HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-07-17 Minutes1
JULY 17, 2014
6:00 P.M.
ROLL CALL Answering roll call were members Boettge, Janovy, LaForce, Nelson, Olson, Spanhake, and Whited.
ABSENT Members Bass, Iyer, Sierks, Van Dyke.
Motion was made by member Janovy and seconded by member Boettge to approve the meeting agenda. All voted
aye. Motion carried.
Motion was made by member Janovy and seconded by member Olson to approve the minutes of June 19, 2014.
All voted aye. Motion carried.
Living Streets Plan Update
Transportation planner Nolan said the policy was approved by City Council on Aug. 13, 2013, and to date, they’ve
completed drafts of Chapters 3 (Living Streets Network) and 4, (Design Guidelines). Input was received from the City
Council and the two advisory groups (staff and the Living Streets Advisory Group). He said the next step is to
complete other draft chapters, complete the Sidewalk Map to provide input for future projects and approve the plan
this fall.
The street types in the Living Streets plan are the same classification as in the Comprehensive Plan with one added
street type: Local Connectors. Most Edina streets are classified as local streets. Some examples of street types and
treatment plan are local connector street (sidewalk required on one side); collector street (generally wider, sidewalk
required on one side and can have bike lanes); minor arterial street (sidewalk required on both sides and designated
bike lanes). The draft Sidewalk Map will be presented to the ETC in August and then to the City Council (it is the same
as the 2008 Comprehensive Plan Sidewalk Map, except it was updated to include the Active Routes to School (ARTS)
sidewalks and recommendations from the draft Living Streets Plan).
Member Janovy recommended using data to determine sidewalk needs instead of making it a blanket requirement.
Regarding bike facilities, planner Nolan said Hennepin County is developing their bike plan and staff discussed
waiting for them to complete their plan before doing Edina’s plan. A suggestion was made to find a better way of
explaining what a road diet is (shrinking the road to calm traffic, e.g. W. 50th between Wooddale and Halifax
Avenues). Member Nelson said the plan was well received by City Council at the work session and they seem eager
to approve the Sidewalk Map.
Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Update
Planner Nolan clarified that where “PACS Funds” is checked this means a sidewalk is included in the neighborhood
reconstruction project that the PACS funds will pay for.
Member Olson referenced a sidewalk priority report from 2013 and said it appeared decisions were already made
without seeking input from the ETC. Planner Nolan said the sidewalks listed in the draft CIP list are ones that are
listed in the referenced 2013 report and thus have been vetted through the ETC.
Member Boettge noted that the Cornelia Drive sidewalk was not on the list. She said it is in the ARTS plan and was
petitioned for. Planner Nolan said it was not included because it was cost prohibitive. He explained that constructing
a sidewalk alone can cost twice as much as when it is included with a street reconstruction project and there was an
opportunity to construct this sidewalk a few years ago but residents were not in favor. Construction cost is estimated
at $600,000 and the PACS Fund is already budgeted for the next two years. He said it could potentially be added
after 2016.
Member Janovy recommended revisiting the sidewalk prioritization report that member Olson referenced in order
to prioritize which sidewalks are built outside of neighborhood reconstruction areas.
Member Olson said the goal of the franchise fees was to eliminate sidewalk assessment but it seems like the PACS
Fund is being used in commercial areas, e.g. sidewalk planned by the hospital. Planner Nolan said eliminating
sidewalk assessments was the primary reason and that businesses pay into the PACS Fund through a higher franchise
fee. He said the sidewalk by the hospital fills in a missing gap.
Member Nelson suggested adding a sidewalk on W. 66th between Valley View and France. There is a sidewalk on the
north side but most of the properties are on the south side.
2015 Transportation Commission Work Plan Update
Vice-chair LaForce recommended making work plan suggestions tonight and discussing them next month.
1. Sidewalk Prioritization
2. Living Streets (completion may change what they do in the future)
3. How to attract people to Edina with easy access to Southwest LRT
4. France Avenue Urban Design
5. Standardize intake form for Traffic Safety Requests
Items to remove:
1. Grandview Area
2. Coordination with Bike Edina
3. Southwest LRT
4. France Avenue Intersections Improvement Project
5. PACS Program
6. Communications Committee
Traffic Safety Committee Report of June 4, 2014
Adam Gildner, 5436 Brookview Ave, addressed the ETC regarding Section B-4, request for stops signs at 55th &
Brookview, which was denied. Mr. Gildner said he was in attendance with two neighbors and together, they’ve had
ongoing concerns about the intersection at 55th & Brookview and their recent request for a stop sign was denied for
lack of warrants. He said the same happened a few years ago. He said there are high vehicle, bike and pedestrian
traffic and asked what other criteria could be used.
Alyssa Pankratz, 5429 Brookview Ave, in attendance with Mr. Gildner, said she went through the process in 2010 and
yield signs were installed. She said she assumed the intersection would not meet warrants again; however, there are
seven school bus stops, they are one block from Arden Park and there are fender-bender accidents not being
Dan Katan, 5101 Juanita Ave, addressed the ETC regarding Section A-1, request to keep the intersection of W. 50th St.
and Indianola Avenue clear of cars that often block the intersection. Mr. Katan said his primary concern was
Indianola north to W. 50th but the same is also true for Arden and Bruce. He passed around photos of a recent
accident and said he was concerned it would happen again and did not want to see it repeated three times. He said
on W. 50th at St. Stephen’s church where 2 lanes merge into one, drivers continue to drive as though the two lanes
continue and often they are on their phone or texting. He said staff’s recommendation to “move the current sign to
the west side of the intersection, and adding orange placards to the sign in order to make it more visible to
eastbound drivers on W. 50th St” is not enough.
A-1: Member Janovy said this area would require a traffic study and the budget for the study. Motion was made by
member Janovy and seconded by member Nelson to recommend a traffic study for W. 50th St. from TH-100 to
France Avenue in conjunction with the Arden Park D Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction that is scheduled for
B-1: Regarding the curve, it does not cause a clear view issue and staff did not see a sightline issue.
B-2: Member Whited said she recalled another intersection having similar issue and planner Nolan said the 85%
speed was 25 mph for the other intersection.
B-4: Member Olson said they had two stop signs installed in his neighborhood and speed was greatly reduced.
Motion was made by member Olson and seconded by member Boettge to recommend 4-way stops at 55th &
Brookview. Member Spanhake said research shows stop signs do not slow traffic and wondered what else might be
going on there. Member Janovy said she recall the City Council saying sidewalk would be helpful in this
neighborhood. She would like to find the right solution but is not convinced that stop signs is right. Traffic circles
were suggested or other traffic calming measures. Vice-chair LaForce said there are four requests for stop signs that
were denied and if they recommend that City Council approve this one, why not the other three?
Aye: Boettge, Olson
Nay: Janovy, LaForce, Nelson, Spanhake, Whited
Motion failed.
Motion was made by member Nelson and seconded by member Janovy to move B-4 to section C for further study.
All voted aye. Motion carried.
B-5: A reflector on post was suggested.
D-1 & D-7: Member Nelson said these are similar. Planner Nolan said Hennepin County also have some concerns and
are looking at these areas.
Member Boettge said she’s noticed a lot of requests for stop signs and the average person is probably not aware that
stop signs are not the right solution. She asked if they could develop a questionnaire that would help to inform
residents. Developing a standardized intake form will be added to the work plan.
Motion was made by member Nelson and seconded by member Whited to forward the July 2, 2014, report to the
City Council. All voted aye. Motion carried.
Member Spanhake said she checked with her department and they thought the W. 60th St & Chowen area would be
an ideal capstone project. She will follow up with more detailed information at a later meeting.
Student Members - None
Bike Edina Working Group – Minutes of June 12, 2014
Motion was made by member Janovy and seconded by member Olson to appoint Mary Zarling to Bike Edina. All
voted aye. Motion carried.
Discussion on revising City Code 24-399 to allow bikes in parking lots or parking ramps was postponed until next
Living Streets Working Group
See Living Streets Plan Update above.
Communications Committee – None.
Member Boettge said she attended the pedestrian safety conference that member Spanhake told them about last
month. She learned that some pedestrian safety measures do not work if speeds are above 35 mph, 20-25 mph is
better; it is unsafe to put one foot in the crosswalk unless you know for sure the vehicle will stop; most effective is to
put your arm out like a waving gesture. Member Spanhake will forward a link to the pedestrian counter measures.
Member Nelson asked if planner Nolan knew when W. 66th St. in Richfield was scheduled for reconstruction and the
project limits. Planner Nolan will check on this. Regarding Birchcrest B being delayed because the same contractor
has multiple other projects, member Nelson asked if staff looked at contractor’s capacity. Planner Nolan said there
were other issues that caused the delay.
2014 Project Update:
Bredesen Park D Neighborhood Reconstruction – delayed two months because of water main bolts and
weather. Same contractor for Birchcrest B and City Council approved delaying this project to 2015.
Countryside F Neighborhood Reconstruction – ready to be paved but had to wait for water to dry out;
Strachauer Park B Neighborhood Reconstruction – only need wear course;
Morningside B Neighborhood Reconstruction – sidewalk being constructed;
Todd Park F Neighborhood Reconstruction – start date is now late-July;
France Avenue Pedestrian Intersection Enhancement – work in the roadway is completed; finishing up
Hazelton Road – will remain closed until it is paved in early-August;
ITNTwinCities: Planner Nolan said manager Neal recommended forwarding the ETC’s advisory communication to the
City Council as a regular communication on Aug. 4. Ms. Forrest was notified.
Edina To Go: Traffic Safety Requests could be added as early as next month.
Meeting adjourned.
* M A M J J A S O N D SM
2/27 SM
# of
Sessions 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 8
Bass, Katherine 2/1/2017 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 75%
Boettge, Emily 2/1/2017 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 100%
Iyer, Surya 2/1/2015 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 88%
Janovy, Jennifer 2/1/2017 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 100%
LaForce, Tom 2/1/2015 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 100%
Nelson, Paul 2/1/2016 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 100%
Olson, Larry 2/1/2016 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 100%
Sierks, Caroline student 1 1 1 3 38%
Spanhake, Dawn 2/1/2016 1 1 1 1 1 5 83%
Van Dyke, Jackson student 1 1 2 25%
Whited, Courtney 2/1/2015 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 75%
*Cancelled due to weather
2/27 Feb's rescheduled meeting;
3/10 Urban Design meeting #4;
3/18 City Council Work Session;
Respectfully submitted,
Sharon Allison, Secretary