HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-10-01_COUNCIL MEETING,r AGENDA EDINA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OCTOBER 1, 1984 7:00 P.M. HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ROLLCALL MINUTES of September 10, 1984, approved as submitted or corrected by motion of , seconded by EDINA CITY COUNCIL PROCLAMATION - Edina's Year of the School EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION - MINUTES of the Regular Meetings of August 6 and August 20, 1984, and of the Special Meeting of August 20, 1984, approved as submitted or corrected by motion of , seconded by I. PUBLIC HEARINGS ON SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS. Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Analysis of Assessment by City Manager. Public comment heard. Action of Council by Resolution. 3/5 favorable rollcall vote to pass. A. Street Improvement No. BA -259 (Contd from 9/17/84) Vernon Avenue from Gleason Road to Lincoln Drive; Lincoln Drive from Vernon Avenue to Londonderry'Drive B. Tree Trimming Improvement No. TT -84 - Country Club and Morningside Area II. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND REPORTS ON PLANNING MATTERS. Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by Planning Department. Public comment heard. First Reading of Zoning Ordinance requires offering of Ordinance only. 4/5 favorable rollcall vote to pass Second Reading or if Second Reading should be waived. Lot Divisions, Flood Plain Permits, Plats, Appeals from Administrative or Board of Appeals and Adjustments decisions require action by Resolution. 3/5 favorable rollcall vote .to pass. A. Final Plat Approval 1. Edina Mills - Generally located west of France Avenue and south of ,46th Street extended 2. Smaby Replat of Lot 5, Garden Park - Generally located north of Grove Street and west of M.N.S. Railroad B. Release of Restriction - Yorktown Fashion Mall C ;i Set Hearin Date (10/15/84) 1. Plan Amendment - Johnson Building Company - Vernon Hills Condominiums - Generally located west of Vernon Avenue and south of West 52nd Street III. SPECIAL CONCERNS OF RESIDENTS IV. AWARD OF BIDS A. Public Improvements - Sanitary Sewer No. SS -368, Watermain No. WM -352, St.S. No. -174 and Graveling No. C -141 ( #84 -5 Eng) - Mendelssohn 2nd Addition V. RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS A. West 70th Street Report B. Plan Approval - Edina /Bloomington Storm Sewer C. Special Concerns of Mayor and Council D. Post Agenda and Manager's Miscellaneous Items VI. RESOLUTIONS. Favorable rollcall vote by majority of quorum to pass. A. Appointment of Election Judges - General /City Election B. Appointment of Canvassing Board - General /City Election V. FINANCE A. Adoption of Budget for 1985 B. Liquor Fund Report as at 7/31/84 C. Claims Paid. Motion of , seconded by , for payment of the following claims as per Pre -List dated 10/1/84: General Fund $55,759.19, Park Fund $12,729.63, Art Center $1,155.23, Swimming Pool Fund $3.05, Golf Course Fund $6,417.11, Recreation Center Fund $1,616.02, Gun Range Fund $399.00, Waterwork Fund $109079.80, Sewer Rental Fund $231.79, Liquor Dispensary Fund $$1,158.98, Construction Fund $11,420.68, IMP Bond Redemption Fund $319,767.00, IMP Bond Dedemption #2 $987.00, Total $421,724.48. EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES September 10, 1984 Answering rollcall were Members Richards, Schmidt, Turner and Mayor Courtney. MINUTES of August 6, 1984,were approved as submitted by motion of Member Turner, seconded by Member Richards. Ayes: Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by motion of Member Turner, seconded by Member Schmidt. Motion carried. Gordon L. Hughes Executive Director PIINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL AUGUST 20, 1984 Answering rollcall were Members Bredesen, Schmidt, Turner and Mayor Courtney. MINUTES of the Regular Council Meeting of July 16, 1984,.and the Special Meeting of July 23, 1984, were approved as submitted by motion of Member Turner, seconded by Member Schmidt. Ayes: Bredesen, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF CASCADE LANE BERMING CONTINUED. Affidavits of Notice were presented by Clerk's representative, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Mr. Hoffman presented the visual description of the property affected by the proposed berm, specifically Lots 3, 4 and 5, Cascade Falls. He cited that the estimated cost of this improvement is $1,975.84; this improvement would be assessed on a per lot basis at an estimated cost of $300.00 per assessable lot with the balance of the cost placed as special benefit against Lot 3 Cascade Falls. The project would be a small berm of six inches across the properties, and construction would be accomplished in 1984. Assessments would be levied in 1984 with the initial installment due in 1985. The improvement is proposed to be assessed over a one -year period. The present condition of the Municipal Bond Market makes it difficult to determine the annual rate of interest that will be charged on the unpaid balance, but it will not exceed the maximum allowed by law. This project is being proposed as a result of a petition by property owners to reduce flooding. Concerned residents were there to. represent others residing on Cascade Lane: Mr. & Mrs. Frank Bures, relatives of Mrs. Anfinson at 4613 Cascade Lane; and Mrs. Betty Anfinson of 4613 Ci�iscade Lane. A number of issues were addressed by these people, based on the fact that the flooding is getting worse and that the berm, by itself,. will not cure the problem. The weight of the water is making the yards settle, leaving visible holes and exposing tree roots. During the entire summer of 1984, water covered most of the backyards. If the dredging and the removal of rip -rap from the Highway 100 bridge reduces the risk of flooding, then the berm is not necessary. Questions concerning the berth: how constructed, will heavy equipment be used, the dimensions of the berm and whether it will be seeded or sodded, whose responsibility is the maintenance of the berm. It was indicated that the residents of Cascade Lane would have the responsibility of the berm's maintenance. If the berm does in fact become necessary, it was promised to the residents of the Cascade Lane area that the special assessments used to pay for its construction along Minnehaha Creek will not be placed upon the property until after the dredging and removal of rip -rap from the Highway 100 bridge is complete. Member Turner's motion was seconded by Member Bredesen to continue the proposed improvement for six months or until the spring of 1985 after the Watershed Project is completed, so that it can then be evaluated as to the necessity of the berm and what the neighbors choose to do. Ayes: Bredesen, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL OF KIDD ADDITION CONTINUED TO SEPTEMBER 17, 1984. Affidavits of Notice were presented by Clerk's representative, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. The site is generally located south of 62nd Street and east of Valley View Road. Mr. Hughes reported that the subject property measures 28,252 square feet in area and is zoned R -1, Single Dwelling'Unit District. The property fronts on West 62nd Street to the north and also enjoys access to Valley View Road to the south. This latter access is possibly due to an unusual jog in the right of way for Valley View Road. The proponent requests.a subdivision of the property into two lots which would each measure about 14,000 square feet in area. Lot 1 would be retained for the existing dwelling and Lot 2 would be a new building site. The southerly portion of the subject property was shown for low density attached resi- dential uses by the Comprehensive Plan. All properties fronting on Valley View Road in this area are used for low density attached uses. Adjoining the property to the southeast is a four -unit building and adjoining the property to the west is a three - unit building, both of which front on Valley View Road. Easterly of the subject property are two R -1 lots which are developed with modest dwellings fronting on West 62nd Street. (The dwelling immediately east of the subject property is in a poor state of repair.) The westerly of the two lots measures about 95 feet in width by 338 feet in depth and the easterly lot measures 126 feet by 338 feet. Neither of these lots, however, enjoys access to Valley View Road. At Staff's urging, the proponent has pursued the possibility of the joint development with the two lots to the east. Apparently, these efforts have not been successful. Although the proposed subdivision complies with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance as to lot size, frontage, and access, Staff is concerned with the unusual relationship of the new lot to surrounding properties. This unusual relationship is principally caused by the lot's frontage on the jog in the Valley View Road right -of -way. If this jog 8/20/84 were not present, the proposed lot would not have frontage on a street and a division would not be possible. If the jog were vacated, it appears that the property would revert to a lot west of Valley View Road. Therefore, a vacation would not solve the frontage problem unless the proponent acquired the vacated property from the owner to the west. Approval of the proposed subdivision will limit the development potential of the large R -1 lots to the east. As noted earlier, the subject property provides the only potential access to Valley View Road. If this access is lost, a rezoning for low density attached uses for these properties is questionable. Also, the subject property and the two lots to the east could be replatted into R -1 lots which would be served by a new cul -de -sac from West 62nd Street. (This plan would require the demolition of at least one existing dwelling.) If the subject Property were excluded from such a replat, the new cul -de -sac could. not be "double loaded" with lots and, thus, may not be feasible. The proponent submitted a graphic which schematically illustrates the proposed location of a new dwelling on the property. Although such a house placement aligns well with other buildings on Valley View Road, it will require setback variances from the Valley View right -of -way. The issue in this case is clear: Should a subdivision be approved which technically complies with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, but does so due to an unusual arrangement of public right -of -way; or should the proponent be required to delay his subdivision plans and pursue a joint development with adjoining owners even though such a joint development may be premature? As noted earlier, such a joint development has been pursued without apparent success. It is Staff's view.that the latter approach is most desirable from a planning stand- point. However, if the requested subdivision is approved, it is felt that the new lot should be rezoned to R -2, Double Dwelling Unit District. An R -2 use in this lo- cation would conform with the Comprehensive Plan and would be a more logical use as compared to a single family dwelling. It is assumed that the northerly line of the new lot could be relocated slightly to provide the required 15,000 square foot minimum area for R -2 lots. However, a variance from the 90 -foo-t lot width minimum would be needed. Delay of action taken was recommended by Dr. Byron Armstrong, 4119 West 62nd Street; Arnold Twedt, 4246 Valley View Road; and Douglas Yarwood, 4111 West 62nd Street. The proponents, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kidd, 4125 62nd Street West, felt a delay would be of no help. Member Bredesen's motion was seconded by Member Turner to continue approval of the addition to the September 17th Council Meeting. Ayes: Bredesen, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVED FOR DENNIS MILLER ADDITION. Affidavits of Notice were pre- sented by Clerk's representative, approved as to form and order placed on file. Mr. Hughes presented the petition for preliminary plat approval for the Dennis Miller Addition, generally located north of Grove Street and east of Johnson Drive. The subject property measures 40,339 square feet in area and is zoned R -1, Single Dwelling Unit District. An existing dwelling is located on the easterly portion of the property. The property adjoins Garden Park on its north and west boundaries. The proponent requests a subdivision of the property into two lots. Lot 2 would measure 90 feet by 160 feet and would be retained for the existing dwelling. Lot 1 would measure 80 feet by 160 feet and would constitute a new buildable lot. The northerly 77 feet of the lot is described as an outlot and is proposed to be dedicated to the City as a subdivision dedication which would add to the area of Garden Park. The City recently approved a subdivision for the adjoining property to the east (Smaby Addition). Four -of the five lots in the Smaby Addition were identical in size to the new lot pro- posed for the subject subdivision. Smaby Addition likewise dedicated the northerly 77 feet of its property for park purposes. As a result of the Planning Commission Meeting on August 1, 1984, Staff recommends approval of this plat, noting that the characteristics of the subject property are identical to the Smaby Addition. The proposed lots comply with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and are consistent with other lot sizes in the neighborhood. No objections being heard, Member Turner introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION GRANTING PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL DENNIS MILLER ADDITION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled "Dennis Miller Addition," platted by Dennis Miller and presented at the regular meeting of the City Council of August 20, 1984, be and is hereby granted preliminary plat approval, subject to the dedication of Outlot A to the City. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Schmidt. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. FINAL PLAT APPROVAL OF MILLER ADDITION CONTINUED TO SEPTEMBER 10 ;-1984. As recommender by Staff, Member Bredesen's motion was seconded by Member Schmidt to continue the final plat approval of Miller Addition, generally located west of Dearborn•Street and north of Belmore Avenue, to the City Council Meeting of September 10, 1984. Ayes: Bredesen, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. I 8/20/84 PUBLIC HEARING DATE SET FOR DESIGNATION OF NEIGHBORHOOD FOR EAST EDINA HOUSING FOUNDATION. As recommended by Staff, Member Bredesen's motion was seconded by Member Schmidt to set the hearing date for designation of neighborhood for East Edina Housing Foundation for September 10, 1984. Ayes: Bredesen, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING ON STREET_ VACATION CONTINUED TO SEPTEMBER 10, 1984. As recommended by Staff, Member Bredesen's motion was seconded by Member Schmidt to continue the nuhlic hearing on street vacation pertaining to a portion of Dearborn Street, a por.Lion of Spruce Road and the alley between Dearborn Street /Arthur Streer_ and between Spruce Road / Belmore- Lane to the City Council fleeting of September 10, 1984. Ayes: Bredesen, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. AWARD OF BID FOR TRUCK SNOW WING APPROVED. Mr. Rosland explained that there were two bidders: La Hass Manufacturing Company and Little Falls Machine, Inc. Staff recommends the low bidder, La Hass, with a bid of $6,801.00. This snow wing is for the City's larger trucks purchased two years ago. It will give wider plowing of the streets; instead of having to plow four times down a street, it could be done in two times with the wing. It is an experimental piece this year; if this one works and speeds up our movement of snow, then we will come back in further budget years to ask for more. Member Bredesen's motion was seconded by Member Schmidt for award of bid to recommended low bidder, La Hass, at $6,801.00. Ayes: Bredesen, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF 8/14/84 APPROVED; 4 -WAY "STOP" SIGNS ISSUE ON WEST 70TH STREET AND WEST SHORE DRIVE CONTINUED TO TRAFFIC SAFETY MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 11, 1984. Council Members reviewed without questions, five items on the Traffic Safety Committee's agenda of August 14, 1984: 1) Request for installation of a "Stop'" sign to control eastbound West 69th Street traffic at.Xerxes Avenue South; 2) Request for improved safety in conjunction with the part located on Belmore Lane at Monroe Avenue; 3) Request for "Stop" signs to control traffic on Edina Industrial Boulevard at Metro Boulevard; 4) Request for a reduction in the speed zone along West 78th Street; 5) Request for review of West 70th Street and Antrim Road intersection. Mr. Hoffman reported that the request for installation of "Stop" signs creating a.four -way stop intersection on West 70th Street at West Shore Drive is a highly disputed issue. Neighbors recommending the "Stop" signs: Ron Rich, 7008 West Shore Drive; Helaine Cohen, 4405 Dunham Drive; Ron Martin, 4519 West 70th Street; and Jess Cohen, 4405 Dunham Drive. Neighbors opposed to the "Stop" signs: Harold Babb, 4701 West 70th Street; Albina Horsch, 4705 West 70th Street; and Donn Latourell, 6905 Creston Road. (At this time during the Council Meeting, Council Member Richards arrived.) Mr. Hoffman further reported that there have not been many reported accidents at the intersection; however, those that have been reported all involved injuries. It was felt that a four - way. "Stop" at the intersection might deter traffic from the area; but the neighbors against the "Stop" sign feel it will make it difficult for them to get out of their driveways. Mr. Hoffman cited that the intersection does not meet the requirements for a four -way "Stop" based on traffic volume; however, gap studies indicate inadequate time is available to cross the street for pedestrians. The question of traffic lights was raised; Staff does not feel they are the answer, and that perhaps outside expertise may be necessary for a resolution of this issue. Member Turner's motion was seconded by Member Schmidt to approve the Traffic Safety Committee Minutes of August 14, 1984, and to hold the West 70th Street /West Shore Drive "Stop" sign issue until the next Traffic Safety Committee Meeting on September 11, 1984, at which time everyone will be heard, and the issue will come back to the City Council again on September 17, 1984. Ayes: Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Nays: Bredesen Motion carried. EDINA LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS RECYCLING REQUEST APPROVED. Judy Smith, Action Chairperson for the League of Women Voters of Edina, was introduced, and she presented a study to the City Council on recycling, the League's position as it relates to this study, and she urged that the Council request the Edina Recycling Commission to study this issue and made recommendations to the City Council on the feasibility of household pick -up of recyclables in Edina. Mrs. Smith explained that in the fall of 1983 the League of Women Voters studied the feasibility of implementing household pick -up of re- cyclables. In December, consensus was reached which supported household pick -up of recyclabes. Based on the consensus, a position statement was developed: The League of Women Voters of Edina supports the household pick -up of recyclables in Edina, involving 1) support for adequate City staff for local recycling programs; 2) support for an ordinance to allow curbside placement of recyclables for pick -up; 3) support for City -wide anti - scavenging ordinance to protect those recyclables from being 8/20/84 picked up by anyone other than the designated receiver, and 4) support for adequate funding for a household pick -up system. St. Louis Park and Minneapolis have conducted pilot /test programs which are now city -wide. There was a concern as to whether this project would necessitate a certain "special" kind of truck; but apparently, any truck would work. Member Turner's motion was seconded by Member Richards to request the Edina Recycling Commission to study the issue of household pick -up of recyclables in Edina and then come back with recommendations to the City Council with how it might best be implemented in the City government structure. Ayes: Br.edesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. BUDGET HEARING DATES SET. Mr. Rosland explained that the budget's target date for certification and approval for the County is the Council Meeting on October 1, 1984. Staff recommends that the first date be set at 4:30 P. M., September 10, prior to the Council Meeting that night.. A second date was suggested for 4:30 P. M., September . 11. Council Members agreed to those times and will schedule future dates as necessary and agreeable to all. TRAFFIC SIGNALIZATION APPROVED AT WEST 70TH AND METRO BLVD. AND ALSO AT EDINA INDUSTRI' BLVD. AND METRO BLVD. Mr. Hoffman commented that Staff has been reviewing the needs for traffic signalization in the Edina Industrial Park; there have been several calls from business people in the Park during the past year. The final buildings have been built there and are now being occupied, with resulting traffic causing severe rush hour problems to and from the Industrial Parka The intersections at West 70th /Metro Blvd. and Edina Industrial Blvd /Metro Blvd. have met traffic signal warrants, and their preliminary cost estimates total $150,035.75 which includes construction and engineering. The project for signalization at West 78th Street and East Bush Lake is not scheduled to begin until 1985 or 1986. Member Schmidt's motion was seconded by Mt.mber Turner to approve the two signalization projects (1. West 70th and Metro Blvd.; 2. Edina Industrial Blvd. & Metro.Blvd.) with Municipal State Aid Funds, and that plans and specifications be authorized for State Aid approval. Ayes: Bredesen,,Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. REPORT ON SOLID WASTE TRANSFER SITE MEETING_. Mr. Hoffman reported that he had attended the meeting of August 14, 1984, for public input on solid waste transfer stations. A . resolution from the City Council adopted at its meeting of August 6, 1984, was presented opposing Site 24 because the site does not appear to meet the criteria. A short presentation was given on the Edinborough project which pointed out that the station was on part of the Edinborough site and the incomputability of the station with the project. A matter of interest was that the owner at Site 25 (Freeway Landfill) wishes to have the facilities being discussed located on his land; refuse was being disposed of on the site now, and it would be a natural progression to locate the proposed facilities on the same property with no disruption to other proposed Bloomington /Edina alternatives. The City of Bloomington made a presentation opposing the original recommended Site 18 at 94th and James, with no preference to any other location; and they recommended to the County that strong efforts be made to look at the N. S..P. facilities in terms of large scale energy recovery. Mr. Hoffman indicated that Hennepin County should strongly consider the comments of the Freeway Landfill owner and the City of Bloomington as to the transfer station location and refuse derived fuel processing with N. S. P. No action was taken. COUNCIL MEMBER SCHMIDT ANNOUNCED INTENT NOT TO RUN FOR RE- ELECTION. Member June Schmidt wanted to tell the Council first that she will not be running for re- election. The Council members expressed their regret. METROPOLITAN COUNCIL'S 1984 ESTIMATE OF POPULATION GIVEN. Mr. Rosland compared the figures provided by the Metropolitan Council from the April, 1980, census with 1984 for Edina. The population apparently is shrinking, with 46,073 reported in 1980 and 45,280 in 1984. The number of persons per household has shifted from 2.55 to 2.42. There was no further discussion. COST OF THE ELECTION AND WINE REFERENDUM QUESTIONED. Mr. Rosland reported that the cost of the election would run about $63,710; there will be 47 known questions on the ballot. The wine referendum would cost approximately $1400 to appear on the ballot. The wine referendum is an advisory opinion only; the City cannot incur any costs in connection with it, and it can't be binding. The Council has to make a decision by October 9 as to whether the wine referendum will be on the ballot. No action was taken at this time. BANNING PARKING ON WOODDALE FOR COUNTRY CLUB DISCUSSED. Mr. Rosland expressed the concern of residents on Wooddale with the overflow parking of Edina Country Club 8/20/84 members onto Wooddale Avenue. The Council is requested to look at banning parking on this street during large Country Club events. Mr. Rosland has spoken with the manager of the Club and has suggested that when there are extra crowds the staff could park down in the Wooddale Park parking lot or the Wooddale School lot. It would be difficult for the Police to distinguish Country Club cars parked on Wooddale from others; "No Parking" on Wooddale would interfere with church functions; thus, it seems more appropriate for the few times the Club has large crowds to arrange for the Club's staff to park elsewhere. Mr. Rosland will contact the concerned individuals. GARDEN PARK /NSP LAND DONATION APPROVED_. Mr. Erickson explained that NSP has offered to donate a parcel of land abutting the east boundary of Garden Park to the City, subject to retaining an easement for maintenance of their utility lines. Member Richards introduced the following resolution to accept NSP's conveyance for the easement and moved adoption: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED, by the Edina City Council that it hereby approves acceptance of a Quit Claim Deed whereby Northern States Power Company will convey to the City of Edina a parcel of land abutting the east boundary of Garden Park, described as follows: All that part of Lots 6, 7, 8 and 9, of Garden Park, Hennepin County, Minnesota, according to the map or plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Hennepin County, Minnesota, being a part of the Ez of the NE'-,. in Section 32, Township 117 North, Range 21 West, described as follows, to -wit: Commencing at a point on the South line of the County Road, known as the Eden Prairie - Minneapolis Road, 30 feet West of the East Section line of said Section 32; thence South, parallel to said East Section line and 30 feet distant therefrom to the right -of -way of the Minneapolis, Northfield & Southern Railroad Company; thence Southwesterly along the Westerly line of said railroad right -of -way to a point 264 feet North of the South line of said Lot 6 of said Garden Park,. Hennepin County, Minnesota; thence West parallel to said South line of said Lot 6 of said Garden Park, Hennepin County, Minnesota, a distance of 55.6 feet; thence North 30 East, a distance of 146 feet; thence North 200 East, 630 feet; thence North, parallel to the East Section line of said Section 32, a distance of 953 feet, more or less, to the South line of said County Road, known as the Eden Prairie- Minneapolis Road; thence Northeasterly along the South line of said County Road to the point of beginning, containing 1.67 acres, more or less. EXCEPTING AND RESERVING unto Northern States Power Company, its successors and assigns, the perpetual right, privilege and easement to construct, operate, maintain, use, rebuild or remove electric lines for the transmission of electric energy with all towers, structures, poles, crossarms, cables, wires, guys, supports, counterpoises, fixtures and devices used or useful in the operation, maintenance and use of said lines and facilities related and appurtenant thereto for transmission and distribution of electric energy, over, under, across and upon all that part of the property described above which lies within a strip of land 75 feet in width being 37.5 feet on each side of the following described centerline and extensions thereof: Beginning at the Southeast corner of the NE4 of Section 32, Township 117 North, Range 21 West; thence westerly along the South line of the said NE4, having a bearing of N 89049'12" W, a distance of 250.18 feet to the point of beginning of the centerline to be described; thence N 03010'36" E, 54.8 feet; thence N 4015'-12" E, 447.65 feet; thence N 17057'54" E, 537.08 feet; thence North 0005'21" E to the South line of the Eden Prairie - Minneapolis Road, now known as County Road 158 or Vernon Avenue, and there terminating; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Edina City Council hereby authorizes the Mayor and Clerk to execute and deliver, on behalf of the City, as easement granting Northern States:Power Company the authority to enter upon said parcel to construct, operate, maintain, use, rebuild, or remove electric transmission lines, through, over, under and across the following described lard: Torrens Parcel. That part of the North 202.7 feet of Lot 6 and that part of Lots 7, 8 and 9 lying West of a line described as follows: Commencing at a point 55.6 feet West from the West line of railroad right -of -way and 264 feet North from South line of Lot 6; thence North 3 degrees East 146 feet; thence North 20 degrees East 630 feet; thence North parallel with East line of Garden Park Addition to South line of Eden Prairie Road, all in Garden Park, Hennepin County, Minnesota, according to the plat thereof on file or of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said Hennepin County, and Abstract Parcel. That part of the North 202.7 feet of Lot 6 and that part of Lots 7, 8 and 9 lying West of the right -of -way of the Minneapolis, Northfield & Southern Railroad Company and East of a line described as follows: Commencing at a point 55.6 feet West from the West line of railroad right -of -way and 264 feet North from South line of Lot 6; thence North 3 degrees East 146 feet; thence North 20 degrees East 630 feet; thence North parallel with East line of Garden Park Addition to South line of Eden Prairie Road, all in Garden Park, Hennepin County, Minnesota, according to the plat thereof on file or of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said Hennepin County. Which easement as it crosses the above described parcels lies within a strip of land 75 feet in width, being 37.5 feet on each side of the following described centerline 8/20/84 and extensions thereof: Beginning at the Southeast corner of the NE-'4 of Section 32, Township 117 North, Range 21 West; thence westerly along the South line of the said NEB, having a bearing of N 89049'12" W, a distance of 250.18 feet to the point of beginning of the centerline to be described; thence N 03010'36" E, 54.8 feet; thence N 4015'12" E, 447.65 feet; thence N 17057'54" E, 537.08 feet; thence N 0005'21" E to the South line of the Eden Prairie- Minneapolis Road, now known as County Road 158 or Vernon Avenue, and there terminating. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Bredesen. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schm_i.dt, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. BIDS TO BE TAKEN FOR VARIOUS PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. As recommended by Staff, Member Turner introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS AND DIRECTING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. SS -368 WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. WM -352 STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. ST.S. -174 GRAVELING IMPROVEMENT NO. PC -141 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA: 1. The plans and specifications for the proposed improvements set forth in the following Advertisement for Bids form, heretofore prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Clerk are hereby approved. 2. The Clerk shall cause to be published in the Edina Sun and Construction Bulletin the following notice of bids for improvements: (Official Publication) CITY OF EDINA 4801 W. 50TH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS SANITARY SEWER, WATERMAIN, STORM SEWER AND GRAVELING IMPROVEMENT NUMBERS SS -368, WM -352, ST.S. -174 & PC -141 CONTRACT 4684 -5 (ENG) BIDS CLOSE SEPTEMBER 27, 1984 SEALED BIDS will be received and opened in the Council Chambers in the Edina City Hall, 4801 West 50th Street at 11:00 A. M., September 27, 1984, and the Edina City Council will meet at 7:00 P. M., Monday, October 1, 1984, to consider said bids for sanitary sewer, watermain, storm sewer and graveling. The following are approximate quantities of the major items: 84 L /F, 8" V.C.P.:Sewer 85 L /F, 12" Copper Watermain 278 L /F, 12" R.C.P. Storm Sewer 4 Standard Manholes 847 Tons, Class 2 Gravel Bids shall be in a sealed.envelope with a statement thereon showing the work covered by the bid. Bids should be addressed to the City Engineer, City of Edina, 4801 West 50th Street, Edina, Minnesota 55424, and may be mailed or submitted personally to the City Engineer. Bids received by the City Engineer, either through the mail or by personal submission, after the time set for receiving them may be returned unopened. Work must be done as described in plans and specifications on file in the office of the City Clerk. Plans and specifications are available for a deposit of $10.00 (by check). Said deposit to be returned upon return of the plans and specifications with a bona fide bid. No bids will be considered unless sealed and accompanied by bid bond or certified check payable to the City Clerk in the amount of at least ten (10) percent of all bids. All plans mailed, enclose separate check for $5.00 payable to the City of Edina for postage and handling. BY THE ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL. Marcella M. Daehn City Clerk Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Schmidt. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. , 8/20/84 ORDINANCE NO. 312 -A1 AMENDING ANIMAL CONTROL ORDINANCE NO..312 ADOPTED ON SECOND READING. Mr. Erickson presented Ordinance No. 312 -A1, pointing out that the definition of "owner's premises" had been deleted; that any animal which on any occasion has bitten a person, no matter where it occurs, except its owner or a member of the owner's family, shall be deemed a public nuisance; and that after an animal has been impounded, the City may bring an action in municipal court, and the court will determine the fate of the anima]. and the penalties to be imposed upon the owner. Member Schmidt moved adoption of Ordinance No 312 -A1 as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 312 -Al AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 312 RELATING TO ANIMAL CONTROL_ THE CITY COUNCIL. OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 3 of Ordinance No. 312 is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 1. Impounding. City Police Officers, Animal Control Officers, Community Service Officers or such person or persons designated by the City Council shall impound any animal found, or, by complaint of the City, believed to be, in violation of this ordinance." Sec. 2. Section 5 of Ordinance No. 312 is hereby amended to read as follows: "Sec. 5. Redemption. Any animal impounded for a reason other than rabies observation or for biting a person in violation of Section 29(f) hereof may be redeemed from the animal pound by its owner within the time period stated in Section 7 of this ordinance by paying to the City the redemption fees in the amounts set forth in Ordinance No. 171 and a license fee if the animal is required to be licensed and is unlicensed. The Police Department shall, upon request, deliver any redeemed animal to its owner." Sec. 3. Section 8 of Ordinance No. 312 is hereby amended to read as follows: "Sec. 8. Impounding Ani.m_al ;_Objection_ by Owner; ;C(urt Order. Any owner may object to the impounding or subsequent disposition of his animal as being contrary to the provisions of this ordinance by filing an objection signed by the owner with the City within five days after the action objected to was taken. Within twenty days after impounding of an animal, if the animal is not redeemed pursuant to Section 5 hereof or if the City is unable to reach agreement with the owner regarding the keeping of the animal in an enclosure and in a manner consistent with the provisions of this ordinance, the City may bring an action in the municipal court by serving on the owner a complaint setting forth the violation of this ordinance which caused the City to take action under this ordinance. The court may then order the return of the animal to its owner with or without payment of redemption fees by the owner; or the disposal, destruction or sale of the animal; or, if the animal has been improperly disposed of or sold, the payment to the owner of the reasonable value of the animal; or imposition on the owner of the same penalty as that for commission of a misdemeanor; or any two or more of the. foregoing. When an objection has been filed with the City, the City shall not dispose of or sell the animal referred to 'in the objection if it is still in the pound, but shall within ten days after filing of such objection, either return the.animal to the owner, without liability on his part for any fees, or keep it pending agreement with the owner or order of the court as above provided. If the animal has been disposed of or sold without a court order, the City shall within ten days after such filing either pay to the owner the reasonable value of the animal or begin the action described in this section." Sec. 4. Section 10 of Ordinance No. 312 is hereby amended to read as follows: "Sec. 10. Rabies Vaccinations and Dog License Required. (a) Any owner of a dog over six months of age in the City shall secure a license for such dog from the City. The fee for such license shall be as set forth in Ordinance No. 171. If the owner of a dog shows proof that his dog has been neutered, the amount of the fee for the license for such dog shall be reduced as set forth in Ordinance No. 171. (b) All dogs and cats over six months of age in the City must have current rabies vaccinations and dogs must wear their current vaccination tags at all times." Sec. 5. The second sentence in Section 23(c) of Ordinance No. 312 is hereby amended to read as follows: "Such notice shall be delivered to the City Animal Control Officer by the owner not less than ten days, or more than fourteen days, from the date of the estab- lishment of the quarantine." Sec. 6. Section 29(f) of Ordinance No. 312 is hereby amended to read as follows: "(f) Any animal which on any occasion, has bitten a person, other than its owner or a member of its owner's immediate family shall be deemed a public nuisance. Such animal shall be quarantined pursuant to Section 23 of this ordinance, and also shall be subject to the procedures and penalties set out in Section 33 of this ordinance." 8/20/84 Sec. 7. Section 33 or Ordinance No. 312 relating to penalties is hereby amended by adding thereto the following paragraph: "In addition to other penalties, fees or remedies in this ordinance, any animal . deemed to be a nuisance, as defined in this ordinance, or which is found, or by complaint of the City, believed to be, in violation of any provision of this ordinance, may be impounded pursuant to Sections 3 and 4 of this ordinance. The handling and disposal of the animal shall be considered and determined pursuant to Section 8 of this ordinance." Sec. 8. Section 30(a) of Ordinance No. 312 is hereby amended to read as follows: "'No dog shall be perriiLted to be off the premisus of its owner at any tizuc unless it is leashed." Sec. 9. The third sentence in Sec. 30(b) of Ordinance No. 312 is hereby amended to read as follows: "It shall furthermore be the duty of each person having the custody or control of a dog when such dog is upon any of the places or areas described in the immediately preceding sentence to have in his possession a device or equipment for the picking up and removal of dog feces; at a minimum this equipment must include at least 2 bags." Sec. 10. To Section 30 of Ordinance No. 312, the following Sub- Paragraph is added as follows: "(f) As provided in Minnesota Statute Chapter 347, if a dog, without provocation, attacks or injures any person who is peaceably conducting himself in any place where he may lawfully be, the owner of the dog is liable in damages to the person so attacked or injured to the full amount of the injury sustained. The term "owner." includes any person harboring or keeping a dog but the owner shall be primarily liable. The term "dog" includes both male and female of the canine species." Sec. 11. Section 12 of Ordinance No. 312 is hereby amended to read as follows: "Sec. 12. Receipts and Tags. Upon payment of the license fee required by Section 10 hereof, the City shall deliver an original receipt to the person who pays the fee and retain a duplicate of such receipt. Upon the initial licensing of a dog, the City shall also deliver to the owner of the dog a metallic tag. To properly renew a license, an owner must pay a delinquent year's renewals. This shall be in addition to any penalties imposed for violation of this ordinance. Sec. 12. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and publication. Motion for adoption of the ordinance was seconded by Mayor Courtney. Rollcall: Ayes: Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Nays: Bredesen, Richards Ordinance adopted. ATTEST: Mayor Acting City Clerk OFFICIAL STATEMENT PRESENTED - $5,400,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS. Mr. Dalen presented Council Members with the Official Statement on $5,400,000 General Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 1984, together with the opinion of the City's bond Counsel. He advised that this information is provided to prospective bidders for their use in connection with the bond sale authorized by the Council at its meeting of August 6, 1984. No formal action was taken. LIQUOR FUND REPORT as of June 30, 1984 was approved and ordered placed on file by motion of Member Schmidt, seconded by Member Turner. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney CLAIMS PAID. Motion of Member Schmidt was seconded by Member Turner for payment of the following claims as per Pre -List dated 8/20/84: General Fund $165,039.93, Park Fund $25,741.27, Art Center $1,710.60; Swimming Pool Fund $7,548.96, Golf Course Fund, $20,545.68, Recreation Center Fund $8,797.94, Gun Range Fund $815.63, Waterwork Fund $38,235.48, Sewer Rental Fund $4,489.26, Liquor Dispensary Fund $108,687.96, Construction Fund $125,646.48, Total $507,259.19; and for confirmation of payment of claims dated 7/31/84: Liquor Dispensary Fund $213,436.36. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. There being no further business, Mayor Courtney declared the meeting adjourned at 9:45 PM. Acting City Clerk -,L- r /-r- TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Francis Hoffman, City Engineer`,; -� - VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: Habitat - Assessment Concerns - BA -259 Regarding, the concerns of Mr. Trones and Mr. Irwin, th provided below: LOT BLOCK ADDITION PROPOSED FOOTAGE 1 1 Habitat (1/3) 37.33 5 1 (1/3) 79.87 `f 6 1 (1/3) 91.71 14 1 (1/3) 71.76 $1,435.20 (See attached sketch) The comments in` their letter are essentially correct. I do not know if one can define the 50% lack of use because the wetlands occupy parts of two properties. We do not know of any other situation similar to this in the past. The last time the council reduced a sideyard or backyard assessment was on Dewey Hill Road. The backyard assessment was reduced from 1/3 of the total footage to 1/6 of the total footage. The difference between the Dewey Hill Road project and this project is the City would allow access to the Dewey Hill project and no acess in the Habitat project due to the road. configuration. However, staff believes there is some value added as a result of the project in terms of the improved roadway section (i.e., curb and gutter where gravel shoulders previously existed). As such, the staff would recommend the council review this as a slightly different situation than normal to decide if the ratio of assessable footage should be reduced. FJH:lm 9/28/84 �.�i ,..t>tOiB:...1 . a -... _.. 9r .. s. ,_...d: 4 s r .S�.Yre ._..:Y.f 1�..•.,{7 "T..d2 �..... i% / �N1 1,1410 YJl -- � °4 i A i r 11, < <M o•7 ,y m CO 000 a r �••- '• - 5\:00 -: • '• — 1 �1 / Ga or � � d•544y� 5 1 -y- �1�' I � i N o /27 09 N ` O N M I N83 °24 oZ•• -- _ 3 N87 *30'48 "W T 1-- 1 114 lr. -1 N ' J L 220.9/ �NBS° 34'20, E— I U i 0 (. 1 \ a 7� 2 N 50 dr31 "age ~��,� �o° P� 01 04 3O� \ tj43'35, 7 Z S39 \ LINCOLN Q =gee \JL_Mnof7r 4 of Iry •�f i Mn.�..m �. ,..-1- ^ °vi� 0 � rya. ./ � � 14 �> Qj CO 1 p•� 2 '53; /°J -- S 87.24'02 "E L WCOLN 34. /6 AR/VE i i G September 26, 1984 To: City of Edina City Council Members Dear Sirs: In response to your request on what our objections are in regard to Vernon Ave. Surfacing are as follows: 1. The design of the Habitat Project is such that no usage of the side or back yards for access of any kind is possible, or permis- sable. Our original subdivision approval states that no access is allowed onto Vernon Ave. from any side or rear yard that abutts Vernon Ave. We have constructed a large berm along Vernon Ave. adjacent to lots 1, 5 and 6 to provide visual barriers and separate the subdivision from the highway. 2. The D.N.R. wetlands on lot 5 and 6 encompass 500 of these two lots. The back half of usable lot space on these two lots has been diminish- ed and therefore the effective yard legnth should be reduced accordingly. Respectfull Submitted, Wally Irwin & Rudy ones �aaliet� 40__Z� 7/1G/79 145 ,uid of t1le Cvrinumlty Development and Planning Commission. Mr.', Frank Cardarelle ;ho,lad a print of the plat indicating that lot line:: have already bc: n adjusted a.,; well as dedication of the right -of -way. An unidentified gentleman In the aud- ience was told that The habitat would pay for its own share of a storm sewer but that the stor►a sewer would not be constructed to solve problems of a 25 -year f;torm. Interested spectators were told that they would be notified of the meet - .n- at wl?ich final_ plat and Second Reading of the Zoning Ordinance would be con- Councilman Bredesen thereupon offered the following resolution and proved its adoption: RESOLUTION 'M" IT RESOLVED by the Edina City Council that that certain plat entitled "The ilabitat , platted by Rudy Trones and Wally Irwin and presented at the Edina City Council Meeting of July 16, 1979, be and is hereby granted preliminary plat +pproval, subject to the following conditions: 1) Final zoning is conditioned „pon final platting; 2) Receipt of an executed developer's agreement; 3) A (retailed storm sewer plan must be approved by the City, Nine Mile Creek Watershed DLstric.t and Hennepin County prior to final approval; 5) A scenic and open space easement for the pond and surrounding area as shown on the proponent's plan must be executed; 6) No driveway access to Roushar Road; 7) A grading permit must be approved by the Watershed District; 8) Receipt of a permit from the Depart- ment of Natural Resources allowing alteration of the wetland. ;action for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Councilman Courtney. Roilcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Courtney, Richards, Schmidt, Van Valkenburg Nays: None Resolution adopted. Councilman Bredesen then offered Ordinance No. 811 -A123 for First Reading as fol- lows: ORDINANCE NO. 811 -A128 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE (NO. 811) BY REZONING PROPERTY FROM R -1 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT TO R -2 MULTIPLE RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT 1'P.L CITY COUNCIL OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. Paragraph 1 of Section 4 of Ordinance No. 811 of the City is hereby amended by adding the following thereto: "The extent of the.R -'- Multiple Residential District is enlarged by the audition of the follc�ain; property: That part_ of the Southwest Quarter of Section 31, Township 117, Range 21, described as commencing at the Southwest corner of said Section 3'I; thcrce North along the West line thereof 529.68 feet; thence East to a point 523.12 feet North of the South line of said Section 31 as measured along a line drawn parallel to and 824.94 feet East of the West line thereof, said po:i:iit L-eulg the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence t.ast to a point 543.07 feet North of the South line of said Section 11 as n asured along a line drawn parallel to and 900 feet ?lest of the East line of Southwest Quarter; thence South along the last nneutioned parallel l_rc 543.07 feet to the South line of said Southwest Quarter; thence West along said South lire to its intersection with a line drawn parallel witl: the Gics� line of said Southwest Quarter from the point of beginnint; ti? -nee ;;oath, :.i.i.c:tg the las; mentioned parallel line to the point of beginning, the bouu;:iries of the premises are marked by Jrnt1i.cial Landruir:cs set pursuzir.t to T,orrcns Case Igo. 1!;890, according to the Government Survey there-of." Sec.. 2. This ordinance shall be in full Force and effect upon its passa;;e n;l publication. A r PROJECTED ASSESSMENT - OCTOBER 1983 $39,00 ACTUAL ASSESSMENT TOTAL # OF TREES TRIMMED 1;268 TOTAL COST OF TREES TRIMMED $52,939 TOTAL COST ASSESSED FOR ONE TREE $41,75 AREA 1 TREE TRIMMING ACCOUNT The City Forester's Time for Tree Trimming Inspections beginning the week of December 5, 1983 through September 19, 1984 382 weeks @ 1 and 2 days per week = 58 days 58 days @ $120 = $ 6,960 Inventory -1/6 of City $ 2,300 Administration $3.50 per tree $ 4,420 $12,680 Contractor 1268 trees x $31.75 $40,259 52,939 10/1/84 $40259 Contractor's Charge) _ $31.75 /tree 1268 # of trees $12680 (Administrative cost) _ $10.00 /tree 1268 $41.75 /tree - Assessment 9/27/84 TREES CONDEMNED AND MARKED BY CITY FORESTER As of September 19, 1984 Private Public TOTAL 1984 355 250 605 1983 295 94 389 Increase 60 of Increase 20% 156 166% ELM AND OAK TREES REMOVED 1974 -1984 Year Public Private Total 1974 25 10 35 1975 30 138 168 1976 135 165 300 1977 380 1111 1491 1978 716 1304 2020 , 1979 730 1113 1843 1980 182 845 1027 1981 365 575 940 1982 384 603 987 1983 94 295 389 1984 250 * 355* 605* *As of Sept. 19, 1984 TOTALS 3291 6514 9805 Total American Elms on the Boulevard in the City as of 3/1/84 3,003 Total oaks on the Boulevards in the City as of 1,102 3/1/84 9/27/84 Trees susceptible to disease on blvds. 4,105 Mr. Robert McGuire City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Dear Mr. McGuire, y -3 September 27, 1984 RE: Proposed Special Assessment on Tree Trimming Improvement No. TT -84 This confirms an earlier conversation I had with you concerning the above proposed assessment on my property located at 4520 West 44th Street, legally designated on your records as Lots 14 & 15, Block 11, Browndale Park Addition, PINS 18 -028- 24 -21 -0014. In that conversation you informed me that the notice of pro- posed assessment set for hearing by the Edina City Council on October 1st, 1984, sent to me on the above, was sent in error; that the above described property is not proposed for a current assessment on this project and that my property will be deleted from the assessment roils. If the above does not conform to your understanding of that conversation or if the information is no longer accurate please contact me immediately at 929 -2055• Sincerely, athy Stiehm N .. l` ASSlSJ I"Q 13. KoJt�l, „. September 1,_ 1984 City' of Edina 4801, West 50th St. Edina, -MN: 55424 Attn: Marcella M. Daehn, City Clerk -- Re:, Tree Trimming - Improvement No. TT -84 To: City.Council The proposed Special Assessment on Tree Trimming Improvement No. TT -84 came to- my ;address as a three .page notice.. which conveyed no.-information whatsoever as to what•. "Construction of Tree Trimming Improvement No. TT -84" consists of or what it-is. On the second page of the notice -an es "timated assessment of $155 -per dwelling is .given, and a "proposed assessment:',of $41.75 per tree is shown. What does the City Council mean by the'word "construction ? ", Do you propose to build some trees? What trees are involved? Those on.the boulevard...those on the front lawns:.... those i "n_the back yards? You take nearly two pages listing the areas proposed to be assessed, and give the home owner no clue whatsoever what work.is proposed.'' I. have. Iived in Edina for 20.years and find this notice one-of the poorer communications'I have,ever.:received.Iri checking last years real estate taxes it-appears I was assessed'for tree trimming. However, I stall do not under - stand what that has to,do with construction. _ I would "also 'like to comment on the mosquito control in Edina this Summer. It is atrocious. The worst I can remember. it is my•understanding that this control is paid•for through real estate taxes-in-Hennepin County. My only comment is that my taxes have increased more-in the last four years than they did in the previous 16 years put together ........ and there.are more mosquitos this year than I have ever seen before! Si )ccerely Jack A.-Mertes 4620,Bruce Ave. Edina, MN. 55424 l D /vi e D w /U—c- 0 PoeEJ r YZ 18- 028-24 14 0080 MAkILYN REIfAN 04tl12 MAFLE_ nu EOI14A MN 55424 Sp LOU, Ors do s rye / d 110 Lc/z°— v e— r D --)( ve, c/ elhv a A ql e- � a� � y d ss es a � vo i 4zs. L26an1EI Co. (vans 4404 eSunnyiide cRd. ,Edina, Anneaota 55424 �G B. +KGJ Lf(h Cc . Assesf(^1 0c, 01 61 efi„ REIERSGORD LAW FIRM 423 CITIZENS STATE BANK BUILDING 5050 EXCELSIOR BOULEVARD MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55416 612 / 922-7114 September 7, 1984 THOMAS E. REIERSGORD ALBERT B. YNGVE CAMILLA REIERSGORD OF COUNSEL City Council City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Re: 18- 028 -24 21 0011 4500 West 44th Street Dear City Council: I object to the assessment of my property as proposed in Tree Trimming Improvement No. TT -84 on the ground that my property was not benefited and also on the ground that practically no trimming was done and the cost should be nominal. About one year previously, in 1983, the NSP crew went down my part of 44th Street and trimmed the trees on our side of the street extensively because the street light power lines run through the trees. That coupled with storm damage in prior years which was cleaned up by NSP or the city has meant that the trees did not need trimming. In the 18 years I. have lived in my home, I have spent a substantial sum of money on tree trimming and tree removal because we have many non - boulevard trees. In my judgment, a charge of $250.50 for the tree trimming which was done my boulevard tree's is by far the poorest tree trimming deal I have ever had. A few broken ends from limbs were cut off my trees and I found them in my hedge. I did notice one dead limb on one of the boulevard elms, which should have been removed, and which was not taken. Tree trim- ming is somewhat of an art. I don't think the right result is obtained by hiring contractors on a piece work per tree basis. Very truly yours, C. Thomas E. Reiersgord TER: sae 4 `14 �Q-S I2) I "ss- i �j ors �'�'� e "3,zs c ••� �`� ram cis -WZQ�'��� owe c� i �L r r VePf - �., (c. 4ifeir—, Jay Peters & Associates Manufacturers' Representatives 4009 LYNN AVENUE MINNEAPOLIS, MINN., 55416 Phone 926 -7825. CC: A-Sperfehi beet 6, Kai 'f-e r' k'ec.¢ivcd q /� /�l City Council City of Edina Edina City Hall 4801 W. 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 RE: TT -84 Tree Trimming City Council, I am in favor of the tree trimming ordinance proposed at your October 1, 1984 meeting. L Sincerely, Thomas and Katherine Miller 4611 Moorland Avenue Edina, Minnesota TEM /kj a RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL PLAT FOR EDINA MILLS TOWNHOMES BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled "Edina Mills Townhomes ", platted by J.B.C. Development, a Minnesota corporation, fee owner and Norwest Bank MetroWest, N.A., a national banking association, mortgagee, and presented at the regular meeting of the City Council of October 1, 1984, be and is hereby granted final plat approval. ADOPTED this 1st day of October, 1984. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of October 1, 1984, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 23rd day of October, 1984. City Clerk RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL PLAT FOR SMABY ADDITION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled " Smaby Addition ", platted by Philip C. Smaby and Margaret H. Smaby, husband and wife, and presented at the regular meeting of the City Council of October 1, 1984, be and is hereby granted final plat approval. Adopted this 1st day of October, 1984. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of October 1, 1984, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 2nd day of October, 1984. City Clerk U- A L 2 r I N U M B E R Z -82 -5 Johnson Bldg. Co., R -1 Single Family Residence District to PRD -2 Planned Residence District. 4600 France Avenue S -83 -11 Preliminary Plat Approval of Edina Mills L O C A T 10 N Generally located west of France Avenue and south of 46th Street extended. REQUEST EDINA PLANNING DEPARTMENT CJC-1 JOHNSON BUILDI`:G COMP N Y /EDI \A X1ILLS REZONING TO PRD -2 AND PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVED, Affidavit of Notice was presented b ,,,4 3 y Clark, approved 99 f on file. Mr. Hughes PP ed as to form and ordered placed presented the 'request of Johnson Building Company for final rezoning from R -1 Single Family District to PRD -2 Planned Residential District and for preliminary plat approval for property generally described as Lots 1 and 2, Auditors Subdivision 172 (4600 France Avenue). He recalled that Council granted First Reading of Ordinance No, 811 -A171 for PRD -2 rezoning on February 28, 1983, to allow construction of a seven unit townhouse on the site. The proponents have now returned with an overall development plan .:rich includes a site plan, landscape plan, grading plan and utility layout,and building elevations. A preliminary plat F =. has also been submitted. Staff had noted two concerns: 1) the utility plans sub- mitted do not adequately address storm water drainage and staff had requested that a drainage plan be submitted which has now been approved, and 2) the proposed land- scaping relies heavily on retaining existing trees on the site and staff has re- quested the landscape plan be revised to identify the trees as to type, location and size. Approval of the overall development plan and preliminary plat were re- commended by the Community Development and Planning Commission at its August 31, 1983 meeting subject to resolution of staff's concerns and conditioned upon final platting, subdivision dedication and approval of sewer and water plans by the City of Minneapolis which will serve this project with these utilities. Mr-. Hughes stated that Mike Klein, representing Johnson Building Company, was present to answer any questions. No one appearing to be heard, Member Bredesen offered Ordinance No. 811 -A171 for Second Reading and moved its adoption as follows, subject to staff conditions as stated: ORDINANCE NO. 811 -A171 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE (NO.811) BY REZONING PROPERTY TO PRD -2 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT FROM R -1 SINGLE FAMILY Q SIDFNTTAT DTCTnTCT THE CITY COUNCIL OF EDINA, MINNESOTA. ORDAINS: Section 1. Paragraph 4 of Section 5 of Ordinance No. 811 of the City is enlarged by adding the following thereto: The extent of the Planned Residential District (Sub- District PRD -2) is enlarged by the addition of the following property: Lots 1 and 2, Auditors Subdivision 172." Sec. 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and publication. Motion for adoption of the Ordinance was seconded by Member Turner. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Ordinance adopted. ATTEST: / Mayor City Clerk Member Bredesen then offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION GRANTING PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL _ FOR EDINA ?TILLS BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina City Council that that certain plat known as Edina Mills, platted by Johnson Building Company, and presented at the regular meeting of the City Council of September 19, 1983, be and is hereby granted preliminary plat approval conditioned on subdivision dedication. Rollcall: Aves; Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtnev Subdivision No. — S 3-` SUBDIVISION DEDICATION REPORT TO: Planning Commission Park Board Environmental Quality Commission FROM: Planning Department SUBDIVISION NAME: .EG /A) 4 R/ &L' LAND SIZE: 1 ( Y P�i /�:�Id) LAND VALUE: (By: Date: z ' ) The developer of this subdivision has been required to 11 A. grant an easement over part of the land ElB. dedicate o of the land DC. donate $ as a fee in lieu of land As a result of applying the following policy: A. Land Required (no density or intensity may be used for the first 50 of land dedicated) 1:1 1. If property is adjacent to an existing park and the addition beneficially expands the park. II 2. If property is 6 acres or will be combined with future dedications so that the end result will be a minimum of a 6 acre park. II3. If property abuts a natural lake, pond, or stream. 4. If property is necessary for storm water holding or will be dredged or otherwise improved for storm water holding areas or ponds. r7 5. If the property is a place of significant natural, scenic or his- toric value. 6. B. Cash Required 1. In all other instances than above. 2. � LOCATION MAP y■ soni� �� Z ■� SUBDIVISION N U M B E R S -83 -7 Smaby Replat of Lot 5, Garden Park v LOCATION Generally located north of Grove Street and west of tA.N.S. Railroad REQUEST EDINA PLANNING DEPARTMENT SMABY REPLAT OF LOT 5, GARDEN PARK PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVED. Affidavits of Notice were presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. City Planner Larsen reported that the subject property,generally located north of Grove Street and West. of MNS Railroad, measures approximately 2.5 acres in area and is zoned R -1 Single Family Dwelling District. The property includes a portion of vacated Garden Avenue and abuts Garden Park on the north. The proponent is request- ing a five lot subdivision of the property. Lots 1 through 4 measure 80 feet by 160 feet (12,800 square feet in area). Lot 5, which abuts the MNS Railroad, measures 12.5 feet by 160 feet; with the easterly 50 feet encumbered by an easement for the NSP power lines and no building can occur within an easement area. Mr. Larsen explained that the proposed subdivision designates approximately the northerly 78 feet as an outlot and the proponent suggests that this outlot be dedicated to the City to satisfy the dedication requirement. Several properties south of Grove Street have been replatted in recent years in a manner similar to the proponent's request. The size of Lot 5 is necessitated because of the utility easement and leaves Lot 5 with a building area of approximately 55 to 60 feet in width. The Community Development and Planning Commission recommended approval of the proposed subdivision conditioned upon the dedication of Outlot A as a subdivision dedication. Member Richards asked if Lot 5 would require a setback variance because of the restricted buildable area. Mr. Larsen responded that staff had looked at that aspect and had concluded there should be no problem in building a house on the approximately 55 foot width area and explained that the house could be positioned right up to the easement line. No further comments being heard, Member Turner 7/18/83 offered the following resolution and moved its adoption, subject to the dedication of Outlot A as a subdivision dedication: RESOLUTION GRANTING PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL FOR SMABY REPLAT OF LOT 5, GARDEN PARK BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled " Smaby Replat of Lot 5, Garden Park ", platted by Allison M. and Philip C. Smaby and presented at the regular meeting of the City Council of July 18, 1983, be and is hereby,:, granted preliminary approval. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Bredesen. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Resolution adopted. n Tycon Management, Inc. Vp Property Management September 24, 1984 City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Mayor Courtney and Members of the City Council: As a representative of the owner of the Yorktown Fashion Mall (Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 6, Yorktown) and on behalf of Wendy's of Minnesota, I respectfully request a waiver of easements and restrictions pertaining to the Yorktown Addition as follows: 1) Release of perpetual scenic and open space easement to allow an additional curb cut in accordance with the attached plan, and 2) Waiver of restriction on free - standing signs to allow the construction of one drive -up window ordering or menu board within 100 feet of the York Avenue right - of -way also in accordance with the attached plan. Because sales through the drive -up window constitute a significant proportion of the total business done by fast -food restaurants today, Wendy's is requesting permission to construct a drive -up window in the same location as the original First Federal Savings and Loan drive -up window. Wendy's will also be responsible for construction of the new curb cut identified on the attached plan. The new entrance to York Avenue is needed to optimize traffic flow and minimize conflicts. It will primarily serve the employee parking lot located on the south side of the mall. It will also provide improved access and maneuverability for the large delivery trucks that service the mall. This will be a very low- volume entrance to York Avenue and will be used primarily during Wendy's peak customer hours (11 :30 - 1 :30 and 5 :00 - 7 :00) when the drive -up window will be most in use. 321 University Avenue Southeast, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55414, 612 / 379 -7000 Tycon Management Incen Properly Management (� City of Edina September 24, 1984 Page 2 A study done by Hoisington Group, Inc., an Eden Prairie land planning firm, of traffic at the existing easterly entrance to Yorktown during Wendy's peak lunch and supper hours on Friday, August 10, 1984, indicated an extremely low level of use. On average, one car per minute exited to York Avenue via this route while one -half car per minute entered during the peak noon hour period (11 :30- 1 :30). At no time was the stacking of out -bound cars a problem which would impede the flow of traffic on York Avenue primarily due to the large gap in traffic created by the semaphore at the intersection of Hazelton Road and York Avenue. The addition of the new entrance will simply divide these existing trips between the two exits allowing for increased in -bound capacity via the existing cut for Wendy's and shopping center patrons. The ordering or menu board is, in fact, not an advertising sign at all. It will contain the menu which will not be visible from the street. It will be well landscaped to minimize visual access from York Avenue. We have made application for and received a permit (attached) from the Hennepin County Department of Transportation for the additional curb cut. Wendy's complies in all respects with zoning ordinance requirements for the drive -up window. We thank you for your consideration of our request. Sincerely, BY: Tycon Ma�fagement, Inc. Agent for Vulcan Properties /P7 .,A 10 / 41 ro 41C C3rlVA'51 IF.P'l 14 m —.,.A -,.�Of --.Ol A a � .j a .I--i wa 1 ; - I r •� • I .. r.. 9.w•:rl - C t� J a� 1 � I I .. r� I t- L1 Ir ���• �► .J elm J ' .• .v. `. ... �1 �: ( � �} jam. �I it .�. � � L t; '• �.� '.t - .•y � AA ..n'! u. d1P .f•T �J- r • .1 LIA 3` V •• If I. I. a R g IL va- ' :'tit •� ' I•Lj -`:� � � _ '.i.`` II � 1 I ; I Ij J. i .. 1i. ; ii 1• i' L 1 � I• � � 1 RESOLUTION WHEREAS, certain real estate situated in the City of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota described as LOT 2, BLOCK 6, YORKTOWN is subject to certain restrictions and protective covenants as set forth in the Declaration of Restrictions and Protective Covenants dated May 3, 1972 filed for record June 8, 1972 in the office of Registrar of Titles, Hennepin County, Minnesota as Document. No. 1033727; and WHEREAS, one of the restrictions to which said property,is subject is as follows: "No free standing signs or advertising of any kind what- soever shall be constructed or maintained upon Lot 2, Block 1, Lot 5, Block 1, Lot 1, Block 2, Lot 1, Block 6, Lot 2 Block 6, and Lot 2, Block 7, said plat of Yorktown, within 100 feet of the right -of -way for France Avenue or York Avenue, except signs solely for traffic direction and not containing the name, symbol or logo of any business or use on any Yorktown Lot. WHEREAS, the City has been asked to release this restriction for the above described property to permit one menu board in conjunction with a restaurant drive -up window and the City Council deems it advisable to do so; and WHEREAS, the easterly 20 feet of said described property is subject to a grant of perpetual scenic and open space easements as contained in a Grant of Easement to the City of Edina, Minnesota dated May 3, 1972 and recorded June 8, 1972 as Document No. 1033728 by Glacier Sand and Gravel Company and George J. and Virginia L. Ablah; and WHEREAS, the Easement Agreement reads as follows: "No driveways, parking lots, signs, advertising, displays, buildings, structures, equipment, or any hard surfaced, non - vegetative area, or any material or property of any kind whatsoever shall be placed or maintained on or in the Edina Easements, or any part thereof, without, in each instance, the prior written consent of Edina;..." WHEREAS, The City has been asked to remove said easement to allow for one additional 24 foot wide driveway, plus radii, from York Avenue to Lot 2, Block 6 and the City Council deems it 'advisable to authorize herewith the release in writing. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the covenant and restriction contained in said Declaration of Restrictions and Protective Covenants Document No. 1033727 be amended by adding to Paragraph 2 thereof the following: "...and further excepting that one menu board.shall be permitted not closer than 20 feet from the York Avenue right -of -way in conjunction with a restaurant drive -up window." BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that the City hereby authorizes in- writing the construction of one additional 24 foot wide driveway for access to and from York Avenue plus the necessary radii over the easterly'20 feet of said Lot 2,.Block 6, Yorktown. STATE OF MINNESOTA) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of 1984, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this day of , 1984. City Clerk NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the covenant and restriction contained in said Declaration of Restrictions and Protective Covenants Document No. 1033727 be amended by adding to Paragraph 2 thereof the following: "...and further excepting that one menu board shall be permitted not closer than 20 feet from the York Avenue right -of -way in conjunction with a restaurant drive -up window." BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that the City hereby authorizes in writing the construction of one additional 24 foot wide driveway for access to and from York Avenue plus the necessary radii over the easterly 20 feet of said Lot 2, Block 6, Yorktown. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of October 1, 1984, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 26th day of November, 1984. City Clerk KLgUC31 VU1% VU1%t.a11%aL- �A TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Fran Hoffman; Director of Public Works & City Engineer Kenneth Rosl and, City tlanaoer SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE OF IT04 IN EXCESS OF $5,000 DATE' September 28, 1984 Material Description (General Specifications): Contract #84 -5 (Eng) - Sanitary Sewer, Watermain, Storm Sewer & Graveling on Arthur Street in Mendelssohn 2nd Addition Improvement No.-.'s SS -368, WM -352, ST.S. -174, & C -141 Quotations /Bids: Com any Amount of Quote or Bid �. Sarah Contracting $22,458.17 2. G. L. Contracting, Inc. $24,434.50 No other Bids Department P.ecomendation: Sarah Contracting @ $22,458.17 Finance Director's Endorsement: The recommended bid is is not Engineering Sign ure Department within the amount budget for the purchase. ri, valen, finance Director City hla.ager's Endorsement: 1. I concur with the recorrnendation of the Department and recommend Council approve the purchase. _ 2. I recommend as an alternative: nrieth Rosland, City I•lanager .�r_ �q TO: Mayor and Council FROM: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager Francis Hoffman, Director of Public 41- SUBJECT: 70th Street - Highway 100 to France Avenue Just a short note to you on the subject of the selection of a consultant and an advisory committee to work with the consultant. We are still reviewing the proposals made to the City by the consultants and will have a recommendation for your review Monday evening. Additionally, the council should consider what the make -up of the advisory committee should be. The committee should have some of the following in terms of representation: A. School District input B. Residents on W. 70th Street C. Residents from adjacent area to W. 70th Street D. Cornelia P.T.A. representatives E. Others as the Council may direct We would recommend the committee not be larger than 10 or 12 individuals in order to work effectively as a group. FJH:Im 9/28/84 PETITION PRESENTED TO THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL ON October 1, 1984 BY RESIDENTS OF THE WEST 70th STREET AREA CONCERNING TRAFFIC AND SAFETY PROBLEMS: I /we, the undersigned, as citizen(s) and taxpayer(s) of the City of Edina am petitioning the Edina City Council to take immediate action in solving the traffic and pedestrian safety problems that currently exist on West 70th St. between France Avenue South and Highway 100. I /we request that the actions be taken no later than Monday October 8 1984: 1) Hire an independent engineering firm to study the traffic and pedestrian safety problems on West 70th Street and recommend solutions to these problems by November 15, 1984. 2) Direct the Edina Police Department to enforce the 30 mph speed limit and two -lane traffic usage on West 70th St. Extra policemen should be scheduled during the 7 -9 a.m. and 3 -6 p.m. hours, Enforce the 20 mph speed limit in the school zone. 3) Remove the lane markings at West 70th St. and Cornelia Drive that indi- cate usage as a four -lane street. 4) Approve a budget on Monday, October 1 for off -duty police officers to stand in the West 70th and Cornelia Drive intersection and serve as school crossing guards from 8:15 a.m. - 8:50 a.m. and 3:10 p.m. - 3 :45 p.m. daily on all school days. These trained school crossing guards should be hired and on the job by,Monday, October 8 at which time the School Patrol members will be removed from duty at that intersection. (Note: Eleven and twelve year -old School Patrol members are being asked to step off the curb and into the inter- section with their patrol flags because cars cannot see the flags.We do not believe children of this age should have to accept this kind of responsibi- lity.) 5) Determine a method for controlling traffic throughout the day and evening hours so that pedestrians can cross at this, the only crossing intersection on West 70th St. between France Ave. and Highway 100. 6) Move the mailbox currently located at Cornelia Drive and West 70th St. to a new location away from this intersection. 7) Install stop signs at West Shore and West 70th St. no later than Nov.lst. 8) Install " 30 mph radar patrolled" ( or similar warning signs ) on West ww 70th St. at Bristol Blvd. and on West 70th west of West Shore Drive. We request that you, the Edina City Council, approve these resolutions at the October 1, 1984 City Council meeting and take action immediately before any lives are lost in a pedestrian or car accident. Signed,,, sig ature of resident resident' address signature of/resident resident's address signature of resident resident's address signature of resident resident's address (Note: Use one petition per household. All family members should sign. Use space below for additional signatures. ) r PETITION PRESENTED TO THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL ON October 1, 1984 BY RESIDENTS OF THE WEST 70th STREET AREA CONCERNING TRAFFIC AND SAFETY PROBLEMS: I /we, the undersigned, as citizen(s) and taxpayer(s) of the City of Edina am petitioning the Edina City Council to take immediate action in solving the traffic and pedestrian safety problems that currently exist on West 70th St. between France Avenue South and Highway 100. I /we request that the actions be taken no later than Monday, October 8 1984: 1) Hire an independent engineering firm to study the traffic and pedestrian safety problems on West 70th Street and recommend solutions to these problems by November 15, 1984. 2) Direct the Edi olice �artm to the 30 m h -sieed limit -end J _ two =lane traf e.- usa on-Ves th St..= xtra policemen' should be scheduled rte •during.tht- 7-!,9,m-.-and 3- p.m..�hvurs, Enforce_ -the 20 mph speed -rimit in they /ti w F h'r" school zone. �,� y 3) Remove the lane markings at West 70th St. and Cornelia Drive that indi- cate usage as a four -lane street. 4) Approve a budget on Monday, October 1 for off -duty police officers to stand in the West 70th and Cornelia Drive intersection and serve as school crossing guards from 8:15 a.m. - 8:50 a.m. and 3:10 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. daily on all school days. These trained school crossing guards should be hired and on the job by Monday, October 8 at which time the School Patrol members will be removed from duty at that intersection. (Note: Eleven and twelve year -old School Patrol members are being asked to step off the curb and into the inter- section with their patrol flags because cars cannot see the flags.We do not believe children of this age should have to accept this kind of responsibi- lity.) 5) Determine a method for controlling traffic throughout the day and evening hours so that pedestrians can cross at this, the only crossing intersection on West 70th St. between France Ave. and Highway 100. 6) Move the mailbox currently located at Cornelia Drive and West 70th St. to a new location away from this intersection. 7) Install stop signs at West Shore and West 70th St. no later than Nov.lst. 8) Install "30 mph radar patrolled" ( or similar warning signs ) on West 70th St. at Bristol Blvd. and on West 70th west of West Shore Drive. i We request that you, the Edina City Council, approve these resolutions at the October 1, 1984 City Council meeting and take action immediately before any lives are lost in a pedestrian or car accident. Signed, signature of resident resident's address zvd2:�� 4y signatur& of resident resident' -s address ,41' %6 signature of resident resident's address '' ` . /,'rJ7,�' ,f �.'.v� •/,�1. ,l. i� %i �/ ,� f�L'.Ll a �• -�� .� y! ! 1 f .�L!- c:T.[t- :"J ✓�•� `�� signature of resident resident's address (Note: Use one petition per household. All family members should sign. Use space below for additional signatures. ) C. Wayne Courtney, Mayor City of Edina 4801 W. 50th Street Edina, MN.- 55424 Dear Mr. Courtney, September 27, 1984 "� 'T1 I have been a resident of 7001 '"Jest Shore Drive for twenty two years. This address is at the S.E. corner of the intersection of 70th Street and 'Jest Shore Drive. As .I am unable to attend the October 1st City Council meeting, I would like to present my views on the proposed 4 -way stop at this intersection -. I am opposed to this proposal. I do not want a 4 -way stop with the selfish motive of gaining access to 70th Street without having to wait just as one does at any thru- street stop sign. I agree that there is a traffic problem at this intersection, but it is one of SAFETY - -- not inconvenience. The two causes of this traffic problem are (1) SPEED, and (2) HEAVY TRAFFIC. VOLUME on 'Jest 70th Street.: Over the years I have seen a tremendous traffic volume increase, and with it a.propor- tionate increase in the number of drivers who flagrantly violate the posted 30 MPH speed limit. It is the 40 to 45 MPH traffic that intimidates a driver waiting at the stop sign to gain access to 70th Street. Posted speed limit signs are ignored by what cer- tainly must be the majority of 70th Street drivers every day of ,the week. (continued) • (page 2) If there is a traffic study done by an independent survey con- cern, I would hope that along with traffic counts there will also be a study of t -he average speed of automobiles as they approach and cross this intersection,. The volume of traffic has at times been so great that the "back -up" for the stop signs at Cornelia Drive has extended east to Bristol Blvd. and west almost to Wooddale. Ave. Another stop sign only_two intersections west would only compound this problem. CA, =4- way -st_op atthe- We— st=Shor_e_ Drive %7_ 0th- Str- eet-into sect -on�would gue�-us= tr_affi:c- contro:ls'at fo ru of the _seven- in_ter_se- c- tions -f-rom sH - ghway___- 1- 00 =to- Fran- ce- Ave.riueL-.D This would certainly be treating the "symptoms" rather than the "illness." If this would be considered progress, what can we look forward to in the future? Because these views may be in the minority, or because this letter is not accompanied by a lengthy petition, my observations should be no less valid. Before a final decision is made on this issue please consider ways to reduce the traffic volume and the speed on this residential street. -SAFETY is my greatest concern and I believe it can and should be accomplished by methods other than adding.stop signs at this intersection. Re ctull s bmitted, copies: City Council Members John W. Thomps Mr. Harold Babb 7001 West Shore Drive Edina, MN 55435 TO: Mayor & City Council �� J FROM: Francis Hoffman, City Engineer ` / A., VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: Edina - Bloomington Stomr Sewer - Pentagon Park The City of Bloomington Staff has completed construction plans for our joint storm sewer project in the Pentagon Park Office area. According to the joint power agreement, the City of Edina must give final plan approval. At a later date, we will have an opportunity to review the bids taken and again must approve the bids for the project to go forward. At this time we would recommend approval of the plans and specifications. Additionally, we would recommend that the City Council authorize a request be processed with the Nine Mile Creek Watershed Board for cost participation in the storm sewer control structure at the pond. In the past the watershed has participated in this part of the project. The control structure is estimated at $30,000.00 and the staff would suggest that the watershed participate according to their policy establish- ed for such projects. FJH:lm 9/28/84 --�z 4 Proposed GENERAL /CITY ELECTION OFFICIALS NOVEMBER 6, 1984 Precinct No. 1 - Shepherd of Hills Church 5 Voting Machines 15 Judges 1. Mrs. Genie Williams, Chairman 6425 Mendelssohn Lane 938 -5086 2. Mrs. Lois Hallquist 305 Grove Place 93.8 -5886 3. Mrs. Dorie Capetz 6304 Waterman Ave. 935 -5724 4. Mrs. Arleen Friday 6525 Belmore La. 933 -4464 5. Mrs. Barbara Anderson 413 Arthur St. 938 -1160 6. Mrs. Dorothy.Richardson 409 Blake Rd. 938 -7702 7. Mrs. Muriel Clauson 408 Blake Rd. 938 -4709 8. Mrs. Shirley DeLeo 609 Waterman Ave. 938 -3859 9. Mrs. Dorothy Falkenborg 313 Griffit St. 935 -3921 10. Mrs. Ceil Nightingale 306 Monroe St. 938 -1621 11. Mrs. Marguerite Mannelly 4900 Prescott Cir. 9350614 12. Mrs. Virginia Vonhof 414 Harrison Ave. 935 -1126 13. Mrs. Doris O'Neill 416 Kresse Cir 935 -3280 14. Mrs. Eleanor Rosoff 6646 Parkwood Rd. 938 -2231 15. Mrs. Tenny Shober. 6805 Telemark Tr. 933 -8561 Precinct No. 2 - Edina City Hall 5 Voting Machines 15 Judges 1. Mrs. Marjorie Ruedy 5048 Edenbrook Ave. 922 -2712 2. Mrs. Pauline Carroll 4836 Rutledge Ave. 922 -4931 3. Mrs. Joan Flumerfelt 5225 Division St. 929 -2114 4. Mrs. Dale Jaspers 4821 Rutledge Ave. 922 -8085 5. Miss Laurie McKay 5206 Grandview Lane 925 -2172 6. Mrs. June Holmberg 5316 Interlachen Blvd. 929 -5449 7. Mrs. Joyce Akason 5217 Grandview La. 929 -7924 8. Mrs. Helen Chapman 4370 Brookside Ct. 4113 929 -3458 9, Mrs. Emily Scudder 4521 Oxford Ave. 920 -4804 10. Mrs. Ella Terry 5116 W. 44th St. 929 -2795 11. Mrs. Naomi Johnson 5140 Bedford Ave. 929 -0975 12. Mrs. Sara Kirkman 4350 Brookside Ct. 926 -0535 13. Mrs. Carol McGlone 4520 Vandervork Ave. 929 -4520 14. Mrs. Patricia Carlson 4521 Rutledge Ave. 925 -1680 15. Mrs. Betty Jenson 5044 Edinbrook Lane 929 -2557 Precinct No. 3 - Wooddale School Bldg. 6 Voting Machines 16 Judges 1. Mrs. Linda Smith, Chairman 4519 Bruce Ave. 922 -4620 2. Mrs. Ida Jean Cauble 4608 Edina Blvd. 927 -9350 3. Mrs. Deidre Hedrick 4521 Wooddale Ave. 926 -2428 4. Mrs. Christine Morgan 5006 Bruce Ave. 920 -3407 5. Mrs. Judith O'Brien 4513 Bruce Ave. 925 =4359 6. Mrs. Patricia Lang 5117 Wooddale Ave. 922 -4458 7. Mrs. Barbara McDavitt 4606 Sunnyside Rd. 920 -3467 8. Mrs. Mary Panchot 5321 Minnehaha Blvd. 926 -4736 9. Mrs. Carol Bruzic 4906 Bruce Ave. 920 -9685 10. Mrs. Cathee Hare 5011 Wooddale Ave. 926 -0299 11. Mrs. Jane Hansen 4005 W. 44th St. 926 -0404 12. Mrs. Marilyn Tierney 5329 Halifax Ave. 927 -9157 13. Mrs. Frances Grinley 4622 Bruce Ave. 922 -9276 14. Mrs. Patricia Dill 4610 Edina Blvd. 922 -4879 15. Mrs. Betty Brown 5029 Bruce Place 920 -4736 16. Mrs. Nancy Strom 5005 Arden Ave. 922 -1844 Proposed General Election Officials November 6, 1984 Page Two Precinct No. 4 - Morningside Building 6 Voting Machines 16 Judges I. Mrs. Shirley Dibble, Chairman 4212 France Ave. S. 926 -4048 2. Mrs. Jeanette Lushine 4166 Monterey Ave. 926 -0576 3. Mrs. Helen Stafford 4226 Grimes Ave. 926 -4163 4. Mrs. Rachel Schoening 4014 Monterey Ave. 922 -5457 5. Mrs. Nina Potter 4502 W. 42nd St. 926 -5184 6. Mrs. Marion Cracraft 4227 Alden Dr. 922 -6623 7. Mrs. Sharon Andresen 4804 Maple Rd. 926 -5063 8. Mrs. Marge Brothers 4310 Eton Pl. 922 -4914 9. Mrs. Charlotte Scott 4021 Monterey Ave. 922 -0001 10. Mrs. Betty Carver 4247 Grimes Ave. 926 -6427 11. Mrs. Marge Jamieson 4133 W. 45th St. 920 -6626 12. Mrs. Georgia Kersteter 4800 France Ave. S. 922 -2531 13. Mrs. Helen Lishman 4213 Grimes Ave. 926 -5130 14. Mrs. Lois Loomis 4500 W. 42nd St. 926 -3543 15. Mrs. Charlotte Neight 4015 W. 44th St. 922 -5329 16. Mrs. Josephine Olson 4704 White Oaks Rd. 920 -2317 Precinct No. 5 - Highlands School 5 Voting Machines 15 Judges 1. Mrs. Linnea Erickson, Chairman 5205 Chantrey Rd. 929 -7541 2. Mrs. Carol McPheeters 5409 Doncaster Way 929 -4742 3. Mrs. Phyllis Cooper 5500 Mirror Lakes Dr. 925 -1594 4. Mrs. Rosemary McGlynn 4909 Rolling Green Pkwy. 927 -5124 5. Mrs. Mildred Karr 5121 Lake Ridge Rd. 938 -9283 6. Mrs. Betty Benjamin 5205 Duncraig Rd. 929 -0941 7. Mrs. Jacqueline Andrews 5232 Duncraig Rd. 925 -1043 8. Mrs.. Joyce Andrews 31 Cooper Cir. 920 -5877 9. Mrs. Mailand Card 5516 Mirror Lakes Dr. 929 -3305 10. Mrs. Natalie Markowitz 5312 Chantrey Rd. 922 -2555 11, Mrs. Hazel Helgeson 5513 Highwood Dr. 929 -1757 12. Mrs. Marjorie Grinnell 6101 Idylwood Dr. 935 -9213 13. Mrs. Barbara Martin 5205 Mirror Lakes Dr. 929 -1808 14. Mrs. Helen Groth 5300 Ayrshire _'.Blvd. 929 -8485 15. Mrs. Edith Garmezy 5115 Lake Ridge Rd. 938 -3082 Precinct No. 6 - Countryside School 6 Voting Machines 16 Judges 1. Mrs. Jane Bains, Chairman 6101 Tracy Ave. 929 -9362 2. Mrs. Catherine Swanson 5804 Merold Dr. 929 -8387 3. Mrs. Sue Zwakman 6109 Ridgeway Rd. 920 -7181 4. Mrs. Barbara Herbers 5801 Stuart Ave. 929 -2521 5. Mrs. Mary Cleaveland 6204 Crest Lane 929 -5486 6. Mrs. Monica Myhre 6000 Tracy Ave. 929 -1581 7. Mrs. Joyce Sutherland 6104 Westridge Blvd. 927 -8390 8. Mrs. Audrey Clay 5716 Wycliffe Rd. 929 -3835 9. Mrs. Wendy Klemp 5812 Grove St. 929 -1968 10. Mrs. Jean Flaaten 5513 Warden Ave. 929 -7365 11. Mrs. .Karen Lemenger 5812 Stuart Ave. 926 -6755 12. Mrs. Lilliam Graupner 6317 Limerick Lane 941 -1647 13. Mrs. Mary Manning 5617 Wycliffe Rd. 929 -8791 14. Mrs. Hope Eilers 5513 Ridge Park Rd. 929 -2239 15. Mrs. Gertrude Rocheford 5928 Merold Dr. 929 -2392 16. Mrs. Lisa Boyum 5833 Grove St. 929 -3025 Proposed General Election Officials November 6, 1984 Page Three Precinct No. No. 7 - Normandale Church 6 Voting Machines 16 Judges I. Mrs. Bess Brudelie, Chairman 6412 Gleason Ct: 935 -0972 2. Mrs. Helen Peterson 6121 Code Ave. 929 -7067 3. Mrs. Clara Fossey 6000 Birchcrest Dr. 929 -2085 4. Mrs. Naomi Ward 5916 Hansen Rd. 929 -1074 5. Mrs. Genevieve Thayer 5209 Birchcrest Dr. 929 -5881 6. Mrs. .Kathy Engquist 6212 Wyman Ave. 929 -9497 7. Mrs. Dorothy Fredendall 5405 Hansen Rd. 925 -5417 8. Mrs. Joanne Swanson 6001 Tingdale Ave. 929 -0967 9. Mrs. Dianne Getsch 5216 Richwood Dr. 922 -4182 10. Mrs. Florence Moynihan 6104 Hansen Rd. 929 -6923 11. Mrs. Grace Andrews 5909 Hansen Rd. 929 -3694 12. Mrs. Gladys Wardell 5917 Bernard P1. 929 -3222 13. Mrs. Dora McCollister 5021 Yvonne Terr. 929 -1938 14. Mrs. Madelyn Dobbelman 5213 Richwood Dr. 929 -5383 15. Mrs. Dorothy Stockdale 5609 Bernard Place. 929 -3785 16. Mrs. Evelyn Coffey 5615 Dale Ave. 929 -2590 Precinct No. 8 - Southview Junior High School 7 Voting Machines 16 Judges 1. Mrs. Jane Moran, Chairman 5429 Wooddale Ave. 920 -0558 2. Mrs. Myra Hykes 4516 Woodland Rd. 929 -7595 3. Mrs. Mary Diessner 4328 W. 58th St. 926 -7904 4. Mrs. Florence Freudenthal 5615 Concord Ave. 926 -5576 5. Mrs. Kathy Bradford 4600 Concord Terr. 929 -3279 6. Mrs. Barbara Raap 4814 Golf Terrace 920 -2852 7. Mrs. Velma Larson 4601 Oak Dr. 922 -7003 8. Mrs. Constance Ryan 5529 Oaklawn Ave. 922 -9053 9. Mrs. Jean Mueller 4510 Golf Terrace 920 -6315 10. Mrs. Mary Lou Ott 4506 Golf Terrace 922 -5636 11. Mrs. Joanne Ryan 4624 W. 56th St. 920 -0318 12. Mrs. Joanne Stephens 5608 Brookview Ave. 927 -9181 1`3.. Mrs. Lee.-Strang 16 Woodland Rd. 925 -3807 14. Mrs. LuJean Swenson 4620 W. Woodland Rd. 929 -4115 15. Mrs. Mary Webber 5201 Kellogg Ave. 922 -6976 16. Mrs. Eleanor Westerberg 5537 Brookview Ave. 926 -7005 Precinct No. 9 - Concord School 6 Voting Machines 16 Judges I. Mrs. Jacqueline Lindskoog, Chairman 6112 Kellogg Ave. 920 -6599 2. Mrs. Bette Comstock 4705 School Rd. 926 -4467 3. Mrs. Aileen Konhauser 6313 Halifax Ave. 927-9401 4. Mrs. Nancy Grimsby 5932 Wooddale Ave. 922 -9403 5. Mrs. Connie Bing 6105 Lincoln Dr. 938 -1069 6. Mrs. Patricia Monson 6000 Ashcroft Ave. 922 -1465 7. Mrs. Eunice Strunk 5933 Grimes Ave. 925 -9725 8. Mrs. Jan Getten 5808 France Ave. S. 920 -1364 9. Mrs. Florence Boughton 5921 Fairfax Ave. 920 -0454 10. Mrs. Margaret Dobbin 6100 Kellogg Ave. 926 -4231 11. Mrs. Jean Davenport 6137 Brookview Ave. 926 -4311 12. Mrs. Judy Lund 6324 Millers Lane 920 -7471 13. Mrs. Lavonne Stoakes 6305 Peacedale Ave. 920 -2890 14. Mrs. Margaret Wodrich 5916 Ashcroft Ave. 927 -5916 15. Mrs..Barbara Johnson 6320 St. Johns Ave. 926 -6469 16. Mrs. Avona Carroll 6233 Brookview Ave. 920 -3328 Proposed General Election Officials November 6, 1983 Page Four Precinct No. 10 - Creek Valley School 6 Voting Machines 16 Judges I. Mrs. Ardy Dorsey, Chairman 6624 Parkwood Rd. 933 -2649 2. Mrs. Mollie Baranaukas 6808 Iroquois Cir. 941 -1636 3. Mrs. Joan Ochs 6500 Navaho Tr. 944 -3073 4. Mrs. Joan Burke 7113 Tralee Dr. 914 =3272 5. Mrs. Clare Doyle 6613 Gleason Rd. 941 -6053 6. Mrs. Marilyn Devereaux 6704 West Trail 944 -6910 7. Mrs. Kay Bach 6625 Dakota Tr. 941 -9589 8. Mrs. Ruth Haggerty 6804 Sally Lane 941 -2731 9. Mrs. Phyllis Jensen 6805 Sally Lane 941 -4347 10. Mrs. Gladys Lidstone 6800 Sally Lane 941 -4724 11. Mrs. Jenny McBride 6912 Paiute Tr. 941 -2904 12. Mrs. Marguerite'Ratelle 6716 Arrowhead Pass 941 -3956 13. Mrs. Nancy Sour 6805 Paiute Dr. 941 -6235 14. Mrs. Marie Zivokvich 6404 McCauley Cir. 944 -6505 15. Mrs. Virginia Bodine 6525 Gleason Rd. 944 -1206, 16. Mrs. Jo Ann Lonergan 57.13 W. 68th St. 944 -7228 Precinct No. 11 - Cahill School 7 Voting Machines 16 Judges 1. Mrs. Geneva Smith, Chairman 6344 Rolf Ave. 941 -2471 2. Mrs. Alice Burnell 5416 Creek View La. 941 -5922 3. Mrs. Gina Sherman 5200 Tifton Dr. 941 -4328. 4. Mrs. Carol Melichar 6417 Wilryan Ave. 941 -4674 5. Mrs. Elinor Thornton 5205 Danens Dr. 941 -3244 6. Mrs. Margaret Swanson 5512 McGuire Rd. 941 -2067 7. Mrs. Mercedes Sandstrom 5124 Abercrombie Dr. 941 -5767 8. Mrs. Nancy Atchison 6512 Warren Ave. 941 -3508 9. Mrs. Mary Ann Kubin 5600 W. 66th St. 941 -1307 10. Mrs. Lois Steinback 5508 McGuire Rd. 941 -3930 11. Mrs. Joy Perunovich 6805 Brook Dr. 941 -2608 12., Mrs. Karen Vickman 5201 Tifton Dr. 941 -8576 13. Mrs. Lillian Graupner 6317 Limerick La. 941 -1647 14. Mrs. Connie Hondl 5209 Tifton Dr. 944 -1229 15. Mrs. Mary Ann Finlason 5221 Danens Dr. 941 -3133 16. Mrs. Mary Ann Torgerson 6525 Tingdale Ave. 944 -1316 Precinct No. 12 - Christ Church 6 Voting Machines 16 Judges 1. Mrs. Claire Ready, Chairman 4401 Gilford Dr. 922 -6649 2. Mrs. Doris Barry 7208 Oaklawn Ave. 927 -5833 3. Mrs. Carol Hite 4720 Aspasia Lane 927 -4885 4. Mrs. Shirley Bjerken 4405 Ellsworth Dr. 922 -0406 5. Mrs. Gerda Robinson 4432 Ellsworth Dr. 925 -4662 6. Mrs. Florence Ries 4521 Belvedier Lane 920 -4329 7. Mrs. Karen Carlson 4713 Aspasia Cir. 926 -3385 8. Mrs. Carol Marnell 4905 Poppy Lane .925 -4161 9. Mrs. Beth Montgomery 6432 West Shore Dr. 926 -3426 10. Mrs. Monica Nilles 7324 West Shore Dr. 926 -4030 11. Mrs.. Mary Scholz 4512 Gilford Dr. 920 -2152 12. Mrs. Doris Marchuk 4600 Gilford Dr. 922 -4360 13. Mrs. Phyllis Mdc Lennan 4705 Upper Ter. 927 -6243 14. Mrs. Phyllis Kohler 4512 W. 70th St, 927 -7892 15. Mrs. Virginia McCollister 6704 Brittany Rd. 926 -3963 16. Mrs. Mavis deLambert 4440 Ellsworth Dr. 922 -1590 Proposed General Election Officials November 6, 1984 Page Five Precinct No. 13 - Cornelia School 6 Voting Machines 16 Judges 1. Mrs. Edna Thomsen, Chairman 4529 Andover Rd. 922 -1004 2. Mrs. Patricia Harmon 7129 Cornelia Dr., 926 -0256 3. Mrs. Phyllis Gruzbeck 7121 B4istol Blvd. 926 -6249 4. Mrs. Marge Belkin 7325 Oaklawn Ave. 831 -7402 5. Mrs. Shirley Johnson 7108 Glouchester Ave. 925 -4431 6. Mrs. Ilona Kerin 7113 Cornelia Dr. 920 -0274 7. Mrs. Ann Matula 4145 Parklawn Ave. 830 -1069 8. Mrs. Roma Rethwisch 7212 Cornelia Dr. 831 -2806 9. Mrs. Ellen Leslie 4101 Parklawn Ave. 835 -9118 10. Mrs. Zoe Bros 7209 Heatherton Cir. 835 -2935 11. Mrs. Ebba Frykman 7305 Oaklawn Ave. 831 -4084 12. Mrs. Pauline Mertes 7133 Cornelia Dr. 920 -5898 13. Mrs. Margaret Handy 7220 Cornelia Dr. 835 -1370 14. Mrs. Mollie Sherry 7206 Heatherton Cir. 831 -7617 15., Mrs. Mary Goodrich 7350 Gallagher Dr. 893 -9552 16. Mrs. Ruth Peterson 7213 Oaklawn Ave. 831 -0749 Precinct No. 14 - St. Peters Church 6 Voting Machines 16 Judges 1. Mrs. Mary Jane Platt, Chairman 5504 Beard Ave. S. 926 -8447 2. Mrs. Joyce Hanson 5829 Drew Ave. S. 926 -8856 3. Mrs. Betty Fuller 5508 Beard Ave. S. 926 -7289 4. Mrs. Esther Olson 5441 York Ave. S. 926. -1006 5. Mrs. Louise Carlson 3700 Chowen Curve 926 -6253 6. Mrs. Amanda Bauman 3616 W. 55th St. 926 -1131 7. Mrs. Myrt Grette 5709 York Ave. S. 926 -6373 8. Mrs. Cunthia Loveland 5537 Zenith Ave. S. 925 -2684 9. Mrs. Peggy Zeilinger 5454 Xerxes Ave. S. 926 -4756 10. Mrs. Audrey Anderson 5505 York Ave. S. 926 -4889 11. Mrs. Carole Anderson 6200 Beard Place 926 -6638 12. Mrs. Jean Erdall 6101 Abbott Ave. S. 929 -9202 13. Mrs. Lavayne Finberg 3808 W. 57th St. 920 -4867 14. Mrs. Karen Knutsen 6108 Beard Ave. S. 922 -5335 15. Mrs. Cynthia Loveland 5537 Zenith Ave. S. 935 -2684 16. Miss Florence Clough 3812 W. 55th St. 922 -7239 Precinct No. 15 - Valley View Jr. High School 8 Voting Machines 17 Judges 1. Mrs. Patricia Olander 7001 Lee Valley Circle 944 -2185 2. Mrs. Anita Delegard 7209 Lanham La. 941 -5056 3. Mrs. Kaye Luikens 7310 Claredon Dr. 944 -1016 4. Mrs. Jean Hare 6917 Mark Terrace Dr. 944 -3877 5. Mrs. Jean Moore 7216 Lanham La. 944 -6183 6. Mrs. Betty McClain 5601 Dewey Hill Rd. 944 -8268 7. Mrs. Zelma Gray 5530 Village Dr. 944 -5348 8. Mrs. Ann Bros 6998 Tupa Dr. 941 -8012 9. Mrs. Beth Rosenbloom 7001 Dublin Rd. 941 -8151 10. Mrs. Sharon Zeigbaum 7304 Claredon Dr. 941 -1334 11. Mrs. Carol Hanson 5809 Chapel Dr. 944 -2759 12. Mrs. Alice Parten 5832 Long Brake Tr. 944 -2827 13. Mrs. Dorothy Patton 7301 Schey Dr. 941 -4634 14. Mrs. Lynn Westphal 5704 Kemrich Dr. 941 -8493 15. Mrs. Margaret Carlson 7160 Cahill Rd. 944 -2697 16. Mrs. Alice Rice 6008 Shane Dr. 941 -8164 17. Mrs. Helen Rumsey 7212 Fleetwood Dr. 944 -2976 Proposed General Election Officials November 6, 1984 Page Six Precinct 16 - Southdale Hennepin Library 7 Voting Machines 16 Judges I. Mrs. Judith Sotebeer, Chairman 5002 Mirror Lakes Dr. 929 -8653 2. Mrs. Patricia Halvorson 6700 Xerxes Ave. S. 869 -0366 3. Mrs. Kathryn Harrington 6450 York Ave. S. 922 -7094 4. Mrs. Donna Montgomery 6824 Oaklawn Ave. 920 -9044 5. Mrs. Caroline Scott 6809 Point Dr. 927 -0627 6. Mrs. Lucy Klos 4521 Hibiscus Ave. 926 -2004 7. Mrs. Mary McDonald 6929 Southdale Rd. 926 -7860 8. Mrs. Bernadine Chapman 4860 W. 64th St. 922 -1370 9. Mrs. Marlyn Chase 6633 Southdale Rd. 926 -8193 10: Mrs. Mary Ann Hans 6913 Southdale Rd. 926 -0765 11. Mrs. Bonnie Bjerken 6524 West Shore Dr. 926 -6998 12. Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson 6450 York Ave. S. 922 -5585 13. Mrs. Nathalie Person 4520 Laguna Dr. 922 -4547 14. Mrs. Ardus Windhorst 6566 France Ave. S. 926 -0277 15. Mrs. Ethel Anderson 6400 York Ave. S. 926 -0312 16. Mrs. Diane Greensweig 6716 Southdale Rd. 871 -0508 Precinct 17 - Yorktown Continental Apartments 4 Voting Machines 14 Judges 1. Mrs. Margaret Delaney, Chairman 4515 W. 70th St. 926 -4818 2. Mrs. Mary Shoquist 6713 Cheyenne Tr. 941 -6187 3. Mrs. Joyce Koets 5005 Clover Ridge 929 -4070 4. Mrs. Lorna Livingston 5920 Wooddale Ave. 926 -5322 5. Mrs. Maryanne Herman 6624 West Shore Dr. 922 -1191 6. Mrs. Mary Ryan 6813 Limerick Lane 941 -6848 7. Mrs. Fay Clark 4206 Branson St. 922 -7953 8. Mrs. Susan Houston 7200 York Ave. S. 835 -3165 9. Mrs. Jean McDermid 5116 Mirror Lakes Dr. 929 -8859 10. Mrs. Joanne Merta 4517 Brookside Terr. 929 -0596 11. Mrs. Ann Singer 4519 Arden Ave. 922 -3584 12. Mrs. Marie Bachman 7201 York Ave. S. 831 -6452 13. Mrs. Eleanor Amberg 6804 Chapel Lane 941 -4091 14. Mrs. Marion White 5809 Kellogg Ave. 926 -4026 Precinct 18 - Church of the Master 8 Voting Machines 14 Judges 1. Mrs. Betty Doolittle, Chairman 7512 Xerxes Ave. S. 866 -4438 2. Mrs. Selma Shelton 7200 York Ave. S. 831 -8863 3. Mrs. Gretchen Greene 6805 Limerick Lane 941 -1277 4. Mrs. Sheila Luff 7150 Cahill Rd. 941 -2367 5. Mrs. Patricia MacCornack 5300 Malibu Dr. 933 -0335 6. Mrs. Nancy Huey 5220 Duggan Plaza 941 -2310 7. Mrs. Elizabeth Genovese 4012 Monterey Ave. 927 -6416 8. Mrs. Carolyne Bisson 5340 Hollywood Rd. 922 -5647 9. Mrs. Beverly Orr 4920 Arden Ave. 927 -5201 10. Mrs. Carol Phillips 7423 York Ave. S. 830 -1182 11. Mrs. Mary Ryan 5508 Goya Lane 926 -5139 12. Mrs. Mary Vanek 7520 Cahill Rd. 941 -5393 13. Mrs. Mary Roeder 7200 York Ave. S. 831 -6508 14. Mrs. Harriet Bach 6816 Chapel Lane 941 -1023 Proposed Qeneral Election Officials November 6, 1984 Page Seven Precinct No. 19 - Chapel Hills Church 7.Voting Machines 16 Judges 1. Mrs. Charlotte Scanlon, Chairman 6144 Arctic Way 938 -3245 2. Mrs. Jean Altman 6151 Arctic Way 935 -4803 3. Mrs. Audrey Nankivell 6145 Arctic Way 935 -6274 4. Mrs. Erthel Johnson 6201 Schaefer Circle 935 -0656 5. Mrs. Jean Vesper 6501 Aspen Rd. 938 -0484 6. Mrs. Jane Hess 6509 Aspen Rd. 933 -3865 7. Mrs. Lois Cleveland 5720 Camelback Dr. 938 -2166 8. Mrs. Ann Bieter 6102 Habitat Ct. 938 -8334 9. Mrs. Alyse Sue Frishberg 6085 Lincoln Dr. 933 -7784 10. Mrs. Joann Mellem 6700 Field Way 935 =0874 11. Mrs. Shirley Jenos 6143 Arctic Way 933 -1333 12. Mrs. Helen McClelland 5717 Continental Dr. 933 -5282 13. Mrs. Kay Murphy 6139 Arctic Way 938 -4287 14. Mrs. Eileen Schaefer 6533 Arctic Way 935 -0511 15. Mrs. Ann LaBovsky 6075 Lincoln Dr. 933 -1477 16. Mrs. Betty Jean Smith 6633 Parkwood Rd. 935 -8968 ALTERNATE JUDGES 1. Mrs. Carol Olson 305 Griffit St. 935 -4748 2. Mrs. Marguerite Sester 401 Jackson St. 935 -1350 3. Mrs. Phyllis Kilgore 404 Griffit St. 938 -3609 4. Mrs. Lorraine Shimek 6421 Mendelssohn La. 938 -1127 5. Mrs. Mary Frintner 402 Blake Rd. 933 -5489 6. Mrs. Eva Johnson 4380 Brookside Ct. 926 -9279 7. Mrs. Lois Brown 1 Circle West 929 -6629 8. Mrs. Lorraine Purdy 5040 Edenbrook La. 929 -1024 9. Mrs. Harriet Conkey 4360 Brookside Ct. 926 -8728 10. Mrs. Sue Hirsch 5345 Division St. 925 -1448 11. Mrs. Lois Husbands 5006 Bruce Ave. 926 -6778 12. Mrs. Marie Vorlicky 4514 Drexel Ave. 920 -6026 13. Mrs. Cheryl Lushine 4600 Browndale Ave. 925 -4532 14. Mrs. Mary Jo Griffin 4200 Branson St. 929 -0808 15. Mrs. JoAnne Chayer 4004 Kipling Ave. 922 -2015 16. Mrs. Edith Garmezy 51,15 Lake Ridge Rd. 938, -3082 17. Mrs. Irene Helland 5121.B1ossom.Ct. 926 -3755 18. Mrs. Carol Michalke 5505 Merritt Circle 920 -2663 1.9. Mrs:. Ruth-Schneider 6105 Eden Prairie Rd. 933 -0237 20. Mrs. Donna White 5509 Highland Rd. 929 -4296 21. Mrs. Mary Rivall 6352 Falcon Ct. 920 -0938. 22. Mrs. Annette Dammicci 5312 Amy Dr. 926 -6744 2`3.- Mrs. Paula Harrison 5520 Countryside Rd. 927 -6938 24. Mrs. Juline LeMire 6204 Hansen Rd. 926 -1176 25. Mrs. Delores Paul 6009 Tingdale Ave. 929 -2729 26. Mrs. Avalda Wildersmuth 6005 Birchcrest Dr. 929 -9217 27. Mrs. Maxine Yaeger 5116 W. 58th St. 929 -4524 28. Mrs.'June Goetz 5610 St. Andrews Ave. 926 -8958 29. Mrs. Jane Fuegner 5225 Kellogg Ave. 926 -6647 30. Mrs. Hope Melton 5313 Kellogg Ave. 927 -8461 31. Mrs. Eunice Strunk 5933 Grimes Ave. 925 -9725 32. Mrs. Nancy Cummings 5913 St. Johns Ave. 929 -4360 33. Mrs. Del Possis 6517 Navaho Tr. 941 -2175 34. Mrs. June Hunt 6525 Navaho Tr. 941 -3156 35. Mrs. Barbara Erlandson 6501 Nordic Dr. 941 -4011 36. Mrs. Judy Berglund 5701 Susan Ave. 941 -2178 37. Mrs. Rose Marie Oss 5700 Susan Ave. 941 -6961 38. Mrs. Carol Rosenblatt 6409 Ridgeview Dr. 944 -1555 39. Mrs. Ida Sommers 6616 Limerick La. 941 -1851 40. Mrs. Rosemary Sweeney 6809 Hillside La. 944 -1310 41. Mrs. Phyllis Taylor 6621 Normandale Rd. 922 -3410 42. Mrs. Marilyn Person 4800 Larkspur-Lane 926 -1409 43. Mrs. Ardis Wexler 4913 Larkspur Lane 925 -2097 44. Mrs. Doris Peterson 6009 Drew Ave. S. 926 -9536 45. Mrs. Louise Thompson 5520 Beard Ave. S. 927 -7879 46. Mrs. Donna Brastad 5701 Chowen Ave. S. 926 -3468 47. Mrs. Barbara Boyd 7244 York Ave. S. 835 -2795 48. Mrs. Jane Bates 7220 York Ave. S. 830 -0050 49. Mrs. Carol Sturm 4604 Hibiscus Ave. 926 -5013 Proposed Alternate Election Officials November 6, 1984 Page Eight 50. Mrs. Jan Windhorst 4701 Phlox La. 926 -9596 51. Mrs. Mary Lou Quimby 5808 Arbour Ave. 929 -3042 52. Mrs. Helen Brown 4480 Parklawn Ave. 835 -2198 53. Mrs. Mildred Pearson 4480 Parklawn Ave. 835 -2198 54. Mrs. Elaine Carlson 5821 Eastview Dr. 929 -1077 55. Mrs. Mary Bridget Ratelle 6717 Arrowhead Pass 941 -3956 56. Mrs. Rebecca Rogers 6421 Rolf Ave. 941 -3072 57. Mrs. Jean Hutton 6613 Biscayne Blvd. 933 -8898 RRgnT.77TTnm BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council hereby appoints the following as members of the Canvassit,,- Board for the General /City Election to be conducted on November 6, 1984: Mark Bernhardson, Ernest Buffington, Hilding Dahl, Harold Habigorhst, Glenn Harmon, Jerry Hines, Ralph Hines, Rolland Lundberg, Harry Melin, Sam Mobley, Howard Norback, Ernie Olson, Chester Ornat, Willard Ott and Alvin Woods. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk be and is hereby authorized to make any substitutions or additions as may be necessary. I. - 1 TO: FROM: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FINANCE DIRECTOR September 24, 1984 SUBJECT: RECOMMENDED TRANSFERS AND CANCELLATION OF LOAN AMOUNTS. We recommend the cancellation of loans due to General Fund, Waterworks Fund, Liquor Fund and Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund. Also, to close out balances in Park Sinking Fund. These accounts will be used to eliminate deficits in the following funds: SWIMMING POOL GOLF COURSE RECREATION CENTER (ARENA) GUN RANGE ART CENTER The accounts contributing funds are as follows: GENERAL FUND: Loan to Recreation Center Fund WATERWORKS FUND: Loan to General Fund LIQUOR FUND: Loan to Recreation Center Fund Loan to Golf Course Fund PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING: Loan to Recreation Center Fund Loan to Construction Fund PARK SINKING FUND: Surplus balance at December 31, 1983 $170,000 245,000 $100,000 100,000 TOTAL CONTRIBUTED The accounts to which the funds will be applied are as follows: Swimming Pool Fund (Detail attached) Recreation Center (Arena)(Golf Course Loan from Liquor Fund) Recreation Center (Arena) Fund (Detail attached) Gun Range Fund (Detail attached) Art Center Fund (Detail attached) Construction Fund General Fund $ 200,000 210,000 415,000 200,000 $1,025,000 330,527 $1,355,527 $ 110,752 245,000 497,966 35,371 210,518 100,000 155,920 TOTAL APPLIED $1,355,527 .... e. RECREATION CENTER FUND The below listed detail represents the makeup of the deficit of the RECREATION CENTER FUND at 12- 31 -83: Operating losses: 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 TOTAL OPERATING LOSSES Cost of fixed assets not funded -NET TRANSFER IN GUN RANGE The below listed detail represents the makeup of the deficit of the GUN RANGE FUND at 12- 31 -83: Operating losses: 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 TOTAL OPERATING LOSSES Cost of Fixed assets not funded -NET TRANSFER IN ART CENTER FUND The below listed detail represents the makeup of the deficit of the ART CENTER FUND at 12- 31 -83: Operating losses: 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 TOTAL OPERATING LOSSES Cost of fixed assets not funded -NET ( ) Indicates red figure TRANSFER IN $ 25,042 31,617 67,921 34,274 112,435 74,080 13,736 48,166 $407,271 90,695 $497,966 $ 2,557 1,768 436 (93) (272) 2,064 9,585 8,851 $ 24,896 10,475 $ 35,371 $ (6,281) 2,966 23,952 12,826 7,499 12,184 32,688 $ 85,834 124,684 $210,518 — ..-,a t SWIMMING POOL FUND The below listed detail represents the makeup of the deficit of the SWIMMING POOL FUND at 12- 31 -83: Operating losses: 1976 $ 6,873 1977 14,882 1978 13,376 1979 10,417 1980 18,170 1981 24,071 1982 15,763 1983 21,823 TOTAL OPERATING LOSSES $125,375 Transfers from Park Construction Fund 14,623 TRANSFER IN $110,752 September 24, 1984 TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: COMBINATION OF FUNDS AND ESTABLISHMENT OF A WORKING CAPITAL FUND. We recommend that the Park Fund be combined with the General Fund as of December 31, 1984. We, also, recommend a combination of the Waterworks Fund and the Sewer Rental Fund as of December 31, 1984. The new fund shall be UTILITIES FUND. We, also, recommend a TRUST FUND be established during 1984 for the purpose of holding funds to pay 1985 and 1986 installments for bonds and interest of Improvement Bond Redemption Fund I. Amount required to pay bonds and interest are as follows: SERVICE MATURITIES PRINCIPAL INTEREST CHARGE TOTAL 1985 $300,000 $ 26,400 $ 100 $326,500 1986 300,000 13,200 100 313,300 $600,000 $ 39,600 $ 200 $639,800 We further recommend a WORKING CAPITAL FUND be established by transferring the remainder of the accounts of the Improvement Bond Redemption Fund, and the Permanent Improvement Revolving Funds as of December 31, 1984. Cash and in- vestment balances at December 31, 1983 are as follows: Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund: Cash $ 229,418 Improvement Bond Redemption Fund I: } Cash $ (274,819) Investments 2,759,865 2,485,046 $2,714,464 Amount needed for Trust Fund per above 639,800 TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS $2,074,664 Net special assessment receivable as of December 31, 1983 was zbout.'. $2,540,000. This will give the City a WORKING CAPITAL FUND of about $4,600,000. We further recommend that any earnings of the WORKING CAPITAL FUND be used for Capital Improvement per Capital Improvement Budget. • r RESOLUTION ADOPTING BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF EDINA FOR THE YEAR 1985, AND ESTABLISHING TAX LEVY FOR THE YEAR 1984 PAYABLE IN 1985 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Budget for the City of Edina for the calendar year 1985 is hereby adopted as hereinafter set forth; and funds are hereby appropriated therefor: GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT Mayor and Council $ 37,723 Planning 139,578 Administration 318,187 Finance 233,435 Election 16,380 Assessing 217,650 Legal and Court Services 226,000 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT $19188,953 PUBLIC WORKS Administration $ 81,038 Engineering 311,521 Highways 2,249,387 $2,641,946 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY Police $2,394,519 Fire 1,473,840 Civilian Defense 31,060 Animal Control 45,384 Public Health 207,523 Inspection 159,594 TOTAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY $4,311,920 NON- DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES Contingencies $ 80,000 Special Assessments on City Property 75,000 Unallocated Capital Outlay 16,000 Capital Improvements 40,000 Commissions and Special Projects 78,591 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS AND $ 289,591 CONTINGENCIES TOTAL GENERAL FUND $8,432,410 PARK FUND Administration $ 379,079 Recreation 99,900 Maintenance 477,980 Capital Outlay and Replacements 120,000 TOTAL PARK FUND $1.076.959 PARK CONSTRUCTION Capital Outlay $ 80,000 Section 2. Estimated receipts other than General Tax Levy are hereby established as hereinafter set forth: GENERAL FUND Transfer - Revenue Sharing Fund $ 225,000 Licenses and Permits 397,600 Municipal Court Fines 325,000 Department Service Charges 486,040 Other 89,700 Transfer from Liquor Fund 95,000 State Apportionments - Sales Tax 550,787 Income on Investments 60,000 Aids - Other Agencies 154,905 Police Aid 150,000 TOTAL GENERAL FUND PARK FUND Registration Fees $ 32,000 Other 15,000 Transfer from General Fund 275,000 TOTAL PARK FUND PARK CONSTRUCTION FUND Transfer from General Fund TOTAL ESTIMATED RECEIPTS Section 3. That there be and hereby is levied upon all taxable real and personal property in the City of Edina, a tax rate sufficient to produce the amounts hereinafter set forth: For General Fund For Park Fund Adopted this 1st day of October, 1984. ATTEST: CITY CLERK MAY6 $2,534,032 $ 322,000 80,000 $2,936,032 $5,898,378 754,959 $6,653,337 POSSIBLE REDUCTIONS 1985 BUDGET Mayor and Council: Contractual service Administration: Dues for Fourteen Cities Group Dues AMM Dues League Legal and Court: Prosecuting Street Maintenance: General - Commodities Snow and ice removal - Commodities Contract construction Public Works: Equipment Police: Equipment Fire: New Fireman First aid supplies (Recording tapes) Equipment Civilian Defense: Equipment Public Health: Contract - City of Bloomington Contingencies Capital Improvement Human Relations Commission Park - Equipment C cc tS �QU6` 0 0 -"4,-000)— 5,407 10,814 16,221 5,00.0. 5,ec7 5,000 2,000 00C IY,GJ4� 5,0.00 ,So- 000) 10, non - 45, 00.0_ ;5, U_V J" o o 5,000 500-0. 5,000 50 20,000 000 ;t) 000 4", Go 1 D, 5,000 g� 10� ava 49-10 ON $188,221 /001 J1w rp- '40-r - ,. "I t3. L 0) IrVA DAY- TIMERS RE-ORDER No. 44080 — Printed in USA WE TP 10 —MV77, OF ra DAY- TIMERS RE-ORDER No. 44080 — Printed in USA (,�ele- SCC 1985 PART TIME RATES Level -A Level B 1985 1985 Step 1 4.20 4.60 Step 2 4.55 5.10 Step 3 4.75 5.45 Step 4 5.05 5.60 Step 5 5.40 5.70 Managerial 6.45 SEASONAL 1985 Level 1 3.50 3.75 -3-• 9-5-E 33 0 Level 2 3.65 3.95 Level 3 X4.10 4.40 4.55 Level 4 4.40 4.65 4.80 Level 5 4.55 - 5.80 LIQUOR FUND BALANCE SHEET CITY OF EDINA As at July 31, 1984 CURRENT ASSETS: Cash: Demand Deposits Working Fund Contracts Receivable Loan To Other Funds Inventory: Liquor Wine Beer and Mix Prepaid Expenses: Unexpired Insurance, Supplies FIXED ASSETS: Land Land Improvements Buildings Furniture and Fixtures Leasehold Improvements Less: allowance for Depreciation and Amortization CURRENT LIABILITIES: Trade Accounts Payable Accrued Payroll Due To Other Funds SURPLUS: Invested in Fixed Assets Unappropriated ASSETS $ 160,584.76 3.800.00 $ 369,604.29 303,830.45 69,690.63 $ 164,384.76 39,786.69 415,000.00 743,125.37 $ (1,740.00) 400.00 (1,340.00) TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS $1,360,956.82 $ 22,766.06 729,769.27 306,735.14 3,035.55 $1,062,306.02 456.914.35 TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS TOTAL- CURRENT LIABILITIES TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS $ 233,784.60 605,391.67 839,176.27 : $2,200,133.09 $ 839,176.27 1,146,082.55 $ 191,634.69 7,069.94 $ 198,704.63 - 16,169.64. $ 214,874.27 1,985,258.82 $2,200,133609 LIQUOR DISPENSARY FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSE s CITY OF EDINA Seven Months Ending July 31, 1984 and July 31, 1983 Increase - 1984 1983 Decrease 50th Street Yorkdale Grandview Total 50th Street Yorkdale Grandview Total SALES: Liquor $290,128.87 $ 597,536.83 $ 544,102.06 $1,431,767.76 $318,430.29 $ 636,616.49 $ 564,416.13 $1,519,-462.91 $ 87,695.15* Wine 181,743.75 340,731.20 289,536.74 812,011.69 187,974.18 350,881.16 297,887.26 836,742.60 24,730.91* Beer 141,682.03 277,726.81 250,731.46 670,140.30 148,765.46 278,548.32 240,548.97 667,862.75 - 2,277.55 Mix and Miscellaneous 9,298 91 21,650.22 19,607.57 50,556.70 9,634.78 21, 073.58 19,303.68 50,012.04 544.66 $1,244,797.26 $622,853.56 $1,237,645.06 $1,103,977.83 $2,964,476.45 $664;804.71 $1,287,119.55 $1,122,156.04 $3,074,080.30 - $109,603.85* Less bottle refunds 15,086 59 38,156 69 34,774 24 88,017 52 16,964.30 29,439.44 37,911.93 84,315.67 3,701.85 53,276.40 $607,766.97 $1,199,488.37 $1,069,203.59 $2,876,458.93 $647,840.41 $1,257,680.11 $1,084,244.11 $2,989,764.63 $113,305.70* NET SALES $2,487,982.44 $175,534.56* GROSS PROFIT $126,180.47 $ 230,153.99 $ 207,676.59 $ 5(4,011.05 COST OF SALES: Gross profit Cash Discount 7,762.44 13,054.95 Inventory — January 1 175,604.42 32,345.25 289,642.25 14,645.05 237,950.02 703,196.69 209,893.84 303,342.64 7.89* 256,136.67 77.57 769,373.15 66,176.46* Purchases 548,221 78 121.96 955,155 01 170.53 848,999 77 2,352,376 56 533,245.13 1,021,365.42 —0— 853,847.71 2,408,458.26 1.41 56,081.70* $723,826.20 $1,244,797.26 $1,086,949.79 $3,055,573.25 $743,138.97 $1,324,708.06 $1,109,984.38 $3,177,831.41 $122,258.16* Inventory July 31 242,239 70 1,614.15 275,46 288 8,589.35 225,422 79 743;125.37 206,633 55 280,387.72 $ 14,717.73 $ 202,827.70 $ 35,148.16 689, 848.97 -- 53,276.40 $481,586.50 $ 969,334.38 $ 861, 527.00 $2,312,447.88 $536,505.42 $1,044,320.34 $ 907,156.68 $2,487,982.44 $175,534.56* GROSS PROFIT $126,180.47 $ 230,153.99 $ 207,676.59 $ 5(4,011.05 $111,334.99 $ 213,359.77 $ 177,087.43 $ 501,782.19 $ 62,228.86 OPERATING EXPENSES: Selling 39,985.07 72,432.80 57,977.40 170,305.27 39,317.65 72,422.11 63,489.62 175,229.38 4,924.11* Overhead 24,997.07 35,535.42 24,863.26 85,295.75 21,126.30 35,261.56 25,055.53 81,443.39 3,952.36 Administrative 46,220 40 59,087 04 49,455 40 154,762 84 42,828.83 57,144.99 44,317.93 144,291.75 10,471.09 TOTAL OPER ATING$111,112 54 $ 167,055 26 $ 132,296 06 $ 410,463 86 $103,272.78 $ 164,828.66 $ 132,863.08 $ 400,964.52 $ 9,499.34 EXPENSES NET OPERATING $ 15,067.95 $ 63,098.73 $ 75,380.53 $ 153,547.19 $ 8,062.21 $ 48,531.11 $ 44,224.35 $ 100,817.67 $ 52,729.52 PROFIT OTHER INCOME: Gross profit Cash Discount 7,762.44 13,054.95 11,527.86 32,345.25 7,634.51 14,645.05 12,082.47 34,362.03 2,016.78* Cash over or under 7.89* 144.44* 77.57 74.76* 22.89* 344.36* 121.96 245.29* 170.53 Income on investments —0— 1.24% 3.86% —0— —0— Other income 1.41 —0— 1.14 Other 834.80 1,191.03 619.74 2,645.57 292.14 417.04 3225,24 1,031.42 1,614.15 $ 8,589.35 $ 14,101.54 $ 12,225.17 $ 34,916.06 $ 79903.76 $ 14,717.73 $ 12,526.67 $ 35,148.16 $ 232.10* N ETINCOM E $ 23,657.28 $ 77,200.27 $ 87,605.70 $ 188,463.25 $ 15,965.97 $ 63,248.84 $ 56,751.02 $ 135,965.83 $ 52,497.42 PERCENT TO NET SALES: Gross profit 20.76% 19.19% 19.42% 19.61% 17.18% 16.96% 16.33% 16.78% Operating expenses 18.28 13.93 12.37 14.27 15.94 13.10 12.25 13.41 Operating profit 2.48% 5.26% 7.05% 5.34% 1.24% 3.86% 4.08% 3.37% Other income 1.41 1.18 1.14 1.21 1.22 1.17 1.16 1.18 NET INCOME 3.89% 6.44% 8.19% 6.55% 2.46% ; 03% 5.24% 4.55% AMOUNT 204.]3 204.00 + 9.13 ?.1 3 16.26 • 2.12 2.12 + 7.40 9.44 16.34 CHEC.. cGI STER VENOOT ITEM DESCRIPTION GLENV HARMON SERVICES SOUTHDALE FORD SOUTHnALF. FORD SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP KAMAN BEA?ING 8 SPLY KAMAV BEARING & SPLY REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR, PARTS REPAIR PARTS CONT REPAIRS 1C -01 PAGE 1 ACCOUNT N0. INV. # P.O. A MESSAGE 10- 4120- 180 -18 10- 4540 - 560 -56 10- 4540 - 560 -56 20 -4540- 646 -64 10- 4540 - 560 -56 28- 4248 - 707 -70 - 24.95 AUTOMOBILE SERVICE_ C - COUT REPAIRS - 'i98• fY OF EDINA ` 42.90 ALTERNATOR REBUILD CHECK NO. DATE 42.90 257745 09/25/84 10 -4540- 560 -56 41.85 ALTERNATOR REBUILD REPAIR PARTS 273492 u9119IF4 ALTERNATOR REBUILD - 173492 L9/19184 21.76 ALTERNATOR REBUILD PARTS 10- 4620- 560 -56 2735U3 '19/20/84 GEN SUPPLIES 30 -4504- 783 -78 89.64 ALTERNATOR REBUILD GEV SUPPLIES 30 -4504- 783 -78 • ALTERPJATCR R =BUILD GEN SUPPLIES 30- 4504 - 783 -78 275008 x9/26/84 GEN SUPPLIES 275008 ]9/26/84 - . .. _. 57.60 • + t t f + REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 520 -52 275011 09/20/84 76.19 AIR ITDRAJLIC SYSTEM 275013 09/19/84 6.51 275013 09/19/84 10- 4620- 560 -56 215C13 ;9/19/84 275013 ;;9/19/84 BADGER METER INC 275013 09/26/84 218.08 275013 u9/26/84 215013 u9/19/84 INVENTORY 275013 C9 /19 /s4 275013 u9/20/84 275017 L)9/ 18 i84 f 3 f f i 4 • 275C2C 39/19/84 27502'? 09/19/84 • rfft +r • 275026 u9/20184 • r 275033 _9/26/86 AMOUNT 204.]3 204.00 + 9.13 ?.1 3 16.26 • 2.12 2.12 + 7.40 9.44 16.34 CHEC.. cGI STER VENOOT ITEM DESCRIPTION GLENV HARMON SERVICES SOUTHDALE FORD SOUTHnALF. FORD SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP KAMAN BEA?ING 8 SPLY KAMAV BEARING & SPLY REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR, PARTS REPAIR PARTS CONT REPAIRS 1C -01 PAGE 1 ACCOUNT N0. INV. # P.O. A MESSAGE 10- 4120- 180 -18 10- 4540 - 560 -56 10- 4540 - 560 -56 20 -4540- 646 -64 10- 4540 - 560 -56 28- 4248 - 707 -70 - 24.95 AUTOMOBILE SERVICE_ C - COUT REPAIRS - 10- 4248 - 560 -56 24.95 + 42.90 ALTERNATOR REBUILD REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 42.90 ALTERVATOR REBUILT REPAIR. PARTS 10 -4540- 560 -56 41.85 ALTERNATOR REBUILD REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 108.94 ALTERNATOR REBUILD - PARTS - — -10- 4620- 560 -56 21.76 ALTERNATOR REBUILD PARTS 10- 4620- 560 -56 19.91 ALTERNATOR REBUILO GEN SUPPLIES 30 -4504- 783 -78 89.64 ALTERNATOR REBUILD GEV SUPPLIES 30 -4504- 783 -78 33996 ALTERPJATCR R =BUILD GEN SUPPLIES 30- 4504 - 783 -78 48.11 ALTERNATOR REBUILD GEN SUPPLIES 30- 4504 - 783 -78 449.87 + - . .. _. 57.60 ALLI =D PLASTICS REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 520 -52 57.60 f 76.19 AIR ITDRAJLIC SYSTEM PARTS 10- 4620- 560 -56 6.51 AIR HYDP.AULIC SYSTEM PARTS 10- 4620- 560 -56 82.61 • 218. 8 BADGER METER INC REPAIR PARTS 30- 4540- 788 -78 218.08 122.85 BERGFORD TRUCKING INVENTORY 50 -4626- 822 -82 CHECK REGISTER VENDO' ITEM DESCRIPTION BERG'ORD TRUCKING BERGFORD TRUCKING BJRY 8 CARLSON INC BURY S CARLSON !NC BURY 8 CA�LSIN INC BURY 8 CAILSON IVC INVENTORY INVENTORY BLACKTOP BLACKTOP BLACKTOP BLACKTOP 10 -01 -84 PAGE 2 ACCOUNT 140. INV. # P.O. V MESSAGE 57- 4626- 842 -84 50 -4626- 862 -86 10- 4524- 301 -30 10- 4524 - 520 -52 20- 4524 - 645 -64 30- 4521 - 783 -78 BILL 90YER FORD PARTS 10- 4620- 560 -56 BATT_RY WAREHOUSE REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 BATTERY 1984 CITY OF _TINA 10- 4540- 560 -56 BATT_RY CHECK NC. DATE AMOUNT BATT_RY WAREHOUSE PARTS 10- 4620 - 560 -56 ` 275033 u9/26/84 247.95 BATTERY 275CS3 79/26/84 270.45 BATTERY WAREHOUSE PARTS 641.25 + BATTERY WAREHOUSE PARTS 10- 4620 - 560 -56 AMBASSADOR SAUSAGE CONCESSIONS...__.. - 27- 4624- 664 -66 AMBASSADOR SAUSAGE CONCESSIONS 275041 X9/25/84 1,057.50 275041 - 29/25/?4 5?.75 275 C41 79/25/84 3,724.25 275041 09/25784 470.0 5,310.50 kt- ..r• ## �- 275C44 09/26/84 35.79 35.79 • v 275054 L9/26/84 34.40 4 275054 9/19/84 56.88 215054 .,9/19/84 53.30 275[54 .9/2.1/84 91 FO 275054 -9/19/84 16.28 275054 09/20/84 65.67 275054 09/27/84 107.60 275054 09/19/84 59.67 497.60 + 275C6J 09/25/84 89.73 r 27506:; 09/18/84 150.89 ` 240.62 + 275062 '?9/26/84 780.00 780.00 f CHECK REGISTER VENDO' ITEM DESCRIPTION BERG'ORD TRUCKING BERGFORD TRUCKING BJRY 8 CARLSON INC BURY S CARLSON !NC BURY 8 CA�LSIN INC BURY 8 CAILSON IVC INVENTORY INVENTORY BLACKTOP BLACKTOP BLACKTOP BLACKTOP 10 -01 -84 PAGE 2 ACCOUNT 140. INV. # P.O. V MESSAGE 57- 4626- 842 -84 50 -4626- 862 -86 10- 4524- 301 -30 10- 4524 - 520 -52 20- 4524 - 645 -64 30- 4521 - 783 -78 BILL 90YER FORD PARTS 10- 4620- 560 -56 BATT_RY WAREHOUSE REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 BATTERY WAREHOUSE REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540- 560 -56 BATT_RY WAREHOUSE REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 BATT_RY WAREHOUSE PARTS 10- 4620 - 560 -56 BATTERY WAREHOUSE PARTS 10- 4620 - 560 -56 BATTERY WAREHOUSE PARTS 10- 4620- 560 -56 BATTERY WAREHOUSE PARTS 10- 4620- 560 -56 BATTERY WAREHOUSE PARTS 10- 4620 - 560 -56 AMBASSADOR SAUSAGE CONCESSIONS...__.. - 27- 4624- 664 -66 AMBASSADOR SAUSAGE CONCESSIONS 27 -4624- 664 -66 BROCK WHITE GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 343 -30 27507C 39/20/84 21.64 CARLSON T3_RMO REPAIR PARATS 30- 4540 - 785 -78 21.64 `r 215074 09/18/84 1,25300 CITY OF BLOOMINGTON CONT SERV 10 -4200- 480 -48 1,250.10 * • ..•f}• \ 275087 - 09/25/84 - - - 515.17 2750-57 09/26/84 77.48 592.65 • CURTIN MATH SCI -- GEN SUPPLIES - - -- 10 -4504- 482 -48 CURTIN MATH SCI GEN SUPPLIES 10-4504- 482 -48 * ** -CKS *** -CKS * * *- CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS 19,c , i Y OF cDINA CHECK NO. GATE CHEC GIST =R AMOUNT VEND02 ITEM DESCRIPTION 10 -31• PAGE 3 ACCOUNT N0. INV. # P.O. It MESSAGE * ** -CKS 275C90 09/26/84 70.64 CERT POWER TRAIN REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 275790 C9/26/E4 228.00 CART POWE2 TRAIN PARTS - 10- 4620 - 560 -56 298.64 + 275U91 j9/26/84 16.50 CITY OP EDINA WATER 23- 4258 - 611 -61 275091 C9/25/84 313.?6 CITY OF EDINA WATER 27- 4258 - 661 -66 275091 `)9/26/84 33.00 CITY OF EDINA WATER 28- 4258 - 708 -70 ' 275091 u9/26/84 293.28 CITY OF E:)INA WATER - 50- 4258 - 841 -84 653.64 f r r k 1 r •►• -CKS - 275125 -19/26/84 19'.70 MERIT SUPPLY GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 328 -30 275125 09/25/84 225.75 MERIT SUPPLY GEM SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 507 -50 275125 t'9 /2C /E4 69.00 MERIT SUPPLY GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 507 -50 275125 L9/19 -IE4 591.00 MERIT SUPPLY CLEAN SUPPLIES 10 -4512- 540 -54 275125 -79/26194 437.25 MERIT SUPPLY PARTS 10- 4620 - 560 -56 275125 09/25/84 225.75 N=RIT SUPPLY GEN SUPPLIES 20 -4504- 628 -62 275125 :'9/25184 451.50 MERIT SUPIILY CL --ANING SUPPLIES 28- 4512 - 708 -70 ' 275125 09/25/84 225.75 MERIT SUPPLY PAPER SUPPLIES - 50- 4514 - 822 -82 2.416.00 + 215126 09/26/84 50400 DAVIS EU3EN-- WEED CONTROL 60- 4100 - 985 -9C , 275126 :9/26/84 24.84 DAVIS EU.:ENE MILEAGE 60- 4208- 985 -90 - 275126 39/26/84 28.84- DAVIS EU3ENE CORRECTION 60- 42,18- 985 -90 275126 ;9126/84 - 2804 DAVIS -' EUGENE - --- MILEAGE 60 -4208- 985 -90 528.84 .....• .** -CKS - 275130 09126/84 8.25 DUNE BUGGY SUPPLY C04T REPAIRS 28- 4248- 707 -70 8.25 • - - - rr.r►r *** —CKS 275136 ,.9/26/84 416.25 EARL F ANDERSEN SIGNS & POSTS 10- 4542- 325 -30 - 275136 09/26/84 158.95 EARL F ANDERSEN SIGNS & POSTS 10- 4542 - 325 -30 575.20 • - R.f f R 4 * ** -CKS 275139 09/19/84 890098 EDINA ELECTRIC CO CONTRACT REPAIRS 20- 4248 - 646 -64 890.98 * - *** -CKS 275143 U9/21)/E4 103.]3 EMRICH BAKING CO CONCESSIONS 27 -4624- 664 -66 275143 09/26/84 897.22 EMRICH BAKING CO CONCESSIONS 27- 4624 - 664 -66 275143 r�9/26/94 87.22 EMRICH BAKING CO CONCESSIONS 27- 4624- 664 -66 275143 j9/26/84 897.22- EMRICH BAKING CO CORRECTION- - - 27- 4624- 664 -66 190.25 + rtf 44. * ** -CKS 1984 CITY OF SDINA CHECK REGISTER 1C -01 -84 RAGE 4 • CHECK NO. • DATE 8MOUNT VENDO? ITEM DESCRIPT*_ON - ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. a MESSAGE • 215146 69/15/84 167.90 GREEN ACR'S SPKL CONT REPAIRS 20- 4248 - 646 -64 167.90 + • + ++ -CKS 215154 C9/1 °184 422.63 JOE =LIAS WA6_S 27 -4200- 663 -66 422 .63 + faf aif • ++ -CKS • - 2751'33 09/20/84 35.77 GIVENS INC REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 520 -52 2.75163 09/27/84 151.97 GIVENS IN-- REPAIR PARTS 30- 4540- 783 -78 187.74 ffrtaa ••• -CKS • 275194 X9/19/84 41.20 GENERAL COMMUNICATNS REPAIR PARTS 10 -4540- 560 -56 275194 c9/19/84 28.80 GENERAL C)MMUNICATNS PARTS 10- 4620 - 560 -56 70.^^ + 275195 J9 /20 /84 126.38 GOLF CAR MIDWEST REPAIR PARTS 27- 4540 - 671 -66 • -. _.. _ _.._ . 1 26.38 + - - tritaa + +• -CKS - 275199 09/19/84 27.69 G T CARTS REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 • 27.69 + - 275Z;`u 09/20/84 2,411.00 GENERAL r,FFICE P100 OFFICE WGUIP 10-49C6- 500 -50 • 29411.)0 + f. +-CKS • 275209 C'9/19184 - 16.80 GENUINE PARTS - - - REPAIR PARTS - - -. -- 10- 4540 - 560 -56 2752J9 ;;9/2-')/84 69.59 GENUINE PARTS PARTS 10 -4620- 560 -56 • 275219 ;,9/19184 27.40 GENUINE PARTS GEN SUPPLIES 30- 4504 - 783 -78 113. °D + if +— CKS ... 275230 09/26/84 19.90 HOFF WILLIAMSON GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 120 -12 s 275236 j9/26/84 19.17 HOFF WILLIAMSON OFFICE SUPPLIES 10- 4516- 180 -18 38.07 + + +• -CKS 275239 9/19184 24..0 4M M McCOY GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 301 -30 275238 09/20/84 30.)0 WM H Ms :OY GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 314 -30 _ 54.00 . Rf1Rfi +•+ —CKS s 275256 69/19/84 29546. G !CSI TELEPHONE 10- 4256- 510 -51 2.546.')0 + i` 1984 (Y OF ECINA CHECK dISTER 10 -01 -. PAGE 5 CHECK NT. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N0. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE •" c raaara * ** -CKS r" 275267 39/18/94 191030 IBM CORPORATIGN EQUIP RENAL 10- 4226- 510 -51 191.10 r' *aaara * ** -CKS �M. 275278 --19/20/84 47.44 JERRYS F030S CONCESSIONS 27- 4624- 664 -66 47.44 275279 09/191£4 8.79 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 260 -26 275279 09/19/84 84.44 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE GEN SUPPLIES 1C- 4504- 301 -30 ` 275279 09/19/R4 75.46 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 328 -30 275279 09/19184 39.70 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE GEM SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 390 -30 275279 39/19/84 7990 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 420 -42 ` 275219 39/19/84 10.39 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE GEM SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 421 -42 275279 09/19/E+4 36.22 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 440 -44 275279 09/19/84 6.90 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 470 -47 275279 „9/19/84 1.39 JERRYS OU? OWN HDWE GEM SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 480 -48 275279 09/19184 99^2 JERRYS OUR OWN HOW- GEN SUPPLIES 1C -4534- 520 -52 275279 L9/19/84 11.79 J_RRYS OUR OWN HOWE GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 560 -56 ` 275279 .39/19/84 11.79- JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE - CORRECTION -- - 10- 4504 - 560 -56 ir 275219 09/19/84 4.79 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 560 -56 275279 :9/19784 32.84 JERRYS OUR OW "1 HOWE GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4540 - 446 -44 275279 09/19184 91.82 JERRYS OUR OWN F9DWE REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 540 -54 4w 275219 09/19/84 51.98 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE SIGNS 6 POSTS 10- 4542 - 325 -30 275279 39/19184 20.58 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE PAINT 10 -4544- 343 -30 ` 275279 - 09/19/£4 8.59 JERRYS OUR -OWN HO WE­ '" TOOLS -- 10- 4580- 353 -30 275219 09/19/84 66.68 JERRYS OUR OWE? HOWE PARTS 10- 4620 - 560 -56 275219 J9/19/84 28.40 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE CONSTRUCTION 20- 2220 - 000 -00 ` 275279 69/19/84 3.00 J °RRYS OUR OWN HOWE EQUIP RENAL 20- 4226- 646 -64 275219 39/19/84 2.35 JERRYS OUR OWN HOW_ GEN SUPPLIES 20 -4504- 624 -62 275279 u9/19/84 158.69 JERRYS OUT OWN HOWE GEN SUPPLIES 20 -4504- 646 -64 ` 275279 09 /19 084 148.67 JERRYS OU? OWN HDWE REPAIR PARTS - - 20- 4540 - 646 -64 275279 09/19/84 6.36 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE PAINT 20- 4544 - 646 -64 275279 39/19184 3.)5 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE GEN SUPPLIES 26- 4504 - 684 -68 275279 09/19/84 12.65 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE REPAIR PARTS 27- 4540- 661 -66 275279 J9/19 ,184 38.29 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE PARTS 27- 4620 - 662.66 275279 99/19/84 31.89 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE GEN SUPPLIES 30 -45C4- 783 -78 dl 275279 99 /19 /84 3.59 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE -- GEN SUPPLIES - 30- 4504- 785 -78 + 275279 39/19/E4 15.78 JERRYS OUR OWN HOWE REPAIR PARTS 30 -4540- 782 -78 275279 :9/19/84 5.48 JERRYS OUR OWN HDWE PAINT 30- 4544 - 785 -78 275219 39/19/84 44.35 JTRRYS OUR OWN HOWE GEM SUPPLIES 40- 4504- 801 -80 19761.54 * �i - - . ** *-CKS 275297 ;;9/20/81, 69 *40 TOP QUALITY FODDS CONCESSIONS 27- 4624- 664 -66 C 69.40 * *r *aaa C * ** -CKS 275.504 09/26/84 42.91 KNOX LUMBER CO REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 520 -52 275304 u9/19/84 19.39 KNCK LUMB =R CO GEN SUPPLIES 20- 4504 - 646 -64 C I L dy C ,G 1984 CITY Or =DINS+ CHECK ".r. D"TE 2753'_4 9/19/34 2753v4 _9/25/ ?4 2753 -4 0.9/257$4 2753.4 C 4/25/84 27,53J4 09/2D/F4 275324 : 7/75/ 34 275314 9/2'/84 t f R'i 275 31 3 119119/84 275315 0'9/2 ^784 irr fii 275317 '9 /2 ^/84 275317 -P /13/34 275317 �J9127/94 215317 :9/19/94 275317 2j/84 215317 .9/151 F4 A f. r f f 275325 :9/19/ °_4 275325 :9/19/94 275315 X9/20/84 i f f • . # LUMB =R 275331 -P /13/34 27534 ;9/27/ ?4 27534- 9/2 ^/94 275341 _S /1iIF4 275342 !_'9/26/94 275342 f i f f i f 9,/25/14 AMOUNT 62.1IS 1C Q9 8.57 21 . 30 7P.7,2 247.74 71 .55 562.74 f 143.60 141.50 • 29.70 20.70 + 77. ^6 35.'5 222.54 187.73 19 ?.44 26. °1 730. »4 + 52.32 11).,.2 421.11 493.5 • 27."0 27.0, r CHECK RZGTST -R V :'NDO? ITEM DESCRIPTION KNOX LUMB =R CO GF4 SUPPLIES KU OX LU MB_ R CO LUMP, rR KNOT( LUMB= R CC LUMBER K40X LUMP-'A CO LUMBER KNOX LUM° =R C!J LUMBER KNCX LUMB =R CD LUMBER. KNOX LUMP - R C'J GEN SUPPLIES JOHN H F9STER ANCHJR P4DER LAWS)4 PPODUCr3 LANSON PRJJUC TS LANSO4 PRODUCTS L'' - WSJN PR]DUCTS L =WSIN PR ?DUCT'S LaWSON PRODUCTS LONG LAKE FORD TRACT LJ +jG LAKF FORD TRACT LONG LAKE FORD TRACT CINTRACT REPAIRS GEN SUPPLIES GEN SUPPLI=S GEN SUPPLIES GEN SUPPLIES PARTS PARTS GEN SUPPLIES P-PaIR P =RTS REPAIR PARTS REPAIR PARTS LaHASS CORPORITION ?ARTS 48.55 LaN ?, ORO TO ')L GEN SUPPLIES 44.35 LVNG=CRD TOOL GEN SUPPLIES 92.90 r 27- 4504 - 646 -64 •. 56.70 M B I !NO SUPPLY GrN SUPPLIES 56.70 r l 20- 4674- 646 -64 56 °..35 MAC QUEEN EQUiP INC REPAIR PARTS 152.25 NAC QUEEN EGUI F INC REPAIR PARTS 72C, . 60 + + + +- CKS 1 C -71 —84 PAGE 6 • ACCOUNT N0. INV. q P.O. it MESSAGE 27- 4504 - 646 -64 •. 20-46'14-646-64 23-4604-646-64 • 20- 4674- 646 -64 20- 4604 - 646 -64 27 -4604- 646 -64 28 -4504- 708 -7C + + +- CKS 40- 4248 - 801 -80 f.♦ -CK' • 17- 4504- 520 -52 • i.i -CKS 10- 4504 - 322 -30 • 10 -4 504- 322- 30 10 -4504- 353 -30 • 10- 4620- 560 -56 10- 4620 - 560 -56 20 -4504- 646 -64 + + + —CKS 1C- 4540 - 560 -56 10 -454C- 560 -56 10 -4 5 40- 560- 56 CKS M 1 + ?- 4620- 560 -56 e' •• *-CKS . 20- 4504- 646 -64 20 -4594- 646 -64 1C -4504- 301 -30 a 10- 4540- 560 -56 10- 4540 - 560 -56 i rf -CKS .. 7984 .'Y OF EDINA CHECK GTST--R IC-01- PAGE 7 CHECK !JO. DATE AMOUNT - VENDOI ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. 0 MESSAGE 275346 ::9/26/£+4 4.207.50 M =T N WASTE C L COMM BLDG PERMITS 10-3095- 000 -00 49207.57 • y t * + +- CK S 27535i - �9/1 FIE 4 21.25 MILLER DAVIS CO OFFICE SUPPLIES 10- 4516 - 200 -20 21.25 • w f f « f . • +► +- CKS 275359 ;9/25/84 10.41 MINN TORO INC EQUIP MAINT 27 -4274- 662 -66 a' 275359 09/25/34 10.41- MINN TORC INC CORRECTION 27- 4274 - 670 -66 t 275359 ,79/25/=34 10.41 MINN TORO INC EQUIP MAINT 27- 4274 - 670 -66 275359 69/25/84 257.42 MTNN TORO INC EQUIP MAINT 27 -4274- 670 -66 r' 275359 CQ/25/84 70. 18 MINN TORO INC REPAIR PARTS 27 -4540- 662 -66 ` 275359 ;.9/25P84 18.98 M!NN TORO INC REPAIR PARTS 27- 4540- 662 -66 275359 09/25/84 7.34 MINN TORO INC REPAIR PARTS 27- 4540- 662 -66 �' 275359 99/25/84 27.40 MTNN TORO INC REPAIR PARTS 27- 4540 - 662 -66 275359 D9/25/84 12.63 M!NN TORO INC REPAIR PARTS 27- 4540 - 670 -65 397.26 • ` v • +►.ff - fff -CKS 275370 49/20/84 373.65 MTDLAVD PRODUCTS CO CONCESSIONS 28- 4624- 704 -70 t 373.65 + f f• f f« + ++ -CKS M 275379 L9/23/84 10.22 METR3 FON= COMM EQUIP RENTAL 10- 4226 - 301 -30 • 10.22 • ! • f «ff«« + + +- CK S 215381 u9/251F4 141.75 STAR & TRIBUNE ADVERTISING 10- 4212 - 420 -42 • 275.331 39/20/84 56.40 STAR 8 TRIBUNE ADVERTISING 10- 4212 - 560 -56 275581 09/27/84 51.70 STAR B TRIBUNE ADVERTISING 10- 4212 - 780 -78 ! 275381 09/20/84 51.70- STAR K TRIBUNE CORRECTION 10- 4212 - 780 -78 • 275381 j9/20184 51.70 STAR 8 TRIBUNE ADVERTISING 30- 4212 - 780 -78 249.85 + ! fffft« fff-CKg ! 275383 X9/20/84 342.16 MPLS COMP TREAS WATER 30- 4640- 783 -78 • 275383 .9/20/24 79168944 MPLS COMP TREAS WATER 30 -4640- 783 -78 79510.60 ! • f f f f i f + +• -CKS ! 275385 69/261°_4 240. 2O MCGUIR9 ROBERT TREE INSPECTION 10 -4242- 353 -30 275385 09/26/84 363.10 MCGUIRE ROBERT TREE INSPECTION 60- 1300 - 010 -18 275385 09/26/84 361.30 MCGUIRE 20BERT TREE INSPECTION 60- 1300 - 011 -18 ! - 9613.00 + .. «f «. • +• -C KS 4 C 1984 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 1C -01 -84 PAGE 8 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N09 INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE C 275400 ,9/19/84 19761.79 N'1RTHWESTERN TIRE CO TIRES 9 TUBES 10- 4616- 560 -56 C 1.761.79 • CKS 275412 C9 /25 /PL 143.16 NW SRAPHIC SUPPLY INVENTORY 23- 12C9- 000 -CO 275412 "Q /25/x4 157.72 Nth GRAPHI7 SUPPLY INVENTORY 23- 1209 - 000 -00 275412 09/25/84 16.20 NW GRAPHIC SUPPLY INVENTORY 23- 1209- 00O -00 317.08 * r 275413 09/25/84 185.27 NATIONWIDE- PAPERS GEN SUPPLIES 27 -4504- 661 -66 135.27 * t f ► • i ff• -CKS 275421 ;0/20/84 104.P8 OLS04 CMAIN 8 CABLE -GEN SUPPLIES - - 10- 4504 - 353 -30 275421 !39/21/44 78.40 OLSON CHAIN 8 CA6Lc GE9 SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 353 -30 275421 X9/25/84 427.11 OLSON CHAIN & CABLE TOOLS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 275421 ^9/26/84 ?40.22- OLSON CHAIN B CABLE CORRECTION 10- 4540- 560 -56 275421 19/26/81 423.11 OLSON CHAIN & CABLE CORRECTION 10 -4540- 560 -56 275421 09 /26 /84 17.72 OLSON CHAIN 8 CABL= TOOLS 10- 4580 - 353 -30 275421 09/20/84 - 132.37' -- - 'OLSON OHAIN 9 CABLE- - -TOOLS - - - - - 10 -4580- 353 -30 E 332.50 • fff *** *++-CKS 275424 '.9/26/P4 472.00 OLD D ^MINION BRUSH BROOMS 10 -4534- 310 -30 _ 272.30 *. *. *. t *f-CKS 275427 99125/94 102.50 PARTS SUPPLY CO CiINT REPAIRS 10- 4248 - 560 -56 275427 '9/25/84 241.55 PORTS SUFPLY CO CONT REPAIRS 10- 4248 - 560 -56 342.35 :- _ _...._._ 275428 ^.9/25/84 178.07 PAUL FOSS PRINTING PRINTING 23- 4600 - 610 -61 1 78.00 • CKS 275452 09/19184 49.34 QUICK SERV BATTERY REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 275452 69/26/24 39.16 QUICK SERV BATTERY REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 275452 09/26/84 70.44 QUICK SEP.V BATTERY REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 157.94 • 6 __. _........ - _._ ..- - i** -CKS G 275455 X9/19/84 18.78 RITEWAY REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 13. 718 Ct f f f f * ** *-CKS r, 275457 09/26/84 228.07 R.L.SOULD 8 CO -INC.' REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540- 560 -56 . 229. ^7 + G 1C -J 1- PAGE 9 `1934 fY OF _DINA ACCOUNT ND. INV. CHEG _LISTER **f -CKS 10 -4504- 353 -30 CHECK N T AMOJNT V_NDO? !TT-'M DESCRIPTION 10- 4540 - 560 -56 # f f # r # 10 -4540- 560 -56 10- 4540 - 560 -56 215461 - 9/26/34 156.25 RENTAL EQUIP & SALES GEN SUPPL IES 10 -4580- 353 -30 275462 )9/18/84 1?. -0 P'NTAL EOUIP & SALES REPAIR PARTS 27- 4540 - 662 -66 27545[ :9/1F/81 239.70 nF NIT AL EQUIP & SALES P.'IRTS 215462 79/16/84 53.50 R'NT4L EQUIP & SALES FARTS 275461 9/1 ?/84 117.40 RENTAL =QUIP & SALES REPAIR PARTS 10 -4504- 343 -30 215462 9/25/84 115. 10 R *'VTAL EOJIA & SALES TOOLS 10-4550-345-30 275464 '.'9/25134 67.10 R_NTAL EOUIP & SAL_S TOOLS 10- 4550- 345 -30 215462 19/1 ? /E4 99.1)5 RE'JTIL EQUIP & SALES PARTS 27 -4200- 662 -66 275462 ,.9/18184 18.95 RENTAL EOJIp & SALES PEPAIP PORTS * ** -CKS 885. °5 ti 10- 3113 - 000 -00 275469 9/19/84 51.41 R ?AD MACHINERY CONT REPAIRS 51.41 * * * * -CK, 30- 4544 - 783 -78 r..rra 2754 75 :9/26/84 124.60 RUFFR IOGE JOi NSON GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4540 - 560 -56 124.60 * f.ffir 2754E1 _9/18/84 510.61 ST R'GIS :1-AP--R CD PIPE 275481 �-9/1?/E4 510.64- ST R'GIS PAPER CO CORRECTION 2754£11 u9 /1s /p4 510.64 ST REGIS RAPER CD PIPE 510.61 + r 27548c 09/25/84 6".f0 :SATELLITE INDUSTRIES CONT SERV 6n.'13 * ` 4 f f # # # 2 7543 4 ;'-9/25/84 80.36 AMERICAN 3HARECJM TELEPHJN°_ 99.36 * r 275495 29/26/34 19235.33 STATE SL ^G IN:SP BLDG PERMITS 27545 '9/26/84 61.50 STATE SLOG I4SP SUR CHARGE TAX 1.297.33 * ♦ 2( 54x6 19/19/?4 247.50 OD`d STRIEI ^-4ER GUVS PARTS 247. 50 * i 27549U )9/20/84 49.16 S4ERWIN YTLLIAMS PAINT 49.1 6 * 275492 09/26/84 13.56 SOUT40ALE FORD REPAIR PARTS 275492 9/26/84 7.51 SOUTHDALE FORD REPAIR PARTS a 1C -J 1- PAGE 9 ACCOUNT ND. INV. q P.O. p MESSAGE **f -CKS 10 -4504- 353 -30 A 10- 4504 - 520 -52 10- 4540 - 560 -56 10 -4540- 560 -56 10- 4540 - 560 -56 10 -4 5 8O- 3 53- 30 10 -4580- 353 -30 10-4620-560-56 27- 4540 - 662 -66 0 * ** -CKS 10- 4248 - 560 -56 * ** -CKS 10 -4504- 343 -30 * ** -CKS 10-4550-345-30 10- 4550- 345 -30 , 10- 4550- 345 -30 27 -4200- 662 -66 * ** -CKS 10- 4256 - 510 -51 10 -3095- 000 -00 10- 3113 - 000 -00 10-4620-560-56 * * * -CK, 30- 4544 - 783 -78 ** * -CK3 10 -4540- 560 -56 10- 4540 - 560 -56 1984 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 10 -31 -84 PAGE 10 CHECK NO. D'-TE AMOUNT VENA01 ITEM DESCRIPT ?ON ACCOUNT NO. INY. # P.O. It MESSAGE C 275491 09/26/F4 1.30 SOUTH DALE FORD REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 22.37 + l ; •+rrr r e ++ -CKS c ' 275494 .:9/26/84 17.40 SWEENEY BROS TRACTOR PARTS 10- 4620- 560 -56 • 17.40 * C 275495 09/20/84 51.80 SOUTHT09N REEFRIG EQUIP MAINT 27 -4274- 661 -66 51 . ,F3 * t +re•.• ••e -CKS 275503 C9 /26 /84 26.59 SUBUIBA'N PLUMB SUP REPAIR PARTS 40- 4540- 801 -80 26.59 + . r•e•f f - - _. .. ... - +*e CKS 275575 09 /18 /84 43.10 S U ADVERTISING 10 -4210- 140 -14 ` 275505 99/25184 643.65 SUN ADVERTISING 23- 4214 - 610 -61 2755'75 :9/25/94 4.20 SUN ADVERTISING 27 -4212- 661 -66 691.95 w O/ t. f t • . + ** -CKS 275508 L9 /2G /F4 10.14 ST PAUL BOOK GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 540 -54 27550F x9/18/94 4.26- ST PlUL 900K CORRECTION 10- 4516 - 510 -51 s 275508 9/18134 4.29 SF PAUL B03K OFFICE SUPPLIES 10- 4516 - 510 -51 2 75 50 8 u9 /1A /84 - 33.08 -- ST PkUL-9r,OK - -- - OFFICE SUpPLIFS- - 10- 4516 - 510 -51 2755u8 u9/2fj/84 220.32 ST PAUL ROOK OFFICE SUFPLI7-S 10- 4516 - 510 -51 w 275508 L9/18/84 4.26 ST PAUL BOOK CORRECTION 10- 4516 - 510 -51 2155u8 :9/18/84 4.29 Sr PAUL BOOK OFFICE SUPPLIES 10- 4516 - 510 -51 e. 275509 09118/3/ 4.29- ST PAUL BOOK CORRECTION 10- 4516- 510 -51 275508 59/18184 80.37 ST PAUL BOOK OFFICE SUPPLIES 20 -4516- 600 -60 275509 x9/19/84 19.75 - ST PAUL BOOK - - GEN SUPPLIES - 40 -4504- 801 -80 C 367.95 •retr• - - + +* -CKS C 275511 L9/20/84 97.68 S T ROBS GEN SJPPLIES 10- 4504 - 301 -30 _ 97.63 + C ._ • f * • f f - r►r -CKS C 275516 J9/2 ^/84 59.00 SEARS ROEBUCK TOOLS 10 -4580- 301 -30 59.00 • ***-CK S 27553U u9/20/84 261.'0- TEXGAS COIP GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 301 -30 .e 261.77 •f e e e e _. - _._._.._ .... -._ ._ _ . .. - -- - - - ....- ..- .. -..._. _. __.. -. -... -- - -- _... - - .......... - - ..... _....- see -CK 3 6 � 275541 09/18/84 9.43 TARGET GEN SUPPLIES 27- 4504 - 661 -66 . X198, fY 0= EDINA CMEC. _GIS TEE R 1C -01- PAGE 11 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDO° ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N0. INV. A P.O. A MESSAGE 275541 ^9/18184 399. ^0 TARGET AMMUNITION 29 -4572- 720 -72 408.40 * *+ -CKS 275545 09/29/84 91.05 TWTN CTY 3ARAGE DOOR CONT REPAIRS 10- 4248 - 540 -54 275545 09/19184 70.00 TWIN CTY GARAGE 003R REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 540 -54 161.05 • •f• # ## * +* -CKS ! 275549 u9/20/84 21.00 TWIN CITY ENGINE REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540- 560 -56 21.00 • < afiR.• .•• -CKS _ < 275566 D9/20/84 540.10 VIDEO IMAGES CABLE TV 10- 2149 - 000 -00 275566 09/20/84 116900 VIDEO I(MA3ES CABLE TV 10- 2149 - 000 -00 656.10 * < � ## ►f #f if # -CK3 < 275569 09/26/84 141.40 VALLEY IND PROPANE SERVICES 28- 4612- 707 -70 141.40 * • * ** -CKS 275571 C9/26/E4 319)0 A & A BATTERY REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 ! 2755 71 j9/20/84 118.26 A & A "BATTERY - - PARTS -- - 10- 4620- 560 -56 149.26 * ` f1 #Rif * ** —CKS 275575 69/20/84 175.51 WATEI PRODUCTS Rt'mAIR PARTS 30 -4540- 783 -78 ! 275575 09/19/84 1•')77.00 VATER PRODUCTS - REPAIR PARTS 30- 4540- 783 -78 275575 ::9/19/84 33.52 ,WATER PRODUCTS REPAIR PARTS 30 -4540- 783 -78 1,286.53 * e #ff••a * *• -CKS ! 275582 U9/25/84 - 549.50 GORDON SMITH-CO -GAS OJLINE - - -- 27- 4612- 662 -66 549.50 + ! of kfa# • +* -CKS 275584 09/19/81 48.10 WARNER INIUSTRI4L GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 301 -30 ! iaRt #• • *• -CKS ! 275589 09/20/84 394.51 XEROX CORPORATION PRINTING 10- 4600- 500 -50 r 394.51 •• #•.+ **• -CKS ! 275594 09/20184 39025.00 STORE FROVT PRO SERV 10- 4224 - 504 -50 1994 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 10 -01 -84 PAGE 12 CHECK NO. D::TE AMOUNT VENOCl ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO* INV* 4 P.O. # MESSAGE 3,025.00 • ft4fff * ** -CKS , 275597 09/26/34 62.25 ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE - -1ST .AID SUPPLIES -- - -- 28- 4510 - 708 -70 62.25 # #.. f.. •+• -CKS 275616 09/20/84 270.24 MILLIPORE COIF GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 482 -48 270.14 + * +* -CKS 215792 .;9/19/84 47.61 MELISSA MCINTYRE MILEAGE 10- 4208 - 480 -48 , 47.61 + 2757173 09/19 -184 195.CO MGA INC/ COMP HANDICAP'S 27- 3470 - 000 -00 215703 195.70 FGA INC COMP HANDICAPS 27- 3470 - 660 -6J 275703 ]9/19/94 195.710- MGe ING CORRECTION 27- 3470 - 660 -60 195. ^0 * , 275704 u9/19/84 - 81055 - 93 AE4AR QUICK PRINT-- - PRINTING -- -- -- - 27- 4600- 660 -66 E 81.55 * ' 2757J5 ;19/19/84 60.96 NW S:-'RV STATION EO REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 540 -54 6%96 + 215706 -J 9/19/84 26.79 - -- PFC'- EOUPMENT 'INC - - REPAIR ~ PARTS __......._.__... -. 30- 4540 - 785 -78 26.79 275107 ;19/19/84 33.50 HAGEN IMPORTS GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 301 -30 33.50 ` 275708 9/19/84 95.00 COPY DUPLICATING - - GEN -SUPPLIES-- - - - 10- 4504 - 540.54 95.70 275709 09/18/84 164.1'0 ST AD MANUF 8 DIST REPAIR PARTAS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 164.10 + 27571^ J9/19/84 - 80.85 -- FARYELL-OZMUN KIRK -- -- -REPAIR PARTS - - --- - 10 -4540- 540 -54 80.35 f 275711 09/1!3/84 87.57 EDINA COMMUNITY CNT THEATRE SUPPLIES 20- 4590 - 627 -62 r� 87.5D + i 27571[ 09 /1f /E4 _.- .. -.__ ...._ . -17.90 - - - FME --C OR P- - - - -- - - - OFFICE SUPPLIES - ----- --- -10- 4516 - 510 -51 6y. 275712 09/13/84 17.90- FME CORP CORRECTION 10- 4546- 510 -51 275712 99/18/84 17.90 FME CORP OFFICE SUPPLI'E'S 10- 4546- 510 -51 ` 17.90 275713 09/18/84 20. ^O LEVERNE M VASSAR RECOVERED PARTS 10- 4224 - 422 -42 ` 7/5714 J9/18/84 75.D3 H -NN CTY ATTORNEYS CONFERENCE 10- 4202 - 422 -42 * 1984 Y OF EDINA CHECK SISTER 1C -01 -. PAGE 13 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. 0 P.O. 4 MESSAGE 75.00 * 27571 79/18/84 295.30 PTAC SEMINAR 10- 4202- 421 -42 295.00 * 275716 .i9 /1F /F4 215.00 PTAC MANAGEMENT COURSE 10- 4202 - 421 -42 215.00 * • 275717 39/18/84 40.00 MD I4'_ CONFERENCE 10- 4202 - 422 -42 40.!]0 * 215118 ,9/18/94 1,654.30 ROAD RESCJE CONT REPAIRS 10- 4248 - 560 -56 19654.00 * 275719 09/1 ?184 30.70 MN SOCIETY OF CONF B SCHOOLS 20- 4202- 600 -60 30.00 215720 J9/18184 300,00.''0 NORM =SP BANK MPLS BONDS PAYABLE 63- 2060- 000 -00 275720 19/18/84 19,767.30 NORWFS71 BANK MPLS UNAPPR SURPLUS 63- 2490 - 000 -00 3199767.00 * 275721 79/18/84 290.00 JOHN F PERRETTI CONT SERV 10- 4200 - 140 -14 290. ^0 • rrr * ** .rr -CKc 275725 09/26/84 320.63 KELLY SERVICES CUNT SERV 10 -4200- 440 -44 275725 09/23/84 252.23 KELLY SERVICES CONT SERV 10- 4200 - 440 -44 275725 09/2C/84 256.50 - KELLY SERVICES ---- CONT SERV - 10- 4200 - 440 -44 829.36 * v � 275726 09/20/84 18.17 LOUIS ABPAfgEM READER MILEAGE 30 -4208- 787 -78 18.17 * 275727 09/20/84 476.00 BARRETII MOVING - FREIGHT - 10- 4292 - 180 -18 476.00 * 275728 09/20/84 74.38 AMMONIA HOUSE CONT REPAIRS 28 -4248- 707 -70 74.38 * / 275729 09/20/84 -- - _ - -- 78.21 GARTHER REFRIG - C04 REPAIRS - 28- 4248 - 707 -TO 78.21 + 27573J U9/20/F4 147.20 CIRY FOOD SERVICES CONCESSIONS 28- 4624- 704 -70 147.20 • %W 275731 U9/20/94 -' - - 29.00 SUPERAMERICA-4047--- - ---GEN SUPPLIES - 10 -4504- 301 -30 29.70 + 275732 09/27/84 26.50 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP UNAPP SURPLUS 66- 2490 - 000 -00 275732 09/26/84 25.50 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP UNAPP SURPLUS 66- 2490 - 000 -00 `" 53.00 + + +• -CKS � 275735 09/25/84 506970 EDINA JR FOOTBALL BLOCKING DUMMIES 20- 4592 - 627 -62 EC. OSr 1944 CITY OF TOIN4 CHECK REGISTER 1C -01 -84 PAGE 14 CHECK NO. DATE &MOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV* 0 P.O. 0 MESSAGE 215749 J9/25/84 211.50 CHESTER ORNAT SERVICES 10- 4120 - 180 -18 27574 -9 - 09/25/84 _.31.74 CHESTER- ORNAT- _..--- _..,MILEAGE - - __.___._.__...._...... 10- 4208 - 180 -18- �, 243.24 275757 79/25/84 171 SAM MOP.L!:Y' SERVICES 10- 4 120- 180-18 Cc • • t it t t t 1 506.70 * 275736 .9/25/84 291.57 DON HARRIS CREDIT OVERCHARGED 10- 3095 - 000 -00 291.57 * 275737 U9/25/84 53.03 NTL TRUST MEMBEP, CONT SERV 10- 4200 - 508 -50 50.00 + 27573E 39/25/94 49845.00 ALL STEEL 3RODUCTS PIPE 10 -4550- 345 -30 49945.00 275739 ^_9125/34 19767. ^0 HOWARD NCIBACK S =R VICES 10- 4120 - 180 -18 275 739 39/25/84 71.53 HOWARD NORBACK MILEAGE 10 -4208- 180 -18 275139 u9/25/84 13. ,23 HOWARD N04PACK 'LEC SUPPLT'S 10- 4504 - 180 -18 19851.56 + 215 74 U 09/25/84 112.50 ALVIN WOODS - - SERVICES - - - 10- 4120 - 180 -18 275740 19/25/94 1.15 ALVIN W00)S MILEAGE 10 -4208- 150 -18 113.65 275741 :9/25/84 252.)0 HILDING DAHL SERVICES 10- 4120- 180 -18 215741 ;9/25/84 5.144 HILDING D1HL MILEAGE 10- 4208 - 180 -18 258.44 * - 275742 09/25/84 120._O ROLAVD LUVOBERu SERVICES 10- 4120- 180 -18 275742 X9/25184 3.47 ROLAND LUNDBERG MILEAGE 10- 4208 - 180 -18 123.47 275743 09/25/84 310:50 RALPH HINES ___...._.,__.. SERVICES -- _.._...__.._.._.____-- -. -10- 4120- 180 -18 275743 09/25/84 8.74 RALPH HINES MILEAGE 10- 4208 - 180 -18 319.24 • 275744 09/25/84 160.50 HAROLD HA3IGHORST SERVICES 10- 4120 - 180 -18 275744 09 /25 /84 14.26 HAROLD HA?IG403ST MILEAGE 10 -4208- 180 -18 174.76 • _,. _. _._.. 275745 -%9/25/84 14.72 GLENN HARMON MILEAGE 10- 4208 - 180 -18 14.72 + 275746 ]9/25/84 120. ,710 ERNEST BUFFINGTON SERVICES 10- 4120 - 180 -18 275746 9/25/84 - - 3.68 - ERNEST - BUFFINGTON - -- MILEAGE -- - -10 -4238- 180 -18 123.68 + 275747 1-9/25/84 106.50 WILLARD OTT SERVTCES 10- 4120- 180 -18 275747 )9/25/84 4.60 WILLARD OTT MILEAGE 10- 4208- 180 -18 111.10 + 27574? ]9/25/84 135.0'J ERNEST OLSON SERVICES 10- 4120 - 180 -18 27574? 30/25/84 21.67_ ERNEST OLSON MILEAGE 10- 4208- 180 -18 156.62 • 215749 J9/25/84 211.50 CHESTER ORNAT SERVICES 10- 4120 - 180 -18 27574 -9 - 09/25/84 _.31.74 CHESTER- ORNAT- _..--- _..,MILEAGE - - __.___._.__...._...... 10- 4208 - 180 -18- �, 243.24 275757 79/25/84 171 SAM MOP.L!:Y' SERVICES 10- 4 120- 180-18 Cc • • t it t t t 1 •198 TY JF EDINA CH__ C _GISTER 1C -01• PAGE 15 CHECK NO. DATE aMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPT;ON ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. 0 MESSAGE 275750 G9/25/84 6.67 SAM MOBLEY MILEAGE 1C- 4208 - 180 -18 177.67 . 215751 09/25/84 24.00 JERRY HIN_S SERVICES 1C- 4120 - 180 -18 ` 275751 "'9/25/84 .46 J'RRY HINTS MILEAGE 10 -4208- 180 -18 24.46 • , 275752 09/25/84 19917.04 FLORENCE NORBACK ELECTION CONSULTING 10 -4200- 180 -18 1,917.04 • 275753 09/25/84 90.70 BARBARA C REYNOLDS HEALTH MEETING 10- 4202 - 480 -48 97.70 . 275754 U9/25fR4 5,348.50 DEDE HENSEL INST FEES 20 -2235- 000 -00 215754 ]9/25/84 3900C.70- D_DE HENSEL CORRECTION 20- 2235- OCO -00 275754 09/25/84 5,34A.30 DEDE HENS EL INST FEES 20- 2235- 000 -OC ` 275754 79/25/84 2,848.^0- DEDE MEN SEL CORRECTION 20- 2235- 000 -00 5,848.50 + 2f5755 09/25/84 1,972.66 HUDAK PRINTERS PRINTING 27 -4600- 660 -66 1,972.66 • • 275756 j9/25/F4 4.70 RC IDENTIFICATIONS -GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 420 -42 4.30 • , 275757 Q9/25f34 1,430.00 C 4 TURF SOD 9 BLACK DIRT 27 -4562- 662 -66 1 9430.00 • 2/5758 09/25/84 - 638.65 HOLOEN BUSINESS FORM GEN SUPPLIES- - - 19 -4504- 510 -51 638.65 • t.. 275759 09/25/F4 05C.00 CHRYSALIS CONT SERV 10- 4200 - 500 -50 950.00 . 275760 79/25/84 39039.25 HENN C71Y TREASURER - -ROOM 8 BOARD -- 10 -4286- 220 -22 3,039.25 • I ' 275761 J9/25/84 68.55 SHERIFFS DEFT ROOM 8 BOARD 10- 4286- 220 -22 68.55 . • ...... -- - - - +.. -CKS 275766 19/26/84 67.28 MPLS EOUI'• CO PARTS 10- 4620- 560 -56 ` 67.28 • 275767 09/26/84 100.63 DECKER SUPPLY SIGNS & POSTS 10 -4542- 325 -3C - - 100.63 . W 275768 ^9/26/84 100.97 NS C)NCRETE COMP REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 520 -52 ` 10^.97 • 275769 J9/26/F4 17.74 DOSTER SALES 8 SERV REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 ` 17.74 • _ _ .._ - - 275770 9/26/84 165909 ROCHESTER MIDLAND CHEMICALS 28- 4564- 708 -70 1964 CITY 0= ED INA CHECK REGISTER 1C-01-84 PAGE 16 CHECK NO. DLTE AMOUN' VEND02 ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE �al 165.'?9 • 275771 09/26/84 308.00 K 8 K SALES GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 375 -30 308.0 275771 ;:9/26/84 ?04.99 XEROX COR? EQUIP RENTAL 10- 4226 - 510 -51 215772 J9/26/84 204.99- XEROX CORD CORRECTION 10- 4226 - 511 -51 275772 9/26/P4 204.99 XEROK CORPt 'QUIP RENTAL 10 -4226- 511 -51 204.99 * 275773 J9/26/84 79460.44 RON CLARK CONST REFUND ESCROW - -- -- 60- 2080 - 000 -00- 7,469.44 * 215774 )9/26/84 2,702.40 HALLEY LAID CO=P REFUND ESCROW 67 -2080- 000 -00 2,702.40 * 275775 .;9/26/84 - 934.0.0 POUCHER- PRINTING - - UNAPP - SURPLUS ___.___._. -.66 -2490- 030 -00 Qd 934.:0 * 275776 J9/26/84 250.70 KEMSSON I4OUSTRIES CONT SERV 20 -4200- 646 -64 25'3."0 * 275777 _`9/26/84 - 1.70 LOVEGREEEN IND - - SiORT -ON-CK 50- 4274 - 861 -86 1.70 * 275778 39/26/84 37.5E GRODON HUGHES CONFERENCE 10 -4200- 500 -50 37.58 * 215779 79/26/84 - 55.07 IA.MF.S INC - -- - JOURNAL - - - -- 10- 4204- 480 -48 55.00 * 2757,90 39/26/84 460.53 MN DEPT OF REVENUE GASOLINE 10- 4612 - 560 -56 46:'.53 * 275781 09/26/81 604.70 CUS FIRE APPARATUS - EQUIP MAINT- - 10- 4274 - 449 -44 604.70 * 275782 J9/26/84 357.:0 BARB --TT' MOVING 8 FREIGHT 10- 4292 - 180 -18 357. ?9 * 275783 39/26/84 20.11 CURT- -FTNCH - .- --NETS _ -- 10 -4504- 470 -47 20.11 * 275784 J9/26184 16 .-?2 WM WALSH CONFERENCE 10- 4202 - 460 -46 #6 16.:'2 * 2157,95 J9/26/84--- ....-_ - - -- 59- 31 _..- PTAC _ - -SEMINAR­__--­---­­----- -- - - - -10 -4202- 422 -42 590.?0 215786 J9/26/84 215.00. PT AC MANAGEMENT COURSE 10- 4202 - 421 -42 215.00 275787 J9/26/84 - -- - - 80.n0 -'---As Is - _..._ ..__,.._- ,.__.__._._..._ .- WORKSHOP - _...._._.___.._ -. -_ 10- 4202 - 420 -42 * * * -CKS •� WF rY OF _OINA CHECK NO. 04TE 279194 u9/20784 2793?4 j9/20/84 CHEC GIST =R 1C -01 PAGE 17 AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N09 INV. 4 P.O. # MESSAGE 36.29 GENERAL COMMUNICAT "JS REPAIR PAPTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 36.29 * - _ * * * -CKS 10.79 KNOX LUMBER CO GEEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 390 -30 19.79 * * ** -CKS 55,759.19 FUND 10 TOTAL GENERAL FUND — - 129729.63 FUND 20 TOTAL PARK FUND 1,155.23 FUND 23 TOTAL ART CENTER 3.35 FUVO 26 TOTAL SHIMMING POOL FUND 69417.11 FUND 27 TOTAL GOLF COURSE FUND 1,616.02 FUND 28 TOTAL RECREATION CENTER FUND 399.10 FU40 29 TOTAL GUN RANGE FUND 109C7900 FUND 30 TOTAL kATERNORK FUND 231.79 FUND 40 TOTAL SEWER RENTAL FUND 19158.98 FUND 56 TOTAL LIQUOR DISPENSARY FUND 11.420.58 FUND 60 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION FUND 319,767.00 FUND 63 TOTAL IMP BOND REDEMPTION FUND - 987.00 FU 40 66 TOTAL IMP BOND REDEMPTION N2 o421,724.48 TOTAL Check s'S 59169 thru 59348 ENT y4, -.i: MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL OCTOBER 1, 1984 Answering rollcall were Members Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner and Mayor Courtney. EDINA'S YEAR OF THE SCHOOL PROCLAIMED BY MAYOR. Mayor Courtney presented the following proclamation which was unanimously approved: PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, Edina Public Schools' lifelong education responsibility will become increasingly important as our society moves into an information age and desires job retraining and early childhood and family education; and WHEREAS, the public schools of Edina have long been seen as community resources, centers for intellectual, physical, social and emotional fulfillment of community residents; and WHEREAS, public schools in Edina are committed to providing outstanding educational opportunity for all learners, regardless of sex, race, religion, or economic status; and WHEREAS, Edina Public Schools are responsive to recent calls for self - examination and evaluation and are making changes for improvement; and WHEREAS, the Edina Public Schools have encouraged and fostered public involvement and direction through many vehicles; and WHEREAS, personnel staffing Edina Public Schools have shown,.over the years, con- sistent and unwavering devotion to meeting the varying needs of individual learners; and WHEREAS, the Edina Public Schools contribute significantly to the quality of life in our City; and WHEREAS, the Edina Public Schools have been recognized nationally as outstanding; NOW, THEREFORE, I, C. WAYNE COURTNEY, Mayor of the City of Edina, do hereby proclaim 1984 -85 to be EDINA'S YEAR OF THE SCHOOL PROCLAIMED this 1st day of October, 1984. JERRY DALEN COMMENDED. Mr. Rosland asked Jerry Dalen to come forward to be introduced as Finance Director - Treasurer for the City. He advised that Mr. Dalen started with the City in the Fall of 1955 and that he is has been the key person in keeping the City in good financial status. Mr. Rosland commended him for his duty and dedication in serving the City and presented him with a silver pen bearing the City logo. The Council Members joined in expressing their appreciation for his excellent work. MINUTES of the Regular Meetings of August Meeting of August 20, 1984, were approved seconded by Member Turner. 6 and August 20, 1984, and of the Special as submitted by motion of Member Schmidt, Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARINGS CONDUCTED ON SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS (BA -259 AND TT -84). Affidavits of Notice were presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Due notice having been given, public hearings were conducted and action taken as herein- after recorded on the following proposed assessments: 1. STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA -259 Location: Vernon Avenue from Gleason Road to Lincoln Drive; Lincoln Drive from Vernon Avenue to Londonderry Drive Engineer Hoffman recalled the the public hearing on special assessment for Street Improvement No. BA -259, Vernon Avenue from Gleason Road to Lincoln Drive; Lincoln Drive from Vernon Avenue to Londonderry Drive, had been continued by the Council at their meeting of September 17, 1984, to this date so that the developers of The Habitat who had appeared in objection to the proposed assessment could prepare and present a specific proposal as to assessment for the irregular shaped Lots 1, 5, 6 and 14 abutting Lincoln Drive. Mr. Hoffman explained that the City's policy for assessing lots that do not front on the improved street is to assess against 1/3 of the proposed footage. He pointed out that the Council had reduced a backyard assess- ment from 1/3 of the total footage to 1/6 of the total footage for the Dewey Hill Road project. The difference between the Dewey Hill Road project and this project is that the City would allow access to the Dewey Hill project and no access was allowed in The Habitat project due to the road configuration. Staff believes there is some added value as a result of the improved roadway but would recommend the Council review this as a slightly different situation than normal to decide if the ratio of assessable footage should be reduced. Rudy Trones, &'developer of The Habitat, was present and stated their objections to the assessment as proposed for these reasons: 1) the design of The Habitat project is such that no usage of the side or back yards for acess is permissable as stated in the resolution approving the plat, and 2) the D.N.R. wetlands on Lot 5 and 6 emcompass 50% of these lots diminishing usable space and therefore the effective yard footage should be reduced accordingly. In response to Member Richards as to a specific proposal for the assessment, Mr. Trones ,responded that he felt the assessment should be spread over all properties in the area whose only egress is onto Vernon Avenue /Lincoln Drive. Mr. Hoffman advised that if the proposed assessment were reduced for these lots, the City could apply for State Aid Funds for the balance of the cost not assessed. After further discussion, Member Schmidt moved the assessment for Street Improvement No. BA -259 as proposed in the Analysis of Assessment presented at the meeting of September 17, 1984. Motion was seconded by Member Turner. Member Richards argued that because the plat approval was conditioned upon no direct access from these lots to Vernon Avenue /Lincoln Drive that the proposed assessable footage for these lots be reduced from 1/3 to 1/6 and offered an amendment to the motion for such action. The amend- ment was - seconded by Member Bredesen. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Turner, Courtney Nays: Schmidt Mayor Courtney then called the motion as amended that the proposed assessable footage for Lots 1, 5, 6 and 14, The Habitat, be reduced from 1/3 (280.67 total footage) to 1/6 (140.34 total footage). Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Turner, Courtney Nays: Schmidt No further comments were heard and no further written objections to the proposed assessments were received prior hereto. (Assessments levied by Resolution later in Minutes.) 2. TREE TRIMMING IMPROVEMENT NO. TT -84 Location: Country Club and Morningside Areas Mr. Rosland presented presented Anaylsis of Assessment for Tree Trimming Improvement No. TT -84 showing total cost of trees trimmed at $52,939.00 proposed to be assessed against 1,268 assessable trees at $41.75 per tree, to be spread over one year payable with.taxes due in 1985, with interest rate of 11.5 %. Mr. Rosland advised that eight letters of objection to the proposed assessment are on file and that all have been resolved to the satisfaction of the property owners except one that could not be contacted. Appearing and speaking in objection to the assessment as proposed were: Robert Hill, 4508 Bruce Avenue; Jacob Van'tLand, 4021 W. 44th Street; Douglas Gillespie, 4115 Sunnyside Road and Jim O.'Brien, 4352 France Avenue So. Following presentation of Analysis of Assessments, Member Bredesen introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ADOPTING AND CONFIRMING SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS LEVIED ON ACCOUNT OF VARIOUS PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The City has given notice of hearings as required by law on the proposed assess- ment rolls for the improvements hereinafter referred to, and at such hearings held on October 1, 1984, has considered all oral and written objections presented against the levy of such assessments. 2. Subject to the amendment made in paragraph 3 of this resolution, each of the assess- ments as set forth in the assessment rolls on file in the office of the City Clerk for the following improvements: STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA -259 TREE TRIMMING IMPROVEMENT NO. TT -84 does not exceed the local benefits conferred by said improvements upon the lot, tract or parcel of land so assessed, and all of said assessments are hereby adopted and confirmed as the proper.assessments on account of said respective improvements to be spread against the benefited lots, parcels and tracts of land described therein. 3. Said assessments are hereby amended as follows: Street Improvement No. BA -259 - total assessable footage for Lots 1, 5, 6 and 14, The Habitat, is reduced from 1/3 to 1/6 for a.total of 240.34 assessable feet.. 4. The assessments shall be payable in equal annual installments, the first of said installments, together with interest at a rate of 11.5% per annum on the entire assess- ment from the date hereof to December 31, 1985, to be payable with the general taxes for the year 1985. The number of such annual installments shall be as follows: Name of Improvement Number of Installments STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA -259 10 years TREE TRIMMING IMPROVEMENT NO. TT -84 1 year 5. The City Clerk shall forthwith prepare and transmit to the County Auditor a copy of this resolution and a certified duplicate of said assessments with each then unpaid installment and interest set forth separately, to be extended on the tax lists of the County in accordance with this resolution. 6. The Clerk shall also mail notice of any special assessment which may be payable by a county, by a political subdivision, or by the owner of any right of way as required by Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.061, Subdivision 4, and if any such assess- ment is not paid in a single installment, the City Treasurer shall arrange for collect - tion thereof in installments, as set forth in said section. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Schmidt. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Nays: Schmidt voted No on the amendment to Street Improvement No. BA -259 Resolution adopted. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of October 1, 1984, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 10th day of October, 1984. —MAXI --271- 0"k- City Clerk