HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-12-14 Parks & Rec Comm PacketAgenda Parks and Recreation Commission City Of Edina, Minnesota Braemar Golf Course - 6364 John Harris Dr. Tuesday, December 14, 2021 7:00 PM I.Call To Order II.Roll Call III.Approval Of Meeting Agenda IV.Approval Of Meeting Minutes A.Minutes: Parks & Recreation Commission Oct. 12, 2021 V.Community Comment During "Community Comment," the Board/Commission will invite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board/Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Board/Commission might refer the matter to sta% for consideration at a future meeting. VI.Reports/Recommendations A.Proposed Parks & Recreation Fees for 2022 B.2021 Work Plan Updates C.2022 Work Plan VII.Chair And Member Comments VIII.Sta- Comments A.Informational Items B.Upcoming Meetings and Events IX.Adjournment The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampli2cation, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Date: December 14, 2021 Agenda Item #: IV.A. To:Parks and Recreation Commission Item Type: Minutes From:Perry Vetter, Parks & Recreation Director Item Activity: Subject:Minutes: Parks & Recreation Commission Oct. 12, 2021 Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve minutes from the Oct. 12, 2021 P arks & Recreation Commission meeting. INTRODUCTION: ATTACHMENTS: Description Minutes: Parks & Recreation Commission Oct. 12, 2021 Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Click here to enter a date. Minutes City of Edina, Minnesota Edina Parks & Recreation Commission Braemar Golf Course October 12, 2021 7:00 p.m. I. Call to Order Chair Ites called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. II. Roll Call Answering roll call were Commissioners Doscotch, Haas, Ites, McAwley, Miller, Nelson and Student Commissioner Jha Commissioner Willette arrived at 7:09 p.m. Absent: Commissioners Good, Strother and Student Commissioner Presthus. Staff present: Staff Liaison Perry Vetter, Assistant Director Parks & Natural Resources Tom Swenson, Assistant Director Recreation & Facilities Tracy Petersen, Edinborough Park and Edina Aquatic Center General Manager Patty McGrath, Economic Development Manager Bill Neuendorf and Administrative Coordinator Janet Canton III. Approval of Meeting Agenda Motion made by McAwley to approve the meeting agenda. Motion seconded by Nelson. Motion carried. IV. Approval of Meeting Minutes Motion made by Nelson to approve the Sept. 14, 2021minutes. Motion seconded by Doscotch. Motion carried. V. Community Comment None VI. Reports/Recommendations A. Edina Aquatic Center Update General Manager McGrath gave an update on the 2021 Aquatic Center season. She noted revenue in concession sales exceeded prior years. Weather, with the exception of the air quality due to wildfires, was favorable for most of the summer which added to the consistency to the numbers. There were a lot of first-time visitors. She reviewed the incidents that happened at the center. Commissioners asked questions of General Manager McGrath regarding rescue incidents and attendance. B. Eden/Willson TIF District: Grange Hall and Cahill School in Tupa Park Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Click here to enter a date. Bill Neuendorf, Economic Development Manager, gave an introduction of the proposed Eden/Willson TIF District and noted that Grange Hall and Cahill School in Tupa Park are included within the proposed boundaries. Neuendorf explained that City staff is reaching out to the County and School District, Planning Commission as well as the general public regarding the proposed TIF District. Staff has also met with the Heritage Preservation Commission and the Edina Historical Society to solicit their input regarding the potential for impact to the historic buildings. Neuendorf noted that there have been multiple studies over the years to relocate these historic structures to a more appropriate site. He noted that a lack of funding was one of the key reasons why no action has been taken regarding these studies. If the TIF District is approved, Neuendorf indicated that funding may be available to relocate these historic buildings and redevelop the Tupa Park site for private development, if that is determined to be the preferred direction. The commissioners asked questions of Neuendorf and gave input on the potential relocation of the historic buildings and potential redevelopment of the park. Commissioners indicated mixed opinions about the best location for the historic buildings and inquired whether any funds from selling the land could be earmarked for improvements to other parks. Commissioners indicated a concern with giving up park space because one of the parks goals is to keep park space. Another concern is with the ongoing deferred maintenance of the existing buildings and existing park as well as the lack of crosswalks and pedestrian crossings near the park. Commissioners did not think it would be a very desirable location for a public park if it would be decided to relocate the historic buildings. There was discussion about a possible round-about near the park and commissioners were in favor of a round-about if needed. Neuendorf thanked the Commission for the input and questions presented to him. C. 2021 Work Plan Updates Updates were given on the following initiatives. Initiative #1 – Review and comment on proposed plan to identify barriers for participation and reach communities of color through different modes and feedback. Staff Liaison Vetter indicated initial questions and feedback were received. Initiative #2 – Create presentation to share information about Parks & Recreation facilities, services, and systems with up to six community groups. No new information. Initiative #3 – Report and provide recommendations on alternative funding sources for park related improvements including parks, facilities, and enterprise upgrades. No new updates past the bonding proposal for Braemar Ice Arena. Initiative #4 Study and report on options to categorize underutilized park amenities/areas and identify park amenity needs. Commissioner Doscotch updated the commission on rank categorization Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Click here to enter a date. factors on Tactic 2.2.1 that might impact or help determine underutilized amenities versus needs. An updated spreadsheet was sent out to the work group. Initiative #5 – Study and report evaluating options for determining benchmarks (park amenities, operations, service areas) the commission started studying in 2020. No updates. VII. Chair and Member Comments A. 2022 Submitted Work Plan Commissioner Ites gave an update on 2022 Work Plan from the work session with the City Council. VIII. Staff Comments Staff Liaison Vetter updated the commission on the following items:  Braemar Arena Sports Dome update  Buckthorn Dump  Upcoming festivals and events IX. Adjournment Motion made by Nelson to adjourn the Oct. 12, 2021 meeting at 8:22 p.m. Motion seconded by Willette. Motion carried. Date: December 14, 2021 Agenda Item #: VI.A. To:Parks and Recreation Commission Item Type: Report and Recommendation From:Tracy Petersen, Assistant Director-Recreation & Facilities Item Activity: Subject:Proposed Parks & Recreation Fees for 2022 Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Annually the P arks and Recreation Commission is asked to review and recommend fees to the City Council. The City Council then reviews and adopts a formal resolution authorizing fees for the upcoming calendar year. INTRODUCTION: Staff requests that the Parks and Recreation Commission review and recommend the attached proposed 2022 Parks and Recreation fees to the City Council. This includes Braemar Arena & Field, Braemar Golf Course & Golf Dome, Centennial Lakes Park, Edinborough P ark and the Edina Aquatic Center. ATTACHMENTS: Description Staff Report Proposed Parks & Recreation Fees for 2022 Proposed Parks & Recreation Fees for 2022 December 14, 2021 Parks and Recreation Commission Tracy Petersen, Assistant Director-Recreation & Facilities Proposed Parks & Recreation Fees for 2022 Information / Background: Annually the Parks & Recreation Commission is asked to review and recommend fees to the City Council. The City Council then reviews and adopts a formal resolution authorizing fees for the upcoming calendar year. Fee Philosophy Traditionally fees are set based upon several factors such as a corresponding market comparison of similar or like offerings at neighboring communities, fee history, customer satisfaction, operating budget and cost recovery expectations. The blend of these philosophies establishes a fee range that provides equal opportunity, affordability, and accessibility to users and guests that utilize our facilities. It also provides an opportunity to cover costs whenever possible. Factors impacting Costs Several factors are considered when establishing cost increases to the proposed 2022 rates. Among the most notable are:  Ability to recruit, train and retain high quality and adequate number of staff for programs and facilities.  Maintain a high level of customer service at each of our facilities.  Ability to navigate cost pressures, supply chain issues and increased costs with contracting and specialty repairs due to high demand for trade providers/vendors.  Maintain a quality and valued product that is well operated and maintained. Revenue Sources Each facility’s revenue sources are unique and are highlighted below in greater detail: STAFF REPORT Page 2 Aquatic Center  Increases are being proposed for season passes and the Flowrider. These rates have not been increased since 2020.  Increases are also being proposed for daily admission and lane rentals. These rates have not been increased since 2018.  Cost of continued repairs to mechanical and operational items at the aquatic center continue to be a key factor.  On-going challenges with seasonal pay will continue to impact our operational pricing structure. Braemar Golf Operations  There is a small increase in the league prepayment fee due to a scheduling change. (a week was added due to holidays).  Increases are being recommended for the player’s card due to an upgraded product and service. This includes additional player’s card events and a remodeled golf course. This is the first price increase since the remodel.  On-going challenges with seasonal pay will continue to impact our operational pricing structure.  There is a new dome online reservation and prepayment fee being recommended for use at the golf dome. Braemar Ice Arena/Field  An increase of the prime-time, non-prime-time and holiday ice rates at the arena is being recommended. These rates have not been increased since 2020.  An increase in the prime rate for Braemar Field is also being recommended as well as an increase in the youth athletic association rental rates. Both of these rates have not been increased since 2020.  Braemar Field fee increases for youth athletic associations will go into effect for the fall of 2022 season.  On-going challenges with seasonal pay will continue to impact our operational pricing structure. Centennial Lakes Park  Some market comparison increases are being proposed for amenity rentals, building and amphitheater rentals for the coming season.  On-going challenges with seasonal pay will continue to impact our operational pricing structure. Edinborough Park  Various increases are being proposed for admissions, passes, memberships, building rentals and birthday party packages for 2022. Birthday party package proposed rates are more in line with other facilities offering similar type packages.  On-going challenges with seasonal pay will continue to impact our operational pricing structure. STAFF REPORT Page 3 Parks and Recreation  Many of the rental fees for athletic fields, park buildings and picnic shelters are proposed with a minimal increase for the upcoming season. These proposed fees have been adjusted for consistency and more in-line with current practices.  Staff is not recommending any increase to the per participant user fee for athletic fields, gymnasiums, or outdoor rinks.  Staff is recommending the discontinuation of the membership fee at the Senior Center and moving to a more equitable fee-based program approach.  Staff is recommending small changes to the building rental fees at the Senior Center to be more consistent with other park building rentals throughout our system. Action Requested: Staff requests that the Parks & Recreation Commission review and recommend the attached proposed 2022 Parks & Recreation Department fees to the City Council. This includes Braemar Arena & Field, Braemar Golf Course & Golf Dome, Centennial Lakes Park, Edinborough Park, and the Edina Aquatic Center. Proposed 2022 Parks and Recreation FeesNote: fees listed do not include taxGarden Plot20212022Community Garden Plot: 10 x 10$45$45Community Garden Plot: 10 x 15$50$50Season TicketsResident Rates2021 2022Purchased by April 30, 2022 (Early Bird Rate): Individual or First Family Member$69$78 Each Additional Member$63$71Purchased after April 30, 2022 (Regular Rate): Individual or First Family Member$76.50$88 Each Additional Member$70.25$81Non-Resident RatesPurchased by April 30, 2022 (Early Bird Rate): Individual or First Family Member$88.50$100 Each Additional Member$80.50$91Purchased after April 30, 2022 (Regular Rate): Individual or First Family Member$96$110 Each Additional Member$88.50$101FlowRider20212022Daily Admission FlowRider Additional/Per Person$5.58$6.50Rental and Instruction: 30 minutes$60$80Rental and Instruction: 1 hour$110$150Daily Admissions20212022Daily Admission (Resident & Non-Resident)$10.70$12.10Admission after 5 p.m.$8.40$9.25Daily Admission FlowRider Additional/Per Person$5.58$6.50Group Reservation Rate$9.50$10Lane Rentals20212022Aqua Jets$16.75/hr$19/hrEdina Swim Club Only$12/hr$14/hrBirthday Party Packages - 2 hours20212022High Seas Package$235 TBDTwilight Package (to be renamed)$210 TBDNot increased since 2018COMMENTSNo increase recommended for 2022No increase recommended for 2022COMMENTSNot increased since 2020Not increased since 2018COMMENTSNot increased since 2020COMMENTSNot increased since 2020COMMENTSNot increased since 2018ADULT ACTIVITIESAQUATIC CENTERBRAEMAR GOLF COURSECOMMENTSRates have not increased since 2020.Not increased since 20201 Proposed 2022 Parks and Recreation FeesNote: fees listed do not include taxGreen Fees20212022Weekday 18 Hole Daily Fee "Prepayment Online"$49.50$49.50Weekday 18 Hole Daily Fee $55$55Weekday 18 Hole Player's Club Member "Prepayment Online"$36.90$36.90Weekday 18 Hole Player's Club Member$41$41Weekday 18 Hole Daily Fee: Senior "Prepayment Online"$44.10$44.10Weekday 18 Hole Daily Fee: Senior$49$49Weekday 18 Hole Player's Club Member: Senior "Prepayment Online"$34.20$34.20Weekday 18 Hole Player's Club Member: Senior$38$38Weekday 18 Hole Daily Fee: Junior "Prepayment Online"$24.30$24.30Weekday 18 Hole Daily Fee: Junior$27$27Weekday 9 Hole Daily Fee "Prepayment Online"$27$27Weekday 9 Hole Daily Fee $30$30Weekday 9 Hole Player's Club Member "Prepayment Online"$21.60$21.60Weekday 9 Hole Player's Club Member$24$24Weekday 9 Hole Daily Fee: Senior "Prepayment Online"$25.20$25.20Weekday 9 Hole Daily Fee: Senior$28$28Weekday 9 Hole Player's Club Member: Senior "Prepayment Online"$18.90$18.90Weekday 9 Hole Player's Club Member: Senior $21$21Weekday 9 Hole Daily Fee: Junior "Prepayment Online"$16.20$16.20Weekday 9 Hole Daily Fee: Junior $18$18Weekend 18 Hole Daily Fee "Prepayment Online"$54.90$54.90Weekend 18 Hole Daily Fee $61$61Weekend 18 Hole Player's Club Member "Prepayment Online"$41.40$41.40Weekend 18 Hole Player's Club Member$46$46Weekend 18 Hole Player's Club Member: Senior "Prepayment Online"$38.70$38.70Weekend 18 Hole Player's Club Member: Senior $43$43Weekend 18 Hole Daily Fee: Junior after 1 p.m. "Prepayment Online"$27$27Weekend 18 Hole Daily Fee: Junior after 1 p.m. $30$30Weekend 9 Hole Daily Fee "Prepayment Online"$30.60$30.60Weekend 9 Hole Daily Fee $34$34Weekend 9 Hole Player's Club Member "Prepayment Online"$25.20$25.20Weekend 9 Hole Player's Club Member $28$28Weekend 9 Hole Player's Club Member: Senior "Prepayment Online"$23.40$23.40Weekend 9 Hole Player's Club Member: Senior $26$26Weekend 9 Hole Daily Fee: Junior after 1 p.m. "Prepayment Online"$18$18Weekend 9 Hole Daily Fee: Junior after 1 p.m. $20$20League Prepayment Weekday Morning 9-Holes - 20 weeks$360$365.67League Prepayment Weekday Evening 9-Holes - 18 weeks$300$322.65League Prepayment Weekday Morning 18-Holes - 20 weeks$639$648.89League Prepayment Weekend Morning 18-Holes - 20 weeks$711$722.16Player's Club20212022Platinum Player's Club: Edina Resident$90$99Gold Player's Club: Non-Resident$125$139League$90$99Computerized Handicaps20212022Player's Club Member$36$41Non-Player's Club Member$44$49COMMENTSChange in weekly scheduleChange in weekly scheduleChange in weekly scheduleChange in weekly scheduleUpgraded product and serviceCOMMENTSCOMMENTSUpgraded product and serviceUpgraded product and serviceMGA increased cost of service by $5MGA increased cost of service by $52 Proposed 2022 Parks and Recreation FeesNote: fees listed do not include taxClub Rental and Push Carts20212022Championship 18 Club Rental: Premium$45 $45Academy 9 Club Rental$10 $10Push Carts: 9 Hole$5 $5Push Carts: 18 Hole$9 $9Golf Cars2021202218 Hole Daily Fee$33 $3318 Hole Player's Club Member$31 $319 Hole Daily Fee$20 $209 Hole Player's Club Member$19 $19Golf Outing20212022Monday Morning Shotgun$81.50 $81.50Friday Morning Shotgun$85 $85Monday & Friday Afternoon Shotgun$99 $99Monday-Thursday Tee Time Start Outing$66.50 $66.50Friday-Sunday Tee Time Start Outing$70.50 $70.50Drive, Chip & Putt Clinics$49 $49Braemar Courtyard20212022Single Lane: Edina Resident$20/hr $20/hrSingle Lane: Player's Club Member$20/hr $20/hrSingle Lane: Non-Resident$25/hr $25/hrHalf-Court$75/hr $75/hrFull-Court$150/hr $150/hrContracted Programs20212022Golf ProfessionalsVaries VariesBraemar Room2021Cooper Conference Room: M-Th 9 a.m.-5 p.m.$40/hr$40/hrCooper Conference Room: M-Th after 5 p.m.$50/hr$50/hrCooper Conference Room: Fri-Sun and Holidays$50/hr$50/hrHoyt Blanchard Room: M-Th 9 a.m.-5 p.m.$75/hr$75/hrHoyt Blanchard Room: M-Th after 5 p.m.$85/hr$85/hrHoyt Blanchard Room: Fri-Sun and Holidays$85/hr$85/hrBraemar Driving Range20212022Large Bucket: Daily Fee$10 $10Large Bucket: Player's Club Member$9 $9Small Bucket$6 $6ACADEMY 9 COURSECOMMENTSCOMMENTSCOMMENTSCOMMENTSCOMMENTSCOMMENTSDRIVING RANGE3 Proposed 2022 Parks and Recreation FeesNote: fees listed do not include taxGreens Fees20212022Academy 9 Daily Fee "Prepayment Online"$17.10$17.10Academy 9 Daily Fee $19$19Academy 9 Player's Club Member "Prepayment Online"$14.40$14.40Academy 9 Player's Club Member$16$16Junior "Prepayment Online"$10.80$10.80Junior $12$12Youth on Course - MGA$5$5League Prepayment Academy 9 - 18 weeks$196$225.75Golf Cars20212022Academy 9 Daily Fee$16 $16Academy 9 Player's Club Member$15 $15Push Carts$5 $5Player's Club20212022Resident Player's Club$30$30Non-Resident Player's Club$50$50League$30$30Adult Annual Pass$425NAJunior Annual Pass$350NAGolf Dome20212022Large Bucket Daily Fee$11NALarge Bucket Player's Club Member$10NATime Golf 1/2 Hour$16$16Time Golf 1/2 Hour Player's Club Member$15$15Time Golf 1/4 Hour: Additional Time Only$8$8Hourly Field Rental$175$175Promotional Bucket (senior, youth, special, etc.)$8NAMonday-Thursday Time Golf 1/2 hour : Senior Player's Club$8$8Golf Dome Guest Professional Instruction Fee: 1/2 Hour$25$25Golf Dome Guest Professional Instruction Fee: 1 hour$40$40Golf Dome Legacy Professional Instruction Fee$11/Lesson$11/LessonTime Golf 1 hour$30$30Time Golf 2 hours$56$56Time Golf 1 hour Player's Club Member$28$28Time Golf 2 hour Player's Club Member$52$52Promotional Time Golf 1 hour$25$25High School Time Golf 1 hour per bay$25$25Online Reservation and PrepaymentNA$65New offeringOnline Reservation and Prepayment Player's ClubNA$55New offeringPlayer's Club2021Resident Golf Dome Player's Club$30$30Non-Resident Golf Dome Player's Club$50$50Pool & Track Daily Admission20212022Residents and Non-Residents$7.44$8.37DiscontinuedCOMMENTSCOMMENTSCOMMENTSDiscontinuedChange in weekly scheduleDiscontinuedDiscontinuedEDINBOROUGH PARKDiscontinuedGOLF DOMECOMMENTSWith tax is $9/person per visit.COMMENTSCOMMENTS4 Proposed 2022 Parks and Recreation FeesNote: fees listed do not include taxPool & Track 10 Admission Pass20212022Residents and Non-Residents$69.75$75Pool & Track Annual Membership20212022Resident Individual$300$330 Each Additional Member$120$135Non-Resident Individual$335$370 Each Additional Member$135$155Locker Rental$0.25 $0.25Birthday Party Packages/2 Hours20212022The Peak Package$100$150The Adventure Package$180$225Fam Jam Package$280$325The BIG Birthday Adventure Package$360$425The Ultimate Birthday Adventure Package$540NABuilding Rentals/Non-Exclusive Rentals/Hr20212022Theater$250$300Theater with Audio-Visual Equipment$300$350Pool (swim team only)$60$66Pool Other$65$72Commercial Photo Shoot (hourly)20212022Any Park Area Blocked Off$250NATheater$250NAPlaypark Daily Admission20212022Resident and Non-Resident$7.44$8.37Children Under 1 year OldFree FreeAdultsFree w/paid child Free w/paid childGroup Reservation Rate$6$7Admission After 5 p.m. (summer only)$5.50$6Playpark - 10 Admission Pass20212022Resident and Non-Resident$69.75$75Playpark Annual Membership20212022Resident Individual$95$110 Each Additional Member$72.25$87.25Non-Resident Individual$122.50$137.50 Each Additional Member$100$115Total Facility Daily Admission20212022$30/year increase for primary member - residentRecommend increase to align with daily admission increase; still provides discountMon-Thurs includes 10 admissions to playpark; space for 20 guestsCOMMENTSCOMMENTSAdmission rate for children ages 1-17 adults free; with tax is $9/childDiscontinueCOMMENTSCOMMENTSDiscontinueCOMMENTS$15/year increase for each additional member - resident$20/year increase for each additional member - non-residentRecommend increase to align with daily admission increase; still provides discountCOMMENTSFri-Sun includes 10 admissions to playpark; space for 20 guestsCOMMENTS$35/year increase for primary member - non-residentEDINBOROUGH PARK "PLAYPARK"COMMENTSFir-Sun includes 10 admissions to playpark; space for 40 guestsFri-Sun includes 20 admissions to playpark; space for 40 guestsDiscontinueCOMMENTS5 Proposed 2022 Parks and Recreation FeesNote: fees listed do not include taxResident$12.55$15Non-Resident$12.55$15Rental Concession Items20212022Paddle Boats: 4 person boat/ per 45 minutes$15$20Winter Sled/Trainer per hour$8 $8Ice Skates$6$8Fishing PoleNA $3Building Rentals202120221/2 room, Monday-Thursday, 6 hours$300$4251/2 room, Sunday, 6 hours$450$600Full room Friday or Saturday, 10 hours$1,250$1,625Full room Monday-Thursday, 6 hours NA$600Full room, Sunday, 6 hoursNA$900Amphitheater Rental (3 hour rental)$300$425Commercial Photo Shoot$50/hr $50/hrLawn Games202120229 Hole Golf$6 $618 Hole Golf$10 $10Lawn Bowling Court$20/hr $20/hrCroquet Court$35/hr $35/hrScottish Links$5 $5Rates20212022Prime Hourly Rate (9/16 - 3/15)$248$255Prime Season Late Night: After 9 p.m.$185$190Off-Season$185$190Off-Season Late Night: After 9 p.m.$145$150Off-Season Tournament$200$200In-Season Early Morning$170$170Early Morning Training Ice (6-8 a.m.)$105$115Backyard Rink Early Morning/Undesirable Ice$75$75Backyard Rink - Prime - EHA - Day/Late Night$150$155Open skating (youth and adult)$5$5Skate Rental$5$5Birthday Party Open Skating$99$99Room Rental$30/hr$30/hrFutsal$35$35Holiday Ice: Arena$291$300Holiday Ice: Backyard$205$220Tournament Headquarter Room$75/day$75/dayChange from 4 to 6 hour rental, market comparisonFees not increased since 2020Fees not increased since 2020EHA = $150 per Backyard agreement; public = $155Fees not increased since 2020COMMENTSNew feeFees not increased since 2020COMMENTSCENTENNIAL LAKES PARKChange from 6 to 10 hour rental, market comparisonMarket comparisonMarket ComparisonCOMMENTSCOMMENTSBRAEMAR ARENAChange from 4 to 6 hour rental, market comparisonFees not increased since 2020Fees not increased since 2020Fees not increased since 2020New fee6 Proposed 2022 Parks and Recreation FeesNote: fees listed do not include taxEvent Vendor Fee$50/event$50/eventFire Ice10% discount10% discountEquipment Storage$25/day $50/wknd$25/day $50/wkndMemberships (set the first week of September)20212022Open Skating MembershipResident Family: First 2 Members$120 $120 Each Additional Member$10 $10 Maximum (7 persons)$165 $165Resident Individual$110 $110Non-Resident Family: First 2 Members$130 $130 Each Additional Member$10 $10 Maximum (7 persons)$180 $180Non-Resident Individual$120 $120Open Skating Punch Card$50 $50Skate Rental Punch Card (buy 10 get 1)$50 $50Arena -Activity Admissions20212022Non-School Day Youth Open Hockey$5/ Per Child $5/ Per ChildDevelopmental Ice for hockey and Figure Skating: Resident $10 $10Developmental Ice for hockey and Figure Skating: Non-Resident $12 $12Developmental Skating Resident Punch Card (buy 10 get 1) $100 $100Developmental Skating Non-Resident Punch Card (buy 10 get 1) $120 $120Pro's Ice$15 $15Pro's Ice Unlimited Pass$300/month$300/monthPro's Ice Punch Card (buy 20 sessions get 1 free)$300$300Braemar Ice Show$12/adults, $7/Child and Senior$12/adults, $7/Child and SeniorArena - Adult Activities20212022Adult Open Hockey$5 $5Adult Open Hockey Punchcard (buy 10 get 1)$50 $50Hourly Rates20212022Full Field Prime (Mon-Fri 4pm-10pm/Sat, Sun 7am-10pm) $400$4101/2 Field Prime (Mon-Fri 4pm-10pm/Sat, Sun 7am-10pm)$200$2051/4 Field Prime (Mon-Fri 4pm-10pm/Sat, Sun 7am-10pm)$100$110Early Morning/Late Nite$325$3351/2 Field Early Morning/Late Night$190$2001/4 Field Early Morning/Late Night$100$12570' Batting Cage: 1/2 hour$30$3050' Batting Cage: 1/2 hour$25$25Fees not increased since 2020Fees not increased since 2020Fees not increased since 2020COMMENTSFees not increased since 2020BRAEMAR FIELD (DOME)COMMENTSCOMMENTSCOMMENTSFees not increased since 2020Fees not increased since 20207 Proposed 2022 Parks and Recreation FeesNote: fees listed do not include taxFull Field Non-Prime$175$1751/2 Field Non-Prime$80$801/4 Field Non-Prime$40$40Open Turf Time$5$5Fire Dome10% discount10% discountIndividual Season Pass$125$125Field Punch Card$50$50Birthday Party (1 hour)$99$99Edina Athletic Association Rentals Hourly Rates (Baseball, Football, Lacrosse and Soccer) 2021 2022Primetime: 5-10 p.m. (Jan- April)/Monday-Friday$371$3801/2 Field Primetime: 5-10 p.m. (Jan.-April)/Monday-Friday$186$190Primetime: 8 a.m.-10 p.m.(Jan.- April)/Saturdays$371$3801/2 Field Primetime: 8 a.m.-10 p.m.(Jan.- April)/Saturdays$186$190Primetime: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.(Jan.- April)/ Sundays$371$3801/2 Field Primetime: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. (Jan.- April)/Sundays$186$190Off Hours: All Other - (Jan.-April)/All$299$3051/2 Field Off Hours: All Other(Jan.- April)/All$150$153Shoulder Season: All hours October - December$348$3551/2 Field Shoulder Season: All hours October - December$174$178No Dome Public Field Rental (May 1-Oct. 15)20212022Resident: Full Field$65 $65Resident: 1/2 Field$35 $35Non-Resident: Full Field$100 $100Non-Resident: 1/2 Field$50 $50Braemar Field - Activities and Events20212022Tot Time $5/person/per session$5/person/per sessionOpen Soccer$5/person/per session$5/person/per sessionFamily Time at Braemar Field$5/person/per session$5/person/per sessionOpen Dome Time at Braemar Field$5/person/per session$5/person/per sessionGeneral Park Areas20212022Resident Use/ per hour$55$60Resident Use/ per day$145$180Non-Resident Use/per hourNA$70Non-Resident Use/per dayNA$210Commercial Use (i.e. TV)/ Per HourVariesVariesCommercial use with light/Per HourVariesVariesMobile Food Unit $30$30Mobile Food Unit Annual Pass$550$550Maintenance/Custodial - Per Hour$55 $55COMMENTSCOMMENTSFees not increased since 2020Fees not increased since 2020Fees not increased since 2020Cap to a full day rental equivalent to the cost of a 3 hour rentalPARK DEPARTMENT RENTALSHas not been adjusted in 6 yearsCOMMENTSCreating a non-resident rate equivalent to the cost of a 3 hour rentalCOMMENTSFees not increased since 2020Fees not increased since 2020Fees not increased since 2020Fees not increased since 2020Fees not increased since 2020Fees not increased since 2020Fees not increased since 20208 Proposed 2022 Parks and Recreation FeesNote: fees listed do not include taxAthletic Fields20212022Resident - Per Field/per day$142$180Non-Resident - Per field/per dayNA$210Per Field/Per Hour: Resident$55$60Per Field/Per Hour: Non-Resident$65$70Per Field/ Per Hour with Lights$79NALights add-onNA$15/hrTurf full field (Pamela & Braemar)/ Per Hour: Resident$65$70Turf full field (Pamela & Braemar)/Per Hour: Non-Resident$100$100Turf half field (Pamela & Braemar)/Per Hour: Resident$40$45Turf half field (Pamela & Braemar)/Per Hour:Non-Resident$55$65Maintenance/Custodial: Per Hour$55$55Athletic Association Clinics and Camps /Per Day/Per Field$50 $50Athletic Association TournamentsVaries $180Sand Volleyball Court/Per Day$70NASand Volleyball Court/Per Hour$15 $15Van Valkenburg/Courtney Fields 2021 2022Per Field/Per Day: Includes building-Residents$170$200Per Field/Per Day: Includes building-Non-Residents$200$235Rosland Park Pathway (Scheduled Walk/Run Events)20212022Per Day$250$275Arneson Acres20212022Terrace Room & Gazebo Half-Day (8a.m.-2p.m.; 4-10p.m.)$280 $280Full-Day (8a.m.-10p.m.)$380 $380Picnic Shelter Rentals 20212022Chowen Park: Half-Day$30$35Chowen Park: Full-Day$46$51Fred Richards Park:Half-Day$30$35Fred Richards Park: Full-Day$46$51Sherwood Park: Half-Day$30$35Sherwood Park: Full-Day$46$51Wooddale Park: Half-Day$30$35Wooddale Park: Full-Day$46$51Utley Park: Half-Day$30$35Utley Park: Full-Day$46$51Rosland Park: Half-Day$75$80Fee not increased in six yearsRosland Park: Full-Day$150$155Park Shelter Building Rentals20212022Arden Park: Half-Day$75$80Arden Park: Full-Day$110$115Cornelia School Park: Half-Day$75$80Cornelia School Park: Full-Day$110$115Add on price to the resident and non-resident field rental fee and the Pamela and Braemar turf rentals ratesCreate a non-resident rate equivalent to the cost of a 3 hour rentalFee not increased in six yearsFee not increased in six yearsCap to a full day rental equivalent to the cost of a 3 hour rentalCOMMENTSFee not increased in six yearsCurrent resident half field rate is approximately 65% of the full field rental rate. This adjustment makes that consistent between the two ratesCOMMENTSFee not increased in six yearsFee not increased in six yearsFee not increased in six yearsCOMMENTSFee not increased in six yearsFee not increased in six yearsFee not increased in six yearsFee not increased in six yearsFee not increased in six years$5 increase equal to the increase to the per field/per resident hourly rate increase listed aboveCOMMENTSCOMMENTSFee not increased in six yearsFee not increased in six yearsFee not increased in six yearsFee not increased in six yearsCOMMENTSFee not increased in six yearsAdjustment based upon adjustments to per field cost adjustments above and taking into consideration the shelter aspect of this rentalAdjustment based upon adjustments to per field cost adjustments above and taking into consideration the shelter aspect of this rental9 Proposed 2022 Parks and Recreation FeesNote: fees listed do not include taxCountryside Park: Half-Day$75$80Countryside Park: Full-Day$110$115Pamela Park: Half-Day$75$80Pamela Park: Full-Day$110$115Todd Park: Half-Day$75$80Todd Park: Full-Day$110$115Walnut Ridge Park: Half-Day$75$80Walnut Ridge Park: Full-Day$110$115Weber Park: Half-Day$75$80Weber Park: Full-Day$110$115Edina Athletic Associations20212022Field User Fee/ Per Participant$13 $13Gymnasium User Fee/Per Participant$13 $13Outdoor Hockey Rink User Fee/ Per Participant$13 $13Inclusion Fee/ Per Participant$1 $1Fees 20212022Edina Senior Center Membership$20/$30 NARoom Rental20212022Aquarium Room: Resident$25/hr $25/hrAquarium Room: Non-Resident$30/hr$30/hrClassroom 1, 2, 3 or 4: Resident (2 hr. minimum)$45/hr$45/hrClassroom 1, 2, 3 or 4: Non-Resident (2 hr. minimum)$50/hr$50/hrClassroom 1, 2, 3 or 4: Resident more than 4 hours$170NAClassroom 1, 2, 3 or 4: Non-Resident more than 4 hours$220NAGrandview Room: Resident (2 hr. minimum)$65/hr $65/hrGrandview Room: Non-Resident (2 hr. minimum)$70/hr$70/hrFireside Room: Half-Day (8a.m.-2p.m.; 4-10p.m.)$300/4-hr$480Fireside Room: Full-Day (8a.m.-10p.m.)$330/4-hr$720Fireside Room: Per Hour - Resident (2 hr. minimum)$80/hrNAFireside Room: Per Hour - Non-resident (2 hr. minimum)$85/hrNAWall Art Display Rental15% of sale15% of saleEliminate membership to create equity and access to the Senior Center for all. Fee not increased in six yearsCOMMENTS Eliminate this rental fee option. Typical rental hours for Classrooms has been 2-3 hours.Change rental fee structure to be consistent with other park building rentals; $80 for first six hours = $480Eliminate the hourly fee and structure it as a half day or full day rental fee for weekends.Eliminate eliminate the hourly fee and structure it as a half day or full day rental fee for weekends. Eliminate this rental fee option. Typical rental hours for Classrooms has been 2-3 hours.Change rental fee structure to be consistent with other park building rentals; $40 for next six hours = $720Fee not increased in six yearsFee not increased in six yearsCOMMENTSCOMMENTSFee not increased in six yearsFee not increased in six yearsFee not increased in six yearsFee not increased in six yearsFee not increased in six yearsEDINA SENIOR CENTERFee not increased in six yearsFee not increased in six years10 Date: December 14, 2021 Agenda Item #: VI.B. To:Parks and Recreation Commission Item Type: Report and Recommendation From:Perry Vetter, Parks and Recreation Director Item Activity: Subject:2021 Work Plan Updates Discussion CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Provide available updates to the 2021 Parks and Recreation Commission Work P lan. INTRODUCTION: Discuss and provide any updates to the 2021 Work Plan. ATTACHMENTS: Description 2021 PARC Work Plan Approved by Council December 1, 2020 [Do not modify fields except progress reports] Commission: Parks & Recreation Commission 2021 Annual Work Plan Initiative #1 Initiative Type ☒ Project ☐ Ongoing / Annual ☐ Event Council Charge ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☒ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Review and comment on proposed plan to identify barriers for participation and reach communities of color through different modes and feedback. Deliverable Comment on the plan Leads Strother (Lead), Miller, McAwley Target Completion Date Q4 2021 Budget Required: 2021 department funds are available to support various marketing materials to promote the events and opportunities to gather feedback. Staff Support Required: Coordinate with R&E Coordinator. Progress Q1: Parks and Recreation staff are working with the Race and Equity Coordinator to provide a draft plan for commission review. Currently staff is working on the Just Deeds initiative and upon identifying public park properties impacted, will transition back to identifying a barrier reduction plan. Progress Q2: Staff has distributed a plan outline to commissioners for feedback and future discussion. Progress Q3: Progress Q4: In partnership with the HRRC staff liaison, staff has distributed a revised plan for PARC feedback and future discussion. Initiative #2 Initiative Type ☐ Project ☒ Ongoing / Annual ☐ Event Council Charge ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☒ 4 (Review & Decide) Create presentation to share information about Parks and Recreation facilities, services, and systems with up to six community groups. Deliverable Presentation for community groups and summary report to council Leads Nelson (Lead), Good, Haas, Nahlovsky (S), Ites Target Completion Date: Q4 2021 Budget Required: 2021 department funds are available to support various marketing materials to promote the events and opportunities to gather feedback. Presentations, info sheets, marketing materials. Staff Support Required: Communications support required for informational press kit, materials for presentations either for in person or electronic. Communications made aware. Progress Q1: Commissioners have reviewed a presentation outline that can be customized to target groups and also broad topical areas. They are discussing one of the six sessions would be virtual to manage through the pandemic restrictions and also to encourage equity in participation. The virtual session may follow the Town Talk format. Currently working on presentation content. Progress Q2: Communications division has indicated that a town talk event could be scheduled in Q4 of 2021 and again in Q1 of 2022. Progress Q3: Progress Q4: Approved by Council December 1, 2020 [Do not modify fields except progress reports] Initiative #3 Initiative Type ☒ Project ☐ Ongoing / Annual ☐ Event Council Charge ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☒ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Report and provide recommendations on alternative funding sources for park related improvements including parks, facilities, and enterprise upgrades. Deliverable Report to City Council Leads McAwley (Lead), Haas, Willette, Ites Target Completion Date Q4 2021 Budget Required: Funds not required. Staff Support Required: None. Progress Q1: Group will continue to review which funding alternative methods would be applied to each park, facility or enterprise area. Each member has been assigned an area of research to determine if that method is viable for Edina. Members are also reviewing research done in other communities through National Recreation and Parks Association publications. Progress Q2: Progress Q3: Progress Q4: Initiative #4 Initiative Type ☒ Project ☐ Ongoing / Annual ☐ Event Council Charge ☒ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Study and report on options to categorize underutilized park amenities/areas and identify park amenity needs. Deliverable Report to Parks and Recreation Department Leads Doscotch (Lead), Good, McAwley, Nelson Target Completion Date Q4 2021 Budget Required: Funds not required. Staff Support Required: Staff liaison. Progress Q1: Group has met and discussed the relationship of this work group to initiative #5 and currently developing a timeline for completion, deliverables, assignment or responsibilities and set next meetings. This initiative requires additional dialogue with staff to ensure deliverable is worthwhile to department. Progress Q2: Progress Q3: Progress Q4: Approved by Council December 1, 2020 [Do not modify fields except progress reports] Initiative #5 Initiative Type ☐ Project ☒ Ongoing / Annual ☐ Event Council Charge ☒ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Study and report evaluating options for determining benchmarks (park amenities, operations, service areas) the commission started studying in 2020. Deliverable Report to Parks and Recreation Department. Leads Good (Lead), Sorem (S), Mork (S), Doscotch Target Completion Date Q4 2021 Budget Required: Funds not required. Staff Support Required: Staff liaison. Progress Q1: Group has collected benchmark data as part of 2020 work plan. Has used both internal Edina and National Recreation and Parks Association benchmarking and best practices. Established a foundational draft of 9 recommended benchmarks, that correlate to the NRPA benchmarks to compare to like cities. It will also be important to monitor the ability to address developing park services that match both current and future demographics to assets and programs. Progress Q2: Staff has taken the data from the 2020 annual financial report and compiled cost recover metrics benchmarks. Staff will share that data with the initiative members. Progress Q3: Progress Q4: Parking Lot: (These items have been considered by the BC, but not proposed as part of this year’s work plan. If the BC decides they would like to work on them in the current year, it would need to be approved by Council.) Date: December 14, 2021 Agenda Item #: VI.C. To:Parks and Recreation Commission Item Type: Report and Recommendation From:Perry Vetter, Parks and Recreation Director Item Activity: Subject:2022 Work Plan Discussion CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Review 2022 City Council approved work plan and assign members to each initiative. INTRODUCTION: Attached is the 2022 approved work plan. The Edina City Council approved the plan at the Dec. 7 regular meeting. ATTACHMENTS: Description 2022 PARC Work Plan Template Updated 2021.06.08 Commission: Parks & Recreation Commission 2022 Annual Work Plan Proposal Initiative # 1 Initiative Type ☐ Project ☒ Ongoing / Annual ☐ Event Council Charge ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☒ 4 (Review & Decide) Present information about Parks and Recreation facilities, services, and systems with up to six community groups. Deliverable Presentation Leads Target Completion Date Budget Required: (Completed by staff) Minimal presentation related expenses would be supported by department budget. Staff Support Required (Completed by staff): Parks and Recreation: Max 40; Communications varies pending format (I.e. Town Talk or video series) Initiative # 2 Initiative Type ☒ Project ☐ Ongoing / Annual ☐ Event Council Charge ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☒ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Report and provide recommendations on alternative funding sources for park related improvements including parks, facilities, and enterprise upgrades. The report will include a philanthropic wish list Deliverable: Report and recommendation to Council Leads Target Completion Date Budget Required: (Completed by staff) Funding not required to complete recommendation process. Staff Support Required (Completed by staff): Parks and Recreation: Max 40; Finance: Max 30; City Attorney: Max: 10 Initiative # 3 Initiative Type ☒ Project ☐ Ongoing / Annual ☐ Event Council Charge ☒ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Research opportunities to expand volunteer assistance for park initiatives. Deliverable Report to staff. Leads Target Completion Date Budget Required: (Completed by staff) Funding not required to complete recommendation process. Staff Support Required (Completed by staff): Parks and Recreation: Max 40; Engagement Manager: TBD to provide feedback Template Updated 2021.06.08 Initiative # 4 Initiative Type ☒ Project ☐ Ongoing / Annual ☐ Event Council Charge ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Provide support with educational opportunities for the Local Option Sales Tax in the community as needed. Deliverable Attend events to share information. Leads Target Completion Date Budget Required: (Completed by staff) Staff Support Required (Completed by staff): Initiative # 5 Initiative Type ☒ Project ☐ Ongoing / Annual ☐ Event Council Charge ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☒ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Review and Comment on amendments to the Park ordinances being recommended by staff for update. Deliverable Comment on ordinance updates Leads Target Completion Date March 2022 Budget Required: (Completed by staff) Staff Support Required (Completed by staff): Initiative # 6 Initiative Type ☒ Project ☐ Ongoing / Annual ☐ Event Council Charge ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☒ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Review and comment on the proposed Grandview plan. Deliverable Comment on plan. Leads Target Completion Date Budget Required: (Completed by staff) Staff Support Required (Completed by staff): Date: December 14, 2021 Agenda Item #: VIII.A. To:Parks and Recreation Commission Item Type: Other From:Perry Vetter, Parks and Recreation Director Item Activity: Subject:Informational Items Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None, informational items only. INTRODUCTION: ATTACHMENTS: Description Informational Items - December 2021 Dec. 14, 2021 Park and Recreation Commission Perry Vetter, Parks & Recreation Director Informational Items Information / Background: Braemar Arena • 72 girls’ youth teams competed at Braemar Arena over the Thanksgiving weekend for the Cake Eater Tournament. Championship Sunday was celebrated with 20 sheet cakes being served to the players and fans. • Edina High School kicks off the home portion of their hockey season this week with the girls playing Tuesday and Thursday and the boys on Saturday. • MNHockey.TV is live streaming all youth and HS hockey games this season. City of Edina facilities receive free access to the streaming service. Access information was sent out to facilities last week. • The refrigeration system for the back yard rink was started on Oct. 22 and opened for use in Mid-November. Braemar Dome and Field The Braemar Field sports dome was installed Oct. 22. Staff installed new LED lights, insulation and safety features. Opening day was Saturday, Nov. 6. Many thanks to the Park Maintenance and Public Works staff members who helped with the installation process. Braemar Golf Dome • Braemar Golf Dome – The Braemar Golf Dome opened Nov. 1 and has been busy ever since. There have been almost 400,000 shots tracked through the TopTracer Range Technology in November which equates to over 20,000 range balls hit per day. The new Red River Kitchen food and beverage service at the golf dome is offering sandwiches and salads as well as craft beer and wine to compliment the golfing experience. Hours are 7 a.m.-9 p.m. daily. • The Braemar Golf Dome dominated the United States leaderboard in the Global 9-Shot Challenge by TopTracer! Jack Wetzel, Tommy Koehler and Pat Waterloo finished 1, 2 & 7 to lead the country’s top 10. Braemar also had 17 players who finished in the top 100 in the country in a field of over 5,200 participants. Wetzel finished at number 5 in the world with over 380 facilities participating and over 10,000 players globally. STAFF REPORT Page 2 Edinborough Park The Fall 2021 Sunday concert season Kicked off at Edinborough Park. The First John Philip Sousa Memorial Band kicked off the concert season in the amphitheater on Sunday, Oct. 31. Please note that the start time for Sunday concerts has changed to 6 p.m., not 7 p.m. as they have been in previous years. Birthday party reservations are also picking up as the weather turns cooler. Please check Edinboroughpark.com to see all the party package options and to book your party. Grandview Pedestrian Bridge Project The Engineering Department has started the Grandview Pedestrian Bridge Project. The sidewalk and bridge will connect Arcadia Avenue with the Grandview Parking Ramp across the north portion of the old Public Works site. The contractor is working to remove pavement and retaining walls and install a new watermain loop. After prepping the site, new retaining walls along CP Rail will be built along with placement of lots of fill. The city is providing the fill from our stockpile of recycled street pavements. (The city creates more recycled material than can be typically used.) After filling the site with material, it is required to settle for a fixed amount of time or it can be monitored for settlement prior to construction of the bridge foundations. The site is also being used by the contractor on the Eden Avenue project. Phase 1 of that project was just completed with Phase 2 scheduled for next year. HalloBoo Trick-or-Treat Trail The HalloBoo event on Oct 28 was a success and was full at 250 participants, 26 station hosts and three food vendors. The event had to be moved indoors to the Senior Center due to weather. Lewis Park Lewis Park at 7300 Cahill Road is slated for new playground equipment. The new pieces will replace the existing equipment, in the same spot, in the 21-acre park that also features tennis, soccer and skating. Residents are asked to help the Edina Parks & Recreation Department select a theme for the new playground and the play pieces—slides, swings, climbers, etc. To participate and provide feedback please visit the Better Together Edina project page at https://www.bettertogetheredina.org/lewispark Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail Boardwalk Three Rivers Park District is installing a boardwalk connection from Highway 169 to the Lincoln Drive cul-de-sac along Nine Mile Creek. A contractor has been selected and they tentatively plan to start construction in January/February 2022. This trail connection will remove the need for pedestrians to cross the Bren Road Bridge over Highway 169. Recall that is a busy bridge and the new connection will provide a much better trail experience. There will be some tree removals to create room for the trail boardwalks and for construction access off of Lincoln Drive. Outdoor Rinks & Warming Houses Outdoor ice rinks and warming houses are being prepared to open as early as possible, weather permitting. Warming house attendants are being recruited and trained and maintenance staff is preparing the leisure skating and hockey rinks at 12 neighborhood park locations. A pop-up rink will again be located at Wooddale Park for daylight skating and without lighting, restrooms and limited maintenance. More information can be found at https://www.edinamn.gov/1891/Outdoor- Ice-Rinks STAFF REPORT Page 3 Pumpkin Smash & Bash Event The Parks & Recreation Department partnered with the Health Division, Fire Department and Vierkant Disposal to offer a pumpkin smash-and-bash organics recycling event on Nov. 4. Over 2,400 pounds of pumpkin were recycled at the event. Red River Kitchen Through September, the city has collected $106,899 in rent from Red River Kitchen in connection with their lease at the Braemar Golf Clubhouse. Staff expect the final total revenue from this lease to be approximately $127,000 for 2021. Van Valkenburg Dog Park Xcel Energy will be installing three new light poles in the first parking lot and entry road at Van Valkenburg Park. The new lights will primarily illuminate the parking lot, but they will also help light the entry to the dog park in the fall and winter. Parks and Recreation Available Positions Staff continues to recruit for vacant positions for a variety of positions, such as guest services, concession stand staff and Zamboni drivers. Please help us spread the word about these positions. More information can be found at EdinaMN.gov/Jobs Date: December 14, 2021 Agenda Item #: VIII.B. To:Parks and Recreation Commission Item Type: Other From:Perry Vetter, Parks and Recreation Director Item Activity: Subject:Upcoming Meetings and Events Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None, informational only. INTRODUCTION: ATTACHMENTS: Description Upcoming 2021 and 2022 Meetings and Events December 14, 2021 Park and Recreation Commission Perry Vetter, Parks & Recreation Director Upcoming 2021 and 2022 Meetings and Events Date 2021 Meeting/Event Time Location *Tues. Dec. 14 Regular Meeting 7:00 pm *Braemar Golf Course Dec. 31 Quarter 4 Work Plan Progress Due - - Date 2021 Meeting/Event Time Location Tues. Jan. 11 Regular Meeting 7:00 pm TBD Tues. Feb. 8 Regular Meeting 7:00 pm TBD Tues. Mar. 8 Regular Meeting 7:00 pm TBD Tues. April 12 Regular Meeting 7:00 pm TBD Tues. May 10 Regular Meeting 7:00 pm TBD May TBD Commission Work Session w/ City Council 5:30 pm TBD Tues. June 14 Regular Meeting 7:00 pm TBD Tues. July 12 Regular Meeting 7:00 pm TBD **Mon. Aug. 8 Regular Meeting 7:00 pm TBD Tues. Sept. 13 Regular Meeting 7:00 pm TBD Tues. Oct. 11 Regular Meeting 7:00 pm TBD Oct TBD 2023 Work Plan Review w/ Council (Chair only) 5:30 pm TBD **Tues. Nov. 1 Regular Meeting 7:00 pm TBD Tues. Dec. 13 Regular Meeting 7:00 pm TBD TBD Commission Member Annual Reception - TBD TBD Chair and Liaison Annual Morning Meeting - TBD * Location change – Commission meetings have been relocated to accommodate greater social distancing. Meetings will be held at Braemar Golf Course – Banquet Room at 6364 John Harris Drive. The city no longer has the authority to offer hybrid or virtual meetings due to the expiration of the peacetime emergency. ** Date Adjustments – Due to the 2022 election season the August and November meeting dates have been adjusted.