HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-11-18 Meeting PacketAg enda Energy and Environment Commission City Of E dina, Minnesota B raem ar Golf Cour se - H oyt & Blanchar d R oom Braemar Golf Course: 6364 John Harris Dr, Edina, MN 55439. Hoyt and Blanchard Room is downstairs from the main +oor. Thur sday, Novem ber 18, 2021 7:00 PM I.Ca ll To Ord er II.Roll Ca ll III.Approva l Of Meeting Agenda IV.Approva l Of Meeting Min u tes A.Min u tes: E n ergy and Environ m ent Com m ission Octob er 14, 2021 V.Com m u n ity Com m ent During "Community Comment," the Board/Commission will invite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. G enerally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board/Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Board/Commission might refer the matter to sta% for consideration at a future meeting. VI.Rep orts/Recom m en d ation s A.2021 W P In itia tive #2: To-Go Packagin g B.2021 W P In itia tive #5: Green Business Recogn ition Progra m VII.Cha ir An d Mem ber Com m ents VIII.Sta0 Com m ents IX.Adjournm en t The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampli4cation, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Date: November 18, 2021 Agenda Item #: I V.A. To:Energy and Environment C ommis s ion Item Type: Minutes F rom:G rac e Hancoc k, S us tainability C oordinator Item Activity: Subject:Minutes : Energy and Environment C ommission O c tober 14, 2021 Ac tion C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: Approve October 14, 2021 E E C minutes I N TR O D U C TI O N: AT TAC HME N T S: Description Minutes : Energy & Environment Commission, October 14, 2021 Agenda Energy and Enviro nment C o mmissio n City Of Edina, Minnesota P ublic Works - Multi-purpose Room M eeting will take place in perso n. Thursday, October 14, 2021 7:00 P M I.C all To O rder C hair Martinez c alled the meeting to order at 7:00 P M I I.R oll C all Ans wering roll c all were C hair Martinez, C ommis s ioners Horan, Haugen, Lanzas , Lukens, Tes s man, S tudent C ommis s ioners R awat and S humway Late: C ommissioner Hovanec arrived at 7:10pm; C ommis s ioner Dakane arrived at 7:15pm I I I.Approval O f Meeting Agenda Meeting Agenda was approved Motion by J ohn Haugen to approve meeting agenda. Seconded by Hilda Martinez Salgado. Motion Carried. I V.Approval O f Meeting Minutes Meeting Minutes were approved Motion by Bayardo Lanzas to approve meeting minutes. S econded by Cory Lukens. Motion Carried. A.Minutes : Energy and Environment C ommission S eptember 9, 2021 V.S pec ial R ec ognitions And P res entations A.O rganic s R ec yc ling R eport B.F inal C limate Ac tion P lan P resentation for Approval EEC received c limate action plan for approval and advanc ement to C ounc il for adoption. EEC moved to approve the plan with one adjus tment. Motion by J ohn Haugen to approve climate action plan. Seconded by Cory Lukens. Motion Carried. VI.C ommunity C omment C ommunity C omment was rec eived. Motion by J ohn Haugen to close community comment. S econded by Tom Tessman. Motion . During "Community Comment," the Board/Commission will inv ite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Indiv iduals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Indiv iduals should not expect the Chair or Board/Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Board/Commission might ref er the matter to staf f f or consideration at a f uture meeting. VI I.R eports /R ec ommendations A.Approve 2022 EEC Meeting Dates EEC approved meeting dates for 2022. B.2021 W P Initiative #2: To-G o P ac kaging EEC received an update on this initiative. C .2021 W P Initiative #3: EEC Event Tabling EEC received an update on this initiative. D.2021 W P Initiative #5: G reen Busines s R ec ognition P rogram EEC received an update on this initiative. E.2021 W P Initiative #7: R eview and C omment on ET C reports EEC received an update on this initiative. F.2022 Workplan Development Disc ussion EEC received an update on this initiative. VI I I.C hair And Member C omments C hair Martinez reported that C ommissioner R atan res igned from the C ommission. I X.S taff C omments S taff Liaison welcomed new MN G reenC orps member, Makaela Turner, to Edina S us tainability Divis ion for the s ervic e year ending August, 2022. X.Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 8:52pm. Motion by J ohn Haugen to adjourn. S econded by Hilda Martinez S algado. Motion . T he C ity of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. I f you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Date: November 18, 2021 Agenda Item #: VI.A. To:Energy and Environment C ommis s ion Item Type: O ther F rom:G rac e Hancoc k, S us tainability C oordinator Item Activity: Subject:2021 W P Initiative #2: To-G o P ac kaging Information C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: I N TR O D U C TI O N: Update on To-G o P ackaging ordinance submittal to C ouncil AT TAC HME N T S: Description 2021 EEC Work Plan Council Approved 10.19 Edina To Go Packaging Ordinance Approved by Council December 1, 2020 [Do not modify fields except progress reports] Commission: Energy and Environment Commission 2021 Annual Work Plan Proposal Initiative # 1 Initiative Type ☒ Project ☐ Ongoing / Annual ☐ Event Council Charge ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☒ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Make recommendations to Council regarding the development of the City’s Climate Action Plan [which will include information on GHG emission inventory and routes to carbon neutrality]. Create a Climate Action Plan Working Group to provide feedback and support for the plan development. The working group will report to the EEC which will provide formal recommendation to Council. Staff liaison will support this working group. Deliverable Recommendation to Council Leads H. Martinez A. Martinez Mans Rajat Tessman Target Completion Date December 2021 Budget Required: No additional funds required. Staff Support Required: Staff Liaison (40hrs) Progress Q1: Received introductory presentation from facilitating consultant in March Progress Q2: Received update on progress from facilitating consultant in May Progress Q3: Progress Q4: Initiative # 2 Initiative Type ☒ Project ☐ Ongoing / Annual ☐ Event Council Charge ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☒ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Review and recommend on development of to-go packaging ordinance and policy avenues. Includes an update to the 2016 study and report to incorporate the recently launched organics recycling program. Deliverable -Report and recommendation to Council Leads Horan (primary), Lukens, Dakane, A. Martinez, Lanzas, Mans Target Completion Date December 2021 Budget Required: No additional funds requested. Staff Support Required: Staff Liaison (20hrs), Health Division (40hrs) Progress Q1: Focus groups in Feb/March 2021 were conducted Progress Q2: Ordinance under development, draft expected in July/August 2021 Progress Q3: Progress Q4: Approved by Council December 1, 2020 [Do not modify fields except progress reports] Initiative # 3 Initiative Type ☐ Project ☐ Ongoing / Annual ☒ Event Council Charge ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☒ 4 (Review & Decide) Initiative Title Review and decide on commission members coordinating and tabling at City events to educate the community on organics recycling and sustainable living. Deliverable -Presence at up to 4 City events to include Fourth of July, Open Streets, and Farmers Market Leads Lanzas (primary), A. Martinez, Horan, Mans Target Completion Date June – September 2021 Budget Required: Funds available, $200 for supplies and food. Staff Support Required: Coordinator (20hrs) and Organics Recycling Coordinator (8hrs) can advise and provide materials already created. Progress Q1: Progress Q2: Commission tables at Farmers Market weekly; agreed to skip Fourth of July Parade; agreed to promote moving to zero waste and Climate Action Plan public comment at Fall into Arts Fest September, 2021 Progress Q3: Progress Q4: Initiative # 4 Initiative Type ☒ Project ☐ Ongoing / Annual ☐ Event Council Charge ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☒ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Review and comment on staff recommendations for the City’s Green Building Policy. Deliverable - Commission comments on policy Leads All, Haugen, Tessman Target Completion Date December 2021 Budget Required: No additional funds requested. Staff Support Required: Staff Liaison (16hrs) Progress Q1: Progress Q2: Received intro presentation, final draft city policy for comment, initial draft commercial policy for comment Progress Q3: COMPLETE - Received and commented on Sustainable Buildings Policy framework and proposal in July, 2021 Progress Q4: Approved by Council December 1, 2020 [Do not modify fields except progress reports] Initiative # 5 Initiative Type ☐ Project ☒ Ongoing / Annual ☐ Event Council Charge ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☒ 4 (Review & Decide) Evaluate the effectiveness and impact of the Business Recognition Program by Q1 and decide future of the program. Implement changes, if any. Deliverable Report to commission. Leads Horan, Dakane, Lukens, A. Martinez, Mans, Tessman Target Completion Date ongoing Budget Required: No additional funds requested. Staff Support Required: Staff Liaison support to manage intake and acceptance process (16hrs), Communications to support communication updates (16hrs), Community Engagement Coordinator (8hrs). Progress Q1: Agreed to continue program, began to compile and implement updates Progress Q2: Convened working group Progress Q3: Progress Q4: Initiative # 6 Initiative Type ☐ Project ☒ Ongoing / Annual ☐ Event Council Charge ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☒ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Initiative Title Review and Comment on Conservation and Sustainability (CAS) fund proposed Capital Improvement Plan. Deliverable - Commission comments on Capital Improvement Plan Leads All Target Completion Date Q2, 2021 Budget Required: No additional funds requested. Staff Support Required: Staff Liaison (4hrs) Progress Q1; COMPLETE - Received for comment at Mar 11, 2021 meeting Progress Q2: Progress Q3: Approved by Council December 1, 2020 [Do not modify fields except progress reports] Progress Q4: Initiative # 7 Initiative Type ☒ Project ☐ Ongoing / Annual ☐ Event Council Charge ☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☒ 2 (Review & Comment) ☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐ 4 (Review & Decide) Review and comment on the ETC’s report and recommendation on organized trash collection. Deliverable -Memos to ETC for their study and report Leads Haugen Target Completion Date December 2021 Budget Required: No additional funds requested. Staff Support Required: Staff Liaison (4hrs) Progress Q1: no updates Mar21 Progress Q2: Received written update from ETC at May meeting Progress Q3: Progress Q4: Parking Lot: (These items have been considered by the BC, but not proposed as part of this year’s work plan. If the BC decides they would like to work on them in the current year, it would need to be approved by Council.) Develop a program with realtors to give sellers the opportunity to showcase environmental improvements to their homes (such as insulation). Coordination with other cities on climate action., Advocating for street sweeping, Education and engagement on water initiatives. Study and report on inequities in the environmental movement. Research enforcement of state law requiring water sensors for irrigation systems and other water saving tools, including rebates. Exploring ways of partnering with under-served/other communities to outreach/educate businesses. Community wide environmental event listening to what the community is saying. Plastic bag policy / program / options ORDINANCE NO. 2021-11 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 20 OF THE EDINA CITY CODE CONCERNING GREEN TO GO PACKAGING THE CITY COUNCIL OF EDINA ORDAINS: Section 1. Chapter 20 of the Edina City Code is amended by adding Article XII to read as follows: ARTICLE XII GREEN TO GO PACKAGING DIVISION 1. - GENERALLY 20-636 Purpose and Objectives. The purpose and intent of this ordinance is to: 1. Promote waste reduction. a. Lowering the amount of greenhouse gases emitted during the incineration and landfilling of non-recyclable and compostable food and beverage packaging and non-packaging items. b. Assisting the City in reaching the waste reduction goals established by the State of Minnesota and Hennepin County. 2. Promote waste prevention. a. By encouraging the use of reusable food and beverage packaging when possible. b. By reducing or eliminating products that create waste such as single-use, disposable food and beverage packaging and non-packaging items that cannot be recycled or composted, and must be disposed of by incinerating or landfill. 3. Promote waste recycling by maximizing the amount of single-use food and beverage packaging and non-packaging items that can be recycled or composted. 4. Minimize contamination in organics and recycling. 20-637 Definitions. The following words shall have the meaning ascribed to them, unless the context clearly indicates a different meaning: Certified compostable shall mean that a material or product will biodegrade without leaving a residue or any toxicity in the soil. Any compostable plastics or lined papers must meet the ASTM standards for compostable products, as certified by the Biodegradable Products Institute or other similar independent certification bodies. Commercially compostable shall mean that certified compostable materials will biodegrade at a commercial site used to compost organic materials where the environment is carefully controlled and regulated to facilitate optimal degradation. Food and beverage packaging shall mean packaging used to serve food and beverage products intended for immediate consumption including cups, plates, bowls, serving trays, to-go containers, clamshells, wrappers, and lids. Green To Go Packaging shall mean and include any of the following: Compostable packaging: packaging that is separable from solid waste by the generator or prior to collection for the purpose of composting. Compostable packaging must be made of unlined paper (unless lining is certified compostable), certified compostable plastic that meets ASTM standards or 2 other cellulose-based packaging capable of being decomposed through composting or anaerobic digestion. Recyclable packaging: food or beverage packaging that is separable from solid waste prior to collection for the purpose of recycling. Recyclable packaging must be accepted by the local material recovery facilities (MRF) receiving and processing the materials and have existing robust recycling markets as determined by Hennepin County. This includes glass bottles, aluminum cans and plastic food and beverage packaging. Plastic food and beverage packaging that is acceptable as determined by Hennepin County. Reusable packaging shall mean food or beverage packaging that is capable of being refilled at a retail location or returned to the distributor for reuse at least once as a container for the same food or beverage. Food establishment shall mean a "food establishment" as defined by Edina City Code. Mobile food unit shall mean “mobile food unit” as defined in Edina City Code. Non-packaging food service items shall mean items that are not packaging, but are used to consume food, including straws and utensils. Single-use shall mean an item designed and intended for a single use. DIVISION 2. ON-SITE COLLECTION FOR RECYCLABLES AND COMPOSTABLE PACKAGING 20-638 Rules. No person owning, operating or conducting a food establishment or any person or organization providing free food or beverage products within the City of Edina in a manner which would require a permit or license, shall do or allow to be done any of the following within the city: Provide or possess for sale any packaging which is not green to go. Presence of food and beverage packaging other than Green to Go will be presumed as non-compliance with this ordinance This subparagraph shall not apply to manufacturers, brokers or warehouse operators, who conduct or transact no retail food or beverage business. To reduce contamination in recycling and organics, mobile use-food establishments and all other food establishments shall implement the following: Single-use cups and containers that are utilized with lids shall have lids of the same category of packaging. Recyclable packaging shall only have recyclable lids Compostable packaging shall only have compostable lids. Compostable cups shall be labeled to clearly indicate to the consumer that the cup is compostable. Labeling must include at least one of the following: The words “certified compostable,” “commercially compostable” or other language which meet ASTM standards. “Made from plants,” “bio-based,” or “biodegradable” are not acceptable alternatives on their own. 3 The logo of a third-party certification or testing body indicating the cup meets compostability standards, as approved by the City of Edina. All food establishments shall implement the following in relation to non-packaging food service items: Single-use utensils including, but not limited to, forks, spoons, and knives shall be compostable. Single-use straws of any kind shall only be provided to consumers upon request. Front- of-house straw dispensers, which allow for customers to self-serve, meet this requirement. A food establishment which utilizes single-use compostable and/or recyclable food packaging to serve consumers on-site shall have on-site collection for recyclable and/or compostable packaging. A food establishment that does not utilize single-use packaging to serve consumers on-site is exempt from the requirement to have on-site collection for recyclable and/or compostable packaging. . A food establishment that does not have dine-in seating for consumers is exempt from the requirement to have on-site collection for recyclable and/or compostable packaging. . If a mobile food unit or establishment is being hosted by an entity as part of an event or regular business, the hosting entity shall provide on-site collection for recyclable and/or compostable packaging. . Containers for the on-site collection of recyclable and/or compostable packaging shall be co- located with garbage containers. . If garbage receptacles are available to consumers, then receptacles for separating recyclable and/or compostable packaging must also be made available to consumers in the same location. . If garbage receptacles are not available to consumers and are instead placed in areas for use by staff only, then receptacles for separating recyclable and/or compostable packaging are only required in those locations. . A food establishment shall arrange for the collection of recyclable and/or compostable packaging by a licensed solid waste collector for delivery to an appropriate transfer station or processing facility. 20-639 Exclusions and Exceptions. Notwithstanding any other provisions to the contrary, this ordinance shall not apply to: Manufacturers, brokers, distributors or warehouse operators who conduct or transact no retail food or beverage business; Food and beverage service provided through patient care at hospitals and nursing homes; Food packaging pre-packaged by a manufacturer, producer or distributor; Plastic films less than ten (10) mils in thickness; Any packaging, which is not considered green to go packaging, but for which there is no commercially available alternative as determined by the City of Edina, following Hennepin County guidance. In determining whether there are commercially available alternatives, the City of Edina will consider whether 4 there is availability of green to go packaging for affected products. Every rule creating an exemption under this paragraph may be reviewed by The City of Edina. 20-640 Enforcement. The City shall have the duty and the authority to enforce provisions of this chapter pursuant to City Code Sec. 20-445. 20-641 Severability. If any part or provision of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person, entity, or circumstances shall be judged unconstitutional or invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such judgment shall be confined in its operation to the part, provision or application which is directly involved in the controversy in which such judgment shall have been rendered, and shall not affect or impair the validity of the remainder of this ordinance or the application thereof to other persons, entities, or circumstances. Section 2. Effective Date. July 1, 2022 First Reading: 10/19/21 Second Reading: 11/3/2021 Published: Attest Sharon Allison, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor Please publish in the Edina Sun Current on Send two affidavits of publication Bill to Edina City Clerk Date: November 18, 2021 Agenda Item #: VI.B. To:Energy and Environment C ommis s ion Item Type: O ther F rom:G rac e Hancoc k, S us tainability C oordinator Item Activity: Subject:2021 W P Initiative #5: G reen Busines s R ec ognition P rogram Information C ITY O F E D IN A 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov A C TI O N R EQ U ES TED: I N TR O D U C TI O N: Update on W P item #5 Green B usiness Recognition P rogram