HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-03-07_COUNCIL MEETINGAGENDA EDINA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING REGULAR HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING MARCH 7, 1983 7:00 P.M. HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY PRESENTATION OF COLORS - MOKI CAMP FIRE GROUP ROLLCALL MINUTES of February 7, 1983, approved as submitted or corrected by motion of , seconded by EDINA CITY COUNCIL ROLLCALL EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION - Darrell Benz MINUTES of October 18, 1983, approved as submitted or corrected by motion of seconded by ' I. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND REPORTS ON ZONING MATTERS Affidavits of Notice by•Clerk. Presentation by Planning Department. Spectators heard. First Reading of Zoning Ordinance requires offering of Ordinance only. 4/5 favorable roll - call vote to pass Second Reading or if Second Reading should be waived. Lot Divisions, Flood Plain Permits, Plats, Appeals from Administrative or Board of Appeals and Adjustments decisions require action by Resolution. 3/5 favorable rollcall vote to pass. A. Final Plat Approval 1. Braemar Hills 11th Addition (Formerly Marth Court) Generally located North of W. 78th St. and East of Gleason Road B. Hedberg__ -Sons - East of France Ave. and North of Parklawn Ave. extended 1. R -1 Residential Distrir_t.to POD Planned Office District 2. Hedberg Parklawn Acres - Preliminary.Plat Approval (Continued from 2/29/83) !Continue further) C. Set Hearing Dates 1. Pearson /Elmer Townhouses - Generally located South of Vernon Ave. and East of Vernon Court a. R -2 Residential District to PRD -2 Planned Residential District b. Pearson /Elmer Addition - Preliminary Plat Approval 2. Westridge Estate - Preliminary Plat Approval - Generally located North of Crosstown Highway and West of MN &S Railroad 3. Braemar Associates /Klodt Development Co. - Amendment to PRD -3 Planned Residential District Overall Development Plan March 7, 1983 Council Agenda Page Two II. PUBLIC HEARING ON EASEMENT VACATION heard. If Council wishes to proceed, rollcall vote to pass. A. Lot 1, Block 1, Graytower Estates III. SPECIAL CONCERNS OF RESIDENTS IV. AWARD OF BIDS AND QUOTES A. Gun Range Fire Repair Presentation by Engineer. Spectators action by Resolution. 3/5 favorable (Continued from 2/28/83) V. RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS A. Bloomington /Edina Boundary Storm Sewer B' Special Concerns of Mayor and Council C. Post Agenda and Manager's Miscellaneous Items 1. Removal of Restriction - Lot 3, Block 1, Edina Office Center VI. FINANCE A. Claims Paid: Motion of , seconded by , for payment of the following Claims as per Pre -List: General Fund, $77,299.38; Park Fund, $10,106.62; Art Center, $5,864.29; Park Construc- tion, $51.30; Golf Course, $609.99; Arena, $6,508.63; Gun Range, $6.36; Water Fund, $1,907.65; Sewer Fund, $149,484.55•. Liquor Fund, $1,266.55; Construction, $4.74; Total, $253,110.06 RESOLUTION GRANTING FINAL PLAT APPROVAL FOR BRAEMAR HILLS 11TH ADDITION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled "Braemar Hills 11th Addition ", platted by Anthony G. Santrizos and Georgia H. Santrizos and Northwestern National Bank of Minneapolis and presented at the regular meeting of the City Council of March 7, 1983, be and is hereby:granted final plat approval, subject to receipt by the City of an executed easement for right -of -way and a parkland dedication fee in the amount of $7,000.00. Adopted this 7th day of March, 1983. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of March 7, 1983, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 14th day of March, 1983. Acting City Clerk =CITY OF MMEDINA 4801 WEST 50TH STREET, EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 612- 927 -8861 CAMP FIRE WEEK P R O C L A M A T I O N WHEREAS, the National Council of Camp Fire has provided a program respond- ing to the diverse needs and interests of young people for 73 years; and WHEREAS,.Camp Fire is an organization open to all youth, regardless of race, creed, sex, economic status or national background; and WHEREAS, the National Council of Camp Fire shall set aside the week of March 13 thru 20, 1983, as a celebration and shall by various public displays and recognitions share this celebration with their communities; and WHEREAS, Camp Fire provides 'opportunities for youth to realize their pot- ential and to function effectively as caring, self - disciplined individuals responsible to themselves and to otheres, and as an.organization, to seek to improve those conditions in society which affect youth "; and WHEREAS, Camp Fire is celebrating their 73rd Annivisary since their found- ing -- the first national organization for girls in the country; and WHEREAS, the Law of Camp Fire states, "Worship God, Seek Beauty, Give Service, Pursue Knowledge, Be Trustworthy, Hold on to Health, Glorify Work, Be Happy "; and WHEREAS, the Watchword of Camp Fire is "Wohelo ", Work Health, Love; NOW, THEREFORE, I, C. Wayne Courtney,.Mayor of the City of Edina, do hereby proclaim the week of March 13 through 20, 1983, to be CAMP FIRE WEEK in Edina, Minnesota. DATED this 7th day of March_ 19R1, / Wayne Courtney (/ Mayor L �D C� Q �J i.,. i LD u \j Y Braemar Hills 11th Addition NUMBER S -81 -12 (Marthe Woods Hill Addition ) L O C A T 10 N Generally located North of W. 78th Street and East of Gleason Road REQUEST Gl EDINA PLANNING DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DECEMBER 30, 1981 S -81 -12 Marthe Woods Hill Addition. Generally located North of W. 78th Street and East of Gleason Road. REFER TO: September 30, 1981, Staff Report The. subject subdivision was considered by the Commission at the September 30, 1981 meeting. A five lot single family dwelling subdivision was proposed for the 1.8 acre parcel. Lot 1 of the subdivision would be re- tained for the existing dwelling on the site. The major problem associated with this subdivision is the need for right of way for Marth Court. We noted that this right of way was deficient primarily in the vicinity of lots 3 and 4 of the subdivision. In this area, a 33 foot wide right of way had been dedicated previously for Marth Court. However, this right of way is separated from the subject property by a five foot wide strip of private property. Thus, not only the five foot strip, but also an additional 10 foot wide strip east of the existing right of way would have to be.acquired in order to provide a. minimum 50 foot right of way. The owner of these strips, Mr. Evanson, appeared at the September 30th meeting and objected to the plat and the required right of way. The Commission continued the subdivision and asked that the proponent attempt to resolve the right of way issue. Recommendations I have spoken to the proponent on several occasions since the September 30th meeting. Apparently, there have been attempts to negotiate a right of way acquisition fortthis subdivision. These attempts have not been successful. As a result, the proponent is requesting that the subdivision be referred to the Council for a decision on using the City's power of eminent domain to acquire the right of way. In my view, the condemation issue can only be resolved by the Council. Thus, I suggest that the matter be referred to the Council with the same conditions contained in our report of September 30th, i.e. 1) The proponent must enter into a Developer's Agreement and petition the Council for curb and gutter, permanent street surfacing , san- itary sewer, and watermain (all to be located in the Marth Court right of way). This work must be authorized by the City Council prior to or concurrent with final plat approval. 2) The 33 foot wide right of way for Marth Court located in the prox- a mity of Lots 3 and 4 of the proposed subdivision as discussed above must be acquired prior to final plat approval. This right of way must include the five foot strip presently separating the subject property from Marth Court. Community Development and Planning Commision December 30, 1981 S -81 -12 Page 2 3) The proponent must dedicate a two foot wide strip of right of way along the east line of the subject property in order to increase the Marth Court right of way to 50 feet. Note: Additional right of way for the cul de sac must also be provided. 4) Lot line easements for sewer and water must be dedicated as needed. 5) A proposed grading plan must be submitted. 6) Subdivision Dedication MARTHE 1,OODS HILL ADDITION GRANTED PRELIMT'NARY APPROVAL. Affidavits of Notice were presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Mr. (� Hughes presented Marthe Woods Hill addition for preliminary approval, advis- ing that this five lot single family dwelling subdivision, generally located North of W. 78th Street and East of Gleason Road, would retain Lot 1 for the existing dwelling on the site. He explained that the major problem associated with the subdivision is the need for right -of -way for Marth Court. He noted.. that this right -of -way was deficient primarily in :::ze vicinity of Lots 3 and 4, where a 33 foot wide right -of -way had been dedicated previously for Marth Court. This right -of -way, he explained is separated from the subject property by a five foot wide strip of private property, so that, not only the five foot strip, but also an additional ten foot wide strip East of the existing right -of -way ? would have to be acquired in order to provide a minimum 50 foot right -of -way. Mr. Hughes said that attempts to negotiate a right -of -way acquisition over the past fe:-: months have been unsuccessful and that the proponent is now requesting that the subdivision be referred to the Council for a decision on using the City's power of eminent domain to acquire the right -of -way. Mr. Hughes recom- mended approval of the plat, subject to the following conditions: 1) The pro- ponent must enter into a Developer's Agreement and petition the Council for curb and gutter, permanent street surfacing, sanitary sewer, and watermain (all to be located in the Marth Court right -of -way) which work must be authorized by the.City Council prior to, or concurrent with, final plat approval; 2) The 33 foot wide right -of -way for Marth Court located in the proximity of Lots 3 and 4 must be acquired prior to final plat approval and that the right -of -way must include the five foot strip presently separating the subject- property from Marth Court; 3) The proponent must dedicate a two foot wide strip of right -of -way along the East line of the subject property'in order.to increase the Marth Court right -of -way to 50 feet, with additional right -of -way for the cul -de -sac to be provided; 4) Lot .line easements for sewer and water must be dedicated as needed; 5) A proposed grading plan must be submitted; and G) Receipt by the City of a subdivision dedication. Mr. James Van Valkenburg, at- torney for the proponent, said that his client had been trying to work with Mr. Roger Evanson, owner of the five foot strip, but that they had been unable to arrive at an agreement on the cost of the strip. lie advised that the proponent would dedicate the two foot strip, along with sewer and water easements, to the City. Mr. Evanson said that he had offered to sell the five foot strip, predi- cated on the cost of improvements that would accrue to the property, and that his price had not been out of line. lie questioned the grading of the proposed road from a point of safety,, and advised also that he had just spent over $3,000 on a new well. Mr. Evanson. said that the improvements proposed are not neces- sary except for the development of the property and that there has been very little negotiation on the part of the developer. Mr. Fva nson recalled that, when he petitioned for the improvements about five years alto, neighbors objected and that he did not now want to pay twice the cost just for the benefit of the developer. In response to a question of Member Richards, ;`Ir. Hughes said that abutting; property owners could -be assessed on a front. foot basis for t:he street improvements .1nd for a connect.i011 ch;irg;e for other improvements. Mr. Jaffrey Long tin, 5828 W. 78r.h St., objected to the pn_:sibllaty of being assossed for the cost of ;illy improvements necessary for the development of the plat. lie said that he had al.rendy been asse:;sed for over $8,000 Eor. improvements and Cleat the new improvements would only benefit the developer. Mr, Van Valkenburp, pointed out this hearing is for plat approval only and that the assessment of necessary improvements should not be a mal-Aer of con:aidcration It Lhis tLme. Stating that he has no objection to the plat Itsrl.f, ,lNember Bredesen offered the follow- ing resolution for preliminary approval, with final plat approval to be cundl- tioned on the recommendations listed by Mr.. 111s;hes and moved its adoption: RLSOL.UTLON CI:ANTING 110'UMINAR1 APPROVAL P01: MAI:T1E :'DUDS HTTA. ADDITION BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina City Council LhaL that curtain plat known as. Marthe Woods Hill Addition, platted by Byron 'Lotaley, and presented to the Edina City Council at its meeting of January 18, 1982, be and is hereby granted prelimin -. ary plat approval, subject to recommendations of the Planning; Commission. Motion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Schmidt. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney = Nays: None Resolution adopted. Member Bredesen said that he hoped that negotiations for acquisition of the rnad right- nf- t.,a.. t.tniiId rnnrin,nn nn t',Ga crnrrnnccf.tl Subdivision No. Z SUBDIVISION DEDICATION REPORT TO: Planning Commission Park Board Environmental Quality Commission FROM: Planning Department SUBDIVISION NAME: 1�' ! 'L- L �' LAND SIZE: `1 ,UF J 407-S LAND VAL ' (By: Date: The developer of this subdivision has been required to ElA. grant an easement over part of the land B. dedicate % of the land C. donate $ as a fee in lieu of land As a result of applying the following policy: A. Land Required (no density or intensity may be used for the first 5% of land dedicated) 1. If property is adjacent to an existing park and the addition beneficially expands the park. 2. If property is 6 acres o� will be combined with future dedications C1 so that the end result will be a minimum of a 6 acre park. 3. If property abuts a ?natural lake, pond, or stream. 4. If property is necessary for storm water holding or will be dredged or otherwise improved for storm water holding areas or ponds. n 5. If the property is a place of significant natural, scenic or his - - toric value. n 6. B. Cash Required 1. In all other instances than above. 11 ,. Subdivision No. SUBDIVISION DEDICATION REPORT TO: Planning Commission Park Board Environmental Quality Commission FROM: Planning Department Y SUBDIVISION NAME:'^ LAND SIZE: NEW LD% S LAND VAL (By: Date: Z� Y) ) The developer of this subdivision has been required to A. grant an. easement over part of the land EB. dedicate of the land C. donate $ as a fee in lieu of land As a result of applying the following policy: A. Land Required (no density or intensity may be used for the first 5% of land dedicated) 1. If property is adjacent to an existing park and the addition beneficially expands the park. 2. If property is 6 acres or will be combined with future dedications so that the end result will be a minimum of a 6 acre park. 3. If property abuts a natural lake, pond, or stream. 4. If property is necessary for storm water holding or will be dredged or otherwise improved for storm water holding areas or ponds. 5. If the property is a place of significant natural, scenic or his - toric value. 6. B. Cash Required 0 1. In all other instances than above. 2. TO: Mayor and City Council FROM:' Bob Kojetin, Director, Park and Recreation Dept. VIA: Kenneth P,osland, City Manager k SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE OF ITEM IN EXCESS OF $1,000 DATE: February 28, 1983 ;Material Description (General Specifications): Repair of Brian Wipperman Memorial Gun Range fire damage to the building Quotations /Bids: Company Amount of Quote or Bid 1. Peak Construction Co. $6,287.50 2. Lindstroms $6,442.06 3. Henry 0. Mikkelson Co. $9,745 Department Recoomendation: Peak Construction Co. - $6;287.50 ` /66 -ems ture 'Department Finance Director's Endorsement: The recommended bid is is not within the amount budgeted for the purchase. J N. Dalen, Finance Director City Manager's Endorsement: I concur with the recommendation of the Department and recommend Council approve the purchase. 2. I recommend as an alternative: TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Francis Hoffman, City Enginee!i"' VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: Normandale Stormwater Management Plan (Edina - Bloomington.Boundary Storm Sewer) The Engineering Staff will be making a presentation on our updated storm water management plan for southeast Edina. The report will focus on two aspects. First, the affects of the plan related to the development of Hedberg property and second, the improvement of the storm sewer on the Edina - Bloomington border. The attached sketch shows the area in the plan. The plan covers three distinct areas; east of France Avenue subdistrict, Edina - Bloomington border subdistrict, and the Lake Edina Park subdistrict. The City of Bloomington is interested in developing a joint powers agreement with Edina on constructing the portion of the system on the Edina /Bloomington border. The Edina Bloomington border system needs improvement prior to /or concurrent with any major development east of France Avenue. The method of financing this improvement is also a concern with the City of Bloomington, They are exploring using a storm sewer tax Improvement District Method (Chapter 444) vs. Special Assessment Method (Chapter 429). After our presentation on Monday evening on this manner, we would request authorization to negiotate with Bloomington City Staff on a joint powers agreement. ( r,,(K) FJH:lm March 4, 1983 8 3 rl l;r•,N,111,n r Ul 4INr 47,�'r�'JI�IW`.!r1�i ph4�it�7� Ml ill nAr r!+In. �Vtl'nll}I }�a iL1910 ayY nla l9Mgl tei- rNt'IOgF�#tr '?q }Attl ±rnl, p�111. .r1���� tn;,. -,.,� ty 48" � —. Existing Storm Sewer W. 72nd ST 60" Proposed Storm Sewer < Ca E35 100 Yr Discharge J A p,} Major Watershed Divide J - -- Interior Watershed Divide I J DLLfORD DRIVE Ll IIBISCUS AVE. PARKLAWN -- AVE RCP R 24" 80" RCF w 76th 48 "RCP E D I N A N A o soo }2ao SCALE IN FEET 1io .fs / %GA Tic Q I I G' j ree -,vi IZ t HEDBERG BASIN i 34 AF 5 ACRES r cfs 4" 1 V27. w nm ST. 1J �U BORDER BASIN T ` I 112 cfs Existing 350 cfs 15' FL 8261.0 \ " - - -- 154 "x96" Control Structure �— 23AF 78\ - - - — - - RCPA I 31 x88' RCA �1 4 1 Proposed 280cls� q" I z r- \ Contr l Structure 24" 36" 18 "A \�. j1 —J 68 cfs 1I I / -- 1 / U �BL O Mil IZl' G T O N I`�� �—� WTERSrATE — ago < W 1 110 CIS `1 I �\ 36" \ \RCP Ir \ X I FIGURE 1 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN NORMANDALE CENTER AREA w TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Fran Hoffman, City Enginer � U %,jj VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: Easement Vacation - Graytower Estates The attached sketch shows the area (crosshatched) which is requested to be vacated for purposes of a tennis court. Also, the attached document provides a clause..(page 2, Section A) which allows the property owner to request use of the easement area. The staff believes that this request should be reviewed as a policy decision on scenic easement .set backs from ponds and lakes. This document is a fore -. runner of all current scenic easements which basically discourges any en- croachment on.the easement area. This type of request usually has no bearing on our City utility or street system as is normally the case. As such we would recommend one of two alternatives: A. Continue to review this type of request on an individual basis or; FJH:Im 2/25/83 B. Adopt a general policy which reaffirms the scenic easement Ian- guage which suggests no encroachment of man -made structures. 1, / , ld46,E,V BeO-5, ARUEGER S. ASSOCIATES, INC. REGISTERED L A N D SURVEYORS ..G CLOUD DRIVE, EDEN PRAIRIE, MINN 55344 PHONE 612-941.3030 7/ 3o REVISIONS _ _By DA-__ COURT •D R. -BOOK 407 PAGE Nok774 -34>-S--4Z-- �14' 0 4'" 0(0- *2 co .... //000 lb 0 4,81• z 4 'o. 1169 ,!7) LOT AREA 61,132 SQ. f7-11-40AG. 990 SdP-1-77 TOTAL 6527 SQ. =r VIE 95ROV,-- ROAZ2 PRpjOpSEO coUR7- (y EA.1 r Wwncje Floo, = y11.50 CA 8 49E \D 10 M V) 77 filed in Torrens on 8/12/75 ! } as Docts.: No.1148905 J EASE�IENT For and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable consideration, the. receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, Linneus G. Idstrom, single (herein called "Grantor "), does hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey and warrant to the CITY OF EDINA, a municipal cor- poratioa, in the County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota (herein called. "Grantee "), the following: 1. A perpetual easement over and in the property hereinafter described (herein called "Easement Area ") and the bed and water of the body of water on or adjoining the same, for the purpose. of p rotecting. the hy- draulic efficiency and natural character and beauty of the Easement Area and of the body of water on or adjoining the same; and the right and privi- lege to enter upon the Easement Area with such men and equipment as are necessary, in the opinion of t_b?tCity of Edina, for the doing of such work. on the Easement Area as it deems necessary or desirable for accomplishment of the purposes of this easement, including the right to remove or in.any way change or relocate any trees, shrubs, plants, or any growing or living thing on the Easement Area, but not including, however, the right to cons- truct or maintain on the Easement Area any '.buildings or other structures of any kind. The rights and privileges herein granted to Grantee do not in- . elude any right to use the Easement Area for construction of public beaches, docks or dockage facilities, paths for pedestrians, bicycles or vehicles, or to create and maintain any public park or recreational area thereon. The easements and rights hereby granted, bargained, sold, conveyed and warranted are over, upon, across and in the tract of land situated in Hennepin County, State of Minnesota, described as follows, to wit: That part of Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, GRAYTOWER ESTATES !' lying Northerly of the following described line: Be- ginning at a point in the East line of said Lot.l, dis- tant 250 feet North of the Southeast corner thereof; thence South 61 degrees 54 minutes 56 seconds West, a distance of 106.84 feet; thence West 100 feet to a point in the Westerly line of said Lot 1, distant 220 feet Northeasterly of the Southwest corner of said Lot 1; thence North 42 degrees 26 minutes 20 seconds West, a distance of 154.15 feet to the North line of said Lot 2 and there terminating. For purposes of this description, the East line of said Lot 1 is as- sumed to bear North 1 degree 33 seconds East. Grantor does covenant with the City of Edina, its successors and assigns, that it is well seized in fee of the Easement Area aforesaid, and has good right to sell and convey the same in manner and form aforesaid, and that the same are free from all encumbrances. Grantor, for Grantor and Grantor's heirs, representatives, succest- sors, and assigns, for the foregoing considerations, further agrees with re- spect to the Easement Area as follows: A. That no improvements of any kind shall. be constructed on or over all or any part of the Easement Area, and no excavating, filling, grad- ing, or raising of the elevation of all or any part of the Easement Area shall be made or done by Grantor without, in each instance, first receiving the prior consent of Grantee, its successors, or assigns. B. That no consent of Grantee given pursuant hereto shall be ef- fective until and unless filed of record in the appropriate office in Henne- pin County, Minnesota, so as to give constructive notice thereof; -2- C. That any improvements constructed by Grantor, with the consent of Grantee, when and if constructed, shall be maintained by Grantor and Grantor's heirs, representatives, successors, and assigns, at Grantor's and their own cost and expense, at all times, in a neat, clean, and safe condition and in good state of repair; D. That Grantor does hereby,. for Grantor and Grantor's heirs, representatives, successors, and assigns, remise, release, acquit, and for- ever discharge Grantee, its successors and assigns, and any and all of its officers and employees, of and from.any and all claims, demands, or causes of action of any kind or nature whatsoever that may arise or accrue by virtue of any entry upon or use of the Easement Area for anyone or more of the purposes of this easement; E. If there shall be a violation or an attempt to violate any of these covenants, restrictions, or reservations, it shall be lawful for Grantee, its successors, or assigns, to prosecute any proceeding at law or in equity against the person or persons violating or attempting, to violate any such.covenant, restriction, or reservation, and either to prevent him or them from so doing or recover damages for such violation. The restric- tions, covenants, and reservations herein contained shall be for the bene- fit of Grantee, its successors, and assigns, and may be amended, modified, or terminated by a duly recorded resolution of the City of Edina making such amendment, modification, or termination. All of the provisions hereof shall run with the land and shall extend to and bind and inure to the benefit of the heirs, representatives, successors, grantees or assigns of the respective parties hereto. This instrument is exempt from State Deed Tax. -3 - IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has executed these presents this ---� day of June, 1975. Linneus G. Idstrom STATE OF NCNNESOTA ) ss. COL TY OF HENNEPIN ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of June, 1975, by Linneus G. Idstrom, single. This instrument was drafted by: t6ie i1q*wmwM go &am by Detaeyj Mwgmt, WkWho t, Wed & Holladay 2400 W ?Wionoi Bank Bids. Mineeopole, Muse �SOD�3 -4- /` Notary Public <AAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAM.AAAAAAAAAAAAAdL a ; Rr E 10 Z i;ii01ESJTA \<<. s ..v'ii'i COUNTY A i4y Crrr!77- npires July 20, 1976 ;- vevellrrvn % 'AWV Vl47V" r� Y(,-/ M E M O R A N D U M DATE: March 3, 1983 TO: Kenneth Rosland FROM: Gordon Hughes SUBJECT: Removal of Restriction - Lot 3, Block 1, Edina Office Center The subject lot is located at Parklawn Avenue and West 77th Street and is part of a three lot subdivision that was approved several years ago. Lot 1 is developed with a five storey office building. Lot 2 is the site of National Car Rental. Lot 3 is vacant. 14tt-, } In conjunction with the subdivision of this property, the City imposed a restriction which limited the floor area of buildings within the subdivision. Lot 3 was limited to 15,000 square feet of floor area which is substantially less than the floor area which would be allowed according to the Zoning Ordinance. The above reference restriction was imposed due to a concern regarding traffic congestion in the area. The owners of the property are requesting the removal of the restriction as it relates to Lot 3. They cite the lifting of trip generation limits elsewhere which were previously imposed by the South Edina Plan. If the restriction is removed, the property would be limited to a maximum floor area ratio of 0.5 which is imposed by the Zoning Ordinance for office buildings. I recommend approval of the proponent's request. N w --r 1 k swJ - J- T 7sth d .....M. « k C�C Sol s ift n1l III If on so VOCTE v t w 6 CITY OF EDINA 4801 W. 50TH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS BITUMINOUS STREET SURFACING AND CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER D nn .CONTRACT 483 -1 (ENG) -2S _ 2-S- AND CONCRETE ALLEY PAVING CONTRACT #83 -2 (ENG) BIDS CLOSE APRIL 14, 1983 SEALED BIDS will be received and opened in the Council Chambers in Edina City Hall,.4801.W. 50th Street at 11:00 a.m., Thursday, April 14, 1983. The Edina City Council will meet at 7:00 p.m., Monday, April 18, 1983 to consider.said bids. Contract 483 -1 700 C /Y, Excavation 400 Tons, Cl., 2 Gravel 150 Tons, Bituminous and Seal Coat 6,100 L /F, Concrete Curb and Gutter 2,100 S /Y, Sod Contract 483 -2 1,200 S /Y, 6" Alley Paving 400 C /Y, Excavation Bids shall be in a sealed envelope with a statement thereon showing the work covered by the bid. Bids should be addressed to the City Engineer, City of Edina, 4801 W. 50th Street, Edina, Minnesota 55424, and may be mailed or submitted personally to the City Engineer. Bids received by the City Engineer, either through the mail or by personal submission, after the time set for receiving them may be returned unopened. Work must be done as described in.plans and specifications on file in the office of the City Clerk. Plans and specifications are available for a deposit of $25.00 (by check). Said deposit to be returned upon return of the plans and specifications. with a bona fide bid. No bids will be considered unless sealed and accompanied by bid bond or certified check payable to the City Clerk in the amount of at least ten (10) percent of amount of base bid. The City Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL. Florence B. Hallberg City Clerk PLEASE PUBLISH IN THE CONSTRUCTION BULLETIN ON MARCH 18, 25,.AND APRIL 1, 1983. PLEASE SEND US (8) AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION RESOLUTION GRANTING FINAL PLAT APPROVAL FOR BRAEMAR HILLS 11TH ADDITION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota, that that certain plat entitled "Braemar Hills 11th Addition ", platted by Anthony G. Santrizos and Georgia H. Santrizos, husband and wife, and by Northwestern National Bank of Minneapolis, a United States of America Corporation, mort- gagee, and presented at the Regular Meeting of the City Council of March 7, 1983, be and.is hereby granted final plat approval, subject to receipt by the City of an executed easement for right -of -way and parkland dedication fee in the amount of $7,000.00. ADOPTED this 7th day of March, 1983. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of March 7, 1983, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting and that all conditions set forth by the Edina City Council have been met. WITNESS my hand and seal of,said City this 11th day of May, 1983. City Clerk