HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-10-2021 PacketAgenda He ritage Pre se rvation Com m ission City Of Edina, Minnesota Community Room-Edina City Hall This m e eting will be he ld in person and e le ctronically using Webex software . The m ee ting will be stre am e d live on the City's YouTube channel, YouTube .com /EdinaTV or you can listen to th e m ee ting via te le phon e by calling 1-415-655-0001 access code 177 325 7901. Tuesday, August 10, 2021 7:00 PM I.Call To Order II.Roll Call III.Approval Of Meeting Agenda IV.Approval Of Meeting Minutes A.July 13, 2021 Heritage Preservation Commission Minutes V.Community Comment During "Community Comment," the Board/Commission will invite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board/Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Board/Commission might refer the matter to sta% for consideration at a future meeting. VI.Reports/Recommendations A.COA: Wooddale Avenue Bridge B.Heritage Resource Inventory Update C.2022 Draft HPC Work Plan VII.Chair And Member Comments VIII.Sta/ Comments IX.Adjournment The City of Edina wants all res idents to be c om fortable being part of the public proc ess . If you need as sistance in the way of hearing ampli4c ation, an interpreter, large-print documents or s om ething els e, pleas e c all 952-927-8861 72 hours in advanc e of the m eeting. Date: August 10, 2021 Agenda Item #: I V.A. To:Heritage P reservation C ommission Item Type: Minutes F rom:Emily Bodeker, As s is tant C ity P lanner Item Activity: Subject:July 13, 2021 Heritage P reservation C ommission Minutes Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve the J uly 13, 2021 H eritage P reservation Commission M inutes. I N TR O D U C TI O N: AT TAC HME N T S: Description Minutes : July 13, 2021 Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: Minutes City of Edina, Minnesota Heritage Preservation Commission VIRTUAL MEETING Tuesday, July 13, 2021 I. Call to Order Chair Schilling called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. II. Roll Call Answering roll call in-person were: Chair Schilling, Commissioners Lonnquist, Pollock, Knudsen, Widmoyer, and Nymo Answering roll call via interactive technology for a health reason were: Commissioners Cundy and Everson Staff present: HPC Staff Liaison Emily Bodeker and Preservation Consultant Robert Vogel. III. Approval of Meeting Agenda Motion made by Nymo seconded by Widmoyer to approve the meeting agenda as presented. All voted aye. The motion carried. IV. Approval of Meeting Minutes Motion made by Lonnquist seconded by Pollock to approve the June 8, 2021 meeting minutes as presented. All voted ate. The motion carried. V. Reports and Recommendations A. COA: Wooddale Avenue Bridge Motion made by Lonnquist seconded by Knudsen to continue the Wooddale Avenue Bridge COA to the August 10th HPC meeting. All Voted aye. The motion carried. Commissioner Lonnquist asked staff to send out the Wooddale Bridge plan of treatment. B. 2022 Work Plan The Commission brainstormed and edited their 2022 work plan ideas. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: VII. Staff Comments: Staff informed the Commission that the Bruce Avenue garage they reviewed in June requested a height variance that was ultimately denied by the Planning Commission. VIII. Adjournment Motion made by Pollock seconded by Nymo to adjourn the meeting at 8:38. All voted aye. The motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Emily BodekerEmily BodekerEmily BodekerEmily Bodeker Date: August 10, 2021 Agenda Item #: VI.A. To:Heritage P reservation C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:Emily Bodeker, As s is tant C ity P lanner Item Activity: Subject:C O A: Wooddale Avenue Bridge Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: C ontinue this item to the September 14th H P C agenda. I N TR O D U C TI O N: Date: August 10, 2021 Agenda Item #: VI.B. To:Heritage P reservation C ommission Item Type: R eport and R ecommendation F rom:Emily Bodeker, As s is tant C ity P lanner Item Activity: Subject:Heritage R esource Inventory Update Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: R emove the following addresses from the heritage resources inventory: 4105 44th S treet 4220 Alden D rive (bungalow, built in 1912) 4232 Alden D rive 4246 C rocker Avenue 4247 C rocker Avenue 4249 C rocker Avenue 4231 Grimes Avenue 4238 Grimes Avenue 4001 M orningside Road 4113 Morningside R oad 4115 Morningside R oad 4311 Morningside R oad 4225 S cott Terrace I N TR O D U C TI O N: T he following houses in the Morningside neighborhood, previously evaluated by the H P C as historically significant, were re-surveyed in July, 2021 and determined not eligible for registration as Edina H eritage Landmarks – 4105 44th S treet 4220 Alden Drive (bungalow, built in 1912) 4232 Alden Drive 4246 Crocker Avenue 4247 Crocker Avenue 4249 Crocker Avenue 4231 G rimes Avenue 4238 G rimes Avenue 4001 Morningside R oad 4113 M orningside Road 4115 M orningside Road 4311 M orningside Road 4225 Scott Terrace T hese properties were identified as part of the H P C’s Morningside bungalows multiple property study that was completed in 2010. T hey were included in a group of properties evaluated by the H P C and added to its heritage resources inventory in 2017. AT TAC HME N T S: Description Memo from Consultant Vogel MEMORANDUM TO: Emily Bodeker, Assistant Planner FROM: Robert Vogel, Preservation Planning Consultant DATE: July 29, 2021 SUBJECT: Morningside Bungalows – Recommended Changes to the Heritage Resources Inventory The following houses in the Morningside neighborhood, previously evaluated by the HPC as historically significant, were re-surveyed in July, 2021 and determined not eligible for registration as Edina Heritage Landmarks – 4105 44th Street 4220 Alden Drive (bungalow, built in 1912) 4232 Alden Drive 4246 Crocker Avenue 4247 Crocker Avenue 4249 Crocker Avenue 4231 Grimes Avenue 4238 Grimes Avenue 4001 Morningside Road 4113 Morningside Road 4115 Morningside Road 4311 Morningside Road 4225 Scott Terrace These properties were identified as part of the HPC’s Morningside bungalows multiple property study that was completed in 2010. They were included in a group of properties evaluated by the HPC and added to its heritage resources inventory in 2017. In my professional opinion, they no longer qualify as heritage preservation resources as a result of tear-downs or substantial façade alterations. I recommend we remove them from the heritage resources inventory. Date: August 10, 2021 Agenda Item #: VI.C . To:Heritage P reservation C ommission Item Type: O ther F rom:Emily Bodeker, As s is tant C ity P lanner Item Activity: Subject:2022 Draft HP C Work P lan Dis cus s ion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: R eview and edit the D R AF T 2022 Heritage P reservation C ommission work plan. I N TR O D U C TI O N: AT TAC HME N T S: Description DRAFT 2022 HPC Work Plan Template Updated 2021.06.08 Commission: Heritage Preservation Commission 2022 Annual Work Plan Proposal-DRAFT Initiative # 1 Initiative Type ☐☐☐☐ Project ☒☒☒☒ Ongoing / Annual ☐☐☐☐ Event Council Charge ☐☐☐☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐☐☐☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐☐☐☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☒☒☒☒ 4 (Review & Decide) Initiative Title Review and decide on Certificates of Appropriateness (COA) applications for changes to heritage landmark designated properties. Deliverable COAs Leads All Commission Target Completion Date Ongoing Budget Required: (Completed by staff) Are there funds available for this project? If there are not funds available, explain the impact of Council approving this initiative. No additional funds required. Preservation Consultant funding comes from the Planning Department budget. Staff Support Required (Completed by staff): How many hours of support by the staff liaison? Communications / marketing support? Pre-Application meeting with staff liaison and application review time/report from Staff Liaison and Consultant Vogel. Staff time is dependent on how many applications/preapplication meeting requests are received. Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: Progress Q1: Progress Q2: Progress Q3: Progress Q4: Template Updated 2021.06.08 Initiative # 2 Initiative Type ☐☐☐☐ Project ☒☒☒☒ Ongoing / Annual ☐☐☐☐ Event Council Charge ☐☐☐☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐☐☐☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐☐☐☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☒☒☒☒ 4 (Review & Decide) Initiative Title Recruit nominees and award the 2022 Heritage Preservation Award during Preservation Month in May. Deliverable Award the 2022 Heritage Award Leads Target Completion Date May Budget Required: (Completed by staff) Are there funds available for this project? If there are not funds available, explain the impact of Council approving this initiative. No additional funds required. Money for plaque comes from Planning budget. Staff Support Required (Completed by staff): How many hours of support by the staff liaison? Communications / marketing support? Public outreach: press release, social media posts, publish existing website form for nominations. Article on winner after award is given. Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: Progress Q1: Progress Q2: Progress Q3: Progress Q4: Template Updated 2021.06.08 Initiative # 3 Initiative Type ☐☐☐☐ Project ☒☒☒☒ Ongoing / Annual ☐☐☐☐ Event Council Charge ☐☐☐☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐☐☐☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☒☒☒☒ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☒☒☒☒ 4 (Review & Decide) Initiative Title Based on owner interest, nominate eligible properties as Edina Heritage Landmarks and add additional properties to the eligible property list. Deliverable Add to eligible property list Designate additional Edina Heritage Landmark properties Leads All commission Target Completion Date Ongoing Budget Required: (Completed by staff) Are there funds available for this project? If there are not funds available, explain the impact of Council approving this initiative. No additional funds required. Money for plaque comes from Planning budget. Staff Support Required (Completed by staff): How many hours of support by the staff liaison? Communications / marketing support? Public outreach: press release, social media posts, publish existing website form for nominations. Article on winner after award is given. Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: Progress Q1: Progress Q2: Progress Q3: Progress Q4: Template Updated 2021.06.08 Initiative # 4 Initiative Type ☒☒☒☒ Project ☐☐☐☐ Ongoing / Annual ☐☐☐☐ Event Council Charge ☒☒☒☒ 1 (Study & Report) ☐☐☐☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐☐☐☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐☐☐☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Initiative Title Review plan of treatment document for each Landmark property. Deliverable Highlight potential work plan items related to plans of treatment for future work plans Leads All Commission Target Completion Date 2022 Budget Required: (Completed by staff) Are there funds available for this project? If there are not funds available, explain the impact of Council approving this initiative. No additional funds required. Staff Support Required (Completed by staff): How many hours of support by the staff liaison? Communications / marketing support? None-review will take place during HPC meetings as time on agendas allows. Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: Progress Q1: Progress Q2: Progress Q3: Progress Q4: Template Updated 2021.06.08 Initiative # 5 Initiative Type ☒☒☒☒ Project ☐☐☐☐ Ongoing / Annual ☐☐☐☐ Event Council Charge ☒☒☒☒ 1 (Study & Report) ☐☐☐☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐☐☐☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐☐☐☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Initiative Title Explore the development of a century home program in Edina based on programs in other cities; define the resources needed to manage a potential program in the future. Deliverable Information and a recommendation for a future century home program in Edina. Leads Target Completion Date 2022 Budget Required: (Completed by staff) Are there funds available for this project? If there are not funds available, explain the impact of Council approving this initiative. No budget requested at this time. Initiative is to gather information/research on a potential program in Edina and information on potential future costs if implemented. Staff Support Required (Completed by staff): How many hours of support by the staff liaison? Communications / marketing support? Initiative and research to be completed by Commission leads Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: Progress Q1: Progress Q2: Progress Q3: Progress Q4: Template Updated 2021.06.08 Initiative # 6 Initiative Type ☒☒☒☒ Project ☐☐☐☐ Ongoing / Annual ☐☐☐☐ Event Council Charge ☐☐☐☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐☐☐☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐☐☐☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐☐☐☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Initiative Title Test archeological model created with previous archeological study. Deliverable Archeological model would be tested Leads Target Completion Date Budget Required: (Completed by staff) Are there funds available for this project? If there are not funds available, explain the impact of Council approving this initiative. Staff Support Required (Completed by staff): How many hours of support by the staff liaison? Communications / marketing support? Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: Progress Q1: Progress Q2: Progress Q3: Progress Q4: Template Updated 2021.06.08 Initiative # 7 Initiative Type ☐☐☐☐ Project ☐☐☐☐ Ongoing / Annual ☐☐☐☐ Event Council Charge ☐☐☐☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐☐☐☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐☐☐☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐☐☐☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Initiative Title Identify opportunities to discourage or prevent neglect of Heritage Landmark properties. Deliverable Leads Target Completion Date Budget Required: (Completed by staff) Are there funds available for this project? If there are not funds available, explain the impact of Council approving this initiative. Staff Support Required (Completed by staff): How many hours of support by the staff liaison? Communications / marketing support? Liaison Comments: City Manager Comments: Progress Q1: Progress Q2: Progress Q3: Progress Q4: Parking Lot: (These items have been considered by the BC, but not proposed as part of this year’s work plan. If the BC decides they would like to work on them in the current year, it would need to be approved by Council.)