HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-05-20_COUNCIL MEETINGAGENDA EDINA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MAY 20, 1985 7:00 P.M. ROLLCALL AWARD OF HONOR - Theodore Charles Frank EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION - Rick Jacobson I. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND REPORTS ON PLANNING MATTERS. Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by Planning Department. Public comment heard. First Reading of Zoning Ordinance requires offering of Ordinance only. 4/5 favorable rollcall vote to pass Second Reading or if Second Reading should be waived. Lot Divisions, 'Plats, Appeals from Administrative or Board of Appeals and Adjustments decisions require action by Resolution. 3/5 favorable rollcall vote to pass. * A. PRD -3 Plan Amendment - Klodt Construction Company - Generally located in the northwest quadrant of Cahill Road and West 78th Street * B. Final Development Plan - Opus Corporation /National Car Rental Systems - 7700 France Avenue - Generally located west of France Avenue and south of West 76th Street C. Zoning Change 1. First Reading * a. R -1 Single Dwelling Unit District to R -2 Double Dwelling Unit District - Robert Anderson, 425 Washington Avenue South - Generally located east of Washington Avenue and north of Maloney Avenue D. Appeal from Board of Appeals & Adjustments Decision - John Gabbert - 7010 France Ave. So. - Lot l and adjacent vacated R.O.W., Block 1, Stow's Edgemoor Addition (Continue to 6/3/85) II. SPECIAL CONCERNS OF RESIDENTS III. AWARD OF BIDS * A. Public Improvements - SS -369 & 370, 85 -5B; WM -353, 354 & 355, 85 -5A; St.S. -175 & 176; C -143 IV. RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS * A. Traffic Safety Committee Minutes of May 14, 1985 * B. Public Health Services Contract C. Space Study Committee D. West 70th Street /Cornelia Drive Traffic Signal * E. Amendment to Zoning Ordinance - Edina Community Center * F. 1985 Nominations for LMC Board of Directors G. Special Concerns of Mayor and Council H. Post Agenda and Manager's Miscellaneous Items V. ORDINANCES. First Reading requires offering of Ordinance only. 3/5 favorable rollcall vote to pass Second Reading. 4/5 favorable rollcall vote to pass if Second Reading waived. A. Second Reading 1. Ordinance No. 1120 -A3 - Amendment to the Ordinance Granting Temporary. Relief to Rogers Cablesystems from Selected Provisions of the Ordinance 2. Ordinance No. 1121 - CATV Relief Ordinance 3. Approval of Performance Agreement * 4. Ordinance No. 812 -A2 - Regulating Construction and Maintenance of Radio and Television Antennas, Exterior Dish Antennas, and Supporting Towers VI. FINANCE * A. Final Approval - $12,000,000 Hospital System Revenue Bonds B. Claims Paid. Motion of , seconded by for payment of the following claims as per Pre -List dated 5/20/85: General Fund $273,203.67, Park Dept $14.04, Art Center $2,232.40, Swimming Pool Fund $72.60, Golf Course Fund $16,232.49, Recreation Center Fund $4,457.23, Gun Range Fund $265.34, Utility Fund $36,657.02, Liquor Dispensary Fund $90,592.81, Construction Fund $3,632.47, IMP Bond Redemption Fund $13,218.00, IMP Bond Redemption #2 $150.00, Total $440,728.07; and for confirmation of the following.claims dated 4/30/85: General Fund $115,177.95, Park Fund $2,002.08, Art Center $878.09, Swimming Pool Fund $2,941.33, Golf Course Fund $3,520.52, Recreation Center Fund $8,173.49, Gun Range Fund $375.04, Utility Fund $19,891.20, Liquor Dispensary Fund $226,101.21, Total $379,060.55. (MEETINGS SCHEDULE - REVERSE SIDE) SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS /EVENTS Fri-.. May 24 Council /Legislators Breakfast 7:30 a.m. Tues May 28 Board of Review (Contd) 5:00 p.m. Thurs May 30 AMM Annual Meeting (Dinner) 6:30 p.m. (Meeting) 7:30 p.m. June 11 -14 LMC Conference Manager's Conf. Rm. Council Room Sheraton- Midway St. Paul s ' VI REQUEST Nj �IBF-R Braemar Associates ---- Z-79-10 LO(:ATIO \: Generally located west of Cahill Road and north of L'U. 78th Street. - P%I-Q 'ESI': R -1 sir•ryle Famil Dwellinci to k;U PRD -3 Planned Residential District. Revised Overall � prov -il amendment �'lln.•r. rl.rnnin�' ri,• u:r r•rr•r. I" =cry ►t r' _..,��� �.-- COMMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING COMMISSION HELD WEDNESDAY, MAY 1, 1985, AT 7:30 P.M. EDINA CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS MEMBERS ATTENDING: Chairman Bill Lewis, John Bailey, Phil Sked, Del Johnson, Gordon.Johnson, David Runyan, John Palmer, John Skagerberg, Virginia Shaw, Helen McClelland, and Len Ring STAFF ATTENDING: Craig Larsen, Fran Hoffman, Linda Elsen, City Planner City Engineer Secretary I. Approval of the Minutes: Mr. Runyan moved for approval of the minutes and Mr. Del Johnson seconded the motion. All were in favor; the motion carried. The minutes were approved. II. Old Business: vZ -79 -10 Klodt Construction Co., PRD -3 Plan Amendment Generally located: Northwest Quadrant of Cahill Road and West 78th Street Mr. Craig Larsen reminded the Commission that the subject property was rezoned to PRD -3 in 1980 to allow the construction of an 89 unit; 8 building condominium project. In March, 1983, a plan was approved which contained 54 condominium units in'two buildings on the east side of the site while leaving three original condominium buildings containing 35 units on the westerly portion of the site. In August, 1983, a second amendment was approved which increased the condominium count from 54 to 60 units and replaced the original units on the west side with 29 townhouse units. None of the plans have commenced construction. He stated that the proponent, Klodt Construction Company, has submitted new plans which modify the overall development by reducing the number of townhouse units from 29 to 24, and increases the number of.condominium units from 60 to 65, all of which would be in one building, not two as previously approved. The townhouse units are shown as four six -unit structures— The overall density of 8.5 units per acre and the unit count of 89 remains the same in all proposals. The current proposal represents a departure from the earlier proposal in two significant respects. First, the condominium units are now all in one building. This results in a much more imposing building. Second, the townhouses are now proposed to have one main living floor and a walk- out basement. The earlier proposal had two living levels plus a basement. This increased lot coverage and increases the amount of the site occupied by the townhouses. Mr. Larsen explained that the data sheet provided indicates a footprint of 2,015 square feet for each townhouse unit. It appears that this figure includes the floor area of the garages. If so, the individual unit sizes would be similar to those in the previous plan. Units in the condominium building have been reduced slightly in size and are now proposed at the minimum size required in the Ordinance. Parking, lot coverage, and building and parking setbacks all conform to the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. The landscaping plan conforms in regard to quantities, but the sizes of some items are smaller than required. Deciduous trees should be 2 1/2 inches in diameter and coniferous trees should be at least 6 feet in height. The proposed utility plan is satisfactory for the condominium, but needs additional information for the townhouse portion of the site. The two curb cuts on Cahill Road limit or prevent access by fire - fighting equipment. Mr. Larsen told the Commision that the proposed use and mix of unit types remains from previously approved plans and Staff continues to support the concept. However, this plan represents a significant change in the character of the site plan. The townhouse units, because of their one -floor design, now occupy a much larger portion of the site. This has forced the use of one large condominium building instead of'two smaller buildings. Although the one -floor townhouse is probably attractive to the Edina market, it does tend to crowd the site more than earlier plans. The central pond is adequate from the storm water retention standpoint, but has been reduced in size and is less aethetically pleasing. If the six -unit townhouse building south of the pond were removed and the apartment building were split again into two buildings, the site plan would be greatly approved in Staff's opinion. Mr. Larsen stated that a recommendation of approval should be subject to the following conditions: 1. Redesign of access to accommodate emergency vehicles. 2. A utility plan acceptable to City Staff. 3. Developer's agreement. 4. Shademaster Locust be increased to a minimum caliper diameter of 2 1/2 inches. 5. Spruce trees be increased to a minimum of 6 six feet in height. Mr. Paul Klodt and Mr. Gene Nieland, proponents, were present. In response to Staff's concerns, Mr. Klodt opposed the idea of cutting any units. The units were proposed to attract empty nesters and two stories do not appeal as much to older people. He believed the larger building would be more appropriate. Staff's recommendation to increase the radius of an access point in order to accommodate fire trucks would be no problem. Mr. Hoffman responded to a question of Mr. Gordon Johnson be stating that signalization of 78th and Cahill could occur within a one -year period. Mrs. McClelland stated that this revised plan totalling ignores the geography of the site. It appeared akward and she was much more in favor of the March, 1983, proposed plan with three large buildings and a larger pond. Mr. Klodt pointed out that the present plan did not disturb the area along the roads where many trees were located and would be saved. Discussion ensued regarding the necessity of the grading. Mr. Runyan wondered if the pond was for drainage and Mr. Klodt explained that the ponding did provide for run- off and that it was properly sized. Mr. Palmer was in favor of the proposed plans and moved for approval subject to the conditions recommended by Staff. Mr. Runyan seconded the motion. Mrs. McClelland, Mr. Sked and Mr. Del Johnson were opposed; the motion carried. ew.-Business: P -85 -2 Opus ration. Nation ental Systems 7700 France Gen y located: West of Fran nue and South of West 76th a COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT MAY 1, 1985 Z -79 -10 Klodt Construction Co., PRD -3 Plan Amendment Refer to: Revised Overall Development Plan; August 31, March.2, 1983 and October 1, 1980 Staff Reports Generally located: Northwest Quadrant of Cahill Road and West 78th Street. The Commission will recall that the subject property was rezoned to PRD -3 in 1980 to allow the construction of an 89 unit, 8 building condominium project. In March, 1983, a plan was approved which contained 54 condominium units in two buildings on the east side of the site while leaving three original condominium buildings containing 35 units on the westerly portion of the site. In August, 1983, a second amendment was approved which increased the condominium count from 54 to 60 units and replaced the original units on the west side with 29 townhouse units. None of the plans have commenced construction. The proponent, Klodt Construction Company, has submitted new plans which modify the overall development by reducing the number of townhouse units from 29 to 24, and increases the number of condominium units from 60 to 65, all of which would be in one building, not two as previously approved. The townhouse units are shown as four six -unit structures. The overall density of 8.5 units per acre and the unit count of 89 remains the same in all proposals. The current proposal represents a departure from the earlier proposal in two significant respects. First, the condominium units are now all in one building. This results in a much more imposing building. Second, the townhouses are now proposed to have one main living floor and a walk- out basement. The earlier proposal had two living levels plus a basement. This increases lot coverage and increases the amount of the site occupied by the townhouses. The data sheet provided indicates a footprint of 2,015 square feet for each townhouse unit. It appears that this figure includes the floor area of the garages. If so, the individual unit sizes would be similar to those in the previous plan. Units in the condominium building have been reduced slightly in size and are now proposed at the minimum size required in the Ordinance. Parking, lot coverage, and building and parking setbacks all conform to the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. The landscaping plan conforms in regard to quantities, but the sizes of some items are smaller than required. Deciduous trees should be 2 1/2 inches in diameter and coniferous trees should be at least 6 feet in height. The proposed utility plan is satisfactory for the condominium, but needs additional information for the townhouse portion of the site. The two curb cuts on Cahill Road limit or prevent access by fire fighting equipment. Recommendation: The proposed use and mix of unit types remains from previously approved plans and we continue to support the concept. However, this plan represents a significant change in the character of the site plan. The townhouse units, because of their one floor design, now occupy a much larger portion of the site. This has forced the use of one large condominium building instead of two smaller buildings. Although the one floor townhouse is probably attractive to the Edina market, it does tend to crowd the site more than earlier plans. The central pond is adequate from the storm water retention standpoint, but has been reduced in size and is less aethetically pleasing. If the six -unit townhouse building south of the pond were removed and the apartment building were split again into two buildings, the site plan would be greatly approved in our opinion. A recommendation of approval should be subject to the following conditions: 1. Redesign of access to accommodate emergency vehicles. 2. A utility plan acceptable to City Staff. 3. Developer's agreement. 4. Shademaster Locust be increased to a minimum caliper diameter of 2 1/2 inches. 5. Spruce trees be increased to a minimum of 6 six feett - in height. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT AUGUST 31, 1983 Z -79 -10 Klodt Construction Co. PRD -3 Plan Amendment Refer to: Revised Overall Development Plan; March 2, 1983 Staff Report Generally Located: Northwest Quadrant of Cahill Road and West 78th Street The Commission and Council reviewed and approved a plan amendment for the easterly one -half of this property earlier this year. This amendment proposed the construction of two condominium buildings containing 54 units. The plan amendment also proposed a substantial reduction in the size of the units. The proponents are now requesting a plan amendment for the westerly one -half of the site. This amendment proposes the construction of 29 townhouse units which would replace the three condominium buildings containing 35 units as originally approve, In order to maintain the original overall density for the site, the proponents are suggesting that the condominium buildings on the eaterly one -half should be increased from 54 units to 60 units. The plan for the westerly one -half shows five townhouse buildings which would be served by two driveways from Delaney Boulevard. Enclosed parking and surface parking are provided according to ordinance requirements. The plan complies with setback requirements except for balconies which project into the required 35 foot set- back from the north property line. The proponents have also submitted floor plans, elevation drawings landscape plans, grading, and utility plans in support of the requested amendment. The building footprint and exterior appearance of the two condominium buildings on the easterly one -half of the site remain unchanged. However, the size of the individual units has been decreased substantially. The following table compares the unit sizes and count of the present pro the plan approved last March: posal with Present Proposal March Proposal No. of Units Size No. of Units Size Efficiency • 6 525 sq. ft. 0 - 1 bedroom 30 760 -820 sq. ft. 24 835 2 bedroom 24 1080 -1180 sq. ft. 30 1100 -1200 Of particular note are the efficiency units measuring 525 square feet and the one bedroon units which measure 760 square feet. According to our measurements, the efficiency units measure 504 square feet and the one bedrooms measure 750 square feet. These units are at the absolute minimum floor area required by the zoning ordinance. Community Development and Planning Commission August 31, 1983, - Klodt Construction Co. Page two Recommendation We believe that the proposed townhouse plan represents a reasonable use of the westerly portion of the site. Such use is complementary with the condominium development to the east and may provide a more desireable transition to low density uses to the west. As noted earlier, the project complies with the requirements of the zoning ordinance with the exception of the balcony setbacks on the north. We frankly cannot find a reason for a variance from the setback requirement and therefore, suggest that the northerly building be modified to comply with the ordinance. The easterly portion of the site is unchanged since the Commission and Council approval last spring with the exception of the unit count and size. Staff a-ain wishes to point out that some of these units provide a minimum of floor area. This is unusual for a condominium project in Edina. However, the proposal responds to the Comprehensive Plan's goal of providing small unit sizes for modest oust housing opportunities. Staff recommends approval of the requested plan amendment conditioned upon: 1. The .submission of more complete utility plans. 2. A developer's agreement covering the utilities in the townhouse development. 3. The revision of the final plat of the property to reflect a townhouse subdivision of the westerly one -half of the site. 4. A slight modification of the access drives to the townhouses to provide a larger turning radius for emergency vehicles. (This will not affect the placement of the buildings.) 5. The size classification for shademaster locust should be increase to 212- inches. roND M.r, Me UN4 I f IS D. MUD Mup Ofte Cu" 't9 I ul gill IA ltldlA ,fill MMMERT- N'l Wrillro wit "A 9lo t, UVAl p I - sh 1�81 lio ---------- I M L U 111 �n COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT MARCH 2, 1983 Z -79 -10 Braemar Associates / Klodt Construction Co. Generally located west of Cahill Road and north of West 78th Street Refer to: Revised overall development plan; October 1, 1980, Staff report The Commission and Council granted final rezoning approval to PRD -3 for the subject property approximately two years ago. At that time, an eight building condominium project containing 89 units was approved. This project included excess right -of -way from "land acquired for Delaney Boulevard. Construction of the condominium project has never commenced. The property owners have nowjoined forces with Klodt Construction Company who proposes to develop the east half of the site. Klodt desires to modify the overall development plan to reflect a considerable reduction in the unit sizes as compared to the earlier plan. The revised plans illustrate two condominium buildings containing a total of 54 dwelling units. These two buildings will take the place of five condominium buildings (also containing 54 units) which were proposed by the earlier plans. The present site plan illustrates considerably less building coverage than the earlier plan due to the substantial decrease in unit sizes. (The present units are less than one half the floor area of the prior condominiums.) Underbuilding and surface parking are proposed in numbers which conform to our ordinance. As with the earlier plan, a 15 foot parking setback from Cahill Road is proposed which is below the required setback of 35 feet. All other setbacks are consistent with our requirements. The proponents have also submitted schematic floor plans and elevation drawings in support of their plan amendment. Landscape plans , grading plans, utility plans, and so forth have not been submitted at this time. The proponents are not suggesting significant changes to the original plan for the west half of the site. Three condominium buildings containing 36 extremely large units continue to be shown. (It should be noted that the approved plans show 35 units in these buildings rather than 36.) The site plan illustrates a slight re- alignment of these buildings to the north and east in order .to provide a more generous spacing between the buildings. A revised subdivision has not been submitted for the property. It is our understanding that such a plat would divide the property in half and therefore two totally separate condominium associations would be created. Community Development March 2, 1983 Page two Recommendation: and Planning Commission We were very supportive of the prior proposal for the site. Thus, it is difficult for us to be enthusiastic about a plan which in essence, separates the site into two distinct projects which are very different in terms of their style and market. However, we acknowledge that the site is somewhat unique in terms of its surrounding land uses which lead to a more modestly priced unit for the easterly portion of the site and a luxury class unit for the westerly portion. Also, the site has excellent access which does not hinder the establishment of separate projects. We believe the site plan proposes a desireable placement of the two condominium buildings and their accessory parking. The ponding area in the center of the site is retained as originally shown and should provide an excellent amenity for the project. As noted earlier, the building coverage of the new proposal is considerably reduced which will contribute to a feeling of openess on the site. Our only requested modification to the site plan is that the parking setback from Cahill should be increased to 20 feet which is more consistent with parking setbacks in other areas. We would ask that additional work should be undertaken on the elevation plans of the building. We are particulary concerned with the proposed roof line of the building, especially the shed roofs which are shown in various locations. As noted earlier, landscape plans, grading plans, etc., which usually are submitted in cases such as this have not been provided. Such drawings should be provided for review prior to approval of the plan amendment by the Council. Subject to the above modifications and comments, Staff recommends approval of the plan amendment conditioned upon: 1. The elimination of one dwelling unit from the project in order to make the density consistent with the earlier approval and 2. submission of a revised subdivision for the site. 7! -imp I., MM, Sio hw (I y .77 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT OCTOBER 1, 1980 Z -79 -10 Braemar Associates. R -1 Single Family Dwelling to PRD -3 Planned Residential District. Final rezoning and preliminary plat approval. Refer to: Attached overall development plans and November 28, 1979, Staff Report The Commission and City Council granted preliminary approval of this re- zoning to PRD -3 in late 1979. You will recall that this development plan incorporates a portion of the property acquired by the City for Delaney Boulevard. The proponents have now returned with overal development plans and are requesting final rezoning approval. As before, the site plan illustrates 89 condominium units located in eight buildings which represent an overall density of about 8.5 units per acre. Approximately two enclosed parkins, spaces and .5 exposed parking spaces per unit are proposed. The overall development plans also include a grading plan, a concept land- scape plan, utility plan, unit plans, and elevation drawings. In addition, the proponents have submitted a preliminary subdivision. Recommendation Staff believes that the proponents have prepared an excellent development concept for the site. The plan preserves the slopes and vegetation in the west central portion of the site and proposed a proper use of the wetland area in the east central portion of the site. Staff's criticism of the plans relate primarily to the apparent need for set- back variances and the location of exposed parking areas. The PRD section of the Zoning Ordinance requires a 35 foot setback for buildings and parking from all property boundaries. The proposed plan violates this setback on _all_ four sides. We believe that building setback variances along Delaney Boulevard are reasonable due to the curvature of the street. However, we believe that the two buildings along Cahill should be adjusted by providing smaller unit sizes to meet the 35 foot setback. Similarly, the pool building should be adjusted to meet this setback from the north boundary. Staff is also concerned with the location of exposed parking. The two parking areas along Delaney are located entirely within the setback area. Also, the driveway entrances to these parking areas exhibit poor- site distances for Delaney traffic. Likewise, the parking area on the east side is within -the setback area and abuts Cahill Road. It should be noted that this parking area was not shown on the preliminary plan. -1- Page 2 -. __..._. .._....�.�...� In addition to these concerns, Staff also notes that a "concept" landscape plan has been submitted. The ordinance requires a detailed landscape plan and plant schedule. We agree that it is difficult to prepare such a detailed plan with this site due to the abundance of existing vegetation which may be preserved. However, a more detailed plan should be prepared prior to final approval by the Council. Also, the exterior materials on all buildings should be noted on the plan. Therefore, we recommend overall plan approval with the understanding that the above noted features should be modified. Approval is recommended conditioned on final platting and subdivision dedication. I 1980 'y" 1 1. � <� �— . "ter . � • _�/ r r r Ar i ,< 41,- \� i :I • hIT'E ?L� N ' NUMBER P -85 -2 P L A N L O C A T 10 N 7700 France Avenue S National Car Rental Systems REQUEST EDINA PLAN NNNIG' DEPARTMENT Redesign of access to accommodate emergency vehicles. 2. \A utility plan acceptable to City Staff. 3. Developer's agreement. 4. ShaVemaster Locust be increased to a minim caller diameter of 2 1/2 inches. 5. Spruce trees be increased to a minimum 6 six feet in eight. / Mr. Paul Klodt nd Mr. Gene Nieland, pr ponents, were present. In response to Staff's concerns, r. Klodt opposed the idea of cutting an units. The units ere proposed to attract empty nesters an two stories d not appeal as much to older people. He beli ved the larg building would be more appropriate. Staff's recommendation i rease the radius of an access point in order to accom ate fire trucks would be no problem. Mr. Hoffman responded t a qu stion of Mr. Gordon Johnson be stating that si alizati n of 78th and Cahill could occur within a one- ear period Mrs. McClelland s ated that this evised plan totalling ignores the geograph of the site. It peared akward and she was much more i favor of the March, 1983, proposed plan with three large b ildings and a larger p d. Mr. Klodt pointed out that he present plan did not isturb the area along the roads here many trees were locat and would be saved. Discu ion ensued regarding the nece ity of the grading. Mr. nyan wondered if the pond was for dra'nage and Mr. I od explained that the ponding did provide or run- off and that it was properly sized. r. Palmer was in favor of the proposed plans ariq moved for approval subject to the conditions recommended by taff. M . Runyan seconded the motion. Mrs. McClelland, Mr. S ed d Mr. Del Johnson were opposed; the motion carried. III. New.-Business: P -85 -2 Opus Corporation. National Car Rental Systems 7700 France Avenue Generally located: West of France Avenue and South of West 76th Street Mr. Larsen reported that the subject property is developed with a four -story office building containing 229,100 square feet of floor area. The building serves as corporate headquarters for National Car Rental. When the new Zoning Ordinance was adopted in 1984, the site was rezoned from Planned Industrial District (PID) to Planned Office District -2 (POD -2). National Car is proposing a five -story addition containing a gross area of approximately 106,655 square feet which would be constructed on the north end of the existing four -story building. The Commission may recall that floor area limits were imposed on this and other parcels in the plat of Edina Office Center in 1978. Initially imposed by the City because of traffic concerns in the area, these floor area restrictions were removed by the City Council in 1983. The development of the site is now limited by the 0.5 Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of the Office District in the Zoning Ordinance. The proposed addition would result in a FAR of approximately 0.36 for the site. Mr. Larsen informed the Commission that,the Zoning Ordinance requires parking at a rate of one space for each 250 square of gross floor area in office buildings which are in excess of 220,000 square feet. Due to the high parking demand created by National Car the proposal calls for approximately 230 more parking spaces than required by the Zoning Ordinance. The drive aisle and 15 existing parking stalls south of the building maintain non - conforming setbacks. The Zoning Ordinance requires that all parking and drive aisles maintain a 20 minimum setback from any street right of way. Mr. Larsen continued by saying when the property was platted, a 40 foot easement was dedicated along the southerly boundary of the property and a 60 wide easement was provided on the westerly end of the site to provide a connection to West 77th Street. It was anticipated that these roadways would be constructed when the drive -in theater was redeveloped. The City has commissioned BRW to make a recommendation on the design of the link from West 77th Street to the new road. Staff believes that the addition will compliment the existing high quality of the development. Approval of the final development plan is recommended with the following conditions: 1. That additional right of way, as needed on the westerly portion of the site, be dedicated at this time. 2. That the non - conforming parking spaces along the south property line be removed, and that the south drive setback be increased to a minimum of 20 feet. Mr. Bob Worthington, Opus Corporation, was present as well as Mr. Ron Auerbach, Project Manager. He explained that Opus has no objection to the elimination of parking spaces on the south side of the building, however, noted that in reviewing the possibility of moving the drive -way, some mechanical equipment would have to be relocated. Mr. Worthington presented graphics illustrating proposed landscaping. Discussion ensued regarding street access and parking. Mr. Larsen stated that Staff had not been aware of the mechanical equipment located on the south and would support a variance for the drive aisle if the parking were removed. He added that the variance could be approved at this meeting. Mr. Gordon Johnson moved for approval subject to the removal of the five parking spaces and the conditions recommended in the Staff's report. Mr. Palmer seconded the motion. All were in favor; the motion carried. Z 85 -2 Robert Anderson, 425 Washington Ave e Gene lly located: East of Washington enue and North of Maloney enue Mr. Larsen sta d that the su ect property is located on the corner of Was gton Aven and Maloney Avenue. County Road 18 is locat to tX immediate west of the site and Grandview Cemetery is to a south. The site measures 70 feet in width, approxima ly 125 in depth and contains 8,898 square feet of lo t ea. The site is vacant. The Zlot t is equesting zoning of the site from R -1, Sining nit District R -2, Double Dwelling Unit Dis der to allow the nstruction of a two - unit dwea zoning ordinance re ires R -2 lot to be at least in width and to contain least 15,000 square ft area. Consequently, lot idth and lot area varuld als o be required to make is a buildabl e. e said that the Comprehensive Plan illustrates e Vw-density l ock- stretch of lots fronting on Washington Avenue s s attached residential. Presently, there are r COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT MAY 1, 1985 P -85 -2 Opus Corporation. National Car Rental Systems 7700 France Avenue Generally located: West of France Avenue and South of West 76th Street Refer to: Attached plans and letter from proponent The subject property is developed with a four -story office building containing 229,100 square feet of floor area. The building serves as corporate headquarters for National Car Rental. When the new Zoning Ordinance was adopted in 1984, the site was rezoned from Planned Industrial District (PID) to Planned Office District -2 (POD -2). National Car is proposing a five -story addition containing a gross area of approximately 106,655 square feet which would be constructed on the north end of the existing four -story building. The Commission may recall that floor area limits were imposed on this and other parcels in the plat of Edina Office Center in 1978. Initially imposed by the City because of traffic concerns in the area, these floor area restrictions were removed by the City Council in 1983. The development of the site is now limited by the 0.5 Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of the Office District in the Zoning Ordinance. The proposed addition would result in a FAR of approximately 0.36 for the site. The Zoning Ordinance requires parking at a rate of one space for each 250 square of gross floor area in office buildings which are in excess of 220,000 square feet. Due to the high parking demand created by National Car the proposal calls for approximately 230 more parking spaces than required by the Zoning Ordinance. National Car and Edina Office Center share cross easements for the purpose of reaching West 77th Street and West 76th Street from either site. This easement is expected to continue. The drive aisle and 15 existing parking stalls south of the building maintain non - conforming setbacks. The Zoning Ordinance requires that all parking and drive aisles maintain a 20 minimum setback from any street right of way. The proposal illustrates an exterior treatment of brick and glass which would match materials in the existing building. A landscaping plan and schedule is proposed which meets or exceeds ordinance requirements. When the property was platted, a 40 foot easement was dedicated along the southerly boundary of the property and a 60 wide easement was provided on the westerly end of the site to provide a connection to West 77th Street. It is anticipated that -these roadways would be constructed when the drive -in theater was redeveloped. The City has commissioned BRW to make a recommendation on the design of the link from West 77th Street to the new road. This recommendation and a description of needed additional right of way, if any, should be available for the Commission meeting. Recommendation The proposed addition was expected. We- believe that the addition will compliment the existing high quality of the development. Staff recommends approval of the final development plan with the following conditions: 1. That additional right of way, as needed on the westerly portion of the site, be dedicated at this time. 2. That the non - conforming parking spaces along the south property line be removed, and that the south drive setback be increased to a minimum of 20 feet. OPUS CORPORATION ® DESIGNERS • BUILDERS • DEVELOPERS April 19, 1985 Mr. Craig Larson, City Planner Edina City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Subject: National Car Corporate Headquarters- Addition Edina, Minnesota Dear Mr. Larson: Please consider this letter as formal request for Site Plan Review and ap- proval by the Edina Planning Commission and Council for a 105,000 square foot addition to the existing National Car Corporate Headquarters at 7700 France Avenue South. Submitted herewith are 13 sets of Image Drawing and Archi- tectural Drawings pLl, pL2, PC1, and pAl -pA7, dated April 19, 1985, which delineate the scope of the project. The addition is consistent with growth opportunities currently being exper- ienced by National Car. It was anticipated that such growth would occur when National Car came in for its initial approval for relocation of its facilities to this iste in 1978. The area for the expansion(s) herein requested for approval where described as a part of the initial plans for the existing headquarters facility. The addition will consist of 5 levels; the lower 4 levels will match the elevation of the existing building floors, with one additional level being included, enabling the expansion facility to accommodate approximately 105,000 gross square feet. With the existing building comprising 230,000 square feet, total building area will then become 335,000 square feet. This building addition will be designed to accommodate yet a second and final addition directly to its west of approximately 100,000 square feet, which would result in total build out of the site based on the F.A.R. limitations presently in place of 435,000 gross square feet. It is anticipated that if the 100,000 square foot addition is called for, it would occur within the next 3 - 5 year period. Site improvements will include parking lot expansion and remodeling to arrive at 1,459 car stalls,'complete grading, utility remodeling, land- scaping /irrigation, patio development and entry drive remodeling. This work is shown on the attached drawings. While National Car is presently considering the acquisition, through purchase or lease, of additional land for parking, it is apparent that the present site will handle the necessary parking demanded by this building expansion. If the MINNEAPOLIS • CHICAGO PHOENIX • MILWAUKEE EXECUTIVE OFFICES: 800 OPUS CENTER • 9900 BREN ROAD EAST • P.O. BOX 150 • MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA 55440 (612) 936.4444 April 19, 1985 Page 2 second and final building addition goes forward, however, it would necessitate the construction of a structured parking level over a portion of the existing parking lot. The new building addition will generally match the exterior and interior image and design of the existing building. Matching brick and glass will be the primary exterior building materials, with building step backs recalling those of the original structure. The 5 floors will primarily house open- office functions in conjunction with lower level storage areas, supporting utility rooms and cafeteria seating expansion. Overall, the building addition will be merely an extension of the main facility, in structure, architecture and function. Opus Corporation respectfully submits these documents with the hope that planning staff support will endorse and assist in obtaining Planning Com- mission and council approval of this project. Please advise me or Bob Worthington of our office of the date that this matter will be heard by the Planning Commission and City Council. Thank you. Sincerely, OPUS CORPORATION Ronald W. Auerbach, A.I.A. Senior Project Manager Enclosures RWA /aw OPUS CORPORATION ffl I L3 I z 3T BENNETT. RINGROSE. WOLSFELD. JARVIS. GARDNER. INC. PLANNING TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING ARCHITECTURE THRESHER SQUARE • 700 THIRD STREET SOUTH • MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55415 • PHONE 612,370 -0700 April 25, 1985 MEMORANDUM TO: Fran Hoffman, P.E. Director of Public Works City of Edina FROM: David M. Warner, P.E. SUBJECT: 77th Street, Parklawn to France National Car Rental Expansion As you requested, BRW has reviewed the proposed extension of 77th St -reet from Parklawn to France Avenue. Current plans call for 77th Street to be located along the south edge of the National Car Rental site, and then, at the west end of the site, the City of Edina may construct a street diagonally across the site to tie into the intersection of 77th Street and Parklawn. It is also expected that, as a part of the development of the Mann Theater site, a north -south road (Johnson Road) would be constructed on the west edge of that site. The result would be a three - legged intersection located on the south edge of the National Car Rental property, about 500 feet east of Parklawn or 1,300 feet west of France Avenue. BRW has reviewed the ways in which that intersection could be configured to determine whether one configuration would offer an advantage to the City over other configurations. Alternative Configurations If the City constructs 77th Street between Parklawn and Johnson, the intersec- tion of 77th and Johnson would have one of three configurations (see Figures 1 -3, attached). The differences lie in which two legs of the intersection are tied together as a through street. Left turns into and out of the third leg will be delayed somewhat, while all other movements through the intersection will be free - flowing. Recommendation If the City determines that 77th Street between Parklawn and Johnson should be constructed, it is recommended that the Alternative 3 configuration be selected. This recommendation is made for three reasons: I. Alternative 3 reinforces and existing circulation pattern. Development along 77th Street uses 77th Street, Parklawn and 76th Street to reach MINNEAPOLIS DENVER BRECKENRIDGE PHOENIX Fran Hoffman April 25, 1985 Page 2 France Avenue and points east. Under this alternative, development along 78th Street will have direct access to France Avenue using 78th Street, Johnson Road and 77th Street. The split in traffic will help to balance traffic volumes at the intersections of 76th Street and France Avenue, and 77th Street and France Avenue. 2. Alternative 3 enhances accessibility to the regional highway system. The Interchange of 77th Street and TH 100 is currently congested during peak periods; the interchange of France Avenue and 1 -494 will be upgraded in the near future. Alternative 3 will encourage drivers to use the France Avenue /1 -494 interchange when a choice exists. 3. Alternative 3 encourages more efficient use of the interchange of 77th Street and TH 100. For traffic using the west ramps of the interchange (northbound off and northbound on), use of the 78th Street approach maxi- mizes the capacity of the intersection. Alternative 3 reinforces the idea that 78th Street is a through street. National Car Rental Site Plan As a part of this analysis, the site plan for expansion of the National Car Rental facility was reviewed for consistency with the above recommendations. BRW has two comments regarding site access and circulation: 1. The City should consider placing a median on 77th Street at France Avenue to channelize traffic at the intersection. This island would prevent left -turns into and out of the National Car Rental entrance to the park- ing lot along France Avenue. This will result in some inconvenience to National Car Rental visitors, but may be necessary to protect the Integrity of the intersection. 2. If the City of Edina builds the connection between 77th Street and Park Iawn, and 77th Street and Johnson, westbound traffic will be free - flowing. Depending on the actual design, the entrance to the southwest corner of the National Car Rental parking lot, as it is shown on the current site plan, would probably be too close to the intersection. In order to preserve the flexibility to locate the entrance in a better location, the City of Edina should consider allowing only temporary construction in the area shown in Figure 4. Once design of the intersec- tion is finalized, permanent construction could be allowed. If you have any questions, please call. MINNEAPOLIS CHEYENNE DENVER JOB_ ?7fh :5-f- — Fdima• SHEET NO. MADE BY DATE CHECKED BY DATE JOB NO. SEC. SHT. NO. CALCULATIONS FOR ALT. MINNEAPOLIS CHEYENNE DENVER 108 S-f- ECjIrVIlla SHEET NO. MADE BY DATE JOB NO. CHECKED BY DDATE� SEC. SHT. NO. CALCULATIONS FOR ^ L r • Z MINNEAPOLIS CHEYENNE DENVER JOB 7711, S-1- - 6,dlvt-g6 SHEET NO. MADE BY DATE JOB NO. CHECKED BY D/ArE 3 SEC. SHT. NO. CALCULATIONS FOR- ^LT i EAV� DurY PSI Ti.A(No d i I J _1 .9 s LIGHT >�y _C B►TVM IOUS N h'� h� Area. a P I C loo' R. - 20 Ten, ro CoH,�, -u INDEX TO DRAWINGS PT1 IMAGE DRAWING PL1 SITE PLANTING PLAN PL2 PLANTING PLAN AT BLDG PC1 GRADING 8 UTILITIES PA1 SITE PLAN PA2 FIRST FLOOR PLAN PAJ SECOND FLOOR PLAN PAI THIRD FLOOR PLAN .. PAS FOURTH FLOOR PLAN PAE FIFTH FLOOR PLAN PAT ELEVATIONS ADDITION TO: NATIONAL CAR RENTAL i O O -- O O G O G 2T p F J Q> Notes Plant List Q p rowosc re mnunDl a•LL Nsrr stn Ia m ab.lnit uom Yroc rn.. ntrLL• rYUUr • mnarc•u ux amsrinn[ wales row n+rtnlroK ulw ATNgI.1E sra Qty common & laln rsarrN Was tool raallarta 0 YIM sln m41rlo4. ml {• DMN{. rwa vwq r Ya nM LA1�Grr Aa>,1rtn a NR.K. ' v+nrt LYD. /.M a Q ' Ma r/IAtIIY:Aro l41rY,[1rlOrrw Y4 au 1lIrr111L AVA{ rCQ lvrt ., mu.rtwnlru,1pwln�ws t Ylgwls}� BL. 1 GOipi^x b�. •�+..rE P•f1. VI,IfJ. e'.,T la lW W- O mssarm rY Irr{nuta AaA. 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M rRIM1114 SINIro, • � i • 'L • Yl MLRm R/M] aNl R lQA1rD >m DruL a um art rA{alsa ro M LL/IN6 MO V.H sr KD .DI1m. a {sDRS �w `j:[ ' . I t i �� +.��....,. uwua• As sron a M nAr4 MO sr®o1 nw1 wa llwa swiss n• as aru a srA,® D.Iyllrr MF.'.• To fetl+ln ''iG • 1 1 ! �, sw�uY nrmsaar u+asrAr[ velar- narra4 M rino M UO14. } O � l ; I�f �r.t•I — – I Vwra wa I6lKYa. • xi rm¢� w.xrs ar,LL Y rnurm umrui• n aoY a M rL.ra. ® n�ny1,� ii iMVr.Ft/irT 11i _� °i• ' i , 1) ' ;ysi ,1 717 __ % v l E P SITLANTING ' I PLAN cab: 1.60 3n 11 �1 oo — N IIII xg E d t 3 u s J a H W szz� ' cc w sa• • a FU1 oz ►= :z 00 o a ~= 3 i Z °wC W i to t ± t . y r' S PLANTING PLAN C-1 ft-n WD u zzO IWKlt'f VVAw — " i Legend MA Plant List 3'1 qty l cmmn a win wz. and M—ru E. _n ff tt lop V 11 I41 IIII Mild, IV UP If A rn 0, PLANTING PLAN C-1 ft-n WD u zzO IWKlt'f VVAw — " i II III Legend —T I Plant List qty l cmmn a win wz. and M—ru E. _n II III Legend °op On Plant List qty l cmmn a win wz. and M—ru E. _n II III M7 I 1�11 SIM 0 6.Z iLL r .......... ...... ............. ...... .............. 211, ------------ F1 011. V, U PROJECT LOCATION MAP ��- 71 . 8812 CURB 8 GUTTER - CONC.�WALK rso •+0•..,.1 .so• [ SIDEWALK RAMP • I I •..NW tl1pCM[D A••O LILCT•i0K T[wtrWM[.7 yyJ •: 1ttL� 110 tTALtJ �i•D••th{A"Q VTAUA 4Ct• SITE PLAN • `r[rw.c ".r .a.n�.e au.r�.. w•�ai,lt• I s...e �.... •..• • ' R rRM••n A A'••' WIOL ar N llu 'dQ �nnM rte. 1 AAMiL[ • ; (aOTA ALL tA1•• W •Iw0[WlA) MUM - .• u, 1 - ; -- GROSS BWDING AREA F.0 NEW TOTAL TiWTFLOOR- "1.1.018 suit 81.770 C �' •c . Al••WO wtt l[•LVR YMu -- / WOVO FLOOR 01,30 rA.914 06,161 r - .aW[Ir.e lA+•1••rc1.1i •va T[.a FLOOR - n.•[a 2400% 71.1" i n e 10IAIW FLDOR „1411[ 14181 64.1111 = T -t r1u m • ••r nr �� FF0l FL"_ 0 16,00[ 14,061 .Ir ••1•r Iwat TOTAL 120,013 10LIa5 57a718 ewa PARKING 7.0[1 O 9017• /0�0��Mi1M0 �► 411ITYO r� --- -� TOTAL 6[1Y0 106/RS 9%.755 MTORT ; I Yiii n6oA EM-0 t1•ID04 M.Wb 0101100 L6• - 7r U'.— ` [� •ow I.4•. (-' ,) 24% 1&6r. i wwWt 1•T Ifia r• a• Kw ww.w Al . 1 o41 o rR PARKING. RKING.a at• uv ITu i K1ia1L•0�T 151 UK Hyr1 ��� I.OrplD 6 ' N I1 ••a NNA[ tIT! •Ora•il•l (sd• 1•n�.wa7'1u1.1w u•,. 1m.ry U.• i i -_ b[1nreT 1rr•T1p4fl1A!'' j— - tyro• nwgl Atr �: [s[tar p.:r •r w.r '- --- -------- e. »7�.J:. �:.:u.-ro ee w.�.�Wr � �� W ��� �- Mgt M' �� �� �� �� •LI+Iai 0(.r I.) J ? H 2 W Q Q 4 < 00 7 C J i '15 = n t 00 7 n 3 Er- ale 0 i p 7• W Y � 6 L Q S e � � o `_I 71 IY = "W- � F a a 2. That the non - conforming parking spaces al g the S th property line be removed, and that the so drive set be increased to a minimum of 20 feet. Mr. Worthington, Opus Corporatio was present as well as Mr. n Auerbach, Project Manag He explained that Opus has n objection to the ell nation of parking spaces on the sou t side of the bui ing, however, noted that in reviewing the ossibility of moving the drive -way, some mechanical equipme would ave to be relocated. Mr. Worthington prese d graphics illustrating proposed landscaping. Discussion ensu regarding st et access and parking. Mr. Larsen stated at Staff had not en aware of the mechanical equip ent located on the sou and would support a variance for he drive aisle if the par ' g were removed. HZalof the variance could be approved t this m n Johnson moved for approval subject t the five parking spaces and the conditions r the Staff's report. Mr. Palmer. seconded t motion. All were in favor; the motion carried. Z -85 -2 Robert Anderson, 425 Washington Avenue Generally located: East of Washington Avenue and North of Maloney Avenue Mr. Larsen stated that the subject property is located on the corner of Washington Avenue and Maloney Avenue. County Road 18 is located to the immediate west of the site and Grandview Cemetery is to the south. The site measures 70 feet in width, approximately 125 in depth and contains 8,898 square feet of lot area. The site is vacant. The proponent is requesting rezoning of the site from R -1, Single Dwelling Unit District to R -2, Double Dwelling Unit District, in order to allow the construction of a two - unit dwelling. The zoning ordinance requires R -2 lot to be at least 90 feet in width and to contain at least 15,000 square feet in lot area. Consequently, lot width and lot area variances would also be required to make this a buildable R -2 site. He said that the Comprehensive Plan illustrates the two - block- stretch of lots fronting on Washington Avenue as low- density attached residential. Presently, there are four existing doubles which are zoned R -2 and two legal, non- conforming doubles on Washington. There are eleven single - dwelling units fronting on Washington Avenue. The existing double bungalow lots measure between 76 and 79 feet in width, except for the most northerly lot which measures 124 feet in width. The existing R -1 lots measure between 45 and 78 feet in width. Mr. Larsen continued by stating that the subject site is designated by the Comprehensive Plan as being suitable for the proposed use. In addition to this designation the Plan contains a policy which states: "Consider the redevelopment or retro- filling of single - family dwellings to multi - family uses if located in areas designated as low density attached residential. Such redevelopment or retro- filling should require rezoning and upgrading of dwellings and properties to multi - family standards. Using the required setbacks for the lot, it appears that a modestly sized double bungalow or duplex could be constructed on the site which would conform to zoning ordinance requirements. The development or redevelopment of properties along Washington as doubles is reasonable and to be expected. Staff does, however, have reservations concerning the minimum size of lots to be developed as doubles. Notwithstanding its reservations concerning lot size, staff reccommended approval of this rezoning. Mr. Robert Anderson was present. Mrs. McClelland believed that the variances needed were too large and in spite of the fact that there were nonconforming doubles next door, they were not necessarily legal. She was not in favor of the rezoning. Mr. Anderson presented plans for the Commission to view. Mr. Larsen presented a location map demonstrating the various locations of doubles in the neighborhood. Upon discussion, Mr. Palmer stated that he agreed with the Staff. A single - family home located at this site was not particularily desireable. He moved for approval of the rezoning and Mr. Skagerberg seconded the motion. Mrs. McClelland and Mr. Sked were opposed. The motion carried. nmar Lane Lot 1, 11 w s Edgemoor Generall ed: East of Lynmar Lane and Nor th o Drive. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT MAY 1, 1985 Z -85 -2 Robert Anderson, 425 Washington Avenue Generally located: East of Washington Avenue and North of Maloney Avenue Refer to: Attached survey, area map and photos The subject property is located on the corner of Washington Avenue and Maloney Avenue. County Road 18 is located to the immediate west of the site and Grandview Cemetery is to the south. The site measures 70 feet in width, approximately 125 in depth and contains 8,898 square feet of lot area. The proponent is requesting rezoning of the site from R -1, Single Dwelling Unit District to R -2, Double Dwelling Unit District, in order to allow the construction of a two -unit dwelling. The zoning ordinance requires R -2 lots to be at least 90 feet in width and to contain at least 15,000 square feet in lot area. Consequently, a lot width and lot area variances would also be required to make this a buildable R -2 site. The Comprehensive Plan illustrates the two - block- stretch of lots fronting on Washington Avenue as low- density attached residential. Presently, there are four existing doubles which are zoned R -2 and two legal, non - conforming doubles on Washington. There are eleven single - dwelling units fronting on Washington Avenue. The existing double bungalow lots measure between 76 and 79 feet in width, except for the most northerly lot which measures 124 feet in width. The existing R -1 lots measure between 45 and 78 feet in width. Recommendation The subject site is designated by the Comprehensive Plan as being suitable for the proposed use. In addition to this designation the Plan contains a policy which states: "Consider the redevelopment or retro- filling of single - family dwellings to multi - family uses if located in areas designated as low density attached residential. Such redevelopment or retro - filling should require rezoning and upgrading of dwellings and properties to multi - family standards. Using the required setbacks for the lot, it appears that a modestly sized double bungalow or duplex could be constructed on the site which would conform to zoning ordinance requirements. The development or redevelopment of properties along Washington as doubles is reasonable and to be expected. We do, however, have reservations concerning the minimum size of lots to be developed as'doubles. Although the Comprehensive Plan shows low density attached residential for the street, each individual parcel may not, alone, have that potential. Notwithstanding our reservations concerning lot size, we would recommend approval of this rezoning. r SURVEY FOR HENNEPIN COUNTY 3 C4LE:IINCH 30FEET DENOTES IRON MONUMENT SET :'.RINGS SHOWN ARE ASSUMED .:L7 1984 7.1 - - -- 33- 12 �r -- 25.9 - -- �. LU Q- rNorth lino of the South 24ft. of Lot 13 389040'02"E a u I'... 127.39 }. UJ W C.) � I � ^N _ > L1J o = 3 Lr, u o °o AREA= Sage `sq..ft. c o - - - -- LIn 33--- -- .. 'o CY CJ) - 25.9--m.. 71 a� _.... �� 14 `0 Go vn South line of Lot 14 �3 ri 122.20 12 1 r 389040'02"E. S.W. ow. of Lot I ' t -81adHOO CurO ' 0.00 End of Concrete Cure r� ' I 389040'OeE 1 C . W.1 /4 of S< o 1 N p 1 lV f Lot 14 and the south 24.00 feet of Lot 15, Block Heiclits ", except that part of said Lot 14 lying line drawn from a point on the west line of said feet north from the southwest corner of said Lot south line of said Lot 14 distant 5.00 feet east corner of said Lot 14. 901. "West tdinneanolis southwesterly of a Lot 14 distant 5.00 14 to a point on the from the southwest I hereby certify that this survey was prepared by me or under my direct suvervision this (fir, day of ✓u l,,, , 1984 ands that I am a duly Regis- tered Land Surveyor under the la s of the�State of Minnesota. R%)I,crL L. Eiakka M14 License 111o, 7093 C01J11L',` SUrveyor ile:inc pin Cou,.: y, Ki C kLE : I INCH 9 30 FEET CENOTES IRON MONUMENT SET - .:'.RINGS SHOWN ARE ASSUMED :L7 1884 VOW L y 6 d SURVEY HENNEPIN FOR COUNTY 7.1 - - -- 33- 12 ­25.9— � 1 �`0 R 1&1 RED SeT 13AC*S n L! n Q- North I of the th 24 f t. of Lot ° 989040'02"E `-" a LU v ..- 127.39 `r� Uj o: !t I, iY Lr �. air Q° AREA= 8898 z SQt B�K o �.J ' -1 l��1 B. .. _ . V aors South line of Lot 14 122.20 389040'02"F. 3.W. ow. of Lot I 0.00 E Concrete -8lackt��� ; Cure rMn n 989040'02"E . f i_ r• i EY ,1\ / W.1 /4 o 1 N p � N Lot 14 and the south 24.00 feet of Lot 15, Block Heialits ", except that part of said Lot 14 lying line drawn from a point on the west line of said feet north from the southwest corner of said Lot south line of said Lot 14 distant 5.00 feet east corner of said Lot 14. 9,. "west Minneapolis southwesterly of a Lot 14 distant 5.00 14 to a point on the from the southwest I hereby certify that 'this survey was prepared by me or under my direct supervision this fir, day of ✓u /�� , 1984, anti, that I am a duly p.egis_ tered Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. RtAiccL L. Fiakka M14 License mr). 7093 C01J11 c •,r Surveyor ifcnnc -1,ln Cou­ y, p+.;1 im I 22 NO.114 u -4.. U C, t: UP S—, -S 2041 R- . . . ...... Lill 4 23 2 .3 777f �al2 2 5 2 5 �JJX 20 a 4 i - -g��l C 8e� (VA 9 `A11 s AO . 9 LAI P-) 7 .10 lyi 7 16 (0) 5 -2 Ld (A 12 w 2�LL) Gobs 't AN 1.4 A A. *) 'WI 4 < v 13 - . B ELMORE 0015 j: 1r374 303 NJ 25 . 24 �00) jk 23(9,7) 'P21 (1"44 22(9,1 10 21 a acql); 'tit Lit <tl UJ b) ol Io 79 7 9- cr- v 2CI, -70 14(81) MALONEY r A) 72 Ir i c I L L I- 'y / *?.9,34"jtl Ck 0 t�hrl C w ova LL 24 20 7. J,� ul' 7 pEZONINC3 �� i' - 1•,`as. r�?l r �.J �-'- .1�.. ' :.. t.. ,s'iw.r.,,,t� i •. ? L'l t, iy'ZeF^ 1.7 '�'F.3�:: ) 1�fh•4 ��i `� •'nx .._ � saw �1�-'l�. rives --i, <- .t TO: ;OM: VIA: SUBJECT: DATE: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE Mayor and City Council D1: A Francis J. Hoffman, Director of Public Works & City Engineer Kenneth Rosland, City Manager V. REQUEST FOR PURCHASE OF ITEM IN EXCESS OF $1,000 t. z 5/17/85 Material Description (General Specifications): Contract #85 -5 (Eng) Sanitary Sewer, Watermain, Storm Sewer & Graveling - Improvement No.'s SS -369, 370, 85 -5B; WM -353, 354, 355, 85 -5A, St.S. -175, 176 _ Quotations /Bids: Company I. See attached Tabulation. of Bids 2. J. Amount of Quote or Bid Department Recommendation: Brown & Cris, Inc. $270,258.60 Finance Director's Endorsement: The recommended bid is Z� is not Engineering & Public Works Signat ;' Department within the amount budgeted for the purchase. J. N. Dalen, Finance Director City Manager's Endorsement: I concur with the recommendation of the Department and recommend Council approve the purchase. 2. I recommend as an alternative: l tf Manager TABULATION OF BIDS CITY.OF EDINA, MINNESOTA CONTRACT #85 -5 (ENG) SANITARY SEWER, WATERMAIN, STORM SEWER AND GRAVELING IMPROVEMENT -NO.'S SS -369, 370, 85 -5B; WM -353, 354, 355, 85 -5A ST. S_. - 175, 176, AND C - 143. BID OPENING.• -. THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1985 11:00 A.M. BIDDER TOTAL Brown & Cris, Inc. $270,258.60 Northdale Construction Co., Inc. $290,535..15 G. L. Contracting, Inc. $298,509.26 Hayes Contractors, Inc. $320,289.83 L. & G. Rehbein, Inc. $354,041.25 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE: $310,308.65 j J, )11,;A * MINUTES TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MAY 14, 1985 9:00 A. M. Members present: Fran Hoffman, Chairman Lois Coon Alison Fuhr Gordon Hughes Craig Swanson Members absent: None Others present: Capt. Leonard Kleven, Edina Police Department SECTION A Requests on which the Committee recommends approval as requested or modified, and the Council's authorization of recommended action. NONE. SECTION B Requests on which the Committee recommends denial of request. 1. Request for all -way "STOP" sign at Lincoln Drive and Habitat Court. Request received from E.L. McCrory, Habitat Homeowners Association. ACTION TAKEN: Capt. Kleven advised that Habitat Court consists of 14 housing units and does not generate sufficient traffic to require stopping Lincoln Drive. He further reported that "clear- view" considerations and plantings on the right -of -way may contribute to the safety concerns. Mrs. Fuhr moved for denial of the request. However, the intersection should be inspected for clear -view violations and obstructing vegetation on the right -of -way should be removed to insure proper sight visibility. Mrs. Coon seconded the motion. Motion carried 5 -0. U SECTION C Requests which are deferred to a later date or are referred to others. 1. Request for "NO LEFT TURN" sign for eastbound West 50th Street at France Avenue. Request received from Engineering Department, City of Edina. r Traffic Safety Committee Minutes Page 2 May 14, 1985 ACTION TAKEN: The Committee discussed the intersection and current traffic problems that exist. The most apparent problem is the backup of eastbound West 50th Street traffic caused by left turns to go northbound on France. Mr. Hoffman offered that during the original traffic engineering of the area, "NO LEFT TURNS" were included. Mrs. Swanson moved that the item be continued pending the solicitation of input from the 50th Street Merchants' Association. Mr. Hughes seconded the motion. Motion carried 5 -0. 2. Discuss safety and maintenance concerns of West 66th Street causeway over Lake Cornelia. Request received from Alison Fuhr, 6609 Brittany Road. ACTION TAKEN: Mrs. Fuhr voiced her concerns over a recent accident where a vehicle left the roadway and drove into the lake. Additionally, she stated that the roadway had a recent flooding history and the surface was generally rough and in need of repair. Capt. Kleven reported no significant accident history and the roadway did not present_a specific safety problem. Mr. Swanson moved that the concern for maintenance of West 66th Street be referred to the Direction of Public Works. Mrs. Fuhr seconded the motion. Motion carried 5 -0. Respectfully submitted, Edina Traffic Safety Committee E V_ B 4405 Browndale Avenue Edina, MN 55424 May 1,1`, 1985 Mayor Wayne Courtney City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Dear Mayor Courtney: At the March 11th meeting of the joint City Council and Advi.sory Health Commission, a recommendation was made to the Council that contracts with any Community Health Services providers be for two years and that this contract coincide with the two year Community Health Plan. We on the Commission believe that this would be a more reasonable time frame for any contracting arrangements for the following reasons: 1. Because the CHS plan is developed out of the identification of needs and goals for health services in Edina, it makes sense to plan jointly with service pro- vider for meeting those needs and goals for the full two year period. 2. Continuity in the provision of health care services can be guaranteed for at least a minimum of two years. 3. With a two year contract the Advisory Commission and the City Council (Board of Health) can become familiar with the service providers: be know- ledgeable regarding their capabilities, staff expertise and range of services. 4. Because of the necessity of the public health service providers having know- ledge of the community, its residents, resources, and its "culture ", in order to discover needs, to make appropriate referrals, and to provide services and programs, a two year contract seems necessary. 5. It is important for our Edina residents to become familiar with their health service providers. Communication is difficult enough without frequent changes in health provider. 6. Each year many hours of time go into discussion and decision - making by the City Council, the paid staff of the City, the Advisory Commission, that could better be spent in program planning, or development; if that decision did not have to be made every year. 7. The likelihood of an organization entering into a contract seems greater if the contract is for two years. It takes time to develop new systems of services and programs. The Health Advisory Commission would appreciate your bringing its recommend- ation to the City Council for their consideration. We also want to thank you and the Council for allowing us the time on the schedule for our joint meeting last month. We felt very supported in our advisory role. (2) We appreciate the relationship that has been developing between the Council and the Advisory Commission, and look forward to continuing it. Sincerely yours, & 4P Z. Barbara C. Reynolds Chair M E M O R A N D U M ' TO: Mayor Courtney & Council Members FROM: Gordon Hughes, Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: REVIEW OF ZONING ORDINANCE - COMMUNITY CENTER DATE: May 20, 1985 The Community Center requests an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to permit the occupancy of the Center's kitchen by a commercial caterer. The attached letter from Doug Johnson summarizes the Center's reasons for requesting such an amendment. The attached letter infers that the problem in this case is the "for profit" nature of the lessee of the kitchen. In my opinion, the basic problem is that the lessee will not only provide food service for the Center, but will use the location as a base of operations for commercial catering. If the lessee limited its operations to the Center, and even to other buildings in district ownership, we believe the intent of the ordinance would be satisfied regardless of the "for profit" status. Apparently, no prospective lessees would find such an operation profitable and, thus, an amendment to the ordinance is requested. The proposed amendment to the ordinance may seem inconsequential. However, the ordinance's intent of limiting the use of closed school buildings to a very narrow range of public and quasi - public uses will be compromised in this case. In the future, it may become difficult to reject other uses of a similar nature. If the Council wishes to consider this requested amendment, it should refer the matter to the Planning Commission for their report and recommendation. GH /sw Attachment EDINA COMMUNITY CENTER 5701 NORMANDALE ROAD EDINA. MINNESOTA 55424 612 -927 -9721 May 10, 1955 Ken Rosland City Manager City of Edina Dear Ken, The Edina Community Center Advisory Board has asked me to contact you regarding proposing an amendment to the City zoning ordinances. The Board is asking you to present a request to the City Council at their meeting on May 20th. Specifically, they would like the Council to consider an amendment that would allow the kitchen area in the Community Center to be leased to a for - profit caterer. They are asking the Council to initiate the process to create such an amendment. The kitchen is currently operated by the District. It serves the Center and the Edina Elementary Schools and Southview Jr. High. On an average day, 350 hot lunches are served to tenants and staff within the Center and over 1,000 to the various Edina Schools. In addition, the kitchen provides coffee, cookies, meals, etc. to groups using the facility. This "catering" type business produces gross revenues of close to $4,000 /month. The total gross revenues for the kitchen is close to $400,000 /year. This summer the Center kitchen will merge with the High School. They will continue to service the Edina schools but will not serve any of the Center. The Center Advisory Board considers food services a high priority. They believe the hot lunch program and catering type services to be vital to the current and future operation of the Center. While the decision to close the kitchen did not come as a complete surprise, formal and final notice was not made until the week of Apxil 22nd. Prior to that date the Superintendent of Schools and the Advisory Board had directed me to informally contact various groups that might have interest in leasing the kitchen. The only groups that 'fit' " ;ie Lori i g requirements are scl•,Oui s . They were contacted first. To date, no school has shown any interest. The groups that best fit*the needs of the Center are catering type organizations. Numerous caterers were contacted regarding leasing and several have expressed interest. All have been made aware of the zoning limitations. I letter to Mr. Rosland- page 2 The Advisory Board is most anxious for consideration of a zoning amendment. As you and the Council discuss this issue, please keep in mind: *Food services are Critical to the operation of a true Community Center. Tenants, staff, and users of the facility all use these services. *It is unlikely that any caterer would generate any where near as much traffic as the District's own food service. *Lease of the kitchen area would provide revenue to offset the cost of operating the Center. Your attention and consideration are appreciated. Sincerely, Johns Di rec cc: Dr. Lieber E.C.C. Advisory Board DNJ EDINA PUBLIC SCHOOLS Community Center Advisory Board Minutes of Meeting May 9, 1985 " -lbers Present: Kay Bach, Virginia Bodine, Art Dickey, Betty Hemstad, Gordon Hughes, Mike Kelly (chairman), Gene Sailer, and Leslie Turner Staff Present: Doug Johnson Ann - Coates, Edina Community Education I. NEGOTIATIONS A. Kitchen Doug distributed a memo to the group (attachment A). He noted that several caterers are interested in leasing the kitchen. He added that none meet the zoning requirements and that Ken Rosland and Gordon had suggested requesting the City Council to consider amending the current ordinance. Gordon stated that he was not advocating a change in the ordinance just outlining the procedure. He also inquired if cooking schools had been contacted. Doug replied that several cooking schools were notified and none responded. { Mike indicated that the kitchen is vital to the Center.- The Advisory Board should support any action needed to acheive proper food services. The consensus of the group was to have Doug contact Ken Rosland and request Council consideration of an amendment. Doug agreed to contact Ken and ask for consideration at the Council's meeting on May 20th. B. Edina Chamber of Commerce Doug distributed a memo to the group (see attachment 6) outlining a lease proposal with the Edina Chamber of Commerce. He highlighted that he would like the option of some trade off revenues for capital services such as telephone and secretarial. Deveral members expressed pleasure that the Chamber would elect to-relocate to the:Center. Page 2- May 9 Minutes II. Committee Reports Betty reported that 32 chairs have been donated for the community room. She also thanked all of those who helped sell pop at Expo. $422 was raised. Gene Sailer will be doing a follow up to the mailing in the near future. Mike complimented Betty on her fine efforts. III. Review of Five Year Plan Mike noted that the work on this plan has taken well over a year. He thanked each of the members for their contributions. Copies of a rough draft were given to members to review. It was agreed that copies would not be released to other interesed parties and groups until the report is presented to the Board of Education. Mike reminded the board that the report goes directly to the Board of Education. It would be inappropriate to invite discussion from other groups until-the Board has reviewed the materials. Mike opened the discussion by reviewing the process that led to the report. He highlighted points from the conceptual plan that was that was presented to the Board of*.Education in May, 1984. The planning, facility and finance committees reviewed their respective reports. Members suggested changes which Mike indicated would be made and incorporated in the final draft of the report. Mike noted that he would meet with Doug and review the pre -final draft notes. He also instructed Doug to have the report in the hands of Board of Education members by Friday, May 17th. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 a.m.. NOTE: The presentation of the "Five Year Plan" will be made to the Board of Education on Tuesday, May •list at 8:00 p.m.. Mike has requested -all Center Board Members to attend. -r i• attachment .A ED-INA COMMUNITY CENTER. 5,0' NOaMAN04,_E AOZ.- E O!'. A. M!NNE SOTG 554=:-, e-12- 927 -972' !'ay 9, 119 0-5. E.C.C. Advisory S! FPO".: Doue Johnson RE: Lease of Soace -to TFe relocation of lossicle to lease _=fice area. The lease the space. The ter ^s are as as rd the _10 na ._Chamber.. of _-Co mm - - the Edina Schools '-Food service makes it. a Dort4l r of the Co -- -unity Center n.--in Edina of Cor.-�erce has agreed to folIows: Ter-- 1, 19 215- Aunust 31, .19P6 Rent: SlStVmonth, S7.50/sp.. ft. Space: !^proy4mately 309 s ^. ft. • Location: First flo -)r, main office Eitras. Mav allow tainted si n on office ^_lass. Mav!a11ow caoital credit on rent for shared telephone syste -". 'his lease will be presented to the So--.-d of Education for their &CDroval on May i1st. attachment B EDINA CDMMUNITY CENTER 5 701 NDaMANDG_G RDAD EDINA. MNNESDTA:= 55424 612-927, -C??2 i ►lay ° 19;5 TO: E.C.C. Advisory Board FRO'-': Doun Johnson R�_': . Kitchen Nenotiations The follc•.:inn rroucs have exoressed continued interest it lease o` the Center's kitchen area: Salaa7, Caterinc, Minneapolis LePetit Chef, "Iinneapolis, St. Louis Park Gustafson- Keeley Caterinc, 'linneapolis Allan Elias Custor Caterinn, "inneapolis The Lincoln Del Caterinc, 81oorinetonCaterer's Caterer's Inc., "inneaaolis ^.11 are `or- crofit oreanizations. '.one would meet the current City z.n`nn ordinances. "en Posland has 5uocested that the Advisory Board oass'a res,,luticn renuestinn the Citv Council. to consider amendinc the curre!,t crdinarce to orovide for lase to these tvoes of-ormanizations. in Tv coinion, it is vital to the operation of th= Center to have sorne tvoe or focd service. I urne you to consider lobbying the City Council-to amend the ordiance. R Y ` uu On U .league of minnesota cities May 10, 1985 TO: All Members (c /o Mayors, Managers, Clerks) SUBJECT: 1985 Nominations for LMC Board of Directors Each year at this time, members of the LMC Nominating Committee meet to consider candidates for election to the LMC Board of Directors. I would like to encourage you to participate in that selection process at the very outset by requesting your advice in suggesting candidates to be considered for nomination. The Nominating Committee will recommend four nominees to the Board this year. Those nominations will be announced at the 1985 LMC Annual Meeting, scheduled during the LMC Annual Conference in June. The date of the LMC Annual Meeting is Thursday, June 13. The meeting will take place at the Radisson in St. Paul, MN. The Board positions that expire June, 1985 are four 3 -year term memberships. The committee will also consider nominees to fill any Board vacancies that may occur. The committee will also recommend nominations for LMC Officers. Officers of the League of- Minnesota Cities are elected annually by the membership at the LMC Annual Meeting. Mayor Mary Anderson of Golden Valley currently serves as LMC President; Susan Edel, Council Member of Winona is Vice President. Guidelines followed by the Nominating Committee are enclosed with this letter, along with a listing of current members of the LMC Board of Directors and Officers. The guidelines have been developed over the years as a result of the deliberations of previous Nominating Committees. President Anderson has completed her appointments to the nominating committee and they are listed below. The first meeting of the Nominating Committee will be late May. A second meeting will be held at the LMC Annual Conference. It would be helpful to have your comments and advice as soon as possible. In order to assist in that process, I suggest that you call a member of the nominating committee or me. If you are aware of an official of a LMC member city who you view as a strong candidate for nomination, please provide his /her name and a brief resume of qualifications. That information may be sent to the League Office, attention: Helen Schendel. This communication may be as formal as you prefer. The LMC Nominating Committee will conduct interviews with each candidate on June 12th, during the LMC Annual Conference. (OVER) 1 E33 university avenue east, st. paul, minnesota 55101 (612)227-5600 Page 2 1985 Nominations LMC Board of Directors The nominating committee's goal is to assure that every qualified candidate is i considered. Even if the city official you nominate is not aware of your suggestion, you may certainly put the individual's name forward for consideration. The Nominating Committee, as a regular part of procedure, will ' confirm with that person whether to present his /her name to the Annual Conference. On behalf of the 1985 LMC Nominating Committee, I want to thank you for your assistance and assure you that all suggestions will be seriously considered. Sincerely, 47i Helen Schendel Associate Director Enclosure HS:ss NOMINATING COMMITTEE Millie MacLeod, Councilmember, Moorhead, Chair Kathy O'Brien, Councilmember, Minneapolis Mayor Marvin Anderson, Breckenridge Carol Schroden, City Administrator, St. Charles John Anderson, City Manager, Shakopee Rosemary Given - Amble, Councilmember, Bemidji Jim Brimeyer, City Manager, St. Louis Park Dean Massett, City Administrator, Red Wing I r dvlr�4 M E M O R A N D U 14 TO: Ken Rosland FROM: Craig Larsen DATE: May 17, 1985 SUBJECT: AMENDMENTS TO ORDINANCE 812, THE ANTENNA ORDINANCE As you will recall, the last time the City Council considered the attached amendments, discussion centered around set -backs for dish antennas. Section 5 of the proposed amendment ad- dresses minimum set -backs for antennas. As written, the ordinance requires antennas to maintain the same set -backs required for accessory buildings, which are 5 feet from the interior side and 5 feet from the rear prop- erty line. If the Council desires to increase the required set- backs, staff would recommend a 10 foot interior side yard set- back and a 25 foot rear yard set -back, which are the set- back requirements for principal structures in the zoning ordin- ance. �OC. L. kcb 4081C(14):TSE:010384 Vamp 41 ORDINANCE NO. 812 -A2 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 812 TO REGULATE CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF TELECOMMUNICATION, TELEVISION AND RADIO ANTENNAS, EXTERIOR DISH ANTENNAS AND SUPPORTING TOWERS, AND PROVIDING PENALTIES THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 1 of Ordinance No. 812 is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 1. Definitions. Words and phrases used in this ordinance which are defined in Ordinance No. 825, as amended from time to time, (said ordinance, as amended from time to time, is herein called the "Zoning Ordinance "), shall be construed herein according to their definitions contained in the Zoning Ordinance. The following words and terms shall have the following meanings in this ordinance: (a) Antenna: equipment used for transmitting or receiving telecommunication, television or radio signals, which is located on the exterior of, or outside of, any building or structure, and includes a dish antenna. (b) Dish Antenna: a parabolic shaped antenna (including all supporting apparatus) which is used for receiving telecommunication, television or radio signals, which is located on the exterior of, or outside of, any building or structure. (c) Tower: any pole, spire or structure, or any combination thereof, to which an antenna is attached, or which is designed for an antenna to be attached, and all supporting lines, cables, wires and braces." Sec. 2. Sec. 2 of Ordinance No. 812 is hereby amended to read as follows: "Sec. 2. Permit Required; Exemptions. No antenna or tower of any kind shall hereafter be erected, constructed or placed, or re- erected, reconstructed or replaced, anywhere within the City without first making an application for and obtaining from the City a permit therefor. (a) Exemptions. No permit shall be required for the following: 4081C(14):TSE:010384 (i) Dish antennas not greater than 30 inches in diameter or five square feet in cross sectional area, which do not exceed six feet in height. (ii) All other towers or antennas which do not exceed six feet in height. (iii) Antennas and towers erected or constructed by the City for City purposes." Sec. 3. Sec. 3 of Ordinance 812 is hereby amended to read as follows: "Sec. 3. _Application for Permit; Issuance; Fees. Application for a permit required by this Ordinance shall be made to the Building Official in the same manner, and containing the same information, as for a building permit pursuant to Ordinance No. 406, as amended from time to time, and the Minnesota State Building Code thereby adopted. Such permit shall be issued by the Building Official. For a permit required by this ordinance, an application fee as set forth in Ordinance No. 171 shall be required for the purpose of defraying the cost of examining and processing the application for permit and the cost of inspecting the installation and maintenance of such antennas, dish antennas and towers." Sec. 4. Sec. 4 of Ordinance No. 812 is hereby divided into three sections, being Sec. 4, 5 and 6, and is hereby amended to read as follows: "Sec. 4. General Requirements. All antennas, towers and dish antennas, including supporting wires, for which a permit is required shall comply with the following requirements: (a) All applicable provisions of Ordinance No. 406, including wind loading requirements set forth in the Minnesota Building Code thereby adopted, as such ordinance shall be amended from time to time. (b) Antennas and towers shall be grounded for protection against a direct strike by lightning and shall comply, as to electrical wiring and connections, with all applicable City and state statutes, regulations and standards. (c) No antenna or tower shall exceed a height equal to the distance from the base of the antenna and tower to the nearest overhead electrical power line (except individual service drops), less five feet. (d) Antennas or towers shall be protected to discourage climbing by unauthorized persons. -2- 4081C(14):TSE:010384 (e) No antenna or tower shall have affixed to it in any way any lights, reflectors, flashers or other illuminating device, or any signs, banners or placards of any kind, except one sign not over 10 square inches indicating the name of the manufacturer and /or installer. (f) No tower shall have constructed thereon, or attached thereto, in any way, any platform, catwalk, crow's nest or similar structure. (g) All towers shall be constructed of corrosive- resistant steel or other corrosive- resistant, non - combustible materials. Towers shall not be constructed or made of wood, including timbers or logs. (h) No part of any antenna or tower, nor any lines, cables, equipment, wires or braces used in connection with any tower or antenna shall, at any time, extend across or over any part of a street, sidewalk or alley." "Sec. 5. Location. (a) In all Zoning Districts as established by the Zoning Ordinance: (i) No part of any tower or antenna shall be constructed, located or maintained, at any time, permanently or temporarily, within any setback required by the Zoning Ordinance for an accessory building or structure for the Zoning District in which the antenna or tower is located. If no accessory building or structure setback is provided by the Zoning Ordinance, the antenna or tower shall maintain all setbacks required by the Zoning Ordinance for principal buildings or structures. (b) Additional requirements for lots in the R -1 and R -2 Zoning Districts as established by the Zoning Ordinance other than lots developed with a conditional use: (i) Dish antennas greater than 30 inches in diameter shall not be located on the roof of a principal or accessory building. (ii) Dish antennas shall only be located in rear yards. -3- 4081c(14) :TSE:010384 (iii) No antennas or towers shall be located in the front yard." "Sec. 6. Height Restrictions. (a) In the R -1 and R -2 Zoning Districts as established by the Zoning Ordinance: (i) No ground mounted tower shall be in excess of 50 feet in height, measured from the ground elevation at the base of the tower to-the highest point of the tower. (ii) Towers mounted on a building or structure shall not extend over 25 feet above the highest point of the roof of the building or structure. (iii) Antennas shall not extend more than 15 feet above the highest point of a tower. Antennas not mounted on a tower shall not be in excess of 15 feet high, measured from the highest point of the roof of the building to which the antenna is attached to the highest point of the antenna, or from the ground elevation at the base of the antenna to the highest point of the antenna. (iv) Dish antennas shall not be in excess of 15 feet in height, measured from the ground elevation at the base of the antenna to the highest point of the antenna. (v) Dish antennas not greater than 30 inches in diameter, which may be mounted on the roof pursuant to this ordinance, shall not exceed six feet in height, measured from the point at which the antenna is mounted to the roof to the highest point of the antenna. (b) In all other Zoning Districts as established by the Zoning Ordinance: (i) No antenna, no with an antenna shall height, measured from t or antenna, whichever highest point of' the whichever is higher. tower and no tower exceed 75 feet in he base of the tower is lower, to the antenna or tower, -4- 4081C(14) :TSE:010384 (ii) Dish antennas shall have an overall height of no more than 26 feet for either a ground mount or roof mount." Sec. 5. Sec. 5 (Existing Antennas and Towers; Continued Use; Replacement) of Ordinance No. 812 is hereby renumbered Sec. 7. Sec. 6. Sec. 6 (Lights and Signs; Crows' Nests) of Ordinance No. 812 is hereby deleted in its entirety. Sec. 7. Sec. 7 of Ordinance No. 812 is hereby renumbered Sec. 8 and is amended to read as follows: "Sec. 8. Number of Towers and Antennas Allowed. (a) In the R-1 and R -2 Zoning Districts as established by the Zoning Ordinance: no more than one exempt antenna, as defined in Sec. 2(a) of this ordinance, one dish antenna and one tower requiring a permit under the provisions of this ordinance shall be allowed at any one time on any single lot. (b) In other Districts zoned residential by the Zoning Ordinance: no more than one exempt antenna, as defined in Sec. 2(a) of this ordinance, one dish antenna and one tower requiring a permit under the provisions of this ordinance shall be allowed at any one time on any single tract. (c) In all Districts zoned other than residential by the Zoning Ordinance: no more than one exempt antenna as defined in Sec. 2(a) of this ordinance, one tower over 20 feet in height, and two dish antennas shall be allowed at any one time on any single tract." Sec. 8. Sec. 8 of Ordinance No. 812 is hereby renumbered Sec. 9 and is amended to read as follows: "Sec. 9. Variances. Variances from the literal provisions of this ordinance shall be processed and granted or denied in the same manner as variances are handled under Ordinance No. 825." Sec. 9. Sec. 9 of Ordinance No. 812 is hereby renumbered Sec. 10 and is amended to read as follows: "Sec. 10. Abandoned Antennas and Towers; Removal. Any antenna or tower which is not used for six successive months, commencing after the effective date of this ordinance, shall be -5- 4081C(14):TSE:010384 deemed abandoned and may be required to be removed in the same manner and pursuant to the same procedures as for dangerous or unsafe buildings established by Ordinance No. 471 or by Ordinance No. 406, as such ordinances are amended from time to time, or by the Building Codes adopted by Ordinance No. 406, as amended, or by Minnesota Statutes, Sections 463.15 to 463.26, as amended." Sec. 10. Sec. 10 of Ordinance No. 812 is hereby renumbered Sec. 11 and is amended to read as follows: "Sec. 11. Violation; Penalty. (a) Misdemeanor. Any person who shall violate any provision of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to penalties pursuant to Ordinance No. 175, as amended. (b) Other Remedies. In addition to the penalties imposed by Ordinance No. 175, as amended, the City may exercise, with or separately from such penalties, all and any other legal and equitable remedies then available to the City by this ordinance, or by statute, or other ordinances of the City, or by applicable rules or regulations, to enforce this ordinance, including, without limitation, injunction. (c) Costs of Enforcement. The person or persons violating this ordinance shall be jointly and severally liable for all costs.incurred by the City in enforcing this ordinance against such persons, including, without limitation, attorneys' fees, witness fees and administrative expenses, with interest on such fees and expenses from the dates incurred until paid at the highest rate then allowed by law, and if no maximum rate be established by law, then at twelve (12X) percent per annum, and shall also be jointly and severally liable for all costs, including attorneys' fees, of collecting such fees, expenses and interest, with interest on such costs of collection from the dates incurred until paid, at the same rate as is payable on such fees and expenses." Sec. 11. Sec. 11 (Partial Invalidity) and Sec. 12 (Interpretation) of Ordinance No. 812 are hereby renumbered Sec. 12 and Sec. 13, respectively. -6- 4081C(14) :TSE:010384 Sec. 12. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage and publication. First Reading: Second Reading: ATTEST: City Clerk -7- Mayor r Councilmember introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION RELATING TO HEALTH CARE REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 1985A (FAIRVIEW COMMUNITY HOSPITALS PROJECT) AND A BANK REVENUE BOND, SERIES 1985A (FAIRVIEW COMMUNITY HOSPITALS PROJECT_); AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE THEREOF PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STATUTES, CHAPTER 474, AS AMENDED, AND AUTHORIZING THE EXE- CUTION AND DELIVERY OF DOCUMENTS RELATING THERETO. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota (the City), as follows: Section 1. Authorization and Recitals. 1.01. General Authority. The City is authorized by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 474, as amended (the Act), to issue its revenue bonds to finance projects consisting of prop- erties used and useful in connection with a revenue producing enterprise, whether or not operated for profit, engaged in pro- viding health care services, including, without limitation, hospitals, nursing homes and related medical facilities. 1.02. Proposed Project and Bonds. Fairview Community Hospitals (Fairview), a Minnesota non - profit corporation which owns and operates an acute care hospital in the City known as Fairview Southdale Hospital (the Hospital), has proposed that the City, acting under and pursuant to the Act, issue and sell its Health Care Revenue Bonds, Series 1985A (Fairview Community Hospitals Project) (the Program Bonds) for the purpose of defray- ing the costs of a project (the Project) consisting generally of the acquisition and installation of items of equipment in the Hospital and the refinancing of outstanding indebtedness of Fairview incurred in the acquisition or betterment of the Hospital. 1.03. Prior Authority. On April 15, 1985, this Council adopted a resolution giving preliminary approval to the financing of the Project and authorizing preparation of necessary documents. 1.04. Documentation. Forms of the following documents relating to the financing of the Project have been prepared X and submitted to this City and are hereby directed to be filed with the City Clerk: (a) an Agreement (the Agreement) between the City and Fairview pursuant to which the City will loan the pro- ceeds of the Bonds to Fairview and Fairview agrees to com- plete the Project and make payments sufficient to pay the principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Bonds (as hereinafter defined) as the same become due and payable; (b) an Indenture of Trust (the Indenture) between the City and Mellon Bank, N.A., as trustee (the Trustee), providing for the issuance of the Bonds and for their pay- ment; (c) a Commitment Agreement by and between Municipal Bond Insurance Association (the Insurer) and the City, pursuant to which payment of principal of and interest on the Bonds will be insured by the Insurer under an in- surance policy, a surety bond and a program fee surety bond (the Commitment Agreement); (d) a Declaration of Trust by Mellon Bank, N.A. (the Declaration Trustee) under which the Program Bonds will be deposited along with the bonds of other tax - exempt is- suers for the benefit of the owners of Certificates of Participation in the trust; (e) a Letter of Credit Agreement between Credit Suisse, a Swiss banking corporation, acting by its New York Branch (the Bank) and the City pursuant to which a letter of credit will be issued by the Bank to the Declaration Trustee, to secure payment, under certain circumstances, of the purchase price of Certificates of Participation tendered by the owners thereof and not remarketed, and providing for the issuance by the City to the Bank of a bond (the Bank Bond) to evidence the City's obligations to the Bank (the Program Bonds and the Bank Bond are referred to as the Bonds); (f) a Letter of Credit to be issued by the Bank for the account of the City (the Letter of Credit); (g) a Guaranty by Fairview under which Fairview will guaranty to the Bank the obligation of the City under the Letter of Credit Agreement; . (h) a Placement Agreement by and between the Declar- ation Trustee, InterHealth, a Minnesota non - profit cor- poration (the Servicer), the Bank and The First Boston Corporation (the Agent) (the Placement Agreement), whereby the Agent will place tendered Certificates of Participation; �m (i) a Tender Agent Agreement by and between the Declar- ation Trustee, the Bank, the Servicer and the Agent (the Tender Agent Agreement), whereby the Agent will receive any tendered Certificates of Participation; (j) a Bond Purchase Agreement by and between The First Boston Corporation (the Underwriter) and the City (the Bond Purchase Agreement), whereby the Underwriter agrees to purchase the Program Bonds from the City; (k) a Certificate Placement Agreement by and between the Underwriter and the Declaration Trustee (the Certificate Placement Agreement), whereby the Underwriter agrees to act as agent in offering the Certificates of Participation to qualified investors; and (1) a Private Placement Memorandum, whereby the Under- writer will offer the Certificates of Participation to qualified financial institutions. Section 2. Findings. It is hereby found, determined and declared that: (a) the Project, as defined herein and in the Agree- ment, constitutes a project authorized by the Act; (b) the Project is in the public interest and the effect thereof will be to promote the health and public welfare by the attraction, encouragement and development of hospital and medical facilities at a location which is accessible to the residents of the City; (c) the Project is to be located within the City, at a site which is readily accessible to employees and persons seeking medical care residing within the City and the surrounding area; (d) the issuance and sale of the Bonds, the loan of Program Bond proceeds for the Project, the execution and delivery by the City of the Agreement, the Indenture, the Commitment Agreement, the Letter of Credit Agreement and the Bond Purchase Agreement and the performance by the City of all covenants and agreements of the City contained in the Agreement, the Indenture, the Commitment Agreement, the Letter of Credit Agreement and the Bond Purchase Agreement and of all other acts and things required under the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota to make the Agreement, the.Indenture, the Commitment Agreement, the Letter of Credit Agreement, the Bond Purchase Agreement and the Bonds valid and binding special or limited obligations of the City in accordance with their terms, are authorized by the Act; - 3 - (e) it is desirable that the Bonds be issued by the City upon the terms set forth in,the Indenture, under the pro- visions of which the City will grant a security interest in the Agreement and the payments thereunder to the Trustee as security for the payment of the principal, premium of, if any, and interest on the Bonds and the City has not heretofore pledged, assigned or otherwise encumbered its interest in the Agreement; (f) the payments which Fairview will be required by the Agreement to make will be sufficient to provide for prompt payment of principal of and interest on all Bonds issued under the Indenture when due; and the Agreement also provides that Fairview is required to pay all expenses of the operation and maintenance of the Project, including, but without limitation, adequate insurance thereon; (g) under the provisions of the Act and as provided in the Agreement and the Indenture, the Bonds are not to be payable from nor charged upon any funds of the City other than the revenue pledged to the payment thereof; the City is not subject to any liability thereon and no holders of the Bonds shall ever have the right to compel any exercise of the taxing powers of the City to pay any.of the Bonds or the interest there- on nor to enforce payment thereof against any property of the City; the Bonds shall not constitute a charge, lien or encum- brance, legal or equitable, upon any property of the City except its interest in the Agreement; each Bond issued under the In- denture shall recite that the Bonds, including interest thereon, are payable solely from the revenues pledged to the payment thereof; and no Bond shall constitute a debt of the City within the meaning of any constitutional, charter or statutory limi- tation; (h) the execution and delivery of the Agreement, the Indenture, the Commitment Agreement, the Letter of Credit Agree- ment, the Bond Purchase Agreement and the Bonds will not conflict with, or constitute on the part of.the City a breach of or a default under, any existing agreement, indenture, mortgage, lease or other instrument to which the City is subject or is a party or by which it is bound; provided that this finding is made solely for the purpose of estopping the City from denying the validity of the Agreement, the Indenture, the Commitment Agreement, the Letter of Credit Agreement, the Bond Purchase Agreement or the Bonds by,reason of the existence of any facts contrary to this finding; (i) no litigation is pending or, to the best knowledge of the members of this Council, threatened against the City questioning the organization or jurisdiction of the City or the right of any officer of the City to hold his or her office, - 4 - or in any manner questioning the right and power of the City to execute and deliver the Bonds, or otherwise questioning the validity of the Bonds or the execution, delivery or validity of the Agreement, the Indenture, the Commitment Agreement, the - Letter of Credit Agreement or the Bond Purchase Agreement or questioning the appropriation of revenues to payment of the Bonds or the right of the City to loan the proceeds of the Bonds to Fairview; (j) all acts and things required under the Constitution and the laws of the State of Minnesota to make the Agreement, the Indenture, the Commitment Agreement, the Letter of Credit Agreement, the Bond Purchase Agreement and the Bonds the valid and binding special or limited obligations of the City in accor- dance with their terms will have been done upon adoption of this Resolution and execution of the Agreement, the Indenture, the Commitment Agreement, the Letter of Credit Agreement, the Bond Purchase Agreement and the Bonds; provided that this finding is made solely for the purpose of estopping the City from denying the validity of the Agreement, the Indenture, the Commitment Agreement, the Letter of Credit Agreement, the Bond Purchase Agreement or the Bonds by reason of the existence of any facts contrary to this finding; and (k) the City is duly organized and existing under the Constitution and the laws of the State of Minnesota and is authorized to issue the Bonds in accordance with the Act. Section 3. Authorization and Approval of the Project Agreement, Indenture, Commitment Agreement, Letter of Credit Agreement, Bond Purchase Agreement and Private Placement Memo- ran The forms of Agreement, Indenture, Commitment Agree- ment, Letter of Credit Agreement and Bond Purchase Agreement are approved, subject to such modifications as are deemed appro- priate and consented to by the Mayor or the City Manager, which consent shall be conclusively evidenced by the execution of the Agreement, the Indenture, the Commitment Agreement, the Letter of Credit Agreement, the Bond Purchase Agreement and the Bonds by the Mayor or the City Manager. The Mayor or the City Manager is directed to execute the Agreement, the Inden- ture, the Commitment Agreement, the Letter of Credit Agreement and the Bond Purchase Agreement. The Council authorizes the distribution of the Private Placement Memorandum with such vari- ations, insertions and additions as the Mayor or the City Manager may hereafter deem appropriate by the Underwriter to prospective purchasers of the Certificates. Copies of all the documents shall be delivered, filed and recorded as provided therein. The Mayor or the City Manager is also authorized and directed to execute such other instruments as may be required to give effect to the transaction herein contemplated. - 5 - Section 4. The Bonds; Sale and Execution. 4.01. Authorization and Sale. The City hereby autho- rizes the issuance of the Bonds in the principal amount not to exceed $12,000,000 in the form and upon the terms set forth in the Indenture and this Resolution, the final amount to be approved by the Mayor or the City Manager. It is recognized by the City that the initial interest rate on the Program Bonds has not been determined and is not contained in the form of the Indenture. The Mayor or the City Manager is authorized to approve the initial interest rate, provided that such rate is not in excess of 10% per annum. Such approval shall be con- clusively evidenced by the execution and delivery by the Mayor or the City Manager of the Indenture. The sale of the Program Bonds to the Underwriter at a price not less than 95% of the principal amount thereof is hereby approved. 4.02. Execution. The Mayor or any acting Mayor and the City Manager or any other officer of the City, by facsimile signatures, are hereby authorized and directed to execute the Bonds as prescribed herein and in the Indenture and to deliver them to the Trustee, together with a certified copy of this Resolution, the other documents required in the Indenture, and such other certificates, documents and instruments as may be appropriate to effect the transaction herein contemplated. 4.03. Modifications, Absence of Officers. The ap- proval hereby given to the various documents referred to above includes an approval of such modifications thereto, deletions therefrom and additions thereto as may be necessary and appro- priate and are consented to by the Mayor and the City Manager. The execution of any instrument by the appropriate officer or officers of the City herein authorized shall be conclusive evi- dence of the approval of such documents in accordance with the terms hereof. In the absence or disability of the Mayor or the City Manager, any of the documents authorized by this Resolution to be executed, may be executed by any officer of the City who, in the opinion of the City Attorney, may execute such documents. Section 5. Authentication of Proceedings. The Mayor and the City Manager and other officers of the City are authorized and directed to furnish to the Trustee, Fairview and bond counsel certified copies of all pro- ceedings and records of the City relating to the Bonds, and such other affidavits and certificates as may be required to show the facts relating to the legality and marketability of the Bonds as such facts appear from the books and records in the officers' custody and control or as otherwise known to them; and all such certified copies, certificates and affidavits, := including any heretofore furnished, shall constitute represen- tations of the City as to the truth of all statements contained therein. Section 6. Limitations of the City's Obligations. Notwithstanding anything contained in the Bonds, the Agreement, the Indenture or any other documents referred to in Section 1.04 hereof, the Bonds shall not constitute a debt of the City within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory limitation, and shall not be payable from nor charged upon any funds other than the revenue pledged to the payment thereof, and the City shall not be subject to any liability thereon, and no holder of the Bonds shall ever have the right to compel any exercise of the taxing power of the City to pay the Bonds or the interest thereon, or to enforce payment thereof against any property of the City other than those rights and interest of the City under the Agreement which have been pledged to the Trustee by the Indenture, and the Bonds shall not constitute a charge, lien or encumbrance, legal or equitable, upon any property of the City other than those rights and interests of the City under the Agreement which have been pledged to the Trustee by the Indenture. The agreement of the City to perform the covenants and other provisions contained in this Resolution, the Bonds, the Agreement or the Indenture and the other documents listed in Section 1.04 hereof shall be subject at all times to the availability of revenues sufficient to pay all costs of such performance or the enforcement thereof, and the City shall not be subject to any personal or pecuniary liability thereon other than as stated above. Attest: City Clerk (SEAL) Adopted this 20th day of May, 1985. Mayor - 7 - The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Councilmember and, upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in avor ' thereof: _ and the following voted against the same: whereupon the resolution was declared duly passed and adopted and was signed by the Mayor, which-signature was attested by the City Clerk. 19,8 5 c OF ED INA • CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT CHECK K -;TER vrmnnq TTFm nrsrRTPTTnN 05-20-8� GE 1 ArrnUNT NO. TNV_ 9 P.O. A MFS;AGF 174 05/13/85 $5,000.00 1ST SOUTH)%LE BANK TRANSFER 50-1010-000-00 MANUAL 174 05/13/85 85,000.13. 1ST SOUT-HDALE BANK TRANSFER 50-1010-000-00 MANUAL 0 0 Ila ***-CKS 43U 05/13185 18978807 STATE TRE%;S PERA CONT 10- 4145 - 510 -51 MANUAL 16788.07 CKS 523 0.5%13%85 ._21 STATE TREASURER FICA CONT 10-4149-510-51 MANUAL 89588.21 a 19 CKS ' 700 05/13/85 2.007.00 U S POSTMASTER POSTAGE 10-4190-000-00 MANUAL 7u_3 5%1378 5 _1880007— U S POSTMASTER STAMPS 10- 4290 - 510 -51 — MANUAL 29088.00 NORWEST BANK INTEREST PAYMENT 63-2490-000-00 MANUAL 13:218.00 *•*-CKS 616 05/06/85 322.60 MILLIPORE CARP GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-482-48 322.60 -* C_.KS_ 368 05/13/85 29545*73 MUTUAL EMP LONG TERM DIS 10-4158-510-51 MANUAL 2,545.73 + ++-CKS 391 ELECTRIC 10 -4T52- 301 -30 MANUAL 391 05/13/85 129077:22 NORTHERN STATES. ELECTRIC 10-4252-321-30 MANUAL 391 05/13/85 9,139.95 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 10- 4252 - 322 -30 MANUAL 391 05/13/85 1 912 27 NIRT4ERiN STATES ELECTRIC 10-4252-330-30 MANUAL 391 05/13195 542.35 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 10-4252-345-30 MANUAL 391 05/13/85 95o21 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 10-4252-358-30 MANUAL 391 —u 5 ? 13 % 8 5- 1 -?is 9 -.4 ? NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 10-4252-375-30 MANUAL 391 05/13/85 521.25 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 10-4252-440-44 MANUAL 391 05/13185 39.63 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 10-4252-460-46. 1- 391 - ____U5 il 3 / 85___72 29.15 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC l0_4252-500-50 --MANUAL MANUAL 391 u!)/13/85 23.53 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 10-4252-520-52 MANUAL 391 U5/15/85 1,034*37 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 10-4252-540-54 MANUAL- '3 91 ------- 115713%85' 63--51 NORTk_e_RN STATES ELECTRIC 4252 - 629 -62 10 9- 6 2 MANUAL 391 05/13/85 2,003:74 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 10- 4252-646-64 MANUAL 391 05/13/85 14*04 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 20-1130-000-00 MANUAL 391 ------422.23 05/13/85 NORTHRN STATES ELECTRIC 23- 4252 - 611 -61 MANUAL '391 05/13/F5 72.60 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 26 -4252- 689 -68 MANUAL 391 05/13/85 955.18 N OR Ttr_ RN STATES ELECTRIC 27- 4252 - 661 -66 MANUAL 12 391 3 ? 8 5 63 33 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 27- 4252 - 562 -66 MANUAL 391 U5/13/85 39246.65 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 28-4252-708-70 MANUAL M 76 1985 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE =j 117391 U5/13185 127391 - U5/13/85 127391 05 /13 /85 127391 05/13/85 11 7391 05 /13­/E5 127391 �I 05/13/85 127415 05/13/85 fr /arf 127588 �----- - - - - -. - - - - -- 0,5/13/85 - CHECK REGISTER WESTERN LIFE - 05 -20 -85 PAGE 2 f AMOUNT — VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. A Po O.__q---MESSAGE_ 130.44 + afr -CKS 27 12/715 05%13185 248.72 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 29- 4252 - 721 -72 MANUAL 3 29217.42___ NORTHERN STATES__ ELECTRIC 40 -- 4252 - 801 -80_ .— ___. -__- .MANUAL.. 27- 1315- 000 -00 129462.55 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 40- 4252- 873 -80 MANUAL 5 442.73 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 50- 4252 - 821 -82 MANUAL 7 - ___751.61 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 50- 4252 - 841 -84 MANUAL a 432.87 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 50 -4252- 861 -86 MANUAL " 509964.39 w - -- .rr.ar 1 12 -- ____ —_.` a ++ -CKS -- -- 140004 _ 05/07./85 ___ - - - - -- r f+ —CKS 4 _69984 MED CENTER EMP HOSP 10- 4156- 510 -51 MANUAL _IIC• 15 6.984.33 + 25.44 AMERICA ;N _INEN LAO NOR Y 10- 4262 - 520 -52 - __ fr /arf 127588 �----- - - - - -. - - - - -- 0,5/13/85 - 221.10 — 221 .10 * WESTERN LIFE - EMP LIFE INSURANCE 10- 4157 - 510 -51 MANUAL z 24 130.44 + afr -CKS 27 12/715 05%13185 369259.63 PROPERTY TAAX TAXES & SPECIAL 10- 4922 - 506 -50 MANUAL J2'' 10 -4540- 560 -56 121715 05/13/85 797.83 PROPERTY TAX ASSESSMENTS 27- 1315- 000 -00 MANUAL 3, 127715 __- ^, 05/13/85 ____354.48 PROP-_RTY TAAK ASSESSMENTS 40- 1315- 000 -00 MANUAL_ 10- 4540 - 560-56 12/715 05/13/85 264.74 PROPERTY TAX ASSESSMENTS 50 -1 1315 - 000 -00 MANUAL 379667.613 . 3. 31 .rr.ar a ++ -CKS 140004 _ 05/07./85 ___ 146.1? AMERICAN L_!NEN LAUNDRY 10- 4262- 440 -44 3r 140.1)4 05/07/85 25.44 AMERICA ;N _INEN LAO NOR Y 10- 4262 - 520 -52 - __ ^' 140004 05/07/85 171.54 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 10- 4262 - 520 -52 ° 140004 CS /07 /85 11.50 AMERICAN LINEN_ 10 -4262- 628- 62 ^.+ 140004 05/15/85 __ 389.87 AMERICAN LINEN _LAUNDRY LAUNDRY _ .___ 27- 4262- 661 -66 14JUJ4 05/07/85 64.25 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 50- 4262 - 821 -82 ;; _1400J4_ �- 05/07/85_ 50.90 AMERICAN _INEN LAUNO_RY 50 -_ 4262 - 841 -84 14UOJ4 05/07/85 96.50 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 50- 4262- 861 -86 _ _4„ ^° 956.17 + 50 140005 I 140005 I r f i f r i 05/07/85 05/07/85 37.25 37.25 74.50 AUDIO SROUP AUDIO GROJP ADVERTISING ADVERTISING 50 -4214- 822 -82 50- 4214 - 862 -86 I 14001 3 I � t s 05/13/85 33.35 ALT= RNA;TOR REBUILD PARTS 10-4620-560-56 + ++-CKS 15�, Ian - 91 32 9! B4 95 3N 3'7 10 71 ...- 72 ,. 13 74 75 •ry 140008 L'S/13/85 130.:4 KAMAV BEARING 8 SPLY REPAIR PARTS 40- 4540 - 803 -80 130.44 + 140009 05/13/85 982 ASTLEFORD =QUIP CO REPAIR PARTS 10 -4540- 560 -56 140009 05/13/85 16928 ASTLEFORD :QUIP CO REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 140309 05/1-3_ /85166.32_ ASTLEFORD EOJIP CO _REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560-56 183.12 I 14001 3 I � t s 05/13/85 33.35 ALT= RNA;TOR REBUILD PARTS 10-4620-560-56 + ++-CKS 15�, Ian - 91 32 9! B4 95 3N 3'7 10 71 ...- 72 ,. 13 74 75 •ry 'I . I 0 19 @5 C OF EDINA CHFCK Nn. OATF AMOUNT CHECK F ,TER 05 -20 -85 GE 3 VrNnni TTFM nFSCRTPTTnN ACCOUNT Nn- TNtl. 8 P_n- H MF44zAGF 140.0.13 05/13/85 76.68 ALTERNATOI REBUILD GEN SUPPLIES 40- 4504 - 801 -80 ; 14UU13 05/13/85 17.22 ALTERNA;TDR REBUILD REPAIR PARTS 50 -4540- 841 -84 ° - -- -- - --- --- - - - - -- -- 1.27.25 � - - - -- -- —- -- - -- - -- s G f#t• #• f #f-CKS n 140015 0.5/14/85 72.00 AT_8 T INFO SYSTEM TELEPHONE 10- 4256- 510 -51 I° 72.90 - _ 1f •ii# --- ---- -- - - - - -- - -` -- - -fft -CKS �, 140D.25 05%13%$5 A•N)ERSSON CONT SERV 27- 4200 - 461 -66 Ii F ' 14.00 + n #f• -CKS z. 140028 05/13/85 270.65 BEER WHOL= SALERS CONCESSIONS 27- 4630 - 661 -66 - 140028 05%13%85 2 093:15 B =ER YHOL= SALERS CONCESSIONS 50- 4630 - 822 -82 1400.28 05/07/85 5,114.40 BEER W OL- SALERS INVENTORY 50- 4630- 842 -84 140U28 05/07/85 39355.50 EETR WHOLESALERS INVENTORY 50 -4630- 862 -86 10,833.70 t — -- -` - - -- — I' ft• #f# + ++ -CKS „ �> 14003U 05/13/85 122900 BERNARD J MULCANY CA REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 520 -52 122.30 + fit• • k + ** -CKS 3� , 140633 05%14%85 $2.35 BER 'GFORO TRUCKING INVENTORY 50- 4626 - 82282 ° 14UU33 05/071•85 110.25 BERSFORD TRUCKING INVENTORY 50- 4626- 822 -82 140033 05/14/85 214.20 BERG FORD TRUCKING INVENTORY 50- 46_26 -_ 842 -84 14JJ33 _ _ 45/07 -/85— _ 211.95 BERG 3RD TRUCKING INVENTORY 50 -4626- 842 -84 14)0.33 0.5/07/85 304.65 BERG=ORD TRUCKING INVENTORY 50 -4626- 862 -86 <� 140033 05/14/85 193.05 BERIyFORD TRUCKING INVENTORY, 50- 4626- 862 -86 n - - -- 1 ,-116 5 - #fi ti i . - - -- ---- - - - - -- - - - -- # i• -CKS Ig.^ 140035 0.5/13/85 19134.40 BOUSTEMO ELEC & MFG CONT REPAIRS 10- 4248 - 461 -46 ; 140:35 05/13/85 16902 BOUSTEAD ELEC & MFG CONT REPAIRS 10- 4248 - 520 -52 0 _ 140035 b5%13%8 T8.03 BOUSTEAD ELEC & MFG CONT REPAIRS 10- 4248 - 54054 G. 19381.55 * ASH -CKS - - -” oz 140039 05/07/$5 29018.27 BRYAV ROC( PROD. I_NC SAND GRAVEL ROCK 10- 4522- 642 -64 n° 140039 05%07%85 2;D19.27 BRYAV ROCK PROD. INC SAND GRAVEL ROCK 10- 4522 - 642 -64 n= 14UU39 05/07/85 2,018.27— BRYAV ROC( PROD. INC CORRECTION 10- 4522 - 642 -64 2.019.27 i ##f ti + ++ -CKS >0 , 7] 140041��3%15 119010 BURY & CARLSON INC GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 745 -74 13 1400.41 0.5/15/85 854.711 BURY & CARLSON INC BLACKTOP 10 -4524- 301 -30 c 1985 CITY OF ED INA CHECK NO. DATE _ ' 140041 0.5/07/85 1400.41 05/15/85 140U41 _ 05/07/85 - 1430.41 05/07/85 140041 'I Q5/15/85 14UU54 05/13/85 1 41.0.67 05 /13/85 i 14006G 05/07/85 140062 0.5/13/85 158.70 BROCK WHIT_ 158.)0 CHECK REGISTER AMOUNT V=N00R ITEM DESCRIIPTION ACCOUNT NO. IN 747.10 BURY 8 CARLSON INC BLACKTOP 10- 4524 - 301 -30 .20 05/13/85 25.90 INC — __ GEN _SUPPLIES 10- 4524 - 314 -30 _6,161 —_BURY 144.3-0 BURY _g_CARLSON_ g CARLSON INC BLACKTOP 10 -4524- 314 -30 72.)0 BURY B CARLSON INC GEN SUPPLIES 40 -4504- 803 -80 477.RD BURY & CARLSON INC GEN SUPPLIES 40 -4504- 803 -80 69575.20 448.80 • 157.02 157.'2 162,70 68.05 23].75 + GATT =RY WAREHOUSE PARTS AM8gSSADOI SAUSAGE AMBASSADOR SAUSAGE CONCESSIONS CONCESSIONS 10- 4620 - 560 -56 27- 4624- 664 -66 28- 4624 - 704 -70 GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 301 -30 05 -20 -85 PAGE 4 9 10 - * ** CKS___J2 Is ,a 15 5 140064 05/13/85 _ _ 10.88 .__ THER4AL_Q_______ �6E4 SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 520 -52 10.88 * 1] 13 _ * ++—CKS z•, *** -CKS n * *k-CKS „ f!! -CKS �^ <I In: *+* —CKS <, SII. 55 � I9 J y, ►f* -CKS 71 71 I, 143J70 05/13/85 25.90 CARLSOWI T3 =RMO REPAIR PARTS 40- 4540 - 803 -80 25.90 * 14UU72 X5/06/85 448.80 OAILY CONST REPORTS ADVERTISING 10- 4210 - 140 -14 448.80 • 14UJ73 J5 /15/85 15).20 CITY BEER INVENTORY 50- 4630- 822 -82 14UO73 35/15/85 143.95 CITY B?ER INVENTORY 50- 4630- 842 -84 294.1 5 + _ .. - - - - -- 140074 — -- - -- 05/15/85 253.73 CITY OF BLOOMINGTON KENNEL SERV 10- 4278 - 470 -47 140075 05/07/85 3.95 CLAN :Y DRJG INC GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 200 -20 -140 07 5 75/07/85 21.75 CLANCY OORUG INC GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 420 -42 ^� 140075 05/07/85 17.60- CLANCY DRJG INC GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4508 - 480 -48 43.30 140077 0._5/14/85 43 *20 CMI REFRIGERATION EOJIP MAINT 50- 4274 -_ 841 -84 140077- 05/15%85 76.0.0 CM! REFRIGERATION EQUIP MAINT 50- 4274- 861 -86 119.20 + s 1] 13 _ * ++—CKS z•, *** -CKS n * *k-CKS „ f!! -CKS �^ <I In: *+* —CKS <, SII. 55 � I9 J y, ►f* -CKS 71 71 I, Y9m5 c O OF cnzmA � cwccx m mn. oArc � 35/13/95 143u79 v vsv1o/u5 --- ' 1400/8 a asxn7vxn | 141 uf8 0 05v07r85 � � ' ---- woona o onxn/xs wonxz _ __0 5/15 t85--- 1*3).82 o o5 /07/85 ' � 140091- D Ds/nu/un --- w� w ` `4ou9n u uov_�n ^8 to 150 140097 nn/oaxns 140097 oovcu/n5 - --'-- to AMOJNT cxccw f x__wDmR 50.30 cncx coLx nor7Lzms ----zsv"as -----'COCA _COLA 'wmrrLzwG 805.20 cncx CoLA xnrrLzws 684 .25 cncu coLx onrrLzme ---1-9 7 e9,2 29328"38 cowr~mzwm a^ozn.so ° � .7cn 05~20~85 G n � ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO* INV. # P.O.-#-MESSAGE CONCESSICNS 28-4624-704-70 �Gmw4632 822-82 CONCESSIONS INVENTORY — --_:-_-_ ^ 50-4632-862-86 JA � | °°°~cxn _ camcssuzono 27~*624~66*~66 � °°^^cxs 47.60 CONWkf FI1_r SAFETY GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-440-44 ~~~-`"^ |` % 22°50 t�r�-bF -- L� 5-fN A Ar 258~646~64------- 22.50 � ' '���� ^~c wo 219°33 COMMISSIDgER REVENUE GASOLINE 10-4612-560-56 Cns___-1` sell ° cnunrmr_Tn z wxvmc nccrzma cxPcwocn 10-4206- 100-10 34°1 m_ o -10--__-_ � . C*S-__.^ .." ^. '' .---- -. ---_- -.--- _ .-.- -- - .' "^,.^,"' ..".°. �v"m�vw "v^v� �" x�rx�x rx°,o `u~���u~�uu~�a ` 1^uo,v ox/vsxms _-_-_' -------1a6~ or ° oo�« r — - »4o+�s6o~s 140099 ,s.zo——dubm%wxF�5rox—r - '�i� ��� '~ '^- �o4Vsao~sC--— 2 54.31 - - --- ---/` ' � -- - °°°-cms���` 1*0108 05/0M/85 z*"oo DALE GIEEN COMPANY GEN _Su 504~318~30 � � 1 4um3 8 - -' 05/]v/85 ------------513 -].0------oxLE-AxsEN-Cnmpv4Y------300 aLxCK~ x° — 0-45 62~353-30 14u1nn uovorvon 1os . om nx�� s�csu cnmpxmx e�«cw ozor 10-4562-642-64 v�o�oo onvnrvns 7o o0 --------- -- |' ^ ` sun n�xox nznr *0~4540~80 3~80 � *^ -- ----- --- ,*uvvo 115/13r85 ,an ° 10 14u110 usvu��o» sn .zV / i°­3Ur�� � - --- o«xznacm nImr INC zmmcmronv 50~**30~82 2~8 2 50~4630~842~84 --------------------- °°°~cns__1­ � � __- 29328"38 cowr~mzwm a^ozn.so ° � .7cn 05~20~85 G n � ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO* INV. # P.O.-#-MESSAGE CONCESSICNS 28-4624-704-70 �Gmw4632 822-82 CONCESSIONS INVENTORY — --_:-_-_ ^ 50-4632-862-86 JA � | °°°~cxn _ camcssuzono 27~*624~66*~66 � °°^^cxs 47.60 CONWkf FI1_r SAFETY GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-440-44 ~~~-`"^ |` % 22°50 t�r�-bF -- L� 5-fN A Ar 258~646~64------- 22.50 � ' '���� ^~c wo 219°33 COMMISSIDgER REVENUE GASOLINE 10-4612-560-56 Cns___-1` sell ° cnunrmr_Tn z wxvmc nccrzma cxPcwocn 10-4206- 100-10 34°1 m_ o -10--__-_ � . C*S-__.^ .." ^. '' .---- -. ---_- -.--- _ .-.- -- - .' "^,.^,"' ..".°. �v"m�vw "v^v� �" x�rx�x rx°,o `u~���u~�uu~�a ` 1^uo,v ox/vsxms _-_-_' -------1a6~ or ° oo�« r — - »4o+�s6o~s 140099 ,s.zo——dubm%wxF�5rox—r - '�i� ��� '~ '^- �o4Vsao~sC--— 2 54.31 - - --- ---/` ' � -- - °°°-cms���` 1*0108 05/0M/85 z*"oo DALE GIEEN COMPANY GEN _Su 504~318~30 � � 1 4um3 8 - -' 05/]v/85 ------------513 -].0------oxLE-AxsEN-Cnmpv4Y------300 aLxCK~ x° — 0-45 62~353-30 14u1nn uovorvon 1os . om nx�� s�csu cnmpxmx e�«cw ozor 10-4562-642-64 v�o�oo onvnrvns 7o o0 --------- -- |' ^ ` sun n�xox nznr *0~4540~80 3~80 � *^ -- ----- --- ,*uvvo 115/13r85 ,an ° 10 14u110 usvu��o» sn .zV / i°­3Ur�� � - --- o«xznacm nImr INC zmmcmronv 50~**30~82 2~8 2 50~4630~842~84 --------------------- °°°~cns__1­ � � __- Cns___-1` sell ° cnunrmr_Tn z wxvmc nccrzma cxPcwocn 10-4206- 100-10 34°1 m_ o -10--__-_ � . C*S-__.^ .." ^. '' .---- -. ---_- -.--- _ .-.- -- - .' "^,.^,"' ..".°. �v"m�vw "v^v� �" x�rx�x rx°,o `u~���u~�uu~�a ` 1^uo,v ox/vsxms _-_-_' -------1a6~ or ° oo�« r — - »4o+�s6o~s 140099 ,s.zo——dubm%wxF�5rox—r - '�i� ��� '~ '^- �o4Vsao~sC--— 2 54.31 - - --- ---/` ' � -- - °°°-cms���` 1*0108 05/0M/85 z*"oo DALE GIEEN COMPANY GEN _Su 504~318~30 � � 1 4um3 8 - -' 05/]v/85 ------------513 -].0------oxLE-AxsEN-Cnmpv4Y------300 aLxCK~ x° — 0-45 62~353-30 14u1nn uovorvon 1os . om nx�� s�csu cnmpxmx e�«cw ozor 10-4562-642-64 v�o�oo onvnrvns 7o o0 --------- -- |' ^ ` sun n�xox nznr *0~4540~80 3~80 � *^ -- ----- --- ,*uvvo 115/13r85 ,an ° 10 14u110 usvu��o» sn .zV / i°­3Ur�� � - --- o«xznacm nImr INC zmmcmronv 50~**30~82 2~8 2 50~4630~842~84 --------------------- °°°~cns__1­ � � __- *^ -- ----- --- ,*uvvo 115/13r85 ,an ° 10 14u110 usvu��o» sn .zV / i°­3Ur�� � - --- o«xznacm nImr INC zmmcmronv 50~**30~82 2~8 2 50~4630~842~84 --------------------- °°°~cns__1­ � � __- 1985 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT 140114 75/13/85 17.32 140114 05 /13/85 -- - - -- -_- 38.47 -- 140114 0.5/13/85 11.45 j 67.24 + 140148 U5 /15/85 2.70 140124 05/14/85 -- - -- - - 12.)D -- 140.124 05/14/85 71.95 05/15/85 19.13 83.85 14Q1 25 05 /14 185 437.25 140125 05/06/85 729.45 140.125 - J5/14/85 -- - -- 98.2 0 -- 1.264.70 • 140.150 140134 05107 185 36.75 14U134 05/0.7/85 _ 367.54 - 140134 05/07/85 367.54 - -- - -- 10- 4540 - 330 -30 36.75 • 05/13/85 15.47 1401 36 - 15 /13/85 10- 4540 - 560 -56 140136 ^_5/14/85 812. 5D ELECTRONIC CENTER REPAIR PARTS 892.10 140.139 05/06/85 39.75 39.75 • 140.14) ------ 05/15/85 - - - - -- 138.72 -- 138.72 ...•r. CHECK REGISTER V:-' N301 M DESCRIP 05 -20 -85 PAGE 6 DELE3ARD_TOOL CO GEN SUPPLIES 10- _4504- 560 -56 _________ OELEG4RD TOOL CO TOOLS 10- 4580- 301 -30 DELE ;ARD TOOL CO TOOLS 10- 4580 - 560 -56 D4 LEN--,j .N. OAL:Y J.Y. MERIT SUPPLY MERIT SUP30 MERIT SUPPLY MEETING MEETING 10 -4206- 100 -10 10- 4206- 160 -16 * ** -CKS PARTS 10- 4620 - 560 -56 CLEANING SUPPLIES 28- 4512 - 708 -70- __- „- _ - - -_. CLEANING SUPPLIES 28- 4512 - 708 -70 * ** -CKS 9 ,a 15 ,o 19 z CITYYIDE_ SERVICES C04T_REPAIRS 5.0- ,4248 - 841- 84___- CITTJIDE SERVICES CORRECTION 50- 4248- 841 -84 CITYdIDE SERVICES COPT REPAIRS 50- 4248 - 841 -84 * ** -CKS EARL F ANDERSEN SIGNS POSTS 10- 4542 - 328 -30 EARL F ANDERSEN PAINT 10- 4544 - 335 -30 42 * ** -CKS EDIN4 ELECTRIC CO CONT REPAIRS 28- 4248- 708 -70 ENTEC INC INVEN SUPPLIES 23- 1209 - 000 -00 140.1 43 _ - - -_--.- OS 05 113 13/85 / 230_.94 ENRICH BA<I N3 :0 CONCESSIONS 27 -4624- 664 -66 233.94 • 140148 U5 /15/85 2.70 10- 4248 - 449 -44 ELVIN SAFETY SUPPLY CH 126148 SHORT 140.149 05/15/85 19.13 ELVIN SAFETY SUPPLY CONT REPAIRS 10- 4248 - 449 -44 21 .13 "' tt4•t• 140.150 05/13/85 84.00 ELECTRONIC CENTER GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 330 -30 ____140150__ 05/13/85 _ _22.23 ELECTRONIC CENTER REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 330 -30 i 140.15J 05/13/85 15.47 ELECTRONIC CENTER REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 14U.1 5U 05/13/85 62.42 ELECTRONIC CENTER REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 * ** -CKS -" s� s� -- -- - -+ +•_CKS.. - --- 9„ 61 o, e� n7 9� - - + **- CKS. 79 ,z 1yB5 C OF EDINA CHECK N0. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR+ CHECK I ,TER ITEM RIPTION ACCOUNT NO. 05 -20 -85 GE 7 A P. O. # m' 14015U 0.5/13/85 105.06 ELECTRONIC CENTER REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 646 -64 ; 289.19 ** *-CKS , 140159 _C REPAIR PARTS 40- 4540 - 801 -80 ° - -- - -1 25.4 B � I 140161 05/06/85 14U.188 05/13/85 * f r # f # 140,194 140.1 94 140.1 94 1401 94 14U194 140,194 1 4U1 94 1 4U1 94 140029 05/13/85 05 /C6 /85 05/6/85 05/15/85 0.5/13/85 U5/13/85 U5/13185 05 /0718'. 05/13/85 frfrrr 140199 U5/13/85 *frfr r 103.27 FLYING CL3JD SANTAR - - -- 103.27 *. - - -- - -- 52.22 52.22 GRAYBA-11 ELECTRIC CO RUBBISH REMOVAL 10- 4250 -353 -3 GE4 SUPP 28 -4504- 708 -70 q Ins - *** -CKS 2, * ** -CKS I; -- i 19.OD GENERAL COMMUNICATNS EQUIP RENAL 10- 4226 - 301 -30 101.76 GENERAL COMMUNICATNS RADIO SERV 10- 4294- 420 -42 - _100.00_ GENERAL COMMUNICATNS RADIO SERV 10- 4294 - 420 -42 J�{: _ 05/14/85 -OS 83.80 GENERAL CONMUNICATNS RADIO SERV _ _ _J,'•� 10- 4294 - 440 -44 - 140203 266.25 GENERAL COMMUNICATNS RADIO SERV 10- 4294 - 560 -56 1402U3 73.23 - - GENERAL- LESLIE PARTS MEETING EXP 10- 4620 - 560 -56 73.71 GENERAL .COMMUNICATNS CJMMUNICATNS PARTS -- Y 10 -4620- 560 -56 -- - - - 10- 4206 - 421 -42_ 1 9530.30(2,247.85)GENERAL 140203 COMMUNICATNS RADIO EQUIP 10- 4914 - 440 -44 , I_ - 16.90 * -+ ASSOCIATEI) ENERGY PRODUCTS PARTS J5/14/85 40- 4504- 803 -80 LESLIE MARTIN MEETING EXP 10- 4206- 490 -49 I- 14U2U3 - - - - - -- 1.50 LESLIE MARTIN PARKING I, •*r -CKS - 14JZU3 05%14%E5 10.35 LESLIE 22.92 G T PARTS REPAIR PARTS 40- 4540 - 803 -80 0.5/14/85 22.92 * LESLIE MARTIN NOTARY FILING I 'I * ** -CKS 5'. - -- �.•,. 1[ „ l4 I" 1 147.203 05/14/85 4:58 LESLIE NA2tIN MISC CASH - -- 10- 38D0-000 -00 14U2U3 05/14/85 11.603 LESLIE MARTIN G1S TRAVEL 10 -4202- 421 -42 1401U3 ^ _ 05/14/85 -OS 23.68 LESLIE MARTIN MEETING EXP 10- 4206 - 140 -14 140203 %14 /85 3D :60 LESL[F_ MARLIN PARKING 10 -4206- 200 -20 1402U3 05/14/85 17.90 LESLIE MARTIN MEETING EXP 10 -4206- 420 -42 14UZU3 � _05/14/.85 _ _ _ 3.00 LESLIE MARTIN PARKING 10- 4206 - 421 -42_ 140203 X5/14/85 -� 3,45 LESLIE MARTIN PARKING -- 10 -4206- 422 -42 r 140 -233 J5/14/85 57.1.3 LESLIE MARTIN MEETING EXP 10- 4206- 490 -49 I- 14U2U3 05/14/85 1.50 LESLIE MARTIN PARKING 10- 120 -12 14JZU3 05%14%E5 10.35 LESLIE MARTIN MEETING EXP _42_08_- 10- 4208 - 160 -16 1402U3 0.5/14/85 10000 LESLIE MARTIN NOTARY FILING 10- 4224 - 420 -42 14J.ZJ3 !15/14/85_ _ - ___ .44_ LESLIE MARTIN POSTAGE 10- 4290 - 140 -14 140203 05/14/85 .22 LESLIE MARTIN POSTAGE _ 1042.90- 200 -20 - ,, 14UZU3 G5/14/85 15.18 LESLIE MARTIN POSTAGE 10- 4290 - 600 -60 140203 �14JZJ3 05/14/85 3.43 LESLIE MARTIN POSTAGE 10- 4504 - 160 -16 05/14%85 19:50 LESLIE MART IN POSTAGE 10- 4504 - 420-42 ,y 1402U3 05/14/85 50000 LESLIE MARTIN POSTAGE 10- 4504 - 440 -44 * ** -CKS 5'. - -- �.•,. 1[ „ l4 I" 1 1985 CITY OF EDINA 922.].3 HALLMAN CHECK REGIST_rR 10- 4618 - 560 -56 — 05 -20 -85 PAGE 8 CHECK N1. DATE AMOUNT V'_'NDOI ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N0. INV* >t P.O. # MESSAGE 237_.15 G & K SERVICES' _ LAUNDRY 14U2U3 05/14/85 5 *58 LESLIE MARTIN POSTAGE 10 -4504- 500 -50 14U2U3 75114/85 - - - 6.35 LESLIE_ MARTIN - - - - -- POSTAGE 10- 4504- 540 -54 - -- -- - - - -- 14U.Zu3 05/14/85 8099 LESLIE MARTIN POSTAGE - - - - 10- 4504- 620 -62 14ULL'3 0.5/14/85 15.03 LESLIE MARTIN POSTAGE 10- 4504 - 621 -62 1402U3 05/14/85 10- 4262- 420 -42 „ - MARTIN POSTAGE 10- 4504- 627 -62 140203 - 05%14/85 _____4.00 3.38 _LESLI_ LESLIE MARTIN— PHOTO SUFPLIS 10- 4508- 200 -20 14U2U3 05/14/85 11.45 LESLIE MARTIN PHOTO SUPPLIS 10- 4508 - 647 -64 310.26 !ff fa r * ** —CKS 140247 05/14/85 659.40 GRIGGS BErR INVENTORY 50- 4630 - 822 -82 140207 05/07/85 19932 *35 GRIGGS 3E=R INVENTORY 50 -4630- 842 -84 14J.2J7 05/07/85 29230945 GRIGGS BE_R INVENTORY 50- 4630- 862 -86 I fffaaa 140.2'9 0/13/85 140209 0,5/13/85 — a f a 4 f f 14U.213 05115/85 r f f f a f r *r— r- z A -. e _ e 9 0 3 ,4 _ Is 15 I �0 ,n 'C 21 22 4.81 GENUINE PS'RTS PARTS 10- 4620 - 560 -56 z 32.72 - - - - -- GENUINE PORTS GEN SUPPLIES 40- 4504- 803 -80 -- — - - - -- 37.53 a -- - 241.70 240.30 LEROY HI L130Y SERVICES 40 -4200- 800 -80 iI * ** -CKS ;z r *** -CKS 147.218 C5/13�85 922.].3 HALLMAN LUBRICANTS 10- 4618 - 560 -56 — " 05/07/-85 542.73 922.03 . - LAUNDRY 10 -4262- 301 -30 _14J.2 06 237_.15 G & K SERVICES' _ LAUNDRY 10- 4262 -_ 560 -56 140.206 * * *- CKS - — n I 140223 _ -- - - - 05/06/85 - -- - - - -- -- 89049.97 HAWKINS CH =MICAL — WATER SUPPLIES 40- 4622- 805 -80 ,, ' 40 -4262- 801 -80 89749.97 � 19222.65 + - - -- - -- s.. _ - - -- -- - - - - -- — ----------------- 31 5f 140234 05/15/35 5.00 HOOT -4 CLEANERS LAUNDRY 10- 4262- 420 -42 „ - 140.234 05/15/85 5.39 4100TEN CL =ANERS LAJNDRY 10- 4262- 440 -44 10.0 rrraaa 140.2 06 05/07/-85 542.73 G & K SERVICES - LAUNDRY 10 -4262- 301 -30 _14J.2 06 05/07/85 237_.15 G & K SERVICES' _ LAUNDRY 10- 4262 -_ 560 -56 140.206 05/07185 233.39 G' &'k SERVICES LAUNDRY 10- 4262- 646 -64 14U206 05/07L/85 209938 G & K SERVICE$ LAUNDRY 40 -4262- 801 -80 19222.65 + f f a f r a - -- 140.267 05/14/85 191.00 191 .00. + IBM CORPORATION EQUIP RENTAL 10- 4226 - 510 -51 * **-CKS )I 7 ,; ,< 198 c OF snzwA ^- cwccx NO. oxrc ---_-_--_-__ ^~ , cmccx / �rcm 05~20~85 sc 9 � AMOUNT xcmo :1 ITEM ^^°~cmS |�| | ��o�r ` -'� --' ' ' '-- - - - _--- -- . ..�.-^' ._.. - -- _-- --. ` . - --- ~ x4uarr J J5/06 /85 3 32� ys | |-� 329.35 ' '~ ' 140278 1 15/15/85 1 1 50 � --'- -- - ----' -- --- - - �'- ''- �� � � v*o�r - ' 2 28.65 ----------- | � � � v�uy� � - ' '—'- -- - - -'-�-� - - -- -- - " " � '| 1�uouo o o»�orv�n 4 4,235.32 - - --'------ 9 9v-15 } � | |^ *°^rcmo_ _ 1 14J.3J4 o oumo/on 8 81 *12 n nunu Lon87-n CO s ssw ouppcxcu 1 10~4504~400~40 � � � 1403u4 0 05m3x85 2 22.*4 w wmox LumoEn co L Lwnuca 1 10~460*~646~6* 1^�3U4 ----'�uv13 / /n5 s s^�p-------k0o�-Iune��� � ����O^��*,�*6-------^---------'-----| = 140304 0 05v15/85 2 29.94 m mwnm Lunecn CO o ocm SuppLzcs 2 28~4504-708~70 1401 v4cc 1 4Uc v4u. �. wl -- - ^° ' wco 1*cc wn� | . `~ | w0.. ,*o1 w^.. 1*o'. | 1 wu� - -' � '---------'-------- ---- ' - - C KS � ;1 1 05/CT/85 4,377.65 EASTSIDE 3EVERAGE INVENTORY 50-46 30-842- 84 � � � 11 5 ANCH3R PAPER GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-520-52 � 17 05/13/85 138*15 -LAWSON PROJUCTS REPAIR PARTS 10-4504-325-30 � 17 05/13/85 161.09 LAWSON PRO)UCTS REPAIR PARTS 10-4620-560-56 s 19 05/15/85 24.00 LEEF BROS INC GEN SUPPLIES 23-45 04-611- 61 � � � � � � 196 -5 CITY OF EO INA _CHECK N0. DA UNT VENDOR 140324 05/15/85 387.53- LOGIS 140324 '2,5/15/85 - - 498.76 LOGIS 1:0324 (15/ 15/85 - -- 1999'�0 SE LOGIS 140324 05/15/85 1.027.48 LOGIS _1:0.324 05/15/85 757.49 LOGIS 140324 -- 140324 ..__- Q.5%15/85- 3,47U.- LOGIS 1 +0.324 05/15/85 19303.52 LOGIS 140324 ]5115/85 249.35 LOGIS 140324 05/15/85-- - - - --- 249.35 LOGIS 1:0324 0.5/15/85 249.34 LOGIS CREDIT 9.789.17 + CHECK REGISTER 05 -20 -85 PAGE 10 r M CORRECTION 10- 4230- 160 -16 , COMPUTER . BILLING 10- 4230 - 160 -16_ + ++ -CKS COMPUTER CHARGES 10- 4233 - 200 -20 s COMPUTER CHARGES 10- 4233 - 420 -42 ; COMPUTER_ CHARGES 10- 4233 -_ 560 -56 _ e COMPUTER CHARGES - 104906-420 -42 ' COMPUTER CHARGES 40- 4232 - 800 -80 05/15/85 COMPUTER CHARGES 50 -4233- 820 -82 • +* -CKS z COMPUTER CHARGES 50- 4233 - 840 -84 66.70___- COMPUTER CHARGES 50- 4233 - 860 -86 Z, f. +..+ 23.34 MINN TORO INC GEN SUPPLIES + ++ -CKS 140332 ... r5114/85 _. 2.518.70 __._ _. C- ___ ___C _._ _ - __- __ LEA6J_ OF MN ITPES -.__ E DUES -_ _.__. ____.- _-- _- __- _.__.___._._.__ 10- 4204 - 140 -14 �o 2, 10 -4540- 560 -56 05/13/85 29518.7.0 • MINN TORO INC 23 PARTS •f+ + *� 05/15/85 36.48 MINN TORO • +* -CKS z -, 140.336 .35/13/85 66.70___- L4 HC= CONCESSIONS 27- 4624 - 664 -66 Z, INC CREDIT 66.70 * 05/06/85 - - - - - -- - - -- TORO - -- - - -- - - -- - - - " - - -+ ++- CKS - -_3, MINN TORO INC CREDIT 27- 4540 - 670 -66 ' ]3 - 140339 05/13/85 644.12 LAKELAND ENS REPAIR PARTS 40 -4540- 801 -80 " 644.12 • +ff -CKS 1 +p344 05/13/85 157. ^D MEO OKYGEV B EQUIP EQUIP RENTAL 10- 4226 - 440 -44 140344 05/15/85 83.97 MED OXY6EV S EQUIP CONT REPAIRS 10- 4248 - 440 -44 140344 05/06/85 _ _ _ 12.63 OXfGEN & EQUIP EOJIP_MAINT 10- 4274- 449 -44 140344 0.5/06/85 52 .54 MED OXYGEV 8 EQUIP 1ST AID SUAPLJIES 10- 4510- 440 -44 1f, 140344 U5/13/85 277.'5 MED DKTSE4 8 EQUIP 1ST AID SUPPLIES 10- 4510- 440 -44 140344 - - U5/06/85 -- - - - -- - 36.36 - MED OXYGEV & EQUIP 1ST AID SUPPLIES 10- 4510 - 440 -44 -- 617.45 + - - -- - -- . - - - --------- - - -- -- -- ..+ -CKS - _�,: 140356 05/06/85 6.95 MINNESOTA BLUEPRINT GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 260 -26 6.95 + 9 ** +-CKS f! 140.358 J5/13/85 39.50 3M ALARM 3ERVICE ALARM SERY 27 -4306- 660 -66 5i 140358 05/13/85 193.94 3M ALARM SERVICE ALARM SERV 50- 4304 - 841 -84 - -- - - - - 233.44 + 140359 140359 140359 140359 I 140359 140359 - 140359 U5/13/85 23.34 MINN TORO INC GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 318 -30 05/13/85 79.88 MINN _TORO_INC REPAIR PARTS 10 -4540- 560 -56 05/13/85 33.36 MINN TORO INC REPAIR PARTS 10 -4540- 560 -56 05/15/85 36.48 MINN TORO INC REPAIR PARTS 27- 4540 - 662 -66 ' L5/14/85 66.21- MINN TDRO INC CREDIT 27- 4540- 662 -6 05/06/85 59.19 MINN TORO INC REPAIR PARTS -6 27 -4540- 670 -66 " 05/14/85 43.08- MINN TORO INC CREDIT 27- 4540 - 670 -66 ' ]3 - 1985 C OF ED INA CHECK NO. CATE 140359 05/14185 140.359 05/15/85 REPAIRS 140.36J ^5/13/85 0INN_S6 TA - 14 0360 - 05/13/85 SU PP LIES 140,36J 05/13/85 140.363 05/13/85 140.360 05/13185 140360 05/06/85 I I' rrt tr4 I :R 140362 - -. - I -- '15/13%85 10- 4504 - 646 -64 STAR & TRIBU_NE CHECK 'i STER 0520 -8; GE 11 f_ AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO* INV* V P.0* # MESSAGE 70.36 MINN TORO INC REPAIR PARTS 27 -4540- 670 -66 139.91 MINV TORO IIN'6 REPAIR PARTS 27- 4540 - 670 -66 333.23 - - -- --- - - - - -- - - 23.00 MINNESOTA WANNER CONT REPAIRS 10- 4248 - 322 -30 17.00 0INN_S6 TA YAAN R GEN SU PP LIES I T-45t4;; -646 -64 13.78 MINNESOTA WANNER GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 646 -64 108.59 MINN :SOTA_WANN :R GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 646 -64 STAR & TRIBU_NE WANNER v GEN SUPPLIES 104504- 646 -64 54990 MINNESOTA WANNER REPAIR PARTS 27- 4540- 662 -66 224.35 • MARK V11 SALES INC INVENTORY 50 -4630- 862 -86 ADVERTISING 10 -4212- 180 -18 749.14 MODEL STOV= COMPANY CONCRETE 40- 4528;--863 -8D 748.14 * 3 4 Ifi ** *•CKS e 19 . * **-CKS ft ✓ I 140366 140366 140.366 140.366 - 05/14/85 05/13/35 - 75/14/85 05/13/85 80920_ 149.92 588011 393.88 _MINNESOTA BAR_ _ MINNESOTA BAR MINNESOTA BAR MINNESOTA BAR INVENTORY INVENTORY INVENTORY INVENTORY 50- 46.30 - 842 -84 50 -4632- 822 -82 50- 4632- 842 -84 50- 4632- 862 -86 _ _ 1 ;•� 3: �: - - -- 1 212.11 + _35.00 35.30- e 8 TRIBUNE CORK =CTION _ -10--24:12-'660-- 66 140,381 05/06/85 180.00 137 14u.378 U5/14/85 29639 *2D MARK V11 SOLES INC INVENTORY 50- 4630- 822 -82 STAR & TRIBU_NE 14 J.318 U5/07/85 6,118.85 MARK V11 SALES INC INVENTORY 50- 4630- 8_42 -84 & TRIBUNE ADVERTISING _ 14 LB Z8 U5A?? 5 4,'291 .61 MARK V11 SALES INC INVENTORY 50 -4630- 862 -86 ADVERTISING 10 -4212- 180 -18 140.381 _ 05/06/85 13,049.65 • STAR & TRIBUNE ADVERTISING 10- 4212 - 490 -49 14U.381 140.379 _ G5/13/85 35.40 METR) F6N= COMM EQUIP RENTAL 10 -4226- 301 -30 ,� 140.331 L5/13/85 70.3.0 STAR 35 *40 + ADVERTISING 10- 4212- 600 -60 14U.381 -- J5/06/85 120900 STAR 8 TRI3UNE ADVERTISING 10- 4212 - 640 -64 14U.381 05%13%85 3500 STAR-- 140391 _________L5/13/85 STAR & TRIBUNE ADVERTISING 10- 2412 - 660 -66 14:1381 05/13/85 _35.00 35.30- STAR 8 TRIBUNE CORK =CTION _ -10--24:12-'660-- 66 140,381 05/06/85 180.00 STAR & TRIBUNE ADVERTISING 10- 4212 - 120 -12 14U.381 U5/06/85 80.00 STAR & TRIBU_NE ADVERTISING 10- 4212 - 160 -16 140.381 05%13/85 150.00 STAR & TRIBUNE ADVERTISING 10- 4212 - 180 -18 140.381 J.5/06/85 150.30 STAR & TRI3UNE ADVERTISING 10 -4212- 180 -18 140.381 _ 05/06/85 100.00 STAR & TRIBUNE ADVERTISING 10- 4212 - 490 -49 14U.381 U5/0.6/85 - 65.00 STAR -&T k I B UN I ADVERTISING _ 10- 4212 - 600 -60 - ,� 140.331 L5/13/85 70.3.0 STAR & TRIBUNE ADVERTISING 10- 4212- 600 -60 14U.381 -- J5/06/85 120900 STAR 8 TRI3UNE ADVERTISING 10- 4212 - 640 -64 14U.381 05%13%85 3500 STAR-- TAI0UNE ADVERTISING 10- 4212 - 66066 14U381 05/14/85 211952 STAR 8 TRIBUNE ADVERTISING 23- 4214 - 610 -61 1.161.52 * •!) rrf tff - �14Q383 05%15%85 11'53.6 1 MPLS COMP TREAS LIGHT & POWER 10- 4252- 330 -33 140383 05/15/85 1 *299 *37 MPLS COMP TREAS EQUIP MAINT 10- 4274- 330 -33 :o .3 • g7 I�7 Cf 67 * **-CKS ;; 1 77 73 7a 77 • 1985 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 05 -20 -85 PAGE 12 f- CHECK _NO._ -DATE — AMOUNT V_NDO ?, ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N0. INV. # P._0..__N MESSAGE 29493.04 f t f f f• 140385 _ 05/15/85 240.00 MCGUIRE! RJBERT TREE INSFECTIONS 10- 4242 - 353 -30 _ - 140,385 INSPECTIONS 60 -1300- 015 -18 960.00 14040,6 _'5/13/85 230.RO NTCC NW REGION REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 520 -52 - 230.90 -* - - --------------- - - - - -- — -- f f f t • • 140412 9,5/14/85 35.10 NW GRAoHIC SUPPLY INVEN SUPPLIES 23- 1209- 000 -00 35.10 * 140421 05 /13 185 140421 0.5/06/85 f k f f f i 140.424 05/13/85 #t*fff 803.94- 267.98 267.98 267.98 267.98 267.98 r 79.38 29834.32 29913.70 * 4,840.30 49840.70 OLD DUTICH 14U42J 0.5/13/85 14042L 05/13/85 14U42J Q5/13/85 140.421 '75/13/85 140.42U G5/13/85 140421 05 /13 185 140421 0.5/06/85 f k f f f i 140.424 05/13/85 #t*fff 803.94- 267.98 267.98 267.98 267.98 267.98 r 79.38 29834.32 29913.70 * 4,840.30 49840.70 OLD DUTICH FOODS CORRECTION 27- 4624- 664 -66 OLD DUTICH FOODS CORRECTION 27- 4624- 664 -66 OLD DUTICH FOODS CONCESSONS 27 -4624- 664 -66 OLD DUTICH FOODS CORRECTION 27- 4624- 664 -66 OLD 3UTC H FOODS CONCESSIONS 27 -4624- 664 -66 OLS04 CHAIN & CABLE GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 646 -64 ni Snm CMA TN ! CAm F PAPTT61 mITI AV 77- LOAfl- AA7 -AA * ** -CKS ' e 9 io * *• -CKS 11,35 - -- - * * *- CKS - - - -- ,a Iz, # *+-CKS 2, l� -- - -- - -- — - - -...- -- - -- * rr- CKS__ I , , OLD DOMINION BRUSH BROOMS 10 -4534- 310 -30 140429 0 0 /13/85 3 3 34 .10 P PEPSI COLA B BOTTLING 140429 0 05/13/85 2 253.75 P PEPSI COLS' B BOTTLING 140.429 0 05/07-/85 4 421 .75_ P PEPSI B BOTTLING 146429 0 05/0,7%85 - 351.05 P PEPSI COLA B BOTTLING 144441 05/06/85 209920 THE PRINT SHOP n ** *_CKS ,t CONCESSIONS 27- 4624- 664 -66 ' INVENTORY 50-4632-822-82 INVENTORY 50- 4632 - 842 -84 I NVENTOR Y 50 -4632- 862- 86 — - -- - .•r -CKS - -- L,,� EQUIP --- -- — .._.. - -- -- - . * *f -CKS - . REIMBURSEMENT 10- 4206- 440 -44 PRINTING 10 -4600- 628 -62 19n5 c . OF cozwA cwccw / �rcn on~�n~u� sc vn / - o*ccx mn oArc xMnow7 vsmnom zrcw DESCRIPTION - 209.2D |" cua ` -� / | 23 o5 � lo , ~ / ._~,'. ,''.~',^ 19 .91 ,~L rv""`" ° , ^MC ,",°m ,°"°." 27-4540-662-66 | - - —'-^^" 1404 61 05 /13 185 91 95 R OYAC_­CR6jNl_'BEV INV E�t OR Y 50- . 4632-822-82 ~ 140.4 6J 05/07/85 216e30 - -RuWm --V INVENTORY — — '-- -- — � 24u*6J05vor/u» zrs-xo ROYAL ~ �m,°u� �^��—���-���---------- -----'--------'-- , ~ 14u461 05 v06 '85. 15 2 °7m xcco o �_. � ..� �- ,5z.vm ° ------' --------- ---- --' —� ' ' ''-- ------'---- ***cC*S-__�` ~ 14(1*63 05/13/85 1.610.35 n--_x )zoT IwwcmrmnY no~*asU~mzz~nz ^1 14u46 3 05/07/85 ncn_oIyr zmxcoron so-4a30~a*a~n4 �]~ 1*o4os 05v13185 _39*00.90 39163.70 -----�Ex sIor---------------Iwxcwrnn no~46o0~oaa~ua----' � 8,179.95 cws |� ~ v 4u4a r on��*xn� nm�w� ncx� n«�c ~�*n�~uaa-w� !' �� - - 14 J.46 7 --------'nro°�� 05v13r85 urz°»V '�o —---�wxcmrmm ---njykL acw�axsccz wxcwrwn 50-4630-842- 84 ------' ^ 140467 05/13/85 -__-_19373.13 **-C KS 140.475 15/13v85--- -------9z.os-------murrfi�o�- JOHNSON --'----TOOL 0-458U-301~30------- -- - � . 140.475 05m4v85 o"ppo°am murrazooc ammwsom cxp ourLxr 10~*900~300~30 79082.35 ° ~ °°°-cxs ~ wo*ar L)5vlov85----------'--�n°��------'����[l�i��f�o��rhic�----��� ^'-- �UU��ao���------- � v5.14 W wowm ! ~| v*n*90 � ,. m — o-svnrvos ----- usvvsxon °^°~cnm 26.45 DON STREr:HER GUNS GEN SUPPLIES 10-4 504— 56 0- 56 .~ � ID3*47 SOUTIDXLE FORD REPAIR PARTS 10-4540-560-56 '-- --- -- - ° 19 @5 CITY OF EOINA CHECK NO. O�'TE 14J,492 U5/13/85 14J,493 U5 /13 185 140493 05/01/85 14J,493 U5 /;l /85 140,512 C5/13/P5 140502 05/06/85 140503 14),5.:3 140503 140, 5Lj 3 140.503 1 47,5U 3 14J5U3 140 51.3 140.573 149,503 140,573 fwf•wf 140.505 ■ f r f . f 140508 1 4J,5J P 140508 140.508 140.508 14J,5J8 14G508 14J.5UP 140508 14J.5U8 * w r * f * 1 4Q,51 1 f f f• f f 140.55 ?.5/13/85 05/13/85 15/13/85 95/13/85 05 /13 /85 ^5 /13/85 25 /13 /85 "5/13/85 ^5 /13 /85 •.'5/13/85 ^_5/13/85 05 /76 /85 5/07 /85 05/06/85 ,j5/15/85 J5/15/95 05/15/85 65 /C7/85 ..5/15/85 05/15/85 05/13/85 C5 /06/85 448.97 SUN - - - - - -- -- ADVcRTIDZN6 10- 4210 - 140 -14 443.97 74.43 ST CHECK REGISTER BJOK 05 -20 -85 GAGE 14 AMOUNT VEND01 ST ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT IhV *- q P.O. tt HESSAGZ 41.93 SOUTHDA:LE FORD 24.00 PARTS 10- 4620- 560 -56 145.40 • GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 420 -42 59.19 ST PAUL 3.916.25 SOUTHSIDE 71ST COIN: INVENTORY 50- 4630- 822 -82 7.639.4^1 SOUTHSIDE DIST COINC INVENTORY 50- 4630- 842 -84 339.90 SOUTHSIDE DIST COINC _ INVENTORY 50- 4630- 862 -86 11 •895.55 + PAUL B33K _ GENERAL SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 624 -62 50.48 ST PAUL BOOK OFFICE SUPPLIES _. - - - - -- -- -- +►* -CKS 177.38 SUSUIRAV CIEVROLE T PARTS 10 -4620- 560 -56 64.986.10 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET _ AUTOMOBILES 10 -4908- 420 -42 659156.38 + 55.46- SUBU13API PLUMB SUP CREDIT 10-45L4-520-52 139.35 SUSURBA -N PLUMB SUP GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 520 -52 13.56 SUBURBAN PLUMB- SUP PARTS_ -4540- 322 -30 24.14 SUBURBAN PLUMB -REPAIR SUP _ RcPAIR PARTS _10 10- 4540 - 560 -56 25.54 SUBU134 =N PLUMB SUP REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 646 -64 33.40 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP REPAIR PARTS 49- 4540 - 801 -80 9.45 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP REPAIR PARTS 40 -4540- 801 -80 31.41- SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP CREDIT 40- 4540- 802 -80 84.40 SUBU19AN PLUMB SUP REPAIR PARTS 40- 4540 - 802 -80 17.94 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP REPAIR PARTS 40- 4540 - 805 -80 57.46 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP REPAIR PARTS 50 -4540- 841 -84 376.'7 + 448.97 SUN - - - - - -- -- ADVcRTIDZN6 10- 4210 - 140 -14 443.97 74.43 ST 21UL BJOK MISC. 10 -3800- 000 -00 13.38 ST P %UL BOOK _ _ GEN SUPPLIES _ 10 -4504- 420 -42 24.00 ST PAUL BOOK GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 420 -42 59.19 ST PAUL BOOK GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 440 -44 162.90 ST PAUL BJOK GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 510 -51 3.36 ST PAUL BOOK GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 510 -51 88.33 ST PAUL B33K _ GENERAL SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 624 -62 50.48 ST PAUL BOOK OFFICE SUPPLIES _ _ 10 -4516- 510 -51 3.63 ST PAUL BOOK PARTS 10- 4620 - 560 -56 9.30 ST PAUL BOOK OFFICE SUPPLIES___ - __ -__- 27 -4516- 661 -66 488.97 • 05/13/85 56.13 56. ^.0 r SOUTIERIN VACUUM SERV ^5/13/85 203.50 TEXGAS CORP 203.50 + CONT REPAIRS GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4248- 520 -52 10 -4504- 301 -30 * *+ -CKS * * f - C K S i +** -CKS . * *+-CKS J f985 C OF EDINA CHECK I ;TER 05 -20 -8: GE 15 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N0. INV. # P.O. 9 MESSAGE_ ffr*fr * ** -CKS a 140542 05/13/85 10,156.14 THORPE DIST INVENTORY 50- 4630 - 862 -86 10,158.14 * �p — *****a *** -CKS 140549 05/13/85 31.04 ' TWIN Ci!TY_ ENGINE 31.34 REPAIR PARTS. 10-4540- 560 -56 i t - -- - - -- - * * f- CK S I, 140.551 05/13/85 842.93 UNIFORMS JNLIMITED UNIFORM ALLOW 10- 4266- 420 -42 140551 05/13/85-- _.- - -_ -- - - - -- 758.00 - __ - - -- UNIFORMS UNLIMITED -- UNIFORM -_ -ALLOW 10- 4266- 421 -42 - -- — - ' 140,551 35/13/85 7.15 UNIFORMS JNLIMITED UNIFORM ALLOW 10- 4266- 460 -46 140,551 05/13/85 69.90 UNIFO +RMS JNLIMITED UNIFORM ALLOW 10 -4508- 422 -42 140551 _ 05/13/85 64 60 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED UNIFORM ALLOW _ 10 -4914- 420 -42 v v 140,566 05/13/85 1 9572935 1 95 72 .3 5 140.569 05%13%85 55.69 55.69 ELIn VIDEO IMAGES t IND PROPANE CABLE TV 10- 2149 - 000 -00 GASOLINE 28- 4612 -70 7 -70 * ** -CKS ^4 �5J . * ** -CKS J< 19742.58 r** *ar - - --- - --- - -- --- - -- --- -- ... - - ---- - - - -- - - ---- - - - - -- ------- -- ----- - -- --- - * ** -CKS 140.553 05 /07/85 UNIT =O EL =CTRIC CORP GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 322 -30 140553 05/13%85 ___19064.28 _ 36.17 UNIT -r) L`:TRIC CORP -- REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 520 -52 140553 15/13/85 6.50 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 520 -52 140553 05/13/85 62.46 =:) ELECTRIC CORP REPAIR PARTS 4540 - 540 -54 140.553 05/13/85 _ 37) *12 _UNIT UNIT_D EL_ :TRIC CORP R_'AIR PARTS _70- _ 10- 4540 - 540 -54 140553 U.5/13/85 83.63 UNIT_0 ELECTRIC CORP REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 540 -54 _ 140553 101.59 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 - 140555 _05/13/85 05/13/85 125.77 UNIT =) ELECTRIC CORD REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 646 -64 140553 05/13/85 15 1.33 UNIT_D ELECTRIC CORP GEN SUPPLIES 27- 4504- 661 -66 140553 05/13/85 ELECTRIC SUPPLIES 40 -4504- 801 -80 140553 ^5113/85 _ _161.28 89.09 _UNITED_ UNITED _CORP ELECTRIC __GEN CO0:P REPAIR PARTS ___ 40- 4540 - 801 -80 • 140553 05/13/85 4708 UNIT_0 EL_CTRIC CORP REPAIR PARTS 40- 4540 - 801 -80 29228.31 ** * *rf ** *—CKS 140558 C5/13/85 104.00. GOODitkR C.ONT REPAIRS 104248- 560 -56 197.70 • '` - *rfffr - -- - -_ :.-CKS 140564 0.5/15/85 28.75 VAUGINS CONT REPAIRS i 10 -4248- 446 -44 v v 140,566 05/13/85 1 9572935 1 95 72 .3 5 140.569 05%13%85 55.69 55.69 ELIn VIDEO IMAGES t IND PROPANE CABLE TV 10- 2149 - 000 -00 GASOLINE 28- 4612 -70 7 -70 * ** -CKS ^4 �5J . * ** -CKS J< 1985 CITY OF £DINA CHECK NO. DATE 669.50__ VAN 14Q586 _ 140572 05/13/85 140.572 05/15/85 14J.572 - -- _ --05/15/85 140572 05/15/85 140573 C,5/13/85 +fr *f+ 14U5T8 CHECK REGISTER AMOUNT 4=N301 ITEM DESCRIPTION 481.73 VAN PARER CO 669.50__ VAN 14Q586 15/13/85 901.50 _'APER_:0_ VAN DA-PER CO 798.50 VAN PAPER CO 2851.20 * W W GP.AINGER 429.36 VOSS 40- 4540- 801 -80 429.36 + GRA�INSER REPAIR PARTS C 5/13/8 5 - -- - 140579 05/13/85 140579 C5/13/85 140579 95/13/85 _ 14U579 fff fr r -__- 140.582 05/06/85 t + f * r f 140.586 05/13/85 140.556 05/13/85 140.586 05 /13185 14Q586 15/13/85 14 U.5 K6 05/13/85 140.586 _ :.5/13/85 140587 05/14/85 10.50 - -- 13.50 * 99.92 15.32 58.26 82.47 256.47 + PAPER SUPPLIES 10- 4514- 520 -52 PARER SUPPLIES 50 -4 4504 - 842 -84 PAPER SUPPLIES 50- 4514- 822 -82 PALER SUPPLIES 50- 4514- 862 -86 REPAIR PARTS 10 -4540- 322 -30 WM.H.ZIESLER CO INC PARTS MILLIAMS STEEL -MDWE GEN SUPPLIES WILLIA-MS STEEL -HOPE GEN SUPPLIES WILLIAMS STEEL- MDWE TOOLS WILLLAMS STEEL -HOWE PARTS 10- 4620 - 560 -56 05 -20 -85 " PAGE 16 E _ e 0 3 ie + **-CKS a 10 -4504- 301 -30 z' 10 -4504- 301 -30 10- 4580- 301 -30___ 10 -4 620- 560- 5 6 - - -- - - -- 53302 _ GOROON SMITiH-C� _ 6ASOlJINE 27 -4612- 662 -66 533.12 * � 69.33 93.35 _. 16.62 210.06 30.98 27.71 447.62 114.77 114.77 * 14U592 _05/15/85 _ 140592 05/15/85 140594 C5 /13 /85 .I 14D.603 05/13/85 - - -- - - -+ + +- CK S --- f +r�CKS1 n; W W GRVINGER REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 345 -30 W W GRAIN ;ERREPARI PARTS 10- 4540 - 646 -64 W W GRA;TNGER REPAIR PARTS 29 -4540- 721 -72 W W GP.AINGER REPARI PARTS 40- 4540- 801 -80 W W GRA�INSER REPAIR PARTS 4p- 4540 - 811 -80_ W W GRAINSER REPAIR PARTS 50 -4560- 861 -86 g, WEIGLE SUE MILEAGE 10- 4208 - 600 -60 SII 13.95 MID CENTRAL FIRE GENERAL SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 449- 44- ____ -____ - -- 77.25 YID CENTRAL FIRE CLOTHING REPLACEMENT 10 -4574- 440 -44 IFS 91.20 + 39025.00__ STORE FRONT SERVICES 3,D25.00 339.69 MITT =K GOLF SUPPLY RANGE BALLS 27- 4636- 663 -66 *•* -CKS �A S n., 'T L In ,s , t; 10963 C OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE 05 -20 -8' GE 17 Ji..l /ENDOU 140613 05/13/85 # P.O. 0 MESSAGE �. 140.702 05/06/85 144703 (35/0.6/85 140704 05/06/85 140705 .05/06/85 140705 05/06/85 I J I 140706 35/06/85 J 140707 05/13/85 147.707 05/06/85 - y 140,707 35/06/85 140.708 -- 05/06/85 140709 05/06/85 140.710 05/06/85 140.711 05/06/85 29247.74 29247.74 • 425.53 425.53 140.712 CHECK I TER 80000 -- - 05 -20 -8' GE 17 AMOUNT -- - — /ENDOU ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N0. INV. # P.O. 0 MESSAGE �. 80.50 + J 140.714 05/06/85 — - -- - - -- 339.69 • 29.91 • �; .'I 4••ter 1, — 14uT16 35 /07/85 2.00. 140.716 .•.. -CKS 3 n 133.94 MCNEILJS STEEL GEN SUPPLIES 40- 4504 - 801 -80 e 133:94 - -- — - — - -- - -- ,o X11 - -r a—CKS— I12 9.66 MOREAU SANKEY MILEAGE 10- 4208 - 200 -20 9.66 + 120.91 SIGN CENTEI FIRE PREVENTION 10- 4650- 440 -44 -:7 ;o 120.91 • 16.95 FIRE -ENGINEERING SUBSCRIPTION 10 -4204- 440 -44 I" 16.95 r z 456996 HENN CTT MEDICAL CTR 1ST AID SUPPLIES 10- 4510 - 440 -44 473.01 - - -- - HENN CTY M_DICAL CTR 1ST AID SUPPLIES 10- 4540 - 440 -44 929.97 , - - -- - - - -- - -- - - - -- - - -- 15.00 STATE TREASURE CETIFICATION 40- 4310 - 809 -80 J J, _ —15-. OO J. _146.74 HILB4RTi 8 )RAFTING INVEN SUPPLIES 23- 1209 - 000 -00 IJn 8.64- HYL64RT- &- JRAFTYNG INVENTORY SU,�PLYS 23- 1209 - 000 -00 -- - - - - - -- - . 160.72 HILBART 8 DRAFTING .INVENTORY SUPPLIES 23- 1209 - 000 -00 316.10,+ 116.59 'HOLIOAY INN MEETING EXPENSES 10- 4202 - 421 -42 116.59 * - - - -- -- - - --- 119.98 1.0 00 CURT FI.NCA BOOKCASES 10 -4504- 470 -47 I'° l;t._ 29247.74 29247.74 • 425.53 425.53 140.712 05/06/85 80000 -- - - - - - -- _ -- 80.10 + • 140713 05/06/85 80.50 'I 80.50 + J 140.714 05/06/85 29.91 29.91 • �; .'I 4••ter — 14uT16 35 /07/85 2.00. 140.716 05/07./85 2.10, 'HENN CTU TREASURER JAY BRASK ROOM 8 BOARD 10- 4286 - 220 -22 UNIFORM ITEMS 10- 4266- 422 -42 , I� DON EWER UNIFORM ITEMS 10- 4266 - 422 -42 �n C F BAGLIV B SONS REFUND 10- 3095- 000 -00 .a PRO : UVUT I NG SUBSCRIPTION 10- 4204 - 420 -42 57 ` KC DENT IFICATIONS RC IDENTIFIICATIONS GLN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 160 -16 GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 600 -60 tt* -CKS o lJ 19?5 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 05-20-85 PAGE 18 --- CHECK NO. DA - TE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO-9-1-Me fL-?s,qe--#-MESSAGr 4.00 140717 145.00 JERRf--S L -irJ)SCAP NG GEN SUPPLIES 50-4248-841-84 145.00 CONTROL 140,718 OS %D7 /85 184.24 PHYSIO 1ST AID SUPPLIES 10 -4510- 440 -44 184.24 140719 10-2235-000-00 140.719 15/13/85 456.53 SECO4 GIG SKATING 10-2235-000-00 489.30 140.72U 05/07/85 180.82 ASLESENS GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-500-50 188.82 14Q721 35/07/85 19310.20 Usmc GE4 SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 322 -30 310.2 D 2" 2 5 140722 05/07 185 2016.12 LABOR R---LA;TIONS ASSO CONT SERV 10-4200-140-14 - ----------29016*12 !17 140723 05/07/85 170.10 MAGNUS04 SOD CO SOD & BLACK DIRT 40-4562-803-80 140724 05/07/85 3600 TERESA SWEATMAN CLASS REFUND 23- 3500 - 000 -00 - 36.00_+ 140.725 95/07/85 25.90 MARY LOU LOOMIS CLASS REFUND 23-3500-ODO-00 25.0 0 * 14Q726 05/07/85 23*00 BONNIE CARLSON CLASS REFUND 23-3500-000-00 23.00 • 14J.127 05/0✓ /85 39.90 MOLLIE PAULSO-4 CONT SERV 23- 4200 - 610 -61 -39-.-90 14U728 35/07/85 650.00 KC GROVES TREE REMOVE & HAUL 10-4200-353-30 650.90 140729 J5/07/85 16.80 JEAN ADAMS ART WORK SOLD 23- 3625- 000 -00 14073) 05/07/85 12s60 12. 60 RAGNMILD BE R3ST OL ART WORK SOLO 23-3625-000-00 140I31 05/07/85 13*65 EDITH BLUSKE ART WORK SOLE 23-3625-000-00 a, 13.65 140.732 05/07/85 140733 05/07/8 140734 05/0.7/$5 a. 2.45 2.45_+ 16.10 16.10 2*9T MALL410E FLANDERS ART WORK SOLO 23-3625-000-00 G7 DICK GREEN ART WORK SOLE 23-3625-000-00 71 _, PAT 3REER ART WORK SCLO 23- 3625- 000 -00 (6I_ 11995 C OF EDINA CHECK f ;TER 05-20-8! GE 19 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT V ND 01, ITEM DESCRIPTrDN ACCOUNT NOo INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 2.97 3 140735 -'--05/07/85 ---5 .25 --bAR6iX "ERRI CK ART _ NORK SCLD 23 -3625- 000 -00 - --- --' - '- 4 5.25 7 140736 X5%07%85 6.12 MARGE HEESAARD ART WORK SCLO 23-3625000-00 6.12 14U.737 05/07185 5.53 JUDY LUND ART WORK SOLD 23- 3625 - 000 -00 5.53 140.738 05/07%85 50-.-43 4-RK--Li kCi;J-R-fN ART WORK SOLD 23-3625-000-00 50:40 140739 WORK S CL I' 233625- 000 00 4.55 r- 14(17'40----05?07?8 5 10.85 CLARICE D-SON ART WORK SCLO 23- 3625- 000 -DO 10.85 140741 05/07/85 21.70 BETTY PEDDIE ART WORK SCLO 23-3625-000-00 ' 21.70 31 14:4742 -85 3. MARJ3RIE 44DSEN ART WORK SOLD 2�3625-000-00 3' 3.85 140743 05f07/85 4*20 JACKIE HEGMAN ART WORK SOLD 23-3625-000-00 4.20 * 4 0.74-4 -05% 7f8 5 7e7l BETH ROSENBLOOM ART WORK SOLD 23-3625-000-00 7.f)O * 144745 -05/(17/85-- 73.50-- KAY SCFILOSSER ART WORK SOLO 23 -3625- 000 -00 73.50 A7 14046 5 COLL7--7N T43AIKA ART WORK SOL 0 23 -3625- 000 -00 140747 05/07/8 5 -------4.90 MAkI—'ON YARD ART WORK SCLO 23-36-255--0076-00 1,2 II 4:90 14 01? 4 -6 -? 5 MOOI--- BUSINESS CTR CAPITAL OUTLAY 10-4900-600-60 19470.JD 14 a7 5 0 15/13/85 2,575.00 M 9 M HYDRAULICS CONT REPAIRS 10-4248-560-56 140.7517 05 /1378 —5 5--o3D— M & 4 11YORAULICS PARTS 10-4-6-2--0560-56 29630.00 * 144751 - ---05%13/15 27*30 WATEqCO INC GEN SUPPLIES 40-4504-805-80 27.).D, * 7. 71 72 7 140,752 05/13/85 63912 TRAFFIC LINES CO GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 301 -30 T.) 63.12 * 7A 7- 7c, 1985 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE CHECK REGISTER 05-20-85 PAGE 20 AMOUNT VE4DOI ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NQ-t INV. # PsOo # M.ESSA_GiE_ 140753 95/13/85 399.0 39]oj 140754 CONT REPAIRS 45.`- 3 _-.0-5/13/85 46.! 140755 05/13/85 13ol 0 MECO 13.( 140,756 ;5/13/85 93 - 140,757 35/13/85 261.7 10-4620-560-56 260.'. 140758 35/13/85 175.7 175.0 140759 CONCESSIONS 59236.0 0 59236.J 140760 '35/13/85 64.1 0.--- DAY-II.ST 64ol 140761 9.5 /13/85 42.3 42.1 14.0.76 2 05/13/85 ACM-_- wrND)W CLEANING CONT SERV 10-4200-375-30 --28.5 28*5 140,763 05/13/85 5- 113.1 110.0 140764 95/13/85 339*5 339o5 14U.765 05/13/85 24.9 140,755 15/13I85 .4*J 140765 15/13/85 4.0 _140,765 05/13/85 1293 14UM ___b5fl3i95_ U 4.13 REPAIRS 10- 4248- 520- 52__ 40.P 140766 5/13/85 —____ 17.5 140.767 05/13/85 180.0 0 180.0 140.768 05/13i85 85.1 3 0 C ANNIS SEWER INC 85.0 140.769 05/13/85 54.0 140769 05/13/,85 54 90 CyLrN)-ZR :rTT CONT REPAIRS 10-4248-560-56 3 PI 0 MECO PARTS 10-4620-560-56 o ,- 4--N AUTOMOTIVE CO____PAR_TS 10-4620-560-56 4 SU8U_RRl%N DAlR_T___DIS_T CONCESSIONS 27-4624-664-66 0 0.--- DAY-II.ST INVEWTORY 50-4630_862-86._____.__ r. 0 ACM-_- wrND)W CLEANING CONT SERV 10-4200-375-30 D. 0 LAND 0 LAKES WOODS CDNSTRUCTION 27-1300-000-00 7 FERWYN WALKER 27-4208-667-66 7 _MILEAGE U T-I-EIVEr 3l0.S._______.CO�NT REPAIRS 10- 4248- 520- 52__ 0 —____ 0 AM WATER WORKS ASSN DUES 40- 4204 - 803 -80 0 3 0 C ANNIS SEWER INC CONT REPAIRS 10-4248- 646- 64 41 0 XEROK GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 510 -51 4J 1 0 J H LARSOI REPAIR—PARTS 28- 4540 - 708- 70..-- 0. J H LARSON CORRECTION __________, 30 -4540- 811 -80 0 J H LARS04 REPAIR PARTS 30:4540-811-80 3 J H LARSON REPAIR PARTS 40- 454_0- 811 -80 3 J M LARS04 REPAIR PARTS 40-4540-81-1 --80 3 AUTO SOUNp ENTRONIX '- CCNT REPAIRS 10-4248-560-56 °,+ 3 I MAS04 CUTT_rRS CONT REPAIRS 40- 4248 - 803 -80 PRO EQUIP RENTAL INC EQUIP RENTAL 10-4226-646-64 IRS PERMITS 50Z4_310;820-82 3 IRS PERMITS 50-4310-840-84 1993 C OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE CHECK ;TER 05-20-8. GE 21 AMOUNT V-rNDOl ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO* INV. # P.O. N MESSAGE 140769 05/13/85 54.00 IRS PERMITS 50-4310-860-86 162.00 140770 35/13/85 226.90 MAGNUS04 SOD SOD 10-4562-642-64 5 226.80 140771 05/13/85 19560.00 WEHiMAN COYSULT CONSTRUCTIh 10-1455-000-00 19563.30 14(17 7e 95/13/85 33.50 STATE 03CUMENT CTR DOCUMENTS 10-4502-490-49 33.50 140773 05/13/85 400-33 RUSS MORBERS INST FEE 23- 4100 - 614 -61 16 400.10 • 2 135/13/85 36.33 JEAN HIEFELE INST FEE 23-4100-614-61 2 L14Q774 36.30 14QF75 05/13f85 354.50 ACTION MAILING PRINTING 10-4600-627-62 354.50 140776 j5/13/85 150.00 DANNY : ONSTRUCTION CONT REPAIRS 10-4248-461-46 150.30 • 140,117 35/13/95 206.86 METq) GLASS GLAZING GEV SUPPLIES 10-4504-446-44 -31 206.86 3- 140778 05/13/85 99196.00 VEIT & CO CONSTRUCTION 10-1455-000-00 99196.30 J31, 141.719 05/13/85 19412.33 BAILEY NUISERY PLANTS TREES 10 -4560- 643 -64 140.783 05/14/85 96 7. 18 KELLY SERVICES INC CONT SERV 10-4200-600-60 9670.8 140.761 0,5/14/85 13*13, DUNE BUGGY SUPPLY CONT REPAIRS 28- 4248 - 707 -70 13.10 1407872 125/14/85 200.00 HENNEPIN :TY TREES RUBBISH REMOVAL 10-4250-353-30 203*10. 14u.783 0,5/14/85 125000 GOVT TRIA14ING SERV CABLE TV 10-2148-000-00 140.783 ----- 05/14/ 8 5 - ---252*]D GOVT TRAINING SERV CONF 10-4202-140-14 377-0 140.784 3,5/14/85 191.22 XERO(l COR'3, 19 EQUIP RENTAL 10-4226-510-51 140785 05/14/85 -72-o6l NAOMI JOHNSON SUPPLIES 23-4504-611-61 lei T2 14(1786 1.5/14/85 34*30 DA Wit =REV CL4,SS REFUND 23-3500-000-00 140,787 05/14/85 3400 DIAN 11,11LBRATH CLASS REFUND 23-3500-000-00 `vun czr, CHECK NO. Or cooxA DATE cwccm ncsrmrcn us~zo~os pxsc zz ^ i 34.30 � PAtRIC14 (APIALL CLASS REFUND 23-3500-000-00 -1—' � ----1 40,Tri ilkfa 5 DANNY BERr-NBEP.G CLASS REFUND 23-3500-000-00 140790 4"-N-S CLASS REFUND 23-356da-006-00 v / -1_- � � 21 .3,0 � 140792 J.5/1 21.60 SUSA4 D-rWIT CLtSS REFUND 23-3500-000-00 14U?93 J5/15/85 341 .75 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES REGisfRATION 10- 4 202-100-10 � '-~''- ^~'~~' '~~'~ ^^~~J 3F ~~ C^'^E" ~E~^"'°°`^"~ '"-`"""-'~"-"~ � | .,,... ,~.,,,^ 32.00 ASSOC ^ Of ``.." RE°/°."°.I"N .v~."vc~wv~,v � 14Q794 05/15/85 16.3,0 ASSO: OF METRO REGISTRATION 10-4202-140-14 1 4U.795 05/15f85 371.25 LESSMANYSP,ALDING RANGE SUPPLIES 27-4637-663-66 � - 140.796 U5/15/851 1 50.00 GUARANTlY TILE INC REFUND 66-1110-000-00 - ' 140797 05/15/85 89169.00 ITEN CIAEV "7 � 140798 U5/15/85 74*25 AMSCO GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-482-48 � | � 140,799 05/15/85 474912 OLIN CORP RADIO EQUIP 10-4914-421-42 va 140.8JJ 05/15/85 224*51 THRIFY RENT A CAR EQUIP RENTAL 10-4226-420-42 � mx � _ 1 onun _05/15/8 / - «» 1 : � _ _~� -___-~� - - - -'' 1*ou J " sw ` --_---__ - 199-5 CITY 0-- EDINA CHECK NO. DATE CHECK REGISTER 05-20-85 PAGE 23 1 AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NOe INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 25.63 • 2 F COURSE DUES 27- 4204 - 662 -66 3 4 100 .10 • 7 5715 8 5 51-1.0 AM PJBLIC WORKS DU7- S 10-4204-260-26 50.30 140.80$ 0i5/1j-%85 .15 ---§kW-t4Ak-idj It k--Pk-j-9f- FIG SKATING 10-2235-000-00 TT 56.15 • 14 SHOW EXPENSES 10-2 2 35--ddo- 00 J 2,026:3.0 • i 140.810 0.5/15%$5 09046003 SERVICES 40-422 61-80 to 21 8046.03 nl 5 CITY OF RrCMFIELD,. LIGHT 9 POWER 10-4252-345-30 21 163.3.1 2. 140.812 05/15/85 210*31 STRdAA ROSCOE CONSTRUCTION -- - = -- 60-1270-000-00 -- 140812 05/15/85 2970206 STRGAR ROSCOE CONSTRUCTION 60-1300-262-04 2*912.47 • **-CKS 3. 2739203.67 FUND 10 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 14.04 FUND 20 TOTAL PARK DEPT 31 2,232.40 FUND 23 TOTAL WRT CENTER 31 - 72.63 -232 - -49 —FUND FU40 ?6 TOTAL SWIMMING POOL FUND Hand typed checks Vs 62177, 62178 3 11 6 --2f—fdTAL GOLF COURSE FUND 62184 thru 62192 4 :4 57:2 3 FU4D 28 TOTAL RECREATION CENTER FUND 265.34 --#Uij--40---TbT-AL -36 FUND 29 TOTAL GUN RANGE FUND Computer checks Vs 63513 thru 63748 165 7.1.2 909592*81 FUND 50 TOTAL LIQUOR DISPENSARY FUND 3,632.47 FU4D 60 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION FUND 41 4-1 13-9218.00 FUND --65—TOTAL IMP BOND REDEMPTION FUND - 15.0*90 FUID 66 TOTAL IMP BOND REDEMPTION #2 3o TOTAL 12 56 TAYMENT 51 51, rHEOK REGISTO, tAMD-ffZzl;y 5p 62 6. F. 1721 70 71 •7 74 73 s r 1995 OF 701NA CHECK STER 04 -30 -8 1GE 1 CHECK ;u0. DATE AMOUNT V:ND04 ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N0. INV. X P.O, 0 MESSAGE -- -- U99n67 J5 /77/85 7.29 CAPITAL CITY DISTR! 50- 4628 - 822 -82 - - - - - -- -- MANUAL (� 0991,61 05/177/85 567,94 CAPITAL CITY DISTRI 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL OY9 ^67_ 05 /87/851.94.3�J _ ,_ ,____.___CAPITAL C- ITY__DI5TR5 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL + 099967 - � 05/07/PS 2.25 CAPITAL CITY DISTR* +50 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 099--67 J5/:7/R5 75.90 CAPITAL CITY DISTRI 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL • 099 ^,07 -_ j5/ ^7185 .90 CAPITAL CITY DISTRI 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL_ I,,I ' 848.49 • - .__ -._ �_ _ s F ° a.raaa CKS y °1 099129 05/07/85 19507.33 BELL30Y 50- 4626- 822 -82 MANUAL I " 099129 j5/07185 19204.80 - BELLBOY 50- 4626- 842 -84 MANUAL "I 0991 _ - -� - -- 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL -- -- -- - -. -.. - - - - -- - ----- - - - - -- 5 9536.85 - - -- e ..... . . *;-CKS I1O _ U99135 _ _35/0.7/85 2.40- EAGL. WIN= 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL a U99135 25/07185 27.15- EAGLE WINE 50- 3710.822 -82 -- - - -- - MANUAL - r �201 099135 U5/07/85 24.61- EAGL_ WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 0991 35 - -_ - _. 05/0718` _- -. .48- EAGLE WIN_ __ 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL �' =; 099135 5/P7/85 .48- EAGL= PINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL w " 099135 '75/07/85 5.81- EAGLE dII�E 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL a+ 099135_ -___ 05/1.7/85 - 19357.45 _ EAfL= QINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 29 499135 ;'5/0.7/85 119.75 EAGLE WINE _ _ 50 -4628- 822 -82- _ MANUAL ti 26 U99135 115107/85 23.95 EAGL_ WINE 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL �! "I 099135 _ ]5/f)71a5___ -- 23.95 EAGLE WINE J_ 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 099135 J5/P7/85 19230.47 EAGLE JANE - - -_ _ 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL _ 0.991 35 05/1,7/85 291.40 EAGLE WING 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL � 29985.04 • - 13� _ _23 444444 aaa -CKS ° 099139 ,5/177185 39.3 L�- cj PHILLIPS S0- 3710 - 8222 -82 MANUAL b 099138 05/.?7/85 10.52- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710- 822 -82 MANUAL 099138 U5/r7/85 19.73- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 699139- v 5 %CI /85 10.2 - ED PHILLIPS 0- 37i� =8 842 -8 4 _ MANUAL y 099138 U5 /C7 /85 18.74- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL '!W It 1799138 05/07/85 14.20- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 09913,9 J5/ ^7/85 22.06- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL _ b " C99138 05/07/85 12.55- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL V9 t2 099133 05/07/85 .78- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL ^3 099138 u5/C7/85 7.52- ED PHILLIPS 5U -37 i0- 862-86- _ _ HANUAL 2r 44 099138 j5 /0-7/85 53.24 - ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 'Ar 09913A J5/C7/85 1,949.95 50- 4626- 822 -82 MANUAL 0,99138 u5 /C 7/85 19102.95 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626- 842 -84 MANUAL - lei C99138 09_1_139_ 05/177/85 05111.7/85 2966205 986.5D ED P9TLLIPS ED PIILLI2S 50- 4626- 862 -86 50 -4 462_8- 82_2 MANUAL - 099138 US /C7/85 526.00 ED PHILLIPS -82 50.4628- - _MANUAL 5►'' =' 099138 05/07/85 936995 ED PHILLIPS 822 -82 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL MANUAL 114 099135 - -_- 1:567/95 -_, 5 10-3 5 - E0_P�IH,.ILLJR 50 -4628- 842 -84_- MANUAL ' 09i�133 X5/2.7/85 641.90 ED P�IILLI23 _.- -_ _ 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 'y 53 54 099139 U991 -33 J5/E7185 65/07/85 627.25 39013 ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628- 862 -86 50 -4628- 862.86 MANUAL MA4UAL i ,41 5' 099138 05/07/85 376.20 ED PHILLIPS __ 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL IV 58 198.5 CITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. CATE AMOJNT V'-f N ) OR CHECK REGISTER ITEM DESCRIPTION 04-30-85 PAGE 2 ACCOUNT NO* INV. # P.O. N MESSAGE 4 68.00- ED P-41LLIDS INVENTORY 50-4632-842-84 MANUAL 109218.26 • *•-CKS ____0991 9c. -Q.5 /-U-? 18 5 22.90- GBjGG5_C,.0.OP_ER -A NIS- 50-3710-822-82 MANU AL UY91 9c, u5 /C7 5 rf 18- 23, GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 3710- 842- 84 MANUAL U991 9n, ^5/0+7/85 47.29- GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50-3710-862-06 MANUAL -OY91 W! 05/C71F5 6 .66 __GR lGGS -COOPEfk--A-ND--C-. _- 50-37 - I 0-862-8 6 MANUAL UY91 9n J5/?7185 19144.75 GRIGGS COOPER AND C - - 5-04626-822-82 MANUAL 099193, L5/C/185 11191.50 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50-4626-842-84 MANUAL - ____21"VC 7ft5 _3.339�24- 50-4626-862-86 3 099190, L;5/c7/e5 2064 *39- GRIGGS COOPER AND C _MANUAL___- MANUAL 49?80.34 • ***-CKS .-U992i'1 5/�7 IP5 --- 124.14- IlTEICONTIMEVIAL, PK 50-3710-82 - 2-82 MANUAL 99 '2 O5/07/p5 27.53- INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 3710- 842 -84 MANUAL 099271 U 5107 185 3.95- TNT---ICOIJTTNENTAL PK 50- 37 10-842- 84 MANUAL L099271 'Y" 7" 11 '?5 /C7 /85 61207.32_ -___ -_ INTERCONTINENTAL-PK _50-4626-822-82.__ MANUAL 099271 75/07/85 33.90 TI'1TZICONTI4ENTAL PK 50- 4626- 822 -82 MANUAL 099271 35/07185 197.80 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 099271 35/C7/85 10.50 _lC__ 3- _jNE4TA INTr 0 T L ___ - PK 50- 46 28- 842- 84 MANUAL 099271 U5/07/85 1.2� INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 4628- 842 -84 .- lw-ANUAL 099271 05/07/85 1 93?6 *94 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL ***-CKS OV? 285 3519718! 3.57- JOHNSON WIVE 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL U992N5 J5 /C7 /85 3.32- JOHNSON WINE 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL U99 295 --JOHN30N-.WI!IE-- 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL 099255 5 / 0 7 18 5 6.12. JOHNSON WINE 50-'3710-822--82 MANUAL OV ? 285 j5/r7185 8.51- JOHNSON WIVE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL U99 2M 5.,-. 5 /0 7 /E 32.57- _.JO_HNS.PN_W=I -NE- 50- 3 710- 842- 8 4 MANUAL 099 285 115/'!7/35 9.96- JOHNS011 WIVE 862-86 MANUAL 099295 ')5 /C7/ F 5 623 JOHNSON WINE 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL C99 2F5 JS/C7 /8 -5_. ____301.- 43_______ SON - JOHN __W 1 -4. E 50-4626-822-8? _ MANUAL lj992F5 -5/'7185 723.25 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626- 822 -82 MANUAL CY9295 U- 5/07/R5 3*30 JOHNSOI WINE 504626822-82 MANUAL .099265 r!5/L7/95 1.82-JOHNSON T 50- 4626;822 =82 MANUAL i"I 09928.5 j5/01/85 3.00 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 099285 u5/C7/85 183.90 JOHNSON WINE 50-4628-822-82 MANUAL C992P5, ___05/^.719 r)--- - - - J 0 H N S Q.4 W I-N E -50- 4628 -- 822- 82- _-- _•._._ - - MANUAL -. e99285 05/07/85 60 JOHNSON WINE 50-4626-822- MANUAL 0992,Q5 .5/'7/85 27.30 JOH4SU'd WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL V 2.5 5 J HN3__QN_._Rj.9LE 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL OY9295 -/. -7/135 -15/C7/85 --3.30 425 *?6 JOHNSOI WINE 50-�4628-842-84 MANUAL 099235 05/07/85 11633.50 JOHNSON WINE 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 099285 li 5. f C7.1 15 9.10 _-JOHNSON,-WI.14E 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 099 285 u5/07/8 10.48- JOHNSON WINE 56-4628-862-86 MANUAL 799245 L'5/07/85 498.JO JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628- 862 -86 FIANUAL 3,891.35 ••• CKS ✓ 1985 OF FD INA CHECh D;,TE AMOUNT 099433 0,5/07/95 3.40 099433 C5/07/P'_ 135.44 09943 3 04/17/85 103.63 242.92 17 F_ C99 4 35 05/07/85 _6.79 - C99455 65 /C I t 8 5 8.93- (),I Y 4 3 5 115/0,//85 339.61 T 099435 j5 t? 7 / F 5 446*60 770.49 • 099451 ;;5/07/85 56.15- 099451 )5/07/8 27.7C- "' 099451 — 05%',17/55 51 .23- 099451 05/07/8 61920- C994.)1 ;5/07/85 .55- CY945 1 05/-17/-95 35.26- C99451 35/C7 /95 4.46- ^99451 J5/0_7/85 21.5_6 - 099451 j5/C,7185 .59 x99451 J5107/85 20.97- CY94.51 J5 /f7 / q 5 .13 099451 J5/i.'7/85 099451 05 107 /85 .^6 -- __099451 J5/CT/85 15.42- r,,99451 05/07 5 .21 1199411 05111181 31.04- 1 099451 ',;5 /07 /85 2.58- 099451 15%07/85 1 078.20 1199451 75 /�1/85 912*61 __n994_5 5 1 C 5 /01 /85 030 0.994 f 5%0.7/85 1.552.32 CY94 5 1 U5/C7/85 .00 099451 _05/07%85 27*95 r99 45 1 05/07/85 . 00 099 451 J5/ ^.7/85 29.95 - 099451 1.5/117/8_5 223.01 _69" 4 4 �, 1 1,15/07/85 1 9762*77 dO 099451 05/07185 .31 099 45 1 75/C7/85 6.60- 099451 5 1-67 f- 8 5 3.30- 099451 05/0.7/85 1 9148.86 099451 05/01185 77 .1.40 .40 1199451 05/C7/85 10091- 099451 U5/C7 /85 129*35 79111.16 • 34 094540, j 5/01 /85 6*74- I* CHECK STER 04-30-8 1GE 3 Vr_* 4 D 0 R ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NOs INV. I P.O. h ..c.SSAGE PAusris & SONS 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL PAUSTTS & SONS 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL PAusrTs & so,4s INVENTORY 50- 4630- 862 -86 MANUAL ***-CKS PRIOR WINE _,CO 50- 3710- 822 -82 —__ MANUAL PRIDR WINE CO 50- 3710 _- 842 -84 -- - MANUAL PRIOR WINE CO 53-4628-822-82 MANUAL PRIOR WINE CO 50-4628-842-84 ------ MANUAL-, *-**-CKS QUALITY WIVE 50 -3700- 822 -82 MANUAL QUALITY WINE 50- 3_7+]0- 8_22 -82 MANUAL '6UWLiiy_ DINE_ 50-3dd MANUAL QUALITY WINE 50-3700:862-86 MANUAL QUALITY wr*4E - --- _______50-3710-822_-82 MANUAL QUALITY WINE 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL QU4E1'fV WINE 5'J- 3710 - 822 -82 - — --- � MANUAL ------- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL QUALITY WINE - - MANUAL QUALITY W14E 50 -3710- 842 -84 MANUAL QUALITY WINE 59-3710-842-84 MANUAL QUALITY WINE 50-3710-842-84 MANUAL dVA_ L:f-T Y—WIN_ 50-3710-'862 ;�86___ MANUAL GUALITY WINE 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL QUALITY ITY MINE 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL QUALIfi WIFNE 50-4626-822-82 MANUAL QUALITY WINE 50-4626-842-84 MANUAL -QUALITY WINE 50- 4626- 862 -86_ -.-MANUAL QUALITY WINE 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL QUALITY WINE 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL .QUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -8.2 . 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INV. # P.O. 0 MESSAGE .(3�- U9954'0 9 5 4 TWIN IN CITY WINE 50-3 710- 862- 86 MANUAL 9 54 r 337oO6 05 /Q 7 f F 5 7. 50..--- CITY _WINE._ -_ _50- 4628- 842 -84 ANUAL C')954C) 5/,)1/85 69.42 TWIN CITY WINE 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 099540 .155/)7/85 1.8'9 TWIN CITY WINE 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 407.66 7 ***-CKS 1_2 t- ^, 04/17/85 29000.90 U S POSTMASTER POSTAGE 10- 4290- 510 -51 MANUAL 29000.00 *.CKS 1',5554 ,14/23 /R5 69 6 9 79_______M INN E GA SCO_ HEAT 10-4254-446-44 MANUAL 11.5354 04/23/85 59605-97 MINNEGASCO HEAT �4,-_500--5 MANUAL 11-5354 04/23/85 19121 .99 MINNEGASCO HEAT 10-4254-520-52 MANUAL 11!5354 ___n4/2 -3!F5_ 5,393.12 MINNEGASCO MANUAL - --- - ___HEA T 10-4254-540-54 1-!5354 04 /23 / 8 5 19138.17 MIN4EGXSCO HEAT 10- 4254 - 646 -64 MANUAL 115354 04/23/85 1 303.R9 MINNEGASCO HEAT 20-1130-000-00 MANUAL 1:5354 X4123/85- 6 2 . RD M I NN E G A S C K EA T ________23-4254-61_1-61__._ MANUAL zi 1- 5354 J4/23/85 29366.28 MINNEGASCO HEAT 26-4254-689-68 MANUAL 1''5354 74/23/85 989.73 MTN4:-'GASCO HEAT 27-4254-661-66 MANUAL ,___.1),5354 04423/85 132.1 1 -MINN--GASCJ HEA-T 27-4 2 54- 66 2- 66 MANUAL 1C 5354 ^4/23/E5 224.18 MINNEGASCO HEAT 28- 4254- 708 -70 MANUAL 1-5354 04/23/85 171.03 MINNrGASCO HEAT 40-4254-801-80 MANUAL 1 ^_5354 04/23/85 2 3 61 .4 6 10. IN"):'GA S CO -.-,-tIEAT 40- 4254 - 803 -80_- MANUAL 1--5354 44/23/85 1 34.90 MTNN;GASCJ HEAT 50- 4254- 821 -82 MANUAL 48 105354 04/23/F5 152.75 MTIJ%EGASCO HEAT 5J- 4254 - 841 -84 MANUAL Y'535.4 -, 04/23/85 ?O 3 . �3 M N NE G A 5 HEA T 50- 4254 - 861 -86 MANUAL 229663.60 ***-CKS 1_' 5 3 8,j =5/156/85 109277.15 TfHCMSEN NYBECK SERVICES 10-4100-220-22 MANUAL Arc Csfl LI97fxC -in - -3Z 3 5 ! , I 7 UAI 29 .5 54. i9 .***-CKS- K5 391 !!4/17/85 276.43 NS POWERS ELECTRIC 10-4252-301-30 MANUAL U 5391.___.____Q44 j��!5 - ELECTRIC 10-4 2 52-321- 30 MANUAL 1 2�3 2 _04 B§�_?IWERS 1;'5391 U 4/17 /3 5 12,142.40 NS P3W-rfRs ELECTRIC 10- 4252 - 321 -30 -MANUAL 11,5391 C4 /17 /E5 19911o49 NS POWERS ELECTRIC 10-4252-330-30 MANUAL 1:53v1 1..41_17 -/85 NS 10- 4252 - 345 -30 MANUAL 1:5391 ^4/17/85 50.94 ELECTRIC 10-4 2 52- 358- 30 MANUAL 1[ 5391 U.4 /11 /8 5 29020.26 ELECTRIC 10-4252-375-30 MANUAL l.'.. 5 39 1. ^4/1.7/95_ 74,37 TRIC 10 -4252- 440 -44 MANUAL 1 - _1:.5591. -- 105391 r,4/17/85 39.63 ELECTRIC 10-4252-460-46 MANUAL 1'!5391 04/17/85 272.56 ;;RT4:*RN STATES 1;5391_ 4 / 17 / ELECTRIC 10- 4252 - 500 -50 MANUAL 0 0 6- e.3 G- 5L E. C T R I C__ 10-4252-520-52 MANUAL 1:.5391 (14/17/8 5 19334.69 ELECTRIC 10-4252-540-54 MANUAL 1.:5391 v4/II/85 15.20 ELECTRIC 10-4252-629-62 MANUAL - _s ELECTRIC 10-4252-646-64 _MANUAL 125 3 ? I_ QA/l ZIU 6 3 09 5 1_5391 U4 117 /8 5 693*19 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 20-1130-000-00 MANUAL w, ­! I I- �w 5. hr gr ti sr 19F 5 Y OF :D INA CHECK NO. !).:TE AMOUNT CHECK ISTER 04-30-' "AGE VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO• INV. 4 P.O. %MESSAGE 5 1,5391 Q4 %1 /755 60.25 BELL ELECTRIC 23=4 4PP- 1-61 _­____.___._ MANUAL . 1U 5391 114/17185 51.37 54.95 NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC 26- 4252 - 689 -68 MANUAL _____1`15391 _- ..._____0,4/1 7/85 999699 0,4/23/85 92020 ELECTRIC 27- 4252 - 661- 66 MANUAL 5- 3_0 X4/17/95 58.2-4 I - '15346 LE CT R I C - -. -_ 27-4252-662-66 MANUAL 1D.5 3 9 1 1'.:+.5391 u4 /11 /85 49965.26 1153 96 ELECTRIC 28- 4252- 708 -70 MANUAL I;I� ----- - 1,1 5391 L;4/17/85 320.66 MANUAL ELECTRIC 29- 4252- 721 -72 109.82 f1 .5 � 391 0,4/17795 29364.49 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 40 -4252- 801 -80 ----MANUAL MANUAL 1-15591 04/17/85 163994- NSP 10-4256-646-64 CORRECTION 40- 4252- 803 -80 MANUAL e 1:=5391 L14/17 18 5 - 163.94 NORT4ERN STATES ELECTRIC, 40-4252-804-80 MANUAL i 64%17/ 8 NORTHER,,11 STATES ELECTRI 26- 4256 - 689 -68 MANUAL 105591 24/17/95 163.94 NSP NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC 40-4252:804-80 MANUAL e 115391 04/17/85 485.46 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 50-4252-821-82 MANUAL 1,5391 U4/17/85 678.67 NORTHERN SffTff_§____'Ct_CT AR�__ 50-4252-841-84 BELL 1)5391 04/17/85 336922 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 50-4252-861-86 MANUAL BELL PHONE 559713*23 MANUAL I15396 J4/23/85 210*30 NORTHWESTERN BELL PHONE 40- 4256- 803 -80 MANUAL e 1 ;5396 -C4/ - 231?5 * **- CKS _**.*.-CK_S_ _ I I -, on, � 19�5 on OF �ozmA c*Ecn ncszsrcn u^~so~os pxsc o � cHIccx NO. uArc xnuuwr ocm3uR xrsw ocmcpzprznm xccouwr wo° zmw° w p°o. o mcoSxnc � ` !�|~ vna.xs -°°^-cxo _ -/" ^ nocvo `w�r�o� �as.�� comv np n�xcwoc o«sn��mc vo~*a�a~sao~s� xowux� '' ~ |"/ [ ~ /�}--------' _ - ----'---- ^°°^°° °°°~cno � ,| 1--.6135 --15 /^7/8 5 -------------.9.46------'EAm,c'-WINE ---50-3710-822-82--'-'--' - - m»Nu«L '!|~ . 1p6 13 5 zm~r m5 .rx cAnL--- uzmc 50- 37 10-84 2-84 mxwuxL ' 1-16135 _ (35 /L/8 5 13--_-__--cunL E-�z� 10-842 rxmuAL__|] j.'| 1-6135 oo/orms ^n^oo~ EAGLE Wzms sn~orvu~e6a~ua n«mu»L | |./ c�1 3 5 uxvor m5 13. 71- EAGLE mrmE so~sv1O-aaa~oo ~ nxmuxL � ` 1o6135 J5/7rm5 ------- _-__----_43z°��----_-_-sxn��-�zw ����m~8J�-��-_-_---- nxwuxL 1l6135 zs 71 e5 4.16~ cusLc uzm_- 56~*62 8~842~8 4 - -- _ PxwuxL ._|. 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Ica1po u»/-rvno mr.ns~ oxznto cnopcn AND c mxmoxL 1 J.61 9u o5 /prm5 5. 51- nnIsao conpcn xmn c so~nr,o~o*z-u* e^wuxL - .-� - lcu,pu - uxm? /xz_ *a.20r.--_-_snIao�cVopcn.» 50_or10-00a~o�___ oxwuoL 1s 61 90 u5 /U7 /8 5.51~ anIssn coopcx AND c sn~sr`o~oaa~oo _ pxwoxL .^ 1:619 0, uxhrr,u5 5.15~ onzsno cnopcn AND c 50-37 10-862~86 MxwuxL - � C� %�� - 4� | � 1261 �cu�vo nxvzr�e» ay�no mx�ssa cuopcx �mo o so~�aaa~m*a~A� ----- __ -MANUAL. wxmuxc ~l ~ � 194 5 OF ED INA CHECK ..j. C:TE AMOUNT �'' 1 "?6100 05/07/85 4.392.25 ..I= 1 6190. 05/07/85 257.63 ' %6190 05/r7/R5 21345.10_ 1061 901. u5/:,.7/85 '� -- - -- 275.30 . ' 1U619Q 04/17/85 97.67 8,197.66 n' °! 1 -6207 X4/17/ ?5 1.573.65 v 'I 19503.65 v 14 17, _ 1-6271 U5/n7/85_ 13.72 - 1:'6?11 - 05/O1f-95 35.09- 1 62 71 05/07/85 4.79- 1 6271 J5/ =7/85 147.99 - 62 71 "- - 5 / ^718 5 168.19- 1062f1 05/07 /R5 ?.30- z' 1J'6211 05/!7185 1.71- 1(: 62f1 D 5/.://35 - - - -- 2.70 - r ' 1)p2 fl 1?5/-27/95 686.24 _1['6271 U5/ ^7/85 7,399.78 - ='I 1) 62 71 0510718 5 1X804.27 IC6271 J51i�7/85 46.50 11.6211 05/?7/85 6.70 1762(1 75/,77/,95 3.404.72 r 1:!6271 ;;5 /07/8 5 401 .50 10162 71 C5/ +l/85 1.20_ - ' 1 :62/1 "777705 /177/85 204.•40 vj 'I 1'- 62/1 U5 /C7 /85 4.50 1? 1995 CI T OF _71NA CHECK REGISTER ` - -.. CHECK N ^_. DATE IMOUNT V =NDO? -- __ -. -- MANUAL 1 „6285 - - U5/(,7/85 �!^ 700.90 - JOHNSON WINE MANUAL.___,' __._._.MANUAL 13.62 85 L5 /'1185 7.27 JOHNSON WINE _ _.. MANUAL -1].6285 _ _ i.'S /r7 /1 i`-- 5''- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL c WIN_ _ _ _--__MANUAL 111,62 Q5 u5/r'7185 384.32 JOHNSON WINE 1.90 1 =6285 05/07/85 .9f) JOHM3ON WINE `i 11.6285 __u5/07/85 86. ?4 _.61 ---- JgHVSUNNI_NE ._ MANUAL_ 176285 05/^7/85 71.42 JOHN30N _ WIVE 8 SONS INVENTORY 1'6285 L'5 /C7 /L5 1.Rr) JOHNSON WINE 154.62 • 1 -62x5 _ X5/07[85 ----- - - - -__ 2•70 ,-- _- ._.- -- JOHN50Y_WIWE -- I'1 285 5/77/85 149.99 JOHNSON WINE •►• -CKS _ 1062R5 j 5/! 7 19 5 685.22 JOHNSON WINE "I 1c62Q5 _ .:5/^77Q5_ -__ ___4.5Q.21 n HN S ON WINE___ I" 106235 75/07/85 12.00 JOHNSON WINE 111 .13 f 39474. 37 + OV IJ -CKS 04 -30 -85 PAGE 8 ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. 0 P.O. N MESSAGE 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL 50 -4628- 822 -82 MANUAL - -------- ---- _.-- - -_.__ _50- 4628- 822- 82 - - -- __ -. -- MANUAL 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 59- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 842 -84_ MANUAL.___,' __._._.MANUAL 50 -4628- 842 -84 479.80 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL - -_ -_._ 50- 4628 - 86-2- 86 -_ -_ _ - _ _.. MANUAL S6- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 5''- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 51- 4628- 862- 86_ -_- _--__MANUAL 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL - - - .i. -CKS 'i -� 1 "6429 _ ^4/17/45479. R0 -* INVENTORY - -- 50- 4632- 842 -84 MANUAL 479.80 - - - -- -- -- - - 1 "'6455 �/0.I/F5 1.90 PAUSTIS B SONS 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL ='I 1x6433 05/77!85 _ -_ 86. ?4 _- .PAUSTIS B- SONS 50 -- 4_628- 862 -86 MANUAL_ 17.6453 .4/17/85 65.88 PAUSrIS 8 SONS INVENTORY 50- 4632- 862 -86 _ MANUAL 154.62 • �i f.ffff - -- -- -- ---- - --- -- - -- --- .- -- - - -- - - •►• -CKS _ 1:;6455_ 75- / =�7L85 _ -. - _2.27- - PR_IOR YT N: CQ 50_- 3710 - 862 -86_ MANUAL r .,1, 1-b435 U5/07/85 113.40 PRIOR WIN_ CO _ - -- - 50- 4628 - 862 -86 _ -- MANUAL iD 111 .13 f -CKS 1'1¢ 451 - - !05 /C7 F 5 - - �- - ^ R -- OUALI.T_Y -y N= 50- 3710_- 822 -82- MANUAL 116451 05/L'7/85 2.77- QUALITY WINE _ - 50- 3710 - 822 -82 - MANUAL 1 ".5451 C5/07/35 7. R4- QUALITY WIN- 50- 3710- 822 -82 MANUAL 1,5451 _.n5/07/85 2.51 -____ ._QUALITV_WINE_._ - __. -__ 5!1- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 1 "6451 05/07!85 27.29- QUALITY W ?n�E 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL ' 1'5451 05/C;7/85 5.24- QUALITY WINE 50 -3710- 842 -84 MANUAL ?...._.__1:.6451 4.,92- - QUAL?T.Y .WINE_ V_ 3710- 862- 86 MANUAL 1CS451 J5 /C7 /85 24.52- QUALITY WINE -50- 50- 3710- 862 -86 _ MANUAL 1 "6451 05/07/85 .13 QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 175451 C5/0'7/85.--- - - -� -- 29.72 - -- - -.QUALITY_WINE- --- - -- -- 50 -3710- 862- 86_. MANUAL 1 ^5451 05/ ^7 /R5 3.24- QUALITY --- WINE --...- -_- -- 50- 3710 - 862 -86 - MANUAL _ IC6451 L'5/T7/85 1.364.00 QUALITY WINE 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL I 1 ^5451 ALITY 41NE 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL J` 1'5451 05VT /85 138.89 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628- 822 -82- -___ MANUAL 'I 1D5451 05/C7/85 3.35- QUALITY WINE 50 -4628- 822 -82 MANUAL "�._ .. 1.'5451 05/ 7 /85 392.43 QUALITY_ WINE.- _____50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 1"5451 C5/:7f85 125.70 QUALITY WINE _ _ 57- 4628- 842 -84 144NUAL 1'•5451 05/u7/85 262.20 QUALITY WIN= 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL - 1CS451 75/.7_/85 _ 246.13 OUel2TT_ WIN_ 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL � 10,6451 05/Of/85 162.24 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 _ _ _ _ MANUAL .5- ~ 1985 ' OF cn/w^ cmEcx ' nrcm 04~30~8' sc 9 'c*ccx .. oxrc unwowr vcwoop zrcm ucscwzpTzow ^ccOwmr mo° zww" w p°o° w ...ssxsc t | � �/. 19226*18 QUALITY WINE —iiAk6AL 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL � , r 1,06451 (15/07/85 6* 7P- QUALITY WINE 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 59457°33 suno" wcxLxm mosp 10~4156~510~51 ���—���-----�M4muAL�- ~^ mw '' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- � � � � 1L7 C-5 5 04/23/8 5 135*96 BR AEMAR, GOLF PET TY CASH 27-4120-663-66 MANUAL .""'' .-,.~'"' °°."" um°="x° GOLF PETTY CAS" 27~4202~660~66 nxmuuL ^ ~~r 1)7C55 04/23/85 2200 BRAE MARI GOLF PETTY CASI; 27-4 2 90- 660- 66 MANUAL 10IC55 C4/23/85 21.19 OR A--- MA R GOLF PETTY CASH 27- 4 504- 661- 66 MANUAL MANUAL � 101 (,� 5 04/23/?5 4.08 BRAEMaR GOLF PETTY CASH 27-45 40- 660- 66 MANUAL ~~ .=,"^, "°,^,,", 9.94 ox"cnxw *vLr PETTY Cx^w 27~4624~664~66 nmvuxL / ~, ***-CKS ~ 510.- 51 MANUAL "~ ° 05/061�! 46.91 AT & T PHONE 10-4256-628-62 MANUAL !./ ' . . _-_._ G^.--.~' ,-,.~ AT ~ . PHONE nxwoxL ' 168,3e ° ~ ' � ~ 3S 1081J18 r4/23/8! 13995 �� AT & ! r�vuoxo� *°s� xr�� --'— --AxmuuL ^� ludO18 uwzoxon 9.10 x T u n rcLEpnomc 50~42 56~8 21~8 2 Mxmu*r ~ __..�,�� nxmuxc ' ��°�p ---- - or ' - ^ ` --__'*°*-Cxs | *~ 1.16354 L.*/23v85 29650.93 mz NNE oxScu . eco7 28~4 25*~70 8~70 mxmoxL / | � �/. 04/23/85 95,000.00 'BANK TRANSFER 50-1010-000-00 —iiAk6AL - .~ ~~ - . °°~cxs ^� 133il 98 0*,23,85 59457°33 suno" wcxLxm mosp 10~4156~510~51 ���—���-----�M4muAL�- ~^ mw '' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- � - ,vm c11r, or cnrm~ c*ccx ocmzorcn - n*~oo~os pxnc m � ,. c*ccv wm. oArc A°ounr x ND OR Ircw ocucnIprzom xccuwmr NO. zmx. ~ o P.O. w mcsnxsc � ~/ | ~,-..~~~ °^°-cws �| � - c**zu u4/2 3vu5 18,986.26 orxrc rac^uuxcn pcnx cnmr 10~41*5~510-5 1 wxwuw' r 18.98606 ^/ ^°°~cnc . - r9 4u 34/23/e5 10 9655.49 p *p oosp 10~*156~510~51 ' nAmoxc 109655.49 i - oKS ~ 1 ~� nvxa - _L:4_/231/9_5_________8,545q48 -S c� o,545.m ° _ 'M»w»«L � -*°°~cwS. �|^ 1120 95 o5 /ra/nn 41.39 COMM op nco uxLcn rxx 100~3357~000~00 mAmouc � � 11zu95 u,cu<"5 -_-- COMM OF REV -'_-___-__---SALES 'TAX --_-_____---_ 23~3357_000~00 wxmuAL 11 2095 05 /r6/x5 332 .55 COMM OF REV u^Lcs rxx 27~3 3 57-00 0~0 0 wxnuAL � |_ 11 21_Y5 0 5 /r6m5 110.46 COMM OF nr- x mxLca TAX 27-3357 -000-00 ou ^ wxmuxL - 11 2095 _����h� �357-000-00 ,�V_ cn �_� n�muo� ' . 11209 5 n» mo: 914.60 COMM OF x:x SALES rxx 40~3 3 57~000~00 nxmoxL 11 2U95 u5/r61F5 69601 .66 cnon OF vcx uxccu rxn 50~3 357~001~00 wxmuoL � ` 112�'95 05/j6/n5 -12 9752.00. �n�� 0�-x� �u�ca_Ixy___sV_���r��o�~ou wxmu«c . -'' , ��zov� o�rom� 119631.31 COMM OF ncx SALES 7xx ao~onsr~oos~oo wxmum -|' 329355.37 ° ~ °°°~cna , 'U 1122-11 c�o�/oI-----_-_-__�»».Nl -nnza�s �csp _l�xc�T�n�5Or46»0-&2 2- Oz-'--- MANUAL ��z�-r c^/�s�x5 �,nv�.�s ersm� o��x zxmcmronv uO~��so~aaz~uo �xwu�� ~ ] '--- --- 19657.75 ° ~ _ °°°-cnn 112467 �w/zsynl___-_----_'- 91.79 �__-_--�mlA�-n 50c46 30c862-V6 w»wu»L � 1 391 .70 ° ~ / / °^°~cxo ' ! ] nncar 0 5 11,117 /9 5 2.717 cup�*L CITY ozorcz 50 *azm oaa ua - mxwuxL '- 1/sou/ ox/owu� n~ra____-_ c^pIrAL-czrv-oIar �0~oazV-mz"-nx pxwu^L � 13r67 o51r,7 /o5 *.30 c*pIr^L czry oIy`nI 50~4628~842~84 mxwuAL 13^67 JS /J7/85 xax.*o cwpIrxL CITY ozsrnz 50~*628~842~84 ,xwo^L � 13 val�5 '1 1 st 5 4 1 CqE.I_TA.L_C.j..TY DI -46 28- 842 �xmo*L � � 11auor nx^yr/a» 368.*0~ cxpIrwL cIry oIurnI �n-*oau~u*a�u�---- '-- wxwu*L — ' 11 3r,67 cx/m/ex 47 #98- c^pzr^L cIry ozuTnz 50~46 28~8*2~8 * *^wu^L � 11 3r67 ' 'n5/crxns_-_-___-_-___-47"Yw-_-_-_-c»pIrAL-cIrr-nIoTaI___'_--___-_______.___�o~462a_o4a~V*_- - Mxwu»L � ^ 11 3r67 C5 /85 2.25 cApzrxL cIrr ozsrnz 50~4�28 -862~86 MxmuxL - 11 3U61 r5/n,/85 z.zs~ c*pIrmL cIrr ozurnz 50-*628-862-86 wxwu^L i�..� � 1xct/���C �°%5cupxJx�-�zI�-D�� �V�O���8�-_-_-_ ~aV~uao~am p�wu«� /�` �^! 113067 ox/orfm� 9*°80 cxpzruc czTn nz -- - - MANUAL - 19Y5 � OF EDINA CH'EL., 0. DATE AMOUNT CHECK I ISTER 04-30- 'JAGE 11 VENDOI ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INW- # P.O. 4 MESSAGE � i; 7 5 � --& --- -Q 56;429; W2 66 MANUAL lei 1131 3 F, 113067 OS/ ^.7/85 94.90 CAPITAL CITY OISTRT 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 113133. C'5/C7/85 15.56- 629.99 PHILLIPS 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL 113138 05/-27/85 4.18- ED PHILLIPS 50-3710-822-82 ***-CKS _113133 113129 QS /9 / /85 - ED-P4 -Z-:CL 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL 2 15T7—.5,� B _8 0 Y 50- 4626 - 822 -82 ;- --- .12.67- ED 113129 U5/U7/85 323.39- BELL30Y 50- 4626- 822 -82 MANUAL 7.59- 113129 :5/07/85 1 •681.10 - - BELLBOY 5?- - - 8 2 4-- 6 26 - 822 MANUAL u5/ ^7 /85 113129 05/07/8` 298.'( BELL30Y - - - 50- 4626- 822 -82 MANUAL 1131 3 LS 113129 05/17/85 ' ' 89.90 BELLBOY 50-4626-842-84 MANUAL 4w 113129 05/07/85 2,284.90 BELL30Y 50- 4626- 842 -84 MANUAL MANUAL 113129 05/07/85 .95 BELLBOY 50-4626-842-34 MANUAL 50-3710-862-86 113129 ()5/07/95 260.75 BELL30Y 50- 4626- 842 -84 MANUAL PHILLIPS _.113129 05/67/95 372.50 8FLLB OY , 5/- 7/85 MANUAL ED PIILLIDS 1131 29 U5 /Cf /85 2,954 .13 BELL30Y 50-4626-862-86 MANUAL ED PHILLIPS 113129 125/f7/R5 39099.30 BELLBOY 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL ED 1131 29 - 05/07/85 890.40 .--qELLROY 50- 4626 - 862 -86 —56�4626 MANUAL 54.96- 113129 65/07/85 374.75- B E E L ff-of— --- MANUAL J5 /01/85 113129 05/-21/85 7o436.50 BELLBOY 5f)-4626:862: 86 MANUAL 113138 113129 -k 5 /0 7/85 316.25 BELLBOY 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 113138 05/C7/85 - 249408.55 ED P41LLIPS 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 1131 38 U5 ' '7 /85 10.15- ED -CKS 50-3710-862-86 113135 95/07/85 .60 EAGLE WIN-- 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL PHILLIPS 113135 C5/ ^7/85 12.83- EAGLE WINE 50-3710-842-E4 MANUAL 113135 -25/07185 27.91- EAGLE ;-WIN= ---'50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 113135 65737/85 29.94- EAGLE WIN- 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 11 31 35 113135 05/07/85 -- 641 :65 EAGLE WIN 7- 50-4628-842--.84--.------- MANUAL 05/07/8+5 1,350.44 EAGLE WINE 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 1 9922.91 lei 1131 3 F, 04/23/35 1.24- Ef) P1,ILL2 P3 INVENTORY 50 -3710- 003 -00 MANUAL 113133. C'5/C7/85 15.56- EO PHILLIPS 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL 113138 05/-27/85 4.18- ED PHILLIPS 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL _113133 u 5 V 118 5- ED-P4 I LU 03-- 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL 113138 05/7/85 .12.67- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710- 842 -84 MANUAL 113133 15/`:7/85 7.59- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 113135 u5/ ^7 /85 45.57- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 1131 3 LS 7- C5 /0 i� � 4.42 L 50- 3710 - 842 -86 MANUAL 4w 113138 Ul 5/ L 7/85 10 .15: ED PHILLIPS 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 1-.°l 113138 j 5 Ir, 7 18 5-- 10a.15- ED PAILLIPS 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 11313F, C'5/�7/85 8.39- E3 PHILLIPS 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 11 31 38 , 5/- 7/85 1.92- ED PIILLIDS 5(- 3710- 862 -36 MANUAL _7131 39_- .___u5/P7/85 13.15 ED PHILLIPS 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 113133 05/C7/85 10.15 ED PHILLIPS 5D- 3 71 3- 86 28 6----- - - - - -- MANUAL 11313.9 u5/C7/85 54.96- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL --- 113138 J5 /01/85 10.65- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 113138 L5/C7/85 2.12- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL 113138 05/C7/85 5.30- ED P41LLIPS 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 1131 38 U5 ' '7 /85 10.15- ED PHILLIPS 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 113138 U5/07/85 777*85 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626- 822 -82 --------- MANUAL 113285 u5/G7/85 5.36- JOHNSON PINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 l- t� MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL -MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL ` MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL ` - -� -- MANUAL - MANUAL *•* -CKS MANUAL 1995 CITY OF -D:NA 2.91 -__- _ CHECK REGISTER 04 -30 -85 PAGE 12 rr CHECK N0. O TE AMOUNT V =NO OR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO* INV* It P *0* 9 MESSAGE 113271 1131 3° G5/17/85 2.278.48 c'J PHILLIPS- - - - - -- -� - -- 50- 4626- 842 -84 - - -- - - - MANUAL _I 1131 3R 05/:7/35 2.747.93 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL 1.88 1131 33 JS /P7 / °5 2'�9.U0 _ ED PHILLIPS __ - 50- 4628 - 822 -82 _ MANUAL " INTERCONTINEVTAL 113134 J5/!:7/85 125.0'0 ED PWILLIa'S _ u5IC7 /p5 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL �i 11313-a u5/P7/85 379.25 ED PHILLIPS .30 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL ` _ 50 -4626- 822 -82- -- 1313? c5/a7/85_ _221.18 _ ED_PHILL_I'S �ED -- 5D -_ 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL ' 113138 G5/G7/. ,99 633.45- PHILLIPS PK 50- 4628- 842- 84'!- __- .- ,_.__- MANUAL i `i 113135 U5/'7185 507 *40 - ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626- 822 -82 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL ` J5/W/8 5 1131 39. _- {'5/177/45 - - - - -- - - -- 5D 7.40 _ ED PHILLI??,-...__.._ -`_-- .- _ - -__- _ - -- 5�-4628- 862 -86 MANUAL -._ - -_ 1131 3? �5/r7195 507.40 E_) PHILLIPS 113171 50- 4628 - 862 -86 _._ _ -_ -_ _ MANUAL INT_RCONTINENTAL 113134 �5 /f 7/45 507.40 ED PHILLIPS 057(17195 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL `i 113133_. - - 5/ ^7/95 _ _ 105_..75 - - EO_ PHILLIPS ___ -- - - -- - - -- 5D -_ 4628 - 862_ -86 MANUAL 113271 1131 33 ;5!17195 507.40- ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626 - 862 -86 - 50- 4628- 862 -86�'- - MANUAL ' 11313E U5 /t'7 /A5 265.00 ED PHILLIPS 50 -4628- 862 -86 MANUAL " 1131 - :,,. a � °5/177/_45_- __- __ - - - -__ -- 96.00---- -__ -ED _PHILLIP -S _ - - -. -- - - - - -- 50- 4628 - 862- 86 - - - - -.- 11313N G5/C7/95 532.50 ED PHILLIPS 5+? -4628- 862 -86 -- -- -_ _MANUAL MANUAL ` 11 31 36 175 /u 7/85 404.25 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL FlI 1131 36 _Cx/23/85 - - -^ 83.25 , �D- PHiLLIPs INVENTOR_T ,5('- 463.0 842- 84 MANUAL ,11313,3 '14/1318' 62.06 ED PHILLIPS INVENTORY 50- 4632- 862 -86 _ _ _ MANUAL 9.241.37 •••••* * ** -CKS 11 31 9;_ _ - 05 /177/35 37.20 - GRIGGS _COOPER__AND_C 50 -3710- 822 -82 MANUAL 1131 9. J5/f- 7185 817.67- GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 3710- 842 -84 _ _. MANUAL 11319: 05/x'7/85 1,859.97 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 4626- 822 -82 MANUAL ` 1131 9)- C-5/r1/85- __________4lC33.36__ GRIGGS COOPER._AN'J_ C_- .____.__ _ ____.__-50- 4626- 842 -84 .__ ,. MANUAL 11319 04/23/95 73.23 GRIGGS COOPER INVENTORY 50- 4632 - 822 -82 MANUAL 'i- 504,9.62 ., 113285 u5/G7/85 5.36- JOHNSON PINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 l- t� MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL -MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL ` MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL ` - -� -- MANUAL - MANUAL *•* -CKS MANUAL 1132 /1 05/Cl/85 2.91 -__- _ __.__IVTERCONTINENTAL_PK 50- 3710- 822 -82 113271 'i 5 /W /85 59.81- INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 3710 - 822 -82 113271 =5/'!7/95 .24 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 3710- 822 -82 113271 _5/!7/85 13_.19_-- -_INT_RCOVTTNEVTAL__PK 50 -3710- 842 -84 113271 U5 /G /I85 1.88 INTERCONTINENTAL PK _ 50- 3710 - 842 -84 113271 J5 / ^•7/85 .r,8 INTERCONTINEVTAL PK 50- 3710 - 842 -84 113271 - _ u5IC7 /p5 20.26- INTEICONTINENTAL_PK 50- 3710 - 862 -86 113271 J5/1-2?/85 .30 ?NT_iCOVTTNENTAL PK _ 50 -4626- 822 -82- -- 'vl "I 113211 5/ 7/85 12.42- INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 4626- 822 -82 113271 _. _ __Q 5 4 __1.7. f IF 5 15_.30 -I_NT ?CONTINENTAL PK 50- 4626- 822 -82 113271 05/ ^7/89 2.900.65 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 4626- 822 -82 "i 113271 J5/W/8 5 145.92 TNT= RCOVTINEVTAL PK 50- 4626- 822 -82 1132!1 JS /x.7 /_85___- __._._.94.74 -._ - -_ _INTERCONT�vEVTaL_.PK _ - -_- SD- 4626- 842 -84. 113171 `5/"7/85 2.40 INT_RCONTINENTAL PK 50- 4626- 842 -84 113271 057(17195 4.41- .TNTEICONTTNENTAL PK 50- 4626- 842 -84 __- 113271._.1Sj.5/r7- 18.5. 659,43_ t,NTE�G9VT�.NEN_T.9L�K 53- 4626 -_ 842 -84_ 113271 J5 /P7 /85 4.20 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 4626 - 862 -86 - 113271 05/(7/85 19013 *30 INT= 2CO14TINENTAL PK 50- 4626- 862 -86 113285 u5/G7/85 5.36- JOHNSON PINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 l- t� MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL -MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL ` MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL ` - -� -- MANUAL - MANUAL *•* -CKS MANUAL Iq85 I OF FDINA CHECK ' STr-R 04-30-8' 1GE 13 I. lw -b CHEON DATE AMOUNT VE-NDOl ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # nESSAGE +** -CKS 113285 j5/ (17/85 4.93 JOHNSON WIME QUALITY WI*4-- MANUAL 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 1132P5 05/07/85 269.47 JOHNS04 WINE 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 50 -3710- 822 -82 MANUAL f 113451 J5 /07/85 13."2- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL I1i451 ***-CKS W! NE 113435 MANUAL 115451 05/1.7/85 MANUAL OUALE TY WINE PRIOR WIN= CO 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL 113435 q5 /C7 /85 4.32- PRIOR WINE CO 50-3710-842-84 MANUAL MANUAL .113435 --.05/Qf/9.5------29.3-8- 9.71- QUALITY WIN_ MANUAL MANUAL 113455 ;4/23/85 17.23 PRIER WINE INVENTORY 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL MANUAL 113435 75/07/ 95 216.01 PRIOR WINE CO 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 200.12 * ^_5/ ^7/85 901.35 QUALITY WINE I. lw -b +** -CKS 11.5451 24/23/85 2.19- QUALITY WI*4-- DISCOUNT 50-3710-003-00 MANUAL 113451 r5/C7/85 103- QUALITY WINE 50 -3710- 822 -82 MANUAL 113451 J5 /07/85 13."2- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL I1i451 W! NE 50- 3710- 822 -82 MANUAL 115451 05/1.7/85 . 5 2: 6.52- OUALE TY WINE 53-3710-842-84 MANUAL 115451 'j5/C7 / 95 12.42- QUALITY WINE 50 -3710-842-84 MANUAL 113451 5 107/ 9 5 9.71- QUALITY WIN_ 5ri-3710-842-84 MANUAL II3451 C5/�7/85 11.56- QUALITY WENS 5C-3710-862-86 MANUAL 113451 05/07/85 2°.97- OU ALI T T WINE 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 115451 ^_5/ ^7/85 901.35 QUALITY WINE 50-4626-822-82 MANUAL 113451 75/']7/85 621.26 QUALITY WE NEE 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 113451 Fj 5 T/95_ 1 rl 4 3 . 9 9 QUALITY WT-4E 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL 113451 1.'4/23/85 134.08 QUALITY WINE INVENTORY 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL 113451 ^5/ ^7/85 159.23 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 113451 05/17/95 91.62 QUALITY WINE 50-4628-822-82 MAFJUAL 113451 0 /cf/95 485.55 QUALITY WINE 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 113451 C5/C7185 326.10 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 113451 J5/07/85 578.33 QUALITY WINE 50-4628-862-36 MANUAL 113451 114/23/85 25.85 QUALITY WINE INVENTORY 50- 4630- 862 -86 MANUAL 4,251.34 • **+ -CKS 11554i) (`5/C17/85--- 103- TWIN CITY WINE 59-3710-842-84 MANUAL 113 54j 05/07/85 1 . 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INV. # P.G. N mESSAGE MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL ***-CKS MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL h * *- CKS MANUAL ANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL T 1201 9r� 0 5/07/85 4.69- GRIGGS CO)P,ER AND C 50- 3710 - 862 -86 1ZJ285 12JI 90, 05 /Cl /85 2, 735.40 GRIGGS COOrER AN3 C 50-46 26- 82 2- 82 1 2u 2-85 :5/7..7/R5 lzul9f� 2 5/x7/85 .-90 CO)PER AND C 50- 4626- 842 -84 120295 12J1 Qrll 05/ 7/85 234.45 GRIGGS COOPER AN) C 2 3 Ie j5/:'7/85 1.46- JOHNIS04 6.740.79 • 50- 3710 - 842 -84 127285 u5/ ^7/85 12J271 05/C7/85 @.'9- INTEIC047INE4TAL PK 50 -3710- 822 -_82 -',-'5 / 0 7 / 8 5 129271 5/C 7/85 64.19- INTEIC04TINEATAL PK 50-3710-842-84 L 5 / f?7 / 8 5 12-1271 '-5/61/35 6 ^.19- I4TTIC04TINENTAL PK 50-3710-862-86 C5 /Cl /85 12J.271 — 05/07/85 6T . 19 14TEICONTrNENTAL PK 50- 3710 - 862_ -86 X5/07/85 P7 12UZ71 X5/!7/85 63.51- INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 3710- 862 -E6' .30 JOHNSON 12J271 75/07/85 60.19 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50-3710-862-86 JOHNSON WINE 127271 5 /Cl 185 1 ? .R9- INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 3710 - 862 -86 WINE r. 12J.211 '15/07/85 60.19- INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50 -3710- 862 -86 50-4628-822-82 51 — 12u2t1 .5/C7/F5 1P.30 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 501-4626-842-84 121295 120.271 5/C7/85 3,209.63 INTT11ONTINENTAL PK 50-4626-842-84 1 21.285 25/,37f95 123211 C 5 /01 / 8 5 2.875.23 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50-4626-862-86 L5/_07/85 X 1202f1 -15/67/45 2o439.23- INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50-4626-862-86 U5/ ^37/F5 11 12j2t1 C5/',l/fly 29439*23 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50-4626-862-86 12U2t1 -15/:7/85 9.70 INTEA C 0 4 T NEN TA L PK 50- 4626 - 862 -86 862-86 ZJ 2 71 C5/x1/F5 3v175.94 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 4626- 862 -86 _ °i 120271 5/C 7.f85--.— 9.i0 INTEICOMTT,*IENTAL PK 5')-4626-862-86 12JZ71 05/01/e5 9.90- 120271 0 5/07 /35 15.50 IlTZ'ACO4TTNE14TAL PK 50-4626-862-86 27 123271 0 5 IC -1 /8 5 INTEICONTINENTAL PK 50-4 6 26- 86 2- 86 1 1'j 2 1 5/07/85 4_5.23- 1 NTEE I -'� 1 EljTAL 34T N K -- 50- 46 26- 86 2- 86 1 2J 211 L 5 1011 F S 404.57 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50 -4628- 822 -82 120271 05/07/85 --!TT --- 1 3.90 IINTERCONTINENTAL NT--1 C O\ITINE-4TAL PK 50- 4628- 822 -82 12u271 7 i 8 5— 940- .43 PK 50 -4628- 862 -86 -----' — 12U211 J5/07/85 6.30 14TEIC04TT4ENTAL PK 50-4628-862-86 7029.98 MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL ***-CKS MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL h * *- CKS MANUAL ANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL 129285 .5 1117 /8 5 0.5/'77/85- 13.93- JOHNSON WIVE 50-3710-822-82 1ZJ285 05 /C 7/85 1 9.63- JOH'JS,1'4 WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 1 2u 2-85 :5/7..7/R5 .13 JOHNSON WINE 5C-3710-842-84 120295 015/97/85 .3 9* 1 7- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 120285 j5/:'7/85 1.46- JOHNIS04 WIVE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 127285 u5/ ^7/85 9.74- JO H4 S ON WINE 842 -84 120235 -',-'5 / 0 7 / 8 5 27.12- JOHNSON WI 41 E —50- _3710_- 5-qy7 f6-86 2;�8c- 120285 L 5 / f?7 / 8 5 20.85- JOHNSON WINE 50-3710-862-86 12U285 C5 /Cl /85 .85 i JOHNSON WINE 50-3710-862-86 1 2J Z e 5 X5/07/85 P7 JOHNSON WINE 50- 37iO-862-86 12L)2,15 J5/C7 185 .30 JOHNSON WINE 5LI-4626-842-84 12J2P5 05/07/85 73.00 JOHNSON WINE 50-4626-842-84 "Q� 120285 C 5 / r? 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