HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-08-15_COUNCIL MEETINGAGENDA REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 15, 1983 7:00 P.M. ROLLCALL EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION CONSTITUTION WEEK PROCLAMATION MINUTES of Regular Council Meeting of August 1, 1983, approved as submitted or corrected by motion of I seconded by I. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND REPORTS ON PLANNING MATTERS. Affidavits of Notice by Clerk. Presentation by Planning Department. Spectators heard. First Reading of Zoning Ordinance requires offering of Ordinance only. 4/5 favorable rollcall vote to pass Second Reading or if Second Reading should be waived. Lot Divisions, Flood Plain Permits, Plats, Appeals from Administrative or Board of Appeals and Adjust- ments decisions require action by Resolution. 3/5 favorable rollcall vote to pass. A. Final Rezoning and Preliminary Plat Approval 1. Vernon Development Company - R -2 Two Family District to PRD -3 Planned Residential District and Preliminary Plat Approval of Ohio Buckeye Condominiums - Generally located West of Cahill Road and South of Braemar Oaks Apartments B. Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to Permit Indoor Soccer Arenas as a Principal Use in the Planned Industrial District (Continued from 8 -1 -83) C. Amendment to the - Zoning Ordinance to Permit Accessory Apartments as a Conditional Use in the R -1 Single Family District D. Appeal from Board of Appeals and Adjustments Decision - Gary and Barbara Haugen, 4717 Meadow Road, Lot 14, White Oaks 5th Addn. Appealer - Dale and Joyce Grahn, 4715 Meadow Road II. SPECIAL CONCERNS OF RESIDENTS III. AWARD OF`BIDS A. .Playground Equipment - Highlands Park B. Building for Kiln - Edina Art Center C. Zuppkewood Addition Utilities (WM -350 & BA -261) IV. RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS A. Traffic Safety Minutes of August 9, 1983 B. Minnehaha Creek.Watershed District - Final Report C. Tom Merickel - Field Representative for Senator Boschwitz D. Set Hearing Date: 1. Special Assessment Hearings (9/19) E. Edina Community Task Force II Report F. Study Committee for Alternative Methods of Delivering Services /Discussion G* Release of Restriction, Lot 2, Block 1, Edina Office Center (Nat'l Car Rental) H. Special Council Meeting (8/29) J. Post Agenda and Manager's Miscellaneous Items 1. School Board /City Council Joint Meeting (10 /10) 2. LMC /AMM Metro Area Regional Meeting (9/29) V. ORDINANCES A. Ordinance No. 901 -All - Amending the Liquor Ordinance VI. FINANCE A. Liquor Fund Report as of 5/31/83 B. Claims Paid: Motion of , seconded by , for payment of the following Claims as per Pre -List: General Fund $182,406.01, Park Fund $49,994.54, Art Center $4,482.19, Swimming Pool $5,183.54, Golf Course Fund $19,548.30, Recreation Center $7,150.41, Gun Range $255.34, Water Works Fund $29,605.21, Sewer Fund $154,006.79, Liquor Fund $110,650.37, Construction $107,067.28, IBR Fund $4.00, Total $670,353.98 LOCATION MAP -FIq REZONING & SUBDIVISION NUMBER Z -83 -4 Vernon Development Co. S -83 -8 LOCATION 7208 Cahill Road. Generally located west of Cahill Road and south of Braemar Oaks Apartments. R E Q U E S T Overall Development Plan and Preliminary Plat EDINA PLANNING DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT JULY 27, 1983 Z -83 -4 Vernon.. Development Co., 7208 Cahill Road. Generally located west of Cahill. Road. and.,south of Braemar Oaks Apartments. S -83 -8 Preliminary Plat of Ohio Buckeye Condominiums Refer to: June 1, 1983, Staff report; Attached Overall Development Plan and Preliminary Plat The preliminary development plan for the subj2c; property was approved by the Commission .on June 1, 1983, and by the City Council on June 20, 1983. This approval was subject to the project being reduced from 36 units to 33 units in size. All other aspects of the project conformed with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. The proponents have now submitted an overall development plan for the project and are requesting final rezoning approval. A preliminary plat has also been submitted. A preliminary grading plan, utility layout, elevation drawings and a landscape plan and schedule have been included in the overall development plan - as- required -by -the Zoning - Ordinance. - - - - -- - - - - - Recommendation The proponents have returned with an overall development plan that responds to the direction of the City Council at the time of preliminary approval. - Staff's only criticism of this plan is the landscape element. Although many existing trees will be preserved on the site, nearly all are box elder and elm which are relatively short lived or disease prone. While we certainly encourage the preservation of these trees, we believe _ th -at_ additional overstor-y- trees would be appropriate.—'-we suggest the addition 'of ten such trees to the landscape schedule. Also, the size classification of white ash and sugar maple should be changed from 2 - 3" to 22 - 3" to avoid confusion. - Staff would also recommend approval of the preliminary plat subject to subdivision dedication. We suggest that a land dedication along the southerly property boundary should be required. Such a dedication would beneficially expand and square off Lewis Park. With the above conditions, we recommend final rezoning and preliminary plat approval. 0 I- . COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT JUNE 1, 1983 Z -83 -4 Vernon Development, Co., 7208 Cahill Road. Generally located west of Cahill Road and south of Braemar Oaks Apartments. Refer to: Attached Preliminary Development Plan The subject property measures 3.6 acres in area and is zoned R -2 Two Family Dwelling District. The site is bounded on the north by Braemar Oaks Apartments, on the west by a parcel recently rezoned to PRD -3 for Gittleman Corporation, and on the south by Lewis Park. Across the street to the east are industrial uses. The site is designated for medium density residential uses (6 -12 units /acre) by the Comprehensive Plan. The proponents are requesting a rezoning to PRD -3, Planned Residential District for the property. Preliminary development plans have been submitted which illustrate a 36 unit three story condominium building. Fifty underbuilding parking stalls and 22 exposed stalls will be provided on the site. Brick veneer is the primary exterior material. The proposed density for the development is 10.0 units per acre. Braemar Oaks Apartments is approximately 12 units per acre and the recently approved Gittleman project is 9.25 units per acre. The project appears to confrom with ordinance requirements as to setbacks, parking, building height, and so forth. Recommendation Staff believes that the project is compatible in scale and design with the multi - family housing in the area. The project likewise conforms with the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance. We are concerned with the proposed density of the site. As you know, the Council has been concerned with the density of multi - family developments in recent years. Although the site can easily accomodate the number of units requested, its density should not exceed that of the Gittleman project in order to be fair. Thus the project should be reduced to 33 units. Preliminary approval is recommended conditioned upon: 1. Acceptable overall development plans. (Grading plans and utility plans should be coordinated with the Gittleman project.) 2. Final Platting. SITE PLAN DATA xT�91TY _ w.�� unn�si�cl.c WIT TAT "O.bY� w/ Na Vwrgw to. LDQ:7 noV ` Z w ee • ieeow�'I '�w n la - Dn mDml�•"� M/ w1! IL OMiQ!. rlNKli7 1• CII�� � Tenti rrw..mo. vv otias ea�.a -LZ LbyCryIOC7 ��.ss4 w�. we'x. LI 1� Hi LU N W = Y Z. M 9 O Z. Q u wi 1' �.. A � �.a.., a•ai tas' aw 1w C• 14 IL MI �� , r•Ir��r s•v nM - OO wT � MYyI 'a• wR •�/ is ��••R`M •OM.M'A /�.vA MMI LI 1� Hi LU N W = Y Z. M 9 O Z. Q u wi 1' 1 ST FLOOR i i �nv� Allu rLVV11, �I N m 08, OU I� 3 -,-FRONT ELEVATION J►Fi MEVA1WN ' 11 11 _11 III !11 11 11_11 11 11 _II Ili - - -IVGKT °-E` A.T10N- - - - - -- _. -firE VATS! -- - N W d t� t i 1 1� Ott � _Z W 0? Of-) L4 F UNIT 3A I. I j . �Z �3 9 m O ou u MEMORANDUM TO: KENNETH ROSLAND, CITY MANAGER FROM: GORDON HUGHES, CITY PLANNER SUBJECT: AMENDMENT TO ZONING ORDINANCE - ACCESSORY DWELLING UNITS DATE: AUGUST 11, 1983 Attached is a draft amendment relative tol accessory apartments in the R -1 district. This amendment was prepared for Council consideration in connection with the request of John Victorsen for an accessory apartment at 4544 France Avenue. The draft amendment includes the recommendations of the Community Development and Planning Commission and attempts to respond to some of the issues expressed at the July 18', 1983 Council meeting. Specifically, the amendment requires the grant of a conditional use permit prior to the establishment of an accessory unit. Such a permit would be considered in a manner similar to a rezoning, i.e., Planning Commission review, mailed notices, development plan, and so forth. The Council could not approve a conditional use permit unless it found that the criteria stated in the ordinance had been met. In addition to the criteria recommended by the Commission, Staff recommends that 1) one of the dwelling units (i.e., either the principal dwelling unit or the _. accessory dwelling unit) must be owner occupied and 2) only dwellings built 4 --A&4w 1951 are eligible for a conditional use permit. Our present standards regarding R -2 districts were imposed in 1951. Presumably, buildings constructed after this date could have complied with the stated R-2 requirements. GH:jm Attachment ' 3570C(4):TSE:081083 1�-_ ORDINANCE NO. 811 -A AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE (NO. 811) TO PROVIDE FOR ACCESSORY DWELLING UNITS AS A CONDITIONAL USE IN THE R -1 DISTRICT AND TO DEFINE ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. Paragraph 2 of Section 3 of Ordinance No. 811 is hereby amended by adding a new subparagraph (d): "(d) Conditional Uses. Accessory dwelling units within single family detached dwellings shall only be allowed subject to the grant of a conditional use permit." 1. Petition Data. A petition for a conditional use permit shall be on a form prescribed by the City Planner, shall be signed by the owner of the lot to which the petition relates and shall be accompanied by the following data and information: (a) a site plan showing the location and dimensions of all buildings and other improvements on the lot to which the petition relates and all proposed additions to such buildings necessary to accommodate the proposed accessory dwelling unit; (b) a floor plan of all buildings on said lot showing the location, arrangement and floor area of existing uses and of the proposed accessory dwelling unit; (c) 'elevation drawings of all additions or enlargements to any such building necessary to accommodate the proposed accessory dwelling unit; and (d) any other information required, in the opinion of the City Planner, to evaluate the petition. 2. Community Development and Planning Commission Review and City Council Hearing. Petitions for conditional use permits shall be acted upon in the same manner as a transfer of land to another zoning district as provided for in Section 14 of this Ordinance except that only one hearing shall be required by the City Council. 3. City Council Decision. The City Council shall not grant a conditional use permit unless,it finds by a 3 /5th favorable vote the following: (a) the establishment, maintenance.or operation of the use will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, morals or welfare;. J 3570C(4) :TSE:081083 (b) the use will not cause undue traffic hazards or congestion; (c) the use will not be injurious to the use and enjoyment of, or decrease the value of, other property in the vicinity; (d) the use will not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of other property in the vicinity; (e) the use will not create an excessive burden on parks, streets and other public facilities; (f) the lot is designated by the then existing City of Edina Comprehensive Plan, as then amended, as low density attached residential; (g) the accessory dwelling unit is located within the principal use building and not separated or detached therefrom; (h) the floor area of the accessory dwelling unit is not less than 400 square feet and does not comprise more than 40% of the total floor area of the principal use building; M the accessory dwelling unit does not contain more than two bedrooms; (j) at least one enclosed parking space is provided for the accessory dwelling unit in addition to the offstreet parking required for the principal dwelling unit; (k) no more than one accessory dwelling unit is contained within the principal use building or lot; (1) any exterior stairways to serve the accessory dwelling unit are located in the rear of the principal use building and are completely enclosed; (m) only one exterior entrance is located on the front of the principal use building; (n) either the principal dwelling unit or the accessory dwelling unit is the legal domicile of the owner of the principal use building and lot; and (o) the principal use building was constructed prior to October 22, 1951. 4. Conditions and Restrictions. The Council findings made under items (g) through (n), inclusive, in paragraph 3 of this subparagraph (d) shall automatically be conditions and restrictions imposed upon the conditional use permit and the establishment, location, -2- 3570C(4) :TSE:081083 construction, maintenance, operation and use of the accessory dwelling unit. In addition, the Community Development and Planning Commission may recommend, and the City Council may impose, such other conditions and restrictions upon the establishment, location, construction, maintenance, operation and use of the accessory dwelling unit as deemed necessary for the protection of the public interest and to ensure compliance with the requirements of this ordinance. 5. Termination and Enforcement of Conditional Use Permit. (a) If within two years after the grant of a conditional use permit occupancy of the accessory dwelling unit has not commenced pursuant to the conditional use permit, the conditional use permit shall terminate and become null and void. (b) The City may enforce the provisions of paragraph 3 of this subparagraph (d), and of the conditions and restrictions imposed pursuant to paragraph 4 of this subparagraph (d), against any person violating or threatening to violate the same, by injunction or any other remedy available to City. Sec. 2. Definition of "Accessory Dwelling Unit." Section 12 (Definitions) of Ordinance No. 811 is amended by adding the following definition: "Accessory Dwelling Unit." An additional dwelling unit located within a single family residence in the R -1 district which is subordinate in size and function to the principal dwelling unit and allowed only by the grant of a conditional use permit. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage and publication. -3- U-04 rilte� m r, i •' �� I ►ill � �� r. s �w U LEY NUMBER B -83 -31 Gary S Barbara Haugen L O C A T 10 N 4717 Meadow Road Lot 14, White Oaks 5th Addition REQUEST 5.2 foot interior side yard variance EDINA PLANNING DEPARTMENT BOARD OF APPEALS AND ADJUSTMENTS STAFF REPORT JULY 21, 1983 B -83 -31 Gary and Barbara Haugen, 4717 Meadow Road Lot 14, White Oaks 5th Addition Refer to: Attached survey, area map, floor plan, building elevations and petition Request: 5.2 foot interior side yard variance. Mr. and Mrs. Haugen propose to convert the existing attached single car garage to living space, construct an addition in the rear of the old garage and construst a two car attached garage. The present garage maintains a 4.8 foot side yard from the north property line. A 5 foot yard is required for a garage and a 10 foot yard is required for living space. The converted garage and addition are proposed to maintain the same side yard as the existing structure. Therefore, the project requires a 5.2 foot side yard variance for a total length of 33 feet adjacent to the north property - line. The proposed addition will contain an expanded kitchen,. family room and three - season porch on the main floor and an expanded bedroom and 3/4 bath on the second floor. The new garage will be located on the south side of the dwelling and will replace the existing screen porch. The subject property is located at the north east corner of West 48th Street and Meadow Road. The lot is 65 feet wide and approximately 230 feet deep. The dwelling faces Meadow Road and the driveway enters the rear from West 48th Street. The proposed conversion and addition are located on the north side of the dwelling to take advantage of the views of the natural area west of Meadow Road. This subdivision has a somewhat unusual configuration with Meadow Road curving sharply around the natural area. The lot lines are platted roughly parallel. to West 48th Street and not perpendicular to the street frontage according to current subdivision standards. This produces an arrangement,- of dwellings stepped back incremental)y so that one dwelling is located foreward of the adjacent dwelling and the side of the dwelling is visible from the street. The subject dwelling has one of the larger projections in front of the northerly adjacent dwelling. This staggered relationship reduces the building area that is directly adjacent with the neighbors dwelling. Approxi.mately . 7 feet of the addition will be adjacent to the neighbor's house and the entire side of the dwelling will be visible from the street. The northerly adjacent dwelling maintains a 14 foot side yard for a total spacing of approximately 19 feet between structures. This spacing conpares with the ordinance standard of 20 feet and the neighborhood standard of 10 to 15 feet. 4 Board of Appeals and Adjustments Staff Report Page two The northerly adjacent dwelling, owned by Dale Crahm, at 4715 Meadow Road was the subject of a 21.5 foot front yard and 3 foot (north) side yard variance request in case No. B- 80 -41. This request was withdrawn without a hearing after several neighbors objected to the plans. Connor Schmid at 4711 Meadow Road was granted a 3.5 foot interior side yard variance permitted construction of a three - season porch with a 6.5 foot side. yard. Recommendation The Staff feels the proposed addition will be a substantial improvement to the ~ property and an asset on the neighborhood. The proposed side yard conforms to the neighborhood standards and should not have an adverse impact on the adjacent property. The total spacing between structures approaches currect standards and the staggered relationship of the dwellings somewhat reduces the need for full size side yards. The proposed design also conforms to the architecture of the existing dwelling. The Staff also considers the platting of the neighborhood and arrangement of dwellings an unusual circumstance that can be considered in a variance. The location of the existing structure can be considered an undue hardship justifying the location of the addition. Therefore, the Staff recommends approval of the variance with the following conditions: 1.) The variance is limited to the plans presented. 2.) The exterior materials of the addition match the exterior materials of the dwelling. WEST .P r uses Scale: I" = 40' 0 W Rrm E AN, FIELD A NOWAK 1 SURVEYORS 7415 WAYZATA BLVD. MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA EstAe. i�>> / o 4Dh !V ti ¢Sti�tiA Certificate of Survey for ERICKSON CONSTRUCTION z� -- ¢4..�0 --•- �tBS 130 eae. /s y�� ZO. Z p 000 '• 881.00 i 88f.00 1 Aeol / �G = 15, -71 �•R= /0.00 880.eo wE .5 r 868.65 if" - Line s fa kes-) b i Iv /97.07 a ^8 B9 n -'¢. oTe foundatiM 89. L¢ _v\ p - 890.44 �T' V 2.90 `? 0 V889.73 % �% ° -. IRON 235. /D„,E.vs. 235. 27 PL.9T m m �01� Note: Bearings shown are assumed Description: Lot: 14, WRITE OAKS 5TH ADDITION We hereby certify that this is a true and correct re resentation of a survey of the boundaries of the land above described and of the location of 21 buildings, if any, thereon, and all visible encroachments, if any, from or on said land. Dated this 3ot► day of Apri 1 0982 . E G A N, F I E L D & N 0 W A K, INC. Surve ors `Ale No. 3179 Book No. 2201 -70 i� N- SCALE: I °= 40' VVES ► 47TH STREET 70 �o SURVEY FOR: Donald McMillan 'f�O DESCRIPTION: Lot 25, "Auditor's Su.ldi:-isior Nc. 319, Hennepin County, Minnesota" 1'Je hereby certify that this is a true and correct representation of a survey of the boundaries of the land above described and of the loca- tion of all buildings, if any, thereon, and all visible encroachments, if any, from or on said land. Dated this 7th day of May, 1950. EGAN, FIELD & MVAK, INC. A7 Surveyors Nlinnesota Registration No. y053 -- WEST.- 48TH STREET W z w W I U I Z Q I rr L l PETITION FOR VARIANCE _ Case Numb j Date 6r4- Fee Paid • �� 7 Applicant Gf�('�R fA�� Phone Z7 02--7 2 Address 42 '� M ELDC (_0 P—eC, ft-0 zip Status of Applicant (owner, buyer, agent, etc.): LL Legal Description: g p L D r Street Address: G} 7 I M pn L4-) l.�e�VC'f Piti(�.� /� r�� Request: '1 Y� � to l to h ' ', �-{- ,,Minnesota statutes and EA)na ordinances req satisfied affirmatively. uire that the following conditions must be The proposed variance will: (if yes, please explain. Use additional sheets if neces- sary.) a) Relieve an undue hardship which was not self - imposed or a mere convenience. b) Correct extraordinary circumstances applicable to this property, but not applicable to other property in the:. vicinity or zoning district. c). Preserve a substantial property right possessed by other property in the vicinity and zoning district. d) Not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property in the vicinity or zoning district. * Please furnish '6 (six) copies of all plans. Yes No EX ei � Signature of Applicant August 1, 1983 TO: City Clerk Edina City Hall 4801 W. 50th Street Edina., Minnesota 55424 From: Dale and Joyce Grahn 4715 Meadow Road Edina, Minnesota 55424 Re: B- 83-31 Gary and Barbara Haugen 4717 Meadow Road Lot 146 'White Oaks 5th Addition After participation in the Flaming Board Meeting for the'City of Edina on July 21, 1983, and receiving subsequent information form Mr. Harold Sands, Edina Planning Department, regarding the structural and drainage character- istics of the proposed addition to the property at 4717 Meadow Road, we do not find adequate assurances that certain potential inherent problems regarding the above mentioned project can be controlled. In light of the insufficiency of information covering this situation, we request and appellate review by the full Edina City Council regarding the City Plan Board decision granting a variance for this project. It is our hope that through this additional study of the problems regarding the proposed project that more substantive information can be presented to guarantee a mutually beneficial result for all concerned parties. -77 CC: Mr. Sands Edina Plan Board ASSOCIATES July 28, 1983 Mr. Harold Sands Planning Department Edina City Hall 4801 W. 50th Street Edina, MDT 55424 Re: Site Inspection Dear Mr. Sands: At the request of architect Mike Neaton, I have made an inspection of the property located at 4717 Meadow Drive owned by Gary and Barbara Haugen. The Haugen's and Mr. Neaton are preparing a preliminary plan for the remodeling of the Haugen's home which will have an impact on the existing drainage pattern on their lot. Concerns have been expressed regarding increased runoff to adjoining properties. While there will be an increase in the impervious area due to a larger roof area dnd bituminous driveway, it is possible to control the drainage by means of surface inlets and underground piping which will redirect the drainage to the southwest portion of the Haugen's property and then into the street. The proposed roof pitches should also help to redirect the runoff to areas where there will be inlets or where the drainage will flow overland within the Haugen's property. One additional area of concern is with the location of the driveway and entrance to the garage. Two.options are presently available. The first would be to locate the driveway in the same area as it presently exists with the garage opening to the south. This location would result in the least amount of disruption to the existing lot and would allow easier handling of the drainage from the flat roof over the garage and bituminous driveway. The second option would be to relocate the driveway approximately 50 feet to the east of its present location with a curved driveway entering the garage on the east side of the house. Relocating the driveway would result in removal of existing bushes and disruption to a large area of the existing lot. Drainage from the driveway would have to be collected in inlets and discharged through underground piping. I understand that all plans are preliminary at this time. Once the pre- liminary plan is approved, I will work with Mr. Neaton and the Haugen's on the specific details of the drainage plan including piped drainage and overland flow. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, AYRES ASSOCIATES Robert J. rpahl, E. CC: Mike Neaton and Gary and Barbara Haugen Owen Ayres & Associates Inc Engineers I Architects I Planners I Surveyors 700 Transfer Rd., St. Paul, MN 55114, (612) 644 -0604 n tD Report Submitted to the Edina City Council, August 15, 1983 By Gary and Barbara Haugen, 4717 Meadow Road The following is a record of the contacts made with Dale and Joyce Grahn in a effort to reconcile differences. July 9 Gary Haugen took a preliminary copy of the house plans to Dale Grahn and explained them. In addition, he showed him where the building would be located on the property and walked him through the space. Dale kept that copy of the plans and still has them in his possession. July 11 Joyce Grahn called and left a message requesting a meeting. As soon as Barbara Haugen returned home, she tried to reach her but was unsuccessful. That night Gary Haugen called Dale Grahn to confirm the time of the meeting and also answered further questions about the proposal. July 15 There was a two -hour meeting with the Grahns with the final copy of the plans. They kept the plans overnight. July 21 Planning Commission hearing which both Haugens attended. The drainage issue was raised here for the first time. July 27 An engineer examined the Haugen property in order to submit a drainage proposal. July 28 Gary Haugen called Dale Grahn to tell him of the engineer's visit and to ask if there were any other questions we could answer. July 29 The engineer's letter of intent was delivered to the Grahn's. The son was the only one at home and he was told to encourage his parents to call if there were any questions. July 31 Gary Haugen called Dale Grahn and was told the engineer's letter was sufficient for their needs. Again Gary Haugen asked if there was anything else we could explain, and Dale Grahn said there was not. At this time, Gary Haugen also offered to take any suggestions they might have for shrubbery between the two houses. T_ Board of Appeals and Adjustments July 21, 1983 Meeting Page 3 B -83-31 Gary and Barbara Haugen, 4717 Meadow Road Lot 14, White Oaks.5th Addition Mr. Sand reported that Mr. and Mrs. Haugen propose to convert the exist- ing attached single car garage to living space, construct an addition in the rear of the old garage and construct a two car attached garage. The present garage maintains a 4.8 foot side yard from the north property line. A 5 foot yard is required for a garage and a 10 foot yard is required for liv- ing space. The converted garage and addition are proposed to maintain the same side yard as the existing structure. Therefore, the project requires a 5.2 foot side yard variance for a total length of 33 feet adjacent to the north property line. The.proposed addition will contain an expanded kitchen, famsly room and three season porch on the main floor and an expanded bedroom and 3/4 bath on the second floor. The new garage will be located on the south side of the dwelling and will replace the existing screen porch. He noted that, the subject property is located at the north east corner of West 48th Street and Meadow Road. The lot is 65 feet wide and approximat- ely 230 feet deep. The dwelling faces Meadow Road and the driveway enters the rear from West 48th Street. The proposed conversion and addition are located on the north side of the dwelling to take advantage of the views of the natural area west of Meadow Road. This subdivision has a somewhat unusual configuration, Mr. Sand explained, with Meadow Road curving sharply around the natural area. The lot lines are platted roughly parallel to West 48th Street and not perpendicular to the street frontage according to current subdivision standards. This produces an arrange- ment of dwellings stepped back incrementally so that one dwelling is located forward of the adjacent dwelling and the side of the dwelling is visible from the street. The subject dwelling has one of the larger projections in front of the northerly adjacent dwelling. This staggered relationship reduces the building area that is directly adjacent with the neighbors dwelling. Approxi- mately 7 feet of the addition will be adjacent to the neighbors house and the entire side of the dwelling will be visible from the street. The northerly ad- jacent dwelling maintains a 14 foot side yard for a total spacing of approxi- mately 19 feet between structures. This spacing compares with the ordinance standard of 20 feet and the neighborhood standard of 10 to 15 feet. The northerly adjacent dwelling, owned by Dale Grahn, at 4715 Meadow Road was the subject of a 21.5 foot front yard and 3 foot (north) side yard vari- ance request in Case No. B- 80 -41. This request was withdrawn without a hear- ing after several neighbors objected to the plans. Board of Appeals and Adjustments (Continued) July 21, 1983 Meeting Page 4 Mr. Sand added that Connor Schmid at 4711 Meadow Road was granted a 3.5 foot interior side yard variance permitted construction of a three season porch with 6.5 foot side yard. Mr. Sand feels the proposed addition will be a substantial improve- ment to the property and an asset on the neighborhood. The proposed side yard conforms to the neighborhood standards and should not have an adverse impact on the adjacent property.. The total spacing between structures approaches current standards and the staggered relationship of the dwel- lings somewhat reduces the need for full size side yards. The proposed design also conforms to the architecture of the existing dwelling. He explained that the staff "also considers the platting of the neighborhood and arrangement of dwellings an unusual circumstance that can be consider- ed in a variance. The location of the existing structure can be consider- ed an undue hardship justifying the location of the addition. Therefore, Mr. Sand recommends approval of the variance with the following conditions: 1.) The variance is limited to the plans presented. 2.). The exterior materials of the addition match the exterior materials of the dwelling. Mr. Sand""noted that the pro ponents were present to answer any questions. Mrs. Grahn, 4715 Meadow Road was also present. She objected to the variance explaining that the new addition would allow their primary living space to look directly into their living room. She expressed her concern of water drainage on to her property. She told the Board that she had en- gaged the same architect as the Haugen's'to evaluate her property. She suggested that until she could meet with this architect, the meeting should be held over so that a further study of these concerns could be made and a possible solution reached. Mr. Haugen presented sere pictures. He stated that he was not aware.of any drainage problem and agreed, however, that a compromise could be worked out with his neighbor regarding the privacy. He felt that it should be dealt between the two parties and not the Board. He noted that the other neighbors were in agreement with the plan. Mrs. Grahn argued that a large hardship would be imposed on herself and her husband and a delay should be imposed. She felt a compromise could be reached after some study. Mrs. Haugen noted that the architect when advising the Haugen's had everyone's best interest in mind. She concluded that if there were a drain- age problem, it would only be improved with the new remodeling. A delay could possibly cause the remodeling work to linger too far into the cold weather. Board of Appeals and Adjustments - July 21, 1983 Meeting (Continued) Page 5 Mr. Mike Lewis suggested that some of the water problem would be hand- led by the present vegetation and Mr. Johnson also suggested that more vegi- tation could be planted -to help further. Gordon Johnson reminded everyone that there was a ten day appeal period after the granting of a variance and a possible compromise could be negoti- ated in that time after the Grahns had met with the architect. Mr. Lewis was encouraged that the Grahns had hired the same architect as the Haugens. He felt this displayed a willingness to reach a compromise and that with some discussion between the two parties, any questions or prob- lems could be cleared up. Mr. Gordon Johnson commented that the drainage problem would decrease with the proposed plan. Mr. Haugen stated that they would be willing to submit drainage plans drawn by an engineer with. the building plans.- They feel their building plans are the best solution to the problem. They would be 4.Illing to work out any problems with the Grahns. Mr. Lewis moved for deferral until the August 4th meeting. Del Johnson seconded the motion. Mrs. McClelled asked if this was a one story addition. Mrs. Haugen noted that there was a second story. She then questioned the location of the windows. Upon discussion, Mrs. McClelland noted that the time spent in the kitchen was not enough to infringe on the privacy of the Grahn's living room because_ the windows were not directly across from each other. She sug- gested that the Engineer.n Department way assist them with the drainage prob- lem and that would;�I�e necessary too come back for a formal meeting with the Board. Del Johnson disagreed. He felt that this addition is major and time should be taken in order to allow the surrounding neighbors to understand the changes. Mrs. McClelled noted that there was the 10 day appeal period and both parties were working with the same architect. Mrs. Grahn explained that they themselves were planning on doing some re- modeling. Gordon Johnson reminded her that any plans to remodel should be treated separately from the Haugen's proposal. They would be reviewed on an individual basis. Mr. Lewis agreed with Mrs. McClelland that a compromise should be able to be reached within the 10 day appeal period. He withdrew his motion for de- ferral until August 4. Del Johnson seconded the withdrawl motion. Mrs. McClelled moved for approval of the variance request subject to a meeting between the neighbors at which time the drainage and privacy issues would be reviewed and any changes in the plans be presented to the Planning Department for approval. Mr. Lewis seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion carried. ASSOCIATES August 15, 1983 Edina City Council Edina City Hall 4801 W. 50th St. Edina, MN 55424 Re: Haugen Property Drainage Dear Council Members: I have been working with residential designer Mike Neaton in developing a surface water drainage plan for the property at 4717 Meadow Drive owned by Gary and Barbara Haugen. I have attached an exhibit showing two alternative drainage schemes. One alternative shown by a dashed line would incorporate inlets and underground piping for surface water removal while the second would utilize drainage swales and yard grading for overland drainage of runoff. The preferred alternative is to provide surface drainage of runoff from the proposed patio area south across the proposed driveway and then west along the south side of the residence to Meadow Drive. Sincerely, Owen Ayres & Associates, Inc. Robert J. Vo pahl, P. RJV /pso encl. Owen Ayres & Associates Inc Engineers I Architects / Planners 1 Surveyors 700 Transfer Rd., St. Paul, MN 55114, (612) 644.0604 100 PAT-10 0 INLE I r 99-1 EXIST. HCU-5E i ADDITION IZAIL F- T DRIVEWAY 75 OUTSET_ /PF 5a 0 SWAAE 9 go f2 0 DTI' io% /01 .4 /IVF— pl" lot 4 )�- 10 %_ ,"� -N- 5/3 2 0 OWEN AYRES & ASSOCIATES INC ST. PAUL. MINNESaTA We, as residents of the White Oaks neighborhood, have no objections to the proposed building plans of Gary and Barbara Haugen, 4717 Meadow Road, and support their request for a variance. �4 /S '� o � '� ��� � 41 "—' vo1 CAA S�. lyi f 17-?©-34/9.3 cJaa -y7/1 -] -D /" TC LC.' Gw `Cis -F�4 J�' (Y REQUEST FOR PURCHASE TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bob Kojetin, Director, Park and Recreation Dept. VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE OF ITEM IN EXCESS OF $5,000 DATE: August 11, 1983 Material Description (General Specifications): Highlands Park Playground Equipment - Installed Quotations /Bids: Com any Earl F. Anderson & Assoc. 9864 James Circle Bloomington, MN 55431 2. Hamele Recreation P.O. Box 256 Hamel, Minnesota 55340 3. Department Recommendation: Earl F. Anderson & Assoc Finance Director's Endorsement: The recommended bid is ✓ is not Amount of Ouote or Bid $7,283.00 $7,450.00 within the amount budget for the purchase. wtir J. N. Dalen, Finance Director City aaer's Endorsement: 1. I concur with the recommendation of the Department and recommend Council approve the purchase. 2. I recommend as an alternative: j TO: ..Mayor and City Council FROM: Bob Kojetin, Director, Park and Recreation VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City flanager SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE OF ITE14 IN EXCESS OF $5,000 DATE: August 15, 1983 Material Description (General Specifications): Kiln room building at Art Center Quotations /Bids: Company 10 Peak Construction Co. 6103 Arctic Way Edina, MN 55436 2. Lar's Remodeling 5556 Dupont Avenue South Mpls MN 3. Department Recommendation: Peak-Construction Co. - $7,550 Finance Director °s Endorsement: The recommended bid is is not Amount of Quote or Bid $7,550- $8,000 within the amount budget for the purchase. J. N. Dalen, Finance Director City Man _er's Endorsement: 1. I concur with the. recommendation of the Department and recommend Council approve the purchase. 2. I recommend as an alternative: ILL �(V LJI IUI( t'Ut(l.i lli�L TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Francis Hoffman, City Engineer VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Hanauer SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PURCHASE OF 'ITEM IN EXCESS OF $5,000 DATE: August 12, 1983 Material Description (General Specifications): Zuppkewood.Addition Utilities - Sanit'ary Sewer and Watermain Service Extensions , Quotations /Bids: -Cum any Contracting, Inc. 2. Kirkwold Construction Company. 3. Department P.ecomendation: G. L.-Contracting, Inc. Amobnt of Quote or Bid $8399.00 Public Works •I Signa a Engineers, - Department Finance Director's Endorsement: The recommended bid is is not within the amount budget for the purchase. J. N. Da en, inance Director Cityr(Glanaaer's Endorsement: 1. I concur with the recoinnendation of the Department and recommend Council a the purchase. approve 2. I recommend as an alternative: th Rosland, City f•lanager �O MINUTES TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE AUGUST 9, 1983 9:00 A.M. Members present: Fran Hoffman, Chairman Alison Fuhr Lois Coon Gordon Hughes Members absent: Craig Swanson Others present: Mr. Cramer, Parkwood Road Capt. Kleven, Edina Police Department Richard Rude, Heritage Court Apartments SECTION A Requests on which the Committee recommends approval as requested or modified, and the Council's authorization of recommended action. NONE. SECTION B Requests on which the Committee recommends denial of request. 1. Request for "STOP" signs at the intersection of Parkwood Road and Londonderry Road. (Request held over from July meeting pending additional traffic studies.) Request made by Mr. Paul Cramer, 6512 Parkwood Road. ArTMKI TRVCAI. Mr. Hoffman reported that his Department had conducted a traffic volume count on Parkwood Road near Schaefer Road and on Dovre Drive west of Parkwood Lane. Additionally, a "license plate" survey was conducted to determine if significant thru traffic was coming from Lincoln Drive traveling through the area to Blake Road or vice versa. The results indicate a.volume of approximately 700 vehicles a day traveling Parkwood Road in the area in question., The volume was felt to be consistent with neighborhood traffic volumes. The license plate survey was conducted .during peak traffic hours looking for "thru commuter traffic." The results indicate approximately 5q.of the traffic surveyed on Parkwood Road could be characterized as non - neighborhood thru traffic. Additionally, Capt. Kleven indicated that speed surveys show a typical traffic speed pattern for Parkwood Road. Mr. Cramer commented that the speed survey may be somewhat erroneous in that motorists could see the survey vehicle I Traffic Safety Committee Minutes Page 2 August 9, 1983 and possibly altered their driving habits. After further discussion on the use of.other traffic diverting devices, Mr. Hughes moved that the Committee recommend denial of the "STOP" sign request due to a lack of warrants. Mrs. Coon seconded the motion. Motion carried 4 -0. SECTION C Requests which are deferred to a later date or referred to others. 1. Request for traffic control signal at the Fire Station on Tracy Avenue. (Request continued from July meeting to determine if the project would be budgeted and /or if rearrangement of vehicles could solve some of the problem.) Request made by Acting Fire Chief William Feck.. A ^ rTAkI TA 1 /x111 _ Mrs. Coon recommended that the item be tabled and Mr. Hoffman correspond with the Fire Department on the Committee's concern. Mr. Hughes.seconded the motion. Motion carried 4 -0. 2. Mrs. Mary Thatcher, 5309 Halifax Avenue South, requests parking restriction considerations on areas around the neighborhood due to Grace Church Sunday morning traffic (see attached letter). .ACTION TAKEN: Mr. Hughes reported that Grace Church would be able to attend our next meeting. Also, due to the fact that Mrs. Thatcher could not attend this meeting, Mr. Hughes moved that this matter be continued until the September meeting. Mrs. Coon seconded the motion. Motion carried 4 -0. 3. Mr. Richard Rude of Heritage Court Apartments appeared before the Committee and was referred to Public Works for resolution of his problem. Alison Fuhr moved that the meeting be adjourned. Motion seconded by Gordon Hughes. Motion carried 4 -0. Respectfully submitted, Edina Traffic Safety Committee TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Francis Hoffman, City Engineer VIA: Kenneth Rosland, City Manager SUBJECT: Minnehaha Creek — Cascade Lane The Engineering Department has completed the checks of the USGS information supplied to the City by the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District. The process involved re- surveying several creek bottom sections in the area of Cascade Lane. The only .sections surveyed that indicated some difference between 1974 and now were:. Area east of Highway 100 bridge, a section thru the Cascade structure.and previously dredged area this past winter. Those observations prompt the following conclusions: A. The City Council should submit a petition pursuant to Minnesota Statutes for some dredging work in the Cascade area. B. Serious consideration given to the removal of the Cascade structure, with the understanding that it may have some historical value. C. Consideration be given to allow.some slight berming at the property owner's discretion along the creek where backyard flooding has occurred. This does not mean changing the system to a point where back yards are totally flood- proofed. The City Staff will present additional.data at the next Council meeting with the objective of .being able'to present a position.to the Minnehaha Creek Watershed Board on Thursday, August 18th. FJH:Im 8/12/83 AHq Y � CJ yED D MIPJPJEHAHA CREEK LAKE WATERSHED DISTRICT P.O. Box 387, Wayzata, Minnesota 55391 MINNESDTA RIVER BOARD OF MANAGERS: David H. Cochran, Pres. • Albert L. Lehman • John E. Thomas • Barbaro R. Gudmundson • Michael R. Carroll July 21, 1983 Mr. Fran Hoffman, City Engineer City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Re: Minnehaha Creek /Cascade Area Dear Mr. Hoffman: I have requested and received existing survey data for the creek channel between West 50th Street and West 44th Street from the USES. This data is from a 1974 survey performed by the USGS in conjunction with the City of Edina FIA Study. The USGS cross- sections were received in the form of HEC -2 computer model print -out. I have plotted the cross- sections on the attached prints numbered 1 through 3. Also attached is a plan view of the area showing the location of each cross - section. Since the FIA water surface profiles are based upon these cross - sections, it would seem appropriate to determine whether or not the creek channel sections and profile have changed substantially at these locations since 1974. At present, it seems appropriate to limit survey work to that area covered by USGS cross- section Nos. 9 through 14. If it is found that the creek channel has not substantially changed since 1974, in terms of hydraulic capacity, it is my opinion that the District would not support a proposal to dredge the creek, with the exception of Highway 10U right -of -way. In the event conditions have changed significantly, the feasibility of dredging may be investigated further. You will note that the USGS survey did not identify the centerline of the channel. The channel alignment has instead been located by left and right bank stationing. The stationing, as I have been advised, is arbitrary and not tied to zero point. This will present some difficulty in locating the section locations in the field. V Mr. Fran Hoffman Page Two July 21, 1983 Also, as a reminder, cross-section Nos. 14 and 15 have been modified by the West 44th Street dredging project. The cross- sections on print Nos. 1 through 3 do not show the change. Should you have any questions at this time, please call me at 473 -4224. Very truly yours; EUGENE A. HICKOK AND ASSOCIATES Engineers for the District Michael A. Panzer, P.E. bt cc: Board G. Macomber Margaret Francis ,. HA cgFF� i► N . Q ED � 111111\11\1 E CIA HA CREEK LAKE WATERSHED DISTRICT P.O. Box 387, Wayzata, Minnesota 55391 BOARD OF MANAGERS: David H. Cochran, Pres.. Albert L. Lehman . John E. Thomas . Barbara R. Gudmundson . Michael R. Carroll MEMORANDUM TO: Board of Managers Minnehaha Creek Watershed District FROM: Gary R. Macomber DATE: August 15, 1983 RE: Cascade Lane Area /Structural Measures Our File No. 3305 -001 1. Purpose You have requested us to: (1) Advise you whether the District has a legal obligation to undertake structural protective measures along Minnehaha Creek in the Cascade Lane area of the City of Edina to protect properties in that vicinity from overb ank flow under high water conditions on Lake Minnetonka; and (2) Summarize the methods by which the District might act to either undertake, or coordinate undertaking, a project in the vicinity, whether or not it has a legal obligation to do so. 2. Facts Our analysis is based on the following facts. The prior fixed -crest dam at Gray's Bay regulated discharge from Lake Minnetonka into Minnehaha Creek from its construction in the 1890's until 1979. In the late 1960's and early 1970's, floodplain studies by the City of Edina and by the District identified those land areas beyond the banks of the creek which would, under normal conditions, be innundated by creek flows which have a probability of occurrence each year of 10%` and 1$ (customarily referred to as the "10 year floodplain" and the "100 year,floodplain," respectively). Recent investigation indicates that the residences in the Cascade Lane area which have experienced high water conditions this past spring are constructed below the 100 year floodplain elevation of Minnehaha Creek and that one home is constructed below the 10 year floodplain elevation. It appears that all homes were constructed before the existence of floodplain regulation by the City of Edina, and prior to formation of the Watershed District. The flow in Minnehaha Creek is primar -ily dependent upon weather conditions and /or discharge from Lake Minnetonka. Prior to 1979, discharge from Lake Minnetonka varied with the lake level and the height of water flowing over the Old Gray's Bay Dam. Under normal conditions, discharge from Lake Minnetonka exceeded the carrying capacity of the creek channel, in limited reaches of the creek, when the lake level was above the Ordinary High Water level (OHW) of 929.4. Since 1979, when the control structure became operational, discharge from Lake Minnetonka has been regulated to reduce the occurrence of flooding, to the maximum practical extent, in accordance with the management policy adopted by the Board of Managers. The control structure at Gray's Bay provides a degree of flood control benefit which did not exist with the prior dam. It provides the ability to reduce the creek's use of its , floodplain (overbank flow) for a range of lake levels most frequently encountered exceeding the ordinary high water level and approaching 930.0. It does not provide flood control benefit when lake elevations reach or exceed 930.0; under those circumstances, flow is roughly comparable to or slightly less than that which would have occurred with the prior fixed -crest structure. Operational policy for the control structure provides that the District operates the structure to reduce overbank flow, while the lake is within the physical limits of control. When lake levels approach historic high water levels (and the physical limits of control) the creek will begin to utilize its natural floodplain, which it would have done earlier with the prior fixed -crest structure. 3. Legal Obligation to Provide Structural Protection These facts would indicate that the low properties in the Cascade Lane area would experience overbank flow as a result of high water conditions on Lake Minnetonka if the old Gray's Dam -2- structure were still in place. If the operation of the new control structure does not generally cause the creek to utilize its floodplain more often than previously, as a result of the discharge from Lake Minnetonka, it is our judgment that the District is not legally obligated to provide protective measures or respond in damages to the low -lying properties. A legal obligation to provide structural protective measures or respond in damages could arise if the board operates, or adopted a policy to operate, the control structure negligently, or if it operates the structure in a way that creates a nuisance or which would constitute a constitutional "taking" of private property. We do not act as counsel for the City of Edina and we express no opinion regarding whether it may have any legal liability under these circumstances. 4. Methods by Which the Board Can Act The Watershed Act and applicable special laws create a number of mechanisms which could be utilized to undertake a project. In all cases, the feasibility of structural measures would need to be determined by hydraulic studies to evaluate the effect of such structures on creek water surface profiles, both upstream and downstream of the affected channel reach. A. Legal Mechanisms to Undertake a Project. 1. Petition for a project "conforming with" the District's overall plan. The City of Edina could petition the District to undertake a project "conforming in general with the [District's overall] plan." If the project "affects lands exclusively within" the City of Edina, the petition must originate from the City. . 2. Resolution of the Board of Managers. The managers may on their own initiative, by unanimous resolution, institute a project . If at least one half of the cost is paid by "grants," a majority of the board may initiate a project. 3. Joint and Cooperative Agreement. The managers could enter into a joint powers agreement with the City of Edina, similar to the agreement under which work was performed for the West 44th Street dredging project. B. Financing Mechanisms. Methods of financing a project which are available to the board are as follows: 1. Special assessment against benefited properties. -3- 2. Use of the Administrative Fund, if the board determines that a project is "of common benefit to the District." 3. Use of Water Maintenance & Repair Fund, if the board determines that a project is for "maintenance, repair, restoration, upkeep and rehabilitation of any public watercourse." Whether a particular project or a portion thereof could properly be financed by any of these methods would have to be determined by the managers after reviewing a specific project proposal in light of the statutory language. 0427o -4- RESOLUTION REQUESTING MINNEHAHA CREEK DREDGING WHEREAS, re- ocurring high water conditions on Minnehaha Creek near Cascade Lane have caused problems for the residents on Cascade Lane, and WHEREAS, the residents of Cascade Lane have requested that the City of Edina assist in seeking a resolution to their problem, and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the data presented to them concerning the Browndale Dam, the Highway 100 Bridge, the Cascade Lane structure, the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District's new overbanking policy, and Minnehaha Creek bottom cross - sections, and WHEREAS, the City Council strongly supports the policy of preventing overbank_. flow conditions during discharges from Gray's Bay Dam, and WHEREAS, the Minnehaha Creek in the area of Cascade Lane appears to have some silting problems in the creek; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of Edina petitions the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District to dredge as necessary in the Cascade Lane area of Minnehaha Creek. PETE V. DOMENICI, N. MEX.. CHAIRMAN WILLIAM L. ARMSTRONG. COLO. LAWTON CHILES. FLA. NANCY LANDON KASSEBAUM. KANS. ERNEST F. HOLLINGS, S.C. RUDY BOSCHWITZ, MINN. JOSEPH R. EIDEN. JR.. DEL ORRIN G. HATCH, UTAH J. SENNETT JOHNSTON. LA. JOHN TOWER, TEX. JIM SASSER, TENN. MARK ANDREWS, N. DAK. GARY HART, COLO. STEVEN D. SYMMS, IDAHO HOWARD M. METZENBAUM. OHIO CHARLES GRASSLEY. IOWA DONALD W. RIEGLE, JR.. MICH. ROBERT W. KASTEN. WIS. DANIEL PATRICK MOYNIHAN. N.Y. DAN QUAYLE. IND. J. JAMES EKON, NEBR. SLADE GORTON, WASH. STEPHEN BELL. STAFF DIRECTOR RICHARD N. BRANDON. MINORITY STAFF DIRECTOR UL3 mted �tates senate COMMITTEE ON THE BUDGET WASHINGTON, D.C. 20510 August 9, 1983 The Honorable C. Wayne Courtney Mayor of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Dear Mayor Courtney: This is to confirm our meeting scheduled for Monday, August 15, at 8 p.m. I'm looking forward to visiting with you and learning more about the Edina area and your local needs in the hope that Rudy can be of some aid in your dealings with the federal government. Please give me a call at 612/221 -0904 or 800/652 -9771 (toll free) if you have any questions prior to our meeting. Sincerely, 1;V011 Tom Merickel Field Representative RB /tm cc: Kenneth Rosland MUM` • 0_1� REPORT ON TASK FORCE II A brief historical perspective: . In 1972 concerns from Edina residents and school staff led to the formation of a task force to study problems facing Edina's young people. Out of this task force came Edina Youth Action, a counseling service for youth and their families. Continued community concern and citizen action led to the development of Project CHarlie, a chemical abuse prevention program. In 1980 a task force composed of 25 community members convened to take another look at problems of our youth in Edina. Based on the recommendations of that task force, the following steps were implemented: '1. A full -time chemical health coordinator was hired for school and community. '"2. The Advisory Committee on Chemicals, a sub - committee of the Human Relations Commission was established. 3. Edina School Board reviewed current policies and proceedures as to their impact on prevention and implemented student assistance program. 4. Edina Community Center was established. 5. Peer -Ed group was formed. -6. Project CHarlie was implemented in Junior High. 7. Edina Families in Action, an outgrowth of PAR was started. 8. The media campapign that was recommended has yet to be implemented, however, mention should be made that the Sun paper has given considerable coverage to PAR, Task Forces, citizen concerns and has a weekly column on chemical awareness. In January, 1983 Task Force II (actually III) convened, once again at the concern of several community members. This task force is composed of 40 leaders from every segment of the community. Task Force II is building upon recommendations of the previous task forces and, in addition, is focusing on further solutions to the chemical problems which unfortunately still exist. Task Force II met January through March under the guidance of Rich Neuner, Director of the Minnesota Prevention Resource Center. The first session set' the format for the next seven sessions. 1. "State of the Art" in chemical health problem prevention - two guest speakers. a. Jerry Jaker - also from Minnesota Prevention Resource Center gave us an historical perspective of prevention and we traced its evolution to the present public health model that communities are now using. Jerry suggested that we look at the kinds of things that are working in other communities. b. Peter Bell, noted authority on prevention, spoke most eloquently about social policy. That is, when a community has clear rules, norms and standards, communicates them clearly and holds rule - breakers accountable, their chemical problems will be minimized. He also suggested that the easiest way to arrive at concensus was to agree on what would not be acceptable, rather than what was. 2. What is the problem in Edina? How does it show up? What are the effects? Many members of the community were interviewed at random. Task Force II Report - page 2. 3. Review - what have we done to date? (Quite a bit). How do we feel about it? What's missing? 4. What's possible? (We came up with fifty ideas). 5• & 6. Two sessions were needed to prioritize and categorize all these ideas to get them into a workable state. The nine priorities: Develop a more creative and effective way of reaching out to tro bled families. Develop programs that emphasize the involvement of entire f lies as opposed to separating the family unit. Develop a family communication network with guide lines for parents in preventing problems and increase efforts to make parents m e accountable for their role in prevention. . Increase efforts to develop positive peer pressure away from inappropriate drug use, including peer leadership programs and adoles e involvement in volunteer activities. Take steps to make young people more accountable for the climat of the school. Develop a full *emester course on chemical health for students. Develop a teen center'at the community center. Efforts to clarify and communicate social norms regarding chemical use in the community, including "counter advertising" cam- paigns wit preventive messages about chemical health. Provide training for teachers on identifying and re- sponding to chemical use problems, including a perspective on the role of teachers in enforcement. 7. (session) - We divided into three sub - committees to work on the above priorities and committed to work through the summer and to meet as an entire group on Sept. 29th. Sub - Committees I. School and Youth: focus in two areas. A. Primary focus is the inservice training for Edina School's staff on youth and chemical- health related issues. With this broad - based objective in mind, the committee is planning a half day or full day inservice program (depending on available time allotment) on the subject of "growing up in the eighties," in which we will explore the changing influences on youth and families, examine how the pressures and problems of young people in this decade are different and /or similar to those past, and look at the implications of this for future education. The committee is currently looking at speakers and other media presentations that would keynote this concept, as well as presenters on specific subjects related to youth issues. Many ideas and people are now being considered, including a skit by the Edina Theatre Company and a panel of Edina Public School's pupils, class of 1954, 1649 '74, 184. We are currently targeting for the February 17, 1984 inservice day. B. A secondary concern of the committee is to examine the climate of the high school in such areas student - teacher relationships Task Force II Report - page 3. and relevancy of curriculum, with the idea of seeking areas of success, as well as areas for improvement. One possible way of doing this is through a student - initiated survey, and this is being explored further by some members of this committee. II. Families: This committee made the decision in its first session to work with the existing structure and programs of Edina rather than to institute yet another program. The first objective that they are working on emphasizes involvement of the whole family. A. Purpose: 1. Parents in community would get to know one another better. 2. To promote communication within the family as well as between families. 3. Common concerns are more likely to be shared and positive values reinforced. 4. To bring.about long range impact on peer culture. B. Implementation: To encourage existing community groups to include a family activity as part of their present program; i.e. picnic, evening at the Y, pot luck dinner. The members of this committee have divided up the presentations and are presently contacting organizations, churches, schools, etc. To date, the concept has met with great enthusiasm. III. Sbcial Norms: This committee agreed it did not want to attempt to set standards for either parents or young people, but rather to zero in on what seemed to be a problem area and then agree on some inappropreiate behavior within that problem area. The one area specifically targeted to date is kids drinking at keggers and beer parties at homes in Edina. A poster is in the works which depicts a father dropping his kids off at a kegger. The poster reads: Don't drive your kids to drink or let kids drink at your place. It's illegal It's dangerous You are liable We are targeting distribution for the beginning of school in Sept. Report prepared by Judi Heidkamp from material submitted by task force members. August, 1983 MEMO TO: Kenneth Rosland FROM: Gordon Hughes DATE: August 11, 1983 SUBJECT: RELEASE OF RESTRICTION - -LOT 2, BLOCK 1, EDINA OFFICE CENTER (NATIONAL CAR RENTAL) On March 7, 1983, the City Council released a restriction concerning gross floor area for Lot 3 of the subject plat. The attached Council minutes describe the details of this restriction and its release. The owners of Lot 2 of the subject plat (i.e. National Car Rental) are now asking for a release of this restriction that is identical to that granted the owner of Lot 3. The attached agreement would effectuate this release. Staff recommends approval. W. 7141 00 U co Q 3/7/83 237 BLOOMINGTON / EDINA BOUNDARY STORM SE14ER MANAGEMENT PLAN DISCUSSED. Mr. Hoffman presented graphics on the City's updated storm water management plan for South- east Edina, focusing on 'two aspects: 1) the affects of the plan as related to the development of the Hedberg property and 2) the improvement of the storm sewer on the Edina /Bloomington border. He explained that the plan covers three distinct areas: east of France Avenue subdistrict, Edina /Bloomington border subdistrict and the Lake Edina Park subdistrict. The Edina /Bloomington border system needs improvement prior to or concurrent with any major development East of France Avenue. Mr. Hoffman advised that the City of Bloomington is interested in developing a joint powers agreement with Edina on constructing the portion of the system on the Edina /Bloomington border, and that the method of financing this improvement is also a concern with the City of Bloomington. They are exploring using a storm sewer tax Improvement District Method (Chapter 444) vs. Special Assessment Method (Chapter 429). Mr. Hoffman requested authorization to negotiate with the Bloomington City Staff on a joint powers agreement. There being no discussion, Member Bredesen's motion was seconded by Member Turner directing the City Staff to negotiate with the.Bloomington City Staff on a joint powers agreement for construction of the storm sewer improvement on the portion of the system on the Edina /Bloomington border. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Nays: None Motion carried. VERNON AVENUE SPEED LIMITS DISCUSSED. Member Turner inquired if a response had been received from the Minnesota Department of Transportation ( MNDOT) regard- ing the resolution adopted by Council and sent to them requesting a.review of findings as to recommended speed limits for CSAH 158 (Vernon Avenue). Mr. Hoffman advised that he had been in contact with MNDOT regarding the speed study and that the State Central Office indicated they would concur with the speed limits as recommended initially by the..District #5 office. Mr. Hoffman added that he had reiterated to MNDOT the position of the Council as stated in the resolution. No formal action was taken. 4TH ANNUAL VOLUNTEERS RECOGNITION SCHEDULED FOR APRIL 26. Member Turner noted that the 4th Annual Volunteers.Recognition is scheduled for April 26, 1983, from 5 to 7 p.m. and will be a wine and cheese reception at the Interlachen Country Club and reminded Members to reserve the date. MEMBERS RICHARDS AND TURNER TO BE ABSENT FROM APRIL 4 MEETING. Council was advised that Members Richards and Turner will be absent from the Regular Council Meeting on April 4, 1983, but that three members would constitute a quorum. ADDITIONAL BOARD APPOINTMENTS APPROVED. Mayor Courtney presented the following names of persons and recommended they be appointed as follows: Advisory Board of Health (2 yr term): Dr. Kristofer Hagen (1 yr only) and Mrs. Effie McKerson; Edina Heritage Preservation Board: (2 yr term) Mr. John Bailey. Motion of Member Schmidt was seconded by Member Turner appointing Board members as recommended. Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Nays: None Motion carried. REMOVAL OF_RESTRICTION, LOT 3, BLOCK 1, EDINA OFFICE CENTER GRANTED. Mr. Rosland presented the petition of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company, owners of Lot 3, Block 1, Edina Office Center, for the removal of a restriction as to allowable gross floor area for buildings within the subdivision. Mr. Hughes ex- plained that the subject lot is located at Parklawn Avenue and West 77th Street and is part of a three lot subdivision that was approved several years ago. Lot 1 is developed with a five story office building;-Lot 2 is the site of National Car Rental and Lot 3.is vacant consisting of approximately four acres. In conjunction with the subdivision of this property, the City imposed by a signed and recorded document a restriction which limited the gross floor area of the buildings. Lot 3 was limited to 15,000 square feet of gross floor area which is substantially less than the floor area which would normally be allowed according to the Zoning Ordinance. In response to Member Turner's request for background information, Mr. Hughes recalled that the restriction was imposed due to concern regarding traffic congestion following an overall.traffic study of the Southeast area of the City and in accordance with the South Edina Plan. Subse- quently, trip generation limits were lifted elsewhere which were previously imposed by the South Edina Plan when it was concluded that the City of Edina was the only community paying attention to the traffic study recommendations. He pointed out that if the restriction is removed, the property would be limited to 3/7/83 238 a maximum floor area ratio of 0.5 times the lot area as imposed by the Zoning Ordinance for office buildings. Staff would recommend approval of the pro- ponent's request. Bob Worthington, of Opus Corporation, was present and stated he agreed with the staff report and hoped the Council would endorse it; that the proponent has no specific building plans in mind at present and if the release from the restriction is granted the proponent would then have to come back with site plans for development and follow the normal procedure for City approval. With no further comments, Member Richards offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina City Council that the Mayor and the Cit%, 14anager are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver an Agreement to remove the gross floor area restriction for Lot 3, Block 1, Edina Office Center, imposed by a document entitled "Agreement (Conditions to Zoning Variance)" dated September 21, 1979, and of record in the office of the Registrar of Titles, Hennepin Country, Minnesota, as Document No. 1353917, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in consideration of the release of such restrict- ion that the gross floor area of all buildings or structures now or hereafter located on said Lot 2 shall not exceed 0.5),times the lot area as defined by the City ordinances now �'ffect. Motion for -adoption of the resolution was seconded by Member Bredesen. Rollcall: Ayes: Bredesen, Richards, Schmidt, Turner, Courtney Nays: None Resolution adopted. BIDS AUTHORIZED FOR STREET SURFACING CURB AND GUTTER IMPROVEMENTS NOS. BA -256, BA -257, BA -258 AND ALLEY PAVING IMPROVEMENT NO E -31. As recommended by Mr. Hoff- man, Member Richards offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS -AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS AND DIRECTING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS BITUMINOUS STREET SURFACING AND CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER IMPROVEMENTS NOS. BA -256, BA -257, BA -258 AND CONCRETE ALLEY.PAVING IMPROVEMENT NO. E -31 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA: 1. The plans and specifications for the proposed improvements set forth in the following Advertisement for Bids form, heretofore prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in the office of the City Clerk are hereby approved. 2. The Clerk shall cause to be published in the Edina Sun and Construction Bulletin the following notice of bids for improvements: (Official Publication) CITY OF EDINA 4801 W. 50TH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS BITUMINOUS STREET SURFACING AND CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER IMPROVEMENTS NOS. BA -256, BA"-257, BA -258 CONTRACT 483 -1 (ENG) AND CONCRETE ALLEY PAVING IMPROVEMENT NO. E -31 CONTRACT X683 -2 (ENG) BIDS CLOSE APRIL 14, 1983 SEALED BIDS will be received and opened in the Council Chambers in Edina City Hall, 4801 W. 50th Street at 11:00 a.m., Thursday, April 14, 1983. The Edina City Council will meet at 7:00 p.m., Monday, April.18, 1983, to consider said bids. Contract #83 -1: 700 C /Y, Excavation 400 Tons, CL. 2 Gravel 150 Tons, Bituminous and Seal Coat 6,100 L /F, Concrete Curb and Gutter 23"100 Sly, Sod Contract #83 -2: 1,200 Sly, 6" Alley Paving 400 C /Y, Excavation Bids shall be in a sealed envelope with a statement thereon showing the work covered by the bid. Bids should be addressed to the City Engineer, City of Edina, 4801 W. 50th Street, Edina, Minnesota 55424, and may be mailed or submitted personally to the City Engineer. Bids received by the City Engineer either through the mail or by personal submission, after the time set for receiving them may be returned unopened. Work must be done as described in plans and specifications on file in the office of the City Clerk, Plans and specifications are available for a deposit of AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of , 1983 between NATIONAL CAR RENTAL SYSTEM, INC., a Nevada corporation ( "National "), and CITY OF EDINA, a Minnesota municipal corporation ( "City "); WI TNESSETH THAT: WHEREAS, National is the present fee owner of certain real property ( "National property ") located in the City of Edina, County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, legally described as Lot 2, Block 1, Edina Office Center, according to the recorded plat thereof on file in the office of the Registrar of Titles, Hennepin County, Minnesota; and WHEREAS, the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company ( "Northwestern "), City, Edina Office Center Joint Venture ("ED E"), City and National entered into a document entitled "Agreement (Conditions to Zoning Variance)" dated September 21, 1979, a copy of which Agreement is on file and of record in the office of the Registrar of Titles, Hennepin County, Minnesota, as Document No. 1353917 ("Agreement"); and WHEREAS, The Agreement stated that the condition thereof could be released by the sole act of the City; and WHEREAS, the Agreement provides, among other things, that all buildings or structures now or hereafter located on the Northwestern Property shall not exceed 15,000 square feet of gross floor area and National's floor ratio not exceed .4; and WHEREAS, Northwestern has successfully petitioned the City to remove the restriction as to maximum gross floor area on buildings or structures to'be constructed on the Northwestern Property not to exceed floor area ratio of .5; and WHEREAS, National has petitioned the City to remove the restriction as to maximum gross floor area on buildings or structures to be constructed on the National Property; and -1- WHEREAS, The City did, on 1983, in Case No. approve the petition of National because strict enforcement of such condition is no longer necessary and continued enforcement of the condition would, in this case, cause undue hardship, and the removal of such restriction has been determined by the City to be in keeping with the spirit and intent of the applicable ordinances and the Agreement. As part of the same action, and in consideration of the release of such condition, the City did impose a new condition on the National Property relating to floor area ratios as hereafter set forth. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained the parties hereto hereby agree.as follows: 1. The City hereby confirms that it did, as above stated, and by formal City action, release the condition set forth in the Agreement which limited the gross floor area of any building or structure on the National Property. Said release was conditioned upon National agreeing, and National hereby agrees, that the gross floor area of all buildings or structures now or hereafter located on the National Property shall not exceed 0.5 times the lot area of the National Property, as lot area is defined by the Ordinances of the City in effect as of the date hereof. Measurement of building size shall be in accordance with Paragraph 2 of the Agreement. 2. National hereby agrees to the conditions imposed upon the National Property as set forth in paragraph 1 hereof. 3. This Agreement shall be filed for record in the office of the Registrar of Titles, Hennepin County, Minnesota, at the cost and expense of National,. and upon such recording it shall be deemed to be a release of conditions set forth in the Agreement limiting the gross floor area of any building or structure on the National Property. 4. Paragraph No. 3 of the Agreement contemplated that the owners from time to time of the National Property, and other lots described in the Agreement could transfer certain unused allocations. At the request of City, and in consideration of the mutual agreements herein contained, National agrees that from and after the date hereof, the provision of paragraph 3 of the Agreement shall be modified as they effect the National Property, so that the owners of the National Property shall have no right to transfer, or receive a transfer, of any unused allocations to or from the other lots described in the Agreement. -2- 5. Except as herein expressly set forth the Agreement shall be and remain in full force and effect without amendment or modification thereto, and the provision of the Agreement except as herein expressly set forth, shall apply to the National Property. NATIONAL CAR RENTAL SYSTEM, INC. By: Its: an d: Its: CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA By: Its Mayor An d Its City Manager STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss: COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 1983, by and respectively, of a tiona Car Rental System, Inc. , a va a corporation, on behalf of said corporation. Notary Pu i c STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss: COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 1983, by and , the Mayor and City Manager, respectively, of the City of ina, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of said corporation. Notary Public THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: William C. Zucco Attorney at Law 7700 France Avenue South Edina, MN 55435 PARK RESERVES BAKER CARVER CROW- HASSAN ELM CREEK HYLAND LAKE LAKE REBECCA MURPHY44ANREHAN REGIONAL PARKS BRYANT LAKE CLEARY LAKE COON RAPIDS DAM EAGLE LAKE FISH LAKE JAMES W. WILKIE LAKE SARAH MEDICINE LAKE SPRING LAKE SPECIAL USE AREAS ARTHUR E. ALLEN WILDLIFE SANCTUARY BAKER PARK GOLF COURSE CLEARY LAKE GOLF COURSE HYLAND HILLS SKI AREA NOERENBERG MEMORIAL PARK WAWATASSO ISLAND WILD GOOSE CHASE ISLAND TRAIL CORRIDORS NORTH HENNEPIN TRAIL BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS JUDITH S. ANDERSON CHAIR BLOOMINGTON WILLIAM I. HOLBROOK VICE CHAIR MINNEAPOLIS PATRICIA D. BAKER MINNEAPOLIS SHIRLEY A. BONINE MAPLE PLAIN WILLIAM K BOYNTON MINNETONKA DAVID LATVAAHO GOLDEN VALLEY SCOTT L. NEIMAN MINNEAPOLIS CLIFTON E. FRENCH SUPERINTENDENT & SECRETARY TO THE BOARD Hennepin County Park Reserve District 3800 County Road 24 • Maple Plain, Minnesota 55359 • Telephone 612 -473 -4693 August 8, 1983 Robert Kojetin 4801 W. 50th Street Edina, MN. 55424 Dear Mr. Kojetin: The Board_of.the Hennepin County Park Reserve District is considering several possible actions relating to funding of regional park operations in Hennepin County. The action the Board ultimately takes may well have a dramatic effect on delivery of regional park services in the county, and perhaps the entire metropolitan area. The action may also affect county -wide tax levies. Because of the importance of this issue and potential impact of any action the Board may take, the Board is seeking public input into its decision - making process through a series of seven public forums. The dates and locations of these forums are listed on page one of the attached "Issue Statement." Your oral or written participation in these public forums is critical. The Board wants to hear, from as many different constituencies -as possible, perspectives on the funding and delivery of regional park services. Thanks to the foresight of early metropolitan decision - makers, parks and recreation opportunities have played an important role in the vitality-of the Twin Cities, and specifically Hennepin County. The decisions now - being - weighed by the Board of the Hennepin County Park Reserve District could well have impact of that same magnitude of importance. For this reason, we value your participation in the public forums. JA :rr Sincerely, udith Anderson, Chair Board of Commissioners mi LL67league of minnesota cities August 3, 1983 TO: Clerks, Metropolitan Area Cities FROM: Ann Higgins, Staff Associate RE: Metro Area Regional meeting Arrangements have now been completed for the location of a meeting for metropolitan area cities on Thursday, September 29, in Bloomington, at the Radisson South Hotel. Please be advised that cities in Anoka, Dakota, Carver, and Scott counties also have the option of attending a regional meeting at an alternate nearby site that may be more convenient, and have received earlier invitations to such meetings. Enclosed please find a postcard on which your city may indicate the number of officials who wish to make dinner reservations. Your city will be responsible for the cost of each of the reservations unless notice of cancellation is received at LMC by September 26. Cost of dinner is $12.00. A social hour will precede dinner. Dinner is at 6:30 p.m., and will be held in Atrium III. The social hour will be held in the Garden Court (adjacent to swimming pool on the street level), from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. (cash bar). AH:rmm (OVER) 1 83 university avenue east, st. paul, minnesota 551 01 [61 2) 227 -5600 1983 LMC /AMM REGIONAL MEETING Radisson South Hotel, Bloomington September 29, 1983 AGENDA 2:30 -5:00 p.m. I. Round -table discussion on Local Economic Development Activities A. Programs to Aid Small Business - Minnesota Department of Energy and Economic Development Atrium IV (second level) Practical Applications to Local Approaches 5:30 -6:30 p.m. 6:30 -7 :30 p.m. Atrium III (second level) 7:30 -9:30 p.m 7:30 -7:40 7:40-7:55 8:00 -8:10 8:15 -8:30 8:40 -8:50 8:55 -9:15 9:15 -9:30 AH:rmm B. Metropolitan Economic Development Programs Presentations by: Carl Ohm, Director, Comprehensive Planning, Metropolitan Council; William Byere, Fiscal Planner, Metropolitan Council Discussion: Practical Assistance for Cities C. Metropolitan Family Housing Program Presentations by: Nancy Reeves, Housing Director, Metropolitan Council; Sherri Buss, Housing Planner, Metropolitan Council Discussion: Can this metro -wide program be tailored to local needs? 11. Social Hour -Cash Bar Garden Court (adjacent to swimming pool) - street level Ill. Dinner (reservations required - see invitation from League. City responsible for payment of dinner reservations for city officials). IV. Evening Program -Atrium III A. Welcome from Host City Mayor - Presentation by Host City concerning local economic development activities. B. Greetings from LMC Board of Directors At least one member of the LMC Board of Directors will be present. C. LMC Presentation /Slide Show D. Presentation on Minnesota Tax Commission E. Presentation /Slide Show by Minnesota Women in City Government F. LMC /AMM Staff Question and Answer Period City officials get an opportunity to quiz LMC /AMM staff on local con- cerns, legislative outcomes, etc. G. Closing Remarks /Door Prize Presentations MEMORANDUM TO: KENNETH ROSLAND, CITY MANAGER FROM: MARCELLA DAEHN, CITY CLERK =� SUBJECT: EDINA LOGO LICENSE - HAGER'S DATE: AUGUST 12, 1983 As I mentioned to you several days ago, Hagers of Edina, has inquired about a license for the use of the Edina Logo on sweaters to be sold at their store. After reviewing the license application form, they indicated they would like to handle the sweaters with the Edina Logo, but felt that the bookkeeping for keeping track of sales with regard to the royalty that may be due the City would be too time consuming. At this point, they cannot really project their sales but felt they would be subject to royalty payment. I have checked the files regarding the logo license issued to Korst & Sons Jewelers. To date they have paid the City $1.20 in royalties for the license year 7 -1 -80 to 7 -1 -81, the only year they have exceeded the exempt gross sale requirement. (The license agreement provides for a royalty of 5% on gross sales over. $2,000 during the initial year of the license and 5% on gross sales over $500 during a renewal year.) You have indicated that you may ask Council to review the.logo.license.with regard to the royalty provision. License Fee - Initial Year - $100.00 Renewal - 25.00. 7 -29 -83 -0- 2437.36 633.55 226.57 PIN 16.50 15.50 1 -nn 1632.13 ' GOLF COURSE FUND 1658.56 2164.17 505.61 * STATIM14T OF INCOP.IE AND EXPENSE -0- 90.41 1182.22 CITY OF EDINA (131,16) 863.55 58 -00 For 3 Months Ending P1arch 31, 1983 and Plarch 31, 1982 -0- 1983 1982 598.12 INCREASE REVENUE -0- -0- $ 8800.15 DECREASE* Membership Fees $ 7822.99 ' 10325.36 2502.17 Green Fees: 18 holes -0- -0- -0- 9 holes -n- -n- _ n Par 3 -0- -0- __ -0- Golf car, cart & Club rental -0- -0- Locker Rental 46.00 833.00 287.00 Golf Lessons -O- -0- -0- Other 125.75 123.25 2.50 $ 8494.74 11281.61 2786.87 OPERATING EXPENSES Administration Salaries and Wages: Manager _ 6627.20 7091.34 464 14 Pro -0- -0- -0- Rangers and Starters -0- 182.40 182.40 Cashiers & Clerical 3437.20 2546.23 890.97 $ 10064.40 $ 9819.97 $ 244.43 Printing and Advertising 162.27 -0- 162.27 Golf Car Rental -0- -0- -0- Supplies 775.09 419.67 355.42 Insurance and Alarm System 52. 4 -0- 52.47 Retirement, Insurance, Office Supplies, etc. 9390.00 10065.00 675.00 * Mileage and schools 860.33 55.43 904.95 Audit -0- -0- -0- Other 404.18 404.24 .06 * Total Administration $ 21708.79 20764 _31 $ 944.48 _ Building - Clubhouse and Pro Shop Salaries and pages Telephone Water Fuel Light and Power Laundry Less: Amount charged to Grille Repairs - building Insurance Rubish Hauling Supplies Other Total Building - Clubhouse and Pro Shop Maintenance of Course and Grounds Salaries and Wages: Superintendent Maintenance Goif Car Maintenance Irrigation System Telephone Light and Power Fuel Fertilizer and Chemicals Sand, gravel and rock Concrete and asphalt Sod, tree replacement, etc. Lumber Repairs & EquiDment hlaintenance Supplies Equipment Operation Golf Car Maintenance Irrigation System Other Total Maintenance of Course and Grounds Total Operating; Expenses bj Total Operating Income 2437.36 -0- 2437.36 633.55 226.57 411-92 16.50 15.50 1 -nn 1632.13 1977.37 345.24 * 1658.56 2164.17 505.61 * -0- -0- 90.41 1182.22 (1313.58) (131,16) 863.55 58 -00 any -gG -0- -n- -0- 185.00 -0- 185.00 2555.72 598.12 1957.60 -0- -0- -0- $ 8800.15 $ 3721.15 $ 5079.00 $ 6980.58 , 6297.79 $ 6R .7q 14547.35 9208.49 5338.86 -0- -0- -0- 156.61 -0- 156.61 $21684.54 $ 15506.28 $ 6178.26 361.41 276.00 90.41 165.86 134.77 31.09 10 .63 1476.98 403 -35 * -O- 971.00 971.00 * $ 33042.32 $ 21090.65 S 6951.67 6 $ 12975 5 5(60056.b2) 44294.50 S 15762.02 7 -29 -83 MN GOLF COURSE FUND (con't) Income on Investments Net Income - Operating Department Income Before Interest and Depreciation Interest on Bonds Interest on Loan - Liquor Fund Total Interest Income Before Depreciation Provision for Depreciation Net Income Range Income Less: Operating Expenses Net Income - Range Grille Income Less: Operating Expenses Personal Services Contractual Services Commodities Net Income - Grille Net Income - Operating Departments bj 1983 _ 1982 INCREASE DECREASE* (4737.11) -$ (4041 65) 6q5 46 (4737.11) (4041.65) 695.46 $(64793.63) $(48336 1�) $ 164974,R 1812.00 2265.60 453-6n * -0- 22&90 $ 453.60 * $(66605.63) $(50601.75) $ 16nn3 R8 $ 5880.00 $ 5514.00 $ -36r,-no $(72485.63) $(56115.75) $16364 RA $ -0-_ -0- n 2865.40 2041.47 823.93 2041.47) s23, 93 .39 31.51 a 195 88 631.78 16-23 * 1313.58 131 36 * 301.38 86.33 15.05 $ 2099. $ 2031.69 67.41 1871.71 $(2000 18) $ 178 47 $(4737.11) $(4041-65) 6qq 16 w MN 7/26/83 RECREATION CENTER FUND STATE1.3;NT OF INCOME A14D EXPENSE CITY OF EDINA For Three Months Ending March 31, 1983 and March 31, 1982 REVENUE Season tickets Retail sales Concessions Daily skating fees Spectator fees Ice Rental - Services - Skate Sharpening Vending machine commisssion Skate & Locker Rental Other OPERATING EXPENSES: Salaries and wages Manager City clerical, cashiers & ticket Police takers Maintenance Organist Concession labor Total Salaries and Wages Mileage and conferences Printing - tickets, notices Laundry Telephone Light and power Fuel and heat Rubbish Hauling Cleaning Supplies Limber & Paint General supplies Equipment maintenance & Repair Central services Food & soft drinks purchased Insurance & Alarm service Audit Other Total Contractual Services and Commodities Total Operating Expenses INCOME BEFORE INTEREST AND DEPRECIATION (LOSS) Interest on bonds Interest on loan - Liquor Fund TOTAL INTEREST INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE DEPRECIATION Provision for depreciation NET INCOME (LOSS) mk INCREASE 1983 1982 DECREASE* $ 177.81 $ 202.82 $ 25.01W- 50.75 15.43 24.68* 4,676.33 4,989.06 312.73* 2,126.97 2,525.38 398.41* 6,521.48 5,391.29 41,890.45 12, 93.00 29,09 .45 1,822.50 2,237.00 14.5 2,759.19 3,332.25 .06 7.38 774.09 766.71* $ 659703.15 $ 33,738.51 $ 31,964.64 $ 7,726.42 $ 5,852.29 $ 1,874.13 3,088.17 1,919.45 1,168.72 -0- -0- -0- 25,357.21 22,990.50 2,366.71 585.00 585.00 1,377.90 1,150.58 227.32 $ 38,134.70 $ 32,49 .82 $ 5,636.88 193./0 46.15 -- -- -0- 6 U4U.ZZ 4/1.59 368.63 3,343.01 11,120.35 30.874.47 19. 75,4.12* 609.00 -0- 6n9 _nn 817.25 1.256.04 438.79* 179.52 -0- 179.52 4,918.98 2,732.53 2.186.45 4,120.96 4,477.27 356.31* 8,490.00 7,290.00 1.200.00 812.93 947.26 134.33* 89.64 -0- 89.64 -0- -0- -0- 25.00 22.50 2.50 $ 48,479.10 $ 61,217.51 $ 12,738.41* : 86,613.80 S 93,715.33 $ 7,101.53* $ (20,910.65) $ (59,976.82) $ 39,066.17 622.50 780.00 157.50* -0- -0- -0- 622.50 $ 780.00 $ 157.50* T (21.533.15) 5 (60.756.82) $ 39 223 -67 8 (22.334.27) 5 (61.345.57) 39.n11.3n ART CENTER FUND Statement of Income and Expense City of Edina months ending 1983 1982 Increase INCOME: Decrease* Memberships Registration Fees $ 426.00 $ 255.95 $ 170.05 Donations 10337.48 7910.95 2426.53 Merchandise Sales 725.46 3090.72 18595.00 2711.80 17869.54 Less: Cost of Merchandise Sold i,gig 001 f'- - 378,92 $ 1854.44 $ 1627.08 $ 7 36 Art Work Sold $ 227.60 $ 484.90 $ 257.30 * Other 27.35 507.13 479.78 * Total Income $ 13598.33 $ 29381..01 $ 15782.68 * OPERATING EXPENSES: Personal Services: Administrative Instructors Maintenance Dues and Subscriptions Advertising Light and.Power Telephone Heat Rubbish Removal Printing Insurance and Alarm Service General Supplies Central Services Audit Class Costs Repairs Other Total Operating Expense Profit (Loss) Before Depreciation Provision for Depreciation Net Profit (Loss) 21.00 5.00 16.00 54 /•Vb 690.34 lag IP * $ 21788.19 $ 19947 79 $ 1840.40 6656.62.. 5343.85 1312.77 y \ V1V7. UV J a 14.53. LL I 1 762 08 $ 402.51 199 �n nn ni $ (8592.37) $ 9110 72 $17703 09 * * 17500.00 Handicap Access CURRENT ASSETS: Cash: Demand Deposits Working Fund Contracts Receivable Loan To Other Funds Inventory: Liquor Wine Beer and Mix Prepaid Expenses: Unexpired Insurance Supplies Inventory LIQUOR FUND BALANCE SHEET. CITY OF EDINA As At May 31, 1983 ASSETS TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS FIXED ASSETS: Land Land Improvements $ 22,344.18 Buildings 729,769.27 Furniture and Fixtures 299,844.14 Leasehold Improvements 3,035.55 $1,054,993.14 Less: Allowance for Depreciation and Amortization 401,538.98 TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS CURRENT LIABILITIES: Trade Accounts Payable Accrued Payroll Due To Other Funds TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES SURPLUS: Invested in Fixed Assets Unappropriated TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS $ 580,236.27 3.800.00 $ 405,810.28 255,839.43 65,391.81 $ 821.50 400.00 $ 233,784.60 $ 584,036.27 44,760 A2 415,000.00 727,041.52 1,221.50 1,772,059.31 653,454.16 887,238.76 $2,659,298.07 $ 131,665.91 15.548.46 $ 147,214.37 469.167.00 $ 616,381.37 $ 887,238.76 1,556,677.94 2,042,916.70 $2,659,298.07 LIQUOR DISPENSARY FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSE CITY OF EDINA Five Months Ending May 31, 1983 and May 31, 1982 -5 t9A-4 ,992 INCREASE- DECREASE* 50th Street Yorkdale Grandview Total 50th Street Yorkdale Grandview Total 50th Street Yorkdale Grandview Total SALES: Liquor $ 217,928.01 $ 432,077.47 $ 37,8,713.36 $1,028,718.84 $ 232,594.67 $ 478,380.10 $ 392,251.20 $1,103,225.97 $ 14,666.66* $ 46,302.63* $ 13,537.84* $ 74,507.13* Wine 1359823.15 254,187.30 211,459.24 601,469.69 146,988.47 274,530.29 214,489.67 636,008.43 11,165.32* 20,342.99* 3,030.43* 34,538.74* Beer 92,104.32 171,833.15 143,659.27 407,596.74 94,048.00 183,692.16 140,262.29 418,002.45 1,943.68* 11,859.01* 3.306.98 10,405.71* Mix and Miscellaneous 5,800.77 12,580.94 11,051.25 29,432.96 6,816.92 12;458:95 10,983:24 30,259:11 1,016.15* 121.99 68,01 826.15* . $ 451,656.25 $ 870,678.86 $ 744,883.12 $2,067,218.23 $ 480,448.06 $ 949,061.50 $ 757,986.40 $2,187,495.96 $ 28,791.81* $ 78,382.64* $ 13,103.28* $120,277.73* Less bottle refunds 11,765.08 28,044.86 25,745.13 65,555.07 13,007.93 " 31,758:58 25,329.86 70 096.37 1,242.85* 3,713.72* 415.27 4,541.30* NET SALES $ 439,891.17 $ 842,634.00 $ 719,137.99 $2,001,663.16 $ 467,440.13 $ 917,302.92 $ 732,656.54 $2,117,399.59 $ 27.548.96* $ 74.668.92* $ 13,518.55* $115,736.43* COST OF SALES: Inventory -January 1 209,893.83 303,342.64 256,136.67 769,373.15 2549569.38 394,458.92 275,210.64 924,238.84 44,675.54* 91,116.18* 19,073,97* $154,865.69* Purchases 363,728.24 704,444.98 558,530.40 1,626,703.62 362,898.36 748 834.86 " 606,762.58 1,718,495.80 829.88 44,389.88* 48,232.i8* 91,792,18* $ 573,622.08 $1,007,787.62 $ 814,667.07 $2,396,076.77 $ 617,467,74 $1,143,293.68 $ 881,973.22 $2,642,734.64 $ 43,845.66* $135,506.06* $ 67,306.15'* $246,657.87* Inventory 209,886.36 . 303,101.51 214,053.65 727 041.52 233 415.86 386;818.61 273,367.87 893,602.34 23,529.50* 83,717.10* 59,314.22* 166,560.82* $ 363 735.72 $ 704,686.11 $" 600 613.42 $1,669,035.25 $ 384 051.88 $ 756,475.07 $ 608 605.35 $1,749,132.30 $ 20,316.16* $ 51,788.96* $ 7,991.93* $ 80,097.05* GROSS PROFIT $ 76,155.45 $ 137,947.89 $ 118,524.57 $1,332,627.91 $ 83,388.25 $ 160,827.85 $ 124,051.19 $ 368,267.29 $ 7,232.80* $ 22,879.96 $ 5.526.62* $ 35,639.38* DPERATING EXPENSES: Selling 27,091.73 49,959.51 42,461.30 119,512.54 29,599.32 50,381.28 40,058.51 120,039.11 2,507.59* 421.77* 2,402.79 526.57 Overhead 14,940.05 26,265.00 17,462.54 58,667.59 15,401.62 20,010.87 15,218.60 50,631.09 461.57* 6,254.13 2,243.94 8,036.50 Administrative 28,974.64 38,935.64 30,936.25 98,846,53 28 527.82 " " '38,580.63 31,160.63 98 269.08 446.82 355.01 224.38* 577.45 TOTAL OPERA G $ 71 006.42 $ 115 160.15 $ 90 860.09 $ 277 026.66 $ 73 528.76 $ 108 972.78 $ 86,437.74 $ 268 939.28 $ 2,522.34* $ 6,187.37 $ 4,422.35 $ 8,087.3 EXPENSES NET OPERATING $ 5,149.03 $ 22,787.74 $ 27,664.48 $ 55,601.25 $ 9,859.49 $ 511855.07 $ 37,613.45 $ 99,328.01 $ 4,710.46* $ 29.067.33* $ 9,948.97* $ 43,726.76* PROFIT )THER INCOME: Cash Discount 5,354.98 10,428.23 8,018.44 23,801.65 6,610.98 11,762.60 9,902.65 28,276.23 1,256.00* 1,334.37* 1,884.21* 4,474.58 Cash over or under 15.87* 264.90* 116.72 164.05* 1.85* 174.79* 13.43 163.21* 14:02* 90.11* 103.29. .84 Income on investmentT-0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Other 165.82 225.80 174,95 566,57 149.76 144.84 115.14 409.74 16.06 80.96 59.81 156.83 $ 5,504.93 $ 10,389.13 $ 8,310.11 $ 24,204.17 $ 6,758.89 $ 11,732:65 $ 10,031.22 $ 28,522.76 $ 1,253.96* $ 1,343.52* $ 1,721.11* $ 4,318.59* N ETINCOM E $ 10,653.96 $ 33,176.87 $ 35,974.59 $ 79,805.42 $ 16,618.38 $ 63,587.72 $ 47,644.67 $ 127,850.77 $ 5,964.42* $ 30,410.85* $ 11,670:08 *.$ 48,045.35 *li 3ERCENT TO NET SALES: Gross profit 17.31% Operating expenses 16.14 Operating profit 1.17% Other income 1.25 NET INCOME 2,42% 16.37% 16.48% 16.62% 17.84% 17.53% 16.93% 17.39% 13.67 12.63 13.84 15.73 11.88 11.80 12.70 2.70% 3.85% 2.78% _ _ 2.11 %_. 5.65% _. 5.13 %. __ .4.69% 1.23 1.16 1.21 1.45 1:28 1:37 1.35 3.93% 5.01% 3.99% 3.56% 6.93% 6.50% 6.04% 1 i a. ti. 'hwI I 1983 CITY OF EDINA CHEGK.NO. BATE 214063 08/08183 f i t f► f CHECK REGISTER AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION It 750.46 BLUE CROSS EMP CONT 1,750.46 • 214588 08/08/83 235.82 YESTERN LIFc 235.82 • • • ! f f f 214700 214701. i 214702 214702 %. 214703 214704 214705 08/08183 740.25 - NICEITEL.,___ 740.25 • -_ _ 08/08/93 _ 29.56C0 NN_GE_NERAL____ 29.56 03/08183 63.82 STATE TREAS 08/08/83 21,409.47 STATE TREAS _NORTHERN - 21,473.29 • ELECTRIC: 08/08183 24,438.00 SUPERIOR FORD 12:020.27 249488.00 • STATES 08/08/83 21,528.6D STATE TREAS 08/08/83 219528.60 • NORTHERN 08/08/83 3,456.70 MED CENTER 215391 3,456.70 • 2*078.67 AUG PREM ___ _ -_EMP_ CONT ADD PREMIUM EMP_ C04TPERA EMP CONT PERA CA RS EMP CONT AUG PREM 08 -15 -83 PAGE ACCOUNT N0. INV. # P.O. 4 MESSAGE 10- 4156 - 510 -51 MANUA 10- 4157 - 510 -51 10- 4156 - 513 -51 10- 4145 - 513 -51 10- 4145 - 510 -51 20 -4930- 603 -60 0- 4149 - 513 -51 10- 4156- 51D -51 if.-C MANUA -- if • -C MANUA MAVUA MAVUA MANUA MANUA MANUA MANUA ffi -C 10- 4252 - 301 -30 10 -4252- 321 -30 -- -- 10 -4252- 322 -30 10- 4252 - 333 -30 10- 4252 - 345 -30 10- 4252- 358 -30 10- 4252 - 375 -30� 10- 4252 - 440 -44 10- 4252 - 461 -46 10- 4252 - 520 -52 10- 4252 - 540 -54 20- 1130 - 303 -00 20 -4252- 629 -62 20- 4252 - 643 -64 20- 4252 - 645 -64 23- 4252- 611 -61 26- 4252 - 687 -68 - - 27 -4252- 661 -66 27- 4252 - 662 -66 28- 4252- 703 -70 _ _- 30 -4252- 781 -78 30- 4252 - 783 -78 30 -4252- 784 -78 40- 4252 - 801 -80 MANUA MANUA MANUA MANUA MANUA MANUA MANUA MAk'UA MANUA MANUA MANUA MANUA MANUA MANUA MANUAI MANUA MANUA MANUAI MANUAI MANUA MANUA MANUA MANUA MANUA e tiff . 215391 08/0R/83 _ 740.37 _NORTHERN - STATES ELECTRIC: 215391 08/08/83 12:020.27 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC �rl 215391 08/08/83 89849.48 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 215391 08/08/83 2*078.67 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC__ 215391 08/08/83 194.25 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC it 215391 08/08/83 99.61 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 215391 08/08/83 _ 1:791.11 _ NORTHERN STATES___ ELECTRIC 215391 08/08/83 447.38 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC r 215391 08/08/83 40.17 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 215391 08/08/83 1,914.16 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 215391 08/08/83 840.89 NORT4ERlN _ ST4TES ELECTRIC ___ __ *rl', 215391 08/08/93 13.52 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 215391 08/08/93 39486.65 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 215391 08/08/83 __ 6.32 NORTHERN- STATES ELECTRIC 4.1 215391 08/08/•93 275.21 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 215391 08/08/83 372.09 NORTHERN_ STATES ELECTRIC 215391 08/08/83 1,211.11 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC Ar 215391 08/08/83 2,090.32 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 215391 08/0818.3 92.24 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 215391 08/08/83 4,222.36 NORTHER N STATES _ ELECTRIC d 215391 08/08/83 24:743.59 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 215391 09/08/83 12.78 NORTHERN STATES 215391 08/08/83 16 .0 0 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC b,' 215391 08/08/R3 2,177.50 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 08 -15 -83 PAGE ACCOUNT N0. INV. # P.O. 4 MESSAGE 10- 4156 - 510 -51 MANUA 10- 4157 - 510 -51 10- 4156 - 513 -51 10- 4145 - 513 -51 10- 4145 - 510 -51 20 -4930- 603 -60 0- 4149 - 513 -51 10- 4156- 51D -51 if.-C MANUA -- if • -C MANUA MAVUA MAVUA MANUA MANUA MANUA MANUA ffi -C 10- 4252 - 301 -30 10 -4252- 321 -30 -- -- 10 -4252- 322 -30 10- 4252 - 333 -30 10- 4252 - 345 -30 10- 4252- 358 -30 10- 4252 - 375 -30� 10- 4252 - 440 -44 10- 4252 - 461 -46 10- 4252 - 520 -52 10- 4252 - 540 -54 20- 1130 - 303 -00 20 -4252- 629 -62 20- 4252 - 643 -64 20- 4252 - 645 -64 23- 4252- 611 -61 26- 4252 - 687 -68 - - 27 -4252- 661 -66 27- 4252 - 662 -66 28- 4252- 703 -70 _ _- 30 -4252- 781 -78 30- 4252 - 783 -78 30 -4252- 784 -78 40- 4252 - 801 -80 MANUA MANUA MANUA MANUA MANUA MANUA MANUA MAk'UA MANUA MANUA MANUA MANUA MANUA MANUA MANUAI MANUA MANUA MANUAI MANUAI MANUA MANUA MANUA MANUA MANUA e 1983 CITY 0= EDINA r CHECK N0. DATE 215391 08/C8183 215391 08/08/83 1 215391 08/08/83 216055 216055 216055 i 216055 216055 216055 216055 � • * f ! 4 f 221203 221 203 221203 221 203 221203 221203 221203 f f f ! ! f 221 591 * • * f ! f 227003 227004 227004 227004 227004 227004 227004 227004 227004 227004 f! f f t k 227009 227011 I,-- 08/08093 491.62BRAEMARI- _GOLF_____. CASH 08 -15 -83 PAGE 2 -- CASH _27- 4120- 663- 66______ REGISTER CHECK __ AMJUNT VENDOR ITEM_DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT.NO. INV.._p?.O. # MESSAGE-_-_ - 08/08/83 752.03 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 50- 4252 - 821 -82 MANUAL _1.9359.90_______ -_ NORTHERN STATES --.-----,-.----ELECTRIC--- 50- 4252 - 841- R4__ __- MANUAL_ 567.38 NORTHERN STATES ELECTRIC 50 -4252- 861 -86 MANUAL 709416.05 • PETTY CASH _ 27 -4508- 660 -66 08 /08 /83 08/08093 491.62BRAEMARI- _GOLF_____. CASH -----PETTY -- CASH _27- 4120- 663- 66______ 08/08/R3 491.00 BRAEMAQ G ^LF PETTY CASH 27- 4120 - 663 -66 08/08/83 491.00- BRAEMAR GOLF CORRECTION 27- 4120 - 663 -66 08/08/83 169.00 _ _BRAEMAR GOLF PETTY CASH 27- 4120- 664 -66 08/08/83 12.00 BRAEMAR _ GOLF PETTY CASH _ 27 -4508- 660 -66 08 /08 /83 9.50 BRAEMAR GOLF PETTY CASH 27- 4624- 664 -66 08 /08 /R3 69.76 BRAEMAR _GOLF - -- PETTY CASH _ 463.6 - 663- 66_______ LINEN 751.88 + 08/09/83 63.23 AMERICAN LINEN -_27- 08/10/83 34.03 PETTY CASH 08/10/83 _ 9.00 PETTY_CASH 10- 4290 - 263 -26 08/10/93 4.09 PETTY CASH 08/10/83 5.00 PETTY CASH 08/10/83 50.00 PETTY CASs 08/10/93 75.64 PETTY CASH 08/10/83 27.87 PETTY CASH LINEN 205.63 + 08/09/83 9.50 08/10/83 49.50 CECELIA SMITH 49.50 *• * -CKS MANUAL -.. MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL _ MANUAL MANUAL MANUAL -- *•* -CKS MEETING EXPENSES 10- 4206 - 143 -14 MANUAL _ MEETING EXPENSES 10- 4206- 44D -44 _ MANUAL _ PCSTAGE 10- 4290 - 263 -26 MANUAL BOOKS 10- 4502 - 420 -42 MANUAL GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 443 -44 MANUAL _ GEN SUPPLIES 20- 4504 - 624 -62 MANUAL MUSIC SUPPLIES 20- 4596- 629 -62 MANUAL LICENSE FEES 10- 4310 - 560 -56 08/C8/83 175.95 ALSINSON BLUE PRINTING 175.95 + 08/09/83 _ 107.03 AMERICAN_ LINEN__ 08/09/93 7.24 AMERICAN LINEN ___LAUNDRY _ LAUNDRY 08/09/93 97.13 AMERIC'A'N LINEN LAUNDRY 08/O9/R3 11.30 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 08/09/83 9.50 _ AMERICAN LINEN CONT SERV 08/09/83 27.40 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 08/09/83 _ _ 35.36 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNORT 08/09/83 26.26 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 08/09/83 63.23 AMERICAN LINEN LAUNDRY 384.45 08/08183 - -- .80 .R0 + 08/08/R3 86.68 ASTLEFORD EQUIP CO AUTOBCOY SUPPLY __10- 4570 - 263 -26 10- 4262- 44D -44 10- 4262- 482 -48 10 -4262- 520 -52 20 -4262- 623 -62 27- 4200 - 664 -66 28- 4262 - 708 -70 50 -4262- 821 -82 50- 4262- 841 -84 50- 4262 - 861 -86 REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 563 -56 REPAIR PARTS 30- 4540 - 783 -78 24 J47 CKS 9 C MANUAL 41 I42 43 - - -i44 •!! -CK$ 11 <s 47 4 f! 49 SO 31 -- -�az + *• -CKS I-- 70 71 72 *** -CKS - - -�73 174 I77 _.YY1I 1 1983 CITY OF =DINA CHECK Nl. FOA TE f t f t f f 227013 227013 227013 227013 # f # f # f 227028 227028 22702R r„' 227028 r 227029 � +rrkif 227031 227031 227031 227031 227031 227031 227031 227031 227031 227031 r • tittff r� 227033 227033 w 227033 227033 227033 do 227033 227033 227033 227033 i i y rrff ++ 227035 227035 1 i fr►fat 08/09/R3 08/09/,3 O8/C9/83 08/08/83 271.70 r 03110183 35.44 CHECK REGISTER EROS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES 08 -15 -83 PAGE 3 15.16 AMOUNT - VcNDCR - - -- - -- ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N0. INV. -ACCOUNT # P.O. f MESSAGE to 8 36.6 • 39273.95 _ -BEER WHOLESALERS_ _____INVENTORY ---50-4630-822-82 2111' '2 08/08/83 79546.65 0 ER WHOLESALERS INVENTORY 50- 4630- 842 -84 7 08/10/83 59622.60 BEER WHOLESALERS INVENTORY f++ -CKS o 08110/83 17248.95 + BERTELSON BROS INC CREDIT 08/10/83 6 40.65 _ ALTER NSTOR _REBUILD REPAIR PARTS CONCRETE 10- 4528 - 301 -30 oJ' 9.09 ALTERNATOR REBUILD REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 561 -56 a 40.65 ALTERNATOR REBUILD REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540- 56J -56 49.05 10 11 _ 31.58 _ ALTERNATOR REBUILD 10- - 5.60 -5.6 tz _ 121.9? r 99.90 _._ -_- -PARTS .4620_ _ _ _. 17 14 _ BERGFORD TRUCKING INVENTORY 08/08/93 151.20 + ++ -CKS 15 1. 271.70 r 03110183 35.44 BERTELSON EROS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES 08/10/ °3 15.16 08/10/83 805.75 BEER WHOLESALERS INVENTORY 27- 4630- 664 -66 to 08/10/83 39273.95 _ -BEER WHOLESALERS_ _____INVENTORY ---50-4630-822-82 2111' '2 08/08/83 79546.65 0 ER WHOLESALERS INVENTORY 50- 4630- 842 -84 7 08/10/83 59622.60 BEER WHOLESALERS INVENTORY 50- 4630- 862 -86 08110/83 17248.95 + BERTELSON BROS INC CREDIT 08/10/83 2 -' 24 4. 08/09/83 271.70 BERG B FARNHAM CO CONCRETE 10- 4528 - 301 -30 I;s 271.70 r 03110183 35.44 BERTELSON EROS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES 08/10/ °3 15.16 BERTELSON BROS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES 08/10/83 29.76 ____BERTELSON.BROS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES 08/10/83 126.73 BERTELSON BROS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES 08/10/R3 358.06 BERTELSON BROS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES 08/10/,3 282.36 L'ERTELSON_BROS INC SUPPLIES 08/10/83 291.60 BERTELSON BROS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES 08110/83 1.52- BERTELSON BROS INC CREDIT 08/10/83 111.96 -__ BERTELSON BROS SUPPLIES 08/10/83 49.04 BERTELSON _ _INC _____OFFICE BRCS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,298.59 + 08/08/93 69.30_ BERG °ORO TRUCKING INVENTORY_ 08/09/83 49.05 BERGFORD TRUCKING INVENTORY 08/08/83 72.00 BERGFORD TRUCKING INVENTORY 08/08/83 99.90 BERGFORD TRUCKING INVENTORY 08/09/83 135.90 _ _ BERGFORD TRUCKING INVENTORY 08/08/93 151.20 BERG =ORD TRUCKING INVENTORY 08/08/83 117.90 BERGFORO TRUCKING INVENTORY 08/08/83 223.20 BERGFORD _ TRUCKING _ _ INVENTORY 08/09/83 25.65 BERGFORD TRUCKING INVENTORY 944.10 • 08/10/83 56.78 BCUSTEAD ELEC 8 MFG REPAIR PARTS 08/10183 83.76 BOUSTEAO ELEC 8 MFG REPAIR PARTS 140.54 + + ++ -CKS 10- 4516 - 143 -14 10- 4516 - 167 -16 10- 4516 - 260 -26 10- 4516 - 511 -51 10- 4516 - 510 -51 10 -4516- 510 -51 10 -4516- 511 -51 10- 4516 - 510 -51 10- 4516 - 510 -51 20- 4516 - 600 -60 50- 4626 - 822 -82 50- 462 6- 822- 82 - 50- 4626- 822 -82 50- 4626 - 842 -84 50- 4626- 842 -84 50- 4626- 842 -84 50- 4626 - 862 -86 _ 50-4626-862-86 50- 4626 - 862 -86 30- 4540 - 785 -78 30- 4540 - 785 -78 + ++ -CKS ++ +-CKS + +# -CKS Q 1933 C'TY 0= EDINA C+FC,K N0. 'PA TE 227034 03/09/93 227079 08/06/33 227041 08/09/93 227041 09/10/R3 227041 08/10/93 227041 08/107?3 227941 08/10 /Q3 f f f f f f 227046 96/n3/?3 227046 U8 /O8 /R3 08/10/43 103.50 BLUMBERG PHOTO CA 3LE TV 10- 2149 - 303 -00 78.13 BLUNRERG PHOTG CA BLc" TV 10- 2149 - DOD -00 181.63 90.00 BURESH R0B°_RT CONF 10 -4232- 447 -44 90.00 + 47.97 CHECK REGISTER RUBBISH REMOVAL 08 -15 -83 PAGE 4 ••• -CKS 47.97 • AM7UNT VENDOR _ c;l 'I ITEM DE5_CRI- PTI.ON ACCOUNT NO. INV. a P.O. # MESSAGE US /10 /R3 22.62 100.0'1 GEORGE BUTLER - 10- 4540 - 563 -56 POLICE SERVICE 10- 4100- 623-42 �. WaREHOUSF 100.00 • 10- 4620 - 563 -56 52.82 + -.... - - -- 233.34 BRYAN ROCK PROD. INC SANG GRAVEL ROCK 20- 4522 - 642 -64 7 �o 4 INC - 233.34 10- 4260 - 445.44 08/10/93 555.00 8 H K & R INC INSURANCE 10- 4260 - 521 -52 03/10/33 127.00 B H K & R_ - 10 -4260- 540 -54 08/10/93 25.00 8 f•f - CKS & _INC R INC 19008.00 BURY R CARLSON INC BLACKTOP 10- 4524 - 301 -30 & R INC 910.00 BURY & CARLSON INC BLACKTOP 10- 4524 - 301 -30 R_INC_ 89566.46 BURY B CARLSON INC BLACKTOP 10- 4524 - 314 -30 & R INC _ _ _ 385.00 BURY & CARLSON INC BLACKTOP 30- 4524- 783 -78 & R INC 26.206.21 BURY & CARLSON INC PAYMENTS 60- 2040 - 000 -00 Ir; R INC 37,075.67 • 28- 4260 - 703 -70 09/13/R3 12.00 - B H K-8 z,� R INC 103.50 BLUMBERG PHOTO CA 3LE TV 10- 2149 - 303 -00 78.13 BLUNRERG PHOTG CA BLc" TV 10- 2149 - DOD -00 181.63 90.00 BURESH R0B°_RT CONF 10 -4232- 447 -44 90.00 + * ** -CKS 47.97 BROWNING FERRIS RUBBISH REMOVAL 20- 4250- 623 -62 ••• -CKS 47.97 • c;l 'I fff - CKS cn US /10 /R3 22.62 BATTERY W4REHOUSE P.FPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 563 -56 78/10143 30.20 BATTERY WaREHOUSF FARTS 10- 4620 - 563 -56 52.82 + 98/10!R3 61.00 B H K & 4 INC - INSURANCE 10- 4260 - 445.44 08/10/93 555.00 8 H K & R INC INSURANCE 10- 4260 - 521 -52 03/10/33 127.00 B H K & R_ INSURANCE 10 -4260- 540 -54 08/10/93 25.00 8 H K & _INC R INC INSURANCE 10- 4260 - 560 -56 08/10/43 56.00 B H K & R INC INSURANCE 20- 4260- 645 -64 08/10193 56.00 B H K_& R_INC_ INSURANCE 23 -4260- 611 -61 08/10133 70.00 B H K & R INC _ _ _ INSURANCE 26- 4260- 689 -68 08/1,7783 266.00 8 H K & R INC INSURANCE 27- 4260- 662 -66 08110/83 710.00 B H K & R INC INSURANCE 28- 4260 - 703 -70 09/13/R3 12.00 - B H K-8 R INC INSURANCE 29- 4260- 721 -72 08/10/83 2,003.00 B H K & R INC INSURANCE 30- 1250 - 000 -00 09/10/83 362.00 __8 H K & R INC INSURANCE 40- 4260 - 801 -80 08/10/93 237.00 B H K 8 R INC INSURANCE 50- 1250 - 003 -00 4,540.00 7x7/08/83 10000 WAYNE BENNETT POLICE SERVICE 10 -4190- 427 -42 * ** -CKS ••• -CKS �- ••• -CKS I,,' ••• -CKS c;l 'I fff - CKS cn 1983 CITY OF EDINA CHECK N -). UATE ; ♦af faa r. 227062_ I �I. ffarfr I 227064 227064 227064 227064 227064 r 227065 �I *r*rr• o+ 227070 I `I - aff fff 227073 �. 227073 d f* f* f a 227075 r 227075 227075 227075 it 227075 *rrafa 227078 �rl 227078 22707R 227079 ' 227080 r 227082 0 AMOUNT 100.00 CHECK REGISTER 08 -15 -83 PAGE 5 VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N0. INV. # P.O. q MESSAGE 2 13 ly *** -CKS I° 1e 7 " 08/10/83 420.30 420.30 BROCK WHITE CO REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540- 343 -30 el io 08/10/83 45 4' 55..11 CLANCY DRUG + GEN SUPPLIES 10- 45!14- 260 -26 COCA a7' 21.57 *** -CKS :2 U 08/10/R3 115.31 THERMAL CO REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 520 -52 +a 08/10/83 153.70 THERMAL CO REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 547 -54 1el 08/10/83 105.50 THERMAL CO REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 540 -54 17 e 08/10/83 67.48 THERMAL CO REPAIR PARTS 50- 4540 - 841 -84 08/10/33 75.36 _ - THERMAL. CO REPAIR_PARTS -- — - 50- 4540 - 841 -84 — - - -- - --- 20 51 7.35 r I2 z3 , 08/10/43 19.00 _ CULLIGAN CONT SERV _ _ —__10 -4200- 482 -48 124 19.00 27'• * * +- CKS - - -.1ze 08/09/83 44.00 CARLSCN THERMO REPAIR PARTS 30- 4540 - 782 -78 ?` 31 44.00 32 I. - — -� - — - -- -- - -- -- 33 *** -CKS ';s. 08/08/43 08/10/13 106.75 160.25 CITY BEER CITY BEER INVENTORY INVENTORY 50- 4630 - 842 -84 50- 4630 - 862 -86 S 3` 37'. 267 .00 * 40I - - - - — ar• -CKS lag 43I. as 08/091 R3 -- - 08/09/83 08/09/83 08/09/83 08/09/83 1302 CLANCY DRUG INC CARL_ TV 10- 2148 - 703 -00 08/10/83 45 4' 55..11 CLANCY DRUG INC GEN SUPPLIES 10- 45!14- 260 -26 COCA a7' 21.57 CLANCY DRUG INC _ PHOTO SUPPLIES __10- 4508 - 200 -20 _ --14' 40I .99 CLANCY DRUG INC GEN SUPPLIES 20- 4504- 624 -62 6.40 CLANCY DRUG INC GEN SUPPLIES 97.09 * 08/10/83 456.00 COCA COLi BOTTLING CONCESSIONS 08/10/83 824.00 COCA COLA BOTTLING INVENTORY 08/08193 10051.85 COCA COLA BOTTLING INVENTORY _ 08/10/R3 955.00 COCA COLA 90TTLING INVENTORY 3.286.85 * 08/10183 3,536.02 CONT -11INN- 3,536.32 • 08110/83 41.75 CONWAY FIRE 6 SAFETY 20 -45D4- 626 -62 26- 4624- 684 -68 50- 4632 - 822 -82 50- 4632 - 842 -04 50 -4632- 862 -86 - CONCESSIONS _ — 27- 4624- 664 -66 EOUIP MAINT 10- 4274 - 421 -42 * * * -CK! * * * -CK; *** -CK 0 -I 1983 CITY 0= EDINA CHECK REGISTER 08-15 -83 PAGE 6 CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. 0 MESSAGE 41.75 • 13 f►tfft - -- - -- -. —.- - - - -- - - - -- _ fft -CKS 4 6 - 227087 08/09/$3 62.67 CURTIN MATH SCI GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 482 -48 a 227097 08/10/83 41.21 CURTIN MATH SCI GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 482 -48 9 103.88 + f0 tfrff• •t• -CKS 13 14 - 227097 J8/09/83 7.00 COURTNEY C WAYNE MEETING EXPENSES 10- 4206 - 103 -10 +a 5 227097 08/09183 60.9D COURTNEY C WAYNE MILEAGE 10- 4208 - 103 -10 17 67.90 f lio a fft -CKS zi 227099 08/10/R3 92.61 CUSHMAN MOTOR CO REPAIR PARTAS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 c4 227099 09 /08/83 13.95 _ CUSHMAN MOTOR CO REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 s 106.56 t tf t -CKS o 227106 08/08/83 100.00 DAHL -_MR HILDING POLICE SERVICE 10 -4100- 420 -42 100.00 • "33 134 37 fff fff -- - -- - - - -- - -- - -- t t t _CKS � 3a — 227108 08/09/93 26.40 DALE GREEN COMPANY SOD BLACK DIRT 10- 4562 - 301 -30 137 3- 227108 08/09/83 28.00 DALE GREEN COMPANY SOD BLACK DIRT 20 -4562- 642 -64 30 227108 08/09/83 80.40 DALE GREEN COMPANY SOD BLACK DIRT 27- 4562 - 662 -66 d1 227108 08/(!9783 27.40- DALE GREEN COMPANY CCRRECTION 28- 4262 - 706 -70 42 1,3 - 227108 08/09/93 27.40 DALE _GREEN COMPANY SOO BLACK DIRT 28- 4262 - 708 -70 227108 08/09/83 12.00 DALE GREEN COMPANY SOD BLACK DIRT 30- 4562 - 783 -78 t14.1. 45 146.80 • 46 47 14J - f . i t ► . rtt -CKS 149 150 - 227110 08/10/83 _ _ 154.15 DAVIDSON DISTINC INVENTORY. 50- 4630 - 822 -82 227110 08/10/83 617.35 771.SD DAVIDSEN DIST INC INVENTORY _ 50- 4630 - 642 -84 153 54 - • ss f f f f t t ,I fff -CKS s5 227114 08/08/83 23.50_ DELEGARD TOOL CO CONT REPAIRS_ 10- 4248 - 561 -56 601 227114 08/08183 34.59 DELEGARD TOOL CO TOOLS -4580- 563 -56 10 _ lall 227114 08/08/83 3.11 DELEGARD TOOL CO PARTS 10- 4620 - 560 -56 a" 61.20 • - - -- - 163 •ffftr *# f CKS Gs G7 227125 08/10/83 222.60 FERIT SUPPLY CLEAN SUPPLIES 10- 4512 - 540 -54 G3 227125 08/09/83 508.50 MERIT 6UP�LY PAINT 20- 4544 - 645 -64 ;°1.- 227125 08/09/83 72.00 MERIT_SUPPLY TRASH CANS 20- 4602 - 644 -64 7z1 227125 08/09/83 49.00 _ MERIT SUPPLY TRASH CANS 20 -4602- 644 -64 73 227125 08/10183 349.00 MERIT SUPPLY GEN SUPPLIES 23- 4504 - 611 -61 74'- l5 CHECK REGISTER 1983 CITY OF EDINA v VENDOR ITEM _DESCRIPTION__ -- l CHECK NO. DATE >r 227125 08/10/83 26- 4546 - 689 -68 227125 08/09/83 i!r 248.00 _ MERIT_SUPPLY GEh SUPPLIES 227126 08/10/83 227126 08/10/83 �I v fff f f f 485.10 227134 •08/08/83 60- 4100 - 985 -90 i f f f f f to e \ 2271 36 08/09193 MILEAGE 60- 4208 - 985 -90 227139 08/09183 w 227139 08/08/83 fff tff 227143 08/10/83 • 227150 08/10/43 - - -- I13 14 227150 03/10/93 REGAL WINDOW CLEAN 227150 08/10/83 227150 08/10/83 36.75 + 227150 08110/83 V 227150 08/10/83 I 227150 08 /10/x3 �I frrfrf • 227154 08/10/83 r t+r —CKS 227161 08/10/R3 — 1 EARL F ANDERSEN GEN SUPPLIES 10 -45D4- 340 -30 227162 08/08/43 • 227162 08/08/3 CHECK REGISTER 08 -15 -83 PAGE 7 AM)UNT VENDOR ITEM _DESCRIPTION__ -- _—ACCOUNT NO. INV. N P.O. A MESSAGE 542.09 MERIT SUPPLY GUARD RAIL MATERIAL 26- 4546 - 689 -68 248.00 _ MERIT_SUPPLY GEh SUPPLIES 40- 4504 - 801 -PO ' 1.991.19 485.10 DAVIS _ EUGENE WAGES 60- 4100 - 985 -90 to e \ 54.05 DAVIS EUGENE MILEAGE 60- 4208 - 985 -90 539.15 + �lo - - -- --- -- -- ff +— CKS - - -- I13 14 36.75 REGAL WINDOW CLEAN CONT R -PAIRS SO- 4248 - 841 - &4 t1 , 5e 36.75 + - - - -- - -- - -- 17 •o ir t+r —CKS !20 85.00 EARL F ANDERSEN GEN SUPPLIES 10 -45D4- 340 -30 ?' IZ,11' 85.00 + !+f —CKS 1 -c ins 10 92000 EDINA ELECTRIC CO CONSTRUCTION _ _ 20- 06 40..40 EDINA ELECTRIC CO CONT REPAIRS 28- 4248 - 708 -70 _ 10x960_.40 + 91• 32j +!+ -CKS 34 3 � 673.86 EMRICH BAKING CO CONC•SSIONS 27- 4624 - 664 -66 37� 673.86 + 3 3�r fft —CKS 4 43 1 59407.60 ELECT RONT C C ENTER REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 523 -52 5407.60- ELECTRONIC CENTER CORRECTION 10- 4540 - 520 -52 _ _ _I14 43 277.25 ELECTRONIC CENTER REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 520 -52 40 507.60 _ ELECTRONIC_ CENTER REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540- 523-52 4S 22.76 - ELECTRONIC CENTER CORRECTION _ 10- 4540- 801 -80 _ 43� 22.76 ELECTRONIC CENTER REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 801 -80 22.76 ELECTRONIC CENTER REPAIR PARTS - - - -- - - -- — 40- 4540- 801-80 807.61 + 33 iea - - -- - -- -- - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - -- - + +• -CKS '6I 406.13 JOE ELIAS LESSONS 27 -4100- 663 -66 "'L • s^ ----406.13 - - - -- - -- - - -- ---------------------- l rff-CKS �c e'I le? 24.75 FLYING CLOUD SANTAR RUBBISH RE MOYAL 10 -4250- 353 -30 6a 24.75 • 6G G7 46.75 FOWLER ELE:TRIC REPAIR P4RTS 10- 4540 - 567 -56 PI '�� 13.70 FOWLER ELECTRIC REPAIR ARTS 27- 4540 - 662 -66 I'" 60.45 + 71 f+ *—CKS 114 73 J i 1983 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 08 -15 -83 PAGE S CHECK NO.,DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. A P.O. q MESSAGE - -- I1 227164 08/10/93 3.99 FREEWAY DODGE INC REPAIR - PARTS_. .- .__._.- 4540 - 560 -56 2 14 227164 08/09/R3 28.73 FREEWAY DODGE INC _.10- REPAIR PARATS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 I° - 32.62 f ° - -- - 17 i ►ff ►f of —CKS 10 227167 08/10/43 4.00 FIRST_.NATIONAL _BANK _ _ _ UNAPP SURPLUS 2490 - 000 -00 11 12 — 4.00 • __ -63- 113 14 i f f f f i _....... - -- ifr -CKS 10 1e 227175 08/101 R3 109.52 FRITZ CO CONCESSIONS 27- 4624- 664 -66 ° 109.52 • 14 jz1 ` 227176 08/09/33 19610.05 G.L.CCNTRACTING INC CONT REPAIRS 30- 4248 - 783 -78 `? 227176 08/10/93 3r ^65.73 G.L.0 CNTRACTi N G INC -- - - -- PAYMENTS 60- 2040 - 000 -OC 4 24 675.7 R •- - - - -- -- zC f f f f f f --- -- _- -- -- --- - - ---- - -- - - - -- - .ii -CKS ' ^n 227180 08/10/93 8.70 GENERAL SAFETY EQUIP REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 ] 227181 08/10/83 31.05 GENERAL SPORTS GEN SUPPLIES 20- 4504 - 627 -62 ?n - 31.95 - - - - - -- friiff •ff -CKS I ?� Ia� 227185 08/10183 117.39 GOODIA CO REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 543 -54 227185 08110/83 3.51 GOODIN CO REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 540 -54 a_ 2271 R5 09/09/83 - - 302.02 - - .GOODI N CO _ _ _ REPAIR PARTS 30- 4540 - 783 -78 4] n 422..2 r _ _ ; 43 i f i f i k 147 - -- - - -- — - - -- fff -CKS = 227188 08/10/83 90.55 GR,AYHAR ELECTRIC CO REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 322 -30 90.55 • ;, f ►ff.f --C KS I-4 227194 08/09/93 19 -DO GENERAL COMMUNICATNS EQUIP RENTAL 10- 4226- 301 -30 s7 .` 227194 08/U9/83 185.25 GENERAL COMMUNICATNS RADIO SERVICE 10- 4294 - 423 -42 227194 08/10/83 175.80 GENERAL COMMUNICATNS RADIO SERVE 10- 4294 - 440 -44 e,I 227194 08/10/93 20.60 _ GENERAL COMMUNICATNS RADIO SERV 10 -4294- 440 -44 6' 227194 08/10/83 29.40 GENERAL COMMUNICATNS RADIO SERV 10- 4294 - 440 -44 c' 227194 08/10/93 48.09 _ GENERAL COMMUNICATNS 10- 4294 - 440 -44 4e< 227194 08/09/83 266.25 GENERAL COMMUNICATNS _SERV RADIO SERVICE 10- 4294 - 560 -56 744.39 • e� 67 - f f f f i f ffi -CKS 11 227199 08/09183 5.55 - G T PARTS _ — — - - -- REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 17 7;I 227199 08/09/83 3.70 G T PARTS _ REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 227199 1 08/09/83 93.31 G T PARTS REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 561 -56 I7_1� 1983 CITY Or EDINA CHECK NO. DATE v' fr+*ri 227202 NW 227209 227209 227209 227209 227209 227209 r f f r* f 4 v 227214 ( .r 227270 V *f f I f t 227228 y 227228 227228 22722P v y ' 22T234 y * f f + f f y 227238 227238 ` flat+♦ v 227245 1 227248 v, v 08/10/83 CHECK REGISTER 08 -15 -83 PAGE 9 AMOUNT VENDOR_ _ _ ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N0. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE 102.56 • a 13 +.*-CKS 5 0 84.34 GOPHERS SHOOTERS GEN SUPPLIES 29- 4504 - 720 -72 le) 84.34 • - — HOOTERS - - - - -- —�9 CKS 12 08/08/83 80.05 GENUINE PARTS REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 08/08/93 31.38 GENUINE PARTS REPAIR 3ARTS 10- 4540 - 567 -56 08/08/93 31.38 GENUINE PARTS REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 567 -56 08/10/83 34.23 GENUINE PARTS REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 563 -56 08/10/83 53.02 GENUINE. PARTS- REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 563 -56 08/08183 56.82 GENUINE PARTS REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 563 -56 09/10/83 286.88 • WM M MCCOY GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 301 -30 08/09/83 08/08/83 - - - 60.58 H.R.__ -TOLL COMPANY WELDING SUPPLIES 10-4610-563-56 36.00 + 60.58 - -- - - - - -- 08/09/83 44.16 08/10/93 68.50 MAR NED LUMBER CO GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 314 -30 63.50 + 08/09/93 6.26 HILLSTROM AUTO SUP Y GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 440 -44 08/09/83 209.98 HILLSTROM AUTO SUP C REPAIR PARATS 10- 4540 - 563 -56 08/09/83 _ 68.65 _____ HILLSTROM AUTO SUP Y 10- 4620 - 560 -56 08/09/83 39.14 HILLSTROM aura SUP ___PARTS__ _ Y REPAIR PARTS 27- 4540 - 662 -66 324.03 15I� 4 08 /08 /R3 13.75 MOOT =N CLEANERS _LAUNDRY 10- 4266- 421 -42 13.75 09/10/83 24.00 WM M MCCOY GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 301 -30 08/09/83 12.00 WM H MCCOY GEN SUPPLIES 20- 4504 - 645 -64 36.00 + - -- - - - - -- 08/09/83 44.16 ROBERT 8 HILL SALT 27 -4538- 661 -66 44.16 + 08/10/93 39.68 HARMON GLASS GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 445 -44 - -- - - - - -- 39.69 + -- -1171 * +* -CKS 131- **► -CKS _ 122l 1371 3- ;791 ft * -CKS 4 1 41 44 . -- - -- -145 I447 7 * ** -CKS _ — 149 e(- 51 _ 172 ,53 5 "v *. * -CKS - -SBI 5a 1 6lll �e V e3 *** -CKS - - -ifi4l cs ICe F, *** -CKS Rfl J72I�4 15I� 4 1993 CITY -I OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 08 -15 -83 PAG_ 10 CHrC,K N1. ,DATE AM3UNT VENDOR ITEM DESZ-RIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # P.O. # MESSAGE it 2 - 227249 09/08/83 100.00 WILLIAM HOFFMAN - - - - -- - - - _ POLICE SERVICE 10- 4100 - 423 -42 3 14 100.00 • 9 le ••• -CKS 7 e v 227267 08/10/93 19499.02 IBM CCRPORATION CONT PAYABLE 10- 2040 - 003 -00 ,1 O 1.499.02 • 13 z fifrra afa —CKS X16 1e 227270 08/10/83 19.50 I C M A DUES 8 SUB 10- 4204 - 140 -14 1e i17 19.50 • ,o • i f f a r --- r r• —CKS .20 121 2, 23 227278 08/10/83 195.57 JERRYS FOODS SUPPLIES 26- 4624- 684 -68 227278 08/08/83 3.89 JERRYS FOODS GEN SUPPLIES 27 -4504- 661 -66 227278 98/98 /R3 6.14 JERRYS FOODS CLEANING SUPPLIES 27 -4512- 661 -66 7e 227278 08/08183 36.02 - ._ .--- _JERRYS_ FOODS - _ -_ CCNCESS-I_ONS _- _____ - - -27- 4624- 664 -66 9 241.62 • '� • r i • a f 31 1 227282 08/09/03 74.04 Jf)HNSCN PAPER SUPPLY GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 301 -30 33 '3` 74.04 + 133 13� ]7 227283 08/10/13 314.20 JONES CHEMICALS INC CHEMICALS 26- 4564- 689 -68 I; 227283 08/10743 132.00 JONES CHEMICALS INC CHEMICALS 26- 4564 - 689 -68 14, _ 446.20 • - -- - - - -- In1 a2 of k f f • -- - - -- -.. - -- -- - .------- - - - - -- ar+ -CKS 43 nn 227290 08/09783 137.25 JACKS DIST CONCESSIONS 27- 4624 - 664 -66 ,n', 227290 08/C8/83 43.50 JACKS D CONCESSIONS- 27- 4624 - 664 -66 Jim 180.75 _ -IST _ • - iiaaf• ••r -CKS 91 - -- '92 227295 08/C8/83 1,466.96 TRIARCO ARTS B CRAFT CRAFT SUPPLY 20 -4588- 624 -62 93 99 55 19466.96 + �9a - iif ar♦ ••• -CKS 5n 227300 08/09/93 79.90 KOKESH ATHLETIC GEN SUPPLIES 20 -4504- 621 -62 61 - 227300 08/09/93 74.18 KOKESH ATHLETIC GEN SUPPLIES 20- 4534- 624 -62 f, 227300 08/09/B3 220.65 KOKESH ATHLETIC_ GEN SUPPLIES 20- 4504- 646 -64 rn 227300 08/09/83 73.69 _ KOKESH ATHLETIC GEN SUPPLIES 20- 4504 - 688 -68 227300 08/09/43 73.69- KOKESH ATHLETIC CORRECTION 20- 4504- 683 -68 227300 _ 08/09/83 73.69 — KOKESH - ATHLETIC________. GEN SUPPLIES 26- 4504- 688 -68 en 448.42 7 227301 08/09/83 72.00 KREMER SPRG. 8 ALIGN REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 563 -56 77I `1 - 72.00 + - -- - ----- - --- -- -- - - - - - -- - ---- - - - - -- - - 1., 22 7302 08/10783 3,595.45 KUETHER DISTRIBUTING INVENTORY 50- 4630 - 822 -82 17 �� `f t i v� 1983 CITY Or :DINA CHECK NO. DATE 22730? 09/08/83 rfffi• 227304 227304 227304 ?.27304 227304 227304 227304 ifi#if 227307 227307 227307 227307 firfff 227311 227311 221311 227311 227315 ■ f # f 4 f 227317 227317 v 227319 v 227318 227318 227318 � •f # r f f r 227331 v ffifff 227341 •I CHECK REGISTER 08 -15 -83 PAGE 11 _AMOUNT _ VENDOR _ ITEM DESCRIPTION _ACCOUNT NO. INV. M P.O. # MESSAGE - 59974.35 KUETHER DISTRIBUTING INVENTORY 50- 4630- 842 -84 3l 99569.30 # LI # #f -CKS 6 7 e 08/08/83 5.99 KNOX LUMBER CO GEN SUPPLIES 20- 4504- 64S -64 9 (" 08/10/83 52.32 KNOX LUMBER CO LUMBER 20- 4604- 64S -64 08/10/83 125.98 _ _ KNOX _LUMB =3 _ CO _ LUMBER _ 20- 4604- 64S -64 08/10/33 43.99 KNOX LUMBER CO LUMBER 20- 4604 - 645 -64 i4� 08/09/83 24.57 KNCX LUMBER CC LUMBER 20- 4604- 646 -64 03/08/93 22.75 KNCX LUMBER CO PAINT 28 -4544- 708 -70 13, 11e 08/09/33 7.37 KNOX LUMBER CO TOOLS 28- 4580 - 708 -70 17 282.97 • ° - ---- - - - - -- - - - - -- ■fr -CKS z' 22 08/08193 59885.94 KOCH ASPHALT ROAD OIL 10- 4526- 314 -30 za� 08/09/83 69016.79 KOCH ASPHALT RAAD OIL 10- 4526 - 314.30 ` 08/09/83 69202.83 KOCH ASPHALT ROAM OIL 10 -4526- 314 -30 i27 08/09/83 5, 877.77 KOCH ASPHAL_T _ _ __ __ __ _ ROAD OIL 10- 4526- 314 -30. 239 983.33 • -p 31 f ■ r -CKS 32 1 08/08/93 150.00 EASTSIDE BEVERAGE INVENTORY 27 -4630- 664 -66 133 36 08/10113 5,689.26-__ _EASTSIDE - AEVER4GE INVENTORY 50- 4630 - 822 -82 3] 36 08/08/R3 89064.75 EASTSIDE BEVERAGE INV_NTORY _ 50- 4630- 842 -84 37 08/10183 59944.55 EASTSIDE BEVERAGE INVENTORY 50- 4630- 862 -86 '. 19,847.56 • rr# -CKS „' - 04/08/83 _ 370.26 ANCHOR PAoER GEN SUPPLIES _ _ 10- 4504 - 520 -52 44 �45 370.26 47 f r•r -CKS 40 08/09/83 _ 246.84____LA4SOh PRODUCTS ___PARTS____ 4620 - 560-56 S: 61 � 98/09183 190.85 LAWSON PR03UCTS TOOLS __10- 28- 4580 - 708 -70 53 437.69 + ', 05/08/83 80.25 LEEF EROS INC LAUNDRY 10- 4262 - 440 -44 - • '57 D ?/10/83 5.00 LEEF BROS INC GEN SUPPLIES 23 -4504- 611 -61 Sn� 08/08/43 16.60 _ ___ ____LEEF_ BROS__INC LAUNDRY 27- 4262 - 662-66 6,I 08/09/R3 13.RD LEEF EROS INC ._ _ _- LAUNDRY 28- 4262 - 703 -70 115.65 • °' 163 164 -- - - - - -- -- - - ■■ ■..CKS- -�e� 66 67v 08/10/83 _ -- _ _ - -__ 25.00 LAHASS_CORPORATIGN REPAIR -- 10- 4540- 56� -56 lao 25.00 • - -- ° 70 71 . - - - -- ■•• -CKS 172 73 08/09/83 - - -- - - 43.21 - - -- -- - - -- - -- --- M 8 I IND SUPPLY - '------ GEN SUPPLIES - " -- -- 10- 4504- 520 -52 - - - - -- -- - -- - - J4 7P -- - - -- II 1 J 1933 CITY Or EDINA CHECK REGISTER 08 -15 -83 PACE 12 CHECK MO. DATE AM3UNT _ UENDO9 _ ITEM DES= RIPTION _ACCOUNT NO. INV. N P.O. 4 MESSAGE-_ f f f r f 22.7344 227344 1 i • f f f f i 227346 � flfffr 227356 227356 ififff 227354 227359 227359 227359 227359 227359 227359 221359 227359 227359 227359 227359 227359 227359 227359 227359 227350 227360 227360 f f f f• 4 227362 227362 227362 `� ir►r►f 227365 *** -CKS - 5 la s 10 11 rtr -CKS '3 14 1a ,e - - - -117 f ** -CKS ._ .. i.o ti 2z 23 24 - - 25 2G 7 * ** -CKS -o 31 32 - -33 3g ng 3nl j3 ' A9 411 61 IE � 'C3 * *r -CKS G4 CG !ee G7 e0 e9 7" 1!71 72 rrf -CKS 4 r - I;g� 43.21 r 08/10783 35.00 MED OXYGEN B EQUIP CONST REPAIRS 10- 4248 - 440 -44 08/10/83 16.12 MED OXYGEN B EQUIP -_ EQUIP MAINT 10- 4274- 449 -44 51.12 * 08/09/83 148.573.99 aEET_N -WASTE -C _L- COMM SERER SER MET_ -_____ 40- 4312 -8D1 -80 1489573.99 r __ __ 08/08/83 165.89 MINNESOTA BLUEPRINT BLUE PRINTING 10- 4570 - 260 -26 09/08 /R3 138.20 MINNESOTA-BLUEPRINT - - - - BLUE PRINTING 10- 4570 - 260 -26 304.08 #- - - 08/08183 186.12 3M ALARM SERVICE ALARM SERV 50 -4304- 841 -84 186.12 . 08/09/83 447.92 MINN TORO INC GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 340 -30 08/09/83 447.92- MINN - TORO _INC__— _ _______ _ CORRECTION_ 10- 4504- 340 -34 08/09/83 447.92 MINN TORO INC GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 340 -34 08/09/83 37.51 MINN TORO INC REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 08/09/'93 8.40 - MINN TORO INC CREDIT 10- 4540 - 560 -56 08/09/83 0.50 MINN TORO INC _ _ REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 08/09/83 11.84 MINN TORO INC REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540- 560 -56 08/09/93 2.73 _ _ MINN _TORO INC_ - REPAIR_PART4S 4540- 56] -56 08/08/93 32.53 MINN TORO INC REPAIR PARTS __10- 10- 4540- 561-56 08/09/83 8.94 MINN TORO INC REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540- 56] -56 08/09/R3 26.25 MINN TORO _INC REAPIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 08/09/83 72.88 MINN TORO INC REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 563 -56 08/09/R3 66.50 MINN TORO INC REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 08/09/,93 19.40 - __MINN TORO_INC GEN SUPPLIES__._._______ 20 -4504- 645 -64 08/08/83 26.57 MINN TORO INC GEN SUPPLIES 20 -4540- 646 -64 753.17 r 08/10/83 63.00 MINNESOTA MANNER CONT REPAIRE 10- 4248 - 560 -56 08/10/03 7.50 MINNESOTA WANNER RADIO SERV 10- 4294 - 560 -56 08/08/93 11.23 MINNESOTA WANNER REPAIR DARTS 30- 4540 - 783 -78 81.73 - - -- 08/08/83 743.91 MODEL GTOU_ COMPANY CONCRETE 10- 4528- 301 -30 08/08783 244.25 MODEL STONE _COMPANY CONCRETE 23- 4528 - 769 -74 08/08/x+3 51.08 MODEL STONE COMPANY ___ REPAIR PARTS 23- 4540 - 611 -61 1,039.24 • 08/03/93 100.00 BERT MERFELD POLICE SERVICE 10- 4100 - 420 -42 *** -CKS - 5 la s 10 11 rtr -CKS '3 14 1a ,e - - - -117 f ** -CKS ._ .. i.o ti 2z 23 24 - - 25 2G 7 * ** -CKS -o 31 32 - -33 3g ng 3nl j3 ' A9 411 61 IE � 'C3 * *r -CKS G4 CG !ee G7 e0 e9 7" 1!71 72 rrf -CKS 4 r - I;g� R _ 227379 _ 08/09/83 METRO FONE COMM EQUIP RENTAL 30- 4226 - 783 -78 227379 08/09/83 1983 CITY 0= EDINA EQUIP RENTAL CHECK REGISTER 08 -15 -83 PAGE 13 y CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT - VENDOR ITEM DES.RIPTION ACCOUNT- N0. INV_. f_P.O. N MESSAGE f 75.00 HCGUIRE ROBERT 100.00 • 10 -4504- 353 -.30 �I•.�227385 555.00 + i 227366 08/10/83 511.14 MINNESOTA BAR INVENTORY 50- 4632 - 622 -82 y' 227366 08/08/13 972.90 MINNESOTA BAR NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO INVENTORY 50- 4632 - 842 -84 227366 08/10/83 584.14 MINNESOTA BAR TIRES TUBES INVENTORY 50- 4632- 862 -86 754.04 + 29068.18 r - - -- - - - - - -- - - I - _ _ - _ -- - _ _ .. _ . -- ---- -- - - - -- N W GRAPHIC SUPPLY INVENTORY SUPPLIES 23- 1209 - DOD_ -00_ CKS - - -- - - -- - - -- vl 227370 08/10/83 205.75 MIDLAND PRODUCTS CO CONCESSIONS 26 -4624- 684 -68 4r '� 227406 08/10/13 205.75 + NTCC NW REGION REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 523 -52 227406 08/10/83 _ _ - 133.89_ y' ' +►rrr• 50 -4540- 841 -84 252.34 * _— • ++ -CKS - - - -- — -- 227318 08/10/83 29060.50 MARK V11 SALES INC INVENTORY 50- 4630 - 822 -82 227378 03/08/83 49901.50 MARK V11 SALES INC INVENTORY 50- 4630- 842 -84 227378 - 08/08/83 - - -- 49950.57 MARK Y11 SALES INC INVENTORY 50- 4630 - 862 -86 119912.67 + - - - -- - R fff -CKS + ++ -CKS - -- - . +• -CKS 227412 08/10/83 08/10/83 26.40 NW GRAPHIC SUPPLY INVENTORY SUPPLIES 23- 1209- 000 -00 -- - - - - -- 26.40 • _ - - -- - - - - -- - �f�' 227413 08/08/83 39.92 NATIONWIDE PAPERS GEN SUPPLIES 27- 4504- 661 -66 ,: - - - -- - 39.92 f #so•. +rr++r 10 -- + + + -C + +• -CKS _ 227379 _ 08/09/83 METRO FONE COMM EQUIP RENTAL 30- 4226 - 783 -78 227379 08/09/83 23.60 METRO FONE COMM EQUIP RENTAL 40- 4226- 801 -80 47.20 + -1 227385_ 08/10/83 NCGUI_RE ROBERT WAGES 08/10/83 75.00 HCGUIRE ROBERT TREE TIGHTS 10 -4504- 353 -.30 �I•.�227385 555.00 + 227400 _ 08/10/83 _ _ 54.00 _ NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO CONT REPAIRS 10- 4248 - 563-56 227400 08%10/A3 700.04 NORTHWESTERN TIRE CO TIRES TUBES 10- 4616- 56D -56 y 754.04 + • I 2274.12 08/09/83 -_- 131.12 N W GRAPHIC SUPPLY INVENTORY SUPPLIES 23- 1209 - DOD_ -00_ 1`^ 131 .1 2 + :� •rrfrr 4r '� 227406 08/10/13 118.45 NTCC NW REGION REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 523 -52 227406 08/10/83 _ _ - 133.89_ NTCC NW REGION REPAIR PARTS 50 -4540- 841 -84 252.34 * _— - - - -- — -- fff -CKS + ++ -CKS - -- - . +• -CKS 227412 08/10/83 08/10/83 26.40 NW GRAPHIC SUPPLY INVENTORY SUPPLIES 23- 1209- 000 -00 -- - - - - -- 26.40 • _ - - -- - - - - -- - �f�' 227413 08/08/83 39.92 NATIONWIDE PAPERS GEN SUPPLIES 27- 4504- 661 -66 ,: - - - -- - 39.92 f #so•. +rr++r 10 -- + + + -C + +• -CKS 1983 CITY 0= EDINA CHECK NO. DATE 1 227417 08/09143 e.•' *►rrrf 227420 08/08/83 ` "7 GII� 227429 08/08/83 227429 08/10/83 227429 08/08/83 CHECK REGISTER 08 -15 -83 PAGE 14 AMOUNT _ VENDOR _ _ _ ITEM _DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. A P.O. 9 MESSAGE ._ 124.00 ,__-_,— OFFSET_PRINT_ING BIKE_SAF_TY 10- 2244 - 000 -00 - 124.00 * - - - - - - -- -- _ . - ._ _ ** *-CKS 92.85 OLD DUTCH FOODS CONCESSIONS 27- 4624 - 664 -66 92.R5 * 1,443.75 PEPSI COLA BOTTLING CONCESSIONS 27- 462 4- 6 64 -66 358.00 PEPSI COLA BOTTLING INVENTORY 50- 4632 - 822 -82 450.75 _ PEPST --- COL4 B.OT_TLING__ - -_ INVENTORY _ —_ 50- 4632- 862 -86 2.252.50 ** *-CKS �a I1e' �v *+ CKS ` "7 GII� **► -CKS 4`s 227434 08/C9/83 46.20 PRINTERS SERVICE INC EQUIP MAINT 28- 4274 - 707 -70 *•* -CKS 37 i37 46.20 n^ Ar' *frtrf * ** -CKS ��l ,. 47 227436 08/10/93 171.00 PUPS 8 MET£R SERVICE C014T REPAIRS 10- 4248 - 547 -54 171.00 80I+*+-CKS c" A► C c- 7' ,E+4 Cc 227439 08/09783 143.08 PRIOR LAKE AG SAND GRAVEL B. ROCK 71. —'73 143.08 74 75� 1r 227443 08/10/83 154.00 POMMER MFG CO GEN SUPPLIES 20- 4504 - 627 -62 154.00 227452 08/09183 56.70 QUICK SERV 8.4TTERY REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 227452 08/09183 140.91 QUICK SERV BATTERY REPAIR PARATS 10- 4540 - 567 -56 227452 08/09183 1.58- _ QUICK_ SERV_ BATTERY CRE)IT 10- 4540 - 563 -56 227452 08/09/83 7.88 QUICK SERV BATTERY REPAIR __ PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 203.91 + 227454 08/10/83 210.00 RUBBISH_REMOVAL 10- 4250- 301 -30 227454 08/10/93 55.00 _ QUALITY WASTE RUBBISH REMOVAL ___ 10- 4250 - 445 -44 227454 08/10/83 175.00 QUALITY WASTE RUBBISH REMOVAL 10- 4250 - 520 -52 227454 08/10/R3 300.00 -__ QUALITY _WASTE RUBBISH REMOVAL 10- 4250 - 540 -54 227454 08/10783 1.139.37 QUALITY WASTE RUBBISH REMOVAL 20- 4250- 644 -64 40 227454 08/10/93 50.00 QUALITY WASTE RUBBISH REMOVAL 23- 4250 - 611.61 227454 08/10/83 50.00 WASTE RUBBISH REMOVAL 26 -4250- 689 -68 227454 08/10/83 320.00 _QUALITY QUALITY WASTE _ RUBBISH REMOVAL 27 -4250- 661 -66 227454 08/10/83 160.00 QUALITY WASTE RUBBISH REMOVAL 28- 4250- 704 -70 r!► ** *-CKS �a I1e' �v *+ CKS ` "7 GII� **► -CKS x3 1 i323,e _ 341 3 *•* -CKS 37 i37 n^ — -- 41 141tp 43 * ** -CKS ��l ,. 47 s - ___4G1 **.-CKS 49 'Of _ s. - I' 'S -GI 80I+*+-CKS c" C c- 7' ,E+4 Cc :G7 P r^ ?I 71. —'73 74 75� 1r 1983 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 08 -15 -83 PAGE 15 _1 CHECK N7. DATE AMOUNT VEND03 ITEM DESCRIPTION_-_ ____ACCOUNT N0. INV. A P.O. p MESSAGE 227454 68/10/83 20.00 QUALITY HASTE RUBBISH REMOVAL 29- 4250 - 721 -72 2 227454 98/10/83 220.00 - _ _ _ QUALITY _WASTE_ REMOVAL 50- 4250 -841 -84 !4 227454 08/10/83 220.60 _ _ QUALITY HASTE _RUBBISH_ RUBBISH REMOVAL _ 50- 4250.861 -86 4 0 29919.07 • fi rir -CKS 7 227457 08/08/93 130.35 __. R.L.GOULD- 6- ,& _- -REPAIR REPAIR PARTpS 4540 - 662 -66 10 + � ^1 130.35 i - - -27- - ZI - - -1 -3 1' 1I 14 1if i ►a rif -CKS 1 : - Ile I. _ 227461 08/x]9193 15.26 REED SALES 8 SERVICE TOOLS 10 -4580- 301 -30 1v 0 15.26 _r _ _ +o� 227462 08/09/83 13.95 RENTAL EQUIP B SALES REPAIR PARTS 20- 4540 - 646 -64 �+ 13.95 i a-i 227463 08/10/93 29811.15 REY DIST INVENTORY 50- 4630 - 822 -82 1zs fi 227463 08/03/83 - - 4,599.45 REX_DIST INVENTORY 50- 4630 - 842 -84 ;7 227463 08/10/113 59339.90 DIST -- - - - - -- INVENTORY - -- - -50- 4630- 862 -86 I,�I 129750.50 r 31 fffrat I rr r-CKS 33 221467 08/10/33 265.00 _ ---- __ -___ ROYAL._BEVERAGE CO _ INVENTORr__ 4630 - 822 -82 31 135 227467 08/08/83 550.20 _ -_ - ROYAL BEVERAGE CO -_- INVENTORY _.50- _ 50- 4630 - 842.84 _ 3' 7227467 08/10/83 231.60 ROYAL BEVERAGE CO INVENTORY 50- 4630 - 862 -86 1:3 1,046.90 , lot iir -CKS _ 227476 08/08/83 - 25.00 DR ROCKYELL - - MEDICAL SERVICES --- - - -10- 4100 - 481 -48 - 143` __41 _ 25.00 • 4R 47 �So 227482 U8/C9/83 80.00 SATELLITE INDUSTRIES CONT SERV -4200- 662 -66 171 " 227482 08/09/83 60.06 SATELLITE INDUSTRIES _____27 RUBBISH REMOVAL 27 -4250- 662 -66 e3 _ 140.00 • 74 Se irf -CKS - -_157 227490 08/08/83 140.60 _ - SHERNIN WILLIAMS _ - PAINT 28- 4544 - 708 -70 5G 227490 U8 /D8 /F.3 197.80 - SHERWIN WILLIAMS _ - - PAINT -- 28- 4544- 708 -70 _ I 227490 08/08/83 26.50 SH£RN I N WILLIAMS PAINT 28- 4544 - 706 -70 IG+ 364.30 + 1G3 _ f f i f i i G, rrr-CKS so C7 - 227493 08/10/93 3 266.90 c - -- - - SOUTHSIDE DIST COINC c - -- - -- INVENTORY - -- 50- 4630 - 322 -82 _ 227493 08/08/,93 9,552.20 SOUTHSIDE DIST COINC INVENTORY 50- 4630- 842 -84 70 227493 08/08/93 312.80 SOUTHSIDE DIST COINC__ - - - - INVENTORY 50- 4630- 862 -86 7; 139131.90 • 74 f!• fa a - - - - - -- -- - - - - --- -- - -- -- - - - - - i t • -CKS 1983 'CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 08 -15 -83 PAGE 16 k CHECK NO. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR -----.---ITEM OESCRIPTION ACCOUNT N0. TNV_. 0_P_*0 *_ -A MESSAGE — 227495 OS /09183 _— _52.20 SOUTHTOWN REEFRI_G _ CONT REPAIRS 2T -4248- 661 -66 ' 52.20 • -- - - - -- �' •fff f• - - - - - -- 19413.00 + 227502 * ** -CK 227498 08/10/93 6.60 STARK ELECTTRONICS REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 322 -30 227498 08/10/93 __- _ ____ ___89.25 STARK ELECTTRONICS_ REPAIR. PART$ 10 -4540- 520 -52_ __-- _____- __ -___ 227498 08/10/83 8.96 STARK ELECTTRONICS REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 563 -56 227498 08/10/83 3 *60 STARK ELECTTRONICS REPAIR PARTS 30- 4540 - 784 -78 REAPIR PARTS 27- 4540 - 671 -66 227503 08/09/83 12,131.65 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP REPAIR PARTS 30- 4540- 783 -78 jl - - - - - -- 19413.00 + 227502 08/10/83 60.00 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 520 -52 727502 08/C9/93 7.98 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 563 -56 TARGET GEN SUPPLIES 227541 08/09/83 - -- 227503 08/10/93 81.65 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 520 -52 ' 227503 08/10133 32.57 — SUBURBAN PLUMB _SUP REPAIR ?ARTS 10 -- 4540 - 540 -54 _ 227503 _ 08/10/93 11.55 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP' REAPIR PARTS 27- 4540 - 671 -66 227503 08/09/83 12,131.65 SUBURBAN PLUMB SUP REPAIR PARTS 30- 4540- 783 -78 j 16.64 3 • - 2275 65 08/09/83 10 -4504- 301 -30 15.27 VIKING INDUSTRIAL CENTER GEN SUPPLIES 15.27 • f f f f f s h}I 227518 08/10/93 242.40_ BERNADINE SCOFIELD SERVICES 10- 4120 - 490 -49 242.40 —• — -- 227530 08/10/93 31000 10- 4504 - 301 -30 TEXGAS CORPORATION GEN SUPPLIES j I 310.00 f f f • f • 227539 08/10/83 TURF SUPPLY COMPANY SEED 20- 4568- 642 -64 82.00 227539 08/10/83 626.00 TURF SUPPLY COMPANY SEED 20- 4568 - 642 -64 227539 08/10/93 _65.95 TURF SUPPLY COMPANY SEE) it 227539 08/09/83 343.85 TURF SUPPLY COMPANY FERTILIZER 27 -4558- 662 -66 227539 08/09/83 295.20 TURF SUPPLY COMPANY CHEMICALS 27 -4564- 662 -66 jl - - - - - -- 19413.00 + -- I'I 227541 08/09/83 23 -4504- 611 -61 52.37 TARGET GEN SUPPLIES 227541 08/09/83 17.25 TARGET CLEAN SUPPLIES 27- 4512 - 661 -66 7.11 227541 08/10/83 16.67 TARGET CLEAN SUPPLIES 27- 4513 - 661 -66 j -I 'io:. - - - - - - - -- 86.29 • 227542. 08/10/83 12,131.65 DIST INVENTORY i ___ -50- 4630 - 862 -86 vw ** * -CKS ••• -CKS * ** -CKS * ** -CKS ea ••• —CKS 58 57 " SB Ica *•*-CKS -- -- " - -- 72. �z ]4 1983 CITY 0 ?DINA CHECK N0. DATE i � tffrrf 227551 227551 `I 227551 227551 `.r • a f r a f 227553 v) fkf f ff 227569 f t f f i i �I .. 227571 j 227571 227571 � f f 4 R f • 221579 riiaa• v 227582 227582 v f • f # f # v 227586 221586 v 227536 227586 #rti tR I 227590 I v Rirrfa 227594 �. 227594 08 /09/83 08/09/83 08/09/83 08/09/83 I7^ RfR -CKS 71. 08/C8/83 29030.00 STCRE FRONT SALARIES 10 -4iD5- 504 -50 3 08/09/83 29200.00 STORE FRONT PRO SERV 10 -4224- 504 -50 74 77 - -- - - -- — — - - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - -- - .. - -- — - 7y CHECK REGISTER 08 -15 -83 PAGE 17 1!2 AMOUNT _ _ VENDOR- _ - - ITEM DESCRIPTION - - ACCOUNT N0. INV. # P.O. N MESSAGE REPAIR PARTS 129131.65 + 0 _ 212.13 + 13 "� - -- ff# -CKS 22 ;4 •rf-CKS is 135.00 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED _ UNIFORM ALLOWENCE 7 19010.12 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED UNIFORM ALLOWENCE 10- 4266 - 421 -42 0 �p 48.48 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED UNIFORM ALLOWENCE 10- 4266- 460 -46 10 - 36.00 _UNIFORMS UNLIMI -TED UNIFORM ALLOWENCE 10- 4274 - 420 -42 11 h2 1,229.60 * 08/08/R3 - - 56.48 - - - -- - -- - - -~13 14 , 08/09/83 31.69 ••+ -CKS 17 ` 1° I7^ RfR -CKS 71. 08/C8/83 29030.00 STCRE FRONT SALARIES 10 -4iD5- 504 -50 3 08/09/83 29200.00 STORE FRONT PRO SERV 10 -4224- 504 -50 74 77 - -- - - -- — — - - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - -- - .. - -- — - 7y 17 08/10/83 212.13 UNITED ELECTRIC CORP REPAIR PARTS 27 -4540- 661 -66 0 _ 212.13 + "� ff# -CKS 22 ;4 08/09/83 235.08 _ _ VALLEY IND PROPANE GASOLINE _ 28- 4612 - 708 -70 235.09 + 0 27I• ------- -- - - - - -- - --- •• • -CKS 08/08/R3 - - 56.48 - - - - -- A 8 A BATTERY REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 563 -56 , 08/09/83 31.69 - - - - -- 4 & A BATTERY - REPAIR CARTS — 10- 4540 - 563 -56 - - ,» 08 /09/83 28.89 A 9 A BATTERY REPAIR PARTS 27- 4540- 662 -66 117.06 + -- --- - - - - ----- -- - - -- -- - - - - - -- "• +•► -CKS 08/10/R3 69.55 HILLIAMS STEEL -HDWE REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 41 69.55 + 471 rri -CKS ns 08/09/83 471.60 _ GOROON- SMITH_ CO GASOLINE 27- 4612- 662 -66 j4w �4q 08/09/83 613.73 GORDON SMITH CO GASOLINE 27- 4612- 662 -66 4^ 19085.33 + ----- '— __ - - -- " -- - .. -__. +•3 iRf —CKS �Z4 08/10183 24.23 _ _ W W GRAINGER REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 543 -54 saI 04109/83 19394.28 - - _ W W GRAINGER _ REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 540 -54 b 7 08/10/83 34.34 W W GRAINGER REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 563 -56 08110/93 - 20.78 - - -- W W GRAINGER - -- - - - - - - - -- REPAIR PARTS 30- 4540- 785 -78 M1�I 19463.63..E - - -- - — - -- Ij on - - ----- - - - - -° - - - - - -- Rf R — CKS_ !°n - us 08/08/93 100.00 HENRY WROBLESKI POLICE SERVICE 10- 4100 - 420 -42 77 10000 + nr I7^ RfR -CKS 71. 08/C8/83 29030.00 STCRE FRONT SALARIES 10 -4iD5- 504 -50 3 08/09/83 29200.00 STORE FRONT PRO SERV 10 -4224- 504 -50 74 77 - -- - - -- — — - - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - -- - .. - -- — - 7y 1935 CITY J= EJIN; CHECK REGISTER 08 -15 -83 PAGE 18 CHECK N-1. i;,1TE 4MOU`;T VENDOR ITEM DESCRIRTION ACCOUNT NO. INV. # '.0. N MESSAGE 4.230.00 • rrrrr• - - - -- *+•-CKS 1.27591 i8 /10143 20.75 ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE GEN SUPPLIES 23- 4504 - 611 -61 20.75 + ••• -CKS 227603 08/09/83 79.98 WITTEK GOLF SUPPLY RANGE SUPPLIES 27- 4636 - 663 -66 79.88 + • . r . •rf -CKS 227716 08/08/83 435.03 CONOHUE B ASSOC PRO SERV ENG 40- 4220 - 806 -80 227796 08/08/83 186.93 DONOHUE B ASSOC PRO SERV ENG 40- 4220 - 806 -80 621.86 • 227107 'IS108183 13.QO PORTLAND CEMENT PAVING PACKAGE 10- 4608 - 263 -28 13.90 • 2277r`g 06 /08 /,R3 924.00 OLD DCMIN70N BRUSH BROOMS 10- 4534 - 310 -30 227108 08/08/83 972.00 OLD DOMINION BRUSH BROOMS 10- 4534 - 310 -30 1 9896.00 • 227709 L;3/09/83 119.56 PRO BUILDING SUPPLY GEN_ SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 520 -52 119.56 - • - 227710 03/04/93 162.40 DOUBLE COLA BCTTLING INVENTORY 50- 4632- 342 -84 162.40 227711 08 /06/83 13.00_ SUZAMME RENWICK REFUND 20- 3500 - 003 -00 13.00 • 227712 8/C3 /,R3 13.00 KAREN MOESENTH.N REFUND 20 -35JO- 003 -00 13.DD • 227113 08/08/83 13.00_._ - - 8CZ_At8TNSON REFUND 20- 3500 - 003 -00 13.00 • 221714 U8 /US /P3 300.75 ALL STEEL PRODUCTS CASTINGS 10- 4552 - 345 -30 300.75 227715 18/C8/.33 145.75 STRGAR- ROSCOE INC CONST 60- 1300 - 001 -15 145.75 227716 08/08/33 1.178.'00 ASPHALT PAVING CONST 20 -1432- 000 -00 1.178.00 + 221711 08/09/43 6.77 NATL.__ATOMIK MTR REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 227717 08/09783 6.75 NA TL Aram IK MTR REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 563 -56 227717 !J8/097g3 20.64 NATL ATOMTK MTR REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 563 -56 227717 L'8/09/83 6.76 NA TL ATOMIK MTR REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 563 -56 227 71 7 08/09/83 22.50 NA TL ATIOMIK MTR REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 563 -56 227717 08/ (19/83 14.86 NA TL ATOMTK MTR REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 563 -56 II t.� i �I RL-1 �I I 1983 CITY OF EDIAA 51.75 CHECK REGISTER 08 -15 -83 PAGE 19 32.2.0 CHECK NO. DATE AMJUNT VENDOR----- __ ITEM DESC_RIPTI_ON_ __ ACCOUNT N09 INV. 0 P.O. 11 MESSAGE ___ ` 227717 08108/R3 9.33 NATL ATOMIK MTR REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 563 -56 13 227717 08/09183 6.00 NATL ATtOMIK MTR REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 561 -56 _ d_I 227717 08/09/83 8.95 NATL AT.OMIK MTR REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 563 -56 '3 227717 98/09/83 3.14 NATL ATOMIK MTR REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 77 60.00 SPECIALIZED TURF 104.70 30- 3525 - 003 -00 60.00 • ol, 227718 08/08/93 28.05 RITEWAY 10 -4504- 301 -30 REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 563 -56 „ - 227718 08/09/R3 23.70 RITEWAY_ REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 563 -56 DECKER SUPPLY CO 227719 227720 227 721 227722 227722 227723 227724 227724 227725 227725 227726 227727 227729 227729 227730 227731 I 227732 227733 13 ,d ro zo r 3, 3z 371 3d 37 3e 3.! I `. Is 51.75 • 08/08/83 32.2.0 J 8 F REDDY RENTS GEN SUPPLIES 28- 4504 - 708 -70 32.20 * 08/08/83 771.93 METRO MECM CONTRACT _ - CONT_R_= ?4_IRS_ - - _28- 4248 - 708 -70 771.93 • 08/08/R3 13.22 IOL00 CORP REPAIR PARTS 27 -4540- 561 -66 13.22 + 08/08193 7.50 -___ _GOPHER_OIL _ -CREDIT 08/08/83 132.00 GOPHER OIL PARTS 10- 4620- 560 -56 124.50 * 08/08/83 60.00 SPECIALIZED TURF REFUND 30- 3525 - 003 -00 60.00 • 08/08/R3 579.50 OLSON EQUIP CO GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 301 -30 08/08/43 6.50 OLSON EQUIP CO GEN SUPPLIES 30 -4504- 783 -78 585.00 08/08/83 561.00 DECKER SUPPLY CO REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 563 -56 08/09/83 265.00 - - - - -- - - DECKER SUPPLY CO - - - -- - - -- --------------- REPAIR PARTS __10- - -- - - - -- -- 4540 - 563 -56 -- - - 826.00 • - 08/08/83 130.26 MC NEILUS STEEL REPAIR_PARTS 10- 4540- 563 -56 130.26 • - -- 08/08/43 57.50 LIZ HARRISON ASSESS SCHOOL -- 10- 4208 - 200 -20 57.50 * 08/08/'t3 5.77 OLSON BROS PHARMACY PHOTO SUPPLIES 28 -4538- 627 -62 5.77 • -- - -- - -- -- - 08/08/93 112.01 Lf.WELL MCCARTHY MILAGE - - - -- 20- 4100 - 624 -62 112.01 + 08/08/93 13.00 -1 DON CUSACK - REFUND 20 -3500- 000 -00 - - - - -- - -- - - 3.00 - - -- -- -- � - 08/08/93 13.00 SHAMSY CHANDRA - - - -- - - - - - -- -- REFUND - - -- - - - -- - 20- 3500 - DOD -00 - - - - -- - 13.00 * 08/08/93 540.00 ARCH & ENG_ 27- 1300 - 000 -00 540.00 • - __CONSTRUCTION - 08/08/83 135.00 HENN CTY TREAS ROOM & BOARD 10 -4286- 220 -22 13 ,d ro zo r 3, 3z 371 3d 37 3e 3.! I `. Is Ai .�_- .....,e.....e......, J......._.......-. ,.- .... ..... - _.,.....,........._.- _. -._... 1933 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER 08 -15 -83 PAGE 20 C4ECK N0. DATE AMOUNT VENDOR ITEM D =-S, RIPTIOY _._ _ ACCOUNT NO. INV. B P.O. q MESSAG= _- 135.00 + 2 - - - -- - - - - -- - -- - -- - - -- - - -- - -- - -- - - -- - -- - - -- - - -- h 22f134 03/08/63 26.00 SHERIFFS DEPT HENN EOUIP'MAINT 10- 4274 - 420 -42 �3 26.00 + 227735 08/08183 120.65 NATL GOLF FOUNDATION BOOKS 27 -4502- 660 -66 9 120.65 a 10 - - -- - -- - - - - - -- - -- - --6 - -- - -- -- - -- - - - -- - -- - - -- ,s 227736 08/08/83 70.12 SUB TIRES REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 560 -56 70.12 a 14 15 227737 Ud/08/83 15.OD _ MAUMA OUES 10- 4204 - 140 -14 17 15.00 + ,G ,s 227738 08/08/83 42.50 TWIN CITY ELEVATOR CONT REPAIRS 10- 4248 - 520 -52 2, 42.50 • 22 23 2..4 .. ._ - - -- t�3 227739 US /08/83 - - - 130.10 - - -_ THE PRINT SHOP -- -- - - -_ - PRINTING -- - -_ - -_- - _ 20- 4600 - 624 -62 130.1 0 • iEG -, X27 I2G 227740 08/08/83 228.56 G B K SERVICES CONT SERV 27 -4200- 661 -66 2 228.56 a � 31 .. 3 227741 06/08/83 57.50 JUA'E B REGAN SCHOOL 10 -4208- 200 -20 133 57.50 a 30 227742 08/09/83 503.10 LANDSCXPE 8 TU.QF CHEMICALS 27- 4564 - 662 -66 137 503.10 a _ "._ ____.. _. -. __. _ -- __._._ ..._.- __..__...._ .- _. -. ._ -.I40 227743 U8/03/83 139e0D TARGET AMMUNITION 29- 4572- 72] -72 ',41 139.00 a J2 43 227744 OS/09/A3 36.00 KERNALS CHOICE CONCESSIONS 27- 4624- 664 -66 36.00 a 747 47 413 227745 08/09/93 311.50 - AMBASSADOR SAUS CONCESSIONS - - -_ - 27- 4624 - 664 -66 C0 311.50 + o 227746 08/09/83 1.920.00 STANLEY IRON WORKS REP4IR PARTS 40 -4540- 801 -80 1e3 19920.00 + _ _ s8 227147 08/09/83 19789.62 TRACY OIL - - - GASOLJINE 10- 4612- 560 -56 57 It 789.62 + 53 - _ GO i 227748 08/09/83 94.53 ROLLIN 8 CHILD INC REPAIR PARATS 10 -4540- 390 -30 L1 94.53 a e2 63 227749 US/D9/63 33.15 MY GLCVE GEK SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 260 -26 L5 227749 08/09183 22.00 MN GLCVE GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 301 -30 bG -- - - - - - -- 55.15 a 107 Go 227750 08/09/83 44.05 WARNERS IND SUPPLY GEN SUPPLIES 20- 450.4 - 645 -64 701' 44.05 + n2 I _ 227751 08/09/83 45.13 DUFFEY,PAPER CO CRAFT SUPPLIES 20- 4588 - 624 -62 74 ..1 I 1983 CITY OF EDINA CHECK REGISTER CHECK NO. .DATE AMOUNT VENDOR -- _ITEM - DESCRIPTION 2.27752 227752 227753 227754 227755 227756 227756 227756 227757 227758 227758 227759 227760 227761 227761 227761 227762 227762 `. 227763 .r 227764 227765 227766 227767 v�. 08 -15 -83 PAGE 21 ACCOUNT N0. INV+ R P.O. tt MESSAGE I' z 10- 4160 - 510 -51 10- 4160 - 513 -51 -- 20 -4522- 642 -64 50- 4274 - 621 -it2 10- 4580 - 561 -56 10- 4540 - 567 -56 ____ 10- 4540 - 560x56 10- 4540 - 563 -56 10- 4540 - 563 -56 10- 4260 - 513 -51 10- 4260 - 510 -51 26- 3415 - 000 -00 10- 4200 - 353 -30 50- 4514 - 922 -82 _ 50- 4514 - 842 -84 50- 4514 - 862 -86 10- 4200- 393-30 10- 4200- 39D -30 20 -4540- 646 -64 20- 4586- 623 -62 10- 3180 - 303 -00 10- 3180- D03 -00 20- 1423 - 000 -00 - -Je 7 _ e 9 10 -- I 1 j- 2- 13 I1. 16 17 IB IG _ ..-- -- -- iz0 - -I31- 32 i33 3a 351- 35 371 40 of S2 43 I7 71 - �7z -a 45.13 D8/79/R3 3.622.70 MN UC FUND UNEMPILY COMP OS/C9/83 19124.24 MN UC FUND UNEMPLY COMP 49746.94 • 08/09/83 15.00 LYNDE COMP SAND GRAVEL ROCK 15.00 08/09/83 89.75 CARLSON REFRID EOUI'M_NT MAINT 89.75 + 98/091513 33.19 HANCO TOOLS 3 3.19 . •.. - - -- - 08/09/R3 27.10 SOUTHOALE CORD REPAIR PARTS 08/09/93 48.58 SOUTHDALE FORD REPAIR PARTS 08 /09 /Ri 8.63 _ SOUTHDALE FORD REPAIR PARTS 84.31 • il8 /09/43 - . . .._. 25.78 _- _- D NORTHERN OWER PROD _-___ _-. PATS _- __. - -_ REPAIR PARTS 2.5.78 + 08/09/83 198.00 - DAVID AGENCY CREDIT 08 /09 /83 69180.00 DAVID AGENCY INSURANCE 59982.00 08/09/.513 18.00 TERESA HARROLD REFUND - 08/09/83 4.940.00 MIDWEST AQUA CARE CONT SERV - - - - 49940.09- -- -- - - - - -- - 08/09/83 760.00 VAN PAPER CO PAPER SUPPLIES 08/09/R3 332.25 VAN PAPER CO PAPER SUPPLIES O8/09/R3 882.75 VAN PAPER CO PAPER SUPPLIES 19975.00 + 08/091t!3 412.25 JOHN CANCELED JR CONY SER V 08/99/83 476.00 JOHN LANCELLO JR CONT SERV 888.25 + 08/09/83 83.55 CONCOLIDATED FREIGHT REPAIR PARTS 83.55 08/09/83 171.60 PLAGUES PLUS INC TENNIS SUPPLIES 171.60 + OS /n91IR3 82.50 MILDRED ERICKSON AMBULANE REFUND 82.60 • 08/09/8.3 175.60 HELEN DELANEY AMBULANE REFUND 175.60 ± - -- - - - - - - -- -- - -- - - 08/09/R3 650.00 ROGERS PAINTING CONSTRUCTION 08 -15 -83 PAGE 21 ACCOUNT N0. INV+ R P.O. tt MESSAGE I' z 10- 4160 - 510 -51 10- 4160 - 513 -51 -- 20 -4522- 642 -64 50- 4274 - 621 -it2 10- 4580 - 561 -56 10- 4540 - 567 -56 ____ 10- 4540 - 560x56 10- 4540 - 563 -56 10- 4540 - 563 -56 10- 4260 - 513 -51 10- 4260 - 510 -51 26- 3415 - 000 -00 10- 4200 - 353 -30 50- 4514 - 922 -82 _ 50- 4514 - 842 -84 50- 4514 - 862 -86 10- 4200- 393-30 10- 4200- 39D -30 20 -4540- 646 -64 20- 4586- 623 -62 10- 3180 - 303 -00 10- 3180- D03 -00 20- 1423 - 000 -00 - -Je 7 _ e 9 10 -- I 1 j- 2- 13 I1. 16 17 IB IG _ ..-- -- -- iz0 - -I31- 32 i33 3a 351- 35 371 40 of S2 43 I7 71 - �7z -a 1993 CITY 0= EDINA CHECK REGISTER 08 -15 -83 PAGE 22 CHECK NO. DATE _._.AM)UNT VENDOR ITEM _.DESCRIPTION - ACCOUNT NO.. INV. # P.O.. A MESSAGE — + A. 650.00 r -- - 3 14 . 227768 08/09/83 2,510.50 SA AG INC SAND GRAVEL ROCK 10- 4522 - 314 -30 227768 08/09/83 39090.50 SA AG INC SAND GRAVEL ROCK 10 -4522- 314 -30 Ia 227768 08/09/93 446.68 SA AG_INC SAND GRAVEL ROCK 10- 4522- 314 -30 —. -_ ____ —_ 227168 08/09/,93 147.36 SA 4G INC SAND GRAVEL ROCK 1D- 4523 - 314 -30 c 6,195.04 * ++ ,z 227769 08/09/83 76.66 HIRSHFIELDS GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 343 -30 4 +a 76.66 + ,G ,e - - -- - -- ------ -- - -- -- -- -- 227770 06109/83 .18— .17 KAYE CORP REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540- 440 -44 18.17'• I,G� 227771 08/C9/93 7.50 RCIDENTIFICATIONS GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 510 -51 2' 7.50 + z, 227772 08/09/83 45.22 MARGARET MCDOWELL SALARY 23- 4200- 610 -61 45.22 • �,� 227773 08/10/93 31.82 PAM BONZELET WAGES �3- 4200 -610 -61 2' , � r 31.82 + 71 I_.. 37 _ - _ - -_____ 227174 08/10/P3 35.00 EDINA SWIM CLUB GEN SUPPLIES 20- 4504 - 627 -62 134— 35.00 • i�9 i3 227775 08/10/P3 829.20 KOHLER CONCESSIONS 26 -4624- 684 -68 37 33— 829.20 • 30 40 227776 08 /10/,93 108.00 AMSCO CONT SE RV 10- 4200- 482 -48 4, 227776 08/10/83 27.65 AMSCO GEN SUPPLIES 10 -4504- 482 -48 142 13 5--.(, 5 + — - - -- -- 44 27.7777 08/10/93 38.48 THE ECONOMIC PRESS SUBSCRIPTION 10- 4204 - 440 -44 4'! 47 38.48 + �a9 227778 08/10/83 185.65 MIKE JEUB SERVICES 10- 4120 - 523 -52 51 185.65 - -- • 63 :4 227779 08/10/83 10.00 ASSOC OF METRO CONr 8 SCHOOLS 10- 4202 - 140 -14 10.00 56 157 227780 08/10/83 4,,921.01 NORTHCALE CONST PAYMENTS 60- 2040 - 001 -00 =a i — 4,921.01 * 1co G, e2 227781 08/10/83 9,946.80 BLACKTOP SERVICE PAYMENTS 60- 2040- 001-00 e3 8,946.80 227782 08/10/83 639342.63 ASPHALT PAVING PAYMENTS 60- 2040 - 003 -00 I6,! 63,342.63 ;Cs ----- ---- - - - - -- - - - -- - -- - i 227783 08/10/83 71.50 LEROY LISK CLEAN SUPPLIES 10- 4512 - 440 -44 71.50 • oz 227784 08/10/83 185.30 NAT FIRE PROTECTION GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 500 -50 „ �^ i 1983 CITY OF E7INA CHECK REGISTER 08 -15 -83 PAGE 23 CHECK N75 DATE AMOUNT VENDOR - - ITEM DESCRIPTION - ACCOUNT NO* INV* It P.O. 0 MESSAGE _- 185.30 * i3 227785 08/10/93 -- 41.56 - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - ERIC R ANDERSON - - - - -- MILEAGE -- - - 10- 4208 - 143-14 -- - -1.3 ' 41.56 + I° 227786 08/10/83 300.00 JEAN BROOKS REFUND 28- 3485- 000-00 " 300.00 • 10 227737 08/10/83 51.00 IN ER T I0-P, COMM STS TELEPHONE 10- 4256 - 513 -51 1,3 51 .OD • +a ,7 227788 08/1U/83 40.00 JOHN 2 GREENHOUSE GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504- 39D -30 " I' 40.00 * c, 227789 08/10/83 27.00 TEN T CORP REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 523 -52 zol �zz 27.00 * 123 08/10/93 57.08 J E BRASS REPAIR PARTS 40- 4540 - 501 -80 Viz' I227790 57.08 • zc z7 227701 08/10/R3 68.92 WESCO REPAIR PARTS 26- 4540- 689 -68 ^sl 68.82 + 3, 227792_ 08/10/+!3 33.50 EMERY FREIGHT 30- 4292 - 781 -78 33 33.50 + 3, .f.!•• ••* -C'KS 37 227794 08/10/83 270.25 PAUL CORNELISON MILEAGE 20- 4208 - 645 -64 3^ ao - - 270.25 -* - -- - - - -- - - - - -- - .. - - - - -�a, 42 227795 08/10/83 - 20.00 OEBBI_E_ HO G4N - - - 3500- 000 -00 43 'a 20.00 + -- --REFUND- --2-0- - lab an, 227796 08/10783 733.67 A J 0 CONOR SALES - -- - -- - - - -- - - -- .. GEN SUPPLIES 20 -4504- 646 -64 733.67 + ' Ig. I 227797 08/10/93 71.95 HA_NCE HAROWARE_INC SUPPLIES_ -45D4- 661 -66 ,z 227797 08/10/83 8.08- _GEN HA NCE HARDWARE INC CREDIT _27 27- 4504 - 661 -66 03 '�" 62.97 • 227798 08/10/83 600.60 ALEK 1 NUF CO 1ST AID SUPPLIES 10 -4510- 447 -44 �" 600.90 • ;�; - 227799 08/10/83 61.74 CUR CCHP EQUIP MAINT 10- 4274 - 421 -42 �. i J1 ' 61.74 • P3 - 221800 - - -- 08/10/83 - - -- -- - - 4,137.81 -- - -- THOMSEN NYBECK SERVICES 10- 4100 - 223 -22 - - - -laa cs 4,137.81 • rn 227801 08110/83 23.00 BUSSINESS MACHINE CONT REPAIRS 10- 4248 - 513 -51 ' 23.00 + 227802 08/10/83 175.00 ACME WINDOW CLEAN CONT SERV 10- 4200 - 375 -30 175.00 0 * '" I"I I 1983 CITY O= EDINA CHECK REGIST -R 08 -15 -83 PAGE 24 I•, CHECK NO., DATE AMOUNT VENDOR______._._ ITEM DESCRIPTION N0. INV. # P.O. N MESSAGE 227803 08/10/83 _- 34. D0 AUDIO _GROUP ADVERTISING__ 50 -4214- 822 -82- 227803 _ 08 /10 /a3 _ 34.00 AUDIO GROUP ADVERTISING 50- 4214 - 862 -86 , t; 68.00 227804 08/10/83 79.60 COORD MGMT SYS CONT SERV 10- 4200 - 500 -50 78.60 • 227805 08/10/43 59.90 EDINA PET 40SPITAL PRO SERV 10- 4224 - 470 -47 C 59.00 + 227806 08/10/83 19973.71 HENN CTY TREAS ROOM 9 BOARD 10- 4286- 22D -22 C; 227806 08/10/83 29939.7? HENN CTY TREAS ROOM 8 BOARD 10- 4286 - 220 -22 227816 08/10/83 49023.10 _ TREAS_____ R004 R004_9_BOARD_- _ -_10- 4286 - 221 -22 8,936.59 227807 08/10/83 110.00 MN CA9LESYSTEM VIDEO TAPES 10- 2149- DO3 -00 110.00 +- 227908 08/10/83 _ 184.17 CSWALD- FIRE_HOSE _ _ HOSE_ 10- 4556 - 440 -44 6? 227809 08/10/43 19100.00 _ C_LAREYS SAFETY -- CLOTH R= PLACEMENT 10- 4574 - 440 -44 19100.00 +- 227810 08/10/83 3, 360.00 JOE __GRE.UPHER LESSONS 27- 4100 - 675 -66 227810 08/10/9 3 690.00 __.___ JOE GREUPHER LESSONS 27- 4100 - 675 -66 r, 4,050.0 • 227811 08/10/93 112.00 KAY SCHLOSSER ART WORK SOLD 23- 3625- 000 -00 a. 112.00 + 227812 08/10/83 12.80 LOIS GILLS ART WORK SOLD 23- 3625- 009 -00 1• 12.80 • 227813 09/10/43 7.20 PAT GREER ART WORK SOLD 23- 3625 - 000 -00 1t I 7.20 + 227814 09/10/93 9.40 MARION WARD ART WORK SOLD 23- 3625 - 003 -00 8.40 227815 08/10/83 11.25 MOLLIE PAULSON APT WORK SOLO 23- 3625 - ODD -00 11.25 • 227816 08/10/83 25.44 COLLEAGUES OF ART WORK SOLD 23- 3625 - 003 -00 25.44 • 227817 08/10/83 14.88 ECONOMIC LAB - GEN SUPPLIES 10- 4504 - 480 -48 14.88 • 227819 08/10/93 24.00 JUDITH ROGER REFUND 26- 3415 - 000 -00 24.00 • 227819 08/10/83 39.56 ANNE LONG BURG MILEAGE 10- 4208 - 480 -48 39.56 • +I 1983 CITY Or EDIN4 CHECK NO. DATE i s • � 227820 08/10/83 227821 08/10183 227822 08 110183 1 227823 08/10/83 227824 08/10193 227824 08/10/83 227824 08/10/83 227824 08/10/43 I' 2218 ?5 08/10/43 227826 08/10/43 227827 08/10/83 327793 tttttt J8/10/33 350.00 ______350.00_* RATZI AFF RUBBISH REMOVAL General Fund _ CHECK REGISTER FUNC_ 08 -15 -83 PAGE 25 TOTAL AM)UNT VENDOR ITEM DES= RIPTION ACCOUVT NO. INV. 0 ?.0. N MESSAGE TOTAL Edina Art Center 4.482.19 FUND 23 TOTAL 79.47 - COMMONWEALTH ELECT - - - - REPAIR PARTS 30 -4540- 781 -78 14 Golf Course Fund 199548.30 FUND _ - 0 176.40 _ L L_DIST SYSTEMS - CONCESSIONS 26- 4624 - 684 -68 e 176.40 . -- FUND - _I I9 0 19820.00 MIRACLE REC PICNIC 20- 1437 - 000 -00 Sewer Fund „ +2 1 9 R2 n .0 D . 40 _TABLES — -- - - - - -- - - 3 50 TOTAL Construction 107,067.28 4 DO FUND FUND 60 Al 60.46 - BRAEMAR QUICK PRINT - PRINTING 27- 4600 - 660 -66 (ie) 60.46 f - - - --- 171 1 9370.00 _ E_A_ 9IKKELSEN CONSTRUCTION 23- 1300 - 000 -00 a 2G �I 15.00 E A M*_KKELSEN CONSTRUCTIOY 23- 1300 - 003 -00 Iz, 1,500.00 E A MIKKELSEN CONSTRUCTION 23- 1300 - 000 -00 15.00- _ E A MIKKELSE N _ _ -- - CCRRECTION 23- 1300 - 003 -00 23 1241 29870.00 * - - -- ZG1 5.01 _ LAKE STATE EQUIP CO REPAIR PARTS 10- 4540 - 563 -56 I20, 370.80 - _TAYLOR SALES _ _ - _ CONCESSIONS 26 -4624- 684 -68 T _zl 370.80 • - -- 33 - -- _445.91 MECH_CONT REPAIRS 26- 4248 - 689 -68 34 35 3,I 445.91 445.91 • -- - - - 1 350.00 ______350.00_* RATZI AFF RUBBISH REMOVAL General Fund _ 1829406.01 FUNC_ 10 TOTAL Park Fund 499994.54 FUN D 20 TOTAL Edina Art Center 4.482.19 FUND 23 TOTAL Swimming Pool _ . 59183.54 _FUND 2.6 TOTAL Golf Course Fund 199548.30 FUND 27 TOTAL Recreation Center 79150.41 FUN 28 TOTAL Gun Range 255.34 -- FUND 29 TOTAL_ Wager Works Fund 299605.21 FUNC 30 TOTAL Sewer Fund 1549006.79 FUND 40 TOTAL Liquor Fund _ 1109650.37 FUND 50 TOTAL Construction 107,067.28 4 DO FUND FUND 60 Al TOTAL TOT. IBR Fund L "1 - -- 6709353.98 — TCTAL - f. f -CKS- 4 ^I 10- 4250 - 353 -30 14 j43 3 -144 4:1 tft —CKS 4Ci _J AJ aol Hand typed checks #'s 50573 thru 50581, plus 113 50591,50596 and 50597 as ------Computer-checks-#'s 51337 Thru 51599 - - -- 1a" 7 jae se . - ---- -- --- -- -- --- -- -- - - - - - __ Leo IG�I GJ - - �64 cn ,G7 - 7, 17, 73 74