HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-04-29_BOARD OF REVIEW�j STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF POSTING NOTICE I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting Police Patrolman for the City of Edina, County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have on this date posted copies of the attached and foregoing on three official City Bulletin Boards, as follows: 1) City Hall, 4801 W. 50th Street 2) 50th and France Business Area, 3922 W. 50th Street 3) Amundson Avenue Shopping Center Dated F3 Signed Police Patrolman Signed and sworn -to before me, a Notary Public in and for Hennepin County, Minnesota this day of 1 4 -83 r Clerk's Notice to Post and Publish — HC 1163 ASSESSMENT NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the Board of Review of the city of Edina in Hennepin County, Minn., will meet at the office of the City Clerk, in said City at 4:30 o'clock _L-_M.,, On Monday , the 23rd day of May ' 1983 ' for the purpose of reviewing and correcting the assessment of said city for the year 1983. All persons considering themselves aggrieved by said assessment or who wish to complain that the property of another is assessed too low, are hereby notified to appear at said meeting and show cause for having such assessment corrected. No complaint that another person is assessed too low will be acted upon until the person so assessed, or his agent, shall have been notified of such complaint. Dated this 28th day of April , 198=3_, Clerk of the city of Edina (Official Publication) CITY OF EDINA 4801 W. 50TH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 ASSESSMENT NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Board of Review of the City of Edina in Hennepin County, Minnesota, will meet at the Council Chambets.of the Edina City Hall, 4801 W. 50th Street, in said City at 4:30 o'clock p.m. on Monday, May 23, 1983, for the purpose of reviewing and correcting the assessment of said City for the year 1983. All persons considering them- selves aggrieved by said assessment or who wish to complain that the pro- perty of another is assessed too low, are hereby notified to appear at said meeting and show cause for having such assessment corrected. No- complaint that another person is assessed too low will be acted upon until the person so assessed, or his agent, shall have been notified of such complaint. Dated this 27th day of April, 1983. Florence H. Noiback Edina City Clerk Please publish in the Edina Sun on April 27, 1983. Please send us two Affidavits of Publication. 41e W SUN NEWSPAPERS AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION EDINA SUN 7401 Bush Lake Road Edina, Minnesota State of Minnesota County of Hennepin D. K. MORTENSON, being duly sworn, on oath says he is and during all times here stated has been the vice president and general manager of the newspaper know as The Edina Sun and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows: (l) Said newspaper is printed in the English language in newspaper format and in column and sheet form equivalent in printed space to at least 900 square inches. (2) Said newspaper is a weekly and is distributed at least once every week. (3) Said newspaper has 50% of its news columns devoted to news of local interest to the community which it purports to serve and does not wholly duplicate any other publication and is not made up entirely of patents, plate matter and advertisement. (4) Said newspaper is circulated in and near the municipalities which it purports to serve, has at least 500 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, has an average of at least 75% of its total circulation currently paid or no more than three months in arrears and has entry as second - class matter in its local post - office (5) Said newspaper purports to serve the City of Edina in the County of Hennepin and it has its known office of issue in the City of Edina in said county, established and open during its regular business hours for the gathering of news, sale of advertisements and sale of subscriptions and maintained by the managing officer of said newspaper or persons in its employ and subject to his direction and control during all such regular business hours and devoted exclusively during such regular business hours and at which said newspaper is printed. (6) Said newspaper files a copy of each issue immediately with the State Historical Society. (7) Said newspaper is made available at single or subscription prices to any person, corporation. partnership or other unincorporated association requesting the newspaper and making the applicable payment. (8) Said newspaper has complied with all foregoing conditions for at least one year preceding the day or dates of publication mentioned below. (9) Said newspaper has filed with the Secretary of State of Minnesota prior to January 1, 1966 and each January 1 thereafter and affidavit in the form prescribed by the Secretary of State and signed by the managing officer of said newspaper and sworn to before a notary public stating that the newspaper is a legal newspaper. He further states on oath that the printed Assessment Notice hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published .therein . in the English language, once each week, for o n e successive weeks; that it was first-so published on Wed the 2 7 day of April 19 83 and was thereafter printed and published on every to and including the day of , 19 and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to wit: abcdefghij klmnopgrstuvwxyz r � Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5 day of May , 19 83 MERIDEL M. HEDBLOM NOTARY PUBLIC - MINNESOTA HENNEPIN COUNTY My commission expires July 2, 1986 (Official Publication) CITY QQF EDINA 4801 W. 50717H STREET,.1 EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 ASSESSMENT NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Board.of Review of the City of Edina in 'Hennepin County, Minne- sota, will meet at.the Council Cham- bers of the Edina City Hall, 4801 W. 50th Street, ih said City at 4:30 o'clock p.m. on Mondayy, May 23, 1983, for the purpose of reviewing and-correcting the assessment of said City for the year 1983. All, persons considering themselves "a I rievedr by said assessmentior w o1wish.to complain that ` the ''property; of another is assessed too low, are hereby notified to appear'at said meeting and show cause for- 'ha'ving such assessment corrected. No complaint that another person is assessed too low will be acted upon until the person so assessed, or,his agent, shall have been, notified of such complaint. Dated this 27th day of April, 1983. FLORENCE H. NORBACK Edina City Clerk (April,27, 1983) -ED V CC— A- S3css-i_� Clerk's Notice to Post and Publish — HC 1163 ASSESSMENT NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the Board of Review of the city of Edina in Hennepin County, Minn., will meet at the office of the city Clerk, in said City of 4:30 o'clock -I—. M., on Monday the 23rd day 6f May , 1983 for the purpose of reviewing and correcting the assessment of said City for the year 1983. All persons considering themselves aggrieved by said assessment or who wish to complain that the property of another is assessed too low, are hereby notified to appear at said meeting and show cause for having such assessment corrected. No complaint that another person is assessed too low will be acted upon until the person so assessed, or his agent, shall have been notified of such complaint. Dated this 28th day of April , 1983• Clerk of the City of Edina HC 586 CERTIFICATION OF POSTING OF ASSESSMENT NOTICE State of Minnesota COUNTY OF Hennepin �as. City of Edina 1 1 Marcella M. Daehn Clerk of the City f Edina in said County for the year 19 83 do hereby certify that on the 29th day of April /983 in conformity with requirements of law, I posted notices in each of three of then most public places for said City ten days before the time of meeting therein named, and also caused such notice to br published in a legal newspaper, of which the foll9wing is n true copy,.,to -writ: ASSESSMENT NOTICE NOTICE,' IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the Board of Review of the City Of Edina ill Hennepin ("w"ty, Minnesota. drill meet at the officr of the City Clerk in .anid City at 4:30 o'clock P I/.. on Monday the 23rd day of May 1983 for the purpose of revieunng acrd em- recting the assessment of said City forth e yrar 19 83 All persons considering themselves aggrieved by said assessment, or who wish to complain that the property of another is assessed too low, arc hereby notified to appear at said meeting and show cause for laming such as.srss- meat corrected. No complaint that another person is assessed too low urill be acted upon until the person so assessed, or his agent, shall have been notified of such complaint. Dated the 28th day of April 1983 Clerk of the City of Edina Given under my hand this 20th day of June 1983 Clerk Otate of Ainnegota, COUNTY OF HENNEPIN as. City of Edina We, the undersigned, Board of Review of the City of Edina in said County, do hereby certify that we, and each of us, attended at the office of the Edina City Clerk of said City on the day set forth in the notice given by the Clerk of said City and that we then and there remained in session the whole of said day as a Board of Review. I Witness out hands this 20t r- .. rqd, tl• s. A. u,±...)' e.. ih' t+ f( �1, 1h' lf6, thWesryllit! alri• irdA+, bA7M11M,f 7MM1ArlrGir�s, IMltltu;! M! JO�ry{ KpA�VoK7h+' pdTlUicMg191k +'nNC�e4o.r'WT',�:ellp�q��•1•I _t , Form Q14 Poucher, Minn"pollf State of Minnesota, County of Hennepin City Df Edina We, the undersigned, Board of Review—* Frtl"iaation —of the City of Edina in said County, do hereby certify that we, and each of us, attended at the office of 1BW b we em) City Clerk on the 23rd day of May 19 83 , the day set forth in the notice given by the Clerk, and in accordance.-with the provisions of nlinnesota Stat Section 274.01, we made changes in the 19 83 assessments as entered in the following forms. % Witness our hands this 20th day of June 19 83 i t �..; (` is M *Applies only to Cities whose Charters provide for a Board of Equalization instead of a Board of Review. Changes made by Local Board of Review- * Enter "Yes' or "No' for each Description. Identify Parcel on which Residence it Located with Letter "11•'. Indicate if Mid -Year or Fractional Homestead. — — Indicate type of Property: R - Residential, C Commercial, I - Industrial, U - Uldity, F - Farm, T - Timber Ilomesteod: 3b, 3c or Sec, SRR - Seasonal Recreational Residential, SBC - Seasonal Recreational Commercial, FII - National (lousing, *O Other, Specify: hfinera1-505 ; Parking Ramps -369e. • Number I^dl- ��' Clan of Pmperry I' Estimated %Iwkm Yalne of Rr,1 P,-peny u Chmged n Add,] G Pow] Area of Sea. Twp. Number, of Fum laud rata to Home- f lnaene 1n I Deveue I. Fsnmated r AfnYet ``�I Vnd TaW Arr f NAAfE OF OWNER De,e• DESCRIPTION w m Rage. Deed d lend stead Yef p1O,ho- Estimated kfnket Estimated Market I Value �I E.,I swe of Bwldin E. 6..ated of Omuted •i Str.tn�vea d gr Af atken N. tat BI_ A— too. m �_ Agrlrulrural An Other � Value Value III 1', Red and Onber sla<6iaery Value Propury .I Improvemenu Swcturo Na Ala Dollarr M, Dollar Duller Dollar Do1Ln Down Dale T..Johnson & 05- 116 -21 -14 -0063 r Sandra yes R 20000 26500 73000 99500 Thomas J. & Juliana P. Clements 05- 116 -21 -43 -0007 u II yes!' R ( 15300 I 30500 98500 129000 Space Centers, Inc. 08- 116 -21 -14 -0002 J no I 160000 756300 2,783700 3,540000 • Al Crazzini 28- 117 -21 -31 -0010 no ,k � 73100 1 G 37300 590300 627600 Al Grazzini 28- 117 -21 -31 -0011 no C II 71900 �rj 34200 590900 625100 v Michael & Marieluise Ovikian 31- 117 -21 -41 -0005 yes R .' 32400 G 30800 96200 127000 J C.L. & Barbara J. Christie 33- 117 -21 -33 -0081 yes R 4300 28400 98600 127000 J Keith H. & Virginia Howes 07- 028 -24 =14 =0092 , yes R 6300 20400 86000 106400 , Judith R. Hansen 07- 028 -24 -42 -0113 yes R j 4800 I 21300 58900 80200 Jon & Christine D. Victorsen 07- 028 -24 -44 -0141 yes R 10300 16300 62700 79000 Albert E. & Irene R. Heiam 18- 028 -24 -12 -0010 yes,, R 5200 34800 175200 210000 \ I y William L. Orr 18- 028 -24 -13 -0132 yes, R 5800 k 21800 75300 97100 J Patricia M. Brown 18- 028 -24 -21 -0057 _ yes, R 9000 P U 47000 103000 150000 Kathleen Wright 18- 028 -24 -22 -0042 yeJ R 10500 44100 131900 176000 J 11ariette Mc Burney 19- 028 -24 -11 -0074 yeJ R 8900 32000 117100 149100 I Pht1113 C. VanBrocklin 19- 028 -24 -23 -0046 [ yes R 5500 J 29700 63400 93100 h R9.r.. omilMA r••l ...en ".ry i. nd.h•d f.,dienrr valor of Inn.l, hu8dlnrs anal mnrhinrry srnnrnrrly. 'Cnnlimu•d nn nest nocrl r�ma \ ,n •l„!rC not C ch, d Other kfechinery bV:me �111'r Yf.l � oL `,e'll ill'�.rrill inn, ldl'I,lir�' I';,rrrl nn t4id. R-idl•.IICt' iS IAI('o1C11 N'idl I'm" "Tl ". Iolli-le If hill) -Year or Fractional I1 —Mend. — 0 Indicnte type of Property) R - Residential, C lnuu'slead::it,r:Ic or 3cc, Sit it - S,:..uu;d Gccn•m iuu:d Ik'.idculial, SIIC - Scasua:d Itccrc°ti. —I Commercial, FII - National (lousing, *O Olber, ipecffyl Pndeing Romps-36%. 28100 52500 i 31- 028 -24 -34 -0006 no I Number Indl- �• Indd, 6000 ! 1 57600 pued Sea Clu, of Pmperty of ° Inereue Deereue N.4 \IE OF OWNER or pesa DESCRIPTION Tw . Number f °, °f Aer of Rnge. Deeaed FAeno L—J home- need ! �i I °fOj' eru�ated ern mneea 85600 No. twnd 4n Rlo�k I Yn rty A Moral All Other or I' by Rri\+s Value jl Value 92400 31- 028 -24 -43 -0001 Aern l b No 252900 180500 J Loren Blackstad 391000 356800 � pole i Do14n I II IbILn 3,682400 19- 028 -24 -31 -0005 3,032100 yes, R 264800 �'. 5600. 1,78000 246000 1,516100 1,76210 James R. S Renee D. Fesenmaier 19- 028 -24 -31 -0134 yes. R I 4800 J John 14. 6 Marilyn V.]Trojohn 31- 028 -24 -13 -0012 11; 1 yes ,f R f 7200 Thelma 11. Sorenson 29- 028 -24 -21 -0050 i yes) R i' 2000 ✓ Suzanne A. Doyle 31- 028 -24 -22 -0008 yes R 6800 v114. Eleanor Pleissne; 29- 117 -21 -12 -0011 )yes! R 20600 ✓ Victor I. S Martha Alfsen Susan J. Perkins - 30- 117 -21 -22 -0082 V" 1.10 Yesl'4t + J -0- -0- Mrs. Albert R. Jens2m 33- 117 -21 =34 -0104 ✓ yes -; R 5100 Ronald J. IJechtcr 30-028-24-34-0028\/ yesiR I. 5500 Paramount Croup, Inc. 31- 028 -24 -33 -0004 no C p 1'18 00 31- 028 -24 -33 -0010 not C ch, d Other kfechinery bV:me Improvements S--. 1,496400 I, DO— 13o11n Dollen 3107900 31- 028 -24 -33 =0014 no '. C 28100 52500 43300 31- 028 -24 -34 -0006 no Iva 6000 ! 1 57600 31- 028 -24 -34 -0007 no ,i C eh 71200 1i184100 165000 31- 028 -24 -34 -0008 not, C l 46600 11184900 85600 31- 028 -24 -34 -0009 no C 280500 j 92400 31- 028 -24 -43 -0001 no"! I 252900 180500 92400 d 31- 028 -24 -43 -0003 noj I 31- 028 -24 -43 -0004 not I 31- 028 -24 -43 -0005 no,j I 1 31- 028 -24 -43 -0006 nod I I III 9 4 is • - Commemii Estimated Muket Value of Omitted Real Property Do1Ln I 92400 . 92400 !I 205500 198800 q J J, 1 - Industrial, U - Utility, F - Form, T - Timber Ertimmed hivkn Value of Real Property n Changed or Added 1—e .d.,w. .1 Rulidinga TOO E.tim , d d Other kfechinery bV:me Improvements S--. 1,496400 I, DO— 13o11n Dollen Dolt - 119500 40700 60200 28100 52500 80600 1 30600 109400 140000 6000 66700 72700 38800 . 139200 178000 71200 93800 165000 17000 69600%x, &z1 64600 l 46600 39000 85600 36900 55100 92000 280500 1,262500 1,543000 11,133000 3,998700, 5,131700 252900 180500 433400 391000 356800 747800 663500 3,018900 3,682400 663500 3,032100 3,695600 264800 1,516100 1,78000 246000 1,516100 1,76210 304600 1,516100 1,820700. 244600 1,516100 1,760700 j 319400 1,177000 1,496400 I, 319700 1,140100 1,459800 REMARKS -7 7, Classification change oily. D. & ADDRESS LEGAL DFSC_ 130AU Or RLVIEU .1983 ASSESSOR'S OWNER'S EST P.4ZT NIVT UAT. NP VVT XTAT. rnMMPMTc 1 MICHAEL OVIKIAN 31- 117 -24 -41 -0005 $159,400 $127,000 Home inspected - value reviewed. Reduce to purchase 5904 View Lane Lot 2, Block 2 s/b 150,400) (condition problem) $127,000 Killarney Shores 2 CHARLES T. TURNER 18- 028 -24 -21 -0050 $308,400 $270,000 Neighborhood properties reviewed. Mr. Turner has 4500 Moorland Av largest home, thus largest value. No change. 3 ,- =ROBERT P. ZIOMEK 30- 028 -24 -31 -0031 $212,300 $200,000 Property purchased 12/81 for $227,000. No change. ANNE M. Review of neighboring homes indicate slight f 6613 West Shore Drive _ (infrequent) inequity problem. j Mrs. Ziomek cancelled request. 4 ALICE SPIKA OLSON 05- 116 -21 -22 -0103 $103,200 $ 90,000 Reviewed sales of other units in Nine Mile Village No change 6324 Pheasant Court Property inspected. 5 KEITH H. HOWES 07- 028 -24 -41 -0092 $112,700 $ 95,000 Property inspected, value reviewed. Reduce to 1982 EMV VIRGINIA 4216 Alden Drive $106,400 BUlaw Ui REVIEW -196 i ASSESSOR'S OWNER'S EST Uu. N.12-2--: & r.DDRESS LEGAL DESC_ EST M--KT VAL OP IfKT VAT, COMMENTS 6 ROBERT H. HAMILTON 18- 028 -24 -41 -0236 $114,300 N.A. I JUDITH A. Lot 4, Block 5 Requesting Property under extensive remodeling. No Change. 5040 Juanita Avenue Glenview 1 -2 -83 homestead (no-roof or windows) 7 PAUL HULTMAN 18- 028 -24 -41 -0193 $154,600 ? sq. ft. Reviewed facts, i.e., square footage of Apts. No Change. + MARY B. Unable to gain admisssion, however, building is 5100 France Av 4201 built according to plans and appears as though all units are relative in size as per plans. 8 PETER SPOKES 18- 028 -24 -12 -0075 $144,100 N.A. Value BARBARA Requesting _.. - 4531 Casco Avenue 1 -2 -83 homeste d Property vacant 1 -2 -83. Owners living in Canada`. No Change. 6 -1 -83 (mid year) homestead granted. 1 9 D. E. DUNBAR 20- 028 -24 -24 -0014 $ 65,000 $ 55,000 No Change 5736 Xerxes Avenue . _ t 0 ROY W. ENGBRETSON 19- 028 -24 -42 -0032 $ 69,200 N.A. .5800 Oaklawn Av Requesting, Unable to contact owner this date. �To be granted on - 1 -2 -83 homestead Owner must initiate homestead application by request and verific tion. presenting ownership document.. B01UW Ur' REVIEI.4 .1963 ASSESSOR'S OWNERIS EST ADDRESS LEGAL DESC. EST ?-T-CT VAL OF MKT VAL COD'1MENTS mTr»T 1 SPACE CENTER (see 49 -L) 2 DOROTHY SANDERSOPd 20- 028 =24 -23 -0030 $ 93,900 $ 84,000 Inspection scheduled and cancelled at owner's-request No Change. I✓ 5713 Chowen Avenue Lot 14, Block 1 _ Value ok per owner. B rookline First 3 ASHLEY P. FISHER 18- 028 -24 -44 -0033 $ 92,400 $ 87,200 Value reviewed. No Change. LORRAINE R. Lot 23, Block 1 Owner expressed concern regarding Grace Church ` 13,2 f <<fzy �-- S. South Harriet Park 2n parking lot. 4 R. R. BRADFORD 29- 028 -24 -21 -0054 $ 71,900 $ 62,000 Reviewed slaes of other units.in the building. Sale No Change. 6400 York Av #404 4404 prices exceeded EMV even though there is alleged The'Yorker Condo structural inadequasies. P. A. SHANLEY ( #215) 29- 028 -24 -21 -0033 $ 74,700 $ 56,000 Association Pres. 4215 6400 York Condo The Yorker Condo J .5 MARGARET H. HOLLIDAY 28- 117 -21 -21 -0189 $ 56,000 $ 50,000 Reviewed sales of similar units in the Brookside No Change. 4350 Brookside Av #315 Apartment Ownership Condo. No. 71 4350 Brookside Court Condo BUA1W OF pL —.ia 1983 ASSESSOR'S OWNER'S EST 10. ? CE & ADDRESS LEGAL DESC_ EST VKT VAT. OF 1AKT VAT, COMMENTS 16 DIETER A. HUMMEL 30- 117 -21 -42 -0024 $252,700 $220,000 Neighborhood reviewed previously for 1983 assess- No Change 5109 Ridge Road Lot 2, Block 1 ment. No further consideration. A.W. Hendrickson's is 17 ALEXANDER A. GIACOMUZZI 05- 116 -21 -11 -0052 $109,400 $ 94,500 Property sold to Alcoa, February, 1982 for $130,000. No Change. B90' Lot 3, Block 4 ? non - homested Property inspected- and -value reviewed. Valley View Heights (change order in process to correct homestead status) V, 18 WILLIAM L. ORR 18- 028 -24 -13 -0132 $102,900 $ 90,000 Neighborhood and comparisons reviewed. Recommend reduction to $97,100 4920 Arden Avenue Lot 10, Block 12 Country Club Dist - Fairway Sec. 19 CHARLES C. SEDGWICK 20- 028 -24 -34 -0118 6124 Abbott Avenue Lot 15, Block 4 $114,500 $104,500 Most homes on block are of smaller size and No Change. Town Realty's Edina distribution of value appears to be correct. Terrace Property inspected. 1 20 VOGEL ALBINSON, JR. 19- 028 -24 -24 -0123 $112,300 $ 90,000 Inspection kindly refused.- Value ok per owner. No Change. 5020 Wooddale Avenue VO. & :.DDR?SS But U); R1:VIS .lyBj ASSESSOR'S OWNER'S EST T.FGAT. nFSC_ RRT MKT VAT. nF MVT VAT. COMMENTS 7 1 GEORGIA F. KERSTETER 18- 028 -24 -14 -0004 $ 89,400 ? Owner requested no inspection. No Change. 4800 France Avenue Lot 13, Value 6k. Auditor's Sub Div 17 2 HENRY C. LEMMERMAN 31- 028 -24 -12 -0030 $ 97,800 ? Subject property is 1444 sq. ft. rambler. No Change. HANNAH Lot 5, Block 3 7117 Glouchester is 1196 sq. ft. rambler, no brick. 7120 Glouchester Av Stow's Delaney Add. Reviewed value. 3 N. ROBERT BARMAN 07- 116 -21 -11 -0010 $263,400 $160,000 No Change. DORIS S. Lot 17, Block 1 6210 Braeburn Circle Braemar Hills Second ` L 4 DAVID GODDERZ 05- 116 -21 -22 -0100 $104,600 $ 95,000 Reviewed. sales of other units'in Nine Mile Village. No change GEORGEANN Lot 4, Block 18 Property inspected. 6312 Pheasant Court Nine Mile Village .5 JON VICTORSEN 07- 028 -24 -44 -0141 $ 89,300 $ 71,200 Property inspected. Value.reviewed. Recommend reduction CHRISTINE D. Pt Lot 9 thru 13. to $79,000. 4544 France Avenue Blk 26 ISC1Altu Ur "I'VI.EW 1963 ASSESSOR'S OWNER'S, EST & A-DDRESS LEGAL DESC. EST m-KT VAL OF IfKT VAL COMMENTS R7rr)NI MIVNJnaTTn%7 �C =S ' 7 6 E. F. ALLIS 4508- 10 -11 -14 Valley 19- 028 -24 -34 -0094 $407,000 $380,000 Inspected the building - unable to obtain income Recomffl - - end. red----e+4-arr View Road pt Lot 11, Blk 1 & expense data. ( . Valley View Terrace No ✓ 3rd 7 WILLIAM JARDINE 31- 117 =21 -22 -0003 $166,300 $134,0.00 Property inspected. No Change. EILEEN Lot 1, Block l -18 13 Si o ovo 5400 Malibu Drive Malibu Heights P,.. I„''f ._ SA f J 8 DOUGLAS DRAKE 19- 028 -24 -22 -0011 $211,700 $190,000 Property compared.to neighborhood homes and sales. No Change. j KATHLEEN Lot 3, Block 2 { { { {I 4703 Golf Terrace Golf Terrace Heights 9 1 ALBERT E. HEIAM 18- 028 -24 -12 -0010 $215,200 $203,000 Property compared with recent-sales in neighborhood. Recommend reduction 4210 Sunnyside Road to $210,000. Lot 10, Block 1 Country Club Dist. - Fairway Sec. 0 RUSSELL ANDREWS 18- 028 -24 -12 -0127 $132,700 $115,000 Purchased @ $133,000 - property compared to similar Recommend reduction / 4512 Drexel Avenue Lot 7, Block 6 type homes that have sold.* to $125,200. IVIV /v Country Club Dist.- Fairway Sec. ft, vnry No. >t -'-2 & ADDRESS ]3Ui�1til Ui RL:V1.-W -1963 ASSESSOR'S OWNER'S EST LEGAL BESC_ EST lz-VT VAL OF MKT VAL COMMENTS DPrr)NIMPTQrI�TTO\ `$ 31 KATHERINE K. HUTCHIS 28- 117 -21 -21 -0144 66,000 ? Reviewed sales of other similar units. No Change. 4350 Brookside Court 46112 Neighbors EM.V is less because the unit #111 faces #112 Apt. Ownership 4671 to East -N.E. and the street and railroad. 4350 Brookside Court Condo ' 32 THOMAS F. CROSS 28- 117 -21 -21 -0153 $123,900 $115,000 Reviewed slaes of other similar units. No Change. MAXINE 4350 Brookside Court 46121 46121 Apt. Ownership 46121 4350 Brookside Court Condo . i I 33 GARFIELD HOVERSTEN 7213 Cornelia Drive 31- 028 -24 -13 -0034 $130,300 $106,500 Property viewed. 1 Lot 4, Block 2 Compared to neighborhood and recent sales. No Change. Oscar Robert's First 34 MILDRED S. HANSON 6308 Knoll Drive 31- 117 -21 -11 -0024 $330,200 $285,000 - Properties viewed and valuation reviewed. No.Chan q e•. 5008 Normandale Drive 33- 117 -21 -24 -0050 131,900 125,000 No Change. 35 G. L. CHRISTIE 33- 117 -21 -33 -0081 $131,300 $115- 120,000 Property inspected and value reviewed. Recommend reduction 5321 Birchcrest Drive to $127,000. Lot 6, Block 1 Birchcrest 5th U0. ?: -'' & ADDRESS LEGAL DESC_ BU 111 Ur ASSESSOR'S OWNER'S EST EST MILT VAT. • nP MVT VAT. CnMMP.NT.S TlT /�/1•. 1• /T'�A "T\�.TTl1AT ^ � / 36 LOREN BLACKSTAD 19- 028 -24 -31 -0005 5820 Wooddale Avenue Lot 6 & N2 7, Blk 5, $ 65,800 $ 60,000 Compared with 5836 and 5840 Wooddale Avenue. Recommend reduction Fairfax Addition Home inspected and value reviewed. to $60,200. 37 � OLAF E. ANDREEN 19- 028 -24 -33 -0080 $ 85,600 $85-90,000 t VIRGINIA Compared to neighborhood. No Change. 4712 Virginia Lane 38 KATHLEEN WRIGHT 18- 028 -24 -22 -0042 $186,500 $176,000 4600 Sunnyside Road Recommend reduction to 1982 EMV ($176,00 ) 39 t NONE r 40 MARIETTE MCBURNEY 19- 028 -24 -11 -0074 $158,000 $138,000 Purchased May, 1981 for $138,000. Recommend reduction ✓ 5437 Park Place Lots 3 &4, Block 2 Value reviewed. to $14.9,100. Minnehaha Woods • r A. -' & AMRT —SS EUI` LW Ur "- 'V!-' -M 1963 ASSESSOR'S OWNER'S EST LEGAL DEgC_ EST MKT VAT. Or MTxT VAT. COMMENTS T1JTTO ,,' 41 SUZANNE A. DOYLE 31- 028 -24 -22 -0008 $184,800 $168,000 Property inspected - valuation reviewed'(condition) Recommend reduction 4712 Aspasia Circle Lot 4, Block 1 to $178,000. Arneson's 42 JOHN & BARBARA RAAP 19- 028 -24 -22 -0069 $124,500 $111 - 115,000 Property inspected - valuation and location No Change. 4814 Golf Terrace Lot 1, ex hwy reviewed. Replat of Part of B -lk 1, Golf Terrace Height 43 HEDBERG PROPERTY 44L RONALD A. ZAMANSKY 04- 116 -21 -31 -0035 $217,300 ? No Change. 5041 West 66th Street 45L VERNON HABECK 04- 116 -21 -34 -0016 $126,900 ? Value and comparables discussed (in person) with No Change. .5100 Duggan Plaza Lot 12, Blk 6 owner. Owner's home is larger and of brick construc ion. Brookview Heights'lst BUARD 01:' 1tLV I;:W ASSESSOR'S OWNER'S EST ?T -12-:' & ALDRESS LEGAL DESC. EST ?-+?CT V?.L OF MKT VAL COMMENTS arr+ntt� ±rA- n'1mT/l \t - t7ACT: 46L Sandra Johnson 05- 116 -21 -14 -0063 $119,500 ? Home inspected. Recommend reduction due to Recommend reduction 6536 Ridgeview Drive Lot 10, Blk 2 condition and water problem. to $99,500. Edina Valley Estates 3rd Addition 47L Juliana P. Clements 05- 116- •21 -43 -0007 $144,300 $129,000 Property inspected and value reviewed. Condition Recommend reduction 5616 Brook Drive Lot 4, Blk 4, problem. to $129,000. LaBuena Vista 48L 'Loren R. Keldahl• •08- 116- 21- 24 -0Ob�� $297,500 ? Area reviewed. No Change. 7200 Lanham Lane Lot 1, Block 1, equalization t 1� M.P. Johnsons Prospec - in taxes Hills 2nd 49L Space Centers, Inc. 08- 116 -21 -14 -0002 7317 Cahill Road th pt of SEk of NEk $3,700,000 $3,000,000 - Reviewed recently submitted income and expense for Recommend reduction lying S of N. 420' $3,326,400 th building. to $3,540,000. thereof and W of RR r/w ex rd t r 50L Property Tax Service (Larry Martin) 18- 116 -21 -12 -0026 $3,680,.900 $3,285,000 Reviewed the following: g' No Change. g Co. a_)' building sold 11/81 for X9,919,000 which included .Shelard Tower Suite 1520- $2,970,082 escrows because of vacancies & associat d 600 So. County Rd 18 Mpls, MN 55426 expenses b) construction cost manual indicates $5,388,000. c) 'issued bldg. permits indicate $3,585,400. RE: 7900 W. 78th St. Vacancy has been considered at more than twice the consideration asked for. 10. & :- DDRTSS butaw Ul: RLVl:ilJ A J03 ASSESSOR'S OWNE'R'S EST LEGAL DESC- EST VKT VAT. • OF MWT VAT. COP•4MENTS arnn•t�tCxm7T'TnV 511- Charlott N. Sequin 4350 Brookside Court 28- 117 -21 -21 -0139 $ 51,000 $ 53,900 #107 ) These values were reduced prior to the Board Meeting. No Change. 4350 Brookside Ct 28- 117 -21 -21 -0182 $ 53,000 $ 55,800 )• #308 52L I D. E. Balch _ 4350 Brookside Court 28- 117 -21 -21 -0174 $123,900 $110,000 Reviewed sales of other similar units and reduced No further change. #221 - the value to $123,900 prior to Board Meeting. 53L Thomas L. Falck 28- 117 -21 -23 -0028 $143,900 $119,419 Recent purchase - scheduled inspection (no one home) No Change. i✓ I 5240 Interlachen Blvd Lot 5, Block 5 no response to notice left. (abatement applicati n Beverly Hills made for 1982, same can be done for 198 , if owner desires). 54L Al Grazzini 28- 117 -21 -31 -0010 $700,700 ? Obtained income and expense information.on this Recommend reduction 5100 Eden Avenue Lot 5, Blk 1 office building. (0010) $627,600 Grand View Heights ls (ch�� �a c 6.1A 28- 117 -21 -31 -0011 $697,000 ? � (0011) $625,100 Lot 6, Blk 1 Grand View Hgts J 55L Alvin D. Sheldon 30- 117 -21 -11 -0012 $150 800 ? Owner built house in 1982 with stated hard costs of INo Change. Kathleen Lot 1, Blk 1 $108,000 315 Grove Place kallquist M. ice= -1-�:-: & ADDRESS LEGAL DESC. BU s.1W U): RLVIIEW 1983 ASSESSOR'S OWNER'S EST EST ?-CT VAL • OF MKT VAL • COMMENTS PP. C'(imm.r\ *M\TTn \' - _S-- 56L Wallace C. Ogren 32- 117 -21 -31 -0070 ;$141,500 $130,000. Locational. adjustments not considered in owner's No Change. Catherine R. Lot 12, Blk 2 study. Value reviewed. 5912 Sun Road Scenic View Second 57L1 Steve Erdall 32- 117 -21 -43 -0004 $121,900 $100,000 Value reviewed - compared to .similar type homes No Change. 5704 Olinger Blvd Lot 3, 'Blk 1 which have sold. I Countryside Addn t 58L Judith R. Hansen 07-028 -24 -42 -0113 $ 85,000 $ 80,200 Value reviewed. Recommend reduction 'J 4228 Lynn Avenue Lot 5, Blk 2 to $80,200. t Mickelsens Rearr. Morningside 59L Stephen M. Holland 18-028- 24-12 -0077 $136,500 ? Property value reviewed with neighborhood sales. No Change. Storey L. Lot 19, Blk 4 4527 Casco Av Country Club.Dist. Fairway Sec. r • J 60L Karl. J.M. Benz 18- 028 -24 -13 -0065 $166,400 ? Property value reviewed with neighborhood sales. No Change. Janet 4623 Casco Avenue ASSESSOR'S CWME'R' S EST 7J'CAT, TDFgC_ FRT MKT VAL • OF MKT VAT, COMMENTS RF C'P,M,M,7.r T):\TT(�'� 5IL R. Wayne Parchman 18- 028 -24 -13 -0130 $126,700 ? Home purchased 12/81 for $125,000. No Change. 4914 Arden Avenue 52L Marian Evans 18- 028 -24 -21 -0025 $181,800 ? Home inspected - value reviewed. No Change. 4404 Sunnyside Road • 1 1 J 53L Patricia M. Brown 18- 028 -24 -21 -0057 $159,000 ? 4513 Moorland Avenue Lot 7, Blk 6 Condition i V i onditon problems still exist. Value reviewed. Recommend reduction Country CI•ub Dist. to 1982 EMV of tt' Brown Sec. $150,000. S 4 t Frank Quintana for 18- 028 -24 -23 -0042 $217,200 ? Home inspected - value reviewed. i No Change. Joyce W. Quintana P.O. Box 647 Lot 9, Blk 6 Sunnyslope (If anything, property is under valued). LaJolla, Ca 92038 4820 West Sunnyslope R t / 35L Paul C. Smith 4808 Bywood West RE: 3908 West 54th St •18- 028 -24 -44 -0027 $170,500 $117,360 Inspected apartment building. Recommend reduction p Lot 18, Blk I Obtained income and expense data - reviewed sales to $140,000 Ltdticf�6 So. Harriet Park 2nd of similar apartment building. Wo. & r. DRESS LEGAL DESc_ >30= Or RUIEM 1983 ASSESSOR'S OWNER'S EST F.4T WT VAT. - OP MWT VAT. • MMMENT.S nrn���..c•w-r�m-rnwT �'. ^'�- 66L Anne M. Calott 18- 028 -24 -44 -0101 $ 75,500 ? House inspected and value reduced in May, 1982. No Change. 5225 Halifax AV Pt. Lot 33, Blk 1 Owner.expresses concern for Grace Church activity. South Harriet Park 2nd 67L Phillip G. VanBrocklin 19- 028- 24- 23 -Oo46 $ 98,600 ? -..,. Value reviewed and compared to sales. Recommend reduction i 5608 Concord Avenue Lot 15,'B1k 4 to $93,100. Golf Terrace Heights 1st Addn 68L John P. Madgett 19- 028 -24 -24 -0021 $ 94,800 ? Home inspected previously due to recent addition. No Change. Marian E. Lot 12, Blk 1 4620 W. 58th Street Concord Grove ! 19-028-24-31-0134 69L Renee D. Fesenmaier Lot 7, Blk �1 $ 85,400 ? 5924 Fairfax Avenue Fairfax Valuation reviewed Recommend reduction to $80,600. 70L Thelma H. Sorenson 29- 028 -24 -21 -0050 $ 74,700, ? Inspected apartment- interior is apparently p p not i n - ;�,a„g� -- 6400 York Avenue #316 #316 as good of condition as others. The Yorker Condo ��0 ' BO= 0: RLV7 El j 1983 ASSESSOR'S OWNER'S EST VQ. & A.DDRESS LEGAL DESC. EST Y-KT VAL OF YKT VAL COMMENTS 71- Milton H. Hankland 29- 028- 24 -21- 0311. $ 74;900 ? Reviewed sales prices of other units. Lillian J. 6304 Barrie Rd A -16 6304 Barrie Road A -1B The Colony at Edina Fcn,., \ n No Change. 72L Mary S. Mortada 29- 028 -24 -21 -0399 $ 65,200 ? Reviewed sales prices of other units. No Change. 6311 Barrie Rd The Colony at Edina 73L Marilyn Trojohn 31- 028 -24- 13-0012 $147,200 $136,000 Property inspected and value reviewed. Recommend reduction 7316 Cornelia Drive Lot 12, Blk 1 to $140,000. Oscar Robert's First 74L Ben Walters 31- 028 -24 -24 -0052 $150,000 ? . No Change. Joyce Lot 18, Block 3 7317 Wooddale Avenue Paramount Group, Inc. John W. Sheedy SouthGarden Estates 4th � ✓ -;31- 028 -24 -33 -0010 $5,449,600 $4,954,200 Obtained current income and expense data. 1 Recommend reduction 75L Reg. Land Survey to owner's est. Mkt value except the 31- 028 -24 -33 -0009 $1,723,100 1,543,000 following: Reg. Survey $679 -; (33-0010) reduce to $5,131,700.- - (34 -0006) reduce to _ C 71,7 Ann BOARD OF RUIN 1983 ASSESSOR'S OWNER'S EST LEGAL DESC_ EST MXT VAT. OF MKT VAT, COMMENTS 5L -(con' t. Paramount Group,.Inc. 31- 028 -24 -33 -0014 $ 476,700 $ 433,400 Reg. Land Sur. 1050 31- 028- 24 733 -0012 No $ 49,000 Reg. Land Sur 1050 31- 028- 24- 33- 0013,vo $ 17,700 17,700 y Reg. Land Sur. 1050 31- 028- 24 -33- 0019 )Va $ 100 100 Reg. Land Sur 1050 31- 028- 24- 33- 0020/Ud• 100 100 Reg. Land Sur. 1050 =:31- 028 -24 -34 -0006 $ 805,400 805,400 Reg. Land Surv. 1050 31- 028 -24 -34 -0007 � $3,866,500 3,682,400 Reg. Land Sur. 1218 31- 028 -24 -34 -0008 '� $3,880,500 3,695,600 Reg. Land Surv. 1218 31- 028 -24 -34 -0009 " Reg. Land Sur 1218 $1,873,300 1,780,900 31- 028 -24 -43 -0001 J $1,854,500 11762,100 Reg. Land Sur. 1218 31- 028 -24 -43 -0002 NO $ 505,400 505,400 Reg. Land Surv. 1218 31- 028 -24 -43 -0003. ✓ $1,913,100 1,820,700 Reg. Land Sur. 1218 '31- 028 -24 -43 -0004 J $1,853,100 1,76o,700'. Reg. Land Sur. 1218 31- 028 -24 -43 -0005 v $1,701,900 1,496,400. Reg. �an�l $ur 12t8 - 31 -02 -2 - 3 -000 $1,658,600 1,459,800 Reg. Land Surv. 1218 f BUAIW OF itI: IS"I . 1983 , • j ASSESSOR'S OWNER'S EST U0. 1%,UX' & A-.DDRT-SS LEGAL DESC. EST ?ACT VAL OF MKT VAL COMMENTS 6L Katherine M. Carneal 30- 117 -21 -42 -0011 $220,000 Property reviewed for 1983 assessment - ,along with No Change. U 5117 Ridge Road Lot 7 neighborhood. Auditor's Sub 325 Currently on market for $365,000. 7L Alfsen & Perkins 30- 117 -21 -22 -0082 Homestead classification for 1 -2 -83 on previously Homestead Classifica ion. 421 -23 Washington Av Lot 16, Block 9 exempt property. West Mpls. Hgts. -1 A- /i-7 ir,? - veil 2 Merilane Lot 7, $185,600 $140,000 Property inspected- value reviewed. Recommend reduction IN I Rolling Green (condition (condition problem). to $165,000. problem) -2 33-117 -21 -34 -0104 $ 90,700 Property inspected'- value reviewed. Recommend reduction v 6104 Wilryan Av Lot 14, 15, Blk,2 to $85,600. rlvs fElb� -f P fcns"ti Mikulay's -3 1 Jacqueline J. Hanbury 18- 028 -24 -22 -0068 $185,200 , Late notice sent - l isted here to protect appeal No Change. i� • 4705 Sunnyside Road Lot 10, Blk 4, Country Club.Dist.- rights. Brown Sec. -4 Earl A. Pike 30- 028 -24 -14 -0078 $175,800 ? Reviewed sales of other similar units in the buildin .No Change. ✓ 6566 France Av #704 Apt. 704 Point of France ASSESSOR'S MTER'S EST 40. K & ADDRESS LEGAL DESC_ PRT 7,TT,T VAT. nr MYT VAT. rOMMPMTS -5 Ronald J. Hechter 30- 028 -24 -34 -0028 $97,500 ? Recommend reduction due to condition of property Recommend reduction 1/ 6805 Creston Road Lot 4, Blk'6 at present time. to $92,000. Creston Hills -6 I Susan Vaughn Kaih (unable to identify unit) Letter states concern for high valuations on 3BR No Change. I - clusters. I i�1 'j�ol ��"15 �a�,� 09— / /�- d�-%2 -UGa / o�G Boo I� I i r r HC 586 CERTIFICATION OF POSTING OF ASSESSMENT NOTICE State of Minnesota 1 COUNTY OF Hennepin City of Edina 1 1 Marcella M. Daehn Clerk of the City of Edina in said County for the year 19 83 do hereby certify that on the 29th day of April 1983 in conformity with requirements of law, I posted notices in each of three of the +coat public places in said City tea days before the time of meeting therein nainrcl, and also caused such notice to be published in a legal newspaper, of which the foll9wing is a true copy, to -writ: ASSESSMENT NOTICE NOTICE.' I6 HEREBY GIVEN, That the Board of Review of the City Of Edina in Hennepin County, Minnesota. will inert at the office of the City Clerk in Said City at 4:30 o'clock P .11.. on Monday the, 23rd day of May , 1983 for the purpose, of reviewing and correcting the assessment of said City for the year 19 83 All persons considering themselves aggrieved by said assessment, or who wish to complain that the property of another is assessed too low, are hereby notified to appear at said meeting and shore cause for having Stich assess- ment corrected. No complaint that another person is assessed too low will be acted upon until the person so assessed, or his agent, shall have been notified of such complaint. Dated the 28th day of April _,1983 Clerk of the City of Edina Given tin der my hand this 20th day f June 7983 Clerk Iptate of Ainnegota, COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ss. City of Edina We, the undersigned, Board of Review of the City of Edina in said County, do hereby certify that we, and each of us, attended at the office of the . Edina City Clerk of said City on the day set forth in the notice given by the Clerk of said City and that we then and them remained in session the whole of said day as a Board of Review. Witness our hands this 20th NOTICE TO ASSESSOR Assessor must make the necessary footings at bottom of each page and carry them forward to the "Tabular Statement" form, and in so doing use all possible care. Minnesota Statutes, Section 274.0/1. The assessor shall foot each column in his assessment book, and make in each book, under proper headings, a tabular statement showing the footings of the several columns upon each page. He shall also foot the total amounts of the several columns under the respective headings. ' Such return .shall be verified by his affidavit substantially in the following form: ASSESSOR'S RETURN OATH To Be Signed by County Assessor Auditor of the County of Minnesota. State of Minnesota es. County of 4 County Assessor of the County of do solemnly swear that the book to which this is attached contains a correct and full list of all Real and Personal Property subject to assess- ment and taxation in the of for the year 19 , so far as I have been able to ascertain the same, and that the market value, except as limited by statute, and the assessed value, except as limited by statute, set down in the property column, opposite the several kinds and descriptions of property, is in each case the market value, except as limited by statute, and assessed value, except as limited by statute, of such property, to the best of my knowledge and belief, including all changes made by the Board of Review; and that the footings of the several columns in said book and the tabular statements returned herewith are correct, as I verily believe. County Assessor Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of I9 Auditor of County CERTIFICATION OF NOTICE ON INCREASED VALUATIONS State of Minnesota l County of aa. _ of I, County Assessbr of County, Minnesota, do solemnly swear that the owner or occupant of each description of real property which was subjected to an increase in market value over the preceding year's assessment was given official notice of the amount of such increases. I further certify that all such notices were sent through the course of ordinary mail not less than ten days prior to on which the Ymth Ley Teer of Roard of Review duly convened or on ten days prior to the official adjournment thereof. rroatn Der Teer Date Signature: a ..+, v" �Mt Ph+ K% R: vrUY�' hM, d10.q %tIIIpJ1�IM�JMMN�1)1q��`1i� pNl+ii . r a,�.w. Form Q14 Poucher, Mimeapolls State of Minnesota, 1 County of Henneoin City of Edina We, the undersigned, Board of Review—* F,gtwdisation --of the City of Edina in said County, do hereby certify that we, and each of us, attended at the office of t: (Sulk. ou. om) City Clerk on the 23rd day of May , 191-3, the day set forth in the notice given by the Clerk, and in accordance -with the provisions of Diinnesota Statute Section 274.01, we made changes in the 1983 assessments as entered in the following forms. Witness our hands this 20th day Of June 19 'Applies only to Cities whose Charters provide for a Board of Equalisation instead of a Board of Review. `-� t2 (•; , Commercial, I - Industrial, U - Utility, F - Form, T - Timber Changes made by Local Board of Review — °Enter "Yes" "No" Description. Identify Parcel on which Residence is Located with Letter "H ". Indicate if Mid -Year or Fractional Homestead. — °Olndimte type of Property: R - Residential, C - m for each Homestead: 3b, 3e or 3ce, SRR - Seasonal Recreational Residential, SRC - Seasonal Recreational Commercial, PH - National flouring, *O Other, Specify: Mineral- --509; Parking Ramps -36%. 1. d Eni—ed Market Value of Red P pmy u Cb-ged or Added Number �dl Ivdl to Liars of PrapeRr Estimated Merkel vela. land Erdusir. of ediad Tot.l es:;m.tta P.M gal Sm 7MD. N=bu of Acra d F.rm rasa Home - ° „Cod 1 ue Deme.s. W �, to Esum.eta Esumatta NAME OF OWNER DESCRIPTION w or Dean itage. DKaea l�of Y.r p:ry Apleutturd All Otha A1vk.t Vdue V.I.. V.I.. of Omitted Stru der :m Otb b;a�u; ^�. Vdue 1 No. Id Block tar 100a or M Proper Imprevemmb Stmcnve No _ b. a Doum Down D.11— Dollars Don— toll., Down Dale T. Johnson & 05- 116 -21 -14 -0063 yesiI R p1 20000 26500 73000 99500 Sandra PP f Thomas J. & Juliana P. Clements 05- 116 -21 -43 -0007 yes R i 15300 30500 98500 129000 Inc. 08- 116 -21 -14 -0002 ry no F I 160000 756300 2,783700 3,540000 Space Centers, 1 Al Grazzini 28- 117 -21 -31 -0010 f no h C 73100 37300 590300 627600 Al Grazzini 28- 117 -21 -31 -0011 no C 4 71900 34200 590900 625100 Michael & Marieluise Ovikian 31- 117 -21 -41 -0005 yes R 1 32400 30800 96200 127000 G.L. & Barbara J. Christie 33- 117 -21 -33 -0081 yes R 4300 28400 98600 127000 Keith H. & Virginia Howes 07- 028 -24 -14 -0092 yes R r 6300 20400 86000 106400 Judith R. Hansen 07- 028 -24 -42 -0113 yes R i 4800 V 21300 58900 80200 Jon & Christine D. Victorsen 07- 028 -24 -44 -0141 yes pp R 10300 w 16300 i 62700 79000 Albert E. & Irene R. Heiam 18- 028 -24 -12 -0010 yes Y R f 5200 9 34800 175200 210000 , William L. Orr 18- 028 -24 -13 -0132 yes R P. 5800 21800 75300 97100 Patricia M. Brown 18- 028 -24 -21 -0057 _ yes R 9000 J 47000 103000 150000 Kathleen Wright 18- 028 -24 -22 -0042 yes R 10500 44100 131900 176000 Mariette Mc Burney 19- 028 -24 -11 -0074 P yeJ R 8900 32000 117100 149100 Philip G. VanBrocklin 19- 028 -24 -23 -0046 yes` 1 R P 5500 G 29700 63400 93100 Nate: Where omitted red property is added Indicate value of land, buildings and machinery gepazately. i C w 'Continued on nest Dega) Changes made by Local Board of Review- Handley' Total Estimated d '. Wnter "Yes" or "No" for each Decrriplinn. nn which Residence is Looted with Letter 1]". Indicate if klid -Year or Fractional Ilomcstend. — OOlndicate type of llropertys R - lie omeslead: 31,, 3c or 3cc, Slili - Sea -canal H— calional R-ideulial, SRC - Seasonal Recreational Commercial, FII - National (lousing, *O Other, Specifyi hlincral —e0 %; Parking Ramps 36%. D.11— Dolt— Dou- 119500 - -40700 60200 28100 52500 Number ndl_ Lsdl -' Clue a/ Proprrry 109400 140000 Parml Sec. Tw. Ave a' Number m Farm Lm llomb_ v B/ Inereuo la NAME OF OWNER a` DESCRIPTION Derc. m m Rage. A— of Deeded lead 'teed p;oP, Ye, @ @@ Esum,aea Market 17000 No. Wt 111.4 my by Ayrltvlturel AB Other Value 85600 36900 Aan 100a o, No "Mill DoWn Loren Blackstad 19- 028 -24 -31 -0005 1,133000 yes R 5,131700 James R. & Renee D. Pesenmaier 19- 028 -24 -31 -0134 433400 yes, R 356800 John W. & Marilyn V.]Trojohn 31- 028 -24 -13 -0012 3,018900 i yes R 663500 Thelma H. Sorenson 29- 028 -24 -21 -0050 264800 E yes R 1,780000 246000 1,516100 1,7621.no 304600 1,516100 Suzanne A. Doyle 31- 028 -24 -22 -0008 1,516100 yes R 319400 W. Eleanor Pleissner 29- 117 -21 -12 -0011 319700 yesiR I, 1,459800 Victor I. & Martha Alfsen Susan J. Perkins 30- 117 -21 -22 -0082 Yes! R I -0- Mrs. Albert H. Jens.a 33- 117 -21 -34 -0104 yes R Ronald J. Hechter 30- 028 -24 -34 -0028 yes R h Paramount Group, Inc. 31- 028 -24 -33 -0009 no C I; 31- 028 -24 -33 -0010 no C 31- 028 -24 -33 -0014 f no C r 31- 028 -24 -34 -0006 no� I u 31- 028 -24 -34 -0007 ! not C 31- 028 -24 -34 -0008 1 no C I t 31- 028 -24 -34 -0009 not C 1 P 4 31- 028 -24 -43 -0001 no I I 31- 028 -24 -43 -0003 1 no� I 31- 028 -24 -43 -0004 ( no I 31- 028 -24 -43 -0005 31- 028 -24 -43 -0006 ddential, C Decreua Eui -ted Market Val- Dolt— .5600, 4800 7200 2000 6800 20600 =0- 5100 5500 180100 317900 43300 57600 184100 184900 92400 92400 92400 92400 I 205500 I 198800 I - ;Gaotinucd ao ocst onset • Commcrcie Fettmsttd Value of Omitted Property f� I I I, 1 - Industrial, U - Utility, F - Farm, T - Timber Estimated Market Value at Real Property u Cheuyed or Added E.dtww al Stru ca Handley' Total Estimated d ah Machlacry Value Imp emcatr strurnmu Down D.11— Dolt— Dou- 119500 - -40700 60200 28100 52500 80600 30600 109400 140000 6000 66700 72700 38800 139200 178000 71200 . 93800 165000 17000 67600 84600 46600 39000 85600 36900 55100 92000 280500 1,262500 1,543000 !, 1,133000 3,998700, 5,131700 252900 180500 433400 391000 356800 747800 663500 3,018900 3,682400 663500 3,032100 3,695600 264800 1,516100 1,780000 246000 1,516100 1,7621.no 304600 1,516100 1,820700_ 244600 1,516100 1,760700 319400 1,177000 1,496400 319700 1,140100 1,459800 REMARKS Classification change oely.