HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-01-27_COUNCIL MEETINGAGENDA � EDINA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 27, 1986 7:00 P.M. ROLLCALL APPOINTMENT OF MAYOR PRO TRM RESOLUTION OF CONDOLENCE - Donald L. Kearns MINUTES of the Regular Meeting of December 16, 1985 and January 6, 1986 and Year -End Meeting of December 30, 1985 approved as submitted or corrected by motion of seconded by I. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND REPORTS ON PLANNING MATTERS. Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by Planning Department. Public comment heard. Zoning Ordinance: First and Second Hearing requires four -fifth (4/5) favorable rollcall vote of all members of the Council to pass. Waiver of Second Reading: Four -fifth (4/5) favorable rollcall vote of all members of the Council required to pass. Lot Divisions, Plats, Appeals: Favorable rollcall vote of majority of quorum required to pass. Final Plat Approval of Property Zoned Planned District: Three -fifth (3/5) favorable rollcall vote of all members of the Council required to pass. A. Lot Divisions 1. Roy Lauring - 6008 -6012 Berne Circle 2. Miguel and Marta Fiol - 6000 -6004 Berne Circle * 3. Victor Kreuziger - 6705 -5709 Cheyenne Trail * 4. Ron Clark Construction - 6519 -6521 Gleason Court B. Set Hearing Date 1. Appeal from Board of Appeals & Adjustments Decision - National Car Rental - 7700 France Avenue (2/3/86) II. SPECIAL CONCERNS OF RESIDENTS III. AWARD OF BIDS * A. Folding Door - Braemar Club House * B. Hardware - Braemar Club House * C. Repairs to Braemar Pavilion IV. RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS * A. LMC Municipal Amicus Program B. LMC - 1986 Proposed City Policies /Priorities (Feb 5 LMC Legislative Conf) C. Report on Boards /Commissions D. Consultant - Service Levels Questionnaire E. W. 66th Street Plan Approval - York Av to Xerxes Av F._ Park Property - West Shore -Drive and W. 66th Street * G. Management Audit Committee H. Special Concerns of Mayor and Council I. Post Agenda and Manager's Miscellaneous Items V. RESOLUTIONS. Favorable rollcall vote by majority of quorum to pass. * A. Resolution Relating to Self- Insurance for Torts VI. FINANCE * A. Liquor Fund Reports as of 9/30/85, 10/31/85 and 11/30/85 * B. Claims Paid. Motion of , seconded by for payment of the following claims as per Pre -List dated 1/27/86: General Fund $236,166.06, Park Fund $22.50, Art Center $10,757.16, Swimming Pool Fund $109.15, Golf Course Fund $39,599.93, Recreation Center Fund $19,020.46, Gun Range Fund $44.41, Utility Fund $406,990.37, Liquor Dispensary Fund $164,012.71, Construction Fund $12,289.87, IMP Bond Redemption #2 $287.80, Total $889,300.42 and for confirmation of the following claims dated 12/31/85: General Fund $89,890.78, Art Center $268.05, Swimming Pool Fund $24.40, Golf Course Fund $24,002.68, Recreation Center Fund $800.56, Gun Range Fund $40.46, Utility Fund $11,348.12, Liquor Dispensary Fund $367,078.11, Total $493,453.16. SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS /EVENTS Sat Jan 25 Council /Legislators 8:00 a.m. Conference Rm Sat Jan 25 Special Council Meeting - Comprehensive Plan 8:30 a.m. Conference Rm Mon Jan 27 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 p.m. Council Room Mon Feb 3 Regular.Council Meeting 7:OO p.m. Council Room Wed Feb 5 LMC 1986 Legislative Action Conference 9:00 a.m. Radisson St Paul Mon Feb 24 Regular Council Meeting 7:00 p.m. Council Room MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL JANUARY 6, 1986 Answering rollcall were Members Bredesen, Richards, Turner and Mayor Courtney. Member Kelly arrived at 7:04 p.m. MARION WARD COMMENDED. Mr. Rosland introduced Mrs. Marion Ward as a Co- Director of the Edina Art Center with Mrs. Pat Greer since the Center's inception. He stated that Mrs. Ward has retired from this position and commended her for her diligent efforts and artistic.talent in the development of the Center as well as her other volunteer involvement in numerous City events over the past years. She was presented with a silver pen bearing the Edina Logo. Members of the Council added their thanks and.appreciation for her past service to the City. PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL FOR LOTS 41 AND 42, BLOCK 2, SOUTH HARRIET PARK 2ND ADDITION (STEINER AND GILASON) CONTINUED TO FEBRUARY 3, 1986. Planner Craig Larsen recommended that preliminary plat approval for Lots 41 and 42, Block 2, South Harriet Park 2nd Addition be continued to February 3, 1986 so that deed restrictions could be determined. Motion of Member Bredesen was seconded by Member Turner to continue the hearing for preliminary plat approval to the Council Meeting of February 3, 1986. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. (Member Kelly arrived at this point in the meeting.) FINAL PLAT APPROVED FOR PONDWOOD (KLODT CONSTRUCTION). Planner Craig Larsen stated that the subject property, generally located at the NW quadrant of Cahill. Road and West 78th Street, was rezoned to PRD -3 in 1980. Since rezoning several plans for construction have.been approved, the latest one being approved in May 1985 for construction of 65 condominium units in one building and 24 town- houses on the remainder of the property. He explained that the plat was approved at that time subject to several conditions. The proponents, Klodt Construction Company, have now returned with a corrected plat which has been given a new name of Pondwood and which now reflects individual lots for the townhouses. The dedication fees have been paid to the City and staff would recommend approval of the plat as changed. No comment or objections being heard, Member Kelly introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: FINAL PLAT APPROVED FOR PONDWOOD BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled "PONDWOOD" platted.by Pondwood Townhomes, a Minnesota general partnership, Ponds of Edina, a Minnesota general partnership and First Minnesota Savings Bank, F.S.B., an United States corporation, and presented at the regular meeting of the City Council of January 6, 1986, be and is hereby granted final plat approval. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Turner. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. HEARING DATE SET FOR PLANNING MATTERS. Motion of Member Turner was seconded by Member Kelly setting February 3, 1986 as hearing date for the following planning matters: 1) Preliminary Plat Approval - Rudy Trones' Edina Oaks - Generally located south of Dublin Road and -west of Antrim Court 2) Final Development Plan - Hoyt Development Company - 5555 West 78th Street Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. BID AWARDED FOR IRON REMOVAL PLANT FILTER MEDIA. Mr. Rosland presented tabula- tion of bids for the iron removal plant filter media showing Flo - Covery Systems, Inc. at $5,610.15, Culligan at $7,366.00 and American Materials Corporation at $7,402.00. Motion of Member Bredesen was seconded by Member Turner for award of bid to recommended low bidder, Flo - Covery Systems, Inc. at $5,610.15. Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. BID AWARDED FOR IBDU FERTILIZER FOR BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE. Mr. Rosland presented tabulation of bid for IBDU fertilizer for Braemar Golf Course showing Turf Supply Company at $6,752.20 (Hennepin County low bid) and recommended award thereof. Motion of Member Bredesen was seconded by Member Turner for award of bid for IBDU fertilizer for Braemar Golf Course to Turf Supply Company at $6,752.20. Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. 1/6/86 TEEN CENTER ALLOCATED $5,000 AS CITY'S CONTRIBUTION. Mr. Rosland said that at its meeting of December 10, 1985 the Edina Park Board had heard an appeal for a contribution of $5,000.00 from the City to the Teen Center which is located in the Edina Community Center and that the Park Board recommended approval of the contribution to extend this pilot project through April of 1987. He noted that because this item was not included in the 1986 Budget that if approved that $2,500.00 be taken out of contingencies this year and that $2,500.00 be provided for in the 1987 Budget. Pam Keating, Teen Center Advisory Board Member, gave a background summary of the Teen Center. She pointed out that it was created out of a concern from members of the community that young people in grades 7, 8 and 9 did not have an appropriate place to hang out at, and that they needed some place to go during sport events on weekends. In addition to a paid coordinator, assistant coordinator and some paid supervisory people who provide continuity, the Teen Center is also staffed weekly by volunteer ministers, parents, members of park and recreation organizations and others. In addition to a $.50 fee paid by those attending, the program has been funded by Community Education, the Edina Park and Recreation Department and private donations. Gregory Hedger, Coordinator, then outlined the goals of the Teen Center. He said the total cost budget until April 1987 was estimated at $18,720.00. He also presented attendance figures for the months of September, October and November of 1985, noting that the total average attendance was 91. Also speaking in support of the Teen Center was Jason Kallsen, Valley View Junior High and Sara Nemecek,.Southview Junior.High. Member Kelly then made a motion that the City.contribute $5,000.00 to the Edina Teen Center through April 1978. Motion was seconded by Member Turner. Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. SALE APPROVED FOR PART OF LOT 4, BLOCK 20, NORMANDALE ADDITION (PARK PROPERTY). Mr. Rosland stated that the subject park property is generally -located at West 66th Street and West Shore Drive and that this triangle of land was cut off from Cornelia Park property when West Shore Drive was constructed. It now has no specific parkland use, is just open space and is not maintained except for mowing a 6 foot:strip. next to the road. A proposal submitted by Gunnar.Danielson, 4720 West 66th Street whose property adjoins the subject parcel, for sale of the land by the City to him was submitted to the Edina Park Board at its December 10, 1985 meeting. Mr. Danielson's intention would be to develop two buildable lots from the two lots he already owns and the City parcel that he proposes to buy. Mr. Rosland said that the Park Board recommended approval of the sale of the parcel for $28,000 to Mr. Danielson according to the terms set forth on Document "A" attached to the Park Board minutes. Document "A" showed the value of the raw land at $28,000 and that after improvements the value of the lot is estimated at $62,400. Mr. Kojetin presented a graphic of the subject parcel and pointed out a proposed platting for the two new lots which.would include Mr. Danielson's homesite. He stated that Mr. Danielson is willing to sign a developer's agreement for extention.of utilities to the proposed plat. All property owners within a 250' radius were invited to the Park Board meeting so they could voice opinions regarding the proposed sale. The only individuals in attendance were Gunnar Danielson and Sheldon Danielson. Mr. Kojetin reported that the neighbor to the north of proposed Lot 3 was concerned that his back yard would be disturbed to enable sewer and water to be connected to the lots but that no.other comments had been received. If the sale is approved by the Council, Mr.. Kojetin commented that the proposed plat would be processed in the normal procedure through the Community. Development and Planning Commission and the City Council. Member Richards asked if a subdivision dedication fee would be required and how it would be determined. Mr. Hughes.said the fee would be based on all the raw.land including the park parcel and a. portion of the property already owned. by Mr. Danielson. He explained further that the purchase price would be payable in full at the conclusion of the platting of the property. Member Richards commented that he feels it is bad policy to sell park property, but that it maybe is justified in this case because of separation of the parcel from Cornelia Park by the roadway, but that he.did not approve it from a philosophical viewpoint. Further, the City is at risk and should take a proportinate share of the profit when the lot is sold after platting or Mr. Danielson should pay for the land now and run the risk of getting the plat approved or disposing of the land. Member Bredesen said he was not concerned about the sale of the land because of the road configuration abut that he agreed with Member Richards' point about the purchase price. After considerable discussion, Member Turner made a motion to approve the sale of part of Lot.2, Block 20, Normandale Addition, for $28,000 according to the terms set forth on Document "A" as recommended by the Park Board. Motion was seconded by Member Kelly. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Turner Nays: Bredesen, Richards, Courtney Motion failed. 1/6/86 Member Bredesen then made a motion to accept the recommendation of the Park Board to sell the subject property for $28,000 up front without the contingency of platting. Motion was seconded by Mayor Courtney. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Turner, Courtney Nays: Richards Motion carried. BOARD /COMMISSION TERMS AND ATTENDANCE DISCUSSED. Mayor Courtney said that letters had been sent to all board and commission members whose terms will expire on February l asking them.if they would like to be reappointed. Mr. Rosland reported that the Community Development and Planning Commission is the only commission that is limited by ordinance as to number of terms a member may serve, that being a cumulative period of twelve or more years. Mr. Hughes pointed out that most of the members were on the original Planning Commission when the ordinance was adopted establishing the Community Develop- ment and Planning Commission in February, 1978 and when the restriction of 12 years went into effect. Regarding attendance, Mr. Rosland advised that Ordinance No. 162 provides that any member who fails to attend three conse- cutive regularly scheduled meetings or any four meetings in the span of twelve consecutive months shall automatically be removed from office. Following discussion on the attendance issue, it was informally agreed that the Council should contact the board /commission members whose attendance is in default and to whom.the Council members serve as liasion to discuss the matter and get their reaction. The Council would then report the results at the next meeting to determine the number of openings and then proceed with the inter- view process to fill those terms by the February 24 Council.meeting. COUNCIL WORKSHOP DATE PREFERENCE.SET. Mr. Rosland asked the Council members for their preference as to workshop dates - March 8 or 15 - to study the role of the Council and also whether it should be held at City Hall or some other location. He added that the choice for facilitator seems to be Barbara Arney of Government Training Services. After discussion, it was informally agreed that first choice.would be March.15 as to.date and the Edina Community Center as to location, subject to availability of the facilitator. APRIL 7 COUNCIL MEETING DATE CHANGED TO APRIL 14. Mr. Rosland.advised that the April 7 Council Meeting would fall during the school spring break and there may not be a quorum present because of other committments. Motion of Member Richards was seconded by Member Turner to set April 14, 1986 as the first Council Meeting in April. Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. HEARING ON DRAFT EIS FOR HENNEPIN COUNTY RESOURCE RECOVERY PROJECT NOTED. Mr. Rosland called the Council's attention to a public hearing on the draft environmental impact statement (EIS) on the Hennepin County resource recovery project to be held on January 16, 7 p.m. at the Edina Community Center. The county is proposing to construct a 1,000 ton - per -day waste -to- energy facility and four transfer stations. The facility will be located in Minneapolis and cogenerate steam and electricity. Proposed transfer station locations have been identified in Hopkins, -Brooklyn Park, Bloomington and Minneapolis. The Hopkins site is county property located at 6th Avenue and 3rd Street and may increase truck traffic on County Road 18 but likely would have no direct effect on Edina. Mr. Larsen commented that after a review of the draft EIS he found no ground for the City-to object.­ Obviously Hopkins is objecting on the basis of air quality, odor, traffic, etc. and has asked Edina's support in opposing the location_ He added that the only allowed access to the site will be via County Road 3 through Hopkins. Member Richards commented that it may be in the City's interest to say that we feel the draft EIS is adequate. It was informally agreed that either Mayor Courtney, Member Richards or a staff person would attend the public hearing to offer that comment. LMC PROPOSED CITY POLICIES AND PRIORITIES FOR 1986 DISCUSSED. Mr. Rosland commented that the 1986 Proposed City Policies and Priorities which have been developed by the LMC Legislative Study Committees have been received with the request that these be reviewed before the Legislative Conference on February 5 when city officials will adopt legislative policies. He suggested that the Council review the proposed policies and that this be placed on the January 27 agenda for discussion of key areas so that the elected officials and staff who will be attending the conference could express the Council's position on the various issues. Member Turner commented that the Council should develop comments to be made on tax increment financing, tax exempt financing and local government aids which have been discussed by the Council in the past. Member Bredesen said he did not agree with the League's policies regarding 1/6/86 federal legislation and felt they did not reflect the Council's position. It was informally agreed that these issues would be discussed further at the January 27 Council meeting. AMM PROPOSED POLICIES /LEGISLATIVE PROPOSALS DISCUSSED; FISCAL DISPARITIES OVERVIEW GIVEN. Mr. Rosland reminded the Council that the AMM proposed addendum to policies and legislative proposals would be considered by the association membership at its meeting of January 9, 1986. In response to the Council's request, an overview of fiscal disparities has been prepared. Mr. Rosland then summarized the report, pointing out that in 1971 the legis- lature passed the Fiscal Disparities Act, with a rather complicated formula, whereby 40% of all commercial /industrial (C /I) development and inflation growth from 1971 on is contributed to a metropolitan pot and redistributed based on population and fiscal capacity. After 15 years of operation, the magnitude of distribution values, both in terms of net value decrease and net value increase, is significant for many cities. If fiscal disparities were repealed in total with no replacement or adjustments, property taxes in many cities would increase very significantly just as they would decrease in others. In 1986 Edina will be contributing an estimated $51,834,996 and will receive back $14,880.941 for a net loss impact of $36,954,055. Under fiscal disparities the total mill rate (county, city, school) for Edina is 93.9; without fiscal disparities the mill rate would be 91.3. On a $125,000 home the cost of fiscal disparities is approximately $78. The AMM sub- committee presented ten recommendations to the AMM revenue committee which were approved with the exception of the one that a sales ratio adjustment factor to the fiscal disparities contribution calculation be added to equalize the differences in assessment practices among the various areas. The nine recommendations approved by the revenue committee are mostly policy issues and will not materially affect Edina. Mr. Rosland clarified that tax incre- ment districts were exempt from the pool up until 1979 but have since been included. In addition, some projects have been exempted from the fiscal disparities pool. Member Turner commented that the AMM's policy on fiscal disparities essentially says don't change it or if you do change it slowly. She recalled that Edina's position or policy is either get rid of fiscal disparities or return to the original intent. Mr. Rosland clarified that if fiscal disparities cannot be eliminated, the A1141 s policy falls within Edina's scope. Member Turner commented that this review has been very helpful. No formal action was taken. MALL OF AMERICA /FANTASYWORLD DISCUSSED. Mr. Roslandrecalled that the Council had briefly discussed the Mall of America and Fantasyworld project propsed to be constructed in Bloomington at the last meeting and had asked the staff to further review the traffic impact on Edina and bring back proposed positions for the Council to consider. He referred to a memorandum prepared by Engineer Fran Hoffman which identified the primary focus for Edina as the capacity of Highway I -494. The Metropolitan Council's Transportation Improvement Program identifies metro highway needs which include.eventual widening of I -494 from 169/212 to T.H. 100 to six lanes and is the only segment of I -494 identified in the program. In the current MNDOT 20 -year plan no funding is identified for any major transportation improvements to I -494 in this area. It is apparent that the MNDOT position at the next legislative session will be that no funds are available for the Mall of America project unless there is new appropriation. Several coalitions are being formed, i.e. Scott County and the northern suburbs, to protect and promote highway funding for their res- pective sub - regions. Mr. Hoffman has summarized unfunded highway improvement costs relating to I -494 and the Mall of America project as: - 116 million estimated cost for highway improvements on Cedar Avenue /I -494 in the vicinity of the Mall of America development. - 50 million estimated cost of improvements directly related to the Mall of America project (this is part of the above 115 million figure). - 250 million additional needed for improvement of I -494 from 34th Avenue to T.H. 169 in Eden Prairie during the next 20 years if development along I -494 continues. Mr. Rosland commented that the City could develop any one of a combination of positions as set out in the memorandum. Staff would suggest the following be considered: B) The I -494 Corridor Study be initiated with all due haste and no highway funding be granted until the study is completed. Study must include .travel demand management and land use management in the appropriate travel sheds. D) The current programmed highway funding remain intact and additional funding be provided for.I -494 for improvements between T.H. 100 and T.H. 169/212 in Eden Prairie, and E) If the Mall of America project continues, no special tax relief plan be developed other than normal tax relief used, i.e. tax increment financing. It is recommended that the City position adopted should be then conveyed to our legislators as it appears that some special legislative action will be necessary for the Mall of America project to proceed. Mr. Rosland :,1/,6/86 recalled that the Metropolitan Council has agreed to conduct a study of the I -494 corridor as a result of the settlement in connection with the Homart project. Member Turner stated that she felt the I -494 corridor'study is extremely important. Member Richards commented that we should go on record and convey to our legislators that if the legislature supports highway funding for the Mall of America project that they only support such legislation if it also includes funding for improvements to I -494 west of T.H. 100 to T.H. 169/212. Mr. Rosland said that these comments could be conveyed to our legislators or he would try to arrange a meeting between the Council Members and our legislators on Saturday, January 25 at 8 a.m. when the Council will be meeting to review the Comprehensive Plan. It was informally agreed to attempt to meet as stated and if the legislators are not available then the comments would be sent on to them. MANAGEMENT AUDIT AND COMMITTEE CANDITATES DISCUSSED. Mr. Rosland called attention to a letter from Ralph Andersen.& Associates summarizing the major elements of a management audit as well as more detailed management studies and explained that this summary may be useful to the Council in describing the assignment to prospective members of the Management Audit Committee. With regard to names of prospective members of the committee, Mr. Rosland said if the - Council will give him their suggestions he would have a list compiled for reference in making the committee selection. No action was taken. STATUS OF COMPARABLE WORTH STUDY QUESTIONED. Member Turner asked for an update on the status of the comparable worth study which the City is conducting jointly with other members of MAMA. Ceil Smith said she has talked to no one from Control Data Advisors recently but that they are working on a deadline to complete the study by the end of the month. Control Data Advisors have been in contact with the State of Minnesota regarding.the status of the study. No,action was taken. VARIOUS MEETING DATES ANNOUNCED. Mr. Rosland announced the following meeting dates: Edina Centennial Commission.- January 7, 7:30 p.m. Edina Community Center; SWSGC.- .January 8, 7:00 p.m. City Hall; AMM - January 9, 7:30 p.m. Brooklyn Center City Hall and PLC.- January 15, 6:15 p.m. Decathlon Club. 1986 TEAMSTER 320 CONTRACT SETTLEMENT APPROVED. Mr. Rosland advised that a proposed settlement for 1986 with Local 320 of the Teamsters (Police) has been negotiated which calls for a 5% increase in wages and an additional $10.00 per month for insurance. The proposed settlement is within budget and approval is recommended. Motion of Member Turner was seconded by Member Kelly to approve the 1986 Contract with Local 320 Teamsters as presented by the City Manager. Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. 1986 LOCAL 49 IUOE CONTRACT AGREEMENT APPROVED. Mr. Rosland advised that Local 49 of the International Union of Operating Engineers has signed an agreement for 1986 with the MAMA Labor Negotiation Committee reflecting the following: Wages - 1986 Maintenance III $12.23 hr (3.8%), Maintenance II $11.75 hr (4%) and Maintenance I $8.47 hr (4%). An additional $10.00 per month for insurance was also included. The local addendum is currently . being negotiated. Motion of Member Turner was seconded by Member to approve the 1986 Agreement with Local 49 of IUOE as negotiated with the MAMA Labor Negotiation Committee and as presented by the City Manager. Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. BIDS TO BE TAKEN FOR SERVICE LEVELS QUESTIONNAIRE. In connection with the Council's Strategic Plan, Mr. Rosland advised that Frazee Research Associates has been highly recommended to assist the City in developing a format for the community survey to assess resident attitudes toward the various services provided. Frazee Research Associates proposal would include design of mail questionnaires and development of sampling procedures for each part of the study; receive completed mail questionaaires; code, keypunch and computer tabulate the returns; prepare a written summary report and furnish ten copies thereof. The budget would be $10,725 if the survey includes both residential and commercial property units and if only the residential survey is completed the budget would be $7,575. The time frame for the project would require that the report be available during June of 1986. Member Bredesen suggested that staff attempt to contact other firms.who might provide this service and have them submit quotes for the survey. Member Richards then made a motion to continue this matter to January 27, 1986 and to direct staff to solicit other bids for action by Bredesen. Ayes: Bredesen, Motion carried. 1/6/86 the Council at that meeting. Motion was seconded by Member Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney BUDGET FORMAT TO BE REVISED. Mr. Rosland advised that within the next few months staff will be putting together a new budget format that will realign the capital improvements and should make the budget easier to work with. Included will be the City Hall improvements resulting from the Space Study. The revised format will be brought to the Council for approval. No action was taken. MANAGER'S VACATION NOTED. Mr. Rosland stated that he planned to be on vacation the week of February 3 and would be absent from that Council meeting. COUNCIL ADVISED OF GROUP HOME IN CITY. Planner Craig Larsen explained that on November lst notice was received from the State of.Minnesota that they had received an application for a license for a group home in a residential facility in Edina. The application was for ten persons plus staff and proposed to occupy both sides of an existing double bungalow. The City is controlled by state statute in considering such a request. The statute says that six or fewer persons it shall be considered a permitted single family use provided that individual group homes maintain a spacing of 1/4 mile. Seven to sixteen persons is considered a permitted multifamily use. The application therefore by statute is considered a multifamily use. Mr. Larsen said that staff has taken the position that the R -2 District (double bungalow) is not a multifamily use; that the City treats the R -1 and R -2 Districts essentially the same. The Zoning Ordinance provides that this type of facility is permitted in the R -3, R -4 or R -5 Districts. We consider a facility of this type having zero lot lines as single family homes. Based on this the City objected to issuance of the license saying that since it would be occupied by ten persons it is a multifamily use and must be in a R -3, R -4 or R -5 District. Mr. Larsen pointed out that the ordinance would allow six persons in one of the units but because it is considered a single family unit they would have to maintain 1/4 mile spacing and consequently they could occupy one -half of the double but would have to rent the other half on the open market. Following the City's objection, the State Department of Human Services referred this matter to the Attorney General for opinion. On January 3, 1986 the City received notice that the Attorney General had given the opinion that R -2 was a multifamily zone and thus the license could be issued for ten individuals and they could occupy both units. At this point staff has been unable to see the Attorney General's opinion to determine if it is an official opinion or just the advice of their counsel. Requests to see the opinion have been refused. Staff has considered what options are available to the City: 1) go to court and enjoin the State from issuing the license, 2) take no action, 3) issue the license and try to research the statute, any precedent and the City's ordinance further to try to redraft the language to meet our intent (treating R -2 District units the same as single family units) or 4) lobby the legislature to change the statute. Mr. Larsen said that the option most likely for success would be to research the possibility of amending the Zoning Ordinance. However, this group home would be grandfathered in and permitted. Member Bredesen commented that he felt the proposed usage would be incompatible with the neighborhood usage. Member Turner asked what the philosophy was in not allowing a.group home of ten individuals plus staff in an R -2 District. Mr. Larsen responded that staff has presumed that neighborhoods have a level of tolerance for certain types of facilities and that that tolerance level should apply to the R -2 District the same as the R -1 District. Member Kelly said she felt we should take a look at the Zoning Ordinance and attempt to strengthen the intent that the R -2 District be considered single family useage. Member Turner said that she felt this should not be pursued in court until the Council had a chance to discuss what might be done to the Zoning Ordinance to protect the R -2 District from this type of usage and the implications overall. Mr. Larsen pointed out that the subject license will probably be issued this coming week and that the Department of Human Services would be responding to our letter of objection. Mr. Rosland suggested staff try to obtain an official Attorney General's opinion on the subject and to place the matter on the February 3 Council agenda for discussion. No formal action ,was taken. LETTERS REGARDING NUISANCE ORDINANCE CONCERNING RV VEHICLES NOTED. Mr. Rosland called the Council's attention to a number of letters that have been received regarding possible amendment of the nuisance ordinance with regard to recreat- ional vehicles. In response these residents have been advised that a public hearing would not be held until April or May. Member Richards suggested that they be advised to write the Council expressing their viewpoint on the subject 1/6/86 regardless of when the public hearing is held because similar requests will be made by residents who may be away during the summer monthsjand that the Council should conduct the hearing,as tentatively scheduled. No action was taken. OFFICIAL DEPOSITORIES DESIGNATED. Member Richards introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION DESIGNATING DEPOSITORIES BE IT RESOLVED that the First Edina National Bank, Edina, MN, First Southdale National Bank, Edina, MN, Americana State Bank of Edina, Edina, MN, Southwest Fidelity State Bank, Edina, MN, First National Bank of Minneapolis, Minneapolis, MN and Norwest Bank MetroWest, Edina, MN, authorized to do banking business in Minnesota, be and hereby are designated as Official Depositories for the Public Funds of the City of Edina, County of Hennepin, Minnesota, until January.l, 1987. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Turner. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. SIGNATORY RESOLUTION ADOPTED. Member Richards introduced the following reso- lution and moved its adoption: SIGNATORY RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED that the persons holding office as Mayor, Manager and Treasurer of the City of Edina be, and they hereby are, authorized to act for this municipality in the transaction of any banking business with First Edina National Bank,.First Southdale National Bank, Americana State Bank of Edina, Southwest Fidelity State Bank, First National Bank of Minneapolis and Norwest Bank MetroWest (hereinafter referred to as the "Bank ") from time to time and until written notice to any Bank to the contrary, to sign checks against said accounts, which checks will be signed by the Mayor, Manager and City Treasurer. Each Bank is hereby authorized and directed to honor and pay any checks against such account which is signed as above described, whether or not said check is payable to the order of, or deposited to the credit of, any officer or officers of the City, including the signer or signers of the check. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Bredesen. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney. Resolution adopted. RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED APPROVING SECURITY PLEDGES. Member Richards introduced the following resolutions and moved their adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING ASSIGNMENT OF SECURITIES IN LIEU OF BOND FIRST EDINA NATIONAL BANK BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, approves the assignment by its depository, First Edina National Bank, of the following securities, as good and sufficient collateral for the City of Edina Public Funds desposited in said depository: Description Rate Due Par Value Alaska St Alaska St Alexandria Minn Lake Area San Dist Anne Arundel Cnty MD Baltimore MD Chicago Ill Met San Dist Gtr Chicago Cook Cnty Ill Coon Rapids Minn Var Purp Dade Cnty Fla Hawaii St Marcopia Cnty Ariz Sch Dist No 4 Mesa Uni Maricopa Cnty Ariz Sch Dist No 4 Mesa Uni Maryland St Dept Trans Cons Transn Minneapolis Minn Hosp Rev Abbott Northwestern Hosp Inc Fairview Comm Hosp Rev Mobile Alabama Var Purp Oregon St Oregon St Plymouth Minn Rosemount Minn Indpt Sch Dist No 196 5.600 5.000 5.500 6.250 5.400 5.900 5.750 5.700 6.000 5.600 5.400 5.500 5.375 5.600 6.400 5.250 4.500 5.000 6.000 5.600 07/01/87 07/01/92 01/01/87 12/01/89 10/15/92 01/01/93 11/01/93 02/01/93 06/01/93 06/01/87 07/01/92 07/01/93 02/15/93 12/01/87 09/01/93 08/01/92 10/15/87 07/01/92 02/01/94 02/01/93 $ 100,000.00 125,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 125,000.00 150,000.00 100,000.00 150,000.00 100,000.00 150,000.00 100,000.00 150,000.00 100,000.00 205,000.00 100,000.00. 170,000.00 150,000.00 175,000.00 100,000.00 $2,500,000.00 Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Kelly. Rollcall: .Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. 1/6/86 RESOLUTION APPROVING ASSIGNMENT OF SECURITIES IN LIEU OF BOND FIRST SOUTHDALE NATIONAL BANK BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, approves the assignment by its depository, First Southdale National Bank of Edina, of the following securities, as good and sufficient collateral for the City of Edina Public Funds deposited-in said depository Description US Treasury Notes Anne Arundel Cnty ND Baltimore Cnty MD Baltimore MD Beaver Cnty PA New Pub Burnsville Minn Cowlitz Cnty Wash Deer River Minn Indpt Essex Cnty NJ Hawaii ST Hsg Auth Vanport Sch Dist No 317 Osseo Minn Indpt Sch Dist No 279 Plymouth Minn Yolo Cnty Calif Flood Ctl & Wtr Consv Dist Zone No 4 Rate Due Par Value 9.750 04/30/87 $ 200,000.00 5.700 02/01/94 200,000.00 5.900 09/01/86 100,000.00 5.900 10/15/93 200,000.00 5.250 06/01/95 50,000.00 5.700 02/01/94 150,000.00 5.100 07/01/90 35,000.00 5.750 02/01/94 50,000.00 6.600 06/01/94 150,000.00. 5.900 02/01/94 150,000.00 5.750 01/01/94 150,000.00 6.700 03/01/86 50,000.00 4.750 02/01/87 100,000.00 $1,585,000.00 Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Bredesen. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 121 -A6 ADOPTED (SEVERANCE PAY BENEFITS); SECOND READING WAIVED. Mr. Rosland recalled that the Council has discussed the proposed amendment to Ordinance No. 121 at its meeting of December 16,.1985 and had directed the staff to re -draft the amendment to provide severance benefits tied to the PERA retire- ment rules, to eliminate the proposed sick leave benefit, with the effective date to be December 31, 1985. He stated that the re -draft of the amendment now reflects the Council's directive. No comment being heard, Member Kelly introduced Ordinance No. 121 -A6 and moved adoption, waiving Second Reading, as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 121 -A6 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 121 TO REVISE SEVERANCE PAY BENEFITS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. Sec. 7 of Ordinance Non 121 is hereby amended to read as follows: "Sec. 7. Severance Pay. A. Eligible Employees. 1. General Rule. The City shall provide severance pay only to those employees whose full -time employment ends due to : (a) total and permanent disability, as determined by PERA under PERA rules: (b) retirement before mandatory retirement age but after becoming eligible for an immediate retirement annuity without actuarial reduction from PERA under PERA rules; or (c) retirement at mandatory retirement age. 2. Special Rule. The City Manager, in his-sole discretion, is authorized to award severance pay to any employee or group of employees in full -time employment who are terminated due to the effects of a permanent elimination of functions by the City. 3. Exclusion. Employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement shall not be eligible for severance pay under this Section 7. B. Amount. 1. Basic Benefit. The eligible employee's severance pay shall be an amount equal to one and one -half (1 -1/2) days' pay multiplied by his years (including fractional years) of continuous full -time employment with the City, with a maximum severance pay under this paragraph equal to four (4) weeks' pay. C. Time. The City shall provide the severance pay on the payday immediately following the eligible employee's severance date. For total and.permanent disability, however, the City shall provide the severance pay on the payday immediately following its receipt of appropriate notice of PERA's determination. D. Definitions. The following special definitions apply to this Section 7: 1. "Eligible employee" means an employee of the City who is eligible for severance pay under paragraph A of this Section 7. V 1/6/86 2. "Full -time employment" means employment with the City which is regularly engaged in on a scheduled, full -time basis, as determined by the needs and particular customs in the employee's department. 3. "Mandatory retirement age" means the employee's seventieth (70th) birthday. 4. "g.�f means the eligible employee's regular basic salary or wage (before any payroll deductions) for full -time employment, as in effect on the severance date. 5. "PERA" means the Public Employees Retirement Association under Minnesota Statutes Chapter 353 (or any subsequent amendment or replacement thereof). 6. "PERA rules" means the requirements for an annuity or benefit from PERA as of December 31, 1985 (including any changes in such requirements adopted as of that date, but effective after that date). 7. "Severance date" means the last date on which the eligible employee performs duties in full -time employment." Sec. 2. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage and publication and shall apply to employees with severance dates on and after December 31, 1985. This Ordinance supersedes all existing Ordinances on the subject of severance pay. Motion for adoption of the ordinance was seconded by Member Turner. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney Ordinance adopted. Attest: City Clerk Mayor ORDINANCE NO. 171 -A22 (BUILDING PERMIT FEES) ADOPTED; SECOND READING WAIVED. Mr. Rosland advised that we have received the schedule of building permit fees permitted under the Minnesota Uniform Building Code and that an amendment to Ordinance No. 171 has been drafted to reflect the increased fees. Staff would recommend that these fees be adopted which it is estimated would produce a 25% increase in Building Department fees. No comment being heard, Member Bredesen introduced Ordinance No. 171 -A22 and moved its adoption, waiving Second Reading, as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 171 -A22 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 171 TO INCREASE BUILDING PERMIT FEES AND TO ADD FEE FOR REINSPECTIONS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. The amount of the following described Fee Numbers of Schedule A to Ordinance No. 171 is hereby amended to read as follows: ORD. SEC. NO. NO. PURPOSE OF FEE AMOUNT FEE NO. 406 1 Building permit If total valuation of work is: Then amount is: $1.00 to $500.00 $15.00 9a $501.00 to $2,000.00 $15.00 for the first 9b $500.00 plus $2.00 for each additional $100.00 or fraction thereof, to & including $2,000.00 $2,,001.00 to $25,000.00 $45.00 for the first 9c $2,000.00 plus $9.00 for ea additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to & including $25,000.00 $25,001.00 to $50,000.00 $252.00 for the first 9d $25,000.00 plus $6.50 for ea additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to & including $50,000.00 $50,001.00 to $100,000.00 $414.50 for the first 9e $50,000.00 plus $4.50 for ea additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to & including $100,000.00 $100,001.00 to $500,000.00 $639.50 for the first 9f $100,000.00 plus $3.50 for ea additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to & including $500,000.00 1/6/86 $500,001.00 to $1,000,000.00 $2039.50 for the first 9g $500,000.00 plus $3.00 for ea additional . $1,000,00 or fraction thereof, to & including $1,000,000.00 $1,000,001.00 and up $3539.50 for the first 9h $1,000,000.00 plus $2.00 for ea additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof 406 1 Reinspection fees assessed $30.00 per hour or the total 91 under provisions of hourly cost to jurisdiction, Section 305(g) whichever is greatest. (Includes supervision, overhead, equipment, hourly wages and fringe benefits of the employees involved.) Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and publication. Motion for.adoption of the ordinance was seconded by Member Turner. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney Ordinance adopted. Attest: City Clerk Mayor CLAIMS PAID. Motion of Member Kelly was seconded by Member Turner for payment of the following claims as per Pre -List dated 1/6/86: General Fund $190,682.62, Park $28.91, Art Center $922.48, Golf Course Fund $19,913.00, Recreation Center Fund $3,060.70, Utility Fund $1,654.90, Liquor Dispensary Fund $7,085.55, Con- struction Fund $240.00, Total $233,588.16. Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. There being no further business, Mayor Courtney adjourned the meeting at 10:00 p.m. City Clerk MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL DECEMBER.16, 1985 Answering rollcall were Members Bredesen, Richards and Turner. Member Kelly arrived.at 7:02 p.m. Member Richards presided -as Mayor Pro -Tem. EDINA MASONIC LODGE PRESENTS $1,500 CONTRIBUTION TO CITY. Robert Leistikow presented a check in the amount of $1,500 to the City from the Edina Masonic Lodge for use by the Fire Department for rescue equipment, stating that this money came from the proceeds of their annual pancake breakfast. The following resolution was unanimously adopted by the Council and read by Mayor Pro -Tem Richards: RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION WHEREAS, for the past eight years the Edina Masonic Lodge has donated money to the Edina Fire Department for its rescue equipment; and WHEREAS, this money has been earned by members of the Lodge from their efforts in putting on an annual Edina Flapjack Festival; and WHEREAS, a check in the amount of $1,500 has been generously given to the Edina Fire Department for purchase of rescue equipment; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina City - Council that most sincere appre- ciation be expressed to all members of the Edina Masonic Lodge for its interest in the well -being of all Edina residents through this generous contribution; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be entered into the pages of the Minutes Book of the Edina City Council and that an appropriate copy be presented to the EDINA MASONIC LODGE as a token of gratitude of the Edina City Council. ADOPTED this 16th day of December, 1985. EXPLORER DAVID REKER COMMENDED. Chief Craig Swanson read a letter of commendation from Fite - Marshal Paulfranz to David Reker for his actions in connection with the fire on November 24, 1985 at The Wallingford apartments. The letter noted that Mr. Reker's knowledge of the building, its occupants and their needs were a valued asset in making decisions on evacuation and rescue operations and reflect credit on him and the Explorer Post of the Edina Police Department. Members of the Council extended their congratulations to Mr. Reker. MINUTES of the Regular Meeting of December 2, 1985 and the Special Meeting of December 9, 1985 were approved as submitted by motion of Member Turner, seconded by Member Kelly. Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Turner, Richards Motion carried. ORDINANCE NO. 825 -A8 (PSR -4 ZONING FOR GRANDVIEW DEVELOPMENT) ADOPTED; RESOLUTIONS RELATED THERETO ADOPTED; REDEVELOPMENT CONTRACT APPROVED AND AUTHORIZED BY HRA. Affidavits. of Notice were presented by Clerk, approved and ordered placed on file. Mayor Pro -Tem Richards stated that this public hearing was for approval of Second Reading of the ordinance. to grant PSR -4 Planned Seniors Residence for Grandview Development Company. Planner Craig Larsen explained that the subject site is the location of the closed Biltmore Motel, generally located west of Vernon Avenue and south of W. 52nd Street. He recalled that on August 19, 1985 the Council granted preliminary rezoning approval for 152 rental apartment units designed for occupancy by seniors. Grandview Development Company has now ' re ' turned with final - development plans in support of the request for final reoning approval. The plan illustrates 71 one - bedroom units, 31 bedroom plus den units, 43 two - bedroom units and 8 three - bedroom units. This represents one additional one - bedroom unit than on the original plan. All units will be occupied by individuals or families of which at least one member will be 62 years of age or older. The final develop- ment plans submitted conform very closely to the plans approved in August, 1985. Driveway access to Vernon Avenue has been realigned and underground parking has been increased from 76 stalls to 94 stalls. Mr. Larsen noted that most other changes from the previous plans are minor and are design refinement. He showed a graphic illustrating the footprint of the building as now designed and said that it still conforms to all setback requirements. The exterior material will be 100 brick. Mr. Larsen stated that the Community Development and Planning Com- mission at its meeting of December 4, 1985 recommended final rezoning approval conditioned upon: 1) an executed Redevelopment Contract, 2) final staff review of the landscaping plan, and 3) a Proof of Parking Agreement which will allow the addition of 25 surface parking spaces if needed in the future. Assistant Manager Gordon Hughes then summarized the Redevelopment Agreement that has been negotiated with the developer for this property as to: 1) The redeveloper, 2) Payments to Edina, 3) Construction of project, 4) Construction of public improvements, 5) Assessment agreement, 6) Transfer of the project, 7) Payments by the HRA, and 8) Housing Revenue Bonds. The Agreement must be approved by the 12/16/85 Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority. In response to question of Member Turner, Mr. Hughes said the contract provides for giving Edina residents preference as in the Edinborough contract. Frank Dunbar,lthe developer, was present and commented that he would respond to any questions concerning the project. Mayor Pro -Tem Richards called for questions cr comments from the public. No comment being heard, Member Kelly introduced Ordinance No. 825 -A8 for Second Reading and moved its adoption as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 825 -A8 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE (NO. 825) BY REZONING PROPERTY TO PSR -4 PLANNED SENIORS RESIDENCE FROM PRD -4 PLANNED RESIDENCE DISTRICT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 6 of Ordinance No. 825 of the City is amended by adding the following thereto: "The extent of the Planned Seniors Residence District (Sub- District PSR -4) is enlarged by the addition of the following property: Lots 1, 2, 3, and 12, Block 1, Grandview Plateau, and that part of the Service Road.originally dedicated in the plat of GRANDVIEW PLATEAU, according to the recorded plat thereof, described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of Block 1, said GRANDVIEW PLATEAU, thence on an assumed bearing of'East along the easterly extension of the north line of said Block 1, a distance of 33.50 feet; thence southwesterly a distance of 326.96 feet along a nontangential curve, concave to northwest having a radius of 3087.95 feet and a central angle of 6 degrees 04 minutes, said curve has a chord bearing of South 21 degrees 58 minutes West; thence South 25 degrees West to the southeasterly line of said Block 1; thence northeasterly along said Block 1 to the point of beginning. The extent of the PRD -4 Planned Residence District is reduced.by removing the property described above from the PRD -4 District." Sec. 2.. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and publication. Motion for Second Reading and adoption of the ordinance was seconded by Member Turner. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Turner, Richards Ordinance adopted. Mayor Pro -tem Richards then asked Jerry Gilligan, of Dorsey and Whitney and acting bond counsel, to explain the resolutions in connection with the project in regard to tax increment bonds and multifamily mortgage revenue bonds. Mr. Gilligan summarized that Agenda Item V.D. is a resolution giving preli- minary approval to the issuance of.tax increment bonds in the amount up to $4.,500,000 to finance various public improvements in the tax increment district. He noted that this was approved in the Redevelopment Plan that was adopted by the Council for the Grandview Area in 1984. Because of possible federal legis- lation, it is recommended that a resolution giving preliminary approval to the issuance of tax increment bonds.. No comment or objections being heard, Member Kelly introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION RELATING TO THE GRANDVIEW AREA REDEVELOPMENT PLAN: GIVING PRELIMINARY APPROVAL TO THE ISSUANCE OF.TAX INCREMENT BONDS BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota as follows: 1. This Council has previously approved the Grandview Area Redevelopment Plan (the Redevelopment Plan) and the Grandview Redevelopment Project No. 1 (the Redevelopment Project) and the Grandview Tax Increment Financing Plan (the Financing Plan) for the Grandview Tax Increment District of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Edina (the HRA). 2. The Financing Plan provides that the City or the HRA will issue approximately $4,500,000 of General Obligation Tax Increment Bonds (the Bonds) in one or more series under the authority of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 475 and Sections 273.71 to 273.78, in accordance with the Redevelopment Plan and the Financing Plan to finance the public redevelopment cost to be paid or incurred by the City or the HRA in connection with the Redevelopment Plan.and the Redevelopment Project. The issuance of the Bonds is given preliminary approval by the City. 3. This Resolution is intended to, and shall constitute a "bond resolution" or "some other official action" with respect to the Bonds and the Redevelopment Project under, and within the meaning of Section 1.103 -8(a) of the Treasury Regulations under Section 103 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended. Passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota this 16th day of December, 1985. Attest: City Clerk Mayor Pro -Tem 12%16%85 Member Turner seconded the motion and upon vote thereon, the following voted in favor of its adoption: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner and the following voted against: None whereupon the resolution was declared duly adopted. In reference to Agenda Item V.E. Mr. Gilligan explained that this resolution would approve the issuance of housing revenue bonds in the amount of $13,840,000 the proceeds of which would be loaned by the City to the Grandview Development Company to finance the housing project. The bonds would be limited obliga- tions of the City with the revenues received by the development company pledged to pay the bonds. Mr. Gilligan then.summarized the Findings as stated in Section 2 of the resolution in support of issuance of the housing revenue bonds. No comment or objections being heard, Member Kelly introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SALE AND ISSUANCE OF MULTIFAMILY MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS (BILTMORE PROJECT), OF THE CITY, FOR THE PURPOSE OF FINANCING A MULTIFAMILY RENTAL MORTGAGE, AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF NECESSARY DOCUMENTS BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota (the City), as follows: Section 1. Authorization and Recitals. 1.01. General Authority. By the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 462C, as amended (the "Act "), the City is authorized to plan, administer, issue and sell revenue bonds or obligations and to make or purchase loans to finance one or more multifamily housing developments within its corporate limits, which revenue bonds or obligations shall be payable solely from the revenues of the, development. This Council has approved a Housing Plan for the City (the "Housing Plan "), by a resolution adopted on April 19 and May 17, 1982, after a public hearing was held thereon. The Housing Plan has been reviewed and commented on by the Metropolitan Council pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 462C.01 and 462C.04, Subdivision 1. This Council has approved a multifamily housing program under the Housing Plan (the "Program "), by a resolution adopted on November 4, 1985. The Program provides for the financing of a project under the Act consisting of the acquisition, construction and equipping by Grandview Devel- opment Company Limited Partnership (the "Borrow "), a Minnesota limited partner- ship, of an approximately 152 residential unit multifamily housing project intended primarily for the elderly and related facilities to be located in the City (the "Project "). The Program has been reviewed and approved by the Minne- sota Housing Finance Agency, as required by Minnesota Statutes, Section 462C.04, Subdivision 2. 1.02. Proposed Bonds. Representatives of the Borrower have proposed that the City, acting under and pursuant to the Act, issue and sell its Multifamily Mortgage Revenue Bonds (Biltmore Project), in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $13,840,000 (the "Bonds "), for the purpose of financing the Project and paying costs incurred by the Borrower in connection with the issuance of the Bonds. Frank Dunbar is the general partner-of the Borrower, and the approval of the Program and the preliminary approval of the issuance of the Bonds granted by resolution of this Council adopted November 4, 1985, is hereby ratified and confirmed in the name of the Borrower. Pursuant to the proposal, the proceeds of the Bonds will be loaned by the City to the Borrower, and the Borrower will agree to make payments sufficient to pay the principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Bonds when due. The City will grant a security interest in certain revenues and payments to be received by the City under the Loan Agreement (as hereinafter defined_) to a Trustee (as hereinafter defined). 1.03. Documentation. Forms of the following documents relating to the Project and the Bonds have been prepared and submitted to this Council and are hereby directed to be filed in the office of the City Clerk: (a) a Loan Agreement (the "Loan Agreement "), to be dated as of December 1, 1985, proposed to be made and entered into between the City and the Borrower; (b) an Indenture of Trust (the "Indenture"), to be dated as of December 1, 1985, proposed to be made and entered into between the City and Norwest Bank, Minneapolis, National Association, as trustee (the "Trustee"); (c) a Bond Purchase Agreement (the "Bond Purchase Agreement "), to be dated as of December 16, 1985 proposed to be made and entered into among Dreyfus Tax - Exempt Money Market Fund, Inc. (the "Purchaser "), the City and the Borrower; and (d) a Remarketing Agreement (the "Remarketing Agreement "), to be dated as of December 1, 1985, proposed to be made and entered into among the Borrower, the Trustee, the City and Piper, Jaffray & Hopwood Incorporated (the "Remarket- ing Agent "). Section 2. Findings. It is hereby found, determined and declared that: (a) the financing of the Project, the authorization of the Bonds in the maximum aggregate principal amount of $13,840,000, the execution and delivery 12/16/85 of the Loan Agreement, the Indenture, the Remarketing Agreement and the Bond Purchase Agreement and the performance of all covenants and agreements of the ity contained in the Loan Agreement, the Indenture, the Remarketing Agreement and the Bond Purchase Agreement and of all other acts and things required under the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota to make the Loan Agreement, the Indenture, the Remarketing Agreement and the Bond Purchase I Agreement and the Bonds valid and binding obligations in accordance with their terms, are authorized by the Act; (b) the Program has been approved by the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency as provided in Minnesota Statutes, Section 462C.01; (c) it is desirable that a series of Multifamily Mortgage Revenue Bonds I in the amount of $13,840,000 be issued by the City upon the terms set forth in the Indenture, under the provisions of which the City grants to the Trustee a security interest in certain revenues and payments to be received by the ,City under the Loan Agreement as security for the payment of the principal of, ,premium, if any, and interest on the Bonds; i (d) the loan repayments contained in the Loan Agreement are fixed, and are required to be revised from time to time as necessary, so as to produce income and revenue sufficient to provide for prompt payment of principal 'of and interest on all Bonds issued under the Indenture when due; and the Loan Agreement also provides that the Borrower is required to pay all expenses ;of the operation and maintenance of the Project, including, but without ,limitation, adequate insurance thereon and insurance against all liability ;for injury to persons or property arising from.the operation thereof, and all 'taxes and special assessments levied upon or with respect to the site of the 'Project and payable during.the term of the Loan Agreement; (e) the execution and delivery of the Loan Agreement, the Indenture, the Remarketing Agreement and the Bond Purchase. Agreement will not conflict with, or constitute on the part of the City a breach of or a default under, any existing agreement, indenture, mortgage, lease or other instrument to which the City is subject or is a party or by which it"is bound; provided that this finding is made solely for the purpose of estopping the City from denying the validity of the Loan Agreement,.the Indenture, the Remarketing Agreement or the Bond Purchase Agreement by reason of the existence of any facts contrary to this finding; I (f) no litigation is pending or, to the best knowledge of the members of this Council, threatened against the City.questioning the organization or boundaries of the City or the right of any officer of the City to hold his or her office, or in any manner questioning the right and power of the City to execute and deliver the Bonds, or otherwise questioning the validity of the Bonds or the execution, delivery or validity of the Loan Agreement, the Indenture, the Remarketing Agreement or the Bond Purchase Agreement or questioning the appropriation of revenues to payment of the Bonds or the right of the City to loan the proceeds of the Bonds to the Borrower; (g) all acts and things required under the Constitution and the laws of the State of Minnesota to make the Loan Agreement, the Indenture, the Remarket- ing Agreement and the Bond Purchase Agreement the valid and binding obligations of the City in,accordance with their terms will have been done upon adoption of this Resolution and execution of the Loan Agreement, the Indenture, the Remarketing Agreement and the Bond Purchase Agreement; provided that this finding is made solely for the purpose of estopping the City from denying the validity of the Loan Agreement, the Indenture, the Remarketing Agreement and the Bond Purchase Agreement by reason of the existence of any facts contrary to this finding; and (h) the City is duly organized and existing under the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota and is authorized to issue the Bonds in accordance with the Act. 3. Approval of Documents. The forms of the Loan Agreement, the Indenture, the Remarketing Agreement and the Bond Purchase Agreement referred to in Section 1.03 are approved subject to such modifications as are deemed appropriate and approved by the City Attorney and the City Manager, which approval shall be conclusively evidenced by execution of the Loan Agreement, the Indenture, the Bond Purchase Agreement, the Remarketing Agreement and the Bonds by the Mayor or Deputy Mayor, the City Manager and the City Clerk, as the case may be. The Mayor or Deputy Mayor and City Manager are directed to execute the Loan Agreement upon execution thereof by the Borrower, to execute the Indenture upon execution thereof by the Trustee, to execute the Bond Purchase Agreement upon execution thereof by the Purchaser and the Borrower, and to execute the Remarketing Agreement upon execution thereof by the Borrower, the Trustee, the City, and the Remarketing Agent. Copies of all of the documents shall be delivered, filed and recorded as provided therein. The Mayor or Deputy Mayor, the City Manager and the City Clerk are also authorized and directed to execute such 12/16/85 other instruments as may be required to give effect to the transactions herein contemplated. 4. The Bonds; Terms, Sale and Execution. 4.01. Authorization. The City hereby authorized-the issuance of the Bonds in the aggregate principal amount of $13,840,000, in the form and upon the terms set forth in the Indenture and this resolution. The Bonds are hereby sold to the Purchaser at the price and upon the terms contained in the Bond Purchase Agreement. 4.02. Execution. The Mayor or Deputy Mayor, and the City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute the Bonds as prescribed herein and in the Indenture and to deliver them to the Trustee, together with a certified copy of this Resolution, the other documents required in the Indenture, and such other certificates, documents and instruments as may be appropriate to effect the transactions herein contemplated. The Trustee is hereby appointed authenti- cating agent for the Bonds pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.55, Subdivision 1. 4.03. Modifications, Absence of Officers. The approval hereby given to the various documents referred to above includes an approval of such modifications thereto, deletions therefrom and additions thereto as may be necessary and appropriate and approved by the City Attorney and the City Manager.prior to the execution of the documents. The execution of any instrument by the appropriate officer or officers of the City herein authorized shall be conclusive evidence of the approval of such documents in accordance with the terms hereof. In the absence or disability of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor, any of the documents authorized by this Resolution to be executed may be executed by the acting Mayor, and in the absence or disability of the City Manager or the City Clerk by such officer of the City who, in the opinion of the City Attorney, may execute such documents. Section 5, Authentication of Proceedings. The Mayor or Deputy Mayor, City Manager and City Clerk and other officers of the City are authorized and directed to furnish to the Purchaser and bond counsel certified copies of all proceedings and records of the City relating to the Bonds, and such other affidavits and certificates as may be required to show the facts relating to the legality and marketability of the Bonds as such facts appear from the books and records in the officer's custody and control or as otherwise known to them; and all such certified copies, certificates and affidavits, including any heretofore furnished, shall constitute representations of the City as to the truth of all statements contained therein. Section 6. Limitations of the City's Obligations. Notwithstanding anything contained in the Bonds, the Loan Agreement, the Indenture, the Remarketing Agreement or the Bond Purchase Agreement or any other documents referred to in Section 1.03, the Bonds shall not constitute a debt of the City within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory limitation, and shall not be payable from nor charged upon any funds other than the revenues pledged to the payment thereof, and no Holder of the Bonds shall ever have the right to compel any exercise of the taxing power of the City to pay the Bonds or the premium, if any, or interest thereon, or to enforce payment thereof against any property of the City other than those rights and interests of the City under the Loan Agreement which have been pledged to the payment thereof, and the Bonds shall not constitute a charge, lien or encumbrance, legal or equitable, upon any property of the City other than those rights and interests of the City under the Loan Agreement which have been pledged to the payment thereof. The agreement of the City to perform the covenants and other provi- sions contained in this Resolution or the Bonds, the Loan Agreement, the Indenture, the Remarketing Agreement or the Bond Purchase Agreement and the other documents listed in Section 1.03 shall be subject at all times to the availability of the revenues furnished by the Borrower sufficient to pay all costs of such performance or the enforcement thereof, and the City shall not - be subject to any personal or pecuniary liability thereon other than as stated above. Adopted: December 16, 1985. Attest: Deputy Mayor City Clerk Member Turner seconded the motion and upon vote thereon, the following voted in favor of its adoption: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner and the following voted against: None whereupon the resolution was declared duly adopted. 12/16/85 Mayor Pro -tem Richards then convened a meeting of the Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority for the purpose of formally approling the Redevelop- ment Agreement. Present were Commissioners Bredesen, Kelly, Richards and Turner. Commissioner Courtney was absent. Commissioner Bredesen then introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority that it hereby grants final approval to the Redevelopment Contract between the City and Grandview Development Company; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairman and Assistant Secretary are hereby authorized and directed to execute the Agreement on behalf of the Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority. . Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Commissioner Turner. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly., Richards, Turner Resolution adopted. The Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority meeting was then adjourned by motion of Commissioner Kelly, seconded by Commissioner Turner and unanimously carried. PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL FOR LOTS 41 AND 42, BLOCK 2, SOUTH HARRIET PARK 2ND ADDITION CONTINUED TO JANUARY 6, 1986. Affidavits of Notice were presented by Clerk, approved and ordered placed on file. Mr. Larsen advised that the subject property is located east of Minnehaha Boulevard and south of W. 52nd Street and consists of two, individually developed single dwelling lots. Both lots are relatively narrow and exceptionally deep, each measuring approximately 60 feet by 400 feet. Total area in the two lots is 44,854 square feet. The owners, Richard Steiner and Robert Gislason, are proposing a four lot subdivision which would create two, new buildable lots. Lot 1 would measure 78 feet in width, 119 feet in depth and contain 9,282 square feet. Lot 2 would measure 80 feet in width, 119 feet in depth and contain 10,472 square feet. Lots 3 and 4, for the existing dwellings, would contain 13,400 and 11,700 square-feet respectively. Mr. Larsen - pointed out that the .Zoning Ordinance requires a minimum lot depth of 120 feet. Since Lots 1 and 2 would provide only 119 feet, a lot depth variance would be required. The new lots would meet all other Zoning Ordinance requirements for single dwelling unit lots. Mr. Larsen stated that within the South Harriet Park Subdivision a lot width of approxi- mately 60 feet seems typical. Lot depths within the two block area east of the creek between 52nd and 54th Streets vary from 220 to over 400 feet. Due to the path of the creek and the need to align with roads to the north, the lots in this area are unusually deep. He noted that there is adequate property available on this combined site to provide two new lots which would be very similar to the lots north of 52nd Street. Lot widths on Juanita, Indianola and Halifax, north of 52nd Street are generaly 75 or 80 feet, and most lots are between 105 and 110 feet.in depth. At its meeting of December 4, 1985 the Community Development and Planning Commission recommended approval of the proposed subdivision with the following conditions: 1) Increase the frontage on each new lot to 85 feet to compensate for the-lack of lot depth, 2) In order to have adequate spacing between the new.home on 'Lot 1 and the existing home at 5209 Minnehaha Boulevard (immediately south) the rear yard setback should be increased to 40 feet and should be recorded as a restriction with the plat, 3) Execution of a developer's agreement for the extension of the watermain in 52nd Street to serve the new lots, and 4) 'Subdivision dedication. Mr. Larsen stated'that Frank'Cardarelle was present representing the owners of the subject property. Mr. Cardarelle stated that Mr. Steiner, 5201 Minnehaha Boulevard, has sold Lot 42 retaining only 155 feet frontage for the two new proposed lots and therefore could not meet the 85 feet new lot frontage condition without re- negotiating the sale. Mr. Cardarelle pointed out that at the building setback.line the lots would measure 80 and 81.5 feet respectively due to the alignment of the alley. Thomas Tarbox, 5128 Juanita expressed the concern of the neighbors that any new dwelling constructed on the new lots would not exceed 1.5 stories to be compatible with existing homes in the area. Wayne Wenger, 5212 Halifax Avenue, said he was concerned that approval of the proposed subdivision would lead to other further subdividing of lots in the area thus creating small.lots not in keeping with the neighborhood. Mr. Larsen responded that staff had looked at this issue and has concluded that there is no logical subdivision potential without creating necklots and that the Zoning Ordinance requires a minimum street frontage of 30 feet for new lots. Mr. Steiner was asked if he would be agreeable to placing a deed restriction on the new lots as to the height of any new construction. Mr. Steiner indicated he would be willing to work with Mr. Tarbox and other neighbors to draft a deed restriction for the new 12/16/85 lots in response to their concerns as to building height. Member Bredesen then made a motion to continue the hearing for preliminary plat approval to the Council meeting of January 6, 1986, to provide an opportunity to negotiate additional lot frontage for the new proposed Lots 1 and 2. Motion was seconded by Member Kelly. Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner Motion carried. FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN APPROVAL GRANTED FOR HONEYWELL, INC. Affidavits of Notice were presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Mr. Larsen stated that the subject property is bounded on the west by County Road 18, on the south by Manor Homes and on the east by Nine Mile Creek. Directly north of the site are the Londonderry Townhomes and to the northeast are single family homes. The 21.74 acre site is zoned PID Planned Industrial District and is developed with a structure containing a gross area of 96,768 square feet and is occupied by Honeywell, Inc. as a office - research facility. Mr. Larsen said that Honeywell has submitted plans for a 3 -story building containing a gross floor area of 169,690 square feet proposed to be located immediately north of and connected with the existing building. The building will be cut into the hillside which will allow the roof elevation of the new building to be the same as the existing building. Exterior materials will be brick to match the existing building. The proposed addition would comply with all ordinance requirements, including building and parking setbacks. A foor area ratio in the PID District of ..5 is permitted; a floor area ratio of .27 is proposed. The 763 parking stalls provided by the plan would exceed ordinance requirements. The landscaping plan presented exceeds ordinance requirements both as to size and numbers of stock and emphasizes perimeter screening especially along the southern boundary providing a visual buffer for the residents of Manor Homes. Substantial internal landscap- ing is provided around the building and the proposed new road out to Londonderry Drive. Mr. Larsen pointed out that currently the Honeywell site is served only by a single access point midway on the west side onto Lincoln Drive. The plans propose a second access point onto Londonderry Drive.. Although Londonderry Drive east of Lincoln Drive is a public street, it currently serves only the residents of the Londonderry Townhomes. The use of this proposed access will increase the average daily traffic on Londonderry from 420 trips to approximately 1,240 trips. Approximately 200 of these trips would occur in the morning and evening rush hours. Mr. Larsen advised that at its meeting of December 4, 1985 the Community Develop- ment and Planning Commission unanimously approved the building expansion and related improvements. However, the Commission was split by a 5 to 5 vote on the issue of the proposed access on Londonderry Drive. Reasons given by staff in support of the proposed two -way access on Londonderry were: 1) to improve access in and out of the site, 2) to reduce left turn conflicts on Lincoln Drive, 3) to balance traffic on each leg of the Lincoln /Londonderry intersection, and 4) to provide a turn around on Londonderry for snowplows and emergency vehicles. David Opheim, Honeywell Defense Systems, presented an overview of Honeywell's plane for the building,in the future. He said that Honeywell has occupied the present building since 1979 and the explansion plans are for office and engineer- ing space; no manufacturing will be conducted in the building. It currently houses approximately 300 employees and when expanded it is anticipated that the number will increase by the year 1990 to 750 people. The reason for the expansion is two -fold: 1) to consolidate the Honeywell people presently spread over eight buildings in the southwest suburbs, and 2) expansion of business. Mr. Opheim added that Honeywell has employed the architectural firm of Lindberg Pierce, Inc. to develop a building.concept that would: 1) require no variances, 2) comply with all EPA standards, 3) stress protection of the wetlands and natural vegetation, 4) maintain or exceed present landscaping, 5) blend with the terrain and the existing structure, and 6) address the problem of traffic. Honeywell requested that Lindberg Pierce employ a traffic engineering firm (Westwood) to study the traffic problem, take measurements and propose recommendations to minimize the traffic impact for the Edina neighborhood. A traffic flow study showed that the center of gravity for Honeywell employees is the intersection of Highways 55 and 18, concluding that the majority of employees will approach the subject site from the north and west as opposed to traveling through Edina. Mr. Opheim noted that Honeywell works a flex hour system which will disburse the traffic flow, thus minimizing the traffic impact during peak hours. He advised that Honeywell mailed notices to affected neighbors inviting them to a meeting on the proposed expansion. At the meeting they were provided with an informal overview of the plans for the facility and were shown the model provided by Lindberg Pierce and were offered an opportunity to comment, question and critique the plans. One primary issue was identified at the meeting, that being the proposed northern access on Londonderry Drive. Subsequent to that meeting, Honeywell met with City staff to review alternatives to the northern access. Staff concluded that the most logical approach is still the northern entrance as defined. Mr. Opheim stated that Honeywell is prepared to consider access alternatives if deemed 12/16/85 appropriate. Mr. Larsen clarified that the installation of signals at the ramps onto Highway 18 at the Londonderry intersection is scheduled for 1986 and should help relieve congestion at that point. After completion of the Honeywell expansion, it is felt that warrants will be met for a four -way stop at Lincoln /Londonderry. Jim Lindberg, Lindberg Pierce, briefly reviewed the design of the proposed building and explained the factors leading to the building concept. He reiterated that extensive landscaping is provided for the site and that parking areas will not be visible from Lincoln Drive. The building will be heavily planted from the north together with the proposed driveway to the north. Mr. Lindberg pointed out that the traffic study showed that presently 550 cars enter and exit the site each day and to reduce left turns on Lincoln Drive coming from the north it appears that a driveway to the north accessing Londonderry Drive is the best solution. However, after consultation with Westwood traffic engineers it was decided that there are three possibilities: 1) the proposed two -way access off Londonderry Drive on the north, 2) modification from a two -way access to a one -way entrance only from Londonderry, and 3) one entrance only from the west off Lincoln Drive. Dick Koppy,, Westwood Planning and Engineering Company, stated that they did the traffic study for the Honeywell site. He noted that the intersection of Lincoln and Londonderry is currently almost at four -way stop warrants. When the Honeywell expansion is completed it will meet warrants for four -way stop signs. From a traffic engineering standpoint, the main reasons for the pro- posed north entrance to the site were: 1) to even out the flow of traffic on all four legs of the Lincoln /Londonderry intersection, and 2) to avoid the significant left turns into the site from Lincoln Drive. Member Turner asked if a left turn lane for southbound traffic into the site could be constructed on Lincoln Drive. Mr. Koppy responded that if there is only one entrance on the west side that a left turn lane would be recommended. He explained that the roadway would have to be reconstructed to accommodate the left turn lane. Mr. Koppy explained that a second entrance off Lincoln Drive is not considered feasible for grade or proximity to the intersection reasons. Speaking in opposition to the proposed access off Londonderry Drive were the following: Pete Schenck, 5712 Duncan Lane, representing the Londonderry Townhomes Associa- tion; Ellen Burdette, 5708 Duncan Lane, Richard Patch, 5721 Duncan Lane; Jay Beecroft, 5772 Tucker Lane, Tom Gerard, Londonderry Townhomes; and Linda Whitley, 5712 Duncan Lane. Mr. Schenck presented a petition from the members of the Londonderry Townhomes Association in opposition to the proposed access. In addition to their primary concern that the proposed access affect their ability to enter and exit the townhomes, they voiced concerns that their property values would be reduced, that they would be looking at a.3 -story commercial building, and that they were concerned about the growth in the number of people at the Honeywell facility in the future. Mayor Pro -Tem Richards asked Mr. Opheim to address the issue of the ultimate build -out and use of the property. Mr. Opheim explained that currently the engineering space is at 300 square feet per person because laboratories and computer space is included in the computation. As marketing, management and executive spaces are added to the facility it is expected to increase slightly to approximately 330 square feet per person. Projections for the building are for 750 employees occupying it by the year 1990. Mr. Opheim said that the parking lots will provide 763 stalls with a basement garage for approximately 20 cars and a snowplow. Several factors will reduce the traffic to.the site; consolidation of employees in one location and inclusion of a cafeteria in the expansion to reduce noon hour travel. An increase from approximately 1,500 vehicles daily now to 2,500 vehicles is anticipated. Member Bredesen asked if left turns onto the site from Lincoln Drive are a big problem.. Engineer Fran Hoffman responded that given the factors of the grade and curve on Lincoln, any number of left turns going south onto that site becomes very difficult at peak traffic hours. From a staff perspec- tive the proposed two -way access off Londonderry Drive on the north or a one -' way entrance only from Londonderry are clearly better alternatives than one entrance off Lincoln Drive because vehicles making left turns onto the site must .do so against oncoming traffic. Also, because of the grade there is little vehicle stacking potential. Member Turner commented that she felt the plans for the expansion are excellent, that they meet all ordinance requirements, that the landscaping is attractive and that it is a good use of the site, but that the issue is traffic. From a traffic management point of view the best alternative is by means of a new north access onto Londonderry. Member Turner added that of concern to her is a basic principle in the City's planning to provide good separation -of dissimilar land uses. Fabri -tec and Honeywell have been good examples to this point in terms of least amount of impact on residential areas. She stated that the north access does visually impact the residential use of the property to the north and therefore would support one access off Lincoln.Drive by expanding it and putting in a left turn lane. Member Bredesen stated he would support Member Turner's position and commented that he felt-Honeywell has been a good neighbor in attempting to blend in ,Y 12/16/85 their facility and in not attempting to maximize the use of the site. He said that the one entrance off Lincoln Drive may not work becauselof the left hand turn problems but would like to start that way and if it,is determined in next year or two that it is not workable to keep the option open to consider the one -way entrance off Londonderry. Member Kelly commented that she would like Honeywell to consider another entrance on Lincoln Drive'along the Manor Homes on the south side of the site. Following discussion, Member Turner introduced the resolution as follows and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that the Final Development Plan for Honeywell, Inc., 5901 County Road #18, presented at the regular meeting of the City Council of December 16, 1985, be and is hereby `approved, subject to one entrance only from the west off Lincoln Drive. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Bredesen. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner Resolution adopted. Member Turner stated that the understanding of the Council is that if Honeywell works with the City staff and finds that the one entrance as approved is too dangerous that they will come back with an alternate access plan for the Council to consider at its meeting of January 6, 1986. Mayor Pro -Tem Richards asked if Honeywell would give notice .to the neighbors if they decide to come back with an alternate plan for access. Mr. Opheim agreed that they would mail notices if they bring the issue back to the Council. LOT DIVISION APPROVED FOR 4301 -05 WEST 62ND STREET. Mr. Larsen informed the Council that the proponents, David Shank and Suzyn Ware, are requesting a party wall division of an existing double bungalow. Separate utility connections are provided and staff would recommend approval. No objection being heard, Member. Bredesen introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RFS(1T.TTTTnm WHEREAS, the following described property is at present a single tract of land: That part of the North 334 feet of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter lying east of the West 658.5 feet thereof and lying west of the west line of Brookview Avenue extended to the north line of the said Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter in Section 30, Township 28, Range 24, the west boundary of said tract is marked by Judicial Landmarks set at the southwest corner thereof and at a point on the west line thereof 110.25 feet south of the Northwest corner thereof, except that portion of the above described tract lying southwesterly of the following described line constituting the center line of Valley View Road; Beginning at a point on the north line of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 30 distant 549.79 feet east of the northwest corner thereof; thence running southeasterly at an angle of 26036' with said north line, when measured from east to south for a distance of 500 feet and there terminating. WHEREAS, the owners have requested the subdivision of said tract into separate parcels (herein called "Parcels ") described as follows: Parcel A: That part of the North 334 feet of the Northwest Quarter of.the Northeast Quarter lying east of the West 658.5 feet thereof and lying west of the west line of Brookview Avenue extended to the north line of the said Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter in Section 30, Township 28, Range 24 the west boundary of said tract is marked by Judicial Landmarks set at the southwest corner thereof and at a point on the west line thereof 110.25 feet south of the Northwest corner thereof, except that portion of the above described tract lying southwesterly of the following described line constituting the center line of Valley View Road; Beginning at a point on the north line of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 30 distant 549.79 feet east of the northwest corner thereof; thence running southeasterly at an angle of 260 36' with said north line, when measured from east to south for a distance of 500 feet and there terminating. Also except the East 45.33 feet of the above described tract; and Parcel B: The East 45.33 feet of the following described property: That part of the North 334 feet of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter lying east of, the West 658.5 feet thereof and lying west of the west line Brookview Avenue extended to the north line of the said Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter in Section 30, Township 28, Range 24, the west boundary of said tract is marked by Judicial Landmarks set at the southwest corner thereof 12/16/85 and at a point on the west line thereof 110.25 feet south of the Northwest corner thereof, except that portion of the above described tract lying southwesterly of the following described line constitut- ing the center line of Valley View Road; Beginning at a point on the north line of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 30 distant 549.79 feet east of the northwest corner thereof; thence running southeasterly at an angle of 260 36' with said north line, when measured from east to south for a distance of 500 feet and there terminating. Except the North 33 feet thereof, as set forth in Book 2035 of Deeds, page 415. WHEREAS, it has been determined that compliance with the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations of the City of Edina will create an unnecessary hardship and said Parcels as separate tracts of land do not interfere with the purposes of the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations as contained in the City of Edina Ordinance Nos. 801 and 825; NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved by the City Council of the City of Edina that the conveyance and ownership of said Parcels as separate tracts of land is hereby approved and the requirements and provisions of Ordinance No. 801 and Ordinance No. 825 are hereby waived to allow said division and conveyance thereof as separate tracts of land but are not waived for any other purpose or as to any other provision thereof, and subject, however, to the provisions that no further subdivision be made of said Parcels unless made in compliance with the pertinent ordinances of the City of Edina or with the prior approval of this Council as may be provided for by those ordinances. Motion for adoption of the.resolution was seconded by Member Turner. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner Resolution adopted. SNOWPLOWING CONCERN EXPRESSED BY DICK WIESE, 5509 HUNTER STREET. Dick Wiese, 5509 Hunter Street, asked that the Public Works Department alternate direction of plowing on his street so that he would not be the recipient of the an excessive amount of snow in his driveway. Mr. Hoffman responded that the snowplow drivers had.been instructed to alternate the plowing on Hunter Street and that he would follow up on this matter to see that it was corrected. No formal action was taken. BID AWARDED FOR SIX 1986 POLICE PURSUIT VEHICLES. Tabluation of bids for six (6) 1986 Full -size Police Pursuit Vehicles were presented showing Thane Hawkins Polar Chevrolet at $69,144.00, Brookdale Ford at $69,330.00 and Superior Ford at $72,924.00. Motion of Member Turner was seconded by Member Bredesen for award of bid to recommended low bidder, Thane Hawkins Polar Chevrolet at $69,144.00. Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner Motion carried. BID AWARDED FOR ONE 1986 1/2 TON CARRYALL, NINE PASSENGER, 4 -WHEEL DRIVE. Tabulation of bids for one 1986 1/2 Ton Carryall, Nine Passenger, 4 -Wheel Drive Vehicle were presented showing Thane Hawkins Polar Chevrolet at $13,797.00. Mr. Rosland advised that only one bid was received prior to the time set for bid opening. Motion of Member Bredesen was seconded by Member Turner for award of bid to Thane Hawkins Polar Chevrolet at $13,797.00. Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner Motion carried.. AWARD OF BID FOR TWO DUMP TRUCKS WITH BOX-CONTINUED TO DECEMBER 30, 1985. Mr. Rosland presented tabluation of bids for two dump trucks with box as follows: North Star International with Midland Box $41,480.00 Mac Queen Box 41,635.00 La Hass Box 43,652.00 Astleford Internation with Midland Box 41,778.00 Crysteel Box 43,683.00 La Hass Box 43,950.00 Brookdale Ford with Midland Box 42,678.00 La Hass Box 44,892.50 Boyer Ford with La Hass Box 44,560.00 Superior Ford with Crysteel Box 45,756.00 La Hass Box 46,098.00 Department recommendation is for award of bid to North Star International with the La Hass Box for a total of $87,304.00 for these reasons: 1) Midland Box does not meet specifications, 2) Midland is not an authorized dealer for Perfection Hoist and their body is not approved by Perfection. The Heil box by Mac Queen is not recommended nor does it meet specifications. Bernie Fink, president of Midland.Equipment Company, presented data in support of the Midland Box. Following discussion on the specifications and the issue of authorized 12/16/85 dealership, Member Bredesen's motion was seconded by Member Turner to continue the award of bid to the Year -End Council Meeting of December 30, 1985, at 5 p.m. to verify the information which has been received. Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner Motion carried. BID AWARDED FOR TWO 1/2 TON PICKUPS. Tabluation-of bids for two (2) 1/2 Ton Pickup Trucks (Street Department and Park Department) showed Thane Hawkins Chev- rolet at $9,297.00 each, Brookdale Ford at $9,779.00 each and Superior Ford at $9,941.00 each. Member Bredesen's motion was seconded by Member Kelly for award of bid to recommended low bidder, Thane Hawkins Chevrolet, at $9.297.00 each. Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner Motion carried. BID AWARDED FOR ONE TON CARGO VAN. Tabluation of bids for a One Ton Cargo Van showed Thane Hawkins Chevrolet at $11,597.00, Superior Ford at $11,689.00 and Brookdale Ford at $11,973.00. Motion of Member Bredesen was seconded by Member Turner for award of bid to recommended low bidder, Thane Hawkins Chevrolet, at $11,597.00. Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner Motion carried. BID AWARDED FOR ONE TRIPLE COMBINATION PUMPER FIRE TRUCK; OPTION EQUIPMENT. Tabluation of bids for one Triple Combination Pumper Fire Truck showed General Safety Equipment Corporation.at $137,771, with a deduction of $1,800 if the City pays for the chassis $55,500) when it is delivered in about four months. Bid of Custom Fire Apparatus, Inc. was $139,835, with a deduction of $2,500 if the City pays for the chassis ($51,000) when delivered in about four months. Mr. Rosland noted that the Fire Department's recommendation is for award of bid to Custom Fire Apparatus. Frank Wellman, Assistant Fire Chief, made a presentation in support of the recommendation, including a slide presentation showing rust pena- tration on a General Pumper which the City acquired in 1977 and which the Fire Department was not satisfied with because of the rust problems. Speaking in support of respective bids submitted were Kevin Kirvida of General Safety Equip- ment Corporation and Jim Kirvida of Custom Fire Apparatus, Inc. Member Bredesen then made a motion for award of bid to low bidder, General Safety Equipment Corporation, for purchase of one Triple Combination Pumper Fire Truck. Motion was seconded by Member Turner. Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner Motion carried. Tabulations of bids for Option Equipment were as follows: Oswald Fire Hose Company $6,121.00 Mid- Central Fire, Inc. 7,840.00 Fire Safety & Communications 7,588.00 Custom Fire Apparatus 6,200.00 General Safety Equipment Corporation 6,930.00 Laverne Fire Apparatus 6,759.00 Conway Fire and Safety 6,864.50 Motion of Member Bredesen was seconded by Member Turner for award of bid for Option Equipment to recommended low bidder, Oswald Fire Hose Company at $6,121.00. Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner Motion carried. BID AWARDED FOR REPAIR AND LABOR FOR BRAEMAR PAVILION EMERGENCY. Mr. Rosland reported that an emergency repair of the refrigeration system at Braemar Pavilion was completed by Gartner Refrigeration and asked for Council approval of the expenditure. Motion of Member Turner was seconded by Member Bredesen approving the emergency repair in the amount of $10,581.44 to Gartner Refrigeration. Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner Motion carried. BID AWARDED FOR WING AND PLOW FOR LOADER. Mr. Rosland presented tabulation of bids for Wing and Plow for Loader showing La Hass Manufacturing & Sale at $6,946.00, Little Falls Machine at $7,475.00 and Ziegler, Inc. at $17,118.00. Motion of Member Bredesen was seconded by Member Turner for award of bid to recommended low bidder, La Hass Manufacturing & Sales, at $6,946.00. Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner Motion carried. BID AWARDED FOR UNDERDRAIN DIFFUSER NOZZLES FOR IRON REMOVAL TREATMENT PLANT REPAIR OF TANKS. Mr. Rosland presented bid of Tonka Equipment Company at $5,760.00 for Underdrain Diffuser Nozzels for Iron Removal Treatment Plant Repair of Tanks, advising that they are the sole supplier of ABS Plastic Difusser Nozzles. Motion of Member Kelly was seconded by Member Turner for 12/16/85 award of bid to Tonka Equipment Company, sole supplier, at $5,760.00. Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner Motion carried. BID AWARDED FOR HEATING AND AC REPLACEMENT /50TH STREET LIQUOR STORE. Tabulation of bids for replacement of existing heater and AC on 50th Street Liquor Store roof showed Centraire at $13,749.00, Northwestern Services at $14,446.00 and Midland at $14,500.00. Motion of Member Bredesen was seconded by Member.Kelly for award of bid to recommended low bidder,,Centraire, at $13,749.00. Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner Motion carried. BID AWARDED FOR CHAIRS FOR BRAEMAR CLUB HOUSE. Tabulation of bids for 175 chairs for the Braemar Club House showed The Pink Companies at $6,893.25, Palm Brothers at $7,644.00, General Office Products at $16,611.25 and Hendrickson & Associates at $8,925.00. Motion of Member Kelly was seconded by Member Turner for award of bid to recommended low bidder, The Pink Companies, at $6,893.25. Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner Motion carried. BID AWARDED FOR CARPETING FOR MAIN FLOOR - BRAEMAR CLUB HOUSE AND PRO SHOP. Tabulation of bids for carpeting for the main floor of Braemar Club House and Pro Shop showed Merit Supply at $9,350.00, J & J Industries at $10,391.25, Karagheusian, Inc. at $9,596.50, The Pink Companies at $9,881.25 and Lakeville Interiors at $11,513.25. Motion of Member Kelly was seconded by Member Turner for award of bid to recommended low bidder, Merit Supply, at $9,350.00. Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner Motion carried. BID AWARDED FOR ELECTRICAL WORK AT BRAEMAR CLUB HOUSE. Tabulation of bids for electrical work for Braemar Golf Course Club House showed Ridgedale Electric at $64,077.00, Edina Electric at $86,590 and Comm Tech at $89,765. Motion of Member Kelly was seconded by Member Bredesen for award of bid to recommended low bidder, Ridgedale Electric, at $64,077.00. Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner Motion carried. TAX REFORM THREAT TO TAX - EXEMPT STATUS OF MUNICIPAL BONDS DISCUSSED. Jerry Gilligan, bond counsel for the City, updated the Council on the tax reform package which the Congress is currently is considering. He explained that Congress may impose severe restrictions on traditional uses of municipal bonds. The proposed legislation would make two.distinctions - governmental and non- governmental bonds based on use limits and would mean that cities will be able to issue tax - exempt bonds only as long as these use limits or "tests" are not exceeded. Bond issues failing these tests would be taxable and termed non- governmental unless an exemption applied. Mr. Gilligan said that the bonds just issued for the Edinborough project would fall within the non - governmental catageory because part of the proceeds were used to buy property to be used by non - governmental people. There would be a state -wide cap on all non - governmental bonds of $200 per capita. Countered against those would be industrial bonds, multi - family housing bonds, single family mortgage revenue bonds issued by the MHFA and hospital bonds. This would mean there would only be approximately $800 million of those types of bonds in Minnesota to be divided among those various uses. The more traditional types of bonds such as street improve- ment bonds, tax increment bonds where the facilities would be used only by the government (parking ramps or parks) would fall within the governmental bonds and would not be subject to the per capita limitation but there would be some reporting requirements and also a requirement that any arbitrage earned on investment proceeds until expended would.have to be rebated to the federal government. Mr. Gilligan explained that the bill is presently being considered by the House of Representatives and if enacted would have a January 1, 1986 effective date. It is predicted that it would not be acted upon by the Senate until June of 1986 and there is a movement to make any effective dates January 1, 1987. The Council then discussed what effect this may have on plans for the Grandview Redevelopment area. No formal action was taken. 'RELEASE FROM LIEN OF REQUEST TO TRANSFER ASSESSMENTS APPROVED FOR DEWEY HILL SECOND ADDITION. Mr. Hughes explained that when Dewey Hill Second Addition was platted several years ago the City and Laukka and Associates entered into an agreement whereby special assessments would be allocated among the various lots of Dewey Hill Second Addition. Laukka and Associates, Inc. have now paid the special assessments that were allocated and are requesting that -the City now release them from that agreement. Member Bredesen introduced the following 12/16/,85 resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota that it hereby approves the release of the following tract of land from the lien of that certain Request to Transfer Assessments between Laukka, First Edina National Bank and the City, dated May 8, 1979, filed July 20,.1979 as Document No. 1339210: Lots 1 -13, Block 1, Dewey Hill Fourth Addition, according to the plat thereof on file or of record in the office of the Registrar of Titles, Hennepin County, Minnesota; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Manager are hereby authorized and directed to execute the Release on behalf of the City of Edina. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Turner. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner Resolution adopted. HENNEPIN COUNTY COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS FOR 1986 DISCUSSED. Mr. Rosland stated that he had talked with Raymond O'Connell and Jim McWethy regarding their respec- tive reappointments to the Library Board and the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Board, as requested by the Council. Mr. O'Connell has served three 3 -year terms and is ineligible for re- appointment; Mr. McWethy is interested in being re- appointed to the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Board. Member Turner thereupon introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Jim McWethy has served as a member of the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Board; and WHEREAS, his term of office will expire on March 8,.1986, and WHEREAS, he has demonstrated his interest and concern for the preservation and management of Minnehaha Creek and its watershed; . NOW, THEREFORE, BE .IT RESOLVED by the Edina City Council that it hereby recommends Jim McWethy for re- appointment to the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Board. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Kelly. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner Resolution adopted. COUNCIL WORK CALENDAR FOR 1986 DISCUSSED. The Council Work Calendar for 1986 was distributed to the Council Members. Mr. Rosland pointed out that March 8 and March 15, 1986, are alternate dates for the workshop on the role of the Council. Mayor Pro -tem Richards suggested that this be placed on the January 6, 1986 Council agenda so that the date could be firmed up. Member Turner said she would.be away for the April 7, 1986 Council Meeting. The question of a quorum was raised and Mr. Rosland was asked to confirm the dates of the school spring break. Member Turner.reminded the Council.that the annual appointments to the City's advisory boards and commissions are made in February and therefore the Council should conduct interviews during January for any vacancies. The issue of succeeding terms was discussed briefly and the Council requested it be placed on the January 6, 1986 agenda. No action was taken. AMM PROPOSED ADDENDUM TO POLICIES /LEGISLATIVE PROPOSALS DISCUSSED. Mr. Rosland called the Council's attention to the AMM's proposed addendum to policies and legislative proposals, noting that they will be considered by the association membership on January 9, 1986 and that any comments or changes should be conveyed to Member Turner who represents the City in the Association. Member Turner commented that the recommended policies are consistent with those of the Council and are minor changes. Major revisions of policies will be proposed for the 1987 -1988 Legislative biennium. She pointed out an addition to the Housing Section stated that "Cities should continue to have authority to use tax incre- ment financing to achieve goals for low and moderate income housing" and suggested the Council discuss that issue. No action was taken. EIS ON MALL OF AMERICA AND FANTASYWORLD DISCUSSED. Mr. Rosland reported that a voluminous Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) has been received on the Mall of America and Fantasyworld proposed to be constructed in Bloomington and that staff has initially looked at the traffic impact. He commented that it would require a tremendous amount of time to totally analyze the Draft EIS. Engineer Fran Hoffman then presented graphics from the "Transportation Plan for Airport South District" which has been prepared for the City of Bloomington which included the conculsions /recommendations of the plan, the year 2000 back- ground traffic and the year 2005 daily traffic with the Mall of America and Fantasyworld completed. Mr. Hoffman pointed out that the major traffic impact for Edina would be the resulting congestion on I -494 if the project is con- structed and that a primary mitigating factor would be land use management 1 .2/16/85 along the I -494 corridor. He explained that the recommended improvements to the Cedar Avenue and I -494 interchange would be a four -leyel type which does not presently exist in the metropolitan area and that the total package cost would be $116 Million of which $50 Million will be directly related to the Mall of America project. A widening of I -494 to six lanes going west from T.H. 100 is in the Metropolitan Council's current transportation plans and it is important that that improvement does not lose its priority because of the proposed Mall of America project. After some discussion, it was informally agreed by the Council that staff be directed to further review the traffic impact of the Mall of America and bring back to the Council on January 6, 1986 proposed positions for their consideration. No formal action was taken. SNOWPLOWING OF COMMERCIAL PARKING LOTS DISCUSSED. Member Kelly stated that come of the commercial parking lots were not well plowed following the recent snowstorm and asked if the City has any control over commercial lots. In response, Mr. Rosland pointed that this would involve private property over which the City has no control. No action was taken.. CLOSING OF SEVERAL SKATING RINKS PROPOSED. Member Turner noted that the Park Board Minutes of November 12, 1985 proposed that a decision be made as to the possibility of closing some of the ick skating rinks due to the cost of keeping them maintained and she requested that the Council be informed when that decision is made. Mr. Kojetin said that the issue will be addressed through the Gymnastics /Hockey Association Feasibility Study which will determine the pop- ulation needs in relationship to the existing rinks. The results of the study will be reported to the Park Board. , Mr. Rosland added that because.this is a sensitive subject the-Council will be involved in making that decision. OPTICAL SCAN VOTING EQUIPMENT TO BE TESTED AT GOVERNMENT CENTER. Mr. Rosland reminded the Council members that optical scan voting equipment will be avail- able for public inspection and testing during the week of December 16 on.the public service level of the Government Center and urged the Council members to avail themselves of this opportunity to examine and test this new type of voting system. LETTER TO BE SENT TO METROPOLITAN COUNCIL REGARDING METROPOLITAN SIGNIFICANCE REVIEW PROCESS. Mr. Rosland reported that a letter has been drafted to Sandra Gardebring, Chair of the Metropolitan Council, relaying the comments of the Council on the effectiveness of the metropolitan significance review process in light of the City's recent experience with the process in connection with the Homart - Bloomington /Edina issue. No formal action was taken. ORDINANCE ON SNOW REMOVAL FROM SIDEWALKS TO BE REVIEWED. Mr. Rosland advised that staff will be reviewing the ordinance on the subject of snow removal from sidewalks and will bring that draft revision to the Council when it has been completed. No action was taken. DIRECTOR AND ALTERNATE DIRECTOR TO SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY DESIGNATED.. Member Bredesen introduced the following resolution and moved adoption: RESOLUTUON DESIGNATING DIRECTOR AND ALTERNATE DIRECTOR TO SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: John C. Wallin is hereby designated to serve as a Director of the Suburban Rate Authority, and J. N. Dalen is hereby designated to serve as Alternate. Director of the Suburban Rate Authority for the year 1986 and until their successors are appointed. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Kelly. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner Resolution adopted. DIRECTOR AND ALTERNATE DIRECTOR TO LOGIS DESIGNATED. Member Bredesen intro- duced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION DESIGNATING DIRECTOR AND ALTERNATE DIRECTOR TO LOGIS BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota as follows: John C. Wallin is hereby designated as a Director of LOGIS and Kenneth E. Rosland is hereby designated as Alternate Director of LOGIS for the year 1986 and until their successors are appointed. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Kelly. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner Resolution adopted. 12/16/85 EDINA SUN - CURRENT DESIGNATED AS OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER FOR 1986. Member Kelly intro- duced the following resolution, moving adoption: RESOLUTION DESIGNATING OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER,FOR 1986 BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina City Council that the Edina Sun - Current be and is hereby designated as the Official Newspaper for the City of Edina for the year 1986. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Turner. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner Resolution.adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 121 -A6 (SEVERANCE PAY) CONTINUED TO 1/1/86. Mr. Rosland explained that a part of the revision of the City's personnel rules is the revision of the severance benefits section. There are three basic changes in this section: 1) rather .than tying eligibility for severance solely to a mandatory retirement age which is now 70, it provides the severance benefits for those who qualify for retirement benefits under PERA, 2) the conversation of some unused sick leave is being proposed as part of the severance benefit for those who can qualify, and 3) a general clarification of requirements for severance and who is eligible to receive them. Three examples of severance benefits under the proposed ordinance were presented. Mr. Rosland pointed out that funding would come from replacement of the retiree by an individual at a lower salary. Member Bredesen stated that he objected conceptually to the proposed sick leave benefit. Member Turner said that the arguments presented for severance pay were good ones even though severance pay in the private sector is basically for work force reduction; that it would be consistent with the PERA retirement rules and would provide early retirement for those employees chosing to do so; and that there were pros and cons on the proposed sick leave benefit. Member Kelly voiced support on both issues. In response to Member Richards, Mr. Rosland explained the PERA rules for retirement provide that under the Rule of 90 if your age and years of employment total 90 you may retire. Presently, the State legislature has the Rule of 85 in effect for a two.year period to encourage early retirement. Member Richards commented that he did not support the philosophy of encouraging early retirement. Following further discussion, Member Turner made a motion to direct staff to re -draft the ordinance to provide severance benefits tied to the PERA retirement rules, to eliminate the sick leave benefit and provide that the effective date be December 31, 1985 for action by the Council at its January 6th meeting. Motion was seconded by Member Kelly. Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Turner Nays: Richards Motion carried. PROPOSED ORDINANCE TO ENCOURAGE DOG LICENSE RENEWALS DISCUSSED; POLICY ADOPTED. Mr. Rosland explained that in order to encourage the prompt renewal of dog licenses it is recommended that the license renewal fee for the first two months of each year be $5.00 per dog or $2.00 per neutered dog. Presently, dog license fees are $20.00 per dog or $7.00 per neutered dog with issuance of a permanent type license tag. Following discussion, Member Kelly made a motion to adopt a policy for license renewal fee for the first two months of each year at $5.00 per dog or $2.00 per neutered dog. Motion was seconded by Member Turner. Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner Motion carried. ACTION ON STATEMENT OF ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES AND RECOMMENDED TRANSFERS CONTINUED TO YEAR -END COUNCIL MEETING. Mr. Rosland presented the "Statement of Estimated Expenditures and Recommended Transfers for Year Ended.December 31, 1985" pointing out the three areas of higher cost: legal and court services, fire protection payroll and insurance. It was informally agreed to hold this agenda item for action by the Council at its Year -End Meeting on December 30, 1985 so that the Council could review the statement. CLAIMS PAID. Motion of Member Turner was seconded by Member Kelly for payment of the following claims dated 12/16/85: General Fund $206,037.29, Art Center $1,801.77, Swimming Pool Fund $162.24, Golf Course Fund $33,858.61, Recreation Center Fund $11,130.35, Gun Range Fund $457.99, Utility Fund $385,727.59, Liquor Dispensary Fund $53,078.49, Construction Fund $336,205.21, IMP Bond Redemption #2 $7,266.00, Total $1,035,725.54; and for confirmation of payment of the following claims dated 11/30.85: General Fund $143,318.42, Park Dept $56.71, Art Center $802.69, Swimming Pool Fund $1,219.13, Golf Course Fund $5,418.79, Recreation Center Fund $9,077.93, Gun Range Fund $494.18, Utility Fund $21,152.96, Liquor Dispen- sary Fund $199,399.63, Construction Fund $20,346.08, Total $401,286.52. Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner Motion carried. There being no further business, Mayor Pro -Tem Richards adjourned the meeting at 11:20 p.m. City Clerk MINUTES SPECIAL YEAR -END MEETING EDINA CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 30, 1985 Mayor Courtney called the meeting to order at 5:00 P. M. Answering rollcall were Members Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner and Mayor Courtney. . PUBLIC HEARING HELD ON REVENUE SHARING FUNDS FOR 1986 ENTITLEMENT PERIOD 17. Affidavits of Notice were presented by Acting City Clerk, approved and ordered placed on file. Mr. Rosland advised that staff would recommend approval of the proposed use of revenue sharing funds as specified in the 1986 budget. No objections being heard, Member Turner offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING 1986 REVENUE SHARING ENTITLEMENT PERIOD 17 BUDGET BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina City Council that it does hereby approve the following budget for the 1986 Revenue Sharing Entitlement Period 17: REVENUES SOURCE AMOUNT Property Taxes $ 7,440,205 Sales Taxes 550,444 Service Charges /User Fees /Other 1,218,300 Licenses and Permits 478,700 Fines and Penalties 360,000 Income from Other Governments 337,065 Federal General Revenue Sharing 225,000 $10,609,714 EXPENDITURES Activity GRS Funds Education $41,480.00 Police $125,000 Fire 100,000 Roads /Transport /Public Works La Hass Sewers /Sanitation 43,652.00 Libraries Midland Parks /Recreation $41,778.00 Health /Hospitals Crysteel Social Services /Welfare 43,683.00 General Administration La Hass Financial Administration /Debt Service 43,950.00 Reserve for Contingencies Midland Box $225,000 ntlhar Fnndq -0- $ 2,558,947 1,508,133 2,817,521 102,970 -0- 1;267,743 220,554 56,750 1,309,598 462,498 80.000 $10,384,714 Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Richards. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. -0- $ 2,683,947 1,608,133 2,817,521 102,970 -0- 1,267,743 220,554 56,750 1,309,598 462,498 80,000 $10,609,714 BID AWARDED FOR TWO DUMP TRUCKS. Mr. Rosland presented the following tabulation of bids for dump trucks, which matter was continued from the meeting of December 16, 1985: North Star International Midland Box $41,480.00 MacQueen Box 41,635.00 La Hass Box 43,652.00 Astleford International Midland Box $41,778.00 Crysteel Box 43,683.00 La Hass Box 43,950.00 Brookdale Ford Midland Box $42,678.00 La Hass Box 44,892.50 Boyer Ford La Hass Box $44,560.00 Superior Ford Crysteel Box $45,756.00 La Hass Box 46,098.00 Mr. Bernard Fink of North Star International spoke in support of their trucks with the Midland Box and offered the promise of product liability insurance. With no further discussion, Member Bredesen's motion to award the bid for two dump trucks to North Star International with the Midland Box at $41,480.00 per truck subject to proof of liability insurance from Midland Equipment Company was seconded by Member Turner. .ti 12/30/85 Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney ' Motion carried. ROBERT S. HANSON APPOINTED TO THE HENNEPIN COUNTY LIBRARY BOARD. Mr. Rosland reported that Mr. Robert S. Hanson of 29 Circle West had been recommended for appointment to the Hennepin County Library Board. Member Kelly offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Robert S. Hanson has been a patron of the Edina Community Library for many years; and WHEREAS, Robert S. Hanson has been a member of the Friends of the Library in Edina; and WHEREAS, Robert S. Hanson has expressed his interest in serving on the Hennepin County Library Board. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina City Council that it hereby recommends Robert S. Hanson for appointment to the Hennepin County Library Board. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Turner. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. ICE RINK MAINTENANCE COMMENDED. Member Turner reported that the City's ice rinks have been very well maintained and that the neighborhoods really appreciate this. Mr. Kojetin commented that due to these conditions there have been twice as many skaters this winter. HONEYWELL'S EXPANSION DISCUSSED. Mr. Hoffman indicated that before Honeywell gets a building permit for their new entrance they will be working on plans to improve the driveway and road. There was no further discussion. CONCEPT OF FISCAL DISPARITIES TO BE EXPLAINED. Mr. Rosland recommended that the concept of fiscal disparities be discussed and explained at the next Council Meeting. It will be placed on the January 6, 1986, agenda. COMMUNITY EDUCATION ADVISORY COUNCIL BREAKFAST SCHEDULED. Mayor Courtney announced that a breakfast has been scheduled by the Community Education Advisory Council for January 22, 7:30 A. M., at the Community Center. Mayor Courtney and Members Kelly and Turner will be attending. USE OF FACSIMILE SIGNATURES BY PUBLIC OFFICIALS AUTHORIZED. Member Bredesen offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING USE OF FACSIMILE SIGNATURES BY PUBLIC OFFICIALS RESOLVED that the use of facsimile signatures by the following named persons: C. WAYNE COURTNEY - MAYOR KENNETH E. ROSLAND - CITY MANAGER JOHN C. WALLIN - CITY TREASURER on checks, drafts, warrants, warrant- checks, vouchers or other orders of public funds deposited in First Edina National Bank, First Southdale National Bank, Americana State Bank of Edina, Southwest Fidelity State Bank, First National Bank of Minneapolis and Norwest Bank MetroWest, be and hereby is approved, and that each of said named persons may authorize said depository banks to honor any such instrument bearing his facsimile signature in such form as.he may designate and to charge the same to the account in said depository bank upon which drawn, as fully as though it bore his manually written signature and that instruments so honored shall be wholly perative and binding in favor of said depository bank although such facsimile signature shall have been affixed without his authority. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Kelly. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. STATEMENT OF ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES AND RECOMMENDED TRANSFERS APPROVED. As recommended by Mr. Dalen, Member Turner's motion was seconded by Member Kelly for approval of "Statement of Estimated Expenditures and Recommended Transfers for Year Ended December 31, 1985." Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. w 12/30/85 ARBITRATOR'S AWARD DISCUSSED. Mr. Rosland reported that on December 23, 1985, the City received the award of the arbitrator in the matter of the Inter- national Association of Firefighters Local 1275 and the City of Edina. Initially, there were 14 items certified at impasse for arbitration. Prior to the actual hearing of the case, the Union elected to drop two of those issues, and during the course of the arbitration one issue was mutually re- solved by both parties. The eleven remaining issues were heard, briefs were submitted, and the result of the arbitrator's award was that he awarded the City's position on all of the eleven issues that were unresolved. There was no further discussion. INSURANCE DIVIDEND REPORTED. Mr. Rosland explained that the City received a $7,197.00 dividend from Home Insurance Company. The dividend is the result of re- rating the City's equipment, money and securities coverage. CLAIMS PAID. Motion of Member Kelly was seconded by Member Turner for payment of the following claims as per Pre -List dated 12/30/85: General Fund, $74,084.78; Revenue Sharing Fund, $8.70; Art Center, $5,411.35; Golf Center Fund, $1,660.95; Recreation Center Fund, $13,541.88; Gun Range Fund, $6.35; Utility Fund, $11,324.73; Liquor Dispensary Fund, $478,421.99; Construction Fund, $81,357.30; Total, $665,818.03. There being no further business on the agenda, Mayor Courtney declared the meeting adjourned at 5:40 P. M. Acting City Clerk 1 � 0' u' f " •, '_ A AXONY milli t. II�O� ►��. S NUMBER LD -86 -1 L O C A T 10 N 6008 -6012 Berne Circle EDINA PLANNING DEPARTMENT �- LD -86 -1 Roy Lauring \ 6008 -6012 Berne Circle Mr. Larsen informed the Commission the request is a party wall division of an existing double bungalow. Separate utility connections are provided. Staff recommends approval. Mr. Del Johnson moved for approval of the division. Mr. John Bailey seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion carried. `_ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT JANUARY 8, 1986 LD -86 -1 Roy Lauring 6008 -6012 Berne Circle Refer to: Attached Survey The request is a party wall division of an existing double bungalow. Separate utility connections are provided. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval. (° = 20' lag tv O tA ¢, y 1 _,tea i /A O .SA l!/ — AIC)RTHEAST cO,2iVE� OF LO T 2 BC. OCK Of It, i 1 � 1 20 • 1 10. 1 O 1 S i � 22 • �� 1 5 o � i T. r o. 0. Sc ti B. fl tE Py\ � 00, d �D 1 t y, T A LOCATION MAP J Y O NUMBER LD -86 -2 mom till I MOONS MOM L O C A TI O N 6000 -6004 Berne Circle EDINA PLANNING DEPARTMENT �e Cb` Mr. Larsen told the Commission a party wall division of an existing double bungalow is requested. Separate utility �\ connections are provided. Staff recommends approval. Mrs. Helen McClelland moved for approval of the division. Mr. John Palmer seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion carried. ' WWI- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT JANUARY 8, 1986 LD -86 -2 Miguel and Marta Fiol 6000 -6004 Berne Circle Refer To: Attached Survey A party wall division of an existing double bungalow is requested. Separate utility connections are provided. Recommendation Staff recommends approval. CARDARELLE & ASSOCIATES, INC. LAND SURVEYORS (6440 FLYING CLOUD DRIVE 941.3030 EDEN PRAIRIE, MINN. 553" CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY --T-7 Survey For: L) Book 310 Paw 74 L1 j O 1 4 �jcfz-Fk FRC)'206-CO 2EZ��4770/V-5 Z.Dw4-:6-r c=zzc?e yz/, 0 &AAW&AeF )Cz4ne 1174, 0 0 0 Ev 6 )r I Mer by prfify fflaf this Is a trwe and carroc� r?praimatetlon of a swrvoy of " bowatiorles of LC74— l `dam mqfflw!psCm. iminse"to OPJAVAO- " kKahon fell bwdingi thereon, and all visible encroachments, if any, from or an said land. Svrvwyw by no thi s.. day of U&.0a I if CARDARELLE & ASSOCIATES, INC. LOCATION �, �� DINi EIDINi NA Ax BALDER LANE t �_�� •.� �;. � - p _rya �` '�'_ curd) ('... J _ '� z� 4 .�y. ' �Sf �• Q ..; L 7-7-� 6, t y��s y • _ � ii ' M L F' t`�r r1r YFe fit' ,.rid, :;i 4_ \� crR _ ► J U N I O �.� �r�� - �'�'.•. s � .,ems •• �::, rs,� „r� ,9 frq� � 4 _ •� ST ALGA j _ Q ,�4y. 1� EPISCOPAL Io- ! s CME CI CLE 4 - e o. ST- - PATRIC i CATHOLICS a G` NW c `3rz Q JO - �s r4r M Rt SCD.T LOT DIVISION NUMBER LD -86 -3 LOCATION 6705 and 6709 Cheyenne Trail EDINA PLANNING DEPARTMENT t --•> � J�� ic•y Ci-i-ii -e `�'a-1'l . `. he p roponent ii-a—s ea ted that the additional property will be used for landscaping. Mr. Larsen concluded both lots would continue to meet set back and lot size requirements following the division. There is a substantial grade separation between the two homes. The property to be transferred does seem to relate better to the home at 6705 Cheyenne. Following the division the home at 6709 Cheyenne would maintain a 57 foot set back form the new property line. Staff recommends approval. Mr. John Palmer moved for approval of the lot division. Mrs. Jane Paulus seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion carried. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT JANUARY 8, 1986 LD -86 -3 Victor Kreuziger 6785 and 6709 Cheyenne Trail Refer to: Attached surveys and area topo map The owner of 6705 Cheyenne Trail is proposing a lot division in order to buy a triangular piece of property from the adacent property at 6709 Cheyenne Trail. The proponent has stated that the additional property will be used for landscaping. Recommendation: Both lots would continue to meet set back and lot size requirements following the division. There is a substantial grade separation between the two homes. The property to be transferred does seem to relate better to the home at 6705 Cheyenne. Following the division the home at 6709 Cheyenne would maintain a 57 foot set back form the new property line. Staff recommends approval. Q v Scale . . 44' 313 '4; J >\ 9- J 17 1 41 V., 1 -J. %/% ext.emigq ? RoY6 � �. - - N ` in in 67oq 0 a N L�) Survey For: _ _ _ _ File No.4 a , Book % Page V Q v Scale . . 44' 313 '4; J >\ 9- J 17 1 41 V., 1 -J. %/% ext.emigq ? RoY6 � �. - - N ` in in 67oq 0 a N L�) w 3 X 1 h MC LOT DIVISION NUMBER LD -86 -4 L 0 C A T10 N 6519 -21 Gleason Court EDINA PLANNING DEPARTMENT '= r L.•. e TIME,•, CAUL : -a -• r EY .- TRAIL HEST •a 7-7 _ r 4c CROSSVIE id 8R£ Im UTHERA,. = FOUNTAINWOOD 0 GAIIONAL C w•� --APTS ; f ' .� r S ra r .Y 1` ` �� J . :�•� r• _VACLE,Y. =! •��ARK �K � � •+ ''� - �� a J JM1 , � .L �• ,�, •��` REEK VALLEY` rr .ter ;ii VeRNON. GLE SON .: :. •.i T �. LOT DIVISION NUMBER LD -86 -4 L 0 C A T10 N 6519 -21 Gleason Court EDINA PLANNING DEPARTMENT '= r L.•. e TIME,•, CAUL : -a -• r EY .- TRAIL HEST •a _ r CROSSVIE UTHERA,. = ' r CREFK i _VACLE,Y. =! •��ARK �K � � •+ ''� - �� a REEK VALLEY` LOT DIVISION NUMBER LD -86 -4 L 0 C A T10 N 6519 -21 Gleason Court EDINA PLANNING DEPARTMENT '= r L.•. e TIME,•, " ^r ELEM, sSCH00L r a - LOT DIVISION NUMBER LD -86 -4 L 0 C A T10 N 6519 -21 Gleason Court EDINA PLANNING DEPARTMENT ,t on carried. LD -86 -4 Ron Clark Construction Company 6519 -21. Gleason Court Mr. Larsen introduced to the Commission a request for a party wall division for 6519 -21 Gleason Court by Ron Clark Construction Company (LD- 86 -4). Mr. Larsen stated staff recommends approval. Mr. John Skagerberg moved for approval of the division. Mrs. Virgina Shaw seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion carried. Respectfully Submitted; COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT JANUARY 8, 1986 Ld -86 -4 Ron Clark Construction Company 6519 -6521 Gleason Court Refer to: Attached survey The request is a party wall division of an existing double bungalow. Separate utility connections are provided. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval. CALVIN H. H E D L U N D 7726 Morgan Avenue South Richfield, Minnesota 55423 Land Surveyor Civil Engineer Phone: 866 -2523 I 49a1rve ortfs G'ert�a�e 3 xx<AVF JOB NO. SURVEY FOR: Ron Clark Construction DESCRIBED AS: Lot 10, Block 1, GLEASON COURT, City of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota and reserving easements of record. )p of Foundations Floor = 919.1 t Floor = 911.4 Elevations c::> isting Elevations ainage Directions --.. notes Lot Corners O 3 N O S���� in " �1 0 LpTPEzEp.= 1lv,L4Z4 I Bu1�flln� t.1�= 4►94b¢ LOT C1�1 ETZA1�r: _ ' ZS.S °/� E)M= '4317, Tor 4`fv. SW CCRNEI, AR-TIC WAY = 919.82. 91to.04- S.W. Corner of Lot I M 8g °E 91 !11 N ►cu./Z - _ -- — nor Io 1 840 10' 27" W _ CLEASON CT. R= 45.0 U N' o�1 Z X09.74 \`U CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY I hereby certify that on 9 / 1 I / :✓5 I surveyed the property described above and that the above plat is a correct representation . of said survey. Calvin H. Hedlund, Minn. Reg. No. 594 RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the following described property is at present a single tract of land: Lot 1, Block 1, DECKAS ADDITION; WHEREAS, the owners have requested the subdivision of said tract into separate parcels (herein called "Parcels ") described as follows: That part of Lot 1, Block 1, DECKAS ADDITION, Hennepin County, Minnesota lying easterly of a line running from a point on the southerly line of said Lot 1, Block 1, distant 41.65 feet easterly from the Southwest corner thereof, as measured along said southerly line, to a point on the northwesterly line of said Lot 1, Block 1, distant 59.31 feet northeasterly from the Northwest corner thereof, as measured along said northwesterly line; and That part of Lot 1, Block 1, DECKAS ADDITION, Hennepin County, Minnesota lying westerly of a line running from a point on the southerly line of said Lot 1, Block 1, distant 41.65 feet easterly from the Southwest corner thereof, as measured along said southerly line, to a point on the northwesterly line of said Lot 1, Block 1, distant 59.31 feet northeasterly from the Northwest corner thereof, as measured along said northwesterly line. WHEREAS, it has been determined that compliance with the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations of the City of Edina will create an unnecessary hardship and said Parcels as separate tracts of land do not interfere with the purposes of the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations as contained in the City of Edina Ordinance Nos. 801 and 825; NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved by the City Council of the City of Edina that the conveyance and ownership of said Parcels as separate tracts of land is hereby approved and the requirements and provisions of Ordinance No. 801 and Ordinance No. 825 are hereby waived to allow said division and conveyance thereof as separate tracts of land but are not waived for any other purpose or as to any other provision thereof, and subject, however, to the provisions that no further subdivision be made of said Parcels unless made in compliance with the pertinent ordinances of the City of Edina or with the prior approval of this Council as may be provided for by those ordinances. ADOPTED this 27th day of January;. 1986. RESOLUTTON WHEREAS, the following described property is at present a single tract of land: Lot 10, Block 1, GLEASON COURT,;. _ ! WHEREAS, the owners have requested the subdivision of said tract into separate parcels (herein called "Parcels ") described'as follows: Parcel A: That part of Lot 10, Block 1, GLEASON COURT, according to the record plat thereof, lying northwesterly of the following described line: Commencing at the southwest corner of said Lot 10; thence on an assumed bearing of South 84 degrees 10 minutes 27 seconds East along the south line of said Lot 10 a distance of 33.50 feet to the point of beginning of line to be described; thence North 12 degrees 49 minutes 33 seconds Eas t a distance of 104.50 feet; the North 78 degrees 49 minutes 33 seconds East a distance of 42 feet more or less to the right of way line of Gleason Court and there terminating; and Parcel B: That part of Lot 10, Block 1, GLEASON COURT, according to the record plat thereof, lying southeasterly of the following described line: Commencing at the southwest corner of said Lot 10; thence on an assumed bearing of South 84 degrees 10 minutes 27 seconds East along the south line of said Lot 10 a distance of 33.50 feet to the point,of beginning of line to be described; thence North 12 degrees 49 minutes 33 seconds East a distance of 104.50 feet; thence North 78 degrees 49 minutes 33 seconds East a distance of 42 feet more or less to the right of way line of Gleason Court and there terminating. WHEREAS, it has been determined that compliance with the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations of the City of Edina will create an unnecessary hardship and said Parcels as separate tracts of land do not interfere with the purposes of the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations as contained in the City of Edina Ordinance Nos. 801 and 825; NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved by the City Council of the City of Edina that the conveyance and ownership of said Parcels as separate tracts of land is hereby approved and the requirements and provisions of Ordinance No. 801 and Ordinance No. 825 are hereby waived to allow said division and conveyance thereof as separate tracts of land but are not waived for any other purpose or as to any other provision thereof, and subject, however, to the provisions that no further subdivision be made of said Parcels unless made in compliance with the pertinent ordinances of the City of Edina or with the prior approval of this Council as may be provided for by those ordinances. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the following described property is at present a single tract of land: Lot 2, :Block 1, DECKAS ADDITION; ; WHEREAS, the owners have requested the subdivision of said tract into separate parcels (herein called "Parcels ") described as follows: That part of Lot 2, Block 1, DECKAS ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota lying easterly of a line described as beginning at a point on the southerly line of said Lot 2, Block 1 distant 53.39 feet westerly, along said southerly line, from the Southeast corner of said Lot 2, Block 1; thence northerly to a point on the northerly line of said Lot 2, Block 1, distant 62.64 feet westerly, along said northerly line, from the Northeast corner of said Lot 2, Block 1 and there terminating; and That part of Lot 2, Block 1, DECKAS ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota lying westerly of a line described as beginning at a point on the southerly line of said Lot 2, Block 1 distant 53.39 feet westerly, along said southerly line, from the Southeast corner of said Lot 2, Block 1; thence northerly to a point on the northerly line of said Lot 2, Block 1, distant 62.64 feet westerly, along said northerly line, from the Northeast corner of said Lot 2, Block 1 and there terminating. WHEREAS, it has been determined that compliance with the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations of the City of Edina will create an unnecessary hardship and said Parcels as separate tracts of land do not interfere with the purposes of the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations as contained in the City of Edina Ordinance Nos. 801 and 825; NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved by the City Counil of the City of Edina that the conveyance and ownership of said Parcels as separate tracts of land is hereby approved and the requirements and provisions of Ordinance No. 801 and Ordinance No. 825 are hereby waived to allow said division and conveyance thereof as separate tracts of land but are not waived for any other purpose or as to any other provision thereof, and subject, however, to the provisions that no further subdivision be made of said Parcels unless made in compliance with the pertinent ordinances of the City of Edina or with the prior approval of this Council as may be provided for by those ordinances. ADOPTED this 27th day of January, 1986. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the following described tracts of land constitute various separate parcels: Lot 5, Block 3, INDIAN HILLS, and Lot 6, Block 3, INDIAN HILLS; and WHEREAS, the owners of the above tracts of land desire to subdivide said tracts into the following described new and separate parcels (herein called "Parcels "): Lot 5, Block 3, INDIAN HILLS and that portion of Lot 6, Block 3, INDIAN HILLS described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 6, Block 3, INDIAN HILLS, then southerly along the East line of Lot 6 a distance of 55 feet, then westerly to the Northwest corner of Lot 6, then easterly to the point of beginning, and Lot 6, Block 3, INDIAN HILLS except that portion of Lot 6, Block 3, INDIAN HILLS described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 6, Block 3, INDIAN HILLS, then southerly along the East line of Lot 6 a distance of 55 feet, then westerly to the Northwest corner of Lot 6, then easterly to the point of beginning; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that compliance with the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations of the City of Edina will create an unnecessary hardship and said Parcels as separate tracts of land do not interfere with the purposes of the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations as contained in the City of Edina Ordinance Nos. 801 and 825; NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved by the City Council of the City of Edina that the conveyance and ownership of said Parcels as separate tracts of land is hereby approved and the requirements and provisions of Ordinance No. 801 and Ordinance No. 825 are hereby waived to allow said division and conveyance thereof as separate tracts of land but are not waived for any other purpose or as to any other provision thereof, and subject, however, to the provision that no further subdivision be made of said Parcels unless made in compliance with the pertinent ordinances of the City of Edina or with the prior approval of this Council as may be provided for by those ordinances. ADOPTED this 27th day of January, 1986. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of January 27, 1986, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 28th day of January, 1986. City Clerk 0 January 27, 1986 Mayor Courtney and Members of the Council, we are here this evening to ask you to re- consider your previous decision, that you would not protest the proposed Hennepin County garbage transfer site in Hopkins on the grounds of the Hennepin County Transportation Department. The site of the transfer station on the northwest corner of the property at 3rd Street and County Road 18 is immediately west of a residential area of Edina and, according to the Hopkins Engineering Department, it is 1400 feet from the east line of the proposed site to the middle of Adams Avenue. Aside from the noise (acknowledged in the Environmental Impact Study to already exceed MPCA residential standards, before construction) the roads entering the area are already busy with the northern entrance traversed by two sets of railroad tracks. It does not take a large stretch of the imagination to realize that the drivers of the small and large garbage trucks entering and leaving the area, from 7:00 A.M. to will 6:00 P.M. 6 days /week /turn to other routes when the designated ones are crowded and delayed. This will surely bring large numbers of trucks through what has been, until this time, a relatively quiet neighborhood. The current Environmental Impact Study is either vague or discounts the impact of noise, traffic, dust, odor, rats, and the other concerns of the people and businesses surrounding the site. However, in a conversa- tion with the engineer of. the City of Hopkins, it has been noted that when a truck enters the transfer building and no larger truck is beneath the garbage chute waiting to take a load, garbage is then dumped on the floor and remains there until hauled away. The potential health and odor threat is clear. =Page 2 The residents of the northwest corner of Edina and Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church were not informed of this plan:for a proposed transfer station. Time is coming to a close for public comment, with the final date for comments closing January 30, 1986. We ask that you support the residents of the area and Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church (the nor.thwest corner.of Edina) a•nd.the City. of Hopkins in protesting to the Metropolitan CoYunci1 "the location of this trans;.fer stati,on., - The following are additional comments for your consideration. Craig Rapp, Hopkins City Manager furnished the following facts: 1. On the average, daily semi truck usage for that area is as follows: Red Owl'- 75 trucks (150 in /outs) Super Valu - 175 trucks (350 in /outs) 2. Daily trips to and from th'e transfer station would range from 350. to 450 (at capacity). In other words 700 to 900 in /outs on an eleven hour day /6 days a week. 3. Wash down procedure for the.transfer station could result in.much additional water added to our storm sewer system. It is difficult to predict the amounts of,.hazardous waste that could possibly reach our 9 Mile Creek Watershed area. Thank you for your consideration. REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bob Kojetin, Director,--Park and Recreation Dept. VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manaeer SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE OF ITETI IN EXCESS OF $5,000 DATE: January 8, 1986 Material Description (General Specifications): Folding Door - 39'6" long, 6'11" high for Braemar Club House Quotations /Bids: Company Amount of Ouote or Bid 1. Door Systems 3550 Dakota Ave., Mpls., MN- 55416 $ 6,668.00 2. Mahin Walz P.O. Box 708, Hopkins, -MN -55343 Hauenstein & Burmeister Department Recommendation: Door Systems Finance Director's Endorsement The recommended bid is 6,871.00 7,645.00 Park & Recreation Department is not within the amount-budget for the purchase. u. N. uaien, ►-finance Director City der's Endorsement: 1. I concur with the recommendation of the Department and recommend Council approve the purchase. 2. I recommend as an alternative: _ nneth Ros'land, City Ma ager REQUEST FOR PURCHASETj' .TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bob Kojetin, Director, Park and Recreation Dept. VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE OF ITEM IN EXCESS OF $5,000 DATE: January 16, 1986 Material Description (General Specifications): Hardware for Braemar Clubhouse Quota ti ons /Bi-ds -: Company Amount of Ouote or Bid 1. Gardner Hardware $ 9,941.00 515 Washington Ave. N., Mpls. 2. K & K Sales $10,847 1. Wheeler $10,979 Department Recommendation: Gardner Hardware Park & Rec. Si ature Department Finance Director's Endorsement: The recommended bid is is not within the amount budget for the purchase. i J. N. Dalen, Finance Director CityMManacer's Endorsement: 1; I concur with the recommendation of the Department and recommend Council approve the purchase. 2. I recommend as an alternative: neth Rosland, City Manager REQUEST FOR PURCHASE — G TO: Mayor and City Council ZOM: Bob Kojetin, Director, Park and Recreation Department VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE OF ITEM IN EXCESS OF $5,000 DATE: January 24, 1986 Material Description (General Specifications): IV Refrigeration emergency repair - Braemar Pavilion (Labor, parts and materials) Quotations /Bids: .Company Amount of Ouote or Bid 1. Gartner Refrigeration & Mfg. Inc. $13,292.99 3529 Raleigh Ave. S., Mpls., MN 55416 2. Department Recommendation: Gartner Sign tur Department Finance Director's Endorsement: The recommended bid is is not within the amount budget for the purchase. 'C John Wallin Finance Director City naoer's Endorsement: 1. I concur with the recommendation of the Department and recommend Council approve the purchase. 2. I recommend as an alternative: neth Rosland,j City Manager f. t I [H 1 DATE: TO: league of minnesota cities Survey Mailer January 14, 1986 City Managers, Administrators, Clerks and Attorneys (for action by the City Council) FROM: Stan Peskar, General Counsel SUBJECT: Municipal Amicus Program y A The establishment of a Minnesota Court of Appeals has greatly increased the number of decisions from Minnesota courts that establish state wide precedent. The rapidity with which the intermediate court of appeals hears and decides cases, and the number of cases appealed, has made it impossible for the two to four friend of the court briefs which the League of Minnesota Cities is currently capable of filing each year to have any systematic influence on the development of judgemade law impacting Minnesota cities. Most cities regard the amicus work of the League to be useful and necessary. See the attached letter from Mounds View. The problem is the lack of staff resources to do anything but a hit and miss job of filing in all the cases that need our help. In the past six months the League has been asked to file briefs in the following cases. 1. City of Mounds View v. Johnson to court of appeals Issue: Is the district court judge the real legislative decision maker? The district court ordered a rezoning of a parcel zoned residential to commercial since it was in contravention of.a comprehensive plan based on property adjacent to the parcel. Property along one side and across the street -was zoned commercial and the council failed to down zone this neighboring property when the issue was considered. 2. City of Barnum v. Carlton County to court of appeals Issue: Does a city have power to site a necessary city facility at a state approved location if a county objects based on county zoning? The district court decision denied the City of Barnum a conditional use permit for the construction of a stabilization pond system on a site that had PCA approval and for which grant funds had been allocated. -OVER- 1 83 university avenue east, st. paul, minnesota 551 01 (61 2) 227 -5600 � a 3. City of Duluth v. Howard F. Young to Supreme Court Issues: 1) Must public employers afford a veteran employee an opportunity for a veteran's preference hearing when the position is abolished, in other words, is a veteran always the last employee to be laid off? 2) Is a veteran's preference panel the proper body to review the good faith of the city in abolishing a position for economic reasons? 3) Is a knowing delay of 2 years in filing a request for a veteran's hearing a waiver of that right? The Court of Appeals decided that a veteran on a request made two years after the lay off must be afforded a veteran's preference hearing to determine the validity of abolishing a position and must be paid during the interim. 4. Oswalt v. County of Ramsey and City of New Brighton to Supreme Court Issue: Are cities estopped by equivocal statements of a city employee when another employee told the claimant he could request and possibly obtain relief by applications for a variance? A new Brighton resident purchased a house in the city in 1975. In 1978 the city passed a floodplain management ordinance placing the house in a floodway. The city allowed the house to stay as a non - conforming use. In 1980 the lot and house began to collapse. Because of serious and continuing damage, the city condemned the house. The condemnation order required either the removal or the repair of the house in compliance with the flood plain ordinance. The resident alleged that the condemnation caused him to suffer symptoms of emotional stress. After foreclosure, he sued both New Brighton and Ramsey County under several theories including inverse condemnation. The Minnesota Court of Appeals found that the city's actions constituted a taking, even though the city building inspector's supervisor informed the owner that he could apply for a variance and the owner did not apply for one. The building inspector's order to make repairs to comply with the floodplain ordinance or to reduce the size the building was held to be an act of ending a non - conforming use. The city has an ordinance providing for termination of a non - conforming use without compensation at the end of its useful life. The court held that the city did not use the established procedure to determine useful life for the house which resulted in a taking. 5. Itasca County v. Olson to Supreme Court Issue: Who are managerial or supervisory employees and for which kinds of personnel decisions does the open meeting statute override the Data Privacy Act. Itasca County began a job performance evaluation of the Hospital administrator at an open meeting of the hospital board. At the administrator's request that the board close the meeting to the public because the discussion would involve information classified as private personnel data under the Data Practices Act. The county then sought a declaratory judgment to determine the parties' rights and responsibilities. The trial court ruled that the Data Practices Act creates an exception to the Open Meeting Law which is subject to -2- court review. The Minnesota Court of Appeals reversed , assuming without investigation or analysis that any employee evaluation carried on by a local governing body is only for supervisory employees. It also decided that super- visory employees have no justifiable expectation of privacy in their evaluations. Now cities do not know which employees are entitled to Data Privacy Act protections. 7. Andrade v. Ellefson to Supreme Court Issue: Can a local government be liable in tort for issuing or renewing a license? The Court of Appeals overturned a trial court decision that granted a pre -trial dismissal to Anoka County from a suit that alleged that the county improperly renewed a day care license. Previous decisions seem to hold that a licensing authority acts to protect the public in general and no specific duty is owed to individuals. Because of the lack of time and personnel, the League could only do briefs in 1 and 3 above. To try to shape this vital area of development of the law, the League, in cooperation with the Minnesota Association of City Attorneys proposes expansion of the CLEAR staffing capabilities so the League could participate in 10 to 25 cases per year. The program would require the addition of a full or part -time attorney to the League staff. In addition to preparing briefs this person would track cases through the lower courts and arrange for selection of important cases for League participation. The city attorney's association proposed a governing panel of 10 acting pursuant to criteria established by the Teague Board. The suggested panel would consist of two League Board members, the four officers of the City Attorneys Association, the League General Counsel and three additional city attorneys selected by the seven designated panel members. With the assistance of staff, the panel would: 1. Systematically review Minnesota cases which will or may be appealed and which will likely shape the law affecting all or a substantial number of Minnesota cities. 2. Select from the cases reviewed, those which are deemed most worthy of MAP intervention and encourage and assist appeals in those cases. 3. The briefs would be prepared by CLEAR staff or in some cases by member city attorneys or their staff with assistance from CLEAR staff. -OVER- Support of these activities would require $30,000 to $50,000 annually, depending on the number of cases taken and the responsibility.assumed by MAP upon the appeal. Would your city agree to an additional payment of 10% of your regular League dues, 5% if the city attorney is already a member of CLEAR, with the proceeds dedicated to this new city legal defense activity ?* Yes, our city would participate No, our city would not participate Date: City of person communicating the council decision * before the council deliberates on and answers this question, you may want to ask your city attorney his or her opinion. A copy of the League dues schedule is attached. We need a response to this inquiry by February 28, 1986 so that budgeting plans can be completed. Return to: Stan Peskar, General Counsel, League of Minnesota Cities, 183 University Avenue East, St. Paul, MN 55101 SGP:ctd RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Plans for Hennepin County Project No. 8056 showing proposed alignment, profiles, grades, and cross sections for the construction of County State Aid Highway No. 53, within the limits of the City, as a Federal Aid Project, have been prepared and presented to the City; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED: That said plans be in all things approved. ADOPTED this 27th day of January, 1986. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution is a•true and correct copy of a resolution presented to and adopted by the City Council of Edina at a meeting thereof held in the City of Edina, Minnesota on the 27th day of January, 1986, as disclosed by the records of said City in my possession. City Clerk p M E M O R A N D U M TO: Mayor Courtney and Council Members FROM: Ken Rosland, City Manager �� er-Z-�4 SUBJECT: MANAGEMENT AUDIT COMMITTEE DATE: January 15, 1986 Attached please find the entire list of the various folks that were recommended to serve on the Management Audit Committee. The ones that have an asterisk were suggested by more than one person. We will place this on the agenda for January 27 to discuss our next step. If you have any further names to suggest, please call Susan Wohlrabe at my office and she will make additions to the present list and re -mail it. KR /sw Attachment vs MANAGEMENT AUDIT COMMITTEE 1. Bruce Allbright 5751 Long Brake Circle, 55435 941 -6305 2. Bill Andres 6800 Telemark Trail, -55436 938 -5102 3. David Baldwin 6 Circle East, 55436 920 -2997 *4. Warren Beck 4421 52nd Street West, 55,424 925 -4551 5. Edward (Ned) Bixby 6926 Moccasin Valley Road, 55435 944 -2935 6. Karen Bohn 4112 Sunnyside Road, 55424 929 -5249 7. Dan Boss 6 Woodland Road, 55424 925 -3025 8. Maureen Chandler 5713 Camelback Drive, 55436 933 -3434 9. Tom Colwell 5512 Knoll Drive, 55436 935 -9497 10. Fritz Corrigan 6509 Biscayne Boulevard, 55436 938 -1822 11. Sandra Davis 5800 Dewey Hill Road, 55435 941 -8977 *12. H. Robert Diercks 89 Woodland Circle, 55424 926 -2394 13. Willis Drake 5704 Schaefer Road, 55436 935 -6113 14. Carol Emmerich 7302 Claredon Drive, 55435 Unlisted 15. Robert Fuegner 5225 Kellogg Avenue, 55424 926 -6647 16. Luella Goldberg 7019 Tupa Drive, 55435 941 -2624 17. Bill Hall 7416 Shannon Circle, 55435 944 -6359 18. Bill Hodder 11 Circle West, 55436 925 -2047 19. Mark Kaiser 4702 Golf Terrace, 55424 922 -6882 20. Ed Landes 5708 Schaefer Road, 55436 938 -1174 21. Ken Macke 6432 Timber Ridge, 55435 941 -5978 22. Perry Mead 5305 Kellogg Avenue, 55424 929 -0148 23. Ken Melrose 4704 Aspdsia Circle, 55435 925 -4999 24. Dave Merchant 6613 Naomi Drive, 55435 944 -6713 25. Jim Miller 5511 Malibu Drive, 55436 938 -2065 26. Andy Montgomery 6628 Parkwood Road, 55436 933 -3547 27. John Moorhead 6701 West Trail, 55435 941 -4240 28. Bob Muschewske 6628 Londonderry Drive, 55436 938 -7047 29. Steve Nelson 4514 Casco Avenue, 55424 922 -1670 30. Walter Nelson 6308 Westwood Court, 55436 938 -1640 - *31. Donald Nyrop 4505 Golf Terrace, 55424 Unlisted *32. Ray O'Connell 46.12 Valley View Road, 55424 927 -6439 -2- 33. John Pearson 5027 Wooddale Lane, 55424 926 -8229 34. Dick Ragatz 5709 Ayrshire Boulevard, 55436 925 -1145 35. Jill Ragatz 5709 Ayrshire Boulevard, 55436 925 -1145 36. Patrick Rile 4506 Moorland Avenue, 55424 925 -1762 37. Henry Rutledge 5 Orchard Lane, 55436 929 -4780 38. Arnold (Bud) Ryden 5200 Willson Road, 55424 925 -4341 39. Jim Schwarz 6708 Cahill Road, 55435 941 -2564 40. Jerry Sorensen 4904 Arden Avenue, 55424 920 -3564 41. Ken Stensby 7112 Shannon Drive, 55435 944 -2297 42. Evie Teegen 5501 Kellogg Avenue, 55424 926 -9748 43. Les Wanninger 5521 Warden Avenue, 55436 929 -9797 44. Ken Woodrow 6508 Willow Wood Road, 55436 935 -7593 *45. Mike Wright 4501 Browndale Avenue, 55424 926 -8456 * DUPLICATED NAME t.a.� Rogers CM) Cablesystems 801 Plymouth Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55411 (612) 522 -5200 January 27, 1986 Mr. Kenneth E. Rosland City Manager Edina City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Dear Ken: On January 23, 1986, I received your letter regarding Connie Catlett and the con- cerns she has expressed about her cable television service. I understand that you wish to address this matter with the City Council on January 27th. I have enclosed a copy of a memo from Ann Mathews and Tony Werner concerning their interaction with Mrs. Catlett, as well as a copy of a letter Tony sent her. Our staff has made a sincere effort to address the problems Mrs. Catlett has experienced. The real issue in this matter is the difficulty that has resulted from incompatible technology. Modern cable systems like Rogers' use scrambling technology to secure cable channels such as HBO in order to prevent piracy. Without scrambling, cable piracy poses a major threat to cable operators and ultimately results in paying customers subsidizing those who steal the service. Because of scrambling, piracy has been virtually non - existent in the Southwest suburban system. This is quite a contrast to older systems, such as the one in Des Moines, which use traps and experience piracy problems typically in the range of 10 -157 of the subscriber base. The manufacturers of TV sets, VCR's and related consumer equipment have not adequately addressed changing cable technology in the production of consumer equipment. Fre- quently TV sets and VCR's advertised as "cable ready" or "cable compatible" actually create more problems than they solve. This has resulted in ongoing discussions between the cable industry and the manufacturers. The cable industry has been engaged in R & D to eliminate these problems to the fullest extent possible, and prototypes are just now becoming available for cable operators to test. Rogers is awaiting receipt of a particular prototype which, as noted in Tony's letter, we'd like to test with Mrs. Catlett's equipment. 8 Ken Rosland -2- January 27, 1986 From a technical perspective, the cable system Rogers built in the five Southwest cities is one of the best in the U.S. Addressability and other system features permit us to offer more pay TV channels than older systems such as the one in Des Moines can offer, and without it we could not offer customers the additional choice of pay - per -view. The technology also provides many operating efficiencies and has enabled the company to contain costs in a number of areas. All in all, we are ex- tremely proud of the system and believe that Edina and the other Southwest communi- ties can be proud of the system as well. Rogers' commitment to customer service is an ongoing one, and we will continue to do everything we can to minimize equipment interface problems. Fortunately, there have not been very many of these, and we anticipate they will decrease as the inter- face technology improves. I hope the information I've provided will assist you and the City in addressing this concern. As always, I hope you will feel free to contact me if I can be of assistance or if you have any suggestions or comments that you wish to share. Yours truly, ROGER SYSTEM Sa l'� is erg Regional Director Public Affairs and Planning SEF /ae Enc. cc: Cliff Williams Tony Werner Ann Mathews CM) Rogers Cablesystems 801 Plymouth Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55411 (612) 522 -5200 January 27, 1986 Mrs. Connie Catlett 6233 Idylwood Edina, MN 55436 Dear Mrs. Catlett: I appreciated talking to you again on the phone the other day. As I indicated, the franchise granted to Rogers by Edina and neighboring cities is for 15 years. We will continue to work with the five cities to ensure the best possible service to our customers and look forward to providing service to the communities of the Southwest beyond the franchise period. Most of the interface problems you've experienced are the result of a lack of com- patibility between the "cable- ready" technology of consumer equipment and the signal scrambling technology used by Rogers and other cable companies. This presents both immediate challenges and the opportunity to develop long term product enhancements by both the consumer equipment manufacturers and the cable industry. Rogers has spent and will continue to spend considerable time and money to research and correct this situation. Presently, our engineering division has developed a prototype switch that not only deals with this problem better than any other product I've seen, but is also inexpensive. As soon as we receive a prototype, I would like to install it at your residence for your review. The cable system serving Edina represents the most advanced technology and is con- sistent with other modern cable systems in operation or under construction throughout the country. Unfortunately the manufacturers of home television equipment have not always taken this technology into consideration when manufacturing equipment to be sold to consumers. Some advantages of our system over a non - scrambled one are that people without cable - ready sets and remote controls can now have a remote control with volume control, mute, favorite channel and parental control. Without the scrambling technology used by Rogers, customers could not have the choice of eight different pay TV channels and Rogers Premiere Theater. The efficiency of this technology is such that you can change which pay TV channels you order without a technician visiting your home or having to work on the cables which pass by your house. Perhaps the most attractive aspect of scrambling is the ability to secure the signal from pirating. Ultimately this benefits all subscribers since they do not subsidize the losses from pirates who steal cable. Mrs. Connie Catlett -2- January 27, 1986 ,Again, Connie, we are most concerned about our customers' satisfaction and the value you perceive in our service. If you have any additional ideas, comments,. or observa- tions that can help us better serve you, we would appreciate them.. Yours truly, Tony Werner Technical Manager ROGERS CABLESYSTEMS TW /ae cc: Cliff Williams Ken Rosland Sallie E. Fischer Ann Mathews C3� TO: Sallie E. Fischer FROM: Tony Werner /Ann Mathews DATE: January 24, 1986 SUBJECT: CONNIE CATLETT Memo, COPY: Cliff Williams Gary Mizga and I received Connie's letter early in October 1985 and made a visit to analyze and correct her situation on Thursday, October 24th. She had three sets - 2 pays each and a VCR installation, all requiring Z -tacs. The TV in the den was an older TV and had no interface problems. The TV in the bedroom is one that cannot be turned on by the Z -tac and also when turned on comes on to Channel 2 and must be reset to 3 by its own remote. So 2 remotes are required for this set. The real interface problem is in the family room where the 45" cable ready stereo TV and Hi -Fi VCR are located. In short, they quite often like to channel hop or watch one pay while taping another. Additional complications are in the stereo recording playback, etc. After spending 5 -6 hours at her home and explaining and discussing every imagin- able configuration, we were able to satisfy all of these conditions; however, we still have 2 converters, 3 remotes and a real complex operating system. I re- contacted Connie on January 24, 1986, to ask if something else had happened since our visit that had caused her any problems. She was upset that the city had forwarded her January 14th letter to us and went on to apologize that she felt like the bad guy. I assured her that we were not concerned about that but were interested in making sure we were meeting the needs of our customers. Since my visit of October, she had had one Z -tac fail and was experiencing an audio buzz on another set, which I corrected over the phone. I also went on to explain what grounds we were covering in the interfaces of VCR's and cable. She seems satisfied with the explanations and efforts we have made toward her concerns. The cable system in Des Moines was a trapped system instead of a scrambled system like ours which alleviated the need for the converters. This seems to be her main concern as it clutters her viewing space and the extra remotes are an inconvenience. TW /AM /ae Rogers Cablesystems of Minneapolis, 801 Plymouth Avenue North, Minneapolis, MN 55411 (612) 522 -5200 VrA January 1, 1986 Mr. Robert Soelberg 2262 Godwin Ave. S.E. Grand Rapids, Michigan 49507 Dear Mr. Soelberg, I am writing to you on behalf of my neighbors, who have signed this petition in order to bring your attention to an on going problem concerning your rental property at 5105 West 49th St., Edina, MN. For the past two years we have been living under turmoil caused by the person(s) renting that home. They have exhibited a total lack of respect for the law and rights of other individuals. These men have traumatized the area with the illegal use of speeding motorcycles, snowmobiles, all- terrain vehicles, dirt bikes, etc. which they have driven on our streets, AS WELL AS ON OUR YARDS! They have had back -to -back parties that have left garbage, including beer and liquor bottles, spewed all over a two block area. The property, in general, is littered with garbage, and obsticals such as tires and the back seat to a VW that has been sitting on the boulevard in front of the house since they moved in! Their driving and parking habits have, on many occasions, LED TO POTENTIAL ACCIDENTS! They park, illegally, on the boulevard grass and on the curve that leads from West 49th St. to Westbrook Lane. During the winter months this causes a particular hazzard, in that people who are struggling to get up the hill on Westbrook Lane are confronted (at the top of the hill), with the direct potential of a head on collision! The police have issued numerous sitations, which have been completely ignored, and have now advised us to deal directly with you, the owner of the property. In doing so, we hope you will understand our plight and will take immediate and forceful action to see that the situation is resolved so that our lawabiding neighborhood can be restored to a place in which we can have pride and peace!? Neighbors and the police have, on to many occasions to count, tried to reason with these individuals. Now, as our last responsible act, we write to you with hope that the situation can be corrected. Thank you for your time and the immediate attention given to this problem. Respectfully, Doris Hamilton Skold 5101 Millpond Place, Edina, MN 55436 The signatures belo.w are only a small, unsolicited, sampling of those individuals that are deeply concerned and willing to participate in what ever it takes to see that this problem is resolved. c.c. Craig G. Swanson, Chief of Police - ' , °- yo--f ��, 4 4 qUI / ' + / v . Hou|d you Please respect t be IoonymiLy of these names, so as to avoid . ,. .. .` -- IC -- ---^_-- RESOLUTION RELATING TO SELF - INSURANCE VnD mnnmc THIS RESOLUTION, passed this day of , 198 by the City of Edina, Minnesota. WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §466.02 the City of Edina is subject to liability for its torts and those of its officers, employees and agents acting within the scope of their employment or duties; and WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes §466.04 imposes a dollar amount limit on the maximum liability of the City of Edina and its officers, employees, agents and servants for torts; WHEREAS, the City of Edina considered acquiring general liability insurance for the full amount of the City of Edina's statutory liability but has determined that coverage tailored to this specific need was not available at reasonable cost, and that the cost of other types of coverage up to or in excess of the statutory limit could not be justified by the historical need; WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes §471.981 authorizes the City of Edina, by ordinance or resolution, to self- insure against liability of the City of Edina and its officers, employees, agents and servants under - Minnesota Statutes chapter 466 and sections 340.95 and 340.951 and other law for damages resulting from its torts and those of its officers, employees, agents and servants; and WHEREAS, the City of Edina desires to provide by resolution for self - insurance as follows. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The City of Edina shall self - insure against liability of the City of Edina and its officers, employees, agents and servants under Minnesota Statutes chapter 466 and sections 340.95 and 340.951 and other law for damages resulting from its torts and those of its officers, employees, agents and servants. 2. The dollar amount of self- insurance shall be up to but not in excess of the limits on liability set by Minnesota Statutes chapter 466 and other law, less any liability insurance obtained by the City of Edina. 3. This Resolution shall not be construed as a waiver of any defense of governmental immunity, nor shall it be construed as a waiver of any limitations on liability. ATTEST: Dated this _ day of , 198. CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA City Clerk By Mayor CURRENT ASSETS: Cash: Demand Deposits Working Fund Due from Other Funds Contracts Receivable Inventory: Liquor Wine Beer and Mix Prepaid Expenses: Unexpired Insurance Supplies FIXED ASSETS: Land Land Improvements Buildings Furniture and Fixtures Leasehold Improvements LIQUOR FUND BALANCE SHEET CITY OF EDINA As at November 30, 1985 ASSETS TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS $ 23,509.30 729,769.27 306,735.14 3,035.55 $1,063,049.26 $ 45,784.59 3,800.00 $ 512,530.00 349,973.30 50,071.93 $ 49,584.59 12,331.50 34,813.36 912,575.23 $ (10,928.00) 400.00 10,528.00) $ 998,776.68 $ 233,784.60 Less: Allowance for Depreciation and Amortization 513,725.34 549,323.92 783,108.52 TOTAL ASSETS $1,781,885.20 CURRENT LIABILITIES: Trade Accounts Payable Accrued.Payroll. Due To Other Funds SURPLUS - Unappropriated LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS $ 124,375.31 7,364.55 $ 131,739.86 468.00 $ 132,207.86 1,649,677.34 $1,781,885.20 LIQUOR DISPENSARY FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EX, -.SSE CITY OF EDINA Eleven Months Ending November 30,1985 and November 30, 1984 1985 1984 INCREASE 50th Street Yorkdale Grandview Total 50th Street Yorkdale Grandview Total DECREASE* SALES: Liquor $ 438,121.94 $ 890,491.63 $ 840,500.75 $2,169,114.32 $ 466,679.18 $ 958,683.56 $ 879,341.55 $2,304,704.29 $135,589.97* . Wine 309,436.89 544,922.12 491,074.07 1,345,432.98 293,415.68 551,986.99 473,705.88 1,319,108.55 26,324.43 Beer 127,195.93 420,748.68 399,880.92 1,057,925.53 225,571.77 440,048.79 393,867.81 1.,059,488.37 1,562.84* Mix and Miscellaneous 16, 731.75 34,409.31 34,716.70 85,857.76 14,805.63 34 472.95 31,243.84 80,522.42 5,335.34 $1,001,586.41 $1,890,571.74 $1,766,172.44 $4,658,330.59 $1,000,472.26 $1, 985, 192.29 $1,778,159.08 $491763,823.63 $105,493.04* Less bottle refund,, 23,524.35 55,773.49 .54,445.70 133,7-43.54 24,400 59 60;486.09 56,813 68 141,700.36 7,956.82* NET SALES$ 978,062.06 $1,834,798.25 $1,711,726.74 $4,524,587.05 $ 976,071.67 $1,924,706.20 $1,721,345.40, $4,622,123.27 $ 97,536.22* COST OF SALES: Inventory - January 1188,588.68 231,406.39 203,254.82. 623,2.49.89 175,604.42 289,642.25 .. 237,950.02. 703,196.69 - 79,946.80* Purchases 869,705.50 1,551,397.19 1,452,945.81 3,874 048.50 831,250.17 1,577,106.19 1,429,542.88 3,837,$89:24 36,149.26 $1,058,294.18 $1,782,803.58 $1,656,200.63 $4,497,298.39 $1,006,854.59 $1,866,748.44 $1,667,492.90 $4,541,095.93 $ 43,797.54* Inventory Nov. 30 293,949.00 323,098.76 295,527.47 912,575.23 212,086.72 319,090 89 219,550.18 750,727 79 161,847 44 $ 764,345.18 $1,459,704.82 $1,360,673.16 $3,584,723.16 $ 794 767.87 $1, 547, 657.55 $1,447,942.72 $3,790,368.14 $205,644.98* GROSS PROfi T213,716.88 $ 375,093.43 $ 351,053.58 $ 939,863.89 $ 181,303.80 $ 377,048.65 $ 273,402.68 831,755.13 108,108.76 OPERATING EXPENSES: Selling 55,561.10 119,892.04 91,296.10 266,749.24 63,660.34 113,291.44 89,060.10. 266,011.88 737.76 Overhead 32,938.12 40,853.14 36,706.85 110,498.11 35,629.29 49,071.12 39,455.86 124,156.27_ 13,658.16* Administrative 75,487.45 97,845.52 78,997.91 252,330.88 72,152.68 92, 174:33 77,330.56 241,657.57 10,673.31 TOTAL OPERAT�N G163,986.67 EXPENSES $ 258,590.70 $ 207,000.86 $ 629,578.23 $ 171,442.31 $ 254.536.89 $ 205,846.52 $ 631,825.72 $ 2,247.49* s NET OPERATING 49,730.11 $ 116,502.73 $ 144,052.72 $ 310,285.66 $ 9,861.49 $ 122,511.76 $ 67,556.16 $ 199,929.41 $110,356.25 PROFIT OTHER INCOME: Cash Discount 11,458.69 20,575.00 18,795.47 50,829.16 11,697.05 21,407.79 19,110.67 52,215.51 1,386.35* Cash over or under 4.19* 497.35* 3.19 498.35 1 4.14* 247.60* 45.90 205.84* 292.51* Income on investments -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Other 743.90 171.39 464.43 1,379.72 1,041.43 1,338.95 829.51 3,209.89 1,830.17* $ 12,198.40 $ 20,249.04 $ 19,263.09 $ 51,710.53 $ 12,734.34 $ 22,499.14 $ 19,986;08 $ 55,219.56 $ 3,509.03* N ETINCOM S 61,928.61 $ 136,751.77 $ 163,315.81 $ 361 996.19 $ 22,595.83 $ 145,010.90 $ 87,542.24 $::255,148.97::::.. $106,847.22 PERCENT TO NET SALES: Gross profit 21.85% 20.44% 20.51% 20.77% 18.57% 19.59% 15..88% - 17.99% Operating expenses 16.77 14.09 12.09 13.91 17.56 13.22 11.96 13.66 Operating profit 5.08% 6.35% 8.42% 6.86% ° 1.01/ 6.37% 3.92% _ .. 4.33 % - ... . Other income 1.25 1.10 1.12 1.14 1.30 1.17 1.17 1.19 NET INCOME 6.33% 7.45% 9.54% 8.00% 2.31% 7.54% 5.09% 5.52% -I' CURRENT ASSETS: Cash: Demand Deposits Working Fund Due from Other Funds Contracts Receivable Inventory: Liquor Wine Beer and Mix Prepaid Expenses: Unexpired Insurance Supplies FIXED ASSETS: Land Land Improvements Buildings Furniture and Fixtures Leasehold Improvements LIQUOR FUND BALANCE SHEET CITY OF EDINA As at October 31, 1985 ASSETS TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS $ 23,509.30 729.,769.27 306,735.14 3,035.55 $1,063,049.26 $ (101,865.89) 3,800.00 $ 607,297.18 338,345.86 60,714.24 $ (98,065.89) 12,331.50 34,813.36 1,006,357.28 $ (9,562.00) 400.00 (9,162.00) $ 946,274.25 $ 233,784.60 Less: Allowance for Depreciation and Amortization 510,214.84 552,834.42 786,619.02 TOTAL ASSETS $1,732,893.27 CURRENT LIABILITIES: Trade Accounts Payable Accrued Payroll Due To Other Funds SURPLUS - unappropriated LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS $ 109,529.34 7,305.87 $ 116,835.21 468.00 $ 117,303.21 1,615,590606 $1,732,893.27 SALES: Liquor $ Wine Beer Mix and Miscellaneous $ Less bottle refunds 50th Street Yorkdale 398,392.10 $ 808,184.23 273,110.65 479,639.03 216,030,38 383,129.93 15,385.20 31,313.27 903,018.33 $1,702,266.46 21,417.37 50,392.99 1985 Grandview $ 766,201.23 432,742.20 363,459.05 31,770.03 $1,594,273.62 49,264.42 LIQUOR DISPENSARY FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSE CITY OF EDINA Ten Months Ending October 31, 1985 and October 31, 1984 19R14 Total 50th Street Yorkdale Grandview $1,972,878.67 $ 420,828.05 $ 866,100.07 _$ 794,155.77 1,185,591.88 250,121.46 489,600.43 419,716.10 962,619.36 207,149.92 403,322.53 361,566.31 78,468.50 13,584.58 31,448.34 28,509:88 $4,199,558.41 $ 901,684.01 $1,790,471.37 $1,603,948.06 121,074.78 21,790.98 54,157 45 50,789 11 Total $2,081,083.89 1,169,437.99 972,038.76 73,542 80 $4,296,103.44 126,73754 INCREASE DECREASE* TOTAL $108,205.22* 16,153.89 9,419.40* 4,925 70 $ 96,545.03* 5,662 76 NET SALES $ 881,600.96 $1,651,873.47 $1,545,009.20 $4,078,483.20 $ 879,893.03 $1,736,313.92 $1,553,158.95 $4,169,365.90 $ 90,882.27* COST OF SALES: Inventory - January 1 188,588.68 231,406.39 203,254.82 623,249.89 175,604.42 289,642.25 237 ,950. -02 703,1.96.69 79,946.80* Purchases 820 296.63 1,438,068.47 1 367 121.00 3,625,486.10 761 378.04 1,382,186.89 1 237 220.84 3,380,785.77 244 700 33 $1,088,885.31 $1,669,474.86 $1,570,375.82 $4,248,735.99 $ 936,982.14 $1,671,829.14 $1,475,170.86 $4,083,982.46 $164,753.53 Inventory Oct.1 317,537.89 351,017.57 337,801.82 1,006,357.28 217,400.94 273,187.27 224,650.97 715,239 :18 291.118.10 $ 691,347.42 $1,318,457.29 $1,232,574.00 $3,242,378.71 $ .719,581.52 $1,398,541.87 $1,250,519:89; $3,368,7-43.28 $126,364.57* GROSS PRO Fft 190,253.54 $ 333,416.18 $ 312,435.20 $ 835,104.92 $ 160,311.51 $ 337,672.05 $ 302,639.06 $ .800,622.62 $ 35,482.30 OPERATING EXPENSES: Selling 48,794.07 102,762.02 79,815.03 231,371.12 56,612.49 101,052.64 80,532.77 238,197.90 6,826.78* Overhead 29,444.81 37,661.71 33,293.15 100,399.67 33,646.36. 45,731.43 36,025.77 115,403.56 15,003.89* Administrative 67,043.25 Z7,484.98 70,274.12 224,802.35 65,892.96 833,165.66 699826.85, 218,885.47 5,916.88 TOTAL OPER ATRI G EXPENSES 145,282.13 $ 227,908.71 $ 183,382.30 $ 556,573.14 $ 156,151.81 $ 229,949.73 $ 186,385.39 - $ 572,486 :93 $ 15,913:79* NET OPERATING $ 44,971.41 $ 105,507.47 $ 129,050.90 $ 279;,531.78 $ 4,159.70. $ 107,722.32 $ 116,253.67 $ 228,135.69 $ 51,396.09 PROFIT OTHER INCOME: Cash Discount 10,871.87 181997.98 17,627.98 47,497.83 10,627.75 18,563,70 16,453.76 45,645.21 1,852.62 Cash over or under ;65 377;30* 1.33 375.32* 2.34* 213.61* 39.16 176.79* 198.53* Income on investments -0- _0_ _0_ -0- Other 699.18 165.75 389.69 1,254.62 983.85 1,300:25 780.85 3,064.95 __ 1,810.33* $ 11,571.70 $ 18,786.43 $ 18,019.00 $ 48,377.13 $ 11;609.26 $ 19,650:34 $ 17;273:77 $ 48,533.37 $ 156:24* N ETINCOM E$ 56,543.11 $ 124,293.90 $ 147,071.90 $ 327,908.91 $ 15,768.96 $ .127,372.66: $: 133,527.44 $ 276,669 06::. $:51,239.85 PERCENT TO NET SALES: Gross profit 21.58% 20.18% 20.22% 20.50% 18.22% 19.44% - 19.48% 19.-20% Operating expenses 16.48 13.79 11.87 13.65 17.75 13.24 12.00 `13.73 Operating profit 5.10% 6.39% 8.35% 6.85% .47% 6.20% . 7_48 %.. ... ....5...47%.. Other income 1.31 1.14 1.17 1.19 1.32 1.13 1:11 1.16 NET INCOME 6.41% 7.52% 9.52% 8.04% 1.79% 7.33% 8.59% 6.63% LIQUOR FUND 1 BALANCE SHEET CITY OF EDINA As at September 30, 1985 ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS: Cash: Demand Deposits $ (148,110.02) Working Fund 3,800.00 $ (144,310.02) Due from Other Funds 12,331.50 Contracts Receivable 34,813.36 Inventory: Liquor $ 684,723.84 Wine 318,846.50 Beer and Mix 51,581.09 1,065,151.43 Prepaid Expenses: Unexpired Insurance $ (8,196.00) Supplies 400.00 (7,796.00) TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS $ 960,190.27 FIXED ASSETS: Land $ 233,784.60 Land Improvements $ 23,244.57 Buildings 729,769.27 Furniture and Fixtures 306,735.14 Leasehold Improvements 3 ;035.55 $1,062,784.53 Less: Allowance for Depreciation and Amortization 506,704.34 556,080.19 789,864.79 TOTAL ASSETS $1,750,055.06 LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS CURRENT LIABILITIES: Trade Accounts Payable $ 159,431.53 Accrued Payroll 15,457.64 $ 174,889.17 Due To Other Funds 468.00 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES $ 175,357.17 SURPLUS - Unappropriated 1,574,697.89 TOTAL.LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS $1,750,055.06 LIQUOR DISPENSARY FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSE CITY OF EDINA Nine Months Ending September 30, 1985 and September 30, 1984 1985 50th Street Yorkdale Grandview Total 50th Street Yorkdale Grandview Total INCREASE DECREASE* SALES: 10,383.75 18,216.85 16,518.24 45,118.84 9,718.23 16,873.03 15,044.64 41,635.90 3,482.94 Cash over or under Liquor $ 369,353.65 $ 750,752.90 $ 713,806.69 $1,833.913.24 $ 377,877.77 $ 779,624.69 $ 714,930.82.: $1,872,433.28 $ 38,520.04* Wine 244,652.03 432,367.90 389,961.03 1,066,980.96 6.46% 232,970.07 438,008.55 375,047.09 .1,046,025.71 20,955.25 Beer 195,926.64 348,824.64 330,665.92 875,417.20 2;927:31 188,153.33 365,951.56 329,563.63 883,668.52 8,251.32* Mix and Miscellaneous 14,087.29 28,580.76 29,393.57 71,061.62 1,464.74 12,313.21 28,482.13 26,118.47 66,913 81 5,147 81 $ 824,019.61 $1,560,526.20 $1,463,827.21 $3,8485373.02 $ 811,314.38 $1,612.066.93 $1,445,660.01 $3,869,041.32 $ 20,668.30* Less bottler funds 19,927.96 47,181.39 46,176.76 113,286.11 19 595.86 48,804:13` 45,671.10 114,071:09 784.98* NET SALES $ 804,091.65 $1,513,344.81 $1,417,650.45 $3,735,086.91 $ 7911718.52 $1,563,262.80 $1,399,988.91 $3,754,970.23 $ 19,883.32* COST OF SALES: Inventory - January 1 Purchases 188,588.68 231,406.39 203,254.82 623,249.89 .175,604.42 289,642.25 237,950.02 703,196.69 79,946.80* 774,563.88 1,371,714.37 1,276,119.63 3,422,507.92 691,474.42 1,241,165:10" .1 ,120 ;998:73 3,756,834.94 368.8 9.67 $ 963,152.56 $1,603,120.76 $1,479,484.49 $4,045,757.81 $ .867,078.84 $1,530,807.35 $1,358,948.75 $3,756,834.94 $288,922.87 Inventory Sept. 30 330,233.65 390,825.97 344,091.81 1,065,151.43 216,729.82 2691J846.13 230 709.36 _ 717,285131 347,866.12 $ 632,918.91 $1,212,294.79 $1,135,392.68 $2,980,606.39 $ 650,349.02 $1, 260, 961.22 "$1,128 ;23939, $3;039,549.63 $ 58,943.25* GROSS PROFIT 171,172.74 $ 301,050.02 $ 282,257.77 $ 754,480.53 $ 141,369.50 $ 302,301.58 $ 271,749.52 $ 715,420.60 39,059.93 OPERATING EXPENSES: Selling 45,673.53 95,339.39 74,296.12 215,309.04 50,638.18 91,204.33 73,271.97 2159114.48 194.56 Overhead 26,860.34 33,864.76 30,621.30 91,346.40 30,795.08 42,426.12 - 32,698.96 105,920.16 - 14,573.76* Administrative 61,823.49 80,327.14 64,528.99 206,679.62 59 222.84 75,029.50 631J266.04; 197 9518.38 9,161.24 TOTAL OPER ATIrk -, 134,357.36 $ 209,531.29 $ 169,446.41 $ 513,335.06 $ 140,656.10 $ 208,659.95 $ 169,236.97 $ 518,553:02 $ 5,217.96* EXPENSES $ .36,815.38 $ 91,518.73 $ 112,811.36 $ 241,145.47 $ 713.40 $ 93,641.63 $ 102,512.55 $ 196,867.58 $ 44,277.89 NET OPERATING PROFIT OTHER INCOME: Cash Discount 10,383.75 18,216.85 16,518.24 45,118.84 9,718.23 16,873.03 15,044.64 41,635.90 3,482.94 Cash over or under .93* 370.51* .18 371.26* .41* 193.74* 37.47 156.68* 214.58* Income on investments -0- 12:09 13.81 -0- -0- 7.96% 6.46% -0_... 5.99% Other 624.31 164.93 334.45 1,123.69 937.50 ] ;259.68 730.13 2;927:31 1 ;803.62* N ETINCOM E 5.95% 11,007.13 $ 18 011.27 16,852.87 45,871.27 10,655.32 17,938.97 15,812.24 44,406.53 1,464.74 NET INCOM E$ 47,822.51 $ 109,530.00 $ 129,664.23 $ 287,016.74 $ 11,368.72 $ 111,580.60::$_:118,K4.79 $: 241,274-1L_ $:45,742663. PERCENT TO NET SALES; Gross profit 21.29% 19.89% 19.91% 20.20% 17.86% 19.34% .19.41% ... .... ° .._ 19.05/ Operating expenses 16.71 13.84 11.95 13.74 17.77 13.35 12:09 13.81 Operating profit 4.58% 6.05% 7.96% 6.46% .09% 5.99% 7..32% 5.24% Other income 1.37 1.19 1.19 1.22 1.35 1.15 1.13 1.18 N ETINCOM E 5.95% 7.24% 9.15% 7.68% 1.44% 7.14% 8.45% 6.42% Lj4'o CI EDINA ' :4--"K NO. DATE HECK RE ER 01 -27 -86 E 1 A,40UNT VENDOR ITEM OE3CRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. 9 P.O. 8 MESSAGE 5.= 032354 U1/09/86 16.98 MINN __6ASSC3 002354 - 01/09/86 _ _ _ 19967.31 MINNEGASSCD 69315.24 032354 01/09/96 972.49 MIN4_GASSCJ . 002354 01/09/46 19961.93 MINNEGASSC3 " 032354 01/09/86 19823.45 MINNEGASSCD ' 002354 01/09/86 19409.26 MINNEGASSCJ a+° OD2354 01/09/86 972.48- MINNEGASCO 1',__902354._ MINNEGASCO ° OJ2354 _01/017/86 _ 01/09/86 _99724.86 312.49 MINVEGASSC) 002354 01/09/36 241.14 MINNEGASSCD 01/10/86 032354 - -_._. 01/09/86, _ 754.94. ___, MINVEGASSCD 002354 01/09/86 747.49 MINNEGASSCD STATES 0)2354 01/09/86 39573.23 MINNEGASSCD 19248.47 002354. _ _ 01/09/36 335.85 MINNEGASSCD. 073391 002354 01/09/86 347.62 MINNEGASSC3 5.1'7� OD2354 01/09/35 169.76 MINNEGASSCD �O J2354 01/09/86 407.26 ^MINNEGASSCD 01/10/86 49599.63 NORTHERN - 239792.47 • - -- 0)9331 01/10/86 99985.75 _ NORTHERN HATING __..._ HEATING H =ATING HEATING MINNEGASCO C3R2_Ci[04 H =ATIVG HEATIVG H =ATING HEATIVG HEATING HEATIN3 H =ATING HEATING - - - H E A T I Y. G- - - -- - - -- "i .z rrffrr IV 01/10/86 69315.24 GROJ' HEALTH EMP PAI) X0731)9 - -- _ 69315.24 • yi:'el �.._� rffrrf � 003369 01/10/86 29162.21 M'JTJ4L E4' 2AI) 29762.21 • i_ 073331 01/10/86 312.51 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC _ 013391 01/10/86 129582.54 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 033331 01/10/86 19248.47 NDRT4ERN STATES ELECTRIC �"� 073391 0 1/10/8 6 120.59 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 033331 01/10/86 455.60 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC !rl "! 003331 01/10/86 49599.63 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 0)9331 01/10/86 99985.75 _ NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 039391 01/10/86 117.10 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 009331 01 /10/86 19607.37 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC "i 003391 01/10/86 43.32 NORTHERN STATES 4 0)9331 01/10/86 29579.53 - NORTHERN STATES _ELECTRIC ELECTRIC 004391 01/10/86 29582.46 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC "_. 004391 _ _ 01 /10/86 _ _ _ _ 84.75 N3RTHERN___STATES ,. _ ELECTRIC 033331 01/10/86 199.28 NORTIERN _ STATES _ ELECTRIC arl^' 004391 01/13/86 670.21 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC ^_00_439101 /10/86 79_0_60.99_ NORTIERN ELECTRIC_ r� 093331 01/10/86 .03- NORTHERN _STATES STATEST- _ CORRECTION br^ 003391 01/10/86 189556.95 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 00937101/10/86 18,556.99 - NORTHERN _STATES ELECTRIC 008331 01/10/86 189556.95- NDRTAERN STATES _ _ ELECiRIC - W 0333)1 01/10/86 39116.58 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 004331, 01/10/86 729.93 NORTHERN- STATES ELECTRIC 53 003331 01/10/86 756.13 1110RTHERN SPATES ELECTRIC NO 038391 01/10/86 25.68 NORTHERN SLATES ELECTRIC I. 10- 2010- 000 -00 10- 2010 - 000 -00 10 -2010- 000 -OG 10- 2010- UUO -00 _ 10- 2010 - 000 -00 10- 2010 - 000 -00 10- 2010- 000 -00 10- 2010 - 000 -00 23- 2010 - 000 -00 21- 2010 - 000 -00 27- 2010 - 000 -00 28 -2010- 000 -00 40- 2010- 000 -00 40- 2010 - 000 -00 50 -2010- 000 -00 50- 2010- OUO -00 _ -.50-2010-000-00 10- 4156- 510 -51 10 -4157- 510 -51 10- 2010 - 000 -00 10- 2010 - 000 -00 10- 2010 - 000 -00 _ 10- 2010- 000 -00 10- 2010 - 000 -00 10- 2010- 000 -00 10- 2010 - 000 -00 10-2010- 000 -00 10- 2010- 000 -00 10- 2010 - 000 -00 10- 2010- 000 -00 10-2010- 000 -00 26- 2010 - 000 -00 27- 2010 - 000 -00 27- 2010 - 000 -00 28- 2010 - 000 -00 40 -2010- 000 -00 40- 2010 - 000 -00 _ - -�_ 40- 2010 - 000 -00 40- 2010 - 000 -00 40- 2010 - 000 -00 50- 2010 - 000- 00____ 50- 2010 - 000 -00 _ 50- 2010 - 000 -00 MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL * ** -CKS MANUAL * ** -CKS MANUAL * *f -CKS MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL 1396 CITY OF EDINA :i-CK NO. DATE *kf tf• ' -I j' 019415 �-1 I 01/10/86 I 001442 01/16/86 1033354 01/10/85 ! t • f 1 ! +013700 01/10/86 i 99999! 010015 01/13/86 010015 0.1/13/96 i 1.010015 01/13/86 • f I f r f I. I" 0t0013 01/13/86 01)019 01/13/86 01]013 U1/13/86 *fflrf ' 0t1174 C1/13/85 1 013174 01/13/86 I;i rk*.fr 010331 OID391 ( 01/13/86 01/13/86 - - I. 'I *lrikf 011430 01/13/86 PHP s. 10- 4156 - 510 -51 ^c + 0L07D1 01/13/36 a CHECK REGISTER 01 -27 -86 PAGE 2 44OUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. 11 P.O. 4 MESSAGE 679435.17 • • *•-CKS 69993.15 — MED ENTER ------ -- - --- . -- EMP 'AID -- 10- 4156 - 510 -51 MANUAL 69993.15 • —. - -- - - - ** *-CKS 129235.71 PHP EMP 3AI3 10- 4156 - 510 -51 MANUAL 129235.71 • * ** -CKS 39221.13 MINNEGASCO Hcgi 23 -2010- 000 -00 MANUAL 39221.73 • - * ** -CKS 29000.00 POSTMASTER - PJOSTAGE- 10 -4290- 510 -51 MANUAL 29000.00 * _ - -- ! *!-CK S 100.37 A T & T T= L =P404E 10- 2010 - 000 -00 MANUAL 44.53 _ A T & T T= L =>AONE 23- 2010- 000 -00 MANUAL 123.36 A T & T T= L =34D4E 27- 2010 - 000 -00 MANUAL 269.46 • *** -CKS 13.05 A T & T TELEPHDNE __ 10 -2010- 000 -00 MANUAL 9.00 A T & T TELEPHONE 50- 2010- UOO -00 MANUAL 14.64 A T & T f= LE ?4DNE 50 -2010- 000 -00 MANUAL 36.59 • *•* -CKS 759000.00 1ST 3ANK'S)UT4)ALE BAN( TRANSFER 50 -1010- 000 -00 MANUAL 759000.00- 1ST BANK S3UTHDALE BAN:( TRANSFER 50 -1010- 000 -00 MANUAL .00 • * ** -CKS 267.34 NGRTiERN SIATES EL =CTRIC - 10- 2010- 000 -00 MANUAL 152.37 NORT4!:RN SIAT_S ELECTiIC 40- 2010- 000 -00 MANUAL 419.71 * ** -CKS 109665.02 PIRA EMP 3NT 10- 4195 - 510 -51 MANUAL 109665.02 • *** -CKS 59076.22 ,_._ SOCIAL SECJRITY EMP :DNT _ _10- 4149 - 510 -51 MANUAL 1 1386 CI ' EDINA CHECK RE ER 01 -27 -86 3 ' CiEC< N3. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM 373CRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. 11 P.D. 1$ MESSAGE 59076.22 • 010702 01/13/86 149950.00 SJN ELECTRIC CA4E2A /3RUG 10- 2010 - 000 -00 MANUAL 149950.DO • OLD763 01/13/86 36.22 AT 1: T TELEPHDNE 10- 2010- UDO -00 MANUAL °i• 36.22 • 999999 •• ►- KS 'I 1 OL4725 01/21/86 45.00 STATE TREAT C34= A SCHOOLS 40- 4202 - 803 -80 MANUAL 45.00 • "1.014726 01/21/86 200.00 MICA CON= .33CHOOL__. _ 40- 4202- 803 -60 MANUAL 200.00 • trrrrt •rr -CKS II`f U15396 01/21/8,6 107.32 NORTHWESTERN BELL P43NE 19- 2010 - 000 -00 MANUAL " 015335 _ 01/21/86 39427.42 NORTHWESTERN BELL PHONE 10- 2010-000 -00 MANUAL r� 015396 01/21/86 54.95 NORTHWESTERN BELL Pi NE 10- 2010- 000 -00 MANUAL ' 01539S 01/21/86 19035.02 NORTHWESTERN BELL PHONE 10 -2010- 000 -00 MANUAL 015396 01/21/86 49.90 _ NORTHWESTERN BELL PHONE 10- 2010 - 000 -00 MANUAL I015395 01/21/86 60.25 NORTHWESTERN BELL PHOVE 10- 2010 - 000 -00 MANUAL 2'1 015396 01/21/86 149.87 J NORTHWESTERN SELL PHONE 23- 2010- 000 -00 MANUAL �OL5396 01/21/86 24.40 _ NORTHWESTERN BELL PH�VE 26- 1010 - 000 -00 MANUAL 015396 01/21/86 317.42 NORTHWESTERN BELL PHONE 27- 2010 - 000 -00 MANUAL I 015395 01/21/86 343.50 NORTHWESTERRN 3ELL Pi3NE 28- 2010 - 000 -00 MANUAL ^ 015396 - 01/21/86 29.18 NORTHWESTETN BELL_ . PHONE _ -_ _ _ 29- 2010 - 000 -00 MANUAL 015336 01/21/86 268.90 NORTHWESTERN BELL PHONE 40- 2010 - 000 -00 MANUAL 015396 01/21/86 114.89 NORTHWESTERN BELL PHONE 40- 2010- 000 -00 MANUAL 013396 01/21/86 123.30 NORTHWESTERN BELL PHONE 50- 2010- 000 -00 MANUAL `i 015336 01/21/86 178.74 NORTHWESTERN BELL PHONE 50- 2010 - 000 -00 MANUAL 015396 01/21/86 153.89 NORTHWESTERN BELL PHOVE 50- 2010 - 000 -00 MANUAL _ - - - - --- 69445.95 - - -- • - - - - -- - - -- - -. -. - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - I'r 999999 ••• -CKS 0 1570 0 01121186 160.00 P3STMASiER AVVJ4_ =EE 10 -4290- 510 -51 MANUAL II 160.00 • a' 999999 ••• -CKS "I 015734 01121186 39900.62 CDN3fRJCTION 27 -1300- 000 -00 MANUAL 39900.62 ____•_____C,ARL3O_NMJO2UD1 • „__ _ .__ - ,^ •rrr•• •t• -CKS 017095 01/21/86 20.29 CDMV OF REVENUE STAf= SALES TAX 10- 2010 - 000 -00 MANUAL 017095 01/21/86 93.24 COMM OF REVENUE STATE_SALES_TAX 23- 2010- 000 -00 MANUAL ' 017035 01121186 242.34 _ _ _ COMM OF REVENUE _ ___ _ - STATE SALES TAX _ 28 -2010- 000 -00 _ MANUAL OL7095 01/21/86 15.23 COMM OF REVENUE STATE SALES TAX 29 -2010- 000 -00 MANUAL 017095_ _. 01/21/86 _ 892.78 -COMM - OF: _REVENUE ,__ST4TE SALES -TAX 40 -2010- 000 -00 MANUAL '= 017095 01/21/86 199621.95 COMM OF REVENUE STATE SALES TAX 50- 2010- 000 -00 - _ MANUAL V " OL7095 01/21/86 109117.29 COMM OF REVENUE -r STATE SALES TAX 50- 2010- 000 -00 MANUAL d 1936 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 01-27 -86 PAGE 4 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM )ESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE �' 011'0)5 01/21/96 219614.22 COMM OF REVENUE STAT: SALES TAX 50- 2010 - 000 -00 MANUAL � I 529617.34 • -- - - iftttft * ** -CKS i 027003 01/22/86 62.20 ALBIVSON GE4 SJP' 10- 4504- 260 -26 267945 021003 01/22/86 125.69 ALBINSON 3�.UE PRINTING 10 -4570- 260-26 266254 187.88 • 021004 01/13/86 35.52 AMERICAN LINEN LAU43RY 10- 2010 - 000 -00 027004 01/13/86 11.50 AMERICAN LINEN LAJ431Y 13- 2010- 000 -00 021304 01/13/86 164.03 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 10- 2010 - 000 -00 i i 027004 01/13/86 7.21 AMERICAN LINEN LAJ4)RY 10- 2010 - 000 -00 027004 01/13/86 138.87 AMERICAN LINEN LAUN33Y 10- 2010 - 000 -00 027004 01/13/86 50.27 AMERICAN LINEN LAJM31Y 50- 2010 - 000 -00 027004 01/13/86 52.76 AMERICAN LINEN LAU4ORY 50- 2010 - 000 -00 027004 01/13/86 38.64 AMERICAN LINEN - LAUN)iY -- - -- 50- 2010-000 -00 498.90 i 2" 027005 01/13/86 37.25 AJDI3 GROU' A)V7_RFISING 50 -4214- 822 -82 2=1 ` 37.25 • ` 4[ ktftfR * ** -CKS SI r; 021073 01/15/86 12.32 KAMAN BEARING & SPLY PAR4TS 10 -1010- 000 -00 027009 01/15/86 114.27 KAMAN BEARING & SPLY REPAIR CARTS 10- 2010 - 000 -00 0270!14 01/15/86 171.31 KAMAN BEARING & SPLY R =PAIR PARTS 10- 2010 - 000 -00 ^I 021009 01/15/86 123.23 KAMAN BEARING & SPLY REPAIi 3ART -3 10- 2010- 000 -00 3C 027003 01/15/86 5.30 KAMAN BEARING & SPLY REPAIR PARTS - - 10- 2010 - 000 -00 - 31I� 433.43 * - -- --- 33 027JD) 01/15/86 150000- ASTL =FORD EQUIP CO CR:)[T 10- 2010-000 -00 A895 •� 027003 01/15/B6 110.38 ASTLEFORD =QUIP CO REPAIR 3ARAT3 10- 2010 - 000 -00 A23844 !J 021003 01/15/86 35.56 ASTLEFORD =QUIP CO RE'AIi PARTS 10 -2010- 000 -00 A23083 4 °I 021001 01/15/85 13.16 ASTLEFORD =QUIP CO R_PAI1 ?ARTS 10- 2010 - 000 -00 A23594 3'I 9.62 f . 30' ** -CKS 021013 01/13/80 40.73 ALTERNATOR RE3JILO R=P4IR 2ARTS 10- 2010 - 000 -00 7003 ` 12� -- 721313 01/13/86 135.32 ALTERNATOR REBUILD RE34I1 PARTAS 10- 2010 - 000 -00 6999 " 027013 01/13/86 78.20 ALTERNATOR REBUILD REPAIi PARTS 10 -2010- 000 -00 7759 0210L3 01/13/86 39.40 ALTERNATOR REBUILD REPAIR PARTS 10 -2010- 000 -00 56526 ` 294.65 * �n 4" fft**f *** -CKS °s 027024 01/15/86 34.35 AATISTAT IVC PRINTI4G 23- 4600 - 610 -61 7O e+ 34.35 * ez fttftt *** -CKS 02.7026- ___.__. 01/22/86 - _ _ _ 22].J3_- BAD ; = RMETER I4C _ ^R PAIi PARTS 40- 4540 - 807 -80 425228-_ - - -- s5 220.03 * ' 7 ♦fflkf *** -CKS 1,336 Cl cozmx _ ZyE-CK'@P-._P��E-_-_-_-__-__- �. � 027023 01x17x36 29221.30 027028 --' 01/17/86 ----- o.o*.^n-- � ozrmoo ozvxr/oa *.zpo.+u � 027033 '- 01/22v86 -- --- � oez000 01/22/36 027033 ----01v22/!8-6--_-____. ' ` � --' -- 220.30 *oa.00 428..00 1�v4,.vo � cxscm os cm nz-or-ua c 5 )ESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. N P.D. # MESSAGE ` _Bccm wwoLcsxLcns_______14xEmromv50-2010-uVu-0 l^ accx wooLcsxLEou /wxcmrna, so-oo�n-oou-oo ` uccn u*oLcuALcms zuxsmruxv nn-oozo-000-uo ` ' °°°-ruS [ ` ecmo=umn mucxImG xvx7-vroir so-vaua-uco-uu ocxnpoxo rxucKzmm zNxcmmax 50-*6e6-8+2-8+ _-_B mm s rnRv mmor 01e1/8u 145.20 umxmx cmo rcor14s IN 027037 01/21/86 I N_ a.vov-ap ° __ 021039 _ _ 01122196 100.00 ° -- -------' - nnxxmJcrxom ur-zono-oou-oo 30073 cmworuucrzum 60-1300-268-04 ' |., °**-CKS'_-_-�!' ' POLICE/~ - ` =~ �-' .� =- .-_- . Vzvu*a -_-_-_ _ . ---____-_-_-__-42 _--^~" - _ ' -- -------- 01/17v86 108.72 exommsms rcmmxo n:-*Fmsr- ~mLLscrzom ~. ` 027D53 01/17/96 43.56 BROWNING . RrFUSE nuvo** 01/15/86 ua ~ no BILL mmvcw pmxm cumF mcrAzns un-noxn-omo-uw F--RRIS ~ _ ` 10-2010-000-00 - 26 .-«V ' 01/17/86 dP . BROWNING F:*RRIS R�-FUSE :OLLECTION 10-2010-000-00 027053 r ° ° ~ -cu� ^ . � G27a46------01/14/8 FERRIS 9. ERG-P7OT§ If)- 2010-000-00 -�J . --- ' -- - BROWNING -- '---- - - - — -----'--- = 0270+6 01/22/86 529.78 mLumscnm pvmxm cx3L-7 rx 10-2149-000-00 827251 ^ 19059.56 -�_____'_____-_-'__'-__ ozm^v 01/15/86 7.10 axnWm pxorn p40rn uJppLzcs 10-+508-400-*2 .. 87282 027U4? 01/15/86 404.09 BROWN poovI pxnrx oupe 10-4508-4e0-*2 24810 ' 027 o*1 6 i1221 A i~no-------BROWN PoOr ofd-s] �- / ooro*r 01/15v86 6.25 mxoum pwoTn P40v3 om ''^^E~ 10-4508-420-42 ~^~~' oaro*v 01/13/86 7.95 BROWN PHOTO poPrO'S@ � `l u27u47 01v13v86 9.15 BROWN poorj---------�----PHOTO oo 10-4508-440-44 428241 522.25 - =~ �-' .� =- .-_- . Vzvu*a -_-_-_ _ . ---____-_-_-__-42 _--^~" - _ "~- ozrn»x 01/17v86 108.72 exommsms rcmmxo n:-*Fmsr- ~mLLscrzom 10-2010-00 0-00 027D53 01/17/96 43.56 BROWNING FERRIS RrFUSE COLLECTION 10-2010-000-00 027053 01/17/86 lffl.39 BROWNING F--RRIS REFUSE :OLLECTION 10-2010-000-00 - ' 027053 01/17/86 141.39 BROWNING F:*RRIS R�-FUSE :OLLECTION 10-2010-000-00 027053 01/17/86 4.3.56 BROWNING FERRIS REFUSE COLLECTION If)- 2010-000-00 -�J . --- ----- -- - BROWNING -- '---- - - - — -----'--- -000-00 10-2010 — ^ w" ^ 1195 CITY OF EDI14A CHECK NO. DATE 027753 01/17/86 027053 01/17/86 027053 01/17/85 027J53 01/17/86 027054 01/15/86 027054 01/15/8i 027054 01/15/86 f r f f f f 02709 tkffff 027062 01/22/85 100.00 * 01/15/86 180.00 BROCK WHITE 180.00 • rrr►rf CHECK RE6ISTER 027064 - 01/13/86 -- - -- 01 -27 -86 PAGE 6 44_OU_N_T_ _ _ _ VENDOR _ ' - I_TE4 _)_ESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.D. # MESSAGE 10.38 BROWNING FERRIS REFUSE COLLECTION 23- 2010- 000 -00 *** -CKS 80.48 BROJNING FERRIS 2EFJ5E..OLLECTION_ _28- 2010-000 -00. 392.30 BROWNING FERRIS REFJSE COLLECTION 50- 2010 - 000 -00 919.05. 392.27 BROWNING FERRIS REFJSE COLLECTION 50- 2010 - 000 -00 19475.78 * _- 772.65 COCA COLA 30TTLING INVEVrO:RY 50 -2010- 000 -00 28.56 BATTERY WAREHOUSE GEN SJ" 10 -2010- 000 -00 12974 _ 91.44 BATTERY WAREHOUSE _ _ GEN .SUP?. , 027079 7.62 BATTERY WAREHOUSE GENERAL SUPP 40- 2010 - 000 -00 12593 127.62 • 29328.15 -- - - --- - -- -- - - - -- - - - -- - -- -- -- - - - -- - -- - - - -- trr -CKS 100.00 _ _ - WAYNE BENNETi _..__..POLICE_ SERV 10- 4100 - 440=42.. -_ 100.00 * 01/15/86 180.00 BROCK WHITE 180.00 • rrr►rf 027064 - 01/13/86 -- - -- 021064 01/15/86 027054 _ 01/14/86_.._..____. 027064 01/14/86 frrfrr 027070 01/15/86 ...6.83-- - 455.DO _- 44.15 17.16 523.14 . --- - - - - -- - - • # -CKS CONSTRJCTION 27 -2010- 000 -00 150624 *** -CKS THERMAL CO T R=PAII 'ARATi 10 -2010- 000 -00 1285 THERMAL CO C04T REPAIRS 28- 2010 - 000 -00 E36309 -_ THERMAL _CO __ -__• _. REPAIR PARTS THERMAL CO REPAIR PARTS 50- 2010 - 000 -00 ._- _- C.ARLSON _THERMD, - - -, _ . _. __.- __REP.41- 110.74 * 132.30 397.10 - 139.70 669.10 • 19640.00 199640.00 • CITY BEER IVVENTORY 50- 2010 - 000 -00 - _CITY_- BEERIMV -4FOAY -_ 50- 201.0- 000_00 CITY BEER INVENTORY 50- 2010 - 000 -00 CITY OF BL30MINGTON CONT SERV 10- 2010 - 000 -00 la * ** -CKS „I * * *- KS + +o Y 021073 01/14/86 027073 01/14/86 _.. - 027073 01/14/86 027074 - - - -- 01/17/86 ...6.83-- - 455.DO _- 44.15 17.16 523.14 . --- - - - - -- - - • # -CKS CONSTRJCTION 27 -2010- 000 -00 150624 *** -CKS THERMAL CO T R=PAII 'ARATi 10 -2010- 000 -00 1285 THERMAL CO C04T REPAIRS 28- 2010 - 000 -00 E36309 -_ THERMAL _CO __ -__• _. REPAIR PARTS THERMAL CO REPAIR PARTS 50- 2010 - 000 -00 ._- _- C.ARLSON _THERMD, - - -, _ . _. __.- __REP.41- 110.74 * 132.30 397.10 - 139.70 669.10 • 19640.00 199640.00 • CITY BEER IVVENTORY 50- 2010 - 000 -00 - _CITY_- BEERIMV -4FOAY -_ 50- 201.0- 000_00 CITY BEER INVENTORY 50- 2010 - 000 -00 CITY OF BL30MINGTON CONT SERV 10- 2010 - 000 -00 la * ** -CKS „I * * *- KS + +o Y *** -CKS 027079 1/15/86__- 919.05. COCA_COlA- 3.OTTLIN6 ^CO4CESS10NS 28- 2010- 000-00 027378 01/14/86 772.65 COCA COLA 30TTLING INVEVrO:RY 50 -2010- 000 -00 027079 01/15/86 430.90 COCA COLA BOTTLING INVENTORY 50- 2010 - 000 -00 , 027079 __ 01/14/86____ - -__ -. 205 .95_- ____- CUCA- C.OLA_3Q_TTLING IYV. =IILD�Y 29328.15 rf•frr - - -- - -- - -_ -._ _ *** -CKS �yl "` 0 ?_7032 01/17/86 21.60 CONWAY FIR_ & SAFETY EQUIP HAINT 27- 4274 - 662 -66 78708 ,r 1001.38 • s - IE _COMMISSION= R2__UENUE_ GASOLINE— _ —_— 10- 2010. - 000 =00 fr #rk# • 027097 01/15/86 13.61 COURTNEY C WAYNE MILEAGE -- -... _ —. __ _— ._- -_.__ 13._51 • r #fr►rr 027039 01/14/86 237.32 CUSHMAN MOTOR CO R =PAIR- 4p i 237.32 I ' 1336 C1 'F EDINA 02710 5_ —_— CHECK R TER 01 -27 -86 ;E 7 i 027125 100.00 • ~ +I #ftr #r SUPPLY i • 021110 01/14/86 _- C1ECK.,_NO. DATE A.MDUN T - -- 01/1.4_/86 VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. p P.O. q MESSAGE 10- 2010 - 000 -00 617.55 • _ _021125_ _ — 01/14/86 118.00 21.60 SUPPLY GEN SUPP 10- 2010 - 000 -00 Vp 027114 01/15/86 30.45 136.20 - -- -- -- — 30.45 10- 2010- 000 -00 -- - -------- - - - - -- - -- - - - -- ... -CKS - _ • i 01/21/86 480.10 MERIT SUPPLY T343H CANS 10 -4602- 644 -64 13823 027125______ 027031 _ 01/22/86_ 129.62 CITY OF EDINA W4TE1 10- 2010- 000 -00 027125 027091 01/22/85 99.12 CITY OF EDINA WAT_R 10- 201 . 0 - 050 —OU i 027031 01122186 22.50 CITY OF EDINA WATER I` 20- 2010 - 000 -00 _01/22/86 027031 01/22/85 _ __... _....___22.50 CITY OF EDINA __.. _ WATER 2010-000_ -00 027129 027091 01/22/86 22.50 CITY OF EDINA WAT_2 —50- 50- 2010 - 000 -00 i 01/15/86 196.00 295.24 • SUPPLY CLEANING SUPP 28 -4512- 708 -70 1001.38 • s - IE _COMMISSION= R2__UENUE_ GASOLINE— _ —_— 10- 2010. - 000 =00 fr #rk# • 027097 01/15/86 13.61 COURTNEY C WAYNE MILEAGE -- -... _ —. __ _— ._- -_.__ 13._51 • r #fr►rr 027039 01/14/86 237.32 CUSHMAN MOTOR CO R =PAIR- 4p i 237.32 I ' ffff #f 02710 5_ —_— 01/22/86 100.00_ '� 027125 100.00 • ~ +I #ftr #r SUPPLY i • 021110 01/14/86 .. 168.60 027125 01/14/86 01/1.4_/86 448.95_ SUPPLY GEN SJPPLIES 10- 2010 - 000 -00 617.55 • _ _021125_ _ — 01/14/86 118.00 ..I SUPPLY GEN SUPP 10- 2010 - 000 -00 Vp 027114 01/15/86 30.45 136.20 - -- -- -- — 30.45 — MR HILDIN 10- 2010 - 000 -00 PARTS 27- 2010 -000— ICE SERV 10- 4100 -420 -4 DAVIDSEN GIST INC IUV_4T02T DAVIDSEN DIST INC INV=NTORY DELE73ARD TOOL CO TOOLS 50- 2010 - 000 -00 10- 2010 - 000 -00 91028 •1'I ffff #f 027125 01/14/86 _ — —u 437.25 MERIT SUPPLY 13682 PARTS • 027125 01/14/86 99.75 MERIT SUPPLY GEN SJPPLIES 10- 2010 - 000 -00 13683 _ _021125_ _ — 01/14/86 118.00 MERIT SUPPLY GEN SUPP 10- 2010 - 000 -00 13753 027125 01/14/86 136.20 MERIT SUPPLY GEN SUPPLIES 10- 2010- 000 -00 13783 *.'i1 027125 01/21/86 480.10 MERIT SUPPLY T343H CANS 10 -4602- 644 -64 13823 027125______ 01/14/85 153.30. —_ ME RIT__SUPPLY_ —_— GEN S_U.P4 23- 20.10- 000 -00 13586_ "I 027125 01/15/86 108.60 MERIT SUPPLY — GEN SUPPLIES 23 — 4504- 611 -61 13824 ♦! 027125 01/17/86 120.00 MERIT SUPPLY PARTS 27- 4620 - 662 -66 13870 x_027125 _01/22/86 415.00 MERIT SUPPLY TOOLS 28- 4504 - 708 -70 13825 "s 027129 01/21/86 315.58 MERIT SUPPLY CLc44 SUPPLY 28- 4512 - 708 -70 13851 7 017125 01/15/86 196.00 MERIT SUPPLY CLEANING SUPP 28 -4512- 708 -70 .9 * ** —CKS * ** —CKS i.� * ** —CKS * ** —CKS I- . ** —CKS r +� * ** —CKS I^n a 1 -� -c I x»us CITY or cozmx o*ccx acozorcn 01-27-86 pxoc u :IccK NO. DATE---.-----.. _---^nouw[__.-'_'---_-__--ocwonn_zJEM- DESCRIPTION xGc_-___-- ' o"nry.ro , - °°°-cuu ` nz/oo oz�o�vna_ 358.72 -__-u�m�_ouso�_mu"p�� -'-'-- C� 358.72 ° 027131 01/15/8* _ - 171.00 ' ' AspLJmo cn=rEs 'CONCESSIONS ____-_-_r0-oo10-ononuV-Jzu*a-___--- oz/xyt omzsvuo 134.00 xxpmmn c07rcE cxwz---ooFowm 28-2010-000-00 31539 305.00 ° ' °°^-cKu vartm nz/x+/uo - -' - 36.75 -'_'czrrJImc��ocxxx:cs' cumrxc�xzmo_- 36.75 ° ' °° ` ozrznu ozxzs/aa 113.90 coxL r xm07-mmsm GEm so""LzEo *n-onxo-oum-oo snmav |� °°^-cxS . _ 9?7147 ovms/u» 6.95 ------------ `` cuxmu cxmc«x C-ENTER CABLE �. onvz+r ��oa 01/15/86 z+.ye cuzmx cxncxx csmrsn cxmLc ro ' -- 10-2149-000-00 - --''- ^~^~- |~ '- _ - __-___�- -_zx.so_° | °°°-cws _ '__ n?nsa 01v21v86 pmcu�uoor u CO � � _ zvo o ~o ° -- - ' - °^°-�^a r' ~- n?rIuo 01v13/86 -3.o9Gzxcx�_Im Lmm �O3ROy - � oerxau 01/21/86 1+5.08 azxcms INC -�~-^-^ ~~'`^^^~ 29-4504-708-70 61452 � z�o.pr ° !^'!- � - - __ ___---__- -'-----'-----'--------'-'------- ^°°-cns - .. 021vau 01v14/8 2 6 Dwy^x3Ap EL,crmIC c@ REPAIR -�AnT8 -` 027188 01/17/8 10-4540-540-54 ___,^. , 02114B ^°^-cus ~ o?rza* 01x1+/86 46.10 GENEIAL COMMUNICATNS - --T: " CDNT -- ' -- — ourzav nx/axvo* RADIO - 10-2010-000-00 ~ ~ �''^ ~~^`~ _ n�vx�voo- -- -�� - - ' u1xv3/o6 ———— ---- ----' ~-~^~ ~ ~^ �--- ~~�^,-- �°°^' 10-4294-440-44 21745 027191 ozvczvoa GENERAL -- ------'-- RADIO — -~~~ 10-4914-300-3" 60181 '-- --------------- / �- . � ~-~ ` ' 1395 Cl EDINA CHECK RE .R 01 -27 -86 9 :SEC( N0.DATEAM_OUNi— VENDOR IFE4 DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE U2721-15 .., 01/14/86 303.25 _. G B .{ .SERVICES _._ LAOVDRY _ 10- 2010 - 00.0 -00.- "1 027206 01/14/86 197.15 G K K SERVICES LAUNDRY _ 10- 2010 - 000 -00 a. 027205 01/14/86 588.73 G & K SERVICES LAJNDRY 10- 2010- 000 -00 027206_01/14/86 258.25 _G_ 8 i SERVICES 40- 2010 - 000 -00 1.347.38 + __LAUVDRY - I` r � •rrrrr r 027203 U1/14/86 1.76 GENUINE PARTS R =PAIR 2ARTS 10- 2010- 000 -00 287534 027203___, 01/14/86 4.131_ GENUINE PASTS_ R -PAIR PARTS 10- 2_010— UOO -00 288663 027203 01/14/86 9.50 GENUINE PARTS R EPAIR PARTS LO- 2010 - 000 -00 288005 • 15.97 • I,o . r f R f f R * ++ -CKS 240.00_ LEROY_H LI3BY CONT SERV -- 40- 4200 - 800 -80 240.0 0 +— •ff•Rr - -- -- r•f -CKS �..,. •' 027229 01/14/86 62.50 HILLSTROM AUTD SUP Y R =PAIR PARTS 27- 2.010- 000 -00 - - - - - - - - - -- -- 62.5,0 • • 11 A, — !+f— CKS 027234 01/14/86 32.25 HOOTEN CLEANERS L4J431Y 10- 2010 - 000 -00 • 32.25 + •Rrf•r — r•• -CKS 027244 -,_ _ ,- 01/15/86 208.80 HAYDEN MUR'Hr__— - R=_PAI2 PARTAS 10- 2010 - 000 -00 208.90 + - 027245 01 /15/86 475.00 ROBERT B HILL SALT 28 -2010- 000 -00 475.00 + G_ _027246 _01/13/86 11.96_ .. HOPKINS 00)GEREPAIR_ - PARTS 10- 2010 - 000 -00 40234 11.96 + b • • f ! f • --- - - - - -- • :• -CKS -. • 027249 01/15/86 29.75 HARMON GLASS G---N SUPP 10- 2010- 000 -00 100138 027248 01/15/86 84.85_ HARMON GLASS REPAIRS 10- 2010- 000 -00 100177 I� 01/22/86 100.00 WILLIAM HO =FMAV POLICE SERVICE 10- 4100 - 420 -42 I6+ `021249 100.00 • 6� . '.� 66 6' , **-`KS n n 027256 01/15/86 63.00 ICSI TELEPHDNE 10- 2010 - 000 -00 14469 63.00 • +- -I •►rr•• - + ++ —CKS „1� 1396 CITY OF EDINA 75.40 HECK REGISTER LUM9FR 01 -27 -86 PAGE 10' IEC< N0. DATE_. _ A40UNTU,ENDOR _ _�- ITEM_J7_SCRIPTION_- ACCOUNT NO. INV. p P.O. q_MESSAGE 0 27277 01/11/85 _. 311.05 CARLSON PRINTING- G= N= i4L.SUPP - _____10- 4504 - 520 -52- _LUMBER 027277 Ul/22/86 85.35 CARLSON PRINTING G -N SUPP _3.3980__- -_____ ________• 10- 4504 - 520 -52 027277 01/15/85 193.25 CARLSON PRINTING PRINTING 28 -4690- 706 -70 LAWSON -- - -- - -- ----- 590.15 - -� -- 10- 2010- 000 -00 027317 01/14/86 027273 01/21/86 53.54 JERRYS F00)S G_NEIAL SUPPLIES 10- 2010 - 000 -00 0 27278 01/21/86 . _. -. - - .126.55 _ ._. -_ -_.. JERRYS F00)S ._ ___.GENERAL- _SUPPLIES_ - I0- 201Q-0_0_0.00 027317 01/14/86 18 0.2 9 • LAWSON PRO)UCTS - - -- 0x7279 01/13/85 __- 43.D2JERRYSOUR_OWN HOWE__ - -__R =PAIL PARTS -, -- 10- 2010 - 000 -00 PARTS 10 -2010- 000 -00 43.02 * 01 /14 /g6 382.04_ -- - -' o 027289 01/22/86 100.00 WALTER JOHNSON POLICE SERV 10- 4100- 420 -42 LAWS)N - - -- - - - - -- 100.0.0 • 10- 2010- 000 -00 w 29011.b7 • ff tf ►f I�. *** -CKS 027302 01/15/86 69556.36 J- KJETHER GIST CO INVENTOtY 50 -2010- 000 -00 02730? 01/15/86 39334.06 KUETHER GIST CO INV7-Ni02Y 50- 2010- 000 -00 - - - .. -- - 9 t_R 9 0 ..4 2 ! - rfffrf 027304 01/14/86 75.40 KNOK LUM9FR CO R =P4I2 DARTS 027304 01/14/86 112.30 KNOK LUMBER CO R =P4I2 PARATS 027304- _(11/14/86 -- _24.06_ KNOK _LUMBER CO- GEN S'JPP__ 027304 01/14/86 399.75 KNOK LUMBER CO CONSTRUCTION 027317 01/14/86 612.11 • LAWSON PRODUCTS GEN SUPPLIES 10- 2010- 000 -00 i rrffrf 027311. _- 01/14/86 027311 01/14/86 - �I 027311 01/15/86 - _69110.5D_ _ EASTSID ERE VEiAGE_ I4VE4 T01y 59056.55 EASTSIDE BEVERAGE INVENTORY 69252.30 EASTSIOE BEVERAGE INVENTO2Y - 17s419.35 -�- -- - --- - - - - -- 10- 2010-000 -00 419440 10 -2010- 000 -00 397188 10- 2010 - 000 -00 3 27- 2010- 000 -00 404783 5 50 -2010- 000 -00 50- 2010 - 000 -00 � kffkkk 027313 01/13/8G 188.10 JOHN H FOSTER GEN SJ ?'LIES 10- 2010- 000 -00 "._i 188.10 • I -1 021317-___.- 01/14/86 129.50 LAWSDN_PR03UCT_S G =N SUPPLIES 10- 2010 - 000 -00 027317 01/14/86 212.07 LAWSON PRODUCTS GEN SUPPLIES 10- 2010- 000 -00 027317 01/14/86 433.55 LAWSON PRU)UCTS GEN SUPPLIES 10- 2010 - 000 -00 027317 ._ _. 01/14/86__ -- - ._159.62__- LAWSDN PRO) UCJS P4R4TS 10- 0 000-Q 027317 01/14/86 307.25 LAWSON PRO)UCTS GEN SUPPLIES _z010- 10- 2010 10100 -00 027317 01/14/86 242.49 LAWSON PRODUCTS PARTS 10 -2010- 000 -00 _-027317 01 /14 /g6 382.04_ LAWSON PRO).UC -iS PARTS_ 1D -2010- 000 -00 027317 01/14/86 145.15 LAWS)N PRODUCTS GEN SUPPLIES 10- 2010- 000 -00 w 29011.b7 • * ** -CKS ■ *•-CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS In, eo I. hu 7 - %w ' 1.3e5 cl r cuImx � :*scn sL cx oz-ar-au c 11 / - ` ozoua 01/13v86 110.35 LxYmE mzmxsoorx co m7p414 "oorS 027329 01/13/86 0.1 E -MImNrS?rA CO R.PAII PARTS ouroup oz/zo/oa yz.* Loxmc nxmwcumru co mcpxxA-PAR7TS zoz.«m ----'--- *~ . ,- ') uzrooz nxvzsxaa 205.2 PRLTI j 151.58 Lxwmmn cnn"mmxruum nowr msp»z ns*.ua ° . �_-027331 __-_-01^15y8 285.30 LAKE STATE EQUIP '. 027337 01v15/66 485.67 Lxnc uxAxc suuxp w, l vvz.*r ^ ,! *° RE? cou xTu --PAIRS *n-nozo-uon-oo oou+ +0-2010-000-00 uaru +n-zozo-uoo-oo 10-2010-000-00 34565 10-2010-000-00 34341 10-2010-000-00 puoouu oo-zovn-uuo-oo s13070 -- --- ^°°-cxs ^°°-cxs °^°-cxo -:HECK -NO. _DATE -_-_-_-_-_--A4D»NrVENDOR zIEn-) GE_--___- - ` | ^� uarnvu o��v��u� _ --_ ur.00 ' _ --__- �ccr enno INC �wc -- _ m�wavr |^ 0213L3 ox/z�xoa 1.35 Lccr ouox INC sEm Sop" __1n-a0zV-ono-Vq ' --zs-mozn-uuo- 0 0---------'---- ------ ' ^~ ourz/o 01x13v86 20.00 Lccr amoo INC mxumvY 27-2010-000-00 � --' ---'------- 109.15 ' w,- 027342 0 01/15/86 36.91 " "°C QUEEN E EQUIP INC n °°°-oxo ' 027324 01v17/86 913.32 LnuIs cow"Jrcx BILLING 10-2010-000-00 ----'---------- ozrxu* 01v17x86 19e87.11 Lnoxa coy"Jrsx BILLING 10-2010-000-00 ' � 02r32401/17/86 10-2010-000-00 0 �u3.2p_______�LOaISrcR_VILLIw |~. �� n n273 4 3 -__o1/z5xo�---_--������ � 10-2010-000-00 � �a.so � ozrzu^ o�xzr�o� �"u*o.00 Lmazu cun"JrEm oILLING--------1i-onxO-bmO-O �~ '| 0273o4 01/17/86 z"nar.�* LusIu con"urEx BILLING zo-uoxo-000-o- 0273e4 _ _ox/zr/ua_ 1 ,7 6 3 .5 5Lmsxx c043urcA_0zLLImG 9 0-%01V-pop-yU oxv»z* 0 1/17v86 n�r.7n Losrs cmn"mTER oxLLzms »n-�n,o-bno-oo----------------------'--- *~ ozrou+ 01v17v86 597.75 Lnwxs con"Jrcm azLLzms nn-omzn-000-ou ' �oerou'L _- ot/17/8�a--_---____-_5 9 ?. 7 Il LOGIS '-------CgM3JTE � � 9,256.81 ° � ---------- °° / - ` ozoua 01/13v86 110.35 LxYmE mzmxsoorx co m7p414 "oorS 027329 01/13/86 0.1 E -MImNrS?rA CO R.PAII PARTS ouroup oz/zo/oa yz.* Loxmc nxmwcumru co mcpxxA-PAR7TS zoz.«m ----'--- *~ . ,- ') uzrooz nxvzsxaa 205.2 PRLTI j 151.58 Lxwmmn cnn"mmxruum nowr msp»z ns*.ua ° . �_-027331 __-_-01^15y8 285.30 LAKE STATE EQUIP '. 027337 01v15/66 485.67 Lxnc uxAxc suuxp w, l vvz.*r ^ ,! *° RE? cou xTu --PAIRS *n-nozo-uon-oo oou+ +0-2010-000-00 uaru +n-zozo-uoo-oo 10-2010-000-00 34565 10-2010-000-00 34341 10-2010-000-00 puoouu oo-zovn-uuo-oo s13070 -- --- ^°°-cxs ^°°-cxs °^°-cxo 021343 o�m opp ,"-"."-"""-"" �� --__--n MINNESOTA-GLOVE _- ~` -. . ^°-^"^-° , -- DXYGEN - EQUIP _EQUIP M---. .~..^.-..°-.° . � ~ _-0z73 - - ` w,- 027342 0 01/15/86 36.91 " "°C QUEEN E EQUIP INC n n rxm Pxxmrs x xo-201 . . ^/ mp�] n noru*n 0 01/15,186 4 41.79 * *xmmcowTx s sLmxE n ncu mopp 1 10-2010-000-00 0 003*90 |~. �� n n273 4 3 -__o1/z5xo�---_--������ � �a.so � �mmsamvm m mLooc s s " """""^` 0 MINNESOTA-GLOVE _- ~` -. . ^°-^"^-° , -- DXYGEN - EQUIP _EQUIP M---. .~..^.-..°-.° . � ~ 119(3 CITY OF EDINA 72.50 CHECK REGISTER 01/22/86 100.00 01 -27 -86 PAGE 12 CiECK NO. DATE AMOUNT_ - -_ _. VENDOR_..._ _ __ ITEM.—DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. p P.O. 0 MESSAGE ,I 027344 01/15/86 17.05 MED OXYGEN 8 E3UIP 1ST Al) SUPPLY 10- 4510 - 440 -44 -, 027370 ; 191.46 _ 43.09 * . 191.4 6 � 027378 027311 01/13/86 85.25 - -- - - - - +rrrrt * ** -CKS 027350 01/14/86 121.20 MILLER DAVIS CO OFFICE SUPPLIES 10- 2010- 000 -00 121.20 t ++ -CKS 027356 01/22/86. -._ __— _ 288.46. MINN =SOTA 3LUEPRINT__ - __3LU_- PRINKING. 10 -4570- 260 -26 - 288.46 * -- - I q k f k f + + 027359 01/15/86 124.19 34 ALARM SERVICE ALARM SERV 23-4304- 610 -61 027358. _ 01/15/86 95.76._— _— _3M_4L ARM __S_RVICE_ —, AL4IM_SERV 28 -4304- 708 -70 d 027359 01/14/86 152.07 3M ALARM SERVICE ALARM SERV 50- 4304 - 861 -86 373.02 027359 01/15/86 - - 49495.00 MINV TORO -INC MOWERS 27- 4930- 662 -66 593406 49495.00 + 027360 01/14/86 31.50 MINNESOTA BANNER C31T REPAIRS 10-2010 - 000-00 061814 0213SU 01/14/86 21.50 MINNESOTA JANN_R GEN SUPPLIES 10- 2010 - 000 -00 061841 - -- -- - - - - - - - - -- 5.3.00_ . 4 f f f t f 01/15/86 72.50 021355 01/22/86 100.00 - 72.50 + 100.00 • 027355 01/14/85 372.00 027366 01/14/86 69.95 02736c.___ _ 01/14/86_ - -_ 271 ..9,8- _ tk4klt 4.91.31_ -30 —_ 713.03 + -, 027370 01/22/86 191.46 - - -- -- -- - - -- - - - - - -- 191.4 6 � 027378 027311 01/13/86 85.25 - -- - - - -.__ 85.2.5 -► � +frflt BURT MERFELD MINNESOTA 3AR MINNESOTA 3AR POLICE SERVICE Ivu =vro�Y INVENTORY Tull. -uTna V MIDLAND PR)DUCTS CO C34C_SSIONS MILH)FF. ST_EL CONT REPAIRS 021375 01/15/86 72.50 MODERN EQUIPMENT GEN SUP? 72.50 + ' I 01/14/86 4.91.31_ -30 —_ _MARK V11 SALES. INC INV_Ni02Y 021378 01/14/86 69882.25 HARK Y11 SALES INC [NYEVTORY 027378 01/14/86 69837.95 MARK Vll SALES INC INVENTORY w 10- 4100 - 420 -42 50 -2010- 000 -00 50- 2010- 000 -00 50- 2010 - 000 -00 28- 4624 - 704 -70 10618 10 -2010- 000 -00 82487 2010 - 000 -00 854171 JU- 4ULU— UUU —U_U 50- 2010 - 000 -00 50 -2010- 000 -00 * ** -CKS rtt- *** -CKS *** -CKS Y• 1 ^, I' I, �I ,. IV . t)nG cl r coIux cuccx xL sx oz-or-o* c zn zn-^aza-soz-no oouyux ---- 10-2010-000-00 10-*212-260-26 Z3-2010-000-00 ----'------- *u-oozo-000-oo -- --- °^°-cxo °°°-cmu n?rsoo ozvoovuo oau.00 --__-wcmmrmc_*aocxr-- -_--_J«ccImoPccTI0m_-_-__-_.zV-4aVo-350-a _ 027393 ozvuevoa 19080.00 ncouxxc x)osmT rmEc ImupEcrznm 6u-1300-012-13 ^~ 19440.00 ° - ---- - 189051.50 ° ' 021319 01/15v86 xo.^o msraJ powc COMM mu1" ncmrxL *. na.14o ° o�r�oo — -�i�zr�o�--------io�rxo���------f�ow�c� w,��c� --'-o��x���u---- ~~ nzrsj�j uxvulfyu 110.90 mzmmuAPnLzo STAR & rnzoomm mm7-Irzszms cLccv11C10-2010-00: ~, 0273141 01m5/86 5.4.3 umx u rmoumc xmr-wrzyIma cLc- rvi c � 1 10-2010-uun-00 ° °~ 1 19087.56 ozmus 01m7v96 59415.34 n"m camp rncx3 wvzili °~ 5.415.34 ^ ~~ ^°°-cms ^ *". zn-^aza-soz-no oouyux ---- 10-2010-000-00 10-*212-260-26 Z3-2010-000-00 ----'------- *u-oozo-000-oo -- --- °^°-cxo °°°-cmu n?rsoo ozvoovuo oau.00 --__-wcmmrmc_*aocxr-- -_--_J«ccImoPccTI0m_-_-__-_.zV-4aVo-350-a _ 027393 ozvuevoa 19080.00 ncouxxc x)osmT rmEc ImupEcrznm 6u-1300-012-13 ^~ 19440.00 ° , ozr*na_- --ozxz7vV� 2a~36 !^. oza.ou ` . | ' - - on,+o umau/oa zn ~ xo mu 914puzc ouprLv 14v-rxrolv mop 23-1209-000-00 ` _ ' 02 7 *12- _o1m*/uh 7~r1N@'GvuPwIC- SUPPLY ---__--_IuVENr»R 10-00 me1wz 01/14/86 � ��oa 60.75 NW oxxp*zc nuppLr x4x4rouY mupp cs-eozn-000-ou ` vw . our*10 ozmrxua 73.03 m^ uIxpmIc ouppLr xuxcw uupp zn-unzo-noo-oo 118515 42 r 4.12 01/17/86 14. 49 NW GIAPHIC SUPPLY I-MVEN SUPP 23-2010-000-00 118521 ' __ _ - 0 PEPSI _ ---' BOTTLING _' _-', ~..~^...... . ' 02742 � / ej 2.87.35 PEPSI COLA BOTTLING INVE4roly 50-2010-000-00 / . ���� ou � � � � �� L| 889.70 ~ ^ ­L027434 01/14/86 123.20 PlI,4rERS SERVICE INC E2JIP MkINT 28-2010-000-00 983 - , W ^ - ---- - -- °^°-cwu _ o ouru»z _ _ 01/2e/86 _ ____sm.uy _--__-m.s.3.cun"omv--- cLccv11C10-2010-00: o��zy� n n���a�na r rno.,o N N.S.P. cnppxmv c cLc- rvi c � 1 10-2010-uun-00 ° °~ 1 19087.56 ^°°-cms ^ *". W ^ 1745 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER Ci_CK.NO. DATE 027439 01/13/86 -____ - -___ _. 79414.54 -.__,-_.PRIOR LAKF.AG...._ _ _..___SAND .GRAVEL 79414.4 * *t•*ttt 027441 01/14/86 193.20 THE PRINT 3HOP PRINTING - - 193.20 • - -.. -- - - -._. .- - .� ftf*ff 027450 01 -27 -86 PAGE 14 10- 2010 - 000 -00 60907 z I� +•+ -CKS **k -CKS - 01/15/86 - - - — - -- 18.72 - -- PBE - — -- -.PART 10- 2010 - 000 -00 18.72 • �'s f k f* f k 027453 027453 0274f,3 * t • f 4 • 027470 ftkktf 027479 027473 k t f f f t 027485 *tkkkk 027492 027492 027492 027432 027432 027492 027493 01/17/86 01/15/86 01/15/86 01/22/86 01/.15/86 01/22/86 01/22/86 01/14/86_ 01/14/86 01/14/86 01/14/86 01/14/86 01/14/86 01/14/86 •••-CKS 49856.90 — `REX )IST INVENTORY 50- 2010 - 000 -00 29279.40 REX 31ST INVENTORY 50- 2010 - 000 -00 29223.90 -. -__REX �_I_ST_ —� IYV= yj021( 502010- 000 -00 99360.20 + - - -- -'' - - -_ *** -CKS , 25.00 DR RDCKYELL _ 2 5. 0-0- * - - - -- — - - - - -- 112.25 R & 2 SPECIALTIES 55.40 R 8 R SPECIALTIES 167.55_! Mc) SERV 10- 4100 - 481 -48 **•-CKS !, CONT REPAIRS 28 -2010- 000 -00 G_N SJPP 28 -4504- 707 -70 7096 ° + ** -CKS 1' 027450 01/14/85237.50 ROYAL _CRONY- BE VINN= VTDRr_ 50- 2010- ODO -OU 0274:0 01/14/86 —_ 346.00 ROYAL CROW4 BEV INVENTORY 50 -2010- 000 -00 027450 01/14/86 139.15 ROYAL CROY,Y BEV INV =NTORY 50 -2010- 000 -00 " -- - - - - - -- 722.35 -_ �.- - -- - - - -- - - - -- — - -- f k f* f k 027453 027453 0274f,3 * t • f 4 • 027470 ftkktf 027479 027473 k t f f f t 027485 *tkkkk 027492 027492 027492 027432 027432 027492 027493 01/17/86 01/15/86 01/15/86 01/22/86 01/.15/86 01/22/86 01/22/86 01/14/86_ 01/14/86 01/14/86 01/14/86 01/14/86 01/14/86 01/14/86 •••-CKS 49856.90 — `REX )IST INVENTORY 50- 2010 - 000 -00 29279.40 REX 31ST INVENTORY 50- 2010 - 000 -00 29223.90 -. -__REX �_I_ST_ —� IYV= yj021( 502010- 000 -00 99360.20 + - - -- -'' - - -_ *** -CKS , 25.00 DR RDCKYELL _ 2 5. 0-0- * - - - -- — - - - - -- 112.25 R & 2 SPECIALTIES 55.40 R 8 R SPECIALTIES 167.55_! Mc) SERV 10- 4100 - 481 -48 **•-CKS !, CONT REPAIRS 28 -2010- 000 -00 G_N SJPP 28 -4504- 707 -70 7096 ° 29750.65 SOUTHSIDE )IST COINC INV =NTDRY 50- 2010 - 000 -00 75 * ** -CKS 59.55 DON 3TREIC'iER GUNS AMMJNITION 10 -4572- 420 -42 M32082 59.55 -_ *** -CKS I ^„ _9.55_ SOUfNDALE °OR3 REPAIR ?ART,..: 10- 2010- 000 -00 108411 1.30 SJUTHDALE FORD REPAIR 3ARTS 10- 2010 - 000 -00 108898 30.29 SOUrIOALE =0RO REPAIR PARTS 10- 2010 - 000 -00 108028 4.04 SOUTHOALE_FORD_ ____. _REPAIR., PAR ` fS 10- 20107!!_000- 90_10$962- 14.24 SOUTHDALE =ORD R =PAIR PARTS 10- 2010- 000 -00 108501 267.90 SOUTHDALE FORD REPAIR PARTS 10- 2010- 000 -00 108928 29750.65 SOUTHSIDE )IST COINC INV =NTDRY 50- 2010 - 000 -00 75 1786 CI F EDINA DA-T_E - - -, - --- AMOUNT HECK RE ER V.ENDOR__._ - ___ .- 01 -27 -86 E 15 ITEM_)ESCRIPT10N ACCOUNT NO. INV. 0 P.O. 0 MESSAGE 027493 01/14/86 69765.30 SOUTHSIDE )IST COINC INOENTOIT 0 ?7493__. _ 01/15/86__- ____- _____._ 86.70 SOUTHSID_E )_IST C014C 9 *602.65 + rrrrr* 027495 01/14/86 83.33 SOUTHTOUN IEEFRIG CONT ,IEPAIRS -- - - -- 93..3.3 _. I **&*** 027493 U1/17/86 �,' ', 027499 01/17/86 027475_ - - -_. .01/17/86 - --- _ -.__ -- frftfr �. 027102 0 01/14/86 0275132_ L 0 ?7503_ -. -_ 01/15/86 0?7503 01/15/86 �. 027503 01/21/86 027503 _ 01/15/86 0 ?1503 01/15 /886 v 50- 2010 - 000 -00 50- 2010 - 000 -00 * ** -CKS ° 10 -2010- 000 -00 50511 4 * ** -CKS 18.52 STARK ELECTTRI41CS GEN 3JPPLIES 10- 4504 - 560 -56 746200 21.25 STALK ELECTTRONICS REPAIR PARTS 40- 2010 - 000 -00 745740 jp 24.02 STA2( ELECTTRONICS__R -PAL -g PARTS - -- 40= 4540 - 606 -80 7457.80- 63.80 * - -- - - -- -- - -- - - -- - -- - - - - -- * * *-CKS 42.10 SUBJIBAN CiEVIOLET REPAII 3ARTASO 10- 2010 - 000 -00 23314 1.13. - -_ -_ . S'JBJRBANCiEVROLET R =PAIR_ 3ARATS 10- 2010 - 000 -00 51324 ; 230.02 SJB'JRBAN CiEVROLET CO.VT IEPAIRS 10- 2010- 000 -00 23171 42.10 SJBURBAN CHEVROLET CONT REPAIRS 10 -2010- 000 -00 23314 230.02 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET CONT REPAIRS 10- 2010 - 000 -00 23171 545.37 * - n., _.98.17S'JBJ.I BAN - PLUMB, SUP .___G7- NEAAL_SUPPLIES 1.0 -2010 -000- 00_802886 21.22 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP CONT REPAIRS 23 -2010- 000 -00 866500 - 522 ' 3 SUBURBA - '•• •� N PLUMB SUP COVT REPAIRS 28- 4248 - 708 -70 869001 37..36 SUBURBAN PLUMS SUP REPAII PARTS 40- 2010 - 000 -00 462254 48.52 SUBJIBAN PLUM3 SUP REPAIR PARATS 40- 2010 - 000 -00 859928 728.00 * ** -CKS 027505 -- ___01/2.2/86 116.50 SUN A)VEIF131NG 10- 4210 - 140 -14 � 116.50 + _ - • i' ** -CKS �•, v "I 0 ?7503 01/14/86 2.46 ST PAUL B03K GEN SJP ?LIES 10- 4504 - 160-16 027509 _01/13/86_ _2..37 SI PAUL BOOK __GEN SJPP 1D -4504- 200 -20 "i 027508 01/21/86 29.90 ST PAUL BOOK GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 260 -26 027508 01/15/86 3.00 ST PAUL BOOK GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 420 -42 362632 027509,- 01/13/86__ -- _ -_ -_ 9.74 ST _PAUL 803K _ GENSJP ?_ 10- _4504 - 440 -44 3 I• 027509 01/14/85 74.22 ST PAUL BOOK - GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 510 -51 - 027509 01/13/85 28.40 ST PAUL BOOK GEN SUPP 10- 4504- 510 -51 027508 01/13/86 9.84 ST PAUL BOOK GEN SJPP 10 -4504- 510 -51 �. - - -- -. _ - -- . -_ 027508 01/13/86 5.09 ST PAUL BOOK GEN SUPP 10- 4504- 510 -51 vl'i 027509 01/15/86 11.53 ST PAUL B03K GEN SUP? 10- 4504 - 540 -54 °9 0275!19 01/14/86 15.05 - Sf_P4UL_ BOOK____ G_N_.SUPPLIES. 10 -4504- 60_0 -60 _ _ e ` ; "1 027508 01/14/86 4.43 ST PAUL BOOK GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 600 -60 027503 01/21/86 17.32 ST PAUL BOJK GEN SUPPLIES 23 -4504- 611 -61 3 027508 01/14/86 5.58 ST PAUL BOOK GEN SUPPLIES 40- 4504 - 803 -80 220.22 * - �" ffrtrr 50- 2010 - 000 -00 50- 2010 - 000 -00 * ** -CKS ° 10 -2010- 000 -00 50511 4 * ** -CKS 18.52 STARK ELECTTRI41CS GEN 3JPPLIES 10- 4504 - 560 -56 746200 21.25 STALK ELECTTRONICS REPAIR PARTS 40- 2010 - 000 -00 745740 jp 24.02 STA2( ELECTTRONICS__R -PAL -g PARTS - -- 40= 4540 - 606 -80 7457.80- 63.80 * - -- - - -- -- - -- - - -- - -- - - - - -- * * *-CKS 42.10 SUBJIBAN CiEVIOLET REPAII 3ARTASO 10- 2010 - 000 -00 23314 1.13. - -_ -_ . S'JBJRBANCiEVROLET R =PAIR_ 3ARATS 10- 2010 - 000 -00 51324 ; 230.02 SJB'JRBAN CiEVROLET CO.VT IEPAIRS 10- 2010- 000 -00 23171 42.10 SJBURBAN CHEVROLET CONT REPAIRS 10 -2010- 000 -00 23314 230.02 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET CONT REPAIRS 10- 2010 - 000 -00 23171 545.37 * - n., _.98.17S'JBJ.I BAN - PLUMB, SUP .___G7- NEAAL_SUPPLIES 1.0 -2010 -000- 00_802886 21.22 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP CONT REPAIRS 23 -2010- 000 -00 866500 - 522 ' 3 SUBURBA - '•• •� N PLUMB SUP COVT REPAIRS 28- 4248 - 708 -70 869001 37..36 SUBURBAN PLUMS SUP REPAII PARTS 40- 2010 - 000 -00 462254 48.52 SUBJIBAN PLUM3 SUP REPAIR PARATS 40- 2010 - 000 -00 859928 728.00 * ** -CKS 027505 -- ___01/2.2/86 116.50 SUN A)VEIF131NG 10- 4210 - 140 -14 � 116.50 + _ - • i' ** -CKS �•, v "I 0 ?7503 01/14/86 2.46 ST PAUL B03K GEN SJP ?LIES 10- 4504 - 160-16 027509 _01/13/86_ _2..37 SI PAUL BOOK __GEN SJPP 1D -4504- 200 -20 "i 027508 01/21/86 29.90 ST PAUL BOOK GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 260 -26 027508 01/15/86 3.00 ST PAUL BOOK GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 420 -42 362632 027509,- 01/13/86__ -- _ -_ -_ 9.74 ST _PAUL 803K _ GENSJP ?_ 10- _4504 - 440 -44 3 I• 027509 01/14/85 74.22 ST PAUL BOOK - GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 510 -51 - 027509 01/13/85 28.40 ST PAUL BOOK GEN SUPP 10- 4504- 510 -51 027508 01/13/86 9.84 ST PAUL BOOK GEN SJPP 10 -4504- 510 -51 �. - - -- -. _ - -- . -_ 027508 01/13/86 5.09 ST PAUL BOOK GEN SUPP 10- 4504- 510 -51 vl'i 027509 01/15/86 11.53 ST PAUL B03K GEN SUP? 10- 4504 - 540 -54 °9 0275!19 01/14/86 15.05 - Sf_P4UL_ BOOK____ G_N_.SUPPLIES. 10 -4504- 60_0 -60 _ _ e ` ; "1 027508 01/14/86 4.43 ST PAUL BOOK GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 600 -60 027503 01/21/86 17.32 ST PAUL BOJK GEN SUPPLIES 23 -4504- 611 -61 3 027508 01/14/86 5.58 ST PAUL BOOK GEN SUPPLIES 40- 4504 - 803 -80 220.22 * - �" ffrtrr •� N PLUMB SUP COVT REPAIRS 28- 4248 - 708 -70 869001 37..36 SUBURBAN PLUMS SUP REPAII PARTS 40- 2010 - 000 -00 462254 48.52 SUBJIBAN PLUM3 SUP REPAIR PARATS 40- 2010 - 000 -00 859928 728.00 * ** -CKS 027505 -- ___01/2.2/86 116.50 SUN A)VEIF131NG 10- 4210 - 140 -14 � 116.50 + _ - • i' ** -CKS �•, v "I 0 ?7503 01/14/86 2.46 ST PAUL B03K GEN SJP ?LIES 10- 4504 - 160-16 027509 _01/13/86_ _2..37 SI PAUL BOOK __GEN SJPP 1D -4504- 200 -20 "i 027508 01/21/86 29.90 ST PAUL BOOK GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 260 -26 027508 01/15/86 3.00 ST PAUL BOOK GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 420 -42 362632 027509,- 01/13/86__ -- _ -_ -_ 9.74 ST _PAUL 803K _ GENSJP ?_ 10- _4504 - 440 -44 3 I• 027509 01/14/85 74.22 ST PAUL BOOK - GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 510 -51 - 027509 01/13/85 28.40 ST PAUL BOOK GEN SUPP 10- 4504- 510 -51 027508 01/13/86 9.84 ST PAUL BOOK GEN SJPP 10 -4504- 510 -51 �. - - -- -. _ - -- . -_ 027508 01/13/86 5.09 ST PAUL BOOK GEN SUPP 10- 4504- 510 -51 vl'i 027509 01/15/86 11.53 ST PAUL B03K GEN SUP? 10- 4504 - 540 -54 °9 0275!19 01/14/86 15.05 - Sf_P4UL_ BOOK____ G_N_.SUPPLIES. 10 -4504- 60_0 -60 _ _ e ` ; "1 027508 01/14/86 4.43 ST PAUL BOOK GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 600 -60 027503 01/21/86 17.32 ST PAUL BOJK GEN SUPPLIES 23 -4504- 611 -61 3 027508 01/14/86 5.58 ST PAUL BOOK GEN SUPPLIES 40- 4504 - 803 -80 220.22 * - �" ffrtrr 1335 CITY OF EDINA -47C< NO. DATE _ A4OUNT____- CHECS REGISTER 01 -27 -86 PAGE 16 NDO_R - I- TEM.,_DESCRIPiI -ON ACCOUN_[ N_0. INV. p ?.0._it M.[SSAGE 027524 01114/86 .. __- ... 234.40 ____TURNOUIST PAPER .CO ._. GEN SJP_?___._._.�_— .__ --_�0= 2.0.10_0.00- 0.0 —__- -___ -- 234.40 • i * *rtr - --- --- ----- - - -- -- *ff-CKS ° 021526 01/14/86 39077.50 TRACY OIL CO GASOLINE 10- 2010- 000 -00 021525 01/2 ? /86 19650.00 __...- _TRACY _OIL _:.0 - - GASDLI.NE - ___-- 9_4Sa12 =5.6.0= 5.6 - -- - - - -- 49727.50 • *t t kkt _ rr *_ -_C_KS 027331 01/15/86 205.20 AMM041A HOJSE CONT REPAIRS 28- 4248 - 707 -70 012093 .° -- 205.20 •. _ �- ...... *••-CKS , 027542 01/14/86 99697.84 THORPE DIST INVE4TO2T 50- 2010 - 000 -00 1q -.. 99697.84 • rt•.ti - - - - -- -- --- . - -- -- ------ - -- - -- -- -- - -�.'f -CKS ,.. 027549_ _ _. ._01/13/86 -__ _ -3 -5..15 CITY -WEST _ -- _PRIVfING 23- 201_0- 000 -00 35.15 • ritfk* -- - -- - --- ....__ - -- -- - - - -- - •- - -- - -- - -- --- - --------- ---__.__ —__— —_— -- - -.rte- CKS - f - -,� 027553 01/17/85 42.05 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP RE ?AII 'ARTS 10- 4540 - 540 -54 494055 01/17/86__ -- ---6.63 ELECTRIC CORP_— REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 540 -54 495096 49-69 • 0?7550 01/15/86 5.00 MAMA ME43ERS.IIP 10- 4204- 140 -14 • *• -CKS 027569 0t/1�3/86 364.45 VALLEY IND PRDPANE GASDJLINE 29 -2010- 000 -00 364.45 • * *.-CKS 021572 _ _ __ 01 /13/86 -_ . _.. — 317.50 —__ VAN _ 0.PERD __— �'4R_= R_S_J_P�L IE$ 19��_19�520 -52 055707 317.50 • —'• 027 573_ -- O1/17/_86__ 157._.70— VOSS GIN SUPPLIES 10- 2010 - 000 -00 23794 ^° 157.70 • I^ rrtrrf - Ia7. 027575 01/14/86 271.20 WATER PRODUCTS REPAIR PARTS 40 -2010- 000 -00 352659 Ru 027575_-__.___01 /14/86 00__.,_ - -- WATER- PRODUCTS REPAIR PARATS 40- 2010 - 000 -00 3 027575 01/14/86 80.00 WATER PRODUCTS REPAIR PARTS 40- 2010 - 000 -00 352147 ��;' 422.20 • �� � � . la«o CL r cuzmx c*ccu RI cx nz-zr-aa c xr � 0-� `~ ozrms -_:HEcK.��»^ ou unoUm I1 nzxroa 102.00 ^] oermr | 54.50 - -------------- ---^.°°-C§s-__--^ ` ourrno oursm 01/14r86 or.*o ww.x.zzcuL_x co INC mEp^Is :'xxrs zn-oozo-000-oo oozru � 027574 01/21/86 870.00 WM.H.ZIEGLER 00 INC ROAD 7-DUIP 10-4912-300-30 ' i �r unr.*n 30.00 |� . o2157* n�x1��a� —_-_ __-1O~14---__-_NI�L«A�S-urcc��iowE -_�-_p�o�& --__-_-_-----'/` zo.1* " � ' ---'--------'--------------- ----------------' - ~~ ozruoa ozvzr/uu yoz.^r u u 3xxxmmEn ncpoxx 'xnrs 10-2010-000-00 [� uorxou 01/21v36_ 981.47-u w an«zwnEm _ cuaY����um 10-3010-000-00 027535 01m7/86 a.z* w u amAzwssn ncpxzI "xxro _-__-_______-___-----_�' zn-coxo-000-uo ' `~ ourma ozvoz/oa 91.47 u u ;xAzmcco w7- 3xxx pxoro m-uozo-ouo-uo 027536 _'---0.1 / 1I/-«-6—_ a~» « P ^~ |~ r� ���� °^°°^^ - -' - -------'----- -------�-----'------- ' --' ---------- ��°�c��___-_-� ~� nursm 01x22/86 100.00 *7-mav umuoLcs«z PmLxcE acuxIcc 10-*100-*20-*2 � .. 100.00 ' °°°-num ^ / uuem 01117186 3960*.16 STORE rxomr coxr s-71x 10-+200-50*-50 ' w u"ao4.za ° ^ ^� � °°°-cnu � ^� ~ |�� . � 02 7 613 ozvz*/oa_ x*z.x�McN-- U.�&_���~_ |^� . mz.zv ° ^' -' °°°° ^° ---------'--- ^� - nerxm� o�v1nvoa u* ~ uo 0-� `~ ozrms oz/xn/oa o*o.on ` nzxroa 01/13/86 102.00 ^] oermr oz/zxxou 54.50 - -------------- . / ourrno ozv��voa + oao oo � ~ [! 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N P.O. # MESSAGE ' cmwrlspuIau-__-_50-42 1 30.00 139749.00 ` 027 711 01/15/86 10 1 .4v Lxoov mcLArzoms cnmr scyv zo-oom-000-ou ` 021711 01m3/8* 963.68 Loamm xsLxrzoms cmur Scmx zo-oozo-000-uu � ozm^xoa ' - --_- 21u.30 _- p pm PYxmrlms {''' -. 0m112 01/14/86 ra.no wsmow nxoIo :onn cmwr mcpxzxo 10 -2010-000-00 13759. . nurme - 01/z*/86 ''-- '1+9.00 msLunmuxc«.O COMM U U2171 0 225.00 vv.ac- ___--*cmv C Crv_ocp7_nr _____Po�T«s� _ ___ V�»� 0?1713 o oz�zoxoa - --_3u.vo _-_--�QUEST c cmszmscoIms___-_-ssm- - 33.30 ° . . 02771* 0 01o*/86 z zs.v*y.00 - c ccmTmoInc INC- c cmwrlspuIau-__-_50-42 1 139749.00 r , 021715 ^ _01/14/86 s sou~on----___ C COLLINS -cL:--cIRIc__-___--omwur«u�IJo - | scu.00 ° ' '- 027116 o ozm^xoa ' - --_- 21u.30 _- p pm PYxmrlms {''' 216.00 ° 021717 vz/zwuazo~os���n/L��m� 10-.2010-000-00 ` U U2171 0 01m4/86 _ vv.ac- ___--*cmv C Crv_ocp7_nr _____Po�T«s� _ ___ V�»� 11.22 ° , , 0?7713 0 01x14x86_. _________*5y.a*----__-monrlorxn_ I ICE wxcvrnR 0 0-201 . . ozrrz* 0 01v1*v36 o o**.ya m moxr4urxx ICE s swxEmroRv 5 50-2010-000-on ^ ^ oer719 0 01/14v86 1 163.66 m mouriorxx xcc z zwwcurmvv s so-zozo-nno-ou � �^~' .` _ _ __ _ _ __nar.zo_°______ ` ozxrmo 0 01m4/86 1 156.00 o o^v »znr z zuxcxroly 5 50-2010-000-00 027721 0 01/14v86 1 155.00 J Jcomvn Lxmmucopc u ummr mcpxzmo 5 50-42*6-8+1-e4 4 ~ 155.00 _°. oa/rxx 0 01v14/86 z z.332.50 u u n n c Ioc x xcInouxssncmr z zo-zzyn-uoo-no � - ` unrreo o oz/z+vua 2 2.98 x xxosw mxxcx c c*oLc ro x xm-unm-000-ou o oa^vno ~ 027724 u uz/1*voa 1 1*1.*5 c cnmnIsszowcm JEpr c cmwr sExx 1 10-+200-140-1* --'--------' 1 141.45 - ----- ° °^°-cuo /^ � 02r728 ' , - ^ 01v15/86 - _z _._o_ p 5_ . r_o - 19095.75 1ou.om 100.00 -�- x� n - - - � w — � � x � ` � � � � � � � ' L accuIc noscns uxv CAR � -- - - - ' -'-' - ---------- 10-*200-280-28 ^ �~1 0277*2 nv/ns/aw 85.59 conLaom EoJsp ` 6 -5a_�-__'___----______-_- |1 o?vr*s uxvzsvaa 59.69 m puWcn pxmmocro ^/ _ � oor744 01/15/86 39.34 xuxo wcocus urv*^ 01/15/86 oq.ao RuxmR ES CVr-___- |~l o?rr++ oz/zs/oa a.ou nm^n nsocu--- - 66.47 ° Ind jl—b -3. r -----�v�� ~�~ 69.31 ° lZ7 � pomxs ao-onzu-000-on oauzou [ |. mcpuzI pxmxo xo-uuxo-uoo-oo uz*xoa � REPAIR PARTS tO-2010-000-00 11203 REPAlq PARTS 10-2010-000-00 11202 IST 413 SUPPJLIES 10-2010-000-00 11362 ~' ,. REPAIA PARTS 10-2010-000-00 � J,os CI p p co/wx c cxccv xL s sx 0 01-27-86 c vo � ' - -±EC<_ NO. _DA N N0ORz!�/M 3 3 8 8G�_______ `~�j. / ozxrxv _ _ _o��zs��__-- P�IN[�� / o ° ° _. � � ' 021733 0 01/15/86 ? ? 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Vv,*i 0 01/13/86 ^ ^o.00 * *nLnscm xxunnoorcm c cmuT vcpxImu z zo-com-000-uo 1 . . * *o~ou ^ ^ 0277*2 nv/ns/aw 85.59 conLaom EoJsp ` 6 -5a_�-__'___----______-_- |1 o?vr*s uxvzsvaa 59.69 m puWcn pxmmocro ^/ _ � oor744 01/15/86 39.34 xuxo wcocus urv*^ 01/15/86 oq.ao RuxmR ES CVr-___- |~l o?rr++ oz/zs/oa a.ou nm^n nsocu--- - 66.47 ° Ind jl—b -3. r -----�v�� ~�~ 69.31 ° lZ7 � pomxs ao-onzu-000-on oauzou [ |. mcpuzI pxmxo xo-uuxo-uoo-oo uz*xoa � REPAIR PARTS tO-2010-000-00 11203 REPAlq PARTS 10-2010-000-00 11202 IST 413 SUPPJLIES 10-2010-000-00 11362 ~' ,. REPAIA PARTS 10-2010-000-00 � � pomxs ao-onzu-000-on oauzou [ |. mcpuzI pxmxo xo-uuxo-uoo-oo uz*xoa � REPAIR PARTS tO-2010-000-00 11203 REPAlq PARTS 10-2010-000-00 11202 IST 413 SUPPJLIES 10-2010-000-00 11362 ~' ,. REPAIA PARTS 10-2010-000-00 � REPAIA PARTS 10-2010-000-00 � 1*3G CITY OF cuIwx cosc« msGmrcu 01-27-86 pxsc zo -ic:( mm. oxrc._ A-4-Oumr-____--_-___-_Kcm»Vw -_-___-z!cM-a73cuI2Ixum Ac MESSAGE ' oorv�s ox/zs/ua _ '_ - xcn.sn ''-_n_n azsm'�)n� INC - 'G�w ` ' 123.63 02Fr47 01/15v86_-_-----_'_-_109.00U47wE§SzT y_0F_wuru414Iwo 100.00 ^ � / o?rr*u 0 1x15x86 - zoo . ru urLxcurcn' scwa*mrZ- w_7cr-4s r 100.70 ° _ n27749 01/15/86 �+.uu prxcn��zo��_Taxzm - 5*.00 ° nzo»o ozmsvaa ' -229.50 - prxc' _ _-rxxmzmo 229.5o 0e1751 01/15x86 _ _ 335.64 --___-mo wxrc»_wDmuo____m7_pml_ PARTS n-2010-00 , ^ 027751 oxmsvoa 114.29 ma uxrcn umxxm xcPxzm Pxnrm *o-uoxn-noo-oo xaxzo .~ oo,rm 01x15/86 35.02 o puS pncoowr poawmc 10-*290-510-51 ^' 35.02 .. 0277i3 01x15x86 216.00 . pmxo-Em xLokxcL ocnv :omT xn-+onm-nxu-nz � ozs.mo |� 0271514 uwv4xu-5 13.63 uwo wFpIcc orumc INC cour xcmx zo-oozu-000-ou 4+236 0»7755 ozvz+/ua 129.70 rmxmupumr :Lcxnxwso scm sJP"Lzsu zo-onm-000-oo .. 129.70 ° 0277513 omeroa 75.70 xmx«vcc rn^mo" CO scm sJ3pLzcu ^u-zoxo-oou-uu a+znro '~ rs.m 021757 01/1*v86 33.60 mxnuo cmnmmm cAuwzc« mEm nuppLxcS 33.50 ° 7' 02775u 01/14/86 uos.oa MILLER mxxurnn) m m�_'pAxl PARTS 10-2010-000-00 110816 ~ 223.88 ouvxnv 01/1*v86 35.0o wnnrmw SALES vomLo *0-2010-000-00 - e*onu 35.08 � oorrao omzs/aa 2o.sc JIM nxrcw SALES TOOLS an-oozo-000-uu 5570 [' ^ ' oza.su i� . yaTraz 01v15/86 260.00 mmnx»cxov 4wmuC xmc LsoEuuc 28-4310-708 -70 � 160~00 u?rr^u 01x15v86 ^ 500 .90 �^w��xwo p�omxsr cour ocno xo-+000-uao-za - � = / soo.mo .. 0"7763 ----01/15/86------'---_100.30 ----'--0-C-4ET C04P INC-'--- - " 100.50 � 13,36 Cl " r co/wx c*ccm x 'ER oz-uv-oa c 21 ^^ ~ �����-� -_- �����r_- VENDOR �'. | ocrrs + o�v�sv ua ao.�o n�xxx HOME .INC.----,- ________ c�mc�noz9mo�0�30l«��VV��V-______--_-_- |` ^ `i o?rx&* 0 112 1 /8 DAIRY *nwc INC cnxc�onIomu uo-+aov-vo4-no '-'--'-------�' . ' /*r.00 ° ^ ' ._ 02,r7 65 01/15186 11.50------'J-0-?ETERS)N SERx--------GEw-SJ 0»7766 01/15/86 uz*.oa pInar rnosr ur PAUL mJc FRms xmA 10-11+5-000-00 ~' am.oz � - nzrr�r----���in���-----------'-��oo_nu---------�r�-�w�----------------' noo.00 ° ^°^-cms ~ 0217619___-o1115/ 86 ---- — — FIRE _JNSlRUcIgRS DUES 5.00 uerxvo _ 01/15/66 _ o.00 VECTOR ONE rcLc:Dmom 10-2010-00 0-00 027170 oz/1o/o� oa.un occrmm ONE rcLcpommc 10-2010-un -'� 37.56 � -�02177t- ---01 15 x86-----''-----36.� NEIAL-§l110IN3- CORP 36.75 o?vvra 01/15/86 333.22 x I AN u ooux ucmoIcc coii" woI mr � - ^~ 333.22 o2vr��--'---�i/i5 ��6--'�------��"��z.bh'-------OSWx[D -FIRE-HO��--------�'ilE -79Ji ~^ o"y�r.00 ° 02rIr* 01/15x86 e».00 omorIocuT rzmE muEx 170-4204-4- ~~ 25.00 ° `^ 02rf75 - oM9 -------iE If'np���-�i�oc�-----��n�� uo.vs 021776 n1/vjxu6 ----46.bu------- DON iENGER-------- cLmrIzNG-REI `~ ^u.oy on��v� -------- §.0o aR�ME -~ zn ~ oo ° - u,rr7x 01m5/86 19593.30 ocmm cry ricxxuncn pmI NIT Ixa 10-4600-420-42 12943 -------'' oovvm 01/15x86 moo.xz ocmm cTv rxcxuumcn pxumrzmo 10-*600-420-*2 12e03 ' oorrra otv15x86 29 n-uo_Gs_o_AL-_c pxv_wE_ mv ao-au*o-ouo-oo �~ -----'----__-19*03. 19*03,29 -_ELcc_r_mx -c _ .�.'/ oznruo ozvzsvaa 6*3.09 mumv m cxaLoom pxrm7-4r 60-20*0-000-00 - .` `.----_-- .�l n?r731 oz/zs/oa 1.09 JAMIE CLINTON ms=omx au- oonv-uoo-oo ' 71/ � 1)BS CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER CiEC <_NO. .DATE _- A4DUYT_ _ VENDOR_ 0?7731 U1 /15 /BG 30.31 JAMIE CLINTON REFJ40 .32.00 • - 027732 01/15/36 82.00 MATS ALEXA40ER3 C3NT JOIK 027783 01/15/86 4.11 ROGEIS CAKE SYSTEM CA3LE TV _ 927734 01/21/86 129293.31 CARLSO MJOIU0 ARCH CONSTRJCTION _ -- _129299.31 -`_ - -- 027785 01/21/86 24.01 LOUIS ABRA4AM MILEAoE 24.01 • 027786 01/21/86 49450.00 S4HSC SERVICES _ _ _ 4�450.Q0 • 027737 01/17/86 235.20 MINVALCO LNC REPAIR CARTS 027797 01/21/86 - 100.75 _- MINVALCO IVC _ -_ _REaAI2 PARTS_ 027787 01/17/85 100.00 MINVALCO 14C REPAIR 3ARTAS 027737 01/21/86 100.00- MINVALCO INC CORRECTION 335.25 • 0?7789 01/17/86 57.70 ACE SUPPLY CO R_PAI2 'ARTAS - -57.70 ' - -- 077789 01/17/86 35.00 GITTINS TYPEWRITER SERV COVT 35.00 • 0277-)0 01/21/86 74.50 NFPA ME143ERS4IP 74.50 -ik -- 027731 01/21/86 15.00 NATL REGISTRY OF R= GISTRATION 15.00 • 027732 01 /21 /BG 15.00 NATL REGISTRY OF R= GISTRATION 15.00 • -. 027733 01121186 15.00 NATL REGISTRY OF R= GISTRATION 15.00 • - 027794 01/21/86 15.00 NATL REGISTRY OF REGISTRATION - 15.00 • - 027735 01/21/86 15.00 NATL REGISTRY OF R= GISTRATTON - - - -- - _ . - - - - -- - 15.0 0 -� -- - -- -- 027736 01/21/86 35.95 EMER ;ENCY SUBSCRIPTION _ -. - -- --- --- -- -- -.36.x5 -t- - - - --- -- --- -- ------- ___- .-- ______ - - -- -- - - - --- I - 027737 01/21/86 35.75 MARION WAR) ART CTR REIM •_`i 027799 =ORO 01/21/86 99120.OD CRAW MERZ CONST CONSTRUCTION 01 -27 -86 PAGE 22 28 -3415- 000 -00 10- 4200- 622 -62 10- 2010- 000 -00 27 -1300- 000 -00 40- 4208-806-80 10- 4200 - 509 -5U 10- 2010- 000 -00 40- 2010- 000 -011 40- 2010- UUO -00 40- 2010 - 000 -00 10 -4540- 540 -54 73714 10- 4288 - 510 -51 3 19- 4204 - 440 -44 10- 4202 - 440 -44 10- 4202 - 440 -44 10- 4202 - 440 -44 10- 4202 - 440 -44 10 -4202- 440 -44 10- 4204 - 440 -44 23- 4500- 610 -61 27- 1300 - 000 -00 L� 1 -, �e 1335 CI _ EDINA CHECK RF 'ER 01 -27 -86 E 23 Ci =C< N__ DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM 37-SCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. 4 P.O. # MESSAGE • r ; � � -- - - - - -- ... - - - -- -- _ -- - - - - -- - 99120.00 + � z I. rrr +rr 93 =RSHIP FEES 10 -4204- 600 -60 027800 01/21/86 55.00 MRPA _M= WORKS40P 10 -4210- 600 -60 292.25 + 027801 01/21/8x. 285.00 WEH14AN CONSULTANTS CONSTRUCTION 10 -1455- 000 -00 285.00 • ; 027402 01/21/86 40.00 Y[LA ANDERiERG ART R =FUND 23- 3500 - 000 -00 40.00 • O ?7303 01/21/86 98.73 FD 3r-TTY CASH P---TTY CASH 10 -4504- 440 -44 98.73 • 027904 01/21/86 39769.00 VICK_RMAN CONSTRUCT CDNST4JCT[ON 27- 1300 - 000 -00 39769.00 • 027005 01/21/86 616.40 DECKER SUP3LY SIGNS B POSSSST 10 -2010- 000 -00 511542 027806 01/17/86 89675.00 PEAK CONSTRUCTION CONST 23 -1300- 000 -00 " .. 89675.00 • " 027807 01/11/86 117.50 F 8 = SALES 8 SERV CUNT S =RV 10 -4200- 160 -16 v 117.50 • 027908 01/17/86 333.00 MAIN HURDMAN 50- 2010 - 000 -00 AJOIf _. 027809 01/11/86 333.00 MAIN HURDMAN AUDIT 50- 2010- 000 -00 027908 _.01/.17/86 334.00MAiN HURDMA- N- __- ._- ,.._,_ -- ._AUDI!- _- 50- 2010 - 000 =00 19000.00 • - v 027909_- -__ -__ 01/17/86- _ 29109.50 DEDE_HENSEL P20FESSINAL SERV 10- 2235- 000 -00 29109.50 027910 01/17/86_ _ _____ - 107.00 _ -___ -- WALL -- STREET -JOURNAL ___- _SJ3SCRI PIT IONS 10- 4204_140 -14 107.00 • - - - - -- 027911 01/17/86 1849061.90 - _METRD WAST- CONTROL =RV 40 -4312- 801 -80 027911 01/22/86 1849061.30 HETRD PAST= CONTROL -S=NER _S S_W =R Sr- RY 40- 4312 - 801 -80 .. 3689123.80 • 027912 01117186 129.00 XEROX CORP GEN SUPPLIES 10- 2010 - 000 -00 027812 01122186 184.37 XEROX CORP E3UIP RENTAL 10- 4226- 510 -51 - - 027313 01/17/86 454.79 LUNGS CUNT SERV 50- 2010- 000 -00 3117 n° 79 • .J 027914 01/17/86 749.51 IBM ESOUIP RENTAL 10- 2010- 000 -00 - -__ 749.51 • �1�::i 027815 01/17/86 19102.00 K & K SALES CDNSTRUCTION 27- 2010 - 000 -00 84439 ;; o- 1336 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 01 -27 -86 PAGE 24 CiEC< NO. UATE_ -__.. _--- ..-- A,40UNT _ -_ ---------- _ - .- JEN.DOR -- _______- [- T.EM_U.= iCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO- -!BY. A P.O. q MESSAGE 19102.00 • 027916 01/11/86 80.00 MN MJNICIPNL CDNF 3 SCHOOL 50 -4202- 840 -84 80.00 • 027817 01/17/86 287.50 HENN COUNTY TR�AS -DUE TO CTY AUDITOR 66- 2070- 000 -00 287.90 • 027813 01/17/86 10.00 COMMISSIONER OF LI: PERMIT 10- 4310- 560 -56 10.00 • 027319 01/22_/86 95.91 - - - AT & T - - - - T= L =PiONE 10- 2010 - 000 -00 027819 01/22/86 61.69 AT 3 T TELEPHONE 27- 2010- 000 -00 027813 01/22/96 .53 _ _.. AT 8. T �„ 154.12 • c- 021320 U1/22/86 -- 35.00 35.00 MARTY GOODVOW -- REFU.YI_ 23 -3500- 00_0 -00 027420 01/22/86 9.00- MARTY GOODNDW CLEIICAL FEE 23- 3800- 000 -00 32.00 • ^ 0 ?1821 01/22/85 51.85 -MPH INDUSTRIES INC EQUIP MINT 10- 4274- 420 -42 10952 ' =� 51 .45 t i- 027322 01/22/86 150.00 DEPT OF PUBLIC T-LE ?YPE SERV 10 -4268- 420 -42 850723 150.00 t • 021923 01122186 54.D0 PTAC RE5ISTRATION FEE 10 -4202- 420 -42 54.00 + _ 927929 01/22/86 128.00 128.00 • STAT= OF MN PJBLICATION a 10- 4600 - 420 -42 027825 01122186 355.35 HAPPY TYME COMP INVEVTORY 50- 2010 - 000 -00 021825 01/22/86 351 -30 HAPPY TYME CUM? IVYEVTaIY 50-2010- 000 -00 027925 01/22/86_ - -__ -. 324.90 HAPPY_ TYME_.CUMP___ - IVVENTOgY _ ----.-50-2010-000-00 19031.55 * - - - - -- 027826 U1/22/86 , ._ - -___ __ 1 366.00 CITY OF- ED[_NA_ RUB 3I5a_._REMOVAL____ 5- 0- 000_Q0�3 366.00 • _2_0.0= - -- �3 027927 _O1/22/8n 45.00_,- - _- NEHA_ - - -_ -- _ ANVU,AL DUES -_ 10- 4204 - 480 -48 45.00 • - - -- ,e• 027828 _ 01122186 _... _. .35.00 _ LORR4INE -Mk NSDN T._C LAS S- 23- -000 -00 e �.. 02782B 01/22/86 9.00- LORRAINE MANSON CLEi FEE .3500 23 -3800- 000 -00 32.00 • r. 027829 01/22/86 65.52 ��' ED LANCELLJ MILEAGE 10- 4208- 390 -30 65.52 • 02TR30 01/22186 29231.25 NERMFLEX INC - SERVICSES 10- 4200 - 160 -16 ^` - 29231.25 • - -, 027831 01/22/86 - - 137.50 137.50 • JAMES BEHR 10 -4266- 440 -44 UNI =3RM ALLOWANCE I 1336 Cl F EDINA 137.50 :HECK Rf 'ER ALLOWANCE 01-27-86 E 25 ALLOWANCE 10 -4266-440-44 137.50 1 37.5 0 'iECK NU. DATE A40UNT VENDOR )ESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.D. 9 MESSAGE 0 2 7 9 3 2 0 1/22/86 WILLIAM BOWLER UNIF3iM ALLOWANCE 10-4266-440-44 137.50 027939 01/22/86 13 7 . 5 0 WILLIAM LUFTS 027833 -0 1/22/8 6 137.50 DENNIS CAIli -, ALLOWANCE 10-4266-440-44 ALLEV BOTH =_- ,_ UNI=3RM 137.50 • 02731+0., 01/22/86 137.50 ___ 027834 01122186 - 137.50 10 4266 -440-44 --- U4.150,34-ALL-OWANCE is 10-4266-440-44 027145 - ------ 0 1/22/8G 137.50 ___ RONALD SAMJELSUN 027841 01/22/86 0?7835 01/22/36 137.50 JAMES JULK)WSKL UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 10-4266-440-44 137.50 • 137.50 0273463 01/22/86 137-50 027835 01/22/86---- 137.50.______` STEP4EN LA40RY UNIFDRM ALLOWANCE 10-4266-440-44 137.50 137.50 027337 01122186 137.50 R3BEAT LAWSON ----.---.--UNIF3R4 ---JAMES ALLOWANCE 10-4266-440-44 ALLOWANCE 10 -4266-440-44 137.50 1 37.5 0 021334. 01/22/86 137.50 L.ISK -D14 -ALL-0-WANICE 01/22/86 I -42r36-440-44 JOEL RADJEVOVI"H UNIFORM 137.50 10 -4266-440-44 027939 01/22/86 13 7 . 5 0 WILLIAM LUFTS U?dl=DR4 ALLOWANCE 10-4266-440-44 027944 _.01/22/86., -, 137.50 ALLEV BOTH =_- ,_ UNI=3RM ALLOWANCE 10 -4256-440-44 02731+0., 01/22/86 137.50 ___ _JOHN -MA LON-- ., -_.__- UNIFORM ALI�Qy kN 1; E_ 10 4266 -440-44 is 027145 - ------ 0 1/22/8G 137.50 - - ___ RONALD SAMJELSUN 027841 01/22/86 137.50 RIC44RD MYIE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 10-4266-440-44 137.50 • 0273463 027842. .-.01/22/8.6 137.50 ---JAMES ROBI.MSON UNIF3RM ALLOWANCE 10 -4266-440-44 1 37.5 0 027843 01/22/86 137.50 - - JOEL RADJEVOVI"H UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 10 -4266-440-44 137.50 027944 _.01/22/86., -, 137.50_,____ ALLEV BOTH =_- ,_ UNI=3RM ALLOWANCE 10 -4256-440-44 137.50 • is 027145 - ------ 0 1/22/8G 137.50 - - RONALD SAMJELSUN UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 10-4266-440-44 137.50 0273463 01/22/86 137-50 JAMES SINGLETON U41FOR4 ALLOWANCE 10-4266-440-44 137.50 0-21347- 1,37.50 STEPHEN S13PER UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 10-4266-440-44 137.50 01/22/86 __137.50 63RY U4l_E_3Rlj_ALLQ9ANCE It)-4266-440-44 137.50 • 0 2 1-8 42 218 6 137.50 RICHARD VEINON UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 10-4266-440-44 J7. 137.50 * 0?795- 0 _KF F 1,$.p N UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 10-4266-440-44 | �. / / -�� X , E� �1^ |' mos CITY OF EozmA cuccm mcuzsrcm 01-27-86 pxnc ua � :1EC< NO. DATE---------, A4DUNL­-----------VEND.OR ---_I[sM_m �~ 137.50 / o?m»l 01xeev86 24.00 msrmm cnomczL oJyx7oIpr1ow xo-*no+-^oo-*o ` 24.00 -- 027852 � ovvza�uo ����������.������'���' np.oz x pLwu 'pxcsmxr INC pmur43c 10-429 �~ 39.92 ° - 0u7853 --- 0 1/e2/8c, -------` 313.50 ---`------`` ERIC Amocxymm -- -----'- - cmur ocIx , ' 10-4200-500-50 r 313.50 ^ � o?m54 ------- 01122186 '- 19088.15 '---- - --' --- rscm xzrc :uwruoL -------'---- axrcA ^ *9-*622-805-80 a*ans u. 19088.15 ° 02 11135 ozeuma 19072.31 *onr)w r*oxoL INC uvo ao-oom-oon-nu rzu*a ~ o�xns� ozxuu�uu �.zsa.�u nwxram r*xnwn� INC u�o 10-4 538-318-30 86233 �. 027955 _u1vaz1 1.135.snnunrwm'IxzIxmL smc--_--_-oAL ^ a.oas.on ° n� |, uzrem oz/uz/ua - _-von.00 --_ oxsmkL-urnYsn INC ^oo.00 ° /- ozrosr ozxua/aa _______'yoo.00 ______^/.pnx_mcPouos 900.00 ° ozrmu xzvuu/oG _- - s.000.on ---_'_G^nv ARP T�c�_r�Mwl : 3,000.00 ° i` «� ~ 0e7839 u��ur�oo ou.r5-'____-o0Lc-Lown6lcN__- G |- 32.75 ° 236,166.36 ruxo vn rorxL usmsmoL ruwu .~ 22.30 pmmn ao roroL os TOTAL­ __'-___umr-ccmrEx 103.15 rJxD xa roro� 3Jxn4143 pnoL ruwm 67027 uzr" 67032 C, 39,599.93 ruvo zr rorxL amL` coonsc pomo Computer checks Vu 68232 turu --zp"ozo.^a' _pomm ou rmroL. _-_--uEoaExT:om ccmrsR--pUm-0___-6 /- 44 41 mmu op rur«L oJN n^msc ruwo voa,9ao.xr pJxo *o rorxL oroLIrn pumo __ ----- la4,ulo.rl._________pmvn_5n ruvxL uuwm_31oPc- 0«- y ' 129289.137 r ruxo oo TOTAL -r czmor��Iom rumo 287.30 ruuo ua TOTAL zyp onw- xcucoprImm wn |- 3899300.*2 TOTAL ' | �. / / -�� X , E� �1^ |' _ 1)35 CITY OF EDINA I CHECC REGISTER 12 -31 -85 PAGE 1 V- ENDOR-___.._.__- _DATE _ .- _.._....44OUNT___ -._ .- __..-- _LLE11- ..]:SC.RIP_Ll_ON - __ACCOUNT__NO._INV._q?..0._# .MESSAGE__..__..__ . ZI 002057 01/15/86 247.20- CAPITAL CITY ]ISTRI 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL ' -_ 0)2057 01/15/86 718.23.C4PITAL.CITY 31STRL__.-... ..v..__._._..__.__..- _____. -___ __.._.50- 4628 - 842- 84.._._ MANUAL_ 012067 01/15/86 10.00 CAPITAL CITY ]ISTRI 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL I' ' 002057 01/15/86 49870.07 CAPITAL CITY DISTRI 50 -4628- 862 -86 MANUAL .- 00.2067 __ -_ _ 01/15/86 __ - -_50- 4628 - 862 -86_ MANUAL__ _ 59416.07 • ;,' CKS . _ "I 072129 01/13/86 39630.70 8-LL30Y 50 -4626- 842 -84 MANUAL ..01/15/86 .---------- 39143.75 -_.. BLL30Y__- --- - --_ -.. ^__ - MANUAL. 012129 01/15/86 4r 271.00 -.-- __50-4626-842-84 BELL30Y -------- __ -__ -- 50- 4626 - 862 -86 . MANUAL 119045.45 • '. :-I ftktkf * ** -CKS .01/15/85 __- _.90.51- _ -EAGL= ._WINE__- ,_ 3710- 842 -84 MANUAL 002135 01/15/86 47.43- .50- EAGL= WINE 50- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL 't }15'032135 002135 .._._ 01/15/86 _ 01/15/86 9.47 - 10.56 -- EAGLE WINE _.__EAGL= WINE_ __.._.._._.._ -_.___ 50- 3710- 862 -86 50- 3710 - 862 -86_ .__ - MANUAL MANUAL _ e032135 01/15/86 9.47- EAGLE WINE 50- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL 13f 072135 01/15/86 49525.45 EAGL= WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL - 012135_ _ 01/15/86 __ _,.. _ 473.25- -.--EAGL = - WINE_-- ___ -__ _ -_ 50- 4628 - 862 -86 - _ MANUAL _ - - _ 032135 01/15/86 29391.58 EAGL: WINE 50 -4629- 862 -86 MANUAL 072135 01/15/86 62.53- E4GLE WINE 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL I 012135.. 01/13/86... ._. _ 479325.00!_____.__ - EAGL= WINE ._..__. _ __..____._..- .__._.... .__._._ - _._._.._.._ _ 50- 4628-862 -86 ._ , MANUAL _ 012135 01/15/86 529.00 EAGLE WINE 50 -4628- 862 -86 MANUAL "I 559012.95 • * ** -CKS 032134 .�8 01/15/85. .. ... 18.37- _'�__.___ED PiILLIP> ._ .__.._50- 3710 - 842-84__.__. .. MANUAL 002133 �" 01/15/86 21.48 - ✓ ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710- 842 -84 MANUAL 072139 01/15/86 884.00- ED PiILLIP3 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 872139 .__ .01/15/86, ___.__ 11.35 -y- ED.PHILLIPS___ 5D- 3710 - 862- 86 ._. MANUAL "j 072133 01/15/86 1r 074.00 ✓ ED PiILLIP3 50- 4628-842 -84 MANUAL 032138 01/15/86 949.50 ✓ ED PHILLIPS 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL _032133 _ 01/15/86 ______ __.552.50 %. ED_ PHILLIPS ------ - _._.50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL _ 012138 01/15/86 442.10 ✓ ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 29081.50 * _ r►►!!f ! ** -CKS I" 002435.____._._ 01/15/86 __..._._ __._- ___- 1.18 -_ __P.RIDR WINE- CD ______.____ _._. -� __..SD- 3710 - 862 -86.- ___.. _.. MANUAL . _. _ 032435 U1/15/86 .70- PRIOR WINE CD 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL "' 032435 01/15/86 .43- PRIDR WINE CO 50- 3710-862-86 MANUAL "°- __002435 _01/15/86.51- P.RIOR_WINE_CO - 50- 3710 - 862 -86__- __ -____ MANUAL..__- OD2435 01/15/86 59.90 PRI3R WINE CO 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL _ ' 0]2435 01/15/86 34.98 PRIOR WINE CO 50 -4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 0D2435__. _ _._- 01/15/86 __. __ __ _._ 21.30 _P.RIDR_.WINE..CO .- _ 50- 4628-862- 86- __.....__ -._ ___ . MANUAL _ 'Z OD2435 01/15/86 25.15 PRIOR WINE CO 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 1" 137.81 'k ! f f ! f f - -032431--- _ 01/15 /86..____. . _._._._ BJALIi.r_.JaIVE____...- * ** -CKS MANUAL 1335 CITY OF EDINA :HE:( REGISTER 12 -31 -85 PAGE 2 4i r _N�.�ATE_- __. AV�UNT_ - - -_ Y,ENDOtIf = -M )�iCRIPTI _ --1---:< ON ___ACCOUNT .NO* _INV.__# 0.__q_- MESSAGE_ i, W z 092451 01/15/86 .30 QUALITY WIVE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL _ 032451 ._ -.. 01/15/86 __ - - -. _11.04 -_ _.QUALITY WIVE. _,..._._...__.___ _ 50- 3710 - 842 -84 - _ _ _ -. MANUAL 032451 01/15/86 .30- QJALITY WIVE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL v ' 03 245 1 01/15/86 .30 GJALITY WIVE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 012451 01/13/86 _ _ __10.54 - 0JALITY_W14 E _ 50- 3710 - 862- 86_ - -_ MANUAL 002451 01/15/86 .33 GJALITY WIVE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 012451 01/15/86 7.50- QUALITY WIVE 50- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL 072451 01/15/86 15.00-OJAL[TY WIV 50- 4628 - 842 -84_ -- MANUAL r 012451 01/15/86 15.30- GJALITY WIVE - 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 0,72451 01/15/86 552.00 GJALITY WIVE 50 -4028- 842 -84 MANUAL -' 012451 -__- 01115/86 _- 15.30 GJALITY WIVE .50-4628-842-84 OD2451 01/15/86 19475.15 GJALITY WIVE 50- 4628-842-84 MANUAL %w 002451 01115/86 380.30 GJALITY WIVE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 072451 01/15/86 _527.21 GJALITY WIVE _ 50- 4628 - 862 -86 _ -- MANUAL , i, 032451 01/15/86 15.95- GJALITY WIVE 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL a. ,! 2s845.34 • * ** -CKS W 0)2540 01/15/86 22.13- TWIV CITY WIV= _ _ 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL ` 012543 01/15/86 2.13- TWIV CITY WINE 50- 3710 - 642 -84 MANUAL Vi 012540 01/15/86 9.30- TWIN CITY WINE 50- 3710- 842-84 MANUAL " 012540 - 01/15/86 _ -_ _ _ 11.75 TWIN CITY WINE 50- 3710- 842 -84 MANUAL 002540 01/15/86 4.93- TWIN CITY WINE - ^ -�- 50- 3710- 842 -84 MANUAL 41- 012540 01/15/86 15.35- TWIN CITY WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 072540 01/15/86 _ -_ •52-_._._ -.. -.TWIN CITY WINE _ ___.._. 50- 3710 - 862 -86 - _ MANUAL 012540 01/15/86 6.97- TWIN CITY WINE 50- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL %oi" 0)2540 01/15/86 6.32- TWIA CITY WINE 50- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL ___012540 01/15/86 5.15 -_ TWIN CITY WINE __- _ _- - 50 -3710- 862 -86 - MANUAL 012540 01/15/86 10.18- TWIN CITY WINE 50- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL M 012540 01/15/86 587.53 TWIN CITY WINE 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 012340 01/15/86 _1 106.53 TdIV CITY WINE _ _ _. .50 -4526- 842 -84 -_ MANUAL 012540 01/15/86 440.00 TWIN CITY WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL b "I 012540 01/15/86 241.35 TWIN CITY WINE 50 -4628- 842-84 MANUAL DJ 2540 ._ 04/15/86 _ . _- 109.40 TWIN CITY WINE 50- 4628- 842 -84 _ _ MANUAL 092540 01/15/86 917. T5 TWIN CITY WINE 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 072540 01/15/86 31.20 TWIN CITY WINE 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 012540 01/15/86 257.90 __. - TWIN CITY WINE __. _ -. _ _ 50 -4628- 862 -86 _. MANUAL 012540 01/15/86 343.97 TWIN CITY WINE 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL rl 012540 01/15/86 509.25 TWIN CITY WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 03.2540 _ 01/15/86_ 316.33 T_WI.I CITY. WINE_ _ _ _ 50- 4628- 862 -86 _ MANUAL 49666.20 • v' ." `w1.1 013057 01/15/86 1.90 CAPITAL CtTY IISTRt 50- 4628-862 -86 MANUAL 01305r 01/15/86 01/15/86 _ 10.73_- ,CAPITAL- _ CITY _DISTRI __ -- -- A50- 4628- 862 -86 _ _ MANUAL 003067 01/15/85 719.20 CAPITAL CITY 7ISTRI 50- 4628-862 -86 MANUAL W " 003067 01/15/86 727.20- CAPITAL CITY 7ISTRI 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 003057 _- 01/15/85 _ _ - - 1.00 -- CAPITAL _CITY 3ISTRI_ - .._._50- 4628 - 862 -86 -. MANUAL OJ3067 01/15/86 727.20 CAPITAL CITY DISTRI 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 729.20 • �,LM1S 1 I s _ * ** -CKS - 7 ___0 3. 9135- _____--_-.__01/15 /_86__ -_r L4 EAGL-WINE _ _ ri0 -37L0 822_82 -____ _... -. _ ___MANUAL ~/ . ' 1)43 cu.. OF coImx 50-3710-822-82 zwc:s mL--aEm 12-31-85 .G o _ [~ ^ 33373 _ -'�e wn.� omc -_xnnmwr -n�mon�_�rcm'��scmxesx�m_--____�xccnomr_mo° zmx.-w��.o.-w.mcusxsc - .|' =i 033135 - 01/15/86 nv/m/a* ar.s*-^ cAmLr- uzmc 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL ! mxxzs/oa om3135 c) pmLLxp3 01x15x86 _-- zzo.su,____- EAGLE uzmc_-'_-----_ '-_- '-__-___'-__---' 50-3710-862-86 mxmu«L ' ~.` umoo o . oz�zn�oa o.on- 110.58- EAGLE wzmc no-uvzo-uau-oa mxwuxL , ~ 033135 � ozso/oa ~ u� ao- c^s�� wrmc - sn-*mcu-uoo-oo MANUAL , 00 3135 01/15v86 _ s,wo.av cvsLc_wzwc_-_ so-+aoa-mao-aa_ MANUAL ----- -- -- 003135 01/15/86 uv*zo.az EAGLE wzwc 50-**28-862-86 mxmoxL 033L35 �ns ^°^-cuo ozvz*vuo 6.89- cxsLs uzmc 50-+628-962_ 8 6 muxL / MANUAL 3,273.98 ° '1 nvRn ouz n»Lco INC 50-3710-8*2-8* wxxm Vxo okLE:u INC _ ._---___-__-_____-_50 -*e2 o-8 *2 -6 * '-------------' rWzn csry mxmc raIm czry muwEE - --_ xuzn cuTr Wzms xazm CITY azmc `~ ' - ^°°-cxa- wxmuxL mxwuxL _-__--- _-- -°°°-cxo. - 50-3710-822-82 33313 01/19/86 2.75- [~ ^ 33373 _ oz/zovoa - xov.so - ~ ,o*.rn ° ~[. ' 0o3540 01/15f86 8.63 o1ox+o- - 01/15/86 zx '- . _ oxmm 01v15«86 50.21 | 0x3540 mxxzs/oa 10.76- c) pmLLxp3 su-orxo-aan-ua nvRn ouz n»Lco INC 50-3710-8*2-8* wxxm Vxo okLE:u INC _ ._---___-__-_____-_50 -*e2 o-8 *2 -6 * '-------------' rWzn csry mxmc raIm czry muwEE - --_ xuzn cuTr Wzms xazm CITY azmc `~ ' - ^°°-cxa- wxmuxL mxwuxL _-__--- _-- -°°°-cxo. - 50-3710-822-82 *omoxL nAmuxL no-+aoa-aou-au nxmuxL so-+azo-oao-oa mxmu«L ~ °°°-coo . 33+13o oz/zsvna 8.63 co p4ILLxp3 50-3710-n62-86 nxmuxL . ~_. ~ ' 334135 01/15x8a o.su- c) pmLLxp3 su-orxo-aan-ua mxmuxL � yxmon _ - ozv�nvuo *o+.no- _ ___- _-_--_'- co-pwz��zp� �o-+azo-aou-na _ - --- mxmu4L ' o»+zoo oxvxnvoa *o*.mo co pmxLLnpy 50-4628-8*2-86 MxmuxL , ~ . .nn ° ^°^-cuo , . ' 34+057 - oz�zn�oa - --- __-z+�.sn�___-__c�p�rx� cz�v �unrmx__-_-___ '---�----r--------- 50-3r10-842-84 --- - ' mxmoxL o�^o�r nvmnvu� �o.on cxpxrx� cz�no�orae on-*aoo-uou-ua nxwu«L oV+oar oz/zn/aa 999.25 cApzr*L oiry oIsrmz 50-4628-322-8e m«muxL � | 3419s7 01/15v86 - ' __ - +n.ou_- --_- cxpzTxL- czrY VxuroI _--__ ____--�__� '-__---50-*mao-u+o-u4 mxmuxL / 344067 01v15x8o 29a10.15 copzrxL czrn ]Iorxx uo-*aom-a*u-u* mxmuxL ^ owosr 01x15x86 129.97- cxpmxL czrn nxurmz 50-4628-862-86 mxwoxL ` � x�+oar ozxznxoa zn.00 c�p�rx�_czvv-�zsxnz eo-,aow-uau-oa xxmuxL '^ _- swnar nx/uo/uu ' __ 808.14 oxpzrxL czry ----_---__-_--_-_ msurnx 50-4628-862-86 wxmuxL � 49213.97 ^°°-cn� ~ � � 4135__--_.z2/30x85 .So �xsL�-wzm o-avxn-uoo-oo' - mxmuxL 1135 01/15x86 16.22m cxsLc uumc 50-3710-822-82 *xmuAL _ ~ �~ �135 01x15v86 .15 c^oLc wzmc sn-orzn-uua-ua *Amuxc ` 4135 -_-'- 1135 01/15v86 _ ozvxs/o* --_-zm.no-____-_'cxsL�_uzm 3.56- EAGLE wzwc mn-or�n-ueo-ou__- _ on-oxzo-o*a-a+ mAwoxL nxmuxL / ' � +xnn oz/znxoa 67.29m EAGLE uzwc 50-3710-842-8* nxmuxL � 50_3710-842-84_ mxmuxL__ = 344135 oxxvsxam 32.10- EAGLE uxmc 50-3710-862-86 nAmuxL |�| o^vxoo 01/15x86 23.98- EAGLE uumc 50-3710-862-86 nAmwxL � � 1335 CITY OF EDINA :HE:( REGIST:R 12 -31 -85 PAGE 4 .v - _,:i_ZK_ND. -_ ')ATE.. AMOUNT VENDOR_-- ___-- _--- IfzY_).S -C- RIP- TION -_- ACCOU 'VT.- NO.-. _INV._p?.0._P. MESSAGE __- _._._ -. . r 50- 3710 - 862 -86 314135 01/15/86 3.56- EAGL= WINE .. 344135 _ _ 01/15/86 1.015.09_.___ EAGL= WINE__ -_._ -� 50-4628-842-64 341135 01/15/96 1,266.24 EAGL--- WINE vl 314135 01/15/85 810.33 EAGL= WINE _ 311133 01/15/86 7.53 -_ EAGL =. WINE - ' 344135 01/15/86 39364.66 EAGL= WINE .., 'I 344135 01/15/86 179.00 EAGL= WINE ^� 344135 -. 01/15/86. 19198.94 EAGL= WINE____,.._____ 311135 01/15/86 19604.75 EAGL: WINE *wI / 344135 01/15/86 179.00 EAGL= NINE 34.1135 12/30/85 281.08 EAGL= WINE IVU_VIDtY 99692.26 '" f -; frfeff 341139 01/15/86 .GB- E) P.AILLIP3 314139 01/15/86 22.30- ED PHILLIPS 341139 01/15/86 39.95- E) PHILLIPS dl 311L39 01/15/86 4.23- ED PHILLIPS 311139 01/15/85 _ _- 2.30 -.- _ E) PHILLIPS. - --__.. _ ---- -- _-__ -- -- --_ -- I:'� 341139 01/15/86 B.26- ED PHILLIPS 4w 341138 01/15/86 105.45- E) PHILLIPS ,- 311133 01/15/86 - 33.02- ED_PAILLIP3 - -- -- -1 - -- 344139 01/15/86 1.74- EJ PHILLIPS b 344139 01/15/85 8.71- ED Pi1LLIPS 341139 01/15/86 8.68- PHILLIPS- "I 311138 01/15/86 3.36- ED PHILLIPS 344139 01/15/86 2.76- ED PHILLIPS 311133 -._ _ _ 01/15/95 - _ -- .59- E) P4ILLIP3 - - _ -- - - - -- -- 344139 01/15/86 .34- ED PHILLIPS •I'� 344t33 01/15/86 2.L2- E) PHILLIPS 1 311139 _ 01/15/86 14.42- - _ _ ED P4ILLIP3 311139 01/15/86 19100.30 E) PHILLIPS •, "' 314136 01/15/86 59322.72 ED P1ILLIP3 311133 01/15/86 721.21 E) PHILLIPS 311139 -- 01/15/86 - 34.00 ED PHILLIPS • 'I 344139 01/15/86 211.40 EJ PiILLIPS 341139 01/15/86 19942.40 ED ?HILLIPS 314133 01/15/86 114.75 ED PHILLIPS •I" 344139 01/15/86 19650.90 ED PHILLIPS 334139 01/15/86 __- 412.75._ - ED_P- IILLIP3- - -- 355139 01/15/86 435.25 E7 PHILLIPS 311139 01/15/86 139.90 ED PHILLIPS 3141. 39 ._ _ 01/15/86 _. -.. - 42.00 - -__ -- .. ED PHILLIPS 344139 01/15/86 106.00 EJ PiILLIPS • 354139 01/15/86 434.00 E) PHILLIPS __311139___ _ 01/15/86 _ _ _ _ _ 199.21 ED PHILLIPS - 34IL33 01/15/86 34.40 E7 PHILLIPS rr 311139 01/15/86 87.00 ED PHILLIPS 35-51.39 -_ 12/30/85 12S.50 E.D_ P_H-ILLIRS__.__.. CS;pJ.VT._ 129851.SB • 3° 31119D 01/15/86 47.96- GRI63S C003EA AN] C . r 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL _ 50- 4526 - 822 -82 _ -_ - _ MANUAL 50 -4626- 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 4628-822-82 MANUAL ^- 50- 4628-822 -82 -- - MANUAL - -- 50-4628-842-64 MANUAL 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL ...50-4628-862-86 _ MANUAL 50- 4628 - 862-86 MANUAL 50 -4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 50 =4632- 862 -86 MANUAL _ * ** -CKS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 M MANUAL 50- 3710 - 822 -82 M MANUAL 50- 3710 - 822 -82 M MANUAL 50- 3710 - 822 -82 M MANUAL 50- 3710 - 822 -82 _ -_ _- _ _ MANUAL 50- 3710 - 842 -84 M MANUAL 50- 3710 - 842-64 M MANUAL 50- 3710 - 842 -84 _._ _ _ MANUAL - - 50- 3710- 862 -86 M MANUAL 50- 3710 - 862 -86 M MANUAL 50- 3710- 862 -86 M MANUAL 50 -3710- 862 -86 M MANUAL 50-3710- 862 -86 M MANUAL ••1 •• 17 n n L7R V i' �A v l` •II t' w II_ L_ I' 1 n _ s • 1735 C1.. OF EDINA i0. ..— _..— ___MARK.VIJ_.S4LE5___INC __._— .__. -_. _ _ _ — ._50. -- 4628 - 842x_84. —.._ 3 +4130 01/15/86 10.30- __314130_.__ 01/15/86 ,344190 01/15/86 514.35 29854.59 • * * ►- CKS__._ :HE:,( RL—STER 12 -31 -85 PAGE 5 3 E ND_ 0R__.—_— �1_ LcM_ 3.- SSRLP II.ON____ACC_OUNT__NO._INV. -# ?.0._p_MESSAGE___ —._. GRIG3S COO2ER AND C 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL ii .6RIG3S,_.CO03ER AND -C_- _,_ ._____ _ _- 50 -4b26- 842- .84 -.. _. MANUAL.___ ._ 6RIG3S C003ER 44D C 50 -4626- 862 -86 MANUAL ! • *r -CKS - -- � ,.._34.437.9 _..__.- .01/15/85 _ __137. i0. ..— _..— ___MARK.VIJ_.S4LE5___INC __._— .__. -_. _ _ _ — ._50. -- 4628 - 842x_84. —.._ _._.__.___..._ -.- .MANUAL 137.50 • *rkf4r * * ►- CKS__._ 344435 01/15/86 4.i2- P,RID2 WINE CD 50- 3710-B42-84 MANUAL 341435 - -- --.- 01/15/86 ---- --- 2.14 =--- .____ -- PRIOR. WINE_.CO___._. -.. .__ 50- 3710 - 842-84 ._ -._ -.- -- -- -. _. MANUAL._-- - 344435 01/15/86 230.34 PRIOR WINE CO 50 -4628- 842 -84 MAYUAL X344435 01/15/86 107.00, PRIOR WINE CO 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL _33L.0 _._.__.- - -_�_— - - --- - -- -... -- — --- - - -- - �� •rrffr * * *- . CKS - 344451 01/15/86 3.73- QJALITY WIVE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 344451 01/15/86 18.22- QUALITY WIVE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL `__- 344451 01/15/86 ._ —__ -14.34 = ____-_,__,QJALITT- WIVE_____.___ — —____,__50- 3710 - 822 -82 _ . _- - MANUAL _ j 344451 01/15/86 7.38- QJALITY WIVE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 304451 01/15/86 .35- QJALITY WIVE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 344451 .____...01/15/86 42.40- ________Y___._QJALITY_.NiYE __.. 50- 3710 - 842-84.___. - ._.__.. MANUAL 344451 01/15/86 21.59- QJALITY WIVE 50- 3710- 842 -84 MANUAL 344451 01/15/86 11.34- QJALITY WIVE 50- 3710- 842 -84 MANUAL ' .344451__ —__ ___ 01/15/86 2.32- QJALITY_- WIVE_ _.50- 3710 - 842 -84_. MANUAL. 344451 01/15/86 5.95- QJALITY WIVE 50- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL 344451 01/15/86 9.12- QJALITY WIVE 50 -3710- 862 -66 MANUAL '_'-- 344451 ------- __ -... .7.33 - ____...QJALITY - WLVE_.__ —. -.- 50- 3710 - 862-86 _. -- _- MANUAL 344451 01/15/86 .08 QJALITY WIPE 50- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL 344451 01/15/86 394.35 QUALITY WIVE 50 -4626- 822 -82 MANUAL 01/15/86 _..._.___.________.911.17. QJALI TY_WIVE 5074626 - 822 -82 _ _ MANUAL _ 344451 01/15/86 146.14 QJALITY WIVE i 50- 4526 - 842 -84 MANUAL 344451 01/15/86 29120.23 QJALITY WIVE 50- 4626 - 642 -84 MANUAL 7._._344451 _ 01/15/86 _ -_ 47.52_..— -- QUALITY_ WIVE —_. -_ 50- 4626- 842 -84 _ _ MANUAL . 344451 01/15/86 292.75 QJALITY WIVE 50- 4626-862 -86 MANUAL 344451 01/15/86 186.95 QUALITY WIVE 50 -4628- 822 -82 MANUAL .01/15/86 _...._. 717.15_ QJALITY_WTVE. 50- 4528 - 822 -82__- MANUAL 344451 01/15/86 592.35 QUALITY WIVE 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 344451 01/15/86 19079.90 QJALITY WIVE 50- 4628 - 842-84 MANUAL 01/15/86 __.--__50- 4628 - 862 -86___ _._._..____ _ .. MANUAL. _ 344451 01/15/86 366.90 QJALITY WIVE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 344451 01/15/86 4.32- QJALITY WIVE 50- 4628-862 -86 MANUAL _ -- Zi16 -0_.55 • f f 1 f t r • *• -CKS 344540 01/15/86 27.37- TJIV CITY WIN= 50 -3710- 822 -82 MANUAL 344540 01/15/86 2.78- TWIV CITY WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 01/15/86 15...82- T}IIN._CI_T -y —WINE _50- 371.0- 822 -82 _ MANUAL 344540 01/15/86 7.46- TWIN CITY WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 344540 01/15/86 79.97- TWIN CITY DINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 1�ai' 1335 CITY OF EDINA ..j CHEC( REGIST =R 12 -31 -85 PAGE 6 _CHIC_( _N0. Q� DATE _ _.- AMOUNT_,__ _______f.ENOOR___ ITEM )ESCRIPTION —_. ACCOUNT_- ACCOUNT -q ..MESSAGE_. - -___ �i- y, .. ('I_ Zfajl 344540 01/15/86 3.71- TYIN CITY WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 344540 01/15/86 23.79- _— _— _,_T914 CITY WIN - - _..__ _50- 3710 - 842-84 _ MANUAL 341540 01/15/86 25.58- TYIN CITY DINE 50- 3710- 842 -84 MANUAL 344540 01/15/86 83.27- Till CITY JINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL °I 334540 - - -- 01/15/86 - - - - - -- 4.35 -_ TWIN CITY WINE 50- 3710 - 862 786 MANUAL 01/15/86 11.59- - -I 11-4 CITY JINE — - -- - - - ^90- 3710 - 862 -86 -- - - MANUAL - -- .. n�341540 .i 344540 01/15/86 85.32- TWIN CITY WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL ' 304540 - ._ 01/15/86 4.41- _____.TWIN CITY DINE 50- 3710 - 862 -8b -_ MANUAL �I 344540 01/15/86 33.33- T914 CITY WINE 50 -3710- 862 -86 -_ MANUAL 344540 01/15/86 2.59- TWIN CITY WINE 50- 3710 - 862-86 MANUAL ' i' ' _ 344540__ _ _- 01/15/86 __. 3.79 -_ TWIN_CITYJINE _ _ 50- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL "� 344540 01/15/86 6.16- TWIN CITY JIN= 50- 3710- 862 -86 _ MANUAL ______ 344540 01/15/86 24.09- TWIN CITY WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL I" 344540 01/15/86 150.32 TWIN CITY WINE .__ _. 50- 4626- 842-84 MANUAL I 344540 O1 /la /8o 39393.98 TWIN CITY WINE 50- 4626 - 842-84 MANUAL 344540 01/15/86 19204.91 TJIV CITY JINE 50 -4526- 862 -86 MANUAL "I 344530 _ _ 01/15/86 _ _ 4926506..— _— _._TJIN CITY JINE _ 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL �"i 344540 01/15/86 19669.81 TWIN CITY JINE 50- 4626 - 862 -86 _ _ MANUAL v 344540 01/15/86 217.35 TWIN CITY MINE 50- 4526 - 862 -86 MANUAL 344540 _ 01/15/86 - 579.96_.._—__ _ TA 14 CITY JINE —__ -. - _. _ 50 -4626- 862 -86 ._ MANUAL 344540 01/15/86 189.90 TWIN CITY WINE 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL 344540 01/15/86 308.18- TWIN CITY JINE 50- 4626 - 862-86 MANUAL 1_,344540 01/15/86 _ 134.35 TWIN CITY WINE —_ 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL I;I 344540 01/15/86 220.50 TWIN CITY JINE 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL v 344540 01/15/86 373.25 TWIN CITY JINE 50 -4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 345540 01/15/86 1936B -77 ... - -__ TWIN CITY JINE __.._.- .... ._._. .__.__.._ 50- 4628-822 -82 MANUAL " 344540 01/15/86 791.05 TWIN CITY WINE 50 -4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 304540 01/15/86 133.15 Till CITY JINE 50- 4628- 322 -82 MANUAL ' 344340 01/15/86 19189.56 19T4 CITY WINE 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 34040 01/15/96 19284.38 TJIV CITY JINE 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL v �'I 344540 01/15/86 49163.55 TWIN CITY WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 , MANUAL 219801.09 !. - rRr -CKS 347174 12/30/85 1509000.00 1ST SANK S) 344( Ti4NSFER 50- 1010 - 000 -00 MANUAL 12/30/85 1509000.00- 1ST BANK S) BAN( T.tANSFER 50- 1010- 000 -00 MANUAL �L • • y •r• -CKS "I 351067 01/15/86 29222.31 CAPITAL CITY )ISTRI 50-4628-822 -82 MANUAL rr'' 351067 01/15/86 35.00 CAPITAL CITY DISTRI 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 351057 _. 01/15/86 110.40- ._._.______CAPITAL CITY. 3ISTR[____,_.__._.._..._. _.___._.____.. 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL ^^ 351767 01/15/86 13.70 CAPITAL CITY )ISTRI 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL y " 351047 01/15/86 825.1S CAPITAL CITY DISTRI 50- 4628-862 -86 MANUAL 29986.56 • r/ S'� „ fkfkR• .fR -CKS '2 351095 12/30/85 82.32 C3M4 OF REVENU- SAL 3 TAX 10- 3357-000 -00 _ MANUAL v " 351095 12/31/85 119.30 COMM OF REiIENUE SALT-3 TAX 23- 3357 - 000 -00 MANUAL '" " 00 351035 351095 12/30/85 12/30/85 _341.37_ A 319.51 C.OMM COMM 0F. REVENUE OF REVENUE SAL_3 TAX SALES TAX 27 -3357- 000 -00 28 -3357- 000 -00 i MANUAL !_ MANUAL • 351035 12/30/85 32.09 COMM OF REVENUE SAL ---S TAX 29 -3357- 000 -00 MANUAL ' L � � • 1)35 C_ . OF EDINA It I V ;3EC <_NO.__DATE __ _ _- A40UNi__ ___ _1ENDOR CHEC( k"tSTER 12 -31 -85 PAGE 7 351035 12/30/85 19403.92 COMM OF RE /ENJE 351035 .. 12/30/85 _ 89146.86 COiiE:iION OF . REVENUE 351095 12/30/85 15947T.53- C0144 OF REJEMIE 351335 12/30/85 159447.53 COM4 OF REVENJE 351095 12/30/85.__ 159477.53_ -. - COMM -OF- 50- 3710- 003 -00 _REVENJE 351035 12/30/85 149038.56 CDM4 OF REVENJE .39 *937.16 • LIE9_.)E3C. RIP ,LLON-- _- _- ACCOUNT_NO._INV._ -# P.O. 9 MESSAGE SAL =3 TAX 40- 3357 - 000 -00 MANUAL SALES TAX ------- _50-3557-001-00 _ MANUAL COiiE:iION 50- 3357 - 002 -00 MANUAL STAi= SALES TAX 50 -3357- 002 -00 MANUAL _ _ 25.34 -. -_ �EO.P.AILLIPS _ - MANUAL Si4i_ SALES TAX 50- 3357- 003 -00 MANUAL 50- 4626 - 842 -84 .. _. . --- 351123 _ 01/15/86 _ _ -- - _ - -_- 140.70 ____ BELL30Y _ -- -- _ -. --- _- -------- --__ -. -- ___ -. - -- _ "j 351129 01/15/86 39393.37 BELL30Y 50 -4626- 842 -84 X35112-1 01/15/86 19754.80 BELL30Y 50- 4626 - 862 -86 59289.37_ _t__._____ _ * ** -CKS MANUAL-- _ I MANUAL MANUAL � al 179290.19 351133 01/15/86 * ** -CKS ED PILLIPi 50 -3710- 822 -82 351139___ . __ . 01/15/86_ .__ ___.__ _ _ 25.34 -. -_ �EO.P.AILLIPS _ - 50- 3710 - 822 -82 351138 01/15/86 11.12- 351135 12/30/85 1.25- EAGLE WINE DISCDJYI 50- 3710- 003 -00 MANUAL 351135 01/15/86 52.32- EAGL= WINE 351133 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL ED PlILLIP3 _._ 351135. _.- 01/15/86 23.39- - _ _ _ EAGLE WINE_ _ _ .._. _ 50- 3710 - 822-82 _ MANUAL ___- _.____ 6.58-_ F.D_PAILLIPS - -_ 351135 01/15/86 21.35- EAGLE WINE ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 351133 01/15/86 351135 01/15/86 96.03- EAGL= WINE 50- 3710 - 642 -84 MANUAL 351138 351133 _ ... 01/15/86 23.35- EAGL_. WINE - -- -- - -- 50- 3710- 842 -84 MANUAL ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 862 -86 3i1135 01/15/86 1.18- EAGL_ WINE -- 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL ' 351135 01/15/86 2.16- EAGLE WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL _ .351135 __ _ .. _. 01/15/86 . 2.23-_____ ...... EAGLE WINE __. __._ _ _..... _._ ._ .__.._ . _ .. 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL °= 331135 01/15/86 123.74- EAGLE WINE 50- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL 351135 01/15/86 29615.99 E A G L = WINE 50- 4626 - 822 -82 MANUAL _351135_.__. .__ 01/15/86. --- --.___ -. 59.DO - ___EAGLE._ WINE--------------------- ----- ._- __._..- -_. -_- 50 -4626- 842 -84.. _ -. MANUAL 351135 01/15/86 49801.57 EAGLE WINE _ --- 50- 4626 - 842 -84 --- MANUAL 351135 01/15/86 103.18 EAGL" WINE 50 -4626- 862 -86 MANUAL "_ 3i1135_ 01/15/86 _ _ .69187.10 EAGLE WINE____ ._ ._- ___ - -._. _..__ 50- 4626-862 -86 MANUAL ` :I 351135 01/15/86 19163.29 EAGLE WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL -� 351135 01/15/86 19417.58 EAGLE WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 'L__.351135. - _ 01/15/96 - - _-.-_19069.00 _ .EAGLE_WINE 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL vl'^I 351135 01/15/86 111.54 EAGLE WINE _ _ _ _. 50 -4628- 862 -86 MANUAL r 7 351135 12/30/85 41.45 EAGLE WINE I11V =NTOtY 50 -4532- 822 -82 MANUAL 6..351135_...... 12/30/85. _ 62.50 EAGLE_- WINE. - _.._._..- _..._.14 j : 4 r 3 1 Y_._ -50 -46327B62-86.. MANUAL, � al 179290.19 351133 01/15/86 6.58- ED PILLIPi 50 -3710- 822 -82 351139___ . __ . 01/15/86_ .__ ___.__ _ _ 25.34 -. -_ �EO.P.AILLIPS _ - 50- 3710 - 822 -82 351138 01/15/86 11.12- E) PiILLIP3 50- 3710 - 822 -82 *� 351133 01/15/86 21.55- ED PHILLIPS 59- 3710- 822-82 ED__P:.4ILLIPS _ _50 -3710- 822-82_._.__ 351133 01/15/86 12.18- ED PlILLIP3 50 -3710- 842 -84 351133 01/15/86 223.35- ED P4ILLIP3 50- 3710 - 842 -84 351133_______01/15/8G ___- _.____ 6.58-_ F.D_PAILLIPS - -_ __50- 3710 - 842 -84 52 351135 01/15/86 23.73- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 351133 01/15/86 6.58- ED PiILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 Fa- PiILLIPS _50- _37L0- 862 -86__ 351138 01/15/86 19.63- EO PHILLIP3 50- 3710 - 862 -86 331138 01/15/86 168.49- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 862 -86 ** *-CKS MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL__.__.. MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL - - -- __MANUAL__ MANUAL MANUAL I• 1335 :ITT OF EDINA CHEC( REGISI =R 12 -31 -85 PAGE 8 NO. -DATE 44OUNT VENDOR - �f�M��iCR_IPTION _ACCOUNT NO._INV..__p 3.0. - -# MESSAGE--- 50- 3710 - 862 -86 351133 01/15/86 6.58- E.3 PiILLIP3 'I 351139 01/15/80 25-24 E:) PHILLIPS _ 50 -4626- 862 -86 3 i 1 1 3 3 01/15/96 19792.40 El PHILLIPS 50 -4628- 822 -82 351138 01/15/86 329.75 E PiILLIP3 50 -4628- 842 -84 351135 - 01/15/86 - 328.75 _ T _ ED_P41LLIPS - - - 50 -4628- 862 -86 351139 01/15/86 119197.53 ED PHILLIPS _ of 311138 01/15/86 89419.27 ED PHILLIPS 01/15/86 351139 _- - _.01/15/86 323.75 E7 PHILLIPS 351133 01/15/86 5.00 ED PHILLIPS - 351133 01/15/86 19266.35 ED PiILLIP3 351139 01/15/86 556.30 ED PHILLIPS ;i 351139 01/15/86 351.25 E PHILLIPS - 351138 01/15/86 19439.25 ED PHILLIPS 351139. 01/15/86 609.D0 -.. El PHILLIPS _ G I I G 3 S 351139 01/15/86 328.75 El PHILLIPS 351139 01/15/86 19311.35 E) PiILLIP3 - 351139 _ 01/15/86 29009.55 ED P4ILLIP3 12/30/85 351138 01/15/86 981.46 ED PHILLIPS 9 3i1133 12/30/85 63.25 ED PHILLIPS �I'I fftkfr 299996.33 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL - -__ 50- 3710 - 862 -86._ MANUAL 50 -4626- 822 -82 MANUAL 50 -4626- 822 -82 MANUAL 50- .4626- 842 -84 _ __- _ _ _ MANUAL _- 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 50 -4626- 862 -86 MANUAL _--_---- _---- _-- --...�.--.----- • --- -_ 50- 4626 -862-86 MANUAL 50- 4626 - 862-86 MANUAL 50 -4628- 822 -82 MANUAL - --------------- _ - - --- 50- 4628-822-82 _ MANUAL 50- 4628 - 822 -82 -_ -- -. MANUAL 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 50-4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 50 -4528- 842 -84 MANUAL 50 -4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 50 -4(328- 862 -86 MANUAL 50 -4628- 862 -86 MANUAL INY:ViDRY 50- 4630 - 622 -82 MANUAL * ** -CKS MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL . MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL * ** -CKS MANUAL ** *-CKS 50- 4628- 822 -82 351130 01/15/86 102.21- R --- -'- GIIG,S COOKER 4,43 C - - 50 -3700- 842 -84 351433 351137 12/30/85 2.17- QUALITY WIV_ 473.16 * 10.77- IISC)'JVi 50- 3710- 003 -00 I' 351130 01/15/86 2.30 - -• -, - - - -- GRIG ;S CO O'ER 4ND C 50- 3710 - 822 -82 351190 01/15/86 2.30 GRIG;S COOKER 4ND C 50- 3710 - 822 -82 �I 351130 01/15/86 2.30- - - -- GRIG.'sS C003ER 410 C 50- 3710 - 822 -82 351193 01/15/86 _ 115.2D_: ._.___ GRIG3S C003ER 4ND C 50 -4626- 822 -82 351190 01/15/86 115.2- GRIGiS C003ER 4ND C 50 -4626- 822 -82 351190 01/15/86 115.2-~ GRIGSS C003ER 490 C 50 -4626- 822 -82 ' 351130 01/15/86 . D O _ G I I G 3 S C003ER 11D- C 50- 4628 - 842 -84 351193 12/30/85 69.41 QUALITY WIVE INV =ViDRY _ 50 -4632- 822 -82 �." 351190 12/30/85 108.79 IAS_7S a QUALITY WIVE IVV=YTORY 50 -4632- 862 -86 175.02 QUALITY rttrrf 10.73 GRIGGS COOPER 3i143) 12/30/85 209583.D2 SLAT= IREAS P =R4 E'IP :19I - 10 -4145- 510 -51 _ 209589.02 * ** -CKS MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL . MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL * ** -CKS MANUAL ** *-CKS 50- 4628- 822 -82 I ff k rf 3 0 N S _ I ^ql 351433 _. 01/15/86 47.52- P4USiIS 351433 01/15/86 _510.98 PAUSTI_S_8 351433 01/15/86 473.16 * 10.77- PRIDR WINE CO ftkkkf 01/15/86 * ** -CKS MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL . MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL * ** -CKS MANUAL ** *-CKS 50- 4628- 822 -82 P 4 U 3 I I S & 3 0 N S .70- P4USTIS & SONS 47.52- P4USiIS & SONS _510.98 PAUSTI_S_8 _SONS 473.16 * 10.77- PRIDR WINE * ** -CKS MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL . MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL * ** -CKS MANUAL ** *-CKS 50- 4628- 822 -82 351435 01/15/86 2.97 PII31 WINE CD -- _ . - - MANUAL. - ,- -. _.. 351935„_01/15/86 __ 19.3 6- PRI0R__WI NE_ C1) 351435 01/15/86 10.77- PRIDR WINE CO se 351435 3� 01/15/86 5.31 PRIDA WINE CD * ** -CKS MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL . MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL * ** -CKS MANUAL ** *-CKS 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL _ 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 50 -4628- 822 -82 MANUAL _.._50- 4528_- 822 -82 ._ - -_ -- _ . - - MANUAL. - ,- -. _.. ***-CKS 50- 3110- 822 -82 MANUAL 59-3710-822-82 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL _ 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL I, -� 1335 C. OF EDINA :HE:( A� _ST =R 12 -31 -85 .AGE 9 _'i =CK- N0._-DATE-..., ?.0. # MESSAGE xl -_A000UNT__NO.- .JNV. - -t! 3iL435 01/15/86 ?.so- PAI3A WINE CO 50- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL 351435 -- 01/15/86 919.22 __- -__. PII02 WINE CO MANUAL._..._ 351435 01/15/86 149.53- P4I31 WINE CO 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL ` 3i1435 01/15/86 538.65 P2IOi WINE CO 50- 4628-842 -84 MANUAL ° 35L435_ _ _- 01/15/86 2.95.59- _P1101 WI NE-CO --- _ —_.50- 4628- 842 -84_ _.._.__ MANUAL___ 351435 01/15/86 316.72- PRI31 WINE CO 50 -4628- 862 -86 MANUAL tilo 351435 01/15/86 380.16 PlIOA WINE CO 50- 4629- 862 -86 MANUAL ° -- - 19048.24 �I.1 fRffff ♦ff -CKS 331451 01/15/86 4.07- GJALITY WIVE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL yl - 351451 01/15/86 24.44- QJALITY WIVE 50 -3710- 822 -82 MANUAL 351451 01/15/86 _ . 07 GJALITY WIVE _ .._ _ -. _ .___.._ _..___.___._.__. .. __ _.50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 351451 351451 01/15/86 01/15/86 6.47- .07 QJALITY WIPE GJALITY WIVE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL MANUAL 351451 01/15/86. __. 21.07- QJALITY YIVE_.__ 50- 3710 - 822 -B2 - MANUAL 351451 01/15/86 33.94- QUALITY WIVE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 - _ MANUAL 351451 01/15/86 16.17- GJALITY WIVE 50- 3710- 842 -84 MANUAL I21 - 351451 _ 01/15/86 _ .11 _._....----- _ QJALITY WIVE - A y 50- 3710 - 842 -84 - MANUAL 351451 01/15/86 7.29- QUALITY WIVE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 351451 01/15/86 164.35- QUALITY WIVE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL __351451 -__ 01/15/86 _ .. .._ _ _ ..19..__.__._. -.- QUALITY -WIVE _ J! _ 50- 3710 - 862 -86 _ __ _ MANUAL - 351451 01/15/86 .04 QJALITY WIVE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 35L451 01/15/86 20.35- GJALITY WIVE 50 -3710- 862 -86 MANUAL _'. 351451 01/15/86 27.75 -._ .__. QUALITY .WIVE _ 50- 3710 - 862-86 - MANUAL 351451 01/15/86 5.20- QJALITY WIVE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 351451 01/15/86 102.43- GJALITY WIVE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL - _351451. -__ _ 01/15/86 ___- 203.93OJALITY_W114 = 50 -4626- 822 -82_ -- -__ MANUAL _ " =12- 3i1451 351431 01/15/86 01/15/86 3.59- 3.48- OJALITY WIVE GJALITY WIVE 50 -4626- 822 -82 50- 4626 - 622 -82 MANUAL MANUAL 351451.. _ _ 01/15/86 19053.93 __._.. -_ QJALITY WIVE .__ _____ .._.____..__ 50 -4626- 822 -82 MANUAL 351451 01/15/86 5.55- QUALITY WIVE 50 -4626- 842 -84 MANUAL 3i1451 01/15/86 89217.70 QUALITY WIV= 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL "I___35145L .__ .._ 01/15/86 _ - _ ._._._....__ 809. �5OJALITY .YIVE __. 50- 4626- 842 -84.._ _ _ MANUAL 3i1451 01/15/86 10.00- QUALITY WIVE 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 'i 351451 01/15/86 260.04 QJALITY WIVE 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL 3i1451 _ 01/15/86 .. 5.141.37 __... QUALITY WIV_ ___.. .. _ - _ 50- 4626 - 362 -86 MANUAL 351451 01/15/86 2.29- QJALITY WIVE 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL Y'`.. 351451 01/15/86 4.58- QJALITY WIVE 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL 35L151 01/15/86 19222.38OJALITY WIVE__ - - -.. __._... _._,.- .___.._.._._. 50- 4628- 822 -82 _ MANUAL 351451 01/15/86 10.00- GJALITY WIVE 50 -4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 351451 01/15/86 323.15 GJALITY WINE 50 -4628- 822 -82 MANUAL __351431...._. 01/15/86 ._-._ ______.__1s697.37 0JALITY_ -WIVE _._.... .__.__. �___. _. 50- 4628 - 842 -84_ ___ MANUAL _. . 351451 01/15/86 364.30 QJALITY WIVE 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 351451 01/15/86 19047.71 QJALITY WIVE 50 -4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 35135 -1 01/15/_86 — .1938.2..7.0 QJA.LLT.WIYE a0=J628.- X62 -86_ _ _ MANUAL,_ -_ ' a9 219255.01 • �x ._._- (351522 12/30/85 99153.92 STAV)ARD OIL G430 1-JIVE 10- 4612 - 560 -56 MANUAL a —10- '° 351523 12/30/85 99194.70 SOCI4L SES:JRITY EAP =OYT 4149 - 510 -51 MANUAL "` �.r 1395 CITY OF EDINA CMECK REGISTER 12 -31 -85 PAGE 10 MI 'l- ECK -_N0. -_DATE - -- A -40UNT __JENDOR [f�M._)�jC�IPTiON _-,1CC_0_UNJ NO _INV.__- A..P.O. _N__MESSAGE. -_ -___ �. 99194.70 f �! f ►ffff f ; ► -CKS vl i4I4 -CITY 4IN =- 351540 01/15/86 T414 3.51540 01/15/86 .. 351940 01/15/86 CITY 351540 01/15/86 _ 14.32 - - 331540 01/15/86 JINZ_ _ - - - _ 351540 01/15/86 TWIN 351i49 01/15/86 50 -3710- 822 -82 351540 01/15/86 CITY 351540 01/13/86 1.05- 3,51540 331540 01/15/86 01/15/86 WINE 351340 01/15/86 TJIN 351 .540 01/15/86 "f 351540 01/15/86 I" 351540 01/15/86 45.57- , 351540 01/15/86 JIVc 351540 01/15/86 TWIV 351540 01/15/86 50- 3710 - 842 -84 351340 __ -- 01/15/86 "j 351540 01/15/86 -- -- -18.13 -- . -- 331540 01/17/86 dINE --- _------- - - - - -- - - - - -_- -- -_ 50-3710- 842-84 . - - 351540., 01/15/86 CITY °'I 351540 01/15/86 TWIV 351547 01/15/86 "I 150.78- - 01/15/86 I_� __351540 3i1540 01/15/86 r 351 34D 01/15/86 JINE 3i1 i40 _ 01/15/86 TWIV 33L540 01/15/86 50- 3710 - 862-86 351540 01/15/86 CITY 351540 01/15/86 7 351540 01/15/86 WINE 35154D 01/15/86 _ 33 1i40 01/15/86 50 -4626- 822 -82 3.51540 01/1:3/86 r�" 351543 U1/15/86 99492.75 351543 01/15/86 J147 _ _._. 3.51540 12/30/85 TWIN 35L54D 01/15/86 50- 4626- 862 -86 351543 -- 01/15/86 CITY 3,51540 01/15/86 135.50 351540 12/30/85 WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 686.27 � fffiff 14.92 i4I4 -CITY 4IN =- 50- 3710 - 822- 82 2.71- T414 CITY WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 13.12- TWIN CITY WIN_ 50- 3710 - 622 -82 _ 14.32 - - .,TWIN CITY JINZ_ _ - - - _ -- 50- 3710- 822-82 9.39- TWIN CITY WINE 50 -3710- 822 -82 22.25- TWIN CITY dIN= 50- 3710 - 822 -82 1.05- TWIN CITY WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 .36- TJIN CITY WIN_ 50- 3710 - 822-82 14.32- TWIN CITY WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 45.57- , TWIN CITY JIVc 50- 3710 - 822 -82 183.34- TWIV CITY WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 21.70- TWIN CITY JIVE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 -- -- -18.13 -- . -- - ,TWLN CITY dINE --- _------- - - - - -- - - - - -_- -- -_ 50-3710- 842-84 . - - 8.02 -. TWIN CITY JIVE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 11.57- TWIV CITY WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 150.78- - TJ14 CITY JINN - _ _ .._ ..._... 50- 3710 - 862-86 11.70- TWIN CITY JINE 50- 3710- 862 -86 5.01- TWIV CITY dIVE 50- 3710 - 862-86 _ 19.34 -_ _ _ -T 411 CITY AIN= -__ 50 -3710- 862 -86 __- 6.02- TWIN CITY WINE 50- 3710- 862 -86 19112.92 TWIV CITY WINE 50 -4626- 822 -82 53.30 .._.._- TWIN CITY WINE _ 50- 4526- 822 -82 99492.75 TWIN CITY J147 50 -4626- 842 -84 79539.14 TWIN CITY WINE 50- 4626- 862 -86 49.30 _ --_ -- TW IN CITY _WINE _,. - -- .. -_ -- -- - -. - - _ ---_. - -_ -_.- - -- 50-4628- 822-82 . 135.50 TJ14 CITY WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 686.27 TWIV CITY WINE 50- 4628- 822 -82 _. 746.47 TWIN CITY WINE.__ -- 50- 4628-822 -82 29328.39 TWIN CITY WINE 50 -4628- 822 -82 419.52 TWIN CITY WINE 50 -4528- 822 -82 745.46 _ - TWIV CITY WINE - - - -- -- 50 -4628- 822 -82- 746.47- T414 CITY dl ME 50- 4628 - 822-82 19085.01 TWIN CITY WINE 50 -4628- 842 -84 906.53 -,_ •.,_ TWIV CITY WINE -_ J _ SO- 4628 - 842 -84 401.40 TWIV CITY JIV= 50 -4628- 842 -84 579.71 TWIN CITY dINE 50 -4528- 842 -84 250.57__T9IV CITY WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 35.30 TWIV CITY dINE IVY:VTDRY 50 -4628- 862 -86 548.91 TWIV CITY WINE 50 -4628- 862 -86 301 .?0 _ TWIV CITY WIN= _ .50 -4628- 862 -86 917.30 T414 CITY WINE 50 -4628- 862 -86 74.59 TJIN CITY WIN= IVY =4TD2Y 50 -4632- 822 -82 _. __ 27111_•.. ?2 -f ___T- _,_..__� � _- _�_- ________ 3i1531 01/15/86 - - -- - - 7.00+ rrl13 1 351531 01/15/86 240.D0 S4 247 -nn f 959 tfflfk MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL _ _ -- MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL _ MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL - --- _- - -- -- MANUAL .. ***-CKS VINITALIA 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL VINITALIA 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL ff• -CKS ; 1335 OF EDINA :H--C( n__t STER 12-31 -85 PAGE it 1ECK .NO. _DATE _ A90UNi_ -_ _ VENDORI «!L_7=i_CRLP_IIONACCOUNT- NO. INV. # '.D. g MESSAGE - ti i i, i r f f k k r ,353484 12/30/85 143.51 AMERICAN STAR= :DM 143.51 • 350067 01/15/85 _ __.. - - .15.DO__._______,_._CAPITAL CITY._7ISTRI _ j 35DO57 01/15/86 1,077.30 CAPITAL CITY )ISTRI 310057 01/15/86 29199.90 CAPITAL CITY )ISTRI i 30057_ -__ 01/15/86 _ 1..,_795.50 CAP.ITAL_CIfY_DISTRI- �350067 01/15/86 35.00 CAPITAL CITY )ISTRI 353061 01/15/86 25.10 CAPITAL CITY DISTRI 353057._____ 12/30/85___ _____. 32.50_ CAPIfAL_CITY___.,_ 31]017 12/30/85 78.75 CAPITAL CITY 59258.95 *rr•** IR 3 &0123 __ 01/15/66 - - _ _._ _. ._.__..59 999.55 B7-'LL30Y.__ f_L_i]VE 10- 4256 - 510 -51 5U-4628-822-82 50 -4628- 822 -82 50- 4628 - 842-84 T 50- 4628- 842 -84 50 -4628- 842 -84 50- 4528- 842 -84 - __IV11= .Vf0t_Y_ ..50- 4630 - 822 -82 IVV_VTORY 50- 4630 - 842 -84 MANUAL I' - --- -rr :-CKS. -- , MANUAL * ** -CKS MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL. * ** -CKS MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL . MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL * ** -CKS MANUAL * ** -CKS MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL --MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL * ** -CKS I` _ 50- 4626- 842 -84 _ MANUAL e J. 33113D .. 12/30/85 _ .. 300. DO.._..._- __._____ POSTMASTER ______________ ____- __.P.3SiASE- v � A 300.00 • �' fff kf f " .351708 12/30/85 29478.06 M ?LS POSTMASTER P)STMASTER 10- 4290 - 510-51 .- ff.rrf 2,478.06 - •. 1 353331 12/30/85 581.72 NORTir-RN SLATES ELE:fAI: 10- 1130 - 000 -00 v 353331 12/30/85 34.37 NORTiERN STATES E L E : T A I : 10 -4252- 646 -64 353391 .- _ 12/30/85 99 561.34....__ NDRT -TERN_ STATES _______ELECiRt:._ 40 -4252- 803 -80 fr *rf• 10,171.43 • 353335 12/30/85 60.25 NDRfiWESTEAN SELL ?HOV_ 10- 4226- 160 -16 313335 _ 12/30/85 _. ..- 54.95 _._.___ NORTlJESTE.2N 3ELL .. ?IDVE _.._,_._.. .._._ ._... 10- 4256 - 460 -46 .... 353335 12/30/85 4,083.77 NORTiWESTERN SELL Pi)VE 10- 4256- 510 -51 '.I 353335 12/30/85 404.31 NORTiWESTEAN BELL ?i7VE 10 -4256- 622 -62 353335 _ _ 12/30/85 _ _- 107.32 _...__. -- NORTiEWESTERN BELL_ ___.._.. _PHONE 10 -4256- 628 -62 3533)5 12/30/85 43.30 NORTiEWESTERN BELL 'iDV_ 10 -4256- 646 -64 `i7j 353335 12/30/85 149.05 NDRfiWESTEIN 3ELL P:104E 23 -4256- 611 -61 "I 353396 _ 12/30/85 _ 24.40, ..____ NDRTiEWESTERN BELL .._._.._ Pi3V_ ___ __ -_ 26- 4256-689 -68 353336 12/30/85 661.31 NORTiEWEST_RN BELL PION= 27 -4256- 661 -66 r 353335 12/30/85 481.05 NORiiEWESFERN 3ELL Pi3V_ 28 -4256- 708 -70 353395 __._. _ 12/30/85 8.37 NIR11EWESTERN BELL - - -._ PiDM- __. -- __29- 4256- 721 -72 .i., 353395 12/30/85 105.05 NDRTiEWESTERN 3ELL Pi3V. 40- 4256 - 801 -80 359335 12/30/85 268.90 NORTiEWESTERN BELL PHONE 40- 4256- 803 -80 _ ; 353331 12/30/85 165.12 .__ ___ . NORf iEWESTERN 3ELL ._.. ._ ___PA3 V_ .. -_ _ _. _ 50 -4256- 821 -82 . 313335 12/30/85 178.38 NORfiEWESTERN 3ELL P434_ 50 -4256- 841 -84 X353335 12/30/85 129.46 NORTiEWEST_RN BELL Pi3V_ 50- 4256 - 861 -86 '- - - - -.. __ -- - 5,9.35.50-- • - ---- ti i i, i r f f k k r ,353484 12/30/85 143.51 AMERICAN STAR= :DM 143.51 • 350067 01/15/85 _ __.. - - .15.DO__._______,_._CAPITAL CITY._7ISTRI _ j 35DO57 01/15/86 1,077.30 CAPITAL CITY )ISTRI 310057 01/15/86 29199.90 CAPITAL CITY )ISTRI i 30057_ -__ 01/15/86 _ 1..,_795.50 CAP.ITAL_CIfY_DISTRI- �350067 01/15/86 35.00 CAPITAL CITY )ISTRI 353061 01/15/86 25.10 CAPITAL CITY DISTRI 353057._____ 12/30/85___ _____. 32.50_ CAPIfAL_CITY___.,_ 31]017 12/30/85 78.75 CAPITAL CITY 59258.95 *rr•** IR 3 &0123 __ 01/15/66 - - _ _._ _. ._.__..59 999.55 B7-'LL30Y.__ f_L_i]VE 10- 4256 - 510 -51 5U-4628-822-82 50 -4628- 822 -82 50- 4628 - 842-84 T 50- 4628- 842 -84 50 -4628- 842 -84 50- 4528- 842 -84 - __IV11= .Vf0t_Y_ ..50- 4630 - 822 -82 IVV_VTORY 50- 4630 - 842 -84 MANUAL I' - --- -rr :-CKS. -- , MANUAL * ** -CKS MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL. * ** -CKS MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL . MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL * ** -CKS MANUAL * ** -CKS MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL --MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL * ** -CKS I` _ 50- 4626- 842 -84 _ MANUAL e 1 353133 01/15/86 12.32- E) PHILLIPS 350139 01/15/86 33.95- E) PHILLIP3 !" 1__350139_ - .. 01/15/86. _ -_ 12.90- 3SD133 01/15/86 30.38- E) PiILLIPS 350139 01/15/86 33 -88- E0 P'iILLIPS I" 357138 01/15/86 25.07- PHILLIPS 350139 01/15/86 15.96- E) PHILLIPi low 350133 01/15/86 53.76- E) PHILLIPS _ 357139 _ _ 01/15/86 _ 15.36 -_ E) PHILLIPS_ 350139 01/15/86 17.91- E) PHILLIPS _�. 353139 01/15/86 11.93- E) PHILLIPi 350133 01/15/86 - - 19253.49 ED PHILLIPS 353139 01/15/86 — 29688.13 —_ - E) PiILLIP3 350138 01/15/86 644.75 E) PHILLIP3 35313901/15/86 - 645.75_ ED_PHILLIPS 350139 01/15/86 19697.60 ED PiILLIP3 " 33)139 01/15/86 792.75 E) PIILLIP3 si ♦ �w - - - 50- 3710- 822 -82 50- 3710 - 822 -82 -- __ -- -- ---- ___ -_- -- 50-3710-822 -82 50- 3110- 842 -84 50- 3710 - 842 -84 50-3710-842 -84 50- 3710- 842 -84 50- 3710- 862 -86 3710-862-86 50-3710-862!--86 50- 3710 - 862 -86 50- 3710 - 862 -86 -- .---- ..—._— —_ -- 50-4626-842 -84 •.— - 50- 4626 - 862 -86 50- 4628-822 -82 50 -4628- 822 -82 _ 50 -4628- 822 -82 _ 50- 4628- 842 -84 * ** -CKS MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL _ MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL.— _ MANUAL MANUAL I' i i 1335 CITY OF EDINA :HE :< REGIST_R 12 -31 -d5 PAGE 12 ^.i- _C (- N0._.DATE 4_'IOUyT VENDOR ITEM =SCR IPTIONA___._ACCOUNT_.ND. INV.._- It_�.0._A_ MESSAGE ___.. _ I 3SDL23 01/15/86 29024.97 B_LL30Y 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL i 89024.52_!_._. �i' flf k!• ••• -CKS 350135 01/15/86 4.57- E46L7 WINE 50 -3700- 842 -84 MANUAL �i 35]135 12/30/85 1.42- EAGL_ WINE DIS :DJNT 50- 3710 - 003 -00 MANUAL " 350135 01 /15 /SG 29.44- EAGLE WINE -_ -• _ -_ _.. .... ... _ _ _ ,_.___ .. 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 351135 01/15/86 .16 EAGLE WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 3SD135 01/15/86 1.72- EAGL_ WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 35)135 _ .- 01/15/86 _ _ _ 25.69- EAGL =._ WINE -__ , _.- -_ -_ -- 50- 3710 - 842 -84 ._„ MANUAL 3i0L35 01/15/86 2.58- EAGLE WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 _ _ MANUAL 351135 01/15/86 38.34- EAGLE WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 350135 01/15/86 2.28 - EAGLE WINE _. _. 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 351135 01/15/86 78.01- EAGLE WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 350135 01/15/86 21.59- EA GL_ WINE 50- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL _ 35]135 01/15/86 46.76- EAGLE WINE___ -__ 50- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL 353135 01/15/86 85.11- EAGL_ WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 35-1135 01/15/86 1.72- EAGLE WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 357135 01/15/86 39900.33- EAGLE WINE _ 50- 4626- 842 -84 MANUAL I 353135 01/15/86 1,917.15 EAGLE WINE 50 -4626- 842 -84 MANUAL '1 350135 01/15/86 29337.34 EAGLE WINE 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL 'L­353133 - _ 01/15/86 - 19079.10 _ . - EAGLE WINE -__ _ _ _ __ __ _ _. _ _ 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL 350135 01/15/86 19421.90 EAGL7 WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 353135 01/15/86 85.30 EAGLE WINE 50 -4528- 822 -82 MANUAL �- 353135 01/15/86 _ 3.09- ._ ._ EAGL_ WINE 50- 4628-822-82 MANUAL 357135 01/15/86 .00 EAGLE WINE 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 350135 01/15/86 129.95 EAGL= WINE 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL _ 357135 01/15/86 113.95- E4GLE WINE _ _- _ 50 -46?8- 842 -84 MANUAL "I 35D135 01/15/86 19284.31 EAGLE WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 350135 01/15/86 49255.44 EA GL_ WINE 50 -4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 35DI35 12/30/85 13.74 EAGL_ WINE _ -__- _ I4V= 9TDAY- - 50 -4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 3i]L35 01/15/86 85.30 EAGLE WINE _ 50 -4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 350135 12/30/85 57.40 E46L_ WINE IVV_YTO1Y 50- 4632-862 -86 MANUAL i 169117.12 1 353133 01/15/86 12.32- E) PHILLIPS 350139 01/15/86 33.95- E) PHILLIP3 !" 1__350139_ - .. 01/15/86. _ -_ 12.90- 3SD133 01/15/86 30.38- E) PiILLIPS 350139 01/15/86 33 -88- E0 P'iILLIPS I" 357138 01/15/86 25.07- PHILLIPS 350139 01/15/86 15.96- E) PHILLIPi low 350133 01/15/86 53.76- E) PHILLIPS _ 357139 _ _ 01/15/86 _ 15.36 -_ E) PHILLIPS_ 350139 01/15/86 17.91- E) PHILLIPS _�. 353139 01/15/86 11.93- E) PHILLIPi 350133 01/15/86 - - 19253.49 ED PHILLIPS 353139 01/15/86 — 29688.13 —_ - E) PiILLIP3 350138 01/15/86 644.75 E) PHILLIP3 35313901/15/86 - 645.75_ ED_PHILLIPS 350139 01/15/86 19697.60 ED PiILLIP3 " 33)139 01/15/86 792.75 E) PIILLIP3 si ♦ �w - - - 50- 3710- 822 -82 50- 3710 - 822 -82 -- __ -- -- ---- ___ -_- -- 50-3710-822 -82 50- 3110- 842 -84 50- 3710 - 842 -84 50-3710-842 -84 50- 3710- 842 -84 50- 3710- 862 -86 3710-862-86 50-3710-862!--86 50- 3710 - 862 -86 50- 3710 - 862 -86 -- .---- ..—._— —_ -- 50-4626-842 -84 •.— - 50- 4626 - 862 -86 50- 4628-822 -82 50 -4628- 822 -82 _ 50 -4628- 822 -82 _ 50- 4628- 842 -84 * ** -CKS MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL _ MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL.— _ MANUAL MANUAL I' i i IIIN JF EDINA CHEC< R. ,T -rR 12 -31 -85 ,AGE 13 - iEC ( .ND. DATE -_ _ CfLM- ).'3.. CRIP _T_LON.___- ACCOUNT_NO._ INV.___N P.O. It- MESSAGE - -_. ICI 351139 01/15186 19693.30 E) PiILLIP3 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 3 ;]139 _ _ 01/15/86 19 543. 15. __. —_._ ED PAILLIPi .__.- _ - ___ _ _ -. 50 -4b?8- 842 -84 MANUAL - 317133 01/15/86 768.05 E) P°1ILLIP3 50 -4628- 862 -86 MANUAL I. , 331139 01/15/86 895.10 E] PHILLIP3 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL Ll 3511.39_ - 01/15/.86 _ _ 596.53___ E)_PAILLIP_S ___ _50- 4629- B62 -86 __ _.MANUAL__ - 129961.03 • . •rrrrr y i,l � 3;3190 12/30/85 43.79 6.2IG;S 'C003ER IVY =VfDRY 50 -4626- 842 -84 MANUAL �.. •rrrrr * ** -CKS 3 ;0373 01/15/86 2.75- MARK VII SALE; IVC 50- 3710 - B62 -86 MANUAL X351373 01/15/86 137.50 MARK VII SALES INC 50 -4628- 862 -86 MANUAL - - - 134.75. -! -_- --- -- - -- - - -- -_ -- - - -- _.__... __._ _ __- - - -- - -- �I'il *rrrrr * * *- - CKS Iz' 3;1435 01/15/8(3 .35- PRIDR WINE CD 50- 3710- 822 -82 MANUAL 351435 01/15/86 .11 PRI)R WINE CD 50- 3710-622 -82 MANUAL ` 3;1435 01/15/86 _ _ .43 -,. ._ ..___ P1 I0 1 ,WINE CD- ____.__ MANUAL 333435 01/15/86 4.13- P1131 WINE CD 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL -( 3 30435 01/15/86 .21 PRIOR WINE CD 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL ` 3S)435 01/15/86 6.93- _.. _. PRI3R WINE CO __. _. 50- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL 3;3435 01/15/86 5.37- PRIOR WINE CO 50 -4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 3 ;1435 01/15/86 17.49 P113R WINE CO 57 -4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 3 ;0435. _ _ 01/15/86 ._ 21.30 ._ -PRID2 WINE CO ______._____ ._- _. _ _ 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 351435 01/15/86 206.52 PiIJ2 WINE CO -._ _ 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 350435 01/15/86 341.72 PRID2 WINE CO 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL ` 3SD435 01/15/86 _ 10.74- _ _- PAI9.2 _ WINE_.CO _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._._ ..._ _ . __...50 -4528- 862 -86 MANUAL i 559.50 •rrrrr _ - r ** -CKS 330451 01/15/86 11.75- QJALITY WIVE 50- 3700 - 822 -82 MANUAL 3;7451 ._. 01/15/86 _ _ _ 9.47- _ __. QJALI TY WIVE._ -. _._ _.. 50- 3710 - 822 -82 _ MANUAL 357451 01/15/86 .15 GJALITY WIV= 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 351451 01/15/86 17.38- QJALITY WIVE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL ___3 ;]451. _ 01/15186 -- -, - - - -___- . 1- S2 - - -.__ OJALITY_- WIV_-- ---- - ----- -- _ - - -.. 50-3710-842-84 MANUAL 3SO451 01/15/86 51.21- QJALITY WIVE .. _. . _ -- 50- 3710- 842 -84 MANUAL 35)451 01/15/86 1.35- QJALITY WIVE 50 -3710- 842 -84 MANUAL F 357451 01/15/86 _ _ -.._ 19.43 -.__ OUALI r . WIVE_ _._._..._ 59- 3710 - 842 -84 _ _ _ . _ - MANUAL 35]451 01/15/86 56.41- QUALITY WIVE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 3 ;0451 01/15/86 2.04- GJALITY WIVE 50- 3710 - 842-84 MANUAL _01/15/86 _ _ _.48.56- OJALITY_WIVE 50- 3710 - 862 -86__ MANUAL_- "' 351451 01/15/86 42.76- QUALITY WIVE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 __ -.' MANUAL 359451 01/15/86 51.22- QJALITY WIVE 50- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL R 3S]451 --------- 01/15/86 ___ __- - -_ - -- _81.39 _ pUAL[ TY_.WIVE._ _ _50 -4626- MANUAL 3;0451 01/15/86 29560.58 QJALITY WIVE 50- 4626- 842 -84 MANUAL 351451 01/15/86 7.66- QJALITY WIV_ 50 -4628- 822 -82 MANUAL ! - -- 01/15/86_ .._350451 _47 -3..35 QUALITY -WIVE 50 -4628- 822 -82 ___ MANUAL____ i '6 r_liO451 357451 01/15/86 869.20 QUALITY W14-7 __ 50 -4628- 822 -82 _ MANUAL I„ 01/15/86 .00 QUALITY WIVE 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL • 1)35 CITY OF EDINA - :HE:< RE6Iii.R V0. DAiE AyDUNT 12 -31 -85 PAGE 14 353451 _ 01/15/86 ..- -- ----- - - - - -- VENDOR [DEiC-__ RIPiION - ACCOUNT ND. INV. _q ° -.0. MESSAGE 3 53451 01/15/86 102.30 GJALITY WIVE _q _ - li 35345L 01/15/86 64.25 _ OJAL[TY WIV_ _ - - 50 4628 842 84 MANUAL 357451 01/15/86 29320.90 . GJAL[TY WIPE . -. -- - °-�--•_- �-- -__._. ...- --- 50-4628- 842 -84 MANUAL. ' 3&]451 - -- U1/15/86 921.93 2s429.10._T GJALITY WIVE 50 -4623- 842 -84 MANUAL 350451 01/15/86 - - - -- OJALIfY WIVE._, 50 -4629- 842 -84 MANUAL 3 &]451 -!' 01/15/86 29561.01 GJALITY WIV= -_ _.__...____..._ .______ ____- - _. - -_ 50 -4628- 862 -86. .- MANUAL 3SO451 12/30/85 29138.21 GJALITY WIVE 50 -4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 24.50 149730.35 __GJALITY WIVE IYV- Yf02Y_ - - 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL qb r __ ..- 50- 4630- 862 -86 MANUAL • f f R f • > 350540 35543 01/15/86 53.50- TWIV CITY YIN_ _ - * *• -CKS 35))543 01/13/86 01/13/86 253.00- TJIV CITY a1.4E 50 -3700- 822 -82 MANUAL r. "j 3 50540 01/15/86 173.25- TWIV CITY JINE " -'- '- - 50 -3700- 842 -84 MANUAL _ 359540 01/15/86 5.40- TWIN CITY JIVE 50- 3700 - 862 -86 MANUAL ' 3 &0540 01/15/86 - .57 - - -�- - TJIV CITY DINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL ,. 351540 01/15/86 •03 12.25- TWIY CITY DINE - -- - - - - - SO -3710- 822 -82 MANUAL 3SD340 01/15/86 TWIN CITY YIN 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 35]540 01/15/86 17 .78 - TYIY CITY JIN'c 50 -3710-822-82 MANUAL .. 337540 01/15/86 .28 TYIY CITY JIVE - - - - - 50- 3710 - 822-82 -- MANUAL I_ 3SD540 01/15/86 13.09- TJIV CITY JIVE 50 -3710- 822 -82 MANUAL I 3 &0540 01/15/86 _ .02 -- --- -`--- TWIN CITY WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -62 MANUAL .. 359540 01/15/86 7.20 TWIN CITY WINE - - - - - - - - -- - - _ _ 50- 3710 - 842 -84 _ MANUAL 350540 01/15/86 91.55- TWIN CITY JINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 357543 01/15/86 .25 - TJIN CITY JINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL „I 357540 01/15/86 45.92- TYIY CITY WINE - - 50- 3710- 842 -84 MANUAL r - 3 &0540 01/15/86 21.67- TWIV CITY JI.V= 50- 3710- 842 -84 MANUAL �_. 353540 01/15/86 _._ _ .25 - -_ TWIN CITY JINE _ 50 -3710- 842 -84 MANUAL ..- 353540 01/15/86 7.20- TJIV CITY JIVE - `- -- ''' - --- -- 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 3&3540 01/15/86 .34 TWIN CIiT JINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 350540 01/15/86 9.59- _ &JIN CITY WIPE 50- 3710- 842 -84 MANUAL ' 3 &0540 01/15/86 7.20- TWIN CITY JINE - - 50- 3710 - 342 -84 MANUAL �3113'D 01/15/86 10.38- TWIN CITY JINE 50 -3710- 842 -84 MANUAL ! 3 &0540 01/15/86 .99- _ - - - -- TWIN CITY YINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 3&]540 01/15/86 33.33- TYIY CITY JINE -- -- - - -- - -'- - - 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 330540 01 /15 /d6 18.17- TWIN CITY JINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL ! 3 &3390 01/15/86 14 - 7.43- TJIV CITY JINE -'' _.. _.- - 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 350540 01/15/86 TWIY CITY JINE -- - � - 50- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL , 3&]543 01/15/86 4.97- TWIN CITY JINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL - 350540 01/15/86 - -� - - ---8.91 = -, -_- __TYIV CITY _WINE - 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 350540 01/15/86 .10 -- TWIN CITY JINE - - - -- ----- - -. --_ -- -__ 50-3710-862-86__ _ MANUAL i 3 &3540 01/15/86 2?.17- TYIY CITY JINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 - MANUAL i 359540 01/15/85 .- ,_63.13- _.,__. -_ TWIN CITY JINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 353540 12/30/85 t TWIN CITY JINE - - - -• -- - _._._.50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL iv -3 &)540 01/15/86._ 155.16 TJIV CITY IVV_Yf02Y 50- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL 353540 01/15/85 - 4.59 -__ 49577.72 TYIN CITY JINE TWIY CITY JINE-- - ^ - - -_ -- 50 -4026- 822 -82 50 -4626- 822 -82 MANUAL v 37543 35354D 12/30/85 449.45 TWIN CITY 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL -- 357540 01/15/86 - - - -_ _ TWIN CITY JIN IYY:�1f0IY SO -4626- 842 -84 MANUAL 3 53543 01/15/86 12/30/85 371.58 ' TWIN CITY WINE - - - -- � - -- - SO- 4526 - 842 -84,_ MANUAL MANUAL „Iv ^ 3 &0540 -'' 01/15/86 329.35 TJIV CIiY IYY_YiDtY 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL 3SO540 01/15/86 - __19696.33 - - 883.23 _TWIN_CITY JINE -- TWIV CITY __ - - 50- 4526-862 -86 50 -4626- 862- 86 MANUAL 3 &0543 01/15/86 4.30 JINE TWIN CITY JINE - - -- - -- 50 -4628- 822 -82 - - -'- MANUAL - - -._._ ' - -- - - - - -- -- ----- - - -_ -_ _ __ _ 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL "•. MANUAL 11 0 IA 5, OF EDINA :HE'-( .ST---R 12 -31 -85 ,AGE 15 Al 3JNT..__._-.___.-_.-._____ IENDOR____- I_f_4__J.=i_CRLP_1ION- ACC 00NT.NO. INV.._# ?.0. 9 MESSAGE_ x_11 35J540 01/15/86 128.30 TWIN CITY WINE 50 -4628- 822 -82 MANUAL _I 3iO540 01/15/86 __. 612.76 Till CITY JIME .__..__ 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL I` 353540 01/15/86 270.11 TJIV CITY DINE 50 -4628- 822 -82 , MANUAL 3SD540 01/15/86 14.31- TJIV CITY JIN _- 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL _351540 _- 01/15/86 _ .DOTJIV CITY WINE ___-- __, - - - -- -_ 50- 4628 - 822 -82 : _ _ _. MANUAL . 350540 01/15/86 L9033.99 TJIV CITY DINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL N 350540 01/15/86 12.77- TWIV CITY WINE 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL _ I. 350540 01/15/86 .DO .. ___. TJIV CITY JIV _ ....._ _._ . _. ___... __- _ _ -_ . -._ - __ -_- _ -. 50- 4528 - 842 -84 MANUAL !`' 35)54] U1/15/86 2.35- TWIN CITY WIN= 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 3;0540 01/15/86 29301.30 TJIV CITY JIM- 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 3;0540 01/15/86 360.39 _TWIN CITY WINE 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 3;D54D 01/15/86 360.39- TJIV CITY WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 353540 350540. 01/15/86 01/15/86 44.70 1.40- TWIN CITY ._____ -. TJIV CITY VINE JIME _ 50- 4628- 842 -84 50-4023- 842 -84 MANUAL MANUAL 3 ;7540 01/.15/86 360.39 TWIN CITY JIME 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL '"j" 3SD540 01/15/86 549.00 TJIV CITY JIVE 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL ° 351540 -__ „- 01/15/86 - -._ 479.85 ___ TWIV -CITY WINE 50- 4628-842 -84._ _ ._ MANUAL 350540 01/15186 3940S.&4 TJIV CITY WINE 50- 4523-862 -86 MANUAL $ "' 353540 01/15/86 5.18- TWIN CITY WINE 50 -4628- 862 -86 MANUAL ;''.....350540 _. _ 01/15/86 _ _ __.._440.90. _ - -_ TWIN CITY DINE _ .__ .. 50- 4628 - 862 -86 _ _ MANUAL 353540 01/15/86 7.00- TWIN CITY WINE 50 -4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 1!51" 353540 01/15/86 .DO TWIV CITY JIVE 59- 4628-862 -86 MANUAL I''- 3S3540._ 01/15/86 _ _ 908.65 _._TWIN CITY JIME __.. -_50 -4628- 862 -86__- MANUAL 350540 01/15/86 149.45 TWIV CITY JIN_- 50 -4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 353540 01/15/86 19108.83 TWIN CITY WINE 50 -4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 35054D _ 01/15/86. _. - 5.43 -.__. TWIV CITY. DINE. ___ ..._._._...__...__._ 50 -4628- 862-86 MANUAL \ 3SO54D 01/15/86 243.34 TWIN CITY JIME 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 209266.26 • -I „' •rr•r• -- - - - -- :►. -CKS I 3SJ531 __. 01/15/86 . 160.00 ._...__. __VINITALIA ____ __. _- ____._._.... ....___ 50- 4628- 822 -82 _ _ MANUAL ' "I 3&3581 350531 01/15/86 01/15/85 4.00 1.00 VINITALIA VINITALIA 50 -4628- 822 -82 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL MANUAL " - -- 351581 01/15/86 32.00 _ -- VINITALIA -- __- __ - -_- _..__ 50- 4628 - 862-86 _ __ -- MANUAL 197.00 • -• - -- -- -- -- ...__� -- - -- -_ - - -- - - -- - -- - -- - -- ••► -CKS " 313112 12/30/85 239000.00 HOLLENBACK & NELSON COVSTiJ :TION 27- 1300 - 000 -00 MANUAL I "' _..-- - -- - -- -- -- - - ---- - --- 239000..0.0. -� ---- .._.- .__--- - - - - -- - -------------- - - - - -- --- ------- - - - - -- - - - --- -- --- - - - -- - - �L" 9.9999 ••r -CKS 351174 12/30/85 969000.00- 13T 3ANK S)UTHDALE 844< T14NSFER 50- 1010 - 000 -00 MANUAL I"' 3S1 174 12/30/65 96,000.00 FIRST BANK SOJTHDALE 344C TR4NSFER 50- 1010 - 000 -00 MANUAL na an -- - - -- ._D_D • b9 •rear •• * -CK5 'Z 351130 12/30/65 372.57 G,AIGSS C003ER IIi -VT31Y 50- 4632- B42 -84 MANUAL 372.57 • %5 00 _._12/-30/85.__._._.. 20.9.032..0.L_ __ S[AT =. .ERA____.___... ON_ m m m m 7 - - - - - -- •.•-CKS - -- � 1-14 MANUAL 1395 CITY OF EDINA :HEC( REGISTER 12 -31 -85 PAGE 16 t �M_ CK NO.- _ DATE __- _ AMOUNTVEND OR.- -- — -- - ITE9_.IE CRI.PiION_ - --ACCOUNT N0._INVr_ 4 '.D._0 MESSAGE - 209032.07 • f►iffr ** *-CKS �- 35-1523 12/30/85 89263.93 SOCI4L__SECJRIiY -.- _ _— EMP_ :ONi - - -- - - 4149 -- 510- 51___ MANUAL. I 89263.33 • -- - ._. i 'i *rrffr *** -CKS 1364713 12/30/85 188.10 COMM LIFE INSURAVCE IYSJiVA:E 10- 4157 - 510 -51 MANUAL - - -- - - - - - 13 3 . L 0 r - -- 364714 12/30/85 26.04 MARK SCHEUIEM44 LIFE INSURANCE 10- 4157- 510 -51 MANUAL 26.04 • I fiilfr *** -CKS 355174 01/13/86 959000.D0- 1ST 34NK 3414( TRANSFER 50- 1010- 000 -00 MANUAL 355174 01/13/86 959000.00 1ST 3ANK 344( TRANSFER 50 -1010- 000 -00 MANUAL * ** -CKS e3 »430 01/13/86 99B83.27 PER4 EMPLOY i CONY 10- 4145 - 510 -51 MANUAL I ,I 99888.27 • - *** -CKS f —35,5 5 3 _ 01/13/86 49175.15 .— ._- S.00I4L- SECJRITY -- __- E4,2LO.If. =R -CONY 10- 4149 - 510 -51 MANUAL 49175.15 • - ,._ rrfrri 899890.78 FJVD 10 TDT4L GENE24L FUND * ** -CKS +' 269.05 FJND 23 TOTAL ART CENTER 24.40 26 TOTAL POOL FUN) Hand typed checks Ps 66915 249002.58 FJVD 27 TOTAL GIL= :DJRSE FUND 66993 800.56 FJVD 28 TOTAL R= CiE4iI0N CENTER FUND 40.45 _ - FJVD 29 TOTAL _•.._._ GJV 2446E FUND 119348.12 FJVD 40 TOTAL UTILITY FUND �I 3579073.11 FJVD 50 TOTAL LI3J02 )ISPENSARY FUND „I s -- - -- - - - -- _._ . -- - - - -- -- • - - - -- - 4939453.16 - - - -_ - - -- ---------- ---------------------- TOTAL - - - - - - -- -- APPROVED T'Cii F;;YP,,EfJT - - -- �I I.J CITY Li',P;; :, -Ft D:':rE I 54 RNAN E DIRELAOR DATE �.