9,000 square feet to 8,793 and 6,694 square feet. The City has approved and denied similar subdivisions in this neighborhood. However, in the instances when subdivisions have been denied, the area immediately surrounding the site contained a wide variety of lot sizes. In instances when subdivisions have been approved, the requesting lot was oversized (twice as large) compared to lots in the immediate area. Please note that this lot is STAFF REPORT Page 4 located within a neighborhood where similar requests have been approved and denied. (See attached location maps.) Including the lot at the corner of 59th and Concord that was both denied (in 2012) and then approved (in 2015) by the City. (See #7 and #9 above.) There are lots in this immediate area that are similar in size, including across the street and to the south. Primary Issue Are the findings for a variance met? • Are the findings for a variance met? Yes. Staff believes that the findings for a Variance are met for this subdivision. Per state law and the Zoning Ordinance, a variance should not be granted unless it is found that the enforcement of the ordinance would cause practical difficulties in complying with the zoning ordinance and that the use is reasonable. As demonstrated below, staff believes the proposal meets the variance standards, when applying the three conditions: a) Will the proposal relieve practical difficulties that prevent a reasonable use from complying with the ordinance requirements? Yes. Reasonable use does not mean that the applicant must show the land cannot be put to any reasonable use without the variance. Rather, the applicant must show that there are practical difficulties in complying with the code and that the proposed use is reasonable. “Practical difficulties” may include functional and aesthetic concerns. The practical difficulty is due to the fact that previous property owners did not develop on the lot that is proposed to be divided. The original owner purchased two lots and combined them into one lot and built a home over the two lots. (See the attached original plat.) The requested variances to split this lot are reasonable in the context of this block. The lots to the west, north and south are similar in size. Within this block, the City approved this same request (in 2015) to divide 5945 Concord Road into two 50-foot lots. The proposed subdivision would result in two lots more characteristic of this block. If the variances were denied, the applicant would be denied a subdivision of property which the lots would be the same or like existing lots in the area. The applicant is proposing to restore the lots into the form of the original plat. b) There are circumstances that are unique to the property, not common to every similarly zoned property, and that are not self-created? The circumstances regarding the size of the lot, and that a previous property owner built on and developed the site from two lots into one. That condition was not created by the applicant. STAFF REPORT Page 5 c) Will the variance alter the essential character of the neighborhood? No. The proposed improvements requested by the variance would not alter the essential character of the neighborhood. Two new single-family homes would be constructed on lots similar in size to the lots to the west and south. Options for Consideration As demonstrated on pages 2-3 of this report, there are options for consideration when considering a subdivision like this one. The following outlines options for the Planning Commission and City Council to consider. Denial Recommend that the City Council deny the proposed two lot subdivision of 5928 Ashcroft Avenue with lot width variances from 75 feet to 50 feet and lot area variances from 9,000 square feet to 6,813 and 6,790 square feet. Denial is based on the following findings: 1. The Subject Property is a conforming single-family residential lot with a new single-family house and has a taxable market value of $630,000. Reasonable use of the property exists today. 2. There are no practical difficulties in complying with the zoning ordinance standards. The requested variances to split this lot are not reasonable in the context of the immediate neighborhood. The existing lot is similar in size to the lots to the east on Ashcroft (across the street) and the corner lot to the south. The Subject Property is 13,585 square feet in size and 100 feet wide, more like the lot across the street at 13,613 square feet and 100 feet wide, and the corner lot to the south which is 13,588 square feet and 100 feet wide. 3. The practical difficulty alleged by the applicant’s proposal to subdivide the property is self- created. 4. The need for the variance is created only by Applicant’s desire to maximize the return on its investment. Such economic considerations alone do not constitute practical difficulties. Approval Recommend that the City Council approve the proposed two lot subdivision of 5928 Ashcroft Avenue with lot width variances from 75 feet to 50 feet and lot area variances from 9,000 square feet to 6,813 and 6,790 square feet. Approval is based on the following findings: 1. Except for the variances, the proposal meets the required standards and ordinance for a subdivision. STAFF REPORT Page 6 2. The proposal re-establishes the original plat of two lots. 3. The proposed lots would be similar in size than all lots on Concord to the west and the majority of lots on the 5900 block of Ashcroft. 4. The practical difficulty is due to the fact that previous property owners did not develop on the lot that is proposed to be divided. The original owner purchased two lots and combined them into one lot and built a home over the two lots. 5. The requested variances to split this lot are reasonable in the context of the immediate neighborhood. The lots to the west, north and south are similar in size. 6. The proposed subdivision would result in two lots more characteristic of the lots to the west, north and south. Approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. The City must approve the final plat within one year of preliminary approval or receive a written application for a time extension or the preliminary approval will be void. 2. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the following items must be submitted: a. Submit evidence of Minnehaha Creek Watershed District approval. The City may require revisions to the preliminary plat to meet the district’s requirements. b. A curb-cut permit must be obtained from the Edina engineering department. c. A grading, drainage and erosion control plan subject to review and approval of the city engineer. The proposed plans shall meet all conditions outlined in the engineering memo dated January 2, 2019. d. There shall be no increase in peak rate or volume to neighboring private property. e. Any disturbance to the roadway caused by the construction of the new homes must be repaired by replacing the asphalt pavement from curb-to-curb and from saw-cut to saw-cut. f. A construction management plan will be required for the construction of the new homes. g. Utility hook-ups are subject to review of the city engineer. h. The Final Plat must show a 10-foot utility easement along the north lot line of Lot 1. No structure shall be located within any easement area, effectively establishing a 10- foot side-yard setback to the north lot line of Lot 1. i. New homes shall conform to the city’s tree ordinance. STAFF REPORT Page 7 Staff Recommendation Recommend that the City Council approve the proposed two lot subdivision of 5928 Avenue with lot width variances from 75 feet to 50 feet and lot area variances from 9,000 square feet to 6,813 and 6,790 square feet, subject to the findings and conditions above. Deadline for a City Decision: March 1, 2020 DATE: January 2, 2020 TO: Cary Teague – Planning Director FROM: Zuleyka Marquez – Graduate Engineer RE: 5928 Ashcroft Avenue - Subdivision Review The Engineering Department has reviewed the subject property for street and utility concerns, grading, storm water, erosion and sediment control and for general adherence to the relevant ordinance sections. This review was performed at the request of the Planning Department; a more detailed review will be performed at the time of building permit application. Plans reviewed include the preliminary plat dared 7/26/19, existing survey dated 7/15/19, and existing HydroCAD dated 07/29/19. Survey Provide updated survey with City owned public utilities and easements shown. A 15-inch storm sewer pipe exists along the north 10-ft of lot 1. It was installed in 2005 at the request of area property owners. Verify location of 10-ft drainage and utility easement. If no easement was recorded, applicant required to provide 10- ft easement for future maintenance of the storm sewer pipe. No structures shall be constructed within the drainage and utility easement. Grading and Drainage The existing site drains to private property to the west and Ashcroft Avenue to the east. Grading for Lot 1 and 2 will closely match existing drainage paths. Applicant shall try to direct as much stormwater flow east to Ashcroft Avenue from both Lots 1 and 2. Floodplain Mitigation Lot 1 overlaps with two existing 1% annual chance flood shapes . T he flood elevation is 881.8’ to the west (NC_158) and 884.5’ to the east (NC_157). Lot 2 also overlaps with the flood shape to the west. Lowest entry elevation must be a minimum of 2 feet above the 1% annual chance flood elevation. The window wells in the rear shall be tied into the foundation to decrease the risk of basement flooding. A net cut volume of 41 cubic feet is indicated for the flood shape in sub-watershed NC_158. Applicant to indicate if fill is proposed under the flood elevation 884.5’—mitigation would be required. Stormwater Mitigation City of Edina Building Policy SP-003 requires stormwater mitigation for this project and requires a stormwater management plan. The subject property contributes to a structural flooding issue. The applicant’s stormwater management plan illustrates the use of swales and rain gardens. HydroCAD for existing conditions was provided. Applicant to provide HydroCAD proposed conditions to ensure no net increase in peak rate and volume reduction calculations. Applicant shall try to direct as much stormwater flow east to Ashcroft Avenue from both Lots 1 and 2. Erosion and Sediment Control The erosion and sediment control plan is in general compliance with the City of Edina Building Policy SP-002. Street and Curb Cut Curb cut permits will be required to replace/relocate existing curb cut. Public Utilities Water and sanitary sewer is served from Ashcroft Avenue. Per City of Edina Building Policy SP-024, a one-inch water service line is required from the curb stop to the dwelling. An additional lateral will be required for both water and sanitary. Additional laterals will require Met Council sac and City REC (water and sanitary sewer) fees. O ther Items A Minnehaha Creek Watershed District permit will be required. A final grade as-built survey and inspection will be required to verify compliance with the approved stormwater plan. If connecting to the City sump line, a permit and compliance with City of Edina Building Policy SP-006 will be required. #LICENSE NO.DATES1JUNE 12, 2019Minnetonka, Minnesota 55345Phone (952) 474-796417917 Highway 7Web: www.advsur.comAdvanceSurveying & Engineering, Co.NR PROPERTIES5928 ASHCROFT AVENUECLIENT NAME / JOB ADDRESSEDINA, MNSHEET TITLEMEAN / MEDIANCOMPUTATIONSSHEET NO.SHEET 1 OF 1DRAWING ORIENTATION & SCALE2001000190740 TBDRAWING NUMBERDATE DRAFTED:DATE SURVEYED:N/AJUNE 12, 2019# 42379Thomas M. BloomSHEET SIZE22 X 34SCALE - 1" = 100'SCOPE OF WORK & LIMITATIONS:1.Using the Hennepin County GIS information for lot size.2.We scanned the Hennepin County half section maps and inserted theminto this CAD drawing to determine the length and widths for theirregular shaped lots.3.No fieldwork was done for any part of these calculations. History of Similar Requests EdinaMN.gov 1 2&6 3 4 7&9 8 5 1 Approved 10 11 12 History of Recent Subdivisions with Variances 1. In 2006, the property at 5901 France Avenue received variances to build four (4) 66-foot wide lots consistent with the area. (Median = 9,269 s.f. & 73 feet wide.) 2. In 2008, 6120 Brookview Avenue was proposed to be divided into two (2) 50- foot lots; however, the applicant withdrew the request before action was taken. (Median = 6,700 s.f. & 50 feet wide.) 3. In 2009, a 100-foot lot at 5920 Oaklawn was granted variances to divide into two (2) 50-foot lots. (Median = 6,699 s.f. & 50 feet wide.) 4. In 2011, the property at 5829 Brookview was granted variances to divide into two (2) 50-foot lots. (Median = 6,769 s.f. & 50 feet wide.) 5. In 2012, the property at 6109 Oaklawn was denied the request to subdivide the property into two (2) 50-foot lots. (Median = 6,701 s.f. & 50 feet wide.) 6. In 2012, 6120 Brookview was again proposed for subdivision. That request was denied. (Median = 6,700 s.f. & 50 feet wide.) 7. In 2012, 5945 Concord was denied the request to subdivide the property into two (2) 50-foot lots. (Median = 10,028 s.f. & 77 feet wide.) 8. In 2015, a 100-foot lot at 5825 Ashcroft Avenue was granted variances to divide into two (2) 50-foot lots. (Median = 6,790 s.f. & 50 feet wide.) 9 In 2015, 5945 Concord was approved for a request to subdivide the property into two (2) 50-foot lots. (Median = 10,028 s.f. & 77 feet wide.) 10. In 2016, 5845 Kellogg Avenue was denied a request to subdivide the property into two (2) 50-foot lots. (Median = 6,715 s.f. & 50 feet wide.) 11. In 2017, 6124 Ewing Avenue was approved for a request to subdivide into two (2) lots with lot width and area variances. (Median = 11,500 s.f. & 80 feet wide.) 12. In 2017, 5404 Park Place was approved for a request to subdivide into two (2) lots with lot width variances from 75 feet to 65 feet for each lot; and lot area variances from 9,000 square feet to 8,705 and 8,840 square feet. (Median = 8,107 s.f. & width was 60 feet wide.) 13. In 2019, 5841 Oaklawn was approved for a request to subdivide into two (2) lots with lot width variances from 75 feet to 50 feet for one lot; and lot area variances from 9,000 square feet to 8,793 and 6,694 square feet. Site Date: January 29, 2020 Agenda Item #: VI.B. To:P lanning C o mmis s io n Item Type: R eport and R ec o mmendation F rom:Emily Bo d eker, Assistant C ity P lanner Item Activity: Subject:P UBLI C HE AR I NG : Variance R eques t B-20-2, 4630 Ed gebrook P lac e Action C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED : Approve the variance as requested. I N TR O D U C TI O N : T he subject property, 4630 E dgebrook P lace, is approximately .4 acres (17,396 square feet) and is located on the west side of E dgebrook P lace, east of Mill P ond. T he existing home on the lot is a two-story single-family home built in 1935. T he applicant is requesting a variance for a side yard setback to accommodate a proposed addition off the rear of the existing house. T he existing house currently has a non-conforming setback on the first and second floor. T he proposed 3-story addition is flush with the existing wall with the non-conforming setback. T he proposed addition is 7 feet by 24.75 feet most of which is located outside of the required side yard setback. T he existing lower level of the house does not have living space under the garage/living room area on the first floor. T he proposed project includes adding living space under this area (in line with the non-conforming setback). T his is the reason the applicant is requesting the variance. T he non-conforming setback currently doesn’t exist on the lower level. T he square footage on the first and second floors is under the 200 square feet allowed with additions to non-conforming setbacks. With the exception of the height, the proposed garage addition meets all other zoning requirements. S ee B T E comments here AT TAC HME N T S : Description Staff Report Aerial Map Applicant Submittal Engineering Memo January 29, 2020 PLANNING COMMISSION Emily Bodeker, Assistant City Planner B-20-2, A 3.4-foot side yard setback variance for an addition at 4630 Edgebrook Place Information / Background: The subject property, 4630 Edgebrook Place, is approximately .4 acres (17,396 square feet) and is located on the west side of Edgebrook Place, east of Mill Pond. The existing home on the lot is a two-story single-family home built in 1935. The applicant is requesting a variance for a side yard setback to accommodate a proposed addition off the rear of the existing house. The existing house currently has a non-conforming setback on the first and second floor. The proposed 3-story addition is flush with the existing wall with the non-conforming setback. The proposed addition is 7 feet by 24.75 feet most of which is located outside of the required side yard setback. The existing lower level of the house does not have living space under the garage/living room area on the first floor. The proposed project includes adding living space under this area (in line with the non- conforming setback). This is the reason the applicant is requesting the variance. The non-conforming setback currently doesn’t exist on the lower level. The square footage on the first and second floors is under the 200 square feet allowed with additions to non-conforming setbacks. With the exception of the height, the proposed garage addition meets all other zoning requirements. Surrounding Land Uses Northerly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. Easterly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. Southerly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. Westerly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. STAFF REPORT Page 2 Existing Site Features 4630 Edgebrook Place is 17,396 square feet (.4 acres) and is located on the west side of Edgebrook Place and west of Mill Pond. The home is a two-story single-family home located in the Country Club District, was built in 1935 and is classified as an American Colonial Revival style. Planning Guide Plan designation: Low-Density Residential Zoning: R-1, Single-Dwelling District Grading & Drainage There is minor grading proposed with the proposed addition and retaining wall. Existing and proposed site drainage is directed to Mill Pond / Minnehaha Creek. There Is no stormwater mitigation required with the proposed project. Compliance Table City Standard Proposed North Side – Side yard East Side - Front yard South– Side yard West Side – Rear yard 10 feet 39.25 feet 10 feet 50 feet from OHWL 8.9 Existing 32.6 feet Existing 6.6 feet* Approximately 110 feet Building Coverage 25% 15.2% *Requires a variance STAFF REPORT Page 3 PRIMARY ISSUES & STAFF RECOMENDATION Primary Issues • Is the proposed variance justified? Minnesota Statues and Section 36-98 of the Edina Zoning Ordinance require that the following conditions must be satisfied affirmatively. The proposed variance will: 1) Relieve practical difficulties that prevent a reasonable use from complying with ordinance requirements. Reasonable use does not mean that the applicant must show the land cannot be put to any reasonable use without the variance. Rather, the applicant must show that there are practical difficulties in complying with the code and that the proposed use is reasonable. “Practical difficulties” may include functional and aesthetic concerns. The practical difficulty difficulties designing for the existing home in its present location with its existing non-conforming side yard setback. The home is located in the Country Club District and can’t be torn down. The applicant is following the geometry of the house in a reasonable way. 2) There are circumstances that are unique to the property, not common to every similarly zoned property, and that are not self-created? The subject property is irregular in shape. The requested variance is minimal and is so the applicant can add living space under the existing first floor. It is not common to every similarly zoned property. 3) Will the variance alter the essential character of the neighborhood? Granting the variance will not alter the character of the neighborhood. The proposed setback is the same as the existing non-conforming setbacks on the south side of the subject property. Recommended Action: Approve a 3.4-foot side yard setback variance for the proposed addition at 4630 Edgebrook Place. Approval is subject to the following findings: 1. The proposed use is permitted. 2. The proposal meets the variance criterial. The practical difficulty is caused by the irregular shaped lot and the placement of the existing single-family home. 3. The proposed addition is reasonable and would not impact adjacent properties. 4. Granting the variance will not alter the character of the neighborhood. STAFF REPORT Page 4 Approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. Survey date stamped December 20, 2019 2. Elevations and plans date stamped December 20, 2019. 3. Compliance with the conditions and comments listed in the Environmental Engineer’s memo. Edina, Hennepin, MetroGIS | © WSB & Associates 2013, © WSB & Associates 2013 4630 Edgebrook Place January 23, 2020 Map Powered by DataLink from WSB & Associates 1 in = 100 ft / Visi103 :110 A110 O 0.) mm OTS 0 m co 0- 0 I— 0 M 0 m 'VON 1-1! PaTenoue `9€61. 17Z1799 NW tu!P3 2019.12.20 - VARIANCE PACKAGE FOR SUBMISSION TO CITY FO EDINA - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION z ISSUE DATE: December 20, 2019 PROJECT PHASE: VARIANCE SUBMISSION PROJECT NUMBER: 17-056 1- 2> V) -I M mm KELLY RESIDENCE 4630 EDGEBROOK PLACE EDINA, MN 55424 n REHKAMP LARSON ARCHITECTS INC. 2732 West 43rd Street, Mpls, MN 55410 Tel. 612-285-7275 Fax. 612-285-7274 Po Pos.o 403 40'MAKE \\ • • • '2', N. • / 884. • 905E 906 8 07.0 I hereby certify that this survey, plan, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly registered Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. W. BROWN LAND SURVEYING, INC. DATED: 12-20-2019 \‘` • \ \ \ • • WOODROW A. BROWN, R.L.S. MN REG 15230 BOOK/PAGE REFERENCE SHEET 126-18 158/20 1 of 1 JOB NO. 390-19 DRAWN CME BENCHMARK T.N.H. at the Northeast Corner of #4626 Edgebrook Pl. Elevation = 905.90. SITE ADDRESS 4630 Edgebrook P1. Edina, MN 55424 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Lot 14, Block 14, COUNTRY CLUB DISTRICT BROWN SECTION, Hennepin County, Minnesota. WOO Wolof Main ▪ Telephone Pedestal O Manhole O Water Shutoff Timber Retaining Won Stone Retaining 5°0 o900.0 Exiting Devotion 0900.010 Top of Curb Devotion 0903.01W Top of Woe Devotion Exiting Contour ..411•2 Bowe flood Devotion Ordinory High Wader Level • Found Iron Monument Proposed Erosion Control IOWA* Proposed Devotion Proposed Retaining Woll wewt*OOH Proposed Contour PROPOSED SITE PLAN FOR: CHAD & JESSICA KELLY LEGEND \,904.0 /1899 ren6r um-soca aqua Alo01.901.0 903.6 \ a I /t -r L. •_/ I ISS" It,\ \ • oe. \T7241". • •N \ \ \ \ A \ • „ • \ I \co.:. .19 1 WRYLY UNEX • • 0.'4/ „, \\ \ \ • \ .• , ,e•. \ \ A \ \ \\, A \ \ \\ •, °", \\N \\`, ,,.\ .\ \\ , ,, \ • \ • \ \ \ \ \ 1 7 ,, \., ..,. 7 6 ' , \ "-K \ re/6.9 A \ \ \ , . . . . \\ , . . . . . .., . . . . . . •. ',/ ,, -, se \ • L`co\\ \A '.\ 1 4 \ TROUP 6 1:0411101.\ \ \ \ \/ \\"' I 4V' . . . • • . \ \ \ \ \\ \\ \\ `\ \ y \ \ V\ \ '• '/' 'i'• \ \ \\ \\ \\ )./ \ \ • \A/ \ i I \-, \ • \ \ •.s. • / \ \ • S. \ • \ \\ ,\\\ .8 \ ::: \ • ‘`‘, \ N \ \\ ee\ \ \ \ N z \/:7 ; \ ,\/\ ' :\! ::: \ ::: 41::: ''..‘‘' \ ..:.\ \ \ / \ \ 1,,,, ,, \ 1 1 43\ ,., t \ \ \ y ) ,c , 0 \ / I ‘ tt. .,?, / \ / \ • e• 't '.‘. ./ • -' \ / °,,, \\ 1067.4 ar, \ • ,,,,/ /1 \ I / •,, -1, \ \ \ /../ I \ \ N / \ k ‘ I • \ • \ N • \ • 1 3 695 r‘b A 95.21N 898.0 ) as , :.82 66\199., " ves7 \'\ • • • • 66,6689881W 6,0,3 6970. • (86.3) r697.6,4 r898.3. I \6901.6/ 1101 FRCHT E1M6f.907.8 GARAGE 11.00R.907.1 7.1 > /6906.3 / 2 I I 1015nun POT COVFRA1W. Lot Area to OtIWI. - 17,114 SF COVERAGE: SF peer :5 se -U SF ALLOWANCES:ALLOWANCES: Deck - -150 SF Told 1, 4 4A SF - 25% Mosimurn Allowable Lot Coverage p35-IING ImPERmOUS SURFACE. Lot Area to ONYIL •• 17,114 SF IMPERVIOUS SUFACE: House w 2,061 SF Dyck Slain - 624 SF Walks, & Stoops - 689 SF Driveway - 569 SF Total - 3,943 SF 23.011 50% Maximum Allowable Impervious Surface pROPOSE0 LOT COVERAGE. Lot Areo to 01101I. - 17,111 SF COVERAGE: ExIsUng House w 2,081 SF Deck - 547 SF Proposed Addition - 173 SF Derno House Porten - -23 SF ALLOWANCES: Deck - -ISO SF Totol 2508 SF 15.25 255 klosimino Allowable Lot Coverage pRoPown IMPFlaArlIM cfiRFACF. Lot Area to 011•1. - 17,114 SF IMPERVIOUS SUFACE: House - 2.001 SF Deck si/ Stoats - 624 SF Wolks & Stoops - 689 SF Driveway - 569 SF Proposed AddltIon - 173 SF Demo House Portion - -23 5F Demo Wolk Portion - -73 SF 'foto( 4020 i SF - 50% lialimum Allowable kapeMous Surfoce NOTES. -An existing building dirtimione ore measured to the finished clung and not the building foundation. -No search was mode for any easements. -The locotkon of oil UtIrdles shown ore from either observed evidence In the field min/Or Or pins furnished by the utility companies ond ore opproximote Utility companies should be notified for elicit location before doing ony excavotion. ea 61. • atit.A \ 609E OF 9A r ,-N \N • \V- WM 4° • \ ti ‘ e ( \A -V 4. '0 0 \\ ' 40 .4 0 0 10 20 40 SCALE IN FEET 6886.2 \ / 886 6.3 • / 086.8 I W. BROWN LAND SURVEYING, INC. 8030 CEDAR AVENUE SO., SUITE 228. BLOOMINGTON, MN 55425 Bus: (952) 854-4055 FAx: (952) 854-4268 EMAIL: INFOOWBROWNLANDSURVEYING.COM EROSION AND SEDIMENT NOTES FROM CRY OF EDINA 6 1. DOVETAIL RENOVATION IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CLEANLINESS OF THE SITE AND THE MAINTENANCE OF THE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROLS AND CAN BE REACHED AT 7 (TELEPHONE NUMBER). 2. THE STREET WILL BE SWEPT CLEAN BEFORE THE END OF EACH DAY OF ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION, WHEN 8. SEDIMENT IS TRACKED INTO THE STREET. 3. AREAS WITH SLOPES GREATER THAN 3 TO 1 AND 9. AREAS NEXT TO WETLANDS/WATERBODIES GRADED OR EXPOSED DURING CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE PROTECTED WITH TEMPORARY VEGETATION, MULCHING OR OTHER MEANS AS SOON AS PRACTICAL 10 4. ALL EXPOSED SOIL AREAS WILL BE STABILIZED AS SOON AS PRACTICAL. UNWORKED SOILS THAT REMAIN EXPOSED AND NOT IN USE FOR LONGER THAN 14 DAYS WILL BE COVERED WITH TEMPORARY SEED (GRASS, 11 OATS, OR WHEAT) 5. NO CONCRETE WASHOUT SHALL OCCUR ON SITE UNLESS IT IS DONE WITH AN APPROVED MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY (MPCA) DEVICE OR STANDARD. STOCKPILES SHALL BE SURROUNDED WITH ADEQUATE PERIMETER CONTROL TO PREVENT SEDIMENTATION AND EROSION. INLET PROTECTION FOR ALL STORM SEWER INLETS DOWNSTREAM OF THE SITE WITHIN ONE BLOCK OR AS DIRECTED BY THE CITY. SITE SHALL BE KEPT CLEAN AT ALL TIMES AND REFUSE PROPERLY CONTROLLED. TEMPORARY PUMPING SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED WITHOUT THE USE OF AN APPROVED MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY (MPCA) DEVICE OR STANDARD. SOIL COMPACTION SHALL BE MINIMIZED; AREAS OF COMPACTED SOIL WILL BE REMOVED OR LOOSENED VIA TILLING TO A DEPTH OF NO LESS THAN 6-INCHES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSPECT ON A WEEKLY BASIS AND AFTER ANY RAINFALL GREATER THAN 1' ALL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES AND MAKE ANY REPAIRS IMMEDIATELY. AN INSPECTION LOG SHALL BE KEPT ON SITE DETAILING THESE INSPECTIONS AND REPAIRS PREFORMED. 896.6x • 0 / / \ "8 S. \ SURVEY LINE N x88G N O (APPROX SCALE) lir =1••0•• on 24x36 1/16" =1'-0- on 11,17 C) SITE DIAGRAM WU W u) 0 z We • LLJ Z C) Wow cc• 2 A01 SITE DIAGRAM PROJECT PHASE: VARIANCE SUBMISSION PROJECT NUMBER: 17-056 ISSUE DATE: December 20, 2019 DRAWN BY: ATW, SURVEYOR v' x895 2. 0 II\ 6:9 898 1" x 896.6 gy 899 898 CS •\C). .•••• ••••1 003 • '0. • .r0 • 4/ \ CDA• • / \ . •504.55 .4 • CJ •\ 0 \ s \ 904.81 • 904.7; • STORMWATER INLET PROTECTION AS NEEDED ZONING SUMMARY ZONING DISTRICT: R-1 YEAR BUILT: 1935 SECTION 36-1268 - Setbacks from naturally occurring lakes, ponds and streams. "... All principal and accessory structures shall maintain a minimum setback of 50 feet from the ordinary high-water elevation.." 04 • . ) 905. EXISTING LOT TOTALS (APPROX.) • TOTAL LOT SIZE: 17,396 SF • TOTAL HOUSE FOOTPRINT: 2,061 SF • TOTAL DECK: 547 -150 = 397 SF • TOTAL BUILDING COVERAGE: 2,458 SF (14.4%) •889. 95 BUILDING COVERAGE EXCEPTIONS: Decks and patios. The first 150 square feet of an unenclosed deck or patio shall not be included when computing building coverage. / ...906.3 906.4 MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE: • < 25% OF LOT AREA = 4,349 SF x885.8 \ \ 889.0 89 7x x890.1 6.9 ,•-_,-9 02. : "744 r/ ,c;),„, \ 6,9 EX 1 vv 4\ 1 4)0.1-0 \',s, is + 14) "`\ \ 12N /- <0 As,' N , -9 1:5 0 \ N, A p o 7?. 0, \\ \. 0r %/4/, N 4, li- \N \ \\ ').Y.P 1 \\ .,.,,,,,,..\ \O„,_ \67. .,ADDITION 173 SF PO9TPRINT TOTAL 891 895 OPTIONAL RETAINING WALL 89, 95 S. 89G 6' 7 \ \/), /o5.o / / / V /ADDITION AREA OF NON-CONFOAMANC SF TOTAL) G 07.1 806.8 PROPOSED TOTALS: • EXISTING TOTAL: 2,458 SF (14.4%) • PROPOSED ADDITION TOTAL: 173 SF -23 SF (DEMO'D HOUSE) = 150SF • TOTAL BUILDING COVERAGE = 2,608 SF (15.2% COVERAGE) (SEE SURVEY FOR IMPERVIOUS LOT COVERAGE - EXISTING AND PROPOSED) GENERAL SETBACKS AND HEIGHT RESTRICTIONS: PRIMARY STRUCTURE • FRONT YARD: 30'** • SIDE YARD(S): 10' • REAR YARD: 25' (50' FROM OHWM) • HEIGHT: 2 .1 stories. Measured from highest point on roof, shall not exceed 30' For lots that exceed 75' in width, the max. height shall be 35'+X where X is equal to one inch per foot beyond 75' lot width with a max. of 40'. tlIS AREA IS F 00\TO MATCH TH OUT ORS AT EXIS BASE NT FLOODPLAIN DISTRICT & MCWD PERMIT RULES \ ,TOP OF BANK \ Y ,\ \ \ \\. \ V\ • \ \\•• \ V.--- 18 ,,t (< 'P \ ' ti• ‘../,,, T., \ \\' \ \\ ' - 74 we . -1,,,,,,, • \ ' r ,_ c'..0,\ . \\ , 1,••• (•••0 \ • , ," .1". \ \ - rf Ado• . \ \ v, s, • \ 0 0 , ,v, Kt\ L.- ,•,•, \ \\ v "P ‘. \ • ‘.,,, \ \ c<\ \‘ \\:\ N A \•\ s 5 ./' / ,/ rfc, L 0 T PL DEC 2 9 201 EROSION CONTROL: • Exposing 5,000 square feet of soil • Grading, excavating, filling, or on-site storing of 50 cubic yards of soil FLOODPLAIN ALTERATION: • Altering or filling land below the 100-year high water elevation of a water body FEMA BASE FLOOD ELEVATION: 888.2' (*need to stay 2' above - 890.2') or walk-out basement from this point. Basement can be up to 888.2.=, but no lower. x886.4 ./x866.3/. N -0 m x o cn oz y 0 (EGVOVJ ISaM) 3snoH JO 2:1V3H *£ cn 5 m 0 m z C m m O z - (3CNOV3 15v3) 3S110H JO _LNOdd 2. SIDE OF HOUSE (SOUTH FACADE) 2019.12.20 - VARIANCE PACKAGE FOR SUBMISSION TO CITY FO EDINA - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION KELLY RESIDENCE REHKAMP LARSON ARCHITECTS INC. 4630 EDGEBROOK PLACE 2732 West 43rd Street, Mpls, MN 55410 EDINA, MN 55424 Tel. 612-285-7275 Fax. 612-285-7274 2. SIDE OF HOUSE - ADDITIONAL VIEW (SOUTH FACADE) 4. REAR OF HOUSE - ADDITIONAL VIEW (WEST FACADE) 1. SIDE OF HOUSE (SOUTH FACADE) 3. REAR OF HOUSE - ADDITIONAL VIEW (WEST FACADE) REHKAMP LARSON ARCHITECTS INC. U 0 < W _ Z I y CI 0 Z 2 M <1c' ›— Z —J E _1 C cL2 A02.1 EXISTING PHOTOS PROJECT PHASE: VARIANCE SUBMISSION PROJECT NUMBER: 17-056 ISSUE DATE: December 20, 2019 DRAWN BY: z 0 ce U) z I— ce 0 LL z 5 0 z I- ca U) PLANNING DEPART-MS: 0: 0 DEC 2 0 101E, CITY OF EDW. C•1 C:1) 0 REHKAMP LARSON ARCHITECTS INC. O LO N. Z Ln 2 co (NI fl. co ) 2 IL ti CO I 'Tr 14, tCO r) a) CO ' TD N Lu W 0_ Ln n • 0 c7) 0 z W m 2 > -. z —I „ ,a• < - w 11.1 c• c2 ,zr PROJECT PHASE: VARIANCE SUBMISSION PROJECT NUMBER: 17-056 ISSUE DATE: December 20, 2019 Li L_U DRAWN BY: 2019.12.20 - VARIANCE PACKAGE FOR SUBMISSION TO CITY FO EDINA - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION HENNEPIN COUNTY PROPERTY INFO - AERIAL PHOTO A03 GOOGLE AERIAL :ITY OF EDNA REHKAMP LARSON ARCHITECTS INC. 0 LC) c LO Z 12) • oo N Ta. • co >c IL • Lr) -2 ic,`,1 M ▪ LO co -in (NI a) • N (Ni CO CO • N- CT) N 1- 1.1J 0 Z eL ▪ 0 Lo (7) 0 z W IZ • P, B oz E LLJ Q PROJECT PHASE: VARIANCE SUBMISSION PROJECT NUMBER: 17-056 ISSUE DATE: December 20, 2019 (-2 DRAWN BY: A03.1 GOOGLE AERIAL HENNEPIN COUNTY PROPERTY INFO - AERIAL PHOTO I— I — NolionwsNoo M3N ONLLSIX3 0 031VAON321 AS 060 0 Linl.....0...1.. An 95 PS No .0-.1....tli O NY1d 13A31 H3M01 010061 30100 O .9 L1769 *X021dAV 210014 NIA 1•1 ONIISIX3 :NOLLVA313 110011 010311 0) m o m om r Z M 00 E m z co 631 R 5 m N.) o 0 m NV1d 13A31 1:13M01 0 IN Num •AEI NMVLIO 61.0Z '0Z Jeqwe990 :KVO 3r1SSI 990-L1. :113ElvvnN 10310ild Noissivuens 3ONVIINA 103fOLId / H01130 3NIM O cc *-& IV O OnIni 1._1 0 m -n 0 Cl) 30V10IS/HO3W 7 do Sl 19 20'0 3.2 cp o .pro b( + U 904 (PATIO BELOW) ) 1d321 q:)<< h'? UPPER LEVEL DECK A) V' A • tc5,9+ <bc D 9N1100A M3N 32138 30V219 N3LIVIA a 30V1d3N 113M MOONIM 210 11VM DNINIV.1.311 1VN01.1.40 15.2 XVI9 2069) (03MOTIV afNA 3010 213A0 SI IVI-11 ILAOS L9) NOV313 S r-- 1N121.:1100A ONLISIX3 XO61dc1V.NOILVA313 (AS Iso) NOWCIOV AO V321V ON114110AN03-NON SMOONIM M3N p. 896 + co qp• cbc) 6625 ' co. '6'25 5 z C) 0 z 0 11 0 Cl) 0 z LOWER LEVEL DECK _ 0 Lu NEW WINDOWS DECK 14 UK> J LIVING . 36" REF ID POWDER ij ROOM GARAGE BENCH L_ WINDOW SEAT Nq N CONFORMING AREA OF ADDITION DIN NG I~I 111IItINI 1 O 0 T BRM CL 13 30" OVENS NEW WINDOW BUTLER PANTRY 0 MAIN LEVEL PLAN 1080 SF RENOVATED 0 2 4 O EXISTING ▪ NEW CONSTRUCTION 1/4" = 1,0" on 24x36 1/8" = 1,0" on 11x17 Li 0 Z .4. N.. co LO ti W Z Lr) 2 co c't • (0 (NI • a (1) OG ct Z LL C• .7) cc -E -J c\Jc4) N_ cy)• (N (1). ILI TD C\I All MAIN LEVEL PLAN PROJECT PHASE: VARIANCE SUBMISSION PROJECT NUMBER: 17-056 ISSUE DATE: December 20, 2019 DRAWN BY: ML, ATW PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEC 2 1) 201' b NEW WINDOWS MASTER BEDROO r MASTER CLOSET MASTER HALLWAY T-0" ADDITION NEW DORMER 6. WINDOW DRESSER I I I) I I ) LINEN I I I I I I I L c I III KIDS 13ATH BEDROOM 61 BEDROOM N2 k r L BACK HALLi GUEST ROOM CL II II II I ) I I LI I ) I r I I E A It WINDOW SEAT NON-CONFORMING AREA OF ADDITION LOW STOR — LAUNDRY I - I\ qt_ J 1-10WIEIR / V MAiTEA B THI x 0 UPPER LEVEL PLAN 114" = 1,0" on 24x36 =1,0" on 11x17 n I NE CA UPPER HALL 2 4 O EXISTING El NEW CONSTRUCTION GUEST BATH FL' (i I II 'I I II I I I I CAB CAB - ( 1 I I I I N O I I II II I I I I-- IP 1 I , i i iv,) -fl 1 I I I I I I I I .L LLI W aw t :) 0 I-0 (j) O Z Wo ›- o z _1 a E W w LLI (c3 Al2 UPPER LEVEL PLAN PROJECT PHASE: VARIANCE SUBMISSION PROJECT NUMBER: 17-056 ISSUE DATE: December 20, 2019 DRAWN BY: ML, ATW z O II- C/) 0 re 0 U. 0 z LU 0 0 z cn 0 ( Qv .9 0:t PLANT;;;- L: C.) 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WIWI' 1111117A - --"giasagaur.....s.......r .k -,,-- ----o• n 1111 - . . = = = PLANNING DEPARTME4I NOTE: EXISTING FACADE TO REMAIN - NO CHANGE 0 WEST ELEVATION 114' o 1.-0- on 2406 1/8" o 1'-0" on 11017 ciTy DEC O 2 7 °E2DCIIN' A • , trilt a w l 1111111111110 12 Adult _ _ 11111111111111111 _NEWSRUTIMI3S, _ _ _ ____ 1-111111111111110111-111111 111111111 ,11111611111111118110111114111TIAMMIXITINI iiilljv ..,4111111111111._.111111111..- I 11111111.1111111111111 II 11111 1111 1 11111111INTRAITTIMIntr .001 1 11=7 ,, ill irliallit etliNNIN ?NNW Ail niliiirapiii AU illiliTifir Aiffiffirillifitilifilblib., 'Iriiiiicaluvaimillingimminiminfoomiamilivii 1 I 1111 111111111,01111111111111 IMO 11111 31.11111111 NIIImmul mu tionimiur Aiiiillii iiirdliNiiji IltiMilnila 1 . ..4111.11111. y km. pi . ilisince gjimi minim 11 111 11111111111 II 121 111111 I 111 II NI 11111111 11111 Minium 11111 1111111y' ,1111111111111131111111111 11111111._ Nilmicligiiiiiir131111111ritiintif llyilimirjg, 1111 111111911111111111111 INV 111111112 111111111111 11111111111111111111111111, ,Ilimunilluvimini milli minimum. (uglily *Rolm gm iimirt ingirigtmillu li iininteilun i n1111 1 2011 11111111111111111111111111111111111, 4111111111 111111 9111111111111N 111 1111111 11111 I... 9111111i11111.0111m1 li loiiito i majjlmji II ummilinim 11 is mum imu 1 1111111112911111111111 11111111111r .1 11111 11111111111141101 11111 III 11111111111116 41111111111111mIlm11.011 irl gulillgti umlifnulii 1111 11111111111km NI .9991 1,..11.11 91 inimisimmiummiltp, 4111111111111111111111,11111111 11111 11111 II 1111111111111111111, 11111111111111111 111111111111111.111111111 I I i i imillu, 411111 11 111111111N A111111111111 11111111 111111 111111119. "111111111111111111 11111111111 11111111111111 I 11111111111111111 1 on II 111111111111111111 1101111111111111011111111111111111111111 . ,_1011111111111 11111 1111E11 111111111 11111 113111 1111 11111111111111 ... 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IELELIEMERAN hfingidantim 11111111. .../11111111 1111111 1111/9 11 J1111111111111111111111111 111 - 1111.1111111111111 11111111111 M---. III 1111111111111111111111 111 _ 1111111111111111111111211 111111111 lc 1111111111111 11111111111111 M11111111111 11111 1 1111 minim iloUliiiffimiiiiiiiiiiiifiliffurImill 111 mums' II mimic 1111I 11111111111 11111111111111119111M 1111111111111M III E. 1 1111111 1111111111111111 .M= II. _ u11111 I III minim its uccucauumummuuccu 11 11111111111 1111 1 IN 11111111111111.11111111111111111111 11111 111111111111M 1111111111111111m • 7.-_,:- 11111111 II 11111111111111 1 1111 11111113111111111111111111111 1111111111111111 1111111 I 11 1011111 111111 1111111111 11111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111 11 11 11111111111111111111111 1111 11111111111111111111MM 111111 1111111111111111 1111111111111 11111111111 ail firift i iiii milk. 1111111siffiii 711 Ili ii 11111 1 III 1 111111111 1121111111112111111111111111111111111 II 111111111 11 111111 1 1 1 11,111911 1 1111111111111111111111 111111111111111M 111111 111 111111 II al1111111111111 11111 111111111111111 1 111 1111111111 111111 111111111111111111111111111111 NI 111111111111111111 1111 1111111111111111li11111111111111111 lilt 11111111111g1111 11 II 1111111 111111 III 11111_ 11111111 1111111111111111 II 11 1111111111 I 1111 molimummuluanum useirmulir Imumellum!!! Imo N11111111 11111131111111 11111111111111111.11111111 1111! iii 111111111RM 111-111_ 111111111111111 NR11111111 II 1IP! 1111e1111111111.1111111 1111 -9 111111111111111111111111111111131 111111p111111111 11111111111111 1 1 11111 isinkomittirlisiti9 III iggiigiiikaii gip glom! ii J111 Iljimii Ili imiRlikutionsinclincogy orkiitatimtimiatiardtummkarinvintorm Viii.. ..-/ NEW FRAMED CHINiNgy_(GAS FP ONLY) n 9 12 - - 6"&"6-fff "5"A I" • • rum 1 1 tt-- -.- - 1 LI 2 ..-b..0.6-r- •- -.6 -,....--.7.-:----=-------------- _-_-_- - -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-se srec iawzre.-..-.-.-n BRICK M=ES=A=====- O-I I-1 II-1 11 ITII-L.W. . s..... . . _ ___ma_mi 0 0 i_m_. i_z_. m_ _ ....._ ____,...,_„__ - 7% 4 / .7.-7. REPLACE -=-= ---11 r - L J 1.1.1 0 Z 111 CI 0 LL 19) U) 0 Z 2 -I ma -6 - UJ LLI A20 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS PROJECT PHASE: VARIANCE SUBMISSION PROJECT NUMBER: 17-056 ISSUE DATE: December 20, 2019 DRAWN BY: ML, ATW 10-0' SIDE YARD SETBACK APPROX. PROPERTY LINE LOCATION I . I I 1-1 I I I 7'-0" ADDITION Ir I EXISTING HOUSE II I I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 1- I 1_.-J 0 SOUTH ELEVATION OPTIONAL WINDOWS OPTIONAL RETAINING WALL 11- ne =1w on 24x36 1/8" = 1%8" on 11017 2019.12.20 - VARIANCE PACKAGE FOR SUBMISSION TO CITY FO EDINA - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION REHKAMP LARSON ARCHITECTS INC. PROJECT PHASE: VARIANCE SUBMISSION PROJECT NUMBER: 17-056 ISSUE DATE: December 20, 2019 DRAWN BY: ML, ATW NEW SIDING A21 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 1/4" = 1 ,0" on 24x36 1/8" = 1,0" 00 11017 0 EAST ELEVATION REPAIR SIDING MATERIAL AS NEEDED s • N NE N PLANNING DEPARTMENT ELEV: 897.8'_EXISTING LL. FIN. FLOOR ELEA: 894.7' SPORT COURT FIN. FLOOR DEC 2 0 201 ELEV: 890.2' FLOOD PLAIN MAX. ALLOWED n CITY OF EDINA aIIIIIIIIIIIIIJ MUMS! j II IIIIIMIIIIIIIII CIO 11111111im X "4/1111111111111 11111111111111111111111 111111011111111 1111111111111 11111 III 111 1111111 111111 III 111111111111111111111111111111111011111111111111 11111211iiiltlitir 1111101111101111111111 1111 1 1 NI 111101 11111 11011 11111111111111111 1 IP' '411111111 101111111111111111111100111111110111•111111 111111111111[11 MI1111111 1111 I 1 111111111111111 1111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111/' '111111 41111111111111 INC111111411111a1111111111 II `11111 11111111110 111 rmumpsim II 11111•111111111151 11111111111111S III 11111111111111411111111111111111111 1111111111111114' 4114110111111111111 .. "11111111111111111111111111111 iiijilispii VIII min Num iitucimi 111111 Nil IBM MI 11101111111111111111111111111111111' 01111141111111111110111 1111 incolninnt i munini in conionimi Illiu iv hounimi riiiillimilliNcoujimiiiiriur ......••••••mos•••manosn. Nminconninin islyinont•imi•in 111111111 MINI 110 111 11111 11111 I 111101110 I 1111 11111111111111114111111110" N11111111111 1101111111111111111111111111111 1111 1 101111 111011111 111111141 11111 IN 1 1110112111 alp 0111111v , ,411,1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111M111 111 111111 1111111 MAI IC.9 111111;111. III p ii,eimenfiki 1 lin iiimimir - -- --- --arsmis•-...Lir-aillmiralla :7; 1;171:1; illitliniluill:1•51 11 iiiiiligili ill; unilmilijiliolivi iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii: •..te,7 .11,1.v.! nvintroinvem• so.ini wol• illin 'Inn itilliii ' " 1 .! . al • 1101011 11111 pincilmiiiim ------.-------------------------------------. 4WD 00 1111111 0114111u411111 1 I um mi III 1 isll "001004 IIIIIIIIUU 4001. -.' "'' '' 1 1111111111111111 11111%11 1111111 11111111111 I 11111 I I 1 11 g i in al iv mai mai 1 num • Mal 11111 III III 11010111111111 I 1111 "'""...= 111111111 MEM muir warm • I 11011111111111111111 1111 1111E11111 Dit 1116111111.1 ill 1[110111 I dr ,,*,-,-.-,-,,,,-,-,-.-.-,,,, ...1 NIDUIZIMInlffilin 1111111 II minim .1111 I 10111111111 EMI 110 A ,-, r IMO. marumaidni. _ iiiii imam 111111111111111111111111 oPTIONAL 11111111111 III 1 111111111 1 111111111 111111 1111111111 11111111P-1.1 111111111 111 011111 110 ... V. -4:- '7. .-- "1". -2-=4 3 . 2 *". 21741 "1 .7" "'Ll " 3 13 "="1--.7-='- IC Ill I II 0110111 III 1 1111 I 1 IN I 11 111111 1 M. I 111101M1111111 11111111111 111111111 III 1.111111111 .rsauselisiarrausarariparar 11111 1111111111111111C11 III 11111111114 '211741117. ''IL I 11111 11111111 11101111111 1111110111_111111 ..4•0444041444.14. ..11.' .11111 1 In111111N411 111.311111 ...1111.1 II 111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111110 flfl ft 3 9 12 0 NORTH ELEVATION 1/4" =1'.0" on 24036 1/8" =1,0" on 11017 EXISTING HOUSE T-0" ADDITION 10.0' SIDE YARD n SETBACK 01111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110 Mr 1111111111 11111110E111111 1111111111111111111111111115111.111111111111111D11111111111111111111111 I1111111 1111111111111111111111101111111111111111 11111 111111 1111111.1111 011111 0111111111111 rill DWI APPROX. PROPER LINE LOCATION 11 111/1111/11 111I1111111111111110 11111 11111 111111111111111111111111111111 I 11111111111111 111111111M 111111111111111111111111111 111111111111 11111111111111 111111111111 11111111111111111 111V ' 'III 11111111111111111 1 1 I 1 1111110 i 111100111111•4111114141111114411111140 Illiiii 111111111 41111111iltill IllatellIlisiolll 144411111411111111111111111011111iiiii1111411111111IiiiIIIIiiiill Iiii-illliii111111 Olaf 111111 imIll 'iii liliiitintimillil WI Din I Kamm I suellimill 111111111111111 11111 11111111 ampnicrimmiliami 1111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111110111111 III 11 NI 11111111111111101 1111111 111111111111111111111111011111111 mg 1 ti limn_ 11 isumsimm_ wpm ii511111111111 11111 1111111111 mognimummint 111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111_11111 11101110111111 III II II 11111 11111111111 1111111 111111 1. `111111111111 hz.• Ill iiimomminimillincol 11111 11111 11111110 11111111111111 111 tuontionisinumtai moincioninityin min mum ionic III 111111111110 11111 11111111, ' uckwing 1111 I 11 111111111 1 li 11 11111 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 11 I issincomminum ninumincii inn inc•inniumammii •••••••iiiiinimilimmi 11111111111111111111011111111111111 116111111 1111 11111111111111 111101 IV III 111111 , ‘1111111 And \ 1 I mom i 1 111111111111 11111111111111111111 11111 11 II_ 11111111111111111111111 I 1111111111111 111111111111 111111111111M 111111111 11111 Limlimmulimli 111111111111 11111111V Al 11111 111111111, 11111110141 1 1111111411111111 III 11111 gap 11111 11111111111 1111111.1111111111111 11111 111011111M 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111[1111111111111 III 11 RI 1111111_111114' . 111111 11111111 111111111111. 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A. m.. "VIIIIIImill m idgai, ,tinr,tgi le .- ,,1:1:5, 4:4111 MIN ;Er ..1:1;1. tni 1111,. law!!! regm iv- Aver -- 1 iminiclin. V ,,, 1111111 11 11111110 r '' 11111111.1 111111 ill' 4.- "41111171110111111v ,,, sviiiain1111 in' ii mimiseinmr ,41crilliy&rmilmiiiiiiii•,•••••••10iaalltik , 111111 I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIhI imi II maim Env Cm IN 111111 11111 ii 11 Eno IN 1111 1111 III NEE 111411 1111111 11111 I NIP 11 Elll 1111111111 NEW I I 1.111/11111 ""'''''''''il;111111.1 II 111,111 ""'''''''"-lh III I 111111 01 iii DI IS lollildr----- consliincii 1. IIID' a...n..41 xi mimic In II 111111111 II in In I gm iiiii IR ,,„/Inlial 1`,11411•1 II • -- I inificilir _A111111111 j111111 11111! ,, Dimilumk ,, 111111111V 411111111111 , 111 111111111" imams! `11 111i •1111•11 uisinqm All 11111 1 111111111111 .: MM. pl 1111.1 11111 - IN 11141111 VI 1 li . 11111 111 III - 111 DI 11111 1111111111 La • woomil 1 Mal ii 11111412111164:71 111111111111111111 C. 7 .-=-.7.-: ..i. -: :-.7r=-=-a 11111 m=s-sw==.1 • Imi .... 111111111111 1111 illrli 1111111 11111111 1 111110 IKON IMENI 1 . . . , ==============: 1 i Pa -73' mug tommilmt• _ _ . __. _ _ im r---=--z-z- .3 .r.. -, . ,.,, 111111 4, 11111 1111111 • 1111 111111 11111 ...1 MEM II I Mill I IIII 111111111111 1111111 III P111111111 I, um. ..1......, i .,.. ,.. inc.,,,,,,..,• ,...0,0,...,,.. in,,,,iiii,.. • 01111 11111111111 ' A'E 11 1 11110 1111E11 11111111 11 101111 1... i'l nNEM I 101111111111111 11111 11 NEB L.111 1111 11 11111 „A 11111 MIL 111111 111111111111 I 11117.!'"1: r" EMS II ,,,,,,,....L.,,,,,,aiim u........,..,,,u. sm 11111R1111111 1141 11111 NEW DORMER d4 - - • Hum e 11111110 11111011111111111111111 11111:11111 11t, • iitio CabraCITAILMECLIEM - *A A FEZZA - Jitili IONALLCANO Evearms.Waufararaisnat a FLATTEN OUT AREA I II I AND ADD NEW FOOTING II I I r L LJ J 111111111111 ui RE S L wammurarar. innaus rs us n • FIE S 11 • PANEL BAY WINDOWS REPLACE BRICK = OPTIONAL WELL WINDOW/ RETAINING WALL - RE-GRADING IS PREFERRED NI YI 111111 111111011111111111111 111 III MI Il InI N EW NE InI ri Ir I iii__Lrf:L.TTIT 7iidiLT7ty--77 t., I _ - EXISTING WEST FACADE - _ = - 4— --- I PROPOSED WEST FACADE REHKAMP LARSON ARCHITECTS INC. PROJECT PHASE: VARIANCE SUBMISSION PROJECT NUMBER: 17-056 ISSUE DATE: December 20, 2019 DRAWN BY: ML, ATW R1 RENDERINGS 0 z (I) 0 C.) cc 0 0 0 LL PLANtING DEPARTMENT 0 DEC 2 0 ?Olq (7) co 2 CITY OF EDINA c 03 o cc 0 W w (D C.) a. w csi O aCIVONoid 1S3AA CI3S0dMicl 3CIVOV 11S3M ONIISIX3 C) C) rn • C:71 m O O .0 1,17A11:1Vd3CI ONINNVld SON12130N321 KELLY RESIDENCE REHKAMP LARSON ARCHITECTS INC. 4630 EDGEBROOK PLACE 2732 West 43rd Street, Mpls, MN 55410 EDINA, MN 55424 Tel. 612-285-7275 Fax. 612-285-7274 2019.12.20 - VARIANCE PACKAGE FOR SUBMISSION TO CITY FO EDINA - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION EXISTING WEST/SOUTH FACADE • - - i ir ou n • OL PROPOSED WEST/SOUTH FACADE REHKAMP LARSON ARCHITECTS INC. O -7r N Z co (NI co (.! eL co N co -0(75 (\H.° r, Lo rz, N c9 N PROJECT PHASE: VARIANCE SUBMISSION PROJECT NUMBER: 17-056 ISSUE DATE December 20, 2019 DRAWN BY: ML, ATW R3 RENDERINGS z 0 U) z IF- ce O U- 0 z 0 LL 7.) 0 0 PLANNING DEPARTMENT co 2 DEC 2 0 2011 U) cc CITY OF EDNP 0 u_ 0 G. z O C•1 Cr; O tN m X rn — 2 0 cn 0 C -n 0 0 m 3CIV0Vd HIf1OS CI3S0dOld -1 _L L .1.1\131NIUVd30 ONINNVId m O VN O3 AO AJ l9 SONPACIN321 KELLY RESIDENCE REHKAMP LARSON ARCHITECTS INC. 4630 EDGEBROOK PLACE 2732 West 43rd Street, Mpls, MN 55410 EDINA, MN 55424 Tel. 612-285-7275 Fax. 612-285-7274 2019.12.20 - VARIANCE PACKAGE FOR SUBMISSION TO CITY FO EDINA - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 0 E— —> REHKAMP LARSON ARCHITECTS INC. 0 LO LO N. Z Ln 2 co (1 ui (NI TZ. M `-c) 4 • ED- LL It! Lo W N CO I r.s. 'cr N CO Cll N N ti (7) N I— LU Z A LLI "I- CI 0 (7) o z W Et 2 cc [19 o Z J a 5 W o w o (C• 2 •zt PROJECT PHASE: VARIANCE SUBMISSION PROJECT NUMBER: 17-056 ISSUE DATE: December 20, 2019 DRAWN BY: ATW X 1 0 EXISTING PLANS 0 C.) cc z I— C.) 0 LL z L 0 EXISTING LOWER LEVEL 1/8" = 1'.0" on 2406 1116" = 1,0" on 11x17 0 EXISTING MAIN LEVEL 118" = 1'.0" on 24836 1116" =1'-0" on 11017 —3 0 EXISTING UPPER LEVEL 118" =1'-0" on 24x36 1/16" =1'-0" on 1107 0 EXISTING ROOF PLAN 178" = 1..0" on 2406 1116" = 1%0" on 11817 LL C.) 0 z U) U) m DEC 2 0 2Cji cc 0 u.. CITY OF EDINA (.9 C.) ct. C.) z N a O lN EXISTING EAST ELEVATION 1/r =1'-0" on 24036 1/16" = 1,0" on 11017 0 EXISTING SOUTH ELEVATION 0 U) I— cc LI 0 z 0 LI 1/8" =1'-0" on 24036 1/16" = 1,0" on 11017 0 EXISTING NORTH ELEVATION I/O" =1'-0' on 24x36 1/16" =1,0" on 11017 rwara adi '1+111 I Ili III III III III! III Ill I III In IIIIII'-kms. li' in nit Vi Hsu, 1111 III 11 1111 rd 0 EXISTING WEST ELEVATION 1/8" = 1,0" on 24x36 1/16" = 1,0" on 11x17 PLANNING L— Z C.) 0 0 DEC 2 0 2019 CITY OF EDV_L'A REHKAMP LARSON ARCHITECTS INC. LLI 0 Z LU 7) 0 Z W 2 cc LT >- o Z —I 0 E w w 0 c's:3 X20 EXISTING DRAWINGS PROJECT PHASE: VARIANCE SUBMISSION PROJECT NUMBER: 17-056 ISSUE DATE: December 20, 2019 DRAWN BY: ATW DATE: January 22, 2020 TO: Cary Teague – Planning Director FROM: Zuleyka Marquez, Graduate Engineer RE: 4630 Edgebrook Place - Variance Review The Engineering Department has reviewed the subject property for street and utility concerns, grading, storm water, erosion and sediment control and for general adherence to the relevant ordinance sections. This review was performed at the request of the Planning Department; a more detailed review will be performed at the time of building permit application. Plans reviewed include the site diagram and proposed site plan dated 12/20/19. Grading and Drainage The proposed plan includes an addition and retaining wall; thus, minor grading is proposed. Existing and proposed site drainage is directed to Mill Pond / Minnehaha Creek. Stormwater Mitigation Stormwater mitigation is not required per City of Edina Building Policy SP-003 standards. Floodplain Development The lowest floor elevation of the new addition must be a minimum of two feet above the 1% annual chance base flood elevation. In this case, 888.2’ plus 2’ is 890.2’. All principal and accessory structures shall maintain a minimum setback of 50 feet from the ordinary high water level. Erosion and Sediment Control An erosion and sediment control precautions were reviewed and are consistent with City of Edina Building Policy SP-002. Street and Curb Cut No comment. Public Utilities & Easements Water is served from Edgebrook Place and sanitary is served from the rear yard. Please note that the City does not have any easements on file and the submitted survey did not include title work. The sanitary main was re-lined in 2008. Future City work or a larger onsite project, such as a tear down/rebuild, may require an easement. O ther Items A Minnehaha Creek Watershed District permit may be required, applicant will need to verify with the district. No confirmed wells onsite. A retaining wall under 4’ is proposed. Separate permit and engineering not required. Date: January 29, 2020 Agenda Item #: VI.C . To:P lanning C o mmis s io n Item Type: R eport and R ec o mmendation F rom:Kris Aaker As s is tant P lanner Item Activity: Subject:P UBLI C HE AR I NG : Variance R eques t B-20-1, 6000 Beard Ave. Action C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED : Approve the variance request as submitted. I N TR O D U C TI O N : T he applicant is requesting a 2.3 foot north side street setback variance and a .8 foot front yard setback variance from the east property line for a new two story home to be constructed on top of the existing nonconforming foundation of the original home. T he existing home has non-conforming setbacks to the north property line and east property line. T he required north side street setback is 15 and the east front yard setback is established by the 34.5 foot front yard setback of the adjacent neighbor to the south at 6004 B eard Ave. T he ordinance requires the subject home match the neighboring front yard setback. T he proposed new home will match the existing setbacks of the nonconforming foundation. T he remainder of the project conforms to all of the zoning ordinance requirements. S ee B T E comments here AT TAC HME N T S : Description Staff Report with Attachments Date: January 29, 2020 Agenda Item #: VI.D. To:P lanning C o mmis s io n Item Type: R eport and R ec o mmendation F rom:Kris Aaker As s is tant P lanner Item Activity: Subject:P UBLI C HE AR I NG : Variance R eques t B-20-3, 7318 C lared o n Drive. Action C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED : Approve the variance request as submitted. I N TR O D U C TI O N : T he applicant is proposing a 1.3 foot variance to the north property line to allow for a 306 square foot 1 car garage stall addition to the existing 2 car garage. T he home currently has a narrow 20 foot wide garage. T he applicant is undergoing the addition in order to accommodate larger vehicles, bikes, recreation items and provide additional storage space. Today, the home complies with all required setbacks but the home is oriented at an angle to the side property lines. An addition to the north side of the home will be closer at the back corner than the front corner. T he proposed addition conforms to the 10 foot side yard setback at the northwest, front corner, however is closer at the back corner, (8.7oot setback). T he request is to allow the addition to be slightly closer to the lot line at the back corner. S ee B T E comments here AT TAC HME N T S : Description Staff Report with Attachments Date: January 29, 2020 Agenda Item #: VI.E. To:P lanning C o mmis s io n Item Type: R eport and R ec o mmendation F rom:Kris Aaker As s is tant P lanner Item Activity: Subject:P UBLI C HE AR I NG : S ite P lan Modific ation R eview for 3121 W. 69th S t. Action C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED : Approve the site plan modification as submitted. I N TR O D U C TI O N : T he applicant is requesting site plan modification approval to covert the existing guest suite in the York P lace Apartments into a studio apartment within the existing building at 3121 West 69th S treet. T here will be no alterations to the site or the building with the exception of adding a kitchen and laundry in the bathroom of the existing guest suite. T he unit count will increase from 114 units to 115 units in the building. T he site is over the minimum required parking including the conversion of the guest suite into an additional unit. AT TAC HME N T S : Description Staff Report with Attachments Date: January 29, 2020 Agenda Item #: VI.F. To:P lanning C o mmis s io n Item Type: R eport and R ec o mmendation F rom:C ary Teague, C o mmunity Development Directo r Item Activity: Subject:P UBLI C HE AR I NG : P reliminary P lat for 7101 and 7151 Metro Bo ulevard Action C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED : R ecommend the C ity C ouncil approve the P reliminary P lat. I N TR O D U C TI O N : C hris Ambourn on behalf of C R E F I V-C C R P M etro B oulevard E dina, L L C is requesting a subdivision to create separate parcels for the two buildings that are currently located at 7101 and 7151 M etro B oulevard. E ach building was originally assigned separate addresses, despite being located on the same lot. T here is no proposed development associated with this request. T he purpose of the request is simply to create a separate lots for each address. AT TAC HME N T S : Description Staff Report Preliminary Plat & Survey Site Location Street View January 29, 2020 Planning Commission Cary Teague, Community Development Director Preliminary Plat for 7101 and 7151 Metro Boulevard Information / Background: Chris Ambourn on behalf of CREFIV-CCRP Metro Boulevard Edina, LLC is requesting a subdivision to create separate parcels for the two buildings that are currently located at 7101 and 7151 Metro Boulevard. Each building was originally assigned separate addresses, despite being located on the same lot. There is no proposed development associated with this request. The purpose of the request is simply to create a separate lots for each address. Surrounding Land Uses Northerly: Day care facility; zoned POD-2, Planned Office District and guided Office. Easterly: Highway 100. Southerly: A six-story office building; zoned POD-2, Planned Office District, and guided Office. Westerly: Multifamily Residential Apartments, zoned Planned Residential Development-4 and guided for high density residential. Existing Site Features The subject property is 5.4 acres in size, is relatively flat and contains two office buildings. Planning Guide Plan designation: OR, Office Residential. Zoning: POD-2, Planned Office District – 2 STAFF REPORT Page 2 Park Dedication Park dedication is not required. Park dedication was paid when the property was originally platted. As mentioned, there would be no new development with this request. Should there be any further development of these parcels and further subdivision in the future; park dedication would then be required. Staff Recommendation Recommend that the City Council approve the proposed Preliminary and Final Plat of the platting of this lot so that each building sits on its own parcel. Approval is based on the following findings: 1. The proposed subdivision meets the required standards and ordinances for a subdivision. 2. The resulting/existing uses of the project meet all zoning ordinance requirements. 3. There is no new development proposed with the request. Approval is subject to the following condition: 1. A shared parking, access and maintenance agreement shall be established on the property to share parking, pedestrian and drive-aisle access and maintenance. Deadline for a City Decision: March 1, 2020