HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-03-01 City Council Regular Meeting MinutesPage 1 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 1, 2022 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Hovland called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. then shared the procedure for public hearing and community comment. II. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Members Anderson, Jackson, Pierce, Staunton, Hovland. Absent: None. III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE IV. MEETING AGENDA APPROVED AS PRESENTED Member Jackson made a motion, seconded by Member Pierce, to approve the meeting agenda as presented. Rollcall: Ayes: Anderson, Jackson, Pierce, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. V. COMMUNITY COMMENT Tim Eickhoff, 4625 Arden Avenue, commented on the City’s mask mandate discussion in January 2022, potential open meeting law violations, and code of conduct that occurred surrounding the decision. He submitted a data request for emails surrounding this topic. Risi Karim thanked the Council for allowing her to serve as City Management Fellow. The Council and Manager Neal thanked Ms. Karim for her outstanding work and congratulated her on her new position at another city. A round of applause was offered by members of the audience. Julie Risser, 6112 Ashcroft Avenue, spoke about the pedestrian bridge timeline and said the bridge was a critical piece of infrastructure, necessary, and should be replaced and not repaired. V.A. CITY MANAGER’S RESPONSE TO COMMUNITY COMMENTS Manager Neal responded there were no Community Comments from the last meeting. VI. CONSENT AGENDA ADOPTED AS AMENDED Member Anderson made a motion, seconded by Member Pierce approving the consent agenda as amended, removing Item VI.V. Resolution No. 2022-24 Supporting Housing and Local Decision-Making Authority: VI.A. Approve minutes of the Work Session and Regular Meetings of February 15, 2022 VI.B. Approve Claims for Payment for Check Register Pre-List Dated February 18, 2022, totaling $523,636.37 and Pre-List Dated February 25, 2022, totaling $908,840.34 VI.C. Adopt Ordinance No. 2022-02; Setting Morningside Water Rates VI.D. Request for Purchase, Change Order; Electrical Locates, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Zone One Location, $40,000 VI.E. Request for Purchase, Electrical Repair Services – Traffic Signals, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Killmer Electrical, $50,000 VI.F. Request for Purchase, Electrical Repair Services – Building Systems, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Aid Electric Corporation, $50,000 Minutes/Edina City Council/March 1, 2022 Page 2 VI.G. Request for Purchase, 2022 Asphalt and Concrete Recycling Contract, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Doboszenski and Sons, Inc., $65,250 VI.H. Approve Amendment to Dispatch Services Agreement with City of Richfield VI.I. Request for Purchase, 2022 Ford Mustang Mach-E All Electric Vehicle, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Burnsville Toyota, $67,739 VI.J. Request for Purchase, Two Toyota Hybrid Vehicles, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Hibbing Ford, $51,583.00 VI.K. Adopt Resolution No. 2022-28 for 169 MnDOT Noise Wall VI.M. Request for Purchase, Contract END 22-1NB-1 Non-Assessed Aquatic Vegetation Management, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Lake Improvement Consulting, $88,052.00 VI.N. Request for Purchase, Contract END 22-1NB-5 Mill Pond Mechanical Harvesting of Aquatic Vegetation Management, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Lake Aquatic Weed Removal, $44,358.00 VI.O. Adopt Resolution No. 2022-27; Support for GreenCorps Host Site Application VI.P. Approve 2022 Liquor License Renewals VI.Q. Approve Temporary Intoxicating On-Sale Liquor License VI.R. Approve Traffic Safety Report of January 25, 2022 VI.S. Approve Out-of-State Travel for Mayor Hovland VI.T. Approve Out-of-State Travel for City Council VI.U. Adopt Resolution No. 2022-29; Release and Termination of Easements, 7001 France Avenue VI.V. Resolution No. 2022-24; Supporting Housing and Local Decision-Making Authority Rollcall: Ayes: Anderson, Jackson, Pierce, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA VI.V. RESOLUTION NO. 2022-24; SUPPORTING HOUSING AND LOCAL DECISION-MAKING AUTHORITY – ADOPTED AS AMENDED The Council found the proposed resolution was unclear and suggested inclusion of points from Mayor Hovland’s letter. The Council commented how decision-making regarding zoning issues must remain local then spoke about the inability for some to access housing, the prejudices and biases that could occur, and the importance to include all protected classes and not just one. The Council said while there could be some argument that restricting single-family housing had an impact on affordability, it was important for local government to retain that control and decide how to make changes which Edina had already done in some cases and was successful. Member Jackson made a motion, seconded by Member Staunton, to authorize staff to draft a resolution with the points as outlined and authorize the Mayor to sign Resolution 2022-24 Supporting Local Decision-Making Authority for Local Housing Policy and as amended to include Opposition to HF 3256 in its title. Rollcall: Ayes: Anderson, Jackson, Pierce, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. VII. SPECIAL RECOGNITIONS AND PRESENTATIONS VII.A. HOMETOWN HEROES – RECOGNIZED Communications Director Bennerotte said that for more than a decade, the City had recognized exceptional residents and other community members as "Hometown Heroes" in the form of stories on the City's website and features on the City's social media accounts but that the City would like to publicly recognize these individuals at City Council meetings as well. She shared the stories and events of Lee Bottem, Magnus Borene, and Sydney Raley and offered the City’s thanks to each for being a Hometown Hero. Mr. Bottem, Minutes/Edina City Council/March 1, 2022 Page 3 Mr. Borene, and Ms. Raley each shared their thanks to the City Council. A round of applause was offered by all in attendance. VIII. PUBLIC HEARINGS - Affidavits of Notice presented and ordered placed on file. VIII.A. RESOLUTION 2022-26; ESTABLISHING THE 70TH AND FRANCE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT – CONTINUED TO MARCH 22, 2022 Economic Development Manager Neuendorf said the City and Housing and Redevelopment Authority were considering entering into a redevelopment agreement with Mortenson Development and Orion Investments to provide financial assistance using Tax Increment Financing (TIF) to support redevelopment of obsolete and substandard buildings located at 7001-7025 France Avenue. The existing commercial structures were anticipated to be vacated and demolished and the property subdivided into four parcels and developed to include a new bank branch, new apartment building with structured parking and retail space, new commercial building with office space, retail space, underground parking and a public plaza and a new parking structure to serve the area. He said preliminary zoning approval was granted on November 16, 2021 by means of Planned Unit Development #20 and staff had met with the developer to understand the financial conditions that warranted consideration of public financing. Mr. Neuendorf said Ehlers and Associates had reviewed the financial pro forma and determined the financial gap in the over $251 million project was approximately $22 million and that Ehlers also confirmed that “but for” the use of TIF, this project would be unable to secure private financing. He spoke about the City historically using TIF to a lesser extent than its peers and how the City’s policy limited financial risk and made strives to maximize public benefits when TIF was used. In this case, staff recommended that a new TIF District be created so the financial gap of the proposed mixed-use project could be bridged. Mr. Neuendorf said this recommendation was based on the many public benefits that would occur from the project including adherence to the sustainability policy, the first new Class A office space in 20 years, new structured parking, and the first opportunity to apply the Southdale Design Guidelines. He outlined the proposed TIF district and plan in detail that could result in a projected tax capacity of $3,116,605 and said the site qualified as a renewal TIF district and complied with the City’s general plans for redevelopment and is recommended for approval. Ted Carlson, Orion Investments, shared details about the proposed parking calculations that were less than recommended but noted how parking had changed and was currently trending down. He compared the site to Normandale Lakes and Centennial Lakes and their occupancy and said while the goal was to provide parking as needed today. But the hope was that in the future, they could convey the land to the City for parking for $1. Currently, they needed 840 total stalls. Jay Lindgren, Dorsey and Whitney, spoke about the need for a recordable document that would bind the property perpetually and the concept that if parking was not needed in the future, the City could decide the future reuse of the land. Mayor Hovland opened the public hearing at 8:16 p.m. Public Testimony Ryan Holten, 6501 Parnell Avenue, addressed the Council. Julie Risser, 6112 Ashcroft Avenue, addressed the Council. The Council asked questions and provided feedback. Member Jackson moved to close the public hearing until noon on March 14, 2022, and continue action on Resolution 2022-26 Establishing the 70th and France Tax Increment Financing District to the March 22, 2022, City Council meeting. Member Pierce seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Anderson, Jackson, Pierce, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. Minutes/Edina City Council/March 1, 2022 Page 4 IX. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS IX.A. 2022 BOARD AND COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS – APPROVED Mr. Neal reported that interviews were recently conducted for 15 open Board and Commission seats. He said the City received over 99 applications, conducted interviews of 86 outstanding applicants, and thanked staff for their great work on this process. The Council thanked all applicants for their interest in serving the City. Member Jackson made a motion, seconded by Member Staunton, to approve the 2022 Board and Commission appointments. Rollcall: Ayes: Anderson, Jackson, Pierce, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. X. COMMISSION CORRESPONDENCE (MINUTES AND ADVISORY COMMUNICATION) - Received X.A. ADVISORY COMMUNICATION: ORGANIZED TRASH COLLECTION X.B. MINUTES: ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT COMMISSION, JANUARY 13, 2022 X.C. MINUTES: COMMUNITY HEALTH COMMISSION, NOVEMBER 8, 2021, AND JANUARY 10, 2022 X.D. MINUTES: TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION, JANUARY 20, 2022 X.E. MINUTES: HUMAN RIGHTS AND RELATIONS COMMISSION, JANUARY 25, 2022 XI. MANAGER’S COMMENTS – Received XII. MAYOR AND COUNCIL COMMENTS – Received XIII. ADJOURNMENT Member Jackson made a motion, seconded by Member Pierce, to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m. Ayes: Anderson, Jackson, Pierce, Staunton, Hovland Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Sharon Allison, City Clerk Minutes approved by Edina City Council, March 22, 2022. James B. Hovland, Mayor Video Copy of the March 1, 2022, meeting available.