HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-08-20_COUNCIL MEETINGAGENDA EDINA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 20, 1984 7:00 P.M. ROLLCALL ' MINUTES of the Regular Meeting of July 16, 1984, and the Special Meeting of July 23, 1984, approved as submitted or corrected by motion of , seconded by I. PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS. Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by City Manager and Engineer. Public comment heard.. If Council wishes to proceed, action by Resolution. 3/5 favorable rollcall vote to pass if improvement has been petitioned for; 4/5 vote required if no petition. * A. Cascade Lane Berming (Contd from 8/6/84) II. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND REPORTS ON PLANNING MATTERS. Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by Planning Department. Public comment heard. First Reading of Zoning Ordinance requires offering of Ordinance only. 4/5 favorable rollcall vote to pass Second Reading or if Second Reading should be waived. Lot Divisions, Flood Plain Permits, Plats, Appeals from Administrative or Board of Appeals and Adjustments decisions require action by Resolution. 3/5 favorable rollcall vote to pass. A. Preliminary Plat Approval * 1. Kidd Addition - Generally located south of 62nd Street and east of Valley View Road * 2. Dennis Miller Addition - Generally located north of Grove Street and east of Johnson Drive B.. Final Plat Approval * 1. Miller Addition - Generally located west of Dearborn Street and north of Belmore Avenue C. Set Hearing Date 1. Designation of Neighborhood for East Edina Housing Foundation' (9/10/84) III. PUBLIC HEARING ON STREET VACATION. Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by Planning Department.or Engineer. Public comment heard. If Council wishes to proceed, action by Resolution. 3/5 favorable rollcall vote to pass. * A. Portion of Dearborn Street * B. Portion of Spruce Road * C. .Alley between Dearborn Street /Arthur Street & between Spruce.Road /Belmore-Lane.... IV. SPECIAL CONCERNS OF RESIDENTS V. AWARD OF BIDS - * A. Truck Wing VI. RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS * A. Traffic Safety Committee Minutes of August 14, 1984 B. LWV - Report on Recycling Census C. Set Budget Hearing Dates * D. Traffic Signals - Metro Blvd /70th and Metro Blvd /Industrial Blvd * E. Report on Solid Waste Transfer Site Meeting F. Special Concerns of Mayor and Council G. Post Agenda and Manager's Miscellaneous Items VII. ORDINANCES. First Reading of Ordinance requires offering of Ordinance only. 3/4 favorable rollcall vote to pass Second Reading. 4/5 favorable rollcall vote to pass if Second Reading is waived. A. Second Reading * 1. Ordinance No. 312 -A1 Amending Animal Control Ordinance Agenda Edina City Council Page Two VIII. FINANCE * A. Official Statement - $5,400,000 General Obligation Improvement Bonds, 1984 * B. Liquor Fund Report as at June 30, 1984 C. Claims Paid. Motion of , seconded by for .payment of the following claims as per Pre -List dated 8/20/84: General Fund $165,039.93 Park Fund $25,741.27, Art Center $1,710.60, Swimming Pool Fund $7,548.96, Golf Course Fund $20,545.68, Recreation Center Fund $8,797.94, Gun Range Fund $815.63, Waterwork Fund $38,235.48, Sewer Rental Fund $4,489.26, Liquor Dispensary Fund $108,687.96, Construction Fund $125,646.48, Total $507,259.19; and for confirmation of payment of claims dated 7/31/84: Liquor Dispensary Fund $213,436.36. MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL JULY 23, 1984 Answering rollcall were Members Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner and Mayor Courtney. HENNEPIN COUNTY COMMUNITY ACTION AGENCY DISCUSSED; RESOLUTION OF RECOMMENDATION ADOPTED. Member Turner recalled that the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners at its June 5, 1984 meeting, passed a resolution indicating its intent to designate a Community Action Agency for suburban and rural Hennepin County. All of Hennepin County, except for that portion in the city of Minneapolis, is proposed to be included in the area served by the Agency. Comment from the public and municipal officials will be received through August 14, 1984. Proposed - functions of the Agency will be: a) planning an effective Community Action program, b) research into the problems and causes of poverty, c) development of specific projects and programs to address these problems and causes, d)-establishment of.priorities, e) encourage and provide technical assistance, f) establish effective means for poor people to influence and participate in programs, and g) develop public /private efforts. Following discussion, Member Schmidt introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners at its June 5, 1984, meeting passed a resolution indicating its intent to designate a Community Action Agency for suburban and rural Hennepin County; and WHEREAS, the proposed Community Action Agency shall be a private, non - profit corporation with one Board of Directors which shall be both a governing and admini- strative Board; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors shall consist of 27 members: a) Nine elected officials, b) Nine private sector representatives, and c) Nine low- income persons; and WHEREAS, the proposed Hennepin County Community Action Agency shall have within the scope of its authority and activities the following functions: a) planning an effective Community Action program b) research into the problems and causes of poverty c) development of specific projects and programs to address these problems d) establish effective means for poor people to influence and participate in the implement of programs e) develop public /private efforts and ventures which will have the effect of leveraging private resources and stimulating investments which will measurable increase employment and reduce poverty; and WHEREAS, the functions of the proposed Community Action Agency are similar to the functions of the Suburban Human.Services Councils; thus, to create a Community Action Agency in the form of a separate, non - profit organization would duplicate an existing service delivery /planning organization; and WHEREAS, the potential revenues, estimated at between $80,000 and $250,000 annually, would be significantly reduced by administrative expenses of a new Community Action Agency; and WHEREAS, the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners seeks comments from suburban Hennepin County municipalities; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council at its July 23, 1984, meeting, makes the following recommendations: a) the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners seeks variances from State and Federal agencies in order to designate the Suburban Human Services Councils as the Community Action Agency to serve the suburban Hennepin County low - income population; or b) seeks to-realign the Board of Directors of the existing Suburban Hennepin County Human Services Councils to comply with the State and Federal regulations, requiring the representation of low- income persons on said Board, and thereby bringing the existing Human Services Councils Boards into compliance with the State and Federal regulations to serve as a Community Action Agency. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Turner. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. FUNDS AUTHORIZED FOR TREE REMOVAL. Mr. Rosland advised the Dutch Elm disease has increased considerably this summer in all communities and that currently there are 393 condemned trees in the City, of which 160 are on public land and 233 are on private property. He recommended that the Council authorize expenditure-of - additional funds, up to $10,.000.00 for tree removal by private contract. Member Schmidt's motion was seconded by Member Turner authorizing additional funds, up to $10,000.00 for tree removal. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. 7/23/84 CAPITAL BUDGETING PROGRAM PRESENTED AND DISCUSSED. Mr. Rosland stated that he has been working with the staff to develop a proposed capital renewal plan covering a ten year period to 1994. The plan would cover capital equipment replacements, capital renewals and capital additions. He presented an overview of the--.plan pointing out General Fund available revenue, the General Fund capital program, and the balance of capital needed for the program, taking into account the projected enterprise "losers ". Other financial resources were identified for various projects with the greater portion of the capital renewal plan to be funded from the general tax fund. Mr. Rosland reviewed the proposed plan by department, including anticipated road and bridge projects and a 5 -year sidewalk program. He explained that the capital renewal plan was being presented to enable the Council to review and study the concept of such a plan. A brief discussion was held but no formal action was taken. 1984 LEGISLATIVE SUMMARY DISCUSSED. The Council was presented with an update on legislative policy issues which had been developed for 1983 -84. Mr. Rosland advised that progress has been made on a number of issues through the lobbying effort of the Municipal Caucus in which the City of Edina is represented by Member Richards. Other 1984 legislative changes affecting Edina were also presented. Mr. Rosland recommended that the Council Members again meet with the elected state, county and Metropolitan Council representatives for Edina in order that legislative issues affecting the City could be discussed. A breakfast meeting was tentatively set for Friday, September 28, 1984, at 7:30 a.m. at City Hall. As suggested by Mayor Courtney, Mr. Rosland stated he would be contacting the elected officials by letter to invite them to attend and would report back to the Council on their response. No formal action was taken. COUNCIL STRATEGIC PLAN REVIEWED. Mr. Rosland recalled that during the past year the Council has been meeting informally to develop a strategic plan. As a result, a mission statement has been formulated, key strategic issues have been identified and key issue objectives together with short term objectives were developed. He suggested that the Council again review the strategic plan and advise him if they felt additions or revisions should be considered. A need for a social services comprehensive plan was mentioned. Mr. Rosland also called attention to an update of the City Corporate Work Plan through July 1984. No formal action was taken. INVITATION EXTENDED BY RICHFIELD CITY COUNCIL. Mr. Rosland.informed the Council Members that an invitation has been extended to the Edina City Council by the City Council of Richfield-for a golf match on Wednesday, September 26, 1984. He asked that the Council Members advise him of their response so that it could be relayed to Richfield. No action was taken. Their being no further items to be discussed, the meeting adjourned at 9:07 p.m. City Clerk AGENDA EDINA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 20, 1984 7:00 P.M. ROLLCALL MINUTES of the Regular Meeting of July 16, 1984, and the Special Meeting of July 23, 1984, approved as submitted or corrected by motion of , seconded by I. PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS. Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by City Manager and Engineer. Public comment heard. If Council wishes to proceed, action by Resolution. 3/5 favorable rollcall vote to pass if improvement has been petitioned for; 4/5 vote required if no petition. A. Cascade Lane Berming (Contd from 8/6/84) II. PUBLICHEARINGS AND REPORTS ON PLANNING MATTERS. Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by Planning Department. Public comment heard. First Reading of Zoning Ordinance requires offering of Ordinance only. 4/5 favorable rollcall vote to pass Second Reading or if Second Reading should be waived. Lot Divisions, Flood Plain Permits, Plats, Appeals from Administrative or Board of Appeals and Adjustments decisions require action by Resolution. 3/5 favorable rollcall vote to pass. A. Preliminary Plat Approval 1. Kidd Addition - Generally located south of 62nd Street and east of Valley View Road 2. Dennis Miller Addition - Generally located north of Grove Street and east of Johnson Drive B_. Final Plat Approval 1. Miller Addition - Generally located west of Dearborn Street and north of Belmore Avenue C. Set Hearing Date 1. Designation of Neighborhood for East Edina Housing Foundation' (9/10/84) III. PUBLIC HEARING ON STREET VACATION. Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by Planning Department or Engineer. Public comment heard. If Council wishes to proceed, action by Resolution. 3/5 favorable rollcall vote to pass. A. Portion of Dearborn Street B. Portion of Spruce Road C. Alley between Dearborn Street /Arthur Street & between Spruce Road /_Belmore-Lane. IV. SPECIAL CONCERNS OF RESIDENTS V. AWARD OF BIDS A. Truck Wing VI. RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS A. Traffic Safety Committee Minutes of August 14, 1984 B. LWV - Report on Recycling Census C. Set Budget Hearing Dates D. Traffic Signals - Metro Blvd /70th and Metro Blvd /Industrial Blvd E. Report on Solid Waste Transfer Site Meeting F. Special Concerns of -Mayor and Council G. Post Agenda and Manager's Miscellaneous'Items VII. ORDINANCES. First Reading of Ordinance requires offering of Ordinance only. 3/4 favorable rollcall vote to pass Second Reading. 4/5 favorable rollcall vote to pass if Second Reading is waived. A. Second Reading 1. Ordinance No. 312 -A1 Amending Animal Control Ordinance Agenda Edina City Council Page Two VIII. FINANCE A. Official Statement - $5,400,000 General Obligation Improvement'Bonds, 1984 B. Liquor Fund Report as at June 30, 1984 C. Claims Paid. Motion of , seconded by for payment of the following claims as per Pre -List dated 8/20/84: General Fund $165,039.93 Park Fund $25,741.27, Art Center $1,710.60, Swimming Pool Fund $7,548.96, Golf Course Fund $20,545.68, Recreation Center Fund $8,797.94, Gun Range Fund $815.63, Waterwork Fund $38,235.48, Sewer Rental Fund $4,489.26, Liquor Dispensary Fund $108,687.96, Construction Fund $125,646.48, Total $507,259.19; and for confirmation of payment of claims dated 7/31/84: Liquor Dispensary Fund $213,436.36. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL JULY 16, 1984 Answering rollcall were Members Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner and Mayor Courtney. MINUTES of the Regular Council Meeting of July 2, 1984, were approved as submitted by motion of Member Turner, seconded by Member Schmidt. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVED FOR VALLEY VIEW 2ND ADDITION. Affidavits of Notice were presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Mr. Hughes presented the petition for preliminary plat approval for Valley View Heights 2nd Addition, generally located south of Valley View Road and east of Tracy Avenue. The request is for a five -lot subdivision to remain zoned R -1 Single Dwelling District. The proposed lots range in area from - 12,200 square feet to 21,100 square feet and comply with Zoning Ordinance requirements. The lots are similar in size to the lots that were recently approved for the Berg Addition to the east. Lots 1 through 4 of the subdivision are arranged around a small cul -de -sac from Valley View Road. The fifth lot fronts on Valley View Road. The Community Development and Planning Commission reviewed the proposed subdivision at its meeting of June 27, 1984. Mr. Hughes pointed out that this plan is a modification of an earlier plan submitted by the property owner that called for a double dwelling unit development for the site. It was staff's recommendation that the rezoning to R -2 should be denied. The Commission felt the modified plan conformed to past direction given for the area and recommended approval of the subdivision conditioned upon: a) subdivision dedication, b) developer's agreement that would include the relocation of the existing storm sewer at the developer's expense. No objections being heard, Member Bredesen introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION GRANTING PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL VALLEY VIEW 2ND ADDITION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled "Valley View 2nd Addition ", platted by PKR Development Company and presented at the regular meeting of the City Council of July '16, 1984, be and is hereby granted preliminary plat approval, subject to subdivision dedication and execution of a developer's agreement. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Turner. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL FOR REPLAT OF LOT 70, MORNINGSIDE, DENIED. Affidavits of Notice were presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Mr. Hughes presented the petition for preliminary plat approval for Replat of Lot 70, Morningside, located at 4231 Grimes Avenue. The subject property measures 100 feet in width by nearly 200 feet in depth and is zoned R -1 Single Dwelling District. An existing single family dwelling is located on the northerly portion of the lot. The applicant requests a subdivision of the property whereby two lots measuring 50 feet in width would be created. The northerly lot would be retained for the existing dwelling and the southerly lot would be a new building site. The Zoning Ordinance requires a minimum lot width of 75 feet and therefore, 25 -foot lot width variances are also requested. Because these variances are requested as part of the platting process, the Community Development and Planning Commission and the City Council, rather than the Board of Appeals and Adjustments, are empowered to act on them. In order to comply with the setback requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, the applicant also proposes to remove a greenhouse attached to the existing dwelling. Mr. Hughes pointed out that the property is part of the Morningside plat which, together with several other plats, comprises a large portion of the former Village of Morningside. Although nearly all lots within these plats originally measured 100 feet in width, most have been further subdivided to provide more than one building site. Most were subdivided prior to annexation of Morningside by Edina. Of the 200+ lots originally composing these subdivisions, only about 30 lots remain unsubdivided. About 20 other lots have been subdivided but retain lot widths of about 100 feet. Most such pre- existing lots have been subdivided into 50 -foot wide lots as now proposed for the subject property. Mr. Hughes showed a graphic depicting the 100 -foot lots that have been subdivided. The three lots immediately south of the subject property measure 100 feet in width and the eight lots north of the subject property measure 50 feet in width. Since annexation of Morningside by Edina, two subdivisions creating 50 -foot wide lots have been approved by the City of Edina: in 1972 a lot on Alden Drive and in 1978 a lot at Grimes and Morningside. The Commission reviewed the request at their June 27, 1984, meeting and concluded, as did staff in their report, that the character of this neighborhood is typified more by the 50 -foot lot rather than the 100 foot lot. The Comprehensive Plan contains some policies concerning the further subdivision of lots such as this and staff concluded that the character 7/16/84 and symmetry of the neighborhood will not be adversely affected and the standards' maintained,by other properties will be preserved. Therefore, staff recommended approval of the subdivision and variance, conditioned on subdivision dedication. The Commission adopted that recommendation with one negative vote, because of a concern that a new home would not fit into the character of the neighborhood. Mr. Hughes stated that Len Lampert, the proponent, was present to answer any questions. Member Schmidt asked if additional variances could be requested out- side of the 25 foot variances. Mr. Hughes responded that the 25 -foot variances requested are tied to the plat, that no building plans have been submitted, and that a builder may come before the Board of Appeals and Adjustments asking for a setback variance. Mr. Lampert, proponent, stated he is the proposed buyer of the subject lot, is an architect, and that he plans to build a house for his family that would fit into the neighborhood. He stated that landscaping would be added to alleviate some of the feelings of lost green and open space expressed by the neighbors. Speaking in support of the proposed subdivision were Helen Stafford, 4226 Grimes Avenue and Richard Belfry, 4243 Grimes Avenue. Speaking in opposition to the proposed subdivision were Nancy Hanchett, 4232 Grimes Avenue; Dick Schultz, 4235 Grimes Avenue; Frank Quale, 4332 Grimes Avenue; Clarence Velgersdyk, 4238 Grimes. Avenue; Mrs. John Peterson,.4239 Grimes Avenue; and Rita Eickhoff, 4234 Grimes Avenue. Concerns voiced in opposition to the subdivision included 1) that it would be detrimental to the character and aesthetics of the neighborhood, 2) that the Zoning Ordinance requires a minimum lot size of 75 feet for new construction, 3) that building plans for the house have not been submitted for review by the Council, 4) loss of open space, 5) that increased density would have a negative affect on property values, and 6) that a precedence would be set for further subdivision of other 100 -foot lots in the neighborhood. Member Schmidt asked if a subdivision dedication fee would be required. Mr. Rosland stated that the.normal procedure has.been to require a fee. Mayor Courtney stated-that there is a precedence for 50 -foot lots in the area and asked what the Council's position would be if the proposed-subdivision were denied. .Attorney Erickson responded that a decision either way could be appealed by the parties interested. Precedence is one of the factors. The subdivision ordinance states factors on which variances are allowed and the findings on those are normally assumed to exist when approval is recommended by the Planning Commission. With reference to the other 100 -foot lots, Member Bredesen asked if they could accommodate subdivision without destruc- tion of existing homes to make them work. Mr. Hughes replied that some could be, but that the majority could not as most of them have larger existing homes which would make it more difficult to subdivide. Member Turner then moved preliminary plat approval based on the following policies in the Comprehensive Plan: 1) allow further subdivisions of developed single family lots if the neighborhood character and symmetry are preserved (existing 50 -foot lots), 2) establish a secondary single family zoning classification that allows for reduced minimum lot requirements based on neighborhood characteristics, and 3) allow redevelopment of parcels in small lot areas according to neighborhood standards. Motion for preliminary plat approval was seconded by Member Richards. Member Schmidt asked if the Council could call for plans and how the home would be sited on the lot. Attorney Erickson explained that we have planned districts in all districts except R -1 Single Dwelling Districts because it pertains to homes. He noted that the building code prescribes setbacks, lot coverage, etc. and that normally plans are not required to be submitted for subdivisions in the R -1 District. Member Richards asked if preliminary plat approval would include approval of the requested 25 -foot variances. Mr. Hughes explained that if preliminary plat approval is granted,.the 25 -foot variances are also granted and that if a home can be built on the lot within the requirements pertaining to setbacks, lot coverage etc. contained in the Zoning Ordinance, the City would be obliged to issue a building permit. Any additional variances would -be acted upon by the Board of Appeals and Adjustments. Member Richards stated that he had seconded the motion for approval based on the expectation that the Council would see the plans before construction was started, especially in view of the fact that the lot is a departure from the 75 -foot lot minimum. Attorney Erickson pointed out that if additional variances were requested of the Board of Appeals, that any approval could be appealed to the Council for decision. In response to concerns about the building design, Mr. Lampert gave assurances that he would follow the normal process of review by the Building Official to ascertain compliance with setback requirements, height and compatibility with surrounding structures. After further discussion, Mayor Courtney called for a rollcall vote on the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Turner, Richards Nays: Bredesen, Schmidt, Courtney Motion failed. PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVED FOR REPLAT OF LOT 1, BLOCK 1, TAFT ADDITION. Affidavits of notice were presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Mr. Hughes presented the petition for preliminary plat approval for Replat of Lot 1, Block 1, Taft Addition, generally located south of Blake Road and north of Scriver Road. The subject property measures 68,772 square feet in area and is 7/16/84 zoned R -1 Single Dwelling Unit District. An existing dwelling is located on the southerly portion of the property. The request is for a subdivision of the property into two lots. The southerly lot would measure 33,417 square feet in area and would be retained for the existing home. The northerly lot would measure 35,355 square feet and would be a new building site. He noted that the proposed lots far exceed ordinance minimums as well as other lot sizes recently approved in the area. The Community Development and Planning Commission reviewed the request at its meeting of June 27, 1984, and together with staff would recommend approval subject to: 1) subdivision dedication, and 2) increase in the width of the drainage and utility easement along the west property line from five feet to ten feet. He noted that James Brook, the proponent, was present to answer questions. Neil Feinberg, 5101 Scriver Road, asked how many new lots would be created. Mr. Hughes clarified that the existing house would be on one lot and a new house would be sited on the new lot. No objections being heard, Member Bredesen introduced the following resolution and moved adoption: RESOLUTION GRANTING PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL FOR REPLAT OF LOT 1, BLOCK 1, TAFT ADDITION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled "Replat of Lot 1, Block 1, Taft Addition ", platted by James A. Brooks and presented at the regular meeting of the City Council of July 16, 1984, be and is hereby granted preliminary plat approval, subject to subdivision dedication and increase in width of easement. Motion for preliminary plat approval was seconded by Member Schmidt. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. FINAL SITE PLAN APPROVED FOR PROFESSIONAL PLAZA, 5108 INDUSTRIAL BOULEVARD. Mr. Hughes presented the request for final site plan approval for the Professional Plaza, 5108 Industrial Boulevard. He noted that the subject property is improved with First Southdale's detached banking facility which has been closed for several months. The applicant proposes to remove the drive -up canopy and other appurtenant equipment and to construct a one -story 10,247 square foot addition to the existing 2,669 square foot building. Surface parking would be provided on the site to support the proposed use for office purposes. Mr. Hughes recalled that this property was rezoned from 0 -1 Office District to POD -1, Planned Office District in connection with the adoption of the new Zoning Ordinance in March, 1984. The new ordinance requires that significant additions to buildings so rezoned are subject to final development plan approval process. He explained that the proposed expansion conforms with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance in terms of parking quantity, setbacks, lot coverage and so forth. The proposed building materials are the same as the existing building. The applicant proposes to preserve the existing curb cuts on Metro Boulevard and Edina Industrial Boulevard. Mr. Hughes advised that the final site plan was reviewed by the Community Development and Planning Commission at its June 27th meeting and the Commission would recommend approval subject to: 1) signing of the Edina Industrial Boulevard driveways to designate one -way traffic movement, and 2) modification of the Metro Boulevard curb cut to align with the proposed parking layout. In response to Member Schmidt's concern regarding the congested traffic at that corner, Mr. Hughes stated that plans are to signalize that corner this Fall. No objections being heard, Member Schmidt introduced the following resolution and moved adoption: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that the Final Site Plan for Professional Plaza, 5108 Industrial Boulevard, presented at the regular meeting of the City Council of July 16, 1984, be and is hereby approved. Motion for approval was seconded by Member Turner. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. PUBLIC HEARING ON VACATION OF WETLAND EASEMENT, LOT 6, BLOCK 1, THE HABITAT, CONTINUED TO AUGUST 6, 1984. As recommended by staff, Member Schmidt's motion was seconded by Member Turner, to continue the public hearing on the proposed vacation of wetland easement on Lot 6, Block 1, The Habitat, to the Council Meeting of August 6, 1984. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. NOISE ORDINANCE AMENDMENT DISCUSSED. Mr. Rosland recalled that in response to a noise complaint by Bernard Gershin the Council had recently discussed amending the noise ordinance to improve procedures for enforcement of the ordinance. He noted that Mr. Gershin was present to comment... Mr. Bernhardson advised that since receipt of the complaint by Mr. Gershin, steps have been taken to improve equipment and to review procedures. Changes proposed in the ordinance include: 1) restoring the loudspeaker permit request, 2) instituting a formal complaint process, and 3) issuing citations to participants after warning. Mr. Gershin stated that the proposed amend- ments to the noise ordinance would seem to satisfy the problem. Mr. Rosland advised that the proposed amendment to the noise ordinance would be brought to the Council 7/16/84 r at its next meeting for review. No formal action was taken. BID AWARDED FOR CONCRETE RESTORATION- PARKING RAMP IMPROVEMENT NO. P -lA CONTRACT 484 -4. Mr. Rosland advised that staff would recommend concrete repairs to the north muni- cipal parking ramp on 50th Street. He presented tabulation of bids showing Western Waterproofing at $148,400.00, George F. Cook Construction at $150,602.07, Abhe & Svoboda at $150,706.00, Arcon Construction at $155,977.00, Cy -Con, Inc. at $165,705.00, D. H. Blattner & Sons, Inc. at $169,820.50; and Roadway Specialties, Inc. at $177,331.00. Mr. Rosland advised that the recommended low bid is within the amount budgeted for this item, of which approximately $15,000 per year is derived from parking sticker fees. Member Schmidt's motion was seconded by Member Turner for award of bid to recommended low bidder, Western Waterproofing at $148,400.00. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. Member Bredesen commented that he felt that the cost of maintenance of the parking ramps for the 50th and France shopping area should be borne by the people who shop there rather than by all the residents of the City through their tax dollars, and suggested that the Council discuss this concept at some point in the future. TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF 7/10/84 APPROVED. Member Bredesen's motion was seconded by Member Turner to approve the following recommendation of the Traffic Safety Committee as stated in Section A of the Traffic Safety Committee minutes of July 10, 1984, after evaluation of the West 70th Street and Cornelia Drive intersection: 1) The four- way.stop should be maintained at West 70th Street at Cornelia Drive. 2) West 70th Street traffic lanes should be striped. 3) Appropriate "NO PARKING - ANYTIME" zones should be established. 4) Public Works should improve snow removal at the intersection. 5) Steps should be taken to relocate the existing mailbox at the intersection. 6) The use of adult school crossing guards should be maintained. 7) The "STOP" sign recommendation on West 70th Street at West Shore Drive should be dealt with as a separate issue. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. KEGA /EDINA GYMNASTICS ASSOCIATION LOAN FROM CITY APPROVED. Mr. Rosland advised that over the years the KEGA /Edina Gymnastic Association, Inc. has been the one athletic group that has been unable to find a "home" and since 1982 had been going through some dramatic changes. They are no longer are associated with KEGA, a private gymnastic association, but will be identified as Edina Gymnastic Assoc- iation. Changes have been made to their bylaws to allow a majority of Edina residents on the Board of Directors. Arrangements have been made with the Edina School District to use one of the huts next to the Edina Community Center for classes. Mr. Rosland pointed out that they now have a tremendous shortage of equipment as most of the equipment they were using belonged to KEGA. They are seeking a loan from the City in the amount of $13,500.00, payable in 30 months without interest. The Edina Park Board recommends approval of the loan with the provision that the equipment purchased with the loan would be the property of the City until the loan is repaid and then would be turned over to the Association. Council Members discussed the issues of an interest free loan, the Association's ability to repay the loan, the philosophy that each athletic organization should pay their own way, and the partial subsidy by way of maintenance to the playing fields for other sports. Member Turner then moved approval of a loan in the amount of $13,500.00 to the Edina Gymnastic Association, without interest, payable in 30 months. Motion was seconded by Member Richards. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. REPORT GIVEN ON CABLE TV BY ROGERS CABLESYSTEMS. (Member Richards left the meeting prior to the presentation.) Mr. Rosland introduced Gary Mizga, Regional Manager, and Jim Crawford, Operations Manager, of Rogers Cablesystems. Mr. Mizga stated he would report on the financial condition of the company, new economic realities of the cable industry and the restructuring proposal. Since 1980 conditions have changed in the cable industry which have dramatically impacted Rogers cost of doing business, and have resulted in reduced basic subscriber penetration thus affecting revenues. In spite of these changing conditions, the system was constructed ahead of schedule. In many instances, Rogers exceeded service commitments to the cities. They have weathered the changing economic conditions by implementing an agressive cost control program and effectively marketing premium services to subscribers. Mr. Mizga noted that Rogers has only been partially successful in offsetting the impact of these changes and now find that a multifaceted approach to financial problems is necessary to meet financial commitments and ensure the system's viability. Rogers requests the cooperation and participation of the cities in this effort. He noted that the new economic realities have affected Rogers Southwest suburban system in four w 7/16/84 general areas: a) increased capital expenses, b) increased operating expenses, c) fewer basic service subscribers, and d) slow development of use for full bi- directional capability. The current financial picture indicates that Rogers: a) is still borrowing money to cover operating expenses including interest pay- ments, b) is experiencing and will continue to experience cash shortfalls, c) would not be able to meet our initial principal payment in 1986 under the bank loan agree- ment, and d) would have to infuse significant amount of additional capital starting in 1989 for plant and equipment replacement. Rogers is proposing a balanced, compre- hensive approach to the current financial situation including increasing revenues through higher subscriber rates, increased operating efficiencies, rescheduling of the bank loan and deferring the purchase.of some fixed assets and temporarily reducing certain expenditures required under the franchises. Mr. Crawford briefly outlined Roger's marketing efforts to increase the subscriber pentration from 42% to 50% in Edina. Mr. Mizga summarized that Rogers is attempting to increase revenues and decrease expenses and is working with the SWSCC and the consultant retained by the Commission to look at forecasts so that the company can meet the initial principal payment in 1986 on the bank loan. He indicated that the report was brought to the Council for their information, that he would keep them informed and would be back in the weeks and months ahead with specific proposals. Member Bredesen stated he appreciated the report, but that his concern is not about projections or how the company runs its business, but rather the process by which Edina as a community gets to express its reaction to proposals before decisions are made by the SWSCC. In response Mr. Rosland stated that he and Mayor Courtney, as Edina's representatives on the Commission, would try to bring these to the Council before recommendations are made by the SWSCC. No action was taken. (Member Richards returned to the meeting.) PUBLIC HEARING DATE SET FOR NUMEROUS SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS. As recommended by staff, Member Turner introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR SPECIAL ASSESSMENT HEARINGS FOR ALLEY IMPROVEMENT NO. E -31 GRADING IMPROVEMENT NO. C -140 MAINTENANCE IMPROVEMENT NO. M -84 AQUATIC WEED IMPROVEMENT NO. AQ -84 -3 STREET LIGHTING.IMPROVEMENT NO. L -24 STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. ST.S -172 SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO.S SS -364, SS -367 WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT NOS. WM -349, WM -350, WM -351 STREET IMPROVEMENT NOS. BA -254, BA -256, BA -257, BA -258, BA -259, BA -260 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The Clerk and Engineer having calculated the proper amounts to be assessed for the improvements set forth in the Notice of Hearing form hereinafter recorded, and the amounts proposed to be assessed against the respective lots, places and parcels of land within the districts affected by said improvements, and said proposed assess- ments having been filed with the Clerk, the same are hereby approved and the Clerk shall keep the same on file in her office and open to public inspection pending hearings thereon as herein provided. 2. This Council shall meet at the time and place specified in the Notice of Hearing form hereinafter contained, to pass upon said proposed assessments and the Clerk's action in publishing notices of said hearings in the official newspaper in accord- ance with law if hereby approved. Notices being as follows: (Official Publication) CITY OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY,'MINNESOTA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR ASSESSMENTS Alley Improvement No. E -31. Grading Improvement No. C -140. Maintenance Improvement No. M -84. Aquatic Weed Improvement No. AQ -84 -3 Street Lighting Improvement No. L -24. Storm Sewer Improvement Nos. ST.S -172. Sanitary Sewer Improvement Nos. SS -364, SS -367.- Watermain Improvement Nos. WM -349; WM -350; WM -351. Street Improvement Nos. BA -254, BA -256, BA -257, BA -258, BA -259, BA -260. EDINA CITY COUNCIL will meet at the City Hall, 4801 [Jest 50th Street, Edina, Minnesota, on Monday, September 17, 1984, at 7:00 P.M. to hear and pass upon all objections, if any to the following proposed assessments. These assessments are now on file in the office at the Edina City Clerk and open to public inspect- ion. Assessment on the following will 'be payable in one equal installment with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 112% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1985. 1. CONSTRUCTION OF MAINTENANCE IMPROVEMENT NO. M -84. District description: 50TH STREET AND FRANCE AVENUE BUSINESS DISTRICT. 7/16/84 w The area proposed to be assessed for said improvement is as follows: Lot 21, 22 and South 422 feet of Lot 20 and North 72 feet of Lot 23, except road; that part of Lot 24 lying South of the North 37 feet of Lot 24; Lot 25 and North 147 feet of Lot 29 and East 1 foot of North 147 feet of Lot 30; Lot 26 thru 28 and South 3 feet of Lot29 also West 65 feet of South 119.9 feet of Lot 30 and East 1 foot of South 133 feet of Lot 30 except street; West 119.9 feet of Lot 33; South 126 feet of Lot 34 and East 13 feet of Lot 35; West 28 feet of East 41'feet of South 90 feet of Lot 35; commencing at a point in South line of Lot 35 distance 41 feet West from South- east corner thereof thence North 90 feet thence East 28 feet thence North 36 feet thence West to East line of West 74.2 feet of Lot 35, thence North along said East line to North line of South 160.3 feet of Lot 35 thence West along North line to West line thereof thence South to Southwest corner thereof thence East to beginning also that part of South 150.3 feet of Lot 36 lying Easterly of a line running from a point in South line thereof distance 21.9 feet West from Southeast corner thereof to a point in North line thereof distance 21.45 feet West from Northeast corner thereof; East 85 feet of West 120 feet of East 172 feet of South 150 feet of North 1/2 of Lot 36 except street; that part of South 150.3 feet of Lot 36 lying Westerly of a line running from a point in South line distance 21.9 feet West from Southeast corner thereof to a point in North line thof distance 21.45 feet West from Northeast corner thereof except street; that part of the following described premises lying below the elevation of 899 feet mean sea level 1929 adjustment: the South 43.5 feet of North 166.5 feet of West 54 feet of East 60 feet of Lot 43, Auditor's Subdivision No. 172 and the South 2 feet of East 6 feet of North 166.5 feet of Lot 43 and that part of Lot 43 lying South of North 166.5 feet thereof and East of Registered Land Survey 1426 and Northerly of a line drawn from the most Southerly and Easterly corner of Tract A, Registered Land Survey 1426 to a point on the East line of West 107 feet of Lot 44, Auditor's Subdivision No. 172 distance 181.05 feet North of South line thereof also that part of Tract A, Registered Land Survey 1426 lying South of North 123 feet thereof; Tract A, Registered Land Survey 1426 and the North 166.5 feet of East 60 feet of Lot 43, Auditor's Subdividion No. 172 and that part of Lot 43 lying South of North 166.5 feet thereof and East of Registered Land Survey 1426 and Northerly of a line drawn from the most Southerly & Easterly corner of Tract A, Registered Land Survey 1426 to a point on East line of West 107 feet of Lot 44, Auditor's Subdivision No. 172 distance 181.05 feet North of South line thereof except that part of the above described premises lying below the elevation of 899 feet mean sea.level 1929 adjustment described as follows: the South 43.5 feet of North 166.5 feet of West 54 feet of East 60 feet of Lot 43 and the South 2 feet of East 6 feet of North 166.5 feet of Lot 43 and that part of Lot 43 lying South of North 166.5 feet thereof and East of Registered Land Survey 1426 and Northerly of a line drawn from the most Southerly & Easterly corner of Tract A, Registered Land Survey 1426 to a point on the East line of West 107 feet of Lot 44 distance 181.05 feet North of South line thereof also that part of Tract A, Registered Land Survey 1426 lying South of North 123 feet thereof; West 107 feet of North 120 feet of Lot 44; that part of Lot 45 described as commencing at a point in Northwest corner of Lot 47 thence South to Southwest corner thereof thence West 13.9 feet thence South 1.1 feet thence West 36.1 feet thence South 2.4 feet thence West to a point 7 feet East from West line of Lot 45 thence North 134.75 feet thence West 4 feet thence North to South line of West 50th Street thence East 87 feet thence South to be- ginning; South 70 feet of East 150 feet of Lot 45 and North 2 feet of East 1/2 of Lot 49; North 102 feet of East 1/2 of South 1/2 of Lot 49 except road; commencing at a point in East line of Lot 49 distance 2 feet South from Northeast corner thereof thence South 40.16 feet thence West to a point in West line of East 1/2 of Lot 49 distance 43.3 feet South from Northwest corner thereof thence North 41.3 feet to a point 2 feet South from North line of said Lot thence East to beginning; South 177.5 feet of Lot 31 except street; South 177 1/2 feet of Lot 32 and that part of the North 1/2 of Lot 34 lying East of West 14.75 feet thereof and South of Allatas 1st Addition except street; thence West 49 feet of Lot 47 and that part of the East 51 feet of Lot 47 lying North of the South 2.45 feet thereof; the North 113 feet of the South 183 feet of East 150 feet of Lot 45, Auditor's Sub- division No. 172 except that part`thereof below the elevation of 897 feet above mean sea level and lying North of a line described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said South 183 feet thence on an assumed bearing of 50 degrees 20 minutes 20 seconds along the East line of Lot 45 a distance of 4.15 feet to the point of beginning of the line being described thence West 48.18 feet thence Westerly 49.02 feet along a tangential curve to the left with a radius of 101.29 feet thence South 62 degrees 16 minutes 17 seconds West to a distance of 32.39 feet thence Southwesterly 43.93 feet along a tangential curve to the left with a radius of 50 feet to the West line of the East 150 feet of Lot 45 and there ending; East 52 feet of South 150 feet of North 1/2 of Lot 36 except street, all in Auditor's Subdivision No. 172; Lot 8, Lund Kruse Addition; Tract C, Registered Land Survey 1426; Lot 1 and the West 35 feet of East 172 feet of South 150 feet of North 1/2 of Lot 36, Auditor's Subdivision No. 172 except street; Replat Lot 6, Block 1, Lund Kruse Addition; Lot 1, Block 1, Steven's First. 7/16/84 2. CONSTRUCTION OF STREET LIGHTING IMPROVEMENT NO. L -24. District description: BETWEEN 7142 VALLEY VIEW ROAD AND 7005 COMANCHE COURT. The area proposed to be assessed is as follows: Lots 3 thru 6; Lot 12; Lot 13 and that part of the unplatted portion lying between the West line of Muir Woods and the East line of Iroquois Hills 3rd Addition which lies between the extension of the North and South lines of said Lot 13; Lot 14 and that part of the unplatted portion lying between the West line of Muir Woods and the East line of Iroquois Hills 3rd Addition which lies between the extension of the North and South lines of said Lot 14; Lot 15 and that part of the unplatted portion lying between the West line of Muir Woods and the East line of Iroquois Hills 3rd Addition which lies between the extension of the North and South lines of said Lot 15, Block 1,.Iroquois Hills 3rd Addition. 3. CONSTRUCTION OF AQUATIC WEED IMPROVEMENT NO. AQ -84 -3. District description: All lots which are riparian to Indianhead Lake. The area proposed to be assessed is as follows: Lots 2 thru 6, Lots 12 thru 19, Block 5, Indian Hills Addition; Lots 1 thru 5, Block 1, Indianhead Crest Addition; Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Indianhead Lake View Addition; Lot 35, Auditor's Subdivision No. 196; Tract A, Registered Land Survey No. 86; Lots 1 thru 3, Block 1, Claudia Ridge Addition; Lots 1 thru 3, Block 2, Sally Addition; Lots 1 thru 5, Block 1, Overholt Hills James Addition. Assessment on the following will be payable in three equal installments over a period of three (3) years with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 1112% per annum from the date of the resolution.levying the assessment to December 31, 1985. '4. CONSTRUCTION OF WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. WM -349. District description: MARTH COURT FROM WEST 78TH STREET NORTH TO CUL DE SAC (WEST SIDE). The area proposed to be assessed is as follows: Lots 2 thru 5, Block 1, Braemar Hills 11th Addition. 5. CONSTRUCTION OF WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. WM -350. District description: EVANSWOOD LANE TO SERVICE 6219 AND 6221 EVANSWOOD LANE. The area proposed to be assessed is as follows: Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Zuppkewood Addition. 6. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER NO. SS -364. District description: MARTH COURT FROM WEST 78TH STREET NORTH TO CUL DE SAC (WEST SIDE). The area proposed to be assessed is as follows: Lots 2 thru 5, Block 1, Braemar Hills llth.Addition. 7. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. SS -367. District description: EVANSWOOD LANE TO SERVICE 6219 AND 6221 EVANSWOOD LANE. The area proposed to be assessed is as follows: Lots 1 and 2,.Block 1, Zuppkewood Addition. Assessment on the following will be payable in ten equal installments over a period of ten (10) years with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 112% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1985. 8. CONSTRUCTION OF WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. WM -349. District description: MARTH COURT FROM WEST 78TH STREET NORTH TO CUL DE SAC (EAST SIDE). The area proposed to be assessed is as follows: South 148.6 feet of North 981.6 feet of the West 224 feet of Southeast 1/4 of Southwest 1/4, Section 8,' Township 116, Range 21 (08- 116- 21 -34- 0005); Lot 1, Block 1, Warren Hanson Addition; Lots 1 thru 3, Block 1 and Outlot 1, Winsor Addition. 9. CONSTRUCTION OF WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. WM -351. District description: YORK AVENUE, WEST 54TH STREET TO 200 FEET SOUTH TO SERVE 5400, 5406 and 5408 YORK AVENUE. The area proposed to be assessed is as follows: Lots 1 thru 4, Block 2, Seely's First Addition. 10. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. SS -364. District Description: MARTH COURT FROM WEST 78TH STREET NORTH TO CUL DE SAC (EAST SIDE). The area proposed to be assessed is as follows: South 148.6 feet of North 981.6 feet of the West 224 feet of Southeast 1/4 of Southwest 1/4, Section 8 Township 116, Range 21 (08- 116- 21 -34- 0005); Lot 1, Block 1, Warren Hanson Addition; Lots 1 thru 3, Block 1 and Outlot 1, Winsor Addition. 11. CONSTRUCTION OF ALLEY IMPROVEMENT NO. E -31. District description: ALLEY BETWEEN ABBOTT AVENUE AND BEARD AVENUE AND WEST 59TH STREET AND WEST 60TH STREET. The area proposed to be assessed is as follows: Lots 1 thru 23, Block 5, Harriet Manor Second Addition. 7/16/84 12. CONSTRUCTION OF STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. ST. S-172. District description: MCCAULEY TRAIL FROM GLEASON ROAD TO EAST LINE OF LOT 1, THE TIMBERS ADDITION. The area proposed to be assessed is as follows: That part of Lot 24 lying in the Northwest 1/4 of Northeast 1/4 of Section 6, Township 116, Range 21 and South of Highway, Auditor's Subdivision No. 196; Lots 22 and 23, Block 1, The Timbers. 13. CONSTRUCTION OF STREET IMPROVEMENT No. BA -254. District description: MARTH COURT FROM WEST 78TH STREET NORTH TO CUL -DE -SAC. The area proposed to be assessed is as follows: Lots 1 thru 5, Block 1, Braemar Hills 11th Addition; South 148.6 feet of North 981.6 feet of the West 224 feet of Southeast 1/4 of Southwest 1/4, Section 8, Township 116, Range 21 (08 -116- 21-34- 0005); Lot 1, Block 1, Warren Hanson Addition; Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Winsor Addition. 14. CONSTRUCTION OF STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA -256. District description: GLEASON COURT FROM GLEASON ROAD TO CUL -DE -SAC. The area proposed to be assessed is as follows: Lots 1 thru 14, Block 1, Gleason Court Addition. 15. CONSTRUCTION OF STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA -257. District description: 'NOB HILL DRIVE IN OAK RIDGE OF EDINA. The area proposed to be assessed is as follows: Lots 1 thru 6, Block 1, Lots 2 thru 5, Block 2, Oak Ridge of Edina. 16. CONSTRUCTION OF STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA -258. District description: BROWNDALE AVENUE, COOLIDGE AVENUE, BROOK AVENUE, MACKEY AVENUE, FROM WEST 44TH STREET TO NORTH EDINA CITY LIMITS. The area proposed to be assessed is as follows: Lots 8 thru 12, Block 7; fract. Lot 8, Lots 9 thru 16 and South 25 feet of Lot 17, Block 8; fract. Lot 8, Lots 9 thru 15 and Tract. Lot 16, Block 9; fract. Lot 8, Lots 9 thru 13 and fract. Lot 14, Block 10; fract. Lot 14 and 15, Block 11, all in Browndale Park Addition. 17.CONSTRUCTION OF STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA -259. District description: VERNON AVENUE FROM GLEASON ROAD TO LINCOLN DRIVE; LINCOLN DRIVE FROM VERNON AVENUE TO LONDONDERRY DRIVE. The area proposed to be assessed is as follows: Lots 1 thru 4, Block 1, Gleason Third Addition; Lot 1, Block 1, Gleason First Addition; Lot 11, Block 4, Gleason Second Addition; Lots 1 thru 3, Block 1; Outlots A & B, Gleason Fifth Addition; Lots 1, 2, 10, Block 1, Viking Hills Addition; Lot 1, Block l; Lot 12, Block 2, Viking Hills 2nd Addition; Lots 1 and 13, Block 1, Walnut Ridge Addition; Fountain Woods Condominium, Apt. Ownership No. 287; North 426.5 feet of Outlot C, Walnut Ridge 3rd Addition; commencing at the Southeast corner of Southeast 1/4 of Southwest 1/4 thence North to center line of State Highway No. 169 thence South- westerly along center line to a point 30 feet East measured at right angles from West line of East 1/2 of Southeast 1/4 of Southwest 1/4 thence South to South line thereof thence East to beginning ex road, Section 31, Township 117, Range 21(31- 117-21-34- 0002); Lots 1 thru 8, Block 1, Hanson - Martinsen 1st Addition; Lots 1 thru 3, Block 1, Crosstown Hill; Lots 1, 5, 6, 13, 14, Block 1, The Habitat; Edina West, A Condominium -Apt. Ownership No. 29; That part of the West 824.94 feet of the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter, Section 31, Township 117, Range 21, Hennepin County, Minnesota, lying South of a line extending from a point on the West line of said Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter distance 529.68 feet North from the Southwest corner of said Section 31 to a point on the East line of the West 824.94 feet of said Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter distance 528.12 feet N orth, measured along said East line from the South line of said Section 31; which lies Northeasterly of a line drawn parallel with and 40.00 feet Northeasterly from the following described line: Commencing at the Northwest corner of Section 6, Township 116, Range 21; thence South 87 degrees, 24 minutes, 02 seconds East (assuming the West line of the Northwest quarter of said Section 6 as bearing North 4 degrees, 19 minutes, 05 seconds West) a distance of 693.43 feet to the beginning of the line to be described; thence North 46 degrees, 21 minutes,, 27 seconds West a distance of 648.13 feet; thence Northwesterly along a tangential curve to the right having a radius of 954.93 feet a distance of 200.00 feet and there terminating (31- 117- 21 -33- 0414); Manor Homes of Edina, Condominium No. 294; That part of Tract A lying Southeasterly and Easterly of Registered Land Survey 1378 ex road, Registered Land Survey 1145 (31- 117- 21 -32- 0002); Tract A, Registered Land Survey 1378 (31- 117- 21 -32- 0003); Tract B, Registered Land Survey 1378 (31 -117- 21-32- 0004). 18. CONSTRUCTION OF STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA -260 District description: GOLF TERRACE FROM WOODDALE AVENUE WESTERLY 2100 FEET_ The area proposed to be assessed is as follows: Lots 1 thru 6, Block 1; Lots 1 thru 6, Block 2; Lots 1 thru 7, Block 3; Lots 1 thru 7, including adjacent part of Concord Avenue vacated, Block 4, Hansen and Parks First Addition; That part of Lot 1 lying West of a line running at right angles from North line of 19- 028 -24 at a point distance 135 feet West from Northwest corner Lot 1, Block 3 including part of streets vacated, ex street, Block 2; That part of Lot 1 lying East of a line running South at right angles from the North line of 19- 028 -24 at a point distance 135 feet West from the Northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 3 including that part of adjacent street lying West of West line of Lot 1, Block 3, extended Southerly; Lot 2, except street, Lots 3 and 4, 8 and 9, Block 2; Lots 1 thru 4, Block 3; Lots 2 and 3, Block 4, Golf Terrace Heights Addition. 7/16/84 19. CONSTRUCTION OF GRADING IMPROVEMENT NO. C -140. District description: MARTH COURT FROM WEST 78TH STREET NORTH TO CUL DE SAC. The area proposed to be assessed is as follows: Lots 1 thru 5, Block 1, Braemar Hills 11th Addition; South 148.6 feet of North 981.6 feet of the West 224 feet of Southeast 1/4 of Southwest 1/4, Section 8, Township 116, Range 21 (08 -116- 21-34- 0005); Lot 1, Block 1, Warren Hanson Addition; Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Winsor Addition. First payment of these assessments will be payable with the taxes for the year 1984 collectible in 1985. To each subsequent installment will be added interest at the same rate for one year on all unpaid installments. The owner of the property assessed for the above improvements may pay the whole of the assessment without interest to the City Treasurer on or before November 15, 1984, or make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer. Any owner may appeal the assessment to the District Court pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.081, by serving notice of the appeal upon the Mayor or Clerk of the City of Edina within thirty (30) days after the adoption of the assessment by the City Council, and by filing such notice with the District Court within ten (10) days after service upon the Mayor or Clerk. However, no appeal may be taken as to an assessment unless a written objection signed by the affected property owner is filed with the Clerk of the City of Edina prior to the hearing or presented to the presiding officer at the hearing. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, the City of Edina has adopted standards and guide- lines for deferring special assessments against homestead property owned by persons 65 years of age or older for whom payments would be a hardship. To obtain deferment, application must be filed with the City Assessor's office by the close of business on the last business day before the City Council meeting set out in the first paragraph of this notice. For further information and application forms, please call or visit the City Assessor's office. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL Marcella M. Daehn City Clerk Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Schmidt. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. HENNEPIN COUNTY COMMUNITY ACTION AGENCY DISCUSSED. Member Turner advised that the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners had recently passed a resolution indicating its intent to designate a Community Action Agency for suburban and rural Hennepin County. Comment from the public and municipal officials will be received through August 14, 1984. She stated that Robert Emerson, an appointee to South Hennepin Human Services Council, was present to give some background information on the subject. Mr. Emerson advised that all of Hennepin County, except for the city of Minneapolis, is proposed to be included in the area served by the Agency. They also designated a commission to set up an interim board for the purpose of initiating the Community Action Agency and establishing by -laws. The Agency would be the means through which a pool of Federal funds are distributed to low income people. The Board shall consist of 27 members: nine elected officials, nine private section representa- tives, and nine low- income persons. Following discussion, it was agreed to review the information provided regarding the Community Action Agency and to take.possible action at the Special Council Meeting scheduled for Monday, July 23, 1984. JOINT COUNCIL /COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DISCUSSED. Member Schmidt commented that she would like to have the Council meet with the Com- munity Development and Planning Commission to discuss the controversial issues that have come before the Council and will likely continue to appear on agendas, so that the Commission would understand the logic used by the Council Members in making their decisions. Mr. Rosland stated he felt it was important that the Council thank Commission members for their efforts whenever the occasion arose. No action was taken. DISEASED TREE REMOVAL DISCUSSED. Member Bredesen asked for an update on removal of diseased trees, stating that he has received calls from residents who were concerned that diseased trees were not being removed promptly. Mr. Kojetin explained that when a tree is identified as diseased, the ground is treated with a chemical to stop root grafting. The diseased tree is isolated and must remain standing for a period of 14 days in order for the treatment to be effective and to insure that the chemical. is absorbed by the diseased tree. He noted that as of this date approximately 40 trees are standing which are marked as diseased. No action was taken. VIRGINIA SHAW APPOINTED AS CDPC REPRESENTATIVE TO THE EDINA PARK BOARD. Mayor Courtney advised that Leonard Ring, who has been the CDPC representative to the Edina Park Board,,is unable to continue in that position due to health problems. Mayor Courtney 7/16/84 suggested that Virginia Shaw be appointed as CDPC representative to the Park Board. He added that Bill Lewis, chairman of CDPC, also recommends Mrs. Shaw. Mayor Courtney then moved that Virginia Shaw be appointed as CDPC representative to the Edina Park Board. Motion was seconded by Member Schmidt. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. LONG RANGE PLANNING /FIRE DEPARTMENT DATA NOTED. Mayor Courtney called the Council's attention to a memorandum prepared by the Director of Public Safety regarding long range planning for the Fire Department, and also a Fire Service Delivery Report prepared by a Local Affairs Task Force of the Greater Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce. He asked the Council Members to review the data and to call Mr. Buresh if they had questions. No formal action was taken. CITY MANAGER'S SECRETARY INTRODUCED. Mr. Rosland introduced Susan Wohlrabe, advising that as secretary to the City Manager she would also serve as Acting City Clerk in the City Clerk's absence. LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE MASTER APPROVED AS POLLING PLACE FOR PRECINCT 18. As recommended by the City Clerk, Member Schmidt introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina City Council that the polling place for Precinct No. 18 in the City of Edina be changed from the Southdale Y.M.C.A. to the Lutheran Church of the Master, 7128 France Avenue South Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Turner. Rollcall: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. 1983 AUDIT REPORT FOR CITY OF of Edina was presented by Mr. that a synopsis be given the EDINA PRESENTED. The 1983 Audit Report for the City Dalen for Council's review. Member Bredesen asked Council. No action was taken. CLAIMS PAID. Motion of Member Schmidt was seconded by Member Turner for payment of the following claims as per Pre -List dated 7/16/84: General Fund $114,882.61, Park Fund $16,585.99, Art Center $6,891.91, Swimming Pool Fund $16,838.14, Golf Course Fund $21,942.29, Recreation Center Fund $953.13, Gun Range Fund $184.63, Waterwork Fund $10,161.53, Sewer Rental Fund $1,090.63, Liquor Dispensary Fund $104,144.01, Construction Fund $116,797.06, IMP Bond Redemption 462 $7,561.96, Total $418,033.89. There being no further business on the agenda, Mayor Courtney declared the meeting adjourned at 9:53 p.m. City Clerk I %, T d, MACITY OF IREDINA 4801 WEST 50TH STREET. EDINA. MINNESOTA 55424 612- 927 -8861 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CASCADE LANE BERMING A The Edina City Council will on Monday, Aug. 6, 1984, at 7:00 P.M., at the Edina City Hall, 4801 West 50th Street, hold a Public Hearing on the necessity and feasibility of constructing a berming project near the street listed above. Your receipt of this notice is an indication that property whose ownership is listed to you is among those properties which are considered to be benefited. The estimated cost of this improvement is $1,975.84. It is proposed that this improvement be assessed on a per lot basis at an estimated cost of $300.00 per assessable lot with the balance of the cost placed as special benefit against Lot 3 Cascade Falls. This project is being proposed as a result of a petition by property owners to reduce flooding. The project would be a small berm of six inches across the properties. Construction of this improvement, if approved, will be accomplished in 1984. Assessments would be levied in 1984 with the initial installment due in 1985. The improvement is proposed to be assessed over a one year period. The present condition of the Municipal Bond Market makes it difficult to determine the annual rate of interest that will be charged on the unpaid balance, but it will not exceed the maximum allowed by law. The area proposed to be assessed includes Lots 3,4, & 5, Cascade Falls. Any inquiries, comments and /or suggestions you may have regarding this improvement may be forwarded to the City Council or Engineering Department prior to the Hearing or presented at the Hearing itself. If you desire additional information, please call me at 927 -8861 between 8:00 A.M. AND 4:30 P.M., Monday through Friday. Dank you. .y1 F a /�i s�J�FI Director of Public Works and City Engineer 7/25/84 FJH:lm . S O 2842.69 Res.... a` eo Z6Z . 30 -Qi NB9' <s ry 825.00 r. 30 J 95 q 95 60 ,.. 90 � '^ 139.6 H 90.¢ 105 13 .:31 I 24234 10 84,! 60 1396 B94m\I 9 0 20 ° !c 475.0 �89'44'w � O _ . • - °�� 95 p� I m ° 2 i . ; (1960 t erol Photo) I I� O 90 9060 0 125 0 m N89's Ir = 2 rN of 301p- q� 9/.19 78 4. -47a 78 W �0 14 0, N 3 /SS 7 T 13 I i.. • ,2J 12 2 0 ; 125 3 9.T7 % .� N 78 8t W 3 "^ N� o c - Q Z4Z.53 soc`� h ' d ` p �1,� p 4 n.:m 6 n �� /� gi o N Z 3 Z •= o� IS g� 0 o- ,• 4L'3 - 5 r 4 3' I °! - 25 'W N ti 04 0.� R• 83 0 d. is r 4 r 7 0l n 6 c si °o tii .510 1• t,•l 19 51' .7: n 14621 �^•�".omO o .e� 91 79.3L 84 cb �0 95 Q N o \V�p� ti x 51 :r•iso 24 Z. 6 2 n 16 v ^a. h SR:zt j • Iv :• 9�: .� °ei` .N . _ O r id.7 O = J v 1 OJ FQ . V - : ` 1 . 1.•5oS7. c ` -' i2 ;a . i iZ/ '. Z �B 7 i ./ . % //i/i•�: ' `� •O D\D ^ O 1 1 I 1 I h o � u po ^. ,° + p ?10 �9 r �a i 1t 4B7.9e1 t_,$ ! .• �r "#. p• 1 3pS S+ , ,• • 1 f , ,+ ,j° ,� esr �- ' � . - ' oz � w o . S iL.d ••„ Q N5 � G 'd3e 8C 7 �932.0 9v6 E 1 n .- iP� � � m •r w -' dt .390•r.9 r zo= w m ° /q'I. 9 O B/G MS N - EjI , z ' o - S ; t",. JSS' aw Qn� • � o`` ` 8 ify • 8 -9os �tev t l � S d o_` f - , � 9 17 8� t.1�� _2 " •9 5. P. 6 o r•pNLSc O �I . V S 5`4- 950 89`8 E4 9t612 8 39 oi S..3d4 3Li$ i 1 7 4 s 5i - 4 IQ 7 g 34 I 2 846 + s a. �17 0 . do ARt 1 90 .o5 1I ,,e\° 6 X5777 GO 4 o °p a, ? 115 t'2 R -Wol &114'5509 5 3 4 78 9 � 243.10 39.15 7 - -' 4'S ILL Q 5894 2 � 0 d I 58 15 78 ., j �t! 7 co 3aoS T. 1514 � Not 0, pE .O.J 99' W • 3 1345 91!s 1. 4 •j , . c . . : 12165 1 m •. 1 n t'I' Zp _ r 1 l 2 ° �ZtZ1 O tG 7ff4 7 ' O' r U •'46 !: '^' ' 2 , s �s 1 ' • t o- - _ r ,o ... n+o ,. - II z's j r32 o�t 5 • N NI .- /4 46.95 00 '3 - _ %NI A S1.f i i NC 4 01 zo7os_ •. IS 11,65 1 N ° L . 8 5 > v, 2 'q, ;"d 13I•c _ V 11 0 \ 2. 1 0 121 V' 128.0 ti /38.0 135 .r 12 �Q OP�3 O" 14 I 3 ;�-° wc`° 14 ° 3 r178s' �; . ;�-� 85 P ! s i•t•�i 4f E /2i SIR w- 320 13932x. [L = ,....�. -3�4 1 589• `34:6 a. d•!W!�'G,A, o� __ 132.2! `13539 1 i •ao II�!� 4 r !0 3S92T" 43z. �. ti w2�7r77 %. °m 4 �., ro ! O 1 �n R944,v ��•^ :�ri '•P /3592 = 0 13�c3 /3153 v��:l:�t"•Jr,�« �i�% 0{tEdln -L RO Z8G.40Torrt rs 12 n 5 N 12 3: `�\ rJ/ O 130 r f_ Q /if B! • • i. of 'l: w• '� • =i'•:y 4 . !Zd +, = P 1 1 • 135 S: 3516 - 11 ... ., dli•ar W I 6� V% -7ef3' �• % J !•x•� ;o -• [ _ .. .. • 'O 1. �� P �• o e ^ 3 ' N cr -� 18179 rd •'51 E t • 1 • t ..' Q �_ •• �� -- uW-4ul•f... . P v 1078 W st mark 'Jinona, PIl' 55987 August 1, 1984 Fran Hoffman City Engineer Edina, T'1 55436 Dear Mr. Hoffman, I have observed the property at 4613 Cascade Lane for many years, as it is the residence of my mother -in -law, Mrs. A. Anfinson. The problem with her yard and that of her neighbors has developed only since the new bridge on HtiTy. 100 was built. Since that time, much of her property has washed away, Mocks that mark her former bank location are now five feet into the grater. These are not small pebbles, but large boulders. They did not move by themselves. The bank has washed away behind them.. along the channel around the island. Another part of her lawn has been covered so frequently by water that it has sunk drastically. The only apparent solution is to haul in fill to bring these properties back to their former status. A sixinch berm would be a ridiculous waste of money and offer no solution at all. @W can't the material dredged up from the channel be used to build up the lams? This seems like a reasonable, inexpensive remedy. I hope you consider these remarks before deciding anything. Thank you. `.ours truly, RVEY0R5- .:,, - RS 'ARID -�S lf CIVIL ENGINEERS 0 C r. FOURTHS 10 AV. JT:E!lARQUFTTrAVE. E=BLDG. 18 72e PHONE: ATLANTIC 3082 MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. CERT I FIC ATE OF SURVEY For 410d Ro'v 0 40 Ie pet 1 1114 AIVI k � � To: Edina City Council From: Residents of Cascade Lane Area Re: Flooding of Minnehaha Creek Date: August 20, 1984 Before construction beings on the berm along Minnehaha Creek, we have a number of questions and concerns which need to be answered. 1) The flooding is getting worse. A) The weight of the water is making the yards settle. 1) Visible holes where settling. 2) Tree roots exposed. B) During the spring floods of 1983 and 1984, water came into the Francis tuck -under garage. C) During the entire summer of 1984, water covered part of the yards. After heavy rains, water covered most of the backyards. (See attached map.) 2) The berm, by itself, will not cure the problem. 3) If the dredging and the removal of rip -rap from the Highway 100 bridge reduces the risk of flooding, then the berm is not necessary. 4) Construction Concerns: A) How will the berm be constructed? B) Will heavy equipment be used that will damage the lawn? C) How high and how wide will the berm be? D) Will the berm be seeded or sodded? e) Who is responsible for maintenance of the berm? 5) Will the dredging and removal of rip -rap be completed this winter? 6) What will be done with the cascade? 7) Will the City Council and the Watershed Board promise to cooperate to keep Gray's Bay dam open longer each fall? "W i -2- To: Residents of Cascade Lane Area From: Edina City Council Re: Assessments for construction of berm along Minnehaha Creek Date: August 20, 1984 We promise that the special assessments used to pay for the construction of the berm along Minnehaha Creek will not be placed upon the property until after the dredging and removal of rip -rap from the Highway 100 bridge is complete. Edina City Council Wayne Courtney, Mayor Zr -A - I 4246 Valley View Rd. Edina, Minnesota 55424 August 13, 1984 City Council of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Re: Preliminary Plat Approval of Kidd Addition Dear Council Members: I am the property owner of 4246 Valley View Rd., which borders the Kidd property on the west side. I would like to express my objection to the subdivision for the following reasons. The proposed lot is too small which in turn, will require a small structure as compared to my large three unit brick building on the west side and flanked on the east side by a large four unit brick building. The building will be in- compatible located in the center between these large buildings. I think the subdivision should be rejected until such time that the adjacent lot bordering the east side is available. If a variance is necessary, I would be opposed to the variance. Very truly yours, Z'U") 4ozez 't� ';Va� Arnold 0. Twedt AOT :dg FEW WWI M PAMELA . � N' d W 60 TH ST awn Iml= 1 L ASK E Cb6R E0A N U M B E R S -84 -12 Kidd Addition L O C A T 10 N Lot 3, except the east 95 feet, front and rear thereof, and Lot 20, except the west 75 feet thereof, all in Block 2, Peacedale Acres REQUEST Generally located south of 62nd and east of Valley View. EDINA PLANNING DEPARTMENT M. t. S -84 -12 Kidd Addition �C O Generally located: South of 62nd Street and East of O.Y Valley View Road. Mr. Gordon Hughes described the subject property as measuring 28,252 square feet in area and zoned R -1, Single Dwelling Unit District. The property fronts on West 62nd Street to the north and also enjoys access to Valley View Road to the south. This latter access is possible due to an unusual jog in the right of way for Valley View Road. The proponent requests a subdivision of the property into two lots which each would measure about 14,000 square feet in area. Lot 1 would be retained for the existing dwelling and Lot 2 would be a new building site. Mr. Hughes explained the southerly portion of the subject property is shown for low density attached residential uses by the Comprehensive Plan. All properties fronting on Valley View Road in this area are used for low density attached uses. Adjoining the property to the southeast is a four unit building and adjoining the property to the west is a three unit building, both of which front on Valley View Road. Easterly of the subject property are two, R -1 lots which are developed with modest dwellings fronting West 62nd Street. -2- (The dwelling immediately east of the subject property is in a poor state of repair.) The westerly of the two lots measures about 95 feet in width by 338 feet in depth and the easterly lot measures 126 feet by 338 feet. Neither of these lots, however, enjoys access to Valley View Road. At Staff's urging, the proponent has pursued the possibility of the joint development with the two lots to the east. Apparently these efforts have not been successful. Mr. Hughes commented that although the proposed subdivision complies with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance as to lot size, frontage and access, Staff is concerned with the unusual relationship of the new lot to surrounding properties. The unusual relationship is principally caused by the lot's frontage on the jog in Valley View Road right of way. If this jog were not present, the proposed lot would not have frontage on a street and a division would not be possible. If the jog were vacated, it appears that the property would revert to a lot west of Valley View Road. Therefore, a vacation would not solve the frontage problem unless the proponent acquired the vacated property from the owner to the west. Approval of the proposed subdivision will limit the development potential of the large R -1 lots to the east. As noted earlier, the subject property provides the only potential access to Valley View Road. If this access is lost, a rezoning for low density attached uses for these properties is questionable. Also, the subject property and the two lots to the east could be replatted into R -1 lots which would be served by a new cul de sac from West 62nd Street. (This plan would required the demolition-of at least one existing dwelling.) If the subjecty property.were excluded from such a replat, the new cul de sac could not be "double loaded" with lots and, thus, may not be feasible. The issue in this case is clear, Mr. Hughes stated: should a subdivision be approved which technically complies with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, but does so due to an unusual arrangement of public right of way; or should the proponent be required to delay his subdivision plans and pursue a joint development with adjoining owners even though such a joint development may be premature? As noted earlier, such a joint development has been pursued without apparent success. The latter approach is most desirable from a planning standpoint. However, if the requested subdivision is approved,.:. Staff believes the new lot should be rezoned to R -2 Double Dwelling Unit District. An R -2 use in this location would conform with the Comprehensive Plan and would be more logical use as compared to a single family dwelling. Staff assumes that the northerly line of the new lot could be located slightly to provide the required 15,000 square foot minimum area for R -2 -3- lots. However; a variance from the 90 foot lot width minimum would be needed. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kidd, the proponents, were present. Mr. Skagerberg wondered if a single dwelling unit would require any variances. It was noted that it would not. Dr. Byron Armstrong, 4119 W. 62nd Street, explained that he owned the property located on the east side of the proponent's. The subject lot could not accomodate a multi - family dwelling unit by itself. He indicated that alternatives were possible. Mrs. McClelland suggested that proposal be continued for one month in order to allow the neighbors to explore those alternatives and reach a solution. Mr. Kidd stated that various meetings had been conducted with surrounding neighbors and a decision could not be reached. He believed a continuance would not change things. Mrs. McClelland moved to continue the proposal for one month in order to allow the neighbors to work with Staff at reaching a solution. Mr. Bailey agreed with Mr. Kidd and pointed out that a subdivision into two R -1 lots meet all zoning requirements. He also commented that approval of a subdivision would still allow further discussions regarding development for that property. Mr. Del Johnson noted that a one -month delay may motivate the neighbors to reach an agreement. Dr. Armstrong alleged that the proponents had never spoken with him. Mr. Kidd reported that Mr. Jack Rice, Rice Company Real Estate, had organized meetings with the various neighbors while exploring possibilities of construction and ownership of an apartment building on this site and the two parcels to the east. Mr. Hughes read excerpts from a letter to Dr. Armstrong, Robert Kidd, Douglas Yarwood and John Yarwood from Mr. Rice which stated that efforts had been made to reach an agreement. Mr. Rice decided for economic reasons not to pursue acquisition of the various properties any further. Mr. Kidd also noted that he had been contacted by other contractors without resolution to the situation. Mr. Runyan asked what Mr. Kidd intended to do with the single family lots. Mr. Kidd, a carpenter by trade, planned to build on them. Mr. Johnson seconded the motion for a continuance for one month. Roll call was taken. Those in favor: John Skagerberg, Viringina Shaw, Helen McClelland, and Del Johnson. Those opposed: David Runyan, John Bailey, Len Ring and Bill Lewis. Motion failed. -4- Dr. Armstrong suggested a possibility of selling off the back of the three lots together. He indicated that one month could be enough time to arrive at a resolution. Upon discussion, Mr. Skagerberg moved subdivision. Mr. Bailey seconded the motion. taken. Those in favor: John Skagerberg, Len David Runyan and John Bailey. Those opposed: McClelland and Virginia Shaw. The motion car minary plat of the subdivision was approved. for approval of the Roll call was Ring, Bill Lewis, Del Johnson, Helen ried. The preli- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT AUGUST 1, 1984 S -84 -12 Kidd Addition Generally located: South of 62nd Street and East of Valley View Road Refer to: Attached Preliminary Plat and Graphic The subject property measures 28,252 square feet in area and is zoned R -1, Single Dwelling Unit District. The property fronts on West 62nd Street to the north and also enjoys access to Valley View Road to the south. This latter access is possible due to an unusual jog in the right of way for Valley View Road. The proponent requests a subdivision of the property into two lots which each would measure about 14,000 square feet in area. Lot 1 would be retained for the existing dwelling and Lot 2 would be a new building site. The southerly portion of the subject property is shown for low density attached residential uses by the Comprehensive Plan. All properties fronting on Valley Veiw Road in this area are used for low density attached uses. Adjoining the property to the southeast is a four unit building and adjoining the property to the west is a three unit building, both of which front on Valley View Road. Easterly of the subject property are two R -1 lots which are developed with modest dwellings fronting on West 62nd Street. (The dwelling immediately east of the subject property is in a poor state of repair.) The westerly of the two lots measures about 95 feet in width by 338 feet in depth and the easterly lot measures 126 feet by 338 feet. Neither of these lots, however, enjoys access to Valley View Road. At Staff's urging, the proponent has pursued the possibility of the joint development with the two lots to the east. Apparently these efforts have not been successful. Recommendation Although the proposed subdivision complies with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance as to lot size, frontage, and access, we are concerned with the unusual relationship of the new lot to surrounding properties. Community Development and Planning Commission Kidd Addition - S -84 -12 August 1, 1984 Page two This unusual relationship is principally caused by the lot's frontage on the jog in the Valley View Road right of way. If this jog were not present, the proposed lot would not have frontage on a street and a division would not be possible. If the jog were vacated, it appears that the property would revert to a lot west of Valley View Road. Therefore, a vacation would not solve the frontage problem unless the proponent acquired the vacated property from the owner to the west. Approval of the proposed subdivision will limit the development potential of the large R -1 lots to the east. As noted earlier, the subject property provides the only potential access toValley View Road. If this access is lost, a rezoning for low density attached uses for these properties is questionable. Also, the subject property and the two lots to the east could be replatted into R -1 lots which would be served by a new cul de sac from West 62nd Street. (This plan would require the demolition of atleast one existing dwelling.) If the subject property were excluded from such a replat, the new cul de sac could not be "double loaded" with lots and, thus, may not be feasible. The proponent has submitted the attached graphic which schematically illustrates the proposed location of a new dwelling on the property. Although such a house placement aligns well with other buildings on Valley View Road, it will require setback variances from the Valley View right of way. This issue in this case is clear: should a subdivision be approved which technically complies with the requirements of the Zoning. Ordinance, but does so due to an unusual arrangement of public right of way; or should the proponent be required to delay his subdivision plans and pursue a joint development with adjoining owners even though such a joint development may be premature? As noted earlier, such a joint development has been pursued without apparent success. In my view, the latter approach is mostdesirable from a planning standpoint. However, if-the requested subdivision is approved, we believe the new lot should be rezoned to R -2, Double Dwelling Unit District. An R -2 use in this location would conform with the Comprehensive Plan and would be a more logical use as compared to a single family dwelling. We assume that the northerly line of the new lot could be located slightly to provide the required 15, 000 square foot minimum area for R -2 lots. However, a variance from the 90 foot lot width minimum would be needed. m &;0 83. 361 /RIOT To PO r-Q- 1 Cur, of E /NA AE2/A4- �NOT F /6ANO VERIF /ED 1 N .n {vEST h2N0 M STRUT P7/e M M r-- M M 0 I nq 0 Q 2r.v /%z ST. FR. M 14,081 FT. HousE u M 0.3-9 AC. 0 N 'go la.o HOUSE loo is is o f14119 I v a NOtiSE y - ,04a-s ti 160 � 1 75 u &;0 83. 361 /RIOT To PO r-Q- 1 Cur, of E /NA AE2/A4- �NOT F /6ANO VERIF /ED 1 N z Cd P7/e 834. \ 0 o 9S , 'A N L A z Z o ]E 8 I M E M O R A N D U M DATE: August 20, 1984 TO: Kenneth Rosland FROM: Gordon Hughes SUBJECT: Miller Addition The City Council granted preliminary approval for the subject subdi.visi.on on July 2, 1984. The Council suggested that final approval should be scheduled for August 20, in hope that access from the subdivision to Dearborn Street could be acquired by that date. The proponent and Mr, and Mrs. Kuenzli, the owners fo the property needed for access, have agreed to a continuance to September 10, to attempt a resolution of, the issue. 'Staff, therefore, recommends such a continuance. GHllde AWKES TER ITA ST. NTRY TARY SCHOOL �IWT- -- LOCATION MAP --1 \ \ 1 1 dw -1zF- I _ � r Y SUBDIVISION EL W-11M e 02=1 0 Mimi wwu■ ._� NUMBER S -84 -13 Dennis Miller Addition L O C A T 10 N Generally located north of Grove Street and East o: Jo nsen Drive REQUEST EDINA PLANNING DEPARTMENT HIGHLANDS4— ,• . ELEM SCHOOL GARDEN' •PARK.. RIDGE PAR --1 \ \ 1 1 dw -1zF- I _ � r Y SUBDIVISION EL W-11M e 02=1 0 Mimi wwu■ ._� NUMBER S -84 -13 Dennis Miller Addition L O C A T 10 N Generally located north of Grove Street and East o: Jo nsen Drive REQUEST EDINA PLANNING DEPARTMENT S -84 -13 Dennis Miller Addition ?b Generally located north of Grove Street and east of Johnson Drive. % "V Mr. Hughes noted that the subject property measures 40,339 square feet in area and is zoned R -1, Single Dwelling Unit District. An existing dwelling is located on the easterly portion of the property. The property adjoins Garden Park on its north and west boundaries. The proponent requests a subdivision of the property into two lots. Lot 2 would measure 90 feet by 160 feet and would be retained for the existing dwelling. Lot 1 would measure 80 feet by 160 feet and would constitute a new buildable lot. The northerly 77 feet of the lot is described as an outlot and is proposed to be dedicated to the City as a subdivision dedication which would add to the area of Garden Park. Mr. Hughes reminded the Commission that a similar subdivision for the adjoining property to the east had been approved recently. The proposed lot comply with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and are consistent with other lot sizes in the neighborhood. Approval is recommended subject to the dedication of Outlot A to the City. Mr. Jack Lynch, Westwood Planning, was present to answer questions. Mrs. McClelland moved for approval subject to the dedication of Outlot A and Mr. Runyan seconded the motion. All were in favor; -the motion carried. 1 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT AUGUST 1, 1984 S -84 -13 Dennis Miller Addition Generally located north of Grove Street and East of Johnson Drive Refer to: Attached Preliminary Plat The subject property measures 40,339 square feet in area and is zoned R -1, Single Dwelling Unit District. An existing dwelling is located on the easterly portion of the property. The property adjoins Garden Park on its north and west boundaries. The proponent requests a subdivision of the property into two lots. Lot 2 would measure 90 feet by 160 feet and would be retained for the existing dwelling. Lot 1 would measure 80 feet by 160 feet and would constitute a new buildable lot. The northerly 77 feet of the lot is described as an outlot and is proposed to be dedicated to the City as a subdivision dedication which would add to the area of Garden Park. The City recently approved a subdivision for the adjoining property to the east (i.e. Smaby Addition). Four of the five lots in Smaby Addition were identical in size to the new lot proposed for the subject subdivision. Smaby Addition likewise dedicated the northerly 77 feet of its property for park purposes. Recommendation Staff believes that characteristics of the subject property are identical to Smaby Addition. The proposed lots comply with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and are consistent with other lot sizes in the neighborhood. Approval is recommended subject to the dedication of Outlot A to the City. DENNIS M F 4 BEARINGS ASSUMED EGAN, FIELD _ oDENOTES IRON MONUMENT SURVEYOR! SCALE IN FEET: �7+`!' � C.'�'e_;�k- • 50 160 •• N M wEsr -, -- /g.9 A3 -I- %IYDArf/ L /NE OFT//E .SOUTH 261c 1Z OF LOr 5, GARDEN /0 4,91j,' .SJfNNEP /iY G'O M INN" 1 r oa. ^ 11 r� • •''• V) W 1" _ N — _ . _ -- • z1 J.- t/iw�s•� co.��^ o� SroIa R� 4DDir:�N —� -' — /70.66 - `—EAST 9007-11 L /NE OF (p7S 'GARDEN PARK, HENNEP /N CO. NINA',- r J N //2 S T. >/7, R. 21 -- 2 nd .. ._ ____._ S T, r . S cur.,` ?a.� 2, ae� 1:c q JUTI OT 3 3- 2 - �3 ,e �• ^y 2 0 0 25 r5 25 2 ..i 3 24 3 24 3 24 3 - 69 4G 4 -23 a lil 23 4 W 214 - -4 o 0 1 5 22 5 / - 22 -- 5 22 5 t�- 6 — -- 2 2 6 21 6 21 6 2 ..4 -. - T�� 20c1 2p 8 19 8 '9 8 19 3 9 -- 18 9 18� 9 18 9 10 17 IQ 17 Ip 17 ' -lO -. 11 6 12 3 v u "a'3031 ?e n c 3 = 35 — a p 4 It IG II 16 LLJ 12 Q 5 12 ] _�5 _ i2 ci 5 � 0 5 L fl -�. c Q 3c 3'13 430.36 13 , E. 14,886 T28.8113 v° 69 40 1151 LANF ° ^3t ;3C3 3o3r; AS 200 0 200 401 scale feet ................ C I T Y OF CITY )F M,1 "KINS SPRUCE 5 4C r n 8 7 D - - - -- F- 6 a Q 1151 40 r 2t r tl 26 I ao 26 `8.- 2d.86� 0 33 33 s 10 ::� ^. Mer]elssohr -i �- _ v- oC I .t rev 8osxl 14 2� 330 -r W •� -._2° 2 '' v 25 2 y �; 25 2 Co Sur,epoT 4ecord5 BELMORE c, REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Francis J.'Hoffman, Director of Public Works iIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE OF ITEM IN EXCESS OF $5,000 DATE: August 16, 1984 Material Description (General Specifications): Truck Snow Wing - Furnish & I'nstall Quotations /Bids: Com any 'Amount of Quote or Bid I. La Hass Manufacturing Co. $6,801.00 2. Little Falls Machine, Inc. $6,985.00 Department Recommendation: La Hass Manufacturing Co. .$6,801..00 .49 /IC all Signatu Department Finance Director's Endorsement: The recommended bid is v is not within the amount budget for the purchase. 1. N, Dalen, Finance Director City % 'naaer's Endorsement: I/ V 1. I concur with the reconynend i at on of the Department and recommend Council approve the purchase. 2. I reco1VJ,1end as an alternative: Members Present: Members Absent: Others Present: SECTION A MINUTES TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE AUGUST 14, 1984 9:00 A.M. Fran Hoffman, Chairman Lois Coon Gordon Hughes Alison Fuhr Craig Swanson Captain Leonard Kleven, Edina Police Department Requests on which the Committee recommends approval as requested or modified, and the Council's authorization of recommended action. 1. Request for installation of a "STOP" sign to control eastbound West 69th Street traffic at Xerxes Avenue South (intersection currently a 3 -way stop). Request made by Mr. Robert J. Tate, 6912 Washburn Avenue South, Richfield, MN 55423. ACTION TAKEN: Captain Kelven reported that there has been only one accident at the intersection since 1982, that being a bike which had gone through a stop sign and was hit by a car. Mr. Hoffman reported that the Engineering Department's recommendation is to construct an asphalt median on eastbound West 69th Street between the right and left lanes for proper location of the stop sign and signing the right land for right turn only. Mr. Hughes moved for approval of the "STOP" sign upon construction of the median. Mrs. Coon seconded the motion. Motion carried 3 -0. 2. Request for improved safety in conjunction with the.park located on Belmore Lane at Monroe Avenue. Request made by R.L. Sullivan, P.O. Box 108, Hopkins, MN 55343. ACTION TAKEN: Fran Hoffman moved to restrict parking on the north side of Belmore Lane next to the park. Gordon Hughes seconded the motion. Motion carried 3 -0. Traffic Safety Committee Minutes Page 2 August 14, 1984 3. Request for installation of "STOP" signs on West 70th Street at West Shore Drive (creating a 4 -way stop intersection). Request made via Traffic Safety Committee study (see minutes of July 1984). ACTION TAKEN: Captain Kleven reported that there have not been many reported accidents at the intersection, however, those that have been reported all involved injuries. It was also felt that a 4 -way stop at the intersection might deter traffic from the area. Mr. Hoffman reported that the intersection does not meet the requirements for a 4 -way stop based on traffic volume, however, gap studies indicate inadequate time is available to cross the street for pedestrians. Lois Coon moved the Committee recommend a 4 -way stop at West 70th Street and West Shore Drive. Motion seconded by Gordon Hughes. Motion carried 3 -0. 4. Request for "STOP" signs to control traffic on Edina Industrial Boulevard at Metro Boulevard. Request made by Mary Burt, Westside Rainbow, 5315 West 74th Street, 55435, 893 -0270. ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Hoffman reported that traffic studies have been completed at both Edina Industrial Boulevard /.Metro Boulevard, and West 70th Street / Metro Boulevard. intersections and they both warrant traffic signalization. Gordon Hughes moved for signalization at the intersections of Edina Indus- trial Boulevard / Metro Boulevard, and West 70th Street / Metro Boulevard. Mrs. Coon seconded the motion. Motion carried 3 -0. SECTION B Requests on which the Committee recommends denial of request. None. SECTION C Requests which are deferred to a later date or are referred to others. 1. Request for a reduction in the speed zone along West 78th Street. Request made by Mr. Keith L. Carlson, 5555 West 78th Street. ACTION TAKEN: Captain Kleven reported the accident history in the area. There have been ten accidents in the vicinity of West 78th Street and Cahill Road since 1982, mostly involving sign violations. Mr. Hoffman recommended there be more Traffic Safety Committee Minutes Page 3 August 14, 1984 engineering review, with volume studies, speed surveys and review of access points onto West 78th Street. Mr. Hoffman also reported that more office space is being constructed in Bloomington which will result in higher traffic volumes. Mr. Hughes moved that the Committee recommend to the Council that MNDOT, Minnesota Department of Transportation conduct a speed survey in the area with concurrence from the City of Bloomington. Also, that the question of traffic control be referred to the Engineering Department for their review. Mrs. Coon seconded the motion. Motion carried 3 -0. 2. Request for review of West 70th Street and Antrim Road intersection. Request made by Gene Holderness, 6004 Dublin Circle, Edina. ACTION TAKEN: The Committee discussed the intersection. There have been no reported accidents since 1982. The 3 -way intersection is reported to be confusing for the motorists and it was felt that additional signing alerting motorists to the 3 -way intersection would only add to the confusion. The main traffic volumes are from southbound Antrim Road to eastbound West 70th Street, and westbound West 70th Street to northbound Antrim Road. It was suggested that the third stop sign be removed as opposed to erecting more signs. Mrs. Coon recommended the request be deferred for one month to allow the Committee to solicit response from the requestor as to the Committee's discussion. Motion seconded by Mr. Hughes. Motion carried 3 -0. Respectfully submitted, Edina Traffic Safety Committee Vj- TO: Mayor and Council FROM: Francis Hoffman, City Engineer VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: Traffic Signalization - Edina Industrial Park Feasibility Report City staff has been reviewing the needs for traffic signalization in the Edina Industrial Park. We have received several calls from business people in the park during the past year. The final buildings have been built and are now being occupied. The resultant traffic now causes severe rush hour problems to and from the Industrial Park. The following intersections have been reviewed or will be shortly: West 70th Street and Metro Boulevard Edina Industrial Boulevard and Metro Boulevard West 78th Street and East Bush Lake Road West 78th Street and Cahill Road The following intersections have met traffic signal warrants and are proposed to be constructed as follows: Project Location A. West 70th and Metro Blvd. B. Edina Industrial Blvd. & Metro Blvd. C. West 78th"Street and East Bush Lake Agency Funding City State -Aid City State -Aid County State Aid & County & Bloomington' As such, the staff has developed preliminary cost estimates for Location A and B above which totals $150,035.75. This estimate includes construction and engineering. We recommend that A & B above be approved for construction with Municipal State Aid Funds, and that plans and specifications be authorized for State Aid approval. FJH:lm 8/17/84 TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Francis J. Hoffman, Director of Public Works VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: Solid Waste Transfer Stations I attended the meeting of August 14, 1984 for public input on solid waste transfer stations. A resolution from the Council was presented opposing Site 24 as the site does not appear to meet the criteria very well. Additionally, a short presentation was given on the Edinborough project which pointed out that the station was on part of the Edinborough site and the incompatability of the station with the project. However, the most interesting information of the evening came from the owner at Site 25 (the Freeway Landfill). The owner wishes to have the facilities being discussed located on his land. He made a major point that refuse was being disposed of on the site now and it would be a natural progression to locate the proposed facilities on the same property with no disruption to other proposed Bloomington /Edina alternatives. The City of Bloomington made a presentation opposing the original recommend- ed Site 18 (94th & James), with no preference to any other location. Addition- ally they recommended to the County that strong efforts be made to look at the N.S.P. facilities in terms of large scale energy recovery. After listening to the issues, it would appear to be that Hennepin County strongly consider the comments owner and the City of Bloomington as to the transfer refuse derived fuel processing with N.S.P. FJH:lm 8/17/84 merit in suggesting of the Freeway Landfill station location and _ . NA �d01 ` . EST 50TH STREET, EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 927 -8861 RESOLUTION REGARDING SOLID 14ASTE TRANSFER STATIONS WHEREAS, the City of Edina has reviewed the Site Selection Study for Solid Waste Transfer Stations, and WHEREAS, Site 24 has been identified as being located partially in Edina, and WHEREAS, the key siting criteria have been reviewed by the Edina City Council, particularly the zoning and land use criteria, and WHEREAS, the City of Edina has rezoned a portion of the site to Mixed Development District and has given concept approval to a project effective May 7, 1984, for elderly and modest cost housing, office and park, and WHEREAS, Site 24 proposes to use a frontage road that will have limited access due to reconstruction of the France Avenue /I -494 Interchange by the Hennepin County Department of Transportation, and WHEREAS, the Hennepin County report summary recognizes the significant constraints as noted above, and the private land is not for sale as evidenced in the letter of August 6, 1984, from Hedberg and Sons Company; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council hereby opposes the selection of Site 24 for use as a Solid Waste Transfer Station. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of August 6, 1984, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 14th day of August, 1984. City Clerk 1 V 1 Table 1 SUMMARY, BLOOMINGTON ALTERNATES Site Compliance with Candidate Site Criteria July 27, 1984 4— �� ALTERNATES 18 24 25 26 27 28 94th & James So. I-494 & France Landfill 1 -4_94 & IVicollet Crosstown E. Airport_ S.W. (May, 1984 Report) _Freeway A. Site Development Factors 1. Site Area & Configuration Good Good Good Good Fair Good 2. Site Development Issues Good Fair Poor * Fair ** Fair Good 3. Ownership Private Private Private Private /NSP State of MN. MAC 4. Access Good Fair Good Good Poor * Fair B. Land Use 1. Zoning (Lim Ind) (Res) (Gen Ind) (Ind) (FAA) (MAC) Fair Poor * Good Good Fair Fair' 2. Land Use Good Fair Good Good Good Good C. Environmental 1. Visual Screening Good Good Good Good Fair Good 2. Noise Good Good Good Good Good Good 3. Water Quality Good Good Good Good Good Good 4. Recreation Good Good Good Good Good Good *. Significant Constraint ** City identified site as underutilized; businesses will have to be relocated. M 43RANDUM To: Members of Edina City Council Re: Ordinance No. 312 -A1 - Animal Control Pursuant to the Council's discussion at its last meeting,.I have revised the above - referenced ordinance. The ordinance, as revised, is attached. The revisions accomplish the following: 1. The definition of "owner's premises" has been deleted. There is no longer a need for this since its purpose was to define the area upon which a dog could bite with impunity, and that impunity has now been elimi- nated. 2. Section 6 of the new ordinance now provides that any animal which on any occasion has bitten a person, no matter where it occurs, except its owner or a member of the owner's family, shall be deemed a public nuisance. The City's remedies are to quarantine the cog to determine rabies and, in addition, the dog may be impounded pursuant to the ordinance. 3. Section 8 relating to impounding has been revised to provide that after an animal has been impounded the City may bring an action in municipal court, if it cannot agree with the owner regarding the keeping of the animal in an enclosure and in a manner consistent with the ordinance, to have the court determine the fate of the animal and the penalties to be imposed upon the owner. One of the penalties the -court could impose would be to destroy the animal. Relating specifically to biting dogs, the procedure would be as follows: 1. If the cog bites someone other than its owner or a member of the owner's immediate family, the bitten party can complain to the Animal Control Officer who, if he believes probable cause of violation exists, may submit his information to the prosecuting city attorney for complaint. 2. The dog can then be impounded if found in violation or believed, by the ccnplaint, to be in violation of the ordinance. 3. The City then can bring an action in municipal court to determine the fate of the animal or, prior to such action, the City may attempt to reach agreement with the owner regarding the keeping of the animal in an enclosure and in a manner consistent with the provisions of the ordinance, and lacking such agreement, proceed to prosecute the animal and its owner in the court. 4. The court could, among other actions, order the destruction of the animal. This procedure would allow the question of whether or not the animal is in fact a nuisance if it has bitten someone to be fully aired with all the facts in a court of law. The fact that the dog bit a burgler would not necessarily mean it is a public nuisance and subject to destruction. Also the fact that it bit a little boy on the premises even though that boy may have been there "unlawfully" may yet make it a public nuisance subject to destruction. I think the court determination to be a much better way of handling the fine question of whether one is "lawfully" or "unlawfully" on the premises than to try to define such lawful and unlawful activities in the ordinance itself. I have discussed this procedure with Craig Swanson, and he agrees with the procedure. q'131 August 17, 1984 cc: Mr. Kenneth E. Rosland Mr. Mark Bernhardson rte. ORDINANCE NO. 312 -A1 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 312 RELATING TO ANIMAL CONTROL THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA ORDAINS: Section 1. Sec. 3 of Ordinance 312 is hereby amended to read as follows: "Sec. 1. Impounding. City Police Officers, Animal Control Officers, Community Service Officers or such person or persons designated by the City Council shall impound any animal found, or, by complaint of the City, believed to be, in violation of this ordinance." Sec. 2. Sec. 5 of Ordinance 312 is hereby amended to read as follows: "Sec. 5. Redemption. Any animal impounded for a reason other than rabies observation or for biting a person in violation of Section 29(f) hereof may be redeemed from the animal pound by its owner within the time period stated in Section 7 of this ordinance by paying to the City the redemption fees in the amounts set forth in Ordinance No. 171 and a license fee if the animal is required to be licensed and is unlicensed. The Police Department shall, upon request, deliver any redeemed animal to its owner." Sec. 3. Sec. 8 of Ordinance 312 is hereby amended to read as follows: "Sec. 8. Impounding Animal; Objection by Owner-; Court Order. Any owner may object to the impounding or subsequent disposition of his animal as being contrary to the provisions of this ordinance by filing an objection signed by b €ffi-the owner with the City within five days after the action objected to was taken. Within -t-e-n- twenty days after impounding of an animal, if the animal is not - redeemed pursuant to Section 5 hereof or if the City is unable to reach agreement with the owner regarding the keeping of the animal in an enclosure and in a manner consistent with the provisions of this ordinance, the City may bring an action in the municipal court by serving on the ebiee €eg -owner a complaint setting forth the violation of this ordinance which caused the City to take -t4i-e- action -to--wMEh -the- ewRe -r- eb +ee -ts under this ordinance. The court may then app -re -ve e +-order the return of the animal to its owner with or without payment of redemption fees by the owner; or the disposal, destruction or sale of the animal; or, if the animal has been improperly disposed of or sold, the payment to the owner of the reasonable value of the animal; or imposition on the owner of the same penalty as that for commission of a misdemeanor; or any two or more of the foregoing. When an objection has been filed with the City, the City shall not dispose of or sell the animal referred to in the objection if it is still in the pound, but shall within ten days after filing of such objection, either return the animal to the owner, without liability on his part for any fees, or keep it pending - e+e -rmiea+ 3en- agreement with the owner or order of the court as above provided. If the animal has been disposed of or sold without a court order, the City shall within ten days after such filing either pay to the owner the reasonable value of the animal or begin the action described in this section." Sec. 4. Section 10 of Ordinance No. 312 is hereby amended to read as follows: "Sec. 10. Rabies Vaccinations and Dog License Required. (a) Any owner of a dog over six months of age in the City shall secure a license for such dog from the City. The fee for such license shall be as set forth in Ordinance No. 171. If the owner of a dog shows proof that his dog has been neutered, the amount of the fee for the license for such dog shall be reduced as set forth in Ordinance No. 171. -A� €- begs - a -fie -� }ceased- heeaede -�as�- have - games € - a € -see�� gab €ee- vaee #aa��ea. (b) All dogs and cats over six months of age in the City must have current rabies vaccinations and dogs must wear their current vaccination tags at all times." Sec. 5. The second sentence in Section 23(c) of Ordinance No. 312 is hereby amended to read as follows: "Such notice shall be delivered to the City Animal Control Officer by the owner not less than ten days, or more than fourteen days, from the date of the establishment of the quarantine." Sec. 6. Sec. 29(f) of Ordinance No. 312 is hereby amended to read as follows: "(f) Any animal which bias- heea- €�peaaded -ea- ghee -e- wee- sepa�ae- eeeas€ ems- eede�- ��e- g�ev�s }eas- a €- �h�s- e�d�aaaEe- €ems- b���eg- $e�seesT on any occasion, has bitten a person, other than its owner or a member of its owner's immediate family shall be deemed a public nuisance. Such animal shall be quarantined pursuant to Section 23 of this ordinance, and also shall be subject to the procedures and penalties set out in Section 33 of this ordinance." Sec. 7. Sec. 33 of Ordinance No. 312 relating to penalties is hereby amended by adding thereto the following paragraph: "In addition to other penalties, fees or remedies in this ordinance, any animal deemed to be a nuisance, as defined in this ordinance, or which is found, or by complaint of the City, believed to be, in violation of any provision of this ordinance, may be impounded ursuant to Sections 3 and 4 of this ordinance. The handling and disposal. of the animal shall be considered and determined pursuant to Section 8 of this ordinance." Sec. 8. Sec. 30(a) of Ordinance No. 312 is hereby amended to read as follows: "No dog shall be permitted to be off the premises of its owner at any time unless it is leashed.- e- aeee�gaae�- hy- a- gesaa- haNxg -as- e €€ eel€ �e- eee�ee€- e�e�- }�- b�- eea+�aad- as- b3:- �eash�" Sec. 9. The third sentence in Sec. 30(b) of Ordinance No. 312 is hereby amended to read as follows: "It shall furthermore be the duty of each person having the custody or control of a dog when such dog is upon any of the places or areas described in the immediately preceding sentence to have in his possession a device or equipment for the picking up and removal of dog feces; at a minimum this equipment must include at least 2 bags." Sec. 10. To Sec. 30 of Ordinance 312, the following Sub - Paragraph is added as follows: "(f) As provided in Minnesota Statute Chapter 347, if a dog, without provocation, attacks or injures any person who is peaceably conducting himself in any place where he may lawfully be, the owner of the dog is liable in damages to the person so attacked or injured to the full amount of the injury sustained. The term "owner" includes any person harboring or keeping a dog but the owner shall be primarily liable The term "dog" includes both male and female of the canine species." Sec. 11. Sec. 12 of Ordinance No. 312 is hereby amended as follows: "Sec. 12. Receipts and Tags. Upon the payment of the license fee required by Sec. 10 hereof, the City shall deliver an original receipt to the person who pays the fee and retain a duplicate of such receipt. Upon the initial licensing of a dog, the City shall also deliver to the owner of the dog a metallic tags- tie- -shage- e€- �aheli- w }� €- he- € €eea- €ems- eaeh- €eea�e -lea. To properly renew a license, an owner must pay a delinquent year's renewals. This shall be in addition to any penalties imposed for violation of this ordinance." Sec. 12. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and publication. First Reading: Second Reading: ATTEST: City Clerk Mayor DORSEY & WHITNEY A Plrfnomhlp lndu&np Professional Corp"Vons 2200 FIRST BANK PLACE EAST MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 (612) 340 -2600 TELM 29-0606 TELE00MER : (621340- $5,400,000 General Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 1984 City of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota We have acted as Bond Counsel in connection with the issuance by the City of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota (the "City "), of its General Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 1984, in the aggregate principal amount of $5,400,000, initially dated as of September 1, 1984 (the "Bonds "). The Bonds are registered as to both principal and interest and are issuable in any authorized denomination which is a multiple of $5,000. The Bonds mature, without option of prepayment, on January 1 in the years and amounts set forth below, and Bonds maturing in such years and amounts bear interest from date of issue until paid or duly called for redemption at the annual rates set forth opposite such years and amounts respectively: Year Amount Rate 1986 $800,000 % 1987 800,000 1988 800,000 1989 900,000 1990 900,000 1991 300,000 1992 300,000 1993 300,000 1994 300,000 Interest is payable semiannually on each January 1 and July 1, commencing January 1, 1985, to the registered owners of the Bonds appearing of record in the bond register as of the fifteenth day (whether or not a business day) of the immediately preceding month. Interest on the Bonds is payable by check or draft mailed to the registered holder by , in , Minnesota, as Bond Registrar, Transfer Agent and Paying Agent, or such successor as may be appointed by the City; and principal thereof is payable to the registered holder upon presentation and surrender thereof at the principal office of said Bond Registrar. For the purpose of this opinion, we have examined certified copies of certain proceedings taken by and certificates and affidavits furnished by the City in the authorization, sale DORSEY & WHITNEY $5,400,000 General Obligation City of Edina, Hennepin Improvement Bonds, Series 1984 County, Minnesota -2- and issuance of the Bonds, including the form of the Bonds. From our examination of such proceedings, certificates and affidavits, assuming the authenticity thereof, the genuineness of the signatures thereon, and the accuracy of the facts stated therein, and based upon laws, regulations, rulings and decisions in effect on the date hereof, in our opinion: 1. The Bonds are in due form, have been duly authorized, executed and delivered, and are valid and binding general obligations of the City enforceable in accordance with their terms, except to the extent enforceability may be limited by State of Minnesota or United States laws relating to bankruptcy, reorganization, moratorium or creditors' rights generally. 2. The principal of and interest on the Bonds are payable primarily from special assessments which the City has levied or agreed to levy on the property specially benefited by the improvements financed by the issuance of the Bonds and ad valorem taxes levied on all taxable property in the City, the collections of which the governing body of the City has estimated will produce amounts at least five percent in excess of the amounts needed to meet, when due, the principal and interest payments on the Bonds, but if necessary for payment of such principal and interest, additional ad valorem taxes are required by law to be levied on all taxable property in the City, which taxes are not subject to any limitation as to rate or amount. 3. The Bonds are not subject to taxation as property by the State of Minnesota, its agencies, municipalities or political subdivisions, and interest to be paid on the Bonds is not includible in gross income of the recipient for United States or State of Minnesota income tax purposes, other than State of Minnesota excise taxes imposed on banks and corporations and measured by income. We have not been asked, and have not undertaken, to review the accuracy, completeness or sufficiency of any offering materials relating to the Bonds, and accordingly, we express no opinion with respect thereto. Dated this day of 1984. ,Rating (As of October 5, 1981 last time of a bond sale) Date of Incorporation Form of Government Area Population (Per Metro Council) CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA AA- MOODY'S HISTORY FINANCIAL DATA 1983 Estimated Assessed valuation Estimated Market value Net direct debt -(less sinking funds, but including proposed issue) Net overlapping debt Per Capita: Estimated assessed valuation Estimated market value Net direct debt Net direct and overlapping debt Percent of direct debt to estimated assessed valuation Percent of direct debt to estimated market value Percent of direct debt in next ten years (including proposed issue) Percent of estimated assessed value represented by commercial and industrial value The City has a municipal deep well water system: Gross revenue Income (loss) before depreciation The City owns and operates three municipal Liquor Stores: Gross sales Net Income The City owns and 6perates also, the following facilities: Two Public golf courses (18 hole regulations and 9 hole par 3): Gross revenue Net Income Fifty Meter swimming pool: Gross revenue Net Income - (Loss) Recreation Center -Ice Arena (85 x 200 feet: Gross revenue Net Income - (Loss) Sanitary Sewer System: Gross revenue Net income - (Loss) before Depreciation (A) As of August 31, 1981 (B) As of December 31, 1981 (C) As of December 31, 1980 (D) For Year Ended December 31, 1980 (E) As of December 31, 1983 (F) As of December 31, 1984 (G) For Year Ended December 31, 1983 -1) As of April 1983 -) As of April 1981 AA- STANDARD & POOR'S December 17, 1888 Council- Manager Adopted January 1, 1955 15.98 square miles 45.340 (H) 46,080 (I) 1981 $ 613,145,399 (E) $ 545,025,802 (A) 2,206,147,364 (E) 2,013,534,987 (A) 9,529,947 (F) 11,102,309 (B) 26,879,002 (E) 36,676,988 (C) 13,523.28 11,827.82 48,657.86 43,696.51 210.19 240.94 803.02 906.67 1.55% 2.04% 91,665 (G) .43 .55 59,109 (D) 99.82 88.01 304,723 (G) 29.96 28.13 (112,435)(D) $ 985,372 $ 808,182 (D) 268,673 225,026 (D) $ 5,488,154 $ 5,791,832 (D) 311,289 448,119 (D) $ 620,446 (G) $ 490,952 (D) 91,665 (G) 64,434 (D) 78,484 (G) 59,109 (D) (21,823)(G) (18,170)(D) 304,723 (G) 234,979 (D) (48,166)(G) (112,435)(D) 2,158,953 1,726,927 (D) 19,758 (17,922)(D) 0 TABULATION OF BIDS - LAST THREE PUBLIC SALES EDINA, MINNESOTA $2,700,000 IMPROVEMENT BONDS Dated November 1, 1975 NAME OF BIDDER Citibank, N.A. Weeden & Co., Inc. W. H. Morton & Co. (Division of American Express Co.) First.Pennco Securities, Inc. Total premium $15.00 The average net interest rate 4.3365% NAME OF BIDDER The Northern Trust Company, Manager White -Weld & Co. Inc. Wauterlik & Brown, Inc. Becker & Cownie, Inc. Berghoff, Marsh & Company, Inc. First Mid - America, Inc. The Illinois Company, Inc. Prescott, Ball, Turben & Co. Reinholdt & Gardner Stifel, Nicolaus & Co., Inc. Zahner and Company Total premium $39.00 The average net interest rate 4.37971% MATURITY DATE 1978 1979 -1984 Incl. 1985 -1986 MATURITY DATE 1978 -1979 1980 -1982 Incl. 1983 -1985 Incl. 1986, INTEREST RATE 4.25% 4.30 4.40 INTEREST RATE 4.20% 4.30 4.40 4.50 NAME OF BIDDER MATURITY DATE INTEREST RATE American National Bank and Trust 1978 -1979 4.20% Company, St. Paul, Manager 1980 -1982 Incl. 4.30 Cronin & Marcotte, Inc. 1983 -1985 Incl. 4.40 Paine ,Webber,Jackson &Curtis,Inc.Mpl. 1986 4.50 The average net interest rate 4.38% NAME OF BIDDER MATURITY DATE INTEREST RATE First National Bank -Mpls. Manager 1978 -1983 Incl. 4.35% BancNorthwest 1984 -1985 4.40 Dain,Kalman & Quail, Inc. 1986 4.45 First National Bank - St. Paul Total premium $8.91 The average net interest rate 4.3866% NAME OF BIDDER MATURITY DATE INTEREST RATE First National Bank- Chicago,Co.Manager 1978 -1981 Incl. 4.30% Harris Trust & Savings Bank- Co.Manager 1982 -1985 Incl. 4.40 Merrill Lynch, Pierce,Fenner & Smith,Inc. Chemical Bank 1986 4.50 Dean Witter Company Bank of Oklahoma, N.A. Mercantile Trust Company, N.A. Total premium $1,099.91 The average net interest rate 4.38963% NAME OF BIDDER MATURITY DATE INTEREST RATE Continental Illinois National Bank & Trust Company, Chicago, Manager 1978 -1986 Inc!. 4.40% Hornblower Weeks, Noyes & Trask, Inc. Robert W. Baird & Co. Inc. Hutchinson,Shockley,Erley & Co. Loewi and Company, Inc. Total premium $201:00 The average net interest rate 4.398511% Tabulations of Bids Continued Dated December 1, 1975 NAME OF BIDDER $3,500;000 IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1975 MATURITY DATE First National Bank of Minneapolis Allison - Williams Company BancNorthwest Carleton D. Beh Company Cronin & Marcotte, Inc. Dain, Kalman & Quail, Inc. First National Bank of St. Paul Paine,Webber,Jackson & Curtis, Inc. Piper,Jaffray & Hopwood, Inc. Moore, Juran & Company Reynolds Securities, Inc. Smith, Barney & Company First Edina National Bank First Southdale National Bank Dated December 1, 1975 1977 -1979 Incl. 1980 -1983 Incl. $950,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION PARK BONDS INTEREST RATE 5.30% 5.50 MATURITY DATE INTEREST RATE 1977 -1979 Incl. 5.30% 1980 5.50 $2,200,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION REDEVELOPMENT BONDS 1978 -1979 Incl. 5.30% 1980 -1983 Incl. 5.50 1984 5.60 1985 5.75 1986 5.90 1987 6.00 1988 6.10 1989 6.20 1990 6.34 1991 6.40 1992 6.50 1993 6.50 Total premium for the three issues is $2,660,000 The average net interest rate for the three issues is 5.864% NAME OF BIDDER First National Bank of Chicago Harris Trust & Savings Bank John Nuveen & Company Merrill Lynch,Pierce,Fenner & Smith,Inc. Chemical Bank Dean Witter & Company Paine,Webber,Jackson & Curtis,Inc. Hartford National Bank & Trust Co. Shearson Hayden Stone, Inc. Bank of Oklahoma, N. A. Mercantile Trust Company, N.A. Stern Brothers & Co. Juran & Moody, Inc. Channer Newman Securities Co. Robert S.C. Peterson, Inc. F. J. Prescott & Company Van Kampen Sauerman, Inc. Dated December 1, 1975 MATURITY DATE 1977 -1983 Incl. INTEREST RATE 5.50% $950,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION PARK BONDS MATURITY DATE 1977 -1980 INTEREST RATE 5.50% Tabulation of Bids Continued. Ddted December 1, 1975 $2,200,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION REDEVELOPMENT BONDS MATURITY DATE 1978 -1984 Incl. 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 Total premium for the three issues is $568.00 The average net interest rate for the three issues is 5.977028% $_3,500,000 IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF 1975 Dated December 1, 1975 NAME OF BIDDER MATURITY DATE Halsey,Stuart & Co. Inc. American National Bank & Trust Co. of St. Paul Kidder, Peabody & Co. Inc. L. F. Rothschild & Company A. G. Becker & Company,Municipal Securities, Inc. Blunt, Ellis & Simmons White- Phillips Company, Inc. Northern Trust Company White -Weld & Company, Inc. Wauterlik & Brown, Inc. Prescott, Ball & Turben Zahner & Company Reinholdt & Gardner Becker & Cownie, Inc. Stifel, Nicolaus & Co. Inc. Illinois Company First Mid - America Inc. Berghoff, Sterling & Marsh, Inc. 1977 1978 -1983 Incl. INTEREST RATE 5.50% 5.70 5.85 6.00 6.20 6.35 6.50 6.60 6.70 6.80 INTEREST RATE 5.50% $950,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION PARK BONDS 5.60 MATURITY DATE INTEREST RATE 1977 1978 -1980 Incl. $2,200,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION REDEVELOPMENT BONDS MATURITY DATE 1978 -1984 Incl. 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 Total premium for the three issues is $719.00 The average net interest rate for the three issues is 6.018616% 5.50% 5.60 INTEREST RATE 5.60% 5.70 5.85 6.00 6.20 6.35 6.50 6.60 6.70 6.75 Tabulation of Bids Continued Dated December 1, 1975 NAME OF BIDDER Chase National Bank, N. A. Drexel Burnham & Co. Inc. Harris Upham & Company, Inc. L. F. Rothschild & Company Loeb, Rhoades & Company Faulkner, Dawkins & Sullivan Securities Corporation Altgett & Company Bevill, Bresler &Schulman,Inc. - Newark Robert W. Baird & Company - Milwaukee Barr Brothers & Company, Inc. Colin, Hocksten Company $3,500,000 IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF 1975 MATURITY DATE 1977 -1979 Incl. 1980 -1983 Incl. INTEREST DATE 5.50% 5.60 $950,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION PARK BONDS MATURITY DATE 1977 -1979 Incl. 1980 INTEREST RATE 5.50% 5.60 $2,200,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION DEVELOPMENT BONDS 1978 -1979 Incl. 5.50% 1980 -1984 Incl. 5.60 1985 5.90 1986 6.00 1987 6.20 1988 6.30 1989 6.50 1990 6.60 1991 6.70 1992 -1993 Incl. 6.75 Total premium for the three issues is $100.00 The average net interest rate for the three issues is 6.0566% $4,500,000 GENERAL OBLIGATIONAL - TAX INCREMENT BONDS Dated October 1, 1981 NAME OF BIDDER Harris Trust & )Joint Savings Bank ) The First National ) Bank of ) Chicago ) Merrill Lynch ) White Weld ) Capital Markets ) Group ) John Nuveen & ) Co. Inc. ) Chemical Bank Dean Witter Reyno.ds Inc. Bache Halsey, Stuart Shields Inc. Bank of Oklahoma, N.A. Mercantile Trust Co. N.A., St. Louis Stern Brothers & Co. Juran & Moddy, Inc. Hutchinson, Shockey, Erley & Co. Channer Newman Securities Co. Van Kampen Filkin & Merritt Inc. In Association with the Chase Matihattan Bank,N.A. Manager Drexel Burnham,Lambert Inc. L.F. Rothschild, Unterberg, Towbin Colin, Hochstin Co. Altgelt & Company, Inc. Bevill, Bresler & Schulman, Inc. Barr Brothers & Co. Inc. Total discount of $56,875 The average net interest rate 10.5165% MATURITY DATE INTEREST RATE 1984 9.50% 1985 9.50 1986 9.70 1987 9.85 1988 10.00 1989 10.20 1990 10.40 1991 10.60 1992 10.80 1993 11.00 Tabulation of Bids Continued NAME OF BIDDER First National ) Joint Bank of ) Managers Minneapolis ) Banc Northwest ) Allison - Williams and Company American National Bank & Trust Co. Blyth Eastman Paine Webber, Inc. Cronin & Marcotte, Inc. The First National Bank of St. Paul Kidder,Peabody & Co. Inc. Piper, Jaffray & Hopwood, Inc. E. F. Hutton Company Robert W. Baird & Co. Inc. Dougherty Dawkins, Strand & Yost, Inc. Moore, Juran & Co. Inc. Dean Witter Reynolds, Inc. Marquette National Bank of Minneapolis M. H. Novick & Company, Inc. Robert S. C. Peterson Total discount of $67,050 The average net interest rate 10.671% MATURITY DATES 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 INTEREST RATE 9.50% 9.75 9.90 10.00 10.20 10.40 10.55 10.70 10.90 11.00 $4,200,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION TEMPORARY IMPROVEMENT BONDS, SERIES 1981 Dated October 1, 1981 NAME OF BIDDER Harris Trust & Savings Bk.) Joint The First National Bank ) of Chicago ) Merrill Lynch White Weld ) Capital Markets Group ) John Nuveen & Co.Inc. ) Managers Chemical Bank Dean Witter Reynolds Inc. Bache, Halsey Stuart Shields, Inc. Bank of Oklahoma, N. A. Mercantile Trust Co. N.A., St. Louis Stern Brothers & Co. Juran & Moody, Inc. Hutchinson, Shockey,Erley & Co. Channer Newman Securities Co. Van Kampen Filkin & Merritt Inc. In Association with The Chase Manhattan Bank,N.A. Manager Drexel Burnham Lambert, Inc. L.F. Rothschild,Unterberg,Towbin, Colin, Hochstin Co. Altgelt & Company, Inc. Bevil, Bresler & Schulman Inc. Barr Brothers & Co. Inc. Total discount of $33,180 The average net interest rate 9.763% MATURITY DATE 1984 INTEREST RATE 9.50% Tabulation of Bids Continued NAME OF BIDDER First National Bank of ) Joint Minneapolis ) BancNorthwest ) Managers Allison - Williams & Company American National Bank & Trust Company Blyth Eastman Paine Webber Inc. Cronin & Marcotte, Inc. The First National Bank of Saint Paul Kidder, Peabody & Company, Inc. Piper,Jaffray & Hopwood,Inc. E. F. Hutton Company Robert W. Baird & Co. Inc. Dougherty,Dawkins Strand & Yost, Inc. Moore, Juran & Company, Inc. Dean Witter Reynolds, Inc. Marquette National Bank, Mpls. W. H. Novick & Company, Inc. Robert S. C. Peterson Company Total discount of $41,916 The average net interest rate 10.082% MATURITY DATE 1984 INTEREST RATE 9.75% OFFICIAL STATEMENT _A,1� w o/ e y ��roRPORP'��O 1888 City of Edina, Minnesota $5,400,000 General Obligation Improvement Bonds Series 1984 September 10, 1984 I N D E X Introduction 1 - 2 Bond Years 3 Current Assessed Valuation 4 Direct and Overlapping Debt 5 Details of Outstanding Bonds 6 Combined Balance Sheets (Including Enterprise Funds) 7 - 8 - 9 Combined Statement of Revenue and Expenditures (Including Enterprise Funds) 10 - 11 Summary of Debt Service Charges until Maturity 12 Capital Improvements 13 Percent of Net Bonded Debt to Assessed Value, and Assessed Value and Net Bonded Debt per Capita 14 Analysis of Cash and Investment Balances, Income on Investments, and Average Balances 15 Assessed Valuation, Tax Rates and Tax Levies .16 Tax Levies and Collections 17 20 Major Industrial, Commercial and Apartment Buildings over $1,000,000 (Assessor's Estimated Market Value) 18 - 19 Largest Employers 20 - 21 Statement of Income and Expense (Income Producing Funds) 22 - 23 - 24 Revenues By Selected Source 25 Expenditures For Selected Function 26 Miscellaneous Statistical Facts 27 INTRODUCTION The following Official Statement contains information for the use of prospective bidders on the $5,400,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 1984 (the Bonds), of the City of Edina, Minnesota. Copies of the full financial reports covering all funds for the calendar years 1981, 1982, and 1983 will be made available upon request to bidders who do not have them in their files, together with the reports of examination thereof and opinions thereon of the George M. Hansen Company, Minneapolis, Minnesota, and Main Hurdman, Minneapolis, Minnesota, and of the budget for 1984. If requested by the purchaser of the Bonds, the Director of Finance of the City will furnish a statement to the effect that the Official Statement and accompanying documents furnished to the purchaser, to the best of his knowledge and belief, has of the date of sale and the date of delivery, are true and correct in all material respects, and do not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary in order to make the statements made therein, in light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading. THE BONDS A. Description. The Bonds will be dated, as originally issued, as of September 1, 1984, will bear interest payable on January 1 and July 1 of each year, commencing January 1, 1985, to the registered owners of the Bonds appearing of record in the bond register as of the fifteenth day (whether or not a business day) of the immediately preceding month. The Bonds will mature, without option of prepayment, in the amount ok $800,000 on January 1 in the years 1986 through 1988, in the amount of $900,000 on January 1 in the years 1989 and 1990, and in the amount of $300,000 on January 1 in the years 1991 through 1994. The Bonds will be issued as negotiable investment securities in registered form as to both principal and interest and will be issuable in the denomination of $5,000 or any integral multiple thereof. Certain other information with respect to the Bonds is contained in the Terms and Conditions of Bond Sale. B. Purpose and Authority. The Bonds are being issued to finance local improvements under the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429. The improvements financed with the proceeds of the Bonds consist generally of street surfacing, curb and gutter, storm sewer, sanitary sewer and water mains. C. Security. The full faith, credit and taxing power of the City will be pledged for the payment of the principal of and interest on the Bonds when due. The principal of and interest on the Bonds will be payable primarily from special assessments which the City has levied or will levy with respect to the im- provements to be financed by the issuance of the Bonds, the collection of which the governing body of the City will estimate will produce amounts at least five percent in excess of the amounts needed to meet when due the principal and interest payments on the Bonds, but if necessary for payment of such principal and interest, ad valorem taxes are required to be levied on all taxable property in the City, which taxes are not subject to any limitation as to rate or amount. 1 On the date of delivery of the Bonds, Dorsey & Whitney, of Minneapolis, Minnesota, will deliver their opinion that the Bonds are valid and binding general obligations of the City, enforceable in accordance with their terms, except to the extent enforceability may be limited by United States or State of Minnesota laws relating to bankruptcy, reorganization, moratorium or creditors' rights generally. D. Tax Exemption. On the date of delivery of the Bonds, Dorsey & Whitney, of Minneapolis, Minnesota, will deliver their opinion that on the basis of laws, regulations, rulings and decisions in effect on the tax thereof, the Bonds are not subject to taxation as property by the State of Minnesota, its agencies, municipalities or political subdivisions; and interest to be paid on the Bonds is not includible in gross income of the recipient for United States or State of Minnesota income tax purposes, except State of Minnesota excise taxes imposed on banks and corporations and measured by income. 2 CITY OF EDINA SALE September 10, 1984 7:00 o'clock p.m. $5,400,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS, SERIES 1984 CUMULATIVE YEAR PRINCIPAL BOND YEARS BOND YEARS 1986 1 -1/3 $800,000 1,066.67 1,066.67 1987 2 -1/3 800,000 1,866.67 2,933.34 1988 3 -1/3 800,000 2,666.66 5,600.00 1989 4 -1/3 900,000 3,900.00 9,500.00 1990 5 -1/3 900,000 4,800.00 14,300.00 1991 6 -1/3 300,000 1,900.00 16,100.00 1992 7 -1/3 300,000 2,200.00 18,400.00 1993 8 -1/3 300,000 2,500.00 20,900.00 1994 9 -1/3 300,000 2,800.00 23,700.00 $5,400,000 23,700 Average maturity 4.389 years 3 CURRENT ASSESSED VALUATION CITY OF EDINA As of December 31, 1983 Assessed value and market -value by category. Residential Apartment Commercial Industrial Open acres Utilities Less adjustments: Fiscal disparity Tax Increment District Add: . Personal property Assessed Market Amount Percent Amount Percent $413,494,158 63.72% $1,722,579,156 74.69% 37,940,186 5.85 126,026;000 5.46 139,722,374 21.53 326,536,100 14.16 43,984,132 6.78 102,822,400 4.46 9,640,089 1.48 24,118,220 1.05 4,161,073 .64 4,230,634 :18 $648,942,012 100.00% $2,306,312,510 100.00% $ 29,770,702(B) 12,509,408(C) $ 42,280,110 6,483,497 $613,145,399 Assessed value percentage comparisons. 1970 1974 Residential 70.0% Apartment 6.0 Commercial 15.0 Industrial and utilities 9.0 60.58% 10.53 18.19 9.16 $ 69,234,190(B) 46,008,856(0) $ 115,243,046 15,077,900 $2,206,147,364 1978 1981 68.60% 8.62 14.65 7.18 63.45% 7.44 19.81 7.03 Open acres (A) 1.54 .95 2.27 Source: Hennepin County Note A - Included in residential Note B - Under the "fiscal.disparity" law applicable to all municipalities in the seven county metropolitan area, 40% of the excess of the current assessed value of commercial and industrial property in Edina, over the 1971/72 assessed value of such property, is to be regarded as part of the "area - wide tax base ". Each municipality makes a contribution and receives a distribution - sometimes gaining and sometimes losing assessed valuation for tax purposes. Taxes are spread on the basis of assessed valuation after fiscal disparities distribution. It is estimated.that the Edina contribution to the area -wide tax base will be $10,000,000 in excess of. its distribution. Note C - The incremental assessed value of urban renewal project areas, in the years after their redevelopment, is segregated from the assessed value upon which tax rates are computed and levied for school purposes. The same rates, however, are levied upon the incremental value to.pay the urban renewal cost. After payment of this cost in full, the incremental value is added to the tax base for general governmental purposes. 4 DIRECT AND OVERLAPPING DEBT CITY OF EDINA As of December 31, 1983 The County Finance Director of Hennepin County certifies that the only taxing districts whose territory overlaps that of the City are Hennepin County, Metropolitan Council, Metropolitan Transit Authority, and School Districts No. 270 (Hopkins), No. 271 (Blooming- ton), No. 272 (Eden Prairie), No. 273 (Edina), No. 280 (Richfield), and No. 283 (St. Louis Park), No. 287 (Area Wide Vocational); that the County has outstanding bonded debt at $48,675,000; that the Metropolitan Council has outstanding bonded debt of $301,137,000; that the Metropolitan Transit Authority has outstanding bonded debt of $18,200,000; and that the 1984 assessed valuation of taxable property in each of said School Districts and the portion of each such valuation representing property within the City of Edina, are as listed below. In the third column below appears the total bonded debt of each school District. The figures for bonded debt was taken from County records as of December 31, 1983. In the last two columns, we have computed the percent and amount of the debt of each School District which is apparently chargeable to property within the City as the basis of these figures. Hennepin County General $7,643,276,213 Park District (Suburbs only) 5,057,500,343 Metropolitan Council 14,551,549,818 Metropolitan Transit Authority 13,400,182,554 $613,145,399 $47,925,000 613,145,399 750,000 613,145,399 301,137,000 613,145,399 18,200,000 TOTAL OVERLAPPING DEBT 8.02% $3,843,585 12.12 90,900 $3,934,485 4.21% 12,677,868 4.58 833,560 $26,879,002 From these figures, it would appear that the total indebtedness payable from taxes which may be levied upon property with the City of Edina is as follows: Improvement bonds (payable primarily from Special Assessments) Less sinking funds Park, Golf Course and Recreation Center Bonds Less sinking funds Redevelopment Bonds Proposed issue Maturities during 1980 Overlapping debt - per above $5,100,000 2,387,753 $ 2,712,247 $ 330,000 52,300 277,700 6,300,000 $5,400,000 5,160,000 240,000 TOTAL CITY BOND DEBT TOTAL BONDED DEBT $ 9,529,947 26,879,002 $36,408,949 The total general City indebtedness appears to be approximately .43% of the estimated current market value, or 1.55 of the current assessed value. The total City and other taxing authority indebtedness appears to be approximately 1.65% of. estimated current market value, or 5.94 of the current assessed value. 5 Taxable Value Portion Of Total Debt Chargeable School After Fiscal Value Within Bonded To Edina District Disparity Edina Debt Percent Amount No. 270 $ 563,475,236 $ 37,722,352 $ 6,275,000 6.69% $ '419,798 No. 271 750,215,358 74,280 16,995,000 .O1 1,700 No. 272 225,669,676 6,167,394 12,895,000 2.73 352,034 No. 273 514,209,198 507,198,069 6,905,000 98.64 6,811,092 No. 280 293,990,469 61,944,851 2,035,000 21.07 428,775 No. 287 4,792,112,156 613,145,399 11,100,000 12.79 1,419,690 No. 283 NONE $9,433,089 Hennepin County General $7,643,276,213 Park District (Suburbs only) 5,057,500,343 Metropolitan Council 14,551,549,818 Metropolitan Transit Authority 13,400,182,554 $613,145,399 $47,925,000 613,145,399 750,000 613,145,399 301,137,000 613,145,399 18,200,000 TOTAL OVERLAPPING DEBT 8.02% $3,843,585 12.12 90,900 $3,934,485 4.21% 12,677,868 4.58 833,560 $26,879,002 From these figures, it would appear that the total indebtedness payable from taxes which may be levied upon property with the City of Edina is as follows: Improvement bonds (payable primarily from Special Assessments) Less sinking funds Park, Golf Course and Recreation Center Bonds Less sinking funds Redevelopment Bonds Proposed issue Maturities during 1980 Overlapping debt - per above $5,100,000 2,387,753 $ 2,712,247 $ 330,000 52,300 277,700 6,300,000 $5,400,000 5,160,000 240,000 TOTAL CITY BOND DEBT TOTAL BONDED DEBT $ 9,529,947 26,879,002 $36,408,949 The total general City indebtedness appears to be approximately .43% of the estimated current market value, or 1.55 of the current assessed value. The total City and other taxing authority indebtedness appears to be approximately 1.65% of. estimated current market value, or 5.94 of the current assessed value. 5 DETAILS OF OUTSTANDING BONDS ALL FUNDS CITY OF EDINA As Of December 31, 1983 %D Amount of Cash and Date Original Principal Years of Interest Securities In of Issue _ Description Issue Outstanding Maturity Rate Sinking Fund General Obligation Bonds: 12 -1 -63 Golf Course Bonds of 1963 $ 825,000 $ 200,000 1984 -87 3.4 to 3.5 11 -1 -78 Recreation Center Bonds, Series D 370,000 130,000 1984 -85 5.2 to 5.25 $ 52,300 TOTAL GOLF COURSE, RECREATION CENTER BONDS $ 1,195,000 $ 330,000 $ 52,300 12 -1 -75 Redevelopment Bonds of 1975 2,200,000 1,800,000 1984 -93 5.6 to 6.5 10 -1 -81 Tax Increment Bonds of 1981 4,500,000 4,500,000 1984 -93 9.50 to 11.00 Special Assessment Bonds: 11 -1 -77 1977 Improvements, First Series $ 2,700,000 $ 900,000 1984 -86 4.3 to 4.4 $ 900,000 10 -1 -81 1981 Temporary Improvements, First Series 4,200,000 4,200,000 1984 1,487,753 TOTAL SPECIAL ASSESSMENT BONDS fi 6,900,000 S 5,100,000 $ 2,387,753 TOTAL $14,795,000 $11,730,000 $ 2,440,053 %D CITY OF EDINA COMBINED BALANCE SHEET DECEMBER 31, 1983 ASSETS Cash Investments Receivables(Taxes, Special Assessments) Due From Other Funds Due From Other Governmental Units Other Receivables Inventory Prepaid Expense Construction in Progress Unassessed Contruction Costs Property & Equipment (net) Debt Service Available and to be provided TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY Liabilities: Payables and Accruals Due to Other Funds Due to Other Governmental Units Deposits Deferred Revenue Bonds Payable TOTAL LIABILITIES GENERAL GENERAL SPECIAL DEBT Capital Special FIXED LONG -TERM 1983 1982 GENERAL REVENUE SERVICE PROJECTS ASSESSMENTS ENTERPRISE ASSETS DEBT TOTAL $1,090,482 $ 141,566 $ 415,512 $ 1,675 $(1,310,827)$ (103,890) $ 234,518 $ 1,532,497 15,495 11,232 4,077,670 12,728 4,105,893 1,305,401 204,677 37,520 423 6,748,535 614,318 7,605,473 8,238,936 542,614 17,974 243,149 1,163,606 1,112,170 3,079,513 2,939,473 84,992 109,668 540,894 735,554 1,360,970 3,434 135,944 47,891 187,269 266,345 10,000 725,527 735,527 798,747 12,058 12,058 14,078 2,889,668 2,889,668 2,513,001 576,096 576,096 573,815 17,729,971 $21,462,112 39,192,083 38,616,660 $ 6,637,386 6,637,386 6,400,000 $1,951,694 $ 442,672 $ 659,084 $ 1,675 $14,144,748 $20,691,667 $21,462,112 $ 6,637,386 $65,991,038 $64,559,923 $ 184,030 $ 30,644 238,125 25,067 45,499 6,430 81,286 11,232 135,944 $ 548,940 $ 209,317 $ 16,129 $ 128,476 $ 512,018 408,041 1,294,772 1,113,508 53,717 2,060,202 6,167 238,012 439,536 5,100,000 330,000 $ 424,170 $ 8,875,179 $ 2,401,229 $ 337,386 $ 1,208,683 $ 632,756 3,079,513 3,442,483 105,646 299,031 2,158,887 1,162,496 813,492 898,808 6,300,000 11,730,000 $ 6,637,386 $19,096,221 $19,175,574 r- U111 ur ;iLi1VH COMBINED BALANCE SHEET DECEMBER 31, 1983 SPECIAL DEBT ASSETS GENERAL REVENUE SERVICE LIABILITY AND FUND EQUITY CONTINUED Fund Equity: GENERAL Capital Special FIXED PROJECTS ASSESSMENTS ENTERPRISE ASSETS GENERAL LONG -TERM 1983 DEBT TOTAL 1982 Invested in Fixed Assets $16,437,270 $21,462,112 $37,899,382 $37,213,961 Retained Earnings 1,853,168 1,853,168 1,747,689 Fund Balance - Reserved $ 661,707 $ 573,502 $ 328,557 $ (422,495) $ 40,810 1,182,081 810,994 - Unreserved 741,047 (340,147) 330,527 5,228,759 5,960,186 5,611,705 TOTAL FUND EQUITY $1,402,754 $ 233,355 $ 659,084 $ (422,495) $ 5,269,569 $18,290,438 $21,462,112 $46,894,817 $45,384,349 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY $1,951,694 $ 442,672 $ 659,084 $ 1,675 $14,144,748 $20,691,667 $21,462,112 $ 6.637,386 $65,991,038 $64,559,923 (a) The Special Revenue Funds consist of a Revenue Sharing Fund to account for Federal Revenue Sharing and a Parks Fund to account for park expenditures. (b) The Debt Service Funds consist of a Redevelopment Bond Fund and a Park Bond Fund. (c) The Capital Projects Funds are used to account for the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Edina. °O CITY OF EDINA. COMBINED BALANCE SHEET - ENTERPRISE FUNDS December 31, 1983 Note Receivables 47,891 - 47,891 53;213 SWIMMING GOLF RECREATION GUN ART TOTAL 2,948 9,110 ASSETS WATER SEWER LIQUOR POOL COURSE CENTER RANGE CENTER 1983 1982 Cash $1,435,526 $ (351,874) $ (60,543) $ (110,752) $ (43,267) $ (727,266) $(35,371) $ (210,343) $ (103,890) $ 38,137 Investments 12,728 12,728 12,728 Receivables 184,535 402,778 1,261 1,312 594 23,838 656 614,318 588,190 Due from Other Funds 373,440 931 415,000. 16,170 25 322,720 54 1,112,170 19062,186 Due From Other Governmental 2,667 3,500 6,167 7,842 Units 537,202 439,536 3,692 540,894 678,156 Note Receivables 47,891 - 47,891 53;213 Inventory 13,422 703,597 134 250 8,124 725,527 788,747 Prepaid Expenses 2,948 9,110 12,058 14,078 Property & Equipment (Net) 6,571,844 8,392,171 860,141 99,852 1,091,384 455,996 31,839 226,744 17,729,971 18,015,262 TOTAL ASSETS $8,581,715 $8,981,208 $1,976,457 $ (9,588) $1,061,464 $ 75,422 $ 464 $ 24,525 $20,691,667 $21,250,697 LIABILITIES AND RETAINED EARNINGS Liabilities: Payables and Accruals $ 28,397 $ 302,128 $ .163,492 $ $ 2,763 $ 11,704 $ 656 $ 2,844 $ 511,984 $ 383,646 Due to Other Funds 1,018 65,796 16,170 34 555,755 474,472 297 1,113,542. 1,577,652 Deposits 2,667 3,500 6,167 7,842 Deferred Revenue 439,536 439,536 481,305 Bonds Payable 200,000 130,000 330,000 440,000 TOTAL LIABILITIES $ 29,415 $ 807,460 $ 179,662 $ 34 $ 761,185 $ 619,676 $ 953 $ 2,844 $ 2,401,229 $ 2,890,445 Retained Earnings: Designated Retained Earnings $69571,844 $8,392,171 $ 860,141 $ 99,852 $ 346,383. $ (91,704) $ 31,839 $ 226,744 $16,437,270 $16,612,563 Undesignated Retained Earningsl,980,456 (218,423) 936,654 (109,474) (46,104) (452,550) (32,328) (205,063) 1,853,168 1,747,689 Total Retained Earnings TOTAL LIABILITIES AND RETAINED EARNINGS $8,552,300 $8,173,748 $1,796,795 $ (9,622) $ 300,279 $ (544,254) $ (489) $ 21,681 $18,290,438 $18060,252 $8,581,715 $8,981,208 $1,976,45.7 $ (9,588) $1,061,464 $ 75,422 $ 464 $ 24,525 $20,691,667 $21,250,697 CITY OF EDINA COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1983 REVENUES: Taxes Intergovernmental Revenues Charges For Services Interest Transfer, Reimbursement From Other Funds Licenses & Permits Fines & Forfeitures Other Revenues TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES: General Government Public Safety Public Works Parks Enterprise Operating Expenses Capital Outlay (Construction) Debt Service Transfers to Other Funds Other TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET INCREASE - (DECREASE) SPECIAL DEBT CAPITAL SPECIAL 1983 GENERAL REVENUE SERVICE PROJECTS ASSESSMENTS ENTERPRISE TOTAL 1982 $4,001,680 $ 563,982 $ 887 $1,101,604 $ 5,668,153 $ 4,972,699 2,182,368 259,712 2,442,080 2,290,396 363,049 26,762 $5,077,572 5,467,383 5,330,214 65,134 8,649 9,599 $ 665,249 57,490 806,121 1,082,678 367,599 307,401 674,639 865,405 189,767 2,404,811 2,626,910 443,061 443,061 337,208 337,978 337,978 288,103 120,006 221,606 6,790 _ 80,938 195. 736 625,076 1,239,214 $7,880,875 $1,388,112 $ 685,125 $1,108,394 $1,611,592 $5,520,565 $18,194,663 $18,167,422 $1,083,906 $ 1,083,906 $ 1,003,928 4,146,820 4,146,820 3,513,056 2,236,979 2,236,979 2,073,000 $ 940,765 940,765 826,282 $5,121,214 5,121,214 5,164,135 298,595 $ 865,326 1,163,921 2,578,962 $ 674,639 474,852 1,149,491 1,195,445 225,000 $ 674,639 450,000 1,349,639 1,460,694 211,372 63,519 58,118 19,165 352,174 726,785 $7,679,077 $1,464,360 $ 674,639 $ 738,158 $1,398,296 $5,590,379 $17,544,909 $18,542,287 $ 201,798 $ (76,248) $ 10,486 $ 370,236 $ 213,296 $ (69,814) $ 649,754 $ (374,865) 0 uiil Ur LIJLVA STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES - ENTERPRISE FUND YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1983 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 986,144 $2,350,572 $5,705,234 $ 100,307 $ 528,781 $ 352,889 $ 26,233 $ 107,203 $10,157,363 $10,404,049 NET INCREASE- (DECREASE) $ 81,044 $ 7,716 $ (138,711) $ (21,823) $ 91,665 $ (48,166) $ (8,851) $ (32,688) $ (69,814) $ (127,025) SWIMMING GOLF RECREATION GUN ART TOTAL WATER SEWER LIQUOR POOL COURSE CENTER RANGE CENTER 1983 1982 REVENUES: Operating Revenues $ 950,264 $2,121,669 $5,488,154 $ 78,484 $ 620,446 $ 304,723 $ 17,382 $ 63,434 $ 9,644,556 $ 9,764,625 Interest 35,108 19,251 3,131 57,490 33,796 Property Contributed by Special Assess. 81,816 107,951 189,767 165,524 Other Revenues 109,417 75,238 11,081 195,736 313,079 TOTAL REVENUES $1,067,188 $2,358,288 $5,566,523 $ 78,484 $ 620,446 $ 304,723 $ 17,382 $ 74,515 $10,087,549 $10,277,024 EXPENDITURES: Operating Expenditures $ 986,144 $2,350,572 $5,254,670 $ 100,307 $ 513,815 $ 349,254 $ 26,233 $ 107,203 $ 9,688,198 $ 9,929,552 Other Expenses 564 14,966 3,635 19,165 24,497 Transfers 450,000 450,000 450,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 986,144 $2,350,572 $5,705,234 $ 100,307 $ 528,781 $ 352,889 $ 26,233 $ 107,203 $10,157,363 $10,404,049 NET INCREASE- (DECREASE) $ 81,044 $ 7,716 $ (138,711) $ (21,823) $ 91,665 $ (48,166) $ (8,851) $ (32,688) $ (69,814) $ (127,025) CITY OF EDINA SUMMARY OF DEBT SERVICE CHARGES UNTIL MATURITY As of December 31, 1983 1991 450,000 145,800 Park, Golf Course 650,000 191,100 841,100 11.94 1992 450,000 98,100 250,000 32,500 700,000 Special and Recreation 1993 450,000 49,500 250,000 16,250 700,000 Percent of Out - 765,750 Assessment Bonds Center Bonds Tax Increment Bonds Redevelopment Bonds Total Debt Service Charges Standing Principal Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Total Total at Year End 1984 $4,500,000 $438,300 $110,000 $ 13,745 $ 450,000 $ 456,975 $ 100,000 $ 111,750 $ 5,160,000 $1,020,770 $ 6,180,770 56.01% 1985 300,000 26,400 120,000 8,925 450,000 414,225 100,000 106,150 970,000 555,700 1,525,700 47.74 1986 300,000 13,200 50,000 3,500 450,000 371,475 100,000 100,400 900,000 488,575 1,388,575 40.07 1987 50,000 1,750 450,000 327,825 200,000 94,500 700,000 424,075 1,124,075 34.10 1988 450,000 283,500 200,000 82,500 650,000 366,000 1,016,000 28.56 1989 450,000 238,500 200,000 70,300 650,000 308,800 958,800 23.02 1990 450,000 192,600 200,000 57,900 650,000 250,500 900,500 17.48 1991 450,000 145,800 200,000 45,300 650,000 191,100 841,100 11.94 1992 450,000 98,100 250,000 32,500 700,000 130,600 830,600 5.97 1993 450,000 49,500 250,000 16,250 700,000 65,750 765,750 $5,100,000 $477,900 $330,000 $ 27,920 $4,500,000 $2,578,500 $1,800,000 $ 717,550 $11,730,000 $3,801,870 $15,531,870 Less Bonds Owned By City 10,000 1,215 10,000 1,215 11,215 -1 $5,100,000 $477,900 $320,000 $ 26,705 $4,500,000 $2,578,500 $1,800,000 $ 717,550 $11,720,000 $3,800,655 $15,520,655 CITY OF EDINA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FOR TEN YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1983 Street Year Of Levy Sanitary Sewer Water Mains Storm Sewers Surfacing and Sidewalks Traffic Signal Other Total Bonds Issued 1974 $ 364,345 $ 100,302 $ 161,561 $ 796,527 $ 35,538 $ 1,458,273 1975 136,447 164,871 277,141 831,262 $138,862 114,643 1,663,226 $ 3,500,000 1976 203,910 119,003 40,541 446,491 125,682 17,900 953,527 1977 90,779 1,367,890 542,868 416,540 67,208 87,385 2,572,670 2,700,000 1978 213,538 246,218 205,051 795,117 23,209 1,483,133 1,750,000 1979 210,241 41,872 513,371 1,967,338 58,340 2,791,162 1,500,000 1980 197,663 131,084 110,894 706,681 1,146,322 1,400,000 1981 81,198 75,114 192,786 1,243,989 45,600 1,638,687 M 4,200,000 1982 219,353 71,951 64,181 573,422 697,971 (A) 1,626,878 1983 32,548 182297 21,983 983,473 79,559 1,135,860 $1,750,022 $2,336,602 $2,130,377 $8,760,840 $354,961 $1,136,936 $16,469,738 $15,050,000 Note - The above costs do not include capitalized interest during construction. In most cases, all costs have been assessed to property owners in the following manner. Trunk mains 20 years; lateral mains 10 years; paved streets and curb and gutters 10 to 15 years; and storm sewers and street lighting 10 years. Note A - Includes $695,178 cost of bridge replacement. CITY OF EDINA PERCENT OF NET BONDED DEBT TO ASSESSED VALUE AND ASSESSED VALUE AND NET BONDED DEBT PER CAPITA For Five Years Ended December 31, 1983 Assessed Value Estimated Amount In Sinking Funds At Year End Population 1979 45,000 1980 45,060 1981 46,080 1982 45,817 1983 45,340 CITY OF EDINA PERCENT OF NET BONDED DEBT TO ASSESSED VALUE AND ASSESSED VALUE AND NET BONDED DEBT PER CAPITA For Five Years Ended December 31, 1983 Assessed Value Gross Bonded Debt Amount In Sinking Funds At Year End Net Bonded Debt Percent of Net Bonded Debt To Assessed Value Per Capita Assessed Value Net Bonded Debt $404,107,649 $10,725,000 $2,343,730 $ 8,381,270 2.07% $ 8,980.17 $186.25 419,497,905 10,780,000 2,682,689 8,097,311 1.93 9,309.76 179.70 482,836,012 13,785,000 3,323,336 10,461,664 2.17 10,478.21 227.03 535,508,681 12,740,000 3,139,512 9,600,488 1.79 11,687.99 209.54 599,315,340 11,730,000 2,440,053 9,289,947 1.55 13,218.25 204.90 Note - Official population per 1970 census was 44,046. Note A - The assessed valuation of taxable property for 1967 and subsequent years does not include certain classes of personal property which were made exempt from ad valorem taxes by the Tax Reform and Relief Act of 1967 (Minnesota Extra Session Laws 1967, Chapter 32). However, taxes lost by reason of exemption of these classes of property are replaced, by virtue of the same 1967 law, by payments from the Property Tax Relief Fund maintained by the State from the proceeds of the 3% sales tax enacted in 1967. CITY OF EDINA ANALYSIS OF CASH AND INVESTMENT BALANCES INCOME ON INVESTMENTS AND AVERAGE BALANCE FOR FIVE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1983 ( )Indicates red figure C A S H I N V E S T M E N T S - F A C A V A L U E Balance Balance Average Balance Sold Balance Average Income Beginning End Monthly Beginning or End Monthly On Cash of Year of Year Balance of Year Purchases Exchanged of Year Balance Basis 1979 $ 38,028 $ 4,997 $286,286 $2,827,700 $ 7,660,100 $ 8,054,200 $2,433,600 $2,524,976 $254,534 1980 4,997 414,413 160,760 2,433,600 5,490,200 4,550,000 3,373,800 1,356,506 182,087 1981 414,413 197,472 191,252 3,373,800 10,031,600 10,725,800 2,679,600 1,764,353 260,023 1982 197,472 113,261 131,416 2,679,600 7,133,400 6,236,800 3,576,200 1,419,971 174,714 1983 113,261 (206,213) 65,911 3,576,200 9,078,000 8,143,500 4,510,700 1,029,378 158,115 ,n ( )Indicates red figure CITY OF EDINA ASSESSED VALUATION, TAX RATES AND TAX LEVIES For Five Years Ending December 31, 1983 T A X L E V I E S - IN D O L L A R S Year of Special T A X RATES - I N M ILL S Year of Assessed City School County Other Total Collection Valuation City Districts County Agencies Total $1,275,259 $3,655,500 $18,755,088 $13,004,523 $1,497,106 $36,912,217 1980 1979 $404,107,649 9.046 46.411 32.181 3.704 91.342 1980 419,497,905 9.841 46.215 31.205 3.835 91.096 1981 482,836,012 9.221 41.779 29.292 4.490 84.782 1982 535,508,681 9.065 45.936 29.183 4.384 88.568 1983 599,315,340 9.049 47.437 28.451 5.106 90.043 T A X L E V I E S - IN D O L L A R S Year of Special School Other Collection Assessments City Districts County Agencies Total 1979 $1,275,259 $3,655,500 $18,755,088 $13,004,523 $1,497,106 $36,912,217 1980 1,127,933 4,128,322 19,387,131 13,090,317 1,608,939 38,214,709 1981 1,571,590 4,452,157 20,172,593 14,143,110 2,167,806 40,935,666 1982 1,547,754 4,855,622 24,598,979 15,628,480 2,345,332 47,428,413 1983 1,715,209 5,423,360 28,429,673 17,058,887 3,052,444 53,964,364 Information for above statement was furnished by Hennepin County Finance Department. 16 CITY OF EDINA TAX LEVIES AND COLLECTIONS For Five Years Ended December 31, 1983 Information for above statement was furnished by Hennepin County Finance Department. Collections of Percentage of Collection of Percentage 1979 $1,275,260 Current Year's Levy Collected Prior Years $1,314,474 of Total 1980 Total Taxes During During Fiscal Taxes During Total Collections Collection Tax Levy Fiscal Period Period Fiscal Period Collections To Tax Levy 1982 1,547,754 1,409,504 91.07 35,996 1,445,500 1979 $3,655,500 $3,604,948 98.62% $ 26,669 $3,631,617 99.35% 1980 4,128,322 4,083,521 98.91 35,791 4,119,312 99.78 1981 4,452,156 4,398,470 98.79 13,566 4,412,036 99.10 1982 4,855,622 4,785,501 98.56 43,088 4,828,589 99.44 1983 5,423,374 5,337,812 98.42 44,998 5,382,810 99.25 Information for above statement was furnished by Hennepin County Finance Department. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT LEVIES AND COLLECTIONS 1979 $1,275,260 $1,237,769 97.06% $ 76,705 $1,314,474 103.07% 1980 1,127,933 1,092,310 96.84 66,910 1,159,220 102.77 1981 1,571,590 1,452,879 92.45 25,566 1,478,445 94.07 1982 1,547,754 1,409,504 91.07 35,996 1,445,500 93.39 1983 1,715,209 1,591,398 92.78 103,960 1,695,358 98.84 Information for above statement was furnished by Hennepin County Finance Department. 00 TWENTY MAJOR INDUSTRIAL, COMMERCIAL AND APARTMENT BUILDINGS (ASSESSOR'S ESTIMATED MARKET VALUE REAL ESTATE ONLY) CITY OF EDINA As of December 31 1983 1981 1975 Southdale $66,716,700 $49,492,400 $31,081,500 Ebenezer Co -op (338 units) 24,981,900 21,630,100 Southdale Office Center, 6600 -6800 France 22,700,000 18,207,000 12,240,000 Ceder of Edina, 73rd & Gallagher 18,750,000 14,509,000 11,468,000 Durham Apartments 11,640,000 12,275,000 Southdale Medical Center 10,002,500 8,115,000 8,050,000 York Plaza, 7230 -60 York 9,900,000 10,890,000 9,588,000 National Car, 7700 France 9,637,900 8,994,000 Rembrandt- Heritage Apartment 8,905,700 8,167,000 7,260,630 Galleria Shopping Area 8,797,800 8,986,900 3,006,500 Office Building - 7201 Metro Blvd. 8,170,000 Edina Country Club 8,127,200 6,141,000 5,130,000 Interlachen Country Club 7,953,900 5,930,300 4,582,300 Yorktown Continental Apartment -7151 York 7,900,000 7,260,000 4,700,000 Edina Towers - 6400 Barrie Road 6,750,000 5,731,000 4,700,000 Office Building - 7401 Metro Blvd. 5,750,000 00 TWENTY MAJOR INDUSTRIAL, COMMERCIAL AND APARTMENT BUILDINGS CONTINUED. 1983 1981 1975 Edina Highlands Villa - 5210 Villa Way $ 5,663,500 $ 5,731,000 $ 4,700,000 Office Building - 7900 West 78th Street 5,650,000 Office Building - 7300 Metro Blvd. 5,650,000 Office Building - 7505 Metro Blvd. 5,575,000 CITY OF EDINA LARGEST EMPLOYERS B. DALTON BOOKSELLER, One Corporate Center, 7505 Metro Blvd. B. Dalton Bookseller, a subsidiary of the Dayton- Hudson Corporation, is headquartered in Edina. B. Dalton is one of the largest retail bookstore operations in the country. Its corporate headquarters employs 761 individuals. DAYTONS, 100 Southdale Center Daytons is one of the largest retailers in the upper midwest and a major tenant in the Southdale Center. A subsidiary of the Dayton- Hudson Corporation, Daytons provides a full range of merchandise to consumers through its store operations. The Southdale Daytons has 1100 full and part -time employees. TARGET STORES, 7000 York Avenue, South Target Stores is a discount retail chain owned and operated by the Dayton- Hudson Corporation. The Southdale Target features a wide variety of discounted merchandise. It employs approximately 500 people. NATIONAL CAR RENTAL, 7700 France Avenue, South National Car Rental is engaged in vehicle rental and leasing. The Company was acquired by Household International, Inc. and is one of the largest car rental companies in the world with annual revenues of $558 million. It's Edina offices employ some 1340 individuals. HARTFORD INSURANCE GROUP, 6800 France Avenue, South The Hartford Insurance Group is one of the nation's largest international insurance operations. Member companies write commercial property and casualty insurance, automobile and homeowners coverages, and a variety of life and health insurance plans. The Hartford group of companies is a subsidiary of ITT Corporation. It's Minneapolis regional office is located in Edina and employs, approximately 130 people. FAIRVIEW SOUTHDALE HOSPITAL, 6401 France Avenue, South Fairview Southdale Hospital is a part of Fairview Community Hospitals., Head- quartered in Minneapolis, Fairview Community Hospitals is a voluntary church - related, multi -unit system of health care facilities serving urban, suburban, rural, and international communities. Fairview Southdale employs between 1000 and 1200 people, depending on the patient census. FIRST BANK EDINA, 4100 West 50th Street A member of the First Bank System, First Bank Edina is a full- service banking institution with two locations in Edina. The bank had assets totaling $194,817,000 as of March 31, 1984. It's two offices -employ approximately 115 individuals. FIRST BANK SOUTHDALE, 7001 France Avenue, Souht Also a member of the First Bank System, First Bank Southdale is a full- service banking institution. As of 1983, First Southdale had assets totaling $202,559,000. It's office on France Avenue employs some 128.people. pill DONALDSONS, Southdale Center A member of Allied Stores, Donaldsons is one of three major retail stores serving Southdale Center. Donaldsons Southdale store has approximately 400 full and part -time employees. J. C. PENNEY, Southdale Center Another of Southdale Center's major tenants, J. C. Penney is a.large retailer providing merchandise and services to consumers through stores and catalog operations. J. C. Penney's Southdale store employs approximately 500 people. HENKEL CORPORATION, 7900 W. 78th Street Henkel Corporation is a leading manufacturer and marketer of specialty chemicals. It is a high technology company with an extremely diversified product line and sales in excess of $400 million. Henkel Corporation is headquartered in Edina and employs 250 individuals. 21 SWIMMING POOL FUND Income: Admissions Other Expenses: GOLF COURSE FUND INCOME PRODUCING FUNDS STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSE CITY OF EDINA For Past Six Years Ended December 31, 1983 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 39,432 $ 39,461 $ 44,401 $ 50,167 $ 55,266 $ 60,853 12,357 12,547 14,708 12,245 17,111 17,631 $ 51,789 $ 52,008 $ 59,109 $ 62,412 $ 72,377 $ 78,484 65,165 $ 327,437 62,425 $ 428,392 77,279 $ 466,375 86,483 32,300 102,473 24,147 100,307 14,966 NET INCOME - (LOSS) $ (13,376) 14,983 $ (10,417) 22,056 $ (18,170) 47,440 $ (24,071) $ 374,720 $ (30,096) $ 474,595 $ (21,823) $ 528,781 Income: Memberships and fees Other Expenses: Operating expenses Interest on debt Provision for depreciation NET INCOME RECREATION CENTER FUND (ARENA) Income: Operating revenue Expenses: Operating expenses Interest on debt Provision for depreciation NET INCOME - (LOSS) $ 316,921 $ 317,740 $ 387,632 $ 441,152 $ 473,565 $ 467,710 41,554 95,946 103,320 125,865 140,384 152,736 $ 358,475 $ 413,686 $ 490,952 $ 567,017 $ 613,949 $ 620,446 N N $ 242,253 $ 327,437 $ 380,976 $ 428,392 $ 463,658 $ 466,375 15,369 32,300 25,765 24,147 18,774 14,966 13,530 14,983 19,777 22,056 51,900 47,440 $ 271,152 $ 374,720 $ 426,518 $ 474,595 $ 534;332 $ 528,781 $ 87,323 $ 38,966 $ 64,434 $ 92,422 $ 79,617 $ 91,665 $ 194,547 $ 244,408 $ 234,979 $ 277,386 $ 291,827 $ 304,723 $ 253,487 $ 264,032 $ 337,592 $ 343,352 $ 296,855 $ 302,170 5,003 10,885 7,010 5,759 5,503 3,635 3,978 3,765 2,812 2,355 50,278 47,084 $ 262,468 $ 278,682 $ 347,414 $ 351,466 $ 352,636 $ 352,889 $ (67,921) $ (34,274) $ (112,435) $ (74,080) $ (60,809) $ (48,166) WATERWORKS FUND (A) (D) Income: Sale of water Other operating revenue Non - operating income Expenses: Operating expenses Interest on debt Provision for depreciation NET INCOME - (LOSS) SEWER RENTAL FUND (B) (D) Income: Operating revenue Other Expenses: Operating expenses Provision for depreciation LIQUOR DISPENSARY FUND (C) Income: Sale of merchandise Other Cost of sales and expenses: Cost of merchandise sold Operating expenses Provision for depreciation NET INCOME - (LOSS) STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSE CONTINUED 1978 $1,300,867 109,003 •1979 $1,744,849 115,830 1980 $2,139,195 119,993 1981 1982 $1,608,489 1983 $ 550,711 $ 521,821 $ 756,650 $ 896,823 -$ 999,975 $ 943;509 23,145 $5,780,148 22,775 $5,254,670 21,545 $ 363,039 24,437 4,743 $ 326,036 6,755 26,261 35,068 29,987 33,869 30;317 35,108 $ 600,117 $ 579,664 $ 808,182 $ 955,129 $1,035,035 $ 985,372 $ 479,595 $ 576,803 $ 584,617 $ 600,992 $ 757,707 $ 716,699 4,980 3,190 1,539 253,884 253,968 268,847 268,999 268,299 269,445 $ 738,459 $ 833,961 $ 855,003 $ 869,991 $1,026,006 $ 986,144 $ (138,342) $ (254,297) $ (46,821) $ 85,138 $ 9,029 $ (772) $1,139,177 $1,162,176 $1,388,669 $1,712,360 $2,030,276 $2,121,669 12,930 11,217 11,435 14,567 12,854 37,284 $1,152,107 $1,173,393 $1,400,104 $1,726,927 $2,043,130 $2,158,953 M CV $1,306,186 100,969 $1,300,867 109,003 $1,495,215 113,274 $1,744,849 115,830 $2,054,723 119,221 $2,139,195 119,993 $1,407,155 $1,409,870 $1,608,489 $1,860,679 $2,173,944 $2,259,188 $ (255,048) $ (236,477) $ (208,385) $ (133,752) $ (130,814) $ (100,235) $4,689,243 173,608(E) $5,209,247 81,985 $5,791,832 95,175 $6,073,532 92,208 $5,678,104 87,797 $5,488,154 77,805 $4,862,851 $5,291,232 $5,887,007 $6,165,740 $5,765,901 $5,565,959 $3,924,654 $4,433,815 $4,868,033 $5,140,879 $4,765,417 $4,566,984 402,733 451,196 524,893 589,959 622,588 638,730 36,631 43,182 45,962 49,310 51,860 48,956 $4,364,018 $4,928,193 $5,438,888 $5,780,148 $5,439,865 $5,254,670 NET INCOME $ 498,833 $ 363,039 $ 448,119 $ 385,592 $ 326,036 $ 311,289 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Note (A Edina's water rates are one of the lowest in Minnesota. All capital improvements have been made out of current operations during the past five years. Note B Metropolitan Waste Control Commission provides for disposal and treatment of the City's sewage. Note C The earnings for the Liquor stores have been transferred to other funds in the following manner: Note D Water and sewer rates were increased during 1980. Note E Includes gain on sale of liquor store site of $98,872. Note F The summary statement of income and expense was obtained from City's annual audits. ( ) Indicates red figure. General Fund Park and Recreation Current Current Capital Expense Expense Improvements 1975 $ 1,672 $243,328 $80,000 1976 34,943 285,057 80,000 N 1977 (5,335) 250,335 80,000 1978 15,052 229,948 80,000 1979 63,225 231,775 80,000 1980 90,000 230,000 80,000 1981 70,000 250,000 80,000 1982 177,500 242,500 30,000 1983 142,599 277,401 30,000 Note D Water and sewer rates were increased during 1980. Note E Includes gain on sale of liquor store site of $98,872. Note F The summary statement of income and expense was obtained from City's annual audits. ( ) Indicates red figure. CITY OF EDINA REVENUES BY SELECTED SOURCE 1974 - 1983 Year Taxes Licenses/ Permits Inter - - Govern'l Revenue Fines/ Forfeitures Charges For Services Misc. Revenue Fund Transfers Total 1974 $2,862,232 $ 151,758 $ 5,982 $ 184.;144 $ 203,273 $ 455,468 $ 629,113 $4,491,970 1975 3,109,466 144,999 153,591 185,610 271,446 109,844 559,500 4,534,456 1976 3,852,082 171,255 173,182 170,224 169,161 105,998 412,500 5,054,402 1977 4,256,600 237,724 249,056 93,288 348,499 101,114 447,026 5,733,307 1978 4,444,125 215,145 444,105 111,165 254,984 72,527 589,808 6,131,859 1979 4,641,609 262,212 443,416 158,196 308,466 105,436 665,152 6,584,487 1980 5,185,632 229,646 525,010 236,801 248,556 129,133 437,600 6,992,378 1981 5,471,193 335,482 553,810 256,447 319,381 154,059 696,700 7,787,072 1982 5,666,726 337,208 472,016 281,825 280,663 294,348 643,210 7,975,996 1983 6,510,323 443,061 466,045 337,978 399,643 263,120 662,590 9,082,760 Ln N CITY OF EDINA EXPENDITURES FOR SELECTED FUNCTIONS 1974 - 1983 General Health/ Park/ Year Government Public Works Public Safety Sanitation Recreation Totals 1974 $1,246,536 $1,106,737 $1,518,383 $ 42,826 $ 608,171 $4,522,653 1975 853,303 1,227,521 1,757,909 47,566 588,632 4,474,931 1976 869,797 1,269,476 1,912,514 53,650 887,792 4,993,229 1977 1,000,461 1,431,046 2,079,072 59,608 887,039 5,457,226 1978 977,422 1,519,376 2,320,484 147,264 1,014,626 5,979,172 1979 1,026,556 1,614,221 2,532,998 167,083 1,092,131 6,432,989 1980 977,491 1,782,689 2,831,081 173,334 1,062,612 6,827,207 N 1981 1,548,756 1,915,819 3,105,287 191,680 950,075 7,711,617 1982 1,297,616 2,082,669 3,417,451 190,296 976,282 7,964,314 1983 1,320,278 2,256,979 3,990,142 187,578 1,212,277 8,967,254 MISCELLANEOUS STATISTICAL FACTS Date of Incorporation December 17, 1888 Date of adoption of Council- Manager Plan January 1, 1955 Present form of government Council- Manager Fiscal year begins January 1 Area of City 16 square miles Percent of City developed with buildings 96% Miles of streets and sewers: Total streets 224.27 miles Streets with permanent surfacing 223.88 miles Sanitary Sewer 184.33 miles Sewer connections (August 1, 1984) 13,072 Building Permits: Summary of past five years ended December 31, 1983 Park Areas Present park acres Proposed park acres to be acquired Total improved park acres Number of playgrounds Private golf courses Public Golf Courses Municipal Water Plant Number of wells Miles of watermain Gallons of storage Number of consumers (August 1, 1984) Population 1200 50 700 34 3 2 17 196.47 6 million 12,753 1920 1,833 1930 3,138 1940 5,855 1950 9,744 1960 28,501 1965 Special census 35,302 1970 44,046 1975 (Estimated April 1)49,736 1980 (Estimated April 1)45,060 1981 (Estimated April 1)46,080 1982 (Estimated April 1)45,817 1983 (Estimated April 1)45,340 27 Declared Number Value Market Single Family 227 $31,081,723 Two Family 37 7,416,419 Apartments (Units 520) 28 34,260,209 Town Houses (Units 117) 14 7,481,144 Non-Residentail 50 74,356,632 Fire Protection: Number of Stations 1 Number of Employees (Full time) 28 Police Protection: Number of Stations 1 Number of Employees 49 Park Areas Present park acres Proposed park acres to be acquired Total improved park acres Number of playgrounds Private golf courses Public Golf Courses Municipal Water Plant Number of wells Miles of watermain Gallons of storage Number of consumers (August 1, 1984) Population 1200 50 700 34 3 2 17 196.47 6 million 12,753 1920 1,833 1930 3,138 1940 5,855 1950 9,744 1960 28,501 1965 Special census 35,302 1970 44,046 1975 (Estimated April 1)49,736 1980 (Estimated April 1)45,060 1981 (Estimated April 1)46,080 1982 (Estimated April 1)45,817 1983 (Estimated April 1)45,340 27 LIQUOR FUND BALANCE SHEET CITY OF EDINA As at June 30, 1984 ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS: Cash: Demand Deposits $ 30,554.63 Working Fund 3,800.00 $ 34,354.63 Contracts Receivable 39,786.69 Loan To Other Funds 415,000.00 Inventory: Liquor $393,877.10 Wine 323,362.56 Beer and Mix 80,667.88 797,907.54 Prepaid Expenses: Unexpired Insurance $ (190.00) Supplies 400.00 210.00 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS $1,287,258.86 r FIXED ASSETS: Land $233,784.60 Land Improvements $ 22,766.06 Buildings 729,769.27 Furniture and Fixtures 306,735.14 Leasehold Improvements 3,035.55 $1,062,306.02 Less: Allowance for Depreciation and Amortization 452,904.35 609,401.67 843,186.27 TOTAL ASSETS $29130,445.13 LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS CURRENT LIABILITIES: Trade Accounts Payable Accrued Payroll Due To Other Funds TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES SURPLUS: Invested in Fixed Assets Unappropriated TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS $ 151,238.09 7,063.37 $ 158,301.46 16.169.64 $ 174,471.10 $ 843,186.27 1,112,787.76 1,955,974.03 $2,130,445.13 LIQUOR DISPENSARY FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSE CITY OF EDINA Six Months Ending June 30, 1984 and June 30, 1983 Increase 1984 Decrease* 50th Street Yorkdale Grandview Total 50th Street Yorkdale Grandview Total SALES: 19.66% 19.78% 17.16% 16.26% 16.38% 16.50% 14.18 12.52 14.48 15.42 12.95 11.99 Liquor $ Wine 246,796.53 $ 505,424.24 $ 457,755.30 $1,209,976.07 $270,530.58 $ 536,288.05 $ 472,652.53 $1,279,471.16 $ 69,495.09* Beer 158,073.26 294,622.32 8.29% 249,258.55 701,954.13 163,628.45 305,268.84 4.5 257,026.09 725,923.38 23,969.25* Mix and Miscellaneous 116,062.95 227,474.81 202,779.08. 546,316.84 118,334.03 221,908.59 187,821.67 528,064.29 18,252.55 7,579.24 17,749.02 15 692.14 41 020.40 7,598.28 16,418.48 14,937.65 38 954.41 2,065.99 $ 528,511.98 $1,045,270:39 $ 925,485.07 $2,499,267.44 $560,091.34 $1,079,883.96 $ 932,437.94 $2,572,413.24 $ 73,145.80* Less bottle refunds 13 027.53 32 766.99 29 260.35 75 054.87 14 645.24 34 945.27 32 274.02 81 864.53 6,809.66* NET SALES $ 515,484.45 $1,012,503.40 $ 896,224.72 $2,424,212.57 $545,446.10 $1,044,938.69 $ 900,163.92 $2,490,548.71 $ 66,336.14* COST OF SALES: Inventory - January 1175,604.42 Purchases 289,642.25 237,950.02 703,196.69 209,893.84 303,342.64 256,136.67 769,373.15 66,176.46* 474,730.50 839,463.21 725,205.00 2,039,398.71 456 589.63 892,423.36 722 895.43 2,071,908.42 32,509.71* $ 650,334.92 $1,129,105.46 $ 963,155.02 $2,742,595.40 $666,483.47 $1,195,766.00 $ 979,032.10 $2,841,281.57 $ 98,686.17* Inventory 6 -30 242,659.61 312,102.81 243,145.12 797,907.54 214,641.20 320,701.60 226,311 50 761,654 30 36,253 24 $ 407,675.31 $ 817,002.65 $ 720 009.90 $1,944,687.86 $451,842.27 $ 875,064.40 $ 752 720.60 $2,079,627.27 $134,939.41* GROSS PROFIT 107,809.14 $ 195,500.75 $ 176,214.82 $ 479,524.71 $ 93,603.83 $ 169,874.29 $ 147,443.32 $ 410,921.44 $ 68,603.27 OPERATING EXPENSES: Selling^ Overhead 34,620.73 62,465.84 50,098.67 147,185.24 30,981.43 57,796.96 49,168.00 137,946.39 9,238.85 Administrative 22,006.07 38,609.52 31,451.41 49 620.55 21,142.89 74,600.37 17,800.40 30,654.56 21,284.81 69,739.77 4,860.60 TOTAL OPE RATAN G 40 968.50 129 198.57 35,321.34 46,840.28 37,457.39 119,619.01 9,579.56 EXPENSES 95,236.32 $ 143,537.80 $ 112,210.06 $ 350 984.18 $ 84 103.17 $ 135 291.80 $ 107,910.20 $ 327,305.17 $ 23 679.01 NET OPE RATIN(' PROFIT 12,572.82 $ 51,962.95 $ 64,004.76 $ 128,540.53 $ 9,500.66 $ 34,582.49 $ 39,533.12 $ 83,616.27 $ 44,924.26 OTHER INCOME: Cash Discount Cash over or under 6,910.94 29.79* 11,696.39 9,732,62 28,339.45 6,593.55 13,020.95 10,268.63 29,883.13 1,543.68* Income on investments 125,09* 41.20 113.68* 22.91* 310.05* 127.25 205.71* 92.03 Other 734.61 1,131.12 546.43 -p- 2,412.16 -p- 242.70 343.29 263.45 -0- 849.44 -0- 1 562 72 $ 7,615.16 $ 12,702.42 NET INCOM& 203,188.58 $ 64.665.37 PERCENT TO NET Sj Gross profit Operating expenses Operating profit Other income _ NETINCOME ,r 20.91% 18.47 2.44% 1.48 3.92% 1U,31y. /5 ti 30,637.93 $ 6,813.34 74,324.51 $ 159,178.46 $ 16,314.00 13,054.19 47,636.68 10,659.33 $ 30,526.86 $ 50,192.45 $ 114,143.13 $ 45,035.33 111.07 19.31% 19.66% 19.78% 17.16% 16.26% 16.38% 16.50% 14.18 12.52 14.48 15.42 12.95 11.99 13.14 5.13% 7.14% 5.30% 1.74% 3.31% 4.39% 3.36% 1.25 1.15 1.26 1.25 1.25 1.18 1,22 6.38% 8.29% 6.56% 2.99% 4.56% 5.57% 4.5 .1984 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 08 -20 -84 PAGE 15 CHECK N0. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N0. INV. 9 P.O. 0 MESSAGE I: 233381 08/14/84 84.60 STAR 8 TRIBUNE ADVERTISING 10- 4212 - 300 -30 84.60 r v 153383 - 38/09/84 - -- _ 7.50 MINNEAPOLIS COMPTROLLER PHOTO SUPPLIES 10- 4508 - 422 -42 7.5 0 a-'- - - - 233333 08/13/84 287.84 MPLS COMP TREAS SALARIES 10- 4105 - 470 -47 ` 287.84 *ff trf � _- -- -. - - -. *** -CKS ` 233385 08/15/84 240.00 MCGUIRE ROBERT INSPECTIONS 10- 4242 - 353 -30 233385 ^8/15/84 360.00 MCGUIRE ROBERT TREE TRIMMING 60- 1300 - 010 -16 ` 233385 J8/15/84 360. 10 MCGUIRE ROBERT TREE TRIMMING 60- 1300 - 011 -18 960.00 * **-CKS 233388 08/13/84 2.25- NTL ATOMIK MOTOR CREDIT 10- 4540 - 560 -56 233388 08/13/84 29.57 NTL ATOMIK MOTOR REPAIR PARTS 10 -4540- 560 -56 233388 06/13/84 80.46 NTL ATOMIK MOTOR REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 233388 08/13/84 - 10.04 - - - " -" "- NTL ATOMIK MOTOR REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540- 560 -56 i_ 233388 08/13/84 84,51 -- -- NTL_ATOMIK MOTOR CREDIT - - - - "- `----10- 4540 - 560 -56 33.31 f ** -CKS 233396 08/09/84 519.07 NORTiWEST:RN BELL CONT REPAIRS 20- 4248 - 646 -64 519.97- ►- "'�__.,...�___ -_. _ %W; . * ** -CKS 23340U 08/10/84 1,009.95 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO TIRES 6 TUBES 10- 4616 - 560 -56 r rr *tr* * ** -CKS 2534u3 X8/10/84 153.57 - N W SOUND EQUIP MAINT 27 -4274- 661 -66 153.57 • - --- -- _ _ * ** -CKS v 233412 08/09/84 61.02- NW GRAPHIC SUPPLY CREDIT 23 -1209- 000 -00 233412 08/09/84 67.94 NW GRAPHIC SUPPLY INVENTORY SUPPLIES 23 -1209- 000 -00 r., 6.92 + -233413 98/10 /84 -'- 348.48- NATfONYIO =- PAPERS PAPER - SUPPLJIES ---- - -10- 4514 - 520 -52 349.48 • *• -CKS 3416 .8/09/84 - - - --- --- - - - - -- - - 54.00 OFFICE PRODUCTS GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 420-42 I :417 08/14/84 106.00 - -- OFFSET PRINTING PRINTING 10- 4600 - 180 -18 v 1984 r OF EDINA CHECI 3ISTER 08 -20- PAGE 16 . j _ CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT V=NDO? ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N0. INV. 0 P.O. 0 MESSAGE 106. ^0 + ....f f + +• -CKS 233420 58/(19/84 27.45 OLD DUTCH FOODS CONCESSIONS 27- 4624 - 664 -66 27.45 f f f f ! ! r ** -CKS 233424 Cn/15/84 1,080.00 OLD DOMINION BRUSH BROOMS 10- 4534 - 310 -30 1 9080.00 * _. fftftf +•• -CKS 233427 08/15/84 999.36 PARTS SUP?LY CO RIP RAP 10- 4348- 560 -56 999.36 f t f • f f _.. .. .. - - _ . .. _ +•+ -CKS 233429 U8/.9/84 19252.10 PEPSI COLA BOTTLING CONC= SSIONS 27- 4624- 664 -66 233429 03/.)9/84 71.25- PEPSI COLA BOTTLING CREDIT 28- 4624- 704 -70 233429 ::8/19/84 261.00 PEPSI COLA BOTTLING INVENTORY 50- 4632- 822 -82 233429 '18/59/84 357.60 PEPSI COLA BOTTLING INVENTORY 50- 4632 - 842 -84 233429 U6/59/84 530.10 —" - "" PEPSI COLA BOTTLING INVENTORY `" " - "'" 50- 4632- 862 -86 I 2,329.45 *..' ffrrf• .. _ .... .. ... * +* -CKS 233434 58/1C/84 69.30 PRINTERS SERVICE INC EQUIP MAINT 28 -4274- 707 -70 ._ ffrr!! •** -CKS 233439 06/09/94 280. ^5 PRIOR LAKE AG BLACKTOP 10- 4524- 301 -30 233439 08/09/84 210.10 PRIOR LAKE AG GEN SUPPLIES 30- 4504- 783 -78 490.15 * - -- rfrrff •** -CKS 2 -)3441 ^?/14/84 14900 THE PRINT SHOP GEN SUPPLIES 20 -4504- 624 -62 149.90 • t • f • * + +** -CKS 233443 08/09/84 196.00 POMMER MF3 CO TENNIS SUPPLIES 20 -4586- 623 -62 153443 08/09/84 196.!'0 POMMER MFG CO TENNIS SUPPLIES 20- 4586- 623 -62 392.70 • • ++ -CKS 233449 98/15/84 42.79 P F C EQUIP REPAIR PARTS 30- 4540- 785 -78 42.79 • 233450. 08/13/84 23.9p '- - --PBE - - . --- PARTS._---- �..___..._ ._..'----- . - - -10- 4620- 560 -56 _. t. 23.90 • M %_ 1984 ClITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 08 -20 -84 PAGE 17 v CHECK N0. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. R P.O. R MESSAGE I + ++ -CKS .I 233452 08/13/84 52.14 QUICK SERV BATTERY PARTS 10- 4620- 560 -56 ` -- - - -- 52.14 * — -- - - rr * #if *** -CKS l -I 233457 08/15/84 21.19 R.L.GOULD & CO.INC. REPAIR PARTS 27- 4540- 662 -66 �,. 21.19 # -CKS 233462 08/13/84 7.50 RENTAL EQUIP & SALES GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 353 -30 233462 08/13/84 54.55 RENTAL EQUIP & SALES TOOLS 10 -4580- 353 -30 62.05 # 233463 08/09/84 - -` -'- 2;831.15 _. -__ -- -REX DIST INVENTORY 50- 4630- 822 -82 " 233463 08/09184 3,957.50 REX DIST INVENTORY 50 -4630- 842 -84 233463 08/09/84 49955.85 REX DIST INVENTORY 50 -4630- 862 -86 11 9744.50 �i ***- CKS yl 233467 08/14/84 764.40 ROYAL BEV =RAGE CO INVENTORY 50- 4630- 842 -84 233467 08/14/84 232.00•) 996.40* ROYAL BEVERAGE CO INVENTORY 50 -4630- 862 -86 233460 U8/09/84 223.6 ROYAL CROWN BEV CO INVENTORY 50- 4632- 822 -82 153460 08/09/84 299.195 911.35 *ROYAL CROWN BEV- CO INVENTORY 50 -4632- 842 -84 233460 08/09/84 387.90 ROYAL CROWN _BEV: CO INVENTORY 50- 4632 - 862 -86 i. rl I * ** -CKS 233469 08/15/84 49.80 ROAD MACHINERY REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 233469 C8/15/84 363.52 ROAD MACHINERY REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 r, 233469 _ 08/13%44 -�- '� -45.78 - ROAD _ MACHINERY ' " -- - _ - REPAIR PARTS -- `- -- 10- 4540 - 560 -56 I•, 458.40 i + 23347U 08/14/84 25.10 - DP ROCKWELL MED SERV 10- 4100 - 481 -48 25.00 + I. I - • - -- - - ---- -_-- -- - --- - --- - * *i -CKS 25349U 08/13/84 85.68 SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINT 10 -4544- 335 -30 +I 23349U Jb /09/84 226.37 SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINT 28- 4544 - 708 -70 312.35 233491 - 08/13%84 _ -! 269:5C) tYRAU -tHAN HARDWARE--- -- - -. REPAIR-PARTS--- '--30 -4540- 781 -78 - v,, I 269.50 233492 08/15/84 61600 SOUTHDALE FORD CONT REPAIRS 10- 4248- 560 -56 1S3492 08/13/84 3.92 SOUTHOALE FORD REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 253492 08/13184 6.98 SOUTHDALE FORD REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540- 560 -56 233492 08/13/84 7,71 _ SOUTHDALE FORD -` -- `REPAIR -PARTS ! "' - -- 10- 4540 - 560 -56 - -' �Lf 233492 08/13/84 23.88 SOUTHDALE FORD REPAIR PARTS 10 -4540- 560 -56 v . 1984 OF EDINA CHECI ;ISTER 08 -20- PAGE 18 L CHECK No. DATE AMOUNT - -- - - VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N0. INV. -- -• - -_ - _ ..- N P.O. N MESSAGE 658.39 • , 1- 233493 U8/09/84 3058. ^0 SOUTHSIDE DIST COINC INVENTORY 50- 4630- 822 -82 �. 233493 u8 /C9 /84 99165.65 SOUTHSIDE DIST COINC INVENTORY 50- 4630- 842 -84 233493 u8/09/84 - _ - - ^ 330.80 SOUTHSIDE DIST COINC INVENTORY 50- 4630- 862 -86 13,454.45 -- t.. j _ 233494 08/13/84 24.57 SW_ENEY BROS TRACTOR REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540- 560 -56 24.57 • ! tr►tr• 233502 09110/84 1.03 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 �- 2335;72 ;;8/10/84 32.57 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540- 560 -56 �. 33.60 f rr.rrr •ff -CKS c 2335 ,j5 Ob/15/84 44.90 SUN ADVERTISING 10 -4210- 140 -14 233505 08/^9/84 21.11 SUN ADVERTISING 10 -6210- 140 -14 f' 233505 08/09/84 26.90 _ SUN - ADVERTISING 10- 4210- 140 -14 -� 92.01 kk r►frrf r +r —CKS 233508 08/14/84 75.96 ST PAUL BOOK GEN SUPPLJIES 10- 4504- 160 -16 2335;8 08/09/84 16.28 ST PAUL BOOK GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 280 -28 233508 u8 /09/84 3.54 ST PAUL BOOK GEN SUPPLIES 10 -6504- 510 -51 95.78 rfffrr + ++ -CKS "i 233511 08/09/84 26.95 - SOUTHERN VACUUM SERV SERVICES 50- 4236 - 841 -84 233511 08/09184 28.95 SOUTHERN VACUUM SERV CONT REPAIRS 50 -4248- 861 -86 �. - -55.90 f 233512 08/15/84 66.12 S T ROBS GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 301 -30 I 66.12 c;l' i frffrr + ++ -CKS I" 233516 78/13/84 59.09 SEARS ROEBUCK -.- TOOLS T---- " - " - -- 10- 4580- 301 -30'- E±i 233516 X8/13/84 71.27 SEARS ROEBUCK TOOLS 10- 4580- 560 -56 233516 08/14/84 32.25 SEARS ROEBUCK CONT REPAIRS 28- 4248 - 708 -70 �I 162.52 .._.. - ff f rr • rff —CKS 233526 38/09/84 19645.00 TRACY OIL GASOLINE 10- 4612- 560 -56 1,645.00 f &i + ++ -CKS =; 233537 08/13/84 81,54 TRI STATE DRILLING REPAIR PARTS -10- 4540 - 560 -56 - rt;a�l 233537 08/09/84 476.74 TRI STATE DRILLING REPAIR PARTS 30 -4540- 378 -78 e- , - L1984 OITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE -- -_ AMOUNT I- � - - - --- - -._ ._ .. - -- 558.28 �I I fluff �.. �-; 233539 X78/10/84 200.]0 200.00 "+ CHECK REGISTER VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION TURF SUPPLY COMPANY FERTILIZER 08 -20 -84 PAGE 19 ACCOUNT N0. INV. 0 P.O. S MESSAGE 27 -4558- 662 -66 * ** -CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS rr# -CKS * ** -CKS CKS �+ 1 233603 08/09 /84 ' -` - 227.14 NITTEK 60L�- SUPPLY - - -'CLOTHING- REPLACE '--•` -- '27- 4574 - 663 -66 -" °' -- I'I 227.14 CKS i 233618 U8/15/84 890.38 MIDWEST BADGE GEN SUPPLIES 20 -4504- 624 -62 --_ 890.38 -: 233619 08/09/84 530.30 EGESERG CYCLE EQUIP RENTAL 27- 4226 - 660 -66 233541 08/10/84 257.40 TARGET AMMUNITION 29 -4572- 720 -72 233541 08/15/84 93.80 TARGET AMMUNITION 29 -4572- 720 -72 - -- - --351 .20 ' + f #iii# 233563 08/14/84 15.37 VANGUARD SALES LIQUOR 50- 3610 - 001 -00 233563 08/14/84 12.22 VANGUARD SALES LIQUOR 50- 3610 - 002 -00 233563 08/14184 14.73-- - -_ - -- VANGUARD - - -- - SALES LIQUOR - 50- 3610- 003 -00 ` 233563 08/14/84 30.00 VANGUARD SERVICE 50- 4200 - 820 -82 233563 08/14/84 30.00 VANGUARD SERVICES 50- 4200 - 840 -84 233563 08/14/84 30.00 VANGUARD SERVICES 50- 4200- 860 -86 132.32 f l 233579 08/10/84 153.92 WILLIAMS STEEL -HDWE TOOLS 10- 4580- 301 -30 I 233579 u8/10/84 39.04 WILLIAMS STEEL -HOWE TOOLS 10 -4580- 301 -30 192.96 �I �irrii -'' 233582 08/10/84 480. 26 GORDON SMITH CO GASOLINE 27- 4612 - 662 -66 I"I 233582 08/10/84 604.45 GORDON SMITH CO GASOLINE 27- 4612- 662 -66 19084.71 -- ;_i 23359C 08/14/84 100900 HENRY WROBLESKI POLICE SERVICE 10 -4100- 420 -42 100.00 �I•' i #rri# 233594 08/15/84 39025.00 STORE FRONT PRO SERV 10- 4224 - 504 -50 I 39025.00 r - - - -- - * ** -CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS rr# -CKS * ** -CKS CKS �+ 1 233603 08/09 /84 ' -` - 227.14 NITTEK 60L�- SUPPLY - - -'CLOTHING- REPLACE '--•` -- '27- 4574 - 663 -66 -" °' -- I'I 227.14 CKS i 233618 U8/15/84 890.38 MIDWEST BADGE GEN SUPPLIES 20 -4504- 624 -62 --_ 890.38 -: 233619 08/09/84 530.30 EGESERG CYCLE EQUIP RENTAL 27- 4226 - 660 -66 1984 Y OF EDIN4 CHEC GISTER 08 -20 PAGE 20 CHECK NO. DATE _ _ AMOUNT _ _- -- - VEND07 ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N0. INV. 9 P.O. 4 MESSAGE 233619 08/09/84 20. ^0- EGEBERG CYCLE CREDIT -27- 4226 - 660 -66 233619 08/09/84 330.30 EG =BERG CYCLE EQUIP RENTAL 27 -4226- 660 -66 840.00 + v S: 233700 08/09/94 58.00 DE DE HENSEL SKATING 28- 3485 - 000 -00 - 58.00 + 2337 =1 08 /10 /84 19119.52 KOHLER CONCESSINS 26- 4624- 684 -68 19118.52 + t• 233702 08/10/94 46.54 TWIN CITY ELEVATOR CONT REPAIRS 10 -4248- 520 -52 r 46.54 + CONFERENCE 10- 4202 - 440 -44 GEN SUPPLIES CONT SERV' 10- 4200 - 375 -30 GEN SUPPLIES -" - -- ` -10- 4504 - 318 -30 SOO B BLACK DIRT 20- 4562 - 642 -64 ROOM B BOARD 10 -4286- 220 -22 ROOM 6 BOARD _ -_ - 10 -4286- 220 -22 - ROOM 9 BOARD 10- 4286- 220 -22 + +• -CKS 233723 08/10/84 44.18 DELL FABRICS GEN SUPPLIES 20- 4504- 624 -62 08/10/84 55.00 HENN TECH CTRS - -- -44.1 8 • 55.00 • 2337.'4 08/10/84 11.85 FINANCE MANAGER POSTAGE 10- 4290 - 140 -14 1 32.00 11.85 • 2337'JI5 08/10/84 317.50 TESSMAN S =ED 8 CHEM GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 353 -30 _ 317.50 233713 08/09/84 2337C6 J8/10/84 489.56 TIERNEY BROS INC GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 510 -51 MAGNUSON SOD CO 233706 J8/14/84 144.15 TIERNET EROS INC GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 510 -51 233714 08/09/84 3,953.67 633.71 • �- ___233714 _ 08/09/84 _ 3,235.75 HENN C71Y TREASURER - - - - -- 2337u7 Ufil10/84 305.10 CONY =TORS INC LUMBER 27- 4604- 662 -66 08/09/84 301.51 _ _ _HENN COUNTY 305.10 • 2337J. 08/10/84 195.27 - -- PAUL CORN:LISON MILEAGE 20- 4208 - 600 -60 � 195.27 • Ira 233709 08/10/84 2,483.10 SA -AG INC SAND GRAVEL ROCK 10- 4522 - 314 -30 2337J9 08/10/84 443.63 _ _ _ SA- AG-INC SAND GRAVEL ROCK.. _ __ - 10 -4522- 314 -30- CONFERENCE 10- 4202 - 440 -44 GEN SUPPLIES CONT SERV' 10- 4200 - 375 -30 GEN SUPPLIES -" - -- ` -10- 4504 - 318 -30 SOO B BLACK DIRT 20- 4562 - 642 -64 ROOM B BOARD 10 -4286- 220 -22 ROOM 6 BOARD _ -_ - 10 -4286- 220 -22 - ROOM 9 BOARD 10- 4286- 220 -22 + +• -CKS 21926.73 + t 233710 08/10/84 55.00 HENN TECH CTRS 55.00 • 233711 08/09/84 132.00 EDINA FIR =MANS - - "'' 1 32.00 233712 08/09/84 175.00 ACME WINDOW CLEANING sa " 175.00 + 233713 08/09/84 113.93 MAGNUSON -SOD CO '- "I 233713 08/09/84 12.00 MAGNUSON SOD CO �.; 125. 03 16 233714 08/09/84 3,953.67 HENN CTtY TREASURER �- ___233714 _ 08/09/84 _ 3,235.75 HENN C71Y TREASURER - - - - -- 233715 08/09/84 301.51 _ _ _HENN COUNTY CONFERENCE 10- 4202 - 440 -44 GEN SUPPLIES CONT SERV' 10- 4200 - 375 -30 GEN SUPPLIES -" - -- ` -10- 4504 - 318 -30 SOO B BLACK DIRT 20- 4562 - 642 -64 ROOM B BOARD 10 -4286- 220 -22 ROOM 6 BOARD _ -_ - 10 -4286- 220 -22 - ROOM 9 BOARD 10- 4286- 220 -22 + +• -CKS . 11984 CITY OF EDIN4 CHECK REGISTER 08 -20 -84 PAGE 21 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N0. INV. # P.O. R MESSAGE (: 301.51 + I• 233116 JR /09/84 123.00 NATIONAL RIFLE SUBSCRIPTION 10- 4204 - 420 -42 123.00 + i 233717 - U8/09/84 ___ -._ 40.00 - -MN DEPT -OF PUBLIC -- ROOM -8 -BOARD -- - - 10- 4268- 420 -42 - " I 40.00 + 233118 U8/09/84 59.00 INTERSTATE OFFICE SERVICE CONTRACTS 10- 4288 - 420 -42 59.00 • 233719 Ud/09/84 75.00 - ` -CLARK BOARDMAN SUBSCRIPTIONS 10- 4204 - 420 -42 75.00 + 23372U 08/10/84 35.00 BETTY PEDDIE ART WORK SOLD 23 -3625- 000 -00 233720 08/10/84 14.00 BETTY PEDDIE ART YORK SOLD 23- 3625- 000 -00 233-12U 08/10/84 35.00- BITTY PEDDIE CORRECTION 23- 3625- 000 -00 - -- 14 0­00 ; - -- -- - - 233721 08/10/84 35.00 BARBARA LUNDGREN ART WORK SOLD 23- 3625- 000 -00 35.10 + vi �- - -- 233722 08/10/84 28.00 JEAN HAEFELE ART WORK SOLD 23- 3625- 000 -00 _- vi__ 233723 08/10/84 5.57 COLLEAGUES OF ART WORK SOLO 23 -3625- 000 -00 5.57 + .... 233124 U8/09/84 93.00 OLIVER SCHERTIGER AMBULANCE REFUND 10 -3180- 000 -00 -- - - - -- - - -- - -93.00 * 233725 08/139/84 155.00 MYRA PETERSON AMBULANCE REFUND 10- 3180 - 000 -00 155.00 �i L 133726 28/09/94 21001 MOLLIE PAJLSON ART YORK 23- 4200 - 610 -61 233727 08/09/84 460.10 FLOUR CITY CAPITAL OUTLAY 20- 4900 - 600 -60 - - 460.00 233728 Ud/09/84 30.30 VINCENT BONGAARTS UNIFORM ITEMS 10- 4266- 422 -42 _f- I -- -- -- - -- - - - - ____ -_ � �i aaaraa * + + -CKS vl,Y 233730. 08/09/84 65.00 IAAO DUES 10- 4204 - 200 -20 233731 0-3/09/84 19359.00 LAKE RESTORATION CONT SERV 10- 4200 - 358 -30 -� 19359.10 + v 233732 08/10/84 1.75 MIMI EXON ART WORK SOLO 23- 3625 - 000 -00 1.75 + - ---- '- ^-_____. -ART '•� ..I 233733 08/10/84 26.08 PAT GREER YORK SOLD 23- 3625 - 000 -00- 1984 1 OF EIINA CHECK SISTER 08 -20- PAGE 22 L- CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N0. INV. A P.O. 0 MESSAGE 26.08 + 233734 08/10/84 9.10 MR5E HEEGAARD ART WORK SOLD 23- 3625- 000 -00 9.10 * c 233735 0 ?/10/ ?4 3.85 BARBARA HERRICK ART WORK SOLD 23- 3625- 000 -00 3.85 + 233736 ;8/10/84 1.75 JINNY MOE ART WORK SOLD 23- 3625- 000 -00 t. 1.75 * 233737 08/10/84 8.23 MARGARET MCDOWFLL ART WORK SOLD 23 -3625- 000 -00 8.23 * 253/38 1 R/10/84 11. ?0 LOUIS WILLS ART WORK SOLD 23- 3625- 000 -00 • 11.20 * 233739 08/10/84 2. ?0 HELEN LABEL ART WORK SOLO 23- 3625 - 000 -00 233740 48/12/84 98.-'0 PHYLLIS HAYWA ART WORK SCLO 23- 3625- 000 -00 r• 98.70 * 233741 US/09/84 189.00 PAM'BONZELET POTTERY DEPT 23 -4200- 610 -61 S, 189.40 * 233742 JS/09/84 378.:0 MAUREEN BIOCKWAY POTTERY DEPT 23- 4200 - 610 -61 0 378.0 * 233743 O8/C9/84 118.80 R' KAY SCHLOSSER INST ART CETNER 23- 4100 - 614 -61 Vb I 118.. °: D • 233744 08/09/84 216.!10 VVJ PAPER CO PAPER SUPPLIES 50- 4514 - 822 -82 9n 233744 JS/09184 581.50 VAN PAPER CO PAPER SUPPLIES 50- 4514- 842 -84 233744 06/09184 650.00 VAN PAPER CO PAPER SUPPLIES 50 -4514- 862 -86 19447.50 4 233745 08/ ^9/84 28200 CURLE PRINTING CO PRINTING 10- 4600- 420 -42 282.70 • ** * -CKS 6i 233147 U8/C9/84 2.50 RC IDENTIFICATIONS GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 420 -42 2.50 G0 233748 08/09184 30.57 GREG VANG_N MILEAGE 28- 4208 - 706 -70 f 30.57 to 233749 08/r9/84 26.00 PYA /MONARCH CONCESSIONS 27- 4624- 664 -66 26.0 * 6 233750 08/79184 42.59 DANS REGISTER SERV PAPER SUPPLIES 27- 4514 - 663 -66 42.59 * ^ ^ 6 233751 08/09/84 20.')0 DIANA THOMPSON REFUND 20- 3500- 000 -00 e 61984 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 08 -20 -84 PAGE 23 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VEN00? ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N0. INV. q P.O. 9 MESSAGE 20.00 + 233752 '78/09/84 20 .0C NAPICY S0RENS0N REFUND 20- 3500 - 000 -00 20.00 • 23373 08/15/84 320.53 - KELLY SERVICES CONT SERV 10 -4200- 440 -44 233753 08/09/84 320.63 KELLY SERVICES SERVICES 10- 4200 - 440 -44 233753 08/15/84 302.70 KELLY SERVICES CONT SERV 10- 4200 - 490 -49 233753 J8/C9/84 302.00 KELLY SERVICES SERVICES 1C -4200- 490 -49 19245.26 • 233754 08/09/84 33.00 AMERICAN BAKERIES GEN SUPPLIES 26- 4624- 684 -68 4 33.00 + 233755 U6 /C9 /F4 15x00 TAYLOR SALES INC CONCESSIONS 26- 4624- 684 -68 233755 08/09/84 310.73 TAYLOR SALES INC CONCESSIONS 26- 4624- 684 -68 468.13 • a, 233156 .18/09184 139.28 PLYWOOD MINNESOTA CONSTRUCTION 26- 1300 - 000 -00 139.28 + 233757 78/09/84 31.95 ANCHOR POOL & PATIO GEN SUPPLIES 26 -4504- 688 -68 31.05 + .. 233758 .13/09/84 21.45 CWENS SERV CORP CONT REPAIRS 28- 4248 - 708 -70 21.45 • `. 233759 J3/09184 62.50 RETAIL DATA SYSTEM OFFICE SUPPLIES 50- 4516 - 862 -86 62.50 233750 08/09/84 121932 E -L SHARP GEN SUPPLIES 28- 4504- 708 -70 121.32 + ` 233761 06/09184 12.65 BRAEMAR QUICK PRINT PRINTING 27- 4600- 660 -66 233761 06/09/84 92. 915 BRAEMAR QUICK PRINT PRINTING 27- 4600 - 660 -66 233761 O8/C9/84 7105 - BRAEMAR QUICK PRI -AT PRINTING 27- 4600- 660 -66 176.55 + 233752 06/09/84 60.00 EDINA SWIM CLUB CONT SERV 10- 4200 - 500 -50 60.00 + 233763 U8/091P4 - 255.70 -� DAY -D:ST _ INVENTORY 50- 4630- 862 -86 L 255.00 233164 U6/09/84 108.50 ULMER METRO DIST INVENTORY 50- 4630 - 822 -82 233754 08/14/84 103.50 ULMER METRO DIST INVENTORY 50- 4630- 842 -84 217.10 + 233765 08/09/84 116.00 TRI STATE BEY INC INVENTORY 50- 4632- 822 -82 ` 233765 03/14/84 81.75 TRI STATE BEV INC INVENTORY 50- 4632- 842 -84 233765 08/09/84 536.95 TRI STATE BEV INC INVENTORY 50- 4632- 862 -86 734.70 + •rr -CKS 233767 U8/10/84 POSTMASTEI POSTAGE 10- 4290 - 120 -12 MANUAL • �A 4 I p tY+ 1984 • OF EDINA CHECK NO. UATE fflfff 233759 23377'' 253771 233772 233773 233774 233775 233775 233777 233778 233779 233779 233779 2337810 233781 233781 233782 233782 233783 233784 AHOU "1T 2,000.00 * CHECKOISTER VENDO?. ITEM DESCRIPTION 06/10/84 19470.�30 FAIR GARD =N CTR 1,470.70 * - :;8/1[/94 9,959.40 MIDWEST STUMP REMOVE 9,959.40 * �8 /1C /8i 376.20 JACKSON LANDSCAPE 376.00 * 3/10/84 125.90 MINNESOTA CLE 125.00 * X8/14184 39653.50 JOE GREUPVER 3,653.50 * .;8/14/94 318.j0 DALE OFF *CE MACHIN_vS 318.-0 * j6/14/84 20.40 RICHFIELD YARDS 29.40 * - - '8/14/84 105.50 MIDW -ST B2ICK BSPLY 105.50 * 08/14/84 165. ^0 GOPHER OIL CO 165.30 * - 98/14/84 148.50 SCHAFER EQUIP 148.50 * 08/14/84 54.54 C04NEY SAFETY PROD ud /14/84 64.54 CONNEY SAFETY PROI ub /14/84 54.54- CONNEY SAFETY PROD 64.54 73/14/84 106.33 CLIMAX IN: 106.33 08/15/84 110.,^ AUTO WHOL =SALER 08/14/14 72.45 AUTO WHOL =SALER 182.45 J8/14/84 79.95 BURGER BROS 08114/84 79.95 BURGER BROS 159.90 * 08/14/84 63.97 D-PT OF PROPERTY 63.97 * 08/14/84 15.00 �AUDRY BUCKLEY 15.00 * CONSTRUCTION CONT SERV CONSTRUCTION JUSTICE COUPSE WAGES GEN SUPPLIES GEN SUPPLIES GEN SUPPLIES PARTS GEN SUPPLIES GEN SUPPLIES GEN SUPPLIES CORRECTION PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS GEN SUPPJLIES GEN SUPPLIES POSTAGE CLASS REFUND 08 -20- PAGE 24 ACCOUNT NO. INV. 4 P.O. A MESSAGE 60 -1300- 259 -04 20- 4200 - 353 -30 26- 1300 - 000 -00 10- 4202 - 421 -42 27- 4100 - 675 -66 10- 4504- 260 -26 40 -4504- 801 -80 10- 4504 - 318 -30 10- 4620- 560 -56 10- 4504- 301 -30 10 -4504- 301 -30 10- 4504- 301 -30 10- 4504 - 301 -30 10- 4620 - 560 -56 10- 4540 - 560 -56 10- 4540 - 560 -56 10- 4504 - 301 -30 40 -4504- 801 -80 10- 4290 - 140 -14 23- 3500 - 000 -00 * * * -CKS 1198.4 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 08 -20 -84 PAGE 25 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N0. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE r I 233785 08/14/84 15.00 AGNES FINE CLASS REFUND 23- 3500- 000 -00 I' 15.00 + 133790 08/14/84 48.40 GALA %Y MACH #3151 233786 .18/14/84 20000 BARN40INE NOVAK CLASS REFUND 23- 3500- 000 -00 50.60 48.50 + MILEAGE _ 10- 4208 - 200 -20 233787 79/14/84 15.50 BRAD ASKLAND CLASS REFUND 23- 3500- 000 -00 SER CONTRACTS 10- 4288 - 510 -51 SERVICES 10- 4200 - 140 -14 REFUND PLUMB PERMIT 10- 3110- 000 -00 REFUND SUR CH - - -- 10- 3113 - 000 -00 SOD BLACK DIRT � _- ___ 233792 - __ 08/14/84 50.60 -" -JUNE tb REGAN ` _ __ MILEAGE 27- 4562- 662 -66 "-10- 4208 - 200 -20 -- - - ±=' 15.50 + 233788 08/14/84 254.00 FRIDEN ALCATEL i THE TRAVEL AGENCY CONF R SCHOOLS -- 254.00 r 233789 08/14/84 1,980.30 LABOR RELATIONS ASSO �. 1,980.30 + i t j 133790 08/14/84 48.40 GALA %Y MACH #3151 233790 08/14/84 __ - — .50 ----GALAXY MACH #3151 233795 08/14/84 50.60 48.50 + MILEAGE _ 10- 4208 - 200 -20 _ 50.60 I 233791 08/14184 675.00 CY TURF J8/14/84 350,ua IMPRINTERS 675.00 + 10 -4600- 180 -18 SER CONTRACTS 10- 4288 - 510 -51 SERVICES 10- 4200 - 140 -14 REFUND PLUMB PERMIT 10- 3110- 000 -00 REFUND SUR CH - - -- 10- 3113 - 000 -00 SOD BLACK DIRT � _- ___ 233792 - __ 08/14/84 50.60 -" -JUNE tb REGAN ` _ __ MILEAGE 27- 4562- 662 -66 "-10- 4208 - 200 -20 -- - - ±=' 50.60 • 233793 08/14/84 190.^0 THE TRAVEL AGENCY CONF R SCHOOLS 10- 4202 - 140 -14 190.00 �. I L /1f -CKS �.I ! 233795 08/14/84 50.60 LIZ HA RR TS ON MILEAGE _ 10- 4208 - 200 -20 _ 50.60 133796 J8/14/84 350,ua IMPRINTERS PRINTING 10 -4600- 180 -18 350.00 233797 08/14/84 31.68 DICK SLICK GEN SUPPLIES _ 20- 4504 - 646 -64 vl I - - 31.68 f - 233798 US/14/84 187918 MICHAEL SIITARI UNIFORM ITEMS 10- 4266- 422 -42 - -- — — 187.15_: - — _- I• I 233799 U8/14184 50.00 MIAMA DUES _. 28- 4204 - 708 -70 50.00 + 2338UO 08/15/84 1,060.18 MIRCLE REC EQUIP CO GEN SUPPLIES 20 -4504- 646 -64 233801 08/15/84 100.00 EDINA BOOSTERS DUES 20 -4204- 600 -60 100.00 :- - - -- - - -. ..I 2338u2 08/15/84 95.00 R SCAN ALARMS 27- 4304 - 662 -66 ! 233803 08/15/84 _ _ — _ 124.00 ; THELMA FAKLER AMBULANCE REFUNLO 10- 3180 - 000 -00 . 1 V, 40 i i 1984 OF EDINA CHECI ;ISTER 08 -20- SAGE 26 CHECK NO. DATE AMOU "!T VENDOl ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N0. INV. a P.O. 4 MESSAGE 1 124.00 2338.14 X6/15/84 75.10 C F A4DER30N CO GEN SUPPLJIES 10- 4504 - 482 -48 75.10 * 233905 03/15/84 27000 P M PP,INT*NG PRINTING 10- 4600 - 490 -49 270.00 * 2338.16 J8/15/84 683.90 ZIP PEN TOOLS 10- 4580 - 353 -30 233866 L3/15/84 19.00 ZIP PEN TOOLS 10 -4580- 353 -30 702.90 * Z338J7 08/15/84 124.00 MILTON 8 SWENINGSEN AMBULANCE REFUND 10- 3180- 000 -00 124.00 * 2338,;8 68/15/84 17.50 JACKS DELIVERY SERV INVENTORY 50- 4626- 862 -86 17.50 * 233809 08/15/84 420.00 ERIC ANDERSON SERVICES 10- 4120- 160 -16 420.00 * 233816 08/15/84 825.00 TYPH)ON OPERATINS CAR WASHES 10- 4296- 560 -56 825.00 * 233811 08/15/84 205.00 DOVE OLIVER TREE REMOVAL 60- 1300 - 002 -18 e33311 08/15/84 550. ^O DAVE OLIVER TREE REMOVAL 60- 1300- 002 -18 233811 08/15/84 225.00 DAVE OLIV =R TREE REMOVAL 60 -1300- 002 -18 980.70 •_'.___ 233812 . 08/15/84 77.97 'MELISSA MCINTYE _ MILEAGE 10- 4208 - 480 -48 77.97 * 233813 _'8/15/84 275.00 MEYER CONSTRUCTION CONT REPAIRS 30- 4248 - 783 -78 275.00 * 233814 J8/15/84 400.30 _ SOCKER INTERNATIONAL TRAINING OF COACHES 20- 4202 - 627 -62 409.`)0 233815 28/15/84 1,420.30 KC GROVES TREE TREE REMOVAL 60- 1300 - 002 -18 1,429.00 • 233816 68/15/84 14.b0 .. JOHN SUMM-rR REFUND 20 -3500- 000 -00 14.00 * 233817 06/15/84 108,402.56 MIDWEST ASPHALT CORP PAYMENT 60- 2040 - 000 -00 108,402.56 * 233818 08/15/84 5,099.64 'M B S ROOFING INC' PAYMENT 60- 2040 - 000 -00 5,099.64 * 233619 x:8/15/84 7,008.92 MIDWEST P,VING 8 PAYMENT 60- 2040- 000 -00 7,008.92 * 233820 08/15/84 - 197010 'XEROX CORP EQUIP RENTAL ---''10-4226-510-51 197.10 1 1984 ;ITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 08 -20 -84 PAGE 27 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOI ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N0. INV. A P.O. # MESSAGE 233821 08/15/84 10000 MN STATE TREAS NOTARY COMMISION 10 -4204- 120-12 i 10.00 t .. .._ ...... • * * -CKS i - - - - 165,039:93 - - -- = -164 $bris$ -r - - - -- -FUND -10 TOTAL------- GENERAL FUND- 25,741.27 FUND 20 TOTAL PARK FUND 19710.60 FUND 23 TOTAL ART CENTER 79548.96 FUND 26 TOTAL SWIMMING POOL FUND 209545.68 FUNO 27 TOTAL GCLF COURSE FUND 89797.94 FU40 28 TOTAL RECREATION CENTER FUND 815.63 _ - -- FUND 29 TOTAL GUN RANGE FUND 38,235.48 FUND 30 TOTAL WATERWORK FUND 4,489.26 FUND 40 TOTAL SEWER RENTAL FUND 1089687.96 FUND 50 TOTAL LIQUOR DISPENSARY FUND 125,646.48 FUND 60 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION FUND 586,284 .31- 507,259.19 Hand typed checks #'a 057668 thru 057670 057687 thru 057696-- -- Computer checks #'s 058297 thru 058558 APPROVED FOR FRYMENT. i- L CHECk REGISTER DATED PAGES THROUGH % I I, TY•MANAGER DATE ANCE DI ECT_0 ATE r J I I _ S 111' I 1" ` I r' 4 X1984 C:TY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 08 -20 -84 PAGE 1 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N0. INV. N P.O. M MESSAGE 212015 08/10/84 72.00 AT 8 T TELEPHONE 10- 4256 - 510-51 MANUAL 72.00 + +. + *.. + ++ -CKS 212415 u8/10/84 - -- 6;413:30 - H�DOENTERS - -`- " - - -�- EMP -HOSP- CONT_ ---10-41 56-m510-51 " " -" MANUAL _ 69413.30 + I^ +. + +.• . ++ -CKS 4i 213055 08/10/84 229.13 BRAEMAR G3LF CASH ACCT 27- 4120 - 663 -66 MANUAL 213055 08/10/84 -- - _- �26s3.OD-' '__'__8RAEMAR GOLF - CASH ACCT ° " -__ _ ._ _ - - -• 27- 4120 - 664 -66 MANUAL wl =i 213055 08/10/84 65.25 BRAEMAR GOLF CASH ACCT 27- 4120 - 671 -66 MANUAL 213055 US /IC/84 1.39 BRAEMAR GOLF CASH ACCT 27- 4290- 660 -66 MANUAL f- 213055 08/10/84 35.14 BRAEMAR GOLF CASH ACCT 27- 4508 - 660 -66 MANUAL 213055 08/10/84 2.99 BRAEMAR GOLF CASH ACCT 27- 4540 - 662 -66 MANUAL 601.90 i ••+.a. +++ -CKS 214700 08/10/84 127950 DEDE HENSTL SKATING 28 -3480- 000 -00 MANUAL �I ! 127.50 + + ++ -CKS 215368 08/10/84 2,269.80 MUTUAL BENEFIT EMP LONG TERM DIS 10- 4158- 510 -51 MANUAL 29269.80 +..- ..__ -- --- ----- - -- - -- i .. +.•: • ++ -CKS 215391 u8/10184 763.63 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 10- 4252 - 301 -30 MANUAL i 215391 U8/10184 12,008.91 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 10- 4252- 321 -30 MANUAL 215391 u8/10/84 89995.58 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 10- 4252 - 322 -30 MANUAL r 215391 u8/10/84 19964.23 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 10- 4252- 330 -30 MANUAL 215391 08/10/84 — 167.99 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 10 -4252- 345 -30 MANUAL 215391- u8/10/84 94062"- NORT4ERN_- STATES -- -� ELECTRIC'­­­­ -' 10- 4252 - 358 -30 '" - "- MANUAL •I 215391 u8/10/84 19910.69 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 10 -4252- 375 -30 MANUAL I 215391 UB/10/84 467.94- NORTHERN STATES CORRECTION 10 -4252- 440 -44 MANUAL rfi 215391 215391 68/10/84 U8/10/84 - ..- 467.94 467.94 - `NORTHERN STATES NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC - -" ELECTRIC 10- 4252 - 440 -44 10- 4252- 440 -44 MANUAL MANUAL -1 a_-- 215391 08/10/84 39.63 NORTHERN SATES ELECTRIC 10- 4252 - 460 -46 MANUAL �-j - -- 215391 - u8 %10/84- 1;549.96—NORTHERN- SATES- "- "EIECTRIC---- --'• 10- 4252 - 520- 52 "- " " -­-- MANUAL 215391 u8/10/84 1,196.20 NORTHERN SATES ELECTRIC 10- 4252- 540 -54 MANUAL �.1 21539.,, ?. 08/10/84 51.97 NORTHERN SATES 20 -1130- 000 -00 MANUAL •i 215391 u8/10/84 19756.33 NORTHERN SATES _ELECTRIC ELECTRIC " — — 20- 4252 - 629 -62 MANUAL 215391 U8/10/84 5,109.12 NORT.iERN SATES ELECTRIC 20 -4252- 646 -64 MANUAL �- - -- 215391 _ _08/10/84 � �08/10184� 373.07 NORTHERN SATES __ __ _ ELECTRIC 23 -4252- 611 -61 MANUAL 21 5391 2�;�83.93 NORTNERN�ATES _._- _._.._.__ ELECTRIC 26- 4252 - 689 -68 MANUAL " *I I 215391 118/10/84 1,665.30 NORTHERN SATES ELECTRIC 27- 4252 - 661 -66 MANUAL 215391 08110/84 110021 NORTHERN SATES ELECTRIC 27- 4252 - 662 -66 MANUAL 215391 U8 /10/84 - 5,468.74 ` — NORTHERN SATES ELECTRIC y _._ 28 -4252- 708 -70 MANUAL 215391 08/10/84 157.91 NORTHERN SATES ELECTRIC 29- 4252- 721 -72 MANUAL 215391 08/10/84 32,44.6.99 - ^i11ORTHEFbN-SATES--"--ELECTRIC- NORTHERN SATES ELECTRIC 30- 4252 - 781 -78 MANUAL 21 5391 08/10/84` 6.82 ' "-30 -4252- 783- 78--" -' -" - -•-"- ' MANUAL I 11 215391 08/10/84 859.04 NORTHERN SATES ELECTRIC 30 -4252- 784 -78 MANUAL 1984 - ! OF EDINA CHECK . GISTER 08 -20 -80 PAG E 2 _ -_ I CHECK NO. DATE- _ AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO* INV* - # P.O. # MESSAGE - MANUAL :i 215391 08/10/84 2.189.49 NORTHERN SATES ELECTRIC 40- 4252- 801 -8C MANUAL MANUAL r °. 215391 u8/10/84 729.23 NORTHERN SATES ELECTRIC 50- 4252 - 821 -82 MANUAL MANUAL 215391 u8/10/84 19451.53 NORTHERN SATES ELECTRIC 50- 4252 - 841 -84 MANUAL 50­4256-841-84------- 215391 18/10/84 594.07 NORTHERN SATES ELECTRIC 50- 4252 - 861 -86 MANUAL 849213.13 + a *rrra ***-C KS 220203 08/10/84 4.00 PETTY CASH MEETING EXPENSES 10- 4206 - 120 -12 MANUAL 220203 08/10/84 10.12 PETTY CASH MEETING EXPENSES 10 -4206- 200 -20 MANUAL 22U203 08/10/84 3.30 _ _ - ` PETTY CASH MEETING EXPENSES 10- 4206 - 480 -48 MANUAL j 220203 08/10/84 10.67 PETTY CASH _ MEETING EXPENSES 10- 4206 - 510 -51 MANUAL I' 2202'J3 08/10/84 32.75 PETTY CASH LICENSES 10- 4310 - 420 -42 MANUAL 220203 u8/10/84 16.50 PETTY CASH GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 420 -42 MANUAL 22U203 08/10/84 .70 PETTY CASH MEETING EXPENSES 20- 4206 - 600 -60 MANUAL 22U203 08/10/84 93955 PETTY CASH GEN SUPPLIES 20 -4504- 624 -62 MANUAL 171.59 • r* *rrr + *+ -CKS 220354 08/10/84 67.95 14 INNEGASC0 HEAT 10 -4254- 446 -44 MANUAL 220354 08/10/84 173.74 MINNEGASCO HEAT 10- 4254 - 520 -52 MANUAL _i 220354 08/10/84 - - -- 482.22 -^ -30.74 _.___AINNEdASCO MINNEGASCO HEAT 10- 4254 - 540 -54 MANUAL 220354 OS /10/84 �- - -- HEAt -- -`" -- -- - - "10 -4254- 611 -61' MANUAL I' 220354 08/10/84 56.09 MINNEGASCO HEAT 20- 4254 - 629 -62 MANUAL 220354 08/10/84 42 *77 _ _- MINNEGASCO HEAT 20- 4254 - 646 -64 MANUAL 220354 08/10/84 29.95 MINNEGASC6 HEAT -- -- 26- 4254- 689 -68 MANUAL 220354 08/10/84 26.16 MINNEGASCO HEAT 27 -4254- 661 -66 MANUAL 220354 - - - U8/10/84 - -' -"� - 3.17 MINNEGASCO ��' HEAT "• -• °'- 27- 4254 - 662 -66 MANUAL 220354 08/10/84 811.78 MI NNEGA$CO HEAT-- --"28- 4254 - 708 -70 - -" - MANUAL 220354 08/10/84 123.25 MINNEGASCO HEAT 30 -4254- 781 -78 MANUAL 220354 08/10/84 39.72 �- MINNEGASCO HEAT 40- 4254- 801 -80 MANUAL 220354 08/10/84 11.87 MINNEGASCO HEAT 50- 4254 - 821 -82 MANUAL 220354 08/10/84 9.55 MINNEGASCO HEAT 50 -4254- 841 -84 MANUAL 220354 08/10/84 18.72 MINNEGASCO HEAT 50- 4254 - 861 -86 MANUAL 19917.68: -- - *•arra _ _ .__ _ _. _�... _ ..- ,..... _. * ** -CKS ' 220729 08/10/84 41 *70 ELECTRIC MOTER REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 MANUAL ! I- -- - - - - -- -- -- -° 41.00 + as *ra* *+* -CKS 221015 08/10/84 64.08 - - -Ai B T TELEPHONE - 20 -4256- 661 -66 MANUAL ` 221015 08/10/84 44.93 AT 9 T TELEPHONE 23- 4256- 611 -61 MANUAL 109.01 *6*-CKS 221U18 08/10/84 9.12 - -r -AT 8 T -- TELEPHONE - -- __ -- 20- 4256- 628 -62 MANUAL 221019 08/10/84 93.25 AT 8 T TELEPHONE 28 -4256- 708 -70 MANUAL r °. _RU8%10/84 4 *50 AT 8 T TELEPHONE _ - 50- 4256- 821 -82 MANUAL 221018 .37 AT S T TELEPHONE" 50­4256-841-84------- MANUAL 107.24 • s 423.38 1 # # #r ## 11984 CPTY OF EDINA 's 22343u 1 ACCOUNT N0. INV. CHECK NO. DATE r f f # f f # 1 y 221746 j8/10/94 s MANUAL / # # f t ► f 221166 1 8/1-0 /84 s 423.38 1 # # #r ## 08 -20 -84 PAGE 3 ACCT 27- 4120 - 663 -66 22343u 1 ACCOUNT N0. INV. N P.O. # MESSAGE - BRAEMAR ! 223523 1 27- 4120 - 664 -66 * ** -CKS 223768 10- 4202 - 160 -16 MANUAL / # # f t ► f * *r -CKS 1 10 -4202- 140 -14 224174 224174 1.39 1 GOLF * ** -CKS ACCT 226C55 MANUAL 22655 10- 4145 - 510 -51 226055 BRAEMAR 226055 PETTY CASH 226055 27- 4624 - 664 -66 *** -CKS 10- 4149 - 510 -51 MANUAL 228396 228 396 228396 228 396 228396 228396 228396 228396 228396 228396 228396 228396 08/15/84 30.00 D0/10/84 Q6 /1Ci/84 CHECK REGISTER AMOUNT V °_N007 ITEM DESCRIPTION 250.00 GEDA 250.00 + 175.'0 NPE0A 175.00 189304.94 STATE TREASURER 189304.94 79795.-08 SOCIAL SECURITY 79795.88 * J8/10/84 34.00 OUNWOODY 34.00 + 08/10/84 95,000.00 1ST SOUTHDALE OE /10 /84 959000..'_10 =- • 1 ST SOUTHOALE .00 * SEMINAR REG CONF R SCHOOLS EMP PERA CONT EMP FICA CONT TUT ION BANK TRANSFER BANK TRANSFER - 10- 4202 - 200 -20 MANUAL 423.38 1 GOLF 08 -20 -84 PAGE 3 ACCT 27- 4120 - 663 -66 MANUAL 1 ACCOUNT N0. INV. N P.O. # MESSAGE - BRAEMAR GOLF PETTY CASH 1 27- 4120 - 664 -66 * ** -CKS 10- 4202 - 160 -16 MANUAL / GOLF * *r -CKS 1 10 -4202- 140 -14 MANUAL ')8/15/84 1.39 1 GOLF * ** -CKS ACCT 27- 4290 - 660 -66 MANUAL 1 10- 4145 - 510 -51 MANUAL BRAEMAR GOLF PETTY CASH 1 27- 4624 - 664 -66 *** -CKS 10- 4149 - 510 -51 MANUAL * ** -CKS - 10- 4202 - 200 -20 MANUAL 423.38 BRAEMAR GOLF * ** -CKS ACCT 27- 4120 - 663 -66 MANUAL 50- 1010 - 000 -00 MANUAL OY/15/84 50- 1010 - 000 -00 MANUAL - BRAEMAR GOLF PETTY CASH * + *- CKS 27- 4120 - 664 -66 MANUAL 08/15/94 423.38 BRAEMAR GOLF PETTY CASH ACCT 27- 4120 - 663 -66 MANUAL OY/15/84 171.20 - BRAEMAR GOLF PETTY CASH ACCT 27- 4120 - 664 -66 MANUAL 08/15184 330.75 BRAEMAR GOLF PETTY CASH ACCT 27- 4120 - 672 -66 MANUAL ')8/15/84 1.39 BRAEMAR GOLF PETTY CASH ACCT 27- 4290 - 660 -66 MANUAL 08/15/84 22.10 BRAEMAR GOLF PETTY CASH ACCT 27- 4624 - 664 -66 MANUAL 948.82 *** -CKS 08/15/84 30.00 NW BELL TELEPHONE 10- 4204 - 500 -50 MANUAL ;18/15/84 60.25 NW BELL TELEPHONE 10- 4226- 160 -16 MANUAL 08/15/84 39769.90 NW BELL TELEPHONE 10- 4256 - 510 -51 MANUAL 08/15/84 242.39 NW BELL TELEPHONE 20- 4256 - 622 -62 MANUAL .:9/15/84 _ 250.26 �NG BELL _ TELEPHONE 20- 4256- 628 -62 MANUAL ;18/15/84 5806 NW BELL TELEPHONE 20- 4256- 646 -64 MANUAL 08/15184 174.36 NW BELL TELEPHONE 23- 4256 - 611 -61 MANUAL u8/15/84 56.39 NN BELL TELEPHONE 26- 4256- 689 -68 MANUAL 68/15/84 379.99 NW BELL TELEPHONE 27- 4256- 661 -66 MANUAL 08/15/84 330.62 - NW BELL TELEPHONE 28 -4256- 708 -70 MANUAL 08/15/84 47.77 _ - - -- NW BELL'---- - 'TELEPHONE - 29- 4256 - 721 -72 MANUAL J8/15/84 60706 NW BELL TELEPHONE 30 -4256- 782 -78 MANUAL A. 1984 f OF EDINA 146.94 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT 228396 18,/15/84 95.11 228396 L,8/15/84 163.16 228396 0'8/15/84 177.49 228396 08/15/84 127.66 234.53 AMERICAN LINEN 69572.17.* rrrri• CHECK ..cGISTER VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION NW BELL TELEPHONE NY BELL TELEPHONE NW B =LL TELEPHONE NW BELL TELEPHONE 233004 08/09/84 146.94 AMERICAN LINEN 2330,:4 06/99/84 11.33 AMERICAN LINEN 2330,'4 u8 /C9 /P,4 170.53 AMERICAN LINEN 2330 4 U6/09/84 11.30 AMERICAN LINEN 233004 08/09/84 234.53 AMERICAN LINEN 233UJ4 06/09/84 9.50 AM °_RICAN LINEN 233004 U8/C9/84 45.06 AMERICAN LINEN 2330.;4 06/09/84 49.46 AM -RICAN LINEN 2330:.4 08/09/84 60.36 AMERICAN LINEN 233024 08/09184 738.11 * ARTISTAT INC 233005 08/09/84 34.'0 AUDIO GROJP 233UL5 J6 /99/84 34.00 AUDIO GROJP 6P.00 * 2330 7 08/09/84 22.130 APEX PEST CONTROL 22.30 * 233U.3 08/13/84 48.77 KAMAN BEARING 8 SPLY 48.77 .- -- 233UU9 u8/10184 9.10 ASTLEFORD EQUIP CO 9.10 233012 09/13/P4 24.95 AUTOMOBILE SERVICE C LAUNDRY 10- 4262- 520 -52 24.95 20- 4262- 628 -62 233013 08/13/84 6.'2 ALTERNATOR REBUILD 233U13 06/13/84 14.03 ALTERNATOR REBUILD 23301 3 06/13184 _ _ 17.80 - `ALTERNATOR REBUILD 233013 08/13/84 19.98 ALTERNATOR REBUILD 233013 Oe/13/84 35.60 ALTERNATOR REBUILD 233w1? 08/13/84 61.11 ALTERNATOR REBUILD fffrii 156.14 233024 08/09184 23.10 ARTISTAT INC 23.10 233025 18/10/84 36.00 ALFONS ANOERSSON 36.77 233'.126 :'/C9/ 94 66 ^.h6 B- ^,G °R METER TIC 08 -20 -84 PAGE 4 ACCOUNT N0. INV. A P.O. N MESSAGE 40 -4256- 801 -80 MANUAL 50- 4256 - 821 -82 MANUAL 50 -4256- 841 -84 MANUAL 50- 4256- 861 -86 MANUAL LAUNDRY 10- 4262- 440 -44 LAUNDRY 10- 4262- 482 -48 LAUNDRY 10- 4262- 520 -52 LAUNDRY 20- 4262- 628 -62 LAUNDRY 27- 4262 - 661 -66 LAUNDRY 27- 4262- 661 -66 LAUNDRY 50- 4262- 821 -82 LAUNDRY 50- 4262- 841 -84 LAUNDRY 50- 4262- 861 -86 ADVERTISING 50- 4214 - 822 -82 ADVERTISING 50- 4214 - 862 -86 GEN SUPPLIES 28- 4504- 708 -70 PARTS 10- 4620 - 560 -56 REPAIR. PARTS 10 -4540- 560 -56 CONT REPAIRS 10- 4248 - 560 -56 GEN SUPPLIES GEN SUPPLIES REPAIR PARTS PARTS PARTS GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 301 -30 10 -4504- 301 -30 10- 4540 - 560 -56 10- 4620 - 560 -56 10- 4620 - 560 -56 20 -4504- 646 -64 PRINTING 23- 4600- 610 -61 CONT SERV 27- 4200 - 661 -66 97-PAIR PARTS 39- 4540- 788 -78 *** -CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS r e w * ** -CKS "~ opo* cxrY OF cnImx cwccK ycsznrcn 08-20~84 pusc s - c*ccK NO. oxTc xnmomT vcmonn zrcw ocoomxpTzmm xCcnumT mo° zw�° w p°o° w nconxmc ^ -.'--____-- __'-----_----_____-_ ---' . _ ` 660 .66 ° . °°^~cno � ` uosu2u_ 08xo9v84 997.*0 accm uowucoxLcoo znmcmronr 27~4630~66*~*6 c3s�zo __ _ �uvnv/o4 __393 83 ~rs------'ucEn u*nL--oxLcno-------'zmwcmrnxY -------'-----50-**30~822~82 - - m~ i usouzo 08v0918* 69056.30 accn WxoLcoxLIEnn zmxcwrour 50~4630~8*2~84 aonUzu ou/nY/oo 5,083.70 acce WxmcEnxLcxu zmwcmronn 50~*630~862~86 ` 169021.15 ° � /l ' - - -------------------'--------'-__ - - -'- - - - - °°°~nno - . w~� zoouon nnmnvx^ 7-951 53.60* ALBINSONS ' ssm muppLIco 10~4504~260~26 � 233u33 L8/10/84 ALBINSONS aLos pnzmrxmw 10-4570~260~26 ^ . i33u33 08v15m* 96 .75 asnsronornocnImG zmxcmronv 50-4626~822~82 233u33 08v15v8* nucnzmm zmxcmrnxr 50~46 26~842~84 .'| �,- z�suos - - uo�vs�o* nucnIms _ _'- zmxcwrmnr 50-46 26-862- - - ^ - -, °°°-cno w~ 233u38 08/1418* 100.00 mcnaoc eurLcn pnLzcc mcnxzcc 10~4100~420~42 ' ,00°uo ° -_ w 233039 08x09/8* 503.36 envxm nocn pnoo° INC ccunw w nxTcazxLm 10~4532~301~30 w i soo.s*°_ °°°-cny w � !--- 233u41 — �ov�0�e* --------'1 ,n2r��5-------8�n�-Q-txnLoom�zmc -----oLxcnTmp--------------�V~unao~n��~so 233o41 08vo9v84 1 ,5 54.95 aunn u c«yLoom INC oLxcnrop 10~4524~301~30 233 u4 1 08/15v84 _ _ _ sva.os ounr o cxnLnnm INC eLAcwrop 10~45 24~301-30 ^ 2330*1 08/10 /84 _____ 229372.00 ouev m cwxLunm INC aLxcmrop -- 10~4524~314~30 wr 233041 03v15v8* 258.50 munn m cxnLmnm INC mLxcwTop 10~4 524~345~30 2o oan oo ° ° � r. °°°~cwn w F 2330** 08m3x84 '- rn°so ------ozL[onYcn'pono - Pcpxzm pxnTo --' ~ 1o~4s4O~o6°� s* 233o44 08/13/8* 17°94 BILL oprcn r000 ncpAzn PARTS 10~45*0~5656 w 91~*5 ° ��----------------------------------'-----------------'------ | 'i °°°~cms w }'� usnu*r 08v09/u4 ----'- 301°52---'--anbww pnnrn ' - p*oTo ouppLIcu - ~ 10~oo0V 42o~43 - 233c47 08/10/84 301.5e apomm p*nro pworn ooppLzco 10~4508-422~42 m _ _ZJ3U*7____ nmv1svm4 so,°»a~ BROWN-PHOTO comxccTzom 10~4508~422~42 Vv-s m esnuoo 08v15v9* 66.37 -- anzonn«m msmmcuv INC ocm ouppLzco 10~4504~520~52 233u48 ()8/09/84 ' e,a.aa------eRIooMAm ocmmsnv INC scm nuppLscs--` -'- 10~4504~520~52 �w | 282°*3 ° N LJ °°°°°° -�---' ------------'------------ °°°~cmo 08/10/84 30o88 BROWNING FERRIS REFUSE COLLECTION 10-4250-446-44 m° _ ` � \ .� 1984 OF EDINA CMECN I S T E R 08 -20- PAGE 6 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VEND07 ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. N P.O. 9 MESSAGE 233C53 08/1U/84 30.88 BROWNING FERRIS REFUSE COLLECTION 10- 4250 - 446 -44 233J53 08/16/84 30.88- 8ROW4ING FERRIS CORRECTION 10- 4250 - 446 -44 233U53 C8 /10/84 61.76 BROWNING FERRIS REFUSE COLLECTION 10- 4250 - 520 -52 233J53 09/10/84 185.28 BROWNING FERRIS REFUSE COLLECTION 10- 4250 - 540 -54 233u53 08/10/84 52.77 BROWNING FERRIS REFUSE COLLECTION 20- 4250 - 628 -62 233U53 08/10/84 79.28 BROWNING FERRIS REFUSE COLLECTION 20 -4250- 646 -64 233U53 8/10/84 28.95 BROWNING FERRIS REFUSE COLLECTION 20 -4250- 646 -64 2331.53 L-8/10/84 11.58 BROWNING FERRIS REFUSE COLLECTION 23- 4250 - 610 -66 2331:53 "3/10/84 59.40 BROWNING FERRIS REFUSE COLLECTION 26- 4250 - 689 -68 233U53 98.43 FROWNING FERRIS REFUSE COLLECTION 27- 4250- 661 -66 233u53 U8 /1C /8A 30.88 BROWNING FERRIS REFUSE COLLECTION 27- 4250 - 662 -66 2331:53 08/10/84 57.90 BROWNING FERRIS REFUSE COLLECTION 28- 4250- 708 -70 233U53 08/10/84 202.55 BROWNING FERRIS REFUSE COLLECTION 50 -4250- 841 -84 233053 08/10/84 245.11 BROWNING FERRIS REFUSE COLLECTION 50- 4250 - 861 -86 19144.97 * 233L'54 06/13/84 29.60 BATTERY WAREHOUSE REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 233054 09/13/84 66.96 BATTERr WAREHOUSE PARTS 10- 4620- 560 -56 233054 08/13/84 53.30 BATTERY WAREHOUSE PARTS 10 -4620- 560 -56 150.36 * *.frf r *** -CK5 233956 08/15/84 61.00 'B H K R INC INSURANCE 10- 4260- 446 -44 233055 = 8/15/84 57500 B H K S R INC INSURANCE 10- 4260 - 520 -52 233056 09/15184 127.00 8 H K B R INC INSURANCE 10- 4260 - 540 -54 233::56 LE/15/84 25.''0 8 H K 81 R INC INSURANCE 10- 4260- 560 -56 233056 -a /15/84 56.00 B H K & R INC INSURANCE 20- 4260- 646 -64 233056 8/15/84 56.00 R H K 8 R INC INSURANCE 23- 4260- 611 -61 233L'56 US/15/84 19962.70 _ 8 H K S R INC INSURANCE 26- 4260 - 689 -68 233;156 58/15/84 70.00 B H K S R INC INSURANCE 26 -4260- 689 -68 233U56 .:8/15/84 266.70 B H K S R INC INSURANCE 27- 4260- 662 -66 233J56 'F/15/84 7 31 .3 0 B H K S R INC INSURANCE 28- 4260- 708 -70 233056 8/15/84 12.00 B H K S R INC INSURANCE 29- 4260- 721 -72 233U56 8/15/84 362.20 B H K S R INC INSURANCE 40- 4260- 801 -80 233056 .'8/15/84 _ 237.90 B H K &-R INC INSURANCE 50- 1250 - 000 -00 4,540.00 + ffrff• * ** -CKS 233058 08/14/84 10D. ^0 WAYNE BENNETT POLICE SERVICE 10- 4100 - 420 -42 - .r• *•• *** -CKS 233C6'') 08/09/84 42.90 AMBASSADOR SAUSAGE CONCESSIONS 26- 4624 - 684 -68 233060 Jb /C9/84 68.15 AMBASSADOR SAUSAGE CONCESSIONS 26- 4624- 684 -68 •fr.fr *** -CKS 233062 2_4/13/84 29.90 BROCK WHITE GEN SUPLIES 40 -4504- 801 -80 29.90 * *•r *r• rrr -CKS ,1984 CPTY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 08 -20 -84 PAGE 7 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N0. INV. R P.O. # MESSAGE 233065 08/14/84 19.80 CULLIGAN CONT SERV 10 -4200- 482 -48 19.80 **rr *• * ** -CKS ` 233073 08/14/84 47.30 CITY BEER INVENTORY 50 -4630- 822 -82 233073 08/14/84 114.30 CITY BEER INVENTORY 51- 4630- 842 -84 213073 06/14/84 167.60 CITY BEER INVENTORY 50- 4630- 862 -86 "„ 32().20 + 233U74 08/10/84 - - - 266.(!0-"' ' -- CITY OF BLOOMINGTON KENNEL SERV 10- 4278 - 470 -47 233U74 08/10/84 100000 CITY OF BLOOMINGTON KENNEL SERV 10 -4278- 470 -47 366.00 " 233075 L8/15/84 16.60 CLANCY DRUG INC GEN SUPP 10 -4504- 140 -14 233075 08/15/84 5.20 CLANCY DRUG IPIC GEN SUPP 10 -4504- 200 -20 233075 08/15/84 - - -- 2.45 . - - - - -- CLANCY DRUG INC GEN SUPP 10 -4504- 421 -42 rl.. 233075 08/15/84 9.75 CLANCY DRUG INC GEN SUPP 10 -4504- 482 -48 233075 08/15/84 3.54 CLANCY DRUG INC SUPPLIES 10 -4508- 421 -42 23 30 75 08/15/84 17.93 CLANCY DRUG INC GEN SUPP 20- 4504- 646 -64 r, 233075 08/15/84 32.29 CLANCY DRUG INC SUPPLIES 20- 4590- 627 -62 87.76 *** -CKS I 233078 08/10/84 401.70 COCA COLA BOTTLING CGNCESSIONS 27- 4624- 664 -66 233078 U8/09/84 246.75 COCA COLA BOTTLING GEN SUPPLIES 29- 4504 - 720 -72 _ 233078 08/14/84 763.20 COCA COLA BOTTLING INVENTORY 50- 4632- 822 -82 i 233078 08/14/84 - - - - -' 1 x330.25 -,_ COCA -COLA BOTTLING -- - -- _ INVENTORY -- 233U78 08/14/84 1068.55 COCA COLA BOTTLING INVENTORY 50- 4632- 862 -86 3.810.45 i 233079 u8/15/84 72.00 CATCO REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 ` 72.00 + 233080 :18/09/84 39382.15 CONT -MINN CONCESSIONS 27- 4624- 664 -66 3x382.15 * rl 233081 08/13/84 50.85 CONT SAFETY EQUIP SAFETY EQUIP 10- 4642- 301 -30 „ 50.85 * �! I• rr *rrr r** -CKS 233u9U 08/13/84 29.96 CERT POYER TRAIN REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 v 28.96 is� - - -- - --- --- --- - -- - --•-_ - -_ __ �..-- . _ ... -.__ ___ - ...-- -- -- ---- - -- - -- - -. _- _._- __ - __...._ - -- ..- - - --- - -- - - CKS 233094 08/15/84 39.58 CASH REGISTER SALES GEN SUPPLIES 27- 4504- 660 -66 I' 133094 08/09/84 _ 4.19 CASH REGISTER SALES PAPER SUPPLIES - 27- 4514 - 661 -66 ov 43.77 I- G- - -- - - -_. ,^_.- - - - - -- -- --- -- - - -- - - - - - -- - - _._.. - - - - *** -CKS w ; 233106 G8/14/84 100.00 -- DAHL -_MR HILDING POLICE SERVICE 10- 4100 - 420 -42 1984 Y OF EDIN.� CHECK NO. DATE L 2331 43 08/13/44 u8 /1C /84 U8/10/84 O8/C9/84 U0/C9/84 O8/C9/84 AMOUNT 100.00 + 21 .0 0 21 .90 + z1.9n 16.70 37.00 + 145.55 679.;0 19 -1�0 843.55 + CHECK REGISTER VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION DALCO CORPORATION DALE GREEN COMPANY D:LE GREEN COMPANY DAVIDSEN OTST INC DAVIOSEN JIST INC DAVIOSEN ITST INC REPAIR PARTS SOD BLACK DIRT GEN SUPPLIES INVENTORY INVENTORY INVENTORY 08 -20 -84 PAGE 8 ACCOUNT N0. INV. R P.O. # MESSAGE 20- 4540 - 646 -64 10- 4562- 353 -30 20- 4504 - 642 -64 50- 4630- 822 -82 50- 4630- 842 -84 50- 4630- 862 -86 08/13/84 13 31 L7 DELEGARD TOOL CO GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 560 -56 23 31 ; 8 233109 14.24 i f t t r i 23311U GEN SUPPLIES 233110 233110 ` ••f irr 23311 4 233114 i rf i f f 233125 233125 - 233125 233125 *** -CKS 2331 25 0,1/13184 233125 MERIT SUPPLY GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 560 -56 233126 233126 4w MERIT SUPPLY PAPER SUPPLIES 2331 34 00/15/84 ffr *** MERIT SUPPLY 2331 36 10- 4620- 560 -56 J8/O9/84 559.15 2331 39 i [331 39 '8/14/84 98.90 2331 43 08/13/44 u8 /1C /84 U8/10/84 O8/C9/84 U0/C9/84 O8/C9/84 AMOUNT 100.00 + 21 .0 0 21 .90 + z1.9n 16.70 37.00 + 145.55 679.;0 19 -1�0 843.55 + CHECK REGISTER VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION DALCO CORPORATION DALE GREEN COMPANY D:LE GREEN COMPANY DAVIDSEN OTST INC DAVIOSEN JIST INC DAVIOSEN ITST INC REPAIR PARTS SOD BLACK DIRT GEN SUPPLIES INVENTORY INVENTORY INVENTORY 08 -20 -84 PAGE 8 ACCOUNT N0. INV. R P.O. # MESSAGE 20- 4540 - 646 -64 10- 4562- 353 -30 20- 4504 - 642 -64 50- 4630- 822 -82 50- 4630- 842 -84 50- 4630- 862 -86 08/13/84 16.29 DELEGARD TOOL CO GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 560 -56 08/13/84 14.24 DELEGARD "OOL CO GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 560 -56 30.53 • - - - *** -CKS 0,1/13184 78.00 MERIT SUPPLY GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 560 -56 09/13/84 69.50 MERIT SUPPLY PAPER SUPPLIES 10- 4512 - 540 -54 00/15/84 437.25 MERIT SUPPLY PARTS 10- 4620- 560 -56 J8/O9/84 559.15 MERIT SUP :LY CHEMICALS 26- 4564- 689 -68 '8/14/84 98.90 MERIT SUPPLY CLEANING SUPPLIES 28- 4512 - 708 -70 08/13/84 39 -J0 -' -- MERIT SUP ?LY REPAIR PARTS 30 -4540- 787 -78 1,280.90 * v )8/15/8,4 509.25 DAVIS EUGENE WAGES 60 -4100- 985 -90 .:8/15/84 36.11 DAVIS EUGENE MILEAGE 60- 4208 - 985 -90 545.36 • * ** -CKS r 06/09/84 36.75 CITYWIDE SERVICES CONT REPAIRS 50- 4248 - 841 -84 36.75 _ .. . -. * ** -CKS r 06/15/84 427.35 EARL F ANDERSEN SIGNS B POSTS 10- 4542- 328 -30 427.35 • r - - _ -.. ... - - - - -- - -- *** -CKS J0/09/84 359.37 EDINA ELECTRIC CO CONT REPAIRS 20- 4248 - 646 -64 08/,39/84 415.24 EDINA ELECTRIC CO CONT REPAIRS 20- 4248 - 646 -64 774.61 + • ** -CKS 03/C9/84 16.56 EMRICH FAKING CO C9NCESSIONS 28- 4624 - 704 -70 %W 1984 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 08 -20 -84 PAGE 9 v CHECK N0. DATE AMOUNT VZNDOR_ -- _ ^- - ITEM DESCRIPTION - - -- ACCOUNT NO* INV* 0 P.O. N MESSAGE * +* -CKS %vi 233154 08/09/84- - - - 456.75 JOE ELIAS SALARY 27- 4200 - 663 -66 ------- 456.75 + ---_ - - --- - -- rr � .' ffrrrr _ *** -CKS 233157 08/1C/84 9.30 50TH FRANCE BUS ASSN MEETING EXPENSES 50- 4206- 820 -82 9.30 I' frrrf f * +* -CKS 233175 08/10/84 88.62 FRITZ CO CONCESSIONS 27- 4624- 661 -66 233175 08/10/84 83.62- FRITZ GO CORRECTION 27- 4624- 661 -66 233175 - 08/1.2/84 - -- - --- 89.62 - -- FRITZ GO CONCESSIONS 27- 4624 - 664 -66 88.62._* �----- �..__ -- --_ - - -•- - V rfffrr _ .. * ** -CKS • 233191 08/14/84 42.09 GOLF PROP =RTIES INC REPAIR PARTS 27 -4540- 671 -66 _ 233191 08/14/84 '- 14.49 GOLF PROPERTIES INC REPAIR PARTS 27- 4540- 671 -66 v 233191 -v 08/15%84 -''- 12.58 -- GOLF PROPERTIES INC - - REPAIR PARTS -` -`-- 27- 4540 - 671.66 -" Izr� 69.16 V _ - * ** -CKS _233194 08/15/84 _ 19.00 GENERAL COMMUNICATNS EQUIP RENAL 10- 4226- 301 -30 '_I 233194 08/10/84 - - - -- 100.00 GcNEtAL COMMUNICATNS - RADIO -SERV -- - "- ` "- -10- 4294 - 420.42 233194 28/10/84 266.25 GENERAL COMMUNICATNS RADIO SERV 10- 4294 - 560 -56 315.25 +_.. Id rLI 233195 08/10/84 67.97 GOLF CAR MIDWEST REPAIR PARTS 27 -4540- 662 -66 �- - 233195 U8/10/84 -- - -- 54.50 GOLF CAR MIDWEST REPAIR PARTS 27- 4540 - 671 -66 i _-_122.47 *' - - - - - - -- . __- , - - -- - -- - - -- - — - - - -- rrfrfr V * +* -CKS Irl 2332::6 D8/79/84 449.69 G & K SERVICES LAUNDRY 10- 4262- 301 -30 233206 " -" 08/09/84 - '---- 35.20 G & K SERVICES INVENTORY 10- 4262 - 540 -54 %d 2332J6 08/C9/84'- 7.00.61 G --'K- SERVICES - " -' - - -- LAURNDY —' -` -' ` 10- 4262- 560 -56 ` r 233206 08/09/84 35.20- G & K SERVICES CORRECTION 10- 4626 - 540 -54 2332:.'6 78/09/84 35.20_ G & K SERVICES LAUNDRY 10- 4626- 540 -54 2332u6 t;8/C9/84 202.20 -.__ G 8 K SERVICES LAUNDRY 20- 4262 - 646 -64 r 2332J6 08/09/84 11800 G & K SERVICES LAUNDRY 30 -4262- 783 -78 f_.f - 233206 - -- 08/09/84 -_ -..� __. -� 86.60 G & K SERVICES LAUNDRY 40- 4262- 801 -80 v -- - .. to 233207 233207 08/09/84 08/14/84 1 :148 *25 29851.05 ­­­GRIGGS _ GRIGGS BE---R _ GRIGGS =R INVENTORY - 50 -4630- 822.82 V BE INVENTORY 50- 4630- 842 -84 twill 233207 08/09/84 2,472.00 GRIGGS BEER INVENTORY 50 -4630- 862 -86 6,471.30 *r * * ** * ** -CKS : to d 1984 r OF EDINA CHEC. uISTER 08 -20 PAGE 10 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOZ ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N0. INV. A P.O. p MESSAGE 233209 08/13/±+4 7.40 GENUINE PARTS 2332::9 08/13/84 11.57 GENUINE PARTS 233209 08/13/84 40.56 GENUINE PARTS 233209 u8/13/84 20.54 GENUINE PARTS 2332'1'9 U8/13/a4 - - -- 54.28 - GENUINE PARTS 2332J9 08/13/84 10.34 GENUINE PARTS 2332J9 08/13/84 8.38 GENUINE PARTS 2332J9 08/13/84 5.50 GENUINE PARTS COMPANY - WELDING SUPPLIES 158.57 + ` 233214 REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS PARTS PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 10- 4540 - 560 -56 10- 4540 - 560 -56 10- 4540 - 560 -56 _ - -10 -4540- 560 -56 10- 4540- 560 -56 10 -4620- 560 -56 10- 4620 - 560 -56 233230 08/09/84 19.90 HOFF WILLIAMSON OFFICE SUPPLIES 10 -4516- 140 -14 19.90 • ` 233238 08/15/84 24.0 YM H RCCOY� - -- GEN SUPPLIES -- '1D -4504- 301 -30 _ '- ��- 233238 08/13/84 30.00 YM H MCCOY GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 301 -30 * ** -CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS 233213 08/10/84 240.00 LEROY H LIBBY CONT SERV 30- 4200 - 781 -78 240.10 233214 08/10/84 _ 60.60 - H.R._TOLL COMPANY GARDEN SUPPJLIES 10- 4610 - 560 -56 233214 08/19/84 28.15 H.R. TOLL COMPANY - WELDING SUPPLIES _ 10- 4610- 560 -56 - ` 233214 C8/10/84 7.03 H.R. TOLL COMPANY WELDING SUPPLIES 10- 4610- 560 -56 j -' 233214 OR /1C /84 8.93 H.R. TOLL COMPANY GEN SUPPLIES 30- 4504 - 785 -78 _ 104.71 • i ` d33218 08/15/84 19351.75 HALL4AN LUBRICANTS 10- 4618- 560 -56 233218 08/14/84 39000 _ _ HALLMAN - LUBRICANTS 10- 4618- 560 -56 633218 08/1D/84 335.50 HALLMAN _ LUBRICANTS - 27- 4618- 662 -66 29077.75 • I 23322L 08/13/84 44970 _ HAR.NED - LJMBER - CO GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 301 -30 44.70 * 233228 08/10/84 19940 HILLSTROM AUTO SUP Y� GEN SUPPLIES 110 -4504- 301 -30 - _ 233228 08/10/84 19.40 _ HILLSTROM AUTO SUP Y REPAIR PARTS 10 -4504- 301 -30 I 233228 08/10/84 19.40- HILLSTROM AUTO SUP - Y CORRECTION 10- 4504 - 301 -30 433228 U8/10/84 8.14 HILLSTROM AUTO SUP Y REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 520 -52 23322Q _ U8/10/84 534.00 -- HILLSTROM AUTO SUP Y__REPAIR_ PARTS 10- 4540- 560 -56 233228 08/10/84 388.72 HILLSTROM AUTO SUP Y PARTS '- ' -' - -- 10- 4620 - 560 -56 - " -' - ` 253228 8 /09/84 95.62 HILLSTROM AUTO SUP Y REPAIR PARTS 27- 4540 - 662 -66 233223 0 08/10/84 11.78 HILLSTROM -- AUTO SUP Y REPAIR PARTS 40 -4504- 801 -80 ` 19057.66 233230 08/09/84 19.90 HOFF WILLIAMSON OFFICE SUPPLIES 10 -4516- 140 -14 19.90 • ` 233238 08/15/84 24.0 YM H RCCOY� - -- GEN SUPPLIES -- '1D -4504- 301 -30 _ '- ��- 233238 08/13/84 30.00 YM H MCCOY GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 301 -30 * ** -CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS ,1984 CITY OF EDINA CHECK N0. DATE -_- v;el 233245 08/09/84 CHECK REGISTER 08 -20 -84 PAGE 11 AMOUNT i -- _ -_ VENDOR _ - - - ITEM DESCRIPTION- ACCOUNT -NO* INV. K P.O. # MESSAGE 54.00 * ** -CKS 475.00 ROBERT 8 HILL SALT 28- 4538- 708 -70 - -- 475 .00- �___.___- __- _- __._______. _ - -. -- - -- • - -__ -- - v *** -CKS * ** -CKS -- *** -CKS \ 233249 08/14/84 100.00 WILLIAM HOFFMAN POLICE SERVICE 10- 4100 - 420 -42 100.00 233267 08/14/84 375.42 IBM CORPORATION EQUIP RENTAL 10- 4226 - 510 -51 I 375.42 r 233278 08/09/84 33.11 JERRYS FOODS GEN SUPPLIES 26 -4504- 684 -68 2332/8 08/15/84 3.41 JERRYS FOODS GEN SUPPLIES 27 -4504- 661 -66 233278 08/09184 4921 JERRYS FOODS CONCESSIONS 27- 4624- 664 -66 40.73 233279 08/10184 60.92 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 325 -30 233279 08/10/84 44.41 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 328 -30 233279 08/10/84 5.38 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE GEN SUPPLIES - 10- 4504 - 335 -30 r 233279 08/10/84 29.94 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 375 -30 __233279 _ _U8/10/84 11.13 JERRYS OUR -OUR OWN HOWE GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 390 -30 133279 67- JERRYS OWN NDWE GEN SUPPLIES - "` - -` -10 -4504- 420 -42 vl--� 233279 U8/10/84 26.86. JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 421 -42 233279 08/10/84 266.19 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 440-44 !_ 233279 08/10/84 58.93 - - -_JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 470 -47 233279 08/10/84 2.79 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 480 -48 (18/10/84 _- 3.44 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 560-56 233279 08/10/84 -`- _____7:60 JERRY'S- -OUR OWN HOWE GEN SUPPLIES - - -- -- 10- 4504- 688 -68 233279 68/10/84 7.60 - JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE CORRECTION 10 -4504- 688 -68 233279 08/10/84 v 7.79 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 540 -54 233279 08/10/84 15.78 --` JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE PAINT 10- 4544 - 301 -30 rl 233279 08/10/84 15.78 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE PAINT 10- 4544 - 390 -30 233279 08/10/84 15.78 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE CORRECTION 10 -4544- 390 -30 i• I 233279 08/10/84• 31.56 -- JERRYS - OUR_ -OWN HOWE p_.- " CORRECTION '----- " - "10- 4544- 390 -30 " " 233279 08/10/81 10.78 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE WEED SPRAY 10 -4566- 642 -64 233279 08/10/84 1.80 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE CONST 20 -2220- 000 -00 233279 U8/10/84 6.72 _...-- .•JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE GEN SUPPLIES 20- 4504 - 624 -62 r, 233279 u8/10/84 359.52 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE GEN SUPPLIES 20 -4504- 646 -64 233279 08/10/84 JERRYS OWN HOWE REPAIR PARTS 20 -4540- 646 -64 233279 08/10/84_ - _55.65 81.35 - _OUR JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE -- GEN SUPPLIES`-`---"' 20- 4544 - 646 -64 `,i_� 133279 08/10/84 7.60 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE GEN SUPPLIES 26 -4504- 688 -68 233279 08/10/84 9.20 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE OFFICE SUPPLIES 27- 4516 - 661 -66 233279 08/10/84 10.00 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE PARTS - 27- 4620- 661 -66 %w 233279 08/10/84 10099 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE PARTS 27- 4620 - 662 -66 233279 08/10/84 - -" 20.08 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE GEN SUPPLIES 28- 4504 - 708 -70 233279 08/10%84 -- 5.48 - JERRYS -- OUR -OWN HDWE -- - GEN SUPPLIES- ° --" " -' - -30 -45O4- 783 -78 -' rrl'I- 233279 08/10/84 32.15 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE REPAIR PARTS 30 -4540- 783 -78 v *** -CKS * ** -CKS -- *** -CKS \ 1984 / OF EDINA CHECK` CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR 233279 08 /1G /84 40.49 JERRYS OUR OWN HI 19206.04 • f r r f f r 233283 ,8/09 84 EGISTER 08 -20 -84 PAGE 12 ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO- INV- N P-O- N MESSAGE ' WE GEN SUPPLIES 40- 4504- 801 -80 CHEMICALS 26 -4564- 689 -68 GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 318 -30 CONCESSIONS 27- 4624 - 664 -66 CONCESSIONS 27- 4624- 664 -66 CONCESSIONS 27 -4624- 664 -66 GEN SUPPLIES _ 20 -4504- 621 -62 GEN SUPPLIES - 20 -4504- 624 -62 INVENTORY 50- 4630- 822 -82 INVENTORY 50- 4630- 842 -84 GEN SUPPLIES GEN SUPPLIES GEN SUPPLIES CREDIT LUMBER LUMBER LUMBER LUMBER LUMBER ROAD OIL _ INVENTORY INVENTORY INVENTORY 10- 4504 - 318 -30 10 -4504- 390 -30 10- 4504- 420 -42 10 -4504- 420 -42 20- 4604- 646 -64 20- 4604- 646 -64 20- 4604- 646 -64 20- 4604 - 646 -64 20- 4604 - 646 -64 10 -4526- 314 -30 27- 4630 - 664 -66 50 -4630- 822 -82 50- 4630- 842 -84 * + *- CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS / 409.50 JONES CHEMICALS INC J 409.50 + J ff +k.f 233286 08/13/84 15.26 JUSTUS LUMBER Ii 15.26 * to r f r r f f * * *- CKS 133290 133290 U8/C9184 U8/09/84 184 *25 TOP QUALITY FOODS 133290 08/15/P4 147.25 1. 95.95 TOP QUALITY FOODS TOP QUALITY FOODS 427.45 + rr *ffr 1333UJ 23331,1: U8/09/84 08/09/84 19321.35 �- KOKESH ATHLETIC - lKOKESH 63. ^0 ATHLETIC 19384.35 • fr ►fff - _. 23332 23332 06/09/84 __ _ Od/09/84 _ __ 29816 *95 __ KUETHER DIST CO 59455 *20 KUETHER DIST CO 89272.15 • 2333J4 233304 08/13/84 08/13/84 - 39.06 - -_ KNOX LUMBER CO -` 233304 08/13184 15.41 101980 KNOX LUMB= P. CO 233364 03/13/84 4.50- KNOX LUMBER CO 13334 08/10/84 24.29 KNOX LUMB --- R CO "133304 08/10/84 167.79 KNOX LUMBER CO KNOX 2333U4 OE/10/84 19.34 LUMBER CO KNOX LUMB CO 133304 23331,4 08/10/84 78/10/84 19.00 - '--KNOX __R LUMBER CO 72.96 KNOX LUMBER CO 455.15 + rfr+ ►r "233307 08/10/84 - 69239.51 - '_' KOCH ASPHALT 69239.51 • frf rr• 233311 233311 08/09/84 08/09/84 180.00 _ '__'EASTSIDE EAST3IDE BEVERAGE 233311 08/09/84 39329.66 69226 BEVERAGE *65 EASTSIDE BEVERAGE CHEMICALS 26 -4564- 689 -68 GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 318 -30 CONCESSIONS 27- 4624 - 664 -66 CONCESSIONS 27- 4624- 664 -66 CONCESSIONS 27 -4624- 664 -66 GEN SUPPLIES _ 20 -4504- 621 -62 GEN SUPPLIES - 20 -4504- 624 -62 INVENTORY 50- 4630- 822 -82 INVENTORY 50- 4630- 842 -84 GEN SUPPLIES GEN SUPPLIES GEN SUPPLIES CREDIT LUMBER LUMBER LUMBER LUMBER LUMBER ROAD OIL _ INVENTORY INVENTORY INVENTORY 10- 4504 - 318 -30 10 -4504- 390 -30 10- 4504- 420 -42 10 -4504- 420 -42 20- 4604- 646 -64 20- 4604- 646 -64 20- 4604- 646 -64 20- 4604 - 646 -64 20- 4604 - 646 -64 10 -4526- 314 -30 27- 4630 - 664 -66 50 -4630- 822 -82 50- 4630- 842 -84 * + *- CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS •J * ** -CKS J J * ** -CKS J Ii + ** -CKS to * * *- CKS J 1984 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 08 -20 -84 PAGE 13 CHECK N0. DATE __AMOUNT — VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N0. INV. # P.O. 11 MESSAGE 233311 08/09184 69562.09 EASTSIDE BEY ERAGE INVENTORY 50- 4630 - 862 -86 169298.40 + ..+... ... -CKS 133317 0$/10/84 - — .- 300.94 -- 1AYSON-PRODUCTS -- - -" GEN "SUPPLIES " - - "' - - -10- 4504- 322 -30 -' 233317 03/10/84 545961 LAWSON PRODUCTS GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 340 -30 846.55 133318 U8/19/84 83.8D LEEF BROS INC LAUNDRY 10- 4262- 440 -44 133318 08/09184 16.00 -`- LEEF BROS INC LAUNDRY 27- 4262 - 662 -66 233318 U8/09/84 - - - 17.50- '-- .___ -" -CHEF BROS INC LAUNDRY - -' " - 28 -4262- 708 -70 117.30 + 133319 U8/09/84 420.00- LEITNER COMPANY CORRECTION 10- 4562 - 662 -66 133319 08/09/84 423.00 LEITNER COMPANY SOD 8 BLACK DIRT 10- 4562- 662 -66 233319 08/09/84 420.30 LEITNER COMPANY SOD 8 BLACK DIRT 27 -4562- 662 -66 • : * + +• art -CKS 233314 08/15/84 655.32 LOGIS BILLING 10- 4228- 160 -16 - 233324 - 08/15/84 QZ4 go LOGIS CORRECTION 10 -4228- 160 -16 253324 08/15/84`- ' ''T- - 957.49 - LOGIS---`- -' -" - " - BILLING - - -` "- -- -" 10 -4228- 160 -16 235314 08/15/84 1,407.58 LOGIS BILLING 10 -4230- 160 -16 233324 08/15/84 1,681.74 LOGIS BILLING 10 -4230- 160 -16 Z33324 03/15/84 1,757.91 ` "` "'`LOGIS "..__ BILLING - - 10- 4233 - 200 -20 235324 08/15184 1,889.52 LOGIS BILLING 10- 4233 - 200 -20 233324 - 08/15/84 - 982.65 LOGIS BILLING 10 -4233- 420-42 253324 08/15/84 —1 _._____- .._.__ BILLING '- "----- - - -10- 4233 - 420 -42 -- ' " -" ` I't 233324 08/15/84 941951 LOGIS BILLING 30- 4232 - 780 -78 253324 08/15/84 592.31 _ LOGIS BILLING 30 -4232- 780 -78 ZS33Z4 08/15/84 592.31 — _ LOGIS___ BILLING - - 40- 4232- 800 -80 233324 08/15184 941.51 LOGIS BILLING 40 -4232- 800 -80 - - 253524 08/15/84 - - - -' -_. 240.91 LOGIS BILLING 50- 4233 - 820 -82 233324 08/15/84 -- "220:71- _ -COGIS __ - -- -- - BILLING- - - - - -_ _ " - -' -- 50- 4233 - 820 -82 233324 08/15/84 240.91 LOGIS BILLING 50- 4233 - 840-84 233324 03/15/84 220.72 LOGIS BILLING 50 -4233- 840 -84 253324 08/15/84 240.91 - LOGIS _ -- BILLING 50- 4233 - 860 -86 235314 08/15/84 220.71 LOGIS BILLING 50- 4233 - 860 -86 - + + + + ++ + ++-CKS 253337 08/13/84 11.21 LAKE STATE EQUIP REPAIR PARTS - 10 -4540- 560 -56 233.337 08/13/84 159.75 LAKE STATZ EQUIP REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 t_ - 1 71 .02 + ----- -- ----- -- -- _ -._ _ __ . +.► + ++ +•+ -CKS °1 233356 08/10/84 3.12 - - MINNESOTA BLUEPRINT GEN SUPPLIES - 10 -4504- 260 -26 253356 98/10/84 30400 MINNESOTA BLUEPRINT BLUE PRINTING 10 -4570- 260 -26 307.42 . ++ -CKS i �i V, tia 'v Ay L �I a 1984 OF EDINA CHECK oISTER 08 -20 -, PAGE 14 CHECK NO. CATE AMOUNT V =NDOT ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N0. INV* R P.O. A MESSAGE .7 233358 08/14/84 3.00 3M ALARM SERVICE ALARM SERVICE 23- 4304- 610 -61 r CS335P u8 /10 /84 193.94 3M ALARM SERVICE ALARM SERVICE 50- 4304 - 841 -84 196.94 * -� 233359 08 /10/84 12.91 MINN TORO !NC REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540- 560 -56 233359 03/10/84 3.!!9 MINN TORO INC REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 233359 08/10/84 22.94 MINN TORO INC REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 233359 06/10/84 16.49 MINN TORO INC REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 233359 jb /1D /84 18.96 MINN TORO INC REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 = 233359 08/15/84 251.75 MINN TORO INC REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 233359 08/10/84 44.49 MINN TORO INC REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 233359 0b/15/84 19043.71 MINN TORO INC REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 233359 U8 /10184 9. ^1 MINN TORO INC REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540- 560 -56 233359 08/10/84 37.94 MINN TORO INC REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 233359 08/15/84 500.16 MINN TORO INC REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 233359 08/1U/84 42.00 MINN TORO INC REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540- 560 -56 233359 08/15/84 _ 164.96 MINN TORO INC CONT REPAIRS 20- 4248 - 642 -64 253359 08/10/84 56.08 MINN TORO INC REPAIR PARTS 27 -4540- 662 -66 253359 U3 /1D /84 165.69 MINN TORO INC REPAIR PARTS 27- 4540 - 662 -66 233359 C8/15/84 6.?0 MINN TORO INC REPAIR PARTS 27 -4540- 662 -66 233359 08/10/84 11.39 MINN TORO INC REPAIR PARTS 27 -4540- 662 -66 233359 08/15/84 39.73 TORO INC REPAIR PARTS 27 -4540- 662 -66 _ 29449.70 * TMINN -- - 233360 08/10/84 26..70 MINNESOTA WANNER CONT REPAIRS 20- 4248 - 646 -64 26.00 * ** -CKS :*3:*3*6*2 L8/1C/84 279.25 MODEL STOVE COMPANY CONCRETE 30 -4528- 783 -78 279.25 r +rrr. * ** -CKS 233365 08/14184 100.00 BERT MERF =LO POLICE SERVICE 10- 4100- 420 -42 100.70 233366 08/14/84 741.95 MINNESOTA BAR INVENTORY 50- 4632- 822 -82 133366 8/14/84 654.70 MINNESOTA BAR INVENTORY 50- 4632- 842 -84 233366 J8/14/84 542.84 MINNESOTA BAR INVENTORY 50- 4632- 862 -86 19939.49 * _ Q rr+ +rr * ** -CKS [333!8 t, 6/14/84 5,942.30 MARK V11 SALES INC INVENTORY 50- 4630- 822 -82 233378 68/09184 7,387.00 MARK V11 SALES INC INVENTORY 50- 4630- 842 -84 233378 Cb/09/84 59813.35 _ MARK V11 SALES INC INVENTORY 50- 4630 - 862 -86 199142.65 * 233379 08/09/84 35.40 METRO FONr- COMM EQUIP RENTAL 10- 4226- 301 -30 35.40 * 253380 08/14/84 _ 2,993.70 -- •'THCMSEN NY BECK SERVICES 10- 4100 - 220 -22 29993.70 * C •1-198'04CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07 -31 -84 PAGE 1 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. N P.O. A MESSAGE -- - - - 171138 08/07/84 166.50 -• ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL i {l1 l� f� 171138 Jd/07/84 . . 8,325.14 ED PHILLIPS ._ -.. .. _ . 50 -4626- 822 -82 MANUAL 89158.64 rj rrr *rr +rr -CKS r•� °I 192067 08/07/84 8.10 CAPITAL CITY DISTRI 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL -' 192067 08/07/84 344.88 - - CAPITAL CITY DISTRT 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL - 352.98 - I•� _ _ __.__ rrrrr• . --- -.__..- -- --• -- _- rrr -CKS `i 192135 08/07/84 6.95- EAGLE MINE 50 -3710- 862 -86 MANUAL 192135 06/07/84 347.28 _ - EAGLE WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL C" � 340.33 * - "- •` __. _ __ ✓i I1. ., II .rrr., rrr- CKS r' 192138 08/07184 9.00- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 192138 U8/07/84 1.84 ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL jI 192138 08/07/84 8.93- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL ri.i _•, 192138 08/07/84 18.00- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL =j 192138 -`•" 08/07/84 9000- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 1921 38-_ 08707784 - -50- 3710- 862 -86 --- -- --- -- MANUAL 192138 08/07/84 66.10- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL r 192138 08/07184 11.39- - - ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL r ^; 19213F 08/07184 _ 2.92 -" '-"-_ ED-'PHILLIPS-' "_. ". �.-- - .. _ _._. -�_ _._ __- 50 -3710- 862 -86 MANUAL r 192138 192138 08/07/84 450.00 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626- 822 -82 MANUAL �- - - 08/07/84 -- 446.55 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 192138 08/07784- 900:QQ- "Ep` PHI LCTPS" 0 -4626- 842 -84' -- --- _____ _ MANUAL 192138 08/07/84 450.00 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL 192138 08/07/84 - 3,304.90 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL V 192138 08/07/84 92.00- ED PHILLIPS - ---- 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL r` 192138 08/0?/84 569.50 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL �! 192138 ^ U8/07/84 -- 146.04 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 192138 178/07/84 -� 326: - 6- -EO-PHILLIPS - —"--- - 50 -4628- 862 -86" -" MANUAL r I 6,371.03 + .....r rrr -CKS r 192190 08/07/84 3.96- GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50 - 3710- 842 -84 MANUAL - x-192190 -013/07 84 83:29- GRI'GG-S-COOPER- AND - -C- -50- 3710- 862- 86- - - ---- - MANUAL 192190 08/07/84 17.53- GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL :. 192190 u8/07/84 197.93 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 4626- 842 -84 MANUAL i 192190 08/07/84 876.25 GRIGGS COOPER AND C - - ' - - "'' -" -` 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL r I^ .1 j 192190 08/07/84 49164953 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 4626 - 862 -86 MANUAL 59133.93 rrr -CKS :::71** 08 /07/84 - 61.81- - INTERCONTINENTAL PK __...' --'- - 50- 3710- 842 -84 MANUAL ril 192271 U8/07/84 3.14- INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL _192211 -T 08/07/84 109.49- INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 192271 u8/07%84 -3:32- "ZNTERC_ONTINENTAL PK 50- 3710862- 86--- -- MANUAL r, ^i 192271 08/07/84 15930 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 4626- 842 -84 MANUAL C 50- 3710 - 862 -86 50- 3710 - 862 -86 50- 3710 - 862 -86 50 -4628- 862 -86 50- 4628- 862 -86 50- 4628- 862 -86 -- - - — - _-..50 -4628- 862 -86 -- 50- 4628 - 862 -86 50 -4628- 862 -86 �I, 1984 OF EDINA MANUAL 07 -31 -. .'AGE 2 AMOUNT VENDOR CHECK NO. DATE N P.O. N MESSAGE 39090.65 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 192271 U8/C7/84 �•� 192271 U8/,7/84 50- 4626- 862 -86 192271 J8/07/84 INTEICONT ?NENTAL 192271 Ub /07/84 MANUAL 192271 08/07/14 - 192271- - 08/07184 - 2 *70 192271 U8/07/84 50- 3710 - 862 -86 50- 3710 - 862 -86 50- 3710 - 862 -86 50 -4628- 862 -86 50- 4628- 862 -86 50- 4628- 862 -86 -- - - — - _-..50 -4628- 862 -86 -- 50- 4628 - 862 -86 50 -4628- 862 -86 �I, CHECK ISTER MANUAL 07 -31 -. .'AGE 2 AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO* INV* N P.O. N MESSAGE 39090.65 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 4626- 842 -84 MANUAL 19.20 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL 59474.72 INTEICONT ?NENTAL PK 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL 1.20 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 2 *70 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL - - - - - -- '166.40 - TNTERCONTINENTAL PK — --- - - -~ - - -50- 4628 - 862 -86 - MANUAL 157.49 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 89749.90 * - -- JOHNSON" WINE -- - - -- -- 89.75 192285 50- 3710 - 862 -86 50- 3710 - 862 -86 50- 3710 - 862 -86 50 -4628- 862 -86 50- 4628- 862 -86 50- 4628- 862 -86 -- - - — - _-..50 -4628- 862 -86 -- 50- 4628 - 862 -86 50 -4628- 862 -86 �I, fif rfi 50 -4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 50 -4628- 862 -86 -� irfrff 1922F5 08/07/84 - - - - -" " -- 23.43 - - -'" — JOHNSON WINE 38/07/84 192285 08/07/84 5.11- JOHNSON WINE 10.00- 192285 08/C7/84 3.93- JOHNSON WINE -" - QUALITY WINE 192285 ob/07184 3.30 JOHNSON WINE ` 192285 J8/r7/84 12.60 JOHNSON WINE 192451 192285 78/07/84 255.75 JOHNSON WINE U8/07/84 192285 78/07/84 - - -- - .._ -.1 X086.77- - - - - -- JOHNSON" WINE -- - - -- -- 89.75 192285 08/07/84 1050 JOHNSON WINE QUALITY WINE 192285 08/07/84 196.84 JOHNSON WINE I 19524.29 ffitr i i 192540 08/07/84 4.68- - -TWIN CITY WINE 192540 08/07/84 ` 192433 08/07/84 155.52 PAUSTIS B SONS �J 192433 08/07/84 2.80 PAUSTIS S SONS y��' 158.32 50- 3710 - 862 -86 50- 3710 - 862 -86 50- 3710 - 862 -86 50 -4628- 862 -86 50- 4628- 862 -86 50- 4628- 862 -86 -- - - — - _-..50 -4628- 862 -86 -- 50- 4628 - 862 -86 50 -4628- 862 -86 �I, MANUAL 50 -4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 50 -4628- 862 -86 -� irfrff * ** -CKS 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL yi 192451 38/07/84 107.60- QUALITY WINE 192451 08/07/84 10.00- QUALITY WINE I.I 192451 08/07/84 1.80- - - - -" - QUALITY WINE 192451 08/07/ ?4 .20 QUALITY WINE j 192451 08/C7/84 48.16- QUALITY WINE 192451 - 08/07/84 - -- -. - - -- " 10007- - QUALITY -VINE -" - - ---- - - - - - -- 9y. 192451 U8/07/84 29408.01 QUALITY WINE 192451 08/07/84 89.75 QUALITY WINE 192451 08/07/84 .00 QUALITY WINE 192451 08/07/84 .00 QUALITY WINE 29320.33 • i 192540 08/07/84 4.68- - -TWIN CITY WINE 192540 08/07/84 3 *30 TWIN CITY WINE 192540 08/07/84 234.10 TWIN CITY WINE - - - -.._ - 232.72 * -- -- - -- - - - - -- y��' ffrfrf 199067 08/07/84 2.25 CAPITAL CITY DISTRI 199067 U8/07/84 74.95 CAPITAL CITY OISTRI 77.20 - "* --- -- - -- ------- - -- - -- frrr*f r V, 40 50 -4628- 822 -82 50- 4628- 822 -82 50- 3700 - 842 -84 50 -3700- 862 -86 50- 3710 - 822 -82 50- 3710 - 842 -84 50- 3710 - 862 -86 - - 50- 4626- 842 -84 50- 4626- 862 -86 50- 4628- 822 -82 50- 4628- 842 -84 50- 4628- 862 -86 * ** -CKS MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL * **- CKS MANUAL MANUAL * ** -CKS MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL * **- CKS 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 50 -4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 50 -4628- 862 -86 MANUAL * ** -CKS 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL * ** -CKS 199135 L8/07/84 7.77- 1 - 199135 08/07/84 -- -- :31 -- ..; 199135 08/07/84 33.14- 199135 08/07/84 19.06 - v! 199135 J8/C7/84 15.35 - �� 199135 08/C7/84 388.63 199135 u8/07/84 19657.22 199135 08/07/84 - - - -- 952.77 - 29923.61 + 199138 -" 08/C7/84 63.51 - I 199138 08/07/84 - -____16_ 43;;- 199138 08/07/84 26.74- 199138 08/07/84 9.36 - 199138 08/07/84 1.20 �.� 199138 08/07/84 12.66- 1_ 199138 U8/C7/84 13.32 - 1991 38 - 08/07/84 - - - -- - '- ;07 �,..I 199138 08/07/84 67.10 199138 08/07184 21.73 199138 08/07/84 112.93 - 199138 08/07/84 23.74 - 199138 U8/07/84 13.81- 1 -- 199138 08/07/84- -T ` "2.74= 199138 08/07/84 3,175.45 199138 ud/07/84 3,354.75 199139 08/07/84 5,646.34 199138 08/07184 467.82 199138 U8/07/84 821.25 ! �- ^199138 ' -- 08/07/84`- -' -1;337.10 - 199138 08/07/84 666.20 199138 08/07184 19086.50 i 199138 08/07/86 -- - 3.64- - �� 199138 08/07/84 633.00 �1_ 199138 T - 08/07/84 60.00 199139 08/07184 87.20 199138 08/07/84 690.55 ^; 199138 Ud/07/84 137.00 `� ^ =I 199138 07/30/84 60.52 " 189934.84 + 199190 08/07/84 1.92 - 07 -31 -84 PAGE ACCOUNT N0. INV. A P.O. N MESSAGE 50- 4626- 822 -82 50- 4626- 842 -84 50- 4626- 862 -86 50- 4632- 842 -84 50-4632- 862 -86_'- MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL `- -`- - MANUAL 3 * +* -CKS EAGLE WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL EAGLE -WINE - -- --50-3710-822-82 - - MANUAL EAGLE WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL EAGLE WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL EAGLE WINE 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL EAGLE PINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL EAGLE WINE 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL -EAGLE--W 50 -4628- 862 -86 - - MANUAL 1 *.* -CKS ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 50 -3710- 822 -82 MANUAL ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL ED PHILLIPS 50 -3710- 822 -82 MANUAL -ED PHILLIPS `' " -` ` 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710- 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 3710- 842 -84 - -' MANUAL ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710- 842 -84 MANUAL -ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710- 842 -84 MANUAL ED PHILLIPS - - 50- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL MANUAL ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626- 822 -82 MANUAL ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626- 842 -84 MANUAL ED PHILLIPS _ - - - - 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL - E6'PHILLIPS- "--- __' -' --- - --"50- 4628- 822 -82 -- MANUAL ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL ED PHILLIPS­ "` -' °- - --- --- 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 'ED- PHILLIPS '- -50 -4628- 862- 86 - -.-__ MANUAL ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL ED PHILLIPS _ 50 -4628- 862 -86 MANUAL ED PHILLIPS INVENTORY-----' - - -- - ---50-4630-822-82 MANUAL + *+ -CKS GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 3700- 822 -82 MANUAL =1984 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOI ITEM DESCRIPTION ! 199129 08/07/84 29926.65 BELLBOY 199129 u8/07/84 19653.00 BELLBOY 199129 08/07/84 49307.65 BELLBOY 199129 07/30/84 41.25 BELL BOY INVENTORY 199129 - - - -- 67/30/84 -- INVENTORY-- --`" -- '� 99011.05 i 199135 L8/07/84 7.77- 1 - 199135 08/07/84 -- -- :31 -- ..; 199135 08/07/84 33.14- 199135 08/07/84 19.06 - v! 199135 J8/C7/84 15.35 - �� 199135 08/C7/84 388.63 199135 u8/07/84 19657.22 199135 08/07/84 - - - -- 952.77 - 29923.61 + 199138 -" 08/C7/84 63.51 - I 199138 08/07/84 - -____16_ 43;;- 199138 08/07/84 26.74- 199138 08/07/84 9.36 - 199138 08/07/84 1.20 �.� 199138 08/07/84 12.66- 1_ 199138 U8/C7/84 13.32 - 1991 38 - 08/07/84 - - - -- - '- ;07 �,..I 199138 08/07/84 67.10 199138 08/07184 21.73 199138 08/07/84 112.93 - 199138 08/07/84 23.74 - 199138 U8/07/84 13.81- 1 -- 199138 08/07/84- -T ` "2.74= 199138 08/07/84 3,175.45 199138 ud/07/84 3,354.75 199139 08/07/84 5,646.34 199138 08/07184 467.82 199138 U8/07/84 821.25 ! �- ^199138 ' -- 08/07/84`- -' -1;337.10 - 199138 08/07/84 666.20 199138 08/07184 19086.50 i 199138 08/07/86 -- - 3.64- - �� 199138 08/07/84 633.00 �1_ 199138 T - 08/07/84 60.00 199139 08/07184 87.20 199138 08/07/84 690.55 ^; 199138 Ud/07/84 137.00 `� ^ =I 199138 07/30/84 60.52 " 189934.84 + 199190 08/07/84 1.92 - 07 -31 -84 PAGE ACCOUNT N0. 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OF EDINA INTERCONTINENTAL PK CHECK ISTER 08/07/84 07 -31 -, JAGE 4 INTERCONTINENTAL PK CHECK N09 DATE AMOUNT VENDOR INTERCONTINENTAL ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. 4 P.O. 9 MESSAGE 1:8/07/84 xl 199190 19919n 08/07/84 08/07/84 94.33- 6.34- GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 199271 08/13 7/84 -" -_ —" 143.50= - -- INTERCONTINENTAL PK - - -- -� GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 3710- 822 -82 MANUAL 199271 199190 08/07/84 84.32- GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL `•; 199190 08/07/84 18.26- GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL INTERCONTINENTAL - -._- 199190 .:8/07/84 .37 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 3710- 842 -84 MANUAL .60 INTERCONTINENTAL 199190 - -- 08/07/84 ------- 89.27: — ^---GRIGGS 08/07/84 - COOPER AND -C - ---- 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL ` 7.80 ` 199190 08/07/84 000 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 4626- 822 -82 MANUAL 199271 ,18/07/84 199190 08/07/84 4.716.65 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 4626 - 822 -82 MANUAL 199190 08/07/84 317.7 GRIGGS CODPER AND C 50- 4626- 822 -82 MANUAL ` 199190 ud/07184 4.216.07 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 4626- 842 -84 MANUAL 199190 L8/C7/84 913.02 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 4626- 842 -84 MANUAL 199190 08/07184 _ __ - -- 18.40 -'" -' GRIGGS - COOPER AND C - 50- 4626 - 842 -84 MANUAL 199190 Uo /07/84 4.463.28 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50 -4626- 862 -86 MANUAL 149313.72 + •ff ift 199271 07/30/84 -`- - -- -- 11 .01 -- - INTER -PKG - — DISCOUNT 199271 199271 08/07/84 929?7- INTERCONTINENTAL PK ;= 199271 08/07/84 1.31- INTERCONTINENTAL PK 199271 199271 J8/07/84 73.63 - INTERCONTINENTAL PK `..i 199271 1:8/07/84 17.94- INTERCONTINENTAL PK 199271 u8/07/84 10070- INTERCONTINENTAL PK 199271 08/13 7/84 -" -_ —" 143.50= - -- INTERCONTINENTAL PK - - -- -� _ 199271 08/07/84 19.35 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 199271 08/07/84 49613.51 INTERCONTINENTAL PK f- 199271 08/07/84 16.80 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 199271 08/07/p4 39691.92 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 199271 08/07/84 28.50 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 199271 L8/07/24 "- -' — "`- 79175.33' ---INTERCONTINENTAL JOHNSON PK - -- - " -� 199271 U8/07/84 .60 INTERCONTINENTAL PK rl 199271 08/07/84 65.95 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 199271 u8/07/84 7.80 ` "-- "INTERCONTINENTAL PK ��- 199271 08/07/84 997.09 INTERCONTINENTAL PK F 199271 ,18/07/84 535.26 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 199271 08/07/84 7.20 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 199271 07/30/84 519.80 INTER RKG INVENTORY 199271 u7/30/84 539.79 INTER PKG INVENTORY - 199271 07/3U/84 55000 INTE3 -PKG - INVENTORY JOHNSON WINE 189309.34 + 199285 -- 50 -3710- 003 -00 - 50- 3710 - 822 -82 50- 3710 - 822 -82 50- 3710 - 842 -84 50- 3710 - 842 -84 50- 3710- 862 -86 50- 3710 - 862 -86 - 50 -4626- 822 -82 50- 4626- 822 -82 50- 4626- 842 -84 50- 4626- 842 -84 50- 4626- 862 -86 -"- -'- -� 50- 4626- 862 -86 - - 50- 4628- 822 -82 50- 4628- 822 -82 50- 4628- 842 -84 50- 4628- 842 -84 50- 4628- 862 -86 - "' - - -` 50- 4628- 862 -86 50- 4630- 822 -82 50- 4630- 842 -84 50- 4630- 862 -86 50- 3710 - 822 -82 _ 50- 3710 - 822 -82 50- 3710 - 822 -82 50- 3710 - 822 -82 - -"'- ---- 50- 3710 - 822 -82 50- 3710 - 842 -84 50- 3710 - 842 -84 50- 3710 - 842 -84 50- 3710 - 842 -84 50- 3710 - 862 -86 -- " —' 50- 3710- 862 -86 50- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL * + *- CKS MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL • 1 t �- fff +if 1V9285 08/07/84 2964- JOHNSON WINE 199285 J8/07/84 9.77- JOHNSON WINE 199285 U8/07/84 2.81- JOHNSON WINE 199285 J8/C7/84 7.00- JOHNSON WINE - 1992?5 08/07/84-_—'---'--­ 1.36 — JOHNSON WINE '--- ' - - " "_ - - --- - - - -- - --- 199285 08/07/84 14.77- JOHNSON WINE �I 1V9285 08/07/84 1.06- JOHNSON WINE 199285 1;8/07/84 - 3.05- JOHNSON WINE 199285 08/07/84 1.24- JOHNSON WINE 1V9285 U8/07/84 -08/07/84 2.93- JOHNSON WINE 199285 - - - -- 20.56 - "- JOHNSON WINE- -_ - " -- - -- --' - rl 1Y9285 08/07/84 23.12- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 _ 50- 3710 - 822 -82 50- 3710 - 822 -82 50- 3710 - 822 -82 - -"'- ---- 50- 3710 - 822 -82 50- 3710 - 842 -84 50- 3710 - 842 -84 50- 3710 - 842 -84 50- 3710 - 842 -84 50- 3710 - 862 -86 -- " —' 50- 3710- 862 -86 50- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL * + *- CKS MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL • 1 t b tlt ('19E4tITY OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE e� j- tftffa t� 199378 -' iff ifi I- 199433 199433 199435 ` 199435 199435 I ffffif 199451 199451 O „ 199451 ' 199451 199451 ®� 199451 199451 199451 © 199451 CHECK REGISTER AMOUNT VE NOOI 1950 199285 L�B/C7/84 350.45 199285 08/07/84 4.50 199285 08/07/84 1,027.40 199285 U8/07184 ` 199285 U8 /C7/84 - 1.5D - -_ 199285 fj8/07/84 4.20 199285 78/07/84 1.70 199295 u8 /07 /84 132.05 199285 08/77/84 �± 199285 ib/07/84 4.88.98 199285 68/07/84 140.55 - 199285 08/07/84 �• -- 199285 08/77184 62.31 199285 US/07/84 53.14 199285 Ub/07/84 152.70 199285 08/07/84 090 199285 08/07/84 738.63 199285 68/07/84 c± 199285 Ub /07/84 3.00 199285 08/07/84 1,156.46 199285 08/07/84 �! 199285 08/07184 - 199295 66/07/84 ' 199285 08/77/84 e� j- tftffa t� 199378 -' iff ifi I- 199433 199433 199435 ` 199435 199435 I ffffif 199451 199451 O „ 199451 ' 199451 199451 ®� 199451 199451 199451 © 199451 CHECK REGISTER AMOUNT VE NOOI 1950 JOHNSON WINE 350.45 JOHNSON WINE 4.50 JOHNSON WINE 1,027.40 JOHNSON WINE 68.16 JOHNSON WINE - 1.5D - -_ -" JOHNSON WINE 4.20 JOHNSON WINE 1.70 JOHNSON WINE 132.05 JOHNSON WINE 2.10 JOHNSON WINE 4.88.98 JOHNSON WINE 140.55 - - JOHNSON VINE 7.80 JOHNSON WINE 62.31 JOHNSON WINE 53.14 JOHNSON WINE 152.70 JOHNSON WINE 090 JOHNSON WINE 738.63 - JOHNSON WINE .60 JOHNSON WINE 3.00 JOHNSON WINE 1,156.46 JOHNSON WINE 146.92 JOHNSON WINE 9.60 JOHNSON WINE 2.40 —• - - -- JOHNSON WINE 4,466.96 • 07/30/84 39883 *60 MARK V11 - 39883.60 4 .._.. 08/0,7/84 159.68 08/07184 3.20 162.83 68/07/84 5.09- 07/30/84 19.50 68/07/84 __..._. -- 254945 268.86 08/07/84 08/07/84 -� 08/07/84 08/07/84 ub/07/94 08/07/84 u8/07f84 08/07/84 06/07/84 PAUSTIS 6 SONS PAUSTIS 8 SONS PRIOR WINE CO PRIOR WINE PRIOR -VINE CO - 07 -31 -84 PAGE 5 ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO* INV* # P.O. 4 MESSAGE 50- 4626- 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 4626- 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL - 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL * ** -CKS _INVENTORY _ 50 -4630- 822 -82 MANUAL * ** -CKS 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL A • • • * ** CKS 50- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL INVENTORY 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL - - - " '50-4628-862-86 MANUAL r * ** -CKS 21.68- QUALITY PINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL _— 45.1 QUALITY -WINE 50 -3710- 822 -82 MANUAL 39.25- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL ! 9001- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 38.43- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710- 842 -84 MANUAL 26 *59- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL ! 54.60- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL - 2 *255.53 — QUALITY WINE 50- 4626 - 822 -82 MANUAL 450.50 QUALITY WINE 50- 4626- 842 -84 MANUAL a G 1984 1 OF EDINA 08/07/84 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT 19941 08/07/84 1,962.79 199451 03/0'7/84 29730.14 199451 08/07/84 1,084.03 199451 08/07/84 19921.72 199451 08/07/84 1,329.53 50- 4628- 842 -84 - -- - --- - - -- -- -- 11499.57 -• ' I, * * * * ** • c- 1 40 50- 4628- 822 -82 50- 4628- 822 -82 - --- 50 -4628- 862 -86 - 50- 4628 - 862 -86 - - - 50- 3710 - 842 -84 50- 3710 - 862 -86 50- 3710 - 862 -86 50- 4628- 842 -84 50- 4628- 862 -86 50- 4628- 862 -86 -- - -- 50- 4632 - 842 -84 -- 50- 3710 - 822 -82 --- -- -50- 3710 - 842 -84 - 50- 3710- 842 -84 50- 3710 - 842 -84 50- 3710- 842 -84 50- 3710 - 842 -84 50- 3710 - 842 -84 - + - -- '- 50- 3710 - 842 -84-- - - - 50- 3710 - 862 -86 * ** -CKS MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL • +• CKS MANUAL * * *- CKS MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL * * *- CKS MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL * ** -CKS MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL 1 1 1 CHECK ISTER 08/07/84 07 -31 -, -AGE 6 VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N0. INV. # P.O. N MESSAGE QUALITY WINE 50- 4626- 842 -84 MANUAL QUALITY WINE 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL QUALITY WINE 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL QUALITY WINE 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL QUALITT WINE 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL • c- 1 40 50- 4628- 822 -82 50- 4628- 822 -82 - --- 50 -4628- 862 -86 - 50- 4628 - 862 -86 - - - 50- 3710 - 842 -84 50- 3710 - 862 -86 50- 3710 - 862 -86 50- 4628- 842 -84 50- 4628- 862 -86 50- 4628- 862 -86 -- - -- 50- 4632 - 842 -84 -- 50- 3710 - 822 -82 --- -- -50- 3710 - 842 -84 - 50- 3710- 842 -84 50- 3710 - 842 -84 50- 3710- 842 -84 50- 3710 - 842 -84 50- 3710 - 842 -84 - + - -- '- 50- 3710 - 842 -84-- - - - 50- 3710 - 862 -86 * ** -CKS MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL • +• CKS MANUAL * * *- CKS MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL * * *- CKS MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL * ** -CKS MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL 1 1 1 199540 08/07/84 6.92- TWIN CITY WINE 50- 3710- 822 -82 ` 199540 u8/C7184 5.42- TWIN CITY WINE 50- 3710- 842 -84 CAPITAL CITY 199540 08/07/84 - - 2.65 - -- """ TWIN CITY WINE - 50- 3710 - 862 -86 i.l 199540 08/07/84 346.43 TWIN CITY WINE 50 -4628- 822 -82 199540 08/07/84 4.50 TWIN CITY WINE 50- 4628 - 822 -82 199540 08/07/84 271.07 TWIN CITY WINE 50- 4628- 842 -84 199540 U8/07184 6.30 TWIN CITY WINE 50- 4628- 842 -84 j 19954n 08/C7/84 3.00 TWIN CITY WINE 50 -4628- 862 -86 - 199540 08/07/84 - - -' -_ 132.90 " "' - -T'- TWIN -CTTY 39.90 YINE - - - - -"" --- - - - - -50 -4628- 862 -86 rl 206135 08/07/84 749.21 • EAGLE YINE - - 206135 %w 1•,j - " -'- 82.86 -- EAGLE - -VINE-"" - - - -- -' -- INVENTORY-_- - 498.42 r 1 *....* v - y 199700 07/30/84 108.50 ULMER 14ETRO DIST INVENTORY 50- 4630 - 862 -86 08/07/84 .10 ED PHILLIPS 206138 08/07/84 - - -" --" "'- ""- -"98.38- • c- 1 40 50- 4628- 822 -82 50- 4628- 822 -82 - --- 50 -4628- 862 -86 - 50- 4628 - 862 -86 - - - 50- 3710 - 842 -84 50- 3710 - 862 -86 50- 3710 - 862 -86 50- 4628- 842 -84 50- 4628- 862 -86 50- 4628- 862 -86 -- - -- 50- 4632 - 842 -84 -- 50- 3710 - 822 -82 --- -- -50- 3710 - 842 -84 - 50- 3710- 842 -84 50- 3710 - 842 -84 50- 3710- 842 -84 50- 3710 - 842 -84 50- 3710 - 842 -84 - + - -- '- 50- 3710 - 842 -84-- - - - 50- 3710 - 862 -86 * ** -CKS MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL • +• CKS MANUAL * * *- CKS MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL * * *- CKS MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL * ** -CKS MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL 1 1 1 r 206067 06/07/84 564.82 CAPITAL CITY OISTRI 206067 08/07/84 14.40 CAPITAL CITY DISTRI f 206067 - 08/07/84 "- " --" - 64.60 ,CAPITAL -CITY OISTRI `- - -� -- - "— 206067 08/07/84 1.80 CAPITAL CITY DISTRI 645.62 On i_ l_...._- I' 206135 08/07184 - -"` - - -- - --- 4.16 -` -- "EAGLE -WINE - - - - - -- --- 206135 08/07/84 .RO- EAGLE WINE 206135 08/07/84 3.53- EAGLE WINE 206135 08/07/84 207.75 - EAGLE WINE j 206135 08/07/84 39.90 EAGLE WINE rl 206135 08/07/84 176.40 EAGLE YINE - - 206135 - 07/30/84" - - " -'- 82.86 -- EAGLE - -VINE-"" - - - -- -' -- INVENTORY-_- - 498.42 v ZU6138 08/07/84 .10 ED PHILLIPS 206138 08/07/84 - - -" --" "'- ""- -"98.38- "ED- PHILLIPS -__ -_. 206138 08/07/84 .02 ED PHILLIPS v 206138 08/07/84 10.28- ED PHILLIPS j• 206138 u8/07/84 . 02 - - ED PHILLIPS 206138 08/07/84 .02- ED PHILLIPS 206138 08/07/84 .07 ED PHILLIPS 206138 05/07184---- T_ - - PHILLIPS'.. -._ 206138 08/07/84 .11 ED PHILLIPS • c- 1 40 50- 4628- 822 -82 50- 4628- 822 -82 - --- 50 -4628- 862 -86 - 50- 4628 - 862 -86 - - - 50- 3710 - 842 -84 50- 3710 - 862 -86 50- 3710 - 862 -86 50- 4628- 842 -84 50- 4628- 862 -86 50- 4628- 862 -86 -- - -- 50- 4632 - 842 -84 -- 50- 3710 - 822 -82 --- -- -50- 3710 - 842 -84 - 50- 3710- 842 -84 50- 3710 - 842 -84 50- 3710- 842 -84 50- 3710 - 842 -84 50- 3710 - 842 -84 - + - -- '- 50- 3710 - 842 -84-- - - - 50- 3710 - 862 -86 * ** -CKS MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL • +• CKS MANUAL * * *- CKS MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL * * *- CKS MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL * ** -CKS MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL 1 1 1 1984 SITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07 -31 -84 PAGE 7 CHECK NO* DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N0. INV. 4 P.O. # MESSAGE - a.I.I 206138 08/07/84 .06 ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 206138 68/07184 101.10- ED PHILLIPS 50 -3710- 862 -86 MANUAL 206138 08/07/84 4.20- ED PHILLIPS 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 1 2U6138 U8/07/84 5.04- ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626- 822 -82 MANUAL 206138 U8/07/84 4,918.90 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626- 842 -84 MANUAL 206138 -- 08/07/84 -- - -._ - -- -5.73= _10____00 -ED- P4ILLIPS -"' -- --- -- -- - -' - -- __.­— 50 -4626- 862 -86 ` ' -" MANUAL ..I °� 2U6138 08/07/84 5,055.32 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL 206138 08/07/84 1001- ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 206138 08/07/84 1.01- ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 2U6138 08/07/84 326000 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL f 2 ,36138 U8/07/84 3.38- ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 206138 08/ 07/84 - - -- - -" 514.00 - ED PHILLIPS ___. -_ __ __._.__. _ _ ._. —. -. _ _ - 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 206138 08/07/84 1.01 ED PHILLIPS 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL �• 206138 08/07/84 210.00 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 206138 U8 /C7 /P4 3929- ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 11 206138 07/30/84 60951 ED PHILLIPS INVENTORY 50- 4630- 842 -84 MANUAL 4 206138 07/30184 53.45 ED-PHILLIPS INVENTORY 50- 4632- 842 -84 MANUAL * - - - -- -- - - -- -- - -- - -- - - -- �'I •.. * ** * ** -CKS 2U6190 U8/07/84 52.57- GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL -. 206190 - 08/07/84 2,628.58 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50 -4626- 842 -84 MANUAL 2 r S 76.0 T -* -- - --- -- -.. - -- - --- -.. . .; 0000• • *.* -CKS 206271 08/07/84 200 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 206271 08/07/84 139.75- INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 3710- 842 -84 MANUAL 206271 1206271 08/07/84 08/07/84 2.80- .73 "'INTERCONTINENTAL INTERCONTINENTAL PK--------'—'--------"-50-3710-862-86 PK 50 -3710- 862 -86 MANUAL MANUAL 2U6271 08/07184 . 73 -- INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL h- 206271 f 206271 U8/C7/84 08/07/84 1.R1- 6,987.54 ~- INTERCONTINENTAL INTERCONTINENTAL PK PK 50- 3710- 862 -86 50- 4626- 842 -84 MANUAL MANUAL 206271 08/07/84 32910 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 4626- 842 -84 MANUAL 206271 08/07/84 -- " -` PK `-` ` -" — -' --' --- -- 50- 4628 - 842 -84'- MANUAL 206271 08/07/84 90.53 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL Yj 206271 206271 08/07/84 08/07/84 37.22= 140:24 -Y` INTERCONTINENTAL INTERCONTINENTAL PK PK 50- 4628 - 862 -86 -- 50 -4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 206271 08/07/84 1020 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL MANUAL L - 206271 08/07/84 1.20 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50 -4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 206271 - - -- '08/07/84 ?37;225—I INTER - CONTINENTAL- 'PK 50- 4628- 862- 86'—:-- - MANUAL �►. ' , 6,969.81 • - - - -� ** *-CKS 206285 u8/07/84 8.85- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 206285 -" 08/0718k-- 6:33- JOHNSON - WINE -- -- T " "" -50 -3710- 842- 84 -- - -. MANUAL ^� 206285 08/07/84 3.26 -. JOHNSON WINE 50 -3710- 862 -86 MANUAL 2U6285 08/07/84 4.50 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL I� 206285 08/07/84 3.00 ` - - -- JOHNSON WINE - -- -' - 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 206285 08/07/84 316.85 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL _ 206285 _ - '- U8/07/84 08/07/84- 442.56 JOHNSON WINE - -- - 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL t 266285 206285 08/07/84 1:80 163.27 JOHNSON PINE' JOHNSON WINE 50 -4628- 862 -86 -- 50- 4628- 862 -86 -- -- - "- - MANUAL MANUAL rs 1984 1 OF EDINA CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT Iz 913.54..• CHECK ISTER 07 -31 ?AGE 8 VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N0. INV. N Pr Or • MESSAGE rrf lir 50- 3710 - 842 -84 ` 206451 08/07/84 QUALITY 206451 U8/07/84 - MANUAL 206451 08/07184 -' -- - -- 206451 08/07/84 9.22 - 206451 08/07/84 ` 206451 08/07/84 `I'� ,I rlfr•i 50- 4626- 842 -84 MANUAL 213067 On/07/84 WINE 213067 08/C7/84 ` QUALITY WINE CHECK ISTER 07 -31 ?AGE 8 VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N0. INV. N Pr Or • MESSAGE v MANUAL 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL ••• -CKS 72.35- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL -- _-- --- -.____ 11,R1r--- .-- QUALITY-WINE -' -- - -- - _.__.. _____-_._. 50- 3710 - 842 -84 - MANUAL 9.22 - QUALITY WINE 50- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL 39617.55 QUALITY WINE 50- 4626- 842 -84 MANUAL 590.93 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 461.35 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 4,576.45 • 213135 C8/C7184 25.19- EAGLE WINE i 213135 08/07/84 . 20 ••• -CKS 201900 CAPITAL CITY DISTRI 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL 5.85 CAPITAL CITY DISTRI 50 -4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 206.85 213135 08/07/84 19259.60 EAGLE WINE v MANUAL 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 213129 06 /07/84 1,759.45 BELLBOY 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 4628- 842 -84 19759.45 • 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL -- - --- 50 -4628- 862 -86 - MANUAL 50- 4626- 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL 213135 08/07/84 21.78- EAGLE WIN' 213135 08/07/84 4.95- EAGLE WINE ~ 213135 C8/C7184 25.19- EAGLE WINE i 213135 08/07/84 . 20 EAGLE PINE - 213135 03/07/84 -- " - --- -- 25.55 -. — EAGLE -WINE -- — - -- ___ lop 213135 08/07/84 19089.00 EAGLE WINE 213135 08/07/84 19259.60 EAGLE WINE f- 213135 08/07/84 247.35 _ EAGLE PINE ' 213135 08/07/84 9.96- EAGLE WIN- 213135 213135 08/07/84 08/07/84 19277.67 EAGLE WINE 213135 08/07184 _ - -" 10.39 - - -- -- -EAGLE- WINE - `- - - - -- -" 39776.00 1- 213138 U8/07/84 T- 3.36- ED PHILLIPS 213138 _ - 08/07/84 - 9:65= '- - "—ED- PHILLIPS'-"- - -� -- -- 213138 08/07/84 82.96- ED PHILLIPS 213138 U8/07/84 10.23- ED PHILLIPS 213138 08/07/84- 41.36- - - ED PHILLIPS 213138 U8/ ^7/84 61.37- ED PHILLIPS r.' 213138 08/07/84 117010- ED PHILLIPS -- 213138 08/07/84______'- 213138 J8/C7/84 4.04- ED PHILLIPS 213138 08/07/84 6.10- ED PHILLIPS 213138 08/C7/84 39262.86 - ED PHILLIPS 213138 08/07/84 .3,068.30 ED PHILLIPS rn I- 213138 08/07/84 59854.77 ED PHILLIPS - 213138 -` 08/07/84 168:00 ED- PHILLTPS --- - -- �� 213138 08/07/84 482.30 ED PHILLIPS i!! -CKS 50- 4626- 842 -84 MANUAL • •• -CKS 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 3710- 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 3710- 862 -86 - MANUAL 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 862 -86 MANUAL -- - --- 50 -4628- 862 -86 - MANUAL ••r -CKS 50- 3710- 822 -82 MANUAL '--- '-- - - ---- 50 -3710- 822 -82 -- MANUAL 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 3710- 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 50 -3710- 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL -- -'- - -- 50- 3710 - 862 -86 - MANUAL 50 -3710- 862 -86 MANUAL 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 50- 4626- 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 4626- 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL - - -' - -- 50- 4628- 822 -82 -- - -_ - MANUAL 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL e • • • • t t t d 1 1 1 -1984 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 07 -31 -84 PAGE 9 L CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOI ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N0. INV. - �50- # P.O. A MESSAGE `i•� 213138 08/07/84 29068.00 ED PHILLIPS 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 213138 08/07/84 511.30 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL ' 213138 u8/C7/84 201.82 ED PHILLIPS 50 -4628- 862 -86 MANUAL �. 213138 08/07/84 305.90 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL •�- 213138 06/07/84 2,395.10 ED PHILLIPS 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL ' 17.933.38 -• --- - -- -- •-- •--- - - -.�__ ulfff ff. -CKS 213190 36/07/84 121.95- GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 3700 - 862 -86 MANUAL 113190 08/07/84 34.77- GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 213190 08/07/84 - - - -- 1.55 _._-- GRIGGS- COOPER AND C -- "� -" - - " -'" - 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL CI. 21 31 90 ud /07/84 .44 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 3710- 842 -84 MANUAL 213190 08/07/84 1.28- GRIGGS COI)PER AND C 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 213190 08/07/84 5.54- GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL �y 213190 08/07/84 144.52- GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 21 31 90 08/07/84 77.54- GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 4626- 822 -82 MANUAL _ 213190 08/07/84 -- - " -- 7,703.43- -- -"GRIGGS - COOPER -AND C ` - -- - —`- '---- -' -50- 4626- 822 -82 - MANUAL 213190 08/07/84 22907- GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 4626- 842 -84 MANUAL 213190 OB/C7184 64.00 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 4626- 842 -84 MANUAL 213190 08/07/84 277.05 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL 21 31 90 08/07/84 .00 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL ,213190 06/07/84 7,225.82 GRIGGS COOPER AND C 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL tz i f.lfff 213271 08/07/84 4.97- INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 213271 08/07/84 3103- INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL _ 213271 213271 _ 38/07/84 - -,_ 08/07/84 '— 3' 32- 44.59- INTERCONTINENTAL'PK- - —'— INTERCONTINENTAL PK ""-50- 3710 - 842 -84 "- 50- 3710 - 842 -84 - MANUAL MANUAL 213271 08/07184 2.76 - INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL 213271 U8/07/84 11200- -` INTERCONTINENTAL PK - 50 -3710- 862 -86 MANUAL 0'-1 213271 08/07/84 3.30 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 4626- 822 -82 MANUAL - 213271 06/07184 1,556.76 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 4626- 822 -82 MANUAL 213271 - 08/07/84- _._..- + --- -- 7.50 — INTERCONTINENTAL' PK --- - - °- --50- 4626 - 842 -84 - ` MANUAL 213271 O8/C7/84 29229.78 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 4626- 842 -84 MANUAL 213271 08/07/84 24.90 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL 213271 06/07/84 5,640.16 - INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL 213271 08/07184 3.00 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 4628- 822.82 MANUAL 213211 08/07/84 248.60 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 213271 -'- 06/07/84 166:4 N TER C0NTINENTAL''PK- ��- —50 -i4628- 842 -84 - - - - -- MANUAL �. 213211 06/07/84 090 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 213271 08/07/84- 138.30 INTERCONTINENTAL PK 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 213271 06/07/84 - 3.00 - -- - INTERCONTINENTAL PK " " ' -" -50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL ° 9,823.11 • •f* -CKS ' 213285 08/07/84 6.49- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710- 822 -82 MANUAL t. 213285 213285 08/07/84 08/07/84 ` ` 20.54- - - 46.36- - - - -- JOHNSON WINE - - - JOHNSON WINE - "- - 50- 3710 - 842 -84 50- 3710- 842 -84 MANUAL MANUAL r' 213285 _ 213285 W - 08/07/84 08/07/84- 3.69- JOHNSON WINE JOHNSON -WINE -- 50 -3710- 842 -84 50 -3710- 842 -84 MANUAL -"- - °' MANUAL " -'-:08 �p 213285 08/07/84 109 JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL • • • • t t t d 1 1 1 1984 OF EDINA CHECK ISTER 07 -31- ?AGE 10 ` CHECK N0. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. N P.O. p MESSAGE �! ` 213285 08/07/84 17.31- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710- 862 -86 MANUAL 213285 08/07/84 17.19- JOHNSON WINE 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 213285 08/07/84 4.50 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626- 842 -84 MANUAL ` 213285 Ub /C7/84 19027.40 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4626- 842 -84 MANUAL 213285 U8/07184 6.00 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL - -- 213285 - -- - 08/07/84 --- --' " -- °324.80 - JOHNSON WINE 50 -4628- 822 -82 MANUAL ` 213285 08/07/84 184.88 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 213285 U8/07/P4 45.30 JOHNSON WINE 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 213285 08/07/P-4 1020 JOHNSON WINE 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL ` 213285 08/07/84 4.17- JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 213285 J8/C7/84 29318.19 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 213285 08/07/84 -- - 13.20 " -` "— 'JOHNSON WINE -- - 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL ` 213285 08/07/84 9.00 JOHNSON WINE 50 -4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 213285 08/!17/84 867.39 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 213295 D8 /07184 859.66 JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL ` r 213285 08/07/84 4.89- JOHNSON WINE 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL I 51,541.02 • .. frr #ff *•• -CKS 213433 U8/07/84 241.00 PAUSTIS B SONS 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 213433 08/07/84 3.20 PAUSTIS 6 SONS 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 244.20 # i r# #- CKS f 213435 08/07/84 11.12- PRIOR WINE CO 50 -3710- 842 -84 MANUAL 213435 06/07/84 556.10 PRIOR WINZ CO 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL _ 544.98 + ri i ff #rrt # ##-CKS 213451 08/07/84 29.86- - QUALITY WINE 50- 3710- 822 -82 MANUAL 213451 08/C7/84 .25 QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 213451 08/07/84 32.89- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 822 -82 MANUAL 213451 08/07/84 .25 -'---- -QUALITY WINE - -- _. - . _.__. _- _ ..__. — ___. __ .__ ._ ___ _. ___.- 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL ' 213451 08/07/84 57.53- QUALITY WINE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 213451 08/07/84 38.19- QUALITY W'NE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL f 213451 08/07/84 - 49.53- ' "' "" QUALITY WINE 50 -3710- 862 -86 MANUAL l 213451 213451 08/07/84 08/07/84 112.06- 1,493.11 QUALITY QUALITY WINE WINE 50 -3710- 862 -86 50- 4626- 822 MANUAL 213451 - 08/07/84 -- _ 2-876.65 '- QUALITY- WINE" `- - - - " -" --- -- - -- -- -82 — 50- 4626- 842 -84 MANUAL - - MANUAL 213451 U-6/c7/84 59648.37 QUALITY WINE 50- 4626- 862 -86 MANUAL 213451 08/07/84 12.54- QUALITY WINE 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 213451 08/07184 1,644.92 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL r' 213451 U8/07184 19909.53 QUALITY WINE 50- 4628 - 842 -84 MANUAL 213451 - 08/07/84 - - 12.36- QUALITY WINE 50- 4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 213451 08/07/84 - -- - - -�- 29476.91 - QUALITY -WINE MANUAL 213451 08/07/84 3.85- QUALITY WINE 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL � 159700.28 • � I_ i ff#fff f#f- CKS ` -__ 21 3 54 0- - -. -- - 08/77/84 -- - -5.77= TWIN- CITY-WINE - - -- - ° -- - --- - -- 50- 3710 - 822- 82---- - - - MANUAL f 213540 08/07/84 .03 TWIN CITY WINE 50 -3710- 822 -82 MANUAL 07 -31 -84 PAGE 11 ACCOUNT N0. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 198,4-,.CITY OF EDINA MANUAL 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL CHECK REGISTER MANUAL 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 842 -84 -" - MANUAL 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 1 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION 213540 08/07/84 34.11- TWIN CITY WINE 213540 U8/07i84 38.71- TWIN CITY WINE 213540 Ub/C7/84 5.70 TWIN CITY WINE 213540 08/07/84 1.93- TWIN CITY WINE L_- 213540 08/C7/84 288.95 TWIN CITY WINE j 213540 — 08/C7/84 - -�' - "27.90 ' TWIN - CITY - WINE "— "----- `"-- -'- __.- -- _ -. 213540 08/07/84 19705.68 TWIN CITY WINE 213540 08/07/84 27.30 TWIN CITY WINE j 213540 Ob/C7184 1.935.86 TWIN CITY WINE L, 39910.90 r 07 -31 -84 PAGE 11 ACCOUNT N0. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 50- 3710 - 842 -84 MANUAL 50- 3710 - 862 -86 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 4628- 822 -82 MANUAL 50- 4628 - 842 -84 -" - MANUAL 50 -4628- 842 -84 MANUAL 1 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL 50- 4628- 862 -86 MANUAL rrr -CKS ,i 2139436.46 FUND 50 TOTAL LIQUOR DISPENSARY FUND 2139436.46 TOTAL j- V1 � %wI - --- -- - - -- APPROV`O• FC; >, PAYtv;E�4 GF1EC!( REGrsTt:R CA' tM hVkNVr.ER T _, %w V � ij r 1 , 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED, by the Edina City Council that it hereby approves acceptance of a Quit Claim Deed whereby Northern States Power Company will convey to the City of Edina a parcel of land abutting the east boundary of Garden Park, described as follows: All that part of Lots 6, 7, 8 and 9, of Garden Park, Hennepin County, Minnesota, according to the map or plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Hennepin County, Minnesota, according to the map or plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Hennepin County, Minnesota, being a part of the E2 of the NEo in Section 32, Township 117 North, Range 21 West, described as follows, to -wit: Commencing at a point on the South line of the County Road, known as the Eden Prairie- Minneapolis Road, 30 feet West of the East. Section line of said Section 32; thence South, parallel to said East Section line and 30 feet distant therefrom to the right -of -way of the Minneapolis, Northfield & Southern Railroad Company; thence Southwesterly along the Westerly line of said railroad right -of -way to a point 264 feet North of the South line of said Lot 6 of said Garden Park, Hennepin County, Minnesota; thence West parallel to said South line of said Lot 6 of said Garden Park, Hennepin County, Minnesota, a distance of 55.6 feet; thence North 3° East, a distance of 146 feet; thence North 20° East, 630 feet; thence North, parallel to the East Section line of said Section 32, a distance of 953 feet, more or less, to the South line of said County Road, known as the Eden Prairie- Minneapolis Road; thence Northeasterly along the South line of said County Road to the point of beginning, containing 1.67 acres, more or less. EXCEPTING AND RESERVING unto Northern States Power Company, its successors and assigns, the perpetual right, privilege and easement to construct, operate, maintain, use, rebuild or remove electric lines for the transmission of electric energy with all towers, structures, poles, crossarms, cables, wires, guys, supports, counterpoises, fixtures and devices used or useful in the operation, maintenance and use of said lines and facilities related and appurtenant thereto for transmission and distribution of electric energy,_ over, under, across and upon all that part of the property described above which lies within a strip of land 75 feet in width being 37.5 feet on each side of the following described centerline and extensions thereof; Beginning at the Southeast corner of the NEQ of Section 32, Township 117 North, Range 21 West; thence westerly along the South line of the said NEa, having a bearing of N 89 ° w 49' 12" W, a distance of 250.18 feet to the point of beginning of the centerline to be described; thence N 03 °10'36" E, 54.8 feet; thence N 4 °15'12" E, 447.65 feet; thence N 17 °57'54" E, 537.08 feet; thence North 0 °05'21" E to the South line of the Eden Prairie - Minneapolis Road, now known as County Road 158 or Vernon Avenue, and there terminatinaj and Resolution Page Two BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Edina City Council hereby authorizes the Mayor and Clerk to execute and deliver, on behalf of the City, as easement granting Northern States Power Company the authority to enter upon said parcel to construct, operate, maintain, use, rebuild, or remove electric transmission lines, through, over, under and across the following described land: Torrens Parcel hat part of the North 202.7 feet of Lot 6 and that part of Lots 7, 8 and 9 lying West of a line described as follows: Commencing at a point 55.6 feet West from the West line of railroad right- of -way and 264 feet North from South line of Lot 6; thence North 3 degrees East 146 feet; thence North 20 dearees East 630 feet; thence North parallel with East lire of Garden Park Addition to South line of Eden Prairie Road, all in Garden Park, Hennepin County, Minnesota, accordinq.to the plat thereof on file or of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said Hennepin County, and Abstract parcel That part of the North 202.7 feet of Lot 6 and that part of Lots 7, 8 and 9 lying West of the right -of -way of the Minneapolis, Northfield 8 Southern Railroad Company and East of a line described as follows: Commencing at a point 55.6 feet West from the West line of railroad right- of -way and 264 feet North from South line of Lot 6; thence North 3 degrees East 146 feet; thence North 20 deqrees East 630 feet; thence North parallel with East line of Garden Park Addition to South line of Eden Prairie Road, all in Garden Park, Hennepin County, Minnesota, according to the plat thereof on file or of record in the office of the Reqister of Deeds in and for said Hennepin County. which easement as it crosses the above described parcels lies within a strip of land 75 feet in width, beinq 37.5 feet on each side of the followinq described centerline and extensions thereof: Beginning at the Southeast corner of the NE?.: of Section 32, Township 117 North, Range 21 West; thence westerly alonq the South line of the said NE =a, having a bearing of N 89 49'12" W, a distance of 250.18 fee to the point of beginning of �he centerline to be described; thence N 03 10'36" E, 54.8 feet; thence N 4 15'12" E, 447.65 feet; thence N 17057'54" E, 537.08 feet; thence N 0 05'21 "E to the South line of the Eden Prairie - Minneapolis Road, now known as County Road 153 or Vernon Avenue, and there terminating. ADOPTED this 20th_day.of.August, 1184.