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2021-12-30 Planning Commission Special Meeting Packet
Ag enda Planning Commission City Of E dina, Minnesota City H all, Council Cham ber s This Special Planning Commission is taking place because the December 15 meeting was cancelled, due to weather. Thursday, December 30, 2021 5:00 PM Watch the m eeting on cable TV or at EdinaMN.gov/LiveMeeting s or Facebook.com /EdinaMN. To participate in Public H ear ings: Call 800-374-0221. E nter Confer ence ID 9037387. . Give the operator your nam e, street address and telephone number. Press *1 on your telephone keypad when you would like to get in the queue to speak. A City sta9 m em ber will introduce you when it is your tur n. Or attend the meeting to provide testimony, City Hall Council Cham bers, 4801 W. 50th St. I.Ca ll To Ord er II.Roll Ca ll III.Approva l Of Meeting Agenda IV.Approva l Of Meeting Min u tes A.Min u tes: Pla n n ing Com m ission Novem b er 17, 2021 V.Com m u n ity Com m ent During "Community Comment," the Board/Commission will invite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. G enerally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board/Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Board/Commission might refer the matter to sta% for consideration at a future meeting. VI.Pu b lic Hea rings A.B-21-33: A 5 foot side ya rd setb ack variance at 6512 Aspen Road B.B-21-34 A 7.8 foot front ya rd setb ack variance at 6112 Arb our Ave. C.PUBLIC HE ARING: Prelim in ary and Fina l Plat for 5300 K elsey Terra ce VII.Rep orts/Recom m en d ation s A.Selection of the Ca h ill Area District Plan W orkin g Grou p VIII.Cha ir An d Mem ber Com m ents IX.Sta; Com m ents X.Adjournm en t The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampli>cation, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Date: December 30, 2021 Agenda Item #: I V.A. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: Minutes F rom:Liz O ls on, Administrative S upport S pecialist Item Activity: Subject:Minutes : P lanning C ommis s ion November 17, 2021 Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve the minutes from the N ovember 17, 2021 P lanning C ommission. I N TR O D U C TI O N: AT TAC HME N T S: Description Minutes Planning Commission November 17, 2021 Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: ___, 2021 Page 1 of 4 Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Planning Commission Edina City Hall Council Chambers November 17, 2021 I. Call To Order Chair Agnew called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. II. Roll Call Answering the roll call were: Commissioners Miranda, Berube, Strauss, Olsen, Alkire, Hayward, Barberot and Chair Agnew. Staff Present: Cary Teague, Community Development Director, Emily Bodeker, Assistant Planner, Liz Olson, Administrative Support Specialist. Absent from the roll call: Commissioner Bennett. III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda Removal of Item VI. B (Conditional Use Permit for 5701 Benton Avenue) by the applicant. Commissioner Berube moved to approve the November 17, 2021; agenda as amended. Commissioner Alkire seconded the motion. Motion carried. IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes A. Minutes: Planning Commission, October 27, 2021 Commissioner Berube moved to approve the October 27, 2021, meeting minutes. Commissioner Strauss seconded the motion. Motion carried. V. Community Comment None. VI. Public Hearings A. B-21-32 Setback Variance for a Freestanding Sign – 5050 France Avenue Assistant City Planner Bodeker presented the request of setback variance for a freestanding sign . Staff recommends approval of the setback variance, as requested subject to the findings and conditions listed in the staff report. Staff answered Commission questions. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: ___, 2021 Page 2 of 4 Appearing for the Applicant Mr. Joel Shirking addressed the Commission. Public Hearing None. Commissioner Strauss moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner Olsen seconded the motion. Motion carried. The Commission reviewed the variance. Motion Commissioner Alkire moved that the Planning Commission recommend approval to the City Council of the Setback Variance for a Freestanding Sign at 5050 France Avenue as outlined in the staff memo subject to the conditions and findings therein. Commissioner Berube seconded the motion. Motion carried. B. Conditional Use Permit – 5701 Benton Avenue Item was removed from the agenda by the applicant. C. Zoning Ordinance Amendment – Impervious Surface, Basement, 1-Foot Rule and Setback Definitions Director Teague presented the request for a Zoning Ordinance Amendment. Staff recommends approval of the Zoning Ordinance Amendment, as requested subject to the findings and conditions listed in the staff report. Public Hearing Mr. Scott Busyn, 46633 Arden Avenue, introduced himself and addressed the Commission. Ms. Julie Risser, 6112 Ashcroft Avenue, introduced herself and addressed the Commission. Commissioner Berube moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner Miranda seconded the motion. Motion carried. The Commission discussed the Zoning Ordinance Amendment with staff. Motion Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: ___, 2021 Page 3 of 4 Commissioner Olsen moved that the Planning Commission recommend approval to the City Council of the Zoning Ordinance Amendment as outlined in the staff memo subject to the conditions and findings therein. Commissioner Berube seconded the motion. Motion carried. VII. Reports/Recommendations A. Sketch Plan Review – 5780 Lincoln Drive (Londonderry Apartments) Director Teague presented the request of Londonderry Apartments for a Sketch Plan review . Staff answered Commission questions. Appearing for the Applicant Mr. Jason Lord, Solhem, Craig Hartman, Momentum Design Group addressed the Commission. The Commission asked questions of the applicant. The Commission reviewed the sketch plan and offered the following comments: Nice location with natural separation of trees and greenery Sidewalk should be pulled back from the building with a boulevard Parking could be less prominent for the guest parking May not be the best plan for the area Fits in well to the area and has all the buffers Likes the underground parking Likes the height and density of this plan Overall design is nice Would like to see more connectivity to surrounding areas Would like to see the developer incorporate rain gardens and solar panels with bike parking Good use of the space Bike parking area would be ideal Snack Area for bikers Connect the sidewalk on southwest side if possible Further setback from the freeway would be nice with more green space B. Sketch Plan Review – 4701 77th Street West Director Teague presented the request for a Sketch Plan Review. Staff answered Commission questions. Appearing for the Applicant Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: ___, 2021 Page 4 of 4 Mr. Sheldon Berg, DJR Architecture addressed the Commission. The Commission asked questions of the applicant. The Commission reviewed the sketch plan and offered the following comments: Likes the affordable aspect of the townhomes Gives a nice base with a nice look as well as activating the sidewalk Opportunity for activating the corner by opening up one or two units to commercial or retail Doors leading to the street make the townhomes engaging Odd having the driveway in the middle because it breaks up the community, should see about putting it in the back of the building Likes the idea of green roofs This project seems right for the sight and looks like it will fit Would like to see a connection of this project to the lot to the west as well as across the street Concerning to have the entrance to the garage on 77th because it would be hard to exit Likes the entry way but maybe put it on the corner Would like to make the entry street level more pedestrian friendly Good use of land with a clever design VIII. Correspondence and Petitions None. IX. Chair and Member Comments Received. X. Staff Comments Received. XI. Adjournment Commissioner Berube moved to adjourn the November 17, 2020, Meeting of the Edina Planning Commission at 9:02 PM. Commissioner Alkire seconded the motion. Motion carried. Date: December 30, 2021 Agenda Item #: VI.A. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:Emily Bodeker, As s is tant C ity P lanner Item Activity: Subject:B-21-33: A 5 foot side yard s etbac k variance at 6512 As pen R oad Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve the 5-foot side yard setback variance as requested. I N TR O D U C TI O N: T he applicant is requesting a five-foot side yard setback variance for a third stall garage addition. T he existing home currently has a two-car garage that sits roughly 16-18.6-feet from the side property line and a utility shed that is adjacent to the current garage. T he applicant would remove the utility shed to construct the proposed garage addition. T he subject property has a 5-foot utility easement that runs along the side property line. T he proposed garage and any overhang would not encroach into the 5-foot utility easement. With exception of the side yard setback, the proposed project meets all other zoning requirements. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Staff Report Engineering Memo Applicant Submittal Site Location Map Better Together Public Hearing Comment Report The subject property, 6512 Aspen Road is located on he north side of Aspen Road, just west of the intersection of Aspen Road and Tamarac Avenue. The existing structure is a split-level home with a two-car garage built in 1967. The applicant is requesting a five-foot side yard setback variance for a third stall garage addition. The existing home currently has a two-car garage that sits roughly 16-18.6-feet from the side property line and a utility shed that is adjacent to the current garage. The applicant would remove the utility shed to construct the proposed garage addition. The subject property has a 5-foot utility easement that runs along the side property line. The proposed garage and any overhang would not encroach into the 5-foot utility easement. With exception of the side yard setback, the proposed project meets all other zoning requirements. Surrounding Land Uses Northerly: Single Unit residential homes zoned R-1 and guided low-density residential Easterly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned R-1 and guided low-density residential. Southerly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned R-1 and guided low-density residential. Westerly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned R-1 and guided low-density residential. Existing Site Features The subject property, 6512 Aspen Road, was built in 1967. The lot is 12, 700.95 square feet and is located on the north side of Aspen Road, west of the intersection of Aspen Road and December 15, 2021 PLANNING COMMISSION Emily Bodeker, Assistant City Planner B-21-33, a 5-foot side yard setback variance for a garage addition at 6512 Aspen Road Information / Background: STAFF REPORT Page 2 Tamarac Avenue. The home has an existing two-car garage with a utility shed located adjacent to it. Planning Guide Plan designation: Low Density Residential Zoning: R-1, Single Dwelling Unit District Grading & Drainage The Environmental Engineer has reviewed the application and submitted comments as attached in their memorandum. Compliance Table City Standard Proposed North Side – Rear Yard West Side – Front Yard/Side Street South Side – Front Yard East Side – Side Yard 25 feet 30.4 feet 26.9 feet 10 feet 35.8 feet-existing 31.5 feet-existing 29.9 feet 5 feet* Building Coverage Lots greater than 9,000sf 25% 22.9% *Requires a variance STAFF REPORT Page 3 PRIMARY ISSUES & STAFF RECOMENDATION Primary Issue Is the proposed variance justified? Yes. Staff believes the variance criteria is met in this instance. Minnesota Statues and Edina Ordinances require that the following conditions must be satisfied affirmatively to grant a variance. The proposed variance will: 1) Relieve practical difficulties that prevent a reasonable use from complying with ordinance requirements. Reasonable use does not mean that the applicant must show the land cannot be put to any reasonable use without the variance. Rather, the applicant must show that there are practical difficulties in complying with the code and that the proposed use is reasonable. The proposed use is permitted in the R-1 Single Dwelling Unit District and the proposed addition complies with zoning standards with the exception of the side yard setback requirement. The practical difficulty is caused by the existing location of the home and the shape of the subject property. 2) There are circumstances that are unique to the property, not common to every similarly zoned property, and that are not self-created? The subject property is unique in shape which is not common to every property zoned R-1. The existing placement of the home is unique to the subject property and was not self-created by the applicant. The proposed addition conforms to all other zoning requirements. 3) Will the variance alter the essential character of the neighborhood? Granting the variance will not alter the character of the neighborhood. The addition will match the style of the existing house and will have similar setbacks to other properties in the neighborhood. Staff Recommendation Approve a 5-foot side yard setback variance for a garage addition at 6512 Aspen Road. Approval is subject to the following findings: 1. The proposal meets the variance criteria. The practical difficulty is caused by the existing location of the home and unique shape of the subject property. STAFF REPORT Page 4 2. The proposed addition is reasonable and was not self-created. 3. Granting the variance will not alter the character of the neighborhood. Approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. Plans date stamped November 12, 2021. 2. Comments and conditions listed in the Engineering Memo. DATE: 12/9/2021 TO: Cary Teague – Planning Director FROM: Zuleyka Marquez, PE – Graduate Engineer RE: 6512 Aspen Rd - Variance Review The Engineering Department has reviewed the subject property for street and utility concerns, grading, stormwater, erosion and sediment control and for general adherence to the relevant ordinance sections. This review was performed at the request of the Planning Department; a more detailed review will be performed at the time of building permit application. Plans reviewed included an existing and proposed conditions survey stamped 11/12/21. Summary of Work The applicant proposes an addition for a 3rd garage stall. Easements A utility easement exists on the eastern property line. The addition is shown outside the easement area. Grading and Drainage The existing site drains to Nine Mile Creek via the backyard and stormwater sewer from the street in front. The proposed grading would maintain a similar drainage pattern. Stormwater Mitigation Mitigation is not required for this project per City of Edina Building Policy SP-003 standards (less than 400 SF of new impervious to private property). Floodplain Development The FEMA base flood elevation is 865.2’. The proposed garage floor is 870.6’, so more than 2’ freeboard is provided. Erosion and Sediment Control Perimeter control will be required given the proximity to the Creek. Street and Driveway Entrance A larger curb cut was not proposed. Public Utilities This property is located along a sanitary sewer trunk line. It has had recent capacity issues related to storm events that created backflow conditions into basements. Applicant should consider sanitary sewer backflow prevention measures. This is not required but applicant should be aware. Miscellaneous A Nine Mile Creek Watershed District permit may be required; applicant will need to verify with the district. Watermain installed 1965; structure built 1967. A well is not likely located onsite. Thus, coordination with Minnesota Department of Health will not be required. VARIANCE APPLICATION FOR 6512 ASPEN ROAD, EDINA MN 55436 Summary: Homeowners are looking to build a 3rd stall garage addition to alleviate the space constraints with the current narrow garage. As it stands, it is very difficult to have two vehicles in the garage and impossible if anything is stored along the side walls. The homeowners currently have to leave their garbage and recycling receptacles outside and have stored their family's bikes in a generous neighbor's garage space. Issue/Reason for Variance Request: Property has ample space to allow for building expansion, but the house structure resides on the eastern side of the property. With the garage placement currently on the east side of the house, a variance from the 10' property line zoning would be necessary to add any additional space. Homeowners are requesting to build an addition that would be 5' 2 3/4" from the property line at the back corner of the garage addition and 7' 9 3/16" at the front corner. No part of the addition, including the overhang/gutter, would encroach on the 5' utility easement at any point. This variance would relieve practical difficulties with the current zoning of the property and location of the building structure. Given the property's angle and location being on a corner lot, there are no other homes facing the same direction. The existing shed would be able to be removed to allow for a 3r d stall garage that would fit better with the character of the home. All impacted neighbors have reviewed the survey and drawings and are in agreement that this will be a great addition to the property. Please see next page for signatures from all surrounding neighbors. Thank you for your consideration. CITY OF EDINA NOV 1 2 2021 PLANNING DEPARTMENT d Irene Whelan rac Ave 59 Ed Neighbor Project Review / Sign Off 11/10/21 Kurt and Andrea Butz, owners of 6512 Aspen Rd 55436, have reviewed the drawings and plans to add on their 3rd stall garage. As their surrounding neighbors, we have no concernscuyitia t-iE6ys to add this addition. NOV 1 2 2021 PLANNING DEPARTMENT SURROUNDING NEIGHBORS Justin and Dana Schletz (neighbors to east, directly impacted by variance request) 6508 Aspen Road Brian and Tricia Borg 6511 Aspen Rd Y&V Robert Foster and Richard Kuhlman 5917 Tamarac Lane ELECTRONIC SURVEYORS Ny. 169 & Co. Pd. 18, P.O. Box 6225 4inneapol is 29, Minn. tel. 991-1220 EL 4-8 fin ti 20 003. Ek? , 03965 ef t : P 7 5 2 o P:D tut 5 5: e . D '‘ZO.6S'-‘ 01u i ,7 ../ ii •-..) 44 r S _ ....h.- 1.0e, ..1s-450 USsimers. ha a. sr 1.1E441.0 •••• Cat0a• .1,••• •••••• .4S44.1•DiV. T -:,52 wAre / s i - I 5Al.1 vive le- I , igy..ti 5E.:Zt 4 EL - 03°1 1 53.2t. 4.'c'.2 ASP EN 441Poreli Vita, o•-•••• INSPECTOR VI AGE OF 'EDINA !W 307.21 1 of File No. Book Page I I P -74— 1•1331••-••-.••• .••• 11101. mass. Mr.I.G.111111NM hdfinadOSIr. A —iindsey engineering, inc. CIVIL ENGINEERS CtC2T I fficiATE 5i)2.vEY EXISTING CONDITION SURVEY FOR: ANDREA & KURT BUTZ ti -SCALE, : 1", VED 7 -6E; uols r VAX •104 •••••• ••••• •••4•• •••.":4101:%; ry0 • 12•• V IPA ••••••• •••••• Vont.* f•••• •00•••• [EM .••••• - LOT Co 590( GLEA50 K. 2ND ADP EDI W4 t\A 17246( Minn. Req. No. 2711:0 CITY OF EDINIf. NOV 1 2 202' ',MK!its!(-3 !71-1,01r_MiT 01- /-4 c z 2. C)" GIARINClE E \ ST1 NC, I-) ,c7 OUTLINE OF FOOTING. OUTLINE OF STRUCTURE WALL. OUTLINE OF OF OVERHANG. - - C-1 AN14.46-cia ACt?‘-r EXISTING FIREPLACE. SUGGESTED LOCATION OF NEW GAS METER. c '_ cp" — I 517 2/4 _ F 0 E H \1 -r K o Et> A 14 6 c, N N II 1 2 MATCH EXISTING ROOF PITCH, ROOFING AND RAKE DETAIL. III 1.0 Lit N I I Ca," 0 V E- FZHAt‘A',7 PROPERTY LINE. EASEMENT LINE. 1 i I 0.- 8" TO E-t)c, E OF Foo-ryNG -1-0 FOOT I N G1 18, ev , F 14.00 su PLA N Lyn 1 . a.: sc. A. Le_ - CP 13/1 ee CEDAR BOARD AND BATTEN. MATCH EXISTING. 9' X 7' O.H. DOOR. MATCH EXISTING IF POSSIBLE. CITY OF EDINA o. _ t CO LL t ~3 ITTNEf< A 5 Soc.' LLC Kt f•C. Cie 1E2 443 SCALE: 00 APPROVED BY: DATE ) L I A NrPcxe-A 4. (x. 1- C3V TzRE.Sk.t>e.1-4 Co 512 AsP*C-44 tz4DA DRAWING NUMBER ex s-r-t t-46, u TN F L C_ A I._ ',,:. -5/8" 1 ' - n" l o'-iJII "9 PLAT KING DEPARTMENT NOV 12 2021 DRAWN REVISED CITY OF EDINA 2 202 II 1 - • • .er IN' 1 FtZcstE•LZ.-ri ITY OF EDINA NOV 1 2 2021 NTNG DEPARTMENT r401 Gmail William Bittner <bbserv3@gmail.com> Erosion control measures. Fwd: Butz 1 message +19524120184@tmomail.net <+19524120184@tmomail.net> To: bbserv3@gmail.com Thu, Nov 4, 2021 at 1:25 PM In accordance with the requirements of the City of Edina, precautions shall be taken at the construction site of the single stall garage addition at 6512 Aspen Road to control erosion. Perimeter erosion control shall be maintained at the site in the form of Bio Rolls placed to prevent the erosion of accumulated excavated soil. Approximately 25 yards of soil will be excavated for footings, foundation and floor slab. Approximately 6 yards of soil will be removed from the site. The remaining 19 yards of soil will be accumulated on the site and retained for backfill. The retained soil will be piled on the homeowner's property between the excavation site and the street. The retained soil will be covered with a tarp staked in place. The excavation site and the soil pile will be surrounded with Bio Rolls staked in place and maintained during the construction process. The retained soil pile will be at least 5' from the curb and 5' from the adjacent property line. 11/4/2021 • Zuleyka Marquez To Andrea Butz Today at 10:45 AM Hi Andrea, Based on the size of the addition (net 173 SF of impervious), stormwater or erosion control policies requirements are not triggered. Given the proximity to the Creek, I will require perimeter control be installed around the disturbed area to contain soils. Best, Zuleyka Marquez, PE, Graduate Engineer 952412.6AM 7450 Metro Blvd. I Edina. MN 55439 ZMar_otifg_e_gclinalVN..ggylEctinaMN,00Y Good news? I'm not sure what perimeter control means though. Is a gutter sufficient? T • •Mobile: T his I IleSSh was scut to you by a T•tiolobiliii, text_1.txt 1K CITY OF EDINA NOV 1 2 2021 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Ed ina, Hennep in, MetroG IS, Edin a, Henn epin , MetroGIS | © WSB & Associates2013, Henn epin County, Edin a, © WSB & Associa tes 2013 6512 Aspen Rd December 2, 2 021 1 in = 47 f t / Survey Responses 30 January 2019 - 09 December 2021 Public Hearing Comments- 6521 Aspen Road Better Together Edina Project: Public Hearing: a 5-foot side yard setback variance for a garage addition at 6512 Aspen Road VISITORS 1 CONTRIBUTORS 1 RESPONSES 1 0 Registered 0 Unverified 1 Anonymous 0 Registered 0 Unverified 1 Anonymous Respondent No:1 Login:Anonymous Email:n/a Responded At:Dec 09, 2021 08:50:30 am Last Seen:Dec 09, 2021 08:50:30 am IP Address:n/a Q1.First and Last Name Ed Zantek Q2.Address 5916 Tamarac Ave Q3.Comment This property is right across the street from me and we already spoke to the neighbors about this. She came to our house and told us what she wanted to do. We have no objection to it at all. That is my opinion. I think it should be approved and let them expand their garage. Thank you. -Transcribed by City Staff (voicemail received 12-8-21 at 10:17 AM) Date: December 30, 2021 Agenda Item #: VI.B. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:Kris Aaker, Assistant P lanner Item Activity: Subject:B-21-34 A 7.8 foot front yard s etbac k variance at 6112 Arbour Ave. Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Deny the variance as presented. I N TR O D U C TI O N: A 7.8 foot side street/front yard setback variance for a teardown-rebuild home at 6112 Arbour Ave. at the same nonconforming side street setback as the existing home. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Staff Report Site Location Engineering Memo Ariel Photo existing survey Survey Build area of lot Applicant Narrative Neighbor s upport Applicant submittal Renderings SWMP Erosion control Better Together Public Hearing Comment Report The subject property, 6112 Arbour Ave. is approximately 13,300 square feet in area and is in the north west corner of Arbour Ave. and Jeff Place. The existing home would be torn down and replaced with a two-story home that would conform to all zoning ordinance requirements except for front yard setback along the south lot line. The proposal is to maintain the existing nonconforming south lot line setback of 25.3 feet. The homes adjacent to the north and west of the subject lot are fronting along Arbour Ave. and Jeff Place. The zoning ordinance requires the following regarding front yard setback on a corner lot: Special setback requirements for single dwelling unit lots. Established front street setback: the front street setback for any lot shall be determined as follows: 2. If there are existing dwelling units on abutting lots on both sides of the lot that both have a front street setback on the same street, the front street setback shall be the average of the front street setbacks of the dwelling units on the two abutting lots on the same street; or the front street setback shall be the average front street setback of all other dwelling units on the same side of that street, between intersections. b. Side street setback. The required side street setback shall be increased to that required for a front street setback where there is an adjoining interior lot facing on the same street. December 15, 2021 PLANNING COMMISSION Kris Aaker, Assistant City Planner B-21-34. A 7.8-foot front yard setback variance for a teardown/rebuild new house at 6112 Arbour Ave. The City’s code requires a 33.1-foot setback for the property from the south lot line. The new home would match the existing nonconforming 25.3 ft south street setback of the existing home. The property will comply with all other codes. Information / Background: STAFF REPORT Page 2 The ordinance requires the home match the front yard setback of the neighbor to the west at 5800 Jeff Place. The applicant is requesting a 7.8 foot south front yard setback variance for a new two-story home to maintain the 25.3-foot existing non-conforming front yard setback to the south property line. The required south front yard setback is 33.1 feet as established by the front yard setback of the adjacent neighbor to the west. The applicant desires to rebuild the home in the existing nonconforming location by providing the same distance to the street as the original home built in 1965 that did not require a variance at that time . Surrounding Land Uses Northerly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. Easterly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. Southerly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. Westerly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. Existing Site Features 6112 Arbour is a one-story home built in 1965 with an attached two car garage. There is an existing sport court behind the home taking up much of the rear yard. The homeowners have designed the new home around the sport court with keeping it a key priority in planning the construction project. The existing home does not meet the setback required in today’s code from the front yard setback along Jeff Place. The proposal maintains the non-conforming setback while not disturbing the existing sport court in the rear yard. The sport court was installed on the property some time prior to 2000. The owners purchased the property in May 2016 with the court already in place. The initial plan was to add-on and remodel the existing home. Given the foundation’s condition, it made more sense per the applicant to tear down and rebuild on the property. The noncompliant setback and need for variance were identified during city staff review of the building permit. The homeowners have already received financing based on the submitted plans and have moved out of the home in a rented apartment in anticipation of demo/new construction. The homeowner’s plan to move forward and begin new construction is now on hold until the setback issue is resolved. It should be noted the current zoning ordinance does not count some hard surfaces in building coverage maximums, (including sport courts). However, as part of their 2021 work plan, the Planning Commission has recommended to City Council a maximum impervious ratio of 50% of lot area. The existing conditions on the property, (house sport court, driveway, etc.), take up 62.82% of the lot area. The proposed plan would have an impervious surface ratio of 66.29% per plan. The proposed zoning amendment, including new impervious surface requirements will be on the City Council agenda for public hearing on December 21, with the Council scheduled to take action at their January 4, 2022 meeting. Any ordinance change would not apply to this plan given there is a building permit for the property in process. STAFF REPORT Page 3 Planning Guide Plan designation: Low-Density Residential Zoning: R-1, Single-Dwelling District Grading & Drainage The Environmental Engineer has reviewed the application and submitted comments as attached in their memorandum. Compliance Table City Standard Proposed North Side – East Side - South– West Side – 10 feet 34.7 feet 33.1 feet 25 feet 10 feet 34.7 feet 25.3 feet* (Existing nonconforming) 46.9 feet Building Height 35.56 feet 34 feet Building Coverage 25% 20.71% *Requires a variance PRIMARY ISSUES & STAFF RECOMENDATION Primary Issues Is the proposed variance justified? Minnesota Statues and Section 36-98 of the Edina Zoning Ordinance require that the following conditions must be satisfied affirmatively. The proposed variance will: 1) Relieve practical difficulties that prevent a reasonable use from complying with ordinance requirements. STAFF REPORT Page 4 Reasonable use does not mean that the applicant must show the land cannot be put to any reasonable use without the variance. Rather, the applicant must show that there are practical difficulties in complying with the code and that the proposed use is reasonable. “Practical difficulties” may include functional and aesthetic concerns. The proposed use is permitted in the R-1 Single Dwelling Unit District and complies with zoning standards, with exception of the existing south/front yard setback. The practical difficulty is caused by the location of the adjacent home to the west and the required south front yard setback that must be matched on the subject property for new construction. The constraint of the existing sport court location and homeowners desire to keep it as part of the project limits building opportunity for the site. The home is to be re-built and would continue the existing nonconforming front yard setback that has been in place since the original home was constructed without variances in 1965. The proposed new home location may be viewed as reasonable due to the existing home’s non- conforming setback, however, with removal of the existing home and sport court, it appears there is ample opportunity to comply with setback on the 13,300 sq ft lot. 2) There are circumstances that are unique to the property, not common to every similarly zoned property, and that are not self-created? The existing house was built many years ago prior to the current ordinance requirements. There were no variances grated for construction, so it conformed to setback requirements at the time. The proposed new home would continue the non-conforming setback as allowed in 1965 when the existing home was built. Circumstances have changed over time creating a unique nonconforming situation on the property with the existing home now in conflict with zoning. The sport court was constructed at least 20 years ago and not by the applicant. The applicants purchased the property with the sport court constructed some 16 years earlier. The pending impervious surface ordinance amendments do not currently apply to the property. The proposed new home would conform to all other zoning standards. With removal of the exiting home, the lot is classified as vacant with a new home required to conform to zoning. There are existing improvements, (sport court), that can be removed to accommodate a new home. Limiting new home placement by retaining the existing sport court can be considered a self-created circumstance and therefore not a reasonable use from complying. 3) Will the variance alter the essential character of the neighborhood? Granting the variance would not alter the character of the neighborhood. The new home would match the existing home’s setbacks. All other aspects of the plan would conform to the ordinance requirements as would all other site conditions. Optional Actions A case can be made for approval and denial of this project. Below provides options for the planning commission to consider: STAFF REPORT Page 5 Denial Deny the request for a 7.8-foot south setback variance for a teardown-rebuild at 6112 Arbour Ave. Denial is based on the following findings: 1. The proposal does not meet the standards for variance. 2. Due to the size of the lot, the proposed home could be constructed on the property to meet the required setbacks. 3. There is not a practical difficultly preventing construction of the proposed home. The sport court could be removed and/or relocated at a smaller scale. Approval Approve the request for a 7.8-foot south setback variance for a teardown-rebuild at 6112 Arbour Ave. Approval is based on the following findings: 1. The practical difficulty is caused by the location of the existing sport court that was constructed by the previous homeowner, and the located of the adjacent home which establishes the required setback. 2. The proposed new home maintains the existing non-conforming setback. 3. The proposal would not alter the essential character of the neighborhood. Approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. Subject to plans and survey date stamped November 21, 2021. 2. Subject to compliance with the Engineering memo dated December 9, 2021. Staff Recommendation Staff cannot support the request given the ability to comply with setback and still provide a reasonable opportunity to locate a home. Staff recommends denial of the 7.8-foot south setback variance request for a teardown-rebuild for property located at 6112 Arbour Ave. Deadline for a city decision: February 26, 2022. Ed ina, Hennep in, MetroG IS, Edin a, Henn epin , MetroGIS | © WSB & Associates2013, © WSB & Associa tes 2013 6112 A rb our Ave. December 1, 2021 1 in = 94 f t / DATE: 12/9/2021 TO: Cary Teague – Planning Director FROM: Zuleyka Marquez, PE – Graduate Engineer RE: 6112 Arbour Ave - Variance Review The Engineering Department has reviewed the subject property for street and utility concerns, grading, stormwater, erosion and sediment control and for general adherence to the relevant ordinance sections. This review was performed at the request of the Planning Department; a more detailed review will be performed at the time of building permit application. Plans reviewed included site plan, stormwater management plan, and erosion control plan stamped 11/30/21. Summary of Work The applicant proposes to demolish an existing home and build new home, while maintaining an existing sport court. Easements A 5’ utility easement exists along the west property line. The sport court encroaches onto the utility easement. Grading and Drainage The existing site drains to private property and the street, which is tributary to Mud Lake. The proposed site maintains the existing drainage pattern. Runoff from the adjacent private property to the north should be managed to ensure it is directed away from the new home. Stormwater Mitigation Stormwater was reviewed and is consistent with City of Edina Building Policy SP-003 standards. A final grade as-built survey and inspection will be required to verify compliance with the approved stormwater plan. Floodplain Development No comment. Erosion and Sediment Control An erosion and sediment control plan was reviewed and is consistent with City of Edina Building Policy SP-002. Street and Driveway Entrance The applicant proposes to use the existing driveway entrance as a temporary rock construction entrance. A driveway entrance permit will be required for the driveway entrance replacement. The street was constructed in 1960. Mill and overlay is scheduled for 2023. Refer to standard plates 540 and 543 for patching requirements before 2023. Public Utilities Water and sanitary are served from Jeff Place. A one-inch water service line from the curb stop to the dwelling is required per the City’s policy SP-024. Sump line available for connection on the SW corner. If connecting to the City sump line, a permit and compliance with City of Edina Building Policy SP-006 will be required. Miscellaneous A Nine Mile Creek Watershed District permit may be required, applicant will need to verify with the district. Structure and watermain were built and installed in 1965. A well is not likely located onsite. Thus, coordination with Minnesota Department of Health will not be required. A staging plan should be submitted at permit given the site limitations with the sport court. Storing materials within the ROW is not allowed. Ed ina, Hennep in, MetroG IS, Edin a, Henn epin , MetroGIS | © WSB & Associates2013, © WSB & Associa tes 2013 6112 A rb our Ave. December 1, 2021 1 in = 47 f t / • O 0 Denotes Found Iron Monument Denotes Iron Monument Denotes Wood Hub Set for excavation only Denotes Existing Contours Denotes Proposed Contours Denotes Existing Elevation Denotes Proposed Elevation Denotes Surface Drainage Denotes Silt Fence or Bio-Rolls Delineates Sport Court urunjnrz (rriifiri Site Plan Survey For: Residence NO. 6104 (Closest Building Corner = 34. / 38.7 tcc 877.0 1376.75 Paver Landing I- x000.0 (600.-D -4. CYCLONE CONSTRUCTION 877.3 87g 1375.1 878.2 tpell Powe Pole% 877.8 wood fence 878.2 x S 89°55'59" W 130.00 575. AS 577.5 878.6 r.''-'7,7.77-c, • -1 -2r , , Property located in Section 32, Township 117, Range 21, Hennepin County, Minnesota -71377.3 lbox h fen,"e iS x 5 52.4 SF 8 6 Basis for bearings is assumed OS 38'0" 1E6 les Utility fasemen tc 0 0 7.5 5%± 877.4 20 Temporary Rock Construction Entrance Driveway 34.7 k 0 Window Well 6'0" co co x 578.2 577.94 577.9 O -1c +1 '0 cl) Q -r1 w C) t.) O. se a) .7., L. N EL NI to 1377.7x Q9I 077.6 877._ 76.07 878. I 877.9 Closest Building Corners for Residence's on Arbour Ave. 76 CO 877.8 877.3 tc 8875.80 Proposed Residence Benchmark: Top Nut Hydrant south of 6112 Arbour Avenue on North Side of Jeff Place. Elevation = 876.55 No. 6104 Arbor Ave = 34.1 feet No. 6100 Arbor Ave = 35.3 feet Average = 34.7 feet 877.4 z L 6'0" co Sump Discharge to Front X 878. 1 il••••tp (.1) w Basketball Hoop .14 Residence / NO. 5800 / FFE 79.6 075.3 55 I .0 Proposed First Floor Elevation 575.52 Proposed Top of Foundation 575.5 Proposed Garage Floor 869.6 I Proposed Basement Floor Type of Building Full Basement too 877.4 2.0"_ 46.9 twe375. 6 875.58 5w877.5 57Siltfence or Bio-Rolls 8 0. 0 Zo T". / CITY OF EDINA Window Well GP 877 878.2 paver tcc 875.5 36'0" 877. 6'2" 77.9 77.8 5/.504 75.05 A NOV 3 0 2021 7 .6 76. 0 -a 75.3 Original 1st Floor Elevation = 880.5 75.00 NING DEPARTMENT N SO- 878 8770,0" \ 1376 Light tcc 874.80 877.3 6 SBL SBL F 876.8 6.13 8.6.0 'A SF 876. / (.6 Cr) 76.4 7.I 87..4 -123 53 ‘'i;A64 vA6 too N=:'3'1°13-o 874.49 875.6 overhead wires 576. 876 Proposed Hardcover Lot Area 13,300 sq ft Building 2,546 sq ft Screen Deck 250 sq ft Sport Court 4,527 sq ft Porch 176 sq ft Sidewalk 72 sq ft Driveway 1,240 sq ft Pavers Landing 6 sq ft Total 8,8 1 7 sq ft Percentage 66.29% Existing Hardcover Lot Area 13,300 sq ft Building 1,912 sq ft Deck 308 sq ft Porch 74 sq ft Sport Court 4,557 sq ft Pavers Landing 6 sq ft Driveway 1,037 sq ft Sidewalk I 95 sq ft Total 8,089 sq ft Percentage 60.82% Building Coverage Summary Lot Area 13,300 sq ft Building 2,546 sq ft Porch 159 sq ft Screen Deck 250 sq ft Deck Allowance -1 50 sq ft Entry Allowance -50 sq ft Total 2,755 sq ft Percentage 20.7/% 075. 9°52'02" W 54.09 A o \N -es r ver574.5 874.8 tcc 874.09 Property Zoned R-1, Single Family Residential Building Setback Requirements Front - 30 or Average of Adjacent Houses, whichever is greater** Side Interior - 10 Side Street - 15 Rear - 25 feet tnh 876.55 tcc 874.15 Power Llt3Qx X4 **Special setback requirements for single dwelling unit lots. a. Established front street setback. When more than 25% of the lots on one side of a street between intersections, on one side of a street ends in a cul-de-sac, or on one side of a dead-end street, are occupied by dwelling units, the front street setback for any lot shall be determined as follows: 1. If there is an existing dwelling unit on abutting lot on only one side of the lot that has a front street setback on the same street, the front street setback requirement shall be the same as the front street setback of the dwelling unit on the abutting lot on the same street; or the front street setback shall be the average front street setback of all other dwelling units on the same side of the street, between intersections. 2. If there are existing dwelling units on abutting lots on both sides of the lot that both have a front street setback on the same street, the front street setback shall be the average of the front street setbacks of the dwelling units on the two abutting lots on the same street; or the front street setback shall be the average front street setback of al other dwelling units on the same side of that street, between intersections. Jeff Place Legal Description Lot 14, Block 2, EDINA GROVE Hennepin County, Minnesota Project No. 89720 Scale: 1" = 20' I certify that this survey, plan, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota Surveyed this 13th day of September 2021. F.B.No. ****-** Drawn By NOTE: Proposed grades are subject to results of soil tests. Proposed building information must be checked will- approved building plan and development or grading plan before excavation and construction, Proposed grades shown on this survey are interpolations of proposed contours from the drainage, grading and/or development plans. NOTE: The relationship between proposed floor elevations to be verified by builder. NOTE: The only easements shown are from plats of record or information provided by client. Address: 6112 Arbour Avenue Edina, MN rev 9- I 7 -21 bldg setbacks on block I I - I -2 I new house plan I I - 19-2 I reduce house 2' 10" I I -29-2 I sport court delineation, hardcover tables DEMARC LAND SURVEYING G ENGINEERING 7601 73rd Avenue North (763) 560-3093 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55428 Demarclnc.com Signed rasch, Minn. Reg. No. 24992 Gr F:\survey\Edina Grove \ 14-2 edina grove\' Surveying - 89720\01 CAD \ 01 Source \ 01 Survey Base.dwg 575.2 X -X Window Well cc 75.05 SF NOTE: Proposed grades are subject to results of soil tests. Proposed building information must be checked wilt approved building plan and development or grading plan before excavation and construction. Proposed grades shown on this survey are interpolations of proposed contours from the drainage, grading and/or development plans. NOTE: The relationship between proposed floor elevations to be verified by builder. NOTE: The only easements shown are from plats of record or information provided by client. Legal Description Lot 14, Block 2, EDINA GROVE Hennepin County, Minnesota DEM/ARC LAND SURVEYING G ENGINEERING 7601 73rd Avenue North (763) 560-3093 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55428 Demarclnc.com Paver Landing FFE 553.5/ Residence / NO. 6104 88 7 3 551,4 (Closest Building Corner = 34.1 tcc 577.0 576.75 577.3 -577.3 52.4 57 5 18S 575. 1 575.1 575.2 wood let 57(5 575 57%.3 57 /box .20 Driveway 34.7 76.07 Sump Discharge to Front 575.1 eV X 2'0" Proposed Residence V75. 1 577.9 577.5 577.3 5' Siltor Bio-Rolls 577.9 J") 75.00 576.8 On 76.4 SF 1 576.1 IN 574.50 CC urururirs (rr1ffit Site Plan Survey For: CYCLONE CONSTRUCTION tpe Powe, Pole! Benchmark: Top Nut Hydrant south of 6112 Arbour Avenue on North Side of Jeff Place. Elevation = 876.55 Residence NO. 5800 / PPE %79.6 7 77.9 • Denotes Found Iron Monument O Denotes Iron Monument O Denotes Wood Hub Set for excavation only Denotes Existing Contours Denotes Proposed Contours Denotes Existing Elevation Denotes Proposed Elevation Denotes Surface Drainage Denotes Silt Fence or Bio-Rolls Delineates Sport Court Temporary Rock Construction Entrance Closest Building Corners for Residence's on Arbour Ave. No. 6104 Arbor Ave = 34.1 feet No. 6100 Arbor Ave = 35.3 feet Average = 34.7 feet 881.0 Proposed First Floor Elevation 878.82 Proposed Top of Foundation 878.5 Proposed Garage Floor 869.6 I Proposed Basement Floor Type of Building Full Basement Original 1st Floor Elevation = 880.5 35.7 --- Window Well Basketball lloop tee 575.55 75.3 877.3 SBL 5 6.0 Light Pole Basis for bearings is assumed Property located in Section 32, Township 117, Range 21, Hennepin County, Minnesota 677.4 JJ 6.1 OF 577. 575.2 33. I to Cant lever Property Zoned R-I, Single Family Residential Building Setback Requirements Front - 30 or Average of Adjacent Houses, whichever is greater** Side Interior - 10 tcc a m Side Street - 15 874.15 X4 Side tnh Power 576.55 9°52'02" W 54.0p 5.0 874.0 r aver6e)a;34.5574 tcc 574.09 Jeff Place - a iv:0\ 64.`ks-'1„ tee D,32° 38 574.49 Existing Hardcover Lot Area 13,300 sq ft Building 1 912 sq ft Deck 306 sq ft Porch 74 sq ft Sport Court 4,557 sq ft Pavers Landing 6 sq ft Driveway 1,037 sq ft Sidewalk I 95 sq ft Total 6,069 sq ft Percentage 60.62% Proposed Hardcover Lot Area 13,300 sq ft Building 2,546 sq ft Screen Deck 250 sq ft Sport Court 4,527 sq ft Porch 1 76 sq ft Sidewalk 72 sq ft Driveway 1,240 sq ft Pavers Landing 6 sq ft Total 6,61 7 sq ft Percentage 66.29% Building Coverage Summary Lot Area 13,300 sq ft Building 2,546 sq ft Porch I 59 sq ft Screen Deck 250 sq ft Deck Allowance -150 sq ft Entry Allowance -50 sq ft Total 2,755 sq ft Percentage 20.71% Rear - 25 feet **Special setback requirements for single dwelling unit lots. a. Established front street setback. When more than 25% of the lots on one side of a street between intersections, on one side of a street ends in a cul-de-sac, or on one side of a dead-end street, are occupied by dwelling units, the front street setback for any lot shall be determined as follows: 1. If there is an existing dwelling unit on abutting lot on only one side of the lot that has a front street setback on the same street, the front street setback requirement shall be the same as the front street setback of the dwelling unit on the abutting lot on the same street; or the front street setback shall be the average front street setback of all other dwelling units on the same side of the street, between intersections. 2. If there arc existing dwelling units on abutting lots on both sides of the lot that both have a front street setback on the same street, the front street setback shall be the average of the front street setbacks of the dwelling units on the two abutting lots on the same street; or the front street setback shall be the average front street setback of al other dwelling units on the same side of that street, between intersections. Address: 61 12 Arbour Avenue Edina, MN rev 9- I 7-2 I bldg setbacks on block I I - I -21 new house plan I I - 19-2 I reduce house 2' I 0" I I -29-2 I sport court delineation, hardcover tables Project No. 89720 Scale: 1" = 20' F.B.No. ****_** Drawn By Signed Gr I certify that this survey, plan, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota Surveyed this 13th day of September 2021. - g • F:\survey\Edina Grove\14-2 edina grove\ 0-Surveying - 89720\01 CAD\01 Source\01 Survey Base.dwg rasch, Minn. Reg. No. 24992 I believe questions 1 – 4 will all have the same explanation. My 1965 house currently does not comply with today’s setback ordinances on 3 of the 4 sides. It is currently too close to Arbour Ave, too close to my neighbors to the north at 6104 Arbour Ave, and too close to Jeff Place. My current plan before you will move the home back far enough from Arbour Ave and south far enough from 6104 Arbour Ave to comply with the current ordinances. My proposed variance is to simply be able to build the new house as far south as the current house sits. Not moving the house any closer to Jeff Place than it currently sits. I am actually shrinking the linear feet of the house by 2 feet by moving it 2 feet away from the neighbors, but not extending it at all on the other end so there is no worries about “altering the essential Character of the neighborhood”. I have previously submitted signatures from neighbors that own the properties adjoining my property to the north and west of my property, as well as the 2 properties that face the side of my house of the proposed variance (the live on Jeff Place). They all approve of the project/variance proposal. I also obtained many other signatures from many others in the neighborhood. My house will be about an average size home for the neighborhood. It won’t even be the largest one being built on the block as myself and a neighbor were doing this together until this holdup. He already obtained his permit with no issues to build a larger house than mine with the same size lot (Mike & Liz Seaman @ 5812 Jeff Place). I believe questions 1 – 4 will all have the same explanation. My 1965 house currently does not comply with today’s setback ordinances on 3 of the 4 sides. It is currently too close to Arbour Ave, too close to my neighbors to the north at 6104 Arbour Ave, and too close to Jeff Place. My current plan before you will move the home back far enough from Arbour Ave and south far enough from 6104 Arbour Ave to comply with the current ordinances. My proposed variance is to simply be able to build the new house as far south as the current house sits. Not moving the house any closer to Jeff Place than it currently sits. I am actually shrinking the linear feet of the house by 2 feet by moving it 2 feet away from the neighbors, but not extending it at all on the other end so there is no worries about “altering the essential Character of the neighborhood”. I have previously submitted signatures from neighbors that own the properties adjoining my property to the north and west of my property, as well as the 2 properties that face the side of my house of the proposed variance (the live on Jeff Place). They all approve of the project/variance proposal. I also obtained many other signatures from many others in the neighborhood. My house will be about an average size home for the neighborhood. It won’t even be the largest one being built on the block as myself and a neighbor were doing this together until this holdup. He already obtained his permit with no issues to build a larger house than mine with the same size lot (Mike & Liz Seaman @ 5812 Jeff Place). • O 0 Denotes Found Iron Monument Denotes Iron Monument Denotes Wood Hub Set for excavation only Denotes Existing Contours Denotes Proposed Contours Denotes Existing Elevation Denotes Proposed Elevation Denotes Surface Drainage Denotes Silt Fence or Bio-Rolls Delineates Sport Court urunjnrz (rriifiri Site Plan Survey For: Residence NO. 6104 (Closest Building Corner = 34. / 38.7 tcc 877.0 1376.75 Paver Landing I- x000.0 (600.-D -4. CYCLONE CONSTRUCTION 877.3 87g 1375.1 878.2 tpell Powe Pole% 877.8 wood fence 878.2 x S 89°55'59" W 130.00 575. AS 577.5 878.6 r.''-'7,7.77-c, • -1 -2r , , Property located in Section 32, Township 117, Range 21, Hennepin County, Minnesota -71377.3 lbox h fen,"e iS x 5 52.4 SF 8 6 Basis for bearings is assumed OS 38'0" 1E6 les Utility fasemen tc 0 0 7.5 5%± 877.4 20 Temporary Rock Construction Entrance Driveway 34.7 k 0 Window Well 6'0" co co x 578.2 577.94 577.9 O -1c +1 '0 cl) Q -r1 w C) t.) O. se a) .7., L. N EL NI to 1377.7x Q9I 077.6 877._ 76.07 878. I 877.9 Closest Building Corners for Residence's on Arbour Ave. 76 CO 877.8 877.3 tc 8875.80 Proposed Residence Benchmark: Top Nut Hydrant south of 6112 Arbour Avenue on North Side of Jeff Place. Elevation = 876.55 No. 6104 Arbor Ave = 34.1 feet No. 6100 Arbor Ave = 35.3 feet Average = 34.7 feet 877.4 z L 6'0" co Sump Discharge to Front X 878. 1 il••••tp (.1) w Basketball Hoop .14 Residence / NO. 5800 / FFE 79.6 075.3 55 I .0 Proposed First Floor Elevation 575.52 Proposed Top of Foundation 575.5 Proposed Garage Floor 869.6 I Proposed Basement Floor Type of Building Full Basement too 877.4 2.0"_ 46.9 twe375. 6 875.58 5w877.5 57Siltfence or Bio-Rolls 8 0. 0 Zo T". / CITY OF EDINA Window Well GP 877 878.2 paver tcc 875.5 36'0" 877. 6'2" 77.9 77.8 5/.504 75.05 A NOV 3 0 2021 7 .6 76. 0 -a 75.3 Original 1st Floor Elevation = 880.5 75.00 NING DEPARTMENT N SO- 878 8770,0" \ 1376 Light tcc 874.80 877.3 6 SBL SBL F 876.8 6.13 8.6.0 'A SF 876. / (.6 Cr) 76.4 7.I 87..4 -123 53 ‘'i;A64 vA6 too N=:'3'1°13-o 874.49 875.6 overhead wires 576. 876 Proposed Hardcover Lot Area 13,300 sq ft Building 2,546 sq ft Screen Deck 250 sq ft Sport Court 4,527 sq ft Porch 176 sq ft Sidewalk 72 sq ft Driveway 1,240 sq ft Pavers Landing 6 sq ft Total 8,8 1 7 sq ft Percentage 66.29% Existing Hardcover Lot Area 13,300 sq ft Building 1,912 sq ft Deck 308 sq ft Porch 74 sq ft Sport Court 4,557 sq ft Pavers Landing 6 sq ft Driveway 1,037 sq ft Sidewalk I 95 sq ft Total 8,089 sq ft Percentage 60.82% Building Coverage Summary Lot Area 13,300 sq ft Building 2,546 sq ft Porch 159 sq ft Screen Deck 250 sq ft Deck Allowance -1 50 sq ft Entry Allowance -50 sq ft Total 2,755 sq ft Percentage 20.7/% 075. 9°52'02" W 54.09 A o \N -es r ver574.5 874.8 tcc 874.09 Property Zoned R-1, Single Family Residential Building Setback Requirements Front - 30 or Average of Adjacent Houses, whichever is greater** Side Interior - 10 Side Street - 15 Rear - 25 feet tnh 876.55 tcc 874.15 Power Llt3Qx X4 **Special setback requirements for single dwelling unit lots. a. Established front street setback. When more than 25% of the lots on one side of a street between intersections, on one side of a street ends in a cul-de-sac, or on one side of a dead-end street, are occupied by dwelling units, the front street setback for any lot shall be determined as follows: 1. If there is an existing dwelling unit on abutting lot on only one side of the lot that has a front street setback on the same street, the front street setback requirement shall be the same as the front street setback of the dwelling unit on the abutting lot on the same street; or the front street setback shall be the average front street setback of all other dwelling units on the same side of the street, between intersections. 2. If there are existing dwelling units on abutting lots on both sides of the lot that both have a front street setback on the same street, the front street setback shall be the average of the front street setbacks of the dwelling units on the two abutting lots on the same street; or the front street setback shall be the average front street setback of al other dwelling units on the same side of that street, between intersections. Jeff Place Legal Description Lot 14, Block 2, EDINA GROVE Hennepin County, Minnesota Project No. 89720 Scale: 1" = 20' I certify that this survey, plan, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota Surveyed this 13th day of September 2021. F.B.No. ****-** Drawn By NOTE: Proposed grades are subject to results of soil tests. Proposed building information must be checked will- approved building plan and development or grading plan before excavation and construction, Proposed grades shown on this survey are interpolations of proposed contours from the drainage, grading and/or development plans. NOTE: The relationship between proposed floor elevations to be verified by builder. NOTE: The only easements shown are from plats of record or information provided by client. Address: 6112 Arbour Avenue Edina, MN rev 9- I 7 -21 bldg setbacks on block I I - I -2 I new house plan I I - 19-2 I reduce house 2' 10" I I -29-2 I sport court delineation, hardcover tables DEMARC LAND SURVEYING G ENGINEERING 7601 73rd Avenue North (763) 560-3093 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55428 Demarclnc.com Signed rasch, Minn. Reg. No. 24992 Gr F:\survey\Edina Grove \ 14-2 edina grove\' Surveying - 89720\01 CAD \ 01 Source \ 01 Survey Base.dwg 575.2 X -X Window Well cc 75.05 SF NOTE: Proposed grades are subject to results of soil tests. Proposed building information must be checked wilt approved building plan and development or grading plan before excavation and construction. Proposed grades shown on this survey are interpolations of proposed contours from the drainage, grading and/or development plans. NOTE: The relationship between proposed floor elevations to be verified by builder. NOTE: The only easements shown are from plats of record or information provided by client. Legal Description Lot 14, Block 2, EDINA GROVE Hennepin County, Minnesota DEM/ARC LAND SURVEYING G ENGINEERING 7601 73rd Avenue North (763) 560-3093 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55428 Demarclnc.com Paver Landing FFE 553.5/ Residence / NO. 6104 88 7 3 551,4 (Closest Building Corner = 34.1 tcc 577.0 576.75 577.3 -577.3 52.4 57 5 18S 575. 1 575.1 575.2 wood let 57(5 575 57%.3 57 /box .20 Driveway 34.7 76.07 Sump Discharge to Front 575.1 eV X 2'0" Proposed Residence V75. 1 577.9 577.5 577.3 5' Siltor Bio-Rolls 577.9 J") 75.00 576.8 On 76.4 SF 1 576.1 IN 574.50 CC urururirs (rr1ffit Site Plan Survey For: CYCLONE CONSTRUCTION tpe Powe, Pole! Benchmark: Top Nut Hydrant south of 6112 Arbour Avenue on North Side of Jeff Place. Elevation = 876.55 Residence NO. 5800 / PPE %79.6 7 77.9 • Denotes Found Iron Monument O Denotes Iron Monument O Denotes Wood Hub Set for excavation only Denotes Existing Contours Denotes Proposed Contours Denotes Existing Elevation Denotes Proposed Elevation Denotes Surface Drainage Denotes Silt Fence or Bio-Rolls Delineates Sport Court Temporary Rock Construction Entrance Closest Building Corners for Residence's on Arbour Ave. No. 6104 Arbor Ave = 34.1 feet No. 6100 Arbor Ave = 35.3 feet Average = 34.7 feet 881.0 Proposed First Floor Elevation 878.82 Proposed Top of Foundation 878.5 Proposed Garage Floor 869.6 I Proposed Basement Floor Type of Building Full Basement Original 1st Floor Elevation = 880.5 35.7 --- Window Well Basketball lloop tee 575.55 75.3 877.3 SBL 5 6.0 Light Pole Basis for bearings is assumed Property located in Section 32, Township 117, Range 21, Hennepin County, Minnesota 677.4 JJ 6.1 OF 577. 575.2 33. I to Cant lever Property Zoned R-I, Single Family Residential Building Setback Requirements Front - 30 or Average of Adjacent Houses, whichever is greater** Side Interior - 10 tcc a m Side Street - 15 874.15 X4 Side tnh Power 576.55 9°52'02" W 54.0p 5.0 874.0 r aver6e)a;34.5574 tcc 574.09 Jeff Place - a iv:0\ 64.`ks-'1„ tee D,32° 38 574.49 Existing Hardcover Lot Area 13,300 sq ft Building 1 912 sq ft Deck 306 sq ft Porch 74 sq ft Sport Court 4,557 sq ft Pavers Landing 6 sq ft Driveway 1,037 sq ft Sidewalk I 95 sq ft Total 6,069 sq ft Percentage 60.62% Proposed Hardcover Lot Area 13,300 sq ft Building 2,546 sq ft Screen Deck 250 sq ft Sport Court 4,527 sq ft Porch 1 76 sq ft Sidewalk 72 sq ft Driveway 1,240 sq ft Pavers Landing 6 sq ft Total 6,61 7 sq ft Percentage 66.29% Building Coverage Summary Lot Area 13,300 sq ft Building 2,546 sq ft Porch I 59 sq ft Screen Deck 250 sq ft Deck Allowance -150 sq ft Entry Allowance -50 sq ft Total 2,755 sq ft Percentage 20.71% Rear - 25 feet **Special setback requirements for single dwelling unit lots. a. Established front street setback. When more than 25% of the lots on one side of a street between intersections, on one side of a street ends in a cul-de-sac, or on one side of a dead-end street, are occupied by dwelling units, the front street setback for any lot shall be determined as follows: 1. If there is an existing dwelling unit on abutting lot on only one side of the lot that has a front street setback on the same street, the front street setback requirement shall be the same as the front street setback of the dwelling unit on the abutting lot on the same street; or the front street setback shall be the average front street setback of all other dwelling units on the same side of the street, between intersections. 2. If there arc existing dwelling units on abutting lots on both sides of the lot that both have a front street setback on the same street, the front street setback shall be the average of the front street setbacks of the dwelling units on the two abutting lots on the same street; or the front street setback shall be the average front street setback of al other dwelling units on the same side of that street, between intersections. Address: 61 12 Arbour Avenue Edina, MN rev 9- I 7-2 I bldg setbacks on block I I - I -21 new house plan I I - 19-2 I reduce house 2' I 0" I I -29-2 I sport court delineation, hardcover tables Project No. 89720 Scale: 1" = 20' F.B.No. ****_** Drawn By Signed Gr I certify that this survey, plan, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota Surveyed this 13th day of September 2021. - g • F:\survey\Edina Grove\14-2 edina grove\ 0-Surveying - 89720\01 CAD\01 Source\01 Survey Base.dwg rasch, Minn. Reg. No. 24992 Ct OAR 014.1,01,01./0/01, E 8 a 'a1 DATE: 6/13/2020 UJ 0 5 m REVISION 11/23/2021 NOTES, ELEVATIONS SHEET: A-1 Ji L f5 os O O A g oW O .5 4; ,F4 o O O o yl N o :;%! EE ia "11' 9i 2, 8 O FO fa 1 yU aV2 RIR i 1/ o& fiu eg e) tg3i s41E. 100 Or /OA. rt. . TOP CONC C1.1,00.11.1 WI) N N N III M./001W • _A Pt, MIPILOLF 4- THIS PROJECT SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED TO THE CURRENT MN RESIDENTIAL BUILDING CODE, INCORPORATING THE AMENDED 2018 IRC AND MN RULES 1322 RESIDENTIAL ENERGY CODE. 6:12 WINDOW & DOOR TRIMMER SCHEDULE: WINDOWS AND PATIO DOORS MANUF: VECTOR THERMA TRU WINDOWS IN 8'-1 1/8" WALLS & ALL EXT. DOORS 81-3/4" WINDOWS IN 9'-1 1/8" WALLS 88-1/2" EXTERIOR SWING DOORS 81-3/4" INTERIOR SWING DOORS B1.1/2" 13I-FOLD DOORS 'FRAME 1-1/4" WIDER THEN STATED DOOR WIDTH 80-1/2" POCKET DOORS 'FRAME DOUBLE THE STATED DOOR WIDTH 'IF PKD FRAME IS NOT ON SITE, LEAVE FRAMING OPEN ABOVE, AND FRAME DOWN TO IT AFTERWARDS 83-3/4" 1/ par.WS CAK 0.W.WS Kr0•41, eartb[01.0% LA COPE GFNFRAI NOTES. THE BUILDER SHALL VERIFY THAT SITE CONDITIONS ARE CONSISTENT WITH THESE PLANS BEFORE STARTING WORK. WORK NOT SPECIFICALLY DETAILED SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED TO THE SAME QUALITY AS SIMILAR WORK THAT IS DETAILED. ALL WORK SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODES AND LOCAL CODES. LOCAL CODE AND VARIANCE REVIEW TO BE DONE BY OTHERS. WRITTEN DIMENSIONS AND SPECIFIC NOTES SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS AND GENERAL NOTES. THE ENGINEER/DESIGNER SHALL BE CONSULTED FOR CLARIFICATION IF SITE CONDITIONS ARE ENCOUNTERED THAT ARE DIFFERENT THAN SHOWN. IF DISCREPANCIES ARE FOUND IN THE PLANS OR NOTES. OR IF A QUESTION ARISES OVER THE INTENT OF THE PLANS OR NOTES. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY AND IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL DIMENSIONS (INCLUDING ROUGH OPENINGS). 1 ALL CONTRACTORS MUST FAMILIARIZE THEMSELVES WITH ALL FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL LAWS, ORDINANCES, BUILDING CODES, AND ANY REGULATIONS WHICH IN ANY MANNER. AFFECT THOSE ENGAGED IN OR EMPLOYED ON THE WORK, OR THE MATERIALS OR REQUIREMENTS USED, OR WHICH- IF ANY WAY-AFFECT THE CONDUCT OF THE WORK. Fl NOT SPECIFICALLY STATED ON THE PLANS OR IN THE SPECIFICATIONS. THE APPROPRIATE CODE SHALL GOVERN SIZES, QUALITIES, AND QUANTITIES OF ALL WORK. 2. VERIFY LOCATION IS INVERT ELEVATION AT SANITARY SERVICE. PENETRATION THRU FOOTING MAY BE NECESSARY. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DESIGN AND PROPER FUNCTION OF PLUMBING, HVAC AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THIS OFFICE WITH ANY PLAN CHANGES REQUIRED FOR DESIGN AND FUNCTION OF PLUMBING, FP/AC AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS. THIS OFFICE SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CONSTRUCTION MEANS AND METHODS, ACTS OR OMISSIONS OF THE CONTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTOR. OR FAILURE OF ANY OF THEM TO CARRY OUT WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. ANY DEFECT. ERRORS OR OMISSIONS DISCOVERED IN THE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THIS OFFICE BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH WORK. REASONABLE TIME NOT ALLOWED THIS OFFICE TO CORRECT THE DEFECT SHALL PLACE THE BURDEN OF COST AND LIABILITY FROM SUCH DEFECT UPON THE CONTRACTOR. THIS STRUCTURE SHALL BE ADEQUATELY BRACED FOR WIND LOADS UNTIL THE ROOF, FLOOR AND WALLS HAVE BEEN PERMANENTLY FRAMED TOGETHER AND SHEATHED. INSTALL WATERPROOF GYPSUM BOARD AT ALL WATER SPLASH AREAS ALL RECESSED LIGHTS IN INSULATED CEILINGS TO HAVE THE LABEL. FRAMING NOTES. PROVIDE POSITIVE VENTILATION AT EA. END OF EA. RAFTER SPACE AT VAULTED CEILING AREAS. PROVIDE FIRE BLOCKING, DRAFT STOPS AND FIRE STOPS AS PER I.B.C. SEC. R502.12. PROVIDE POSITIVE CONNECTIONS AT EACH END OF ALL POSTS AND COLUMNS TO RESIST LATERAL DISPLACEMENT. Bo RING PERFORMANCE: HEAT LOSS CALCULATIONS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF REGIONAL AND LOCAL CODES. ALL EXHAUST FANS TO BE VENTED DIRECTLY TO THE EXTERIOR. ALL PENETRATIONS OF THE BUILDING ENVELOPE SHALL BE SEALED WITH CAULK OR FOAM. FLASHING NOTES. (IRC. R103.8 FLASHING) ALL OPENINGS TO THE EXTERIOR MUST BE CAULKED AND FLASHED. FLASHING IS REQUIRED WHERE ALL ROOF 8 VERTICAL SURFACES MEET, AT WALL AND ROOF INTERSECTIONS. AND WHERE SIDING MATERIAL CHANGES. 1r,F RAM PROTECTION: 1 LAYER OF 401/ COATED ROOFING OR COATED CLASS C BASE SHEET SHALL BE APPLIED FROM THE EAVES TOA LINE IV INSIDE THE EXTERIOR WALL LINE //TIC VFNTILATION• NET FREE AREA TO BE EQUAL TO 1/50TH OF THE ATTIC AREA, OR 1/300TH OF THE ATTIC AREA PROVIDED WITH AT LEAST 50% IN THE UPPER PORTION OF ROOF WITH THE BALANCE IN VENTED SOFFIT. GRADING NITIFS.: 1 CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. 2 PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE AWAY FROM BUILDING. 3 FINAL GRADE TO CONVEY SURFACE DRAINAGE TOWARD LOT LINES AND SWAILS. 4 AREAS TO BE FILLED SHALL BE CLEARED, GRUBBED TO REMOVE TREES, VEGETATION, ROOTS AND OTHER OBJECTIONABLE MATERIAL AND STRIPPED OF TOPSOIL. FansinN CANTRDI NOTF8.; 1 INSTALL SILT FENCE PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION OR CONSTRUCTION. 2 MINIMIZE SITE DISTURBANCE BY TIGHT CONTROL OF EXCAVATION LIMITS. 3 IT IS RECOMMENDED THE CONTRACTOR COVER ALL EXPOSED SOIL WITH MULCHED STRAW OR WOOD CHIPS TO MINIMIZE SOIL EROSION. 4 DISPERSION TRENCHES SHALL OVERFLOW ONTO NATIVE UNDISTURBED GROUND. NO SITE DISTURBANCE BELOW TRENCHES. FIRE BLOCKING AND DRAFT STOPPING. - PROVIDE FIRE BLOCKING AROUND ALL OPENINGS BETWEEN FLOORS PER R302.11 - PROVIDE DRAFT STOPPING WHEN THERE IS CONCEALED SPACE BETWEEN FLOORS PER R302.12 irNFRAI PORCH) OPEN NOTES; ATTACH DECK LEDGER WITH LAG BOLTS/ SCREWS THAT PENETRATE INTO R11.1 JOIST OR WALL STUDS PER MINNESOTA CODE REQUIREMENTS. VANS AND NFATIFOS: ALL HEADERS TO BE (2) WO SPF UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. IF ANY BEAMS OR HEADERS ARE NOTED ON THE PLAN. DEPTH OF SUCH SHALL NOT BE EXCEEDED. MIN. DBL STUDS IF ALL WINDOW AND DOOR OPENINGS LARGER THEN 6 FT, AND POINT LOADS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. BEAM HEADER SUPPLIER TO VERIFY THAT ALL BEAMS AND HEADERS WILL SUPPORT ROOF AND FLOOR LOAD TRUSS LOADS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. WALL PANE! NOWA: B.P. BRACED WALL PANEL 3,4' MIN. LENGTH wr 7/16' OSB OR 1/2' PLYWOOD AND 8d COMMONS 3' de AT ALL PANEL EDGES, 6' o/c FIELD. LB.P. INTERIOR BRACED WALL PANEL lir GYP. BD PER R 602.10.3(5); 1/2 GM EACH SIDE w/ *6 X 1 1/4 TYPES OR W SCREWS PERS ASTM C1002 r do @ ALL SUPPORTS A.B.P. ALTERNATE BRACED WALL PANEL 2,8' MIN. WIDTH w/ 7/16" OSB OR 172 PLYWOOD AND 8d COMMONS 3' o/c AT ALL PANEL EDGES. 6' ot FIELD 8 (2) A.B. PER PANEL LOCATED AT 1/4 POINTS & 1800* MIN. HOLDDOWN EACH END 'HPAHD22 OR STD10) ALL BRACED WALL PANELS TO BEGIN WITHIN 10,0' FROM EACH END OFA BRACED WALL LINE. DISTANCE BETWEEN ADJACENT EDGES OF A BRACED WALL PANEL SHALL BE NO GREATER THAN 20,0'. SMOKE ALARMS. PROVIDED AND INSTALLED PER IRC SECTION 313.2.1 PROVIDE SMOKE DETECTORS IN EVERY BEDROOM AND IN THE CORRIDOR GIVING ACCESS TO THE BEDROOM. ON ALL FLOORS- INCLUDING THE BASEMENT, ADD A SMOKE DETECTOR IN ANY ROOM WITH A CEILING HEIGHT MORE THAN 24' HIGHER THAN THE CORRIDORS ACCESSING THE BEDROOMS. CARBON moNoxinf ALARMS. PROVIDED AND INSTALLED PER MINNESOTA STATUE 299F.50 DOOR AND INNinnw NOTES; EVERY BEDROOM SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH AN EGRESS WINDOW WITH FINISH SILL HEIGHT NOT GREATER THAN 4e ABOVE THE FINISH FLOOR HEIGHT AND SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM OPENABLE AREA OF 5.7 SQ. FT. EGRESS WINDOWS SHALL NOT HAVE AN OPENABLE AREA LESS THAN 20' WIDE OR 24' HIGH. DOORS BETWEEN GARAGE AND LIVING AREA SHALL BE 1-3,4. TIGHT FITTING SOLID CORE DOORS WITH A RATING OF 120 MINUTES. GARAGE DOORS TO RE SECTIONAL, OVERHEAD DOORS GENERAL PLUMBING AND VFNTINO NOTES PROVIDE AIR BARRIER PROTECTION FOR INSULATION BEHIND/ BELOW TUB/SHOWER UNITS INSTALLED ON EXTERIOR WALLS AS REM) BY ENERGY CODE. INSTALL WATERPROOF GYPSUM BOARD AT ALL WATER SPLASH AREAS TO MINIMUM 70' ABOVE SHOWER DRAINS. EXHAUST ALL VENTS AND FANS DIRECTLY TO OUTSIDE VIA METAL DUCTS FORNTIATION NOTES. ALL FOOTINGS TO REST ON CLEAN FIRM UNDISTURBED SOIL. STEP FOOTINGS A REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN REQUIRED DEPTH BELOW FINISH GRADES. CONCRETE STRENGTH. 3.000 PSI AT 28 DAYS FOR ALL SLABS. (FOUNDATION DESIGN BASED ON 2,500 PSI). 3,000 PSI AT 28 DAYS FOR ALL OTHER CONDITION. MAXIMUM SLUMP, 4' CONCRETE EXPANSION ANCHORS SHALL BE 'SIMPSON WEDGE-ALL STUD ANCHORS' OR EQUIVALENT. INFILTRATION, ALL OPENINGS IN THE EXT. BLDG. ENVELOPE SHALL BE SEALED AGAINST AIR INFILTRATION. THE FOLLOWING AREAS MUST BE SEALED. • JOINTS AROUND WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES • JOINTS BETWEEN WALL CAVITY AND WINDOW/DFL FME. • JOINTS BETWEEN WALL AND FOUNDATION • JOINTS BETWEEN WALL AND ROOF • JOINTS BETWEEN WALL PANELS • UTILITY PENETRATIONS THROUGH EXTERIOR WALLS EXTERIOR MATERIALS: ROOF VENT 6X8 ROOF VENTS SHINGLES 240 OR 520-340# GUTTERS ALUMINUM FASCIA ALUMINUM FRIEZE MEI $199- ENTRY - LP WINDOW LP - HEADER 8 SILL WINDOW SIDES J CHANNEL CORNER TRIM 1X4 LP CORNER CAPITAL (FRONT ENTRY) HORIZ. SIDING SHAKE SIDING DECKING MATERIAL: DECKING DECK BAND BOARD WRAPPED POSTS LP EXT.FINISH OVER INSUL TPO INTERIOR MATERIAL COLORS: INTERIOR MILLWORK INTERIOR STAIN INTERIOR HARDWARE INTERIOR WALL PAINT FLOORING 1000E1.510 6:12 0 TO/ RATE Lr IT,,, FE.01111.10,11 /1001t1W$ 111,101.1,Nre rota...f GRADE EXTERIOR MATERIAL COLORS: SHINGLES MAIN LAP SIDING VERTICAL SIDING SHAKE SIDING DOOR TRIM FRONT DOOR COLOR REAR DOOR COLOR WINDOW TRIM FRIEZE TRIM 4" CORNER TRIM 12" CORNER TRIM DECKING RAILINGS DECK TRIM STONE EXISTING FRONT ELEVATION 1/8"=I-0 HH LJ EXISTING BACK ELEVATION 1/8"=1'-0 PROJECT SCOPE: • DEMO EXISTING HOUSE - NEW HOUSE BUILD PROJECT SQUARE FEET: HOUSE: LOWER- 1,481 MAIN- 1,443 UPPER- 1,841 GARAGE: 1,022 TOTAL FINISHED 50. FT.= 4,111 4407 4.14,Of •. Asew • P.m Wm L-1 CITY OF EDINA NOV 3 0 2021 PLANNING DEPARTMENT N Ns \./ .051,W1440 MO. nrr) BASE.....944.9100 Cut GTO. 1.110. tfr• • 2. 4,111.011 /0. •wwwv,Loong6 PLR COX • V 1.0.Z0 401k. OUSP*11011 HALL aft1016/21141tra-OC •10.1., 01 04 KVA 12 4 TOP Or 0.Wht / RV) FRONT ELEVATION 1/4".1'-0 TOP OF Fib 101.01..0. THIS PROJECT SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED TO THE CURRENT MN RESIDENTIAL BUILDING CODE, INCORPORATING THE AMENDED 2015 IRC AND MN RULES 1322 RESIDENTIAL ENERGY CODE. wreruteroxn-wea mac., / LEFT ELEVATION 1/4"=1'-0 4 12 MIME° fleSe. Pr° CO. rt. lir roe Fun El _c] 241.. iteetTRUSS GRAVE BACK ELEVATION 1/4"=1'-0 ford /00/9.0 • r FLVILOGAL. MAW,. WALL a I ST• .0 If IMAX3,7 0 • 2711G .114 1001. WIZ. ie.° I.e. Pte. 0 TOP Nrrt 12,40.06. Let 1112 6.2 Lee 4-1 WA, 1112 7\ 12 Arterftellrel terfeer G12 • r:rnttlete fere15 12 •KIALIVIOr E.E Id WO Wt. 1,3414 • A-INI .11,11 k RIGHT ELEVATION 1/4"=1'-0 UI 2 o O gl 7 2 O 3, 2 % z 8 (i2 6; ND E g O /-11 I Yl c) Oi ta T z 2E De o O P 2 E ow L-k !! 2 3 8 1°T tor tomer, GRADE .0 IP, RAT 12 Pleb° melee DATE: 6/13/2020 SHEET: A-2 CITY OF EDINA NOV 3 0 2021 PLANNING DEPARTME-N O °‘;! z trl ,° !4 !Ei Rie EF 11/23/2021 ji; e x!V ELEVATIONS EA,, DVDS az REVISION DATE: 15.01/05./ 5 11.0.10D WC.. 110/11.1. .10 COn. PTO 01 0 V 4. r 1 5.40 USD., YENDOP10/ If.128021:1 17-0T11.4r 1 J 25'10. 74* YI ionaRoor ROOM 13,0.x1T-4. 910 SUN ISLAND 344 usa SW INDOSE MPCHANICAL venom 12,25(T.3. VDUS DM (DUE LOCAUs TED, T.tp.___cesroot, UNEXCAVATED (-7ARA6F MUD SOUKS 10301001.0.0 L• 1.11 001ESE.1.1. • Es GE.. N. • r404011.0./14 ELF CODE • 1001.11010.1,511SD 0 DEW W-01 • 2.10. CO. roonmsm mooRzeo, 1C S . 11 , 1 , 10:1 , 11sUSSLI DIMl17 RnM4 16 ,1,26,0. Ilr CON< 5045 VALVE.. eureeD NOCE 11-5 r00 ./ 1 0...U.10, C0NUPTSE .0 510. • r Na 11111 4'4. -1 -J rwuce DE MOOR TRUES s, \ • 1110 W I 1 1 1 I I I I I 2411113.4./.,11•1000E0., ttG • .10.8 rus • 10,0 INNS 0 OM r,..14 44.0 Pit.4275(0 ST .15 • 2.0 CODC PTO ants. RE.11 SELME 5,5 33 5110946F 20%0'41-4' 3' T04- PERFORATED PIPE LAID HORIZONTALLY UNDER THE VAPOR BARRIER AND IN THE ROCK Vat41/101.111,10/03. EWES • Fools, Ur. PC.0.0101.4. DOLLS wkve 51.11.0 EU. 5.111,1, YUMA, 0. CEUTA F00. • TO ERACE PUSS DUSIDES • Vs.101.SC r0Orws5 a st US, GARAGE FOUNDATION RIM DETAIL 1/4"=1'-0" 4 . OF AGGREGATE UNDER ALL CONCRETE SLABS (GREATER THAN 114. DiAm BUT SMALLER THAN 21 PASSIVE RADON SYSTEM " NOTE: ALL EXTERIOR FOUNDATION DIMENSIONS ARE OUTSIDE OF 2" FOAM TO OUTSIDE OF T FOAM ALL EXTERIOR FRAMING DIMENSIONS ARE FRAMING TO FRAMING FOUNDATION LAYOUT, DETAILS SHEET: A-3 THIS PROJECT SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED TO THE CURRENT MN RESIDENTIAL. BUILDING CODE, INCORPORATING THE AMENDED 2015 IRC AND MN RULES 1322 RESIDENTIAL ENERGY CODE. UM SU /SATE TO1.6 UST PODUATION WEL SYS 50 FULD. 31.011. M.A. EU 01,12601100.1101 • 14.(101)1140.001.0011 • TYPE10.1,14.0.5 • Ens. DULA AL0116 TOE <DEEM VW. • OrtElls. 6,1. SCUD 0/00/..E.D.DES) 4.10SED Isin, MP. ID ES MU I? OSS11..016 Er sem • SU 1011.• VS 1.,00111 surEDY 1/14 • SE/4,11 /0 um us CLDS .00 OP 5.-Dff • .1 .1111.014 SOrtoN EWE Css TRUSS • SC. WEER 1/10.51.1. PUTS PL0011 SYSTEM •101510C1,001 Or RODET P.M TO MEET 110. PSDIEC1101 a PL.'S PER CODE • C0101...10.0 eeED . SEEL.' DEVe. 11011 VDU SETE00111/3.00 ROOF. 11011.1.14..... •,1911011.11N D15.4111110.11 1.45.1.EDIV110.140 SEICS tearoom.. 100 TO ExCEID ,11) /,EDSES 1.000011014 • W Wr S O W W S S O I R. . .5 1111OW, 0.. raY. . G s.s • 11 W.K1., . RM... AD.0.4 el 11PE a CT s E S D HOUSE-TO-GARAGE FOUNDATION DETAIL 1/4"=1'-0" 0 m 10' CODE NED FLOODsit100.1311010 POLY.U11. 1.ES.0[0,01 LESS TEMP • SAW IROSINS • W E.WED COU Otrximr. • Wk10. GONG NM. • ILT01 EMU • 61.01. • 27.0... r SOT. WU EMU To SC DM 111.20 111 COM0LETt C. GARAGE FOUNDATION DETAIL 1/4"=V-0" MATTO RI pure .0 10 CO. SOS P100111a MERU .4 W. POLY UPPED 10/1.15S.110. Nan. TO MST ON 61.14WS 111.1511.00,0 rzR 0. W.I ES S 'MX ral. OF WAD. 11012..1. FLU TO1.1.5 PUT rans.n. MU DE /SO 1.10.01161.11.6 P11.1 WNW. 11.1•04.11011 A.(1.10.01114.1./0011 4- Er.05 111.1U00.0 PONT EE.1.2 PEATE1 r 6 1NPXCAVATFD PORCH L L 44-74. AT FOUNDATION 1/411 =11-0 ,11-1 CITY OF EDINA .01.1•01.11 D. T0NE11EFW 014.17101 PEE Pe"R0s1 C-0113..0 MILES WPCs/UDC.< I ,,•1 CONC rte DIE00117 23 10. 33. .11.011.6TP DOARODUE1101.11 AMUSED. Ia.. WPC.. 1. • ...WOO Of SeWAT BE/g. USU. rm. 11,54., ROOS 11 WU. 01 ESC D024011 /11.11,0.101. DDIELLED PERM.. SPECS W011,11.160.. 1401,0 00010 0011 PIPE ENDS A MIN. OF IT ABOVE ROOF SURFACE AND A MIN OF 10,0. FROM YONDOVG, OPENINGS OR OTHER BUILDINGS VENT PIPE T FITTING. VENT PIPE TO HORIZONTAL PIPE I .., FLASH AROUND PIPE VENT PIPE RUNS VERTICALLY THRU THE BUILDING LABEL PIPE AS 'RADON REDUCTION SYSTEsr ON EACH FLOOR ..-- • mil POLY SHEETING OVER AGGREGATE OVERLAPPED 12. AT SEAMS FIT CLOSELY AROUND PENETRATIONS NOV 3 0 2021 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 6/13/2020 REVISION 11/23/2021 311.1.5EE 4V601.5 ALS. WO UM 01 Et far•• Ot.,14) 10 ON 310.11,4> DI OM ArLONSSOWO• 11.15 SEELED1/1.4 SLL RUE '7eRe1 =4 Si r0En leg *P011 C.001011 <-¨Mt stEs suer • I, ISMS. n.C.ELISPON.C.. s $1,10.0 111.11,00.410. 10 40.0.1 nosossr. tws.) ws<01.10 PEE 11.5 LJ 103000 {SPE14.15 www.eiddprints.com P05,0,051 9099101999 THIS PROJECT SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED TO THE CURRENT MN RESIDENTIAL BUILDING CODE, INCORPORATING THE AMENDED 2015 IRC AND MN RULES 1322 RESIDENTIAL ENERGY CODE. JI L 2 SzS Rs 00 2 2 00 U t N 3€ o O PA E LL LL 2 0 Z N oLL r9 3 42 2, 'a 2gF moo ziN YI 11.-111 5 ,5 107 97-1 1/7 EXI511N6 P060- 21414 RP DPPN PAW, 74 10' 99•99 %Co 919 01.19 M. NM 62 a 5 co NMI ivas:. 01449,0424 36,4.• re.00.1 •0,51, 5rf al.- Nvot 1 S pp. 5,n. OFFSET 5542- unufirr • 6.6,ruvrell TP.5 5 I"-7_1 7 HUD ROOH 17-4119.4. CER 111.0 • 6A6 TV MAT r00. LA211/124_ 4.4. FA,11. Y /MDR 2Y-6,1T-9 :; ,. /1.:0 , 4115,5595 3 194•09 N009 Eltei. CNAROEft •6 (Art urres 999091-9 ja1LNEN 13,0174'-0. 441' T-11 74 (.0 LO CO U) 0) 0 > Z EF‹ C C o 6)a 0. < co a) C•I cC 0.) 'C .— 0 L.L1 CD 2 0,6[111,04,, &What_ OW CON< WO 119001. WA. PO. AO. ti F1.06• ourx TOPAYNONT 29 91.009•1919..5 \ 11 ,5.00 11009 DO. .1,60"a:clip f21111916_13/2/22. On"- 11'-014-19 13.4,13,0. ki 14,51V-7 6 10—(4-0 I 9.00909NN 'FOAL 5.19190 CITY OF EDINA NOV 3 0 2021 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 61415060 DOOR I of t.ss...1 'OP w (11i Pt 14.1.14-vamt OVP.FAO ennie IAO 47,61.1.0400,1455,110 ,Er 01,14...1. 9,6*-49 h 54314 4-11/4' Off 21111.0011 90,74,7 ,66.1.14 MOR 010.90424 I•-7 DATE: 9031,09051 6/13/2020 2V 34 REVISION 11/23/2021 MAIN FLOOR 1/4"=1'-0 93. FLOOR LAYOUT SHEET: A-4 B 0 X 0 -6 A '0 -0 70 OO '7"' Z , X r-3. CO I 01 Z M I.> xi c> c F; (.11 rn z -t Z r' rn C r-rn in cm 1,1 X Z 70 M m N TZ/ 5 z rn ,„ z c rn F ci z ci r, c;) rn VNIG3 JO All0 COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER: Al.). IDEAS DESIGNS, ARRANGEMENTS. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS INDICATED OR REPRESENTED BY THIS DRAINING ARE OWNED BY EDMONSON INK DRAFTING & DESIGN CO. AND WERE CREATED. EVOLVED OR DEVELOPED FOR USE ON AND IN CONNECTION WITH, THE SPECIFIED PROJECT. NONE OF THESE IDEAS, DESIGNS, ARRANGEMENTS, PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE USED OR DISCLOSED TO ANY PERSON, FIRM OR CORPORATION OF FOR ANY PURPOSE WHATSOEVER WT ROUT THE. WRITTEN PERMISSION OF EDMONSON INK DRAFTING & DESIGN GO. CONTACT WITH THESE PLANS OR SPECIFICATIONS SHALL CONSTITUTE CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE OF ACCEPTANCE OF THESE RESTRICTIONS Client: BUILDER: Eric & Jenn Bjorgaard 6112 Arbour Ave Minneapolis, MN 55436 m' -( 0 0 0 c NJ NJ NJ NJ 0 Co O N+ 6.4 NJ O 0 D m edmonson ink drafting & design PO BOX 331, Annandale MN. 55302 eidpprints@gmail.com 320-223-1519 www.eiddprints.com THIS PROJECT SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED TO THE CURRENT MN RESIDENTIAL BUILDING CODE, INCORPORATING THE AMENDED 2018 IRC AND MN RULES 1322 RESIDENTIAL ENERGY CODE. 2.1.242222-14_.- 12.4.•44.45 •0.4114.-4 44- KKR! 444,4- L<ngbol ConteGotm / / ,r j j j./ /: / / / /,,,,/,..1.' / / FrOvkle Spour 10 FINNI OM 414e4Ser to FYI 5941 TN./0 se as Reg! Each SW 2 RDI Toy Mt< I a He...1mM Re. lid01.0 Wasr o 0 C 1144 SI00.114). le Kea:WIN/1W Nal, 03'0 C EON Way hp (1)24 Swing S041 4 (1)24 Fue Helot 6901 600, End of Header 2 / / 1 11'1111 11W Kat 1,,mG 4 4 cc MB Shesens AKKed to Ealerk r 51. 00 Studs (11.1SImehins bad EWSMs 511.011.10d Rah 03. OL Typ ) Leeate Panel low satin 7L• Peers Ceder 0 OPPNI.O. a R.444 / 26504 54 041 al Sheat9N4 lob. (Orlent Face to 910•01041, Fasle4 To9elter 04(3) led SNtere 0e014460014 Per Flan (244 Seseml SW, M11 Sirc4019T11014 EnGebded KM Dcum Anchors At Loutlom Shaw (Reef to Pes41.411ed Op11404) -L( / C I P. Conuele 00.101en Per Code ;p4424 ,,,. f! .44 .22 •414 • Ur 0212 • 1421 04.1 NTT 0,0•1 411(1, J0,1116 004.404,14TMOR/4441.4.4410t -2413,42.5.4T IVO C. On IM0-0 1221.01,040. • 11 .1,412.0 4./ROH R 22-41, WW2 TOMOATI0414141. Nr•ITOG 'onus. 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M0 Entee) HOte:1,40 Appess Epley BHN SW. el Opening GARAGE / MASTER BEDROOM GROSS SECTION 1/4"=1'-0 GARAGE PORTAL FRAMING NO SCALE STAIR GROSS SECTION. 1/4"=V-0 MUD ROOM GARAGE 12 ATM 11.141.4410,1 f 00u t0 1.111•10/ 'KATY:AMA II SOFT OTrINT IFOIMPIT>.42 50 Fr 44010/1401421144......44,5 PROVIOIDIN 71414,,EX14001..4.4., rer1414.44....od I4rnTI,V-4. CITY OF EDINA NOV 3 0 2021 PLANNING DEPARTMLNT - Taw MAN RISER HEIGHT 101MIN TREAD MIN HEADROOM • MAINTAIN MIN. SG' WIDTH OF HALLINATS AHD STAIRWAYS TREAD MATERIAL PER SPEC. GOOD . AT LEAST ONE HANDRAIL REQUIRED ON GUARDRAIL OPEN SIDES • GUARDRAILS MIN ?X MGT., 4' MAX OPENINGS • HANDRAILS- CONTINUOUS GRIFPABLE HANDRIAL5 REM,. 94,36 . HIGHT. I. I/4,7 DIA NO CLOSER THAN 1.1/7 TOINALL, RETURN ENDS TO WALL OR POST. MASTER BATH MASTER BEDROOM .STANDARD STAIR DETAIL NO SCALE 2 420,4 2•4455 • 11 z c or/. 11,0ORTO CANT OVIRMJ0.01,111,11.74r Sia.L.E6 •1512,400£5.41,4. .444../414.4.41124 •••• FUT ren WAT/Old 4.20OF .3411.41,452.44. 50FIrTIV GOP, Kra OvVe4.4. Pg. PORCH ROOF DETAIL 1/4"=V-0 HOUSE WALL/ ROOF DETAIL 1/4"=I-0 •13.12 .14.201,5404,24•10 T4245.52.5 2.4. 0 44.1TROVIAO (2 Rare) 4% MT Ate. .2414 21,111.244 .501.112,1MOKT yenT 0.444442. .101 LavAT.0,42 5..A. 4.044sErot., .24 51,095 0 L. •122. 1, 2121.444412.141.0 IUSTIMS )71 BUILDING GROSS SECTION 1/4"=1'-0 NOT TO EXCEED RISERtSHT STRINGER 19/4' W. CUT ON Feb P. MSS 1.444435 4402t0 ‘.04,2544.4.10% 4.311/00 4.“.22 4214614.012 0.4.101,,V1 541.04r5lOt •04..400.2.tr00,11 61.4..v• rf wales a .pro or On CM. V* /0 rI.422. vl lKAN R211, o41.4. 4 Ha 4.00.N.0 reT041.1.4PITO JONI. 6r, 110 ren4,,rresno.4.01 442.04.401 w SHEET: A-6 DATE: 6/13/2020 REVISION 11/23/2021 BUILDING SECTION, CROSS SECTION DETAILS O 0 O 8 E 8 a -o Linger.. L 54 —o 130 130 > m COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER: ALL IDEAS. DESIGNS, ARRANGEMENTS. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS INDICATED OR REPRESENTED BY THIS DRAWING ARE OWNED BY EDMONSON INK DRAFTING & DESIGN CO. AND WERE CREATED, EVOLVED OR DEVELOPED FOR USE ON AND IN CONNECTION WITH, THE SPECIFIED PROJECT. NONE OF THESE IDEAS. DESIGNS. ARRANGEMENTS. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE USED OR DISCLOSED TO ANY PERSON, FIRM OR CORPORATION OF FOR ANY PURPOSE WHATSOEVER WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF EDMONSON INK DRAFTING & DESIGN CO. CONTACT WITH THESE PLANS OR SPECIFICATIONS SHALL CONSTITUTE CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE OF ACCEPTANCE OF THESE RESTRICTIONS —0 —0 Qo H. 0-• 0.1 0 73 c73 0 0 0 m Client: Eric & Jenn Bjorgaard 6112 Arbour Ave Minneapolis, MN 55436 BUILDER: elmonson ink drafting & design PO BOX 331, Annandale MN. 55302 eidpprints@gmail.com 320-223-1519 www.eiddprints.com 26'16'16'10' 5800 JEFF PLACE 6104 ARBOUR LANE SETBACK SETBACK SHEET:Client:Eric & Jenn Bjorgaard6112 Arbour AveMinneapolis, MN 55436BUILDER:A-8 11/12/2021 PROJECT SQUARE FEET: PRELIMINARY BLUEPRINTS edmonson inkdraing & designPO BOX 331, Annandale MN, 55302eidpprints@gmail.com 320-223-1519 www.eiddprints.comDATE: REVISION 6/13/2020 THIS PROJECT SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED TO THE CURRENT MN RESIDENTIAL BUILDING CODE, INCORPORATING THE AMENDED 2018 IRC AND MN RULES 1322 RESIDENTIAL ENERGY CODE.COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER:ALL IDEAS, DESIGNS, ARRANGEMENTS, PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS INDICATED OR REPRESENTED BY THIS DRAWING ARE OWNED BY EDMONSON INK DRAFTING & DESIGN CO. AND WERE CREATED, EVOLVED OR DEVELOPED FOR USE ON AND IN CONNECTION WITH, THE SPECIFIED PROJECT. NONE OF THESE IDEAS, DESIGNS,ARRANGEMENTS, PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE USED OR DISCLOSED TO ANY PERSON, FIRM OR CORPORATION OF FOR ANY PURPOSE WHATSOEVER WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF EDMONSON INK DRAFTING & DESIGN CO. CONTACT WITH THESE PLANS OR SPECIFICATIONS SHALL CONSTITUTE CONCLUSIVEEVIDENCE OF ACCEPTANCE OF THESE RESTRICTIONS. STREET ELEVATIONS FRONT ELEVATION 6104 ARBOUR AVE. 3/16"=1'-0 FRONT ELEVATION 6112 ARBOUR AVE. 3/16"=1'-0 ARBOUR AVE. STREET ELEVATIONS 13'21'6' 5800 JEFF PLACE 6104 ARBOUR LANE SETBACK SETBACK 46'-9"34'-10"SHEET:Client:Eric & Jenn Bjorgaard6112 Arbour AveMinneapolis, MN 55436BUILDER:A-9 11/12/2021 PROJECT SQUARE FEET: PRELIMINARY BLUEPRINTS edmonson inkdraing & designPO BOX 331, Annandale MN, 55302eidpprints@gmail.com 320-223-1519 www.eiddprints.comDATE: REVISION 6/13/2020 THIS PROJECT SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED TO THE CURRENT MN RESIDENTIAL BUILDING CODE, INCORPORATING THE AMENDED 2018 IRC AND MN RULES 1322 RESIDENTIAL ENERGY CODE.COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER:ALL IDEAS, DESIGNS, ARRANGEMENTS, PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS INDICATED OR REPRESENTED BY THIS DRAWING ARE OWNED BY EDMONSON INK DRAFTING & DESIGN CO. AND WERE CREATED, EVOLVED OR DEVELOPED FOR USE ON AND IN CONNECTION WITH, THE SPECIFIED PROJECT. NONE OF THESE IDEAS, DESIGNS,ARRANGEMENTS, PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE USED OR DISCLOSED TO ANY PERSON, FIRM OR CORPORATION OF FOR ANY PURPOSE WHATSOEVER WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF EDMONSON INK DRAFTING & DESIGN CO. CONTACT WITH THESE PLANS OR SPECIFICATIONS SHALL CONSTITUTE CONCLUSIVEEVIDENCE OF ACCEPTANCE OF THESE RESTRICTIONS. JEFF PLACE STREET ELEVATIONS STREET ELEVATIONS LEFT ELEVATION 6112 ARBOUR AVE. 3/16"=1'-0 FRONT ELEVATION 5800 JEFF PLACE 3/16"=1'-0 FRONT ELEVATION 3/16"=1'-0 Jeffrey A Prasch, E Project Engineer • STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Lot 14, Block 2, Edina Grove 6112 Arbour Avenue CITY OF EDINA Edina, Minnesota NOV 3 0 2021 September 23, 2021 November 29, 2021 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Prepared By: Demarc Land Surveying & Engineering 7601 73rd Avenue North Brooklyn Park, Minnesota 55428 763.560.3093 Prepared For: Cyclone Construction 5330 Glen Road Chaska, MN 55318 I hereby certify that this Plan, Specification or Report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. 52706 License Number Date 09.23.21 Stormwater Management Plan 6112 Arbour Avenue — Edina, MN Rev.- November 29, 2021 Table of Contents Table of Contents i 1.0 Project Overview ii 2.0 Design Considerations ii 3.0 Rate Control ii Table 3.1 — Discharge Rate Summary ii 4.0 Volume Control iii Table 4.1 — Volume Retention Summary iii Appendix A — Figures Figure 1 — Drainage Areas Existing Conditions Figure 2 — Drainage Areas Proposed Conditions Figure 3 — Precipitation Data Appendix B — Existing Conditions 10-Year Summary 1-3 Appendix C — Proposed Conditions 10-Year Summary 4-10 Appendix D — Soil Summary 1-3 CITY OF EDINA NOV 3 0 2021 PLANNING DEPARTMENT i Stormwater Management Plan 6112 Arbour Avenue — Edina, MN Rev.- November 29, 2021 1.0 Project Overview A new dwelling unit is being proposed at 6112 Arbour Avenue in the City of Edina, Minnesota. The current site is 0.31 acres with a residence, attached garage, driveway, deck, sidewalk and Sport Court on the property. There are existing residences to the north and west of the property. Currently, the majority of the site drains east and south to the street, while the other portion surface flows to private property. According to the Edina Water Resources Interactive Map, there is structural flooding issues immediately downstream of the property. The existing drainage conditions are shown in Figure 1. The proposed improvements include a new residence, attached garage, and driveway. For the proposed conditions, existing drainage patterns will be matched. Additionally, a French Drain is proposed to capture stormwater from a portion of roof from a downspout and will be located along the north property line. The French Drain will outlet via a landscape grate. Figure 2 shows the proposed drainage conditions. The proposed stormwater improvements will include: A French Drain 2.0 Design Considerations The City of Edina (City) and the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District (NMCWD) dictates the rate and volume requirements for this site. Because the proposed improvements will not increase the impervious area by more than 25% the volume and rate requirements of the NMCWD do not apply for the site. The on-site stormwater system design is based on the guidelines. The following design tools, methods, and considerations were used in the design of the on-site stormwater system: A Rate and Volume Modeling Software — HydroCAD 10.10 A Rainfall Distribution — MSE 24-hour Type III A Rainfall Data — NOAA Atlas 14 rainfall data as shown in Figure 3. A Soil Conditions — Hydrologic Soil Group B based on Web Soil Survey. Appendix D. A Infiltration Rate = 0.45in/hr C1-1Y LL) N, 3.0 Rate Control NOV 3 0 2021 The City regulates the rate of watEgiflimbawelAffp% ft-site. The requirement is that there be no increase in peak rate to private properties for the 10% annual probability event (NOAAAtIas 14, 10-year). Table 3.1 shows the existing and proposed runoff rates to private property. Table 3.1 — Discharge Rate Summary Discharge Node Discharge Rate [cfs] 10-Year Storm Event Pre- Post- Private Property 0.40 0.40 From the table above, the proposed runoff rates do not exceed the existing runoff rate for the 10-year storm event. This meets the rate control requirement for the City of Edina. The HydroCAD results for the rate control are included in Appendices B-C. ii Stormwater Management Plan 6112 Arbour Avenue — Edina, MN Rev.- November 29, 2021 4.0 Volume Control The City regulates the volume of water discharged from the site. The requirement is that one point one (1.1) inches of runoff from the new contributing impervious surfaces must be abstracted. Since this site does drain to a structural flooding issue, volume control is required. The impervious area and volume control summary can be found in Table 4.1. Table 4.1 — Volume Retention Summary Retention Facility Proposed Increased Impervious Area (sq. ft) Required 1.1" Retention Volume (cu. ft) Actual Retention Volume (cu. ft) Time to filtrate (hrs) French Drain (4P) 728 67 67 18 Total 728 67 67 18 As shown in the table above, the actual retention volume meets the required retention volume. CITY OF EDINA NOV 3 0 2021 PLANNING DEPARTMENT iii Appendix A Figures CITY OF EDINA NOV 3 0 2021 PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEMARC LAND SURVEYING & ENGINEERING 7601 73rd Avenue North (763) 560-3093 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55428 DernarcInc.com / Fff /, / Residence 503.8 / / NO. 6104 / 9993/// / / // / 4/ 7 /4 8Z11.4 (Closest Budding Corner 34.0 tP4 _ 38.7 ,-.---x oaks 6' Paver L.2ncling S ,_ 877.3 878.1 1378.2 ° • . oi7.5 A I I • x 877.0 37;4: too 876.78 - • ......,..., , s. Pone Pole" 7 .5 / 878. 1' 0.70' tggi 877.5 lbox B7 . et,,,,. , 6745.0 tcc'''' 76 46 ''F' 8774 5 e, 0 in O I '5 lc , .. X ...07 87o. I E 877.9 77.9 7C3 / 1224)^ / OF 875.5 , N 876.2 • CD 6 ',', . , CD 87 . (0 6 4.. b,..,yer. ,,, . ..... c, . • L11'2 co . N.; . . A ,cr co 457415_ ,' Q.78.3 '?575.d. 0 r- t.. 876.20 tee, 76.07, LOT 14, LOCK 2 EDINA GROVE 6112 ARBOUR AVENUE EDINA, MN .. o 5 877. a 57 4, 578.9 878 • 8-7 , ,"3 .6 m 7:25. . P.' ' . -40"/ $ 876. 75.3 CP too ' LEGEND 0 o 1 78. _ .4 , 57500 60 e SUBCATCHMENT NUMBER • 77.5cn \ (5). CI ne,Aeo . Residence 1 13 (9$ 5.75kettuff 1.1 877.7,M1 Hoop 0 ..... 877.6x i ! ,877.5 " IP a AS 35.7 in t 75.3i 0 to r- C). - "<C POND/CATCH BASIN NUMBER NO. 5800 fFf ,. 5796 ' .., 6.4 rok *c, -, \ . tn,878.6 6,077.5 ' - / :0 i 2 Residence NO. 6112 ED s.... 877.4 r-. 0 ri-_ tr., R _______41.2 0 co - 575.55 c) .1 78.3 '4"..--:-CC 'a)1 0 11 ,"" ..... 1...3 R RLIEA NKCNHUNMUBMEBRER GP ... 8779 8782 877.9 i 8 9 / ' • . , 5 75 5 tr., 877.8 p,,e. .2 _ _ 875.1 . ‘ 7 1 876.9X I - .4 ,,f,. 75 {577.9 8779 ,,,r, 577. 1377.0 876.8 577.8 - 77.3 ;%.** 876. • , 876.4 Iv®f, 'Y , 6 77.6 576. 875.3 9` • .576 876, LAght __________---Are°1 6.0 C,...1 '''' CM 874.61(Z.4 75.05 !-- 75.00 Z W I- CC DRAINAGE ARROW DRAINAGE AREAS EXISTING CONDITIONS oP4 the..20 vire, \.„...*$31 9 ,,c, LJJ CL F-,44' 0 LLI %9°52'02" W 54.0g - 674.6 rs-,- ‘- --r" r',2..34,01 _ c+, Q tnh tcc LY"--- '-' 0 Power v4 --89570-B;:i.6 1,,,,er / 4.5 876.55 374.49 ›- 0 tec ,m, c:'" X4 too CD Z 874.09 i--.__ 874.15 - Z 0 Z Z < Jeff Place -.1 0_ if FIGURE 1 0 20 40 09.23.2021 SCALE IN FEET 77 52.4 tpc Powe Pole/ Residence 653.6. NO. 6104 (C7oseet Building Comer = 34.17 48.1.4 38.7 xe3a 3 8 .877.8 877.4 6 O O Co 0 W do Well ``C tcc 875.58 (z) -S4 4 • O tr> co t- -r- e; g T . x 877.4 s•-• !1 9°52'02" W 54.00 4-9-75---;77:1.6 9374.5 c, 874.8 70 76.8 0 20 40 SCALE IN FEET AS box 77.9 878.2 Proposed a'p< Residence N in ink c.o 677 bw67Z5 Window Well 8 • >c 878'9 6 uhad LEGEND SUBCATCHMENT NUMBER A POND/CATCH BASIN NUMBER LINK NUMBER REACH NUMBER DRAINAGE ARROW FIGURE 2 09.23.2021 Rev.-11.29.2021 PFE 79.6 5 op Basketball Hoop 6'0 0 5%.t Driveway ,34.7 Lr>878. 877.9 877.5 J6.3 877.3 It fence or Bio-Rolls 877. 875,80 20 Temporary F 878.2 877. V2' 77.5 2875.5 rcc 75.05 L tnh to 676.55 mez Powcr 874.15 eon SF o7~ 46 ee --32.55°' 75.3 Light 75.00 0 CC 874.w fV LU 0 • CYZ ›- ›. 0 - o Z z 0._ (7) z 877.3 87,5 77 •a. 677.7 877.6 6.9 tv.45786 5 /.51A 0 0 77.50 Residence NO. 5800 67p.6 8 2 87 ecc 877.0 676.76 Paver Landing 877.3 876.1 878.2 878.2 Sump Discharge to Front - 676. I TO to 874.09 Jeff Place FIGURE 3 - PRECIPITATION DATA NOAA Atlas 14, Volume 8, Version 2 Location name: Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA* Latitude: 44.9126°, Longitude: -93.3445° Elevation: 919.99 ft** * source: ESRI Maps ** source: USGS POINT PRECIPITATION FREQUENCY ESTIMATES nun CITY OF EDINA Sanja Perica, Deborah Martin, Sandra Pavlovic, Ishani Roy, Michael St. Laurent, Carl TRgaluk, Dale Unruh, Michael YeIda, Geoffery Bonnin U V 3 0 2021 NOAA, National Weather Service, Silver Spring, Maryland PF tabular I PF graphical I Maps & aerials PLANNING DEPARTMEN PF tabular PDS-based point precipitation frequency estimates with 90% confidence intervals (in inches)1 J Duration Average recurrence interval (years) A 1 2 5 10 25 50 100 200 500 I 1000 5-min 0.353 (0.288-0.438) 0.419 (0.342-0.520) 0.532 (0.432-0.662) 0.630 (0.509-0.788) 0.773 (0.605-1.00) 0.889 (0.677-1.17) 1.01 (0.741-1.35) 1.14 (0.798-1.56) 1.31 (0.884-1.85) 1.45 (0.949-2.07) 10-min 0.517 (0.422-0.642) 0.613 (0.501-0.762) 0.778 (0.633-0.970) 0.923 (0.746-1.15) 1.13 (0.886-1.47) 1.30 (0.992-1.71) 1.48 (1.09-1.98) 1.67 (1.17-2.29) 1.92 (1.30-2.71) 2.13 (1.39-3.03) 15-min 0.630 (0.515-0.783) 0.748 (0.610-0.929) 0.949 (0.772-1.18) 1.13 (0.909-1.41) 1.38 (1.08-1.79) 1.59 (1.21-2.08) 1.80 (1.32-2.42) 2.03 (1.43-2.79) 2.35 (1.58-3.31) 2.60 (1.70-3.69) 30-min 0.891 (0.729-1.11) 1.07 (0.870-1.32) 1.36 (1.11-1.70) 1.62 (1.31-2.03) 2.00 (1.56-2.59) 2.30 (1.75-3.01) 2.61 (1.92-3.50) 2.94 (2.07-4.05) 3.40 (2.29-4.79) 3.77 (2.46-5.36) 60-min 1.16 (0.950-1.44) 1.39 (1.13-1.72) 1.78 (1.45-2.22) 2.15 (1.74-2.69) 2.70 (2.13-3.54) 3.17 (2.42-4.19) 3.67 (2.70-4.95) 4.21 (2.96-5.82) 4.99 (3.36-7.05) 5.61 (3.66-7.98) 2-hr 1.43 (1.18-1.77) 1.70 (1.40-2.10) 2.21 (1.81-2.73) 2.68 (2.18-3.33) 3.41 (2.71-4.46) 4.04 (3.12-5.32) 4.73 (3.51-6.36) 5.48 (3.89-7.54) 6.57 (4.47-9.25) 7.46 (4.90-10.5) 3-hr 1.60 (1.32-1.96) 1.89 (1.56-2.33) 2.46 (2.02-3.03) 3.00 (2.45-3.71) 3.87 (3.10-5.07) 4.63 (3.60-6.10) 5.48 (4.09-7.36) 6.41 (4.58-8.82) 7.78 (5.33-10.9) 8.91 (5.89-12.5) 6-hr 1.88 (1.56-2.29) 2.21 (1.83-2.70) 2.86 (2.36-3.50) 3.51 (2.88-4.31) 4.56 (3.69-5.96) 5.49 (4.30-7.20) 6.53 (4.92-8.74) 7.69 (5.54-10.5) 9.41 (6.49-13.2) 10.8 (7.21-15.1) 12-hr 2.13 (1.78-2.58) 2.53 (2.11-3.06) 3.27 (2.72-3.97) 3.98 (3.29-4.86) 5.09 (4.12-6.56) 6.06 (4.76-7.85) 7.11 (5.38-9.41) 8.28 (5.99-11.2) 9.97 (6.92-13.8) 11.4 (7.62-15.8) 24-hr 2.49 (2.09-3.00) 2.86 (2.40-3.45) 3.58 (2.99-4.32) 4.29 (3.56-5.19) 5.41 (4.41-6.92) 6.39 (5.06-8.23) 7.49 (5.71-9.85) 8.71 (6.35-11.7) 10.5 (7.34-14.4) 12.0 (8.09-16.5) 2-day 2.90 (2.45-3.46) 3.25 (2.74-3.88) 3.94 (3.31-4.72) 4.63 (3.87-5.57) 5.76 (4.74-7.32) 6.76 (5.39-8.64) 7.88 (6.05-10.3) 9.13 (6.72-12.2) 11.0 (7.75-15.0) 12.5 (8.53-17.1) 3-day 3.17 (2.68-3.76) 3.52 (2.98-4.19) 4.23 (3.56-5.04) 4.93 (4.13-5.90) 6.06 (5.00-7.66) 7.07 (5.66-9.00) 8.20 (6.33-10.7) 9.47 (7.00-12.6) 11.3 (8.03-15.4) 12.9 (8.82-17.5) 4-day 3.37 (2.87-4.00) 3.76 (3.19-4.46) 4.50 (3.80-5.35) 5.22 (4.39-6.23) 6.38 (5.27-8.01) 7.40 (5.93-9.36) 8.52 (6.59-11.0) 9.78 (7.24-12.9) 11.6 (8.25-15.7) 13.1 (9.02-17.8) 7-clay 3.88 (3.31-4.57) 4.38 (3.74-5.16) 5.27 (4.48-6.23) 6.09 (5.14-7.22) 7.31 (6.02-9.04) 8.34 (6.69-10.4) 9.44 (7.31-12.1) 10.6 (7.89-13.9) 12.3 (8.78-16.5) 13.7 (9.46-18.5) 10-day 4.37 (3.74-5.13) 4.95 (4.24-5.82) 5.96 (5.08-7.01) 6.83 (5.79-8.08) 8.11 (6.67-9.93) 9.15 (7.34-11.3) 10.2 (7.93-13.0) 11.4 (8.45-14.8) 13.0 (9.26-17.3) 14.2 (9.87-19.1) 20-day 5.94 (5.12-6.92) 6.67 (5.74-7.77) 7.86 (6.74-9.19) 8.86 (7.56-10.4) 10.3 (8.45-12.4) 11.3 (9.13-13.8) 12.4 (9.67-15.5) 13.5 (10.1-17.3) 15.0 (10.8-19.7) 16.1 (11.3-21.6) 30-day 7.33 (6.34-8.50) 8.19 (7.07-9.50) 9.56 (8.23-11.1) 10.7 (9.14-12.5) 12.2 (10.1-14.6) 13.3 (10.8-16.2) 14.5 (11.3-17.9) 15.6 (11.7-19.8) 17.0 (12.3-22.2) 18.1 (12.7-24.1) 46-day 9.13 (7.93-10.5) 10.2 (8.84-11.8) 11.9 (10.2-13.7) 13.2 (11.3-15.3) 14.9 (12.3-17.7) 16.2 (13.1-19.5) 17.4 (13.6-21.4) 18.5 (13.9-23.4) 19.9 (14.4-25.8) 20.9 (14.8-27.7) 60-day 10.7 (9.30-12.3) 12.0 (10.4-13.8) 13.9 (12.1-16.1) 15.5 (13.3-17.9) 17.4 (14.4-20.5) 18.8 (15.2-22.5) 20.1 (15.7-24.6) 21.2 (16.0-26.7) 22.6 (16.4-29.2) 23.5 (16.7-31.1) 1 Precipitation frequency (PF) estimates in this table are based on frequency analysis of partial duration series (PDS). Numbers in parenthesis are PF estimates at lower and upper bounds of the 90% confidence interval. The probability that precipitation frequency estimates (for a given duration and average recurrence interval) w ill be greater than the upper bound (or less than the lower bound) is 5%. Estimates at upper bounds are not checked against probable maximum precipitation (PMP) estimates and may be higher than currently valid PMP values. Please refer to NOAA Atlas 14 document for more information. Back to Top. Appendix B Existing Conditions 10-Year Summary CITY OF EDINA NOV 3 0 2021 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Subcat Reach Private Property Street CITY OF EDINA NOV 3 0 2021 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Routing Diagram for Existing Conditions Prepared by Demarc, Printed 9/23/2021 HydroCAD® 10.10-5a s/n 09313 © 2020 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Existing Conditions Prepared by Demarc HydroCAD© 10.10-5a s/n 09313 © 2020 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC MSE 24-hr 3 10-Year Rainfall=4.29" Printed 9/23/2021 Paae Time span=0.00-72.00 hrs, dt=0.01 hrs, 7201 points Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Split Pervious/Imperv. Reach routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method - Pond routing by Stor-Ind method Subcatchment1: Private Property Runoff Area=3,026 sf 90.33% Impervious Runoff Depth=3.76" Tc=7.0 min CN=61/98 Runoff=0.40 cfs 947 cf Subcatchment2: Street Runoff Area=10,274 sf 52.12% Impervious Runoff Depth=2.57" Tc=7.0 min CN=61/98 Runoff=0.93 cfs 2,204 cf Total Runoff Area = 13,300 sf Runoff Volume = 3,152 cf Average Runoff Depth = 2.84" 39.19% Pervious = 5,212 sf 60.81% Impervious = 8,088 sf CITY OF EDINA NOV 3 0 2021 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Existing Conditions Prepared by Demarc HydroCAD® 10.10-5a s/n 09313 © 2020 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC MSE 24-hr 3 10-Year Rainfall=4.29" Printed 9/23/2021 Page 3 Summary for Subcatchment 1: Private Property Runoff = 0.40 cfs @ 12.14 hrs, Volume= 947 cf, Depth= 3.76" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Split Pervious/Imperv., Time Span= 0.00-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs MSE 24-hr 3 10-Year Rainfall=4.29" Area (sf) CN Description 293 61 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 2,734 98 Paved parking, HSG B 3,026 94 Weighted Average 293 61 9.67% Pervious Area 2,734 98 90.33% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 7.0 Direct Entry, Summary for Subcatchment 2: Street Runoff = 0.93 cfs @ 12.14 hrs, Volume= 2,204 cf, Depth= 2.57" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Split Pervious/Imperv., Time Span= 0.00-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs MSE 24-hr 3 10-Year Rainfall=4.29" Area (sf) CN Description 4,919 61 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 3,369 98 Paved parking, HSG B 1,986 98 Roofs, HSG B 10,274 80 Weighted Average 4,919 61 47.88% Pervious Area 5,355 98 52.12% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 7.0 Direct Entry, CITY OF EDINA NOV 3 0 2021 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Appendix C Proposed Conditions 10-Year Summary CITY OF EDINA NOV 3 0 2021 PLANNING DEPARTMENT K1) Private Property Frenc Drain Street CITY OF EDINA NOV 3 0 2021 PLANNING DEPARTMENT French Drain Subcat Reach Routing Diagram for Proposed Conditions Prepared by Demarc, Printed 11/29/2021 HydroCAD® 10.10-5a s/n 09313 © 2020 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Proposed Conditions MSE 24-hr 3 10-Year Rainfall=4.29" Prepared by Demarc Printed 11/29/2021 HydroCADO 10.10-5a s/n 09313 © 2020 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 5 Time span=0.00-72.00 hrs, dt=0.01 hrs, 7201 points Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, Ul-I=SCS, Split Pervious/Imperv. Reach routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method - Pond routing by Stor-Ind method Subcatchmentl: Private Property Subcatchment2: Street Subcatchment3: French Drain Pond 1P: French Drain Runoff Area=3,078 sf 88.68% Impervious Runoff Depth=3.70" Tc=7,0 min CN=61/98 Runoff=0.40 cfs 950 cf Runoff Area=9,566 sf 59.63% Impervious Runoff Depth=2.81" Tc=7.0 min CN=61/98 Runoff=0.94 cfs 2,238 cf Runoff Area=657 sf 58.34% Impervious Runoff Depth=2.77" Tc=7.0 min CN=61/98 Runoff=0.06 cfs 151 cf Peak EIev=878.03' Storage=71 cf Inflow=0.06 cfs 151 cf Discarded=0.00 cfs 123 cf Primary=0.02 cfs 29 cf Oufflow=0.02 cfs 151 cf Total Runoff Area = 13,300 sf Runoff Volume = 3,339 cf Average Runoff Depth = 3.01" 33.71% Pervious = 4,484 sf 66.29% Impervious = 8,816 sf CITY OF EDINA NOV 3 0 2021 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Proposed Conditions Prepared by Demarc HydroCADO 10.10-5a s/n 09313 © 2020 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC MSE 24-hr 3 10-Year Rainfall=4.29" Printed 11/29/2021 Page 6 _t -1-- _t - L _ . ifit I -11 r r - t- -t - 1- r r I I I t t 11 I tI II II III I i 1 it 11 t tt II t I t - - r -r - r - I- ' 0.40 cfs ; " ; ; 4 III!, I I I I I I t I I I I 1- - I - 4 - - 1 ,61/98:- - T r r :- 111 r r I 1111111 till 1• 1 Ft I 1 i t Tr -i Li i I I j Ili f 1111111 Yea1-01-f Rairif#1,1=4.9 , - -, I -i- II-- -Riun'otflAre' a' ;t 3 tititit__ I t i I I I I I I I'l I i I I Rung V 6 r I iiiiie * 9 $0 -6f: - 1111111111 0 0 2 0.284 ...-. 0.244' 0.22t 2 ' u. 0.18? 0.16t 0.14=' I 0.124 r i - -; 0.06-, 0.04 0.02 0.44/ 0.42i 0.4 0.384. , 0.344 0.32i 1_ 1- ,r6 q ;, 1 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 Time (hours) R 6 L vinI I I, M . _ IIIIIIIIIII II t--t- - - f-- -t - t - -t- 1- - -I - 1- - - t I -I -I -1 -I--I I I I I It I I 11111 Ili I 1 I - t - -1 - - - -r r 1 i t 17ttli I I II J L. I I L it 1111 till it I upigfpepth:3 - • —I - - - - t - t- - r - t —t - r - mtn: Summary for Subcatchment 1: Private Property Runoff = 0.40 cfs © 12.14 hrs, Volume= 950 cf, Depth= 3.70" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Split Pervious/Imperv., Time Span= 0.00-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs MSE 24-hr 3 10-Year Rainfall=4.29" Area (sf) CN Description 348 61 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 2,729 98 Paved parking, HSG B 3,078 94 Weighted Average 348 61 11.32% Pervious Area 2,729 98 88.68% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 7.0 Direct Entry, Subcatchment 1: Private Property Hydrograph CITY OF EDINA N 0 V 3 0 2021 PLANNING DEPARTMENT MI Runoff u. q Runoff r I I T r MSE 24-hr 3 10-Year Rainfall=4.29" ROnoff Area 9,566 sf Runoff Volume=2,238 cf Runoff Depth=2.81" Tc=7.0 min CN=61/9 8 r 7 1 0111. AtiP 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 Time (hours) 0.94 cfs Proposed Conditions Prepared by Demarc HydroCAD® 10.10-5a sin 09313 © 2020 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC MSE 24-hr 3 10-Year Rainfall=4.29" Printed 11/29/2021 Page 7 Summary for Subcatchment 2: Street Runoff = 0.94 cfs @ 12.14 hrs, Volume= 2,238 cf, Depth= 2.81" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Split Pervious/Imperv., Time Span= 0.00-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs MSE 24-hr 3 10-Year Rainfall=4.29" Area (sf) CN Description 3,862 61 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 3,396 98 Paved parking, HSG B 2,309 98 Roofs, HSG B 9,566 83 Weighted Average 3,862 61 40.37% Pervious Area 5,704 98 59.63% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 7.0 Direct Entry, Subcatchment 2: Street Hydrograph CITY OF EDINA NOV 3 0 2021 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 0.06 cfs —4_ T T I I .." I i , L.— — t — t — — 1 I %; ———I Proposed Conditions Prepared by Demarc HydroCAD® 10.10-5a s/n 09313 © 2020 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC MSE 24-hr 3 10-Year Rainfall=4.29" Printed 11/29/2021 Page 8 Summary for Subcatchment 3: French Drain Runoff = 0.06 cfs @ 12.14 hrs, Volume= 151 cf, Depth= 2.77" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Split Pervious/lmperv., Time Span= 0.00-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs MSE 24-hr 3 10-Year Rainfall=4.29" Area (sf) CN Description 0 98 Paved parking, HSG B 383 98 Roofs, HSG B 274 61 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG B 657 83 Weighted Average 274 61 41.66% Pervious Area 383 98 58.34% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (f /sec) (cfs) 7.0 Direct Entry, Subcatchment 3: French Drain Hydrograph O LL 0.077 0.065- 0.06- 0.055 0.05- 0.045- 0.04 0.035- 0.03 0.025 0.02- 0.015- 0.01 0.005- I i I I —1 —I. 3. I— I I I till:III:III I I I 1 I i I I 1 I i MSE 24-hr 3 10-Year Rainfall=4.29" 4 Runoff Area=657 sf Runoff Volume=151 cf Runoff Depth=2.77" 1 t i I TC=7.0 min T i I -:--4-4--ii-CN:7-61/98 i i I I I I I I I I i I : : I I I a i I I 1 : : : I : I I —: 1 11.-1— I _1 , _I; 1— , I I I I I I I I CITY OF EDINA NOV 3 0 2021 PLANNING DEPARTMENT t I I I I I I I i I I l' I I • 1 i i I i I 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 Time (hours) 0 Runoff 7./7 0 LT. 0.07 0.06- 0.0552 0.05- 0.045 0.047 0.035 0.032. 0.025 0.02 0.0157 0.01 0.005 0 -t - r , -r , I 1 1 i 1 ri -r r 1 T t 1 T - T - _ 1_ t_ _L _ 1111 - - 4 - - , I ill --d joi6,24„ .0.&";;0771 -i./.`1";0727-zil'ii/i°77- • 1111 , 11 111 I 1111 r -1 T -I T I- -r -r r 1 ; -Inflow Area!-657 _ Pea k Elpv=8713.931 Storage71 ,Cf T I- 1 iI if 11111 i 1 1 11 --1--1-4-4-1-4 4 4-- 4 1--1-4-1--1- 1111 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 t i i I 1 0.02 cft 1.02 cfs CTS ,Th1111 It I 0.06 cfs 1 1 1 1 • -4 , - - __1_L - - ; I 1 - i - fi - 1 I I I - 1 - r - I I - - F-• 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r I 1 1 1 I L_L 1 1 Proposed Conditions MSE 24-hr 3 10-Year Rainfall=4.29" Prepared by Demarc Printed 11/29/2021 HydroCAD® 10.10-5a s/n 09313 © 2020 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 9 Summary for Pond 1P: French Drain Inflow Area = Inflow = Outflow = Discarded = Primary = 657 sf, 58.34% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 2.77" for 10-Year event 0.06 cfs @ 12.14 hrs, Volume= 151 cf 0.02 cfs @ 12.32 hrs, Volume= 151 cf, Atten= 69%, Lag= 10.9 min 0.00 cfs @ 12.32 hrs, Volume= 123 cf 0.02 cfs @ 12.32 hrs, Volume= 29 cf Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-72.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Peak Elev= 878.03' @ 12.32 hrs Surf.Area= 199 sf Storage= 71 cf Plug-Flow detention time= 520.9 min calculated for 151 cf (100% of inflow) Center-of-Mass det. time= 521.0 min ( 1,283.5 - 762.4 ) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 876.00' 67 cf Custom Stage Data (Prismatic)Jsted below (Recalc) 168 cf Overall x 40.0% Voids #2 878.00' 542 cf Custom Stage Data (Prismatiaisted below (Recalc) 609 cf Total Available Storage Elevation Surf.Area Inc.Store Cum.Store CITY OF EDINA (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic-feet) (cubic-feet) 876.00 84 0 0 878.00 84 168 168 NOV 3 0 2021 Elevation Surf.Area Inc.Store Cum.Store (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic-feet) (cubic-feet) 878.00 84 0 0 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 879.00 1,000 542 542 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 878.00' 1.0' long x 1.0' breadth Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir Head (feet) 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80 2.00 2.50 3.00 Coef. (English) 2.69 2.72 2.75 2.85 2.98 3.08 3.20 3.28 3.31 3.30 3.31 3.32 #2 Discarded 876.00' 0.450 in/hr Exfiltration over Surface area Discarded OutFlow Max=0.00 cfs @ 12.32 hrs HW=878.03' (Free Discharge) 2=Exfiltration (Exfiltration Controls 0.00 cfs) Primary OutFlow Max=0.02 cfs @ 12.32 hrs HW=878.03' (Free Discharge) t-1=Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir(Weir Controls 0.02 cfs @ 0.50 fps) Pond 1P: French Drain Hydrograph 0 Inflow El Outflow I121 Discarded q Primary 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 4042 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 Time (hours) Proposed Conditions MSE 24-hr 3 10-Year Rainfall=4.29" Prepared by Demarc HydroCAD® 10.10-5a s/n 09313 © 2020 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Printed 11/29/2021 Paae 10 Elevation (feet) Surface (sq-ft) Storage (cubic-feet) Elevation (feet) Stage-Area-Storage for Pond 1P: Surface Storage (sq-ft) (cubic-feet) French Drain 876.00 84 0 877.76 84 59 876.02 84 1 877.78 84 60 876.04 84 1 877.80 84 60 876.06 84 2 877.82 84 61 876.08 84 3 877.84 84 62 876.10 84 3 877.86 84 62 876.12 84 4 877.88 84 63 876.14 84 5 877.90 84 64 876.16 84 5 877.92 84 65 876.18 84 6 877.94 84 65 876.20 84 7 877.96 84 66 876.22 84 7 877.98 84 67 876.24 84 8 878.00 168 67 876.26 84 9 878.02 186 69 876.28 84 9 878.04 205 71 876.30 84 10 878.06 223 74 876.32 84 11 878.08 241 77 876.34 84 11 878.10 260 80 876.36 84 12 878.12 278 84 876.38 84 13 878.14 296 88 876.40 84 13 878.16 315 92 876.42 84 14 878.18 333 97 876.44 84 15 878.20 351 102 876.46 84 15 878.22 370 108 876.48 84 16 878.24 388 114 876.50 84 17 878.26 406 120 876.52 84 17 878.28 424 127 876.54 84 18 878.30 443 134 876.56 876.58 84 84 19 19 878.32 878.34 461 479 141 149 CITY OF EDINA 876.60 84 20 878.36 498 157 876.62 84 21 878.38 516 165 876.64 876.66 84 84 22 22 878.40 878.42 534 553 174 183 NOV 3 0 2021 876.68 84 23 878.44 571 193 876.70 84 24 878.46 589 203 876.72 84 24 878.48 608 213 876.74 84 25 878.50 626 224 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 876.76 84 26 878.52 644 235 876.78 84 26 878.54 663 246 876.80 84 27 878.56 681 258 876.82 84 28 878.58 699 270 876.84 84 28 878.60 718 282 876.86 84 29 878.62 736 295 876.88 84 30 878.64 754 309 876.90 84 30 878.66 773 322 876.92 84 31 878.68 791 336 876.94 84 32 878.70 809 350 876.96 84 32 878.72 828 365 876.98 84 33 878.74 846 380 877.00 84 34 878.76 864 396 877.02 84 34 878.78 882 411 877.04 84 35 878.80 901 428 877.06 84 36 878.82 919 444 877.08 84 36 878.84 937 461 877.10 84 37 878.86 956 478 877.12 84 38 878.88 974 496 877.14 84 38 878.90 992 514 877.16 84 39 878.92 1,011 532 877.18 84 40 878.94 1,029 551 877.20 84 40 878.96 1,047 570 877.22 84 41 878.98 1,066 589 877.24 84 42 879.00 1,084 609 877.26 84 42 877.28 84 43 877.30 84 44 877.32 84 44 877.34 84 45 877.36 84 46 877.38 84 46 877.40 84 47 877.42 84 48 877.44 84 48 877.46 84 49 877.48 84 50 877.50 84 50 877.52 84 51 877.54 84 52 877.56 84 52 877.58 84 53 877.60 84 54 877.62 84 54 877.64 84 55 877.66 84 56 877.68 84 56 877.70 84 57 877.72 84 58 877.74 84 58 Appendix D Soil Summary CITY OF EDINA NOV 3 0 2021 PLANNING DEPARTMENT z z 4971070 49710e0 N SE £S obb 4971160 4971170 4971180 4971190 4971150 4971140 4971130 4971080 4971100 4971110 4971120 93° 22 W 93° 22 19'W x „s13) ileiPod V uo P311-1Pd 96S: T :qe-is dew ncsnJ Soil Map—Hennepin County, Minnesota - any nociav,- O 93° 22 14' W 4971170 4971190 93° 22' 14' w g -1-3- 4971070 t kjz 4971190 z 4971160 4971150 4971140 4971130 4971120 4971110 4971100 4971060 49710) Map Unit Description: Urban land-Lester complex, 2 to 18 percent slopes---Hennepin County, Minnesota Hennepin County, Minnesota L52C—Urban land-Lester complex, 2 to 18 percent slopes Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol: gj3r Elevation: 800 to 1,020 feet Mean annual precipitation: 23 to 35 inches Mean annual air temperature: 43 to 50 degrees F Frost-free period: 124 to 200 days Farmland classification: Not prime farmland Map Unit Composition Urban land: 75 percent Lester and similar soils: 20 percent Minor components: 5 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Urban Land Setting Landform: Moraines Parent material: Loamy till Description of Lester Setting Landform: Hills on moraines Landform position (two-dimensional): Backslope Down-slope shape: Linear Across-slope shape: Linear CITY OF EDINA Parent material: Till Typical profile ING NOV DEPARTMENT 3 0 2021 Ap - 0 to 7 inches: loam Bt - 7 to 38 inches: clay loam PLANNING Bk - 38 to 60 inches: loam C - 60 to 80 inches: loam Properties and qualities Slope: 6 to 18 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Drainage class: Well drained Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat): Moderately high to high (0.60 to 2.00 in/hr) Depth to water table: More than 80 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Calcium carbonate, maximum content: 25 percent Gypsum, maximum content: 1 percent Available water supply, 0 to 60 inches: High (about 10.5 inches) USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 9/23/2021 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 1 of 2 Map Unit Description: Urban land-Lester complex, 2 to 18 percent slopes---Hennepin County, Minnesota Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 6e Hydrologic Soil Group: B Ecological site: R103XY020MN - Loamy Upland Savannas Forage suitability group: Sloping Upland, Acid (G103XS006MN) Other vegetative classification: Sloping Upland, Acid (G103XS006MN) Hydric soil rating: No Minor Components Kingsley Percent of map unit: 5 percent Landform: Hills on moraines Landform position (two-dimensional): Backslope Down-slope shape: Linear Across-slope shape: Linear Other vegetative classification: Sloping Upland, Acid (G103XS006MN) Hydric soil rating: No Data Source Information Soil Survey Area: Hennepin County, Minnesota Survey Area Data: Version 16, Jun 5, 2020 CITY OF EDINA NOV 3 0 2021 PLANNING DEPARTMENT USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 9/23/2021 jo-1-0— Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 2 of 2 Survey Responses 30 January 2019 - 09 December 2021 Public Hearing Comments- 6112 Arbour Road Better Together Edina Project: Public Hearing: a 7.8-foot side yard/side street setback variance from the required 33.1-foot setback for a teardown-rebuild home to match an existing non- conforming setback at 6612 Arbour Avenue VISITORS 5 CONTRIBUTORS 2 RESPONSES 2 0 Registered 0 Unverified 2 Anonymous 0 Registered 0 Unverified 2 Anonymous Respondent No:1 Login:Anonymous Email:n/a Responded At:Dec 06, 2021 12:09:33 pm Last Seen:Dec 06, 2021 12:09:33 pm IP Address:n/a Q1.First and Last Name Larry Holgerson Q2.Address 6021 Arbour Lane Q3.Comment Please approve the setback variance for 6112 Arbour Ave. The new house will improve the neighborhood. Respondent No:2 Login:Anonymous Email:n/a Responded At:Dec 09, 2021 07:50:17 am Last Seen:Dec 09, 2021 07:50:17 am IP Address:n/a Q1.First and Last Name Dave & Mary Jo Franske Q2.Address 6104 Arbour Avenue, Edina, MN 55436 Q3.Comment We are Arbour Avenue (next-door) neighbors of Eric and Jennifer Bjorgaard and encourage the Planning Commission to approve the variance necessary to allow the Bjorgaards to build a new home at 6112 Arbour Avenue per the plans on file. Date: December 30, 2021 Agenda Item #: VI.C . To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:C ary Teague, C ommunity Development Director Item Activity: Subject:P UBLI C HEAR I NG : P reliminary and F inal P lat for 5300 Kelsey Terrace Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: R ecommend the C ity C ouncil approve the P reliminary and Final P lat. I N TR O D U C TI O N: Cliff and Nancy Anderson are requesting subdivision of their property at 5300 K elsey Terrace into two lots. T he existing home on the lot would remain, and a new home built on L ot 2. T his property was originally platted as two lots. T he applicant is simply proposing to restore the original plat and to meet all minimum lot size requirements. To accommodate the request, a subdivision is required. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Staff Report Site Location, Zoning & Original Plat Applicant Narrative Proposed Plans and Plat Better Together Public Hearing Comment Report December 15, 2021 Planning Commission Cary Teague, Community Development Director PUBLIC HEARING: Preliminary & Final Plat for 5300 Kelsey Terrace Information / Background: Cliff and Nancy Anderson are requesting a subdivision of their property at 5300 Kelsey Terrace into two lots. The existing home on the lot would remain, and a new home built on Lot 2. This property was originally platted as two lots. The applicant is simply proposing to restore the original plat and to meet all minimum lot size requirements. (See applicant narrative and plans attached.) To accommodate the request, a subdivision is required. Within this neighborhood, the median lot area is 21,056 square feet, median lot depth is 154 feet, and the median lot width is 141 feet. (See attached median calculations.) The new lots meet these requirements. Surrounding Land Uses The lots on all sides of the subject properties are zoned and guided low-density residential. Existing Site Features The existing site contains a single-family home. STAFF REPORT Page 2 Planning Guide Plan designation: Single-dwelling residential Zoning: R-1, Single-dwelling district Lot Dimensions Area Lot Width Depth REQUIRED 21,057 s.f. 141 feet 154 feet Lot 1 30,344 s.f. 157 feet 194 feet Lot 2 28,924 s.f. 141 feet 197 feet Setbacks The front setback that is demonstrated on the plat (30 feet) which is an average of the lots on either side of the existing lot. Side and rear setbacks would also be met. Grading/Drainage and Utilities The new lot was mass graded for a new home pad as part of the original subdivision development. The city engineer has reviewed the proposed plans and found them acceptable at this stage, subject to conditions. (See the attached memo from the city engineer.) Drainage would generally flow to the west to the existing pond and to the east toward Kelsey Terrace, away from the adjacent properties to the north and south. The detailed grading plans for a specific new home would be reviewed by the city engineer at the time of a building permit application and would need to meet all city standards. A construction management plan will be required for the construction of the new home. Trees The applicant would be required to replace trees that are removed outside of the building pad and driveway areas. This would be reviewed at the time of building permit to ensure compliance. Park Dedication Because this lot was originally platted as two lots; the proposal is to restore the original plat, no park dedication is required. Recommendation Recommend that the City Council approve the proposed two lot subdivision (Preliminary and Final Plat of 5300 Kelsey Terrace. Approval is based on the following findings: 1. The proposed subdivision meets the City’s lot size standards; therefore, the applicant is STAFF REPORT Page 3 entitled to the request. 2. The proposal re-establishes the original plat of two lots. 3. The proposed subdivision would result in two lots more characteristic of the area. Approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the following items must be submitted: a. Submit evidence of Minnehaha Creek Watershed District approval. b. A curb-cut permit must be obtained from the Edina engineering department. c. A grading, drainage and erosion control plan subject to review and approval of the city engineer. The proposed plans shall meet all conditions outlined in the engineering memo dated December 8, 2021, and city standards. d. Any disturbance to the roadway caused by the construction of the new homes must be repaired by replacing the asphalt pavement from curb-to-curb and from saw-cut to saw-cut. e. A construction management plan will be required for the construction of the new home. f. Utility hook-ups are subject to review of the city engineer. 2. All required structure setbacks shall be met, and the tree preservation ordinance met. Deadline for a City Decision: February 15, 2022 Ed ina, Hennep in, MetroG IS | © WSB & Asso ciates 2013 , © WSB & Associate s2013 Site Locat ion December 9, 2021 1 in = 1,505 ft / Ed ina, Hennep in, MetroG IS | © WSB & Asso ciates 2013 , © WSB & Associate s2013 Site Locat ion Lege nd Addresses December 9, 2021 1 in = 752 f t / Ed ina, Hennep in, MetroG IS, Edin a, Henn epin , MetroGIS | © WSB & Associates2013, Henn epin County, Edin a, © WSB & Associa tes 2013 Site Locat ion Lege nd Addresses December 9, 2021 1 in = 188 f t / EdinaMN.gov 4 Site EdinaMN.gov 5 Site EdinaMN.gov 6 Site -Lots 1 & 2 US.135366062.01 PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT APPLICATION 5300 Kelsey Terrace Explanation of Request Clifford and Nancy Anderson purchased Lot 1, Parkwood Knolls 26th Addition, and built their home on it in 2007. In 2013, they purchased the neighboring, undeveloped Lot 2 and combined Lots 1 and 2 into a single tax parcel. The Andersons now wish to divide the property back into separate tax parcels, allowing the second lot to be developed with a single-family home. The lot configuration in the new plat, the proposed Parkwood Knolls 28th Addition, will be adjusted slightly so that all lot dimensions comply with zoning requirements without variance. The property is zoned R-1, Single Dwelling Unit District, which establishes a minimum lot area of 9,000 square feet, minimum lot width of 75 feet and minimum lot depth of 120 feet. However, these minimum lot dimension requirements are increased to the median lot area, width and depth of lots within 500 feet if any of those median dimensions exceed the base requirement of the R-1 District. As certified to by the surveyor and shown on the table of lot dimensions for properties within 500 feet of 5300 Kelsey Terrace, the following are the median lot dimensions in this neighborhood: Median lot area = 21,056.7 square feet Median lot width = 141 feet Median lot depth = 154.5 feet The dimensions of the proposed subdivided lots are as follows: Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot area: 30,344 sf 28,924 sf Lot width: 157.3 feet 141.2 feet Lot depth: 194.9 feet 197.0 feet Both proposed lots will exceed the median lot area, width and depth dimensions of the neighborhood. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the platting and anticipated development of this property that was approved in 2004 as the Parkwood Knolls 26th Addition. The proposed subdivision complies with all current requirements of the zoning and subdivision ordinances and will allow for construction of an additional single-family home in an area guided in the comprehensive plan for low density residential future land use. The applicant respectfully requests approval of the preliminary and final plat. PLOTTED:COMM. NO. DRAWING NO. ----16529 PARKWOOD KNOLLS 28TH ADDITION 1 3 6 0 5 1 s t A v e n u e N . #1 0 0 P l y m o u t h , M N 5 5 4 4 1 | a e -m n .c o m P 7 6 3 .4 1 2 .4 0 0 0 | F 7 6 3 .4 1 2 .4 0 9 0 A n d e r s o n E n g i n e e r i n g o f M i n n e s o t a , L L C DRAWING TITLE CHECKED BY:DRAWN:DESIGNED: TJGPSHTJG 11/12/2021 REVISION LOG DESCRIPTION OF REVISIONSNO.DATE 5300 KELSEY TERRACE EDINA, MN 55436 ANDERSON - REDA, CO. 4920 LINCOLN DR. EDINA, MN 55436 CITY SUBMITTAL PRINT NAME: SIGNATURE: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. DATE:LICENSE NO. TROY J. GAMBLE, PE 11/12/2021 23137 N 0 30'60' EXISTING CONDITIONS C2 EXISTING WETLAND BUFFER PLOTTED:COMM. NO. DRAWING NO. ----16529 PARKWOOD KNOLLS 28TH ADDITION 1 3 6 0 5 1 s t A v e n u e N . #1 0 0 P l y m o u t h , M N 5 5 4 4 1 | a e -m n .c o m P 7 6 3 .4 1 2 .4 0 0 0 | F 7 6 3 .4 1 2 .4 0 9 0 A n d e r s o n E n g i n e e r i n g o f M i n n e s o t a , L L C DRAWING TITLE CHECKED BY:DRAWN:DESIGNED: TJGPSHTJG 11/12/2021 REVISION LOG DESCRIPTION OF REVISIONSNO.DATE 5300 KELSEY TERRACE EDINA, MN 55436 ANDERSON - REDA, CO. 4920 LINCOLN DR. EDINA, MN 55436 CITY SUBMITTAL PRINT NAME: SIGNATURE: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. DATE:LICENSE NO. TROY J. GAMBLE, PE 11/12/2021 23137 N 0 30'60' PRELIMINARY PLAT C3 LEGEND PROPERTY LIMITS ADJACENT PROPERTY BUILDING SETBACKS EXISTING DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT WETLAND BUFFER LINE 1 DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENTS NTS SITE DATA LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 1 & 2, BLOCK 1, PARKWOOD KNOLLS 26TH ADDITION HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA ZONING: R-1 PARCEL AREA: 59,268 SF PROPOSED LOTS: LOT 1: 30,344 SF LOT 2: 28,924 SF PRELIMINARY PLAT OF: PARKWOOD KNOLLS 28TH ADDITION EXISTING WETLAND BUFFER WETLAND BUFFER LOT WIDTHS LOT 1: 157.3 FT LOT 2: 141.2 FT LOT DEPTH LOT 1: 194.9 FT LOT 2: 197.0 FT LOT WIDTH TO PERIMETER RATIO LOT 1: 0.1981 LOT 2: 0.1985 LOT PERIMETER LOT 1: 793.8 FT LOT 2: 711.3 FT PLOTTED:COMM. NO. DRAWING NO. ----16529 PARKWOOD KNOLLS 28TH ADDITION 1 3 6 0 5 1 s t A v e n u e N . # 1 0 0 Plymouth, MN 55441 | a e-mn .com P 763.412.4000 | F 763.412.4090 Anderson Engineering of Minnesota, LLC DRAWING TITLE CHECKED BY:DRAWN:DESIGNED: TJGPSHTJG 11/12/2021 REVISION LOG DESCRIPTION OF REVISIONSNO. DATE 5300 KELSEY TERRACE EDINA, MN 55436 ANDERSON - REDA, CO. 4920 LINCOLN DR. EDINA, MN 55436 CITY SUBMITTAL PRINT NAME: SIGNATURE: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. DATE:LICENSE NO. TROY J. GAMBLE, PE 11/12/2021 23137 N 0 30' 60' GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN C4 LEGEND PROPERTY LIMITS EXISTING MINOR CONTOUR EXISTING MAJOR CONTOUR WETLAND BUFFER LINE 966 965 1. GRADING: LOT 2 GRADING WILL OCCUR DURING HOME CONSTRUCTION. 2. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT: STORMWATER RUN-OFF IS ACCOMODATED WITH PARKWOOD KNOLLS 26 & 27TH ADDITIONS POND SYSTEM. IN ADDITION, LOT 2 WILL REQUIRE DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL IN ACCORDANCE WITH NINE MILE CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT REQUIREMENTS WITH BUILDING PERMIT. 3. TREE REMOVALS DETERMINED WITH FINAL LOT GRADING (BUILDING PERMIT) NOTES SPOT ELEVATION KEY FINISHED GRADE EXISTING GRADE GUTTER FLOW LINE HIGH POINT ELEVATION LOW POINT ELEVATION RIM ELEVATION INVERT ELEVATION TOP OF BERM ELEVATION EMERGENCY OVERFLOW ELEVATION FG ± FL HP LP R. I. TOB EOF EXISTING WETLAND BUFFER PLOTTED:COMM. NO. DRAWING NO. ----16529 PARKWOOD KNOLLS 28TH ADDITION 1 3 6 0 5 1 s t A v e n u e N . # 1 0 0 Plymouth, MN 55441 | a e-mn .com P 763.412.4000 | F 763.412.4090 Anderson Engineering of Minnesota, LLC DRAWING TITLE CHECKED BY:DRAWN:DESIGNED: TJGPSHTJG 11/12/2021 REVISION LOG DESCRIPTION OF REVISIONSNO. DATE 5300 KELSEY TERRACE EDINA, MN 55436 ANDERSON - REDA, CO. 4920 LINCOLN DR. EDINA, MN 55436 CITY SUBMITTAL PRINT NAME: SIGNATURE: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. DATE:LICENSE NO. TROY J. GAMBLE, PE 11/12/2021 23137 N 0 30' 60' UTILITY & STREET PLAN C5 LEGEND PROPERTY LIMITS EXISTING WATERMAIN EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EXISTING STORM SEWER EXIST. SAN. SERVICE 1.5" COPPER WATER SERVICE EXISTING HYDRANT EXISTING CATCH BASIN 31' B-B 60' R/W SAN SERVICE I. 939.5 (PER AS-BUILTS) ENGINEERING ARCHITECTURE LAND SURVEYING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE PID Owner Name Mailing Name/Address Legal Description Lot Acres Lot Sq. Ft. Lot Width (Ft.) Lot Depth (Ft.) 3011721430045 MICHAEL J & SARAH J HAWES MICHAEL J & SARAH J HAWES 5227 GREEN FARMS RD EDINA MN 55436 PARKWOOD KNOLLS 21ST ADDN LOT 009 BLOCK 003 0.38 16596 138 125 3011721430026 M MCCARTY & J MCCARTY M MCCARTY & J MCCARTY 6505 WILLOW WOOD RD EDINA MN 55436 PARKWOOD KNOLLS 20TH ADDN LOT 002 BLOCK 003 0.38 16653 124 134 3011721340022 K F & E M GUDORF K F & E M GUDORF 5210 GREEN FARMS RD EDINA MN 55436 PARKWOOD KNOLLS 21ST ADDN LOT 002 BLOCK 002 0.39 16837 125 135 3011721340040 R FERGESEN & N FERGESEN R FERGESEN & N FERGESEN 5265 KELSEY TER EDINA MN 55436 PARKWOOD KNOLLS 26TH ADDN LOT 003 BLOCK 002 0.39 16847 122 137 3011721340024 WARREN BRACKE/KATHRYN BRACKE WARREN BRACKE/KATHRYN BRACKE 5218 GREEN FARMS RD EDINA MN 55436 PARKWOOD KNOLLS 21ST ADDN LOT 004 BLOCK 002 0.39 17008 125 135 3011721430027 B DONATELLE TRST/C DONATELLE B DONATELLE TRST/C DONATELLE 5200 FRANCE AVENUE SOUTH 38 EDINA MN 55410 PARKWOOD KNOLLS 20TH ADDN LOT 003 BLOCK 003 0.39 17099 122 139 3011721430046 SARA KAUFMAN & JASON KAUFMAN SARA KAUFMAN & JASON KAUFMAN 5231 GREEN FARMS RD EDINA MN 55436 PARKWOOD KNOLLS 21ST ADDN LOT 010 BLOCK 003 0.40 17306 133 130 3011721430024 C D WILLIAMS & M L WILLIAMS C D WILLIAMS & M L WILLIAMS 6504 WILLOW WOOD RD EDINA MN 55436 PARKWOOD KNOLLS 20TH ADDN LOT 002 BLOCK 002 0.40 17408 135 129 3011721340044 B I MELNICK & S C MELNICK B I MELNICK & S C MELNICK 5185 KELSEY TER EDINA MN 55436 PARKWOOD KNOLLS 26TH ADDN LOT 007 BLOCK 002 0.41 17713 120 147 3011721430034 S R KOOREN & D S KOOREN S R KOOREN & D S KOOREN 5234 GREEN FARMS RD EDINA MN 55436 PARKWOOD KNOLLS 21ST ADDN LOT 008 BLOCK 002 0.41 17891 130 137 3011721430036 P E ALLEN/J L ALLEN JR TRUST P E ALLEN/J L ALLEN JR TRUST 6500 WILLOW WOOD RD EDINA MN 55436 PARKWOOD KNOLLS 21ST ADDN LOT 010 BLOCK 002 0.41 18009 145 126 3011721340018 D & M PLUMB D & M PLUMB 6508 WILLOW WOOD RD EDINA MN 55436 PARKWOOD KNOLLS 20TH ADDN LOT 003 BLOCK 002 0.41 18056 138 131 3011721340021 M W & S GOODMAN M W & S GOODMAN 5206 GREEN FARMS RD EDINA MN 55436 PARKWOOD KNOLLS 21ST ADDN LOT 001 BLOCK 002 0.42 18196 137 134 3011721340019 S & J MCLEOD S & J MCLEOD 6512 WILLOW WOOD RD EDINA MN 55436 PARKWOOD KNOLLS 20TH ADDN LOT 004 BLOCK 002 0.42 18216 153 121 3011721430044 P L & L K BILLINGS P L & L K BILLINGS 5223 GREEN FARMS CT EDINA MN 55436 PARKWOOD KNOLLS 21ST ADDN LOT 008 BLOCK 003 0.42 18406 147 131 3011721340025 ELLEN F COHEN ELLEN F COHEN 5222 GREEN FARMS RD EDINA MN 55436 PARKWOOD KNOLLS 21ST ADDN LOT 005 BLOCK 002 0.43 18569 131 146 3011721340023 S L UTNE & M C REEVES S L UTNE & M C REEVES 5214 GREEN FARMS RD EDINA MN 55436 PARKWOOD KNOLLS 21ST ADDN LOT 003 BLOCK 002 0.43 18587 138 134 3011721340038 YOGENDRA DANDIKER YOGENDRA DANDIKER 5305 KELSEY TER EDINA MN 55436 PARKWOOD KNOLLS 26TH ADDN LOT 001 BLOCK 002 0.43 18752 142 127 3011721340039 VICTORIA BARZEN REV TRUST VICTORIA BARZEN REV TRUST 5285 KELSEY TER EDINA MN 55436 PARKWOOD KNOLLS 26TH ADDN LOT 002 BLOCK 002 0.44 19025 122 159 3011721340045 PARKWOOD KNOLLS CONST CO PARKWOOD KNOLLS CONST CO 4960 LINCOLN DR EDINA MN 55436 PARKWOOD KNOLLS 26TH ADDN LOT 008 BLOCK 002 0.44 19138 121 159 3011721340041 E M KADLETZ & A C CASEY E M KADLETZ & A C CASEY 5140 KELSEY TER EDINA MN 55436 PARKWOOD KNOLLS 26TH ADDN LOT 004 BLOCK 002 0.44 19280 134 144 3011721340026 KARLA K JONES KARLA K JONES 5226 GREEN FARMS ROAD EDINA MN 55436 PARKWOOD KNOLLS 21ST ADDN LOT 006 BLOCK 002 0.45 19488 145 134 3011721340043 NORMAN WRIGHT/MONICA WRIGHT NORMAN WRIGHT/MONICA WRIGHT 5205 KELSEY TER EDINA MN 55436 PARKWOOD KNOLLS 26TH ADDN LOT 006 BLOCK 002 0.46 19821 127 158 3011721430041 D P & C K WHITE D P & C K WHITE 5211 GREEN FARMS CT EDINA MN 55436 PARKWOOD KNOLLS 21ST ADDN LOT 005 BLOCK 003 0.46 20013 163 128 3011721340049 PEARSON HOLDINGS LLC PEARSON HOLDINGS LLC 6511 WILLOW WOOD RD EDINA MN 55436 PARKWOOD KNOLLS 20TH ADDN LOT 004 BLOCK 003 0.46 20244 120 194 3011721430035 A HENDERSON & C A HENDERSON A HENDERSON & C A HENDERSON 5238 GREEN FARMS RD EDINA MN 55436 PARKWOOD KNOLLS 21ST ADDN LOT 009 BLOCK 002 0.47 20491 138 147 3011721340008 JILL J SCHEWE/BRIAN S PAVEK JILL J SCHEWE/BRIAN S PAVEK 6658 PARKWOOD RD EDINA MN 55436 PARKWOOD KNOLLS 14TH ADDN LOT 002 BLOCK 002 0.47 20673 138 150 3011721340009 N SACKHEIM & B K BADZIN N SACKHEIM & B K BADZIN 6656 PARKWOOD RD EDINA MN 55436 PARKWOOD KNOLLS 14TH ADDN LOT 003 BLOCK 002 0.48 21025 140 150 3011721430040 BRIAN R & SARA L ASLESEN BRIAN R & SARA L ASLESEN 5215 RIDGE RD EDINA MN 55436 PARKWOOD KNOLLS 21ST ADDN LOT 004 BLOCK 003 0.48 21088 127 165 3011721340010 PAUL M & ALLISON S MANLEY PAUL M & ALLISON S MANLEY 6654 PARKWOOD RD EDINA MN 55436 PARKWOOD KNOLLS 14TH ADDN LOT 004 BLOCK 002 0.49 21533 146 145 3011721340011 W J REBER & D W REBER W J REBER & D W REBER 6652 PARKWOOD RD EDINA MN 55436 PARKWOOD KNOLLS 14TH ADDN LOT 005 BLOCK 002 0.50 21576 147 144 3011721340053 S L FINSETH & S M FINSETH S L FINSETH & S M FINSETH 5145 KELSEY TER EDINA MN 55436 PARKWOOD KNOLLS 27TH ADDN LOT 009 BLOCK 001 0.53 23068 132 175 3011721340055 PARKWOOD KNOLLS CONST CO PARKWOOD KNOLLS CONST CO 4960 LINCOLN DR EDINA MN 55437 PARKWOOD KNOLLS 27TH ADDN LOT 002 BLOCK 002 0.54 23306 136 196 3111721210033 J & D SIEMON J & D SIEMON 5401 LONDONDERRY RD EDINA MN 55436 PARKWOOD KNOLLS 10TH ADDN LOT 001 BLOCK 001 0.54 23607 146 163 3011721430033 MARK E/ MICHELE T VANDERSALL MARK E/ MICHELE T VANDERSALL 5230 GREEN FARMS RD EDINA MN 55436 PARKWOOD KNOLLS 21ST ADDN LOT 007 BLOCK 002 0.54 23649 143 176 3011721340006 T P KOUCHOUKOS/S KOUCHOUKOS T P KOUCHOUKOS/S KOUCHOUKOS 6517 WILLOW WOOD RD EDINA MN 55436 PARKWOOD KNOLLS 14TH ADDN LOT 001 BLOCK 001 0.56 24368 143 161 3011721340013 J L ROSSMAN & S M ROSSMAN J L ROSSMAN & S M ROSSMAN 6648 PARKWOOD RD EDINA MN 55436 PARKWOOD KNOLLS 14TH ADDN LOT 007 BLOCK 002 0.58 25274 168 146 3011721340033 H C HECKES/L A HECKES TRUSTS H C HECKES/L A HECKES TRUSTS 5250 KELSEY TER EDINA MN 55436 PARKWOOD KNOLLS 26TH ADDN LOT 003 BLOCK 001 0.60 26262 137 214 3011721340003 M M MACISEK & LUZ A SAAVEDRA M M MACISEK & LUZ A SAAVEDRA 6645 PARKWOOD RD EDINA MN 55436 PARKWOOD KNOLLS 04TH ADDN LOT 003 BLOCK 001 AND THAT PART OF RESERVE LOT A LYING NLY OF A LINE RUNNING PAR WITH AND 6 FT SWLY MEAS AT RT ANGLES FROM S LINE OF LOT 3 BLK 1 0.65 28139 168 199 3011721340064 P & J MOOTY P & J MOOTY 5320 KELSEY TER EDINA MN 55436 PARKWOOD KNOLLS 14TH ADDITION LOT 001, BLOCK 002; ALSO, PARKWOOD KNOLLS 26TH ADDITION OUTLOT B 0.66 28589 197 151 3011721340042 JOSEPH MOODY/JESSICA MOODY JOSEPH MOODY/JESSICA MOODY 5225 KELSEY TER EDINA MN 55436 PARKWOOD KNOLLS 26TH ADDN LOT 005 BLOCK 002 0.67 29199 140 239 3011721340002 R H STRAND & M L STRAND R H STRAND & M L STRAND 6649 PARKWOOD RD EDINA MN 55436 PARKWOOD KNOLLS 04TH ADDN LOT 002 BLOCK 001 0.72 31492 154 236 3011721340034 TIMOTHY J PORTH/LORI L PORTH TIMOTHY J PORTH/LORI L PORTH 5200 KELSEY TER EDINA MN 55436 PARKWOOD KNOLLS 26TH ADDN LOT 004 BLOCK 001 0.75 32455 159 206 3011721340012 R W REBISCHKE & J L ROHLFSEN R W REBISCHKE & J L ROHLFSEN 6650 PARKWOOD RD EDINA MN 55436 PARKWOOD KNOLLS 14TH ADDN LOT 006 BLOCK 002 0.78 33898 140 214 3011721340051 PARKWOOD KNOLLS CONST CO PARKWOOD KNOLLS CONST CO 4960 LINCOLN DR EDINA MN 55437 PARKWOOD KNOLLS 27TH ADDN LOT 007 BLOCK 001 0.81 35304 215 213 3011721340037 BRADLEY H KRANENDONK ET AL BRADLEY H KRANENDONK ET AL 5170 KELSEY TER EDINA MN 55436 PARKWOOD KNOLLS 26TH ADDN LOT 007 BLOCK 001 0.83 36073 203 254 3011721340005 C S DAVIS & M KING DAVIS C S DAVIS & M KING DAVIS 6637 PARKWOOD RD EDINA MN 55436 PARKWOOD KNOLLS 04TH ADDN LOT 005 BLOCK 001 0.88 38125 184 213 3011721340004 S T SALMON JR & A L SALMON S T SALMON JR & A L SALMON 6641 PARKWOOD RD EDINA MN 55436 PARKWOOD KNOLLS 04TH ADDN LOT 004 BLOCK 001 0.90 39015 170 213 3011721340056 PARKWOOD KNOLLS CONST CO PARKWOOD KNOLLS CONST CO 4960 LINCOLN DR EDINA MN 55437 PARKWOOD KNOLLS 27TH ADDN LOT 003 BLOCK 002 0.94 41029 231 173 3011721340001 N A STUKAS & A E DOTY STUKAS N A STUKAS & A E DOTY STUKAS 6653 PARKWOOD RD EDINA MN 55436 PARKWOOD KNOLLS 04TH ADDN LOT 001 BLOCK 001 0.95 41201 169 289 3011721340054 DENNIS & BARBARA A CAMPBELL DENNIS & BARBARA A CAMPBELL 5160 KELSEY TER EDINA MN 55436 PARKWOOD KNOLLS 27TH ADDN LOT 001 BLOCK 002 0.95 41518 142 328 3111721210002 R K SCALIA & A L ALLOPENNA R K SCALIA & A L ALLOPENNA 5405 LONDONDERRY RD EDINA MN 55436 PARKWOOD KNOLLS LOT 007 BLOCK 003 1.21 52591 223 361 3011721340050 PARKWOOD KNOLLS CONST CO PARKWOOD KNOLLS CONST CO 4960 LINCOLN DR EDINA MN 55436 PARKWOOD KNOLLS 27TH ADDN LOT 006 BLOCK 001 1.23 53558 157 294 3111721210003 ROBERT J ULRICH TRUSTEE ROBERT J ULRICH TRUSTEE 5400 LONDONDERRY RD EDINA MN 55436 PARKWOOD KNOLLS 02ND ADDN THAT PART OF LOT 001 BLOCK 001 LYING NLY OF A LINE RUNNING FROM SWLY COR OF LOT 001 TO A PT IN ELY LINE OF SAID LOT DIS 18 FT NWLY FROM SELY COR THEREOF 1.28 55843 216 305 3111721120007 J & D HARPER III J & D HARPER III 5400 LARADA LANE EDINA MN 55436 PARKWOOD KNOLLS LOT 001 BLOCK 003 1.34 58287 225 248 3011721340048 RUSSELL W & LORI S SWANSEN RUSSELL W & LORI S SWANSEN 5188 RIDGE CIR EDINA MN 55436 PARKWOOD KNOLLS 26TH ADDN LOT 005,006 BLOCK 001 1.64 71286 388 166 Mean 0.60 26762 155 177 Median 0.48 21056.7 141 154.5 Parkwood Knolls 28th AdditionEdina, Minnesota 13605 1st Ave N #100, Plymouth, MN 55441P 763.412.4000 F 763.412.4090 ae-mn.com Project Notes I Address: 5300 Kelsey TerraceEdina, Minnesota 55436PID: 3011721340063Project No: 16529Date: 11.15.2021 1 inch = 100 feet Legend Project ParcelHennepin Co. Parcels Adjacent Parcels (500 Ft.) Figure 1Adjacent Property Owners Project Location City of EdinaHennepin County, Minnesota 0 200 400100 Feet Survey Responses Public Hearing Comments- 5300 Kelsey Terrace- Better Together Edina Project: Public Hearing: 5300 Kelsey Terrace Subdivision No Responses VISITORS 0 CONTRIBUTORS 0 RESPONSES 0 0 Registered 0 Unverified 0 Anonymous 0 Registered 0 Unverified 0 Anonymous Date: December 30, 2021 Agenda Item #: VI I.A. To:P lanning C ommission Item Type: O ther F rom:Liz O ls on, Administrative S upport S pecialist Item Activity: Subject:S election of the C ahill Area Dis tric t P lan Working G roup Action C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: M otion to approve the 11 group members selected. I N TR O D U C TI O N: