HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-12-09 EEC MinutesAgenda
Energy and Enviro nment C o mmissio n
City Of Edina, Minnesota
P ublic Works - Multi-purpose Room
M eeting will take place in perso n. M asks are requested.
Thursday, December 9, 2021
7:00 P M
I.C all To O rder
C hair Martinez c alled the meeting to order at 7:01 P M
I I.R oll C all
Ans wering roll c all were C hair Martinez, Vic e C hair Horan, C ommis s ioners
Haugen, Lanzas, Lukens , Tessman, S tudent C ommissioners R awat and
S humway
Late were C ommissioner Dakane (7:10pm) and C ommis s ioner Hovanec
I I I.Approval O f Meeting Agenda
Meeting Agenda was approved
Motion by Bayardo Lanzas to approve meeting agenda. S econded by Tom
Tessman. Motion Carried.
I V.Approval O f Meeting Minutes
Meeting Minutes were approved
Motion by Bayardo Lanzas to approve meeting minutes. S econded by Cory
Lukens. Motion Carried.
A.Minutes : Energy and Environment C ommission November 18, 2021
V.S pec ial R ec ognitions And P res entations
A.P res entation: S top O ver S alting C ommunity G roup
C ommunity G roup S top O verS alting pres ented.
VI.C ommunity C omment
no c ommunity c omment was rec eived
During "Community Comment," the Board/Commission will inv ite residents to share relevant issues or
concerns. Indiv iduals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of
speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on
tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Indiv iduals should not expect the Chair
or Board/Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Board/Commission might
ref er the matter to staf f f or consideration at a f uture meeting.
VI I.R eports /R ec ommendations
A.2021 W P Initiative #1: C limate Ac tion P lan
B.2021 W P Initiative #5: G reen Busines s R ec ognition P rogram
Vice C hair Horan pres ented final rec ommendations to update G reen
Busines s R ec ognition P rogram.
Vice C hair Horan recommended two new working group members for the
G BR P working group. EEC approved.
Motion by Bayardo Lanzas to approve new members of the Green Business
Recognition Working Group. Seconded by Cory Lukens. Motion Carried.
C .2022 EEC Work P lan Approval
D.R eview and C omment on draft Edina C ities C limate R es olution
EEC received draft C limate R esolution with the following comments:
two commissioners emphas ized that c limate change is an emergency.
one c ommis s ioner s tated that an emergenc y declaration means to them
"stop everything and focus on this one thing, i.e. take away from other
emergenc ies ."
one c ommis s ioner as ked if hes itance to use the word "emergenc y"
related legal liability
one c ommis s ioner s tated that if Edina has a goal to prevent the climate
c ris is , then it is an emergenc y
one c ommis s ioner as ked about the connotation of the term,
"emergenc y"
one c ommis s ioner as ked how standardized the resolutions will be
ac ros s participating c ommunities
one c ommis s ioner as ked how following the pas s age of the C AP with
a non-emergency resolution rec onc iles
c ommis s ioners agreed that the c ommunities dis proportionately
affec ted by climate c hange have also been affected by C O VI D.
Expres s ing solidarity with thes e affec ted communities who remain in
c ris is indicates privilege to s eparate from this crisis.
EEC concluded that "the commission prefers to s ee emergenc y
language used, but wants Edina to partic ipate in this dec laration so is
okay if the declaration does not inc lude this language."
VI I I.C hair And Member C omments
Members reques ted that C ommunications pres ent to EEC in 2022, on
available pathways to communic ate C ommis s ion activities
Members reques ted that P ublic Works pres ent to EEC in 2022, on s now
C hair c ommented that new chair and vice chair nominations will take plac e in
F eb. 2022.
I X.S taff C omments
S taff reminded C ommissioners that adult commissioner applic ations are
open until January 14.
S taff reported that the organized tras h report with s taff recommendations
will be pres ented to C ity C ouncil at their Dec . 21, 2021 meeting
S taff c onfirmed EEC meeting dates and loc ations for 2022.
A.2022 Meeting S chedule
Meeting adjourned at 8:48pm.
Motion by J ohn Haugen to adjourn. S econded by Bayardo Lanzas. Motion
T he C ity of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. I f
you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large-print
documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting.