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04-13-2021 Packet
Agenda He ritage Pre se rvation Com m ission City Of Edina, Minnesota Virtual Meeting This m e eting will be h eld electronically u sin g Webex software . The m e etin g will be stream e d live on the City’s YouTu be ch anne l, YouTube.com /Edin aTV or you can listen to the m e eting via teleph one by calling 1-415-655-0001, Access code :133 753 6490 Tuesday, April 13, 2021 7:00 PM I.Call To Order II.Roll Call III.Approval Of Meeting Agenda IV.Approval Of Meeting Minutes A.Minutes: March 9, 2021 V.Reports/Recommendations A.COA: 4600 Browndale Av enue B.COA: 4518 Casco Avenue C.COA: 4633 Arden Av enue D.2021 Edina Heritage Award VI.Chair And Member Comments A.2021 Work Plan Upda tes B.Commissioner Birdma n's Last Meeting VII.Sta 6 Comments VIII.Adjournment The City of Edina wants all res idents to be c om fortabl e bei ng part of the publi c proc ess . If you need as s is tanc e i n the way of heari ng am pli 9c ation, an interpreter, large-print doc um ents or s om ethi ng els e, pleas e c al l 952-927-8861 72 ho urs in advance of the m eeting. Date: April 13, 2021 Agenda Item #: I V.A. To:Heritage P res ervatio n C o mmis s ion Item Type: Minutes F rom:Emily Bo d eker, Assistant C ity P lanner Item Activity: Subject:Minutes : Marc h 9, 2021 Action C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED : Approve the M arch 9, 2021 H eritage P reservation C ommission minutes. I N TR O D U C TI O N : AT TAC HME N T S : Description March 9, 2021 HPC Minutes Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Minutes City of Edina, Minnesota Heritage Preservation Commission VIRTUAL MEETING Tuesday, March 9, 2021 I. Call to Order Chair Schilling called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. II. Roll Call Answering roll call were members Lonnquist, Pollock, Cundy, Birdman, Widmoyer, Everson, Hassenstab, and Chair Schilling. Emily Bodeker, staff liaison, and preservation consultant, Robert Vogel were also in attendance. III. Approval of Meeting Agenda Motion made by Birdman seconded by Cundy to approve the meeting agenda as presented. All voted aye. The motion carried. IV. Approval of Meeting Minutes Motion made by Cundy seconded by Lonnquist to approve the meeting minutes from the virtual February 9, 2021with the addition of the statement, “The Commission asked the Building Official questions on procedures and recourse for non-permitted demolition” after the motion for the 4630 Drexel agenda item motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. V. Community Comment The Commission is not taking Community Comment during Virtual Meetings. All community comment is taking place at City Council meetings. VI. Reports and Recommendations A. Annual Elections Motion made by Pollock, seconded by Birdman to elect Commissioner Schilling for Chair. All voted aye. The motion carried. A motion was made to elect Commissioner Pollock as vice chair. Commissioner Pollock declined. A motion was made to elect Commissioner Nymo as vice chair. All voted ate. The motion carried. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: VII. Chair and Member Comments A. 2021 Work Plan Updates Commissioners updated the group with updates on progress with 2021 work plan items. Commissioner Cundy discussed 4630 Drexel Avenue. The commission discussed concerns with demolition by neglect and the opportunity to discuss their concerns with City Council at their April 6th work session with City Council. VI. Staff Comments: A. 100 year Anniversary of CC District-Historical Society Staff informed the Commission that the Liaison to the Historical Society reached out to ask the Commission about their interest in working together on an event in 2024 to celebrate the 100 year anniversary of the Country Club District B. Edina Heritage Award Staff informed the City and HPC is now taking nominations for the Heritage Award. Nominations are due by Monday, April 5th. VII. Adjournment Motion by Birdman seconded by Hassenstab to adjourn the Heritage Preservation Commission meeting at 7:52 p.m. All voted aye. The motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Emily BodekerEmily BodekerEmily BodekerEmily Bodeker Date: April 13, 2021 Agenda Item #: V.A. To:Heritage P res ervatio n C o mmis s ion Item Type: R eport and R ec o mmendation F rom:Emily Bo d eker, Assistant C ity P lanner Item Activity: Subject:C O A: 4600 Browndale Avenue Action C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED : Approve the C ertificate of Appropriateness for 4600 B rowndale as submitted based on the findings and conditions listed in the staff report. I N TR O D U C TI O N : T he subject property, 4600 B rowndale Avenue is located on the west side of B rowndale Avenue, south of B ridge S treet and north of E dgebrook P lace. T he existing home was built in 1925 and is an example of T udor R evival S tyle. T he Certificate of Appropriateness request includes changes to the street facing façade associated with a remodel project at 4600 B rowndale Avenue. P roposed changes to the street facing façade include a change in the front door location, enlarging an attic gable window, covered entry/porch addition and removing a portion of existing decorative detailing to utilize the existing driveway location. T he remodel project also includes reorienting the tuck under garage to a side load garage, and a large addition off the rear of the existing home. AT TAC HME N T S : Description Staff Report Cons ultant Vogel Memo Applicant Submittal Aerial Map April 13, 2021 Heritage Preservation Commission Emily Bodeker, Assistant City Planner Certificate of Appropriateness: 4600 Browndale Avenue-Changes to Street Facing Facade Information / Background: The subject property, 4600 Browndale Avenue is located on the west side of Browndale Avenue, south of Bridge Street and north of Edgebrook Place. The existing home was built in 1925 and is an example of Tudor Revival Style. The Certificate of Appropriateness request includes changes to the street facing façade associated with a remodel project at 4600 Browndale Avenue. Proposed changes to the street facing façade include a change in the front door location, enlarging an attic gable window, covered entry/porch addition and removing a portion of existing decorative detailing to utilize the existing driveway location. The remodel project also includes reorienting the tuck under garage to a side load garage, and a large addition off the rear of the existing home. Primary Issues: There are proposed changes to the street facing façade which is why the proposed project requires a Certificate of Appropriateness. The proposed project also includes an addition off the rear of the existing house that is not visible from the street facing façade. Preservation Consultant Robert Vogel’s Comments: “I have reviewed the plans and other information provided in relation to the COA application for alteration of the house located at 4600 Browndale Avenue in the Country Club District. Built in 1925, the subject property is classified as an example of the Tudor Revival style; although it is not individually eligible for designation as an Edina Heritage Landmark, the house is considered a contributing heritage resource in the Country Club District. Therefore, a Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) is required for certain types of exterior alterations and new construction. STAFF REPORT Page 2 The applicant proposes a number of minor façade alterations which in my opinion will have minimal impact on the property’s historic character. Based on the plans presented, all of the historically significant architectural character defining features of the street façade will be retained intact. The proposed renovation program obviously encompasses a good deal of exterior repair work to address deteriorated features and finishes. (The house has been altered from its as-built appearance—such change is inevitable and the Standards for Rehabilitation recognize this by not requiring restoration of all of a property’s original architectural features.) In my opinion, the new front porch with its standing seam metal roof is architecturally compatible with the house’s original design, does not require extensive demolition, and is therefore an appropriate rehabilitation treatment; it is also compatible with other historic houses in the neighborhood in terms of its size, scale and materials. The plans do not indicate any major loss of original masonry or significant changes in roof shape on the principal elevation. The project narrative does not mention any major structural systems stabilization or repair work. The proposed changes on the creek-side elevation also appear to be compatible with the historic house in size, shape and materials and will not require demolition of any historically important architectural features. Contemporary design for exterior additions is generally considered appropriate in historic districts when the loss of historic fabric is kept to a minimum and there is a visual distinction between old and new architectural features. In this case, the rear addition is readily distinguishable from the original house in appearance and should not detract from the visual qualities that make the 1925 house a heritage preservation resource. Although the planned addition and new landscaping will be visible from Minnehaha Creek (an important heritage resource in its own right), I do not believe they would compromise the historic integrity of the historic house or the Country Club District as a whole. The owners and their design team have done a good job exploring rehabilitation options so that the house could be thoroughly renovated and modernized, while at the same time preserving those exterior features which are most important to its heritage preservation value. Therefore, I recommend approval of the COA.” Staff Recommendation & Findings: Staff concurs with Consultant Vogel’s evaluation of the proposed plans at 4600 Browndale Avenue, also recommending approval of the Certificate of Appropriateness request. Findings supporting the recommendation include: • The information provided supporting the subject Certificate of Appropriateness is consistent with the Country Club District Plan of Treatment. Conditions for approval: • Any changes to the proposed plans would require review from the Heritage Preservation Commission. MEMORANDUM TO: Emily Bodeker FROM: Robert Vogel DATE: April 1, 2021 SUBJECT: COA for 4600 Browndale Avenue I have reviewed the plans and other information provided in relation to the COA application for alteration of the house located at 4600 Browndale Avenue in the Country Club District. Built in 1925, the subject property is classified as an example of the Tudor Revival style; although it is not individually eligible for designation as an Edina Heritage Landmark, the house is considered a contributing heritage resource in the Country Club District. Therefore, a Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) is required for certain types of exterior alterations and new construction. The applicant proposes a number of minor façade alterations which in my opinion will have minimal impact on the property’s historic character. Based on the plans presented, all of the historically significant architectural character defining features of the street façade will be retained intact. The proposed renovation program obviously encompasses a good deal of exterior repair work to address deteriorated features and finishes. (The house has been altered from its as-built appearance—such change is inevitable and the Standards for Rehabilitation recognize this by not requiring restoration of all of a property’s original architectural features.) In my opinion, the new front porch with its standing seam metal roof is architecturally compatible with the house’s original design, does not require extensive demolition, and is therefore an appropriate rehabilitation treatment; it is also compatible with other historic houses in the neighborhood in terms of its size, scale and materials. The plans do not indicate any major loss of original masonry or significant changes in roof shape on the principal elevation. The project narrative does not mention any major structural systems stabilization or repair work. The proposed changes on the creek-side elevation also appear to be compatible with the historic house in size, shape and materials and will not require demolition of any historically important architectural features. Contemporary design for exterior additions is generally considered appropriate in historic districts when the loss of historic fabric is kept to a minimum and there is a visual distinction between old and new architectural features. In this case, the rear addition is readily distinguishable from the original house in appearance and should not detract from the visual qualities that make the 1925 house a heritage preservation resource. Although the planned addition and new landscaping will be visible from Minnehaha Creek (an important heritage resource in its own right), I do not believe they would compromise the historic integrity of the historic house or the Country Club District as a whole. The owners and their design team have done a good job exploring rehabilitation options so that the house could be thoroughly renovated and modernized, while at the same time preserving those exterior features which are most important to its heritage preservation value. Therefore, I recommend approval of the COA. • • • 4600 Browndale Avenue - Certificate of Appropriateness 4600 Browndale Avenue - Certificate of Appropriateness PETERSSEN/KELLER ARCHITECTURE 2919 JAMES AVENUE SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55408 HOTO CA. 1926 ROPOSED ADDITION 2019 CA. 1937 2018 - Realtor Ad INTRODUCTION Historic Conditions 1926 - Star Tribune 1980 - NRHP nomination 2020 - photo by Peterssen/Keller 4600 Browndale Avenue - Certificate of Appropriateness PETERSSEN/KELLER ARCHITECTURE 2919 JAMES AVENUE SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55408 INTRODUCTION Existing Conditions VIEW FROM BACKYARD VIEW DRIVEWAY ENTRY PATH VIEW FROM STREETFRONT ENTRY VIEW OF SIDE ENTRY FROM STREET VIEW OF DRIVEWAY AT FIN 4600 Browndale Avenue - Certificate of Appropriateness PETERSSEN/KELLER ARCHITECTURE 2919 JAMES AVENUE SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55408 TING CONDITION SURVEY FOR:L DESIGN + BUILD SCALE IN FEET N Legend DESIGN Existing Site Plan Sidewalk Access only through driveway, historically sidewalk was connected to main entrance Side Patio part of 1960’s addition, underused, does not get good sunlight Lack of Formal Porch which is both typical in neighborhood and within the architectural language Narrow Driveway Driveway narrows between neighbor’s fence and decorative fins to less than 8’ Rear Facing Garage and Driveway face the creek, blocking view of the creek from majority of the home + difficult to navigate 1960’s Addition outdated, inconsistent with primary architectural style PROPERTY DESCRIPTION RAWN CALE EFERENCE DATE REMARKS REVISIONS BENCHMARK SITE ADDRESS W. BROWN LAND SURVEYING, INC. Woodrow A. Brown, R.L.S. MN REG 15230 04-17-2017Dated: SCALE IN FEET Bloomington, MN 55425 EMAIL: WBLANDSURVEY@AOL.COM Bus: (952) 854-4055 Fax: (952) 854-4268 W. BROWN LAND SURVEYING, INC. 8030 Cedar Avenue So., Suite 228.W B N 4600 Browndale Avenue - Certificate of Appropriateness PETERSSEN/KELLER ARCHITECTURE 2919 JAMES AVENUE SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55408 DESIGN Proposed Site Plan Original Driveway Location maintained as well as lowest driveway point and view to creek Side Entrance side entrance in similar location allows ease of access and location for trash/recycling more central to kitchen Formal Porch added aligned with primary wing of the home that faces the street Less Narrow Driveway Decorative fins removed from home to help with accessibility and maintain driveway location Side Facing Garage with Terrace hides view of the garage from the creek + allows more active house spaces to take advantage of views New Addition utilizes existing mass by extending the primary gable towards the creek PROPERTY DESCRIPTION RAWN CALE EFERENCE DATE REMARKS REVISIONS BENCHMARK SITE ADDRESS W. BROWN LAND SURVEYING, INC. Woodrow A. Brown, R.L.S. MN REG 15230 04-17-2017Dated: SCALE IN FEET Bloomington, MN 55425 EMAIL: WBLANDSURVEY@AOL.COM Bus: (952) 854-4055 Fax: (952) 854-4268 W. BROWN LAND SURVEYING, INC. 8030 Cedar Avenue So., Suite 228.W B N 4600 Browndale Avenue - Certificate of Appropriateness PETERSSEN/KELLER ARCHITECTURE 2919 JAMES AVENUE SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55408 DESIGN Perspective Views - from Street Original stone details maintained on traditional facade and added to new portion Front door location adjusted to allow easier access from porch and views to creek Attic gable window enlarged to match size and style of other existing windows on the third level (previously approved by HPC) 4600 Browndale Avenue - Certificate of Appropriateness PETERSSEN/KELLER ARCHITECTURE 2919 JAMES AVENUE SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55408 DESIGN Front Porch Front Elevation (East) Existing Conditions Front Elevation (East) Proposed Front Porch Schematic Porch Section Existing Roof in Orange Existing Entry Roof highlighted with gray dashed-line 4600 Browndale Avenue - Certificate of Appropriateness PETERSSEN/KELLER ARCHITECTURE 2919 JAMES AVENUE SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55408 DESIGN Perspective Views - View of Side Porch From Street Minimal Side Porch in same location as the removed 1960’s addition New Window matching size of existing attic level windows Original Chimney maintained as major facade feature New Windows that maintain original shape, size, and detailing Paneled Cantilever expanded bedroom on second floor in traditional tudor architectural language 4600 Browndale Avenue - Certificate of Appropriateness PETERSSEN/KELLER ARCHITECTURE 2919 JAMES AVENUE SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55408 DESIGN Perspective Views - Driveway Retaining Wall built along property line to allow lower driveway access Decorative fin removed to allow widened driveway Windows added above existing windows to match height of arched windows 4600 Browndale Avenue - Certificate of Appropriateness PETERSSEN/KELLER ARCHITECTURE 2919 JAMES AVENUE SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55408 DESIGN Perspective Views - Backyard Original foundation repurposed as large outdoor storage with side porch above for kitchen access Traditional decorative details applied within half-timbering Lower Patio does not exceed where the original driveway of the house was Catslide roof and dormers added to creek facing side Upper Level Hangout pushed into expressed gable face 4600 Browndale Avenue - Certificate of Appropriateness PETERSSEN/KELLER ARCHITECTURE 2919 JAMES AVENUE SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55408 DESIGN Perspective Views - Aerial 1 Access from front yard terraced steps built into mass of the house Decorative half-timbering traditional english tudor/ cottage detailing Dominant gable ridge line maintained and carried through to be expressed on the creek side Lower level garage location moved to allow more active use on creek facing lower level 4600 Browndale Avenue - Certificate of Appropriateness PETERSSEN/KELLER ARCHITECTURE 2919 JAMES AVENUE SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55408 DESIGN Perspective Views - Aerial 2 Painted wood paneling to match finish of windows and existing half-timbering on front facade Existing dormer expanded to allow additional windows in upper level bedroom Balcony added where angle of original facade meets creek facing new gable Existing Side Porch minimized but offers same access to kitchen spaces as the 1960’s addition 4600 Browndale Avenue - Certificate of Appropriateness PETERSSEN/KELLER ARCHITECTURE 2919 JAMES AVENUE SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55408 DESIGN East Elevation (Front) Existing Stucco Re-dashed where necessary Standing Seam Roof supported by traditionally detailed painted wood columns and brackets Stone/Brick Detailing maintained where existing, patched and applied where new decorative fins removed Stucco Painted Wood Accent Stone/ Brick Stone and Brick Sills Painted Wood Windows Wood Shingle Roof Material Palette SCALE: 1/8” = 1’0” 0 4 8 16 32 Metal Standing Seam Roof New Wood Windows windows replaced throughout Painted Wood Half-Timbering Refinished to match windows Existing Wood Shingle Roof Patched and repaired where necessary 4600 Browndale Avenue - Certificate of Appropriateness PETERSSEN/KELLER ARCHITECTURE 2919 JAMES AVENUE SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55408 DESIGN South-West Elevation Existing Brick/Stone Sills where existing in original structure New Stucco to match color of existing stucco Painted Wood Half-Timbering on new addition to match wood window color SCALE: 1/8” = 1’0” 0 4 8 16 32 Stucco Painted Wood Existing Accent Stone Stone and Brick Sills Painted Wood Windows Wood Shingle Roof Material Palette Existing Stucco re-dashed where necessary 4600 Browndale Avenue - Certificate of Appropriateness PETERSSEN/KELLER ARCHITECTURE 2919 JAMES AVENUE SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55408 DESIGN West Elevation (Creek) New Painted Wood Windows changed in size from originals with new brick sills Stone/Brick Detailing maintained where existing, patched and applied where new decorative fins removed New Stucco to match color of existing stucco SCALE: 1/8” = 1’0” 0 4 8 16 32 Stucco Painted Wood Existing Accent Stone Stone and Brick Sills Painted Wood Windows Wood Shingle Roof Material Palette Painted Wood Half-Timbering on new addition to match wood window color 4600 Browndale Avenue - Certificate of Appropriateness PETERSSEN/KELLER ARCHITECTURE 2919 JAMES AVENUE SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55408 DESIGN North Elevation (Driveway) Wood Shingle Roof to match existing Stone/Brick Detailing maintained where existing, patched and applied where new decorative fins removed New Stucco to match color of existing stucco Wood Shingle Roof seamless transition to new roof, height remains SCALE: 1/8” = 1’0” 0 4 8 16 32 Stucco Painted Wood Existing Accent Stone Stone and Brick Sills Painted Wood Windows Wood Shingle Roof Material Palette Existing Wood Shingle Roof Patched and repaired where necessary 4600 Browndale Avenue - Certificate of Appropriateness PETERSSEN/KELLER ARCHITECTURE 2919 JAMES AVENUE SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55408 ANALYSIS Exterior Walls Preserved Per Edina Zoning Code Definitions: Demolition shall mean the physical alteration of a building that requires a city permit and where: a) 50% or more of the surface area of all exterior walls, in aggregate, are removed; or b) 50% or more of the principal roof structure is removed, changing it’s shape, pitch, or height; or c) A front porch, side porch, vestibule, dormer, chimney, attached garage, or porch-cochere is removed or destroyed. This definition does not include removal of existing siding, roofing, trim, fascia, soffit, eave, moldings, windows, and doors. Conclusion for 4600 Browndale Proposal: This building does not qualify under the definition of demolition seeing as ___% of existing building exterior is proposed to be removed, minimal amounts of the original roof will be removed, and it does not meet any conditions is point c). DEMOLITION CALCULATION Total Area: 3,144.2 sqft Area of Building Exterior to be Removed: 766.1 sqft (24%) Area of Building Exterior to Remain: 2,378.1sqft (76%) 4600 Browndale Avenue - Certificate of Appropriateness PETERSSEN/KELLER ARCHITECTURE 2919 JAMES AVENUE SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55408 ANALYSIS Basement Calculation Per Edina Zoning Code Definitions: Basement means a floor level of a building which is located partly or completely underground. Story means that portion of the building included between the surface of any floor and the surface of the floor next above, of if there is not a floor above, the space between the floor and the ceiling above. A basement with more than 50 percent of its exterior wall area located entirely below the proposed ground elevation adjoining the basement shall not be counted as a story. Conclusion for 4600 Browndale Proposal: The basement will be 61% buried, so it will comply. In the graphics, the white is the portion above grade, the red is the below grade. (Note: the software that was used to create the drawing also calculates the area) It is the architect’s understanding from Zoning Staff (Bodeker) that the garage area, shown as a gray “wireframe” is not to be included in the calculation and instead, the full height of the garage common wall with the house is included but not counted toward total exposed exterior space. BASEMENT CALCULATION Total Area (measured from finished floor to finished floor): 2582.17 sqft White Area (above ground): 999.03 sqft (38.7%) Red Area (completely buried):1583.14 sqft (61.3%) 4600 Browndale Avenue - Certificate of Appropriateness PETERSSEN/KELLER ARCHITECTURE 2919 JAMES AVENUE SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55408 ANALYSIS Attic Calculation - Half Story Per Edina Zoning Code Definitions: Half Story Mean the uppermost floor of a building in which: (1) The intersection of the exterior wall and the roof is not more than three feet above the floor elevation (2) No more than 60 percent of the floor’s area exceeds five feet in height, as measured from the floor to the rafters Conclusion for 4600 Browndale: The attic level of the addition meets half story calculation having both no exterior wall and having 51.5% of the floor’s area exceeding five feet in height. It is the architect’s understanding from Zoning Staff (Bodeker) that only the area within the addition needs to be calculated for this committee. HALF STORY CALCULATION Total Floor Area: 355.5 sqft Floor Area < 5’0” (Shaded Pink): 172.7 sqft (48.5%) Floor Area > 5’0” (White): 182.8 sqft (51.5%) 4600 Browndale Avenue - Certificate of Appropriateness PETERSSEN/KELLER ARCHITECTURE 2919 JAMES AVENUE SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55408 Thank you! 4600 Browndale Avenue - Certificate of Appropriateness PETERSSEN/KELLER ARCHITECTURE 2919 JAMES AVENUE SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55408 REFERENCE Porch Precedents - Inspiration 4600 Browndale Avenue - Certificate of Appropriateness PETERSSEN/KELLER ARCHITECTURE 2919 JAMES AVENUE SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55408 REFERENCE Lower Level Plan Maintained Existing Exterior Wall highlighted with red dashed-line Removed Exterior Wall highlighted with blue dashed- line 4600 Browndale Avenue - Certificate of Appropriateness PETERSSEN/KELLER ARCHITECTURE 2919 JAMES AVENUE SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55408 REFERENCE Main Level Plan Maintained Existing Exterior Wall highlighted with red dashed-line Removed Exterior Wall highlighted with blue dashed- line 4600 Browndale Avenue - Certificate of Appropriateness PETERSSEN/KELLER ARCHITECTURE 2919 JAMES AVENUE SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55408 REFERENCE Upper Level Plan Maintained Existing Exterior Wall highlighted with red dashed-line Removed Exterior Wall highlighted with blue dashed- line 4600 Browndale Avenue - Certificate of Appropriateness PETERSSEN/KELLER ARCHITECTURE 2919 JAMES AVENUE SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55408 REFERENCE Attic Level Plan Maintained Existing Exterior Wall highlighted with red dashed-line PROPERTY DESCRIPTION EXISTING CONDITION SURVEY FOR: KUHL DESIGN + BUILD SHEET BOOK/PAGE JOB NO. DRAWN SCALE REFERENCE DATE REMARKS REVISIONS BENCHMARK SITE ADDRESS W. BROWN LAND SURVEYING, INC. Woodrow A. Brown, R.L.S. MN REG 15230 04-17-2017Dated: SCALE IN FEET Bloomington, MN 55425 EMAIL: WBLANDSURVEY@AOL.COM Bus: (952) 854-4055 Fax: (952) 854-4268 W. BROWN LAND SURVEYING, INC. 8030 Cedar Avenue So., Suite 228.W B N Legend Date: April 13, 2021 Agenda Item #: V.B. To:Heritage P res ervatio n C o mmis s ion Item Type: R eport and R ec o mmendation F rom:Emily Bo d eker, Assistant C ity P lanner Item Activity: Subject:C O A: 4518 C as co Avenue Action C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED : Approve the C ertificate of Appropriateness as submitted for 4518 C asco Avenue based on the findings and conditions outlined in the staff report. I N TR O D U C TI O N : T he subject property, 4518 C asco Avenue, is located on the west side of C asco Avenue, between B ridge S treet and Sunnyside Avenue. T he home on the subject property was built in 1928 and is classified as a T udor Revival style home. T he Certificate of Appropriateness request includes the demolition of an existing detached garage and construction of a new detached garage at 4518 Arden Avenue. T he proposed 22’ x 22’, 17 foot tall garage is slightly larger than the existing 20.4’ x 20.4’, 13.5’ tall garage. AT TAC HME N T S : Description Staff Report Cons ultant Vogel Memo Applicant Submittal Aerial Map April 13, 2021 Heritage Preservation Commission Emily Bodeker, Assistant City Planner Certificate of Appropriateness: 4518 Casco Avenue- new detached garage Information / Background: The subject property, 4518 Casco Avenue, is located on the west side of Casco Avenue, between Bridge Street and Sunnyside Avenue. The home on the subject property was built in 1928 and is classified as a Tudor Revival style home. The Certificate of Appropriateness request includes the demolition of an existing detached garage and construction of a new detached garage at 4518 Arden Avenue. The proposed 22’ x 22’, 17 foot tall garage is slightly larger than the existing 20.4’ x 20.4’, 13.5’ tall garage. Primary Issues: The Country Club District Plan of Treatment allows for the demolition and construction of a new garage with a Certificate of Appropriateness which is the reason for the COA application. Garages should match the architectural style of the house and the historic character of the neighborhood. New garages should be subordinate to the house and should be placed in the rear of the lot to minimize the visual impact on adjacent homes and streetscapes. The plan of treatment also suggests that undecorated exterior walls longer than 16 feet should be avoided on elevations visible from the street or adjacent properties. The proposed garage is located in the southwest corner of the subject property and is generally in the same location as the existing detached garage. The proposed structure is 3.5 feet from the rear property line and 4 feet from the south property line. The required setback is 3 feet, including any overhang. Based on zoning requirements, the garage is allowed to be up to 18 feet in height, measured from average existing grade on site. The proposed garage height is 17 feet. The proposed garage height is STAFF REPORT Page 2 compatible with the surrounding garages and is within 10% of the average of the existing detached garage heights on surrounding properties. The proposed garage is also adjacent to an existing privacy fence. The proposed garage will match the building materials of the existing home (stucco, trim and asphalt shingles). Preservation Consultant Robert Vogel’s Comments: “I have reviewed the plans and supporting documents submitted in relation to the COA application for construction of a new detached garage at 4518 Casco Avenue in the Country Club District. The subject property is a two-story Tudor Revival style residence built in 1928. The applicant proposes to demolish the existing garage and construct a new detached garage on the back part of the lot. The house is not individually eligible for heritage landmark designation but retains sufficient historic integrity of those features necessary to be considered a contributing heritage preservation resource in the district. Design review for this project is fairly straightforward. The construction of new detached garages is considered an appropriate undertaking in the Country Club District if it can be shown that the essential historic character of the house and streetscape will be preserved. No significant architectural features will be damaged or destroyed. Because it will be constructed on the rear of the lot, the new garage will partially screened by the house and therefore not highly visible from the public right-of-way. Based on the plans presented with the COA application, the proposed new construction will be visually compatible with surrounding properties and will reflect the architectural character of the house. The structure also meets the design guidelines for garages outlined in the district plan of treatment. I recommend approval of the COA with the usual conditions.” Staff Recommendation & Findings: Staff concurs with Consultant Vogel’s evaluation of the proposed plans for a new detached garage at 4518 Casco Avenue, also recommending approval of the Certificate of Appropriateness request. Findings supporting the recommendation include: • The information provided supporting the subject Certificate of Appropriateness is consistent with the Country Club District Plan of Treatment. Conditions for approval: • Any changes to the proposed plans would require review from the Heritage Preservation Commission. • A date-built plaque is required to be installed on the new garage MEMORANDUM TO: Emily Bodeker, Assistant City Planner FROM; Robert Vogel, Preservation Planning Consultant DATE: April 1, 2021 SUBJECT: COA for 4518 Casco Avenue I have reviewed the plans and supporting documents submitted in relation to the COA application for construction of a new detached garage at 4518 Casco Avenue in the Country Club District. The subject property is a two-story Tudor Revival style residence built in 1928. The applicant proposes to demolish the existing garage and construct a new detached garage on the back part of the lot. The house is not individually eligible for heritage landmark designation but retains sufficient historic integrity of those features necessary to be considered a contributing heritage preservation resource in the district. Design review for this project is fairly straightforward. The construction of new detached garages is considered an appropriate undertaking in the Country Club District if it can be shown that the essential historic character of the house and streetscape will be preserved. No significant architectural features will be damaged or destroyed. Because it will be constructed on the rear of the lot, the new garage will partially screened by the house and therefore not highly visible from the public right-of-way. Based on the plans presented with the COA application, the proposed new construction will be visually compatible with surrounding properties and will reflect the architectural character of the house. The structure also meets the design guidelines for garages outlined in the district plan of treatment. I recommend approval of the COA with the usual conditions. ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN, P.A. MARCH 19, 2021 HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION THE CITY OF EDINA 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA, MN 55424 EMILY BODEKER, ASSISTANT CITY PLANNER PROJECT NARRATIVE THIS LETTER IS TO INFORM YOU OF THE DEMOLITION OF THE EXISTING GARAGE AND PROPOSED NEW CONSTRUCTION OF A DETACHED GARAGE AT 45 1 8 CASCO AVENUE, EDINA, MN. WE ARE REQUIRED TO SUBMIT TO THE HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION FOR EDINA HERITAGE LANDMARK APPROVAL. THE PROPOSE OF THIS NARRATIVE IS TO EXPLAIN HOW THE PROPOSED PROJECT MEETS THE CITY OF EDINA'S, HISTORIC COUNTRY CLUB DISTRICT, PLAN OF TREATMENT. PLANNING OBJECTIVE: THE PROPERTY OWNERS INTEND ON MAINTAINING THE HISTORIC HOME FACADE BY CONSTRUCTING A NEW GARAGE. THE INTENT IS TO MATCH THE CHARACTER OF THE EXISTING FRONT OF THE HOME AND APPLY THAT AESTHETIC TO THE GARAGE FRONT FACADE. SECRETARY OF INTERIOR'S STANDARDS: THE NEW DETACHED GARAGE IS LARGER THAN THE EXISTING STRUCTURE. IT WILL BE LOCATED IN A SIMILAR POSITION AS THE EXISTING GARAGE. IT WILL BE PLACED CLOSER TO THE WEST PROPERTY LINE, BUT COMPLY WITH THE CITY SETBACK AND BUILDING LOT COVERAGE REQUIREMENTS. THE CHARACTER OF THE EXTERIOR IS TO MATCH THE HISTORIC STYLE OF THE FRONT FACADE OF THE EXISTING HOME AND USE SIMILAR EXTERIOR MATERIALS. THE PROPORTIONS OF THE NEW STRUCTURE ARE INTENDED TO COMPLEMENT THE EXISTING HOME. CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS: THE OWNER ARE SEEKING APPROVAL FOR CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL. THE EXISTING GARAGE WILL BE DEMOLISHED FOR A NEW GARAGE STRU CTURE. THE EXISTING GARAGE IS TOO SMALL FOR MODERN DAY USE AND IS BEYOND REPAIR. DESIGN REVIEW GUIDELINES: IN,THE SUBMITTAL PACKET, INCLUDED ARE PHOTOS OF THE EXISTING HOMES FRONT FACADE, THE EXISTING GARAGE, EXISTING PATIO AND PHOTOS OF THE ADJACENT PROPERTIES, DETACHED GARAGES. THIS EVIDENCE IS DOCUMENTATION OF SIZE, SCALE AND MASSING OF THE CHARACTER OF THE ADJACENT STRUCTURES. THE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS AND EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS SHOW THE EXTERIOR FINISHES THAT ARE TRADITIONAL AND COMPLIMENTARY TO THE EXISTING HOME. THE INCLUDED SITE PLAN/ SURVEYS SHOW THE EXISTING AND PROPOSED MODIFICATION FOR BUILDING LOT COVERAGES AND IMPERVIOUS SURFACE CALCULATIONS. GARAGES: THE PROPOSED STRUCTURE IS MEANT TO BE SUBORDINATE TO THE EXISTING HOME AND PLACED ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY REQUIREMENTS. A PLAQUE WITH THE YEAR OF CONSTRUCTION WILL BE PLACED FACING THE STREET. DRIVEWAYS: THE CURRENT DRIVEWAY WILL BE MODIFIED AT THE PLACEMENT OF THE NEW GARAGE. ALONG THE EXISTING DRIVEWAY, CURBS WILL BE ELIMINATED AND THE GRADE TO BE RECONTOURED. WE LOOK FORWARD TO PRESENTING THE PLANS TO THE HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION, SHOULD YOU SO DESIRE OR REQUIRE. FEEL FREE TO CONTACT ME WITH ANY QUESTIONS YOU MAY HAVE ABOUT THIS PROJECT. MlChfAEfTJ, ~E<gWAR ARCHITECT/ OWNER: ARCH ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN, P.A. ON BEHALF OF: LISA & MARC UNGERMAN 4518 CASCO AVENUE EDINA, MN 55424 03 - 19 - 2021 Appropriateness Submittal Certificate of Custom Home, Edina, MN 55424 4518 Casco Avenue Detached Garage Lisa & Mark Ungerman Ungerman Residence: CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS SET: 03 - 19 - 2021 Sheet: Architecture & Design, P.A.4518 cASCO aVENUEEDINA, MN 55424Custom HOME: DETACHED GARAGELISA & MARC UNGERMAN CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS SET: 03 - 19 - 2021 Sheet: Architecture & Design, P.A.4518 cASCO aVENUEEDINA, MN 55424Custom HOME: DETACHED GARAGELISA & MARC UNGERMAN CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS SET: 03 - 19 - 2021 Sheet: Architecture & Design, P.A.4518 cASCO aVENUEEDINA, MN 55424Custom HOME: DETACHED GARAGELISA & MARC UNGERMAN CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS SET: 03 - 19 - 2021 Sheet: Architecture & Design, P.A.4518 cASCO aVENUEEDINA, MN 55424Custom HOME: DETACHED GARAGELISA & MARC UNGERMAN Hennepin Hennepin County Property Map Date: 3/17/2021 PARCEL ID: 1802824120099 OWNER NAME: Marc Ungerman/Lisa Ungerman PARCEL ADDRESS: 4518 CascoAve, Edina MN 55424 PARCEL AREA: 0.15 acres, 6,618 sq ft * A-T-B: Abstract SALE PRICE: $921,000 SALE DATA: 11/2017 SALE CODE: Warranty Deed ASSESSED 2020, PAYABLE 2021 PROPERTY TYPE: Residential HOMESTEAD: Homestead MARKET VALUE: $823,800 TAX TOTAL: $11,496.96 ASSESSED 2021, PAYABLE 2022 PROPERTY TYPE: Residential HOMESTEAD: Homestead MARKET VALUE: $838,400 Comments: This data (i) is furnished 'AS IS' with no representation as to completeness or accuracy; (ii) is furnished with no warranty of an y kind; an d (ii i) is notsui tab le for legal, engineering or surveying purposes. Hennepin County shall not be I iable forany damage, injury or loss resulting from this data. COPYRIGHT © HENNEPIN COUNTY 2021 Hennepin Hennepin County Property Map Date: 3/17/2021 PARCEL ID: 1802824120098 OWNER NAME: Virginia M Johnston PARCEL ADDRESS: 4516 Casco Ave, Edina MN 55424 PARCEL AREA: 0.16 acres, 6,760 sq ft A-T-B: Abstract SALE PRICE: $172,500 SALE DATA: 04/1985 SALE CODE: Warranty Deed ASSESSED 2020, PAYABLE 2021 PROPERTY TYPE: Residential HOMESTEAD: Homestead MARKET VALUE: $683,900 TAX TOTAL: $9,315.36 ASSESSED 2021, PAYABLE 2022 PROPERTY TYPE: Residential HOMESTEAD: Homestead MARKET VALUE: $698,700 Comments: This data (i) is furnished AS IS' with no representation as to completeness or accuracy; (ii) is furnished with no warranty of any kind; and (Hi) is notsuitable for legal, engineering or surveying purposes. Hennepin County shall not beliable forany damage, injury or loss resulting from this data. COPYRIGHT © HENNEPIN COUNTY 2021 Hennepin Hennepin County Property Map Date: 3/17/2021 PARCEL ID: 1802824120113 OWNER NAME: Caroline Eva Correia PARCEL ADDRESS: 4515 Drexel Ave, Edina MN 55424 PARCEL AREA: 0.17 acres, 7,450 sq ft A-T-B: Abstract SALE PRICE: $755,000 SALE DATA: 05/2012 SALE CODE: Warranty Deed ASSESSED 2020, PAYABLE 2021 PROPERTY TYPE: Residential HOMESTEAD: Homestead MARKET VALUE: $853,900 TAX TOTAL: $11,966.00 ASSESSED 2021, PAYABLE 2022 PROPERTY TYPE: Residential HOMESTEAD: Homestead MARKET VALUE: $869,000 Comments: This data (i) is furnished 'AS IS' with no representation as to completeness or accuracy; (ii) is furnished with no warranty of any kind; and (ii i) is notsuilable for legal, engineering or surveying purposes. Hennepin County shall not be liable for any damage, injury or loss resulting from this data. COPYRIGHT © HENNEPIN COUNTY 2021 Hennepin Hennepin County Property Map Date: 3/17/2021 PARCEL ID: 1802824120100 OWNER NAME: T D Scallen & J D Smith PARCEL ADDRESS: 4520 Casco Ave, Edina MN 55424 PARCEL AREA: 0.15 acres, 6,472 sq ft A-T-B: Abstract SALE PRICE: $1,210,000 SALE DATA: 04/2018 SALE CODE: Warranty Deed ASSESSED 2020, PAYABLE 2021 PROPERTY TYPE: Residential HOMESTEAD: Homestead MARKET VALUE: $1,209,400 TAX TOTAL: $17,509.20 ASSESSED 2021, PAYABLE 2022 PROPERTY TYPE: Residential HOMESTEAD: Homestead MARKET VALUE: $1,222,300 Comments: This data (i) is furnished 'AS IS' with no representation as to completeness or accuracy; (ii) is furnished with no warranty of any kind; and (iii)is notsuitable for legal, engineering or surveying purposes. Hennepin County shall not beliable forany damage, injury or loss resulting from this data. COPYRIGHT © HENNEPIN COUNTY 2021 Hennepin Hennepin County Property Map Date: 3/17/2021 PARCEL ID: 1802824120112 OWNER NAME: Nathan Malek & Martina Malek PARCEL ADDRESS: 4517 Drexel Ave, Edina MN 55424 PARCEL AREA: 0.17 acres, 7,435 sq ft A-T-B: Abstract SALE PRICE: $940,000 SALE DATA: 04/2016 SALE CODE: Warranty Deed ASSESSED 2020, PAYABLE 2021 PROPERTY TYPE: Residential HOMESTEAD: Homestead MARKET VALUE: $969,600 TAX TOTAL: $13,769.72 ASSESSED 2021, PAYABLE 2022 PROPERTY TYPE: Residential HOMESTEAD: Homestead MARKET VALUE: $984,200 Comments: This data (i)is furnished 'AS IS' with no representation as to completeness or accuracy; (ii) is furnished with no warranty of any kind; and (iii)is notsuilable for legal, engineering or surveying purposes. Hennepin County shall not beliable forany damage, injury or loss resulting from this data. COPYRIGHT © HENNEPIN COUNTY 2021 Date: April 13, 2021 Agenda Item #: V.C . To:Heritage P res ervatio n C o mmis s ion Item Type: R eport and R ec o mmendation F rom:Emily Bo d eker, Assistant C ity P lanner Item Activity: Subject:C O A: 4633 Arden Avenue Action C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED : Approve the C ertificate of Appropriateness request for 4633 Arden Avenue based on the findings and conditions outlined in the staff report. I N TR O D U C TI O N : T he subject property, 4633 Arden Avenue is located on the east side of Arden Avenue, just north of C ountry C lub R oad. T he existing home on the subject property was built in 1938 and is identified as an example of E nglish C ottage style but classified as an American C olonial C ottage in the C ountry C lub N ational R egister nomination documents. T he Certificate of Appropriateness request includes the construction of a new detached garage, a second-floor addition that is visible from the street facing façade, changes to the existing dormer on the street facing façade and changes to the entryway. AT TAC HME N T S : Description Staff Report Cons ultant Vogel Memo Aerial Map Applicant Submittal April 13, 2021 Heritage Preservation Commission Emily Bodeker, Assistant City Planner Certificate of Appropriateness: 4633 Arden Avenue-Changes to Street Facing Facade Information / Background: The subject property, 4633 Arden Avenue is located on the east side of Arden Avenue, just north of Country Club Road. The existing home on the subject property was built in 1938 and is identified as an example of English Cottage style but classified as an American Colonial Cottage in the Country Club National Register nomination documents. The Certificate of Appropriateness request includes the construction of a new detached garage, a second-floor addition that is visible from the street facing façade, changes to the existing dormer on the street facing façade and changes to the entryway. Primary Issues: The project includes a new detached garage and there are proposed changes to the street facing façade which are the reasons why the proposed project requires a Certificate of Appropriateness. The Country Club District Plan of Treatment allows for the demolition and construction of a new garage with a Certificate of Appropriateness. Garages should match the architectural style of the house and the historic character of the neighborhood. New garages should be subordinate to the house and should be placed in the rear of the lot to minimize the visual impact on adjacent homes and streetscapes. The plan of treatment also suggests that undecorated exterior walls longer than 16 feet should be avoided on elevations visible from the street or adjacent properties. Preservation Consultant Robert Vogel’s Comments: “I have reviewed the plans and supporting documents submitted in relation to the COA application for construction of a new detached garage and an exterior addition to the house at 4633 Arden Avenue in the Country Club District. STAFF REPORT Page 2 Built in 1938, the subject property is identified in the COA project narrative as an example of the “English Cottage style” but is classified as an “American Colonial Cottage” in the 1980 National Register nomination documents. I would categorize it as a Minimal Traditional house, which is described in McAlester’s Field Guide to American Houses as a “compromise style which reflects the form of traditional Eclectic houses but lacks their decorative detailing” (page 478). Inspired by a popular FHA small house prototype, this vernacular house form was widely built in suburban neighborhoods between about 1934 and 1955. Minimal Traditional style houses are not particularly well represented in the Country Club inventory and most surviving specimens were built after World War Two and are therefore not considered heritage preservation resources. Because the house at 4633 Arden Avenue was constructed in 1938, it was designed to meet the architectural standards contained in the developer’s original deed restrictions, which at that time were enforced by the Country Club’s homeowners association rather than Thorpe Bros. Realty. Thus, it meets the minimum requirements for a heritage preservation resource in the Country Club District on the basis of its age and association with the historical plan of development. One-and-one-half story houses are relatively uncommon in the Country Club District, where the predominant historic property types are two-story houses in the Anglo-American and Mediterranean period styles. It is worth noting that the Thorpe deed restrictions did not require houses in the district to be designed in any particular architectural style or built to a full two stories in height. Nevertheless, approximately 90% of the houses constructed between 1924 and 1944 are two-story Colonial or Tudor Revival style houses. I think it would be fair to say that the shift toward smaller houses in the district, already underway by 1938, should be recognized as evidence of the district’s history and development and that Minimal Traditional style houses should be treated as potential preservation resources whenever they possess the distinctive physical characteristics of the property type. The applicant plans to renovate and construct an addition to the existing home. Construction of a new detached garage is also proposed. The proposed exterior alterations, including changes to the front entrance and windows, are minimal and appear to be compatible with the house’s original design. Based on the plans presented, the changes to the sunroom also meet the general standards for rehabilitation—no significant architectural character defining features will be destroyed and the remodeled structure will be compatible with the size, scale, color and materials of the body of the house. The new shed-roofed dormers (on the principal and sunroom roofs), curved entry porch roof, and multi-pane replacement windows are also consistent with the Minimal Traditional style and are appropriate to the neighborhood streetscape. All of the new construction materials are appropriate to the house and in my opinion will not have an adverse effect on surrounding historic homes. Construction of new detached garages has been generally viewed as an appropriate undertaking in the Country Club District. In this case, no distinctive historic character defining features or materials will be destroyed and the new garage matches the exterior finishes and overall architectural character of the house. I recommend approval of the COA with the usual conditions.” STAFF REPORT Page 3 Staff Recommendation & Findings: Staff concurs with Consultant Vogel’s evaluation of the proposed plans at 4633 Arden Avenue, also recommending approval of the Certificate of Appropriateness request. Findings supporting the recommendation include: • The information provided supporting the subject Certificate of Appropriateness is consistent with the Country Club District Plan of Treatment. Conditions for approval: • Any changes to the proposed plans would require review from the Heritage Preservation Commission. • An as-built date plaque is required on the new detached garage. 1 MEMORANDUM TO: Emily Bodeker, Assistant City Planner FROM; Robert Vogel, Preservation Planning Consultant DATE: April 1, 2021 SUBJECT: COA for 4633 Arden Avenue I have reviewed the plans and supporting documents submitted in relation to the COA application for construction of a new detached garage and an exterior addition to the house at 4633 Arden Avenue in the Country Club District. Built in 1938, the subject property is identified in the COA project narrative as an example of the “English Cottage style” but is classified as an “American Colonial Cottage” in the 1980 National Register nomination documents. I would categorize it as a Minimal Traditional house, which is described in McAlester’s Field Guide to American Houses as a “compromise style which reflects the form of traditional Eclectic houses but lacks their decorative detailing” (page 478). Inspired by a popular FHA small house prototype, this vernacular house form was widely built in suburban neighborhoods between about 1934 and 1955. Minimal Traditional style houses are not particularly well represented in the Country Club inventory and most surviving specimens were built after World War Two and are therefore not considered heritage preservation resources. Because the house at 4633 Arden Avenue was constructed in 1938, it was designed to meet the architectural standards contained in the developer’s original deed restrictions, which at that time were enforced by the Country Club’s homeowners association rather than Thorpe Bros. Realty. Thus, it meets the minimum requirements for a heritage preservation resource in the Country Club District on the basis of its age and association with the historical plan of development. One-and-one-half story houses are relatively uncommon in the Country Club District, where the predominant historic property types are two-story houses in the Anglo-American and Mediterranean period styles. It is worth noting that the Thorpe deed restrictions did not require houses in the district to be designed in any particular architectural style or built to a full two stories in height. Nevertheless, approximately 90% of the houses constructed between 1924 and 1944 are two-story Colonial or Tudor Revival style houses. I think it would be fair to say that the shift toward smaller houses in the district, already underway by 1938, should be recognized as evidence of the district’s history and development and that Minimal Traditional style houses should be treated as potential preservation resources whenever they possess the distinctive physical characteristics of the property type. The applicant plans to renovate and construct an addition to the existing home. Construction of a new detached garage is also proposed. The proposed exterior alterations, including changes to the front entrance and windows, are minimal and appear to be compatible with the house’s original design. Based on the plans presented, the changes to the sunroom also meet the general standards for rehabilitation—no significant architectural character defining features will be destroyed and the remodeled structure will be compatible with the size, scale, color and materials of the body of the house. The new shed-roofed dormers (on the principal and sunroom roofs), curved entry porch roof, and multi-pane replacement windows are also consistent with the 2 Minimal Traditional style and are appropriate to the neighborhood streetscape. All of the new construction materials are appropriate to the house and in my opinion will not have an adverse effect on surrounding historic homes. Construction of new detached garages has been generally viewed as an appropriate undertaking in the Country Club District. In this case, no distinctive historic character defining features or materials will be destroyed and the new garage matches the exterior finishes and overall architectural character of the house. I recommend approval of the COA with the usual conditions. Busyn Residence 4633 Arden Avenue Narrative for Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) for Changes to Street Facing Façade and New Detached Garage We are doing a rehabilitation and addition to the home at 4633 Arden Avenue and are proposing changes to the street facing façade and a new detached garage at 4633 Arden Avenue. Existing Home The existing home is an expansion 1 ½ story English Cottage style home built in 1938. We will be rehabilitating the home and doing an addition which will include living space over the sunroom on the right side of the home. The changes being proposed for the street facing façade are as follows: • Raising the roof of the sunroom to allow for living space above. This roof will match the pitch and not exceed the height of the existing roof. This roof is set back considerably from the main roof of the home so will not alter the main roof line. Adding a dormer to this space. • We will be pulling the front entry 3’ 4” forward, replacing the deteriorating existing flat roof covered entry with a new covered entry roof that blends into the roofline of the front living room. • Replacing a small dormer with a shed dormer with 5 windows to the left side of the principal roof structure • Changing the front door to a door with sidelights. • Separating the front left pair of windows. • Adding a new chimney cap. Existing Home Street Facing Façade Changes to Street Facing Façade Material List: • Maintain existing brick • Exterior trim all prime wood with matching crown molding of existing home: • New Marvin Windows. • Wood Front Door • Horizontal lap siding on dormers • Wood posts for covered entry wrapped in Boral (synthetic wood) trim for durability. Match wood post bracket detail of existing home: These changes to the street facing façade meet the Plan of Treatment because we are creating a compatible use for the property through repair, alterations, and additions while preserving those portions or features which convey its historical, cultural, or architectural values. Here are other examples of similar curved entry roofs and shed dormers on 1 ½ story homes in the district: New Detached Garage The existing home has a difficult to access, undersized attached garage which we will be removing and replacing it with a new detached garage. We are proposing a new detached garage in the southeast corner of the property. This is the best position as it nestles in behind the detached garage at the home to the south, is the furthest away from the yard for the home to the north, and will be the least visible from the street. The garage will be positioned for the doors to face north. This will allow for the lowest portion of the structure (eve) to be facing the home on Maple Road to the East. The home on Maple Road also has a door they use to get into the Country Club District. This garage position will allow neighbors to continue to access the door: View from new garage to the south View from new garage to the east Views from new garage to the home to the north The only adjacent detached garage in the District is at the home to the south and it measures 19.35’ high. There is a detached garage on Maple Road behind 4633 Arden (not in the District) that measures 18’ high The new detached garage will be 18’ high measured from average existing grade. Site Plan for home and garage: Materials list for new garage: • Reuse/match existing brick. Match corner details from home • Horizontal lap siding • Marvin windows • Exterior trim all prime wood with matching crown molding of existing home. • Steel garage doors with PVC overlay paintable trim and divided light windows. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XXXXXXXXOU OU OU OUOUOUOUOU XXXXXXXXOUOUOUOUOUOUS S S S S S X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XXXXXXXXOU OU OU OUOUOUOUOU XXXXXXXXOUOUOUOUOUS S S S S S REVIEW Plan - NOT for building purposes 03/31/2021 3:01:51 PM Date: April 13, 2021 Agenda Item #: V.D. To:Heritage P res ervatio n C o mmis s ion Item Type: O ther F rom:Emily Bo d eker, Assistant C ity P lanner Item Activity: Subject:2021 Ed ina Heritage Award Action C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED : Award the 2021 E dina H eritage Award. I N TR O D U C TI O N : T he E dina Heritage P reservation C ommission (H P C ) sponsors an annual E dina H eritage Award to showcase local historic preservation activity. T he E dina H eritage Award is given to an individual, family, company or organization that has contributed to the historic fabric of the community and made an outstanding contribution to the preservation, rehabilitation, restoration and use of E dina’s heritage resource. T he heritage resource must be located in the C ity of E dina. AT TAC HME N T S : Description Nomination: 5900 Olinger Blvd Nomination: 5504 Glengarry Pkwy From:noreply@civicplus.com To:Emily Bodeker Subject:Online Form Submittal: Heritage Award Nomination Date:Wednesday, March 31, 2021 10:32:36 AM EXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Heritage Award Nomination About the Award The Heritage Award is given to a person, business or neighborhood for a commitment to preserving, rehabilitating or restoring a historical place in Edina. Each year the Heritage Preservation Commission selects a recipient who has strengthened the historic fabric of the community through protection, improvement or use of a place within Edina that represents a piece of the community's heritage. Learn More Award Details and Previous Winners How To Nominate Fill out and submit this online form. Or mail your nomination to the Edina Heritage Award, Edina City Hall, 4801 W. 50th St., Edina MN 55424. Nomination Deadline 4:30 p.m. April 5, 2021 Submitter First Name Robert Submitter Last Name Thompson Preferred Phone Number Preferred Email Break) Name of Property SuckowZiemer Residence Owner(s) of Property Holly Ziemer, Steven Suckow Email Address Address of Property 5900 Olinger Boulevard Zip Code 55436 Reason: What was done to preserve This Mid-Century-Modern home was built by the Lundgren Company in 1966. The architecture and details of this home and/or restore the historic integrity of the nominated property? follow classic California Modern designs refined by Joseph Eichler and others. The previous owners restored interior elements including exposed post and beam construction, board ceilings, and slab flooring. In 2019, the present owners restored and refined the home's courtyard, a distinguishing feature of Mid-Century- Modern homes. The plantings, while primarily native to Minnesota, emphasize a Japanese inspired design with dense plantings offering a variety of shapes, textures and colors over four seasons. The plants create a natural setting complemented by blue stone paving. The courtyard connects the interior of this Mid-Century-Modern with the outdoors. Upload an image of the project or property Courtyard_Garden3_2019_09_19-1024x791.jpg Additional image upload FrontEntrance_DoorsClosed_2019_09_20-1024x683.jpg Additional image upload IMG_1807.jpg Professionals (if any) involved in the project. Please provide contact information for any realtors, architects, builders, designers or other professionals. GroundOne, a Minnesota landscape design firm, designed and carried out the restoration of the courtyard. GroundOne specializes in custom residential landscape design and construction in the Twin Cities metropolitan area. GroundOne received the Minnesota Nursery and Landscape Association 2021 award for Excellence in Landscaping & Planting Design, and the NARI CotY New Comer landscape award for Minnesota in 2019. This Mid-Century-Modern renovation was featured in the Spring 2021 Minneapolis St. Paul Home & Design magazine. Public Data Advisory I have read and understand the public data advisory Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. From:noreply@civicplus.com To:Emily Bodeker Subject:Online Form Submittal: Heritage Award Nomination Date:Friday, April 2, 2021 3:08:25 PM EXTERNAL EMAIL ALERT: This email originated from outside the City of Edina. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Heritage Award Nomination About the Award The Heritage Award is given to a person, business or neighborhood for a commitment to preserving, rehabilitating or restoring a historical place in Edina. Each year the Heritage Preservation Commission selects a recipient who has strengthened the historic fabric of the community through protection, improvement or use of a place within Edina that represents a piece of the community's heritage. Learn More Award Details and Previous Winners How To Nominate Fill out and submit this online form. Or mail your nomination to the Edina Heritage Award, Edina City Hall, 4801 W. 50th St., Edina MN 55424. Nomination Deadline 4:30 p.m. April 5, 2021 Submitter First Name Jane Submitter Last Name Lonnquist Preferred Phone Number Preferred Email (Section Break) Name of Property M(id) Century Modern Owner(s) of Property Stacy O'Reilly Email Address Address of Property 5504 Glengarry Parkway Zip Code 55436 Reason: What was done to preserve Remodel an existing 1950’s rambler enlarging the kitchen and garage and add a mudroom for an improved everyday entry. and/or restore the historic integrity of the nominated property? Remodel and transform the exterior of the house with modest additions, materials and a new color pallet to enhance curb appeal and the mid-century aesthetic. Preserve the nature of the mid-century modern houses of the neighborhood. Upload an image of the project or property front.tight.jpg Additional image upload rear.ext.jpg Additional image upload kitchen left.jpg Professionals (if any) involved in the project. Please provide contact information for any realtors, architects, builders, designers or other professionals. Paul Buum, AIA, SALA Architects, Inc., Architect Christine Frisk, ASID, and Angel Tilsen, InUnison Design, Interior Design Nick Smaby, Choice Wood Company, Contractor Public Data Advisory I have read and understand the public data advisory Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Date: April 13, 2021 Agenda Item #: VI.A. To:Heritage P res ervatio n C o mmis s ion Item Type: O ther F rom:Emily Bo d eker, Assistant C ity P lanner Item Activity: Subject:2021 Work P lan Updates Disc ussion, Info rmatio n C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED : N one. I N TR O D U C TI O N : AT TAC HME N T S : Description 2021 HPC Work Plan Demolition by Neglect Example-s ubmitted by Commis s ioner Lonnquis t Approved by Council December 1, 2020 [Do not modify fields except progress reports] Commission: Heritage Preservation Commission 2021 Annual Work Plan Initiative # 1 Initiative Type ☐ Project ☒ Ongoing / Annual ☐ Event Council Charge ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☒ 4 (Review & Decide) Review and decide on Certificates of Appropriateness (COA) applications for changes to heritage landmark designated properties. Deliverable: Grant COAs for heritage landmark designated properties Leads All Target Completion Date: Continual/Ongoing Budget Required: No additional funds required Staff Support Required: Pre-Application meeting with staff liaison and application review time/report from Staff Liaison and Consultant Vogel. Progress Q1: To date, the HPC has processed 4 COAs and one sketch plan project. Three COAs are on the agenda for April 13. Progress Q2: Progress Q3: Progress Q4: Initiative # 2 Initiative Type ☒ Project ☐ Ongoing / Annual ☐ Event Council Charge ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☒ 4 (Review & Decide) Create a virtual walk/tour of the City’s Historic Landmark properties to celebrate Preservation Month (May) Deliverable: Virtual Walking Tour Leads Darrah Widmoyer Annie Schilling Rachel Pollock Target Completion Date May Budget Required: No additional budget required. Staff Support Required: 8 hours with GIS Specialist and time to help inform the community of the virtual tour with marketing and communications support. Progress Q1: The subcommittee is working on a virtual tour in hopes that it can be accessed by the public in May (Preservation Month). Progress Q2: Progress Q3: Progress Q4: Approved by Council December 1, 2020 [Do not modify fields except progress reports] Initiative # 3 Initiative Type ☐ Project ☒ Ongoing / Annual ☐ Event Council Charge ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☒ 4 (Review & Decide) Award the 2021 Heritage Preservation Award during Preservation Month in May. Deliverable: Award the 2021 Heritage Award Leads: Bob Cundy Mark Hassenstab Target Completion Date: May Budget Required: No additional funds required, funds for the plaque and poster printing costs comes from the Planning Budget Staff Support Required: Preservation month poster asking for nominations for the award/marketing requesting nominations Progress Q1: Nominations for the Heritage Preservation Award are due M onday, April 5th. Progress Q2: Progress Q3: Progress Q4: Initiative # 4 Initiative Type ☐ Project ☒ Ongoing / Annual ☐ Event Council Charge ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Educate owners and Designate properties as Edina Heritage Landmarks Deliverable: • Educate owners and invite owners of determined eligible properties as Edina Heritage Landmarks and recommend to Planning Commission and City Council • Create Resources to give to property owners with benefits and reasons to consider designating their properties Leads: Jane Lonnquist Mark Hassenstab Rachel Pollock Target Completion Date: Continual/Ongoing Budget Required: No funds are anticipated to be required outside of printing costs depending on what resources are created Staff Support Required: Depending on what educational materials are decided on, potentially some marketing/design and marketing services. Staff and Liaison Vogel will also support this item and help gather information to share with property owners. Progress Q1: The subcommittee has worked on putting together letters, a certificate, postcard, brochure and mailing schedule. Information will also be added and available to the public on the Heritage Landmark webpage. Progress Q2: Progress Q3: Progress Q4: Approved by Council December 1, 2020 [Do not modify fields except progress reports] Initiative # 5 Initiative Type ☐ Project ☒ Ongoing / Annual ☐ Event Council Charge ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☒ 4 (Review & Decide) Add properties to the Heritage Preservation eligible landmark list Deliverable: The addition of properties to the City’s eligible landmark list Leads: Michael Birdman Thomas Everson Target Completion Date: December 2021 Budget Required: Are there funds available for this project? If there are not funds available, explain the impact of Council approving this initiative. No funds required Staff Support Required: How many hours of support by the staff liaison? Communications / marketing support? Liaison and Consultant Vogel will support this initiative by Progress Q1: No update. Progress Q2: Progress Q3: Progress Q4: Parking Lot: (These items have been considered by the BC, but not proposed as part of this year’s work plan. If the BC decides they would like to work on them in the current year, it would need to be approved by Council.) -Additional virtual tours (teaming up with different commissions on topics ex: Parks, HRRC, etc. ) Sample Demolition by Neglect Ordinances Sent 02/21 by Michael Koop, State Historic Preservation Office From the Minneapolis code: ARTICLE XI. - MAINTENANCE ●599.640. - Purpose. This article is established to ensure that landmarks, historic districts, conservation districts, and nominated properties under interim protection are properly maintained and protected against deterioration. (2001-Or-029, § 1, 3-2-01; 2014-Or-091, § 19, 10-17-2014) ●599.650. - Duty to maintain. All landmarks, properties in historic districts, properties in conservation districts, nominated properties under interim protection and historic resources shall be kept in a state of maintenance and repair as required by Title 5 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances, Building Code, and Title 12 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances, Housing, and with all other applicable regulations. (2001-Or-029, § 1, 3-2-01; 2014-Or-091, § 20, 10-17-2014) ●599.660. - Prevention of deterioration. No person with a legal or equitable interest in a landmark, property in an historic district, property in a conservation district, or nominated property under interim protection, whether occupied or not, shall permit the property to fall into a serious state of disrepair or to remain in a serious state of disrepair so as to materially impair the integrity of the property or historic district. From the Stillwater code: Subd.8.Maintenance.Owners of National Register-listed structures and sites,heritage preservation sites,and buildings or structures of potential historic significance shall not allow their buildings to deteriorate by neglect (i.e.failing to provide ordinary maintenance or repair).Such conditions as broken windows,doors and openings which allow the elements and vermin to enter,the deterioration of exterior architectural features,or the deterioration of a building’s structure system shall constitute failure to provide ordinary maintenance or repair. Subd.9.Penalty for violation of section.An owner or occupant of any area,place, building,structure or other object within a duly designated heritage preservation site who remodels,repairs,demolishes or moves a heritage preservation site in violation of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.Each such day is a separate violation,and it shall be punishable as such.The imposition of the penalties prescribed shall not prevent the city from instituting civil actions allowed by law, such as but not limited to abatement or administrative citations. Date: April 13, 2021 Agenda Item #: VI.B. To:Heritage P res ervatio n C o mmis s ion Item Type: O ther F rom:Emily Bo d eker, Assistant C ity P lanner Item Activity: Subject:C ommis s ioner Bird man's Las t Meeting Info rmatio n C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED : N one. I N TR O D U C TI O N : April 13th is C ommissioner B irdman's last meeting with the H P C . T hank you to C ommissioner B irdman for his years on the H eritage P reservation C ommission.