HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-01-09 Minutes1
JANUARY 9, 2011
6:00 p.m.
City Council asked ETC to call a special meeting to advise the Council for Public Hearing on January 17, 2012.
ROLL CALL: Answering roll call were members Bass, Braden, Janovy, Nelson, and Schold Davis.
Richmond Hills Park
Assistant City Engineer, Sullivan, introduced Toby Muse from SEH, the consultant for the project.
Mr. Sullivan started by giving an overview of the Feasibility Report.
This neighborhood has some curb and gutter already. All new curb and gutter will be installed.
Roadway will remain in about the same location.
Selected utility replacement to include water main, sanitary sewer and some storm sewer to
account for water drainage and other concerns.
Warwick and Kent, Windsor and Kent intersections will be redesigned to more traditional “T”
intersections to improve definition of roadway and right-of-way.
From meeting on December 17th, prior discussion included radius at these locations, bus operations, and
drainage concerns. General consensus of the ETC at that time was not to include sidewalk on 56th Street
or on any other roadway within the project.
Discussion among ETC members on January 9, 2012:
This area is outside the school walking zone and is an “all bus route” to Countryside Elementary.
There is a paved pathway along Normandale from Benton Avenue to Eden Avenue.
Mr. Sullivan was asked what is looked at when evaluating a project for pedestrian improvements. Is
it the sidewalk figure in the comprehensive plan and the potential to add sidewalks, or are there
other improvements also considered, such as marking crosswalks, improving drainage (to reduce
ponding on street), evaluating sight lines. For bike lanes, Mr. Sullivan was asked whether they look
at the storm grates and longitudinal joints for example. Mr. Sullivan indicated they do replace storm
grates, address ponding, and consider the longitudinal joints. Mr. Sullivan was encouraged to
communicate to the Council and public the level of detail that is thought through with regard to
pedestrian and bicycling improvements.
Mr. Sullivan was asked whether street lighting is evaluated and whether current lighting is sufficient,
for example for pedestrians. Mr. Sullivan stated that most are traditional lighting at intersections to
delineate the intersection.
Mr. Muse indicated questionnaires have been sent out to residents. He indicated six residents
stated the need for sidewalks and even fewer preferred changing street lights.
Members noted the project cost increased from the cost stated in the original communication to
residents. Mr. Sullivan indicated that the original letter was a generic amount and neighborhoods
that need more extensive restoration are not accounted for in original letter. Mr. Muse mentioned
that the increase is partially due to repair to sanitary service lines, which have extensive root
Mr. Muse addressed the issue of school buses maneuvering in redesigned intersections. There will
be a little overlap of the bus into the oncoming traffic lane, but this is typical of buses in any area of
town. Cars have a tighter turning radius so will not present a problem.
Mr. Muse commented that residents have reviewed the changes at the informational meeting and
there was minimal comment regarding the reduction in pavement at the intersections with Warwick
and Kent and the Windsor and Kent intersections. Mr. Sullivan stated that with the increase in
boulevard space, driveways and irrigation systems will be extended accordingly. Snow plowing and
snow removal will not be affected. Street lighting will be changed accordingly to illuminate the
The ETC commented on the need for a sidewalk on Benton.
Members discussed the existing sidewalk along Normandale Frontage Road that extends from
Eden Avenue down to Benton and then terminates at East View Lane. This trail crosses seven
streets of the project. Mr. Sullivan stated that since these streets have low level of traffic staff is not
suggesting enhancing the crosswalks to visually continue pathway.
Members asked what the process is for addressing traffic management concerns that will not be
addressed through the project (i.e. additional stop signs, speeding on Richmond). A process
should be identified to address these concerns.
Mr. Sullivan was asked whether residents are informed that whether a sidewalk is installed is up to
them. There was some discussion about how residents could get that impression from the wording
of the survey. How does the City balance being responsive to resident preferences with an overall
policy direction, such as Living Streets. The need for a pedestrian plan was noted.
Regarding a sidewalk, the question was asked, “Where should our priorities be?” Although the
ETC is not recommending a sidewalk in the neighborhood, it is not opposed to a sidewalk, The
consensus was to not strongly argue for sidewalks in this neighborhood based on the information
we have.
The Edina Transportation Commission is recommending the improvements as indicated in the feasibility
ETC doesn’t have issues with this particular project but it is triggering discussion regarding a pedestrian
Countryside Neighborhood
Mr. Sullivan started by giving an overview of the Feasibility Report and the discussions held at the
November 17, 2011 ETC meeting.
The neighborhood will have all new curb and gutter
New water services and other selective utility rehabilitations
Realignment of four intersections along Crescent Drive
The ETC recommended the addition of sidewalk along Westridge Boulevard and Hillside Road.
Discussion among ETC members on January 9, 2012:
Recognize that putting sidewalks throughout is expensive. Since there are kids walking to school
and nearby parks, the ETC thought it was a reasonable compromise to increase the walk-ability
and look at the most natural pathway through the neighborhood to the school and park. The most
logical path would be Westridge Boulevard and Hillside Road to access Countryside Park and
Countryside Elementary School.
Mr. Sullivan stated that if the sidewalk was added, the roadway could be shifted slightly to better
accommodate the addition of a 5’ boulevard and 5’ walk. A less than 5’ boulevard creates too much
heat from street and sidewalk and tends to dry those areas out. Intersections on Crescent will be
tightened up.
Mr. Sullivan stated that very preliminary estimates have the sidewalk costing approximately $140,000.
An assessment amount of $600 - $800 per home. (After additional design, staff expects each
residential assessment for the sidewalk to be $1700. NOTE: this information was determined after the
meeting and included here for clarification). The cost would be split between the school-25%, residents-
50% and the City-25%. This additional assessment would include all residents in the project area.
The residents are not aware of the ETC’s recommendation to add sidewalks.
In all projects sidewalks and drainage should be considered to create pedestrian and bicycle safe
routes. If Council sees this as the policy, then it is reasonable that they are being considered for any
project. For future projects, letters and questionnaire to residents should address this policy to educate
residents that Edina has a walk-ability goal and safe paths for all.
Reiterated that there is Countryside Park, Bredesen Park, and school near to the project area.
Recognize we developing a Living Street policy, but how do we implement it, what are the priorities
throughout the City? Identify the best places City wide and then look at when reconstructing area?
Where does the resident’s input come in when making decisions?
With limited dollars to be spent, would the determination for priority sidewalks be opportunity driven?
Mr. Sullivan indicated we have more need than funding sources, but also have time-lines that we have
to work within.
Recommendation from prior meeting was if sidewalks end at Tracy do we need to look at additional
crosswalks. Discussion about where crosswalks should be placed.
Should feasibility study be done for the sidewalk? From staff perspective, felt the sidewalk could be
installed, evaluating driveways, existing trees and place sidewalk on most appropriate side.
The ETC reiterated support for sidewalks as shown on page 9 of 12 of the feasibility report. Their
recommendation is based on this area being in a school zone, near a City park, consistent with Living Streets
principles and would make a good connection for any future sidewalk along Valley View Road.
The ETC will create an Advisory Communication to forward to Council as part of the public hearing. Chair
Janovy will complete and Member Nelson will review.
Bass moved to create an Advisory Communication for the Countryside project, seconded by Schold Davis, the
motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.