HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-06-18_COUNCIL MEETINGAGENDA EDINA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING JUNE 18, 1984 7:00 P.M. ROLLCALL RESOLUTION OF CONDOLENCE - T. Lea Todd MINUTES of the Regular Council Meeting of June 4, 1984, and the Special Meeting of June 7, 1984, approved as submitted or corrected by motion of seconded by I. PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS. Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by City Manager and Engineer. Public comment heard. If Council wishes to proceed, action by Resolution. 3/5 favorable rollcall vote to pass if improvement has been petitioned for; 4/5 vote required if no petition. A. Permanent Street Surfacing with Curb & Gutter and BridQement Replacement Improvement No. P -BA -262 W. 44th Street from Soo Line Railroad to T.H. 100 (Contd from 5- 21 -84) II.. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND REPORTS ON PLANNING MATTERS. Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by Planning Department. Public comment heard. First Reading of Zoning Ordinance requires offering of Ordinance only. 4/5 favorable rollcall vote to pass Second Reading or if Second Reading should be waived. Lot Divisions, Flood Plain Permits, Plats, Appeals from Administrative or Board of Appeals and Adjustments decisions require action by Resolution. 3/5 favorable rollcall vote to pass. A. Preliminary Plat Approval 1. Gustafson Replat of Lot 5, Block 1, Indian Hills - Generally located west of Indian Hills Road and north of Dakota Trail (Contd from 5/21/84) B. Appeal of Board of Appeals & Adjustments Decision 1. Robert Bossman - 4609 Moorland Avenue C. Zoning Change 1. Indian Hills 2nd Addition - R -1 Single Dwelling Unit District to R -2 Double Dwelling Unit District D. Conditional Use Permit 1. Parking Lot Expansion - Southdale Hennepin County Library - 7001 York Av. (Convene HRA for Joint Meeting with Council for Purpose of Discussion and Action on Agenda Item II.E.) E. Grandview Area Redevelopment Plan and Redevelopment Project III. SPECIAL CONCERNS OF RESIDENTS IV. RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS A. William Barbeau -. Metropolitan Open Space Committee B. Traffic Safety Committee Minutes of June 12, 1984 C. Set Hearing Date - Vacation of Wetland Easement - Lot 6, Block 1, The Habitat (7/16/84) D. Edina Foundation - Unexpired term of Dick Wyatt E. Feasibility Report 484 -3 - Set Hearing Date (7/2/84) F. Moratorium on Development of Shoreline Areas G. Draft Weed Ordinance No. 1040 H. Amend Council Minutes of April 4, 1983 I. Special Concerns of Mayor and Council J. Post Agenda and Manager's Miscellaneous Items V. ORDINANCES. First Reading of Ordinance requires offering of Ordinance only. 3/4 favorable rollcall vote to pass Second Reading. 4/5 favorable rollcall vote to pass if Second Reading is waived. A. First Reading (Waive Second Reading) 1. Ordinance No. 171 -A16 - To Add a Certain Fee Number Agenda Edina City Council Page Two VI. FINANCE A. Claims Paid. Motion of seconded by , for payment of the following Claims as per Pre -List dated 6/14/84: General Fund $165,371.62, Park Fund $22,809.03, Art Center $3,679.53, Swimming Pool Fund $54,608.90, Golf Course Fund $13,269.92, Recreation Center Fund $4,238.38, Gun Range Fund $247.09, Waterwork Fund $22,833.64, Sewer Rental Fund $6,530.68, Liquor Dispensary Fund $112,033.91, Construction Fund $45,782.48, Total $451,405.18, and for Confirmation of the following Claims dated 5/31/84: General Fund $106,664.11, Park Fund $3,102.80, Art Center $269.83, Swimming Pool Fund $1,189.16, Golf i Course Fund $5,319.03, Recreation Center Fund $4,783.80, Gun Range Fund $80.03, Waterwork Fund $1,894.74, Sewer Rental Fund $310.16, Liquor Dispensary Fund $257,347.09, Total $380,960.75 w r MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL JUNE 4, 1984 Answering rollcall were Members Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner and Mayor Courtney. KIM HOLLAND AND KAREN KISER COMMENDED. Mr. Rosland introduced Kim Holland and Karen Kiser, advising that both are leaving the employ of the City. Kim Holland has been custodian of City Hall since September of 1981, and has done a commendable job in maintaining the building. Karen Kiser has worked as a secretary in the Police Department since October of 1979, and initiated the data entry system for that department. She has been a conscientious worker and her pleasant personality will be missed. He commended both Kim and Karen and presented them with silver pens bearing the City logo, in appreciation of their service to the City. Members of the Council also extended their appreciation and thanks. OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT AWARD FOR ACCIDENT PREVENTION PRESENTED. On behalf of the Minnesota Safety Council and the Edina Citizens Safety Council, Alison Fuhr presented the Outstanding Achievement Award in recognition of outstanding - accident prevention performance in traffic safety to the City of Edina for 1983. Mayor Courtney accepted the Award on behalf of the City. MINUTES of the Regular Meeting of May 7, 1984, and May 21, 1984, were approved as submitted by motion of Member Turner, seconded by Member Schmidt. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL FOR MILLER ADDITION CONTINUED TO JULY 2, 1984. Member Richards asked -that he be excused from the meeting so that there would be no appearance of possible conflict of interest with regard to the - Miller Addition. Mr. Hughes recalled that at its meeting of May 21,..1984, the Council had taken action to continue the hearing for preliminary plat approval for the Miller Addition to this meeting so that the issues of access by condemnation, site drainage and the relationship of the Miller plat to the proposed plat east of Dearborn Street could be researched. Mr. Hughes advised that the plat to the east is entitled "Blake Woods" and was reviewed by the Community Development and Planning Commission at its last meeting. He..stated that the Blake Woods plat involves three existing lots on the east side.;of Dearborn proposed to be replated into four lots. The plat relies on vacation of the unused portion of Dearborn to the north as well as vacation of Spruce Road along the north property...line.- The. four new lots would be arranged around a new cul -de -sac on Dearborn and would be located opposite the westerly extension of Dearborn Street as proposed by the plat of Miller Addition. The proposed Blake Wood plat depends,=to -a .certain extent, on access to the Miller Addition. Mr. Hughes recalled that the Miller Addition relies upon the acquisition of right of way across lots on the west side of Dearborn which are not owned by the proponent. If access to the Miller Addition is not acquired, some modifications to Blake Woods will be needed. In staff's view, the existing access to the Miller property via Dearborn Street and Spruce Road must then be-preserved.. As an alternative,.access.:to, the Miller.property from Harrison Avenue to the west may be possible..:Although..no right of.way exists._.. for such a street, it appears that some parcels presently owned by the public could be used as right of way. David Licht, Northwest Associated Consultants, was present representing . the proponent. He recalled that two concerns were voiced over other issues at the last meeting: 1) drainage and 2) benefit derived by condemnation. He then summarized his letter of June 4,:.1984, addressed to the Council, that.while the Millers would undoubtedly benefit, there are indeed advantages for the City as a whole, the specific area and notably, the Kuenzlies. He pointed out again that the lot layout which has been suggested for the Miller land represents a reasonable and good design and use of the property. Len Kraemar of Barr Engineering Company reviewed the storm water drainage plan and presented graphics showing what would occur with a 100 -year rain storm. He stated that they had taken into consideration all ultimate development in the area._...No.property.to ... the south..would_be.inundated and::.no.property to the west would be inundated except for a little portion of the alley. He also pointed out options which may be considered. Member Bredesen asked if any properties would be inundated with a 100 -year event whose property now would not be inundated. Mr. Kraemar atated that there..are properties that would now be inundated which would not be under the proposed plan and that no other properties would be inundated. In response to Member Schmidt, he stated that an outlot would be connected to the main inundation area. Member Bredesen asked for Engineer Hoffman's opinion as to the proposed drainage plan. Mr. Hoffman responded that all possible options for drainage have been presented and if the properties to the east are developed a storm sewer system will be required which goes to the east towards the pond in the area east of Griffit Street and north of Maloney Avenue. fW James Miller, the proponent, reiterated that it is in the City's best interest to develop that land. He stated that the proposed plat is a reasonable lay -out of the area and asked that it be approved. Greg Abbott, 315 Harrison Avenue, expressed concern about having 12 feet of fill directly behind his property. John Harper, Dunkley and Bennett, stated he was appearing on behalf of Bernard and Beverly Kuenzli. He argued in opposition to the following issues: 1) taking of the Kuenzli property to provide access, 2) that there would be no drainage problems, and 3) that the area should be developed. Appearing and speaking in opposition to the proposed subdivision. were: Craig and Janet Postier, 311 Harrison Avenue; C. M. Simonson,.305 Harrison Av.; Beauford Carlson, former owner at 6600 Belmore Lane; and Robert Baker, 6600 Belmore Ln. Council then discussed and considered the following with regard to the proposed plat: 1) change in topography, 2) lot sizes in neighborhood, 3) cul -de -sac, 4)landscaping and grading , 5) access by condemnation, 6) drainage, and 8) if the low lots were buildable. Member Schmidt commented that if the subject property is going to be developed, she believed the proposed.plan is the best possible.way..for . everyo.ne. Member Schmidt then made a motion to grant preliminary plat approval based upon acceptable landscape plans and grading plans that would meet the concerns of the neighborhood. Motion was seconded by Member Turner, giving these reasons that she felt the drainage questions would be resolved so that property owners on Harrison would not be adversely impacted and that from a planning point of view it is the best way to access -the area and therefore the plat and the condemnation is appro- priate. Mayor Courtney commented that he has not been sold on the idea that any of the methods of access that have been presented are helping anyone except one property owner. Member Bredesen stated that he felt the proposed plan was a good use of the - property, that he felt.the'drainage questions would not be major, but that he felt the main problem is the effect of this particular condemnation in that it cuts the Kuenzli property in half and alters that property. Mr. Licht submitted that if the access to the Miller property has to be created by way of Dearborn, then there would be more disruption of topography to the Kuenzli property. Mrs. Kuenzli advised that'she has just heard that Blake School is planning some construction and may need.access.for their buses into their parking lot from Harrison, which access would abutt the Kuenzli property. Member Turner stated this would be a factor to consider. Bernard Kuenzli noted that the major problem is the southern four lots and asked.if the lots could be condemned, and left as open property. Mayor Courtney stated that there was a motion before.the Council. .Attorney Erickson pointed out that preliminary plat approval should be conditioned upon 1) conveyance of the out - lot by the proponent to the Kuenzlis, and 2) that all costs of condemnation would be the responsibility of the proponent.' He advised that if the proponent meets the conditions which are imposed by preliminary plat approval then the proponent is entitled to final approval. If conditions are imposed at time of final approval and those conditions are met then he is entitled to delivery of the plat and appropriate resolution. As. suggested by Mayor Courtney, Mr. Erickson explained that it may be wise to have the landscape.and gradirig plans presented to the Council before preli- minary plat approval, and that preliminary and final plat approval could be granted at the same time. Member Schmidt then stated she would retract the motion for preli- minary plat approval as-she felt there were too many things to consider. Member Turner then withdrew the second to the motion. Member Schmidt thereupon moved that preliminary plat approval be continued to July 2, 1984, so that the questions of the Council concerning landscaping, topography, condemnation and the Blake School plans could be addressed— Motion was seconded by Member Turner. Ayes: Bredesen, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. Member Bredesen then addressed Mr. Miller and Mr. Kuenzli and asked that they try to work out .a.solution_to-the problem.of.access. for the plat prior to the next meeting when Council presumably will take formal action. (Member Richards returned to the meeting at this point.) VARIANCE GRANTED FOR LOT 18, BLOCK 1, THE TIMBERS; APPEAL DENIED FROM BOARD DECISION. Affidavit of Mailing was presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Mr. Hughes presented the appeal of Roger Christgau with regard to a decision of the Board of Appeals and Adjustments on May 17.' 1984... The.'issue was a five foot rear yard setback variance; involving Lot 18, Block 1, The Timbers (6417 Timber Ridge). In the platting of the Timbers, several lots were platted with rather difficult lot shapes and lot depths for the construction of homes. The subject lot is one of those. The request was toy construct a home designed to accommodate the topography and shape of the lot. The proposed building would conform to all setback requirements with the exception of one corner that encroaches five feet into the . required 25 foot rear yard. The proponent requested a variance to permit approximately 32 square feet of building to encroach on the rear yard. Mr. Hughes pointed out that under the new Zoning Ordinance there is a provision for "pie- shaped" lots which creates & hypothetical lot.line and;if the subject lot would be so classified a rear yard variance would not be required. However, given the shape of the property staff felt a variance was appropriate and recommended approval to the Board of Appeals and Adjustments. At its May 17 meeting the Board moved to accept the hypothetical rear line measurement and accept the plans presented without a variance. The decision was later appealed by Dr. Christgau for consideration by Council. Ann Fallon, owner of the subject lot, advised that the proposed house was staked last week and is now positioned on the lot to only require a 1.5 foot variance. She stated that the abutt- ing neighbors had no objections to the plan, that the house would be an attractive addition to the area and would create a good revenue base for the City. She empha- sized that the plan for the house was revised a number of times to conform as closely as possible to the lot shape. Folke Victorsen, 6440 Indian Hills Pass, spoke in support of the Fallon's plan. Dr. Roger Christgau, 6500 Indian Hills Pass, presented the following arguments in objection: 1) that the Zoning Ordinance defines setback requirements which should be adhered to, 2) that the subject lot is not a "pie- shaped" lot as believed by the Board, and 3) that the Board's decision would set a precedent with regard to other lots having difficult shapes. He noted that he was particularly concerned that Lot 15, Block 1, would also request a variance. Lee Kopp, 6504 Indian Hills Road, stated that Lot 15 has very few trees remaining and that he was concerned that a precedence would be set for further variances of this kind. Member Turner asked if Lot 15 could be interpreted as a "pie- shaped" lot with establishment of a imaginery rear lot line. Mr. Hughes responded that it has the same characteristics of Lot 18 as to.shape and if the Board's opinion on Lot 18 is upheld, that logic would be likely be followed for Lot 15. In response to question of Member Schmidt, Attorney Erickson clarified that the application was for a variance, based on staff interpretation that a variance was needed for the four -sided lot, and that it was the question before the Board and should have been decided. On that basis, Council should grant the variance or deny it. Member Bredesen commented that this is an unusual piece of property and that the Board had used considerable logic in coming to, the conclusion they reached. Member Bredesen then moved for denial of the appeal ad for granting of the variance requested for Lot 18, Block 1, The.Timbers. Motion was seconded by Member Turner. Member Richards stated he could not support the motion as he felt it would set a precedent for Lot.15, and that he felt..the concerns expressed by the neighbors objecting to the variance were valid ones. Member Bredesen clarified that his motion was based on his conclusion that the proposal required .a variance and that such a variance should be granted. Mayor Courtney then called for a vote on the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Turner, Courtney Nays: Richards, Schmidt Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING ON GRANDVIEW AREA REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AND REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT CONTINUED TO JUNE 18, 1984. As recommended by staff, Member Turner's motion was ,seconded by Member Richards to continue the public hearing on the Grandview Area Redevelopment Plan and Redevelopment Project to June 18, 1984. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. LOT DIVISION FOR LOT 4, BLOCK 1, MC CAULEY HEIGHTS 8TH ADDITION APPROVED. Mr. Hughes presented the petition for division of Lot 4, Block 1, McCauley Heights 8th Addition, generally located east of County Road No. 18 and north of Indian Hills Road. He advised that the request is for a party wall division of an existing two - family dwelling.. He noted that individual utilities are provided and staff would recommend approval. No objections being heard, Member.Richards offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RT: Q0T TTTTOTT WHEREAS, the following described property is at present a single tract of land: Lot 4, Block 1, McCauley Heights 8th Addition, and WHEREAS, the owners have requested the subdivision of said tract into separate parcels (herein called "Parcels ") described as follows: That part of Lot 4, Block 1, McCauley Heights 8th Addition, which lies northerly of a line herein called "Line A ") drawn from a point on the west line of said Lot 4, distant 77.20 feet southerly of the northwest corner of said Lot 4 to a point on the east line of said Lot 4, distant 72.64 feet southerly of the northeast corner of said Lot 4, and All of Lot 4, Block 1, McCauley Heights 8th Addition except that part which lies northerly of said Line A; WHEREAS, it has been determined that compliance with the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations of the City of Edina will create an unnecessary hardship and said Parcels as separate tracts of land do not interfere with the purposes of the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations as contained in the City of Edina - Ordinances Nos. 801 and 825; NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved by the City Council of the City of Edina that the conveyance and ownership of said Parcels as separate tracts of land is hereby approved and the requirements and provisions of Ordinance No. 801 and Ordinance No. 825 are hereby waived to allow said division and conveyance thereof as separate tracts of land but,are not waived for any other purpose or as to any other provision thereof, and subject, however, to the provision that no further subdivision be made of said Parcels unless made in compliance with the pertinent ordinances of the City of Edina or with the prior approval of this Council as may be provided for by those ordinances. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Schmidt. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt', Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. 6/4/84 � I LOT DIVISION FOR LOT 30, COLONIAL GROVE 2ND ADDITION APPROVED. Mr. Hughes pre- sented the petition for division of, Lot 30, Colonial Grove Addition, generally east of Brookview Avenue and south of 56th Street. He advised that the applicant, who resides at 5615 Brookview Avenue, proposes to acquire a three foot wide strip of property from his neighbor to the south to facilitate construction of an addition which will conform with serback requirements. The lot and dwelling to the south will continue to conform with zoning.requirements and staff would recommend approval. No objections' being heard, Member Turner offered the following resolution and moved itsiadoption: iRESOLUTION WHEREAS, the following described property is at present a single tract of land: Lot 30, "Colonial Grove 2nd Addition, Edina, Minn. "; and WHEREAS, the owners have requested the subdivision of said tract into separate parcels (herein called "Parcels ") described as follows: Lot 30 "Colonial Grove 2nd Addition, Edina, Minn. ", except the northerly three (3) feet thereof, and Lot 32, "Colonial Grove 2nd Addition, Edina, Minn." and the northerly three (3) feet of Lot 30, "Colonial Grove 2nd Addition, Edina, Minn. "; WHEREAS, it has been determined that compliance with the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations of the City of Edina will create an unnecessary hardship and said Parcels as separate tracts of land'do not interfere with the purposes of the Subdivision and Zoning Regulationslas contained in the City of Edina Ordinances Nos. 801 and 825; NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved by the City Council of the City of Edina that the conveyance and ownership of said Parcels as separate tracts of land is hereby approved and the requirements and provisions of Ordinance No. 801 and Ordinance No. 825 are hereby waived to allow said division and conveyance thereof as separate tracts of land but are not waived for any other purpose or as to any other provision thereof, and subject, however, to the provision that no further subdivision be made of said Parcels unless made in compliance with the pertinent ordinances of the City of Edina or with the prior approval of this Council as may be provided for by those ordinances. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Bredesen. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. LOT DIVISION FOR LOT 11, BLOCK 5,'PARKWOOD KNOLLS APPROVED. Mr. Hughes presented the petition for division of Lot 11, Block 5, Parkwood Knolls, generally located west of Schaefer Road and south of Knoll Drive. He advised that two single family dwellings on Knoll..Drive are involved and that the proponent.is requesting the division of Lot 11, Block 5, Parkwood Knolls for the purpose of conveying a portion of his lot to the owner of Lot 12: A portion of the swimming pool and dog kennel on Lot 12 was apparently constructed across the common lot line with Lot 11 several years ago. The proposed division represents the resolution of an adverse possess- ion claim by the owner of Lot 12.1 Setback requirements for the home on Lot 11 con tinue to be met after the division. The proposed division appears to remedy the ,.encroachment problem caused by'the swimming pool and staff therefore recommends approval. It should be noted that;the ordinances require a 20 foot setback for the dog kennel. The proposed division provides a 6 foot setback. Thus, if total com- pliance with all ordinances is desired, the relocation of the kennel may be desirable: and the owner of Lot 12 has been so advised. No objections being heard, Member Turner offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the following described property is at present a single tract of land: Lot 11, Block 5, "Parkwood Knolls "; and WHEREAS, the owners have requested the subdivision of said tract into separate parcels (herein called "Parcels ")described as follows: Lot 11, Block 5, "Parkwood Knolls" except that part which lies easterly and southeasterly of the following described line (herein called "Line A "): Beginning at the northeasticorner of said Lot 11; thence southwesterly 130.70 feet along a line, if extended, would intersect the south line of said Lot 11 at a point therein distant 58.05 feet westerly from the southeast corner of said Lot 11; thence southerly to the southeast corner of said Lot 11 and !there terminating, according to the recorded plat thereof, and Lot 12, Block 5, "Parkwood Knolls" and that part of Lot 11, Block 5, "Parkwood Knolls" which lies easterly and southeasterly of said Line A. WHEREAS, it has been determined that compliance with the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations of the City of Edina will create an unnecessary hardship and said Parcels as separate tracts of land do not interfere with the purposes of the Subdivision and Zoning Regulations as contained in the City of Edina Ordinances Nos. 801 and 825; 1 6/4/84 NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved by the City Council of the City of Edina" that the conveyance and ownership of said Parcels as separate tracts of land is hereby approved and the requirements and provisions of Ordinance No. 801 and Ordi- nance No. 825 are hereby waived to allow said division and conveyance thereof as separate tracts of land but are not waived for any other prupose or as to any other provision thereof, and subject, however, to the provision that no further sub- division be made of said Parcels unless made in compliance with the pertinent ordinances of the City of Edina or with the prior approval of this Council as may be provided for by those ordinances. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Bredesen. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted: HEARING DATES SET FOR VARIOUS PLANNING MATTERS. As recommended by staff, Member Bredesen's motion was seconded by Member Schmidt, setting the following hearing dates for planning matters: 1) Indian Hills 2nd Addition - R -1 Single Dwelling Unit District to R -2 Double Dwelling Unit District - June 18, 1984; 2) Blake Woods: - .Preliminary Plat Approval - Generally located east of Dearborn Street and north of Belmore Lane - July 2, 1984; 3) Southdale Hennepin County Library - Conditional Use Permit - Parking Lot Expansion - June 18, 1984. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING HELD ON VACATION OF WATER STORAGE EASEMENT /LOT 2, BLOCK 3, SCHEY'S PARK VIEW THIRD ADDITION; VACATION NOT GRANTED. Affidavits of Notice were presen- ted by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Engineer Hoffman presented the request for vacation of water storage easement on Lot 2, Block 3, Schey's Park View Third Addition. He recalled that when the property was platted an easement was placed of record for water storage on the entire lot. In July of 1979 a petition was presented to vacate the water storage easement on the high ground at the rear of the lot to allow construction of a dwelling. Council granted vacation of that portion of the easement,upon staff recommendation that the area was not needed for water storage. Subsequently, the property has been sold and the new owner has requested vacation of the remaining water storage easement over which the driveway is located because of a concern that the City may at some future point in time dig up his driveway. Staff would recommend approval of the easement vacation subject to the following conditions: 1) that the utility ease- ment be retained on the north side for Northwestern Bell and Northern States Power Company, and 2) that a drainage easement of 10 foot in width also be: retained. Mr. Hoffman advised that he has talked to the abutting property owners to the north and south and they have no objections. Member Richards raised the question that if the, easement vacation was granted, that at.some future date a petition for subdivi- sion could be presented. Tom Kelley, stated he was representing the owner Harvey Golub, and that Mr. Golub had requested the easement vacation so that if he were to sell the property he could advise the potential buyer that the roadway is free and clear. Following discussion, Member Schmidt moved that the petition for vacation of storage:of water.easement of Lot 2, Block 3, Schey's Park View Third Addition be denied, based on the reason-that the.City has -assured...the::owner:_it_has no_intent.to dig up the roadway. Motion was seconded by Member Richards. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. ANIMAL CONTROL ORDINANCE DISCUSSED; CONCERN OF RESIDENT NOTED. Mr. Rosland referred to a letter received from E. Dudley Parsons, 4437 Brookside Terrace, in which several amendments to Ordinance No. 312 (Animal Control) are proposed, following an incident wherein Mrs. Parsons was severely bitten by a dog. Staff has also been reviewing the,ordinance and will be recommending changes for consideration by the Council at a later date. Mr. Parsons was present and explained his reasons for recommending more strict regulation of dogs. Mr. Rosland suggested that the changes recommended by Mr. Parsons, together with staff recommendations, be brought back to the Council at the July 2, 1984 meeting. No formal action was taken. BID AWARDED FOR PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT. Mr. Rosland presented tabulation of bids for playground equipment showing Hamele Sales, Inc. at $40,478.00 and Earl F. Anderson and Associates, Inc. at $44,857.68. Member Schmidt's motion was seconded by Member Turner for award of bid for playground equipment to low bidder Hamele Sales, Inc. at $40,478.00. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. 6/4/84 i BID AWARDED FOR IMPROVEMENTS BA -137, BA -261 AND MISCELLANEOUS PARK WORK (484 -3 ENG). Mr. Rosland presented tabulation of bids for Improvement No. BA-137 Hansen Road - Section I -, Improvement No. BA -261 Westridge Court - Section II, Garden Park Improve ments- Section III, Playground Concrete Rings- Section IV, Arneson Park Curb and Gutter, Section V as follows: BIDDER SECTION I SECTION II SECTION III SECTION IV I SECTION V TOTAL Midwest Asphalt Corporation 382,873.O'S 7,935.00 82,912.50 12,144.00 6,146.40 !492,010.99 Bury & Carlson, Inc. 392,765.'29 7,685.50 95,353.00 7,920.00 4,681.90 508,405.69 Matt Bullock Contracting Co. 404,422.,4E 9,335.00 90,181.60 9,900.00 4,662.00 518,501.05 Alexander Construction 421,091.5C 9,575.00 113,953.60 18,480.00 6,492.00 570,042.10 Bituminous Roadways, Inc. 453,648.6C 8,851.25 92,225.50 119880.00 6,598.00 P73,203.35 Hardrives, Inc. 434,216.41 9,090.00 127,907.50 9,966.00 7,016.00 588,195.60 Buesing Bros. Trucking, Inc. 1502,900.'2E 9,726.00 98,949.00 8,646.00 5,310.00 525,531.25 Staff would recommend award of bids for Section I, II and III to the low bidder and to reject the bids-for Section,IV and V pending review of of the park improve- ment budget. Motion of Member Richards was seconded by Member.Turner for award of bids for Section I, II and II to the recommended low bidder Midwest Asphalt Corpor- ation at a total of $473,720.59 and to reject the bids for Section IV and V. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. i BID AWARDED FOR HP 150 /SOFTWARE /PRINTER. Mr. Rosland presented bid for HP 150 Software and Printer for the Police Department from Dodd.Electronics, advising.that this was the low bid submitted to LOGIS. Motion of Member Turner was seconded by Member Schmidt for award of bid for HP 150 Software and Printer to recommended low bidder to LOGIS, Dodd Electronics, at $6,185.00. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. GARDEN PARK /NSP LAND DONATION APPROVED; SUBJECT TO GRANTING OF EASEMENT. Mr. Rosland explained that the east boundary of Garden Park encroaches on property owned by Northern States Power Company on which is .located their high transmission lines. For years NSP has offered to sell that property to the City and the offer has been rejected. Now NSP has offered to donate the land to the City, subject to retaining an easement for maintenance of their utility lines. Staff would recommend approval of the'land donation inasmuch as park activities are held on their property. Mr. Rosland pointed out that if Council approves the land transfer, that NSP would then prepare an agreement,.which would be brought back to Council for approval, to effect the land donation to the, City. Member Schmidt moved to approve and accept the donation of land from Northern States Power Company, which is generally located on the easterly boundary of Garden Park, abutting Hansen Road. Motion was seconded by Member Turner. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. NINE MILE CREEK AND MINNEHAHA CREEK WATERSHED SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN DISCUSSED. Engineer Hoffman advised that the Metropolitan Council proposed - legislation during 1981 and 1982 which became law in 1982 regarding surface water management. Chapter 509 of the 1982 State Statute now requires updating and further development of existing plans. Staff has been working with both water - shed districts in developing potential new policy and projects that would involve watershed participation. Mr. Hoffman referred to a preliminary.draft_by..Minne- haha.Creek.Watershed District for.stormwater runoff, flood plain, dredging and soil loss /sedimentation control policies, Nine Mile Creek Watershed projects, and to a map showing existing DNR!'public waters and wetlands in Edina. He asked that Council advise staff of any comments regarding surface water management which they would like to have conveyed to either watershed district as to the feasibility of providing greater or less watershed district and -City control over existing ponds and wetlands. No formal action was taken. EDINA FOUNDATION BOARD APPOINTMENTS DISCUSSED. Mayor Courtney advised that the term of James Van Valkenburg terminates in June, 1984, and recommended that he be reappointed for a three year term to end in June, 1987. The unexpired term of Richard Wyatt to June, 1985, will also be open for appointment by the Mayor. Mayor Courtney asked for recommendations from the Council to fill -Mr. Wyatt's term so that action could be taken at the June 18, 1984, meeting. Member Bredesen then moved approval of reappointment of James Van Valkenburg to The Edina Founation Board for a term 'to June, 1987. Motion was seconded by Member Turner. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. 6/4/84 VACATION OF PORTION OF LINCOLN DRIVE NOTED. Attorney Erickson advised that the City has closed with Wallace Kenneth regarding the conveyance to the City of Lots 6 thru 12 and 28 thru 35, Block 1, Interlachen Hills 3rd Addition, and that the proceedings for vacation of a portion of Lincoln Drive can now be completed. No formal action required. LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES ANNUAL MEETING NOTED. Member Turner reminded the Council that the League of Minnesota Cities Annual Meeting is scheduled for June 12, 1984, and asked if there are any policy issues on the agenda which may affect Edina. Mr. Rosland responded that he was not aware of any that would directly affect the City and that members of the Council would be attending so they could give input on any.agenda items. He noted that the issue of comparable worth would be discussed which may impact the City. No formal action was taken. REPORT TO BE GIVEN ON MUNICIPAL LEGISLATIVE COMMISSION. In response to inquiry of Member Turner, Member Richards stated he would bring to thed Council a report on legislative issues which are being addressed by the Municipal Legislative Commission. No formal action taken. APPOINTMENT OF DOTTIE RIETOW TO METROPOLITAN COUNCIL DISCUSSED. Mr. Rosland advised that Dottie Rietow, recently appointed to the Metropolitan Council as recommended by the Edina City Council, had called to update him on recent actions of the Metropolitan Council. He commented that she will be an excellent repre- sentative to the Council from this area. No action was taken. PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR CONVEYANCE OF WOODDALE SCHOOL SITE TO CITY APPROVED. Mr. Rosland advised that the revised Purchase Agreement between the City and the School District for the conveyance of the Wooddale School Site has now been reviewed by both.-the City Attorney and the School District Attorney with.regard to changes desired by the School District and is now ready for signature. Member Turner offered the following.resolution and moved adoption: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina City Council that the Mayor and City Manager are hereby authorized and directed to sign on behalf of the City the Purchase Agreement between the City and the School District for the Wooddale School Site. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Richards. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. MINNESOTA CABLESYSTEMS SOUTHWEST NEWSPAPER ARTICLE DISCUSSED. Member Bredesen referred to an article in the newspaper regarding reported financial difficulties of Minnesota Cablesystems Southwest and noted there was no mention of charging for local access. Mr. Rosland advised that the Operating Committee will be meeting with the company and then would bring recommendations to the Southwest Cable Commission. Any cable ordinance changes would have to be approved by each of the five cities who make up the Commission. Member Bredesen stated he would like to have this matter discussed by the Council in order to be part of -the process that leads up to recommendations by the Commission. No action was taken. ANNUAL NINE MILE CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT TOUR NOTED. Mr. Rosland noted that the Annual Nine Mile Creek Watershed District Tour will be conducted on Tuesday, June 12, 1984, from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. and areas to be reviewed include Bredesen Park, Mount Normandale Lake and Opus II Development. No action was taken. RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF EXPO '85 ADOPTED. Mr. Rosland advised that Expo '85 is scheduled for April 20 and 21, 1985, and recommended that the Council adopt a resolution in support of the event. Member Turner stated that it is an important community event. Member Schmidt then offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Edina Expo '85 is scheduled for Saturday, April 20 and Sunday, April 21, 1985, and WHEREAS, the purpose of this event will be to foster a strong sense of community, and WHEREAS, Edina Expo '85 will acquaint the citizens of Edina with the many business and divic organizations and services available in the City; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council hereby supports the concept of Expo '85. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Bredesen. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. 6/4/84 AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. 434 (SWIMMING POOLS) DISCUSSED. Mr. Rosland advised that an amendment to Ordinance No. 434 regulating swimming pools is recommended to address two issues: 1) deck requirements for special purpose pools (whirlpool /hot tub), and 2) fencing requirements. Member Bredesen raised questions regarding requirements for a deck for a special purpose pool and location of the pool. After discussion, Mr. Rosland suggested that staff revise the wording of the amendment to clarify the meaning of the sections in question and to bring Ordinance No. 434 -A8 back to Council at a Special Meeting on June 7, 1984, for consideration by the Council. No action was taken. LIQUOR FUND REPORTS as of January 31, 1984, February 29, 1984, and March 31, 1984, were presented, reviewed and ordered placed on file by motion of Member Schmidt, seconded by Member Turner. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. 0 CLAIMS PAID. Motion of Member Schmidt, was seconded by Member Turner for payment, of the following Claims as per PreiList dated 6/4/84: General Fund $46,454.60, Park Fund $7,083.62, Art Center $609.13, Swimming Pool Fund $4,556.66, Golf Course Fund $7,504.24, Recreation Center Fund $13,288.94, Waterwork Fund $12,787.39, Sewer Rental Fund $3,158.99, Liquor Dispensary Fund $1,050.63, Construction Fund $15,106.19, Total $111,600.39. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. There being no further business on!the agenda, Mayor Courtney declared the meeting adjourned at 10:12 p.m. City Clerk MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL JUNE 7, 1984 The Edina City Council meet in special session at 5:48 p.m., immediately upon adjournment of the Board of Review. Answering rollcall were Members Richards, Schmidt, Turner and Courtney. ORDINANCE NO. 434 -A8 ADOPTED; SECOND READING WAIVED (SWIMMING AND SPECIAL PURPOSE POOLS). Mr. Rosland advised, that as directed by the Council at its Regular Meeting of June 4, 1984, the amendment to Ordinance No. 434 has been clarified and staff would now recommend adoption thereof. He pointed out that the amendment changed the definitions of "swimming pool" and "special purpose--' pool "; amended part of Section 6 regarding pool deck requirements and amended Section 23 with regard to location requirements. No objection being heard, Member Turner moved adoption of Ordinance No. 434 -A8 with waiver of Second Reading as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 434 -A8 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 434 TO DEFINE SPECIAL PURPOSE POOLS AND SWIMMING POOLS, CHANGE DECK AREA REQUIREMENTS, CLARIFY FENCE REQUIREMENTS AND AMEND LOCATION REQUIREMENTS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINSc Section 1. Section 1 of Ordinance No. 434 is hereby amended by changing the following definitions: "Swimming Pool" is any basin for holding water, designed for human use, with a water surface area exceeding 100 square feet. "Special Purpose Pool" is any basin for holding water, designed for human use, 100 square feet or less in water surface area. This definition includes, but is not limited to, treatment pools, therapeutic pools, whirlpools, spa pools, hot tubs and wading pools. Sec. 2. Paragraph (g) of Section 6 of Ordinance No. 434 is hereby amended to read: "(g) Pool Deck. Unobstructed deck areas not less than 48-inches wide shall be provided to extend entirely around each swimming pool; however, no deck need be provided for that side of a swimming pool forming a common wall with a special purpose pool, where the water depth of both the swimming pool and the special purpose pool are less than 54 inches, and where the deck extends around all of those sides of the special purpose pool not sharing a common wall with the swimming pool. Pool decks shall be constructed above, but not more than 9 inches above, the normal water line. The deck area shall be constructed of impervious material, and the surface shall be such as to be smooth and easily cleaned and of non -slip construction. The deck shall have a pitch of at least o'ne- fourth inch to the foot, designed so as to prevent back drainage into the pool. If deck drains are provided, drain pipe line shall be at least two inches in diameter; drain openings shall have an open area of at least four times the cross - sectional area of the drain pipe. The deck drain system shall have indirect connections to the sanitary sewer. The deck drains shall not be connected to the recirculation system piping." Sec. 3. Section 23 of Ordinance No. 434 is hereby amended to read: "Sec. 23. Location. No portion of a swimming pool or- appurtenances thereto shall be located at a distance less than ten feet from any side or rear property line, nor in front of the building line. No portion of a special purpose pool or appurtenance thereto shall be located at a distance less than five feet from any side or rear property line, nor in front of the building line." . Sec. 4. Section 24 of Ordinance No. 434 is hereby amended to read: "Sec. 24. Fences. All swimming pools and special purpose pools shall be completely enclosed by a non - climbing type fence. All fence openings or points of entry into the pool area enclosure shall be equipped with gates. The fence and gates shall be at least four feet in height and shall be constructed of a minimum number eleven gauge woven wire mesh corrosion - resistant material, or of other materials approved by the Building Inspector. All gates shall be equipped with self - closing and self - latching devices placed at the top of the gate or otherwise inaccessible to small children. All fence posts shall be decay or corrosion - resistant and shall be set in concrete bases, or other suitable protection. The openings between the bottom of the fence and the ground or other surface and the openings between the vertical pickets shall not be more than four inches." Sec. 5. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage and publication. Motion for adoption of the ordinance was seconded by Member Schmidt. Rollcall: Ayes: Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Ordinance adopted. ATTEST: Mayor City Clerk There being no further business on the agenda, Mayor Courtney declared the meeting adjourned at 5:50 p.m. City Clerk , i °S, .i..- V C 11 Dear 1'!r • Cour;ney'l �eCa.Ll7e '! 1rS. i:8 e t 11 r : L'.St tie , O `v 23I t�'0 tlno iii n I_i: I1S(�.L11-1 O.- v�G' �__- �t -ty OL- !IC�1� -' O't -,t vend �h J u. i l•7111 1TJ 1t3 ti 11S 183ver GO 011- :1 - -.E3 Oi11' L'IOLl(�'rlts it.i:ULlt # pro o ,ed t:rojc'et cr1 pest �_ �• UU coop..i^u'ion end th-, e-LLO -1 U3 o.L ?r. _ _!?Cis O.L_ °n �o ...e�? .. us informed of the'; o5,:LD:L aics. .'e una.erstarid t'loa onD option he trill ]�r, _gent to t; e ^ounCi1 i s a. decision l_D -to !proceed it all. L_, -L ,-could be our rst c'aoice au'd ,re'fc_'cnce. -! i t'lle "OjZi1Cil feels 't in t SOL1e !i! rid of pro j'ect is mandall-oi ,rj : , , o� o, , ' "oct ire are prepared to, accept oadtaa�j� curb to curb, ],!ith 1,o _^ rlring a`l_l_ove on eit_ler Side. Tile bridge StrtZC Gure � ;OUld be—rider v_l. ^n ri feet )}r the aiimunt, required for C1 e4;a_Ir. On the north sidev CnCi. ^ossiblf for pedestriOn - viowing S e.ce on 'tile south Iiid, as' ]aell. : `.CI s odo tr! s�a.cc I Oul(I be on th'e bridge only, ^ ='rid would hot - -requ �.re 0r "' i ��Vly a. sideldaJ 1, On L;le SOUtIi 6iC•e OS 4.4'"a Street. The. l: °Orh 'roul be done lrlU pro per COriCer? 'Or preservation o:i' e:�isping trees to the e: went possi :l't and r ,. S;)eClfiCclly .�O,r the rOGI O]' e.L:a trees on the north Slae Of file str °eta c211d for landscape trees On file 5011't l side including a gingko and a. cherry on our om property. jIuly larger proposal. than this, involtTirg a Crider roadway. I lan 2; eett j•re irould view as e:.cessive end not in the best interest of us nor of the neighborhood. i.e would oppose any such option as vigo— .Ously as ire. could. 'lea reciato i;he cilar_ce.-to speak to �oU ^ln open forumq Vnd 1 the . atirai� u decisioa o:, -�.ze council �)ith interes t. SincerelYt T `'1 � 5101 ` ? til reeti ',dina.� 4412 "Trines ;'IV3. 30. -lira, _ __? 5J424 June 15, 1984 4ina City Council 73ina, TUI Tear Council ':embers , ?de � -rish to express our opposition to any alteration of the ,,ridth of 44th Street from its pressnt dimensions. The bridge over "innehaha Creek is perfectly adequate. It strikes us that if 44th Street is not wide enough to carry ?'!TA buses, the buses could be directed down °-7ooddale Avenue to 50th Street. As we recall, buses were petitioned. off '•Tooddale by th3 residents at the time the bus route was established. Up- grading 44th Street to accommodate buses seems unfair to resi- dents of the 44th Street area. If the ;n;insering Department is seeking worthwhile projects, it should address the condition of France Avenue, which has been deplorable for many years. Yoursuly, r David and Adele Hersey i.. cc: Jim -,Telna to s �i''1;01 S'I11; 1 1. 1 18 �6►�� Is 11, (M(I.A,(I�A�f,� • Nl Nl Is I !1 �� t AVERAGE CURRENT WIDTH IN FEET OF WEST L14TH STREET do ON A MOCK BY MOCK BASIS . 'nffOQlj'1 "94, LE JK 0. 'a BA i 1 1--'. N PA I WO fill I t l I f F'I' ACT ANTicipm- MAJOR RECONSTRUCTION OF ROADWAY IN 1939 OR AFTFR UWP$6 FFTITIMP FAO AY K41PFNT5 IQURRFNT� Y4 WT IN 5 WAR WQNqTRWPTIPN PW gpli A BIg I VVYL je- ii-7 Jk 71 AD IS MR ANTIPIPATP M-AR PIPPHURPICTIPH PF RPAPWAY MU PPPPP, Affr�, yW� , WIDTH: 36 FAT WIDE (STANDARD USED BY CITY) PARKING: PARKING ALLM SOUTH SIDE RMING: GAS TAX FUMING WITH STNI M ASSESShET TO ADJACMT PROPMN MERS VI "I", 1.1111dila- WIDTH: 32 FEET 111 DE PARKING: NO PARKING ALLMD RIVING: GAS TAX FUNDING WITH STANDARD ASSESSMIT ALTEANATIVE III WIDTH: 28 FEET WIDE (SuBjECT TO STATE Am AmwAL oN TRAFFIC) PARKING: NO PARKING ALLO10 FUVING: GAS TAX FUMING WITH STX= ASSESSPUff ALTERNATIVE IV NO BUILD RESOLUTION RELATING TO PARKING RESTRICTIONS ON S.A.P. 120 - 140 -01 (WEST 44TH STREET) FROM BROOKSIDE TERRACE TO T.H. 100 IN THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA WHEREAS, the City of Edina has planned the improvement of MSAS 140 (West 44th Street) from Brookside Terrace to T.H. 100, and WHEREAS, the City of Edina will be expending Municipal State Aid Funds on the improvement of the street, and WHEREAS, this improvement does not provide adequate width for parking on both sides of the street, approval of the proposed construction as a Municipal State Aid project must therefore be conditioned upon certain parking restrictions, and WHEREAS, the extent of these restrictions that would be necessary prerequisite to the approval of this construction as a Municipal State Aid project in the City of Edina has been determined; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, that the City of Edina shall ban the parking of motor vehicles on both sides of MSAS 140 (West 44th Street) at all times. ADOPTED this 18th day of June, 1984. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of June 18, 1984, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regulat Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 15th day of May, 1985. City Clerk do AN APPEAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF EDINA June 18, 1984 Because we are opposed to subdivision in Indian Hills and cannot attend the June 18th meeting, we make you this written appeal. The Gustafsons have been citing the Muriel Peterson replat as a precedent for subdividing the Herring lot. This is wrong. Doctors Adeline and David Kiang of 6700 Indian Hills Road have pointed out that the actual precedent was set in 1979 by the Moore case which involved their property. Pat Moore of 6704 Indian Hills Road wished to sell part of his platted lot. The portion he wished to sell exceeded the requirement of Edina zoning ordinance No. 811. Neverthe- less his petition was rejected. The Peterson lot was subdivided to permit a widow who had lived in Indian Hills for a great many years to remain on her property in what has been called a "mother -in -law cottage ". At that time we called the planning commission to ask if such a cottage could be built on the lot without subdividing it. We were told that it was not possible. A petition was circulated by Mrs. Peterson and her sons requesting subdivision. We did not sign it but because we sympathized with her we did not try to stop it which was a mistake. A great deal of emotion was engendered by the situation. You experienced some of it in the council chamber, so you can well understand the dilemma and reaction of neighbors who found it impossible not to sign the request of a grieving woman who was asking them to help her to continue to live among them. This has proved to be a mistake on everyone's part, the Petersons, the neighbors and the Council's but two wrongs do not make a right and it should not be perpetuated. The Peterson subdivision should be considered only as an exception that was made solely on the basis of compassion. The Gustafson request, however, parallels that made by Pat Moore in that it is concerned solely with personal gain(as was Pat Moore's) and both at the expense of the residents. There can be no comparison with the Peterson case. The Gustafson petition parallels that of Pat Moore in other ways also as shown by reasozis that were given by the Council for refusing Mr. Moore's request. F. ,r . The proposed subdivision was smaller than other lots in the vicinity and would therefore be detrimental to the character and symmetry of the neighborhood. The subject property approximated the average lot size in the area and should be maintained as it was platted. The property owners in the vicinity should have the right to rely on the filed lot. The orientation of the new dwelling would have a detrimen- tal affect on Dr. Kian 's residence. Tha approval might encourage petitions for replatting that would adversely alter the character and symmetry of the neighborhood. There are other reasons against the Gustafson petition. We have been told that they have a great deal of power in the community. This may or may not be true. There are different kinds of power. The first time the Indian Hills group appeared before you to express their opposition to this proposed subdivision, the Gustafsons told us they be- lieved the residents did not understand the situation -- that if they were not granted their petition to build more than one house, they would tear down the existing home and would then build a very big structure that would be even more objectionable to the residents, especially to,those who lived across from it, for it would block their view to an even greater extent. We feel this attitude is disruptive, hostile, and threatening. We object to this kind of power. They have said they want to be treated fairly. We do also. They discuss the number of houses they would like to build, the very high price tag those houses would carry, the foot- age for set -backs waterline etc. This talk obscures the real issue. The real issue before the Council is not the number of houses it is possible to crowd on a lot. It is not even the expectation of a builder that he deserves a gift of as many free lots as he can get. The real issue before the council is that subdivision, whether it is feasible or not as in the Moore case, is very objectionable to the majority of residents. This is an established neighborhood. We feel that it is fair that we should have the security of knowing that our area will continue in density as it was platted - that the Council's decision concerning the Moore petition that we have - "the right to rely on the filed plat" will apply in this instance as well. Furthermore, we feel that it is not fair that we be sub - jected to the noise, confusion, inconvenience and general nuisance that is alleged was associated with building activity as it was handled by the Gustafsons on Cheyenne Trail since April, 1983. The street was cluttered with cars, trucks, and all kinds of heavy equipment. The noise level was increased accordingly. This is not an ex - perience we should expect or condone. In an established neighborhood, the enjoyment of the area has a very high priority. We feel that anything but a negative response to a request that is clearly so upsetting to so many homeowners on the grounds of fairness, would make a mockery of the meaning of the word. Incorporated in the minutes of the 3 -5 -'79 meeting is this account of the cohesiveness of the residents of the area and their consideration for each other. "Mrs. Marilyn Haugen, 6612 Indian Hills Road recalled that at the time the Ratelles wanted their lot divided at 6716 Arrowhead Pass, the neighbors objected and the Ratelles dropped their request." We note also in the minutes of the '79 meeting that "Edina Council Members A.Charles Bredesen,III, C.Wayne Courtney, Frederick S.Richards and June A Schmidt personally inspect- ed the Subject Property and surrounding neighborhood ". Even though you may have checked for set -backs etc. now that the foliage has filled out,we hope you will drive through the area. We are confident that no one can do so without realizing why it is so important to us to keep it just as it is. We were grateful for the views you expressed when you rejected the Pat Moore petition. We feel even more strongly today that there should be no more houses than there are presently platted lots and we respectfully ask that you show us the same sensitivity and understanding by reject- ing the current proposal, thus assuring us that no one should have the right to tamper with the security and the serenity of our lives. We appreciate you help and protection in the past and respectfully ask for it again at this present moment. 1 :Z7` , Do you live in Indian Hills because it is beautiful? Do you like the trees, the rolling terrain, the seclusion of the large lots - and all so close to the heart of the city? When you tell people that you live in Indian Hills, do they say "Oh, that's a lovely place. I've driven through it." and there is - well, not envy but something close to it in their voices - something that tells you what you already know - that you are a very lucky person to live in such a beautiful place. This is not surprising for the area was planned to be one of "distinction" by Hal Burton of Edina. Do you want to lose this? It is possible. The Edina on the "wedge" of change. subdivision will be on May they vote for the division be the beginning of the ens dear to us. City Council is now deciding The final vote on the Gustafson 21, at City Hall at 7P.M. If of the lot as proposed, it will 3 for a way of life that is very Do you want to let this happen? Will you be sorry if you do nothing to prevent it from occurring? Or - will you go to the meeting and let the Council know by your presence that you do not want this. The Council is there to protect us but we can't expect it to protect us if we don "t ask it to do so. When we built or bought would be no more houses Now, if these lots are houses and Indian Hills Our way of life will be oblivion. our homes, we believed that there than there were existing lots. shopped up, there will be many more will be just another subdivision. gone, bulldozed and battered into If you really care about Indian Hills, if you truly want to preserve the beauty and serenity of this unique area, go to the meeting and let the Council know how you feel May 21 - -- City Hall - -- 7P.M. 5A -I M E M O R A N D U M DATE: June 18, 1984 TO: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager City Council Members FROM: Thomas S. Erickson, City Attorney SUBJECT: Gustafson Replat /Lot 5, Block 1,' Indian Hills Attached is a letter dated and received June 14, from Jeffrey Gustafson withdrawing the above replat. Also in your packet is the proposed Findings, Decision and Reasons related to the proposed plat. Although withdrawing the proposed plat may result in the lack of a subject on which the Council can act, because the hearing has been scheduled and all testimony will have been received, I know of no reason why the Council should not act if it wishes to do so; action by the Council should not be harmful to the City's position. TSE /Ide U lei - � - LT f2 Grp- / y /9�5< � X �f� � �'� , �� �s� o ���� ,��� ,�, �� � � ��� �� . � � , }GLC�i� ' i ��� � �� �� CITY OF EDINA In the Matter of the Application of FINDINGS, JEFFREY GUSTAFSON for a Subdivision of DECISIONS, Land Entitled GUSTAFSON REPLAT OF LOT 5, AND BLOCK 1, INDIAN HILLS (S -84 -3) REASONS The above entitled matter was heard before the City Council, City of Edina, on May 7, 1984,, May 21, 1984, and June 18, 1984. Jeffrey Gustafson ( "Proponent ") was present. Gregory Gustafson, attorney for the Proponent, was present at all hearings. The City Council, having heard and reviewed all of the facts and arguments presented by the Proponent, his repre- sentative, City staff, and property owners in the vicinity of the subject subdivision and their representatives, and having heard and reviewed the evidence and law adduced by the Proponent, his representatives, City staff, and property owners and their representatives, and being fully advised, after due consi- deration, hereby makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The Proponent, on February 17, 1984, submitted an application for subdivision of a 141,700 square foot parcel of land located west of Indian Hills Road and east of Mohawk Trail extended. This tract of land (the "Subject Property ") is a platted lot, described as Lot 5, Block 1, Indian Hills, which was platted in 1948. An existing single dwelling unit building is located in the north central portion of the Subject Property. The Subject Property adjoins and extends into Arrowhead Lake. According to City records, the Subject Property is owned by Howard Bergerud. 2. The subdivision, as submitted with the application for subdivision on February 17, 1984, delineated three, R -1, I single dwelling unit lots. On February 22, 1984, prior to any official consideration of the proposal, the Proponent submitted a modified subdivision (the "Proposed Subdivision) delineating only two R -1 lots. Lot 1 of the Proposed Subdivision measured 91,600 square feet and Lot 2 measured 50,100 square feet. These measurements included portions of the Subject Property located within Arrowhead Lake. The Proponent 'indicated that if the Proposed Subdivision were approved, the existing dwelling located on the Subject Property would be demolished and two new dwellings would be constructed. 3. The Edina Community Development and Planning Commission (the "Commission ") reviewed the Proposed Subdivision at its February 29, 1984, meeting. Several property owners residing in the vicinity of the Subject Property were present and spoke in opposition to the Proposed Subdivision'citing issues concerning density, terrain, decreased property values, neighbor- hood stability and conformance with the City of Edina Comprehensive Plan. The Proponent's representative described the Proposed Subdivision and requested approval noting that a similar subdivision had recently been approved for the adjoining lot to the south. The Commission recommended denial of the Proposed Subdivision. 4. On March 23, 1984, the Proponent submitted a plan showing a relocation of the common lot line between Lots 1 and 2 of the Proposed Subdivision. The effect of the relocation was to increase the area of Lot 2 from 50,100 square feet to 67,700 square feet and decrease the area of Lot 1 from .91,600 square feet to 74,000 square feet. 5. On May 7, 1984, the Edina City Council conducted a public hearing and received the report and recommendation of the Commission regarding the Proposed Subdivision. The Council also reviewed the revised Proposed Subdivision as submitted on March 23, 1984. Pursuant to applicable ordinances, notice of the May 7th, meeting was given by mailed notice to owners of property within 200 feet of the Subject Property. At said hearing, surrounding property owners and their representatives testified in opposition to the Proposed Subdivision. Among the issues submitted in their testimony were: A. the character and symmetry of the neighborhood would be adversely impacted; B. the need for the consistency of decision making, recognizing early intentions of the original plats, and guidelines for evaluating subdivisions; C. the need for positive support from adjoining landowners for subdivisions; D. the steep terrain of the Subject Property limits the potential for subdivision; E. an undesirable precedent would be established which would lead to other subdivisions; and F. protective covenants are in existence through 1988 which restrict the subdivision of lots in Indian Hills. The Proponent testified in support of the Proposed Subdivision noting that the proposed lots are very large and the distance between the proposed dwellings would be 100 feet, thereby preserving the spaciousness of the neighborhood. The Proponent also noted that the City' recently approved a subdivision of the adjoining lot (Lot 3, Block 1, Indian Hills) which was very similar to the Proposed Subdivision as to size, shape and location. The Proponent opined that it would be unfair to now deny the Proposed Subdivision. The City Council, thereupon, continued the hearing to May 21, 1984, and, requested City staff to analyze existing lot sizes in the vicinity of the Subject Property, review setbacks of existing dwellings from Arrowhead Lake, and clarify the reasons cited by the Commission in recommending denial. The Council also noted that areas located within the bed of Arrowhead Lake should be excluded from lot size computations as such areas do not contribute to the perceived size of the lot. 6. On May 21, 1984, the City Council again conducted a public hearing concerning the Proposed Subdivision. City staff reported that an analysis of lot sizes in the area had been undertaken and presented the results of that analysis to the City Council. An updated survey of the Subject Property was also presented by the Proponent that verified the area of the lots in the Proposed Subdivision exclusive of areas within Arrowhead Lake. Said survey also verified the location of the shoreline of Arrowhead Lake as it related to the Subject Property. City staff also presented exhibits showing the approximate setback of other existing dwellings from Arrowhead Lake. A summary of the reasons cited by the Commission in recommending 'denial of the Proposed Subdivison was also given. Several surrounding property owners appeared at the hearing and again testified in opposition to the Proposed Subdivision. Two individuals appeared and testified in support of the Proposed Subdivision. The Proponent appeared and testified in support of the Proposed Subdivision noting that the proposed lots were comparable in size to other lots in the area, the proposed lots were buildable, adequate setbacks from Arrowhead Lake would be provided, and that the City should treat this case in a fair and equal way consistent with the recently approved subdivision of the adjoining lot. The City Council also reviewed the effect of the grant of a conservation restriction or perpetual easement covering a 100 foot wide strip of land adjoining Arrowhead Lake as required by Edina Ordinance No. 801, the Platting Ordinance. 7. The area of Lot 1 of the revised Proposed Subdivision as determined by the Proponent's surveyor is 38,700 square feet and the area of Lot 2 is 34,500 square feet excluding that portion of the proposed lots located within the bed of Arrowhead Lake, as determined by the Proponent's surveyor. 8. Edina Ordinance No. 825, the "Zoning Ordinance" imposes the following minimum standards for single dwelling unit lots: Minimum Lot Area - Minimum Lot Width - Minimum Lot Depth - 9',000 square feet 75 feet 120 feet The dimensions and areas of Lots 1 and 2 of the revised Proposed Subdivision comply with the above standards. The Zoning Ordinance defines "lot area" as follows: "The area within the lot lines exclusive of land located below the ordinary high water elevation of lakes, ponds and streams." 9. Within a 1,000 foot radius of the Subject Property, the average area of existing platted lots is approximately 40,500 square feet and the median area is approximately 34,500 square feet. The average area of existing platted lots adjoining Arrowhead Lake is approximately 42,000 square feet and the median area is approximately 32,000 square feet. These measurements exclude portions of lots located within the bed of Arrowhead Lake. 10. Edina Ordinance No. 801, the "Platting Ordinance" provides: "Where any plat, replat or subdivision of land adjoins a natural lake, pond or stream, including streams which flow. only intermittently, a strip of land running along all sides thereof which are contiguous to such lake, pond or stream, which strip shall extend from a line 100 feet upland from the lake or pond, as measured from the high water mark, and 100 feet from the centerline of the stream, and to and including the bed and water body of such lake, pond, or stream, shall be either (i) dedicated to the City for public use, or (ii) subjected to a perpetual easement in favor of the City over and in said land and the bed and water body of such lake, pond or stream for the purpose of protecting the hydraulic efficiency and the natural character and beauty of such lake, pond or stream." Arrowhead Lake is a natural lake within the meaning of the foregoing Ordinance. The City has accepted grants of Conservation Restrictions pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 84.64, in lieu of a perpetual easement as required by the Platting Ordinance. The construction of improvements within areas subject to a Conservation Restriction is prohibited. 11. The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources ( "D.N.R. ") conducted an Ordinary High Water Level investigation. for Arrowhead Lake on June 1, 1984. The purpose of this investigation was to determine the ordinary high water mark of the lake as referred to in the Platting Ordinance and to determine if a small inlet which adjoins the Subject Property on the south is part of Arrowhead Lake or if it is a separate and distinct water body. Based upon its investigation, the D.N.R. estimated the Ordinary High Water Level of Arrowhead Lake to be 875.8 Mean Sea Level (M.S.L.) and determined that, based upon this elevation, the small inlet was part of Arrowhead Lake and not a separate and distinct water body. 12. The present elevation of Arrowhead Lake as determined by the Proponent's surveyor is 873 M.S.L. 13. The Zoning Ordinance requires that the front street setback for new buildings must be consistent with the established average setback observed by existing buildings in the area. City staff has determined that the required front street setback for new buidings constructed on Lots 1 and 2 of the Proposed Subdivision is 82 feet. 14. If a Conservation Restriction were granted to the City as required by the Platting Ordinance and if the required front street setback of 82 feet and a required side yard setback of 10 feet were provided, the buildable area of Lot 2 of the Proposed Subdivision would be approximately 675 square feet. The dimensions of this buildable area are approximately 13 feet by 50. feet. 15. Lot 3, Block 1, Indian Fills adjoins the Subject Property to the southwest. A subdivision of this property entitled Indian Hills Peterson Addition (the "Peterson Addition ") was approved by the City Council on February 6, 1984. According to the Proponent's surveyor, the Peterson Addition created two lots measuring 45,800 square feet and 22,200 square feet in area. The larger lot was retained for an existing dwelling on the property and the smaller lot was intended for a new homesite. The topography of the new homesite is nearly level. The existing dwelling on the larger lot was constructed prior to,.the provision of the Platting Ordinance requiring the dedication of a 100 foot strip of land adjoining the lake and, therefore, this dwelling is located within the area normally subject to a Conservation Restriction or perpetual easement. City Staff has determined that the buildable area of the new lot in Peterson Addition is approximately 4,600 square feet based upon a required front street setback of 65 feet, side yard setbacks of 10 feet and a 100 foot wide Conservation Restriction adjoining the lake. The dimensions of this buildable area are approximately 58 feet by 75 feet. - 16. On March 5, 1979, the City Council denied a proposed two lot subdivision of Lot 2, McCauley Heights First Addition which is located in the southeast quadrant of Indian Hills Road and Arrowhead Pass. This lot is located approximately 1,000 feet. westerly of the Subject Property and measures approximately 54,500 square feet in area. On May 16, 1977, the City Council denied a proposed two -lot subdivision of ,Lot 2, Block 1, McCauley Heights 4th Addition which is located east of McCauley Trail and south of McCauley Circle and adjoins Arrowhead Lake. This property measured approximately 37,000 square feet in area. 17. The Platting Ordinance states that the City Council, in approving plats shall consider, among other things, the suitability of plats from the standpoint of community planning. 18. The Edina Comprehesive Plan adopted by the City Council on December 12, 1981, states the following general policies: Allow further subdivision of developed single family lots only if neighborhood character and symmetry are preserved. Require increased minimum lot sizes for single family and two family dwelling lots on steep slopes. Require the dedication of or the grant of a scenic and open space easement over all land adjacent to an 100 feet upland of naturally occuring lakes and ponds in conjunction with the subdivision or development of property. 19. The Comprehensive Plan states the following policies concerning subdivisions in southwest ;Edina where the Subject Property is located: Require that all subdivisions of larger developed lots maintain a desirable spacing of dwellings to ensure the symmetry and character of the area. Utilize topography and vegetation characteristics as a basis for determining suitable lot sizes. 20. The Zoning Ordinance provides for variances from the requirements of the Ordinance, but only upon finding, among other required findings, that the "plight of the petitioner is due to circumstances unique to his property which were not created by the petitioner." 21. Lot 2 of the Proposed Subdivision exhibits slopes exceeding 25 %. 22. Prior to the public hearing on June 18, 1984, all members of the City Council individually inspected the Subject Property and surrounding neighborhood. 23. Proponent, at the Council meeting of May 7 and May 21, 1984, agreed to such extensions of time as may be necessary for Council to act on the Proposed Subdivision. THEREFORE, based upon the foregoing findings, the City Council does hereby make the following: Decision: The application for the Proposed Subdivision entitled Gustafson Replat of Lot 5, Block 1, Indian Hills is hereby denied. The above decision is made for the following: A. The Proposed Subdivision is contrary to the policies of the Comprehensive Plan concerning the further subdivision of large, developed lots. The policies of the Comprehensive Plan can, even must, be considered in deciding whether or not to approve subdivisions. B. Property owners in the vicinity of the Subject Property should have the right to rely upon the filed plat entitled Indian Hills and should rightly presume that any modification or replatting of said plat will be suitable and compatible with surrounding properties and that the spaciousness and character of the Indian Hills area will be preserved. C. The small inlet adjoining the southerly portion of the Subject Property is part of Arrowhead Lake. The grant of a Conservation Restriction over that portion of the Subject Property adjacent to and 100 feet upland from the entire shoreline of Arrowhead Lake should be required if the Subject Property is subdivided. The grant of such a Conservation Restriction is required by the Platting Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan. D. Lot 2 of the Proposed Subdivision would contain a buildable area of only approximately 675 square, with dimensions of approximately 13 feet by 50 feet, due to the required front street setback required side yard setback and the location of the required Conservation Restriction. This buildable area is not large enough to accommodate a new single dwelling unit building without the grant of substantial variances from setback requirements or permission to encroach into the Conservation Restriction area. The need for variances is created only by Petitioner's own request for approval of the Proposed Subdivision, and therefore, does not meet the criteria established by the Zoning Ordinance for the granting of variances; but approval of the proposed Subdivision would be implied approval of the variances. E. Although the lots in the Proposed Subdivision are similar in area to some lots in the vicinity, other factors, including setback requirements, the requirement for a Conser- vation Restriction, and the presence of steep slopes, impose severe limitations to the development of Lot 2 of the Proposed Subdivision which thereby make the construction of a dwelling on this lot unfeasible without the grant of variances, which variances would adversely impact the character and symmetry of the neighborhood. F. The Subject Property is not unusually or uncharacter- istically large compared to other lots in the vicinity. Within a 1,000 foot radius of the Subject Property, over one -third of the lots inventoried exceed one acre in area and several exceed one and one -half acres. The spaciousness afforded by the Subject Property adds more than an insignificant value to its use as one homesite, for which use it is now, and can be, used. G. Therefore, approval of the Proposed Subdivision could establish a precedent encouraging the replatting of lots with similar facts and circumstances which would adversely alter the character and symmetry of the neighborhood contrary to the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. H. Some of the facts associated with the Subject Property are shared by Peterson Addition to the south. In retrospect, these facts perhaps should have led to a denial of the Peterson Addition. However, the Peterson Addition differed from the Proposed Subdivision in two significant ways. First, an adequate and feasible building site existed on the new lot in the Peterson Addition without the apparent need for encroachments into the required front street setback or the area normally subject to a Conservation Restriction. Second, the new homesite was characterized by level topography. Even if a denial of the Peterson Addition would have been appropriate, failure to so deny should not now require the City to approve the Proposed Subdivision which conflicts with the Comprehensive 'Plan and City Ordinances. - 3 ,� i 4 3 NUMBER B -84 -13 Carol and Robert Bossman L O C A T 10 N 4609 Moorland Avenue Lot 5, Block 11, Country Club District, Brown Sect. REQUEST 1.7 percent lot coverage variance EDINA PLANNING DEPARTMENT B -84 -13 Carol and Robert Bossman, 4609 Moorland Avenue Lot 5, Block 11, Country Club District, Brown Section P.I.N. 18- 028 -24 -24 -0033 h' Request: 1.7 percent lot coverage variance Mr. Hughes stated that Mr. and Mrs. Bossman propose to remove the attached po: and two -car garage in the rear of the dwelling and construct a substantial addition. The addition will contain a family room and attached two -car garagt on the lower level and a master bedroom suite and deck on the second level. existing dwelling has approximately 2,000 square feet of living area not including the basement and the addition will contain approximately 1,800 squat feet of living space. The subject lot has an area of 9,950 square feet with a permitted lot coveragc of 25 percent or 2,488 square feet. The existing structure covers an area of 1,709 square feet or 17.2 percent of the lot. The addition (including the garage) covers 947 square feet additional area for a total coverage of 2,656 square feet or 26.7 percent. A 1.7 percent lot coverage variance is requester to permit 168 square feet of additional coverage. Mr. Hughes added that the proponent submitted a petition from several surrounding property owners that do not object to the variance. The proposed lot coverage was reduced in response to the Staff's suggestion. The proponent does not feel the master bedroom or garage can be reduced any further. The Board may recall several lot coverage variances in the Country Club District. However, these are in the Fairway Section with 50 to 60 foot wide non - conforming lots. The new Zoning Ordinance was designed to eliminate most the variances on substandard lots. Mr. Hughes praised the proponent for an excellent job designing the addition, however, this does not justify a variance. The Ordinance requires an undue harship for the issuance of a variance. The size of the existing dwelling and the size of the addition suggest that a hardship is not present here. In addition, the Staff is not aware of similar conditions in the immediate vicinity. The plans can be made to conform to lot coverage by the elimination of an 8 by 21 foot portion of the building. He suggested, that perhaps a porti of this could come from the open area and second floor balcony. Mr. Bossman explained that he had been working on the proposed addition for th last four years. The alternative of reducing the garage area would be inadequate. To decrease the lot coverage requested would deteriorate the oute costmetics of the dwelling. 4 r' Mrs. Judy Colby, 4607 Moorland, spoke in favor of the Bossman's larger garage alivate the need for a shed. Mr. Beach, 4508 Moorland Avenue, also recommend approval of the variance request. Mr. Palmer and Mrs. Utne were in agreement with Staff. Mr. Bossman argued that the hardship was the size of the dwelling having been built on a 1930 lot which was definitely smaller. He reminded that Board of importance that the neighbors were all consenting. They would be the ones to live with the variance. Mr. Hughes commented that the 25% lot coverage allowance was made to fit the size not the dwelling size. He emphasized that extensive consideration had bf given to lot coverage allowance when recently revising the Zoning Ordinance ar believed these guidelines should be followed. He pointed out that a new neighbor may not be as consenting. Mrs. Utne noted that a variance is considered for the property; not for the people Mrs. Utne wondered about the possibility of eliminating the 2nd floor balcony suggested by Staff. Mr. Bossman did not wish to eliminate the balcony. Mr. Palmer moved for denial of the lot coverage variance and Mrs. Utne secondE the motion. All were in favor, the motion carried. STAFF REPORT MAY 3, 1984 B -84-13 Carol and Robert Bossman, 4609 Moorland Avenue Lot 5, Block 11,,Country Club District, Brown Section P.I:N. 18- 028 -24-24 -0033 Refer to: Attached Petition for Variance, statement from the neighborhors and enclosed building, plans Request: 1.7 percent lot coverage variance Mr. and Mrs. Bossman propose.to remove the attached porch and two -car garage in the rear of the dwellingand construct a substantial addition. The addition will contain a-family room and attached two -car garage on the lower level and a master bedroom suite and deck on the second level. The existing dwelling has approximately 2,000 square feet of living area not including the basement and the addition will contain approximately 1,800 square feet of living space. The subject lot has an area of 9,950 square feet with a permitted lot coverage of 25 percent or 2,488 square feet. The existing structure covers an area of 1,709 square feet or 17.2 percent of the lot. The addition (including the . garage) covers 947 square feet additional area for a total coverage of 2,656 square feet or 26.7 percent. A 1.7 percent lot coverage variance is requested to permit 168 square feet of additional coverage. The subject dwelling is located within the Country Club District which is listed in the National Register of Historic Places. The dwelling was constructed in 1930 in the Mediterranean Revival style. The proposed addition has been carefully designed to match the style and materials of the dwelling. The neighborhood contains many similar conforming lots with dwellings of similar size and age. The two dwellings south of the site were constructed on the three lots:divided to create two building sites. The Building fileg do'not contain many surveys in this area due to the age. The information available indicates there are no lot coverage variances or non - conformities in the vicinity. (4612 Moorland, 16.7 percent; 4611 Moorland, 13.2 percent and 4606 Moorland, 24 percent due to an addition constructed in 1979). The proponent submitted a petition from several surrounding propety owners that do not object to the variance. The Board may recall several lot coverage variances in the Country Club District. However, these are in the.Fairway Section with 50 to 60 foot wide non - conforming lots. The new Zoning Ordinance was.designed to eliminate most of the variances on substandard lots. The proposed lot coverage was reduced in response to the Staff's suggestion. The proponent does not feel the master bedroom or garage can be reduced any further. I Recommendation The proponent has done an excellent job designing the addition, however, this does not justify a variance. The Ordinance requires an undue harship'for the issuance of a.variarice. The-size of the existing dwelling and the size of the addition suggest that a hardship is not present.,-here._ Ih.addition, the Staff is riot aware of, similar conditions in the immediate vicinity. The plans can be made to conform to lot coverage by the elimination of an 8 by 21 foot portion of the building. Perhaps a portion of this could come from the open area and' second floor balcony p y en i ication o. r Legal Description: Lot 5 block 11 Country Club District Brown-Section Street Address: 4609 Moorland Ave PETITION FOR VARIANCE of the total r lot area. All other requirements will be met Case Number 1- FLl -/3 �. ,, -Date 4/18 affirmatively. The proposed variance will: (if yes, please explain. Use additional sheets Fee Paid_ Applicant Carol V. and Robert M. Bossman 925 -4672 Relieve an undue hardship which was not self - imposed or a Yes No Phone i - Address 4609 Moorland Ave. Edina, MN ZIP 55424 Status of Applicant (owner, buyer, agent, etc.): owner vicinity or zoning district. Pro ert Id t'f' N 18- 028 -24 -24 -0033 Preserve a substantial property right possessed by other p y en i ication o. r Legal Description: Lot 5 block 11 Country Club District Brown-Section d) Not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property in the vicinity or zoning district. X This is our last home and as such we would like to expand it to meet our present ana future - See attaced sheet. Signature of X6Dli6ant * Please furnish 6 (six) copies of all plans. * Applications are accepted on a "first come" basis with a limit of 5 (five) requests per agenda. Street Address: 4609 Moorland Ave We request that our proposed addition be allowed to cover 26.5 - 27% of the total Request: lot area. All other requirements will be met Minnesota statutes and Edina ordinances require that the following conditions must be satisfied affirmatively. The proposed variance will: (if yes, please explain. Use additional sheets if neces- sary.) a) Relieve an undue hardship which was not self - imposed or a Yes No mere convenience. X b) Correct extraordinary circumstances applicable to this property, but not applicable to other property in the vicinity or zoning district. X c). Preserve a substantial property right possessed by other X property in the vicinity and zoning district. d) Not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property in the vicinity or zoning district. X This is our last home and as such we would like to expand it to meet our present ana future - See attaced sheet. Signature of X6Dli6ant * Please furnish 6 (six) copies of all plans. * Applications are accepted on a "first come" basis with a limit of 5 (five) requests per agenda. We have closely looked at passageways, furniture placement and exterior aesthetics and have tried to keep each room and the total addition as small as possible. We have added considerable expense ( the tile roof and the window treatment ) to ensure that the house is an asset to the neighborhood. We feel that the 160 -170 square feet of excess size adds to the public welfare as an alternative to removing most of this area from the garage. If we decrease the size of the garage we would end up with a substandard garage for the size of the house. Our direct neighbors to the north ( the Colbys) would actually like us to expand the size of the garage to ensure that there would be sufficent storage space so that both cars are put in the garage at all times. We feel very strongly about this request and hope that you will act on it favorably. RE: Request for Variance ROBERT M. BOSSMAN RESIDENCE 4609 Moorland Ave. Edina, MN We the undersighned have seen the plans for the proposed addition to the Robert M. Bossman residence at 4609 Moorland Ave. We have reviewed the plans and realize that they are requesting a variance to allow them to build on approximately 26'% of the lot. This is 1�% over the 25% allowed. We have no objections to this request for a variance. NAME ADDRESS 3 l 11 I I 1 1 1 t11 O OO s t s I 1 1 1 j I 129,00 - -- 0 C, 1 1 lC 1 � 1 .1 1 1 I �i ITI V.: lnryYi J•'4 14� LIE 7f, IT. �! A •, It mY. P ic- .4 7 .1 , f X-r.- tl "i A�l /I I I_I I � 'i`.1.f- .Il.i j r.r I-i'� � -j � 1. �.I I I 111 I �•�r�;l.� , f_I�.ING. LIVE J - f trr .. cOU...Ib 1__I._ys �' — ..,f r J �,: ^r ��i r _ f t�_ y �t *. �. q.' � ��f r� d...�yv .f 'b ✓�1i.�4��,.t 1 1 ) .I. 1 1 h �. ! r f ZF' �• ! •r. is c_ FM oolwl� TTI [El ---------- rr �'1 �� I 1, 4•r.j �,tr -4� y`'f S IV 1 r+ W4 J i c 7 I ' T if trl'T6t¢. � liilrl4 � ?"� ,J'�� ,• >.. tlr- Via._ � � 'J � y r z� ' r , . �'• .15� , rl� J, v . Iii r . 1 r �� `^� ,t. 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V 1 r ;. 1 /y rT ,&:447 ih, � A • E r• T � l _ , , -� V , _ r I/Q r. i Al �. •'Rr. i _�__' rt � i+a ,�, rr�. -� t,� :, , rit+S �T �;_. � �'', { � �`v � }Y ;, k � �. •� r,*` -r 'i t � t �! r �J��AXWiL�u7ktli ►iii. +.l r.. � -- . -r, r��'l.l yip '} � '� Y Y f '1- F..F. � ••t, M'!i {r` �+1 t � ..;: ll Ito :1 i r.. � -- . -r, r��'l.l yip '} � '� Y Y f '1- F..F. � ••t, M'!i {r` �+1 t � ..;: ll Ito :1 1+1+1ttr``r , •:� !4.. y %1 � n „�� } ! ` � �r,11��1Y�' .. a1 H for L.. s: i'-'ir y,' t r, 4 Ala i'r F }���F� \•K•/`, ✓A�j� I• I,Y'! ,� I .• .. (: ^I �F�T 11•' \ .. ,•Y};i,.J. {(.�•y,y�y�, 'lIC 1i Edina City Council 6 -1F -I/ Robert and Carol Bossman 4609. MoorJand Aye. Edina, MN 55424 Gentleman: We are appealing a decision made by the Edina planning commission on Thursday March 3, 1984. We had requested a variance to build on 26.7% of our lot. All other regulations and set backs conform. The planning commission rejected our request because A) A new code was just written in early 1984 B.) The new code allows for variences of up to 30% on lots smaller, than 9,000 sq ft. There is no consideration of lots larger tfi.n 9,000 sq ft. We have reviewed the ordinance and feel that it is a fair-.one.. ;We do think howeyer that it fails to cover certain areas like the werstern part of Country Club.that has larger homes on 1920 -1930 sized lots. Ther have been several variences ineastern Country Club on smaller lots and we feel that these past examples were part of the reason for the up to 30% clause in the new regulations. We feel thatlimiting the exception to lots under 9,000 sq ft is arbritary and presents a hardship to the west Country Club area. The addition we are.planning would use 26. &5 of our 9,950 sq ft lot,. We would need a lot size of 10,650 sq ft to be legal. The houses in west Edina . areas like Dewey Hill are on lots of 14,000 to.35,00 sq ft(. far larger than the 10,650 sq ft we would need) We have discussed our plans with .all of our neighbors and find that 11 the neighbor hood does not object to the addition and 2) half our neighbors were at the planning commission meeting to support us.. We are requesting that the Edina City. Council amend the regulations of the lot coverage section to allow 30% lot coverage of lots up'to 11,000 sq ft or else allow us a- varience under the hardship clause, Thank you, Robert M. Bossman arch -type roof or to the average distance of the highest gable on a pitched or hip roof. (d) Rear Yard Setback - Interior Lots. If the rear lot line is less than 30 feet in length or if the lot forms a point at the rear and there is no rear lot line, then for setback purposes the rear lot line shall be deemed to be a straight line segment within the lot not less than 30 feet in length, perpendicular to a line drawn from the midpoint of the front lot line to the junction of the interior lot lines, and at the maximum distance from the front lot line. (e) Rear Yard Setback - Corner Lots Required to Maintain Two Front Street Setbacks. The owner of a corner lot required to maintain two front street setbacks may designate any interior lot line measuring 30 feet or more in length as the rear lot line for setback purposes. In the alternative, the owner of a corner lot required to maintain two front street setbacks may deem the rear lot line to be a straight line segment within the lot not less than 30 feet in length, perpendicular to a line drawn from the junction of the street frontages to the _=unction of the interior lot lines, said line segment being the maximum distance from the junction of the street frontages. (f) Through Lots. For a through lot, the required setback for all buildings and structures from the street upon which the single dwelling unit building does not front shall be not less than 25 feet. ® 2. Building Coverage - Lots Less Than 9,000 Square Feet in Area. Building coverage may be increased to 30 percent for lots less than 9,000 square feet in area, provided, however, that the area occupied by buildings and structures shall not exceed 2,250 square feet. 3. One Dwelling Unit Per Single Dwelling Unit Lot. No more than one dwelling unit shall be erected, placed or used on any lot unless the lot is subdivided into two or more lots pursuant to the City subdivision ordinance. 4. Decks and Patios. Notwithstanding the provisicns of section 7 of this ordinance, the first 150 square feet of an unenclosed deck or patio shall not be included when computing building coverage. 5. Basements. All single dwelling unit buildings shall be constructed with a basement having a gross floor area equal to at least 50 percent of the gross floor area of the story next above. The floor area of accessory uses shall not be included for making the above calculation. 11 -7 r � LOT COVERAGE 4609 MOORLAND AVE PRESENT PROPOSED HOUSE 13.2% 21.4% GARAGE 4.0% 5.3% TOTAL 17.2% 26.7% 4612 16.7% 4610 21r -23% MOORLAND AVENUE 4611 (13.2% ) 20% 4608 21-23% 4609 17.2% 26.7% ROBERT M. BOSSMAN HEIBERG 4614 WOODDALE AVENUE 9480 sq ft lot 1% lot coverage varience granted 6/10/82 4606 24,0% N .• —�j-- 4607 X19 -20% IIWI6S OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EDINA BOARD OF APPEALS AND ADJUSTMENTS HELD ON THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1982, AT 5:30 P.A4. EDINA CITY HALL MANAGER'S CONFERENCE ROOM MEMBERS PRESENT: STAFF PRESENT: OLD BUSINESS: Chairman Gordon Johnson, Helen McClelland and Leonard Ring Harold Sand, Assistant Planner Joyce Repya, Planning Secretary B-82 -12 Hoff Heiberg, 4614 Wooddale Avenue, Lot 14, Block 10, Country Club District, Brown Section. Gordon Johnson determined that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. Mr. Johnson then announced that he would abstain from voting on this issue. Mr. Sand advised the Board that Mr. Heiberg has revised his plans in accordance with the direction of the Board and wishes of the neighborhood. The current proposal is a two story addition in the rear of the dwelling with a family room on the lower level and the multi - purpose room on the second ,!level. The design of the addition has been modified to more closely match the design of the existing dwelling. The hipped rooi matches the pitch and materials used on the roof of the dwelling. The windows, trim and wall sur- �facing also match the dwelling. The wall surfaces are stucco except the area below the windows which is exposed wood. The bay window on the north wall of the second level of the addition will be moved from the dwelling. r l The revised plans have eliminated the side yard variance and reduced ~the lot coverage variance to less than 1 percent. Mr. Sand further explained that with the 9,845 square foot lot, the 25 percent lot coverage would be 2,461 square feet. The existing dwelling, garage and deck maintain 2,370 square feet for a 24.10 lot coverage. The proposed addition (243 sq. ft.) less the portion of the deck which will.be removed (60 ft.) will add an additional 183 sq. ft. of lot coverage to the site. The total proposed coverage will be 2,553 square feet, for a lot coverage of 25. 93 0; 92 square feet above the 25% allowed. Mr. Sand pointed out that the proposed variance has been reduced to a minimal level and the addition has been designed to match the existing dwelling. Therefore, Staff recommends approval of the lot coverage variance with the oonditions that the variance is limited to the plans presented, and the exterior materials of the addition match the exterior materials of the existing dwelling; stucco should be used on all three walls. Mr. Sand added that Mr. Davidson, 4612 Wooddale Avenue, the northerly adjacent neighbor had discussed the revised plans with Staff and sent a letter stating his approval of the revised plans. Discussion ensued regarding the revised plans. It was mentioned that the neighbors concerns were satisfied, and since no neighbors were present, their approval of the new plans was assumed. Helen McClelland stated that a 1 o variance would not cause a problem, nting out that many homes in the neighborhood have received variances for L. Special Meeting of the Board of Appeals,. June 10, 1982 ' Page 2 a larger percentage of lot coverage than Mr. Heiberg is proposing. She then moved for approval of the variance request with the conditions in the staff report. Leonard Ring seconded the motion. All voted aye, with the exception of Gordon Johnson who abstained; the motion carried. 11. NEXT MEETING DATE: June 17, 1982 III. ADJOURNMENT: 5:50 P.M. Respectfully submitted, HIz'1 • X' iV ac. Joyce G. Repya, Secretary n_ -t. LOCATION MAP -zr,c / I REZONING & SUBDIVISION N U M B E R S -84 -7 Indian Hills 2nd Addition Z -84 -1 LOCATION Generally located west of Gleason and south of Crosstown Highway R E Q U E S T R -1 Single Dwelling Unit District to R -2 Double Dwelling Unit District EDINA PLANNING DEPARTMENT AULE1 % TII,OL BEST r t CROSSVI C UTMERA - LAN .. REf K•.• VALLEY..' . ' CREEK VALLE) :: :a•. T,M�E \ ELEM. SCMOC r ' NO L• BALOER >> CORCLA - Q' i. h REZONING & SUBDIVISION N U M B E R S -84 -7 Indian Hills 2nd Addition Z -84 -1 LOCATION Generally located west of Gleason and south of Crosstown Highway R E Q U E S T R -1 Single Dwelling Unit District to R -2 Double Dwelling Unit District EDINA PLANNING DEPARTMENT 0. 6 1 NEW BUSINESS: S -84 -7 Indian Hills 2nd Addition. Z -84 -1 R -1, Single Dwelling Unit District to ���� R -2, Double Dwelling Unit District `J i Mr. Hughes reported that the subject property measures 4.5 acres in area and is zoned R -1, Single Dwelling Unit District. The property is now part of the Crossview Lutheran Church site which encompasses about 14 acres. The proponent requests the subdivision of the property into ten lots and the rezoning of the lots to R -2, Double Dwelling Unit District. Nine of these lots would face McCauley Trail. The tenth is landlocked and presumably unbuildable. The nine proposed lots range in area from 15,050 square feet to 19,976 square feet. Staff finds four of the nine lots slightly below the 90 foot minimum lot width requirement and the other five exactly 90 feet. Mr. Hughes informed the Commission that a major constraint to the development of this property is the presence of a wetland. This wetland has been classified as a "public water" by the State, and therefore, filling or alteration of this wetland is restricted and subject to the grant of a permit from the Deparment of Natural Resources. The proposed development will necessitate additional filling and it appears that the grading plan which has been submitted can be accomplished within the D.N.R.'s parameters. The proposed development appears feasible from a wetland's standpoint. The subject property is presently designated "quasi - public" by the Comprehensive Plan in that it is part of a church site. If the project is approved, the Plan should be-amended to designate this property as "low density attached ". Other properties which front on McCauley Trail are presently designated low density. Staff believes such a amendment to the Comprehensive Plan is logical and recommends the rezoning to R -2. However, Mr. Hughes stated some modifications to the subdivision are in order. Staff suggests the elimination of at least one lot which would increase the average lot width requirements to an average of 100 feet. The wetland on the site precludes full utilization of the depth of these lots and, thus, an adequate lot width is even more important. If the subdivision included only seven R -2 lots, the average width would be about 115 feet and would better accommodate the type of double bungelows built in this area. Lot 10 of the proposed subdivision is unbuildable due to lack of access and the presence of the wetland. He recommended that Lot 10 be eliminated and its area incorporated into the remaining lots. Mr. Hughes reminded the Commission and those in attendance that a conditional use permit would be required for future expansion of any type on the property remaining in church ownership. Also, the church property is, in essence, part of this subdivision and, therefore, should be subject to normal platting requirements. The church building is not now connected to sanitary sewer. Such a sewer will be extended to serve the R- 2 lots. Plat approval should be conditioned upon connection to this sewer. South of the church building is large tract of land containing one dwelling. This property will likely be developed in future years. Staff recommends the westerly 34 feet of the church property be subject to a public road easement which when combined with a 16 foot strip of land adjoining the west side of the church property would create a feasible street right of way for future use. Based on Staff's proposed modifications, approval was recommended with the following conditions: 1. Subdivision dedication. 2. Developer's Agreement which includes the extension of sanitary sewer mains and the extension of a storm sewer. 3. Conservation Restriction covering the wetland area. During the course of construction, a snow fence erected to delineate the limits of grading is recommended. 4. Grant of easements to facilitate storm sewer extensions. 5. Grant of a D.N.R. permit. - 6. Petition to install permanent street surfacing and curb and gutter on McCauley Trail West abutting the R -2 lots. Mr. Jeff Gustafson and Mr. Greg Gustafson, proponents, presented a revised subdivision proposal which illustrated eight lots and the division of the unbuildable Lot 10 of the previous proposal plus a small triangular piece of land as an outlot. They assured the Commission that they were request no variances on these parcels. Mrs. McClelland wondered if the proposed plans should be submitted to the Watershed District for review before the Planning Commission. Mr. Hughes explained that the wetland was classified as public water instead of a floodplain and, therefore, would be under the jurisdiction of the D.N.R. not the Watershed. Greg Gustafson stated that D.N.R. required them to approach the Planning Commission first. Mrs. McClelland was concerned that the doubles would be too much structure for the lots because of their setback requirements. Greg Gustafson stated that doubles were the most practical proposal for the property. Fill would be necessary in order to comply with the setback requirements. The doubles would be smaller than the neighboring doubles in order to be level with the Crosstown Highway for appearance purposes. He noted that in response to Staff's recommendation for road access on the westerly side of the property, the Church would have to be consulted. Frank Matthews, 6400 Timber Ridge, expressed his approval of the development subject to the larger width recommendation. He pointed out a drainage problem on the easterly end of the proposed subdivision. Jeff Gustafson reported that in consulting the D.N.R. a ponding system has been recommended. He used visual aids to illustrate where three ponds with controlled gates would be located for the water which eventually drains into Arrowhead Lake. The ponding would encourage wildlife habitat. Greg Gustafson addressed the lift station' and sewer connection issue stating that the funds received from the sale of the proposed lots was intended for church expansion to the east. Plans for the installation of a lift station had already been discussed. Woody Cater, 6316 Post Lane, stated that his objection was not in regards to the development, instead he objected to the 90 or 100 foot lot width. He believed that there was a setback problem and commented that he would like to see homes similar in quality to Ron Clark's development on Gleason Court. Greg Gustafson said although the homes they were proposing to construct were to be smaller; they would not be of lesser quality. The sale of eight lots was necessary in order to cover the large cost of soil correction in order to make the homes fit within the setback requirements. Mrs. McClelland supported only six or seven lots and Mr. Lewis agreed. Mr. Palmer agreed with Staff's recommendation of seven lots. He moved for approval subject to all of Staff's recommendations and Mrs. Shaw seconded the motion. All were in favor; Mrs. McClellend obstained. The motion carried. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND- PLANNING: COMMISSION, STAFF REPORT MAY 30, 1984 . S -84 77 Indian Hills 2nd Addition Generally located:. West of Gleason and south of Crosstown Highway Refer to: Attached preliminary plat and grading plan The subject property measures 4.5 acres in area and is zoned R -1 Single Dwelling Unit District. The property is now part of the Crossview Lutheran Church site which encompasses about 14 acres. The proponent requests the subdivision of the property into ten lots and the rezoning of the lots to R -2 Double Dwelling Unit District. Nine of these lots would face McCauley'Trail. The tenth lot is landlocked and presumably unbuildable.. The proposed lots (excluding. lot 10) range in area from 15, 050 square feet to 19, 976 square feet which exceeds the minimum required area of 15, 000 square feet. The Zoning Ordinance requires minimum lot widths of 90 feet for R -2 lots. According to the ordinance, lot widths are measured at a point '50 feet from the front lot line. If measured according to this method, we find that four of the nine lots are Slightly below the 90 foot minimum. The other five lots are exactly 90 feet. A major constraint to the development of this property is the presence of a wetland. Because of its size and water depth, this wetland has been classified as a "public water" by the State. As such, the filling or alteration of this wetland is restricted and subject to the. grant of a permit from the Department of Natural Resources: Substantial amounts of fill have place on this property during past years. This filling has been done according to a plan approved by the D.N.R. • The proposed development will necessitate additional filling which again is subject to D °N.R,. approval. Although a specific permit request has not been'processed by the D.N,.R., it appears that the grading plan which has been submitted can be accomplished within the D.N.R.'s parameters. Thus, the proposed development appears feasible from a wetland's standpoint. The subject property is presently designated "quasi- public" by the Comprehensive Plan in that it is part of -a church site. The Plan should be amended if this project is approved. The Plan would then designatethis property as "low, . density attached." Other properties which front on McCauley Trail are presently designated low density attached by the Plan The proponent's plans also show a preliminary layout of a future parking lot on the property which wll be retained by the Church. Although this parking lot is not now proposed, `it is apparently shown to indicate that the Church is S -84 -7 May 30, 1984 Page two satisfied with the potential which remains on their site for expansion. It should be noted that parking lot expansions as well as building expansions require the grant of conditional use permits Recommendation The proposed use of the subject property for R -2 lots is expected and responds to the direction which has been given by staff to the church and prospective developers. An amendment to the Comprehensive Plan to extend low density attached uses to include the subject property is logical and reflects the use made of other properties in the vicinity. Such an amendment is therefore, recommended as is the proposed rezoning to R -2. Staff believes, however, that some modifications to the subdivision are in order. As noted earlier, the proposed lots are below minimum lot width requirements. The elimination of one lot would increase the average lot width to 100 feet which complies with the ordinance. However, other R -2 lots on McCauley Trail measure 110 -120 feet in width and those on Gleason Court, to the north of the Crosstown, measure 110 -145 feet in width. Our records indicate that the average building width of doubles on McCauley Trail is 85 feet. The widths of doubles on Gleason Court exceed 90 feet. In my opinion, the doubles constructed on the subject lots will be designed to be compatible with and competitive with other doubles in the area. The wetland on the site precludes full utilization of the depth of these lots and, thus, an adequate lot width is even more important. If the subdivision included only seven R -2 lots, the average width would be about 115 feet. Such lots would better accommodate the type of double bungelow built in this area. Staff, therefore, recommends such a modification. Lot 10 of the proposed subdivision is unbuildable due to lack of access and the presence of the wetland. In my view, the platting of this area into a separate lot serves no useful purpose. Such lots frequently are forfeited due to non - payment of taxes. We recommend that Lot 10 be eliminated and its area incorporated into the remaining lots. As to the property remaining in church ownership, it again should be stressed that conditional use permits are required for future expansions of any type. No approvals of any improvements schematically shown as the church site are implied by the approval of this subdivision. The church should consult the Zoning Ordinance as well as the requirements of the D.N.R. when planning any improvements. Also, the church property is, in essence, part of this subdivision and, therefore, should be subject to normal platting requirements. The church building is not now connected to sanitary sewer. Such a sewer will be extended to serve the R -2 lots. As a condition to plat approval, we recommend that the church be required to connect to this sewer. 00.', of the church building is a large tract of land containing one dwelling (the Naas property) . This property will likely be developed in future years. A 16 foot wide strip of land adjoining the west side of the church property connects the Naas property to McCauley Trail. Although future public road access to the Naas property could perhaps come from Post Lane to the west, the topography in the area would make such a road extremely steep. Staff S -84 -7 May 30, 1984 Page three therefore, recommends that the westerly 34 feet of the church property should be subject to a public road easement. When combined with the existing 16 foot strip, a feasible public street right of way would exist for future use. With the above conditions and modifications, Staff recommends approval with the following conditions: 1. Subdivision Dedication. 2. Developer's Agreement which includes the extension of sanitary sewer mains (which will probably require a lift station.) and the extension of a storm sewer. 3. Conservation Restriction covering the wetland area. During the course of construction, we recommend that a snow fence be erected to delineate the limits of grading. 4. Grant of easements to facilitate storm sewer extensions. S. Grant of a D.N.R. permit. 6. Petition to install permanent street surfacing and curb and gutter on McCauley Trail West abutting the R -2 lots. 1 -'- -. rNSTf LL C¢NTQOL STQUL JUpp v v7 -_ XI1r- <iossv N/ L_ �� •�� ` • // C Fv�) /� %I' � ESa. S>o o `6 ' �o ¢rP H'LCJroN c¢IO e1 0 <a NO _ u. _ a��• i i 1 __ v.o /� �� "f _ • l/" .� _ .. p _ .. 300 J �! _ JJ �\ \ AOJAGE NT CNVRL4 PROPe4'1Y _, a �� n po•Vicad) �\ � b"; �i, �,l. � \�� � ALE /� =S7' _ _ 111 \ /G7m CoRRECTEO uNOER P2EVi0Ub1 1 ` _ Q / 2 ����4� `Pr w`Q GUSTAll. ANOa A�OC,ATb� yy -. � :� •yD O L 1`'•9015 WEST ('_ °.� � "•l:''.�C .,Oy -1 x \g \ EO /NArE /NN6.SOlA, 55o3S CYO Y S/Tf, DATA d: JAL 6AN - AREA- SLrFT�4.5 AG= °9i "'�. �'•i' M1 �� • -_ /NL: A'ETLANO AREA- BZ,000 SOFT 1 A "' -' • \ /\ \\ _ PROVO5E0 Grtt 9, 50o Sa.F7 I / 1 ow Lm•L ocsc•ursc• b0 rn•e vrx •e rv, u••• r, rn. n.n•r• trmv e••s et • / / RI �� \ ` ( Y .n..••m.y neix•ren..n r•rx.r •e o1a Iee n..c• / '\ I 1 .. ..• .e •.mi •eoM`^v e• e.ve.�.. '• 1 •x e / , i / Cbunc. [sa . •long n rtn IIn• > . ^^ Le[`e�e / f .a` r•ie.a e•..�e •:0.:1..e :: •�n.1i:�n'." `i ` ` ' : "` " PpEL /MINA 2Y PLAT o{ \ I so•en 11.• or .mcxee !1 a m.r• .. •i \u an I `�.1••e l.v. SND /AN N/LLS 2ND ADDITION • \ \� pON KgUEGEFi 6 ASSOCIATES. INC. PRO•�o5e 0 — — p"Q. 'Al Q�• <. PROPOSED GRADING PLAN a ea z.a0 A 4owNEAYL LAKE FF ZL- G CROSS VIEW Lutheran Church Edina, Minnesota 55435 Dean Nadaed 6645 McCauley Trail Pastor Y Crosstown (62) Highway and Gleason Road Office: (612) 941 -1094 Parsonage: (612) 941.7516 June 18, 1984; GUSTAFSON REPLAT OF CROSS VIEW LUTHERAN CHURCH PROPERTY RE: Conditions to be imposed by the City of Edina. ITEM #1: Church connection to Gustafson sewer extension. In anticipation of City requirements and our imminent church building expansion, Cross View Lutheran Church of Edina is requiring Gustafson Associates to install a sewer lift sta- tion accessable to Cross View and with adequate capacity to handle Cross View's future needs. We request that the sewer connection be required at the time of the church facilities expansion for the following reasons A. Present drain field is more than adequate to meet the present facility needs. 1. Average Sunday (2 hours) attendance is only 175 souls. 2. Occasional weekday attendance is 2 to 30 souls. 3. At present, educational facilities are limited to only one large room and a small nursery. B. Because of our need to better serve our community, Cross View Lutheran Church of Edina has engaged an architect and has accepted schematic drawings of a church addition. Study models have been con- structed. We anticipate that the sale of this pro- perty will tip the financing scale so that we can start construction in 1985. To connect the present facilities to the City sewer system would duplicate many of the installation expenses and ulti- mately could postpone the future church addition. This would be an unnecessary financial burden which would not benefit anyone. J Cross View Lutheran Church Gustafson Replat June 18, 1984 Page 2 IT= #2: The Planning Commission's reduction from nine to seven lots in the proposed plat will substan- tially reduce the financial return to Cross View Lutheran Church. A compromise of eight lots would keep our Building Program, Christian Family Life Center and Early Childhood Program on track for the benefit of the Greater Edina Community. ITM #3: Thirty -Four feet of westerly Cross View property for street right -of -way. A. This westerly 34' x 220' represents a part of our only filled and paved parking lot. Our needs and City requirements will force us into replacing this area. B. Cross View Lutheran Church will have to fill com- pact, and pave the replacement parking space. C. The new road will require Cross View to set back the remaining parking area, grade and landscape the easterly boundry. There is no question about a substantial financial impact on Cross View Lutheran Church, all to the benefit of a third party who will be provided access without any cost. This third party will also gain a marketable lot on Post Lane which he has already provided as access to his property. Grade through this lot should not be any greater than those in the Timbers Development. While the City may have the right to obtain improved pro- perty in this manner, I do not believe they want to impose a substantial financial burden on one resident to the substan- tial financial gain of another. Cross View Lutheran Church of Edina would like to suggest the following: A. When the Naas property is platted, they should deed a fifty foot strip along their north border to Cross View Lutheran Church as compensation for the thirty -four foot strip along our westerly border. B. As an alternate, Cross View Lutheran Church would accept a thirty -four foot strip of the east side of the Naas property, again abutting our Cross View property. Cross View Lutheran Church Gustafson Replat June 18, 1984 Page 3 C. In any event, all costs of developing a road on the thirty -four foot right -of -way should be born by the developer. Cross View Lutheran Church should be permitted to have access from this road. Because this is pre- sently an important parking area, the church should be granted a variance in set back and permitted parking up to the road right -of -way. Cross View Lutheran Church has always tried to cooperate with the Edina Planning Department, the Watershed District and Department of Natural Resources. We did hire Brauer and Associates to develop an acceptable land plan when requested a few years ago. We have followed this plan. Also, at the request of the Edina Planning Department, Cross View Lutheran Church worked out an agreement with Folke Victorson to provide access to his Timbers Development. Cross View received $19,000.00 for about one acre of our property. In addition to access, Mr. Victorson was able to plat three additional lots which were later sold for $150,000.00. After having worked with the Edina Planning Department intimately and cooperatively on two separate occasions, Cross View Lutheran Church has never been informed of a future need to provide access to the Naas property to the south. If this street access through Cross View Lutheran Church property is really necessary, we are sure that an equi- table arrangement can be worked out. Cross View Lutheran Church should not be burdened by the unexpected loss of it's property while it's neighbor re- ceives a substantial financial benefit. This should not be added to the financial penalty of a reduction in plat- ting from the requested nine lots to seven lots. Sincerely, CHARLES C. SEDGWICR Chairman, Building Committee Cross View Lutheran Church CCS /nst LOCATION W SOUTHDALE OPPING CENTER V 1. Y KY O H 1 69 TH. ST Q L7___j I I luj I it. .......... AOAO HAZELTOM W I YOIRKTOWN I 7�_Li 3 N� CONDITIONAL USE NUMBER C -84 -1 Southdale Library & Service Center L O C A T 10 N 7001 York Avenue REQUEST Expansion of Off - Street Parking EDINA PLANNING DEPARTMENT G -� P y,� Mr. Hu hes noted that at H ennepin County proposed to undertake a removation of portion of Southdale Library to accommodate new munipal court facilities. These facilities will occupy that portion of the library now used for offices for Library Administrative and Technical Services which will apparently be relocated to Ridgedale Library. The municipal court facility will include three court rooms and staff offices. The proposed renovation will be complete internal and will not result in the expansion of the building's floor area. C -84 -1 Southdale Library & Service Center. Expansion of Off - Street Parking Facility. 7001 York Avenue According to the Zoning Ordinance, 10 parking spaces plus one space per 300 square feet are required for library uses and one space per 200 square feet is required for offices and courtrooms. Based upon our review of the plan, we calculate a parking requirement of 360 spaces. The present parking lot provides 360 spaces. Therefore, no additional spaces need be constructed in connection with the renovation to comply with the Zoning Ordinance. However, the applicant has conducted addi- tional studies and proposes to expand portions of the parking lot southerly and easterly to provide approximately 70 additional spaces. The subject property is zoned R -1, Single Dwelling Unit District. Civic institutions-such as this, are considered a conditional use in R -1 District and a conditional use permit is required in order to enlarge the parking area. Mr. Hughes stated that Staff believes that the applicant has conducted detailed studies to justify the parking needs of the facility and recommended approval. Francis Bulbulian, architect for the applicant, presented detailed plans and was available to answer questions. Mrs. McClelland moved for approval and Mr. Skagerberg seconded the motion. All were in favor; the motion carried. r COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT MAY 30, 1984 C -84 -1 Sou;thdale Library & Service Center. Expansion of Off - Street Parking Facility - Refer • #o: Attached Site Plan` Located: 7001 York Avenue. Hennepin County proposes to undertake a renovation of portions of South`dale Library to accommodate view municipal court facilities. These facilities will occupy that portion of -the library now used for offices for Library Administrative and Technical Services which will apparently be relocated to Ridgedale Library. The municipal court facility will include three court rooms and staff offices. The proposed renovation will be completely internal and will not result in the expansion of the building's floor area. According to the Zoning Ordinance, 10 parking spaces plus one space per 300 square feet are required for' library uses and one space per 200 square feet is required for offices and courtrooms. Based upon our review of the plans, we calculate a parking requirement of 360 spaces. The present parking lot provides 360 spaces. Therefore, no additional spaces need be constructed in connection with the renovation to comply with the Zoning Ordinance. However, the applicant has conducted additional studies and has concluded that more parking is desirable._ Therefore, the applicant proposes to expand portions of the parking lot southerly and easterly to provide approximately 70 additional spaces. The setback for the expanded lot would be 10 feet from the south property line and 24 feet from the east line (i.e. Xerxes Avenue). The subject property is zoned R -1, Single Dwelling Unit District. Civic institutions such as this, are considered a conditional use in the,R -1 District. According to the Zoning Ordinance, a conditional use permit is required prior to any' such use being increased in floorarea or any accessory, parking Jot being expanded to accommodate more cars. In this case, the building will not be increased in floor area but the parking. lot will be enlarged. Therefore, the latter requires a conditional use permit. Recommendation Staff believes that the applicant has conducted detailed studies to justify the parking needs of the facility. We certainly encourage the applicant to provide a comfort margin of parking for the proposed new use. The proposed parking expansion complies with all other requirements of the Zoning Ordinance concern.ing setbacks and other dimensions. The lot will, be adequately screened from surrounding .properties as °a- result of substantial landscaping. We believe that the findings required 'by Section 4D. of the Zoning Or have been met and we, therefore, recommend approval of the permit. — � � ° � ° � e --------- !| / � | | —'����--------------- / _ | ' | SA — 'u. SITE PLAm ^ � �° � !*" �\ ��./*,.� ~` �-_---�-- | � | Vtl SA — 'u. SITE PLAm ^ � �° � !*" �\ ��./*,.� ~` or t. LL M E M O R A N D U M DATE: June 18, 1984 TO: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager FROM: Craig Larsen, Comprehensive Planner �c SUBJECT: Summary of Redevelopment Plans for Grandview Commercial - Industrial area. Attached are the proposed Grandview Area Redevelopment Plan and the Grandview Redevelopment Project Number One. Together the Plan and Project serve as the basis for the establishment of a Tax Increment Financing Project for the Grandview Area. The Redevelopment Plan and Project were considered by the Community Development and Planning Commission at its May 30, meeting. At that time the Commission passed a resolution recommending adoption of the Plan and Project by the HRA and the City Council. In order to meet the statutory requirements forthe..establishment of a new tax increment district two separate documents are needed. First, the Redevelop- ment plan describes existing conditions, documents problems in the area, and recommends certain redevelopment activities to correct problems and achieve goals and objectives established for the area. Second, the Redevelopment Project serves as the finance plan for redevelopment activities. It estimates the public cost of the project, the method of financing the cost, and the tax increment expectedto repay the tax increment bonds. The Redevelopment Plan, in Section II, describes existing problems in the Plan Area. The Plan points out a substantial quantity of substandard buildings, non - conforming buildings and land uses, obsolete uses, and under utilized properties. The arrangement of public parking, and the inadequate amount of parking in the commercial core of the area are also identified in the Plan. In addition traffic and circulation problems set forth in the "Grandview Area Traffic Study," prepared by BRW, Inc., are incorporated into the Plan. Based upon these problems the Redevelopment Plan concludes that certain redevelopment activites are warranted. Among the goals and objectives set forth in the Redevelopment Plan are: 1. Promote development and redevelopement in a manner consi.stent with the policies set forth in the Comprehensive Plan. 2. To improve the efficiency of the street and roadway system through the implementation of the road improvements recommended in the "Grandview Area Traffic Study." 3. To promote and secure additional public parking in the area. I Grandview Commerical - Industrial Area June 18, 1984 Page two 4. To promote and secure the redevelopment of parcels with substandard and non - conforming buildings to more clearly define land uses and provide a more efficient utilization of properties. The Redevelopment Plan also emphasizes improving the aesthetics and definition of the area through increased buffering, especially landscaping. Redevelopment Project No. 1 anticipates a total public redevelopment cost of approximately $4, 500, 000. This cost would be paid by the issuance of General obligation Tax Increment bonds and through special assessments against benefitting properties. The bonds would be amoritized over 25 years. The public costs include the roadway improvements to Vernon Avenue and the construction of 400 stall, four level parking ramp on the site now housing City storage facilities. Expected private redevelopment includes the redevelopment of the Biltmore Motel with condominiums, increased retail and office space near the Jerry's complex, redevelopment of three si.ng1e family houses with eight townhouse units, and redevelopment of the area containing the Biltmore Bowl, Jerry Leonards and a small office building with additional office space. A later redevelopment would involve the railroad property and the industrial area south of Eden Avenue. The Redevelopment Plan is proposed to be undertaken in two or more phases. Phase I of the project would involve the following public costs: 1. Demolition of existing City storage buildings and the construction of a two level parking ramp (approximately 200 spaces) with the ground floor reserved for City storage. 2. Road improvements to the area referred to as Issue Area 1 i.n the Traffic Study, i.e. the Sherwood, Eden,. Vernon intersection and Link Road. 3. Construction of a major new intersection serving Jerrys, lst Bank, and Union 76, including access to the parking ramp. The total public cost of the Phase I project would be $2, 556, 000. Twenty - percent of the cost is proposed to be specially assessed leaving a cost of $2, 1.50, 000 for which bonds would be sold. The bond issue would be amoritizecl over a period of 25 years with the tax increment provided by redevelopment and a general inflation increment on the 51 parcels in the district. In order to proceed with the Redevelopment Plan and Project it is necessary that the H.R.A. adopt the Plan and Project and that the City Council approve the Plan and Project and authorize the City Clerk to request certification of the Tax Increment Financing District by the County Auditor. Attached are the appropriate resolutions for HRA and Council action. FINDINGS AND DETERMINATIONS BY, AND RESOLUTIONS OF, THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT,AUTHORITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, RELATIVE TO AND APPROVING A REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR A REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT FOR GRANDVIEW AREA, EDINA, MINNESOTA ENTITLED " GRANDVIEW AREA REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AND GRANDVIEW REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1" DATED MAY 30, 1984 WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Edina, Minnesota (the "Authority "), has prepared a redevelopment plan for the Grandview area of Edina, Minnesota for the Grandview area of Edina Minnesota entitled "The Grandview Area Redevelopment Plan" dated May 30, 1984, (the "Plan "), for a project to be undertaken pursuant to the Plan and designated as Grandview Redevelopment Project No. 1 (the "Project "); and WHEREAS, the Plan and Project was duly transmitted by the Authority to the Community Development and Planning Commission of the City of Edina, Minnesota, (the "Planning Commission ") being duly designated and acting official planning agency of the Edina, for its study and with a request for its written opinion thereon; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, at its meeting on May 30, 1984, did, by resolution duly adopted, render its written opinion on the Plan and Project. NOW, THEREFORE, the Planning Commission does hereby find and determine: That the Plan provides an outline for the development and redevelopment of the area within the Project, is sufficiently complete to indicate the relationship of the Plan to the objectives fo the City of Edina as to appropriate land uses with the Project and to indicate the general land uses and general standards of development or redevelopment with the Project, conforms to the Comprehensive Plan to the City and approve of the Plan and Project and recommend approval thereof to the Authority and City Council. /r V RESOLUTION APPROVING THE GRANDVIEW AREA REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AND GRANDVIEW REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1 TO BE UNDERTAKEN PURSUANT THERETO AND THE GRANDVIEW TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR THE GRANDVIEW TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT, MAKING FINDINGS AND REQUESTING CERTIFICATION OF THE GRANDVIEW TAX TNC'RFMFym FTNA1�7rT1`� nTSTRTC'T BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota as follows: 1. This Council has received the written opinion of the City Planning Commission as to the Grandview Area Redevelopment Plan (the Redevelopment Plan) and Grandview Redevelopment Project No. 1 (the Project) and Grandview Tax Increment Financing Plan (the Tax Increment Financing Plan) for Grandview Tax Increment District (the District), and on June 18, 1984, held a public hearing on the same after notice of the public hearing was published in the Edina Sun, the official newspaper of the City, on the gofK, day of , 1984. All persons desiring to be heard were heared. 2. This Council finds that the Project is a redevelopment project within the scope of Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.421, subdivision 13. The Project will contribute to the public health, safety and welfare. 3. This Council finds that the District is--a redevelopment district within the scope of Minnesota Statutes, Section 273.73, subdivision 10, as seventy percent (70 %) of the parcels in the District are occupied by buildings, streets, utilities or other improvements and at least twenty percent (20 %) of the buildings in the District contain defects in structural elements or a combination of deficiencies in essential utilities and facilities, light and ventilation, fire protection including adequate egress, layout and condition of internal partitions or similar factors, which defects or deficiencies are of sufficient total significance to justify substantial renovation or clearance, and at least an additional thirty percent (30 %) of the buildings in the District require substantial renovation or clearance in order to remove such existing conditions as inadequate street layout, incompatible uses or land use relationships, overcrowding of buildings on the land, excessive dwelling unit denisty, obsolete buildings not suitable for improvement or conversion. 4. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.521, it is hereby found that: (A) The land located with-in-the Project area would not be made available for redevelopment without financial aid sought; (B) The Redevelopment Plan for the redevelopment area within the City included therein will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the City as a whole, for the redevelopment of such areas by private enterprise; and (C) The Redevelopment Plan conforms to the general plan for the development of the City as a whole. .5. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 273.74, subdivision 3, it is hereby found that: (A) The District is a redevelopment district as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 273.73, subdivision 10. (B) The proposed development in the opinion of this Council would not occur solely through private investment within the reasonably foreseeable future and therefor the use of tax increment financing is deemed necessary. (C) The Tax Increment Financing Plan conforms to the general plan for the development of the City as a whole. (D) The Tax Increment Financing Plan will afford maximum opportunity consistent with the sound needs of the City as a whole for the development of the District by private enterprise. (E) The City elects the method of tax increment computation set forth in Minnesota Statutes, Section 273.76, subdivision 3, clause (a). 6. The City Clerk is authorized and directed to request that the appropriate authorities-in the County of Hennepin establish a tax increment financing district pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 273.74 for the premises in the City described in the Tax Increment Financing Plan. Attest: Passed by the Council this 18th day of June, 1984. City Clerk -2- Mayor Commissioner Kc(- "rIf introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION RELATING TO THE GRANDVIEW AREA REDEVELOPMENTIPLAN, GRANDVIEW REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1 TO BE UNDERTAKEN PURSUANT THERETO AND THE GRANDVIEW TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN;:APPROVING THE GRANDVIEW AREA REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AND GRANDVIEW REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1 TO BE UNDERTAKEN PURSUANT THERETO, THE GRANDVIEW TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN AND THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE GRANDVIEW TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT, AND REQUESTING THE APPROVAL OF THE CITY COUNCIL BE IT RESOLVED, by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Edina, Minnesota (the "HRA ") as follows: 1. It has been proposed that the HRA approve a redevelopment plan, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.421, subdivision 15, to be designated as the Grandview Area Redevelopment Plan (the "Redevelopment Plan "), and a redevelopment project to be undertaken pursuant thereto, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.421, subdivision 13, to be designated as Grandview Redevelopment Project No. 1 (the "Project "), and that in order to finance the public redevelopment costs to be incurred by the HRA in connection with the Revelopment Plan and Project, it has been further proposed that the HRA approve a tax increment financing plan, pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 273.74, to be designated as Grandview Tax Increment Financing Plan (the "Financing Plan ") which establishes a tax increment financing district, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 273.73, subdivision 9, to be designated as Grandview Tax Increment Financing District (the "District "). 2. The Redevelopment Plan, the Project, the Financing Plan and the District are described in the attached documents entitled "Grandview Area Redevelopment Plan" and "Grandview Redevelopment Project No. 1 to be Undertaken Pursuant to the Grandview Area Redevelopment Plan and Grandview Tax Increment Financing Plan of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Edina, Minnesota ", and the Redevelopment Plan, the Project, the Financing Plan and the District as so described are hereby approved, and_ the Executive Director of the HRA and the attorney for the HRA are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the implementation of the Redevelopment Plan, the Project, the Financing Plan and the District. 3. The Redevelopment Plan and the Project were transmitted to the Community Development and Planning Commission (the "Commission ") for its review and opinion. The Commission reviewed the Redevelopment Plan and Project on May 30, 1984, and adopted a resolution recommending adoption of the Redevelopment Plan and Project. 4. The Redevelopment Plan, the Project, the Financing Plan and the District, together with the written opinion of the Commission, shall be presented to the City Council for a public hearing on the Redevelopment Plan and the Project pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.521 and the Financing Plan pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 273.74, subdivision 3. Dated the 18th day of June, 1984. Chairman Attest: Executive Director RESOLUTION RELATING TO THE GRANDVIEW AREA REDEVELOPMENT PLAN, GRANDVIEW REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1 TO BE UNDERTAKEN PURSUANT THERETO AND THE GRANDVIEW TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN; APPROVING THE GRANDVIEW AREA REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AND GRANDVIEW REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1 TO BE UNDERTAKEN PURSUANT THERETO, THE GRANDVIEW TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN AND THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE GRANDVIEW TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT, AND REQUESTING THE APPROVAL OF THE CITY COUNCIL BE IT RESOLVED, by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Edina, Minnesota (the "HRA "), as follows: 1. It has been proposed that the HRA approve a redevelopment plan, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.421, subdivision 15, to be designated as the Grandview Area Redevelopment Plan (the "Redevelopment Plan "), and a redevelop- ment project to be undertaken pursuant thereto, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.421, subdivision 13, to be designated as Grandview Redevelopment Project No. 1 (the "Project "), and that in order to finance the public redevelop- ment costs to be incurred by the HRA in connection with the Redevelopment Plan and Project, it has been further proposed that the HRA approve a tax increment financ- ing plan, pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 273.74, to be designated as Grandview Tax Increment Financing Plan (the "Financing Plan ") which establishes a tax increment financing district, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 273.73, subdivision 9, to be designated as Grandview Tax Increment Fi- nancing District (the "District "). 2. The Redevelopment Plan, the Project, the Financing Plan and the District are described in the attached documents entitled "Grandview Area Redevelopment Plan" and "Grandview Redevelopment Project No. 1 to be Undertaken Pursuant to the Grand- view Area Redevelopment Plan and Grandview Tax Increment Financing Plan of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Edina, Minnesota," and the Redevelopment Plan, the Project, the Financing Plan and the District as so described are hereby approved, and the Executive Director of the HRA and the attorney for the HRA are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the im- plementation of the Redevelopment Plan, the Project, the Financing Plan and the District. 3. The Redevelopment _Plan and the Project were transmitted to the Community De- velopment and -- Planning Commission (the "Commission ") for its review and opinion. The Commission reviewed the Redevelopment Plan and Project on May 30, 1984, and adopted a resolution recommending adoption of the Redevelopment Plan and Pro- ject. 4. The Redevelopment Plan, the Project, the Financing Plan and the District, together with the written opinion of the Commission, shall be presented to the City Council for a public hearing on the Redevelopment Plan and the Project pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.521 and the Financing Plan pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.521 and the Financing Plan pursuant to Minne- sota Statutes, Section 273.74, and subdivision 3. V6 r RESOLUTION APPROVING THE GRANDVIEW AREA REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AND GRANDVIEW REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1 TO BE UNDERTAKEN PURSUANT THERETO AND THE GRANDVIEW TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR THE GRANDVIEW TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT, MAKING FINDINGS AND REQUESTING CERTIFICATION OF THE GRANDVIEW TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota as follows: 1. This Council has received the written opinion of the City Planning Commis- sion as to the Grandview Area Redevelopment Plan (the Redevelopment Plan) and Grandview Redevelopment Project No. 1 (the Project) and Grandview Tax Incre- ment Financing Plan (the Tax Increment Financing Plan) for Grandview Tax Incre- ment District (the District), and on June 18, 1984, held a public hearing on the same after notice of the public hearing was published in the Edina Sun, the official newspaper of the City, on the 30th day of May, 1984. All persons desiring to be heard were heard. 2. This Council finds that the Project is a redevelopment project within the scope of Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.421, subdivision 13. The Project will contribute to the public health, safety and welfare. 3. This Council finds that the District is a redevelopment district within the scope of Minnesota Statutes, Section 273.73, subdivision 10, as seventy percent (70 %) of the parcels in the District are occupied by buildings, streets, utili- ties or other improvements and at least twenty percent (20 %) of the buildings in the District contain defects in structural elements or a combination of deficiencies in essential utilities and facilities, light and ventilation, fire protection including adequate egress, layout and condition of internal parti- tions or similar factors, which defects or deficiencies are of sufficient total s- ignificance to justify substantial renovation or clearance, and at least an additional thirty percent (30 %) of the buildings in the District require substantial renovation or clearance in order to remove such existing conditions as inadequate street layout, incompatible uses or land use relationships, overcrowding of buildings on the land, excessive dwelling unit density, obsolete buildings not suitable for inprovement or conversion. 4. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.521, it is hereby found that: (A) The land located within the Project area would not be made available for redevelopment without financial aid sought; (B) The Redevelopment Plan for the redevelopment area within the City in- cluded therein will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the City as a whole, for the redevelopment of such areas by private enterprise; and (C) The Redevelopment Plan conforms to the general plan for the development of the City as a whole. 5. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 273.74, subdivision 3, it is hereby found that: (A) The District is a redevelopment district as defined in Minnesota Stat- utes, Section 273.73, subdivision 10. (B) The proposed development in the opinion of this Council would not occur solely through private investment within the reasonably foreseeable future and therefor the use of tax increment financing is deemed necessary. w .} -2- (C) The Tax Increment Financing Plan conforms to the general plan for the devel- opment of the City as a whole. (D) The Tax Increment Financing Plan will afford maximum opportunity consistent with the sound needs of the City as a whole for the development of the District by private enterprise. (E) The City elects the method of tax increment computation set forth in Minne- sota Statutes, Section 273.76, subdivision 3, clause (a). 6. The City Clerk is authorized and directed to request that the appropriate au- thorities in the County of Hennepin establish a tax increment financing district pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 273.74 for the premises in the City de- scribed in the Tax Increment Financing Plan. It, , GRANDVIEW AREA REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Edina, Minnesota May 30, 1984 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Inventory A. Existing Land Use, Zoning - B. Natural Features C. Utilities D. Traffic - Circulation E. Existing Plans II. Problem Assessment A. Land Use B. Traffic III. Redevelopment Plan A. Goals" and Objectives B. Land Use C. Parking and Circulation D. Urban Design - Landscaping E. Relocation F. Project Cost and Method of Financing G. Initial Redevelopment Project I ' q I. INVENTORY Introduction The Grandview area is mixed use commercial areas in North .Central Edina. Much of the development in the area occured during the early 1950's along Vernon Avenue which was then Highway 169/212. The Grandview Redevelopment Plan Area, as proposed in this document, is shown on Exhibit 1. The Plan Area is bounded roughly by Highway 100 on the east, Vernon Avenue on the north and west and Eden Avenue on the south. A. Existing Land Use, Zoning The Grandview area contains a mixture of residential commerical and industrial uses. Existing land uses of individual parcels are shown on the attached Exhibit 2. The plan area contains approximately 66 acres and, with the exception of one parcel is completely developed. The central portion of the plan area is presently developed with retail commercial uses along Vernon Avenue and public owned industrial uses along the north side of,Eden Avenue. The area north and west of Vernon Avenue is developed with a mixture of single - family residential and commerical uses. The area south of Eden Avenue is industrial with a small amount of office. Our Lady of Grace Church and School borders the area on X W Z -j ( Z Lu �F a. 0 -i Ljj Lu Q Q W NZ U • '41W A INE T: =z A' lop ARCADIA 1 7, 4'- r 0 A Ohl E4-T 10 L F '0 it PUK A NF L n V �A �ND SOUTHERN---- V, BROOKSIDE AVE. -7.0s Owe A X Y 0 1;6 • FFL,--- J V, 0 1� P A C 1. T-t 7L: SUMMIT -rjoN DI 91 Ap Le 09 CIO WANNER z 44 97 4 s 4. Lo , 91 0 t 91 N; 7 G. r HANKERSON AVE L 4 . j ILI WILLIAM AVE. G NOVIEW PLATEAU Ir 02 Lj PLZ� �1�5R Arl OF ? A ry 1 -Y lim GRANDVIEW LANE J. - - V , " ; 0 4 2 ADD. fo Ise. PZA EAU l BEDFORD 79-71 • AVE. " • ♦ '0 0 '1 0 2,j mi i . . . I � a ------- A , loz-! 2 0 05?, 64 F4 Q y S ER 0 n 0 z in {Ny 0 m I A LO _L40 L Ul ILI WILLIAM AVE. G NOVIEW PLATEAU Ir 02 Lj PLZ� �1�5R Arl OF ? A ry 1 -Y lim GRANDVIEW LANE J. - - V , " ; 0 4 2 ADD. fo Ise. PZA EAU l BEDFORD 79-71 • AVE. " • ♦ '0 0 '1 0 2,j mi i . . . I � a ------- A , loz-! I BOUNDRY DESCRIPTION - GRANDVIEW REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AREA Beginning at the intersection of the centerlines of Eden Avenue and Arcadia Avenue: thence north along the centerline of Arcadia Avenue a distance of 400 feet; thence east, at right angels to the centerline of Arcadia Avenue a distance of 300 feet; thence north, parallel with the centerline of Arcadia Avenue a distance of 400 feet; thence northwesterly to the northeast corner of Lot 1, Block 4, Tingdale Brothers Brookside; thence north to the centerline of 'Vest 49th Street; thence west to the intersection of the Interlachen Boulevard with the northerly extension of the east line of Block 1, Brookside Heights; thence south on said east line to a point 35 feet south of the northeast corner of Lot 14, said Block t, Brookside Heights; thence west, parallel with the north line of said Lot 14, to the centerline of Hankerson Avenue; thence south along said centerline of Hankerson Avenue to the centerline of West 52nd Street; thence west along said centerline of West 52nd Street to its intersection with the northerly extension of the east line of Block T, Replat of part of Grandview e Plateau; thence south along said east line and its xtension to the centerline of West 53rd Street; thence east along said centerline of West 53rd Street to the centerline of Vernon Avenue; thence southwesterly to an intersection with the northerly extension of the west line of Lot 4, Block 3, Edenmoor; thence south to the south- west corner of said Lot 4; thence east along the south line of said Lot 4 and its easterly extension to the centerline of Sherwood Road; thence south to the centerline of Edenmoor Street; thence east along said centerline and its easterly extension to the centerline of the right -of -way of the Soo Line Railroad; thence northerly along said centerline to an intersection with the westerly extension of the southerly line of the following described parcel: Commencing at the intersection of the east line of the Soo Line Railroad right -of -way with the southerly line of Eden Avenue; thence north- easterly along said southerly line 120 feet; thence 52033' east a distance of 408.5 feet; thence westerly to a point on the east line of the Soo Line Railroad right -of -way, which point is 303.7 feet south of the southerly line of Eden Avenue; thence northerly to the point of beginning; thence easterly along the south line of said parcel to the southeast corner of said parcel; thence northerly along the east line of said parcel and its extension to the centerline of Eden Avenue; thence northeasterly along said centerline to the point of beginning. the southeast. The entire Plan area is bisected north to south by the Soo Line railroad right of way. Exhibit 3 illustrates the present zoning classification of all parcels within the plan area. Although most of the existing uses in the area are permitted principal uses, according to the Zoning Ordinance, many exhibit non - conforming features. Most commerically zoned properties are non - conforming in terms of parking quantity and parking setbacks. Outdoor storage, exterior building materials, parking and building setbacks are common problems in the industrially zoned properties. B. Natural Features Since the plan area is completely developed, there are no areas where the original landscape has not been altered. The existing topography does, however, limit the logical and efficient development and redevelopment of the area. In the central portion of the plan area there is a 35 foot grade differential between the intersection of Vernon and Interlachen and the intersection of Eden and Brookside Avenues. This grade difference prevents the area from acting as a compact and cohesive shopping area. C. Utilities Existing utilties serving the plan area are illustrated on Exhibits 4, 5, and 6. Generally, existing public utilties are � GOYA LA. i1 m I 2 n CIRC �m X • . 4VF • dd91d0 COCHLOir COOPER A �d CD 01'10 DR. wESTRR � a0 9" lgDR. � 9 CIp �F3 EAS 1V E. P�Rs .t• DUN RD iO SKYLIN S ERR �NOaAi �`'O ID- �v > O ERN \ 1 6�C1R' EAST RD R 9• BLOSSOMCT. 1) T v_ OXFORD AVE A O OXFORD 9" AVE I Z 9 Q.P io - ^r Z r cD_ BEDFORD AVE .D -K . — y F v°i •� G0 p GRANDVIEW LA. + 9 VANRKRVORK AVE Y as I q 9 WILLIAMS SHERWOOD N I (n z - .. i - i y pRD HANK RSON -4 AVE 9 a" 2 r CODE AVE. mO9 �`' a >J UTLEDGE AVE � •1 CA � � IT AVE � k `1 ,-: BROOKSIDE AVE 9" a' Z - L V) m °°- r C r ARCADIA AVE w ° r 10 m v°► 9L a N y O z U 7 J vHWY 169 - 100 A 1 LAURA < 'a+- , 12 WEST SUNNY SLOP "RD. 1y/C $Oh m J R 9s Z Q� DALE Ft10C PL ` 15 c r. d` z c0�• O III UN SNY 9" SLOPE RD. , n DUN �TLIN \ v e Coo ' NOaPi 6 Rns_ ! r I s ��- ER IV \ G CIR EAST RD BLOSSOM C T. R 0. N _ -- - -- - v OXFORD AVE ' w < 2 o £ is ' _ c a'•s r �� o P� g m w s 3 fi 1_ -J 5. of `OXFORD IVOR k `. L'' BEDFORD AVE i CA GRANDVIEW LA. 6 6 � AVE 47 6AVE A SHERWOOO _ y to z —� —� - rnR0 6 W, S ANK RSON -4 AVE N 5 co ODE AVE rn z I s'' 6 „ e= UTLEDGE AVE ra- 9 N o �'`'f IT AVE fn Q Z ♦ _ ,po ` W W ICK,q 01 �B.� 49ROOKSID AVE 9.1 J.1. L A. » O; 6 • F: SIDE TE vz r BO OK ARCADIA AVE � � � �• -0 m n - p W ST61. BROOK L LA a - A � Z C a of MWY 169- 100 URA m I l - cn� W WEST SUNNY SLOPE RD. \\ y m !� so ` s, oL . m + DALE s rr : VL% PL T \ m m j to v S SUNNY SLOPE R0. Z a ;�,� EA Z K PL. BROwNDAI E so m c f aAaL _ DUN RD SKY LIN 6LENBa s e. EASTRQ - _ - R D. BLASSOMCT; • A + OXEM AVE .4 ie \ N I ; �--� I o J OXFORD AVE Z z ° BEDFORD AVE r � GRANDVIEW LA. F 7n VAN VORK AVE it W WILLIAMS AVE s 1V SHERWOOD N q A CLEVELAND M < MRD \ HANK RSON -+ AVE S4 IY^ CODE AVE LRUTLEDGEls- 'Pip. y ummrr AVE a rl o O� r m X03 p ICK W r:. icy .BROOKSIDE AVE ° p °r It p v ARCf ADIA AVE r or y i LA m o W ST BROOK ` p .iX. .� 9G o NORTHA' LAURA >a z s• ,� WEST SUNNY SLOPE RD. m M' /�S 0 � j J m o owl- IF O x �. mO SUNNY SLOPE R0. Z n v EAST r r rAVE • / m o, adequate to serve existing development in the area. However, three existing homes on Summit Avenue do not have access to public water or sanitary sewer service. The southerly portion of the Soo line Railroad property is not presently served by storm sewer. Generally, private utilities have been placed underground along along Vernon Avenue, but remain above ground in most other portions of the area. D. Traffic - Circulation Vernon Avenue, which serves as a major feeder to Highway 100, provides the prinicipal retail - commerical orientation for the area. Interlachen Boulevard provides access to the area from northwestern Edina. Average daily traffic volumes for Grandview Area streets are illustrated on Exhibit 7. Vernon Avenue which carries approximately 15,000 vehicles per day serves as the principal artery through the area and is also the main orientation for retail commericial uses in the area. Arcadia Avenue and Eden Aveue provide secondary orientation of commercial - office uses. E. Existing Plans The City's Comprehensive Plan 1980 states that the Grandview Area exhibits signs of "blight, inappropriate land use, and non - conforming uses ". One of the Comprehensive Plan's policies recommends that a detailed study of the area be undertaken to determine the feasibility of a public redevelopment OULFV �k `�1 f `t �� '� � �7 n �'i ¢ tt t•�„ E ass ;: � �►�, , ;� '�''� i ri "1 rl Now - `'a a..e _ t tzz Palo 4 i r ;: L �� Ate, x • 3 �'r t t �► `1 c � �4 r'r � , t��, - 11 % yi Y ;yr" Y{ January 1984 Grandview Area ExHiBi-r , Traffic Study project. The Plan also contains the following policies relative to the Grandview Area: * Encourage the re -use of obsolete or under utilized commerical and industrial properties for multiple residential purposes. * Discourage the further extension of commercial uses along Vernon Avenue. * Encourage the intensification of residential uses in the Grandview Area. The Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan also contains the following general policies relating to commercial uses : * Cooperate with commercial district owners seeking to improve circulation and off - street parking in smaller commerial areas. * Eliminate non - conforming land uses. * Encourage redevelopment of under utilized parcels. * Prevent strip commercial areas. II. PROBLEM ASSESSMENT A. Land Use Land use relationships in the Grandview Area have changed many times over the years. These changes have caused some obsolete land uses in the district as well as parcels that do not allow efficient and logical development or redevelopment. The growth of Jerry's Supermarket and other retail uses in the central portion of the plan area has caused the complex of industrial buildings located west of the railroad tracks to become inappropriate in their present location because of access problems and their proximity to retail commercial uses. The Biltmore Motel once a thriving business has become obsolete due to its lack of exposure to a major highway. The School District maintains its bus storage facility adjacent to Eden Avenue, south of Jerry's Supermarket. The use of this site and the condition of the buildings create a blighting influence in the area. The bus garage is extremely non - conforming with the Planned Industrial District (PID) of the City's Zoning Ordinance. Building and parking setbacks, construction and materials, lot area and landscaping are among the problems with this site. The Super America station, a doctor's office and a car wash are uses located westerly of the school bus site. The car wash is a non - conforming transitional use. It remains from an ealier partial redevelopment of the site that saw a restaurant converted to a doctor's office. The resulting division of the property left the car wash with a narrow, irregular parcel with frontage on two streets. The site is non - conforming; it does not relate well to adjacent uses and is a visual blight on the area. The commercial - office uses located south of Eden Avenue in the vicinity of Eden Circle are generally in good condition and conforming, but they could encounter accessibility problems if intersection improvements occur nearby. Lewis Engineering, Kunz Oil, and the Soo Line Railroad property, are all zoned PID. The Railroad property is currently vacant. The property has remained vacant for some time after the site was cleared and graded. Redevelopment of this site will be very difficult due to the long and irregular shape of the site. Kunz Oil and Lewis Engineering sites are non - conforming with regard to building and parking setbacks, exterior building materials and landscaping. An additional blighting influence is the large amount of outdoor materials storage on the Lewis Engineering site. Under utilized sites, obsolete uses, and an inadequate street pattern are problems existing in the northeasterly portion of area which is occupied by Jerry Leonard's Clothing, a small office building and the Biltmore Bowl. The area is chopped up by street pattern which severely limits the full utilization of all the properties. A public street separates the bowling alley from its parking lot. Due to lack of convenient access and visibility the bowling alley has become an obsolete use. The area north and west of Vernon Avenue is comprised of a variety of commercial and multi- family uses that back up to existing single dwelling unit neighborhoods. In many cases the separation between single dwelling uses and multi - family and commercial uses is inadequate due to proximity of lack of sufficient buffering. This part of the area shares some characteristics of strip commercial development. In the central, commercial, portion of--the area there is a parking shortage. The amount of parking has not kept pace with the growth of retail activity in the area. In addition, due to the grades and arrangement of parking facilities the efficiency of the parking is reduced, especially in the winter months. The existing arrangement of streets, buildings, and the railroad right of way makes the provision of more an improved parking very difficult. Structurally substandard buildings and buildings found to require substantial renovation or clearance to remedy problems such as incompatible land uses, overcrowding of buildings on the land and obsolete buildings not suitable for improvement or EXHIBIT 8 GRANDVIEW AREA REDEVEOPMENT PLAN Problem Summary 0/ �o 0 w. �— m rN / � 2 � •N 0 0 0 aD C I` J P� e a N b E /ggg\ V Q non- conforming uses, obsolete buildings, inadequate street layout, and incompatible land uses substandard buildings traffic- circulation problems conversion are shown on Exhibit 8. ,B. Traffic As identified in the "Grandview Area Traffic Study ", prepared by BRW, Inc., most traffic problems in the district occur along Vernon Avenue. Arcadia Avenue, a north -south connection between Vernon Avenue /West 50th Stret and Eden Avenue, and Summit Avenue were other identified traffic concerns in the area. The Traffic Study identified five issue areas within the Plan area. Summarized below are the problems associated with each issue area (Exhibit 9): * Issue Area One. Confusing and difficult intersection of Vernon Avenue and Eden Avenue /West 53rd Street. Access to redevelopment of the Motel with multi - family residential. Access to the Sherwood Road neighborhood. Through traffic in the Grandview area. * Issue Area Two. Access to and from Summit Avenue to Vernon Avenue and Interlachen Boulevard. ML 19 Ll ,21L.4 .4ftl - irt ........... 1 , Pilo Tr 4W . D2 t jaw f i % of ILI OWA ' Al lZ 7. OL r. January 1984 Grandview Area Traffic Study EXHIBIT 9 * Issue Area Three. Through traffic capacity and the need for exclusive turning lanes at the intersection of Vernon and Interlachen. Excess speed of traffic exiting southbound Highway 100 to westbound Vernon Avenue Avenue. * Issue Area Four. The effect of closing the Arcadia Avenue access to Vernon * Issue Area Five. Need to limit the number of uncontrolled access points to Vernon Avenue. Lack of major access point to shopping center. III. Redevelopment Plan The problem assessment and the problem summary (Exhibit 8) support the conclusion that certain redevelopment activities in the Plan area are warranted. These problems cannot be corrected by private enterprise or regulation alone. In order to correct problems identified herein and to acheive redevelopment in the plan area in a timely manner, and in conformance with the Land Use Plan, a tax increment plan should be established and certain tax increment projects be undertaken. Based upon the need demonstrated in the inventory and problem assessment, the following goals and objectives are established for the Grandview Area Redevelopment Plan: 1. To promote development and redevelopment in a manner consistent with the policies set forth in the City's Comprehensive Plan 1980. 2. To promote and secure development and redevelopment in a manner that allows the most logical and efficient arrangement and intensity of land uses. 3. To improve the efficiency of the street and roadway system and to reduce traffic conflicts and automobile pedestrian conflicts through the implementation of the recommended changes, set forth in the Grandview Area Traffic Study, as modified. 4. To promote and secure the retention of existing jobs and to gain new employment opportunities in the area. 5. To promote and secure development and redevelopment in a manner that will have minimal adverse impact on the environment. 6. To promote and secure certain public improvements, including public parking facilities. 7. To undertake certain land acquisition, parcel assembly and parcel disposition necessary to eliminate certain substandard and non- conforming..uses and buildings, to assemble logical, conforming and more efficient building sites. 8. To eliminate threats to the quality of ground water supplies through the elimination of existing on -site sewage disposal systems. 9. To promote the reuse of obsolete land uses on the periphery of the district for multi - family residential uses in accordance with the Land Use Plan. 10. To promote and secure the redevelopment of non- conforming land uses and substandard buildings in a way C which provides a clearer definition of 1 -and uses and more efficient utilization of parcels. 11. To promote and secure increased landscaping on private property and public rights of way to improve the asthetics, provide identity for the commerical area and improve transitions along the area's perimeter. Land Use The Land Use Plan emphasizes the redevelopment of non- conforming uses and substandard buildings in the Grandview Area. In addition, the Plan anticipates that certain infill development and redevelopment will occur. This development and redevelopment should be principally accomplished privately in a manner consistent with the needs of the surrounding neighborhood and the City as a whole. Public acquisition of private property for redevelopment is to be kept at an absolute minimum. However, in some cases public acquisition, clearance, and parcel assembly may be the only efficient and expedient approach to desired redevelopment. This may be the case in the industrial area south of Eden Avenue. In addition, small amounts of additional right of way will be necessary to accomplish planned street improvements. The Land Use Plan anticipates the following net additions in floor area to Grandview Plan Area: Commerical /Retail Office Office Warehouse Residential Parking and Circulation 20,000 square feet 190,000 square feet 65,000 square feet 82 Units The BRW, Inc., "Traffic Study ", incorporated herein by reference, identifies five issue areas in the Grandview area. The major recommendations of the study to be implemented by the Plan are summarized below: 1. Created three major, signalzed intersections along Vernon Avenue; one at Link Road; one as the major entrance /exit for Jerry's foods, First Bank and Union Oil; and an improved intersection with turn lanes at the Vernon/ Interlachen intersection. 2. Close several access points and driveways along Vernon Avenue to improve traffic flow and discourage through traffic in surrounding single dwelling areas. 3. Close the Vernon /Sherwood /Eden Avenue intersection and rely on the new Link Road intersection. �S 4 x :may r 'r -ic�i %�`'' ,►. ,• t ,..+ i _` � ,1 � s'e'Y'? � J � ��,yc�t •,,; :, ,'' � ... ' ..�.. �Y s•t �.�.'" �: �' i � �.' cam' W4 It IL gs u '* ��yj "'�� err �„/f fi`�.:. ±L''�+ � ';r X /_ ^ —�%ry_y r �. -� ip- 4 �• +�r-- >set^�.'A°yry�.Sa -^.k aCtie. s `.7r t. An s �y rjs• a 4 }� n y� iti� °yY f 4 • � * � w aR � ,� ,c ; ��, a, : L,� _ '- "��,:i S - �4 � �.rs '~ !''r S°�di ',_�(�p.,�u� .�. '�, .. ' '• .� x f 1 iVMIA' Z CL ! w a� ;,}��: �•�"°�� '�-• ..c -�� mss•,- :t• {� 7":t �..ir' ... +Y ,S' Ar VL• "ri .'iil .: •SL x'23 �.r� January 1984 Grandview Area EXHIBIT 10 Traffic Study !� .e ;a,.ta \t�`i.- �a •• r;e i � t-: { � ..-.t zr S:. ; SS + rr@ s. ;•,�.' W. A Al A r'i lax VFW I 1 � U • =i.• Y 'mss►- S5. :�. _ y°7 taN.�� �r� y -i i Ar N11 I°r�d %S. New wft ' � •'�yF •_.. ri + � � + ' � � y � ' '� }p '. war ♦ � A rC .,u'I t� _v .^ -yam - -i. q `t R' y (:'( "1 i�d• ?�f ' ` 4�i Et, wr f January 1984 Grandview Area Exhibit 11 Traffic Study I � 0 4. Close the Arcadia to Vernon Access, redo the south- bound off ramp from Highway 100 and widen the bridge over the railroad tracks. Exhibit 10, taken from the BRW Traffic Study, summarizes the proposed roadway improvements for the Grandview Area. All recommended improvements are to be constructed as proposed with the exception of the link from Arcadia Avenue to the intersection of Vernon Avenue and Interlachen Boulevard. In order to create a more unified development site in the vicinity of the bowling alley the bridge will be moved south and the link to Arcadia will be realigned to the southerly portion of the bowling alley property as shown on Exhibit 11. In the central portion of the district on parcels now occupied by the City storage facility buildings, a parking ramp containing approximately 400 spaces will be constructed. The ramp will be constructed in two phases with approximately 200 spaces in each phase. Urban Design - Landscaping All devlopment, redevelopment and street improvements in the Plan Area should address the following standards: * Screening and buffering non - residential uses from surrounding single family neighborhoods. * Improved perimeter and boulevard landscaping. * Improved screening and landscaping of parking lots. * Existing above ground utilities should be placed underground whenever possible in connection with development, redevelopment and street improvements. Relocation The Plan does not anticipate that there will be any acquisition of private property or relocation of persons or businesses until at least Phase II Redevelopment Project. It is the intent of the H.R.A. that current owners of properties designated for redevelopment be party to efforts to redevelop their properties. If some or all of the owners of the subject property are unwilling or unable to redevelop their property and the H.R.A. must acquire and dispose of the property, the H.R.A. will comply with all applicable requirements of the Federal Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, and all applicable Minnesota State Statutes. The H.R.A. will provide staff for on -site relocation counseling for tenants and information on their rights relative to relocation services and payments. Project Costs and Methods of Financing The gross cost of public improvements and facilities including right of way acquisition, but not including acquisition for redevelopment purposes is estimated to be approximately $4,500,000. It is proposed that the public redevelopment cost should be paid by the issuance of general obligation bonds of the City of Edina, upon request of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (H.R.A.) as projects are undertaken, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 462, and Sections 273.71 to 273.86. All tax increments received by the H.R.A. with respect to Redevelopment Projects, a-_n d all revenues received from lands in Project Areas while owned by the HRA, shall be pledged and appropriated by it for the payment of the principal of and interest on said general obligation bonds to be issued'by the City in aid of the project. Such pledge shall be made by written agreement between the H.R.A. and the City Council, and filed with the County auditor. It is currently contemplated that a certain amount of the gross cost, up to 20 percent of •$4.,500,000 will be received from the City. The City will obtain the funds to pay this cost by r the levy of special assessments against properties specially benefited by the provision of contemplated public improvements and facilities. Initial Redevelopment Project The initial phase of the redevelopment is based upon the need to finance a public cost of $2,000,000 through the sale of general obligation bonds. The public costs of the initial phase are as follows: * Construction of signalized intersection at Link Road and Vernon Avenue. * Close intersection of Eden Avenue, Sherwood Road and Vernon Avenue. * Demolish the City storage facility. * Construction of two level parking facility on storage facility site. The increased taxable value creating the tax increment necessary to make principal and interest payments on the bond issue will be provided by the following development and redevelopment in the project area. f * Construction of 8 townhouse units. * Construction of 77 condominium units * Construction of approximately 70,000 square feet of office space. * Construction of approxmately 8,000 square feet of retail space. • � � r EXHIBIT A The Project Area includes the 29 following described parcels' in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota: Quarter/ Parcel I.D. Section Range Township Quarter Sect. Parcel A 28 117 21 31 0017 B 28 117 21 31 0021 C 28 117 21 31 0022 D 28 117 21 31 0028 E 28 117 21 31 0029 F 28 117 21 31 0030 G 28 117 21 31 0031 H 28 117 21 31 0032 1 28 117 21 31 0043 J 28 117 21 31 0044 K 28 117 21 31 0046 L 28 117 21 31 0047 M 28 117 21 31 0048 N 28 117 21 31 0051 O 28 117 21 31 0053 P 28 117 21 31 0054 Q 28 117 21 31 0055 R 28 117 21 33 0018 S 28 117 21 34 0002 T 28 117 21 34 0004 U 28 117 21 34 0005 V 28 117 21 34 0011 W 28 117 21 34 0017 X 28 117 21 34 0018 Y 28 117 21 34 0019 Z 28 117 21 31l 0020 AA 28 117 21 34 0022 BB 28 117 21 34 0025 cc 28 117 21 34 0026 EXHIBIT A - Continued Quarter/ Parcel I.D. Section Range Township Quarter Section Parcel D D 28 117 21 31 0007 EE 28 117 21 31 0014 F 28 117 21 31 0015 G G 28 117 21 31 0016 H H 28 117 21 31 0027 II 28 117 21 31 0028 JJ 28 117 21 31 0029 K K 28 117 21 31 0033 LL 28 117 21 32 0013 MM 28 117 21 32 0014 N N 28 117 21 33 0004 00 28 117 21 33 0007 pp 28 117 21 33 0009 Q Q 28 117 21 33 0010 R R 28 117 21 33 0011 SS 28 117 21 33 0012 T T 28 117 21 33 0013 U U 28 117 21 33 0017 VV 28 117 21 33 0031 WW 28 117 21 33 0032 X X 28 117 21 33 0033 YY 28 117 21 34 0021, � � 4 GRANDVIEW AREA REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Redevelopment Project No. 1 �i v u Li ..► 50 St. IN r I i i i I CRANDVIEW AREA REDEVELOPMENT PLAN ��i�i�i�i`• ►�i�i�is' ►�i�i�i�i�i� 0 I• 50 St. REDEVELOPMENT AREA �'.•.•.•:•; Residential ...... Commerical /Office Industrial ;' ?'; Public GRANDVIEW REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1 TO BE UNDERTAKEN PURSUANT TO THE GRANDVIEW AREA REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AND GRANDVIEW TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN of THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA i Table of Contents I. Introduction A. Statement of Authority B. Definitions C. Statement of Need D. Statement of Objectives II. Redevelopment Project A. Description of Project 1. Project Area 2. Conditions of Blight 3. Redevelopment Activities B. Preparation of Property C. Relocation III. Financing of Public Redevelopment Cost A. Determination of Public Redevelopment Cost 1. Estimated Total Public Cost 2. Capital Proceeds of Project 3. Public Redevelopment Cost B. Payment of Public Redevelopment Cost 1. In General 2. Issuance of Bonds 3. Bond Terms 4. Security for and Payment of Bonds C. Determination and Use of Tax Increment 1. Tax Increment Financing District 2. Original Assessed Value 3. Adjustment to Original Assessed Value 4. Assured Value; Captured Assessed Value 5. Duration of District 6. Payment and Discharge of Bonds; Use of Tax Increment 7. Use of Captured Assessed Value and Tax Increment D. Impact of Tax Increment Financing IV. Implementation of Project and Plan A. In General B. Cooperation Agreement V. Amendments to Plan VI. Exhibits Exhibit A - Legal description of tax parcels or portions thereof included in Project Area and Tax Increment Financing District I. INTRODUCTION A. Statement of Authority. This Grandview Tax Increment Financing Plan Plan relates to Grandview Redevelopment Project No. 1 of the HRA. The Project is established by action of the Commissioners of the HRA and the City Council of the City, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 462, and this Grandview Tax Increment Financing Plan is approved and adopted by such bodies pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 273.71 to 273.86. B. Definitions. Each of the words and terms defined in this Section shall for all purposes of this Grandview Tax Increment Financing Plan, have the meanings given to them in this Section: "Assessed Value" means the Assessed Value of all taxable property in the District as determined from time to time pursuant to state law. "Bonds" means the Tax Increment Bonds and any other obligations issued by the City or the HRA, the principal of and interest on which is payable in whole or in part out of the Tax Increment, to finance or provide for the payment of the Public Redevelopment Cost of the Project. "Bond Resolution" means any and all resolutions, ordinances, trust indentures or other documents.under which any Bonds are sold, issued or secured. "Capital Proceeds of the Project" means all amounts received or to be received by the City or the HRA from the sale or lease of property in the Project Area. "Captured Assessed Value" means that portion of the Assessed Value in excess of the Original Assessed Value as adjusted from time to time, if any. "City" means the City of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota. "District" means the Grandview Tax Increment Financing District established pursuant to the Grandview Tax Increment Financing Plan containing the land area included in the Project Area. "Grandview Redevelopment Plan" means the Grandview Area Redevelopment Plan as approved and amended from time to time by the HRA and the City Council pursuant to law. "Grandview Tax Increment Financing Plan ".means this Grandview Tax Increment Financing Plan for the Project as approved and amended from time to time by the HRA and the City Council pursuant to law. "HRA" means the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Edina. "Municipal Storage Facility" means the storage facility of the City located on Parcels B and C described in Exhibit A. "Original Assessed Value" means the Assessed Value of all taxable property in the District as most recently determined by the Commissioner of Revenue of the State of Minnesota, as of the date of certification thereof by the County Auditor pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 273.76, or as thereafter adjusted and certified by the County Auditor pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 273.76. "Outstanding" when used with respect to Tax Increment Bonds, means Bonds which have not been paid, redeemed and prepaid or discharged in accordance with their terms or the terms of a Bond Resolution. "Parcel" means a lot, parcel, tract or plat of land comprising a single unit for purposes of assessment for real estate purposes, as of the date of adoption of this Grandview Tax Increment Financing Plan. "Plan" means the Grandview Redevelopment Plan and this Grandview Tax Increment Financing Plan. "Parking Facilities" means the parking ramp containing approximately 4 parking levels and 400 parking spaces to be constructed in two phases by the HRA on Parcels B and C described in Exhibit A. "Project" means Grandview Redevelopment Project No. 1, and-the Redevelopment Activities described in Section II -A -3 hereof to be undertaken with respect thereto. "Project Area" means the.land area or Parcels described in Exhibit A to this Plan. "Public Redevelopment Cost" means the total amount expended and to be expended by the City and /or the HRA on Redevelopment Activities, less the Capital Proceeds of the Project. MPM "Redevelopment Activities" means all actions taken or to be taken by the HRA in establishing, implementing and carrying out the Project and the Plan and by the City in aid of the Project pursuant to the Plan, including, but not limited to, the activities described in Section II -A -3 hereof. "Tax Increment" means that portion of the ad valorem taxes levied on all taxable property in the District from time to time which is allocable to the Captured Assessed Value of such property. "Tax Increment Bonds" means the approximately $4,500,000 General Obligation Tax Increment Bonds to be issued in one or more series by the City or the HRA to finance all or a portion of the Public Redevelopment Cost. C. Statement of Need. There is a need for redevelopment of the Project Area which will result in the increase of employment opportunities for residents of the City, the increase of the value of property subject to taxation by the City and other local government units, and the increase of general economic activity in the City, all of which will reduce unemployment, correct inadequate street layout and reduce traffic hazards, provide necessary public parking facilities, improve living conditions, promote desirable redevelopment of land a portion of which is presently occupied by buildings which contain defects in structural elements or a combination of deficiencies in essential utilities and facilities, including, access to public sewer, light and ventilation and fire protection, layout, which defects or deficiencies are of total significance to justify substantial renovation or clearance, and a portion of which is presently occupied by buildings which require substantial renovation or clearance because of conditions such as inadequate street layout, unusual grade conditions, incompatible uses or land use relationships and obsolesence to the extent such buildings are not suitable for improvement or conversion at a cost reasonably related to the public purpose to be served without major residential clearance and with full consideration of the preservation of beneficial aspects of the urban and natural environment, prevent the emergence of blighted property and areas, and encourage and enhance the general health and welfare of the residents -of the City. The actions herein proposed to be taken by the HRA and the City with respect to the Project are necessary to secure the redevelopment of the property included in the Project Area, at this time and in a manner which will best meet those needs. D. Statement of Objectives. The objectives sought to be accomplished by the HRA and the City in establishing and -3- carrying out the Project and in financing of the Public Redevelopment Cost thereof, as specified herein, are to meet the needs specified in paragraph C: a. by promoting and securing the prompt redevelopment of the property in the Project Area in a manner consistent with applicable governmental comprehensive plans and with a minimal adverse impact on the environment, a portion of which property is not now in productive use; b. by promoting and securing additional employment opportunities for residents of the City and surrounding area, thereby improving living standards and reducing unemployment; c. by reducing traffic hazards; d. by promoting and securing necessary public parking facilities; e. by securing the increase of property subject to taxation by the City, Hennepin County and Independent School District No. 273, and other local government taxing jurisdictions, in order to better enable such entities to pay for public improvements and governmental services and programs required to be provided by them; and f. by undertaking and providing moneys for the payment of the cost of Redevelopment Activities in or adjacent to the Project Area, which are necessary to serve the Project Area and for the orderly and beneficial development of the Project Area and adjacent areas of the City. II. REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT A. Description of Project. 1. Project Area.. The Project Area comprises approximately 60 acres of property located in the City. The property identification number of each Parcel included in the Project Area are as set forth in the attached Exhibit A which comprises -part of this Plan. The Project Area comprises 51 Parcels designated A through YY, inclusive. 2. Conditions of Blight. The Project Area is blighted by virtue of inadequate street layout resulting in traffic hazards, a shortage of public parking facilities -4- 'necessary for the commercial enterprises located in the Project Area, the location of buildings on Parcels B, C, F, G, H, R, U, X and Y described in Exhibit A which are structurally substandard because they contain defects in structural elements or a combination of deficiencies in essential utilities and facilities, including, access to public sewer and water, light and ventilation, fire protection including adequate egress, layout and conditions of interior partitions, or similar factors, which defects or deficiencies are of sufficient total significance to justify substantial renovation or clearance and by buildings on Parcels A, I, J, K, L', M, S, T, V, W, Z, AA, BB and CC described in Exhibit A which require substantial renovation or clearance in order to remove such existing conditions as incompatible uses or land use relationships, overcrowding of buildings on the Land and obsolete buildings not suitable for improvement or conversion. However, the Project Area is potentially useful and valuable for redevelopment which would contribute to the general health, safety and welfare of the residents of the City. The Project Area will not be reasonably available for redevelopment by private enterprise, or redeveloped by private enterprise, in the foreseeable future, unless the blighting conditions thereof are removed. The City and the HRA can remove, or cause or encourage other parties to remove, such blighting conditions, and to redevelop the Project Area by the razing of the Municipal Storage Facility and constructing on that site the Parking Facilities and by constructing necessary street improvements, and in connection with such street improvements acquiring necessary rights -of -way, by jointly exercising the powers conferred upon them by law for this purpose. 3. Redevelopment Activities. The Project includes the following Redevelopment Activities by the City or the HRA, (a) the making of studies and planning and informational activities relating to the Project and the Plan; (b) the razing of the Municipal Storage Facilities and the construction on such site of the Parking Facilities in two phases; (c) the construction of necessary street improvements and acquiring of necessary rights -of -way in.connection with a comprehensive redesign of the roadway system in the Project Area, including new entrances to the shopping center in the Project Area, a new intersection, new approaches and connections and elimination of certain intersections, access points and driveways; (d) the issuance of Tax Increment Bonds to finance all or part of the Public Redevelopment Cost of the Project; and (e) the use of the Tax Increment derived from the Project Area to pay the debt service on such Tax Increment Bonds, or otherwise pay the Public Redevelopment Cost of the Project. -5- No contracts have been entered into for Redevelopment Activities by the City or the HRA. At this time the City and the HRA reasonably expect that the following private developments are expected to take place in the Project Area: a. The existing Biltmore Hotel located on Parcel R will be razed and a condominium project containing seventy -seven units will be constructed on that site in two phases. The first phase is expected to contain twenty -nine units and be completed in Spring, 1986 and the second phase is expected to contain the remaining forty -eight units and be completed in Spring, 1987. b. Three existing single family homes located on Parcels F, G and H will be razed and a townhouse project containing eight units will be constructed on that site. c. The existing commercial and office uses located on Parcels P and Q will be expanded by the addition of approximately 36,000 square feet of floor area. Construction is expected to commence in Spring 1985. d. The existing commercial and office building located on Parcels I and J wil•1 be razed and an office building containing approximately 50,000 square feet will be constructed on that site. B. Preparation of Property For Parking Facilities. The Municipal Storage Facility will have to be razed or removed and necessary public utility connections, street repairs and other public amenities will need to be provided in connection with the construction on that site of the Parking Facilities. C. Relocation. No person will be displaced and have to be relocated as a result of the Project. III. FINANCING OF PUBLIC REDEVELOPMENT COST A. Determination of Public Redevelopment Cost. 1. Estimated Total Public Cost. The total costs expected to be incurred by the City and the HRA, directly or indirectly, in carrying out the Project are estimated to be as follows: a. Razing of Municipal Storage Facility $ 50,000 b. Construction of Parking Facilities 2,500,000 c. Street Improvements (including acquisi- 1,200,000 tion of necessary rights -of -way) d. Capitalized Interest 560,000 e. Legal, Fiscal and Administrative 100,000 f. Bond Discount 90,000 Total Public Cost of Project $4,500,000 The items of cost and the amounts thereof shown above are estimated to be necessary based upon the best engineering, legal and other information now available. It is anticipated that the items of cost and the amounts thereof shown on each category above may decrease or increase, but that the Total Public Cost of the Project will not exceed the amount shown above. The City and the HRA reserve the right to pay the cost of any element of the Total Public Cost of the Project from the proceeds of the Tax Increment Bonds herein authorized, or directly from Tax Increments derived from the Project Area. 2. Capital Proceeds of Project. There are not expected to be any Capital Proceeds of the Project, comprising the cash proceeds of the sale of property in the Project Area owned by the HRA to third parties.- 3. Public Redevelopment Cost. The Public Redevelopment Cost of the Project, comprising the total costs expected to be incurred by the City and the HRA, directly or indirectly, in carrying out the Project, less the Capital Proceeds thereof, is expected to be $4,500,000. B. Payment of Public Redevelopment Cost. 1. In General. The entire Public Redevelopment Cost of the Project will be paid from Tax Increment to be derived from the Project Area, either directly or indirectly by payment of debt service on the bonds issued to finance such Public Redevelopment Cost and from any special assessments which may be levied against the property benefited by the Parking Facilities or street improvements. 2. Issuance of Bonds. It is presently expected that the Public Redevelopment Cost of the Project will be financed by the issuance of Tax Increment Bonds in the principal amount of $4,500,000. The Tax Increment Bonds will be issued by the City or the HRA under authority of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 475, and Sections 273.71 to 273.78. -7- 3. Bond Terms. The terms of the Bonds are expected to be as set forth below; however, the right is reserved to adjust any and all terms of the Bonds to secure the best interest rate obtainable and to insure that the entire principal of and interest on the Bonds will be paid when due from the sources specified in paragraph 4. The Tax Increment Bonds will be issued in one or more series, in the aggregate principal amount of $4,500,000, will mature serially over a period of approximately twenty -five (25) years from the date receipt by the HRA of the first Tax Increment from the District, commencing on or after June 1, 1988, will be subject to redemption prior to maturity, will bear a fixed rate or rates of interest from date of issue to maturity, payable semiannually commencing in 1985, and will be sold at public sale. 4. Security For And Payment Of Bonds. The Tax Increment Bonds will be general obligations of the City or'the HRA, and the full faith and credit and the taxing powers of the City or the HRA will be pledged for their payment. The principal of and interest on the Tax Increment Bonds will be payable from the Tax Increments to be derived from the Project Area by the HRA, from any special assessments which may be levied against the property benefited by the Parking Facilities or street improvements and from ad valorem taxes to be levied on all taxable property in the City, but if necessary for the payment of additional ad valorem taxes will be required by law to be levied on all taxable property in the City, which taxes will not be subject to any limitation as to rate and amount. C. Determination and Use of Tax Increment. 1. Tax Increment Financing District. Seventy percent (70 %) of the Parcels in the Project Area are occupied by buildings, streets, utilities or other improvements and at least twenty percent (20 %) of the buildings in the Project Area contain defects in structural elements or a combination of deficiencies in essential utilities and facilities, light and ventilation, fire protection including adequate egress, layout and condition of interior partitions or similar factors, which defects or deficiencies are of sufficient total significance to justify substantial renovation or.clearance, and at least an additional thirty percent (30 %) of the buildings in the Project Area require substantial renovation or clearance in order to remove such existing conditions as inadeqaute street layout, incompatible uses or land use relationships, overcrowding of buildings on the land, excessive dwelling unit density, obsolete buildings not suitable for improvement or conversion. am 'Therefore, the Project comprises and is designated as a "Tax Increment Financing District" and is a "Redevelopment District," as defined in and pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 273.71 to 273.78; and is hereinafter called "the District." 2. Original Assessed Value. The Assessed Value of all taxable property in the District as most recently certified by the Commissioner of Revenue of the State of Minnesota, being the certification made in 1983 with respect to the Assessed Value of 'such property as of January '1, 1983, for taxes payable in 1984 is estimated to be $4,418,948, which amount is expected to be the Original Assessed Value of such property. 3. Adjustment to Original Assessed Value. Under Minnesota Statutes, Section 273.76, Subdivision 1, the Hennepin County Auditor is required to certify, in each year after certification of the Original Assessed Value, the amount by which the Original Assessed Value has increased or decreased as a result of a change in tax exempt status of the Parcels in the District; and is directed to add to the Original Assessed Value an amount equal to the Assessed Value of the Parcels becoming taxable as most recently assessed pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 273.18 or, if that assessment was made more than one year prior to the date of title transfer rendering the Parcel taxable, as determined by the assessor at the time of such transfer. 4. Assessed Value; Captured Assessed Value. It is estimated that the Assessed Value of all taxable property in the District, upon completion of the redevelopment thereof by the HRA and the City in accordance with the Plan and the completion of the private redevelopment expected to occur described in Section II -A -3 hereof and termination of the District, will be approximately $9,414,000, and that accordingly the Captured Assessed Value thereof will be $4,995,000. 5. Duration of District. It is estimated that the duration of the District will be not more than twenty -five (25) years from the date of receipt by the HRA of the first Tax Increment form the District. 6. Payment and Discharge of Bonds; Use of Tax Increment. The principal of and interest on the Bonds will be payable solely from the Tax Increments to be received by the HRA with respect to the District, from any special assessments which may be levied against the property benefited by the Parking Facilities or street improvements, and from certain proceeds of the Bonds (capitalized interest) and interest mm earnings thereon. At such time as the Bonds have.been paid or discharged in accordance with the Bond Resolution authorizing therein issuance and all other costs of the Project and any additional project undertaken pursuant to this Plan have been paid, the HRA will notify the Hennepin County Director,of Property Taxation of such fact and will direct the Hennepin County Director of Property Taxation thereafter to pay to all local government units having authority to levy taxes on taxable property in the District including the City, all ad valorem taxes received with respect thereto, in the manner then provided by law. 7. Use of Captured Assessed Value and Tax Increment. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 273.76, Subdivision 2, the City and the HRA hereby determine that they will use 1000 of the Captured Assessed Value of taxable property located in the District, and 100% of the Tax Increments to be derived from the District, for the entire duration of the District. D. Impact of Tax Increment Financing. It is estimated that the impact of the establishment of the District and the implementation of the Plan and undertaking of the Project will be as follows: The local government units other than the City which are authorized by law to levy ad valorem property taxes and in which the District is located, are Independent School District No. 273, Hennepin County, the HRA, and various metropolitan area authorities, including the Metropolitan Council, the Metropolitan Transit Commission, the Metropolitan Airports Commission and the Metropolitan Mosquito Control District (the local government units). After the establishment and during the continuance of the District, as a result of the establishment of the Project and the implementation of the Plan and private development in the Project Area, there will be an increase in the Assessed Value of taxable property 'in the District subject to taxation by such local government units. It is estimated that during the continuance of the District, as a result of the establishment of the Project and the implementation of the Plan and private development in the Project Area, there.will also be an increase in the Assessed Value.of taxable property outside the District but within the City and such local government units. Upon termination of the District there will be a large increase in the Assessed Value of taxable property in the City and such local government units, and thus in the general tax base of the City and all other taxing jursidictions in which the District is located. -10- During the continuance of the District a.portion of the increase in the Assessed Value of taxable property in the District will be subject to taxation by other local government units pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 473F. IV. IMPLEMENTATION OF PROJECT AND PLAN A. In General. The Project and the Plan shall be implemented on behalf of the City and the City Council and the HRA. The HRA or the City shall sell and issue Tax Increment Bonds in the amount needed to finance'the Public Redevelopment Cost of the Project, and shall use so much of the Bond proceeds available to pay the Public Redevelopment Cost as is necessary. B. Cooperation Agreement. If necessary, the City and the HRA shall enter into a Cooperation Agreement for the purpose of specifying the duties and responsibilities of each with respect to the implementation of the Project and the Plan, and the application of the Tax Increments to be derived from the District. V. AMENDMENTS TO PLAN The City and the HRA reserve the right to alter the Project and amend or modify the Plan by their joint action, subject to the provisions of state law regulating such action. The City and the HRA specifically reserve the right to increase the size of the District, the Public Redevelopment Cost of the Project and the amount of Bonds to be issued to finance such Cost, by following the procedures specified in Section 273.74, Subdivision 4, if and when it is determined to be necessary for the paying of additional Public Redevelopment Costs. -11- EXHIBIT A The Project Area includes the 29 following described parcels in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota: Parcel I.D. Section Ranae Township Quarter/ Quarter Sect. Parcel A 28 117 21 31 0017 B 28 117 21 31 0021 C 28 117 21 .: 31 0022 D 28 117 21 31 0028 E 28 117 21 31 0029 F 28 117 21 31 0030 G 28 117 21 31 0031 H 28 117 21 31 0032 I 28 117 21 31 0043 J 28 117. 21 31 0044 K 28 117 21 31 0046 L 28 117 21 31 0047 M 28 117 21 31 0048 N 28 117 21 31 0051 0 28 117 21 31' _ 0053 P 28 117 21 31 0054 Q 28 117 21 31 0055 R 28 117 21 33 0018 S. 28 117 21 34 0002 •.. T 28 117 21 34 0004 U 28 117- 21 34 0005 V 28 117. 21 34 0011 W 28 117 21 34 0017 X 28 117 21 34 0018 Y 28 117 21 34 0019 Z 28 117 21 34 0020 AA 28 117 21 34 0022 BB 28 117 21 34 0025 cc 28 117 21 34 0026 EXHIBIT A - Continued Quarter/ Parcel I.D. Section Rance Township Quarter Section Parcel D.D 28 117 21 31 0007 EE 28 117 21 31 0014 FF 28 117 21 31 0015 G G 28 117 21 31 0016 H H 28 117 21 31 0027 II 28 117 21 31 0028 JJ 28 117 21 31 0029 K K 28 117 21 31 '0033 LL 28 117 21 32 0013 MM 28 117 21 32 0014 NN 28 117 21 33 0004 00 28 117 21 33 0007 PP 28 117 21 33 0009 Q Q 28 117 21 33 0010 RR 28 117 21 33 0011 SS 28 117 21 33 TT 28 117 21 33 _0012 0013 — U U 28 117 21 33 0017 VV 28 117 21 33 0031 •WW 28 117 21 33 0032 XX 28 117 21 .33 0033 YY 28 117 21 34 0021 s Members present: Members absent: Others present: SECTION A MINUTES TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE JUNE 12, 1984 9:00 A.M. Fran Hoffman, Chairman Gordon Hughes Lois Coon Craig Swanson Alison Fuhr Linda Farrell, 5700 Blake Road Requests on which the Committee recommends approval as requested or modified, and the Council's authorization of recommended action. 1. Review of Hennepin County plans for capacity and safety improvements at Xerxes Avenue and West 66th Street. Request made by Edina City engineers. ACTION TAKEN: A Hennepin County plan called for a continuous median along West 66th Street in the area of York Avenue and Xerxes Avenue South. Commercial developments, notably the Carlson Company, disagreed with their concept and had independent engineers draw up an alternative for review by Hennepin County, Richfield and Edina. The Committee reviewed the revised plan and discussed its impact. Most changes occur within the City of Richfield. Of main concern to Edina is the safety of West 66th Street at Xerxes Avenue and entry /egress to the Perkins Restaurant. The proposal establishes a median along West 66th Street between York Avenue and Xerxes Avenue and vacates Xerxes Avenue north of West 66th Street (see attached diagram). Left turn movements to enter West 66th Street from Xerxes Avenue and through movements on Xerxes Avenue are no longer possible and will significantly enhance safety. Entry to the Perkins Restaurant at 3101 West 66th Street will be permitted from both eastbound and westbound West 66th Street. Egress from Perkins to westbound West 66th Street will be the only affected traffic movement. Mrs. Coon moved that the Committee recommend the Council support the upgrade of West 66th Street at Xerxes Avenue provided that: s Traffic Safety Committee Minutes Page 2 June 12, 1984 • Through and left turn movements at Xerxes Avenue be prohibited. • Entry to the Perkins Restaurant at 3101 West 66th Street be maintained from both eastbound and westbound traffic. Mr. Hughes seconded the motion. Motion carried 4 -0. 2. Request for signalization of the intersection of Vernon Avenue and Blake Road. Request to review made by the Edina City Council. Continued from April 1984 meeting (see April 1984 Traffic Safety Committee Minutes). ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Hoffman reviewed for the Committee the previous Hennepin County findings and described traffic volumes and accident histories of the area. Highlights include: • Warrants for signalization are met at Tracy Avenue. • Warrants for signalization are met at Blake Road if a 20% reduction is computed due to its accident history. o Speed on Vernon Avenue may not be reduced by signalization. Side street volume adjacent to signals will likely increase. • Signalization would likely change the atmosphere of the roadway. Additionally, from a local perspective: • There are other similar sites in the City that may qualify for signalization (see attached diagram). • The City may want to consider a plan or priority list for signalization. • Eligibility may exist for a percentage of the funding. • Signalization would have a predictable impact on surrounding streets. Mr. Hoffman reported the results of a "gap study" conducted on Vernon Avenue at Blake Road. This study indicated sufficient "gaps" for pedestrian traffic now exist to cross Vernon Avenue, however, few pedestrians were noted. Mr. Hoffman further described a signalization plan for the City of Edina. Most signalization will be installed as a result of future development. Vernon Avenue signalization at Tracy Avenue and Blake Road, as well as • Traffic Safety Committee Minutes Page 3 June 12, 1984 signalization along West 70th Street, will need to be acted upon independently. Mrs. Farrell and Mrs. Coon offered comments from the Citizens-Safety Council which support Vernon Avenue signalization. Mr. Swanson mentioned the need for community input on signalization. Mr. Swanson moved that the Committee recommend signalization of Vernon Avenue at Blake Road based on the meeting of warrants as reduced by the accident history. Mr. Hughes seconded the motion. Motion carried 4 -0. Mr. Swanson moved that the Committee recommend the signalization of Vernon Avenue at Tracy Avenue based on the existence of warrants. Mr. Hughes seconded the motion. Motion carried 4 -0. SECTION B Requests on which the Committee recommends denial of request. NONE. SECTION C Requests which are deferred to a later date or are referred to others. 1. Request for evaluation of the West 70th Street and Cornelia Drive intersection. Continued from February 1984 meetin (see February 1984 and April 1984 Traffic Safety Committee Minutes). ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Hoffman presented an Engineering Department response to West 70th. Street which included: • Maintenance of the four -way stop at West 70th Street at Cornelia Drive. • Installation of a four -way stop at West 70th Street at West Shore Drive. • The striping of through and turning lanes at the above intersections. • The establishment of "No Parking" zones in conjunction with the above intersections. Mr. Swanson reported a Police Department perspective which was consistent with the above report. Traffic Safety Committee Minutes Page 4 June 12, 1984 Mr. Swanson moved that appropriate graphics of the changes be prepared and individual invitations to formerly- interested persons be sent for the purpose of review and action during the July Traffic Safety Committee meeting. Mrs. Coon seconded the motion. Motion carried 4 -0. Respectfully submitted, Edina Traffic Safety Committee • rlATrlITT A. I 1 /finIITT/1r,rn �vorA 4' j :i 11 rl —' -- � _ -�1 •.� �^ r �t'�' o CI �'�'. � I'-f J FF., T'i r�rr r•Z.� IT — i �� �;I � `� + �1• •_`>a �;v ,i,�`jju f��r�,e: ,�°r�, �=• Jv'•I.,. �. -r` �? � r`�l_ m m: '�-- - fj Ll M- c o I I rkr— ••'` -'� �P 1�•j,= 'brow, caw,u cw� �-. Ir1� IT tin I lie _76 [E - _�i� -�! :/ '—� : -I = �;•�� f.itJ �:_` -��h •• _ -fir,��; '��I— � � �— �_' _ i ,L yet,••___"•` \�_a� _ i ti� ` -1 A. �' � ^tr �7 {. � - t � ai I i : -_ ��•.: �"- \ — - _�= - \! i _ ���`� —�Ilr � -* I ' � . r ` -fir- - �!IC'CF'7-��Tbi�,J�� 1 A I I �i'� �. � L . i �� .._ >ow4sts io CONSULTANT'S PROPOSED PLAN FOR CARLSON COMPANIES a l� 011 L� W. 65TH STREET 1GQiGJ1�1G�71c�1�1 NCO 1c�idldtlll c d -1C 11 Lourxo.0 sau•.. .NOK.�L CENTRE � o,fih V U U rl.wa.. 1 raee.0 .YIY[aoRR 1.11. o Lou. LEUU. d J r TI qr �.. GG7-A $7- 1 t (CLOSE) 7 W w 2 41 > j ..... 2 a Laeo..0 a � n...,w X 7 uj STRGAR -ROSCO : INC. CARLSONPROPERTIES ".."Jre g;-y " f.ONC111_TINf. ENGINE IS SOUTHDALE SQUARE B aEHDES 5_29 CONCEPT ACCESS PLAN - - - ---- — a I 9 y June 13, 1984 TO: Kenneth E. Rosland, City Manager FROM: Francis J. Hoffman, Director of Public Works and Engineeri g SUBJECT: Improvement Feasibility Report (1984 -3) The following improvments have been investigated and it has been determined that they are feasible and their construction would be in the best interests and toward the orderly development of the City of Edina: IMPROVEMENT AND LOCATION ORNAMENTAL STREET LIGHTING IMPROVEMENT NO. P -L -26 Ashcroft Lane & W. 63rd Street CASCADE LANE BERMING ESTIMATED COST $850.00 $1,975.84 I hereby recommend that upon acceptance of this report by the City Council on June 18, 1984, Public Hearings on these improvements be scheduled for July 2, 1984. Respectfully submitted, �l Francis J. offma /P. Director of Public Works and Engineering cc: Mayor and City Council FJH:lm MEMORANDUM To: The Honorable Members of City Council and City Manager From: Thomas S. Erickson Date: June 14, 1984 Re: Development of Land Within Shoreland Setback Areas The Gustafson Replat in Indian Hills has raised the question of whether the City should authorize a study to be conducted for the purpose of adopting a new ordinance or amending an existing ordinance to implement the general objectives of the Edina Comprehensive Plan relating to the protection of those areas within 100 feet upland of naturally occurring lakes, ponds and streams. At present such protection is obtained only in connection with the subdivision of land. As in the Gustafson Replat, there are some properties in the City where the 100 foot protection easement has not been obtained because the requirement was instituted after the plat of the property. Therefore, development of those properties could occur within the 100 foot protection area. A study could be directed to whether it is advisable to require a dedication or grant of such protected area not only in connection with a plat but in connection with development of the property without platting. If such a study is desired, then, in order to protect the planning process and health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Edina, Council may consider it desirable to adopt an interim ordinance pursuant to Minn. Statutes Chapter 462.355, Subd. 4. A copy of a proposed ordinance for the consideration of the Council is attached. If the Council desires to adopt such an ordinance, it should take the following steps in the following order: 1. Authorize, by resolution, the City planning staff to conduct a study for the purpose of considering adoption of a new ordinance or amendment of an existing ordinance to implement the objective of the Edina Comprehen- sive Plan relating to protection of those areas within 100 feet upland of all naturally occurring lakes, ponds and streams in the City of Edina; and � r v 2. adopt the attached interim ordinance (or such substitute ordinance as Council may determine). The Council may wish to waive second reading of the ordinance. If you have any questions concerning this memorandum or the attached proposed moratorium ordinance, please call either Tom Erickson or Gordon Hughes. Thomas S. Erickson V. ORDINANCE NO. PROHIBITING CONSTRUCTION OF NEW IMPROVEMENTS AND EXPANSION OF EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS ON LANDS ADJOINING LAKES, PONDS AND STREAMS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA ORDAINS: Section T, Purpose. The Edina Comprehensive Plan (the "Plan ") was approved by the Edina City Council on December 21, 1981, and approved by the Metropolitan Council on October 8, 1981, all pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sections 473.851 through 473.872 (the "Metropolitan Land Planning Act ") . Pursuant to the Plan and the Metropolitan Land Planning Act, Edina is now conducting studies for the purpose of considering adoption of official controls, to implement the Plan. The official controls being considered will regulate and control, among other things, the construction of improvements on lands adjoining lakes, ponds and streams. However, while the new ordinances are being considered, such improvements are continuing, and may continue, to be constructed and to expand and increase in size. Therefore, in order to protect the planning process and the health, safety and welfare of the ci.ti.zens of Edina, it is necessary and desirable to impose the following moratorium. Section 2. Moratorium. From the effective day of this Ordinance and for a period of ninety (90) days from the effective date of this Ordinance, subject to earlier termination or extension by the Edina City Council, the Edina City Council and the Edina City staff shall not: (1) accept, or continue to process, any new plat or subdivision; (2) accept any applications for, or issue, any building permits; (3) accept any applications for, or continue to process, any variances from any existing platting, subdivision or building Ordinances of the City; or (4) allow the construction of any new, or the expansion of existing, parking facilities which will or may result in the construction of new improvements or an increase in the exterior size of existing improvements located within 100 feet of the centerline of Mi.nnehaha Creek or Nine Mile Creek or within 100 feet of the ordinary high water elevation of lakes, ponds and wetlands shown. on a map on file in the office of the City Engineer entitled Protected Waters Inventory dated 1979 and revised December 7, 1981; provided, however, that only those wetlands so shown which are defined as Type 5 wetlands according to Circular 39 of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service shall be included for purposes hereof. First Reading: Second Reading: ATTEST: (signed) Marcella M. Daehn City Clerk (signed) C. Wayne Courtney Mayor 3¢ WAYZATA, MINNESOTA 55391 THOMAS THOMAS S. ERICKSON, P. A. (612)475 -0373 (612) 340 -2659 June 14, 1984 Mr. Kenneth E. Rosland City of Edina 4801 West 50 Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Re: Weed Ordinances Dear Ken: O_C 201 DAVIDSON BUILDING 8 THIRD STREET NORTH GREAT FALLS, MONTANA 59401 (406) 727-3632 SUITE 675 NORTH 1800 M STREET N. W. WASHINGTON, D. C. 20036 (202) 955 -1050 30 RUE LA BOETIE 75008 PARIS, FRANCE 011 331 562 32 50 I enclose herewith a proposed draft of Ordinance No. 1040. This ordinance, as you requested, puts into one ordinance the prior proposed amendments to Ordinance No. 1211 and Ordinance No. 1031. This ordinance repeals paragraph (e) of Section 2 of Ordinance No. 1031, and Sections 8 and 9 of Ordinance No. 1211, all of which deal with the removal of weeds. The substantive changes resulting from this ordinance are those underlined and dashed out in Sections 1 and 3, and all of Section 4. However, Section 4 merely sets out in more detail the process to be followed in removing weeds as permitted by Ordinance No. 1213. The ordinance does not make any change in the height of grass before it is a nuisance, i.e., it is yet 12 inches or one foot. The main purpose of the ordinance is to better define weeds and rank vegetation and establish a clearer procedure for removing weeds and tall grasses when a property owner refuses or fails to do so. Very truly yours, Thoma . Erickson TSE : j d enclosure cc w /enclosure: voms. Marcella Daehn DORSEY & WHITNEY A Partnership Including Professional Corporations 2200 FIRST BANK PLACE EAST MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 510 NORTH CENTRAL LIFE TOWER ( 612) 340-2600 445 MINNESOTA STREET ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 TELEX: 29-0605 (612) 227 -8017 TELECOM ER : (612) 340-2868 P. O. BOX 848 340 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING ROCHESTER, MINNESOTA 55903 ( 507) 288-3158 3¢ WAYZATA, MINNESOTA 55391 THOMAS THOMAS S. ERICKSON, P. A. (612)475 -0373 (612) 340 -2659 June 14, 1984 Mr. Kenneth E. Rosland City of Edina 4801 West 50 Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Re: Weed Ordinances Dear Ken: O_C 201 DAVIDSON BUILDING 8 THIRD STREET NORTH GREAT FALLS, MONTANA 59401 (406) 727-3632 SUITE 675 NORTH 1800 M STREET N. W. WASHINGTON, D. C. 20036 (202) 955 -1050 30 RUE LA BOETIE 75008 PARIS, FRANCE 011 331 562 32 50 I enclose herewith a proposed draft of Ordinance No. 1040. This ordinance, as you requested, puts into one ordinance the prior proposed amendments to Ordinance No. 1211 and Ordinance No. 1031. This ordinance repeals paragraph (e) of Section 2 of Ordinance No. 1031, and Sections 8 and 9 of Ordinance No. 1211, all of which deal with the removal of weeds. The substantive changes resulting from this ordinance are those underlined and dashed out in Sections 1 and 3, and all of Section 4. However, Section 4 merely sets out in more detail the process to be followed in removing weeds as permitted by Ordinance No. 1213. The ordinance does not make any change in the height of grass before it is a nuisance, i.e., it is yet 12 inches or one foot. The main purpose of the ordinance is to better define weeds and rank vegetation and establish a clearer procedure for removing weeds and tall grasses when a property owner refuses or fails to do so. Very truly yours, Thoma . Erickson TSE : j d enclosure cc w /enclosure: voms. Marcella Daehn ORDINANCE NO. 1040 AN ORDINANCE DECLARING POISONOUS PLANTS, WEEDS, ACCUMULATIONS OF CERTAIN VEGETATION, AND GRASS OR GRASS -LIKE VEGETATION OVER TWELVE INCHES HIGH, A NUISANCE, AND REQUIRING CUTTING OR REMOVAL THEREOF, ESTABLISHING A PROCEDURE FOR CUTTING OR REMOVAL AND ASSESSMENT OF COSTS, PROVIDING A PENALTY, AND REPEALING PARAGRAPH (e) OF SECTION 2 OF ORDINANCE NO. 1031 AND SECTIONS 8 AND 9 OF ORDINANCE NO. 1211 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA ORDAINS: Section 1. Declaration of Nuisance. The following vegetation is hereby declared a nuisance: (a) all poisonous plants, including, but not limited to, poison ivy, poison oak and ragweed, (b) all weeds, including, but not limited to, those which are noxious as defined by state law, (c) any accumulation of dead weeds, grass, brush or other vegetation, and (d) any all other wank growths of grass or grass -like vegetation;- inelueli:sg -any- grass-er -weeds standing over one foot, or which have gone or are about to go to seed, and which are situated within 500 feet of any residence or within 100 feet of any regular }y- travelled road, alley or street; provided that part (d) of this paragraph shall not be deemed to apply to weee7s;- grass -er -ether - growths vegetation so situated that it is extremely difficult to mew or remove, and provided further that none of this paragraph shall apply to land owned by, or subject to easements in favor of, the City and maintained by the City as a natural open space area. Sec. 2. Duty of Property Owners to Remove Nuisance from Their Property. Every owner of property on which is located vegetat: declared by this ordinance to be a nuisance shall cause all such vegetation to be cut or removed. Sec. 3. Duty of Property Owners To Remove Nuisance from Public Rights of Way. Every owner of p}atteel property abutting on any platted public street, or alley or right of way shall cause the vegetation declared by this ordinance to be a nuisance to be cut from the line of such property nearest to such street, or alley or right of way to the center of such street, or alley or right of way, or to be removed therefrom. Sec. 4. Notice, Abatement and Assessment. (a) The City, acting by and through the City Manager, may cause the nuisance to be removed and the cost thereof collected from the property owner on whose property the nuisance was located, or whose property abutted the public street, alley or right of way on which the nuisance was located, all pursuant to provisions of Ordinance No. 1213, and the following provisions: (i) before the City causes the nuisance to be removed the City Manager shall mail notice to the owner or owners of the affected property or properties as such owners and their addresses are shown on the records of the City, requiring remval of the nuisance within the time and in the manner specified in the notice, and if not removed within the time and in the manner specified in the notice, the City may proceed by order of the City Manager and, pursuant to Ordinance No. 1213, to rerrove the nuisance; (ii) the total cost of removal of the nuisance incurred by the City, when determined, shall be charged to the owner or owners of the property or properties to wham such notice was given; (iii) if the charged cost is not paid by such owner or owners by the date specified by Ordinance No. 1213, the costs not paid shall be assessed against the affected property or properties of the non - paying owner or owners pursuant to Ordinance No. 1213; and (iv) the above process may be repeated as often as necessary to remove vegetation declared by this ordinance to be a nuisance. (b) If the nuisance consists of noxious weeds as defined by state law, then the City, at the.option of the City Manager, may proceed to remove the nuisance and charge the cost thereof to the property owner pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sect. 18.271 in lieu of the procedure set out at (a) of this Section. _ Sec. 5. Penalty. Any person who violates or fails to camply with this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be subject to penalties pursuant to Ordinance No. 175. Such penalties may be imposed in addition to any other penalty or remedy herein prescribed. Sec. 6. Repealer. Paragraph (e) of Section 2 of Ordinance No. 1031, and Sections 8 and 9 of Ordinance No. 1211, are hereby repealed. Sec. 7. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage and publication. First Reading: Second Reading: Published in the on J1 WEST 50TH STREET, EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 612.927 -8861 RESOLUTION GRANTING FIN PEAT APPROVAL FOR COLONLAr COURT BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council ofitfe City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled "Colonial Court ", platted by Donald R. and Shirley Ann Berg, husband and wife, and presented at the regular meeting of the City Council of April 4, 1983, be and is hereby granted final plat approval, subject to payment of a subdivision dedication fee of $8,000.00 and execution of a Developer's Agreement. ADOPTED this 4th day of April, 1983. 4 CITY OF � EDINA 4801 WEST 50TH STREET, EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 612- 927 -8861 RESOLUTION GRANTING FINAL PLAT APPROVAL FOR WESTRIDGE ESTATES BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled "Westridge Estates "., platted by Donald R. and Shirley A. Berg, husband and wife, and presented at the regular meeting of the City Council of April 4, 1983,. be and is hereby granted final plat approval, subject to payment of a subdivision dedication fee of $8,000.00 and execution of a Developer's Agreement. ADOPTED this 4th day of April, 1983. jy_j� MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND COUNCIL FROM: KENNETH ROSLAND, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: INSURANCE RENEWALS /1984 DATE: JUNE 18, 1984 When the insurance policies were renewed last June, it was indicated that the City would stay with those agents. While the insurance industry has generally been faced with larger underwriting losses coupled with lower investment returns due to lower interest rates, the renewals do not generally reflect this. With the exception of the property, the rates (per unit) have remained the same with the increase in premiums reflecting only increases in estimated payroll and /or sales. While there is an increase in the rate for the property insurance it is still below the rates for the competition last year. It is recommended that the Council renew insurance coverage with the following companies for 1984 -1985. Coverage Company 1983 -84 1984 -85 General Liability Home $ 35,153 $ 37,437 (29,880) Worker's Compensation Home 99,768 105,454 Liquor Liability Home 6,512 6,935 Auto Liability & Auto Physical Home 14,064 14,064 (11,954) (13,000) Property (Buildings Sayre & Toso 9,796 15,550 and contents) & Business Interruption, Transit & Voting Machines Boiler Machinery Hartford Boiler 4,540 (August Renewal) Money & Securities Home 1,298 1,382 Mobile Equipment Home 2,096 2,225 Umbrella St. Paul Surplus 6,000 6,500 Ambulance Attendants Northbrook 900 900 GA-I ORDINANCE NO. 171 -A16 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 171 TO ADD A CERTAIN FEE NUMBER THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNES6TA, ORDAINS: Section 1. Schedule A to Ordinance No. 171 is hereby amended by addition of Fee- No..15d -5a to read as follows: ORD. SEC. N0. NO. AMOUNT FEE NO. 433 6(d) Ventilation work permit 3. Domestic type kitchen or bathroom exhaust system Each system'when vented individually in single or multiple dwellings $16.00 15d -5 Each additional system 5.00 15d -5a =. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage and publication. First Reading: Second Reading: ATTEST: City Clerk Mayor ' n OF cnm^ � F*_ .'— ~^ _--c*ccx no. cArc -____'-xmnumz_-' � | c*ccx nL"Iarcn m6~14~8* »sc x | � Cuumr_mn°.zmV°_o-P°O°'nm%ooxsc_-___-_/ 15170C C6106/F4 440.71 AT &'T 4 0.71 15336A 06/C6/84 2,295*11 M,UTUAL BENEFIT 15358F C6/C61F4 236.50 UESTERN LIFE rcccp*mmc 10~*256~509~50 Lnmo xEnn ors � _ 10~4158~510~51 _cMpmv_PEnx--___-------- 10-4145~5.10_51 __ cpp Cnw7 10~4149~510~51 cppL Lzpc zmc 10~*157~510~51 ' ` u __ _- � |= !n.nU ° |''— - '-------- '-`--------�--���-----'----------------------�----- --- c *o pxwuuJ |� , ^^°~cxs __--_pxnuxu__ -` , --� � °°^~cvn - ^ nwnuxu 13 | 17 | nAmu*L ^ i -------�� ' --""| °°^-rpn |� ! numu«L '`| ^°^~cxo-'_!° nxwoxL ='! c *o pxwuuJ |� , ^^°~cxs __--_pxnuxu__ -` , --� � °°^~cvn - ^ - 3 P 157391 C6106/84 332.43 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 10-4252-301-30 MANUAL L 157391 C6/C6/14 8,995.53 KCSTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 10-4252-322-30 L .� 157391 L _ o oerv4 _%5? xo_-___-_Nnor*cnm-Smrca sLccruI___10-4 m2 3"5-3u nmvu»L 1573Q1 06/C6fa4 91,74 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 10-4 2 52- 35 8- 30 MANUAL 157391 06/C6/?4 19701.36 NCFTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 10-4252-375-30 MANUAL L L - 17 157391 06/C61?4 999.16 KCRTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 10-4252-520-52 MANUAL MANUAL 157391 06/G6/84 13.90 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 20-1130-000-00 c - L MANUAL 157391 06/06/84 328*83 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 23-4252-611-61 MANU � �71 157391 06/C6/84 118.30 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC MANUAL 91 C6/C6184 967985—kCRTH.ERN—STATES---ELECTRIC 27-4252-661-66 MANUAL 1-157 157391 06/G6/94 95.54 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 27~*252~66 2~66 nwmuw� -� �~| 157391 06/06/84 2,782.24 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 28~42 52~708~70 ' nwvuxu - I f f f f f f 158704 U6 /C6 /R4 17 21l ' 1547.0.5 - f►ffff °I 160770 CHECK REGISTER 06 -14 -84 PAGE 2 _________ ITE.M DES.C_RIPT_LON _ACCOUNT NO.._INV. _U_P_.O. I MESSAGE 199.32 NCRTHERN STATES r ffAW 1984 CITY CF EOItA . NORTHERN_STATES - _._ELECTRIC._ k __CHECK NO. DATE STATES ELECTRIC l157391 C6106/84 NCRTHERN 3_I--- _1.50391_____ - 06/0'6/44_ -. _21,433.32: _______NORTHE.RN_STATES_ 501.37 f 157391 06106/F4 40- 4252- 801 -80 219433.32 157391 6/76184 ELECTRIC 40- 4252 - 801 -80 157391 U6/C6/84 STATES j 157391 06/06/84 533-.12 °I 157391 06/06184 ELECTRIC _157- 39..1_ _0- 6 /C6 /_8 4 NORTHERN 157391 C6/C6/84 50- 4252 - 841 -84 157391 06 /C6 /F4 I f f f f f f 158704 U6 /C6 /R4 17 21l ' 1547.0.5 - f►ffff °I 160770 CHECK REGISTER 06 -14 -84 PAGE 2 _________ ITE.M DES.C_RIPT_LON _ACCOUNT NO.._INV. _U_P_.O. I MESSAGE 199.32 NCRTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 29 -4252- 721 -72 7 . NORTHERN_STATES - _._ELECTRIC._ __30- 4252 - 781 -78 37.02 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 30 -4252- 783 -78 ?4.56 NCRTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 30- 4252- 784 -78 _21,433.32: _______NORTHE.RN_STATES_ 501.37 f MANUAL____ CORRECTION 40- 4252- 801 -80 219433.32 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 40- 4252 - 801 -80 2f143.32 NCRTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 40- 4252 - 801 -80 533-.12 - NDRTHER&_ST_ATES CABLE.�V_ -__ ELECTRIC 50 -- 4.232- 821 -82 831.74 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 50- 4252 - 841 -84 462.79 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 50 -4252- 861 -86 PETTY CASH MEETING EXPENSES 10 -4206- 120 -12 1 .6.4203- ._..____Ch 52.00 CAREN BECKLEY POOL CASHIER 26- 3405 - 000 -00 52.00 f MANUAL - -,,. 4fi MANUAL .__._._{+ MANUAL - MANUAL I, MANUAL o MANUAL MANUAL „. MAYUAL.__+z JOE ELIAS MANUAL 3 MANUAL •ff -CKS uai. MANUAL- 22 :3 - -ff♦ -CKS - 2- _�bJ131_B4___ _50_.110 CAR£NFrECKLEY- POD./-- CASHIER 24- 3�O�Q00 -0.0 ___MAN.UAL 50.00 f 06/13/84 300.00 FUSTMA'STER POSTAGE DUE 10- 4290- 510 -51 '60 - -,,. 4fi MANUAL - MANUAL ' 164154 06/13/84 _ MANUAL.._ -. MANUAL 27- 4100 - 663 -66 501.37 JOE ELIAS WAGES 3� MANUAL 501.37 f MANUAL____ MANUAL a: MANUAL 63 r MANUAL MANUAL 1_'!_164203 _ _._ . _ 06/13184 .2.1_.2.0 PETTY _CASH CABLE.�V_ -__ 10- 2149- 000 -00 164203 06/13/84 6.00 PETTY CASH MISC 10 -3800- 000 -00 r'I 16420? C6/13/84 2.50 PETTY CASH MEETING EXPENSES 10 -4206- 120 -12 1 .6.4203- ._..____Ch /13/-8_4_ - - 9.00 PFTTILCASN MEETING__E_XPENSES 1Q- 4206- 160 -16 r4.I 164203 06/13784 9.00 PETTY CASH MEETING EXPENSES 10- 4206 - 420 -42 164203 C6113/P4 2.10 PETTY CASH MEETING EXPENSES 10 -4206- 421 -42 164203 C6/13184_ SfR7 _PETTY- CASH_ _ - MEETING_ EXPENSES_._____10- 4206 - 480 -48 164203 06/13/84 10.00 PETTY CASH MEETING EXPENSES 10- 4206 - 490 -49 1642J3 06/13/84 4.14 PETTY CASH MILAGE 10- 4208 - 140 -14 _._6_._4.5_ F1<T.T_Y_CASJ+ - __M._ILAGE_ 10- 4208 - 140 -16._- I__�.642_C?______L61131P4 1642U3 76/13/F4 1.F4 PETTY CASH MILAGE 10- 4208 - 500 -50 16420? C6/13/P_4 .40 PETTY CASH PCSTAGE 10 -4250- 200 -20 - _1.64203 _ 06113/84 _2 F_. 65 PETTY' CASH____________POSTAGE___ -4290- 260 -26 164203 ^6/13/14 8.50 PETTY CASH POSTAGE __10 10- 4500- 120 -12 164203 05/13/84 13.90 PETTY CASH GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 420 -42 51i__ 16.42_03_.___- E6/L3L8.4___ __2_.43_ __P-ETT1' CAS- H____- _GEN_SUP_PLIES 10 _4504- 440- 44 I ' 164233 06/13/34 2.96 PETTY CASH GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 490 -49 r , 164203 06/13/P4 11.16 PETTY CASH GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 500 -50 " 3 ___06 /13/$4 4.19 FETTY_.CASH GEN_ SUPPLIES 10 -4944- 180 -18 164203 J6/13/84 17.09 PETTY CASH GEN SUPPLIES 20- 2220 - 000 -00 ,. 164203 U6/13/P4 6.25 PETTY CASH LAUNDRY 20- 4262 - 622 -62 sly. f1f- CKS...- - - "+ MANUAL I ,R ,37 f ff -CKS !3e MANUAL - f..- CKS - - -,,. 4fi MANUAL - MANUAL ' MANUAL ; _ MANUAL.._ -. MANUAL MANUAL ,•3 v MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL____ MANUAL a: MANUAL 63 r MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL ;; Ilid PANDA L MANUAL "I MANUAL __MANUAL 72 MANUAL MANUAL 7-11 � �35�r Q *1984 ! OF EDINA • _ CHECK .N^. .DATE_ _______. - __A.MOUN_T___ I 7- CHECK STER C6 -14 -8• AGE 3 1. VENDOR ____ ITEM_DESCR.IP-TLON AC- COUNT NO -9_I_NV.- 11_P�0_•- #_MESSAGE -__ - --) 204.03 BADGER METER INC REPAIR PARTS 6 74.18 199.54 "j 170076 06/13!84 -6 170026 061 _ B.ACGER_METER_INC WATER - _METERS 472.79 EACGER METER INC CATER METER 1,195.55 BADGER METER INC CATER METERS 10- 4540 - 783 -78 30 -1 -220- 000 -00 - 30 -1220- 000 -00 30 -1220- 000 -00 7 4 - 164203 06/13/84 1t!.50 FETTY CASH GEN SUPPLIES 20- 4504- 627 -62 MANUAL _- ]�_4Z.0_? 1.61.13184 - 7.S.L -_ - _GEN__S.UPPLl S _ 20- 4504 -_6. 9 -42 _ - -__ _- HANUAL__.__ -- i. -_ _ - _ - - - -- - -- . - -- - -- -- ---- --- --- - -- - - -- - -- -- t f *!!-C K.S. ° 164251 06/13/R4 10,000.00 EDINA HRA DUE HRA 10 -1145- 000 -00 MANUAL 'I 1rrlrr + *+ -CKS , 164768 06/13/84 25.00 MN DEPT► OF LABOR SEMINAR 10 -4202- 140 -14 MANUAL 'a� 25.70 + „.I + +• -CKS - -_ 177,356._ C.5/12184 _- _ 233.24._ -_ - -_ MINNESOTA BLUEPRINT - __- BLUE_ - PRINTING _ 10- 4.570- 260 - 170003 06/12/84 119.95 ALBINSON BLUE PRINTING -26__ 20- 4570 - 600 -60 °� 353.19 + ^I 170004 C6 /C8 /F4 145.51 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 10- 4262 - 440 -44 'j 170004 06/11/84 7.83 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 10- 4262- 482 -48 "I 17C004 -[61[8/8- 4_-- ___ -_- _ 129_. -0�0 AMER-ICAA_LINEfLAU NOR Y 1-0 -4262- 520 -52 -', 170004 06/11/R4 16.95 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 20- 4262- 628 -62 "j 170004 C6/O8/84 19.00 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 27- 4262 - 661 -66 054__ 239.79 _LMERICAN_L_I NEN_____ LAUNDRY 27 -4262- 661 -66 170034 06/05/84 39.22 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 50 -4262- 821 -82 1/0074 06 /0E /F4 76.35 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 50- 4262- 841 -84 - _1.7000.4 -_ 06,/[518_4-. 57_.57 AJ3ER.I..C_AN_LINEN_ LAUNDRY 50- 4262- 861 -86 731.22 + 170037 06/08/84 22.00 APEX PEST CONTROL GEN SUPPLIES 28- 4504 - 708 -70 - - - -- ._. - - -- - - -- - - - - -- 22..00 klrrlr + ++ -CKS ° 170013 U6/11/84 33.96 ALTERNATOR REBUILD GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 328 -30 170013 06/11/84 34.00 ALTERNATOR REBUILD REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540- 560 -56 i ",-_1.70013_-- _ -_ X6/11/94 17.80 ALTERNATOR REBUILD _PARTS 10- 4620 - 560 -56 ,j 85.76 t -- - -- - 170[24 66/11/84 40.60 ARTISTAT INC PRINTING 23- 4600 - 610 -61 170025 06/CE/84 24.00 ALFONS ANDERSSON CONT SERV 27- 4200- 661 -66 5 - - -- - 2 4_.0 0 + _ 204.03 BADGER METER INC REPAIR PARTS 6 74.18 199.54 "j 170076 06/13!84 -6 170026 061 _ B.ACGER_METER_INC WATER - _METERS 472.79 EACGER METER INC CATER METER 1,195.55 BADGER METER INC CATER METERS 10- 4540 - 783 -78 30 -1 -220- 000 -00 - 30 -1220- 000 -00 30 -1220- 000 -00 7 4 - 13/84 170026 0 06/13/84 199.54 "j 170076 06/13!84 -6 170026 061 _ B.ACGER_METER_INC WATER - _METERS 472.79 EACGER METER INC CATER METER 1,195.55 BADGER METER INC CATER METERS 10- 4540 - 783 -78 30 -1 -220- 000 -00 - 30 -1220- 000 -00 30 -1220- 000 -00 7 4 - �~ 1984 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 06 -14 -84 PAGE 4 CHECK N^. DATE .VENDOR_ -_ _ _ ITEM. DESC.RIP__TION AC_CO_UNT_ NOf_INV._q__PfOf A MESSAGE w al 170026 -- -- - - -- - 06/13/84 - -- - -- - 525.00- - -- 2,021, 5 • BADGER METER INC -- - CREDIT 30- 1220 - 000 -00 10- 4504 - 510 -51 199.05 BURY R CARLSON INC BLACKTOP - _2-0_.9.09 PEBTE_LS.ON- BRO_S__INC_ GEN- SUP_P_LIES- I' 170028 6/13/84 619.00 BEER WHOLESALERS INVENTORY 27- 4630- 664 -66 w � 177028 06/12/84 2 415.50 • BEEP WHOLESALERS INVENTORY 50- 4630 - 822 -82 EFRTELSON 10I 1711 - 2.fi____._ 06L12L84 4_*_720 -0-0_ • BEE-R-II - LESALERS I-NVENTORY 502T!4630- 842 -8_4 -__ 26 - e.EPTE_LS.C.N- 170028 U6/12fF4 49909.36 BEER WHOLESALERS INVENTORY 50- 4630- 862 -86 w I i; BRYAN ROCK FR(0. 129664.16 • CCNST -- 1700 7() 6/CE/84 25P.70 BERG B FARNHAM CO GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 301 -30 170029 L6/OE/94 123.30 BERG 6 FARNHAM CO GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 301 -30 w' 1701129_.-__9610Ef -24 X8_._85 - FERG R FAR_ "M CO GEN SUPPLIES 1.0- 4504 - 3.01 -10 y 7 42005 • - -- - - - -- -- - - --- a e fff -CKS 7 . 0 -- z I" 1.4 - '71 lie . - - - -- -- f•+-CKS - v� "I - 17CO31 C6/C8/84 20.00 EERTELSON RROS INC GEN SUPPL -IES 10- 4504 - 510 -51 199.05 BURY R CARLSON INC BLACKTOP - _2-0_.9.09 PEBTE_LS.ON- BRO_S__INC_ GEN- SUP_P_LIES- 1.0- 4504 -_ 510 -51 v a 17OU31 06/11784 16.75 BERTELSON BROS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES _ 10- 4516 - 160 -16 10 -4 314 -3C 170041 170031 U6/C8/94 28.97 EFRTELSON BROS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES 10- 4516 - 510 -51 I 1700.31 06/11 /?4 26 - e.EPTE_LS.C.N- BRCS - -IRO CFFICE SUPPLIES 10- 45.16- 510- 51 j •'I 170039 06/11/?4 219.48 + BRYAN ROCK FR(0. INC CCNST -- __110 0-3-2- __- _16/1.1 L8.4 __ 3.71.56 BRYAN ROCILQB00.--1NC CONST 20- 1421 - 000 -00_ 17D039 06/11794 855.48 BRYAN ROCK PROD. INC SAND GRAVEL 20- 4522- 642 -64 r ' 170033 X5/12/84 190.35 EERGFORO TRUCKING INVENTORY 50- 4626- 822 -82 170033 C6/1�8/84. -__ __ 215.55 BERGFORD_TRUCKING _INVENTORY SG- 4626- 822 -82 I" 170033 06/1e'/84 2E3.05 BERGFORD TRUCKING INVENTORY 5U- 4626- 842 -84 170033 C6 /CE /E4 266.40 EERGFORC TRUCKING INVENTORY 50 -4626- 842 -84 ' 17 0 .0.32 __- _....06112L 4__ 34� -0.❑ p.EAGEORIl_ LRU_C.KSNC_._ INV_EN.T_OR_Y 5Q- 4626 - 862 -86_. ;'I 170 ^33 C6 /CE /E4 115.40 EERGFORC TRUCKING INVENTORY __- 50- 4626- 862 -86 M . 19536.75 • frff «• z•. 3�I\ 3 I JAI 3' ,1• - - -- - -- - - - - !ff -CKS - -- - " -I qp "I - 122!].'_8 ____- __06/13L8_4__ 1oQ. -07 GECRfI`flU_LLER_- -4524- 301 -30 �DLICE_SEAV_ -_ L0- 410D__42�42 199.05 BURY R CARLSON INC BLACKTOP 100.00 + 170041 06/08/84 109996.25 BURY 6 CARLSON v a 10- 4524 - 314 -30 1790.4.1 -._ C61"8/R4- - ��172_.1.0 BURY_ &_ CARLSON._INC _BLACKTOP 10 -4 314 -3C 170041 _ _177039 06/11/84 _ 114.3.3________BRYAN_ROCK_PR00. INC INC_ ___FILL MATERIAL- 10- 4518 - 345 -30___ 20 9635.76 + 1700 30 06/11 /?4 5.447.52 BRYAN ROCK PROD. INC ___ CLASS V MATERIAL 10 -4522- 314 -30 170039 06/11/?4 3S5.36 BRYAN ROCK FR(0. INC CCNST 10 -4532- 301 -30 __110 0-3-2- __- _16/1.1 L8.4 __ 3.71.56 BRYAN ROCILQB00.--1NC CONST 20- 1421 - 000 -00_ 17D039 06/11794 855.48 BRYAN ROCK PROD. INC SAND GRAVEL 20- 4522- 642 -64 r ' 79191.25 Y tA - - - I- 6C fl fff -CKS �G7 Cl 7: � a - -�7� ]i19L.9_A._ BURY__8,_CARLSON __INC__ -_- BLACKTOP_- ______10 -4524- 301 -30 170041 06/08/94 199.05 BURY R CARLSON INC BLACKTOP 10- 4524 - 301 -30 170041 06/08/84 109996.25 BURY 6 CARLSON INC BLACKTOP 10- 4524 - 314 -30 1790.4.1 -._ C61"8/R4- - ��172_.1.0 BURY_ &_ CARLSON._INC _BLACKTOP 10 -4 314 -3C 170041 C6/0E/84 75.40 EURY 8 CARLSON INC BLACKTOP -524- 30 -4524- 783 -78 20 9635.76 + Y tA - - - I- 6C fl fff -CKS �G7 Cl 7: � a - -�7� °nx* cp comx mccx-mc�,cxTc--_ � c*ccn urcn C6-1 4-8. ^sc n | � a,_w_pES-S xsE_-_--_- 13 1 �c _- � ^' � ^. "' � � - - __ 60.1 170073 L6/12/84 50.55 CITY BEER INVENTORY 50-46 30-82 2- 82 i" 170073 C6il2/f4 107*45 CITY -BEER ThVEhTORY 50-4630-8U-86 . � 170046 76/11/84 142.06 BRISSMAN KENNEDY INC GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-520-52 17CO49 06/13/84 230.?0 BURESH ROBERT MEETING EXPENSES 10-4206-440-44 170C 5 3 06/08184 36.67 13ROWNING FERRIS RUBBISH REMOVAL 10 4250 446-44 17 0 C 5 3 C6/08/F4 48.25 FROWNING FERRIS RUBBISH REPOAL 170053 U6/08/84 21 .23 BROWNING FERRIS RUBBISH REMOVAL 20-4250-646-64 170553 C6/C8/84 44.39 EROWNING FERR IS RUBBISH REPOM 20-4250-646-64 179n_53 G6/C8/94 77.20 BROWNING FERRIS RUBBISH REMOVAL 27-4250-661-66 170U53 C6/C-E/F4 29.95 EROWNING FERRIS RUBBISH REMOVAL 27-4,151-662-66 ,:0 170053 C6/08/84 206.51 BROWNING FERRIS RUBBISH REMOVAL 50-4 2 50-841-8 4 170053 U6/C8/84 241.25 BROWNING FERRIS RUBBISH REMOVAL -4 2 50- 861- 86 0 'L17001? C6/13/84 136*58 DAILY CONST REPORTS ADVERTISING iu-4210-140-14 �c _- � ^' � ^. "' � � - - __ 60.1 170073 L6/12/84 50.55 CITY BEER INVENTORY 50-46 30-82 2- 82 i" 170073 C6il2/f4 107*45 CITY -BEER ThVEhTORY 50-4630-8U-86 . � 1934 CITY OF FOINA �r- -CHECK NC. CATE. z CHECK REGISTER 06 -14 -84 PAGE - __AMO1N1 _--- .- VENDOR -_,_ ___ITEM. _DES.CRIP_T ON AC_COLN_T "_ I. N.V9__ # _P._0..__1_MESSAGE- -.__ -_ 2 - -- * ** -CKS _.. -.I *. s I a *** -CKS ***-CPS *** -ChS 170075 06/12/84 30.84 CLANCY DRUG INC CABLE TV 10- 2149- 000 -00 10- 4274- 44C- 44____ .__170075 06/12/84_..____ - _ _7.28CLANCY__DRUG__. INC -_ GEN- SUP-P_LIES 10 -4504- 260- 26____ & SAFETY GEN SUPLIES 170075 ;6/12/?4 2.45 CLANCY DRUG INC GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 421 -42 126.76 CONWAY FIRE 170075 U6/12/84 12.83 CLANCY DRUG INC GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 510 -51 = 1Z00-7 5 -_._._ __- 06112/ 4__ X3_.33 CL1L'VLY _DRUG -I.NC_ _GEN- SUP3II ES 10- 45.04 - 550 -54 170075 06/12/84 11.95 CLANCY DRUG INC GEN SUPPLIES 30- 4504 - 783 -78 28- 4274 - 708 -70 89.28 • 28.00 CONWAY FIRE & SAFETY CLOTHING REPLACMENT 30- 4274 - 782 -78 ;SIC 170082 u6/12/, ?4 __128.50 -.__ CONWAY FIRc*-&_- - .1ZOJ78- _ - -_-, 6/12 LE 4----? 9 4­5 5 rnCA C_9.LA_ BOT_TLIN_G_ I_NVE.N_T_ORY _- 5_Q- 4-6.32- 822 -82__ 1700132 06/12/34 17Pn78 U6/12/84 19055.40 COCA COLA BOTTLING INVENTORY 50- 4632- 842 -84 170078 56/12/84 858.65 COCA COLA BOTTLING INVENTORY 50 -4632- 862 -86 50- 4248 - 821 -82 t U_ &/-1.2IA_4_ H0 50 CONWAY-FI_RE FIRE -CONT-PEP-AIRS- 50- _4248- 841 -L4 rZ `OI rr4 rrr 170082 06/12/84 3.50 CONWAY FIRE & SAFETY CONT REPAIRS 1700,10 06/('8184 29636.80 CONT -MINN GEN SUPPLIES 21 -4504- 661 -66 553.51 • 29636.80 °` %wl ---- 170a32- -__- _! 6.1121.84 11.10__ C NWAY__F RE- &- SAF�1Y F.OUIP_MA_INI 1.0-4.27.4-421 -_42 i 170082 06/12/84 14.00 CONWAY FIRE & SAFETY EQUIP MAINT 10- 4274 - 421 -42 170082 U6/12/p4 138.50 CCNWAY FIRE 8 SAFETY EQUIP PAINT 10- 4274- 421 -42 ._- A_701. 2_ ___ _06/13/84_ _- _5-3- ..00 -_ CONWAT FIRE_ &_ SAFETY- ___- EQUIP_MAINT_ 10- 4274 - 440 -44__ r "7 170082 06/13184 12.75 CONWAY FIRE & SAFETY EQUIP MAINT 10- 4274- 440 -44 MILEAGE 170UE2 06/13/84 12.75 CONWAY FIRE 9 SAFETY EQUIP MAINT 10- 4274 - 440 -44 „- _l70o82__ _0�/_1�1�4__ 1�Z5 C -ChIiA.Y__Fa3_E-&- SAF_ETT E9.UIP--MA-INT -- 10- 4.274-440_:._4.4 �,I 170092 06/13794 13.75 CONWAY FIRE & SAFETY EQUIP MAINT 10- 4274 - 440 -44 v 170082 U6/13/34 27.75 CONWAY FIRE & SAFETY EQUIP MAINT 10- 4274 - 440 -44 2 - -- * ** -CKS _.. -.I *. s I a *** -CKS ***-CPS *** -ChS w OEL73184 24.50_ C_0WATFI-R-E__8_ SAFETY -- EQUIP.- MAINT_ 10- 4274- 44C- 44____ L_170.C82. 1700p2 06/18/84 4.75 CONWAY FIRE & SAFETY GEN SUPLIES - 20- 4504- 646-64 -- -- -_ - -- - -- 170082 ,:6/13/x4 126.76 CONWAY FIRE & SAFETY SAFETY EQUIP 20- 4642- 646 -64 ;C 13_.25- _- -._CIlNHAY F1RE__&_SAFET_Y GEN_SUPP_L.IES______ 23-4504- 61.1 -61- 170082 U6/13/84 38.50 CONWAY FIRE & SAFETY E..9UIP MAINT 28- 4274 - 708 -70 170082 G6/G8/84 28.00 CONWAY FIRE & SAFETY CLOTHING REPLACMENT 30- 4274 - 782 -78 ;SIC 170082 u6/12/, ?4 __128.50 -.__ CONWAY FIRc*-&_- SAFETY_ CONT REPAIRS 50- 4248- 821 -82 1700132 06/12/34 1P.50 CONWAY FIRE & SAFETY CONT REPAIRS 50- 4248- 821 -82 li 170082 G6/12/84 128.50- CONWAY FIRE & SAFETY CORRECTION 50- 4248 - 821 -82 t U_ &/-1.2IA_4_ H0 50 CONWAY-FI_RE FIRE -CONT-PEP-AIRS- 50- _4248- 841 -L4 ,9C 170082 06/12/84 3.50 CONWAY FIRE & SAFETY CONT REPAIRS 50- 4248 - 861 -86 553.51 • °` *rr444 * ** -CKS --17.0 0 S7- _.___ _0.6/lE/_E_4_ - -__ ___4 00 _._ - �DUR7l�E. YC AtiAE--- _-- _J±EE7I_NG_EEEASES _1.0- 42.06- 100 -1 Q r "7 170091 76/08/84 32.52 COURTN13Y C WAYNE MILEAGE 10 -4208- 100 -10 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 36.52 �,I _.._ - - -- - -- .,..I .. • r .. ***-CPS 40 40 �J -1Z 199_ /nA /134 40.32 CUSHMAN MOTOR CO RFPATR PARTS 10-4540-560!!56 w - �__--_—________- � ~ 198 4 , OF comA ` \ -_zescv xC. oo7c |'| 170099 0*mvvn4 ` ' ' ` � � - -oMou�_T-__-- oo.ro ~- -- � | cuccx .zuTcn 06~14~ pooc r ` L -_'_vF-NonD--- -__--__---17cm-VE ouxY-mo° Jmw_-'wp°O-~'nrcoaxoc_'_-.- nuoHmxm mo7nn co ncp^zn pxnvs 27~4540~662~66 " + �_______ .,l- ---------- -_�-~*°~c*s ` 170106 06f13184 100.00 OAHL- MR HILDING POLICE SERV 10-4100-420-42 170108 J6/QE/?4 21.00 CALE GREEN COMPANY SOD BLACKCIRT 10-45e2-301-30 170108 J6/08/84 5F*00 CALE GREEN COMPANY SOD 9 BLACKDIRT 10-4562-319-30 170110 06/12/84 215.70 CAVIOSEN DIST IhC INVENTORY 50-46 30-82 2-82 1791 if) 06/12/F4 609.20 CAVIDSEN DIST INC INVENTORY 50-4630-842-84 170111 L6111/84 26.50 CAVIS WATER EQUIP CO REPAIR PAPTS 30-4540-783-78 1701 14 6 /F4 0 /C8 61 o02 CEtEGARD TOCL CC REPAIR PAPTS 10-4540-540-54 170114 06/08/84 10.11 DELEGARD TOOL CO REPAIR PARTS 10-4540-540-54 3,1 79.22 170125 06/13/84 20.00 PERU SUPPLY GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-466-44 170125 C6/C8/94 478.50 FERIT SUPPLY 170125 U6/13fp4 270.05 PERIT SUPPLY GEN SUPPLIES 23 4504 611-61 170125 C6/13/84 337.05 PERIT SUPPLY CONSTRUCTION 26:1300:000-00 �_______ .,l- ---------- -_�-~*°~c*s ` 19084 CITY OF EDINA CHE-CK. NC..—CATE- CHECK REGISTER 06-14-84 PAGE 8 .- - --- ----A MU-hl- -V-E ND-OR --- -----!TE-P-DE-S-C-RIP-troN C 61-02 /- 8 4 .6..-75---r-13YW-LDE-SER-VICES--CGNT--REPATR 5.9-42-48--8-41m84- 36.75 * 06/13/84 200*91 EARL F ANDERSEN PARK EQUIP 20- 4932 - 600 -60 06/11/84 125.31 ENRICH BAKING CO CONCESSIONS 27-4624-664-66 96/12f84 112.30 ENRICH BAKING CO CCNCESSIONS 27-4624-664-66 13D.*4-8 FPRTCH A -KLNG CC r C N CF-S-SMS 27- 46.2_4- 6.64-6.6 368.09 * !4 v. 5 7 Ic 13 : 4 ***—CKS C7 1771 46 06/12/84 3 --17 01- 3 4--- GREEN ACRES SPKL CORRECTION 20 -4248- 646 -64 1701'46 �z ;_r 17^143 fl-611-21-84— 170143 -G—R.EEX—ACRES SPKL IZI�1-4-3 20- 4-2-4-8T-646-64--- zo CHECK REGISTER 06-14-84 PAGE 8 .- - --- ----A MU-hl- -V-E ND-OR --- -----!TE-P-DE-S-C-RIP-troN C 61-02 /- 8 4 .6..-75---r-13YW-LDE-SER-VICES--CGNT--REPATR 5.9-42-48--8-41m84- 36.75 * 06/13/84 200*91 EARL F ANDERSEN PARK EQUIP 20- 4932 - 600 -60 06/11/84 125.31 ENRICH BAKING CO CONCESSIONS 27-4624-664-66 96/12f84 112.30 ENRICH BAKING CO CCNCESSIONS 27-4624-664-66 13D.*4-8 FPRTCH A -KLNG CC r C N CF-S-SMS 27- 46.2_4- 6.64-6.6 368.09 * !4 v. 5 7 Ic 13 : 4 ***—CKS C7 '%w I I 1771 46 06/12/84 9*96— GREEN ACRES SPKL CORRECTION 20 -4248- 646 -64 �z ;_r --l-Ml -4 6----- fl-611-21-84— 9-9--6-6 -G—R.EEX—ACRES SPKL 20- 4-2-4-8T-646-64--- zo °7I 170146 36/12/84 9.96 GREEN 'ACRES SPKL -0-N-T—REP-A-IR.S CONT REPAIRS 20-4248-646-64 2, 22 99.66 3o *or—CKS 27 17 n 1 -9--o 6 /—l-Z L&4- 4`a0 EMERERG GOLF —CARTS REPAIR PARTS 27- 4540 - 670 -66 4.80 37 3f, -***-CKS 170154 06/13/84 504.00 JOE ELIAS SALARY 27-4100-663-66 *—C KS 45 bn G 1771 62_ U6/12f84 10.96 FOWLER ELECTRIC REPAIR PARTS 27-4540-662-66 10.96 1 C I(S 1 f) 1 64 06/08184 6-44 FREEWAY -DODGE INC---- REPAIR PARTS----- 10- 4540 - 560 -56 im 170164 06/C8184 23.88 FREEWAY DODGE INC REPAIR PARS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 170164 --17U1-64_._____.S6 06108/84 /DR /_R_4_ 15*68 25-m73 FREEWAY DODGE INC FJY—EAA-Y—L-MGE--nC—REP—A-IR--PARTS REPAIR PARTS 10-4540-560-56 1Q- 4540 - 560 -56 71.73 c 170175 06/13/84 C 6 /I-lLl-4---- 57.46 9 90-- FRITZ CO FR TZ CO ----CJY CONCESSIONS r C E 27- 4624 - 664 -66 6 G7 117.36 11DJ-- 76 06t12r24L----809-o.35-6-q.LikC-QNTJ3-A.CTIN-G—.INC--C�QN-STR-UC-TIN 60-1300- 25 9-0 4 1!09.35 75 C '%w I I [1984 1. OF EOINA 'i 6 /11 f 84 C6/Cd/84 19.00 .-AGE 9 EQUIP RENAL CHECK STER 06-14-84 --C!-!!:Cl( NC.-CdTE A 100000 GENERAL COM14UNICATNS RADIO SERV 10-4294-420-42 PARTS REPAIR PAPTS GENUINE PARTS REPAIR PARTS -10---4540-560--56 70188 0 6 /13 F4 5.76 GEhUINE PARTS lZol 529.20 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC 06/13/84 401 .55 CO REPAIR PARTS 10-4504-540-54 27-4540-671-66 '4 vrV2az- �Z� c6v08/84 on.p* p°p° rcLL compxxr wcLozmn SuppLzco 10~4610~560~56 ' ^� -----' ---' 155 �2 cvo -----------i 1 96/13/84 R77.80 HALLMAN LUBRICANTS 10-4618-560-56 � ---'-- - _--- 170194 170194 'i 6 /11 f 84 C6/Cd/84 19.00 GENERAL COMMUNICATNS EQUIP RENAL 10-4226-301-30 ' 100000 GENERAL COM14UNICATNS RADIO SERV 10-4294-420-42 PARTS REPAIR PAPTS GENUINE PARTS REPAIR PARTS -10---4540-560--56 170209 C6/Cf/F4 5.76 GEhUINE PARTS lZol 170195 06/13/84 401 .55 GOLF CARS MIDWEST REPAIR PARTS 27-4540-671-66 o« o^vCo/e LAUNDRY --_— 10_4262_520~5" ��_'_oa�ce� - LAUNDRY '^--~"^-^°"~"° vroxou 06/0E/e4 z�� ^°"="°"-" ~°--="-"°"- 64 ' 170206 06/co184 140~ 00 s w m SERVICES LAUNDRY 30~4262-78 3~78 | � 1rp2p4 —� o*y����� /� _---'' _c&U' ^��RDJ��0 � ` 193F7°35 _ ------ �-- ------'--/ | = ^~ '4 vrV2az- �Z� c6v08/84 on.p* p°p° rcLL compxxr wcLozmn SuppLzco 10~4610~560~56 ' ^� -----' ---' 155 �2 cvo -----------i 1 96/13/84 R77.80 HALLMAN LUBRICANTS 10-4618-560-56 � ---'-- - 1 70209 06/OE184 51.20 GENUINE PARTS REPAIR PAPTS GENUINE PARTS REPAIR PARTS -10---4540-560--56 170209 C6/Cf/F4 5.76 GEhUINE PARTS PARTS 10-4620-560-56 '4 vrV2az- �Z� c6v08/84 on.p* p°p° rcLL compxxr wcLozmn SuppLzco 10~4610~560~56 ' ^� -----' ---' 155 �2 cvo -----------i 1 96/13/84 R77.80 HALLMAN LUBRICANTS 10-4618-560-56 � ---'-- - -'I 1984 CITY OF TDINA -- CHECK- N%_ DATE I ,zr 17 v I tLMCLOJL- GEN_S_UP�LIES t0 -_4_594- .301- 3.0 - - -- - - - - -- i 30.00 + - -- - - - - -- " 12L _170239 127 �— e_e_._... t. ''I 170243 - - - - -- 170218 66/08/84 _17.0228 • 1 f f r . 66/8/84 170256 170228 06/CE/84 of 170228 C6/0E/84 REGISTER CONCESSIONS .170270 06 -14 -84 PAGE 10 4 53-- „I 170229 06/08784 . _-- rfrrir - -- le 170234 C6/C8/84 17 v I tLMCLOJL- GEN_S_UP�LIES t0 -_4_594- .301- 3.0 - - -- - - - - -- i 30.00 + - -- - - - - -- " 12L _170239 127 �— e_e_._... t. ''I 170243 - - - - -- 170249 CARLSON PRINTING � I� • 1 f f r . -,1 170256 _CA.RLSON_.P_RINIING-- ____ -_- PRINTING ririr• - -- 06//0315 CHECK REGISTER CONCESSIONS .170270 06 -14 -84 PAGE 10 4 53-- fENESUPPL_IES v`rl 110211 . _-- T_TEM_0ESVUP_TION AC _COU_N_T- N.O..- _NV.__q_P-..O. -p MESSAGE__ —__ 1 , _- CCRRECTICN 27- 4624- 664 -64 170278 -� 170278 • *►- CKS- - - z - -�� . 22.20 HILLSTROM AUTO SUP Y GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 560 -56 - _246.18- -H ILLS TROM__AUTO_ SUP_ Y _REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 37.98 HILLSTROM AUTO SUP Y TOOLS 10- 4580 - 560 -56 y 441.50 HILLSTROM AUTO SUP Y PARTS 10- 4620- 560 -56 747_8.6 • 63.35 HOEART EQUIP MAINT 27- 4274 - 661 -66 17 fff —CKS le Ilya 17.75 hOCTEM1 CLEANERS LAUM1ORY 10- 4262 - 421 -42 --- - - - - -- 1 17.75 :.o --- _- -_.__. -- -._ — _- - -____ - •ff -CMS _ `I 17 v I tLMCLOJL- GEN_S_UP�LIES t0 -_4_594- .301- 3.0 - - -- - - - - -- i 30.00 + - -- - - - - -- " 12L _170239 127 �— e_e_._... t. ''I 170243 - - - - -- xl „Ia U6/11.184_ ., _ 105.00 _______H!LD.RA.ULIC- JACK___ - REPAIR _P -ARTS_ 10- 4540 - 540 -54 105.00 Ira a - -- - - - -- - - -- - -- -- - -. •+ -CKS - -- _ I,r Z17 C6 /O8 /84 150.54 hARMON GLASS REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 30 ------- - - - - -- 06/13/84 100.00 WILLIAM HOFFMAN POLICE SERY 10- 4100 - 420 -42 10Q -00 • a•. •ff —CMS 06/13/84 616/08/84. 452.35 ICSI 452.35 • TELEPHONE -DUES 80.00 • 10- 4256 - 510 -51 - 10- 4204 - 140 -14- 06/11/84 170249 CARLSON PRINTING � I� • 1 f f r . -,1 170256 _CA.RLSON_.P_RINIING-- ____ -_- PRINTING ririr• - -- 06//0315 521 ?,q • JERRYS FOODS CONCESSIONS .170270 v,l 4 53-- fENESUPPL_IES v`rl 110211 . _-- 1702 7 7_. _ 170278 06/11/84 10.49- _- CCRRECTICN 27- 4624- 664 -64 170278 -� 170278 CONCESSINS 27 -4624- 664 -64 v' -_ 10.49__ J_RR1LS__Y-0 - -ODS _ 17,12 7.5 xl „Ia U6/11.184_ ., _ 105.00 _______H!LD.RA.ULIC- JACK___ - REPAIR _P -ARTS_ 10- 4540 - 540 -54 105.00 Ira a - -- - - - -- - - -- - -- -- - -. •+ -CKS - -- _ I,r Z17 C6 /O8 /84 150.54 hARMON GLASS REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 30 ------- - - - - -- 06/13/84 100.00 WILLIAM HOFFMAN POLICE SERY 10- 4100 - 420 -42 10Q -00 • a•. •ff —CMS 06/13/84 616/08/84. 452.35 ICSI 452.35 • TELEPHONE -DUES 80.00 • 10- 4256 - 510 -51 - 10- 4204 - 140 -14- 06/11/84 253.00 CARLSON PRINTING PRINTING 10- 4600- 140 -14 C6/11/,84. -_. 2.75..��6nn0_ _CA.RLSON_.P_RINIING-- ____ -_- PRINTING 4600 - 140 -14 06//0315 521 ?,q • JERRYS FOODS CONCESSIONS __10- 27 4624 664 66 //84 4 53-- fENESUPPL_IES 7L84__ - JERRYS_EO_ODS— _____ _274450466610 -66 06/11/84 10.49- JERRYS FOODS CCRRECTICN 27- 4624- 664 -64 06/11/84 10.49 JERRYS FOODS CONCESSINS 27 -4624- 664 -64 _--- U.6/- L1%B_4— -_ 10.49__ J_RR1LS__Y-0 - -ODS _ CON_CES_S.IONS 27- 4624 - 664 -66 (64.58) '� - 51 a —___ S +ff -CKS ,. G I f.� c 07 � I7GIi � a 1984 C. OF ECINA CHECK K STER 06.14 -84 AGE 11 _.- CM.ECK .NC. _GATE -- P•0._p_MESSAGE__ ` -._�` ll 170279 06/12/84 13.49 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE GENERAL SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 318 -30 4' 3 17 ➢2_Za_____ -_- 06/1.2/ ?4_ __ M-81- JERRYS- _OU.R- OWN._ HDWE---- GE.NERAL__SUPPLIE.G_- 10- 4504 -- 325- 30 dal 170219 06/12/84 2.49 JERRYS CUR OWN HCWE GENERAL SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 390 -30 17 ^279 06/12/84 22.90 JERRYS CUR OWN HOaE GENERAL SLPPLIES 10- 4504- 420 -42 1e _170279 _._ 06/12/_8.4 5. 40-___- __- JERRYS_CUR._O.WN__ HOWE _ - -__- GENERAL SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 421 -42 jr 170279 06/12/84 44.15 JERRYS CUR OWN HCWE GENERAL SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 440 -44 170274 06/12784 3.38 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE GENERAL SUPPLIES - 10- 4504 - 470 -47 I °I _ i06J1Z1fl4. -.- 4 -6.1.2 oXRRY_S_.OUfL._OWN_HO.WE GENERAL_SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 520 -52_ 170279 06/12/84 8089 JERRYS CUR OWN HOWE GENERAL SLPPLIES 10- 4504 - 540 -54 V " 170279 06/12184 10.95 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE CLEANING SUPPLIES 10- 4512 - 440 -44 14 70279 ._ 06/12/8455 -.94 JERRYS__OUQ- OWN__HOUE. -__ TOOLS ____ 1Q- 4580- 560 -56 170219 06/12/84 17.29 JERRYS CUR OWN HOWE GENERAL SLPPLIES 10 -4604- 260 -26 _ " 170279 6/12/84 14.54 JERRYS CUR OWN HOWE TOOLS 20- 4248 - 646 -64 oI"� ________- 06L121Q.4_- _294,.9.6 JERRY-S�UR- OW- N. _HDWE_______GENERA_L- SUP_P-OUR 2.0- 4-504- 646 -66___ ,gam zol `1202.71- 177219 u6/12134 95.46 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE PEDAIR PARTS 20- 4540 - 646 -64 170279 06/12/E4 47.99 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE PAINT 20- 4544 - 646 -64 17Q279 06/12/84 95.61 JERRYS CUR_ OWN_HDWE_ __TOOLS 20- 4580 - 646 -64 'r 170279 06/12.84 17.79 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE _ GENERAL SUPPLIES 27- 4504 - 661 -66 170279 06/12/94 55.53 1ERRYS CUR OWN HCWE GENERAL SLPPLIES 27- 4504- 663 -66 I_1_70.279 -__ _04[12/ -94_ 1.3_.A8 .JERRY-'Z,-OU- '3_- .O- W.N_HD.WE - C.LE.ANIN.G- SUPPLIES 27- 4_ "12- 661_ -_66 ' 170274 06/12/84 1.99 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE CLEANING SUPPLIES 27- 4512 - 661 -66 170279 U6/12184 13.88 JERRYS CUR OWN HCWE CLEANING SUPPLIES 27- 4512 - 663 -66 3`I� ' - _17!1279_ _ _ _ - 06/ 1218.4_ 1.3.88 - -___, FfiRYS_OUR_OWN. HCWE___ __CCR.RECTI.ON _ __ 4512 - 663 -66- '3z 170279 06/12184 76.47 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE TOOLS -27- -__ 27- 4620- 662 -66 - ' \ _ `'i - d�n'�7a coin;, /A /. • 7 SO �Y 3 OUR 011 M roove. n 1 0 CILSSTOT - - - - - =' es 3 _ - -- =° 170279 06/12184 .y- =-- 2.39 d-- JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE nn.. rc�rn TOOLS - Y6'C4 va'6 -ate 28 -4580- 708 -70 ?r 37 13„- Li- 170219 06/12/84 31.89 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE REPAIR PARTS 30- 4540 - 783 -78 17- 0275__ __06/1.21.84 _-- __1.0_.48 JERRIL�CU�OyILHOWE_ GE7IE.RA_L_SLPPLI_ES 40- 4504 - 8.01 -8_C 3; 1 I - --- - - - - -- - - " -- * * f_- 43 �., - -- - -- -- -- _CKS--- - -;.,� 170283 46/13/84 847.00 JONES CHEMICALS INC CHEMICALS 26 -4564- 689 -68 70283 J6/ 13/ a4 19_517.40.._JONES_ -C HEM ICALS_INC_- __WATER- SUPPLIES 30- 4622 - 785- 78_,_, n �., 170243 06113/84 118.90 JONES CHEMICALS INC WATER SUPPLIES 30- 4622- 785 -78 FI 29483f2O rrrfra * ** -CKS ,ea �._ -- 170290 . - - ^6/11/84_ _- 90_.40 T.OF f�UALIT_T FOODS_ _- C.ONCESSIO -NS 27- 4624- 664 -66 170290 06/C8/84 114.95 TOP QUALITY FOCDS CCNCESSICNS 27- 4624 - 664 -66 �•s 170290 06/11/84 161.75 TOP QUALITY FOODS CONCESSIONS 27- 4624 - 664 -66 -- -- - - - -- 367.00 • j.o 6, •tilt• •* *-CKS 170300 06/13/84 29402.61 KOKESH ATHLETIC SPORT SUPPLIES 20 -1430- 000 -00 170300 06/13/94 1,700.00 KOKESH ATHLETIC SPORT SUPPLIES 20- 1432 - 000 -00 '__- _170.32 0_. - - 106.[1- 3. -/94__ -- 3*-01-9_.39 -_ K.OKESH_ATHLETIC SPOR_T__--SUPP_LIES 2Q•4.5.04- 621 -62 C;_` 170300 06/13/84 280.00 KOKESH ATHLETIC SPORT SUPPLIES 20- 4504- 624 -62 __ - __?� 1703CO 06/13184 95.00 KOKESH ATHLETIC SPORT SUPPLIES 20- 4504 - 625 -62 1 ;` ` -,!- 1.7.0- QO136113L8.4 19092•_10 K -OKE311 ATtiLE_T_I.0 SPORT SUPPLIES_ 20 -4586- 623 -62 ;7: 89589.01 • - - - -- 13 w �'- 1984 CITY �.._ _.._CHECK NO. z 1Z03C2_..- _ -- 170372 faraf • .1.123 0 4 -_ -- 170304 170304 __17010 4 I 170304 170394 1.70!3 -C4 - _ 177304 'j 170304 �_ -CI ff /•ff OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 06 -14 -84 PAGE 12 DATE_. - ___- AMOU.NJ__ -___- V- E_NDOR__ __._ _ -- _ -I T_EM- .E.SCRIMON1 AC_COU_N- LNO. -INV._ p_P.O. 11 MESSAGE___ - 06/12./_84__- _-- _ - -_ -2. 944 5.._70_____.- KUETHER- LST -CO_ _ YNVENT_CR_Y 50.- 4630- 822 -82. -_ ____ 06/12/ ?4 69367.10 PUETfWER LIST CO INVENTORY 50 -4630- 842 -84 89916.80 + .y -6- 1.11784 22 32 . KNO)L_LUMH.ER_CO- - _GEN_SUPP_LIES 20 -4104- .6.46 -64 C6 / 08 /R4 149.05 KNOX LUMBER CO GEN SUPLIES 27 -4504- 663 -66 J W)E /84 26.67 KNOX LUMBER CO GEN SUPPLIES 28- 4504- 708 -70 C6 /CE /84___ - -- 25.37 - KNGX__LUMBER. -CO.._ �6 /CF /R4 __ REPAIR PARTS 28- 4540- 708 -7Q 06/08/84 31.84 KNOX LUMBER CO REPAIR PARTS 28- 4540- 708 -70 06/13/94 28.46 KNOX LUMBER CO LUMBER 28 -4604- 708 -70 C6113tF4_- -_..__ - P➢ -.F2. MNCX_Ll:ltBER -CC_ _- __lUMBER -28 -4604- 708 -70__ 76/13/84 7.55 KNOX LUMBER CC LUMBER 28- 4604- 708 -70 66/13/94 139.76 KNOX LUMBER CO LUMBER 28- 4604- 708 -70 110311 06/08/ ?4 2j 170311 06/12/84 170311_ 06/12/84_ 170311 06/12/84 �G 17031 7 271 frfaaf 170317 60.00 EASTSIDE BEVERAGE 39149.85 EASTSIDE BEVERAGE - 5.011 -.20. _EASTS.IDE_SEVERAGE- 69555.95 EASTSIDE BEVERAGE 149877.00 + INVENTORY 27- 4630- 664 -66 INVENTORY 170317 INVENTORY 170317 INVENTORY _11- -31 7_..__ _ ___ -- LAWSON ''PRODUCTS 17031 7 SUPPLIES 170317 '6/11/84 1703 1 F ' 17.0318_ -_. -_ SUPPLIES 170318 y 170318 \►I�'`" 17 C 319 10- -4620- 560 -56 �6 /CF /R4 „� -- e 170325 v I SUPPLIES 20- 4504 - 646 -64 ______ 1.70331 jF-170331 LAWSCN PRODUCTS v 170331 60.00 EASTSIDE BEVERAGE 39149.85 EASTSIDE BEVERAGE - 5.011 -.20. _EASTS.IDE_SEVERAGE- 69555.95 EASTSIDE BEVERAGE 149877.00 + INVENTORY 27- 4630- 664 -66 INVENTORY 50- 4630- 822 -82 INVENTORY -__50 -4630- 842 -84 INVENTORY 50-4630-862-86 6 6/021?4 -____ 220.11_ LAWS0N_FR000CTS GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 318 -30 06/CE/94 454.61 LAWSON ''PRODUCTS GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 325 -30 '6/11/84 139.89 LAWSON FRODUCTS GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 325 -30 1) 6/-1-1!_84_ _331 +Q9 A.WSON_PR0_DU.CIS P_aRTS__. 10- -4620- 560 -56 �6 /CF /R4 519.96 LAWSON PRODUCTS GEN SUPPLIES 20- 4504 - 646 -64 ______ 06/CE184 270.54 LAWSCN PRODUCTS GEN SUPPLIES 28- 4504 - 708 -7C 06/0F/84 116.75 LEEF BROS INC LAUNDRY 10- 4262 - 440 -44 0.6/7_1784_ P.S1.0- _LEEF B.R.OS_.TNC_ __ GEN._SUP_P.LLE_S- 2.3- 450.4- 611- 61___- U6/C8/84 R.60 LEEF BROS INC LAUNDRY 27- 4262- 662 -66 66/08/84 14.00 LEEF BROS INC LAUNDRY 28- 4262 - 708 -70 147.35 + 06/11/9+4 670.00 LEITNER COMPANY SAND GRAVEL 27 -4522- 662 -66 C6/C8/F4 -- 132.48 132.48 LONG LAKE FCRD TRACT REPAIR PARTS 10 -4540- 560 -56 - -06/11/84_ 230_..00 LAPASS_C_CRP-CRA.TICN_ CCNT- R- EP_A_IP _10- 4248 - 560 -56 06/11/84 1F"4.00 LAHASS CORPORATION PARTS 10- 4620 - 560 -56 06/13/84 39647.00 LAHASS CORPORATION TRUCKS 40- 4910- 802 -80 3 . s G 7 _ o +► + -C KS 10 I, 3 I16 =\ J \ 11c 'I + + + -C KS z:,l Z I 3: fff -C KS 3I jn �O Sri �s • - 60 6, C1 a +f-CKS G] \ F� GC • + +- C KS I,nly �r u � u 1984 Y C _____CHECK _N7. _ 3 i r f r i i 0.339 - ---- - ___ 06/11/84 - - - -_ F EOIAA CHECI ;ISTER 06-14- PAGE 13 1� DATE. _____- ___- __..AHOU_N7 - .VENDOR -ITEJi OE.SSRIPILQN AC_ COUN7 7l 0.- INY •- b_P•_0_•__p_MESSAGE-- __. - - -j 4461.00 c IT ` '� •rrra 258.57 " 170342 HEAT 10- 4254 - 446 -44 ,.: ; rrrrri 170354 I 170344 - .>'ni 177344 '�� V; I rrrrra -- rrr -CKS °I 107..52 _ LAKELANO- ENG- IR_"R1S 30 -4540- 785 -78 107.59 f - - - - - -- - - - -- - - J6/11/84 135.35 06/13/94 -- - - - - -- 44.33 C6/13/p4 33.12 - - -- - - - 77.45 3 PAC QUEEN EQUIP INC REPAIR PARATS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 eif rrr -CKS I. MED OXYGEN & EQUIP 1ST AID SUPPLIES 10 -4510- 440 -44 MED OXYGEN 8 EGUIP 1ST AID SUPPLIES 10- 4510- 440 -44 z n` f `,I •rr -CKS z� 1 17f1i ., TNr REPAIR PARTS 10 -454 56 !° L R1 MINN MiNN TORO -QQ -56 125.61 + - - -- -- - - - - -- °;,, 9.60_ MLNNESOLA- 49NNEii GI=N SUPPLIES 20 -45Q4- 646 -64 - - - - - -- - - - -- 72 9.60 + 7.1 7" IT 170354 u6/13/84 258.57 'INNEAPOLIS GAS CO HEAT 10- 4254 - 446 -44 ; .. r f f r a - 170354 06/13/84 363.35 MINNEAPOLIS GAS CO HEAT Ida 10- 4254 - 520 -52 . 1.70354. _- _ - 06/ 13 18421.2.09 - - -- MINNEAPOLIS- GAS__CO_- 170358 HEAT 3j 10- 4254- 540 -54 3M ALARM SERVICE ALARM SERVICE 171?354 06/13/84 136.64 MINNEAPOLIS GAS CO HEAT _ _ 10- 4254 - 611 -61• =1 3M Al eaM SERVILE : °I 170354 U6/13/84 932.90 MINNEAPOLIS GAS CO HEAT 20- 1130- 000 -00• - ' 17-0 35.4__. -_C _6/_13/_84- 31.1..09 M ]YNEAP_9LI-NEAP HEAT 20- 4254 - 646 - -64 - 1 7.02____ _ =° 170354 L6/13/84 0.42 MINNEAPOLIS GAS CO HEAT 27- 4254 - 661 -66 !37 104.21 MINN TORO INC 170354 06/13/84 39.33 MINNEAPOLIS GAS CO HEAT 27- 4254 - 662 -66 2.77 ' -' I" 170354-_ _____g6/13/84. _ -_ - __- 3.00_--- MINNEAPOLIS-GAS .CO___ - -_ -HEAT_ _ 28- 4254- 708 -70 170354 06/13/84 993.01 MINNEAPOLIS GAS CO HEAT 30- 4254 - 781 -78 3Z 170354 LI 61131p4 47.17 MINNEAPOLIS GAS CO HEAT 40- 4254- 801 -80 ;,' 7 111NNEAP-OLI-S-GAS-C_O _HEAT 50 -4254- 841 -84 •I 170354 06/13/84 69.67 MINNEAPOLIS GAS CO HEAT ___ _____ __!. 50- 4254- 861 -86 I. �.I 3,404.60 + i4 170355 06111/34 363.54 PINNSOTA BEARING CO REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 "IJ0 170355 06/11/ ?4 55.41 FINNSOTIA BEARING CO REPAIR PARTS . 10- 4540 - 560 -56 - _- 37D3.5- 5_- __- U6 /]1L °4 1fl6.27 MINNSn�gEARING CO REPAIR PARIS_ _10- _4S_4Q- 54_Q�6 sal 40 1 17f1i ., TNr REPAIR PARTS 10 -454 56 !° L R1 MINN MiNN TORO -QQ -56 125.61 + - - -- -- - - - - -- °;,, 9.60_ MLNNESOLA- 49NNEii GI=N SUPPLIES 20 -45Q4- 646 -64 - - - - - -- - - - -- 72 9.60 + 7.1 7" ; .. r f f r a - - - - - -- - -- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- - 39 -- - - ;'+ -CKS -- . - - -- V 170358 C6 /CV /84 2E4.25 3M ALARM SERVICE ALARM SERVICE 27- 4304 - 660 -66 I° _ I- 7.0.P_- ______1 _135. 6./13155 -- 39_S�- 3M Al eaM SERVILE ALA-SERV '0- 4.304- 8_4_L- 84 - - -- - -- - -- - -- i° I�,I vl 323.75 r I� oz . - 170359 _ .. -.__ 06711/8.4 - -_ -_ - 1 7.02____ M._INN___T_0RO__INC GEN __ - 318 -30 170359 U6 /11 / ?4 104.21 MINN TORO INC GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 318 -30 - -- - - -- - l 170359 06111184 2.77 MINN TORO INC REPAIR PARTS 10 -4540- 560 -56 1 17f1i ., TNr REPAIR PARTS 10 -454 56 !° L R1 MINN MiNN TORO -QQ -56 125.61 + - - -- -- - - - - -- °;,, 9.60_ MLNNESOLA- 49NNEii GI=N SUPPLIES 20 -45Q4- 646 -64 - - - - - -- - - - -- 72 9.60 + 7.1 7" h - -I 1984 CITY OF EDINA I� (� __CHECK NC. DATE __-- AMOUN_T.__ 170362- __— __C61Ce/84_ " 170362 06/08/94 11 170366 170366 ' _ • f f ► • • ` 170370 170370 CHECK REGISTER 06 -14 -84 PAGE 14 VE- NDOR.__ .____. __ITEA__D.ESCRIP_TION_ AC_C0UN_T—N.O._INVf _ p_P.O._.p MESSAGE MODEL — STON--- CCM.PANY _ONCRETE 10 -_ 4528 301 -30__— _i4 ` 950.79 MODEL STONE COMPANY CONCRETE 30- 4528 - 783 -78 19420.57 f n 7 fff —CKS — IO II � 6/_1.3/?4 - -- 010-00 BERT REBE_LD POLICE SERV 10-4100--4.2-0--4.2 _12 100.00 • I- 06/12/94.___ __. -_ - -_ 229959 __M- INNESOTA_.BAR_ 06/17./84 458.95 MINNESOTA BAR 06/12/f4 544.19 MINNESOTA BAR 50m4632-842-84 170376 06/8/84 130.J0 MICLAND PRODUCTS CO 06/13/84 323.40 MICLAND PRODUCTS CC - -- -- - 453.40 • °i yr -� •rfii• 114 INVENTOR RY 50- 4632 - 822 -82 fff —CkS INVENTORY 50m4632-842-84 170376 INVENTORY 50- 4632- 862 -86 ;y GEN SUPPIES 10- 4504- 335 -30 �27 \ °i 170376 -'21 CKS- 155.00 CONT REPAIRS — 20- 4248- 646 -64 ------ -.fif— - - ^'l` = CONCESSIONS 26- 4624- 684 -68— - 2f)9.1(1 — yr -� •rfii• fff —CkS 'b a. 170376 06/C8/R4 54.10 MODERN EQUIPMENT GEN SUPPIES 10- 4504- 335 -30 °i 170376 06/08/84 155.00 MODERN EQUIPMENT TOOLS 10- 4580 - 301 -30 27 - - - - -- - 2f)9.1(1 — 1 ?' •ffiai ff4— K_ S C 37 3e 177378 06/13/84 49682.86 MARK V11 SALES INC INVENTORY 50- 4630- 822 -82 170378 J6/12184 79831.35 MARK V11 SALES INC INVENTORY 50 -4630- 842 -84 _- 170373— _____. ]5112L!L4 —e. 4 -93 MARK V11_SALES -INC INVENTORY " '144! \ " 21 •079.14 • <9I - __-- J0 •if.ff 170380 i46/08/84 29799.75 SERVICES 10 -4100- 220 -22 THOMSEN NYBECK V "' 170381 _170331 06/13/84 06/08/84.___233.79 202.10 STAR 8 TRIBUNE _STpR -6 TR _LBUNEADVERTIS_L�G ADVERTISING 10- 4212 - 140 -14 _23- 4214_ - 610_ -61 al. 435.89 • — •f - -- C K S- — X60 - • — — - - - - -- - - - -- - -- 17C385 06/13/84 240.00 MCCUIRE ROBERT TREE INSPECTION 10- 4242- 353 -30 fz _.___170385 -_ ____.. 06/13/.8.4_______ _3612 -00 MCGUI.RE— ROBERT — CON.TRACT_INSPECTION_— 60 -1 300- 010- 18.________- 170385 060F13/94 360.00 MCGUIRE ROBERT CONTRACT INSPECTION 60- 1300 - 011 -18 b0 960.00 "._. _____06/13184.___ — 60_._2.5_ NORTHNEST_ERN__BELL - __PHONE —10- 4226- 160 -16 ;1 . 170396 06/13/84 39248.38 NCRTHNESTERN EELL PHONE 10 -4256- 510 -51 �wll 171 170396 06/13/84 193.62 NORTHWESTERN BELL PHONE 20- 4256- 622 -62 75 W 41 1984 OF -- -DINA CHECK r._.,ISTER 06 -14 -84 PAGE 15 .-- ._C1±ECK _NC. DATE__ AMOUNTVEND_OP ITE.M__D.ESCLLe_TIQN- ACCOUNT NO. _INV. -__11_ P.O. -- [__MESSAGE - - -•_ �ll 2 170396 06/13/84 129.76 NORTHWESTERN BELL PHONE 20- 4256- 628 -62 - S`9 N- C- FT_H.6ESTERK_SELL P_NONE -_ 3I 17f'396 llh/13/84 1 •981. 09- � NORTHWESTERN P._LL CCRRECTICN c 20- 42.6- 629 -62 II 170390 06/13/84 191.09 NORTHWESTERN BELL PHONE 20- 4256- 629 -62 t ; -` _170396 __ -- .. 06/1304 - _3.7_.92 - _N- ORT.HWESTERN_.BELI - -PHONE 20- 4256 - 646 -64 7 170396 06113184 14700 hCFTHWESTERK BELL PHONE _ 23- 4256- 611 -61 J4 ° 170396 06/13/?4 48.72 NORTHWESTERN BELL PHONE 26- 4256 - 689 -68 - 1Z.0.346____ L'6J.13184_ I6.0._64 N!?RTMWEST_R.N- BELL -- PHONE 21T_42.56- .661 -_66- _ 2 "I 170396 06/13/84 331.74 hCFTHWESTERN BELL PHONE 28- 4256 - 708 -70 170396 06/13/84 47.77 NORTHWESTERN BELL PHONE 29 -4256- 721 -72 -1.703.96 _ _ _05/13184._ _- ._-- __- 171_9.30_ _NORTHWESTERN_ BELL- _--PHONE 30- 4256- 782 -78 i " 170396 06/13184 95.11 NORTHWESTERN BELL PHONE 40- 4256- 801 -80 170356 16/13/14 127.13 NCFTHWESTERh BELL PHONE 50 -4256- 821 -82 __N.OR_TH.kE_STER.N_BELL..- PHO.NE ° 170396 J6/130'84 118.54 NORTHWESTERN BELL PHONE 50- 4256- 861 -86 121 59476.57 + 2._ J' rra- CKS - - - I i -L - -- 170.4.02_ - ____x_61 LtLB 4_- 7 7.1_ N n TL C_DMPAN_Y . cEN-SUPPL TES 1D-4 524- 39 Q- 30 - << i_ 77.71 r -- - -- iiv ' 2� ffr ►fa - - -- - - - - - -- -- -- --- --- - - rrr- CKS ,,: ,_� - - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - - -I,�� 17C412 06/11/84 41 *92 KW GRAPHIC SUPPLY INVENT SUPPLIES 23- 1209- 000 -00 I :? 2_7�_L7��12_ !'6t131R4 -, 7Q.R7 NY GRAPHIC`$LePLY LNVE.N _TOLZY -�- 23�2.O�QO��QO ,I 62.69 + - - - - - -- _ -`� 37 I3r - N_A.TIONWID.E-PAP -ERS GEN_SUPP-LI.ES 2 4.50_4- 66� -46_ - 21.14 r - -- - -- - - -- - -i.r 3- 4 3A 170420 36/12/84 252.60 OLD DUTCH FOODS CNCESSIONS 27- 4624- 664 -66 ICfI^ - ! - - - - 2.52_. ,,- -- -- �,' raraaa rrr -CKS 3,`. 170420 06/•08/ ?4 990.35 PEFSI COLA BOTTLING CONCESSIONS 27- 4624 - 664 -66 73I " 170429 C6/12/?4 372.60 PEPSI COLA BCTTLING INVENTORY 50 -4632- 822 -82 --170429 06/12/84__ 547.20_- PEFSI__COLA- 8OTTLING-__-- INVENTORY 50 -4632- 842 -84 170479 u6/12/84 502.05 PEFSI COLA BOTTLING INVENTORY 50- 4632 - 862 -86 2.411 .90 r c rrr -CKS {{ iE -- - 170.431 _ ._06111L84 $_.$2_ -_ MO- NG_SUPPLY SU.P_ LIES 10- 4504- 520- 52_ 5J� I4, 802 • ___ -G.EN -_- - - - - - -- J e °1I ff4f f - -- f...CKS r' -- --- 53 170441 U6/13/84 308.00 THE PRINT SHOP GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 440 -44 I; °I° _ 308_.D9 _+ 7- r`.:" •aafaa +►r - CKS 7c` J U L 1984 CITY cucow ncszo7cn 06~14~84 pxsc vo m*.o5 ° oxTc ---��_- muuxz Vcmon� _-ITE.m_D%oCB 8.13 mm°_ImV° w-9*.O° w pEooAoE---_-_ "� �~ 10~4540~560~56 u6 /12 153 4 39730.31 ncx nrnr INvcmrnnv 50~46 30~842~8 * 4o2 1.7-04.63- 170463 ,rn* v 3 | |---'- np cnzNx �^1 cucow ncszo7cn 06~14~84 pxsc vo m*.o5 ° oxTc ---��_- muuxz Vcmon� _-ITE.m_D%oCB 8.13 mm°_ImV° w-9*.O° w pEooAoE---_-_ "� �~ 10~4540~560~56 u6 /12 153 4 39730.31 ncx nrnr INvcmrnnv 50~46 30~842~8 * u*/12/84 49029.96 120.15 ° INVENTOR xo~**so~maa~oo oomz/w 2050.80 �~ oznT cumc Twxc^rnnv :0~4630~822~82 7049 3 _-.uonzvo*- " , -'---�----� ---------------�-- ----------- 4630~842~8 4 _-�-__-_ -_-___ *°^~ovs' " 185.05 06m1v84 81.9? Pzomccn RIM u w*ccL ncpAzn pxmro 10~4540~560~56 -| ~��. ' " 79928.25 ° "} ' ".» " r *o '^| '"|` uamv/v* 56.57 oI7cuxr ncpxzn pAnro 10~*5*0~560~56 �� ------�'` 56.57 ~ ~ |.° ^°°~cvs ~' ^ - 170467 06n2m4 aza.^o nnv^L acxcxAsc co Imwcm7onY 50~46 30~82 2~8 2 no*ar 06/12/o4 722.40 pn,xL ocxEnmoc CO zwxcmoxv 50~4e30~842~8* -/--�17046 7 _�o��axxf-__ �ns"«V-� n�vx�-m�Vcwxwc_mo ___- a~���_ua - ��--------� ------ -'-----^'-��''"~^ ' -- '-- |' s oovopw* e2.33 nuprmrooc Jo*mnnm rnnLo 10 ~*5 80~30 1~30 �������- -- 33 170470 06/13/84 25.00 DR ROCKWELL MEDICAL SERWICES 10-4100-481-4E _ 62.33 ° [--__zco4�u z __u�x� mz_mc !.' oo no , ^ ° �^1 _m-oxLco___-IoVL s.no-__�____' m*.o5 ° � !� - — ,. -- 8.13 ~ .� °°^~cxu "� �~ 10~4540~560~56 u6 /12 153 4 39730.31 ncx nrnr INvcmrnnv 50~46 30~842~8 * u*/12/84 49029.96 ncx orur INVENTOR xo~**so~maa~oo oomz/w 2050.80 soor*mzoc oznT cumc Twxc^rnnv ^ - 170467 06n2m4 aza.^o nnv^L acxcxAsc co Imwcm7onY 50~46 30~82 2~8 2 no*ar 06/12/o4 722.40 pn,xL ocxEnmoc CO zwxcmoxv 50~4e30~842~8* -/--�17046 7 _�o��axxf-__ �ns"«V-� n�vx�-m�Vcwxwc_mo ___- a~���_ua - ��--------� ------ -'-----^'-��''"~^ ' -- '-- |' s oovopw* e2.33 nuprmrooc Jo*mnnm rnnLo 10 ~*5 80~30 1~30 �������- -- 33 170470 06/13/84 25.00 DR ROCKWELL MEDICAL SERWICES 10-4100-481-4E _ 62.33 ° [--__zco4�u z __u�x� mz_mc !.' oo no , ^ ° �^1 °^"-c*a � !� - — ,. -- 8.13 ~ .� °°^~cxu "� �~ 10~4540~560~56 �! _ c*n =\ °.~ _-__-----_-�-_�°°^~cwo � !� 170*92 06xco/°4 8.13 sonr*nncc rnno ncpArn pxpro 10~4540~560~56 =| 7/~ ] no*vn oomz/w 2050.80 soor*mzoc oznT cumc Twxc^rnnv :0~4630~822~82 7049 3 _-.uonzvo*- a°AU__-_--_SnwImazoc_nIoI_cnzwc__--_zwxcmrn 4630~842~8 4 ,' L` vro*pn 06v12ve4 185.05 mnurwmroE ozmr cuzmC zmwcmruRr � s0-omoQ-m*a~aa - ----- '"al -| ~��. 79928.25 ° "} ' ".» ^ . CHECK ' ^-_' 06~14~84 ~p*E ,, ^ ( -_-cuccxmo oxrc -_-_� >� �.r ^- --DATE------ 'zI ° w p.o9 w ncoouoc /- � � � 3 L 170503 06/C8/84 44.52 SUBUR8AN PLUMB SUP GEN SUPPLIES 20-45 04- 64 6- 64 17 05 C 3 C6 /0 8/84 13.05 SUFURBAN PLUMB SUP REPAIR PARTS 30-4540 781-78 1705C3 06/11/84 58.17 SUFURBAN PLUMB SUP GEN SUPPLIES 40-4504-801-80 170505 06/C8/84 33.56 SUN ADVERTISING 10-4210-140-14 170505 06/12fP4 25.00 SUN GEN SUPPLIES 20-4504-627-62 170508 06/11/84 8.77 ST PAUL GEN SUPPLIES 27-4504-661-66 170514 06/11/84 60.00 SOUTHWOST' CLINIC PHY EXAM 10-4246-520-52 170524 C6/C8184 146.04 7URNQUIST PAFER CO GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504-526 52 170539 06/12/84 144.00 TURF SUPPLY COMFANY SOD 9 BLACK orRT 27-4562-662-66 170541 06 iC-8 /84 8 032' TARGET GEN SUPPLIES 27-4504-661-66 170541 06/11/84 44*94 TARGET PAPER SUPPLIES 27-4514-661-66 �wv�w^vwr �u~�uun mma~ma ' ° ~ �� 176.20 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED UNIF-ORMS-UNLIMITED 413.15 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED 1,717.80 UNIFORM ALL06 10- 4266- 420 -42 UNIFORM_ALL -06- 10- 4266 - 421 -42— UNIFORM ALLOW 10- 4266- 460 -46 1J 170549 06/08/84 �rr `vI I 1984 CITY OF EDINA 0 P.O. 4 MESSAGE.____. _- CHE:CK NC. DATE ._ 05/12/94 -- 170441 06/02/84 _ 06/12/84 VANGUARD 170548 17C548 u6/11/84 C6 /11 /24 06/12/84 J4 176.20 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED UNIF-ORMS-UNLIMITED 413.15 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED 1,717.80 UNIFORM ALL06 10- 4266- 420 -42 UNIFORM_ALL -06- 10- 4266 - 421 -42— UNIFORM ALLOW 10- 4266- 460 -46 1J 170549 06/08/84 � I 170550 06/11/84 0 P.O. 4 MESSAGE.____. r 170551 05/12/94 170563 __170551 06/12/84 VANGUARD - - LIO_SALE.S 170551 06/12/84 176.20 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED UNIF-ORMS-UNLIMITED 413.15 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED 1,717.80 UNIFORM ALL06 10- 4266- 420 -42 UNIFORM_ALL -06- 10- 4266 - 421 -42— UNIFORM ALLOW 10- 4266- 460 -46 CHECK REGISTER • • • • • • C6 -14 -84 PAGE 18 0 P.O. 4 MESSAGE.____. r 11i,259.R5 + 170563 2 _30.0.0 VANGUARD - - LIO_SALE.S 50- 3610 - 001 -GO J4 170563 +r• -CKS 30.00 VANGUARD 34_.80 * _ -_ -THE- PRINT _SHOP___.____._— __CONT_.SER.V - _10- 4200 - 500 -50_ 58.00 THE PRINT SHOP PRINTING —_ 10 -4600- 140 -14 VANGUARD LIG SALES 193EO.95 TFE PRINT ShOP PRINTING 23 -4600- 610 -61 to 7�170563 " z L 01.438.95 11.56 V.ANGUAR.O CONT._SER-kL — 170563 06/13/'34 7.85 VANI;UAR0 23.05 TWIN CITY ENGINE LAUNDRY 10 -4540- 560 -56 17n563 06/13/84 23.29 VANCUARD CCNT SERV 50 -4200- 860 -86 85.53 TISDEL STANDARD REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 '.gI 8 5_.53 . _ _ »c 176.20 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED UNIF-ORMS-UNLIMITED 413.15 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED 1,717.80 UNIFORM ALL06 10- 4266- 420 -42 UNIFORM_ALL -06- 10- 4266 - 421 -42— UNIFORM ALLOW 10- 4266- 460 -46 • • • • • • • • • -CKS B1 170563 06113/84_.___.____ _30.0.0 VANGUARD - - LIO_SALE.S 50- 3610 - 001 -GO 170563 06/13/24 30.00 VANGUARD LIG SALES 5C- 3610- 002 -00 -- - J6/13/84 30.00 VANGUARD LIG SALES 50- 3610 - 003 -00 7�170563 _17_0.5_63_.-- 6J-J,3-/8A- 11.56 V.ANGUAR.O CONT._SER-kL 170563 06/13/'34 7.85 VANI;UAR0 CONT SERV 50- 4200 - 840 -84 i2 17n563 06/13/84 23.29 VANCUARD CCNT SERV 50 -4200- 860 -86 ; »c �- ff t•fi i+• -CKS 170574 06/12/94 933.17 W G PEARSON SAND GRAVEL ROCK 20 -4521- 642 -64 i 933.1 7 • *•• —CKS — ]Z!'S.LS__.__ —L'6l BLP_4 _—_— �0... 54 Y.I1.L�.AMS._STEE.L- H[!WE— S,EN._S_UP _PLIES 1 -0- 45.04- 30_.1._30__--- 170579 :;6/08/84 55.97 WILLIAMS STEEL —HDWE GEN SUPPLIES __ 20- 4504 - 646 -64 —____ 6- 66.51 • 6, - - -- -- ***-CPS — X7.03.82____ - -- 0.6112113 4 RD4.26 604.26 * r,QgDON SMrTH r9 GAS9LINE 27- 4612 - 662 -66 - - ---- E �� -',;,I v 62 I' • i t f i i -- -- - -- -- _— - - -— ------- -- - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - --•r• —CKS — �, 170596 06/08/84 9972 W W GRAINGER REPAIR PARTS 40 -4540- 801 -80 fA , �IA 170587 -- - - -- -- 06/13194 — - - - -- 87.63 F�6�• WEIGLE SUE MILEAGE 20- 4208 - 600 -60 72 , visa, — - -- -- - - -- • •• -CKS •v u 1984 OF ECINA CHECK ,,- oISTER 06 -14 -84 PAGE 19 % CHFCK__.N.O.__DAT_E__ -___ 4KOIJNL - V_END_0_�. -. _LTE11._DES�BIP_T1QN A�COU�lI�10_s_SN_V. A- �._0_. _A_MESSAGE - J n I�z '_I 70`-40- L 61131-8.4 _ 1.09_,Qa HEKRY-- URO_ B.LES.KT- _- _- P-OL.ICE-S.ES11 4 5 15 L..° 170593 06/08/84 189.00 kNNESOTA CLAY IKVENTORY SUPPLIES 23- 1209 - 000 -00 I10 -- ht •RfRR• �f4. +ff -CKS 170605 06/12/84 84.87 WITTEK GOLF SUPPLY RANGE BALLS 27- 4636 - 663 -66 84.87 • .r 17 *•• -CKS ' ]7 -0613 _ __. G6/1 1-/F4 E6.43__--- _KCKEI.LUS_STEEL GEN_SUPP- LIES- _____- 10- 4504- 30.1 -30_ I 170613 J6/11184 50.00 MCNEILUS STEEL GEN SUPPLIES 20 -4504- 646 -64 `I 136.43 + z� l�l" *-C Rs - -- I'rC Z"l-1-70706__- _06 /GE_[_84 1._+56,32 -. ALt .S_LA(-- C_LEAAIING -_ _ C-ONT_RE.PA -IRS 10- 4248 - 52.0- 5_2_ -- 1 9056.32 + - - - -- - - - -- ° 7i -Z 7o7_ r.6 -LE"P4 - U- ...81- _GARLAAD.S ANC _ GF_N-SyQP1IES 10 455 90 -30 I3R ° 170707 .9� U6/08/84 40.96 GARLANDS INC REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 540 -54 L 118.77 + - - - -- °I 30 170708 06/08/84 170709 X6/08/84 17c7lo 061o8/84 80.70 NS CONCRETE COMP 80.70 • 125.31 GENERAL INDUSTRIAL 125.31 • 30.23 FARWELL OZMUN KIRK 30.23 • PIPE GEN SUPPLIES GEN SUPPLIES 40 -4550- 801 -80 20- 4504- 646 -64 10 -4504 - 301 -30 fff Id0 i 47 4 1418/84 214.00 CRYSTAPLEX PLASTICS CONT REPAIRS 28- 4248 - 708 -70 132 214.00 + 54 I" 170712 ,. G6/C8/84 2„142.80 DECKER SUPPLY SIGNS POSTS 10- 4542 - 328 -30 - - 2.1 42.80 + iS3 fa ° `d 170713 U6 /08 /F4 36.UO GREATER MPLS AREA OFFICE SUPPLIES 10- 4516 - 200 -20 ?6.00 • 102 60 _ 170714 06/08/84 59486.50 VOGEL PAINT 8 WAX CO PAINT - 10- 4544 - 335 -30 - - -- - - - °., 59486.50 * ` 170715 ' 06/C8/84 320.63 KELLY 6ERVICES CCNT SERV 10 -4200- 440 -44 - -- - - - -•r 170115 u6/13/84 256.50 KELLY SERVICES CONT SERV 10- 4200 - 440 -44 70 543.60 KELLY ERyl_CES _�QNT$ -ER_Y 10- 4200 - 490 -49 7 1.120.73 + R7 i7n716 _ i,6108 /84 1 7_50 ROBERT LI�B�RMAN 4EFUND 28- 5415-Q00�00 175 - -�,, `.I ~' 1984 CITY CF EOI�A raj _.___CHECK_ -NO. DATE CHECK REGISTER ENDO_R -___ -- ITE.M_DESCRIPILON ALCOIINT N-Q_._INWe 06 -14 -84 PAGE 20 # -PLO. _ N - MESS AGE ,. - 1 3 06/08/84 73.09 _2- 9617.54 * 17.50 • ROOM B BOARD 10 -4286- 220 -22 z '3 170717 G6 /0P /P4 1.679.59 INTERLACHEN CTY CLUB CONT SERY " 170128 10- 4200 - 500 -50 "I HENN CTiY TREASURER ROOM & BOARD 19679.59 * " I, %6 /CF /P4. 4995.76__ _ HENN_ CTY_ TREASURER_- __- _- _- _- ROOM_8_BCARD_ 10 -4286- 220 -22 I.I 170728 C6/C8/84 2r676.p4 HENN C'TY 170718 ]6/08/84 644.00 WIZARD DESIGN CONT SERY 10- 4200 - 500 -50 170728 06/08/84 2,168.50 �I TREASURER ROOM & BOARD 644.00 + 7072 8_ __L.6LC8L8.4 _9-5.17_ ?- X10 170719 06/08/84 6.00 EDINA GIRL SCOUT DOUBLE PAYMENT 10- 4200 - 500 -50 " 15,979.94 * 12 6.00 • "' L� � 'D 170739 06/08/84 188Q�000/0 0-ARLES YESCHKE PCLYGRAPH SERY 10- 4224 - 422 -42 ,o 51-24 — CAROLE_KU_LA .__- �1ILEAGE- _ v- 3I 170740 J6/08/84 170722 C6/�]8/84 1-.,495_,00 _ HUDAIL_P_RINTERS_____ . ___PRI_NT_ING __— 27- 4600 - 660- 66____ ` -- -- - . - — - - -- — 3 1,495.00 • = - -� 170741 176/08/84 352900 12 -.0.0_ r1RGER- GON.SJ _C_CN_T__SERU 30- 43�.Q- 7$0 -7$_ - -- I`I 125.00 • - -_- _- - 11072.4_ 0.6/78/x4__.._ 482 06 _ __T_QMHAWK.- LIYE._ TRAP_- _- _- GEN_SUPP_LIES 10- 4504 - 470 -47___ 482.06 * _ - -- - -- - - - "- 1LOL25__ 361L8L8 4 5, _4_ FAST FOJO _RRIATIR 23 -4600n61 Ot6l _ 0 170125 06/OP./?4 5.14 FAST FOTO PRINTING 23- 4600- 610 -61 37 - is �, ' 10.28 3.. I _ I' 170726 06/08/84 200.00 ROBERT SCBCCUTAK GEN SUPPLIES 23- 4504 - 611 -61' '3 200.00 • I..I 170727 96/48/84 1,910.74 SHERIFFS DEFT EQUIP RENTAL 10- 4226- 421 -42 ^ sl 170727 C6 /CF /84 137.09 SF- ERTFFS DEPT ROOM B BOARD 10 -4286- 220 -22 _ 179727 349.54 SHERI.FES__OEFT —___ _ROOM_ &_BOARD_ 10 -4286- 220 -22__ I� ' 170727 06/GF/F4 157.08 SHERIFFS DEFT ROOM & BGARO 10 -4286- 220 -22 �v u 7_j 170727 3c 06/08/84 73.09 _2- 9617.54 * SHERIFFS DEFT ROOM B BOARD 10 -4286- 220 -22 ._ 170128 J6/08184 4,751.09 HENN CTiY TREASURER ROOM & BOARD 10- 4286 - 220 -22 "i___1.7072E %6 /CF /P4. 4995.76__ _ HENN_ CTY_ TREASURER_- __- _- _- _- ROOM_8_BCARD_ 10 -4286- 220 -22 I.I 170728 C6/C8/84 2r676.p4 HENN C'TY TREASURER ROOM & BCARO 10 -4286- 220 -22 170728 06/08/84 2,168.50 HENN CTY TREASURER ROOM & BOARD 10 -4286- 220 -22 7072 8_ __L.6LC8L8.4 _9-5.17_ ?- FENN CTY TREaS.URER RO0_M_"QARD 10 86- 220-22 - -- 60 . 15,979.94 * (I 62 i r r r f i � 'D 170739 06/08/84 188Q�000/0 0-ARLES YESCHKE PCLYGRAPH SERY 10- 4224 - 422 -42 521 v- 3I 170740 J6/08/84 35.58 FYA /MOdARCM CONCESSIONS 27- 4624- 664 -66 ` -- -- - . - — - - -- — 3 170741 176/08/84 352900 THE LYNDE.COMP GEN SUPPLIES 20- 4504- 642 -64 I �v u 170752 x6/11/84 170753- - 06/11/84 - Y 'I 170753 36/11/84 760.73 LABOR RELATIONS 760.73 + 15.00 ASSOC OF METRO 15.,00 ASSOC OF METRO CONT SERV MEETING EXPENSES MEETING EXPENSES 10 -4200- 140 -14 10 -4206- 100 -10 10 -42C6- 140 -14 S' 170754 06/11/84 14.27 VOTING MACHINE SERV GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 180 -18 110755 06/11/84 388.80 1984 Y OF EDINA 10- 4504- 318 -30 CHECK _LISTER 06 -14 -84 PAGE 21 _LAGNU_SON- SIlO_L.OMP S- O"- L.AC- K -.DLBT 20 -4562- 642 -64 I "I AC9U3 T___ -- _VE.NDO.S I�E.M_O.ES�1IP110N_ AC_ COON?- N. O.._ LftY .- 11_P.O.__i!_MESSAGE- ___ -_�� w 2 352.00 .170756 ' 63.67 DEFT CF PROPERTY PCSTAGE 10- 4290 - 180 -18 ' 170742 C6 /CE /E4 84.00 dINNY POE IAST FEE ART C 23 -4100- 614 -61 >I 84.00 + 7 nl - - - - - -- 170743 - - -- - -- 06/08/84 - - 60.00 - - - - -- - - -- PAM BONZELET - - -- INST FEE ART ------------ 23- 4100- 614 -61 - - -�� � 60.00 • ` 170744 !s6/OE/84 144.00 MARGARET MCDOWELL INST FEE ART 23- 4100 - 614 -61 - 144.00 + 2 - - -- -- 170745 - 06/11/84 13.53 ENTEC INC _ INVENTORY 23- 1209 - 000 -00 17 �. 1 13.53 + - - '" " 170746 06/11/R4 17.50 AUTO SOUND INC CONT REPAIRS 10- 4248 - 560 -56 ho�. j21 �. 17.50 `0I 170747 06/11./84 53945 INDUSTRIAL SALES GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 328 -30 53.45 + 170748 76/11/84 235.20 235.20 NELSON RADIO COMM • CONT REPAIRS 10- 4248 - 560 -56 .I 170749 06/11/84 977.00 STERLING FENCE GEN SUPPLIES 20 -4504- 646 -64 "7j S 977.00 170750 06/11/84 46.54 TWIN CITY ELEVATOR CONT REPAIRS 10- 4248 - 520 -52 46.54 * _ ! 170751 06/11/84 18.00 MARILYN HALVERSON CLASS REFLKD 23 -3500- 000 -00 18.00 + ; T 170752 x6/11/84 170753- - 06/11/84 - Y 'I 170753 36/11/84 760.73 LABOR RELATIONS 760.73 + 15.00 ASSOC OF METRO 15.,00 ASSOC OF METRO CONT SERV MEETING EXPENSES MEETING EXPENSES 10 -4200- 140 -14 10 -4206- 100 -10 10 -42C6- 140 -14 S' 170754 06/11/84 14.27 VOTING MACHINE SERV GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 180 -18 110755 06/11/84 388.80 PAGNUSON SOD COMP GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 318 -30 207._0 _LAGNU_SON- SIlO_L.OMP S- O"- L.AC- K -.DLBT 20 -4562- 642 -64 I "I 170755 06/11/84 340.26 PAGNUSON SOD COMP GEN SUPPLIES 20- 4562 - 642 -64 936.66 + .170756 06/11/84 63.67 DEFT CF PROPERTY PCSTAGE 10- 4290 - 180 -18 63.67 s 170757 06/11/84 145.00 EDGER BEAVER TREE TREE REMOVAL 60- 1300 - 002 -18 145.00 170758 '.:6/11/84 18.04 CARLSON EQUIP CO PARTS 10- 4620- 560 -56 18.04 + 4 4� I51 52 54 tl " co J51 6J i; L I . -- - -'_`I - - - -I=`' C. -I 1984 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER C6 -14 -84 PAGE 22 ------CHECK-NC. ❑ATE_...- _____.- _._AMO.UN_T- - VENDOR ---- _ TTEM__QEsf!RTPII.ON AC_CO_UNLNO.-I-NV *- #- P__ *_0._p MESS 17C.7-5.9_ _ 16-/1.1-18.4_ __- ]_D{1.50 AL' ERLICE-STAT -LCN REPAIR -PARTS 1.0 53 -&0 4.0_5_4 - -_ -_ 100.50 J l i __...1707.6C 170173 _ j6/11/!4._ -- ____ -_ _1.6..00__- _J._ ZI ITT EL -GREEK hCUSE___- GEN_SUPP_L_IES 10 -4504- 390 -30_ -_ 170760 06/11784 239.50 J ZIITTEL GREENfOUSE GEN SUPPLIES __ 10- 4504 - 390 -30 255.50 * 0 170161 1.6/11/84 60.75 ROCT 0 MATIC REPAIR PARTS 30- 4540 - 781 -78 `., - 170774.__.._- .-- J6/12/F4 -_ 60.75 * ROYAL- CRONN_BEV - INVENTORY -- 50-4630- 842-84 -� 170762 06/11/84 60.00 ROLLIN B CHILD GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 390 -30 "j 170774 06112184 60.00 ROYAL CROWN BEV INVENTORY 50- 4632- 862 -86 170763 :76/11/14 263.10 LAND CARE B EQUIP REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 263.10 * 170764 U6/11/84 141.94 H 0 FROEMMING REPAIRS 10- 4248 - 301 -30 141.94 • Z 170765 06/11784 24.00 FALM BROTHERS GEN SUPPLIES 27- 4504 - 661 -66 24.00 * 17D766 06/11/84 19597.40 METRO TRUCK BODY CONT REPAIRS 10- 4248 - 560 -56 19597.40 27 170767 :;6/11/84 431.37 BARETT MOVING FREIGHT 10 -4292- 184 -18 �. �9 431.37 r 999!9. - 170!_69_ -__ 1i61_12LQ4__ U-35 PRINT PRINTI-Na 27- 0_ - 1-66 - 77.35 - _170770 - _06112/8.4 255._00 _O�Y_DIST_ xNVENTORY 50- 4630- 862- 86______ 255.00 -___ - _1.7077.] _ ____06!1318.4 2�5._42,.3i G,R,.IGGS- _BEER -_- _ -_ INVENTORY_ 5Q- 4630.- _822 -82 170771 06/12/84 59999.10 GRIGGS BEER INVENTCRY 50 -4630- 842 -84 'I 170111 06/12/84 599.10 GRIGGS BEER INVENTORY 50- 4630 - 842 -84 1.70771 06/12/84_ -__ -_ _ 599.10_ 6RIGGS_BF_FR ____ ___CORRECTION 50 -4630- 842 -84 170771 06/12/84 39941.55 GRIGGS BEER INVENTORY 50 -4630- 862 -86 12 9490.00 • 170772 06/12184 108.50 ULMER METRO DIST INC 00 50- 4630 - 822 -82 170772 U6/12/84 108.50 ULMER METRO DIST INC INVENTORY 50- 4630- 842 -84 - - - - -- - - - - - -- - -- , z -1° ,o „ 1,,3 a - -- ---- - - - - -- -'17 3 _,72 *r* -CKS - is 43 - - -- ias Is' - 'cc -Oi 170173 06/12/84 21.05 DOUBLE COLA INVENTORY 50- 4632- 822 -82 cOLRLF CCU A _ - ZAV_EA►TARY 50- 4¢32 - X42 -84 - - ___._____ -. 75.55 • - 170774.__.._- .-- J6/12/F4 -_ 408_.R5 ROYAL- CRONN_BEV - INVENTORY -- 50-4630- 842-84 -� 170774 ,]6/12/84 129 *35 RCYAL CROWN BEY INVENTCRY 50- 4632- 822 -82 "j 170774 06112184 517.20 ROYAL CROWN BEV INVENTORY 50- 4632- 862 -86 17 iJ1 y 1984 'L OF FOINA _.__ CHECK KC. DATE-- _A-P-00-T — CHECK i, STTR 06-14-84 PAGE 23 INV. 0 P.O. I PESSAGE 39.2-0 LpiS w 19055.40 170175 06/12184 329*70 CCNAGPUE DOORS EQUIP PAINT 50 -4274- 821 -82 329.70 • 170776 06/12/94 43.63 MOLLIE PAULSON ART WORK SCLD 23- 4200 - 610 -61 43.63 170777 06/12/84 124*00 THOMAS L TODD AMBULANCE REFUNC 10-3180-000-00 124.00 170778 06/12/84 40.80 PAM BONZELET. ART WORK SCLD 23-3625-000-00 40.80 * 170779 u6/12/84 4400 JO FRENCH ART WORK SCLO 23-3625-000-00 170780 06/12/84 23.40 PARY HCAGLUNC ART WORK SCLO 23-3625-000-00 23.40 • 170781 06/12/84 9.30 IRMA KURMTS ART WORK SCLO 23-3625-000-00 9.00 • 170792 U6/12/84 7*28 JOHN ACOSTA ART WORK SCLO 23- 3625- 000 -00 7.28 • 2C 170783 F-170783 06/12784 5.02- FAT GREER CCRRECTICN 23-3625-000-00 C6/12/84 5.25 PAT GRLIER ART WOFK SCLO 23-3625-000-00 - I -1 79783____ C 6 11-2 8_4 Wo_RK_SSL_D____ 5.25 1-7-0 Z F 4 -EAF-E-ELE — ------ kP_T_M_O_RK__S_CLC...... V. - 3 6 25_nD"_- 0 0 80.78 _ -_ART W.QRK- _S_CL 0 23- 3625_ - 000- 00____ 35.00 I 5..A(L— AAR ARA LUN1lGfEN_ kg-T WO__pX_s_cL C -2-3-n-3-6-2 5-_0 OR - kCL- 15.40 170781 06/12/84 16.45 GA MAR mb_m_moWcLL_ ART WORK SCLO 23-3625-000-00 16.45 0_6J12/_P_4_ 15.75 __.ROSALTF PAVLASF-K _RT__WDm_S_cL_D_. 23-3 6 25- 000-0 0 15.75 • -1-70789 ART _W_0 kK___S_CL_C - - - - - - - — -- Z3-36Z5-�000-00 uo 29.00 !_l_Z0790 0.6/12/_84_ 56.QO KAY S_CliLOS.SER_ 56.00 110191-- U.6.4t1_2f&4 6 o 3 0 __AA RI 0A_W ARD 6.30 39.2-0 LpiS w r 1984 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER -; 06 -14 -84 PAGE 24 CHECK NC. DATE AMOUN T. VENDOR.- ITEM- DESCRIPTION_ ACCOUNT NO..INY. # P.O. # FESSAGE I 39.20 • 17C793 06/12/94 7j910.00 FCLAR CHEV B MAZOA FICK UP TRUCK 10 -4908- 470 -47 �. 7,919.00 + 170794 J6/12/94 540 .0 0 MPLS i SUB SEWER B CONT REPAIRS 30- 4248 - 783 -78 'i 540.00 + 11'1 17 ^795 X6/12/84 15. ^0 JOHN PODERGOIS AMMUNITION 10- 4572- 420 -42 15.00 " 17 ^796 06/13/ ?4 52.00 PRS GEORGE MAY SPRINKLER REPAIRS 10 -45C4- 318 -30 52.00 + I" I•; 17P707 U6/13/Q4 675.00 MN SAFETY COUNCIL CONE 9-SCHOOLS 10 -4202- 140 -14 675.00 + 17079? 06/13/94 29.10 J F TNTER!ORS CCNSTRUCTICN 60 -1300- 259 -C4 29.10 • 170799 J6/13i94 509243.00 FALLS B NYHUSNOEN CONSTRUCTION 26- 1300 - 000 -06 _. 509243.00 + 170870 06/13/ ?4 -- 14.00 JANET CONDON REG CANCELLED 20 -35L0- 000 -OC 14.00 + I•.i -" -. 17CR_ r 1 1:6/13/94 20.00 FRANCES EDELSCN REG CANCELLEC 20 -350- 000 -OC _ 20.00 • I. 170802 U6/13/84 14.00 MARY HUFF REFUND 2G- 3500 - 000 -OC �.I 14.00 • 170803 06/13/84 14.00 J R BAKER _ - REFUND- -- - 20- 3560 - 000 -00 _ 14.100 r 17C9C4 06/13/ 04 16.00 RAREL POERSFELDER REF LNO 20 -3500- 000 -00 16.00 + 172805 06/13/ ?4 16.70 L.ALRA ROBERTS REFUND 2C- 3500 - 000 -OC 16.00 + 1703 ^6 06/13/94 16.00 CINDY FEGLEY REFUND 20- 3500 - 000 -OG 17C8�7 J6/13i84 20.00 ECNNIE OSTBY REFLNO 2C -3500- 000 -00 a� 20.00 + 1703 ?8 36/13/84 731.18 DANS REEGISTER SERV CONST 26- 1300 - 000 -00 !+ 731.18 + 1703 ^9 06/13/84 19906.00 CENTURY FENCE PARK EQUIF 20- 4932 - 600 -60 1793J9 06/13/94 927.00 CENTURY FENCE CONST 26- 1300 - 000 -00 . 2.gF33.00 -- I d.d 1TC819 06/13/84 141.69 CONVEYORS LUMBER 27- 4604- 661 -66 ti� Nor 11)84 Y IF EDIN: CHECt :ISTER 06 -14 -e, PAGE 25 t CH_CK AC. DATE ANOUP.?. _..__ _- VENDOR _ _ _ ITEM - C LESCRLP_T_I_ON_____..____ ACCOUNT_.NO. INV, # P.O. N PESSAG_ 141 .69 r e 170911 06/13/84 120.64 ROAD RESCUE INC 1ST AID SLPPLIES 10 -4510- 440 -44 170811 06/13/84 180.10 ROAD RESCUE INC 1ST AID SUPPLIES 10- 4510- 440 -44 ;( ��; - 170,412 U6/13/84 -- 300.64 4- 61.34 - -- NAIL FIRE PROTECT BOOKS 10 -4502- 440 -44 „( 170913 06/13/94 322.88 ERIC ANDERSON SERVICES 10- 4120- 160 -16 170914 J6/13/R4 15 O SHARON VERKEY REFUND 26 -3415- 000 -00 - - -- -- - -- - - - - - -- - -- .-- ----- - - - - -- 15.7.0.-=--- -------- - - - - -- -- '`J�'° 1'0815 J6/13/84 14.00 MRS CHARLES DEVRIES CLASS CANCELLED 20- 3500 - 000 -00 -- 14.00 170816 06/13/84 14.00 ARLENE WILSON CLASS CANCELLED 20- 3500- 000 -00 a - - -- -- - — - . - - -- - -- 1..4_...09 —t -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - — i -1 170817 :76/13194 1,190.00 CAVE OLIVER ELM REMOVAL 60 -1300- 002 -18 , ;�bi_' 170318 J6/13/84 120.00 N C T A CABLE TV 10- 2149 - 000 -00 (� 170919 16/13184 1,607.75 ODLAND PROTECTIVE PAYMENT 60- 2040 - 000 -OC f: - __19607.75 170'32(' 06/13/84 12,368.44 M 8 S ROOFING PAYMENT 60 -2040- 000 -00 170821 :6/13184 289704.06 MICWEST PAVING PAYMENT 6U -2040- 000 -00 (� 28,7C4.06_ �✓..i CKS ______ __ 1.65_,37_1.62_ FUND_ t0— TO_TAL.___ ERA L_FUNO 22,809.03 FUND 20 TOTAL _GEN PARK FUND t� 3,679.53 FUND 23 TOTAL ART CENTER 549608.90 -.- FLNO 26 TCTAL SWIMMING POOL FUND 13,269.92 FUND 27 TOTAL GOLF COURSE FUND Ai P(�0'JED ICII rtil'P:'iE�4T, 4,238.38 FUND 2P TOTAL RECREATICN CENTER FUND - - - - - -- - - - - -- -- 2_47_.09 ------- F.UN�- _29 -- -TOTAL_..- -- -- -GUN_ RANGE_FUNC - - - -- - -- - - - --- — CHECK �' 229933.64 FUND 30 TOTAL WATERWORK FUND 69530.68 FUND 40 TOTAL SEWER RENTAL FUND PAC,,:S _ ___112,033.91 _ ._ -_ FUND _50 TCTAL - LIQUOR DISPENSARY FLkD__._ I 459782.48 FUND 60 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION FUND 6,, ,f I. - - -- - -- - - - - -- - - - -- -- — - -- - - - - -- 451_,- 4Oi.t8 - - - -- LCTAL— Computer checks Vs 57115 thru 57362 _ _ _ _ - _ RIA•A�RGTGIitL 'rust DATE 'i Hand typed 56579 thru 56582 56593 thru 56599 _ e� ITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE 129067 C6/C5/84 129067 06/05/84 129067 06/05/84 #aaata 129135 129135 1291 35 129135 1291 35 1291 35 129135 1291 35 C6/C5/84 06/05/84 66/05/84 C6/C5/84 66/05/84 66/ ^5/84 C6 /C5 /84 C6/C5/84 06/05/84 L;6/C5/84 C6/C5/84 06/05/84 06/05/84 C6/C5/84 06/05/84 X6/05/84 C6/C5/84 06/05/84 06/05/84 06/05/84 C6/05/P4 06/05/84 06/05/84 C6/C5/84 06/05/84 06/05/84 06/05/84 06/05/84 06/05/84 06/05/84 06/05/84 06/05/84 66/05/84 C6/C5/84 AMOUNT 2.00- 7.65 247.35 253.00 + 13.37 - 6.32- 20.52- 4.79- 668.59 315.90 1 •C26.18 239.55 29205.22 • 15.92- 4.1 3- 4.84- 16.47- 67.37- 11.26- 5.64- 157.12- 39.36- 11.61- 242.00 39368.30 79855.90 796.05 206.50 823.75 563.00 281.90 1,967.89 580 .50 169351.97 66.54 - 66.77- 46.14- 39326.87 3,338.60 29306.86 8,792.88 • CHE EGISTER 05 -3 PAGE 1 VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N09 INV. N P.O. N MESSAGE CAFITAL CITY DISTRI CAPITAL CITY DISTRI CAPITAL CITY DISTRI EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE ED F14ILLIPS 50- 4628- 862 -86 129138 PHILLIPS 129138 ED 129138 50- 3710 - 822 -82 129139 PHILLIPS 1291 38 ED 129138 I 1291 38 PHILLIPS 129138 ♦ 129138 50 -4628- 842 -84 1291 38 PHILLIPS 1291 39 ED 129138 50 -3710- 822 -82 129138 PHILLIPS 1291 38 E7 1291 38 50- 3710- 842 -84 1291 38 PHILLIPS 1291 3R ED 1291 38 50- 3710- 862 -86 129138 PHILLIPS 1291 39 ED # ##RRa 50- 3710- 862 -86 1291 90 PHILLIPS 1291 90 ED 129190 � 1291 90 PHILLIPS 129190 ED 1291 90 �. ED C6/C5/84 06/05/84 66/05/84 C6/C5/84 66/05/84 66/ ^5/84 C6 /C5 /84 C6/C5/84 06/05/84 L;6/C5/84 C6/C5/84 06/05/84 06/05/84 C6/C5/84 06/05/84 X6/05/84 C6/C5/84 06/05/84 06/05/84 06/05/84 C6/05/P4 06/05/84 06/05/84 C6/C5/84 06/05/84 06/05/84 06/05/84 06/05/84 06/05/84 06/05/84 06/05/84 06/05/84 66/05/84 C6/C5/84 AMOUNT 2.00- 7.65 247.35 253.00 + 13.37 - 6.32- 20.52- 4.79- 668.59 315.90 1 •C26.18 239.55 29205.22 • 15.92- 4.1 3- 4.84- 16.47- 67.37- 11.26- 5.64- 157.12- 39.36- 11.61- 242.00 39368.30 79855.90 796.05 206.50 823.75 563.00 281.90 1,967.89 580 .50 169351.97 66.54 - 66.77- 46.14- 39326.87 3,338.60 29306.86 8,792.88 • CHE EGISTER 05 -3 PAGE 1 VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N09 INV. N P.O. N MESSAGE CAFITAL CITY DISTRI CAPITAL CITY DISTRI CAPITAL CITY DISTRI EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE EAGLE WINE ED F14ILLIPS 50- 4628- 862 -86 ED PHILLIPS MANUAL ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 ED PHILLIPS MANUAL ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710- 862 -86 ED PHILLIPS MANUAL ED PHILLIPS 50 -4628- 842 -84 ED PHILLIPS MANUAL ED PHILLIPS 50 -3710- 822 -82 ED PHILLIPS MANUAL E7 PHILLIPS 50- 3710- 842 -84 ED PHILLIPS MANUAL ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710- 862 -86 ED PHILLIPS MANUAL ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710- 862 -86 ED PHILLIPS MANUAL ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626- 862 -86 ED PHILLIPS MANUAL ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628- 842 -84 ED PHILLIPS MANUAL GRIGGS COOPER AND C GRIGGS COOPER AND C GRIGGS COOPER AND C GRIGGS COOPER AND C GRIGGS COOPER AND C GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL - aaa -CKS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 50 -3710- 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 50 -4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL - 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL -- - aaa -CKS 50 -3710- 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 3710- 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL 50- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL , 50- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL 50- 4626- 822 -82 MANUAL 50 -4626- 842 -84 MANUAL , 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL , 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL , 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL • •• -CKS 50 -3710- 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 3710- 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL 50- 4626- 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 4626- 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL araa #. � aaa —CKS , 129271 06/05/84 .65- INTERCONTINENTAL PR 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL �• 129271 06/05/84 1931- INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL V- rrrrrr - -' 129285 06/C5/84 1984 CITY OF EDINA WINE CHECK REGISTER 05 -31 -84 PAGE 2 V, 14.02- 0314SON W! NE w= 129285 06/05/84 3.05- C14ECK NC. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION—— __ ACCOUNT N0. INV._N P.O. I MESSAGE _ JOHNSON 129271 06105/84 159.93- INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 3710- 842 -84 MANUAL WINE 129271 C6/05/84 3.61- INTERCONTINENTAL PK _.- _ 50 -3710- 842 -84 MANUAL 129271 06/05/84 .50 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50 -3710- 842 -84 MANUAL 06/05/84 129271 06/05/84 9.88- INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 3710- 842 -84 MANUAL JOHNSON WINE 129271 06/C5/84 14.04- INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 3710- 842 -84_ MANUAL_ 129285 06/05/84 129271 06/05/84 1.96- INTERCONTINENTAL _ ___50-3710-842-84 PK 50- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL JOHNSON WINE 129271 06/05/84 5.18- INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50 -3710- 862 -86 MANUAL 129271 06/05/84 94964- INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL �. 129271 06/05/84 1.31- INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50 -3710- 862 -86 _ MANUAL `,• 129271 06/05/94 .90 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 4626- 842 -84 MANUAL 06105/84 129271 06/05/84 32.70 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 4626- 842 -84 MANUAL 4.50 129271 06/05/84 79996.88 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 129271 06/05/84 25.30- INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 4626- 842 -84 MANUAL 129271 06/05/84 180.75 INTERCONTINENTAL PK _ _ _ _ 50- 4626- 842 -84 MANUAL 129271 06/05/84 49732.04 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 4626- 862 -86 _ MANUAL k. 129271 C6105/84 19.20 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL �" 129271 06/05/84 65.50 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50 -4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 129271 06/05/84 .30 INTERCONTINENTAL _ PK _ 50 -4628- 822 -82 MANUAL `„; 129271 06/05/84 .60 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 129271 06/05/84 32.75 INTERCONTINENTAL PK _ _ 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL �- 129271 06/05/84 702.25 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 129271 06105184 494.48 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 129271 06/05/04 8.40 _ _INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 129271 06/05/84 4.50 INTERCONTINENTAL _ _ PK 50- 4628- 842 -84 _ MANUAL 129271 06/05/84 98.25 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 129271 06/05/84 259.05 _ INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL e 129271 06/05/84 .60 INTERCONTINENTAL PK _ 50- 4628- 862 -86 _ _ MANUAL dl` 129271 06/05/84 65.50 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 129271 067135/84 3.00 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 129271 06/C5/E4 .90 INTERCONTINENTAL _ PK 50 -4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 149381.24 • I •' rrrrrr - -' 129285 06/C5/84 5.61- JOHNSON WINE 129285 06/05/84 14.02- 0314SON W! NE w= 129285 06/05/84 3.05- JOHNSON WINE 129285 06/05/84 11.06- _ JOHNSON WINE__ 129285 06/05/84 3.23- JOHNSON WINE LI 129285 06/05/84 5038- JOHNSON WINE 129285 06/C5/84 3.00 cOHNS CN WINE _ 129285 06/05/84 _ _ 701.00 JOHNSON WINE %w ,I 129285 06/05184 4.50 JOHNSON WINE 129285 06/05184 280.62 JOHNSON WINE 129285 06/05/84 3.30 JOHNSON WINE ~I i 129285 G6/05/84 152.70 JOHNSON WINE 129285 06/05/84 3.00 JOHNSON WINE 129285 - - C6105/84 ---- - - - - -- 553.45 -- - JOHNSON WINE -- - - - -- '•I 129285 06/05/84 161.95 JOHNSON WINE 129285 06/05/84 1.50 JOHNSON WINE 129285 06105/84 269.24 JOHNSON FINE 129285 06/05/84 4.50 JOHNSON WINE cj rrrrrr r ` _ 50- 3710 - 822 -82 50- 3710- 842 -84 50- 3710 - 842 -84 50- 3710- 842 -84 50 -3710- 862 -86 50- 3710 - 862 -86 50- 4626- 842 -84 50- 4626- 842 -84 50 -4628- 822 -82 50 -46 28- 82 2 -82 - -- 50- 4628- 842 -84 50- 4628- 842 -84 50- 4628 - 842 -84 - -- 50 -4628- 842 -84 - -- 50- 4628- 862 -86 _ -50- 4628- 862 -86 50- 4628- 862 -86 50 -4628- 862 -86 U r rr- C KS MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL rrr - CKS i 1 , 1;, '^Tv or cnzwx cxcL 4szaTcm 05~31 pxsc o -� cwccn Nn-.DATE »��UhI___-_-'_-___�--«c�o��-_-_'___-_----%IEw w°��poo°m.�pcmm4oc______/ ' ' -- !. 31 129451 06f05184 10.85- QUALITY WINE MANUAL .4 129451 06f05/84 1.11 QUALITY WINE 50-3710-842-84 10ANUAL 129451 06/C5/84 9099- GUALITY WINE 50-3710-842-84 MANUAL 129451 06/05/84 14*53— GUALITY WINE 50-3710-842-84 MANUAL 129451 06/C5/04 31.04— GUALITY WINE 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 129451 06/C5/84 9.49— GUALI TY WINE MANUAL­­ 129451 06/C5/84 3,721.15 QUALITY WINE 50-46 26— 84 2— 84 MANUAL 129451 C6/05/84 1*552.20 CUALITY WINE 50-4626-862-86 MANUAL 129451 06/C5/84 542o6O GUALITY WINE 5.0-4628-822-82- MANUAL 129451 06/05/84 55.69— QUALITY WINE 50-46 28— 84 2- 84 MANUAL i 1 7 129451 06/05f84 499.75 QUALITY WINE 50-4628-w842-84 MANU AL 129451 06105/84 474.22 GUALITY WINE 50-4628— 862-86 MANUAL 7,311 .79 129540 06/05/84 77.79- TWIN CITY MINE 50-3700-842-84 MANUAL.- 129540 06/05/84 10017 - TWIN'CITY WINE 50-3710-842-84 MANUAL 129540 06/C5/84 2.87— TWIN CITY WINE 50-3710-842-84 MA4UAL 131 '^~-` CITY -'-'------------'----- --�,l - _---. ."�"°" "","^,"° � �.~,. .~^~ ^^.. ~^~^ ^.--. .- m� ^~ ~~ MANUAL n �u�n�o ouvnsvp* n.�� 7urm cz7ruzmc 50~4628~8*2~84 nAmuxL ��~ !, � 1295*0 oavcsvn4 719°25_ TWIN CITY. WINE­ u~���o~m�a~m« nwvuxc_� 1295*0 _ o*vos/m^ 143.50 ruzm CITY uzmc 50~4628~842~84 nxmuxL / 1295*0 06/05/84 1.80 rwzm CITY uzmc 50~**28~842~84 nxwuxc !^� � m��*o o*/cs/n* r°5o Iuzm zmc a_m« pxwuAu �a9�4� — u6vC5v8*----�------ - ob---- ° Twzm'o��r-4xxc----'�--- ^ o~*W��-m��~@� numu�u !^1 � �°ams°o4 ^.~ °^°~cwo ^]° v05x84 na°rs cxpzrxL czry ozornz 50~*628_822~82 _ mAmuxL__'' 135067 - 0*v05v84 - ----'-- 2°25 --- --cxpzfo�-cIry ozwrn�- ------------------- �o~�aom~mo2~mo-- nxwwxL ^! �ssoo� c6vcsvno vU°o0 cxpXrxL cz7r ozarnz 50~4628~842~84 nmmuuL . � ^ �n5o� � oa�Ovm* 656.39 CAPITAL CITY _�l�� 50-4628-842.84----- _ -- __ MwmoxL L. 7*2.19 'oISTmz'- ^"| .= _--- --- _-�-_---_.--__- _._-____- -_-'-___----__--- - �--- °~c vs_ � 5129 c6/05v8* 39100.25 ocLLmor 50~4626~82 2~82 nxmuxL �,..~ `~ 5129 06/05v84 505.00 BELLBOY—— ~sq~�ao�~maa~xa_ _ _ nmvuxL _ .�|� _ 29 _ ooxUnvnu son°oO _ _ _ sccLenv 50~4626~8*2~84 nomuxL p| 135129 n6v05x84 2,95e°80 BELLBOY 50~4626~843~84 nomuxL 1on1zv oa�ysv�� 118n6°05 _---_-_-mmmwx�_ � | �- '--'---' - -- _ 89 953.10 *w^~CvS 135135 05124v84 o°,u~ cxscs wovc cncmzr 50~3710~003~00 nxmuxL vsnvon 061[5/84 ay.97~ cxons uxx 50-3710-842-.84 pxmuxu__ -��s1s�------�6»05vm4--'----------- °1o'------ EAGLE -WINE 50- 3710-862-86 nmmwxc 135135 06x05x8* 35°85~ cxncE uzmc 50~3710~862~86 . mxmuxc �� � 1984 CITY OF ECINA CHECK REGISTER 05 -31 -84 PAGE 4 +II Ij CHECK N0. CATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM_ DES_CR_IP_TION__ __ ______ACCOUNT N0. INV- N P.O. 4 MESSAGE r 135135 C6 /C5 /84 .16 EAGLE WINE 50 -3710- 862 -86 MANUAL i 135135 06/05/84 2 *198.55 EAGLE WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL , 135135 C6 /05 /84 7.24- EAGLE WINE _ 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL r! 135135 C6/G5/84 7.97- EAGLE WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 135135 C6/C5/84 1979207 EAGLE WIRE 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL I" 135135 05/24/84 107.07 EAGLE WINE INVENTORY - - - - " - -- 50 -4632- 862 -86 - " MANUAL 4*001.12 + _. .++ -CKS �I 135138 06/05/84 39.20- ED PHILLIPS 50 -3700- 842 -84 MANUAL 135138 06/05/84 2.78- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL ri 135138 C6/C5/84 64.43- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 135138 06/05/84 11.89- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL •, 135138 06145/84 17.81- ED PHILLIPS _ 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 135138 006/05/84 .30 ED PHILLIPS 50 -3710- 842 -84 MANUAL -, 135138 06/05/84 - 62.43- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710- 842 -84 MANUAL I• 135138 06/05/84 28.30- ED PHILLIPS" " -- - - -- - 50- 3710- 842 -84 - -- MANUAL 135138 C6 /C5 /Y4 3.69- ED PHILLIPS 50 -3710- 842 -84 MANUAL 135138 C6105/84 _ 2.94- _ ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 135138 06/C5/84 5.32- ED PHILLIPS - -- - 50- 3710 - 842 -84 - - MANUAL wi 135138 06/05/84 14.06- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710- 842 -84 MANUAL 135138 - " 06/05/84 "- 36.24- -- - ED FHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL -1 135138 06/05/84 7.62- -ED PHILLIPS - -- - -- - - - - "- - - -50- 3710 - 862 -86 -- MANUAL I 13513E C6/C5/84 4.67- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL 135138 06105/84 4.72- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 135133 06105/84 3 *221.61 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626- 822 -82 MANUAL •t' 135138 06105/84 3 *121970 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 135138 06/05/84 702.75 ED PHILLIPS_ 50- 4626- 842 -84 MANUAL ` 135138 66/05/84 - "- .00 ED PHILLIPS - " - -- - -- - - " -50- 4626- 842 -84 MANUAL 'i 135138 66/C5/84 1 *773.20 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL „i 135138 06/05/84 890.25 ED PHILLIPS _ _ _ 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 135138 C6/05/84 594.50 ED PHILLIPS _ 50 -4628- 822 -82 __- MANUAL •i' 135138 06/05/84 1?9.00 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 135138 C6/05/84 ___827.20 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL :i 135138 06/05/84 1E4.65 ED PHILLIPS - _ _ 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL •I 135138 06/05/84 14200 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL '. '� 13513E 06/05/84 266.00 _- - ED .PHILLIPS - _ - _ 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 135138 C6/C5/84 6.00- ED PHILLIPS _ _ 50- 4628- 842 -84 _- MANUAL 135138 06/C5/84 233.52 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 135138 06/05/84 - -- -- 381.00 - - ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 135138 06/05/84 236.11 ED PHILLIPS - -_ -- -- " " "50- 4628 - 862 -86 _ MANUAL 135138 05/24184 37.93 ED PHILLIPS INVENTORY 50- 4632- 822 -82 MANUAL 135138 05/24/84 173.94 ED PHILLIPS INVENTORY__. 50 -4632- 842 -84 MANUAL 135138 05/24/84 38.70 ED PHILLIPS INVENTORY " 50 -4632- 862 -86 MANUAL • ^I 12 *652.36 + 4y ---------------------- - - - - -- - - +++ -CKS ..� 135190 06/05184 E1.03- _ GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 3710- 822 -82 MANUAL 135190 06/05/84 34.17- GRIGGS COOPER AND C - 50- 3710- 842 -84 MANUAL • 135190 06/05/84 30*60- GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 135190 06/05/84 1 *708.65 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 4626- 842 -84 MANUAL �;' 135190 06105/84 1 *529.88 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL 19 rTY CF EOIAA C FIE -CHECK -NO.- DATE —AMOUNT VENDOR_ 69164.16 EG IS TER I-TEM DESCRIPTION 3 1 05-3 PAGE 5 ACCOUNT -NV.*- INV. # P.O. 4 -MESSAGE 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL t 135271 06/05/84 64.06- INTERCONTINENTAL PK 06105/84 *41- 135271 06/05/84 28.28- INTERCONTINENTAL PK 8.83- JOHNSON 135271 06/05/84 64.06- INTERCONTINENTAL PK JOHNSON WINE 135271 06f05f84 64.06- INTERCONTINENTAL PK WINE 50-3710-842-84 135271 C6/C5/84 14.93- INTERCONTINENTAL PR 50-4628-822-82 135285 135271 06/05/84 79.11- INTERCONTINENTAL PK MANUAL 06/G5/84 135271 061135/84 8.79- INTERCONTINENTAL PK 06/05/84 -3.12- .-,_.-,-._JOHNSON 83- 135271 06/05f84 37.33- INTERCONTINENTAL _PK__ 3,52- JOHNSON 135211 06/05/84 7*00- INTERCONTINENTAL PK JOHNSCN WINE 135271 06/05/84 108.94- INTERCONTINENTAL PK WINE WINE 1, 135271 06/05/84 .00 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50-4628-862-86 71 135271 06/05/84 18.00 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 135285 06/05/94 135271 06/05/94 39955.F5 INTERCONTINENTAL PK C6/C5124 9.60 135271 C6/G5f84____ ---19866.82 INTERCONTINENTAL PK • c 135271 06/05/84 6*00 INTERCONTINENTAL PK JOHNSON WINE 135271 06/05/84 59447.47 INTERCONTINENTAL PK MINE 135271 06/05f84 24.00 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 1* 135285 135271 06/C5/84 .00 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 135211 06/05/84 12.90 PK 135271 06/05f84 ____INTERCONTINENTAL 746.68 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 135271 06/05/84 000 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 135271 06/05/84 439e78 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 135271 06/05/84 3.90 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 135271 06/05/84 .00 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 135271 06105/E4 5.10 INTERCONTINENTAL PK `J' 135271 06105/84 350.15 INTERCONTINENTAL PK • 21 12,400.09 3 1 05-3 PAGE 5 ACCOUNT -NV.*- INV. # P.O. 4 -MESSAGE 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL 50 .-3710-842-.84__ MANUAL 50-3710-842-84 135205 06105/84 *41- JOHNSON WINE 50-3700-822-82 135285 06fO5/84 8.83- JOHNSON WINE --.50-3700-862-86 135285 06/05/84 5*58- JOHNSON WINE 50-3710-822-82 135285 06105/84 e48 JOHNSON WINE 50-3710-842-84 135285 06/05/84 8.22- JOHNSON WINE 50-4628-822-82 135285 06/C5/84 11922- JOHNSON WINE 50 -4626- 822 -82 MANUAL 06/G5/84 50-4626- 82 2- 82 MANUAL WINE- 50 4626-842-84____________ .135285 135285 06/05/84 -3.12- .-,_.-,-._JOHNSON 83- JOHNSON WINE ______ 50-4626-862-86 135285 06/05184 3,52- JOHNSON WINE 50-4628-822-82 135295 C6/C5/24 441*71 JOHNSCN WINE 50 -4628- 822 -82 135285 135285 06/05/81 06/05/84 1*50 279*40 JOHNSON JOHNSON WINE WINE 1, 135285 06105/84 o30 JOHNSON WINE 50-4628-862-86 135285 06/05/84 20.77 JOHNSON WINE 50--4628-862-86 135285 06/05/94 6*90 JOHNSON MINE 135285 C6/C5124 9.60 slOHRSCN WINE 135285 06/05/84 3*60 JOHNSON WINE 135285 06/05/84 561*49 JOHNSON WINE 135285 06/05/84 * 60 JOHNSON MINE 5 13528. C 6 10 5 / 8 4 — 15 10 JOHNSON _ '. WINE 1* 135285 06/05f84 41*54 JOHNSON WINE 50-3710-822-82 05-3 PAGE 5 ACCOUNT -NV.*- INV. # P.O. 4 -MESSAGE 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL 50 .-3710-842-.84__ MANUAL 50-3710-842-84 **• -CKS 50-3700-822-82 MANUAL 50-3700-822-82 MANUAL 50 -3700- 842 -84 MANUAL I0ld --.50-3700-862-86 MANUAL. 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 50-3710-842-84 MANUAL 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 50-4628-822-82 MANUAL 50-4626-822-82 MANUAL 50 -4626- 822 -82 MANUAL 50-4626- 82 2- 82 MANUAL 50 4626-842-84____________ MANUAL 50:4626-842-84 MANUAL ______ 50-4626-862-86 MANUAL 71. ---------- MANUAL I 50-4628-822-82 MANUAL d 50-4628-822-82 MANUAL 50 -4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL _______5O-4628-862.-86 MANUAL 50--4628-862-86 MANUAL 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL 50 .-3710-842-.84__ MANUAL 50-3710-842-84 MANUAL 50-3710-842-84 MANUAL 50-3710-842-84 MANUAL 50-3710-842-84 MANUAL 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 50-4628-822-82­­___­____ MANUAL 50-4628-822-82 MANUAL 50-4628-822-82 MANUAL 50-46 28- 82 Z-8 2 MANUAL 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 50-4628-822-82 MANUAL 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 71. ---------- - ---- -- d I v;• u rrrrrr 1984 CITY OF EDINA TWIN CHECK REGISTER WINE - 05 -31 -84 PAGE 6 06/05/84 3.67- GUALITY WINE vi. 135451 C6/05/84 49014- GUALITY CHECK NC. CATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N0. INV. N P.O. 4 MESSAGE WINE 135285 06/05/84 411.05 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL WINE 135285 06/05/84 24.32- JOHNSON WINE 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL j 135285 06/05/84 3.00 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 66/05/84 135285 06/[5/84 176.30 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 507- ' 135285 06/05/84 3.00 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL I, WINE TWIN 2,051.29 -- 2,457.11 GUALITY WINE 06/05/84 135451 06/05/84 833.98 GUALITY WINE ` rrrrrr 815.75 GUALITY WINE -.. • r. -CKS r„ 135435 06/05/84 8.17- PRICR WIDE CO 50 -3710- 822 -82 MANUAL ... 135435 06/05/84 5.64- PRIOR WINE CO 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL GUALITY 135435 06/C5/84 4.10- _ PRIOR WINE CO _ 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL WINE 135435 06/05/84 391.50 PRIOR WIN: CO 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL � 135435 05/24/84 17.18 FRIOR WIN= INVENTORY- 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 135435 06/75/84 282.00 _.. -- PRIOR WINE CO - -- 50- 4628 - 842 -84 - -- MANUAL `,i.. 135435 ' C6 /C5 /84 204.75 PRIOR WINE CO 50 -4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 877.52 r v;• u rrrrrr 06/05/84 4.69- TWIN CITY WINE - 135451 06/05/84 3.67- GUALITY WINE vi. 135451 C6/05/84 49014- GUALITY WINE C6/C5/84 135451 L6/C5/84 15.26- GUALITY WINE 135451 06/C5/84 16.67- GUALITY WINE WINE 135451 06/05/84 5.33- GUALITY WINE I 135451 06/C5/84 5.67- GUALITY WINE 06/05/84 135451 66/05/84 16.31- GUALITY WINE _ y - 135451 C6/05/84 507- GUALITY WINE - 135451 06/05/84 - -- - 3.30- - - GUALITY WINE TWIN 135451 06105/e4 2,457.11 GUALITY WINE 06/05/84 135451 06/05/84 833.98 GUALITY WINE 135451 06/05/84 815.75 GUALITY WINE -.. 135451 C6/05/84 183- 83.70 GUALITY WINE 135451 06/05/84 763.17 GUALITY WINE 135451 06/05/84 293.92 GUALITY WINE 135451 06/05/84 266.62 GUALTTY WINE 135451 C6/C5/84 1E5.33 GUALITY DINE 135451 06105/84 293.92 GUALITY- { _ - - - 5.952.08 • ,Y_INE -- ni"' ' rrrrr• 50-3710-822-82 50 -3 710- 82 2- 82 57- 3710 - 822 -82 - - 50 -3710- 842 -84 - 50 -3710- 842 -84 50- 3710- 842 -84 - _ -- 50- 3710 - 862 -86 50- 3710- 862 -86 50- 3710 - 862 -86 - - -- - 50- 4626- 822 -82 50- 4626- 842 -84 50- 4626- 862 -86 -- - - -50- 4628- 822 -82 50- 4628- 822 -82 50 -4628- 842 -84 - - - -- - ----- - - -50- 4628 - 842 -84 50- 4628- 862 -86 ______. __ ______.___. 50 -4628- 862 -86_ - yi 976.93 ` rrrrrr- --- --- - ---- -- -- - -- - -- - 138055 05/24/84 46.87 - BRAEMAR GOLF_- __PETTY.CA_SH r rr -C MS MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL _ MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL rr• -CKS MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL ----- - - - - -- - _. •rr -CKS ___27- 41.20- .661 -66 MANUAL L 135540 06/05/84 4.69- TWIN CITY WINE - 50- 3710- 822 -82 I" 135540 06/05/94 6.08- TWIN CITY WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 q 135540 C6/C5/84 8.79- - TWIN CITY ., _ WINE _ _ _ 50- 3710- 862 -86 13554C 06/05/84 234.84 TWIN CITY WINE 50 -4628- 822 -82 ^I 135540 - 06/05/84 - - - -- — 3.00 TWIN CITY WINE 50 -4628- 822 -82 135540 06/05/84 -- 6.60 - -- TWIN CITY WINE - -- - - - -- - - ----- - - -50- 4628- 842 -84 - r,� =i 13554C C6/C5/84 304.36 TWIN CITY WINE 50 -4628- 842 -84 135540 j4 06/C5/84 7.R0 TWIN CITY. WINE 50- 4628- 862 -86 135540 06/05/84 439.89 TWIN CITY WINE _ _ 50- 4628- 862 -86 yi 976.93 ` rrrrrr- --- --- - ---- -- -- - -- - -- - 138055 05/24/84 46.87 - BRAEMAR GOLF_- __PETTY.CA_SH r rr -C MS MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL _ MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL rr• -CKS MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL ----- - - - - -- - _. •rr -CKS ___27- 41.20- .661 -66 MANUAL L 1S ITY OF EOINA CH. REGISTER 05 -2� 4 PAGE 7 CC Z! CHECK NC. 138055 DATE 05/24/84 AMOUNT 230.37 VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION - ___ACCOUAT NO. INV. A P.O., 11 MESSAGE BRAEMAR GOLF PETTY CASH 27- 4120- 663 -66 MANUAL I'• 138055 05/24/84 142.87 BRAEMAR GOLF -- PETTY CASH 27-4120-664-66 MANUAL 136055 05/24/84 19.75 BRAEMAR GOLF PETTY CASH 27 -4120- 666 -66 - _ _ _. MANUAL 138055 05/24/84 12.00 BRAEMAR GOLF PETTY CASH 27- 4200 - 661 -66 MANUAL 138055 05/24/84 28.95 BRAEMAR GOLF _ _ PETTY_ CASH____ 27- 4204 - 660 -66_ MANUAL 138055 05/24/84 29.00 BRAEMAR GOLF PETTY CASH _ 27 -4206- 660 -66 __ _ MANUAL E!I °� 138055 05/24/84 20.00 BRAEMAR GOLF PETTY CASH 27- 4290 - 660 -66 MANUAL 138055 05/24/84 4.78 _ _ BRAEMAR .GOLF _ _ _ PETTY CASH 4502 - 660 -66 MANUAL 138055 05/24/P.4 46.29 BRAEMAR GOLF PETTY -- _____-- __- - -_27- CASH 27 -4504- 661 -66 .. MANUAL G '! 138055 05/24/P4 24.63 BRAEMAR GOLF PETTY CASK' 27 -4512- 661 -66 MANUAL -! 138055 05/24/84 _ _ 6.10 GOLF PETTY CASH 27- 4516 - 660 -66 MANUAL 138055 05/24/84 12.70 BRAEMAR GOLF PETTY CASH 27- 4560- 662 -66 _ MANUAL !' 138055 '05/24/84 8.48 BRAEMAR GOLF PETTY CAS} 27 -4580- 663 -66 MANUAL 138055 05124/84 41.24 BRAEMAR-GOLF _ PETTY CASH 27- 4624- 664 -66 MANUAL 674.03 + -- - - - _-MANUAL u aaf +fa +f+-M - - CI ='� 138430 05/24/84 199495.49 STATE PERA EMP PERA 10 -4145- 510 -51 MANUAL -' 19,495.49 + zzi _ ffrfff _ •i +-C KS 138523 05/24/84 7788.71 SOCIAL SECURITY EMP FICA - - - - 10- 4149510 -51 - -- MANUAL - 79788.71 I' •f +ff f +f -C KS != 139114 05/24/84 _909000.00 -_ _____1ST SOUTHDALE BANK TRANSFER 50- 1010- 000 -00 MANUAL 139174 05/24/84 909000.00 1ST SOUTHDALE BANK TRANSFER 50- 1010 - 000 -00 _ MANUAL I'! .00 f 3 ff +fff +•+ -CMS -I' 143067 06/05/84 _ 600.77 CAPITAL CITY DISTRI__ 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL_ 143067 06/05/84 10.35 CAPITAL CITY DISTRI _ 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 143067 C6/C5/84 7.65 CAPITAL CITY DISTRI 50 -4628- 862 -86 MANUAL � • 143067 06/05/84__ _ _ 342.00 _ - CAPITAL CITY .DISTRI_ _ - -, 50 -4628- 862 -86_ MANUAL 143067 05/24/84 85.40 CAPITAL CITY _ INVENTORY 50- 4630- 822 -82 MANUAL . . !. 19046.17 • i CKS 143095 05124/84 - 87.26 CIMM OF REVENUE SALES TAX MANUAL 143095 05/24/84 18.00 COMM OF REVENUE TAX ___10-3357-000-00 10- 4204 = 200 -20 MANUAL i 143095 05/24/84 82.10 COMM OF REVENUE SALES TAX 23- 3357 - 000 -00 MANUAL 143095 _ 05124/84 49 8 - . 206.5 _ - COMM OF REVENUE _ - SALES TAX_ 27- 3357 - 000 -00 MANUAL ° 143095 143095 05/24/84 C5124/84 206.94 32.26 COMM OF R EVENUE SALES - _ TAM 28- 3357 - 000 -00 _ - -- - MANUAL L COMM CF REVENUE SALES TAX 29- 3357- OOC -00 MANUAL 143095 C5/24/84 _ 332.16 COMM OF _ PEVENUE SALES TAX -_ 30- 3357 - 000- 00_•-____ MANUAL 143095 05124184 69916.77 COMM OF REVENUE SALES _ _ TAX 50- 3357- 001 -00 _ MANUAL ' 143095 C5/24/84 139554.60 COMM CF REVENUE SALES TAX 50- 3357 - 002 -00 MANUAL 143095 - - - - -- 05/24/84 - _ _ 129098.41 _ - CORM OF REVENUE. - -- _ SALES TAX 50- 3357 - 003 -00_ MANUAL___ 379535.35 + _ - - -_ _E S.. 1984 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 05 -31 -84 PAGE 8 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. 0 P.O. 4 MESSAGE 143129 C6 /05/84 754.75 BELLBOY 50- 4626- 822 -82 MANUAL 143129 C6/05/84 1,101.00 BELLBOY 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 143129 06/05/84 701.25 BELLBOY 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL 2,557.00 • • •• -CKS 143135 C6 /C5 /84 .06 EAGLE WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL ` 143135 06/C5/84 4.83- EACLF WIRE 50- 3710- 822 -82 MANUAL 143135 06/C5/84 241.30 EAGLE WINE MANUAL i" 1431 35 06/05/84 3.20- EAGL_ WINE - -- -- - - 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 233.33 • •••• ►• ••• -CKS 143138 06/05/84 41.96- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710- 822 -82_ MANUAL 143138 06/[5/84 6.20- ED PHILLIPS _ _ _ 50 -3710- 822 -82 MANUAL ��- 143138 06/05/84 13947- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 143138 06/05/84 4.30- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710- 822 -82 MANUAL 143138 116/051 E4 11.68- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 143138 C6 /C5 /E4 .08 ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710- 842 -84 MANUAL -' 143138 - - 06/05/84 - - 7.93- - - -- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 642 -84 MANUAL_ 1431 38 06/05/84 .12 ED PHILLIPS - - - -_ - -- 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 143138 06/05/84 49067- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710- 842 -84 MANUAL 143138 06/05/84 12.06- ED PHILLIPS . 50- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL 14313E 06/05/84 52.10- ED PHILLIPS _ _ 50 -3710- 862 -86 MANUAL 143138 06/05/84 .23 ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 143138 C6/05/E4 - - .23- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL 1431 38 06/05/84 .23 ED PHILLIPS - -- - -- - - - -- - - -- _ 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 143138 C6105/84 2,098.11 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626 - 822 -82 MANUAL 143138 C6/05/84 2,483.30 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626- 842 -84 MANUAL 143138 06105/84 5.77- ED PHILLIPS 50 -4626- 842 -84 MANUAL �,... 143138 06/05/84 2,605.10 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL 14313E 06105184 309.75 - ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL , 143138 06105/E4 673.50 ED PHILLIPS - ------ - - - -50 -4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 143138 06/05/84 215.00 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 143138 06/05/84 391.48 ED PHILLIPS __- -._.. _.__.._ 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 143138 C6/05/84 2.92- ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628- 842 -84 _ MANUAL 143138 06/05/84 4.22- ED FHILLIPS 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL ^'I 1431381 06105/84 _ 584.00 - ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 143138 06/05/84 11.37 ED PHILLIPS _ _ _ 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL w 143138 06/05/84 11.37- ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 143138 06/05/84 602.90 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL !I 143138 06/05/84 11.37- ED PHILLIPS _ 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 99740.02 - - - - -- - -- - - -- -- - - - -- - - -- -- - - - - -- - -- - -- - -- _---- - - - - -- - -- - - -- CKS , I!i 143190 06/05/84 70.40- GRIGGS COOPER AND C _ 50- 3710- 822 -82 MANUAL ,1 143190 06/05/84 34.29- GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL `i 143190 06105/84 49.02- GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL f `= 143190 06/05/84 __ _ _ 39520.13___----.-GRIGGS.- _GRIGGS_COOPER COOPER AND _C_ 50- 4626- 822 -82 MANUAL 143190 06/05/84 1,714.26 GRIGGS COOPER _ AND C 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 143190 06/05/84 2,450.78 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50 -4626- 862 -86 MANUAL 11 � ITY CF EDINA CHL .4EGISTER 05-3 • PAGE 9 CHECK NO.- DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NOo INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE ;(79531.46 143198 05124184 71 59505*06 GROUP HEALTH EMP HOSP 59505.06 1 143271 06/05/84 50,06- INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50-3710-822-82 143271 06/0/84 6.59— INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 3710- 842 -84 143271 06J05/84 32.49- INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50-3710-862-86 143271 06/05/84 38.88- INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50-4626-822-82 143271 06/05f84 5*02— INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50-4626-842-84 143271 06/C5/84 9*45- INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50-4626862-86 143271 06/05/84 51.13— INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50-4628-822-82 143271 06/05f84 29503.21 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 13985— 143271 C6/C5/84 6.00 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 143271 06/05/84 19624.59 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50-3710-862-86 143271 06/05184 5.40 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 4.27--- 143271 06/0/84 5.70 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 143271 06/05/84 19944.49 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50-4626-822-82 143271 06/05/8; 29556985 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 3*90 143271 06/05/84 10 20--_ _INTERCONTINENTAL PK • 143271 06/05/84 :30 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50-4626-842-84 143271 06105/84 251902 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 19048.45 143271 06f05/84 329.58 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 143271 06/05/84 5o40 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50-4626-862-86 143271 06105/84 6*60 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 3*00 3.30 143271 06105f84 472.95 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 143285 06/05/84 9,528:67 JOHNSON _WINE-- __.._- ____- ____.__50 -4628- 822 -82 MANUAL MANUAL 143285 06/05/84 **—CKS MANUAL 06/05f84 14,70- JOHNSON ***—CI(S 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL 50- 3710- 842 -84 MANUAL 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 50- 4626- 822 -82 MANUAL _____ 50-4626-822-82 MANUAL 50-4626-822-82 MANUAL 50-4626— 82 2- 82 MANUAL 50-4626-842-84 MANUAL 50-4626-842-84 MANUAL 50 -4626- 862 -86 MANUAL ------ 50 -4626- 862 -86 — MANUAL 50-4626862-86 MANUAL 50 -4626- 862 -86 MANUAL 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 50-4628-822-82 MANUAL MANUAL ___50_-4628-862-86___ 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 13985— • **—CKS 143285 06/05f84 14,70- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3700- 862 -86 MANUAL 143285 06fC5/84 4.44— JOHNSON WINE 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL 143285 06/C5/84 14.22— JOHNSON WINE 50-3710-822-82 MANUAL 143285 06f05/84 20.96- JOHNSON WINE 50-3710-842-84 MANUAL 143285 06/05/84 21.81— JOHNSON WINE 50 -3710- 842 -84 PANUAL 143285 06/05/84 13985— JOHNSON WINE 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 143285 ___ 06/05/84 - 6.32- JOHNSON -JOHNSON WINE 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 143285 06/05f84 4.27--- WINE 50-3710-862-86 MANUAL 143225 C6/C5/84 711*20 JOHNSON WINE 50-4626-822-82 MANUAL 143285 06f05/84 3*90 JOHNSON WINE 50-4626-822-82 MANUAL 143285 06105/84 4.50 JOHNSON WINE 50-4626-842-84 MANUAL 143205 06/05f84 19048.45 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626- 842 -84 PANUAL 143285 06/05/84 692.95 0HNSON WINE 50-4626-862-86 MANUAL 143285 143285 06/05/84 06/05/84 3*00 3.30 JOHNSON JOHNSON WINE WINE 50 -4626- 862 -86 50-4628-822-82 MANUAL 143285 06/05/84 222*36 JOHNSON _WINE-- __.._- ____- ____.__50 -4628- 822 -82 MANUAL MANUAL 143285 06/05/84 16o20 JOHNSON WINE 50-4628-842-84 MANUAL 143285 06f05/84 19090.60 JOHNSON WINE 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 143285 C6/C5/84 3_16.44_____ JOHNSON --wrhE------------------50-4628-862--86--------.-- MANUAL--- 143265 06/05/84 4s50 JOHNSON WINE 50-4628-862-86 MANUAL 143285 06f05/84 2*40 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL i .i 1984 CITY OF EOINA CHECK NO. DATE 143285 06/05/84 143285 06/05/84 CHECK REGISTER AMOUNT VENDOR 213.82 JOHNSON WINE .00 JOHNSON WINE 4,232.05 05 -31 -84 PAGE 10 ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO* INV* 0 P.O. # MESSAGE 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 50 -4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 143415 06/01184 99898.00 MED.CENTER. 9,898.00 + v .. ` 143433 05/24/84 109.80 FAUTIS b SONS I•:,, - - 109.80 *rf *ff 143435 05/24/84 42.42 PRIOR WINE `.I 42.42 + r - EMPL HOSP CONT _,__ .. _- 10- 4156 - 510 -51 * +* -CKS MANUAL -- - - -- - -- - * ** -CKS INVENTORY 50- 4632 - 862 -86 MANUAL + ** -CKS INVENTORY 50 -4630- 862 -86 MANUAL *rfrf f ** -CKS 143354 05/24/84 427.15 MINNEGASCO HEAT 10- 4254 - 446 -44 MANUAL 143354 05/24/84 698.45 NiNNEG'ASCO HEAT 10- 4254 - 520 -52 MANUAL 143354 05/24/84 1,485.88 MINNEG'ASCO HEAT 10- 4254- 540 -54 MANUAL �i 143354 05/24/84 89.49 MINNEGASCO HEAT 10- 4254 - 611 -61 MANUAL 143354 05/24/84 1,334.50 MINNEG'ASCO HEAT _ - - 20- 1130 - 000 -CO MANUAL 143354 05/24184 695.54 MINNEGASCO HEAT 20- 4254- 646 -64 MANUAL 143354 05/24/84 19125.65 MINNEGASCO HEAT 26- 4254- 689 -68 MANUAL 143354 05/24/84 70.20 MINNEGASCO HEAT 27- 4254- 662 -66 MANUAL. j 143354 05/24/84 4,169.04 MINNEGASC0 HEAT 28- 4254- 708 -70 MANUAL Vi 143354 05/24/84 19396.28 MINNEGASCO HEAT 30- 4254- 781 -78 MANUAL 143354 05/24/84 124.51 MINNEGASCG HEAT 40- 4254 - 801 -80 MANUAL 143354 05/24/84 52 *04 MINNEGASCO _ HEAT _ 50- 4254 - 821 -82 MANUAL `i 143354 05/24/84 27.64 RINNEGASCO HEAT 50- 4254- 821 -82 MANUAL j.•, 143354 05/24/_84 155.89 MINNEGASCO HEAT - - 50 -4254- 861 -86 MANUAL 11 9852.26 * -- -- - -- - -- - - - -- - i * * *fff `I- 143396 05/24/84 60.25 NW BELL TELEPHONE 10- 4226- 160 -16 MANUAL ; �- 143396 05/24/84 49388.42 NW BELL TELEPHONE 10- 4256 - 510 -51 MANUAL 143396 05/24/84 291.44 NW BELL TELEPHONE _ 20 -4256- 622 -62 MANUAL 143396 05/24/84 116.22 NW BELL TELEPHONE 20- 4256- 628 -62 MANUAL , 143396 05/24/84 126.43 NW BELL TELEPHONE 20- 4256- 646 -64 MANUAL 143396 05/24/84 146.00 NW BELL TELEPHONE 23- 4256 - 611 -61 MANUAL 143396 05/24/84 59.01 NW BELL TELEPHONE 26- 4256- 689 -68 MANUAL 143396 05/24/84 367.95 KW BELL TELEPHONE 27- 4256- 661 -66 MANUAL 143396 05/24/84 320.73 NW BELL TELEPHONE 28 -4256- 708 -70 MANUAL 143396 05124/84 47.77 NW BELL TELEPHONE 29- 4256- 721 -72 MANUAL , 143396 05/24/84 166.30 NW BELL TELEPHONE 30- 4256- 782 -78 MANUAL 143396 05/24/84 185.65 NW BELL TELEPHONE 40- 4256- 801 -80 MANUAL `,I 143396 05/24/84 154.05 NW BELL TELEPHONE 50- 4256 - 821 -82 MANUAL •,.; 143396 143396 05/24/84 05/24/84 163.59 114.18 NW BELL _ _ _ _ NW BELL -TELEPHONE TELEPHONE 50- 4256- 841 -84 50- 4256 - 861 -86 MANUAL MANUAL vj 69707.99 + 143415 06/01184 99898.00 MED.CENTER. 9,898.00 + v .. ` 143433 05/24/84 109.80 FAUTIS b SONS I•:,, - - 109.80 *rf *ff 143435 05/24/84 42.42 PRIOR WINE `.I 42.42 + r - EMPL HOSP CONT _,__ .. _- 10- 4156 - 510 -51 * +* -CKS MANUAL -- - - -- - -- - * ** -CKS INVENTORY 50- 4632 - 862 -86 MANUAL + ** -CKS INVENTORY 50 -4630- 862 -86 MANUAL !� 1"9, LTY OF EDINA CHE EGISTER 05 -3, PAGE 11 CHECK NC. - -DATE - _._ AMOUNT VENDOR_ _ ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT -_N0a_ INV*_ 8 P.0_. _ -p MESSAGE =! rr #aft rra -CKS ul. 143442 05/24/84 99598.04 PF'P• EMP HCSP 10 -4156- 510 -51 MANUAL 99598•.04 - -- _. - - - -- - ^i rarrrf r +r -CKS r 143451 C6/C5/84 9.24- GUALITY WINE 50- 3710- 822 -82 MANUAL 143451 06/05/84 19.75- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL j 143451 06/05/84 - 7.59- - - - - QUALITY WINE - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - -- 50- 3710 - 822 -82 - MANUAL. - 143451 06/C5/84 5.20- GUALITY WINE 50-3710- 842 -84 MANUAL " 143451 06/C5/84 .27 QUALITY WINE 50- 3710- 842 -84 MANUAL 143451 06/05/94 .05 QUALITY WINE 50 -3710- 842 -84 MANUAL ^^ 143451 G6/C5/84 _ 31.09- _ GUALITY WINE 50- 3710- 842 -84 MANUAL !t 7 143451 06/[5184 20.37- GUALITY WINE 50- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL j 143451 06/05/84 .13 GUALITY WINE 50- 3710- 862 -86 143451 06/05/84 - - - -- 23.01- _ GUALITY WINE - - - -- -- - -- - -50 -3710- 862 -86 - - -.- - _MANUAL MANUAL ti 143451 06/05/84 2.58- GUALITY WINE 50- 4626- 842 -84 MANUAL ' 143451 06/05/84 987.80 GUALITY WINE, _ -_ _ _ -. _ -_ -_- -_ _50- 4628- 822 -82 _ ,. MANUAL . -; 143451 06/C5/84 462900 GUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 143451 06/05/84 379.77 GUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL ' '• 143451 06/C5/84 _ 260.00 _ QUALITY _WINE _ — 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 143451 06005/84 13.33- — GUALITY WINE _ - - -_ 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL �yI`•; 143451 06/C5/84 1,554.95 QUALITY WINE 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL I27_ 143451 06/05/84 6.41- GUALITY WINE _ _ -- _V_ -- __---- '---- _ --_ -- 50- 4628 - 862 -86 -- -- - MANUAL 'j 143451 06/C5/84 1,150.74 GUALITf WINE 50 -4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 143451 06/05/84 1,018.75 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 59675.79 + 'Vi•� ff#afr ra: -CKS - ' 143522 05/24184 17,558.24 AMOCO OIL GASOLJINE 10- 4612 - 560 -56 MANUAL ' 179558.24 + ` -- - rrr -CKS I'; 143540 06105/84 5.32- TWIN -CITY -WINE -- 50 -3710- 822 -82 _ - MANUAL .; of 143540 06/05/84 8.26- TWIN CITY WINE 50- 3710- 842 -84 MANUAL c 143540 06/05/84 5.70- TWIN CITY WINE 50- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL f 143540 06/C5/84 5.70 TWIN CITY VINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 143540 C6105/84 - - - 266.09 -- - TWIN CITY WINE - _ - __ - -- — - -- SO -4628- 822 -82 MANUAL �• 143540 06/05/84 413938 TWIN CITY WINE 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL t 143540 .__.- 06/05/84 9.00 _ TWIN CITY _WINE _ -, 50- 4628 - 842 -84 _.. MANUAL _ 143540 06105/84 5.40 TWIN CITY WINE 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 143540 06/[5/84 285.36 TWIN CITY WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL i 965.65 + arr -CKS 143700 L5/24/84 29000.00 US POSTMASTER POSTAGE DUE 10- 4290 - 510 -51 MANUAL 29000.00 • :'_ e 143701 05/24/84 265.88 MN OEPII OF REVENUE GASOLINE 10- 4612 - 560 -56 MANUAL !" �;: 265.88 1984 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 05 -31 -84 PAGE 12 r. CHECK N0. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIP7ION _ ACCOUNT _N0. INV.A P.O. A MESSAGE 143702. 05/24/84 19795.50 UHL CO _ CONT.REPAIRS -_ - 4248- 520 -52 MANUAL 19795.50 • _10- I 143703 05/24184 - - 249597.00 A_V_IS C_ARS 10- 4908 - 420 -42 MANUAL 249597.00 . - - -- - - *a• -CKS 150067 06/05/84 2.01- CAPITAL CITY DISTRI 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 150067 06/05/84 108.50 CAPITAL CITY DISTRI 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 150067 06/C5/84 108.50 CAPITAL CITY DISTRI 50 -4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 150067 06/G5/84 184.G0 CAPITAL CITY DISTRI 5C- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 150067 06/05/84 5.50 CAPITAL CITY DISTRI 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL j 150067 06/C5/84 2.20 CAPITAL CITY DISTRI _ 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL " �i 150067 06JC5/R4 2.20 CAPITAL CITY DISTRI 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 150067 06/05/84 108.50- - CAPITAL CITY DISTRI 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 150067 06/05/84 2.20- CAPITAL CITY - -- DISTRI 50- 4628- 822 -82 _ MANUAL 150067 C6/05/84 1.10 CAPITAL CITY DISTRI 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 150067 06/C5/84 ?5.50 CAPITAL CITY DISTRI 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 150067 06/C1/84 99.60 CAPITAL CITY INVENTORY 50- 4630 - 862 -86 MANUAL ,i 150067 06/01/84 32.85 CAPITAL CITY INVENTORY 50- 4632 - 822 -82 MANUAL i 467.25 �j .r••ra *** -CKS 150129 06/05/84 29418.80 BELLBOY 50- 4626 - 822 -82 MANUAL 150129 06/05/84 357.90 EELLBCY 50- 4626- 822 -82 MANUAL I.' 150129 06/05/84 79450.68 BELLBOY 50- 4626- 842 -84 MANUAL I 150129 06/05/84 49998.38 BELLBOY - - - - - - - -- - 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL 159225.76 ar•aar _- - ••• —CKS 150135 06/05/94 8.00- _ EAGLE WINE __ 50- 3700 - 822 -82 MANUAL 150135 06105/84 32.00- EAGLE WINE _ _ _ _ 50- 3700- 862 -86 _ PANUAL 150135 06105/84 14.75- EAGL= WINE 50- 3710- 822 -82 MANUAL 150135 06/05/84 38090- EAGLE WINE_- _ -- - - _ - -_ -_ 50- 3710- 822 -82 MANUAL I.i 150135 06/05/84 4.00- EAGLE WINE -- -- - - - - -- 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 150135 C6/C5/84 11.01- EAGLE WINE 50- 3710- 842 -84 MANUAL 150135 06/05/84 6.02- EAGLE_WINE - - - 50- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL , 150135 06/05/84 -00 EAGLE WINE - -- - -- - -50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL �.I 150135 C6/C5/84 376.80 EAGLE WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 1501 35 06/05/84 737.70 EAGLE WINE 50 -4628- 822 -82 MANUAL >I 150135 06/05/84 550.35 EAGLE WINE _ _ 50- 4628- 842 -84 _ _ MANUAL �I 150135 06/05184 200.00 EAGLE WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 150135 06/C5/84 .00_ EAGLE WINE _ 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 150135 06/05/84 300.80 EAGLE WINE _ 50- 4628- 862 -86 _ MANUAL r '= 150135 06/G1/84 91.19 EAGLE WINE INVENTORY 50- 4632- 822 -82 MANUAL 29142.16 . * ** -CKS ' - -- 150138 06101184 - - - - .68- - -- ED PHILLIPS - - - - -- - -- - -- CORRECTION -- - -'- 5D- - - 3710 - 003 -00 -- - -- ; MANUAL 150138 06/01/84 .68- ED PHILLIPS DISCOUNT 50- 3710 - 003 -00 l MANUAL r 191 ITY OF EOIAA CHE EGISTER 05 -3, PAGE 13 CHECK NO. DATE _ — AMOUNT VENDOR _ ITEM DESCRIPTION N0. INV.A P.O. 4 MESSAGE 150138 06/01/84 .68 ED PHILLIPS DISCOUNT 50 -3710- 003 -00 MANUAL "1 150138 06/05/84 5.30- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822- 82. MANUAL a R II 150138 06/G5/84 5.76- ED FHILLIPS _ 50 -3710- 822 -82 MANUAL c -- 150138 06/05/84 71.48- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 150138 - C610/84 - - _ 22.98- - ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL i, e 'I 150138 06/05/84 115.65- ED PHILLIPS -- - - - -_ - - -- 50- 3710 - 842 -84 - - -- MANUAL 150138 06/05/84 5.80- ED PHILLIPS 50 -3710- 842 -84 MANUAL :.f ^! _ 150138 06/05/84 23.16- ED PHILLIPS -,_ - _----- _------ ---- _..50- 3710842 -84_ - MANUAL 150138 06/05/84 32.05- ED PHILLIPS -- -_- _- 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL - - 150138 06/G5/84 45.37- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL i 150138 06/05/84 -- 15.10- - -- -- - — — - ED PHILLIPS -- 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 150138 06/05/64 . 12 ED PHTLLIPS - -- - _ -- - - -— 50- 3710 - 862 -86 -- - -- MANUAL 150139 06105/84 3.80- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL ;s 150138 06/05/84 _ 5.07 -___ E7 PHILLIPS _ _ _ _ 50 -3710- 862 -86 MANUAL :. 'n, "- 150138 06 /C5 /84 3,573.95 ED PHILLIPS 50 -4626- 822 -82 _ MANUAL 150138 06/05/84 5,782.71 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626- 842 -84 MANUAL e "I 150138 06/05/84 —_ - -- -- 29268.25 - ED PHILLIPS - - -ED 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL 150138 06/05/84 265.00 - - PHILLIPS -- -- — _- — - - -- 50- 4628- 822 -82 -- - - MANUAL _I �!7i, 150138 06/05/84 2f7.75 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 150138 C6/0/84 19148.84 ED. - FHILLIPS _ _ _ _ _ — 50 -4628- 822 -82 MANUAL -j 150138 06/05/84 290.07 ED PHILLIPS _ 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL `y! ^•I 150138 C6/05/84 19602.41 °_D PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL =" 150138 06/05/84 - .1 9157.75 - ED PHILLIPS 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 150138 - G6/05/84 - -- - - 6.10- - -- ED PHILLIPS - -- — —_ - - -- - -- 50- 4628 - 862 -86— _ MANUAL 150138 06/05/84 189.80 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 150138 06/C5/84 253.40 ED PHILLIPS _ _ 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL :.i 150138 06/05/84 754.75 ED PHILLIPS - 50- 4628- 862 -86 _ MANUAL 150138 06/01/84 3302 ED PHILLIPS INVENTORY 50 -4632- 822 -82 MANUAL 150138 06/01/84 33.12 ED PHILLIPS INVENTORY 50- 4632- 842 -84 MANUAL . 150138 06/01/84 33.80 _ ED PHILLIPS' _ INVENTORY 50- 4632- 862 -86 MANUAL " 3.; Ij 179316.54 r C ' urrr• ***-COS 150190 06/05/84 53.91- GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50 -3710- 822 -82 MANUAL 150190 06105/84 73.55- GRIGGS COOPER AND _ C 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 150190 06/G5/84 54.28- GRIGGS COOPER AAD C 50 -3710- 862 -86 MANUAL C 15019 06/05/84 29655.56 _ GRIGGS COOPER -.A NO C __...__..__ _50- 4626 - 822 -82 MANUAL - ; ' 150190 06/05/84 3,677.26 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL "i 150190 06/05/84 29713.80 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL t •.0 ' _ 8,904.88 • 1+. •.i 999999 **&-CKS i 150271 06/05/84 28.62- INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50 -3700- 862 -86 MANUAL 150271 06/01184 5.71- INTER PKG DISCOUNT 50- 3710 - 003 -00 MANUAL i 150271_ 06/05/84 _ _ 12.02- INTERCONTINENTAL PK _ 50- 3710- 822 -82__ MANUAL ! �• 150271 06/05/84 12.02- INTERCONTINENTAL __ PK — 50 -3710- 822 -82 MANUAL _ 150271 06/05/84 53.93- INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 3710- 822 -82 MANUAL �,{( ! 150271 06105/84 _ __. 0.13- _ INTERCONTINENTAL PK ,._. , _....__ 50- 3710 - 822 -82_ _ MANUAL 150271 06/05/84 12.02 INTERCONTINENTAL PK _ 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 150271 06/05/84 133.46- INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50 -3710- 842 -84 MANUAL I^' 150271 06/05/84_ .08 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 3710- 842 -86 MANUAL____ -' . 150271 06/05/84 -------18.66-. _ __ INTERCONTINENTAL __ _ PK _ 50- 3710- 842 -84 _ MANUAL 150271 06/05/E4 68.02- INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL F ` � \� i 1984 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER C5 -31 -84 PAGE 14 l CHECK NO. DATE - AMOUNT VENDOR _IT_EM_DESCRIPTION_ _- ,_____- ACCOUNT N0. INV.q P.O. 4 MESSAGE (' 150271 06/05/84 6.18- INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 150271 06/05/84 5.06- INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL 150271 06/05/84 13.20 INTERCONTINENTAL PK _ 50- 4626- 822 -82 MANUAL 150271 06/05/84 29696.79 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 4626- 822 -82 MANUAL 150271 06/05/84 .75 INTERCONTINENTAL PK MANUAL 150271 06/C5/e4 456.65 INTERCONTINENTAL PK _ ______________50-4626-822-82 50- 4626 - 622 -82 MANUAL 150271 06/05/84 69673.13 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 4626- 842 -84 MANUAL 150271 06/05/84 31.20 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 4626- 842 -84 MANUAL I 150271 06/05/84 4.27- INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 150271 06/05/84 309.18 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL 150271 06/05/84 17.10 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL 150271 06/C5/e4 39401.27 INTERCONTINENTAL PK _ 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL �.� 150271 06/05/84 060 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL 150271 06/05/64 7.80 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 150271 C6/C5/84 601.33 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL �j 150271 06/05/84 601.38 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 150271 06/05/84 7.80 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 150271 06/05/84 601.33- INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL ` 150271 06/C5/e4 7080- INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL �• 150271 06/05/84 933.36 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 150271 06/05/84 9.60 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 150271 06/C5/84 253.28 IN'TERCONTTNENTAL PK 50 -4628- 862 -86 MANUAL -. 150271 06/05/84 .00 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50 -4628- 862 -86 MANUAL ! 150271 06/05/84 4.20 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL v�- 150271 06/01/84 279.89 INTER PKG INVENTORY 50- 4630- 822 -82 MANUAL 150271 06101/84_ _ 279.89 INTER PKG INVENTORY 50- 4630- 842 -84 MANUAL 150271 06101/84 285.60 INTER PKG INVENTORY 50- 4630 - 862 -86 MANUAL 159909.89 I,,. •.••.. - ... -CKS 150285 06/05/84 3.71- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710- 822 -82 MANUAL 150285 06/05/84 .08 JOHNSON WINE _ 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL �! 150285 06/05/84 21.85- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710- 842 -84 MANUAL 150285 06/C5/84 26.99- - JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710- 842 -84 MANUAL j150285 06/C5/84 14.22- JOHNSON WINE - - - -- - - -- - - 50- 3710- 842 -84 MANUAL 150285 C6105/84 3.21- JOHNSCN WINE 50- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL 150295 06/05184 711.20 WINE 50 -4626- 842 -84 MANUAL 150285 06/05/84 3.00 ___JOHNSON JOHNSON WINE - - _ _ _ 50- 4626- 842 -84 MANUAL 150285 06/G5/84 1080 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 150285 06/05/84 185.57 JOHNSON WINE 50 -4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 150285 06105/84 21.90 _ JOHNSON WINE _ 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 150285 06/C5/e4 9.60 JOMNSCN WINE 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 150285 06/05/84 19092.75 JOHNSON WINE_ - 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 150285 06/05/84 19349.60 JOHNSON WINE _ - 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 150285 06/C5/84 4.25- JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 150285 06/05/84 _ 160.89 - ___ JOHNSON WINE - - - 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 150285 06/05/84 2.40 -- JOHNSON WINE -- - - - - - -- - - -- 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 39464.56 • �I• 150451 _ 06/05/84 _ _ _ 11.51- -,If 150451 06/C5/84 49.19 - S7 � 150451 06/05/84 .37 QUALITY WINE___ GUALITY WINE QUALITY WINE 50- 3710- 822 -82 -- - -50- 3710 - 822 -82 - -- -- - 50 -3710- 842 -84 . a. -CKS MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL I"� ifffff 150766 06101/84 52.25 STATE MN LIC PLATES 52.25 + frriff INFORMATION TELEPHONE AT 152702 L6/01/84 10.04 49 ITY OF EDINA 06/01/84 CHI EGISTER 05 -3 PAGE 15 06/01/84 85.82 AT 152702 06/El/84 - - - 63.05 'AT 152702 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUAT VENOCR _ _ ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N0._TNV_._8_P*0. A MESSAGE " 152702 150451 06/05/84 51.63- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL , AT 152702 150451 06/05/84 .44 GUALITY WINE --- --- _.- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 11 SC 152702 150451 06/C5/84 1.76 - ____.. GUALITY WINE ___50- __ - __ __ _ -_ 50- 3710- 842 -84 MANUAL 150451 06/05/84 *36 QUALITY WINE 50- 3710- 842 -84 MANUAL 150451 06/05/84 22.20- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 150451 06/05/84 _ 12.45- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL ' 150451 06/C5/84 42.49- GUALITY WINE 50- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL I^ 150451 06105/B4 2,459.58 _ OUALITY WINE - -_ _ 50- 4626- 822- 82.__ -._ MANUAL 150451 C6 /C5 /84 29581.92 GUALITY WINE -_._ __ 50- 4626- 842 -84 MANUAL 150451 06/05/84 18.68- GUALITY WINE 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 150451 06/05/84 29124*76 _ GUALITY WINE 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL 150451 06/05/84 575.89 GUALITY WINE 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 150451 06/05/84 1.110.44 GUALITY WINE 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 150451 06/05/84 87.95- QUALITY WINE 4628- 842- 84______ 150451 06/05/84 18.06- _- QUALITY WINE __50- ____ 50- 4628- 842 -84 _ _- ,MANUAL MANUAL 150451 06105/84 21.95- GUALITY WINE 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL I" 150451 06/05/84 622.60 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL -.-- 99142.01 • - _GUALITY_WINE __ _ _ _ _ -- - - **f -CKS 150540 06/05/84 6.15- TWIN CITY WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL i 150540 06/05/8') 27.82- TWIN CITY WINE 50- 3710- 842 -84_ MANUAL 150540 06/05/84 14.33- _ _ _ _ TWIN CITY WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 150540 06105/84 3.90 TWIN CITY WINE 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL (= 150540 06105/84 307.55 TWIN CITY .WINE ------ 50 -4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 150540 06/05/84 20.40 TWIN CITY WINE _ _ 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL y- 150540 06105/84 1,391.10 TWIN CITY WINE 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 150540 i 150540 - 06105/84 06/05/84 - 716.59 - -- - 12.90 - - TWIN CITY WINE -- TWIN CITY WINE - - - - -- -- - 50- 4628- 862 -86 - -50 -4628- 862 -86 - - MANUAL_ MANUAL 29404.14 --- ----- ---- ---- ----- - - - - - -- -- - --- - - - - -- * ** -CKS 150759 06/01/84 369.00 BISHOP TRAVEL CONF & SCHOOLS 20- 4202 - 600 -60 MANUAL 369.00 * - - - -- - - - I"� ifffff 150766 06101/84 52.25 STATE MN LIC PLATES 52.25 + AT frriff INFORMATION TELEPHONE AT 152702 L6/01/84 10.04 1 GI 152702 06/01/84 20.80 .I 152702 06/01/84 85.82 AT 152702 06/El/84 - - - 63.05 'AT 152702 06/01/84 41.73 AT 152702 06/01/84 4.50 -. 4. - -- -4.50 " 152702 06/01/84 TELEPHONE �! 152702 06/01/84 4.50 AT 152702 C6 /C1 /84 87.09 �,- - - - 152702 -T -- 06/01/84 -T -- 9000 11 SC 152702 06/01/84 14618 AT S T INFORMATION TELEPHONE AT & T TELEPHONE AT 6 T_INFORMATION TELEPHONE AT & T INFORMATION TELEPHONE AT & T INFORMATION TELEPHONE 'AT & T.- INFORMATICNCCRRECTTCN__,__ „____ AT & T INFORMATION TELEPHONE AT & T INFORMATION TELEPHONE INFORMATION AT 8 T _ INFORMATION _TELEPHONE TELEPHONE -- AT 6 T INFORMATION -� TELEPHONE - -� _ - * ** -CKS 10 -4908- 422 -42 MANUAL * ** -CKS - 10 -4256- 510 -51 - 20-4256-628-62 20- 4256- 628 -62 20- 4256- 661 -66 23- 4256- 611 -61 26 -4256- 689 -68 26- 4256- 689 -68 26- 4256 - 689 -68 28- 4256 - 708 -70 50 -4256-821 - -82 -- - - - - -- 50 -4256- 841 -84 MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL __. MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL _ MANUAL MANUAL 177 . u , 1984 CITY OF EDIAA CHECK REGISTER 05 -31 -84 PAGE 16 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT __VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION__ __ ACCOUNT N0. INV. p P.O. -p MESSAGE_ i 336.21 • • •• -CKS 153174 06/01/84 901,000.00- 1ST BANK SOUTHDALE_ BANK__ TRANSFER 50- 1010- 000 -00_ MANUAL 153174 06/01/84 _ 90,000.00 1ST BANK SOUTHDALE BANK TRANSFER _ _ 50- 1010 - 000 -00 MANUAL ` .00 • ...•.• • *• -CKS X156701 06/01/84 845.00 - PAUL KINGBAY - REFUND ON FEE 10- 3150- 000 -00 MANUAL 845.00 • •••••• ••• -CKS 1069664.11 FUND 10 TOTAL GENERAL FUND _! 39102.80 FUND 20 TCTAL PARK FUND 249.,0.3 FUND 23 TOTAL ART CENTER 19149.16 FUND 26 TOTAL SWIMMING POOL FUND _ 5,319.03 FUND 27 TOTAL GOLF COURSE FUND 49783.80 FUND 28 TOTAL RECREATION CENTER F_ UND Hand typed checks pi's 56514 thru 80.03 FUND 29 TOTAL GUN RANGE FUND _ 15705 _ 1,894.74 FUND 30 TOTAL WATERWORK FUND � 310.16 FUND 40 TOTAL SEWER RENTAL FUND 257347.09 FUND 50 TOTAL LIQUOR DISPENSARY FUND 380x960.75 ! __TOTAL ,- _ - -.. - _ -__ -- _ - _ - -- -- - -- - - APPROVED FOR PAYMENT +j - _ _ _ _ - - - -__ CHECK REGISTER DATED •� � iK - • L- - - - - - - - -- — - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - -PAGES 1 - - - - - - - -- -- -- . _ - - - - - - /4; - - - -- -- - - - -- -- - --- -- ------ ---------- --- -- - - -- -THROUGH CITY MANAGE DATE s+ - -- I CE (RECTOR DATE s, cl