HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-01-07_COUNCIL MEETINGAGENDA EDINA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY JANUARY 7, 1985 7:00 P.M. HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ROLLCALL MINUTES of December 3, 1984, approved as submitted or corrected by motion of , seconded by EDINA CITY COUNCIL OATHS OF OFFICE - C. Wayne Courtney, Peggy Kelly, Leslie C. Turner APPOINTMENT OF MAYOR PRO TEM MINUTES of the Regular Council Meetings of October 1 and November 19, 1984, approved as submitted or corrected by motion of , seconded by I. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND REPORTS ON PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS. Affidavits of Notice by Clerk.` Presentation by City Manager or Engineer. Public comment heard. If Council wishes to proceed, action by Resolution. 3/5 favorable rollcall vote to pass if improve- ment has been petitioned for; 4/5 vote required if no petition; * A. Preliminary Plan Approval and Variance Request - France Avenue Improvement II. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND REPORTS ON PLANNING MATTERS. Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by Planning Department. Public comment heard. First reading of Zoning Ordinance requires offering of Ordinance only. 4/5 favorable rollcall vote to pass-Second Reading or if Second Reading should be waived. Lot Divisions, Plats, Appeals from Administration or Board of Appeals and Adjustments decisions require action by Resolution. 3/5 favorable rollcall vote to pass. A. Zoning Change 1. Second Reading a. R -1 Single Dwelling Unit District to MD -5 Mixed Development District, Edinborough - Generally located west of York Avenue and south of West 76th Street (Contd from 12/17/84) (Continue to 1/21/85) B. Lot Division * 1. Lots 28 and 29, Warden Acres - Generally located north of Benton Avenue and went of MN &S .Railroad C. Set Hearing Dates (1/21/85) 1. R- 1.Single Dwelling Unit District to POD -2 Planned Office District and Preliminary Plat Approval - Opus Corporation /Normandale Golf Inc. - Camelot West 2. Final Development Plan - Edina Family Care Clinic_- Generally located East of Vernon Avenue and north of Link Road III. SPECIAL CONCERNS OF RESIDENTS IV. AWARD OF BIDS * A. Reconstruction of 1974 Ford Pirsch L9000 Pumper (Contd from 12/17/84) * B. 1985 -86 Park and Recreation Activities Calendar V. RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS * A. Braemar Golf Course Improvements B. Appointment of H.R.A. Commissioners `(3) * C. 1985 LMC Policies and Priorities * D. Upcoming Council Meetings and Hearings E. Special Concerns of Mayor and Council F. Post Agenda and Manager's Miscellaneous Items VI. RESOLUTIONS * A. Tax - forfeited Land - Hennepin County List #670 -NC * B. Official Depositories Designation C. Signatory Resolution X D. Facsimile Signatures Resolution * E. Assignment of Securities in Lieu of Bond Resolution 1. First Bank Edina 2. First Southdale National Bank * F. Release of Tax - forfeited Lands - Van Valkenburg Park Agenda Edina City Council January 7, 1985 VIII. ORDINANCES A. Second Reading * 1. Ordinance No. 812 -A2 - Regulating Construction and Maintenance of Radio and Television Antennas, Exterior,Dish Antennas, and Supporting Towers IX. FINANCE A. 1985 Budget Distribution B. Claims Paid. Motion of seconded by , for payment of the following claims as per Pre -List dated 1/7/85: General Fund $41,426.82 Park Fund $6,600.77, Art Center $16.50, Golf Course Fund $169.81, Recreation Center Fund $331.51, Waterwork Fund $297.00, Sewer Rental Fund $159,750.99, Liquor Dispensary Fund $9,917.36, Total $218,510.76 0 MINUTES EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY DECEMBER 3, 1984 Answering rollcall were Members Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner and Mayor Courtney. MINUTES of November 5, 1984, were approved as submitted by motion of Member Schmidt, seconded by Member Turner. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by motion of Member Schmidt, seconded by Member Turner, Motion carried. ,-,. ^ I'll G<-don L. Hugh Executive Direc or MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL OCTOBER 1, 1984 Answering rollcall were Members Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner and Mayor Courtney. EDINA'S.YEAR OF THE SCHOOL PROCLAIMED BY MAYOR. Mayor Courtney presented the following proclamation which was unanimously approved: PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, Edina Public Schools' lifelong education responsibility will become increasingly important as our society moves into an information age and desires job retraining and early childhood and family education; and WHEREAS, the public schools of Edina have long been seen as community resources, centers for intellectual, physical, social and emotional fulfillment of community residents; and WHEREAS, public schools in Edina are committed to providing outstanding educational opportunity for all learners, regardless of sex, race, religion, or economic status; and WHEREAS, Edina Public Schools are responsive to recent calls for self - examination and evaluation and are making changes for improvement; and WHEREAS, the Edina Public Schools have encouraged and fostered public involvement and direction through many vehicles; and WHEREAS, personnel staffing Edina Public Schools have shown,.over the years, con- sistent and unwavering devotion to meeting the varying needs of individual learners; and WHEREAS, the Edina Public Schools contribute significantly to the quality of life in our City; and WHEREAS, the Edina Public Schools have been recognized nationally as outstanding; NOW, THEREFORE, I, C. WAYNE COURTNEY, Mayor of the City of Edina, do hereby proclaim 1984 -85 to be EDINA'S YEAR OF THE SCHOOL PROCLAIMED this lst day of October, 1984. JERRY DALEN COMMENDED. Mr. Rosland asked Jerry Dalen to come forward to be introduced as Finance Director - Treasurer for the City. He advised that Mr. Dalen started with the City in the Fall of 1955 and that he is has been the key person in keeping the City in good financial status. Mr. Rosland commended him for his duty and dedication in serving the City and presented him with a silver pen bearing the City logo. The Council Members joined in expressing their appreciation for his excellent work. MINUTES of the Regular Meetings of August 6 and August 20, 1984, and of the Special Meeting of August 20, 1984, were approved as submitted by motion of Member Schmidt, seconded by Member Turner. Ay2s: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARINGS CONDUCTED ON SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS (BA -259 AND TT -84). Affidavits of Notice were presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Due notice having been given, public hearings were conducted and action taken as herein- after recorded on the following proposed assessments: 1. STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA -259 Location: Vernon Avenue from Gleason Road to Lincoln Drive; Lincoln Drive from Vernon Avenue.to Londonderry Drive Engineer Hoffman recalled the the public hearing on special assessment for Street Improvement No. BA -259, Vernon Avenue from Gleason Road to Lincoln Drive; Lincoln Drive from Vernon Avenue to Londonderry Drive, had been continued by the Council at their meeting of September 17, 1984, to this date so that the developers of The Habitat who had appeared in objection to the proposed assessment could prepare and present a specific proposal as to assessment for the irregular shaped Lots 1, 5, 6 and 14 abutting Lincoln Drive. Mr. Hoffman explained that the City's policy for assessing lots that do not front on the improved street:is:to assess against 1/3 of the proposed footage. He pointed out that the Council had reduced a backyard assess- ment from 1/3 of the total footage to 1/6 of the total footage for the Dewey Hill Road project. The difference between the Dewey Hill Road project and this project is that the City would allow access to the Dewey Hill project and no access was allowed in The Habitat project due to the road configuration. Staff believes there is some added value as a result of the improved roadway but would recommend the Council review this as a slightly different situation than normal to decide if the ratio of assessable footage should be reduced. Rudy Trones, at developer of The Habitat, was present and stated their objections to the assessment as proposed for these reasons: 1) the design of The Habitat project is such that no usage of the side or back yards for acess is permissable as stated in the resolution approving the plat, and 2) the D.N.R. wetlands on Lot 5 and 6 emcompass 50% of these lots diminishing usable space and therefore the effective yard footage should be reduced accordingly. In response to Member Richards'as.to a specific proposal for the assessment, Mr. Trones 10/1/84 responded that he felt the assessment should be spread over all properties in the area whose only egress is onto Vernon Avenue /Lincoln Drive. Mr. Hoffman advised that if the proposed assessment were reduced for these lots, the City could apply for State Aid Funds for the balance of the cost not assessed. After further discussion, Member Schmidt moved the assessment for Street Improvement No. BA -259 as proposed in the Analysis of Assessment presented at the meeting of September 17, 1984. Motion was seconded by Member Turner. Member Richards argued that because the plat approval was conditioned upon no direct access from these lots to Vernon Avenue /Lincoln Drive that the proposed assessable footage for these lots be reduced from 1/3 to 1/6 and offered an amendment to the motion for such action. The amend- ment was seconded by Member Bredesen. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Turner, Courtney Nays: Schmidt, ,Mayor Courtney then called the motion as amended that the proposed assessable footage for Lots 1, 5, 6 and 14, The Habitat, be reduced from 1/3 (280.67 total footage) to 1/6 (140.34 total.footage). Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Turner, Courtney Nays: Schmidt No further comments were heard and no further written objections to the proposed assessments were received prior hereto. (Assessments levied by Resolution later in Minutes.) 2. TREE TRIMMING IMPROVEMENT NO. TT -84 Location: Country Club and Morningside Areas Mr. Rosland presented presented Anaylsis of Assessment for Tree Trimming Improvement No. TT -84 showing total cost of trees trimmed at $52,939.00 proposed to be assessed against 1,268 assessable trees at $41.75 per tree, to be spread over one year payable with.taxes due in.1985, with interest rate of 11.5 %. Mr. Rosland advised that eight letters of objection to the proposed assessment are on file and that all have been .resolved to the satisfaction of the property owners except one that could not be contacted. Appearing and speaking in objection to the assessment as proposed were: Robert Hill, 4508 Bruce Avenue; Jacob Van'tLand, 4021 W. 44th Street; Douglas Gillespie, 4115 Sunnyside Road:and Jim .O.'Brien,.4352 France Avenue So.,--Following presentation of Analysis of Assessments, Member Bredesen introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ADOPTING AND CONFIRMING SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS LEVIED ON ACCOUNT OF VARIOUS PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of- Edina, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The City has given notice of hearings as required by law on the proposed assess- ment rolls for the improvements hereinafter referred to, and at such hearings held on October 1, 1984, has considered all oral and written objections presented against the levy of such assessments. 2. Subject to the amendment made in paragraph 3 of this resolution, each of the assess - ments ad set forth in the assessment rolls on file in the office of the City Clerk for the following. improvements: STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA -259 TREE TRIMMING IMPROVEMENT NO. TT -84 does not exceed the local benefits conferred by said improvements upon the lot, tract or parcel of land so assessed, and all of said assessments are hereby adopted and confirmed as the proper..assessments on account of said respective improvements to be spread against the benefited lots, parcels and tracts of land described therein. 3. Said assessments are hereby amended as follows: Street Improvement No. BA -259 - total assessable footage for Lots 1, 5, 6 and 14, The Habitat, is reduced from 1/3 to 1/6 for a.total of 240.34 assessable feet..:.):.: 4. The assessments shall be payable in equal annual installments, the first of said installments, together with interest at a rate of 11.5% per annum on the entire assess- ment from the date hereof to December 31, 1985, -to be payable with the general taxes for the year 1985. The number of such annual installments shall be as follows: Name of Improvement Number of Installments STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA -259 10 years TREE TRIMMING IMPROVEMENT NO. TT -84 1 year 5. The City Clerk shall forthwith prepare and transmit to the County Auditor a copy of this resolution and a certified duplicate of said assessments with each then unpaid installment and interest set 'forth separately, to be extended on the tax lists of the County in accordance with this resolution. 6. The Clerk shall also mail notice of any special assessment which may be payable by a county, by a political subdivision, or by the owner of any right of way as required by Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.061, Subdivision 4, and if any such assess- ment is not paid in a single installment, the City Treasurer shall arrange for collect- tion thereof in installments, as set forth in said section. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Schmidt. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Nays: Schmidt voted No on the amendment to Street Improvement No. BA -259 Resolution adopted. 10/1/84 FINAL PLAT APPROVED FOR EDINA MILLS TOWNHOMES. Mr. Hughes presented the request for final plat approval for Edina Mills Townhomes, located at 4600 France Avenue, advising that the project consisting of a seven unit townhouse is in the construction stages. Staff would recommend final plat approval, subject to a subdivision dedi- cation. No objections being heard, Member Richards introduced the following reso- lution and moved its adoption, subject to payment of a subdivision dedication fee of $8,800.00: RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL PLAT FOR EDINA MILLS TOWNHOMES BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled "Edina Mills Townhomes", platted by J.B.C. Development, a Minnesota corporation, fee owner and Norwest Bank MetroWest, N.A., a national banking association, mortgagee, and presented at the regular meeting of the City Council of October 1, 1984, be and is hereby granted final plat approval. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded-by Member Turner. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. FINAL PLAT APPROVED FOR SMABY ADDITION. Mr. Hughes presented the request for final plat approval for Smaby Addition, generally located north of Grove Street and West of MN &S Railroad, for a five -lot single family subdivision of the property. Staff would recommend final plat approval, subject to a.subdivision dedication to the City of Outlot A which adjoins Garden Park. No objections being heard, Member Turner introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption, subject to a subdivision dedication of Outlot A to the City, as shown on the plat: RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL PLAT FOR SMABY ADDITION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled " Smaby Addition ", platted by Philip C. Smaby and Margaret H. Smaby, husband and wife, and presented at.the regular meeting of the City Council of October 1, 1984, be and is hereby granted final plat approval. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Bredesen. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. RELEASE OF RESTRICTION APPROVED FOR YORKTOWN FASHION MALL. Mr. Hughes advised that the owner of the Yorktown Fashion Mall (Lots 1,2, and 3, Block 6, Yorktown) and Wendy's of Minnesota, has requested a waiver of easements and restrictions, to allow construction of a drive - through facility on the east,side of the building. The drive - through would access from the existing curb cut on York Avenue and would be a cul -de -sac type allowing customers to pick up orders and proceed back out. In order to.make the design work, a second curb cut onto York Avenue is required to allow access for delivery trucks principally and for some employee parking along the southerly side of the mall. Mr. Hughes noted that the property is subject to the declarations and protective easements that were imposed at the time of the Yorktown plat. An amendment would be necessary to construct an additional curb cut on York Avenue as requested. He added that Hennepin County has already issued an entrance permit for this location, subject to the approval of the City. The request is as follows: 1) Release of perpetual scenic and open space easement to allow an additional curb cut in accordance with the site plan, and 2) Waiver of restriction on free - standing signs to allow the construction of one drive -up window ordering or menu board within 100 feet of the York Avenue right of way. Mr. Hughes indicated that -both the drive - through and the free standing sign and the curb cut comply with the Zoning Ordinance requirements. He advised that Fred Hoisington, representing Wendy's, was present to answer questions. No objections being heard, Member Bredesen introduced the following resolution and moved adoption:. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, certain real estate situated in the City of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota described as LOT 2, BLOCK 6, YORKTOWN is subject to certain restrictions and protective covenants as set forth in the Declaration of Restrictions and Protective Covenants dated May 3, 1972 filed for record June 8, 1972 in the office of Registrar of Titles, Hennepin County, Minnesota as Document No. 1033727; and WHEREAS, one of the restrictions to which said property is subject is as follows: "No free standing signs or advertising of any kind watsoever shall be constructed or maintained upon Lot 2, Block 1, Lot 5, Block 1, Lot 1, Block 2, Lot 1, Block 6, Lot 2 Block 6, and Lot 2, Block 7, said plat of Yorktown, within 100 feet of the right -of -way for France Avenue or York Avenue, except signs solely for traffic direction and not containing the name, symbol or logo of any business or use on any Yorktown Lot. WHEREAS, the easterly 20 feet of said described property is subject to a grant of perpetual scenic and open space easements as contained in a Grant of Easement to the City of Edina, Minnesota dated May 3, 1972 and recorded June 8, 1972 as 10/1/84 Document No. 1033728 by Glacier,Sand and Gravel Company and George J. and Virginia L. Ablah; and WHEREAS, the Easement Agreement reads as follows: "No driveways, parking lots, signs, advertising, displays, buildings, structures equipment, or any hard surfaced, non - vegative area, or any material or property of any kind whatsoever shall be placed or maintained on or in the Edina Easements, or any part thereof, without, in each instance, the prior written consent of Edina;..." WHEREAS, The City has been asked to remove said easement to allow for one additional 24 foot driveway, plus radii, from York Avenue to Lot 2,.Block 6 and the City Council deems it advisable to authorize herewith the release in writing; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the covenant and restriction contained in said Declaration of Restrictions and Protective Covenants Document No. 1033727 be amended by adding to Paragraph 2 thereof the following: "...and further excepting that one menu board shall be permitted not closer than 20 feet from the York Avenue right -of -way in conjunction with a restaurant drive -up window." BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City hereby authorizes in writing the construction of one additional 24 foot wide driveway for access to and from York Avenue plus the necessary raddi over the easterly 20 feet of said Lot 2, Block 6, Yorktown. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Turner. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. HEARING DATE SET FOR PLANNING MATTER. As recommended by staff, Member Bredesen's motion was seconded by Member Schmidt setting October 15, 1984, as the hearing date for Plan Amendment, Johnson Building Company, for Vernon Hills Condominiums, generally located west of Vernon Avenue and south of West 52nd Street. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. BID AWARDED FOR PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS /MENDELSSOHN 2ND ADDITION (484 -5 ENG). Mr. Rosland presented tabulation of bids for Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. SS -238, Watermain Improvement No. WM -352, Storm Sewer Improvement No. ST.S -174, and Grading Improvement No. C -141, all in Mendelssohn 2nd Addition /Arthur Street, as follows: Sarah Contracting at $22,458.17 and G. L. Contracting, Inc. at $24,434.50. Staff would recommend award of bid to low bidder.. Member Schmidt's motion was seconded by Member Bredesen for award of bid to low bidder, Sarah Contracting at $22,458.17. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. REPORT GIVEN ON WEST 70TH STREET. Mr. Rosland recalled that at the last Council Meeting residents of West 70th Street had expressed their concerns regarding the heavy traffic on the street and the problems caused thereby. The Council had then instructed the City Engineer to bring back proposals from several traffic consult - ants for a study of the entire area of West 70th Street from Highway 100 to France Avenue. Proposals have been received from Barton - Aschman Associates, Inc. at a :maximum fee of $12,900; Bennett, Ringrose, Wolsfeld, Jarvis, Gardner, Inc. (BRW) at .a maximum fee of $9,400; and Strgar- Roscoe, Inc. at a maximum fee of $11,300. Staff has reviewed the proposals and would recommend either BRW or Strgar- Roscoe be authorized to conduct the study. Mr. Rosland stated that the Council should consider the make -up of the advisory committee so that the following would be represented: School District, residents on W. 70th Street, residents from adjacent.area, Cornelia P.T.A. and others as the Council may direct. He noted that staff would provide statistics but it is suggested that staff not serve on the committee. The Police are working with the school crossing guards at Cornelia and W. 70th Street and will continue to do so. Staff feels that installing any stop signs now or doing extra enforcement would taint the outcome of the study and that it may be wiser to get the full report before extra efforts are taken. Identified persons addressing the Council were: Phyllis Kohler, 4512 W. 70th Street, who stated she was instrumental in cir- culating the petition presented to the Council; Scott Rogan, 4720 W. 70th Street, Bob Burnett, Principal of Cornelia School; Julie Carr, 7301 Oaklawn Avenue; Patti Watson, 4424 W. 70th Street and Donna Montgomery 6824 Oaklawn Avenue. Major concerns voiced were the danger to children and residents attempting to cross W. 70th Street at Cornelia Drive,.need for a semaphone at the intersection, and strong objection to the striping at the intersection for four lanes of traffic. Mr. Burnett explained that a safer method has been worked out with the help of the Police Department whereby adult crossing guards have stepped out into the street, after the outside lane of traffic has been stopped, to hold up a "Stop" sign for the inner lane of traffic, but he pointed out that when the winter weather arrives and the street becomes icy the adult guards will refuse to take that risk of stepping into the street. After considerable discussion, Member Turner moved that 1) the Council authorize the traffic study to be completed as soon as possible with a goal of 90 days to be done by the firm of Strgar- Roscoe, Inc., 2) an advisory committee be appointed 10/1/84 not larger than 10 to 12 persons, with representation as suggested by the staff, 3) the white striping at the intersection be removed, 4) that adult crossing guards be retained to assist the school patrols, 5) that the mailbox be moved further away from the intersection; and 6) that the City maintain an intense snow removal and sanding program at the intersection when the snow season arrives. Motion was seconded by Member Bredesen. The question of supervision of the intersection by off -duty vs. on -duty Police Officers was raised. Mr. Rosland clarified that at the present time the on -duty Officer from that zone has been going to that inter- section during the hours when students are crossing unless he is called away for an emergency or accident. Chief Swanson pointed out that the Officer going to that scene is 25% of the available Police Officers on duty, that the Officer is there now less than one -half of the time during those hours, and that during the ice and snow season may be called.for emergencies so that no Officer will be at that intersection. He noted that the Reserve Police Officers are working people in the community and would not be available at those times. The use of volunteers from the neighborhood to serve as crossing guards for the interim was discussed. Mayor Courtney then called for vote on the motion. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. After discussion as to how the advisory committee would be chosen, Member Richards suggested that anyone who is interested in serving on the committee should submit their names, indicating representation, to the City Clerk before the next Council Meeting on October 21, 1984, so that the Council could make the appointments at that meeting. Member Bredesen pointed out that the committee's function would be advisory to the Council only and that any final decisions regarding W. 70th Street would be made by the Council. PLAN APPROVED.FOR EDINA /BLOOMINGTON STORM SEWER PROJECT. By memorandum Mr. Hoffman advised the Council that the Bloomington city staff has completed construction plans for the joint storm sewer project between Edina and Bloomington in the Pentagon Park Office area. According to the Joint Power Agreement, the City of Edina must give final plan approval. At a later date the Council will have an opportunity to review the bids taken and must approve those for the project to proceed. Staff would recommend approval of the plans and specifications and would also recommend that the Council authorize that a request be processed with the Nine Mile Creek Watershed Board for cost participation in the storm sewer control structure at the pond which is estimated at $30,000.00. Member Richards thereupon moved approval of the plans and specifications for the Edina /Bloomington Storm Sewer Project and authorized that a request be processed with the Nine Mile Creek Watershed Board for cost participation in the control structure at the pond according to their policy for such projects. Motion was seconded by Member Bredesen. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. VERNON AVENUE SIGNALIZATION PROJECT STATUS GIVEN. In response to question of Member Turner as to the status of the Vernon Avenue signalization project, Mr. Hoffman advised that the Hennepin County is working on the request and has been in contact with him. No action taken. 53RD STREET AND OAKLAWN AVENUE DRAINAGE DITCH NOTED. Member Schmidt stated she has received a telephone call from Lyman Gross, 5324 Oaklawn Avenue, regarding a drainage ditch-at 53rd Street and Oaklawn and had requested that a "BUMP" sign be installed. Engineer Hoffman stated that staff was aware of the problem and will respond. No Council action taken. FIRE DEPARTMENT COMMENDED FOR OPEN HOUSE PROGRAM. Member Bredesen commented that he had attended the Open House at the Fire Station and that the demonstrations given were very well done. He added that he would like to have the subject of fire planning /fire prevention presented and then discussed by the Council at an off- Monday meeting. No action was taken. PROPOSED SPEED SKATING RINK DISCUSSED. Member Richards referred to a recent news- paper article regarding the proposed speed skating rink to be located at Braemar Park, noting that the article inferred that the proposal had the approval of the City Council. He stated that he did not support that proposal as it has been presented up to this point in time and that it should not be construed that it had been approved. Member Turner pointed out that when the proposed speed skating rink was discussed by the Council the concept was approved with the request that the Council be kept informed about developments, but that no specific proposal had been approved. Mr. Kojetin stated he had continued pursuing the project at no cost to the City, knowing that there were issues in the bid proposal that the Council did not agree with. A meeting is scheduled with the Hennepin Park Reserve District, the implementing agency, to discuss-the funneling of funds through the District from the Metropolitan Council to the City of Edina for the operation and management of the facility. Mr. Kojetin noted that the proposal stated that no funding would come from the City of Edina. Bid proposals are to be submitted to 10/1/84 the Metropolitan Park and Open Space Commission by October 11, 1984. Member Richards submitted that the proposal should be thoroughly considered by the Council before action is taken as to approval. Mr. Rosland suggested that a letter be sent to the Commission advising that the City Council cannot hear the proposal and take action thereon until October 15, 1984. It was informally agreed to consider the proposal for the speedskating rink at the October 15 Council meeting. APPOINTMENT OF GENERAL ELECTION JUDGES APPROVED. As recommended by the City Clerk, Member Bredesen introduced the following resolution and moved adoption: RESOLUTION APPOINTING GENERAL ELECTION JUDGES BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina City Council that the following Election Judges be appointed to serve on the Election Boards for the General /City Election to be held November 6, 1984, and that the City Clerk be and is hereby authorized to make any substitutions or additions as may be deemed necessary: Precinct No. 1: Eugenia Williams, Chairman, Lois Hallquist, Dorie Capetz, Arlene Friday, Barbara Anderson, Dorothy Richardson, Muriel Clauson,.Shirley DeLeo, Dorothy Falkenborg, Ceil Nightin- gale, Marguerite Mannelly, Virginia Vonhof, Doris O'Neill, Eleanor Rosoff and'Tenny Shober; Precinct No. 2: Marjorie Ruedy, Chairman, Pauline Carroll, Joan Flumerfelt, Dale Jaspers, Laurie McKay; June Holmberg, Joyce Akason, Helen Chapman, Emily Scudder, Ella Terry, Naomi Johnson, Sara Kirkman, Carol McGlone, Patricia Carlson and Betty Jenson; Precinct No. 3: Linda Smith, Chairman, Ida Jean Cauble, Deidre Hedrick, Christine Morgan, Judith O'Brien, Patricia Lang, Barbara McDavitt, Mary Panchot, Carol Bruzic, Cathee Hare, Jane Hansen, Marilyn Tierney, Frances Grinley, Patricia Dill, Betty Brown, and Nancy Strom; Precinct No. 4: Shirley Dibble, Chairman, Jeanette Lushine, Helen Stafford, Rachel Schoening, Nina Potter, Marion Cracraft, Sharon Andresen, Marge Brothers, Charlotte Scott, Betty Carver, Marge Jamieson, Georgia Kersteter, Helen Lishman, Lois Loomis, Charlotte Neight, and Josephine Olson; Precinct No. 5: Linnea Erickson, Chairman, Carol McPheeters, Phyllis Cooper, Rosemary McGlynn, Mildred Karr, Betty Benjamin, Jacqueline Andrews, Joyce Andrews, Mailand Card, Natalie Markowitz, Hazel Helgeson, Marjorie Grinnel, Barbara Martin, Helen Groth and Edith Garmezy; Precinct No. 6: Jane Bains, Chairman, Catherine Swanson, Sue Zwakman, Barbara Herbers, Mary Cleaveland, Monica Myhre, Joyce Sutherland, Audrey Clay, Wendy Klemp, Jean Flaaten, Karen Lemenger, Lillian Graupner, Mary Manning, Hope Eilers, Gertrude Rocheford and Lisa Boyum; Precinct No. 7: Bess Brudelie, Chairman, Helen Peterson, Clara Fossy, Naomi Ward, Genevieve Thayer, Kathy Engquist, Dorothy Fredendall, Joanne Swanson, Dianne Getsch, Florence Moynihan, Grace Andrews, Gladys Wardell, Dora McCollister, Madelyn Dobbelman, Dorothy Stockdale and Evelyn Coffey; Precinct No. 8: Jane Moran, Chairman, Myra Hykes, Mary Diessner, Florence Freudenthal, Kathy Bradford, Barbara Raap, Velma Larson, Constance Ryan, Jean Mueller, Mary Lou Ott, Joanne Ryan, Joanne Stephens, Lee Strang, LuJean Swenson, Mary Webber, and Eleanor Westerberg; Precinct No. 9: Jacqueline Lindskoog, Chairman, Bette Comstock, Aileen Konhauser, Nancy Grimsby, Connie Bing, Patricia Monson, Eunice Strunk, Jan Getten, Florence Boughton, Margaret Dobbin, Jean Davenport, Judy Lund, Lavonne Stoakes, Margaret Wodrich, Barbara Johnson and Avona.Carroll; Precinct No. 10: Ardy Dorsey, Chairman, Mollie Baranaukas, Joan Ochs, Joan Burke, Clare Doyle, Marilyn Devereaux, Kay Bach, Ruth Haggerty, Phyllis Jensen, Gladys Lidstone, Jenny McBride, Marguerite Ratelle, Nancy Sour, Marie Zivokvich, Virginia Bodine and Jo Ann Lonergan; Precinct No. 11: Geneva Smith, Chairman, Alice Burnell, Gina Sherman, Carol Melichar, Elinor Thornton, Margaret Swanson, Mercedes Sandstrom, Nancy Atchison, Mary Ann Kubin, Lois Steinback, Joy Perunovich, Karen Vickman, Lillian Graupner, Connie Hondl, Mary Ann Finlason and .Mary Ann Torgerson; Precinct No. 12: Claire Ready, Chairman, Doris Barry, Carol Hite, Shirley Bjerken, Gerda Robinson, Florance Ries, Karen Carlson, Carol Marnel, Beth Montgomery, Monica Nilles, Mary Scholz, Doris Marchuk, Phyllis Mac Lennan, Phyllis Kodler, Virginia McCollister and Mavis deLambert; Precinct No. 13: Edna Thomsen, Chairman, Patricia Harmon, Phyllis Gruzbeck, Marge Belkin, Shirley Johnson, Ilona Kerin, Ann Matula, Roma Rethwisch, Ellen Leslie, Zoe Bros, Ebba Frykman, Pauline Mertes, Margaret Handy, Mollie Sherry, Mary Goodrich and Ruth Peterson; Precinct No. 14: Mary Jane Platt, Chairman, Joyce Hanson, Betty Fuller, Esther Olson, Louise Carlson, Amanda Bauman, Myrt Grette, Cynthia Loveland, Peggy Zeilinger, Audrey Ander- son, Carole Anderson, Jean Erdall, Lavayne Finberg, Karen Knutsen and Florence Clough; Precinct No. 15: Patricia Olander, Chairman, Anita Delegard, Kaye Luikens, Jean Hare, Jean Moore, Betty McClain, Zelma Gray, Ann Bros, Beth Rosenbloom, Sharon Zeigbaum, Carol Hanson, Alice Parten, Dorothy Patton, Lynn Westphal, Margaret Carlson, Alice Rice and Helen Rumsey; Precinct No. 16: Judith Sotebeer, Chairman, Patricia Halvorson, Kathryn Harrington, Donna Montgomery, Caroline Scott, Lucy Klos, Mary McDonald, Bernadine Chapman, Marlyn Chase, Mary Ann Hans, Bonnie Bjerken, Elizabeth Johnson, Nathalie Person, Ardus Windhorst, Ethel Anderson, and Diane Greensweig; Precinct No. 17: Margaret Delaney, Chairman, Mary Shoquist, Joyce Koets, Lorna Livingston, Maryanne Herman, Mary Ryan, Fay Clark, Susan Houston, Jean McDermid, Joanne Merta, Ann Singer, Marie Bachman, Eleanor Amberg and Marion White; Precinct No. 18: Betty Doolittle, Chairman, Selma Shelton, Gretchen Greene, Sheila Luff, Patricia MacCornack, Nancy Huey, Elizabeth Genovese, Carolyn Bisson, Beverly Orr, Carol Phillips, Mary Ryan, Mary Vanek, Mary Roeder and Harriet Bach; Precinct No. 19: Charlotte Scanlon, Chair- man, Jean Altman, Audrey Nankivell, Erthel Johnson, Jean Vesper, Jane Hess, Lois Cleveland, Ann Bieter, Alyse Sue Frishberg, Joann Mellem, Shirley Jenos, Helen McClelland, Kay Murphy, Eileen Schaefer, Ann LaBovsky and Betty Jean Smith; Alternate Judges: Carol Olson, Marguerite Sester, Phyllis Kilgore, Lorraine Shimek, Mary Frintner, Eva Johnson, Lois Brown, Lorraine Purdy, Harriet Conkey, Sue Hirsch, Lois Husbands, Marie Vorlicky, Cheryl Lushine, Mary Jo Griffin, JoAnne Chayer, Edith Garmezy, Irene Helland, Carol Michalke, Ruth Schneider, Donna White, Mary Rival, Annette Dammicci, Paula Harrison, Juline LeMire, Delores Paul, Avalda Wildersmuth, Maxine Yaeger, June Goetz, Jane Fuegner, Hope Melton, Eunice Strunk, Nancy Cummings, Del Possis, June Hunt, Barbara Erlandson, July Berglund, Rose Marie Oss, Carol Rosenblatt, Ida Sommers, Rosemary Sweeney, Phyllis Taylor, Marilyn Person, Ardis Wexler, Doris Peterson, Louise Thompson, Donna Brastad, Barbara Boyd, Jaffe Bates, Carol Sturm, Jan Windhorst, Mary Lou Quimby, Helen Brown, Mildred Pearson, Elaine Carlson, Mary Bridget Ratelle, Rebecca Rogers and Jean Hutton. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Turner. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. CANVASSING BOARD FOR GENERAL ELECTION APPOINTED. As recommended by the City Clerk, Member Bredesen introduced the following resolution and moved adoption: RESOLUTION APPOINTING GENERAL ELECTION CANVASSING BOARD BE-IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the Edina City Council hereby appoints the following as members of the Canvassing Board for the General /City Election to be held on November 6, 1984: Mark Bernhardson, Ernest Buffington, Hilding Dahl, Harold Habigorhst, Glenn Harmon, Jerry Hines, Ralph Hines, Rolland Lundberg, Harry Melin, Sam Mobley, Howard Norback, Ernie Olson, Chester Ornat, Willard Ott and Alvin Woods. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk be and is hereby authorized to make any substitutions or additions as may be necessary. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Turner. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. RECOMMENDED TRANSFERS AND CANCELLATION OF LOAN AMOUNTS AUTHORIZED. Mr. Rosland recalled that at the recent 1985 Budget meetings the Council had considered the recommendations of Mr. Dalen, Finance Director, for cancellation of loans due to the General Fund, Waterworks Fund, Liquor Fund and Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund. Also, to close out balances in the Park Sinking Fund. These account will be used to eliminate deficits in the following funds: Swimming Pool, Golf Course, Recreation Center (Arena), Gun Range and Art Center. The Council had approved the concept of funding any potential losses in these funds in the proposed budget to be adopted October 1 of each year, rather than through loans from various funds. As recommended by the Finance Director, Member Richards introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption, subject to the cumulative deficit amounts for each fund being carried forward in the proposed budget each year: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING TRANSFERS AND CANCELLATION OF LOAN AMOUNTS BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council o'f the City of Edina that the Finance Director be directed and authorized to make the following transfers and cancellation of loan amounts: Accounts Contributing Funds: GENERAL FUND: Loan to Recreation Center Fund $200,000 WATERWORKS FUND: Loan to General Fund 210,000 LIQUOR FUND: Loan to Recreation Center Fund $170,000 Loan to Golf Course Fund 245,000 415,000 PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING: Loan to Recreation Center Fund $100,000 Loan to Construction Fund 100,000 200,000 $1,025,000 PARK SINKING FUND: Surplus balance at December 31, 1983 330,527 TOTAL CONTRIBUTED $1,355,527 Accounts To Which Funds Will be Applied: Swimming Pool Fund $ 110,752 Recreation Center (Arena) (Golf Course Loan from Liquor Fund) 245,000 Recreation Center (Arena) Fund 497,966 Gun Range Fund 35,371 Art Center Fund 210,518 Construction Fund 100,000 General Fund 155,920 TOTAL APPLIED $1,355,527 10/1/84 Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Bredesen. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. COMBINATION OF FUNDS AND ESTABLISHMENT OF A WORKING CAPITAL FUND APPROVED. Mr. Dalen reviewed a memorandum recommending the combination of funds and establishment of a working capital fund. He explained that establishment of a working capital fund would improve the City's bond rating and stated that this reserve fund would represent about 48% of the Budget. Member Turner then offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING COMBINATION OF FUNDS AND-ESTABLISHMENT OF A WORKING CAPITAL FUND BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina that the Finance Director be directed and authorized as follows: 1) To combine the PARK FUND with the GENERAL FUND as of December 31, 1983; 2) To combine the Waterworks Fund and the Sewer Rental Fund as of December 31, 1984, and to designate the new fund as the UTILITIES FUND. 3) To establish a TRUST FUND during 1984 for the purpose of holding funds to pay 1985 and 1986 installments for bonds and interest of Improvement Bond Redemption Fund #1 as per the following schedule: Service Maturities Principal Interest Charge Total 1985 $300,000 $ 26,400. $ 100 $326,500 1986 300,000 13,200 100 313,300 $600,000 $ 39,600 $ 200 $639,800 4) To establish a WORKING CAPITAL FUND by transferring the remainder of the accounts of the Improvement Bond Redemption Fund, and the Permanent Improvement Revolving Funds as of December 31, 1984, as per the following cash and investment balances at December 31,..1983: Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund: Cash $ 229,418 Improvement Bond Redemption Fund I: Cash $.(274,819) Investments 2,759,865 2,485,046 $2,714,464 Amount ndded for Trust Fund per above 639,800 TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS $2,074,664 Net special assessments receivable as of December 31, 1983 was about $2,540,000, which will give the City a WORKING CAPITAL FUND of about $4,600.00. 5) To use any earnings of the WORKING CAPITAL FUND for Capital Improvement per Capital Improvement Budget. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Schmidt. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Resolution carried. 1985 BUDGET OF $9,589,369 ADOPTED. Mr. Rosland observed that the Council Members had thoroughly reviewed the proposed Budget for 1985 during four special meetings held for that purpose, and had at the meeting on September 26, 1984, considered a list of possible Reductions to the 1985 Budget. The Council Members reviewed the list of possible reductions and discussion followed regarding dues to the League of Minnesota Cities and APZl, legal fees, additional paramedic as recommended and capital improvement funding. After considerable debate on the proposed reductions, Member Bredesen moved that the proposed Budget for 1985 for the City of Edina be reduced by $100,000. Motion was seconded by Mayor Courtney. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Courtney Nays: Schmidt, Turner Motion carried. Member Bredesen then introduced the following resolution and moved adoption: RESOLUTION ADOPTING BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF EDINA FOR THE YEAR 1985, AND ESTABLISHING TAX LEVY FOR THE YEAR 1984 PAYABLE IN 1985 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Budget for the City of Edina for the calendar year 1985 is hereby adopted as hereinafter set forth; and funds are hereby appropriated therefor: 10/1/84 GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT Mayor and Council $ 37,723 Planning 139,578 Administration 318,187 Finance .233,435 Election 16,380 Assessing 217,650 Legal and Court Services 226,000 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT PUBLIC WORKS Administration $ 81,038 Engineering 311,521 Highways 2,249,387 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY Police Fire Civilian Defense Animal Control Public Health Inspection TOTAL PROTECTION'OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY NON- DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES $2,394,519 1,473,840 31,060 45,384 207,523 159,594 $1,188,953 $2,641,946 $4,311,920 Contingencies $ 80,000 Special Assessments on City Property 75,000 Unallocated Capital Outlay 16,000 Capital Improvements 40,000 Commissions and Special Projects 78,591 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS AND $ 289,591 CONTINGENCIES TOTAL GENERAL FUND $8,432,410 PARK FUND Administration $ 379.,079 Recreation 99,900 Maintenance 477,980 Capital Outlay and Replacements 120,000 TOTAL PARK FUND $1,076,959 PARK CONSTRUCTION Capital Outlay $ 80,000 Section 2. Estimated receipts other than General Tax Levy are hereby established as hereinafter set forth: GENERAL FUND Transfer - Revenue Sharing Fund $ 225,000 Licenses and Permits 397,600 Municipal Court Fines 325,000 Department Service Charges ; 486,040 Other 89,700 Transfer from Liquor Fund 95,000 State Apportionments - Sales Tax 550,787 Income on Investments 60,000 Aids - Other Agencies 154,905 .Police Aid 150,000 . TOTAL GENERAL FUND $2,534,032 PARK FUND Registration Fees $ 32,000 Other 15,000 Transfer from General Fund 275,000 TOTAL PARK FUND $ 322,000 PARK CONSTRUCTION FUND Transfer from General Fund 80,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED RECEIPTS $2,936,032 10/1/84 Section 3. That there be and hereby is levied upon all taxable real and personal property in the City of Edina, a tax rate sufficient to produce the amounts hereinafter set forth: For General Fund For Park Fund $5,898,378 754,959 $6,653,337 Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Mayor Courtney. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Courtney ,:.Nays: Schmidt, Turner Resolution adopted. ATTEST: City Clerk Mayor Member Bredesen then introducted the following resolution and moved adoption: RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING COMPENSATION RATES BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council does hereby establish the following salary schedule for fulltime personnel for 1985: LIQUOR FUND REPORT as it July 31, 1984, was presented, reviewed and ordered placed on file by motion of Member Turner, seconded by Member Schmidt. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Management III $41,392 $45,006 $48,646 $51,740 Management II - 30,940 33,644 36,348 38,662 Management I 26,052 28,340 30,628 32,578 Technical Management 23,764 25,844 27,924 29,718 Technical IV 21,008 22,854 24,674 26,260 Technical III 19,032 20,696 22,360 23,790 Technical II 18,668 20,280 21,918 23,322 Technical I 16,692 18,174 19,630 20,878 . General III 15,626 16,978 18,356 19,526 General II 14,508 15,756 17,030. 18,122 General I 12,896 14,014 15,158 16,120 Public Safety PS Management III 35,100 38,194 41,262 43,888 PS Management II 32,838 35,724 38,584 41,054 PS Management I 29,874 32,474 35,100 37,336 PS General II 18,252 19,864 21,450 22,828 PS General I 14,508 15,756 17,030 18,122 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Edina City does hereby establish the following compensation schedule for part time personnel: Year Round Level A Level B Step 1 $4.20 $4.60 Step 2 4.55 5.10 Step 3 4.75 5.45 Step 4 5.05 5.60 Step 5 5.40 5.70 Managerial $6.45 Seasonal Level 1 $3.50 3.75 3.90 Level 2 3.65 3.95 4.15 Level 3 4.10 4.40 4.55 Level 4 4.40 4.65 4.80 Level 5 4.55 - 5.80 Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Courtney. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. LIQUOR FUND REPORT as it July 31, 1984, was presented, reviewed and ordered placed on file by motion of Member Turner, seconded by Member Schmidt. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. 10/1/84 CLAIMS PAID. Motion of Member Schmidt was seconded by Member Turner for payment of the following claims as per Pre -List dated 10/1/84: General Fund $55,759.19, Park Fund $12,729.63, Art Center $1,155.23, Swimming Pool Fund $3.05, Golf Course Fund $6,417.11, Recreation Center Fund $1,616.02, Gun Range Fund $399.00, Water- works Fund $10,079.80, Sewer Rental Fund $231.79, Liquor Dispensary Fund $1,158.98, Construction Fund $11,420.68, IMP Bond Redemption Fund $319,767.00, IMP Bond Redemption #2 $987.00, Total $421,724.48. There being no further business on the agenda, Mayor Courtney declared the meeting adjourned at 11 :30 p.m. City Clerk 9 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL NOVEMBER 19, 1984 Answering rollcall were Members Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner and Mayor Courtney. MARCELLA DAEHN COMMENDED. Mr. Rosland commented that Marcella Daehn started working for the City in January of 1977 as secretary to the City Manager and was appointed as City Clerk in June of 1983. He commended her for her efforts in administering the General /City Election held on.November 6, noting that it was an exceptionally challanging election requiring paper ballots in addition.to the voting machines. Mr. Rosland added that there is an excellent working relationship between her and all departments of City Hall. A silver pen bearing the Edina Logo was presented to her. Member of the Council added their commendation. PUBLIC HEARING ON ZONING CHANGE FROM R -1 TO MD -5 FOR EDINBOROUGH CONTINUED TO 12/3/84. As recommended by staff, Member Bredesen's motion was seconded by Member Schmidt to continue the public hearing on the zoning change from R -1 Single Dwelling Unit Dist- rict to MD -5 Mixed Development District for Edinborough, generally located west of York Avenue and south of West 76th Street, to the Council Meeting of December 3, 1984. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPROVED FOR OUR LADY OF GRACE CHURCH (5051 EDEN AVENUE SO.) Mr. Hughes presented the petition of Our Lady of Grace Church for a Conditional Use Permit, advising that the Church is proposing a 23,650 square foot addition to their existing church building. This addition will house a new sanctuary, a small chapel, meeting rooms and other related facilities. The existing sanctuary will be converted into a gymnasium for use by Our Lady of Grace School. The proposed new sanctuary will contain pew seating for 848 people and space for overflow seating for an additional 133 people. Mr. Hughes noted that the proposed addition requires few alterations to the balance of the church property. No new parking lots are proposed and none are required as a result of the addition. The current parking count exceeds Ordinance requirements by about 127 spaces which should provide more than adequate parking. The parking expansion shown on the site plan is not proposed as part of this project, but may be constructed in the future if needed. Othen than a minor extention and redevelopment of the main entry drive, no other changes to the balance of the site are proposed. The church property is bordered by residential uses only on its south side. The proposed new sanctuary will be located about 350 feet from the nearest single family home to the south; existing landscaping effectively screens the pro- posed addition from the homes to the south. Mr. Hughes pointed out that the new Zoning Ordinance requires the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit prior to church expansions. The request was heard by the Community Development and Planning Com- mission on October 31, 1984. The Commission found that the findings required for the issuance of the permit have been met and recommended approval. At the time the Commission heard the proposal they did not review a landscape plan which has since been supplied and been found by staff to meet the Ordinance requirements. John. Justice, of Hammel, Green, and Abrahamson Architects, was present to answer questions. No objections being heard, Member Richards introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION GRANTING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT WHEREAS, the procedural requirements of Ordinance No. 825 (The Zoning Ordinance) have been met, and WHEREAS, it has been determined that the Findings as required by Ordinance No. 825 have been satisfied; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council hereby grants a Conditional Use Permit to Our Lady of Grace Church, at 5151 Eden Avenue, for construction of a 23,650 square foot addition to their existing church building, according to plans submitted. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Turner. Rollcall: Ayes: Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Abstaining: Bredesen. Resolution adopted. PUBLIC HEARING FOR PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL OF VICTORSEN'S VALLEY VIEW 2ND ADDITION CONTINUED TO 12/3/84; FINDINGS TO BE PREPARED. Mr. Hughes presented the petition of Folke Victorsen for preliminary plat approval of Victorsen's Valley View 2nd Addition, generally located south of Valley View Road and west of Brookview Avenue. The applicant requests a two lot plat of two pre- existing unplatted parcels. The west- erly unplatted parcel has been owned by the proponent for many years, is landlocked and is,.therefore, unbuildable. The easterly unplatted parcel is developed with a single dwelling unit building fronting on Brookview Avenue. This parcel was recently acquired by the applicant. The proposed plat is requested to provide a 20 foot strip P _./ 1 / / - across the easterly parcel to provide access for the westerly parcel. If approved, a new single dwelling unit is proposed for the westerly lot. Mr. Hughes pointed out that the proposed plat also requires the grant of a subdivision variance. The Zoning Ordinance requires that the minimum lot width of 75 feet must be met at a point 50 feet from the front lot line. The lot width of Parcel A of the new plat measured 50 feet from the front lot line is 20 feet. Thus, a 55 foot variance is needed. Apparently, the land composing the property in question was originally a single parcel of property. The'westerly portion of the property was sold in 1956 to Southdale Center, Inc., thereby creating the westerly landlocked parcel. Staff has been unable to find that the City approved the division caused by this 1956 sale and also cannot determine the reason for Southdale's desire to own the property. Mr. Hughes noted that in 1962, the applicant platted Victorsen's Valley View which adjoins the landlocked parcel to the north. ,In the same year, the applicant con- structed an eight unit apartment building on this property. On January 8, 1964, the applicant acquired the landlocked parcel. Earlier this year, the applicant acquired the easterly parcel which separates the landlocked parcel from Brookview Avenue. He pointed out that the applicant no longer owns the apartment site.* The proposed new lot is located about 45 feet from the Garrison Lane cul -de -sac. To gain access to Garrison Lane, the applicant would need to acquire property from the homeowner to the west which he has been unable to do. Mr. Hughes advised that both the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance have policies and standards which pro- hibit the type of subdivision that is being proposed. The principal question in this case revolves around the requested variance and the City's determination as to the existence of unique circumstances and undue hardship while recognizing the spirit and intent of the Ordinance. Council should be aware of several points in making this determination: 1) the division which created the westerly landlocked parcel apparently was not approved by the City; 2) the landlocked parcel is not a "non- conforming lot ", i.e. a lot which complies with our Ordinances when created, but which does not now comply due only to a change in the Ordinance and has always been unbuildable, 3) the landlocked parcel and the easterly parcel have now, in, essence, been combined by virture of their present common ownership into one, con- .forming lot, and 4) the landlocked parcel could be accessed better from Garrison Lane as the access would be shorter and would likely result in a more logical orientation of a new building. Mr. Hughes stated that the Development and Planning Commission had reviewed the request at their October 31, 1984 meeting and recommended that the subdivision should be denied. He noted that Tom Goodman,.of Grossman, Karlins, Siegel and.Brill, was present to represent the applicant. Mr. Goodman re- viewed the history of Parcel A and presented arguments in support of the requested variance for the neck lot: 1) that the Victorsens at the time.of the sale of the apartment building to the north in 1970 had no knowledge that the lot division created in. -1956 when Parcel A was sold to Southdale had not been approved by the City, 2) that both parcels as.proposed.meet.the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance in and of themselves in this R -1 Single Family Dwelling Unit District, 3) that only a single family home is being proposed to be build on Parcel A and 4) that the pro- posed home will not interfere with any surrounding property. Mr. and Mrs. Folke Victorsen commented that they had removed many diseased elm trees and have cleaned up the lot in'general and that they now.were requesting.the variance -for the plat with the intent of building only a single family home on Parcel A and that their initial plan for a double bungalow has been dropped. Speaking in opposition to the proposed plat and variance were Garth Holmes, 6220 Brookview Avenue, who pre - sented a petition signed by 30 residents of the immediate area on Brookview, and Neal Swant, 4428 Garrison Lane. Arguments in opposition were that approving this variance for a neck lot would set a precedence for other properties, that there is no provision for storing snow from the long access driveway to Parcel A, and that the residents on Brookview Avenue were strongly opposed. There being no further comments, Member Bredesen moved that the staff be directed to prepare Findings, Decision and Reasons in support of the recommendation of the Planning Commission and staff for denial of preliminary plat approval and the subdivision variance . and to bring back the Findings to the Council at its meeting of.December 3, 1984. Motion was seconded by Member Turner, commenting that the Council and staff had spent considerable time discussing neck lots when.adopting the Comprehensive Plan and the Zoning Ordinance and that there were no unusual circumstances to warrant approval. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. FINAL PLAT APPROVED FOR VALLEY VIEW HEIGHTS 2ND ADDITION: Mr. Hughes presented the petition for Final Plat approval for Valley View Heights 2nd Addition, generally located south of Valley View Road, east of Tracy Avenue and adjoining the Crosstown Highway on the south. Council granted preliminary plat approval on July 16, 1984. Mr. Hughes advised that there has been a change between the preliminary plat sub- mitted and the final plat. Both of the plats proposed five single family lots; however, in the preliminary plat there was a small cul -de -sac proposed just off Valley View Road that would provide access to four of the lots. The proposed final 11/19/84 plat suggests that there simply be five conventional lots that front onto Valley View Road. He-noted that a considerable portion of Lot 5 as well as portions of Lots 3 and 4 would be subject to drainage easements for ponding purposes. From staff's viewpoint, it is not considered a significant change from the preliminary plat and would recommend approval, subject to subdivision dedication and a signed developer's agreement. No objections being heard, Member Richards introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption, subject to execution of a developer's agreement and subdivision dedication to the City in the amount of $8,000.00: RESOLUTION GRANTING FINAL PLAT APPROVAL FOR VALLEY VIEW HEIGHTS 2ND ADDITION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled "Valley View Heights.2nd Addition ", platted by Kent P. Swanson and Sharon J. Swanson, husband and wife, and Paul C. Kingbay and Carol E. Kingbay, husband and wife, and presented at the regular meeting of the City Council of November 19, 1984, be and is hereby granted final plat approval. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Turner. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. FINAL FLAT APPROVED FOR SVANOE ADDITION ( SVANOE REPLAT). Mr. Hughes presented the petition for Final Plat approval for Svanoe Addition, generally located south of West 70th Street and east of Lanham Lane. The proposed plat received preliminary approval from the Council on December 19, 1983. A condition to that approval was that the owner execute and deliver to the City a declaration of restrictive cove- nants prohibiting construction of any house, porch or deck, on that part of the Westerly lot of Carolane Addition lying Southwesterly of a line drawn parallel with and 124 feet Southwesterly of the Northeasterly line of the lot. Mr. Hughes advised that the declaration has been prepared, approved by the City Attorney and signed by the owners of the property and staff would recommend final approval, subject to subdivision dedication. No objections being heard, Member Bredesen introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption, subject to subdivision dedication in the amount of $2,000.00 to the City: RESOLUTION GRANTING FINAL PLAT APPROVAL FOR SVANOE ADDITION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled "Svanoe Addition ", platted by William R. Svanoe and Myrtle A. Svanoe, husband and wife, owners and proprietors and Richfield Bank and Trust Company,.a Minnesota corporation, mortgagee, and presented at the regular meeting of the City Council of November.19, 1984, be and is hereby granted final plat approval. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Turner. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Turner, Courtney Abstaining: Schmidt Resolution adopted. BID AWARDED FOR SIX FULL -SIZED SEDANS FOR POLICE USAGE. Mr. Rosland presented tabu- lation of bids for six full -sized sedans for police usage showing Suburban Chevrolet at $10,831.00 per vehicle, total of $64,986.00, Thane - Hawkins Polar Chevrolet at $10,886.00 per vehicle, total of $65,316.00, and Brookdale Ford at $10,967.75 per vehicle, total of $65,806.50. Member Turner's motion was seconded by Member Bredesen for award of bid to recommended low bidder, Suburban Chevrolet, for $64,986.00. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards,- Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. TRAFFIC SAFETY.COMMITTEE.MINUTES OF 11/13/84 APPROVED. No comment being heard, Member Bredesen's motion.was seconded by Member Turner to approve the following recommended action as listed in Section A of the Traffic Safety Committee Minutes of November 13, 1984: 1) That additional curve and advisory speed signs be erected on Gleason Road near Scotia Drive, and to acknowledge Sections B and C of the Minutes. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. OFF -SALE BEER LICENSE APPROVED FOR HOLIDAY STATION STORE AT 50TH STREET & INTERLACHEN. Mr. Rosland advised that an application has been received for an Off -sale Beer License for the Holiday Station Store at W. 50th Street and Interlachen Boulevard. The application has been approved by the Police Department and Coucil approval is recom- mended. No comments being heard, Member Bredesen moved approval of an Off -sale Beer License for the Holiday Station Store at 5200 Interlachen Boulevard. Motion was seconded by Member Turner. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. 11/19/84 BOARD OF REVIEW TO MEET ON MAY 13, 1985. As recommended by staff, Member Bredesen's motion was seconded by Member Richards setting May 13, 1985 at 5:00 p.m. as the date for the Board of Review to hear all persons considering themselves aggrieved by their assessment. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. COMMISSIONER -ELECT JOHN KEEFE INTRODUCED TO COUNCIL. John Keefe, County Commissioner - Elect for.the Third District, introduced himself to the Council Members, assuring them that he would continue the fine representation of Edina on the Board that Commissioner Kremer had given. He asked that Council Members convey any concerns to him and promised that he would in the same manner convey anything he felt would affect the City of Edina to the Council. He offered to meet with the Council periodically to discuss the mutual concerns and problems that may confront the City. Mayor Courtney suggested that Commissioner Keefe continue to meet with the City Manager as his predecessor had done. No action was taken. 1985 HOLIDAY SCHEDULE FOR CITY EMPLOYEES APPROVED. Mr. Rosland presented a proposed schedule of 1985 Holidays for City employees and commented that there is no change - from previous years. Member Turner's motion was seconded by Member Schmidt approving the following schedule of holidays for 1985: New Year's Day (January 1) Veterans' Day (November 11) Presidents' Day (February 18) Thanksgiving Day (November 28) Good Friday (April 5) Friday after Thanksgiving Day (November 29) Memorial Day (May 27) Christmas Eve Day (December 24 -2 day) Independence Day (July 4) _ Christmas Day (December 25) Labor Day (September 2) New Year's Eve Day (December 31 -z day) Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner,. Courtney Motion carried. AMM GENERAL MEETING DATE NOTED. Mayor Courtney advised that the General-Meeting of the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities would be held on Thursday, December 6, 1984, at Richfield City Hall, starting at 7:30 p.m. and that all Council Members are invited to attend. He stated that Mr. Rosland and he would be attending the meeting. Mr. Rosland called Council's attention to the proposed Legislative Policies of the AMM which had been included in the Council packets and asked that the Council Members let him know if they differed with the AMM policies on -the various issues so that the Council's position could be presented. No action was taken. METROPOLITAN COUNCIL PROPOSED HOUSING CHAPTER DISCUSSED. Member Turner advised that the Metropolitan Council has drafted a revision of their Housing Chapter and that she had asked Mr. Hughes to summarize the document. Mr. Hughes advised that a hearing will be held by the Metropolitan Council on November 29, 1984, to determine if the Housing Chapter should be adopted. He presented graphics and gave an overview of the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities's (AMM) recommendations regarding the revised Housing Chapter of the Metropolitan Council as follows: 1) Community Index - Should be used only as a planning tool, not a regulatory tool. 2; 1ife_Cycle Housing - Should be viewed on a regional basis, not a community basis. 3) Resonsibility for.Subsidized Housing - Fund-should not be the obligation -of the cities. 4) Influences of Market Place on Housing - Metro Council should recognize and discuss the role of the market place over which cities have little control. 5) Local Plan Monitoring - Metro Council should not be an overseer of the implementa- tion of local comprehensive plans. Mr. Hughes noted that the Housing Chapter also contains a proposed Legislative Agenda for the coming year on the issues of taxation, preservation of existing housing, special needs, housing revenue bonds, landlord /tenant relations and local initiatives. He recommended that the City should appear at the hearing on November 29 to testify as follows: 1) That the AMM's recommendations should be endorsed, 2) that the Community Index is a good planning tool but should not be implemented as a regulatory tool, and 3) that the proposed Legislative Agenda.is premature and should not be pursued by the Metropolitan Council. Member Turner's motion was seconded by Member Bredesen that the City of Edina appear at the Metro Council hearing on November 29 and testify as recommended by staff. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. MLC JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT AMENDMENT RATIFIED. Mr. Rosland advised that the Municipal Legislative Commission has asked each city council to ratify an amendment to the Joint Powers agreement which authorizes an increase in the financial contributions to the Commission. Member Schmidt moved the following resolution: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council hereby ratifies the following amendment to the Municipal Legislative Commission's Joint Powers agreement: 11/19/84 "XI. FINANCIAL MATTERS Section 2. The financial contributions of the Parties in support of the Commission shall be per capita. Each of the Parties shall pay to the Commission an amount as annually determined by the Commission not to exceed $0,35 per capita by February 15, of each year based on the most'recent Metropolitan Council population estimates, however, no individual municipality shall contribute more than $14,000 per year. This amount may be used by the Commission to pay all legal and consultant costs and expenses and other expenses as approved by the Board. The Board may authorize changes in the per capita charge for all members upon majority vote." Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Turner. •Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. CITY.HALL SPACE:NEEDS.TO BE STUDIED. Member Richards advised that in response to the Council's request that Member Turner and he coordinate a study of City Hall space needs, they have prepared a questionnaire to be completed by all City Departments to.solicit. background information regarding present accomodations, whether they need to be upgraded, expanded, contracted, consolidated with other governmental functions, whether city, school, state, etc. Mr. Rosland stated he had asked the staff to look at their space needs and they would respond..to the question- naire. Member Turner added that when the information obtained from the question- naire is brought back to the Council that the next step would to proceed with appointment of a committee. It was unanimously agreed by the Council to proceed with the questionnaire, asking that responses by completed and returned by no later. than December 31, 1984. RESIGNATION FROM SHHSC NOTED. Member Turner informed the Council that Sally Tang, one of the appointees to the South Hennepin Human Services Council has resigned leaving an opening on that board for her unexpired term to 2 -1 -85. The board would like to fill the vacancy as soon as possible and after discussion.:it_ was agreed that.the Council Members should submit names for.consideration to the Mayor so that the position could be filled as soon as possible. Member Turner mentioned that Sally Tang also sat on the Hennepin County Community Health Services Committee. Member Schmidt advised that Barbara Reynolds, Chairman of the Edina Advisory Board of Health, has applied for that position, being nominated by the Third District Nursing Association and would be excellent for that committee. Mr. Rosland stated he would. contact Commissioner Kremer or Commissioner -Elect Keefe and ask them to support the nomination. SEMINAR FOR LOCAL OFFICIALS ON DEALING WITH METROPOLITAN AGENCIES NOTED. Mayor Courtney stated he received an announcement of a seminar to be conducted by Gene Franchett, former Executive Director of the Metro Council, on "How to Deal With Metropolitan Agencies." Anyone interested should contact the City Manager. No action tias taken. WOODDALE SCHOOL SITE HEARING PROCESS OUTLINED. Mr. Rosland informed the Council that the consultants on the Wooddale School site have proposed several alternatives for the site. Recommended procedure would be to hold two informational meetings at Wooddale School approximately a week apart (January 8 and January 15) at which the consultants would present their report and recommendations to area residents and other interested persons. A public hearing then would then be scheduled for the Council Agenda at the Council Meeting of February 4, 1985. The informational meetings would be advertised-and letters would be sent to area residents informing them of the dates and advising that the meetings are not public hearings. Required notice would then be given for the public hearing. Recommended area to be notified would be from Halifax Avenue to Highway 100 and from W. 44th Street to W. 54th Street. After discussion, the Council informally agreed to proceed with the hear ing process as outlined by Mr. Rosland. WINE REFERENDUM /LICENSING DISCUSSED. As a follow -up to the recent advisory poll. on the issue of wine licenses at the November 6, 1984, General Election, Mr. Rosland asked for direction by the Council as to what the staff should do in anticipation of a request that the issue of Wine Licenses be placed on the Council Agenda. Member Richards responded that in light of the poll results he felt a draft ordinance should be prepared which would include all the possibilities of how to regulate wine lic- censes, control measures, possible locations involved, etc. Attorney Erickson pointed out that another aspect to consider would be the license fee in relationship to the fee for liquor licenses at the City's country clubs. He noted also that a local ordinance can be more restrictive than the State Statute. Member Bredesen submitted that he felt any costs involved should be borne by the people who will benefit from the issuance of wine licenses. Mr. Rosland stated that staff will keep track of the costs incurred by staff and counsel. No formal action was taken. 11/19/84 REPORT GIVEN ON APPEAL TO STATE OF MINNESOTA REGARDING COUNTY'S INCREASE IN ASSESSED EVALUATIONS FOR SINGLE FAMILY HOMES IN EDINA. Mr. Rosland stated that an order has been received from the Minnesota Department of Revenue in response to the City's appeal regarding the 3% increase set by Hennepin County on evaluations of single family homes. The order stated that the request for a lower evaluation is denied. Assessor Johnson pointed out that, subsequently, ratios have come out.for all municipalities in Hennepin County and it appears that Edina is lowest in the County after the 3% increase. He explained that this community and a few others are the only ones experiencing any overall growth in value. No action was taken. MUNICIPAL LIQUOR STORES NET INCOME REVIEWED. Mr. Rosland advised that the mer- chandising approach the City has been working toward has started to pay dividends and that the net income is up $58,510..00 in the first nine months. No action taken. STAFF WISHES COUNCIL A HAPPY THANKSGIVING. Mr. Rosland extended the wishes of the staff to the Council Members for a Happy Thanksgiving Holiday. ORDINANCE NO. 1353 -A1 (MASSAGE /SAUNA ORDINANCE) ADOPTED ON SECOND READING. Council was reminded that First Reading of Ordinance No. 1353 -A1 was given at the meeting of November 5, 1985. No objections being heard, Member Schmidt moved Second-Reading and adoption of the ordinance as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 1353 -A1 AN AMENDMENT TO THE ORDINANCE LICENSING AND REGULATING PHYSICAL CULTURE AND HEALTH SERVICES AND CLUBS, REDUCING CLUBS AND SALONS, MASSAGE PARLORS, SAUNA PARLORS, AND ESCORT SERVICES, TO EXEMPT CERTAIN BUSINESSES FROM THE REQUIREMENT TO OBTAIN A LICENSE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. Exemption from Business License Requirements. Section 2 of Ordinance No. 1353 is hereby amended by adding thereto a new paragraph (c) as follows: "(c) The preceding provisions of this section notwithstanding, no business as described in this section shall be required to obtain a license under this section if it meets all of the following criteria as evidenced by affidavits and other documents, including that set out at 4. below, submitted to and in form and substance reasonably acceptable to the City Clerk: 1. The principal activity of the business shall not be the performance of massage services; 2. The activity of the business is conducted and performed on the business premises; 3. No more than two persons licensed to perform massage services under this ordinance shall perform such massage services at any one time on the business premises; and 4. The annual gross revenue of the business from performing massage services is less than 25% of the total annual gross revenue of the business as shown by financial statements of the kind.specified in Section 4 (a) 10 of this ordinance." Sec. 2. There is hereby added to paragraph (a) of Section 4, a new subpara- graph 10 as follows: "10. A financial statement, certified as true and correct by an independent accountant, showing the gross income of the business to be licensed for the then last three fiscal years of such business, or shorter period of time that applicant may have been in the business to be licensed, itemized as to each activity of the business, including without limitation, the gross income from performing massage services." Sec. 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage and publication. Motion for adoption of the ordinance was seconded by Member Turner. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Ordinance adopted. ATTEST: Mayor City Clerk LIQUOR FUND REPORTS as of August 31, 1984 and September 30, 1984, were presented, reviewed and ordered placed on file by motion of Member Turner, seconded by Member Schmidt. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. 11/19/84 CLAIMS PAID. Motion of Member Turner, was seconded by Member Schmidt for confir- mation of payment of the following claims dated 10/31/84: General Fund $178,028.54, Park Fund $1,321.99, Art Center $254.67, Swimming Pool Fund $10,819.42, Golf Course Fund 7,404.60, Recreation Center Fund $2,506.95, Gun Range Fund $235.64, Waterwork Fund $3,909.21, Sewer Rental Fund $160.99, Liquor Dispensary Fund $281,659.21, IMP Bond Redemption !12 $606.00, Total $286.907.42; and for payment of the following claims as per Pre -List dated 11/19/84: General Fund $155,781.50, Park Fund $21,560.74, Art Center $8,838.65, Swimming Pool Fund $6,801.75, Golf Course Fund $5,460.17, Recreation Center Fund $8,041.60, Gun Range Fund $466.52, Waterwork Fund $22,239.96, Sewer Rental Fund $3,998.95, Liquor Dispensary Fund $95,901.19, Construction Fund $61,570.40, I`IP Bond Redemption r2 $3,433.09, Total $394,094.52. There being no further business on the agenda, Mayor Courtney declared the meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. City Clerk I -A January 4, 1985 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Francis J. Hoffman, City Engineer�� VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: France Avenue Reconstruction - W. 492 Street to Excelsior Blvd. The background on this project dates back many years. Various attempts have been made to improve the roadway noted above. The various agencies involved have struggled to reach an agreement on the type of roadway to be reconstructed. The Minnesota Department of Transportation currently controls this segment of roadway as Highway 121. The Department ( MNDOT) is currently turning back many roadways- which no longer serve a high- way function. Previously MNDOT turned back the portion of France.Avenue between W. 50th Street and West 54th Street to the cities of Edina and Minneapolis, without any reconstruction. The current effort to improve the roadway is a joint effort of Minnesota. Department of Transportation, ( MNDOT) Hennepin County, Edina, St. Louis Park and Minneapolis, MNDOT has programmed funds for a portion of the improvement costs. However, they have determined that the project should be conducted by another agency. The City of Minneapolis has agreed to be the lead agency on the project. The various agency staff members have met several times to determine a preliminary plan which could be acceptable to Hennepin County. The purpose to seeking County approval is the belief that the roadway should be a continuation of existing County Road 17 (France Avenue from W. 54th Street to Old Shakopee Road in Bloomington). The Edina staff has met with the neighbors to determine their reaction to the project. For most part, the proposed roadway width and parking is not an issue with the neighbors. However, there seems to be very little support for any additional sidewalk. Staff will present more detailed findings at the Council meeing. Finally, the purpose of .the hearing Monday evening, is to consider a preliminary plan approval relating to general design and consider processing a variance request to the State for a width variance (see attached document). Also, enclosed are the various notices sent to neighbors and a timetable received from the City of Minneapolis. 0 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PERRY D. SMITH, P.E. CITY ENGINEER•DIRECTOR MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55415 JAMES H. LIND. DEPUTY CITY ENGINEER J. M. ELLES - DIRECTOR, ADMINISTRATION J. F. HAYEK . DIRECTOR, WATER WORKS M. A. HOSHAW - DIRECTOR, ENGRG. DESIGN D. R. KOSKI - DIRECTOR, TRAFFIC ENGRG. M.J. KROENING • DIRECTOR, GEN. SERVICES B. J. LOKKESMOE • DIRECTOR, OPERATIONS A. E. MADISON • MANAGER, FINANCE T. B. SADLER - SUPERINTENDENT, EQUIPMENT Mr. Fran Hoffman Director of Public Works City of Edina 4801 W. 50th St. Edina, Minnesota 0 no Hulmiumpmun Fad ol� hhn December 4, 1984 Re: France Avenue South (W. 49 112 Street - Excelsior Boulevard) Dear Mr. Hoffman: The purpose of this letter is to submit to you the draft Engineering Agreement, the Draft Variance Request, our Draft City Council Resolution, and Layout No. 5C for the France Avenue reconstruction project for your comments /approval . If necessary, we can meet on this later this month. The Draft Variance Request will be expanded to include a Capacity Analysis prepared by our Traffic Engineering Division. The initial analysis showed that there is an adequate Level of Service within the area between W. 49 112 Street and W. 44th Street. E t—, ac The following schedule seems reasonable at this time: Engineering Design Agreement Variance Approval Completion of Design Construction Agreement Approval Processing Letting Contract Award a February 1, 1985 April 15, 1985 August 1, 1985 December 1, 1985 December 1, 1985 February 1, 1986 April 1, 1986 Q�nunnu �� ,� • A A � � 11�f -. Dili �il r Ili r. arc Fran Hoffman December 4, 1984 Page 2 I intend to submit the layout for Minneapolis City Council approval in the last half of December. I would like to proceed with the variance request as soon as I know that it and the layout are satisfactory to you and your Council. If you have questions or comments please contact me at 348 -6588, or Jodi Polzin at 348 -7565. Very truly yours, lw---i Robert S. Morgan, P. E. Engineer III, Planning and Programming Engineering Design and Planning RSM:J MP:gb cc: C'. E. Wei ch sel baum J : M. Wol d Richard Koppy a REQUEST FOR VARIANCE FROM STATE -AID STANDARDS to the MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION f or FRANCE AVENUE Between W. 49 1/2 STREET AND EXCELSIOR BOULEVARD S.P. 141 - 332 -01 Presented by The City of Edina The City of Minneapolis The City of St. Louis Park November, 1984 0 Im TABLE OF CONTENTS STANDARD FROM WHICH VARIANCE IS REQUESTED . ............................... DESCRIPTIONOF PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT ....... ............................... REASONSFOR REQUEST OF VARIANCE ........... ............................... ECONOMIC, SOCIAL, SAFETY & ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS WHICH MAY RESULT FROM REQUESTED VARIANCE.... EFFECTIVENESS OF PROJECT IN ELIMINATING AN EXISTING DEFICIENCY............ ......... ............................... EFFECTON ADJACENT LAND ................... ............................... NUMBEROF PERSONS AFFECTED ................ ............................... SAFETYCONSIDERATIONS ..................... ............................... CONCLUSION................................ ............................... APPENDIX A. PROJECT LOCATION MAP .............. ............................... B. EXISTING CROSS SECTIONS ........... ............................... C. PROPOSED CROSS SECTIONS ........... ............................... The cities of Minneapolis, Edina, and St. Louis Park hereby request a variance from Minnesota Rules, Chapter 8820.9912 and 8820.9913, effective March 26, 1984. Rule 8820.9912 requires that High Density Arterials, undivided, with one side parking have a curb - to-curb width of 62 ft., and that Low Density Arterials, undivided, with one side parallel parking have a curb - to-curb width of 38 feet. Rul a 8820.9913 def ines any roadway with an Average Daily Traffic in excess of 10,000 vehicles per day as a High Density Arterial requiring four travel lanes. A variance from these standards is requested for France Avenue from W. 49 1/2 Street to Excelsior Boulevard. France Avenue, a North /South arterial street, serves as the City Limits of Edina, St. Louis Park, and Minneapolis. Specifically it is the Edina /Minneapolis boundary between W. 50th Street and W. 40th Street, and the St. Louis Park /Minneapol is boundary between W. 40th Street and Excelsior Boulevard. High volumes of traffic travel along this roadway, which has two lanes, is in poor condition, has poor drainage, and lacks curb in segments. The cities of Edina, St. Louis Park, and Minneapolis, jointly, propose to reconstruct France Avenue between W. 49 1/2 Street and Excelsior Boulevard. The project will be designed in the following segments: A. West 49 1/2 Street to W. 44th Street. France Avenue, along this segment, is considered a High Density Arterial per Minnesota Rule 8820.9913. It presently is a 42 foot wide, two-lane street with parking allowed on both sides. No width changes are proposed for the length between W. 49 1/2 Street and W. 45th Street. At W. 45th Street the street will widen to 48 feet to allow for parking on both sides. Improvements include new curb and gutter, reconstruction of the roadway, new 1 lighting, and reconstruction of the sidewalk in areas where the roadway widens. B. W. 44th Street to W. 39th Street. This segment is a Low Density Arterial per 8820.9913. The present width varies between 32 feet and 42 feet with parking allowed on both sides. The roadway between W. 44th Street and Morningside Road will be widened to 48 feet. Parking will be allowed on both sides. The segment between Morningside Road and W. 39th Street will be reconstructed at 40 feet, with parking allowed on one side. Improvents include reconstruction of the roadway, new curb and gutter, new sidewalk along the west side, and new lighting. C. W. 39th Street to Excel sior Boulevard. This segment is also considered a Low Density Arterial. The present roadway is 33 feet wide with parking allowed. The proposal is to widen this to 36 feet. Parking will be allowed on one side. Improvements include reconstruction of the roadway, new curb and gutter, and new lighting. pv:mcs 0: : _I a aw, :.:►6 Variances from Minnesota Rule 8820.9912 and 8820.9913, Urban State Aid Streets, are requested for this street improvement. The segment from W. 49 1/2 Street to W. 44th Street requires a variance from the required number of through lanes for a High Density Arterial Urban Street. The proposal is to design two through lanes rather than four, as required. West 39th Street to Excelsior Boulevard requires a variance E from the required curb -to -curb width of 38 feet to a width of 36 feet. A. W. 49 1/2 Street to W. 44th Street. The present Average Daily Traffic (ADT) is 11,100 vehicles /day. This is projected to increase to 12,250 vehicles/day in 20 years. Section 8820.9913, Urban Roadway Classification, defines routes with this level of traffic as a High Density Arterial Roadway. However, the Facility Function and Design Character for France Avenue is more accurately reflected in the description of a Low Density Arterial Roadway, "a roadway which serves intra- community travel, augments high density arterial system, has some access control with emphasis on traffic mobility." Section 8820.9912 requires that two lane, Low Density Arterial Roadway have a curb - to-curb width of 38 feet with one side parking, and 48 feet with two side parking. The proposed France Avenue design between W. 49 1/2 Street and W. 45th Street exceeds the Low Density Arterial Roadway standard with a curb - to-curb width of 42 feet with one side parking, and between W. 45th Street and W. 44th Street is meets the standard of 48 feet with two side parking. It is anticipated that the existing satisfactory level of service will be maintained or improved after completion of this project. This section of France Avenue presently is a 42 foot wide, two lane street. The , purpose of this project is to improve the condition of the roadway. As described above, State Aid standards require that a roadway which conveys similar volumes of traffic, have a minimum of four through lanes. Allowing for parking on one side, this would require a curb - to-curb width of 62 feet. The existing Right -of -Way is 63 feet. Abiding by this requirement would necessitate acquisition of a significant amount of Right -of -Way. This is not physically possible in the commercial area at France Avenue and W. 44th 3 Street. It would also create the need for retaining walls in a majority of the area, which will further increase the cost of the project. B. W. 44th Street to W. 39th Street. A variance is not requested for this segment of the project. C. W. 39th Street to Excelsior Boulevard. This segment of France Avenue is presently 33 feet wide. This project would widen this to 36 feet. The 36 foot width allows for two 12 foot through lanes and one ten foot parking lane plus a two foot reaction between the travel lane and the curb. The required width is 38 feet. Abiding by the width requirements will create the greatest impact to the abutting properties between W. 39th Street and W. 38th Street. As proposed the street is being widened by three feet. In addition, the curb will be tapered at W. 38th Street to allow a shift in the parking lane from the east side of France Avenue to the west side. An additional three feet is required to accommodate this taper. The total impact to the abutting property at W. 38th Street is a widening of six feet. Abiding by the width standard would involve a total widening of five feet to eight feet between W. 39th Street and W. 38th Street. The proposed project will have less impact on the abutting properties than the required design. The impact which would result from reconstructing France Avenue, as proposed, is discussed below: 4 Economic Impact If this variance is denied there would be a significant increase in the project cost." Widening the segment from W. 49 1/2 Street to W. 44th Street to four lanes would require additional Right -of -Way, relocation of existing sidewalk, retaining wall construction, regrading of front lawns, and additional road construction. The project cost would increase by approximately $ 77 Widening the segment between W. 39th Street to Excelsior Boulevard would require additional construction which would further increase the construction cost by approximately $ 2DncD. This total of approximately $ JTL oul d not be expended if this variance is granted. Removal of parking at W. 44th Street and France Avenue would have a negative economic impact on the businesses which rely on this parking for their customers Reconstruction of France Avenue between W. 49 1/2 Street and Excelsior Boulevard as proposed will have a positive social impact. The general appearance will improve after completion of the construction. Reconstruction as required may have a negative social impact on the generally residential nature of France Avenue. Increasing the number of lanes may increase the amount of traffic between W. 49 1/2 Street and W. 44th Street. There will be a postive safety impact associated with the proposed design. Placing of curbs where none presently exist, and removal of parking will improve the safety of France Avenue. The design is a safe design, allowing for 12 foot through lanes, and 10 foot parking lanes, plus two foot reaction between the 5 through lanes and either the curb, or the parking lanes. The proposed project includes a realignment of W. 38th Street at the intersection of France Avenue. This street is presently offset at France Avenue and is the cause of accidents. The proposed design realigns W. 38th Street in an effort to reduce the number of accidents and create a safer intersection. L K.J ORMERMSE1 l e 1• . -i I- France Avenue between W. 49 1/2 Street and Excelsior Boulevard is generally in poor condition. There are areas where curbs are non - existent and areas with drainage probl ems. The poor roadway surface is not compatible with the heavy bus usage between W. 49 1/2 Street and W. 39th Street. There is no record of any permanent pavement between W. 44th Street and Excelsior Boulevard. There was an overlay to France Avenue from W. 49 1/2 Street to W. 44th Street in 1954, however, there is no record of when, if ever, any base was placed. The proposed project improves these conditions, and allows for wider through lanes, and sufficient separation between the parked vehicles and the moving traffic. -i :• • As proposed, there is little detrimental effect on the adjacent land. However, constructing the segments to required standards between W. 49 1/2 Street and 42nd Street will require acquisition of Right -of -Way by the City of Edina. As proposed the City of Edina need only acquire Right -of -Way between Morningside Avenue and 42nd Street. G Traffic patterns will not significantly be affected by replacement of the roadway, therefore the number of persons affected by this project will be limited to those who are daily users. The projected ADT for France Avenue between W. 49 1/2 Street and W. 44th Street is 12,250 vehicles /day. For the segment between W. 44th Street and W. 39th Street the projected ADT is 9,750 vehicles /day. The segment between W. 39th Street and Excelsior Boulevard has a projected ADT of 7,500. Buses travel between W. 49 1/2 Street and W. 39th Street. There are buses per day and approximately passengers per day. The safety of the moving vehicles are considered in designing the width of the through lanes at 12 feet. The safety of the pedestrian is considered by having sidewalk on at least one side of France Avenue for the entire length between W. 49 1/2 Street and Excel s-ior Boulevard. The extra width of two feet over the required width between Morningside Road and W. 39th Street allows for a vehicle to pass a bus at a bus stop without moving into the oncoming traffic lane. France Avenue between W. 49 1/2 Street and Excelsior Boulevard presently is a two lane roadway, with two side parallel parking allowed, located in a predominately residential area with a commercial district at W. 44th Street. The roadway is generally in poor condition. The proposed project will improve the condition of the VA road, widen (in sections), remove some parking, and provide for 12 foot through lanes. This will allow continuation or improvement of the existing level of service. Abiding by the standards contained In Minnesota Rules 8820.9912 and 8820.9913 would further widen the roadway, resulting in a more costly project, requiring additional Right -of -Way, removing mature trees, replacing retaining walls, and removing all the parking. This design has been developed and agreed to by Edina, Minneapolis, and St. Louis Park. If this Variance Request is not granted, it is likely that the project will not proceed. France Avenue is in poor condition and will worsen in time if this project is not completed. Granting this Variance will allow the negotiated design to proceed. T RF.SOLUT T ON WHEREAS, the City of Edina, in cooperation with the Cities of Minneapolis and St. Louis Park, wishes to reconstruct France Avenue between W. 492 Street and Excelsior Boulevard, in part using Municipal State -Aid funds; and WHEREAS, the Minnesota Department of Transportation Rule 8820.9912 requires that-France Avenue between W. 492 Street and W. 44th Street have a minimum of four lanes; and WHEREAS, the Minnesota Department of Transportation Rule 8820.9912 requires that France Avenue between W. 39th Street and Excelsior Boulevard have a minimum curb -to -curb width of 38 feet; and WHEREAS, the City of Edina believes there are valid reasons for constructing France Avenue to a lower design standard and that such lower design standard will safely and adequately handle existing and proposed traffic; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, that the City Engineer, in cooperation with the Cities of Minneapolis and St. Louis Park, be directed to submit to the Commissioner of Transportation a formal request for variance for France Avenue between W. 492 Street and W. 44th Street from the minimum number of required four lanes in order to construct two lanes; and for France Avenue between W. 39th Street to Excelsior Boulevard from the required curb -to -curb width of 38 feet to a width of 36 feet. ADOPTED this 7th day of January, 1985. V -.A ,. CITY OF EDINA 4801 W. 50TH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Edina City Council will be conducting an informal hearing to discuss the reconstruction of France Avenue from West 492 Street to the north City limits. The meeting will be in the Edina City Council Chambers on Monday, January 7, 1985 at 7:00 P.M. The Minnesota Department of Transportation ( MNDOT) currently has control of this portion of France Avenue. MNDOT is proposing that the road be reconstructed and the roadway be turned over to the adjacent cities or Hennepin County. The staffs from Minneapolis, St. Louis Park, Edina, Hennepin County and MNDOT have been meeting to work out a plan that would be acceptable to Hennepin County as a County Road. This would be consistent with the remainder of France Avenue in Edina and Bloomington. This meeting is the first of two meetings on this project. The City Council will consider the preliminary plans that have been developed in regard to street width, sidewalks and parking restrictions. The staff will present the plan and information gathered from neighbors during an informal meeting on August 16, 1984. The preliminary plan is basically the same as presented at the neighbor's meeting. The property owners which will be affected are those abutting France Avenue from West 492 Street to the north city limits. The basic changes in width are as follows: LOCATION EXISTING PROPOSED PARKING -WEST SIDE W. 492 St. to W. 49th St. 41.5' 42' NO W. 49th St. to W. 45th St. 43.5' 42' NO W. 45th St. to Morningside Rd. 41.0' 48' YES (Business area) Morningside Road to W. 40th St. 33.0' 40' NO If you desire additional information on this matter, please contact me at 927 -8861 between 8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M. Monday - Friday. Sincerely, Francis J.�Hoffman Director of Public Works and City Engineer FJH: jr CITY OF PE ED, 6 CIA 4801 WEST 50TH STREET, EDINA. MINNESOTA 55424 612 - 927 -8861 MEETING NOTICE Dear Resident /Property Owner The City of Edina Engineering Department will be holding an informal meeting to discuss the possible reconstruction of France Avenue from 1•4. 492 Street to the North City Limits. The meeting will be held on Thursday, August 16, 1984 at 7:00 P.M. in the City Council Chambers. The Minnesota Department of Transpo of this portion of France Avenue. MNDOT is of the roadway and turn over control of the or Hennepin County. The staffs from MNDOT, Park and City of Edina have been meeting in could be acceptable to Hennepin County as a rtation ( MNDOT) currently has control proposing to do some reconstruction roadway to either the adjacent cities Hennepin County, City of St. Louis an attempt to work out a plan that County Road. The three cities believe the roadway should be a County Road as is the rest of France Avenue in Edina and Bloomington. The Edina staff will present the preliminary plans for your review and input at the informal meeting. The main issues of discussion will include roadway width, need for on- street parking and sidewalks. Again this is an informal meeting to gather the resident and property owners concerns so that the staff will be able to better present the issues fn our discussions with the other agencies. If you have further questions or are unable to attend the meeting, please call me at 927 -8861 Si ely, ) Francis J. Hoffman, P. Director of Public Works and City Engineer K. A. Schmid 4711 Meadow Road Between 47th and 48th Streets no Edina homes front on France Avenue. The nine homes on Meadow Rd. which abuto France on the rear have never had sidewalks at the front. I see some serious difficulties with the proposed installation of sidewalk at the rear particular- ly near the center of the block. Due to the curved design of Meadow Rd. and the subsequent deep set -back requirements, the three houses at the center of the block (09, 11, and 13) have very shallow back yards with foundations as close as feet to France Ave. In addition, this is the area of a natural ravine dropping into the meadow. As a result these houses are built on a steep incline placing them far below the grade level of France Ave. The steepest part of the grade being at 4711. Any street widening or sidewalk installation at that point would almost certainly be detrimental to privacy, security, safety and the amenities of what have been until now very private and secure back yards. (At either end of the block the back yards are almost double in depth due to the same setback line and more gradual in their slope from France Ave. and therefore would not be affected in quite the same way by the proposed change.) At 4711 we would lose at least two trees at the property line which in addition to our own trees and fence- ,give a canopy of protection from the dirt, dust, sounds and carbon monoxide of 12,000 cars, trucks, and buses which daily passjust feet .above and east of our house and newly constructed three - season porch. Also at 4711, being the first house constructed on the block, we get our water supply from Minneapolis., It is piped under France Avenue with the turn -off valve located on the bank near or within the proposed side- walk area. K AS -2- Approximate 18 years ago a.stdrdy guard rail was placed behind 4711 and parts of 09 and 13 in this natural ravine area to prevent street vehicles from jumping the curb and careening into the houses as did a streetcar at 4713 and a car at 4711 doing exterior and interior damege to the bedroom. We then installed a new privacy fence at the property line which in a. few feet is already steeply dropped from the present curb level. A sidewalk at street level would put many passersby asd-bikers._as well a!� trucks and buses in a position overlooking living areas. Until now problems of juveniles throwing trash or climbing onto the fence have been minimal due to the deep, brushy slope. This would not remain the case with a side- walk installed at street level. Also the difficulties Of constructing a sidewalk.at this point would seem major. It is hard to see that any proposed change would not leave -us without negative impact on property value and peace of mind at 4711. It is ironic to be .organizing Neighborhood Watch one week and proposing a plan to increase our exposure to transient France Ave. the next. The only yard thefts or incident of breaking and entering with people asleep in the house occured during a period when one of the back yards was fenceless. Sidewalks on the Minneapolis side of France Ave. are rarely if ever shoveled during the winter for the reason that the street snow and ice plowed onto them is too heavy and frozen to shovel. City plowing of these walks or removal of street snow would make a sidewalk on the Edina side un- necessary at this point. The existing ditch catches mu ch of the snow, ice and salt thrown off the street by plowing resulting in only one or two sections of downed fence each spring Street and sidewalk plowing would probably be more than it could withstand. Clearly we have particular_ problems and concerns at the center of the 4700 block and I hope that qualified planners and engineers will take a closer look during the early ,planning CONCERNS AT 4711 1) Continued guard rail protection from street vehicles plunging into yard and house. f rom 2) Continued privacy in living areas /fence and or wall. 3) Damage during or after construction to established trees, shrubs, soil and plantings and soil quality and stability. 4) Damage to water main stub and turnoff valve which connects us to Mnneapolis water. 5) Structural damage to ceiling and wall plaster, china and crystal in cabinets due to proximity to equipment used in breaking up existing street. 6) Freedom from the trash which now accumulates in the ditch behind our fence and which proliferates wherever Edina sidewalks have been constructed near or between commercial centers. (i.e. 50th Street just west of the shopping center.) 7) Security of homes and persons which has been. provided in part by the seclusion afforded by • adequate fencing on France Ave. 8) The expense and difficulty of replacing thepresent fence behind 4711 if damaged by construction or snow plowing. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT JANUARY 2, 1985 LD -84 -19 Lots 28 and 29, Warden Acres Generally located: North of Benton Avenue and West of MNS Railroad Refer to: Attached survey The applicant requests a party wall division of an existing double bungalow. Separate utility connections have been provided. Recommendation Approval. 941 -3031 &len Prairie, 1'224' 55344 Survey For William F. Sr.arpe Book Page File Stephen N. Lisle 1 I SCALE i " = sej" A = IRON ll'V,'-L O = I .;', )N S E o I I I 1 1 SI vl �i 01 v1 31 i c c I � 1 . 1 1 .1 l )J6.57e -i C0 k-. Lo -r z•y >3- r I I I i I 1 i .t: r Z 4 I i I� 1 I aoroby arNfr r,.al this it a n,» and correct reprexntC.ioa cf a rvrrey of t!o Ln -=dwiro ef a t t a clip (9 (9 a S C r i ?) t i on Monsoon Cauaty, t.Unnaata end at t%,y� of c!I W114aps f`.areen, and dl •Wbla •ncrec6awntb If any, from or on rad lend. Cvrr.7 d �y ca his 1 t h dayel C'�. ZD""'-LL a A— SECCIATUS, INC. rTATF r'-r:. IvIn r•ns CAMARELI.E & ASSOCIATES, INC. $110 Eden Road Eden Prairie. Minnesota 55344 . 941 -3031 Description of Parcels on Certificate Dated December 12, 1984: Description of William F. Sharpe 5412 Benton Avenue Edina, MN 55436 That part of Lot 28, Warden Acres lying West of the rail- road right -of -way and that part of the East 125 feet of Lot 29 Warden Acres lying East of a line dray n from a point on the North line of said Lot 29 distant 118.17 feet East of the Northwest corner of said lot to a point on the South line of said Lot 29 distant 119.38 feet East of the Southwest corner of said Lot 29. Hennepin County, Minnesota. Together with a permanent ingress and egress easement for driveway purposes over the Southerly 66 feet of said Lot 29 and the Easterly 16 feet of the Southerly 66 feet of Lot 30 Warden Acres' Hennepin County, Minnesota. Description of Stephen N. Lisle 5416 Benton Avenue c Edina, MN 55436 a That part of the East 125 feet of Lot 29 Warden Acres lying West of a line drawn from a point on the North line of said Lot 29 distant 118.17 feet East of the Northwest corner of said lot to a point on the South line of said Lot 29 distant 119.38 feet East of the Southwest corner of said Lot 29. Hennepin County, Minnesota. Together with a permanent ingress and egress easement for ,-driveway purposes over the Southerly 66 _feet of said Lot 29 and the Easterly 16 feet of the Southerly 66 feet of Lot 30 Warden Acres. Hennepin County, Minnesota. U rr � RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the following described property is at present a single tract of land: Lots 28 and 29, Warden Acres, WHEREAS, the owners have requested the subdivision of said tract into separate parcels (herein called "Parcels ") described as follows: That part of Lot 28, Warden Acres lying West of the railroad right -of -way and that part of the East 125 feet of Lot 29 Warden Acres lying East of a line drawn from a point on the North line of said Lot 29 distant 118.17 feet East of the Northwest corner of said lot to a point on the South line of said Lot 29 distant 119.38 feet East of the Southwest corner of said Lot 29, Hennepin County, Minnesota Together with a permanent ingress and egress easement for driveway purposes over the Southerly 66 feet of said Lot 29 and the Easterly 16 feet of the Southerly 66 feet of Lot 30 Warden Acres,,Hennepin County, Minnesota. and That part of the East 125 feet of Lot 29 Warden Acres lying West of a line drawn from a point on the North line of said Lot 29 distant 118.17 feet East of the Northwest corner of said lot to a point on the South line of said Lot 29 distant 119.38 feet East of the Southwest corner of said Lot 29, Hennepin County, Minnesota. Together with a permanent ingress and egress easement for driveway purposes over the Southerly 66 feet of said Lot 29 and the Easterly 16 feet of the Southerly 66 feet of Lot 30 Warden Acres, Hennepin County, Minnesota. WHEREAS, it has been determined that compliance with the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations of the City of Edina will create an unnecessary hardship and said Parcels as separate tracts of land do not interfere with the purposes of the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations as contained in the City of Edina Ordinances Nos. 801 and.825; NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved by the City Council of the City of Edina that the conveyance and ownership of said Parcels as separate tracts of land is hereby approved and the requirements and provisions of Ordinance No. 801 and Ordinance No. 825 are hereby waived to allow said division and conveyance thereof as separate tracts of land but are not waived for any other purpose or as to any other provision thereof, and subject, however, to the provision that no further subdivision be made of said Parcels unless made in compliance with the pertinent ordinances of the City of Edina or with the prior approval of this Council as may be provided for by those ordinances. ADOPTED this 7th day of January, 1985. RESOLUTION GRANTING FINAL PLAT APPROVAL FOR INTERLACHEN POINT TOWNHOMES BE IT. RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled "Interlachen Point Townhomes ", platted by Emar Development Corporation, a Minnesota Corporation, owner and proprietor and Richfield Bank and Trust Co., a Minnesota Corporation, mortgagee, and presented at the regular meeting of the City Council of January 7, 1985, be and is hereby granted final plat approval. ADOPTED this 7th day of January, 1985. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of January 7, 1985, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 8th day of January, 1985. City Clerk Subdivision No. �` a SUBDIVISION DEDICATION REPORT TO: Planning Commission Park Board Environmental Quality Commission FROM: Planning Department SUBDIVISION NAME: LAND SIZE: LAND VALUE_ (By: Date: The developer of this subdivision has been required to 11 A. grant an easement over part of the land ElB. dedicate % of the land Fr�C. donate $ as a fee in lieu of land As a result of applying the following policy: A. Land Required (no density or intensity may be used for the first 5% of land dedicated) 1. If property is adjacent to an existing park and the addition beneficially expands the park. 2. If property is 6 acre=s or will be combined with future dedications so that the end result will be a minimum of a 6 acre park. II3. If property abuts a natural lake, pond, or stream. 4. If property is necessary for storm water holding or will be dredged or otherwise improved for storm water holding areas or ponds. D 5. If the property is a place of significant natural, scenic or his- toric value. F] 6. B. Cash Required Q1. In all other instances than above. 11 2. TO: FROM: VIA: SUBJECT: DATE: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE Mayor and City Council William B. Feck, Fire Chief Kenneth Rosland, City Manager REQUEST FOR PURCHASE OF ITEi °1 IN EXCESS OF $5,000 January 4, 1985 Material Description (General Specifications): Reconstruction of 1973 Ford Pirsch L 9000 Pumper and all other appurtenances in accordance with specifications provided Quotations /Bids: Company Amount of Quote or Bid 1. Custom Fire Apparatus, Inc. $49,790 2. General Safety Equipment Corporation 0 $47,150 Department Recommendation: I recommend we award the bid to the lower bidder, General Safety Equipment Corporation. Signature Department Finance Director's Endorsement: The recommended bid is ✓ is not within the amount budget for the purchase. �C� P—x2e� J. N. Dalen, Finance Director City Ma aer's Endorsement: I concur with the recommendation of the Department and recommend Council approve the purchase. 2. I recommend as an alternative: Kenne h Rosland, ty Manager TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bob Kojetin, Director Parks and Recreation VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE OF ITE<<1 IN EXCESS OF $5,000 DATE: Jan. 3, 1985 Material Description (General Specifications): 22,000 Park and.Recreation Activities Calendars Quotations /Bids: Company 1. Carlson Printing Sexton Printing 2. 3, Foss Printing Amount of Quote or Bid $7,125.00 7,169.00 7,910.00 Department Recommendation: Activities Calendar to be awarded to Carlson Printing for $7,125.00 n re Departm Finance Director's Endorsement: The recommended bid is ./ is not within the amount budget for the purchase. Dalen, Finance Director City Ma aer's Endorsement: 1. I concur with the recommendation of the Department and recommend Council approve the purchase. 2. I recommend as an alternative: /l eth Roslan nager i "A T0: Ken Rosland, City Manager From: J.N. Dalen, Finance Director SUBJECT: Braemar Golf Course Projections DATE: January 4, 1985 The Finance Department has reviewed the projections of the - expansion of The Braemar Golf Course. Various changes were recommended in the projected revenue and expense amounts along with a more thorough breakdown of the assunptions used to arrive at these amounts. We feel that the revenue and expense projections, together with the underlying assumptions are now reasonable. BRAEMAR (iv,.F COURSE REVENUE PROJECTIONS 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 184400 236700 245600 287700 304500 333500 309500 310500 280100 11000 34500 Golf Course Green Fees 391000 393000 435000 435000 • 476000 476000 518000 518000 560000 560000 Golf Cars 75000 75000 75000 79000 79000 83000 83000 86000 86000 89000 Patron Cards 66000 69000 70000 70000 71000 78500 79500 80500 81500 85500 Rentals (lockers, lessons, 14000 14000 14000 14000 14000 14000 14000 14000 14000 14000 clubs, pull carts) 47500 49500 20100 135400 188300 212000 189100 210050 249550 319550 Total Golf Course Revenue 546000 551000 59.4000 598000 640000 651500 684500 698500 741500 748500 Range Revenue 123000 134000 136000 143000 145000 152000 154000 161000 163000 170000 Grill Revenue 105000 107000 110000 115000 125000 140000 150000 155000 160000 170000 Executive Course 69000 48000 114700 149600 188700 221000 250000 267000 276000 285600 Total Revenue 843000 840000 953700 1005600 1098700 1164500 1249500 1280500 1340500 1372100 EXPENSE PROJECTIONS Total Operating Expense Net Operating Income S Interest on Bonds Depreciation Capital Investments Bond Retirement Gain or Loss Accumulative Gain or Loss 599600 655600 717000 760000 811000 860000 916000 971000 1030000 1092000 243400 184400 236700 245600 287700 304500 333500 309500 310500 280100 11000 34500 113000 105000 100000 95000 90000 85000 80000 75000 47000 47000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 63500 66750 70000 73500 77000 81000 85000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 135400 52900 23700 (22900) 20950 39500 70000 47500 49500 20100 135400 188300 212000 189100 210050 249550 319550 367050 416550 436650 EXTRAORDINARY EXPENSE Total operating expense based on 6% normal increase plus the following anticipated additions: 1986: One extra maintenance person $20,000 ± (executive course) 1987: One part time cashier (executive course) $4,000 t 1987: One extra person (grill) $18,000 t 1989: One Part time cashier (executive course) $5,000 t 1991: One part time cashier (executive course) $5,000 t NOTE : Subject to change depending on the actual amount of the bonds, when the bonds are issued, the payment schedule set up and other factors. BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE + CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS STUDY PROJECTED BOND PAY14ENTS PRINCIPAL INTEREST OUTSTANDING ANNUAL TOTAL YEAR PAYMENTS PAYMENTS PRINCIPAL PAYMENT 1986 27500 1100000 27500 1987 110000 1100000 110000 1988 50000 105000 1050000 155000 1989 50000 100000 1000000 150000 1990 50000 95000 950000 145000 1991 50000 90000 900000 140000 1992 50000 85000 850000 135000 1993 50000 80000 800000 130000 1994 50000 75000 750000 125000 1995 50000 70000 700000 120000 1996 100000 60000 600000 160000 1997 100000 50000 500000 150000 1998 100000 40000 400000 140000 1999 100900 30000 300000 130000 2000 100000 20000 200000 120000 2001 100000 10000 100000 110000 2002 100000 100000 NOTE : Subject to change depending on the actual amount of the bonds, when the bonds are issued, the payment schedule set up and other factors. BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE PROPOSED.RATES 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992, 1993 1994 Patron Card 40.00: 45.00 50.00 18 Hole Golf Car 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 9 Hole Golf Car 8.50 9.00 9.50 10.00 10.50 18 Hole - Senior Rate 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 9 Hole - Senior Rate 640 6.50 7.00 7.50 .8.00 Large Range Balls 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.25 Small Range Balls 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 GREEN FEES 18 Hole Patron 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 .9 Hole Patron 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.00 18 Hole Non - Patron 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 9 Hole Non - Patron 6.50 7.00 7.50 8.00 8.50 18 Hole Senior Patron 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 9 Hole Senior Patron 4.50 5..00 5.50 6.00 f. 6.50 18 Hole Senior Non - Patron 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00- 14.00 9 Hole Senior Non - Patron 6.00 6.50 7.00 7.50 8.00 -Rounds Projected 53000 ,:,.,:53000 53000 53000 53000 53000 53000'._ 53000 53000 53000 Average Fee Per Round 7.38 7.38 8.20 8.20 8.98 8.98 9.77 91.77 10.56 10.56 PROPOSED RATES (CONT.) 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 EXECUTIVE COURSE FEES Adult Patron 2.75 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 6.75 7.00 Adult Non - Patron 3.75 5.04 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.00 7.50 7.75 8.00 Junior Patron 1.75 2.75 3.25 3.75 4.25 4.75 5.25 5.50 5.75 Junior Non - Patron 2.50 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.25 6.50 Rounds Projected 22000 15000 27000 32000 37000 40000 42000 42000 42000 42000 Average Fee Per Round 3.14 3.14 4.25 4.67 5.10 5.52 -°'5.96 6.36 6.57 6.80 a • t LEVEL OF GOVERNMENT ISSUE POLICY FEDERAL 1. Federal Cable Legis. SF 66 HF 4103 2. Federal Deficit CITY OF EDINA 1984 =85 POLICY ISSUES TS STATUS Allow retention of local government control in issue Reduce deficit to re- reduce interest 'rates by reduction in federal spending DRAFTED 1/2/85 MUNICIPAL LEGISLATIVE UE POLICY AWM POLICY COMMISSION Passed Senate. House SGL-9 Retain local passed in 1984 session government in fran- Somewhat deregulating zhising process and the industry. ontinue funding state able board. 1983 Congress substan- tially increased. 198 Congress passed $50 billion "down - payment" Significant deficits projected through 1988 if no action taken. II -C Do not diminish local contr LEVEL OF GOVERNMENT ISSUE POLICY /COM STATE 1. Improve- Very key issue ment in Minnesota's overall economy, i.e., business CITY OF EDINA 1984 -85 POLICY ISSUES STATUS Attempts made in 1984 legislature /not fully successful climate 2. Local Go t. Aids a) Dist. Eliminate present state Did not further —A ce I u aid formula- -all muni- amount grandfathered cipalities; rely on pro- for.1985.with restor- perty tax. Alternative ation of the 1984 X61- Distribute aids reduction strictly on per capita. A1t.#2- Insure formula does not subsidize in- efficiency,in local govt. or duplication of service provision by 2 or more levels of govt. DRAFTED 1/2/85 DAT MUNICIPAL LEGISLATIVE COP @IISS ION -C Recom- Recoup 1984 losses. mends State Reinstitute "Grandfather" renew its clause for 1985. Alter commitment t in 1985 Legislature = . adequately f nd for 1986. - - - state aid an distribute or a "fair & equitable" basis. Use special mean for special' problems. CITY OF EDINA 1984 -85 POLICY ISSUES DRAFTED 1/2/85 LEVEL OF GOVERNMENT MUNICIPAL ISSUE POLICY /CO1*1GNTS STATUS 1_FAMP unt rry LIiG1SLA'1'1VE STATE (CONT) , - twirl POLICY UU UfISSION Wunding Local govt. solely on Study commission -:C (see property tax. Alterna- appointed. pre II tive - -tie to percentage i vious page of sales tax if state imposed mandates on local government are also estimated. Reduce overall state sales and income tax rates. 3. Mill Levy Eliminate mill levy For 1984, reverted to RSS(A) Repeal present levy I-A Repeal Limits limits entirely. old formula. No change limits. levy limits. for 1985. I -B Recommen s as an altern - tive several changes to levy limits. CITY OF EDINA 1984 -85 POLICY ISSUES LEVEL OF GOVERNMENT ISSUE POLICY /COMMENTS STATUS STATE (CONT). 4.A. Compulsa Arbitrat B. Part time worker definition C. PELRA Def., 3. Fiscal Dis- parities Let individual cities n have the right to de- termine essential /non essential employees tie right to strike., Alternative - -for esse - tial employees, last best offer arbitratio as a more realistic method for arbitration to determine "fairness." Restore old definition of 100 days prior to eligibility for organiz No changes Delete requirement to Recodification impacted negotiate with union supervisory test for regardingideletion of bargaining unit ex- supervisory position. clusion. from bargaining unit. Eliminate Alternative: Eliminate. Alternative Return tojorig. intent. return to orig.intent. LEAGUE DRAFTED 1/2/85 MUNICIPAL LEGISLATIVE AM POLICY COMISS ION PPS -6(A) 1.Eliminate IIA. Similar definition of "essen- to Leagues. tial employees." Allo employer select arbi- tration (right to str ke). 2..Raise part time de- finition to 100 days. 3.No honoring of pick. t lines by non - striking, employees. 4..Employee select only one proceture for appealing discipline. 5.Abolish PERB. and'-place duties to BMS._ i LEVEL OF GOVERNMENT ISSUE POLICY /COMMENTS CITY OF EDINA 1984 -85 POLICY ISSUES DRAFTED 1/2/85 MUNICIPAL STATUS TPA 11V onrrin. -• LEGISLATIVE STATE (CONT) — e Wi rVLLU1 UUPRHISSION . Worker's Com Revamp system to reduce Minor changes in 1984 pensation & overall cost. Delete pr E- Legislature. Unemployment sumption of job related disability under "heart and lung" law for publi safety personnel PPS -12 Revamp pre- sumption of liability for public safety personnel as it relat s to heart /lung disease 2.. PPS -16(C) -Limit unem- ployment aysilable to people who know- ingly take temporary jobs of less than a one -year duration. 7. Day Labor Current proposal before the Legislature could Deleted position. II -F The cur cent increase the City's - provisions oE the .administrative costs of Uniform Muni ipal doing maintenance and Contract law and repair projects for no local improv ment benefit plus severely code are suf icient hamper efficiency of City crews all in the nam4 of efficiency. LEVEL OF GOVERNMENT ISSUE POLICY, STATE (CONT) 8.Fire /Buildii CITY OF EDINA 1984= 85 'POLICY ISSUES STATUS LEAGUE POLICY Upgrading of fire and Currently allow municil building codes at state adoption of Appendix E level to incorporate for more stringent improved fire protectiom sprinkler requirements features. DRAFTED 1/2/85 MUNICIPAL LEGISLATIVE 'OLICY COMISSION L PPS -9 Clarify Stat 's responsib lities for fire code Lnspections for speci is occupanci S. ?PS -10(B) Adopt state II -H Retain :ode with these modi- -ications: mandatory -Local enforcement state code i option (except Metro Metro area area) -State inspectors use outside communities without local enforc - ment - Architects /engineers certify structural compliance with cod -Allow more restricts e codes. Uniform enforcement f handicap provisions. Allow local enactmen of more stringent-co es for-sprinkler requir ments. CITY OF EDINA 1984 -85 POLICY'ISSUES DRAFTED 1/2/85 EL OF GOVERMENT MUNICIPAL ISSUE POLICY /C0101ENTS STATUS LEGISLATIVE LEAGUE POLICY STATE (CONT) AMM POLICY COP @IISSION 9.Uniform Elec Several problems exist No change GSGL -13(B) Opposes un form tion Day from a local standpoint election day but incl des including current capac ty considerations to be of voting machines if enacted O.Homestead enacted. Credit a)Broaden law regarding No change dual ownership and availability of full homestead, not allow paying occupant to deduct real estate taxes. b)Not allow state decrease of homestead they promi e. 1.Law Enforce- Eliminate POST an an POST has substantially PPS -7(B) Limit further ment Standar s unneeded regulation reduced scope of rules expansion of POST , II -L -Allow on local government. it established. standards in areas of alternative Alternative- Modify to recruitment, train- avenues of broaden avenues of en- ing and conduct. admission to the police field trance into profession. Place a moratorium on further POST rule makin . LEVEL OF GOVERNMENT ISSUE ,'.Fire Pers Standards CITY OF EDINA 1984 =85 POLICY'ISSUES POLICY /C0101ENTS STATUS Allow local service provider to set standar 3.Elimination Retain distinction of of 3.2 Beer 3.2 and strong beer for both op and off sales. ` +.Special Taxi g Grant powers to estab- Districts lish special valorem (added 3/83) districts to Edina. State Fire Chiefs s. Association studying a "voluntary" certification program. No change LEAGUE POLICY 3. Limit state in- fluence in local per- sonnel procedures. 4.Permit variance pro- cedures for rural are s. 5.Retain present boar composition. 6.Provide alternative paths to licensing. PPS- 8(B)-1.Let locals establish standards. 2.Upgrades in personnel from non -local levels should be done by in- creasing expenditures to assist local govt. PPS -17 -Same as City II Edina although added t Blmton. bill was remov d, 1983. No action, 1984. DRAFTED 1/2/85 MUNICIPAL LEGISLATIVE POLICY COMISSION -0 Retain current dis- tinction to limit sale o strong beer in retail. CITY OF EDINA 1984 -85 POLICY ISSUES DRAFTED 1/2/85 LEVEL OF GOVERNMENT MUNICIPAL ISSUE POLICY /COMAfENTS CTATIIC LEGISLA'11VE STATE (CONT) -- - -- r Wl rVLLLl UUPUfISSION .Highway Tax Retain current formula No change Spending dedicated to capital expenditures Deleted Policy V -A Maintain strong highw y PPS -2(A) Repeal any trust fund. .Career Fire- Must live in community Further:reduced a restrictions on IV- Restore M tro fighter Resid ncy they serve Metropolitan commun- local government. rea ability lo ity's ability to limit et time /dist nce Lobbyists at Limit to one lobbyist residency equirements lor Legislature on per pension fund. PPS -13(B) Supports 11 employees Pension Matter City's position. Defin.of Polic Limit to on- duty••stat s. Officer On Dut Treat as citizen arre t Status Outside outside of community of Jurisdictio carrying weapon outsi [volition. e jurisdiction on own Streamlining Make legislature proces Initiated a study'on Legislature more efficient reducing the size of tie legislature 21 -year old drinking age Due to the use and abus of alochol as it Federal moved to reduce eleted on relate to teenagers in general I highway hway funds to state without 2.1 1 age. . age & in part. the improper operation of motor veh'cles while under the i fluence. Cit� supports raising of drinkil nVr u„ g LEVEL OF GOVERNMENT ISSUE STATE (CONT) POLICY CITY OF EDINA 1984 -85 POLICY ISSUES STA .Plan Develop. Revise State Statutes t No change District permit the Council to Variances approve variances wh' i h .Community Health Funding Municipal pensions - Highway Jurisdiction COUNTY -verall Bud s are a part of a planned unit development withou requiringiithe Board of. Appeal's approval on such variances! Oppose changes in No change present legislation. I Phase out defined benefit _.. plans and !replace with defined contribution plans. (That any change in jurisdiction provide adequate funding for capital renewal and maintenance. Reduce costs and servic s DRAFTED 1/2/85 MUNICIPAL LEGISLATIVE E POLICY AM POLICY COMISS ION eted Position 'S -1(A) Various mean 1 make PERA a better :al for cities. LEVEL OF COVEMIENT POLICY CITY OF EDINA 1984- 85'POLICY ISSUES A COUNTY (CONT) Emergency Have all costs of Sheriff's 911 line changes Communications/ radio /other services to are in dis ute Sheriff's ser- users on a use fee basi vices in genera All treated equally. including County com Solid Waste Preserve current system Disposal of free contractor coll ction. Detention Review charge system. Facilities Tax Increment Limit power of approval Financing by county to present Districts comment. Shade Tree Leave funding to local Funding communities. - lmbulance No subsidization of -,ervice service by county.Retai current service tiers. ter aided dispatch. DRAFTED 1/2/85 APIM MUNICIPAL LEGISLATIVE COMMISSION II -Q State 1 vel - Restore stat 50% grant pr Aram D N 10 E v • • • CITY OF EDINA 1984= 85'POLICY'ISSUES DRAFTED 1/2/85 LEVEL OF GOVERNMENT MUNICIPAL ISSUE POLICY/COMMENTS STATUS t c er_o vnt LECISLAI'IVE METRO eu'M YULIGT COMMISSION etro Council Ensure that the Metro Citizen's League IV -B Limit r le Council remains in a study recently released of Metro Cou cil limited role both in a study on the Metro to planning iole. planning & operations. Council addressing Avoid any expanded,local several of these issue IV -C Allow local influence or going into (6/84) elected offi (ials operational mode. Preve t to serve sim 1- institution of elected taneously on body. Alternative- -use Metro Counci local municipal officials in their loc 1 as Council Members. community. etropolitan Allow interested cities using Fund to do under a joint powers agreement - not mandated or established by Met Council. conomic De- Let locals handle in IIIA -Leave housing elopment their own manner. alternatives primarily riminal Justice With LEAA funding no Committee attempting up to local units. 3ordinating longer available,.en- to drum up issues to :)uncil courage dissolution of give it a purpose. function. I . LEVEL OF GOVERNMENT ISSUE METRO (CONT) .Cable Inter- connection .Metro Transit Metro Mobility) ,.Local Review o Federal Fundin Metro Waste CITY OF EDINA 1984 -85 POLICY ISSUES ICY Retain local control A joint powers group over the process. being formed by presen Limit Metro role. cable commissions - Review funding mechani ms Legislature split t' - Continue Metro Transit planning and operatin, to subsidize and speci Y functions into two levels boards - Encourage use of priva e sector to provide more cost effective service Extend availability, to Implemented June 15, all of Edina as it is t1ke 1984 only first -ring suburb not fully served Continue use of local elected officials to review federally funded projects (A -95) Promote greater accoun- Being evaluated tability to local entit es particularly in the are s of capital projects and consultants DRAFTED 1/2/85 LEAGUE POLICY IC -Form a co f commission stablish int e Private sector to pro ide more cost - effective service MUNICIPAL LECISLA'11VE COMISS ION ission to connect. tructuring of MTC structur V -F With pha e -out federal A -95 imit metro review o etro concern -- IV -0 Legislat Lve eview of Several changes proposed etro wastes to improve operations harge in- reases i II i CITY OF EDINA 1984- 85'POLICY ISSUES LEVEL OF GOVERNMENT ISSUE POLICY /COMMENTS STATUS LEAGUE SCHOOL BOARD .Wooddale School Disposition Transferred to City -Land Use De- Work together for joint September 5, 1984. cisions on satisfactory decisions. Closed Schools Property Tax Promote close cooperatio Reduction to reduce taxes by joint effort of,City /District through improved efficiency I DRAFTED 1/2/85 MUNICIPAL LEGISLATIVE MrA POLICY COM ISSION TENTATIVE AGENDA OF UPCOMING MEETINGS Tuesday, January 8 - Informational Meeting - Wooddale School /W. 50th Street Tuesday, January 15 - Informational Meeting - Wooddale School /W. 50th Street * Monday, January 21 - Opus Corporation /Normandale Golf Course Report on W. 70th Street Draft Ordinance - Wine Licenses Monday, January 28 - Traffic Safety Committee and Speed Awareness * Monday, February 4 - Wooddale School /W. 50th Street Monday, February 11 - Edinborough * Monday, February 25 - York Avenue Improvement Brucker Development (Green Farm) Johnson Building Company - Biltmore * Monday, March 4 - Tree Trimming Improvement - Northwest Quadrant Valley View Road Improvement (Mark Terrace to County #18) Permanent Street Surfacing Sidewalk Monday, March 11 - Advisory Health Committee /Council /(Human Relations Commission) * Monday, March 18 - Sidewalk Improvements Monday, March 25 - City Hall Space Study * Regular Council Meetings OTHER MEETINGS Thursday, January 24 - Municipal Legislative Commission Tuesday, January 29 - LMC 1985 Legislative Conference Wednesday, January 30 Friday, March 1 - Council /Local Legislators Breakfast December 20, 1984 edina dllid"W. 'al load it Dear Friend of Wooddale School: 4801 West 50th St. Edina, Minn., 55424 As you know, the Edina Historical Society has been deeply concerned about the future of Wooddale School. The Society has encouraged and supported the preservation of this historic landmark. The Society has backed this commitment by locating the Society's museum and its extensive collection at Wooddale. We have felt that it is equally important to preserve our architectural heritage as well as collectible artifacts that represent Edina's past. But the Society has -not proposed that Wooddale School be preserved as an empty building or solely as a museum. Rather it has been our goal to see that Wooddale School continues to serve all the citizens of Edina to meet demands that are not now being met. At the same time we have advocated that the building be self- supporting by generating sufficient income to offset operating costs so that it is not a drain on the taxpayers. A decision on the future of Wooddale School is fast approaching._ Ownership of the building has been transferred from the School District to the City of Edina. A consultant has been studying alternatives for the future development of the area and Wooddale itself. His report will be presented at a Public Informational Meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 8th and 15th in the Wooddale School Auditorium. The public will be asked for their comment and criticism. This is your opportunity to let the City Council know how you feel about the future of Wooddale. If you f eel , as we do, that Wooddale School should continue to serve all of the citizens of Edina, we would encourage you to attend and make yourself heard. This may be your last chance to express your concern!! DON'T TEAR IT DOWN!!! Sincerely yours, EDINA HISTORICAL SOCIETY AM Donna Sk:agerberg President - Lis L biu -i+i, page 5 ADDRESS /FORMER OWNER FDINA No Address State Land Department No Address State Land Department -A TOTAL PID # BLDG VALUE MARKET VALUE 32- 117 -21 41 0083 1Laty, 81k-J, pp 27,500 Wallin. . ACKf &fkl . 4CP�aT 19- 028 -24 32 0009 M No Address 20- 028 -24 34 0002 300 State Land Department HWY N0RMAND � J O 6= QN e" r �s f• LNnntnitt.rtnif�tuL" E tu�u,u,,,.,..,.� ° e� ',yid -5 /5 11111�1�tl�HtiniittiKi -3�� ?/$ atttnnui�� 40 - 1,.7eE15 +32 �! RD ; ,,. -:,_- � ;�ttitiiuulti lea I • 30I I3C o Q N R/ p ^•~ I I 11113 Ci, Lh too o • J �. n` o N46 IV. N4. �3 5 0` 40 ��� 6 150. r 5 1 S e �. 80 ,o ol —i (n +.. o♦ .rIQG(. � � ° ". ra N 'c 1 Yi, r�1 IJS (� .Nl mooy' ch Q . 94.6 " rri' 7130 �Aoa ZS�25 u A y`bt o `l nl 3 ys ..7 Ily 1 0 v j 11i .k -fill I � oil AVE 01130) V';i of Edina 0 N �.a Ln n -° o r� I . 2-3 rn s, - �2 O Z m M 20 119 9 18 17 16 w-1 4: —� 15 7 4G A" 3% 4 5 14� 6 9 2Z.150 < m CD 34 RSJ 1165 D. T4 130 Q. 51 3c 114 12 12 0 114.93 n mg i0 30 nX54-11 134.IZM C3 r I IUD IS4 3 134 1 9% . 5 7'9✓ 2-3 rn s, - �2 O Z m M 20 119 9 18 17 16 w-1 4: —� 15 7 4G A" 3% 4 5 14� 6 9 2Z.150 < m CD 34 RRgOT.TTTTON WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Edina has received from the County of Hennepin a list of lands in said municipality which became the property of the State of Minnesota for non - payment of real estate taxes, which said list has been designated as Classification List No. 670 -NC; and WHEREAS, each parcel of land described in said list has heretofore been classified by the Board of County Commissioners of Hennepin County, Minnesota as non - conservation land and the sale thereof has heretofore been authorized by said Board of County Commissioners; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by said City Council, acting pursuant to Minnesota Statute 282, and the said classification by said Board of County Commissioners of each parcel of land described in said list as non - conservation land be and the same is hereby approved, and that the sale of each such parcel of land be and the same is hereby approved. ADOPTED this 7th day of January, 1985. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of January 7, 1985, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 9th..day of January,.-1985. City Clerk RESOLUTION DESIGNATING DEPOSITORIES BE IT RESOLVED that the First Edina National Bank, Edina, MN, First Southdale National Bank, Edina, MN, Americana State Bank of Edina, Edina, MN, Southwest Fidelity State Bank, Edina, MN, First National Bank of Minneapolis, Minneapolis, MN and Norwest Bank MetroWest, Edina, MN, authorized to do banking business in Minnesota, be and hereby are designated as Official Depositories for the Public Funds of the City of Edina, County of Hennepin, Minnesota, until January 1, 1986. ADOPTED this 7th day of January, 1985. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of January 7, 1985, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 10th day of January , 1985. City Clerk SIGNATORY RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED that the persons holding office as Mayor, Manager and Treasurer of the City of Edina be, and they hereby are, authorized to act for this munici- pality in the transaction of any banking business with First Edina National Bank, First Southdale National Bank, Americana State Bank of Edina, Southwest Fidelity State Bank, First National Bank of Minneapolis and Norwest Bank MetroWest (hereinafter referred to as the "Bank ") from time to time and until written notice to any Bank to the contrary, to sign checks against said accounts, which checks will be signed by the Mayor, Manager and City Treasurer. Each Bank is hereby authorized and directed to honor and pay any checks against such account which is signed as above described, whether or not said check is payable to the order of, or deposited to the credit of, any officer or officers of the City, inclpding the signer or signers of the check. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of January 7, 1985, and! as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this :10th day of January, 1985. City Clerk RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING USE OF FACSIMILE SIGNATURES BY PUBLIC OFFICIALS RESOLVED that the use of facsimile signatures by the following named persons: C. WAYNE COURTNEY - MAYOR KENNETH E. ROSLAND - CITY MANAGER J. P:. DALEN - CITY TREASURER on checks, drafts, warrants, warrant - checks, vouchers or other orders of public funds deposited in First Edina National Bank, First Southdale National Bank, Americana State Bank of Edina, Southwest Fid.elity State Bank, First National Lank of Minneapolis and Nonvest Bank MetroWest, be and hereby is approved, and that each of said named persons may authorize said depository banks to honor any such instru- ment bearing his facsimile signature in such form as he may designate and to charge the same to the account in said depository bank upon which drawn, as fully as though it bore his manually written signature and that instruments so honored shall be wholly perative and binding in favor of said depository bank although such facsimile signature shall have been affixed without his authority. ADOPTED this 7th day of January, 1985. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, Marcella M. Daehn, duly appointed City Clerk for the City of Edina, Hennepin County, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of "Resolution Authorizing Use of Facsimile Signatures by Public Officials" with the original thereof as recorded in the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Edina City Council held Monday, January 7, 1985, and that the same is a true and correct copy of said original record, and that said Resolution was adopted by said City Council at said Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 10th day of January, 1985. City Clerk RESOLUTION APPROVING ASSIGNMENT OF SECURITIES IN LIEU OF BOND (FIRST EDINA NATIONAL BANK) BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, approves the assignment by its depository, First Edina National Bank, of the following securities, as good and sufficient collateral for the City of Edina Public Funds deposited in said depository: RESOLUTION APPROVING ASSIGNMENT OF SECURITIES IN LIEU OF BOND FIRST SOUTHDALE NATIONAL BANK OF EDI BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, approves the assignment by its depository, First Southdale National Bank of Edina, of the following securities, as good and sufficient collateral for the City of Edina Public Funds deposited in said depository: ( �',r r6 be Q tided -E -( 56 -0161 BANK 056 -114 CUST 101230 FIRST EDINA NATIONAL BANK INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO DATE 12/31/84 PAGE 2 IV110 12/28/84 MONTH -END MINNEAPOLIS MN PLEDGE REPORT 12/31/84 TYPE 4 SK GP SECURITY RECEIPT SK RCPT. PAR VALU ESCRIPTION COUP MAT DTE MDY S &P MKT. VALUE BOOK VALUE OJ 3 011770YT5 015860 100,0 00 .00 ALASKA ST 5.600 7 01/87 AA 94,732 99,926.33 02 3 011770YY4 080430 125,007.00 ALASKA ST 5.000 7/01/92 AA 92,812 125,000.00 04 3 015138AL4 033380 100,000.00 ALEXANDRIA MINN LAKE AREA SAN 5.500 1/01/87 A 93,964 99,910.30 DIST 04 3 035879U94 018490 100,00D.00 NNNE ARUNDEL CNTY MD 6.250 12/01/89 AA 90,729 104,397.87 02 3 059185HPG 059440 100,000.00 3ALTIMORE MD 5.400 10/15/92 Ai 75,529 99,248.71 02 3 167537NX3 059760 125,000.00 HICAGO ILL MET SAN DIST 5.900 1 01 93 NR 94,949 124,308.82 GTR CHICAGO 02 3 213i83KS4 078120 150,000.00 -OOK CNTY ILL 5.750 11/01/93 AA 115,686 149,610.17 O.^ 3 216579VX7 023510 100,000.00 DON RAPIDS MINN VAR PURP 5.700 2/01 93 A 75,214 99.846.43 02 3 233433NU1 059640 150,000.00 )ADE CNTY FLA 6.000 6/01/93 Ai 117,394 149,491.51 04 3 419776077 015730 100,000.00 AAWAII ST 5.600 6/01/87 A 94,838 _ 99,928.66 02 3 566897GXG 059180 I 150,000.00 AARCOPIA CNTY ARIZ SCH DIST 5.400 )7/01/92 Al 113,960 150,000.00 NO 4 MESA UNI 02 3 566897HD9 059570 100,000.00 4ARICOPA CNTY ARIZ SCH DIST 5.500 7/01/93 Al 74,357 99,758.52 NO 4 MESA UNI 02 3 574204CX9 058910 15O,000.O0 ARYLAND ST DEPT TRANS CONS 5.375 2/15/93 AAA 114,100 150,000.00 TRANSN 04 3 E03745AH3 079500 _ 100,000.07 AINNEAPOLIS MINN HOSP REV 5.600 12 01 87 1 93,360 100.000.00 ABBOTT NORTHWESTN HOSP INC 02 3 603745BTG 078200 205,000.00 FAIRVIEW COMM HOSP REV 6.400 9/01/93 Ai 166,1_31 205,000.00 012 3 G07114LZG 080200 100.007.00 OOBILE ALABAMA VAR PURP 5.250 8/01 92 A 73.589 100.005.00 04 3 686069UL7 020140 170,000.00 IREGON ST 4.500 10/15/87 Ai 151,504 144.293.12 02 3 686070JR5 079600 150,000.00 REGON ST 5.000 7/01/92 Al 109,642 15_0,000.00 02 3 729773NE7 060100 175,000.00 DLYMOUTH MINN 6.000 5376-T79_4 Al 133,796 174,561.46 02 3 777594KC5 059690 100,000.00 ROSEMOUNT MINN INDPT SCH DIST 5.600 2/01/93 A 74,486 99,768.85 NO 196 01 ITEMS 20 PLEDGEE TOTAL 2,550,000. O 2.050,779.14 _2.52.5 , 05_5.75 2,550.000. DO PLEDGED MUNIS OVER 2 YRS 050,779.14 2,525,055.75 rf/4M WA' I _]�7,'E -,� 56 -0228 BANK 056 -115 CUST 101240 FIRST SOUTHDALE NATIONAL BANK INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO DATE 12/31/84 PAGE 4 IV110 12/28/84 MONTH -END MPLS MN PLEDGE REPORT 12/31/84 TYPE 4 - -- SK GP SECURITY RECEIPT SK RCPT. PAR VALU DESCRIPTION &COUP AT DTE MDY S &P MKT. VALUE BOOK VALUE 02 1 *912827KE1 077320 2 0,000.00 J S TREASURY 'NOTES S 10.375 5/15/85 200,460 199,'985.15 10 3/8 NOTE C 85 04 3 035879404 060120 200,000.00 ANNE ARUNDEL CNTY MD 5.700 2/01/94 A 150,979 199,663.69 04 3 059129840 001555 100,000.00 3ALTIMORE CNTY MD 5.900 9 O1 86 AA 98,049 100,577.81 04 3 059185JB5 060360 200,000.00 3ALTIMORE MD 5.900 10/15/93 1 154,093 199.674.84 04 3 075005MX3 009640 50,000.00 3EAVER CNTY PA NEW PUB HSG 5.250 6/01/95 AAA 34,828 50,729.46 AUTH VANPORT 04 3 122457VGG 060320 150,000.00 3URNSVILLE MINN 5.700 2/01/94 A 109,493 149,747.77 041 3 *22377OCK2 096710 35,000.00 OWLITZ CNTY WASH 5.100 7/01/90 Al 28,037 35.026.58 04 3 2441810EI 060270 50,000.00 )EER RIVER MINN INDPT SCH DIST 5.750 )2/01/94 AA1 35,961 49.867.24 NO 317 04 3 296803MY2 060400 150,00).00 ESSEX CNTY NJ 6.600 6/01/94 A 123,459 158,791.22 04 3 41977BAD7 074230 150,000.00 AAWAII ST 5.900 32/01/94 A A 115,579 149,625.07 04 3 688443RP7 077060 150,000.00 SSEO MINN INDPT SCH DIST 5.750 1/01/94 A 110,223 149,729.25 NO 279 04 3 *729773PL9 077550 50,000.00 DLYMOUTH MINN 6.700 03/01/86 Al 49,549 50,008.82 03 3 986018801 010580 100,000.00 YOLO CNTY CALIF FLOOD CTL & 4.750 2/01/87 A 91,405 99,925.53 WTR CONSV DIST ZONE NO 4 292299AJ3 000010 5,000.00 EMPORIA CITY KANS INDL REV 6.000 3 01 88 AA2 4,515 4,993.75 IOWA BEEF PACKERS E046 ITEMS 14 PLEDGEE TOTAL- 1,590,000. O 1,306,636.99 1,598,346.18 150,000.30 PLEDGED MUNIS UNDER 2 YRS 147,599.06 150,586.63 1,240.000. DO PLEDGED MUNIS OVER 2 YRS 958,577.93 1,247,774.40 200,000.00 PLEDGED GOVERNMENTS 200,460.00 199,985.15 F RESOLUTION WHEREAS, that parcel of land described as the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter and the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, Section 30, Township 117, Range 21, according to the Government Survey thereof, is owned by the City of Edina; and WHEREAS, said property was transferred to the City to be used for park purposes; and WHEREAS, the City is involved in development of said property for park purposes and is concerned with orderly and compatible development of the park and of the Grandview Park Cemetery Association property which adjoins the Northerly and Northeasterly boundary of the park; and WHEREAS, the Northwesterly and Northeasterly corners of said property are not necessary for the orderly development of the park but would be of value to the cemetery property to allow an adjustment to the original cemetery road pattern; and WHEREAS, the Northwesterly and Northeasterly corners of said property are unbuildable pursuant to City ordinances; and WHEREAS, the Cemetery Association has agreed to allow the City to enter on its property and grade the common boundary to elevations agreed to by the City and the Cemetery Association. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina that the County of Hennepin place the following described parcels of land on private sale, and that the sale of that land be limited to abutting property owners for attachment to abutting property and that the sale be subject to the covenant (which shall run with the land) that the parcels be used only for cemetery purposes: That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 30, Township 117, Range 21, according to the Government Survey thereof lying Northeasterly .of a line running from a point on the North line of said parcel distant 180 feet West of the Northeast corner of said parcel to a point on the East line of said parcel distant 200 feet south of the Northeast corner of said parcel. Also, That part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, Section 30, Township 117, Range 21, according to the Government Survey thereof lying Northwesterly of a line running from a point on the North fine of said parcel distant 125 feet East of the Northwest corner of said parcel to a point on the West line of said parcel distant 125 feet South of the Northwest corner of said parcel. _ Department of Revenue Form No. 107 .abflc et PORTIONS OF RECONVEYANCE OF FORFEITED LANDS TO STATE OF MINNESOTA BY GOVERNMENTAL SUBDIVISIONS 1 WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 282.01, Subdivision 1, the STATE OF MINNESOTA, as trustee under Minnesota Statutes, Section 281.25 conveyed to The City of Edina _, a governmental subdivision, the lands hereinafter described, to be used for an authorized public use, and WHEREAS, Said governmental subdivision '1sXiX�ctacbcb�i�t��}I�ix A4fciic7kuix4x�ttXVp�Z3Cx#las abandoned the public use for which such land was conveyed, and said City of Edina now desires to reconvey said lands to the State of Minnesota, as such trustee, NOW, THEREFORE, This indenture, made this 8th day of January 19 85 between the City of Edina a governmental subdivision of the State of Minnesota, as party of the first part, and the State of Minnesota, as trustee as hereinafter set forth, as party of the second part, WITNESSETH, That the said party of the first part, in consideration of the premises and other valuable considerations, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby Grant, Bargain, Quitclaim and Reconvey unto the said party of the second part all the tract or parcel of land lying and being in the County of Hennepin in the State of Minnesota, described as follows, to -wit: Exhibit A in trust as provided by Minnesota Statutes, Section 281.25, upon like conditions and with like effect as if said lands had not been conveyed to said party of the first part as aforesaid. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, Together with all the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, to the said party of the second part and its successors and assigns, Forever. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, Said party of the first part has caused these presents to be executed in its corporate name by its Mayor and its Clerk and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed the day and year first above written. In Presence of: City of Edina Name of Governmental Subdivision By Its Mayor By Its City -Clerk STATE OF MINNESOTA County of ss. On this 8th day of January I , 19 85 , before me, a Notary Public within and for said county, personally appeared C. Wayne Courtney and Marcella M. Daehn to me personally known, who, being each by me duly sworn say that they are respectively the Mayor and the City Clerk of the governmental subdivision named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said governmental subdivision, and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said governmental subdivision by authority of its City Council and said Mayor and City Clerk acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said governmental subdivision. -Strike out clause not applicable. Exhibit A Parcel 1 That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter.of Section 30, Township 117, Range 21, according to the Government Survey thereof lying Northeasterly of a line running from a point on the North line of said parcel distant 180 feet West of the Northeast corner of said parcel to a point on the East line of said parcel distant 200 feet south of the Northeast corner of said parcel. Also Parcel 2 That part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, Section 30, Township 117, Range 21, according to the Government Survey thereof lying Northwesterly of a line running from a point on the North line of said parcel distant 125 feet East of the Northwest corner of said parcel to a point on the West line of said parcel distant 1,25 feet South of the Northwest corner of said parcel. 4081C(14) :TSE:010384 �� A .-I ORDINANCE NO. 812 -A2 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 812 TO REGULATE CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF TELECOMMUNICATION, TELEVISION AND RADIO ANTENNAS, EXTERIOR DISH ANTENNAS AND SUPPORTING TOWERS, AND PROVIDING PENALTIES THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 1 of Ordinance No. 812 is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 1. Definitions. Words and phrases used in this ordinance which are defined in Ordinance No. 825, as amended from time to time, (said ordinance, as amended from time to time, is herein called the "Zoning Ordinance "), shall be construed herein according to their definitions contained in the Zoning Ordinance. The following words and terms shall have the following meanings in this ordinance: (a) Antenna: equipment used for transmitting or receiving telecommunication, television or radio signals, which is located on the exterior of, or outside of, any building or structure, and includes a dish antenna. (b) Dish Antenna: a parabolic shaped antenna (including all supporting apparatus) which is used for receiving telecommunication, television or radio signals, which is located on the exterior of, or outside of, any building or structure. (c) Tower: any pole, spire or structure, or any combination thereof, to which an antenna is attached, or which is designed for an antenna to be attached, and all supporting lines, cables, wires and braces." Sec. 2. Sec. 2 of Ordinance No. 812 is hereby amended to read as follows: "Sec. 2. Permit Required; Exemptions. No antenna or tower of any kind shall hereafter be erected, constructed or placed, or re- erected, reconstructed or replaced, anywhere within the City without first making an application for and obtaining from the City a permit therefor. (a) Exemptions. No permit shall be required for the following: 4081C(14):TSE:010384 M Dish antennas not greater than 30 inches in diameter or five square feet in cross sectional area, which do not exceed six feet in height. (ii) All other towers or antennas which do not exceed six feet in height. (iii) Antennas and towers erected or constructed by the City for City purposes." Sec. 3. Sec. 3 of Ordinance 812 is hereby amended to read as follows: "Sec. 3. Application for Permit; Issuance; Fees. Application for a permit required by this Ordinance shall be made to the Building Official in the same manner, and containing the same information, as for a building permit pursuant to Ordinance No. 406, as amended from time to time, and the Minnesota State Building Code thereby adopted. Such permit shall be issued by the Building Official. For a permit required by this ordinance, an application fee as set forth in Ordinance No. 171 shall be required for the purpose of defraying the cost of examining and processing the application for permit and the cost of inspecting the installation and maintenance of such antennas, dish antennas and towers." Sec. 4. Sec. 4 of Ordinance No. 812 is hereby divided into three sections, being Sec. 4, 5 and 6, and is hereby amended to read as follows: "Sec. 4. General Requirements. All antennas, towers and dish antennas, including supporting wires, for which a permit is required shall comply with the following requirements: (a) All applicable provisions of Ordinance No. 406, including wind loading requirements set forth in the Minnesota Building Code thereby adopted, as such ordinance shall be amended from time to time. (b) Antennas and towers shall be grounded for protection against a direct strike by lightning and shall comply, as to electrical wiring and connections, with all applicable City and state statutes, regulations and standards. (c) No antenna or tower shall exceed a height equal to the distance from the base of the antenna and tower to the nearest overhead electrical power line (except individual service drops), less five feet. (d) Antennas or towers shall be protected to discourage climbing by unauthorized persons. -2- 4081C(14) :TSE:010384 (e) No antenna or tower shall have affixed to it in any way any lights, reflectors, flashers or other illuminating device, or any signs, banners or placards of any kind, except one sign not over 10 square inches indicating the name of the manufacturer and /or installer. (f) No tower shall have constructed thereon, or attached thereto, in any way, any platform, catwalk, crow's nest or similar structure. (g) All towers shall be constructed of corrosive - resistant steel or other corrosive - resistant, non - combustible materials. Towers shall not be constructed or made of wood, including timbers or logs. (h) No part of any antenna or tower, nor any lines, cables, equipment, wires or braces used in connection with any tower or antenna shall, at any time, extend across or over any part of a street, sidewalk or alley." "Sec. 5. Location. (a) In all Zoning Districts as established by the Zoning Ordinance: (i) No part of any tower or antenna shall be constructed, located or maintained, at any time, permanently or temporarily, within any setback required by the Zoning Ordinance for an accessory building or structure for the Zoning District in which the antenna or tower is located. If no accessory building or structure setback is provided by the Zoning Ordinance, the antenna or tower shall maintain all setbacks required by the Zoning Ordinance for principal buildings or structures. (b) Additional requirements for lots in the R -1 and R -2 Zoning Districts as established by the Zoning Ordinance other than lots developed with a conditional use: (i) Dish antennas greater than 30 inches in diameter shall not be located on the roof of a principal or accessory building. (ii) Dish antennas shall only be located in rear yards. -3- 4081C(14):TSE:010384 (iii) No antennas or towers shall be located in the front yard." "Sec. 6. Height Restrictions. (a) In the R -1 and R -2 Zoning Districts as established by the Zoning Ordinance: (i) No ground mounted tower shall be in excess of 50 feet in height, measured from the ground elevation at the base of the tower to the highest point of the tower. (ii) Towers mounted on a building or structure shall not extend over 25 feet above the highest point of the roof of the building or structure. (iii) Antennas shall not extend more than 15 feet above the highest point of a tower. Antennas not mounted on a tower shall not be in excess of 15 feet high, measured from the highest point of the roof of the building to which the antenna is attached to the highest point of the antenna, or from the ground elevation at the base of the antenna to the highest point of the antenna. (iv) Dish antennas shall not be in excess of 15 feet in height, measured from the ground elevation at the base of the antenna to the highest point of the antenna. (v) Dish antennas not greater than 30 inches in diameter, which may be mounted on the roof pursuant to this ordinance, shall not exceed six feet in height, measured from the point at which the antenna is mounted to the roof to the highest point of the antenna. (b) In all other Zoning Districts as established by the Zoning Ordinance: (i) No antenna, no with an antenna shall height, measured from t or antenna, whichever highest point of' the whichever is higher. tower and no tower exceed 75 feet in he base of the tower is lower, to the antenna or tower, -4- 4081C(14) :TSE:010384 (ii) Dish antennas shall have an overall height of no more than 26 feet for either a ground mount or roof mount." Sec. 5. Sec. 5 (Existing Antennas and Towers; Continued Use; Replacement) of Ordinance No. 812 is hereby renumbered Sec. 7. Sec. 6. Sec. 6 (Lights and Signs; Crows' Nests) of Ordinance No. 812 is hereby deleted in its entirety. Sec. 7. Sec. 7 of Ordinance No. 812 is hereby renumbered Sec. 8 and is amended to read as follows: "Sec. 8. Number of Towers and Antennas Allowed. (a) In the R -1 and R -2 Zoning Districts as established by the Zoning Ordinance: no more than one exempt antenna, as defined in Sec. 2(a) of this ordinance, one dish antenna and one tower requiring a permit under the provisions of this ordinance shall be allowed at any one time on any single lot. (b) In other Districts zoned residential by the Zoning Ordinance: no more than one exempt antenna, as defined in Sec. 2(a) of this ordinance, one dish antenna and one tower requiring a permit under the provisions of this ordinance shall be allowed at any one time on any single tract. (c) In all Districts zoned other than residential by the Zoning Ordinance: no more than one exempt antenna as defined in Sec. 2(a) of this ordinance, one tower over 20 feet in height, and two dish antennas shall be allowed at any one time on any single tract." Sec. 8. Sec. 8 of Ordinance No. 812 is hereby renumbered Sec. 9 and is amended to read as follows: "Sec. 9. Variances. Variances from the literal provisions of this ordinance shall be processed and granted or denied in the same manner as variances are handled under Ordinance No. 825." Sec. 9. Sec. 9 of Ordinance No. 812 is hereby renumbered Sec. 10 and is amended to read as follows: "Sec. 10. Abandoned Antennas and Towers; Removal. Any antenna or tower which is not used for six successive months, commencing after the effective date of this ordinance, shall be -5- 4081C(14) :TSE:010384 deemed abandoned and may be required to be removed in the same manner and pursuant to the same procedures as for dangerous or unsafe buildings established by Ordinance No. 471 or by Ordinance No. 406, as such ordinances are amended from time to time, or by the Building Codes adopted by Ordinance No. 406, as amended, or by Minnesota Statutes, Sections 463.15 to 463.26, as amended." Sec. 10. Sec. 10 of Ordinance No. 812 is hereby renumbered Sec. 11 and is amended to read as follows: "Sec. 11. Violation; Penalty. (a) Misdemeanor. Any person who shall violate any provision of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to penalties pursuant to Ordinance No. 175, as amended. (b) Other Remedies. In addition to the penalties imposed by Ordinance No. 175, as amended, the City may exercise, with or separately from such penalties, all and any other legal and equitable remedies then available to the City by this ordinance, or by statute, or other ordinances of the City, or by applicable rules or regulations, to enforce this ordinance, incl- uding, without limitation, injunction. (c) Costs of Enforcement. The person or persons violating this ordinance shall be jointly and severally liable for all costs.incurred by the City in enforcing this ordinance against such persons, including, without limitation, attorneys' fees, witness fees and administrative expenses, with interest on such fees and expenses from the dates incurred until paid at the highest rate then allowed by law, and if no maximum rate be' established by law, then at twelve (12 %) percent per annum, and shall also be jointly and severally liable for all costs, including attorneys' fees, of collecting such fees, expenses and interest, with interest on such costs of collection from the dates incurred until paid, at the same rate as is payable on such fees and expenses." Sec. 11. Sec. 11 (Partial Invalidity) and Sec. 12 (Interpretation) of Ordinance No. 812 are hereby renumbered Sec. 12 and Sec. 13, respectively. -6- 4081C(14) :TSE:010384 Sec. 12. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage and publication. First Reading: Second Reading: ATTEST: City Clerk -7- Mayor 196' Y�OF F.DINw CHFC ;ISTER 01 -07- PAGE 1 CHECK N'O& oArL_ AMOJYT V'V003 rMM OFSGRiPTTON ACCOUNT Ml- TU- a D- 0_. _it WLSSAGi.- 'I 007049 J,1/J.2/95 15.00 BJRE31 R)9ERT MEETINGS 10- 2010- 000 -00 ]774.49 01/C2f85 _ 26,50 RUREj41 RD9. -RT M='TINGS 1fl- 2011- nio -0[1 41.5J f ON7!64 J1/02/85 ?83.70 TH =tM4L Ca C04T REPAIRS 20- 2010 - ODD -00 783. 7 J -- "I -- rrrfrf r ►f -CKS =/ 007091, 0.1/1.2/85 15.50 CITY O=- E)INA PATER 23- 2010 - 000 -00 D,7G'.91 5.1 /)2185 15.57 Cr TI 0=_ E)IN4 WATER 27- 2010- 710 -0'3 ___ C Cl. 7091 1/t?2%35 10 ",A5A - rIIYOFi 27- ?- 010--00 J-0 -^ - --- - -- - -. 0J,7C91 -'2f 95 33.)0 CITY Or ETNA yATci 28- 2010 - 010 -01 JJ.7J.91 U1/02/85 132 .1 6 CITY JF E)INA HATER 50- 2010 - 000 -00 305.72 • _... fffrfr - - -- ffr -CKS -- - u1/32/85 380-25 30.05 r_DutrN = +r WAY`!= 41:EAGE 10- 2010 - 009 -00 39@.?S = 30.05* rf.frr frr -CKS J 00.712) U.1/ ^2/_85 5.379.50 r10RS 7Y MIV)H.ORSJ PRO SERV LFGA 10 -2010- 00.0 -0n— 59379.5) '1- , Rffrff f_f f�, CKS_ "I 00A13: JJ /0.Z/85 35.75 CITYdI)E 3= RVICES CONT REPAIRS 57 -4248- 841 -84 1 I 36.75 a -- - ,��fl r■rr. r f ff. 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