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2021-10-13 Planning Commission Regular Meeting Packet
Ag enda Planning Commission City Of E dina, Minnesota City H all, Council Cham ber s Wednesday, October 13, 2021 7:00 PM Watch the m eeting on cable TV or at EdinaMN.gov/LiveMeeting s or Facebook.com /EdinaMN. To participate in Public H ear ings: Call 800-374-0221. E nter Conference ID 9329488. Give the operator your nam e, street address and telephone number. Press *1 on your telephone keypad when you would like to get in the queue to speak. A City sta7 m em ber will introduce you when it is your tur n. Or attend the meeting to provide testimony, City Hall Council Cham bers, 4801 W. 50th St. I.Ca ll To Ord er II.Roll Ca ll III.Approva l Of Meeting Agenda IV.Approva l Of Meeting Min u tes A.Min u tes: Pla n n ing Com m ission Sep tem b er 22, 2021 V.Special Recogn ition s An d Presentation s A.Election of O%cers B.RESOLUTION NO: B-21-31 Proposed prop osed Eden W illson TIF District VI.Com m u n ity Com m ent During "Community Comment," the Board/Commission will invite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. G enerally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board/Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Board/Commission might refer the matter to sta% for consideration at a future meeting. VII.Pu b lic Hea rings A.B-21-30 Variance from sid e setba ck at 5608 Dale Ave. B.Zon ing Ordin ance Am endm en t, Revised Overall Developm en t Plan, Site Pla n Review –7001 a n d 7025 France Aven u e VIII.Rep orts/Recom m en d ation s IX.Cha ir An d Mem ber Com m ents X.Sta< Com m ents XI.Adjournm en t The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampli>cation, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Date: O c tober 13, 2021 Agenda Item #: I V.A. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: Minutes F rom:Liz O ls on, Administrative S upport S pecialist Item Activity: Subject:Minutes : P lanning C ommis s ion S eptember 22, 2021 Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve the minutes from the September 22, 2021 P lanning Commission. I N TR O D U C TI O N: AT TAC HME N T S: Description Draft Minutes : Planning Commis s ion September 22, 2021 Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: ___, 2021 Page 1 of 6 Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Planning Commission Edina City Hall Council Chambers September 22, 2021 I. Call To Order Acting Chair Agnew called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. II. Roll Call Answering the roll call were: Commissioners Miranda, Berube, Strauss, Bennett, Barberot, Hayward, Olsen, Agnew, and Bartling. Staff Present: Cary Teague, Community Development Director, Kris Aaker, Assistant Planner, Emily Bodeker, Assistant Planner, and Liz Olson, Administrative Support Specialist. Absent from the roll call: Commissioner Alkire. Student Commissioners Kenley Barberot and William Hayward introduced themselves. III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda Commissioner Berube moved to approve the September 22, 2021, agenda. Commissioner Olsen seconded the motion. Motion carried. IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes A. Minutes: Planning Commission, August 25, 2021 Commissioner Berube moved to approve the August 25, 2021, meeting minutes. Commissioner Olsen seconded the motion. Motion carried. V. Community Comment None. VI. Public Hearings A. B-21-28: Front Yard Setback Variance at 313 Griffit Street Assistant City Planner Bodeker presented the request for a front yard setback variance. Staff recommends approval of the front yard setback variance, as requested subject to the findings and conditions listed in the staff report. Staff answered Commission questions. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: ___, 2021 Page 2 of 6 Appearing for the Applicant Mr. Trevor Fladwood, Homeowner, introduced himself and addressed the Commission. Public Hearing None. Commissioner Berube moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner Olsen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Motion Commissioner Olsen moved that the Planning Commission recommend approval of the Front Yard Setback Variance as outlined in the staff memo subject to the conditions and findings therein. Commissioner Bartling seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Video of the meeting is available on the City website for review of detailed comments. B. B-21-26: Variance Request for 5101 Windsor Ave Assistant Planner Aaker presented the request of 5101 Windsor Ave for a variance . Staff recommends approval of the variance, as requested subject to the findings and conditions listed in the staff report. Staff answered Commission questions. Commissioner Bennett arrived at 7:22 p.m. Public Hearing None. Commissioner Bennett moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner Strauss seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. The Commission discussed the variance. Motion Commissioner Bennett moved that the Planning Commission recommend approval of the variance as outlined in the staff memo subject to the conditions and findings therein. Commissioner Bartling seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Video of the meeting is available on the City website for review of detailed comments. C. B-21-29: Variance Request at 5615 Woodcrest Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: ___, 2021 Page 3 of 6 Assistant Planner Aaker presented the request of 5615 Woodcrest for a variance. Staff recommends approval of the variance, as requested subject to the findings and conditions listed in the staff report. Staff answered Commission questions. Public Hearing Mr. Tom Von Ruden, contractor, and applicant addressed the Commission. Commissioner Bennett moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner Bartling seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Motion Commissioner Bartling moved that the Planning Commission recommend approval to the City Council of the variance as outlined in the staff memo subject to the conditions and findings therein. Commissioner Berube seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Video of the meeting is available on the City website for review of detailed comments. D. Preliminary Rezoning & Preliminary Development Plan with Variances for City Homes at 4630 France Avenue Director Teague presented the request for Preliminary Rezoning & Preliminary Development Plan with Variance for City Homes. Staff recommends approval of the preliminary rezoning and preliminary development plan with the lot size and lot width variances, staff further recommended denial of building coverage and rear yard setback variance subject to the findings and conditions listed in the staff report. Staff answered Commission questions. Appearing for the Applicant Mr. Dave Remick, City Homes, and Mr. Jeff Ziebarth, Perkins & Will, introduced themselves and addressed the Commission. The Commission asked the applicants questions. Public Hearing Mr. Scott Fischmann, 4613 Meadow Road, addressed the Commission. Ms. Laura Westlund, 4626 France Ave., addressed the Commission with her concerns and indicated she was opposed to the side yard variance. Ms. Katharine Winston, 4634 France Ave., addressed the Commission with her concerns and indicated she was against this development. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: ___, 2021 Page 4 of 6 Ms. Anne Tofteland, 4615 Meadow Road, addressed the Commission with her concerns of extreme impacts on their privacy and sightlines. Ms. Elizabeth Goodman, 4707 Meadow Road, addressed the Commission. She indicated she was opposed to this plan. Ms. Karin Wille, 4701 Meadow Road, echoed the concerns of her neighbors. Commissioner Berube moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner Olsen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. The Commission discussed the Rezoning and Preliminary Development Plan with Variances. Motion Commissioner Olsen moved that the Planning Commission recommend approval of the Preliminary Rezoning from R-1 to PRD-2, Preliminary Plat, Side yard setback variances from 20 feet to 7 and 15 feet, and a lot size variance from 7,300 square feet to 5,016 square feet and recommend denial of the proposed rear yard setback variance and building coverage variance, subject to the conditions and findings therein with the addition of the tree protection plan. Commissioner Miranda seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Video of the meeting is available on the City website for review of detailed comments. E. Site Plan Review with Variances – 6500 Barrie Road Director Teague presented the request for Site Plan Review with Variance . Staff recommends approval of the site plan with variances, as requested subject to the findings and conditions listed in the staff report. Staff answered Commission questions. Appearing for the Applicant Mr. Don Rolf, Pope Architects introduced himself and Mr. Cori Rodriguez, Pope Architects; Alex Young, MSP Commercial; and Patrick Sarver, Civil Site Group The group addressed the Commission. The applicant answered Commission questions Public Hearing Ms. Linda Schmitz, 6483 Barrie Road, addressed the Commission. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: ___, 2021 Page 5 of 6 Commissioner Bennett moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner Strauss seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. The Commission discussed the Site Plan with Variances and provided the following comments: Viable alternatives to have both entrances on the side. Things should be concentrated. Active the Northeast corner with a gathering space with drop off entrance closer to that side. No need for an entrance on 65th. Prefer less parking with shared parking. Likes the inclusion of sidewalks. The building does not feel intuitive for the area. Excellent project with all of the variances that are required. Recommend increasing the parking stall variance to have a better facade and entrance on the front Full sidewalk along the property. Motion Commissioner Olsen moved that the Planning Commission recommend denial to the City Council of the site plan review with variances based on the variance criteria is not met, the configuration of the building on the site is not appropriate. After some discussion Commissioner Olsen withdrew her motion. The applicant addressed the Commission about possible changes to the site plan in order to get approval to move forward to the City Council. The Commission debated on a possible motion. Commissioner Bennett moved that the Planning Commission recommend approval to the City Council of the site plan review with variances as outlined in the staff memo subject to the conditions and findings therein and with the following additional conditions: relocating or add an entrance on the corner of 65th and Barry; reconfiguring the orientation of the building to have both drive entrances on the south side and the pedestrian access on the north side; improving the pedestrian experience around the building with extending the sidewalk on the northern portion to both property boundaries; increasing the parking variance amount to accommodate design changes. Commissioner Miranda seconded the motion. Motion carried 6 ayes, 1 nay (Agnew). Video of the meeting is available on the City website for review of detailed comments. VII. Reports/Recommendations A. Zoning Ordinance Amendments – Impervious Surface, Basements, 1-Foot Rule and Setback Definitions Director Teague presented the zoning ordinance amendments for impervious surface, basements, 1-foot rule and setback definitions. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: ___, 2021 Page 6 of 6 Staff and the Commission discussed the Zoning Ordinance Amendments. The Commission decision was to keep the ceiling height at nine feet until more data is received. Video of the meeting is available on the City website for review of detailed comments. B. 2022 Planning Commission Work Plan Director Teague presented the 2022 Planning Commission Work Plan. The Commission reviewed the 2022 Work Plan with staff. Motion Commissioner Olsen moved approval of the 2022 Planning Commission Work Plan with added Commissioner assignments. Commissioner Miranda seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Video of the meeting is available on the City website for review of detailed comments. VIII. Chair and Member Comments Received. IX. Staff Comments Received. X. Adjournment Commissioner Olsen moved to adjourn the September 22, 2021, Meeting of the Edina Planning Commission at 10:09 PM. Commissioner Miranda seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Date: O c tober 13, 2021 Agenda Item #: V.A. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: O ther F rom:C ary Teague, C ommunity Development Director Item Activity: Subject:Election of O fficers Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Elect a new C hair to replace former C hair Ian Nemerov, who has resigned from the Commission. Should current Vice-C hair K ate Agnew be elected Chair, the Commission would need to elect a new Vice-Chair. I N TR O D U C TI O N: Date: O c tober 13, 2021 Agenda Item #: V.B. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:Bill Neuendorf, Economic Development Manager Item Activity: Subject:R ES O LUT I O N NO : B-21-31 P roposed propos ed Eden Wills on T I F District Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: M otion to find that the tax increment financing plan for the E den/Willson Tax Increment F inancing D istrict conforms to the general plans for the development and redevelopment of the city. I N TR O D U C TI O N: B ill Neuendorf will give a brief presentation and be available for questions. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Staff Report Resolution B-21-31 District Map Draft TIF Plan October 13, 2021 Chair and Members of the Edina Planning Commission Bill Neuendorf, Economic Development Manager Resolution B-21-31: Finding that the Eden / Willson Tax Increment Financing Plan is Consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Information / Background: Reuter Walton Development intends to redevelop an aging commercial parcel at 4917 Eden Avenue. The redevelopment project would transform the 1970’s era site into a modern 6-7 story building with approx. 196 apartments and a 3,700 square foot café on the main level. Most of the new apartments will be market- rate with 20 apartments (10%) to be leased to households earning 50% or less of the Area Median Income (AMI). The site has been designed to allow a future public roadway improvement as well as enhanced public sidewalks and streetscapes. The Planning Commission recommended that the rezoning for this redevelopment concept be approved by a 7-1 vote on April 28, 2021. The City Council approved the preliminary rezoning on June 1, 2021 with conditions that additional traffic improvements be planned on the east side of Highway 100 in the area surrounding the site. These approvals are documented in Ordinance 2021-03 and Resolution 2021-41. The developer intends to seek all final entitlements in October/November 2021. The cost to develop and construct a project of this caliber is very high. The developer has requested that the City use Tax Increment Financing to allow the project to meet market-returns while also improving the public transportation network in the area. The City has reviewed the developers financial pro forma and confirmed that without the use of TIF, this project will not move forward. As such, the City is considering the creation of a new TIF District to assist redevelopment and public improvements in this area. Summary of Proposed TIF Plan and Review Process The City’s financial advisors at Ehlers Associates have prepared the proposed Eden/Willson TIF Plan (attached). This proposed Plan has been distributed to the Edina Public School District and Hennepin County for input. At this time, no comments have been received by the school district or county. STAFF REPORT – PC Resolution B-21-31 Page 2 This proposed TIF Plan will also be presented to the Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority for review and consideration. Finally, the City Council will conduct a public hearing to discuss the proposal before the proposed TIF Plan is given full consideration. Requested Action This proposed TIF Plan is presented to the Planning Commission as part of the state-mandated review process. A written opinion is requested in advance of the City Council’s Public Hearing. Specifically, the Planning Commission is asked to confirm that the proposed Eden / Willson TIF Plan is in compliance with Edina’s Comprehensive Plan including the Grandview District Framework and Grandview Transportation Plan referenced therein. Note that specific details regarding the future use, terms and conditions of tax increment expenditures are evaluated by the Edina City Council and Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority (not the Planning Commission). Staff Findings Staff has reviewed the proposed Eden / Willson TIF Plan and Edina’s Comprehensive Plan and provides these findings: • This proposed District is located within the boundaries of the Southeast Edina Redevelopment Project Area as amended February 21, 2012. Objectives of this Plan include: o Increasing the value of property subject to taxation (3-4 (3)) o Supporting multi-modal transportation improvements (3-4(4)) o Supporting redevelopment of mixed-use sites that include retail, housing and employment in walkable neighborhoods (3-4(6)) o Increasing the capacity of streets, roadways and bridges to support growth that has and will occur (3-4(7)) o Providing affordable housing options for families and seniors (3-4(8)) o Encouraging expansion of local businesses and economic activity (3-4(9)) • The proposed District is responsive to the 2012 Grandview Development Framework including the Seven Guiding Principles: o Create vibrant and connected District (page 7, #1) o Use key parcels as stepping stones to more vibrant, walkable, functional, attractive and life- filled place (page 7 #4) o Improve movement within and access to the District for people of all ages (page 7, #6) o Recognize the need for range of housing types and choices and address the needs of underserved populations (page 14) STAFF REPORT – PC Resolution B-21-31 Page 3 o Allow for future surface road / highway off-ramp (Page 33, #1 and page 36) o Support more efficient, compact and safe interchange access to Highway 100 from Vernon and Eden including taking a leadership role related to the Highway 100 interchange (Page 34) o Create a more bike and pedestrian friendly environment (Page 34) • The proposed District is also responsive to the 2016 Grandview Transportation Plan o Simply highway access for northbound vehicles (Pages 22-24 and 48-49) o Support the goals to improve access for pedestrians and bicyclists (Pages 23-24) • The proposed District reflects the goal of the 2018 Comprehensive Plan to encourage affordable housing in Edina and the preference for neighborhood nodes. o Page 4-23: “Goal 2: Encourage the development and maintenance of a range of housing options affordable to residents at all income levels and life stages.” o Page 4-24: “Goal 4: Support the development of a wide range of housing options to meet the diverse needs and preferences of the existing and future Edina community.” o Page 10-16: “Goal: Encourage vibrant neighborhood commercial nodes that meet resident needs for goods and services and build a sense of community” Recommended Action Planning Commission Resolution B-21-31 has been prepared to confirm that the Eden / Willson TIF Plan conforms to the general plans for the development and redevelopment of the City as a whole. Staff recommends this resolution be approved. PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. B-21-31 FINDING THAT THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR THE EDEN/WILLSON TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT CONFORMS TO THE GENERAL PLANS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT AND REDEVELOPMENT OF THE CITY. WHEREAS, the 4917 Eden Avenue (the “Property”) project is proposed to be redeveloped by Reuter Walton Development or an affiliated entity, and generally consists of 196 housing units and approximately 3,700 square feet of commercial space along with several improvements to the public realm adjacent to the project site; and WHEREAS, the City of Edina has prepared preliminary plans for future improvements to the transportation network that surrounds the site; and WHEREAS, the Edina Planning Commission reviewed a preliminary development plan and request for an amendment to the Edina Zoning Ordinance on April 28, 2021 and recommended that the City Council approve the Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Preliminary Rezoning and Preliminary Development Plan for the Property requiring a future site plan review; and WHEREAS, the City Council via the passage of Resolutions 2021-41 and Ordinance 2021-03 and approved the Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Preliminary Zoning and Preliminary Development Plan for the Property on June 1, 2021; and WHEREAS, the Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority has recommended terms by which tax increment financing could be used to bridge a financial gap that otherwise renders the project unfeasible while also providing funding for nearby public improvements to the transportation network; and WHEREAS, the City Council will be considering the establishment of a new Tax Increment Financing District to enable the redevelopment of the Property; and WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes require notification and input from several entities, including a public hearing, as part of the process of establishing a new Tax Increment Financing District; and Planning Commission Resolution B-21-31 WHEREAS, the Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority and the City of Edina (the "City") have proposed to adopt a Modification to the Southeast Edina Redevelopment Plan and a Tax Increment Financing Plan for the Eden/Willson Tax Increment Financing District (the "TIF District”) therefor (the Redevelopment Plan Modification and the TIF Plan are referred to collectively herein as the "Plans") and have submitted the Plans to the Edina Planning Commission all pursuant to and in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.175, Subd. 3; and WHEREAS, the project that is described in Appendix E as the primary subject of the TIF Plan is the same as that approved by City Council on June 1, 2021; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the aforementioned Plans to determine their conformity with the general plans and guided land use as described in the comprehensive plan for the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Commission that the Eden Willson Tax Increment Financing Plan conforms to the general plans for the development and redevelopment of the City as a whole. Dated: October 13, 2021 _______________________________________ Planning Commission Chair ATTEST: ___________________________________ Planning Commission Secretary Public Hearing Date: October 19, 2021 Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority City of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota Modification to the Redevelopment Plan Southeast Edina Redevelopment Project Area & Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Plan Establishment of Eden / Willson Redevelopment Tax Increment Financing District (a redevelopment district) BUILDING COMMUNITIES. IT’S WHAT WE DO. Prepared by: Ehlers 3060 Centre Pointe Drive Roseville, Minnesota 55113 TABLE OF CONTENTS Modification to the Redevelopment Plan for the Southeast Edina Redevelopment Project Area 1 FOREWORD 1 MUNICIPAL ACTION TAKEN 1 Tax Increment Financing Plan for the Eden / Willson Redevelopment Tax Increment Financing District 4 FOREWORD 4 STATUTORY AUTHORITY 4 STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVES 4 REDEVELOPMENT PLAN OVERVIEW 5 DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY IN THE DISTRICT AND PROPERTY TO BE ACQUIRED 5 DISTRICT CLASSIFICATION 6 DURATION & FIRST YEAR OF DISTRICT’S TAX INCREMENT 6 ORIGINAL TAX CAPACITY, TAX RATE & ESTIMATED CAPTURED NET TAX CAPACITY VALUE/INCREMENT & NOTIFICATION OF PRIOR PLANNED IMPROVEMENTS 7 SOURCES OF REVENUE/BONDS TO BE ISSUED 8 USES OF FUNDS 9 FISCAL DISPARITIES ELECTION 10 ESTIMATED IMPACT ON OTHER TAXING JURISDICTIONS 10 SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION 13 DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION 14 Appendix A: Map of Southeast Edina Redevelopment Project Area and the TIF District A Appendix B: Estimated Cash Flow for the District B Appendix C: Findings Including But/For Qualifications C Appendix D: Redevelopment Qualifications for the District D Appendix E: Project Description E Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority Eden / Willson Redevelopment Tax Increment Financing District 1 Modification to the Redevelopment Plan for the Southeast Edina Redevelopment Project Area FOREWORD The following text represents a Modification to the Redevelopment Plan for the Southeast Edina Redevelopment Project Area. This modification represents a continuation of the goals and objectives set forth in the Redevelopment Plan for Southeast Edina Redevelopment Project Area originally adopted September 29, 1977, and modified from time to time. Generally, the substantive changes include the establishment of the Eden / Willson Redevelopment Tax Increment Financing District. MUNICIPAL ACTION TAKEN Based upon the statutory authority described in the Redevelopment Plan, the public purpose findings by the City Council and for the purpose of fulfilling the City’s development objects as set forth in the Redevelopment Plan, the City Council has created, established and designated the Southeast Edina Redevelopment Plan pursuant to and in accordance with the requirements of Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.001 to 469.047. The original and amended Southeast Edina Redevelopment Plan documents designated the Southeast Edina Redevelopment Plan as a redevelopment project and also a tax increment financing plan for tax increment districts created prior to 1988. The Centennial Lakes Tax Increment Financing District was created in 1988 pursuant to Tax Increment Financing Plan 88-1, which was subsequently renamed the Centennial Lakes Tax Increment District and referred to by Hennepin County as District #1203 and #1249. For purposes of clarification, this modification will refer to the Southeast Edina Redevelopment Plan as the Southeast Edina Redevelopment Project Area Plan pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 469.002. The following municipal action has been taken with regard to the Southeast Edina Redevelopment Project Area Plan: September 29, 1977: The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Edina (the “HRA”) approved the Southeast Edina Redevelopment Project Area Plan. October 5, 1981: The Southeast Edina Redevelopment Project Area Plan was amended to identify project costs and bonded indebtedness incurred to finance those costs. Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority Eden / Willson Redevelopment Tax Increment Financing District 2 May 6, 1985: The HRA and the City approved an amendment to the Southeast Edina Redevelopment Project Area Plan which establishes an interest reduction program and enlarges the project area to include the “1985 Project Area.” August 19, 1985: The HRA and the City approved the First Amendment to the 1985 Amendment to the Southeast Edina Redevelopment Project Area Plan to enlarge the 1985 Project Area and authorize the issuance of additional bonds to acquire land within the enlarged 1985 Project Area. 1987: The HRA and City approved the 1987 Amendments to the Southeast Edina Redevelopment Plan to enlarge the project area to include the 1987 Project Area. 1988: The HRA and City approved the 1988 Amendments to the Southeast Edina Redevelopment Plan to provide an Interest Reduction Program in the amount of $2,500,000 to assist in the financing and construction of housing units and authorize the HRA and City to incur additional bonded indebtedness. February 21, 2012: The HRA and City expand the Southeast Edina Project Area. April 17, 2012: The HRA and City establish the Southdale 2 Tax Increment Financing District. February 18, 2014: The HRA and City establish the Pentagon Park Tax Increment Financing District. March 2, 2016: The HRA and City establish the Grandview 2 Tax Increment Financing District. April 5, 2016: The HRA and City modify the Tax Increment Financing Plan for the Southdale 2 Tax Increment Financing District and establish the 66 West Tax Increment Financing District. June 20, 2017: The HRA and City establish the 50th and France 2 Tax Increment Financing District. October 16, 2018: The HRA and City establish the 44th and France 2 Tax Increment Financing District. November 20, 2018: The HRA and City modify the Tax Increment Financing Plan for the Southdale 2 Tax Increment Financing District to increase the TIF Budget and enable special legislative pooling authority for affordable housing. November 20, 2018: The HRA and City also establish the West 76th Street Tax Increment Financing District. March 19, 2019: The HRA and City establish the 72nd and France Tax Increment Financing District. Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority Eden / Willson Redevelopment Tax Increment Financing District 3 December 17, 2019: The HRA and City modify the Tax Increment Financing Plan for the Southdale 2 Tax Increment Financing District to designate property to be acquired and establish the Amundson Avenue Tax Increment Financing District. August 4, 2021: The HRA and City establish the 4040 West 70th Street Tax Increment Financing District. September 9, 2021: The HRA and City modify the Tax Increment Financing Plan for the Southdale 2 Tax Increment Financing District to increase the estimated project costs expected to be paid or financed with tax increment from the Southdale 2 TIF District, to include affordable housing project costs. (As Modified October 19, 2021) October 19, 2021: The HRA and City establish the Eden / Willson Redevelopment Tax Increment Financing District. For further information, a review of the Redevelopment Plan for Southeast Edina Redevelopment Project Area, is recommended. It is available from the HRA Executive Director at the City of Edina. Other relevant information is contained in the Tax Increment Financing Plans for the Tax Increment Financing Districts located within the Southeast Edina Redevelopment Project Area. Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority Eden / Willson Redevelopment Tax Increment Financing District 4 Tax Increment Financing Plan for the Eden / Willson Redevelopment Tax Increment Financing District FOREWORD The Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority (the "HRA"), the City of Edina (the "City"), staff and consultants have prepared the following information to expedite the establishment of the Eden / Willson Redevelopment Tax Increment Financing District (the "District"), a redevelopment tax increment financing district, located in the Southeast Edina Redevelopment Project Area. STATUTORY AUTHORITY Within the City, there exist areas where public involvement is necessary to cause development or redevelopment to occur. To this end, the HRA and City have certain statutory powers pursuant to Minnesota Statutes ("M.S."), Sections 469.001 - 469.047, inclusive, as amended (the “HRA Act”), and M.S., Sections 469.174 to 469.1794, inclusive, as amended (the "Tax Increment Financing Act" or "TIF Act"), to assist in financing public costs related to this project. This section contains the Tax Increment Financing Plan (the "TIF Plan") for the District. Other relevant information is contained in the Modification to the Redevelopment Plan for the Southeast Edina Redevelopment Project Area, originally adopted September 29, 1977, and modified from time to time. STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVES The District currently consists of two (2) parcels of land inclusive of internal and external rights-of-way, abutting roadways and intersections, pedestrian pathways and crossings depicted within the map contained in Appendix A. The District is being created to facilitate redevelopment of the 4917 Eden Avenue site including construction of a new mixed use apartment and retail redevelopment and associated public improvements in the City. Please see Appendix E for further District information. The HRA anticipates entering into an agreement with Eden Avenue Group, LLC as the developer. Development is anticipated to begin in 2022. This TIF Plan is expected to achieve many of the objectives outlined in the Redevelopment Plan for the Southeast Edina Redevelopment Project Area. Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority Eden / Willson Redevelopment Tax Increment Financing District 5 The activities contemplated in the Modification to the Redevelopment Plan and the TIF Plan do not preclude the undertaking of other qualified development or redevelopment activities. These activities are anticipated to occur over the life of Southeast Edina Redevelopment Project Area and the District. REDEVELOPMENT PLAN OVERVIEW Pursuant to the Redevelopment Plan and authorizing state statutes, the HRA or City is authorized to undertake the following activities in the District: 1. Property to be Acquired – The HRA or City currently owns one parcel of property within the District. The remaining property located within the District may be acquired by the HRA or City and is further described in this TIF Plan. 2. Relocation - Relocation services, to the extent required by law, are available pursuant to M.S., Chapter 117 and other relevant state and federal laws. 3. Upon approval of a developer's plan relating to the project and completion of the necessary legal requirements, the HRA or City may sell to a developer selected properties that it may acquire within the District or may lease land or facilities to a developer. 4. The HRA or City may perform or provide for some or all necessary acquisition, construction, relocation, demolition, and required utilities and public street work within the District. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY IN THE DISTRICT AND PROPERTY TO BE ACQUIRED The District encompasses property identified by the parcels listed below, inclusive of adjacent rights-of-way, pedestrian pathways and crossing, and abutting roadways and intersections. Parcel number Address Owner 1802824320023 4917 Eden Avenue Eden Ventures 1802824320029 4918 and 4920 Eden Avenue* City of Edina * As depicted in Appendix A, the District will include only the portion of parcel #18-028-24-32-0029 west of Grange Road. Please also see the map in Appendix A for further information on the location of the District. Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority Eden / Willson Redevelopment Tax Increment Financing District 6 The HRA or City may acquire any parcel within the District including interior and adjacent street rights-of-way. Any properties identified for acquisition will be acquired by the HRA or City only in order to accomplish one or more of the following: storm sewer improvements; provide land for needed public streets and sidewalks, utilities and facilities; carry out land acquisition, site improvements, clearance and/or development to accomplish the uses and objectives set forth in this plan. The HRA or City may acquire property by gift, dedication, condemnation or direct purchase from willing sellers in order to achieve the objectives of this TIF Plan. Such acquisitions will be undertaken only when there is assurance of funding to finance the acquisition and related costs. The HRA or City currently owns one parcel of the property to be included in the District. DISTRICT CLASSIFICATION The HRA and City, in determining the need to create a tax increment financing district in accordance with the TIF Act find that the District, to be established, is a redevelopment district pursuant to M.S., Section 469.174, Subd. 10(a)(1). $ The District consists of two (2) parcels. $ An inventory shows that parcels consisting of more than 70 percent of the area in the District are occupied by buildings, streets, utilities, paved or gravel parking lots or other similar structures. $ An inspection of the buildings located within the District finds that more than 50 percent of the buildings are structurally substandard as defined in the TIF Act. (See Appendix D). Pursuant to M.S., Section 469.176, Subd. 7, the District does not contain any parcel or part of a parcel that qualified under the provisions of M.S., Sections 273.111, 273.112, or 273.114 or Chapter 473H for taxes payable in any of the five calendar years before the filing of the request for certification of the District. DURATION & FIRST YEAR OF DISTRICT’S TAX INCREMENT Pursuant to M.S., Section 469.175, Subd. 1, and Section 469.176, Subd. 1, the duration and first year of tax increment of the District must be indicated within the TIF Plan. Pursuant to M.S., Section 469.176, Subd. 1b., the duration of the District will be 25 years after receipt of the first increment by the HRA or City (a total of 26 years of tax increment). The HRA or City elects to receive the first tax increment in 2025, which is no later than four years following the year of approval of the District. Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority Eden / Willson Redevelopment Tax Increment Financing District 7 Thus, it is estimated that the District, including any modifications of the TIF Plan for subsequent phases or other changes, would terminate after 2050, or when the TIF Plan is satisfied. The HRA or City reserves the right to decertify the District prior to the legally required date. ORIGINAL TAX CAPACITY, TAX RATE & ESTIMATED CAPTURED NET TAX CAPACITY VALUE/INCREMENT & NOTIFICATION OF PRIOR PLANNED IMPROVEMENTS Pursuant to M.S., Section 469.174, Subd. 7 and M.S., Section 469.177, Subd. 1, the Original Net Tax Capacity (ONTC) as certified for the District will be based on the market values placed on the property by the assessor in 2021 for taxes payable 2022. Pursuant to M.S., Section 469.177, Subds. 1 and 2, the County Auditor shall certify in each year (beginning in the payment year 2025) the amount by which the original value has increased or decreased as a result of: 1. Change in tax exempt status of property; 2. Reduction or enlargement of the geographic boundaries of the district; 3. Change due to adjustments, negotiated or court-ordered abatements; 4. Change in the use of the property and classification; 5. Change in state law governing class rates; or 6. Change in previously issued building permits. In any year in which the current Net Tax Capacity (NTC) value of the District declines below the ONTC, no value will be captured and no tax increment will be payable to the HRA or City. The Original Local Tax Rate for the District will be the local tax rate for taxes payable 2022, assuming the request for certification is made before June 30, 2022). The estimated ONTC and the Original Local Tax Rate for the District appear in the table below. Pursuant to M.S., Section 469.174 Subd. 4 and M.S., Section 469.177, Subd. 1, 2, and 4, the estimated Captured Net Tax Capacity (CTC) of the District, within Southeast Edina Redevelopment Project Area, upon completion of the District, will annually approximate tax increment revenues as shown in the table below. The HRA and City request 100 percent of the available increase in tax capacity for repayment of its obligations and current expenditures, beginning in the tax year payable 2025. The Project Tax Capacity (PTC) listed is an estimate of values when the projects within the District are completed. Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority Eden / Willson Redevelopment Tax Increment Financing District 8 Estimated Project Tax Capacity (PTC) 887,151 Less: Estimated Original Net Tax Capacity (ONTC 38,495 Less: Fiscal Disparities 8,351 Estimated Captured Tax Capacity (CTC)840,304 Estimated Original Local Tax Rate 107.8580% Pay 2021 Estimated Annual Tax Increment (CTC x Rate)$906,335 Percent Retained by the HRA 100% Project Tax Capacity Note: Estimated PTC includes a 1% inflation factor for the duration of the District and is the estimated tax capacity of the District in year 25. The tax capacity of the District in year one is estimated to be 691,772. Pursuant to M.S., Section 469.177, Subd. 4, the HRA shall, after a due and diligent search, accompany its request for certification to the County Auditor or its notice of the District enlargement pursuant to M.S., Section 469.175, Subd. 4, with a listing of all properties within the District or area of enlargement for which building permits have been issued during the eighteen (18) months immediately preceding approval of the TIF Plan by the municipality pursuant to M.S., Section 469.175, Subd. 3. The County Auditor shall increase the original net tax capacity of the District by the net tax capacity of improvements for which a building permit was issued. The City is reviewing the area to be included in the District to determine if any building permits have been issued during the 18 months immediately preceding approval of the TIF Plan. SOURCES OF REVENUE/BONDS TO BE ISSUED The total estimated tax increment revenues for the District are shown in the table below: SOURCES Tax Increment 20,668,426$ Interest 2,066,843 TOTAL 22,735,269$ The costs outlined in the Uses of Funds will be financed primarily through the annual collection of tax increments. The HRA or City reserves the right to incur bonds or other indebtedness as a result of the TIF Plan. As presently proposed, the projects within the District will be financed by a pay-as-you-go note, interfund loans, and/or a possible bond issue. Any refunding amounts will be deemed a budgeted cost without a formal TIF Plan Modification. Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority Eden / Willson Redevelopment Tax Increment Financing District 9 This provision does not obligate the HRA or City to incur debt. The HRA or City will issue bonds or incur other debt only upon the determination that such action is in the best interest of the City. The HRA or City may issue bonds (as defined in the TIF Act) secured in whole or in part with tax increments from the District in a maximum principal amount of $14,934,231. Such bonds may be in the form of pay-as-you-go notes, revenue bonds or notes, general obligation bonds, or interfund loans. This estimate of total bonded indebtedness is a cumulative statement of authority under this TIF Plan as of the date of approval. USES OF FUNDS Currently under consideration for the District is a proposal to facilitate redevelopment of the property into a mixed-use apartment and commercial retail building and necessitated public infrastructure improvements. The HRA and City have determined that it will be necessary to provide assistance to the project(s) for certain District costs, as described. The HRA has studied the feasibility of the development or redevelopment of property in and around the District. To facilitate the establishment and development or redevelopment of the District, this TIF Plan authorizes the use of tax increment financing to pay for the cost of certain eligible expenses. The estimate of public costs and uses of funds associated with the District is outlined in the following table. These estimates establish the maximum amount permitted to be expended, but the HRA and City is not obligated to expend the full amount. USES Land/Building Acquisition 3,000,000$ Site Improvements/Preparation 750,000 Affordable Housing 2,066,843 Utilities 1,500,000 Other Qualifying Improvements 5,550,545 Administrative Costs (up to 10%)2,066,843 PROJECT COSTS TOTAL 14,934,231$ Interest 7,801,038 PROJECT AND INTEREST COSTS TOTAL 22,735,269$ The total project cost, including financing costs (interest) listed in the table above does not exceed the total projected tax increments for the District as shown in the Sources of Revenue section. Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority Eden / Willson Redevelopment Tax Increment Financing District 10 Estimated costs associated with the District are subject to change among categories without a modification to this TIF Plan. The cost of all activities to be considered for tax increment financing will not exceed, without formal modification, the budget above pursuant to the applicable statutory requirements. Pursuant to M.S., Section 469.1763, Subd. 2, no more than 25 percent of the tax increment paid by property within the District will be spent on activities related to development or redevelopment outside of the District but within the boundaries of Southeast Edina Redevelopment Project Area, (including administrative costs, which are considered to be spent outside of the District) subject to the limitations as described in this TIF Plan. Pursuant to M.S., Section 469.1763, Subd. 2(d), the HRA and City may elect to increase by up to ten percentage points the permitted amount of expenditures for activities located outside the geographic area of the District. The HRA and City intend to pool tax increment paid by property within the District to be used to assist housing that meets the requirements contained in M.S., Section 469.1763, Subd. 2(d). FISCAL DISPARITIES ELECTION Pursuant to M.S., Section 469.177, Subd. 3, the HRA or City may elect one of two methods to calculate fiscal disparities contribution of commercial- industrial net tax capacity from the District. The HRA will choose to calculate fiscal disparities by clause b (inside the District). ESTIMATED IMPACT ON OTHER TAXING JURISDICTIONS The estimated impact on other taxing jurisdictions assumes that the redevelopment contemplated by the TIF Plan would occur without the creation of the District. However, the HRA and City have determined that such development or redevelopment would not reasonably be expected to occur "but for" tax increment financing and that, therefore, the fiscal impact on other taxing jurisdictions is $0. The estimated fiscal impact of the District would be as follows if the "but for" test was not met: Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority Eden / Willson Redevelopment Tax Increment Financing District 11 Entity 2020/Pay 2021 Total Net Tax Capacity Estimated Captured Tax Capacity (CTC) upon completion Percent of CTC to Entity Total Hennepin County 2,080,642,179 840,304 0.0404% City of Edina 141,273,381 840,304 0.5948% ISD 273 (Edina)115,791,268 840,304 0.7257% Impact on Tax Base If "But/For" Not Met Entity Pay 2021 Extension Rate Percent of Total Rate CTC Potential Annual Taxes Hennepin County 38.2100%35.43% 840,304 $ 321,080 City of Edina 28.9390%26.83% 840,304 243,176 ISD 273 (Edina)31.4740%29.18% 840,304 264,477 Other 9.2350%8.56% 840,304 77,602 107.8580%100.00% $ 906,335 Impact on Tax Rates If "But/For" Not Met The estimates listed above display the estimated CTC when all construction is completed at the end of the District. The tax rate used for calculations is the Pay 2021 rate as obtained from Hennepin County. The total net capacity for the entities listed above are based on Pay 2021 figures provided by Hennepin County. The District will be certified under the Pay 2022 rates, which were unavailable at the time this TIF Plan was prepared. Pursuant to M.S. Section 469.175 Subd. 2(b): (1) Estimate of total tax increment. It is estimated that the total amount of tax increment from property within the District that will be generated over the life of the District is $20,668,426; Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority Eden / Willson Redevelopment Tax Increment Financing District 12 (2) Probable impact of the District on city provided services and ability to issue debt. An impact of the District on police protection is expected, as it is with any new development. With any addition of new residents or businesses, police calls for service will be increased. New developments add an increase in traffic and additional overall demands to the call load. However, the roadway improvements proposed as part of this redevelopment are expected to help emergency response. The City does not expect that the proposed redevelopment, in and of itself, will necessitate new capital investment in vehicles or facilities, nor an increase to staffing levels. The probable impact of the District on Fire/EMS services is not expected to be significant. A new, fully-sprinklered, non-age restricted apartment building is expected to generate few calls, if any, and be of superior construction and compliant with the latest building codes. Some of the existing buildings, which will be eliminated or relocated by the new development, are of older construction and carry issues that are expected to be improved by the new structures and/or relocation. The City does not expect that the proposed development, in and of itself, will necessitate additional staffing or new capital investment in vehicles or facilities. The impact of the District on public infrastructure is expected to be moderate. The redevelopment is not expected to significantly impact any traffic movements external to the area, but new infrastructure funded by the TIF District is proposed to enhance traffic movement throughout the District. The City may need to relocate fiber optic lines near the redevelopment and road improvements as part of the infrastructure costs. The current system infrastructure for sanitary sewer, storm sewer and water will be able to handle the additional volume generated from the proposed development. Based on the development plans, there are minimal additional costs associated with street maintenance, sweeping, plowing, lighting and sidewalks. The development in the District is expected to contribute an estimated $487,060 in met council sanitary sewer (SAC) and $878,080 in City sanitary sewer and water fees. The probable impact of any District general obligation debt issuance on the City’s ability to issue debt for general fund purposes is expected to be minimal. The City may issue general obligation tax increment revenue bonds to fund public infrastructure at some point during the District, but any such issuance is not expected to require the City’s general revenue support and would not apply to the City’s statutory debt limit. Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority Eden / Willson Redevelopment Tax Increment Financing District 13 (3) Estimated amount of tax increment attributable to school district levies. It is estimated that the amount of tax increments over the life of the District that would be attributable to school district levies, assuming the school district's share of the total local tax rate for all taxing jurisdictions remained the same, is $6,031,245. The amount is calculated by multiplying the total estimated increment of $20,668,426 by the school district’s percent of the proportionate share of the total tax rate of 29.18%; (4) Estimated amount of tax increment attributable to county levies. It is estimated that the amount of tax increments over the life of the District that would be attributable to county levies, assuming the county's share of the total local tax rate for all taxing jurisdictions remained the same, is $7,322,040. The amount is calculated by multiplying the total estimated increment of $20,668,426 by the County’s percent of the proportionate share of the total tax rate of 35.43%; (5) Additional information requested by the county or school district. The City is not aware of any standard questions in a county or school district written policy regarding tax increment districts and impact on county or school district services. The county or school district must request additional information pursuant to M.S. Section 469.175 Subd. 2(b) within 15 days after receipt of the tax increment financing plan. At this time, no requests for additional information from the county or school district regarding the proposed development for the District have been received. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION Pursuant to M.S. Section 469.175, Subd. 1 (a), clause 7 the TIF Plan must contain identification and description of studies and analyses used to make the determination set forth in M.S. Section 469.175, Subd. 3, clause (b)(2) and the findings are required in the resolution approving the District. (i) In making said determination, reliance has been placed upon (1) written representation made by the developer to such effects, (2) review of the developer’s anticipated proforma; and (3) City staff awareness of the feasibility of developing the project site within the District, which is further outlined in the City Council resolution approving the establishment of the TIF District and Appendix C. Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority Eden / Willson Redevelopment Tax Increment Financing District 14 (ii) A comparative analysis of estimated market value both with and without establishment of the TIF District and the use of tax increments has been performed. Such analysis is included with the cashflow in Appendix B and indicates that the increase in estimated market value of the proposed development (less the indicated subtractions) exceeds the estimated market value of the site absent the establishment of the TIF District and the use of tax increments. DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION Administration of the District will be handled by the HRA Executive Director and Economic Development Manager. Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority Eden / Willson Redevelopment Tax Increment Financing District 15 Appendix A: Map of Southeast Edina Redevelopment Project Area and the TIF District ¹º¹º ¹º ñ ñ ñ ¹º ¹º ¹º ¹º ¹º ñ ¹º ñ ñ ñTRACY AVEVERN O N AVEWOODDALE AVEHANSEN RD70TH ST W FRANCE AVE SGLEASONRDEdina Community Center City Hall Southview Jr High Normandale Elementary Concord School Cornelia School Southdale Library Fire Station Public Works & Park Maintenance Creek Valley School Fire Station Valley View Jr High Edina High School Countryside School Highland School Public Library M in n e hahaCre ekNineMile C re e kN i n e M ile C r e ek §¨¦494 RICHFIELD MINNEAPOLIS 100 100 62 £¤169 §¨¦494 Eden / Willson Canadian Pacific RailroadCanadian Pacific RailroadBLAKE RDSCHAEFER RDV E R N O N A V E CAHILL RD66TH ST W INTERLACHEN BLVD MALONEY AVE 4 4 T H S T W 50TH ST W 54TH ST W 58TH ST W 70TH ST W 76TH ST W DEWEY HILL RD VALLEY VIEW RD VALLEY VIEW RD 78TH ST W £¤169 62 September 2021 ±Eden / Willson TIF District Southeast Edina Redevelopment Project Area 0 2,100 Feet Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority Eden / Willson Redevelopment Tax Increment Financing District 16 Appendix B: Estimated Cash Flow for the District 9/16/2021Eden / Willson Redevelopment TIF DistrictCity of Edina, MN Mixed-use RedevelopmentASSUMPTIONS AND RATESDistrictType:RedevelopmentDistrict Name/Number:Eden / WillsonCounty District #:TBDExempt Class Rate (Exempt)0.00%First Year Construction or Inflation on Value2023Commercial Industrial Preferred Class Rate (C/I Pref.)Existing District - Specify No. Years RemainingFirst $150,0001.50%Inflation Rate - Every Year:1.00%Over $150,0002.00%Interest Rate:4.00%Commercial Industrial Class Rate (C/I)2.00%Present Value Date:1-Feb-24Rental Housing Class Rate (Rental)1.25%First Period Ending1-Aug-24Affordable Rental Housing Class Rate (Aff. Rental)Tax Year District was Certified:Pay 2022First $174,000 0.75%Cashflow Assumes First Tax Increment For Development: 2025 Over $174,000 0.25%Years of Tax Increment 26 Non-Homestead Residential (Non-H Res. 1 Unit)Assumes Last Year of Tax Increment2050First $500,0001.00%Fiscal Disparities Election [Outside (A), Inside (B), or NA]Inside(B)Over $500,0001.25%Incremental or Total Fiscal DisparitiesIncrementalHomestead Residential Class Rate (Hmstd. Res.)Fiscal Disparities Contribution Ratio33.7904% Pay 2021 First $500,0001.00%Fiscal Disparities Metro-Wide Tax Rate139.5040% Pay 2021 Over $500,0001.25%Maximum/Frozen Local Tax Rate: 107.858% Pay 2021 Agricultural Non-Homestead1.00%Current Local Tax Rate: (Use lesser of Current or Max.) 107.858%Pay 2021 State-wide Tax Rate (Comm./Ind. only used for total taxes) 35.9780% Pay 2021 Market Value Tax Rate (Used for total taxes)0.21097% Pay 2021 Building Total PercentageTax Year Property CurrentClassAfterLand Market Market Of Value Used Original OriginalTaxOriginalAfterConversionMap ID PIDOwner Address Market Value ValueValue for District Market Value Market Value Class Tax Capacity Conversion Orig. Tax Cap.11802824320023Eden Ventures3,078,600 1,000 3,079,600100% 3,079,600 Pay 2022 C/I Pref.60,842 Rental38,495 121802824320029City of Edina000100%0 Pay 2022 Exempt- Rental- 23,078,600 1,000 3,079,6003,079,600 60,84238,495Note:1. Base values are for pay 2022 based upon review of County website on September 13, 2021.2. Located in SD # 273 and WS # 3.Area/ PhaseTax Rates BASE VALUE INFORMATION (Original Tax Capacity)Prepared by Ehlers 9/16/2021Eden / Willson Redevelopment TIF DistrictCity of Edina, MN Mixed-use RedevelopmentEstimated Taxable Total Taxable PropertyPercentage Percentage Percentage Percentage First YearMarket Value Market Value TotalMarketTaxProject Project Tax Completed Completed Completed Completed Full TaxesArea/Phase New Use Per Sq. Ft./Unit Per Sq. Ft./Unit Sq. Ft./UnitsValueClass Tax CapacityCapacity/Unit 2023202420252026 Payable1Apartments 274,490274,490 196 53,800,000 Rental672,5003,431 100%100%100%100%2025Retail300300 3,337 1,001,100 C/I Pref. 19,2726 100%100%100%100%2025TOTAL54,801,100 691,772 Subtotal Residential196 53,800,000 672,500 Subtotal Commercial/Ind.3,337 1,001,100 19,272 Note:1. Market values are based upon preliminary estimates from the Assessor's Office.Total Fiscal Local Local Fiscal State-wide MarketTax Disparities Tax PropertyDisparities PropertyValueTotal Taxes PerNew Use CapacityTax CapacityCapacityTaxesTaxesTaxesTaxesTaxes Sq. Ft./UnitApartments 672,5000672,500 725,34500113,502 838,847 4,279.83Retail 19,2726,51212,760 13,7639,0856,3942,11231,3539.40TOTAL 691,772 6,512 685,260 739,108 9,0856,394115,614 870,200Note: 1. Taxes and tax increment will vary significantly from year to year depending upon values, rates, state law, fiscal disparities and other factors which cannot be predicted.Total Property Taxes 870,200Current Market Value - Est. 3,079,600less State-wide Taxes (6,394)New Market Value - Est. 54,801,100less Fiscal Disp. Adj. (9,085) Difference 51,721,500less Market Value Taxes (115,614)Present Value of Tax Increment 12,043,964less Base Value Taxes (41,520) Difference 39,677,536Annual Gross TIF 697,588Value likely to occur without Tax Increment is less than:39,677,536 WHAT IS EXCLUDED FROM TIF?MARKET VALUE BUT / FOR ANALYSISTAX CALCULATIONSPROJECT INFORMATION (Project Tax Capacity)Prepared by Ehlers 9/16/2021Tax Increment Cashflow - Page 3Eden / Willson Redevelopment TIF DistrictCity of Edina, MN Mixed-use RedevelopmentTAX INCREMENT CASH FLOWProject Original Fiscal CapturedLocal Annual Semi-Annual State Admin.Semi-Annual Semi-Annual PERIOD% of TaxTax Disparities TaxTax Gross Tax Gross Tax AuditoratNet Tax Present ENDING Tax PaymentOTC Capacity Capacity Incremental CapacityRate Increment Increment 0.36%10% Increment Value Yrs. Year Date- - - - 08/01/24- - - - 02/01/25100% 691,772 (38,495) (6,512) 646,765 107.858% 697,588 348,794 (1,256) (34,754) 312,784 294,744 0.5 2025 08/01/25100% 691,772 (38,495) (6,512) 646,765 107.858% 697,588 348,794 (1,256) (34,754) 312,784 583,708 1 2025 02/01/26100% 698,690 (38,495) (6,577) 653,618 107.858% 704,979 352,489 (1,269) (35,122) 316,098 870,008 1.5 2026 08/01/26100% 698,690 (38,495) (6,577) 653,618 107.858% 704,979 352,489 (1,269) (35,122) 316,098 1,150,694 2 2026 02/01/27100% 705,677 (38,495) (6,643) 660,539 107.858% 712,444 356,222 (1,282) (35,494) 319,446 1,428,791 2.5 2027 08/01/27100% 705,677 (38,495) (6,643) 660,539 107.858% 712,444 356,222 (1,282) (35,494) 319,446 1,701,435 3 2027 02/01/28100% 712,733 (38,495) (6,709) 667,529 107.858% 719,983 359,992 (1,296) (35,870) 322,826 1,971,561 3.5 2028 08/01/28100% 712,733 (38,495) (6,709) 667,529 107.858% 719,983 359,992 (1,296) (35,870) 322,826 2,236,391 4 2028 02/01/29100% 719,861 (38,495) (6,777) 674,589 107.858% 727,598 363,799 (1,310) (36,249) 326,241 2,498,774 4.5 2029 08/01/29100% 719,861 (38,495) (6,777) 674,589 107.858%727,598 363,799 (1,310) (36,249) 326,241 2,756,013 5 2029 02/01/30100% 727,059 (38,495) (6,844) 681,720 107.858% 735,290 367,645 (1,324) (36,632) 329,689 3,010,873 5.5 2030 08/01/30100% 727,059 (38,495) (6,844) 681,720 107.858% 735,290 367,645 (1,324) (36,632) 329,689 3,260,736 6 2030 02/01/31100% 734,330 (38,495) (6,913) 688,922 107.858% 743,058 371,529 (1,338) (37,019) 333,172 3,508,288 6.5 2031 08/01/31100% 734,330 (38,495) (6,913) 688,922 107.858% 743,058 371,529 (1,338) (37,019) 333,172 3,750,986 7 2031 02/01/32100% 741,673 (38,495) (6,982) 696,196 107.858%750,903 375,452 (1,352) (37,410) 336,690 3,991,438 7.5 2032 08/01/32100% 741,673 (38,495) (6,982) 696,196 107.858% 750,903 375,452 (1,352) (37,410) 336,690 4,227,174 8 2032 02/01/33100% 749,090 (38,495) (7,052) 703,543 107.858% 758,828 379,414 (1,366) (37,805) 340,243 4,460,728 8.5 2033 08/01/33100% 749,090 (38,495) (7,052) 703,543 107.858% 758,828 379,414 (1,366) (37,805) 340,243 4,689,702 9 2033 02/01/34100% 756,581 (38,495) (7,122) 710,964 107.858% 766,831 383,416 (1,380) (38,204) 343,832 4,916,554 9.5 2034 08/01/34100% 756,581 (38,495) (7,122) 710,964 107.858% 766,831 383,416 (1,380) (38,204) 343,832 5,138,957 10 2034 02/01/35100% 764,147 (38,495) (7,193) 718,458 107.858% 774,915 387,457 (1,395) (38,606) 347,456 5,359,299 10.5 2035 08/01/35100% 764,147 (38,495) (7,193) 718,458 107.858% 774,915 387,457 (1,395) (38,606) 347,456 5,575,320 11 2035 02/01/36100% 771,788 (38,495) (7,265) 726,028 107.858% 783,079 391,540 (1,410) (39,013) 351,117 5,789,337 11.5 2036 08/01/36100% 771,788 (38,495) (7,265) 726,028 107.858% 783,079 391,540 (1,410) (39,013) 351,117 5,999,157 12 2036 02/01/37100% 779,506 (38,495) (7,338) 733,673 107.858% 791,325 395,663 (1,424) (39,424) 354,814 6,207,029 12.5 2037 08/01/37100% 779,506 (38,495) (7,338) 733,673 107.858% 791,325 395,663 (1,424) (39,424) 354,814 6,410,825 13 2037 02/01/38100% 787,301 (38,495) (7,411) 741,395 107.858% 799,653 399,827 (1,439) (39,839) 358,549 6,612,728 13.5 2038 08/01/38100% 787,301 (38,495) (7,411) 741,395 107.858% 799,653 399,827 (1,439) (39,839) 358,549 6,810,673 14 2038 02/01/39100% 795,174 (38,495) (7,485) 749,194 107.858% 808,065 404,033 (1,455) (40,258) 362,320 7,006,777 14.5 2039 08/01/39100% 795,174 (38,495) (7,485) 749,194 107.858% 808,065 404,033 (1,455) (40,258) 362,320 7,199,036 15 2039 02/01/40100% 803,126 (38,495) (7,560) 757,070 107.858% 816,561 408,281 (1,470) (40,681) 366,130 7,389,508 15.5 2040 08/01/40100% 803,126 (38,495) (7,560) 757,070 107.858% 816,561 408,281 (1,470) (40,681) 366,130 7,576,244 16 2040 02/01/41100% 811,157 (38,495) (7,636) 765,026 107.858% 825,142 412,571 (1,485) (41,109) 369,977 7,761,243 16.5 2041 08/01/41100% 811,157 (38,495) (7,636) 765,026 107.858% 825,142 412,571 (1,485) (41,109) 369,977 7,942,614 17 2041 02/01/42100% 819,269 (38,495) (7,712) 773,061 107.858% 833,809 416,904 (1,501) (41,540) 373,863 8,122,297 17.5 2042 08/01/42100% 819,269 (38,495) (7,712) 773,061 107.858% 833,809 416,904 (1,501) (41,540) 373,863 8,298,456 18 2042 02/01/43100% 827,461 (38,495) (7,789) 781,177 107.858% 842,562 421,281 (1,517) (41,976) 377,788 8,472,975 18.5 2043 08/01/43100% 827,461 (38,495) (7,789) 781,177 107.858% 842,562 421,281 (1,517) (41,976) 377,788 8,644,071 19 2043 02/01/44100% 835,736 (38,495) (7,867) 789,374 107.858% 851,403 425,701 (1,533) (42,417) 381,752 8,813,573 19.5 2044 08/01/44100% 835,736 (38,495) (7,867) 789,374 107.858% 851,403 425,701 (1,533) (42,417) 381,752 8,979,751 20 2044 02/01/45100% 844,093 (38,495) (7,946) 797,652 107.858% 860,332 430,166 (1,549) (42,862) 385,756 9,144,380 20.5 2045 08/01/45100% 844,093 (38,495) (7,946) 797,652 107.858% 860,332 430,166 (1,549) (42,862) 385,756 9,305,780 21 2045 02/01/46100% 852,534 (38,495) (8,025) 806,014 107.858% 869,350 434,675 (1,565) (43,311) 389,799 9,465,674 21.5 2046 08/01/46100% 852,534 (38,495) (8,025) 806,014 107.858% 869,350 434,675 (1,565) (43,311) 389,799 9,622,434 22 2046 02/01/47100% 861,060 (38,495) (8,106) 814,459 107.858% 878,459 439,230 (1,581) (43,765) 393,883 9,777,729 22.5 2047 08/01/47100% 861,060 (38,495) (8,106) 814,459 107.858% 878,459 439,230 (1,581) (43,765) 393,883 9,929,980 23 2047 02/01/48100% 869,670 (38,495) (8,187) 822,988 107.858% 887,659 443,829 (1,598) (44,223) 398,008 10,080,809 23.5 2048 08/01/48100% 869,670 (38,495) (8,187) 822,988 107.858% 887,659 443,829 (1,598) (44,223) 398,008 10,228,680 24 2048 02/01/49100% 878,367 (38,495) (8,269) 831,603 107.858% 896,951 448,475 (1,615) (44,686) 402,175 10,375,169 24.5 2049 08/01/49100% 878,367 (38,495) (8,269) 831,603 107.858% 896,951 448,475 (1,615) (44,686) 402,175 10,518,786 25 2049 02/01/50100% 887,151 (38,495) (8,351) 840,304 107.858% 906,335 453,168 (1,631) (45,154) 406,383 10,661,061 25.5 2050 08/01/50100% 887,151 (38,495) (8,351) 840,304 107.858% 906,335 453,168 (1,631) (45,154) 406,383 10,800,545 26 2050 02/01/51 Total20,743,101 (74,675) (2,066,843) 18,601,584 Present Value From 02/01/2024 Present Value Rate 4.00%12,043,964 (43,358) (1,200,061) 10,800,545 Prepared by Ehlers & Associates, Inc. - Estimates OnlyN:\Minnsota\EDINA\Housing Economic Redevelopment\TIF\TIF Districts\Eden Willson Ave Redevelopment\Cash flow\Preliminary TIF Cashflow (9.13.2021).xls Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority Eden / Willson Redevelopment Tax Increment Financing District 17 Appendix C: Findings Including But/For Qualifications The reasons and facts supporting the findings for the adoption of the Tax Increment Financing Plan (TIF Plan) for Eden / Willson Redevelopment Tax Increment Financing District (the “District”), as required pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.175, Subdivision 3 are as follows: 1. Finding that Eden / Willson Redevelopment Tax Increment Financing District is a redevelopment district as defined in M.S., Section 469.174, Subd. 10. The District consists of two (2) parcels within the Southeast Edina Redevelopment Project Area and their internal and external rights-of-way, abutting roadways and intersections, pedestrian pathways and crossings, all with plans to redevelop the area for redevelopment and construction of a mixed use apartment and retail building. Parcels consisting of 70 percent of the area of the District are occupied by buildings, streets, utilities, paved or gravel parking lots or other similar structures and more than 50 percent of the buildings in the District, not including outbuildings, are structurally substandard to a degree requiring substantial renovation or clearance. (See Appendix D of the TIF Plan.) 2. Finding that the proposed development, in the opinion of the City Council, would not reasonably be expected to occur solely through private investment within the reasonably foreseeable future and that the increased market value of the site that could reasonably be expected to occur without the use of tax increment financing would be less than the increase in the market value estimated to result from the proposed development after subtracting the present value of the projected tax increments for the maximum duration of Eden / Willson Redevelopment Tax Increment Financing District permitted by the TIF Plan. The proposed development, in the opinion of the City, would not reasonably be expected to occur solely through private investment within the reasonably foreseeable future: This finding is supported by the fact that the activities proposed in the TIF Plan meets the City's objectives for redevelopment. The existing property contains substandard buildings whose renovation requires high costs related to demolition, remediation and reconstruction of infrastructure. The redevelopment also requires substantial investment toward public improvements such as local transportation and utility infrastructure and shared public parking. The combination of limited amounts of property available for expansion adjacent to the existing redevelopment site, height/density limitations, and the public and private cost of financing the proposed improvements which Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority Eden / Willson Redevelopment Tax Increment Financing District 18 are essential to the comprehensive redevelopment of the area, this project is feasible only through assistance, in part, from tax increment financing. The developer provided a proforma outlining project sources and uses as well as projected rent, vacancy and financing assumptions. City staff and the City’s financial advisor reviewed the information and have determined that the project is not feasible without assistance due to anticipated rent levels and market returns not supporting the redevelopment costs for this site. The term of assistance for the redevelopment project is expected to be less than the maximum 26-year term of a redevelopment district. The increased market value of the site that could reasonably be expected to occur without the use of tax increment financing would be less than the increase in market value estimated to result from the proposed development after subtracting the present value of the projected tax increments for the maximum duration of the District permitted by the TIF Plan: This finding is justified on the grounds that the development intensity and tax base created on currently underutilized and declining property requires site and public improvement costs that are improbable without public assistance. Specifically, the cost of site preparation, demolition, remediation, and public improvements to include transportation and utility infrastructure will add significantly to the total redevelopment cost of any development in this area. Site and public improvements costs necessary to sustain the approved density have made redevelopment infeasible without tax increment assistance. The City reasonably determines that no other redevelopment of similar scope is anticipated on this site without substantially similar assistance being provided to the development. Therefore, the City concludes as follows: a. The City's estimate of the amount by which the market value of the entire District will increase without the use of tax increment financing is $0. b. If the proposed development occurs, the total estimated increase in taxable market value will be $51,721,500. c. The present value of tax increments from the District for the maximum duration of the district permitted by the TIF Plan is estimated to be $12,043,964. Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority Eden / Willson Redevelopment Tax Increment Financing District 19 d. Even if some development other than the proposed development were to occur, the Council finds that no alternative would occur that would produce a taxable market value increase greater than $39,677,536 (the amount in clause b less the amount in clause c) without tax increment assistance. 3. Finding that the TIF Plan for the District conforms to the general plan for the development or redevelopment of the municipality as a whole. The City of Edina Planning Commission reviewed the TIF Plan on 10/13/2021 and approved Resolution PC-B-21-31 to provide written opinion affirming that the TIF Plan conforms to the general development plan of the City. 4. Finding that the TIF Plan for Eden / Willson Redevelopment Tax Increment Financing District will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the City as a whole, for the development or redevelopment of Southeast Edina Redevelopment Project Area by private enterprise. Through the implementation of the TIF Plan, the City will provide an impetus for the construction of a new mixed-use private development which will result in increased employment in the City and the State of Minnesota, the renovation of substandard properties, increased tax base of the State and add a high-quality development to the City. Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority Eden / Willson Redevelopment Tax Increment Financing District 20 Appendix D: Redevelopment Qualifications for the District Report of Inspection Procedures and Results For Determining Qualifications of a Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District as a Redevelopment or Renewal/Renovation District Edina HRA Potential TIF District Eden/Willson Avenue Edina, Minnesota Stantec Project No. 193805291 October 4, 2021 Page 2 Table of Contents PART 1 Executive Summary 3 Purpose of Evaluation 3 Scope of Work 3 Conclusion 4 PART 2 Minnesota Statute 469.174, Subdivision 10 Requirements 4 PART 3 Procedures Followed 6 PART 4 Findings 6 A. Coverage Test 7 B. Condition of Building Test 8 1. Replacement Cost 8 2. Code Deficiencies 8 3. System Condition Deficiencies 9 C. Distribution of Substandard Structures 10 D. Conclusion 10 PART 5 Team Credentials 11 APPENDIX A Map of Potential TIF District APPENDIX B Full Building Estimated Replacement Costs APPENDIX C Building Code and Condition Deficiencies Reports APPENDIX D Code Deficiency Estimated Replacement Costs APPENDIX E Photographs Page 3 PART 1 – EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PURPOSE OF EVALUATION Stantec was retained by City of Edina HRA to evaluate the properties within a Tax Increment Financing Redevelopment District (“TIF District”) to be established by the City of Edina. The potential TIF District is located in the City of Edina and includes two parcels (PID: 1802824320023 and PID: 1802824320029). The parcels are bounded by Vernon Avenue South on the north, Willson Road on the east , Eden Avenue on the south, and Highway 100 on the west. (See Figure 1). The purpose of Stantec’s work was to determine whether the potential district meets the statutory requirements for coverage, and whether buildings on these parcels, located within the potential TIF District, meets the qualifications required for a Redevelopment or Renewal/Renovation District. Figure 1 – Potential TIF District Page 4 SCOPE OF WORK The potential TIF District Area is comprised of one parcel containing one (1) commercial building currently owned by Eden Ventures LLC and one parcel containing two (2) historic buildings currently listed on the National Register of Historic Places and owned by the City of Edina. The three buildings in the potential district received an onsite interior and exterior inspection. Building Code and Condition Deficiency Reports for the buildings inspected by Stantec are in Appendix B. CONCLUSION After inspecting and evaluating the property within the potential TIF District and applying current statutory criteria for a Redevelopment or Renewal/Renovation District under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subdivision 10, it is our professional opinion that the potential TIF District does qualify as a Redevelopment or Renewal/Renovation District. The remainder of this report describes the process and findings in detail. PART 2 – MINNESOTA STATUTE 469.174, SUBDIVISION 10 REQUIREMENTS The properties were inspected in accordance with the following requirements under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subdivision 10, which states: Interior Inspection "The municipality may not make such determination [that the building is structurally substandard] without an interior inspection of the property..." Exterior Inspection and Other Means "An interior inspection of the property is not required, if the municipality finds that (1) the municipality or authority is unable to gain access to the property after using its best efforts to obtain permission from the party that owns or controls the property; and (2) the evidence otherwise supports a reasonable conclusion that the building is structurally substandard." Documentation "Written documentation of the findings and reasons why an interior inspection was not conducted must be made and retained under section 469.175, subdivision 3(1)." Qualification Requirements Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subdivision 10(a)requires two tests for occupied parcels: Page 5 1. Coverage Test ”…parcels consisting of 70 percent of the area of the district are occupied by buildings, streets, utilities, paved or gravel parking lots, or other similar structures.” The coverage required by the parcel to be considered occupied is defined under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subdivision 10(e), which states: " For purposes of this subdivision, a parcel is not occupied by buildings, streets, utilities, paved or gravel parking lots, or other similar structures unless 15 percent of the area of the parcel contains buildings, streets, utilities, paved or gravel parking lots, or other similar structures.” 2. Condition of Building Test …”and more than 50 percent of the buildings, not including outbuildings, are structurally substandard to a degree requiring substantial renovation or clearance;” 1. Structurally substandard is defined under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subdivision 10(b), which states: “For purposes of this subdivision, "structurally substandard" shall mean containing defects in structural elements or a combination of deficiencies in essential utilities and facilities, light and ventilation, fire protection including adequate egress, layout and condition of interior partitions, or similar factors, which defects or deficiencies are of sufficient total significance to justify substantial renovation or clearance.” 2. Buildings are not eligible to be considered structurally substandard unless they meet certain additional criteria, as set forth in Subdivision 10(c) which states: "A building is not structurally substandard if it is in compliance with the building code applicable to new buildings or could be modified to satisfy the building code at a cost of less than 15 percent of the cost of constructing a new structure of the same square footage and type on the site. The municipality may find that a building is not disqualified as structurally substandard under the preceding sentence on the basis of reasonably available evidence, such as the size, type, and age of the building, the average cost of plumbing, electrical, or structural repairs, or other similar reliable evidence." "Items of evidence that support such a conclusion include recent fire or police inspections, on-site property tax appraisals or housing inspections, exterior evidence of deterioration, or other similar reliable evidence." Page 6 PART 3 – PROCEDURES FOLLOWED Stantec performed interior and exterior inspections of the commercial building located at 4917 Eden Avenue within the Potential TIF District on April 6, 2021 and the two buildings located at 4918 Eden Avenue within the Potential TIF District on August 25, 2021. Visual observations were made of all levels of the commercial buildings, with physical measurements taken where necessary. Construction data is based upon information from various sources, as noted. PART 4 – FINDINGS A. Coverage Test 1. The total square foot area of the parcels was obtained from Hennepin County Property Map GIS mapping and site verification. 2. The total square foot area of building and site improvements on the parcels in the potential TIF District Area were obtained from Hennepin County Property Map GIS mapping, Owner-provided documentation, and site verification. 3. The percentage of coverage for the parcels in the Potential TIF District Area was computed to determine if the parcel meets the 15 percent minimum requirement. Findings: The Potential TIF District Area parcels meet the coverage test under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subdivision 10(e). The following areas are per the Hennepin County GIS Interactive Maps: Page 7 Area of Parcel PID 1802824320023: 2.08 acres or 90,546 square feet Area of Building Footprint: 9,757 square feet per floor (197’-9 3/8” x 49’-4”) PID 1802824320029: 0.58 acres or 25,208 square feet Area of Building Footprints: Historic Cahill School: 1,074 square feet Minnehaha Grange Hall: 1,414 square feet Figure 2 – Coverage Test Aerial View POTENTIAL TIF DISTRICT Parcel ID Parcel Area Coverage Area Coverage Percentage 1802824320023 90,546 SF 72,35 7 SF 79.9% 1802824320029 25,208 SF 7,059 SF 28.1% Page 8 B. Condition of Building Test 1. Replacement Cost The first step in evaluating a building to determine if it is substandard to a degree requiring substantial renovation or clearance is to determine its replacement cost. This is the cost of constructing a new structure of the same square footage and type on site. Replacement costs were researched using R.S. Means Cost Works square foot models for 2021. A replacement cost was calculated by first establishing building use (office, retail, restaurant, etc.), building construction type (wood, concrete, masonry, etc.), and building size to obtain the appropriate median replacement cost, which factors in the costs of construction in Edina, Minnesota. Replacement cost includes labor, materials, and the contractor's overhead and profit. Replacement costs do not include architectural design fees, legal fees or other “soft" costs not directly related to construction activities. Replacement cost for each building is tabulated in Appendix C. 2. Code Deficiencies The next step in evaluating a building is to determine what code deficiencies exist with respect to such building. Code deficiencies are those conditions for a building which are not in compliance with current building codes applicable to new buildings in the State of Minnesota. Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subdivision 10 (c), specifically provides that a building cannot be considered structurally substandard if its code deficiencies are not at least 15 percent of the replacement cost of the building. Thus, it was necessary to determine the extent of code deficiencies for the building in the potential TIF District. The evaluation was made by reviewing all available information with respect to such buildings contained in City Building Inspection records and making interior and exterior inspections of the building. Stantec utilized the 2020 Minnesota State Building Code as the official code for their evaluations. The Minnesota State Building Code is a series of provisional codes written specifically for Minnesota only requirements, adoption of several international codes, and amendments to the adopted international codes. After identifying the code deficiencies in each building, we used R.S. Means Cost Works 2021; Unit and Assembly Costs to determine the cost of correcting the identified deficiencies. We were then able to compare the correction costs with the replacement cost of the building to determine if the costs for correcting code deficiencies meet the required 15 percent threshold. Page 9 Finding: The buildings in the Potential TIF District Area contains code deficiencies exceeding the 15 percent threshold required by Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subdivision 10(c). A complete Building Code and Condition Deficiency report for each building in the Potential TIF District can be found in Appendix B of this report. 3. System Condition Deficiencies System condition deficiencies are a measurement of defects or substantial deterioration in site elements, structure, exterior envelope, mechanical and electrical components, fire protection and emergency systems, interior partitions, ceilings, floors, and doors. The evaluation was made by reviewing all available information contained in City records, as well performing interior and exterior inspections of the buildings. Stantec only identified system condition deficiencies that were visible during our inspection of the building. We did not consider the amount of "service life" used up for a particular component unless it was an obvious part of that component's deficiencies. Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subdivision 10(c), provides for the minimum threshold of code deficiencies that must be met in order to consider a building substandard. If a building meets the minimum code deficiency threshold under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subdivision 10(c), then in order for such building to be "structurally substandard" under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subdivision 10(b), the building's defects or deficiencies should be of sufficient total significance to justify substantial renovation or clearance." Based on this definition, Stantec re-evaluated each of the buildings that met the code deficiency threshold under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subdivision 10(c), to determine if the total deficiencies warranted "substantial renovation or clearance" based on the criteria outlined above. Finding: In our professional opinion, the buildings in the Potential TIF District Area are structurally substandard to a degree requiring substantial renovation or clearance, because of defects in structural elements or a combination of deficiencies in essential utilities and facilities, light and ventilation, fire protection including adequate egress, layout and condition of interior partitions, or similar factors which defects or deficiencies are of sufficient total significance to justify substantial renovation or clearance as described in Appendix B. The two buildings on PID 1802824320029 are the Historic Cahill School and Minnehaha Grange Hall. Both buildings are on the National Register of Historic Places. It is our understanding these two buildings will be relocated to a more suitable site due to their historic nature and importance to the City of Edina. Page 10 C. Distribution of Substandard Structures Much of this report has focused on the condition of the building as it relates to requirements identified by Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subdivision 10. It is also important to look at the distribution of the substandard buildings within the geographic area of the Potential TIF District Area. Finding: The substandard buildings are reasonably distributed throughout the geographic area of the Potential TIF District Area (Figure 3). Figure 3 – Distribution of Substandard Structures D. CONCLUSION After inspecting and evaluating the properties within the Potential TIF District and applying current statutory criteria for a Redevelopment or Renewal/Renovation District under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subdivision 10a, it is our professional opinion that the Potential TIF District does qualify as a Redevelopment or Renewal/Renovation District. The remainder of this report describes our process and findings in detail. Page 11 PART 5 – TEAM CREDENTIALS Stantec Architecture Inc. Bruce P. Paulson – Senior Project Manager/Architect MN Registration #20910 Bruce has more than 45 years of architectural experience as project architect, project manager, and project designer for municipal, governmental, educational, commercial, hospitality, and healthcare clients. He is involved with all phases of the architectural process, from pre-design through construction administration, including specialty consulting in investigations for buildings, building condition surveys, TIF inspections, code reviews, estimating, and specification writing. APPENDIX A Potential Eden/Willson Avenue TIF District Boundary Hennepin County Property Map Date: 5/7/2021 Comments: 1 inch = 100 feet PARCEL ID: 1802824320023 OWNER NAME: Eden Ventures Llc PARCEL ADDRESS: 4917 Eden Ave, Edina MN 55436 PARCEL AREA: 2.08 acres, 90,546 sq ft A-T-B: Torrens SALE PRICE: $4,200,000 SALE DATA: 11/2007 SALE CODE: Excluded From Ratio Studies ASSESSED 2020, PAYABLE 2021 PROPERTY TYPE: Commercial-Preferred HOMESTEAD: Non-Homestead MARKET VALUE: $3,079,600 TAX TOTAL: $99,960.32 ASSESSED 2021, PAYABLE 2022 PROPERTY TYPE: Commercial HOMESTEAD: Non-homestead MARKET VALUE: $3,079,600 This data (i) is furnished 'AS IS' with no representation as to completeness or accuracy; (ii) is furnished with no warranty of any kind; and (iii) is notsuitable for legal, engineering or surveying purposes. Hennepin County shall not be liable for any damage, injury or loss resulting from this data. COPYRIGHT © HENNEPIN COUNTY 2021 Hennepin County Property Map Date: 8/25/2021 Comments: 1 inch = 200 feet PARCEL ID: 1802824320029 OWNER NAME: City Of Edina PARCEL ADDRESS: 4801 50th St W, Edina MN 55424 PARCEL AREA: 4.51 acres, 196,668 sq ft A-T-B: Both SALE PRICE: SALE DATA: SALE CODE: ASSESSED 2020, PAYABLE 2021 PROPERTY TYPE: Residential HOMESTEAD: Non-Homestead MARKET VALUE: $0 TAX TOTAL: $0.00 ASSESSED 2021, PAYABLE 2022 PROPERTY TYPE: Residential HOMESTEAD: Non-homestead MARKET VALUE: $0 This data (i) is furnished 'AS IS' with no representation as to completeness or accuracy; (ii) is furnished with no warranty of any kind; and (iii) is notsuitable for legal, engineering or surveying purposes. Hennepin County shall not be liable for any damage, injury or loss resulting from this data. COPYRIGHT © HENNEPIN COUNTY 2021 APPENDIX B 1 EDINA HRA POTENTIAL EDEN/WILLSON AVENUE TIF DISTRICT FULL BUILDING REPLACEMENT ESTIMATED COSTS May 30, 2021 The first step in evaluating a building to determine if it is substandard to a degree requiring substantial renovation or clearance is to determine its replacement cost. This is the cost of constructing a new structure of the same square footage and type on site. Replacement costs were researched using R.S. Means Cost Works square foot models for 2021. A replacement cost was calculated by first establishing building use (office, restaurant, etc.), building construction type (wood, concrete, masonry, etc.), and building size to obtain the appropriate median replacement cost, which factors in the costs of construction in Edina, Minnesota. Replacement cost includes labor, materials, and the contractor's overhead and profit. Replacement costs do not include architectural design fees, legal fees, or other “soft" costs not directly related to construction activities. Property ID No. & Property Address: 1802824320023 4917 Eden Avenue General Description of Property: 2-story Commercial Restaurant/Office Building Type of Construction: Concrete block bearing walls at lower level with brick and stone veneer; concrete block and wood stud exterior walls at upper level with brick wainscot, stone accents, and wood siding; built-up roofing system over roof sheathing on wood roof joists Date of Construction: 1973 Story Height: 15’-0” lower level; 12’-0” upper level Building Perimeter: 494’-3” Structure Size: 19,514 GSF Total Estimated Replacement Cost: Restaurant, 4,972 SF $1,176,427.23 Office, 14,542 SF $2,232,722.99 Total Estimated Replacement Cost: $3,409,150.22 Property ID No. & Property Address: 1802824320029 4918 Eden Avenue Inspection Date(s) and Time(s): 8-25-2021, 7:45 a.m. Inspection Type: Interior and exterior. General Description of Property: Historic Cahill School; Single story schoolhouse with full basement Type of Construction: Concrete block foundation walls with stone veneer above grade; wood stud exterior walls at main level with painted wood lap siding; cedar shingles on wood roof joists Date of Construction: 1864 Story Height: 9’-0” lower level; 11’-6” upper level Building Perimeter: 134’-0” Structure Size(s): 2,147 GSF Total Estimated Replacement Cost: $420,623.67 2 Property ID No. & Property Address: 1802824320029 4918 Eden Avenue Inspection Date(s) and Time(s): 8-25-2021, 8:30 a.m. Inspection Type: Interior and exterior. General Description of Property: Grange Hall; Single story grange hall with balcony and full basement Type of Construction: Concrete block foundation walls; wood stud exterior walls at main level with painted wood lap siding; cedar shingles on wood roof joists Date of Construction: 1879 Story Height: 8’-0” lower level; 13’-10” main level; 10’-0” balcony Building Perimeter: 161’-4” Structure Size(s): 3,158 GSF Total Estimated Replacement Cost: $574,060.81 APPENDIX C EDINA HRA POTENTIAL EDEN/WILLSON AVENUE TIF DISTRICT BUILDING CONDITION AND CODE DEFICIENCIES REPORT August 30, 2021 Property ID No. & Property Address: 1802824320023 4917 Eden Avenue Inspection Date(s) and Time(s): 4-6-2021, 1:00 p.m. Inspection Type: Interior and exterior. General Description of Property: 2-story Commercial Restaurant/Office Building Type of Construction: Concrete block bearing walls at lower level with brick and stone veneer; concrete block and wood stud exterior walls at upper level with brick wainscot, stone accents, and wood siding; built-up roofing system over roof sheathing on wood roof joists Date of Construction: 1973 Story Height: 15’-0” lower level; 12’-0” upper level Building Perimeter: 494’-3” Structure Size(s): 19,514 GSF Total Summary of Deficiencies: It is our professional opinion that this building is Substandard because: o Estimated cost to correct building code deficiencies is more than 15% of the estimated replacement cost. Estimated Replacement Cost: $3,409,150.22 Estimated Cost to Correct Building Code Deficiencies: $1,147,368.25 Percentage of Replacement Cost for Building Code Deficiencies: 33.6% Description of Condition Deficiencies • Lower level: restrooms do not comply with current ADA requirements. • Lower level: Entry vestibule depth does not comply with current ADA requirements. • Both stairs do not comply with current requirements for tread depth and riser height. Handrails and guardrails do not comply with current code requirements. • Upper level office entry vestibule: depth does not comply with current ADA requirements. • Upper level: restrooms do not comply with current ADA requirements. • Restaurant: No smoke detectors. • Restaurant: Emergency exit is via exterior catwalk at south wall. Stair at east end of catwalk does not comply with current code requirements for minimum tread depth and maximum riser height. • Interior: Lighting systems do not comply with current energy code. • Interior: Current HVAC systems do not meet current indoor air quality requirements. • Interior: Current fire alarm system does not have strobes. • Exterior: Wall systems do not comply with current code requirements for R-value. • Roof access is via vertical ladder which does not comply with current codes for roof top equipment requiring regu lar replacement of filters. Current code requires a ships ladder with maximum 60 degree slope. • Built-up roofing systems do not comply with current code requirements for R -value. EDINA HRA POTENTIAL EDEN/WILLSON AVENUE TIF DISTRICT BUILDING CONDITION AND CODE DEFICIENCIES REPORT August 30, 2021 Property ID No. & Property Address: 1802824320029 4918 Eden Avenue Inspection Date(s) and Time(s): 8-25-2021, 7:45 a.m. Inspection Type: Interior and exterior. General Description of Property: Historic Cahill School; Single story schoolhouse with full basement Type of Construction: Concrete block foundation walls with stone veneer above grade; wood stud exterior walls at main level with painted wood lap siding; cedar shingles on wood roof joists Date of Construction: 1864 Story Height: 9’-0” lower level; 11’-6” upper level Building Perimeter: 134’-0” Structure Size(s): 2,147 GSF Total Summary of Deficiencies: It is our professional opinion that this building is Substandard because: o Estimated cost to correct building code deficiencies is more than 15% of the estimated replacement cost. Estimated Replacement Cost: $420,623.67 Estimated Cost to Correct Building Code Deficiencies: $185,183.00 Percentage of Replacement Cost for Building Code Deficiencies: 44% Description of Condition Deficiencies • Lower level: restrooms do not comply with current ADA requirements. • Lower level: No accessible route. • Lower level: Windows are single pane. • Stair to lower level does not comply with current requirements for tread depth and riser height. Handrails and guardrails do not comply with current code requirements. • Main level : Accessible from east side by ramp, but the doors do not comply with current ADA requirements for clear width. Both doors are 34” wide. Door thresholds are not ADA compliant. • Main level: No restrooms. • Main level: Windows are single pane. • Interior: Lighting systems do not comply with current energy code. • Interior: Current HVAC systems do not meet current indoor air quality requirements. • Exterior: Wall systems do not comply with current code requirements for R-value. • Attic: No insulation. Does not comply with current code requirements for R-value. EDINA HRA POTENTIAL EDEN/WILLSON AVENUE TIF DISTRICT BUILDING CONDITION AND CODE DEFICIENCIES REPORT August 30, 2021 Property ID No. & Property Address: 1802824320029 4918 Eden Avenue Inspection Date(s) and Time(s): 8-25-2021, 8:30 a.m. Inspection Type: Interior and exterior. General Description of Property: Grange Hall; Single story grange hall with balcony and full basement Type of Construction: Concrete block foundation walls; wood stud exterior walls at main level with painted wood lap siding; cedar shingles on wood roof joists Date of Construction: 1879 Story Height: 8’-0” lower level; 13’-10” main level; 10’-0” balcony Building Perimeter: 161’-4” Structure Size(s): 3,158 GSF Total Summary of Deficiencies: It is our professional opinion that this building is Substandard because: o Estimated cost to correct building code deficiencies is more than 15% of the estimated replacement cost. Estimated Replacement Cost: $574,060.81 Estimated Cost to Correct Building Code Deficiencies: $257,701.00 Percentage of Replacement Cost for Building Code Deficiencies: 44.9% Description of Condition Deficiencies • Lower level: restrooms do not comply with current ADA requirements. • Lower level: No accessible route. • Lower level: Windows are single pane. • Stairs to lower level and balcony do not comply with current requirements for tread depth and riser height. Handrails and guardrails do not comply with current code requirements. • Main level: No restrooms. • Main level: Windows are single pane. • Balcony: Windows are single pane. • Interior: Lighting systems do not comply with current energy code. • Interior: Current HVAC systems do not meet current indoor air quality requirements. • Interior: No fire alarm system. No fire sprinkler system. • Exterior: Wall systems do not comply with current code requirements for R-value. • Attic: No insulation. Does not comply with current code requirements for R-value. APPENDIX D EDINA HRA POTENTIAL EDEN/WILLSON AVENUE TIF DISTRICT CODE DEFICIENCY ESTIMATED REPLACEMENT COSTS $98,900.00 Mens Restroom: 1 water closet, 1 urinal, 1 lavatory Womens Restroom: 1 water closets, 1 lavatory $125,350.00 Mens Restrooms (2): 2 water closets, 2 lavatories Womens Restrooms (2): 2 water closets, 2 lavatories Office Restroom: 1 water closet, 1 lavatory, 1 shower Lower level entry upgrade - demolition and new construction Increase depth of entry vestibule to comply with ADA requirements 5'-0" x 8'-0" = 40 SF x $150/SF $6,000.00 $72,800.00 Upper level Office entry upgrade - demolition and new construction Increase depth of entry vestibule to comply with ADA requirements 5'-0" x 8'-0" = 40 SF x $150/SF $6,000.00 $7,500.00 Upgrade lighting systems to meet current codes $243,925.00 Upgrade HVAC system to meet current codes Replace rooftop air handling units with new units - 19,514 SF x $11.75/SF $229,289.50 Upgrade fire alarm system to add strobes to meet current codes Add strobes to existing fire alarm system - 19,514 SF x $1.50/SF $29,271.00 Upgrade exterior walls to meet current R-value code requirements $77,090.00 Replace existing built-up roofing system Remove existing roofing – 9,757 SF x $7.25/SF $70,738.25 $180,504.50 Estimated Cost to Correct Building Code Deficiencies:$1,147,368.25 Property ID No. & Property Address: 1802824320023 4917 Eden Avenue Install smoke detectors – 3,750 SF x $2.00/SF Upper level – 218 SF x $575/SF Add smoke detectors in restaurant Install new 4-ply built-up roofing system w/ 5” polyisocyanurate roof insulation, thermal barrier and vapor barrier 9,757 x $18.50/SF Replace light fixtures; provide daylighting and occupancy sensors for lighting control – 19,514 SF x $12.50/SF Install R-15 insulation, 3-5/8" metal studs @ 24" on center, 5/8" gypsum board taped, sanded and painted - 11,860 SF x $6.50/SF Lower level – 172 SF x $575/SF Restroom upgrade – demolition and new construction Upgrade stairs from lower level to upper level (includes removal) Metal pan stairs for concrete in-fill, picket rail, 26 risers, w/ landing 2 flights of stair - $36,400/flight x 2 1 of 3 EDINA HRA POTENTIAL EDEN/WILLSON AVENUE TIF DISTRICT CODE DEFICIENCY ESTIMATED REPLACEMENT COSTS HISTORIC CAHILL SCHOOL $68,000.00 Mens Restroom: 1 water closet, 1 lavatory Womens Restroom: 1 water closet, 1 lavatory Upgrade lower level windows to insulating panes (3 windows @ 5 SF each)$1,500.00 $25,200.00 Replace two (2) 34" wide wood doors in east wall with 36" wide wood doors $3,600.00 Upgrade main level windows to insulating panes (6 windows @ 15 SF each)$4,500.00 Upgrade lighting systems to meet current codes $26,838.00 Upgrade HVAC system to meet current codes Replace gas fired forced air furnace with new - 2,147 SF x $11.75/SF $25,228.00 New fire alarm system to meet current codes New fire alarm system - 2,147 SF x $4.50/SF $9,662.00 Upgrade exterior walls to meet current R-value code requirements $10,452.00 Uprgade attic space to meet current R-value code requirements Install R-49 insulation in attic space - 1,074 SF x $9.75/SF $10,203.00 Estimated Cost to Correct Building Code Deficiencies:$185,183.00 Property ID No. & Property Address: 1802824320029 4918 Eden Avenue Restroom upgrade – demolition and new construction Lower level – 120 SF x $575/SF Upgrade stairs from lower level to main level (includes removal) Install R-15 insulation in existing stud wall - 1,608 SF x $6.50/SF Metal pan stairs for concrete in-fill, picket rail, 18 risers, w/ landings Replace light fixtures; provide daylighting and occupancy sensors for lighting control – 2,147 SF x $12.50/SF 2 of 3 EDINA HRA POTENTIAL EDEN/WILLSON AVENUE TIF DISTRICT CODE DEFICIENCY ESTIMATED REPLACEMENT COSTS HISTORIC GRANGE HALL $68,000.00 Mens Restroom: 1 water closet, 1 lavatory Womens Restroom: 1 water closet, 1 lavatory $22,400.00 $18,200.00 Upgrade main level windows to insulating panes (7 windows @ 24 SF each)$21,000.00 Upgrade balcony level windows to insulating panes (4 windows @ 17 SF each)$9,000.00 Upgrade lighting systems to meet current codes $39,475.00 Upgrade HVAC system to meet current codes Replace gas fired forced air furnace with new - 3,158 SF x $11.75/SF $37,107.00 New fire alarm system to meet current codes New fire alarm system - 3,158 SF x $4.50/SF $14,211.00 Upgrade exterior walls to meet current R-value code requirements $15,730.00 Uprgade attic space to meet current R-value code requirements Install R-49 insulation in attic space - 1,324 SF x $9.75/SF $12,578.00 Estimated Cost to Correct Building Code Deficiencies:$257,701.00 Property ID No. & Property Address: 1802824320029 4918 Eden Avenue Restroom upgrade – demolition and new construction Lower level – 120 SF x $575/SF Upgrade stairs from lower level to main level (includes removal) Metal pan stairs for concrete in-fill, picket rail, 16 risers, w/ landings Replace light fixtures; provide daylighting and occupancy sensors for lighting control – 3,158 SF x $12.50/SF Install R-15 insulation in existing stud wall - 2,420 SF x $6.50/SF Upgrade stairs from main level to balcony (includes removal) Metal pan stairs for concrete in-fill, picket rail, 13 risers, w/ landing 3 of 3 APPENDIX E EDINA HRA POTENTIAL EDEN/WILLSON AVENUE TIF DISTRICT 193805291 1 PHOTOS Photo 1: North exterior wall showing brick, stone, and stucco Photo 2: East and north exterior walls showing brick, stone, stucco, and shingled mansards Photo 3: North exterior wall showing brick, wood board and battens, and shingled mansard roof Photo 4: North exterior wall showing brick, stone, wood board and battens, and shingled mansard roof EDINA HRA POTENTIAL EDEN/WILLSON AVENUE TIF DISTRICT 193805291 2 PHOTOS Photo 5: West and south exterior walls brick, stone, and board and batten Photo 6: South exterior wall showing stone, brick, wood siding, and shingled mansard roof Photo 7: South exterior wall showing stone, brick, wood siding, and shingled mansard roof Photo 8: South exterior wall showing stone, brick, wood siding, shingled mansard roof, and emergency exit catwalk EDINA HRA POTENTIAL EDEN/WILLSON AVENUE TIF DISTRICT 193805291 3 PHOTOS Photo 9: Restroom does not comply with ADA requirements Photo 10: Restroom does not comply with ADA requirements Photo 11: Lower urinal does not comply with ADA clear width requirements Photo 12: Privacy screen missing between urinal and lavatory EDINA HRA POTENTIAL EDEN/WILLSON AVENUE TIF DISTRICT 193805291 4 PHOTOS Photo 13: Restroom does not comply with current ADA requirements Photo 14: Restroom does not comply with current ADA requirements Photo 15: Bottom of mirror is too high and does not comply with current ADA requirements Photo 16: Stair tread depth, riser height, and handrails do not comply with current code requirements EDINA HRA POTENTIAL EDEN/WILLSON AVENUE TIF DISTRICT 193805291 5 PHOTOS Photo 17: Stair tread depth, riser height, and handrails do not comply with current code requirements Photo 18: Stair tread depth, riser height, and handrails do not comply with current code requirements Photo 19: Lighting does not comply with current energy code requirements Photo 20: Roof drains only. No overflow roof drains. EDINA HRA POTENTIAL EDEN/WILLSON AVENUE TIF DISTRICT 193805291 6 PHOTOS Photo 21: Existing built-up roofing system does not comply with current energy code requirements Photo 22: Existing built-up roofing system does not comply with current energy code requirements Photo 23: Rooftop equipment requires regular replacement of filters. Vertical ladder roof access does not meet current codes Photo 24: Rooftop equipment requires regular replacement of filters. Vertical ladder roof access does not meet current codes EDINA HRA POTENTIAL EDEN/WILLSON AVENUE TIF DISTRICT 193805291 7 PHOTOS Photo 25: Rooftop equipment requires regular replacement of filters. Vertical ladder roof access does not meet current codes Photo 26: Emergency exit stair tread depth, riser height, and handrails do not comply with current code requirements Photo 27: Historic Cahill School south wall showing lap siding, single-glazed double-hung windows and cedar shingles Photo 28: Historic Cahill School west wall showing lap siding and cedar shingles EDINA HRA POTENTIAL EDEN/WILLSON AVENUE TIF DISTRICT 193805291 8 PHOTOS Photo 29: Historic Cahill School north wall showing lap siding, single-glazed double-hung windows and cedar shingles Photo 30: Historic Cahill School east wall showing lap siding, single-glazed double-hung windows and cedar shingles Photo 31: Historic Cahill School accessible wood ramp Photo 32: Historic Cahill School accessible wood ramp and steps EDINA HRA POTENTIAL EDEN/WILLSON AVENUE TIF DISTRICT 193805291 9 PHOTOS Photo 33: Historic Cahill School classroom Photo 34: Historic Cahill School coat room and non-ADA compliant accessible entrance through 34” wide door Photo 35: Historic Cahill School non-ADA compliant restroom Photo 36: Historic Cahill School non-ADA compliant restroom EDINA HRA POTENTIAL EDEN/WILLSON AVENUE TIF DISTRICT 193805291 10 PHOTOS Photo 37: Historic Cahill School stair tread depth, riser height, and handrails do not comply with current code requirements Photo 38: Minnehaha Grange Hall west elevation with accessible wood ramp and stair Photo 39: Minnehaha Grange Hall south wall showing lap siding, single-glazed double-hung windows and cedar shingles Photo 40: Minnehaha Grange Hall east wall showing lap siding and cedar shingles EDINA HRA POTENTIAL EDEN/WILLSON AVENUE TIF DISTRICT 193805291 11 PHOTOS Photo 41: Minnehaha Grange Hall north wall showing lap siding, single-glazed double-hung windows and cedar shingles Photo 42: Minnehaha Grange Hall west wall showing lap siding, single-glazed double-hung windows and cedar shingles Photo 43: Minnehaha Grange Hall meeting room and stage Photo 44: Minnehaha Grange Hall meeting room EDINA HRA POTENTIAL EDEN/WILLSON AVENUE TIF DISTRICT 193805291 12 PHOTOS Photo 45: Minnehaha Grange Hall meeting room and balcony Photo 46: Minnehaha Grange Hall meeting room Photo 47: Minnehaha Grange Hall entrance ante room Photo 48: Minnehaha Grange Hall entrance ante room EDINA HRA POTENTIAL EDEN/WILLSON AVENUE TIF DISTRICT 193805291 13 PHOTOS Photo 49: Minnehaha Grange Hall stair tread depth, riser height, and handrails do not comply with current code requirements Photo 50: Minnehaha Grange Hall stair tread depth, riser height, and handrails do not comply with current code requirements Photo 51: Minnehaha Grange Hall non-ADA compliant restroom Photo 52: Minnehaha Grange Hall non-ADA compliant restroom EDINA HRA POTENTIAL EDEN/WILLSON AVENUE TIF DISTRICT 193805291 14 PHOTOS Photo 53: Minnehaha Grange Hall lower level kitchen/serving counter Photo 54: Minnehaha Grange Hall lower level gathering room Photo 55: Minnehaha Grange Hall stair tread depth, riser height, and handrails do not comply with current code requirements Photo 56: Minnehaha Grange Hall balcony Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority Eden / Willson Redevelopment Tax Increment Financing District 21 Appendix E: Project Description The existing commercial building located at 4917 Eden Avenue is proposed to be redeveloped. The new construction will consist of a new Class “A” mixed-use building with approximately 196 mixed-income apartment units and 3,700 square feet of integrated retail space. The development will be located at the intersection of Eden Avenue and Willson Road and is intended to fulfill a portion of the City’s goal for redevelopment as well as provide affordable housing options. The developer will demolish the existing building, perform environmental remediation, and clear the site for redevelopment. The redevelopment will include site water and sanitary sewer utility improvements, area storm water retention, below grade parking stalls to service the apartment units, surface public parking, and sidewalk and streetscape improvements along Eden Avenue and Willson Road. The developer will encumber portions of the site with permanent public easements to make extensive public realm and streetscape improvements. It will also convey a portion of the parcel to be used for future roadway project or public use. The new apartment building will be 7-stories in height with street level commercial space. The rental housing unit mix includes studio, one-bedroom, two-bedroom, and three-bedroom units. Twenty units of affordable housing (10% of total units) are anticipated, all which will be rent- and occupancy-restricted to households earning at or below 50% of the Area Median Income (AMI). The affordable units will be distributed among the studio, one-bedroom and two-bedroom units and remain for a period of at least 20 years. Site clearance is expected to occur in 2022 and new construction is expected to begin that year with completion of the multifamily building as soon as the close of 2023. Related to the redevelopment of this site, the City also envisions public traffic safety enhancements through public improvements to adjacent portions of Eden Avenue, Willson Road, Grange Road and 50th Street. This work is intended to improve pedestrian and bicyclist routes to and through the TIF District. These new routes are intended to address vehicular safety concerns at each intersection and will improve connectivity between the TIF District and adjacent neighborhoods. A conceptual layout of these potential transportation improvements is included below. These public improvements are anticipated to begin as soon as 2023 and will be completed in phases. Additionally, the Edina HRA proposes that consideration be given to relocate two historic buildings located adjacent to the redevelopment at 4918 Eden Avenue. The Grange Hall was originally located near the intersection of 50th and Wooddale while the Cahill School was originally located near 70th and Cahill. The Grange Hall was relocated to the site in the late 1960s prior to the construction of Highway 100 and its related access ramps. Relocation would allow for further redevelopment of the site and public improvements, as well as an opportunity to identify a more suitable location that allows these historic resources to be more accessible to the community. Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority Eden / Willson Redevelopment Tax Increment Financing District 22 At this time, a preferred location for the historic buildings has not been identified and there is no imminent timeline for relocation. If relocation is preferred, tax increment could provide a portion of the relocation expenses. The Edina HRA proposes to utilize incremental property taxes generated from the new apartment building to offset a portion of the apartment building’s financing gap. The HRA proposes to reimburse the developer for qualifying costs incurred in its development through the issuance of a Pay-as-you-go TIF Note upon completion. The HRA and City would bear no obligation to use any other funds to pay the TIF Note. The incremental taxes are also proposed to provide funding for necessitated transportation improvements throughout the TIF District and potential building relocation expenses of the two historic buildings. ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS NO PARKING2 12.0'SERVICE DRIVEWAY DROP OFF EDEN AVE. BUILDING FFE=935.50 GFE=925.00 R 45' 13 16 R 45' R 69' R 21' R 10' R 5' COURTYARD, PATIO/AMENITY AREA (SEE LANDSCAPE) CONCRETE TRANSFORMER PAD (COORD. WITH MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL) 18.0'18.0' 8.5'8.5' DOG PARK (SEE LANDSCAPE) ACCESSIBLE STALL, SIGNS, STRIPING, ETC. TYP. - (SEE DETAIL) RETAINING WALL W/ FENCE WHERE WALL IS OVER 2.5' TALL (SEE GRADING PLAN & LANDSCAPE ) FLAT CURB W/ 3' TAPERS (SEE DETAIL) FENCE (SEE LANDSCAPE) HEAVY-DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (SEE DETAIL) BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (SEE DETAIL) B612 CURB & GUTTER TYP. (SEE DETAIL) FUTURE B612 CURB & GUTTER TYP. (SEE MNDOT) FUTURE HEAVY-DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (SEE DETAIL) FUTURE EXIT RAMP (COORDINATE WITH CITY / MNDOT) CONCRETE SIDEWALK (SEE DETAIL) LOADING ZONE FUTURE DRIVEWAY POOL (SEE LANDSCAPE) 24.0' 24.0' 24.0' GROUND LEVEL RESTAURANT (SEE ARCH.) ALTERNATE OUTDOOR SPACE (SEE ARCH.) RETAINING WALL W/ FENCE WHERE WALL IS OVER 2.5' TALL (SEE GRADING PLAN & LANDSCAPE ) 5.0' 5.0' 10.0' 10.0' 15.0' 15.0' 10.0' 10.0' 10.0' BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (SEE DETAIL) B612 CURB & GUTTER TYP. (SEE DETAIL) BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (MATCH EXISTING SECTION) BITUMINOUS TRAIL (MATCH EXISTING SECTION) B612 CURB & GUTTER TYP. (SEE DETAIL) CONCRETE SIDEWALK (SEE DETAIL) 6.0' CONCRETE SIDEWALK (SEE DETAIL) BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (MATCH EXISTING SECTION) SCULPTURE (SEE LANDSCAPE) 24.0' HEAVY-DUTY CONCRETE APRON (SEE DETAIL) B612 CURB & GUTTER TYP. (SEE DETAIL) CONCRETE RISERS W/ RAILING (SEE GRADING, ARCHITECTURAL, & STRUCTURAL) CONCRETE RISERS W/ RAILING (SEE GRADING, ARCHITECTURAL, & STRUCTURAL) COURTYARD CONCRETE SIDEWALK (SEE DETAIL) 6 HEAVY-DUTY CONCRETE APRON (SEE DETAIL) HEAVY-DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (SEE DETAIL) BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (SEE DETAIL) RETAINING WALL W/ FENCE WHERE WALL IS OVER 2.5' TALL (SEE GRADING PLAN & LANDSCAPE )R 77' R 53' 24.0' 9.0' 18.0' 24.0'20.0' 9.0' EXISTING MNDOT CONCRETE RETAINING WALL R 5' R 5' R 5' R 5' R 5' R 5' 4.9' FLUSH CURB 9' TAPER 10' TAPER HEAVY-DUTY CONCRETE APRON (SEE DETAIL) SERVIC E D R I V E W A Y 6 Architecture Interior Design Landscape Architecture Engineering Boarman Kroos VogelGroupInc. EOE License Number I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional under the laws of the State of Minnesota.BKVTB-30x42Engineer Date XX/XX/XXXX24440 Michael J. St. Martin, PE LOUCKS 7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL LOUCKS PROJECT NO. 21081.00 © 2016 BKV Group, Inc. EOE SHEET NUMBER SHEET TITLE DRAWN BY CHECKED BY COMMISSION NUMBER ISSUE # DATE DESCRIPTION PROJECT TITLE CONSULTANTS NOT F O R CONS T R U C TI O N CERTIFICATION DATE 4917 EDEN AVE. 21081.00 XX/XX/XXXX JBT MJS OWNER/DEVELOPER 03/12/2021 PRELIMINARY DESIGN EXISTING UTILITIES. THEY SHALL COOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES, VALVES OR OTHER BURIED THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-454-0002 MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND / OR RELOCATION OF LINES. OWNER. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL WARNING: AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR THE LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUNDGopher State One Call SITE PLAN C2-1 REQUIRED SURFACE ACCESSIBLE PARKING: xxx STALLS* *REQUIRED MINIMUM NUMBER OF ACCESSIBLE SPACES FOR 101-150 STALLS SURFACE ACCESSIBLE PARKING:xxx STALLS ACCESSIBLE PARKING OFF-STREET PARKING CALCULATIONS PROPOSED SURFACE PARKING PROVIDED: 37 STALLS SITE NOTES 1. ALL PAVING, CONCRETE CURB, GUTTER AND SIDEWALK SHALL BE FURNISHED AND INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DETAILS SHOWN PER THE DETAIL SHEET(S) AND STATE/LOCAL JURISDICTION REQUIREMENTS. 2. ACCESSIBLE PARKING AND ACCESSIBLE ROUTES SHALL BE PROVIDED PER CURRENT ADA STANDARDS AND LOCAL/STATE REQUIREMENTS. 3. ALL CURB DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE TO THE FACE OF CURB UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 4. ALL BUILDING DIMENSIONS ARE TO THE OUTSIDE FACE OF WALL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 5. TYPICAL FULL SIZED PARKING STALL IS 9' X 18' WITH A 24' WIDE TWO WAY DRIVE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 6. ALL CURB RADII SHALL BE 3.0' UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 7. BITUMINOUS IMPREGNATED FIBER BOARD TO BE PLACED AT FULL DEPTH OF CONCRETE ADJACENT TO EXISTING STRUCTURES AND BEHIND CURB ADJACENT TO DRIVEWAYS AND SIDEWALKS. 8. SEE SITE ELECTRICAL PLAN FOR SITE LIGHTING. CURRENT ZONING:xxx PROPOSED ZONING:xxx BUILDING SETBACK:xxx TOTAL PROPERTY AREA:2.08 AC. AREA OF DISTURBANCE:2.58 AC. EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: 1.82 AC PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREA: 1.48 AC. SITE DATA SITE PLAN LEGEND CONCRETE SIDEWALK BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT HEAVY DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT HEAVY-DUTY CONCRETE PAVEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT SPECIALTY LANDSCAPE PAVING N SCALE IN FEET 0 20 40 SCALE IN FEET 0 20 40 N N NO PARKINGEDEN AVE. BUILDING FFE=935.50 GFE=925.00 922 923 928 923 924 932 93 3 934 9 2 8 25.00 8.0% 92 9 9 3 0 93 1 9 2 2 9 2 3 FG. 39.3 FS 4.0%FG. 29.0 FS 4.0% 10:138.54± EX. 38.27± EX. 35.72 37.14 33.52 33.04 33.14 33.50 33.14 32.14 32.46 32.33 32.28 32.26 31.72 32.21 32.79 32.33 32.36 33.40 33.40 33.50 33.50 TW=???.??? TW=30.42 BW=25.00 BW=25.00 BW=22.75 TW=28.72 28.12 TW=28.57 TW=28.35 27.61 27.51 30.46 TW=28.20 BW=24.74 BW=23.50 BW=23.50 25.00 26.82 27.83 27.934.9%5.9% 2.0%5.0%1 . 7%5.5%1.0%4.0%4.0%1.0% 2.7%3.0%2.7%33.33 33.39 28.94 28.68 28.20 5.0%2.0%8.0% 1.0%2.0%0.5%35.50 35.50 35.50 35.50 35.50 35.50 35.50 35.50 35.50 35.50 35.50 35.50 35.50 35.20 35.20 35.20 35.20 35.20 35.20 35.20 35.20 35.2035.2035.2035.20 31.10 31.00 31.50 31.63 31.77 31.84 31.78 32.08 34.87 35.35 34.8535.35 35.35 35.02 34.33 33.95 33.63 33.25 32.96 34.69 2.0% 6.7% 7.4%5.6%1.3%4.0%1.6% 1.6%1.6% 34.18 33.00 33.52 33.19 33.98 1.0% 3. 0 % TW=37.60 TW=37.84 TW=37.84 TW=37.10 TW=37.10 TW=37.10 TW=35.30 TW=35.30 TW=35.20 TW=35.20 TW=35.31 BW=35.30 BW=35.30 BW=35.30 BW=35.30 BW=35.30 BW=35.30 BW=35.30 BW=35.30 BW=33.00 BW=32.58 BW=35.20 37.61± EX.37.50± EX.36.80± EX.36.66± EX.0.7%1.0%2.0%1.5%2.4%3.4%3.5%5.5%7.0%26.77 27.0027.39 27.48 25.0024.89 24.00 25.00 9279269259319339349359349339329 3 7 9 3 6 9 3 5 935 934 935 936 937 938 925932 933934935936937938939 34.00 36.57 FUTURE FRONTAGE ROAD FUTURE FRONTAGE ROAD FLUSH CURB 9' TAPER 10' TAPER 92 8 8.0% 26.82 27.83 27.93 28.94 28.68 28.20 5.0% 2.0% 8.0% 33.1926.77 27.00 27.39 27.48927926 Architecture Interior Design Landscape Architecture Engineering Boarman Kroos VogelGroupInc. EOE License Number I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional under the laws of the State of Minnesota.BKVTB-30x42Engineer Date XX/XX/XXXX24440 Michael J. St. Martin, PE LOUCKS 7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL LOUCKS PROJECT NO. 21081.00 © 2016 BKV Group, Inc. EOE SHEET NUMBER SHEET TITLE DRAWN BY CHECKED BY COMMISSION NUMBER ISSUE # DATE DESCRIPTION PROJECT TITLE CONSULTANTS NOT F O R CONS T R U C TI O N CERTIFICATION DATE 4917 EDEN AVE. 21081.00 XX/XX/XXXX JBT MJS OWNER/DEVELOPER 03/12/2021 PRELIMINARY DESIGN EXISTING UTILITIES. THEY SHALL COOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES, VALVES OR OTHER BURIED THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-454-0002 MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND / OR RELOCATION OF LINES. OWNER. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL WARNING: AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR THE LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUNDGopher State One Call GRADING PLAN C3-1 N SCALE IN FEET 0 20 40 SCALE IN FEET 0 20 40 N N GRADING, DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL NOTES 1. SPOT ELEVATIONS REPRESENT FINISHED SURFACE GRADES, GUTTER/FLOW LINE, FACE OF BUILDING, OR EDGE OF PAVEMENT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2. CATCH BASINS AND MANHOLES IN PAVED AREAS SHALL BE SUMPED 0.04 FEET. ALL CATCH BASINS IN GUTTERS SHALL BE SUMPED 0.16 FEET. RIM ELEVATIONS SHOWN ON PLANS DO NOT REFLECT SUMPED ELEVATIONS. 3. ALL DISTURBED UNPAVED AREAS ARE TO RECEIVE MINIMUM OF 4 INCHES OF TOP SOIL AND SEED/MULCH OR SOD. THESE AREAS SHALL BE WATERED/MAINTAINED BY THE CONTRACTOR UNTIL VEGETATION IS ESTABLISHED. 4. FOR SITE RETAINING WALLS "TW" EQUALS SURFACE GRADE AT TOP FACE OF WALL (NOT TOP OF WALL), "GW" EQUALS SURFACE GRADE AT WALL GRADE TRANSITION, AND "BW" EQUALS SURFACE GRADE AT BOTTOM FACE OF WALL (NOT BOTTOM OF BURIED WALL COURSES). 5. STREETS MUST BE CLEANED AND SWEPT WHENEVER TRACKING OF SEDIMENTS OCCURS AND BEFORE SITES ARE LEFT IDLE FOR WEEKENDS AND HOLIDAYS. A REGULAR SWEEPING SCHEDULE MUST BE ESTABLISHED. 6. DUST MUST BE ADEQUATELY CONTROLLED. 7. SEE SWPPP FOR ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL NOTES AND REQUIREMENTS. 8. SEE UTILITY PLANS FOR WATER, STORM AND SANITARY SEWER INFORMATION. 9. SEE SITE PLAN FOR CURB AND BITUMINOUS TAPER LOCATIONS. 10. SEE LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR FINAL SITE STABILIZATION. 11. NOTIFY CITY OF EDINA ENGINEERING DEPT. AT 952-826-0371, AT LEAST 24 HOURS PRIOR TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF STORMWATER BMP'S. NO PARKINGGRAPHIC LEGEND: CIP STANDARD GRAY CONCRETE, BROOM FINISHED, TYP. TURFGRASS: SOD, IRRIGATED (SEE SPEC) PLANTING BED #1: ROCK MULCH, 4" MIN., MIXED SHRUBS AND PERENNIALS PER PLANT SCHEDULE PLANTING BED #2: HARDWOOD MULCH, 4" MIN., MIXED SHRUBS AND PERENNIALS PER PLANT SCHEDULE CIP COLORED CONCRETE, BROOM FINISHED, TYP. SHORTGRASS PRAIRIE, SEED MIX TBD PROPOSED PLANT SCHEDULE: TRUE NORTH PLAN NORTH G Architecture Interior Design Landscape Architecture Engineering BK V R O U P 222 North Second Street Long & Kees Bldg Suite 101 Minneapolis, MN 55401 612.339.3752 www.bkvgroup.com © 2019 BKV Group SHEET NUMBER SHEET TITLE DRAWN BY CHECKED BY COMMISSION NUMBER PROJECT TITLE CONSULTANTS N O T FO R C O N S TR U C TIO N CERTIFICATION BIM 360://2286-05_4917 Eden Ave/2286-05_4917 Eden Ave_LAND_2019.rvt3/12/2021 4:47:23 PMSB BH 2286-05 L101 SITE - PLANTING PLAN 4917 EDEN AVE ISSUE # DATE DESCRIPTION 03/12/2021 PRELIMINARY DESIGN 1" = 20'-0"L101 1 SITE - PLANTING PLAN QTY SYM COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME PLANTING SIZE PERENNIALS/VINES/ANNUALS 1 ac MAGGIE DALEY ASTILBE Astilbe chinensis 'Maggie Daley'#1 CONT. 1 ca FEATHER REED GRASS Calamagrostis arundinacea var. brachtytricha #1 CONT. 1 hb BLUE ANGEL HOSTA Hosta 'Blue Angel'#1 CONT. 1 hh HAPPY RETURNS DAYLILY Hemerocallis 'Happy Returns'#1 CONT. 1 pa HAMELN FOUNTAIN GRASS Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Hameln'#1 CONT. 1 pt PACHYSANDRA 'Green Carpet'Pachysandra terminalis 'Green Carpet'#1 CONT. 1 pv NORTHWIND SWITCHGRASS Panicum virgatum 'Northwind'#1 CONT. 1 rh WALKER'S LOW CATMINT Nepeta x faassenii 'Walker's Low'#1 CONT. 1 sh PRAIRIE DROPSEED Sporobolus heterolepis #1 CONT. 1 ss LITTLE BLUESTEM 'Blue Heaven'Schizachyrium scoparium 'Minnblue A' (PP17, 310) #1 CONT. ORNAMENTAL TREES 7 AG AUTUMN BRILLIANCE SERVICEBERRY Amelanchir x grandiflora 'Autumn Brilliance'2" CAL. 2 BP WHITESPIRE BIRCH (CLUMP)Betula populifolia 'Whitespire'2.5" CAL. 8 CC NORTHERN CLUMP REDBUD Cercis canadensis #20 CONT. 5 SR SUMMER STORM LILAC Syringa reticulata 'Summer Storm' (PPAF)2" CAL. DECIDUOUS TREES 8 AS GREEN MOUNTAIN SUGAR MAPLE Acer saccharum 'Green Mountain'2.5" CAL. 7 BN RIVER BIRCH Betula nigra 2.5" CAL. 6 BP DAKOTA PINNACLE BIRCH Betula platyphylla 'Fargo'2.5" CAL. 3 GB AUTUMN GOLD GINKGO Ginkgo Biloba 'Autumn Gold'2.5" CAL. 8 GT SKYLINE HONEYLOCUST Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis 'Skycole'2.5" CAL. 6 PT PRAIRIE GOLD ASPEN Populus tremuloides 'NEArb'2.5" CAL. 8 QA QUAKING ASPEN Populous tremuloides #20 CONT. 7 QB SWAMP WHITE OAK Quercus bicolor 2.5" CAL. 5 QW KINDRED SPIRIT OAK Quercus x warei 'Nadler'2.5" CAL. 5 TA AMERICAN SENTRY LINDEN Tilia americana 'MnKSentry'2.5" CAL. DECIDUOUS SHRUBS 1 Bw NORTHERN CHARM BOXWOOD Buxus 'Wilson'#3 CONT. 1 Cc SUGARTINA CLETHRA Clethra alnifolia 'Crystalina' (PP21, 561)#2 CONT. 1 Cf ARCTIC FIRE DOGWOOD Cornus stolonifera 'Farrow' (PP18,523)#5 CONT. 1 Cs CARDINAL DOGWOOD Cornus sericea 'Cardinal'#5 CONT. 1 Ds BUTTERFLY BUSH HONEYSUCKLE Diervilla sessilifolia 'Butterfly'#5 CONT. 1 Dw DWARF WINGED EUONYMOU Euonymous alatus 'Compactus'#10 CONT. 1 Ra GRO LOW SUMAC Rhus aromatica 'Gro Low'#5 CONT. 1 Sm DWARF KOREAN LILAC Syringe meyeri 'Palibin'#5 CONT. 1 Sr RED ELDERBERRY Sambucus racemosa #5 CONT. 1 Ss SEM FALSE SPIREA Sorbaria sorbifolia 'Sem'(PP16,336)#2 CONT. CONIFEROUS TREES 1 JC SPARTAN JUNIPER Juniper chinensis 'Spartan'6' B&B 12 PA NORWAY SPRUCE Picea abies 8' B&B 7 PS WHITE PINE Pinus Strobus 6' B&B CONIFEROUS SHRUBS 1 Cp KING'S GOLD CHAMAECYPARIS Chamaecyparis pisifera 'King's gold'#5 CONT. 1 Ct HEATHERBUN CHAMAECYPARIS Chamaecyparis thyoides 'Heather Bun'#5 CONT. 1 Jh BLUE CHIP JUNIPER Juniperus horizontalis 'Blue Chip'#5 CONT. 1 Jp SEA GREEN JUNIPER Juniperus x pfitseriana 'Sea Green'#5 CONT. 1 Js BLUE FOREST JUNIPER Juniperus sabina 'Blue Forest'#5 CONT. 1 Pb SCHOODIC PINE Pinus banksiana 'Schoodic'#3 CONT. 1 Tc TECHNITO ARBORVITAE Thuja occidentalis 'Bailjohn' (PP15, 850)6' B&B *PLANT SCHEDULE FOR SPECIES REFERENCE ONLY, FINAL QUANTITIES TO BE DETERMINED IRRIGATION NOTE: ALL PLANTING BEDS TO RECEIVE DRIPLINE IRRIGATION, ALL TURF AREAS TO RECEIVE SPRAY NOZZLES Date: O c tober 13, 2021 Agenda Item #: VI I.A. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:Kris Aaker, Assistant P lanner Item Activity: Subject:B-21-30 Varianc e from s ide setback at 5608 Dale Ave. Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve variance as requested. I N TR O D U C TI O N: A 4.9-foot variance from the 10-foot side yard setback requirement for a second-floor addition above the existing garage at 5608 Dale Ave. T he existing main floor garage has an existing non-conforming side yard setback of 5.1-feet. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Staff Report Engineering Memo Site Location Narrative Survey Plans Better Together Public Hearing Comment Report October 13, 2020 PLANNING COMMISSION Kris Aaker, Assistant City Planner B-21-30, A 4.9-foot variance from the 10-foot side yard setback requirement for a second-floor addition above the existing garage at 5608 Dale Ave. The garage has an existing non-conforming south side yard setback of 5.1-feet. Information / Background: The subject property is approximately 11.898 square feet in area, consisting of a two-story home with an attached two-car garage, located on the west side of Dale Ave. The existing home was built in 1955 and is quite original in construction. The applicant is proposing a 4.9-foot south side yard setback variance from the property line to allow for a second-floor addition above the existing nonconforming two car garage located 5.1 feet from the side lot line. The ordinance requires a 10-foot side yard setback. The applicant is undergoing the addition to accommodate an extra bedroom, bath, closet area and deck. The home complies with all required setbacks with the exception of south side yard setback. The home was constructed prior to current setback standards and did not require a variance for the garage setback. An addition above the existing nonconforming garage to the south side of the home will be no closer to the side lot line than the existing garage below. The proposed addition will encroach the 10-foot side yard setback by 4.9 feet and no closer than existing. The request is to allow the addition to simply match the setback of the garage below. Surrounding Land Uses Northerly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. Easterly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. Southerly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. Westerly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. STAFF REPORT Page 2 Existing Site Features The property consists of a two-story home with a two-car garage built in 1955. The proposed addition will include an added bedroom. The addition will be located 5.1 feet from the north lot line at the same setback as the existing garage below. Planning Guide Plan designation: Low-Density Residential Zoning: R-1, Single-Dwelling District Grading & Drainage Proposed grading and drainage paths will remain as existing drainage paths. The Environmental Engineer has reviewed the application and submitted comments as attached in a memorandum dated September 30, 2021. Compliance Table City Standard Proposed North Side – East Rear- South Side– West Front– 10 feet 25 feet 10 feet 35 feet 20.8 feet 55 feet *5.1 feet 36 feet Building Coverage Building Height 25% 35.4 feet 24.22% 25 feet *Requires a variance STAFF REPORT Page 3 PRIMARY ISSUES & STAFF RECOMENDATION Primary Issues Is the proposed variance justified? Minnesota Statues and Section 36-98 of the Edina Zoning Ordinance require that the following conditions must be satisfied affirmatively. The proposed variance will: 1) Relieve practical difficulties that prevent a reasonable use from complying with ordinance requirements. The practical difficulty is that the existing south side wall of the home is closer to the side lot line than the minimum 10 feet required. The home was built under different ordinance standards and did not require a variance at that time for a setback less than the 10 feet currently required. 2) There are circumstances that are unique to the property, not common to every similarly zoned property, and that are not self-created? The existing house is nonconforming with the addition above the garage matching the nonconforming side yard setback. The existing garage is closer to the side lot line than currently allowed. The home was built closer to the south lot line under different setback requirements. The alternate setback standard does on apply to the second-floor addition. 3) Will the variance alter the essential character of the neighborhood? Granting the variance will not alter the character of the neighborhood. The applicants are hoping to provide additional interior space above an existing two-car garage, like other homes in the neighborhood. The addition will be seamless and will look as if it were part of the original plan for the home. There are homes of similar scale in the area. The home is two-story and will match existing ridge height. Recommended Action: Approve a 4.9 foot south side yard setback variance for the property line at 5608 Dale Ave. Staff recommends approval of the variance, as requested subject to the findings listed in the staff report above, and subject to the following conditions: Survey dated: September 10, 2021 Elevations and building plans dated September 10, 2021. Compliance with the conditions and comments listed in the Environmental Engineer’s memo dated September 30, 2021. STAFF REPORT Page 4 DATE: 9/30/2021 TO: Cary Teague – Planning Director FROM: Zuleyka Marquez, PE – Graduate Engineer RE: 5608 Dale Ave - Variance Review The Engineering Department has reviewed the subject property for street and utility concerns, grading, stormwater, erosion and sediment control and for general adherence to the relevant ordinance sections. This review was performed at the request of the Planning Department; a more detailed review will be performed at the time of building permit application. Plans reviewed included a survey and floor plans stamped 9/10/21. Summary of Work The applicant proposes a second-floor addition. The request is for a variance to the side yard setback. Easements No comment. Grading and Drainage Site drains to 56th St W and Dale Ave. No grading work is proposed. Stormwater Mitigation Stormwater precautions are not triggered and thus no required per City of Edina Building Policy SP-003 standards. Floodplain Development A local 1% annual chance flood shape with an elevation of 931.3’ is located to the west on 56th St W. Any new or modified low openings must be at no less than 933.3’. Erosion and Sediment Control Erosion and sediment control precautions are not triggered and thus not required. Street and Driveway Entrance 2021 street reconstruction project underway. Street repairs shall conform to standard plates 540 and 541. Public Utilities No comment. Miscellaneous A Minnehaha and/or Nine Mile Creek Watershed District permit(s) may be required, applicant will need to verify with the districts. Watermain was installed 1956. Per the application, a farmhouse was onsite in the 1920s. A well may be located onsite. Thus, coordination with Minnesota Department of Health will be required. Ed ina, Hennep in, MetroG IS, Edin a, Henn epin , MetroGIS | © WSB & Associates2013, © WSB & Associa tes 2013 560 8 D ale Se ptember 2 7, 20 21 1 in = 94 f t / Minnesota Statues and Edina Ordinances require that the following conditions must be satisfied affirmatively. Please fully explain your answers using additional sheets of paper as necessary. The Proposed Variance will: X 11 °L.,/ A, A/F NO YES iv A-JJ— acag'-4-1 .0 (Ix I er-cc t c heck rooms (i ckcid eel.) only 0 r• /A-r-t___ vtA- a p c eirN,r-f (49, r 6 ed 0-'1' v , /N Relieve practical difficulties in complying with the zoning ordinance and that the use is reasonable (',),.1.„,e R NI( ere pe4-es be ej cv•e_ I M p r CA_ 0,4.d, vel, Von ( Correct extraordinary circumstances applicable to this property but not applicable to other property in the vicinity or zoning district, i y o r, e c'S c v•-(1's (( (5- cki •-kemkovs 4--c_ la) ,..,-S e•--0-.1 -14L eucideca-__ 0 Ni Lin) +6._ So.,1---0 f q WeD n-e_ k,-6,5 n1 /4“-- cv t\4-erz.e S Q N' 1(14-1 1-e IA/ i' is a 0-0 i ^ % 1( S ed-b0%-c. NS(' A-1-,\ . vi c-- beA ; e L-e_ .-K.,_ 5\--k-L vic _cild,,..v.h N, t,...,k d, ,,, d d ,,,,t ,. tk A ci, .). N-1--4.()/ with Mi ki 4Nr GelcteJ 1 A i CIS-S. 1 4 td N\ p l) .(3,-nce._ ‘,.•-i--(-- -5 e--+ ‘9i`%(-- Be in harmony with the general purposes c_.k._ .k_,' Lsv k _ and intent of the zoning ordinance CITY OF EDINA SEP 1 0 2021 DNNING DEPARTMENT evo'"5Q- 11^e-- 6.• r }Dprc.1-c -S 71 aC5 I-- es" CL,cre ,S IL-44 prc 1) (c-A \v n5 ) e ,e,( Sp (4-( c_ e "A-e'1 /4) • pt c cc--4 -- is Krz, k 1 v t eseLA S i`ir\ 5 I t- Not alter the essential Character of a neighborhood Dcs ;5 ri E ) ci-ce Atry oc, hers (*.) 1-PW & 0)6 0-1 tvo y '1 5 o c3, 4-5 o aL ev,, c_ k• i )1AciL ik` 1V Cc--v-y-wr,A-- ),‘•/S-e tk A-riAC-4(g 1," '2- 5 +- f‘A• p)‘ cc, fs fer5A-0 II ilf\i/vi`.' et 4-e 4"‘--r CAN tfC.A.c5L- LiatA3 vk,,t_cr Fro p p <c?-41. / road reconstruction line 34.7ft min setback of bldg X 945.715 X 945616 X 945.696 1N3 1 0 X 946.756 X 946.060 1,742 X 935.130 L0 X 944.416 X 939290 - OR in t toi X 944.765 X 944263 X 944.566 Oft 20ft 40ft 60ft Fee l, ScaLe NOTES 1, OBSERVED UTILITIES ARE SHOWN ALL OTHER UTILITIES ARE NOT SHOWN 2. MARKINGS FOR 811 UNDERGROUND UTILITY LOCATE ARE NOT SHOWN 3. THIS SITE WAS LAST OBSERVED ON SEPTEMBER 8, 2021, 4. LINE BEARINGS ARE ASSUMED RELATIVE 5. CONTOUR LINES AND ELEVATIONS ARE ON NGVD1929 DATUM 6. PIN MONUMENT CONTROL POINTS SET AND STAMPED RLS 23266 0 7. IRON PIN MONUMENT FOUND 9. ALL EXISTING DRAINAGE TO REMAIN AS SAME 11. EXISTING SPOT ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN 12. ALL EXISTING SITE ELEVATIONS TO REMAIN AS SAME 13. ALL BUILDING FOOTPRINT TO REMAIN AS SAME 4. 932.422 934.482 X 936 318 X 938.356 \C) a•OP •••.` •• "isma ••••• X 940.007 'qr.... PERVIOUS STEPS C_ X 931.789 LLI X 936.655 45.346 x X 939.956 X 942.496 C. X 939224 6 606 1. 0 csi X 445.9137 4 4. 4. 4- + 1- ./. „. 1- 4SIDHALif DRIVEW I- 1- + 4. -i- -i- + 41.37 ▪ 1- X ▪ 945499 , . z * 435-.04. -4. - CX 945676 O 17% X 931.905 chain link fencing S89'56'11"E 175.58ft fence corner on lot line-/ LEGAL DESCRIPTI -\ Pill 3311721230077 MELODY KNOLLS 6TH ADDITION LOT 2, BLOCK 3 xx According to Hennepin County Property and Tax Records 933.392 All easements recorded or unrecorded, If any, are not shown. fence corner on lot line X 940.593 X 945.771 41111111 0 X 946.562 / chain link fencing 127.29ft x 945176 N89'08'19"E X 935641 X 937.572 946.176 X X19$9`509 35.4ft min setback of bldg 1943718 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY, PLAN, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. NAME. JAMES MICHAEL BRIDELL, R.L.S. SIGNATURE DATE SEPT10,2021 Professional Land Surveyor, Minnesota License No. 23266 Firm Name. State Engineering & Surveying Company. This certification is limited to SITE PLAN 2nd FLOOR BLDG ADDN UNAUTHORIZED COPIES This certified signed document is hereby revoked for unauthorized copies. Vhen this docunent Is In possession of persons/partles other Than customer, authorized agent, or approved others, It Is hereby revoked. Do not rely on unauthorized copies, "Inch nay be fraudulent, incorrect, erroneous, misleacing or with important and relevant Information omitted. This document Is copyrighted, intended for customer's use for specific purpose herein stated. CITY OF EDINA SEP 1 0 2.021 PLANNING DEPARTMENT MI IN I= (under reconstructgoin) X 946 545 X 947256 34.4ft X 947.087 X 947366 LOW RETAINER WALL 0 X 944.150 0_ E 1 I X 944.4D X 943.798 GARAGE p 2 L. fTl X 946507 oe, 00e. x„e., Jia4e)) Ci'.> 5709 MCGUIRE ROAD EDINA MN 55939 952-859-9002 www. state-engineexing.com PREPARED FOR MICHAEL LUND 5608 DALE AVE EDINA MN 55436 SITE LOCATION 5608 DALE AVE EDINA MN 55436 r"- - Job Number 2021341 2nd FLOOR BUILDING ADDITION SITE PLAN IMPERVIOUS AREAS Soft percent TOTAL LOT 11898 100.00 PLAN AREAS 0 0 EXISTING AREAS EXISTING BUILDING 2078 17,47 DRIVEWAY 0702 05.90 PATIO X2 0382 03.21 SLABS+STOOP1 0422 03.55 EX TOTAL WITH DRIVEWAY 3584 30.12 EX TOTAL W/O DRIVEWAY 2882 24.22 GENERAL NOTES: 1. ALL DOOR AND WINDOW HEADERS TO BE S.P.F. #2 OR BETTER, SEE PLANS FOR SIZES 2. BUILDING WILL DE BUILT PER CURRENT1.R.0 CODES r• • P• S. 3. VERIFY GRADES AND ADJUST FOUNDATION/ FOOTING STEPS AS NEEDED. 612-483-4593 4. CMU FDN. WALLS PER PLAN. 5. FLOOR PLAN DIMENSIONS ARE TO FACE OF SHEATHING AND FOUNDATION 4,0•“k 6. ALL TRADES & SUPPLIERS TO REVIEW & ,-----"" ARCH SMG 4 dig 16 1 \ M • VERIFY INFORMATION PERTINENT TO THEIR "...„-- ,5,ciTN,Ve+GAL ,c,sEnhicornm ez , .semmems•Emsele. 617 6 ______ ir k n co WORK AND NOTIFY CONTRACTOR OF ANY li 2 Second Floor Ceilint_l_pi laid I -T18' - 2" •-.1. DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. It* MIMEO ME 1-11 7. TRADES TO VERIFY BASE AND TRIM SIZE OW All EM, AM MO IMI• NMI OMNI MEMO Mk 'MN I I UP' /Mb MN MO mmmmm MIMI UM& NUI MM.. -16 PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. I r AIMMI /MEM IBEN ,... EMIII. ›- .‘--Hr.., DOM, & BATTU' , L Af.M.B. ....... ,.......1 I MA M. In. , S. ALL WALLS MORE THAN10' H. TO BE S.P.F. AWN.. .. ••• .... ... SSSS. EMMEN ...•.... < LK ) J L J #2 OR BETTER. Nisi 14 Lc) 9. EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS ARE CONCEPTUAL ONLY: olo/m I kilt Second Fkn- ph \-11 i icy - 3 -11' HOME SITE, FILL AND TOPOGRAPHY WILL DICTATE „,,..„- ARCHTEC1VRAL %INGLE --------1 MT a •.... Z 111•M-1 IMMII•••••• INIMENIMINNI IMO lichen Celli -1 ACTUAL GRADES AND MAY VARY FROM THOSE inl 111111•MMIIIII IMMINI ..... 109' - r .......... 1111 111•161111110MMI IMEMB Ent Ceilint SHOWN ON THE PLAN. i , • 0 • 0 • HIM= INININIMIN• MEMNI•111•11 MIME 'MI 5HAKE5TONIAICH 10. NOTE: SUI3FLOOR JOINTS SHALL BE STAGGERED EX6T110 . MI GL GL5 54 a GL5 GL5 GL5 cA5 as - • moaner NOMINEE MEM romommeavalMI MINIMUM EINEM IIIII•E 108' -6" letTh1 , . ••••• IMMUNE BEIM MEMOIMIIIIMBI 1•111•••••1 MEM • SIMMS ., FROM FLOOR TRUSS OR JOISTS JOINTS. . MIMEO 111•611 MMOMMININ MIME I EMOOMMI i.•..., ...... 11. NOTE: WINDOW FALL PROTECTION PER R312.1 • . \ • n ...... mum ••••• I 7. • kitchen ME /i . . ) J. . -mi. _ 6" •-w • some • ..n C) Gar lot,n..to__7_,,H GENERAL EXTERIOR NOTES: astftL. 1_11 1. ALL EXTERIOR TRIM TO BE FLASHED PER CODE. r,-, \ East "zi 1/4" = V-0" 2. SUPPLY DRIPCAPS ON WINDOWS AND DOORS. 3. SUPPLY SEPARATION BETWEEN WOOD, COMPOSITE WOOD AND ANY OTHER WOOD MATERIAL PER SPEC. 4. GRADE CONDITIONS MAY VARY ON SITE LC) 5. PROVIDE ROOF AND SOFFIT VENTS PER IRC CODE No. Description Date REGULATIONS 6. ALL FURNACE FLUES, PLUMBING VENTS, FIREPLACE CITY OF EDINA VENTS AND OTHER PENETRATIONS THROUGH ROOF 511TGLE --I ORWALLS TO EXTEND THROUGH REAR OF HOME ARCHTECIIMAL 5FOIGLE APCHTECTURAL (.._ 1 SEP 0 ?021 WHENEVER POSSIBLE. 111 11 / 7. ALL PENETRATIONS THROUGH EXTERIOR WALLS .......... •110•10IMIN WAWA nMINNIMESIMMIIIMI IMMEMIN••••••5.•1 OR ROOFING BE AND FLASHED MUST SEALED IMINIMMIIII MONIMMIll IMMUNE! •••••••••11INIU 0•••••••••11110101 PLANNING DEPARTME.':T -11•111--.1 .......... IMMIIIMMI IMENOMMENNIMMIMIMOI.. 12 INIMIIMIIIII MINIMM•1 EMMEN M•11111MEMIIIMINIMb. IMMIEMMINENNIMENIMIlb, 0 PER MANF. SPECIFICATIONS AND RC CODE ME•1111MEMO OMNI/MIME 1 IMINE IIIIINIMMINIMIEMBOINWIllb. IMINNAIN I USW ===_ NAM REGULATIONS IMISSIMIWNIMENIIIMMIIIIINIMINNEIRMN •••••• IMEN••••••••- -"•1111MBEIMENNOINIIMINMEMIS b.. 6.1=111111MEN •••••••••••••n•••••11111•1•••••••• -..6•1b.. -.1•111111MMEMMINIMINIMMI h., INIBMEM11•11•• OMMEN INIIIIMME•11111••••••••••••••••••••••••." -.11•IIMMalIMIIMMIIM IMENIIIIMIN MENIBUIMIII•11100.- -..61••••••.- 111•11•11111•1•WM., --.11116_,WINIMMIN 1111•••••111 •••••••••••••••111•WW.' _moill•••••••••••••••••- -,•;••••••111 11••••••••• NIIMNIMM•111•••••••••••••••••- MEM •••••••111•11 MIS, -.••••111••••••••••••••11b..- "••••••• -.NIMME•111101111•11MMEIBINEMIIIMEMOININ, ...IMO' •11161MINMEM 111111.1•••••ENI OINE•B NIM••••••••111•16/0.- IIIIM•••••- _a6MMIIIIMIMMIIMMINIMMIIMMIMEME•••••••••1••._ -.MI 01MMEMBIWOOMM•MBIIME•11111MMENBMISIMOIMM•MMEb..- MMINIMMII•IIIMM••••••••" ....11011•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••IMMI .....•......•.......... OMMEMNI• ......•.... 1 oiNtrAWAVAPJAVS4 mmonsommonamossmumm ME111••••1 OMENIIIIIMII ••111111•IMMIIIMIIIIMEME•1 11•61•11IMMOIIIME••111111111 IIMM•111•MINNIIMMEMMIMI MIUM••••••••••••• • • IMME•11001 •116•111•111 MENIIIMEMIII •IMI1EMIIIIIIIIIIMME1111•I IN•IIMEMMINMENIIIMEMON IMME•1.•••••11•IIIMMI • • IMINNIIMM•101 111EIMIIMME nIIMENBOIMEMINIMMEMINI •MMIIMENIIIIMIIIIMIIIIMINNOMIIII • INSIMMEIROM IIMMIN 1111111•••••• 1•••••••••••••••• INIONINIMMEMMMIIIIMES • MEMMAIMINI IIIMIZEMINIII ........... IIIIIIIMMEMIONIMMIEWI NOMMIIMMIIIMMOOMMENIIIMI .BOMMIIIII IMMOOMENNEN MINIMMINIIIMMIMIIIMMIIIMIll 111111••••••••••••••• • • IONIIIIMMENII IIONIBBNIIMIMMENWIMMI 111111•••••••••••••11 • • LUND IN • /1 i 1 (I a M III MI ADDITION ?1 1 I IN O North Elevations 1/4" = 1 -0 Project number Project Number Date 06/03/2021 Drawn by SWK Checked by Checker 2 Al Q.,.. e6 Scale 1/4" = 1'-0" 0 S Kb P 5 • • AlOWECIVRAL 51**LE --------'r • Window Schedule 6 17 //Size Number Width Count Comments ceiling 612-483-4593 Height g54._g;o1Floor 1 i ,o p, 1 ) A\ ir\ 1 =MAW ......... I 'IMISMATEN. ............. I MEN J ICI. , 'N • -7Ur 1 5' - 0" 4' - 8" 2 (2) Double Hung IMEM11•11ME , 2 5' - 0" 5' - 0" 2 (2) Double Hung A 55.TAII RAMO 3 5' - 0" 4' - 0" 2 (2) Double Hung 4 3' - 4" 4' - 0" 1 (2) Casement i = cs 3 - cc), Q54 .1 ef.ol.Floor 5 3' -10" 5' - 0" 1 (2) Casement 6., K 09 itchen Ceiling 7 6 7' - 0" 4' - 4" 1 (2) Double Hung lUry 1' 1 1 /— Qi, mrring 7 2' - 8" 1' - 6" 2 Fixed Ill 8 2' - 8" 4' - 0" 3 Double Hung 9 3' - 0" 4' - 0" 1 Double Hung < ' 1 (-\" 10 3' - 6" 4' - 0" 2 (2) Double Hung . ss, IA .1 1-1-1 11 3' - 0" 1' - 6" 2 Fixed ,21-11P!r1. I A 12 2' 6" - 4' 4" - 2 Double Hung ..__I Entry Q' c7 am Garage Floor / < > 111-/ 99' - 4" .6- \ West (-- '-!-) CO 7- CI) CD Lc) u-1 5 ARCHIECIVRAL 5141•GLE 2 ...- BOW &13.11TEN No. Description Date 51".. I I 2 1•1 -..1 5 111 . . •-- iiilf; Ili .7,1 Ablif MN NM RIM 11•2! APX5T 50,9T Krill 56. TAU. Mt* iSf, mil °m1i06ac" E°5"G _II I' KW dvr.luiEt Nliviii,i,i,i, NM ... WEN ... 1 m.11111111 115111111111 411MMI 'WO MMM ,... mum! ull .. .....1 CITY OF EDINA ill i i ) II T2 Et ',II , s bbs. WEJNIIIIKEKOZWERN. ;-' SEP 1 0 2021 ( ,' ‘‘, 1 5=TOMATH 1 /)ilifliii16111111111 i 1 ''' PLANNING DEPARTMENT r y 1 , tif,'/: Al, , , r, M 1/I rl, . South LUND Vzi 1/4" = 1.-0" ADDITION Elevations/Window Schedule Project number Project Number Dote 06/03/2021 Drawn by SVVK Checked by Checker dfk:2 oi Scale 1/4" = 1'-0" c g 0 Li id BRACED WALL NOTES: BRACED WALL PANEL UPLIFT LOAD PATH: 0, 9.,•z. P I ZZ- 0 / .• P.5 . 4.-0 Ye ' 9 4' 0 1. ALL WALLS DESIGNED PER METHOD 1. BRACED WALL PANELS LOCATED AT EXTERIOR WALLS THAT MO, It. I /'TY1=4 V= =‘-',1 Nc- '..c SUPPORT ROOF RAFTERS OR "67,r" \ \ CS-WSP OF THE 2020 MN CODE. TRUSSES (INCLUDING STORIES --t \ \ \ \ II L *-V Ivo 2 ALL EXTERIOR WALLS ARE TO BE BELOW TOP STORY) SHALL HAVE THE FRAMING MEMBERS CONTINUOUSLY SHEATHED WITH A CONNECTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH: D LAVORY , if THE NET UPLIFT VALUE AT THE TOP . MIN. 3/8" THICK WOOD PANEL -WHERE OF A WALL EXCEEDS 100 PLF, INSTALLING ° 612-483-4593 3. CONNECTION OF WOOD PANEL TO k, DN STUDS SHALL BE MIN. 8D COMMON APPROVED UPLIFT FRAMING CONNECTORS e, 1. TO PROVIDE A CONTINUOUS LOAD PATH NAILS, 6" O.C. AT EDGES & 12" O.C. 2650X AT FIELD OF WOOD PANEL. FROM THE TOP OF THE WALL TO THE 'i. 4. STRUCTURAL PANELS FOUNDATION OR TO A POINT WHERE THE CLOSET Set * e (BRACED - \-- 904 - WALLS) SHALL BE LOCATED AT UPLIFT FORCE IS 100 PLF OR LESS. THE NET d ...__ ----, --- -----, , z------.7,- EACH END & AT LEAST EVERY UPLIFT VALUE SHALL BE AS DETERMINED b - 4,- -.- 7 , I 20 BETWEEN PANELS. BY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: 1.1 THE BASIC WIND SPEED DOES NOT EXCEED es" I _ 5. EXTERIOR BRACED WALL LINES :,-, 1,t DEDR001 , PA/R5ERY SHALL HAVE A BRACED WALL 90 MPH, THE WIND EXPOSURE CATEGORY PANEL AT EACH END OF THE IS 13, THE ROOF PITCH 15 5/12 OR GREATER h - 1 .'.4- wic *5° 11-1 LC) e: , BRACED WALL LINE, EXCEPT FOR, AND THE ROOF SPAN IS 32' OR LESS - — / „.„,_. WALL PANELS ARE (OR) -BRACED N-- = - 92/ \ c _ .17147) PERMITTED TO BEGIN NO MORE t - BATH IL-/ 901 - - - _ _ , ,-, - ..-- 0.,---=--. _.=--._ -„ i t--..\""' THAN 10' FROM EACH END OF THE 1.2 THE NET UPLIFT VALUE AT THE TOP OF .. -- \ 1 59 -4 A WALL DOES NOT EXCEED 100 PLF. THE - 11 ) BRACED WALL LINE PROVIDED I iry.7., 1-1-1 THAT A 24" PANEL MATCHING NET UPLIFT SHALL BE DETERMINED IN I- 1 01111 ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION R802.11 h I3A = _1 TABLE TABLE R60210.7 IS APPLIED -THE END OF EACH BRACED WALL AND SHALL BE PERMITTED TO DE REDUCED 0 PEmocm BY 60 PLF. FOR EACH FULL ABOVE "g;.1." = -, -, ...,/ EZ PANEL CLOSEST TO THE CORNER SHALL HAVE A TIE DOWN DEVICE 2. WHERE THE UPLIFT FORCE DOES NOT EXCEED 200 POUNDS, \ I . a- 1.--/---// I / RAFTERS AND TRUSSES SPACED NOT MORE THAN 24 INCHES 4) \ FASTENED TO THE STUD AT THE ON CENTER SHALL BE PERMITTED TO BE ATTACHED TO THEIR 4.- CY IS-C, 9 - 0 Z V \ \ EDGE OF THE BRACED WALL PANEL CLOSEST TO THE CORNER AND TO SUPPORTING WALL ASSEMBLIES IN ACCORDANCE WITH T ,,, - 2-W „ / rrtz cs•sr ;TAW TABLE R602.3(1) ST - V 63 z THE FOUNDATION OR FRAMING BELOW. THE TIE DOWN DEVICE C N %—• SHALL BE CAPABLE OF PROVIDING AN UPLIFT ALLOWABLE DESIGN \-1 WALL PANEL TO STUDS: no Second Floor Braced Wall VALUE OF AT LEAST 1800 LBS. ,-.1.1 3/16” =1.-0" 1-11 THE TIE-DOWN DEVICE BE INSTALLED ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANF. CONNECTION OF WOOD PANEL TO STUDS SHALL DE MIN. 6D RECOMMENDATIONS. COMMON NAILS, 6" O.C. AT EDGES & 12" O.C. AT FIELD OF 6. INTERIOR BRACED WALL LINES SHALL BE WOOD PANEL. DESIGNED/BUILT PER INTERMITTENT 5s•-r / / ID METHOD 'GB" Jf 5' 2r-0 -MIN. 1/2" GYPSUM BOARD APPLIED TO 9-100 - / / EACH SIDE OF 2X4 OR 2X6 STUD WALL 25 IVa' / // No. Description Date q 616" O.C. SPACING OF STUDS W/DOUBLE N-4- 1 I TOP PLATE AND SINGLE BIM. >, r 11'r - - - - A i- RAFTER OR ROOF TRUSSES >, i n • -ATTACH GYPSUM TO STUDS W/1-1/4" TO PLATE, TOE NAI L >, J ► • K NJ- SCREWS W OR 5), T. O.C. AT EDGE (TYPE & r O.C. AT FIELD. > x „v. ...AI 4 '' MINIMUM (3)162 BOX NAILS OR (3)10D COMMON NAILS. >, xk - - is 7. (PERPENDICULAR WALL/FLOOR) (2) TOE NAILS ON ONE SIDE AND (1) TOE NAIL ON r . - - -4 9 i ALL FLOOR SYSTEMS BETWEEN BRACED >, x tm d, OPPOSITE SIDE OF EACH RAFTER OR TRUSS. (MANF. > x 2 WALL PANELS TO HAVE A MIN. 2X4 TOP & METAL CONNECTORS MAY BE SUBSTITUTED, VERIFY >f f< t: f ' BOTTOM BLOCKING BOARD PARALLEL TO DETAILS). W/MANF. x a BRACED WALL PANELS W?MIN. NAILS. ), L - —14p-•- - e • -• \ (3)16D >5 7 .•.•4 r,. .41.4.••••••&_••& . ATTACHING BOTTOM/TOP OF BRACED PANEL >, L PLATE TO FLOOR SYSTEM AT BRACED ), PANEL WIDTH ONLY. 2X4 BLOCKING TO BE x 8 SET BETWEEN FLOOR SYSTEM MEMBERS. OF EDINA Ii. _i t CITY SOLID RIM MAY BE USED. t X >, X ‘0 i 8. (PERPENDICULAR WALL/ROOF) x ,c,! APPLY 2X SOLID BLOCKING BETWEEN ROOF x Cl SEP 1 0 2021 >, UPIEZCAYA150 UPETAYATED SYSTEM MEMBERS OVER BRACED WALL x FORM PANELS WI8D NAILS AT 6" O.C. ALONG LENGTH OF BRACED WALL PANELS WHEN >< Z x to > x - 0 L " HEEL 15 15.25" OR LESS (FIGURE 3, REFER PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO FIG. #4 WHEN OVER 15.25") 9. NOTE: NOTES 7 & 8 ABOVE APPLY TO x x MECKWCAL I LUND PERPENDICULAR FRAMING, WHEN x fiTH ADDITION PARALLEL FLOORS/ROOF SYSTEMS ARE x L -I PRESENT, THE FLOOR/ROOF SYSTEM 15 )4 Braced Wall/Basemen t TO HAVE BLOCKING MATERIAL ALLOWING L.-- 21_ L'' ZI‘ll rY_ _s ,X I f-) xxx xxx N__uxxxxxxx xxx;'/; 1, • Plan FOR NAILING OF BRACED WALL PANEL. INTO SYSTEM ABOVE/BELOW SAID WALL (FIGURE 6) Project number Project Number 22-0 9-C, 2z-r Date 06/03/2021 / / r Drawn by Author / / Checked by Checker 0 Bwalsren1!..0„ A3 0, Scale 3/16" =1'-0" c S FRAMING NOTES: 1. ALL EXTERIOR WALLS TO BE 16" O.C. WITH A DOUBLE TOP PLATE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED 2. WALL FRAMING SHALL DE S.P.F. STUD GRADE OR BETTER UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE (U.N.0). 3. ALL HEADERS SHALL DE PER PLAN. 4. ALL EXTERIOR HEADERS SHALL HAVE (1) 2X6 I< \ • • 5 . BEARING STUD& (1) 2X6 FULL HEIGHT KING STUD ON EACH SIDE U.N.O. (REVIEW PLANS) 5. ALL INTERNAL HEADERS & SEAMS SHALL HAVE 612-483-4593 (1) 2X6 OR (1) 2X4 BEARING STUD ON EACH SIDE 6. EXTERIOR SHEATHING SHALL BE 7/16" 05B WALL SHEATHING C> 7. HEADER SIZES ARE TO BE USED PER PLAN AND DEVIATION FROM ANY SIZE MUST DE APPROVED BY 5t-5 2r-D' ......._ 4. DESIGNERS . N 7 TT 4- 9¨ / T-0 T-7 • S. PRESSURE TREATED WOOD 15 TO BE USED WHERE WOOD IS IN CONTACT WITH CONCRETE AND AT 2X6 1" U) 0 0 0 MUD SILL. TREATED MEMBERS TO DE S.Y.P. #2 OR = EMIR* WALL "•yxrajcsmr. r '' \ illn BETTER. t I=1 WY WALL 9. FOR OPENINGS IN EXTERIOR WALLS (OR WALLS W/ LATERAL LOADING: 50/ te 0 9. .7 in EAT X;:a(?) PH CO =2)1711 -..\'S 51,0RE /CARBON 14745/ME ii "4 ----p-7---------4,--' E u. .°4 A. 0-0" - 4'-0" = 1JACK STUD DETECTOR ,r, . ' '11 < ' 1 ,-..," B. 4-0" - Ei-C' = 2 JACK STUDS 9 . LVL ADO& C. 6-0" -12'-0" = 3 JACK STUDS ss a.; , § EMILY ROOM Li i D. GREATER THAN12 ' = CONSULT ENG. o 4,---i' o 11-1 3 Lk/GROW ^ Z `.." k. I. , -1 INSULATION: NEW wen n 1Z- 6- 5- 4 V2' V 7 7-2 V4. V -1,14. 1 ----- 1. ALL EXTERIOR WALL TO HAVE A MIN. RATING ey\ ' Et ..P OFR-21 ===- -N--- g g I.\ in 2. ALL ATTIC SPACES ARE TO HAVE A MIN. RATING OF R-49 3. ALL FLOOR SPACES OVER UNCONDITIONED Y D510 1935T1HOW Ail AID REFLICEW/LVL ABOVE 1,;-) q $ I, -----'' 0 C1 -) SPACE OR CANTILEVERED ARE TO DE INSULATED 8 -\- 50/ k u'Q' 7: a *Chi 01 TO MIN R-30. s's --,,, 0) fl o, b t K g I t t- IF 0 ? ,,, .- SHEETROCK/GYPSUM130ARD -) 11 4---- RF rs. ...1 1. ALL CEILINGS ARE TO HAVE1/2" NON -SAG , e § . § mot z_v_ __ 4 , I > GYPSUM BOARD UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. i GARAGE ' i 2. ALL WALLS ARE TO HAVE1/2" GYPSUM BOARD t_s. 4, ( UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. • <.. ' r 1 0. 0 -1-- -\- g b / 6 -7 V2' 2 4 V'S c1 0 No. Description Date K \ DOORS & WINDOWS: 7- 7 v 17 - 7 V2. ENTRY 50 OFFEE _ ® / in LVL /ROE 1. ALL WINDOWS AND DOORS TO DE DOUBLE PANE - `? ..D GLASS PANELS WITH LOW E-RATINGS. -IfT 111- 506Z‘ b k.'• III %CY X 70.0vERMAD GARAGED= 2. ANY WINDOW WITHIN 24" OF A DOOR SWING .1 47b. 73 III 3 b 9 C r C pw AL r MUST DE TEMPERED PER CODE ,-s.c--F . . L--, 60% 56* (2)0/1. r 60 0 56' (2)PH .----IN l TKr1 ! I OTK7 3. ANY WINDOW ABOVE A TUB/WET AREA MUST DE * '' •-•-... , TEMPERED PER CODE 1,1) 0 4. ANY WINDOW WITHIN A STAIRWAY MUST DE It- 0' IT-0 5 -LI+ 5' -10 10 -5. 5-KT Jr -0' / 22-r / TEMPERED PER CODE / 5. WINDOW GLAZING MUST DE AT LEAST 15" A.F.F. WHEN WINDOW IS ABOVE 6' FROM GRADE IF WITHIN 15" WINDOW MUST DE TEMPERED. a) Entry 6. ":-/ 1/4" =1'-0" ALL BEDROOMS TO HAVE AT LEAST ONE WINDOW THAT HAS A CLEAR EGRESS OPENING OF 5.7 SQ. FT. WITH MIN. DIMENSIONS OF 24" IN HEIGHT AND 20" IN WIDTH, SILL HEIGHT NOT TO DE GREATER THAN 14" A.F.F. 7. WINDOWS WITH SILLS WITHIN 3' OF THE FLOOR THEY SERVE AND ARE 72" ABOVE GRADE MUST EITHER HAVE A FALL PREVENTION OR OPENING LIMITER DEVICE PER CODE CITY OF EDINA LUND ADDITION MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL: SEP 1 0 2021 1. ALL ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT TO DE VERIFIED AND INSTALLED PER CODE BY First Floor Plan APPROVED TRADES AND INSTALLERS. PLANNING DEPARTMENT project flambee Project Number 2. HVAC CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY LAYOUT FOR Date 06/03/2021 DUCT-RUNS BEFORE INSTALLATION. IF MODIFICATION Maven by SWK IS REQUIRED, REPORT INFORMATION/CHANGES TO Checked by Checker CONTRACTOR. A4 Scale 1/4" = 1'-0" K.D.S. 612-483-4593 . n 0 9.1„, 09 r / ..-, 2r-6 yr / u1 Lc) / / / 6.- 0, r 9 - r 7,9W 9- 6 / \ \ / / /›'" 1 r.\-. 'k .,. . \ m \\ \ \\ NI Al \1. 1 Al \1 \,, I le \ 1\1 \111\1 Al \11,1411r1 41 1,2' WAIL IF/31-ri • , 1 r•\" • Us .) \ ;4- M. XIX FXD. LAWRY \ 06--9- 2 10 (2) X losarr Z .._.1 SE, Tr MP LVL SEAM 09-4 ti k11/12 DN ;4- 46 < 0 Ks0 112WCY ALL \ . io ) ?) 0 . \ • \ - _____ 2660 a .---- EAM MCAT FOR WOE_ \. ,.._ Y. 7-611" 8.-5vr 1,.. l SO/ 4•4 -, ;I- CLOSET 20 541. FT. " LILCM 3 MM • \ \ 2660 ---".. .../,..-/--=---. 42- 54DE 42 ' C) -------- 6-0"X 6-0- SL S rATIMIO .'-- DOOR 42) 2 X10 5416.6 A 14.00 -. -../?-00--./Ars010. R60.IDE - 06- 0- (Th, ,. ... .„ .F. M. 6674400114 3 2660 I-. 0 LU ..,,,_ \ h .. SEIESEXY 71 in e vo5O.FT. § 0 N 7-110E1140 .....--. I DOLT -71 .., V14, L; _ 06 Safi. - 5 - sr 10450. FT. SD r-r 4. 9-J' 0 in 5' r '. 13 Y , ^ i 2460 S060 . 4,.• .,...as h ---- i 4'4 . , F.P.F 1 rKT. sr'. tEW LLI 260, ..4•a_.•s• 544/ \ 4060 In 1 FFW, k.' II BEM 7n ,...C14 .--" 0 0 K _ -I V, V • s SHELF 6. E00 : 0 t:., '? No. Description Date •---- a OATH ; 246,, .c..-e--7 -.•-e-•,..--.6- Ara..,-...,ece c.---, . g ..- sr il 140 50 FT. , X04.4 7,1. ---,............. 2460 SHELF 6. ROO 1 ..--- sr • L--J 0 SP 1Z -]VZ MIlza-f\. r - 4. 5-6' 5 - 6 52" Ns. X . :-. ..... t4 fujr 1 4 g E 11 )FAN • _-I A- \ . —ice.. ,-. . I-MG RAFTERS () -ii. I —070 x • t,, ,_ 0 b i 2 (FREE 61-90(. 0051.FT. BEDROOM Lt 14FX4-9 (- - -• '.' 01 d 0 mA KANN / .1 -,--",.. T-2- WALL _ ,o , ,e rt. ; 1 FAVI l54 50.FT. I; - ' . .- - - - - - - -.7. - - - - - - -4 - - - 4SI.......7..= ')'. 49=..../ b -\-1 \—' o -,k• .-. 0 ,X 52. (2) Dli eye' tztta,r0 ... ,,... 32' X 10" RD 06-0 (2)13/4- X 0 0 (2°).13/4- 0:-2-C7 X DOSTVG AM W/2 6 05 tv =,.. 7 1/4. LYt. p 710'Ln 71PF LVL SIVEYANITY TO MAKE \ \ ----7 640- WALL NEIGI0 0041 FOR NEW W1606 0 11 52. X 4WD 1 X40016 5211 X44' PH 66-0 \ \ 6 0 - 5 . 6. - 9 - Kr 9 3.- 2 1/.2* 0 5- 219. I -IP -O 5 6' - O. / / , / 5D 2 0 14.- 0 22- r / / 55 1- Floor O Second ":-.' 1/4" = 1.-0" OF EDINA CITY LUND ADDITION SEP 1 0 2021 Second Floor Plan Project number Project Number Date 06/03/2021 Drawn by SWK PLANNING DEPARTMENT Checked by Checker 2 A5 g 1:1 e6 Scale 1/4" = 1'-0" K• 1)• 5• 612-483-4593 C 3 1_,..---- n n ARLIVECTURAL 51-0a3lE 5 LE A WATER 5HELD (...,....-- 72 056 ROOF SWAIM* ENGtEERED ROOF TRUSS 024. OD. 0 n 0 ui n iposinivitivv••••••ApipirripripyvvpipirimplIPPA 1111•911111111,•“%-0..,, _AIX CHXE-5 (1111 Second Floor Ceiling _ ‘wfilteik. 5 PALE Al \IA, MN 55 118' - 2" LYL SEAM 1r--- " a ► VAPOR BARRIER . .44 kit;),•9 . ' V2 GYPSUM WALLBOARD (2)2 X 6 Tor nem 12 HALL WIC. 111 . " • 2,t) VT GYE51.61 WAIDOARD - : BOARD 4 BATTEN **MERU, ROOF 101155 PM) OL. 6 ML ray VMOT, BARRIER : AR BARRIER ... 9.,• a ai R-21 BATT INSULADON S VW 056 WALL SHEAF)** r f ••• • • : . ¨ (2) SW 7 6_ 0 056 51113FLOOR GLUED A HALE* .¨ 0 • .. 2 X6 BOTTOM PLATE . • S . 1,-..—. a _ _ — (.9 Seco110'-nd Floor _ 13' ROOK TRUD5 In 1-11 pigh Kitchen Ceiling/ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,VP,,,,IPttiPtVP,,,,VPIPIPIP•IP,t,, II} 09' .... — 4 dm Entry Ceiling -. 8 LVL RUSH SEAM \\-----__ R-20 6511E VA RUSH BEAM WI 108' - 6" .., II ill ADD 20 4 FLATE TO EXIST013 GARAGE WALL ADD 2 X 4 DIA1ITO 510' FTRECOVE ROCK EMIT* GARAGE WALL 1r No. Description Date TOF OF STAIR LHON* - ill - - _ _ _-- EM5** SEAJFe* WALL GARAGE ill Al 4 <gh.!n,, _ Th6 r,y . Q.) .1 E o n o t 0, , — — 32021 9:38:24 AM ak Garage Floo/ i • 411-1 99' - 4" III p•—• ,—. III ..—. ill ill LUND ADDITION Building Section • Project number Project Number Date _ 06/03/2021 i SWK Checked by Checker A6 Scale 1/2". 1.-0" 1 0 Z 0L ' .• MI cITY OF EDINA i /TN Section 1 O/2 SEP DEPART'4.tIV PLANNING I0 Project number Project Number Date 09/08/2021 SINK Drawn by Checker Checked by CITY OF EDINA SEP 1 0 2021 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 9/8/2021 3:42:48 PM No. Date Description LUND ADDITION Rendering R1 Scale K.D.S. 612-483-4593 / road reconstruction line 34.7ft min setback of bldg X 945.715 X 945616 X 945.696 1N3 1 0 X 946.756 X 946.060 1,742 X 935.130 L0 X 944.416 X 939290 - OR in t toi X 944.765 X 944263 X 944.566 Oft 20ft 40ft 60ft Fee l, ScaLe NOTES 1, OBSERVED UTILITIES ARE SHOWN ALL OTHER UTILITIES ARE NOT SHOWN 2. MARKINGS FOR 811 UNDERGROUND UTILITY LOCATE ARE NOT SHOWN 3. THIS SITE WAS LAST OBSERVED ON SEPTEMBER 8, 2021, 4. LINE BEARINGS ARE ASSUMED RELATIVE 5. CONTOUR LINES AND ELEVATIONS ARE ON NGVD1929 DATUM 6. PIN MONUMENT CONTROL POINTS SET AND STAMPED RLS 23266 0 7. IRON PIN MONUMENT FOUND 9. ALL EXISTING DRAINAGE TO REMAIN AS SAME 11. EXISTING SPOT ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN 12. ALL EXISTING SITE ELEVATIONS TO REMAIN AS SAME 13. ALL BUILDING FOOTPRINT TO REMAIN AS SAME 4. 932.422 934.482 X 936 318 X 938.356 \C) a•OP •••.` •• "isma ••••• X 940.007 'qr.... PERVIOUS STEPS C_ X 931.789 LLI X 936.655 45.346 x X 939.956 X 942.496 C. X 939224 6 606 1. 0 csi X 445.9137 4 4. 4. 4- + 1- ./. „. 1- 4SIDHALif DRIVEW I- 1- + 4. -i- -i- + 41.37 ▪ 1- X ▪ 945499 , . z * 435-.04. -4. - CX 945676 O 17% X 931.905 chain link fencing S89'56'11"E 175.58ft fence corner on lot line-/ LEGAL DESCRIPTI -\ Pill 3311721230077 MELODY KNOLLS 6TH ADDITION LOT 2, BLOCK 3 xx According to Hennepin County Property and Tax Records 933.392 All easements recorded or unrecorded, If any, are not shown. fence corner on lot line X 940.593 X 945.771 41111111 0 X 946.562 / chain link fencing 127.29ft x 945176 N89'08'19"E X 935641 X 937.572 946.176 X X19$9`509 35.4ft min setback of bldg 1943718 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY, PLAN, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. NAME. JAMES MICHAEL BRIDELL, R.L.S. SIGNATURE DATE SEPT10,2021 Professional Land Surveyor, Minnesota License No. 23266 Firm Name. State Engineering & Surveying Company. This certification is limited to SITE PLAN 2nd FLOOR BLDG ADDN UNAUTHORIZED COPIES This certified signed document is hereby revoked for unauthorized copies. Vhen this docunent Is In possession of persons/partles other Than customer, authorized agent, or approved others, It Is hereby revoked. Do not rely on unauthorized copies, "Inch nay be fraudulent, incorrect, erroneous, misleacing or with important and relevant Information omitted. This document Is copyrighted, intended for customer's use for specific purpose herein stated. CITY OF EDINA SEP 1 0 2.021 PLANNING DEPARTMENT MI IN I= (under reconstructgoin) X 946 545 X 947256 34.4ft X 947.087 X 947366 LOW RETAINER WALL 0 X 944.150 0_ E 1 I X 944.4D X 943.798 GARAGE p 2 L. fTl X 946507 oe, 00e. x„e., Jia4e)) Ci'.> 5709 MCGUIRE ROAD EDINA MN 55939 952-859-9002 www. state-engineexing.com PREPARED FOR MICHAEL LUND 5608 DALE AVE EDINA MN 55436 SITE LOCATION 5608 DALE AVE EDINA MN 55436 r"- - Job Number 2021341 2nd FLOOR BUILDING ADDITION SITE PLAN IMPERVIOUS AREAS Soft percent TOTAL LOT 11898 100.00 PLAN AREAS 0 0 EXISTING AREAS EXISTING BUILDING 2078 17,47 DRIVEWAY 0702 05.90 PATIO X2 0382 03.21 SLABS+STOOP1 0422 03.55 EX TOTAL WITH DRIVEWAY 3584 30.12 EX TOTAL W/O DRIVEWAY 2882 24.22 GENERAL NOTES: 1. ALL DOOR AND WINDOW HEADERS TO BE S.P.F. #2 OR BETTER, SEE PLANS FOR SIZES 2. BUILDING WILL DE BUILT PER CURRENT1.R.0 CODES r• • P• S. 3. VERIFY GRADES AND ADJUST FOUNDATION/ FOOTING STEPS AS NEEDED. 612-483-4593 4. CMU FDN. WALLS PER PLAN. 5. FLOOR PLAN DIMENSIONS ARE TO FACE OF SHEATHING AND FOUNDATION 4,0•“k 6. ALL TRADES & SUPPLIERS TO REVIEW & ,-----"" ARCH SMG 4 dig 16 1 \ M • VERIFY INFORMATION PERTINENT TO THEIR "...„-- ,5,ciTN,Ve+GAL ,c,sEnhicornm ez , .semmems•Emsele. 617 6 ______ ir k n co WORK AND NOTIFY CONTRACTOR OF ANY li 2 Second Floor Ceilint_l_pi laid I -T18' - 2" •-.1. DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. It* MIMEO ME 1-11 7. TRADES TO VERIFY BASE AND TRIM SIZE OW All EM, AM MO IMI• NMI OMNI MEMO Mk 'MN I I UP' /Mb MN MO mmmmm MIMI UM& NUI MM.. -16 PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. I r AIMMI /MEM IBEN ,... EMIII. ›- .‘--Hr.., DOM, & BATTU' , L Af.M.B. ....... ,.......1 I MA M. In. , S. ALL WALLS MORE THAN10' H. TO BE S.P.F. AWN.. .. ••• .... ... SSSS. EMMEN ...•.... < LK ) J L J #2 OR BETTER. Nisi 14 Lc) 9. EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS ARE CONCEPTUAL ONLY: olo/m I kilt Second Fkn- ph \-11 i icy - 3 -11' HOME SITE, FILL AND TOPOGRAPHY WILL DICTATE „,,..„- ARCHTEC1VRAL %INGLE --------1 MT a •.... Z 111•M-1 IMMII•••••• INIMENIMINNI IMO lichen Celli -1 ACTUAL GRADES AND MAY VARY FROM THOSE inl 111111•MMIIIII IMMINI ..... 109' - r .......... 1111 111•161111110MMI IMEMB Ent Ceilint SHOWN ON THE PLAN. i , • 0 • 0 • HIM= INININIMIN• MEMNI•111•11 MIME 'MI 5HAKE5TONIAICH 10. NOTE: SUI3FLOOR JOINTS SHALL BE STAGGERED EX6T110 . MI GL GL5 54 a GL5 GL5 GL5 cA5 as - • moaner NOMINEE MEM romommeavalMI MINIMUM EINEM IIIII•E 108' -6" letTh1 , . ••••• IMMUNE BEIM MEMOIMIIIIMBI 1•111•••••1 MEM • SIMMS ., FROM FLOOR TRUSS OR JOISTS JOINTS. . MIMEO 111•611 MMOMMININ MIME I EMOOMMI i.•..., ...... 11. NOTE: WINDOW FALL PROTECTION PER R312.1 • . \ • n ...... mum ••••• I 7. • kitchen ME /i . . ) J. . -mi. _ 6" •-w • some • ..n C) Gar lot,n..to__7_,,H GENERAL EXTERIOR NOTES: astftL. 1_11 1. ALL EXTERIOR TRIM TO BE FLASHED PER CODE. r,-, \ East "zi 1/4" = V-0" 2. SUPPLY DRIPCAPS ON WINDOWS AND DOORS. 3. SUPPLY SEPARATION BETWEEN WOOD, COMPOSITE WOOD AND ANY OTHER WOOD MATERIAL PER SPEC. 4. GRADE CONDITIONS MAY VARY ON SITE LC) 5. PROVIDE ROOF AND SOFFIT VENTS PER IRC CODE No. Description Date REGULATIONS 6. ALL FURNACE FLUES, PLUMBING VENTS, FIREPLACE CITY OF EDINA VENTS AND OTHER PENETRATIONS THROUGH ROOF 511TGLE --I ORWALLS TO EXTEND THROUGH REAR OF HOME ARCHTECIIMAL 5FOIGLE APCHTECTURAL (.._ 1 SEP 0 ?021 WHENEVER POSSIBLE. 111 11 / 7. ALL PENETRATIONS THROUGH EXTERIOR WALLS .......... •110•10IMIN WAWA nMINNIMESIMMIIIMI IMMEMIN••••••5.•1 OR ROOFING BE AND FLASHED MUST SEALED IMINIMMIIII MONIMMIll IMMUNE! •••••••••11INIU 0•••••••••11110101 PLANNING DEPARTME.':T -11•111--.1 .......... IMMIIIMMI IMENOMMENNIMMIMIMOI.. 12 INIMIIMIIIII MINIMM•1 EMMEN M•11111MEMIIIMINIMb. IMMIEMMINENNIMENIMIlb, 0 PER MANF. SPECIFICATIONS AND RC CODE ME•1111MEMO OMNI/MIME 1 IMINE IIIIINIMMINIMIEMBOINWIllb. IMINNAIN I USW ===_ NAM REGULATIONS IMISSIMIWNIMENIIIMMIIIIINIMINNEIRMN •••••• IMEN••••••••- -"•1111MBEIMENNOINIIMINMEMIS b.. 6.1=111111MEN •••••••••••••n•••••11111•1•••••••• -..6•1b.. -.1•111111MMEMMINIMINIMMI h., INIBMEM11•11•• OMMEN INIIIIMME•11111••••••••••••••••••••••••." -.11•IIMMalIMIIMMIIM IMENIIIIMIN MENIBUIMIII•11100.- -..61••••••.- 111•11•11111•1•WM., --.11116_,WINIMMIN 1111•••••111 •••••••••••••••111•WW.' _moill•••••••••••••••••- -,•;••••••111 11••••••••• NIIMNIMM•111•••••••••••••••••- MEM •••••••111•11 MIS, -.••••111••••••••••••••11b..- "••••••• -.NIMME•111101111•11MMEIBINEMIIIMEMOININ, ...IMO' •11161MINMEM 111111.1•••••ENI OINE•B NIM••••••••111•16/0.- IIIIM•••••- _a6MMIIIIMIMMIIMMINIMMIIMMIMEME•••••••••1••._ -.MI 01MMEMBIWOOMM•MBIIME•11111MMENBMISIMOIMM•MMEb..- MMINIMMII•IIIMM••••••••" ....11011•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••IMMI .....•......•.......... OMMEMNI• ......•.... 1 oiNtrAWAVAPJAVS4 mmonsommonamossmumm ME111••••1 OMENIIIIIMII ••111111•IMMIIIMIIIIMEME•1 11•61•11IMMOIIIME••111111111 IIMM•111•MINNIIMMEMMIMI MIUM••••••••••••• • • IMME•11001 •116•111•111 MENIIIMEMIII •IMI1EMIIIIIIIIIIMME1111•I IN•IIMEMMINMENIIIMEMON IMME•1.•••••11•IIIMMI • • IMINNIIMM•101 111EIMIIMME nIIMENBOIMEMINIMMEMINI •MMIIMENIIIIMIIIIMIIIIMINNOMIIII • INSIMMEIROM IIMMIN 1111111•••••• 1•••••••••••••••• INIONINIMMEMMMIIIIMES • MEMMAIMINI IIIMIZEMINIII ........... IIIIIIIMMEMIONIMMIEWI NOMMIIMMIIIMMOOMMENIIIMI .BOMMIIIII IMMOOMENNEN MINIMMINIIIMMIMIIIMMIIIMIll 111111••••••••••••••• • • IONIIIIMMENII IIONIBBNIIMIMMENWIMMI 111111•••••••••••••11 • • LUND IN • /1 i 1 (I a M III MI ADDITION ?1 1 I IN O North Elevations 1/4" = 1 -0 Project number Project Number Date 06/03/2021 Drawn by SWK Checked by Checker 2 Al Q.,.. e6 Scale 1/4" = 1'-0" 0 S Kb P 5 • • AlOWECIVRAL 51**LE --------'r • Window Schedule 6 17 //Size Number Width Count Comments ceiling 612-483-4593 Height g54._g;o1Floor 1 i ,o p, 1 ) A\ ir\ 1 =MAW ......... I 'IMISMATEN. ............. I MEN J ICI. , 'N • -7Ur 1 5' - 0" 4' - 8" 2 (2) Double Hung IMEM11•11ME , 2 5' - 0" 5' - 0" 2 (2) Double Hung A 55.TAII RAMO 3 5' - 0" 4' - 0" 2 (2) Double Hung 4 3' - 4" 4' - 0" 1 (2) Casement i = cs 3 - cc), Q54 .1 ef.ol.Floor 5 3' -10" 5' - 0" 1 (2) Casement 6., K 09 itchen Ceiling 7 6 7' - 0" 4' - 4" 1 (2) Double Hung lUry 1' 1 1 /— Qi, mrring 7 2' - 8" 1' - 6" 2 Fixed Ill 8 2' - 8" 4' - 0" 3 Double Hung 9 3' - 0" 4' - 0" 1 Double Hung < ' 1 (-\" 10 3' - 6" 4' - 0" 2 (2) Double Hung . ss, IA .1 1-1-1 11 3' - 0" 1' - 6" 2 Fixed ,21-11P!r1. I A 12 2' 6" - 4' 4" - 2 Double Hung ..__I Entry Q' c7 am Garage Floor / < > 111-/ 99' - 4" .6- \ West (-- '-!-) CO 7- CI) CD Lc) u-1 5 ARCHIECIVRAL 5141•GLE 2 ...- BOW &13.11TEN No. Description Date 51".. I I 2 1•1 -..1 5 111 . . •-- iiilf; Ili .7,1 Ablif MN NM RIM 11•2! APX5T 50,9T Krill 56. TAU. Mt* iSf, mil °m1i06ac" E°5"G _II I' KW dvr.luiEt Nliviii,i,i,i, NM ... WEN ... 1 m.11111111 115111111111 411MMI 'WO MMM ,... mum! ull .. .....1 CITY OF EDINA ill i i ) II T2 Et ',II , s bbs. WEJNIIIIKEKOZWERN. ;-' SEP 1 0 2021 ( ,' ‘‘, 1 5=TOMATH 1 /)ilifliii16111111111 i 1 ''' PLANNING DEPARTMENT r y 1 , tif,'/: Al, , , r, M 1/I rl, . South LUND Vzi 1/4" = 1.-0" ADDITION Elevations/Window Schedule Project number Project Number Dote 06/03/2021 Drawn by SVVK Checked by Checker dfk:2 oi Scale 1/4" = 1'-0" c g 0 Li id BRACED WALL NOTES: BRACED WALL PANEL UPLIFT LOAD PATH: 0, 9.,•z. P I ZZ- 0 / .• P.5 . 4.-0 Ye ' 9 4' 0 1. ALL WALLS DESIGNED PER METHOD 1. BRACED WALL PANELS LOCATED AT EXTERIOR WALLS THAT MO, It. I /'TY1=4 V= =‘-',1 Nc- '..c SUPPORT ROOF RAFTERS OR "67,r" \ \ CS-WSP OF THE 2020 MN CODE. TRUSSES (INCLUDING STORIES --t \ \ \ \ II L *-V Ivo 2 ALL EXTERIOR WALLS ARE TO BE BELOW TOP STORY) SHALL HAVE THE FRAMING MEMBERS CONTINUOUSLY SHEATHED WITH A CONNECTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH: D LAVORY , if THE NET UPLIFT VALUE AT THE TOP . MIN. 3/8" THICK WOOD PANEL -WHERE OF A WALL EXCEEDS 100 PLF, INSTALLING ° 612-483-4593 3. CONNECTION OF WOOD PANEL TO k, DN STUDS SHALL BE MIN. 8D COMMON APPROVED UPLIFT FRAMING CONNECTORS e, 1. TO PROVIDE A CONTINUOUS LOAD PATH NAILS, 6" O.C. AT EDGES & 12" O.C. 2650X AT FIELD OF WOOD PANEL. FROM THE TOP OF THE WALL TO THE 'i. 4. STRUCTURAL PANELS FOUNDATION OR TO A POINT WHERE THE CLOSET Set * e (BRACED - \-- 904 - WALLS) SHALL BE LOCATED AT UPLIFT FORCE IS 100 PLF OR LESS. THE NET d ...__ ----, --- -----, , z------.7,- EACH END & AT LEAST EVERY UPLIFT VALUE SHALL BE AS DETERMINED b - 4,- -.- 7 , I 20 BETWEEN PANELS. BY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: 1.1 THE BASIC WIND SPEED DOES NOT EXCEED es" I _ 5. EXTERIOR BRACED WALL LINES :,-, 1,t DEDR001 , PA/R5ERY SHALL HAVE A BRACED WALL 90 MPH, THE WIND EXPOSURE CATEGORY PANEL AT EACH END OF THE IS 13, THE ROOF PITCH 15 5/12 OR GREATER h - 1 .'.4- wic *5° 11-1 LC) e: , BRACED WALL LINE, EXCEPT FOR, AND THE ROOF SPAN IS 32' OR LESS - — / „.„,_. WALL PANELS ARE (OR) -BRACED N-- = - 92/ \ c _ .17147) PERMITTED TO BEGIN NO MORE t - BATH IL-/ 901 - - - _ _ , ,-, - ..-- 0.,---=--. _.=--._ -„ i t--..\""' THAN 10' FROM EACH END OF THE 1.2 THE NET UPLIFT VALUE AT THE TOP OF .. -- \ 1 59 -4 A WALL DOES NOT EXCEED 100 PLF. THE - 11 ) BRACED WALL LINE PROVIDED I iry.7., 1-1-1 THAT A 24" PANEL MATCHING NET UPLIFT SHALL BE DETERMINED IN I- 1 01111 ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION R802.11 h I3A = _1 TABLE TABLE R60210.7 IS APPLIED -THE END OF EACH BRACED WALL AND SHALL BE PERMITTED TO DE REDUCED 0 PEmocm BY 60 PLF. FOR EACH FULL ABOVE "g;.1." = -, -, ...,/ EZ PANEL CLOSEST TO THE CORNER SHALL HAVE A TIE DOWN DEVICE 2. WHERE THE UPLIFT FORCE DOES NOT EXCEED 200 POUNDS, \ I . a- 1.--/---// I / RAFTERS AND TRUSSES SPACED NOT MORE THAN 24 INCHES 4) \ FASTENED TO THE STUD AT THE ON CENTER SHALL BE PERMITTED TO BE ATTACHED TO THEIR 4.- CY IS-C, 9 - 0 Z V \ \ EDGE OF THE BRACED WALL PANEL CLOSEST TO THE CORNER AND TO SUPPORTING WALL ASSEMBLIES IN ACCORDANCE WITH T ,,, - 2-W „ / rrtz cs•sr ;TAW TABLE R602.3(1) ST - V 63 z THE FOUNDATION OR FRAMING BELOW. THE TIE DOWN DEVICE C N %—• SHALL BE CAPABLE OF PROVIDING AN UPLIFT ALLOWABLE DESIGN \-1 WALL PANEL TO STUDS: no Second Floor Braced Wall VALUE OF AT LEAST 1800 LBS. ,-.1.1 3/16” =1.-0" 1-11 THE TIE-DOWN DEVICE BE INSTALLED ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANF. CONNECTION OF WOOD PANEL TO STUDS SHALL DE MIN. 6D RECOMMENDATIONS. COMMON NAILS, 6" O.C. AT EDGES & 12" O.C. AT FIELD OF 6. INTERIOR BRACED WALL LINES SHALL BE WOOD PANEL. DESIGNED/BUILT PER INTERMITTENT 5s•-r / / ID METHOD 'GB" Jf 5' 2r-0 -MIN. 1/2" GYPSUM BOARD APPLIED TO 9-100 - / / EACH SIDE OF 2X4 OR 2X6 STUD WALL 25 IVa' / // No. Description Date q 616" O.C. SPACING OF STUDS W/DOUBLE N-4- 1 I TOP PLATE AND SINGLE BIM. >, r 11'r - - - - A i- RAFTER OR ROOF TRUSSES >, i n • -ATTACH GYPSUM TO STUDS W/1-1/4" TO PLATE, TOE NAI L >, J ► • K NJ- SCREWS W OR 5), T. O.C. AT EDGE (TYPE & r O.C. AT FIELD. > x „v. ...AI 4 '' MINIMUM (3)162 BOX NAILS OR (3)10D COMMON NAILS. >, xk - - is 7. (PERPENDICULAR WALL/FLOOR) (2) TOE NAILS ON ONE SIDE AND (1) TOE NAIL ON r . - - -4 9 i ALL FLOOR SYSTEMS BETWEEN BRACED >, x tm d, OPPOSITE SIDE OF EACH RAFTER OR TRUSS. (MANF. > x 2 WALL PANELS TO HAVE A MIN. 2X4 TOP & METAL CONNECTORS MAY BE SUBSTITUTED, VERIFY >f f< t: f ' BOTTOM BLOCKING BOARD PARALLEL TO DETAILS). W/MANF. x a BRACED WALL PANELS W?MIN. NAILS. ), L - —14p-•- - e • -• \ (3)16D >5 7 .•.•4 r,. .41.4.••••••&_••& . ATTACHING BOTTOM/TOP OF BRACED PANEL >, L PLATE TO FLOOR SYSTEM AT BRACED ), PANEL WIDTH ONLY. 2X4 BLOCKING TO BE x 8 SET BETWEEN FLOOR SYSTEM MEMBERS. OF EDINA Ii. _i t CITY SOLID RIM MAY BE USED. t X >, X ‘0 i 8. (PERPENDICULAR WALL/ROOF) x ,c,! APPLY 2X SOLID BLOCKING BETWEEN ROOF x Cl SEP 1 0 2021 >, UPIEZCAYA150 UPETAYATED SYSTEM MEMBERS OVER BRACED WALL x FORM PANELS WI8D NAILS AT 6" O.C. ALONG LENGTH OF BRACED WALL PANELS WHEN >< Z x to > x - 0 L " HEEL 15 15.25" OR LESS (FIGURE 3, REFER PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO FIG. #4 WHEN OVER 15.25") 9. NOTE: NOTES 7 & 8 ABOVE APPLY TO x x MECKWCAL I LUND PERPENDICULAR FRAMING, WHEN x fiTH ADDITION PARALLEL FLOORS/ROOF SYSTEMS ARE x L -I PRESENT, THE FLOOR/ROOF SYSTEM 15 )4 Braced Wall/Basemen t TO HAVE BLOCKING MATERIAL ALLOWING L.-- 21_ L'' ZI‘ll rY_ _s ,X I f-) xxx xxx N__uxxxxxxx xxx;'/; 1, • Plan FOR NAILING OF BRACED WALL PANEL. INTO SYSTEM ABOVE/BELOW SAID WALL (FIGURE 6) Project number Project Number 22-0 9-C, 2z-r Date 06/03/2021 / / r Drawn by Author / / Checked by Checker 0 Bwalsren1!..0„ A3 0, Scale 3/16" =1'-0" c S FRAMING NOTES: 1. ALL EXTERIOR WALLS TO BE 16" O.C. WITH A DOUBLE TOP PLATE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED 2. WALL FRAMING SHALL DE S.P.F. STUD GRADE OR BETTER UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE (U.N.0). 3. ALL HEADERS SHALL DE PER PLAN. 4. ALL EXTERIOR HEADERS SHALL HAVE (1) 2X6 I< \ • • 5 . BEARING STUD& (1) 2X6 FULL HEIGHT KING STUD ON EACH SIDE U.N.O. (REVIEW PLANS) 5. ALL INTERNAL HEADERS & SEAMS SHALL HAVE 612-483-4593 (1) 2X6 OR (1) 2X4 BEARING STUD ON EACH SIDE 6. EXTERIOR SHEATHING SHALL BE 7/16" 05B WALL SHEATHING C> 7. HEADER SIZES ARE TO BE USED PER PLAN AND DEVIATION FROM ANY SIZE MUST DE APPROVED BY 5t-5 2r-D' ......._ 4. DESIGNERS . N 7 TT 4- 9¨ / T-0 T-7 • S. PRESSURE TREATED WOOD 15 TO BE USED WHERE WOOD IS IN CONTACT WITH CONCRETE AND AT 2X6 1" U) 0 0 0 MUD SILL. TREATED MEMBERS TO DE S.Y.P. #2 OR = EMIR* WALL "•yxrajcsmr. r '' \ illn BETTER. t I=1 WY WALL 9. FOR OPENINGS IN EXTERIOR WALLS (OR WALLS W/ LATERAL LOADING: 50/ te 0 9. .7 in EAT X;:a(?) PH CO =2)1711 -..\'S 51,0RE /CARBON 14745/ME ii "4 ----p-7---------4,--' E u. .°4 A. 0-0" - 4'-0" = 1JACK STUD DETECTOR ,r, . ' '11 < ' 1 ,-..," B. 4-0" - Ei-C' = 2 JACK STUDS 9 . LVL ADO& C. 6-0" -12'-0" = 3 JACK STUDS ss a.; , § EMILY ROOM Li i D. GREATER THAN12 ' = CONSULT ENG. o 4,---i' o 11-1 3 Lk/GROW ^ Z `.." k. I. , -1 INSULATION: NEW wen n 1Z- 6- 5- 4 V2' V 7 7-2 V4. V -1,14. 1 ----- 1. ALL EXTERIOR WALL TO HAVE A MIN. RATING ey\ ' Et ..P OFR-21 ===- -N--- g g I.\ in 2. ALL ATTIC SPACES ARE TO HAVE A MIN. RATING OF R-49 3. ALL FLOOR SPACES OVER UNCONDITIONED Y D510 1935T1HOW Ail AID REFLICEW/LVL ABOVE 1,;-) q $ I, -----'' 0 C1 -) SPACE OR CANTILEVERED ARE TO DE INSULATED 8 -\- 50/ k u'Q' 7: a *Chi 01 TO MIN R-30. s's --,,, 0) fl o, b t K g I t t- IF 0 ? ,,, .- SHEETROCK/GYPSUM130ARD -) 11 4---- RF rs. ...1 1. ALL CEILINGS ARE TO HAVE1/2" NON -SAG , e § . § mot z_v_ __ 4 , I > GYPSUM BOARD UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. i GARAGE ' i 2. ALL WALLS ARE TO HAVE1/2" GYPSUM BOARD t_s. 4, ( UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. • <.. ' r 1 0. 0 -1-- -\- g b / 6 -7 V2' 2 4 V'S c1 0 No. Description Date K \ DOORS & WINDOWS: 7- 7 v 17 - 7 V2. ENTRY 50 OFFEE _ ® / in LVL /ROE 1. ALL WINDOWS AND DOORS TO DE DOUBLE PANE - `? ..D GLASS PANELS WITH LOW E-RATINGS. -IfT 111- 506Z‘ b k.'• III %CY X 70.0vERMAD GARAGED= 2. ANY WINDOW WITHIN 24" OF A DOOR SWING .1 47b. 73 III 3 b 9 C r C pw AL r MUST DE TEMPERED PER CODE ,-s.c--F . . L--, 60% 56* (2)0/1. r 60 0 56' (2)PH .----IN l TKr1 ! I OTK7 3. ANY WINDOW ABOVE A TUB/WET AREA MUST DE * '' •-•-... , TEMPERED PER CODE 1,1) 0 4. ANY WINDOW WITHIN A STAIRWAY MUST DE It- 0' IT-0 5 -LI+ 5' -10 10 -5. 5-KT Jr -0' / 22-r / TEMPERED PER CODE / 5. WINDOW GLAZING MUST DE AT LEAST 15" A.F.F. WHEN WINDOW IS ABOVE 6' FROM GRADE IF WITHIN 15" WINDOW MUST DE TEMPERED. a) Entry 6. ":-/ 1/4" =1'-0" ALL BEDROOMS TO HAVE AT LEAST ONE WINDOW THAT HAS A CLEAR EGRESS OPENING OF 5.7 SQ. FT. WITH MIN. DIMENSIONS OF 24" IN HEIGHT AND 20" IN WIDTH, SILL HEIGHT NOT TO DE GREATER THAN 14" A.F.F. 7. WINDOWS WITH SILLS WITHIN 3' OF THE FLOOR THEY SERVE AND ARE 72" ABOVE GRADE MUST EITHER HAVE A FALL PREVENTION OR OPENING LIMITER DEVICE PER CODE CITY OF EDINA LUND ADDITION MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL: SEP 1 0 2021 1. ALL ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT TO DE VERIFIED AND INSTALLED PER CODE BY First Floor Plan APPROVED TRADES AND INSTALLERS. PLANNING DEPARTMENT project flambee Project Number 2. HVAC CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY LAYOUT FOR Date 06/03/2021 DUCT-RUNS BEFORE INSTALLATION. IF MODIFICATION Maven by SWK IS REQUIRED, REPORT INFORMATION/CHANGES TO Checked by Checker CONTRACTOR. A4 Scale 1/4" = 1'-0" K.D.S. 612-483-4593 . n 0 9.1„, 09 r / ..-, 2r-6 yr / u1 Lc) / / / 6.- 0, r 9 - r 7,9W 9- 6 / \ \ / / /›'" 1 r.\-. 'k .,. . \ m \\ \ \\ NI Al \1. 1 Al \1 \,, I le \ 1\1 \111\1 Al \11,1411r1 41 1,2' WAIL IF/31-ri • , 1 r•\" • Us .) \ ;4- M. XIX FXD. LAWRY \ 06--9- 2 10 (2) X losarr Z .._.1 SE, Tr MP LVL SEAM 09-4 ti k11/12 DN ;4- 46 < 0 Ks0 112WCY ALL \ . io ) ?) 0 . \ • \ - _____ 2660 a .---- EAM MCAT FOR WOE_ \. ,.._ Y. 7-611" 8.-5vr 1,.. l SO/ 4•4 -, ;I- CLOSET 20 541. FT. " LILCM 3 MM • \ \ 2660 ---".. .../,..-/--=---. 42- 54DE 42 ' C) -------- 6-0"X 6-0- SL S rATIMIO .'-- DOOR 42) 2 X10 5416.6 A 14.00 -. -../?-00--./Ars010. R60.IDE - 06- 0- (Th, ,. ... .„ .F. M. 6674400114 3 2660 I-. 0 LU ..,,,_ \ h .. SEIESEXY 71 in e vo5O.FT. § 0 N 7-110E1140 .....--. I DOLT -71 .., V14, L; _ 06 Safi. - 5 - sr 10450. FT. SD r-r 4. 9-J' 0 in 5' r '. 13 Y , ^ i 2460 S060 . 4,.• .,...as h ---- i 4'4 . , F.P.F 1 rKT. sr'. tEW LLI 260, ..4•a_.•s• 544/ \ 4060 In 1 FFW, k.' II BEM 7n ,...C14 .--" 0 0 K _ -I V, V • s SHELF 6. E00 : 0 t:., '? No. Description Date •---- a OATH ; 246,, .c..-e--7 -.•-e-•,..--.6- Ara..,-...,ece c.---, . g ..- sr il 140 50 FT. , X04.4 7,1. ---,............. 2460 SHELF 6. ROO 1 ..--- sr • L--J 0 SP 1Z -]VZ MIlza-f\. r - 4. 5-6' 5 - 6 52" Ns. X . :-. ..... t4 fujr 1 4 g E 11 )FAN • _-I A- \ . —ice.. ,-. . I-MG RAFTERS () -ii. I —070 x • t,, ,_ 0 b i 2 (FREE 61-90(. 0051.FT. BEDROOM Lt 14FX4-9 (- - -• '.' 01 d 0 mA KANN / .1 -,--",.. T-2- WALL _ ,o , ,e rt. ; 1 FAVI l54 50.FT. I; - ' . .- - - - - - - -.7. - - - - - - -4 - - - 4SI.......7..= ')'. 49=..../ b -\-1 \—' o -,k• .-. 0 ,X 52. (2) Dli eye' tztta,r0 ... ,,... 32' X 10" RD 06-0 (2)13/4- X 0 0 (2°).13/4- 0:-2-C7 X DOSTVG AM W/2 6 05 tv =,.. 7 1/4. LYt. p 710'Ln 71PF LVL SIVEYANITY TO MAKE \ \ ----7 640- WALL NEIGI0 0041 FOR NEW W1606 0 11 52. X 4WD 1 X40016 5211 X44' PH 66-0 \ \ 6 0 - 5 . 6. - 9 - Kr 9 3.- 2 1/.2* 0 5- 219. I -IP -O 5 6' - O. / / , / 5D 2 0 14.- 0 22- r / / 55 1- Floor O Second ":-.' 1/4" = 1.-0" OF EDINA CITY LUND ADDITION SEP 1 0 2021 Second Floor Plan Project number Project Number Date 06/03/2021 Drawn by SWK PLANNING DEPARTMENT Checked by Checker 2 A5 g 1:1 e6 Scale 1/4" = 1'-0" K• 1)• 5• 612-483-4593 C 3 1_,..---- n n ARLIVECTURAL 51-0a3lE 5 LE A WATER 5HELD (...,....-- 72 056 ROOF SWAIM* ENGtEERED ROOF TRUSS 024. OD. 0 n 0 ui n iposinivitivv••••••ApipirripripyvvpipirimplIPPA 1111•911111111,•“%-0..,, _AIX CHXE-5 (1111 Second Floor Ceiling _ ‘wfilteik. 5 PALE Al \IA, MN 55 118' - 2" LYL SEAM 1r--- " a ► VAPOR BARRIER . .44 kit;),•9 . ' V2 GYPSUM WALLBOARD (2)2 X 6 Tor nem 12 HALL WIC. 111 . " • 2,t) VT GYE51.61 WAIDOARD - : BOARD 4 BATTEN **MERU, ROOF 101155 PM) OL. 6 ML ray VMOT, BARRIER : AR BARRIER ... 9.,• a ai R-21 BATT INSULADON S VW 056 WALL SHEAF)** r f ••• • • : . ¨ (2) SW 7 6_ 0 056 51113FLOOR GLUED A HALE* .¨ 0 • .. 2 X6 BOTTOM PLATE . • S . 1,-..—. a _ _ — (.9 Seco110'-nd Floor _ 13' ROOK TRUD5 In 1-11 pigh Kitchen Ceiling/ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,VP,,,,IPttiPtVP,,,,VPIPIPIP•IP,t,, II} 09' .... — 4 dm Entry Ceiling -. 8 LVL RUSH SEAM \\-----__ R-20 6511E VA RUSH BEAM WI 108' - 6" .., II ill ADD 20 4 FLATE TO EXIST013 GARAGE WALL ADD 2 X 4 DIA1ITO 510' FTRECOVE ROCK EMIT* GARAGE WALL 1r No. Description Date TOF OF STAIR LHON* - ill - - _ _ _-- EM5** SEAJFe* WALL GARAGE ill Al 4 <gh.!n,, _ Th6 r,y . Q.) .1 E o n o t 0, , — — 32021 9:38:24 AM ak Garage Floo/ i • 411-1 99' - 4" III p•—• ,—. III ..—. ill ill LUND ADDITION Building Section • Project number Project Number Date _ 06/03/2021 i SWK Checked by Checker A6 Scale 1/2". 1.-0" 1 0 Z 0L ' .• MI cITY OF EDINA i /TN Section 1 O/2 SEP DEPART'4.tIV PLANNING I0 Project number Project Number Date 09/08/2021 SINK Drawn by Checker Checked by CITY OF EDINA SEP 1 0 2021 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 9/8/2021 3:42:48 PM No. Date Description LUND ADDITION Rendering R1 Scale K.D.S. 612-483-4593 Survey Responses 30 January 2019 - 07 October 2021 Public Hearing Comments-5608 Dale Avenue Better Together Edina Project: Public Hearing: a 4.9-foot side yard setback variance for a second floor addition at 5608 Dale Avenue No Responses VISITORS 1 CONTRIBUTORS 0 RESPONSES 0 0 Registered 0 Unverified 0 Anonymous 0 Registered 0 Unverified 0 Anonymous Date: O c tober 13, 2021 Agenda Item #: VI I.B. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:C ary Teague, C ommunity Development Director Item Activity: Subject:Zoning O rdinanc e Amendment, R evis ed O verall Development P lan, S ite P lan R eview–7001 and 7025 F ranc e Avenue Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: R ecommend the C ity C ouncil approve the plans subject to the findings and conditions outlined in the staff report. I N TR O D U C TI O N: T he P lanning Commission is asked to consider a proposal for a Zoning Ordinance Amendment to revise the previously approved plans for this site (P U D -17) which was approved in J une of 2021. T he approved plans were to tear down the existing 66,200 square foot office and bank, and build the following: - A one-story, 24-foot tall 6,500 s.f. U S Bank with drive-through (P hase 1); - A 24-S tory, 282-foot tall 270-unit apartment with 5,000 s.f. of retail; - A 10-story, 146-foot tall, 190,000 s.f. office/retail building; and - A 9-story, 90-foot, 110-unit apartment building. T he revised plans have slightly reduced the size of the project by eliminating the 9-story apartment building to build the following: - A one-story, 24-foot tall 6,500 s.f. U S Bank with drive-through (P hase 1); - A 24-S tory, 270-foot tall 267-unit apartment with 1,500 s.f. of retail; - A 6-7-story, 105-foot tall, 189,430 s.f. office/retail building; and - An 8 level, freestanding 540-stall parking ramp with a 1,300 s.f bike facility T he request requires: - A Z oning O rdinance Amendment to revise the P U D -17 Zoning District; - An amendment to the O verall D evelopment P lan. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Planning Commission Staff Report Building Memo Location, Zoning and Comprehens ive Land Us e Plan AFO Review (Mic Johns on) Sustainability Questionnaire Updated Traffic and Parking Study Previous Traffic and Parking Study Applicant Narrative & Renderings 1 of 4 Applicant Narrative & Renderings 2 of 4 Applicant Narrative & Renderings 3 of 4 Applicant Narrative & Renderings 4 of 4 Proposed Plans (Prelim) 1 of 3 Proposed Plans (Prelim) 2 of 3 Proposed Plans (Prelim) 3 of 3 Previous ly Approved Plans Previous ly Approved Elevations Draft Ordinance Amendment Better Together Public Hearing Comment Report Engineering Review Memo Trans portation Review Memo Applicant Pres entation Applicant Video Pres entation The Planning Commission is asked to consider a proposal for a Zoning Ordinance Amendment to revise the previously approved plans for this site (PUD-17) which was approved in June of 2021. (See the attached approved plans.) The approved plans were to tear down the existing 66,200 square foot office and bank, and build the following: A one-story, 24-foot tall 6,500 s.f. US Bank with drive-through (Phase 1); A 24-Story, 282-foot tall 270-unit apartment with 5,000 s.f. of retail; A 10-story, 146-foot tall, 190,000 s.f. office/retail building; and A 9-story, 90-foot, 110-unit apartment building. The revised plans have slightly reduced the size of the project by eliminating the 9-story apartment building to build the following (See the attached approved plans.): A one-story, 24-foot tall 6,500 s.f. US Bank with drive-through (Phase 1-no changes proposed to the bank); A 24-Story, 270-foot tall 267-unit apartment with 1,500 s.f. of retail; A 6-7-story, 105-foot tall, 189,430 s.f. office/retail building; and An 8 level, freestanding 540-stall parking ramp with a 1,300 s.f bike facility The request requires: A Zoning Ordinance Amendment to revise the PUD-17 Zoning District; and An amendment to the Overall Development Plan. October 13, 2021 Planning Commission Cary Teague, Community Development Director Zoning Ordinance Amendment, Revised Overall Development Plan, Site Plan Review for a redevelopment project at 7001 and 7025 France Avenue Information / Background: STAFF REPORT Page 2 SUPPORTING INFORMATION Surrounding Land Uses Northerly: The Galleria shopping center; zoned PCD-3, Planned Commercial District, and guided CAC, Community Activity Center (90-150 units per acre). Easterly: Brandon Square Southdale shopping center; zoned PCD-3, Planned Commercial District and guided CAC, Community Activity Center (90-150 units per acre). Southerly: Shopping center; zoned PCD-3, Planned Commercial District and guided CAC, Community Activity Center (90-150 units per acre). Westerly: Commercial uses (Room and Board); zoned PCD-3, Planned Commercial District and PUD, Planned Unit Development and guided OR, Office Residential (20-75 units per acre). Existing Site Features The subject property is 5.8 acres in size, is relatively flat and contains an office building, bank, and large surface parking lot. Planning Guide Plan designation: CAC, Community Activity Center (90-150 units per acre). Zoning: PCD-3, Planned Commercial District Greater Southdale District Design Experience Guidelines - City Goals The development pattern is consistent with the previous plans and does attempt to address the Greater Southdale District Design Experience Guidelines. The following remain the highlights the proposal: The division of the property into smaller blocks and the provision of pedestrian and vehicle access and connections through the site to provide connections to adjacent properties to the east and south (comprises 26% of the entire site); No visible surface parking stalls from 70th or France Avenue; and creating public realm along France and 70th Street and along the internal streets. Mic Johnson, AFO, the City’s consultant on the Greater Southdale Area Vision Plan has reviewed the revised plans and has provided feedback. (See attached AFO review.) Note that Mic does not believe the project has adequately addressed the Guidelines to the extent that the previously approved plans did. The project no longer includes affordable housing in the development, the streetscape is less active due to more street level parking, including a parking ramp that does not contain any liner building, building materials don’t meet city code at street level and there is less building articulation, and the street typology on 70th Street has not been followed. STAFF REPORT Page 3 Parking Based on the proposal for 33,887 square feet of retail, and 155,543 square feet of office space, 780 spaces are required. The 267 total residential units require 267 spaces for parking. Total parking required is 1,085 stalls. The site plan demonstrates 1,112 enclosed stalls (1,135 if the bank is included): 540 stalls in the ramp on Site C; 128 stalls on Site B; and 444 stalls on Site A. Of the 444 stalls on Site A, 317 are designated for the residential uses. Wenck Associates updated the parking study and concluded the Institute of Traffic Engineers (ITE) and locally collected data project a peak parking demand of 695 spaces, and therefore, the proposed parking stalls would accommodate the expected parking demand. (See the previous and updated parking study.) Site Circulation/Traffic Primary vehicular access to the site would remain off France Avenue and 70th Street. Future pedestrian and vehicular access easements would be provided through the site to provide access to the properties to the east and south. This is consistent with the Design Experience Guidelines in the Greater Southdale Area. Pedestrian sidewalks would be provided through and around the perimeter of the site. Interior site circulation will be dramatically improved. Truck loading and unloading would be provided off Drew Avenue and 71st Street. There would be no loading or parking garage access on the newly proposed Ewing Avenue (north-south access road); this would be an improvement over the approved plans which had access to both parking ramps on both sides of the street. Wenck Associates did an update/review of the study done by Spack Consulting as part of the approved project (Spack Consulting no longer performs traffic studies) conducted a traffic study. (See the previous and updated traffic study.) The update concludes that the proposed project would generate 25-40% less traffic. The study further concludes that the northbound right turn lane on France Avenue at 70th Street is not needed in the short term. It may be needed in the future. Future traffic studies with each phase would help determine when that would be needed. The property owner would remain responsible to pay for the above improvements required per the traffic studies. Landscaping Based on the perimeter of the site, 51 overstory trees would be required. The applicant is proposing 79 overstory trees in the boulevards along the public-streets and the interior private-street. (See attached landscape plan.) A full complement of understory shrubs and bushes are proposed. Grading/Drainage/Utilities The city engineer has reviewed the proposed plans and found them to be acceptable subject to the comments and conditions outlined in their review memo. (See attached memo dated October 7, 2021.) STAFF REPORT Page 4 A Site Improvement Plan Agreement would be required for each final site plan approval. Any approvals of this project would be subject to review and approval of the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District, as they are the City’s review authority over the grading of the site. Buildings/Building Material The building materials would be a combination primarily glass, with metal panel and composite wood accents. (See attached renderings.) Final building plans would be required to meet the new City Code Section 36-618 as follows: a. All new front building façades in the district that face the public realm must have seventy five percent (75%) transparency (ability to see inside the building) at the ground level. b. All facades on the first vertical 60 feet of a building (above grade) shall use natural materials (brick, stone) facing the public realm (streets, parks, sidewalks). c. No building façade shall be longer than 200 feet without changing direction by a minimum of 90 degrees. d. First floors must have a minimum ceiling height of 20 feet. e. Exceptions may be made to a-d above for an affordable housing project that has over 50% of the units considered to affordable housing as defined in Section 36-612 (1). The proposed plans do not meet standards b and c above, and there is no affordable housing proposed within this development (e). Therefore, staff would recommend that these be made conditions of any approval. When the applicant comes back for final approvals on each phase, they would be required to meet the above standards. Both items B and C are highlighted in Mic Johnson, AFO review memo, dated October 1, 2021. (See attached.) Mechanical Equipment No mechanical equipment has been shown on the plans. Any rooftop and/or ground level equipment would have to be screened if visible from adjacent property lines. Final Plans must include location of mechanical equipment and the means of screening. No ground level mechanical equipment shall be located within the front yard of the development. Signage As with the previous approval, the signage allowed on the site would correspond to the use. The office uses would be subject to sign regulations of an office district; the retail uses would be subject to sign regulations of commercial districts; and the residential uses subject to the planned residential district. This is written into the PUD. Additionally, the proposed signage located above the main entrance on the corner of 70th and France has been written in as acceptable. Living Streets/Multi-Modal Consideration Sec. 36-1274. - Sidewalks, trails and bicycle facilities. STAFF REPORT Page 5 (a) In order to promote and provide safe and effective sidewalks and trails in the city and encourage the use of bicycles for recreation and transportation, the following improvements are required, as a condition of approval, on developments requiring the approval of a final development plan or the issuance of a conditional use permit pursuant to article V of this chapter: (1) It is the policy of the city to require the construction of sidewalks and trails wherever feasible so as to encourage pedestrian and bicycle connectivity throughout the city. Therefore, developments shall provide sidewalks and trails which adjoin the applicant's property: a. In locations shown on the city's sidewalk and trail plan; and b. In other locations where the council finds that the provision of such sidewalks and trails enhance public access to mass transit facilities or connections to other existing or planned sidewalks, trails or public facilities. (2) Developments shall provide sidewalks between building entrances and sidewalks or trails which exist or which will be constructed pursuant to this section. (3) Developments shall provide direct sidewalk and trail connections with adjoining properties where appropriate. (4) Developments must provide direct sidewalk and trail connections to transit stations or transit stops adjoining the property. (5) Design standards for sidewalks and trails shall be prescribed by the engineer. (6) Nonresidential developments having an off-street automobile parking requirement of 20 or more spaces must provide off-street bicycle parking spaces where bicycles may be parked and secured from theft by their owners. The minimum number of bicycle parking spaces required shall be five percent of the automobile parking space requirement. The design and placement of bicycle parking spaces and bicycle racks used to secure bicycles shall be subject to the approval of the city engineer. Whenever possible, bicycle parking spaces shall be located within 50 feet of a public entrance to a principal building. (b) The expense of the improvements set forth in subsection (a) of this section shall be borne by the applicant. The applicant would be installing boulevard sidewalks along 70th and France. Additionally, the interior drive would have wide sidewalks on both sides with access ground level access to each use. Most importantly, these interior sidewalks provide for future connections to the properties to the east and the south. As mentioned earlier, the pedestrian environment would be improved compared to the approved plan with no street access to the parking ramps on Ewing, therefore there would be no car/pedestrian conflict on the sidewalks. The City’s transportation planner has reviewed the proposed project and provided a memo to address issues. (See attached memo dated October 8, 2021.) Approval of this project would be conditioned upon meeting the recommendations within the memo. Planned Unit Development (PUD) Per Section 36-253 the following are the regulations for a PUD: STAFF REPORT Page 6 1. Purpose and Intent. The purpose of the PUD District is to provide comprehensive procedures and standards intended to allow more creativity and flexibility in site plan design than would be possible under a conventional zoning district. The decision to zone property to PUD is a public policy decision for the City Council to make in its legislative capacity. The purpose and intent of a PUD is to include most or all of the following: a. provide for the establishment of PUD (planned unit development) zoning districts in appropriate settings and situations to create or maintain a development pattern that is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan; b. promote a more creative and efficient approach to land use within the City, while at the same time protecting and promoting the health, safety, comfort, aesthetics, economic viability, and general welfare of the City; c. provide for variations to the strict application of the land use regulations in order to improve site design and operation, while at the same time incorporate design elements that exceed the City's standards to offset the effect of any variations. Desired design elements may include: sustainable design, greater utilization of new technologies in building design, special construction materials, landscaping, lighting, stormwater management, pedestrian oriented design, and podium height at a street or transition to residential neighborhoods, parks or other sensitive uses; d. ensure high quality of design and design compatible with surrounding land uses, including both existing and planned; e. maintain or improve the efficiency of public streets and utilities; f. preserve and enhance site characteristics including natural features, wetland protection, trees, open space, scenic views, and screening; g. allow for mixing of land uses within a development; h. encourage a variety of housing types including affordable housing; and i. ensure the establishment of appropriate transitions between differing land uses. 2. Applicability/Criteria a. Uses. All permitted uses, permitted accessory uses, conditional uses, and uses allowed by administrative permit contained in the various zoning districts defined in this Chapter shall be treated as potentially allowable uses within a PUD district, provided they would be allowable on the site under the Comprehensive Plan. b. Eligibility Standards. To be eligible for a PUD district, all development should be in compliance with the following: i. where the site of a proposed PUD is designated for more than one (1) land use in the Comprehensive Plan, the City may require that the PUD include all the land uses so designated or such combination of the designated uses as the City Council shall deem appropriate to achieve the purposes of this ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan; STAFF REPORT Page 7 ii. any PUD which involves a single land use type or housing type may be permitted provided that it is otherwise consistent with the objectives of this ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan; iii. permitted densities may be specifically stated in the appropriate planned development designation and shall be in general conformance with the Comprehensive Plan; and iv. the setback regulation, building coverage and floor area ratio of the most closely related conventional zoning district shall be considered presumptively appropriate, but may be departed from to accomplish the purpose and intent described in #1 above. The previously approved plans were found to meet the above standards, and therefore, the site was rezoned to PUD. While the plans have been downgraded to make for a more economically feasible project, staff believes the proposal would still meet the purpose and intent of the PUD, as most of the above criteria would be met. The site is guided in the Comprehensive Plan for “Community Activity Center – CAC,” which allows for retail and multi-family housing in a density range of 90-150 units per acre. The proposal still is a mixed- use development including office, retail, and multi-family residential within the required density range. The proposal would create a more efficient and creative use of the property than existing. The buildings would be pulled up close to the street, with sidewalks in front, and separated from the street by green space to promote a more walkable environment. Store fronts open toward France Avenue and the interior drive. The proposal also provides future pedestrian and vehicle access to properties to the east and south. The proposed new buildings have a more predominant entrance along the street and at the corner of 70th and France. Parking would be enclosed and underground within the buildings, eliminating the surface parking that exists today. The applicant has worked with the City’s sustainability coordinator and has submitted the sustainability questionnaire. (See attached.) The sustainability coordinator has reviewed the proposal and submitted comments within the engineering memo. (See attached.) Comprehensive Plan The proposed uses are all consistent with the City’s 2040 Comprehensive Plan. As mentioned, the site is designated as CAC, Community Activity Center. The description of Land Uses within the Comprehensive Plan is as follows: Contains larger scale uses, height and coverage. Primary uses: Retail, office, lodging, entertainment and residential uses, combined or in separate buildings. Secondary uses: Institutional and recreational. Mixed-use should be encouraged and may be required on larger sites. STAFF REPORT Page 8 The proposed development fits this description. The proposed plan also meets the development character guidelines as outlined in the 2040 Plan as follows: Pedestrian and streetscape amenities. Encourage or require structured parking. Buildings may “step down" in height from intersections. Buildings should be placed in appropriate proximity to streets to create pedestrian scale. Buildings may “step down" at boundaries with lower-density districts and upper stories “step back" from street. More stringent design standards for larger buildings. Emphasize pedestrian circulation; re- introduce finer- grained circulation patterns where feasible. Compliance Table City Standard (PUD) Proposed Building Setbacks Front – France Avenue Front – 70th Street Side – East Side – South 50 feet – Lot 1 (measured to curb) 18-28 feet (measured to curb) 35 feet 10 feet 50 feet (measured to curb) 18-28 feet (measured to curb) 35 feet 10 feet Building Height 1, 9, 10 & 24 stories 1, 7, 8 and 24 stories Density 90-150 units per acre (5.7 acres) 47 units per acre Floor Area Ratio (FAR) 2.1% 2.1% Parking Retail/Office = 780 spaces Residential = 267 enclosed spaces (1,048 stalls required) (23 for the bank – phase 1) 1,170 spaces total required (Based on previously approved project) 1,112 spaces total* (23 for the bank – phase 1) * As part of the Ordinance Amendment for the project, the parking regulations will be updated STAFF REPORT Page 9 PRIMARY ISSUES/STAFF RECOMMENDATION Primary Issues Are the proposed changes to the approved Overall Development Plan reasonable to justify amending the PUD rezoning for this site? Yes. Staff does support the revised PUD, for the following reasons: 1. While the plans are more flawed that the previously approved plans, they still do generally address the Greater Southdale District Design Experience Guidelines. Highlights continue to include: The division of the property into smaller blocks and the provision of pedestrian and vehicle access and connections through the site to adjacent properties to the east and south; increasing the public realm on the site with small park space and sidewalks on the perimeter and through the site; having no surface parking stalls visible from 70th or France Avenue. Conditions can be placed on the request to better align with the Guidelines, such as building and building material enhancements and closer adherence to the Street Typology on 70th Street. 2. The revised plans reduce height on the corner of 70th and France and reduced the residential density from 370 to 267 units. 3. The provision of public space still makes up 26% of the site. This includes 1.2 acres consisting of the internal sidewalks and drive aisles, a 7,00 square foot public/park space south of the residential tower available to the public. 4. The pedestrian experience along Ewing would be improved compared to the approved plan with the elimination of the parking garage entrances on both sides of the street. There would be no car/pedestrian conflict along these sidewalks. 5. The proposal still meets the City’s criteria for PUD zoning. The site is guided in the Comprehensive Plan for “Community Activity Center – CAC,” which allows for retail and multi-family housing in a density range of 90-150 units per acre. The applicant is proposing to use the site as a mixed-use development including office, retail, and multi-family residential within the required density range. Project would meet the City’s affordable housing policy, by either including the units in the residential buildings (27 units), or the buy in amount at $125,000 per affordable unit required. The project creates a more efficient and creative use of the property than existing. The buildings would be pulled up close to the street, with sidewalks in front, and separated from the street by green space to promote a more walkable environment. Store fronts open toward France Avenue and portions of the interior drives. Most important, the proposal continues to provide future pedestrian and vehicle access to properties to the east and south. The proposed new buildings have a more predominant entrance along the street and at the corner of 70th and France. Parking would be enclosed and within the buildings, eliminating the surface parking that exists today. STAFF REPORT Page 10 6. As highlighted in the previous request, the location of this site in the CAC, Community Activity Center in between France and York. This is the area of Edina that has been recognized in the Greater Southdale Area Plan and the 2040 Comprehensive Plan as appropriate for higher densities and height. 7. The project would generate 40% fewer daily trips, therefore would have less impact on traffic operation than originally anticipated in the 2020 traffic study done by Spack Consulting. Recommendation A case can be made for approval and denial of this project. Below provides options for the planning commission and city council to consider: Denial Recommend the City Council deny the request for Zoning Ordinance Amendment and new Overall Development Plan for PUD-17. Denial is based on the following findings: 1. Does not adequately address the Greater Southdale District Design Experience Guidelines like the originally approved plan did. The streetscape is less active due to more street level parking within the structures, including a parking ramp that does not contain any liner building, building materials don’t meet city code at street level and there is far less building articulation. The street typology on 70th Street has not been followed. 2. The project no longer includes affordable or workforce housing within the development. 3. The proposed project would not meet the criteria for Rezoning to PUD. Approval Recommend the City Council approve the request for Zoning Ordinance Amendment and new Overall Development Plan for PUD-17. Approval is based on the following findings: 1. The proposed land uses, and density are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposal still meets the City’s criteria for PUD zoning. The PUD zoning would: a. Promote a more creative and efficient approach to land use within the City, while at the same time protecting and promoting the health, safety, comfort, aesthetics, economic viability, and general welfare of the City. STAFF REPORT Page 11 c. Provide for variations to the strict application of the land use regulations in order to improve site design and operation, while at the same time incorporate design elements that exceed the City's standards to offset the effect of any variations. Desired design elements may include: sustainable design, greater utilization of new technologies in building design, special construction materials, landscaping, lighting, stormwater management, pedestrian oriented design, and podium height at a street or transition to residential neighborhoods, parks or other sensitive uses. d. Project is of high quality of design and design compatible with surrounding land uses, including both existing and planned. e. Maintains the efficiency of public streets and utilities. f. Provides a mixture of land uses within the development. g. Project would meet the City’s affordable housing policy. 3. The PUD would ensure that the development proposed would be the only building that would be allowed on the site unless an amendment to the PUD is approved by City Council. 4. The pedestrian experience along Ewing would be improved compared to the approved plan with the elimination of the parking garage entrances on both sides of the street. There would be no car/pedestrian conflict along these sidewalks. 5. Addresses the Greater Southdale Area Design Experience Guidelines. The following principles are included: The division of the property into smaller blocks and the provision of pedestrian and vehicle access and connections through the site to adjacent properties to the east and south. Close conformity to the street typologies No visible surface parking stalls from 70th or France Avenue. The provision of public space that makes up 26% of the site. This includes 1.2 acres consisting of the internal sidewalks and drive aisles, a 7,500 square foot public/park space east of the retail/office stie. 6. The proposed project would meet the following goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan: a. A Pedestrian-Friendly Environment. Improving the auto-oriented design pattern present in much of the city will call for guidelines that change the relationship between parking, pedestrian movement and building placement. i. Provide visual screening and privacy to buffer cars from people, provide visual relief and allow stormwater infiltration in parking lots. ii. Evaluate current parking standards in order to encourage shared parking and minimize the visual impact of surface parking. iii. Landscaping is essential to screen parking areas, buffer adjacent residential uses and create a pedestrian-friendly environment along streets. iv. Encourage the development of parking lots or structures so they can be shared by more than one building on the site or by buildings on neighboring sites, and which can transition over time to other uses if parking needs change. STAFF REPORT Page 12 b. Encourage successful mixed-use development. c. Ensure that public realm design respects community character, supports of commercial and mixed-use development, promotes community identity, and creates high quality experiences for pedestrians, cyclists, transit users, and motorists. 7. The existing roadways and parking would support the project. Wenck Consulting conducted a traffic and parking impact study and concluded that the proposed development could be supported by the existing roads and proposed parking. The project would generate 40% fewer daily trips, therefore would have less impact on traffic operation than originally anticipated in the 2020 traffic study done by Spack Consulting. 8. The proposed uses would be an upgrade to development on the site. Approval is subject to the following Conditions: 1. The Final Development Plans must be generally consistent with the Preliminary Development Plans dated September 22, 2021. 2. All buildings must comply with City Code Section 36-618 (11) regarding building materials and transparency. 3. The Final Landscape Plan must meet all minimum landscaping requirements per Chapter 36 of the Zoning Ordinance. A performance bond, letter-of-credit, or cash deposit must be submitted for one and one-half times the cost amount for completing the required landscaping, screening, or erosion control measures at the time of any building permit. 4. Provision of code compliant bike racks for each use near the building entrances. 5. The Final Lighting Plan must meet all minimum requirements per Section 36-1260 of the City Code. 6. Roof-top mechanical equipment shall be screened per Section 36-1459 of the City Code. 7. Submit a copy of the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District permit. The City may require revisions to the approved plans to meet the district’s requirements. 8. A Developer’s Agreement/Site Improvement Plan Agreement is required at the time of Final Approval. 9. County approval if necessary, on access to France Avenue. 10. The project must conform to the City’s affordable housing policy. Final determination to be made at final approval. STAFF REPORT Page 13 11. Compliance with the conditions outlined in the director of engineering’s memo dated October 7, 2021. 12. Compliance with the Spack Consulting Traffic & Parking Study recommendations and the updated Wenck Traffic and Parking Study. 13. Subject to the Zoning Ordinance Amendment revising the PUD, Planned Unit Development for this site. 14. Dedication of public access easements of the east-west and north-south sidewalks and drive- aisles through the site and sidewalks around the perimeter of the site including an easement over the future extension of the north-south internal street and sidewalk on the Bank site. 15. Provision of green roofs as shown on the building renderings. 16. Compliance with the conditions outlined in the fire marshal and building official’s memo dated October 7, 2021. 17. Submittal of a construction management plan subject to review and approval of city staff prior to issuance of a building permit. The plan must demonstrate minimal impact to pedestrian and vehicle movement. 18. Hours of construction must be consistent with City Code. 19. Park dedication shall be paid at the time of approval of a building permit for the residential uses. Dedication shall be $5,000 per unit. The value of the 7,500 square foot park/public space shall be considered for a reduction in the total amount. 20. The property owner shall be responsible for the maintenance of internal sidewalks and drive aisles. The City would snow plow a 5-foot path of the sidewalk on 70th and France. The property owners would be responsible for the remaining areas. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends approval of the request subject to the findings and conditions listed above. Deadline for a City decision: January 15, 2021 October 7, 2021 Cary Teague, Community Development Director David Fisher, Chief Building Official 70th & France Ave Information / Background: A High Rise Apartment Building with a Parking Ramp and Other Buildings. - This would be using the 2020 Minnesota State Building Code with the 2018 International Building Code. - This would be using the 2020 Minnesota State Fire Code with the 2018 International Fire Code. - NFPA 13-Fire Sprinkler System is required. - Verify Fire Department access. - Verify the addresses. - Recommend meeting with staff for 30, 60 and 90 percent meeting before submitted for building permit. - Recommend escrow is provided with the demo and new building permits to assure City standards are met for code compliance. - Notify Contractor about hour of construction 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and no work on Sunday and holidays. A construction management plan will be required at time of building permit providing a tentative schedule for construction. - Provide documentation where all construction workers will be parking through the construction process at time of building permit. 2200 Zane Ave N | Minneapolis, MN 55422 www.archfieldoffice.com Cary: At your request, we reviewed the revised PUD submission for the proposed development at 70th and France (US Bank site) based on our experience working with the Greater Southdale Work Group to craft a physical vision for the future district, translating their guiding principles to the built environment. The resulting vision for development in the Greater Southdale District is to create an enhanced human experience along existing major and new connector streets, with overall experience shaped via landscape setbacks, building step backs, a hierarchy of street typologies, transparency at street level, a minimized impact of the car, and managing storm water as an amenity. The outcome of our collaborations with the Work Group is described in the urban design chapter of the Greater Southdale District Plan and resulted in the Greater Southdale District Design Experience Guidelines. As you are aware, we have been supportive of this proposal in the past because it tried to balance financial concerns with the quality of the human experience along its streets and programmatic needs for parking to support primarily the office building component of the site. In its previous iteration, below grade parking was used on three of the building sites, leaving the US Bank site flexible for future possibilities as the market for retail/drive-up banks changes. The architecture tried to integrate material and architectural forms that would provide street continuity, with a program element within each building to support the experience at the street. Of note, the previous scheme shortened the parking plinth for the housing and created an east-west oriented plaza; this was helpful in mitigating the length of the housing building, and offering a cue to how 71st Street might develop as an eventual connection to the Promenade. Although we had concerns about the use of metal screen on the office building, there was a clear focus on the transparency and active retail at the ground floor. Above the parking levels, the office building stepped back, creating a strong façade on France Avenue to reinforce its stature as the District’s most notable street. Roof tops were programmed with activities and landscaping that would add to the development character and to the green goals of the district – which have all disappeared. Intense activity was imagined on three of the four building sites, with the southeastern block adding a diversity of housing types that honored the City’s greater focus on diversity and equity. However, as we look at the current work by the developer and architect, much of those human-centric elements have been replaced in favor of parking. By our calculations, 64% of all four building sites (not counting streets) in the current proposal have on-grade parking screened by metal screens, metal panel, and landscaping. This is no different than what the district in trying to overcome, with uninviting parking To City of Edina Cary Teague, Community Development Director 4801 W. 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 From Mic Johnson, FAIA Date October 1, 2021 2 lots and blank walls. In this proposal, it appears that an effort has gone into and emphasis on landscaping to attempt to sway the evaluation of the current project as having the potential to provide a rich and varied experience. There are many streets around the world that have little or no landscaping, and provide some of the most delightful experiences with only the activity of the shops, restaurants and front porches that stich people together and create a sense of community in a special place made and designed by them. Try to imagine the current proposal without landscaping. There would not be much to attract the casual stroller, shopper or even the people who might live in the tower to come down and be in the street. The current efforts to construct a viable community within these four very important blocks seems minimal by the development team. One of the most important aspects of the Design Experience Guidelines is centered around creating buildings that are equal on all four sides – with program space fronting all streets they face, all integrated throughout the district in support of the life of an evolving community. Not the way we have built in the past, with streets full of cars and land full of parking lots and utilities but rather a place made of green streets many of which will have no cars on them, with permeable paving, varied architecture and varied uses – with all building services, parking and site utilities that do not contribute to the life of the street and the activities of the community hidden from view. We have reviewed the Applicant’s submission in detail and while we have flagged a number of issues, following are a few of the primary concerns relative to the proposal’s adherence with the Design Experience Guidelines and the City’s vision for the future growth and evolution of the Great er Southdale District. Parking Design Experience Guideline Excerpt All parking, other than short-term retail or guest parking, and building services need to be located below grade or hidden within the building. If on ground level or above, parking and/or building services must be surrounded on all sides by program space such as commercial or housing. Applicant’s Response All proposed parking on Sites A, B, and C is enclosed within buildings with the exception of street parallel parking stalls which are encouraged for creating pedestrian safety and ease of access. Residential loading spaces for the site are planned with locations enclosed within the building as well as supplemental locations street side at strategic locations. Short-term guest stalls all are located at enclosed locations within the building for Site A and also accommodated in Site C’s ramp. AFO Comment Minimizing the visual impact of car storage was one of the primary tenets of the design guidelines put forward by the Work Group, as one the most important issues that would change the character of the district from car- oriented to pedestrian-oriented. The applicant has ignored this repeatedly throughout the proposal with no liner buildings or ground level program space. 3 Building Size Design Experience Guideline Excerpt No building façade can be longer than 200’ without changing direction by a minimum of 90 degrees. Applicant’s Response The new block plan size for the development particularly the north to south dimension for Sites A and B is driven by the location of the available access point on France Avenue and the desire to have Site D (US Bank) be smaller. Since this creates are greater dimension for Sites A and B there are instances where podiums for Sites A and B do not fully comply completely with this guidance. The design of the each of these dimensional lengths mitigates this deviation. Please see site plans for this submittal. AFO Comment The 200 x 200 foot grid pattern was not necessarily about specific block size or aligning streets into a perfect grid. It was conceived as a strategy to bring buildings back to a more human scale, where the pedestrian would experience diversity in material, pattern and shape of various buildings along a series of blocks. The height of street room was informed by the height of each wall of the building facing the street. The intent of the grid is about the pedestrian experience, not about aligning streets so you can drive your car through streets without turning. In our opinion, this misinterpretation of the 200 foot grid has been an assumption on the part of the development team and the cause of the large parking podium on site A. It points to balancing between the numbers of parking stalls available below and screened above grade parking and the number of the housing units. The diagram at left shows two blocks of more equal size on the east side of the site, separated by 71st Street. This street would provide access to parking and building services, and align future development with equal blocks on the east side connecting to the Promenade, while allowing Ewing to remain as the major pedestrian street through the development. A shared street aligning with the round-about would be developed in another phase of growth in the district. Street Typologies and Setbacks Design Experience Guideline Excerpt These streets, including 69th Street, 70th Street, Hazelton Road, Parklawn Avenue, and West 76th Street, serve an important role within the district. These are unique streets in that they form the district’s superblocks with France and York Avenues, keeping traffic out of adjacent single family neighborhoods while connecting to the neighborhoods through the 30 4 foot setbacks that are landscaped to provide a pedestrian focused experience. This typology is intended to respect the neighborhood scale and context in a meaningful way, with an ample tree canopy, extensive setbacks and consistently-scaled buildings at the face of the public realm. By employing these characteristics, the landscape experience of the single family residential neighborhoods is extended through the Greater Southdale District. Applicant’s Response Setbacks and building step-backs on 70th Street were not addressed in the applicant’s narrative. It can only be found in the diagrams. AFO Comment This guideline was developed to relate to the Cornelia Overlay and Transition Zones for all development close to single family neighborhoods. The desire was in part to create a very different kind of landscape with an affinity to typical front yards of neighborhoods and extend that experience along the east-west streets that form the district’s Super Blocks. The above diagram shows the setback alignments along 70th (in the dashed red line), 30 feet from the curb, and a building step back above 60 feet by another 30 feet. These dimensions are intended to support the transition from the single family neighborhoods and increase the potential for a more ‘residential’ scaled streetscape as a part of the characteristics of the transition zones. The applicant’s plan dimensions on page 57 of the civil narrative indicate 18’-3” building setback at the northwest corner of the site and 20’-7” building setback at the northeast corner of the site. In addition, the diagrams above, extracted from page 22 of the applicant’s design package do not meet the setback of 30 feet or stepbacks of 30 feet above the 60 foot podium. 5 Material Usage Design Experience Guideline Excerpt All facades on the first vertical 60 feet of a building (above grade) shall use natural materials facing the public realm. Above 50-60 feet, glass, precast panels with brick/tile are the preferred material palette. Metal panel can be used as a secondary part of a wall system. Applicant’s Response The building uses natural materials facing the public realm in this way. Please see exterior elevations for this submittal. AFO Comment Based on our review of the exterior elevations, we understand the following: Site A: There are no natural materials below 60 feet. Approximately 25% of the base is precast, faux wood metal panel and glass, and 75% is metal panel screening for the parking garage. Site B: the first floor is metal panel and glass, the remaining building façade is glass. Site D: Glass and metal panel on the first floor, the remainder of the parking garage is metal panel. The intent of the guidelines is to build district character through the use of natural materials that represent the both quality and continuity of the public realm within the Southdale District. We know it will take time and imagination to create a cohesive material palette for the public realm, with each new project taking cues from existing material usage across the district. However, the applicant is not using natural materials on any of the three sites described in this proposal, but rather using materials that are out of context given the goals set forth in the Design Experience Guidelines. And lastly, there is no mention of the sustainability or resiliency of building systems and site development. There is no discussion about the role of green roofs in supporting rooftop programming and stormwater management, or on-grade waterways. There is no mention of permeable materials that would support stormwater retention or reflect less heat into the public realm. There is no discussion about how the exterior building systems and façade orientation might reduce the energy required to heat and cool the interior. There is no discussion about potential solar panels on the roofs and or other systems that might inform future actions to meet the climate crisis. All of which support discussion about the how to make a compact community that will meet individual, social, and cultural needs of the district in next 50 years going forward. Recommendations on Next Steps We understand there is a budget/proforma that must be paid attention to, and we know there is a program that must be met. But we also know there are many ways to solve design and program problems to meet an owner or developer’s budget and proforma. Many cities recognize their various districts and neighborhoods have a culture, a way of growing, a way of maintaining their character – or, in the case of Edina, a new way to see how they would like their community to work , look and feel. The Experience Guidelines were a result of this desire: to transform the past suburban context into a place without parking lots, or visible parking structures, into a place of blocks and streets that were focused on the experience of residents and visitors. The development should invite the community/neighbors to go to the site, to 6 walk through it, to stay – as a place that represents them. Everyone who will eventually live there will do so because they are excited to be there. The role of the City and the community is to provide guidance to developers and architects about the desire, hopes, and the policies and guidelines that are important to residents of the Southdale district and the broader community – which can then be balanced with the owner’s objectives of meeting budget, proforma, and program. Our 4-year-long process with the Work Group focused on creating a framework, a plan, and a set of guidelines and principles that would support the type of experiences the residents and community wanted to see in the District. We articulated characteristics of street rooms by the scale of building walls , defining the qualities of natural light and connection from one street room to the next to enhance the daily experience of people that live in the adjacent Cornelia Neighborhood and potential new residents of the Greater Southdale District. Based on the above factors, we are unable to support this proposal in its current form. We also recommend the applicant re-familiarize themselves with our previous memos evaluating each stage this proposal has gone through. Many of those recommendations appear to still not be understood as we look to the current proposal. Thank you for the opportunity to review. Please let me know if you have any questions. Mic Attachment: Sketch Plan review memo to 70th and France Development Team, dated September 4, 2020 City of Edina – New Construction Sustainability Questionnaire Page 1 City of Edina Sustainable Construction Questionnaire The City of Edina has set ambitious goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the community. To help achieve these goals, developers seeking City approval must complete this form as part of their zoning application. Upon receipt of this form, please email Sustainability Coordinator, Grace Hancock, GHancock@edinamn.gov, to set up a time to walk through the form and discuss sustainable building strategies. Please email the completed form to Cary Teague, CTeague@edinamn.gov, and copy Grace Hancock. Topics Answers Yes or No Brief Description Sustainable Design & Energy Consumption Will you utilize Xcel Energy’s Energy Design Assistance or Energy Efficient Buildings, and/or Centerpoint Energy’s Builder and Developer programs for this development? Yes The project will enroll in the Xcel Energy EDA program. Will the buildings meet SB2030 energy goals? TBD Project is being benchmarked against SB2030 and will strive to achieve the lowest building EUI (energy use intensity) feasible. Will the building be LEED certified? TBD The buildings are being explored to follow ParkSmart, LEED Certified, Well Core, and/or Harvard 9 Foundations of a Healthy Building. Further evaluation is being completed on each block. Will all appliances and equipment be Energy Star or EPA WaterSense certified? Yes Will water heaters be electric or natural gas? Both - Natural Gas and Electric Will building heat be powered by electricity or natural gas? Heat will be a combination of DX rooftop natural gas heat DOAS, natural gas RTUs, electric VRF heat pumps, and electric VAVs depending on the building. Will different strategies to conserve energy (beyond those required by code) be included? If so, please describe Yes Project will utilize LED Lighting, programmable theromostats, VRF HVAC systems, lighting controls in common spaces, building automation system, and energy star equipment and appliances. Continuing to evaluate strategies beyond code. Will there be renewable energy such as solar or wind be generated on site? TBD Exploring having buildings solar ready (electrical infrastructure and roof supports) for future PV installation Will the project include a geothermal system? No Will the completed project subscribe to a community solar program or other renewable energy program? Yes Working with Xcel energy on existing and potential future opportunities to subscribe to renewable programs. Will there be purchase of renewable energy credits (RECs)? TBD Tenant option to purchase at a later date City of Edina – New Construction Sustainability Questionnaire Page 2 City of Edina Sustainable Construction Questionnaire Comments: Managing Storm Water What percent of the property is pervious surface before the redevelopment? What is the percent post development? Existing Site = 260,594 SF 171,882 SF of impervious surface – (24,682 SF of building footprint + 147,200 SF of paving) 66% Impervious 34% Pervious Post Development 182,595 SF of impervious surface (119,945 SF building footprint + 62,650 SF of paving) 70.1% Impervious 29.9% Pervious Net Decrease in Pervious: 4.1% While the impervous surface sf is increasing, there is now storm water management of the full site to accommodate the design. What new surfaces will be pervious? (i.e. Sidewalks, driveways, overflow parking) Pedestrian surfaces will include both standard concrete and colored concrete. The colored concrete is located in select areas to denote major building entrances and boulevard areas. Concrete pavers are planned for a portion of the public plaza on the south side of the residential tower. Pervious areas will include open space along France Avenue as well as a multi- function plaza space within the development. Will a green roof be included on the new structure to assist in storm water retention? Yes Residential tower and Office will have a section of green roof Will rain gardens or similar features be included on site to filter and retain the storm water? TBD Storm water management plan has been approved by the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Comments: Landscaping Features to Manage Air Quality and Heat Island Effect Will existing healthy trees be protected and saved? No Due to the location of existing trees, the development of the land will require removal of those trees. City of Edina – New Construction Sustainability Questionnaire Page 3 City of Edina Sustainable Construction Questionnaire What percent of the property is covered by tree canopy before redevelopment? What is the percent post development? For sites A, B, C the Calculations for the tree coverages are as follows. Site A,B,C = 215,705 SF Existing Tree Coverages: Site A,B,C = 26,552 SF (12.3%) Proposed Tree Coverages (75% of full canopy diameter): Site A,B,C = 37,556 SF (17.4%) Will you be replanting/replacing trees at least four to five inches in diameter to positively impact the tree canopy (ordinance requirement is only 2.5 inches in diameter)? Yes, for half the trees in the design. Code requirement for tree planting for Edina has a size ranging from 5.5” to 2.5”. We reflect this on the plans. We will coordinate with the City Forester to ensure he approves all species and sizes. Will shade trees be provided along roadways, drives and surface parking areas beyond those required by code? TBD We provide shade trees along internal roadways and 70th and within the development in the public plaza space. Will native plantings be used in the landscaping? Yes Plants selected for the boulevard areas are species that will tolerate the harsh conditions of their environment. Trees and plants within these areas are salt- tolerant which help to improve their longevity. Several of the tree species selected for the rest of the site are either native to Minnesota or are adapted species of natives that are better suited for their location or condition. Will landscaping include pollinator-friendly varieties? Yes Many of the plants in the stormwater filtration areas along France are pollinator friendly native plants. This environment will not only be a functional part of the stormwater management system but also provide a highly aesthetic landscape with areas for seating and art display. Will future owners and managers be trained in methods to avoid harmful chemicals being used on landscaping? Yes Comments: We have proposed a pocket park/plaza space along the east-west internal street that will be made up of permeable City of Edina – New Construction Sustainability Questionnaire Page 4 City of Edina Sustainable Construction Questionnaire paving for stormwater capture, perimeter planting and tree cover to minimize heat gain. Planting beds with shrubs, perennials and trees will align the perimeter all public sidewalks increasing permeable surface area, providing a shade canopy, and reducing solar heat gain. Seasonal planter pots are planned at building entrances and throughout the streetscape in the district to break up larger hardscape areas and add interest to key focal point and gathering areas. The rooftop terraces and amenity levels will also have a substantial green system of raised planters for trees, shrubs and perennials, and green roof trays in place of hardscape and ballast. A comprehensive landscape planting program will be provided with a water efficient irrigation system to minimize evaporation, manage water use, and monitor moisture levels during dry and wet conditions. Managing Construction Waste Will demolition of existing structures meet LEED Green Building Demolition and/or B3 State of Minnesota Sustainable Building Guidelines? Yes Will existing building elements be salvaged for reuse? Example, timber, steel, asphalt, cabinets, etc. No Current building has asbestos and will be remediated. Are scrap and excess construction materials being separated and recycled? Yes All construction waste is sent to a recycling facility where the commingled debris is separated by material type to be recycled or sent to a landfill. Mortenson also has a robust 5S program with the expectation of Just- In- Time deliveries with no more than 2-3 days’ worth of material on site at one given time. Are workers provided with separate recycling dumpsters and training in proper use? Yes During First Day, First Hour orientation, Mortenson has a slide discussing the expectations of 5S on the project, including waste management. Workers are provided food dumpsters to keep all organics separate from contaminating building materials being sent to the recycling facility. City of Edina – New Construction Sustainability Questionnaire Page 5 City of Edina Sustainable Construction Questionnaire Comments: Managing Operational Waste Will a recycling service be provided to those in the multifamily complex? To any businesses on site? Yes Will an organic recycling service be provided to those in the multifamily complex? To any businesses on site? Yes Will future users of the building be provided with education and training regarding proper recycling practices? Yes Comments: The site will comply with state and county regulations on waste management. Managing Water Consumption Is the project including features to reduce water consumption beyond features required by code? Yes Low flow fixtures Is there a grey water system included to reuse water on site? Will future users of the building be provided with education and training regarding conservation of water? No/Yes No grey water system. Residents will be educated on how to reduce water usage. Will outdoor landscaping watering system include a water sensor to automatically reduce watering in wet conditions? Yes The irrigation for the site will contain a water sensor and other water saving components to mitigate water usage. Comments: Sustainable Transportation Features Is the site accessible by public transit within ½ mile? Yes Bus stop access is adjacent to project off of 70th. Are site features included to make the use of public transit convenient and simple? Examples include sheltered waiting areas, paved sidewalks and clear site lines. Yes Sidewalks and clear site lines to the bus stop If there is no public transit within ½ mile, is the project providing features to help bridge the distance to allow flexibility to use public transit? N/A Is bike parking available near the main entrance for guests? Space in parking structure (e.g. bike corral, bike lockers) for residents’ bikes? Yes Multiple locations, see slides. Is bike parking and a shower facility provided for employees? Yes The office employees will have access to bike parking and shower facilities Do you have EV Charging Stations for owners, guests or customers to use? Yes Will there be parking spaces provided for car- sharing vehicles to reduce the overall number of cars? Yes Updated January 2021 Memo To: Cary Teague, City of Edina From: Ed Terhaar, P.E. File: 227704479 Date: October 7, 2021 Reference: Traffic and Parking Review for Redevelopment in the Southeast Corner of France Avenue and 70th Street in Edina, MN I hereby certify that this report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. __________________________________ DATE: October 7, 2021 Edward F. Terhaar License No. 24441 PURPOSE AND BACKGROUND This memorandum documents our traffic and parking review for the proposed redevelopment project located in the southeast corner of France Avenue and 70th Street. The project will consist of removing the existing buildings and constructing new buildings containing residential, retail, and office uses as well as a freestanding parking ramp. Access for the project will be provided at the existing right in/right out access on France Avenue, a proposed right in/right out access on 70th Street, and at access points on the south leg of the existing roundabout intersection on 70th Street. For purpose of this review, the current proposed project is assumed to consist of the following uses: • 267 apartment dwelling units • 188,058 square feet of office space • 6,500 square foot bank • 1,500 square foot coffee shop • 6,000 square foot sit-down restaurant • 24,500 square feet of general retail space • A freestanding parking ramp with 540 parking stalls and a 1,300 square foot bicycle facility In addition to the 540-stall parking ramp, Site A includes 444 parking stalls, Site B includes 128 parking stalls, and the bank includes 23 parking stalls. A total of 1,135 parking stalls are included in the project. A full traffic and parking study was completed in October 2020 for a previous proposed development at this location. The current traffic and parking review compares the trip generation and par king demand to the results presented in the previous study. TRAFFIC REVIEW Trip Generation Weekday a.m. and p.m. peak hour trip generation for the proposed development were calculated based on data presented in the tenth edition of Trip Generation, published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers Cary Teague City of Edina October 7, 2021 (ITE). The resultant gross trip generation estimates for the previous project as presented in the October 2020 study are shown in Table 1. Table 1 Weekday Gross Trip Generation for Previous Proposed Project as Presented in the October 2020 Study Land Use Size Weekday AM Peak Hour Weekday PM Peak Hour Weekday Daily In Out Total In Out Total Total Apartments 110 DU 10 30 40 30 18 48 598 Apartments 269 DU 20 63 83 59 38 97 1,197 Office 152,500 SF 152 25 177 28 147 175 1,486 Supermarket 50,300 SF 115 77 192 237 228 465 5,371 Shopping Center 3,300 SF 2 1 3 6 7 13 125 Bank 6,500 SF 36 26 62 66 66 132 650 Coffee Shop 1,500 SF 76 73 149 27 27 54 1,214 Totals 411 295 706 453 531 984 10,641 SF=square feet, DU=dwelling units The resultant gross trip generation estimates for the current project are shown in Table 2. Table 2 Weekday Gross Trip Generation for Current Proposed Project Land Use Size Weekday AM Peak Hour Weekday PM Peak Hour Weekday Daily In Out Total In Out Total Total Apartments 267 DU 25 71 96 71 46 117 1,452 Office 188,058 SF 187 31 218 34 182 216 1,832 Bank 6,500 SF 4 DIL 21 14 35 53 56 109 499 Coffee Shop 1,500 SF 77 75 152 27 27 54 1,231 Sit-down Restaurant 6,000 SF 2 2 4 31 16 47 503 Retail 24,500 SF 14 9 23 44 49 93 925 Totals 326 202 528 260 376 636 6,442 SF=square feet, DU=dwelling units, DIL=drive-in lanes As shown above, the current proposed project generates fewer trips during all time periods. The trip comparison between the two projects is shown in Table 3. Table 3 Weekday Gross Trip Generation Comparison Land Use Weekday AM Peak Hour Weekday PM Peak Hour Weekday Daily In Out Total In Out Total Total Previous Project 411 295 706 453 531 984 10,641 Current Project 326 202 528 260 376 636 6,442 Total Difference -85 -93 -178 -193 -155 -348 -4,199 Percentage decrease (20.7%) (31.5%) (25.2%) (42.6%) (29.2%) (35.4%) (39.5%) Cary Teague City of Edina October 7, 2021 Traffic Operations As shown above, the current project generates 25.2% fewer trips during the a.m. peak hour, 35.4% fewer during the p.m. peak hour, and 39.5% fewer on a daily basis. Due to the reduction in the number of trips generated, the current project will have less impact on traffic operations than reported in the October 2020 study. As shown in the site plan, the project includes the construction of a dedicated right turn lane at the existing right in/right out access on France Avenue and at the proposed right in/right out access on 70th Street. Both of these right turn lanes will be necessary to accommodate the proposed traffic volumes using the access points. The need to convert the eastbound 70th Street approach at France Avenue to a left turn lane, through lane, and though/right turn lane was described in the original report. If necessary in the future, the proposed eastbound right turn lane at the proposed right in/right out access would allow for the second eastbound through lane on 70th Street west of France. Since this lane would drop at the proposed right in/right out, through vehicles would need to exit the lane as described in the report. The original study also recommended the construction of a northbound right turn lane on France Avenue at 70th Street. Based on the expected trip generation reductions, the right turn lane will not be needed in the short-term to accommodate the proposed project. It may be needed in the future should areawide traffic volume increases occur in the France Avenue corridor. PARKING REVIEW The project includes a total of 1,135 parking stalls, with 540 in the freestanding parking ramp, 444 in Site A, 128 in Site B, and 23 on the bank site. In addition, the site plan shows the bank building will have 23 surface stalls for customer and employee use. The proposed amount of parking was compared to industry standards to determine adequacy. Parking data from the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) was used to determine the expected parking demand for the proposed land uses. Data provided in the ITE publication Parking Generation, 5th Edition, indicates the various proposed uses peak at different times during the day. The ITE data was adjusted to account for the expected modal split for the site. The results are shown in Table 4. Based on the ITE data, the peak weekday parking demand for the overall site is 695 spaces, which occurs between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. The total of 1,135 spaces provided is 440 spaces more than the peak demand. The proposed number of parking stalls adequately accommodates the peak parking demand. The current Edina City code requires 780 parking spaces for the retail and office uses and 267 parking spaces for the apartment units, for a total requirement of 1,047 spaces. The total of 1,135 spaces provided is 88 spaces more than the City code requirement. The proposed number of parking stalls adequately accommodates the City code requirement. TABLE 4 WEEKDAY PARKING DEMAND Adjustment Month of Factor for Year Time of Day Factor Net Parking Needs by Time of Day Gross Walking, Transit Adjust. Land Parking Multi-Purpose, Factor 6 am- 8 am- 11 am- 2 pm- 4 pm- 6 pm- 6 am- 8 am- 11 am- 2 pm- 4 pm- 6 pm- Use Size Unit Rate and Vacancies (MAX) 8 am 11 am 2 pm 4 pm 6 pm 9 pm 8 am 11 am 2 pm 4 pm 6 pm 9 pm Apartment 267 dwell. unit 1.31/unit 10% 100% 100% 60% 50% 50% 60% 75% 315 189 157 157 189 236 Restaurant - 6000 sq. ft.10.52/1000 10% 100% 5% 10% 100% 50% 70% 100% 3 6 57 28 40 57 Office 188058 sq. ft. 2.39/1000 10% 100% 50% 100% 100% 90% 50% 10% 202 405 405 364 202 40 Bank 6500 sq. ft. 3.72/1000 10% 100% 25% 80% 100% 90% 75% 10% 5 17 22 20 16 2 Coffee shop 1500 sq. ft.10.49/1000 10% 100% 100% 100% 75% 75% 75% 10% 14 14 11 11 11 1 Retail 24500 sq. ft. 1.95/1000 10% 100% 25% 75% 100% 90% 75% 90% 11 32 43 39 32 39 Note: Gross parking rates from ITE Parking Generation, 5th edition TOTAL PARKING DEMAND 550 663 695 619 490 375 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ................................................................................ 1 ..................................................................... 3 ...................................................................... 5 ..................................................................... 10 ........................................ 28 ......................................................................................... 30 ................................................................................... 3 .................................................................................. 6 .............................................................................. 7 .......................................................................... 11 .......................................... 12 .......................................... 12 . 13 . 14 ................ 15 ................ 15 .................................. 18 .. 19 ................................ 20 ................................. 20 ............................... 21 ...................................................................... 23 ................................................................... 24 • • • • • • Congested: volume/capacity of 1.0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 70th St W of France Ave 70th St btwn France Ave and York Ave 70th St E of York Ave France Avenue York Ave N of Hazelton Rd York Ave S of Hazelton Rd Hazelton Road btwn France Ave and York AveVolume to Capacity RatioExisting 2025 No-Build 2025 Build 2040 No-Build 2040 Build 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 France Ave/70th Street York Ave/70th St York Ave/Hazelton Rd France Ave/Hazelton RdAverage Delay (seconds)Existing 2025 No-Build 2025 Build 2040 No-Build 2040 Build LOS E = 55s LOS C = 20s 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 France Ave/70th Street York Ave/70th St York Ave/Hazelton Rd France Ave/Hazelton RdAverage Delay (seconds)Existing 2025 No-Build 2025 Build 2040 No-Build 2040 Build LOS E = 55s LOS C = 20s 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 70th St/RAB Access 70th St/ Promenade RAB 70th St/Target RAM Hazelton Rd/RABAverage Delay (seconds)Existing 2025 No-Build 2025 Build 2040 No-Build 2040 Build LOS E = 35s LOS C = 15s 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 70th St/RAB Access 70th St/ Promenade RAB 70th St/Target RAM Hazelton Rd/RABAverage Delay (seconds)Existing 2025 No-Build 2025 Build 2040 No-Build 2040 Build LOS E = 35s LOS C = 15s 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 70th St/Future RIRO Access France Ave/RIRO Access95th Percentile Queues (vehicles)Existing 2025 No-Build 2025 Build 2040 No-Build 2040 Build Queue = 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 70th St/Future RIRO Access France Ave/RIRO Access95th Percentile Queues (vehicles)Existing 2025 No-Build 2025 Build 2040 No-Build 2040 Build Queue = 5 • • • • • • • • • 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 France Ave/70th StreetAverage Delay (seconds)2025 Build 2040 Build 2040 Mitigated LOS E = 55s LOS C = 20s 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 France Ave/70th StreetAverage Delay (seconds)2025 Build_COVID 2040 Build_COVID LOS E = 55s LOS C = 20s 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 France Ave/70th StreetAverage Delay (seconds)2040 Mitigated Build w/ RIRO 2040 Mitigated Build w/out RIRO LOS E = 55s LOS C = 20s 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 70th St/RAB AccessAverage Delay (seconds)2040 Mitigated w/ RIRO 2040 Mitigated w/out RIRO LOS E = 35s LOS C = 15s • • • • • • 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 70th St/Future RIRO Access95th Percentile Queues (vehicles)2040 Mitigated w/ RIRO 2040 Mitigated w/out RIRO Queue = 5 𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑎𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑒 𝑆𝑜𝑎𝑎𝑒𝑟=𝐹𝐹𝐴 (0.0005 × 𝐹𝐹𝐴)+190 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • XXXXXXXX WATCTVCTVXX STOSTOSTOSTOSTO STOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTO SANSANSANSANSANSANSAN STOSTO CTVSTO SANSANSANSANSANSANSAN 9/10/2021 11:30:10 AM GASGASGASGASPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUG FOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOWATPUGGASGAS CTVCTVFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFO FOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOPUGTUGPUGPUGSTOSTOSTOSTO STOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTO SANSANSANSANSAN SANSTOSTO820102010TELECOMMUNICATIONS EASEMENTPER DOC. NO. 983149 (ITEM NO. 12)SANITARY SEWER EASEMENTPER DOC. NO. (ITEM NO. 11)1515SCENIC AND OPEN SPACE EASEMENT INFAVOR OF EDINA VILLAGE (NOW CITY) PERDOC. NO. 1033728 (ITEM NO. 14)PUBLIC ROAD EASEMENT IN PER DOC.NO. 1036934 (ITEM NO. 15)4040HIGHWAY EASEMENT PER DOC. NO.2189613 (ITEM NOS. 15 & 16)SIDEWALK & UTILITY EASEMENT PERDOC. NOS. T05067233 &T05132844(ITEM NO. 17)9" CLAY @ 0.8%12" RCPXXXXX FOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFO FOFOFOFOFO FOFOFOFO STOSTO SANSANSANSANSANSAN 9/10/2021 11:30:10 AM XXXXXXX FOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFO FOFOFOFOFO FOFOFOFO STOSTO SANSANSANSANSANSAN 3 KEY NOTE SYMBOL PARTITION TYPE SYMBOL DETAIL NUMBERING SECTION REFERENCE ELEVATION REFERENCE TYPE PARTITION PARTITION SHEET NO. DETAIL NO. SHEET NO. SHEET NO. DETAIL NO. 1 A10.1 TITLE 1/2" = 1'-0" 1 A3.1 1 A3.1 A9.1 1 2 3 4 1 A4.3 SECTION PLAN EXTERIOR ELEVATION IDENTIFICATION NUMBER REFERS TO KEY NOTE LIST NOTE: KEY NOTES DIFFER FROM SHEET TO SHEET SCALE OF DETAIL UNLESS TYPICAL AND INDICATED IN TITLE BLOCK SEQUENTIAL NUMBER FOR LARGE DRAWINGS WHICH DESCRIBES THE DETAIL SEQUENTIAL NUMBERING OF ELEVATION SHEET MOUNTING HEIGHTS DIAGRAM (ACCESSORIES) C3 1 4 2 XX'-X" T.O. XXX EL = XX'-X"ELEVATION REF SPOT ELEVATION REF X REVISION NUMBER FIRE EXTINGUISHER CABINET FIRE EXTINGUISHER - WALL MOUNTED MISCELLANEOUS SYMBOLS ELEVATION SYMBOLS Signature Typed or Printed Name License #Date PROJECT NUMBER DRAWN BY CHECKED BY ORIGINAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: KEY PLANNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota 9/13/2021 8:09:59 PMT1.1 TITLE SHEET 220535 ESG ESG 70th & France 70th & France Edina, MN PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN / PUD 09/13/2021 PROJECT TEAM DRAWING INDEX 70th & France Edina, MN 55435 Site Location DRAWING INDEX DRAWING NUMBER DRAWING NAME 09/13/2021 PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN / PUDARCHITECTURAL SITE A T1.1 TITLE SHEET ● CIVIL C100 EXISTING CONDITIONS AND REMOVALS PLAN ● C101 PRELIMINARY PLAT ● C200 SITE PLAN ● C300 GRADING PLAN ● C301 EROSION CONTROL PLAN ● C400 SANITARY AND WATERMAIN PLAN ● C401 STORM SEWER PLAN ● C500 CITY DETAILS ● C501 DETAILS ● LANDSCAPE L1.0 LANDSCAPE SITE PLAN ● L1.0 (2)LANDSCAPE SITE PLAN - RENDERED ● L1.1 LANDSCAPE PLANTING PLAN ● L2.0 LANDSCAPE DETAILS ● ARCHITECTURAL A0.1 EXISTING SITE IMAGES ● A0.2 SITE PLAN ● A0.3 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS - SITE ● A0.4 EXTERIOR RENDERINGS ● ARCHITECTURAL SITE A A0.19-A PRELIMINARY SITE A METRICS ● A0.20-A SITE A FLOOR PLANS ● A0.21-A SITE A FLOOR PLANS ● A0.22-A SITE A FLOOR PLANS ● A0.30-A SITE A ELEVATIONS ● A0.31-A SITE A ELEVATIONS ● A0.40-A SITE A EXTERIOR MATERIALS ● ARCHITECTURAL SITE B A0.20-B SITE B FLOOR PLANS ● A0.21-B SITE B FLOOR PLANS ● A0.22-B SITE B FLOOR PLANS ● A0.30-B SITE B ELEVATIONS ● A0.31-B SITE B ELEVATIONS ● A0.32-B SITE B ELEVATIONS ● A0.33-B SITE B ELEVATIONS ● A0.40-B SITE B EXTERIOR MATERIALS ● OWNER/DEVELOPER:Mortenson Development, Inc. 700 Meadow Lane North Minneapolis, MN 55422 Orion Investments 4530 West 77th Street, Suite 365 Edina, MN 55435 Ph: 612-812-7788 ARCHITECT:Elness Swenson Graham Architects, Inc. 500 Washington Ave. South, Suite 1080 Minneapolis, MN 55415 Ph: 612-339-5508 Fx: 612-339-5382 CONTRACTOR:Mortenson Construction 700 Meadow Lane North Minneapolis, MN 55422 Ph: 763-522-2100 CIVIL ENGINEER:Westwood Engineering 12701 Whitewater Dr #300 Minnetonka, MN 55343 Ph: 952-937-5150 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT:Confluence 530 N 3rd Street, Suite 120 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Ph: 612-333-3702 STRUCTURAL ENGINEER:T.B.D. MECHANICAL ENGINEER:T.B.D. PLUMBING ENGINEER:T.B.D. ELECTRICAL ENGINEER:T.B.D. SYMBOLS LEGEND FRANCE AVE70TH PROJECT LOCATION Vicinity PROJECT LOCATION No. Description Date GASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGAS GAS GAS PUG PUG PUGPUG PUG PUG PUG PUG PUGFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFO FO FO FOFOFO FO FOPUGPUGPUGPUG WAT WAT WAT PUG PUG PUG PUG PUG PUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGGAS GAS GASGASGASCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUG PUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFO FOFOFOFOTUG TUGPUGPUG PUGPUGPUGPUG PUG PUG PUG PUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUG PUG PUG PUG PUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVXXXGASGAS GASFO FOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFO PUGPUGPUGXXX PUG PUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUG26.3CANOPYFFE=872.10FFE=860.05FFE=870.03CANOPYLANDSCAPEEDGE STEPS W/HANDRAILMONUMENTSIGNFFE=860.44BRICKRETAINING WALL CONCRETE RETAINING WALLSTONERETAININGWALL72.711.3 12.022.0 6.140.0 6.097.7 6.33.0 100.13.5 16.23.5 5.925.3 2.116.0 22.424.0 22.432.0 2.013.7131. SAN8.3 EXISTING BRICKBUILDING7001 France Avenue,Edina, MinnesotaBuilding Footprint=24,682 Sq. Ft.STORM GRATEWOOD STEPSFND.TPOSTBLDG. HT.=29.4 FT.TRASHENCLOSURESTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTO STO STO STOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTO ST OSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSAN EXISTING BUILDINGTRASHENCLOSURE20.00STOSANSTO STO WATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATISLANDSPEDRAMPPED RAMPPED RAMPBITUMINOUS SURFACE BENCH 70.00FRANCE AVENUE SOUTH COUNTY ROAD NO. 17 WEST 70TH STREET110N. LINE OF SEC. 32, TWP. 28, RGE. 24NW CORNER OF SEC. 32,TWP. 28, RGE. 24110W. LINE OF SEC. 32, TWP. 28, RGE. 24 70.008882010 20 10 UTILITY EASEMENT PER THE PLATOF YORKTOWN DOC. NO.1033725 (ITEM NO. 11)22822TELECOMMUNICATIONS EASEMENTPER DOC. NO. 983149 (ITEM NO. 12)SANITARY SEWER EASEMENTPER DOC. NO. (ITEM NO. 11)1520 15SCENIC AND OPEN SPACE EASEMENT INFAVOR OF EDINA VILLAGE (NOW CITY)PER DOC. NO. 1033728 (ITEM NO. 14)SCENIC AND OPEN SPACE EASEMENT INFAVOR OF EDINA VILLAGE (NOW CITY) PERDOC. NO. 1033728 (ITEM NO. 14)1010PUBLIC ROAD EASEMENT IN PER DOC.NO. 1036934 (ITEM NO. 15)STREET RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATED IN THE PLAT OFYORKTOWN DOC. NO. 1033725 (ITEM NO. 16)40 40 HIGHWAY EASEMENT PER DOC. NO.2189613 (ITEM NOS. 15 & 16)HIGHWAY EASEMENT PER DOC.NO. 2189613 (ITEM NOS. 15 & 16)PUBLIC STREET, DRAINAGE & UTILITYEASEMENT PER DOC. NO. T4859947(ITEM NO. 16)SIDEWALK & UTILITY EASEMENT PERDOC. NOS. T05067233 &T05132844(ITEM NO. 17)SIDEWALK & UTILITY EASEMENTPER DOC. NOS. T05067233 &T05132844 (ITEM NO. 17)TELECOMMUNICATIONSEASEMENT PER DOC. NO.983149 (ITEM NO. 12)11 SPACES 28.27N44°49'18"E 2 HANDICAP SPACES 21 SPACES 10 SPACES 23 SPACES 23 SPACES 22 SPACES 16 SPACES 18 SPACES 9 SPACES 4 HANDICAP SPACES 2 SPACES 5 SPACES 12 SPACES 12 SPACES 15 SPACESBACK OF CURB IS 0.4 S.OF PROPERTY LINEBACK OF CURB IS0.1 S. AND 0.7 E.OF PROPERTY LINEBACK OF CURB IS 0.8 E. OF PROPERTY LINE BACK OF CURB ONPROPERTY LINE 100.9583.42 BACK OF CURB IS 2.9SE OF PROPERTY LINEBACK OF CURB 0.2 E. OFPROPERTY LINE N89°50'44"E 505.00S00°11'54"E 496.57S89°48'06"W 524.96N00°12'08"W 476.97 EEEEEEEEEEEACACMGGGGTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTTVTVHHTTVAULT-SUMP PUMPLIFT STATION (LOCKED)TTRIM=857.7INV(NE)=856.6INV(S)=856.5STOSTOSTOSTORIM=871.0FULL OFDEBRISRIM=870.6INV(E)=866.4INV(NE)-866.3RIM=871.6INV(E)=865.1INV(W)=864.9INV(S)=866.1RIM=869.1INV(E)=864.5RIM=868.3INV(N/E)=864.3INV(W)=863.6RIM=866.7INV(N)=862.7INV(S)=863.0INV(E/W)=862.6RIM=866.5INV(N)=862.6INV(E)=862.5INV(W)=861.7RIM=871.5INV(E)=867.215"RCPRIM=867.5INV=863.2RIM=857.1INV=856.6RIM=857.2INV=856.7RIM=868.4INV=857.9RIM = 862.97IE = 855.15 (CITY AS-BUILT)RIM=859.4INV=856.7SGREY WATERRIM=864.3INV=857.8RIM=860.0INV=858.1RIM=866.8INV(E)=859.4INV(W)=859.1RIM=862.9INV=860.112" RCPRIM=862.8INV(NE)=859.0INV(E/S)=857.5RIM=862.8INV(N)=857.2INV(E)=859.2INV(SE)=857.5INV(SW)=856.3RIM=866.3INV=859.6RIM=865.4INV=860.1RIM=865.9INV=860.5RIM=864.9INV=860.3RIM=866.2INV=863.3RIM=869.5FULLOFWATERRIM=871.1INV=868.015" CLAYRIM=863.4FULL OF ICE & DEBRISRIM=863.1INV(NE)=859.6INV(W)=859.1RIM=861.2INV=858.112" RCPRIM=861.8INV(E)=857.7INV(W)=858.2INV(S)=857.6RIM=862.1INV=857.912" RCPRIM=871.2INV=865.4RIM=871.1INV(N)=864.2INV(SW)=864.1RIM=871.3INV=861.6RIM=870.6INV=860.3RIM=862.5INV(N)=852.8INV(S)=852.6RIM=868.6INV(N)=858.4INV(W)=858.2SSANS15" RCP21" RCPS15" RCP 12" RCP21" RCP12" RCP21" RCP9" CLAY @ 0.8%24" RCP24" RCP24" RCP12" RCP15" CONC15" RCP12" RCP 15" RCP8"PVC 8" CLAY8" CAST IRON12" CLAY 8" CLAY10" CLAY 8" CLAY10" CLAY12"RCPST-5ST-6ST-4ST-3ST-2ST-116" ASH13" LCH14" SPNDEAD16" LCH14" SPN12" SPN18" SPN14" LCH18" SPN14" ASH14" SPN2" ASH16" SPN14" SPN14" SPN10" ASH10" ASH8" ASH14" ASH14" ASH20" ASH13" ASH17" ASH10" ASH13" ASH15" LCH12" ASH9" ASH12" ASH10" ASH15" ASH12" ASH 10" ASH15" ASH8" ASH8" ASH12" ASH15" ASH12" ASH7" ASH8" ASH12" ASH 6" ASH14" ASH4" SPC4" SPC5" SPC5" SPCMULTI-BIRCHMULTI-BIRCHMULTI-BIRCHMULTI-BIRCHMULTI-CRB MULTI-CRB27" ASH2" OAK 15" LCH14" SPN10" SPN12" SPN10" SPN18" SPN16" SPN16" SPN12" LCH14" LCH14" LCH16" LCH20" LCH18" FRT4" ASH4" ASH4" ASH12" ASH 12" ASH 12" ASH 12" ASH GW: 852.7GW: 853.5GW: 857.5GW: 848.6GW: NOT OBSERVEDGW: NOT OBSERVEDST-101GW: 852.9ST-102GW: 853.5ST-103GW: 853.5ST-104GW: 854.6ST-105GW: NOT OBSERVEDST-106GW: 853.4ST-107GW: NOT OBSERVEDST-108GW: NOT OBSERVEDFRANCE AVENUE SOUTH COUNTY ROAD NO. 1715" RCP18" RCP15" RCPSTOSTOSTO XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ \ \ \ \\\\\ \\\\\\\\\************************XXXXXX\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\X\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ \ \ \ \ \\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\ \ \ \ \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\222222222\\\\\\\\\\\\233144444444455666666666666666778444SHEET NUMBER:DATE:DATE:LICENSE NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA VERTICAL SCALE: HORIZONTAL SCALE: DRAWN: CHECKED: DESIGNED:INITIAL ISSUE: REVISIONS:PREPARED FOR: Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 Toll Free (888) 937-5150 N:\0029211.10\DWG\CIVIL\0029211.10RM01.DWG EDINA, MN09/13/202170TH AND FRANCE REDEVELOPMENTEXISTING CONDITIONS AND REMOVALS PLAN 70TH AND FRANCE REDEVELOPMENTC100 .09/13/2021 DAVID T. BADE . . . 10/16/2020 4530 WEST 77TH STREET SUITE #365 EDINA, MN 55435 ORION/MORTENSON :HVWZRRG3URIHVVLRQDO6HUYLFHV,QFCommon Ground AllianceCall 48 Hours before digging:811 or call811.com### ### or ## 01/25/2021 02/26/2021 06/10/2021 09/13/2021 . US BANK FINAL DEVELOPMENT SUBMITTAL WATERSHED COMMENTS CLIENT REVISION PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN / PUD .PROJECT NUMBER: 0029211.10PROPERTY LINE\\\\\\CURB & GUTTERSAW CUT PAVEMENTSANSANITARY SEWERWATWATER MAINSTOSTORM SEWERCONCRETEBITUMINOUSBUILDINGTREELIGHT POLETRAFFIC SIGNEXISTINGPROPOSEDSANWATSTOCONSTRUCTION BARRICADEWATHYDRANTWATGASGASGASPUGUNDERGROUND ELECTRICPUGTUGUNDERGROUND TELEPHONETUGPOHOVERHEAD ELECTRICPOHTOHOVERHEAD TELEPHONETOHFOTELEPHONE FIBER OPTICFOCTVCABLE TELEVISIONCTVRETAINING WALLFENCEXSOIL BORING LOCATIONSB-19TREE LINEXEXISTINGREMOVALS\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\REMOVAL LEGEND1. LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS OF EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY AND UTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THISPLAN ARE APPROXIMATE. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY SITE CONDITIONS AND UTILITYLOCATIONS PRIOR TO EXCAVATION/CONSTRUCTION. THE ENGINEER SHALL BE NOTIFIEDIMMEDIATELY IF ANY DISCREPANCIES ARE FOUND.2. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE LIMITS OF REMOVALS WITH PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTSAND FIELD VERIFY CONDITION OF EXISTING APPURTENANCES TO REMAIN. CONTRACTORSHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROTECTING OR REPLACING MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS (SUCH ASFENCES, SIGNS, IRRIGATION HEADS, ETC.) THAT MAY BE DAMAGED BY CONSTRUCTION.3. CONTRACTOR SHALL PLACE ALL NECESSARY EROSION CONTROL MEASURES REQUIRED TOMAINTAIN SITE STABILITY PRIOR TO EXECUTING ANY SITE REMOVALS.4. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATION WITH UTILITY PROVIDERS FORREMOVAL AND/OR RELOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES AFFECTED BY SITE DEVELOPMENT. ALLPERMITS, APPLICATIONS AND FEES ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR.REMOVAL NOTESSSX*XXXNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION0'30'60'90'1" = 30'1. SAW CUT LINE2. REMOVE BITUMINOUS3. EXISTING BITUMINOUS TO REMAIN4. REMOVE CONCRETE5. REMOVE EXISTING BUILDING6. REMOVE CURB7. REMOVE RETAINING WALL8. REMOVE MONUMENT SIGNREMOVAL KEYNOTES1TREES TO BE REMOVED: 72TREES TO REMAIN: 4TOTAL TREES: 76TREE REMOVAL QUANTITIES XXXXXX WEST 70TH STREETFRANCE AVENUE SOUTH COUNTY ROAD NO. 17 XXXSANSANSANSANSANSANFRANCE AVENUE SOUTH COUNTY ROAD NO. 17 WEST 70TH STREETRIM=868.4INV=857.9S8" CLAY14" SPN14" ASH20" ASH13" ASH17" ASH12" ASH7" ASH 8" ASH12" ASH 4" SPC4" SPC5" SPC5" SPCMULTI-CRB27" ASHFRANCE AVENUE SOUTH COUNTY ROAD NO. 17 GFE = 856.00GFE = 860.00GFE = 860.75GFE = 857.00TPROPOSED FINANCIALINSTITUTIONFOOTPRINT = 6,200 SFFFE = 866.00XXXXXLOT 1LOT 2LOT 3LOT 48882010 20 10UTILITY EASEMENT PERTHE PLAT OF YORKTOWNDOC. NO. 103372522822TELECOMMUNICATIONSEASEMENT PER DOC.NO. 983149SANITARY SEWER EASEMENTPER DOC. NO. 1033725 152020 15SCENIC AND OPEN SPACEEASEMENT IN FAVOR OFEDINA VILLAGE (NOW CITY)PER DOC. NO. 1033728SCENIC AND OPEN SPACE EASEMENTIN FAVOR OF EDINA VILLAGE (NOWCITY) PER DOC. NO. 103372810 10PUBLIC ROAD EASEMENTIN PER DOC. NO. 1036934 HIGHWAY EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 2189613 HIGHWAY EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 2189613PUBLIC STREET, DRAINAGE & UTILITYEASEMENT PER DOC. NO. T4859947SIDEWALK & UTILITY EASEMENT PERDOC. NOS. T05067233 &T05132844 SIDEWALK & UTILITYEASEMENT PER DOC.NOS. T05067233 &T05132844TELECOMMUNICATIONSEASEMENT PER DOC.NO. 9831491 ( 1 (1 (274.92250.06264.54260.44250.62274.34245.71259.28163.93 313.04 334.45162.12 PROPOSED UTILITY EASEMENT(BY SEPARATE INSTRUMENT)PROPOSED UTILITY EASEMENT (BY SEPARATE INSTRUMENT)PROPOSED UTILITY EASEMENT(BY SEPARATE INSTRUMENT)PROPOSED ROAD EASEMENT (BY SEPARATE INSTRUMENT)303028.5 20 8.5 161628.5 20 8.5S89°48'06"W 524.96N00°12'08"W 476.97 28.27N44°49'18"E N89°50'44"E 505.00S00°11'54"E 496.57 PROPOSED ROAD EASEMENT (BY SEPARATE INSTRUMENT)SHEET NUMBER:DATE:DATE:LICENSE NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA VERTICAL SCALE: HORIZONTAL SCALE: DRAWN: CHECKED: DESIGNED:INITIAL ISSUE: REVISIONS:PREPARED FOR: Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 Toll Free (888) 937-5150 N:\0029211.10\DWG\CIVIL\0029211.10PP01.DWG EDINA, MN10/16/2070TH AND FRANCE REDEVELOPMENTPRELIMINARY PLAT 70TH AND FRANCE REDEVELOPMENTC101 4587310/16/20 Nathan H. Carlson . NHC BJY 10/16/20 4530 WEST 77TH STREET SUITE #365 EDINA, MN 55435 ORION/MORTENSONNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION:HVWZRRG3URIHVVLRQDO6HUYLFHV,QFCommon Ground AllianceCall 48 Hours before digging:811 or call811.com0'30'60'90'1" = 30'30' 6' or 3' 01/25/2021 02/26/2021 06/10/2021 09/13/2021 . US BANK FINAL DEVELOPMENT SUBMITTAL WATERSHED COMMENTS CLIENT REVISION PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN / PUD .PROJECT NUMBER: 0029211.10LOT 12.02 AC.LOT AREA(ACRE)LEGALDESCRIPTIONOFFICE/GROCERYPROPOSED USELOT 21.99 AC.MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIALLOT 30.93 AC.SENIOR HOUSINGLOT 41.03 AC.BANKSITE DATA CHARTOrion/Mortenson4530 West 77th St., Ste. 365Edina, MN 55435OWNER / SUBDIVIDERENGINEERWESTWOOD PROFESSIONAL SERVICES12701 WHITEWATER DRIVE, SUITE 300,MINNETONKA, MINNESOTA 55343Phone: 952-937-5150ZONINGEXISTING: PCD-3 - PLANNED COMMERCIALPROPOSED: PUD - PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENTTOTAL5.97 AC. XXXFND.TPOST20.00FRANCE AVENUE SOUTH COUNTY ROAD NO. 17 WEST 70TH STREET8882010 20 10 UTILITY EASEMENT PER THE PLATOF YORKTOWN DOC. NO.1033725 (ITEM NO. 11)22822TELECOMMUNICATIONS EASEMENTPER DOC. NO. 983149 (ITEM NO. 12)SANITARY SEWER EASEMENTPER DOC. NO. (ITEM NO. 11)1520 15SCENIC AND OPEN SPACE EASEMENT INFAVOR OF EDINA VILLAGE (NOW CITY)PER DOC. NO. 1033728 (ITEM NO. 14)SCENIC AND OPEN SPACE EASEMENT INFAVOR OF EDINA VILLAGE (NOW CITY) PERDOC. NO. 1033728 (ITEM NO. 14)1010PUBLIC ROAD EASEMENT IN PER DOC.NO. 1036934 (ITEM NO. 15)STREET RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATED IN THE PLAT OFYORKTOWN DOC. NO. 1033725 (ITEM NO. 16)40 40 HIGHWAY EASEMENT PER DOC. NO.2189613 (ITEM NOS. 15 & 16)HIGHWAY EASEMENT PER DOC.NO. 2189613 (ITEM NOS. 15 & 16)PUBLIC STREET, DRAINAGE & UTILITYEASEMENT PER DOC. NO. T4859947(ITEM NO. 16)SIDEWALK & UTILITY EASEMENT PERDOC. NOS. T05067233 &T05132844(ITEM NO. 17)SIDEWALK & UTILITY EASEMENTPER DOC. NOS. T05067233 &T05132844 (ITEM NO. 17)TELECOMMUNICATIONSEASEMENT PER DOC. NO.983149 (ITEM NO. 12)ST-5ST-6ST-4ST-3ST-2ST-116" ASH13" LCH14" ASHGW: 852.7GW: 853.5GW: 857.5GW: 848.6GW: NOT OBSERVEDGW: NOT OBSERVEDST-101GW: 852.9ST-102GW: 853.5ST-103GW: 853.5ST-104GW: 854.6ST-105GW: NOT OBSERVEDST-106GW: 853.4ST-107GW: NOT OBSERVEDST-108GW: NOT OBSERVEDFRANCE AVENUE SOUTH COUNTY ROAD NO. 17 COMMERCIAL/RETAIL SPACEFOOTPRINT = 47,200 SFFFE (HOSPITALITY) = 870.00FFE (OFFICE LOBBY) = 868.00FFE (LOADING DOCK) = 866.00MULTI-FAMILY HOUSINGBUILDING FOOTPRINT = 44,300 SFFFE (RESIDENTIAL) = 870.75PARKING RAMPFFE = 866.50GFE = 856.00GFE = 860.00GFE = 860.75GFE = 857.00TPROPOSED FINANCIALINSTITUTIONFOOTPRINT = 6,200 SFFFE = 866.00XXXXXLOT 1LOT 2LOT 3LOT 410'8.5' (TYP.)24'24'24'24'24'9'8.5'R10'R10'R10'R30'R20'R200'R224'R146'R123'R40'20'8.5'16.33'8.5'14.67'24'35.72'182.0'109.5'74.7'29.3'51.0'13.3'33.2'25.5'34.8'13.9'42.5'AAAABBA56'25.5'1A1A1A1A1A1A1A1A1A1A1A1A1A22555556D1B51B78888888888889A9A9A9A9A11111111111111111111131313134348488A8A8A9A8A8A8AEBB212110.9'12.5'12.0'8.7'10.0'8.0'S.1S.1S.4S.2S.1S.4S.1S.4S.2S.3S.4S.1S.4S.1S.4S.3S.3R20'R20'20'8.5'16.33'8.5'14.67'20'8.5'16.33'8.5'14.67'R20'R20'24'25.5'SHEET NUMBER:DATE:DATE:LICENSE NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA VERTICAL SCALE: HORIZONTAL SCALE: DRAWN: CHECKED: DESIGNED:INITIAL ISSUE: REVISIONS:PREPARED FOR: Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 Toll Free (888) 937-5150 N:\0029211.10\DWG\CIVIL\0029211.10SP01.DWG EDINA, MN09/13/202170TH AND FRANCE REDEVELOPMENTSITE PLAN 70TH AND FRANCE REDEVELOPMENTC200 .09/13/2021 DAVID T. BADE . . . 10/16/2020 4530 WEST 77TH STREET SUITE #365 EDINA, MN 55435 ORION/MORTENSONNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION:HVWZRRG3URIHVVLRQDO6HUYLFHV,QFCommon Ground AllianceCall 48 Hours before digging:811 or call811.com0'30'60'90'1" = 30'30' 6' or 3' 01/25/2021 02/26/2021 06/10/2021 09/13/2021 . US BANK FINAL DEVELOPMENT SUBMITTAL WATERSHED COMMENTS CLIENT REVISION PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN / PUD .PROJECT NUMBER: 0029211.10S.1S.10S.2S.3REFERENCESTOP SIGNS.4NO TRUCKSRIGHT LANE MUST TURN RIGHTPEDESTRIAN CROSSING1A B612 CURB AND GUTTER1B B618 CURB AND GUTTER2 SURMOUNTABLE CURB AND GUTTER5 VALLEY GUTTER6 CONCRETE CROSS GUTTER7 ENTRANCE THRU CURB AND GUTTER8 PRIVATE CONCRETE SIDEWALK8A PUBLIC CONCRETE SIDEWALK9 PRIVATE PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP9A PUBLIC PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP11 CROSS WALK STRIPING13 TRAFFIC ARROW14 SIGN INSTALLATION19 PAVEMENT SECTIONS21 HEAVY DUTY CONCRETE SECTION22 SAW CUT CONTROL JOINT24 CONCRETE CURB AT SIDEWALK31 TRANSITION CURB (B612)43 RETAINING WALL WITH FENCE USING SLEEVE-IT SYSTEM45 B612 AND SURMOUNTABLE CURB TRANSITION48 CONCRETE STAIR AND RAILING DETAIL1·EXISTING ZONING:PDC-3, PLANNED COMMERCIAL·PROPOSED ZONING:PUD - PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT·PARCEL DESCRIPTION:LOT 1, BLOCK 1, YORKTOWN, HENNEPINCOUNTY, MINNESOTA·PROPERTY AREA:260,594 SF (5.98 AC)·PERVIOUS SURFACE:71,861 SF (27.6%)·IMPERVIOUS SURFACE(RATIO):188,733 SF (72.4%)·FLOOR-AREA-RATIO(FAR):SEE ARCH PLANS·BUILDING SETBACK PER CODE:XX'=FRONTXX'=SIDE / XX'=SIDE TO ROWXX'=REARLOT 1BLDG FOOTPRINTAREA(SF)LOT AREA(ACRE)LEGALDESCRIPTION51,600PROPOSED USELOT 2LOT 3LOT 4TOTAL5.98 AC.123,050-44,30021,0506,100SIGN LEGENDSITE DETAILS (SI-0XX)SITE DEVELOPMENT SUMMARYSITE DATA CHART1. BACKGROUND INFORMATION FOR THIS PROJECT PROVIDED BY WESTWOOD PROFESSIONALSERVICES, MINNETONKA, MN, 2020.2. LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS OF EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY AND UTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THISPLAN ARE APPROXIMATE. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY SITE CONDITIONS AND UTILITYLOCATIONS PRIOR TO EXCAVATION/CONSTRUCTION. IF ANY DISCREPANCIES ARE FOUND, THEENGINEER SHOULD BE NOTIFIED IMMEDIATELY.3. REFER TO BOUNDARY SURVEY FOR LOT BEARINGS, DIMENSIONS AND AREAS.4. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO FACE OF CURB OR EXTERIOR FACE OF BUILDING UNLESS OTHERWISENOTED.5. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR EXACT BUILDING DIMENSIONS AND LOCATIONS OFEXITS, RAMPS, AND TRUCK DOCKS.6. ALL CURB RADII ARE SHALL BE 5.0 FEET (TO FACE OF CURB) UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.7. ALL CURB AND GUTTER SHALL BE B612 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.8. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING AND MAINTAINING TRAFFICCONTROL DEVICES SUCH AS BARRICADES, WARNING SIGNS, DIRECTIONAL SIGNS, FLAGGERSAND LIGHTS TO CONTROL THE MOVEMENT OF TRAFFIC WHERE NECESSARY. PLACEMENT OFTHESE DEVICES SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE CITY AND ENGINEER PRIOR TO PLACEMENT.TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES SHALL CONFORM TO APPROPRIATE MNDOT STANDARDS.9. BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT AND CONCRETE SECTIONS TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THERECOMMENDATIONS OF THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER.10. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN FULL ACCESS TO ADJACENT PROPERTIES DURINGCONSTRUCTION AND TAKE ALL PRECAUTIONS NECESSARY TO AVOID PROPERTY DAMAGE TOADJACENT PROPERTIES.11. SITE LIGHTING SHOWN ON PLAN IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY. REFER TO LIGHTING PLAN PREPAREDBY OTHERS FOR SITE LIGHTING DETAILS AND PHOTOMETRICS.GENERAL SITE NOTESPROPERTY LINESETBACK LINEEASEMENT LINECURB AND GUTTERLOT LINEPOND NORMAL WATER LEVELRETAINING WALLCONCRETE PAVEMENTNUMBER OF PARKING STALLSTRANSFORMERSITE LIGHTINGEXISTINGPROPOSEDFENCEXXHEAVY DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENTNORMAL DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENTTRAFFIC SIGNPOWER POLEBOLLARD / POSTCONCRETE SIDEWALKTIP-OUT CURB AND GUTTERSITE LEGEND5T 2.02 AC.OFFICE/GROCERY1.99 AC.MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL0.93 AC.SENIOR HOUSING1.03 AC.BANKA. PLANTER CURB (TYP.)B. CONCRETE PAVERS (TYP.)C. GENERATORD. EXISTING SURMOUNTABLE CURB IN ROUNDABOUTE. BIKE LANE EXIT RAMP ONTO SHARED SIDEWALKSITE KEYNOTESX 865 8708708708708708 7 0 8758 7 5 862 863 864 866 86786786786886886886986986986 9 871 871 8718718718 7 1 871871872872872 8 7 2 8728728738 7 3 8748 7 4 860860865865 865865870870858858859859861861862862863863864864864 864866866866866867867867 867868868868868869869871870870867867868 8 6 9 869860 870859 859 861862863864 867868869871872870866867868869871861862863864865862863864 866 867867 COMMERCIAL/RETAIL SPACEFOOTPRINT = 47,200 SFFFE (HOSPITALITY) = 870.00FFE (OFFICE LOBBY) = 868.00FFE (LOADING DOCK) = 866.00MULTI-FAMILY HOUSINGBUILDING FOOTPRINT = 44,300 SFFFE (RESIDENTIAL) = 870.75PARKING RAMPFFE = 866.50GFE = 856.00GFE = 860.00GFE = 860.75GFE = 857.00PROPOSED FINANCIALINSTITUTIONFOOTPRINT = 6,200 SFFFE = 866.00XXXXXGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGAS GAS GAS PUG PUG PUGPUG PUG PUG PUG PUG PUGFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFO FO FO FOFOFO FO FOPUGPUGPUGPUG WAT PUG PUG PUG PUG PUG PUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGGAS GAS CTVCTV CTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVFO FO FO FOFOFOFOFOFOFOFO FO FO FO FOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFO FOPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFO FOFOFOFOTUGPUGPUG PUGPUGPUGPUG PUG PUG PUG PUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUG PUG PUG PUG PUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVXXXFO FOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOPUGPUGPUGFND.TPOSTSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTO STO STOSTO ST OSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSANSANSANSANSAN20.00STOSANSTO STO WATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATFRANCE AVENUE SOUTH COUNTY ROAD NO. 17 WEST 70TH STREET8882010 20 10 UTILITY EASEMENT PER THE PLATOF YORKTOWN DOC. NO.1033725 (ITEM NO. 11)22822TELECOMMUNICATIONS EASEMENTPER DOC. NO. 983149 (ITEM NO. 12)SANITARY SEWER EASEMENTPER DOC. NO. (ITEM NO. 11)1520 15SCENIC AND OPEN SPACE EASEMENT INFAVOR OF EDINA VILLAGE (NOW CITY)PER DOC. NO. 1033728 (ITEM NO. 14)SCENIC AND OPEN SPACE EASEMENT INFAVOR OF EDINA VILLAGE (NOW CITY) PERDOC. NO. 1033728 (ITEM NO. 14)1010PUBLIC ROAD EASEMENT IN PER DOC.NO. 1036934 (ITEM NO. 15)STREET RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATED IN THE PLAT OFYORKTOWN DOC. NO. 1033725 (ITEM NO. 16)40 40 HIGHWAY EASEMENT PER DOC. NO.2189613 (ITEM NOS. 15 & 16)HIGHWAY EASEMENT PER DOC.NO. 2189613 (ITEM NOS. 15 & 16)PUBLIC STREET, DRAINAGE & UTILITYEASEMENT PER DOC. NO. T4859947(ITEM NO. 16)SIDEWALK & UTILITY EASEMENT PERDOC. NOS. T05067233 &T05132844(ITEM NO. 17)SIDEWALK & UTILITY EASEMENTPER DOC. NOS. T05067233 &T05132844 (ITEM NO. 17)TELECOMMUNICATIONSEASEMENT PER DOC. NO.983149 (ITEM NO. 12)EEEEEEEEEEMGTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTTVTVHHTTTTSTOSTOSTOSTORIM=871.0FULL OFDEBRISRIM=870.6INV(E)=866.4INV(NE)-866.3RIM=871.6INV(E)=865.1INV(W)=864.9INV(S)=866.1RIM=869.1INV(E)=864.5RIM=868.3INV(N/E)=864.3INV(W)=863.6RIM=866.7INV(N)=862.7INV(S)=863.0INV(E/W)=862.6RIM=866.5INV(N)=862.6INV(E)=862.5INV(W)=861.7RIM=871.5INV(E)=867.215"RCPRIM=867.5INV=863.2RIM = 862.97IE = 855.15 (CITY AS-BUILT)RIM=866.8INV(E)=859.4INV(W)=859.1RIM=862.8INV(N)=857.2INV(E)=859.2INV(SE)=857.5INV(SW)=856.3RIM=866.2INV=863.3RIM=869.5FULLOFWATERRIM=871.1INV=868.0RIM=863.4FULL OF ICE & DEBRISRIM=863.1INV(NE)=859.6INV(W)=859.1RIM=861.2INV=858.112" RCPRIM=861.8INV(E)=857.7INV(W)=858.2INV(S)=857.6RIM=862.1INV=857.912" RCPRIM=862.5INV(N)=852.8INV(S)=852.615" RCP21" RCPS12" RCP21" RCP12" RCP21" RCP9" CLAY @ 0.8%24" RCP24" RCP24" RCP12" RCP 8"PVC 12"RCPST-5ST-6ST-4ST-3ST-2ST-116" ASH13" LCH14" ASHGW: 852.7GW: 853.5GW: 857.5GW: 848.6GW: NOT OBSERVEDGW: NOT OBSERVEDST-101GW: 852.9ST-102GW: 853.5ST-103GW: 853.5ST-104GW: 854.6ST-105GW: NOT OBSERVEDST-106GW: 853.4ST-107GW: NOT OBSERVEDST-108GW: NOT OBSERVED15" RCPSTOSTOSTO871.83870.00870.20867.50870.00869.20869.11868.80867.68866.96866.77866.63866.42865.35870.00870.00868.00867.00870.20870.68870.71870.70870.75870.15866.22865.36865.53866.50866.50865.60864.60870.59E.O.F.864.72867.00869.42E.O.F.867.65E.O.F.867.60E.O.F.866.20E.O.F.866.61866.71866.37869.51870.77870.00870.00868.50867868869868.04866866866867870868869SHEET NUMBER:DATE:DATE:LICENSE NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA VERTICAL SCALE: HORIZONTAL SCALE: DRAWN: CHECKED: DESIGNED:INITIAL ISSUE: REVISIONS:PREPARED FOR: Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 Toll Free (888) 937-5150 N:\0029211.10\DWG\CIVIL\0029211.10GD01.DWG EDINA, MN09/13/202170TH AND FRANCE REDEVELOPMENTGRADING PLAN 70TH AND FRANCE REDEVELOPMENTC300 .09/13/2021 DAVID T. BADE . . . 10/16/2020 4530 WEST 77TH STREET SUITE #365 EDINA, MN 55435 ORION/MORTENSON :HVWZRRG3URIHVVLRQDO6HUYLFHV,QFCommon Ground AllianceCall 48 Hours before digging:811 or call811.com### ### or ## 01/25/2021 02/26/2021 06/10/2021 09/13/2021 . US BANK FINAL DEVELOPMENT SUBMITTAL WATERSHED COMMENTS CLIENT REVISION PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN / PUD .PROJECT NUMBER: 0029211.10PROPERTY LINE982980POND NORMAL WATER LEVELRIDGE LINETOP AND BOTTOM OF RETAINING WALLEMERGENCY OVERFLOWSB-19SOIL BORING LOCATIONSTOSTORM SEWERDRAIN TILEWATER MAINSANITARY SEWEREXISTINGPROPOSEDINDEX CONTOURINTERVAL CONTOUR982980WATSANSPOT ELEVATIONFLOW DIRECTIONSB-19RETAINING WALLGRADING LIMITSGLCURB AND GUTTERFLARED END SECTION (WITH RIPRAP)GRADING LEGEND1. LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS OF EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY AND UTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THISPLAN ARE APPROXIMATE. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY SITE CONDITIONS AND UTILITYLOCATIONS PRIOR TO EXCAVATION/CONSTRUCTION. THE ENGINEER SHALL BE NOTIFIEDIMMEDIATELY IF ANY DISCREPANCIES ARE FOUND.2. CONTRACTORS SHALL REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR EXACT LOCATIONS ANDDIMENSIONS OF VESTIBULE, SLOPED PAVEMENT, EXIT PORCHES, RAMPS, TRUCK DOCKS, PRECISEBUILDING DIMENSIONS, EXACT BUILDING UTILITY ENTRANCE LOCATIONS, AND EXACTLOCATIONS AND NUMBER OF DOWNSPOUTS.3. ALL EXCAVATION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CURRENT EDITION OF "STANDARDSPECIFICATIONS FOR TRENCH EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL/SURFACE RESTORATION" ASPREPARED BY THE CITY ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION OF MINNESOTA.4. ALL DISTURBED UNPAVED AREAS ARE TO RECEIVE FOUR INCHES OF TOPSOIL AND SOD OR SEED.THESE AREAS SHALL BE WATERED UNTIL A HEALTHY STAND OF GRASS IS OBTAINED. SEELANDSCAPE PLAN FOR PLANTING AND TURF ESTABLISHMENT.5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING AND MAINTAINING TRAFFICCONTROL DEVICES SUCH AS BARRICADES, WARNING SIGNS, DIRECTIONAL SIGNS, FLAGMENAND LIGHTS TO CONTROL THE MOVEMENT OF TRAFFIC WHERE NECESSARY. PLACEMENT OFTHESE DEVICES SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO PLACEMENT. TRAFFICCONTROL DEVICES SHALL CONFORM TO APPROPRIATE MNDOT STANDARDS.6. ALL SLOPES SHALL BE GRADED TO 3:1 OR FLATTER, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED ON THISSHEET.7. CONTRACTOR SHALL UNIFORMLY GRADE AREAS WITHIN LIMITS OF GRADING AND PROVIDE ASMOOTH FINISHED SURFACE WITH UNIFORM SLOPES BETWEEN POINTS WHERE ELEVATIONSARE SHOWN OR BETWEEN SUCH POINTS AND EXISTING GRADES.8. SPOT ELEVATIONS SHOWN INDICATE FINISHED PAVEMENT ELEVATIONS & GUTTER FLOWLINE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. PROPOSED CONTOURS ARE TO FINISHED SURFACEGRADE.9. SEE SOILS REPORT FOR PAVEMENT THICKNESSES AND HOLD DOWNS.10. CONTRACTOR SHALL DISPOSE OF ANY EXCESS SOIL MATERIAL THAT EXISTS AFTER THE SITEGRADING AND UTILITY CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DISPOSE OFALL EXCESS SOIL MATERIAL IN A MANNER ACCEPTABLE TO THE OWNER AND THE REGULATINGAGENCIES.11. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE A STRUCTURAL RETAINING WALL DESIGN CERTIFIED BY ALICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER.12. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL RULES INCLUDING THENATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) PERMIT REQUIREMENTS.13. PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF ANY STRUCTURE OR PAVEMENT, A PROOF ROLL, AT MINIMUM, WILLBE REQUIRED ON THE SUBGRADE. PROOF ROLLING SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED BY MAKINGMINIMUM OF 2 COMPLETE PASSES WITH FULLY-LOADED TANDEM-AXLE DUMP TRUCK, ORAPPROVED EQUAL, IN EACH OF 2 PERPENDICULAR DIRECTIONS WHILE UNDER SUPERVISIONAND DIRECTION OF THE INDEPENDENT TESTING LABORATORY. AREAS OF FAILURE SHALL BEEXCAVATED AND RE-COMPACTED AS SPECIFIED HEREIN.14. EMBANKMENT MATERIAL PLACED BENEATH BUILDINGS AND STREET OR PARKING AREAS SHALLBE COMPACTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SPECIFIED DENSITY METHOD AS OUTLINED INMNDOT 2105.3F1 AND THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER.15. EMBANKMENT MATERIAL NOT PLACED IN THE BUILDING PAD, STREETS OR PARKING AREA,SHALL BE COMPACTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH REQUIREMENTS OF THE ORDINARYCOMPACTION METHOD AS OUTLINED IN MNDOT 2105.3F2.16. ALL SOILS AND MATERIALS TESTING SHALL BE COMPLETED BY AN INDEPENDENTGEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. EXCAVATION FOR THE PURPOSE OF REMOVING UNSTABLE ORUNSUITABLE SOILS SHALL BE COMPLETED AS REQUIRED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. THECONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATING ALL REQUIRED SOILS TESTS ANDINSPECTIONS WITH THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER.1. BASIN EXCAVATION AND PIPE INSTALLATION MAY TAKE PLACE BEFORE CURB INSTALLATION.ALL OTHER BASIN CONSTRUCTION MUST WAIT UNTIL FINAL SITE LANDSCAPING. REMOVESEDIMENT FROM EXCAVATED BASIN PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF FILTER MEDIA. PLACE SANDBAGS OR SIMILAR ITEM IN CURB CUTS TO PRE-FILTER STORM WATER UNTIL PLANTS AREESTABLISHED IN BASINS. MAINTAIN INLET PROTECTION ON DOWN STREAM INLETS UNTILBASINS ARE ON-LINE.2. BASIN EXCAVATION SHALL BE WITH TOOTHED-BUCKETS TO SCARIFY THE BOTTOM.3. PLACE SILT FENCE AROUND BASINS AS SHOWN IMMEDIATELY AFTER BASIN CONSTRUCTION.4. BASINS MUST BE TESTED FOR INFILTRATION RATE AFTER TOTAL SITE STABILIZATION. A DUALRING INFILTROMETER SHALL BE USED FOR TESTING. MINIMUM INFILTRATION RATE IS 1-INCHPER HOUR. IF BASIN DOES NOT MEET INFILTRATION RATE, CONTRACTOR MUST TAKECORRECTIVE ACTION UNTIL MINIMUM INFILTRATION RATE IS MET. CORRECTIVE ACTION MAYINCLUDE REMOVING PLUG IN DRAIN TILE. ALL TESTING AND CORRECTIVE ACTION SHALL BETHE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR, AND SHALL BE INCIDENTAL TO THE CONTRACT,WITH NO DIRECT COMPENSATION MADE.GRADING NOTESFILTRATION/INFILTRATION BASIN NOTES0.00%900.00900.00TW=XXX.XXBW=XXX.XXE.O.F.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION0'30'60'90'1" = 30'GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATIONS FOUND A LAYER OF CLAYEY SAND APPROXIMATELY 4 FEET BELOWTHE BOTTOM OF THE PROPOSED INFILTRATION CHAMBERS. SHOULD THIS MATERIAL BEENCOUNTERED DURING CONSTRUCTION, THE EXISTING CLAYEY SAND MUST BE REMOVED ANDREPLACED WITH MATERIAL HAVING AN INFILTRATION RATE COMPARABLE WITH THEPOORLY-GRADED SAND LOCATED AT THE BOTTOM OF THE SYSTEM.SOIL REPLACEMENT NOTE 865 8708708708708708 7 0 8758 7 5 862 863 864 866 86786786786886886886986986986 9 871 871 8718718718 7 1 871871872872872 8 7 2 8728728738 7 3 8748 7 4 860860865865 865865870870858858859859861861862862863863864864864 864866866866866867867867 867868868868868869869871870870867867868 8 6 9 869860 870859 859 861862863864 867868869871872870866867868869871861862863864865862863864 866 867867 TUG XXXFND.TPOSTSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTO STO STOSTO ST OSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOFRANCE AVENUE SOUTH COUNTY ROAD NO. 17 WEST 70TH STREETEEEEEEEEEEMGTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTTVTVHHTTTTSTOSTOSTOSTOSST-5ST-6ST-4ST-3ST-2ST-116" ASH13" LCH14" ASHGW: 852.7GW: 853.5GW: 857.5GW: 848.6GW: NOT OBSERVEDGW: NOT OBSERVEDST-101GW: 852.9ST-102GW: 853.5ST-103GW: 853.5ST-104GW: 854.6ST-105GW: NOT OBSERVEDST-106GW: 853.4ST-107GW: NOT OBSERVEDST-108GW: NOT OBSERVEDSTOSTOSTOCOMMERCIAL/RETAIL SPACEFOOTPRINT = 47,200 SFFFE (HOSPITALITY) = 870.00FFE (OFFICE LOBBY) = 868.00FFE (LOADING DOCK) = 866.00MULTI-FAMILY HOUSINGBUILDING FOOTPRINT = 44,300 SFFFE (RESIDENTIAL) = 870.75PARKING RAMPFFE = 866.50GFE = 856.00GFE = 860.00GFE = 860.75GFE = 857.00PROPOSED FINANCIALINSTITUTIONFOOTPRINT = 6,200 SFFFE = 866.00XXXXX871.83ROCKCONSTRUCTIONENTRANCESFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSF SFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFINLET PROTECTION (TYP.)SILT FENCESILT FENCESILT FENCESILT FENCEINLET PROTECTION (TYP.)ROCK LOG INLET PROTECTIONSHEET NUMBER:DATE:DATE:LICENSE NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA VERTICAL SCALE: HORIZONTAL SCALE: DRAWN: CHECKED: DESIGNED:INITIAL ISSUE: REVISIONS:PREPARED FOR: Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 Toll Free (888) 937-5150 N:\0029211.10\DWG\CIVIL\0029211.10EC01.DWG EDINA, MN09/13/202170TH AND FRANCE REDEVELOPMENTEROSION CONTROL PLAN 70TH AND FRANCE REDEVELOPMENTC301 .09/13/2021 DAVID T. BADE DTB DTB TDM 10/16/2020 4530 WEST 77TH STREET SUITE #365 EDINA, MN 55435 ORION/MORTENSON :HVWZRRG3URIHVVLRQDO6HUYLFHV,QFCommon Ground AllianceCall 48 Hours before digging:811 or call811.com### ### or ## 01/25/2021 02/26/2021 06/10/2021 09/13/2021 . US BANK FINAL DEVELOPMENT SUBMITTAL WATERSHED COMMENTS CLIENT REVISION PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN / PUD .PROJECT NUMBER: 0029211.10NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION0'30'60'90'1" = 30'PROPERTY LINESILT FENCEPOND NORMAL WATER LEVELROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCEEROSION CONTROL BLANKETEMERGENCY OVERFLOWSOIL BORING LOCATIONSTORM SEWERDRAIN TILEWATER MAINSANITARY SEWERINLET PROTECTIONEXISTINGPROPOSEDINDEX CONTOURINTERVAL CONTOURRETAINING WALLSFGRADING LIMITSCURB AND GUTTERFLARED END SECTION (WITH RIPRAP)TURF REINFORCEMENT MATEROSION CONTROL LEGEND1. THE CONTRACTOR IS SPECIFICALLY CAUTIONED THAT THE LOCATION AND/OR ELEVATION OFEXISTING UTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS ARE BASED ON RECORDS OF THE VARIOUSUTILITY COMPANIES AND LIMITED MEASUREMENTS TAKEN IN THE FIELD. THE INFORMATIONSHALL NOT BE RELIED ON AS BEING EXACT OR COMPLETE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFYEXISTING CONDITIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND NOTIFY THE OWNER OR ENGINEER OFDISCREPANCIES.2. ALL SILT FENCE AND OTHER EROSION CONTROL FEATURES SHALL BE IN-PLACE PRIOR TO ANYEXCAVATION/CONSTRUCTION AND SHALL BE MAINTAINED UNTIL VIABLE TURF OR GROUNDCOVER HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED. EXISTING SILT FENCE ON-SITE SHALL BE MAINTAINED AND ORREMOVED AND SHALL BE CONSIDERED INCIDENTAL TO THE GRADING CONTRACT. IT IS OFEXTREME IMPORTANCE TO BE AWARE OF CURRENT FIELD CONDITIONS WITH RESPECT TOEROSION CONTROL. TEMPORARY PONDING, DIKES, HAYBALES, ETC., REQUIRED BY THE CITYSHALL BE INCIDENTAL TO THE GRADING CONTRACT.3. EROSION AND SILTATION CONTROL (ESC): THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSUME COMPLETERESPONSIBILITY FOR CONTROLLING ALL SILTATION AND EROSION OF THE PROJECT AREA. THECONTRACTOR SHALL USE WHATEVER MEANS NECESSARY TO CONTROL THE EROSION ANDSILTATION INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO: CATCH BASIN INSERTS, CONSTRUCTIONENTRANCES, EROSION CONTROL BLANKET, AND SILT FENCE. ESC SHALL COMMENCE WITHGRADING AND CONTINUE THROUGHOUT THE PROJECT UNTIL ACCEPTANCE OF THE WORK BYTHE OWNER. THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY INCLUDES ALL IMPLEMENTATION ASREQUIRED TO PREVENT EROSION AND THE DEPOSITING OF SILT. THE OWNER MAY DIRECT THECONTRACTOR'S METHODS AS DEEMED FIT TO PROTECT PROPERTY AND IMPROVEMENTS. ANYDEPOSITION OF SILT OR MUD ON NEW OR EXISTING PAVEMENT OR IN EXISTING STORMSEWERS OR SWALES SHALL BE REMOVED AFTER EACH RAIN EVENT. AFFECTED AREAS SHALL BECLEANED TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE OWNER, ALL AT THE EXPENSE OF THE CONTRACTOR.ALL TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL SHALL BE REMOVED BY THE CONTRACTOR AFTER THETURF IS ESTABLISHED.4. ALL STREETS DISTURBED DURING WORKING HOURS MUST BE CLEANED AT THE END OF EACHWORKING DAY. A CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE TO THE SITE MUST BE PROVIDED ACCORDING TODETAILS TO REDUCE TRACKING OF DIRT ONTO PUBLIC STREETS.5. PROPOSED PONDS SHALL BE EXCAVATED FIRST AND USED AS TEMPORARY PONDING DURINGCONSTRUCTION.6. WHEN INSTALLING END-OF-LINE FLARED END SECTIONS, BRING THE SILT FENCE UP & OVER THEFLARED END SECTIONS & COVER DISTURBED AREAS WITH RIP RAP. THE UPSTREAM FLARED ENDSECTIONS SHALL HAVE WOOD FIBER BLANKET INSTALLED ON THE DISTURBED SOILS.7. ALL UNPAVED AREAS ALTERED DUE TO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES MUST BE RESTORED WITHSEED AND MULCH, SOD, EROSION CONTROL BLANKET OR BE HARD SURFACE WITHIN 2 WEEKSOF COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION.8. THE SITE MUST BE STABILIZED PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE MPCA, NPDES, MNDOT, ANDCITY.A. TEMPORARY (GREATER THAN 1-YEAR) SEED SHALL BE MNDOT SEED MIX 22-111 AT30.5-POUNDS PER ACRE.B. TEMPORARY (LESS THAN 1-YEAR) SEED SHALL BE MNDOT SEED MIX 21-112 (FALL) OR21-111 (SPRING/SUMMER) AT 100-POUNDS PER ACREC. INFILTRATION/FILTRATION BASIN SHALL BE MNDOT SEED MIX 34-262 AT 14.5-POUNDS PERACRE.D. POND SLOPES SHALL BE MNDOT SEED MIX 33-261 AT 35-POUNDS PER ACRE.E. GENERAL SEEDING SHALL BE MNDOT SEED MIX 25-151 AT 70-POUNDS PER ACRE.F. MULCH SHALL BE MNDOT TYPE 1 APPLIED AT 2-TONS PER ACRE.9. FOR AREAS WITH SLOPE OF 3:1 OR GREATER, RESTORATION WITH SOD OR EROSION CONTROLBLANKET IS REQUIRED.10. ALL TEMPORARY STOCKPILES MUST HAVE SILT FENCE INSTALLED AROUND THEM TO TRAPSEDIMENT.11. ALL PERMANENT PONDS USED AS TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASINS DURING CONSTRUCTIONSHALL BE DREDGED AFTER THE SITE HAS BEEN STABILIZED TO RESTORE THE POND TO THEPROPOSED BOTTOM ELEVATION.12. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO LOCAL AND STATE RULES INCLUDING THE NATIONALPOLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) PERMIT REQUIREMENTS.13. THE SITE MUST BE KEPT IN A WELL-DRAINED CONDITION AT ALL TIMES. THE CONTRACTORSHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR TEMPORARY DITCHES, PIPING OR OTHER MEANS REQUIRED TOINSURE PROPER DRAINAGE DURING CONSTRUCTION. LOW POINTS IN ROADWAYS ORBUILDING PADS MUST BE PROVIDED WITH A POSITIVE OUTFLOW.14. PUBLIC STREETS USED FOR HAULING SHALL BE KEPT FREE OF SOIL AND DEBRIS. STREETSWEEPING SHALL BE CONCURRENT WITH SITE WORK.GENERAL EROSION CONTROL NOTESSTOWATSANGLSB-19SB-19E.O.F.HEAVY DUTY SILT FENCEHDSFBIOROLLBIO982980982980ROCK LOG GASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGAS GAS GAS PUG PUG PUGPUG PUG PUG PUG PUG PUGFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFO FO FO FOFOFO FO FOPUGPUGPUGPUG WAT PUG PUG PUG PUG PUG PUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGGAS GAS CTVCTV CTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVFO FO FO FOFOFOFOFOFOFOFO FO FO FO FOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFO FOPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFO FOFOFOFOTUGPUGPUG PUGPUGPUGPUG PUG PUG PUG PUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUG PUG PUG PUG PUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVXXXFO FOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOPUGPUGPUGSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTO STO STOSTO ST OSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSANSANSANSANSAN20.00STOSANSTO STO WATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATFRANCE AVENUE SOUTH COUNTY ROAD NO. 17 WEST 70TH STREET8882010 20 10 UTILITY EASEMENT PER THE PLATOF YORKTOWN DOC. NO.1033725 (ITEM NO. 11)22822TELECOMMUNICATIONS EASEMENTPER DOC. NO. 983149 (ITEM NO. 12)SANITARY SEWER EASEMENTPER DOC. NO. (ITEM NO. 11)1520 15SCENIC AND OPEN SPACE EASEMENT INFAVOR OF EDINA VILLAGE (NOW CITY)PER DOC. NO. 1033728 (ITEM NO. 14)SCENIC AND OPEN SPACE EASEMENT INFAVOR OF EDINA VILLAGE (NOW CITY) PERDOC. NO. 1033728 (ITEM NO. 14)1010PUBLIC ROAD EASEMENT IN PER DOC.NO. 1036934 (ITEM NO. 15)STREET RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATED IN THE PLAT OFYORKTOWN DOC. NO. 1033725 (ITEM NO. 16)40 40 HIGHWAY EASEMENT PER DOC. NO.2189613 (ITEM NOS. 15 & 16)HIGHWAY EASEMENT PER DOC.NO. 2189613 (ITEM NOS. 15 & 16)PUBLIC STREET, DRAINAGE & UTILITYEASEMENT PER DOC. NO. T4859947(ITEM NO. 16)SIDEWALK & UTILITY EASEMENT PERDOC. NOS. T05067233 &T05132844(ITEM NO. 17)SIDEWALK & UTILITY EASEMENTPER DOC. NOS. T05067233 &T05132844 (ITEM NO. 17)TELECOMMUNICATIONSEASEMENT PER DOC. NO.983149 (ITEM NO. 12)EEEEEEEEEEMGTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTTVTVHHTTTTSTOSTOSTOSTORIM = 862.97IE = 855.15 (CITY AS-BUILT)S9" CLAY @ 0.8%ST-5ST-6ST-4ST-3ST-2ST-116" ASH13" LCH14" ASHGW: 852.7GW: 853.5GW: 857.5GW: 848.6GW: NOT OBSERVEDGW: NOT OBSERVEDST-101GW: 852.9ST-102GW: 853.5ST-103GW: 853.5ST-104GW: 854.6ST-105GW: NOT OBSERVEDST-106GW: 853.4ST-107GW: NOT OBSERVEDST-108GW: NOT OBSERVEDSTOSTOSTOCOMMERCIAL/RETAIL SPACEFOOTPRINT = 47,200 SFFFE (HOSPITALITY) = 870.00FFE (OFFICE LOBBY) = 868.00FFE (LOADING DOCK) = 866.00MULTI-FAMILY HOUSINGBUILDING FOOTPRINT = 44,300 SFFFE (RESIDENTIAL) = 870.75PARKING RAMPFFE = 866.50GFE = 856.00GFE = 860.00GFE = 860.75GFE = 857.00PROPOSED FINANCIALINSTITUTIONFOOTPRINT = 6,200 SFFFE = 866.00XXXXX8" SAN STUBIE=858.608" WM STUB8" SAN STUBIE=856.948" WM STUB8" WM STUB6" SAN STUBIE=856.466" SAN STUBIE=860.278" SAN STUBIE=861.366" WM STUB8" WM STUBHYDRANTHYDRANTHYDRANTHYDRANTHYDRANT109 LF - 10" PVC @ 0.70%SAN MH 11RIM=863.85IE(E)=855.50IE(SW)=855.40CORE DRILL INTOEXISTING SAN MH 10RAISE RIM TO 863.67IE(S,NE)=855.1536 LF - 10" PVC @ 0.70%SAN MH 12RIM=864.56IE(N,E)=855.83IE(W)=855.73SAN MH 13RIM=865.55IE(N,E)=856.69IE(W)=856.59222 LF - 10" PVC @ 0.70%SAN MH 14RIM=866.94IE(E,S)=858.34IE(W)=858.24SAN MH 15RIM=867.78IE(N)=859.15IE(W)=859.05102 LF - 10" PVC @ 0.70%SAN MH 16RIM=867.89IE(W,N)=859.95IE(S)=859.85100 LF - 10" PVC @ 0.70%171 LF - 8" PVC @ 0.70%SAN MH 16RIM=870.32IE(W)=861.25IE(S)=861.1516 LF - 8" PVC @ 0.70%16 LF - 6" PVC @ 2.00%26 LF - 10" PVC @ 1.00%25 LF - 8" PVC @ 1.00%INSULATE PIPE25 LF - 6" PVC @ 2.00%8" DIP1234567891011121314151617181920AAA8" DIP8" DIP8" DIP8" DIP33 LF - 10"PVC @ 0.70%REFER TO US BANK LOT PLANS FORLOT SPECIFIC UTILITY INFORMATIONSHEET NUMBER:DATE:DATE:LICENSE NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA VERTICAL SCALE: HORIZONTAL SCALE: DRAWN: CHECKED: DESIGNED:INITIAL ISSUE: REVISIONS:PREPARED FOR: Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 Toll Free (888) 937-5150 N:\0029211.10\DWG\CIVIL\0029211.10UT01.DWG EDINA, MN09/13/202170TH AND FRANCE REDEVELOPMENTSANITARY AND WATERMAIN PLAN 70TH AND FRANCE REDEVELOPMENTC400 .09/13/2021 DAVID T. BADE . . . 10/16/2020 4530 WEST 77TH STREET SUITE #365 EDINA, MN 55435 ORION/MORTENSON :HVWZRRG3URIHVVLRQDO6HUYLFHV,QFCommon Ground AllianceCall 48 Hours before digging:811 or call811.com### ### or ## 01/25/2021 02/26/2021 06/10/2021 09/13/2021 . US BANK FINAL DEVELOPMENT SUBMITTAL WATERSHED COMMENTS CLIENT REVISION PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN / PUD .PROJECT NUMBER: 0029211.10SANEXISTINGPROPOSEDSANITARY SEWERSTOSTORM SEWERWATWATER MAINEASEMENT LINEPROPERTY LINEWATHYDRANTGATE VALVEDRAIN TILEFLARED END SECTION (WITH RIPRAP)LIGHT POLEGASGASGASPUGUNDERGROUND ELECTRICPUGTUGUNDERGROUND TELEPHONETOHPOHOVERHEAD ELECTRICPOHTOHOVERHEAD TELEPHONETOHFOTELEPHONE FIBER OPTICFOCTVCABLE TELEVISIONCTVFMFMSANITARY SEWER FORCE MAINCURB AND GUTTERUTILITY LEGEND1. THE CONTRACTOR IS SPECIFICALLY CAUTIONED THAT THE LOCATION AND/OR ELEVATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THESEPLANS ARE BASED ON RECORDS OF THE VARIOUS UTILITY COMPANIES AND LIMITED MEASUREMENTS TAKEN IN THE FIELD. THEINFORMATION SHALL NOT BE RELIED ON AS BEING EXACT OR COMPLETE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY EXISTING CONDITIONS PRIORTO CONSTRUCTION AND NOTIFY THE OWNER OR ENGINEER OF DISCREPANCIES.2. ALL SANITARY SEWER, STORM SEWER AND WATER MAIN MATERIAL AND INSTALLATIONS SHALL BE PER CITY REQUIREMENTS, MINNESOTAPLUMBING CODE, AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CURRENT EDITION OF "STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR WATER MAIN AND SERVICELINE INSTALLATION AND SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER INSTALLATION" AS PREPARED BY THE CITY ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION OFMINNESOTA.3. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN THE NECESSARY FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL PERMITS FOR THE PROPOSEDWORK OR VERIFY WITH THE OWNER OR ENGINEER THAT PERMITS HAVE BEEN OBTAINED. PERMIT FEES SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OFTHE CONTRACTOR UNLESS OTHERWISE ARRANGED WITH THE OWNER.4. CONTRACTOR SHALL REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR EXACT LOCATION AND DIMENSIONS OF DOORWAYS, RAMPS, TRUCK DOCKS,PRECISE BUILDING DIMENSIONS AND EXACT BUILDING UTILITY CONNECTION LOCATIONS.5. ALL PRIVATE UTILITIES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SPECIFICATIONS OF THE APPROPRIATE UTILITY COMPANY.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE THE SERVICE LINE CONSTRUCTION WITH THE UTILITY COMPANIES.6. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY CITY PERMITS FOR UTILITY CONNECTIONS, AND UTILITIES SHALL BE INSPECTED ANDAPPROVED BY THE CITY. THE CITY SHALL BE NOTIFIED 48-HOURS PRIOR TO COMMENCING WITH THE UTILITY CONSTRUCTION OR ANYREQUIRED TESTING. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT OPERATE, INTERFERE WITH, CONNECT ANY PIPE OR HOSE TO, OR TAP ANY WATER MAINBELONGING TO THE CITY UNLESS DULY AUTHORIZED TO DO SO BY THE CITY. ANY ADVERSE CONSEQUENCES OF SCHEDULED ORUNSCHEDULED DISRUPTIONS OF SERVICE TO THE PUBLIC ARE TO BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR.7. WATER MAIN LENGTHS AS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE HORIZONTAL LENGTHS. ALLOW FOR ADDITIONAL PIPE WHEN INSTALLING ONSLOPES OR WHEN DEFLECTIONS ARE REQUIRED. THE JOINT DEFLECTIONS SHALL NOT EXCEED THE MAXIMUM RECOMMENDED BY THE PIPEMANUFACTURER OR BY LOCAL GOVERNING SPECIFICATIONS. FITTINGS REQUIRED TO CONSTRUCT WATER MAIN SHALL BE INCLUDED INWATER MAIN CONSTRUCTION.8. PROVIDE WATER MAIN THRUST RESTRAINTS PER CITY STANDARD REQUIREMENTS.9. A MINIMUM VERTICAL SEPARATION OF 18 INCHES IS REQUIRED AT ALL WATER LINE CROSSINGS WITH SANITARY SEWER OR STORMSEWER. THE WATER LINE SHALL NOT HAVE JOINTS OR CONNECTION WITHIN 10-FEET OF THE CROSSING. INSULATE CROSSINGS WITHSTORM SEWER.10. UTILITY SERVICES TYPICALLY TERMINATE 5' OUTSIDE BUILDING WALL UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN OR NOTED.11. DUCTILE IRON WATER LINES SHALL BE CLASS 52, PER AWWA C115 OR C151. COPPER WATER LINES SHALL BE TYPE K PER ASTM B88. PVCWATER LINES SHALL BE PER AWWA C900 AND INSTALLED PER AWWA C605 IF ALLOWED BY CITY.12. ALL WATER LINES SHALL HAVE 7.5' MINIMUM COVER. INSULATE WATER MAIN IF LESS THAN 8' OF COVER. INSULATION SHALL BE DOWSTYROFOAM HI BRAND 35 OR EQUIVALENT, WITH 4 INCHES OF THICKNESS.13. SANITARY SEWER PIPE OUTSIDE THE BUILDING ENVELOPE SHALL BE POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) SDR 35 OR 26. SDR 26 IS REQUIRED FORDEPTHS GREATER THAN 15 FEET. SANITARY SEWER PIPE WITHIN 5 FEET OF THE BUILDING AND UNDER FOOTINGS SHALL BE SCHEDULE 40PER ASTM D2665. ALL PLASTIC SANITARY SEWER SHALL BE INSTALLED PER D2321. SOLVENT WELD JOINTS MUST INCLUDE USE OF APRIMER WHICH IS OF A CONTRASTING COLOR TO THE PIPE AND CEMENT. ALL SANITARY SEWER SHALL BE TESTED ACCORDING TOMINNESOTA PLUMBING CODE, PART 712.0.14. STORM SEWER PIPE:A. RCP AND HDPE PIPE MAY BE INSTALLED WITH APPROVAL OF LOCAL GOVERNING AGENCY.B. REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE SHALL BE CLASS 5 FOR PIPE DIAMETERS 18" AND SMALLER, CLASS 3 FOR PIPE DIAMETERS 21" ANDLARGER UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, PER ASTM C76 WITH R-4 GASKETS.C. HDPE STORM PIPE 4- TO 10-INCHES IN DIAMETER SHALL MEET REQUIREMENTS OF AASHTO M252. HDPE STORM PIPE 12- TO60-INCHES IN DIAMETER SHALL MEET REQUIREMENTS OF ASTM F2306. FITTINGS SHALL BE PER ASTM D3212 AND INSTALLED PERASTM D2321.D. PVC STORM SEWER PIPE AND FITTINGS SHALL BE SCHEDULE 40 PIPE PER ASTM D2665 AND INSTALLED PER ASTM D2321.E. CORRUGATED METAL PIPE (CMP) FOR SIZES 18- TO 120-INCH AND MUST MEET ASTM A760 OR ASTM A796 AND BE INSTALLED PERASTM A798. CMP MAY NOT BE INSTALLED WITHIN 10-FEET OF A WATERMAIN, WATER SERVICE, OR A BUILDING.F. ALL STORM SEWER JOINTS AND STRUCTURE CONNECTIONS SHALL BE GASTIGHT OR WATERTIGHT AS REQUIRED BY MINNESOTAPLUMBING CODE, PART 707.3. STORM SEWER LOCATED WITHIN 10-FEET OF A BUILDING AND/OR WATER LINE SHALL BE TESTED PERMINNESOTA PLUMBING CODE, PART 712.15. ALL NONCONDUCTIVE PIPE SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH A LOCATE (TRACER) WIRE PER MINNESOTA RULES, PART 7560.0150.16. POST INDICATOR VALVES SHALL BE CLOW F-5750 (OR EQUIVALENT) MEETING AWWA STANDARD C509 AND CITY STANDARDS. VALVE TOBE MECHANICAL JOINT RESILIENT WEDGE GATE VALVE. POST TO BE ADJUSTABLE FOR 8 FEET WATER MAIN DEPTH. THE ELECTRICAL ALARMSWITCH SHALL BE PART NO. PCVS2 (OR EQUIVALENT).17. AFTER CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETED, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE THE OWNER WITH AN AS-BUILT RECORD OF UTILITYCONSTRUCTION. THE AS-BUILT SHALL INCLUDE LOCATION AND LENGTH DEVIATIONS OR CHANGES TO THE PLAN. CONTRACTOR TOVERIFY WITH OWNER OR ENGINEER WHETHER A PLAN WITH POST-CONSTRUCTION ELEVATIONS IS REQUIRED.18. ALL MANHOLE CASTINGS IN PAVED AREAS SHALL BE SUMPED 0.05 FEET. RIM ELEVATIONS ON PLAN REFLECT THE SUMPED ELEVATIONS.19. ALL CATCH BASIN CASTINGS IN CURB SHALL BE SUMPED 0.15 FEET AND MANHOLE CASTINGS IN PAVED AREAS SHALL BE SUMPED 0.05FEET. RIM ELEVATIONS ON PLAN REFLECT THE SUMPED ELEVATIONS.GENERAL UTILITY NOTESSDTNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION0'30'60'90'1" = 30'A. CONNECT TO EXISTING. COORDINATE CONNECTION WITH THE CITY.UTILITY KEYNOTEA GASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGAS GAS GAS PUG PUG PUGPUG PUG PUG PUG PUG PUGFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFO FO FO FOFOFO FO FOPUGPUGPUGPUG WAT PUG PUG PUG PUG PUG PUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGGAS GAS CTVCTV CTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVFO FO FO FOFOFOFOFOFOFOFO FO FO FO FOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFO FOPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFO FOFOFOFOTUGPUGPUG PUGPUGPUGPUG PUG PUG PUG PUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUG PUG PUG PUG PUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVXXXFO FOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOPUGPUGPUGSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTO STO STOSTO ST OSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSANSANSANSANSAN20.00STOSANSTO STO WATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATFRANCE AVENUE SOUTH COUNTY ROAD NO. 17 WEST 70TH STREET8882010 20 10 UTILITY EASEMENT PER THE PLATOF YORKTOWN DOC. NO.1033725 (ITEM NO. 11)22822TELECOMMUNICATIONS EASEMENTPER DOC. NO. 983149 (ITEM NO. 12)SANITARY SEWER EASEMENTPER DOC. NO. (ITEM NO. 11)1520 15SCENIC AND OPEN SPACE EASEMENT INFAVOR OF EDINA VILLAGE (NOW CITY)PER DOC. NO. 1033728 (ITEM NO. 14)SCENIC AND OPEN SPACE EASEMENT INFAVOR OF EDINA VILLAGE (NOW CITY) PERDOC. NO. 1033728 (ITEM NO. 14)1010PUBLIC ROAD EASEMENT IN PER DOC.NO. 1036934 (ITEM NO. 15)STREET RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATED IN THE PLAT OFYORKTOWN DOC. NO. 1033725 (ITEM NO. 16)40 40 HIGHWAY EASEMENT PER DOC. NO.2189613 (ITEM NOS. 15 & 16)HIGHWAY EASEMENT PER DOC.NO. 2189613 (ITEM NOS. 15 & 16)PUBLIC STREET, DRAINAGE & UTILITYEASEMENT PER DOC. NO. T4859947(ITEM NO. 16)SIDEWALK & UTILITY EASEMENT PERDOC. NOS. T05067233 &T05132844(ITEM NO. 17)SIDEWALK & UTILITY EASEMENTPER DOC. NOS. T05067233 &T05132844 (ITEM NO. 17)TELECOMMUNICATIONSEASEMENT PER DOC. NO.983149 (ITEM NO. 12)EEEEEEEEEEMGTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTTVTVHHTTTTSTOSTOSTOSTORIM=871.0FULL OFDEBRISRIM=870.6INV(E)=866.4INV(NE)-866.3RIM=871.6INV(E)=865.1INV(W)=864.9INV(S)=866.1RIM=869.1INV(E)=864.5RIM=868.3INV(N/E)=864.3INV(W)=863.6RIM=866.7INV(N)=862.7INV(S)=863.0INV(E/W)=862.6RIM=866.5INV(N)=862.6INV(E)=862.5INV(W)=861.7RIM=871.5INV(E)=867.215"RCPRIM=867.5INV=863.2RIM = 862.97IE = 855.15 (CITY AS-BUILT)RIM=866.8INV(E)=859.4INV(W)=859.1RIM=862.8INV(N)=857.2INV(E)=859.2INV(SE)=857.5INV(SW)=856.3RIM=866.2INV=863.3RIM=869.5FULLOFWATERRIM=871.1INV=868.0RIM=863.4FULL OF ICE & DEBRISRIM=863.1INV(NE)=859.6INV(W)=859.1RIM=861.2INV=858.112" RCPRIM=861.8INV(E)=857.7INV(W)=858.2INV(S)=857.6RIM=862.1INV=857.912" RCPRIM=862.5INV(N)=852.8INV(S)=852.615" RCP21" RCPS12" RCP21" RCP12" RCP21" RCP9" CLAY @ 0.8%24" RCP24" RCP24" RCP12" RCP 8"PVC 12"RCPST-5ST-6ST-4ST-3ST-2ST-116" ASH13" LCH14" ASHGW: 852.7GW: 853.5GW: 857.5GW: 848.6GW: NOT OBSERVEDGW: NOT OBSERVEDST-101GW: 852.9ST-102GW: 853.5ST-103GW: 853.5ST-104GW: 854.6ST-105GW: NOT OBSERVEDST-106GW: 853.4ST-107GW: NOT OBSERVEDST-108GW: NOT OBSERVED15" RCPSTOSTOSTOCOMMERCIAL/RETAIL SPACEFOOTPRINT = 47,200 SFFFE (HOSPITALITY) = 870.00FFE (OFFICE LOBBY) = 868.00FFE (LOADING DOCK) = 866.00MULTI-FAMILY HOUSINGBUILDING FOOTPRINT = 44,300 SFFFE (RESIDENTIAL) = 870.75PARKING RAMPFFE = 866.50GFE = 856.00GFE = 860.00GFE = 860.75GFE = 857.00PROPOSED FINANCIALINSTITUTIONFOOTPRINT = 6,200 SFFFE = 866.00XXXXX18" PVC ROOF DRAINIE=863.6415" PVC ROOF DRAINIE=861.0090" CONTECH CMP PIPESBOTTOM OF ROCK=855.50BOTTOM OF PIPES=856.50OUTLET ELEVATION=858.50INFILTRATION VOLUME=18,792 CF100-YEAR FLOOD VOLUME=60,076 CF100-YEAR HWL=863.34STMH 101RIM=863.36IE(S,N,E)=856.6028 LF - 15" RCP@ 1.07%54 LF - 15" RCP @ 1.43%REPLACE STMH 100RIM=863.13IE(W,N)=856.30STMH 102RIM=864.76IE(SW,E)=857.37202 LF - 15" RCP @ 0.50%STMH 103RIM=866.71IE(NE,W)=858.38OCS 104RIM=866.37IE(N)=856.50IE(SW)=858.5024 LF - 15" RCP @ 0.50%CBMH 201RIM=865.36IE(S)=860.66IE(E)=860.58IE(NW)=859.00CB 210RIM=866.22IE(E)=862.7260 LF -21" RCP@ 0.50%STMH 200RIM=866.65IE(W)=862.60IE(SE)=858.70IE(N)=856.503' SUMP=853.50CB 220RIM=865.60IE(W,E)=862.10190 LF - 12" RCP @ 0.50%88 LF - 12" RCP @ 0.50%STMH 202RIM=867.67IE(N)=862.69IE(S)=861.66IE(W)=861.536 LF - 18" PVC@ 2.00%30 LF - TRENCHDRAIN @ 1.00%TRENCH DRAINRIM=869.60IE=868.72TRENCH DRAINRIM=869.72IE=868.72CBMH 301RIM=870.60IE(E)=866.40IE(S,N)=865.0633 LF - 15" RCP @ 0.48%REBUILD STMH 300RIM=871.60IE(N)=867.05IE(E)=865.10IE(S)=864.90IE(W)=864.901234567891011121314151617181920CBMH 203RIM=867.00IE(N,S)=863.0265 LF - 12" STM@ 0.50%CONNECT TOCONTECH CMP PIPE.IE=859.8018" PVC ROOF DRAINIE=863.006 LF - 18" PVC@ 2.00%CONNECT TOCONTECH CMP PIPE.IE=859.8018" PVC ROOF DRAINIE=864.506 LF - 18" PVC@ 2.00%CONNECT TOCONTECH CMP PIPE.IE=859.8018" PVC ROOF DRAINIE=864.506 LF - 18" PVC@ 2.00%CONNECT TOCONTECH CMP PIPE.IE=859.8018" PVC ROOF DRAINIE=863.6845 LF - 18" PVC@ 2.00%CONNECT TOCONTECH CMP PIPE.IE=859.8018" PVC ROOF DRAINIE=863.0445 LF - 18" PVC@ 2.00%CONNECT TOCONTECH CMP PIPE.IE=859.8023 LF -12" RCP@ 0.50%17 LF - 15" PVC @ 2.00%CBMH 302RIM=869.51IE(S)=868.70IE(E)=866.00IE(N)=865.35CB 310RIM=870.77IE=867.2772 LF - 12" RCP @ 0.48%29 LF - 12" RCP@ 4.38%REFER TO US BANK LOT PLANS FORLOT SPECIFIC UTILITY INFORMATIONSUMP MH 230RIM=867.14IE(W)=862.14IE(E)=859.88SUMP=856.88SUMP MH 240RIM=868.50IE(W)=862.78IE(E)=859.88SUMP=856.88SUMP MH 250RIM=869.87IE(W)=864.38IE(E)=859.88SUMP=856.88SUMP MH 260RIM=870.64IE(E)=864.38IE(W)=859.88SUMP=856.88SUMP MH 270RIM=868.94IE(E)=862.88IE(W)=859.88SUMP=856.88SUMP MH 280RIM=867.64IE(E)=863.52IE(W)=859.88SUMP=856.88SHEET NUMBER:DATE:DATE:LICENSE NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA VERTICAL SCALE: HORIZONTAL SCALE: DRAWN: CHECKED: DESIGNED:INITIAL ISSUE: REVISIONS:PREPARED FOR: Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 Toll Free (888) 937-5150 N:\0029211.10\DWG\CIVIL\0029211.10UT01.DWG EDINA, MN09/13/202170TH AND FRANCE REDEVELOPMENTSTORM SEWER PLAN 70TH AND FRANCE REDEVELOPMENTC401 .09/13/2021 DAVID T. BADE . . . 10/16/2020 4530 WEST 77TH STREET SUITE #365 EDINA, MN 55435 ORION/MORTENSON :HVWZRRG3URIHVVLRQDO6HUYLFHV,QFCommon Ground AllianceCall 48 Hours before digging:811 or call811.com### ### or ## 01/25/2021 02/26/2021 06/10/2021 09/13/2021 . US BANK FINAL DEVELOPMENT SUBMITTAL WATERSHED COMMENTS CLIENT REVISION PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN / PUD .PROJECT NUMBER: 0029211.10SANEXISTINGPROPOSEDSANITARY SEWERSTOSTORM SEWERWATWATER MAINEASEMENT LINEPROPERTY LINEWATHYDRANTGATE VALVEDRAIN TILEFLARED END SECTION (WITH RIPRAP)LIGHT POLEGASGASGASPUGUNDERGROUND ELECTRICPUGTUGUNDERGROUND TELEPHONETOHPOHOVERHEAD ELECTRICPOHTOHOVERHEAD TELEPHONETOHFOTELEPHONE FIBER OPTICFOCTVCABLE TELEVISIONCTVFMFMSANITARY SEWER FORCE MAINCURB AND GUTTERUTILITY LEGEND1. THE CONTRACTOR IS SPECIFICALLY CAUTIONED THAT THE LOCATION AND/OR ELEVATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THESEPLANS ARE BASED ON RECORDS OF THE VARIOUS UTILITY COMPANIES AND LIMITED MEASUREMENTS TAKEN IN THE FIELD. THEINFORMATION SHALL NOT BE RELIED ON AS BEING EXACT OR COMPLETE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY EXISTING CONDITIONS PRIORTO CONSTRUCTION AND NOTIFY THE OWNER OR ENGINEER OF DISCREPANCIES.2. ALL SANITARY SEWER, STORM SEWER AND WATER MAIN MATERIAL AND INSTALLATIONS SHALL BE PER CITY REQUIREMENTS, MINNESOTAPLUMBING CODE, AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CURRENT EDITION OF "STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR WATER MAIN AND SERVICELINE INSTALLATION AND SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER INSTALLATION" AS PREPARED BY THE CITY ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION OFMINNESOTA.3. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN THE NECESSARY FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL PERMITS FOR THE PROPOSEDWORK OR VERIFY WITH THE OWNER OR ENGINEER THAT PERMITS HAVE BEEN OBTAINED. PERMIT FEES SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OFTHE CONTRACTOR UNLESS OTHERWISE ARRANGED WITH THE OWNER.4. CONTRACTOR SHALL REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR EXACT LOCATION AND DIMENSIONS OF DOORWAYS, RAMPS, TRUCK DOCKS,PRECISE BUILDING DIMENSIONS AND EXACT BUILDING UTILITY CONNECTION LOCATIONS.5. ALL PRIVATE UTILITIES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SPECIFICATIONS OF THE APPROPRIATE UTILITY COMPANY.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE THE SERVICE LINE CONSTRUCTION WITH THE UTILITY COMPANIES.6. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY CITY PERMITS FOR UTILITY CONNECTIONS, AND UTILITIES SHALL BE INSPECTED ANDAPPROVED BY THE CITY. THE CITY SHALL BE NOTIFIED 48-HOURS PRIOR TO COMMENCING WITH THE UTILITY CONSTRUCTION OR ANYREQUIRED TESTING. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT OPERATE, INTERFERE WITH, CONNECT ANY PIPE OR HOSE TO, OR TAP ANY WATER MAINBELONGING TO THE CITY UNLESS DULY AUTHORIZED TO DO SO BY THE CITY. ANY ADVERSE CONSEQUENCES OF SCHEDULED ORUNSCHEDULED DISRUPTIONS OF SERVICE TO THE PUBLIC ARE TO BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR.7. WATER MAIN LENGTHS AS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE HORIZONTAL LENGTHS. ALLOW FOR ADDITIONAL PIPE WHEN INSTALLING ONSLOPES OR WHEN DEFLECTIONS ARE REQUIRED. THE JOINT DEFLECTIONS SHALL NOT EXCEED THE MAXIMUM RECOMMENDED BY THE PIPEMANUFACTURER OR BY LOCAL GOVERNING SPECIFICATIONS. FITTINGS REQUIRED TO CONSTRUCT WATER MAIN SHALL BE INCLUDED INWATER MAIN CONSTRUCTION.8. PROVIDE WATER MAIN THRUST RESTRAINTS PER CITY STANDARD REQUIREMENTS.9. A MINIMUM VERTICAL SEPARATION OF 18 INCHES IS REQUIRED AT ALL WATER LINE CROSSINGS WITH SANITARY SEWER OR STORMSEWER. THE WATER LINE SHALL NOT HAVE JOINTS OR CONNECTION WITHIN 10-FEET OF THE CROSSING. INSULATE CROSSINGS WITHSTORM SEWER.10. UTILITY SERVICES TYPICALLY TERMINATE 5' OUTSIDE BUILDING WALL UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN OR NOTED.11. DUCTILE IRON WATER LINES SHALL BE CLASS 52, PER AWWA C115 OR C151. COPPER WATER LINES SHALL BE TYPE K PER ASTM B88. PVCWATER LINES SHALL BE PER AWWA C900 AND INSTALLED PER AWWA C605 IF ALLOWED BY CITY.12. ALL WATER LINES SHALL HAVE 8' MINIMUM COVER. INSULATE WATER MAIN IF LESS THAN 8' OF COVER. INSULATION SHALL BE DOWSTYROFOAM HI BRAND 35 OR EQUIVALENT, WITH 4 INCHES OF THICKNESS.13. SANITARY SEWER PIPE OUTSIDE THE BUILDING ENVELOPE SHALL BE POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) SDR 35 OR 26. SDR 26 IS REQUIRED FORDEPTHS GREATER THAN 15 FEET. SANITARY SEWER PIPE WITHIN 5 FEET OF THE BUILDING AND UNDER FOOTINGS SHALL BE SCHEDULE 40PER ASTM D2665. ALL PLASTIC SANITARY SEWER SHALL BE INSTALLED PER D2321. SOLVENT WELD JOINTS MUST INCLUDE USE OF APRIMER WHICH IS OF A CONTRASTING COLOR TO THE PIPE AND CEMENT. ALL SANITARY SEWER SHALL BE TESTED ACCORDING TOMINNESOTA PLUMBING CODE, PART 712.0.14. STORM SEWER PIPE:A. RCP AND HDPE PIPE MAY BE INSTALLED WITH APPROVAL OF LOCAL GOVERNING AGENCY.B. REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE SHALL BE CLASS 5 FOR PIPE DIAMETERS 18" AND SMALLER, CLASS 3 FOR PIPE DIAMETERS 21" ANDLARGER UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, PER ASTM C76 WITH R-4 GASKETS.C. HDPE STORM PIPE 4- TO 10-INCHES IN DIAMETER SHALL MEET REQUIREMENTS OF AASHTO M252. HDPE STORM PIPE 12- TO60-INCHES IN DIAMETER SHALL MEET REQUIREMENTS OF ASTM F2306. FITTINGS SHALL BE PER ASTM D3212 AND INSTALLED PERASTM D2321.D. PVC STORM SEWER PIPE AND FITTINGS SHALL BE SCHEDULE 40 PIPE PER ASTM D2665 AND INSTALLED PER ASTM D2321.E. CORRUGATED METAL PIPE (CMP) FOR SIZES 18- TO 120-INCH AND MUST MEET ASTM A760 OR ASTM A796 AND BE INSTALLED PERASTM A798. CMP MAY NOT BE INSTALLED WITHIN 10-FEET OF A WATERMAIN, WATER SERVICE, OR A BUILDING.F. ALL STORM SEWER JOINTS AND STRUCTURE CONNECTIONS SHALL BE GASTIGHT OR WATERTIGHT AS REQUIRED BY MINNESOTAPLUMBING CODE, PART 707.3. STORM SEWER LOCATED WITHIN 10-FEET OF A BUILDING AND/OR WATER LINE SHALL BE TESTED PERMINNESOTA PLUMBING CODE, PART 712.15. ALL NONCONDUCTIVE PIPE SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH A LOCATE (TRACER) WIRE PER MINNESOTA RULES, PART 7560.0150.16. POST INDICATOR VALVES SHALL BE CLOW F-5750 (OR EQUIVALENT) MEETING AWWA STANDARD C509 AND CITY STANDARDS. VALVE TOBE MECHANICAL JOINT RESILIENT WEDGE GATE VALVE. POST TO BE ADJUSTABLE FOR 8 FEET WATER MAIN DEPTH. THE ELECTRICAL ALARMSWITCH SHALL BE PART NO. PCVS2 (OR EQUIVALENT).17. AFTER CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETED, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE THE OWNER WITH AN AS-BUILT RECORD OF UTILITYCONSTRUCTION. THE AS-BUILT SHALL INCLUDE LOCATION AND LENGTH DEVIATIONS OR CHANGES TO THE PLAN. CONTRACTOR TOVERIFY WITH OWNER OR ENGINEER WHETHER A PLAN WITH POST-CONSTRUCTION ELEVATIONS IS REQUIRED.18. ALL MANHOLE CASTINGS IN PAVED AREAS SHALL BE SUMPED 0.05 FEET. RIM ELEVATIONS ON PLAN REFLECT THE SUMPED ELEVATIONS.19. ALL CATCH BASIN CASTINGS IN CURB SHALL BE SUMPED 0.15 FEET AND MANHOLE CASTINGS IN PAVED AREAS SHALL BE SUMPED 0.05FEET. RIM ELEVATIONS ON PLAN REFLECT THE SUMPED ELEVATIONS.GENERAL UTILITY NOTESSDTNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION0'30'60'90'1" = 30'12" SIDE SPACING(TYP.)12"36" INTERIOR SPACING(TYP.)90"'(TYP.)LAST REVISED:08/11/17UNDERGROUND CONTECH STORMWATER STORAGEST20WASHED COURSE AGGREGATE40% VOIDSSUITABLE SUBGRADE MATERIALPAVEMENT SECTION. SEE DETAIL FORSPECIFIC DEPTHS.ON-SITE FILL MATERIAL24" INLET PIPEBOTTOM OF SAND = 855.50SEE PLAN FOR PIPELENGTH24" CONNECTION PIPE6"WEIR WALLELEVATION = 858.5015" STRUCTURE OUTLET PIPEHEADER PIPE PROFILEIE = 856.50IE = 856.50IE = 858.24NOT TO SCALEFOR REFERENCE ONLY. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ENGINEERWITH SHOP DRAWINGS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. SHEET NUMBER:DATE:DATE:LICENSE NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA VERTICAL SCALE: HORIZONTAL SCALE: DRAWN: CHECKED: DESIGNED:INITIAL ISSUE: REVISIONS:PREPARED FOR: Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 Toll Free (888) 937-5150 N:\0029211.10\DWG\CIVIL\0029211.10DT01.DWG EDINA, MN09/13/202170TH AND FRANCE REDEVELOPMENTCITY DETAILS 70TH AND FRANCE REDEVELOPMENTC500 .09/13/2021 DAVID T. BADE . . . 10/16/2020 4530 WEST 77TH STREET SUITE #365 EDINA, MN 55435 ORION/MORTENSON :HVWZRRG3URIHVVLRQDO6HUYLFHV,QFCommon Ground AllianceCall 48 Hours before digging:811 or call811.com### ### or ## 01/25/2021 02/26/2021 06/10/2021 09/13/2021 . US BANK FINAL DEVELOPMENT SUBMITTAL WATERSHED COMMENTS CLIENT REVISION PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN / PUD .PROJECT NUMBER: 0029211.10NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION0'#########1" = ### SHEET NUMBER:DATE:DATE:LICENSE NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA VERTICAL SCALE: HORIZONTAL SCALE: DRAWN: CHECKED: DESIGNED:INITIAL ISSUE: REVISIONS:PREPARED FOR: Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 Toll Free (888) 937-5150 N:\0029211.10\DWG\CIVIL\0029211.10DT01.DWG EDINA, MN09/13/202170TH AND FRANCE REDEVELOPMENTDETAILS 70TH AND FRANCE REDEVELOPMENTC501 .09/13/2021 DAVID T. BADE . . . 10/16/2020 4530 WEST 77TH STREET SUITE #365 EDINA, MN 55435 ORION/MORTENSON :HVWZRRG3URIHVVLRQDO6HUYLFHV,QFCommon Ground AllianceCall 48 Hours before digging:811 or call811.com### ### or ## 01/25/2021 02/26/2021 06/10/2021 09/13/2021 . US BANK FINAL DEVELOPMENT SUBMITTAL WATERSHED COMMENTS CLIENT REVISION PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN / PUD .PROJECT NUMBER: 0029211.104"LAST REVISED:08/08/17WM06WATERMAIN INSULATIONSEWERWATERMINIMUM 2INSULATION LAYERSWITH JOINTSSTAGGERED6" COMPACTEDGRANULAR FILLWATERMAINW.M. COVER WIDTH (W) 4.0'-4.9' 8' 5.0'-5.9' 6' 6.0'-7.0' 4' 7.0' + 0'NOTES:1. INSULATION SHALL BE EXTRUDED POLYSTYRENE (XEPS) INSULATION BOARD, "CERTIFOAM SE" OR"STYROFOAM SM" OR EQUIVALENT.2. INSULATION SHALL BE PLACED ON A SMOOTH, LEVEL FOUNDATION WHICH HAS BEEN FIRMLY COMPACTED.3. SEPARATE LAYERS OF INSULATION USED TO MAKE UP THE 4" THICKNESS SHALL HAVE STAGGERED JOINTSTO ENSURE THE CONTINUITY OF THE INSULATION.4. ALL WATERMAIN/ STORM SEWER CROSSINGS WITH LESS THAN 36" CLEARANCE SHALL BE INSULATED.5. SANITARY SEWER INSULATION SIMILARMINIMUM 1 1/2" THICK INSULATIONLAYERS WITH JOINTS STAGGEREDAND EXTENDING 4' EACH WAYFROM WATERMAIN C/LMECHANICAL COMPACTEDBACKFILL6"W/2W/218" MIN.INSULATION FOR SHALLOW WATER MAININSULATION AT PIPE CROSSING4"ENTRANCE THRU CURB AND GUTTERSI07NOTES:1. 1/2" PREFORMED JOINT FILLER MATERIAL- AASHTO M2132. CONCRETE GUTTER SHALL BE PER MnDOT SPEC 2531LAST REVISED:08/15/17PLAN VIEWSECTION A-A1/2" EXPANSION JOINT 3'R MIN.VARIABLE WIDTH TO BE STAKED IN FIELD1/2" EXPANSION JOINT IFMATCHING CONCRETE3'3'R MIN.1/2" EXPANSION JOINTFLOW LINETO BE PAID AS 6" CONC. APRONTO BE PAID AS CONC. C&G TO BE PAID AS CONC. C&GBIT. SURFGUTTERAS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER3.0'TO BE PAID AS6" CONC. D.W.TO BE PAID AS 6" CONC. APRONAA6" MAX.AANOTES:1. PROVIDE A RELATIVELY FLAT MINIMUM 4'x4' LANDING BEHIND THE PEDESTRIAN RAMP, 2% MAXIMUM CROSS SLOPE BOTH DIRECTIONS.2. CURB RAMP AREA TO BE CONCRETE AND MEET LATEST ADA REQUIREMENTS. RAMP CROSS SLOPE 2% MAXIMUM. BACK-TO-BACK PEDESTRIAN RAMPS SHALL HAVE MINIMUM 48'' LANDING BETWEEN, OR PROVIDE AT-GRADE CROSSING.3. SIDE FLARES TO BE CONCRETE AND IMPLEMENTED WHERE ADJACENT TO PAVED AREAS. FLARED SLOPE TO BE 10% MAXIMUM. EXISTING CURB RAMP ALTERATIONS, WITH NO LANDING, SHALL BE 8.33% MAXIMUM. PROVIDE 10% MAXIMUM SLOPE, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.4. ANY VERTICAL LIP THAT OCCURS AT THE FLOW LINE MAY NOT BE GREATER THAN 1/4 INCH.5. ADA REQUIRED DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE(TRUNCATED DOMES) SHALL BE 2' MIN. IN DIRECTION OF LANDING AT CURB AND SHALL EXTEND THE FULL WIDTH OF THE LANDING. AREA SHALL BE CONTRASTING COLOR TO THE ADJACENT WALKING SURFACE WITH A PREFABRICATED CAST IRON TRUNCATED DOME INSERT MEETING THE ADA DOME SIZE AND SPACING REQUIREMENTS.ALAST REVISED:08/15/17PUBLIC PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMPSI09AA332233FACE OFCURBBACK OFCURBFACE OFCURB15158"5' MIN.4' MIN. ORPER PLAN5' MIN. 5'-4" MIN. 2' 8"5' MIN.5' MIN.4' MIN. ORPER PLAN5'-4" MIN. 2'CURB FACEOR GUTTER5% APPROACHSLOPE MAXSEE NOTE #41/2" PREFORMEDJOINT FILLER MATERIALRAMP5'-4" MIN.LANDING4' MIN.RAMP 8.33%MAX. SLOPECONCRETE WALKDET. WARN.SURFACEROUND ALL SLOPEDINTERSECTIONSSIDE FLARE 10%MAX. SLOPESIDE FLARE5' MIN.RAMP4' MIN.SIDE FLARE5' MIN.ELEVATION OF RAMPSECTION A-APLAN VIEW OF DIAGONAL RAMPPLAN VIEW OF PERPENDICULAR RAMPNOTES:1. TAPED AREAS TO BE CENTERED AND ALIGNED ON CENTER LINE AND LANE LINES. MAKE ADJUSTMENTS IN CENTER MEDIAN AREA.2. ZEBRA CROSSWALKS SHALL BE WHITE POLYMER-PREFORMED TAPE OR AN ACCEPTABLE EQUIVALENT APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER.3. A MINIMUM OF 1.5 FT. CLEAR DISTANCE MUST BE LEFT ADJACENT TO CURB. IF LAST STRIPED AREA FALLS INTO THIS DISTANCE, IT MUST BE OMITTED.4. REMOVE ALL CONFLICTING PAVEMENT MARKINGS AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER.5. AT SKEWED CROSSWALKS, THE TAPED AREAS ARE TO REMAIN PARALLEL TO THE LANE LINES.6. WHERE PAVEMENT MARKINGS CAN NOT BE INLAYED INTO THE HOT MAT, PAVEMENT SHALL BE GROOVED FOR THE INSTALLATION OF THE POLYMER-PREFORMED MARKINGS. SEE Mn/DOT STANDARD SPECIFICATION 2564.LAST REVISED:08/15/17CROSS WALK STRIPINGSI11PAVEMENT MARKING(TYP.)DRIVING LANE(WIDTH VARIES)6 FT3 FT 3 FTDRIVING LANE(WIDTH VARIES)ROADCLNOTE:1. ALL TRAFFIC FLOW ARROWS TO BE SOLID WHITE REFLECTIVE TRAFFIC PAINT AS PER DIMENSIONS ABOVETRAFFIC ARROWLAST REVISED:08/15/17SI132.001.753.751.002.00R4.75HANDICAP SYMBOLLAST REVISED:08/15/17HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE SIGNAGE AND STRIPINGSI15HANDICAP SIGNNOPARKINGNOTE:BOTTOM OF SIGNS TO BE MOUNTED60"-66" FROM PARKING GRADE, SEESIGN POST INSTALLATION DETAILHANDICAP PARKINGNOTE:STRIPING TO MATCHPARKING, UNLESSPER LOCAL CODENOTE:SEE PLAN FOR PARKING LAYOUTNOPARKINGPARKINGVEHICLE IDREQUIREDUP TO $200 FINEFOR VIOLATIONVANACCESSIBLENOPARKING ACCESS AISLEHANDICAP PARKING SPACE WITHPAINTED INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OFACCESSIBILITY WITH CONTRASTINGSQUARE BACKGROUND, CENTEREDTOWARD DRIVE AISLE.HANDICAP PARKINGSIGNS, 12"X18", OR PERLOCAL CODEHANDICAP SIGNCENTERED AT HEAD OFSPACE ON CENTER STRIPEHANDICAP PARKING ACCESSAISLE WITH PAINTED 12"HIGH LETTERING OF "NOPARKING" CENTEREDTOWARD DRIVE AISLEPER CITY CODE HANDICAP VANACCESSIBLE PARKINGSIGN, 12"X16", OR PERLOCAL CODE, ASAPPLICABLEFACE OF CURBSIDEWALKHANDICAP SIGNCENTERED AT HEAD OFSPACE, 2' MIN. AND 8'MAX. FROM FACE OFCURB2"-0"2"-0"10" DIAMETER CENTERSYMBOL IN PARKING STALL,ALL LINES TO BE 5" WIDE2"-0"NOPARKING4" WIDE PAINTED STRIPINGAT 45 DEGREES AND AT 2'O.C. AT ACCESS AISLE8'MIN.8'MIN.8'MIN. SI19PAVEMENT SECTIONS SHOWN ARE FOR PLANNING PURPOSES ONLY.REFER TO GEOTECHNICAL REPORT FOR FINAL PAVEMENT SECTIONS.LAST REVISED:08/15/17PAVEMENT SECTIONS2" MnDOT TYPE SPWEA340E WEARING COURSE2" MnDOT TYPE SPNWB330E BASE COURSE8" MnDOT SPEC. 3138 CLASS 55" CONCRETE PAVEMENT W/ #4 REBAR AT 16" O.C. EACH WAY4" MnDOT SPEC. 3138 CLASS 5CONCRETE PAVEMENTBITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (HEAVY DUTY)BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (STANDARD DUTY)COMPACTED SAND SUBGRADE (100% STANDARD PROCTOR)COMPACTED SAND SUBGRADE (100% STANDARD PROCTOR)MNDOT SPEC. 2357 BITUMINOUS TACK COAT1.5" MnDOT TYPE SPWEA340E WEARING COURSE2" MnDOT TYPE SPNWB330E BASE COURSE6" MnDOT SPEC. 3138 CLASS 5COMPACTED SAND SUBGRADE (100% STANDARD PROCTOR)MNDOT SPEC. 2357 BITUMINOUS TACK COAT6" COMPACTED CL. 5 AGGREGATEBASE, MNDOT 3138, 2211LAST REVISED:08/15/17HEAVY DUTY CONCRETESECTION LOADING DOCKSI21NOTES:1. CONCRETE SHALL BE REINFORCED WITH WELDED WIRE FABRIC OR REINFORCED BARS TO ASSIST IN CONTROLLING CRACKING FROM DRYING SHRINKAGE AND THERMAL CHANGES.2. SAWED OR FORMED CONTROL JOINTS SHOULD BE INCLUDED FOR EACH 225 SQUARE FEET OF AREA OR LESS (15 FEET BY 15 FEET). CONTRACTOR SHALL PREPARE JOINTING PATTERN AND SUBMIT TO ENGINEER PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION.3. SAW CUTS SHOULD NOT CUT THROUGH THE WELDED WIRE FABRIC OR REINFORCING STEEL AND DOWELS SHOULD BE UTILIZED AT FORMED AND/OR COLD JOINTS.4. DOWELS SHALL BE UTILIZED AT FORMED AND/OR COLD JOINTS. DOWELS SHALL BE 30" LONG 1/2" DIAMETER SMOOTH AND GREASED TIE BARS AT 30" SPACING, MINIMUM 18" FROM PAVEMENT EDGE.7" 4000 PSI TYPE 3 CONCRETESURFACE COMPACTION2"4"AAMOUNTABLE CURB & GUTTERCONSTRUCTION AT CATCH BASINLAST REVISED:08/15/17SI28PERSPECTIVESECTION A-ANOTE:MOUNTABLE CURB & GUTTER TO BEFORMED INTO A B618 TYPE AT CATCH BASINMOUNTABLE CONCRETECURB & GUTTERCATCH BASIN FRAME& COVER#4 REBAR2" DEPRESSION10' MIN. TRANSITIONDESIGN GUTTERLINE GRADENEENAH FRAME & COVER R-3067-V WITHTYPE V GRATE OR APPROVED EQUALEXPANSION JOINTTOP OF CURB10' MIN.TRANSITION10' MIN.TRANSITIONFLOWNO SCALENO SCALEAALAST REVISED:08/15/17TRANSITION CURBSI31PERSPECTIVESECTION A-ANO SCALENO SCALEB6 STYLE CURBSEE DETAIL SI01TRANSITIONVARIESLAST REVISED:08/15/17SI40MODULAR BLOCK RETAINING WALL8"NOTE:CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ENGINEERING ANDSHOP DRAWINGS IF WALL IS GREATER THAN 4FEET TALL. CONTRACTOR TO SUBMIT WALLBLOCK TYPE, SIZE, AND COLOR FOR APPROVAL.1" - 1 1/4"SWALE AT TOP OF WALLMAY BE REQUIRED, VERIFY8" MIN. LOW PERMEABLE SOILFILTER FABRICUNIT DRAINAGE FILL(3/4" CRUSHED ROCKOR STONE)APPROXIMATE LIMITSOF EXCAVATION4" PERFORATED PVC DRAINTILEWRAPPED IN FILTER FABRIC,DAYLIGHT OR TO STORM SYSTEM,AS REQUIREDUNREINFORCED CONCRETE ORCRUSHED STONE LEVELING PADFINISHED GRADECONCRETE MODULAR BLOCKANCHORING PINS (AS REQUIRED)CAP UNIT, ADHERED TO TOPCOURSE WITH ADHESIVEFOUNDATIONSOILRETAINED SOILDESIGN HEIGHT LAST REVISED:08/15/17FENCE AT MODULAR BLOCK WALLSI41NOTE:CONCRETE SLEEVE (AND/OR FOOTING) TO BE SET DURING WALLCONSTRUCTION, NOT DRILLED THROUGH GEOGRID AFTERWARDS, WHEN DIRECTLY BEHIND UNITS.CONCRETE MODULARBLOCKFENCE POSTFENCE POST CONCRETEFOOTING AND SLEEVE,DIAMETER, AND DEPTH PERFENCE SPECIFICATIONSGEOGRIDCAP UNIT, ADHERED TO TOPCOURSE WITH ADHESIVEANCHORING PINS (AS REQUIRED)3.5' MIN. 12"12"TREADLAST REVISED:08/15/17CONCRETE STAIR AND RAILINGSI48NOTES:1. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE SHOP DRAWINGS FOR APPROVAL. FIELD VERIFY CONDITIONS.2. RAILING AND STAIRS BOTH SIDES OF STAIRS AND PER ADA REQUIREMENTS.3. ALL HARDWARE TO BE GALVANIZED OR STAINLESS STEEL, AND FINISH TO MATCH RAILING.4. RAILING FINISH TO BE PRIMED AND PAINTED. COLOR TO PER OWNER.HAND RAIL, 1 1/2" DIAMETERTUBULAR STEEL, WELD ANDGRIND ALL JOINTS, POSTS 6'MAXIMUM SPACING3" RADIUS(TYP.)1/2" RADIUS,NOSECONCRETESTEPS WITHNON-SLIP FINISHMNDOT 3138 CLASS 5AGGREGATE BASE#4 REBAR @12" O.C. MAX.EACH WAY,3" CLEAR#5 REBAR @ NOSE,2" CLEAR(TYP.)ADJACENT PAVEMENT(TYP.)EXPANSION JOINT(TYP.)RAILING POST:SURFACE MOUNTOR EMBEDDED(6" DEPTH)TREAD SLOPE1/8" PER FT.SEE PLAN12"3'-0" 1'-6"12"1"6" RISERLAST REVISED:08/15/17SI50TYPICAL CURB CUT SECTION AT DRIVEWAYS3'18'3'TRANSITION TO B618CURBB618 CURB12'B618 CURBC/L DRIVEWAYSETBACK LINEPROPERTY LINE3NOTES:1. VERIFY DRIVEWAY LOCATION WITH DEVELOPER2. VERIFY MAXIMUM DRIVEWAY WIDTH WITH CITY3. LOCATION SHOWN TYPICAL FOR GARAGE RIGHT ON TANGENT OF THE ROADX'TRANSITION TO B618CURB12"MIN.LAST REVISED:08/15/17MACHINE SLICED SILT FENCE(HEAVY DUTY)GD03FLOWFLOW RUNOFFNOTES:1. INSPECT AND REPAIR FENCE AFTER EACH STORM EVENT AND REMOVE SEDIMENT WHEN ACCUMULATED TO 1/2 THE HEIGHT OF THE FABRIC OR MORE.2. REMOVED SEDIMENT SHALL BE DEPOSITED TO AN AREA THAT WILL NOT CONTRIBUTE SEDIMENT OFF-SITE AND CAN BE PERMANENTLY STABILIZED.3. SILT FENCE SHALL BE PLACED ON SLOPE CONTOURS TO MAXIMIZE PONDING EFFICIENCY.4. ALL ENDS OF THE SILT FENCE SHALL BE WRAPPED UPSLOPE SO THE ELEVATION OF THE BOTTOM OF FABRIC IS HIGHER THAN "PONDING HEIGHT".5. "HEAVY DUTY" IS SAME AS MACHINE SLICED ONLY HAND INSTALLED.WOVEN MONOFILAMENT (36" WIDE)FILTER FABRIC, ATTACHSECURELY TO UPSTREAMSIDE OF POST WITH 3-50LBTENSILE STRENGTH PLASTICZIP-TIES PER POST WITHINTOP 8" OF FABRIC5' STEEL T-POSTFABRIC SLICED INTOSOIL WITHCOMPACTED BACKFILL5' STEEL T-POST6'-0" MAX.SPACINGSTANDARD DETAILPONDING HEIGHTTRENCH WITH NATIVE BACKFILLLAST REVISED:08/15/17CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCEGD05NOTES:1. FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE PLACED UNDER ROCK/WOOD CHIPS TO STOP MUD MIGRATION THROUGH ROCK/WOOD CHIPS.2. WOODCHIPS USED FOR CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES MUST BE 80% NOT LESS THAN 2-INCHES AND NOT MORE THAN 5-INCHES. NO CHIPPED-UP MANUFACTURED WOOD AND/OR CHEMICALLY TREATED IS ALLOWED.3. ENTRANCES MUST BE MAINTAINED REGULARLY TO PREVENT SEDIMENTATION ON PUBLIC ROADWAYS. FUGITIVE ROCK OR WOODCHIPS WILL BE REMOVED FROM ADJACENT ROADWAYS DAILY OR MORE FREQUENTLY AS NECESSARY.4. LENGTH AND WIDTH TO BE ADJUSTED FOR SITE CONDITIONS.HARD SURFACEPUBLIC ROAD1"-2" WASHED ROCKOR WOODCHIPS PERSPECIFICATIONS18" MINIMUM CUT OFF TOMINIMIZE RUNOFF FROM SITEROCK=12" MIN.WOODCHIPS=18" MIN.20' M IN .WIDTH 50' MIN.12' MIN.15' MIN.VARIESLAST REVISED:08/15/17CONCRETE WASHOUT AREAGD08AANOTES:1. CONCRETE WASHOUT AREAS WILL HAVE AN IMPERMEABLE LINER TO PREVENT CONCRETE WASHOUT WATER FROM INFILTRATING/CONTACTING WITH SOIL.2. IMPERMEABLE LINER INCLUDES 10 MIL POLY LINER OR COMPACTED CLAY LINER.3. WASHOUT SYSTEMS CAN BE USED AS ALTERNATE WASHOUT AREAS.ROOF ACCESSEARTH BERMMULCH & SEEDSILT FENCECONCRETEWASHOUT SIGNIMPERMEABLE LINERSILT FENCE1.5'MIN.SECTION A-APOCKETNOTES:1. ALL GEOTEXTILE USED FOR INLET PROTECTION SHALL BE MONOFILAMENT IN BOTH DIRECTIONS, (MEETING MnDOT SPEC. 3733 GEOTEXTILES)2. FINISHED SIZE (INCLUDING POCKETS) SHALL EXTEND A MINIMUM OF 10" AROUND THE PERIMETER TO FACILITATE MAINTENANCE OR REMOVAL.3. DO NOT INSTALL PROTECTION IN INLETS SHALLOWER THAN 30". THE INSTALLED BAG SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM SIDE CLEARANCE BETWEEN THE INLET WALLS AND THE BAG, MEASURED AT THE BOTTOM OF THE OVERFLOW HOLES, OF 3". WHERE NECESSARY THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CLINCH THE BAG (USING PLASTIC ZIP TIES) TO ACHIEVE THE 3" CLEARANCE.LAST REVISED:08/15/17STORM DRAINFILTER BAG INSERTGD10FLAP4"INLET SPECIFICATIONSTO MATCH THE PLANDIMENSION LENGTHAND WIDTH21MINIMUM DOUBLESTITCHED SEAMS ALLAROUND SIDE PIECESAND ON FLAP POCKETSFRONT, BACK, ANDBOTTOM TO BEMADE FROM SINGLEPIECE OF FABRIC2"x4" HOLE SHALL BEHEAT CUT INTO ALLFOUR SIDE PANELSUSE REBAR OR STEEL RODFOR REMOVAL ( FOR INLETSWITH CAST CURB BOX,REPLACE ROD WITH WOOD2" X 4") . EXTEND 10"BEYOND GRATE ON BOTHSIDES, SECURE TO GRATEWITH WIRE OR PLASTIC TIES412" 12"12"2"LAST REVISED:08/15/17INLET PROTECTION WITH ROCK LOGGD11NOTE:1. ALL GEOTEXTILE USED FOR INLET PROTECTION SHALL BE MONOFILAMENT IN BOTH DIRECTIONS. (MEETING SPEC. 3733 (TYPE 1) GEOTEXTILES, PROPOSED 2005 EDITION)ENDS SECURELYCLOSED TO PREVENTLOSS OF OPENGRADED AGGREGATEFILL. SECURED WITH50 PSI ZIP TIEOVERLAP ENDS 6"4' LONG AND 5" DIAMETER GEOTEXTILE SOCK.SEAM JOINED BY TWO ROWS OF STITCHINGWITH A PLASTIC MESH BACKING ORHEATBONDED. (OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT)FILL ROCK LOG WITH OPEN GRADEDAGGREGATE CONSISTING OF SOUND,DURABLE PARTICLES OF CRUSHED QUARRYROCK OR GRAVEL CONFORMING TO 3137,CA-3 (<1.5") GRADATION (OR EQUIVALENT).6"MAX.8"ANOTES:1. PROVIDE A RELATIVELY FLAT MINIMUM 4'x4' LANDING BEHIND THE PEDESTRIAN RAMP, 2% MAXIMUM CROSS SLOPE BOTH DIRECTIONS.2. CURB RAMP AREA TO BE CONCRETE AND MEET LATEST ADA REQUIREMENTS. RAMP CROSS SLOPE 2% MAXIMUM. BACK-TO-BACK PEDESTRIAN RAMPS SHALL HAVE MINIMUM 48'' LANDING BETWEEN, OR PROVIDE AT-GRADE CROSSING.3. SIDE FLARES TO BE CONCRETE AND IMPLEMENTED WHERE ADJACENT TO PAVED AREAS. FLARED SLOPE TO BE 10% MAXIMUM. EXISTING CURB RAMP ALTERATIONS, WITH NO LANDING, SHALL BE 8.33% MAXIMUM. PROVIDE 10% MAXIMUM SLOPE, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.4. ANY VERTICAL LIP THAT OCCURS AT THE FLOW LINE MAY NOT BE GREATER THAN 1/4 INCH.5. RAMP AND FLARED SIDE SURFACE TO BE MEDIUM BROOM FINISH, PERPENDICULAR TO TRAVEL PATH.6. WALK SHALL BE PER MnDOT SPEC 2521 MIX NO. 3A32 WITH A 28-DAY DESIGN STRENGTH OF 3900-PSI.ALAST REVISED:08/15/17PRIVATE PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMPSI092PLAN VIEW OF DIAGONAL RAMPPLAN VIEW OF PERPENDICULAR RAMPSECTION A-AELEVATION OF RAMP32333FACE OFCURB5BACK OFCURB5FACE OFCURBCURB FACEOR GUTTER5% APPROACHSLOPE MAX1/2" PREFORMEDJOINT FILLER MATERIALRAMP 8.33%MAX. SLOPEROUND ALL SLOPEDINTERSECTIONSSIDE FLARE 10%MAX. SLOPECONCRETE WALK8" 5'-4" MIN.5' MIN.4' MIN. ORPER PLAN5' MIN. 5'-4" MIN.5' MIN.5' MIN.4' MIN. ORPER PLANRAMP5'-4" MIN.LANDING4' MIN.SIDE FLARE5' MIN.RAMP4' MIN.SIDE FLARE5' MIN.AA1143'-0"7'-0"3'-0"SIGN INSTALLEDIN LANDSCAPE AREAHANDICAP STALL PARKING SIGNINSTALLED IN PARKING LOTNOTE:1. SIGN TO BE 2-SIDED WHERE HANDICAP PARKING STALLS FACE ONE ANOTHER.2. PARKING GRADE IS DEFINED AS EITHER FLOW LINE OF CURB OR PAVEMENT SURFACEAT THE HEAD OF THE STALL.12"LAST REVISED:06/15/19SIGN POST INSTALLATIONSI14CONCRETE CURB &GUTTERCAP REQUIRED2" GALVANIZEDSTEEL PIPE,ROUND, SET INCONCRETEMOWING EDGEPAVEMENT6" STEELCASINGCONCRETEFOOTING2'-0"MIN.10"BOTTOM OF THELOWEST SIGN TOBE MOUNTED60"-66" FROMPARKING GRADE2'-0"MIN.3'-6" MIN. FROSTDEPTH IF GREATERCONCRETE CROSS GUTTERSI06NOTES:1. 1/2" PREFORMED JOINT FILLER MATERIAL- AASHTO M2132. CONCRETE GUTTER SHALL BE PER MnDOT SPEC 2531LAST REVISED:08/15/17EXPANSION JOINT(TYP.)SLOPE3/4" per ft3'7"#4 REBARSECTION A-A3' MIN.GUTTER FLOW LINEAA1LAST REVISED:01/09/20B6 STYLE CURB AND GUTTERSI01NOTES:1. EXPANSION JOINT SPACING IS 100'2. MIN. 3" CL. 5 UNDER C.&G.3. CURB SHALL BE PER MnDOT SPEC 25317"8"X"Y"6"13 1/2"Curb TypeXYB612B618B62424"18"12"20"26"32"SLOPE 3/4" PER FT.13R-3"R=3"R=1/2"TIP OUT SLOPE 3/4" PER FT.LAST REVISED:11/29/18FLUSH CURB AND GUTTERSI02-D12"8"20"SLOPE GUTTER TO MATCH(3/4" PER FT. TYP)TIP GUTTER OUT AS REQUIRED3" RADIUS1/2" RADIUS7"1/4" BACK8.5" COMMERCIAL/RETAIL SPACEFOOTPRINT = 47,200 SFFFE (HOSPITALITY) = 870.00FFE (OFFICE LOBBY) = 868.00FFE (LOADING DOCK) = 866.00MULTI-FAMILY HOUSINGBUILDING FOOTPRINT = 44,300 SFFFE (RESIDENTIAL) = 870.75PARKING RAMPFFE = 866.50GFE = 856.00GFE = 860.00GFE = 860.75GFE = 857.00TPUBLIC BIKE STORAGE / REPAIRPASS-THROUGHRAMP ACCESSPEDESTRIANRAMP ACCESSVEHICLEXXXXXXXXWAT CTVCTVCTVCTVCTV CTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVXXXXXX STOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTO STO STOSTOSTOSTO ST OSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSANSANSANSANSANSANSAN WATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWAT70.00WEST 70TH STREET110N. LINE OF SEC. 32, TWP. 28, RGE. 24NW CORNER OF SEC. 32,70.00N89°50'44"E 505.00S00°11'54"E 496.57S89°48'06"W 524.96N00°12'08"W 476.97 28.27N44°49'18"EMT STSTSTSTSTSTSTTVTVHHTTTTSTO STOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSAABBBBBBBBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCGGGEEEGGEKEEGEEGKEECCCBBBBBCCCBCBGGGBCBCBCBCBCBCGGEEGCBGCBCBCBCBCBCBCBCBGEBBBBBBBBGGGCBGKKEEECBGCBGCBCBCBCBCBCBCBCBCBCBGGGGGEEEEEEEEEEAABSEE US BANK DRAWINGSFOR CURRENT SITE PLANSBBBBBBCBCBCBCBCBCBCBLLLBOMBBMBAWALKCCIP PLANT BED CURBDCIP RETAINING WALLELIMESTONE FEATURESTREE GRATESFBENCH FEATURESGWASTE AND RECYCLINGHBIKE RACKSICANOPY/ PERGOLA FEATUREJSCULPTURAL/ ART MOMENTPLAN KEYNOTES:BPLANTING BEDKSTAIR W/HANDRAILSLMRETAINING WALLNSIGNAGEOTABLE AND CHAIRS CONCRETE PAVINGDECORATIVE PAVING ADECORATIVE PAVING BTURFPLANT BEDSTORM FILTRATION FEATURELANDSCAPE SITE PLAN HATCH LEGEND:SITE PLAN01L1.0 20'40'10'0'SCALE:1"=20'530 N THIRD ST, SUITE 120,MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55102PH: 612.333.3702 FAX: 515.288.8359www.thinkconfluence.comSignatureTyped or Printed NameLicense # DatePROJECT NUMBERDRAWN BY CHECKED BYORIGINAL ISSUE:REVISIONS:KEY PLANNOT FORCONSTRUCTIONI hereby certify that this plan, specification, orreport was prepared by me or under my directsupervision and that I am a duly licensed architectunder the laws of the State of Minnesota9/10/2021 11:30:10 AM 220535JC TM70th & France70th & FranceEdina, MNPRELIMINARYDEVELOPMENTPLAN / PUD09/13/2021No.Description DateL1.0LANDSCAPE SITE PLAN COMMERCIAL/RETAIL SPACEFOOTPRINT = 47,200 SFFFE (HOSPITALITY) = 870.00FFE (OFFICE LOBBY) = 868.00FFE (LOADING DOCK) = 866.00MULTI-FAMILY HOUSINGBUILDING FOOTPRINT = 44,300 SFFFE (RESIDENTIAL) = 870.75PARKING RAMPFFE = 866.50GFE = 856.00GFE = 860.00GFE = 860.75GFE = 857.00TPROPOSED FINANCIALINSTITUTIONFOOTPRINT = 6,200 SFFFE = 866.00XXXXXXXXGAS GAS GAS GASFOFOFOFO FOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFO FO FO FO FOFOFOFO FO FO FO FO WAT GAS GAS GASCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFO FOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOTUG TUGCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTV CTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVXXXXXXFO FO FOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOXXXX PUG PUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTO STOSTO STOSTOSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSTOWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWEST 70TH STREET110N. LINE OF SEC. 32, TWP. 28, RGE. 24N89°50'44"E 505.00S00°11'54"E 496.57S89°48'06"W 524.96N00°12'08"W 476.97 28.27N44°49'18"E EEEEEEEMGGGTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTTVTVHHTTTTSTO STOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSSEE US BANK DRAWINGSFOR CURRENTLANDSCAPE PLANSTREESQTYCOMMON / BOTANICAL NAMECONTCAL15 Sienna Glen Maple / Acer x freemanii `Sienna` TMB & B 2.5"Cal9 River Birch (Single Stem) / Betula nigraB & B 2.5"Cal9 Northern Acclaim Honey Locust / Gleditsia triacanthos inermis `Harve` TM B & B 8"4 Skyline Honey Locust / Gleditsia triacanthos `Skyline`B & B 4.5"Cal15 True North Kentucky Coffeetree / Gymnocladus dioica `UMNSynergy` TM B & B 5.5"Cal4 Prairie Gold Aspen / Populus tremuloides `NE Arb`B & B 2.5"Cal6 Greenspire Linden / Tilia cordata `Greenspire`B & B 4"Cal9American Elm / Ulmus americana `Princeton`B & B 3.5"CalEVERGREEN TREESQTYCOMMON / BOTANICAL NAMECONTCAL17 Pyramidal White Pine / Pinus strobus 'Fastigiata'B & BGROUND COVERSQTYCOMMON / BOTANICAL NAMECONT1,750 sf SOD xsod3,413 sf STORM FILTRATION PLANTINGSflatPerennial Plugs - Dip IrrigationPanicum Shenandoah (Red Switch Grass)/ P. virgatum `Shenandoah`Blue-Eyed Grass/ Sisyrinchium angustifoliumPLANT SCHEDULE - TREESUNDERSTORY PLANTING PALETTECONCRETE PAVINGDECORATIVE PAVING ADECORATIVE PAVING BTURFPLANT BEDSTORM FILTRATION FEATURELANDSCAPE SITE PLAN HATCH LEGEND:LANDSCAPE PLANTING PLAN1L1.1 20'40'10'0'SCALE:1"=20'530 N THIRD ST, SUITE 120,MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55102PH: 612.333.3702 FAX: 515.288.8359www.thinkconfluence.comSignatureTyped or Printed NameLicense # DatePROJECT NUMBERDRAWN BY CHECKED BYORIGINAL ISSUE:REVISIONS:KEY PLANNOT FORCONSTRUCTIONI hereby certify that this plan, specification, orreport was prepared by me or under my directsupervision and that I am a duly licensed architectunder the laws of the State of Minnesota9/10/2021 11:30:10 AM 220535JC TM70th & France70th & FranceEdina, MNPRELIMINARYDEVELOPMENTPLAN / PUD09/13/2021No.Description DateL1.1LANDSCAPE PLANTING PLAN TURF @ PLANT BED04L2.01-1/2" - 1'-0"FINISHED GRADE AND EDGECONDITION VARIES - SEE PLANFOR CONDITION.3/16" METAL EDGERW/STAKE, PER SPEC.PLANT BED / GRASS MIXAREA MAY OCCUR, SEE PLAN.11EACH TREE SHALL BE PLANTED SUCHTHAT THE ROOT FLARE IS VISIBLE AT THETOP OF THE ROOT BALL. IF THE ROOTFLARE IS NOT VISIBLE, THE SOIL SHALL BEREMOVED IN A LEVEL MANNER FROM THEROOT BALL TO WHERE THE FIRST MAINORDER ROOT (12" DIA. OR LARGER)EMERGES FROM THE TRUNK. SET MAINORDER ROOT 1" HIGHER THAN ADJACENTGRADE. DO NOT COVER TOP OF ROOTBALL WITH SOIL.SCARIFY SIDES OF TREE PIT WITH SPADEBY HAND TO BIND WITH PREPARED SOIL.PLANTING PIT TO BE TWO TO FIVE TIMESTHE DIAMETER OF ROOT ALL, SLOPEDTAMP SOIL AROUND ROOT BALL BASEFIRMLY WITH FOOT PRESSURE SO THATROOT BALL DOES NOT SHIFT.DRAINAGE TRENCH AS REQUIRED PERPERCOLATION TEST IN SPEC. AUGER A 4"DIA. HOLE & FILL W/ 34" GRAVEL.PLACE ROOT BALL ON UNDISTURBED ORCOMPACTED SOIL.DIG PLANTING PIT 4-6" DEEPER THANROOTBALL.UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE.REMOVE BURLAP, WINE, ROPE ANDWIRE FROM TOP HALF OF ROOT BALL.COMPACT PLANTING SOIL TO85% OF MAXIMUM DRY UNITWEIGHT PER ASTM D 698.EDGE CONDITION VARIES, SEEPLAN.4" BUILT-UP EARTH SAUCERBEYOND EDGE OF ROOT BALL.3" SHREDDED HARDWOODMULCH. DO NOT PLACE MULCHIN CONTACT WITH ROOT FLARE.RODENT TRUNK PROTECTIONFOR DECIDUOUS TREES: 12"HARDWIRE-CLOTH MESHCYLINDER. DIMENSIONS: 8"DIAMETER (OR GREATER) X 36"HEIGHT. STAKE IN PLACE,AVOIDING ROOTS. SEE SPEC.TREE PLANTING DETAIL, TYP.01L2.01/2" = 1'-0"SEE PLAN12"MIN.PREPARE SOIL FORTHE ENTIRE BED4"3" SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH. DONOT PLACE MULCH IN CONTACT WITHSHRUB STEM.NOTE: SEE SPECIFICATION SECTIONRELATED TO EXTERIOR PLANTING.CONTAINER GROWN MATERIAL SHALLHAVE ROOTS HAND LOOSENED.MIN.4" DEEPER THAN ROOT BALL.SCARIFY SIDES AND BOTTOM OF ENTIREBED WITH SPADE BY HAND TO BIND WITHPLANTING SOIL.UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE.PLANTING DETAIL, TYP.02L2.01/2" = 1'-0"5' DIAMETER MULCH RING, TYP.12"12"12"12"12"PLANSECTION AFILTRATION BASIN SUBGRADE, SEE CIVILPLANTING SOIL MIX, SEE CIVIL FOR DEPTH,3" HARDWOOD MULCHPLUG, SEE MIX FOR SPECIESA'A1/2" SCALESTORM FEATURE PLUG LAYOUT03L2.01/2" = 1'-0"SEE PLAN SEE PLAN SEEPLANS E E PL A N PLANSECTION A'-AA'A530 N THIRD ST, SUITE 120,MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55102PH: 612.333.3702 FAX: 515.288.8359www.thinkconfluence.comSignatureTyped or Printed NameLicense # DatePROJECT NUMBERDRAWN BY CHECKED BYORIGINAL ISSUE:REVISIONS:KEY PLANNOT FORCO N S T R U C T IO N I hereby certify that this plan, specification, orreport was prepared by me or under my directsupervision and that I am a duly licensed architectunder the laws of the State of Minnesota9/10/2021 11:30:10 AM 220535JC TM70th & France70th & FranceEdina, MNPRELIMINARYDEVELOPMENTPLAN / PUD09/13/2021No.Description DateL2.0LANDSCAPE DETAILS Signature Typed or Printed Name License #Date PROJECT NUMBER DRAWN BY CHECKED BY ORIGINAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: KEY PLANNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota 9/13/2021 7:31:15 PMA0.1 EXISTING SITE IMAGES 220535 Author Checker 70th & France 70th & France Edina, MN PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN / PUD 09/13/2021 VIEW FROM SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SITE VIEW FROM EAST SIDE OF SITE LOOKING WEST VIEW FROM SOUTHWEST SIDE OF SITE LOOKING EAST VIEW FROM NORTHEAST CORNER OF SITE LOOKING NORTH VIEW FROM NORTHEAST CORNER OF SITE LOOKING EAST VIEW FROM SOUTH SIDE OF SITE LOOKING SOUTHEAST No. Description Date SITE B OFFICE / COMMERCIAL SITE A RESIDENTIAL TOWER SITE D BANK 70TH STREET W 71ST STREET W FRANCE AVE S EWING AVE SDREW AVE S51'-9" 68'-6"1 A0.61 2 A0.61 SITE C PARKING 13'-9"42'-5"290'-2"182'-0" 42'-0"159'-2"291'-6"138'-8"120'-7"180'-8" 198'-0"121'-4"36'-5"16'-0"6'-1" 7'-0"16'-0"16'-0"24'-0"24'-0" 6'-2"6'-0"20'-7"19'-5"10'-11"10'-5"12'-4"6'-2"8'-4"8'-6"20'-0"8'-6"8'-4"8'-0" 52'-1"12'-3"8'-6"9'-3"13'-0"14'-4"5'-9"12'-6"6'-3"8'-0"STREET ROOM TYPOLOGY 3: NEW LOCAL STREETSTREET ROOM TYPOLOGY 2: CORNELIA OVERLAY AT FRANCE AVESTREET ROOM TYPOLOGY 3: NEW LOCAL STREET STREET ROOM TYPOLOGY 4: Signature Typed or Printed Name License #Date PROJECT NUMBER DRAWN BY CHECKED BY ORIGINAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: KEY PLANNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota 9/13/2021 7:59:22 PMA0.2 SITE PLAN 220535 Author Checker 70th & France 70th & France Edina, MN PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN / PUD 09/13/2021 No. Description Date 2 WAY TRAFFIC PLUS PARKING +/- 68'-0" EWING AVE S FRANCE AVE S DREW AVE SPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINESTREET ROOM TYPOLOGY 2: CORNELIA OVERLAY AT FRANCE AVE STREET ROOM TYPOLOGY 3: NEW LOCAL STREET SETBACK TO CURB 50'-0" MIN. Signature Typed or Printed Name License #Date PROJECT NUMBER DRAWN BY CHECKED BY ORIGINAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: KEY PLANNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota 9/13/2021 7:59:24 PMA0.3 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS - SITE 220535 JCG Checker 09/14/20 70th & France 70th & France Edina, MN PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN / PUD 09/13/2021 1/16" = 1'-0"A0.3 1 NORTH SITE ELEVATION No. Description D ate Signature Typed or Printed Name License # Date PROJECT NUMBER DRAWN BY CHECKED BY ORIGINAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: KEY PLANNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota 9/13/2021 7:31:17 PMA0.4 EXTERIOR RENDERINGS 220535 ESG ESG 09/13/21 70th & France 70th & France Edina, MN PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN / PUD 09/13/2021 No. Description Date Signature Typed or Printed Name License #Date PROJECT NUMBER DRAWN BY CHECKED BY ORIGINAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: KEY PLANNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota 9/13/2021 8:05:39 PMA0.19-A PRELIMINARY SITE A METRICS 220535 Author Checker 09/02/21 70th & France 70th & France Edina, MN PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN / PUD 09/13/2021 PRELIMINARY METRICS No. Description Date D 5 T5 A B.2 B.6A.1 A.6 C.2 C.7 T1 7 6 4 3 2 T2 T3 T4 RESIDENTIAL LOBBY & AMENITY LOADING TRASH/ RECYCLING MOVE IN UTILITY PARKINGENTRY/EXIT8 1 B C 4.96%UPDN34,977 SF PARKING 7,452 SF AMENITY 886 SF COMMON / CIRCULATION 2,373 SF BOH 444 SF COMMON / CIRCULATION 15' - 0"29' - 0"15' - 0"15' - 0"30' - 0"15' - 0"15' - 0"29' - 0"15' - 0" 178' - 0"2' - 0"26' - 4"18' - 10"27' - 6"27' - 6"27' - 6"27' - 6"27' - 6"2' - 1"30' - 0"28' - 6"30' - 0"13' - 1"1' - 10"286' - 4"HATCHED AREAS ILLUSTRATE SLOPED PT CONCRETE PARKING ENTRY/EXITOVERHEADDOORFLEXPARKINGFLEXPARKINGFLEXPARKINGROLLING OVERHEAD SCREEN OVERHEADDOOROVERHEADDOOROVERHEADGATEOVERHEADGATEOVERHEADGATEROLLING OVERHEAD SCREEN ROLLING OVERHEAD SCREEN 501 SF RETAIL 349 SF RETAIL 522 SF RETAIL OVERHEAD DOOR REFER TO LEVEL P0.5 FOR PARKING LAYOUT OVERHEADDOOR100'-0" 870.75' 100'-0" 100'-0" 870.75' 99'-3"100'-0"99'-3"100'-0"99'-3" 99'-3" 97'-9" 96'-3" 96'-3" 96'-3" 99'-3"1.80%2.50%2.50%4.06%DNDN DN 97'-9" 97'-9" 97'-0" 96'-6" 96'-3" 99'-0" 98'-6" 98'-0" T T 99'-6" 870.25' 99'-6" 870.25' D 5 T5 A B.2 B.6A.1 A.6 C.2 C.7 T1 7 6 4 3 T2 T3 T4 8 1 B C 41,034 SF PARKING 114'-0" 114'-0"112'-10 1/8" 107'-9"109'-10"109'-10"4.86%5%4.96%5.01%UPUPUP 6.94% UP 6.94%UPUP15' - 0"29' - 0"15' - 0"15' - 0"30' - 0"15' - 0"15' - 0"29' - 0"15' - 0" 178' - 0"2' - 0"26' - 4"18' - 10"27' - 6"27' - 6"27' - 6"27' - 6"27' - 6"2' - 1"30' - 0"28' - 6"30' - 0"13' - 1"1' - 10"286' - 4"2,575 SF COMMON / CIRCULATION 1,161 SF 2BR 819 SF 1BR 938 SF 1BR+D 1,459 SF 2BR 1,149 SF 2BR 938 SF 1BR+D 880 SF ALC DATA/ELEC ELEV LOBBY TRASH MECH 938 SF 1BR+D 5 B.2 B.6 T1 7 6 4 3 2 T2 8 1 B C 91'-3" 11,265 SF PARKING PARKING ENTRY/EXIT (LEVEL 1)3.2%UPSignature Typed or Printed Name License # Date PROJECT NUMBER DRAWN BY CHECKED BY ORIGINAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: KEY PLANNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota 9/13/2021 8:05:42 PMA0.20-A SITE A FLOOR PLANS 220535 70th & France 70th & France Edina, MN PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN / PUD 09/13/2021 1/16" = 1'-0"A0.20-A 2 SITE 'A' LEVEL 1 FLOOR PLAN No. Description D ate 1/16" = 1'-0"A0.20-A 3 SITE 'A' LEVEL 2 FLOOR PLAN 1/16" = 1'-0"A0.20-A 1 SITE 'A' LEVEL 0.5 FLOOR PLAN Signature Typed or Printed Name License #Date PROJECT NUMBER DRAWN BY CHECKED BY ORIGINAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: KEY PLANNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota 9/13/2021 7:31:15 PMA0.1 EXISTING SITE IMAGES 220535 Author Checker 70th & France 70th & France Edina, MN PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN / PUD 09/13/2021 VIEW FROM SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SITE VIEW FROM EAST SIDE OF SITE LOOKING WEST VIEW FROM SOUTHWEST SIDE OF SITE LOOKING EAST VIEW FROM NORTHEAST CORNER OF SITE LOOKING NORTH VIEW FROM NORTHEAST CORNER OF SITE LOOKING EAST VIEW FROM SOUTH SIDE OF SITE LOOKING SOUTHEAST No. Description Date SITE B OFFICE / COMMERCIAL SITE A RESIDENTIAL TOWER SITE D BANK 70TH STREET W 71ST STREET W FRANCE AVE S EWING AVE SDREW AVE S51'-9" 68'-6"1 A0.61 2 A0.61 SITE C PARKING 13'-9"42'-5"290'-2"182'-0" 42'-0"159'-2"291'-6"138'-8"120'-7"180'-8" 198'-0"121'-4"36'-5"16'-0"6'-1" 7'-0"16'-0"16'-0"24'-0"24'-0" 6'-2"6'-0"20'-7"19'-5"10'-11"10'-5"12'-4"6'-2"8'-4"8'-6"20'-0"8'-6"8'-4"8'-0" 52'-1"12'-3"8'-6"9'-3"13'-0"14'-4"5'-9"12'-6"6'-3"8'-0"STREET ROOM TYPOLOGY 3: NEW LOCAL STREETSTREET ROOM TYPOLOGY 2: CORNELIA OVERLAY AT FRANCE AVESTREET ROOM TYPOLOGY 3: NEW LOCAL STREET STREET ROOM TYPOLOGY 4: Signature Typed or Printed Name License #Date PROJECT NUMBER DRAWN BY CHECKED BY ORIGINAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: KEY PLANNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota 9/13/2021 7:59:22 PMA0.2 SITE PLAN 220535 Author Checker 70th & France 70th & France Edina, MN PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN / PUD 09/13/2021 No. Description Date 2 WAY TRAFFIC PLUS PARKING +/- 68'-0" EWING AVE S FRANCE AVE S DREW AVE SPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINESTREET ROOM TYPOLOGY 2: CORNELIA OVERLAY AT FRANCE AVE STREET ROOM TYPOLOGY 3: NEW LOCAL STREET SETBACK TO CURB 50'-0" MIN. Signature Typed or Printed Name License #Date PROJECT NUMBER DRAWN BY CHECKED BY ORIGINAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: KEY PLANNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota 9/13/2021 7:59:24 PMA0.3 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS - SITE 220535 JCG Checker 09/14/20 70th & France 70th & France Edina, MN PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN / PUD 09/13/2021 1/16" = 1'-0"A0.3 1 NORTH SITE ELEVATION No. Description D ate Signature Typed or Printed Name License # Date PROJECT NUMBER DRAWN BY CHECKED BY ORIGINAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: KEY PLANNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota 9/13/2021 7:31:17 PMA0.4 EXTERIOR RENDERINGS 220535 ESG ESG 09/13/21 70th & France 70th & France Edina, MN PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN / PUD 09/13/2021 No. Description Date Signature Typed or Printed Name License #Date PROJECT NUMBER DRAWN BY CHECKED BY ORIGINAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: KEY PLANNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota 9/13/2021 8:05:39 PMA0.19-A PRELIMINARY SITE A METRICS 220535 Author Checker 09/02/21 70th & France 70th & France Edina, MN PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN / PUD 09/13/2021 PRELIMINARY METRICS No. Description Date D 5 T5 A B.2 B.6A.1 A.6 C.2 C.7 T1 7 6 4 3 2 T2 T3 T4 RESIDENTIAL LOBBY & AMENITY LOADING TRASH/ RECYCLING MOVE IN UTILITY PARKINGENTRY/EXIT8 1 B C 4.96%UPDN34,977 SF PARKING 7,452 SF AMENITY 886 SF COMMON / CIRCULATION 2,373 SF BOH 444 SF COMMON / CIRCULATION 15' - 0"29' - 0"15' - 0"15' - 0"30' - 0"15' - 0"15' - 0"29' - 0"15' - 0" 178' - 0"2' - 0"26' - 4"18' - 10"27' - 6"27' - 6"27' - 6"27' - 6"27' - 6"2' - 1"30' - 0"28' - 6"30' - 0"13' - 1"1' - 10"286' - 4"HATCHED AREAS ILLUSTRATE SLOPED PT CONCRETE PARKING ENTRY/EXITOVERHEADDOORFLEXPARKINGFLEXPARKINGFLEXPARKINGROLLING OVERHEAD SCREEN OVERHEADDOOROVERHEADDOOROVERHEADGATEOVERHEADGATEOVERHEADGATEROLLING OVERHEAD SCREEN ROLLING OVERHEAD SCREEN 501 SF RETAIL 349 SF RETAIL 522 SF RETAIL OVERHEAD DOOR REFER TO LEVEL P0.5 FOR PARKING LAYOUT OVERHEADDOOR100'-0" 870.75' 100'-0" 100'-0" 870.75' 99'-3"100'-0"99'-3"100'-0"99'-3" 99'-3" 97'-9" 96'-3" 96'-3" 96'-3" 99'-3"1.80%2.50%2.50%4.06%DNDN DN 97'-9" 97'-9" 97'-0" 96'-6" 96'-3" 99'-0" 98'-6" 98'-0" T T 99'-6" 870.25' 99'-6" 870.25' D 5 T5 A B.2 B.6A.1 A.6 C.2 C.7 T1 7 6 4 3 T2 T3 T4 8 1 B C 41,034 SF PARKING 114'-0" 114'-0"112'-10 1/8" 107'-9"109'-10"109'-10"4.86%5%4.96%5.01%UPUPUP 6.94% UP 6.94%UPUP15' - 0"29' - 0"15' - 0"15' - 0"30' - 0"15' - 0"15' - 0"29' - 0"15' - 0" 178' - 0"2' - 0"26' - 4"18' - 10"27' - 6"27' - 6"27' - 6"27' - 6"27' - 6"2' - 1"30' - 0"28' - 6"30' - 0"13' - 1"1' - 10"286' - 4"2,575 SF COMMON / CIRCULATION 1,161 SF 2BR 819 SF 1BR 938 SF 1BR+D 1,459 SF 2BR 1,149 SF 2BR 938 SF 1BR+D 880 SF ALC DATA/ELEC ELEV LOBBY TRASH MECH 938 SF 1BR+D 5 B.2 B.6 T1 7 6 4 3 2 T2 8 1 B C 91'-3" 11,265 SF PARKING PARKING ENTRY/EXIT (LEVEL 1)3.2%UPSignature Typed or Printed Name License # Date PROJECT NUMBER DRAWN BY CHECKED BY ORIGINAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: KEY PLANNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota 9/13/2021 8:05:42 PMA0.20-A SITE A FLOOR PLANS 220535 70th & France 70th & France Edina, MN PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN / PUD 09/13/2021 1/16" = 1'-0"A0.20-A 2 SITE 'A' LEVEL 1 FLOOR PLAN No. Description D ate 1/16" = 1'-0"A0.20-A 3 SITE 'A' LEVEL 2 FLOOR PLAN 1/16" = 1'-0"A0.20-A 1 SITE 'A' LEVEL 0.5 FLOOR PLAN D 5 T5 A B.2 B.6A.1 A.6 C.2 C.7 T1 7 6 4 3 2 T2 T3 T4 8 1 B C 41,034 SF PARKING 2,575 SF COMMON / CIRCULATION 7.22%7.22%5.01%5.01%UP UPUPUP124'-0" 124'-0"124'-0" 121'-10"124'-0"124'-0" 15' - 0"29' - 0"15' - 0"15' - 0"30' - 0"15' - 0"15' - 0"29' - 0"15' - 0" 178' - 0"2' - 0"26' - 4"18' - 10"27' - 6"27' - 6"27' - 6"27' - 6"27' - 6"2' - 1"30' - 0"28' - 6"30' - 0"13' - 1"286' - 4"2' - 0"880 SF ALC 819 SF 1BR 938 SF 1BR+D 938 SF 1BR+D 1,459 SF 2BR 1,149 SF 2BR HATCHED AREAS ILLUSTRATE SLOPED PT CONCRETE 1,161 SF 2BR DATA/ELEC ELEV LOBBY TRASH MECH 938 SF 1BR+D D 5 T5 A B.2 B.6A.1 A.6 C.2 C.7 T1 7 6 4 3 2 T2 T3 T4 8 1 B C 2,575 SF COMMON / CIRCULATION 37,015 SF PARKING (OPEN TO BELOW) 7.22%7.22%5.01%UP UPUP134'-0" 134'-0"134'-0" 131'-10"134'-0"134'-0" 15' - 0"29' - 0"15' - 0"15' - 0"30' - 0"15' - 0"15' - 0"29' - 0"15' - 0" 178' - 0"2' - 0"26' - 4"18' - 10"27' - 6"27' - 6"27' - 6"27' - 6"27' - 6"2' - 1"30' - 0"28' - 6"30' - 0"13' - 1"880 SF ALC 1,161 SF 2BR 1,327 SF 2BR 1,387 SF 2BR 1,148 SF 2BR HATCHED AREAS ILLUSTRATE SLOPED PT CONCRETE 1' - 10"286' - 4"DATA/ELEC ELEV LOBBY TRASH MECH UNIT TERRACEUNIT TERRACE 1,014 SF 1BR UNIT TERRACE Signature Typed or Printed Name License # Date PROJECT NUMBER DRAWN BY CHECKED BY ORIGINAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: KEY PLANNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota 9/13/2021 8:05:43 PMA0.21-A SITE A FLOOR PLANS 220535 08/24/21 70th & France 70th & France Edina, MN PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN / PUD 09/13/2021 No. Description Date 1/16" = 1'-0"A0.21-A 1 SITE 'A' LEVEL 3 FLOOR PLAN 1/16" = 1'-0"A0.21-A 2 SITE 'A' LEVEL 4 FLOOR PLAN 6 RESIDENTIAL AMENITY DECK RESIDENTIAL AMENITY UNOCCUPIABLE ROOF AREA 1,567 SF 2BR 1,014 SF 1BR+D 867 SF 1BR 783 SF 1BR 993 SF 1BR 1,383 SF 2BR 4,887 SF AMENITY 2,313 SF COMMON / CIRCULATION 1,227 SF 2BR DATA/ELEC ELEV LOBBY TRASH PATHWAY TO EGRESS STAIR 573 SF ALC 783 SF 1BR 993 SF 1BR867 SF 1BR 1,014 SF 1BR+D 1,102 SF 2BR 573 SF ALC 977 SF 2BR 786 SF 1BR 846 SF 1BR 1,227 SF 2BR 513 SF ST 513 SF ST 2,275 SF COMMON / CIRCULATION 573 SF ALC 1,383 SF 2BR DATA/ELEC ELEV LOBBY TRASH 1,958 SF PENTHOUSE 1,287 SF PENTHOUSE 1,823 SF PENTHOUSE 1,675 SF PENTHOUSE 2,118 SF COMMON / CIRCULATION DATA/ELEC ELEV LOBBY TRASH 783 SF 1BR 993 SF 1BR867 SF 1BR 1,014 SF 1BR+D 1,567 SF 2BR 573 SF ALC 977 SF 2BR 786 SF 1BR 847 SF 1BR 1,227 SF 2BR 513 SF ST 513 SF ST 2,275 SF COMMON / CIRCULATION 573 SF ALC 1,383 SF 2BR DATA/ELEC ELEV LOBBY TRASH 573 SF ALC Signature Typed or Printed Name License # Date PROJECT NUMBER DRAWN BY CHECKED BY ORIGINAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: KEY PLANNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota 9/13/2021 8:05:45 PMA0.22-A SITE A FLOOR PLANS 220535 Author Checker 70th & France 70th & France Edina, MN PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN / PUD 09/13/2021 1/16" = 1'-0"A0.22-A 1 LEVEL 5 FLOOR PLAN 1/16" = 1'-0"A0.22-A 2 LEVEL 6-21 FLOOR PLAN 1/16" = 1'-0"A0.22-A 3 LEVEL 22-24 FLOOR PLAN No. Description D ate 1/16" = 1'-0"A0.22-A 4 'A' LEVEL L6 PRECAST PANEL GLAZED WALL SYSTEM METAL PERFORATED SCREEN AT PARKING (50% OPEN) 'A' LEVEL L1 870' - 9" 'A' LEVEL L2 114' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L3 124' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L4 134' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L5 144' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L6 156' - 0" TOWER 7 168' - 0" TOWER 8 177' - 8" TOWER 9 187' - 4" TOWER 11 206' - 8" TOWER 12 216' - 4" TOWER 13 226' - 0" TOWER 14 235' - 8" TOWER 15 245' - 4" TOWER 16 255' - 0" TOWER 17 264' - 8" TOWER 18 274' - 4" TOWER 19 284' - 0" TOWER 20 293' - 8" TOWER 21 303' - 4" TOWER 22 314' - 0" TOWER 24 335' - 4" TOWER ROOF UPPER 346' - 0" LEVEL 10 197' - 0"14' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"12' - 0"12' - 0"9' - 8"9' - 8"9' - 8"9' - 8"9' - 8"9' - 8"9' - 8"9' - 8"9' - 8"9' - 8"9' - 8"9' - 8"9' - 8"9' - 8"10' - 8"10' - 8"10' - 8"10' - 8"19' - 0".TOWER 23 324' - 8"BUILDING HEIGHT 265' - 0"TOWER SCREEN WALL 360' - 0" METAL PANEL GLAZED WALL SYSTEM WOOD-LOOK METAL PANEL PRECAST PANEL PRECAST PANEL BALCONY RAILING SYSTEM METAL PANEL MECHANICAL SCREENING GLAZED WINDOW SYSTEM MECHANICAL SCREENING Signature Typed or Printed Name License # Date PROJECT NUMBER DRAWN BY CHECKED BY ORIGINAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: KEY PLANNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota 9/13/2021 8:05:45 PMA0.30-A SITE A ELEVATIONS 220535 ESG ESG 70th & France 70th & France Edina, MN PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN / PUD 09/13/2021 1/16" = 1'-0"A0.30-A 1 EAST ELEVATION 1/16" = 1'-0"A0.30-A 2 NORTH ELEVATION No. Description D ate 'A' LEVEL L1 870' - 9" 'A' LEVEL L2 114' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L3 124' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L4 134' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L5 144' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L6 156' - 0" TOWER 7 168' - 0" TOWER 8 177' - 8" TOWER 9 187' - 4" TOWER 11 206' - 8" TOWER 12 216' - 4" TOWER 13 226' - 0" TOWER 14 235' - 8" TOWER 15 245' - 4" TOWER 16 255' - 0" TOWER 17 264' - 8" TOWER 18 274' - 4" TOWER 19 284' - 0" TOWER 20 293' - 8" TOWER 21 303' - 4" TOWER 22 314' - 0" TOWER 24 335' - 4" TOWER ROOF UPPER 346' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L0.5 96' - 3" LEVEL 10 197' - 0" TOWER 23 324' - 8"BUILDING HEIGHT 265' - 0"TOWER SCREEN WALL 360' - 0" METAL PERFORATED SCREEN AT PARKING (50% OPEN)19' - 0".10' - 8"10' - 8"10' - 8"10' - 8"9' - 8"9' - 8"9' - 8"9' - 8"9' - 8"9' - 8"9' - 8"9' - 8"9' - 8"9' - 8"9' - 8"9' - 8"9' - 8"9' - 8"12' - 0"12' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"14' - 0"PRECAST PANEL GLAZED WALL SYSTEM METAL PANEL GLAZED WINDOW SYSTEM METAL PANEL METAL PERFORATED SCREEN AT PARKING (50% OPEN) BALCONY RAILING SYSTEM PRECAST PANEL GLAZING WINDOW SYSTEM METAL PANEL MECHANICAL SCREENING GLAZING WINDOW SYSTEM GLAZING GARAGE DOORS AT RETAIL SPACES PRECAST PANEL PRECAST PANEL BALCONY RAILING SYSTEM MECHANICAL SCREENING Signature Typed or Printed Name License # Date PROJECT NUMBER DRAWN BY CHECKED BY ORIGINAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: KEY PLANNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota 9/13/2021 8:05:46 PMA0.31-A SITE A ELEVATIONS 220535 Author Checker 70th & France 70th & France Edina, MN PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN / PUD 09/13/2021 1/16" = 1'-0"A0.31-A 1 SOUTH ELEVATION 1/16" = 1'-0"A0.31-A 2 WEST ELEVATION No. Description D ate Signature Typed or Printed Name License # Date PROJECT NUMBER DRAWN BY CHECKED BY ORIGINAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: KEY PLANNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota 9/13/2021 8:05:46 PMA0.40-A SITE A EXTERIOR MATERIALS 220535 Author Checker 70th & France 70th & France Edina, MN PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN / PUD 09/13/2021 No. Description Date CONCRETE PANEL COLOR #1 CAST STONE PANEL - BASE METAL PANEL #1 PERFORATED METAL PANELS #1 -PARKING WOOD LOOK COLORED PANEL #1 MULLION CAPS PERFORATED METAL PANEL #2 -PARKING EXTERIOR GLASS ENCLOSURE HYBRID WINDOW WALL - SSG SYSTEM B6B4B3B2.1B.CB.EB.FB.JB.KB.BB.AB.D1A0.31-BB.GB1B.HB5B.IB2B3.112' - 0"42' - 8"19' - 9"6' - 0"40' - 0"12' - 0"44' - 1"176' - 6"SERVICESERVICESERVICESERVICERAMP UP TO L1PARKING12' - 6"36' - 0"36' - 0"36' - 0"36' - 0"36' - 0"36' - 0"24' - 0"12' - 0"21' - 0"285' - 6"B6B4B3B2.1B.CB.EB.FB.JB.KB.BB.AB.DB.GB1B.HB5B.IB2B3.112' - 0"42' - 8"19' - 9"6' - 0"40' - 0"12' - 0"44' - 1"176' - 6"12' - 6"36' - 0"36' - 0"36' - 0"36' - 0"36' - 0"36' - 0"24' - 0"12' - 0"21' - 0"285' - 6"RETAIL40,808 SFRAMP DOWN TO P1SERVICE / DOCK1,561 SF41' - 11 7/8"120' - 5"COURTYARD ENTRYSignatureTyped or Printed NameLicense #DatePROJECT NUMBERDRAWN BYCHECKED BYORIGINAL ISSUE:REVISIONS:KEY PLANNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONI hereby certify that this plan, specification, orreport was prepared by me or under my directsupervision and that I am a duly licensed architectunder the laws of the State of Minnesota9/13/2021 7:29:29 PMA0.20-BSITE B FLOOR PLANS220535AuthorChecker09/08/2170th & France70th & FranceEdina, MNPRELIMINARYDEVELOPMENTPLAN / PUD09/13/2021No. DescriptionDate1/16" = 1'-0"A0.20-B1LEVEL P1 PLAN1/16" = 1'-0"A0.20-B2LEVEL 1 PLAN B6B4B3B2.1B.CB.EB.FB.JB.KB.BB.AB.DB.GB.HB5B.IB2B3.13' - 0"12' - 0"42' - 8"19' - 9"6' - 0"40' - 0"12' - 0"132' - 5"12' - 6"36' - 0"36' - 0"36' - 0"36' - 0"36' - 0"36' - 0"24' - 0"12' - 0"21' - 0"285' - 6"UTILITY PITPOTENTIAL ELEVATOR LOBBY126' - 4 3/16"ROOFOFFICE32,594 SFB6B4B3B2.1B.CB.EB.FB.JB.KB.BB.AB.DB.GB1B.HB5B.IB2B3.112' - 0"42' - 8"19' - 9"6' - 0"40' - 0"12' - 0"44' - 1"176' - 6"12' - 6"36' - 0"36' - 0"36' - 0"36' - 0"36' - 0"36' - 0"24' - 0"12' - 0"21' - 0"285' - 6"POTENTIAL ELEVATOR LOBBY126' - 5"258' - 6"OFFICE32,657 SFGREEN ROOFSignatureTyped or Printed NameLicense # DatePROJECT NUMBERDRAWN BY CHECKED BYORIGINAL ISSUE:REVISIONS:KEY PLANNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONI hereby certify that this plan, specification, orreport was prepared by me or under my directsupervision and that I am a duly licensed architectunder the laws of the State of Minnesota9/13/2021 7:29:33 PMA0.21-BSITE B FLOOR PLANS220535Author Checker09/08/2170th & France70th & FranceEdina, MNPRELIMINARYDEVELOPMENTPLAN / PUD09/13/2021No. DescriptionDate1/16" = 1'-0"A0.21-B1LEVELS 2-3 PLAN1/16" = 1'-0"A0.21-B2LEVELS 4-6 PLAN B6B4B3B2.1B.CB.EB.FB.JB.BB.AB.D1A0.30-BB.G1A0.40-IB.HB5B.IB2B3.1ENCLOSED MECHANICAL AREAGREEN ROOF AREAGREEN ROOF AREAGREEN ROOF AREAAMENITY LEVEL10,370 SFOUTDOOR AMENITY DECK1,418 SF8' - 11"3' - 1"42' - 8"19' - 9"6' - 0"40' - 0"12' - 0"3' - 2"3' - 1"12' - 6"36' - 0"36' - 0"36' - 0"36' - 0"36' - 0"36' - 0"24' - 0"3' - 2"8' - 10"HOSPITALITY BAR1,674 SFROOFTOP FITNESS CENTER3,626 SFSMALL CONF. ROOM -217 SFEXECUTIVE CONFERENCE CENTER1,830 SF132' - 5"264' - 6"B6B4B3B2.1B.CB.EB.FB.JB.KB.BB.AB.DB.GB1B.HB5B.IB2B3.1LEVEL 4 GREEN ROOFLEVEL 1 ROOFENCLOSED MECHANICAL AREALEVEL 7 ROOFOUTDOOR AMENITY DECKLEVEL 2 ROOFLEVEL 8 ROOFL7 GREEN ROOFL7 GREEN ROOFL7 GREEN ROOF3' - 3"12' - 0"42' - 8"19' - 9"6' - 0"26' - 3"13' - 9"12' - 0"3' - 0"41' - 1"2' - 10"21' - 0"12' - 0"24' - 0"36' - 0"36' - 0"36' - 0"36' - 0"36' - 0"36' - 0"12' - 6"285' - 6"176' - 6"SignatureTyped or Printed NameLicense # DatePROJECT NUMBERDRAWN BY CHECKED BYORIGINAL ISSUE:REVISIONS:KEY PLANNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONI hereby certify that this plan, specification, orreport was prepared by me or under my directsupervision and that I am a duly licensed architectunder the laws of the State of Minnesota9/13/2021 7:29:38 PMA0.22-BSITE B FLOOR PLANS220535Author Checker09/10/2170th & France70th & FranceEdina, MNPRELIMINARYDEVELOPMENTPLAN / PUD09/13/2021No. DescriptionDate1/16" = 1'-0"A0.22-B1LEVEL 7 AMENITY1/16" = 1'-0"A0.22-B2ROOF PLAN LEVEL L1100' - 0"LEVEL L2124' - 0"LEVEL L3137' - 0"LEVEL L4150' - 0"LEVEL L5163' - 0"LEVEL L6176' - 0"LEVEL L096' - 0"LEVEL L7 (OFFICEROOF)189' - 0"LEVEL L8(PH ROOF)205' - 0"LEVEL 0.598' - 0"PODIUM HEIGHT26' - 0"METAL PANEL CLADDINGEXTERIOR GLASS ENCLOSURE107' - 0"16' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"2' - 0"2' - 0"METAL PANEL MECHANICAL SCREENMECHANICAL LOUVERSEXTERIOR GLASS ENCLOSUREMETAL PANEL ACCENTSRETAIL SIGNAGERETAIL SIGNAGESignatureTyped or Printed NameLicense # DatePROJECT NUMBERDRAWN BY CHECKED BYORIGINAL ISSUE:REVISIONS:KEY PLANNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONI hereby certify that this plan, specification, orreport was prepared by me or under my directsupervision and that I am a duly licensed architectunder the laws of the State of Minnesota9/13/2021 7:29:38 PMA0.30-BSITE B ELEVATIONS220535ESG ESG70th & France70th & FranceEdina, MNPRELIMINARYDEVELOPMENTPLAN / PUD09/13/20211" = 10'-0"A0.30-B1WEST ELEVATIONNo. DescriptionDate LEVEL L1100' - 0"LEVEL L2124' - 0"LEVEL L3137' - 0"LEVEL L4150' - 0"LEVEL L5163' - 0"LEVEL L6176' - 0"LEVEL L096' - 0"LEVEL L7 (OFFICEROOF)189' - 0"LEVEL L8(PH ROOF)205' - 0"LEVEL 0.598' - 0"2' - 0"2' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"16' - 0"107' - 0"PODIUM HEIGHT26' - 0"METAL PANEL CLADDINGEXTERIOR GLASS ENCLOSUREMETAL PANEL MECHANICAL SCREENMETAL PANEL ACCENTEXTERIOR GLASS ENCLOSURERETAIL SIGNAGERETAIL SIGNAGESignatureTyped or Printed NameLicense # DatePROJECT NUMBERDRAWN BY CHECKED BYORIGINAL ISSUE:REVISIONS:KEY PLANNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONI hereby certify that this plan, specification, orreport was prepared by me or under my directsupervision and that I am a duly licensed architectunder the laws of the State of Minnesota9/13/2021 7:29:38 PMA0.31-BSITE B ELEVATIONS220535JCG ESG70th & France70th & FranceEdina, MNPRELIMINARYDEVELOPMENTPLAN / PUD09/13/20211" = 10'-0"A0.31-B1NORTH ELEVATIONNo. DescriptionDate LEVEL L1100' - 0"LEVEL L2124' - 0"LEVEL L3137' - 0"LEVEL L4150' - 0"LEVEL L5163' - 0"LEVEL L6176' - 0"LEVEL L096' - 0"LEVEL L7 (OFFICEROOF)189' - 0"LEVEL L8(PH ROOF)205' - 0"LEVEL 0.598' - 0"16' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"2' - 0"2' - 0"107' - 0"PODIUM HEIGHT26' - 0"METAL PANEL CLADDINGEXTERIOR GLASS ENCLOSUREEXTERIOR GLASS ENCLOSUREFEATURE ENTRY CANOPYMETAL PANEL CLADDINGMETAL PANEL ACCENTSEXTERIOR GLASS ENCLOSURECANOPYRETAILRETAIL SIGNAGESignatureTyped or Printed NameLicense # DatePROJECT NUMBERDRAWN BY CHECKED BYORIGINAL ISSUE:REVISIONS:KEY PLANNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONI hereby certify that this plan, specification, orreport was prepared by me or under my directsupervision and that I am a duly licensed architectunder the laws of the State of Minnesota9/13/2021 7:29:38 PMA0.32-BSITE B ELEVATIONS220535JCG ESG70th & France70th & FranceEdina, MNPRELIMINARYDEVELOPMENTPLAN / PUD09/13/20211" = 10'-0"A0.32-B1EAST ELEVATIONNo. DescriptionDate LEVEL L1100' - 0"LEVEL L2124' - 0"LEVEL L3137' - 0"LEVEL L4150' - 0"LEVEL L5163' - 0"LEVEL L6176' - 0"LEVEL L096' - 0"LEVEL L7 (OFFICEROOF)189' - 0"LEVEL L8(PH ROOF)205' - 0"LEVEL 0.598' - 0"PODIUM HEIGHT26' - 0"107' - 0"16' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"13' - 0"2' - 0"METAL PANEL CLADDINGGLASS EXTERIOR ENCLOSUREMETAL PANEL MECHANICAL SCREENFEATURE ENTRY CANOPYGLASS EXTERIOR ENCLOSUREMETAL PANEL ACCENTSRETAIL SIGNAGESignatureTyped or Printed NameLicense # DatePROJECT NUMBERDRAWN BY CHECKED BYORIGINAL ISSUE:REVISIONS:KEY PLANNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONI hereby certify that this plan, specification, orreport was prepared by me or under my directsupervision and that I am a duly licensed architectunder the laws of the State of Minnesota9/13/2021 7:29:38 PMA0.33-BSITE B ELEVATIONS220535JCG ESG70th & France70th & FranceEdina, MNPRELIMINARYDEVELOPMENTPLAN / PUD09/13/20211" = 10'-0"A0.33-B1SOUTH ELEVATIONNo. DescriptionDate SignatureTyped or Printed NameLicense # DatePROJECT NUMBERDRAWN BY CHECKED BYORIGINAL ISSUE:REVISIONS:KEY PLANNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONI hereby certify that this plan, specification, orreport was prepared by me or under my directsupervision and that I am a duly licensed architectunder the laws of the State of Minnesota9/13/2021 7:29:38 PMA0.40-BSITE B EXTERIOR MATERIALS220535JCG ESG70th & France70th & FranceEdina, MNPRELIMINARYDEVELOPMENTPLAN / PUD09/13/2021EXTERIOR GLASS ENCLOSUREHYBRID WINDOW WALL - SSG SYSTEMWOOD LOOK - OFFICE SOFFITNo. DescriptionDateMETAL PANEL @ GRADEMETAL PANEL CLADDINGMETAL PANEL ACCENT 3KEY NOTE SYMBOLPARTITION TYPE SYMBOLDETAIL NUMBERINGSECTION REFERENCEELEVATION REFERENCETYPEPARTITIONPARTITIONSHEET NO.DETAIL NO.SHEET NO.SHEET NO.DETAIL NO.1A10.1TITLE1/2" = 1'-0"1A3.11A3.1A9.112341A4.3SECTIONPLANEXTERIOR ELEVATIONIDENTIFICATION NUMBER REFERS TO KEY NOTE LIST NOTE: KEY NOTES DIFFER FROM SHEET TO SHEETSCALE OF DETAIL UNLESS TYPICAL AND INDICATED IN TITLE BLOCKSEQUENTIAL NUMBER FOR LARGE DRAWINGSWHICH DESCRIBES THE DETAILSEQUENTIAL NUMBERING OF ELEVATION SHEETMOUNTING HEIGHTS DIAGRAM (ACCESSORIES)C3142XX'-X"T.O. XXXEL = XX'-X"ELEVATION REFSPOT ELEVATION REFXREVISION NUMBERFIRE EXTINGUISHERCABINETFIRE EXTINGUISHER -WALL MOUNTEDMISCELLANEOUS SYMBOLSELEVATION SYMBOLSSignatureTyped or Printed NameLicense #DatePROJECT NUMBERDRAWN BYCHECKED BYORIGINAL ISSUE:REVISIONS:KEY PLANNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONI hereby certify that this plan, specification, orreport was prepared by me or under my directsupervision and that I am a duly licensed architectunder the laws of the State of Minnesota10/16/2020 6:55:06 PMT1.1TITLE SHEET220535ESG ESG70th & France70th & FranceEdina, MNPRELIMDEVELOPMENTPLAN SUBMITTAL10/16/2020PROJECT TEAMDRAWING INDEX70th & FranceEdina, MN 55435Site LocationDRAWING INDEXDRAWINGNUMBERDRAWING NAME10/16/2020ARCHITECTURALT1.1 TITLE SHEET●T2.0 UNIT MIX AND SQUARE FOOTAGES●CIVILC100EXISTING CONDITIONS AND REMOVALS PLAN●C101PRELIMINARY PLAT●C200SITE PLAN (EXISTING)●C300GRADING PLAN●C400SANITARY AND WATERMAIN PLAN●C401STORM SEWER PLAN●C500CITY DETAILS●C501DETAILS●LANDSCAPEL1.0LANDSCAPE PLAN●L1.1LANDSCAPE PLANTING PLAN●L1.2STREET INTERSECTION VIGNETTES●L2.0LANDSCAPE DETAILS●ARCHITECTURALA0.1EXISTING SITE IMAGES●A0.2SITE PLAN●A0.40EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS - SITE●A0.41EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS - SITE●ARCHITECTURAL SITE AA0.20-ASITE A FLOOR PLANS●A0.21-ASITE A FLOOR PLANS●A0.30-ASITE A ELEVATIONS●A0.31-ASITE A ELEVATIONS●A0.40-ASITE A EXTERIOR MATERIALS●ARCHITECTURAL SITE BA0.20-BSITE B FLOOR PLANS●A0.21-BSITE B FLOOR PLANS●A0.22-BSITE B FLOOR PLANS●A0.23-BSITE B FLOOR PLANS●A0.30-BSITE B ELEVATIONS●A0.31-BSITE B ELEVATIONS●A0.32-BSITE B ELEVATIONS●A0.33-BSITE B ELEVATIONS●A0.40-BSITE B EXTERIOR MATERIALS●ARCHITECTURAL SITE CA0.20-CSITE C FLOOR PLANS●A0.30-CSITE C ELEVATIONS●A0.40-CSITE C EXTERIOR MATERIALS●ARCHITECTURAL SITE DA0.10-DSITE D SITE PLAN AND FLOOR PLAN●A0.20-DSITE D EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS●A0.30-DSITE D EXTERIOR MATERIALS●OWNER/DEVELOPER:Orion Investments4530 West 77th Street, Suite 365Edina, MN 55435Ph: 612-812-7788ARCHITECT:Elness Swenson Graham Architects, Inc.500 Washington Ave. South, Suite 1080Minneapolis, MN 55415Ph: 612-339-5508Fx: 612-339-5382CONTRACTOR:Mortenson Construction700 Meadow Lane NorthMinneapolis, MN 55422Ph: 763-522-2100CIVIL ENGINEER:Westwood Engineering12701 Whitewater Dr #300 Minnetonka, MN 55343Ph: 952-937-5150LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT:Confluence530 N 3rd Street, Suite 120Minneapolis, MN 55401Ph: 612-333-3702STRUCTURAL ENGINEER:T.B.D.MECHANICAL ENGINEER:T.B.D.PLUMBING ENGINEER:T.B.D.ELECTRICAL ENGINEER:T.B.D.SYMBOLS LEGENDFRANCE AVE70THNo. DescriptionDatePROJECT LOCATIONVicinityPROJECT LOCATION SignatureTyped or Printed NameLicense # DatePROJECT NUMBERDRAWN BY CHECKED BYORIGINAL ISSUE:REVISIONS:KEY PLANNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONI hereby certify that this plan, specification, orreport was prepared by me or under my directsupervision and that I am a duly licensed architectunder the laws of the State of Minnesota10/16/2020 5:47:36 PMT2.0UNIT MIX AND SQUAREFOOTAGES220535Author Checker10/12/2070th & France70th & FranceEdina, MNPRELIMDEVELOPMENTPLAN SUBMITTAL10/16/2020No. DescriptionDate AIR CONDITIONERGAS METERFIRST FLOOR ELEVATIONFFEHANDICAP PARKINGASH TREEBIRCH TREEFRUIT TREEASHSANITARY SEWERPOSTSIGNLANDSCAPE LIGHTLIGHT POSTVALVEELECTRICAL BOXSTORM SEWERBRCFRTLCHSPCLOCUST TREECOLORADO SPRUCE TREESPNNORWAY SPRUCE TREEGAS UNDERGROUNDFIBER OPTIC UNDERGROUNDTELEPHONE UNDERGROUNDWATERMAINWOOD FENCEPOWER UNDERGROUNDCABLE TV UNDERGROUNDOAKOAK TREECRABAPPLE TREECRBMULTIMULTIPLE TRUNKELECTRICAL MANHOLETRAFFIC SIGNALTRAFFIC BOXCONCRETE SURFACEBITUMINOUS SURFACECATCH BASINSTORM MANHOLESANITARY MANHOLEHAND HOLECABLE TV BOXTELEPHONE BOXFIRE HYDRANT1. This survey was prepared using First American Title Commitment Number NCS-1026991-MPLS having an effective date of August 11, 2020 at 7:30 a.m.2. The address of the surveyed property is 7001 France Avenue S., Edina, Minnesota. (Table A Item 2)3. Subject property appears to be classified as Zone X when scaled from Flood Insurance Rate Map Community - Panel Number 27163C0340E dated 02/03/2010. (Table A Item 3)4. Subject property contains 260,594 Sq.Ft. or 5.982 acres. (Table A Item 4)5. No Zoning information provided by the title company. (Table A Item 6 (a))6. Subject property contains 199 regular parking stalls, 6 handicapped stalls and 0 motorcycle stalls. (Table A Item 9)7. The underground utilities shown have been located from field survey information and existing drawings. The surveyor makes no guarantees that the underground utilities showncomprise all such utilities in the area, either in service or abandoned. The surveyor further does not warrant that that the underground utilities shown are in the exact location indicatedalthough he does certify that they are located as accurately as possible from information available. The surveyor has not physically located the underground utilities. (State One CallTicket Nos. 202531763 & 202531764). (Table A Item 11)8. As of the date the field work was completed for this survey, there was no observable evidence of current earth moving work, exterior building construction or building additions. (Table AItem 16)9. As of the date of this survey, there are no proposed changes in street right of way lines, based on a conversation with the proper official with the City of Edina. Hennepin County has notresponded at the time of this survey. As of the date the field work was completed for this survey, there was no observable evidence of recent street or sidewalk construction or repairs.(Table A Item 17)10. The surveyor did not locate any wetland delineation markers observed in the process of conducting the fieldwork. No markers were observed. (Table A Item 18)11. Based on the information contained within title commitment listed above and a physical inspection of the subject property, the surveyor is not aware of any off site easements orservitudes other than shown hereon. (Table A Item 19)12. Bearings based on the Hennepin County coordinate system, (NAD 83 - 1986 Adjustment).Lot 1, Block 1, except that part thereof which lies Northwesterly of a line drawn from a point on the North line of Section 32, Township 28, Range 24 distant 110 feet Easterly of theNorthwest corner of said section to a point on the West line thereof distant 110 feet Southerly of said Northwest corner; Lot 2, Block 1, except the Easterly 70 feet thereof; Yorktown,Hennepin County, Minnesota.(Torrens Property: Certificate of Title No. 1077413)GENERAL NOTESLEGAL DESCRIPTIONTo: Mortenson Development, Inc., Orion Investments, US Bank National Association and First AmericanTitle Insurance Company:This is to certify that this map or plat and the survey on which it is based were made in accordance withthe 2016 Minimum Standard Detail Requirements for ALTA/NSPS Land Title Surveys, jointly establishedand adopted by ALTA and NSPS, and includes Items 1, 2, 3, 4, 6(b), 7(a), 7(b)(1), 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 16-19 ofTable A thereof. The fieldwork was completed on September 16, 2020.Date of Plat or Map: 09/22/2020 Nathan H. CarlsonMinnesota License No. 45873nate.carlson@westwoodps.com SCHEDULE B II TITLE ITEM NOTESSURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATEThe following notes correspond to the numbering system of Schedule B II of the above mentioned title commitment. Items 1-10, 13 & 19-22 are not survey matters.11. Easements for utility and sanitary sewer purposes shown and dedicated in the plat of Yorktown recorded June 8, 1972 as Document No. 1033725, and recited on the certificate of title.Said easement for utility and sanitary sewer purposes affects the subject property and is depicted hereon.12. Easement for telecommunications purposes, together with any incidental rights, in favor of Northwestern Bell Telephone Company, an Iowa corporation, as granted and described in theEasement dated November 10, 1970, recorded November 19, 1970 as Document No. 983149. Said easement for telecommunications purposes affects the subject property and isdepicted hereon.14. Easement for scenic and open space purposes, together with any incidental rights, in favor of the Village (now City) of Edina, Minnesota, as granted and described in the Grant ofEasement dated May 3, 1972, recorded June 8, 1972 as Document No. 1033728. Said easement for scenic and open space purposes affects the subject property and is depictedhereon.15. Public right of way for France Avenue South (also known as County Road No. 17) as currently established and maintained, including but not limited to the following:(a) Easement for Public Road Purposes dated July 5, 1972, recorded July 6, 1972 as Document No. 1036934; and(b) Permanent easement for highway purposes as described in the Final Certificate dated July 19, 1991, recorded July 22, 1991 as Document No. 2189613.Said easement for public right of way purposes affects the subject property and is depicted hereon.16. Public right of way for 70th Street West as currently established and maintained, including but not limited to the following:(a) Street right of way dedicated in the plat of Yorktown recorded June 8, 1972 as Document No. 1033725;(b) Permanent easement for highway purposes as described in the Final Certificate dated July 19, 1991, recorded July 22, 1991 as Document No. 2189613; and(c) Grant of Permanent Easement dated April 19, 2011, recorded May 26, 2011 as Document No. T4859947.Said easement for public right of way purposes affects the subject property and is depicted hereon.17. Easement for public sidewalk and utility purposes, together with any incidental rights, in favor of the City of Edina, Minnesota, as granted and described in the Grant of Permanent andTemporary Easements dated March 30, 2013, recorded April 15, 2013 as Document No. T05067233, and as affected by the Amendment to Grant of Permanent and TemporaryEasements dated October 17, 2013, recorded November 13, 2013 as Document No. T05132844. Said easement for public sidewalk and utility purposes affects the subjectproperty and is depicted hereon. Temporary easements have expired.18. The following recital will remain on the certificate of title, and all subsequent certificates of title issued for this land, until an Examiner’s Directive is obtained and recorded authorizingthe Registrar of Titles to remove the recital:“Subject to the transmission line easement and incidental rights connected therewith of Northern States Power Company, a Minnesota corporation, as contained in the Stipulation filedin Torrens Case No. 11922; now over the North 25 feet of West 70th Street as dedicated in the plat of Yorktown adjoining the above land.” Said easement for transmission linepurposes does not affect the subject property and is not depicted hereon.Phone(952) 937-515012701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300Fax(952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343Toll Free(888) 937-5150SEE SHEET 2 OF 2 FOR EASEMENT DETAIL FFEASHBRCFRTLCHSPCSPNOAKCRBMULTIBITUMINOUS SURFACECONCRETE SURFACEMULTIPLE TRUNKCRABAPPLE TREEOAK TREECABLE TV UNDERGROUNDPOWER UNDERGROUNDWOOD FENCEWATERMAINTELEPHONE UNDERGROUNDFIBER OPTIC UNDERGROUNDGAS UNDERGROUNDNORWAY SPRUCE TREECOLORADO SPRUCE TREELOCUST TREESTORM SEWERSANITARY SEWERFRUIT TREEBIRCH TREEASH TREEFIRE HYDRANTTELEPHONE BOXCABLE TV BOXHAND HOLESANITARY MANHOLESTORM MANHOLECATCH BASINTRAFFIC BOXTRAFFIC SIGNALELECTRICAL MANHOLEELECTRICAL BOXVALVELIGHT POSTLANDSCAPE LIGHTSIGNPOSTHANDICAP PARKINGFIRST FLOOR ELEVATIONGAS METERAIR CONDITIONEREASEMENT DETAILPhone(952) 937-515012701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300Fax(952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343Toll Free(888) 937-5150 GASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGAS GAS GAS PUG PUG PUGPUG PUG PUG PUG PUG PUGFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFO FO FO FOFOFO FO FOPUGPUGPUGPUGW A T W A T WAT PUG PUG PUG PUG PUG PUG PUG PUGPUGPUGPUGPUGGAS GAS GASGASGASCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUG PUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFO FOFOFOFOTUG TUGPUGPUG P U GPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUG PUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVXXXGAS GAS GAS FO FOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFO PUGPUGPUGXXX PUG PUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGCANOPYFFE=872.10FFE=860.05FFE=870.03CANOPYLANDSCAPEEDGE STEPS W/HANDRAILMONUMENTSIGNFFE=860.44BRICKRETAINING WALL CONCRETE RETAINING WALLSTONERETAININGWALL72.711.3 12.022.0 6.140.0 6.097.7 6.33.0 100.13.5 16.23.5 5.925.3 2.116.0 22.424.0 22.432.0 2.013.7131. 8.3 EXISTING BRICKBUILDING7001 France Avenue,Edina, MinnesotaBuilding Footprint=24,682 Sq. Ft.STORM GRATEWOOD STEPSFND.TPOSTBLDG. HT.=29.4 FT.TRASHENCLOSURESTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTO STO STO STOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTO STOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTO STOSAN STOSTOSTOSTOSTOSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSTOSANSANSANSANSAN EXISTING BUILDINGTRASHENCLOSURE STOSANSTO STO WATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATISLANDSPED RAMPPEDRAMPPED RAMPBENCHBITUMINOUS SURFACE 70.00WEST 70TH STREETFRANCE AVENUE SOUTH COUNTY ROAD NO. 17 110N. LINE OF SEC. 32, TWP. 28, RGE. 24NW CORNER OF SEC. 32,TWP. 28, RGE. 24110W. LINE OF SEC. 32, TWP. 28, RGE. 24 70.008882010 2010 UTILITY EASEMENT PER THE PLATOF YORKTOWN DOC. NO.1033725 (ITEM NO. 11)22822TELECOMMUNICATIONS EASEMENTPER DOC. NO. 983149 (ITEM NO. 12)SANITARY SEWER EASEMENTPER DOC. NO. (ITEM NO. 11)152020.0015SCENIC AND OPEN SPACE EASEMENT INFAVOR OF EDINA VILLAGE (NOW CITY)PER DOC. NO. 1033728 (ITEM NO. 14)SCENIC AND OPEN SPACE EASEMENT INFAVOR OF EDINA VILLAGE (NOW CITY) PERDOC. NO. 1033728 (ITEM NO. 14)1010PUBLIC ROAD EASEMENT IN PER DOC.NO. 1036934 (ITEM NO. 15)STREET RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATED IN THE PLAT OFYORKTOWN DOC. NO. 1033725 (ITEM NO. 16)40 40 HIGHWAY EASEMENT PER DOC. NO.2189613 (ITEM NOS. 15 & 16)HIGHWAY EASEMENT PER DOC.NO. 2189613 (ITEM NOS. 15 & 16)PUBLIC STREET, DRAINAGE & UTILITYEASEMENT PER DOC. NO. T4859947(ITEM NO. 16)SIDEWALK & UTILITY EASEMENT PERDOC. NOS. T05067233 &T05132844(ITEM NO. 17)SIDEWALK & UTILITY EASEMENTPER DOC. NOS. T05067233 &T05132844 (ITEM NO. 17)TELECOMMUNICATIONSEASEMENT PER DOC. NO.983149 (ITEM NO. 12)11 SPACES 2 HANDICAPSPACES 10 SPACES 23 SPACES 23 SPACES 21 SPACES 22 SPACES 16 SPACES 18 SPACES 9 SPACES 4 HANDICAPSPACES 2SPACES 5SPACES 12 SPACES 12 SPACES 15 SPACESBACK OF CURB IS 0.4 S.OF PROPERTY LINEBACK OF CURB IS0.1 S. AND 0.7 E.OF PROPERTY LINEBACK OF CURB IS 0.8 E. OFPROPERTY LINE BACK OF CURB ONPROPERTY LINE 100.9583.42 BACK OF CURB IS 2.9SE OF PROPERTY LINEBACK OF CURB 0.2 E. OFPROPERTY LINE N89°50'44"E 505.00S00°11'54"E 496.57S89°48'06"W 524.96N00°12'08"W 476.97 28.27N44°49'18"E EEEEEEEEEEEACACMGGGGTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTTVTVHHTTVAULT-SUMP PUMPLIFT STATION(LOCKED)TTRIM=857.7INV(NE)=856.6INV(S)=856.5STOSTOSTOSTORIM=871.0FULL OF DEBRISRIM=870.6INV(E)=866.4INV(NE)-866.3RIM=871.6INV(E)=865.1INV(W)=864.9INV(S)=866.1RIM=869.1INV(E)=864.5RIM=868.3INV(N/E)=864.3INV(W)=863.6RIM=866.7INV(N)=862.7INV(S)=863.0INV(E/W)=862.6RIM=866.5INV(N)=862.6INV(E)=862.5INV(W)=861.7RIM=871.5INV(E)=867.215" RCPRIM=867.5INV=863.2RIM=857.1INV=856.6RIM=857.2INV=856.7RIM=868.4INV=857.9RIM = 862.97IE = 855.15 (CITY AS-BUILT)RIM=859.4INV=856.7SGREY WATERRIM=864.3INV=857.8RIM=860.0INV=858.1RIM=866.8INV(E)=859.4INV(W)=859.1RIM=862.9INV=860.112" RCPRIM=862.8INV(NE)=859.0INV(E/S)=857.5RIM=862.8INV(N)=857.2INV(E)=859.2INV(SE)=857.5INV(SW)=856.3RIM=866.3INV=859.6RIM=865.4INV=860.1RIM=865.9INV=860.5RIM=864.9INV=860.3RIM=866.2INV=863.3RIM=869.5FULL OFWATERRIM=871.1INV=868.015" CLAYRIM=863.4FULL OF ICE& DEBRISRIM=863.1INV(NE)=859.6INV(W)=859.1RIM=861.2INV=858.112" RCPRIM=861.8INV(E)=857.7INV(W)=858.2INV(S)=857.6RIM=862.1INV=857.912" RCPRIM=871.2INV=865.4RIM=871.1INV(N)=864.2INV(SW)=864.1RIM=871.3INV=861.6RIM=870.6INV=860.3RIM=862.5INV(N)=852.8INV(S)=852.6RIM=868.6INV(N)=858.4INV(W)=858.2SSANS15" RCP21" RCPS15" RCP 12" RCP21" RCP12" RCP21" RCP9" CLAY @ 0.8%24" RCP24" RCP24" RCP12" RCP15" CONC15" RCP12" RCP 15" RCP8"PVC 8" CLAY8" CAST IRON12" CLAY 8" CLAY10" CLAY 8" CLAY10" CLAY12"RCP ST-5ST-6ST-4ST-3ST-2ST-116" ASH13" LCH14" SPNDEAD16" LCH14" SPN12" SPN18" SPN14" LCH18" SPN14" ASH14" SPN2" ASH16" SPN14" SPN14" SPN10" ASH10" ASH8" ASH14" ASH14" ASH20" ASH13" ASH17" ASH10" ASH13" ASH15" LCH12" ASH9" ASH12" ASH10" ASH15" ASH12" ASH 10" ASH15" ASH8" ASH8" ASH12" ASH15" ASH12" ASH7" ASH8" ASH12" ASH 6" ASH14" ASH4" SPC4" SPC5" SPC5" SPCMULTI-BIRCHMULTI-BIRCHMULTI-BIRCHMULTI-BIRCHMULTI-CRB MULTI-CRB27" ASH2" OAK 15" LCH14" SPN10" SPN12" SPN10" SPN18" SPN16" SPN16" SPN12" LCH14" LCH14" LCH16" LCH20" LCH18" FRT4" ASH4" ASH4" ASH12" ASH 12" ASH 12" ASH 12" ASH GW: 853.0GW: 853.5GW: 858.0GW: 848.6GW: NOT OBSERVEDGW: NOT OBSERVEDXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ \ \ \\\\\ \\\\\\\\\************************XXXXXX\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ \\\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\X\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ \\\ \ \\\\\\\\\\\\ \ \ \ \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\\\\\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \\ \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\ \\ \\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\222222222\\\\\\\\\\\\233144444444455666666666666666778444SHEET NUMBER:DATE:DATE:LICENSE NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY MEOR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM ADULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWSOF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA VERTICAL SCALE: HORIZONTAL SCALE: DRAWN: CHECKED: DESIGNED:INITIAL ISSUE: REVISIONS:PREPARED FOR: Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 Toll Free (888) 937-5150 N:\0029211.10\DWG\CIVIL\0029211.10RM01.DWG EDINA, MN10/16/2070TH AND FRANCE REDEVELOPMENTEXISTING CONDITIONSAND REMOVALS PLAN 70TH AND FRANCE REDEVELOPMENTC100 .10/16/20DAVID T. BADE . . . 10/16/20 4530 WEST 77TH STREET SUITE #365EDINA, MN 55435 ORION/MORTENSON © 2020 Westwood Professional Services, Inc.Common Ground AllianceCall 48 Hours before digging:811 or call811.com### ### or ## . . . . . . . . . .PROJECT NUMBER: 0029211.10PROPERTY LINE\\\\\\CURB & GUTTERSAW CUT PAVEMENTSANSANITARY SEWERWATWATER MAINSTOSTORM SEWERCONCRETEBITUMINOUSBUILDINGTREELIGHT POLETRAFFIC SIGNEXISTINGPROPOSEDSANWATSTOCONSTRUCTION BARRICADEWATHYDRANTWATGASGASGASPUGUNDERGROUND ELECTRICPUGTUGUNDERGROUND TELEPHONETUGPOHOVERHEAD ELECTRICPOHTOHOVERHEAD TELEPHONETOHFOTELEPHONE FIBER OPTICFOCTVCABLE TELEVISIONCTVRETAINING WALLFENCEXSOIL BORING LOCATIONSB-19TREE LINEXEXISTINGREMOVALS\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\REMOVAL LEGEND1. LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS OF EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY AND UTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THISPLAN ARE APPROXIMATE. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY SITE CONDITIONS AND UTILITYLOCATIONS PRIOR TO EXCAVATION/CONSTRUCTION. THE ENGINEER SHALL BE NOTIFIEDIMMEDIATELY IF ANY DISCREPANCIES ARE FOUND.2. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE LIMITS OF REMOVALS WITH PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTSAND FIELD VERIFY CONDITION OF EXISTING APPURTENANCES TO REMAIN. CONTRACTORSHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROTECTING OR REPLACING MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS (SUCH ASFENCES, SIGNS, IRRIGATION HEADS, ETC.) THAT MAY BE DAMAGED BY CONSTRUCTION.3. CONTRACTOR SHALL PLACE ALL NECESSARY EROSION CONTROL MEASURES REQUIRED TOMAINTAIN SITE STABILITY PRIOR TO EXECUTING ANY SITE REMOVALS.4. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATION WITH UTILITY PROVIDERS FORREMOVAL AND/OR RELOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES AFFECTED BY SITE DEVELOPMENT. ALLPERMITS, APPLICATIONS AND FEES ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR.REMOVAL NOTESSSX*XXXNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION0'30'60'90'1" = 30'1. SAW CUT LINE2. REMOVE BITUMINOUS3. EXISTING BITUMINOUS TO REMAIN4. REMOVE CONCRETE5. REMOVE EXISTING BUILDING6. REMOVE CURB7. REMOVE RETAINING WALL8. REMOVE MONUMENT SIGNREMOVAL KEYNOTES1TREES TO BE REMOVED: 72TREES TO REMAIN: 4TOTAL TREES: 76TREE REMOVAL QUANTITIES XXXXXX WEST 70TH STREETFRANCE AVENUE SOUTH COUNTY ROAD NO. 17 XXXWEST 70TH STREETFRANCE AVENUE SOUTH COUNTY ROAD NO. 17 XXXXLOT 1LOT 2LOT 3LOT 48882010 2010UTILITY EASEMENT PERTHE PLAT OF YORKTOWNDOC. NO. 103372522822TELECOMMUNICATIONSEASEMENT PER DOC.NO. 983149SANITARY SEWER EASEMENTPER DOC. NO. 1033725 152020 15SCENIC AND OPEN SPACEEASEMENT IN FAVOR OFEDINA VILLAGE (NOW CITY)PER DOC. NO. 1033728SCENIC AND OPEN SPACE EASEMENTIN FAVOR OF EDINA VILLAGE (NOWCITY) PER DOC. NO. 103372810 10PUBLIC ROAD EASEMENTIN PER DOC. NO.1036934 HIGHWAY EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 2189613 HIGHWAY EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 2189613PUBLIC STREET, DRAINAGE & UTILITYEASEMENT PER DOC. NO. T4859947SIDEWALK & UTILITY EASEMENT PERDOC. NOS. T05067233 &T05132844 SIDEWALK & UTILITYEASEMENT PER DOC.NOS. T05067233 &T05132844TELECOMMUNICATIONSEASEMENT PER DOC.NO. 983149N00°00'00"E 333.75 N00°00'00"E 162.98 N90°00'00"E 524.98274.92250.06264.54260.44250.62274.34245.71259.28163.93 313.04 334.45162.12 PROPOSED UTILITY EASEMENT(BY SEPARATE INSTRUMENT)PROPOSED UTILITY EASEMENT(BY SEPARATE INSTRUMENT)PROPOSED UTILITY EASEMENT(BY SEPARATE INSTRUMENT)PROPOSED ROAD EASEMENT(BY SEPARATE INSTRUMENT)303028.5 20 8.5 161628.5 20 8.5S89°48'06"W 524.96N00°12'08"W 476.97 28.27N44°49'18"E N89°50'44"E 505.00S00°11'54"E 496.57 SHEET NUMBER:DATE:DATE:LICENSE NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY MEOR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM ADULY LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR UNDER THE LAWS OF THESTATE OF MINNESOTA VERTICAL SCALE: HORIZONTAL SCALE: DRAWN: CHECKED: DESIGNED:INITIAL ISSUE: REVISIONS:PREPARED FOR: Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 Toll Free (888) 937-5150 N:\0029211.10\DWG\CIVIL\0029211.10PP01.DWG EDINA, MN10/16/2070TH AND FRANCE REDEVELOPMENTPRELIMINARY PLAT 70TH AND FRANCE REDEVELOPMENTC101 4587310/16/20Nathan H. Carlson . NHC BJY 10/16/20 4530 WEST 77TH STREET SUITE #365EDINA, MN 55435 ORION/MORTENSONNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION© 2020 Westwood Professional Services, Inc.Common Ground AllianceCall 48 Hours before digging:811 or call811.com0'30'60'90'1" = 30'30' 6' or 3' . . . . . . . . . .PROJECT NUMBER: 0029211.10LOT 12.02 AC.LOT AREA(ACRE)LEGALDESCRIPTIONOFFICE/GROCERYPROPOSED USELOT 21.99 AC.MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIALLOT 30.93 AC.SENIOR HOUSINGLOT 41.03 AC.BANKSITE DATA CHARTOrion/Mortenson4530 West 77th St., Ste. 365Edina, MN 55435OWNER / SUBDIVIDERENGINEERWESTWOOD PROFESSIONAL SERVICES12701 WHITEWATER DRIVE, SUITE 300,MINNETONKA, MINNESOTA 55343Phone: 952-937-5150ZONINGEXISTING: PCD-3 - PLANNED COMMERCIALPROPOSED: PUD - PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENTTOTAL5.97 AC. XXXFND.TPOSTWEST 70TH STREETFRANCE AVENUE SOUTH COUNTY ROAD NO. 17 8882010 2010 UTILITY EASEMENT PER THE PLATOF YORKTOWN DOC. NO.1033725 (ITEM NO. 11)22822TELECOMMUNICATIONS EASEMENTPER DOC. NO. 983149 (ITEM NO. 12)SANITARY SEWER EASEMENTPER DOC. NO. (ITEM NO. 11)152020.0015SCENIC AND OPEN SPACE EASEMENT INFAVOR OF EDINA VILLAGE (NOW CITY)PER DOC. NO. 1033728 (ITEM NO. 14)SCENIC AND OPEN SPACE EASEMENT INFAVOR OF EDINA VILLAGE (NOW CITY) PERDOC. NO. 1033728 (ITEM NO. 14)1010PUBLIC ROAD EASEMENT IN PER DOC.NO. 1036934 (ITEM NO. 15)STREET RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATED IN THE PLAT OFYORKTOWN DOC. NO. 1033725 (ITEM NO. 16)40 40 HIGHWAY EASEMENT PER DOC. NO.2189613 (ITEM NOS. 15 & 16)HIGHWAY EASEMENT PER DOC.NO. 2189613 (ITEM NOS. 15 & 16)PUBLIC STREET, DRAINAGE & UTILITYEASEMENT PER DOC. NO. T4859947(ITEM NO. 16)SIDEWALK & UTILITY EASEMENT PERDOC. NOS. T05067233 &T05132844(ITEM NO. 17)SIDEWALK & UTILITY EASEMENTPER DOC. NOS. T05067233 &T05132844 (ITEM NO. 17)TELECOMMUNICATIONSEASEMENT PER DOC. NO.983149 (ITEM NO. 12)ST-5ST-6ST-4ST-3ST-2ST-116" ASH13" LCH14" ASH10" ASH15" LCH12" ASH GW: 853.0GW: 853.5GW: 858.0GW: 848.6GW: NOT OBSERVEDGW: NOT OBSERVEDCOMMERCIAL/GROCERY/RETAIL SPACEFOOTPRINT = 51,600 SFFFE = 868.00MULTI-FAMILY HOUSINGFOOTPRINT = 44,300 SFFFE = 870.75SENIOR HOUSINGFOOTPRINT = 21,050 SFFFE = 866.255,642 SFELEVATORLOBBYOFFICE LOBBY3,473 SFCOFFEE RETAIL1,341 SFXXXXBANK DEVELOPMENTLOT 1LOT 2LOT 3LOT 410'8.5' (TYP.)24'24'24'24'8.5' (TYP.)25.5'26'8.5'13.33'8.5'13.33'9'8.5'R10'R10'R15'R15'R45'R10'R30'R20'24'R200'R224'R146'R123'R40'R15'R15'24'26'8.5'13.33'8.5'13.33'26'8.5'13.33'8.5'13.33'24'22'24'R100'44.72'38.5'174.5'69.7'34.8'29.5'50.0'13.0'34.8'13.9'34.8'12.8'14.4'42.5'AAAABBBCA60'25.5'A1A1A1A1A1A1A1A1A1A1A1A1A1A222555556D1B51B7777888888888888888889A9A9A9A9A11111111111111511111111131313134348488A8A8A9A8A8A8AEBB2121212121219'13'10.9'12.5'12.0'8.7'10.0'8.0'S.1S.4S.1S.4S.1S.1S.4S.2S.1S.4S.4S.4S.1S.4S.2S.3S.4S.1S.4S.4S.1S.4S.1S.3S.3SHEET NUMBER:DATE:DATE:LICENSE NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY MEOR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM ADULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWSOF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA VERTICAL SCALE: HORIZONTAL SCALE: DRAWN: CHECKED: DESIGNED:INITIAL ISSUE: REVISIONS:PREPARED FOR: Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 Toll Free (888) 937-5150 N:\0029211.10\DWG\CIVIL\0029211.10SP01.DWG EDINA, MN10/16/2070TH AND FRANCE REDEVELOPMENTSITE PLAN 70TH AND FRANCE REDEVELOPMENTC200 .10/16/20DAVID T. BADE . . . 10/16/20 4530 WEST 77TH STREET SUITE #365EDINA, MN 55435 ORION/MORTENSONNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION© 2020 Westwood Professional Services, Inc.Common Ground AllianceCall 48 Hours before digging:811 or call811.com0'30'60'90'1" = 30'30' 6' or 3' . . . . . . . . . .PROJECT NUMBER: 0029211.10S.1S.10S.2S.3REFERENCESTOP SIGNS.4NO TRUCKSRIGHT LANE MUST TURN RIGHTPEDESTRIAN CROSSING1A B612 CURB AND GUTTER1B B618 CURB AND GUTTER2 SURMOUNTABLE CURB AND GUTTER5 VALLEY GUTTER6 CONCRETE CROSS GUTTER7 ENTRANCE THRU CURB AND GUTTER8 PRIVATE CONCRETE SIDEWALK8A PUBLIC CONCRETE SIDEWALK9 PRIVATE PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP9A PUBLIC PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP11 CROSS WALK STRIPING13 TRAFFIC ARROW14 SIGN INSTALLATION19 PAVEMENT SECTIONS21 HEAVY DUTY CONCRETE SECTION22 SAW CUT CONTROL JOINT24 CONCRETE CURB AT SIDEWALK31 TRANSITION CURB (B612)43 RETAINING WALL WITH FENCE USING SLEEVE-IT SYSTEM45 B612 AND SURMOUNTABLE CURB TRANSITION48 CONCRETE STAIR AND RAILING DETAIL1·EXISTING ZONING:PDC-3, PLANNED COMMERCIAL·PROPOSED ZONING:PUD - PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT·PARCEL DESCRIPTION:LOT 1, BLOCK 1, YORKTOWN, HENNEPINCOUNTY, MINNESOTA·PROPERTY AREA:260,594 SF (5.98 AC)·PERVIOUS SURFACE:71,861 SF (27.6%)·IMPERVIOUS SURFACE(RATIO):188,733 SF (72.4%)·FLOOR-AREA-RATIO(FAR):SEE ARCH PLANS·BUILDING SETBACK PER CODE:XX'=FRONTXX'=SIDE / XX'=SIDE TO ROWXX'=REARLOT 1BLDG FOOTPRINTAREA(SF)LOT AREA(ACRE)LEGALDESCRIPTION51,600PROPOSED USELOT 2LOT 3LOT 4TOTAL5.98 AC.123,050-44,30021,0506,100SIGN LEGENDSITE DETAILS (SI-0XX)SITE DEVELOPMENT SUMMARYSITE DATA CHART1. BACKGROUND INFORMATION FOR THIS PROJECT PROVIDED BY WESTWOOD PROFESSIONALSERVICES, MINNETONKA, MN, 2020.2. LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS OF EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY AND UTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THISPLAN ARE APPROXIMATE. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY SITE CONDITIONS AND UTILITYLOCATIONS PRIOR TO EXCAVATION/CONSTRUCTION. IF ANY DISCREPANCIES ARE FOUND, THEENGINEER SHOULD BE NOTIFIED IMMEDIATELY.3. REFER TO BOUNDARY SURVEY FOR LOT BEARINGS, DIMENSIONS AND AREAS.4. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO FACE OF CURB OR EXTERIOR FACE OF BUILDING UNLESS OTHERWISENOTED.5. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR EXACT BUILDING DIMENSIONS AND LOCATIONS OFEXITS, RAMPS, AND TRUCK DOCKS.6. ALL CURB RADII ARE SHALL BE 5.0 FEET (TO FACE OF CURB) UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.7. ALL CURB AND GUTTER SHALL BE B612 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.8. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING AND MAINTAINING TRAFFICCONTROL DEVICES SUCH AS BARRICADES, WARNING SIGNS, DIRECTIONAL SIGNS, FLAGGERSAND LIGHTS TO CONTROL THE MOVEMENT OF TRAFFIC WHERE NECESSARY. PLACEMENT OFTHESE DEVICES SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE CITY AND ENGINEER PRIOR TO PLACEMENT.TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES SHALL CONFORM TO APPROPRIATE MNDOT STANDARDS.9. BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT AND CONCRETE SECTIONS TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THERECOMMENDATIONS OF THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER.10. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN FULL ACCESS TO ADJACENT PROPERTIES DURINGCONSTRUCTION AND TAKE ALL PRECAUTIONS NECESSARY TO AVOID PROPERTY DAMAGE TOADJACENT PROPERTIES.11. SITE LIGHTING SHOWN ON PLAN IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY. REFER TO LIGHTING PLAN PREPAREDBY OTHERS FOR SITE LIGHTING DETAILS AND PHOTOMETRICS.GENERAL SITE NOTESPROPERTY LINESETBACK LINEEASEMENT LINECURB AND GUTTERLOT LINEPOND NORMAL WATER LEVELRETAINING WALLCONCRETE PAVEMENTNUMBER OF PARKING STALLSTRANSFORMERSITE LIGHTINGEXISTINGPROPOSEDFENCEXXHEAVY DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENTNORMAL DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENTTRAFFIC SIGNPOWER POLEBOLLARD / POSTCONCRETE SIDEWALKTIP-OUT CURB AND GUTTERSITE LEGEND5T 2.02 AC.OFFICE/GROCERY1.99 AC.MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL0.93 AC.SENIOR HOUSING1.03 AC.BANKA. PLANTER CURB (TYP.)B. CONCRETE PAVERS (TYP.)C. GENERATORD. EXISTING SURMOUNTABLE CURB IN ROUNDABOUTE. BIKE LANE EXIT RAMP ONTO SHARED SIDEWALKSITE KEYNOTESX GASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGAS GAS GAS PUG PUG PUGPUG PUG PUG PUG PUG PUGFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFO FO FO FOFOFO FO FOPUGPUGPUGPUG WAT PUG PUG PUG PUG PUG PUG PUG PUGPUGPUGPUGPUGGAS GAS CTVCTV CTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVFO FO FO FOFOFOFOFOFOFOFO FO FO FO FOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFO FOPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFO FOFOFOFOTUGPUGPUG P U GPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUG PUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVXXXFO FOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOPUGPUGPUGFND.TPOSTSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTO STO STOSTO STOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSANSANSANSANSANSTOSANSTOSTO WATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWEST 70TH STREETFRANCE AVENUE SOUTH COUNTY ROAD NO. 17 8882010 2010 UTILITY EASEMENT PER THE PLATOF YORKTOWN DOC. NO.1033725 (ITEM NO. 11)22822TELECOMMUNICATIONS EASEMENTPER DOC. NO. 983149 (ITEM NO. 12)SANITARY SEWER EASEMENTPER DOC. NO. (ITEM NO. 11)152020.0015SCENIC AND OPEN SPACE EASEMENT INFAVOR OF EDINA VILLAGE (NOW CITY)PER DOC. NO. 1033728 (ITEM NO. 14)SCENIC AND OPEN SPACE EASEMENT INFAVOR OF EDINA VILLAGE (NOW CITY) PERDOC. NO. 1033728 (ITEM NO. 14)1010PUBLIC ROAD EASEMENT IN PER DOC.NO. 1036934 (ITEM NO. 15)STREET RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATED IN THE PLAT OFYORKTOWN DOC. NO. 1033725 (ITEM NO. 16)40 40 HIGHWAY EASEMENT PER DOC. NO.2189613 (ITEM NOS. 15 & 16)HIGHWAY EASEMENT PER DOC.NO. 2189613 (ITEM NOS. 15 & 16)PUBLIC STREET, DRAINAGE & UTILITYEASEMENT PER DOC. NO. T4859947(ITEM NO. 16)SIDEWALK & UTILITY EASEMENT PERDOC. NOS. T05067233 &T05132844(ITEM NO. 17)SIDEWALK & UTILITY EASEMENTPER DOC. NOS. T05067233 &T05132844 (ITEM NO. 17)TELECOMMUNICATIONSEASEMENT PER DOC. NO.983149 (ITEM NO. 12)EEEEEEEEEEMGTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTTVTVHHTTTTSTOSTOSTOSTORIM=871.0FULL OF DEBRISRIM=870.6INV(E)=866.4INV(NE)-866.3RIM=871.6INV(E)=865.1INV(W)=864.9INV(S)=866.1RIM=869.1INV(E)=864.5RIM=868.3INV(N/E)=864.3INV(W)=863.6RIM=866.7INV(N)=862.7INV(S)=863.0INV(E/W)=862.6RIM=866.5INV(N)=862.6INV(E)=862.5INV(W)=861.7RIM=871.5INV(E)=867.215" RCPRIM=867.5INV=863.2RIM = 862.97IE = 855.15 (CITY AS-BUILT)RIM=866.8INV(E)=859.4INV(W)=859.1RIM=862.8INV(N)=857.2INV(E)=859.2INV(SE)=857.5INV(SW)=856.3RIM=866.2INV=863.3RIM=869.5FULL OFWATERRIM=871.1INV=868.0RIM=863.4FULL OF ICE& DEBRISRIM=863.1INV(NE)=859.6INV(W)=859.1RIM=861.2INV=858.112" RCPRIM=861.8INV(E)=857.7INV(W)=858.2INV(S)=857.6RIM=862.1INV=857.912" RCPRIM=862.5INV(N)=852.8INV(S)=852.615" RCP21" RCPS12" RCP21" RCP12" RCP21" RCP9" CLAY @ 0.8%24" RCP24" RCP24" RCP12" RCP 8"PVC 12"RCP ST-5ST-6ST-4ST-3ST-2ST-116" ASH13" LCH14" ASH10" ASH15" LCH12" ASH GW: 853.0GW: 853.5GW: 858.0GW: 848.6GW: NOT OBSERVEDGW: NOT OBSERVEDCOMMERCIAL/GROCERY/RETAIL SPACEFOOTPRINT = 51,600 SFFFE = 868.00MULTI-FAMILY HOUSINGFOOTPRINT = 44,300 SFFFE = 870.75SENIOR HOUSINGFOOTPRINT = 21,050 SFFFE = 866.25XXXX865862863864 866860865859861862863864866867 868 869 867868869860865858859859859861862863864865865864864866866867867868868 87 0 8758 6 7 86 8 8 6 9 87 1 87 2 87 3 87487087586987187287 3 87 4 870867 868 8698718728738708678688698718 7 0 871 87 086986886 7 867 8688658 6 9 8698 7 1 865 8 6 7 8658688 6 7 866866867869868867 86786886 9 868 869870864864864 871.83869868868869868.00867.50866.75866.50867.25867.50868.75870.75870.75870.50870.00868.00869.80869.30869.30869.30864.50864.00864.00864.00866.25867.60866.90866.25866.75865863864 86786 6 865864 863866 868.00868.00868.00868.00865866866865 SHEET NUMBER:DATE:DATE:LICENSE NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY MEOR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM ADULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWSOF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA VERTICAL SCALE: HORIZONTAL SCALE: DRAWN: CHECKED: DESIGNED:INITIAL ISSUE: REVISIONS:PREPARED FOR: Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 Toll Free (888) 937-5150 N:\0029211.10\DWG\CIVIL\0029211.10GD01.DWG EDINA, MN10/16/2070TH AND FRANCE REDEVELOPMENTGRADING PLAN 70TH AND FRANCE REDEVELOPMENTC300 .10/16/20DAVID T. BADE . . . 10/16/20 4530 WEST 77TH STREET SUITE #365EDINA, MN 55435 ORION/MORTENSON © 2020 Westwood Professional Services, Inc.Common Ground AllianceCall 48 Hours before digging:811 or call811.com### ### or ## . . . . . . . . . .PROJECT NUMBER: 0029211.10PROPERTY LINE982980POND NORMAL WATER LEVELRIDGE LINETOP AND BOTTOM OF RETAINING WALLEMERGENCY OVERFLOWSB-19SOIL BORING LOCATIONSTOSTORM SEWERDRAIN TILEWATER MAINSANITARY SEWEREXISTINGPROPOSEDINDEX CONTOURINTERVAL CONTOUR982980WATSANSPOT ELEVATIONFLOW DIRECTIONSB-19RETAINING WALLGRADING LIMITSGLCURB AND GUTTERFLARED END SECTION (WITH RIPRAP)GRADING LEGEND1. LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS OF EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY AND UTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THISPLAN ARE APPROXIMATE. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY SITE CONDITIONS AND UTILITYLOCATIONS PRIOR TO EXCAVATION/CONSTRUCTION. THE ENGINEER SHALL BE NOTIFIEDIMMEDIATELY IF ANY DISCREPANCIES ARE FOUND.2. CONTRACTORS SHALL REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR EXACT LOCATIONS ANDDIMENSIONS OF VESTIBULE, SLOPED PAVEMENT, EXIT PORCHES, RAMPS, TRUCK DOCKS, PRECISEBUILDING DIMENSIONS, EXACT BUILDING UTILITY ENTRANCE LOCATIONS, AND EXACTLOCATIONS AND NUMBER OF DOWNSPOUTS.3. ALL EXCAVATION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CURRENT EDITION OF "STANDARDSPECIFICATIONS FOR TRENCH EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL/SURFACE RESTORATION" ASPREPARED BY THE CITY ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION OF MINNESOTA.4. ALL DISTURBED UNPAVED AREAS ARE TO RECEIVE FOUR INCHES OF TOPSOIL AND SOD OR SEED.THESE AREAS SHALL BE WATERED UNTIL A HEALTHY STAND OF GRASS IS OBTAINED. SEELANDSCAPE PLAN FOR PLANTING AND TURF ESTABLISHMENT.5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING AND MAINTAINING TRAFFICCONTROL DEVICES SUCH AS BARRICADES, WARNING SIGNS, DIRECTIONAL SIGNS, FLAGMENAND LIGHTS TO CONTROL THE MOVEMENT OF TRAFFIC WHERE NECESSARY. PLACEMENT OFTHESE DEVICES SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO PLACEMENT. TRAFFICCONTROL DEVICES SHALL CONFORM TO APPROPRIATE MNDOT STANDARDS.6. ALL SLOPES SHALL BE GRADED TO 3:1 OR FLATTER, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED ON THISSHEET.7. CONTRACTOR SHALL UNIFORMLY GRADE AREAS WITHIN LIMITS OF GRADING AND PROVIDE ASMOOTH FINISHED SURFACE WITH UNIFORM SLOPES BETWEEN POINTS WHERE ELEVATIONSARE SHOWN OR BETWEEN SUCH POINTS AND EXISTING GRADES.8. SPOT ELEVATIONS SHOWN INDICATE FINISHED PAVEMENT ELEVATIONS & GUTTER FLOWLINE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. PROPOSED CONTOURS ARE TO FINISHED SURFACEGRADE.9. SEE SOILS REPORT FOR PAVEMENT THICKNESSES AND HOLD DOWNS.10. CONTRACTOR SHALL DISPOSE OF ANY EXCESS SOIL MATERIAL THAT EXISTS AFTER THE SITEGRADING AND UTILITY CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DISPOSE OFALL EXCESS SOIL MATERIAL IN A MANNER ACCEPTABLE TO THE OWNER AND THE REGULATINGAGENCIES.11. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE A STRUCTURAL RETAINING WALL DESIGN CERTIFIED BY ALICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER.12. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL RULES INCLUDING THENATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) PERMIT REQUIREMENTS.13. PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF ANY STRUCTURE OR PAVEMENT, A PROOF ROLL, AT MINIMUM, WILLBE REQUIRED ON THE SUBGRADE. PROOF ROLLING SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED BY MAKINGMINIMUM OF 2 COMPLETE PASSES WITH FULLY-LOADED TANDEM-AXLE DUMP TRUCK, ORAPPROVED EQUAL, IN EACH OF 2 PERPENDICULAR DIRECTIONS WHILE UNDER SUPERVISIONAND DIRECTION OF THE INDEPENDENT TESTING LABORATORY. AREAS OF FAILURE SHALL BEEXCAVATED AND RE-COMPACTED AS SPECIFIED HEREIN.14. EMBANKMENT MATERIAL PLACED BENEATH BUILDINGS AND STREET OR PARKING AREAS SHALLBE COMPACTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SPECIFIED DENSITY METHOD AS OUTLINED INMNDOT 2105.3F1 AND THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER.15. EMBANKMENT MATERIAL NOT PLACED IN THE BUILDING PAD, STREETS OR PARKING AREA,SHALL BE COMPACTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH REQUIREMENTS OF THE ORDINARYCOMPACTION METHOD AS OUTLINED IN MNDOT 2105.3F2.16. ALL SOILS AND MATERIALS TESTING SHALL BE COMPLETED BY AN INDEPENDENTGEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. EXCAVATION FOR THE PURPOSE OF REMOVING UNSTABLE ORUNSUITABLE SOILS SHALL BE COMPLETED AS REQUIRED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. THECONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATING ALL REQUIRED SOILS TESTS ANDINSPECTIONS WITH THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER.1. BASIN EXCAVATION AND PIPE INSTALLATION MAY TAKE PLACE BEFORE CURB INSTALLATION.ALL OTHER BASIN CONSTRUCTION MUST WAIT UNTIL FINAL SITE LANDSCAPING. REMOVESEDIMENT FROM EXCAVATED BASIN PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF FILTER MEDIA. PLACE SANDBAGS OR SIMILAR ITEM IN CURB CUTS TO PRE-FILTER STORM WATER UNTIL PLANTS AREESTABLISHED IN BASINS. MAINTAIN INLET PROTECTION ON DOWN STREAM INLETS UNTILBASINS ARE ON-LINE.2. BASIN EXCAVATION SHALL BE WITH TOOTHED-BUCKETS TO SCARIFY THE BOTTOM.3. PLACE SILT FENCE AROUND BASINS AS SHOWN IMMEDIATELY AFTER BASIN CONSTRUCTION.4. BASINS MUST BE TESTED FOR INFILTRATION RATE AFTER TOTAL SITE STABILIZATION. A DUALRING INFILTROMETER SHALL BE USED FOR TESTING. MINIMUM INFILTRATION RATE IS 1-INCHPER HOUR. IF BASIN DOES NOT MEET INFILTRATION RATE, CONTRACTOR MUST TAKECORRECTIVE ACTION UNTIL MINIMUM INFILTRATION RATE IS MET. CORRECTIVE ACTION MAYINCLUDE REMOVING PLUG IN DRAIN TILE. ALL TESTING AND CORRECTIVE ACTION SHALL BETHE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR, AND SHALL BE INCIDENTAL TO THE CONTRACT,WITH NO DIRECT COMPENSATION MADE.GRADING NOTESFILTRATION/INFILTRATION BASIN NOTES0.00%900.00900.00TW=XXX.XXBW=XXX.XXE.O.F.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION0'30'60'90'1" = 30' GASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGAS GAS GAS PUG PUG PUGPUG PUG PUG PUG PUG PUGFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFO FO FO FOFOFO FO FOPUGPUGPUGPUG WAT PUG PUG PUG PUG PUG PUG PUG PUGPUGPUGPUGPUGGAS GAS CTVCTV CTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVFO FO FO FOFOFOFOFOFOFOFO FO FO FO FOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFO FOPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFO FOFOFOFOTUGPUGPUG P U GPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUG PUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVXXXFO FOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOPUGPUGPUGFND.TPOSTSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTO STO STOSTO STOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSANSANSANSANSANSTOSANSTOSTO WATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWEST 70TH STREETFRANCE AVENUE SOUTH COUNTY ROAD NO. 17 8882010 2010 UTILITY EASEMENT PER THE PLATOF YORKTOWN DOC. NO.1033725 (ITEM NO. 11)22822TELECOMMUNICATIONS EASEMENTPER DOC. NO. 983149 (ITEM NO. 12)SANITARY SEWER EASEMENTPER DOC. NO. (ITEM NO. 11)152020.0015SCENIC AND OPEN SPACE EASEMENT INFAVOR OF EDINA VILLAGE (NOW CITY)PER DOC. NO. 1033728 (ITEM NO. 14)SCENIC AND OPEN SPACE EASEMENT INFAVOR OF EDINA VILLAGE (NOW CITY) PERDOC. NO. 1033728 (ITEM NO. 14)1010PUBLIC ROAD EASEMENT IN PER DOC.NO. 1036934 (ITEM NO. 15)STREET RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATED IN THE PLAT OFYORKTOWN DOC. NO. 1033725 (ITEM NO. 16)40 40 HIGHWAY EASEMENT PER DOC. NO.2189613 (ITEM NOS. 15 & 16)HIGHWAY EASEMENT PER DOC.NO. 2189613 (ITEM NOS. 15 & 16)PUBLIC STREET, DRAINAGE & UTILITYEASEMENT PER DOC. NO. T4859947(ITEM NO. 16)SIDEWALK & UTILITY EASEMENT PERDOC. NOS. T05067233 &T05132844(ITEM NO. 17)SIDEWALK & UTILITY EASEMENTPER DOC. NOS. T05067233 &T05132844 (ITEM NO. 17)TELECOMMUNICATIONSEASEMENT PER DOC. NO.983149 (ITEM NO. 12)EEEEEEEEEEMGTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTTVTVHHTTTTSTOSTOSTOSTORIM=871.0FULL OF DEBRISRIM=870.6INV(E)=866.4INV(NE)-866.3RIM=871.6INV(E)=865.1INV(W)=864.9INV(S)=866.1RIM=869.1INV(E)=864.5RIM=868.3INV(N/E)=864.3INV(W)=863.6RIM=866.7INV(N)=862.7INV(S)=863.0INV(E/W)=862.6RIM=866.5INV(N)=862.6INV(E)=862.5INV(W)=861.7RIM=871.5INV(E)=867.215" RCPRIM=867.5INV=863.2RIM = 862.97IE = 855.15 (CITY AS-BUILT)RIM=866.8INV(E)=859.4INV(W)=859.1RIM=862.8INV(N)=857.2INV(E)=859.2INV(SE)=857.5INV(SW)=856.3RIM=866.2INV=863.3RIM=869.5FULL OFWATERRIM=871.1INV=868.0RIM=863.4FULL OF ICE& DEBRISRIM=863.1INV(NE)=859.6INV(W)=859.1RIM=861.2INV=858.112" RCPRIM=861.8INV(E)=857.7INV(W)=858.2INV(S)=857.6RIM=862.1INV=857.912" RCPRIM=862.5INV(N)=852.8INV(S)=852.615" RCP21" RCPS12" RCP21" RCP12" RCP21" RCP9" CLAY @ 0.8%24" RCP24" RCP24" RCP12" RCP 8"PVC 12"RCP ST-5ST-6ST-4ST-3ST-2ST-116" ASH13" LCH14" ASH10" ASH15" LCH12" ASH GW: 853.0GW: 853.5GW: 858.0GW: 848.6GW: NOT OBSERVEDGW: NOT OBSERVEDCOMMERCIAL/GROCERY/RETAIL SPACEFOOTPRINT = 51,600 SFFFE = 868.00MULTI-FAMILY HOUSINGFOOTPRINT = 44,300 SFFFE = 870.75SENIOR HOUSINGFOOTPRINT = 21,050 SFFFE = 866.255,642 SFELEVATORLOBBYOFFICE LOBBY3,473 SFCOFFEE RETAIL1,341 SFXXXXBANK DEVELOPMENT8" SAN STUBIE=858.788" WM STUB8" SAN STUBIE=857.158" WM STUB8" WM STUB6" SAN STUBIE=856.466" SAN STUBIE=860.278" SAN STUBIE=861.366" WM STUB8" WM STUBHYDRANTHYDRANTHYDRANTHYDRANTHYDRANT6" WM STUB6" SAN STUB119 LF - 10" PVC @ 0.70%SAN MH 11RIM=862.45IE(E)=855.52IE(SW)=855.42CORE DRILL INTOEXISTING SAN MH 10RIM=862.97IE(S,NE)=855.1539 LF - 10" PVC @ 0.70%SAN MH 12RIM=862.90IE(N)=855.96IE(E)=855.96IE(W)=855.8648 LF - 10" PVC @ 0.70%SAN MH 13RIM=864.50IE(N,E)=856.90IE(W)=856.80218 LF - 10" PVC @ 0.70%SAN MH 14RIM=867.00IE(E,S)=858.52IE(W)=858.42SAN MH 15RIM=867.80IE(N)=859.15IE(W)=859.0576 LF - 10" PVC @ 0.70%SAN MH 16RIM=869.10IE(W,N)=859.95IE(S)=859.85100 LF - 10" PVC @ 0.70%171 LF - 8" PVC @ 0.70%SAN MH 16RIM=870.00IE(W)=861.25IE(S)=861.1516 LF - 8" PVC @ 0.70%16 LF - 6" PVC @ 2.00%26 LF - 10" PVC @ 1.00%25 LF - 8" PVC @ 1.00%INSULATE PIPE25 LF - 6" PVC @ 2.00%8" DIP1234567891011121314151617181920AAA8" DIP8" DIP8" DIP8" DIPSHEET NUMBER:DATE:DATE:LICENSE NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY MEOR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM ADULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWSOF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA VERTICAL SCALE: HORIZONTAL SCALE: DRAWN: CHECKED: DESIGNED:INITIAL ISSUE: REVISIONS:PREPARED FOR: Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 Toll Free (888) 937-5150 N:\0029211.10\DWG\CIVIL\0029211.10UT01.DWG EDINA, MN10/16/2070TH AND FRANCE REDEVELOPMENTSANITARY ANDWATERMAIN PLAN 70TH AND FRANCE REDEVELOPMENTC400 .10/16/20DAVID T. BADE . . . 10/16/20 4530 WEST 77TH STREET SUITE #365EDINA, MN 55435 ORION/MORTENSON © 2020 Westwood Professional Services, Inc.Common Ground AllianceCall 48 Hours before digging:811 or call811.com### ### or ## . . . . . . . . . .PROJECT NUMBER: 0029211.10SANEXISTINGPROPOSEDSANITARY SEWERSTOSTORM SEWERWATWATER MAINEASEMENT LINEPROPERTY LINEWATHYDRANTGATE VALVEDRAIN TILEFLARED END SECTION (WITH RIPRAP)LIGHT POLEGASGASGASPUGUNDERGROUND ELECTRICPUGTUGUNDERGROUND TELEPHONETOHPOHOVERHEAD ELECTRICPOHTOHOVERHEAD TELEPHONETOHFOTELEPHONE FIBER OPTICFOCTVCABLE TELEVISIONCTVFMFMSANITARY SEWER FORCE MAINCURB AND GUTTERUTILITY LEGEND1. THE CONTRACTOR IS SPECIFICALLY CAUTIONED THAT THE LOCATION AND/OR ELEVATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THESEPLANS ARE BASED ON RECORDS OF THE VARIOUS UTILITY COMPANIES AND LIMITED MEASUREMENTS TAKEN IN THE FIELD. THEINFORMATION SHALL NOT BE RELIED ON AS BEING EXACT OR COMPLETE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY EXISTING CONDITIONS PRIORTO CONSTRUCTION AND NOTIFY THE OWNER OR ENGINEER OF DISCREPANCIES.2. ALL SANITARY SEWER, STORM SEWER AND WATER MAIN MATERIAL AND INSTALLATIONS SHALL BE PER CITY REQUIREMENTS, MINNESOTAPLUMBING CODE, AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CURRENT EDITION OF "STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR WATER MAIN AND SERVICELINE INSTALLATION AND SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER INSTALLATION" AS PREPARED BY THE CITY ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION OFMINNESOTA.3. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN THE NECESSARY FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL PERMITS FOR THE PROPOSEDWORK OR VERIFY WITH THE OWNER OR ENGINEER THAT PERMITS HAVE BEEN OBTAINED. PERMIT FEES SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OFTHE CONTRACTOR UNLESS OTHERWISE ARRANGED WITH THE OWNER.4. CONTRACTOR SHALL REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR EXACT LOCATION AND DIMENSIONS OF DOORWAYS, RAMPS, TRUCK DOCKS,PRECISE BUILDING DIMENSIONS AND EXACT BUILDING UTILITY CONNECTION LOCATIONS.5. ALL PRIVATE UTILITIES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SPECIFICATIONS OF THE APPROPRIATE UTILITY COMPANY.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE THE SERVICE LINE CONSTRUCTION WITH THE UTILITY COMPANIES.6. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY CITY PERMITS FOR UTILITY CONNECTIONS, AND UTILITIES SHALL BE INSPECTED ANDAPPROVED BY THE CITY. THE CITY SHALL BE NOTIFIED 48-HOURS PRIOR TO COMMENCING WITH THE UTILITY CONSTRUCTION OR ANYREQUIRED TESTING. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT OPERATE, INTERFERE WITH, CONNECT ANY PIPE OR HOSE TO, OR TAP ANY WATER MAINBELONGING TO THE CITY UNLESS DULY AUTHORIZED TO DO SO BY THE CITY. ANY ADVERSE CONSEQUENCES OF SCHEDULED ORUNSCHEDULED DISRUPTIONS OF SERVICE TO THE PUBLIC ARE TO BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR.7. WATER MAIN LENGTHS AS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE HORIZONTAL LENGTHS. ALLOW FOR ADDITIONAL PIPE WHEN INSTALLING ONSLOPES OR WHEN DEFLECTIONS ARE REQUIRED. THE JOINT DEFLECTIONS SHALL NOT EXCEED THE MAXIMUM RECOMMENDED BY THE PIPEMANUFACTURER OR BY LOCAL GOVERNING SPECIFICATIONS. FITTINGS REQUIRED TO CONSTRUCT WATER MAIN SHALL BE INCLUDED INWATER MAIN CONSTRUCTION.8. PROVIDE WATER MAIN THRUST RESTRAINTS PER CITY STANDARD REQUIREMENTS.9. A MINIMUM VERTICAL SEPARATION OF 18 INCHES IS REQUIRED AT ALL WATER LINE CROSSINGS WITH SANITARY SEWER OR STORMSEWER. THE WATER LINE SHALL NOT HAVE JOINTS OR CONNECTION WITHIN 10-FEET OF THE CROSSING. INSULATE CROSSINGS WITHSTORM SEWER.10. UTILITY SERVICES TYPICALLY TERMINATE 5' OUTSIDE BUILDING WALL UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN OR NOTED.11. DUCTILE IRON WATER LINES SHALL BE CLASS 52, PER AWWA C115 OR C151. COPPER WATER LINES SHALL BE TYPE K PER ASTM B88. PVCWATER LINES SHALL BE PER AWWA C900 AND INSTALLED PER AWWA C605 IF ALLOWED BY CITY.12. ALL WATER LINES SHALL HAVE 7.5' MINIMUM COVER. INSULATE WATER MAIN IF LESS THAN 8' OF COVER. INSULATION SHALL BE DOWSTYROFOAM HI BRAND 35 OR EQUIVALENT, WITH 4 INCHES OF THICKNESS.13. SANITARY SEWER PIPE OUTSIDE THE BUILDING ENVELOPE SHALL BE POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) SDR 35 OR 26. SDR 26 IS REQUIRED FORDEPTHS GREATER THAN 15 FEET. SANITARY SEWER PIPE WITHIN 5 FEET OF THE BUILDING AND UNDER FOOTINGS SHALL BE SCHEDULE 40PER ASTM D2665. ALL PLASTIC SANITARY SEWER SHALL BE INSTALLED PER D2321. SOLVENT WELD JOINTS MUST INCLUDE USE OF APRIMER WHICH IS OF A CONTRASTING COLOR TO THE PIPE AND CEMENT. ALL SANITARY SEWER SHALL BE TESTED ACCORDING TOMINNESOTA PLUMBING CODE, PART 712.0.14. STORM SEWER PIPE:A. RCP AND HDPE PIPE MAY BE INSTALLED WITH APPROVAL OF LOCAL GOVERNING AGENCY.B. REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE SHALL BE CLASS 5 FOR PIPE DIAMETERS 18" AND SMALLER, CLASS 3 FOR PIPE DIAMETERS 21" ANDLARGER UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, PER ASTM C76 WITH R-4 GASKETS.C. HDPE STORM PIPE 4- TO 10-INCHES IN DIAMETER SHALL MEET REQUIREMENTS OF AASHTO M252. HDPE STORM PIPE 12- TO60-INCHES IN DIAMETER SHALL MEET REQUIREMENTS OF ASTM F2306. FITTINGS SHALL BE PER ASTM D3212 AND INSTALLED PERASTM D2321.D. PVC STORM SEWER PIPE AND FITTINGS SHALL BE SCHEDULE 40 PIPE PER ASTM D2665 AND INSTALLED PER ASTM D2321.E. CORRUGATED METAL PIPE (CMP) FOR SIZES 18- TO 120-INCH AND MUST MEET ASTM A760 OR ASTM A796 AND BE INSTALLED PERASTM A798. CMP MAY NOT BE INSTALLED WITHIN 10-FEET OF A WATERMAIN, WATER SERVICE, OR A BUILDING.F. ALL STORM SEWER JOINTS AND STRUCTURE CONNECTIONS SHALL BE GASTIGHT OR WATERTIGHT AS REQUIRED BY MINNESOTAPLUMBING CODE, PART 707.3. STORM SEWER LOCATED WITHIN 10-FEET OF A BUILDING AND/OR WATER LINE SHALL BE TESTED PERMINNESOTA PLUMBING CODE, PART 712.15. ALL NONCONDUCTIVE PIPE SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH A LOCATE (TRACER) WIRE PER MINNESOTA RULES, PART 7560.0150.16. POST INDICATOR VALVES SHALL BE CLOW F-5750 (OR EQUIVALENT) MEETING AWWA STANDARD C509 AND CITY STANDARDS. VALVE TOBE MECHANICAL JOINT RESILIENT WEDGE GATE VALVE. POST TO BE ADJUSTABLE FOR 8 FEET WATER MAIN DEPTH. THE ELECTRICAL ALARMSWITCH SHALL BE PART NO. PCVS2 (OR EQUIVALENT).17. AFTER CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETED, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE THE OWNER WITH AN AS-BUILT RECORD OF UTILITYCONSTRUCTION. THE AS-BUILT SHALL INCLUDE LOCATION AND LENGTH DEVIATIONS OR CHANGES TO THE PLAN. CONTRACTOR TOVERIFY WITH OWNER OR ENGINEER WHETHER A PLAN WITH POST-CONSTRUCTION ELEVATIONS IS REQUIRED.18. ALL MANHOLE CASTINGS IN PAVED AREAS SHALL BE SUMPED 0.05 FEET. RIM ELEVATIONS ON PLAN REFLECT THE SUMPED ELEVATIONS.19. ALL CATCH BASIN CASTINGS IN CURB SHALL BE SUMPED 0.15 FEET AND MANHOLE CASTINGS IN PAVED AREAS SHALL BE SUMPED 0.05FEET. RIM ELEVATIONS ON PLAN REFLECT THE SUMPED ELEVATIONS.GENERAL UTILITY NOTESSDTNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION0'30'60'90'1" = 30'A. CONNECT TO EXISTING. COORDINATE CONNECTION WITH THE CITY.UTILITY KEYNOTEA GASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGAS GAS GAS PUG PUG PUGPUG PUG PUG PUG PUG PUGFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFO FO FO FOFOFO FO FOPUGPUGPUGPUG WAT PUG PUG PUG PUG PUG PUG PUG PUGPUGPUGPUGPUGGAS GAS CTVCTV CTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVFO FO FO FOFOFOFOFOFOFOFO FO FO FO FOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFO FOPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFO FOFOFOFOTUGPUGPUG P U GPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUG PUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVXXXFO FOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOPUGPUGPUGFND.TPOSTSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTO STO STOSTO STOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSANSANSANSANSANSTOSANSTOSTO WATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWEST 70TH STREETFRANCE AVENUE SOUTH COUNTY ROAD NO. 17 8882010 2010 UTILITY EASEMENT PER THE PLATOF YORKTOWN DOC. NO.1033725 (ITEM NO. 11)22822TELECOMMUNICATIONS EASEMENTPER DOC. NO. 983149 (ITEM NO. 12)SANITARY SEWER EASEMENTPER DOC. NO. (ITEM NO. 11)152020.0015SCENIC AND OPEN SPACE EASEMENT INFAVOR OF EDINA VILLAGE (NOW CITY)PER DOC. NO. 1033728 (ITEM NO. 14)SCENIC AND OPEN SPACE EASEMENT INFAVOR OF EDINA VILLAGE (NOW CITY) PERDOC. NO. 1033728 (ITEM NO. 14)1010PUBLIC ROAD EASEMENT IN PER DOC.NO. 1036934 (ITEM NO. 15)STREET RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATED IN THE PLAT OFYORKTOWN DOC. NO. 1033725 (ITEM NO. 16)40 40 HIGHWAY EASEMENT PER DOC. NO.2189613 (ITEM NOS. 15 & 16)HIGHWAY EASEMENT PER DOC.NO. 2189613 (ITEM NOS. 15 & 16)PUBLIC STREET, DRAINAGE & UTILITYEASEMENT PER DOC. NO. T4859947(ITEM NO. 16)SIDEWALK & UTILITY EASEMENT PERDOC. NOS. T05067233 &T05132844(ITEM NO. 17)SIDEWALK & UTILITY EASEMENTPER DOC. NOS. T05067233 &T05132844 (ITEM NO. 17)TELECOMMUNICATIONSEASEMENT PER DOC. NO.983149 (ITEM NO. 12)EEEEEEEEEEMGTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTTVTVHHTTTTSTOSTOSTOSTORIM=871.0FULL OF DEBRISRIM=870.6INV(E)=866.4INV(NE)-866.3RIM=871.6INV(E)=865.1INV(W)=864.9INV(S)=866.1RIM=869.1INV(E)=864.5RIM=868.3INV(N/E)=864.3INV(W)=863.6RIM=866.7INV(N)=862.7INV(S)=863.0INV(E/W)=862.6RIM=866.5INV(N)=862.6INV(E)=862.5INV(W)=861.7RIM=871.5INV(E)=867.215" RCPRIM=867.5INV=863.2RIM = 862.97IE = 855.15 (CITY AS-BUILT)RIM=866.8INV(E)=859.4INV(W)=859.1RIM=862.8INV(N)=857.2INV(E)=859.2INV(SE)=857.5INV(SW)=856.3RIM=866.2INV=863.3RIM=869.5FULL OFWATERRIM=871.1INV=868.0RIM=863.4FULL OF ICE& DEBRISRIM=863.1INV(NE)=859.6INV(W)=859.1RIM=861.2INV=858.112" RCPRIM=861.8INV(E)=857.7INV(W)=858.2INV(S)=857.6RIM=862.1INV=857.912" RCPRIM=862.5INV(N)=852.8INV(S)=852.615" RCP21" RCPS12" RCP21" RCP12" RCP21" RCP9" CLAY @ 0.8%24" RCP24" RCP24" RCP12" RCP 8"PVC 12"RCP ST-5ST-6ST-4ST-3ST-2ST-116" ASH13" LCH14" ASH10" ASH15" LCH12" ASH GW: 853.0GW: 853.5GW: 858.0GW: 848.6GW: NOT OBSERVEDGW: NOT OBSERVEDCOMMERCIAL/GROCERY/RETAIL SPACEFOOTPRINT = 51,600 SFFFE = 868.00MULTI-FAMILY HOUSINGFOOTPRINT = 44,300 SFFFE = 870.75SENIOR HOUSINGFOOTPRINT = 21,050 SFFFE = 866.25XXXX8" PVC ROOF DRAINIE=861.258" PVC ROOF DRAINIE=861.258" PVC ROOF DRAINIE=861.2510" PVC ROOF DRAINIE=862.1010" PVC ROOF DRAINIE=860.1012" PVC ROOF DRAINIE=859.50FLOOD STORAGE VAULTBOTTOM OF VAULT = 855.00TOP OF VAULT = 862.00TOTAL VOLUME = 30,240 CFSTORMTECH MC-3500 CHAMBERSBOTTOM OF ROCK=856.00BOTTOM OF CHAMBERS=856.75WEIR ELEV=858.75INFILTRATION VOLUME=19,796 CFTOTAL VOLUME=32,712 CF18" STORM STUBIE=859.10STMH 101RIM=862.80IE(S,NE)=856.6028 LF - 15" RCP@ 1.04%54 LF - 15" RCP @ 1.04%REPLACE STMH 100RIM=862.80IE(W,N)=856.30STMH 102RIM=864.30IE(N)=859.30IE(SW,E)=857.15202 LF - 15" RCP @ 0.50%STMH 103RIM=865.25IE(NE,W)=858.17OCS 104RIM=864.75IE(N)=856.75IE(SW)=858.2823 LF - 15" RCP @ 0.50%CBMH 302RIM=865.30IE(E)=861.05IE(S)=859.30IE(W)=859.00110 LF - 21" RCP @ 0.50%CBMH 201RIM=865.35IE(NE)=861.353' SUMP=858.3516 LF -12" RCP@ 0.60%STMH 200RIM=865.50IE(SW)=861.25IE(W,E)=857.95CB 310RIM=863.50IE(S,E)=859.00STMH 300RIM=865.20IE(S)=858.28IE(N,E)=856.75CBMH 301RIM=865.35IE(E)=858.70IE(W,N)=858.453' SUMP=855.4556 LF - 30" RCP@ 0.30%STORMWATER PUMP - DUPLEX DISCHARGE RATE BELOW5 CFS. RATE TO BE COORDINATED WITH CITY.CONNECT TO BOX CULVERTSTORAGE SYSTEM.29 LF - 18" RCP@ 1.00%CB 304RIM=865.50IE(W,E)=862.50190 LF - 12" RCP @ 0.50%100 LF - 12" RCP @ 0.50%CBMH 302RIM=867.60IE(S,W)=862.00CB 411RIM=866.15IE(E)=862.153' SUMP=859.15CB 421RIM=867.15IE(E)=863.153' SUMP=860.15STMH 430RIM=867.90IE(E)=862.00IE(N,S)=857.95STMH 440RIM=866.10IE(E)=860.00IE(N,S)=857.9524 LF - TRENCHDRAIN @ 1.00%TRENCH DRAINRIM=867.80IE(S)=866.56TRENCH DRAINRIM=867.80IE(S)=866.80120 LF - 12" PVC @ 0.78%CBMH 501RIM=870.60IE(E)=866.40IE(S)=865.63IE(N)=865.1333 LF - 15" RCP @ 0.70%REBUILD STMH 500RIM=871.60IE(N)=867.05IE(E)=865.10IE(S)=864.90IE(W)=864.901234567891011121314151617181920GENERATOR FOR STORM PUMP - GARAGE LEVELSHEET NUMBER:DATE:DATE:LICENSE NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY MEOR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM ADULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWSOF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA VERTICAL SCALE: HORIZONTAL SCALE: DRAWN: CHECKED: DESIGNED:INITIAL ISSUE: REVISIONS:PREPARED FOR: Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 Toll Free (888) 937-5150 N:\0029211.10\DWG\CIVIL\0029211.10UT01.DWG EDINA, MN10/16/2070TH AND FRANCE REDEVELOPMENTSTORM SEWER PLAN 70TH AND FRANCE REDEVELOPMENTC401 .10/16/20DAVID T. BADE . . . 10/16/20 4530 WEST 77TH STREET SUITE #365EDINA, MN 55435 ORION/MORTENSON © 2020 Westwood Professional Services, Inc.Common Ground AllianceCall 48 Hours before digging:811 or call811.com### ### or ## . . . . . . . . . .PROJECT NUMBER: 0029211.10SANEXISTINGPROPOSEDSANITARY SEWERSTOSTORM SEWERWATWATER MAINEASEMENT LINEPROPERTY LINEWATHYDRANTGATE VALVEDRAIN TILEFLARED END SECTION (WITH RIPRAP)LIGHT POLEGASGASGASPUGUNDERGROUND ELECTRICPUGTUGUNDERGROUND TELEPHONETOHPOHOVERHEAD ELECTRICPOHTOHOVERHEAD TELEPHONETOHFOTELEPHONE FIBER OPTICFOCTVCABLE TELEVISIONCTVFMFMSANITARY SEWER FORCE MAINCURB AND GUTTERUTILITY LEGEND1. THE CONTRACTOR IS SPECIFICALLY CAUTIONED THAT THE LOCATION AND/OR ELEVATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THESEPLANS ARE BASED ON RECORDS OF THE VARIOUS UTILITY COMPANIES AND LIMITED MEASUREMENTS TAKEN IN THE FIELD. THEINFORMATION SHALL NOT BE RELIED ON AS BEING EXACT OR COMPLETE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY EXISTING CONDITIONS PRIORTO CONSTRUCTION AND NOTIFY THE OWNER OR ENGINEER OF DISCREPANCIES.2. ALL SANITARY SEWER, STORM SEWER AND WATER MAIN MATERIAL AND INSTALLATIONS SHALL BE PER CITY REQUIREMENTS, MINNESOTAPLUMBING CODE, AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CURRENT EDITION OF "STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR WATER MAIN AND SERVICELINE INSTALLATION AND SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER INSTALLATION" AS PREPARED BY THE CITY ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION OFMINNESOTA.3. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN THE NECESSARY FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL PERMITS FOR THE PROPOSEDWORK OR VERIFY WITH THE OWNER OR ENGINEER THAT PERMITS HAVE BEEN OBTAINED. PERMIT FEES SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OFTHE CONTRACTOR UNLESS OTHERWISE ARRANGED WITH THE OWNER.4. CONTRACTOR SHALL REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR EXACT LOCATION AND DIMENSIONS OF DOORWAYS, RAMPS, TRUCK DOCKS,PRECISE BUILDING DIMENSIONS AND EXACT BUILDING UTILITY CONNECTION LOCATIONS.5. ALL PRIVATE UTILITIES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SPECIFICATIONS OF THE APPROPRIATE UTILITY COMPANY.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE THE SERVICE LINE CONSTRUCTION WITH THE UTILITY COMPANIES.6. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY CITY PERMITS FOR UTILITY CONNECTIONS, AND UTILITIES SHALL BE INSPECTED ANDAPPROVED BY THE CITY. THE CITY SHALL BE NOTIFIED 48-HOURS PRIOR TO COMMENCING WITH THE UTILITY CONSTRUCTION OR ANYREQUIRED TESTING. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT OPERATE, INTERFERE WITH, CONNECT ANY PIPE OR HOSE TO, OR TAP ANY WATER MAINBELONGING TO THE CITY UNLESS DULY AUTHORIZED TO DO SO BY THE CITY. ANY ADVERSE CONSEQUENCES OF SCHEDULED ORUNSCHEDULED DISRUPTIONS OF SERVICE TO THE PUBLIC ARE TO BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR.7. WATER MAIN LENGTHS AS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE HORIZONTAL LENGTHS. ALLOW FOR ADDITIONAL PIPE WHEN INSTALLING ONSLOPES OR WHEN DEFLECTIONS ARE REQUIRED. THE JOINT DEFLECTIONS SHALL NOT EXCEED THE MAXIMUM RECOMMENDED BY THE PIPEMANUFACTURER OR BY LOCAL GOVERNING SPECIFICATIONS. FITTINGS REQUIRED TO CONSTRUCT WATER MAIN SHALL BE INCLUDED INWATER MAIN CONSTRUCTION.8. PROVIDE WATER MAIN THRUST RESTRAINTS PER CITY STANDARD REQUIREMENTS.9. A MINIMUM VERTICAL SEPARATION OF 18 INCHES IS REQUIRED AT ALL WATER LINE CROSSINGS WITH SANITARY SEWER OR STORMSEWER. THE WATER LINE SHALL NOT HAVE JOINTS OR CONNECTION WITHIN 10-FEET OF THE CROSSING. INSULATE CROSSINGS WITHSTORM SEWER.10. UTILITY SERVICES TYPICALLY TERMINATE 5' OUTSIDE BUILDING WALL UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN OR NOTED.11. DUCTILE IRON WATER LINES SHALL BE CLASS 52, PER AWWA C115 OR C151. COPPER WATER LINES SHALL BE TYPE K PER ASTM B88. PVCWATER LINES SHALL BE PER AWWA C900 AND INSTALLED PER AWWA C605 IF ALLOWED BY CITY.12. ALL WATER LINES SHALL HAVE 8' MINIMUM COVER. INSULATE WATER MAIN IF LESS THAN 8' OF COVER. INSULATION SHALL BE DOWSTYROFOAM HI BRAND 35 OR EQUIVALENT, WITH 4 INCHES OF THICKNESS.13. SANITARY SEWER PIPE OUTSIDE THE BUILDING ENVELOPE SHALL BE POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) SDR 35 OR 26. SDR 26 IS REQUIRED FORDEPTHS GREATER THAN 15 FEET. SANITARY SEWER PIPE WITHIN 5 FEET OF THE BUILDING AND UNDER FOOTINGS SHALL BE SCHEDULE 40PER ASTM D2665. ALL PLASTIC SANITARY SEWER SHALL BE INSTALLED PER D2321. SOLVENT WELD JOINTS MUST INCLUDE USE OF APRIMER WHICH IS OF A CONTRASTING COLOR TO THE PIPE AND CEMENT. ALL SANITARY SEWER SHALL BE TESTED ACCORDING TOMINNESOTA PLUMBING CODE, PART 712.0.14. STORM SEWER PIPE:A. RCP AND HDPE PIPE MAY BE INSTALLED WITH APPROVAL OF LOCAL GOVERNING AGENCY.B. REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE SHALL BE CLASS 5 FOR PIPE DIAMETERS 18" AND SMALLER, CLASS 3 FOR PIPE DIAMETERS 21" ANDLARGER UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, PER ASTM C76 WITH R-4 GASKETS.C. HDPE STORM PIPE 4- TO 10-INCHES IN DIAMETER SHALL MEET REQUIREMENTS OF AASHTO M252. HDPE STORM PIPE 12- TO60-INCHES IN DIAMETER SHALL MEET REQUIREMENTS OF ASTM F2306. FITTINGS SHALL BE PER ASTM D3212 AND INSTALLED PERASTM D2321.D. PVC STORM SEWER PIPE AND FITTINGS SHALL BE SCHEDULE 40 PIPE PER ASTM D2665 AND INSTALLED PER ASTM D2321.E. CORRUGATED METAL PIPE (CMP) FOR SIZES 18- TO 120-INCH AND MUST MEET ASTM A760 OR ASTM A796 AND BE INSTALLED PERASTM A798. CMP MAY NOT BE INSTALLED WITHIN 10-FEET OF A WATERMAIN, WATER SERVICE, OR A BUILDING.F. ALL STORM SEWER JOINTS AND STRUCTURE CONNECTIONS SHALL BE GASTIGHT OR WATERTIGHT AS REQUIRED BY MINNESOTAPLUMBING CODE, PART 707.3. STORM SEWER LOCATED WITHIN 10-FEET OF A BUILDING AND/OR WATER LINE SHALL BE TESTED PERMINNESOTA PLUMBING CODE, PART 712.15. ALL NONCONDUCTIVE PIPE SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH A LOCATE (TRACER) WIRE PER MINNESOTA RULES, PART 7560.0150.16. POST INDICATOR VALVES SHALL BE CLOW F-5750 (OR EQUIVALENT) MEETING AWWA STANDARD C509 AND CITY STANDARDS. VALVE TOBE MECHANICAL JOINT RESILIENT WEDGE GATE VALVE. POST TO BE ADJUSTABLE FOR 8 FEET WATER MAIN DEPTH. THE ELECTRICAL ALARMSWITCH SHALL BE PART NO. PCVS2 (OR EQUIVALENT).17. AFTER CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETED, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE THE OWNER WITH AN AS-BUILT RECORD OF UTILITYCONSTRUCTION. THE AS-BUILT SHALL INCLUDE LOCATION AND LENGTH DEVIATIONS OR CHANGES TO THE PLAN. CONTRACTOR TOVERIFY WITH OWNER OR ENGINEER WHETHER A PLAN WITH POST-CONSTRUCTION ELEVATIONS IS REQUIRED.18. ALL MANHOLE CASTINGS IN PAVED AREAS SHALL BE SUMPED 0.05 FEET. RIM ELEVATIONS ON PLAN REFLECT THE SUMPED ELEVATIONS.19. ALL CATCH BASIN CASTINGS IN CURB SHALL BE SUMPED 0.15 FEET AND MANHOLE CASTINGS IN PAVED AREAS SHALL BE SUMPED 0.05FEET. RIM ELEVATIONS ON PLAN REFLECT THE SUMPED ELEVATIONS.GENERAL UTILITY NOTESSDT1UTILITY CROSSINGSNUMBER SAN IE STM IE-857.022-857.393856.46857.434855.89-5856.21-6-857.997857.15858.048857.02-9-858.3810857.36858.4211858.35-12861.61-13861.67858.6214859.23-15859.78-16866.01861.2917865.94-NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION0'30'60'90'1" = 30'18865.81-19866.50-20864.97-WM TOP856.50 - LOWER WM856.70 - LOWER WM-856.50 - LOWER WM856.50 - LOWER WM858.00 - LOWER WM-857.20 - LOWER WM858.00 - LOWER WM-859.40859.17-860.50 - LOWER WM861.2-862.50862.80863.28864.33 SHEET NUMBER:DATE:DATE:LICENSE NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY MEOR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM ADULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWSOF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA VERTICAL SCALE: HORIZONTAL SCALE: DRAWN: CHECKED: DESIGNED:INITIAL ISSUE: REVISIONS:PREPARED FOR: Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 Toll Free (888) 937-5150 N:\0029211.10\DWG\CIVIL\0029211.10DT01.DWG EDINA, MN10/16/2070TH AND FRANCE REDEVELOPMENTCITY DETAILS 70TH AND FRANCE REDEVELOPMENTC500 .10/16/20DAVID T. BADE . . . 10/16/20 4530 WEST 77TH STREET SUITE #365EDINA, MN 55435 ORION/MORTENSON © 2020 Westwood Professional Services, Inc.Common Ground AllianceCall 48 Hours before digging:811 or call811.com### ### or ## . . . . . . . . . .PROJECT NUMBER: 0029211.10NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION0'#########1" = ### SHEET NUMBER:DATE:DATE:LICENSE NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY MEOR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM ADULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWSOF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA VERTICAL SCALE: HORIZONTAL SCALE: DRAWN: CHECKED: DESIGNED:INITIAL ISSUE: REVISIONS:PREPARED FOR: Phone (952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300 Fax (952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343 Toll Free (888) 937-5150 N:\0029211.10\DWG\CIVIL\0029211.10DT01.DWG EDINA, MN10/16/2070TH AND FRANCE REDEVELOPMENTDETAILS 70TH AND FRANCE REDEVELOPMENTC501 .10/16/20DAVID T. BADE . . . 10/16/20 4530 WEST 77TH STREET SUITE #365EDINA, MN 55435 ORION/MORTENSON © 2020 Westwood Professional Services, Inc.Common Ground AllianceCall 48 Hours before digging:811 or call811.com### ### or ## . . . . . . . . . .PROJECT NUMBER: 0029211.104"LAST REVISED:08/08/17WM06WATERMAIN INSULATIONSEWERWATERMINIMUM 2INSULATION LAYERSWITH JOINTSSTAGGERED6" COMPACTEDGRANULAR FILLWATERMAINW.M. COVER WIDTH (W) 4.0'-4.9' 8' 5.0'-5.9' 6' 6.0'-7.0' 4' 7.0' + 0'NOTES:1. INSULATION SHALL BE EXTRUDED POLYSTYRENE (XEPS) INSULATION BOARD, "CERTIFOAM SE" OR"STYROFOAM SM" OR EQUIVALENT.2. INSULATION SHALL BE PLACED ON A SMOOTH, LEVEL FOUNDATION WHICH HAS BEEN FIRMLY COMPACTED.3. SEPARATE LAYERS OF INSULATION USED TO MAKE UP THE 4" THICKNESS SHALL HAVE STAGGERED JOINTSTO ENSURE THE CONTINUITY OF THE INSULATION.4. ALL WATERMAIN/ STORM SEWER CROSSINGS WITH LESS THAN 36" CLEARANCE SHALL BE INSULATED.5. SANITARY SEWER INSULATION SIMILARMINIMUM 1 1/2" THICK INSULATIONLAYERS WITH JOINTS STAGGEREDAND EXTENDING 4' EACH WAYFROM WATERMAIN C/LMECHANICAL COMPACTEDBACKFILL6"W/2W/218"MIN.INSULATION FOR SHALLOW WATER MAININSULATION AT PIPE CROSSING4"ENTRANCE THRU CURB AND GUTTERSI07NOTES:1. 1/2" PREFORMED JOINT FILLER MATERIAL- AASHTO M2132. CONCRETE GUTTER SHALL BE PER MnDOT SPEC 2531LAST REVISED:08/15/17PLAN VIEWSECTION A-A1/2" EXPANSION JOINT 3'R MIN.VARIABLE WIDTH TO BE STAKED IN FIELD1/2" EXPANSION JOINT IFMATCHING CONCRETE3'3'R MIN.1/2" EXPANSION JOINTFLOW LINETO BE PAID AS 6" CONC. APRONTO BE PAID ASCONC. C&G TO BE PAID ASCONC. C&GBIT. SURFGUTTERAS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER3.0'TO BE PAID AS6" CONC. D.W.TO BE PAID AS 6" CONC. APRONAA6"MAX.AANOTES:1. PROVIDE A RELATIVELY FLAT MINIMUM 4'x4' LANDING BEHIND THE PEDESTRIAN RAMP, 2% MAXIMUM CROSS SLOPE BOTH DIRECTIONS.2. CURB RAMP AREA TO BE CONCRETE AND MEET LATEST ADA REQUIREMENTS. RAMP CROSS SLOPE 2% MAXIMUM. BACK-TO-BACK PEDESTRIAN RAMPS SHALL HAVE MINIMUM 48'' LANDING BETWEEN, OR PROVIDE AT-GRADE CROSSING.3. SIDE FLARES TO BE CONCRETE AND IMPLEMENTED WHERE ADJACENT TO PAVED AREAS. FLARED SLOPE TO BE 10% MAXIMUM. EXISTING CURB RAMP ALTERATIONS, WITH NO LANDING, SHALL BE 8.33% MAXIMUM. PROVIDE 10% MAXIMUM SLOPE, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.4. ANY VERTICAL LIP THAT OCCURS AT THE FLOW LINE MAY NOT BE GREATER THAN 1/4 INCH.5. ADA REQUIRED DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE(TRUNCATED DOMES) SHALL BE 2' MIN. IN DIRECTION OF LANDING AT CURB AND SHALL EXTEND THE FULL WIDTH OF THE LANDING. AREA SHALL BE CONTRASTING COLOR TO THE ADJACENT WALKING SURFACE WITH A PREFABRICATED CAST IRON TRUNCATED DOME INSERT MEETING THE ADA DOME SIZE AND SPACING REQUIREMENTS.ALAST REVISED:08/15/17PUBLIC PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMPSI09AA332233FACE OFCURBBACK OFCURBFACE OFCURB15158"5' MIN.4' MIN. ORPER PLAN5' M IN . 5'-4"MIN. 2' 8"5' MIN.5' MIN.4' MIN. ORPER PLAN5'-4"MIN. 2'CURB FACEOR GUTTER5% APPROACHSLOPE MAXSEE NOTE #41/2" PREFORMEDJOINT FILLER MATERIALRAMP5'-4" MIN.LANDING4' MIN.RAMP 8.33%MAX. SLOPECONCRETE WALKDET. WARN.SURFACEROUND ALL SLOPEDINTERSECTIONSSIDE FLARE 10%MAX. SLOPESIDE FLARE5' MIN.RAMP4' MIN.SIDE FLARE5' MIN.ELEVATION OF RAMPSECTION A-APLAN VIEW OF DIAGONAL RAMPPLAN VIEW OF PERPENDICULAR RAMPNOTES:1. TAPED AREAS TO BE CENTERED AND ALIGNED ON CENTER LINE AND LANE LINES. MAKE ADJUSTMENTS IN CENTER MEDIAN AREA.2. ZEBRA CROSSWALKS SHALL BE WHITE POLYMER-PREFORMED TAPE OR AN ACCEPTABLE EQUIVALENT APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER.3. A MINIMUM OF 1.5 FT. CLEAR DISTANCE MUST BE LEFT ADJACENT TO CURB. IF LAST STRIPED AREA FALLS INTO THIS DISTANCE, IT MUST BE OMITTED.4. REMOVE ALL CONFLICTING PAVEMENT MARKINGS AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER.5. AT SKEWED CROSSWALKS, THE TAPED AREAS ARE TO REMAIN PARALLEL TO THE LANE LINES.6. WHERE PAVEMENT MARKINGS CAN NOT BE INLAYED INTO THE HOT MAT, PAVEMENT SHALL BE GROOVED FOR THE INSTALLATION OF THE POLYMER-PREFORMED MARKINGS. SEE Mn/DOT STANDARD SPECIFICATION 2564.LAST REVISED:08/15/17CROSS WALK STRIPINGSI11PAVEMENT MARKING(TYP.)DRIVING LANE(WIDTH VARIES)6 FT3 FT 3 FTDRIVING LANE(WIDTH VARIES)ROADCLNOTE:1. ALL TRAFFIC FLOW ARROWS TO BE SOLID WHITE REFLECTIVE TRAFFIC PAINT AS PER DIMENSIONS ABOVETRAFFIC ARROWLAST REVISED:08/15/17SI132.001.753.751.002.00R4.75HANDICAP SYMBOLLAST REVISED:08/15/17HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE SIGNAGE AND STRIPINGSI15HANDICAP SIGNNOPARKINGNOTE:BOTTOM OF SIGNS TO BE MOUNTED60"-66" FROM PARKING GRADE, SEESIGN POST INSTALLATION DETAILHANDICAP PARKINGNOTE:STRIPING TO MATCHPARKING, UNLESSPER LOCAL CODENOTE:SEE PLAN FOR PARKING LAYOUTNOPARKINGPARKINGVEHICLE IDREQUIREDUP TO $200 FINEFOR VIOLATIONVANACCESSIBLENOPARKING ACCESS AISLEHANDICAP PARKING SPACE WITHPAINTED INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OFACCESSIBILITY WITH CONTRASTINGSQUARE BACKGROUND, CENTEREDTOWARD DRIVE AISLE.HANDICAP PARKINGSIGNS, 12"X18", OR PERLOCAL CODEHANDICAP SIGNCENTERED AT HEAD OFSPACE ON CENTER STRIPEHANDICAP PARKING ACCESSAISLE WITH PAINTED 12"HIGH LETTERING OF "NOPARKING" CENTEREDTOWARD DRIVE AISLEPER CITYCODE HANDICAP VANACCESSIBLE PARKINGSIGN, 12"X16", OR PERLOCAL CODE, ASAPPLICABLEFACE OF CURBSIDEWALKHANDICAP SIGNCENTERED AT HEAD OFSPACE, 2' MIN. AND 8'MAX. FROM FACE OFCURB2"-0"2"-0"10" DIAMETER CENTERSYMBOL IN PARKING STALL,ALL LINES TO BE 5" WIDE2"-0"NOPARKING4" WIDE PAINTED STRIPINGAT 45 DEGREES AND AT 2'O.C. AT ACCESS AISLE8'MIN.8'MIN.8'MIN.5°67.5°SI19PAVEMENT SECTIONS SHOWN ARE FOR PLANNING PURPOSES ONLY.REFER TO GEOTECHNICAL REPORT FOR FINAL PAVEMENT SECTIONS.LAST REVISED:08/15/17PAVEMENT SECTIONSX" MnDOT TYPE SPWEA340E WEARING COURSEX" MnDOT TYPE SPNWB330E BASE COURSEX" MnDOT SPEC. 3138 CLASS 5X" CONCRETE PAVEMENT W/ #4 REBAR AT 16" O.C. EACH WAYX" MnDOT SPEC. 3138 CLASS 5CONCRETE PAVEMENTBITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (HEAVY DUTY)BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (STANDARD DUTY)COMPACTED SAND SUBGRADE (100% STANDARD PROCTOR)COMPACTED SAND SUBGRADE (100% STANDARD PROCTOR)MNDOT SPEC. 2357 BITUMINOUS TACK COATX" MnDOT TYPE SPWEA340E WEARING COURSEX" MnDOT TYPE SPNWB330E BASE COURSEX" MnDOT SPEC. 3138 CLASS 5COMPACTED SAND SUBGRADE (100% STANDARD PROCTOR)MNDOT SPEC. 2357 BITUMINOUS TACK COAT6" COMPACTED CL. 5 AGGREGATEBASE, MNDOT 3138, 2211LAST REVISED:08/15/17HEAVY DUTY CONCRETESECTION LOADING DOCKSI21NOTES:1. CONCRETE SHALL BE REINFORCED WITH WELDED WIRE FABRIC OR REINFORCED BARS TO ASSIST IN CONTROLLING CRACKING FROM DRYING SHRINKAGE AND THERMAL CHANGES.2. SAWED OR FORMED CONTROL JOINTS SHOULD BE INCLUDED FOR EACH 225 SQUARE FEET OF AREA OR LESS (15 FEET BY 15 FEET). CONTRACTOR SHALL PREPARE JOINTING PATTERN AND SUBMIT TO ENGINEER PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION.3. SAW CUTS SHOULD NOT CUT THROUGH THE WELDED WIRE FABRIC OR REINFORCING STEEL AND DOWELS SHOULD BE UTILIZED AT FORMED AND/OR COLD JOINTS.4. DOWELS SHALL BE UTILIZED AT FORMED AND/OR COLD JOINTS. DOWELS SHALL BE 30" LONG 1/2" DIAMETER SMOOTH AND GREASED TIE BARS AT 30" SPACING, MINIMUM 18" FROM PAVEMENT EDGE.7" 4000 PSI TYPE 3 CONCRETESURFACE COMPACTION2"4"AAMOUNTABLE CURB & GUTTERCONSTRUCTION AT CATCH BASINLAST REVISED:08/15/17SI28PERSPECTIVESECTION A-ANOTE:MOUNTABLE CURB & GUTTER TO BEFORMED INTO A B618 TYPE AT CATCH BASINMOUNTABLE CONCRETECURB & GUTTERCATCH BASIN FRAME& COVER#4 REBAR2" DEPRESSION10' MIN. TRANSITIONDESIGN GUTTERLINE GRADENEENAH FRAME & COVER R-3067-V WITHTYPE V GRATE OR APPROVED EQUALEXPANSION JOINTTOP OF CURB10' MIN.TRANSITION10' MIN.TRANSITIONFLOWNO SCALENO SCALEAALAST REVISED:08/15/17TRANSITION CURBSI31PERSPECTIVESECTION A-ANO SCALENO SCALEB6 STYLE CURBSEE DETAIL SI01TRANSITIONVARIESLAST REVISED:08/15/17SI40MODULAR BLOCK RETAINING WALL8"NOTE:CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ENGINEERING ANDSHOP DRAWINGS IF WALL IS GREATER THAN 4FEET TALL. CONTRACTOR TO SUBMIT WALLBLOCK TYPE, SIZE, AND COLOR FOR APPROVAL.1" - 1 1/4"SWALE AT TOP OF WALLMAY BE REQUIRED, VERIFY8" MIN. LOW PERMEABLE SOILFILTER FABRICUNIT DRAINAGE FILL(3/4" CRUSHED ROCKOR STONE)APPROXIMATE LIMITSOF EXCAVATION4" PERFORATED PVC DRAINTILEWRAPPED IN FILTER FABRIC,DAYLIGHT OR TO STORM SYSTEM,AS REQUIREDUNREINFORCED CONCRETE ORCRUSHED STONE LEVELING PADFINISHED GRADECONCRETE MODULAR BLOCKANCHORING PINS (AS REQUIRED)CAP UNIT, ADHERED TO TOPCOURSE WITH ADHESIVEFOUNDATIONSOILRETAINED SOILDESIGN HEIGHT LAST REVISED:08/15/17FENCE AT MODULAR BLOCK WALLSI41NOTE:CONCRETE SLEEVE (AND/OR FOOTING) TO BE SET DURING WALLCONSTRUCTION, NOT DRILLED THROUGH GEOGRID AFTERWARDS, WHEN DIRECTLY BEHIND UNITS.CONCRETE MODULARBLOCKFENCE POSTFENCE POST CONCRETEFOOTING AND SLEEVE,DIAMETER, AND DEPTH PERFENCE SPECIFICATIONSGEOGRIDCAP UNIT, ADHERED TO TOPCOURSE WITH ADHESIVEANCHORING PINS (AS REQUIRED)3.5' MIN.1.5'-2'±12"12"TREADLAST REVISED:08/15/17CONCRETE STAIR AND RAILINGSI48NOTES:1. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE SHOP DRAWINGS FOR APPROVAL. FIELD VERIFY CONDITIONS.2. RAILING AND STAIRS BOTH SIDES OF STAIRS AND PER ADA REQUIREMENTS.3. ALL HARDWARE TO BE GALVANIZED OR STAINLESS STEEL, AND FINISH TO MATCH RAILING.4. RAILING FINISH TO BE PRIMED AND PAINTED. COLOR TO PER OWNER.HAND RAIL, 1 1/2" DIAMETERTUBULAR STEEL, WELD ANDGRIND ALL JOINTS, POSTS 6'MAXIMUM SPACING3" RADIUS(TYP.)1/2" RADIUS,NOSECONCRETESTEPS WITHNON-SLIP FINISHMNDOT 3138 CLASS 5AGGREGATE BASE#4 REBAR @12" O.C. MAX.EACH WAY,3" CLEAR#5 REBAR @ NOSE,2" CLEAR(TYP.)ADJACENT PAVEMENT(TYP.)EXPANSION JOINT(TYP.)RAILING POST:SURFACE MOUNTOR EMBEDDED(6" DEPTH)TREAD SLOPE1/8" PER FT.SEE PLAN12"3'-0" 1'-6"12"1"6" RISERLAST REVISED:08/15/17SI50TYPICAL CURB CUT SECTION AT DRIVEWAYS3'18'3'TRANSITION TO B618CURBB618 CURB12'B618 CURBC/L DRIVEWAYSETBACK LINEPROPERTY LINE3NOTES:1. VERIFY DRIVEWAY LOCATION WITH DEVELOPER2. VERIFY MAXIMUM DRIVEWAY WIDTH WITH CITY3. LOCATION SHOWN TYPICAL FOR GARAGE RIGHT ON TANGENT OF THE ROADX'TRANSITION TO B618CURB12"MIN.LAST REVISED:08/15/17MACHINE SLICED SILT FENCE(HEAVY DUTY)GD03FLOWFLOW RUNOFFNOTES:1. INSPECT AND REPAIR FENCE AFTER EACH STORM EVENT AND REMOVE SEDIMENT WHEN ACCUMULATED TO 1/2 THE HEIGHT OF THE FABRIC OR MORE.2. REMOVED SEDIMENT SHALL BE DEPOSITED TO AN AREA THAT WILL NOT CONTRIBUTE SEDIMENT OFF-SITE AND CAN BE PERMANENTLY STABILIZED.3. SILT FENCE SHALL BE PLACED ON SLOPE CONTOURS TO MAXIMIZE PONDING EFFICIENCY.4. ALL ENDS OF THE SILT FENCE SHALL BE WRAPPED UPSLOPE SO THE ELEVATION OF THE BOTTOM OF FABRIC IS HIGHER THAN "PONDING HEIGHT".5. "HEAVY DUTY" IS SAME AS MACHINE SLICED ONLY HAND INSTALLED.WOVEN MONOFILAMENT (36" WIDE)FILTER FABRIC, ATTACHSECURELY TO UPSTREAMSIDE OF POST WITH 3-50LBTENSILE STRENGTH PLASTICZIP-TIES PER POST WITHINTOP 8" OF FABRIC5' STEEL T-POSTFABRIC SLICED INTOSOIL WITHCOMPACTED BACKFILL5' STEEL T-POST6'-0" MAX.SPACINGSTANDARD DETAILPONDING HEIGHTTRENCH WITH NATIVE BACKFILLLAST REVISED:08/15/17CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCEGD05NOTES:1. FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE PLACED UNDER ROCK/WOOD CHIPS TO STOP MUD MIGRATION THROUGH ROCK/WOOD CHIPS.2. WOODCHIPS USED FOR CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES MUST BE 80% NOT LESS THAN 2-INCHES AND NOT MORE THAN 5-INCHES. NO CHIPPED-UP MANUFACTURED WOOD AND/OR CHEMICALLY TREATED IS ALLOWED.3. ENTRANCES MUST BE MAINTAINED REGULARLY TO PREVENT SEDIMENTATION ON PUBLIC ROADWAYS. FUGITIVE ROCK OR WOODCHIPS WILL BE REMOVED FROM ADJACENT ROADWAYS DAILY OR MORE FREQUENTLY AS NECESSARY.4. LENGTH AND WIDTH TO BE ADJUSTED FOR SITE CONDITIONS.HARD SURFACEPUBLIC ROAD1"-2" WASHED ROCKOR WOODCHIPS PERSPECIFICATIONS18" MINIMUM CUT OFF TOMINIMIZE RUNOFF FROM SITEROCK=12" MIN.WOODCHIPS=18" MIN.2 0 ' M I N .WI D T H 50' MIN.12' MIN.15' MIN.VARIESLAST REVISED:08/15/17CONCRETE WASHOUT AREAGD08A ANOTES:1. CONCRETE WASHOUT AREAS WILL HAVE AN IMPERMEABLE LINER TO PREVENT CONCRETE WASHOUT WATER FROM INFILTRATING/CONTACTING WITH SOIL.2. IMPERMEABLE LINER INCLUDES 10 MIL POLY LINER OR COMPACTED CLAY LINER.3. WASHOUT SYSTEMS CAN BE USED AS ALTERNATE WASHOUT AREAS.ROOF ACCESSEARTH BERMMULCH & SEEDSILT FENCECONCRETEWASHOUT SIGNIMPERMEABLE LINERSILT FENCE1.5'MIN.SECTION A-APOCKETNOTES:1. ALL GEOTEXTILE USED FOR INLET PROTECTION SHALL BE MONOFILAMENT IN BOTH DIRECTIONS, (MEETING MnDOT SPEC. 3733 GEOTEXTILES)2. FINISHED SIZE (INCLUDING POCKETS) SHALL EXTEND A MINIMUM OF 10" AROUND THE PERIMETER TO FACILITATE MAINTENANCE OR REMOVAL.3. DO NOT INSTALL PROTECTION IN INLETS SHALLOWER THAN 30". THE INSTALLED BAG SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM SIDE CLEARANCE BETWEEN THE INLET WALLS AND THE BAG, MEASURED AT THE BOTTOM OF THE OVERFLOW HOLES, OF 3". WHERE NECESSARY THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CLINCH THE BAG (USING PLASTIC ZIP TIES) TO ACHIEVE THE 3" CLEARANCE.LAST REVISED:08/15/17STORM DRAINFILTER BAG INSERTGD10FLAP4"INLET SPECIFICATIONSTO MATCH THE PLANDIMENSION LENGTHAND WIDTH21MINIMUM DOUBLESTITCHED SEAMS ALLAROUND SIDE PIECESAND ON FLAP POCKETSFRONT, BACK, ANDBOTTOM TO BEMADE FROM SINGLEPIECE OF FABRIC2"x4" HOLE SHALL BEHEAT CUT INTO ALLFOUR SIDE PANELSUSE REBAR OR STEEL RODFOR REMOVAL ( FOR INLETSWITH CAST CURB BOX,REPLACE ROD WITH WOOD2" X 4") . EXTEND 10"BEYOND GRATE ON BOTHSIDES, SECURE TO GRATEWITH WIRE OR PLASTIC TIES41 2 " 12"12"2"LAST REVISED:08/15/17INLET PROTECTION WITH ROCK LOGGD11NOTE:1. ALL GEOTEXTILE USED FOR INLET PROTECTION SHALL BE MONOFILAMENT IN BOTH DIRECTIONS. (MEETING SPEC. 3733 (TYPE 1) GEOTEXTILES, PROPOSED 2005 EDITION)ENDS SECURELYCLOSED TO PREVENTLOSS OF OPENGRADED AGGREGATEFILL. SECURED WITH50 PSI ZIP TIEOVERLAP ENDS 6"4' LONG AND 5" DIAMETER GEOTEXTILE SOCK.SEAM JOINED BY TWO ROWS OF STITCHINGWITH A PLASTIC MESH BACKING ORHEATBONDED. (OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT)FILL ROCK LOG WITH OPEN GRADEDAGGREGATE CONSISTING OF SOUND,DURABLE PARTICLES OF CRUSHED QUARRYROCK OR GRAVEL CONFORMING TO 3137,CA-3 (<1.5") GRADATION (OR EQUIVALENT).6"MAX.8"ANOTES:1. PROVIDE A RELATIVELY FLAT MINIMUM 4'x4' LANDING BEHIND THE PEDESTRIAN RAMP, 2% MAXIMUM CROSS SLOPE BOTH DIRECTIONS.2. CURB RAMP AREA TO BE CONCRETE AND MEET LATEST ADA REQUIREMENTS. RAMP CROSS SLOPE 2% MAXIMUM. BACK-TO-BACK PEDESTRIAN RAMPS SHALL HAVE MINIMUM 48'' LANDING BETWEEN, OR PROVIDE AT-GRADE CROSSING.3. SIDE FLARES TO BE CONCRETE AND IMPLEMENTED WHERE ADJACENT TO PAVED AREAS. FLARED SLOPE TO BE 10% MAXIMUM. EXISTING CURB RAMP ALTERATIONS, WITH NO LANDING, SHALL BE 8.33% MAXIMUM. PROVIDE 10% MAXIMUM SLOPE, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.4. ANY VERTICAL LIP THAT OCCURS AT THE FLOW LINE MAY NOT BE GREATER THAN 1/4 INCH.5. RAMP AND FLARED SIDE SURFACE TO BE MEDIUM BROOM FINISH, PERPENDICULAR TO TRAVEL PATH.6. WALK SHALL BE PER MnDOT SPEC 2521 MIX NO. 3A32 WITH A 28-DAY DESIGN STRENGTH OF 3900-PSI.ALAST REVISED:08/15/17PRIVATE PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMPSI092PLAN VIEW OF DIAGONAL RAMPPLAN VIEW OF PERPENDICULAR RAMPSECTION A-AELEVATION OF RAMP32333FACE OFCURB5BACK OFCURB5FACE OFCURBCURB FACEOR GUTTER5% APPROACHSLOPE MAX1/2" PREFORMEDJOINT FILLER MATERIALRAMP 8.33%MAX. SLOPEROUND ALL SLOPEDINTERSECTIONSSIDE FLARE 10%MAX. SLOPECONCRETE WALK8" 5'-4"MIN.5' MIN.4' MIN. ORPER PLAN5' M IN . 5'-4"MIN.5' MIN.5' MIN.4' MIN. ORPER PLANRAMP5'-4" MIN.LANDING4' MIN.SIDE FLARE5' MIN.RAMP4' MIN.SIDE FLARE5' MIN.AA1143'-0"7'-0"3'-0"SIGN INSTALLEDIN LANDSCAPE AREAHANDICAP STALL PARKING SIGNINSTALLED IN PARKING LOTNOTE:1. SIGN TO BE 2-SIDED WHERE HANDICAP PARKING STALLS FACE ONE ANOTHER.2. PARKING GRADE IS DEFINED AS EITHER FLOW LINE OF CURB OR PAVEMENT SURFACEAT THE HEAD OF THE STALL.12"LAST REVISED:06/15/19SIGN POST INSTALLATIONSI14CONCRETE CURB &GUTTERCAP REQUIRED2" GALVANIZEDSTEEL PIPE,ROUND, SET INCONCRETEMOWING EDGEPAVEMENT6" STEELCASINGCONCRETEFOOTING2'-0"MIN.10"BOTTOM OF THELOWEST SIGN TOBE MOUNTED60"-66" FROMPARKING GRADE2'-0"MIN.3'-6" MIN. FROSTDEPTH IF GREATERCONCRETE CROSS GUTTERSI06NOTES:1. 1/2" PREFORMED JOINT FILLER MATERIAL- AASHTO M2132. CONCRETE GUTTER SHALL BE PER MnDOT SPEC 2531LAST REVISED:08/15/17EXPANSION JOINT(TYP.)SLOPE3/4" per ft3'7"#4 REBARSECTION A-A3' MIN.GUTTER FLOW LINEAA1LAST REVISED:01/09/20B6 STYLE CURB AND GUTTERSI01NOTES:1. EXPANSION JOINT SPACING IS 100'2. MIN. 3" CL. 5 UNDER C.&G.3. CURB SHALL BE PER MnDOT SPEC 25317"8"X"Y"6"13 1/2"Curb TypeXYB612B618B62424"18"12" 20"26"32"SLOPE 3/4" PER FT.13R-3"R=3"R=1/2"TIP OUT SLOPE 3/4" PER FT.LAST REVISED:11/29/18FLUSH CURB AND GUTTERSI02-D12"8"20"SLOPE GUTTER TO MATCH(3/4" PER FT. TYP)TIP GUTTER OUT AS REQUIRED3" RADIUS1/2" RADIUS7"1/4" BACK8.5" 1A0.32-B1A0.33-B1A0.30-B1A0.31-BNot EnclosedELEVATORLOBBYBANK TO BEDEVELOPED BYOTHERSWAT CTVCTVCTVCTVCTV CTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVXXXXXX STOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTO STO STOSTOSTOSTO STOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSANSANSANSANSANSANSAN WATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWAT70.00WEST 70TH STREET110N. LINE OF SEC. 32, TWP. 28, RGE. 24NW CORNER OF SEC. 32,TWP. 28, RGE. 2470.00N89°50'44"E 505.00S00°11'54"E 496.57S89°48'06"W 524.96N00°12'08"W 476.97 28.27N44°49'18"EMT STSTSTSTSTSTSTTVTVHHTTTTSTO STOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSABABBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBFFFBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCBCBCBGCBCBCBBBBCCBCBGCCCBCBGGGGGKEEEEGGEKEEEGEEGKEKKKBBBBBBBBBEDDDJKDEELMLMEGEGNLLOHH8'-0"8'-0"8'-0"5'-0"6'-0" 10'-0"11'-0"11'-0"AWALKCCIP PLANT BED CURBDCIP RETAINING WALLELIMESTONE FEATURESTREE GRATESFBENCH FEATURESGWASTE AND RECYCLINGHBIKE RACKSICANOPY/ PERGOLA FEATUREJSCULPTURAL/ ART MOMENTPLAN KEYNOTES:BPLANTING BEDKSTAIRLMHANDRAILSNSIGNAGEOTABLE AND CHAIRS CONCRETE PAVINGDECORATIVE PAVING ADECORATIVE PAVING BTURFPLANT BEDSTORM FILTRATION FEATURELANDSCAPE SITE PLAN HATCH LEGEND:SITE PLAN01L1.0 20'40'10'0'SCALE:1"=20'PLANNORTHA BC DSignatureTyped or Printed NameLicense # DatePROJECT NUMBERDRAWN BY CHECKED BYORIGINAL ISSUE:REVISIONS:KEY PLANNOT FORC O N S T R U C T I O N I hereby certify that this plan, specification,orreport was prepared by me or under mydirectsupervision and that I am a duly licensedlandscape architect under the laws of the Stateof Minnesota10/7/2020 9:06:34 PM 20364MG / JC TM70th & France70th & FranceEdina, MNNORTHTRUENo.Description DateTerry Minarik42422 10-16-2020530 N THIRD ST, SUITE 120,MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55102PH: 612.333.3702 FAX: 515.288.8359www.thinkconfluence.comL1.0LANDSCAPE SITE PLAN Not EnclosedELEVATORLOBBYGAS GAS GAS GASFOFOFOFO FOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFO FO FO FO FOFOFOFO FO FO FO FO WAT GAS GAS GASCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFO FOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOTUG TUGCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTV CTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVXXXXXXFO FO FOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOXXXX PUG PUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTO STOSTO STOSTOSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSTOWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWEST 70TH STREET110N. LINE OF SEC. 32, TWP. 28, RGE. 24TWP. 28, RGE. 24N89°50'44"E 505.00S89°48'06"W 524.96N00°12'08"W 476.97 28.27N44°49'18"E EEEEEEEMGGGTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTTVTVHHTTTTSTO STOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOS(2) Rg(2) Rg(16) Dt(16) Dt(5) Rg(5) Rg(16) Dt(16) Dt(16) Dt(16) Dt(3) Rg(52) Dt(47) Cb(15) Ss(83) Sh(29) Ss(74) Sh(15) Ss(25) Sh(7) Cm(6) Cm(4) Cm(7) Cm(9) Cm(62) Dt(35) Dt(16) Hi(46) Hi(26) Hi(15) Hi(32) Hi(3) Cm(4) Cm(16) Dt(16) Dt(16) Dt(16) Dt(3) Cm(13) Cb(14) Cb(16) Dt(16) Dt(3) Rg(3) Rg(16) Dt(16) Dt(14) Cb(44) Sh(52) Ep(18) Sh(18) Ep(48) Sh(52) Ep(18) Sh(34) Sh(24) Sh(18) Sh(151) Dt(26) Sh(17) Sh(110) Dt(3) Rg(9) Gi(5) Up(2) Up(2) Up(1) Bn(2) Bn(2) Bn(1) Bn(8) As(6) Gs(2) Gc(1) As(1) As(2) Gc(1) Tg(1) Tg(1) Tg(1) Tg(2) As(4) Gc(1) As(1) As(2) Gc(2) Gc(1) As(1) As(1) Gc(1) GcTREESCODEQTYCOMMON / BOTANICAL NAMECONTCALAs 16 Sienna Glen Maple / Acer x freemanii `Sienna` TMB & B 4"CalBn 6 River Birch (Single Stem) / Betula nigraB & B 2.5"CalGi 9 Northern Acclaim Honey Locust / Gleditsia triacanthos inermis `Harve` TM B & B 8"Gs 6Skyline Honey Locust / Gleditsia triacanthos `Skyline`B & B 4"CalGc 14 True North Kentucky Coffeetree / Gymnocladus dioica `UMNSynergy` TM B & B 4"CalTg 4 Greenspire Linden / Tilia cordata `Greenspire`B & B 4"CalUp 12 American Elm / Ulmus americana `Princeton`B & B 4"CalSHRUBSCODEQTYCOMMON / BOTANICAL NAMECONTCm 44 Muskingum Dogwood / Cornus racemosa `Muszam`5 galHi 136 Invincibelle Wee White Hydrangea / Hydrangea arborescens `NCHA5` 5 galRg 26 Gro-Low Fragrant Sumac / Rhus aromatica `Gro-Low`5 galSs 59 Sem Ash Leaf Spirea / Sorbaria sorbifolia `Sem`5 galGRASSESCODEQTYCOMMON / BOTANICAL NAMECONTCb 88 Korean Feather Reed Grass / Calamagrostis brachytricha1 galDt 634 Tufted Hair Grass / Deschampsia cespitosa `Tardiflora`1 galSh 429 Prairie Dropseed / Sporobolus heterolepis5 galPERENNIALSCODEQTYCOMMON / BOTANICAL NAMECONTEp 122 Coneflower / Echinacea purpurea5 galGROUND COVERSCODEQTYCOMMON / BOTANICAL NAMECONTS5 2,845 sf SOD xsodSf 3,413 sf STORM FILTRATION PLANTINGSflatPerennial Plugs - Dip IrrigationPanicum Shenandoah (Red Switch Grass)/ P. virgatum `Shenandoah`Blue-Eyed Grass/ Sisyrinchium angustifoliumPLANT SCHEDULECONCRETE PAVINGDECORATIVE PAVING ADECORATIVE PAVING BTURFPLANT BEDSTORM FILTRATION FEATURELANDSCAPE SITE PLAN HATCH LEGEND:LANDSCAPE PLANTING PLAN1L1.1 20'40'10'0'SCALE:1"=20'PLANNORTHA BC DSignatureTyped or Printed NameLicense # DatePROJECT NUMBERDRAWN BY CHECKED BYORIGINAL ISSUE:REVISIONS:KEY PLANNOT FORC O N S T R U C T I O N I hereby certify that this plan, specification,orreport was prepared by me or under mydirectsupervision and that I am a duly licensedlandscape architect under the laws of the Stateof Minnesota10/7/2020 9:06:34 PM 20364MG / JC TM70th & France70th & FranceEdina, MNNORTHTRUENo.Description DateTerry Minarik42422 10-16-2020530 N THIRD ST, SUITE 120,MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55102PH: 612.333.3702 FAX: 515.288.8359www.thinkconfluence.comL1.1LANDSCAPE PLANTING PLAN PLANNORTHABC DSignatureTyped or Printed NameLicense # DatePROJECT NUMBERDRAWN BY CHECKED BYORIGINAL ISSUE:REVISIONS:KEY PLANNOT FORC O N S T R U C T I O N I hereby certify that this plan, specification,orreport was prepared by me or under mydirectsupervision and that I am a duly licensedlandscape architect under the laws of the Stateof Minnesota10/7/2020 9:06:34 PM 20364MG / JC TM70th & France70th & FranceEdina, MNNORTHTRUENo.Description DateTerry Minarik42422 10-16-2020530 N THIRD ST, SUITE 120,MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55102PH: 612.333.3702 FAX: 515.288.8359www.thinkconfluence.comL1.2STREET INTERSECTIONVIGNETTESEAST 71ST STREET DESIGN INTENT01L1.2N.T.S71ST STREET (MIDBLOCK / PLAZA ) INTERSECTION DESIGN INTENT03L1.2N.T.S70TH ST (MIDBLOCK) INTERSECTION DESIGN INTENT02L1.2N.T.SFRANCE AVENUE (MIDBLOCK) INTERSECTION DESIGN INTENT04L1.2N.T.S TURF @ PLANT BED04L2.01-1/2" - 1'-0"FINISHED GRADE AND EDGECONDITION VARIES - SEE PLANFOR CONDITION.3/16" METAL EDGERW/STAKE, PER SPEC.PLANT BED / GRASS MIXAREA MAY OCCUR, SEE PLAN.11EACH TREE SHALL BE PLANTED SUCHTHAT THE ROOT FLARE IS VISIBLE AT THETOP OF THE ROOT BALL. IF THE ROOTFLARE IS NOT VISIBLE, THE SOIL SHALL BEREMOVED IN A LEVEL MANNER FROM THEROOT BALL TO WHERE THE FIRST MAINORDER ROOT (12" DIA. OR LARGER)EMERGES FROM THE TRUNK. SET MAINORDER ROOT 1" HIGHER THAN ADJACENTGRADE. DO NOT COVER TOP OF ROOTBALL WITH SOIL.SCARIFY SIDES OF TREE PIT WITH SPADEBY HAND TO BIND WITH PREPARED SOIL.PLANTING PIT TO BE TWO TO FIVE TIMESTHE DIAMETER OF ROOT ALL, SLOPEDTAMP SOIL AROUND ROOT BALL BASEFIRMLY WITH FOOT PRESSURE SO THATROOT BALL DOES NOT SHIFT.DRAINAGE TRENCH AS REQUIRED PERPERCOLATION TEST IN SPEC. AUGER A 4"DIA. HOLE & FILL W/ 34" GRAVEL.PLACE ROOT BALL ON UNDISTURBED ORCOMPACTED SOIL.DIG PLANTING PIT 4-6" DEEPER THANROOTBALL.UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE.REMOVE BURLAP, WINE, ROPE ANDWIRE FROM TOP HALF OF ROOT BALL.COMPACT PLANTING SOIL TO85% OF MAXIMUM DRY UNITWEIGHT PER ASTM D 698.EDGE CONDITION VARIES, SEEPLAN.4" BUILT-UP EARTH SAUCERBEYOND EDGE OF ROOT BALL.3" SHREDDED HARDWOODMULCH. DO NOT PLACE MULCHIN CONTACT WITH ROOT FLARE.RODENT TRUNK PROTECTIONFOR DECIDUOUS TREES: 12"HARDWIRE-CLOTH MESHCYLINDER. DIMENSIONS: 8"DIAMETER (OR GREATER) X 36"HEIGHT. STAKE IN PLACE,AVOIDING ROOTS. SEE SPEC.TREE PLANTING DETAIL, TYP.01L2.01/2" = 1'-0"SEE PLAN12"MIN.PREPARE SOIL FORTHE ENTIRE BED4"3" SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH. DONOT PLACE MULCH IN CONTACT WITHSHRUB STEM.NOTE: SEE SPECIFICATION SECTIONRELATED TO EXTERIOR PLANTING.CONTAINER GROWN MATERIAL SHALLHAVE ROOTS HAND LOOSENED.MIN.4" DEEPER THAN ROOT BALL.SCARIFY SIDES AND BOTTOM OF ENTIREBED WITH SPADE BY HAND TO BIND WITHPLANTING SOIL.UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE.PLANTING DETAIL, TYP.02L2.01/2" = 1'-0"5' DIAMETER MULCH RING, TYP.12"12"12"12"12"PLANSECTION AFILTRATION BASIN SUBGRADE, SEE CIVILPLANTING SOIL MIX, SEE CIVIL FOR DEPTH,3" HARDWOOD MULCHPLUG, SEE MIX FOR SPECIESA'A1/2" SCALESTORM FEATURE PLUG LAYOUT03L2.01/2" = 1'-0"SEE PLAN SEE PLAN SEEPLANSE E PL A N PLANSECTION A'-AA'APLANNORTHABC DSignatureTyped or Printed NameLicense # DatePROJECT NUMBERDRAWN BY CHECKED BYORIGINAL ISSUE:REVISIONS:KEY PLANNOT FORCONSTRUCTIONI hereby certify that this plan, specification,orreport was prepared by me or under mydirectsupervision and that I am a duly licensedlandscape architect under the laws of the Stateof Minnesota10/7/2020 9:06:34 PM 20364MG / JC TM70th & France70th & FranceEdina, MNNORTHTRUENo.Description DateTerry Minarik42422 10-16-2020530 N THIRD ST, SUITE 120,MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55102PH: 612.333.3702 FAX: 515.288.8359www.thinkconfluence.comL2.0LANDSCAPE DETAILS SignatureTyped or Printed NameLicense #DatePROJECT NUMBERDRAWN BYCHECKED BYORIGINAL ISSUE:REVISIONS:KEY PLANNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONI hereby certify that this plan, specification, orreport was prepared by me or under my directsupervision and that I am a duly licensed architectunder the laws of the State of Minnesota10/16/2020 5:47:29 PMA0.1EXISTING SITE IMAGES220535AuthorChecker70th & France70th & FranceEdina, MNPRELIMDEVELOPMENTPLAN SUBMITTAL10/16/2020No. DescriptionDateVIEW FROM SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SITEVIEW FROM EAST SIDE OF SITE LOOKING WESTVIEW FROM SOUTHWEST SIDE OF SITE LOOKING EASTVIEW FROM NORTHEAST CORNER OF SITE LOOKING NORTHVIEW FROM NORTHEAST CORNER OF SITE LOOKING EASTVIEW FROM SOUTH SIDE OF SITE LOOKING SOUTHEAST DN1A0.401A0.41SITE BRETAIL/COMMERCIAL/GROCERSITE ARESIDENTIAL TOWERSITE DBANKSITE CMULTIFAMILY RESIDENTIAL70TH STREET W 71ST STREET W FRANCE AVE S EWING AVE SDREW AVE S51' - 9"12' - 4"39' - 9"251' - 10"68' - 6"180' - 2"182' - 4"248' - 8"57' - 8"61' - 4"181' - 2"45' - 2"42' - 5"10' - 0"10' - 0"37' - 11"26' - 9"FOR SITE D INFORMATION: REFER TO SHEETS A.010-D, A.020-D, AND A.030-D SignatureTyped or Printed NameLicense # DatePROJECT NUMBERDRAWN BY CHECKED BYORIGINAL ISSUE:REVISIONS:KEY PLANNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONI hereby certify that this plan, specification, orreport was prepared by me or under my directsupervision and that I am a duly licensed architectunder the laws of the State of Minnesota10/16/2020 5:47:30 PMA0.2SITE PLAN220535Author Checker70th & France70th & FranceEdina, MNPRELIMDEVELOPMENTPLAN SUBMITTAL10/16/20201" = 20'-0"A0.21ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLANNo. DescriptionDate DN SITE A RESIDENTIAL TOWER EWING AVE SDREW AVE SRESIDENTIAL LOBBY & AMENITY (TO RESIDENTIAL PARKING) RESIDENTIAL PARKING 20 STALLS LOADING TRASH/ RECYCLING RETAIL/FLEX 40 STALLS RAMP UP RAMP DOWN (TO RESIDENTIAL PARKING) MOVE IN UTILITY RETAIL/FLEX SPACE PARKING ENTRY/EXIT PARKING ENTRY/EXIT 182' - 0"248' - 6"RESIDENTIAL PARKING 83 STALLS PER @ LEVEL 3-4 RAMP UP RAMP DOWN RESIDENTIAL UNITS 248' - 6"182' - 0" Signature Typed or Printed Name License #Date PROJECT NUMBER DRAWN BY CHECKED BY ORIGINAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: KEY PLANNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota 10/16/2020 6:02:06 PMA0.20-A SITE A FLOOR PLANS 220535 Author Checker 70th & France 70th & France Edina, MN PRELIM DEVELOPMENT PLAN SUBMITTAL 10/16/2020 1/16" = 1'-0"A0.20-A 1 SITE 'A' LEVEL 1 FLOOR PLAN 1/16" = 1'-0"A0.20-A 2 SITE 'A' LEVEL 2-4 FLOOR PLAN No. Description Dat e RESIDENTIAL AMENITY DECK RESIDENTIAL AMENITY UNOCCUPIABLE ROOF AREA 84' - 0"182' - 0" 8' - 0"136' - 0"38' - 0"24' - 6"35' - 0"24' - 6"248' - 6"136' - 0"38' - 0"29' - 6"35' - 0"29' - 6"94' - 0"3' - 0"AMENITY SKYLINE DECK (800 SF) SOUTHERN SUNDECK (2500 SF)29' - 6"35' - 0"29' - 6"64' - 6"8' - 0"135' - 8"12' - 8"25' - 7" 156' - 5" RAMP UP RESIDENTIAL PARKING 108 STALLS @ LEVEL P1 182' - 4"248' - 10"Signature Typed or Printed Name License # Date PROJECT NUMBER DRAWN BY CHECKED BY ORIGINAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: KEY PLANNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota 10/16/2020 6:02:07 PMA0.21-A SITE A FLOOR PLANS 220535 Author Checker 70th & France 70th & France Edina, MN PRELIM DEVELOPMENT PLAN SUBMITTAL 10/16/2020 1/16" = 1'-0"A0.21-A 1 LEVEL 5 FLOOR PLAN 1/16" = 1'-0"A0.21-A 2 LEVEL 6-23 FLOOR PLAN1/16" = 1'-0"A0.21-A 3 LEVEL 24 FLOOR PLAN No. Description Dat e 1/16" = 1'-0"A0.21-A 4 SITE 'A' LEVEL P1 FLOOR PLAN 'A' LEVEL L1 100' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L2 114' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L3 124' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L4 134' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L5 146' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L6 160' - 0" LEVEL L7 170' - 0" TOWER 7 170' - 0" TOWER 8 180' - 0" TOWER 9 190' - 0" TOWER 11 210' - 0" TOWER 12 220' - 0" TOWER 13 230' - 0" TOWER 14 240' - 0" TOWER 15 250' - 0" TOWER 16 260' - 0" TOWER 17 270' - 0" TOWER 18 280' - 0" TOWER 19 290' - 0" TOWER 20 300' - 0" TOWER 21 310' - 0" TOWER 22 320' - 0" TOWER 24 344' - 0" TOWER ROOF UPPER 356' - 0" LEVEL 10 200' - 0" TOWER 23 332' - 0"26' - 0"12' - 0"12' - 0"12' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"14' - 0"12' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"14' - 0"WINDOW WALL PRECAST PANEL (MULTIPLE COLORS) GLASS RAILING WINDOW WALL STONE PANEL PERFORATED METAL PANEL METAL PANEL ILLUMINATED METAL SCREEN COLORED PANEL #1 METAL PANEL STONE PANEL282' - 0"DARK STAINED CONCRETE CONCRETE PANEL #4 TOWER SCREEN WALL 382' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L1 100' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L2 114' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L3 124' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L4 134' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L5 146' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L6 160' - 0" LEVEL L7 170' - 0" TOWER 7 170' - 0" TOWER 8 180' - 0" TOWER 9 190' - 0" TOWER 11 210' - 0" TOWER 12 220' - 0" TOWER 13 230' - 0" TOWER 14 240' - 0" TOWER 15 250' - 0" TOWER 16 260' - 0" TOWER 17 270' - 0" TOWER 18 280' - 0" TOWER 19 290' - 0" TOWER 20 300' - 0" TOWER 21 310' - 0" TOWER 22 320' - 0" TOWER 24 344' - 0" TOWER ROOF UPPER 356' - 0" LEVEL 10 200' - 0"14' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"12' - 0"14' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"12' - 0"12' - 0"12' - 0"26' - 0"TOWER 23 332' - 0" WINDOW WALL PRECAST PANEL (MULTIPLE COLORS) GLASS RAILING STONE PANEL STONE PANEL 282' - 0"DARK STAINED CONCRETE WOOD LOOK PANELDARK STAINED CONCRETEMETAL PANEL#1 TOWER SCREEN WALL 382' - 0" Signature Typed or Printed Name License # Date PROJECT NUMBER DRAWN BY CHECKED BY ORIGINAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: KEY PLANNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota 10/16/2020 6:02:08 PMA0.30-A SITE A ELEVATIONS 220535 ESG ESG 70th & France 70th & France Edina, MN PRELIM DEVELOPMENT PLAN SUBMITTAL 10/16/2020 1/16" = 1'-0"A0.30-A 1 EAST ELEVATION 1/16" = 1'-0"A0.30-A 2 NORTH ELEVATION No. Description Dat e 'A' LEVEL L1 100' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L2 114' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L3 124' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L4 134' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L5 146' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L6 160' - 0" LEVEL L7 170' - 0" TOWER 7 170' - 0" TOWER 8 180' - 0" TOWER 9 190' - 0" TOWER 11 210' - 0" TOWER 12 220' - 0" TOWER 13 230' - 0" TOWER 14 240' - 0" TOWER 15 250' - 0" TOWER 16 260' - 0" TOWER 17 270' - 0" TOWER 18 280' - 0" TOWER 19 290' - 0" TOWER 20 300' - 0" TOWER 21 310' - 0" TOWER 22 320' - 0" TOWER 24 344' - 0" TOWER ROOF UPPER 356' - 0" LEVEL 10 200' - 0" TOWER 23 332' - 0" WINDOW WALL CONCRETE PANEL (MULTIPLE COLORS) GLASS RAILING26' - 0"12' - 0"12' - 0"12' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"14' - 0"12' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"14' - 0"282' - 0"PERFORATED METAL PANEL STONE PANELWOOD LOOK PANEL TOWER SCREEN WALL 382' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L1 100' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L2 114' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L3 124' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L4 134' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L5 146' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L6 160' - 0" LEVEL L7 170' - 0" TOWER 7 170' - 0" TOWER 8 180' - 0" TOWER 9 190' - 0" TOWER 11 210' - 0" TOWER 12 220' - 0" TOWER 13 230' - 0" TOWER 14 240' - 0" TOWER 15 250' - 0" TOWER 16 260' - 0" TOWER 17 270' - 0" TOWER 18 280' - 0" TOWER 19 290' - 0" TOWER 20 300' - 0" TOWER 21 310' - 0" TOWER 22 320' - 0" TOWER 24 344' - 0" TOWER ROOF UPPER 356' - 0" LEVEL 10 200' - 0" TOWER 23 332' - 0" WINDOW WALL CONCRETE PANEL (MULTIPLE COLORS) GLASS RAILING 26' - 0"12' - 0"12' - 0"12' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"14' - 0"12' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"14' - 0"282' - 0"WOOD LOOK PANEL ILLUMINATED METAL SCREEN STONE#1 PANELWOOD LOOK PANELPERFERATED METAL PANEL#1CONCRETE PANEL #4METAL PANEL #1 TOWER SCREEN WALL 382' - 0" Signature Typed or Printed Name License # Date PROJECT NUMBER DRAWN BY CHECKED BY ORIGINAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: KEY PLANNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota 10/16/2020 6:02:08 PMA0.31-A SITE A ELEVATIONS 220535 Author Checker 70th & France 70th & France Edina, MN PRELIM DEVELOPMENT PLAN SUBMITTAL 10/16/2020 1/16" = 1'-0"A0.31-A 1 SOUTH ELEVATION 1/16" = 1'-0"A0.31-A 2 WEST ELEVATION No. Description Dat e 2 7 E S G | A R C H I T E C T U R E & D E S I G N 2 8 E S G | A R C H I T E C T U R E & D E S I G N 2 9 E S G | A R C H I T E C T U R E & D E S I G N 3 0 E S G | A R C H I T E C T U R E & D E S I G N E S G | A R C H I T E C T U R E & D E S I G N 3 2 E S G | A R C H I T E C T U R E & D E S I G N 3 3 E S G | A R C H I T E C T U R E & D E S I G N 3 4 E S G | A R C H I T E C T U R E & D E S I G N 3 5 E S G | A R C H I T E C T U R E & D E S I G N Existing text – XXXX Stricken text – XXXX Added text – XXXX ORDINANCE NO. 2021-___ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE PUD-20, PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT-20, AT 7001 AND 7025 FRANCE AVENUE The City Of Edina Ordains: Section 1. Chapter 36, Article VIII, Division 4 is hereby amended to add the following: Sec. 36-504 Planned Unit Development District-20 (PUD-20) – 70th and France (a) Legal description: Lot 1, Block 1, except that part thereof which lies Northwesterly of a line drawn from a point on the North line of Section 32, Township 28, Range 24 distant 110 feet Easterly of the Northwest corner of said section to a point on the West line thereof distant 110 feet Southerly of said Northwest corner; Lot 2, Block 1, except the Eastly 70 feet thereof; Yorktown, Hennepin County, Minnesota. (Torrens Property: Certificate of Title No. 1077413) (b) Approved Plans. Incorporated herein by reference are the re-development plans, including the master development plan for the site received by the City on January 25 and June 4, 2021 _____________except as amended by City Council Resolution No. 2021-21 on file in the Office of the Planning Department. (c) Principal Uses: All uses allowed in the PCD-3 Zoning District All uses allowed in the PCD-3 Zoning District Multifamily Residential Office (d) Accessory Uses: All accessory uses allowed in the PCD-3 Zoning District. All accessory uses allowed in the PCD-3 Zoning District (e) Conditional Uses: All conditional uses allowed in the PCD-3 Zoning District. All conditional uses allowed in the PCD-3 Zoning District Existing text – XXXX Stricken text – XXXX Added text – XXXX 2 (f) Development Standards. In addition to the development standards per the PCD- 3 Zoning District, the following shall apply: Building Setbacks Front – France Avenue Front – 70th Street Side – East Side – South 50 feet – Lot 1 (measured to the curb) 40 feet – Lot 4* (see (i) below) 18-28 feet 35 feet 10 feet Building Height 1, 9, 10 , 7, 8 & 24 stories Density 67 units per acre Floor Area Ratio (FAR) 2.1% Parking 1,170 1,112 spaces total (23 for the bank) (g) Signs shall be regulated per the POD-2 Zoning District for the office uses and PCD-3 for retail uses, and PRD, for the residential uses. In addition, the wall signs shown on the final development plans for the building on Lot 1 shall be allowed. (h) The residential housing on the site shall comply with the City’s New Multi- Family Affordable Housing Policy in place as of December 2020. (i) Any future construction on Lot 4, after the construction of US Bank with a 40- foot setback to France Avenue, must comply with the 50-foot setback requirement from France Avenue. Section 3. This ordinance is effective immediately upon its passage. First Reading: Second Reading: Published: Existing text – XXXX Stricken text – XXXX Added text – XXXX 3 ATTEST: ______________________________ _____________________________ Sharon Allison, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor Please publish in the Edina Sun Current on: Send two affidavits of publication. Bill to Edina City Clerk CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Ordinance was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of ________, 2021, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this ______ day of ____________, 2021. ________________________________ City Clerk Survey Responses 30 January 2019 - 07 October 2021 Public Hearing Comments-70th & France Revision Better Together Edina Project: Public Hearing: A revision to the approved re-development plans for the southeast corner of 70th and France (7001 & 7025 France Ave. S). VISITORS 110 CONTRIBUTORS 9 RESPONSES 9 0 Registered 0 Unverified 9 Anonymous 0 Registered 0 Unverified 9 Anonymous Respondent No:1 Login:Anonymous Email:n/a Responded At:Oct 02, 2021 17:36:38 pm Last Seen:Oct 02, 2021 17:36:38 pm IP Address:n/a Q1.First and Last Name Kelly Veit Q2.Address 6809 Cornelia Drive Q3.Comment The new revisions presented by the developer are absolutely ridiculous. They pushed through their goal of a 24 story apartment building with the lure of a “work force” housing apartment building. By the end of the intitial conversation regarding this property they changed their tune to “ we will look into possibly providing affordable housing” (I am loosely quoting here, but they changed their tune at the final meeting). Now they want to put a parking garage instead. If anyone would pay attention to the Greater Southdale Design Plan, this is no way works with that. Why would you possibly need a huge parking garage for the proposed 1500sqft of retail? A large parking garage was not required for the initial plan of two rather large residence buildings. Why now? There is absolutely no need for a parking garage. There is also no need for a 24 story residence, but the city council that voted that in felt differently from the city residents. I feel that the council needs to table this project. It is not right for the area. Please look at the parking garage at 70th and York as an example. It creates a wall to the shopping area at the galleria. You can’t walk through it, it’s ugly and it does nothing to add to the area. I suspect that the parking garage is also never fully utilized. Wait until something more appropriate comes available for this development. Respondent No:2 Login:Anonymous Email:n/a Responded At:Oct 02, 2021 22:26:19 pm Last Seen:Oct 02, 2021 22:26:19 pm IP Address:n/a Q1.First and Last Name Brandt Uthus Q2.Address 6929 Cornelia Drive Q3.Comment Cornelia Drive is a cut through that people take to avoid the traffic and congestion at 70th and France. I live on Cornelia Drive. My wife and I have 3 young kids. Within a span of 6 houses there are 15 young kids. Traffics and SPEED of traffic on Cornelia Drive is extremely dangerous and has only gotten worse as development on France has caused people to seek more efficient routes for travel. This new project will almost certainly exacerbate the problem. Overall I support the project, but if Cornelia Drive traffic and speed of traffic isn’t dealt with, the City is going to experience a tragic accident. Please address traffic on Cornelia Drive as a consequence for this new project. Respondent No:3 Login:Anonymous Email:n/a Responded At:Oct 03, 2021 08:38:26 am Last Seen:Oct 03, 2021 08:38:26 am IP Address:n/a Q1.First and Last Name Marilyn Listvan Q2.Address 5509 Highland Road, Edina, MN 55436-2535 Q3.Comment This proposed change seems like “bait and switch”. Edina needs to keep focused on providing affordable housing for sustaining (or creating) a vibrant, diverse population. While parking is important, that should have been considered in the original proposal and should not be switched in at the elimination of affordable housing!! Respondent No:4 Login:Anonymous Email:n/a Responded At:Oct 03, 2021 15:41:17 pm Last Seen:Oct 03, 2021 15:41:17 pm IP Address:n/a Q1.First and Last Name Eva Lockhart Q2.Address 4448 Fondell Drive Q3.Comment A twenty four story building here, at the actual edge of a residential, single family neighborhood, with an elementary school only blocks away, is absolutely NOT what we need or every should have in Edina. The shadow of this building alone is an issue for everyone living in very close vicinity of this building. We currently have 4-6 story apartment buildings on very busy roads, with no single family housing, nor schools nearby (such as at the intersections of 66th and Xerxes (York) Avenues, yet here, with single family homes, and people walking, strolling with children and pets and small children walking to school, you want A 24 STORY BUILDING?! This is outrageous and completely not acceptable to the neighborhood! No one is complaining about having affordable housing here; no one was complaining about an apartment building, but 24 floors? How many houses will change their view from trees and shrubs to a giant glass tower? How many more people will be taking short cuts through the neighborhood to speed up their commute if they are driving up 70th from highway 100 or crosstown 62? Hundreds more people will live in such a building, versus the one that was originally planned. Would YOU or any of the commissioners and/or mayor enjoy living within two to three blocks of this size building? We did not all move to Edina in order to live next to skyscrapers! This is so out of line. It is one thing, in a purely commercial and high density zone (like the street on which Byerly's can be accessed as well as Target) for a large scale design like this to go up. For it to appear with a half block of single family homes is absurd, and dangerous as far as traffic flow is concerned. Small children walking to and from school would suddenly encounter how many hundreds more cars as people cut through the neighborhood for short cuts? We already hear racing cars along highway 100 and 494 at night, and now they'll race through our neighborhood as well? This is unsafe, will look unsightly and how many more hundreds of apartment buildings are really needed in our city? Why aren't 4-6 story condominiums or townhomes being built here instead? Or, at the very least, affordable housing in a normal scale building? This is a real affront to Edina residents and an insult to our intelligence to assume we would all be okay with this! I am disgusted and appalled by this. Rethink this proposal NOW! Respondent No:5 Login:Anonymous Email:n/a Responded At:Oct 03, 2021 16:02:41 pm Last Seen:Oct 03, 2021 16:02:41 pm IP Address:n/a Q1.First and Last Name Gregg Swedberg Q2.Address 6700 Brittany Rd, Edina Q3.Comment There is no place in Edina for 24 stories of ANYTHING. The Council never should have approved the plan in the first place. The idea that now we have to replace affordable housing with an 8-story parking ramp is even more ludicrous. In what world do we need or want 8 stories of parking (higher than the Mall of America) in Edina? I appreciate that density is desired and necessary. But does it all have to be done NOW? And all in one block? Can we not build up to a development of this size to meet a demand instead of speculating on one? Until this area gets more infrastructure, it will cause traffic headaches. Please plan ahead. Respondent No:6 Login:Anonymous Email:n/a Responded At:Oct 04, 2021 15:52:40 pm Last Seen:Oct 04, 2021 15:52:40 pm IP Address:n/a Q1.First and Last Name Jane Fandrey Q2.Address 7320 Glouchester Drive / Edina Q3.Comment I’m curious where the children in this development will go to school. Presumably in a development this large, even if most renters/owners are assumed to be childless, there will be a fairly large number of kids. Cornelia Elementary seems to be at maximum attendance. Further, I really don’t like the appearance of the building. I don’t love the ticky tacky office building appearance and think that something a little less industrial/glass block would be pleasanter. Surely there’s a middle ground between Louis Sullivan’s early skyscrapers and this, something that might evoke the idea that humans live within it, rather than bytes in a data farm. I appreciate the thought that’s gone into keep the human element at street level and the parks (even though in practice I’ve found parks in this type of development to feel a little cold and alienating, meant more for looking good in a brochure than for actual use), and I hope that some decent retail is found to fill the space. Respondent No:7 Login:Anonymous Email:n/a Responded At:Oct 04, 2021 19:09:54 pm Last Seen:Oct 04, 2021 19:09:54 pm IP Address:n/a Q1.First and Last Name Sam Sturm Q2.Address 7121 Bristol Blvd; Edina, MN 55435 Q3.Comment These plans for a new US Bank branch, a 24-story apartment, a office/retail building, and a parking ramp don't excite me very much. There isn't much planned with this new development for us local residents to enjoy or look forward to. When I think of the Southdale region, I think of visionary developments such as Southdale Mall and Centennial Lakes. Both the mall and the park can be used by the public year-round. Both make this area a desirable place to live for people who live in the greater region. Now, it seems like the Southdale area is now getting a lot of new apartments to increase the density of people, but we're not committed to incorporating new public spaces with these new developments like those in the old tradition. Why can't this new development bring new public, recreational space to the area just live Centenial Lakes did? This development doesn't even seem to include a water feature to look at, let alone any space for activities. If nothing else, my hope is a 24 story building is not built in this location. A building this tall would seem out-of-place - even with the 16- story Bauer nearby - and block a lot of my sight-lines from my east-facing windows. Respondent No:8 Login:Anonymous Email:n/a Responded At:Oct 05, 2021 10:19:53 am Last Seen:Oct 05, 2021 10:19:53 am IP Address:n/a Q1.First and Last Name Karen Huffman Q2.Address 4724 Dunberry Lane Q3.Comment A 24-story apartment building?? Are you kidding? Because we are without sufficient public transportation, traffic will be a nightmare—an ugly 8-level parking facility ensures that! Edina needs NO more apartment buildings! Please keep our city a desirable place to live, not just another bedroom community. Respondent No:9 Login:Anonymous Email:n/a Responded At:Oct 07, 2021 05:49:11 am Last Seen:Oct 07, 2021 05:49:11 am IP Address:n/a Q1.First and Last Name John Haugen Q2.Address 5709 Beard Ave S Q3.Comment The city needs to publish here why the developer removed the 9 story apartment building and why 9 stories of parking are necessary. Showing the changes to the plan without explanation does not serve public understanding. That amount of parking seems excessive. DATE: 10/7/2021 TO: 7001 France Ave S, Owner and Development Team CC: Cary Teague – Community Development Director FROM: Chad Millner, PE, Director of Engineering Zuleyka Marquez, PE, Graduate Engineer Grace Hancock, Sustainability Coordinator Andrew Scipioni, Transportation Planner RE: 7001 France Avenue – Development Review, Revised The Engineering Department has reviewed the subject property for pedestrian facilities, utility connections , grading, flood risk, and storm water. Plans reviewed included civil, landscape, stormwater plans , and survey dated 9/13/21 . Review Comment Required For General 1. Existing easements held by the City require Council action to vacate if deemed appropriate and necessary for the project. Consideration of requests can require up to 60 -days to process. General Comment 2. Deliver as-build records of public and private utility infrastructure post construction. Certificate of Occupancy 3. Maintenance of sidewalks and streets internal to the site to be responsibility of property owner. Maintenance of sidewalks on France Ave and 70 th Street will be by the City. City snowplowing operations are 5 -ft wide on these sidewalks. If owner wants a wider path, this would be the responsibility of the owner. Note, the locations of permeable pavers and colored concrete should be noted on the plans and are considered the property owner’s maintenance responsibility. General Comment Survey 4. An existing and proposed site condition survey is required. Grading/Building Permit 4.1 Show all existing and proposed public and private easements. Grading/Building Permit Living Streets 5. Design sidewalks to meet ADA requirements. Grading/Building Permit 6. Saw cut concrete sidewalk joints on public sidewalks. Grading/Building Permit 7. Public sidewalk to be minimum 8 -ft wide with an 8 -ft boulevard along France Avenue and 5 -ft wide minimum with a 5 -ft minimum boulevard along 70 th Street. Grading/Building Permit 8. Public access easements will be required to allow the public to use the streets and sidewalks internal to the site. Maintenance of all internal streets and sidewalks shall be the responsibility of the owner. This aligns with the Southdale Area Design Guidelines. General Comment 9. The app licant should consider additional pedestrian and bicycle crossings/connections to Brandon Square Mall to the east and Rue de France mall to the south. General Comment Traffic and Street 10. Review fire access requirements with fire department. Fire truck turning template attached. Grading/Building Permit 11. Driveway Entrance permit required for entrance reconstruction. Building Permit 12. Refer to standard plates 410 and 415. Minimum of 24’ in width for two-way drive. 20’ provided for center drive. 15’ radii per standard plates; various radii provided. Building Permit 13. Road and lane closures on France Ave S must be coordinated with Hennepin County. Street repairs must be completed to the County’s standards. General Comment 14. 70th St W was reconstructed in 2007. Road patching on 70 th St W shall conform to Edina Standard Plates 540 and 543 . Certificate of Occupancy 15. Provide easements or right -of-way along 70 th St W to accommodate recommended additional vehicle lane, boulevard and pedestrian and bicycle facilities. Certificate of Occupancy 16. Provide easements for future public streets at two locations. Along the center street south to the southerly property line and along the east property line to the southerly property line. Certificate of Occupancy 17. Consider providing directional signage/information for local transit services or subsidizing transit passes for tenants and employees. General Comment 18. Provide 57 bicycle parking stalls (5% of proposed vehicle parking). Of these, 38 (min.) should be provided in the parking ramp; the remaining 19 (min.) should be provided elsewhere on the site. All bicycle parking stalls should be in convenient, well-lit locations within 50’ of a public entrance to a principal building. Rack style and spacing should follow the recommendations of the Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals (APBP). Grading/Building Permit 19. Turning movements and travel routes for delivery vehicles should be reviewed. Steps should be taken to minimize the impact of delivery vehicles on pedestrian and bicycle movement through the site (additional signage, designated delivery zones, etc.) General Comment 20. Proposed trees, vegetation, signage and other items adjacent to intersections should maintain a clear view zone as defined in Section 26 -190 of City Code. Grading/Building Permit 21. Implement Tier 2 Travel Demand Management strategies (5 minimum). Those proposed by the applicant include; 1. Covered bicycle parking and a bicycle repair station. 2. Internal and perimeter sidewalks with boulevard trees, landscaping and other buffers between motor vehicle traffic. 3. Marked pedestrian crosswalks. Other strategies recommended by staff include; 1. Designate EV charging stations as recommended by staff (see Sustainability below). 2. Designate parking stalls for car sharing service (i.e, HourCar), placed in visible, convenient locations near pedestrian and bicycle facilities. 3. Widen internal sidewalks to 8’ (minimum) to accommodate shared pedestrian and bicycle use or installing bicycle pavement markings on internal streets. 4. Maintain or widening the existing vegetated boulevards to improve user safety and comfort. 5. Provide additional pedestrian and bicycle crossings/connections to Brandon Square Mall to the east and Rue de France mall to the south. 6. Provide directional signage/information for transportation amenities (adjacent transit services, bicycle parking, car sharin g, adjacent parks/trails). 7. Subsidize transit passes for tenants and employees. Certificate of Occupancy Sanitary and Water Utilities 22. Verify fire demand and hydrant locations. Attached system flow/pressure curve provided for developer’s design. Grading/Building Permit 23. Domestic water shall be sized by the developer’s engineer. Grading/Building Permit 24. Domestic sanitary shall be sized by the developer’s engineer. Grading/Building Permit 25. Apply for a sewer and water connection permit with Public Works. Prior to Starting Utility Work 25.1 Meter required for building service line and combined lines. No meter required for fire only service line. Grading/Building Permit 25.2 Public Works to determine acceptable installation methods. Grading/Building Permit 26. Disconnected sanitary and water services to be capped at main. 27. A SAC determination will be required by the Metropolitan Council. The SAC determination will be used by the City to calculate sewer and water connection charges Grading/Building Permit 28. Single connection from main for fire and domestic, split after main connection. Grading/Building Permit 29. No evidence of a well onsite. If any wells are found during construction, wells not in use must be sealed by a licensed well contractor per MN Rules, Chapter 4725. Certificate of Occupancy Storm Water Utility 30. Provide final geotechnical report with soil borings. Draft report was provided date 10/14/2020 as attachment to stormwater report. Grading/Building Permit 31. Provide hydraulic and hydrologic report meeting watershed and state construction site permit requirements . Latest report provided dated 1 0/21/20. Provide revised report for comments. Grading/Building Permit 32. Submit watershed district permit and copies of private maintenance agreement in favor of watershed. Grading/Building Permit 33. Attached to this review is a technical memorandum from Barr Engineering that reviewed the potential for backflow in the existing conditions, and nearby flood elevations to inform design. A. The site existing conditions should assume that the site accepts no backflow from public systems. The attached report provides a summary of additional model detail to inform the review. B. The attached report shows the site accepts overflow from nearby private commercial systems. The applicant can exclude these flows in the existing conditions to the extent that they can reduce them in the proposed conditions. Work with neighboring property on proposed changes and the flood risk associated with these flows. C. Design should account for tailwater. The attached report provides hydraulic grade line in nearby France Avenue system for use. D. Design should account for existing pumped flow configuration. The attached report assumes pumping Grading/Building Permit rates at 1cfs. Further information was requested, but useful information was not provided. We will accept additional evidence of current pump size and flow characteristics if you wish to modify this assumption. 34. Coordinate landscaping plan and stormwater management plan. Trees planned in underground infiltration system vicinity. Grading/Building Permit Grading Erosion and Sediment Control 35. A SWPPP consistent with the State General Construction Site Stormwater P ermit is required. Grading/Building Permit Constructability and Safety 36. Construction staging, traffic control, and pedestrian access plans will be required. Be prepared to provide detailed plans for construction phasing and minimization of pedestrian and traffic impacts. Grading/Building Permit 37. Retaining walls over 4 -ft in height require design by a structural engineer. Grading/Building Permit 38. Any needed closures of France Avenue shall be coordinated with Hennepin County. General Comment 39. 70th Street shall not be used for construction staging. Any short - term closures shall be approved by the City Engineer. General Comment 40. Construction staging or construction fencing shall not impede the City’s ability to snowplow the adjacent streets. If construction fencing removes storage space for snow, developer shall be responsible for snow removal in the street adjacent to any impacts to City operations. General Comment 41. Developer shall consider pre-condition surveys of 70 th Street and France Avenue to aid in determine post -construction impacts caused by the project. Impacts caused by the project shall be the responsibility of the contractor to correct. General Comment Other Agency Coordination 42. MDH, MPCA and MCES permits required as needed. Grading/Building Permit 43. Nine Mile Creek Watershed District permit is required. Grading/Building Permit Sustainability 44. The Metropolitan Council's Extreme Heat map shows that during an extreme heat event (when air temperatures are 90 or above), this area of Edina can be up to 35 degrees F hotter than General Comment surrounding areas. Green roof s, mature tree canopy and climate- adapted plantings reduce the urban heat island effect, and reduc e amount of greenhouse gas emissions trapped in the atmosphere and energy needs to cool a b uilding. 45. The University of Minnesota's Solar Suitability map rates this property as "good" for solar roof installations with a grade of 83 out of 100. Rooftop solar generates emission -free energy. Staff affirms effort to add solar-ready capacity to roof. General Comment 46. Staff recommends installing EV chargers for a minimum of 5% of proposed parking (27 stalls) in addition to wiring 10% (540 stalls) for EV conversion in the future. General Comment 47. Staff acknowledges and appreciates that this development proposal seeks to engage most pathways toward sustainable building design, with the completion of items marked “yes” items from Sustainable Design Questionnaire as described below: - utilize Xcel Energy’s Energy Design Assistance and/or Cen terpoint Energy’s Builder and Developer programs for this development - appliances and equipment be Energy Star or EPA WaterSense certified - Take action beyond state building and energy code: U tilize LED Lighting, programmable thermostats, VRF HVAC systems, lighting controls in common spaces, building automation system - Green roof areas included on new office tower and residential tower - Building operations subscribe to renewable energy - Demolition of existing structures will meet LEED Green Building Demolition and/or B3 State of Minnesota Sustainable Building Guidelines - Scrap and excess construction materials will be separated and recycled - Workers will be provided with separate recycling dumpsters and training in proper use - Plant trees for increased tree canopy coverage - Provide shade trees, native, climate-adapted and pollinator-friendly landscaping - Provide recycling and organics recycling for building users once building starts operating - outdoor landscaping watering system include a water sensor to automatically reduce watering in wet conditions General Comment Barr Engineering Co. 4300 MarketPointe Drive, Suite 200, Minneapolis, MN 55435 952.832.2600 www.barr.com Technical Memorandum To: Ross Bintner– City of Edina (City) From: Michael McKinney, PE – Barr Engineering Co. (Barr) Subject: 7001 France Ave existing condition XPSWMM model review Date: October 28, 2020 Project: 23270354.00 Stormwater Management General Engineering The following technical memorandum summarizes hydrologic and hydraulic evaluation of the 7001 France Ave property and connections to City of Edina (City) storm sewer infrastructure. The memorandum summarizes existing flood inundation and flood storage volume within the 7001 France Ave site and summarizes tailwater conditions in the receiving City storm sewer trunk line along France Ave. 1.0 Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modeling: XPSWMM Model Updates The City’s Nine Mile Creek XPSWMM model was updated and used to evaluate existing hydrologic and hydraulic condition on the 7001 France Ave site. Model updates were incorporated using methodology and source data outlined in the 2018 Edina CWRMP (Edina, 2018). The following subsections describe updates made to the existing conditions XPSWMM model, including all relevant modeling assumptions. 1.1 Updated 7001 France Ave storm sewer modeling per ALTA survey ALTA survey information was provided for the 7001 France Ave site on October 14, 2020 (D. Bade, personal communication, October 14, 2020). Storm sewer survey data included in the ALTA survey was reviewed and incorporated into existing condition modeling (Figure 1). Updated storm sewer inlet locations included in the ALTA survey were incorporated and subwatershed divides were updated accordingly (see Section 1.2). The 7001 France Ave storm sewer lift station was not included within the ALTA survey (see discussion of assumptions and data gaps in Section 1.3) 1.2 Update subwatershed divides in vicinity of 7001 France Ave Subwatersheds within and adjacent to the 7001 France Ave site were updated to: • Capture drainage to storm sewer inlets included in the ALTA survey, and • Capture potential for bypass from inlets along W 70th St to the 7001 France Ave site. Updated subwatershed divides are shown on Figure 1. In addition to updates within the 7001 France Ave site and along W 70th St, the subwatershed divide for the neighboring 3501 W 70th St parking lot (Brandon Square Mall) was updated to more-accurately capture runoff to, and storage within, the parking lot. Stage-area-storage curves and hydrologic parameters were generated for all new and updated subwatershed divides. attachment 1 To: Ross Bintner– City of Edina (City) From: Michael McKinney, PE – Barr Engineering Co. (Barr) Subject: 7001 France Ave existing condition XPSWMM model review Date: October 28, 2020 Page: 2 \\barr.com\projects\Mpls\23 MN\27\2327354\WorkFiles\2020\SW\Potential 2020 updates\7001 France Ave\02 Tech Memo\7001 France Ave Existing Conditions Review 20201029.docx Figure 1 7001 France Ave: storm sewer and subwatershed divides 1.3 Remaining assumptions and data gaps Missing or incomplete data from the ALTA survey and City storm sewer data are outlined, below: • 7001 France Ave lift station information, • Storm sewer connection from Brandon Square Mall parking lot to W 70th St trunk line, and • Minor storm sewer data gaps (e.g., missing upstream invert, missing pipe diameter). Scanned record drawings for the 7001 France Ave US Bank property were provided (P. Ellis and D. J. Arndt, personal communication, October 27, 2020), but did not contain information for the site lift station (e.g., lift station record drawing, operation elevations, pump model, pump curve, etc.). An assumed lift station was modeled with a maximum capacity of 1 cfs (~450 gpm). Lift Station To: Ross Bintner– City of Edina (City) From: Michael McKinney, PE – Barr Engineering Co. (Barr) Subject: 7001 France Ave existing condition XPSWMM model review Date: October 28, 2020 Page: 3 \\barr.com\projects\Mpls\23 MN\27\2327354\WorkFiles\2020\SW\Potential 2020 updates\7001 France Ave\02 Tech Memo\7001 France Ave Existing Conditions Review 20201029.docx City survey information indicates there is a 12-inch pipe connection from the Brandon Square Parking lot to the W 70th St trunk line (R. Bintner, personal communication, October 13, 2020). Private storm sewer infrastructure information for the Brandon Square Mall is not available. Storm sewer invert elevations and roof drainage connections from the Brandon Square Mall site were assumed. Other minor storm sewer data gaps (e.g., missing upstream invert, missing pipe size, etc.) were filled based on review of connected storm sewer infrastructure. All assumptions are tracked within the model link and node GIS feature classes. 2.0 XPSWMM Model Results The City requested that Barr update the City Nine Mile Creek XPSWMM model in the vicinity of the 7001 France Ave site to evaluate the following: 1) Evaluate the maximum stored stormwater runoff volume and flood inundation extent on the 7001 France Ave site for the Atlas 14 10-year, 24-hour event (10-year event) and the Atlas 14 100-year, 24-hour (100-year event). 2) Evaluate the hydraulic grade line along France Ave for the 10-year and 100-year events. 3) Evaluate the stage tailwater hydrograph at the connection point from the 7001 France Ave site to the France Ave storm sewer trunk line for the 10-year and 100-year events. 4) Evaluate backflow from the France Ave storm sewer trunk line to the 7001 France Ave site. If present, review items 1 through 3 above with backflow prevention in place. Questions originally posed by the City are answered in order in the following subsections. 2.1 Evaluate the maximum stored volume and flood inundation extent Maximum stored volume and maximum water surface elevations for subwatersheds within the 7001 France Ave site are summarized in Table 1, and maximum flood inundation extents are shown in Figure 2. Additionally, Figure 2 shows the 10-year and 100-year maximum water surface elevations at structures along France Ave and shows the location of overflow entering the 7001 France Ave site from structures along W 70th St and the Brandon Square Mall parking lot. Overflow volumes from W 70th St and Brandon Square Mall are summarized in Table 2. Results summarized in Table 1, Table 2, and Figure 2 are based on model updates and assumption discussed in Section 1.0. To: Ross Bintner– City of Edina (City) From: Michael McKinney, PE – Barr Engineering Co. (Barr) Subject: 7001 France Ave existing condition XPSWMM model review Date: October 28, 2020 Page: 4 \\barr.com\projects\Mpls\23 MN\27\2327354\WorkFiles\2020\SW\Potential 2020 updates\7001 France Ave\02 Tech Memo\7001 France Ave Existing Conditions Review 20201029.docx Table 1 Maximum stored volume: 7001 France Ave Subwatershed Maximum Water Surface Elevation (ft) Maximum Stored Volume (cf) Atlas 14, 10-year event Atlas 14, 100-year event Atlas 14, 10-year event Atlas 14, 100-year event CL_51a 859.5 861.5 23,040 66,170 CL_51b 865.2 865.6 62 67 CL_51c 866.1 866.3 136 247 CL_51d 865.3 865.6 66 69 CL_51e 862.9 863.1 3,129 3,676 CL_51 863.0 863.1 63 192 Total (cf) 26,495 70,421 Table 2 Overflow volume summary to 7001 France Ave site Total Overflow Volume (cf) Overflow Description (1) Atlas 14, 10-year event Atlas 14, 100-year event Primary OF from Brandon Square Mall [Overflows at elev. 870.5 feet] 8,687 27,176 Overflow from CBs on W 70th St [Overflows at elev. 870.8 feet] 0 285 Total to 7001 France Ave Lift Station 8,687 27,461 Secondary OF from Brandon Square Mall [Overflows at elev. 870.7 feet] 55 6,340 (1) Overflow locations shown on Figure 2. To: Ross Bintner– City of Edina (City) From: Michael McKinney, PE – Barr Engineering Co. (Barr) Subject: 7001 France Ave existing condition XPSWMM model review Date: October 28, 2020 Page: 5 \\barr.com\projects\Mpls\23 MN\27\2327354\WorkFiles\2020\SW\Potential 2020 updates\7001 France Ave\02 Tech Memo\7001 France Ave Existing Conditions Review 20201029.docx Figure 2 Flood inundation extents and maximum water surface elevations along France Ave: 10-year and 100-year events 2.2 Evaluate the hydraulic grade line along France Ave The 10-year event and 100-year event hydraulic grade lines along the France Ave storm sewer trunk line from W 70th St south to Hazelton Road are shown in figures included in Appendix A. The storm sewer connection from 7001 France Ave is shown on these figures to highlight tailwater boundary conditions in the receiving portion of the France Ave trunk line for both events. The 10-year and 100-year maximum water surface elevations at structures along France Ave are additionally shown in Figure 2. Key elevations within the 7001 France Ave site are summarized, below: Overflow from W 70th St CBs Brandon Square Mall: Primary Overflow Brandon Square Mall: Secondary Overflow Lift Station To: Ross Bintner– City of Edina (City) From: Michael McKinney, PE – Barr Engineering Co. (Barr) Subject: 7001 France Ave existing condition XPSWMM model review Date: October 28, 2020 Page: 6 \\barr.com\projects\Mpls\23 MN\27\2327354\WorkFiles\2020\SW\Potential 2020 updates\7001 France Ave\02 Tech Memo\7001 France Ave Existing Conditions Review 20201029.docx • Upstream invert of 7001 France Ave storm sewer connection to France Ave: 856.3 ft • Overflow elevation from 7001 France Ave Entrance to France Ave: 862.9 ft • Low elevation in CL_51a (bank teller location): 856.9 ft 2.3 Evaluate the tailwater stage hydrograph at France Ave trunk line connection The stage hydrograph for the 10-year and 100-year events at the connection point from the 7001 France Ave property to the France Ave storm sewer trunk line is shown in Figure 3. Tailwater conditions in the receiving portion of the France Ave storm sewer trunkline restrict outflow from the 7001 France Ave during the modeled 10-year and 100-year events. It is critical to consider the tailwater boundary condition of the receiving portion of the France Ave storm sewer trunk line when evaluating the connection from the 7001 France Ave site. For this reason, tabular versions of the 10-year and 100-year stage hydrographs are included in Appendix A. Figure 3 Stage hydrograph at the 7001 France Ave / France Ave trunk line connection for the 10-year and 100-year events 2.4 Evaluate backflow from the France Ave storm sewer connection Based on the updated existing conditions XPSWMM model, there is no backflow from the France Ave storm sewer connection to the 7001 France Ave site during the 10-year or 100-year events. For this reason, no additional evaluation of backflow prevention was performed. Maximum Stage: 10-year: 862.1 100-year: 862.3 To: Ross Bintner– City of Edina (City) From: Michael McKinney, PE – Barr Engineering Co. (Barr) Subject: 7001 France Ave existing condition XPSWMM model review Date: October 28, 2020 Page: 7 \\barr.com\projects\Mpls\23 MN\27\2327354\WorkFiles\2020\SW\Potential 2020 updates\7001 France Ave\02 Tech Memo\7001 France Ave Existing Conditions Review 20201029.docx 3.0 Conclusions and Recommendations Existing hydrologic and hydraulic conditions at the 7001 France Ave site were evaluated using the City’s Nine Mile Creek XPSWMM model. The existing conditions XPSWMM model was updated based on received ALTA survey data and best available City storm sewer data. The updated exiting conditions XPSWMM model was used to evaluate the following: • Maximum flood inundation extent and maximum stored runoff volume on the 7001 France Ave site for the 10-year and 100-year events. • The hydraulic grade line along the receiving France Ave storm sewer trunk line for the 10-year and 100-year events. • The tailwater stage hydrograph at the connection point from 7001 France Ave to the France Ave storm sewer for the 10-year and 100-year events. • Backflow from the France Ave trunk line to the 7001 France Ave site to ensure there is no backflow during the 10-year or 100-year events. Barr recommends that information provided in this technical memorandum be reviewed and incorporated into design and evaluation of proposed conditions and/or redevelopment of the 7001 France Ave site. Specifically, the following storm water management recommendations should be considered: • Maximum existing condition stored runoff volumes on the 7001 France Ave site (Table 1) should be considered when evaluating grading and stormwater management. If available storage on site is significantly reduced, proposed conditions could result in increased flood risk to neighboring properties and/or increased discharge rate to receiving City storm sewer infrastructure. • The tailwater stage hydrograph at the connection point from 7001 France Ave to the France Ave storm sewer trunkline (Figure 3 and Appendix A) should be incorporated into evaluation of proposed connections from the 7001 France Ave site (i.e., free discharge to the France Ave trunk line should not be assumed). • The potential for backflow from the France Ave storm sewer trunk line should be considered when evaluating proposed connections to the France Ave trunk line. Based on existing conditions, there is no backflow from the France Ave trunk line to the 7001 France Ave site for the 10-year or 100-year design events. Any future or proposed conditions should maintain this result. • Data gaps and assumption outlined in Section 1.3 should be considered. Specifically, it is recommended that existing condition modeling of the 7001 France Ave lift station and private connections from the Brandon Square Mall be reviewed and updated if data becomes available. To: Ross Bintner– City of Edina (City) From: Michael McKinney, PE – Barr Engineering Co. (Barr) Subject: 7001 France Ave existing condition XPSWMM model review Date: October 28, 2020 Page: 8 \\barr.com\projects\Mpls\23 MN\27\2327354\WorkFiles\2020\SW\Potential 2020 updates\7001 France Ave\02 Tech Memo\7001 France Ave Existing Conditions Review 20201029.docx References Barr Engineering Co. (Barr). 2018. 2018 Comprehensive Water Resources Management Plan. Prepared for the City of Edina. D. Bade, personal correspondence, October 14, 2020. Email correspondence and delivery of ALTA survey for the 7001 France Ave site. P. Ellis and D. J. Arndt, personal communication, October 27, 2020. Email correspondence and delivery of scanned record drawings for the existing 7001 France Ave US Bank site. R. Bintner, personal communication, October 13, 2020. Phone correspondence related to connection from Brandon Square Mall to W 70th St storm sewer trunkline. Appendix A France Ave hydraulic grade line and stage hydrograph at 7001 France Ave connection \\barr.com\projects\Mpls\23 MN\27\2327354\WorkFiles\2020\SW\Potential 2020 updates\7001 France Ave\02 Tech Memo\7001 France Ave Existing Conditions Review 20201029.docx Figure A1 France Ave storm sewer hydraulic grade line: 10-year design event \\barr.com\projects\Mpls\23 MN\27\2327354\WorkFiles\2020\SW\Potential 2020 updates\7001 France Ave\02 Tech Memo\7001 France Ave Existing Conditions Review 20201029.docx Figure A2 France Ave storm sewer hydraulic grade line: 100-year design event \\barr.com\projects\Mpls\23 MN\27\2327354\WorkFiles\2020\SW\Potential 2020 updates\7001 France Ave\02 Tech Memo\7001 France Ave Existing Conditions Review 20201029.docx Table A1 Stage hydrograph at 7001 France Ave / France Ave trunk line connection structure Time (hr) Stage Hydrograph (NGVD29, ft) A14 10-year A14 100-year 0 854.2 854.2 0.1 854.2 854.2 0.2 854.2 854.2 0.3 854.2 854.2 0.4 854.2 854.2 0.5 854.2 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France Ave Existing Conditions Review 20201029.docx Time (hr) Stage Hydrograph (NGVD29, ft) A14 10-year A14 100-year 9.5 854.685 854.875 9.6 854.695 854.887 9.7 854.703 854.895 9.8 854.71 854.902 9.9 854.714 854.906 10 854.718 854.909 10.1 854.721 854.911 10.2 854.723 854.913 10.3 854.725 854.914 10.4 854.726 854.915 10.5 854.801 855.041 10.6 854.886 855.154 10.7 854.93 855.214 10.8 854.959 855.25 10.9 854.977 855.272 11 855.043 855.376 11.1 855.098 855.467 11.2 855.129 855.514 11.3 855.148 855.558 11.4 855.16 855.624 11.5 855.343 856.587 11.6 855.511 858.649 11.7 855.684 860.176 11.8 856.284 861.154 11.9 861.201 862.08 12 862.085 862.273 12.1 862.058 862.284 12.2 861.268 862.295 12.3 860.167 862.262 12.4 859.625 862.228 12.5 857.706 862.188 12.6 855.617 862.121 12.7 855.53 862.045 12.8 855.483 860.985 12.9 855.451 859.948 13 855.215 859.309 13.1 855.142 858.141 13.2 855.104 857.789 13.3 855.081 857.514 13.4 855.066 855.732 13.5 854.987 855.259 13.6 854.912 855.128 13.7 854.87 855.059 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10-year A14 100-year 28.7 854.203 854.483 28.8 854.202 854.483 28.9 854.202 854.484 29 854.202 854.484 29.1 854.202 854.484 29.2 854.202 854.484 29.3 854.202 854.484 29.4 854.202 854.484 29.5 854.201 854.484 29.6 854.201 854.484 29.7 854.201 854.484 29.8 854.201 854.484 29.9 854.201 854.484 30 854.201 854.484 30.1 854.201 854.484 30.2 854.201 854.484 30.3 854.201 854.484 30.4 854.201 854.484 30.5 854.201 854.484 30.6 854.201 854.484 30.7 854.201 854.484 30.8 854.201 854.484 30.9 854.201 854.484 31 854.201 854.484 31.1 854.2 854.484 31.2 854.2 854.484 31.3 854.2 854.485 31.4 854.2 854.485 31.5 854.2 854.485 31.6 854.2 854.485 31.7 854.2 854.485 31.8 854.2 854.485 31.9 854.2 854.485 32 854.2 854.485 32.1 854.2 854.485 32.2 854.2 854.485 32.3 854.2 854.485 32.4 854.2 854.485 32.5 854.2 854.485 32.6 854.2 854.485 32.7 854.2 854.485 32.8 854.2 854.485 32.9 854.2 854.485 33 854.2 854.486 33.1 854.2 854.486 33.2 854.2 854.486 33.3 854.2 854.486 33.4 854.2 854.486 \\barr.com\projects\Mpls\23 MN\27\2327354\WorkFiles\2020\SW\Potential 2020 updates\7001 France Ave\02 Tech Memo\7001 France Ave Existing Conditions Review 20201029.docx Time (hr) Stage Hydrograph (NGVD29, ft) A14 10-year A14 100-year 33.5 854.2 854.486 33.6 854.2 854.486 33.7 854.2 854.486 33.8 854.2 854.486 33.9 854.2 854.486 34 854.2 854.486 34.1 854.2 854.486 34.2 854.2 854.487 34.3 854.2 854.487 34.4 854.2 854.487 34.5 854.2 854.487 34.6 854.2 854.487 34.7 854.2 854.487 34.8 854.2 854.487 34.9 854.2 854.487 35 854.2 854.488 35.1 854.2 854.488 35.2 854.2 854.331 35.3 854.2 854.23 35.4 854.2 854.214 35.5 854.2 854.208 35.6 854.2 854.205 35.7 854.2 854.203 35.8 854.2 854.202 35.9 854.2 854.202 36 854.2 854.201 36.1 854.2 854.201 36.2 854.2 854.201 36.3 854.2 854.2 36.4 854.2 854.2 36.5 854.2 854.2 36.6 854.2 854.2 36.7 854.2 854.2 36.8 854.2 854.2 36.9 854.2 854.2 37 854.2 854.2 37.1 854.2 854.2 37.2 854.2 854.2 37.3 854.2 854.2 37.4 854.2 854.2 37.5 854.2 854.2 37.6 854.2 854.2 37.7 854.2 854.2 37.8 854.2 854.2 37.9 854.2 854.2 38 854.2 854.2 38.1 854.2 854.2 38.2 854.2 854.2 \\barr.com\projects\Mpls\23 MN\27\2327354\WorkFiles\2020\SW\Potential 2020 updates\7001 France Ave\02 Tech Memo\7001 France Ave Existing Conditions Review 20201029.docx Time (hr) Stage Hydrograph (NGVD29, ft) A14 10-year A14 100-year 38.3 854.2 854.2 38.4 854.2 854.2 38.5 854.2 854.2 38.6 854.2 854.2 38.7 854.2 854.2 38.8 854.2 854.2 38.9 854.2 854.2 39 854.2 854.2 39.1 854.2 854.2 39.2 854.2 854.2 39.3 854.2 854.2 39.4 854.2 854.2 39.5 854.2 854.2 39.6 854.2 854.2 39.7 854.2 854.2 39.8 854.2 854.2 39.9 854.2 854.2 40 854.2 854.2 Date: November 10, 2020 To: Cary Teague – Community Development Director Chad Millner, PE – Director of Engineering Cc: 7001 France Avenue, Owner and Development Team From: Andrew Scipioni – Transportation Planner Re: 7001 France Avenue – Transportation Review Mortenson and Orion Investments are proposing to redevelop 7001 France Avenue, currently occupied by U.S. Bank. The proposed redevelopment would replace the existing building with four distinct buildings containing 379 residential units, 152,500 square feet of office space, 3,300 square feet of retail space, a 6,500-square-foot bank and a 1,500-square-foot coffee shop without a drive-thru. Spack Solutions completed a traffic impact study (TIS) for this project on behalf of the City. This memo will review the findings of the TIS and other transportation impacts of the proposed development. Trip Generation Spack analyzed trip generation using two methods. One method is based on the trip generation rates for various land uses in the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual, 10 th Edition. This manual provides national average traffic generation rates for different land uses. The second method is based on trip generation rates generated from local data collected by Spack. The local data estimates that the proposed development will generate 8,100 total new trips (over 1,300 more than the ITE data). Figure 1 shows the distribution of new trips by land use. Figure 1: Trip Generation by Land Use (Local data supplemented by ITE) 5068 63% 1548 19% 82 1% 124 1%728 9% 550 7% Supermarket Multi-Family Housing Shopping Center Coffee/Donut Shop General Office Drive-In Bank attachment 2 Spack’s analysis shows that almost 5,100 (over 60%) of the total new trips will be generated by the proposed supermarket, with the residential and business uses accounting for 19% and 9% of the total new trips, respectively. Capacity Analysis Four roadway corridors surrounding the site were studied by Spack (France and York Avenues, West 70 th Street and Hazelton Road), as well as 10 adjacent intersections along those corridors (see Figure 2). Figure 2: Study Intersections All study corridors are projected to operate within their planning level capacities (volume-to-capacity ratio of less than 1.0) through the 2040 build scenario. However, West 70 th Street between France and York Avenues is projected to approach the almost congested level (volume-to-capacity ratio near 0.8) in the 2025 and 2040 build scenarios. All signalized and roundabout study intersections are projected to operate with acceptable overall intersection delays through the 2040 build scenario except for France Avenue and West 70 th Street. This intersection experiences overall delays at Level of Service (LOS) E during the 2025 and 2040 build scenarios. Additionally, higher than preferred queuing is experienced for specific movements at each signalized study intersection. These queues are a product of the extended cycle lengths and green time given to France and York Avenues. Except for at France Avenue and West 70th Street, updated signal timing removes the queuing conditions at these intersections and return queues to similar or less than the existing scenario. The deficiencies at France Avenue and West 70th Street are recommended by Spack to be addressed by: 1. Constructing a dedicated northbound right turn lane for the existing RIRO development access; 2. Converting the existing eastbound dedicated right turn lane into a shared through/right turn lane; and 3. Constructing a second eastbound through lane east of France Avenue that converts into a dedicated right turn lane for the proposed RIRO development access. While these recommendations improve level of service for vehicles, they may have negative impacts on other modes of transportation. Adding a second eastbound through lane will likely require converting the existing shared on-street bike lane to an off-street facility shared with pedestrians. Additional public right-of-way would likely be required along France Avenue and West 70 th Street to accommodate the recommended additional vehicle lanes, boulevards and shared pedestrian and bicycle facilities. Spack also noted that if traffic volumes remain lower than 2018 levels due to the current effects of the COVID- 19 pandemic, all study intersections are forecast to operate acceptably without mitigation. Parking Analysis City Code requires a minimum of 1,385 parking stalls for this mixed-use development and 1,202 parking stalls are proposed on-site. Spack evaluated parking demand for the proposed development using national parking demand data from ITE’s Parking Generation, 5th Edition and Twin Cities data collected by Spack. Table 1 compares the number of proposed parking stalls with the City requirements and estimated demand. Land Use National Data (ITE) Local Data (Spack) Proposed Required by City Code Residential (mid rise) 144 75 Residential (high rise) 264 183 Residential Subtotal 408 258 496 664 Non-Residential (office) 365 217 Non-Residential (supermarket) 147 182 Non-Residential (shopping center) 6 21 Non-Residential (bank) 24 33 Non-Residential (coffee/donut shop) 16 16 Non-Residential Subtotal 558 469 706 721 Total 966 727 1,202 1,385 Table 1: Proposed Parking Stalls vs. City Requirements and Estimated Demand Spack recommended that a parking variance be granted as the proposed parking supply exceeds the estimated parking demand based on both national and local data. Multi-Modal Facilities 7001 France Avenue is currently bordered by a 5’ boulevard-style sidewalk along West 70 th Street to the north and an 8’ boulevard-style concrete path along France Avenue to the west. Shared bike lanes are present along West 70th Street to the north. There are a small number of internal sidewalks and no pedestrian or bicycle connections to either neighboring property (Brandon Square Mall to the east and Rue de France mall to the South) other than along the France Avenue or West 70 th Street. The site is less than a 1/10 mile from the Edina Promenade, which provides walking and biking connections to Centennial Lakes Park and the Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail. The only new facilities proposed by the 2018 Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan adjacent to the site are buffered bike lanes on France Avenue. While there are no transit stops immediately adjacent to 7001 France Avenue, Metro Transit operates several routes nearby accessible by existing pedestrian and bicycle facilities: Local Routes 6 and 538 have stops less than ¼ mile away (less than a 5-minute walk) along West 70 th Street and Hazelton Road, respectively. These routes connect to the Southdale Transit Center and several commercial/industrial areas in southeastern Edina; Uptown and Downtown Minneapolis; Best Buy Corporate Headquarters in Richfield; and Southtown and the Mall of America/South Loop in Bloomington. Express Route 578 has stops less than ½ mile away (less than a 10-minute walk) along York Avenue. This route connects southeastern Edina to Downtown Minneapolis. In addition to these existing routes, Metro Transit is in the process of developing the E Line bus rapid transit (BRT) service, which will replace portions of Local Route 6 with faster and more reliable service. The southernmost stop, at the Southdale Transit Center, will be less than ½ mile from 7001 France Avenue (or less than a 10-minute walk). The E Line is proposed to operate along France Avenue between Southdale, Uptown/Downtown Minneapolis and the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities campus. Pending full funding, construction could begin as early as 2023. Compliance with Transportation Plans/Policies Table 2 details the ways in which the proposed redevelopment supports current City transportation plans and policies. Table 2: Compliance with Transportation Plans/Policies 2018 Comprehensive Plan Goal Assessment 1. Improve mobility for residents, visitors and businesses with a balanced system of transportation alternatives for transit users, pedestrians, bicyclists and motorists. The project provides facilities for pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists and shared mobility users. 2. Implement a fully multi-modal transportation system that supports the land use vision and future land use plan for managing and shaping future growth. The project provides facilities for pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists and shared mobility users. 3. Minimize the impacts of the transportation system on Edina’s environment and neighborhood quality of life and emphasize methods to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Sketch plan narrative notes electric vehicle (EV) charging stations will be included on-site and the development questionnaire notes that 50% of the private parking levels will be wired for future electric vehicle charging. Staff recommends installing EV chargers for a minimum of 5% of proposed parking (61 stalls) in addition to wiring 45% (540 stalls) for EV conversion in the future. These stalls should be in convenient locations near primary building entrances. 4. Reduce the overall dependence on and use of single - occupancy vehicles by promoting land use patterns that allow for shorter vehicle trips and the use of alternative travel options. The project promotes walking and biking with varied adjacent land uses and facilities for pedestrians and bicyclists. 6. Encourage and support attractive and reliable high- performance transit service and connections. The applicant should consider providing directional signage/information for local transit services or subsidizing transit passes for tenants and employees. 7. Develop and manage parking provisions to encourage joint and shared use of facilities, ride- sharing and bicycle parking. Sketch plan narrative notes on-site parking stalls for car sharing service (i.e. HourCar) will be included. These stalls should be in convenient locations near primary building entrances. The project is proposed to include a minimum of 61 bicycle parking stalls, 5% of the proposed parking stalls per City Code. These parking stalls should be in convenient, well-lit locations within 50’ of a public entrance to a principal building. Rack style and spacing should follow the recommendations of the Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals (APBP). A bike repair station is also proposed for the site and should be located adjacent to bike parking. 9. Provide for efficient movement of goods within Edina, while minimizing the impacts of freight traffic on other trips and reducing negative impacts on land uses on freight corridors. Turning movements and travel routes for delivery vehicles should be reviewed by the applicant. Steps should be taken to minimize the impact of delivery vehicles on pedestrian and bicycle movement through the site (additional signage, designated delivery zones, etc.) 13. Provide and maintain adequate access to and from, and safety on, local and regional roadway adjacent to community redevelopment and other activity that potentially impacts the City of Edina. Proposed trees, vegetation, signage and other items adjacent to intersections should maintain a clear view zone as defined in Section 26-190 of City Code. 14. Manage, maintain and operate roadways to maximize wherever possible the safety and mobility of all users and all modes. Proposed sidewalks/trails along France Avenue and West 70th Street should maintain 8’ minimum width to accommodate shared pedestrian and bicycle traffic. The existing vegetated boulevards should be maintained or widened to improve user safety and comfort. Living Streets Plan (2015) Principle Explanation 2. Living Streets provide access and mobility for all transportation modes while enhancing safety and convenience for all users. The project provides accommodations for motorists, cyclists and pedestrians. 4. The City will require new developments to provide interconnected street and sidewalk networks that connect to existing or planned streets or sidewalks on the perimeter of the development. The project includes network of internal streets and sidewalks that connect to existing facilities along the perimeter of the development. 10. Living Streets are designed and built with coordination between business and property owners along commercial corridors to develop vibrant commercial districts. The applicant should consider additional pedestrian and bicycle crossings/connections to Brandon Square Mall to the east and Rue de France mall to the south. 13. Living Streets will improve the current and future quality of life for the public. The proposed boulevard-style sidewalk along France Avenue will improve pedestrian safety and comfort adjacent to the property. Similar style sidewalks should be considered along West 70 th Street and along the proposed internal streets. Greater Southdale District Plan (2018) Transportation Goals Explanation 1-A. Regional Roadway Access Maintain adequate regional vehicle accessibility while also minimizing its negative impacts on Greater Southdale area circulation, not only regarding cars and vehicle deliveries, but also transit and bicycle usage, and pedestrian convenience and comfort. The project is expected to result in unacceptable peak hour delays at France Avenue and West 70th Street (LOS E) for the 2025 and 2040 build scenarios. Signal timing updates are recommended to mitigate this effect. 1-B. Street Grid Establish a district-wide grid system based on blocks that are approximately 200’ x 200’. Grids are highly connected street networks that are essential for neighborhoods that balance public and private life. To the extent that grids enhance property access, they are important for unlocking land value, increasing economic benefits. The site is proposed to be divided into four “development pads” with internal streets and sidewalks. 1-C. Internal Roadways Develop prototype streetscape designs for new streets/roadways created as part of and to service redevelopment, and for possible redesign of existing streets/roadways, emphasizing legibility, pedestrian safety and comfort, street trees and other greenery, energy- efficient, pedestrian-scale lighting, and sustainability and stormwater management techniques. Sketch plan identifies amenities like boulevard trees, marked crosswalks, and stormwater management features. 1-E. Mobility Hub Develop a strategy for a mobility hub(s) that would: 1. Connect different modes of travel – walking, biking, transit, and shared mobility; 2. Integrate information technology to help travelers find, access and pay for transit and on-demand shared mobility services; and Enhance mobility for travelers of all ages and abilities. Sketch plan narrative notes on-site parking stalls for car sharing service (i.e. HourCar) will be included. These stalls should be placed in visible, convenient locations near pedestrian and bicycle facilities. Some exposed parking stalls could be converted to shared bike/scooter parking in the future. 1-G. Parking and Loading Develop a plan to establish public District shared parking facilities in key locations to service public facilities and/or to augment private parking. Future-proof parking structures by requiring flexibility and adaptability in above-ground parking structure for possible future changes in use, addressing such issues as floor-to-ceiling height and other relevant features. The proposed parking supply exceeds estimated demand by 236-472 stalls, allowing additional capacity for shared district parking. 2-A. Signature/Gateway Roadways Transform France Avenue, York Avenue, and West 66 th Street with traffic-calming measures and beautification measures to discourage an increase in through traffic, enhance pedestrian/bicyclist/transit user safety and comfort, promote adjacent neighborhood livability, and establish a deeper sense of arrival and sense of place for the Greater Southdale District. Extend the identity of the Greater Southdale District beyond its edges while conversely sharing the value of its amenity with neighboring residential areas, i.e. establishing a seam rather than a border. Sketch plan narrative identifies amenities along France Avenue like boulevard trees, rain gardens, gathering areas and an “entry plaza” at the corner of France Avenue and West 70th Street. 2-B Pedestrian Circulation Create additional opportunities for pedestrians to safely and comfortably cross France and York Avenues by increasing the number of signalized intersections, including mid-block connections or other measures where appropriate, thus reducing the posted speed on these streets and facilitating a slower and more effective traffic signal progression for through traffic. Determine design and costs for: 1. New pedestrian/bike/vehicular intersections; and 2. New pedestrian/bike intersections. Create expanded sidewalks, with double rows of tree canopy, on France Avenue, York Avenue, and West 66 th Street. Sketch plan proposes two pedestrian/bicycle facilities along France Avenue (one straight and wide, one meandering and narrow), with rows of trees, vegetation and landscaping on either side. 2-C. Bicycle System and Facilities Provide a continuous, on-site route for bicycles that is connected to east/west streets penetrating the site and to provide access to the adjacent neighborhoods. Applicant should consider widening internal sidewalks to 8’ (minimum) to accommodate shared pedestrian and bicycle use or install bicycle pavement markings on internal streets. Applicant should consider directional signage to the Edina Promenade and the Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail. Travel Demand Management Opportunities The applicant has proposed several strategies to support alternative modes of transportation to, from and within the site and reduce the impact of motor vehicles in the neighborhood. These include: EV charging stations Bicycle parking and a bicycle repair station Internal and perimeter sidewalks with boulevard trees, landscaping, and other buffers between motor vehicle traffic Marked pedestrian crosswalks Designated parking stalls for car sharing service (i.e. HourCar) Other strategies to consider implementing (as previously mentioned) include: Designating 5% of proposed parking (61 stalls) for EVs and making an additional 5% (61 stalls) equipped for EV conversion in the future. These stalls should be in convenient locations near primary building entrances. Installing bicycle parking stalls in convenient, well-lit locations within 50’ of a public entrance to a principal building. Rack style and spacing should follow the recommendations of the Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals (APBP). The proposed bike repair station should be located adjacent to bike parking. Widening internal sidewalks to 8’ (minimum) to accommodate shared pedestrian and bicycle use or installing bicycle pavement markings on internal streets. Maintaining or widening the existing vegetated boulevards to improve user safety and comfort. Providing additional pedestrian and bicycle crossings/connections to Brandon Square Mall to the east and Rue de France mall to the south. Placing car sharing parking stalls in visible, convenient locations near pedestrian and bicycle facilities. Minimizing the impact of delivery vehicles on pedestrian and bicycle movement through the site (directional signage, designated delivery zones, etc.). Providing directional signage/information for transportation amenities (adjacent transit services, bicycle parking, car sharing, adjacent parks/trails). Subsidizing transit passes for tenants and employees. Transportation Commission Comments Members of the Transportation Commission were given an opportunity to provide comments on the TIS and other transportation impacts of the proposed development. These comments are reflective of individual Commissioners, not the entire Commission; Support pedestrian and bicycle connections to neighboring properties (Brandon Square Mall and Rue de France). Support the bike repair station. Support reviewing turning movements and travel routes for delivery vehicles. Disappointed in lack of a balanced multi-modal approach that accommodates pedestrians and bicycles equally to vehicles. Recommend more than 61 proposed bike parking stalls given the retail uses in the area. Recommend abiding by the assumption that vehicle traffic will return to normal levels after the pandemic and considering the parking/capacity analyses accordingly. Recommend reviewing delivery vehicle parking accommodations. Recommend shared use paths be a minimum of 8’ and preferable 10’ to separate bicycles from pedestrians. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 12000 13000 14000Pressure (psi)Flow (gpm) 70TH AND FRANCE REDEVELOPMENT Flow Curve Hydrant Flow Curve Hydraulic Model Assumtions: Average day demand, Water towers at 10' below overflow, Well Pumps OFF Static Pressure +/-87 psi Fire Flow = 7,000 gpm @ 20 psi attachment 3 INPUT DESCRIPTIONINPUT VALUEUNITSOUTPUT DESCRIPTIONOUTPUT VALUEUNITSUNITSVINEdina CobraAVERAGE TIRE TURNING ANGLE LEFT39.7DEGREESWHEELBASE258INCHESAVERAGE TIRE TURNING ANGLE RIGHT39.7DEGREESFRONT AXLESteerTek 24KAVERAGE REAR AXLE TURNING RADIUS LEFT310.7INCHES25.9FEETFRONT AXLE KPI70.87INCHESAVERAGE REAR AXLE TURNING RADIUS RIGHT310.7INCHES25.9FEETFRONT AXLE TRACK95.01INCHESOUTSIDE REAR AXLE TURNING RADIUS LEFT361.7INCHES30.1FEETFRONT TIREMichelin XFE 425/65R22.5OUTSIDE REAR AXLE TURNING RADIUS RIGHT361.7INCHES30.1FEETFRONT TIRE OVERALL WIDTH16.6INCHESINSIDE REAR AXLE TURNING RADIUS LEFT259.7INCHES21.6FEETFRONT WHEELAlcoa 12.25 X 22.5 AlINSIDE REAR AXLE TURNING RADIUS RIGHT259.7INCHES21.6FEETFRONT WHEEL INSET4.68INCHESFRONT AXLE TO FRONT OF GRILL79.37INCHESFRONT BUMPER LENGTH24INCHESFRONT BUMPER WIDTH102INCHESFRONT BUMPER CORNER RADIUS (R) OR CHAMFER (C)? RFRONT BUMPER CORNER RADIUS9 INCHESLEFT TURN CRAMP INSIDE ANGLE43DEGREESLEFT TURN CRAMP OUTSIDE ANGLE36.41DEGREESRIGHT TURN CRAMP INSIDE ANGLE43DEGREESRIGHT TURN CRAMP OUTSIDE ANGLE36.41DEGREESOUTPUT DESCRIPTIONOUTPUT VALUEUNITSUNITSTURNING RADIUS LEFT441.5INCHES36.8FEETTURNING RADIUS RIGHT441.5INCHES36.8FEETCURB‐TO‐CURB RADIUS LEFT449.8INCHES37.5FEETCURB‐TO‐CURB RADIUS RIGHT449.8INCHES37.5FEETWALL‐TO‐WALL RADIUS LEFT507.6INCHES42.3FEETWALL‐TO‐WALL RADIUS RIGHT507.6INCHES42.3FEETRosenbauer Motors v. 10282015mjbTURNING RADIUS CALCULATIONS BASED ON AVERAGE OF INNER AND OUTER FRONT WHEEL CRAMP ANGLESattachment 4a INPUT DESCRIPTIONINPUT VALUEUNITSOUTPUT DESCRIPTIONOUTPUT VALUEUNITSUNITSVINEdina PumpersAVERAGE TIRE TURNING ANGLE LEFT40.6DEGREESWHEELBASE203INCHESAVERAGE TIRE TURNING ANGLE RIGHT40.6DEGREESFRONT AXLESteerTek 20KAVERAGE REAR AXLE TURNING RADIUS LEFT236.6INCHES19.7FEETFRONT AXLE KPI70.87INCHESAVERAGE REAR AXLE TURNING RADIUS RIGHT236.6INCHES19.7FEETFRONT AXLE TRACK95.01INCHESOUTSIDE REAR AXLE TURNING RADIUS LEFT287.6INCHES24.0FEETFRONT TIREX Multiway HD XZE 385OUTSIDE REAR AXLE TURNING RADIUS RIGHT287.6INCHES24.0FEETFRONT TIRE OVERALL WIDTH15.1INCHESINSIDE REAR AXLE TURNING RADIUS LEFT185.6INCHES15.5FEETFRONT WHEELAlcoa 12.25 X 22.5 AlINSIDE REAR AXLE TURNING RADIUS RIGHT185.6INCHES15.5FEETFRONT WHEEL INSET4.68INCHESFRONT AXLE TO FRONT OF GRILL79.37INCHESFRONT BUMPER LENGTH24INCHESFRONT BUMPER WIDTH102INCHESFRONT BUMPER CORNER RADIUS (R) OR CHAMFER (C)? RFRONT BUMPER CORNER RADIUS0.125 INCHESLEFT TURN CRAMP INSIDE ANGLE45DEGREESLEFT TURN CRAMP OUTSIDE ANGLE36.26DEGREESRIGHT TURN CRAMP INSIDE ANGLE45DEGREESRIGHT TURN CRAMP OUTSIDE ANGLE36.26DEGREESOUTPUT DESCRIPTIONOUTPUT VALUEUNITSUNITSTURNING RADIUS LEFT349.2INCHES29.1FEETTURNING RADIUS RIGHT349.2INCHES29.1FEETCURB‐TO‐CURB RADIUS LEFT356.7INCHES29.7FEETCURB‐TO‐CURB RADIUS RIGHT356.7INCHES29.7FEETWALL‐TO‐WALL RADIUS LEFT420.2INCHES35.0FEETWALL‐TO‐WALL RADIUS RIGHT420.2INCHES35.0FEETRosenbauer Motors v. 10282015mjbTURNING RADIUS CALCULATIONS BASED ON AVERAGE OF INNER AND OUTER FRONT WHEEL CRAMP ANGLESattachment 4b Date: November 10, 2020 To: Cary Teague – Community Development Director Chad Millner, PE – Director of Engineering Cc: 7001 France Avenue, Owner and Development Team From: Andrew Scipioni – Transportation Planner Re: 7001 France Avenue – Transportation Review Mortenson and Orion Investments are proposing to redevelop 7001 France Avenue, currently occupied by U.S. Bank. The proposed redevelopment would replace the existing building with four distinct buildings containing 379 residential units, 152,500 square feet of office space, 3,300 square feet of retail space, a 6,500-square-foot bank and a 1,500-square-foot coffee shop without a drive-thru. Spack Solutions completed a traffic impact study (TIS) for this project on behalf of the City. This memo will review the findings of the TIS and other transportation impacts of the proposed development. Trip Generation Spack analyzed trip generation using two methods. One method is based on the trip generation rates for various land uses in the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual, 10 th Edition. This manual provides national average traffic generation rates for different land uses. The second method is based on trip generation rates generated from local data collected by Spack. The local data estimates that the proposed development will generate 8,100 total new trips (over 1,300 more than the ITE data). Figure 1 shows the distribution of new trips by land use. Figure 1: Trip Generation by Land Use (Local data supplemented by ITE) 5068 63% 1548 19% 82 1% 124 1%728 9% 550 7% Supermarket Multi-Family Housing Shopping Center Coffee/Donut Shop General Office Drive-In Bank Spack’s analysis shows that almost 5,100 (over 60%) of the total new trips will be generated by the proposed supermarket, with the residential and business uses accounting for 19% and 9% of the total new trips, respectively. Capacity Analysis Four roadway corridors surrounding the site were studied by Spack (France and York Avenues, West 70 th Street and Hazelton Road), as well as 10 adjacent intersections along those corridors (see Figure 2). Figure 2: Study Intersections All study corridors are projected to operate within their planning level capacities (volume-to-capacity ratio of less than 1.0) through the 2040 build scenario. However, West 70 th Street between France and York Avenues is projected to approach the almost congested level (volume-to-capacity ratio near 0.8) in the 2025 and 2040 build scenarios. All signalized and roundabout study intersections are projected to operate with acceptable overall intersection delays through the 2040 build scenario except for France Avenue and West 70 th Street. This intersection experiences overall delays at Level of Service (LOS) E during the 2025 and 2040 build scenarios. Additionally, higher than preferred queuing is experienced for specific movements at each signalized study intersection. These queues are a product of the extended cycle lengths and green time given to France and York Avenues. Except for at France Avenue and West 70th Street, updated signal timing removes the queuing conditions at these intersections and return queues to similar or less than the existing scenario. The deficiencies at France Avenue and West 70th Street are recommended by Spack to be addressed by: 1. Constructing a dedicated northbound right turn lane for the existing RIRO development access; 2. Converting the existing eastbound dedicated right turn lane into a shared through/right turn lane; and 3. Constructing a second eastbound through lane east of France Avenue that converts into a dedicated right turn lane for the proposed RIRO development access. While these recommendations improve level of service for vehicles, they may have negative impacts on other modes of transportation. Adding a second eastbound through lane will likely require converting the existing shared on-street bike lane to an off-street facility shared with pedestrians. Additional public right-of-way would likely be required along France Avenue and West 70 th Street to accommodate the recommended additional vehicle lanes, boulevards and shared pedestrian and bicycle facilities. Spack also noted that if traffic volumes remain lower than 2018 levels due to the current effects of the COVID- 19 pandemic, all study intersections are forecast to operate acceptably without mitigation. Parking Analysis City Code requires a minimum of 1,385 parking stalls for this mixed-use development and 1,202 parking stalls are proposed on-site. Spack evaluated parking demand for the proposed development using national parking demand data from ITE’s Parking Generation, 5th Edition and Twin Cities data collected by Spack. Table 1 compares the number of proposed parking stalls with the City requirements and estimated demand. Land Use National Data (ITE) Local Data (Spack) Proposed Required by City Code Residential (mid rise) 144 75 Residential (high rise) 264 183 Residential Subtotal 408 258 496 664 Non-Residential (office) 365 217 Non-Residential (supermarket) 147 182 Non-Residential (shopping center) 6 21 Non-Residential (bank) 24 33 Non-Residential (coffee/donut shop) 16 16 Non-Residential Subtotal 558 469 706 721 Total 966 727 1,202 1,385 Table 1: Proposed Parking Stalls vs. City Requirements and Estimated Demand Spack recommended that a parking variance be granted as the proposed parking supply exceeds the estimated parking demand based on both national and local data. Multi-Modal Facilities 7001 France Avenue is currently bordered by a 5’ boulevard-style sidewalk along West 70 th Street to the north and an 8’ boulevard-style concrete path along France Avenue to the west. Shared bike lanes are present along West 70th Street to the north. There are a small number of internal sidewalks and no pedestrian or bicycle connections to either neighboring property (Brandon Square Mall to the east and Rue de France mall to the South) other than along the France Avenue or West 70 th Street. The site is less than a 1/10 mile from the Edina Promenade, which provides walking and biking connections to Centennial Lakes Park and the Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail. The only new facilities proposed by the 2018 Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan adjacent to the site are buffered bike lanes on France Avenue. While there are no transit stops immediately adjacent to 7001 France Avenue, Metro Transit operates several routes nearby accessible by existing pedestrian and bicycle facilities: Local Routes 6 and 538 have stops less than ¼ mile away (less than a 5-minute walk) along West 70 th Street and Hazelton Road, respectively. These routes connect to the Southdale Transit Center and several commercial/industrial areas in southeastern Edina; Uptown and Downtown Minneapolis; Best Buy Corporate Headquarters in Richfield; and Southtown and the Mall of America/South Loop in Bloomington. Express Route 578 has stops less than ½ mile away (less than a 10-minute walk) along York Avenue. This route connects southeastern Edina to Downtown Minneapolis. In addition to these existing routes, Metro Transit is in the process of developing the E Line bus rapid transit (BRT) service, which will replace portions of Local Route 6 with faster and more reliable service. The southernmost stop, at the Southdale Transit Center, will be less than ½ mile from 7001 France Avenue (or less than a 10-minute walk). The E Line is proposed to operate along France Avenue between Southdale, Uptown/Downtown Minneapolis and the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities campus. Pending full funding, construction could begin as early as 2023. Compliance with Transportation Plans/Policies Table 2 details the ways in which the proposed redevelopment supports current City transportation plans and policies. Table 2: Compliance with Transportation Plans/Policies 2018 Comprehensive Plan Goal Assessment 1. Improve mobility for residents, visitors and businesses with a balanced system of transportation alternatives for transit users, pedestrians, bicyclists and motorists. The project provides facilities for pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists and shared mobility users. 2. Implement a fully multi-modal transportation system that supports the land use vision and future land use plan for managing and shaping future growth. The project provides facilities for pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists and shared mobility users. 3. Minimize the impacts of the transportation system on Edina’s environment and neighborhood quality of life and emphasize methods to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Sketch plan narrative notes electric vehicle (EV) charging stations will be included on-site and the development questionnaire notes that 50% of the private parking levels will be wired for future electric vehicle charging. Staff recommends installing EV chargers for a minimum of 5% of proposed parking (61 stalls) in addition to wiring 45% (540 stalls) for EV conversion in the future. These stalls should be in convenient locations near primary building entrances. 4. Reduce the overall dependence on and use of single - occupancy vehicles by promoting land use patterns that allow for shorter vehicle trips and the use of alternative travel options. The project promotes walking and biking with varied adjacent land uses and facilities for pedestrians and bicyclists. 6. Encourage and support attractive and reliable high- performance transit service and connections. The applicant should consider providing directional signage/information for local transit services or subsidizing transit passes for tenants and employees. 7. Develop and manage parking provisions to encourage joint and shared use of facilities, ride- sharing and bicycle parking. Sketch plan narrative notes on-site parking stalls for car sharing service (i.e. HourCar) will be included. These stalls should be in convenient locations near primary building entrances. The project is proposed to include a minimum of 61 bicycle parking stalls, 5% of the proposed parking stalls per City Code. These parking stalls should be in convenient, well-lit locations within 50’ of a public entrance to a principal building. Rack style and spacing should follow the recommendations of the Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals (APBP). A bike repair station is also proposed for the site and should be located adjacent to bike parking. 9. Provide for efficient movement of goods within Edina, while minimizing the impacts of freight traffic on other trips and reducing negative impacts on land uses on freight corridors. Turning movements and travel routes for delivery vehicles should be reviewed by the applicant. Steps should be taken to minimize the impact of delivery vehicles on pedestrian and bicycle movement through the site (additional signage, designated delivery zones, etc.) 13. Provide and maintain adequate access to and from, and safety on, local and regional roadway adjacent to community redevelopment and other activity that potentially impacts the City of Edina. Proposed trees, vegetation, signage and other items adjacent to intersections should maintain a clear view zone as defined in Section 26-190 of City Code. 14. Manage, maintain and operate roadways to maximize wherever possible the safety and mobility of all users and all modes. Proposed sidewalks/trails along France Avenue and West 70th Street should maintain 8’ minimum width to accommodate shared pedestrian and bicycle traffic. The existing vegetated boulevards should be maintained or widened to improve user safety and comfort. Living Streets Plan (2015) Principle Explanation 2. Living Streets provide access and mobility for all transportation modes while enhancing safety and convenience for all users. The project provides accommodations for motorists, cyclists and pedestrians. 4. The City will require new developments to provide interconnected street and sidewalk networks that connect to existing or planned streets or sidewalks on the perimeter of the development. The project includes network of internal streets and sidewalks that connect to existing facilities along the perimeter of the development. 10. Living Streets are designed and built with coordination between business and property owners along commercial corridors to develop vibrant commercial districts. The applicant should consider additional pedestrian and bicycle crossings/connections to Brandon Square Mall to the east and Rue de France mall to the south. 13. Living Streets will improve the current and future quality of life for the public. The proposed boulevard-style sidewalk along France Avenue will improve pedestrian safety and comfort adjacent to the property. Similar style sidewalks should be considered along West 70 th Street and along the proposed internal streets. Greater Southdale District Plan (2018) Transportation Goals Explanation 1-A. Regional Roadway Access Maintain adequate regional vehicle accessibility while also minimizing its negative impacts on Greater Southdale area circulation, not only regarding cars and vehicle deliveries, but also transit and bicycle usage, and pedestrian convenience and comfort. The project is expected to result in unacceptable peak hour delays at France Avenue and West 70th Street (LOS E) for the 2025 and 2040 build scenarios. Signal timing updates are recommended to mitigate this effect. 1-B. Street Grid Establish a district-wide grid system based on blocks that are approximately 200’ x 200’. Grids are highly connected street networks that are essential for neighborhoods that balance public and private life. To the extent that grids enhance property access, they are important for unlocking land value, increasing economic benefits. The site is proposed to be divided into four “development pads” with internal streets and sidewalks. 1-C. Internal Roadways Develop prototype streetscape designs for new streets/roadways created as part of and to service redevelopment, and for possible redesign of existing streets/roadways, emphasizing legibility, pedestrian safety and comfort, street trees and other greenery, energy- efficient, pedestrian-scale lighting, and sustainability and stormwater management techniques. Sketch plan identifies amenities like boulevard trees, marked crosswalks, and stormwater management features. 1-E. Mobility Hub Develop a strategy for a mobility hub(s) that would: 1. Connect different modes of travel – walking, biking, transit, and shared mobility; 2. Integrate information technology to help travelers find, access and pay for transit and on-demand shared mobility services; and Enhance mobility for travelers of all ages and abilities. Sketch plan narrative notes on-site parking stalls for car sharing service (i.e. HourCar) will be included. These stalls should be placed in visible, convenient locations near pedestrian and bicycle facilities. Some exposed parking stalls could be converted to shared bike/scooter parking in the future. 1-G. Parking and Loading Develop a plan to establish public District shared parking facilities in key locations to service public facilities and/or to augment private parking. Future-proof parking structures by requiring flexibility and adaptability in above-ground parking structure for possible future changes in use, addressing such issues as floor-to-ceiling height and other relevant features. The proposed parking supply exceeds estimated demand by 236-472 stalls, allowing additional capacity for shared district parking. 2-A. Signature/Gateway Roadways Transform France Avenue, York Avenue, and West 66 th Street with traffic-calming measures and beautification measures to discourage an increase in through traffic, enhance pedestrian/bicyclist/transit user safety and comfort, promote adjacent neighborhood livability, and establish a deeper sense of arrival and sense of place for the Greater Southdale District. Extend the identity of the Greater Southdale District beyond its edges while conversely sharing the value of its amenity with neighboring residential areas, i.e. establishing a seam rather than a border. Sketch plan narrative identifies amenities along France Avenue like boulevard trees, rain gardens, gathering areas and an “entry plaza” at the corner of France Avenue and West 70th Street. 2-B Pedestrian Circulation Create additional opportunities for pedestrians to safely and comfortably cross France and York Avenues by increasing the number of signalized intersections, including mid-block connections or other measures where appropriate, thus reducing the posted speed on these streets and facilitating a slower and more effective traffic signal progression for through traffic. Determine design and costs for: 1. New pedestrian/bike/vehicular intersections; and 2. New pedestrian/bike intersections. Create expanded sidewalks, with double rows of tree canopy, on France Avenue, York Avenue, and West 66 th Street. Sketch plan proposes two pedestrian/bicycle facilities along France Avenue (one straight and wide, one meandering and narrow), with rows of trees, vegetation and landscaping on either side. 2-C. Bicycle System and Facilities Provide a continuous, on-site route for bicycles that is connected to east/west streets penetrating the site and to provide access to the adjacent neighborhoods. Applicant should consider widening internal sidewalks to 8’ (minimum) to accommodate shared pedestrian and bicycle use or install bicycle pavement markings on internal streets. Applicant should consider directional signage to the Edina Promenade and the Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail. Travel Demand Management Opportunities The applicant has proposed several strategies to support alternative modes of transportation to, from and within the site and reduce the impact of motor vehicles in the neighborhood. These include: EV charging stations Bicycle parking and a bicycle repair station Internal and perimeter sidewalks with boulevard trees, landscaping, and other buffers between motor vehicle traffic Marked pedestrian crosswalks Designated parking stalls for car sharing service (i.e. HourCar) Other strategies to consider implementing (as previously mentioned) include: Designating 5% of proposed parking (61 stalls) for EVs and making an additional 5% (61 stalls) equipped for EV conversion in the future. These stalls should be in convenient locations near primary building entrances. Installing bicycle parking stalls in convenient, well-lit locations within 50’ of a public entrance to a principal building. Rack style and spacing should follow the recommendations of the Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals (APBP). The proposed bike repair station should be located adjacent to bike parking. Widening internal sidewalks to 8’ (minimum) to accommodate shared pedestrian and bicycle use or installing bicycle pavement markings on internal streets. Maintaining or widening the existing vegetated boulevards to improve user safety and comfort. Providing additional pedestrian and bicycle crossings/connections to Brandon Square Mall to the east and Rue de France mall to the south. Placing car sharing parking stalls in visible, convenient locations near pedestrian and bicycle facilities. Minimizing the impact of delivery vehicles on pedestrian and bicycle movement through the site (directional signage, designated delivery zones, etc.). Providing directional signage/information for transportation amenities (adjacent transit services, bicycle parking, car sharing, adjacent parks/trails). Subsidizing transit passes for tenants and employees. Transportation Commission Comments Members of the Transportation Commission were given an opportunity to provide comments on the TIS and other transportation impacts of the proposed development. These comments are reflective of individual Commissioners, not the entire Commission; Support pedestrian and bicycle connections to neighboring properties (Brandon Square Mall and Rue de France). Support the bike repair station. Support reviewing turning movements and travel routes for delivery vehicles. Disappointed in lack of a balanced multi-modal approach that accommodates pedestrians and bicycles equally to vehicles. Recommend more than 61 proposed bike parking stalls given the retail uses in the area. Recommend abiding by the assumption that vehicle traffic will return to normal levels after the pandemic and considering the parking/capacity analyses accordingly. Recommend reviewing delivery vehicle parking accommodations. Recommend shared use paths be a minimum of 8’ and preferable 10’ to separate bicycles from pedestrians. Community & Neighborhood Meeting for AMENDED PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN 70TH & FRANCE EDINA, MN Oct. 13th, 2021 2 ESG | ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN | DESIGN DOC. - 70TH & FRANCE - EDINA, MN | 10.13.2021 PROJECT TEAM 3 ESG | ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN | DESIGN DOC. - 70TH & FRANCE - EDINA, MN | 10.13.2021 PROCESS TO DATE & SCHEDULE PROJECT DATES December 2020 - Approved by City Council Fall 2021 - Improved OC T. 5TH COMMUNITY AND NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING OCT. 13TH PLANNING COMMISSION HEARING & PRESENTATION NOV. 3RD CIT Y COUNCIL NOV. 16TH CIT Y COUNCIL FINAL ACTION (IF NEEDED) 4 ESG | ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN | DESIGN DOC. - 70TH & FRANCE - EDINA, MN | 10.13.2021 Approved and Improved - Maintained the core design principles from the Original Submission - Site is platted & easements in place - Adjusted to Market Conditions Ewing Avenue Improved o Eliminated vehicle parking access points o Ability to close Ewing for community events o Plaza more engaged with the entire site o Flexible retail/parking solution 5 ESG | ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN | DESIGN DOC. - 70TH & FRANCE - EDINA, MN | 10.13.2021 Less Traffic o 40% reduction from previous plan o No grocery traffic o Right turn lane on France Ave eliminated Connectivity Enhanced o Stand alone ramp will serve beyond site borders o Additional bike storage & service o Ramp designed to be a piece of art Less Density/Height o 31% less units o SE corner reduced from 9 stories to 7 stories o Office retail reduced by 3 stories 6 ESG | ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN | DESIGN DOC. - 70TH & FRANCE - EDINA, MN | 10.13.2021 SUMMARY OF CHANGES SITE A: The below grade parking was removed. Several activating spaces were added at the west level 1 street frontage along Ewing. The parking screening was enhanced. The 24 story residential tower’s massing was slightly revised. SITE B: The above grade parking formely at levels 2 through 5 was removed. One level of below parking remains. As before there are 5 levels of office above a podium of commercial retail and office lobby at street level. The building facade has been simplified and refined. SITE C: A parking structure that serves the district but will mainly serve the office parking needs of Site B has replaced the mulit-family building. 7 ESG | ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN | DESIGN DOC. - 70TH & FRANCE - EDINA, MN | 10.13.2021 DEVELOPMENT OVERVIEW SITE A ~490,000 GROSS SF ~267 DWELLING UNITS 317 RESIDENTIAL PARKING STALLS 127 COMMERCIAL PARKING STALLS PLAZA & POCKET PARK ~7,500 SF SITE B ~275,000 GROSS SF ~190,000 SF OFFICE ~35,000 SF COMMERCIAL OFFICE 128 BELOW GRADE PARKING STALLS SITE C ~170,000 GROSS SF ~1,300 SF BICYCLE FACILITY 540 PARKING STALLS SITE D - US BANK (PHASE 1) - SITE PLAN APPROVED 8 ESG | ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN | DESIGN DOC. - 70TH & FRANCE - EDINA, MN | 10.13.2021 SUMMARY OF CHANGES Approved and Improved Project Changes from Dec 2020 to Now - 31% less residential density (390 units to 270 units) - Office retail bldg. reduced from 10 stories to 7 stories - Multi-family tower height reduced by 15’ - Improved pedestrian activation on Ewing Ave 9 ESG | ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN | DESIGN DOC. - 70TH & FRANCE - EDINA, MN | 10.13.2021 BEFORE - FALL 202018 ESG | ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN | PREL. DEV. PLAN - 70TH & FRANCE - EDINA, MN | 10.16.2020 VIEW FROM NORTHWEST VIEW FROM NORTHWEST CURRENT - FALL 2021 10 ESG | ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN | DESIGN DOC. - 70TH & FRANCE - EDINA, MN | 10.13.2021 VIEW FROM FRANCE BEFORE - FALL 202019 ESG | ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN | PREL. DEV. PLAN - 70TH & FRANCE - EDINA, MN | 10.16.2020 VIEW FROM NORTHWEST CURRENT - FALL 2021 11 ESG | ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN | DESIGN DOC. - 70TH & FRANCE - EDINA, MN | 10.13.2021 VIEW FROM SOUTHWEST BEFORE - FALL 202020 ESG | ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN | PREL. DEV. PLAN - 70TH & FRANCE - EDINA, MN | 10.16.2020 VIEW LOOKING NORTH CURRENT - FALL 2021 12 ESG | ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN | DESIGN DOC. - 70TH & FRANCE - EDINA, MN | 10.13.2021 VIEW LOOKING WEST FROM 70TH BEFORE - FALL 202021 ESG | ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN | PREL. DEV. PLAN - 70TH & FRANCE - EDINA, MN | 10.16.2020 VIEW FROM NORTHEAST CURRENT - FALL 2021 13 ESG | ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN | DESIGN DOC. - 70TH & FRANCE - EDINA, MN | 10.13.2021 BEFORE - FALL 202027 ESG | ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN | PREL. DEV. PLAN - 70TH & FRANCE - EDINA, MN | 10.16.2020 VIEW LOOKING NORTHWEST CURRENT - FALL 2021 LOOKING NORTHWEST FROM 71ST 14 ESG | ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN | DESIGN DOC. - 70TH & FRANCE - EDINA, MN | 10.13.2021 BEFORE - FALL 202028 ESG | ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN | PREL. DEV. PLAN - 70TH & FRANCE - EDINA, MN | 10.16.2020 VIEW LOOKING NORTH CURRENT - FALL 2021 LOOKING NORTH DOWN EWING 15 ESG | ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN | DESIGN DOC. - 70TH & FRANCE - EDINA, MN | 10.13.2021 BEFORE - FALL 202029 ESG | ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN | PREL. DEV. PLAN - 70TH & FRANCE - EDINA, MN | 10.16.2020 VIEW FROM NORTHEAST CURRENT - FALL 2021 VIEW FROM NORTHEAST 16 ESG | ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN | DESIGN DOC. - 70TH & FRANCE - EDINA, MN | 10.13.2021 BEFORE - FALL 2020 CURRENT - FALL 2021 VIEW FROM EAST - TOWER SITE A 17 ESG | ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN | DESIGN DOC. - 70TH & FRANCE - EDINA, MN | 10.13.2021 BEFORE - FALL 2020 CURRENT - FALL 2021 RESIDENTIAL TOWER AT SITE A 'A' LEVEL L1 100' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L2 114' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L3 124' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L4 134' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L5 146' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L6 160' - 0" LEVEL L7 170' - 0" TOWER 7 170' - 0" TOWER 8 180' - 0" TOWER 9 190' - 0" TOWER 11 210' - 0" TOWER 12 220' - 0" TOWER 13 230' - 0" TOWER 14 240' - 0" TOWER 15 250' - 0" TOWER 16 260' - 0" TOWER 17 270' - 0" TOWER 18 280' - 0" TOWER 19 290' - 0" TOWER 20 300' - 0" TOWER 21 310' - 0" TOWER 22 320' - 0" TOWER 24 344' - 0" TOWER ROOF UPPER 356' - 0" LEVEL 10 200' - 0" TOWER 23 332' - 0"26' - 0"12' - 0"12' - 0"12' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"14' - 0"12' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"14' - 0"WINDOW WALL PRECAST PANEL (MULTIPLE COLORS) GLASS RAILING WINDOW WALL STONE PANEL PERFORATED METAL PANEL METAL PANEL ILLUMINATED METAL SCREEN COLORED PANEL #1 METAL PANEL STONE PANEL282' - 0"DARK STAINED CONCRETE CONCRETE PANEL #4 TOWER SCREEN WALL 382' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L1 100' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L2 114' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L3 124' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L4 134' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L5 146' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L6 160' - 0" LEVEL L7 170' - 0" TOWER 7 170' - 0" TOWER 8 180' - 0" TOWER 9 190' - 0" TOWER 11 210' - 0" TOWER 12 220' - 0" TOWER 13 230' - 0" TOWER 14 240' - 0" TOWER 15 250' - 0" TOWER 16 260' - 0" TOWER 17 270' - 0" TOWER 18 280' - 0" TOWER 19 290' - 0" TOWER 20 300' - 0" TOWER 21 310' - 0" TOWER 22 320' - 0" TOWER 24 344' - 0" TOWER ROOF UPPER 356' - 0" LEVEL 10 200' - 0"14' - 0" 10' - 0" 10' - 0" 12' - 0" 14' - 0" 10' - 0" 10' - 0" 10' - 0" 10' - 0" 10' - 0" 10' - 0" 10' - 0" 10' - 0" 10' - 0" 10' - 0" 10' - 0" 10' - 0" 10' - 0" 10' - 0" 10' - 0" 10' - 0" 12' - 0" 12' - 0" 12' - 0"26' - 0"TOWER 23 332' - 0" WINDOW WALL PRECAST PANEL (MULTIPLE COLORS) GLASS RAILING STONE PANEL STONE PANEL282' - 0"DARK STAINED CONCRETE WOOD LOOK PANELDARK STAINED CONCRETEMETAL PANEL#1 TOWER SCREEN WALL 382' - 0" Signature Typed or Printed Name License # Date PROJECT NUMBER DRAWN BY CHECKED BY ORIGINAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: KEY PLANNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota 10/16/2020 6:02:08 PMA0.30-ASITE A ELEVATIONS 220535 ESG ESG 70th & France 70th & France Edina, MN PRELIM DEVELOPMENT PLAN SUBMITTAL 10/16/2020 1/16" = 1'-0"A0.30-A 1 EAST ELEVATION 1/16" = 1'-0"A0.30-A 2 NORTH ELEVATION No. Description Date NORTH ELEVATION PRECAST PANEL GLAZED WALL SYSTEM METAL PERFORATED SCREEN AT PARKING (50% OPEN) 'A' LEVEL L1 870' - 9" 'A' LEVEL L2 114' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L3 124' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L4 134' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L5 144' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L6 156' - 0" TOWER 7 168' - 0" TOWER 8 177' - 8" TOWER 9 187' - 4" TOWER 11 206' - 8" TOWER 12 216' - 4" TOWER 13 226' - 0" TOWER 14 235' - 8" TOWER 15 245' - 4" TOWER 16 255' - 0" TOWER 17 264' - 8" TOWER 18 274' - 4" TOWER 19 284' - 0" TOWER 20 293' - 8" TOWER 21 303' - 4" TOWER 22 314' - 0" TOWER 24 335' - 4" TOWER ROOF UPPER 346' - 0" LEVEL 10 197' - 0"14' - 0" 10' - 0" 10' - 0" 10' - 0" 12' - 0" 12' - 0"9' - 8" 9' - 8" 9' - 8" 9' - 8" 9' - 8" 9' - 8" 9' - 8" 9' - 8" 9' - 8" 9' - 8" 9' - 8" 9' - 8" 9' - 8" 9' - 8"10' - 8" 10' - 8" 10' - 8" 10' - 8"19' - 0".TOWER 23 324' - 8"BUILDING HEIGHT 265' - 0"TOWER SCREEN WALL 360' - 0" METAL PANEL GLAZED WALL SYSTEM WOOD-LOOK METAL PANEL PRECAST PANEL PRECAST PANEL BALCONY RAILING SYSTEM METAL PANEL MECHANICAL SCREENING GLAZED WINDOW SYSTEM MECHANICAL SCREENING Signature Typed or Printed Name License # Date PROJECT NUMBER DRAWN BY CHECKED BY ORIGINAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: KEY PLANNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota 9/13/2021 8:05:45 PMA0.30-ASITE A ELEVATIONS 220535 ESG ESG 70th & France 70th & France Edina, MN PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN / PUD 09/13/2021 1/16" = 1'-0"A0.30-A 1 EAST ELEVATION 1/16" = 1'-0"A0.30-A 2 NORTH ELEVATION No. Description Date BEFORE - FALL 2020 CURRENT - FALL 2021 WEST ELEVATION 'A' LEVEL L1 100' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L2 114' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L3 124' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L4 134' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L5 146' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L6 160' - 0" LEVEL L7 170' - 0" TOWER 7 170' - 0" TOWER 8 180' - 0" TOWER 9 190' - 0" TOWER 11 210' - 0" TOWER 12 220' - 0" TOWER 13 230' - 0" TOWER 14 240' - 0" TOWER 15 250' - 0" TOWER 16 260' - 0" TOWER 17 270' - 0" TOWER 18 280' - 0" TOWER 19 290' - 0" TOWER 20 300' - 0" TOWER 21 310' - 0" TOWER 22 320' - 0" TOWER 24 344' - 0" TOWER ROOF UPPER 356' - 0" LEVEL 10 200' - 0" TOWER 23 332' - 0" WINDOW WALL CONCRETE PANEL (MULTIPLE COLORS) GLASS RAILING26' - 0"12' - 0"12' - 0"12' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"14' - 0"12' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"14' - 0"282' - 0"PERFORATED METAL PANEL STONE PANELWOOD LOOK PANEL TOWER SCREEN WALL 382' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L1 100' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L2 114' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L3 124' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L4 134' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L5 146' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L6 160' - 0" LEVEL L7 170' - 0" TOWER 7 170' - 0" TOWER 8 180' - 0" TOWER 9 190' - 0" TOWER 11 210' - 0" TOWER 12 220' - 0" TOWER 13 230' - 0" TOWER 14 240' - 0" TOWER 15 250' - 0" TOWER 16 260' - 0" TOWER 17 270' - 0" TOWER 18 280' - 0" TOWER 19 290' - 0" TOWER 20 300' - 0" TOWER 21 310' - 0" TOWER 22 320' - 0" TOWER 24 344' - 0" TOWER ROOF UPPER 356' - 0" LEVEL 10 200' - 0" TOWER 23 332' - 0" WINDOW WALL CONCRETE PANEL (MULTIPLE COLORS) GLASS RAILING 26' - 0"12' - 0"12' - 0"12' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"14' - 0"12' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"14' - 0"282' - 0"WOOD LOOK PANEL ILLUMINATED METAL SCREEN STONE#1 PANELWOOD LOOK PANELPERFERATED METAL PANEL#1CONCRETE PANEL #4METAL PANEL #1 TOWER SCREEN WALL 382' - 0" Signature Typed or Printed Name License # Date PROJECT NUMBER DRAWN BY CHECKED BY ORIGINAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: KEY PLANNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota 10/16/2020 6:02:08 PMA0.31-ASITE A ELEVATIONS 220535 Author Checker 70th & France 70th & France Edina, MN PRELIM DEVELOPMENT PLAN SUBMITTAL 10/16/2020 1/16" = 1'-0"A0.31-A 1 SOUTH ELEVATION 1/16" = 1'-0"A0.31-A 2 WEST ELEVATION No. Description Date 'A' LEVEL L1 870' - 9" 'A' LEVEL L2 114' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L3 124' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L4 134' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L5 144' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L6 156' - 0" TOWER 7 168' - 0" TOWER 8 177' - 8" TOWER 9 187' - 4" TOWER 11 206' - 8" TOWER 12 216' - 4" TOWER 13 226' - 0" TOWER 14 235' - 8" TOWER 15 245' - 4" TOWER 16 255' - 0" TOWER 17 264' - 8" TOWER 18 274' - 4" TOWER 19 284' - 0" TOWER 20 293' - 8" TOWER 21 303' - 4" TOWER 22 314' - 0" TOWER 24 335' - 4" TOWER ROOF UPPER 346' - 0" 'A' LEVEL L0.5 96' - 3" LEVEL 10 197' - 0" TOWER 23 324' - 8"BUILDING HEIGHT 265' - 0"TOWER SCREEN WALL 360' - 0" METAL PERFORATED SCREEN AT PARKING (50% OPEN)19' - 0".10' - 8"10' - 8"10' - 8"10' - 8"9' - 8"9' - 8"9' - 8"9' - 8"9' - 8"9' - 8"9' - 8"9' - 8"9' - 8"9' - 8"9' - 8"9' - 8"9' - 8"9' - 8"12' - 0"12' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"14' - 0"PRECAST PANEL GLAZED WALL SYSTEM METAL PANEL GLAZED WINDOW SYSTEM METAL PANEL METAL PERFORATED SCREEN AT PARKING (50% OPEN) BALCONY RAILING SYSTEM PRECAST PANEL GLAZING WINDOW SYSTEM METAL PANEL MECHANICAL SCREENING GLAZING WINDOW SYSTEM GLAZING GARAGE DOORS AT RETAIL SPACES PRECAST PANEL PRECAST PANEL BALCONY RAILING SYSTEM MECHANICAL SCREENING Signature Typed or Printed Name License # Date PROJECT NUMBER DRAWN BY CHECKED BY ORIGINAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: KEY PLANNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota 9/13/2021 8:05:46 PMA0.31-ASITE A ELEVATIONS 220535 Author Checker 70th & France 70th & France Edina, MN PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN / PUD 09/13/2021 1/16" = 1'-0"A0.31-A 1 SOUTH ELEVATION 1/16" = 1'-0"A0.31-A 2 WEST ELEVATION No. Description Date 18 ESG | ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN | DESIGN DOC. - 70TH & FRANCE - EDINA, MN | 10.13.2021 BEFORE - FALL 202033 ESG | ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN | PREL. DEV. PLAN - 70TH & FRANCE - EDINA, MN | 10.16.2020 VIEW FROM SOUTHWEST CURRENT - FALL 2021 VIEW FROM SOUTHWEST 19 ESG | ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN | DESIGN DOC. - 70TH & FRANCE - EDINA, MN | 10.13.2021 PLAZA POCKET PARK BEFORE - FALL 2020 - APPROX. 7000 SF CURRENT - FALL 2021 - APPROX. 7500 SF Not Enclosed ELEVATOR LOBBY GASGASGASGASFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOWATGASGASGASCTV CTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVCTVFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFO FOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFO FO FO FO FO FO FO FO FO FO FO FOTUGTUG CTVCTV CTV CTV CTV CTV CTV CTV CTV CTV CTV CTV CTV CTV CTV CTV X X XXX XFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFO FO FO FO FO FOXX X XPUGPUGPUGPUGPUGPUG PUG PUG PUG PUG PUG PUG PUG PUG PUG PUG STOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTO STO SANSANSANSANSANSANSANSTO WATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWAT WAT WAT WAT WAT WAT WAT WAT WAT WAT WAT WAT WAT WAT WATWEST 70TH STREET110N. LINE OF SEC. 32, TWP. 28, RGE. 24TWP. 28, RGE. 24 N89°50'44"E 505.00 S89°48'06"W 524.96N00°12'08"W 476.9728.27N44°49'18"E EE EEE EEM G G GT STSTSTST ST ST ST ST TV TV HHTTT TSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTO S (2) Rg (2) Rg(16) Dt(16) Dt(5) Rg (5) Rg(16) Dt (16) Dt(16) Dt (16) Dt (3) Rg (52) Dt(47) Cb(15) Ss(83) Sh(29) Ss (74) Sh (15) Ss (25) Sh (7) Cm (6) Cm(4) Cm (7) Cm (9) Cm (62) Dt (35) Dt (16) Hi (46) Hi (26) Hi (15) Hi (32) Hi (3) Cm(4) Cm (16) Dt (16) Dt (16) Dt (16) Dt (3) Cm(13) Cb (14) Cb (16) Dt (16) Dt (3) Rg (3) Rg (16) Dt (16) Dt (14) Cb (44) Sh (52) Ep (18) Sh (18) Ep (48) Sh (52) Ep (18) Sh (34) Sh (24) Sh (18) Sh(151) Dt(26) Sh(17) Sh(110) Dt (3) Rg (9) Gi(5) Up (2) Up (2) Up (1) Bn (2) Bn (2) Bn (1) Bn (8) As (6) Gs (2) Gc (1) As (1) As (2) Gc (1) Tg (1) Tg (1) Tg(1) Tg (2) As (4) Gc (1) As (1) As (2) Gc (2) Gc(1) As (1) As(1) Gc (1) Gc TREES CODE QTY COMMON / BOTANICAL NAME CONT CALAs 16 Sienna Glen Maple / Acer x freemanii `Sienna` TM B & B 4"CalBn 6 River Birch (Single Stem) / Betula nigra B & B 2.5"CalGi 9 Northern Acclaim Honey Locust / Gleditsia triacanthos inermis `Harve` TM B & B 8"Gs 6 Skyline Honey Locust / Gleditsia triacanthos `Skyline`B & B 4"CalGc 14 True North Kentucky Coffeetree / Gymnocladus dioica `UMNSynergy` TM B & B 4"CalTg 4 Greenspire Linden / Tilia cordata `Greenspire`B & B 4"CalUp 12 American Elm / Ulmus americana `Princeton`B & B 4"CalSHRUBSCODEQTYCOMMON / BOTANICAL NAME CONT Cm 44 Muskingum Dogwood / Cornus racemosa `Muszam`5 gal Hi 136 Invincibelle Wee White Hydrangea / Hydrangea arborescens `NCHA5` 5 gal Rg 26 Gro-Low Fragrant Sumac / Rhus aromatica `Gro-Low`5 gal Ss 59 Sem Ash Leaf Spirea / Sorbaria sorbifolia `Sem`5 gal GRASSES CODE QTY COMMON / BOTANICAL NAME CONT Cb 88 Korean Feather Reed Grass / Calamagrostis brachytricha 1 gal Dt 634 Tufted Hair Grass / Deschampsia cespitosa `Tardiflora`1 gal Sh 429 Prairie Dropseed / Sporobolus heterolepis 5 gal PERENNIALS CODE QTY COMMON / BOTANICAL NAME CONT Ep 122 Coneflower / Echinacea purpurea 5 gal GROUND COVERS CODE QTY COMMON / BOTANICAL NAME CONT S5 2,845 sf SOD x sod Sf 3,413 sf STORM FILTRATION PLANTINGS flat Perennial Plugs - Dip Irrigation Panicum Shenandoah (Red Switch Grass)/ P. virgatum `Shenandoah` Blue-Eyed Grass/ Sisyrinchium angustifolium PLANT SCHEDULECONCRETE PAVINGDECORATIVE PAVING ADECORATIVE PAVING BTURFPLANT BEDSTORM FILTRATION FEATURELANDSCAPE SITE PLAN HATCH LEGEND: LANDSCAPE PLANTING PLAN1 L1.1 20'40'10'0' SCALE:1"=20' PLAN NORTH A B C D SignatureTyped or Printed NameLicense # Date PROJECT NUMBER DRAWN BY CHECKED BY ORIGINAL ISSUE: REVISIONS: KEY PLANNOT FORCONSTRUCTIONI hereby certify that this plan, specification,orreport was prepared by me or under mydirectsupervision and that I am a duly licensedlandscape architect under the laws of the Stateof Minnesota 10/7/2020 9:06:34 PM20364 MG / JC TM 70th & France 70th & FranceEdina, MN NO R T HTRUENo.Description Date Terry Minarik42422 10-16-2020530 N THIRD ST, SUITE 120,MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55102PH: 612.333.3702 FAX: 515.288.8359www.thinkconfluence.com L1.1 LANDSCAPE PLANTING PLAN 20 ESG | ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN | DESIGN DOC. - 70TH & FRANCE - EDINA, MN | 10.13.2021 VIEW FROM NORTHWEST 21 ESG | ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN | DESIGN DOC. - 70TH & FRANCE - EDINA, MN | 10.13.2021 VIEW FROM FRANCE 22 ESG | ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN | DESIGN DOC. - 70TH & FRANCE - EDINA, MN | 10.13.2021 VIEW FROM SOUTHWEST 23 ESG | ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN | DESIGN DOC. - 70TH & FRANCE - EDINA, MN | 10.13.2021 VIEW LOOKING WEST FROM 70TH 24 ESG | ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN | DESIGN DOC. - 70TH & FRANCE - EDINA, MN | 10.13.2021 LOOKING NORTHWEST FROM 71ST 25 ESG | ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN | DESIGN DOC. - 70TH & FRANCE - EDINA, MN | 10.13.2021 LOOKING NORTH DOWN EWING 26 ESG | ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN | DESIGN DOC. - 70TH & FRANCE - EDINA, MN | 10.13.2021 VIEW FROM NORTHEAST 27 ESG | ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN | DESIGN DOC. - 70TH & FRANCE - EDINA, MN | 10.13.2021 VIEW FROM SOUTHWEST 28 ESG | ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN | DESIGN DOC. - 70TH & FRANCE - EDINA, MN | 10.13.2021 SITE C - EXTERIOR IMAGERY sheet number sheet title date 500 N 3rd Street, Suite 100, Minneapolis, MN 55401 612-345-2559 phase PIC drawn by MEB project number project name PRELIMINARY DEV / PUD License No.: Name: Signed: I hereby certify that this plan,specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the state of Minnesota REVISIONS consultants BIM 360://USB Parking Structure/21-008_USB ParkingStructure_mbergPEAX6.rvt9/13/2021 1:03:10PMA303 9/13/2021 SA PROJECT IMAGES 21-008 70th & FRANCE STREETSCAPE - WEST 71ST STREET, DAY CLADDING DETAIL STREETSCAPE - WEST 71ST STREET, DUSK CLADDING DETAIL NO. DATE DESCRIPTION 29 ESG | ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN | DESIGN DOC. - 70TH & FRANCE - EDINA, MN | 10.13.2021 VIEW FROM SOUTHWEST 30 ESG | ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN | DESIGN DOC. - 70TH & FRANCE - EDINA, MN | 10.13.2021 SUMMARY OF CHANGES ENTRY SLIGHTLY RELOCATED RESIDENTIAL TOWER REMAINS IN SAME LOCATION REMOVED CURB CUTS & ENHANCED PED. CONNECTONS ALONG LENGTH OF EWING AVE. OFFICE LOBBY SHIFTED SLIIGHTLY NORTH PLAZA & POCKET PARK RELOCATED TO SITE B & EWING AVE. AND REORGANIZED AND ENHANCED SITE C - PARKING STRUCTURE WITH BICYCLE FACILITY AT STREET LEVEL FRANCE AVE. DESIGN REMAINS AS BEFORE SITE D - US BANK SITE PLAN REMAINS AS APPROVED 71ST STREET REMAINS LARGELY UNCHANGED ENHANCED STREET SCAPE OF EWING AVE. ACTIVE USE FLEX COMMERCIAL SPACE ALONG EWING AT WEST SIDE OF SITE A DREW AVE. REMAINS LARGELY UNCHANGED 70TH STREET FRONTAGE REMAINS LARGELY UNCHANGED 31 ESG | ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN | DESIGN DOC. - 70TH & FRANCE - EDINA, MN | 10.13.2021 EWING AVENUE STREET FAIR 32 ESG | ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN | DESIGN DOC. - 70TH & FRANCE - EDINA, MN | 10.13.2021 EWING - ACTIVE STOREFRONTS 33 ESG | ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN | DESIGN DOC. - 70TH & FRANCE - EDINA, MN | 10.13.2021 PLAZA POCKET PARK & EWING 34 ESG | ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN | DESIGN DOC. - 70TH & FRANCE - EDINA, MN | 10.13.2021 EWING AVENUE STREET FAIR 35 ESG | ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN | DESIGN DOC. - 70TH & FRANCE - EDINA, MN | 10.13.2021 3D BIRD’S EYE 36 ESG | ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN | DESIGN DOC. - 70TH & FRANCE - EDINA, MN | 10.13.2021 SUMMARY OF CHANGES Approved and Improved Project Changes from Dec 2020 to Now - 31% less residential density (390 units to 270 units) - Office retail bldg. reduced from 10 stories to 7 stories - Multi-family tower height reduced by 15’ - Improved pedestrian activation on Ewing Ave 37 ESG | ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN | DESIGN DOC. - 70TH & FRANCE - EDINA, MN | 10.13.2021 THANK YOU QUESTIONS? 38 ESG | ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN | DESIGN DOC. - 70TH & FRANCE - EDINA, MN | 10.13.2021 39 ESG | ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN | DESIGN DOC. - 70TH & FRANCE - EDINA, MN | 10.13.2021 THANK YOU QUESTIONS? 40 ESG | ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN | DESIGN DOC. - 70TH & FRANCE - EDINA, MN | 10.13.2021 THANK YOU QUESTIONS? https://listings.contentstudios.media/v2/7001-france-ave-s-edina-mn-55435-1240379/branded