HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-10-28 HRA Regular Meeting MinutesMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OCTOBER 28, 2021 7:30 A.M. I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Hovland called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m. then explained the processes created for public comment. H. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Commissioners Jackson, Pierce, Staunton, and Chair Hovland. Absent: Commissioner Anderson. III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE IV. MEETING AGENDA APPROVED - AS PRESENTED Motion by Commissioner Jackson, seconded by Commissioner Pierce, approving the meeting agenda as presented. Roll call: Ayes: Commissioners Jackson, Pierce, Staunton, and Chair Hovland Motion carried. V. COMMUNITY COMMENT No one appeared. VI. CONSENT AGENDA ADOPTED - AS PRESENTED Member Pierce made a motion, seconded by Member Jackson, approving the consent agenda as presented: VI.A. Approve minutes of the Regular Meeting October 14, 2021 VI.B. Approve payment of claims, HRA check register dated September 2021, totaling $685,746.1 1 Rollcall: Ayes: Commissioners Jackson, Pierce, Staunton, and Chair Hovland Motion carried. The agenda was reordered to consider Item VII.B. prior to Item VII.A. VII. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS VII.B. RESOLUTION NO. 2021-13; ADOPTING SPENDING PLAN FOR UNALLOCATED TAX INCREMENT FINANCING FUNDS - ADOPTED Mr. Neuendorf said this item pertained to a spending plan for unallocated monies collected in the Pentagon Park, 70th & Cahill and Southdale 2 Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Districts. Recent changes in Minnesota statute allowed cities greater flexibility in spending unallocated monies to support redevelopment and housing efforts. A Spending Plan and related Policy had been prepared for future consideration by the City Council, after input has been obtained via a Public Hearing. He outlined the City's three TIF accounts and their amounts totaling $9,625,200 and recommended the City adopt a new spending plan for these funds to be invested in new project such as office, housing, renovations, or restaurants for example. He noted the funding could only be for private investment, nothing public, then added that funds would sunset by 2025. He shared how funds could be shared for projects such as the Edina Theater and identified other projects included in the proposed spending plan. Page 1 Minutes/HRA/October 28, 2021 Nick Anhut, Ehlers and Associates, provided further background on the proposed TIF district. The Board asked questions and provided feedback. Member Staunton moved to adopt Resolution No. 2021-13 Adopting A Spending Plan for The Southdale 2, Pentagon Park, And Wooddale/Valley View Tax Increment Financing Districts. Member Jackson seconded the motion. Roll call: Ayes: Commissioners Jackson, Pierce, Staunton, and Chair Hovland Motion carried. VII.A. 4917 EDEN AVENUE — REDEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING — APPROVED Economic Development Manager Neuendorf said this item pertained to the use of public financing to partially fund private redevelopment at 4917 Eden Avenue. Special counsel at Dorsey and Whitney had prepared a complete Redevelopment Agreement based on the Term Sheet presented to the Edina HRA in August 2021. This Agreement would also be presented to the City Council for consideration on November 3, 2021 and staff recommended this Redevelopment Agreement be approved. Reuter Walton Development had requested that Tax Increment Financing (TIF) be provided for the proposed redevelopment of commercial property at 4917 Eden Avenue. The redevelopment proposal would transform the aging commercial site into a modern mixed -use site that included both market -rate and affordable apartments as well as new commercial space. The developer secured preliminary rezoning approvals for the site and scheduled for final zoning approvals on November 3, 2021. Mr. Neuendorf spoke about the importance of providing enough funding as well as potential public roadway improvements not otherwise in our budget. The total development cost for the 2.08-acre site had risen to $85.0 million and Ehlers had scrutinized the financial pro forma and determined that the financial gap was approximately $5.1 million. Hennepin County and Edina Public Schools had been notified that the City and HRA were considering the use of TIF in this area and a public hearing was conducted on the potential TIF District on October 19. He spoke about public benefits such as public sidewalks and plaza, public art, future easements for mass transit, permanent easements for the 29 parking stalls, and 10,500 square feet of land for the future offramp and spoke about the included City's proposed diversity and equity goals. The Board asked questions and provided feedback. Member Jackson made a motion, seconded by Member Staunton, approving the Redevelopment Agreement as presented. Roll call: Ayes: Commissioners Jackson, Pierce, Staunton, and Chair Hovland Motion carried. VII.S. RESOLUTION NO. 2021-13, ADOPTING SPENDING PLAN FOR UNALLOCATED TAX INCREMENT FINANCING FUNDS This item was considered prior to Item VII.A. VII.C. S 146 EDEN AVENUE — REDEVELOPMENT PLANNING FOR RESTAURANT FACILITY— REVIEWED Mr. Neuendorf shared this item pertained to redevelopment of vacant property at 5146 Eden Avenue. The HRA had contracted with Frauenshuh to solicit experienced operators capable of delivering a dining and hospitality amenity. He said representatives from Frauenshuh Company had contacted potential operators of a new restaurant facility that could potentially be located on a portion of the HRA's property at 5146 Eden Avenue. Frauenshuh's outreach had been targeted to Page 2 Minmtes/HRA/Octwber 28,2$21 experienced hospitality groups who have successfully opened and operated unique restaurants that deliver an elevated dining experience in an environment that is welcoming Lofamilies and groups of friends and colleagues, and jester Concepts had expressed interest in this site and were capable of pursuing a new business opportunity to satisfy the HRA's timefrnme to redevelop this site in conjunction with new housing and new outdoor public space. Dave Anderson, Fnauenshuh, provided further information on the proposed project that would include multi -faceted restaurant dining product. Brent Frederick ester Concepts, 5108 Blake Road South, Edina, said he was excited to provide o restaurant concept in Edina that would include an elevated pizza concept, restaurant bar, event center and outdoor event space. Heshared their goal ofproviding alocal, elevated experience, with focused hospitality and lawn events year-round. He shared their proposed modern industrial design with shared parking with United Properties as well as on site with a nearby ramp, complimentary valet, and spoke about their multi -faceted vision that included fami|y-fmcua, brunch, date n\ght, etc., with future green space, pothvvays, and outdoor space for the public. The Board asked questions and provided feedback and was supportive of creating next steps for creation ofarestaurant facility mtS|46Eden Avenue. Vill. HRA COMMISSIONERS' COMMENTS —Received IX. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S COMMENTS—Receimd X1. ADJOURNMENT Motion made by Commissioner Staunton, seconded by Commissioner Jackson, to adjourn the meeting at9:00 a.m. Roll call: Ayes: Commissioners Jackson, Pierce, Staunton, and Chair Hovland Motion carried. Respectfully submitted,