HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-03-19_COUNCIL MEETINGW" ra (Additions: High School Athletic Teams and II -G -2) AGENDA EDINA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MARCH 19, 1984 7:00 P.M. ROLLCALL RESOLUTION OF CONGRATULATIONS - Edina High School Hockey Team Edina High School Boys Swimming Team Edina High School Girls Basketball Team Edina High School Athletic Teams EMPLOYEE RECOGITION - Larry Walsh MINUTES of the Regular Council Meeting of March 5, 1984, approved as submitted or corrected by motion of ,'seconded-by I. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT. Affidavit of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by City Manager and Engineer. Spectators heard. If Council wishes to proceed, action by Resolution. 3/5 favorable rollcall vote to pass. A. Storm Sewer Improvement No. P -St.S. -173 Edina - Bloomington Border - Highway 100 II. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND REPORTS ON PLANNING MATTERS. Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by Planning Department. Spectators heard. First Reading of Zoning Ordinance requires offering of Ordinance only. 4/5 favorable rollcall vote to pass Second Reading or if Second Reading should be waived. Lot Divisions, Flood Plain Permits, Plats, Appeals from Administrative of Board of Appeals and Adjustments decisions require action by Resolution. 3/5 favorable rollcall vote to pass. A. Johnson Building Company - Overall Plan Amendment - 5212 Vernon Avenue Lots 1, 2, 3, & 12, Block 1, Grandview Plateau - Vernon Hills Condominiums B. Haymaker - Lots 3, 4 & 5, Block 4, Grandview Heights 1. Final Rezoning - R -1 Single Family Dwelling District to PRD -3 Planned Residence District 2. Preliminary Plat Approval - Interlachen Point C,. Kyllo Development - Generally located north of Crosstown Highway and west of Vernon Court 1. Final Rezoning - R -1 Single Family Dwelling District to PRD -2 Planned Residence District 2. Final Plat Approval - Vernon Court Addition D. Preliminary Plat Approval 1. Replat of Lot 5, Block 1, Indian Hills - Generally located west of Indian Hills Road and north of Dakota Trail 2. Replat of Lot 3, Block 1, Muir.Woods - Generally located west of Valley View Road and west of Mark Terrace Drive extended E. Community Development Block Grant Program - Year X Budget F. Grandview Area Traffic Study Report G. Set Hearing Date (4/19/84) 1. Street Vacation /City Park and Landscaping Easement Vacation - Summit Avenue 2. Street Vacation - Amundson Avenue within the Plat of William Wardwell Lewis Park Addition III. SPECIAL CONCERNS OF RESIDENTS. IV. AWARD OF BIDS. A. ..Sand, Rock and Bituminous Materials B. Water Treatment Chemicals C: Roof Repair and Restoration, Removal and Replacement (484 -2 D. 3/4 Ton Pickup Cab & Chassis and 24,500 GVW Cab & Chassis V. RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS. A. Traffic Safety Committee Minutes of 3/13/84 B. Approval of Beer, Club and Sunday Liquor Licenses C. Set Hearing Date - Board of Review D. Set Hearing Date - P -TT -02 Tree Trimming Improvement by Highway 100 on the West, 50th Street on the North, line on the East and the southern City boundary line E. Special Concerns of Mayor and Council F. Post Agenda and Manager's Miscellaneous Items Eng) - (4/2/84) Area bounded eastern City coundary on the South. Agenda Edina City Council March 19, 1984 Page Two VI. RESOLUTIONS A. Tax - forfeited Land - Listed dated 3 -9 -84 VII. ORDINANCES. A. First Reading 1. Ordinance No. 406 -A5 Adopting Optional Provisions for Installation of On- Premises Fire Suppression Systems VIII. FINANCE Claims Paid. Motion of , seconded by , for payment of the following claims as per Pre -List dated March 19, 1984: General Fund $168,588.48, Park Fund $5,081.83, Art Center $3,222.04, Golf Course Fund $8,172.47, Recreation Center Fund $10,764.56, Gun Range Fund $109.90, Waterwork Fund $6,282.11, Sewer Rental Fund $171;594.71, Liquor Dispensary Fund $66,973.90, Construction Fund $360.00, Total, $441,150.00; for Confirmation of payment of the following claims dated 2- 29 -84: General Fund $27,808.32, Liquor Dispensary Fund $188,473.42, Total $216.281.74. r. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL MARCH 5, 1984 Answering rollcall were Members Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner and Mayor Courtney. FLAG CEREMONY CONDUCTED BY CAMP FIRE TROOP NO. 273; CAMP FIRE WEEK PROCLAIMED. Members of Camp Fire Troop No. 273 opened the meeting by presenting the colors and Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Courtney then welcomed them and read the following pro- clamation: PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, the National Council of Camp Fire has provided a program responding the diverse needs and interests of young people for 74 years; and WHEREAS, Camp Fire is an organization open to all youth, regardless of race, creed, sex, economic status or national background; and WHEREAS, the National Council of Camp Fire shall set aside the week of March 11 thru March 17, 1984, as a celebration and shall by various public displays and recognitions share this celebration with their communities; and WHEREAS, Camp Fire provides "opportunities for youth to realize their potential and to function effectively as caring, self- disclipined individuals responsible to them- selves and to others, and as an organization to seek to improve those conditions in society which affect youth "; and WHEREAS, Camp Fire is celebrating their 74th Anniversary since their founding - -the first national organization for girls in the country; and WHEREAS, the Law of Camp Fire states, "Worship God, Seek Beauty, Give Service, Pursue Knowledge, Be Trustworthy, Hold on to Health, Glorify Work, Be Happy "; and WHEREAS, the Watchword of Camp Fire is "Wohelo ", Work, Health, Love; NOW, THEREFORE, I, C. Wayne Courtney, Mayor of the City of Edina, do hereby proclaim the week of March 11 through 17, 1984, to be CAMP FIRE WEEK in Edina, Minnesota. ROBERT BAHNEMAN COMMENDED FOR SERVICE TO CITY. Mr. Rosland introduced Robert Bahneman, advising that he came to the City in 1965 and was employed as the Plumbing Inspector until his appointment to Chief Building Inspector in April of 1976. He noted that Mr. Bahneman will be retiring this month and commended him for his many years of loyal service to the City and in particular fdr the hand work of carving in wood the City Seal. Members of the Coucil then also commended him and thanked him for his work. RESOLUTION OF CONDOLENCE ADOPTED /HERMANN H. STRACHAUER. Mayor Courtney read the following resolution of condolence on the death of Hermann H. Strachauer which was unanimously adopted: RESOLUTION OF CONDOLENCE - HERMANN H. STRACHAUER WHEREAS, Hermann Strachauer was greatly concerned for the quality of the environment and of life in the world about him; and WHEREAS, Hermann Strachauer served as a member of the Edina Park Board of the City of Edina from 1948 until 1961; and WHEREAS, Hermann Strachauer served as Chairman of the Edina Park Board from 1951 until 1960; and WHEREAS, Hermann Strachauer was a charter member of Edina Lodge No. 343 and was a member of Zuhrah Temple; and WHEREAS, Hermann Strachauer inspired the community by promoting the first fulltime Park and Recreation Department in the City of Edina; and WHEREAS, Hermann Strachauer believed that land should be set aside for park use for the benefit of all the residents of Edina; and WHEREAS, Hermann Strachauer was instrumental in promoting the original bond issue for purchase of land for parks and the construction of the Edina Municipal Pool; NOWK THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council hereby extends its heartfelt sympathy to the family of HERMANN H. STRACHAUER during this time of bereavement; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be entered into the pages of the Minutes Book of the City of Edina and that a copy be presented to his family. MINUTES of the Regular Council Meeting of February 27, 1984, were approved as sub- mitted by motion of Member Bredesen, seconded by Member Schmidt. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 825 ADOPTED; SUMMARY TO BE PUBLISHED. Planner Hughes recalled that the hearing on the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance had been continued to this meeting in order to receive written or oral comments and that at its meeting of February 27, 1984, the Council had directed the staff to bring back Findings, Decisions and Reasons for adoption of the Zoning Ordinance, together 3/5/84 with a Summary Ordinance for approval and "publication. He pointed.out minor changes in the draft ordinance to add a phrase concerning flood plain and heritage preserva- tion on pages 1 -1 and 6 -1, and to correct a typo on page 18 -1. He added that Section 13 (Planned Residence District) and Section 14 (Mixed Development District) have been revised in accordance with Council direction at its meeting on February 27, 1984. Findings, Decisions and Reasons have been prepared for the adoption of the Zoning Ordinance and a Summary Publication of the Ordinance has been prepared for authorization by the Council. Mr. Hughes advised that staff has been contacted by representatives of Paramount Group, Inc., owners of Pentagon Office Park, located east of Highway 100 and north of Highway 494. Many of the buildings are office buildings which under the Zoning Ordinance are proposed to be zoned to Planned Office District. In reviewing the ordinance with them, there was a minor change suggested and which staff would recommend and that would be to allow printing as a permitted use in the PC -2 District. This would clarify some of the accessory uses that are present : in -,the office buildings and would avoid the question.of a noncon- forming use in the future. Walter Rockenstein; representing Paramount Group, Inc. (the owners' representative for Pentagon Office Park), stated that in reviewing the Zoning Ordinance with Paramount Group,.Inc. they identified three potential problem areas for Pentagon: 1) small print shops that exist to serve office buildings, ._, 2) lot area coverage, and 3) floor area ratio. Mr. Rockenstein submitted that the staff recommendation to allow printing as an accessory use in the PC -2 District would resolve the first problem and that Paramount Group, Inc. would like to reserve the right to petition the Council for relief if subsequent problems develop with regard to lot area coverage and floor area ratio for their office buildings resulting from adoption of the Zoning Ordinance. No further comment being heard, Member Turner moved approval of the addition of printing as a permitted use:in the PC -2 District. Motion was seconded by Member Bredesen. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. Member Turner then moved adoption of Edina Ordinance No. 825, the "Zoning Ordinance" (including the accompanying maps referred to therein) attached hereto marked Exhibit A, as the zoning ordinance of the City, based on the Findings, Decision and Reasons, attached hereto marked Exhibit B, and hereby made a part hereof. Motion for adoption of the ordinance was seconded by Member Bredesen. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Ordinance adopted. Member Richards then offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING THE SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO. 825 AND DIRECTING PUBLICATION THEREOF BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council does hereby approve the Summary of Edina Ordinance No. 825 attached to these minutes and this resolution as Exhibit C, and hereby made a part hereof, and does hereby determine that said summary clearly informs the public of the intent and effect of Ordinance No. 825; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk is hereby directed to publish only the title of Ordinance No. 825, and the summary of it attached hereto as Exhibit C, "together with the accompanying maps and together with a notice that a printed copy of the ordinance is available for inspection by any person during regular office hours at the office of the Clerk and the office of the Planner in the City Hall; and is hereby directed to post the entire text of the ordinance, with accompanying maps, in the Edina Community Library at 4701 West 50th Street, Edina, Minnesota 55424; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk is directed after publication of the title, summary, maps and notice as above directed, to publish the full text of the ordinance, certified by the Mayor and Clerk, and bearing the City seal, together with accom- panying maps, in book or.phamphlet.form for public circulation. ADOPTED this 5th day of March, 1984. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Bredesen. . Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. GRAND VIEW AREA TRAFFIC STUDY REPORT CONTINUED TO MARCH 19, 1984. As recommended by Mr. Rosland, Member Schmidt's motion was seconded by Member Turner to continue the matter of the Grand View Area Traffic Study Report to the meeting of March 19, 1984. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. LOT DIVISION APPROVED FOR LOTS 2 AND 3, BLOCK 1, WARDEN ACRES PETERSON REPLAT. Mr. Hughes advised that the request for lot division involved two vacant lots in the recent Peterson Replat of Warden Acres Replat, generally located south of Grove Street and west of Garden Avenue. The request is for a 14 -foot lot line adjustment between Lots 2 and 3 of Block 1. The frontage of Lot 2 would be reduced from 91 feet to 77 feet, and Lot 3 would be increased from 83 feet to 96 feet of frontage. The pro- ponent has requested the division to allow more freedom in siting a dwelling on Lot 3, since a front yard setback of 30 feet will be required from both Garden Avenue and Oak 3/5/84 Lane. both lots continue to meet all ordinance requirements and remain of comparable size with surrounding lots. Staff would therefore recommend approval. No objections being heard, Member Schmidt offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the following described tracts of land are not separate parcels: Lot 2 and Lot 3, Block 1, Warden Acres Peterson Replat; and WHEREAS, the owners of the above tracts of land desire to subdivide said tracts into the following described new and separate parcels (herein called "Parcels "):. Lot 2, Block 1, Warden Acres Peterson Replat except the South 14.00 feet thereof, and Lot 3, Block 1, Warden Acres Peterson Replat, and the South 14.00 feet of Lot 2, Block 1, Warden Acres Peterson Replat; and WHEREAS it has been determined that compliance with the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations of the City of Edina will create an unnecessary hardship and said Parcels as separate tracts of land do not interfere with the purposes of the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations as contained in the'City of Edina Ordinance Nos. 801 and 811; NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved by the City Council of the City of Edina that the conveyance and ownership of said Parcels as separate tracts of land is hereby approved and the requirements and provisions of Ordinance No. 801 and Ordinance No. 811 are hereby waived to allow said division and conveyance thereof as separate tracts of land but are not waived for any other purpose or as to any other provision thereof, and subject, however, to the provision that no further subdivision be made of said Parcels unless made in compliance with the pertinent ordinances of the City of Edina or with the prior approval of this Council as may be provided for by those ordinances. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Bredesen. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt., Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. HEARING DATE OF MARCH 19, 1984, SET FOR VARIOUS PLANNING MATTERS. As recommended by Mr.'Hughes, Member Bredesen's motion was seconded by Member Richards, setting March 19, 1984, as the hearing date for the following planning matters: 1) Preliminary Plat Approval of.Replat of Lot 5, Block 1, Indian Hills, generally located west of Indian Hills Road and north of Dakota Trail 2) Preliminary Plat Approval of Replat of Lot 3, Block 1, Muir Woods, generally located west of Valley View Road and west of Mark-Terrace Drive extended. 3) Community Development Block Grant Program - Year X Budget Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. BID AWARDED FOR CLEANING, SCALING, INSPECTION, PAINTING AND STERILIZATION OF WATER TOWER AT 5901 RUTH DRIVE. Mr. Rosland presented tabulation of bids for cleaning, scaling, inspection, painting and sterilization of the water tower at 5901 Ruth Drive, showing Ford Tank Painting at $6,485.00, Odland Protective Coating at $14,750.00, Dairyland Improvement Co., Inc. at $15,300.00, Aegis Ltd., Inc. at $18,000.00, Graham Contracting Company at $19;400.00 and Larson Tank at $24,450.00. He advised that Ford Tank Painting had misread the specifications and did not bid appropriately for the project. Member Bredesen moved award of bid to recommended bidder Odland Protective Coating at $14,750.00 and that the bid bond of Ford Tank Painting be forfeited as recommended:by staff. -Motion was,--seconded by Member Schmidt. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. BID AWARDED FOR TRAFFIC PAINT. Mr. paint showing Diamond Vogel Paint & at $6,291.00 and Vogel Paint Center seconded by Member Turner for award Paint & Wax at $5,486.50. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmid I- lotion carried. Rosland presented tabulation of bids for traffic Wax at $5,48 .50, Sherwin Williams Warehouse at $7,108.50. Motion of Member Schmidt was of bid to recommended low bidder Diamond Vogel L, Turner, Courtney BID AWARDED FOR PICKUP TRUCK /ANIMAL CONTROL. Mr. Rosland presented tabulation of bids for a pickup truck for Animal Control, showing Polar Chevrolet at $7,910.00, Nelson - Lenzen Chevrolet at $8,343.00 and Suburban Chevrolet at $8,393.00. Member Schmidt's motion was seconded by Member Turner for award of bid to recommended low bidder Polar Chevrolet at $7,910.00. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. HENNEPIN COUNTY TRAFFIC SIGNAL STUDIES ON CSAH 158 (VERNON AVE.) REFERRED TO TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. Mr. Rosland recalled that by resolution on October 17, 1983, the Council had requested Hennepin County Department of Transpor- tation to conduct traffic studies at the intersection of CSAH 158 (Vernon Avenue) 3/5/84 i with Tracy Avenue and Blake Road as to need for traffic signals. The studies have b::en made by Hennepin County and technically, both locations have shown the traffic characteristics necessary to justify traffic signal installation. Mr. Hoffman explained that exceeding the warrants does not mandate signal installation. Other considerations such as community and neighborhood opinion, compatibility of a signal with the surrounding area, a signal's overall ability to'more adequately control traffic and the cost should also be evaluated. It is the County's opinion that traffic signals at these locations would be premature based on their observations of traffic movements at the two sites. The County's main concern of meeting traffic signal warrants has been satisfied and they would leave the final decision of installa- tion in both cases to the City. Mr. Hoffman suggested that the matter could be refer - ed to the Traffic Safety Committee for recommendation and /or meetings could be held with the neighbors in the area for their input regarding signals. Member Turner commented that she would like to have comment from the Countryside PTA and the neigh- bors in the area as they had been concerned about traffic control and /or speed limit on Vernon Avenue in those areas. Member Turner moved that the matter of traffic signals on Vernon Avenue at Tracy Avenue and at Blake Road be referred to the Traffic Safety Committee for their recommendation, and that the Countryside PTA and the neighbors in the area be informed of the Committee's meeting date so that they could comment on the matter. Motion was seconded by Member Schmidt. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. HENNEPIN COUNTY LEGISLATIVE PROPOSAL REGARDING COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICES ACT DISCUSSED. Mr. Rosland directed Council's attention to a memorandum prepared by David Velde, City Sanitarian, regarding Hennepin County's legislative proposals relating to the Community Health Services. Act of 1976, which was introduced to help decentralize the delivery of public health services in Minnesota. As an incentive, the Act provided subsidy funding from the Minnesota Department of Health to local health agencies for the delivery of health services. The Act focuses on counties in the State, how- ever in Hennepin County cities can participate also. The proposal by Hennepin County will remove the option for cities, thereby paving the way for consolidation of health services by the County. The City staff is opposed to the County's recommendation as if adopted by the Legislature, it would certainly make the City's position tenuous in delivering public health services to Edina. Mr. Rosland suggested that the Council consider sending a resolution opposing such action to the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners as well as Edina's legislators. Member Bredesen stated that he would like to hear the County Board's reasons for proposing this action to the Legislature. Member Schmidt commented that the Board feels public health services could be delivered more efficiently by the County at a lower cost, but stated that this does not follow, and that the cost to Edina would increase. She called attention to the many problems identified in a report by the West Hennepin Community Health Services Committee with regard to their public health nursing program, which report was made to the West Hennepin Human Services Council. Mr. Rosland stated he would contact Commissioner Kremer about the County's proposal with regard to the Community Health Service Act and bring back a report for Council at the next meeting. No formal action was taken. CONTRACT AGREEMENT RATIFIED WITH I.U.O.E. LOCAL NO. 49. Mr. Rosland advised that notice has been received from the M.A.M.A. Committee authorized to negotiate with Local No. 49 of the'International Union of Operating Engineers than an agreement has been reached for master contract language for 1984 -85, and it is recommended that the agreement be ratified. In summary, the basic elements of the agreement are: 1) Wages - increase of 5 %, 2) Insurance - $20.00 in 1984 and $10.00 in 1985, 3) Estab- lishment of a new work classification - Maintenance Man I (Wage rate.of $7..76/hr), and 4) Local issues - opened in 1985. Member Bredesen questioned as to why the issue of wages and local issues will be opened in 1985, inasmuch as the insurance issue was negotiated for the two years. Mr. Rosland responded that he would contact the M.A.M.A. Committee for that answer. Member Bredesen then offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RFg0T.1TTT0N BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and the City Manager be and are hereby authorized to sign the formal contract for 1984 -85, on behalf of the City of Edina, with Local No. 49 of the International Union of Operating Engineers, with the terms as stated by the City Manager. Motion for adoption of the.resolution was.seconded by Member Turner. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. MEMBERS RICHARDS AND TURNER TO BE ABSENT AT MEETING OF APRIL 2, 1984. Members Richards and Turner advised that they will not be present at the Council Meeting of April 2, 1984. No action was taken. AFTER HOURS TELEPHONE ACCESS NOTED. Member Bredesen inquired as to after business hours access to City Hall by telephone. Mr. Rosland advised that there are non - emergency numbers for the Fire Department and Police Department as well as numbers 3/5/84 which may be answered by other departments if any staff members are still present. No action was taken. SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING CANCELLED FOR MARCH 12, 1984. As recommended by Mr. Rosland, it was informally agreed to cancel the off - Monday Special Council Meeting scheduled for March 12, 1984, to discuss.long range'planning. RESOLUTION ADOPTED RECOMMENDING FREEZING THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT AID FORMULA FOR 1985. Mr. Rosland advised that the Municipal Caucus, in which Edina is represented by Mr. Dalen, has asked the Council to consider adopting a resolution recommending that the Local Government Aid Formula be frozen for fiscal year 1985. Mr. Dalen explained that if the formula is frozen, Edina would be certain to receive local government aid funds of $473,000 for 1985, as determined by the formula.for distri- bution in 1984. After discussion, Member Richards offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING THAT THE STATE OF MINNESOTA LOCAL GOVERNMENT AID FORMULA BE FROZEN FOR FISCAL YEAR 1985 WHEREAS, the local government aid formula does not distribute aid in a systematic way that is fair because of continual piecemeal modifications; and WHEREAS, the local government aid formula was changed in 1983 to affect the 1984 fiscal year because of inequities in the distribution to cities; and WHEREAS, the 1983 changes in the local government aid formula has caused an even more unfair distribution to cities; and WHEREAS, allowing the formula to continue would cause another unfair change in the redistribution for fiscal year 1985; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that: 1) The State of Minnesota should freeze the formula affecting fiscal year 1985 so that the formula does not again redistribute aid even more inequitably. 2) The State of Minnesota review and change the local government aid formula to be equitable for the 1986 fiscal year. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Bredesen. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. RESOLUTION ADOPTED NOMINATING C. WAYNE COURTNEY FOR THE 1984 C. C. LUDWIG AWARD. Member Turner offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the League of Minnesota Cities annually presents the C. C. Ludwig Award to an individual who has made outstanding contributions through their involvement in municipal government; and WHEREAS, C. Wayne Courtney served the Village of Morningside as a Council Member from 1962 to 1966; and WHEREAS, he has provided leadership in the City of Edina by serving as a Council Member from 1966 to 1980, and as.Mayor from 1980 to the present time; and WHEREAS, Mayor Courtney has with great dedication shared his time and talents at the regional level by working as a member of the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission, the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities, and other regional committees; and WHEREAS, Mayor Courtney has taken an active leadership role in the League of Minnesota Cities; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina City Council that the name of C. WAYNE COURTNEY be placed in nomination for the League of Minnesota Cities' 1984 C. C. Ludwig Award. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Bredesen. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. CLAIMS PAID. Motion of Member Schmidt was seconded by Member Bredesen, for payment of the following claims as per Pre -List dated 3/05/84: General Fund $27,228.63, Park Fund $3,577.83, Art Center $395.05, Golf Course Fund $1,543.38, Recreation Center Fund $638.61, Waterwork Fund $8,955.80, Sewer Rental Fund $183.18, Liquor Dispensary Fund $1,045.00, Construction Fund $448.62, Total $44,016.10. There being no further business, Mayor Courtney declared the meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m. City. Clerk ,l CITY OF EDINA 4801 W. 50TH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 T/ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PROJECT P - ST.S. -173 STORM SEWER A public hearing will be held before the City Council of the City of Edina on Monday, March 19, 1984 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at 4801 West 50th Street regarding the proposed Storm Sewer Project. (see attached map) A storm water management plan has been prepared for the area of Bloomington and Edina lying north of I.494 and between Normandale Boulevard and Xerxes Avenue. This plan recommends the construction of a 138" x 88" reinforced concrete pipe -arch along the south city limits, between Normandale Boulevard and to approximately 2500 feet east to decrease the chances of substantial flooding in the area. The existing ponding area would remain easterly of that point. A preliminary cost estimate of the proposed work is $1,500,000 which is proposed to be shared equally by Edina and Bloomington. It is contemplated that this project would be financed by issuing bonds. Two methods of repaying the bonds are under consideration by the City. One method is using Chapter 444 of the State Code, whereby a storm sewer improvement district is established and the costs paid for by a general property tax levy within that district. The other method is by the.use of Chapter 429 of the State Code which uses a Special Assessment based on area square feet and type of development on that property. This public hearing on proposed project. The review and discuss the of financing of the pr( second meeting on this 1984 council meeting. March 19th will be the first of two meetings on this staff will present the project to the Council for alternate means of.financing the project. The method >ject will be the major issue at the first meeting. The issue will be tentatively scheduled for the April 16, Your receipt of this notice is an indication that property whose ownership is listed to you is among those properties which are considered to be in this stormwater management district. A second letter will be sent to you with the proposed method of financing this project prior to the April 16th council meeting. Any inquiries, comments and /or suggestions you may have regarding this improvement may be forwarded to the City Council or the Engineering Department prior to the hearings or presented at the hearings. If you desire additional information, please call me at 927 -8861 between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Sincerely, J Francis J. Hoffman, P.E. Director of Public Works and City Engineer FJH:lm 3/9/84 I <' S� x 48 � Existing Storm Sewer - -- w. - -- rem ST 60" Proposed Slorm Sewer it I VTOL 235 100 Yr Discharge UI10.NS" CIFICLE Mayor Watershed Divide IE - -- Interior Watershed Divide I I � G1LfORD pR1VF L H1e1scus AVE PARKLAWN �1 I AVE - - -� 60" RCP 66 "RCP T a6'• , 1 \\ E D I N A i- �� _ --- Jw -- 111 _ _ ST I -�f 127, Exisling 15" (Control Structure 350 cis FiCPA 3 RCPA (1 /��i — - J4" \ 1�Ploposed / Illlll W r— \ �Trrir\Slructure \ �1 I _— - - - - -- L�—J — -- �: / N O 8160 BASIN c FL 8210 23AF 78\ F 280cis� 24" 36" 18 "A 8LOOMIIIVGTON P+TERSrATE / - I 494 STORM SEINER INPROVEJ` frs ., rn.0 • ,,.r,....•...•. ".....•►11..10. ..,.- , .,a. -". -".I I, Y:v.r, ..Yy1. 1•... Mr. u, •y. a:., . w).n, 0 10 cis 4 A 6,00 1200 a1 „CALL 11: 1EET ' F HEDBERG BASIN 34 AF 5ACRES 1 1 27 "RCP RCP 48 "RCP 23 C ST 48RCP 1 i1I11 cls — _ - J I I 2 >il Ila"RCP �I � 1� I I C'. N1 P \`�`. w 1 12 CIS s 1' 54 , cls 68 Cis I �� FIGURE I STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAT I NORMANDALE CENTER AREA LOCATION MAP uu C p O x O O W 0 ~ < r � V � 9 M w ♦ rM Sr 3 nn • W O O F• Y m O EDINA ci L1 PUBLIC la 1 WOIRKS ENTER II Q TOUR ADY t 14 OF GRACE;'. CATHOLIC SCHOOL I M r 9 � i wiHD50R Av II ? K[h? I I III Av w m . 4�,A, 'I I N U M B E R Z -83 -7 Johnson Building Co. S -83 -12 Vernon Hills Condominiums L O C A T 10 N 5212 Vernon Avenue; Lots 1, 2, 3, E 12, Block 1, Grandview Plateau Generally located west of Vernon Avenue and south of W. 52nd Street. REQUEST PRD -5, Overall Plan Amendment EDINA PLANNING DEPARTMENT Vii. uic Business: r Z -83 -7 Johnson Building Co., 5212 Vernon Avenue S. S -83 -12 Vernon Hill Condominiums °tom Mr. Hughes stated that the subject property was rezoned to PRD-5, Planned Residential District on November 21, 1983. The overall development plan approved at that time showed a single condominium building containing 77 units and the proponent now requests approval of a revised plan which allows the construction of the project in two phases. This plan separates the project into two buildings which are joined by a one- story lobby area. All other aspects of the project are unchanged except for a southerly extention of the building by about 50 feet and the elimination of the one story garage element on the south end. Council granted preliminary plan approval of a one lot, one block subdivision on December 5. Staff presumes a two lot subdivision of the property would now be submitted to accommodate the phasing plan. Mr. Hughes believes that the revised plan does not significantly alter the overall design of the project. In fact, the proposed redesign should desirably reduce the apparent mass of the building. However, Staff is concerned with the proposed phasing plan as it relates to the platting of the property and use of the existing motel. Mr. Hughes requests 1.) Phase I must be able to stand on its own, 2.) the use of the motel on the Phase II property is short lived, and 3.) the subsequent development of the Phase II site by developers other than the present developer complies with the present overall development plan. Therefore, the following recommendations: 1. A proposed lot line separating lots 1 and 2 of the proposed plat must be located so as to provide at least a 40 foot setback from the Phase I building. Lot 1 must also accommodate all required parking for the Phase I building. -G- 2. A demolition permit for the entire motel must be applied for and issued prior to the issuance of a building permit for Phase I. 3. No final inspections shall be conducted or occupancy certificates issued until the entire motel has been demolished. 4. An access easement must be provided to allow the Phase II project to utilize the proposed entrance and median break on the Phase I property. No other curb cut on Vernon Avenue should be permitted if the Phase II project is developed by others. Mr. Bob Johnson and Mr. Mike Klein, Johnson Building Co., were present. Mr. Del Johnson wondered what the empty lot would look like during the interim. Mr. Klein presented graphics of the property in two phases. Mr. Klein explained the Phase II would depend on financing. Mrs. McClelland recommended that the property be left as one lot. She noted concern of the proposed signalization on Link Ave. Mr. Hughes said that a traffic study had been conducted for the area and a signal of Link Avenue was suggested. Mr. Gordon Johnson requested that the Planning Commission be allowed to review the Traffic Study at the next meeting. Mr. Skagerberg asked the estimated time before contruction would start on Phase II. Mr. Bob Johnson answered 45 days before the start of Phase I which would take approximately 8 months and depending on the sale results of Phase, I, Phase II would begin approximately 3 months after. Mr. Skagerberg also questioned the number of units. Mr. Klein reported that there were 29 units in Phase I along with a caretaker unit and 48 in Phase II. 'He pointed out the improvements in the phasing proposal of the shorter one story inbetween the two phases. Mrs. McClelland agreed that the design appeared to be an improvement, however, she believed the problem was in the phasing proposal. Mr. Gordon Johnson was concerned with the possibility that Phase II may not develop and Mrs. McClelland suggested that Phase II be an outlot. Mr. Hughes assured them that-the zoning plan would cause new owners to return with their plans. Mr. Skagerberg commented that any new owner would still be restricted to the setbacks for that lot. They would be held to basically the same plan as is proposed presently. Mr. Bailey noted also that it would be to a new owners benefit to be compatible with the property next to them. Mr'. Skagerberg believed that there were enough safe guards. He.moved for approval of the overall .plan amendment subject to Staff's recommendations. Mr. Runyan seconded the motion. All were in favor with the exception of Mrs. McClelland, who opposed the proposal. The motion carried. 11 /mil /b-) 134 ORDINANCE NO. 811 -A175 (JOHNSON BUILDING COMPANY REZONING /5212 VERNON AV.) ADOPTED. Planner Hughes recalled that this rezoning request from C- 2-Commercial District to PRD -5 Planned Residential District of the Johnson Building Company concerns the site - of the Biltmore Motel (5215 Vernon Ave.) and that Council had granted First Reading of the ordinance on November 7, 1983. The Community Development and Planning Com- mission has reviewed the overall development plans for the 77 -unit condominium building showing landscaping, elevations and utility plans. He advised that the pro - ponents are now requesting final rezoning approval and staff would recommend final approval for the project conditioned upon 1) platting of the property, 2) the vaca- tion of surplus right of way adjacent to Vernon Avenue and 3) subject to subdivision dedication. Mr. Hughes noted that representatives of Johnson Building Company were present to answer questions. Martha Anderson, 5124 William Avenue, again expressed her concern and that of the neighbors for traffic that may be generated in their neighborhood because of this development and stated that she felt the final report of the traffic study which Council had authorized for the Grandview area should be reviewed before the final rezoning is.granted. Engineer. Hoffman clarified that the traffic study was to address traffic concerns not only in connection with this pro- posed project but several other parcels which will undergo redevelopment within the next ten years. He pointed out that by changing the location of the access to the site to Vernon Avenue opposite Link Road that the proponents had responded to the neighborhood concerns with the best possible solution. Member Bredesen stated that the preliminary traffic report showed that the proposed residential development would .probably generate fewer trips than any other type of land use permitted under the present zoning, and further, that he was pleased with the changes the Johnson Building Company had made in the site plan in redirecting the driveway and reducing the number of units in the project. Member Turner stated she would support the rezoning because the building mass has been reduced, only one entrance to the site is now shown and the land use is appropriate. She added that a possible solution to the traffic problem might be a traffic signal at Vernon Avenue and Link and that the proposed development would benefit from a signal light and should then bear an appropriate part of the cost. No further comments being heard, Member Turner then offered Ordi- nance No. 811 -A175 for Second Reading and moved its adoption as follows, subject to platting of the property, vacation of surplus right of way and subdivision dedication: ORDINANCE NO. 811 -A175 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE (NO. 811) BY REZONING PROPERTY TO PRD -5 PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT FROM C -2 COMMERCIAL DISTRICT THE CITY COUNCIL OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. Paragraph 4 of Section 5 of Ordinance by adding the following thereto: No. 811 of the City is amended The extent of the Planned Residential District (Sub- District PRD -5) is enlarged by the addition of the following property: Lots 1, 2, 3 and 12, Block 1, Grandview Plateau." Seca 2. Paragraph 3 of Section 9 of Ordinance No. 811 of the City is amended by adding the following thereto: "The extent of the Commercial District (Sub- District C -2) is reduced by removing the following property: Lots 1, 2, 3 and 12, Block 1, Grandview Plateau." Sec. 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and publication. M otion for adoption of the Ordinance was seconded by Member Bredesen. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Ordinance adopted. dL ATTEST: Mayor f City Clerk 0 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING C0;:IMISSION STAFF REPORT FEBRUARY 1, 1984 Z -83 -7 Johnson Building Co. , 5212 Vernon Avenue S; Lots 1, 2, 3, - 12, Block 1, Grandview Plateau. PRD -5, Overall Plan .amendment S -83 -12 Vernon Hill Condominiums Refer to: Attached Revised Overall, Development Plan Generally located: West of Vernon Avenue and South of 'Nest 52nd Str -et The subject property was rezoned to PRD -5, Planned Residential Distri --t on November 21, 1983. The overall development plan approved at that ti showed a single condominium building containing 77 units. The proponent now requests approval of a revised plan which allows the construction of the project in two phases. The revised plan separates the project into two buildings which are joined by a one story lobby area. Ail other aspects of the project (i,e. height, density, setbacks, design) are unchanged. The proposed revision results in the southerly extension of the building by about 50 feet. However, the revision allows the elimination of the one story garage element which previously projected from the south end of the building. The proponents received a preliminary plan approval from the Council on December 5, 1983. The proposed plan illustrated a one lot, one block subdivision of the property. Although a revised plat has not been submitted, we presume that the proponent may now request a two lot subdivision of the property to accommodate the phasing plan. Recommendation: Staff believes that the revised plan does not significantly alter the overall design of the project. In. fact, the proposed redesign should desirably reduce the apparent mass of the building. We are concerned with the proposed phasing plan as it relates to the platting of the property and the use of the existing motel. As will all phased projects, we must anticipate that Phase 2 may never proceed. We must be assured, therefore, that 1.) Phase 1 must be able to stand on its own, 2.) the use of the motel on the P'.1asa 2 property is short lived, and 3.) he subsequent development of the P' 'lase 2 site by developers other than the present de,'eloper complies with the ,es_:nt overall development plan. e, 'herefore, recommend the following conditions to effect these requirements: I. A proposed lot line separating lots 1 and 2 of the proposed play_ must be located so as to provide at least a 40 foot setback from the Pha I building. Lot 1 must also accommodate all required parking for the Phase i building. t. Community Development and Planning Commission February 1, 1984 - Vernon Hills Condominiums Page two 2. A demolition permit for the entire motel must be applied for and issued prior to the. issuance of a building permit for Phase 1. 3. No final inspections shall be conducted or occupancy certificates issued until the entire motel has been demolished. 4. An access easement must be provided to allow the Phase 2 project to utilize the proposed entrance and median break on the Phase I. property. No other curb cut on Vernon Avenue should be permitted if the Phase 2 project is developed by others. e - tj -- .. L _ I" ti ' ZX I----------- MI P- KLAN - 1- -3u tr 4ferw eA l +e Plan r /rr Il' L'1 arlE ww VERNON HILL CONDOMINIUMS VERNON AVENUE EDINA, MINNESOTA JOHNSON BUILDING COMPANY SHEET INDEX ARCHITECTURAL AO.1 A0.2 A1.0 ALL Al.4 A2.3 A @.A A4.8 A1.1 A3.1 A&S At* AA.1 AU LOCATION MAP 5b it gyp■ ��••Z■ NMI _ ... �2.1 ■ �I�II �11 11111 �%�' -' �� ■ y� i x NUMBER Z -83 -6 Haymaker S -84 -1 L O C A T 10 N Lots 3, 4, 5; Block 4, Grandview Hts. Generally located south of the Interlachen Boulevard, west of Summit Avenue and north of Vernon Avenue. R E Q U E S T R -1 Single Family Dwelling District to PRD -3 Planned Residential District. Interlachen Point Condominiums EDINA .PLANNING DEPARTMENT S -84 -1 Preliminary Plat of Interlachen Point. Mr. Hughes reported that the City Council granted preliminary rezoning approval to PRD-3 for the subject property on December 19, 1983. The preliminary plans illustrated eight townhouse units which would be integrated with five identical units which were previously approved. The proponents have now returned with an overall development plan and are requesting final rezoning approval. Preliminary plan has also been submitted. The proposed subdivision anticipates a one lot plat of the property with individual units to be conveyed via condominium documents. At present, the previously approved five -units are not proposed to be included in the plat. Also, the landscape plan pays special attention to the westerly property line by proposing eight, 8 - 10 foot conifers for screening purposes. The proponents will shortly submit a petition for the vacation of Summit Avenue. The preliminary development plan as well as the attached final plans were based on the understanding that the Summit Avenue right-of way measured 46 feet in width. It now appears that this right of way is actually 40 feet in width. A separate 6 foot wide easement to Edina for "open space and landscape purposes" adjoins the east side of the 40 foot right of way. It is not now clear whether the 6 foot easement can be vacated along with the 40 foot easement. If it cannot be vacated, the building and parking setback from the east lot line will be reduced even though the positions of the building will be unchanged. . Mr. Hughes added in connection with the Summit Avenue vacation, the Council requested that the Traffic Safety Committee review access to the -site from Interlachen Boulevard. The Committee recommended that Interlachen should be limited to one -way into the site. As a second alternative that an island be constructed at the intersection of the driveway and Interlachen which would allow full access into the site but right turns only out of the site. Mr. Hughes believes that the project will provide an excellent redevelopment of these properties. He recommended final zoning approval conditioned upon: 1. Inclusion of the Traffic Safety Committee's recommendations into the overall development plan. Staff favors the Committee's second alternative. 2. Revision of the utility plan to: a. • loop the water main to connect to existing lines south of the site for fire protection; b. relocate sewer and water lines such that they are located under pavement areas rather than landscape areas; c. provide additional information as to the feasibility of the storm sewer proposed for the site. 3. Vacation of Summit Avenue. 4. Final plat approval. Staff believes it would be desirable to include the Phase I property in the plat. 5. Developer's Agreement. 6. Subdivision Dedication. Mr. Gordon Johnson read a petition from a couple of the neighbors on Hankerson Avenue which required mature conifer trees between their homes and the proposed project. an They requested white or blue spruce trees and that the shade trees be at least 6" diame + --- trees. Bob Halfer, 5021 Hankerson Avenue, stated that he was concerned with his privacy, which is why they recommended the trees they did. Joseph Romain, the developer, noted that the suggested trees would be too expensive, although they would be happy themselves with a improved landscaping. Marvin Huiros, 5025 Handerson, explained that in speaking with the Edina Forester, it was suggested that the white spruce would be more appropriate for screening, density and appearance and that trees with 2 1/2" diameter would take 10 years before they would be useful for shading. Mr. Del Johnson suggested to the proponents that they accept landscaping contributions from the neighbors and Mr. Romain stated that they would be readily accepted. Mrs. McClelland wondered what problems would be created if the 6 foot easement would not added to the project. Mr. Hughes explained that this was more of a problem when a courtyard was proposed previously for the project. Mr. Gordon Johnson asked about the progress of the vacation and Mr. Hughes noted that Council had approved the first reading. Mr. Runyun moved for approval of the plans as submitted subject to Staff recommendations. Mr. Del Johnson seconded the motion. All were in favor. Mrs. McClelland obstained. The motion carried. ORDINANCE NO. 811 -A176 FOR R -1 TO PRD -3 DISTRICT ZONING (HAYMAKER) GRANTED FIRST READING. Planner Hughes recalled that the rezoning request of M. H. Haymaker to PRD -3 Planned Residential District for this property, generally located south of Interlachen Bpulevard, west of Summit Avenue and north of Vernon Avenue, had been continued from the meeting of December 5, 1983. The plans reviewed by the Council then illustrated a 14 -unit townhouse project for the site and Council had expressed concerns regarding: 1) the setback from -the west property line abutting single family lots, 2) the apparent congestion of the project, and 3) the height of the proposed buildings relative to the single family homes to the west. Staff was instructed to prepare Findings of Fact concerning the subject rezoning. Following .the Council meeting staff met with the proponents who have submitted an alternative plan which addressed the concerns of the Council.and Council informally agreed to delay the draft Findings of Fact, pending review of the revised plan. Mr. Hughes pointed out that the plan now submitted would eliminate the courtyard from the project and would extend a private street from Interlachen Boulevard to Vernon Avenue. This would permit the relocation of the townhouse buildings toward the center of the site thereby allowing the required 35 foot setback from the west lot line. Setbacks from other lot lines have also been increased, but are less than the required 35 feet. The overall density of the project has been reduced by the elimination of'one unit which results in a density of 10 units per acre and is consistent with the draft zoning ordinance. A section drawing was presented showing the height of the proposed buildings relative to the west lot line. Due to the proposed elevation of the private drive, the height of the proposed buildings as viewed from the west will be similar to a conventional two -story home. In staff's opinion, the proponents have adequately addressed the issues raised and therefore approval of the rezoning is recommended. Member Richards questioned the possibility of prohibiting left turns coming off the site onto Interlachen Boulevard because of the lack of sight distance. Mr. Hughes responded that the sight distance problem can -be remedied by allowing only right turns out or into the site off Interlachen. Robert Rietow, architect for the project, noted that the developers agree with the prohibition of left turns out of the site to Interlachen Boulevard, but disagreed with the prohibition of left turns into the site from Interlachen. Engineer.Hoffman commented that traffic coming off Highway 100 going west would enter the site on Vernon Avenue and that, as proposed by the traffic consultants in their report on the Grandview area, it was suggested that a left turn signal be placed at Interlachen Boulevard and Vernon Avenue so that traffic coming from the west would be able to make a left turn and come back on Vernon into the site -- via the south driveway. Robert Halpin, 5021 Hankerson Avenue, stated that the concerns of the adjoining homeowners to the west have been answered except that. of loss of privacy in their backyards. He asked that the developer plant mature evergreen trees along the west property line of the site so that their privacy would be maintained. Mr. Hughes pointed out that the process, if the rezoning is approved, would be that both the Planning Commission and the Council would be reviewing plans which would include landscaping before final plat approval. No further comments being made, Member Turner commented that her concerns regard- ing density and setback from the west property line has been alleviated and offered Ordinance No. 811 -A176 for First Reading as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 811 -A176 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE (NO. 811) BY ADDING TO THE PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT (PRD -3) THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF- EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. Paragraph 4 of Section 5 of Ordinance No. 811 of the City is enlarged by adding the following thereto: 'r "The extent of the Planned Residential District (Sub- District PRD -3) is • enlarged by the addition of the following property: Lots 3, 4, 5, Block 4, Grandview Heights (which is in Sub - District PRD -3)" Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and publication. Member Richards then moved that the concerns regarding traffic flow, both into and from the site, on Interlachen Boulevard be referred to the Traffic Safety Committee for their recommendations. Motion was seconded by Member Bredesen. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT FEBRUARY 1, 1984 Z -83 -6 Haymaker. Lots 3, 4, and 5, Block 4, Grandview Heights. R -1 Single Family Dwelling District to PRD -3, Planned Residential District. Overall Development Plan. S -84 -1 Preliminary Plat of Interlachen Point Generally located: South of I nterlachen and West of Summit Avenue Refer to: Attached Overall Development Plan and Preliminary Plat The City Council granted preliminary rezoning approval to PRD -3 for the subject property on December 19, 1983. The preliminary plans for this project illustrated eight townhouse units which would be integrated with five identical units which were previously approved. The proponents have now returned with an overall development plan and are requesting final rezoning approval. A preliminary plat has also been submitted. The overall development plan includes a final site plan, grading plan, utility plans, landscape plan, and elevation drawings. As noted at preliminary approval, the grading plan illustrates the lowering of the existing ground elevation in the central portion of the site. This results in the lowering of the proposed building heights such that the townhouses will resemble conventional two -story dwellings (in terms of height) as viewed from the west. The landscape plan pays special attention to the westerly property line by proposing eight, 8 _ 10 foot conifers for screening. purposes. The proposed subdivision anticipates a one lot plat of the property with individual units to be conveyed via condominium documents. At present, the previously approved five -units are not proposed to be included in the plat.. The proponents will shortly submit a petition for the vacation of Summit Avenue. The preliminary development plan as well as the attached final plans were based on the understanding that the Summit Avenue right of way measured 46 feet in width. It now appears that this right of way is actually 40 feet in width. A separate six food wide easement to Edina for 'open space and landscape purposes" adjoins the east side of the 40 foot right of way. It is not now clear whether the six foot easement can be vacated along with the 40 foot easement. if it cannot be vacated, the building and parking setback from the east lot line will be reduced even though the positions of the buildings will be unchanged. Community Development and Planning Commission February 1, 1984 Haymaker Page two In connection with the Summit Avenue vacation, the Council requested that the Traffic Safety Committee review access to the site from Interlachen Boulevard. The Committee recommended that, Interlachen should be limited to one -way into the site. As a second, but less desirable alternative, the Committee_ recommended that an island be constructed at the intersection of the driveway and Interlachen which would allow full access into the site but right turns only out of the site. Recommendation Staff believes that the project will provide an excellent redevelopment of these properties. The mass and height of the buildings, should be compatible with surrounding development and will be a positive addition to this area. Although the proposed landscape plans will not totally hide the project as viewed from the west, it does represent an appropriate level of screening for the property. We recommend final zoning approval conditioned upon:. 1. Inclusion of the Traffic Stafety Committee's recommendations into the overall development plan. Staff favors the Committee's second alternative. 2. Revision of the utility plan to: a. loop the water main to connect to existing lines south of the site for fire protection; b. relocate sewer and water lines such that they are located under pavement areas rather than landscape areas; c. provide additional information as to the feasibility of the storm sewer 'proposed for the site, 3. Vacation of Summit Avenue, 4. Final plat approval. In our view, it would be desirable to include the Phase 'I property in the plat. 5. Developer's: Agreement. 6. Subdivision Dedication. February 1, 1984 Community Development and Planning Commission City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Dear Commission Members: We, the undersigned request that the Community Development and Planning Commission require screening with mature conifer trees between the Interlachen Point development and our single family dwellings along Hankerson Avenue (5013, 5019, 5021, 5025, and 5029). We request that white or blue spruce trees be planted. As for shade trees, we request that the minimum size be at least 6" diamater trees. 5P Thank you for your consideration of our request. Respectfully, ZZII GGL� so 0 cc: City Council M -R Properties x.11 a,— 1\1 APF"OIUNTI AREA OF MAN ) 1FM mace IF AMMXWTN a)ew OF aw,ee a arty M,ano w TOTAL NCa: SIAM or f)J a0f1) TOTAL � OF UaTa< 11 OR le LWM / ACM � S b IR \ � 6 G O Ao �. L= 0 Ull g it 11 F;11-11 ll Ii II Ij SITE DENSITY AP/Vg1OAAlE AREA OF PHASE 1 UTC 23.500 EP APPFOlYATE AREA OF MARE B BITE: 1M.SOU OF TOTAL AREA. BB.— m 413 ACRES) TOTAL NUMBER OF UN T& 18 OR 10 UNITS I ACRE PHASE 2 SITE PLANT SCHEDULE BEY COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME BITE MM EMERALD OUEEN NORWAY MAPLE kCER. PLATANOIDEB EMERALD CREW B 110 BB MA MARSHALL@ SEEDLESS ASH mAMINU8 RE-5. LANCELOTA Eva' Be SBYLNE OLED TBIA IL HONEYLOCUBT TRIAN9NYLNEI 1110' Be SP SCOTCH PBX PNU8 SYLVESTU@ B -TO' M RR RLI00@A SHRUB ROSE RUOOSA ROSA of POT WJ WLTON —We Mn S DAL POT SITRADNO --- WBIOM' 1 SITE SITE PLAN - LANDSCAPE NOTE. CIRCI EO CONTOURS ARE ASSUMED CONTOURS- VEAE Y ERISTNO CONDMONS JOAN CES"V R NN F � O jI I rf l \ S- 8 �SiO N� SITE DENSITY APP )UMATE AREA OR E.UEE 1 rre AIR10 %W n ARU OF r7UN I NQ TOTAL AREA: TOTAL NIA6EA OR URE L II.000 OF $.Am v SSAM OF RJ ACRES) II OR 10 V 13 I ACRE PHASE 2 SITE PHASE i SRE SITE PLAN - UTILITIES NOTE: CIRCLED CONTOURO ARE ASSUMED CONTOUR!- VERIFY EE10TN0 CONDITION! I L I NoRrH O S .0 20 n �T,•.aa�Y.b Q [( V a0� N lid j � LL q js i o,Ii, G.erCLt 'J530 T� WEST ELEVATION as* 4 i EAST ELEVATION NOtuk 1: ELEYATNNIE & OWN ANE YOEEI04 1- &LOO A e W ARE 8" AN 7: All LXUPAOR NAtEMMS Tpdjlh'11 EY19tu*A CQN*Toj CTM e gl== ; -goo �.f. I tsr�rl oRV ' A Y � s i . • v 2 Y to eaB —e.q tr� NORTH ELEVATION H=f=L==] a I a a a SOUTH ELEVATION ft =L--1 013 . a MGIC.: I: 11 a VA10M 4—hN ARE FOR &11Q 1 –.102. 1 W AM la^ N1 a: ♦it [A]ERIGR 14TERI.LL8 TO MATC. 14W IVW CC*"TIAI MA .la Tn I asks -a y� i 1st an ' oT'�' to Tw ORAO. �nao i oe.-o i 1 �7 6-W. oaY M. 1.7 w GRADE Y i O I I IQ� j I;I fl !l III J 1I I i jpo) �YI N�v February 17, 1984 I i TO: MAYOR COURTNEY AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS SUBJECT: INTERLACHEN POINT-DEVELOPMENT At previous meetings of the council it has been agreed the Interlachen Point development tract,backing on Hankerson Avenue,should be provided with coniferous trees to provide a degree of privacy for the single - family dwellings. Plans submitted by the developer specify 8' to 10' coniferous trees along the west edge of the development with 2" diameter shade trees on the southwest corner. We, the undersigned, request coniferous trees at least 12' tall and shade trees a minimum of 3" in diameter. Smaller trees will not provide any degree of pri- vacy for three or four years. Respectfully, OR cc: Edina City Council M -R Properties EEDINA t�I N/� CITY HALL 4801 WEST 50TH STREET Planning [Department PHONE�(612i)E927A8861�24 Subdivision Application PLAT DESCRIPTION: TITLE:• Y I`NN Ccx"r�r- Ap r"oN NO. OF LOTS: ZONING: EXISTING: R-) PROPOSED : I OONI H05E ° TED - 2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: _A f_1E OWNER: NAME: A0WACD 1 tL o 2 4%t jL ri6i ino ADDRESS: 8100. FEU 14: AVE • ED l3LMMI Ly I rbo Zip 31I PHONE: 3�p3 SURVEYOR: NAME: (,. �:- I 1 L.L. Aor) PC Soc.4h l_S ADDRESS: BWO AUM60 .W-` ,AVE. C - ��[��L�{{L�/y/�l��i.n�N• Zip 5545 r _ PHONE: THE APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS THAT THIS SUBDIVISION REQUEST WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION OR CITY COUNCIL UNTIL THE SUBDIVISION SIGNS HAVE BEEN ERECTED FO,/NINE DAYS PRIOR TO THE MEETING. Applicant , Case No.: 7- -Ll Date: _ �- �_�� - Fee Paid: rI1Y8�i -44-- 2L,1c gnature f Lot 4, Auditor's Subdivision Number 196, Hennepin County Minnesota except the East 16.5 feet from the most Easterly boundary.of said Lot measured at right angles to the said Easterly boundary 'and except the North 16.5 feet of said Lot measured at right angles to the North line of said Lot and except that part of said Lot which lies Southwesterly of the following described Line 1 and Northeasterly, Northerly and North- westerly of a line parallel with and 40 feet Southwesterly, Southerly and Southeasterly of the following described Line 2 and measured at right angles thereto: Line 1: Beginning at the East 1 /4.corner of Section 6, Township 116, Range.21 thence North 00 degrees 09 minutes'27 seconds East along the East line of said Section 6 a dis tance'of 1807.59 feet; thence North 78 degrees 48 minutes 33 seconds West a distance of 1070.37 feet; thence North 81 degrees 13 minutes 33 seconds West a distance of 3402.95 feet to a point hereby designated as "Point A" thence North 08 degrees 46 minutes 27 seconds East a distance of 240 feet to the actual point of beginning of Line 1; thence South 81 degrees 13 minutes 33 seconds East a distance of 600 feet and there terminating. Line 2• Beginning at the aforedesignated "Point A "; thence South 81 degrees 13 minutes 33 seconds East a distance of 552.95 feet; thence South 08 degrees 46 minutes 27 seconds West a distance of 135 feet to the actual point of beginning of Line 2; thence North 81 degrees 13 minutes 33 seconds West adistance of 223.93 feet; thence along a 10 degree curve to the left (delta angle 60 degrees 03 minutes 23 seconds tangent distance 331.17 feet) a distance of 600.56 feet and there terminating. according to the plat thereof on file or of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said County. The boundaries of the premises are marked by Judicial Landmarks Numbered 1 to 7 set pursuant to Torrens.Case No. 12505 as shown on the plat of the Survey on file in Torrens Case No. 12605. Subject to a limitation of the right of access from the above described premises to County State Aid Highway No. 62 from the Northerly and Southerly portions of the first above described tract onto County State Aid Highway No. 62 except that the abutting owner shall retain the right of access to the frontage road to be constructed adjacent to the Southerly portion of the first above described tract as acquired by the County in deed Doc. No. 830921, files of Registrar of Titles. Subject to: A 50 foot easement described as follows: That part of Lot 4, Auditor's Subdivision No. 196,except the Northerly 16.5 feet and the Easterly 16.5 feet thereof lying Northerly of the Northerly right -of -way line of County Road No. 62 and Easterly of the Easterly right -of -way line of County Road No. 158. The Centerline of said easement is described as follows: .� Commencing at the Northeast corner of said Lot 4, Auditor's Subdivision No. 196, thence North 87 degrees 09 minutes 05 seconds West, an assumed bearing, along the North line of said Lot 4; a distance of 90.33 feet; thence Southeasterly a distance of 127.73 feet along a non - tangential curve concave to the Southwest having.a radius of 251.82 feet, a central angle of 29 degrees 06 minutes 13 seconds, and a chord bearing of South 38 degrees 26 minutes 08 seconds East; thence Southeasterly a distance of 261.87 feet along a curve concave to the Northeast having a radius of 265.73 feet and a central angle of 56 degrees 27 minutes 46 seconds; thence South 82 degrees 23 minutes 40 seconds East a distance of 252.33 feet; thence a distance of 90.98 feet along a curve concave to the North, having a radius of 1942.90 feet and a central angle of 02 degrees 56 minutes 54 seconds; thence South 85 degrees 20 minutes 34 seconds a distance of 141.07 feet and there terminating. LOCATION a� MAP � 1 ,� •VIII - -- - - ��..... I %ice■ ■� MC /� C4U�Ey TRAIL WEST CROSSviEw J UTHERAN CHURCH y 14 N ,4 k 4 _ lift z, _ •.- NUMBER Z -83- -9 & S -83 -14 L O C A T 10 N Part of Lot 4, Auditors Subdivision No. 196 Generally located north of Crosstown Highway and west of Vernon Court REQUEST R -1, Single Family Dwellings to PRD -2, Planned Residential EDINA- PLANNING DEPARTMENT Z -83 -9 Kyllo Development S -83 -14 Vernon Court Addition Mr. Hughes stated that the preliminary plans for the subject development were reviewed and approved by the Commission and Council on December 28, 1983, and January 16, 1984, respectively. These plans illustrated a five -unit townhouse project for the site attached residential uses. which conformed with the Comprehensive Plan's designation of the property for low density The proponent has now submitted an overall development plan for the site and requests final rezoning approval. The overall development plan includes a utility plan, grading plan, landscape plan and elevation drawings. Mr. Hughes recommended approval conditioned upon:' 1. Final platting. 2. Subdivision dedication. 3. Conveyance of residual right of way from the City. 4. Modification of the utility plan to increase water service to 8 inch diameter. Easements should be shown on the plat.for these easements. Mr. Howard Kyllo presented graphics. Mr. Del Johnson moved for approval subject to Staff's suggested conditions and Mr. Bailey seconded the motion. All were in favor; the motion carried. ' KYLLO DEVELOPMENT REZONING REQUEST TO PRD -2 GRANTED FIRST READING; PRELIMINARY PLAT j APPROVED FOR VERNON COURT ADDITION. Affidavit of Notice was presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Mr. Hughes presented the rezoning request of Kyllo Development for property generally located north of the Crosstown Highway and west of Vernon Court, advising that the subject property measures .82 acres in area and is zoned R -1 Single Family Dwelling District. Across Vernon Court to the north of the property is the proposed site of a recently approved five -unit townhouse project; to the northwest across Vernon Avenue is the Habitat, which is zoned R -2 and an eight -unit townhouse development zoned PRD -3, and adjoining the property on the south is the Crosstown Highway. He advised that the proponent is requesting a rezoning to PRD -2 Planned Residential District. A pre- liminary development plan has been submitted which illustrates a five -unit town- house building. The townhouses would be oriented toward Vernon Avenue and access would be served by a private drive from Vernon Court. Two enclosed parking spaces are proposed for each unit, two exposed parking spaces in front of each garage plus a separate five car parking area are also provided. He noted that elevation drawings have been submitted showing two -story units with tuck under garages at the rear.of each unit. The site includes two, small, City -owned parcels which are residue from the City's acquisition of the right of way for Vernon Court and the proponent is suggesting that the City deed those small parcels to him to include in the site plan. The proposed zoning conforms with the Comprehensive Plan designation for the site and conforms with the Zoning Ordinance requirements with the exception of the proposed setbacks of units 1 and 5. The site plan pro- poses 30 foot setbacks rather than 35 feet as required. Mr. Hughes explained that the property suffers from its close proximity to the Crosstown Highway and the ramp to County Road 18. The project appears to be designed with that fact in mind and the proponent has attempted to reduce this exposure through building design, orientation, and berming. At the December 28, 1983, meeting the Community Development and Planning Commission recommended preliminary approval of the rezoning to PRD -2 and Vernon Court Addition plat subject to the following: 1) acceptable overall development plans, 2) final platting, and 3) subdivision dedication, and 4) the conveyance of the residual right of way parcels from the City. Mr. Hughes advised that Howard Kyllo, the proponent, was present to answer any questions. In response to question of Anne Bieter, 6103 Habitat Court, regard- ing landscaping Mr. Hughes advised that landscaping plans would be submitted for approval before the final plat was approved. No further comments being heard, Member Richards offered Ordinance No. 811 -A177 for First Reading as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 811 -A177 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE (NO. 811) BY ADDING TO THE PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT (PRD -2) THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. Paragraph 4 of Section 5 of Ordinance No. 811 of the City is enlarged by adding the following thereto: "The extent of the Planned Residential District (Sub- District PRD -2) is enlarged by the addition of the following property: Lot 4, Auditor's Subdivision Number 196, Hennepin County, Minnesota, except the East 16.5 feet from the most Easterly boundary of said Lot measured at right angles to the said Easterly boundary and except the North 16.5 feet of said Lot measured at right angles to the North line of said Lot and except that part of said Lot which lies Southwesterly of the following described Line 1 and Northeasterly, Northerly and Northwesterly of a line parallel with and 40 feet Southwesterly, Southerly and Southeast- erly of the following described Line 2 and measured at right angles thereto: Line 1: Beginning at the East 1/4 corner of Section 6, Township 116, Range 21 thence North 00 degrees 09 minutes 27 seconds East along the East line of said Section 6 a distance of 1807.59 feet; thence.North 78 degrees 48 minutes 33 seconds West a distance of 1070.37 feet; thence North 81 degrees 13 minutes 33 seconds West a distance of 3402.95 feet to a point hereby designated as "Point A" thence North 08 degrees 46 minutes 27 seconds East a distance of 240 feet to the actual point of beginning of Line 1; thence South 81 degrees 13 minutes 33 seconds East a distance of 600 feet and there terminating. Line 2: Beginning at the aforedesignated "Point A "; thence South 81 degrees 13 minutes 33 seconds East a distance of 552.95 feet; thence South 08 degrees 46 minutes 27 seconds West a distance of 135 feet to the actual point of beginning of Line 2; thence North 81 degrees 13 minutes 33 seconds West a distance of 223.93 feet; thence along a 10 degree curve to the left (delta angle 60 degrees 03 minutes 23 seconds tangent distance 331.17 feet) a distance of 600.56 feet and there terminating. according to the plat thereof on file or of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said County. The boundaries of the premises are marked by Judicial Landmarks Numbered 1 to 7 set pursuant to Torrens Case No. 12505 as shown on the plat of the Survey on file in Torrens Case No. 12605. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and publication. Member Richards then offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR VERNON COURT ADDITION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled "Vernon Court Addition ", platted by Kyllo Development, Inc. and presented at the regular meeting of the City Council of January 16, 1984, . be and is hereby granted preliminary plat approval. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Bredesen. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen,-Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT FEBRUARY 1, 1984 Z -83 -9 Kyllo Development, R -1 Single Family Dwelling District to S PRD =2, Planned Residential District S -83 -14 Vernon Court Addition Generally Located: North of Crosstown Highway and West of Vernon Court Refer to: Attached Overall Development Plan Preliminary plans for the subject development were reviewed and approved by the Commission and Council on December 28, 1983, and January 16, 1984, respectively. These plans illustrated a five -unit townhouse project for the site which conformed with the Comprehensive Plan's designation of the property for low density attached residential uses. The proponent has now submitted an overall development plan for the site and requests final rezoning approval. The overall development plan includes a utility plan, grading plan, landscape plan, and elevation drawings. Recommendation Staff recommends approval condition upon: 1, Final platting 2. Subdivision dedication 3. Conveyance of residual right of way from the City 4. Modification of the utility plan to increase water service to eight inch diameter. Easements should be shown on the plat for these easements. At?. 1t, trllt lrf 11.5111 rYtli A tE �,o \ r r a: t R b C0 LOT I ' LOT 2 L T 3 LOT E BLOCK I LOT • �f'f LOT I_ er _.J Ill® -CO. RD. 62 ROW (CROSSTOWN HWY 1 4Cf1L• 1991 -L1Jp1 N SOLE �1 ut 1. 4Allr.•1 7.001.111. e•11•r IM r• , R11.• / lift yk (G /.a °t. 11 . 1.l 1.11•.. v IV .•111.1..••17 taw••1 . 1 1 Y.C1f ht fN. mrt111 10 ultortao 11 -r�J`.l tla lfeyl N•1!1.1(.I iN Nllwlry w1t.Ip•� sly 1 .b b•IN•111 VEQ / /• ` N•0.1N LINT L•• Iw..l.•Ir..17, f•r1y.17 .r se.erar.•y .r I/ np 1.51.. IN••ru �t,Iyt��� M ITIry .1 IY 111.. 1/1 t.•1•• •• iw•I•Ir Y tE �,o \ r r a: t R b C0 LOT I ' LOT 2 L T 3 LOT E BLOCK I LOT • �f'f LOT I_ er _.J Ill® -CO. RD. 62 ROW (CROSSTOWN HWY 1 4Cf1L• 1991 -L1Jp1 N SOLE �1 ut 1. 4Allr.•1 7.001.111. e•11•r IM r• , R11.• C•-t7 •1 -VIm1 .avt tN IM 11_5 rwt rn. t', -1 111I•r 17 ..Wry •I I.le lel 1••.•••1 11 . 1.l 1.11•.. v IV .•111.1..••17 taw••1 M ""'t 4 •e•P ILS Nq N v1e l.t �.I••t1 .l •1I•l •+ei•1 t1 IN •••1• IIw .f I' 1.1/ l.t •r ••tal t•.1 prt •I N11 ••It. \ tla lfeyl N•1!1.1(.I iN Nllwlry w1t.Ip•� sly 1 .b b•IN•111 •I7, b•IN•17 .r .••1•- .elt••17 el . 11y N•111.1 •111100 t/ 1••! Iw..l.•Ir..17, f•r1y.17 .r se.erar.•y .r 1`• l.11wlry h1t•1Ne 11y 1 W •... r••1 •1 np 1.51.. IN••ru �t,Iyt��� M ITIry .1 IY 111.. 1/1 t.•1•• •• iw•I•Ir ..T /, I1•, 1.. r. 11 lv -.• ✓ 11 DC hr•,rl .1,1 71 1Kr.1 1.1t lly r / SI(11. 1 • 111 - it" IN t•1' IlM Or ,,1 101°.77 tall ... „•1 4•I. 11 hP•a 15 el•rbl 71 utn +ll ■a . Igb,c• •r um.•1 1111 t1 t p •t Nr117 .•111 ^..N 11 'Nl,l /' tNn(1 brt• Q he'•11 11 I.t., 11 Nt.!1 1111 1 1111••(• .1 M I••t I• IN .(tr.l vl,t tf b 1,•Iry •1 sly 11 iN•<. Iwt• 11 hens 11 •Lax 75 IaeMl tvt - 1 na.y. 1r too r.a 1,1 INy s•ayll,y, 1 /ryllw lry .t IN •IMth.l7�I•eN ol� 4. ly.•. l• 71 (•r•11. 11 .1•rt.. 77 ­­4. . 1•II 1 c 11111+!T •/ 517.00 1••11 tlM sera a Iamt Is •I•etn t/ -4. •.II t slot- I Us rat I. IN pt.1 plrt N N11 r11q I LIN rl IN"* A"" hem• tt ).11 f•1ll tNy..l wy . 11 M <n•. N y. IN t. /t (h111 1ry1. 10 1 My.1 ) .Iyty n Nt.1. t.,1•,t ells... nt.0 raU . r tyn elltl,t• •/ IJ/.N /al 1 pr.1,111ry. .K.••1.1 b IN rl.t IN-/ w III. r •r r•t•,1 1. IN .711a .. IN 4111x• 1/ ..0011 11 1r ••. 1.11 [wn17. M LMEah1 d IN r•wlal 1•e v1N by 1.11..1.1 10000.11 •..1.., 1 N 1 p•1w,1 �.I a L•••,1 C•I• b. 11511 1 IN•- IN /11t WTI ALL 01V9.1p•9 Mt WeJfel T/ r1•u •L.T o � W W Z N � W w E Z � 0 rl iffi�31 �� 1 1111�(�It z 0 o J W a=te o: 7 Q J: o Z W i J W -1 O a x; z w °- � A. ,jam -' 7J(.i i � 1•• cc io 1 li~ SITE E71 1 Im elr, R..C. 0.a K. writ ins I 01.11 IT / w. Inc. •M'I.1 11•.CT1 Kr M. COII•'0 11 / , 1 1r¢mnre u 1 UTILITIES LEGEND e■IITw01.0R10T►Iw■11; CO. RD. 62 ROW -- +,-- 9-- t`- •t`-i- eTAT.e arollr ►1.111 (CROSSTOWN N.Y.) �"►�►.��.. /n0 /01101erne ■T levee 111 "-a :00.00: Hoer Qw10 .�.•1 •01+1 IwMa ►1010110 r► /1n e•A . 1.rfT1 ■T seven 1111,101 I ----------- IS wIT►011.,1ee P Ne1lTr 1.141 L•T • uA LOW N SCALE gu!]•1loI Let Ir 1v11IWI 6611,111. ■WAR IN, A'�•'t LNty "1111~.,Ill.rl •.tt•t iN 1., 11.1 1w(1 tt 1111( Iryf11 1, Ib 1111 (11Ir•11 t,­6. e+1 •1f.t1 IV •••t. Il.% Inl of 111! let .I.IVn1 Il 111.1 Iryl,l t• IV •.•1I Ily H 1111 let W I.tr•f IHI "1l tf I.11 lel Mlle IIt1'1^vtl.+l!••I7 If I.r I.Iiwrly 011<HeN 11w 1 •N l.'IN•14 ri., bHNrl) W ee• {► ' It•1) •f • Ily 6••11,1 .Ill •M t0 I"t Sw!1.. 11.•1), 7•.I H•Ir W 1•.tI"�., •11 N 011111"1 t'y 1 W 111.1 • ^71.1 lNnls; Iry �: " la'Iwl 11 tN 1.I1 1/• te•nv M 11TH.' {• 11_1 "1e 111, 4•/. 11 IY"t• .11. 00 et, •.11 01 1!•.1.1 If IffW1 felt tla�/ IN (111 Ilr Ir 1111 Stflie♦ / • 111. b.t• of IM /, 11 "Its Of— MIt J7 I.Tnw I elw1ll )1 .1t all "It 11111 -1 s1 10)O.7) Mh IM!• tilt. II LIn•I 11 "•tt1 11 I•tW1 Malt t 1111.- .1 I•a.T1 t•II If t "1.1 rrnt ft"'WN 1. •h 1.1 0• l.L R* All a All .1 to .1.1.1 A I I.1. III► 1 1111 -• of 110 I"1 to M■ "1.1 ..1"1 11 " 1, ly ,I 1101 II 1"•wo ftvl. It e1►•wI 11 II.b. !1 tw.11 1.11 t /III.- of GM f•.1 N INn byl y(1y, lly_t It/l•11y •t IH .Iwe0111 W '•1luu �l 1411 IH'v. 1..t. ►1 M•,., r11yb1 t 1•c r'II (IIt . 11I1.KI •I S1t.M Iwll VrKI Sail. a Mrn. N .1wbt 77 •w'w01 oa Lai W W Z N 0 .i Z W ,^ ^V / ` Z 11+1• 1 1iE11t�r ^� II1�l!1111 Malt • of:, IM of III I.t b t.. I" I "1.1 ./ Mnw II \I.vl.. 77 • •n.n MaII I .Ilu+n If It 1./7 1"11 t...!• II•y t 11 011rn tw,o to _ N. 1111 1!111• •ryl• w M•.. ) t1 _0 77 II., I.Y "1 111 b..1 711.1► 1,•111.1 ) )"" � �• f 1111•nr, •I ✓)0,71 11.1 W t' _ br.lytly. r r, e UTILITIES LEGEND e■IITw01.0R10T►Iw■11; CO. RD. 62 ROW -- +,-- 9-- t`- •t`-i- eTAT.e arollr ►1.111 (CROSSTOWN N.Y.) �"►�►.��.. /n0 /01101erne ■T levee 111 "-a :00.00: Hoer Qw10 .�.•1 •01+1 IwMa ►1010110 r► /1n e•A . 1.rfT1 ■T seven 1111,101 I ----------- IS wIT►011.,1ee P Ne1lTr 1.141 L•T • uA LOW N SCALE gu!]•1loI Let Ir 1v11IWI 6611,111. ■WAR IN, A'�•'t LNty "1111~.,Ill.rl •.tt•t iN 1., 11.1 1w(1 tt 1111( Iryf11 1, Ib 1111 (11Ir•11 t,­6. e+1 •1f.t1 IV •••t. Il.% Inl of 111! let .I.IVn1 Il 111.1 Iryl,l t• IV •.•1I Ily H 1111 let W I.tr•f IHI "1l tf I.11 lel Mlle IIt1'1^vtl.+l!••I7 If I.r I.Iiwrly 011<HeN 11w 1 •N l.'IN•14 ri., bHNrl) W ee• {► ' It•1) •f • Ily 6••11,1 .Ill •M t0 I"t Sw!1.. 11.•1), 7•.I H•Ir W 1•.tI"�., •11 N 011111"1 t'y 1 W 111.1 • ^71.1 lNnls; Iry �: " la'Iwl 11 tN 1.I1 1/• te•nv M 11TH.' {• 11_1 "1e 111, 4•/. 11 IY"t• .11. 00 et, •.11 01 1!•.1.1 If IffW1 felt tla�/ IN (111 Ilr Ir 1111 Stflie♦ / • 111. b.t• of IM /, 11 "Its Of— MIt J7 I.Tnw I elw1ll )1 .1t all "It 11111 -1 s1 10)O.7) Mh IM!• tilt. II LIn•I 11 "•tt1 11 I•tW1 Malt t 1111.- .1 I•a.T1 t•II If t "1.1 rrnt ft"'WN 1. •h 1.1 0• l.L R* All a All .1 to .1.1.1 A I I.1. III► 1 1111 -• of 110 I"1 to M■ "1.1 ..1"1 11 " 1, ly ,I 1101 II 1"•wo ftvl. It e1►•wI 11 II.b. !1 tw.11 1.11 t /III.- of GM f•.1 N INn byl y(1y, lly_t It/l•11y •t IH .Iwe0111 W '•1luu �l 1411 IH'v. 1..t. ►1 M•,., r11yb1 t 1•c r'II (IIt . 11I1.KI •I S1t.M Iwll VrKI Sail. a Mrn. N .1wbt 77 •w'w01 oa Lai W W Z N 0 .i Z W ,^ ^V / ` Z 11+1• 1 1iE11t�r ^� II1�l!1111 Malt • of:, IM of III I.t b t.. I" I "1.1 ./ Mnw II \I.vl.. 77 • •n.n MaII I .Ilu+n If It 1./7 1"11 t...!• II•y t 11 011rn tw,o to _ N. 1111 1!111• •ryl• w M•.. ) t1 _0 77 II., I.Y "1 111 b..1 711.1► 1,•111.1 ) )"" � �• f 1111•nr, •I ✓)0,71 11.1 W t' _ br.lytly. r r, e 1ttt"1.1 t• 111 11.1 111•rwf w file •• M r•avr� V ulirE - O 4 4 C -11� I Q ti Q 0 0. ,1'• 11- 4.•1.1 of lH 1•..11•. In on or 7 7 J . .1 JW itl.l 1• r ■ ~ � ■ :1 1.1.1"1 (•.• 111'.1• ^Iw . it 11.1( ~ � � > a t t7 w wl•tt to rll•1yL,.) I. I.- r-t O �� a Q' . \ Z T. \ 0 2 11. Np T y ) . .crr � ct liar 1t1� SITE s• FI [ ♦1 01 T 0 1 \ 1 1 '�t ' ♦ert. na[ 1 t erl■ -r.r ` 11 •`♦ 1 ' ` r ' am u. nrn ,e trw•u, 1 Lin At rr l." ■lor■ rlfi 1 \u.tunv. 1 1 1 r ` I ' R r ' 1t 1 r \ r 1 ' \ 1 1 , , t '\ N - -- - -- nn_o.,■ n K . . ' , 1 mnnv Io IKCn•te n SCALE 41 j �- ' FR I 1 �!r..i Farr• •,�. �` '9r �. `.\ ter`'• ., j��l: .�' �. r' 'ts,� SITE " - - r +� - $ /,•• .i �''� `\ ,` \` ``\ ``\ - mil•[. _ ( . r 1 p o� W tr N x \ tt W = W Z W U � s EZ Z 1I1I1{�1 ;It o Z Z, . Q J IL a I 0 =Z`Wi C) 200 G . Z Y■ • Q • W e ,� .,lo•or[o oorran - � it o•.er . r , r i [r• Or7 1\ ' Horn,[ cerreur —: ,`� _ - - .er[r ■■/'- DFT CO. RC E ICPCSSTD• M am.- - - 141KW[ Ku IT: Iflfrr•A tommuol 00104 i O R r S a SCALE � ad gxa .n T Z Lot f. Av111•r'a fYM1.lIIw .M.Or IN, 7N1•.pgo + Z C- 17.KreG uGAt ih lul 163 goal f(wl lh .11 1.10.11 sew../ at 1:11 let .•wand N W It rltrrl Iglu 1• Ih uU II.1 NrI/ t.yw: v7 ei \ •1 M...... IN •art. IS.1 rr.. e. . d l•1 , /•t Mwayr•: at 111.1 •ylu G eh earl. I,_ •/ \nV% r ul: let aM ut•pl I..t prl •f Ial/ l.t 1•ICe 1((�{{JJ G en Il.,. ,.. ...... .. . 1.1le.l.t ar I<rl G: ti -,t 1 all earth:.4 rl brlr.rl/ :N brl.- Marl/ at • IIK war:Ilal .lu .11 all ... Z 1wlr.. uar1/. fey, h•II W lw. 1.111 rr1/ o. (r /pilprlwt w1L Ilea ll,. ! aM •.1-1 1 Z Il..l :Mlu !bola: �f••S Q trY L Sa l-l. al to. 1•.1 1/a Llrnr •/ 1 v�� L�L/7 ttlan 1, Iw.rinl/ Ilf, 0:' /. 71 IhK". bru DD e.lrwal M •11.1 11 .1•(11:1 t .-I lr. tall 11. of all: G(tlp I . oil. GnL. el 1!07.11 Gell Ihnu .vr 1. /o wtM• I fl aS •1 ny lrl ll utanal bll o u.GK• .1 SI !� 7 1070.]7 f•rl: Iran(• b.0 of wl•ewa 11 j hnyu. ll waLe•a1 rn . nn.K..r l.n.N jllll�•j7 "i a tea .. "t h••y r11tw.1r: o •/aloe A Ih.y bu DO w1m1 11 ei b. p ;IIII 1111 + as Le.:1 [I1l a IGGK• 11 !10 fral le lh • {.1j ft waGal pinl ./ M IMIy •/ llp It IhK• -f 1111 I } 5011.. wtn1.1 11 e1K.G1 11 Iact•N. UIl A • a11t.K• •/ app Iwal M thn Gnl.atly, to Udo )f :.cen..1 Twat . II.1t.1K• •f IIt.N Iwatl lhK• seyu p "a-, of e1nr G: !/ ­.d. b.l • ME_. of Iri raot to Ih "I"I pl.l of o•tl.wI .1 lIK fl 0h 1 lrerllr el wlm. Z 11 el.ylal If waLM11 bll : C.".G of Il7.0 feat. thnG ale. . 1t. w m br•1 y O ah hot leatG •n /d ft. wan•: E7 .1101 = n lo.. a sw1..l n.1G1t. '311 1? Twat) a H H ti :Gtawn of fOp.$4 /nt aM thn Gnlw tlwt, Q = 7 acc"lut t: the plat thn./ r Ills ar •1 nt.M W • to th efflwa .T 1h 4!114. t1 Ibwa: , aR, /M 0 a s all: Cw1t1. Q W 4 ! Q O • T4 twv.elrlwa N Ih Vre•ha an +n•e y 7 d J•alclal l:neyrla Arwan: 1 G 7 all /unwa.t d • a` G T•rrwaa Gn ae. 1770! a ah.n on 11. pl:l ~ < Q .0 � • •/ Il. Wrn7 a fll• 1. 11..•11 C:.1• b. 17601, _ W 7 O G . 1waJwat to rl/.t 1 /../ of I.- c-t. O N N O. 1� V aZa O J bw _ Z f. • ewd"e 'l uj c .w W tee. to Dl 11.14 1[I__ DRAWN DATE � •[.r roN1 SITE SMEE i rflr r C \J rflr r ttit� % \/J 6 VERNON COURT ADDITION /Y b ssassso•t sera\ a �7 ( -7)r OUTtOT A I/ U B 1,0 0;9.49 1 n a/ j _ •w•v. 1 +600 � t — f�— -- �— D•a� +frr � .esoan °{ ��� �"'�- �.m •�;""�`°"'",°"`""" JAMES R. HILL, II �- SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS N e or,axra yea• .ww["r o.rcMnnow o. n.a swuw nartr a .aaurco C, ttit� % \/J 6 VERNON COURT ADDITION /Y b ssassso•t sera\ a �7 ( -7)r OUTtOT A I/ U B 1,0 0;9.49 1 n a/ j _ •w•v. 1 +600 � t — f�— -- �— D•a� +frr � .esoan °{ ��� �"'�- �.m •�;""�`°"'",°"`""" JAMES R. HILL, II �- SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS N e or,axra yea• .ww["r o.rcMnnow o. n.a swuw nartr a .aaurco SUBDIVISION DEDICATION REPORT TO: Planning Commission Park Board Environmental Quality Commission FROM: Planning Department SUBDIVISION NAME: E-�-WSJ G I3 C—cr-%k gn�7' D An LAND SIZE: o Cl�— LAND V (By: The developer of this subdivision has been required to A. grant an easement over part of the land ElB. dedicate % of the land Subdivision No. S —S3— ( A A IT10i Date : LiC. donate $ as a fee in lieu of land As a result of applying the following policy: A. Land Required (no density or intensity may be used for the first 5% of land dedicated) rj 1. If property is adjacent to an existing park and the addition �j beneficially expands the park. 2. If property is 6 acrv-s or will be combined with future dedications so that the end result will be a minimum of a 6 acre park. F7 3. If property abuts a natural lake, pond, or stream. 4. If property is necessary for storm water holding or will be dredged or otherwise improved for storm water holding areas or ponds. D5. If the property is a place of significant natural, scenic or his- toric value. F1 6. B. Cash Required 1. In all other instances than above. 2. LOCATION MAP �J �C-E4E ~ 4CLE 41 Ll PA w co C q = t a I PASS vim Q i PAiUTE I o> f 7 WA R Off, W c +r a 2 Cr 2 \ t ° u a y • II V Cr J f BALLPARK COMPLEX,,' B R A E M A R PA R raox •w _ NUMBER S -84 -4 Sisam L O C A T 10 N Lot 3, Block 1, Muir Woods Generally located west of Valley View Road and west of Mark Terrace Drive extended. REQUEST EDINA PLANNING DEPARTMENT S-84-4 Lot 3, Block 1, Muir Woods General7ocateT west o Valley View Road and west of 2' Mark Terrace Drive extended. Mr. Larsen reported that the subject property measures 71,688 square feet and is zoned R -1, Single Family Dwelling District. The property is developed with a single family dwelling located slightly north of the center of the lot. The proponent is requesting a subdivision of the property to create one new buildable lot on the southerly portion of the property. The new lot would measure 29,428 square feet with about 90 feet of width at the required setback line. The remaining developed lot would have 42,260 square feet with a width of approximately 150 feet at the - building line. Mr. Larsen pointed out to the Commission Members that the subject property, as well as others in the Muir Woods plat, is characterized by fairll steep slopes and heavy woods. Further, he stated that the lots are large and the houses are set back an average of 120 feet from Valley View Road. Also, developments to the west and east are characterized by similar terrain and' much smaller lots. Although the proposed lot exceeds the Zoning Ordinance area minimums, Mr. Larsen stated it would be slightly too narrow under the revised Zoning Ordinance standard for lot width. The new Ordinance measures lot width at a point 50 feet from the front lot line. The proposed lot would be 72 feet at that point. Mr. Larsen explained that in order to correct this and to; maximize the lot area of the new lot, Staff would suggest that the new lot line be adjusted 10 feet to the north along its entire distance. This would result in a lot width of approximately 100 feet at the required setback. Staff would recommend preliminary approval conditioned upon the aforementioned lot line adjustment and subdivision dedication. Discussion followed regarding the position and access to the garage and driveway. Mr.-- .Larsen stated that the driveway access would likely have tc be changed. The proponent, Ed Sisam, 7100 Valley View Road, was present and requested that the proposed lot line be moved along Valley View Road _ suggicient distance to meet the new Ordinance, but be left unchanged at the rear lot line. Mr. Skagerberg inquired as to whether or not the existing driveway would be commonly used by both homeowners. The proponent responded that it possibly would'be, but not necessarily. Mr. Skagerberg clarified that the easement may or may not grant an easement to the homeowners on the northerly lot for the driveway. The proponent expressed that he would have no objection to using a common driveway. Mr. Johnson voiced concern over the fact that if a new driveway were to be put in, it would require more curb cuts and cutting down.of many trees. Mr. Larsen concluded that the proponent's counter proposal by moving the lot "line would satisfy both the existing and the new Zoning Ordinance requirements. Mr. Palmer moved for approval of the lot subdivision, as modified by the proponent, that the new lot line be adjusted 10 feet to the north along its midpoint which would result in a lot width of approximately 100.feet at the required setback. Mr. Skagerberg seconded the motion. All were'in favor; motion carried. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT FEBRUARY 29, 1984 S -84 -4 Sisam, Lot 3, Block 1, Muir !Hoods Generally located: 'Vest of Valley View Road and West of Mark Terrace Drive extended. Refer to: Attached preliminary plat and statement of neighbors The subject property measures 71,688 square feet as is zoned R -1, Single Family Dwelling District. The property is developed with a single family dwelling located slightly north of the center of the lot. The proponent is requesting a subdivision of the property to create one new buildable lot on the southerly portion of the property. The new lot would measure 29,428 square feet with about 90 feet of width at the required setback line. The remaining, developed lot would have 42,260 square feet with a width of approximately 150 feet at the building line. The subject property, as well as others in the Muir Woods plat, is characterized by fairly steep slopes and heavy woods. The lots are large and the houses are set back an average of 1'20 feet from Valley View Road. Developments to the west and east are characterized by similar terrain and much smaller lots. Recommendation The subject property, like most properties in the Muir Woods plat, appears suitable to subdivision. The lots are very large and most dwellings are positioned off center. Although the proposed subdivision will somewhat disrupt the existing spacing of homes west of Valley View Road, a dwelling on the new lot would still be in excess of 100 feet from the next dwelling to the south. Although the proposed lot exceeds the Zoning Ordinance area minimums, it would be slightly too narrow under the revised Zoning Ordinance standard for lot width. The new Ordinance measures lot width at a point 50 feet from the front lot line. The proposed lot would be 72 feet at that point. In order to correct this and to maximize the lot area of the new lot, Staff would suggest that the new lot line be adjusted 10 feet to the north along its entire distance. This would result in a lot width of approximately 100 feet at the required setback. Staff recommends preliminary approval conditioned upon the above mentioned lot line adjustment and subdivision dedication. 38 4 1. —,a solvid *.hit ws% b•3in(r 4 record owner of one or more 104-S COIL t1q Lned in block 1 of 1-tuir Woods 311b".'•'s'O• 1 City ')f &-ii'lag Ji-mn-apin, County,' '11nnesotag do hereby criv,-, consent to Vii record 0, jner of block 1, lot 3 Huir -,-)oois 4,o sj.,bjividv Chair saj,.i. lot. 41. 7 j March 19, 1984 Edina City Council 4805 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Dear Council Members: As the president of the Arrowhead Lake Improvement Associa- tion, I would like to call to the council's attention the petition opposing the subdivision on Lake Arrowhead which was signed by over 75% of the home owners on this lake. Due to vacations and other absences at this time of the year, we were not able to contact all the home owners on Lake Arrowhead. At the meeting of the City Planning Commission the request made by Mr. Jeff Gustafson to sub - divide this property was denied. I would again like to state my concern and opposition to the subdivision of the property on Lake Arrowhead. Sincerely, Monica C. Flynn President Arrowhead Lake Improvement Assoc. 6312 Post Lane Edina, MN 55435 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: March 19, 1984 TO: Kenneth E. Rosland FROM: Craig Larsen, Comprehensive Planner SUBJECT: Year X, Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Budget The City has been given an allocation of $169,543 for Year X. of the CDBG Program. This amount represents a decrease of. approximately 20 percent ($44,506) from last year's :budget. Although the CDBG Program was recently reauthorized for 1984, 1985, and 1,986 at the. funding level of 1183, the use of 1980 Census figures has caused Hennepin County's share to decrease. Activities eligible under the program remain essentially the same as last year. The program continues to require that at least 51 percent of the funds directly benefit low and moderate income persons. The public hearing before the City Council, scheduled for March 19, 1984, continues to be the only public hearing required at the local level. - The budget approved by the City Council will be reviewed by the Citizens Advisory Committee (PACAC) and is then forwarded to the Hennepin County Board for incorporation in the Urban County Application. Staff has prepared the following budget for City Council consideration: Activity Budget - Non- Profit Housing Sponsor $ 60, 000 Land Acquisition for Low and Moderate, / Income Housing 50,743 Rehabilitation of Private Property 20,000 Handicapped Access Improvements to Public Properties 30,000 Public Services (H.O.M.E.) 8,800 $ 169,543 The non - profit housing sponsor project (started two years ago) would provide starting and operational funding for the East Edina Housing Foundation in connection with the HRA's mixed use project in Southeast Edina. The Land Acquisition project would assist the HRA in the same development. Year X March 19, 1984 Page two Year X would represent the third year the City has provided public service funding for the H.O,M.E, program, The recommended funding level of $8,800 includes $800 to cover the City's administrative costs for the program. A letter from the program director of the the H.O.M.E, program requesting this funding level is attached. The rehabilitation of private property represent activities that have been on recommend that they continue. CL /Ide and the Handicapped Access Projects going for several years. Staff would February 29, 1984 Gordon Hughes, City Planner City of Edina 4801 W. 50th St. Edina, MN 55424 Dear Gordon: The H.O.M.E. (Household and Outside Maintenance for Elderly) Program has worked with the City of Edina in providing both chore /home maintenance and homemaker services to low and moderate income residents for the past two years. In year .VIII, the H.O.M.E. Program was allocated $6,000 and Year IX, $6,600 was allocated. This letter is a request for Year X funding for $8,000. Over the past five years of operation, the H.O.M.E. Program has been able to expand its services to include most maintenance services necessary to maintain elderly in their homes. Services include: minor plumbing, minor electrical repair, carpentry, installation of security features, home modification for handicapping conditions, weatherization, yard work, snow removal and homemaker services. In comparison to the other South Hennepin Cities, Edina residents made the greatest use of the H.O.M.E. services. In the past four years, Edina has received 44% of the total service hours for homemaker service and approximately 25% of the chore /home maintenance service hours. The markedly high use of the H.O.M.E. Program reconfirms the census data profiling large numbers of elderly residing in Edina and also documents the need for additional funds to support and expand the provision.of H.O.M.E. services. I am confident the H.O.M.E. Program meets a growing need for services to maintain elderly in their homes and look forward to again receiving financial assistance through Edina's CDBG Program. If you would like additional details regarding the H.O.M.E. service provision, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Debbra Determan Program Director CC: Craig Larsen DD /jmd South Hennepin Human Services Council Creekside Center 9801 Penn Ave. So. Room 100 Bloomington, MN 55431 (612) 888 -5530 YEAR X URBAN HENNEPIN COUNTY TARGET PLANNING ALLOCATIONS Brooklyn Center $241;592 Brooklyn Park 352,218 amp in Chanhassen 0 Corcoran Crvstal 142,759 Deepnaven iy,uli en rairie 69,638 Excelsior 16,874 Golden Valley 86,512 Greenfield 9,374 Greenwood , Hanover , Hassan Township , Independence , oretto 1,875 ap e Grove 9 , Maple Plain 8,303 e icine Lake 1,875 Medina 167,77U Minnetonka , Minnetonka Beach 1,071 Minnetrista 23,838 Mound , New Hope 1,7,67U Orono , sseo 22,766 Plymouth 142,759 Richfield , Robbinsdale 79,013 Rockford , o ers 8,035 St. Anthony , St. Born acius 8,303 St. Louis Park 253,644 Shorewood ,- .jpring rarK on a Bay ayzata , Woodland SUBTOTAL 2,678,400 Hennepin County 297,600 TOTAL 2,976,000 REQULS I Wl-t NURCI IA.5L TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Francis Hoffman, Director of Public Works .A: Kenneth Rosl and, City rlanaeer SUBJECT: REgUEST FOR PURCHASE OF ITEM IN EXCESS OF $5,000 DATE: March 16, 1984 Material Description (General Specifications): Sand, Rock, Bituminous Materi 'al Quotations /Bids: Company 1. See attached tabulation 2. 3. Department Recommendation: r4 Amount of Quote or Did Public Works Dept: r Slgnat jee / Department Finance Director's Endorsement: The recomflended bid is his not within the amount budget for the purchase. en, rinance Director City Manager's Endorsement: . I concur with the recon-,inendation of the Department and recommend Council approve the purchase. 2. I recommend as an alternative: Kenneth RbsTand, City Manager Award Items with asteriks P.U. = Pick -up by City Trucks D. = Delivered to City BID TABULATION CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA SAND - BITUMINOUS MATERIAL - ROCK BID OPENING: MARCH 15, 1984 - 11:30 A.M. All Items-per ton except 7 oncrete and 1 Buck Shot 2 Gravel Base 3 Limestone 4 Seal -Coat Chios 5 Ready Mix Bituminous 6 Cut -Back As halt 7 Winter. Mix 8 7 is per gallon) P.U. D P.U. D. P.U. D. P.U. D. P.U. D. P.U. D. P.U. D. P.U. D. Trap Rock Inc. on on N.W. Aggregates 1.00 3.30 4.50 6.75 2.00 4.45 Bryan Rock Products 3.20 Koch Asphalt 1.00 1.0222 Hassan Sand & Gravel 4.20 7.60 4.90 6.40 16.25 Bury & Carlson, Inc. 2.25 4.10 *18.85 21.35 27.0 ton •0 ton Prior Lake Aggregates 1.20 2.89 4.75 6.25 2.05 * ** 4.05 Midwest Asphalt Corp. 2.05 4.50 3.15 4.96 19.95 21.20 ton ton Ed Kraemer & Sons of Mpls.(No Eid Bond) 3.32 -ane *4.82 -Tractor Tr iler elm. Mueller &.Sons 1.55 4.95 1.80 .07 per ton (ta ) 19.0c 24.0 J. L. Shiely Co. 3.85 5.80 5.12 6.52 3.50 5.20 3.50 5.20 7.25 12.20 commercial Asphalt 2.00 14.65 2.00 4.65 x 17.7E 20.10 3s -ag .97 2.90 4.20 5.90 1.904 05 * Based on low bid a ,r ** Alternate Bid * ** Shared award item PRICE COMPARISION 82 to 83 83 to 84. 1982 1983 1984 % Increase /Decrease - Concrete Sand /ton $3.10 $2.92 $2.90 Buckshot /ton $6.39 $6.15. $5.90 -3.7% -4.1% Gravel Base /ton $3.85 $3.85 $4.05 0 +5.2 %' Limestone /ton $4.40 $4.68 $4.95 +6.4% +5.8% Seal Coat Chips /ton $11.15 $12.05 $12.20 +8.0% +1.2% Ready Mix Bituminous /ton $17.50 $17.95 $18.85 +2.6% +5.0% Cut Back Asphalt /gal. $.90 $1.0222 $1.0222 +13.9% 0 Winter Mix $22.50 $24.00 0a +7.0% +12.5% r<tilut� i rui< rurc�. ;i���t TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Francis Hoffman, Director of Public Works _ 'IA: Kenneth Rosland, City Hanaver SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE OF ITEM IN EXCESS OF $5,000 DATE: March 16, 1984 Material Description (General Specifications): Hydrofluosilicic-Acid and Liquid Chlorine (Water Treatment Chemicals) Quotations /Bids: Company 1. Jones Chemicals, Inc. 2. Hawkins Chemicals, Inc. 'Amount of Quote or Bid H drofluosi.licic Acid /cwt. Chlorine /cwt. Total 9.00 $18.00 $7.95 $19.73 $27.68 3. Van Waters & Rogers $9.43 Department P.ecom- endation: Jones Chemicals, Inc. Finance Director's Endorsement: The recommended bid is is not $21.95 $31:38 $27.00 -Total Bid Public Works /Utility Dept Signat e Department within the amount budget for the purchase. PIN. en, rinance Director City Manaoer's Endorsement: V I concur with the recoinrendation of the Department and recommend Council approve the purchase. 2. I recommend as an alternative: A netti Rosland, Cit f•lanager KLQULJ I rUlt 1 UMl iA-5E . �C TO: '►MaYbr and City Council FROM: Francis J Hoffman 'IA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE OF ITEII IN EXCESS OF $5,000 DATE: 3/16/84 Material Description (General Specifications): Contract #84 -2 (•ENG) Roof Repair & Restoration of Four.(4) Public Buildings 1 -Edina City Hall 2- Edina Fire Dept. 3 -Edina Lift Station 4- Grandview Liquor Store Quotations /Bids: Company 1. See attached Bid Tabulation 2. 3. Department Recommendation: Amount of Quote or aid M & S Roofing, Inc. . $52,664.00 Engineering. SignatuW U Department Finance Director's Endorsement: The.recommended bid is f is not within the amount budget for the purchase. J. N, Dalen. Finance DirPrtnr City t•1aann aer's Endorsement: r `I concur with the reconrnendation of the Department and recommend Council approve the purchase. 2. I recommend as an alternative: Kenneth Ros1and, Ci y Manager } BID TABULATION CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA CONTRACT #84 -2 (ENG) ROOF REPAIR AND RESTORATION OF FOUR 4 PUBLIC BUILDINGS 1 EDINA CITY HALL 4801 W. 50TH ST.. (2) EDINA FIRE DEPT. 6250 TRACY AVE. (3) EDINA LIFT STATION 4400 WEST 72ND STREET (4) GRANDVIEW LIQUOR STORE 5013 VERNON AVENUE BID OPENING: THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1984 BIDDER 1 - EDINA CITY HALL #2 - EDINA FIRE DEPT. #3 - EDINA LIFT STATION #4 -GR NDVIEW LIQUOR STORE #4 - A # TOTAL OF 1,2, 3 AND 4 M & S Roofing, Inc. $12.227.00 $14,978.00 $5,372.00 $19,727.00 $675.00 $2.75 $52,664.00 Zenith Roofing, Inc.. $14,995.00 $14,111.00 $5,269.00 $22,249.00 $22,759.00 $1.50 $56,624.00 Les Jones Roofing $17,151.00. $19,864.00 $6,442.00 $24,380.00 $600.00 $1.75 $67,837.00 Keehn Bros. Inc. $16,900.00 $19,100.00 $8,200.00 $29,800.00 $1,180.00 '$2.75 $71,900.00 Peterson Maintenance Corp. 25 592.00 $23,366.00 $5,000.00 $23,060.00 .10 per s /fi $7.00 $75,000.00 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE $19,500 -.00 $16,500.00 11,500.00' $20,500.00 $1.00 S/F $8. O S/F $58,000.00 REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bob Kojetin, Director, Park and Recreation VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE OF ITEM IN EXCESS OF $5,000 DATE: March 16, 1984 Material Description (General Specifications): One (1) 3/4 Ton Pickup Cab & Chassis and One (1) 24,500 GVW Cab & Chassis (Replacement vehicles for park maintenance, water truck chassis and tree maintenance trucl Quotations /Bids: Company Amount of Quote or Bid 1. Boyerford Trucks, Inc.: (3/4 Ton Pickup Cab & Chassis) $ 9,600 2811 N.E. Broadway (24,500 GVW Cab & Chassis) 19,484 Mpls., MN 55413 2. Lakeland Ford (24,500 GVW Cab & Chassis) $20,323 740 S. Concord So. St. Paul , MN 55075 3. Superior Ford (3/4 Ton Pickup Cab & Chassis) $10,555 Plymouth, MN (24,500'GVW Cab & Chassis) 19,566 ' 4. Nelson - Lenzen Chev -Buick (3/4 Ton Pickup Cab & Chassis) 10,540 Chaska, MN Department Recommendation: Boyerford Trucks, Inc. vZ -1 Finance Director's Endorsement: The recommended bid is ✓ is not ure Department within the amount budget for the purchase. u. n. uaien, rinance Director City M fianer's Endorsement . I concur with the recommendation of the De a the purchase. P rtment and recommend Council approve 2. I recommend as an alternative: _ nnethlRosland, City /Manager fi�A Members present: Members absent: Others present: SECTION A MINUTES TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MARCH 13, 1984 9:00 A. M. Fran Hoffman, Chairman Gordon Hughes Craig Swanson Alison Fuhr Lois Coon None Requests on which the Committee recommends approval as requested or modified, and the Council's authorization of recommended action. 1. Request for traffic control sign to preclude lost drivers from entering the Londonderry townhouse complex. Request made by J.Y. Loper, President of the Londonderry Townhouse Association, 5725 Duncan Lane. ACTION TAKEN: The Committee discussed the request and the reasons cited by Mr. Loper. Mr. Hughes reminded the Committee of the permissibility of private signs, not exceeding six square feet, erected on private property. Alternative wording of public advisory signs was considered for addition to or replacement of the current "Dead End" advisory. Mr. Swanson moved that a "Private Road Ahead" advisory sign be added to the current "Dead End" public sign at the intersection and the requestor be advised that a private sign could be added to their property to further inform motorists. Mr. Hughes seconded the motion. Potion carried 3 -0. 2. Request for the restriction of parking in the area of Wooddale Avenue and West 56th Street (Colony Park Baptist Church) due to narrow streets and the restriction of emergency traffic. Request made by John N. Clausen, area resident. ACTION TAKEN: The Committee discussed the parking problems as reported by the requestor. Identified as a contributor to the problem is the unusually heavy snowfall and accompanying snowbanks during the winter of '83 -'84. Mr. Swanson presented a survey of existing parking restrictions in the area. _ Traffic Safety Committee Minutes .'.. ,► Page 2 11arch 13, 1984 Mr. Swanson moved that additional "NO PARKING SUNDAY, 8:00- 12:00" signs be added to the south side of West 56th Street between Wooddale,Avenue and St. John's Avenue. And, the same restriction be applied to the north side of West 56th Street between Wooddale Avenue and Kellogg Avenue. Mr. Hughes seconded the motion.. Motion carried 3 -0. SECTION B Requests on which the Committee recommends denial of request. NONE. SECTION C Requests which are deferred to a later date or referred to others. 1. Request for the Traffic Safety Committee to clarify the definition of right -of -way at the intersection of Merrit Circle, Doncaster Way and Vernon Avenue. Request made by Mr. Paul Pearson, 5508 Merrit Circle. ACTION TAKEN: The Committee discussed the request in light of known information on traffic flow and the geometrics of the intersection. Mr. Swanson reported no significant accidents occurring at the subject location. The seasonal snowbanks may cause some restricted sight distances. No consensus or conclusion could be reached given the intersection is also under study for possible signalization. Mr. Hughes moved the request be included in the Vernon Avenue signalization study currently underway. Mr. Swanson seconded the motion. Motion carried 3 -0. 2. The Committee updated itself on the Vernon Avenue signalization study: The Hennepin Countv findings have been received from the City Council. . Considerable public input is expected. There was inadequate time to obtain the.public notification and input for the March meeting. . The item will be a formal agenda item at the April meeting. 3. The Committee updated itself on the West 70th Street & Cornelia traffic study: . Weather conditions have precluded the Engineering Department's ability to conduct the traffic movement and pedestrian studies. MEMORANDUM TO: KENNETH ROSLAND, CITY MANAGER FROM: MARCELLA DAEHN, CITY CLER" D SUBJECT: RENEWAL OF Beer, Club Liquor and Sunday Liquor Licenses DATE: MARCH 19, 1984 The following businesses have applied for renewal of licenses for the year April 1, 1984 to April 1, 1985, which inuaccordance with Ordinance No. 902 require approval by the City Council before renewals can issued: On -Sale Beer Licenses Braemar Golf Course Brothers Restaurant Daytons Valley'-View Restaurant_ Donaldsons Minnesota Room Edina American Legion Post Edina Country Club Edina Golf Dome Empress Restaurant Gus Young's Inc. - Biltmore Bowl Gus Young's, Inc. - Southdale Bowl Interlachen Country Club J.P's Restaurant Kings Court Los Primos Mexican Restaurant Monterey Jacks Original Pancake House Rigotto's Pizza Szechuan Star Restaurant T.J's Family Restaurant Ediner Off -Sale Beer Licenses Byerlyssof.= Edina. Edina Supperette Jerrys=Fbods.. Kennys_Mar•kets3 Q. Petroleum Corporation Red Owl Country Store Superamerica Stations, Inc. Interlachen K Service Club Liquor and Sunday Liauor Licenses Edina Country Club Interlachen Country Club z' It-:tis recommended that Council approval be subject to approval of the Police - Department as not all applications for renewal have been checked and cleared as of this date. M E M O R A N D U M DATE: March 14, 1984 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Ted Paul franz, Assistant Fire Chief _F F SUBJECT: City Adoption of Appendix E - An Optional Chapter of the Minnesota State Building Code BACKGROUND Appendix E is an optional appendix chapter of the Minnesota State Building Code. If adopted, it would permit a municipality to exceed the current building code requirements involving the installation of automatic fire suppression (sprinkler) systems. To maintain uniformity, these rules'rnust be adopted without change or modification. The rules apply to new and remodeled buildings and in certain cases where the occupancy or use has changed. In January of 1981, Robert Bahneman and I appeared before the City Council to discuss the question of fire protection weaknesses in the State Building Code. Of special concern at the time was the issue of municipal authority in the requirements for built -in fire protection systems. As a result, I was directed to "work with our state organizations to resolve all issues involving state code changes ". Subsequently, and at the recommendation of the Chairman of the Senate "Government Operations Committee ", the Director of the State Building Codes Division appointed a study committee to review the matter. The committee received testimony from a variety of individuals, representing building owners, developers and designers, fire protection and building inspection officials, also and including representatives of the Edina Fire Department. Appendix E is the result of this committee's efforts. The primary purpose of Appendix E is to put automatic sprinkler protection in all buildings that, because of size, would present an extra fire hazard. The effect is to transfer a larger portion of the increased costs of fire protection to those properties requiring increased protection. Automatic sprinkler systems are a tested approach to fire protection, with a long and solid record of effectiveness.. Such systems are a fundamental element in municipal fire protection and provide the most cost - effective solution to large fire control problems. ACTION BY OTHER CITIES To date, the following communities have adopted Appendix E: Coon Rapids, Maple- wood, Little Canada, Deephaven, New Hope, Spring Lake Park, Moundsview, Blaine, Stillwater and Richfield. The cities of Brooklyn Center, Plymouth, Bloomington and Fridley have zoning requirements relating to fire protection systems that reflect their local concerns and needs. Memo to Mayor and City Council March 14, 1984 Page 2 CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES - 1983 The Building Department permit records were examined to determine the impact of Appendix E, had the rules been in effect during 1983. It is important to note that Appendix E rules only apply to new, remodeled or changed usage in buildings of commercial, industrial or multi - residential occupancy. (See #1 Attachment) Total permits of this type for 1983 were 349. Of these, 9 would have been sprinklered under the Appendix E rules. (See Attachment #2) RECOMMENDATION Because of the cost - effectiveness associated with on- premises fire suppression systems (sprinkler) and the importance these systems are to our fire protection future, I strongly recommend we begin the necessary steps for adoption of this chapter, Appendix E. (See attached ordinance proposal -- Attachment #3) TRP /ras Attachments ATTACHMENT ttl Edina Fire 03/01/84 SPRINKLER REQUIREMENTS COMPARISON Current.Standards (1982 U.B.C.) Appendix E Rules OCCUPANCY TYPE OCCUPANCY GROUP * CURRENT BUILDING CODE APPENDIX E RULE foot) A -1. Stage Drinking, dining areas All areas with ASSEMBLY A -2 +5000 basements 300 or more A -2.1 300+ +1500 display areas occupants A -3 300 - +12,000 and stair A -4 Stadiums stage, loft areas B -1 Service Stations Retail sales 12,000+ Service Stations Garages High -piled storage 3000+ B -2 Retail storage Garages 5000+ offices, adult Offices & Schools BUSINESS schools 8500+ or 3 stories B -3 Hangers Retail & Storage B -4 Non - combustible 2000+ or 3 stories storage E -1 Thru 12th grade Basement +1500 8500+ or 2 stories 50+ occupants Under stair areas 8500+ or 2 stories E -2 Thru 12th grade All areas with EDUCATIONAL -50 occupants +29 occupants E -3 Day Care, more than six H -1 Haz plat +1500 H -2 Flam. liquids +1500 HAZARDOUS H -3 Dust Hazard +3000 H -4 Repair Garage over one story +3000 H -5 Repair Hanger I -1 Hosp. /Nursing All areas INSTITUTIONS I -2 Supervised Living I -3 Jails R -1 Apartments/ 8500+ or 3 stories RESIDENTIAL Hotels R -3 Dwellings MISCELLANEOUS M -1 Private Garages M -2 Towers *Uniform Building Code requires sprinklers in all buildings of more than 1500 square feet that are not provided with 20 square foot openings in each 50 lineal feet exterior wall for firefighting and rescue. Sprinklers are also required in all shafts extending three or more floors for rubbish or linen handling; also film and fiber storage vaults. ATTACHMENT #2 MEMORANDUM DATE: March 14, 1984 TO: File FROM: Ted Paulfranz, Assistant Chief SUBJECT: Appendix E Impact Analysis The following are the results of our analysis of Building Department permit records for 1983. Appendix E applies to new construction, additions to buildings, changes in occupancy or use, and are larger than a specified square footage or occupant load. Total permits (1983) for commercial, industrial, multi - residential (Appendix E type properties) .............349 Remodeling, finishing work, installations of equipment (activity not affected by Appendix E) .............298 Building /structures already protected with automatic sprinklers ........... ............................178 Buildings not protected and would have been under Appendix E rules ............... ..............................9 1 = 6 = Centex 8- units(R -1) Langford Drive 7 = Kodak Plaza (B -2) 7171 Ohms Lane 8 = Franklin Construction 33 -unit (R -1) 7200 Cahill Road 9 = 16 -unit condo (R -1) 5201 Village Drive TRP /ras ATTACHMENT #3 ORDINANCE NO. 406 -A5 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CITY ORDINANCE NO. 406 AND ADOPTING OPTIONAL PROVISIONS FOR INSTALLATION OF ON- PREMISES FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. Adoption of Rule. Section 1 of City Ordinance No. 406 is amended by adding a new subsection (e), to read as follows: "There is adopted and incorporated herein by reference (e) as an Ordinance of the City of Edina; 2MCAR:1.10020 Optional provisions for installation of on- premises fire suppression systems." Section 2. Rules on File. One copy of 2MCAR:1.10020 Optional provisions for installation of on- premises fire suppression systems, marked "Official Copy ", is on file with the City Clerk and shall remain on file for examination by the public. The Clerk shall furnish copies of said rules at cost to any person on request. Section 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage and publication. FIRST READING: SECOND READING: PUBLISHED ICJ THE EDINA SUN: (signed) Mayor ATTEST: (signed) City Clerk 1984+ OF EDINA CHECK CH7.CK 4(`. GATE AMOUNT _ VEND_0'3 `,z 05170a 33/39/94 40.27 KENTOCKY FRIED __40 7.7 2,183.49 2,183.49 : 20.70 20.70 • MUTUAL BEIEFIT FOUR WHEEL DRIVE STFR � G rf l.r• RU38ISH _ ITEM_OESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N0. INN. -- ,- X62368 03/09/84 LUNGES 10- 4206 - 140 -14 MANUAL 3 .. 57,9 _B30W4IV3_F BROWNING * ** -CKS , e ` _ DISABILITY 10- 4158- 510 -51 rh27'? 1 03/09/94 FERRIS RUBBISH o 10- 4250- 861 -36 - - -- --- - -- - - -- ^66053 03/39/94 4250 -8 861 -86 ,3I 056C53 03/09/34 - REDAIRS - 28- 4248 - 708 -70 x66051 - __ -- L3/ O/84 BROWNING - 045953 03/09/94 23- 4250- 610 -61 -! 066053 03/09/94 RU33ISH REMOVAL f66053 33/09/84 B40WNIV'3 FERRIS '66053 C3/C9/94 27- 4250- 662 -66 =� 056353 03/09/84 RUBBISH 5 0,56]53 - -- 03/091R4 BROWNING FERRIS 066053 03/09f94 50- 4250 - 841 -84 7 rr669 53 03/09f84 RU38ISH REMOVAL _ 50 -4250- 861 -86 73 2,183.49 2,183.49 : 20.70 20.70 • MUTUAL BEIEFIT FOUR WHEEL DRIVE STFR BROWNING 03 -19 -8 AGE 1 RU38ISH _ ITEM_OESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N0. INN. p P.O. p- MESSAGE- --_ - =a LUNGES 10- 4206 - 140 -14 MANUAL 3 .. 57,9 _B30W4IV3_F BROWNING * ** -CKS , e ` _ DISABILITY 10- 4158- 510 -51 9 MANUAL BROWNING FERRIS RUBBISH o 10- 4250- 861 -36 - - -- --- - -- - - -- - --- - - *r*- CKS' - -',3 CORRECTION 4250 -8 861 -86 Sl_.77 BROWVINo F -RRI_ - REDAIRS - 28- 4248 - 708 -70 __- _MAVUALI:: 11.58 200.17 BROWNING FERRIS RU38ISH REMOVAL 10- 4250 - 301 -30 36.67 - =a =IRIS RU_38_IS4 REMOVAL 10- 4250_- 446 -44 57,9 _B30W4IV3_F BROWNING _ _ FERRIS RUBBISH REMOVAL _ 10 -4250- 520 -52 148.61 BROWNING FERRIS RUBBISH REMOVAL 10- 4250- 861 -36 148.61- BROWNING FERRIS CORRECTION 4250 -8 861 -86 Sl_.77 BROWVINo F -RRI_ RUBBISH - - REMOVAL -10- 20 -4250- 628 -62 11.58 BROWNING FERRIS RUBBISH REMOVAL 23- 4250- 610 -61 15.44 BROW IG FERRIS RU33ISH REMOVAL 27 -4250- 661 -66 1.93 B40WNIV'3 FERRIS RUBBISH REMOVAL 27- 4250- 662 -66 92.64 BROWNING FERRIS RUBBISH REMOVAL 28- 4250 - 708 -70 227.74 BROWNING FERRIS RU38ISH REMOVAL 50- 4250 - 841 -84 148.51 BROWNING FERRIS RU38ISH REMOVAL _ 50 -4250- 861 -86 845.35 * I 0� ^56273 !13/09/84 _ • *•- CKS - -- • *+ -CKS 33 z, MANUAL ZI CASH! - - - - MANUAL - - =a - - - M A V UA. L _. MANUAL _-. x,662:13 MANUAL 7.20- _ Pr_ __ -- MANUAL__ MEETING EXPENSES 10- 4206 - 120 -12 MANUAL Zy 35 MANUAL 3'. 37.91 ___MANUAL_ 13' MEETING EXPENSES MANUAL J3 1 MANUAL i,,. 03/09/94 _,_ -- MANUAL - - -: 1, MANUAL 13' • *+ -CKS 33 - 756273 33/09/94 -- 3.96 PETTY. - -- - - CASH! - - - CASLE_TV_ -_ - -- - - - - -- _10- 21,49- 000 -00 - - - - M A V UA. L _. al 3a x,662:13 03 /U9fR4 7.20- _ Pr_ CASH MEETING EXPENSES 10- 4206 - 120 -12 MA'4UAI "' 35 C56 ?'1 3 57/i9'A4 37.91 PETTY CASH MEETING EXPENSES 10- 4206 - 140 -14 MANUAL 1 36 0562`)3 03/09/94 R.10 PETTY CAS4 MEETING EXPENSES 10- 4206- 160 -16 Sae 562(.1 03/09/94 18.53 PETTY CAS41 M --TIN; EXPENSES 10- 4206 - 200 -20 _MANUAL MA4U4L -�`'' !0 06621)3 03/09/34 10-.00- PETTY CASH MEETING EXPENSES 10- 4206 - 420 -42 MANUAL 511 :- x662;33 - -- 03/,39/.94 - - - -- - - - - -- 12.75 - -- -- - -- - PETTY - -- -- - - - CASHI -- M-ETING EXPENSES P E_ NS E 5-- - 4 206 - 4 21- 4 2 I 0� ^56273 !13/09/84 -- 1.75 PETTY - - - CAS4 - -- -- -' - - -- - - M_ETINS EXPENSES - -10 10 -4206- 422 -42 - -- --MAN -- MANUAL 53 ai 066203 03/09/84 1900 PETTY CASH MEETING = XPENSES 10- 4206- 440 -44 MANUAL a -1 056203 33/09/34 1.00 PETTY CAS4) MEETING EXPENSES 10- 4206 - 600 -60 MANUAL •'3 C66203 03109/94 13.34 PETTY CAST MILEAGE 10 -4208- 140 -14 MANUAL as P66203 03/09/.94 7.60 PETTY CASs MILEAGE 10 -4208- 160 -16 MANUAL ISL• es U5621)3 -- 03/09/ °4 - 1.'0 PETTY CASH MILEAGE 10 -4208- 440 -44 - - -- - MANUAL no - ^662!)3 '3/99/84 9.20 PETTY CASH, MILEAGE 10 -4208- 510 -51 MANUAL- ai r66233 03/09/ °4 11.42 PETTY CAS4, POSTAGE 10- 4290 - 240 -24 MANUAL 63A ao 066273 03/09194_ 8.02 PETTY CASH GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 120 -12 MANUAL_ ^� '066203 _ 03%:79/94 19.46 PETTY _ CASH, GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 260 -26 MANUAL G� 6J C66203 03/19/P-4 10.21 PETTY CASH' GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 420 -42 MANUAL I66I r66203 03/U9/94 20.30 PETTY C5S4 GEV SUPPLIES, 10 -450-4- 421 -42 MANUAL IG,14 ,o ' C56273 03 /09/94 5.00 PETTY CASH GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 422 -42 MANUAL 69I 53 r66203 C3/'19/84 5. ?5 PETTY CASH' GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 440 -44 MANUAL 170 54 230.60 • I; .- - - -- - --- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- - -- ar* * ** aaa -CKS ;a1 5j4 n7' 4 .�( rTry or ,- n'' %^ c*ccn ncIzwTEn ss~vn~o^ nusc a ' | Cxt'ry y`���`� -_-_-.' 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C790C4 03/07/84 - -- -- --------- - '�..� aa!•rf _ n r) 797 8 07911 C8 0790n4 II` 079028 _ -_3 fR f f ►! 806.18 ALBINSON 11.50 ALBINSON _18.75 - ALBINSON 436.43 • - - -- - - 3, 23 ADVERTISING 10- 4210 - 140 -14 „i IJO !•• -CKS 9D .0 -- - - - -- - - - - -- - -- - -- BLUE PRINTING 10 -4570- 120 -12 41 LUMBER 10 -4604- 260 -26 '! - .COVSTRJCTIOV 20- 1430 - 000 -00 _ 240.41 AM_ERIC'AN LINEN 10- 4262- 440 -44 22.30 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 10- 4262- 482 -4A 308.23 AMERICAN -INEN LAUNDRY 10- 4262- 520 -52 ---- 22.71 AMERICaN_LINEN__ _ NOR ___._ 20- 4262 - 628 -62 45.39 AMERICAN LINEN LAURY 50 -4262- 821 -82 54.58 AMERICAN - INEN LAUNDRY 50- 4262- 841 -84 12807 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 50- 4262- 861 -86 822.09 + ------ - - - --- ---- - - - - -- U3/13/84 109.89 - 03/13/84 - _ _14.73 03/07/84 82.42 03/07/34 191.94 - -- - - - - 399.28 • KAMAN BEARING 3 SPLY KAMAN B`E_ARING 8 SPLY KAMAN B'?ARING & SPLY KAMAN BEARING & SPLY R = -1AIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 _REPAIR PARTS 10 -4540- 560 -56 TOOLS 10- 4580 - 560 -56 TOOLS -- -- - 10 -4580- 560 -56 n790i3 03/13 ✓84 24.95 ALTERNATOR REBUILD C04T REPAIRS 10- 4248 - 560 -56 079013 03/13/84 3.36 ALTERNATOR REBUILD GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 646 -64 I4] .a -.4 •.b - ------ -- -lye I' e. ie. "G •!! -CKS Ian 19841 O OF =DI NA C AMOUNT -_- CHECK S STER C3 -19 -8 AGE 3 ,-- �I l lRrffa - - - -..- f fif�CKS ` `� )7351 0 03/14/94 4 43.)0 C CECELIA SMITH V VEHICLE LIC 1 10- 4310 - 300 -30 M MAVUAL , , GI 4 43.00 • e � i ilifa♦ ! !ff- C KS ; ; : 1 17379b 0 03/14/94 1 10.00 T TRES DATE OF MN I INSURANCE 1 10 -4260- 510 -51 M MAVUAL I• �i 0 073191 J J3/14/P. 4 2 22.00 R RICHARD ANDERSON T TREE TRIM LIC 2 20- 4202- 600 -60 M MANUAL " "I - 2 22.00 + i I5, - i'fl� s; 6 67379P. J J3/14/R4 2 ----- . ... --- -- - -- - -- - - - -- - - - - - -- - -------------- ----- - - - -.. _.._ - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- - - -- - -- - -- `I iEl 2,000.09 �i • •fir +� + +►• -C KS 2c `0l 2 076356 0 03/07/94 - - _____490.61_______- M MINN_SOTA- BLUEPRINT - BLUr PRINTING _ 1D- 4570 - 260- 2d_ _ �n 49r.61 -- B _. ;; - 13765 ^5 03/06/84 61.92 SUN 61.92 • 3 079J03 03/07/94 _ 079103 03/07194 079303 -- 03/07134 - - 0790 ^4 03/07194 J01 n79Q04 U3 /C 7/84 - -- _ I 719174 03/07/84 079994 03/07f84 - - 0790^4 _ 03/07 - - _ 41 x79374 03/07/84 n -. C790C4 03/07/84 - -- -- --------- - '�..� aa!•rf _ n r) 797 8 07911 C8 0790n4 II` 079028 _ -_3 fR f f ►! 806.18 ALBINSON 11.50 ALBINSON _18.75 - ALBINSON 436.43 • - - -- - - 3, 23 ADVERTISING 10- 4210 - 140 -14 „i IJO !•• -CKS 9D .0 -- - - - -- - - - - -- - -- - -- BLUE PRINTING 10 -4570- 120 -12 41 LUMBER 10 -4604- 260 -26 '! - .COVSTRJCTIOV 20- 1430 - 000 -00 _ 240.41 AM_ERIC'AN LINEN 10- 4262- 440 -44 22.30 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 10- 4262- 482 -4A 308.23 AMERICAN -INEN LAUNDRY 10- 4262- 520 -52 ---- 22.71 AMERICaN_LINEN__ _ NOR ___._ 20- 4262 - 628 -62 45.39 AMERICAN LINEN LAURY 50 -4262- 821 -82 54.58 AMERICAN - INEN LAUNDRY 50- 4262- 841 -84 12807 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 50- 4262- 861 -86 822.09 + ------ - - - --- ---- - - - - -- U3/13/84 109.89 - 03/13/84 - _ _14.73 03/07/84 82.42 03/07/34 191.94 - -- - - - - 399.28 • KAMAN BEARING 3 SPLY KAMAN B`E_ARING 8 SPLY KAMAN B'?ARING & SPLY KAMAN BEARING & SPLY R = -1AIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 _REPAIR PARTS 10 -4540- 560 -56 TOOLS 10- 4580 - 560 -56 TOOLS -- -- - 10 -4580- 560 -56 n790i3 03/13 ✓84 24.95 ALTERNATOR REBUILD C04T REPAIRS 10- 4248 - 560 -56 079013 03/13/84 3.36 ALTERNATOR REBUILD GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 646 -64 I4] .a -.4 •.b - ------ -- -lye I' e. ie. "G •!! -CKS Ian '�..� aa!•rf _ n r) 797 8 07911 C8 0790n4 II` 079028 _ -_3 fR f f ►! 806.18 ALBINSON 11.50 ALBINSON _18.75 - ALBINSON 436.43 • - - -- - - 3, 23 ADVERTISING 10- 4210 - 140 -14 „i IJO !•• -CKS 9D .0 -- - - - -- - - - - -- - -- - -- BLUE PRINTING 10 -4570- 120 -12 41 LUMBER 10 -4604- 260 -26 '! - .COVSTRJCTIOV 20- 1430 - 000 -00 _ 240.41 AM_ERIC'AN LINEN 10- 4262- 440 -44 22.30 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 10- 4262- 482 -4A 308.23 AMERICAN -INEN LAUNDRY 10- 4262- 520 -52 ---- 22.71 AMERICaN_LINEN__ _ NOR ___._ 20- 4262 - 628 -62 45.39 AMERICAN LINEN LAURY 50 -4262- 821 -82 54.58 AMERICAN - INEN LAUNDRY 50- 4262- 841 -84 12807 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 50- 4262- 861 -86 822.09 + ------ - - - --- ---- - - - - -- U3/13/84 109.89 - 03/13/84 - _ _14.73 03/07/84 82.42 03/07/34 191.94 - -- - - - - 399.28 • KAMAN BEARING 3 SPLY KAMAN B`E_ARING 8 SPLY KAMAN B'?ARING & SPLY KAMAN BEARING & SPLY R = -1AIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 _REPAIR PARTS 10 -4540- 560 -56 TOOLS 10- 4580 - 560 -56 TOOLS -- -- - 10 -4580- 560 -56 n790i3 03/13 ✓84 24.95 ALTERNATOR REBUILD C04T REPAIRS 10- 4248 - 560 -56 079013 03/13/84 3.36 ALTERNATOR REBUILD GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 646 -64 I4] .a -.4 •.b - ------ -- -lye I' e. ie. "G •!! -CKS Ian _ 240.41 AM_ERIC'AN LINEN 10- 4262- 440 -44 22.30 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 10- 4262- 482 -4A 308.23 AMERICAN -INEN LAUNDRY 10- 4262- 520 -52 ---- 22.71 AMERICaN_LINEN__ _ NOR ___._ 20- 4262 - 628 -62 45.39 AMERICAN LINEN LAURY 50 -4262- 821 -82 54.58 AMERICAN - INEN LAUNDRY 50- 4262- 841 -84 12807 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 50- 4262- 861 -86 822.09 + ------ - - - --- ---- - - - - -- U3/13/84 109.89 - 03/13/84 - _ _14.73 03/07/84 82.42 03/07/34 191.94 - -- - - - - 399.28 • KAMAN BEARING 3 SPLY KAMAN B`E_ARING 8 SPLY KAMAN B'?ARING & SPLY KAMAN BEARING & SPLY R = -1AIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 _REPAIR PARTS 10 -4540- 560 -56 TOOLS 10- 4580 - 560 -56 TOOLS -- -- - 10 -4580- 560 -56 n790i3 03/13 ✓84 24.95 ALTERNATOR REBUILD C04T REPAIRS 10- 4248 - 560 -56 079013 03/13/84 3.36 ALTERNATOR REBUILD GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 646 -64 I4] .a -.4 •.b - ------ -- -lye I' e. ie. "G •!! -CKS Ian U3/13/84 109.89 - 03/13/84 - _ _14.73 03/07/84 82.42 03/07/34 191.94 - -- - - - - 399.28 • KAMAN BEARING 3 SPLY KAMAN B`E_ARING 8 SPLY KAMAN B'?ARING & SPLY KAMAN BEARING & SPLY R = -1AIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 _REPAIR PARTS 10 -4540- 560 -56 TOOLS 10- 4580 - 560 -56 TOOLS -- -- - 10 -4580- 560 -56 n790i3 03/13 ✓84 24.95 ALTERNATOR REBUILD C04T REPAIRS 10- 4248 - 560 -56 079013 03/13/84 3.36 ALTERNATOR REBUILD GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 646 -64 I4] .a -.4 •.b - ------ -- -lye I' e. ie. "G •!! -CKS Ian n790i3 03/13 ✓84 24.95 ALTERNATOR REBUILD C04T REPAIRS 10- 4248 - 560 -56 079013 03/13/84 3.36 ALTERNATOR REBUILD GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 646 -64 I4] .a -.4 •.b - ------ -- -lye I' e. ie. "G •!! -CKS Ian L�.I 1984 CITY OF ZOTNA CHECK REGISTER 03 -19 -84 oAGE 4 __, CNCCv Pin. DATE AMOUNT - _VENDOR- ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE _< = 079]13 03/12184 43.40 ALTERNATOR REBUILD REIAIR PARATS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 I3 " 3 �79'J13 03/12/84 3?.40.____ NCTOi_REdUILD REDIAR__PARTS _ 10� 4540 - 560 -56 14 4' X79.113 _ J3/12/R4 ____ -__,_ -- 51.38 ___ALTER ___ _.- ALTERNATCR REBUILD TOOLS 10 -4580- 325 -30 15 3j 079113 03/13/t4 33.96 ALTERNATOR REBUILD G_V SUPPLIES 30- 4504- 7BO -78 ; a 196.45 + e 'I ` o, .►►►►f * ** -CKS , of C79024 03/07 JR4 25.95 ARTISTAT INC PRINTING 23 -4600- 610 -61 I: li 25.95 - - -I i] if t.kf R +f- CKS_ il _ 1,1 179128 03/13/84 0_5 _ BEER_NHOL= 3ALERS INVENTORY__ -- _.._ 50- 4630 - 822 -R2 20 - ic, 079228 03/13/84 _3_,34_7.- 3.633.65 BEER WHOLESALERS INVENTORY 50 -4630- 842 -84 - 7; N9028 03/13/84 4,273.17 BEER NHOL_34LERS INVENTORY 50 -4630- 862 -86 1 o 1 � 11 •-54.47 -c 0710029 03/12184 123.50 BERG & FARNHAM C1 CONCRETE 10- 4528 - 301 -30 zvI ". = 079729 03/12/84 123.50 BERG & FARNHAM CONCRETE 10- 4528- 540 -54_ - _CO___ • •:]I -ai 0179730 0.3/12/84 65.00 BERNAPI J 4ULCAHY CO R=3`AIR PARTS 10 -4540- 540 -54 -__ :31 - _ I- -- -- - - - -- - 65.00 . -- - -- - -- 3 31 - =- 079031_ 13/13184 - 1.1.16 BERTELSDI -BROS - _INC -_ -. GEN SUPPLIES - 10- 45.04- 325 -31 135. • 20 ^79031 J3/13/ "84 42.04 BERTELSON BROS INC GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 325 -3J = 1 a5 079031 !!3/13/44 43.04 BEPTELSON BROS INC GEN SUPPLIES _ 10- 4504 - 540 -54 3e. „ _ ?'I C793 31 03/07/R4 75.24 BERT_LSON EROS INC O= =ICE SUPPLIES 10 -4516- 160 -16_ __ 14o 079731 03/06/94 114.19 BERT_LSON BROS INC O ==ICE SUPPLIES 10- 4516 - 510 -51 la' 4z 3 =i 779031 03/12/R4 52.05 BERTELSON BROS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES 10 -4516- 510 -51 43 . 33 L - - - --- - -- - - -- - - --- - -- -- -- - -" - - -3 3 7 . 7 2 ± .- - - - - - -- -- - -- I n a 351 3G f.f.f♦ * ** -CKS 47 371 07`7033 - 03/121'34 79.20 BERG =ORD TRUCKING INVENTORY 50 -4626- 822 -82 50 33 079333 03/117/84 95.40 BERG=ORD TRUCKING INVENTORY 50- 4626- 822 -82 'o 30 079'!33 03/07/94 61.20. -_ - BERG= ORD_TIUCKING INVENTORY -_ 50 -4 46.26- 322 -82 _ ___ __ _ _ __ I•.: a_1 079733 U3/1 2/R4 - 135.00 BERG =ORD TRUCKING INVENTORY 50- 4626- 842 -84 "' 154 .1 079033 03/07/44 94.95 BERG=OPD TRUCKING INVENTORY 50- 4626- 842 -84 155._ - a: 079133 03/07/84 59.85BERG ORD_ TRUCKING INVENTORY 57 -4626- 842 -84 159 [3 _ n79� -33 03/12$4 186.75 _= BERG =ORD TRUCKING INVENTORY 50- 4626 - 862 -86 as 079333 13/07/84 97.65 BERG-ORD TRUCKING INVENTORY 50 -4626- 862 -86 5u -_ a5 079333 03/07/94 =ORD_TRUCKING _ __ __ I_NiENT_02Y _ _ 50- 4626 - 862 -86 - -- - - __ ___. -__- -- ec f I, - -- - -- - - - - _ __123.30 "._____ 933.30 * -- ___BERG i� ar. .frf f. 501 137Y^ 3F 03/14/94 531 541 079 ^43 0.3/13/84 100.00 GEORGE BUTLER 100.00 !- 46.50 8 & 3 SEAT COV�R- 46.50 + POLICE SERVICE 10 -4100- 420 -42 ez . ea ti. ** -CKS IFaI 1c7�. 7:' *•* -CKS „h. z PARTS 10- 4620 - 560 -56 !,a %� 1994, OF ED'NA 1_HECK- -r10. DATE AMOUNT V =NDOI CHECK ISTER 7 079044 U3/12/R4 1_r754.J0 AILL._BOYER FORD - -- -- -- - - - - -- - 1x754.70 • s� �z ^79:, 14 3/' ?6/44 -4210- 140 -14 7't 7 -91 1?79775 03/14/8-4 G 079054 03/13/R4 0 079 ^54 fffrrf - - - J3/14/94 -- - - -- 3I x`79:156 03/12/84 ©I - n7907A 03/12/84 -- 408.00 019)5F 03/14/.44 h +- I- 079072. I`'� -- ``,792 %2 - -- vi 03/13ia4 - -. -, U3_ /U 7/84 03/12/84 _- 03/14%84 — ± r_79r'13 03/14/94 - x`79';/3 03/14/94 - ,'�I ff►rff 03 -19 -E AGE 5 ITEM DESCRIPTIOV ACCOUNT NO* 1NV._11 P.0 I, _RE2ATR_PARTS_ ]_p- 4540 -5� -56 500.23 BATTERY WAREHOUSE PARTS _.._._....97.36.._._.__..__ __BATTERY_WAREHOUSE____ -- _PARTS____ 597.59 • 30.00 B H K B R INC 39.00 • 100.. -0 WAYNE BENNFTT- 100.00 • 133.00 B0.RC0 REA7ING - -- - 1 33.0 0° • INSURANCE 10- 4620 - 560 -56 10- 4620- 560 -56_ -_ 10 -4260- 510 -51 POLICE SERVICE 10- 4100- 420 -42 RE3AIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 0 #ff- CKS —_le u 1,]I • *•CKS__ 7 �:c zr i 2-1I ►•• -CKS I— Sze 3a ••• -CKS T 7a 73.08____ �z ^79:, 14 3/' ?6/44 -4210- 140 -14 7't 7 -91 1?79775 03/14/8-4 CHAPIN PURLISHING CO ''> 079075 __- 03/14/84 CLANCY DRUG INC 079075 03/14/94 21.80 • ff ##ff - n7907A 03/12/84 -- 408.00 x'79718 03/13/84 CITY BnEo aGi 079078 03/1 3184 ---�° I': � 9790f8 50 s, 03/13/84 INVENTORY 079'184 03/06/84 ,'�I ff►rff 03 -19 -E AGE 5 ITEM DESCRIPTIOV ACCOUNT NO* 1NV._11 P.0 I, _RE2ATR_PARTS_ ]_p- 4540 -5� -56 500.23 BATTERY WAREHOUSE PARTS _.._._....97.36.._._.__..__ __BATTERY_WAREHOUSE____ -- _PARTS____ 597.59 • 30.00 B H K B R INC 39.00 • 100.. -0 WAYNE BENNFTT- 100.00 • 133.00 B0.RC0 REA7ING - -- - 1 33.0 0° • INSURANCE 10- 4620 - 560 -56 10- 4620- 560 -56_ -_ 10 -4260- 510 -51 POLICE SERVICE 10- 4100- 420 -42 RE3AIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 0 #ff- CKS —_le u 1,]I • *•CKS__ 7 �:c zr i 2-1I ►•• -CKS I— Sze 3a ••• -CKS T 7a 73.08____ CHAPIN PUBLISHING CO _ -_ ADVERTIS -4210- 140 -14 Jz 71.82 CHAPIN PURLISHING CO -I�G._ ADVERTISING ___ -10 10 -4210- 140 -14 CLANCY DRUG INC 144.90 • 40- 4504 - 801 -80 21.80 • 408.00 ��v 66.15 CITY BnEo INVENTORY 50 -4630- 822 -82 ---�° I': 54.15 CITY BEEP, INVENTORY 50- 4630 - 842 -84 la= ---------- _74• ?0..- _- - - - - -- CITY_9E)ER ----------- ____ -- INVENTORY 50 -4632- 862 -E6 ^. 194.50 • - - - -- - - -- - 180.00 _ _CITY OF BLOONINGTON —_ -_ KEVNEL SERV _ 10- 4278- 470 -47 aG .•�� 180.00 • 9.90 .- _— _- _CL,AN:1I_DRJG_TNC__ - __- _GE'y_SUPPLIES. NO- 4504 - 140 -14— 10.60 CLANCY DRUG INC GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 421 -42 2.40 CLANCY DRUG INC GEN SUPPLIES 40- 4504 - 801 -80 21.80 • 408.00 COCA COLA BOTTLING COVCESSIONS 28- 4624- 704 -70 328.45 COCA COLA 30TTLING INENTORY 50- 4632- 822 -82 688.95 COCA COLA _BOTTLING INENTORY 50- 4632- 842 -84 301.70 COCA COLA BOTTLING INENTORY 50 -4632- 862 -E6 1,727.10 • 17 2 ASS, •f# — CKS c. ai G•, 5G r.G •ff - CKS c' ho 11.40 COPY EQUIPMENT INC OFFICE SUPPLIES 20- 4516 - 600 -60 11 .40 * - — -- -- -- - - -- — I "i I: a. - - - -- - -- — -- - -- . • # -.0 K5 J -- - -- -- .. xMoowr _ -_--_2»^43-- m.vo 80.09 ,r1 --'-- as.»u 63.30 ^ CUSHMAN MOTOR -cV----__�?c"x CHECK REGISTER 03-19-84 PAGE 6 � _V___ NOO I ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO, INV. # 3*0. # � CUS14MAN MOTOR CO PARTS 10-4620-560-56 CEP[[Pn"cm-Jn»!m __._.__DcP^z8 Pxp { o~�uO.�0-_____---_-� _ ---_--!' ccxr puucR rnwIw n_--3mx pxmra. 10~*540~560~56 /^ 079,�90 03/13/94 TRAIN p*arS 10-4620-560-56 1791_10r 03/1 3/F4 SERxTEE---- ^°^~cxo ' ------� ----�------------- counrmcv u*,uc MILAsT_' - -----'----['! ,m~*zon~vun-1n .�". "1 |," 7� C79099 03/12/84 ' � - t7791 06 93/14/84 xMoowr _ -_--_2»^43-- m.vo 80.09 ,r1 --'-- as.»u 63.30 ^ - _ - ^/' �,i ,.. ^^^~nxS--�|'`| ���!' - 3.51 CUSHMAN MOTOR -cV----__�?c"x CHECK REGISTER 03-19-84 PAGE 6 � _V___ NOO I ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO, INV. # 3*0. # � CUS14MAN MOTOR CO PARTS 10-4620-560-56 CEP[[Pn"cm-Jn»!m __._.__DcP^z8 Pxp { o~�uO.�0-_____---_-� _ ---_--!' ccxr puucR rnwIw n_--3mx pxmra. 10~*540~560~56 /^ C79116 ccnr poncR TRAIN p*arS 10-4620-560-56 ' SERxTEE---- ^°^~cxo ' ------� ----�------------- counrmcv u*,uc MILAsT_' - -----'----['! ,m~*zon~vun-1n .�". - _ - ^/' �,i ,.. ^^^~nxS--�|'`| ���!' - 3.51 CUSHMAN MOTOR -cV----__�?c"x ' � C KS 92.80 CUS14MAN MOTOR CO PARTS 10-4620-560-56 J;. 21 SERVICE CO REPATR PARTS 10-4540-560-56 .- ^ 42 C79116 556.25 37.15 ^°^~cxs � SERVICE CO -----i0d.n%�-------DA*e--MR-PI[ozNG-'��------POLICE ' SERxTEE---- -----------'-----�-- - REPAIR -'- � .on oD "1 |," ' � C KS DMOSENOTST INC INVENTORY 50-4630-822-92 03/13/84 � . DIESEL SERVICE CO REPATR PARTS 10-4540-560-56 .- ^ 42 C79116 556.25 37.15 DIESEL SERVICE CO PARTS ' - REPAIR -'- - 30-4 -- '- 78 ---___--_� zzo.*r ° ' � - ^^^~cxs ' � ' = nr9v1 4 03n2194 ua.ry |' '] zn.n ° - . '----'---- '.� C KS - 41 0791 16 03/13/84 2n.79 DIESEL SERVICE CO REPATR PARTS 10-4540-560-56 -4 42 C79116 03/13/84 37.15 DIESEL SERVICE CO PARTS 10-4620-560-56 - C KS - ~ 730 .30 ' 53, r'791 P5 03/13/84 73.90 MERIT SUP2LY G74 SUPPLIES 10-4504-560-56 r791 ?5 U3/07/84 1 9296.80 MERIT SUP3LY GE4 SUPPLIES 20-4504-646-64 71 1 9360.70 ------ ��--- ---�—�-----�--� ns_= ~ , •f 1984 CHECK NO. CATE AMOUNT CHECK ISTER 03 -19 -f AGE 7 VENDO? ITEM DESCRIPTION _K�N _ME.S_S AGE 7 r17.V1 31 03/12784 _._62.96 ASPL.J_ND_ C.)Z.= ._ -:- C_O4CSS_I_o_NS_ ,; i - - 62.96 • n791 i4 01/07744 36.75 yr "I 079141E��c 03/06184 32.95 • ,n rrrfr. CITYW'DE ;ERVICES E-D-N-c-PUB--ft SCHOOL COMT REPAIRS 26-4624-704-70 50-4248-841-84 GASOL INE 10- 4612- 560 -56 ei 09143 03/12f44 22.95 EMRICA BAKINS CO COY CESSIONS 28 -4624- 704 -70 22.95 ELVIN SAF:_*TY SUPPLY isr AID SUPPLIES JOIE ELIAS M7_3 C7_NTER 10-4510-440-44 -1, & _-_4_ 1 -5 6 - 5-1 -0 _-_ -5 1 079162 03/12/34 137.1 3 FnWL7R - -L:*CTRIC 231 8791 48 03/14/84 15.60- 03/12794 FOWLER 15.60 • R -_ 3-A I R- - PARTS ---- 1C -4540- 560 -56 - 079162 03/14/84 52.56 FOWLER 7-Lr-CTRIC PEPAIR PARTS 10-4540-560-56 ^79162 03/12194 (1791 54 03/12/8-4 FOWLER ELECTRIC REPAIR PARS 10-4540-560-56 79.00 • 221.11 19.50 GIVENS - _INC_______ ELVIN SAF:_*TY SUPPLY isr AID SUPPLIES JOIE ELIAS M7_3 C7_NTER 10-4510-440-44 -1, & _-_4_ 1 -5 6 - 5-1 -0 _-_ -5 1 079162 03/12/34 137.1 3 FnWL7R - -L:*CTRIC C04T REPAIRS 10-4249-560-56 C'4162 03/12794 FOWLER 7 T- R I R -_ 3-A I R- - PARTS ---- 1C -4540- 560 -56 - 079162 03/14/84 52.56 FOWLER 7-Lr-CTRIC PEPAIR PARTS 10-4540-560-56 ^79162 03/12194 15.71 FOWLER ELECTRIC REPAIR PARS 10-4540-560-56 •►• .CKS 221.11 19.50 GIVENS - _INC_______ "79176 03/07184 047.25 G.LeCONTRACTING INC C04T REPAIRS 30- 4248 - 783 -76 UNIF ALLOW 10-4266-421-42 •*-CKS C KS zz I- ' ' I C KS__. 947.25 • 979181 03/06/34 185.00 GENERAL S'30RTS IJUI 185.)D C KS 14,1 2•**-CKS •►• .CKS ^79183 33/14/34 19.50 GIVENS - _INC_______ 19.50 • 979185 03/06/34 99.54 GOODIN CO C04T REPAIRS 30- 4248 - 783 -76 UNIF ALLOW 10-4266-421-42 •*-CKS C KS zz C KS Ififil GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4.504- 540 -54 71,0 ***-CKS 1 GE4 SUPPLIES 20-4504-646-64 14 I- ' ' I C KS__. _._.j 20 of -CKS 31 IJUI C KS 14,1 2•**-CKS •►• .CKS C KS Ififil GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4.504- 540 -54 71,0 ***-CKS 1 GE4 SUPPLIES 20-4504-646-64 14 �711TY OF E70'mNA CHECK REGISTER CHECK N'). DATE AMOUNT VEMDO� ITEM �_- 3 /1 /S 4 21 9354.10 WALTER C GUSTAFSON S---,IV LEGAL J3 112 /84 20 35.00 WALT7 GENERAL CIMPIUNICATNS RADIO SERVICE 117! 10-4294-420-42 KS 03/141134 1 9220.)0 GENERAL OrFICE PROD OFr F-ICE EQUIP 10-4906-5)0-50 1 9229.30 ^ � . | . -LDING SUPPLIES 10-4610-560-56 189 4 3 2.49 /8 1. 79.68 HILLSTROM AUTO SUP Y GE4 SUPPLIES 10-4504-560-56 ' 1 _-. ...' "^`^^.,"" "v." xvr , /uu�� �o~*5uo~mo - m v osvna/n^ vu.,n wrLLSrnon uurm SUP r PARTS 10-4620-56C-5(, | ' � 92 --- - ' —------- 22.00 - -^ ---' _ � � ����lT�o���T�/ou2 v »��z�p�nTl -662-66 966.75 - ���-'--'--- ' - ---� _- �-'--' - -�-�----------------_�_'_----_�'---_�-'—_ -.---_---_----_-_- -�-�-_ -- -^_-_-^------__--_-_-_-_-_-' -__^cxS ' `- f-179? 34 03/C7/94 vo . m cL''6wsas m'mm07r _-_--_-__--__-_---_-__-__-___�-�_� _'---____-'_ 10~4266,421-4? _------ _ ' ~ ^ 1934, 0c7 FOINA CHECK 'S TER 03-19-8 AGE 9 CHr'Cv N1. - DATE AMOUNT VcNDf)7 ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. 4 P.O. N MESSAGE 96.?5 1,3 JA ***-CKS 15 07924R 03/12f84 10.72 HARMON GLASS R ---PAIR PARTS' 20-4 540- 646- 64 7 10.72 U3/14/84 .1 WILLIAM 01 100.00 .,2 II ;:3 4 At CKS- 4" 079250 03/13/94 51.00 TCsr TELEPHONE 10- 4256 - 510 -51 Ila! -.51 .00 • •rff k L; KS 079267 IBM CORPORATION E QUIP RENAL 10- 4226- 510 -51 315.08 22 •**-CKS zv r,7929? 03/07/94 12 9069 .0D HARRIS HOMEYER CO INSURANCE 10-4260-510-51 WSV21? 7 ig 1x172.00 HARRIS Mn4EiER CO INSURANCE 10-4260-560-56 13241.00 *—CKS 079204 -1-1 03/14/94 146.15 CHRIS JEUB SERVICES 10-4120-520-52 146.15 '4 C. 7 9 3 C 73/13/84 2,095.50 KUETIER GIST CO INVENTORY 50-4630-822-82 4`! • -- 079 3 C 2 03 -- /13/84 3x130.45 K-UET-.4R DIST CO INVENTORY 50- 4630- 842 -84 7 - 59226.35 C KS C 79 3 0 4 C3/14/R4 137.36 KNOX LU48rR CD GE"J SJPPLIES 10- 4504- 318 -30 <z 079304 U 3 /12 /.R 4 19.34 KNOX LUM9r-R CO GENERAL SUPPLIES 13-4504-520-52 43 0'93? KNOX- L UMP rR CO GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-520-52 079304 03/12/84 32.79 KNOX LUM8rq CO PAINT 2H -4544- 708 -70 079304 03/12/94 19.97 KNOX LUMBr-R CO PAINT 28- 4544 - 708 -70 1�9 2 53 .93 .10 ac irf /1f a C KS 64 50 019311 03/13014 19710.10 EAST31DE 3EVERAG7 I N-:'NT 01 Y 50-4630-822-82 079311 - _ - 01 /13 /3 4 59290.35 EASTSTOE BEVERAGE TNENTORY 50-4630-842-P4 on 521 079311 93/13/94 39487.30 EASTSIDE BEVERAGE IN7-NTORY 5 109437.75 f 7� ..... _07931 03 /14 /84 - 83.96 LAWSON PR03UCTS GEN --S U —jU 5124325 -30 7 7r) _L n'p`m 03m21n4 76.40 r-793?-5 ---- un��/o* vpn.44 U3/,36/R4 =i =� c 1034 CTTY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 03/07/R4 03-1 9-84 PAGE 11 CHECK N1. DATE AMIUNT --- VE No 04 ITEM DESCRrPTTON ACCOUNT NO* INV. ff PoO. 0 MESSAGE 2 079317 03/b7/94 162.00 LAWSON PRODUCTS GEN SUPPLIES 10-45U4-325-30 17931 1 03/13/94 220.18 LAWSON PR ODUC TS PARTS 10-4620-560-56 352 .17 79'� 18 03/12/84 18. 75 LEEF BROS INC LAUNDRY 10-4262-440-44 Gr-4 SUPPLIES 23-4 5 04- 61 1- 61 079318 U3/12/94 17.95 LEEF BROS INd LAUNDRY 27-4 2 62 -66 2- 66 C KS r. 79 3 2 2 J3/13/84 128.10 LINDSAY BROS COMPANY BROOMS 10-4 5 34- 310- 30 131 n'p`m 03m21n4 76.40 r-793?-5 ---- un��/o* vpn.44 U3/,36/R4 =i =� c crvn" 0 0 3/07n4 ~'przp 0 03/07/R4 .mx3r osxnr/x4 v,roF.r4 63 .17 mms LAVE pneo rnAcr Lowo mns =omo 7x^cr LAYm--- mzwvcoorx CO LxYmE nmxcn)rx CO nc"xTn pxxro 20~4540~646~6* E'uuIP wozwr 27~*274-562~66 nc"»za pxnrm 30~*540~785~78 R�'3AIR PARTS 30-4540-785-78 __*�^^~c IL ----- �----=! -------------------------'--��--- --------- __-_-__---_-__--- ' o 3,070.42 Lwx^sn coRpon*rIow cnmr RcpAmo 10-4248-560~56 1,495'55 LAHASS CORPORATION COVT REPAIRS �,no�,vr ° ---�-------�"| �| ----�---'----'-----'----'------' -�--'----- _-__ ^^.rxx- °| 45.33 Lxxc srx/E couzp REPAIR pxxrs 10~45*0~560~56 )=' 45.33 11.4 " ---03/n7/84� - QUEEN �---' -----� ------��| -- — EQUIP - INC '' — '- -^ PARTS - '~--~`-^~~-'~ 36.25 ° _ -_n7 344 03/12/84 119.3R - MED nXYGE� _ucgVJp__-_-_-EQUIP ` ` � 1994' OF ED'NA CHECK :STr-R 03 -19 -8 AGE: 11 CHE*C"11. CHECK DATE AMOUNT PIT VT'NDO ITEM DESCRIPTIOV ACCOUNT -Nk-p-IJNV.#--A--P#-Q-p N- MESSAGE D79344 73/07/84 30.16 MED OXYGEN B EGUTPI EQUIP MAINT 10-4274-449-44 C KS 7� '079346 01/07,94 25,245.30 MET N WASTE C L COMM BLDG PERMITS 10-3095-000-OC 259245.30 C, 079347 j3/06114 363.30 MINNr-A-vDLIS GUSI CLUB C04T REPAIRS 20- 4248- 646 -64 363.00 ^79350 03/.U6/.14 D-AV.IS--.COMD-A'qY -----GE)Il--SUFlP.-LIIES- -20- -45-0-4 - --6-2- 7 ---6-2 173.23 C K_S__ 1179354 0 3 10 71? 4 269.00 MINVAPOLIS GAS CO G-74 SUPPLIES 10-4504-446-44 269.30 979355 U3 /14/84 86.97 MINNSorA 3EARING CO REPAIR PARTS 10-4540-560-56 86.97 C KS 133 I/I7I44 773.94 3M ALARM SERVICE ALARM SER 1-66 07935,9 ij 3/06/84 773.04 3M ALARM SERVICE ALARM St- SERVICE 27-4604-661-66 1 9546.08 779359 U3/14134 93.22 MINN TORO INC REPAIR PARTS 10-4540-560-56 33 019359 03/12184 21.19 MINN TORO INC PARTS 10-4620-560-56 4A1 ^79359 U 3 / 0 7 18 4 71 MINN TORO INC R7-3AI2 34RTS 27-4540-662-66 - 351 79259 'J 3 / 0 7 f,9 4 75.08 MINN TORO INC REPAIR DARTS 27-4540-662-66 3., 262.29 i 7 079760 03/12/84 142.50 MINNESOTA WANNER C04T REPAIRS 10-4248-560-56 079360 0 3 /12 f R 4 3.52- --- MINN:'SOTA WANNER C 0 R R Z C-TI 0 N I0-4240-560-56 137936C 03/ 14 f Q 4 --'- 37. 5 0 MINNESOTA WANNER C04T REPAIRS 10-4248-560-56 %w 079360 03/12/94 35.25 MINNESOTA WANNER COYT REPAIRS 13-4248-560-56 5 d .5' r7930L) 03/12/94 3.52 MINNESOTA WANNER C04T REPAIRS 13-42411-560-56 5 ^'9300 03%14/84 -----70.00 - MINNESOTA WANNER C04T REPAIRS 10-4248-560-56 079369 03/14/84 1 9997.00 MINNESOTA WANNER CONT REPAIRS 10-4248-560-56 079_360______0.3 /'97194 66.50 MINNESOTA WANNER COMT-REPAIRS 28-4243-707-70 eo kc ^79360 4-/;.k4 17.50 MINNESOTA WANNER C04T R7-PAIRS 40-4248-8DI-bO 29366.25 **-CKS f4w iae 67 179362 01/12/,94 476.56 MODEL ST04-7--COMPA4Y 10-4528-540-54 476.56 7-0�' "w•3 I i. t4 C K S 5C'F 079365 03/14/94 100.00 BERT MERP-rLO POLICE- SERVICE 10-4100-420-42 W 1 ')R4 CITY OF EDINA 1.1 CHECK N'1. DATE-- u-- 3/14/94 03/14/.84 03/14/94 CHECK REGISTER 03 -19 -84 PAGE 12 AMOUNT_ — —__ VENDOI _ 100.00 •- 222.73 MINNESOTA BAR 429.96 MINNESOTA BAR 341 .R7 MINNESOTA BAR 994.56 • J3/07/R4 80.35 MILHOFF STEEL 80.35 r 03/131R4 446.70 MODEIN EOJIPMENT 446.70 + ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. �.O..q M= SSAG_ 03/13/94 4! ('79366 —._ I 13 5 079366 50- 4632- 822 -82 !4_ ^79366 INVENTORY n 4,432.10, MARK V11 SALES INC 1; 079371 - IS 17 ('79376 -- 13 - 2 u-- 3/14/94 03/14/.84 03/14/94 CHECK REGISTER 03 -19 -84 PAGE 12 AMOUNT_ — —__ VENDOI _ 100.00 •- 222.73 MINNESOTA BAR 429.96 MINNESOTA BAR 341 .R7 MINNESOTA BAR 994.56 • J3/07/R4 80.35 MILHOFF STEEL 80.35 r 03/131R4 446.70 MODEIN EOJIPMENT 446.70 + ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. �.O..q M= SSAG_ 03/13/94 19950.30 " MARK V11 SALES INC —._ I 13 50- 4630- 82 -2 -82 INVENTORY 50- 4632- 822 -82 !4_ 22' INVENTORY 50- 4632- 842 -84 4,432.10, MARK V11 SALES INC INVENTORY 50- 4632- 862 -86 la s 10 11 rff- S - 2 2,184.57 MARK V11 SALES INC I, 3 C04T REPAIRS 10- 4248- 560 -56 13 " 9,066.97 CKS REPAIR PARTS -10- 4540- 335 -30 - - - - -- - - - j_' °( 07933Q 03/13/94 is I:G 3 —- — -- • *•- CKS- - -�. ='I 079373 03/13/94 19950.30 " MARK V11 SALES INC TNVENTORI! - -_ 50- 4630- 82 -2 -82 22' 0793/8 03/13/84 4,432.10, MARK V11 SALES INC INVENTORY 50- 4630- 842 -84 s 079378 03/13/$4 2,184.57 MARK V11 SALES INC INVENTOIY 50 -4630- 862 -86 cr__ 9,066.97 • *••CKS °( 07933Q 03/13/94 7.8$1.50 THOM3EN NYBECK SERVICES LEGAL 10 -4100- 220 -22 DI 7.881.50 ;D ?' 079381 03/76/84 79.20 STAR & TRIBUNE ADVERTISING 10- 4212 - 420 -42 079381 03/07/94 37.52 STAR & TRIBUNE ADVERTISING 23- 4214 - 610 -61 33 _ n79381 03/07184 106.78 STAR &_ TRIBUNE ADVERTISING__— 23- 4214- 61_0 -61 :4 3^ 079331 03/66!94 79.20 STAR & TRIBUNE ADVERTISING 50- 4212 - 860 -86 3= 3G 302.70 • 37 itf.4. KS X79385 079385 03/14/84 240.00 MCGUIRE! ROBERT - _ TR'cE INSP 10- 4242 - 353 -30 ^_I_.. (!79385 U3/14iR4 360.00 MCGUIR_ ROBERT INSPE CTIONS 60- 1300 - 010 -18 13 - 41 600.30 + _. qdi C KS .•� 079388 03/1)/84 6.92 NTL ATOMI< MOTOR REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540- 560 -56 co 079383 03/12/84 8.94 NTL OTOMI< MOTOR REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 15.86 • �'; 4JI ff ff .. ft• -CKS [G 079400 03/12/84 19461.48 NORTIWESTEIN_TIR -00 TIRES 4616- 560 -56 5, —_ — _ -_— 19461.48 f _— - -_10- __!f•, f� 5.11 • r f ... • r r -CKS_ f -- -- - - -- -- --- - - - " - - -- - - -- -- �• 5" 079412 03/13/84 11.54 NW GRAPHIC SUPPLY INVEV SUPPLIES 23- 1209 - 000 -00 /5I ' I I' .1984! ' OF EDINA CHECK ISTER 03 -19 -8 AGE 13 —CHECK '19. -.DATE-.-- AMOUNT VENDOI ---IT---M DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. 4 P.O. # MESSAGE 979412 0 3 /13 IF 4 174.07 NW GIAPHT: SUPPLY rNVEN SUPPLIES 23 -1209- 000 -00 3 979434 03f06f84 115.50 PRTNTERS SERVICE INC EOUTP MAINT 28- 4274 - 707 -70 115.50 5 „79413 U3/12794 229.19 1. NATIONWIDE PAPERS GEN SUPPLIES, 10-4504-520-52 **-CKS 6 229.18 --— — SfRV T EE --- - - - --- i fOm4�0-5 0-54 1 36.9 7 •• -CKS io P79 4 16 73/?7/94 54.75 OFFICE PRI)UCTS C0VT REPAIRS 10- 4248 - 510 -51 1, 2 f3 n79416 03/06/,94 12.73 OFFI--E :PRODUCTS o=Frc: SUPPLIES 10-4516-140-14 PRIOR LAKE AG SAND GRAVEL 10-4522-318-30 lzi 66.75 079411 03/13/34 42500 OFFSET PRINTING PRINTING 10 -4600- 510 -51 979441 03106/84 23.90 THE PRINT SHOP 079417 03/13/R4 999.30 70, OFFSET PRINTING P.RINTI*G 30-4 6,30- 78 7- 78 THE PRINT SHOP PRINTING 20 -4600- 628 -62 1 424.JO 7.11 ktffff fff -CKS_. " i 22 23-1 C-KS--' 24 079421 03/13184 99.67 OLS04 CHAIN & CABLE PARTS 10-4620-560-56 za % 99.67 ► 2.7 **--CKS X79427 03%06%94 P3.00 PARTS S65-ilf CO ---004 T R CA P tR S 10- 4248 - 560 -56 079477 03/06/84 74.50 PARTS SUPPLY CO CDVT REPAIRS 10-4249-560-56 157.50 C KS 31 -4 07901i 0 /13ig 2 36 .4 PtO§r C I INVENTORY 50- 4632 - 822 -82 0794?9 rJ3/13/94 349.50 PEPSI COLA BOTTLING INVENTORY 50- 4632 - 842 -84 r ,3794?9 li -3 /13 /J3 4 .75 ----------P,EPSI -- COLA BOTTLING_ -_ -_ INVENTORY 50 -4 6 32 - 3 6 2 - F 6 43 J44 1341 991.65 91 .65 * i- 53 n5l -%W C KS 979434 03f06f84 115.50 PRTNTERS SERVICE INC EOUTP MAINT 28- 4274 - 707 -70 115.50 1. **-CKS 13 6 . 7 — J --— — SfRV T EE --- - - - --- i fOm4�0-5 0-54 1 36.9 7 ***-CKS 07.94.3903/06/34 1,482.20 PRIOR LAKE AG SAND GRAVEL 10-4522-318-30 1 9492.20 -C KS- 979441 03106/84 23.90 THE PRINT SHOP PRINTING 20-4600-628-62 70, n19441 03/C6/84 166.10 THE PRINT SHOP PRINTING 20 -4600- 628 -62 190.30 7.11 ktffff fff -CKS_. " i it 1984 ^_TTY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE ti• CHECK REGISTER C3 -19 -84 PAGE 14 AMOUNT VENDO3 ITEM DES:RIDTIO4 ACCOUNT NO. INV. N 0.0. p MESSA3 3 079450 :3/12/84 - ,_-------- _._____ - -_ 2'].59 PQE__.--------------____-- r7945C 33/12/44 13.74 PBE 31.33 • 6 f f f f f i a_i__ -__- 0.79461 C3/06/94 405.00 ^�V461 03/07/94 -- - - - - -- 7 -2j -- 412.20 + J f f f f f f RE?AIR_PART.S_ _ 10- 4540 - 560 -56 RE3AIR PARTS_ 10- 4540 - 560 -56 I� is I. IB - -... -CKS o' .1 _.- REED SALES 8 SERVICE F4R_TS______________ 10- 4_62_0- 560 -56 REED SALES 8 SERVICE ?='AIR PARTS 27 -4540- 662 -66 113! -- _ -1 ")69.97 REX ) •* S T- 31998.47 - - - -- REX DIST 29935.00 REX DIST 89903.34 • I NV NT_0iY__— _50- 4630- 822 -82 _ INVENTORY 50- 4630- B42 -84 INVENTORY 50- 4630- 862 -86 318 0, 1?79463 03/13/94 CO INVENTORY 50 -4630- 822 -82 689.20 979463 13/13/14 '0 — _- f #k#if 0794.57 - 03/13/84 =� 079467 X3/13/94 CO 77946/ )3/13744 =� 074467 0113/84 CO ^79467 `3/13/84 f f f f f f RE?AIR_PART.S_ _ 10- 4540 - 560 -56 RE3AIR PARTS_ 10- 4540 - 560 -56 I� is I. IB - -... -CKS o' .1 _.- REED SALES 8 SERVICE F4R_TS______________ 10- 4_62_0- 560 -56 REED SALES 8 SERVICE ?='AIR PARTS 27 -4540- 662 -66 113! -- _ -1 ")69.97 REX ) •* S T- 31998.47 - - - -- REX DIST 29935.00 REX DIST 89903.34 • I NV NT_0iY__— _50- 4630- 822 -82 _ INVENTORY 50- 4630- B42 -84 INVENTORY 50- 4630- 862 -86 318 0, ROYAL BEVERAGE CO INVENTORY 50 -4630- 822 -82 689.20 ROYA - BEV ERAGE C) INVENTORY 50 -4630- 842 -84 689.50- ROYAL BEVERAGE CO SUR CHARGE TX 50-4630- 842 -84 689,50 ROYAL EEVERAGE CO _CORRECTION INVENTORY _ 50- 4630- 842 -84 237.70 ROYAL BEVERAGE C3 INVENTORY 50- 4630- 862 -86 19245.00 + e PAINT _ 28- 4544- 7J8 -70 IN =NTORY _ 50- 4630 - 842 -84 079470 03%1434 25.00 DR R)CKWELL 25.90 ('7948503/07 /44 079485 J3/07/R4 2w031.39 STATE BLDG INSP 48.67 STAT• BLDG INoP 2,080.)6 + 079490 03/1.3/94 110.70 _S4ERWIN WILLIAMS_ ^ ?V49!] 03%12/44 97,75 SHERWIN WILLIAMS 209.65 1,< IIS • +• -CKS 171 IB 131 - -- - - -`- -- -- .20' • +• -CKS I 311 3 ^'( ^79492 ^ ^' UV492 sc ^79492 51 079492 X91 • +• -CKS 150.'70 50.00 50.00 52.20 POLICE SERVICE 10 -4100- 481 -48 C04T R'PAIP_S_ C04T REPAIRS C04T REPAIRS PARTS ! 1O5 0 • KS BLDG BLDG PERMITS - 10- 3095- 010 -00 - SUR CHARGE TX 10- 3113 - 000 -00 _ 01 53 '< P79493 03/13/84 I. 1i. ----- --- - -- - -- - -- - - - -- -- �'•. -CKS 1 I: _ PAINT 10- 4544 - 32_8 -30 14 e PAINT _ 28- 4544- 7J8 -70 IN =NTORY _ 50- 4630 - 842 -84 079493 [N) 03/13/94 235.15 - - -- - — - - -f + • -CKS n 63 INENTORY ^'( ^79492 ^ ^' UV492 sc ^79492 51 079492 03/12/94 U3/12 /884 03/13/84 03/12/84 150.'70 50.00 50.00 52.20 SOUTHDAL_E SDUTHOALE SDUTHDALE SOUTHDALE °0?D _ FORD FORD FORD _ C04T R'PAIP_S_ C04T REPAIRS C04T REPAIRS PARTS 10- 4248 -_ 5_60 -5_6 10- 4248 - 560 -56 10 -4248- 560 -56 10 -4620- 560 -56 1O5 0 _— .– _..._ 53 '< P79493 03/13/84 29014.20 SOUTHSIDE DIST COINC INENTORY 50 -4630- 822 -82 1 I: 94 33 C3/13/14 49399.45 SOUT45IOE DIST COINC IN =NTORY _ 50- 4630 - 842 -84 079493 [N) 03/13/94 235.15 SOUTHSIOE DIST COINC INENTORY 50- 4630 - 862 -86 u I.- es rear♦ ``I. _ –— - -- - -- - - - - -- 7 079516 r.13/07/84 2179516 03/)7/94 ^79516 03/12/94 CHECK STER 03-19-8 AGE 15 AMOUNT V:* N DOI ITEM OES:RIPT104 6.648.80 1984, OF EOTkA **-C KS ----1-4.40—.---S.UBURB,AN--CPEV-R-O-L-ET 079541 C014T REPAIRS CHECK NO. DATE 10.3? SUBURBAN CHEVROLET REPAIR PARTAS 10-4540-560-56 43.06- SUBUI3A•N CHEVROLET CREDIT 10-4540-560-56 ^79507 0 3 / 14 f It 4 PARTS 10-4620-560-56 C-3/13/94 6.945.85 I 4i. 9 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET PAPTS 10-4620-560-56 ^795n2 03/14/84 135.37 • 079502 03/14f84 4 377.61 SUBU19A14 'JLUMB SUP REPAIR PARTS 12 13-4540-540-54 23.52 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP REPAIR PARTS 40-4540-801-80 108.76 114.02 SUBUIBAN -ILUMB -S-UP-- -.- REPAIR PARTS 40-45.40-801-8d 0795()3 03/12184 515.15 079503 03/12I84 :71 1 .7=j 079518 03/36/14 079503 03 /1 ?f 94 23.16 j ^79575 UWU6i34 es rear♦ ``I. _ –— - -- - -- - - - - -- 7 079516 r.13/07/84 2179516 03/)7/94 ^79516 03/12/94 CHECK STER 03-19-8 AGE 15 AMOUNT V:* N DOI ITEM OES:RIPT104 6.648.80 atatrf ,179524 63/12/84 92.47 TURNQJIST PAPER 92:47 079526 03/07/5i4 ?62.90 TRACY OIL 962.00 • 4D **-C KS ----1-4.40—.---S.UBURB,AN--CPEV-R-O-L-ET 079541 C014T REPAIRS 10-4248-560-56 10.3? SUBURBAN CHEVROLET REPAIR PARTAS 10-4540-560-56 43.06- SUBUI3A•N CHEVROLET CREDIT 10-4540-560-56 19.72 SUBUIRA:N CHEVROLET PARTS 10-4620-560-56 C-3/13/94 6.945.85 I 4i. 9 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET PAPTS 10-4620-560-56 6,945.�5 * 4 135.37 • 4 377.61 SUBU19A14 'JLUMB SUP REPAIR PARTS r79540 13-4540-540-54 23.52 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP REPAIR PARTS 40-4540-801-80 108.76 114.02 SUBUIBAN -ILUMB -S-UP-- -.- REPAIR PARTS 40-45.40-801-8d 515.15 23.16 ST PAUL B)OK CABLE TV 10-2149-000-00 4.33 ST PAU - L B3- 1K -- - - -- -- - - GE -4-.-SJPPL 10-4504-421-42 ST PAUL ROOK GEN SUPPLIES 20 -4504- 627 -62 40.46' ***-CK Ja 81.94 - SEARS QOE8UCK GEN SUPPLIES --------l-O--4-5C4-4-4 0-44 25.Q8 SEARS ROEBUCK GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-440-44 '37 49.99 SEARS ROEBUCK C04T REPAIRS 28-4248-708-70 157.91 atatrf ,179524 63/12/84 92.47 TURNQJIST PAPER 92:47 079526 03/07/5i4 ?62.90 TRACY OIL 962.00 • TARGET TAR G -r T-.---_ Gr-4 SUPPLIES 10-4504-520-52 —GA-SO-LINE------ 10-4612-560-56 CLEAN SUPPLIES 27-4512-661-66 OFFICE SUPPLIES 27-4516-661-66 41 i.: ***-CKS 14- 44 1- *-CKS ISM - :-2 ■ .*-• --CKS THORPE D13T IN:-'NTORY 50-4630-862-86 4-4 -4 .6 TWIN CITY 30LT PARTS 10-4620-560-56 *•• .CKS 4D 079541 03/C6/ °.:4 12.1)3 ^79541 u.3/06184 16.65 * 979542 C-3/13/94 6.945.85 6,945.�5 * 4 5'21 r79540 03/13/94 109.76 W4 1 108.76 TARGET TAR G -r T-.---_ Gr-4 SUPPLIES 10-4504-520-52 —GA-SO-LINE------ 10-4612-560-56 CLEAN SUPPLIES 27-4512-661-66 OFFICE SUPPLIES 27-4516-661-66 41 i.: ***-CKS 14- 44 1- *-CKS ISM - :-2 ■ .*-• --CKS THORPE D13T IN:-'NTORY 50-4630-862-86 4-4 -4 .6 TWIN CITY 30LT PARTS 10-4620-560-56 *•• .CKS W 1984 CITY OF EDINA 7 - CHECK Nn. DATE CHECK REGISTER AMOUNT VENDO? TTEM DESCRTPT 03 -19 -84 PAGE 16 I n79573 03/12!84 ^79513 03/12/94 - =G 079515 .:3/06184 =1- 079575 _03/14 ,184 _ 974550 _ -__ 03/12/R4 _ 25.20_ _ TTSD= _L_STINDAID -_- R_= _3_AI_R PARTS 1_0_- 45_40- 56_0 -56 1A 52 23 ^79571 03/13/94 279557 03/12/94 69.85 TISDEI STANDARD REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 s 03/07194 s n79550 03/12/84 69.95 TISDEL STANDARD RE °AIR PARTS, 10- 4540 - 560 -56 165.00 • I,� 079551 L'3 /06/84 1,646.35 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED UNIFORM ALLOWENCE_ 10- 4266- 421 -42 ?79551 03/06/84 67.70 UNTFOP.MS JNLI"ITED UNIFORM ALLOWENCE 10- 4266- 422 -42 !!79551 03/14/84 355.10 UNIFORMS UNLIMITE) JNIFDRMS ALLOW 10- 4266- 440 -44 = C79551 03/06/84 394.70 UNIFORMS JNLIMITED UNIFORM ALLOWENCE 10- 4266- 460 -46 14 C79551 03/,?6/g4 87.00 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 421 -42 jal 13' 2.551.35 * - -- -- - -- � n79573 03/12!84 ^79513 03/12/94 - =G 079515 .:3/06184 =1- 079575 _03/14 ,184 ='1 f f f f f f 4 17 ')79553 o 03/12/R4 0 2i -- 279571 - - -- :3/061x4 52 23 ^79571 03/13/94 Iz 2.1 079571 „3/13/84 n79573 03/12!84 ^79513 03/12/94 - =G 079515 .:3/06184 =1- 079575 _03/14 ,184 83.11 83.11 • 395.28 47.12' 67.84 510.24 350.00 177.36 527.36 • UNITED ELECTRIC COPP A 8 4 BATTERY A 8 A PATTERY A B 4_BATTERY VOSS - LECTRIC VOSS ELECTRIC 299.00 WATER PRO)JCTS 157.00 WATER PRO)UCTS 456.30 . _ .. -- 63.27 WILLIAMS STEEL -HDWE 63.27 • REPAIR PARTS PARTS PARTS 3ARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS 20 -4540- 647 -64 10- 4620 - 560 -56 10- 4620- 560 -56 10- 4620- 560 -56 10- 4540- 322 -30 10- 4540 - 322 -30 ...- .C.KS. I2z �24 ='1 f f f f f f GEN SU ?PLIES no a 079519 03/14/94 0 .t •, 344 ff •fff ____ _ __ -_. --L-3/1084 . '! ?9584 52 340 .51 0795P4 03/14/84 83.11 83.11 • 395.28 47.12' 67.84 510.24 350.00 177.36 527.36 • UNITED ELECTRIC COPP A 8 4 BATTERY A 8 A PATTERY A B 4_BATTERY VOSS - LECTRIC VOSS ELECTRIC 299.00 WATER PRO)JCTS 157.00 WATER PRO)UCTS 456.30 . _ .. -- 63.27 WILLIAMS STEEL -HDWE 63.27 • REPAIR PARTS PARTS PARTS 3ARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS 20 -4540- 647 -64 10- 4620 - 560 -56 10- 4620- 560 -56 10- 4620- 560 -56 10- 4540- 322 -30 10- 4540 - 322 -30 ...- .C.KS. I2z �24 A9 7 f f• f f f GEN SU ?PLIES ••• -CKS ;.,• ' 0 DARTS x -1I 52 C795R6 93/07/84 Iz = n79586 03/07/94 32.14 534 n79586 03/07194 779536 _ 03/T084 279536 03/07/84 83.11 83.11 • 395.28 47.12' 67.84 510.24 350.00 177.36 527.36 • UNITED ELECTRIC COPP A 8 4 BATTERY A 8 A PATTERY A B 4_BATTERY VOSS - LECTRIC VOSS ELECTRIC 299.00 WATER PRO)JCTS 157.00 WATER PRO)UCTS 456.30 . _ .. -- 63.27 WILLIAMS STEEL -HDWE 63.27 • REPAIR PARTS PARTS PARTS 3ARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS 20 -4540- 647 -64 10- 4620 - 560 -56 10- 4620- 560 -56 10- 4620- 560 -56 10- 4540- 322 -30 10- 4540 - 322 -30 ...- .C.KS. I2z �24 W --- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- 2`. GEN SU ?PLIES ••• -CKS ;.,• W 0 DARTS x -1I W 1334 --- - -•.•- CKS. - CORREECTI_ON_ Iz N C KS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS 30 -4540- 783 -78 q REPAIR PARTS 30- 4540 - 783 -78 -- _ - PAINT 90.63 WARN_R INDUSTRIAL GEN SUPPLIES 9 ^.64 WARN =R INDJSTRIAL GEV SUPPLIES 181.27 f 20.64 W W GRAINr7ER GEN SU ?PLIES 44.26 W W 3RA'INGER DARTS 32.14- W W_GRAINGER_ CORREECTI_ON_ 32.14 N W GRAINGER REPAIR PARTS 32.14 W W GRAINGER RED4IR PARTS 40- 4544 - 801 -80 10- 4504 - 301 -30 20- 4504- 646 -64 10- 4504 - 540 -54 10 -4620- 560 -56 20- 4540 - 662 -66 20- 4540 - 662 -66 27 -4540- 662 -66 ..._ 53 **A,-CKS �Gy G CKS iG71 (+J 70 711 • 1 Q 81. Y OF EDINA CHECK ISTER 03-19, 'AGE 17 -r-',Hc-'CK 110. DATE AMOUN-T-- V E N 00 1 -,---IT-M Du--R-Ipum ACCOUNT NO# INV. N R-*OAD--JL-ME -S S A G E-- 97.04 • 123 **-CKS ^79539 ;3/12/84 203.31 XTROK COR33RATI01 EQUI3 RENAL 10-4226-510-51 203.31 !'7959 93/14/94 100.00 KENRY W? 08 LES P 13 --17 -- 17 179592 03/12/R4 120 .00 MID CENTRAL FIRE D04ATIONS 10-3265-000-00 979592 G3/07/84 1 x007.70 MID :c"JTRIL FIRE DOYATT04S 10-3265-330-00 ^7959? u3112/94 . 90.0 0 -- MID TNTRIL FIPE D04ATIONS 10- 3265 -D70 -017 19210.00 • 22 o 3 :�, 79593 '33%06%84 3%t . 4 0 125 MINNESOTA CLAY INVEN SUPPLIES 23-1209-000-00 - 38.40 .26 ZZ, •*-CKS �29 979603 - 03/C7/84 3� .4 1 WITT-rK GOLF SUPPLY FR--- I GHT 27 -4292-663-66 39.41 24. Jn 271 *k*- CKS- 1371 79612 '3/13/34 ?36.36 MIDWE-'Sr ASPHALT CORP BLACKTOP 10-4524-301-30 236.36 34� 119/ r! 2 ]?/! r-1 L1J 1934 CITY Oc _DINA CHECK REGISTER 03 -19 -84 PAGE 18 I CHECK •J7. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DES:RIPTION ACCOUNT N0. INV. p P.O. M MESSAGE •I) 35.00 + Iz ai 079710 Jj /06/44 16.45 MARGAREI.T 4CDOWELL ART WORK SOLD 23- 3625- ODO -03 n 10 ART W s SOLD 2 23- 3625 - 000 -00 - 16.45 • - 079!11 J3 /06 /34 3.50 JUDY LIE8ER SOLD 2 - -- - - - - --- -121 3 3.50 + 079!12 13/06/44 7.73 MARTf KLEIN 7.70 # -- 779113 - J3/06/84 13.39 JEAN HAEF =_E - SOLD 2 a 15l_ 13.30 + 161 - - -- -- - - ^79714 - - -- -- - - - -- -------- '3/76/84 - - - - -- - --- - - -_.- 16.10 -- _ - -- -- - ---- - - - - -- DICK GREEN - ART W WORK S SOLO 2 16.10 ART W WORK S 979115 -- 23- 3625- DOO -00 - J3/06/44 - 20.82 PAT 3R1ER -- _ ART W WORK S SOLD 2 20.42 + 3t zz: 17971b x/06/84 17.50= SUSAN FRA4E ]. 23 17.50 • ZA 779717 U�% 6 %R4 32.20 PAUREEN BPOCKWA c 32.20 + =� 079116 Ji /G6 /84 14.07 BETTY P_D)IE =9I 14.00 • 3 L 1_ -- ---- ^79!19 - - - - -- -- ----- 33/06/84 - - - - -- 240.09 ART )ICKEY 32 240.00 + 3a ^79726 ..)3/06/84 14.00 LOUIS WIL_S 35 14.00 + 079721 _J37 F6744 7.35 MARI34 WARD v 9 35. 7.35 • = Q79727 07/06,84 192.70 NAACY KAUFMAN a 1 02.00 + .x -- - - - - -- ^79773 Ji/Oh /84 28.28 MKOLLIE PAULSOV 28.28 079724 X3/06/84 40.00 EARL MEIC4SHER 40.30 # n 10 ART W WORK S SOLD 2 23- 3625 - 000 -00 - -`9 is ART W WORK S SOLD 2 - -- - - - - --- -121 3 I4 ART W WORK S SOLD 2 23- 3625 - 000 -00 ART W WORK S SOLO 2 23- 3625 - 000 -00 ART W WORK S SOLD 2 23- 3625- DOO -00 2131 ART W WORK S SOLD 2 23- 3625 - 000 -00 - - { 3t ]. 079725 03/07/44 55.53 ART MATERIALS =� 55.53 52' 079726 - 03706/84 -- - 8.n0 RC I)ENTI'ICATIOYS 079727 03/06/84 49600.30 GOLF PROPERTIES 4.600.30 • ART WORK SOLD ART WORK SOLD INST ART CENT ART WORK WOLD SiATS GEN SUPPLIES G_N SUPPLIES EQUIP 23- 3625 - 000 -OC 23- 3625 - 000 -00 23 -4100- 614 -61 23 -4200- 610 -61 10- 4540 - 560 -56 10- 4504- 120 -12 10- 4504 - 421 -42 27- 1332 - 000-00 ! is 1O3jr 1 OF _0 =NJA CHECK ISTER 03-19 -E AGE 19 I CH -< Ii ^,ATE - AMOUNT -- - - - - -- - ... V"NDOi - TT-M DESCRIPTION- - -- - AC JUNT N0. ZNV. ft_?.0.._- It._MESSA3E C iz ^/9f3'; :3/' =7734 14.10 LOUIS Q9RAw,AM MILEAGE 30- 4208 - 797 -79 _I 14.10 I». ...... _ r79Iz? S /:.f /?4 - -- 422. ?0 - - G 8 K SERVICES LAUNDRY 10- 4262 - 371 -30 '` ?9/32 ,ii/ 7/�{� 9 19.._0 �D�� Cc G 3 K S.. /IC -a LAUNDRY 10- 4262 - 520 -52 ii, l• -. 1?791 �? '.i3 /J 7/ ^4 35.20 G 8 < SERVICES LAJNDRY 10- 4262 - 540 -54 P7973? f3 /r�7 %a4 7_p7.10 G B K iERV:CES LAUNDRY 10 -4262- 560 -56 -.79732 J3/ ^7/ ?,4 ?16.12 C R '< 3ERVIC =S LAUNDRY 20- 4262 - 646 -64 ^79fi? U 7/84 ?'�'p G_B,_K_.- SERVICES -- -_ -- -- LA'JND- 2r 4262 -793 78 J 0 G & K SERVICES LAJNoIY _3.0- 40- 4262 - 901 -30 1 .132..42 ^797'11 '/,7/94 - 211.50 CHAS DREW R_=UND SEWER R =YTAL 40.3560- 770 -00 I, 211 .50 • '179734 7V)7/_'4 27.75 SMTTH, NAPTIN SERVICE 1ST AID SUPPLIES 10- 4510 - 440 -44 27.75' - _.......r79135 __ -- - .._- J- 3 /C 7/?,: -- - - -- - 186.54- ALEX4FIDER :MANUF 1ST AID SUPPLIES -- - 1U- 4510 - 440 -44 .<< 195.54 ' 19 f 36 - - - - --- J3/12 4 ---- - - - - -- 147.56 147.56 • MKl OEPTI OF REVENUE GASOLINE 10- 4612- 560 -56 'i - - X79737 i 7! 14 - 95.30 MN PJBLIC L'... -- - -- - - - MaIOYER -- - - - - - - -- DU _S __ _ 10- 4204 - 140 -14 35.00 • 79fi'i ;;?7 7/�4 256.30 BROW41NG R=2AIR PARTS 27- 4540 - 662 -66 - 255.30 • ,l 40.00 MARGE HEEGAAR0 23 -4100- 614 -61 I` INST ART "I ^79/4!9 t/07184 120.70 DAVID 'ELTO INST ART 23 -4100- 614 -61 �!,,i I I 120. ^O • 079741 u3/?7i?4 29 JIM PROHL - INST ART 23 -4100- 614 -61 �'' °• 249.00 • - X7974 572.00 572.20 KATHY GUSTAFSO °J INST ART 23 -41G0- 614 -61 i • -, P79743 3/1;7%%1.4 -- 192.10 -- NANCY KAU =MANN l INST ART 23- 4100 - 614 -61 192.70 • 7/ 4 126.47 ITASCA EQJIP CO R=�AIR PARTS 10- 4540- 560 -56 -,,1 126 .4 7 • i';'. --! )79745 ji /17/64 209.17 CRYSTAL W_LDING INC C04T REPAIRS 10 -4249- 560 -56 209.17 • _: - a �_- ?;r'j4�1�i: "' 7""7' , FI � I��..,� � i, i�'i +ati��1i' .����tf. Cv 1934 CITY OF FDINA CHECK N,! DATE AMOUNT CHECK REGISTER C3 -19 -84 SAGE 21 VF NO 0" --------ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT F49. INV. # P.O. 0 MESSAGE__, ^79- 74 0 __')3fQ_7f9,4 _23.68________NORT4VkN ?QW7R. PA_R _TS_ -!4540-54 -56 _10 -0- cl -79141 !J3/07/P4 414.50 WATEIOUS COMPANY RE3AIR PARATS 30 -4540- 783 -78 414.50 !]79148 3 /17_/54 4 4 0 . 3 0 - ___QLO BRUS4 CORR:' 10-4504-310-30 '79743 03/12/P4 4. °•47.00 CILD DOMINION BRUSH BROOMS 10 -4574- 310 -30 f 797t.3 13/12/84 49?40.-]'0 OLD DOMINION BRUSH BROOMS 10- 4534- 310 -30 P-79749 166.10 OLD DOMINION BRUSH 3 AIR PARTS 10-4540-560-56 13 '79 74? 03/13184 104.94 OLD DOMINION BRUSH _R': REDAIR PARTS 10-4540-560-56 IS 59110.94 li 11 7 + + + -CKS -779752 03/12/R4 45R .60 FOOT FORMS BASEBALL EQUIP 20-4582-621-62 459.60 * 979753 29063.?2 METR) crR_ EQUIP DOYATIO14S 10-3265-330-00 -79154 __3/12/9t4 37.32 THE PARENT OF AM3ULANCE REFU4D 10-3180-300-00 37.R2 7 079755 03/12734 124.00 _ALFRED-LARSEN IL AMBU ANC_E_B_[F 10-3180-000-00 ______- __.___- _______.- ,____ -_ zo 124.90 f?79756 03/12/84 54.97 CkRO'-E KU_AK MILEAGE 27-4208-661-66 3! 54.97 321 ­� '179757 110.25 JAM ALEXANDERSON ---S---R VICES 20- 4120 - 622 -62 34 35 110 5 17915. 03/12/34 170.00 _DEDE HENSTL SERVICES 20-2235-000-00 179.19 391 1? 9 7 5 9 1/12 / 9 4 34.30 AUDI) GRO91 ADVERTISING 50-4214-822-82 r!7975() 03/12/34 34.]0 AUDI) GROJ:l ADVERTISING 50-4214-862-86 42 ()79760 03/12/34 10.90 TANNERS VFW #8217 ADVERTISING 50-4214-822-82 979769 03/12/8,4 1003 TANNERS VFW #8217 ADVERTISTRG 50-4214-842-84 45 079 160 ]3/12194' 10.90 TANNERS VFW #8217 ADVERTISING 50-4214-862-86 40 079761 U3/12/94 50.90 MGA DUES 27-4204-660-66 50.00 079762 03 169.70__ BR OADC XSS r.-MU-S TS 28-4310-738-70 160.30 1?7 i17 6 3 03/12134 7.58 DUNE BUGGY SUPPLY COYT REPAIRS 28- 4248 - 707 -70 151 7.58 979764 03/12/34 24.12 BRAEMARt QUICK PR NT PRINTING 10-4600-490-49 19 3jr OF SDINA CHECK M,'). 0,TE AMOUNT CHECK STER 03 -19 -8 AGE 21 -rNOOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NOo INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 24.12 2 979765 J3/12/94 1 9000.00 MIDWEST UNOERGPOUND COT REPAIRS 30 -4248- 781 -78 15 1,000.90 17976 03/12/94 249.30 LEROY L193Y COVT SERV 30-4200-780-78 240.90 io -179161 3/12/44 50.30 KUNZ OIL OVERPAYMENT 10-2035-000-00 I 1 1 59.90 ^797.68 L 3/12/ 8 4 99.95 HUDS3N MA31 CO GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 460 -46 17! 99.95 181 079169 :3/12/,34 22.30 ART PAPER SU3SCRIPTION 23-4204---6-10--6-1-- 22.19 0797711-. 03/12/ °.4 124.90 FLORENCE 11RIN AM3ULANE REFUND 10-3180-000-00 124.00 Cij '?79771 -3/12184 124.'U FRANCES CIVNOR, AM3ULANE REFUND 10-3180-000-00 Iry 29 23 124.00- 31 -, 079772 124.30 MARY TUMA4 AM3ULANE REFUND 10-3180-000-00 32 124.00 �31 3- -7 1 zo, '179713 .3/12/94 124.JO JAMES JAMTAAS AM3ULANE REFUND 10 -3180- 000 -00 124.00 * all 3: � 079774 J3/12/84 .1 3 HYDR4 PARTS 10-4540-560-56 160.13 * i42 44 079115 13/12/44 30.30 STATE OF MINNESOTA COMT SERV 40-4200-800-80 145 30.90 147 4 6 M4 M4YOR ASSN 0 U --- S 10-4204-100-10 10.00 717 V 7 7 7 03/12/24 470.40 J H LARS04 Rr-2AIR PARTS 20-4540-647-64 470.40 n4f 4-1 -- 0777 5-3.53----k-ELSON R­A0I-0--C COMM ---VA A T S 10-4620-560-56 779779 33/13/94 64.98 NELSON RA)ro Comm PARTS 10-4620-560-56 1151.41 41. 279779 03/13/94 52.43 J & 8 EGUTP CO GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-540-54 62.43 * 0797 30 73/13/84 95.87 DIRECT SA--r-TY CO GEN SUPPLIES 20-45 04- 64 6-64 66 95.97 * :67 0119181 J3/13/84 47.60 ROYAL CROWN BEV INVENTORY 50-4632-822-82 sn 079181 03/13/94 155.70 ROYAL CROWN BEV INVENTORY 50-4632-842-F.4 17,1 7 u31131111 159.55 ROYAL CROWN BEV INVENTORY 50- 4632 - 862 -86 7 362.95 LLJ 1984 '"TTY OF F37NA CHECK N' !)A TE AMOUNT CHECK REGISTER ENDOI ITEM DESCRIPTI34 21 3 179762 13/13/44 50 170. DALY DTST INENTORY - -- 50-4630-862-86 17P.50 03-19-84 PAGE 22 0 D.O. It MEqqA^-- 779799 03/14/54 ^,79800 03/14/94 -- 079901 93/14184 167.04 EMERS MED PROD 10. T13-4 49.34 ENRICA FISH MED Boo 49.34 444.24 HENN CTfY MED CrNTFQ isr AID S.-UlP.3..L.I-rS 10-4510-440-4 1ST AID SUPP ST AID 10-4510-440-44 10-4510-440- I !)o I. 1' :4 lid 117 I'1° `2 j" "7 ,c C a7 zo 50 t ID C., ell 3V! 079783 J 3/13/84- 271 .25 ULMER METRO DIST INVENTORY 50-4630-862-86 271.25 ^79791 G 1717iv927.09 METRO WASTE :01TIaL SEWER SERV 40-4312-331-80 170,927.99 * J'9784 93113194 55.68 DOUG E :OL4 INVENTORY 50- 4632 - 842 -84 73.60 ZACKS 4 27-4620-662-66 6 DOUBLE COLA INVENTORY 50-4632-862-86 73.60 • 4119.74 • 179793 .j3/13/P,4 746.50 LANDSCXP--. & TURF X79735 ?,3 /13 4 184.00 INTERN METAL STRIPP SIGGNS POST - 1D -4542- 328 -30 - �aii 194.00 0 5/1 3/R4 46.70 HOLIDAY rVN CONFERENCE 10-4202-100-10 X79786 03/13/84 36.21 GARLANDS INC REPAIR PARTS HOLIDAY 14N 10-4540-560-56 10-4202-140-14 'i 7 9 79 4 36.21 • 46.90 HOLIDAY INN CONFERENCE !'79 /;/ '3/13184 13JR.JO 169.79 STANLEY W TULL CO REPAIR PARTS 16--4540-560-56 1-w 30.83 50TH & FRANCE M:-'-:TINr EXPENSES 168.08 Ar 30.?3 79 13.8 03/131R4 28.54 10-4504-318-30 LYNDALE HARDWARE GEY SUPPLIES 28:54 • 079189 J3/13/84 124.00 KRISTT STUMLEY AMBULANCE REFUND 10-3180-300-00 124.DO • 03/13/84 MISSION TSSI ON S 7 R VC IT - I0-4516-100-10 TA3ES `79790 03/13/R4 43.40 foissiots SERVICTE TAPES 779799 03/14/54 ^,79800 03/14/94 -- 079901 93/14184 167.04 EMERS MED PROD 10. T13-4 49.34 ENRICA FISH MED Boo 49.34 444.24 HENN CTfY MED CrNTFQ isr AID S.-UlP.3..L.I-rS 10-4510-440-4 1ST AID SUPP ST AID 10-4510-440-44 10-4510-440- I !)o I. 1' :4 lid 117 I'1° `2 j" "7 ,c C a7 zo 50 t ID C., ell 3V! 86.R0 ^79791 03/13/94 1717iv927.09 METRO WASTE :01TIaL SEWER SERV 40-4312-331-80 170,927.99 * ''79 792 - 3/13/514 73.60 ZACKS PARTS 27-4620-662-66 73.60 • 63, 179793 .j3/13/P,4 746.50 LANDSCXP--. & TURF PARTS 27-4620-662-66 746.50 • �aii n79/94 0 5/1 3/R4 46.70 HOLIDAY rVN CONFERENCE 10-4202-100-10 ^'97 94 J3/13/R4 - - - 46.00 HOLIDAY 14N C04F---RENCE 10-4202-140-14 'i 7 9 79 4 03/13/R4 46.90 HOLIDAY INN CONFERENCE 13JR.JO 179795 ?3/13 /R4 30.83 50TH & FRANCE M:-'-:TINr EXPENSES 50-4206-820-82 Ar 30.?3 779799 03/14/54 ^,79800 03/14/94 -- 079901 93/14184 167.04 EMERS MED PROD 10. T13-4 49.34 ENRICA FISH MED Boo 49.34 444.24 HENN CTfY MED CrNTFQ isr AID S.-UlP.3..L.I-rS 10-4510-440-4 1ST AID SUPP ST AID 10-4510-440-44 10-4510-440- I !)o I. 1' :4 lid 117 I'1° `2 j" "7 ,c C a7 zo 50 t ID C., ell 1980 ro"JI CHECK ISTER 03 -19 -E AGE 23 --HE:CK ')jaT:-' AMOUNT Vr-NOOl !T.--M DESCRIPTION J 37981)) 1 '13/14184 353.13 VENN C71Y MED CENTER 1ST AID SUPPLIES 10-4510-440-44 7 .97 .37 3 4 7 Yj 0;/14144 29.10 ALL AmE3 4-'CH INC R-7rU4D PLUM PERMIT 10-3110-000-00 7 0793n" 03/14/84 122900 ROAD RESCUE INC PARTS 10-4620-560-56 127.00 J1 ^79b' ^4 J3/14/84 94.00 CYD 4TCKE4 INST ART CENTER 23- 4100 - 614 -61 14 121 179?75 03/14/14 576.10 SUSANI FRAIE INST ART CENTER 23-4100-614-61 ,7 lia 17 3?96'6 03/14/94 ?1.51 jC VEr L US STEEL INC GEN SUPPLIES 40-4504-801-80 ;;2 079107 03/14144 49.35 NICHALS 4---T & TWINE GEM SUPPLIES 20-4504-646-64 49.35 127 9793-ri 03/14/84 34.33- MINNESOTA GLOVE G:-*l SUPPLIES 10-4504-560-56 17y ^7980 L;3/14/94 34.97 MINNESOTA GLOVE GEN SUPPLIES 20- 4504 - 646 -64 1, 6R.15 _7 133 z- ^7989 03/14/.. °.4 279.30 JOE 917RN7T ORGANIST 28-4200-706-70 273.90 137 J79b 1 e li 3 /14/ 0 4 29.95 JOHN VALLIERE REIMBURSEMENT MA G 27-4502-661-66 40 28 .95 42 03/14/94 192.33 JILL HkNSOV INST ART CENTrl 23-4100-614-61 143 34 192.00 * 35 lA6 -)7951? -3 -3/14/94 35.00 ELIZABETH KANE REFUND ART CENTER 23-3500-000-00 :-I i . 4E - 35.3 11 * F 39 - 11798 1 J 3 /-1-4/94 21 .90 PAT P-HILT 3P REFUND ART CENTER 23 -3500-OUO-00 47, 21.70 134 - 771E 14 07/14/P4 53.03 DAVI) L MOVA RE3AII SPRINKLER 10- 4248- 318 -30 44 53.90 b6 1179d1 5 03/14/84 153.70 TWIN CITY STAMP G74 SJP LIES 10-4504-325-30 1c, 153.7 079816 03/14/34 69.90 FREDRICK S4ERNY OFFICE SUPPLIES 10-4516-510-51 113 1, 69.90 * 66 979617 33/14/84 ROD .33 ROGEAS PAINTING C04T 57 900.10 7C 54 r) 7 9 3 1 F 03/14/134 635.30 W A LK R SEIV MAILING 10-4240-260-26 12 079619 3 /14/9 4 260.50 11 t DNER C04T ALkS30-4248-783-78 --UlP71, �74 75 J� 1994 ; -7 Y 'J= .D ?'!1 CHECK REGISTER 03 -19 -84 oAGE 24 AMOUNT V_NOD ? -- -._- _- - - -- _ -- ITEM- DESCRIP-TTO "1 _ACCOUNT- NO._LNV.__q -P -O.. ft MESS AGE ,e ^'9 1 14i'4 459.30 SEAL METPODS BROOMS 10 -4534- 310 -30 451.30 * / 179J�1 J3/14fS4 2�580.3R- -- -ORW -- - - - - -- S_RV MAILING 10 -4240- 260 -26 2.59 ,1 .39 * 1 X95?' 3 /14/3 4 9910 °.20 E!'IVA H:G-4 SCHOOL MISC 28- 3480 - 030 -OC ...... !!! -CKS 17 J'919T 03/12/34 2 495.30 WALTER C SJSTAFSDU S7—RV--L--GAL 10- 4100- 220 -22 : >I - -- „1 ..., . ♦ ! • +-CKS 1689538.49 FUVD 10 TOTAL S_NERAL FUND _.. _ -_. ;i. 59'.'81.P3 FUND 20 TOTAL PARK FUND =+ 3.22 ?.94 FUND 23 TOTAL APT CENTER Computer cks. 55509 thru 55758 = 8.172.47 FUVO 27 _ TOTAL GOLF COURSE FUVD Hand -typed cks. - 54692 thru 54704 _ 179764.56 FUND 28 TOTAL RECREATION CENTER FUND 3 1 • 109.0 FUND 29 TOTAL GUN RANGE FUND 6.292.11 FUVC� 30 TOTAL WAfERNORK FOND = 171,594.71 FUVD 40 TOTAL 3EW-1 REVTAL FUND ;I 66.073.90_ - FUVC 50 TOTAL LTQUOR DISPENSARY_ FUND 367.30 FUND 60 TOTAL CONSTRUCTIOV FUND — - - -- - .i — — - - -- '' 4419150.09 TOTAL 4w j _I 4, . i i � E z G , `1984 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 1z rrrffr CHECK N09 DATE AMOUNT VEND0.2 ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO* INV. X12 038135 03/01/84 7.93- EAGLE WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 03/01/84 038135 03/01/84 3.00- _ EAGLE WINE 50 -3710- 822 -82 _ . 038135 03/01184 2.33- _ EA GL: WINE _ _ - 50 -3710- 842 -84 9 038135 03/01/84 4.95- EAGLE, WINE 50- 3710- 842 -84 6 038135 03/01/84 150.14 EA GL = :WINE 50 -4628- 822 -82 7 035135 03/01%84 _ 396.68 _ EAGLE". WINE — 50 -4 4628 - 822 -82 __ a 038135 03/01/84 247.55 EAGLE - WINE 50- 4628- 842-84 9 038135 03101/84 116.28 EAGLE. ,WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 1z rrrffr 03811 38 -03/01/84 86.86 ED P4ILlIPS 20 038138' 03/01/84 .13 ED PHILLIPS 21 038138 03/01/84 84.84- ED PHILLIPS 221 038138 - -- 03fD1f84- - -- - -- 26.62 - - - -- ED PHILLIPS 23i 038138 03/01/84 34.43 - ED PHILLIPS 038138 03/01/8.4 84.84, ED PHILLIPS 25�- 03$138 X3701784 - 1 .29 - -ED PHILLIPS 26i 038138- 03/01/84 47.99- ED P4ILLIPS 271 035138 03/01184 .04 - ED PHILLIPS _ zol - -- 038138 - - - -- - 03/01/84- - - - -- - -- 29105077- -- - -- - ED PH.ILLIPIS -- - - - - - - - -- d 038138 03/01/84 49242.03- ED PHILLIPS 3� 038138 03/01/84 4.242.04 ED PHILLIPS. - 3,I 38-1 18._. --03/01/84 4.242.4 -3 - - -ED PHILLIPS- - 32I 038138 03/01/84 236.44 ED PHILLIPS 33! 0381.38 03/01/84 724.75_ ED PHILLIPS. 34— 038138 - -- 03/01/84 - - -�- -- �- 5.75- ED PHILLIPS - - -- J; 038138. 03/01/84 3.25- ED PHILLIPS J6, 038138 03/01/84 6.63- ED PHILLIPS - -- 3i1 038138 3/01/84 1330.75 E0 PHILLIPS 30 038138 03/01/84 19721.70 ED PHILLIPS 39 038_138_ 03/01/84 2,399947 ED PHILLIPS 0381311 03101/84 - -- - -- 64050 -- - -- ED PHILLIPS - - -- - 41 038138 03/01/84 2917- ED PHILLIPS a2 129425.04 s ff ffff 038190 03101184 65931- GRIGGS COOPER AND C 038190 03/01/84 48995- GRIGGS COOPER AND C 038190 03/01/84 74993- GRIGGS COOPER AND C — C3$i9f1--- 0 #j01/$�► '- 74958 + 7 � -- GRIGGS.TCOOPER AND C - -- 038190 03/01/84 31p265e60 GRIGGS COOPER -AND C 038190 _03/01/84_ 39746942 _ GRIO33 COOPER AND _C _ 038190 _ _ _ 03/01784 r ��— " 2 X447.71- _t . ORIGDS'COOPER AND C 038190 03/01/84 39728989 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 12�92i98S f ffff ff 50- 3710 - 822 -62 50- 3710- 822 -82 .__50 -3710- 822 -82 50- 3710 - 822 -82 50- 3710 - 842 -84 - -- - -'50- 3710 - 842 -84 - 50- 3710 - 842 -84 50- 3710 - 842 -84 __ -50- 3710 - 842 -84 50 -3710- 842 -84 50- 3710 - 842 -84 -50- 3710 - 86286 50 -3710- 862 -86 50 -3710- 862 -86 - - 50- 4626- 822 -82 50 -4626- 842 -84 50- 4626 - 842 -84 50- 4626 - 862 -84 -- 50- 4628- 822 -82 _ - -- 50- 462.9- 822 -82 50-4628-822-8.2 50- 4628 - 842 -84 50- 4628- 842 -84 50 -4628- 842 -84 50- 4628- 842 -84 50 -4628- 862 -86 02 -29 -8, AGE 0 P.O. • MESSAGE - - - -- - - - - -50- 4628-862 -86 - -- -- 50- 4628- 862 -86 50 -3710- 822 -82 50- 3710- 842 -84 50- 3710 - 842 -84 - -50 -3710- 862- 86-- _.._m_.- 50- 4626 - 822 -82 50- 4626 - 842 -84 - - - - - -- - - - - -- - . - -50 -4626- 842 -84 - 50 -4626- 862 -86 MAN 'A ] MAN AL 4 MAN AL 13 i MAN A: a V _ MANAI. Itl MAV. 4 L 9 MAU/A: 1O 11 - 140r A_L _ 2 113 114 j. • r9. {; I�j te- MANI V e' v MAVI A L IP MANI -A L ;?+1 MAN] A L ,z',, _ MANI u L 121 MANI -A L MANI a l 6 2'7' MANI'AL 2c - MANI 3 :2,7; MANI e L MANI A L 1, MAVI uL =' MANI c 134 MANI i MANI'_^ L MANI A 1" ' MAVI ^ L -- - MANI 2 L MANI•+: 1_ I4:' MANIIa L MANI c L MAUI :� 4` . 47 _ MANI e ; 4, MANI t L MANI'i:' °j - MANI ZL p2l MANI -' L S3 MANI,,! si .EMI rC. MAUI a L ry I MA "II AL "j -- MAN A' _MA'Ji_a i�c MANI A' an 167 MA 41,4, ee MANI A - a MANI A. I„ 172 - - -- - —171 •kf• i 74 77 41 0 038138 0 03/01/84 4 4.73- E ED PHILLIPS 151 _ 03/01/84 _ ED - 16 0 _038138 0 - 03/01/84 4 _ . -: P 17 0 038138 0 03/01/84 1 14.50- E ED PHILLIPS 131 0 038138 0 03/01/84 . .D7 E ED PHILLIPS 19�._— ff ffff 038190 03101184 65931- GRIGGS COOPER AND C 038190 03/01/84 48995- GRIGGS COOPER AND C 038190 03/01/84 74993- GRIGGS COOPER AND C — C3$i9f1--- 0 #j01/$�► '- 74958 + 7 � -- GRIGGS.TCOOPER AND C - -- 038190 03/01/84 31p265e60 GRIGGS COOPER -AND C 038190 _03/01/84_ 39746942 _ GRIO33 COOPER AND _C _ 038190 _ _ _ 03/01784 r ��— " 2 X447.71- _t . ORIGDS'COOPER AND C 038190 03/01/84 39728989 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 12�92i98S f ffff ff 50- 3710 - 822 -62 50- 3710- 822 -82 .__50 -3710- 822 -82 50- 3710 - 822 -82 50- 3710 - 842 -84 - -- - -'50- 3710 - 842 -84 - 50- 3710 - 842 -84 50- 3710 - 842 -84 __ -50- 3710 - 842 -84 50 -3710- 842 -84 50- 3710 - 842 -84 -50- 3710 - 86286 50 -3710- 862 -86 50 -3710- 862 -86 - - 50- 4626- 822 -82 50 -4626- 842 -84 50- 4626 - 842 -84 50- 4626 - 862 -84 -- 50- 4628- 822 -82 _ - -- 50- 462.9- 822 -82 50-4628-822-8.2 50- 4628 - 842 -84 50- 4628- 842 -84 50 -4628- 842 -84 50- 4628- 842 -84 50 -4628- 862 -86 02 -29 -8, AGE 0 P.O. • MESSAGE - - - -- - - - - -50- 4628-862 -86 - -- -- 50- 4628- 862 -86 50 -3710- 822 -82 50- 3710- 842 -84 50- 3710 - 842 -84 - -50 -3710- 862- 86-- _.._m_.- 50- 4626 - 822 -82 50- 4626 - 842 -84 - - - - - -- - - - - -- - . - -50 -4626- 842 -84 - 50 -4626- 862 -86 MAN 'A ] MAN AL 4 MAN AL 13 i MAN A: a V _ MANAI. Itl MAV. 4 L 9 MAU/A: 1O 11 - 140r A_L _ 2 113 114 j. • r9. {; I�j te- MANI V e' v MAVI A L IP MANI -A L ;?+1 MAN] A L ,z',, _ MANI u L 121 MANI -A L MANI a l 6 2'7' MANI'AL 2c - MANI 3 :2,7; MANI e L MANI A L 1, MAVI uL =' MANI c 134 MANI i MANI'_^ L MANI A 1" ' MAVI ^ L -- - MANI 2 L MANI•+: 1_ I4:' MANIIa L MANI c L MAUI :� 4` . 47 _ MANI e ; 4, MANI t L MANI'i:' °j - MANI ZL p2l MANI -' L S3 MANI,,! si .EMI rC. MAUI a L ry I MA "II AL "j -- MAN A' _MA'Ji_a i�c MANI A' an 167 MA 41,4, ee MANI A - a MANI A. I„ 172 - - -- - —171 •kf• i 74 77 ffff ff 50- 3710 - 822 -62 50- 3710- 822 -82 .__50 -3710- 822 -82 50- 3710 - 822 -82 50- 3710 - 842 -84 - -- - -'50- 3710 - 842 -84 - 50- 3710 - 842 -84 50- 3710 - 842 -84 __ -50- 3710 - 842 -84 50 -3710- 842 -84 50- 3710 - 842 -84 -50- 3710 - 86286 50 -3710- 862 -86 50 -3710- 862 -86 - - 50- 4626- 822 -82 50 -4626- 842 -84 50- 4626 - 842 -84 50- 4626 - 862 -84 -- 50- 4628- 822 -82 _ - -- 50- 462.9- 822 -82 50-4628-822-8.2 50- 4628 - 842 -84 50- 4628- 842 -84 50 -4628- 842 -84 50- 4628- 842 -84 50 -4628- 862 -86 02 -29 -8, AGE 0 P.O. • MESSAGE - - - -- - - - - -50- 4628-862 -86 - -- -- 50- 4628- 862 -86 50 -3710- 822 -82 50- 3710- 842 -84 50- 3710 - 842 -84 - -50 -3710- 862- 86-- _.._m_.- 50- 4626 - 822 -82 50- 4626 - 842 -84 - - - - - -- - - - - -- - . - -50 -4626- 842 -84 - 50 -4626- 862 -86 MAN 'A ] MAN AL 4 MAN AL 13 i MAN A: a V _ MANAI. Itl MAV. 4 L 9 MAU/A: 1O 11 - 140r A_L _ 2 113 114 j. • r9. {; I�j te- MANI V e' v MAVI A L IP MANI -A L ;?+1 MAN] A L ,z',, _ MANI u L 121 MANI -A L MANI a l 6 2'7' MANI'AL 2c - MANI 3 :2,7; MANI e L MANI A L 1, MAVI uL =' MANI c 134 MANI i MANI'_^ L MANI A 1" ' MAVI ^ L -- - MANI 2 L MANI•+: 1_ I4:' MANIIa L MANI c L MAUI :� 4` . 47 _ MANI e ; 4, MANI t L MANI'i:' °j - MANI ZL p2l MANI -' L S3 MANI,,! si .EMI rC. MAUI a L ry I MA "II AL "j -- MAN A' _MA'Ji_a i�c MANI A' an 167 MA 41,4, ee MANI A - a MANI A. I„ 172 - - -- - —171 •kf• i 74 77 �- 1984 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 02-29-84 PAGE -CHECK NOo DATE AMOUNT VENOOl ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NOe INV* # PeDo # MESSASI 038271 03/01/84 916 INTERCONTINENTAL K 50-3710-862-86 MAN A L 038271 03/01/84 3,477.6D INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50-4626-822-82 M AVI AL 038271 03/01/84 3e0O INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50-4626-862-86 MA*V A' MA41 A, 033285 03/01/84 3*54- JOHNSON WINE 50-3710-822-82 MA411' L 261 038285 03/01/84 7935- JOHNSON WINE 50-3710-822-82 MANVAL 038285 03/Olf84 13.62- JOHNSON MINE 50-3710-822-82 MANI 038285 03/01184 *22 JOHNSON WINE 50-3710-822-82 038285 03/01/84 1992- JOHNSON WINE 50-3?ID-842-84 MAN:, 038285 03101/84 *06- JOHNSON MINE 50-3710-842-84 M A 41: A! 3, n38285 03/01/84 23 59- JO HNSON MINE 50- 3710 - 842-84 038285 03/01/84 3*00 JOHNSON WINE 50:4626-822-82 36� 038285 03/01/84 68105 JOHNSON WINE 50-4626- 82 2- 82 MANI: A L 038295 .03/01/34 3oOOl__­­____ JOHNSON MINE 50-4628-822-92 MANi a 038285 03/01/84 367*75 JOHNSON WINE 511-4628-822-82 MANO', 038285 03/01/94 177.40 JOHNSON WINE 50-4628-822-82 MAN- 03828 03/01/84 11.20- JOHNSON WINE 50-4628-82 2-8 2 MAN. 144 1338285 03fOl/84 9le28 JOHNSON WINE 50-4628-842-84 MANt-A 038285 03/01/84 1.20 JOHNSON WINE 50-4628-842-84 MAN %0 03V85 03/01/84 3*27-- JOHNSON MINE 50-4628-842-84 MAVV I sa 038285 03101/84 266olO JOHNSON WINE 50-4628-842-84 MAN:t' 64 038435 03,101,184 5.55- PRIOR MINE CO 50-3710-842-84 MANi.- 11 �5 4, 039435 03/01/84 1.53- PRIOR,WlNr CO 50-3710-862-86 MA%Iitl 1121 a 104i 38435 03/Olf84 277:60- PRIOR WINE CO 50-4628:942-84 MAV V ^ ~ ' Lj..J A984 CITY OF EDINA CHECK k_ .STER 02 -29 -84 GE 3 li CHECK N0. DATE AMOUNT VENDOI ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO_. INV._ It P.0_. # MESSAGE -- - -- -- - --- 038435 03/01/84 76950 PRIOR,WINE CO 50 -4628- 862 -86 MANN 3 038435 03/01/84 76.50_ _PRIOR CO 50 -4628- 862 -86 MANTA' ai _ _ -_.. 421.99 + _WIN_ - - _ - - _ � 5 3 ff ff of ("(_3 a 038451 03/01/84 14.51- QUALITY MINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MAN 038451 03/01/84 11020- QUALITY WINE 50 -3710- 822 -82 MANIIA 038451 03/01/84 .67 QUALITY WINE 50 -3710- 842 -84 MAN i 038451 03/01/84 14.88- QUALITY WINE 50 -3710- 842 -84 MAVU`L 038451 03/01/84 7.19- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MAN 038451 - - - -- 03/01/84 - - -- - - 5.25- -- - QUALITY WINE - _ - - -- - - - 50- 3710 - 862 -86 - - MAW d 038451 03/01/84 22.73- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 038451 03/01/84 6.45- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MAr;U.L 038451 - 03/01/84 - - 39.47- QUALLTY WINE - 50- 3710- 862 -86 IAA NI; AL 038451 03/01/84 725.91 QUALITY WINE 50- 4626 - 822 -82 MAN •4 l9 038451 03/01/84 322.75 OUALITVI WINE 50- 4626 - 862 -86 I, , MALI L 9 038451 - 03/01f84 1.973: 50- - - QUALI TY MINE - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - -- 50- 6626.862 -86 - -- MAN' -t 038451 03/01/84 560.26 QUALITY MINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL - 038451 03/01/84 744.34 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628- 842 -84 MAKI A J2L 038451 -- - 03/01/84 -- - - - - - - - -- 33.7_6 - - -- - - -- QUALITY WINE - -- -- - - _ - - -- - - - -- - - 50- 4628- 842 -84 MAN'' L 23' v 038451 03/01/84 19136.64 QUALITK WINE 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANP-' -� 038451 03/01/84 262.50 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANe 'lL -•° 738451 03/01%8 -- _- 359 50 _ 9UALITr PINE- - - - -- - -- - _ -- -- - - - - -- -- 50- 4628 - 862 -86 - -- HAN'1cL 26� 5,931.13 • =01 I aafafa ffi 038540 03/01/84 2.88- TWIN CITY WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MAN = 038540 - __ 03/01 /84- - _— -TWIN CDTY WINE -_- - - -- -- - -- - - - - -- - SD�4628- 842 -84 - - MAN - � 32i 038540 03/01/84 144.41 TWIN CITY WINE 50- 4628- 842 -84 MAN �33! ' 143.63 • - -- - _. ._.. - - -- - - - - - - -- -- - - - - -- - -- .._. - -- . - - -- - -- - - -- -. a1,135 ..y faff of fff.,. }3� 044067 03101/84 72.75 CAPITAL C[TV DISTRI 50- 4628- 822 -82 MAV t� 044067 03/01/84 2.25 CAPITAL. CITY DISTRI 50- 4628- 822 -82 MAW ' J3I_ 044067 03/01/84 1 .80 .. CAPITA L CITY DISTRI 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MAN. _ !Dl 044067 03101/84 472.37 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CAPITAL CITY DISTRI -4628- 862 -86 _ MA') %L mall 50 1­1 0441 35 03/01/84 8.46- EAGLE WIN_ 50- 3710- 822-82 MAN, A' F_ _ 044135 03/01/84 8.R2- EAGLE WING 50- 3710 - 842 -84 r1l ANIS 044135 03/01/84 30.34- EAGL! WINE l 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MAN' A 044135 03/01/84 422.34 CAGLE WINE 50- 4628- 822 -82 MAVI AL 69I- 04 41 35________O3/01/84 T 441014 -- EAGL --' WINE' -- - -� _ - 50 -46z8- 842 -84 - - -- - MANI A 044135 03/01/84 19517022 EAGL; WIN_ 50- 4628 - 862.86 MANI r L 5.1 2.333.58 • 52I 53, affafa iii• (' tt 03/01184 15.27- - E0 PHILLIPS - - - - -' _- _ 50.3 710. 822- 82 - MANI 044138 03/01/84 34.63- E0. PHILLIPIS 50 -3710- 822 -82 MANI AL 1571 1. 1984 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 02 -29 -84 PAGE CHECK N0. DATE AMOUNT _ _ VENDOR _- _ -ITEM DESCRIPTION _ ACCOUNT_ NO. INV. 0 P.O. 0 MESSAGI 50 -3710- 822 -82 50- 3710- 842 -84 - - - - - -- - 50 -3710- 842 -84 - 50- 3710 - 842 -84 50 -3710- 842 -84 — J50- 3710 - 862 -86 50- 3710 - 662 -86 50- 3710- 862 -86 50- 3710 - 862 -86 50 -462 6- 82 2- 82 50- 4626 - 842 -84 50- 4626 - 862 -86 50- 4628- 822 -82 _ 50- 4626 - 822 -82 50- 4628- 842 -84- 50- 4628 - 842 -84 50 -4628- 842 -84 -- -------------------- - -50 -4628- 862 -86- — — 50- 4628- 862 -86 50- 4628- 862 -86 50- 3710 - 822 -82 50- 3710- 842 -84 - -- -- - 50- 3710- 862 -86 - 50- 4626- 822 -82 50- 4626- 842 -84 - - - -50- 4626 - 862 -86 — 50- 3710 - 622 -82 50- 3710 - 842 -84 50- 3710 - 842 -84 50- 3710- 862 -86 50 -3710- 862 -86 - - 50 -3710- 862 -86 50- 3710- 862 -86 -- 50 -4626- 822 -82 - -- 50- 4626- 822 -82 50- 4626 - 842 -84 50- 4626- 842 -84 50- 4626- 862 -86 50- 4626- 862 -86 -50- 4628= 842 -84 50 -4628- 842 -84 50 -4628- 862 -86 50- 4628- 862 -86 50- 4628- 862 -86 50- 4628- 862 -86 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANIA L. MANI A L MAN: c MANI A L MANI = L — MAN1 ' MANI MAVI a.L MANI = MAVI L MANI L 1 !I 1 3 a IL Ia MANI A " MAVI +L ci f4 MA^ll !_ MANI = MANI•= - MANI L MAVI ' -L MAVI = L MANI '= L. 281 tNl MANI I 044138 03/01184 27.49- ED PHILLIPS ..= 044138 _ 03/01/84 3.86- ED_ PHILLIPS <, n 644136 03/01/84 _ 12.95- ED PHILLIPS 1 MAVI A: 044138 03/01184 69.86- ED PHILLIPS o 0441 38 03/01 /84 28988- ED PHILLIPS MA`ll A I _ _ 044138 _ 03/01/84 _ _ 21.69- ED PHILLIPS MANI ' L 044138 03/01/84 25.41- ED PHILLIPS ^ — 044138 03/01/84 76.91- ED PHILLTP6 ° MANS - 044138 03101/84 25.46- ED PHILLIPS 1 MAN " •L 044138 03/01/84 1,731.62 ED PHILLIPS I 1 044138 03101/84 3,493.13 E0 PHILLIPS - — 044138 - - - -- 03/01/84 - -- -- — 3,845.26 - - ED PHILLIP(S - - - - -- -- n' 044138 03/01/84 763.35 ED P•4ILLI;1S 044138 03/01/84 1,374.25 ED PHILLIPFS__ 044138 03/01/84 1,444.00 _ ED PHILLIPS 044138 03/01/84 647.39 ED PHILLIPS - 044138 03101/84 192.90 ED PHILLIPS 04-4138 03/01/84 -- 1,084.50- - —_EO PHILLIPS--- - 044138 03/01/84 1,270.25 ED PHILLIPS - , 044138 03/01/84 1 ,272.80_ ED PHILLIPS Z,I 16,777.14 _ - _31 `. 2 #!!! ## fl !- 044190 03/01/84 22.42- GRIGGS COOPER AN3 C 044190 03/01/84 45.01- GRIGGS COOPER AND .,i 044190 03/01/84 34.76- GRIGGS COOPER AND _C C z y•- 044190 03/01/84 1912101 GRIGGS COOPER AN) C 044190 03/01/84 29250.66 GRIGGS COOPER AN7 C 044190 03/01%84 1,738.05 _ GRIGGS COOPER AND C 5,007.53 33� ,N 3J 044271 03/01/84 26.96- INTERCONTINENTAL PK -i 044271- -- _ 03/01%84 139.75- INTE,RCONT.INENTAL PK v °c 044271 03/01184 9.66- INTERCONTINENTAL PK 39 044271 03/01/84 5.77- INTERCONTINENTAL PK _ •m� _ _m44271 _ _ _ 03/01%84 _ __ ____ - 87.74 - INTERRCONTINENTAL PK w' � 044271 03/01/84 .60 INTERCONTINENTAL PK n ^ 044271 03/01/84 18.62 - INTERCONTINENTAL PK - 044271--_ - -- -- 19348.40 - INTERCONTINENTAL PK 41! v, I 044271 03101/84 4.80 INTERCONTINENTAL PK -: 044271 03/01/84 30.90 INTERCONTINENTAL PK a; 044271 _ 03/01/84 _ 6,987.52 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 044271 044271 03/01/84 03101/84 15.30 4,3_87.41 INTERCONTINENTAL INTERCONTINENTAL PK PK nJ 044271 ,03101184 3 .9 0 _ INTERCONTINENTAL PK vS 044271 03/01/84 483.25 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 044271 03101/84 2.10 INTERCONTINENTAL PK If- 044271 _ 03/01/84 _ 288.80 INTERCONTINENTAL PK ` 044271 03101/R4 30.18- INTERCONTINENTAL PK n 044271 03/01/84 6.00 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 55 442 1 _ 3/ 1/84 931.00. INTERCONTINENTAL PK 14,171.30 # 50 -3710- 822 -82 50- 3710- 842 -84 - - - - - -- - 50 -3710- 842 -84 - 50- 3710 - 842 -84 50 -3710- 842 -84 — J50- 3710 - 862 -86 50- 3710 - 662 -86 50- 3710- 862 -86 50- 3710 - 862 -86 50 -462 6- 82 2- 82 50- 4626 - 842 -84 50- 4626 - 862 -86 50- 4628- 822 -82 _ 50- 4626 - 822 -82 50- 4628- 842 -84- 50- 4628 - 842 -84 50 -4628- 842 -84 -- -------------------- - -50 -4628- 862 -86- — — 50- 4628- 862 -86 50- 4628- 862 -86 50- 3710 - 822 -82 50- 3710- 842 -84 - -- -- - 50- 3710- 862 -86 - 50- 4626- 822 -82 50- 4626- 842 -84 - - - -50- 4626 - 862 -86 — 50- 3710 - 622 -82 50- 3710 - 842 -84 50- 3710 - 842 -84 50- 3710- 862 -86 50 -3710- 862 -86 - - 50 -3710- 862 -86 50- 3710- 862 -86 -- 50 -4626- 822 -82 - -- 50- 4626- 822 -82 50- 4626 - 842 -84 50- 4626- 842 -84 50- 4626- 862 -86 50- 4626- 862 -86 -50- 4628= 842 -84 50 -4628- 842 -84 50 -4628- 862 -86 50- 4628- 862 -86 50- 4628- 862 -86 50- 4628- 862 -86 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANIA L. MANI A L MAN: c MANI A L MANI = L — MAN1 ' MANI MAVI a.L MANI = MAVI L MANI L 1 !I 1 3 a IL Ia MANI A " MAVI +L ci f4 MA^ll !_ MANI = MANI•= - MANI L MAVI ' -L MAVI = L MANI '= L. 281 tNl MANI I MANI MANI • L. M AN L, i' 1 M A'l l - -- — MAIP L _ <, 1 MAVI A: MANI A MANU: MANI AL. ,I MANI L MANI MA`ll A I MAVI - MANI A L MANI ' L MA`11 A; MANI MAT. r. L - -- -MANI MAVI, -L ° MANS - MAN' AL MAN '. L 1 MAN " •L MAN I 0 t. . 41 r -- Lit 1984 rjTY r OF EDINA CHECK N__.STER 02 -29 -8 ,GE I Fi, CHECK NO. - - - - -- - - - - -- - DATE -- - - -- - - - -- - - - -- AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N0. INV. N P.O. # MESSAoE� JI 3 � ffffff .ff..K�. 3 1 a la �I' 044285 03/01/84 5.40- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUP' 044285 -- 03/01/84 22.58- -- - - JOHNSON WINE - - -- - -- 50- 3710- 842 -84 MA4i B 044285 03/01/84- .31 - -- JOHNSON WINE -_.5D- 3710 - 862- 86 - - -- MAVL,' 'I ..e� 044285 03/01/84 26.61- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710- 862 -86 "AN-41 °a 044285 03/01/84 25.89- _ JOHNSON _WINE 50 -3710- 862 -86 MAN c „� 044285 03101/84 2.40 JOHNSON WINE - - 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MAN,A 1 044285 03/01/84 270.30 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628- 822 -82 MAN` : ' +a!a 112,1 064285 03101/84 1 9129.47 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MAN ,I 3 044285 03101/84 20.10 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANt•A ..1a' 044285 03/01/84 19294.78 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MAN" 15. _ - 044285_ - 03/01/84 19330.99 - - -- JOHNSON WINE - 50- 4628- 862 -86 MAN 044285 03/01/84 24.60 - JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628- 862 -86 MA4.:i_ 044285 03/01/84 19.02- JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MAUI 044285- 03/01/84 15.00 JOHNSON WINE- 50- 4628- 862 -86 MAN'I' - -- 39988.52 s - -- - - - - 044435 03/01/84 4.85- PRIOR WIN: CO 50 -3710- 822 -82 MAV! I2� 044435 03/01/84 203.35 PRIOR WINE CO 50- 4628- 822 -82 MAN -- 198.50 + - - - -- - - - -- - — _ 044451 03/01184 9.42- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MAN - a ' 044451 03101/84 5.55- QUALITY 50- 3710- 822 -82 MAN a, 3, 044451- 03/01/86 - -- - - - 6.08- QUALITY WINE -- - - - - -- - - - - -_ 50- 3710 - 822 -82 - - MA`I: "W321 044451 03/01/84 .52 QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MAA'{eL a' -la 39, 044451 03/01/84 - 37.71 - - QUALITY WINE 5C- 3710- 842 -84 FiAV11 . =L i 3a; 044451 03/01/84 10.67- QUALITY WINE - - - 50- 3710 - 842 -84 _ _ MAN aL �.i,i 044451 03/01/84 29.70- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MAN1 L a 044451 03/01/84 30.28- QUALITY WINE 50 -3710- 862 -86 MAN UnL 044451 - 03/01/84 - - 471.20 -- - QUALITY WINE - -- - -- 50 -4626- 822 -82 - MAN ; v;- 044451 03/01/84 304.30 QUALITY WINE. 50- 4626- 822 -82 MAV -1 - 13' -- 0444 51 - 03/01/84 -- 19885.95 - - -- QUALITY WINE 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MAN "A1- 044451 03/01/84 19514.26- QUALITY WINE - - -- 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANtOL vI <, 044451 03/01/84 277.70 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628- 822 -82 MAXjA ;.I. 044451 03/01/84 25.86- QUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANU-L 3 044451 03/01/84- - — 533.65 -- - QUALITY WINE - 50- 4628 - 862 -84 — MAN r,L 044451 03/01/84 19485.21 QUALITY WINE 5D- 4628- 862 -8'6 MANiI 69317.52. , JW 47 <;• • 044540 - - - -- 03/01/64 - -- 3.61 - - TWIN CITY WINE - -- - -- - - - -- - -- 50- 3710 - 822 -82 - -- !IANU` -L +�50. 044540 03/01/84 14041■ TWIN CITY WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MAN 'L 51: 044540 _ 03/01/84 _ 7050 - _ TWIN CITY WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MAN 52, 044540 C3/01/84- 3.60 _ _ TWIN CITY WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 _ _ _ _ MAN 1p 53 Isa 044540 03/01/84 180.60 TWIN CITY WINE 50- 4628- 822 -82 MAV' 044540 03/01/84 11940 TWIN CITY WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MAN 51 - 044540 - -- 03/01/84 720.69 TWIN City. WINE – T- 5p- 4628 - 642 -84 _ MAN A' 044540 03/01/84 375.26 TWIN CITY WINE 50 -4628- 862 -86 MAN ' 4 I,. yr 1984 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER vl CHECK Noe DATE AMDUNT VENDOI ITEM DESCRIPTION y32, 2 1 044540 03/01/84 7.20 TWIN CITY MINE ACCOUNT N0. INV. #--Po-Oe--N- MESSAGE 50-3710-822-82 50-4628-862-86 19273.23 50-3710-822-82 052138 03/01/94 7*69- ED PHTLLTPfS 50-3710-842-84 -- 14-37 ED PHILLIPS----- ��; 052138 044815 03/01%R4 526.J0 VINITALIA 2�1 052138 044815 03/01/84 5920 VINITALIA 50-4628-862-86 0521 044315 03/01/84 526.30 VINITALIA j4o[ 1 052138 044815 133/01/84 5.20 VINITALIA 50- 4626 - 842 -84 044815 03/01/84 1.95 VINITALIA PAILLI?S 50-3710-842-84 944815 03/01f84 158,00 VINITALIA PHILLIPS 59-3710-862-86 052138 03/01/84 19222.35 ED PHILLIPS 50-4628-842-84 052138 03/01/84 5,75- 116 PHILLIPS 50-4628-862-86 052138 03/01/84 59226.11 052367 052067 03/01/84 03/01/84 716*81 13*50 CAPITAL CITY DISTRI CAPITAL CITY DISTRr 03/01/84 19577.16 ED 3 21� 03/01f94 29534*80 ED PHILLIPS a�i 2ZI _03/0184- ___ 052135 03/01/84 3*17- EAGLr'WI'N-- 052138 03/01/84 052135 03/01/84 3*33 EAGLI _ WINE 25 03/01/84 052135 03/01/84 7;53= EAGLE MINE 052138 03/01/134 052135 03/01/84 10.15: EAGLE - MINE 27! 03/01f84 052135 03/01/84 158.60 EAGL7_ WINE 052138 03/01/84 052135 03/01f84 - 166.64 - EAGLE WINE - - - - -- 03/01%84 052135 03/01/84 37638 EAGLE WINE 052135 03/01/84 507.62 EAGL---. WINE 052135- _39._95 -tiGL---,WINE-. INVENTOR y32, 898.39 02-29-84 PAGE VAN ACCOUNT N0. INV. #--Po-Oe--N- MESSAGE 50-3710-822-82 50-4628-862-86 MAN 50-3710-822-82 052138 03/01/94 7*69- ED PHTLLTPfS 50-3710-842-84 -- 14-37 ED PHILLIPS----- 5C-3710-862-86 052138 03f01/84 104.52- ED P4ILLIDS 2�1 052138 03/01f84 20.75- ED P41 LLI �,S 50-4628-862-86 0521 03/01/84 31 54- ED PRTLLTPIS j4o[ 1 052138 03/01/84 4:13: ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626 - 842 -84 052138 03/01/84 23,87- ED PAILLI?S 50-3710-842-84 052138 03/01%84 -- 38.44= ED PHILLIPS 59-3710-862-86 052138 03/01/84 50m70- ED PHILLIPS 50-4628-842-84 052138 03/01/84 5,75- ED PHILLIPS 50-4628-862-86 052138 03/01/84 59226.11 ED PHILLIPS L 0521-38 03/01/84 19577.16 ED PHILLIPS 052138 03/01f94 29534*80 ED PHILLIPS a�i 05 21 38 _-- _03/0184- ___ - - -- 19921.85 ED PHILLIPS 052138 03/01/84 718e25 ED PHILLIPS 51 052138 03/01/84 384*50 ED P41LLI*S ,21 052138 03/01/134 19037 25- ED PlILLIPS__ 052138 03/01f84 281:50 ED PHILLIPS 052138 03/01/84 ED D-P41LLIPS 8052138 - - - - -- 03/01%84 _119193.40 206.50- -ED P.,lILLx.,s--­----- 149785.56 • 0 02-29-84 PAGE VAN ACCOUNT N0. INV. #--Po-Oe--N- MESSAGE 50-3710-822-82 50-4628-862-86 MAN 50-3710-822-82 M AN 3 50 -3710- 842 -84 MAN 50-3710-842-84 MAN L 5C-3710-862-86 MAN L 50-4628:822-82 MAN MAI 50-4628-842-84 MAN f'L 1-2 57- 4628- 842 -84 MAN A 50-4628-862-86 MAN 4 114 50-4628-862-86 MAN.;P, MAN 50-4628-842-84 MAN AL 50- 4626- 822 -82 50-4628-842-84 MAN AL 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MAN 50-3710-822-82 MAN AL MAN 50-3710-842-84 MAI .50-4626-862-86 50 4626-862-86 50-3710-842-84 MAN At 59-3710-862-86 MAN AL 'L 50-4628-822-82 MAN "I MAN 50-4628-842-84 MAN zL . 50-4628-842-84 50-4628-842-84 MAN 50-4628-862-86 M A4 L 50ow4632_822_82________ MAN .-MAN MAN L 50 -3710- 822 -82 VAN 50-3710-822-82 M AN 50-3710-822-82 M AN L 50 -3710- 842 -84 MAN 50-3710-842-84 MAN L 5C-3710-862-86 MAN L 50-3710-862-86 MAI L 50- 3710 - 862 -86 - MAN 503710-862-86 MAN :L 5[)-3710-862-86 MAN 50- 4626- 822 -82 MAN 't 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MAN MAN .50-4626-862-86 50 4626-862-86 MAN 50:4628-822-82 MAN 'L 50 -4628- 822 -82 MAN . 50-4628-842-84 MAN 50-4628-862-86 50-4628-862-86 MAN L — ------ .-MAN MAN L c Y 2 C 4• 4! 41 4' 41 T. 51 5 s, 5: 5, 51 1984 CITY OF EDINA CHECK R. LSTER' CNFCK NO. OATF AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM OFSCRTPTTON • a . 1 02 -29 -84 GE 7 ACCOUNT NO- TNV_ ! P_ O- M NFSSAGc' 1 , 0 •r rr rr + + +- C KS 052190. 03101/84 84.38 -. GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50 -3710- 822 -82 MAN'AL 052190 03/01/84 59.61 -• GRIGGS.,•COOPER AND C. 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MAN•AL 0i2190. 0 If 4 8*3 IGSS.-.COOPER AND C. 5 0= a-0= 802 -86 MAN -,AL 052190, 03/01/84 4.219.23 GRIGGS,.COOP.ER:AND.0 50- 4626 - 822 -82 MAV AL 052190 03/01184 2.980.55 GRIGGS COOPER.AND -C 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MAN Ai 052190 03/01/8 4 19916.40. GRIGGS:.000PER A.ND C 50. -4626- 862 -86 _ MAN 'AL 89933.86 Nrrrr rr+ CKS 052271 03/01184 2.30 - INTERCONTINENTAL'Px._ 5D -3710- 822 -82 MAN A_. 052271 03%01%84 36.21- INTERCONTINENTAL _ PK 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MAV A+ 052271 03/01/84 62.35 -, INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANjAI 052271 03_/01184 66.52 -• INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50 -3710- 862 -86 MAN' = OS2�71 �i3 1.55 -.- INTERCONTINENTAL PK 0- 1710862 -86 MAN:.AL 052271 03101/84 5.10, INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50 -4626- 822 -82 MAV, AL 052271 03/01184 1.810.99 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50 -4626- 822 -82 MANlAL 052271 03701/84 11.40: INTEAC ONTINENTAC PK 513_4626­842- -84 MAN A 052271 03/01/84 39117.72 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50 -4626- 842 -84 MAN 'A1. 052271 03/01/84 1500 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MAN A! 52T7�31Of78 • . 6. IINTE.iC,ONiINENTAL PK 50=46Z-�862 =86 MAN-'AL 052271 03/01/84 .60. INTERCONTINEN,TAL'PK 50 -4626- 862 -86 MAN =AL 0522_71 03/01/84 177.76 iINTEICONT.INENTAL PK 50 -4626- 862 -86 MAN AL 052271. 03/01 /884 .90. 1NTERCONT.INENTA� PK 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MAN cL 052271 03/01/84 115.45 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50 -4428- 822 -82 MANlAL 8.410.59 r Nrrrr rrr' -CKS 052285 03101184 1i.a2 -` JOHNSON PINE 50= 3710822 =82 MAy:IAL 052285 03/01/84 2.17 -. JOHNSON WINE_ 50 -3110- 822 -82 MAN' AL 052285 03/01/84 5.55 - -; JOHNSON:.WI,NE 50- 3710- 822 -82 MAN .AL 0 2285 DV(Yf78 8:03 JOHNSON 11IN SO- 3710 - 842 -84 MAN' AL 052285 03/01/84 5.69 -. JOHNSON! WI NE.. 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MAY 'AL 052285 .03101/84' 34.68- JOHNSONIWINE. 50- 3710- 842 -84 MAN 'A1. 052285 03/01/84 12.93 :JOHNSON WINE. 503710 - 862 -86 MAN Al 052285 03/01/84 6.25 -- JOHNSON; WI NE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MAN; AL 052285 03/01/84 701.00., JOHNSON,WINE SD- 4626- 822 -82 MAV IL 823853/0178 3.DD . JOHNSON . YI NE . 0= 46L6 -= 82282 MAN p t 052285 03/01/84 1.734.15 JOHNSON'WINE 50 4626- 842 -84 MAN V 052285 03/01/84 7.50. JOHNSON'WINE:." 50 -4626- 842 -84 MANI'A1. 052285 03/01/84 _ 1.50 JOHNSOM WINE.. 504628- 822 =82 MAN 'AAI 052285 03/01184 108.60: JOHNSON-WTNE', 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MAN A: 052285 03/01/84 5.10. JOHNSON'WI.NE 50 -4628- 822 -82 MA441A1. 5228-5 ^x!3/61/84. T 'f :S-i- - J-- OHNSONi9[NE 82 _ MAV AL 052285 03/01/84 3.30 JOHNSON,WINE: 50 -4428- 842 -84 MAN,AI. 052285 03/01/84 284.9 D: JOHNSON WINE:, 50 -4628- 842 -84 MAN '! 052285 03/01/84 33.30, JOHNSON MINE MAN A!. 052285 03/01/84 19921.51 JOHNSON-WINE, SO- 4628 - 842 -84 MAN At 052285 03/01/8.4 312.80, JOHNSON - MINE., 50"4628- 862 -86 MAN Al X85- �03/01T86" 11 "9 0- JOHNSON WiN V 28=8620-8 8 AN-IA! 052285 • 03/01/84 • 646.83 JOHNSOC,MI NE,,, .5094628- 862986 MAN A 1. 1 , 0 v ti a Ifto p 1984 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 02 -29-84 PAGE B- CHECK NOe DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N09 INV. 8 P.Oe 8 MESSAGE 2 ". 052285 03/01/84 12.30' JOHNSON WINE ...._...,... , 50- 4628- 862 -86 MAK'JA L 1 2 3 59936.30,E 3 4 4 a 1 —_ •.+ -CKS 7 7 052433 03/01/84 43.92 PAUSTIS INVENTORY 50- 4632- 822 -82 MAK'Al e 9 9 .. 1 - 43.92- •. ,....„ - . ....... ., 10 10 12 11 •+!!!! - _ ., .. _ - 1 !!e -CKS 13 +2 43 03/01/84 4.07 -�� PRIOR! +WIN "c CO 50 -3710- 862 -86 MAP 14 1O 13: 05 435 0310.1/84 203935 PR,I.OR,.••_WINE. -CO 50-4628 - 862 -86 MAA'!AI 1a 17 14 15 199.28 • . ....... .. la to to 17 fff!!• .. ••• CKS 20 21 .. ....... .. _ \ ... 22 19 052451 03/01/84 -0 42.94 - QUALITY WINE` 50- 3710- 822 -82 23 19 20 3'F43- 052451 7 03/01/84 11.2 -; 17.57 -= 9U.aL'L,TY „WINE:.' QUALITY.WINE., - 511=3710- 822 -82 . , 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MAAUAL MAAilAI 24 25 26 21 052451 052451 052451 03101/84 03/01%84 03101/84 11.82 -, 7019 -• 18.22 -.• QUALITY WINE, QUALITY WINE',: QUALI.TY, WINE...- 50- 3710- 842_ -84 50- 3710 - 842 -84 50- 3710- 842 -84 MAP At MAAUAL MAO Al za 22 23 29 3e 24 052451 052451 03101/84 03/011 4 12.38 -- 3707— QUALITY: WINE- QUALLTYYINE.' 50- 3710 - 862 -86 50- 3710- 862 -86 MAAUAL MAP UAL 3t 33 25 26 052451 03/01/84 29147.09„ QUALI.TY,'WINE�;• 50- 4626- 822 -.82 MANUAL 27 26 29 052451 052451 052451 03/01/84 03/01/34 03/01/84 911.20._ 878.52 19853.56 _ 9UALI.TY�,WINE.' QUALITY WINE-, QUALITr,: WINE't _' � 50- 4_626_- 842 -84 - 50 -4626- 842 -84 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MAA_AL: MAP ,•AL MAp UAL 15 3e 37 36 30 052451 03101/84 562.80 QUALITY-- wm: - 50- 4628 - 822 -82 40 *� 31 052451 - 03/01 84 591.15 GUALI' -TY WINE'. 50- 4628-.842 -84 MAA A i.. MAAUAL' 32 052451. 03/01/84 359.50.. QUALITY WINE. - 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MAp UAL 43, , 052451 03/01/84 619.10, QUALI.T,Y WINE 504628- 862 -86 MAO JAL 133. 34 35 79760.48.+ ... .,_ ..„ .., .,. .. .. .. 44 45 36 37 •!!!!! 46 .17) a8 3a 39 052540, 052540 03101/84 03101/84 4e91 4.50x, TWIN•CITY"•WINE TWIN'-CITY.. WINE'. 50- 3710 - 862 -86 50 -4628.-862 -86 MAN UAL MANUAL- .i9 9O 53 40 # 052540. 03/01/84 245.04: TYIN.'.,CI.T.Y_ MINE 50- 4628 -$86 MApuaL 41 245.53, + 64 42 as . 43 44 ff if ff ........,- ...... .. -. - ” !!I -CK^. 66 57 45 054100 03/01/84 33.62 BROTHERS 3M LUNCHES 10 -4206 -140 -14 MAI JA L !SP 60 46 33.62 + . .... ,,. , , .. „ .. G1 47 ... .. _. .. 62 48 f!•!f• 63 64 50 055174 03101/84. 130 9000.00-~ 1ST:"SOUTHDALE' BANK TRKNSF_R 50- 1010 - 000 -D0 • MAp cL 6s 66. 51 055174 03/01/84 1,309000.00- TST SOUTHOALE BANK TRANSFER 50- 1.010 - 000 -00 MANUAL e� 52 - -- E9 53 54 !!lfff .. 70 71 55 .. - !! / -�.�� 2 56 a 055430. 03/01/84 19733.14 PERA " EMPLOY CONT 10- 4145 - 510 -51 MAP UAL 70� 7 p C' N N y�A Y 41 • r V v • 9 1984 SITY OF EDINA CHECK _STER 02 -29 -8 1GE CHECK NO* DATE AMOUNT VEND02 +: ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO* INV• I P•0• It MESSAI= 2 3 199733.14 • 2 3 4 • s 6 055523 03/01/84 7,602.43 - -- SOCI4L SECURITY EMPLOY CONT 10.4149- 510 -51 NAP':AL e 7 3 .._.., ,... g . 10 t1 10 .. 7- 13 11 059135 03/01/84 11.32 -• EAGLE MINE. 50- 3710- 822 -82 MAP A',_ 14 12 059135 059135 03/01/84 03101/84 059 17.01 -, EAGLE-MINE EAGLE; NINE' 50 -3710- 822 -82 S0 -3710= 84286 MAP.�AI MAN.;AL +7 13 +° 059135 03/01/84 8.95 -. EAGL2 WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MAR UAL 15 1pl 05_91_35 059135 03/01/84 03101/84 .22 29.64 -. EAGLE""! MINE EAGUI MINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 50- 4628x822 -82 14ARAL_ MAN A' 20 21 to 17 059135 03/01/84 566.04 EAGL:'WINE. 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MA%JAL 23 1a 059135 - 059 5 03/01/84 i13�178 850.51 447 4 EAGLEi YINE - -- EAGLE. YINE. 50- 46.28- 842 -84 MAN A!_ MAK Al 24 '21 19 20 059135 03/01184 10480 -:. EAGI -71 WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MAN AL 125 21 059135 039135 03/01184 03/01/84 141.25 -- 141.25 _EAG LEE- t-WINE. EAGLE::.YINE CORRECTION INVENTORY 50- 4632 - 842 -84 50- 4632- 842 -84 MAN: A L MAN -4L Ze .� 22 - 1 059135 03101/84 141.22 EAGLE WINE INVENTORY 50- 4632- 842 -84 MAN At. 24 19928.20,! l 23 i d3 26 1341 27 35 059138, 03/01/84 2.94- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3700 - 842 -84 _ MAViCL 26 37 29 059138 03/01/84 27.64 -•• ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MAN'Al 30 30 059138 059138 03/01/84 03/01784 11.40 -• 13.98- ED PHILLIPS' ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 50= 3710,422 -82 MAN AL MAN tL 40 ° 31 32 059138' 03/01/84. 7.92 -• ED PHILLIPS 50 -3710- 842 -84 MAN AL 42 33 059138 059138' 03/01/84 03/01/84 .04. 46.63 -• ED PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS 50-3710-842-84 HAI AL MAN AL 4< 45 34 35 059138. 03/01/84 2.04- ED PHILLIPS 50 -3710- 842 -8.4 MAN AL 401 36 059138 059138 03/01/84 03/01 /884 25.65- 2,96 -• ED_ PHILLIPS ED PHILLIPS. 50- 3710- 842 -84 50- 3710- 842 -84 MAN AL MAN AL 471 401 °� 37 J8 059138 03/01/84 13.77- ED PHILLIPS. 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MAN Al °O 9 39 059138 - - - 059138 03101/84 -- - 03/01/$4 � .06 - -- - 12.43 -• ED PHILLIPS - _0 - ED PHILLIPS 50 -3710- 862 -86 50- 3710862 -86 --MAN-- Ai.___ MAN :AL 53 40 41 059138, 03/01/84 509 -, ED PH'I.LLI ?.S 50- 3710- 862 -86 MAN A' 74 42 059138, 03/01/84 19382.20. ED PH'TLLI.PS 50- 4626- 822 -82 MAN AL 3F a3 _ 0597 -38$__ 63%0 -17 -8- 4 2-9331 :3 -5 - EO PNILLfPS 50 =4626= 842 =8� -MAN AL 57 44 059138 03/01/84 102.00, ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626- 842 -84 MAN =L °O 45 059138. 059138 03/01/84_ 03/01/84 570.03 699.00 ED PHILLIPS EO PHILLIPS 50-4628- 822-82 50- 4628 - 822 -82 - - NAN 4L _eo l6t a6 47 059138- 03101184 148.00 ED PHILLIPS 50.4628- 842 -84 MAN AL 164 ae 059138. 03/0.1/84 059138 0- 370=-75 688.36 4i�80.. EO'PHILLIPS EDPM.RLLIP6 50- 4628 - 842 -84 0�4628-�842 =8- MAN A! MAN AL 64 Rs 49 50 059138 03/01184 - •00 EOPHILLIPS. 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MAN 4L' 86 5+ 059138 059138: 0.3/01/84 03%01%84 1.96 0- 1 282 *'62 ED PHILLIPS E0 PHILLIPS 50.4628- 842 -84 50_;;_4628_!-'842_-84 MAW t - MAN AL e eo 52 53 059138 03/01/84 269.50 ED PHILLIPS 50 -4628- 862 -86 MAN AL 70 54 ,059138 03/01/84 39138�rf3/Oi TB�- 3.18- 627:44 ED P41LLIMS 50 -4628- 862 -86 T3D =4bt8= 862 -83 M44 AL nAN HL 72 55 77 56 57 8931206 ! 74 75 7 9 r x„17 059271 03/01/84 87.71 -• INTERCONTINENTAL . PK \ 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANJAt. 22 e 059271 03/01/84 8.36- INTERCONTINENTAL .PK 50- 3710- 842 -84 MAN'AL za - - ---- -- - - -- - -- - - - -- - 19 OS 2 1 0301/84 3.03 -, INTERCOMT.INEN TA L'PK 50 -3T1D- 86.2 -86 MAN aL 25 20 059271 03/01/84 137.40e INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 3710- 862 -86 MAN 'AI 26 21 059271. 03/01/84 8.40... INTERCONTINENTAL-PK 50- 462_6.822 -82 MAN.'AL ze 22 659271 03/01/84 19558.76 INTEICONTINENTAL PK 50- 6626 - 822 _-82 MAN'AL 29 23 059271 03/01/84 49385.74 INTEICONTINENTAL. PK 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MAN At. 30 24 059271 03/01/84 21.30. INTE'tCONTINENTAL PK 50- 4626- 842 -84 MAN AL' 3z z5 59271 - 3/01/84 30.90,' INTERCONfiINENTAL'PK . 0-4626.86286 MAN Ai 33 26 059271 03/01/84 69870.31 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50!-4626-862-86 MAN A,. 34 27 059271- 03/01.184 _94985 INTE,ACONTINENTAL PK 50 -4628- 822 -82 _MAN At. I,6 28 059271 03/01%84 090. INTERCONTINENTAL-0 K 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MAN aL 37 29 059271. 03/01/84 418.15 INTEICONTINENTAL.PK 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MAN AL 38 0 1 05927 03/01/84 3.3D: INTEiCONTINENTAL PK 50 -4628- 842 -84 MAV AL 3D 3' / NTERCONTINENTAL.PK MAN A. 41 p2 1 059271 03/01184 151.90: IN.T,ERCONTINE1t7AL PK 50- 4628- 862 -86 MAN 'AL 42 33 139275.55 + '73' 34 - - 7.14 - 45 36 lffffa - - •ft•CK3 47 1 _ IB 37 5 2 X17 ! .b1 -' JOHNSON'YINE, 03710 -8282 MAN At, .19 38 059285 03/01/84 3.60 -. JOHNSON�WINE 50- 3710 -822 -82 MAN ot. S0 39 059285 03/01/84 10008 - JOHNSON MINE.. 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MAN AL ;Z 40 059285 03/01%84 8.00.0- JOHNSON WINE_,, .. 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MAN ;AL 53 41 059285 03/01/84 24.79 -,.' 'JOHNSON WINE. 50- 3710- 862 -86 MAN At. 54 059285 03/01/84 6.37 -1 JOHNSON. WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 5b . 4z MAN = ! X55 43 059L8 03/01/84 1.34 -. JOHNSON. -WINE 03710- 862 -86. MAN.'At- j.7 44 059285 03/01/84 5.40, JOHNSON . WINE . 50 -4626- 862 -86 MAN A4 :;o 45 059285 03/01/84 19239.78 JOHNSON'WINE'. 50- 4626- 862 -86 MAN AL 0o _46-650285 03/01/84 2.70. JOHNSON WINE' S0- 4628 - 822 -82 MAN aL o' 47 059285 03/01/84 120.97 JOHNSON - WINE.: 50- 4628822 -82 MAN It. 02 - f3 48 059285 03/01/84 1020. JOHNSON WINE, 50 -4628- 822 -82 MAN 41 64 49 /84 0.U28--$22 _ 8 MAN AI 65 50 059285 03101/84 4.20. JOHNSON. WINE,-. 50- 4628- 842 -84 PAN :AI °O 67 51 059285 03/01/84 504.13 JOHNSON-WINE �..- _50.4628- 842 -84 MAV.q+ �e - - - .... - - -- - - -- - - -- -- - - -6 -- - 5z 059285 03/01/84 400.40. JOMNSON'WINE 504628- 84284 MAN'AI_ ba 53 059285 03/01/84 7150_ JOHNSON:WINE. 50 -4628- 842 -84 MAN AL 7O 54 059285 03/01/84 2940. JOHNSON. MINE. .50 -4628- 862 -86 MAIL 'A 1 '1 4 55 59'2 -83 D•370Tn - - 67--39 JOHNS -ON -MINE 0 =4- 628 = 862 -�8d -- . MAN A!. , �� 56 059285 03/01184 1000. JOHNSON, WI NE •50- 4628 - 862 -86 MAN 'A 34� 57 1984 CITY O OF EOINA C CHECK REGISTER: 0 02 -29 -84 P PAGE 1]'.'. CHECK,NO. D DATE A AMOUNT V VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION A ACCOUNT NO! NV. p PlO. N' M MESSAGE; 3 o of laaf - - 3 fff -CKS 4 3 059190 0 03/01/84 4 46.65 -- G GRIGGS CO3PER AN3 C 5 50- 3710- 822 -82 M MANUAL... ° ° ° 0 059190 0 03/01184 3 36.64 - G GRIGGS COOPER AND C 5 50 -3710- 842 -84 M MAN AL e e 7 0 0591 - X03/01/8 105.75-. GRI66S7CO40ER AND C MAN,AL s e 0 059190. 0 03/01/84 2 29332.58 G GRIGSS- COOPER,AND C 5 50- 4626 - 822 -82. M MA4 AL 1 10 9 0 059190 0 03/01/84 1 19831.92 - - GRIGGS_COOPM A_ND -C - 5 50- 4626 - 842 -84 M MANUAt.. ! !z to , , 059190. 0 03/01184 5 5G287.33 G GRI6.SS,.0.0PER, AND. C 1 5 50- 4626 - 862 -86 M MAI- AL 1 13 11 9 99262.79 a _ _.. 1 14 12 1 10 13 i if fffa 1 fff EKE 1 17 1e 15 0 059271 0 03/01/84 3 31017-, I INTE_ACONTINENTAL PK 5 50- 3710- 822 -_8_2 M MAN 'Al r r 1B 0 21 �L Y� p3 ` E w V W _1984 CITY OF EDINA CHECK INSTER 02 -29 -8 %GE 11., CHECK N0. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO• INV. N1 P.O. / MESSAG=° 2 059285 03/01184 318.92 JOHNSON MINE 50 -4628- 862 -86 PAR 'A' t 2 3 1 39299.38"• _ _ 3 4 4 - - -- a 3 #f•fff . f #f ,K's 0 7 a • 7 059332 03/01/84 50.00: TURNER RESERVATIONS 10- 4202 - 10010. MAN .'A1. 9 e 059332 03/01/84 50.70 COURTNEY RESERVATIONS 10- 4202 - 100 -F10, MAN Al 10 9 059332 03101/84 50.00 RO_SL_AN_D. RESERVATIONS 10.42D2- 140 -14 MANUAL_ ,z 10 X059332 03/01_/84 50.00 BERNHAROS_ON RESERVATIONS ` 10- 5202- 140P..14 MAN Al +3 11 200.00 • ,4 12 10 13 C Y S 17 14 Is 15 059451 03101/84 20.54 -. QUALITY MINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUA1 20 18 059451 3 %8 0/014 4.43 - .M OUALITYINE.,. - 50-3710-822-92 MANUA' 21 +7 059451 03/01184 33.24 -- QUALITY WINE. 50- 3710 - 842.84 MA%JAL 22 1a 059451 03/01/84 14.25- QUALITY.WINE'.- 50 -3710- 842 -86 MANUAL 24 +9 S�45i - 4370178 4:22- 9UALITr PINE 0=3710= 862 -86 ra�uC =s 20 059451 03/01/84 34.93 - QUALITY'MINE. 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 20 21 059451 • 03/01_/84 19027.13 - QUALITY MINE 50- 4626- 822 -82 _ MAN At.26 2z 059451 03%01%84 19,662.49 QUALITT,.WINE :. 50 -4626- 842 -84 MAR !Ai iu 23 059451 03/01/84 1„746.80: QUALITY MINE 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL 3`- 24 05945 03/01/84 221.84 QUALI'TY.MINE• 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MAN A' 31 1 9 2a 05V451 0 3/ 1184 712.95 OUALI7.Y MINE;. 50=4�628�8 <2 -84 MANUAL 33 26 059451 03/01/84 511.37 QUALITY-WINE.. 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 34 27 59764.97 + 'z 28 371 _ •3G 2. ° 39 30 _ 40 31 05954�03%0f�8 3.95 -• TWIN 'CCITY WINE 5d- _ 3710 - 822-$•^ MA!�AL 41 32 059540 03/01/84 9.35- TWIN CITY• WINE. 50 -3710- 842 -84 MAIUA1. 42 33 059540 03101/84 _6.8.7 -- TWIN-CITY: WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MAR_ A' 43 34 059540 _ 03/01%84 2.10 TWIN CITY WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 - MA�u'L 4s 35 059540 03/01/84 197091 TWIN-CITY MINE 50- 4628 - 822 -8'2 MAN •,".I 4G 36 059540 03/01/84 7950. TMIN,.CVTY „MINE, 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MAR ';AL X47 37 059540 03/01 -/84 467_o5-6 TWIN CITf_UINE 50F_4628,842-84 -- MANUA: '9 39 059540 03/01/84 5970. TWIN- CITY. WINE.: 50 -4628- 862 -86 MAN .A ". s0 39 1 059540 03./01/84 _343.73 TMIN.CITC. MINE - 504628- 862 -86 MAIUAt s' 40 19004.33 41 54 sa 42 #fff !! ffd « ab (r �i 43 - _ - - - __ -. - --•_- ____.. .57 44 059556 03/01/84 4.13 CONN GENERAL LONG TERM DISABILITY 10- 41 5851 0 -51 MAN !Al 45 4.13 47 CY 02 03 48 49 0 8 235-000, "" ROBERT KIDD REFUNO101�0 =Up0,00 MAN.AL G4 so 23500 . 00 51 52 f•!ff• .,- .!!�� p sw 53 279808.32 FUND' 10, TOTAL GENERAL FUND 54580 thru 54669 Sand typed 70 54 1889473942 .FUND. 50. TOTAL LIQUOR DISPENSARY FUND 72 ae Z16�281.74 .___,..TOTAIt. .. . ,. :, ....� .. ?n 7s 07 7 _ _ - _ _ _ . - _ . . - - - - . _ _ _ . - _ . . _ _ _ . _ - _ _ . _ . . - _ - . . . . - . . _ - - _ _ _ _ « _. - -- _ _ _ _._ . - _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. . _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ - . . -- .�T _ _ - _ _ _ . - _ . . - - - - . _ _ _ . - _ . . _ _ _ . _ - _ _ . _ . . - _ - . . . . - . . _ - - _ _ _ _ « _. - -- _ _ _ _._ . - _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. . _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ - . . -- .�T RESOLUTION APPROVING APPLICATION FOR YEAR X COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM WHEREAS, the City of Edina has executed a Joint Cooperation Agreement with Hennepin County establishing participation in the Urban Hennepin County Community Develop- ment Block Grant Program; and WHEREAS, the City has developed a proposal for the use of Urban Hennepin County CDBG funds made available to it; and WHEREAS, the proposed use of Community Development Block Grant funds by the City has been developed consistent with the Urban Hennepin County Statement of Objectives and the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended; and WHEREAS, the proposed use of Community Development Block Grant funds was developed in cooperation with local citizens and the appropriate Urban Hennepin County Planning Area Citizen Advisory Committee; BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Edina approves the proposed program for use of Year X Urban Hennepin County Community Development Block Grant funds by the City and authorizes submittal of the proposal to Hennepin County for consideration for inclusion in the Year X Urban Hennepin County Community Develop- ment Block Grant Statement of Objectives and Projected Use of Funds as follows: Activity Budget Amount Non - Profit Housing Sponsor $ 60,000 Land Acquisition for Low and Moderate Income Housing 50,743 Rehabilitation of Private Property 20,000 Handicapped Access Improvements to Public Properties 30,000 Public Services (H.O.M.E.) 8,800 $169,543 ADOPTED this 19th day of March, 1984. STATE OF MINNESOTA) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of March 19, 1984, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 20th day of March, 1984. City Clerk r� �i \ 1 4a / If o tI d 6 B �0 VERNON COURT ADDITION �r Y ssrss w•F Q�TL A OT / I% V �2 N V 4 �D� e 0 Nig �7 O V 1 Z S(( /7 Z PTDOC.NO- le yn I G� a HA C4 GL N e otlarrs +ow .owlwel.r o.rtwrarow v r.ss sc•.I•u s sr.w e.ssw�o I �s —tie •' , .. Y / �• � .�.. ., / b a � ��__�i�.!'�1r► �.'�ii� ~ 'ate __rte.. � fir —� �� - -Lf _ • –',"• " "�`r ".'" JAMES R. HILL, INC. P v' �• i \l r� �i \ 1 4a / If o tI d 6 B �0 VERNON COURT ADDITION �r Y ssrss w•F Q�TL A OT / I% V �2 N V 4 �D� e 0 Nig �7 O V 1 Z S(( /7 Z PTDOC.NO- le yn I G� a HA C4 GL N e otlarrs +ow .owlwel.r o.rtwrarow v r.ss sc•.I•u s sr.w e.ssw�o I �s —tie •' , .. Y / �• � .�.. ., !MEET 2 OF 2 SHEET$ a � ��__�i�.!'�1r► �.'�ii� ~ 'ate __rte.. � fir —� �� - -Lf _ • –',"• " "�`r ".'" JAMES R. HILL, INC. !MEET 2 OF 2 SHEET$ r � t air VERNON COURT ADDITION KMW Kl Re By THESE PRESENTS: That Citizens State beM of St. LWIS Palo, • Wiwn MU eprporetlre IM o of the follolo9 described ISM. slt"ma IN W Eaunty of lonnepin. Slate of Ml mosola, to AI t: BOB 4, A.Itor'. sepal rl lion Nrbe, 196, Maeptn Count) MlnMmta mceot the East Is.S feet trop the eon Easterly boandaty of ... Lot MatunO at 'lint angles to the .1A Easterly Boundary ero uwpt the North 16.5 feet of 410 Let MAwre* al lent ate In ta the North Ina of aid Lot and A1.01 that part o/ Bald Lot adlch Ims Sauthteltery a/ tie ref le.lnp Murtbad line 0 1 ro NorAmSzUrly. heathery am brth,esurly of a 11. Drelbl .1. ero w.0 fee, Smu...tally, Soutbrly w EastAN .....I, 1 CAN fill .,no MKr Ibed Lim 2 and Masend at right angles thereto. Lone 1: Seglnnlp at the East 1/4 corner of Section 6, la.nshlD 116, hose 21 thence .1. 00 on-, 09 nml.s 21 seconds a4, •i atop the Ent 11n of eels Section 6 A dtsla.A o1 1907.59 feet: thence North 78 d"rees 48 mm�a 3J McoMa Mst e oil. of 1070.]7 feel: Menu brth BI Marcel 17 Wlnutat 73 tcond a hest • distance of 3402.95 feet to • po+nt henbe destphotad 1 'POsn1 A' thence North 08 degrees 46 Minutes 27 second$ East 1 atltarce Of 240.0 feet a the acuel poles of waimi g of LIM 1; these St. 61 .,-, 13 .+Mtn J) aKOro. Ent A 011h.ce of 600.0 fast Aro there Wrol -ins. Line 2: bpiatp at the .IOredellan1led 'POln1 A'; thence South 81 d,,rK. 1) .mutes 77 $Rabe last A distant. of 552.95 feet, Thence bin ON 349 rasa t6 .Incaln i7 Iecondf Yatt 1 distance 0/ 175,0 feet n the .et.l point of INWAIIfg of 11M 2; tneMe hortn 11 =p 13 allies 13 second[ HeIt • dl,taMa of 211.9] feet: thence Along A 10 M."" curv. b the left IM IAN Ana le 60 Mgras1 OJ nrws 2] score Yngent distance 331.17 feet) • atatanca d1 600.56 feet ero them tenfae".. RrnMing ta W plot thereof D Ilia or of record In the offtcA of the Register of Dee*. 1. ant far old Cmnly. At K That part of the nmhoty 16.50 last of Lat 4. AWIT.1•s S.W.W. Nenber 196, ownmepin faAnly. IHwnraota, • red at rlant angles, ant Wo part of the .•. telly 16 .50 feet of aid Lot 4, A •sure* at right angle, net Iles -ONI1l aoduldethwltarly e1 A lent parallel Alto And 25.00 last amto.e.terly Iro•..1 .asured at right angle., a lla described as fa]lo s: pa9nntng al •paint on the rortaeslerly lies of CROSSTOUR MILL• a[Wrdtig u the rRerdea plat .-1. Gala Yewnepin CWnty. With +1 25.00 /eel ""thee, telly Inm, a red at r'Ent angles. ON host Masterly IIM of Lot 3, Si.L 1, sold CROSSTOYN xl Ll: hem. wutneasterly,aDral lei .IU sold owtlrstart, line, a alstance of 75.65 fast: thence . Menwrt, a atatanw of 181.68 he[ along • uheent sal curve. -..e to ant sAnth.ea. Mrlm A "trat ngle of 41 de9neeA 20 to, 11 second, ant A ndluA of 151.87 Ins; times thnatary A ettanw of 261.87 feet ANN A serve. comsat ta the rortheat, haling a central angle of 66 drgrees 27 eras 46 .cabs she • real., Ifr26S.73 fast. And than tanlholtng. !accept Shot art of Bald emery 16.50 Iasi AMIO list amthery of a ISM described as follo.: 1--," at the [lit Omer sorter of Soctlon 6. lownuolp 116. Aanpa 21. as lot. Co.4: theme po n nftee0 bearing o1 br. W M9rms 09 Minutes 21 so[Mds Ilse Along the lilt IIM of Baa SKtln 6 A d ttapae a/ 1807.59 fast: Lhe.A North 76 M9rees 48 W.U. 33 .ROndl past a of St... of 1070.11 feet: Chance bra 61 Violent 13 elmtes 37 IKond. WAS A n,ta a of 3402.95 feel; lama North OR degrees 46 almtes 27 mconds East • BIALA a of 240.00 feet ta the ac Wal point of beginning of the 1134 u be describe*: thane ple South 81 sen U on... 31 second. E.,, A d1.wM..1 600.00 feet ant then able 1.9- K S: Thai pan at the pamMrly 16.50 feet of .Lo' 1. Ae*twr's Seodlrlslan Romer 1 %, MMeple fa.et), M1wnewY. n hoawred at right spin, I" Wt art of the tA,tarly 16.50 last of said Lot 4, as hoaumd at right Apin. belch Inn hort1er1, ero tortheateey dl • Ism ar.11el .1u .. 25.00 last herthaeltarly Ira• as Apeured at right an9lae A IIM d.urlhM as follon: 6p +�tnq a1 a point po the Mrtme.tarly lla of CROSSIOn HILL. according m IM recorded plat Iherast. Bald ae�ml. Coast to 25.00 rent smthwnerly fro. .1 Mlur.d at right angles. W ulaaeaterlp IIM of Let 3. tldeo 1. Sala CROSSTDA HILL; ounc..Mthelfterly. parallel Alin sal aWlhentary IIM. • Abtaue of 2%. AS fast: theme - Sm"ierly A theta c. of 161.66 feet etc" A tangential teen, CO=AL to tha Mtl.e.t. be 1p a ventral angle of 41 dome 20 I.W. 11 .cods ant 1 fool. of 251.82 feet W tore U- Nal'1g. hot -now tae saes to M surrey" ant platted as VERNON COURT ADDITION and M hereby mate and dpalmta u ad, peolic. fall pWlie am fare.er, town boa now walm" and utility aaant 4e slntn D 01. plat. In .Ions .~..16 Citl zeoe State mM of St. Lois Park bee aueAd them pr 6 u M a19Md b in proper efflc.n in. my of . 198_ SIONED: CIIIZM STATE BMK OF ST. LOUIS Pa, 1 Mr-by ceetlty that 1 har. senend and platers the property describes can this plat as VERNON COURT ADDITION: Nat this plat It a correct npnannelan 91 ..to carve': Nat 111 11%1, nces are correctly slime In feet and M m4thf of a foal: that all Mr.�nts ft. peen ,or.Cty plKe* to the 9nuro 1f fhon: shot lM - IM maroor, II AN TIN u. if, M.laet"; .. that then or. no Stand, to be d.,tmat. w ,old H,,1, C. Peterson, Land Surveyor Nt aewta I" to b. 12294 STAY[ Of MI "ESOTA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN TM farpotaa Serayor's Certificate net acamtleogea Before he the, o,) of , 19b_, by Marcia C. beano.. Cem Surveyor, MI-.la Ltcen.e b. 12294. EdMrd A. eleven bury PWl1,. bluepin Cann". Mt one.." Ib COMMISSION Espim. July 29. 1968. EDIW, MINNESOTA This plat of VERNON CAT ADDITION a1 •anred And accepted bI the Cnly Cowed of 111", MI-,*" at • routs anti" IM-1, held that say of 19_. if applicable, IM Arltran c-ntf • t.hond•ttona of the Lo�ist,oar of irnLmrtallpn AM the Chanty HIgMa) Engineer pare Men mcor d by the 111y or the prey Und 30 day period net elapse* AIIMUt "Olpt of seen silents ant as prolate by Meroewt. Stautes, Section 505.03. Sum 1r111an 7. CITY COUNCIL Q 101 ". MI"ESOTA my; . Moor 6,. . IMMger PROPERTY TAXATION DEPARTMENT. 1l i. fount,. Mtaelota I horsey unit, that uses DOOR]. In ero prior years M,e Onto ale for Ism described D this pat. bete* lhls_pay of . 19-. dernn T. boa• Director et: a, Clem SURVEY DIVISION, Na In Count,. ml sat, Purwat to Chester 810. M1NM.oa la 1969. this plat has sea appmrW as Vey of . 19_. Robem L. bee., heluwnpl. (aunty Seraspr REGISTRAR Of TITLES. Ilreaplo Cnoty, M-.. 1 Mreoy certify Unit the Within plat of VERNON CAT ADDITION as /IoM 1e Utz allow OIL of . 19_. at o'clocL_M. 91. 9t. .nd its R. Wee 4r1 wee, Registrar of lltln 8 Drat, STATE O SONWA COURTS OF TM far"nl zzA-t Awn. ck-l~ heron a this -d.y o} . 196. by .M _ .f Citims State Sam of St. LMIS Pan, a MWWU corporation. po behalf of the wrometlan. btary PWltc, Casty M+hoewta IV Ceofnlo Emil. JAMES R. H SHEET 1 OR ! {M INC.I GRANDVIEW AREA TRAFFIC STUDY Prepared For: THE CITY OF EDINA January 1984 Prepared By: PLANN NG III till TRANSPORT ENGINEERING ARC HITECTURE BENNETT. RINGROSE, WOLSFELD. JARVIS. GARDNER. INC. 2829 UNIVERSITY AVE. S.E.. MINNEAPOLIS. MN. 55414 January 1984 GRANDVIEW- AREA TRAFFIC STUDY Prepared for: THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA Prepared by: BENNETT, RINGROSE, WOLSFELD, JARVIS, GARDNER, INC. 2829 University Avenue Southeast Minneapolis, Minnesota 55414 January, 1984 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE - BACKGROUND ........................ ............................... GENERAL TRAFFIC ANALYSIS ...... = Introduction .................. ... ............................ 5 Current Traffic Volumes ....... ..............`................ 5 Trip Generation .............. ............................... 9 Trip Distribution ............ ............................... 12 Forecast Traffic Volumes ..... ............................... 14 Capacity Analysis ., .......................................... 17 Accident Analysis ............ ............................... 21 ISSUEAREAS ....................... ............................... 23 Introduction ................. ............................... 23 Issue Area 1 ................. ............................... 25 Issue Area 2 ................. ............................... 35 Issue Area 3 ................. ...0........................... 40 Issue Area 4 ................. ............................... 44 Issue Area 5 .. 48 Summary .................... .............. ........ ...... 55 APPENDIX.......................... ............................... 59 Accident Study Forms LIST OF FIGURES PAGE 1. General Location Map .......... ............................... 3' 2. Project Location .Map .......... ............................... 4 3. Current Daily Traffic Volumes . ............................... 7 4. Current Peak Hour Traffic Volumes ............................ 8 5. Location of Anticipated New Development ...................... 11 6. Trip Distribution.......... .,.... ..... .......................... 13 7. Forecast Daily Traffic Volumes ............................... 15 8. Forecast Peak Hour Traffic Volumes ............................ 16 9. Current Intersection Design ... ............................... 19 10. Issue Areas .............. ....... ............................... 24 11. issue Area 1 - Existing ........ ............................... 26 12. Issue Area 1 - Alternative 1 .. ............................... 27 13. Issue Area 1 - Alternative 2 .. ............................... 30 14. Issue Area 1 - Alternative 3 ................................. 32 15. Issue Area 2 Existing ....... ............................... 36 16. Issue Area 2 - Alternative 1 .. ............................... 37 17. Issue Area 2 — Alternative 2 .. ............................... 39 18. Issue Area 3 - Existing. ....... ............................... 41 19. Issue Area 3 - Proposed ....... ............................... 42 20. Issue Area 4 - Existing ....... ............................... 45 21. Issue Area 4 - Proposed ........ ............................... 46 22. Issue Area 5 - Existing ....... ............................... 49 23. Issue Area 5 - Alternative 1 .. ............................... 50 24. Issue Area 5 - Alternative 2 .. ............................... 52 25. Issue Area 5 - Alternative 3 .. ............................... 53 26. Roadway Recommendat. ion ........ ............................... 56 BACKGROUND The Grandv -lew area of Edina is a mixed commercial and - - - residential area located west of Trunk Highway (TH) 100 and adjacent to Eden and Vernon Avenues. (See Figure Vernon Avenue is the major arterial roadway in the area - -_ and provides access between the residential neigh - borhoods, the commercial development and the metropolitan roadway system. Vernon Avenue currently carries approximately 15,000 vehicles per day and experiences some operational problems, especially during peak traffic periods. Due to these existing operational problems and the like - lihood of additional traffic generated by new develop- ment in the area, the City of Edina retained BRW, Inc.- , to conduct a traffic analysis study. The purposes of this study are to quantify the existing.operational Its problems, to determine the traffic impacts of the expected new development and to analyze the following specific issues: • Traffic operations at the intersection of Vernon Avenue and:Eden Avenue /Eden Circle /Sherwood Road/ W. 53rd Street. • The traffic impacts and access needs of redevelopment of the Jerry Leonards /Biltmore Bowl area. • Traffic operations along Vernon Avenue. • The traffic impacts and access needs of condominium development along Summit Avenue. • The traffic impacts and access needs of development south of Eden Avenue and adjacent to the Minneapolis, Northfield and Southern Railroad line. • The access needs of the redevelopment of the Biltmore Motel site. • The traffic impacts and access needs of additional development in'Jerry.'s shopping area. The overall objective of the study is to determine methods and alternative designs for preserving and enhancing the traffic - carrying capabilities of Vernon Avenue. The remainder of this report I.s divided into two major sections, a general traffic analysis of the entire area and a discussion of specific issue areas. 2 Brooklyn Park AIR. AVI par), 1014, Grove a - 7TT" A 97 ST. Fridley -4U L.Au i A, Us Broold 0 AVE -q Center V P— A AL 1—� A AL Vj C lumbi 55 3 No- L LRobbi. 6S S 52 Law F11 :1 !17 t 101 L n y J, �orth Oaks J9 7 Trd. L Arden Hills CO. An Shorevim usa, ,j*-MR sal Lai r -'A Is A LITTLL pA Cana 9 W T Lauderd WN FELocir -OR At! G7. SS 2 Golden valley Q 002 IWARTUND AIR— CC ST.." PAUL r. N ?; E P I N I `e - 61 r? AV MINN CADnI IS 12 T��.IRARKLIKXAV o— Al. woodland LANE r .36 A RAIL DAI DeRIPW MANIT mlin ks IL, 0, 51 77T MR k' OID tRM`- MINER A z dal t 171 Nommom AV Ia. A 13 Mendota L- &ITH L. 1. 'ry Let 110 M[xo TA "n 'a, Slake 11.1. — .1L I - ­ 3-- L- -- - 49 : A!' sT7 L.A. ': -- A, C,11 M—h Eden Prairie 7 2E. U i 3 16 Izt 101 T SAAA( 7) 94TH 7 ST.. �2 L OL, , It 36 D A 0 ISTM 5T. W.—t! Eage FL Eagan 61, 71 r Bloernlqllon Itorm ST. cult RDA S 5 T 5 C 0 T �T Ij 77. — — -- - - - - -- Shakopee 131ST 61 3 e _ f I ---� \ Burnsville Apoe Valley I fat. Savage 33 l I.Ak, y Prior Lake N it January 1984 Grandview Area Figure 1 Traffic Study General Location I MIT Edina, Minnesota Map aVE. CHE 570N LA ¢ O Y ¢ O Z W ; m 42 nd ST L �ial cc R z F o a Meodow b/oak O O Q W LI TLE� iiT. Y 0 � 0 c /1 BOrCE ¢¢ RD. ¢ o Coke Q s = r az 3 s o J D SV4;Ei Q 2 O Q a 0 0 ¢ W Q N ¢¢ 2 J i W O �� I+E ACOw Q Q J NUR NIN S. O a 2 V RD GL W a f BRD ^ N C _ ¢ GO O RC Hu x ST. > f O Q >< vER NON 9 j W ° gRpN50N � � i 5� r ST J J a 0 3 g 3 !42– W ST ° i •� a ,n O_ Q = Q Dm w000 L v y>r 1�\ �y Ui yQ j W W _u a W u i S m y O uo J d W Ct)�i N '' l 6 i N Yi 5y a� o 0 E W Q J F.Dw. , aStn ? SO T ly Nib 1/ 117N R21W 0 AIT 19 u 2 �J °a a 30 29 W ¢ r V' CD L ¢ Q. PNNa•AT W plVl$ION W / T-IS, VAV yJ. Y ? c $r.W c FI C• E : I NN Yi V]., 8 : h i 0 W Q ., C 6 W l .aTERMAN ;O SPENT > `{i]� C00 R `gLL ¢ 2 H ♦BI $, O a \� J o J W p Q¢ ; AV O \E Ip O o a ¢ vi r•°'L I ¢ W 4p x U W O 2O `O'1j. J W W OR MARp MOLL WOOD It_ N1L Ic = w J / O Q a w~ •91n $T �� Y O a91/2 :RL4CR EN INTERLACHEN �B Q BLVOa LA Q j l a9ln N 4 o J� ryP O ;L U W aP ? C� INTtERLIACHEN 0 W cO 6 O03 J pO U > ; 1 y ar• 3 7 $7 n a .+ L❑ S ¢ (r \ Q a m ` ¢ HI 9 h- BL O o PL4J W A Mirror (�'� nF z a > m t•• N IO/rdS J CL O N000 ¢ LOk- > m y Lnke W o hf{ x ::► ::.:{' BpuC n 2 a wOODD, LE f I •'� a Q 00 °1 o sOXM NORTHW S O ¢ y «E woo0 EDINA a ° o Q o a. > o •• •• 1970 POP W a Q 2 e •• •. �?{Yr "�• ::.. •.: ii ' .•�' ••.' +:.:iii' ' w a> S 3 . � $ . = m 1tl Y — SO ¢ -. 3 LOO ?':•id%ilr:} • :.i:.iti(�ar' r... 44,046 J 3 PINEGROVE R0 a' z a' GJLF TER. a w. 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CIR. m > . e COUMTRYSI P06 �' a J 3 W OER a w " 01h N $T �a OD SCN C ° V, dp e: NO R0. z . o t > Q N- Ap�L V• S FOR IN� W CLOVES .II W. r 6O1 ; ST 2 u A G Y Z Ya Slat L A NW "TER D T ER a I O '^ O z -¢ a' R¢ On - 4:0 C �`a� r1 $T LA. u �, a u x O a i 601n u' Z. it FF PL. a '^ O c s 6q1 $T. j V .0 1 Mud KA� O Z 9•/CNCRESI ° � O' a a VI N a � C J j Coke OLINGER BLVO. RD•o_ to n 62nd ST a,� o-a62n4 Q a LqC IN, VIEW o lJ ° a I 8 CpESTm ENt Q `'," a w� 0 2n $T. RD W, 62nd CINIAL A u i • W CPW CA �A. a u u H GPpP1SO N la. a N W ° A m v u WAY db ! • •Yt' r y > w> rA ST. m o 7 2 g PAss c aM T ,. u WJ of 64 th a a T. ,PN N1( Mi /e 62 Olet Oo9 s 6 m _ > o W y Fv P01C CA _ OOgD f Oy °a u 3a a O qo ea a W d G poY W a° °o Z - ¢ It CREE vA LEY I Np o BALDER a `riOE l r` ? a vui m a ' m LA Z Q o ER r OIL °y * 31 66rn i~ 3 ° S T. s W. �p �• w. 661- S 09 = b 6 y On- N1L`'e N 90 Nz vvr RE E 7d ° ST OIS LA. > d 5r. a u N 4 �DO J LA UN LOk za ALBANS 'r+PP J� u3AN a AvE. a e �4 04,vph• \(� � p G 60 r n 1 ROY . CAR AlFAN2 O a y� VALLEY W. 681 h ST. 09 VOCE P�0 CT. a •o ° Rp. . Lj P Y J CNAPEL Da u'On° " ":y 61 $T. a BROOK a DR. e N a rip January 1984 Grandview Area Figure Z Traffic Study Project Location �„� Edina, Minnesota Map GENERAL TRAFFIC ANALYSIS GENERAL TRAFFIC ANALYSIS Introduction: The general traffic _anal_ysis.section of__thls report-pre- ,_ sents information which documents the following items: • The current daily and peak period- traffic volumes. • The expected number of trips which will be generated by the anticipated new development_. • The expected geographic distribution of the trips generated by the anticipated new development. • The forecast post - development daily and peak period traffic volumes at key locations. • The capability of the existing street system to accommodate the forecast traffic volumes. The first three items - current traffic volumes, trip generation, and trip distribution - are used to produce the forecast post - development traffic volumes. These forecast volumes are then used in roadway and traffic signal analyses which form the basis for the final recommendations. Current Traffic Volumes: Current traffic volume information was obtained from the Minnesota Department of Transportation, the Hennepin County Department of Public Works and the City of Edina Department of Public Works. These traffic volumes represent the base to which the number of trips generated by the expected additional 5 development in the area will be added to produce the forecast traffic volumes. Current two -way average daily. traffic volumes on road- ways in the area are shown in Figure 3. Current peak hour traffic volumes at the intersections of Vernon Avenue at Interlachen Boulevard and Vernon Avenue at Eden Avenue /West 53rd Street are shown in Figure 4. A 5'°`I Traffic Study Traffic Study Trip Generation: The number of trips which will be generated by a deve- lopment is proportional to the size of the development and- varies with the - type - of activity which wi I I take place on a site. The size of the anticipated new development, the expected type of activity, and the resulting estimated number of daily and peak hour trips are shown in Table 1. The daily trip rates and the peak -hour trip factors documented in Table 1 are based on data contained in a report published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). The expected number of daily trips was calculated directly using the relationship between the size of the development and the documented trip genera- tion rate. The expected number of peak -hour trips was:. then determined by applying the peak -hour trip factors to the estimated number of daily trips. The following points should be kept in mind when reviewing the data in Table 1. • The locations of the anticipated new development (Areas 1 through 7) are shown in Figure 5. • The information regarding the location, type and size of the new development was supplied by City of Edina Planning Department. • A trip is defined as a vehicular movement between an origin and a destination. Therefore, each vehicle that travels to and returns from the area - thereby making a round trip - actually generates two trips. 9 'Y MV -:k TABLE 1 TRIP GENERATION Daily Peak Hour Trip Factor Peak Hour Trips Land Trip AM_ PM Daily AM PM' Area Z/ Use2/ Size?/ Rate In Out In Out Trips In Out In Out Area 1 Condo 100 units 8 /DU 1.3% 6.7% 6.7% 3.3% 800 10 54 54 26 Area 2 Condo 77 units 8 /DU 1.3% 6.7% 6.7% 3.3 %` 616 8 41 41 20 Area 3 Office 100,000 s.f. 15.0/1,000 s.f. 12.5% 1.5% 2.8% 11.4% 1,500 188 23 42 171 Area 4 Office 10,000 s.f. 22.5/.1,000 s.f. 12.0 %:2..1% 2.3% 13.6% 225 27 5 5 31 Area 5 Town house 14 units 8 /DU 1.3% 6.7% 6.7% 3.3% 1-12 1 8 7 4 Area 6 Office 15,000 S.F.3/22.0/1,000 s.f. 12.0% 2.1% 2.4% 13.6% 330 40 7 8 45 0 Area 7 1,0004/ 13 67 67 33 Total 4,583 287 205 224 330 1/ Refer to Figure 5 for locations. 2/ Data supplied by the City of Edina Planning Department. 3/ Estimate based on Floor Area Ratio = 0.3. 4/ Directed by City Staff. Traffic Study Trip Distribution: The final step in the process, prior to developing the forecast traffic volumes, involves determining which roadways the new trips will use for travel to and from the area. This is accomplished by assigning the new trips to the area road system in accordance with a directional distribution which is based on an analysis of regional travel forecast information. Travel forecast information was obtained from the Minnesota Department of Transportation and the resulting directional distribution is shown in Figure 6. It should be noted that the information in Figure 6 is somewhat different than what was contained in a prelim- inary report prepared for the City staff earlier in the study. The difference is due to the fact that the latest figures are based on a more in -depth analysis of the regional travel forecast information and are presumed to be more correct than what was presented earlier. 12 Traffic Study Forecast Traffic Volumes: Forecast traffic volumes are prepared ,in order to docu- ment and .analyze the expected impact on a road system caused by the additional traffic associated with. new development in an area. Forecast peak -hour volumes are prepared because these data are used in capacity analy- ses,,estabiishment of traffic control devices, and the geometric des i'gn or redesJj.gn of street's . and Intersections. The forecast traffic volumes discussed in the paragraphs which follow were determined by adding the new trips documented in Table l to the existing traffic volumes shown in Figures 3 and 4,. in accordance with the direc- tional distribution shown in Figure 6. Future increases In background traffic levels were not included in this analysis. The forecast two -way average daily traffic volumes at key locations in the area are shown in Figure 7. The percentage increase over current traffic volumes is also shown. The forecast peak -hour traffic volumes at the inter- sections of Vernon. Avenue at Eden Avenue, Vernon Avenue at Link Road, and Vernon Avenue at Interlachen Boulevard are shown in Figure S. The volumes represent the expected number of vehicles on the approaches to the Intersections during the peak hour of travel on a typi- cal weekday afternoon. 14 Traffic Study Traffic Study Capacity Analysis: An analysis of the existing roadways was conducted in order to determine the. impact of the add i t i ona I . _traf_f_i c associated with the anticipated new development in the area. The analysis consisted of evaluating the opera- _ tions at'.the- intersections of.Vernon Avenue at Eden Avenue and Vernon 'Avenue at Interlachen Boulevard.. These intersections were selected for analysis because the travel.for.ecast information indicates that they will experience the most significant traffic volume increases. In addition, the flow of traffic on urban arterial roadways is basically controlled by the opera- tion of the high - volume intersections. Therefore, an analysis of these intersections will indicate how the system operates with the current volume of traffic and how it will operate with the forecast volume of traffic. A capacity analysis is an established method of objec- tively measuring the quality of traffic flow through an Intersection or along a segment of roadway. The inter- section analysis is based on the fact that there is a maximum number of vehicles, approximately 1,500 to 1,800 passenger cars per hour, which can be accommodated by each lane approaching the intersection. This maximum number is then modified to take into account such limiting factors as signal timing, the amount of turning traffic and the number of slow- moving vehicles such as trucks and buses in the stream of traffic. The calcu- lated capacity is then compared to either the existing or forecast peak hour volumes and the relationship be- tween these values gives an indication of the quality of traffic flow. If the existing or forecast volumes are significantly less than the calculated capacity, the quality of traffic flow should be very good, with little. 17 �T 4'+ S r." A., �4 ;t or no congestion at the intersection. However, as the volume of traffic through the intersection approaches the capacity, the quality of .flow drops and the amount of congestion and delay increases. A capacity analysis of both intersections was conducted using the current traffic volumes and the current inter- section design. (See Figure.9.) The purpose ,of this analysis is to provide a base to which the post - development quality of flow can be compared. The analy- sis indicates that the intersection of Vernon Avenue and Eden Avenue should be operating with little or no congestion during peak traffic periods. Actual obser- vation of this.intersection confirmed the analysis; very little congestion or delay was observed. The analysis of existing traffic volumes and intersec- tion design at the intersection of Vernon Avenue and Interlachen Boulevard indicates that there should be a moderate amount of congestion and delay during the peak afternoon travel period. Actual observation of the intersection found some loaded signal cycles (an indica- tion of congestion) and some operational problems such as the ends of the queues blocking adjacent intersec- tions and driveways and a large lane imbalance on west- bound Vernon Avenue due to the lack of a left -turn lane at the intersection. A second analysis was then conducted using the forecast volumes and the current intersection design. This anal- ysis indicates that the intersection of Vernon Avenue and Eden Avenue can serve the additional traffic asso- ciated with new development in the area with little or up January 1984 .. MY Z I W I Q > � � J � Uj I 1= I VERNON -- AVENUE - fFI I I D C W CO Lb � 3 N VERNON AVENUE w I � Z LU I a Z I LN I W Grandview Area Traffic Study Edina, Minnesota Figure 9 CURRENT INTERSECTION DESIGN no additional congestion. However, the analysis also indicates that the intersection of Vernon Avenue and Interlachen Boulevard will not be able -to handle the Increased traffic without additional peak period congestion and delay. The basic problem is simply too many vehicles on the two westbound lanes of approach to the intersection. As a result of this analysis, the intersection of Vernon Avenue and Interlachen Boulevard.was added to the list of issue areas in order to develop proposals for improving the operations at the intersection. Accident Analysis: Copies of police reports were obtained from the Public Works Department- -for all- traffic accidents which occurred in the study area from 1977 to the present. These accident reports were reviewed, then tabulated by location and analyzed. (Copies of the accident study forms are included in the appendix.) The results of this analysis indicate the following: • The accident rate on both Vernon Avenue and Eden Avenue is less than the average for other roadways in the metropolitan area with similar design features and traffic volumes. •. The accident rate at all of the intersections along Vernon Avenue and Eden Avenue is less than the average for other intersections in the metropolitan area with similar design features, intersection traf- fic control and traffic volumes. Therefore, based on the available data, there are no locations within the study are which currently have an accident problem. 21 ISSUE AREAS ISSUE AREAS Introduction: This section of the report documents the._ana.l_y.s.i.s_ and.. _ design studies conducted for the five issue areas. (See Figure 10.) These areas consist of the four areas ori- g i_na-1.l_y -- designated by the. _City, plus the i ntersect i on of Vernon Avenue and Interlachen Boulevard. This Intersec- tion was added because of the capacity problems which were identified in the previous section. The analysis consists of documenting the issues asso- ciated with each location, developing alternative designs, and then documenting the advantages and disad- vantages of each design. A final recommendation is then presented which consists of the preferred designs at each of the individual locations grouped together in a comprehensive plan for the entire Grandview Area. 23 Traffic Study Issue Area 1: Issue Area 1 is the area in the vicinity of the current Intersection of Vernon Avenue and Eden Avenue /W. 53rd Street. During.. the_ ana- I..ys_I s.- the ..study- area _was - enlarged -= to include Link Road and the Grandview and Sherwood Road residential neighborhoods (See Figure 11.) The following issues were taken. -into consideration t, during the design study: • The design of the intersection of Vernon Avenue and Eden Avenue /W. 53rd Street. • Accessibility to and from the Sherwood Road neighborhood. • Through traffic in the Grandview neighborhood. • Location of the access to the condominiums proposed for the current Biltmore Motel site. The initial design review of the intersection of Vernon Avenue and Eden Avenue /W. 53rd Street indicated that the intersection was too complicated to allow for a redesign at the existing location. The basic problem is too many roadways. intersecting too close together. Therefore, all of the design alternatives involve a new inters at a new location. The first design alternative (figure 12) consists of eliminating the existing intersection of Vernon Avenue and Eden Avenue and creating a new intersection approxi- mately midway between W. 53rd Street and Link Road. The advantages and disadvantages of this design are as follows: 25 anoview Area raffic Study January 1984 Grandview Area Figure 12 Traffic Study Advantages • Creates a typical intersection with four legs. • •Downp.lays W. 53rd Street and should not encourage additional through trips in the Grandview neigh- borhood. • Downplays access to the Sherwood Road neighborhood. • Improves the design of the Sherwood Road connec- tion to Eden Avenue. • Provides an intersection design which is appropriate for future traffic signal control. Disadvantages • Separation, along Eden Avenue, between Vernon Avenue and Sherwood Road is still less than desirable. • Would still have 3 intersections along Vernon Avenue within 600 feet. • Condominium developers of the Biltmore Motel site would probably have to revise their site plan to provide an additional access opposite the new Eden Avenue. 28 It should be pointed out that this design leaves the Intersection of Vernon Avenue and Link Road open in order. to._.provi -de access ._-to-the--various--bus-inesses east of Vernon Avenue. However, the design proposes to elf- minate the Link Road connection between Vernon Avenue and--Eden Avenue in- -order to- concentrate traffic at-.the new intersection. The second design alternative (Figure 13) .consists of eliminating the existing intersection of Vernon Avenue and Eden Avenue and provides access between these road- ways via Link Road. The advantages and disadvantages of this design are as follows: Advantages • Creates a typical intersection with four legs. • The design is compatible with the plan for the proposed condominium development at the Biltmore Motel site. • Does not create any additional intersections along Vernon Avenue. • Probably the least expensive intersection modifi- cation. • Should not encourage any additional through trips In the Grandview neighborhood. • Downplays access to the Sherwood Road neigh- borhood. 29 January 1984 Grandview Area Figure 13 Traffic Study r-O • Intersection design is appropriate for future traffic signal controlo - Disadvantages - -• The Link Road corridor -is narrow and -the roadway would have to -be widened to almost the full right - of -way width. • The separation between Vernon Avenue and the Frontage Road is less than desirable, although the median will minimize this problem by allowing access in but restricting the turns out. • The Eden Avenue /Link Road intersection would have f to be controlled by an all -way stop, which could result in some congestion during peak trafflc,.periods. • Due to the difference in elevation between Vernon Avenue and Eden Avenue and to the alignment of the roadways, it may not be apparent to motorists that Link Road is the access between Vernon Avenue and Eden Avenue. The third design alternative (Figure 14) consists of eliminating the existing intersection of Vernon Avenue and Eden Avenue and provides a direct connection between the two roaways via a new roadway along the existing Link Road alignment. The advantages and disadvantages of this design are as follows: Advantages • Creates a typical intersection with four legs. 31 _P, +j5 `�.us anaview Area raffic Study I • The design is compatible with the plan for the proposed redevelopment of the Biltmore Motel site. • Does not create any additional intersections along Vernon Avenue.. • Should not encourage any additional through trips _ in the Grandview neighborhood. - • Downplays access to the Sherwood Road neigh - borhood. • Provides the most direct and best designed connec- tion between Eden Avenue and Vernon Avenue. a • Provide a good connection between Sherwood Road and Eden Avenue. • Intersection design is appropriate for future . traffic signal control. i Disadvantages Y • The Link Road corridor is narrow and the roadway would have to widened to almost the full right -of- way width. • The separation between Vernon Avenue and the Frontage Road is less than desirable. • Some additional right -of -way will have to be acquired in order to accommodate the alignment shift.from the Eden Avenue Corridor to the Link Road Corridor. 33 The third design alternative is the recommended design for Issue Area 1. This alternative is preferred because it results in the best possible roadway design. It is recognized that the proposed design will result in changes to the access to the abutting commercial prop - erty,; however, the resulting impact for most parcels is considered. minor. The design of the street system is improved because the confusing and potentially hazardous intersection area of Vernon Avenue and Eden Avenue, Sherwood Road and Eden Circle is replaced.with separate and typical- looking intersections. In addition, the proposed design removes the major flow. of traffic, between Eden Avenue and Vernon Avenue, from the combined intersection area and provides.a direct connection between the two most heavily traveled roadways. Both of these features should result in greatly improved traffic operations. The proposed roadway modifications should have only a minor impact on access to and from businesses adjacent to both Eden Avenue and Link Road. The direct access into the establishments with driveways along Link Road will not change; however, the access out will be somewhat restricted. The direct access to and from driveways along Eden Avenue will not change; however travel times to some businesses will increase due to somewhat longer travel routes caused by the closing of the intersection of Vernon Avenue and Eden Avenue. This circuity of travel may impact the operations of some businesses, but the effect on access is considered a minor inconvenience, especially when compared to the anticipated overall improvement in traffic operations. 34 Issue Area 2: Issue Area 2 is the area adjacent to the segment of Summit Avenue between Interlachen Boulevard and Vernon Avenue. (See Figure.15.) The "major i "ssue which was taken into account during the design study is the access to Summit Avenue. During a field review of the area it was determined that sight distance at the intersection of Interlachen Boulevard and Summit Avenue is severely restricted. This is due to the topography of the land adjacent to Summit Avenue and the horizontal curvature along Interlachen Boulevard. This sight restriction primarily impacts the vehicle movements from Summit Avenue onto Interlachen Boulevard. As a result the alternative designs which were developed focused on either restricting or elimi- nating the access from Summit Avenue to Interlachen Boulevard. The first design alternative (Figure 16) consists of leaving the intersection of Summit Avenue and Interlachen Boulevard open and creating a one -way south- bound operation on Summit Avenue. The two major advan- tages of this design are that current operation is maintained and that potentially hazardous movements from Summit Avenue to Interlachen Boulevard are prohibited. The two disadvantages of this design are that the one -way operation relies on signs, which are not the most posi- tive means of traffic control, and the left -turn movement from Interlachen Boulevard is still allowed, which is a potentially hazardous turn due to the curvature west of Summit Avenue. 35 3navieW Area raffic Study �::1�:�; `�:�1,.�:�i:�.d ... � �'_ k The second design alternative (Figure 17) consists of closing the intersection of Summit Avenue and Interlachen Boulevard and constructing a cul -de -sac at the northerly end of Summit Avenue. The primary advan- tage of this design is the elimination of the poten °i tial,:ly hazardous intersection. The primary disadvantage is that there would only be one access to what is pro - posed to be a residential area and it would bel from a major arterial street. The first, alternative is the recommended design for Issue Area .2. This alternative is preferred because it satisfactorily deals with the sight restriction at Interlachen Boulevard without severely restricting the access to the residential area. l i 38 Issue Area 3: Issue Area 3 is the approaches to and the intersection of Vernon Avenue and Interlachen Boulevard. (See Figure 18.) This location was added to the list of areas to be studied because of capacity restraints which were iden- tified in an earlier section of the report. Therefore, increasing the capacity of the intersection was the pri- mary objective of the design study. Improving safety at the intersection was also an objective. An analysis of the accident records indicated that the most common type of accident at the intersection involves the westbound - to- southbound left -turn movement, which currently must be made from a through lane and without the benefit of a separate signal phase. As a result of the design study a single roadway modifi- cation was developed (Figure 19) with the following major features: • The westbound Vernon Avenue approach to the intersec- tion is widened in order to provide two through lanes plus left and right turn lanes. • The high- speed, free right -turn from southbound TH 100 to westbound Vernon Avenue is eliminated. The preferred design accomplishes the previously stated capacity and safety objectives. The capacity of the Intersection is improved by providing the separate turning lanes. The safety situation is improved by removing the westbound -to- southbound left turns from the inside through lane. The proposed design also allows for the addition of a protected left -turn signal phase. One additional advantage of the proposed design is that the separation along Vernon Avenue between the TH 100 40 ......... 3navieW Area raffic Study, anaview Area raffic Study intersection and the Interlachen Boulevard intersection is maximized. This in turn will minimize the chance of traffic operations_at._.one_.locat. ion, - impacting operations at the other. The only di- sadvantage - associated with the proposed design is the relatively high cost. This is due to the fact that the Vernon Avenue bridge over the railroad must be either reconstructed or replaced in order to accommodate the proposed roadway widening. During the design study a variety of alternatives which did not require widening the railroad bridge were investigated. However, it was determined that none of these alternatives would significantly improve either the capacity or safety situation. Therefore, they were dropped from further consideration. ,. 43 40 Issue Area 4: Issue Area 4 is the area in the vicinity of the r northerly portion of Arcadia Avenue. (See Figure 20.) .This area was selected for study due to the possible redevelopment of the area and the request by the devel- oper for vacation of a portion of Arcadia Avenue. The resulting design study focused on providing better access to the area and a larger contiguous area for redevelopment. The proposed roadway modification (Figure 21) basic- ally consists of realigning the northerly portion of Arcadia Avenue -so that it intersects Vernon Avenue opposite lnterlachen Boulevard. This proposal has the following advantages: • Eliminates an intersection along Vernon Avenue. • Provides a greater separation between conflict points a.long Vernon Avenue. s Makes better use of the fourth leg of a major signal- ized intersection. • Provides a better design on the south leg of the intersection at Vernon Avenue. • Provides complete access instead of only partial access at the northern terminus of Arcadia Avenue. o Allows the northerly 200 feet of Arcadia Avenue to be vacated, which results in a parcel with almost 400 feet of frontage along Vernon Avenue. 44 �� . . 2 � «3� \ Ll The proposed design at the new intersection of realigned Arcadia Avenue and Interlachen Boulevard includes a narrow median, approximately 75 feet long. The purpose of this median is to mitigate the current traffic.opera- tional problems associated with the close spacing be- tween Vernon Avenue and the entrance to the shopping area. This median.wlll still provide unlimited access for vehicles coming from both Vernon Avenue and Interlachen Boulevard but will restrict the access out to right turns only. As a result, most exiting vehicles will be forced to use the existing driveway behind the building which currently contains the City's liquor store. This will require many motorists to change their driving habits but it will also provide these motorists with a significantly better approach to the intersection at Vernon Avenue. No further alternative designs were investigated since the proposed modification accomplishes the objectives and no major disadvantages were identified. 47 Issue Area 5: Issue Area 5 is the segment of Vernon Avenue between Interlachen Boulevard and Link Road. (See Figure 22.) The following issues were taken into consideration during the design study:. • Improve the traffic flow along Vernon Avenue. • Improve the design of the access to the shopping center. • Provide a design which would satisfactorily accom- modate future signalization. The first design alternative (Figure 23) consists of providing a new major access to the shopping center at a point approximately midway between the existing entran- ces. This proposal has the following advantages: • Creates a typical intersection with four legs. (The .fourth leg is the entrance to the bank on the westerly side of Vernon Avenue.) • The intersection design would accommodate future signalization. ' • Two median openings along Vernon Avenue are elimi- nated and the separation between major conflict points is increased. fury. • The elimination of the two shopping center entrances would allow for the reorganization of the parking lot and provide some additional area for parking. • The spacing between major intersections along Vernon Avenue would be increased. 48 t1f.;f: iii• •: h ...:...... ' y Syk .Y :r'•} }:•iii <:. V.:... .................... ''�i��titii ri: }:Yti• vrv........:....... :f { !G•4: i' •?tit {.. . : \t2v The only major disadvantage of this proposal is the impact on access to the bank located west of Vernon Avenue,. across..fr...om the shop p_i.ng_- .cen.ter._. The--proposed - modification woul -d result in the northerly driveway having only partial access, from southbound Vernon Avenue.. The - souther. -I y - driveway would-have full access. As a result of the possible adverse impact on bank operations, two additional alternatives were designed. Design Alternative 2 (Figure 24) retains all of the major features of Alternative 1 and adds a left turn lane and median opening midway between the northerly bank driveway and Summit Avenue. This would allow northbound traffic on Vernon Avenue to make a U -turn onto southbound Vernon Avenue and then a right turn at the bank driveway. The major disadvantage of Alternative 2 is that some full -size vehicles and most pick -up trucks couldn't complete the U -turn without running over the curb. Design Alternative 3 (Figure 25) consists of pro- viding the major access to the shopping area at the location of the existing northerly entrance. This pro- posal has many of the advantages associated with the first alternative without adversely affecting the access to either the shopping center or the bank. The only disadvantage of Alternative 3 is that the spacing along Vernon Avenue, between the Interlachen Boulevard intersection and the major shopping center entrance, is reduced by approximately two hundred feet. There is, however,.still sufficient spacing between the intersections to provide.left -turn lanes with adequate storage. 51 .: i:i� •i:: ? �i�:•`.9......v •. y:r .......�.:2�::•:::: The third alternative is the recommended design for Issue Area 5. This design is preferred because it pro- vides some positive benefits for traffic flow, it results in no significant change in access, and it does not require extensive modification of the shopping center parking lot. 54 Summary: The overall roadway recommendation for the entire study area is shown in Figure 26. The major features of this plan Are_as_._fol_Iows: • Three major intersections along Vernon Avenue are provided :_ 1. The existing signalized intersection at Interlachen Boulevard. 2. A new major entrance to the shopping center. 3. A new major intersection with Eden Avenue. • The existing intersection of Vernon Avenue and Eden Avenue is eliminated and an improved direct connec- tion Is provided In the Link Road corridor. • Several access points and driveways along Vernon Avenue are closed. • A new westbound Vernon Avenue approach to Interlachen Boulevard is provided which has two through lanes and separate right and left turn lanes. • A single major entrance to the shopping center is provided which is compatible with future signal iza- tion and which allows for the reorganization of the parking area. • A direct connection between Arcadia Avenue and Vernon Avenue is provided which has complete access in all directions. 55 P'l Traffic Study • The intersection of Vernon Avenue and W. 53rd Street is downplayed and additional trips through the Grandview - area neighborhood wi I I not be encouraged. • Access to the Sherwood Road neighborhood is downplayed and a better connection to Eden Avenue is provided. 57 6: APPENDIX Accident Study Forms 59 r - SfEsMEA/r ACCIDENT STUDY FORM # -o✓ /�,�- C S. • Class e s Location rf�io� To l//.[.«• �/,�� MP. YEAR TYPES OF ACCIDENTS PERS. �NJ, 01 02 03 04• 05 06 07 08 09 TOTAL REAR Sideswipe ' Left Ran Off Ron Of { rlOn Sideswipe RATE MGM) END Some ` Road Right Right Road On Opposite Other :YEAR v Direction Turn Left Side Angle Turn Ri htSide. 9 Direction Unknown 7 / 6 -'0 79 Pr 3 fill/ 5 O I z 160 2. o 4- O !O t 9 l 4 5 5 D 10 15,8do 2,5 Ayr z.0 Cri/eu7u•� -� 111 / 3 0 '5r^rrn 2.0 Z5 azz Z Il Z 2. YEAR PROP. DAM. PERS. �NJ, FATAL TOTAL ADT ACC. • RATE MGM) �• Lill /rl/ I/ • 7 9 2 v ! ii IW 7 / 6 -'0 79 Pr 3 fill/ 5 O I z 160 2. o 4- O !O t 5 5 5 D 10 15,8do 2,5 Ayr z.0 Cri/eu7u•� -� 111 / 3 0 '5r^rrn 2.0 Z5 azz ,�r6e -rEaJT �Le�O�eJT' N °• T< eA� ACCIDENT . STUDY FORM �OE�Ic CS Class . Location X00 ro vc,e,veN Ave- MP. _. TYPES . OF ACCIDENTS - ....:....,: .: = 01 02 03 04 05 .. O ;.....:_:. 08 ._ 09 ' REAR END Sideswipe Some '- Left '' Ran Off Road Right Right Ron Off Rood - Head On Sideswipe Opposite Other- -.YEAR Immmmmmmm Direction Turn Left Side Angle- Turn RightSide =Direction Unknown - eA� sn�e� M MAO mmmm Immmmmmmm ME 1 0 - = mmomm, ==am==== ACCIDENT ' STUDY _ FORM ,r /52 ... C S. "40 1"40 Class mmm Location mmme� M P. °� m,ommm - - :. - :..TYPES OF ACCIDENTS M-0-0mmm of 02 03 04' 05 ... 0 - 08 O9 t REAR Sideswipe Same - Left - Ron Off Rood Right Rigtit'' -_ Ron Off Road Heod .: Sideswipe Opposite Other — .YEAR EN� Direction Turn Left Side Angle. Turn Ri htSide• g �� `Direction Unknown BZ ME 1 0 - = mmomm, ==am==== mm "40 1"40 "40 mmm mmme� °� m,ommm mmmi M-0-0mmm , mm mmm mmmmmmm� 1�/T"r.2SECTiON - ACCIDENT STUDY FORM T. 14. 1/�,✓o�✓ C.S. • Class Location T # /oo TYPES OF ACCIDENTS I==== OI 02 03 04' 05 06 117 08 09 REAR Sideswipe Some • Left Ron Off Rood Right 9 Right 9 Ron Off ' Rood Head Sideswipe Opposite Otner- `� .YEAR ENO Direction Turn Left Side Angle. Turn Ri ntSide 9 On Direction Unknown 077 1 =man= 1980 i 6, I==== =man= svr�,es'notv ACCIDENT STUDY FORM T-t-ft C.S. • Class 4 6le7,Vf" — !fit 0 Location YEAR - T -YPES OF ACCIDENTS PERS. 01 02 03 04 05 0 • 08 09 YEAR REAR END Sideswipe Some Left Ran Off Road Right Right Ran Off Road Heod On Sideswipe Opposite Other — Direction Turn Left Side Angle Turn Ri htSide 9 Direction Unknown 977 977 3 i 0 4- 1978 r r` 0 9 1979 o a O .O i6, �,� O 1530 I Z r! Z 19Fio Z r. 5o 0.5 Z D O Z z. 14,5o 19F�1 19F Z rJ 2 O - zz 000, 0,2 i583 1qqz v rr Z zz ocn 0,7 (9� 2 _ � YEAR PROP DAM. PERS. FATAL TOTAL - ADT ACC.. IN J. RAT M '/1 1 977 3 i 0 4- I[piso 976 r" J 0 9 1979 o a O .O i6, �,� O 1530 I Z r! Z O Z r. 5o 0.5 Z D O Z z. 14,5o o. 19F Z ri Z O 2. zz 000, 0,2 i583 2 v 3 zz ocn 0,7 T /Pi r �'L . =ee , oE,vr. Z.�rc ! 5 v /J o, %4c4,etEtX S s� ✓�c'.PSECTiav Acc��ENT /�ic - �S y fiv�T ti 3' zz,cc,o s'C- b2. TYPES OF ACCIDENTS 01 02 03 04 05 06 08 09 YEAR REAR END Sideswipe Same Direction Lett Turn Ran Off Rood Left Side Right Angle. RigM Turn Ron Off Road Ri 9 htSide• HOn On Direction Sideswipe Opposite Other— Unknown e =� Z e =� 60 : gZ • .tNTc�StCT OItJ . • ACCIDENT .:STUDY FORM ' VGeuo . C S. • Class Location LAN zo MP. :TYPES OF -. ACCIDEN_ TS . OI `02 '.: ... 03. ' 04 • OS O 08 .' 0g `. ' REAR - ENO Sideswipe Some '- Left Ron Off Road Right Rigtit Ron Off Road HeoG :- _- On = Sideswipe Opposite Other - :YEAR pirectian Turn Left Side Angle Turn RightSide Direction Unknown 60 : gZ T /P�c,9G �cc�,Dt,c�T ��T.c� D•SAcL�M� 1 A ¢50 IZ�dtD . Ig,aao 10700 19r TYPES OF ACCIDENTS 01 02 03 '04' 05 06 08 09 .YEAR REAR END Sideswipe Some Direction Left Turn Ron Off Rood Left Side Right Angle Right Turn Ron Off Rood Ri htSide 9 Head 0n Sideswipe Opposite Direction Other Unknown 77 .7g - .79 Z ,n:2 T /P�c,9G �cc�,Dt,c�T ��T.c� D•SAcL�M� 1 A ¢50 IZ�dtD . Ig,aao 10700 19r �T�Sc[ ilpl� ACCIDENT STUDY FORM 1�voc/ C.S. • Class Location M.P. T /oic�c fil«, otu r• k-?.�; c .:; 0.5 . X$ . zz4 � TYPES OF ACCIDENTS 01 02 03 04• 05 06 07 08 09 NEAR REAR END Sideswipe Same Direction Left Turn Ran Off Road Left Side Right Angle Right Turn Ran Off Road RigntSide ' mead On Sideswipe Opposite Direction Other Unknown M,; mmm poll "MMMMEM-Mom, mmmn T /oic�c fil«, otu r• k-?.�; c .:; 0.5 . X$ . zz4 � mom M,; mmm poll "MMMMEM-Mom, mmmn T /oic�c fil«, otu r• k-?.�; c .:; 0.5 . X$ . zz4 � RRS(TT.TTTTf1N BRIT-RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina that the City Attorney be authorized and directed to file "Application by Governmental Subdivision for Conveyance of Tax Forfeited Lands ", for the following described property contained in Hennepin County Auditor's List "664 -NC ", said property to be used by the City as hereafter set forth: Property Identification No. 08- 116 -21 -34 -0012 - For Public Road Purposes. ADOPTED this 19th day of March, 1984. STATE OF MINNESOTA)) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of March 19, 1984, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 30th day of March, 1984. City Clerk RF.gOT.TTTTON WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Edina has received from the County of Hennepin a list of lands in said municipality which became the property of the State of Minnesota for non - payment of real estate taxes, which said list has been designated as Classification List No. 664 -NC; and WHEREAS, each parcel of land described in said list has heretofore been classified by the Board of County Commissioners of Hennepin County, Minnesota as non - conservation land and the sale thereof has heretofore been authorized by said Board of County Commissioners; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by said City Council, acting pursuant to Minnesota Statute 282, and the said classification by said Board of County Commissioners of each parcel of land described in said list as non - conservation land be and the same is hereby approved, and that the sale of each such parcel of land be and the same is hereby approved. ADOPTED this 19th day of March, 1984. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of March 19, 1984, and as _ recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 30th day of March, 1984. City Clerk RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL PLAT FOR VERNON COURT ADDITION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled "Vernon Court Addition ", platted by Citizens State Bank of St. Louis Park, a Minnesota corporation, and presented at the regular meeting of the City Council of March 19, 1984, be and is hereby granted final plat approval. ADOPTED this 19th day of March, 1984. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of March 19, 1984, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 20th day of March, 1984. City Clerk RESOLUTION