HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-08-12_BUDGET MEETINGAGENDA EDINA CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING AUGUST 12, 1985 7:00 P.M. ROLLCALL I. STRATEGIC PLAN -- Key Issues and Short Term Objectives for 1986 II. AWARD OF BIDS A. Bridge Replacement & Bituminous Street Surfacing with Concrete Curb & Gutter - W. 44th St. from Soo Line R.R. Bridge to 724' East Improvement No. BA -262 S.A.P. 120 - 140 -01 M E M O R A N D U M TO: Mayor Courtney & Council Members FROM: Leslie Turner `f� SUBJECT: RTRATR(_Tr PT AATTTTNTr_ LTnVVCUnD DATE: August 8, 1985 Attached to this brief note is a Strategic Planning Workshop "Thought Organizer." In order to facilitate our meeting this coming Monday, please take a few moments to jot your thoughts down. I will be chairing the Workshop for the five of us, and staff will be asked to react as needed. Ken has talked to the Mayor, and he has agreed that this will be an appropriate way to work. Thank you so much. LT /sw Attachment P. S. This Strategic Planning.Workshop is Monday, August 12, 7:00 P. M., in the Council Room. Edina City Council Strategic Planning Workshop "Thought Organizer" A. Review the Mission Statement. Underline what you believe_to be priority areas. B. List four situations or, trends that you have observed in the community or elsewhere that you believe will or is impairing our ability to carry out the mission. 1. 2. 3. 4. C. Do the same for those external situations that you believe are supportive of our mission performance. 1. 2. 3. 4. D. Now think about the City organization itself (staff, facilities, finances, management, attitudes, etc.) and list four things you observe as making achievement of mission more difficult. 1. 2. 3. 4. Page 2 E. Do the same for those internal situations you observe as being a real plus in terms of our mission performance. 1. 2. 3. 4. F. Now review all of the above and extract the four issues that you believe .are most critical to our future success. Could be either weaknesses to correct or strengths to build on. Issue 1 Issue 2 Issue 3 Issue 4 G. For each of the four items you identified as most critical, jot down a few ideas as to what we might do about it. Issue 1 Issue 2 Issue 3 Issue 4 6/17/85 CITY OF EDINA STRATEGIC PLAN MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the City of Edina is to maintain its low density residential character and sound non - residential tax base within a well - planned and well- managed environment; to be a self- sustaining community in all respects by keeping its reliance on other levels of government to a minimum; to maintain a sound investment in our public facilities and infrastructure in order to provide the best possible living and working environment; to provide appropriate public services in the most efficient and effective manner possible but without providing services that our residents can best do for themselves or that can best be provided by private enterprise; to encourage the personal and pro- fessional growth of our employees by providing a rewarding work experience and to participate with other levels of government by undertaking a leader- ship role in the formulation of public policy as it affects our citizens. EXTERNAL INFLUENCES — Changing Demographics - Changing Revenue Sources - Expectations of Constituency - Economy and Tax Structure (Minnesota Business Climate) INTERNAL RESPONSE - Ability to say "no" (Catalyst to reduce government) - Ability to.influence community composition - City organization and its people - Desire /ability to change with times - Physical capital facilities VVV TQQTTAQ 1. How should the City respond to the changing needs and desires of our constituents in light of very significant changes in the age and social make up of our residents? 2. What can the City do to improve the stability and strength of our revenue sources in light of the decline in traditional tax sources and the un- predictability of State taxation policies? 3. What changes can be made to improve the effective- ness of our organization in order to make do with less? 4. How can we avoid the undue deterioration of our City -owned facilities and the unexpected financial burdens that such a deterioration may cause? 5. How can we improve communications among elected officials, appointed officals and staff? GOALS AND LONG -TERM OBJECTIVES 1. Changing needs and demographics A. Attempt to restore a more desirable demographic balance. - Market the City as affordable to families with young children by actively working with realtors and others involved in property development and sales - Coterminous School District /City boundaries - Develop means to encourage one and two member households to move to more moderate -sized housing Direct our services to that segment of the population which we want to attract B. Pursue a redevelopment strategy that is consistent with demo- graphic and service delivery objectives. - Encourage /assist preservation of current single family housing stock - Review and update the comprehensive plan — Utilize the revised comprehensive plan more extensively in review of development and redevelopment proposals - Review all development /redevelopment in terms of service, revenue and demographic impacts 2. Financial Base A. Actively develop a leadership role and effectively work with the legislature to stabilize the current State -local funding, relationship to insure an improved financial climate for the State, the Cities and their residents - Seek to develop a fair local government aid funding system to achieve an overall reduction in State spending - Develop a legislative package to furether overall improve- ment in the State's business climate by utilizing community and corporate leadership B. Develop resources other than State /Federal funding on which to base the City's finances. - Improve the City's ability to utilize the property tax as its primary revenue source - Develop revenues /sources apart from property taxes to fund services - Broaden the use of user charges to fund a greater share of City services C. Analyze redevelopments in terms of net revenue addition over service cost. D. Develop means to use private funds and endowments to fund capital projects and selected programs on an ongoing basis. 3. Effective Service Reduce the overall cost and improve the effectiveness of City services. - Actively support and utilize contractors, part- timers, volunteers and neighborhood residents in appropriate areas of service delivery, particularly the parks maintenance, recreation and public safety - Improve the flexibility of the City's full -time staff in .order to respond to a variety of service needs 4. Maintaining Capital Facilities A. Determine which City -owned facilities and properties, if any, are not appropriate for City ownership from a land use, service, delivery and total cost standpoint and consider the disposition of facilities and properties which are more appropriately owned and managed privately or by some other governmental entity. B. Formalize and fund a capital replacement program and capital maintenance program to replace facilities and equipment at point it is no. longer cost effective to maintain but best to replace. C. Develop a funding program to avoid deferral of maintenance and replacement to crises point. Y" Y' 5. Communications A. Improve Council and Council -Staff communication. - Continue Long -Range Planning process on a regularly scheduled basis - Annually update entire plan B. Seek to market Edina's concept regarding local government with other elected and appointed officials. - Hold occasional informal sessions with legislative repre- sentatives, County Commissioners, Metro Council Represen- tatives regarding issues of importance to Edina - Jointly meet with School Board quarterly regarding joint concerns C. Members of the City Council must be the spokesmen for the City on policy issues. Staff should supply necessary Position papers and research for the Council. rn • + r SHORT -TERM OBJECTIVES 1. Update Personnel Rules 2. Adopt ten -year Capital Improvement Plan 3. Update Comprehensive Plan 4. Complete Comparable Worth Process TO: Mayor and'City Council FROM: Francis J. Hoffman, P.E. VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City ttanaver SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE OF ITEM IN EXCESS OF $5,000 DATE: 8 -12 -85 Material Description (General Specifications): Bridge Replacement & Bituminous Street-Surfacing with Concrete Curb & Gutter W. 44th St. from Soo Line R.R. Bridge to 724' East; Replace Bridge No. 90642 with Bridge 27668. Contract #85 -8 (ENG) - lmprovement No. BA -262 S.A.P. 120 - 140 -01 Quotations /Bids: Company I. See attached Bid Tabulation 2. 3. Amount of Quote or Did Department P.ecor.nendation: C.S. McCrossan; Inc. $281,677.88 • -........ f i / Engineering Dept. Sig /ature Department Finance Director's Endorsement: The recommended bid is V/ is not within the amount budget for the purchase. . is q en, finance Director City Ma "tier's Endorsement: I concur with the recorr.nendation of the D epartn;ent and recommend Council approve the purchase. 2. I recommend as an alternative: A BID TABULATION CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA CONTRACT #85 -8 (ENG) BRIDGE REPLACEMM AND BITUMINOUS STREET SURFACING WITH CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER W. 44TH ST. - BRIDGE # 27668 BID OPENING - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7, 1985 11:00 A.M. BIDDER TOTAL C. S. McCrossan Construction, Inc. $281,677.88 D. H. Blattner & Sons, Inc. $287,748.75 Richard Knutson, Inc. $288,179.30 Progressive Contractors, Inc. $340,184.85 Cy Con, Inc. $395,795.00 ENGI=' S_. ESTIMATE : $217,245.93