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2020-04-15 Planning Commission Regular Meeting Packet
Agenda Plan n ing Com m ission City Of Edina, Minnesota VIRTUAL MEETING The m e eting will be gin at 7 p.m . Mem bers of the public can watch the m e eting live or call in: • Edina TV (Com cast Chan n els 813 or 16) • Facebook.com /EdinaMN • City’s “Watch a M ee ting” we b page at Edin aM N .gov/Live Me etin gs • Calling 800-374-0221 with Con fe rence ID 5555207 Am ong othe r m atters on the agenda, public he arings are sche duled for the Com m ission to con side r a cell tower se tback varian ce for 5200 Doncaster Way, parkin g varian ce for 4532 France Ave., side yard se tback varian ce for 5908 Ch owen Ave., fron t yard se tback varian ce for 4504 W. 70th St., an d fron t an d side yard se tback varian ce s for 513 John St. Me m be rs of th e public can participate in one of th e public h earings by: • Leaving a voice m ail at 952-826- 0377. • Subm itting com m ents online at Bette rToge therEdina.org. • Calling 800-374-0221 with Confere nce ID 5555207 during the m e eting. An ope rator will place you into a queue until it is your tu rn to spe ak. You do n ot n ee d to call until you are re ady to spe ak. Com m ents subm itte d by voice m ail, online or ove r the phone during the m ee ting will be equally considere d. The re is no ne ed for a pe rson to su bm it the sam e com m e n ts in m ore than on e way. Wednesday, April 15, 2020 7:00 PM I.Call To Order II.Roll Call III.Approval Of Meeting Agenda IV.Approval Of Meeting Minutes A.Planning Commission Minutes: March 11, 2020 V.Public Hearings A.B-20-6, A 25 foot front yard setback variance, a 5 foot side yard setback variance and a variance from the basement de+nition of a story for 513 Johns St.. B.B-20-9, a 19.2 foot front yard setback variance for a new 2 story home to be re-built at the same nonconforming setback as the existing home for 4505 West 70th Street. C.A 170.1 foot setback variance for Crown Castle USA, Inc. for a mono-pole antenna and light standard replacement at 5200 Doncaster Way/Highlands Park D.B-20-7, a 2.8 foot side yard setback variance for a garage addition at 5908 Chowen Avenue E.Amended Final Development Plan (Site Plan) and Parking Stall Variance at 4532 France Avenue VI.Reports/Recommendations VII.Chair And Member Comments VIII.Sta= Comments IX.Adjournment The City of Edina wants all res idents to be c om fortable being part of the public proc ess . If you need as sistance in the way of hearing ampli+c ation, an interpreter, large-print documents or s om ething els e, pleas e c all 952-927-8861 72 hours in advanc e of the m eeting. Date: April 15, 2020 Agenda Item #: I V.A. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: Minutes F rom:Liz O ls on, Administrative S upport S pecialist Item Activity: Subject:P lanning C ommission Minutes: Marc h 11, 2020 Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: P lease approve the P lanning C ommission Meeting Minutes from March 11, 2020. I N TR O D U C TI O N: AT TAC HME N T S: Description Planning Commission Minutes : March 11, 2020 Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: ___, 2020 Page 1 of 5 Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Planning Commission Edina City Hall Council Chambers March 11, 2020 I. Call To Order Chair Olsen called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. II. Roll Call Answering the roll call were: Commissioners Miranda, Berube, Thorsen, Strauss, Melton, Nemerov, Bennett, Agnew, and Chair Olson. Staff Present: Cary Teague, Community Development Director, Chris Aaker, Assistant Planner, Liz Olson, Administrative Support Specialist, Kaylin Eidsness, Senior Communications Coordinator. Absent from the roll call: Commissioner Velavuli, and Douglas. Chair Olson introduced the Planning Commission, Kate Agnew who indicated she is a member of the Complete Count Committee and was excited to be on the Planning Commission. III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda Commissioner Thorsen moved to approve the March 11, 2020, agenda. Commissioner Berube seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes A. Minutes: Planning Commission, February 26, 2020 Commissioner Thorsen moved to approve the February 26, 2020, meeting minutes. Commissioner Bennett seconded the motion. Commissioner Nemerov offered up the amendment to correct spelling on the Chair of the Arts & Culture Commission last name along with the street name that was spelled incorrectly during the Community Comments section. Motion carried as amended. V. Community Comment None. VI. Public Hearings A. B-20-5, An 18.2 Foot Front Yard Setback Variance and a 2.6 Foot First Floor Height Variance Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: ___, 2020 Page 2 of 5 Assistant City Planner Aaker presented the request of for an 18.2 Foot Front Yard Setback Variance and a 2.6 Foot First Floor Height Variance. Staff recommends approval of the variances, as requested subject to the findings and conditions listed in the staff report. Mr. Ross Bitner, Engineering Services Manager, addressed the Commission on the unique aspects of the site. Ms. Aaker continued with the staff presentation. Staff addressed Commission questions and concerns. Appearing for the Applicant Mr. Brett Brohl, 4209 Crocker Ave., introduced himself and addressed the Planning Commission. Public Hearing Mr. Tim Gruidl, 4213 Crocker Ave., addressed the Commission and indicated he was not in favor of the variance. Mr. Rod Scholl, 4217 42nd Street, addressed the Commission and indicated he was not in favor of the variance. Mr. Steven Porter, 4206 Crocker, addressed the Commission with his concerns and indicated he was not in favor of the variance. Commissioner Thorsen moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner Berube seconded the motion. Motion carried. Staff addressed Commission questions and concerns. Mr. Mike Lindor, MJL Homes address the Commission. Motion Commissioner Thorsen moved that the Planning Commission recommend approval of the 18.2- foot front yard setback variance and a 2.6-foot first floor height variance as outlined in the staff memo subject to the conditions and findings therein. Commissioner Berube seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. B. Comprehensive Plan Amendment & Rezoning with Variances – Corner of Hankerson Avenue and 52nd Street West (5132 and 5136-48 Hankerson Avenue) for Donnay Homes Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: ___, 2020 Page 3 of 5 Director Teague presented the request of for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment & Rezoning with Variances. Staff recommended approval of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment & Rezoning with Variances, as requested subject to the findings and conditions listed in the staff report. Appearing for the Applicant Ms. Elizabeth MacDonagh, 5132 Hankerson Avenue, introduced herself and reviewed her request with the Commission. Mr. Paul Donnay, 6605 Mohawk Trail and Mr. Steven Behnke, Senior Project Manager for Donnay Homes, 9655 63rd Avenue North, made a presentation of the proposal to the Commission. Mr. Behnke addressed Commission questions and concerns. Public Hearing Ms. Kaitlyn Erickson, 5108 William Avenue, addressed the Commission and indicated she was against this development. Mr. Tyler Gress, 5137 William Avenue, addressed the Commission and expressed he was against the development plans. Ms. Karen Erickson, 5116 William Avenue, addressed the Commission and explained that she was also against this development. Ms. Sandra Lewis, 5024 Hankerson Avenue, addressed the Commission and indicated she was not in favor of this development because of the traffic and safety of the children. Ms. Elaine Fitzgerald and Ms. Jenny Fitzgerald, 5013 Hankerson Avenue, addressed the Commission and explained they were against this development. Ms. Maria Doering, 5045 Hankerson Avenue, addressed the Commission and noted she was against the proposed development. Ms. Pam McGovern, 5101 William, addressed the Commission and indicated she was not in favor of this development with the density. Mr. Stefan Smith, 5224 West 51st Street, addressed the Commission and explained he was against this. Mr. Dennis Bornfleth, 5124 Hankerson Avenue, addressed the Commission and indicated he was opposed to this development. Mr. Jay Mahler, 5120 Hankerson Avenue, addressed the Commission and expressed his concern of this development. Ms. Kayla Schwein, 5100 Hankerson Avenue, addressed the Commission and went on record of not supporting the size and scope of the development. Ms. Lindsay Lenhardt, 5021 Hankerson Avenue, addressed the Commission and indicated she was against this development. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: ___, 2020 Page 4 of 5 Mr. Doug Hoffman, 5129 William Avenue, addressed the Commission and explained this will have impact on him and was against this development. Ms. Nicole Sill, 5104 Hankerson Avenue, addressed the Commission and expressed she was against this development. Ms. Bridget Lionetti, 5113 William Avenue, addressed the Commission and noted she was against this development. Mr. Dan Pederson, 5108 Bedford, addressed the Commission and indicated he was against the development. Commissioner Thoreson moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner Berube seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. The Commission discussed the pros and cons of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment & Rezoning for the proposed development. Motion Commissioner Thoreson moved that the Planning Commission recommend approval to the City Council of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment & Rezoning with Variance as outlined in the staff memo subject to the conditions and findings therein. Commissioner Berube seconded the motion. 5 ayes, 3 nays (Nemerov, Bennett, Olson). Motion carried. VII. Reports/Recommendations A. Annual Meeting Chair Olsen indicated she was stepping down as Chair. She explained the officers needed to be elected. Chair Olsen nominated Commissioner Nemerov as Chair and Commissioner Thorsen as Vice Chair. Commissioner Berube seconded the nomination. Commissioner Olsen moved to elect Commissioner Nemerov as Chair and Commissioner Thorsen as Vice-Chair of the Planning Commission. Commissioner Berube seconded the motion. Motion carried. Commissioner Thorsen nominated Commissioner Berube as secretary. Commissioner Nemerov seconded the nomination. Motion carried. The Commission thanked Chair Olsen for her dedication and hard work as the Chairperson of the Planning Commission. Chair Olsen stated this has been a pleasure. VIII. Correspondence and Petitions None. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: ___, 2020 Page 5 of 5 IX. Chair and Member Comments Commissioner Bennett was not aware that Commissioner Lee was stepping down and wanted to thank her for her service on the Planning Commission. The Commission concurred. Member Miranda thought the Commission needed to discuss at a future meeting idling of vehicles in the City. X. Staff Comments Planner Teague reported the Boards and Commissions recognition dinner is Monday, March 30, 2020 from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at Braemar. Planner Teague explained the next Planning Commission meeting will be cancelled on March 25, 2020 due to no agenda items. Planner Teague indicated March 7, 2020 the Planning Commission is scheduled for a work session with the City Council and the Transportation Commission to talk about the travel demand management ordinance. Planner Teague stated the second meeting in April he is planning on having a Worksession to take up the ordinance discussed a couple meetings ago. XI. Adjournment Commissioner Agnew moved to adjourn the March 11, 2020, Meeting of the Edina Planning Commission at 10:27 PM. Commissioner Berube seconded the motion. Motion carried. Date: April 15, 2020 Agenda Item #: V.A. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:Kris Aaker, Assistant C ity P lanner Item Activity: Subject:B-20-6, A 25 foot front yard setback varianc e, a 5 foot s ide yard setback varianc e and a variance from the basement definition of a s tory for 513 Johns S t.. Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve the variance as submitted. I N TR O D U C TI O N: T he home located at 513 Johns Street is nonconforming in regard to front and side yard setback. T he home also has more than 50% of the basement exterior wall area above grade and therefore is counted as a story. T he plan would stay within the existing building footprint with additions with the exception of the addition to the back of the home. To expand the back of the home including the basement requires a variance to address the basement counting as a story. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Staff Report with Attachments Date: April 15, 2020 Agenda Item #: V.B. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:Kris Aaker, Assistant C ity P lanner Item Activity: Subject:B-20-9, a 19.2 foot front yard setback varianc e for a new 2 story home to be re-built at the same nonconforming setback as the exis ting home for 4505 West 70th S treet. Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve the variance as requested. I N TR O D U C TI O N: T he existing home is located at 4504 West 70th Street with a current front yard setback of 39.7 feet to the front lot line. R e-building on the property requires the new home to maintain the front yard setback of the home to the west. T he home to the west is much farther back providing a 58.9 foot front yard setback. T he proposed home will conform to all of the other zoning ordinance requirements. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Staff Report with Attachments Date: April 15, 2020 Agenda Item #: V.C . To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:Kris tine Aaker, Assistant P lanner Item Activity: Subject:A 170.1 foot s etbac k variance for C rown C as tle US A, Inc. for a mono-pole antenna and light s tandard replacement at 5200 Doncaster Way/Highlands P ark Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve the variance as requested. I N TR O D U C TI O N: C rown Castle U S A, the applicant, is requesting a 170.1 foot setback variance from an east lot line of 5200 Doncaster Way/H ighlands P ark, for a mono-pole cellular telecommunications antenna tower and park light standard replacement to allow for an additional service provider co-location. T he proposed project includes replacement of the existing park light standard/monopole antenna and the addition of an equipment structure. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Photo s imulation Staff Report with Attachments Date: April 15, 2020 Agenda Item #: V.D. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:Emily Bodeker, As s is tant C ity P lanner Item Activity: Subject:B-20-7, a 2.8 foot side yard s etbac k variance for a garage addition at 5908 C howen Avenue Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve the variance as submitted. I N TR O D U C TI O N: T he subject property, 5908 C howen Avenue, is approximately .2 acres (8,920 square feet) and is located on the east side of C howen Avenue S , between 58th Street W and 60th Street W. T he existing home on the lot is a single story single family home built in 1953. T he applicant is requesting a 2.8 foot side yard setback variance to accommodate a garage addition off of the existing single stall garage on the south side of the existing house. T he project also includes a new second story addition. With the exception of the south side yard setback, the proposed garage addition and second floor addition meet all other zoning requirements. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Staff Report Aerial Map Applicant Submittal Variance Review Engineering Memo Site Specific Standard Engineering Memo The subject property, 5908 Chowen Avenue, is approximately .2 acres (8,920 square feet) and is located on the east side of Chowen Avenue S, between 58th Street W and 60th Street W. The existing home on the lot is a single story single family home built in 1953. The applicant is requesting a 2.8 foot side yard setback variance to accommodate a garage addition off of the existing single stall garage on the south side of the house. The project also includes a new second story addition. With the exception of the south side yard setback, the proposed garage addition and second floor addition meet all other zoning requirements. Surrounding Land Uses Northerly: Single Unit residential homes zoned R-1 and guided low-density residential Easterly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned R-1 and guided low-density residential. Southerly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned R-1 and guided low-density residential. Westerly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned R-1 and guided low-density residential. Existing Site Features 5908 Chowen Avenue S is 8,920 square feet (.2 acres) and is located on the west side of Chowen Avenue S between 58th Street W and 60th Street W. The home is a single story single family home with a single car garage that was built in 1953. April 15, 2020 PLANNING COMMISSION Emily Bodeker, Assistant City Planner B-20-7, A 2.8 foot side yard setback variance for a garage addition at 5908 Chowen Avenue Information / Background: STAFF REPORT Page 2 Planning Guide Plan designation: Low-Density Residential Zoning: R-1, Single-Dwelling District Grading & Drainage The subject property drains to Chowen Avenue South. The applicant proposes to grade a swale along the south property line to maintain drainage towards Chowen. There is local 1% annual chance floodplain on the subject property. The Engineering Department has provided a separate site specific review to address the floodplain and requirements for the garage addition. Compliance Table City Standard Proposed North Side – Side yard East Side - Front yard South– Side yard West Side – Rear yard 16 feet with no less than 8 feet on one side 36.25 feet 16 feet with no less than 8 feet on one side 25 feet 5.9 first floor, existing 8 feet, proposed 2nd floor 36.3 feet 5.2 feet* Approximately 65 feet Building Coverage 30% 23.9% *Requires a variance PRIMARY ISSUES & STAFF RECOMMENDATION Primary Issues • Is the proposed variance justified? Minnesota Statues and Section 36-98 of the Edina Zoning Ordinance require that the following conditions must be satisfied affirmatively. The proposed variance will: 1. Relieve practical difficulties that prevent a reasonable use from complying with ordinance requirements. Reasonable use does not mean that the applicant must show the land cannot be put to any reasonable use without the variance. Rather, the applicant must show that there are practical difficulties in complying with the code and that the proposed use is reasonable. “Practical difficulties” may include functional and aesthetic concerns. STAFF REPORT Page 3 The practical difficulty is designing for the existing home in its present location. The proposed use is permitted in the R-1 Single Dwelling Unit District and complies with zoning standards with the exception of the south side yard setback. The proposed addition is for a second garage stall which would be required for a new home at this location. The proposed second story addition meets all setback requirements. 2. There are circumstances that are unique to the property, not common to every similarly zoned property, and that are not self-created? The existing home was built in 1953. The placement of the existing home is not self created. The applicant is trying to improve the existing structure instead of tearing down and rebuilding. 3. Will the variance alter the essential character of the neighborhood? Granting the variance will not alter the character of the neighborhood. Other homes in the neighborhood have two car garages and there are properties in the area with existing non- conforming setbacks. Recommended Action: Approve a 2.8 foot side yard setback variance for the proposed addition at 5908 Chowen Avenue. Approval is subject to the following findings: 1. The proposed use is permitted. 2. The proposal meets the variance criteria. The practical difficulty is caused by the placement of the existing single-family home. 3. The proposed addition is reasonable. 4. Granting the variance will not alter the character of the neighborhood. Approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. Survey date stamped March 6, 2020. 2. Elevations and plans date stamped March 6, 2020. 3. Compliance with the conditions and comments listed in the engineering variance review memo dated March 27, 2020 and the site-specific standard engineering memo dated March 30, 2020. Ed ina, Hennep in, MetroG IS, Edin a, Henn epin , MetroGIS | © WSB & Associates2013, © WSB & Associa tes 2013 590 8 Chowen Avenue April 7, 202 0 1 in = 47 f t / PLANNING DEPARTMENT 5908 Chowen Variance MAR 0 6 2020 CITY OF EDINA Q: Relieve practical difficulties in complying with zoning ordinance and that the use is reasonable. A: The practical difficulty of this property as to the code is there is not enough room in the 15'3" setback on the south side of the garage to add a 2' garage stall. We are looking to add 10" to the existing garage to give a minimal amount of space to have a usable 2 car garage. I am using an existing house and foundation so I am not able to move or alter the foundation without adding tremendous cost. Q: Correct extraordinary circumstances applicable to this property but not applicable to other propertiy in the vicinity or zoning district. A: There are many houses in the area which are built close to the lot line, many are new construction and were able to position the houses in a way to be able to do a 2 or 3 car garage. For the project at 5908 Chowen, I am using an existing house and foundation so I am not able to move or alter the foundation without adding tremendous cost. See pictures of other houses. Q: Be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the zoning ordinance. A: The project at 5908 Chowen will still have reasonable side yard setback and be far more in tune with zoning ordinance than houses near by that the facade has been essentially overrun with large 3 car garages and driveways that overwhelm the whole front of the house and yard. This project will look very natural in the area when completed and grading will be addressed to make sure there are no issues with surrounding properties. Q: Not alter the essential character of a neighborhood. A: The neighborhood is quickly changing, and new construction homes are being built all the time. Modern code requires that all houses must be built with a 2 car garage and this house currently only has one small garage stall. The variance for 5908 Chowen will allow this house fit in with the character of the neighborhood now and into the future. Other design elements of the house have been made that are in line with the direction the neighborhood is going such as roof pitch, and gable orientation along with siding textures that give the home dimension and curb appeal that is fitting of the area. DENOTES TREE PROTECTION DEVICE, PROPOSED DENOTES ROOF DRAINAGE ARROW, EXISTING AND PROPOSED ,1NING DEPARTN DENOTES GROUND DRAINAGE ARROW, PROPOSED MAR U 6 2020 CITY OF EDIN 1 \ ,,(1 4? (8 8 • >e° \\ C ) / q>‘ 60 I \6> jr9...> qs)ciiov \ C' X 45C" c6\ \ • \ cb 01.3C) .301 CONTRALa OR TO PROVIDE INLET PROTECTION AT ALL DOWNSTREAM CATCH BASINS V N N IF-PO N NG GREEN 03 01 \WALL --/ AREA \ / 8847 X ,co / co A> .CP ._ Lf.),„:. Imo- — In — NE int — m •-5' , IC 00 c'v )/. .7-c)0 •,9 -6' (c_C) \ I c3 89°3z-'3 134-.90 _1 L. \0 0 0 \\N (1. 3 0 - CONTRACTOR 11) GRADE `,' ' ' - - \ SWALE LOT ALONG SOUTH Vgl SIDE OF LpT TOWARD e' STREET PER LOT 44' CERTIFICATION GRADING isdlii: PLAN gt•S‘ ,19 Adt '1 4%#• 01 .•"!. r I =884.72 9\ 6,6,v 36.8 ,,o if co / (5) Lri 88 1> cx) 1 / 0) / -.,. 4-> imr,L „ sk ocs, 36.3 I - /1684-. Voisi `De"' 7-CcD I I 86 / 7s-rtourFrALL ,,, cE )I ,,b -6 oxcAvArioa,, 1? C ON C.7 1 c.°N GR N C . ARI- A \ • X CT) IRON ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE co co O PROPOSI D SWA • / M N. 2.0% GRAD- ALL _FEN'S S,- OWN) —884.35 32.7 2 0 1111r1-MI-MM-W --5.8 \\ 36.2 , CQ CrA IXISING OU Si //// 1-Tni•t ,b<7 I ►1/ 134.48 cP7v N 89°31'27" W ALL SPECIFIED EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES, AND MEASURES CONTAINED IN THIS SWPPP ARE THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS. ADDITIONAL PRACTICES MAYBE REQUIRED DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION. cpv f co 0 . ' INSTALL TREE PROTECTION ' . ' FENCING AROUND All TREES, _ Td. RETAIN, COOND. W/ , / 1111p-'_, III ' I PROPEITY OWNER, TYP. C•7::, 0 ' 7,-, Cr, L., ' Q) ' 0' 0_,C8\ ' C) , L.• A \ I (5) - II 6, , 7 b,\ 60 co\ SE RON (5> SJ B OP C V. X,„ d/ GOPHER STATE ONE CALL VWAV.GOFTIERSTAIEGNECALL ORS 1E01252-116 3 TOLL FREE (551)454-0002 LOCAL 36.6 PROPOSED rApArl- Ann 1' = 10'9' 5'-O' 0 10'9' EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL FACILITIES AND SOIL STABILIZATION MEASURES. BASED ON INSPECTION RESULTS THE CONTRACTOR MAY AND SHALL MODIFY THE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN IN ORDER TO PREVENT POLLUTANTS FROM LEAVING THE SITE VIA STORM WATER RUNOFF. POLLUTION PREVENTION CONCRETE WASHOUT - SHALL OCCUR OFFSITE HAZARDOUS WASTE STORAGE AND HANDLING - OIL, GASOLINE, PAINT AND ANY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES MUST BE PROPERLY STORED, INCLUDING SECONDARY CONTAINMENT, TO PREVENT SPILLS, LEAKS OR OTHER DISCHARGE. RESTRICTED ACCESS TO STORAGE AREAS MUST BE PROVIDED TO PREVENT VANDALISM. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL OF HAZARDOUS WASTE MUST BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH ANCA REGULATIONS. STORMWATER FINAL GRADING OF THE LOT SHALL. PROMOTE SHEET DRAINING AND AVOID CONCENTRATION OF STORM WATER FLOWS FINAL GRADING SHALL MAINTAIN THE EXISTING STORM WATER DRAINAGE PATTERNS TO THE EXTENT POSSIBLE AND PRACT.CAL AS TO NOT CAUSE ANY DAMAGE TO ADJACENT PROPERTIES. STORMWATER, SEDIMENT & EROSION CONTROL CONTACT: NEIL THEISEN THEISEN RENOVATIONS 5005 PENN AVE S MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55419 812-220-4370 NPTHEISEN@YAHOO.COM IMPERVIOUS CALCULATIONS: TOTAL SITE AREA = 8,885 SF EXISTING IMPERVIOUS SURFACE = 2,821 SF PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS SURFACE = 2,998 SF DENOTES STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE, PROPOSED EX. 1' CONTOUR ELEVATION INTERVAL PROP 1.0' CONTOUR ELEVATION INTERVAL SPOT GRADE ELEVATION (GUTTER/FLOW LINE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED) PROPOSED 025' INFILTRATION BASIN CONTOUR DENOTES SILT FENCE/GRADING LIMIT DENOTES INLET PROTECTION DEVICE, PROPOSED NOTES: SEE SURVEY, BY HARRY S. JOHNSON CO INC, DATED 11/08/2019 FOR EXISTING 8 PROPOSED ELEVATIONS 8 GRADES —1949h 949.0X DRAINAGE PATTERNS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED ACCORDING TO GRADING PLAN. PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREA IS GREATER THAN EXISTING. THE PROPOSED INCREASE IN IMPERVIOUS AREA S 178 SF. THE GRADING PLAN PROPOSES A SWALE TO BE CONSTRUCTED TO CONVEY DRAINAGE FROM THE INCREASED IMPERVIOUS AREA TOWARD THE STREET. RUNOFF RATES TO ADJACENT PROPERTIES WILL NOT INCREASE. MMMMM • EDINA, MN 55410 5908 CHOWEN AVE S I— a EROSION CONTROL 5, STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN C 1 .0 ,/,),H1,11. 14441 55002 r I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT PAS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR R PORT WAS PREPARED DV ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THA I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER ME LAWS OF THE STATE OF IdI NNESOTA M aNIew R. Pavek DATE 02/12/20 006556 50 44263 ISSUE/SUBMITTAL SUMMARY DATE DESCRIPTION 02112/20 CITY SUBMITTAL REVISION SUMMARY DATE DESCRIPTION CivilSite GR OUP 4931 VI. 35TH ST. SUITE 200 ST. LOUIS PARK, MN 55416 Ch11517-GILAp crap Mall PavEk Pal Serve( 763 213-3944 652250-2003 ENT LEGEND: SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL NOTES CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING 1. INSTALLATION Of SILT FENCE OR BIO-ROLL AROUND SITE 2 DEMOLITION OF EXISTING STRUCTURES IF ANY. 3. CLEAR AND GRUB. 4 CONSTRUCT NEW STRUCTURE 5. WHEN ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY IS COMPLETE AND THE SITE IS STABILIZED BY EITHER SEED OR SOD/LANDSCAPING, REMOVE SILT FENCE AND RESEED ANY ARMS DISTURBED BY THE REMOVAL. EROSION PREVENTION THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PLANING FOR AND IMPLEMENTING APPROPRIATE CONSTRUCTION PHASING, VEGETATIVE BUFFER STRIPS, HORIZONTAL SLOPE GRAD:NG, AND OTHER CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES THAT MINIMIZE EROSION. ALL EXPOSED SOIL AREAS MUST BE STABILIZED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE TO LIMIT SOIL EROSION BUT IN NO CASE LATER THAN 14 DAYS AFTER THE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY IN THAT PORTION OF THE SITE HAS TEMPORARILY OR PERMANENTLY CEASED. THE NORMAL WETTED PERIMETER OF ANY TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT DRAINAGE DITCH OR SWALE THAT DRAINS WATER FROM ANY PORTION OF THE CONSTRUCTION SITE OR DIVERTS WATER AROUND THE SITE, MUST BE STABILIZED WHIN 20 LINEAL FEET FROM THE PROPERTY EDGE, OR FROM THE POINT OF DISCHARGE INTO ANY SURFACE WATER. STABILIZATION OF THE LAST 29 LINEAL FEET MUST BE COMPLETED WITHIN 24 HOURS AFTER CONNECTING TO A SURFACE WATER STABILIZATION OF THE REMAINING PORTIONS OF ANY TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT DITCHES OR SWALES MUST BE COMPLETE WITHIN 14 DAYS AFTER CONNECTING TO A SURFACE WATER AND CONSTRUCTION IN THAT PORTION OF THE DITCH HAS TEMPORARILY OR PERMANENTLY CEASED. TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT DITCHES OR SWALES THAT ARE BEING USED AS A SEDIMENT CONTAINMENT SYSTEM (WITH PROPERLY DESIGNED ROCK DITCH CHECKS, BIO ROLLS, SILT DIKES ETC ) DO NOT NEED TO BE STABUZED THESE AREAS MUST BE STABILIZED WITHIN 24 HOURS AFTER NO LONGER BEING USED AS A SEDIMENT CONTAINMENT SYSTEM. PIPE OUTLETS MUST BE PROVIDED WITH TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT ENERGY DISSIPATION WITHIN 24 HOURS AFTER CONNECTION TOA SURFACE WATER SEDIMENT CONTROL SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES MUST MINIMIZE SEDIMENT FROM ENTERING SURFACE WATERS, INCLUDING CURB AND GUTTER SYSTEMS AND STORM SEWER INLETS SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES MUST BE ESTABLISHED ON ALL DOWN GRADIENT PERIMETERS BEFORE ANY UPGRAD:ENT LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES BEGIN. THESE PRACTICES SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL FINAL STABILIZATION HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED. ALL STORM DRAIN INLETS MUST BE PROTECTED BY APPROPRIATE BM PS DURING CONSTRUCTION UNTIL ALL SOURCES WITH POTENTIAL FOR DISCHARGING TO THE INLET HAVE BEEN STABILIZED. TEMPORARY SOIL STOCKPILES MUST HAVE SILT FENCE OR OTHER EFFECTIVE SEDIMENT CONTROLS, AND CANNOT BE PLACED IN SURFACE WATERS, INCLUDING STORMWATER CONVEYANCES SUCH AS CURB AND GUTTER SYSTEMS, OR CONDUITS AND DITCHES UNLESS THERE IS A BYPASS IN PLACE FOR THE STORMWATER. VEHICLE TRACKING OF SEDIMENT FROM THE CONSTRUCTION SITE MUST BE MINIMPFD BY A ROCK CONSTRUCT-ON ENTRANCE. STREET SWEERNG MUST BE USED IF THE ROCK ENTRANCE IS NOT ADEQUATE TO PREVENT SEDIMENT FROM BEING TRACKED ONTO THE STREET. TEMPORARY DE-WATERING - DEWATERING OR BASIN DRAINING (E.G., PUMPED DISCHARGES, TRENCH/DITCH CUTS FOR DRAINAGE) RELATED TO THE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY THAT MAY HAVE TURBID OR SEDIMENT LADEN DISCHARGE WATER MUST BE DISCHARGED TO A TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT SEDIMENTATION BASIN ON THE PROJECT SITE WHENEVER POSSIBLE. IF THE WATER CANNOT BE DISCHARGED TO A SEDIMENTATION BASIN PRIOR TO ENTERING THE SURFACE WATER, IT MUST BE TREATED WITH THE APPROPRIATE BMP'S SUCH THAT THE DISCHARGE DOES NOT ADVERSELY AFFECT THE RECEIVING WATER, DOWNSTREAM LANDOWNERS OR WETLANDS. THE CONTRACTOR MUST ENSURE THAT ETSCHARGE POINTS ARE ADEQUATELY PROTECTED FROM EROSION AND SCOUR. THE DISCHARGE MUST BE DISPERSED OVER NATURAL ROCK RIPRAP, SAND BAGS, PLASTIC SHEATHING OR OTHER ACCEPTED ENERGY DISSIPATION MEASURES. ADEQUATE SEDIMENTATION CONTROL MEASURES ARE REQUIRED FOR DISCHARGE WATER THAT CONTAINS SUSPENDED SOLIDS. FILTER BACKWASH WATERS MUST BE HAULED AWAY FOR DISPOSAL, RETURNED TO THE BEGINNING OF THE TREATMENT PROCESSOR INCORPORATE INTO THE SITE INA MANNER THAT DOES NOT CAUSE EROSION. DISCHARGE OF THE BACKWASH WATER TO SANITARY SEWER IS ALLOWED WITH PERMISSION OF THE SANITARY SEWER AUTHORITY SOIL COMPACTION PRECAUTIONS THE PERM TEE MUST MINIMIZE SOIL COMPACTION AND, UNLESS INFEASIBLE, PRESERVE TOPSOIL MIN IMO NG SOIL COMPACTION IS NOT REQUIRED WHERE THE FUNCTION OF THE SPECIFIC AREA OF THE SITE DICTATES THAT IT BE COMPACTED. METHODS FOR MINIMIZING COMPACTION INCLUDE THE USE OF TRACKED EQUIPMENT, AND STAYING OFF OF AREAS TO BE LEFT UN-COMPACTED. METHODS TO PRESERVE TOPSOIL INCLUDE STRIPPING AND STOCKPILING TOPSO:L PRIOR TO GRADING OR EXCAVATION OPERATIONS INSPECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE AT ALL TIMES FOR THE MAINTENANCE AND PROPER OPERATION OF EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL FACILITIES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL AT A MINIMUM, INSPECT, MAINTAIN AND REPAIR ALL DISTURBED SURFACES AND ALL FILTER FABRIC AS SPECIFIED FILLER AS SPECIFIED FILL UPSTREAM BASE EDGE WITH r OF DIRT OR COMPOST TO EMBED ROLL. DIRECTION OF FLOW EXISTING GROUND SURFACE WOODEN STAKES 1/7X7X16' MIN. PLACED 10 O.C. WHEN INSTALLED ON GROUND. IF INSTALLED ON PVMT. PROVIDE SANDBAGS BEHIND AND ON TOP AT MW. 10' O.C. NOTE: 1. COMPOST FILTER LOGS (B10 ROLLS) SHALL BE FILTREXX EROSION CONTROL SOXX OR APPROVED EQUAL. 2. COMPOST FILLER TO BE MADE FROM A COMPOST BLEND 30%-40% GRADE 2 (SPEC 3890) AND 60%-70% PARTIALLY DECOMPOSED WOOD CHIPS, PER MNDOT SPEC 3897. 3. FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE GEOTEXTILE KNITTED MATERIAL WITH MAX. OPENINGS OF 3/8'. 4. IF MULTIPLE ROLLS NEEDED, OVERLAP BY MIN. 17 AT ENDS AND STAKE. 5. SILT SHALL BE REMOVED ONCE IT REACHES 80% OF THE HEIGHT OF THE ROLL OR AS DEEMED NECESSARY BY SITE CONTRACTOR TO MAINTAIN PROPER FUNCTION. 6" MIN CRUSHED STONE 75' MINIMUM ti GEOTEXTILE FILTER FABRIC 4' UGH, .1r WOE SPEED BUMP FINISHED GRADE 2 TO CONSTRUCTION AREA 7 PLAN 3D FROM EDGE OF ROAD TO FRONT OF SPEED BURP - 'I.IaiaffaiaT il=ir=11:4=11=ll=i1=1=11=11=ii=o= iii= wkwiiviwAvivilliwLwAwkwArat TO CONSTRUCTION AREA >- 0 O 20 LEO' 03 O EXISTING UNDISTURBED 35'R 35' R 1;! OVERFLOW IS( OF TH E CURB BOX HEIGHT OVERFLOW AT TOP OF FILTER ASSEMBLY EXISTING CURB, PLATE, BOX, AND GRATE FILTER ASSEMBLY DIAMETER, 6" ON-GRADE 10' AT LOW POINT HIGH FLOW FABRIC FILTER FABRIC WITH WIRE SUPPORT NET AS SPECIFIED. METAL POST AS SPECIFIED. SUPPORT NET: 12 GAUGE 4' x 4' WIRE HOOKED ONTO PREFORMED CHANNELS ON POSTS AS SPECIFIED. EXISTING GROUND SURFACE WAWA CARRY WIRE SUPPORT NET DOWN INTO TRENCH FILTER FABRIC AS SPECIFIED SECURE /- TO WIRE SUPPORT NET WITH METAL CLIPS 12'O.C. ANCHOR FABRIC WITH SOIL, TAMP BACKFILL DIRECTION OF FLOW 6' EDINA, MN 55410 5908 CHOWEN AVE S O IY I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR R PORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA Ma01ew R Pavek CIVIC 02/12/20 LICENSE NO 44263 ISSUE'/SUBMITTAL SUMMARY DESCRIPTION DATE 02/12/20 CITY SUBMITTAL REVISION SUMMARY DATE DESCRIPTION PROJECT NO.. 23053 DETAILS C2.0 OCOPYR GMT MO 15, Sae GROUP PIC iSite GR OUP 4931 W 35TH ST SUITE 209 Si LOUIS PARK, UN 55416 CrvISIeGroup con, Matt Pavek Pat Sarver 761213-3944 952-250-2003 NOTES: 1. REPLACE INLET GRATE UPON COMPLETE INSTALLATION OF INLET PROTECTION FABRIC. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE ALL ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT AND DEBRIS FROM THE SURFACE OF THE SYSTEM AFTER EACH STORM EVENT AND AT THE COMPLETION OF THE CONTRACT. 3. REFERENCE APPLE VALLEY STANDARD PLATE ERO-4C. 0 CURB INLET FILTER SEDIMENT BIO-ROLL / COMPOST FILTER LOG DL FURNISH A AND INSTALL TEMPORARY FENCE AT THE TREE'S DRIP LINE OR CONSTRUCTION LIMITS AS SHOWN ON PLAN, PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION. WHERE POSSIBLE PLACE FENCE 25' BEYOND DRIP LINE. PLACE TREE PROTECTION SIGN ON POSTS, ONE PER INDIVIDUAL TREE (FACING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY), OR ONE EVERY 100' LF ALONG A GROVE OR MULTI-TREE PROTECTION AREA. L 0 SEDIMENT FENCE NTS PROFILE NOTES: 1. PROVIDE APPROPRIATE TRANSITION BETWEEN STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE AND UNDISTURBED ROADWAY. 2. THE ENTRANCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A CONDITION WHICH WILL PREVENT TRACKING OR FLOWING OF SEDIMENT ONTO UNDISTURBED ROADWAY. THIS MAY REQUIRE PERIODIC TOP DRESSING WITH ADDITIONAL STONE OR ADDING STONE TO THE LENGTH OF THE ENTRANCE. 3. REPAIR AND CLEANOUT MEASURES USED TO TRAP SEDIMENT. 4. ALL SEDIMENT SPILLED, DROPPED, WASHED, OR TRACKED ONTO UNDISTURBED ROADWAY SHALL BE REMOVED AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. 5. FINAL LOCATION AND INSTALLATION SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE CITY PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. 6 CRUSHED STONE SHALL BE 1-1/2' DIA. CLOSE GRADED, AND IN ACCORDANCE TO MNDOT SECTION 2118. O STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ACCESS NTS PLANNING DEPARTMENT MAR 0 6 2020 CITY OF EDINA NTS NTS METAL POSTS 8,0 O.C. 0 TREE PROTECTION NTS Lot 15, Auditor's Subdivision No. 312, n Hennepin County, Minnesota. Except road. GENERAL NOTES 1. The bearing system used is assumed. 2. The location of the underground utilities shown hereon, if any, are approximate only. PURSUANT TO MSA 216D CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT (612) 454-0002 PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION. 3. Site Area = 8,889 square feet = 0.204 acres. 4. This survey was made on the ground. 5. No title commitment was furnished for the preparation of this survey. 6. Elevation datum is based on NAVD 88 data. 100.000 (NAVD 88) = 99.814 (NGVD 29) Bench mark #1 is located Top of Nail (AS SHOWN ON SURVEY) Elevation = 882.06 7. Verify dimensions and elevations per latest house plan prior to construction, this survey relied upon plans from TK Design, last revision date 12-16-19. 8. Existing Impervious Area details. Total Site Area: 8,889 s.f. Total Impervious Area: 1,871 s.f. House Area: 1,435 s.f. Other Structure Area: 84 s.f. Patio/Deck Areas: 409+93-150= 352 s.f. Percent of Impervious Area: 21.05% 9. Proposed Impervious Area details. Total Site Area: 8,889 s.f. Total Impervious Area: 2,131 s.f. House Area: 1,435 s.f. Garage Addition: 260 s.f. Other Structure Area: 84 s.f. Patio/Deck Areas: 409+93-150= 352 s.f. Percent of Impervious Area: 23.97% CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Date. November 6. 2019 LEGEND • w w Ul•C - (01- - ID 0 - - -906- - X 851.27G X 934.3 X (845.0) Property Corner Concrete Patio Pavers Concrete Curb Fence Overhead Electric Water Gas Sanitary Sewer Storm Sewer Electric Meter Air Conditioning Unit Deciduous Tree (Dia. in In.) Gas Meter Existing Contour Existing Spot Elev. Gutter Existing Spot Elevation Silt Fence Proposed Contour Proposed Spot Elevation Proposed Drainage Arrow T •mas E. Hodorff Minn. Reg. No. 236 LEGAL DESCRIPTION I nT A L _ \-/ I 1 35.5 EXISTING', HOUSEY / FOUND __,/ IRON 1 tTh '10 L _ V I 1 _7 CJ L.. sU C•1 O 0) Co t O =N X Zco ° < o ° inc\I Li-)(N - :d E 0) Fo 30 15 0 30 SCALE IN FEET I te-N lc; L \J I I r\ -r L \J I FOUND __,/ PROPOSED SWALE IRON MIN. 2.0% GRADE-1' (BOTTOM SWALE ELEV'S SHOWN) /5 1.1 ()1 6 T-I S N E G / I IRON SET <9 67 • S 89°34'36" Cx N (5, i l,,,------ . 134.90 &o, . `,‘2:, 58 ; Adf9 i I 7 I 'kc, f= - -`5791"1- - --.‘"41--,.4. 4574 0 _ - i I ‘ 68> 1 1 It o /6;1 1 49:1 x !I L i FiET'll tw N 8. 17Lx_ k 5; I I 7 , ;AREA T° GREEN )- CC 0 Z 1-, 32.9 NI 36.4_ FF \ \ \ \o N tt \ /,'. ' EL=886.47 1 1 i • 6, 1 2 0• 0 K 894 6,r, ,:-,-i j.,(\ ,b,... ,o __ \ J. ti 0 ,46 CONC 43 t '3(:) / (90P1 of 9, 1 ,t,c) co Op / C° CP CP ,- 0 8 \ CN \ . V STAIR xtD:caN) / fo' I .6 83 V,rffr°, ; c°'''' sr • p cr , n v co .%In 0 I cr xq,,P' kt -k,,,, lip,Aost. -E z n8' .-- -- ,,,, 1 co IL "" ; 10 pj st 0 s% ..4_ ,47:0 2 Ci .(c, -- \\>). X \- I P3 \ GREEN dF co '''' AREA o - 6 8 5;iu) IN 2 1 2 A eses."•• e• i ,D>0 1 i ct;\ \ '$15.` 5Viiiiiit A4AttSW \3.0 . X . . \ ". cP i / b? co' ) 32.7 \\\I°3 '''' sr '''. ,9Q 1 i xl ;91 1111111ski \ \c,4 r-s) v( -t., x ci, , C•1 . 0 17F.t...:5". '. \ I xJ 5 .ei • '-' co - - - - 134.48 'v co 4. i 4i6 / 1 N 89°34'27" W . / ., / / EXISTING / • • • • /HOUSE / 36.5 36.8 b 765'. 7•4•5-13...72V3-<0 175.8 \ 36.2 / A - - cti \ X6, X `t? go) \ • PROPOSED \ GARAGE ADDITION (MATCH EXISTING FLOOR ELEVATION) FOUND r- IRON sb`b Xt'1 'b _*() (8 I.` 60 I ---V,3 01 30;,11: I ip 2 I 7 1 0_ Xi ▪ I X )()X\i ll 9)93N '9(9/ '3° '58 301 30 c (5' CP SET 0,5> IRON • PLANNING DEPARTMENT MAR 0 6 2020 CITY OF EDIN/3 HSJ BENCHMARK #1 TOP OF NAIL ELEV.=882.06 ji Ll lry4 qo, HSJ BENCHMARK #2 TOP OF NAIL ELEV.=881.69 /1 T L \J I 36.2 I /Th -r -7 L I I / • • 36.6 N \ Revision History: CAD File: 201939901.DWG Path: J: \2019399\DWG\ 3/3/2020 1:17:24 PM EXISTING NON CONFORMING SETBACK A-1=-77-7 U 16 MAIN FLOOR _LOWER CEILING -V-19' - RIDGE VENT ASPHAULT SHINGLE ROOF 2ND CEILING 17' - 10 1/8" LAP SIDING NEW CONFORMING WALL SETBACK 10" FREESE BOARD MATERIAL BREAK \_E 2ND FLOOR NEW MAIN CLG EXISTING BRICK MM. 0) .114, Al .4 I AIM II I i I _ ULL _ ' r I L " L_I1_ L ...••••=mommominarm. ••••••IMMI e --TVERTICAL SIDING Mal WWI • =Nom PLANNING DEPARTMP MAR 0 6 20211 CITY OF EDIt, JOB NO: 5908 - TI s —6" EAV —6" FREESE BOARD EAST 1/4" = 1'-0" SHAKE SIDING ACCENT 0 0 1/8" = 1'-0" NORTH 1/8" = 1.-0" WEST 3/16" = 1'-0" z 2 z w SHEET NO: AO ELEVATIONS TERMS: CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS, AS BUILT CONDITIONS (IF APPLY) AND SITE CONDITIONS, BEFORE ORDERING MATERIAL OR DEMOLISHING EXISTING STRUCTURES. CONTRACTOR AND ALL SUBS MUST REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO DESIGNER IMMEDIATLY. AS BUILT AND SITE CONDITIONS OFTEN HAVE UNIQUE CON- DITIONS THAT CANNOT BE PREDICTED OR FORSEEN AT DESIGN COMPLETION. CONTRACTOR. SUBS AND DESIGNER WILL WORK TOGETHER TO REACH A SOLUTION IF ANY SITUATION MAY ARISE. DATE: 2019-10-13 REVISIONS: ISSUED FOR REVIEW 2019-12-16 ISSUED FOR VARIANCE 2020-01-28 REVISED 2020-02-25 TODD KNUTSON DESIGN 5757 WENTWORTH AV SO MINNEAPOLIS, MN. 55419 P: 612-251-1041 WVVW.TODDKNUTSONDESIGN .COM 1 36" DN MUD ON ;11.1111•11, 11 GIRDER TRUSS , . MAIN FLOOR 1/4" = 1 .-0" LOWER FLOOR 1/8" = 1'-0" 3/3/2020 1:17:25 PM JOB NO: 5908 1 11' - 7" e \ \ I-- NEW DOOR OPENING BATH REMOVE EXISTING WINDOW AND PRERP FOR NEW KITCHEN WINDOW. IT -I PATCH AS NEEDED WITH DEMOED EXIST . ll BRICK 6 OFFICE PLAY ROOM DEMO EXISTING STOOP AND STAIR 8 5 14' - 0" = 0 OPEN FOR NEW I 18" ENG-TRUSSES' 1 BY MANUF. SLIDING DOOR REMOVE EXISTING WALLS AND MECHANICAL PIPING HALL 32' - 9" 12' - 3 3/41 1/4 - r_p_p cv,,, REF \ PANTRY • ; p L _ _ I 3' - 6 @ T - 0" A 18' ENG-TRUSSES 1 BY MANUF. DEMO EXISTING CABINETS AND FINISHES, VERIFY WALL CONDITION AND REPLACE AS NEEDED. — IUW REMOVE EXIST. GARAGE DOOR AND SHORE AS NEEDED FOR NEW DOOR OPENING co 0 130" Ls A3 REMOVE EXISTING GARAGE WALL, SAVE EXISTING BRICK FOR RE USE. LIVING ROOM L 9 75 0 REF e MECH FAMILY 4 BATH co STOR 3 I (----.1 DINING I ! [ H H 1 -1-.1,1H- !,_, 30" / CL 13 12 io 5' - 7 1/2" FP A 18" ENG-TRUSSES BY MANUF. \ \ CD 0 36"/ 4' - 2 1/4" \ \ 0 io 26' - 0" 26' - 0" EXISTING MAIN FLOOR DEMO 1/8" = 1.-0" TERMS: CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS, AS BUILT CONDITIONS (IF APPLY) AND SITE CONDITIONS, BEFORE ORDERING MATERIAL OR DEMOLISHING EXISTING STRUCTURES. CONTRACTOR AND ALL SUBS MUST REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO DESIGNER IMMEDIATLY. AS BUILT AND SITE CONDITIONS OFTEN HAVE UNIQUE CON- DITIONS THAT CANNOT BE I'REDICTED OR FORSEEN AT DESIGN COMPLETION. CONTRACTOR, SUBS AND DESIGNER WILL WORK TOGETHER TO REACH A SOLUTION IF ANY SITUATION MAY ARISE. PLANING DEPARTMENT MAR 0 6 2020 CITY OF EDINA 2 5908 CHOWEN AV SHEET NO: Al MAIN FLOOR DATE: 2019-10-13 REVISIONS: ISSUED FOR REVIEW 2019-12-16 ISSUED FOR VARIANCE 2020-01-28 REVISED 2020-02-25 E S G N TODD KNUTSON DESIGN 5757 WENTWORTH AV SO MINNEAPOLIS. MN. 55419 P:612-251-1041 WWW.TODDKNUTSONDESIGN .COM 13' - 2 1/4" 6'- 4 1/2" 13'- 2 1/4" 10' - 93/4" 2' - 4 1/2"to Zo co U) CD A 10' - 9 3/4' - 4 1/2' ' - OV - 2 1/4 3' - 2 1/4' / I TUB \ 16 BR 1 a BR 2 15 18 --- - ---- ' 17 • -__ L--) '. LAUNDRY 30" DN 20 HALL w D ' E..,\ - 19 .4- Nv-i _ L ' ' ' • 30" n. HALL -M • 22 6 0 0 M BATH L 24 M BEDROOM 21 in M CLOSET 3' - 2 1/2" 3' - 10 1/2" 23 C .-:-.- 1 I— --1 1 3' - 0 1/4" • 30" 7 - 4 1/2" 15'-31/4" MECHANICAL / ATTIC UN FINISHED STORAGE 26 25 T - 9 1/4" Aa 24' - 11 3/4" 32' - 9" co e U) O a, N 7 co 2ND FLOOR 1/4" = l'-O" 0 co N co O N V • E S G N TODD KNUTSON DESIGN 5757 WENTWORTH AV SO MINNEAPOLIS, MN. 55419 P: 612-251-1041 WWW.TODDKNUTSONDESIGN .COM PLANNI NG DEPARTMENT R 0 6 2020 OF EDINA A z 2 z 0 w 5908 CHOWEN AV M CI SHEET NO: A2 UPPER FLOOR TERMS: CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS. AS BUILT CONDITIONS (IF APPLY) AND SITE CONDITIONS. BEFORE ORDERING MATERIAL OR DEMOLISHING EXISTING STRUCTURES. CONTRACTOR AND ALL SUBS MUST REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO DESIGNER IMMEDIATLY. AS BUILT AND SITE CONDITIONS OFTEN HAVE UNIQUE CON- DITIONS THAT CANNOT BE PREDICTED OR FORSEEN AT DESIGN COMPLETION. CONTRACTOR, SUBS AND DESIGNER WILL WORK TOGETHER TO REACH A SOLUTION IF ANY SITUATION MAY ARISE. DATE: 2019-10-13 REVISIONS: ISSUED FOR REVIEW 2019-12-16 ISSUED FOR VARIANCE 2020-01-28 REVISED 2020-02-25 JOB NO: 5908 3/3/2020 1:17:26 PM 10" FREESE BD 11111111411..iish. .1111 8" TOP COLLAR • EXISTING BRICK 3/3/2020 1:17:27 PM JOB NO: 5908 NEW EXISTING DOOR .1111MMIM _71 10" BASE COLLAR Nc 12X36" CONC PIER FOOTING SEAL-DOWN ASPHALT SHINGLES 158 BUILDING FELT ICE & WATERSHIELD TO 24" INSIDE WALL 5/8" OSB SHEATHING ROOF SHEATHING MANUFACTURED ROOF TRUSSES @24" INSULATION BAFFLE ENERGY HEEL GUTTER 6" FASCIA 3/8" PLYWD. SOFFIT 2" CONT. VENT WDO UNITS U=0.31 (MAX) R-9 BATTS AT HDR HORIZONTAL SIDING HOUSEWRAP, 25/32" COMP- OSITION WALL SHEATHING 2x6 STUDS @ 16" O.C. INSULATION 6 MIL POLY VAPOR BARRIER 1/2" GYP. BD. 'N\ 5/8" GYP. BD. OVER POLY VAPOR BARRIER R-21 CALK AT JOINTS - PLATE TO FLOOR SHEATHING VII 18" BY MANUF. mi iii - I I I LL,1 U I _1 .. I .__ --! Section 5 3/8" = 1'-0" • SHAKE SIDING 6" EAVE WOOD BOXED COLUMNS 10" FREEZE BD TYPICAL INSULATED RIM JOIST R-21 SPRAY FOAM FLOOR FINISH AS SCHEDULED 25/32" T&G OSB FLR SHTNG GLUED AND NAILED 12' - 4 1/2" 9' - 9" NEW MAIN Cl.fth, 8' - 3"A1 EX MAIN CEILING inL 8' - 0" my 2ND CEILING 17' - 10 1/8" 2ND FLOQII__ I I - -LOWER FLOOR -8' - 4" RIM SEALING INSTRUCTIONS: CALK SEAMS AT RIM/ SUBFLOOR & RIM/ TOP PLATE INSTALL R-21 MIN. SPRAY FOAM AT RIM INTERIOR. FLOOR FRAMING NOTES: BLOCKING AT ALL ANCHOR BOLTS, MIN 3 JOIST BAYS ALIGN 3 JOIST BAYS, PERPENDICULAR TO BLOCKING W/ ANCHOR BOLTS WHERE FLOOR FRAMING SITS DIRECTLY ON TOP OF FOUNDATION GALVANIZED CLIP ANCHORS & JOISTS AND BLOCKING & ANCHOR BOLTS BRIDGING AT 1/2 SPAN (DIMENSION JOISTS ONLY) DOUBLE JOISTS ALL PARALLEL PARTITIONS LAYOUT FLOORS TO ACCOMMODATE PLUMBING AND PLUMBING WALLS. 1. VERIFY FRAMING BELOW COUNTERS, F.P.'S ETC. 2. PROVIDE HEAT SUPPLY AND RETURN CHASES. 3.VERIFY WINDOW OPENINGS THIS LEVEL 4. ASSUME 2,000 LBS. SOIL BRG. VAPOR BARRIER SEALING INSTRUCTIONS: SEAL TOP OF ALL INTERIOR PARTITIONS, SEAL BETWEEN ALL CHANGES IN ASSEMBLY (I.E. EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR WALLS, FLOORS TO WALLS E.T.C.) SEAL ALL ELECTRICAL BOXES AND FAN HOUSINGS. WALL FRAMING NOTES: 2X6' DIMENSIONAL LUMBER TO 10.-0" TALL UNSHEATHED BEARING WALLS REQUIRE BLOCKING AT 1/2 SPAN. • 3'-0 C) Section 1 1/4" = 1.-0" NOTE: ALL EXTERIOR HEADERS TO BE 2-2X10" UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. ALL STRUCTURAL CALC'S TO BE DESIGNED BY OTHERS. HEADER DESIGNER TO ALSO SIZE SUPPORT COLUMN'S & PAD FOOTINGS BLDR TO VERIFY ALL WDW, DOOR & C.O. HDR HTS. Section 4 1/4" = MAIN FLOOR 0" LOWER CEILING oiL ' -10" TERMS: CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS, AS BUILT CONDITIONS (IF APPLY) AND SITE CONDITIONS, BEFORE ORDERING MATERIAL OR DEMOLISHING EXISTING STRUCTURES. CONTRACTOR AND ALL SUBS MUST REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO DESIGNER IMMEDIATLY. AS BUILT AND SITE CONDITIONS OFTEN HAVE UNIQUE CON- DITIONS THAT CANNOT BE PREDICTED OR FORSEEN AT DESIGN COMPLETION. CONTRACTOR, SUBS AND DESIGNER WILL WORK TOGETHER TO REACH A SOLUTION IF ANY SITUATION MAY ARISE. PLANNING DEPARTMENT MAR 0 8 2020 CI-Y OF EDINA 2 O 5908 CHOWEN AV SHEET NO: A3 SECTIONS DATE: 2019-10-13 REVISIONS: ISSUED FOR VARIANCE 2020-01-28 REVISED 2020-02-25 E S G N TODD KNUTSON DESIGN 5757 WENTWORTH AV SO MINNEAPOLIS. MN. 55419 P:612-251-1041 WVVW.TODDKNUTSONDESIGN .COM O 5908 CHOWEN AV 3/3/2020 1:17:28 PM JOB NO: 5908 0) 6:1 ENG'D TRUSSES 5/8" TRYP "X" TOP PLATE SHEATHING ROOF PITCH PER PLAN FASCIA PER PLAN SOFFIT PER PLAN GYP SHEATHING MATCH BRICK (TR) SILL PLATE W/ SILL SEALER "WATCHDOG" NOTE: CANT. SILL PLATE 1/4" TO MATCH W/ HOUSE WALL IF APPLICABLE. GRADE 20 x 8" CONC. FTG. 25/32 BILT-RITEI EXT. PER PLANT (TR) PER PLAN SILL PLATE W/ SEALER WATER PROOFING - GRADE STUD WALL PER PLAN /51/2;" TYPE "X" GYP. 4" CONC. SLAB SLOPE AS REO'D I I I PLANNING DEPARTMENT MAR 0 6 2020 CITY OF EDINA VARIES PER. JOIST Section 2 1/4" = 1'-0" 11 1 1 1 T 1 1 1 i 1 1 ' 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 GARAGE DOOR TRACK 4" CURB FRONT GARAGE FDN. WALL -NOTE: EXTEND 3" EACH SIDE OF DR. OPENING. 4"GARAGE SLAB L 1 _DENO EXISTING FOUNDATION_ — TO CLEAR NEW CONC PAD- 1 1 D DROPPED GAR. COND. z io 1 DETAIL AT GARAGE WALL 1" = 1.-0" DETAIL AT GARAGE DOOR 1" = DETAIL AT GARAGE 1" = 1'-0" _ _ 1 -I - 1 I =- TERMS: CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS, AS BUILT CONDITIONS (IF APPLY) AND SITE CONDITIONS, BEFORE ORDERING MATERIAL OR DEMOLISHING EXISTING STRUCTURES. CONTRACTOR AND ALL SUBS MUST REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO DESIGNER IMMEDIATLY. AS BUILT AND SITE CONDITIONS OFTEN HAVE UNIQUE CON- DITIONS THAT CANNOT BE PREDICTED OR FORSEEN AT DESIGN COMPLETION. CONTRACTOR, SUBS AND DESIGNER WILL WORK TOGETHER TO REACH A SOLUTION IF ANY SITUATION MAY ARISE. SHEET NO: A4 SECTIONS DATE: 2019-10-13 REVISIONS: ISSUED FOR VARIANCE 2020-01-28 REVISED 2020-02-25 E S G N TODD KNUTSON DESIGN 5757 WENTWORTH AV SO MINNEAPOLIS, MN. 55419 P: 612-251.1041 WWW.TODDKNUTSONDESIGN .COM DATE: 2019-10-13 REVISIONS: ISSUED FOR VARIANCE 2020-01-28 REVISED 2020-02-25 D E S G N V TODD KNUTSON DESIGN 5757 WENTWORTH AV SO MINNEAPOLIS, MN. 55419 P: 612-251-1041 WWW.TODDKNUTSONDESIGN .COM TERMS: CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS, AS BUILT CONDITIONS (IF APPLY) AND SITE CONDITIONS, BEFORE ORDERING MATERIAL OR DEMOLISHING EXISTING STRUCTURES. CONTRACTOR AND ALL SUBS MUST REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO DESIGNER IMMEDIATLY. AS BUILT AND SITE CONDITIONS OFTEN HAVE UNIQUE CON- DITIONS THAT CANNOT BE PREDICTED OR FORSEEN AT DESIGN COMPLETION. CONTRACTOR, SUBS AND DESIGNER WILL WORK TOGETHER TO REACH A SOLUTION IF ANY SITUATION MAY ARISE. 5908 CHOWEN AV EDINA, MN. JOB NO: 5908 SHEET NO: A5 BRACED WALL DETAILS i; :ir • I obi ;•• /fed••ab., j • WA 900910 190 KV k 1101104 Cf KAMM IIVSS OSTAI AS 910111 11/ III (9-161 111401 &SCAM allancks ounim 0111 40)41 10 It 156' OR SH:f104 WA 900110 11111011 0111116 4114341 10 TOP RAYS 101 Id •r OC 1401I0 MIN 11.110.00 MILL non (04.110 I Inn NMI PAC 1004IICN4) 7' 100 CMS /MA VON MAW k 170 01151,4 FIGURE 3 BRACED WALL PANEL CONNECTION TO PERPENDICULAR ROOF SYSTEM END CONDITION 5 no 4 t n 1 Pak • 51I 16 10144 10901G INA1 11/ WI 14 I r 0,0 Kd10 SAID 1/11 PAW 10(41011 114 IACCUIC 1110 0711011 FUR 4/ 1111 (1)-441 it; OC. ALCIIC e0.1012 um PIM 10CA10115 FIGURE 7 END CONDITIONS FOR BRACED WALL LINES WITH CONTINUOUS . SHEATHING PLANNING DEPARTMENT MAR 0 6 2020 CITY OF EDINA Int (7)11(I IKRINAIAL 9.00:00. PIA WON Ci ROA !All 7/III &CCM Kira rum 1114 P111161)11A11 Xi All EICO0C 111/ YM MOIL 191x10 1141 IOC SUSS la Id • r 00 AIX PAM) 411 4411 1041001 l---> worn 914010 fiC mem (31-1(4 11' so AM PAO MU 410(1 1.04001 ISM Mt) 91 Mt 11/ Mae 100 11(1(6 LAIC 1016 1141 N4 400.40 117KPA Dorm ft 614901 111,100 5I5I1)1 AS 9001 0/ Al (3)-101 I MN 0INC0C1i *Lau 431110104 910016 ISA= I KP k mu or 11000 DS1D1I/W 714011101 9.09102 alga 1001 11/ 1111 yr co cut woo Kum ou saw. 'I/ kit si • r at 1101/40 114.1 1.004096 PIA FIGURE 6 BRACED WALL PANEL CONNECTION WHEN PARALLEL TO FLOOR/CEILING FRAMING TABLE R602.10.5 MINIMUM LENGTH OF BRACED WALL PANELS METHOD (SEE TABLE R602.10.4) MINIMUM LENGTH 'a (inches) CONTRIBUTING LENGTH (inches) WALL HEIGHT 8 feet 9 feet 10 feet 11 feet 12 feet ADJACENT CLEAR OPENING HEIGHT (inches) CS-WSP, CS-SFB t 64 24 27 30 33 36 ACTUAL 'b 68 26 27 30 33 36 72 27 27 30 33 36 76 30 29 30 33 36 80 32 30 32 33 36 84 35 32 32 33 36 88 38 35 33 33 36 92 43 37 35 35 36 96 48 41 38 36 36 100 44 40 38 38 104 49 43 40 39 108 54 46 43 41 112 50 45 43 116 55 48 45 120 60 52 48 124_ 56 51 128 61 54 132 66 58 136 62 140 66 144 72 For SD 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 foot = 304.8 rim, 1 mile per hour = 0.447 n/s. NP- Not Remitted. a. Linear interpolation shall be permitted. b. Use the actual length when it Is greater than or equal to the minimum length. c. Maximum header height For PHF is 10 Feet in accordance with Figure R602.10.6.2, but wall height END CONDITION 4 614 40140 HATO tA Igo 1141 IN 1 km re • . 1.10 /$1,A. 0161111[014 haft IN (II 1111/0411 910040 NO:0111SO 0011(11 9 110011 51(1011/ IN 211 410104/ accoG 0111Wi IWai 5151111 mit yr OM Ok 1111000114(01990C/111: 11/ Al IN I r 06 lit 0114000 AW7. lOCAWAS CMM 711111 BUM FIR MISS VW MSS 515111 ---__ 11k M r 00 — MAO MID VII PAM WAN 114 2100010 1110 DX RAI 11/ AL &I r DC AOC &ODD 5441 rA1110GMM5 tN 011171114. MAIM Win I IOP k PHICM p ROM Mt 11/114 201 Ma MIA MEM 11001101.3131 1/1111. 3/10 OSB CR 1(11x7111410 N 9001011/ Mk 61 se 0.6 NOR II 1.41 MGM CPO) FIGURE 5 BRACED WALL PANEL CONNECTION WHEN PERPENDICULAR TO FLOOR/CEILING FRAMING AMAMI (WM • Ir OC ROC PAD kW PA& (04111011 74 RN MAO PLN 01110) YAW 111179 MTh 911 11/ 1.01X kg IVA COM 7011 $77 900:00110 AMU RAI 11/ At (3)-1(4 0 4' O.C.MX elACID 1941, 0/41MAIKA4 0:1944q1 9t/100 MOM WI LK n n Munro oitA141 f102 1'A1 IK RD IOM WO EMI au Mott At Eva sucti sha 911® 711 PAL AI DC OI OMB VML 1110 END CONDITION 1 END CONDITION 2 I / r < A mg MOD iftl PAC (10/*),11 '1010 4414O1 141 LI( (9044,A11 HAM 14.90 AMI III fr. IMMY emu axt Me It De 41W the tat END CONDITION 3 A001 S1519/ r Yu 04014 AKA CID 11001110 A 1100( 8074 MOM %DIMS IP KIWI WI 51901 (10fin MI 10 11.00110 AS 0018 71 fACCIIM RAI 143921141411, Of 009 01$101 (01 11 maw wr ATTACNID Hrlrt SYSID1 (MIA YAWN HR IMP TO 4r OR 900011 IIp /4014'VT VA 04 11/11S, 94/10 r OC 41/41 "" 'WM'S roe coutoov D IOU 10 Ammo MAIL A SIAM FIGURE 4 BRACED WALL PANEL CONNECTIOt TO PERPENDICULAR ROOF SYSTEM (WHEN OVER 15.25") -----.. 719110040 114 0002911411, AI EP RAII 3/3/2020 1:17:28 PM / / 7 - 8' 2'-8' -1 2' - 8' e MAIN FLOOR 2ND FLOOR 1/8" = 1'-0" 1/8" = 1-0" sruk. SOU PLATE 'woof PIA MIA REV HI I ▪ \• •-•i' MIA 001 *000 S T Rue TIARAL PAW/ ~SIEAW TO TOP OR SMO CPI I• I . KIN 00.411Ut TH POST WOO APO ACT MIDI 4011.11110. OF AAO( Ow SPUR MELEE 0601044112) ii (24 WIALSNO AN HORS APPLIED ACROSS SHEATHING NON T MTh A CAPACITY Of OM LIS 111 THE HORIZONTAL PAO iii TER RC AL 0101 10 DONS 32 X .25 = 8' REQUIRED - 10.75' PROVIDED 6 1/72' - - 0"2' - - 5 1/2"7„2' - 8 • • • ri -ii-- BRACE WALL LOC. , = -1,1/W L.) I, ON 111111= IMO -8' i 12' - 0 / 7 - 8' 11' - 7" / / 0 ,... .... • 8' 8' X .25 = 8' PROVIDED REQUIRED - REQUIRED - BRACE WALL LOC. TYPR CS-WSP BRACE WALL LOC. TYPR CS-WSP I 2' - 8" -,-1 V - 10" ::-2' - 8 - 10' :11' DISTANCE BETWEEN BRACED LINES -32 X .25 = 8' REQUIRED 8' PROVIDED BRACE WALL LOC. TYPR CS-WSP -2' - ,, -----EA/EMTO HEADER P101 0 OLEHE PORTAL TA SAES IMO SPACED PALL P ki ELS I 1800 lb holdown (1 story) 3000 lb holdovn (2 stories) r -If FI.4116) M1011.. CU efEssup 100 SPIDLE CR 0000.E PO: L HE10 44 10 1, v11E11440E* 11EL HEADER PROHIBITED 717401044 STRAP ow+ TAILS eor Io D 4 ION OPPOSPE SIDE OF SHEARING) — PRICED NALL UHE 0:0ITTIVOUSLY SHEATHED wv1,41•000 STRUCTURAL PANELS HEILDED PAWL SPUD E00 OES SHALL OCCUR AND IIC •1144.4110 TO 00044-1014 ILC{41140 #410114 1,0, WALL LBO NEXLIT ONE POW Of TOC 11 NL NO IS MCGUIRE:0 II TALI. NAL. ECCE TYPICAL PORTAL Rant C DNS TRUC IIOH Min. 3/8" wood structural panel sheathing (single sided for 1 story on both sides for 2 stories) Edge nail 8d common, 6" o.c. (1 story) 4" o.c. (2 stories) ELIEHT OF HEADER 441,01 EMELE PORTAL FRAME (ONE SRAM WALL PLYIEL I rN~W H 4 041 4 ANCHOR SOUS PER OVERCONCRETE OR MASONRY BLOCK FOUNDATION SECIOn 0..443 C-2 0 0 0- ch 3 0 w¢ Da[ B-2 tn ID o isj w •T cc 5 cc o 41 Li.' a — II 5 0 N Er • 0. xi') I o c‘i A-2 0 I 17-4-UR / EXISTING EXTERIOR WALLS. NO BRACED PANELS IN THIS AREA UP M Ir MEW UP DISTANCE BETWEEN BRACED LINES . 26'-0' 26 X .25 = 6.5' REQUIRED - - 8' PROVIDED X A' FASTEN TOP PLA11 TO HEADER PON TWO ROWS Of 100 SNOW MALE AT ) 0.0 TT. — SIR WOOD STRUCTURAL PANEL SHEATHS.° FASTEN *MAYANS 10 HEADER WIN 10 CCWLOTAI OR OA VAIITS0 SOX (4.415 n TORO PATTERN AS ELICL1T4 .."-•••••_— HEADER TO 1 ,4[1: SILO STRAP PM MESE OW) IDE A ON IOT0 0.011 OR CPCHNO CPPOS.TE 0100 Of SWATH HO '...'"•••-004 DOVELE CRALINOCOVER EO'ARA LIS 7.'1 DUCT WOOD ST RUC TURAL MIL O4 CAWING WITH SO COWAN OR OALVAUEND 110X NAILS ATT' 0 C IN AU-FR*1140 'STUDS. GLOM:TM 040 SILLS/ TYR (.100Th 01 MIL PSR TAILS ROS) ID kin d)1.7 COMETER 0.0. OR EtaTS 1111$7•Lut p PCR 040 0 011TH 71 7.1,10 'KATE WkimER TODD KNUTSON DESIGN 5757 WENTWORTH AV SO MINNEAPOLIS, MN. 55419 P: 612-251-1041 WVVW.TODDKNUTSONDESIGN .COM PLANNING DEPARTMENT MAR 0 6 2020 CITY OF EDINA EDINA. MN. SHEET NO: A6 BRACED WALL PLANS TERMS: CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS, AS BUILT CONDITIONS (IF APPLY) AND SITE CONDITIONS, BEFORE ORDERING MATERIAL OR DEMOLISHING EXISTING STRUCTURES. CONTRACTOR AND ALL SUBS MUST REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO DESIGNER IMMEDIATLY. AS BUILT AND SITE CONDITIONS OFTEN HAVE UNIQUE CON- DITIONS THAT CANNOT BE PREDICTED OR FORSEEN AT DESIGN COMPLETION. CONTRACTOR, SUBS AND DESIGNER WILL WORK TOGETHER TO REACH A SOLUTION IF ANY SITUATION MAY ARISE. DATE: 2019-10-13 REVISIONS: ISSUED FOR VARIANCE 2020-01-28 REVISED 2020-02-25 JOB NO: 5908 3/3/2020 1:17:29 PM 3/3/2020 1:17:30 PM --.---,r1- , , . -_, i== .-.--F . ._. TODD KNUTSON DESIGN 5757 WENTWORTH AV SO MINNEAPOLIS, MN. 55419 P: 612-251-1041 WWW.TODDKNUTSONDESIGN .COM EDINA, MN. PLANI\ ING DEPARTMENT MAR 0 6 2020 fr. MI OF EDIPJA 5908 CHOWEN AV SHEET NO: E EXISTING TERMS: CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS, AS BUILT CONDITIONS (IF APPLY) AND SITE CONDITIONS, BEFORE ORDERING MATERIAL OR DEMOLISHING EXISTING STRUCTURES. CONTRACTOR AND ALL SUBS MUST REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO DESIGNER IMMEDIATLY. AS BUILT AND SITE CONDITIONS OFTEN HAVE UNIQUE CON- DITIONS THAT CANNOT BE PREDICTED OR FORSEEN AT DESIGN COMPLETION. CONTRACTOR, SUBS AND DESIGNER WILL WORK TOGETHER TO REACH A SOLUTION IF ANY SITUATION MAY ARISE. DATE: 2019-10-13 REVISIONS: ISSUED FOR REVIEW 2019-12-16 ISSUED FOR VARIANCE 2020-01-28 REVISED 2020-02-25 JOB NO: 5908 HS4 BENCHMARK 01 TOP OF NAIL ELEV.-882.06 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot IS. Auditor's Subdivision No. 312. Hennepin County, Minnesota. Except rood. 35.5 SCALE IN FEET GENERAL NOTES: 1. The beoring system used is assumed. 2 The location of the underground utilities shown hereon, if any, ore appro.:note only, PURSUANT TO MSA 2160 CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT (612) 454-0002 PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION, 3. Site Area w 8,889 square feet - 0.204 =OS. 4. This survey was mode on the ground. 5. No title commitment was furnished for the preparation of this survey. 6. Devotion datum Is based on NAVO 88 data. 100.000 (NAW 88) 99.614 (NOVO 29) Bench mark .1 is located Top of Nall (AS SHOW ON SURVEY) Elevation xx 882.06 7. Verify dimensions and elevations per latest house plcn prior to construction, this survey relied upon plans from TX Design, last revision dote 2-25-2020. 8. Existing Impervious Area detolle. Total Site Area: 8,889 s.f. Total Impervious Area: 1,871 s.f. House Area: 1,435 s.f. Other Structure Area: 84 e.f. Patio/Deck Areas: 409+93-150- 352 s.f. Percent of Impervious Area: 21.05% 9. Proposed Impervious Area detole. Total Site Areo: 8,859 5.1. Total knpervlous Area. 2,131 s.f. House Area: 1,435 cf. Garage Addition: 260 s.f. Other Structure Areo: 84 e.f. Patio/Deck Areas: 409+93-150- 352 s.f. Percent of Impen4ous Area: 23.97% CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was prepared by me or under my erect supervision and that I om a duly Registered Land Surveyor under the laws of the Stole of Minneeoto. Date: November 6. 2019 as E. Hodorff Minn. Reg. No. 23677 36.2 36.5 r -PROPOSED ,r- FOOTING fi / - FOUND rIRON -r- ir - FF EL.884.72 / / F - / " >/ a97 36.8 '1-44 / s' .phi () V I ) j4;' iso 7. 3 ) 1 ! -7 z L1 J xf T' ::> 101' (a. •c( t.41 9 I ulil S (F, L<,ti 3° LIJ 3°* 1.f'^•7,411. 4. () x\ 7 -L- i \ .N $3° ,‘ ‘,\ \ )C4 tl r 36.6 \Is PROPOSED 1\\ GARAGE ADDITION "-(MATCH EXISTING FLOOR ELEVATION) ri IFOUND IRON 30 15 0 30 \\ \_ I S; ( I N n-r 134.48 N 89'34'27" W FOUND _/ PROPOSED SWALE IRON I MIN. 2.0% GRADE (BOTTOM SWALE ELEV'S SHOWN) 17 1 r-N -r L.V 1 ,sr1.1 L.L, 1 It- IS O L LEGEND • Property Corner I. I Concrete Palk' Pavers Concrete Clots Fence Overhead Electric Wow/ Gas Sanitary Sewer Storm 64111101 Dectric Neter Afr Conditioning Unit Deciduous Tree (131a. in In.) Gas Meter. Eeletblo Contour Dilating Spot 1:141Y. Gutter EtNUN; Spot Devotion Sit Fence Proposed Contour Proposed Spot Elevation Proposed Drainage Arrow -mc- -- 9,16.••• X 651.276 X 934.3 X (845.0) HSJ BENCHMARK la TOP OF NAIL ELEV.-881.69 """"""°'s MOS WM." SITE CAD Vic 2015341901-0110 Polk \ 2010309 \DMA 1" = 30'-0" 3D View 1 3/3/2020 1:17:32 PM DATE: 2019-10-13 REVISIONS: ISSUED FOR VARIANCE 2020-01-28 REVISED 2020-02-25 TODD KNUTSON DESIGN 5757 WENTWORTH AV SO MINNEAPOLIS, MN. 55419 P: 612-251-1041 WWW.TODDKNUTSONDESIGN .COM TERMS: CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS, AS BUILT CONDITIONS (IF APPLY) AND SITE CONDITIONS. BEFORE ORDERING MATERIAL OR DEMOLISHING EXISTING STRUCTURES. CONTRACTOR AND ALL SUBS MUST REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO DESIGNER IMMEDIATLY. AS BUILT AND SITE CONDITIONS OFTEN HAVE UNIQUE CON- DITIONS THAT CANNOT BE PREDICTED OR FORSEEN AT DESIGN COMPLETION. CONTRACTOR. SUBS AND DESIGNER WILL WORK TOGETHER TO REACH A SOLUTION IF ANY SITUATION MAY ARISE. 5908 CHOWEN AV z 6 w PLA JIVING DEPARTMENT MAR 0 6 2020 CITY OF ENNA 110B NO: 5908 SHEET NO: S1 SITE PLAN - 71 11\ .4./1/1 / /11,01mr 4.‘ • i11 11 ' nil 11111 It I PLANMN „ - MAR 06-2 4: C IP( OF EDINA mai 4. rf--241, 111111111 "Ali V,;',FA'4:13Alla NV '._ -••• „ AN.',Warz7Z$ •44.-re • .15%," _ .4e DATE: 3/27/2020 TO: Cary Teague – Planning Director FROM: Zuleyka Marquez, PE – Graduate Engineer RE: 5908 Chowen Ave - Variance Review The Engineering Department has reviewed the subject property for street and utility concerns, grading, stormwater, erosion and sediment control and for general adherence to the relevant ordinance sections. This review was performed at the request of the Planning Department; a more detailed review will be performed at the time of building permit application. Plans reviewed included erosion control and stormwater management plan dated 2/12/20 and proposed lot survey dated 11/6/19. Summary of Work The applicant proposes a second story addition and second garage stall. The request is for a variance to side yard setback. Easements No comments. Grading and Drainage Site drains to Chowen Ave S. Applicant proposes to grade a swale along the south property line to maintain drainage towards Chowen Ave S. Stormwater Mitigation Stormwater was reviewed and is consistent with City of Edina Building Policy SP-003 standards. A final grade as-built survey and inspection will be required to verify compliance with the approved stormwater plan. Floodplain Development A local 1%-annual-chance floodplain with an elevation of 884.4’ is located onsite in the front (east) and side (south) yard. The proposed work is subject to a lowest entry elevation of 886.4’ (884.4’ +2’). The existing garage entry is approximately 884.3’. The proposed garage addition matches the existing garage floor elevation. A doorway is proposed at the west side of the garage addition (~884.6’). Applicant to provide elevations on the proposed and as-built survey. The Engineering Department may allow a site-specific standard for this site to reduce the freeboard requirement by 2’, i.e. freeboard of 0’. Refer to the attached site-specific standard memorandum. Erosion and Sediment Control An erosion and sediment control plan was reviewed and is consistent with City of Edina Building Policy SP-002. Street and Driveway Entrance The street was reconstructed in 2019. Refer to standard plate 541 for patching requirements. Public Utilities Water and sanitary is served from Chowen Ave S. A one-inch water service line from the curb stop to the dwelling is required per the City’s policy SP-024. Miscellaneous A Minnehaha Creek Watershed District permit may be required, applicant will need to verify with the district. Home was constructed in 1953. Watermain was installed 1952. A well is not likely onsite. If anything resembling a well is found during construction, coordination with the Minnesota Department of Health will be required. Retaining walls are not proposed. DATE: 3/30/2020 TO: Neil Theisen FROM: Zuleyka Marquez, PE – Graduate Engineer RE: 5908 Chowen Ave S – Site-Specific Standard Review Introduction The Engineering Department has reviewed the subject property for flood risk and adherence to the relevant policy sections. This review was performed per discussions with the applicant’s engineer pursuant to the variance application. Plans reviewed include erosion control and stormwater management plan dated 2/12/20, main floor sheet A1 dated 2/25/20, and proposed lot survey dated 11/6/19. Summary of Proposed Work The applicant proposes a second story addition and second garage stall. The second garage stall includes a doorway on the west to the backyard and an extended vehicle entry to the east in the front yard. The existing exterior doorway to the basement will now be enclosed within the garage. The garage did not previously provide access to the basement. Description of Flooding Issue The subject property is located within subwatershed LP_27 and is tributary to a structural flooding issue with a 1-percent-annual-chance flood elevation of 884.4’. The local 10-percent annual-chance flood elevation is 883.2’. The flooding issue extends north-south along Chowen Ave S. Catch basins at the intersections of Chowen Ave S and 60th St W intersection convey stormwater via a 24” reinforced concrete pipe south along Chowen Ave S and west along 61 St W until it outlets further downstream via an 42” reinforced concrete pipe at Minnehaha Creek (subwatershed LP_26). The system was originally designed and constructed in the mid-1950s and thus was not sized according to the City’s current design criteria. The lack of sufficient capacity in the existing system results in flows backing up and pooling in the low area at the intersection of West 60th Street and Chowen Avenue during large storm events. The City investigated the flooding issues in subwatersheds LP_26 and LP_27, along with potential improvements to reduce to the risk in these subwatersheds. One of the improvement options is to install a new storm sewer pipe along 60th St W, connect to the existing system near the intersection of France Avenue and Halifax, and upsize the existing storm sewer from France Avenue and Halifax to Pamela Park stormwater pond (LP_26). A reconstruction project at 60th St W is anticipated for 2026. Standard Flood-Risk Reduction Requirement Flood risk is a function of exposure and vulnerability—the extent to which an asset comes into contact with flood water and to which an exposed asset is able to resist flood-related damage, respectively. The standard requirement described below aims to reduce exposure. Per the City of Edina Comprehensive Water Resources Management Plan Section, new principle structures, additions, and other permanent fixtures must have a lowest entry elevation at least two feet above the applicable 1-percent-annual-chance flood elevation when the structure is within or adjacent to a local flood area. For the proposed garage addition on the subject property, the required lowest entry elevation is thus 886.4’ (884.4’ +2’). Figure 1: Local Flooding Issues near 5908 Chowen Ave S Alternative Mitigation Measures Proposed plans do not meet the standard flood-risk reduction requirement of 2’ of freeboard. The existing garage vehicle entry elevation is approximately 884.3’ (2.1’ less than the freeboard requirement). The proposed garage addition matches the existing garage floor elevation. A doorway is proposed at the west side of the garage addition with an entry elevation of approximately 884.6’ (1.8’ less than the freeboard requirement). The creation of new entry points (new vehicle and person doors) near this local flood area has the potential to increase exposure for this building. The Engineering Department is willing to consider a site specific standard that varies from the 2’ freeboard standard if measures to reduce vulnerability to the structure are implemented to reduce risk. The Engineering Department would allow for a reduction in the freeboard standard from 2’ to 0’ for the proposed entries (to 884.4’) if the applicant completed the following items to reduce flood vulnerability: 1. Retrofit a sanitary backflow prevention device or an overhead sanitary sewer connection with basement sewer ejector. 2. Review the basement foundation for structural integrity, and consider the retrofit of a sump pump system Suggested: 3. Dry floodproof the new exterior garage wall. Date: April 15, 2020 Agenda Item #: V.E. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:C ary Teague, C ommunity Development Director Item Activity: Subject:Amended F inal Development P lan (S ite P lan) and P arking S tall Varianc e at 4532 F ranc e Avenue Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: R ecommend the C ity C ouncil approve the Amended Site P lan and Variance as requested. I N TR O D U C TI O N: C asey C arl is requesting a parking stall variance and an amendment to his approved final development plan (site plan) to remodel the existing 540 square foot storage area in the basement of the new retail/office building at 4532 F rance Avenue into office space. In 2018, the applicant built a two-story, 2,375 square foot retail/office building. T he project received a parking stall variance to provide 11 parking stalls, when the city code required 15 stalls. A condition of the original approval was that the basement was to be used for storage. T he concern at that time was that there may not be adequate parking spaces to utilize that space. However, in the years the new facility has operated, parking has not been a problem; in fact the owner estimates that the actual utilization rate is about 30% of the parking capacity. T herefore, the proposal is now to utilize space in the lower level as office space that was labeled as storage in the original approval. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Proposed Plans Applicant Narrative Parking Study - Spack Consulting 2018 Res olution approving the original project Highlighted Floor Plan Staff Report sa • If • 111/7. `kkkkkkke\ Elevator Lobby I I 005 Retail Storalge • KEYNOTES 1 VERIFY MECH. ROOM REQUIREMENTS AND EQUIP. REQUIREMENTS WITH ELECT. & MECH. CONTRACTORS 2 NON-RATED MECHANICAL CHASE. SEE PLUMBING, FIRE PROTECTION AND HVAC NOTES GENERAL NOTES. 19 WALL-MOUNTED EXTERIOR DOWNUGHTS. BASIS OF DESIGN: EATON UGHT1NG: LANTERRA 9002 SERIES. 10W LED. BLACK FINISH 20 RECESSED LOW-VOLTAGE EXTERIOR STEP LIGHTS IN WALL. BASIS OF DESIGN: BEGA LED RECESSED WALL - SHIELDED. 3.9W LED 24 PROVIDE FLOOR DRAIN IN RESTROOM. 44 PROVIDE UTILITY SINK AND FLOOR DRAIN IN MECHANICAL ROOM 51 PROVIDE EGRESS BARRIER GATE IN ACCORDANCE WITH 1022.5. PROVIDE DIRECTIONAL EXIT SIGN IN ACCORDANCE WITH 1011. /11 lam Chart es Des Onaredlen VVZIO held 41 AMID Potrril 1.4.• moon Weed Con.. Sheet 01110 Bacernont Floor Plan GENERAL NOTES -PLANS A. DIMENSIONS ARE TAKEN FROM FACE OF ROUGH FRAMING OR CONCRETE/MASONRY FOUNDATION, U.N.O. B. REFER TO STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR LOAD BEARING LOCATIONS AND ADDITIONAL DETAILS OR SECTIONS C. REFER TO SHEET A0.1 FOR PARTITION TYPES, MATERIAL ID CODES AND INSULATION SCHEDULE E. ALL WOOD IN CONTACT WITH CONCRETE TO BE PRESSURE TREATED F. CABINET MAKER IS TO FIELD VERIFY ALL AS-BUILT MEASUREMENTS BEFORE MANUFACTURING G. SLOPE FINISHED GRADE AWAY FROM STRUCTURE ON ALL SIDES. H. HINGESIDE OF DOORS FRAMED 4.1/2. FROM FACE OF ADJACENT WALL FRAMING, U.N.O. I. WHERE SHOWN, CEILING HEIGHTS ON RCP ARE TO FINISH FACE Shedd Number A1.0 plaad Basement Floor Plan 0 Consultants cris Amos he/eft a mmenina, Co. 111117 Hart.) Allreelenke. MNN,ve Sevolunl :255,B Contractor aultl Co. Owner Certification Profs. 4532 France '"-gx= Ismus Name Issued for Construction Issue Dat• March 19, 2019 PLANNING DEPARTMENT MAR 11 2020 CITY OF EDINA PLUMBING. FIRE PROTECTION, ELECTRICAL AND HVAC NOTES A. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE DESIGN OF MECHANICAL, HVAC, PLUMBING AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS TO CONFORM WITH ARCHITECTURAL REOUIREMENTS B. MECHANICAL DUCTS TO BE CONTAINED WITHIN THE DEPTH OF THE FLOOR TRUSS SYSTEM. U.N.O. FLOOR TRUSS MANUFACTURER TO VERIFY LOCATIONS. ANY FURRED CHASES THAT ARE NOT SHOWN ARE TO BE APPROVED BY ARCHITECT. C. WHERE EXPOSED, FORCED AIR HEATING a COOUNG SHALL BE DELIVERED BY GALVANIZED STEEL SPIRAL DUCTWORK D. ENTIRE STRUCTURE SHALL BE PROTECTED BY AN APPROVED AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM IN ACCORDANCE WITH MN IBC SECTION 903.1.1 E. SPRINKLER SYSTEM PIPE AND LEADERS (WHERE EXPOSED TO VIEW) TO BE GALVANIZED, UNPAINTED F. PLUMBING WALLS ARE TO BE 21(8 WALLS G. VERIFY ,EXTERIOR HOSE BIB CONNECTIONS WITH OWNER AND CONTRACTOR H. THE MECHANICAL SHAFT SHOWN IS NOT RATED. THEREFORE, THE HVAC CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE PROTECTIVE DEVICES IN THE DUCTWORK AS REQUIRED BY IBC SECTION 717 AND 717.6. PROVIDE ACCESS PANELS ON EACH LEVEL OF SHAFT TO ACCESS/INSPECT PROTECTIVE DEVICES L ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE EMERGENCY UGHTING FIXTURES AND LOCATIONS, AND SHALL COORDINATE FINAL LOCATIONS WITH ARCHITECT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION J. COORDINATE AN, DATA AND SECURITY REQUIREMENTS WITH OWNER. PROVIDE UNE-VOLTAGE WIRING & CONDUIT STUBS AS NEEDED FOR EXTERIOR DEVICES C2016 PLUS, LLC. ALL DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARING HEREIN CONSTITUTE THE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF PLEAD, LLC, AND THE SAME MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED. USED OR DISCLOSED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF PLEAD, LLC. Amnon Sur•I'm‘ Pl.my MMIN.41.1111.81 aINMMM MINTED IBOLLMO RAM, AVROU6 Project 4532 Franca Issue Name Variance Request Issue Date February 28, 2020 issue Chart No. Dab 0...Oen Short Title Arch Itactural Situ Plan/Lower Loyal Plan Sheet Number G0.3 ter EMTINOAINALLNT KIMONO TO SOLITX \\\\,...11.1101.WITYLINS " GROW awn IA 'RCM YAW KM. 2020 PLAAO, LLC, ALL DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARING HEREIN CONSTITUTE THE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF PLUS, LLC, MID THE SAME MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED, USED OR DISCLOSED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF PLUS. LLC. rAtIO SETBACK OPIVC."'.7.1.4LE PLANNING DEPARTMENT MAR i i 2020 CITY OF EDINA RETAINING WALL Colmall•Ma Contractor Conyanleemi•Col aitINOMMeeNeee. 00110 Cam ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN/LOWER LEVEL PLAN plaad Consultants me uvm="arNi4; Conlractor CorMleallon proud 4332 Mono Mem Name Isms Deb Februery 28, 2020 122u2 Chin 0a1.1 On•Iiran Ilorlame Request 0 West Elevation PLANNING DEPARTMENT MAR 1 1 2020 CITY OF EDINA Shom TIM 0Per1or Elfwellonc Shoot Numbor A2.1 0 2020 PLAAD. LLC. ALL DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARING HEREIN CONSTITUTE THE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF PLAAD, LLC, MID THE SAME MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED, USED OR DISCLOSED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF PLAAD, L E ....... • ...... • O O 1:7 ; - — QR~_ ____ ,-1-1E-126- l. •raki . - 7"11 — - — ...I. .1...._L-..e, 1 m — [F1 eggesi. m RHERIEINNE BUIRICI L ESIEEIliF/ 0 moo .:........_ =oETal —. dm . ..... ...- -„-r,i 2 _ _._ . . . Me. ESS O O II 0 West Elevation LEI - 7-7 •- , _ELEV,SEETV.2,-S STAIR TOWER — — — — _LUELUSUpp9 7/PARAPET O I STAIR TOWER 28 Tt/121-419 — - %71"4-9 T/LOWER PARAPET ECELUECCUELLsge 130 0 1/2. T/PARAPET ELEVATOR plaad TR 25-e; 12 0 uc POL422184 Ontwan. %On Cs rill !MI on F . . 135 _ ___BASEREN_Varp.1_, s Consultants Contractor Wen. 04.112 2116..nue ilefin Minnnovis. 08.1 Owns, Pro set 4532 France 4522 .1211[41 Avenue Sou 004 lli10 lane Nene Issued for Construction (-3, South Elevation Issue Date Merch 18, 2019 lune Chart Ms Oh Dime. 2.11 NM Ile 2 MVO Peel Pelecte 4 Wren/ In. Couhalen Sheet Tills Entonar Elovatone Shoot Number A2.1 0 2018 PLAAD. LLC. ALL DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARING HEREIN CONSTITUTE THE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORK OF PLAAD. LLC, AND THE SAME MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED. USED OR DISCLOSED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF PLAAD. LLC. PLANNING DEPARTMENT MAR 11 2020 CITY OF EDINA KEYNOTES 3 ALUM. WINDOW EXTENSION TRIM 4 ALUM. AWNING STRUCTURE 9 ALUM. COLUMN/BEAM SUPPORTING PERGOLA ABOVE 10 COMPOSITE PERGOLAJOISTS. 14 ECM,' KNEE WALL AND SILL /13. 15 FCM-I TRIM 25 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION. PROVIDE FDC SIGNAGE ABOVE PER CODE REQS 30 KNOX BOX. 3200 SERIES. 40 FIRE ALARM STROBE 47 PROPOSED ELECTRIC METER BASE LOCATION. GC TO COORDINATE FINAL LOCATION AND REQUIRED CLEARANCES 48 PROPOSED GAS METER BASE LOCATION. GC TO COORDINATE FINAL LOCATION AND REQUIRED CLEARANCES 49 PROTECTIVE BOLLARD. GC TO COORDINATE FINAL LOCATION AND REQUIRED CLEARANCES BB* ORIVCAISL1 1.11.1,0 BUILINA NOB. MAMBO ILOBB) IN* 4 00040004M 40111100 BLO NCTeMu -C÷.;10 BEM 21. qlp =0 BOLLARD FROM MIT MS. FF" BETABIINO WALL BBITONOLOJACENT BUILOINO BOB. ®ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN )110, PROPERTY LINO PLANNING DEPARTMENT MAR 1 1 2020 placid Cane u Ban to MM. FINN/INC F 61111ftering. Co. /AFF.IF.7217;;;I N 34:111710i Contractor Larr..1.04Ce. 2110 BLIAL•m• &dB Minnow" MN (6104 Owner LB= === lalna, IAN 6.110 Cartlflattlen ILBERS-4-= 'WOE BMUS Pre et an France ''''2"naVe7oritt luue Name lasuad For Construction Wu* Date March 18, 2019 Woe Chart Os. Ono Oesarlption • / F'FF = Sheet Till. Architectural Site Plan Shoat Numbor G0.3 02018 PLAAD. LI.C. ALL DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL APPEARING HEREIN CONSTITUTE THE ORIGINAL AND UNPUBLISHED WORKQEY, CQEsELNNAuPUCATED, USED OR DISCLOSED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF PLAAE. LLC. Variance Request Narrative for 4532 France Aveue In accordance with Secs. 36-1311 & 36-1312, fifteen (15) spaces were required for the proposed retail and business uses during the original submittal of the project in 2018. However, after the required parking study by Spack, it was determined by Spack and the City that eleven spaces would be sufficient. We wholeheartedly disagreed with that assessment at the time, believing the number required to be far in excess of what we truly believed would be utilized, given our substantial experience in boutique retail on France Avenue. However, eleven spaces were proposed, and eleven were ultimately provided for the development. During the ensuing development process, we were not able to fully utilize the space available in the building due to the limiting factor of eleven parking spaces. We had to change the lower level proposed use to storage, as additional leasable business space would have required additional parking capacity. In fact, we were criticized in the final Planning Commission and City Council meetings by members of the Commission and Council for not providing more leasable space and for calculating size of the building by the number of parking stalls that were likely to be approved. Those particular comments were incredibly difficult to hear as business owners as we felt that our ability to perform was being unduly limited by the very ordinance that the Commission and Council were disagreeing with yet obligated to enforce. We have been open for six months now and can provide actual observable field data, especially during the busy holiday season, rather than the theoretical assumptions of a parking study. We can confidently state that our actual parking utilization rate is 30% of the actual parking capacity that we have provided. We have engaged Spack once again to provide confirmation of this observation. Unfortunately, we have, in the process, lost six months of potential rent on the space in the lower level while we believe the City continues to grandfather in other lower parking requirements in renovated sites around the area as we are currently the only new development to be completed post-small area plan. With this variance application, we are requesting to be able to utilize an existing 540 SF space within the lower level of our recently completed building for business office use without providing an increase of available parking. According to Secs. 36-1311 & 36-1312 of the Edina Zoning Ordinance, an increase of 540 SF for office use would require 2.7 additional stalls. We are confident, given our extensive retail experience at another location on France Avenue, as well as six months of actual data during the holiday rush on this site, that our eleven stall parking arrangement will is more than adequate to meet the potential additional parking demands on the site without adversely affecting any neighboring properties. We are therefore asking that we be allowed to modify the current lower level storage space into leasable office space without increasing our current parking capacity. The Proposed Variance (listed above) will: Relieve practical difficulties in complying with the zoning ordinance and that the use is reasonable and Correct extraordinary circumstances applicable to this property but not applicable to other property in the vicinity or zoning district The practical difficulties and extraordinary circumstances that we are experiencing are meeting high parking capacity requirements on a very narrow lot in a small dense urban environment. We feel that there is a substantial disconnect and incongruity between the current parking requirements and the vision of the long-range plan for the area – a plan that embraces and encourages a more pedestrian friendly environment. In fact, at the Planning Commission meeting for our original proposal, a number of Commission members were incredulous that the same parking requirements that are upheld for Southdale Center are applied to the dense urban area of France Avenue and 44th. The lots are smaller, and a certain amount of leasable space is necessary to offset the extraordinary cost of developing the parcels. Unlike other larger parcels, we were unable to provide underground parking as the narrow width of the lot makes navigation clearances impossible for underground parking. The Proposed Variance (listed above) will: Be in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the zoning ordinance and Not alter the essential Character of a neighborhood We are proud of our new building. It provides a model for the small scale, pedestrian-friendly environment that is desired as part of the comprehensive plan for the area. It is respectful in size, scale and materiality and currently is providing excess parking capacity than its current uses demand. We argue that we have provided a much better use for the property for the long-term health and viability of the neighborhood than the previous limited-use residential property that once occupied the property. However, in order to remain viable as a business, offset the extraordinary costs of developing the small lot and bring additional pedestrian traffic in the area for other small local businesses, we need to be able to lease the small 540 SF space on the lower level of our building as office space. We argue that the additional leasable space will in no way negatively alter the essential character of the neighborhood. • • • Time Vehicles in Lot Time Vehicles in Lot Time Vehicles in Lot Time Vehicles in Lot 0:00 0 12:00 2 0:00 0 12:00 2 0:15 0 12:15 3 0:15 0 12:15 2 0:30 0 12:30 3 0:30 0 12:30 3 0:45 0 12:45 3 0:45 0 12:45 3 1:00 0 13:00 2 1:00 0 13:00 3 1:15 0 13:15 2 1:15 0 13:15 1 1:30 0 13:30 2 1:30 0 13:30 1 1:45 0 13:45 2 1:45 0 13:45 1 2:00 0 14:00 2 2:00 0 14:00 1 2:15 0 14:15 2 2:15 0 14:15 1 2:30 0 14:30 3 2:30 0 14:30 2 2:45 0 14:45 2 2:45 0 14:45 1 3:00 0 15:00 2 3:00 0 15:00 1 3:15 0 15:15 2 3:15 0 15:15 1 3:30 0 15:30 2 3:30 0 15:30 1 3:45 0 15:45 2 3:45 0 15:45 1 4:00 0 16:00 3 4:00 0 16:00 1 4:15 0 16:15 4 4:15 0 16:15 1 4:30 0 16:30 3 4:30 0 16:30 1 4:45 0 16:45 5 4:45 0 16:45 1 5:00 0 17:00 3 5:00 0 17:00 1 5:15 0 17:15 2 5:15 0 17:15 1 5:30 0 17:30 3 5:30 0 17:30 1 5:45 0 17:45 3 5:45 0 17:45 0 6:00 0 18:00 4 6:00 0 18:00 0 6:15 0 18:15 4 6:15 0 18:15 0 6:30 0 18:30 4 6:30 0 18:30 0 6:45 0 18:45 4 6:45 0 18:45 0 7:00 0 19:00 3 7:00 0 19:00 0 7:15 0 19:15 3 7:15 0 19:15 0 7:30 0 19:30 4 7:30 0 19:30 0 7:45 0 19:45 4 7:45 0 19:45 0 8:00 0 20:00 4 8:00 0 20:00 0 8:15 0 20:15 3 8:15 0 20:15 0 8:30 0 20:30 3 8:30 0 20:30 0 8:45 0 20:45 2 8:45 0 20:45 0 9:00 1 21:00 2 9:00 0 21:00 0 9:15 0 21:15 2 9:15 0 21:15 0 9:30 0 21:30 2 9:30 0 21:30 0 9:45 1 21:45 0 9:45 2 21:45 0 10:00 2 22:00 0 10:00 2 22:00 0 10:15 1 22:15 0 10:15 2 22:15 0 10:30 1 22:30 0 10:30 2 22:30 0 10:45 1 22:45 0 10:45 2 22:45 0 11:00 2 23:00 0 11:00 2 23:00 0 11:15 3 23:15 0 11:15 2 23:15 0 11:30 2 23:30 0 11:30 2 23:30 0 11:45 2 23:45 0 11:45 2 23:45 0 Thursday, March 12, 2020 Saturday, March 14, 2020 4532 France Ave Parking Lot Counts RESOLUTION NO. 2018-138 RESOLUTION APPROVING A FINAL REZONING, AND FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AT 4532 FRANCE AVENUE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: Section 1. BACKGROUND. 1.01 Jamie and Casey Carl are requesting a redevelopment of an 8,971 square foot parcel at 4532 France Avenue. The applicants would tear down the existing 3,093 square foot single-family home that is currently occupied as office/retail and build a new two-story, 2,375 square foot retail/office building. The building would include a roof terrace with outdoor seating for employees. There would be eleven parking spaces provided in front and behind the building. Landscaping in front of the building would extend the landscape area on the site to the north. The site slopes down to the rear of the property, so the elevations on the west side would appear to be three stories to the residential uses to the west. 1.02 The request requires the following: 1. A Rezoning from R-1, Low Density Residential to PCD-1, Planned Commercial District. 2. Site Plan with the following Variances: Building Front Yard Setback from 35 feet to 31 feet. Side Yard Setback from 30 feet to 23 feet. Building Height from Two Stories and 24 feet to Two Stories and 30-38 feet. Parking Lot Front Yard Setback from 20 feet to 0 feet (existing condition) Side from 10 feet to 0 feet (existing condition) Rear Yard Setback from 10 feet to 4 feet. Parking Stall Variance from 15 to 11. 1.03 The property is legally described as follows: Lot 1 Block 20, Waveland Park Addition (4532 France Avenue). 1.04 On November 14, 2018 the Planning Commission held a public hearing and recommended approval of the proposal. Vote: 4 Ayes, 3 Nays. 1.05 On December 4, The City Council held a public hearing and approved the request. Vote: 5 Ayes and 0 Nays. RESOLUTION NO. 2018-138 Page 2 Section 2. APPROVAL & FINDINGS NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved by the City Council of the City of Edina, approves the proposed Final Re-Zoning and Final Development Plan with Variances at 4532 France Avenue. 2.01 Approval is based on the following findings: 1. The proposed land use is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed buildings would be a high quality brick, and designed to mix and blend with existing buildings in the area. 3. The practical difficulty is the small lot size, the narrow width and lack of depth of the site. These conditions make any redevelopment difficult. The proposal is an improvement over existing conditions, which includes pavement that extends to the lot lines. Green space has been added along west lot line with arborvitae to provide screening of car headlights. There are existing trees on the lot to the west that provides additional screening. 4. The size of the building is reasonable for the site, and is smaller than the existing structure. 5. The proposal would remove a single-family home that is not consistent with the small area plan and replace it with a retail/office building that is similar to the new Gateway Bank development on the adjacent property to the north. 6. The overhead utility lines will be buried as part of the 4500 France development. 7. The project would provide a more pedestrian friendly atmosphere along the adjacent roadway, with a better connection to the new building. Bike racks and a seating area would be provided in front. Storefronts open toward France Avenue. 8. The proposed building setback is consistent with the structures on the block, which all include parking in front of the building, including the new Gateway Bank project to the north. 9. The parking stall variance is reasonable based on the parking study done by Spack Consulting and the availability of street parking and district parking at 4500 France Avenue. Additionally, the owners live a few blocks from the building and intend to walk to work. The retail business does not anticipate that Saturday would be the busiest day; which the parking study concludes would be the busiest day. The proposed parking is more in compliance with City Code than the existing conditions on the site. 10. A traffic study was conducted by Spack Consulting that concludes the existing roadway supports the project, and no improvements are necessary. RESOLUTION NO. 2018-138 Page 3 2.02 Approval is conditioned upon the following: 1. The Final Site Plan must be consistent with the materials board as presented to the Planning Commission and City Council. 2. The Final Landscape Plan must meet all minimum landscaping requirements per Chapter 36 of the Zoning Ordinance. A performance bond, letter-of-credit, or cash deposit must be submitted for one and one-half times the cost amount for completing the required landscaping, screening, or erosion control measures at the time of any building permit. The property owner is responsible for replacing any required landscaping that dies after the project is built. 3. Compliance with all of the conditions outlined in the city engineer's memo dated November 5, 2018. 4. Provision of code compliant bike racks (5 minimum) near the building entrances. 5. Submit a copy of the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District permit. The City may require revisions to the approved plans to meet the district's requirements. 6. Submit a copy of the Hennepin County access permit. The City may require revisions to the approved plans to meet the County’s requirements. 7. Roof-top mechanical equipment shall be screened from adjacent residential property and from France Avenue, per Section 36-1459 of the City Code. 8. Final Lighting Plan must meet all minimum lighting requirements per Chapter 36 of the Zoning Ordinance. Lighting shall be down lit. 9. The basement may not be used as office or retail space. 10. An eight (8) foot cedar fence must be installed along the west lot line and a portion of the south lot line to screen headlights and the trash collection area from the residential uses to the west. 11. Compliance with the conditions outlined in the traffic and parking study dated November 6, including moving the trash up on the France Avenue side for curbside pick up to minimize impact on the residential uses to the west. 12. Deliveries shall not occur between 7 pm and 7 am; unless the deliveries occur in the front of the building along France Avenue. 13. The rooftop patio shall be located on the east (France Avenue) side of the building. RESOLUTION NO. 2018-138 Page 4 Adopted by the city council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, on December 18, 2018. ATTEST: Sharon Allison, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN )SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of December 18, 2018, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this ____ day of __________________, 2018. _________________________________ Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk April 15, 2018 Planning Commission Cary Teague, Community Development Director Amended Final Development Plan (Site Plan) and Parking Stall Variance for 4532 France Avenue. Information / Background: Casey Carl is requesting a parking stall variance and an amendment to his approved final development plan (site plan) to remodel the existing 540 square foot storage area in the basement of the new retail/office building at 4532 France Avenue into office space. In 2018, the applicant built a two-story, 2,375 square foot retail/office building. The project received a parking stall variance to provide 11 parking stalls, when the city code required 15 stalls. A condition of the original approval was that the basement was to be used for storage. The concern at that time was that there may not be adequate parking spaces to utilize that space. However, in the years the new facility has operated, parking has not been a problem; in fact the owner estimates that the actual utilization rate is about 30% of the parking capacity. Therefore, the proposal is now to utilize space in the lower level as office space that was labeled as storage in the original approval. The request would require the following: 1. A Parking stall variance from 18 stalls to 11; and 2. A revised Site Plan to remodel the basement storage space for office use. SUPPORTING INFORMATION Surrounding Land Uses Northerly: Retail uses; zoned PCD-1, Planned Commercial District and guided NN, Neighborhood Node. Easterly: Retail uses in the City of Minneapolis. Southerly: Retail & Office uses; zoned POD, Planned Office District and guided NN, Neighborhood Node. Westerly: Single-Family homes; zoned R-1, Single-Dwelling Unit District and guided Low Density Residential. STAFF REPORT Page 2 Existing Site Features The subject property is .21 acres (8,971 square feet) in size, and contains a two-story retail office building. Planning Guide Plan designation: NN, Neighborhood Node. Zoning: R-1, Single-Dwelling Unit District Final Development Plan Amendment The approved final development plan (site plan) for this development, included a condition that the basement storage area may not be used for office or retail space. Therefore, the final development plan approval as part of the rezoning requires an amendment. (See attached 2018 resolution that approved the final development plan.) Site Circulation/Access/Traffic Primary access points to the proposed development would not be altered. Access would be off France and Sunnyside. Spack Consulting conducted a traffic and parking study which concludes that existing roadways would still support the project and the additional restaurant size. The level of service at adjacent intersections would not be impacted. (See attached study.) Site Circulation/Access/Traffic Primary access points to the proposed development would remain off France Avenue. There are no site plan or exterior building facade changes proposed. Parking Based on the City Code requirement, Section 36-1311, a total of 18 parking stalls would be required (see table below). The proposed plans would provide 11 parking stalls. Spack Consulting conducted a parking study, which concludes that there would be adequate parking for the site, both during the week and on weekends. The study is consistent with the applicant’s findings of the current operation, which has indicated they are at about a 30% capacity for parking under existing conditions. Variance Per the Zoning Ordinance, a variance should not be granted unless it is found that the enforcement of the ordinance would cause practical difficulties in complying with the Zoning Ordinance and that the use is reasonable. As demonstrated below, staff believes the proposal does meet the variance STAFF REPORT Page 3 standards, when applying the three conditions: Minnesota Statues and Edina Ordinances require that the following conditions must be satisfied affirmatively. The Proposed Variance will: 1) Relieve practical difficulties that prevent a reasonable use from complying with ordinance requirements. Reasonable use does not mean that the applicant must show the land cannot be put to any reasonable use without the variance. Rather, the applicant must show that there are practical difficulties in complying with the code and that the proposed use is reasonable. "Practical difficulties" may include functional and aesthetic concerns. Staff believes the proposed variances are reasonable. The practical difficulty is the small lot size, the narrow width and lack of depth of the site which limited the area in which to construct parking on this site. The applicant has not experienced a shortage since the building opened. They have found the capacity is generally at about 30%. The parking stall variance is reasonable based on the parking study done by Spack Consulting. (See attached. The Study concludes there is adequate parking on the site to accommodate the proposed remodeling of storage space into office space. The study further concludes there would be no negative impacts to the adjacent roadways. 2) There are circumstances that are unique to the property, not common to every similarly zoned property, and that are not self-created? Yes. The circumstances of the current operation and demand on parking on this site is unique and not similar to other zoned property in the district. 3) Will the variance alter the essential character of the neighborhood? No. There will be no change to the site plan or exterior of the building. There will be no impact to the character of the neighborhood. The Spack parking study concludes that parking will be adequate on the site. Staff Recommendation Recommend the City Council approve the parking stall variance from 18 stalls to 11 and the amended Site Plan to allow the remodeling of the lower level 540 square foot storage area for office use. Approval is subject to the following findings: 1. The proposed land use is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 2. There no changes proposed to the site plan or exterior façade of the building. STAFF REPORT Page 4 3. The practical difficulty is the small lot size, the narrow width and lack of depth of the site which limited the area in which to construct parking on this site. 4. The applicant has not experienced a shortage of parking under current conditions. 5. The parking stall variance is reasonable based on the parking study done by Spack Consulting, which concludes there is adequate parking on the site to accommodate the proposed remodeling of storage space into office space. The study further concludes there would no negative impacts to the adjacent roadways. Approval is subject to the following condition: 1. The approved site plan (Resolution No. 2018-138) is amended to allow the 540 square feet of storage area be remodeled for office use. Deadline for a city decision: April 29, 2020