HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-09-08_COUNCIL MEETINGAGENDA EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY EDINA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 8, 1986 7:00 P.M. ROLLCALL MINUTES of HRA Meeting of August 18, 1986, approved as submitted or corrected by motion of seconded by I. CONVEYANCE OF PHASE V - EDINBOROUGH CONDOMINIUMS ADJOURNMENT EDINA CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION - United Way's Salute to Small Business I. PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PROPOSED Presentation by City Manager hearing. If Council wishes vote to pass if improvement IMPROVEMENTS. Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. or Engineer. Public comment heard. Motion to close to proceed, action by Resolution. 3/5 favorable rollcall has been petitioned for; 4/5 vote required if no petition. A. Permanent Street Surfacing with Concrete Curb and Gutter Improvement No. P -BA -267 - McCauley Trail from Gleason Road to 2000 ft west and Timber Trail from McCauley Trail to cul -de -sac (Contd from 8/18/86) II. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND REPORTS ON PLANNING MATTERS. Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by Planner. Public comment heard. Motion to close hearing. Zoning Ordinances: First and Second Reading requires 4/5 favorable rollcall vote of all members of Council to pass. Waiver of Second Reading: 4/5 favorable rollcall vote of all members of Council required to pass. Lot Divisions, Plats, Appeals: Favorable rollcall vote of majority of quorum required to pass. Final Plat Approval of Property Zoned Planned District: 3/4 favorable rollcall vote of all members of the Council required to pass. A. Zoning Change 1. R -1 Single Dwelling Unit District to PRD -4 Planned Residence District - Namron Corporation - Generally located north of Vernon Avenue and west of Villa Way B. Preliminary Plat Approval 1. Namron Corporation - Generally located north of Vernon Avenue and west of Villa Way C. Set Hearing Date (9/15/86) 1. Zoning Change - R -1 Single Dwelling Unit District to PRD -2, Planned Residence District - Generally located north of Crosstown Highway and east and north of Vernon Court - Robert Hansen 2. Zoning Change and Preliminary Plat - R -1 Single Dwelling Unit District to R -2 Double Dwelling Unit District - Generally located south of West 62nd Street and east of Valley View Road - Robert Kidd 3. Zoning Change - PID Planned Industrial District to PRD -4, Planned Residence District - Generally located south of Eden Avenue and west of Soo Line Railroad track - Knutson Ventures 4. Preliminary Plat - Warden Acres Dahle Replat - Generally located south of Grove Street and west of Garden Avenue 5. Conditional Use Permit - Edinborough - 7600 York Avenue South 6. Final Development Plan - Generally located west of Parklawn Avenue and north of West 77th Street extended III. PUBLIC HEARING ON EASEMENT VACATION. Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by Engineer. Public comment heard. Motion to close hearing. If Council wishes to proceed, action by Resolution. 3/5 favorable rollcall vote required to pass. A. Vacation of Utility Easements - Lots 1, 2, 3 and 12, Block 1, Grandview Plateau (Continue to 9/15/96 per request of proponent) IV. SPECIAL CONCERNS OF RESIDENTS V. AWARD OF BIDS, A. Playground Equipment - Wooddale Park VI. REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS A. Report on Gleason Road Sidewalk - Parking Restrictions B. Minnehaha Creek Watershed Report C. Park Board Recommendations - Minutes of 8/12/86 D. Presentation of 1987 Budget Estimate E. Special Concerns of Mayor and Council F. Post Agenda and Manager's Miscellaneous Items Agenda Edina City Council September 8, 1986 I Page Two i VII. COMMUNICATIONS * A. Petition - Permanent Street Surfacing in Interlachen Hills 3rd. Addition VIII. FINANCE A. Claims Paid. Motion of seconded by for payment of the following claims as per pre -list of 9/8/86: General Fund $172,618.34, Art Center $2,305.61, Capital Fund $399.00, Swimming Pool Fund $6,279.30, Golf Course Fund $47,686.19, Recreation Center Fund $2,283.32, Gun Range Fund $1,829.40, Edinborough Park $120.08, Utility Fund $214,029.76, Liquor Dispensary Fund $2,889.07, Con- struction Fund $13,670.88, IMP Bond Redemption #2 $550.00, Total $464,660.95 SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS /EVENTS Tues Sept 9 Budget Hearing Fri Sept 12 Budget Hearing (Contd) Mon Sept 15 Regular Council Meeting (Special Assessments) Mon Oct 6 Regular Council Meeting Mon Oct 20 Regular Council Meeting 7:30 a.m. Managers Conf Rm 7:30 a.m. Managers Conf Rm 7:00 p.m. Council Room 7:00 p.m. Council Room 7:00 p.m. Council Roon MINUTES EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AUGUST 18, 1986 Answering rollcall were Commissioners Bredesen, Kelly, Richards and Turner. MINUTES of the HRA Meeting of August 4, 1986, were approved as submitted by motion of Commissioner Kelly, seconded by Commissioner Turner. Ayes: Bredesen, Kelly, Richards, Turner Motion carried. There being no further business on the HRA Agenda, the meeting was adjourned by motion of Commissioner Kelly, seconded by Commissioner Turner. Motion carried. Gordon L. Hughes Executive Director TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Francis Hoffman, City Engineer jej� VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: Street Improvement -,BA-267 Timber Trail and McCauley Trail The Indian Hills Company developing Indian Hills 2nd and 3rd Addition has requested a change in their developer's.:agreement with the City. They are changing the Timber Trail street improvements from a Plan C to a Plan A status. This means they have,dropped the request via petition for this street improvement. Indian Hills Company is providing their own.financing of the Timber Trail improvements and constructing same under the Engineering Department's supervision. However, the McCauley Trail improvements.remain as a condition of the plat. The primary issue appears to be the split on the assess- ment for the street and the timing of this improvement. In talking with Jeff Gustafson, it appears that the street should have curb and gutter on both sides of the street. Mr. Chuck Sedgwick of Crossview Lutheran requests that the improvement past the church be delayed. The staff recommendation is that the hearing for McCauley Trial be continued to the second meeting in January, 1987. This would allow time for evaluation of McCauley Trail to determine if it provides any collector street activity to Braemar Arena. This may be a key point in deciding what amount of general fund contribution the City may wish to use in the McCauley Trial improvements. This time delay does not cause any development delays as both the developer and staff agree that the street project should not be done before the Summer of 1987. FJH:Im 9/5/86 ; & iRnevesInN 11 _Jlk'l FAM :1 WAILI 'I 'I 'M m '16,Ilkk • 1 4*11*0 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR F,EEIL OF THE EDINA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING COMMISSION HELD ON WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 1986, AT 7:30 P.M. EDINA CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS MEIBERS PRESENT: Chairman William Lewis, Jane Paulus, John Palmer, John Skagerberg, Gordon Johnson, Del Johnson, Helen McClelland, Phil Sked and John Bailey STAFF PRESENT: Craig Larsen, City Planner Fran Hoffman, City Engineer Jackie Hoogenakker, Secretary I. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Mr. Palmer moved for approval of the June 5, 1986 Board of Appeals and Adjustments Meeting Minutes. iirs. McClelland seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion carried. Mr. Palmer moved for approval of the July 30, 1986 Community Development and Planning Commission Meeting Minutes. ;;rs. McClelland seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion carried. II. OLD BUSINESS: �! �• Z --86 -2 and S- -86- -4 Namron Corporation, R--1 Single 'n Dwelling Unit District to PRD -4 I�"' Planned Residence District I Mr. Larsen reminded the Commission the subject request was continued at the last meeting to allow the proponent time to respond to Commission criticism on density, parking /traffic, and site deve.l.opment issues. The proponent has submitted revised plans in response to the Commission's comments. Mr. Larsen explained the revised site plan illustrates 135 units, or a reduction of 15 units from the original plan. The density is reduced from 21.9 units per acre to 19.8 units per acre. This compares to 18 at Villa Way and 24 at Interlachen Court. Mr. Larsen pointed out the revised plan illustrates 169 covered parking spaces and 101 surface spaces. The spaces provided conform to the Zoning Ordinance requirement of 1.25 covered spaces per unit and .75 surface spaces. In response to comments by Commissioners the plan suggest eliminating 33 of the surface spaces. Eliminating the spaces would help save existing site vegetation. The developer would agree to provide a proof of parking agreement to insure the spaces would be added should a parking shortage develop. J Mr. Larsen added Hennepin County has reviewed the project and proposed curb cuts. The revised site plan has the approval of County staff. Mr. Larsen continued building setbacks provided in the revised site plan exceed Ordinance requirements. Building design and materials remain the same as the original proposal. The original proposal contained only one and two bedroom units. The revised plan included 12 three bedroom units. The developer has supplied sections to show the relationship of the proposed building to surrounding properties. Mr. Larsen concluded the revised site plan responds well to Staffs criticisms of the original plan. Density has been reduced, setbacks have been increased and more of the existing vegetation is saved. Staff recommends preliminary rezoning approval and preliminary plat approval. conditioned as follows: 1. Acceptable Final. Development Plans. 2. Final Plat Approval. 3. Subdivision Dedication. 4. Developers Agreement. 5. Proof of Parking Agreement. Mr. Norman 3jornnes, proponent, Mr. Nick Palaia, Architect and residents of the area were present. Mr. Bjornnes thanked the Commission for their previous recommendations and informed them he felt compliance has been achieved. He agreed with the Commission's concern on traffic adding traffic is also his concern. He reminded the Commission his project is marketed for the empty nester's, who as group, tend to make less trips during peak traffic hours. Mr. Bjornnes told the Commission his company has retained a forester. The forester will work with them to keep tree loss at a minimum. He pointed out with the help of a forester they will be able to transplant removed trees to untouched areas on the site. Mr. Bjornnes said the proposed project will have minimal visual impact on the neighborhood and will retain privacy for future tenants. Mr. Palaia told the Commission Hennepin County has reviewed the proposed ingress /egress location, and have concluded the proposed location is best suited for this site, offering superior site lines. Mr. Palaia added Hennepin County does not feel traffic will be an issue at this site. Mr. Palaia pointed out changes in the plan noting the reduction of units, improvements in visitor parking, and the developer's concern for maintaining the natural vegetation of the site. Mrs. - 1cClelland wondered if the proposed drive lanes would be wide enough to accommodate emergency vehicles (i.e fire trucks). [ -lr. Bjornnes responded that all. lanes meet the safety requirements of the Edina Fire Department. The following residents expressed their opposition to the proposal submitted by Namron Corporation. Dr. R. Benjamin of 5205 Duncraig Road, N. Senescall, 5325 Ayrshire Boulevard, Lawrence Wood, 5253 Lochloy Drive, Norman Groth, 5330 Ayrshire Boulevard, W. J. Mahoney, 5309 Ayrshire Boulevard, Dr. B. Wright, 5229 Duncraig Road, Charles Donnelly, 5205 Lochloy Drive, Earl Halvorsen, 5233 Lochloy Drive, Herman Jolosky, 5281 Lochloy, and Richard Mortensen, 5328 Windsor Avenue. There concerns are as follows: 1. -The major concern expressed by the residents of the area is traffic safety. a.) Ayrshire Boulevard and Vernon Avenue at the present time, with present traffic flows, is a dangerous and hard to navigate intersection. With the addition of the proposed 135 unit apartment complex traffic flows would increase at an already potentially dangerous intersection. b.) Speed Limit. Residents feel the speed limit on Vernon Avenue is too high. They would like to see a reduction in the speed limit from 40 miles per hour to 30 miles per hour. c.) Traffic Signal. For safety, residents recommend a traffic signal on Ayrshire Boulevard and Vernon Avenue. 2. The preservation of neighborhood character and atmosphere would be compromised with the addition of an apartment complex. 3. Environment. The change in topography, loss of vegetation and wildlife would be felt by all residents. A discussion ensued between the Commission, proponent's and residents regarding the above mentioned concerns. The Commission felt Namron Incorporated responded appropriately to their recommendations and have developed a plan that complies with Edina's Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan. The Commission recognized the concerns of the residents focusing their attention on possible solutions to the traffic issue. yr. Del Johnson suggested when possible, residents take alternate routes to enter /exit the Highlands. Mrs. McClelland proposed cutting vegetation back 5- 10 feet on Ayrshire Boulevard to improve the site lines for the Ayrshire /Vernon intersection. Mr. Skagerberg and Mr. Palmer recommended that the City Engineer and the Edina City Council look into the possibility of erecting a traffic signal at the Ayrshire /Vernon intersection. Mr. Bjornnes said he has no objection to a traffic light at that intersection adding it would benefit the perspective tenants of his proposed complex. Mrs. Paulus told the residents the Commission is sympathetic to their concerns. She said Edina has a Comprehensive Plan that is a guideline for City .Planner's, staff and officials. The Land Use Element has designated this area as an area for high density. She pointed out all undeveloped land within the City has a zoning of R--l. The R -1 zoning enables the City to exercise control over undeveloped areas. Mrs. McClelland moved for rezoning and preliminary plat approval subject to staff conditions and the following recommendations: 1. Trim an area of greenspace on Ayrshire 30ul.evard to improve the site lines to enter Vernon Avenue. 2. Request that traffic counts be taken by Hennepin County at the Ayrshire Boulevard /Vernon Avenue intersection. 3. Recommend if warranted that a traffic signal be erected at the Ayrshire Boulevard /Vernon Avenue intersection or a re- alignment of the road to better improve the site lines. 4. Reduction of the speed limit along Vernon Avenue from 40 miles per hour to 30 miles per hour. Mr. Palmer seconded the motion. All. were in favor. The motion carried. OWIZ COMMUNITY DEVELOPI•IENT AND PLANNING COMMISSION S -86- -4 General Location: STAFF REPORT JULY 30, 1986 Namron Corporation, R--1 Single Family Dwelling District to PRD-- 4,'Planned Residential District Preliminary Plat Approval for Namron 2nd Addition North of Vernon Avenue and west of Villa Way The subject request was continued at the last meeting to allow the proponent time to respond to Commission criticisms on density, parking /traffic, and site development issues. The proponent has submitted revised plans in response to the Commission comments. The revised site plan illustrates 135 units, or a reduction of 15 units from the original plan. The density is reduced from 21.9 units per acre to 19.8 units per acre. This compares to 18 at Villa Way and 24 at Interlachen Court. The revised plan illustrates 169 covered parking spaces and 101 surface spaces. The spaces provided conform to the Zoning Ordinance requirement of 1.25 covered spaces per unit and .75 surface spaces. In response to comments by Commissioners the plan suggests eliminating 33 of the surface spaces (shown in dashed lines). Eliminating the spaces would help save existing site vegetation. The developer would agree to provide a proof of parking agreement to insure the spaces would be added should a parking shortage develop. Hennepin County has reviewed the project and proposed curb cuts. The revised site plan has the approval of County Staff. Building setbacks provided in the revised si' =e plan exceed Ordinance requirements. Building design and materials remain the same as the original proposal. The original proposal. contained only one and two bedroom units. The revised plan includes 12 three bedroom units. The developer has supplied sections to show the relationship of the proposed building to surrounding properties. Recommendation The revised site plan responds well to Staff's criticisms of the original plan. Density has been reduced, setbacks have been increased and more of the existing vegetation is saved. Staff recommends preliminary rezoning approval and preliminary plat approval conditioned as follows: 1. Acceptable Final Development Plans. 2. Final Plat Approval. 3. Subdivision dedication. 4. Developers agreement. 5. Proof of Parking Agreement. NAMRON COMPANY , 2ND ADDITION \ r• � k av vao•trnr•e-- -an,lw _ `�- ��•�� '•� -. °' ��\ \ \\ \\ \\ \ \\ � � _- •^ '0111 \ � i�l \ \r \\ \ \� \ \ \_��-': -- �_ -- �• I 111 IN ,eb \ \\ b \ \ \\ '� '� r I 1 \ \ 1 •, i It (.111111 ►�► 1. ,- _ � \ \ -,1� I � � � � ,,,� �� \ 1 •Y11 111 I I I II I � ,r• �. .r• � \ � ./) � / / / /�' / I .r I � / / � ��. t5 11\ I 1 � � III � II I I ; �.. ti .•• � �, � r .... �: � o '" � / '�i ��11 �tI 111II1111 I II I I\ �` ��r• �I I I/ // � / //� j /i, :•� � ' `I 11 1 \I;1�``III1i111I 11 \ \ \\\�, �I� \ � � I I� / / /��� / /� % /// :gi �•�j'1 '� \ `; \ \�\ \►11111. \Ih;,i \ II � � ij //' � � � �� /� l I A f, \1 \ \ \ \ \\ 0/ off 3' O i. �i o \ \ \ r' \ \ \�� \`� \\ -- / /I / 1 s IYt , e1 ,+ I.11-�y •n.r,w . r, a, v ��., L I I. La,•. t.. 1 °., 1,1. \ \ \ \\ I� � i•\ \ �`;,�• \ \\ �` —_ � / / � �." '. f e-� },. i + W,, Y.wt�.. .u• I.., •. . 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PALAIA ARCHITECTS Devebped By 1 Main Street at Riverpiace THE 'RON CORPORATION Mpls., Mn. 55414 4720 1A NET S.F. 662 1• I 0 '2 4 e VERNON WOODS Developed By THE IRON CORPORATION 2A NET S.F. 1006 2B NET S.F. 1033 UNIT PLANS NICHOLAS A. PALAIA ARCHITECTS 1 Main Street at RNerdace Mpls., Mn. 55414 -4720 Ilm,1O1 I�:I�U it 1 1 I II n •• I ��i��������J I �■ 70—B -J i. i ■I I�l�l'�nil IWI 1 ■ I @I' - I �, ����■ I IuLl,il � j ■.t j��,'tiJ1 tiLJl I'm •BOHtiT BHMBIEB •BEHyT pppP­ —IF � %,�►�i-JI �� � A III llli n� I� kl�lH�ll .E 1 I ` I II 3 - �— 11 • IIl1 Ill�I! au.� I /UI � � II ! • I j I�BI' 1 ■■ ILi�UV EAST LAP BIMG ---'FACE BRICK 'LAI S..G ILAP som "ACE B-C. LAI SIDIRG 66.0 -FACE BRICK 7L7 1 o e ELEVATIONS e 3z � VERNON WOODS NICHOLAS A. PALAIA ARCHITECTS Developed By 1 Main Street at Rivernlace THE V 'ON CORPORATION Mpls., Mn. 55414 B '20 HENNEPIN LFU_ DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION r E 320 Washington Av. South Hopkins, Minnesota 55343 - 8468' 935 -3381 TTY 935 -6433 July 25, 1986 Mr. Nicolas Palaia PSA Architects, P.A. 1 Main Street SE of Riverplace Suite 401 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55414 Re: Access to CSAH 158 (Vernon Avenue) Nick: As we've discussed, Hennepin County will allow access to County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 158 from the proposed Vernon Woods project in Edina. Although access is usually denied in situations where alternate access (e.g. Villa Way) is available, in this case the increased visibility and the poor on -site grades make this entrance a viable alternative. The concept as shown on the preliminary grading plan should serve adequately (two exit lanes and one enter). The entrance details can be dealt with through the permit process and a westbound right turn lane may be constructed but will not be a requirement. Thank you for the early inquiry in this matter and please call if there are further questions. Sincerely, David K. Zetterstrom Entrance Permit Coordinator DKZ:pl cc: Craig Larson, City of Edina HENNEPIN COUNTY an equal opportunity employer ACCIDENT HISTORY- -VERNON-AVENUETO GLEASON ROAD JANUARY, 1983 to PRESENT VERNON AVENUE AT 5200 Block (4) 5201 (1) 5203 (4) 5205 (7) 5209 (6) 5300 (4) 5713 (1) 5800 (1) 6016 (1) 6420 (1) 6423 (1) AYRSHIRE BLVD (1) BLAKE ROAD (16) CHANTREY (1) DONCASTER WAY (1) DUNDEE ROAD (1) EDEN AVENUE (5) GATE PARK (2) GLEASON ROAD (7) GLENGARRY (1) GOYA (1) HANSEN ROAD (7) HEATHER (1) HIGHWOOD (2) JOHNSON (2) KILLARNEY (2) LINK (3) MERRITT CIRCLE (1) OLINGER (4) SCHAEFER ROAD (1) TRACY AVENUE (12) VIEW LANE (1) jk VILLA WAY (5) street setback from 35 to 30 feet. Staff sup which is more consistent with surrounding zo_a Mr. David Daryl, Architect and Mr. present. om this change ross, Attorney were Mr. Cross told the Commission roponents have revised their previous plan and have now c ied with many of the Commission's recommendations. ver, the request concerning the front yard setback has not met. He added the units were setback an additional 3 feet remained short of Edina's Zoning Ordinance requiremen his setback resulted in an increase in the height of retaining walls to about 9 feet. Mr. Cross reminded the Co sion of the difficulty of this site due to the topography. said the highway directly across from the proposed developee hould minimize any impact. Mrs. McClellan pressed her concern over the small rear yards, steep reta' g walls and the density of each unit. She wondered if the loper was sensitive to the topographical limitations of site. She pointed out the large size of the proposed stru es virtually eliminate adequate rear yards. She conclude a developer should consider the perspective buyer and have a to rear yards with retaining walls of lesser heights. mission members agreed with Mrs. McClelland and expresse ncern over the height of the proposed retaining walls. Paulus pointed out at previous meetings the Commi n had asked the developer to comply with Edina's Zoning Ordi a regarding front yard setbacks. Compliance has not yet bee- t. otion. Mr. Del Johnson voted nay. The motion Tied. Z -86 -2 Namron Corporation, R -1 Single Dwelling District Mr. Larsen informed the Commission the subject property measures approximately 6.8 acres in size and is characterized by heavy woods and severe topography. The property is vacant and is zoned R -1, Single Dwelling District. To the immediate north of the subject property is the Villa Way Apartment complex, and to the east are Interlachen Court Apartments. To the west are single family dwellings and adjacent to the southwest corner of the site is park property. Mr. Larsen told the Commission the Comprehensive Plan indicates the property as High Density Residential, or over 12 units per acres. The proponent has submitted plans in support of a request to rezone the property to PRD -4 to allow the construction of a 150 unit, 3 story apartment building. Unit mix would be 80 one bedroom units and 70 2 bedroom units. A preliminary plat has also been submitted. The building would be market rate rental and would be designed for the adult, empty nester population. Access to the project would occur at two locations along Vernon Avenue. The main entry would be from Villa Way, a private road to which this property has legal access. The second access point would occur approximately 500 southwest of Villa tray Drive. This would serve as the main entry for residents of the building. Mr. Larsen added the zoning Ordinance requires 2 parking spaces per unit, of which at least 1.25 must be enclosed stalls. The plans presented exceed the enclosed requirement but provide 56 too few exposed spaces. The proponents architect has indicated that they are addressing this deficiency and do intend to provide the required amount of parking spaces. In the PRD -4 district setbacks from all property lines must be at least 35 feet. the proposed site plan illustrates a 32 foot setback from the westerly property line. All other setbacks conform to Ordinance requirements. Mr. Larsen pointed out using the base required lot area of 2,900 square feet per unit and applying appropriate allowances in the Ordinance, a lot area of 297,500 square would be required to support 150 units. The subject property is 181 square feet short of the Ordinance requirement. The resulting density of the proposal is 21.9 units per acre. For comparison Villa 'Way is approximately 18 units per acre and Interlachen Court is 24 units per acre. The subject proposal complies with Ordinance requirements for lot coverage, usable lot area, and unit size minimums. Mr. Larsen listed for the Commission the following comments and concerns: 1. Land Use. The proposed plan complies with the land use designation of the Comprehensive Plan. The proposal is similar to anticipated use of the property. 2. Access and Parking. The new curb out on Vernon will require approval by Hennepin County. Staff believes that this location for the main entry is preferable to using only Villa Way. The proposed location offers much improved site lines. Staff supports the shared use of Villa Way as a secondary entrance to the project. Mutual use easements are in place. The proposal provides more than adequate covered parking. However, surface parking should be increased to Ordinance requirements. 3. Buffering. The site is heavily wooded. The intent of the project seems to be to retain existing trees along the site perimeter as screening. The relatively large setbacks along the north, east and south property line should allow an adequate buffer. However, the setback along the westerly property line should be increased to allow the retention of existing landscaping. In addition to the existing mature landscaping the project will be buffered from single family homes by distance and away from the proposed buildings. The finished ground elevation for this project will be about 30 feet lower than the elevation of Villa Way, and about 40 feet lower than that of Interlachen Court apartments. This lower elevation will help to screen the project from adjacent properties. 4. Density. The density as proposed slightly exceeds the maximum allowed by the Ordinance. Due to severe topography of the site and the proximity of the site to single family dwellings the density should be reduced. Staff would suggest density similar to Villa Way, or a 20 to 25 unit reduction in the number of units. 5. Site Development. The proposal does not seem to be sensitive to the natural topography and vegetation of the site. The proposed 3 story building has a very large footprint which will require large areas of cut and fill. This site may not be appropriate for a 3 story building. A 4 or more story building could help limit disturbance to the site. Using the proposed 1st floor elevation a 5 story building would appear lower than the 3 stories of Villa ,day. Mr. Larsen concluded based on the above concerns staff would suggest that the rezoning and subdivision request be continued to allow the proponent to explore alternative approaches to the development. Mr. Norman Bjornnes Jr., proponent and %;r. Nicholas Palaia, Architect were present. Mr. Bjornnes addressed the Commission.briefing them on his background as a Edina resident. He continued by informing them the project development will be rental units marketed to attract Edina's empty nesters. The units will be constructed with brick and have bay windows and gabled roofs. The amenities of the project include elevators, pool, T.V. security, car wash, covered parking and more. He told the Commission in developing the project they took advantage of the bowl effect of the site and placed the units in the center of the site which should reduce any visual impact to the neighbors. The three story units will also nestle into the site under the tree line. Mr. Bjorness stressed he is willing to work with the Planning Department on changes the Commission recommends to them. Mr. Palaia said in developing this site they worked with the topography and tried to use it to their advantage. The site is rich in natural vegetation and the sloping topography will offer the future residents an atmosphere of privacy. The topography and vegetation will also buffer the development from neighbors. He expressed to the Commission his willingness to work with staff and suggested reducing the density of the development as an option worth discussing. Mr. Palaia said he wants to develop a project with the least possible disruption of the topography and one that is sensitive to the needs of Edina's residents. A discussion ensued focusing on 3 issues of concern brought up by the Commission 1) The access /egress to the site. Commission Members felt their could be traffic problems with the site. Members expressed their concern over the site - -lines along Vernon. Mr. Palaia said he respects their concern regarding traffic. He added the site - -lines along Vernon Avenue from Jerry's to the proposed development are less than ideal, but Vernon Avenue is a County Road and has been developed as a thorough -fare. He feels the proposed locations of the access /egress are the best location for this site. Mrs. McClelland pointed out that residents living in West Highlands empty into Vernon which could create additional traffic flow problems. 2) Parking. Commissioner's recommended conformance with the Zoning Ordinance in regards to parking in the PCR -4 District. 3) Density. It is the opinion of the Commission that the proposed development relate in density to Villa Way (18 units per acre) and not Interlachen Court (24 units per acre). They recommended a decrease in the amount of proposed units. Mr. Gordon Johnson recommended continuation of the Re- zoning and Preliminary Plat request by Namron, Inc. until the Community Development and Planning Commission Meeting of July 30, 1986. Mrs. McClelland seconded the :notion. All were in favor. The motion carried. Mr. Larsen informed the Commiss' ect property contains a variety of retail use n two separate buildings. The northerly b stains Jerrys Hardware and other retail uses. The y building contains the grocery store, bakery, meat ing plant, retail sales and office space. The sho feet of flood nter contains approximately 90,000 square provides 405 parking spaces. explained the proponent, Jerry Paulson, for additions to the center totaling COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING CO`4MISSION Z -86- -2 5 -86- -4 General Location: STAFF REPORT JULY 3, 1986 Namron Corporation, R--1 Single Dwelling District to Planned Residential District PRD -4 Preliminary Plat Approval for Namron 2nd Addn. North of Vernon Avenue and west of Villa Way The subject property measures approximately 6.8 acres in size and is characterized by heavy woods and severe topography. The property is vacant and is zoned R -1, Single Dwelling District. To the immediate north of the subject property is the Villa play apartment complex, and to the east are Interlachen Court apartments. To the west are single family dwellings and adjacent to the southwest corner of the site is park property. The Comprehensive Plan indicates the property as High Density Residential, or over 12 units per acre. The proponent has submitted plans in support of a request to rezone the property to PRD -4 to allow the construction of a 150 unit, 3 story apartment building. Unit mix would be 80 one bedroom units and 70 2 bedroom units. A preliminary plat has also been submitted. The building would be market rate rental and would be designed for the adult, empty nester population. Access to the project would occur at two locations along Vernon Avenue. The main entry would be from Villa Way Drive, a private road to which this property has legal access. The second access point would occur approximately 500 southwest of Villa Way Drive. This would serve as the main entry for residents of the building. The Zoning Ordinance requires 2 parking spaces per unit, of which at least 1.25 must be enclosed stalls. The plans presented exceed the enclosed requirement but provide 56 too few exposed spaces. The proponents architect has indicated that they are addressing this deficiency and do intent to provide the required amount of parking spaces. In the PRD -4 district setbacks from all property lines must be at least 35 feet. The proposed site plan illustrates a 32 foot setback from the westerly property line. All other setbacks conform to Ordinance requirements. Using the base required lot area of 2,900 square feet per unit and applying appropriate allowances in the Ordinance, a lot area of 297,500 square would be required to support 150 units. The subject property is 181. square feet short of the Ordinance requirement. The resulting density of the proposal is 21.9 units per acre. For comparison Villa Way is approximately 13 units per acre and Interlachen Court is 24 units per acre. The subject proposal complies with Ordinance requirements for lot coverage, usable lot area, and unit size minimums. Recommendation There are several issues that deserve consideration relative to this proposal. Staff has the following comments and concerns: 1. Land Use. The proposed plan complies with the land use designation of the Comprehensive Plan. The proposal is similar to anticipated use of the property. 2. Access and Parking The new curb out on Vernon will require approval by Hennepin County. Staff believes that this location for the main entry is preferable to using only Villa Way. The proposed location offers much improved site lines. Staff supports the shared use of Villa Way as a secondary entrance to the project. Mutual use easements are in place. The proposal provides more than adequate covered parking. However, surface parking should be increased to Ordinance requirements. 3. Buffering. The site is heavily wooded. The intent of the project seems to be to retain existing trees along the site perimeter as screening. The relatively large setbacks along the north, east and south property lines should allow an adequate buffer. However, the setback along the westerly property line should be increased to allow the retention of existing landscaping. In addition to the existing mature landscaping the project will be buffered from single family homes by distance and topography. The homes along Duncraig Road will be over 300 feet away from the proposed buildings. The finished ground elevation for this project will be about 30 feet lower than the elevation of Villa Way, and about 40 feet lower than that of Interlachen Court apartments. This lower elevation will help to screen the project from adjacent properties. 4. Density. The density as proposed slightly exceeds the maximum allowed by the Ordinance. Due to severe topography of the site and the proximity of the site to single family dwellings the density should be reduced. Staff would suggest density similar to Villa Way, or a 20 to 25 unit reduction in the number of units. 5. Site Development. The proposal does not seem to be sensitive to the natural topography and vegetation of the site. The proposed 3 story building has a very large footprint which will require large areas of cut and fill. This site may not be appropriate for a 3 story building. A 4 or more story building could help limit disturbance to the site. using the proposed 1st floor elevation a 5 story building would appear lower than the 3 stories of Villa Way. Based on the above concerns staff would suggest that the rezoning and subdivision request be continued to allow the proponent to explore alternative approaches to the development. C' wci I N ,pt L SITE ?LAU NUMBER OF UNITS One Bedrooms 80 Two Bedrooms 70 Total Units 150 DENSITY 21.9 Units /Acre VERNON WOODS NICHOLAS A PALAIA ARCHMECTS Developed By 1 Main Street at Riverplace THE N' - 'RON CORPORATION Mpls., Mn. 55414 P 120 NAMRON~ COMPANY r 2ND ADDITION `� w.r.... r.. II\ wrurrnvus � • ,vxa r.+.. 'r _� r • % ..• �� •• / IF ,. ��• -ter . � � � r — I (•}..1111111 1' 11 1 .r � - -\ \ _- \ \� \ \\� ` `\� \ \\ \ \\ 1 III1 :� / \ I I , I I I -• — � � III I I , , --- nr �y ao Io {I I�,11 \``II \I� \ \\ \�1\ \ �' /r / \ \\ �� 1'! /�I /// / / / /. /�'•�• Jbq. ��- w.[ r R[T r' � \1 \Ili 11 \11 \ 11\\\ I ... '. / // I r ,rte• 7• � I I 1111\ ��'��\ . \\ / l 1 / /jl/ � /�I i 1I1 1 \\ \ \``.. ; \\ 111;\ 11 �Ii `� \ \�-W" j ' /�/ j % % /..• 1 -1�; � • j ,:a_ �� ����, I1 \ \ \ \I \ \� \\ \���� `J'/ / /// � /// ✓erg l r '' 05� r8%�1 worm usnnnY \ \\ ` \ \�\�r \\\\ \% \ �`` \ \\ \` — '� / /// � / iQ r � r~..•.r r.. N'r r. +i �r .'�11«•N [n..r.' .e, ,.I rri'�. �[rrc..: �.• ��\ \\ \\ \�\\ \ \; \ \Y�\ \ —/ /��. :• .+' NN: r'a+ ��•r�i'�b. `,ir_nln,•1 HYfYw�l \ \ \ \\ \\ \`�' \i' \•" ` \ \\ \\ \ \.�J %•/ b� a r``.... r'ri..�..n. .0 ie.wr«.ri r:• s.i..i \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ // I I ,Y: ,••+• b 'r•lo+ • _Nwlr r r.••r•.•r , \ \ \ \\ \ \ \\\ \\ `` I � \ \ \\ \ \ � / / v;.l 5�f .�.� N °rM�r.Y rrt. rn r .r r.•t N«.ry ��1 NraH�+ N IY Yiw�t lrwr \r• \ \\ \ \ � \ \ \� \` �� II I \ ` r � � • �' J' n., v r N w.wr... e. >R, _ n� rr•.. ur r.f., r..r. n \ \ \\ \ \� ♦� \ \ \ / I _ � � iT y .., r. r..r., N . .,.•.rrr N uH «r.q \ \ \ \�\ � \\ \ \\ \\ // I : r /. p r•. mr.. ii, � rr.« +'i• .r _ur fu.«i:wr rr.rr. �•,,.. �r.. �f b \ `I`I � \\ \ \1;` \11111 � \� � �, _ :e',.•oe� „r..,. • — [r,.,. ° � l /I I r' I l II' I I l I � I �� rr ,aura r... fa -frm r •6 l/gy/ l i l I' n�..i•.::�'.u.,.. fsw w un..•'fr�r.. / 11 j /// / /� //� // �•Yr � .[. rrn rr r .e Nnn�w '� 1r -ig LOCATION MAP oa anode land 6mrwe71n/ ■ncr NAMRON COMPANY 401 Groveland Avenue • Minneapolis, Minnesota 55403 • (612) 874 -1102 NAMRON COMPANY FIRM RESUME Namron Company is a Minnesota general partnership en- gaged in the ownership, development and management of rental real estate. Business operations commenced in December 1970. The partnership's offices are located at 401 Groveland Avenue, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55403. Its telephone number is (612) 874 -1102. The partnership consists of Dr. Norman P. Bjornnes, senior partner, and Norman P. Bjornnes, Jr., managing partner. Description of Principals Dr. Norman P. Bjornnes practiced dentistry in Minneapolis from 1947 to 1980 (B.A. St. Olaf College, 1938; Pre - dental, Stanford University, 1944; D.D.S. University of Minnesota, 1947). He has been actively involved in personal investments and residential real estate acquisition, develop- ment and management with Norman, Jr. and others since 1970. Dr. Bjornnes has been an Edina resident since 1948 and currently resides at 5628 Chowen Avenue. Norman P. Bjornnes, Jr. is in private law practice in Minneapolis as a partner in the firm of Mulligan & Bjornnes. He is a 1970 graduate of Edina High School and a graduate of the University of Minnesota (B.S.B. with distinction, 1972; J.D., 1976). Norman has been involved with the acquisition, financing, management and operation of all properties in which he and /or Dr. Bjornnes have an interest. Prior to entering private practice, Mr. Bjornnes was a tax supervisor in the Minneapolis office of Coopers & Lybrand, CPA's. Norman currently resides at 6016 Birchcrest Drive, Edina. 1 n10p091 As of January 1, 1985, Dr. Bjornnes was the owner of 67.2% of the partnership and Norman, Jr. held a 32.8% owner- ship share. Under the terms of a 1982 agreement between the partners, Norman, Jr. is committed to purchase an additional 18.2% ownership in the partnership to raise his ownership level to 51% by 1991. This increased ownership will be achieved through additional capital contributions by Norman, Jr. Current financial statements of the principals are avail- able upon request. History of Namron Company In December 1970, the partnership acquired its first residential .property, a 15 unit apartment building at 3541 13th Avenue South, in Minneapolis. In 1971 and 1972, Messrs. Bjornnes individually acquired ownership in a joint venture in Apple Valley, Minnesota. Subsequently, a 48 unit apart- ment complex was constructed on a portion of the acquired land. In 1973, Namron Company acquired a 29 unit building at 3912 Minnehaha Avenue, Minneapolis. In 1976, . the partners, with a third individual, acquired a 26 unit apartment property at 3729 Snelling Avenue South in Minneapolis. This property is now wholly owned by Messrs. Bjornnes and Jon D. Bjornnes, son and brother, respectively, of the principals. In 1979 and 1980, Namron Company developed Apple Villa South, a 56 unit subsidized apartment project in Apple Valley, Minnesota. This property was syndicated to 11 inves- tors, with Messrs. Bjornnes together retaining a 25% owner- ship interest. In 1982, the general partners sition of the office building Minneapolis. This office building class office space in the fall of leased. Messrs. Bjornnes toget] interest in the building. participated in the acqui- at 401 Groveland Avenue, was rehabilitated as first 1982 and is presently 100% zer hold a 70% ownership In 1983, Namron.Company acquired and syndication as Spectrum Property Partners units in St. Paul, Minnesota, known as the Apartments. This property was syndicated with Messrs. Bjornnes together retaining interest. n10p091 rehabilitated for II, 108 apartment California Drive to 22 investors a 20% ownership The Company initiated development of the remaining Apple Valley land in 1984. Construction of Whitney Pines, a 72 unit apartment building, was commenced in May 1985 and completed in January 1986. Whitney Pines was syndicated to 36 investors. In 1985, the Company purchased and rehabili- tated a rental unit adjacent to the 3729 Snelling property. Additional activities of the Company include property management of all acquired properties, investment land in Idaho, Florida and Minnesota, and equipment leasing. Current Operations With the completion of Whitney Pines, Namron Company manages 307 rental units and the commercial office building. These properties have a total market value in excess of 12 million dollars. The firm has a policy of managing only properties in which it or its principals have material equity position. Namron Company and /or its partners intend to con- tinue as the largest equity holder in its projects. The part- ners take great pride in the ownership and operation of the properties in the portfolio. Present staff includes Norman P. Bjornnes, Jr. as manag- ing partner, along with the following staff members: Mary E. McDowell - Property Supervisor, Thomas Metzler - Maintenance Manager, and Barbara Clausen - Data Processing and Accounting Manager. In addition, on -site managers are present at all properties except the office structure. Namron Company maintains its own maintenance vehicles - including a 1984 Ford van, 1983 and 1985 Ford pickup trucks and a Clark Bobcat used for snow removal. Inventories of spare parts are maintained on -site and in the maintenance vehicles. Virtually all maintenance functions are handled by company personnel. The Company utilizes a computerized property management and accounting system to track all financial and tenant data information. Regular maintenance reviews and scheduling is accomplished through a monthly, quarterly and annual main- tenance review process. The current ownership status and major assets of the various affiliated partnerships is as follows: 3 n10p091 * General Partnership Interest ** Limited Partnership Interest 4 n10p091 Entity Ownership NPB NPB, Jr. 1. Namron Company 67.2% 32.8% 3912 Minnehaha Av So, Minneapolis 29 units 3541 13th Av So, Minneapolis 15 units Land -Idaho Loans, Investments 2. Spectrum Property Partners II 10.0% 10.0% California Drive Apts, St. Paul 108 units 3. Apple Villa South 12.5% 12.5% Apple Villa South Apts, Apple Valley 56 units 4. Spectrum Property Partners I combined 70% 401 Groveland Av, Minneapolis 7500 sq. ft. office building 5. Snelling Associates 54.2% 32.3% 3729 Snelling Av S, Minneapolis 26 units 3739 Snelling Av S, Minneapolis 1 unit (rental house) (Jon Bjornnes owns the remainder) 6. Spectrum Group, Inc. 0 100.0% Provides property services to all partnerships 7. Whitney Pines 3.3 %GP* 8.3 %GP* 7750 Whitney Drive, Apple Valley 5.0 %LP ** 72 units * General Partnership Interest ** Limited Partnership Interest 4 n10p091 Current annualized revenues of the affiliated entities are approximately as follows: Namron Company $ 302,000 Spectrum Property Partners II 423,000 Apple Villa South 436,000 Snelling Associates 108,000 Spectrum Property Partners I 72,000 Whitney Pines 430,000 TOTAL CONSOLIDATED REVENUES $1,771,000 Development plans for 1986 include the construction of a 150 unit apartment building in Edina, Minnesota. The esti- mated development costs of this project is $7.5 million, with projected revenues of more than $1.1 million. As of June 1, 1986, all operating properties were 100% occupied (inclusive of garages). Income statements and balance sheets as of December 31, 1985 are available upon request. 5 n10p091 REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: Mayor and City Council `.opt: Bob Kojetin, Director VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE OF ITEM IN EXCESS OF $5,000 DATE: September 5, 1986 - Material Description (General Specifications): Steel Posts Tenderdecks (Playground Equipment) for Wooddale Park Quotations /Bids: Company 1. Earl F. Andersen & Assoc., Inc. 9808 James Cir. Bloomington, MN 55431 2. Flanagan Sales, Inc. 1938 W. County Rd. C Roseville, MN 55113 Department Recommendation: Earl F. Andersen & A---- T-- Amount of Quote or Bid '$24,990 $29,990 V. A. `Park and Recreation Department Finance Director's Endorsement: C/ The recommended bid is is not within the amount budget for the purchase. W John Wallin, Finance Director City Man er's Endorsement: 1. I concur with the recommendation of the Department and recommend Council approve the purchase. 2. I recommend as an alternative: % Kennft4 Rosland,`-Ci Manager Pr TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Francis Hoffman, City Engineer4U VIA:.Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: NO PARKING - Gleason Road I have contacted both residents that would be impacted by banning parking on Gleason Road from Cherokee Trial to Balder Lane. The Arnolds at 6229 Creek Valley Road never park on Gleason Road and have no objections to the ban. The Olsons at 6224 Balder Lane also have been contacted and share the same opinion. The neighborhood representative,.John Castino, has been informed of these facts. All parties were told that the issue will be dis- cussed by City Council, Monday evening, if the neighbors so desire such discussion. FJH:Im 9/5/86 7�V4 TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Francis Hoffman, City Engineer VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: Minnehaha Creek Watershed — Flooding The Minnehaha Creek Watershed District has agreed to assist in developing a policy for flood protection of homes along Minnehaha Creek. On August 21, 1986, Councilperson Kelly, Engineer Hoffman, Mrs. Francis and Mrs. Anfinson of Cascade Lane., attended the Watershed meeting. All the individuals listed above spoke at the meeting to provide input to the Watershed Board as to the ongoing problems these recent years. On September 5th, the engineers or representatives of Kinneapolis, St. Louis Park, Edina, Minnetonka, Hopkins, and the Watershed District met to discuss items listed on the attached agenda. I will brief you at the Council meeting on the results of the meeting. FJH:lm 915186 AGENDA • September 5, 1986 Re: Meeting to discuss downstream municipalities' concerns about nign +ater levels on Minnehaha Creek. �. Identify Problem Areas A. Itemize Problems L) Structural flooding (basements, houses) 2) Non - structural (yards) 3) Erosion 2. Alternative Solutions A. Flood Protection (berms) B. Modify Operati,ig Plan C. Upper Watershed Improvement Projecc (Upper Watershed retention) D. Retrofit Storage Along the Creek E. Floodplain Filling 3. Costs 4. Funding Options �93L° 931.0 a 0 tr . N 930.5 rn Z w 930. > -- w J Q Y Z O I— Z •929.5 2 w Y �a J 929$ 9285 HEADWATERS CONTROL STRUCTURE DISCHARGE ZONES AND ALLOWABLE DISCHARGE RATES MARCH I, 1986 — MARCH I, 1989 NOTE: APPROX. ICE m/-+l %jurYt JULT AUG. SEPT. OCT NOV. LOWEST ELEVATION ON OLD GRAY'S BAY. DAM - 928.6 ORDINARY HIGH WATER LEVEL (O.H.W.) -929.4 TOP OF SPILLWAY - 930.0 RECORD HIGH WATER - 930.5 PROJECTED REGIONAL FLOOD-931.5 -OUT DATE —APRIL 15 -0300 250 -0 200 -©150 LL U 0 50 0 e e e� �e e eee • CREEK CAPAJ • • 150 e 150 c� TO MAX CREEK-4 APACITY • e NOTE: APPROX. ICE m/-+l %jurYt JULT AUG. SEPT. OCT NOV. LOWEST ELEVATION ON OLD GRAY'S BAY. DAM - 928.6 ORDINARY HIGH WATER LEVEL (O.H.W.) -929.4 TOP OF SPILLWAY - 930.0 RECORD HIGH WATER - 930.5 PROJECTED REGIONAL FLOOD-931.5 -OUT DATE —APRIL 15 -0300 250 -0 200 -©150 LL U 0 50 0 932.00 931 .50 931 .00 O. 930.50 Z 930.00 C r 0 0 u 929.50 W Elevation Flow 929.00 Elevation 928.50 i1a2 928.00 Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Lake Mtka Water Elevations - 1986 LAKE ELEVATION NOHW(929.4) RUNOUT ELEVATION (928.6) • 03--Jan -86 31- Mar -86 17- Apr -86 07- May -86 05--Jun-86 07-Jul-86 13- Aug-86 Date MCWD Mater Elevations - Lake Minnetonka r Date Elevation Flow Date Elevation Flow i1a2 Elevation Flow Date Elevacic -_ 03- Jan -86 929.10 0 10- Apr -86 929.99 175 - "?':- - 9.:li,�g 285 23- Jun -86 929.71 10- Jan -86 929.11 0 I1- Apr -86 929.98 175 .D 9.;;x,'6 260 25- Jun -86 929.68 1'= 16- Jan -86 929.11 0 12 -Apr -86 929.97 17 :=- ;'a: -3,: 93C.- ?00 27- Jun -86 929.63 1'= 30- Jan -86 9219. 16 0 14- Apr -86 930.04 175 _'- ^a•r -w; 930.2_ 190 30-Jun -86 929.56 07-Feb -86 929.19 0 15- Apr -86 930.10 175 �: -'a�- o 93i:.i� ` 02- Jul -86 929. 54 14- Feb -86 929.19 0 16- Apr-86 930. 121 180 l9- i'ay - &y 930.-% 200 03- Jul -86 929. 54 12= 20-Feb-86 929.25 0 17- Apr -86 9170.11 180 07- Jul -86 429.49 125 26- Feb -86 929.26 0 18 -Apr -86 930.15 ISO 21- May -96 930.14 200 09- Jul -86 929.44 125 05-Mar-86 929.22 2 19- Apr -86 930.19 185 22- May -86 930.15 195 11- Jul -86 9' Al 125 11- Mar -86 929.39 2 21- Apr -86 930.16 185 23- May -86 930.13 195 14- JuI -B6 929.36 125 17- Mar -86 929.36 2 22- Apr -86 9:;0,16 185 27- May -86 9710.06 1465 16- Ju. -86 929.35 125 21- Mar -86 929.44 2 23- Apr -86 930.15 185 28- May -86 930.05 185 1S- Jul -g6 : 929.3 IN 26- Mar -86 929.58 50 24- Apr -B' 4';0.15 180 30- May -86 930.04 185 2l- Jul-Bb 929.28 ;� 27-Mar -86 929.60 75 15- Aor -86 930.12 180 02- Jun -86 929.90 175 . -'�l -fib 429,22 7 29- Mar -86 929.,:9 107 27- Acr -3o 9;;0.20 185 03- Jun -86 929.BS 1 %5 5 -;u -g6 92?.lE SC 31- Mar -86 929.'; Aor -86 93!.34 245 05- Jun -86 929.7/5 175 23 - Jr;1 -80" 929,15 50 01- Aor -86 929.?' 12= y -Apr � 930.34 245 v6- Jun -86 929. '17 / , 929.1. -s CA 02- Apr -86 929. �_ 12`. i %1 -May 06 93+ ?.;ii 2S5 (f9- Jug: - s 929.64 175 - - ?i 36 929 ::1'-ripr-gQ G_y v_ • "° �` -M i• � ay -6� 917r). .3c 0 +0 -Jun= CO - y.9.8_' 17, 5 -.. v ^-- '_c -L'4 .09 G?3.98 Jv L: -, 04-Apr-86 _ 924. _ � 1.`:` 05- May -S6 - 9 ?�i.•� 260 12 -Jun= 36 9c9. y �' .75 %6- fipr -86 _ r �� un -S6 9 9.55 :.,0 _- it - LC Z6 - - -, 07- Apr -86 930.0- 1, -`j 07- May -36 3`0. 12 260 16- Jun -86 929.4` 150 i' i.3- HL = -_� a"^ ' ��.816 12 :-8- Mpr -Bc 93i�,;i 1;5 08- May -c6 93o. 28 250 18- Jur -86 929.49 150 15- 9ua -86 923.8: 12 i)9- Apr -56 929.99 175 12- May -86 97 .7 260 24- Jun -86 929.4 125 1985 -86 PRECIPITATION WAYZATA v5. NORMAL PCP. AT MAPLE PLAIN 7 6 5 as L U c 4 r c c 3 U el N d. 2 1 i j 0 J F M A M J J A 5 O N 0 J F M A M J J A MONTH /1985 MONTH 1986 ® MAPLE PLAIN WAYZATA REVIEW OF PRECIPITATION, LAKE ELEVATION, AND DISCHARGE 1985 -1986 Precipitation Lake Minnetonka Elevations /Date Discharge (Grays Bay) /Date (inches) ( 929 NGVD ) (cfs .30 -Year. nth Normal 1985 Change 1986 Change 1985 1986 1985 1986 n 0.84 0.89 + .05 928.95 1/25 929.16 1/30 0 all 0 all month month b 0.78 0.91 + .13 928.93 2/21 929.26 2/26 0 all 0 all month month r 1.52 4.71 +3.19 1.74 + .22 929.69 3/28 929.77 3/31 125 3/28 100 3/31 r 2.35 2.32 - .03 6.65 +4.30 930.16 4/24 930.34 4/29 175 4/24- 245 4/29 4/30 y 3.93 3.63 - .30 2.41 -1.52 930.10 5/1 930.4 5/1 175 5/1- 285 5/13 5/22 n 4.83 3.34 -1.49 5.03 + .20 .929.74 6/3 929.90 6/2 150 6/1- 175 6/2- 6/21 6/12 1 4.65 3.33 -1.32 3.51 -1.14 929.34 7/2 929.54 712 75 712 125 7/2- 7/16 g 4.09 5.13 +1.04 929.09 8/12 929.09 8/1 25 8/28 50 8/1 I;p 2.83 6.68 +3.85 929.32 9/30 75 9/6- 9/13 t 2.06 4.01 +1.95 929.66 10/14 175 10122 - 10/31 v 1.46 1.36 - .10 928.94 11/27 175 all - month ?c 0.86 0.52 - .34 929.07 12110 25 12/4 9 30.0 9;,50-.10 930-00 929.90 9 29.80 929.70 - 929.80 C .2 929.50 t t 9 29.40 cu- 929.30 929.20 929-10 929.00 928-90 00 -jcn U L.,fe -eK YVaTZr Sneer uisTiict Lokc tvk+kn Wr.frr iaRc; .. -..r, 10 -.auI 25 -0ct MCWD Water Elevations - Lake Minnetonka Date Elevation Flow Date Elevation Flow Date Elevation Flow Date Elevation Flow 03-Jan -85 928.89 0 06- May -85 930.06 175 17- Jul -85 929.06 12 27- Sep -85 929.25 50 .08- Jan -85 928.88 0 OB- May -85 930.01 175 18-Jul -85 929.06 12 30- Sep -85 924.32 75 16- Jan-B5 928.93 0 10-May -85 930.01 175 19- Jul -85 929.03 12 O1- Oct -35 929.34 100 25- Jan -B5 928.95 0 13-May -85 929.99 175 22- Jul -B5 928.94 12 03- Oct -85 929.30 125 15- Feb -B5 929.92 0 15- May -85 929.97 175 24- Jul -85 929.10 12 04- Oct -85 929.56 135 21- Feb -85 928.93 0 16- May -85 929.98 175 26- Jul -B5 929.OB 12 07- Oct -85 929.49 150 01- Mar -85 929.00 0 17- May -85 929.96 175 29- Jul -65 929.03 12 09- Oct -65 . 929.58 150 01- Mar -B5 929.15 0 20- May -85 929.90 175 31- Jul -85 929.00 12 11- Oct -35 929.56 150 12- Mar -85 929.25 0 22- May -B5 929.85 175 02- Aug -B5 928.98 12 14- Ott -65 929.66 150 15-Mar -85 929.32 0 24- May -85 929.84 150 05- Aug -85 928.95 12 16- Oct -55 929.65 150 18- Mar -85 929.46 0 28- May -85 929.75 150 08- Aug -85 928.88 12 16-"uct-85 929.64 15) 19- Mar -85 929.49 50 30- May -85 929.71 150 12- Aug -B5 929.09 12 22- Oct -85 929.60 175 20- Mar -85 929.53 75 31- May -B5 929.84 150 14- Aug -85 929.07 12 24- Oct -85 929.62 175 21- Mar -85 929.56 100 03- Jun -85 929.74 ISO 16- Aug -85 929.07 12 25- Oct -85 929.60 175 26-Mar -85 929.63 125 05- Jun -B5 929.70 150 19- pug -85 929.00 12 28- Oct -85 929.52 175 28- Mar -B5 929.69 US 01- Jun -85 929.66 150 21- Aug -85 928.94 12 29- Oct -85 929.50 175 02-Apr -85 929.83 150 10- Jun -85 929.57 150 23- Aug -B5 929.04 12 30- Oct-35 929.48 175 04-Apr -85 929.84• 150 13- Jun -85 929.60 150 26- Aug -85 929.00 12 01- Nov -85 929.47 175 08- Apr -B5 929.84 150 14- Jun -65 929.57 .150 27- Aug -65 929.02 25 04- Nov -35 929.36 175 12- Apr -BS 929.83 150 17- Jun -85 929.64 150 28- Aug -85 929.05 25 06- Nov -65 929.36 175 15- Apr -85 929.84 150 19- Jun -85 929.55 150 03- Sep -85 929.18 50 06-Nov -85 929.29 175 18- Apr -85 929.80 150 21- Jun -85 929.50 150 Ob- Sep -85 929.17 75 ll- Nov -65 929.19 175 19- Apr -85 929.83 150 24- Jun -85 929.40 130 09- Sep -B5 929.26 75 13- Nov -85 929.!7 175 22- Apr -85 929.92 150 25- Jun -85 929.38 100 11-Sep -B5 929.24 75 15- Nov -65 929.12 175 23- Apr -B5 930.10 150 28- Jun -B5 929.39 100 13- Sep -85 929.20 75 16- Nov -85 929.09 175 24- Apr -85 930.16 175 02- Jul -85 929.34 75 16- Sep -85 929.17 50 20- Nov -85 929.08 175 26- Apr -85 930.14 175 08- Jul -85 929.21 50 18- Sep -B5 929.16 50 22- Nov -85 929.06 175 29- Apr -85 930.14 175 10- Jul -85 929.18 25 20- Sep -85 929.19 50 27- Nov -65 928.94 25 30- Apr -B5 930.13 175 12- Jul -85 929.10 12 13- Sep -B5 929.29 50 04- Dec -85 929.06 25 02- May -85 930.10 175 15- Jul -85 929.09 12 25- Sep -85 929.25 50 05- Dec -85 0 10- Dec -85 929.07 0 �—c Edina Park Board August 12, 1986 7:30 p.m. Edina City Hall Members Present: Don Wineberg, Joan Lonsbury, George Warner, Mack Thayer, Andy Montgomery, Marilyn Wooldridge, Jim Fee, Jean Rydell Members Absent: Bill Lord Staff Present: Bob Kojetin, John Keprios, Ed MacHolda, Larry Thayer, John Valliere, Bill Bach, Madelyn Krinke Others Present: Dick Gaughran, Boyd Lester, Donna Hipps Meeting was called to order by Joan Lonsbury. I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JULY 8, 1986 MEETING Mack Thayer moved to approve the minutes of the July 8, 1986 meeting. Andy Montgomery seconded the motion. Motion carried. II. WRESTLING ASSOCIATION John Keprios introduced Dick Gaughran, the Edina High School wrestling coach and Boyd Lester to the Park Board. Mr. Lester explained that he represents a group of parents who organized as a club to support youth wrestling. He stated that the group of parents had met because they felt a need to provide opportunities for elementary age youth in wrestling because there has not been an organized program in Edina previously. Mr. Lester stated that the club requests the Park Board's recognition of their group as an athletic association under the Park and Recreation Department. It was further explained by Mr. Lester that the Wrestling Club had done a lot of preliminary work, after conferring with John Keprios, and much of the ground work has been laid for a Wrestling Association. The wrestling program has been run for the past few years by Dick Gaughran and a few parents who organized a wrestling club, but it has not been formally organized as an association under the Edina Park and Recreation Department. They expect about 100 to enroll in the wrestling program for the first year; arrangements have been made with the High School for use of gymnasium and wrestling mats, which will enable the program to begin with very minimal costs; schedules have been tentatively set; coaches have been secured; support has been given by Dick Gaughran and the Edina High School. Don Wineberg MADE A MOTION RECOMMENDING TO THE COUNCIL THAT CITY OF EDINA ACCEPT THE EDINA WRESTLING CLUB AS AN ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE EDINA PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT AND ASSIST WITH INCORPORATION OF THE EDINA WRESTLING ASSOCIATION. Marilyn Wooldridge SECONDED THE MOTION. Discussion of motion: John Keprios stated that he would assist the group with the formalities of incorporating. Bob Kojetin endorsed the proposal of starting the Wrestling Association and said the main effect on the Park and Recreation office would be the additional clerical work in the park office and Bob feels we should proceed with accepting the club as one of our athletic associations. John Keprios will work with the Board as liaison person. Further discussion included the following comments: -other communities have large numbers involved in their programs and that there is a growing interest in wrestling in many neighboring communities, as well as state -wide; -there is a large percentage of youth who do not wish to be involved in other sport activities currently offered who may want to participate in this new program. MOTION CARRIED. III. GOOSE POPULATION Bob Kojetin reported the goose population in Edina has become a problem. Bob Kojetin, John Valliere, and Gordon Hughes met with Ron Way, a concerned citizen and James A. Cooper, Associate Professor at the University of Minnesota to discuss the problem of large numbers of geese in Edina at Braemar Park, Point of France, Interlachen area, and Edina Country Club. Mr. Cooper has been involved in goose control programs in several metro areas including Brookview Golf Course in Golden Valley, and a big study of the controlling of geese at the Metropolitan Airport. After conferring with Mr. Cooper and after receiving his proposal, Mr. Kojetin indicated he would like to recommend to the Edina Country Club and the Interlachen Country Club to join forces with the City of Edina and enter into a four year program as described by Mr. Cooper in his letter. The program would cost approximately $3,500 per organization. In the conversation with Mr. Cooper, it was learned that the most successful method of resolving the geese problem has been to relocate the young geese in Oklahoma. There would have to be hearings which the University of MN would conduct. There would probably be criticism from the public, but Bob Kojetin feels it is time to start controlling the population of geese now before the problem becomes worse. John Valliere commented that the geese have created a great problem at the golf course. Don Wineberg MADE A MOTION THAT THE PARK BOARD RECOMMENDS GETTING INVOLVED IN THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PROGRAM OF RELOCATION OF GEESE AS OUTLINED IN THEIR PROPOSAL LETTER. Jim Fee SECONDED THE MOTION. IV. PARK POLICE PATROL Bob Kojetin stated that he has met with Craig Swanson, Police Chief, and discussed park police patrol in the City of Edina. A small three wheel vehicle may be used to patrol such areas as the Golf Course, Bredesen, and various other parks. The program would be administered by the Police Department, but direction would be given by the Park Director. In the past few months there have been three incidents of major vandalism in the parks: Bredesen.Park bathrooms were destroyed; Creek Valley - the electrical and control building was burned down; at Arneson Acres a riding lawn mower was stolen. Craig Swanson had recommended in his budget to be presented to the Council of a start of park patrol using CSO officers for approximately $23,000 for 1987. Comments were made by the Park Board supporting this program and recommending that the city proceed with the plan. Marilyn Wooldridge MADE A MOTION THAT THE PARK BOARD SUPPORTS THE IDEA OF PARK POLICE AND RECOMMENDS PROCEEDING WITH IT. Andy Montgomery SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED. V. BUDGET A. ARENA FEES Larry Thayer presented the proposed fees for ice rentals, raising the fees from $67.50 per hour to $75.00 per hour for Edina Hockey Association and Figure Skating Club hours and raising non -prime hours from $70 to $80 and increasing late night hour rate from $50 to $60 (copy attached). Larry stated that there has been confusion with the past system of requiring all Edina Hockey Association hockey players to have a season ticket and billing the hockey association for ice, then giving back credits for season ticket holders. Larry Thayer said it may be better to go back to not requiring season tickets for hockey registrants and just charging the hockey association for all ice used. In the past a formula has been used whereby approximately $13,000 worth of ice time was credited back to the Hockey Association which was based on the number of participants in the hockey program. This formula through the years has been changed since the requirement for the rental fees for ice has risen in the past years. Larry stated that many families will still want to buy arena tickets and the revenue should remain approximately the same if the new method is adopted. John Keprios stated that he had proposed this change to the Edina Hockey Association and they voted to accept the change of not requiring hockey registrants to have an arena ticket and will pay for the additional ice time. The Hockey Association will have to charge more for registration to compensate for the additional ice fees. The registration fees will be raised to cover the ice costs which will now be billed to the hockey - association. Jim Fee MADE A MOTION RECOMMENDING TO THE COUNCIL TO ACCEPT THE FEES AS PROPOSED BY LARRY THAYER AS WELL AS THE RECOMMENDATION TO NOT REQUIRE EDINA HOCKEY ASSOCIATION PLAYERS TO PURCHASE AN ARENA TICKET. Don Wineberg SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED. B. GOLF COURSE John Valliere stated that he was not recommending a large increase in any one area as Braemar continues to be in the high range in comparison with other local public courses. He reported there are 1700 patron card holders this year. Mr. Valliere indicated that he would like to have the policy changed regarding additional rounds of play after nine holes. The present policy is to charge the full price for an additional 9 holes of play (which brings a lot of complaints because of the extra cost to complete 18 holes). There have also been problems by allowing the additional 9 holes of play because it creates a scheduling conflict for 18 holes and also people can easily play through 18 holes without paying for the second 9 holes. John Valliere recommended that we charge only $4.00 for an additional 9 hole round on the 18 hole course and $3.50 for a reround on the new executive course. Discussion followed and the Park Board recommended not to accept John Valliere's recommendation. The Park Board recommended no 9 hole rounds be allowed between the hours of 7 a.m. and 3 p.m. except for leagues, anyone wanting to play between those hours must play.the full 18 holes. The Park Board recommended that after 3:00 anyone playing an additional 9 holes should pay the full 9 hole fee. Mr. Valliere presented his fee schedule with recommended increases for 1987 (copy attached), with recommendations for increasing the green fees approximately 50 cents in all categories. Don Wineberg questioned the fees for the new executive course, if they were set that low to encourage growth. John Valliere answered that was the reason to a large extent. Don Wineberg stated that he thought the patron fees could be increased to $50 for individuals and $85 for husband and wife. John Valliere stated that he did not want to increase patron prices until 1988 because of the increase of green fees. After further discussion it was decided that there should be an increase of $10 on husband and wife patron cards and a $5 increase for the individual patron card.. Jim Fee MADE A MOTION TO ACCEPT THE PROPOSED FEES AS ADJUSTED (see attached schedule) Andy Montgomery SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED. Don Wineberg reported on a Golf Course Committee meeting he had attended. It was discussed at the meeting that groups will be able to use the lower level of the club house for meetings and they will be able to take food down there. The new upstairs dining room will only be used for larger groups as appropriate. The Golf Committee and others are starting a fund for furniture in lower level. Their goal is $30,000 - ,$10,000 for each room. John Valliere reported that $7,000 has already been received. Bob Kojetin mentioned that the reason that the club house has not been available to individuals wanting to use various areas in the new section is because the building is not yet completed. VI. OTHER Bob Kojetin introduced Bill Bach, the new Park Manager of Edinborough Park. It was reported that construction is going very fast and the completion date is expected to be in March. Bill Bach is working with his staff: Pat Greer, Visual Arts; Mary Lou Gerebi, Skating; Tom & Carolyn Prin, Music. Bob Kojetin showed the Park Board a copy of 1978 Edina City Council minutes containing a resolution which was passed by the Council that the Braemar Club House be named Warren Hyde Club House. Bob7 "4ill have a fitting plaque made to be displayed in the Clubhouse by September. VII. ANNUAL BILLING FOR DOG LICENSES Andy Montgomery stated that he feels that annual licensing of dogs should be billed to bring in additional revenue to the city. After discussion of this issue, Andy Montgomery made a motion that THE PARK BOARD RECOMMENDS THAT THE CITY INVESTIGATE ANNUAL LICENSE RENEWALS FOR DOG LICENSES TO BE SENT TO DOG OWNERS, AND INCLUDED WITH IT SHOULD BE A REMINDER OF THE DOG ORDINANCE. Mack Thayer SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION PASSED. Don Wineberg MADE A MOTION TO ADJOURN. Marilyn Wooldridge SECONDED. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. ITEMS FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL: 'A MOTION RECOMMENDING TO THE COUNCIL THAT CITY OF EDINA ACCEPT THE EDINA WRESTLING CLUB AS AN ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE EDINA PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT AND ASSIST WITH INCORPORATION OF.THE EDINA WRESTLING ASSOCIATION. MOTION THAT THE PARK BOARD RECOMMENDS GETTING INVOLVED IN THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PROGRAM OF RELOCATION OF GEESE AS OUTLINED IN THEIR PROPOSAL LETTER. THE PARK BOARD SUPPORTS THE IDEA OF PARK POLICE AND RECOMMENDS PROCEEDING WITH IT. MOTION RECOMMENDING TO THE COUNCIL TO ACCEPT THE FEES AS PROPOSED BY LARRY THAYER AS WELL AS THE RECOMMENDATION TO NOT REQUIRE EDINA HOCKEY ASSOCIATION PLAYERS TO PURCHASE AN ARENA TICKET. MOTION TO ACCEPT THE PROPOSED FEES AS ADJUSTED (see attached schedule) Andy Montgomery SECONDED THE MOTION. THE PARK BOARD RECOMMENDS THAT THE CITY INVESTIGATE ANNUAL LICENSE RENEWALS FOR DOG LICENSES TO BE SENT TO DOG OWNERS, AND INCLUDED WITH IT SHOULD BE A REMINDER OF THE DOG ORDINANCE. BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE PROPOSED FEES BY PARK BOARD Proposed Adopted Actual Actual 1987 1987 1986 1985 PATRON CARDS: Husband & Wife $75.00 $85.00 $75.00 $75.00 Additional Family Member 35.00 35.00 35.00 Individual 40.00 45.00 40.00 COMPUTERIZED HANDICAPS 10.00 8.00 6.25 LOCKERS Men's 72" 30.00 30.00 30.00 Men's 42" 20.00 18.00 18.00 Ladies 72" 12.00 12.00 12.00 -- CLUB RENTAL _._�_- . - - - -- - - -- -_ . ; ._4.50.v_- _- 4-.-50V - A.5.0- PULL CARTS 1.50 1.50 1.50 GOLF CARS 18 holes 17.00 16.00 16.00 9 holes 9.00 8.50 8.50 GOLF CARS SENIORS 18 holes 14.00 13.00 12.00 9 holes 7.50 7.00 6.00 GROUP GOLF LESSONS Adult 42.00 40.00 38.00 Junior 22.00 20.00 20.00 GOLF RANGE Large Bucket 3.25 3.25 3.00 Small Bucket 2.25 2.25 2.00 GREEN FEES 18 hole - non patron 12.00 11.50 11.00 18 hole - patron 9.00 8.50 8.00 9 hole - non patron 7.50 8.00 7.00 6.50 9 hole patron 6.00 5.50 5.00 Seniors 18 hole - non patron 11.00 10.50 10.00 18 hole patron 8.00 7.50 7.00 9 hole - non patron 7.00 6.50 6.00 9 hole patron 5.50 5.00 4.50 Additional Round - everyone 4.00 GROUP FEES 15.00 14.00 13.00 GROUP CAR FEES 19.00 18.00 18.00 EXECUTIVE COURSE Adult - non patron 6.00 3.75 Adult - patron 5.00 2.75 Sr.& Jr. - non patron 5.00 2.50 Sr. & Jr. - patron 4.00 1.75 Re Round - everyone 3.50 Golf Car - everyone 6.00 Pull Carts 1.50 Fees for the Braemar Room will remain unchaneed. RECOMMENDED FEES FOR 1986 -87 ICE RENTAL PRIME TIME NON -PRIME LATE NIGHT(llpm -6ar Braemar $75.00 (67.50) $80.00 (70.00) $60.00 (50.00) Augsburg $85.00 $75.00 Bloomington $70.00 $75.00 Burnsville $79.50 $78.90 Eden Prairie $76.80 Richfield $79.50 $42.40 Minnetonka $74.20 St. Louis Park $70.00 PUBLIC SKATING PER SESSION SEASON PASSES Adult Youth Family Ind. Braemar Braemar $2.25 Resident $52.00 $32.00 Augsberg $3.50 Non- Resident $62.00 $37.00 Bloomington $1.50 $1.25 Eden Prairie Burnsville $1.50 Resident $31.30 $18.80 Eden Prairie $2.00 $1.00 Non - Resident $46.25 $28.20 Richfield $1.50 $1.00 Minnetonka $1.25 St. Louis Park $1.50 $1.25 EHA ICE CREDIT By mutual agreement between the EHA and Park Dept., we have decided to disolve the ice credit. Every person was required to purchase a season ticket for open skating. In return we credited the Edina Hockey Association 10 hours of ice for every 40 boys in the program. Example: 760 boys in the program 4 = 190 hours 190 hours x $67.50/hr = $12,825.00 of credit 760 boys = approx. $24,320.00 of season tickets We give them - $12,825.00 back in credit leaving us with $11,495.00 net profit If we sell 200 individual tickets at $32.50 we will make $6400.00 and 100 family tickets at $52.00 will bring us $5200.00 or $11,600.00 on 300 out of 760 people. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA College of Forestry TWIN CITIES Department of Fisheries & Wildlife 200 Hodson Hall 1980 Folwell Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 15 July, 1986 Mr. Robert Kojetin Director of Park and Recreation City of Edina 4801 West 50th St. Edina, MN 55424 Dear Mr. Kojetin: Per our conversation, I have prepared a proposal to implement a Canada goose control program in Edina. The steps needed to get a program underway are: 1. Determine proposed target goose population reduction levels via discussions with city residents, feedback from press coverage, etc. (City) 2. Ascertain goose population size and distribution (City and University) 3. Hold public hearing to explain program and obtain additional input on acceptable population objective (City, University, Department of Natural Resources, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service) 4. Obtain state and federal permits (University) 5. Arrange for disease testing and shipping of geese (University) 6. Capture, disease test, and ship birds (University with cooperation of DNR and U. S. Department of Agriculture) 7. Measure fall and spring populations and model populations to determine additional removal level (University) 8. Conduct additional removal. The services provided by the University include design of the removal program, public hearing participation, answering technical questions on goose ecology and management, humane and professional removal of problem geese, coordination of permits and bird disposal via the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, and evaluation of the effectiveness of the program. Mr. Robert Kojetin 15 July 1986 Page 2 The budget in the attached proposal is based on summer capture of flightless breeding geese and their young at three Edina sites. Additional sites would cost approximately $1000 per site. I will be happy to meet with you to provide further details. Sincerely yours, A Cooper er p Associate Professor cc. Roger Johnson, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Jon Parker, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Richard Wetzel, U.S. Department of Agriculture PROPOSAL Title: Population management of Edina Canada Geese. Prepared by: Dr. James A. Cooper, Associate Professor, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN. (612 -373- 1722) Date: 7/15/86 Importance: Extirpated by market and subsistence hunting over much of its southern range during settlement, the Canada goose (Branta canadensis) has been reestablished in the midwest and elsewhere. This successful wildlife management program resulted from federal, state, and private efforts (Nelson 1963, Dill and Lee 1970, and Cooper 1978). Contemporary landscaping and farming practices have greatly enhanced Canada goose habitat. Lawns, soybeans, small grains, and pasture sown on lake and wetland shorelines provide a super- abundance of brood - rearing habitat in both rural and urban settings, while these sites and harvested agricultural crops, especially corn and small grains, are used at other times of the year. This, coupled with refuges created to protect the birds during establishment and the expansion of cities where hunting is not permitted, has lead to a phenomenal population growth in past 20 years. Because Canada geese are highly social and occur in flocks during all periods of the year except nesting (Zicus 1981, Schultz 1983) and graze extensively on grasses, forbs, and crops, goose flocks, particularly adults with flightless young, began to damage Minnesota crops in 1980 (Rose 1981). Concentrations of geese and their droppings in city parks, on golf courses, and goose flights near airports have lead to a growing number of complaints in urbanized areas, e. g., Denver, Minneapolis -St. Paul, Toronto, Boston, and Westchester County in New York (Laycock 1982, Oetting 1983). While population reductions methods, such as capture and removal and increased hunting kill, have been used, none have be adequately tested or documented in the literature. Objectives: 1. To assist with development of population objectives, i. e., the acceptable number of geese at specific sites in Edina. 2. To model populations and estimate removal levels needed to attain and maintain desired population levels. 3. Provide technical expertise and participate in public hearings and assist with public relations. 4. To coordinate and do goose removal in 1987, 1988, 1989, and 1990 as population control procedures. 5. To monitor population levels from 1987 to 1990 to ascertain population reduction effectiveness. Methods: Model- -Much of the data necessary to construct a model have been gathered from 1973 to 1983 for the Metropolitan Twin Cities Canada Goose populations (Salyer 1977, Cooper unpubl, data). Parameters that have been measured include participation in breeding by sex and age class, age related productivity, effect of re- pairing, emigration and immigration, gosling, subadult, and adult survival. Additional data are needed on the effect of density reduction on breeding participation, dispersal, and survival. These data will obtained by capturing and neckbanding (Sherwood 1966) flightless, immature geese, and subsequently capturing and removing the breeding segment of the population the next summer. Because Canada geese do not breed until 2 years of age, or older, by monitoring the breeding participation rate of the marked geese in the following 2 years and comparing the rate of participation with existing data (Cooper, unpubl .), the effect of the lowering the density can be determined. Survival and dispersal of will be ascertained from neckband reobservation (Cormack 1964; Cooper 1975). The model will be based on the Jolly method as modified Barry (1977) except that neckband observations will be employed instead of legband recaptures. Removal - -The effectiveness of goose removal will be predicted using the model and evaluated by monitoring population growth. Population level objectives will be established in consultation with cooperating city and agency personnel. Selected target populations will be reduced by capturing and removing young and adults during the summer flightless period (Martz et al. 1982). Growth in these populations will be measured by 1) ascertaining nest densities using methods similar to that of Cooper (1978), 2) by conducting brood counts prior arrival of migrants in mid - September, and by doing population counts from August to December. Chronology of Research Activities: 1987 15 May -15 June -- identify brood concentrations, model populations and estimate goose removal levels; participate in public hearing and attain permits. 15 June -7 July -- coordinate and conduct goose removal. 1 August -31 December -- conduct population counts and read markers at goose concentration sites. 1 January -15 April- - summarize data and prepare annual report. 15 April -15 June -- conduct nest density surveys and brood counts; estimate goose removal using population model. 15 June -1 July -- coordinate and conduct goose removal. 15 August -31 December -- conduct population counts and read markers at goose concentration sites. Literature Cited: Barry, C.T. 1977. The mortality of Yorkshire Canada geese. Wildfowl 28:35 -47. Cooper, J.A. 1975. Estimating Canada goose survival in an urban environment from neckband observations. 37th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Toronto, Ontario. Cooper, J.A. 1978. The history and breeding biology of the Canada geese of Marshy Point, Manitoba. Wildl. Monogr. 61. 87 pp. Cormack, R. M. 1964. Estimate of survival from sighting of marked animals. B i om etri ka 51:429 -438. Dill , H.H. and F.B. Lee, eds. 1970. Home grown honkers. U.S. Dept. Int., Fish Wildl. Serv., Washington, D. C. 154 pp. Laycock, G. 1982. The urban goose. Audubon 84 :44 -47. Martz, J., L. Pos pi chal , and E. Tucker. 1982. Giant Canada geese in Michigan: experiences with translocations and nuisance management. In Johnson, M. A. (Ed.) Transactions of The Canada Goose Symposium, North Dakota TWS Chapter, 71 pp. Nelson, H.K. 1963. Restoration of breeding Canada goose flocks in the North Central States. Trans. N. A. Wildl. Conf. 28:133 -150. Getting, R. 1983. Overview of management of Canada geese and their recent urbanization. In Johnson, M. A. (Ed.) Transactions of The Canada Goose Symposium, North Dakota TWS Chapter, 71 pp. Owen, M. 1975. An assessment of fecal analysis technique in waterfowl feeding studies. J. Wildl. Manage. 39:271 -279. Rose, J. 1981. Fergus Fal 1 s 'goose shortage turns into goose abundance. Minnesota Out -Of -Doors 27(11):22. Sayler, R. D. 1977. Breeding ecology of the Twin Cities, Minnesota, Metropolitan Canada geese. M. S. Thesis, University of Minnesota,_ 61 pp. Schultz, D. F. 1983. Fall flock behavior and harvest of Canada geese in the vicinity of the Tal cot Lake Wildlife Management Area in southwest Minnesota. M.S. Thesis, University of Minnesota, 72pp. Sherwood, G.A. 1966. Flexible plastic collars compared to nasal discs for marking geese. J. Wildl. Manage. 30:853 -855. Zicus, M.C. 1975. Capturing nesting Canada geese with mist nets. Bird Banding 46:168 -169. Zicus, M.C. 1981. Flock behavior and vulnerability to hunting of Canada geese nesting at Crex Meadows, Wisconsin. J. Wildl. Manage. 45:830- 841. TO 61"Ace't glkle'� ja -& PETITION TO THE HONORABLE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA: GENTLEMEN: The undersigned are the owners of all the property abutting L iri c y /'01 JP�uJP --A P/t d J( �il ►� lj�� /a �_7�_,; <<b n and �(���� �� -�✓P ^SCE 7�i- q-�p4N �np��� psu, '!d� and hereby petition the Council to construct a P m P V j4c�2t in., [n /� /- f�r�p� AW5 j �ol n M- S'I( r a •� rrr S t d to service their properties and to assess 100% of .the cost thereof against their properties. APA Dated U 0Tf1T7AT7TDT AV nT.MTrDQ ADDRESS . S/©( (d1j1 GOW/DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY 1986 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE CHECK REGISTER 09 -08 -86 PAGE 1 AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N0. INV. 2 P.O. 0 MESSAGE 251008 08/27/86 72.2'5 KAMAN BEARING•6 SPLY _ .— REPAIR-PARTS 10 =4540= 560 -5b — '' 251008 08/26/86 11.32 KAMAN BEARING L SPLY REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 141 _ 251008 _ 08 /26/86 4.84 KAMAN BEARING L SPLY REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 251008 08/21/86 31:9-5 KAMAN BEARING 8 SPLY REPAIR —PARi 40= 4540= 60f =80 4 251008 08/26/86 122.80 KAMAM.BEARING L SPLY REPAIR PARTS 40 -4540- 805 -80 "• 15 321.60 to — 21 „ ffrfrf * *! —CKS ,, 251012 --- '08/21/86 25:95 A'OTOM0&1LE`SERVICE —C FONT— REFFAIR - �48�a60 =5� Sb88 I Zo, 25.95 zz 251013 — 08/21/86 �• 31.75 — ALTERNAtOR REBUILD REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 560 56 57549 — -� =3 251013 08/27/86 69.90 ALTERNATOR REBUILD REPAIR PARATS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 8065 31 4 251013 08/27/86 - 107.70 ALTERNATOR REBUILD REPAIR PARAT 10 -4540- 560 -56 58227 3- z5 51 _U1 X08/21786 1:2 -0 ALTERNATOR - REBUILD— " —LDM3E 0= �6O4= 2b�=2G 1106 -26 251013 08/27/86 66.00 ALTERNATOR REBUILD GEN SPLY 40 -4504- 801 -80 1102 27 251013 08/27/86 17.64 ALTERNATOR REBUILD GEN SPLY 40 -4504- 801 -80 1101 za -- ---- ---- 354.19 • _— _ ..-- - - ---- -- — - -- - - --. _ — -- - - - -- - - - e � i1 - 1 1__ 3 * ** —CKS 3 121 — 251015 08/29/86 17.29 AT L T INFO SYSTEM TELEPHONE 10- 4256 - 510 -51 3_ 251015 08/29/86 52.34 AT L T INFO SYSTEM TELEPHONE 23 -4256- 611 -61 I43I - ------- --- - - - - -- 69:63! .`_ - -� .—_ .—._ - - - -_. . -- 4a fff! *! * ** -CKS 47 37 39 251018 08/29/86 13.20 AT L T INFO SYSTEM TELEPHONE 10 -4256- 628 -62 �39251018 08/29/86 11.25 - AT i T INFO SYSTEM TELEPHONE 50- 4256- 82.1 -82 - -- -25101 B— 08/29/86 - - -- 10.75 AT- ..a -t- -INFO SYSTEM ­— TELEPHONE — 50= 4255 =84I =8� 53 MI 35.21 • 54 42 e3 251019 0 2 6 17 00-- �rv`FIE^- iilNDbf( CLE- AMINO C -ONT P-A - sA= 340= 3�ID -3 96 44 175.00.* me 45 s9 _7i 11 ____— .-- ._____ .7 OY _ 251026 _08/21/86 _ 1x348.36 BADGER METER INC _WATER METERS 40- 1220 - 000 -00 63 251026 08/21/86 4@911.60. BADGER METER INC WATER METERS 251026 08128/86 70.78 BADGER METER INC REPAIRiPARTS 40 -4540- 807 -80 454656 "e 51 6330.74 * 07 eo 53 !f!f!! 4k**—CKS 70 34 J 71 7) —55---251031 097UM6 bars 73 56 251031 08/28/86 966-18 ` BERTELSON BROS INC GEN SUPP 10 -4504- 510 -51 20919. 7' 7 75 lal 251005 0 09/03/86 3 37.25 A AUDIO GROUP' A ADVERTISING 5 50 -4214- 822 -82 ` `I i3 — 09/03/86 3 37.25_ - AUDIO GROUP' — ADVERTISING 5 50 -4214- 862 -86 _ — 2 — 7 74.50 -_ A _ -- _ -,I 6 f!f lff 7 - — !!!-CKS c 7 6 251008 0 08/28/86 4 42.57 K — ! RE PAIR• ?ARTS 1 10 -4540- 560 -56 � �I 9 _ 08/26/86 3 35.67 _ KAMAN BEARING 8 SPLY R REPAIR'PARTS 1 10- 4540- 560 -56 _251008 0 _ ___ _ _ _ K 251037 08/26/86 ,,. 251037 09/03/86 � rrrrrr - 251041 -" 251041 251041 251041- - y „ ,2 r.„ 251047 253048 r 51 lffflt 221:50 - -- BRAUN -ENG__ TESTING- IN- - -CONT SERV O =4200- 520 -52 221.90 BRAUN ENG TESTING IN CONSTRUCTION 60 -1300- 264 -04 443.40 • --- ---------- -- - - -- -- -- - - -- -- -- 08/29186 1986 CITY OF EDINA - BLACKTOP - - -- CHECK REGISTER 09 -08 -86 PAGE 2 BLACKTOP CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT _ VEND02 BLACKTOP ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. M P.O. # MESSAGE -- BURY _' 9 _ CARLSON INC- - BLACKTOP - -- - -27 =4524= 672 -b6 -34810 _ _ -� 251031 08/26/86 8.80 BERTELSON BROS INC GEN SUPP 10 -4504- 510 -51 �1 ,z 251031 08/28/86 46.74 BERTELSON BROS INCGEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 510 -51 220922 251031 - - -- �- 08/28/86 ---- " -- - -- -10:49 _- ` BERTELSON BROS INC _ i ____ GEN "SUPP . 5 251031 08/28/86 47.89 BERTELSON BROS INC GEN SUPP 10 -4504- 510 -51 220925 251031 08/26/86 6.38 BERTELSON BROS INC GEN SUPP 10 -45'04- 510 -51 - 251031--- 08/2A/86 2 -.90 BERTELSON -EROS -INC GEN -SUPP 10 -4504= 600 =60- _220925- - a �� 251031 08/28/86 31.61 BERTELSON BROS INC GEN SUPP 10 -4504- 600 -60 220919 "I 251031 08/28/86 46.75 BERTELSON BROS INC GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 600 -60 220922 °I 251031 -- OA/28/86 '----- - -' - -- 22.75 - -- ` BERTELSON BROS INC'---" ---` GEN SUPPLIES - -- 10 =4504- 600 -60- ''.,I 251031 08/26/86 120.08 BERTELSON BROS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES 30- 4516 - 781 -78 217780 - - - - -- - -- -- 19 357.35 • - I11I I: 15 afsrrr - - -- - - - -- - -- * ** -CKS ". "------- 185.00 - - -- BERGFORD- TRUCKING" -- - -- INVENTDRY - - 50 =6b26- 822 -82- '- i - �n J 251033 08/27/86 390.00 BERGFORD TRUCKING INVENTORY 50- 4626-842 -84 251033 08/27/86 429.10 BERGFORD TRUCKING INVENTORY 50 -4626- 862 -86 -- f; 004.10 - � -- - -- - -- -------- - - -- -- - - -- vzl rfffrr �.. * ++ -CKS " .z 251035 08/28/86 333.20 BOUSTEAD ELEC 6 MFG CONT REPAIRS 10- 4248 - 646 -64 185746 124 251035 08/28/86 260.20 BOUSTEAD ELEC 9 MFG CNT REPAIRS 10- 4248- 646 -64 183777 'I 251035 08/28/86 3711 BOUSTEAO"ELEC-3 MFG REPAIR PARATS- b0 -4540= 802 -8D- 182261 - - - -- -- _j olZG 251035 08/28/86 214.03 BOUSTEAD ELEC 9 MFG REPAIR PARTS 40- 4540-803 -80 184544 ,� 844.54 • I lrfrrr +** -CKS 251037 08/26/86 ,,. 251037 09/03/86 � rrrrrr - 251041 -" 251041 251041 251041- - y „ ,2 r.„ 251047 253048 r 51 lffflt 221:50 - -- BRAUN -ENG__ TESTING- IN- - -CONT SERV O =4200- 520 -52 221.90 BRAUN ENG TESTING IN CONSTRUCTION 60 -1300- 264 -04 443.40 • --- ---------- -- - - -- -- -- - - -- -- -- 08/29186 206:74 BURY_9_CAALSON`INC - BLACKTOP - - -- 10 -4524- 301 -30 -24810 08/21/86 240.30 BURY 6 CARLSON INC BLACKTOP 10- 4524- 301 -30 08/21/86 29897.15 BURY &.CARLSON INC BLACKTOP 10- 4524 - 314 -30 - 08/29/86 - 213.95 " - -- BURY _' 9 _ CARLSON INC- - BLACKTOP - -- - -27 =4524= 672 -b6 -34810 39558.14 • - 08/27/66 08/26/86 29.40 BROWN PHOTO PHOTO SUPPLIES 29. -40 - - -- - - - - - -- - - - -. - - - - -- 25.92 BRISSMAN KENNEDY INC GEN SUPPLIES 25.92 , - - -- - -- -- - - 10- 4508 - 440 -44 454903 10- 4504 - 520 -52 251053 09/03/86 141.39 BROWNING FERRIS REFUSE COLLECTION 10 -4250- 301 -30 251053 09/03/86 43.56 BROWNING FERRIS REFUSE COLLECTION 30- 4250- 446 -44 -- 251053 -"- 09/03/8 58.65 BROWNING - FERRIS REFUSE`COLLECTION- 10=4-250= 320 =52 251053 09/03/86 141.39 BROWNING FERRIS REFUSE COLLECTION 10- 4250 - 540 -54 • ** -CKS ' j'7I cal �eel l ,; 92 , I * ** -CKS I � P 9 I' IIS i' 1986 C1.- OF EDINA CHECK RL__STER 09 -08 -86 ..GE 3 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. 0 P.O. C MESSAGE 251053 09/03/86 75.48 BROWNING FERRIS REFUSE COLLECTION 10- 4250- 628 -62 f_ 251053 08 /21/86 41.57 BROWNING FERRIS RUBBISH_ REMOVAL 10- 4250- 644 -64 _ 251053 _ _ D9/03/96 ___ 49. 94 BROWNING FERRIS REFUSE COLLECTION ` 10= 4250- 646 -64 - 251053 09/03/86 118.39 BROWNING FERRIS REFUSE COLLECTION 10- 4250 - 646 -64 10 =4S40= 330 =30 168824 251053 09/03/86 10.88 BROWNING FERRIS REFUSE COLLECTION 23 -4250- 611 -61 — 251053 _0 9/03/86 70. -07- BROWNING FERRIS -- REFUSE- COLLECt_10N - -26= 4250 = 689 =6_8 251053 09/03/86 584.26 BROWNING FERRIS REFUSE COLLECTION 27 -4250- 661 -66 251053 09/03/86_ 23.64 BROWNING FERRIS REFUSE COLLECTION 27- 4250- 662 -66 _ ___ 251053 -09/63/86 - _ - 100.60 - BR OWNING - FERRIS -- - - REFUSE_COLLECTION' 28- 4250- 708 =70 251053 09/03/86 233.85 BROWNING FERRIS REFUSE COLLECTION 50- 4250- 841 -84 251053 09/03/86 2.79.07 BROWNING FERRIS REFUSE COLLECTION 50 -4250- 861 -86 _ 251053 09/03/86 88- .50 _ OERGFORD. _TRUCKING'' - - - - -- INVENTORY S0 =4626= 822 =82 251033 09/03/86 163.30 3DERGFORD TRUCKING (383.90) INVENTORY 50- 4626 - 842 -84 251033 09/03/86 132.10 BERGFORD TRUCKING -. INVENTORY 50 -4626- 862 -86 1,972.74 BROWNING FERRIS 251054 - 08/26/86 22.76 BATTERY WAREHOUSE REPAIR PARATS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 45258 251054 — - -- 08/21/86 -- 175.03 BATTERY- WAREHDUSE REPAIR- PARTS 1'D= 4540 = 560= 56 - 50287 251054 08/21/86 165.84 BATTERY WAREHOUSE PARTS 10- 4620 - 560 -56 50899 251054 08/29/86 98.16 BATTERY WAREHOUSE REPAIR PARTS 27 -4540- 662 -66 51873 - — -- _ - 461:79 -- - - - - -- - -- -- - -- - - - - -- - -- - - - -- - -- ffffrf 251056 08126/86 ° ,I frfrff 251062 08/21/86 251D62`— "08/27/86 ff 251075 08/29/86 251075 06129186 ilfftt! 79378.00 B H•K 6 R INC INSURANCE 79378.00 + 10- 4260 - 510 -51 58-43— 251060 - - 251060 09/03/86 29.60 251060 08/28/86 f_ _ _ 251060 08/21/86 I AMBASSADOR SAUSAGE 251062 08/21/86 251D62`— "08/27/86 ff 251075 08/29/86 251075 06129186 ilfftt! 79378.00 B H•K 6 R INC INSURANCE 79378.00 + 10- 4260 - 510 -51 58-43— AMBASSADOR- SAUSAGE CONCESSIONS 2 6 =4x24= 684 =68 - 29.60 AMBASSADOR SAUSAGE CONCESSIONS 26- 4624 - 684 -68 491.79 AMBASSADOR SAUSAGE CONCESSIONS 27- 4624 - 664 -66 323.13— _ AMBASSADOR - SAUSAGE _ CONCESSIONS 7= 4624 = 664 =66 — 902.95 + 260.40 BROCK WHITE__ GEN SUPPLIES 1.0 -4504- 390 -30 172929_ 118.80 -BROCK WHITE --�—� _ - REPAIR PARTS 10 =4S40= 330 =30 168824 379.20 + 3.49 CLANCY DRUG INC GEN SUPPLY 10 -4504- 260 -26 e. -25 CLANCY - DRUG - -INC GEN- SUPPLY D =4504= 624 =62 _ - "- 11.74 + 251078 08/21/86 302.00- COCA COLA BOTTLING - r�- . DNC K SSIONS - - - -- -- - - - - -- 302:06 � - . 251079 08/26/86 213.94 CATCO 27- 4624- 664 -66 REPAIR PARATS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 373257 z1 3�n 'I °1 f 1. z� 3 + +f -CKS (' !, i, + +* -CKS �J irf �C ! *f -CKS - - fflsf! +f!- -- - - - -- - - - - -- - - -- - -- -- -- - - - - -- CKS i,., + C 0 T - LAY 10 -4900600 -60 15070 � 251125 08/27/86 174.68 MERIT SUPPLY -GEN SUPPLIES 23 -4504- 611 -61 15131 3a 251125 08/27/86 935.20 MERIT SUPPLY FURNITURE 27- 1300 - 000 -00 14998 s 5T1Z5'D 9/02/86 60:00— MERIT- SUPPLY CRRPETING7 __27=1_30trz_000zDO �Z a 251125 09/03/86 310.72 MERIT SUPPLY GEN SUPPLY 27- 4504 - 661 - 60.15166 U7 1986 CITY O OF EDINA C CHECK REGISTER 0 09 -08 -86 P PAGE 4 10 1 CHECK N0. D DATE A AMOUNT V VENDOR I ITEM DESCRIPTION A ACCOUNT NO. INV. C P.D. k M MESSAGE 1 251090 0 08/26186 4 44.71 C CERT POWER TRAIN R REPAIR PARTS 1 10- 4540 - 560 -56 1 10071 251090 - - -- . .09/03/86 - -- - - - -- 974.63-- - - - - - -- CERT POWER --TRAIN - -- R REPAIR -PARTS 1 10 � 1986 CITY OF EDINA 251150 08/28/86 CHECK REb..>,TER 251150 08/28/86 09 -08 -86 ,E - CHECK NO- DATE AMOUNT - - VENDOR - ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. 0 P.O. 0 MESSAGE 251125 09/03/86 310.72- MERIT SUPPLY CORRECTION 27 -4504- 661 -60 15166 251125 09/03/86 310.72 MERIT SUPPLY GEN SUPPLY 27- 4504- 661 -66 15166 _ 251125 _ _ 08/21/86 _ _ _ - - 450.00 _ MERIT _ SUPPLr _ FURNITURE 27- 4904-000 -00 15098 25L125 08/26/86 69.00 MERIT SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLIES 28- 4512- 708 -70 15020 251125 08/27/86 14.90 MERIT SUPPLY GEN SUP? 40 -4504- 801 -80 15091 25 125 08/27/86 -352:00 —MERI! SUPPLY 6EN- S`UPOC 40= 45D7iS0� =803 iT 59694.63 * 251126 09/03/86 559.12 —DAVIS EUGENE- - — - IIEEO CONTROL 60 -400= 985 -90 251126 09/03/86 57.33 DAVIS EUGENE MILEAGE 60- 4208 - 985 -90 616.45 • 5 *rrrr* * * * —CKS 251134 09/03/86 752.65 CITYWIDE SERVICES - �RIpTINS 23= 17900= 610 =61 - -- - 752.65 • rfff•f �^ _251136_ 09/0318E _ 19542.75 EARL F ANDERSEN 251136 - 09/02/86 - 984.00 ____ EARL F- ANDERSEN 29526.75 - l 251143 08/28/86 163.61 ENRICH BAKING CO -- 251143 - 08/21/86 - - -- - 210:85 -- -- ENRICH :BAKING -00- 374.46 • I• „ 251148 08/21/86 19799.80 ELVIN SAFETY SUPPLY :I 19799.80 ,1 nc �t• r► *arr CONT S_E_R_V_ -SIGNS 10 -4248- 646 -64 10 =4504= 646= 64 - - - - -- 2 g . 7 10 1 1, la �o �V it z2l . CONCESSIONS 27- 4624- 664 -66 CONCESSIONS - If- GEN SUPP 10- 4504 - 449 -44 REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 410567 REPAIR PAR TS 10- 4540- 646 -64 410441 ­REPAIR - -PARTS -' -10= 4540 = 646- 64--- 409394- 251156 08/28/86 40.7_5 FAIRVIEW HOSPITAL SERVICES - .__.. -_ _--- _- -__—_— 40.75 * -- -- *rrrrr 251159 I�1 251159 ♦:3 154 251 160 I]n VSn 08/26/86 56.60 FLEXIBLE PIPE TOOL C 08/21/86 69.23 FLEXIBLE PIPE TOOL C —_ - - -- 125.83 • `_---- --_ - -_. -._. 08127/86 11.72 FLOYD LOCK a SAFE CO • REPAIR PARTS _REPAIR PAR;JS GEN SUPP 10- 4224 - 420 -42 40- 4540 - 801 -80 10218 40 -4540- 803 -80 10242 10 -4504- 400 -40 30626 * * *-CKS ,7 Itit ` ea 3f. 79 ` ea 02 + nJ � * * *-CKS as kei no * ** -CKS 251150 08/28/86 36.72 ELECTRONIC CENTER 251150 08/28/86 48.61 - CENTER - 25ilso 08/27/8b 128.48 - _ELECTRONIC ELECTRONIC CENTER - 213.81 * r► *arr CONT S_E_R_V_ -SIGNS 10 -4248- 646 -64 10 =4504= 646= 64 - - - - -- 2 g . 7 10 1 1, la �o �V it z2l . CONCESSIONS 27- 4624- 664 -66 CONCESSIONS - If- GEN SUPP 10- 4504 - 449 -44 REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 410567 REPAIR PAR TS 10- 4540- 646 -64 410441 ­REPAIR - -PARTS -' -10= 4540 = 646- 64--- 409394- 251156 08/28/86 40.7_5 FAIRVIEW HOSPITAL SERVICES - .__.. -_ _--- _- -__—_— 40.75 * -- -- *rrrrr 251159 I�1 251159 ♦:3 154 251 160 I]n VSn 08/26/86 56.60 FLEXIBLE PIPE TOOL C 08/21/86 69.23 FLEXIBLE PIPE TOOL C —_ - - -- 125.83 • `_---- --_ - -_. -._. 08127/86 11.72 FLOYD LOCK a SAFE CO • REPAIR PARTS _REPAIR PAR;JS GEN SUPP 10- 4224 - 420 -42 40- 4540 - 801 -80 10218 40 -4540- 803 -80 10242 10 -4504- 400 -40 30626 * * *-CKS ,7 Itit ` ea 3f. 79 ` ea 02 + nJ � * * *-CKS as kei no * ** -CKS xnmm Csry OF cmxww ` ~ cm mm. �mc o4rc -- ----- --- 251164 08/26/86 �r---------'-------- mnmmmr ___wcmomm __ cwcCm mcGxoxcm 5*8.17 Fyssmmx DODGE INC ' nsxxna 09/02x86 omo.o# G.L°COmnmmcnxmm INC ----'---------------------'------------------'- oso°nm ° ------------- '| '--asx1m3----'omxoa/ma .sn-------BEST LOCKING- SYSTEMS' 0J ./ , 2511m3 08^28x86 so+.os acmv LmCmomm anwvsnm o5uxuo mo/anxoa *8.60 mcox LwCmumw svmxcMm ' � ' -- '----- -- — ----'-------+12.us �'-------------'------ xvzM momCmxpTxmm CmNv mcpAxmm 09-08-86 PAGE 10-4248-560-56 45707 mcm amppcxco m�a504z52o-52-'66410--' mcpxum pAn.'xm 10~*540~461-*6 655+5 REPAIR pun.vo 10-*540-520-52 660e0 ~1 — ------ -'"i °°°-cmy .... ---`'---`-- -`` 251185 09/02/86 140.80- GOODIN CO CREDIT 40-4540-805-80 ` °°°-cwm 251188 08/28/86 23.81 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO REPAIR PARTAS 10-4540-330-30 196200 08/27/86 GRAYSAR ELECTRIC CO REPAIR PARTS ____ --'27-4540-661-66 251188 09/03/86 196.00 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO CONT REPAIRS 28-4248-708-70 207990 °°°-oms 251194 08/29/86 49.70 GENERAL CON14UNICATNS EQUIP MAINT 10-4274-420-42 67991 251194 08/21/86 97.30 GENERAL COMMUNICATNS RADIO SERV 10-4294-560-56 67150 ` 251194 08/27/86 ___123 -39---GENERAC-COMMUNICATNS --RADIO __SERV_ 10-4294�;560-56_67618-- --_-----__-'---___= 251194 08/21/86 69691:60 GENERAL COMMUNICATNS RADIO EQUIP 10-4914-440-44 66583 |` / °^°-cna '---- --°°°-cwS- 25L203 08/27/86 6.90 PETTY CASH GEN SPLY 10-4206-120-12 251203 08/27/86 3.24 PETTY CASH GEN SPLY 10-4206-L60-16 25L203 08/21/86 2.55 PETTY CASH GEN SPLY 10-4206-480-48 251203 08127/86 22 PETTY CASH 'POSTAGE 10-4290-160-16 251203 08/27/86 4:49 PETTY CASH SHIPPING 10-4292-140-14 251203 08127/86 83 PETTY CASH GEN SUPLY 10-4504-140-14 ,IV a ,IV a 1986 CIa. OF EDINA CHECK REwiSTER 09 -08 -86 .AGE 7 r =' 409.96 • z+ zz .ff r rf ---- -- --- ---• -- - ---- __- ...-._ ._ .� +* ►-CKS 251206 08/26/86 486.70 G 8 K SERVICES LAUNDRY 10- 4262 - 301 -30 231206 - 08/26/86 _195:95- G'8 K'_SERVICES - -- LAUNDRY 10 =4262 -560 =5 - - 251206 08/26/86 254.04 6 8 K SERVICES LAUNDRY 10- 4262 - 646-64 2l 251206 _ 08/26/86 113.60_ 6 8 K SERVICES CLEANING SUPPLIES 10- 4512 - 540 -54 - -- 251206 - 08/26/86 _._242.25 8.. B -K_ SERVICESJ` LAUNDRY -- ______ - -40 =4262 = 801 -80 - -- - - - - - -- -- 19292.54 »� 251209 08/21/86 66.59 GENUINE PARTS _ !' ^I 251209 08/21/86 26.58 __ - GENUINE PARTS 93.17 • -i rrr.r. I -: 251214 09102/86 tfffff REPAIR PARTAS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 817965 - -- REPAIR -PARTS 10__'4540- 560z56_881309 11.50 TOLL COMPANY REPAIR PARATS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 251218 09/03/86 19203.40 HALLMAN 19203.40 * r.rf.. LUBRICANTS 10- 4618 - 560 -56 25976 251228 CHECK NO_.___DATE 129.94--- AMOUNT - VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT_ NO_._INV. 8 P.O. 0 ME_ SSAGE =I 251228 251203 08/27186 23.06 PETTY CASH GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 322 -30 13 __ 25120 3 08/27/86 8.37 PETTY CASH___ GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 440 -44 i 1 703.13 _ _ 251203 08/27/86 - .85� _ - PETTY _ CASH ____ _ GEN SPLY -.... -- -- - -- - 10 -4504- 490 -49 1.34 HILLSTROM 251203 08/27/86 98.56 PETTY CASH GEN SPLY 10 -4504- 624 -62 HILLSTROM AUTO 2512G3 08/27/86 13.78 PETTY CASH GEN SPLY 10- 4504- 627-62 17 251203 08/27/86 23:61 _PETTY-CASH HILLSTROM GEN -SPLY 10= 4504= 646 =54 y .9 10- 4620- 560 -56 251203 08/27/86 1.67 PETTY CASH GEN SPLY 10 -4506- 120 -12 251203 08/27/86 11.30 PETTY CASH GEN SPLY 10- 4506- 140 -14 - -- 251203- 08/27/86 - -- .- 6.88 ---'--PETTY _ CAS- -- - -- - PHOTO SPLY - 10- 4508 - 600 -60 �- - -- - ? 251203 08/27/86 9.64 PETTY CASH PHOTO SPLY 10 -4508- 627 -62 251203 08/27/86_ 2.10 PETTY CASH CLEANING SPLY 10- 4512 - 520 -52 251203 - - 08/27/86 27.80 - PETTY CASH - -- OFFICE - SUPPLY iD= 451fi-600 =60 - 251203 08/27/86 6.00 PETTY CASH REPAIR PARTS 10 -4540- 560 -56 •5 251203 08/27/86 31.75 PETTY CASH LUMBESR 10 -4604- 260 -26 251203 _ - 08/27/86 - -- 17.62 - - -- PETTY CASH----- _ - - - -- GEN SPLY___ - -- - -- _ -_. 1 251203 08/27/86 5.50 PETTY CASH MILEAGE 40- 4208 - 800 -80 41_251203 08/27/86 9.43 PETTY CASH SUPPLIES 40- 4506 - 800 -80 'I 251203 -- - 08/27186 -_ -- _ 10.46 - - -- PETTY- CASH - _ - - - -- REPAIR -PARTS U =4340 03 =80 7 r =' 409.96 • z+ zz .ff r rf ---- -- --- ---• -- - ---- __- ...-._ ._ .� +* ►-CKS 251206 08/26/86 486.70 G 8 K SERVICES LAUNDRY 10- 4262 - 301 -30 231206 - 08/26/86 _195:95- G'8 K'_SERVICES - -- LAUNDRY 10 =4262 -560 =5 - - 251206 08/26/86 254.04 6 8 K SERVICES LAUNDRY 10- 4262 - 646-64 2l 251206 _ 08/26/86 113.60_ 6 8 K SERVICES CLEANING SUPPLIES 10- 4512 - 540 -54 - -- 251206 - 08/26/86 _._242.25 8.. B -K_ SERVICESJ` LAUNDRY -- ______ - -40 =4262 = 801 -80 - -- - - - - - -- -- 19292.54 »� 251209 08/21/86 66.59 GENUINE PARTS _ !' ^I 251209 08/21/86 26.58 __ - GENUINE PARTS 93.17 • -i rrr.r. I -: 251214 09102/86 tfffff REPAIR PARTAS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 817965 - -- REPAIR -PARTS 10__'4540- 560z56_881309 11.50 TOLL COMPANY REPAIR PARATS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 251218 09/03/86 19203.40 HALLMAN 19203.40 * r.rf.. LUBRICANTS 10- 4618 - 560 -56 25976 251228 - -08/21/86 129.94--- HILLSTROM AUTO SUP -Y GEN SUPP _- 30- 4504 = 301 -30 251228 08/21/86 123.96 HILLSTROM AUTO SUP Y GEN SUPP 10- 4504 - 560 -56 08 /21/86 22.36 HILLSTROM AUTO SUP Y ZEN $UPP 10 -4504- 646 -64 _251228 251228 08/21/86 1 703.13 HILLSTROM-AUTO' SUP Y REPAIR PARTS _ 10 -4540- 560 -56 251228 08121/86 1.34 HILLSTROM AUTO SUP Y TOOLS 10- 4580 - 560 -56 251228 08/21/86 163.05 HILLSTROM AUTO SUP Y PARTS 10 -4620- 560 -56 251228 08/21/8 3.-5= HILLSTA0"UTOSUP-Y----CORRECT" _10_-4620= 560=56 251228 08/21/86 163.05 HILLSTROM AUTO. SUP Y PARTS 10- 4620- 560 -56 * ** -CKS * ** -CKS CHECK REGISTER AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION 151.53 HILLSTROM AUTO SUP Y REPAIR PARTS 29301.31 09 -08 -86 PAGE 8 ACCOUNT NO. INV. N P.O. N MESSAGE 27- 4540 - 662 -66 •** -CKS —12:45— HOFF- HILLIAMSON GEN`- SUPPLIES 2 '9= 4501=770 =T2- 227823` - -" -- -� "- 12.45 • I 137.31 HYDRAULIC JACK TOOLS 137:31 f - ---- - - - - -- - -- 53.50 HOPKINS OODGE REPAIR PARTS 53.50 • - - — 78.36 - - - - -- " HARMON -GLASS -- " 78.36 • 251253 08/27/86 30.00 HUMPHREY RADIATOR 251253- ­__08/21/86__________ 120.00 - - -- HUMPHREY RADIATOR ` 150.00 ..I 251256 08/26/86 � 251267 08/26/86 i9 48.64 ICSI 48:64 + --- - - - - -- - -- 926.58 926.58 • IOM CORPORATION "- CONT REPAIRS- - CONT REPAIRS CDNT REPAIRS - TELEPHONE SERV CONTRACT 1986 CITY OF EDINA - -- - -I ,,! CHECK NO. DATE 10- 4540- 560 -56 251228 08/21/86 i� 1= r ° 51230 - -- X8/21/86 e * ►ctrl .. -_.._ 251239 08/27/86 251278 - - 251246 08/27/86 JERRYS FOODS -- - - - - -- t**- CKS 10 -4252- 510 -51 15821 SUPPLIES - --- -- I0= 450 -4= 440= 44 — " - - -- 4:20 rr *r�r 4.20 • CHECK REGISTER AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION 151.53 HILLSTROM AUTO SUP Y REPAIR PARTS 29301.31 09 -08 -86 PAGE 8 ACCOUNT NO. INV. N P.O. N MESSAGE 27- 4540 - 662 -66 •** -CKS —12:45— HOFF- HILLIAMSON GEN`- SUPPLIES 2 '9= 4501=770 =T2- 227823` - -" -- -� "- 12.45 • I 137.31 HYDRAULIC JACK TOOLS 137:31 f - ---- - - - - -- - -- 53.50 HOPKINS OODGE REPAIR PARTS 53.50 • - - — 78.36 - - - - -- " HARMON -GLASS -- " 78.36 • 251253 08/27/86 30.00 HUMPHREY RADIATOR 251253- ­__08/21/86__________ 120.00 - - -- HUMPHREY RADIATOR ` 150.00 ..I 251256 08/26/86 � 251267 08/26/86 i9 48.64 ICSI 48:64 + --- - - - - -- - -- 926.58 926.58 • IOM CORPORATION "- CONT REPAIRS- - CONT REPAIRS CDNT REPAIRS - TELEPHONE SERV CONTRACT 10 -4288- 510 -51 *** -CKS _. I:. 10- 4580- 560 -56 87353 - -- - -- - -I ,,! 10=4504= 520 =-52 -35943 *** -CKS 10- 4540- 560 -56 I j - - -- - -- - -- *** -CKS 10= 4248 = 560 -56" 111524 ^_�*• =CKS- 10- 4248 - 560 -56 251278 - - 10 =4248- 560 -56 - - -- - - - JERRYS FOODS -- - - - - -- t**- CKS 10 -4252- 510 -51 15821 SUPPLIES - --- -- 10 -4288- 510 -51 9 is l tt: • ** -CKS * ** -CKS Ilr�i 251377 09/2918 109. -85' --- 'CARESON- FRIUTING GEN - SUPPLIES— 10=4504= 520 =-52 -35943 ,I t 109.85 • 251278 - - - -- 08/26/86- JERRYS FOODS -` - " - -`- "GEN SUPPLIES - --- -- I0= 450 -4= 440= 44 — " - - -- 4:20 4.20 • 251279 -- - 08/21/86________7.20_____ JERRYS OUR OWN HOVE - -_- GEN SUPPLIES _—__-.- - "10 -4504- 260 =26 -_- 251279 08/21/86 63.09 JERRYS OUR OWN HOPE GEN SUPLY 10 -4504- 301 -30 251279 08/21/86 19.55 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE GEN SUPLY 10- 4504- 328 -30 �,: 251279 - -- 08/21/86 -- 29.97 'JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE -- —GEN SUPLY 10- 4504 - 390= 30 --`- �>> 251279 08/21/86 47.28 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE :G --- N SUPLY 10- 4504- 440 -44 3. 251279 08/21/86 30.82 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE GEN SUPLY 10 -4504- 446 -44 ;s 251279 - 08721186 3:62— JERRYS - OUR- 8YN_HDWE TEN -SUP 04 = 507 =50 - �s6 U'l 251279 08/21/86 40.91 JERRYS OUR OWN HOPE GEN SUPP 10- 4504 - 560 -56 9 is l tt: • ** -CKS * ** -CKS Ilr�i 1966 C1.. OF EDINA CHECK RG„,STER 09 -08 -86 .AGE CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. N P.O. N MESSAGE 'I .Z. 251279 08/21/86 71.64 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE GEN SUPLY 10- 4504- 646 -64 08/21/86 251279 08/21/86 1.79 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 660 -66 1T:18 251279 _ - 08/21/86 16.77 -- _ JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE 1ST AIO SPLY _ - 10 =4510- 440 -44 s! 251279 08/21/86 23.16 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540- 390 -30 g 251279 08/21/86 74.74 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 520 -52 7 - -251279 08/21786 46:05- JERRYS - OUR OWN HOPE - REPAIR -PARTS f0= 4540 = 560 =5b 0 251279 08/21/86 51.71 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 f 251344 08/21/86 -8�69F JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4580- 301 -30 __251279 += 251279 0 8/21/6 8 ___ _28.66 99.76 _ JERRYS'OUR OWN _ HOWE _ GEN SUPPLIES" - 27 =1300- 000- D0 - - " - "- 08/21/86 251279 08/21/86 9.45 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE GEN SUPP 27 -4504- 661 -66 !_ 251279 08/21/86 11.59 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE REPAIR PARTS 27 -4540- 661 -66 KNOX 251279 _ 08/21/86 __ 98.99 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE PAINT 27= 4544= 66f=66 KNOX 251279 08/21/86 12.94 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE GEN SUPLY 28- 4504 - 708 -70 = 251279 08/21/86_ 15.23 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE GEN SUPP 40- 4504 - 801 -80 _ 251279 08/21/86 3.87 _ JERRYS'OUR "OWN HOWE 6EN SUPPLIES 40= 4540 - 807 -80 251279 08/21/86 9.40 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE GEN SUPPLIES 50 -4504- 841 -84 858.19 r � •i'' 1 zz frf rf• 251300 09/03786 17.75 KOKESH ATHLETIC SUPPLIES - - - -10- 4586 = 629 -62 -- 25130 09/03/86 227.20 KOKESH ATHLETIC SPORTS SUPPLY 10- 4932 - 624 -62 24 251300 09/03/86 29.00 KOKESH ATHLETIC SWIM SUITE 26- 4266- 688 -68 - 2513016-709/OS/86 19 -f8 KOKESH- - ATHLETIC SUPPLIES- 16= _W266 -- 688 -68 =5 251300 09/03/86 512.05 KOKESH ATHLETIC SWIM SUITS 26- 4266- 688 -68 !z7 805.18 • 251301 08/21/86 142.95 KREMER SPRG. & ALIGN REPAIR PARATS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 13801 251301 08/21/86 248.00 KREMER SPRG. 8 ALIGN REPAIR PARATS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 13759 -- - - - - - -- - - -- - - -- - -- - -- 390.9 5 � - - -- - - -- - - - - -- - >> rrrrrf Ifs- - -- - - -- --- - - - - -- --- - - -- -- - - -- - - -- - -...__ - ---- ----- - - -• -- - - -- ill ;l �I 'I nJ 1 :J L3 ! -< ,A1 frr -CKS rrr-CKS 251304 08/21/86 43.50 KNOX LUMBER CO GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 301 -30 449501 251304 08/21/86 70.26 KNOX LUMBER CO GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 400 -40 449745 251304 - 08/21/86 1T:18 KNOk- LUMBER CO ---- REPAIR-PART 10 =-4540= 520-52 149550 251304 08/26/86 63.97 KNOX LUMBER CO LUMBER 10- 4604 - 646-64 449735 251304 08/21/86 ' 2.30 KNOX LUMBER CO 10- 4604- 646 -64 449741 251304 _ 08/26/86 35.90 KNOX LUMBER _ _ CO _LUMBSER LUMBER- - -- 10- 4604 - 646 - 64450008- " "- .-- _--- - -- - -- 251304 08/27186 234.47 KNOX LUMBER CO LUMBER 10 -4604- 646 -64 431884 251304 08/21/86 53.16 KNOX LUMBER CO LUMBER 10 -4604- 646 -64 449871 251344 08/2678-4 -8�69F KNOX- LUMBER -CO LUMBER 10= 4604 =b46= 64-4 -49734 - - 251304 08/26/86 24.09 KNOX LUMBER CO LUMBER 10- 4604- 646 -64 449779 251304 08/21/86 52.23 KNOX LUMBER CO PAINT 27 -4544- 661 -66 449398 251304 _ 08/21/86 19.55 KNOX "LUMBER- co - `PAINT - - - - -- -27-;4544-;-661-';66-449506----- - " - -- - - -- 251304 09/03/86 19.17 KNOX LUMBER CO GEN SUPPLIES 28 -4504- 708 -70 449496 251304 06/26/86 47.24 KNOX LUMBER CO GEN SUPPLIES 28- 4504 - 708 -70 449457 251304-'--08126/86- -- -16.44 -KNOX- LUMBER CO----- " - - - -" -GEN- SUPPLIES 28=4504 - 708 =70- 449451- -- 1 702.15 r 5+ ------------ 53 jl4 251307 08/29/86 59388.28 KOCH ASPHALT ROAD OIL 10- 4526 - 314 -30 251307 OB/28-78 1289 - 6- KRit ASPHALT - CREDIT- 0= 4526 = 314 =3Q 251307 08/26/86 50289.46 KOCH ASPHALT ROAD OIL 10- 4526- 314 -30 :..=CKS -' 1986 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO DATE 251307 08/27/86 -3 251307 08/21/86 - 25130 7 - -- - -" D8/21/846 -- c fff ft# -- .rs 251313 08/27/86 251313 - -` -- 08/21/86 - +� 251313 09/03/86 I I I, N i' 21 251317 -251311 251317 251317 251315 08/26/86 CHECK REGISTER AMOUNT VENDOR 50717.08 KOCH ASPHALT 50487.11 KOCH ASPHALT - - - -- 59080.72- -- KOCH ASPHALT -- 210673.19 • 08/27/86 08/21/86 - -- -- 08/27/86 08/27/86 251318 08/26/86 -- 251318 - -` -- "06/26/86 251315 08/26/86 15.23 77.82- 739.50 832.55 • —397-29 - 397.29 • JOHN H FOSTER JOHN H FOSTER- JOHN H FOSTER ITEM DESCRIPTION ROAD OIL ROAD OIL 'ROAD OIL- - - -- REPAIR PARTS --REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS 09 -08 -86 PAGE 10 ACCOUNT N0. INV. I P.O. 9 MESSAGE 10- 4526 - 314 -30 - - - -- � I, 10-1#526-314-30, 10 =4526= 314 =30 ----- • "--- "- - - - - -- t' 10- 4540 - 560 -56 10- 4540 - 560 -56 40 -4540- 805 -80 ­ANCHOR PAPER "- - '— " -" —GEN- SUPPLIES -- —1D= 4504= 520- 52 - - - -- I' I. �I iii = CKS —I9j ** *-CKS I' I. I �__ - 139.60 • • 'I ------'---COMPUTER 42.86 LAWSON PRODUCTS GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 322 -30 - 405.20 - LAWSON PRODUCTS -_ - - - -- 'GEN "SUPPLIES - -- 575.26 LAWSON PRODUCTS REPAIR PARATS 10- 4540- 560 -56 I..I 103.98 LAWSON PRODUCTS PARTS 10- 4620 - 560 -56 :127.3 0 -• -- - - - - - -- - - - -- __ _ -_ - -- 104.75 LEEF BROS INC LAUNDRY I.I 10- 4262- 440 -44 , 14.85---LEEF BROS INC ` --`-` " -`- - 6rNERAL SUPPLIES - - - - -23- 4504 - 611 -61 -- "--- - - - -� - - - - -- - ' , 20.00 LEEF BROS INC LAUNORY 27- 4262- 662 -66 i �__ - 139.60 • 251331 08/21/86 41069 LAHASS CORPORATION REPAIR PARTTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 36675 i - - - - -- -- - ---- -41.69 -- - -- - - - - - - -- __._. -- - - -_ -_ _- -- - - -- -- - -- -- - -.... -- _ -- _ * ** -CKS ! _, c�1 251336 08/27/86 38.75 LANCE CONCESSIONS 27- 4624- 664 -66 70I I51 38.75 • 71 OF *** -CKS • 'I ------'---COMPUTER 251324- "-- - - - " -- 08/26/86 -- 629.05 - - "- LOGIS 10- 4228- 160 -16 251324 08/26/86 629.05- LOGIS COMPUTER COSTS 251324 08/26/86 776.95 LOGIS 0 -I 251324 - — 08/26/86 1974.63 — LOGIS 50 -4233- 820 -82 251324 08/26/86 10957.11 LOGIS A 251324 08/26/86 10935.01 LOGIS 251324 - 08/26/86 - - - -- 1 0304.16_- , LOGIS Sao 251324 08/26/86 205.74 LOGIS 251324 08/26/86 205.74 LOGIS 25132-4 ------ 08/26186 205.75 LOGIS la- 80567.09 • 251331 08/21/86 41069 LAHASS CORPORATION REPAIR PARTTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 36675 i - - - - -- -- - ---- -41.69 -- - -- - - - - - - -- __._. -- - - -_ -_ _- -- - - -- -- - -- -- - -.... -- _ -- _ * ** -CKS ! _, c�1 251336 08/27/86 38.75 LANCE CONCESSIONS 27- 4624- 664 -66 70I I51 38.75 • 71 OF *** -CKS • 'I ------'---COMPUTER CORRECTION 10 -4228- 160 -16 COMPUTER COSTS 10- 4228- 160 -16 t II COMPUTER -COSTS 10 =0230- 160 -16 — --- - - - - -- -, COMPUTER COSTS 10 -42!3- 200 -20 COMPUTER COSTS 10 -4233- 420 -42 0 -I - _ - -- - - COMPUTER - COSTS- 40- 4232 - 800 -80 - -- - -'- COMPUTER COSTS 50 -4233- 820 -82 COMPUTER COSTS 50 -4233- 840 -84 —_ COMPUTER -COST - - - -- - -- -- - -..* -CKS 251331 08/21/86 41069 LAHASS CORPORATION REPAIR PARTTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 36675 i - - - - -- -- - ---- -41.69 -- - -- - - - - - - -- __._. -- - - -_ -_ _- -- - - -- -- - -- -- - -.... -- _ -- _ * ** -CKS ! _, c�1 251336 08/27/86 38.75 LANCE CONCESSIONS 27- 4624- 664 -66 70I I51 38.75 • 71 OF *** -CKS 1986 C1._ OF EDINA CHECK RL- -STER 09 -08 -86 .GE 11 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. 0 P.O. t MESSAGE 251341 08/26/86 58.50 M & I IND SUPPLY GEN SUPP 40- 4504 - 801 -80 074629 58.50 • 251342 -08/21/86 - 223.92 MAC QUEEN EQUIP INC REPAIi PARATS 10 -4540- 560 -56 65378 - 223.92 • - -- - -- - -- - 251343 08/21/86 100.00 MINNESOTA GLOVE GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 560 -56 7225 251343 08/21/86 59.42 MINNESOTA GLOVE GEN SUPPLIES 40- 4504- 801 -80 7154 159.42 • 251344 08/27/86 - -- 22.18 MED OXYGEV B EQUIP 1ST AID SPLY 22.18 251345 08/26/86 1849061.90 METRO SEWER & WATER SEWER METRO -- 40 -4312- 801 -80 1849061.90 - •• *-CKS 251347 08/21/86 - 19323.00 MINNEAPOLIS GUN CLUB TARGETS 29 -4648- 720 -72 19262 rrrfrr 19323.00 • -- - . ' 251359 - - -- - -- -- - - 08/27/86 -- -- - -- --- - - - - - -- - 6.64 - - -- -- -, MINN TORO INC GEN SUPP _ 10- 4504- 318 -30 627196 •r* -CKS 251359 08/27/86 197.96 MINN TORO INC GEN SUPP 10- 4504 - 646 -64 627079 2:51354 09/03/86 967.98 MINN TORO INC REPAIR PARTAS 10- 4540- 560 -56 628192 251359 08/21/86 31.52 MINN TORO INC REPAIR PARATS 10- 4540- 560 -56 625415 251359 08/21/86 112.06 MINN TORO INC REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 625463 251359 08/21/86 _ _ _ 302.90 _ MINN TORO INC REPAIR PARTS - -- 10 -4540- 560 -56 626212 251359 08/21/86 .91 MINN TORO INC REPAIR PARATS 10 -4540- 560 -56 624771 251359 08/21/86 2.29 MINN TORO INC REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 626134 251359 08121186 21.22 MINN TORO INC REPAIR PARATS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 624835 251359 08121/86 10.23 MINN TORO INC REPAIR PARATS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 626015 251359 08/21/86 _ 63.70 - - MINN TORO INC REPAIR PARATS 10 -4540- 560 -56 626288 251359 08/21/86 199.57 - MINN TORO INC -� - - -- - - - -6. --10-4540-560-56 625604-- 251359 08/26/86 189.62 MINN TORO INC REPAIR PARTS 27- 4540 - 662 -66 626395 251359 08/29/86 246.24 MINN TORO INC REPAIR PARTS 27- 4540- 670 -66 626172 251359 08/29/86 27.28 MINN TORO INC REPAIR PARTS 27 =4540- 670 -66 628243 29380.12 • 251360 08/26/86 -- - 365.00 -- MINNESOTA WANNER - -CONT REPAIRS -` - - -` 10- 4248-446 -44 064229 - -- - 251350 08/27186 21.00 MINNESOTA WANNER CONT REPAIRS 10- 4248 - 560 -56 064222 251360 08/21/86 27.70 - MINNESOTA WANNER GEN SUPP 10- 4504 - 646 -64 064152 413.70 � 999919 rrr -CKS 251370 08/28/86 115.58 MIDLAND PRODUCTS CO CONCESSIONS 26- 4624- 684 -68 15436 251370 09/03/66 13.55 - - MIDLAND PRODUCTS CO - CONCESSIONS 26- 4624 - 684 -68 15650 129.13 . i 251371 - - - 08/27/86 _- - - - -- - - 270.00 -- - - - - -- MILHOFF STEEL CONT REPAIRS q0- 4248- 8D1 -80 84218 270.00 _ _ -_ _ _ ._ .. - _ -. _ - -- .__ -_ -- - -- _ rf rtfr - -. . _._._ •r* -CKS 1986 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 09-08-86 PAGE 12 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NOa INV. A P.O. N MESSAGE 251381 08/26/86 167.40 STAR i TRIBUNE ADVERTISING 28-4212-700-70 167.40 ***-CKS 251383 08/28/86 79550.08 MPLS COMP TREAS WATER 40-4640-803-80 79550.08 ***-CKS 251388 -- 08/27/86 13- 19- MrL_ ATO MIK_MQTOR_____R ---PAX T-P-ARATS 13:19 CKS 251400 08/28/86 19275.56 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO TIRES 10-4616-560-56 ***-CKS 22 3 251402 08/28/86 36.99 MOTT COMPANY GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-646-64 It 36.99 ***-CKS It __'_____69 15-------NTCC-INC'------' ________REPAIR__PAR�_TS__ -50 2i1406 -;4540z86 69:15 7! 251412 09/03/86 661.62 NW GRAPHIC SUPPLY INVENTORY SUPPLY 23-1209-000-00 126373 251412--08/21/86--------16.25---NW GRAPHIC -SUPPLY --"-------rNWENTORY- SPLY'----------23-LI209000-00-126223 677.87 251413 08/21/86 295:51 NATIONWIDE PAPERS_-GEN SUPPLIES----27--;4504-661-66------'-------'-'-!- 251413 08127/86 6:78- NATIONWIDE PAPERS CREDIT 27-4516-660-66 288.73 a**- CKS — '251440 — D8727T18 120.-I-5—PAULFRANZ—THEODORE----PRINTING-CHARS-ES--104260=500=50— 120.15 ***-CKS 251450 182.40 POE PARTS 10-4620-560-56 r2 ...-CKS 251452 08/27/96 85.68 QUICK SERV BATTERY .'REPAIR PARTS 10-4540-560-56 11498 'o 251452 08/27/86 34.80 QUICK SERV BATTERY REPAIR PARTS 10-4540-560-56 56527 12 15, 53---25145-2--08/27/86 IV3-;-41F—QUICK-SERW-BATTERY—REPAIR--PARATS—tgz4S4O-56CzS6--OlO364 ."!lo 251452 08/27/86 44*32 QUICK SERV BATTERY REPAIR PARATS 10-4540-560-56 08816 7.1 I'll mi zpma czry OF cozmx cmccu mct..6nca on-um~ma jc zu CHECK NO- DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INVo 0 P.O. I MESSAGE i~ | [ -------- --'- -��---�-'-------����— — �,� 251457 08x29/86 1+2.37 m.L.GmuLm m om.smc. ncpuom pmmorm 27-45*0-662-66 naxwu � 25 14 57 -----08 1:2z/8 1.60 -------u.L wowL0'&-Cw.8mc�-----REPwIR-*mnTT 7-W54 u�������-�2 791---- ' 25t+57 naxam/mm 26.73 m.L.smmLo m Cm.uwc. acpxxm pmmrw 27-45*0-662~66 nu*a* | 1*o°vm ° ' o�x*ao ' 0a�o�vm8-'----------4�S-u�--------nEmnu[-Emuxp-SoLEu--------mEm muppL n�k50o��46�u4-3ffG6----- ' 251462 oa/onvma 15*.*5- ncmvuL cmuIp mxLcm oncDzr 10-+50+-646-64 /' o51462 ouxon/oe wns.00 mcmrmL cmuup mxLco Gcm ooppLn 10-450*-646-64 3807 -----'nn�oyxo�-�----------z�000.00-------�mcmYmC'cmmuP-ouLc�------�wm$Y-------------------2?z8u00LO*m�m0'sn*3----- i u°x5s.sm ° �!- °^=�°-'--------' ----- 2514*5 mu/uz/om m#.om mumHrucLm PLUMB m CO pwmx mcpmxmo no~*u�m-�*�-�* wmm6 ______________'.-_'----------------�o�$V-�------------------�'----'-------'' ----- 251469 08/21/86 208.00 ROAD MACHINERY CONT REPAIRS 10-.4248-560-56 22415 251475 09/03/86 49968:00 RUFFRIDGE JOHNSON ROAD EQUIP 10-4912-300-30 osx+o4 oa/nuxoa uny.n2 AMERICAN SHARECOM TELEPHONE oux*oa no/cn/ea 19628~58 omm oxnszoxca mumo xnnumxrIOw zo-*nvo-+om-*u 36386 ..,... ."^."^"e "=" "~ "". "T"=.,"C" ""=" °°=°"x,"" ^°-^~"*-^v^-&° &&4n~ , rxo ` -_-_-_----pq ' � ^ -.- - !^ � cwu � ` °*°-Cns "^^,"" "~~�^.~~ -umx+m6'--' -nmvaa/ea----------o++ no----- mwm m�msxcmcm wwmm --''--mn�umuvxmm- o�4572��a0~42-36190 ------ '! ~ ` a°suo°n6 ° ^^°-cx8 2511#90 om/ua/oa 13.88 mwcnuom wuLLuunm pxumx 10-*544-646-64 51_440-----�6v26/8 0r---S*cnWsN_-wsLLxmnu-------PAIm 0;;'k5*4-;A46-;6 i356, 251*90 0ev26ve6 73.64 ^- mmsmWam WILLIAMS PAINT 10~*544~6*6~6* \J 1986 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. ' - ^ -- - -- -- DATE - 251490 �f 08/26/86--- 251491 08/26/86 =i 251491 - ;; - 08/26/86 - lo �� 251492 08121186 251492' - -- -'- 08/21/86 _ -- - 251492 08/21/86 251492 08/27/86 251492---"- 08/21/86 - - 251492 ✓, 08/21/86 251492 �I rr►rrr 08/21/86 CHECK REGISTER AMOUNT VEN00R 11.00 SHERWIN WILLIAMS -- - -.10 5.7 2 • __ -. _- - -- - - - -- 58.20 STRAUGHAN HARDWARE 10.49 STRAUGHAN HARDWARE b8;-G9 �- - -- - - 287.50 SOUTHOALE FORD - - - - " -" 4.07 - -- SOUTHDALE FORD 82.44 SOUTHOALE FORD 81.56 SOUTHDALE FORD -- 318:37 - - - - -" SOUTHDALE-FORO- 27.73 SOUTHOALE FORD 113.15 SOUTHOALE FORD - -- - 914.82 - -- -- - - - F- 251498 08/28/86 zf 10- 4544 - 646 -64 - -- 3 fff * ** 10- 4544 - 646 -64 SUP - --" 251503 - - -- 08/27/86 10 -4544- 646 -64 251503 08/27/86 ' 251503 08/27/86 - -i 251503 - -- - 08/21/86--- - REPAIR PARTS 251503 08/26/86 1 251503 08/27/86 � 'I 251503- - - 08/21/86 - - - -- 6.66 STARK ELECTTRONICS 6.66 • 09 -08 -86 PAGE 14 ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N0. INV- 0 P.O. 0 MESSAGE PAINT 10- 4544 - 646 -64 -52 -52 10- 4540 - 540 -54 - 20.46 PAINT 10- 4544 - 646 -64 SUP - --" - REPAIR PAINT 10 -4544- 646 -64 88.64 SUBURBAN CONT REPAIRS 10- 4248 - 560 -56 6082 I. "REPAIR- PARTS 10 -4540- 560 -56 -- 124919 -- - - - - "_i REPAIR PARTS 10 -4540- 560 -56 124758 SUP REPAIR PARATS 10 -4540- 560 -56 125250 40 -4540- 802 -80 - REPAIR -PARTS -10 =4540= 560 - 56124675 - -- - - -- REPAIR PARATS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 125169 I c REPAIR PARTS 10 -4540- 560 -56 124712 BOOK GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 510 -51 ** *-CKS REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 08/27/86 - -- 12.56 ST - ... -r BOOK GEN SUPPLIES ** -CKS -28:17 SUBURBAN PLUMB - SUP - - -- -GEN SUPPLY - " 33.89 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP REPAIR PARTS 10 -4540 0 8.16 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP REPAIR PARTS -52 -52 10- 4540 - 540 -54 - 20.46 - 'SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP - --" - REPAIR - PARTS - -- -`10 -4540- 646 -64 - - -- 88.64 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP PARTS 146.78 27 -4620- 662 -66 36.41 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP REPAIR PARTS 40 -4540- 802 -80 25:11- - - -`- SUBURBAN -PLUMB -SUP REPAIR -PARTS 08/27/86 40 =4540= 803 =8D - - 240.84 * PAUL BOOK GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 510 -51 ,s s I_ s' J CONT SERV - -- ADVERTISING ADVERTISING _ -- ADVERTISING 10- 4200 - 500 -50 10- 4210 = 140 -14 10- 4210 - 140 -14 10- 4210 - 140 -14 I. I *f*-CKS 251508 08/27/86 18.70 ST 251505 09/03/86 2,250.00 SUN 251505 - - 08/29186 - - 17805 - SUN 251505 08/29/86 45.50 SUN 251505 i, 08/28/86 146.78 SUN - - -- - 11 - - - - - -- -- 21620.33 -t -. PAUL BOOK - - -- - GEN SUPPLY -- 10 =4504- 470 -47 ,s s I_ s' J CONT SERV - -- ADVERTISING ADVERTISING _ -- ADVERTISING 10- 4200 - 500 -50 10- 4210 = 140 -14 10- 4210 - 140 -14 10- 4210 - 140 -14 I. I *f*-CKS 251508 08/27/86 18.70 ST PAUL BOOK GEN SUPPLY 10 -4504- 140 -14 49623 251508 66.79 Si PAUL BOOK GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 440 -64 - 251508 - - 08/29/86 76.51_. -- ST PAUL BOOK - - -- - GEN SUPPLY -- 10 =4504- 470 -47 ,,II -34703 251538 08/27/86 92.30 ST PAUL BOOK GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 510 -51 251508 08/27/86 - -- 12.56 ST PAUL BOOK GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 510 -51 251508 - 08/28/86 - -- - 161.12 - -- - -- ST PAUL BOOK - -- -GEN SUPPLIES -10- 4504 - 510- 51 - - -- - - -- - -- - - -- - 251508 08/27/86 6.66 ST PAUL BOOK GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 560 -56 1082 251508 08/27/86 145.00 ST PAUL BOOK GEN SUPPLY 10- 4504 - 560 -56 363497 I °'I 251508 - - -- 08/27/86 -- - 11.12- -'ST- PAUL - BOOK - - -- - `CREDIT - - - - - -- -10- 4516 - 510 -51 ` - - - - - - -- - �- 251508 08/27/86 47.34 ST PAUL BOOK OFFICE SUPPLIES 10- 4516 - 510-51 70 251508 -- 08/21/86 39.69 Si PAUL BOOK GEN SUPPLIES 23 -4504- 611 -61 49078 251508" 08729/86 PTO - ST- PAUL -BOOK EN- SUPPLY 72 3=4504 =611 -61 -49754 251508 08/26/86 28.42 ST PAUL BOOK GEN SUPPLIES 23 -4504- 611 -61 49033 �. 1986 Cl.- OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR CHECK R. .TER ITEM DESCRIPTION �= - - - - -- 696.57 92.00 251516 08/21/86 132.92 SEARS ROEBUCK TOOLS Ic 2515Th 2-6 /-A T4 -�2 �EARS__ROEBUICK- TOOLS - 147.34 251526 08/26/86 19240.00 TRACY OIL GASOLINE 251526 08129/8 6 59787.03 TRACY OIL _ 64SOLINE 09 -08 -86 .6E 1! i ACCOUNT NO. INV. 0 P.O. 2 MESSAGE a a 10 -4580- 560 -56 10- 4612 - 560 -56 10=V612= 560_56_407320 ---+i►- CR? - - - -- �I 251526 08/29/86 565.70 TRACY OIL GASOLINE 10- 4612 - 560 -56 407330 9 79592.73 I r/ttlf �1' *** -CKS _ 251530 d 09/02/86 — — 306.00 -- TEx6ASZORP — DEN- SUPP-LIE r0�5�4= 30� =30 I= 306.00 * z' 251537 08/26/86 562.00 562 _._A 0—i TRI STATE DRILLING REPAIR PARTS 40- 4540 - 803 -80 62391 117 trtr*r 1 251539 08/21/86 92.00 TURF SUPPLY COMPANY GEN SUPPLIES —10 -4504- 646 -64 016900 -- - - - - -- - 92.00 251553 08/27/86 - 100:66 - UNITED ELECTRIC CORP i REPAIR - PARTS i lb- 4540=330 =30 251553 C8/27/86 37.92 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP REPAIR PARM 10- 4540- 330 -30 251553 08/27/86 31.12 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP REPAIR PART 10 -4540- 461 -46 251553 08/27/86 196.62 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP- REPAIR -PARTS 10 =4540= 520 =52 251553 08/27/86 86.02 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 540 -54 13, 251553 _08/27/86 _ _ 149.43 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP _ REPAIR 'REPAIR PRTS 10- 4540- 540 -54 lo 251553— 08/27/86 141.44 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP PARTS --- -_ -10- 4540 - 646 -64 ,•+ 251553 08/27/86 28.05 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP REPAIR PARTS 26 -4540- 689 -68 ,12 251553 08/27/86 19.10. UNITED ELECTRIC CORP REPAIR PART 28 -4540- 708-70 F� 251553 08/27786 11.79 UNITEO- ELECTRIC -CORP REPAIR— PARTS 28= 4540 =- 708 =70 251553 08/21/86 251.61 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP REPAIR PARTS 40 -4540- 801 -80 s5 1 *053.76 �.� tttrtr -- - -- 251561- 08/21/86 79.98 EEAR ROEBUCK - TOOLS -._ 1 4580 -3O_1 30 79.98 251569 08/27/86 rr***r 259.19 259 t VALLEY INDUSTRIAL GASOLINE 28- 4612- 707 -70 - CKS z, *** -CKS * ** -CKS s_ •�I * ** -CKS _- -'**t —CKS - -- * ** -CKS 1986 CITY OF EDINA i .I 251579 251579 I -- I,_I 08/27/86 08/27/86 AMOUNT_ -- CHECK NO. DATE 3� 251573 08/21/86 �.+ -251573------08/27/86 -- - -- -15:79 251573 08/27/86 p •4fff• . VOSS 9 - 251575 -- -- "08/21786- 251575 08/27/86 251575 D8/27/86 251575 -. -- 08/27/86 251575 08/27/86 251575— i 'I -- 09/03/86 - 251578 08/27/86 i .I 251579 251579 I -- I,_I 08/27/86 08/27/86 AMOUNT_ -- CHECK REGISTER _ YENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION 09 -08 -86 PAGE 16 ACCOUNT NO. INV. Y P.O. C MESSAGE I� PARTS 10- 4504- 301 -30 10 -4604- 260 -26 251586 - -- -- - -- -15:79 —_ - - -- - -- �' I. 357. 52 VOSS 08/27/86 REPAIR PARTS- 10 -4540- 646 -64 29581 - -_ — 93.60 _ --` VOSS - - - -- " - -- GEN ' SPLY - -- 28 =4504= 708 -70- 29682 - - - -- - -` -- - - -- s 6.48 VOSS GRAINGER REPAIR PARTS 50 -4540- 841 -84 08/27/86 50.04 457.60. • GRAINGER 210.03 • — _ — — ;(I 251587 08/29/86 131.10 WEIGLE SUE fff **• 131.10 * ** -CKS I' °I. ll' - -- -- `89.00 "` -` WATER PRODUCTS- ` --- -- REPAIR 'PARTS " 40= 4540 - 803 =80 017093 - -` -- " " -- ` -- 1 72.60 WATER PRODUCTS REPAIR PARTS 40- 4540 - 803 -80 017131 337.32 WATER PRODUCTS REPAIR PARATS 40 -4540- 803 -80 016390 - — 447.90 WATER PRODUCTS - -_ — REPAIR_PARTS 40- 4540 = 803 -80- 018167 - -- -- — „I 386.10 WATER PRODUCTS REPAIR PARATS 40 -4540- 803 -80 018500 I 914.00 WATER PRODUCTS REPAIR PARTS 40- 4540 - 803 -80 015488 — -_ _2i 2 46:9 2 -� --- -- -- •- --- --- — -- -- -- - -- - -- - - - --- -- I� 271.06 - 271.06 126.27 26.07 152...34 WM.H.ZIEGLER CO INC PARTS WILLIAMS STEEL -HDWE WILLIAMS STEEL -HDYE -� frfrrr 251582 08/29/86 428.45 GORDON SMITH CO 428.45 251583 08/21/86 19273.32 WALOOR PUMP C EQUIP 19273.32 • 251564 08/27/86 369.11 WARNER INDUSTRIAL 369.11 � f • f f * f * ** -CKS - a 10- 4620 - 560 -56 REPAIR PARTS 10- 4504- 301 -30 10 -4604- 260 -26 251586 - -- 08/27/86 -- -- -15:79 W W'GRAINGER - -- - — — — -- -- 251586 08/27/86 59.23 W W GRAINGER 251586 08/28/86 8.74 Y Y GRAINGER 25158b -- 08/28/86 6:23Y -Y GRAINGER I4 251586 08/27/86 50.04 W W GRAINGER 210.03 • — _ — — ;(I 251587 08/29/86 131.10 WEIGLE SUE fff **• 131.10 GEN SJPP LUMBER GASOLINE REPAIR PARTS TOOLS — PARTS . - * ** -CKS - a 10- 4620 - 560 -56 REPAIR PARTS 10- 4504- 301 -30 10 -4604- 260 -26 41899 41371 REPAIR PARTS 40- 4540- 801 -80 - — — — -- -- -- - - - **r- CKS 27- 4612- 662 -66 0839 40- 4540 - 804 -80 I 40 -4540- 801 -80 86251 ,y 10- 4580- 301 -30 * ** -CKS I• -1 i - REPAIR PARTS . - - - -10 =4540- 560 -56 - -- - -' I REPAIR PARTS 28- 4540 - 708-70 REPAIR PARTS 40- 4540- 801 -80 — REPAIR- PARCS. � 40 =4540= 801 =80 --- - - - - -- 1 REPAIR PARTS 40- 4540 - 804 -80 I I* MILEAGE f� 251594 - -- 08/29/86— 3,887:50- STORE -FRONT — - ` FONT -SER 39887.50 * ,r X71 251603 08/26/86 19619.79 WITTEK GOLF SUPPLY RANGE SUPPLIES 10- 4208 - 600 -60 * ** -CKS I10 I. 10= 4300=504 =50 70 71 � n ].1 27- 4637 - 663-66 70 �6 1986 C, OF EDINA CHECK k, STER 09 -08 -86 .4GE 17 CHECK N0. DATE j2 251612 08/29/86 AMOUNT 1.619.79 * VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION 19 -84 MIDWEST ASPHALT CORP BLACKTOP 19:$_4 i - - - - - -- -- -- ACCOUNT NO. INV. M P.O. # MESSAGE 10- 4524 - 301 -30 22002 z 7 I I9 - 251613 -__- 08/27/86 - -111.69- -- MCNEILUS STEEL -- v -GEN SUPPLY 10- 4504 - 646 -64 12660 ; 1t,> `111 _I ifiiif 141• ***--CKS 251616 08/28/86 396.57 MILLPORE ENGINEERING GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 482 -48 76392 'i 396.57 • i'll ffitif - -• --- iii -CKS 1:21. 2 -- -- 1. 251701 08/21/86 -- 2.429.00 C g Y -tURF- NURSERY 500- �BLACR- DIRTA2T- X562= 663�?� -- - I 2.429.00 • �<<I 2� -- - - - - - --- - -- - _ 1 251702 08/21/86 49.9 MOIRE BUSINESS CTR- - - - - - -- OFFICE- SUPPLIES 10= 4516 - 600= 60--- _ - -_��- - -- ` -- - - - -• j- ?3 49.95 • I;_� 25 25 70 3 2:482:00 METRO -MECH CONTRACTT- CONT -SER - D0= 389= 68 -1T715 �,' 29482.00 -• Ia1 -o 251774 08/21/86 35.00— MARSHALL g SWIFT — OFFICE SUPPLIES f0 =516= 300 =20 — r 35.00 �I - 251705 - - 08/21/86 48.30 JUNE -9 REGAN -- -- MILEA -GE d= 43D8�00 -30 — - -- 48.30 * a. I3_.I 25170 INC— _ GEN 59.14 SUPPLIES — 10 -4504= 646 =64- 21567- � -� • sI` 251707- - 08/21/86- 32.00— BRENf-DISPLAY PRINTING ID= X600307 =SD -1490 32.00 * -- /13.1 251708 - - 08/21/86 + 251708 08/26/86 251709 08/29/86 251709 08/21186 251710 - 08/21/86 ,'_ I 3 251711 08/21/86 . ]3 14 251712 08/21/86 3 08/21/86 10.85 ACME ELECTRONICS GEN SUPPLIES - 10 -4504= 646- 64 - - -- '---- - - - -`_ - - " - -` 13.00 ACME ELECTRONICS REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540- 646 -64 23.85 • 99.50 147.69 LYNDALE GARDENS LYNDALE GARDENS GEN SUPPLIES GEN SUPPLIES 40 -4504- 802 -80 68016 50- 4504 - 841 -84 57755 247.19 i - _ --- - - - - - -- -- - - - - -- --- - - - -- - - - - - -- -- 13.19 NATL AUTO PARTS CO REPAIR PARATS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 292858 -13:19 fi - -- -- -- - - -- - - -- - -- -- - 292.11 M & L MOTOR SPLY �tEPAIR PARTS 40- 4540- 801 -80 292.11 • - _ -- _ _ ._ - -. - t_— ._. -_ -_ _ - -- -- -- - -- - -- 44.92 44—o92 30.17 ECONOMY TRUCK & AUTO REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 44633 .LOUIS ABRAHAM __- - _ -- MILEAGE 40- 4208 - 806-80 09 -08 -86 PAGE 18 ACCOUNT NO. INY. N P.O. 0 MESSAGE I I. - l 26- 4564=689 -68- 65742 -- ' "- -__- ._.. -_ _ -__. I � 26- 4564 - 689-68 26- 4564 - 689 -68 65493 26 =4564= 689 =68- 65518- 40- 4622 - 805 -80 40- 4622 - 805 -80 64886 27- 4200 - 661 -66 11 11 1.j 27 -1300- 000 -00 5784 'I i 27 -1300- 000 -00 8621 - -_ - - -__ - —t 40- 4600- 800 -80 86116 t••—CKS - -- I,. I' 251720 08/21/86 75.20 PITNEY BOWES CONT SERY 10- 4200 - 510 -51 127 251720 08/21/86 75.20- PITNEY BOWES CORRECTION 10- 4200 - 510 -51 ; - 251720 -- -- 08 /21/86 - - - - - -- `— -`- 75:00 -- '- PITNEY _BOWES - " _._ ___. -._- CONT SERY - - -- - - -10 =4200- 510 =51 -- - - - - , 75.00 • - 251721 08/21/86 - - -- 5.00----- _- - -NATL RIFEL- ASSN -- DUES - -- 5.00 . - - 251722 - - - - -- 48/27/86 ---- - - - - -- 224.00- - - - " -- HUDAK PRINTING - - ---_- —_- HENS - CLUB_ -- - -- 27- 2237 - 000 - 0017344 -_._- ._._. __.__.__.• -_. __ 251722 09/03/86 617.00 HUDAK PRINTING MENS CLUB 27- 2237 - 000 -00 1731H 2j1722 09/03/86 578.00 HUDAK PRINTING MENS CLUB 27 -2237- 000 -00 1733H 251722 _ - 08/21/86 - - - -2 -9582;58 -- HUDAK- PRINTING -- PRINTING- -27- 4600 - 660= 66 -1759H -- - I, 251722 08/28/86 387.00, HUDAK PRINTING PRINTING 27- 4600 - 660 -66 1738 I" - 251122_ _ 08/28/86 �— _ 360.00 HUDAK PRINTING PRINTING 27 -4600- 660 -66 0 4748:58- — = -- _ - - - - -- -- - -- - -. la, 251723 08/21/86 7.07 BANS REGISTER SERY OFFICE SUPP 27- 4516 - 660 -66 I;;J '�asl 251724_ 08/26/86 37.33 B -R WHOLESALE CONCESSIONS 26 -4624- 684 -68 `• 251 72 4 - - - - -b 8/21/86 —` --- 50.14 -B =R` WHOLESALE- ``— " - -`--- `_CONCESSIONS` - -- —76 =4624= 684= 68--- - -` - -- -- s -I 87.47 • ar — 251 T25 _- 08/21/86 -- -- --32.00 - -- ADAMS- PEST CONTROL------ SERVICES-- _- .___. -- - -26 -4224--689- 68-- - -- - -" - -- -- - e 32.00 • 52 -- 251726 — 08721786 "79:1�JOHN` BEAN`--- `"" - -- jt= FUND- - DYERPAYNENT —40= 3525 = 000-00"- " —"" -"- - - -- - "`- ` - -"- q ='3 79.10 • . _. - 70 sa ' 71 i727 HM78 6 ClHERtE'R-BRDS- LUMBER LUMBE K 7� 400.64 * ]4 57 1 ' 1986 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION = 30.17 • -- 251714 ______­_ _ C8/29/86 - -` -`" -` 420.53 - -- -- FEED RITE CONTROL- __ -. - - -- CHEMICALS — 5 251714 08/26/86 282.53 FEED RITE CONTROL CHEMICALS 251T14 08/27/86 369.72 FEED RITE CONTROL CHEMICALS - - 25 1 7 1 4--- D8/27/8C_- 692:73— FEED RITE - CONTROL— CHEMICALS — u 251714 08/27/86 1,177.31 FEED RITE CONTROL WATER SUPPLIES 251714 08/27/86 1075.65 FEED RITE CONTROL WATER SPLY 251715 08/21/86 125.00 QUALITY REFREIG INC CONT SERY 251716 08/21/86 250.00 COUNTRY CABINETS INC CONSTRUCTION 250:00 :_ ---- -- - -- - - -- -- - -- - - - - -.. ____.. - - - - -- --- ....-- ---- - - - - -- 251717 08/21/86 395.00 CURBSTONE INC CONSTRUCTION - - — 395:0 0 -• - - - - -- -- -- - - - -- - -- -- - - -- — 251.718 08/21/86 187.50 IMPRINTERS PRINTING 09 -08 -86 PAGE 18 ACCOUNT NO. INY. N P.O. 0 MESSAGE I I. - l 26- 4564=689 -68- 65742 -- ' "- -__- ._.. -_ _ -__. I � 26- 4564 - 689-68 26- 4564 - 689 -68 65493 26 =4564= 689 =68- 65518- 40- 4622 - 805 -80 40- 4622 - 805 -80 64886 27- 4200 - 661 -66 11 11 1.j 27 -1300- 000 -00 5784 'I i 27 -1300- 000 -00 8621 - -_ - - -__ - —t 40- 4600- 800 -80 86116 t••—CKS - -- I,. I' 251720 08/21/86 75.20 PITNEY BOWES CONT SERY 10- 4200 - 510 -51 127 251720 08/21/86 75.20- PITNEY BOWES CORRECTION 10- 4200 - 510 -51 ; - 251720 -- -- 08 /21/86 - - - - - -- `— -`- 75:00 -- '- PITNEY _BOWES - " _._ ___. -._- CONT SERY - - -- - - -10 =4200- 510 =51 -- - - - - , 75.00 • - 251721 08/21/86 - - -- 5.00----- _- - -NATL RIFEL- ASSN -- DUES - -- 5.00 . - - 251722 - - - - -- 48/27/86 ---- - - - - -- 224.00- - - - " -- HUDAK PRINTING - - ---_- —_- HENS - CLUB_ -- - -- 27- 2237 - 000 - 0017344 -_._- ._._. __.__.__.• -_. __ 251722 09/03/86 617.00 HUDAK PRINTING MENS CLUB 27- 2237 - 000 -00 1731H 2j1722 09/03/86 578.00 HUDAK PRINTING MENS CLUB 27 -2237- 000 -00 1733H 251722 _ - 08/21/86 - - - -2 -9582;58 -- HUDAK- PRINTING -- PRINTING- -27- 4600 - 660= 66 -1759H -- - I, 251722 08/28/86 387.00, HUDAK PRINTING PRINTING 27- 4600 - 660 -66 1738 I" - 251122_ _ 08/28/86 �— _ 360.00 HUDAK PRINTING PRINTING 27 -4600- 660 -66 0 4748:58- — = -- _ - - - - -- -- - -- - -. la, 251723 08/21/86 7.07 BANS REGISTER SERY OFFICE SUPP 27- 4516 - 660 -66 I;;J '�asl 251724_ 08/26/86 37.33 B -R WHOLESALE CONCESSIONS 26 -4624- 684 -68 `• 251 72 4 - - - - -b 8/21/86 —` --- 50.14 -B =R` WHOLESALE- ``— " - -`--- `_CONCESSIONS` - -- —76 =4624= 684= 68--- - -` - -- -- s -I 87.47 • ar — 251 T25 _- 08/21/86 -- -- --32.00 - -- ADAMS- PEST CONTROL------ SERVICES-- _- .___. -- - -26 -4224--689- 68-- - -- - -" - -- -- - e 32.00 • 52 -- 251726 — 08721786 "79:1�JOHN` BEAN`--- `"" - -- jt= FUND- - DYERPAYNENT —40= 3525 = 000-00"- " —"" -"- - - -- - "`- ` - -"- q ='3 79.10 • . _. - 70 sa ' 71 i727 HM78 6 ClHERtE'R-BRDS- LUMBER LUMBE K 7� 400.64 * ]4 57 1 ' 1986. Cl OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE I, _ 251730 08/21/86 3 251728 08/21/86 l� 251729 08/21/86 to CHECK R, , ,TER 0 08/21/86 I�..251730 _ 251730 08/21/86 VENDOR I 251730 08/21/86 ACCOUNT NO. INV- X 251730 08/21/86 - 251730 08/21/86 1,9� 251731 -" "-08121/86- - -- 251732 -- 08/21/86_. 733 08721786 E T LJ3I JT ��•Lj•�� • TY EODIE ART NORIT -SOLb 3= 3623 _u00 =00 19.60 I'I 2J1735 08 21 86 19.60 STEPHANIE DODGE ART YORK SOLO 23- 3625 - 000 -00 19.60 * - 251736 -- - -- 08/21/86 -- 25:00--- -PEs6Y NHITE INST -FE 5--41 OT-_6_f4 -_W3 25.00 • 251737 09/03/86 17.25 AMERICAN BAKERIES - CONCESSIONS 26= 4624 = 684 -68 251737 08/21/86 5.75 AMERICAN BAKERIES CONCESSIONS 26- 4624 - 684 -68 J- 23.00 * 251738 08/21/86 28.56 HENNEPIN COUNTY DEPT POSTAGE 10- 4290 - 140 -14 251.738 08/21/86 109.90 HENNEPIN COUNTY DEPT POSTAGE 10- 4290 - 510 -51 <C 251741 08/26/86 175.00 RICHARD VERNON OVERPAY INS 10- 4156 - 510 -51 �' Ia5 175.00 * - 251742 08/26/86 175.00 GREG SMEGAL OVERPAY INS 10 -4156- 510 -51 °! 175.00 * I'.^ 251743 08/26/86 175.00 JAMES SINGLETON OVERPAY INS 10- 4156-510 -51 -_ 175.00.* 251744 08/26/86 175.00 PATRICH RUNNING . OVERPAY INS 10- 4156 - 510 -51 70 �. 175.00 • 251745 08/26/86 175.00 RICHARD MYRE OVERPAY INS 10 -4156- 510 -51 I CHECK R, , ,TER 0 09 -08 -86 uE 19 AMOUNT V VENDOR I ITEM DESCRIPTION A ACCOUNT NO. INV- X X P -0. # MESSAGE 243.30 R ROBBINSDALE FARM G GEN SUPP 1 10 -4504- 470 -47 - -- 243.30 * - - - - - - -- - - - - -- --------- - - - - - -- - - -- ; ; 220.00 S SHERRY GRAHAM O OVERPAYMENT 2 28 -3485- 000 -00 -220.-00 EDINA POLICE PETTY _ LIO INVEST 1 10- 3038 - 000 -00 _60.00 E .- 'EDINA POLICE PETTY - _ L 10- 4204= 420 -42 - - - 12.25 E EDINA POLICE PETTY M MEETING EXP 1 10- 4206- 420 -42 8.04 E EDINA POLICE PETTY E EQUIP 1 10- 4274 - 420 -42 25.84 - - -EDINA POLICE- PETTY- P PRI -SS MEALS 0 0 =028= 220 =22- - - - -- -- -.:I 116.13 - - -- 142.33 - - - - - -- HICHAEL - gllTARI ..--- A AMNUNICATIOn7 ` ` - - - -- 142.33 + � - !38:50 -- - - BARBARA- LUN06REN- - - ARTITORIC -COL = - ` ` -51 =325= 000 =0-0 - 38.50 - SHARON MCKISSON . - A ART - -- 24.50 - 24.50 - -- 0 LJ3I JT ��•Lj•�� • TY EODIE ART NORIT -SOLb 3= 3623 _u00 =00 19.60 I'I 2J1735 08 21 86 19.60 STEPHANIE DODGE ART YORK SOLO 23- 3625 - 000 -00 19.60 * - 251736 -- - -- 08/21/86 -- 25:00--- -PEs6Y NHITE INST -FE 5--41 OT-_6_f4 -_W3 25.00 • 251737 09/03/86 17.25 AMERICAN BAKERIES - CONCESSIONS 26= 4624 = 684 -68 251737 08/21/86 5.75 AMERICAN BAKERIES CONCESSIONS 26- 4624 - 684 -68 J- 23.00 * 251738 08/21/86 28.56 HENNEPIN COUNTY DEPT POSTAGE 10- 4290 - 140 -14 251.738 08/21/86 109.90 HENNEPIN COUNTY DEPT POSTAGE 10- 4290 - 510 -51 <C 251741 08/26/86 175.00 RICHARD VERNON OVERPAY INS 10- 4156 - 510 -51 �' Ia5 175.00 * - 251742 08/26/86 175.00 GREG SMEGAL OVERPAY INS 10 -4156- 510 -51 °! 175.00 * I'.^ 251743 08/26/86 175.00 JAMES SINGLETON OVERPAY INS 10- 4156-510 -51 -_ 175.00.* 251744 08/26/86 175.00 PATRICH RUNNING . OVERPAY INS 10- 4156 - 510 -51 70 �. 175.00 • 251745 08/26/86 175.00 RICHARD MYRE OVERPAY INS 10 -4156- 510 -51 I J- 23.00 * 251738 08/21/86 28.56 HENNEPIN COUNTY DEPT POSTAGE 10- 4290 - 140 -14 251.738 08/21/86 109.90 HENNEPIN COUNTY DEPT POSTAGE 10- 4290 - 510 -51 <C 251741 08/26/86 175.00 RICHARD VERNON OVERPAY INS 10- 4156 - 510 -51 �' Ia5 175.00 * - 251742 08/26/86 175.00 GREG SMEGAL OVERPAY INS 10 -4156- 510 -51 °! 175.00 * I'.^ 251743 08/26/86 175.00 JAMES SINGLETON OVERPAY INS 10- 4156-510 -51 -_ 175.00.* 251744 08/26/86 175.00 PATRICH RUNNING . OVERPAY INS 10- 4156 - 510 -51 70 �. 175.00 • 251745 08/26/86 175.00 RICHARD MYRE OVERPAY INS 10 -4156- 510 -51 I 251745 08/26/86 175.00 RICHARD MYRE OVERPAY INS 10 -4156- 510 -51 I 1986 CITY OF EDINA CHECK N-0. - - -- DATE AMOUNT - - ---- - - - -- 175.00 • -- 251746 - -" -- 08/26/86 ` - - - - -- - 175.00 - YM LUTTS - - -- 175.00 * CHECK REGISTER 09 -08 -86 PAGE 20 VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N0. INV. N P.O. N MESSAGE �� ­-- -CLASS -V- MATERIALS 08/26/86 336.70 KRAEMER 9 SONS INC CLASS V MATERIALS 251747 -- 08/26/86 - 175:00 -- +, PHY EXAM 10 -4246- 301 -30 175.00 • ,I PHY EXAM . - - - -- - -- - - - - -- - - PARK - NI COLLET NED - - -- PHY `EKAM 251749- 08/26/86 175.00 251160 - - -- 09/03/86- -- 1.620.61 175.00 • :-'251749-- 08/26/86 175:00-- - -- - - - - -, , HENNEPIN COUNTY 175.00 • 10- 4286- 220 -22 14477 251750 - -- 08/26/86 -- - 175:00 175.00 • OVERPAY- -INS----- - - -10� 1366 C_ OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE - ,I2 AMOUNT CHECK h .TER -- VENDOR - - - -ITEM DESCRIPTION j 1 251762 08/26/86 399.00 SAYLORS SOFTWARE 1ST OFFICE EQUIP ° 251766 0 08/26/86 1 399.00 * - -- -- - - - -.- . -...- -- -- - - - - -- - -- �; 251763 06/26/86 33.65 FME CORP POSTAGE 33.65 * -- - - - - --- - -- -. i9 9 251764 08126/86 219696.00 BOWLER COMPANY CONSTRUCTION - - - - -- - - -- 251T65 08/26/86 18.95 FERNO TAPE j 1 18.45 • •----------------- 251766 0 08/26/86 1 12.00 D DRIVER 6 VEHICLE 12.00 - - - -- - - --__. LICENSE PLATES AMBULANCE REFUND - - -- CONSTRUCTION CONT SERV AMBULANCE REFUND AMBULANCE REFUND 09 -08 -86 .GE 21 ACCOUNT N0. INV. 0 P.D. • MESSAGE 25- 4906 - 440 -44 - -- - - - -- - - -_.... - - -- a4 10 -4290- 510 -51 I 27- 1300 - 000 -00 ; --- - - - - -- - I's� 10- 4608 - 440 -44 10- 4504- 440 -44 ° 10- 3180 - 000 -00 - -- I;; la: I 27 -1300- 000 -00 26 -4200- 689 -68 10- 3180 - 000 -00 „ 10- 3180- 000 -00 j. SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 624 -62 - - - - - - -- �-� 251774 08/27/86 262.50 RTW INC CONT SERV 251774 08/26/86 180.74 RTW.INC- CONT SERV {,D - - - -- -- --------- - - - - -- 443.24 • -- - --- -- - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - -- II 251775 08/26/86 218.00 JOHN SCHIRNANG CONFERENCE A5 251776 08/26/86 64.63 TARGET GEN SUPPLIES 64:63 . - -- _- -- -- x -I 251777 08/26/86 75.00 IAAO DUES - ..- -- .-- --------- - - - - -- -- 75.00 • 251778 08/26/86 225.00 HENN CTY TREAS RUBBISH REMOVAL a - - - -- - - - -- 225.0 0 • - - -- _ -- -- - s - -- _ - -. 5a 251779 08/26/86 240_.00 PETERS BILLIARD HENS CLUB 5• 40.0 -� - _ -. ]5a 13'- 251780 08127186 120.00 STEAMATIC OF MN INC GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4200 - 500 -50 I= 10- 4200 - 510 -51 - - -- - -- - -- - - Iz 54 10- 4202 - 490 -49 I;6 • 27-4504-661-66 10- 4204 - 200 -20 10 -4250- 353 -30 27- 2237- 000 -00 013757 23- 4504- 611 -61 107696 IE J �u . SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 624 -62 - - - - - - -- �-� 251774 08/27/86 262.50 RTW INC CONT SERV 251774 08/26/86 180.74 RTW.INC- CONT SERV {,D - - - -- -- --------- - - - - -- 443.24 • -- - --- -- - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - -- II 251775 08/26/86 218.00 JOHN SCHIRNANG CONFERENCE A5 251776 08/26/86 64.63 TARGET GEN SUPPLIES 64:63 . - -- _- -- -- x -I 251777 08/26/86 75.00 IAAO DUES - ..- -- .-- --------- - - - - -- -- 75.00 • 251778 08/26/86 225.00 HENN CTY TREAS RUBBISH REMOVAL a - - - -- - - - -- 225.0 0 • - - -- _ -- -- - s - -- _ - -. 5a 251779 08/26/86 240_.00 PETERS BILLIARD HENS CLUB 5• 40.0 -� - _ -. ]5a 13'- 251780 08127186 120.00 STEAMATIC OF MN INC GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4200 - 500 -50 I= 10- 4200 - 510 -51 - - -- - -- - -- - - Iz 54 10- 4202 - 490 -49 I;6 • 27-4504-661-66 10- 4204 - 200 -20 10 -4250- 353 -30 27- 2237- 000 -00 013757 23- 4504- 611 -61 107696 IE J �u . 10- 4200 - 500 -50 I= 10- 4200 - 510 -51 - - -- - -- - -- - - Iz 54 10- 4202 - 490 -49 I;6 • 27-4504-661-66 10- 4204 - 200 -20 10 -4250- 353 -30 27- 2237- 000 -00 013757 23- 4504- 611 -61 107696 IE J �u . xyoa czrx or coxmx cwccm ncGonxcn 09-08-86 Pwmc cn cmccn mm. oxrs xnmmmr wcmoma svcm ocm�nxpvumm mc�owmv mm° u�v° w p°m° m McmmmGc � -__ --__ -__--- ( unn°oo |` | oovzy/ae -------- - u+u.nn 4nr'uUPpLn�-'---�� -INVENTOR Y---------23;-1209-;O 00-00----- -'-- --- -- �� o�o.n� ^ ` "x271 -.YS-------cmYavupLEm-PLxan%c------ecm-umPpL-WE- ����� �| | +n�.ns ° -- ` � u51r83. ooxuvvaa *ue.so-'- --p*xms0 CmwxmmL -----'--cmmx ocmw ---'---------10~4200-44Ow-44'2343O ' 1 251783 nmxovxoe 188.50 pxnmxm ummxRmL umv mxm mpLY 10~4510-**0~44 23*30 snx°oo - 251784 na/oxvaa 172.24 Guxcc LmmomxmT xmBwLAmcc ncFmmm 10~3180-000-00 1ro.�4 .,! ---'------ -------------- -------�- ---' —'---'------- -'' '--------------- ----'�----------------- - �� / usuvos oa�cv�uo xnn.*o *xCw Cmnpxwv ncPxom pxmxo 40-*540-e05-80 r' ' ~ u�� *u � � .' ,23 251787 08/27/86 376.00 DIESEL COMPONENTS REPAIR PARATS 10-4540-560-56 25134 ' ` 251 F88 ooxavvo* 5e.00 mcnG BAG acm mmpp 10-450*-301-30 ! ' 52.00 -�-_'___-� ' | oxxxoy ou/zv/oa 113.00 Comocmmcm msmxoCc cmmr mcpmumm 10-42+8-5fi#-56 o�xxnu oaxuvxae ums.am numx�m m�m nwp��zsm uw~�mm*~a�a-a* ' ' 3^ ' oms.65 �u oszvnz na vxoa 15.re nxLwxuwcs cLcCxmuo ncpuxm pwmnxm 10-4540-560-56 , .15.75 _°_______ 2517*2 08/29v86 151.86 pzpc FuoRucAxummo pxnxo 27-*620-661-6e 8168 |� 2517e2 noxoxvee 17.50 pxpE FwBnxcwvuwmm Cmmx mcpmsmo *0~4248-802-80 x+mv . . 60-1300-264-04 12464 s nmvxL vmwL ' -_--__-_--_---- ---_--__'----_''- -_ -'- mcpxom pumxm 1=| onznn^ oo��x/oa 17.50 wurm mmumo cmxnmmum ------------- -_-_ ---' v��so-�---------'-----'--- ---' .i ' znznno uu/ovxoa znu.a* �owoxmmcx rxsnsmxmm -- - ------ ----------'*----- 191.64 — - ' 251796 08/27/86 158.61 WEST 251197 08/27/86 2118.02 CUMMINS DIESEL SALES lva 251'198 08/27/86 181 *63 X CULVERT OPERATIONS CONSF 60-1300-264-04 12464 cmmv ocpwxnn ��~�c*o-o6Q-o6 | ' -_--__-_--_---- ---_--__'----_''- -_ -'- mcpxom pumxm uo-wm*m-mam-5a 7806 r ' wcLmsmm mwpP�n uo�*�um-mam~m6 6160n ' -_-_ REPAIR PARATS 10-4540-560-56 pxpc 10~4550~345~30 1986 C.6 JF EDINA CHECK R. fER 09-08-86 dE 23 CHECKNO. - DATE ---- - -.-- TER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NOo INV. 8 P.O. 8 MESSAGE 2 181.63 251799 08/26/66 29AO -------GEN SUPPLIES 251799 08/27/86 47.04 GARDNER HOW GEN SUPP 40-4504-803-80 76.84 • 231800 08/21/86 60.59 AUTO COMP CONT REPAIRS 10-4248-560-56 60.59 251801 08/27/86 96.72 CDP GEN SUPP 13-4504-540-54 644347 96.72 • 251802 08/27/86 62.00 ROAD RESCUE EQUIP MIANT 10-4510-440-44 13718 62.00 ... ... 41. 251803 08/21/86 240.00 CUSTOM FIRE EQUIP MIANT 13-4274-449-414 001324 240.00 251804 08/27/86 65.00 RONALD SAMUELSON REGISTRATION 20-4202-440-44 65.00 251805 08/27/86 86.20 FAIRVIEW HOSPITAL 1ST AID SPLY 10-4510-440-44 86.20 06 08/27/86 477.18 IRON.MT FDAGE PARK EQUIP 10-4932-742-74 477.18 251807 08/27/86 50.00 50.00 MOIA POLICE TRAINING 10-4202-420-42 251808 08/27/66 137.00 MPH INDUSTRIES EQUIP MAINT 10-4274-420-42 17525 251808 08/27/86 137.00 MPH INDUSTRIES EQUIP MAINT 10-4274-420-42 17526 4 27 4 .-c 251809 08/28/86 226.67 ASAP PERMITS .28-4310-708-70 47 .18 251810 08/28/86 176.00 MURRAY SANOLER PAINT 28-4544-707-70 783 �° 176.Dd= MURRAY SAMOLER'--'--------CDRRECTION----28-4541#-707-;.70 783 251810 08/28/86 MURRAY SANDLER PAINT 28-4544 - 708 -70 783 176.00 4� 251811 08/28/86 110.00 GLASS SERVICE CO LUMBER 27-4604-662-66 65396 110.00 ► 251312 08/28/86 93.66 COLLIS BAXTER MLILEAGE 27-4208-660-66 Ic 93.66 & 251813 09/03/86 106.54 "A"PLUS PRESORT POSTAGE 10-4290-510-51 251613 08/28/86 49.00 PLUS PRESORT POSTAGE 10-4290-510-51 Iq 52 .3 '54 251814 08/28/86 34.98 MOLLIE PAULSON CONT SERVICES 23-4200-600-60 70 71 72 251815 08/28/86 488.95 GOPHER SHOOTERS TARGETS 29-4648-720-72 086031 74 yr 1986 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 09 -08 -86 PAGE 24 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENOCR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. I P.O. N MESSAGE ,� 251819 08/28/86 558.50 -- MPLS 8 -SUBURBAN SEWER & WATEMONT REPAIRS- —40- 4248 - 803 -80 10468 "--- - -" ` " -" 251819 08/28/86 720.00 MPLS 8 ,SUBURBAN SEWER & WATMONT REPAIRS 40- 4248 - 803 -80 10469 I'1I R E P A I R -P ARTS.- 488.95 REPAIR PARTS 40 -4540- 802 -80 REPAIR PARATS 251816 - - -- '-08/28/86----' - - - - - -- 98.70 - - "- GENERAL-ELECTRIC — 10-w 4540 30 =30- 309640 - - - -- -- - - -` -- - - - - -- -36.13 98.70 _TELEPHONE 251821 Ir 251817 Z`8/28/86 -- 52:78----- ACE - SUPPLY- CO -- -- 3 251817 08/28/86 30.10 ACE SUPPLY CO 9 251817 08/28/86 21.16 ACE SUPPLY CO Ir, 251817 -- ..- C8/28186 - - -- - - - - -- 6.64- - - - - ACE 'SUPPLY- CO - - - 251821 08/29/86 5.24 97.40 • � 251 818 - "- -- OB/28/86- -22:42 - — "— YESCD 251822 08/29/86 I J� PRO INSTANT PRINT 22.42 • ,� 251819 08/28/86 558.50 -- MPLS 8 -SUBURBAN SEWER & WATEMONT REPAIRS- —40- 4248 - 803 -80 10468 "--- - -" ` " -" 251819 08/28/86 720.00 MPLS 8 ,SUBURBAN SEWER & WATMONT REPAIRS 40- 4248 - 803 -80 10469 I'1I R E P A I R -P ARTS.- IIn 40-4540= 802= 80" - - - -- -- - - - - -1 REPAIR PARTS 40 -4540- 802 -80 REPAIR PARATS 40 -4540- 802 -80 -- CREDIT- .---- - - - - -- -40-4540=802-80` - - - - - - - - - - -- REPAIR - PARATS— 10-w 4540 30 =30- 309640 - - - -- -- - - -` -- ,� 251819 08/28/86 558.50 -- MPLS 8 -SUBURBAN SEWER & WATEMONT REPAIRS- —40- 4248 - 803 -80 10468 "--- - -" ` " -" 251819 08/28/86 720.00 MPLS 8 ,SUBURBAN SEWER & WATMONT REPAIRS 40- 4248 - 803 -80 10469 I'1I 251829 09/02/86 251830 09/02/86 251830 09/02/86 350.00 CITY OF BLOOMINGTON 350.00 • 362.50 P M PRINTING 362.50 P M PRINTING rcj.uu 251831 09/02186 84.00. "` TWIN CITY TREE TRUST 1,278.50 • - -.� rrrfrf —10- 4256- 510- 51- - -- " -- -- - - - -'- -- i, TELEPHONE I, ------ - - - - -- -36.13 _TELEPHONE 251821 C8/29/86- TELEPHONE -AT -' 6 "T -- I�� 251821 08/29/86 1.06 AT 6 T 10- 4600 - 180 -18 251821 08129/86 .98 AT R T ,- 251821 08/29/86 19:98 - AT - -6 T Ir, 251821 08/29/86 1.80 AT 8 T 10- 3500 - 000 -00 251821 08/29/86 5.24 AT 6 T � �S •••-CKS - 65:19 ; __. -- - -- -- --- - - -- -- - - -- 251822 08/29/86 498.30 PRO INSTANT PRINT 10- 4502 - 490 -49 — 498:30 �_ - -- -- - - - - -- - 251823 08/29/86 320.00 CITY OF ST PAUL - -- -- - -- - 320:0 0- -- - - - -- 251824 08/29/86 856.80 KOHLER -- -- - - -- 856:80 -t- - -- - 251825 08/29/86 39000.00 POSTMASTER .� _--------- - - - - -- - 3:000.-00 • ----- __- - -._.— ,. 251826 -- 08/29/86 12.00 JANET DUNN I: IL 2: 0 0 — -- L:- 251827 08/29/86 60.00 MARGARET LANCELLO — 60:00 -+ - —_ -- - - -- 251829 09/02/86 251830 09/02/86 251830 09/02/86 350.00 CITY OF BLOOMINGTON 350.00 • 362.50 P M PRINTING 362.50 P M PRINTING rcj.uu 251831 09/02186 84.00. "` TWIN CITY TREE TRUST ARENSON PARK 10 -1444- 000 -00 * +• -CKS -- TELEPHONE_ - - - - -- —10- 4256- 510- 51- - -- " -- -- - - - -'- -- i, TELEPHONE 23- 4256 - 611 -61 TELEPHONE 26- 4256- 689 -68 _TELEPHONE 27= 4256 = 661 -66- -- -- TELEPHONE 28- 4256- 708 -70 �I TELEPHONE 50 -4256- 821 -82 PRINTING 10- 4600 - 180 -18 Il . POLICE TRAINING 10- 4202 - 420 -42 CONCESSIONS 26- 4624 - 684 -68 POSTAGE UTILITY 10- 4290 - 510 -51 REFUND TEEN TRIP 10- 3500 - 000 -00 SS FLAGS 10 -4504- 390 -30 �S •••-CKS POLICE TRAINING 10 -4202- 420 -42 PRINTING 10- 4202 - 490 -49 ' PRINTING 10- 4502 - 490 -49 ARENSON PARK 10 -1444- 000 -00 1986 C. 1F EDINA CHECK R TER 09 -08 -86 ;E 25 251839 251840 251841 251841 -1 251842 1843 09/03/86 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT 19437.00 • VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. 11 P.O. Y MESSAGE f 189.00 • 09/03/86 19220.0 POUCHER PRINTING 09/03/86 POUCHER PRINTING _550.0_0_ 19170.00 • _- 84.00 I" 251832 - D9/02/86 - -- - 271.81 -- EDINA PET HOSPITAL - KENNEL SERV - 10 =4278- 470 -47- - I7 271.81 • I, of 7 25 33 - 0l/027 6 250:00 RAYMOND- PH11LIP ItEE- ItENOVA 6= 4204 = X53=30 - - I^ 250.00 • 251834 09/02/86 322.61 _ MTS NY •SDUND - • ------- --- -- � • ACCESSOfiIE$ - - 27 -A620- 661 =66 - -- -- -- -- - • 322.61 • " 251835 - - 09/02/86 49-125:00 - MIDWEST AQUA- CARE- -- RES- INDIANNEAD -LK 10- 2242 - 000=00 - - - - -_ -- 17 I 251835 09/02/86 49544.00 MIDWEST AQUA CARE CDNT SERV 10- 4200 - 358 -30 ° ,I 89669.00 l 251836 09/02/86 36.45 SOUTHERN VACUUM SERVICES 50 -4236- 861 -86 21 - - -- - -- `36.45 • I„ 251837 09/02/86 360.00 ICMA CONFERENCE 10- 4202 - 140 -14 251838 09/02/86 99066.32 EAGER BEAVER TREE TREE REMOVAL 10 -4200- 353 -30 'z4 99066.32 • 251839 251840 251841 251841 -1 251842 1843 09/03/86 19437.00 PINK COMPANY 19437.00 • 09/03/86 189.00 F B E SALES 3 SERV 189.00 • 09/03/86 19220.0 POUCHER PRINTING 09/03/86 POUCHER PRINTING _550.0_0_ 19170.00 • _- 09/03/86 39337.37 - - - -- X337-.31 H 0 M E INC 09/03/86 28.00 GREG SMEGAL - - --- 28.00 - - -- - ,71 251844 09/03/86 " 251845 j�251846 s 251847 93.40 TIRE TOWN 93.4 • 09/03/86 19.53 JULIA KOPP _- 19.5 -3 • ---- - - - - -- -.-..- 09/03/86 650.00 A ABCD SANDBLASTING - - -- -- 09/03/86 29820.00 - - - -- - 29826.00 9r.f DAD fl0 /fli /DL 19028.39 19028.39 • ESS BROS 8 SONS POWER SYSTEM CAPITAL OUTLAY SERV CDNT DUE HRA UMAPP.SURPLUS REIMBURSEMENT 10- 4900 - 600 -60 10- 4288 - 510 -51 10- 1145- 000 -00 "I 66 -2490- 000 -00 I;,I 10- 1132 - 000 -00 SUPPLIES 10- 4650 - 440 -44 CDNT REPAIRS 28 -4248- 707 -70 17778 MILEAGE 26- 4208- 600 -60 CDNT- REPAIRS 10- 4248-646 -64 - REPAIR - PARTS 40 -4540- 803 -80 A1672- s .J REPAIR PARTAS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 008494 251849 09/03186 31.00 HENN.CTY PUBLIC CDNT SERV 10 -4200- 500 -50 47� . 40 49 7^ 71 ' 74 1 .7 73 eo ex � • c� 70 , 7' 12 ]4 77 l 4 zpma czry OF cnowA cwccw mo. nxrc xnwwmr wcmmmx _- -_-- _ - --- P1 31.00 ° Cwccw ncmxnrcn ^ 2 251850 n nevoovua z z°uoz.rs-----'' E Enxc AmocmSmm --�- |� o o o osvno/aa 6 65.10 c cwzC umusnmwm |, x x*nom.u5 ° xn°^nn.ou ° o�xmoa un�oo^o 8V­.00--------ro uANooiLO. �1 +mo.uo ° uxcM ocaCaxpnuom ucmxXncu vmcc msmmuAL vxcc mcwmwmL rmcc asmwwmL '-xmcc - --mcnmnmL --'-------- Lmummmn -Lxmmmmn-------- commrmwcTzOm--- 09-08-86 PAGE oa xccoumn mm° uwm° m p.w. u mcsomGc 10-4262-301-30 111012 cmmanmucTxm o0:�6oZO 'l /l �^1 251857 nn/ou/oa so.no-'------wxnmxmG usvcmuF Mm----- CONSTRUCTION -----------�;n-xonn-;-ua9,;-o4---- '----- -----'--' .� '^ 251857 on/oo«na 19562.*0 uxmmums Lxrcm OF nm cmmmrnwovowm 60-1300-269-04 �,�os.�o i ° ^ / . 2518 58 09/03/86 183.04 CITY OF RICHFIELD TELEPHONE 3LB-4252-345-30 251859 09/03/86 22.18 JAMES WELNA CONSTRUCTION 60-1300-262-04 22.1��������` zsummo on/oo/aa 230.00 cnpLmvcEu oLum owppLuco 10~+504-506~50 23p.0u 41 �� - --- '-------�----------'- --'-'-- �---'--------'- -- -- F3 |^| 251861 oo/uoxos z*oay.on 'Aupm nncc scnwsCc cmmTmxCn mcpAxmm uu~4mom-3s- �--�o �l ii 19327.00 144 251862 09/03/86 152.60 LARYIRS POLE SERV 251863 09/03/86 330.00 GEORSE R BLAKE / 251e64 09x03/86 *67.50 nmn 4 xmocmawm 46.7.50 w 113 251365 09/03/86 101.49 VECTOR ONE cwmv mcpuxmm cmmmvmuCrxwm - - cmmoxuwcTomm ',ocRwoCcs - — —- 10~42*8-520-52 29*6 ! 10~1*56-000-00 � -----`- -- - ---` -' ' ` 10~1456~000-00 10-4226-420-*2 �1 10-4504-420-42 31122 ii 19327.00 144 251862 09/03/86 152.60 LARYIRS POLE SERV 251863 09/03/86 330.00 GEORSE R BLAKE / 251e64 09x03/86 *67.50 nmn 4 xmocmawm 46.7.50 w 113 251365 09/03/86 101.49 VECTOR ONE cwmv mcpuxmm cmmmvmuCrxwm - - cmmoxuwcTomm ',ocRwoCcs - — —- 10~42*8-520-52 29*6 ! 10~1*56-000-00 � -----`- -- - ---` -' ' ` 10~1456~000-00 10-4226-420-*2 �1 10-4504-420-42 31122 cwmv mcpuxmm cmmmvmuCrxwm - - cmmoxuwcTomm ',ocRwoCcs - — —- 10~42*8-520-52 29*6 ! 10~1*56-000-00 � -----`- -- - ---` -' ' ` 10~1456~000-00 10-4226-420-*2 �1 10-4504-420-42 31122 .. ' .= . 1386 C. Jr cozmx omccm o vcm 09-08-86 as ox ' | ~ cnccn mm. oxrc xmOwmv wcmomu sTcn ocaCmxpTawm wccmumv mw° uwn° m P.O. w MESSAGE FUND 10 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 172,618.34 tf2f825-e4 __2 9.305.61 FUND 23 TOTAL ART CENTER 399-.00-- FUND-25 -TOTAL—CAPITAL—FUND 69279.30 FUND 26 TOTAL SWIMMING POOL FUND 479686.19 FUND 27 TOTAL GOLF COURSE FUND ` l 19829~= '"N" 2" .v.°L u°" "°"°" "vNv zen.uo pumn on rmrx� cmxmumnmuow ----- - - �xmm �a�zn.�m-�--rumo �o nov�[-uxuLxvn-rumo-- o �amn ov - }| ruwo eo TOTAL LIQJOR DISPENSARY FUND, 139670.88 FUND 60 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION FUND --FUND 66-tOTAL ---IMP BONO_ -REDEMPTION —92 464.067.65 TOTAL Computer checks Ps ' . � .^ - � ^ ] / - --_- °| /1 J= �] E Ar~­uv::^ C/Lrx/mEmT. =�` - - / ---^ '--- - ------- ----- ' ---------' ----------- r�ire�-�- �d 153 5�v _ � � v � I